While You Were Sleeping


Rating: R
Genres: Drama, Romance
Relationships: Draco & Ginny
Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5
Published: 23/11/2003
Last Updated: 23/02/2011
Status: In Progress

During the final battle Ginny Weasley was left in a coma. Years later Ginny awakens. brief mentions of other ships Harry/Hermione, Ron/Padma etc. Just a warning: This is very different than my other story Draco's Favorite Nurse. If angst, drama and kissing till after chapt 10 isn't your thing....stop reading now! If a story with lots of suffering is up your alley....read away!

1. Comatose

I know I should finish my other stories…but I just couldn’t get this one out of my head…. . I am ripping off my own story – Blood Bonds, in which Draco can’t remember anything. In this story it’s reversed- Ginny can’t remember anything. Don’t worry this story won’t be as depressing as that one. Straight up Romance/Drama here. No tragedy!

Also I used the story title from the movie(did not use the plot) While You Were Sleeping (great movie filmed in my hometown go see it)…so here’s my disclaimer- I do not own that movie…I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter 1

Faster and faster she ran as the coldness overtook her. Ginny felt exhaustion, every muscle cramping and aching as the Death Eaters started to close in. Just a little further and she would reunite with the Order. Surely she could hold out for a little while longer? Nervousness started to settle within. She couldn’t find the rendezvous point. Ginny’s breath became shallow as fear enveloped her. Where was she? Collapsed buildings and bodies littered the overturned cobblestone street. A broken sign swayed in the November wind. Diagon Alley. Ginny screamed falling to the ground feeling blood trickle down her legs where she had scraped them. Black cloaked figures hovered above her.


Ginny writhed in pain feeling as if every nerve was on fire. They had tortured her for what seemed like hours. Give up the Order? Never. She had already lost 2 brothers to the war. She cried for Percy and Charlie as she lay broken on the road that was once Diagon Alley. Their deaths would not be in vain.

Soon she would be joining her brothers. Already Ginny could feel the darkness reaching for her, tempting her to cross over. It would be so easy. No more pain. No more suffering. Life had other plans for the youngest Weasley . Death released it’s grip on Ginny letting her fall into the arms of a most unlikely savior.

Ginny opened her half lidded eyes to find herself being held by a Deatheater. His face hidden behind the black robes and mask that marked him as a follower of Voldemort. “I won’t let you die.” She felt his hand, cool and smooth against her cheek, “I won’t let you die.”


Opening her eyes Ginny was almost blinded by the bright sunlight that streamed through the room. Slowly she raised herself from her bed trying to focus. Why did she feel so weak? Ginny stretched, for the first time viewing the room. Ginny was no longer in the warmth of the Burrow but in what she recognized as the sterile confines of St. Mungo’s

I must’ve been hurt in the battle, she thought to herself. Funny but she couldn’t remember a thing. Removing the covers Ginny inspected her skin. No wounds nor bruises, except for a small linear scar on her lower abdomen. What bothered Ginny was how obviously thin she had become. How long have I been here? Tentatively she dangled her feet over the edge of her bed. Weakness over came her. Ginny cursed silently. If there was one thing she hated more than any, it was the feeling of utter helplessness.

A mediwitch entered carrying a vial of a brewing potion. The blond mediwitch hadn’t yet looked Ginny’s way, immediately turning her back to Ginny as she shut the door behind her.

“Am I glad to see you!” Ginny exclaimed. The sooner she was able to leave the hospital the better. She could only imagine the worried looks on her family’s faces. Ginny didn’t expect what happened next. Spinning around the mediwitch looked directly at Ginny and screamed, dropping the vial and its contents to the ground.


“A word please, Professor Malfoy.” Hermione Potter stood in the doorway waving at a young blonde Gryffindor boy in the front of the Dark Arts Class.

“If I even hear one word, nay even one breath from any of you, it shall be your last. Work on your vampire essay the remainder of class. Understood?” Draco said as he walked out into the hallway.

A trained chorus of 1st year voices answered, “Yes Professor Malfoy.”

“What’s so important that you had to drag me away from my class Headmistress?” Draco was clearly irritated. Couldn’t she see that educating impossibly idiotic Gryffindors was a task he needed to devote much time to? Even after all these years he still harbored slight disdain for her position. While he slaved away in the classroom, the headmistress was doing paperwork or off to important meetings that the rest of the Hogwarts staff was too busy actually teaching to attend.

“I need to pull Alex out of this class.”

Draco’s voice escalated with each word. “The only smart Gryffindor out of the bunch and you want to take him out of class?! Voldemort may be dead but Defense against the Dark Arts is a very important subject. I absolutely refuse to allow this to happen. It would be a travesty. Tell me….is this Molly Weasley’s doing?!”

“Calm down Malfoy, it’s just for today.” Hermione’s eyes danced with excitement. “Ginny has awoken. She’s out of her coma!”

Draco drew in a sharp breath. “A-are you sure” not quite believing what he had heard. No one, not Hermione, not Potter , nor the Weasley’s knew how long he had waited to hear the news.

“Harry and Ron told me she’s up in bed talking. Still having a hard time ambulating but that will come in time. Certain things will come as a shock when she finds out all that went on in her absence. So much has changed. From what Harry told me, she’s been asking about the rest of the Weasley clan. That’s a surprise right there. I just hope she’ll be able to deal with the news I’m about to give her.”

Draco did his best to conjure up a smile, “From what I remember Ginny was a strong woman. It might be difficult to hear but she will learn to accept what occurred. Give my regards to the Weasley’s and to Ginny.” Again he had to watch from the sidelines. He was more connected to her than they would ever be. It was his selfish Malfoy pride that prevented him from being truly happy. Why hadn’t she asked for him?


Twelve long years she had been in a coma. Voldemort was dead, now a distant memory. Peace reigned in the wizarding world . Twelve years of weddings, births and deaths had passed. So much she had missed and those years could never again be recovered.

“Give me a mirror!” she snapped at Ron. Intently she studied her now 29 year old face. Small lines here and there, still the same yet very different. A sob choked her throat as she sent the mirror crashing against the wall.

“Gin dear….” Molly sat on the edge of the bed embracing her only daughter as the rest of the Weasley’s surrounded Ginny giving her comfort with their presence.

“Aunt Ginny.” A soft spoken tiny black haired girl who looked every bit like the Patil sisters looked up at her with big brown eyes. This particular Pail with a smattering of freckles across her nose held out a piece of parchment. Wiping the tears away Ginny looked down at the small child.

“This is Anjali Weasley .” Ron picked her up, “my daughter.” he said in a voice which held more pride than Ginny had ever heard. Ginny couldn’t help to see how much Ron had changed. With one hand carrying his daughter, his other hand was firmly wrapped around Padma . A faint smile played at her lips along with a twinge of sadness.

Still holding out the parchment, little Anjali offered her present again, “For you Aunt Ginny.”

“Th-Thank you.” brushing away tears to see, she opened the parchment . A bright colorful crayon portrait greeted her. entitled The Weasley Family by Anjali Weasley.

“So you won’t forget us.”

Biting her lips to control her sobs Ginny opened her arms to Anjali. Ron placed little Anjali in Ginny’s embrace as the whole Weasley clan gathered together shedding tears in sadness and happiness. Ginny Weasley was back from the land of dreams.


“So let me get this straight….Fred and Angelina are married with two boys.” Two very light brown energetic Weasley’s were running in and out of the room. They may have looked like Angelina but they were in every other way Fred.

Already the amount of Weasley’s had quadrupled. Bill and Fleur had 3 boys and 2 girls which came as no surprise to her. George was married to the former Alicia Spinnet. Alicia had been quite busy having 2 sets of twin girls, twice in succession.

Another marriage she had missed was Harry and Hermione. No children had yet graced the couple thus far. Learning that Hermione was now Headmistress of Hogwarts, Ginny suspected the reasoning why. Poor Hermione probably had more than enough children to worry about back at Hogwarts.

Her father was now the Minister Of Magic. A position he so rightly deserved.

Ron and Harry played for the Chudley Canons. That wasn’t the most shocking news. What had almost caused her heart to fail was that they had won the Quidditch cup twice.

“Where’s Hermione?” Ginny asked. The room suddenly becoming so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

“Uh…… she had to pick up something at Hogwarts.” Harry said quickly averting his gaze from Ginny’s now very suspicious one.

Something wasn’t right. An undercurrent of tension seemed to fill the room. Anjali started to jump up and down, “Alex! Alex!” Ron immediately shushed his now pouting four year old daughter.

Ginny drew her eyebrows together in confusion. Before she could question her brother, Hermione appeared in the doorway. The question was momentarily forgotten. Ginny was immediately drawn into another hug,

“Oh Gin we’ve missed you so.”

Ginny couldn’t really say the same. In her mind she was still 17, as she saw Hermione, Ron and Harry off to war. Only instead of the mature faces that stared back at her, yesterday they had been a bit more inexperienced, naive and a tad bit innocent. They had been too young at 17 and 18 to face the fight of their lives.

Ginny broke away from Hermione’s embrace, dabbing at eyes that were bordered with tears. That’s when she saw him. A pale little boy who looked to be no more than 11 or 12 hiding behind Hermione. With his blond hair he looked very much out of place amongst the sea of reds and brunettes. His brown eyes looked up at her curiously. He looks just like an angel. Something else about the boy was so very familiar………...

Ginny could have sworn Harry said he and Hermione were childless. Perhaps Ginny heard wrong. Could Hermione have given birth to such a beautiful little creature? Maybe he was Fleur’s.

“Who might you be?” Ginny asked noticing her mother bite her lip in nervousness.

“Alex Weasley.” He answered shyly stepping away from Ginny and putting his small hand into his grandmother’s.

Absolutely adorable, Ginny thought. “Who do you belong to?”

“I live with Grandma and Grandpa Weasley.”

Was he Percy’s or Charlie’ s? That would be the only explanation as to why he would be living with mum and dad. But she had seen her brother’s die, leaving no children behind. Maybe he didn’t understand the question. Motioning to the rest of her family that had become once again unusually quiet for Weasley’s she asked, “Which one of my brothers is your father?”

Ginny immediately regretted asking such a question, tears welling up in his small brown eyes. Alex sniffed “I don’t have a father!”

Arthur knelt down to his level allowing him to cry on his shoulder, “There, there.”

What in all Hades was going on? “Can someone please tell me why I made Alex cry?” It killed her to see the poor boy in tears and to know she had been the cause of it.

“There isn’t an easy way to break this to you……..” Hermione started then paused nodding her head towards Arthur and Molly.

Arthur and Molly promising to come back in a few hours exited with a crying Alex in tow. Hesitantly Alex looked back at Ginny before following his grandparents, her gaze catching and holding his. She had the sudden urge to hold him in her arms and tell him everything would be ok.

“Just tell me what’s going on. I’m 29 now, I think I can handle it.” Ginny crossed her arms in irritation. If there was one thing she hated it was secrets being kept from her.

“Ginny, you were captured by Death Eaters and held prisoner for 6 weeks. You were barely alive when we found you.” Harry stated. How odd. Ginny couldn’t remember being held prisoner. Six weeks. Surely she should have some memory? What Ginny could remember was the feeling of being chased. The terrifying dreams that had plagued Ginny were never dreams at all. Had she been relieving that night for the past twelve years?

Awkward glances were shared as if not knowing how to proceed. Ginny wouldn’t have any of it. “I’ve wasted 12 years of my life. I don’t intend for you all to waste another minute – so, on with the story.”

Ron continued, “You were brought to St. Mungo’s where they announced that you were comatose….” Ron’s voice started to crack, “Those damn Death Eaters had cursed you with everything under the sun save for the Avada Kedavra. We thought you were going to die….” A hot tear rolled down his cheek while Padma patted his hand, whispering that everything would be alright.

Hermione finished, seeing that Ron was unable to do so. “Something kept your body fighting. Even though you weren’t with us your body knew it had to live. It-it had a purpose.”

“Hermione you’re talking in riddles! What purpose? I don’t see what this has to do with making a little boy cry.” Ginny was becoming more than a little frustrated at the runaround she was receiving from her family. A simple answer was all she wanted.

Taking a deep breath, Hermione proceeded past the point of no return. Ginny had to hear this, if not for her sake then for Alex’s. “You were six weeks pregnant when we found you Ginny. Alex Weasley is your son.”


The first time he had seen Alex Weasley the boy was a few months old. Molly and Arthur with carriage in hand had passed by the former Death Eater in the newly reconstructed Diagon Alley. They had been surprised to see him. The look of fright apparent on Arthur Weasley’s face.

Yes, he had been in Azkaban but he had also been released thanks to the efforts of none other than Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. Towards the end he had collaborated with the Order passing on information that led to the downfall of the Death Eaters. That didn’t stop the ministry from sending him to Azkaban. Draco had committed crimes which he still had to pay for. Now that he was free, the taint of prison still followed him.

“A very beautiful baby. May I hold him?” Draco had asked.

Reluctantly Molly agreed while Arthur stood with wand at the ready, prepared to duel. Draco held the small bundle in his arms. It took a great deal of his willpower not to run off with the baby. If Molly knew how close he was to apparating with the child, she never would have let Draco hold Alex.

That’s how it always was. Looking from afar. Imagining what would have happened if things had turned out differently.

Draco sat in his chair overlooking his now empty classroom, staring intently at the seat that was Alex Weasley’s. The grey eyes clouded over remembering Alex’s first day in his classroom. Ron and Harry had filled him with all sorts of scary stories about Draco Malfoy. Draco could tell by the look of terror on the youngster. The blonde boy with the brown eyes and demeanor that were every bit Ginny Weasley was truly scared of him and it hurt.

But he had shown them all wrong. Alex Weasley was his prize pupil. He may have been Ginny Weasley’s son but he also had his father’s gift with the dark arts, outscoring even the seventh years. Never did he raise his voice with the boy or take points. Alex was too young to be on the quidditch team yet he had bought him a very expensive broom much to his grandparents dismay.

“He’ll be spoiled!” Arthur and Molly Weasley were sure of it. Even Hermione thought it was an inappropriate gift from teacher to student.

“For his excellent work in Defense Against the Dark Arts.” was the answer Draco had given. In his heart he knew the real answer. Because Alex is my son. Muttering locking charms on the door, Draco slumped over his desk. For the first time in 12 years Draco Malfoy cried.

To be continued

2. The Bastard Weasley

For those of you who have read my other story Never Leave Me, you may recognize the classroom scene. I took it from that story and worked it into this one. No Ginny in this chapter, a bit of Draco but mostly Alex in this chapter.

Chapter 2

What kind of brave Gryffindor was he? If his friends could see him now they would all laugh, an 11 year old crying like a baby. Alex was more than certain his cousins Everett and Edmond would tease him incessantly.

He allowed Grandma Molly to wipe the tears away from his face. Holding out a tissue she instructed him to blow, “Can’t have you looking a mess for your mummy.” Molly threw the tissue away, and like any good grandmother proceeded to straighten out the collar on his Gryffindor robes.

“I can do this myself Gran.” Alex said his voice still wavering as he brushed out the nonexistent wrinkles on his robes.

“Of course.” Molly Weasley agreed. He was such a neat boy, always so orderly. Watching Alex smooth back his blonde locks she was suddenly struck by how much older he looked at that moment.

In St. Mungo’s waiting room, he took a seat between his grandparents. Alex’s head rested against his grandmother’s shoulder while her arm curved around him. He didn’t care if the whole lot of the Slytherin’s saw him. Alex felt safe between the people that loved him the most. If it made him immature, then so be it.

“Why don’t we get some lunch.” Arthur stood up suddenly and clapped his hands as if this was the best idea in the world. “There’s a new restaurant in Diagon Alley that specializes in Muggle food. I hear they have something called Pizza! Afterwards we’ll come back after getting a bit of food in our tummies. What do you say Alex?”

Yes, he wanted to go and not come back, ever. Since Alex could remember he’d dreamed of this day. Now that it had come true he didn’t know exactly what to feel.



“Talk about bad luck! Your first class of the day is DADA with Professor Malfoy and with the Slytherin’s no less!”

“What’s so wrong with Professor Malfoy?” Alex asked his older and wiser 2nd year cousin Everett. Rumors abounded about the former Deatheater which answered many of his questions but left many unanswered. The dreaded name Malfoy. That itself scared him. Uncle Ron and Uncle Harry had told him many interesting tales about his future teacher. His favorite was the story where Malfoy was turned into a ferret. Uncle Fred even taught him a valuable hex just in case Malfoy took his disciplining of Gryffindor’s too far.

Edmund , sitting across from his twin and Alex couldn’t help adding more fuel to the fire after seeing fear in his cousin’s eyes, “I hear his dark mark still burns. Look really close and you can see it glowing through his Deatheater robes.”

Alex shivered pushing his plate of eggs away, losing his appetite. He didn’t like hearing about Deatheaters, much less his cousin making a joke about something so serious. Alex wasn’t looking forward to having one teach him. It made him angry, his thoughts drifting to his mother who was nothing more than a vegetable at St. Mungo’s.

Edmund was on a roll not noticing his cousin’s discomfort, “ I heard from a reliable source that if you fail his tests Malfoy takes you to the forbidden forest and offers you as a sacrifice to the dark lord.”

Rolling his eyes in disbelief Alex hurriedly stood up from the Gryffindor table, “That’s an absurd lie!” The force of his voice echoed throughout the hall. Not only did he have the attention of the student body but the staff as well.

Alex wasn’t stupid. The students were talking about him. He had heard them on the train . They had been careful, what with his cousins constantly around him and the Headmistress practically family. But he had indeed heard snatches of their conversations that sent a deep pain through his chest, making him wish desperately for the Burrow.

All he wanted to do was blend in, which would be nearly impossible. Great. Just Great. Now Professor Malfoy was staring at him. Straightening himself up the best he could, Alex strode coolly and calmly out the Great Hall doors . Alex only hoped that Professor Malfoy wasn’t planning on having a human sacrifice anytime in the near future.


Alex’s quill shook as he took notes in DADA class. As far as he could see, the Professor’s arm did not glow. That did not make him any less frightened. He was actually glad that Professor Malfoy didn’t seem to pay any attention to him at all. A bit surprising since Edmund, Everett and his uncles told him that Malfoy’s hatred for Weasleys was legendary.

Alex laughed a bit remembering Aunt Angelina yelling everytime she got an owl announcing another detention for the twins. More often than not, they had almost daily attention in the DADA class.

“Professor Malfoy hates Gryffindors, especially Weasley Gryffindors!” Edmund had told him over the summer. Alex didn’t quite know if he should believe him. The twins were known throughout the Weasley family as practical jokesters and probably deserved being punished. An opinion Alex kept to himself. Being the brunt of their jokes, he had no sympathy.

One thing they said was true. He did hate Gryffindors. It was only the first day in class and the Professor was taking points left and right from his housemates – for speaking out of turn or not being on the right page. If he thought someone looked at him funny, there went 10 points. Very unfair.

The Slytherins on the other hand were being given points like candy. Marigold Crabbe was given 50 points just for raising her hand . What was Professor Git’s excuse for that?

“50 points for following directions.”

Alex didn’t have much time to dwell on how many points Gryffindor lost. Soon he was immersed in writing a DADA essay on boggarts. So immersed in the subject that he didn’t hear Marcel Zabini’s voice in his ear.


Alex tried to ignore Marcel , the last thing he wanted to do was get into trouble. Profesor Malfoy would glance up at him from time to time and Alex prayed to the Gods that his teacher wouldn’t notice something was amiss. It was becoming harder to ignore the Slytherin’s insistent voice.


Turning roughly around in his seat he looked Zabini square in the face, “What do you want? I’m trying to work!”

“I want to know who your father is.” Zabini stared at him his eyes shining in sick delight. What Alex wouldn’t do to wipe that look right off Zabini’s face.

When he was younger Alex had imagined his father as a member of the Order of the Phoenix, dying in the final battle with Voldemort. He was dead and buried somewhere unable to come back to his wife and son. His father had died a hero’s death. That’s what he wanted to believe. Now he was older, eleven to be exact and not so naive.

Grandma and Grandpa Weasley along with the rest of the family had effectively coddled and protected him, not letting him hear the rumors of his sick mother and his unknown father.It wasn’t long before his curious side won over and he had found the newspaper clippings about the war and his mother. Grandma Weasley had caught him crying.

“How could you ever love me?” he had cried.

“It doesn’t matter how you came to be. What’s important is that you were meant to be.” Molly rocked her grandson back and forth trying her best to comfort him.

Sniffling, he asked, “D-Do you think I’m evil?” What if Grandma and Grandpa didn’t love him anymore? Where would he go? What would he do?”

Molly had only held him tighter, “Oh,.honey of course not. When I look at you I see Ginny and that makes me love you even more.”

Staring back at Zabini, he thought of the bit of advice his Grandpa Weasley had told him before he left for Hogwarts. “It doesn’t matter what other people think.”

How easy that sounded back at Platform 9 ¾. Why should he worry about what a slimy Slytherin thought of him. Then why oh why did it bother him? What he wouldn’t do to have his Grandma and Grandpa here.

“That’s none of your concern Zabini.” He said trying to sound as unaffected as he could with the question.

Zabini wasn’t done. He was only getting started as he let out a little chuckle. “Perhaps you should be in Slytherin. It’s common knowledge that your daddy was a Deatheater.”

“That’s not true! Take that back Zabini….or I’ll, I’ll…..”

“You’ll what? Avada Kedavra me? Do it then Weasley. That’s what your daddy would do.”

I’m a better person than him. I can ignore him.

“Problems Mr Zabini? Mr Weasley?” unnoticed by both boys, Professor Malfoy was now standing over their desks, eyeing them suspiciously.

Reminds me of a sneaky snake. Alex thought. How did he not hear the Professor? Slowly he brought his eyes to meet the Professor’s and quickly looked away hoping he wouldn’t be dragged to the Forbidden Forest.

“I’m just helping Weasley with the assignment Professor Malfoy.” Deceptively angelic. How could Professor fall for something like that? Alex shot daggers at Marcel awaiting the awarding of more points to the Slytherins. As if I need that fool’s help!

Unexpectedly for both Alex and Marcel the Professor said something quite different, “I’m quite sure Weasley can manage on his own. Now carry on. Any more talk and points will be taken from the both of you.”

Alex turned away smiling as he finished reading his assignment. His happiness did not last long. Laughter clearly directed at him reached his ears.

“Ignore them!” fellow Gryffindor Casey Wood whispered.

Easy for her to say. None of the taunts were directed at any other Gryffindor. Enough was enough. Ignoring them got him nowhere.

“What’s so funny?!” Turning around in his desk , he narrowed his eyes at Marcel. The black haired Slytherin sat leaning back in his chair smirking while Marigold Crabbe and the rest of the Slytherin’s were doubled over in laughter .

“It’s common knowledge Weasley…..” Marcel started in a very matter of fact voice. “That your deatheater daddy raped that slut of a mother and left her for dead.”

Alex jumped up from his desk knocking it to the ground, his wand held squarely in front of Marcel’s face. Before he could utter a hex Alex could feel something hot and burning on his back. More laughter surrounded him. They had done something to his robe.

“What’s the meaning of this?!” he heard the Professor yell from the front of the class.

Alex tore his burning robe from his body throwing it to the ground. The tears that he had kept inside for so long came, burning his cheeks and blinding him. Heaving sobs made his chest hurt. Horrible words he had only heard in whispers had been burnt into the back of his robe.


“Look at the Brave Gryffindor, crying like a itty-bitty baby!” Marcel’s laughter soon died down. Professor Malfoy stalked down the aisle towards Marcel Zabini dragging the screaming student out of his chair by his ear.

“My father will hear of this!” Marcel Zabini yelled, his face turned a shade of beet red in part due to pain but mostly due to embarrassment.

“Brat, that excuse doesn’t work with me!” Draco shoved the wailing Slytherin into a nearby closet pointing to a small cupboard underneath the shelves. “There’s a boggart that needs taken care of.”

Marcel’s eyes grew as wide as saucers,” B-But Professor we just started learning that today!”

“Are you sure you’re a Slytherin? Perhaps you are more suited to Hufflepuff.”

Marcel stood there shaking as the DADA professor crossed his arms wrathfully. Pounding his hand on the wall, Draco yelled causing Marcel to jump, “OPEN IT NOW!”

Slowly the Slytherin bent to the cupboard, screaming when a werewolf appeared.

“Pathetic.” Draco remarked as he shut the closet door behind him. Ignoring the screams he turned to the rest of the students who had become deathly quiet, “Anyone else?”

The class including Alex looked on in shock as Professor Malfoy righted his desk and motioned for the Gryffindor to have a seat. Who would have thought that the Head of Slytherin house would hand out such a severe punishment to one of his own. Alex could have sworn that Professor Malfoy looked even angrier as he picked up the ruined article of clothing, examining it in his hands. Pointing his wand at the robe, Professor Malfoy chanted a spell Alex had never heard before. In complete awe Alex watched as the hurtful words started to disappear leaving his robe looking better than new.

“Thank you Professor!” he exclaimed as he was handed the robe. Wait till he told Edmund and Everett. They wouldn’t believe it. Maybe Professor Malfoy wasn’t so bad after all.


Present – St. Mungo’s

No longer was he teased by his classmates after that episode. The Slytherins hadn’t dared taunt him about his mother and father. Alex willed himself not to think about it. He had Grandma and Grandpa Weasley and that had been enough.

Was it? Now she was awake. The woman everyone said was his mum. She didn’t even know him, didn’t even know she had him. So many years he had wished for her to waken from her sleep, then finally he could have a normal family like everyone else. His mum was supposed to take him in her arms and tell him that she loved him, but that had not happened. He couldn’t imagine what might be, now that he would be faced with the truth. What if every despicable thing he had heard about his father was true?

What if mum hates me and doesn’t want me?

“Pizza sounds very good Grandpa.”

Right now he wanted more than anything to spend time with his two most favorite people in the world. Maybe he’d even buy his mum a gift in Diagon Alley. That would prove to his mum that no matter who his father was, he was a good boy.

I am a good boy, mum.

I am.

To be Continued

3. Dashed Dreams

“You were six weeks pregnant when we found you Ginny. Alex Weasley is your son.”

A heaviness centered in Ginny’s chest. Her thoughts jagged and painful. It can’t be true! It can’t be true!

At seventeen the whole world was laid out before her for the taking . Plans and goals were within reach. Though war loomed on the horizon, Ginny secretly yearned to visit the pyramids, the ancient Mayan Temples and the Great Wall of China. Maybe once the war was over she’d even fly by muggle transport. A secret ambition was to one day play for the Chudley Cannons. Everything was mapped out perfectly. With Harry Potter on their side, Voldemort would soon be defeated and life would go on.

Only it had all gone on without her, within her.

“How?” her voice shook asking the question but not wanting the answer. There hadn’t been anyone. A virgin was what she had been. Saving herself for that day when she would find her true love. A seventeen year old girl’s silly ideal.

“W-why can’t I remember?” Ginny stammered, furious for all that had been taken away from her, angry for all the goals that would never reach fruition.

Ron nodded to Harry as if giving him permission to proceed “The mediwizard said it’s normal after going through traumatic events to have memory loss.”

Images of Datheaters giving chase were the only things her mind wouldn’t let her forget. The memories of the night still haunted her. What could possibly have been more frightening than those ghastly nightmares? What was her mind trying to save her from?

Hermione whispered something inaudible to Ginny’s ears. Uneasiness filled her watching the rest of her family leave the room save for Harry, Hermione and Ron. Nothing good could come of what was about to be said.

The trio looked at each other not really knowing where to begin. Hermione cleared her throat as she pulled up a chair next to Ginny’s bed. “We have…..” Hermione paused looking at Ron and her husband Harry for support. “….. theories Ginny.”

“Just tell me the truth Hermione! How in the hell did I end up a mother to an 11 year old boy when I have never slept with a man? Tell me!”

Hermione looked a bit taken aback at Ginny’s tone of voice but continued twisting her hands in nervousness, “There were other prisoners they took Gin. Hundreds of wizards and muggles. One theory we have is that you were lonely and possibly had a relationship with another prisoner. But don’t worry Gin, we would never judge you. Never.”

Ginny shook her head, rubbing her forehead furiously. They actually looked hopeful and it made her sick. Was this the only scenario they were able to make up and live with? No matter how lonely Ginny was, she knew in her heart that she would never throw herself at any man.

“Do you really think I would do something like that?! “ she spat bristling with indignation.

“It was a difficult time……” Harry struggled to find the right words but was cut off by Ginny

“What’s the other theory Dammit?!” She threw the covers to the hospital floor. It took every ounce of strength to push herself off the bed. She struggled with her emaciated legs willing herself to stand face to face with her brother. A brother that was never able to keep secrets from her.

Ron’s eyes watered as his gaze met Ginny’s. “I’m sorry I didn’t come for you in time Ginny. I’m so sorry I failed you.”

“Please Ron, tell me.” Ginny asked softly needing to know the truth, no matter how hard.

Ron’s voice cracked as he covered his face with his hand, “Dean and Padma told me what happened. They were imprisoned with you during the last six weeks of the war. I didn’t want to believe what was said. But they saw with their own eyes. If I had been there Ginny I could have protected you.”

Now it was Ginny who was urging her brother to sit down as Harry and Hermione looked on. “Ron, I have to know.” She pleaded with him.

“A god damn Deatheater would come and take you away every night Ginny. He raped you. That sodding bastard raped you.” he said pounding a fist into a nearby table.

Wasn’t this what she suspected all along? But to have it said, to face the ugliness of it head on was something she was not ready to do. Ginny wrapped her arms around herself as the terrifying realization washed over her.

Her innocence had been taken by a faceless monster. A demon dressed in black who used her body and impregnated her with a child she did not want. Waves of nausea hit Ginny as her knees buckled beneath her. Ginny fell to the floor sobbing. Screaming at Ron, Harry and Hermione who tried to help her to her feet., “Just leave me alone! Leave me alone!”

Trembling on the cold hospital floor she wept. Twelve years worth of tears were being shed for her dead brothers, goals she would never accomplish, for what could have been, and for the love she didn’t know she could give to a little boy.


He had left his 7th year DADA assistant in charge. A part of him felt a tad bit uneasy leaving his students in the care of a rather inept teacher. But certain things were more important. Headmistress Potter could fire him for all he cared. Not that she dared. Was he not the best Dada Professor in the Wizarding world? It would take her years to find someone as qualified and experienced as Draco Malfoy.

Too long he had waited and nothing would stop him He was going to see Ginny or all the Weasley’s be damned! Except for his son of course, who was only half Weasley. In his opinion Alex was the best of the entire bunch.

Walking along Diagon Alley and peering through the many shop windows, Draco wondered what one bought for a person they hadn’t seen in twelve years. Awake that is. Many times he would apparate right into her room at St. Mungo’s. It wasn’t allowed but laws had never prevented him from doing anything before. Why should it prevent him from seeing Ginny? Was he not a master of the dark arts? Surely one could use the knowledge for the greater good.

Draco sat beside the sleeping redhead trapped in a world of dreams and nightmares. Bathed in moonlight she was absolutely breathtaking. He could stay here forever watching the familiar rise and fall of her chest and listen to her soft breathing.

“No!” she screamed “Help me!” Ginny twisted and turned violently battling the demons inside her head. Her hands reaching out for help.

“Ssh” Draco had whispered, taking her hand in his, “Ssh Ginny, I’m here. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” he said hoping that somehow his attempts to comfort her were not in vain. He slid beside her in the hospital bed, holding Ginny with her back to his chest, playing with her fiery hair as he, planted soft kisses along her neck…..hoping, always hoping that like the fairytale she would open her eyes

He twined his hand with hers, pretending that she indeed was awake. The talks they had. were almost always about Alex.

“Imagine that Ginny. Our son’s only eleven but he knows how to conjure a Patronus. He’s much smarter than that mudblood Granger we went to Hogwarts with and puts all the Ravenclaws to shame. Well, Granger married scarhead but you probably heard. Even she agrees. Headmistress wanted to move him up 2 grades! Your parents wouldn’t allow it, spouting some nonsense about wanting Alex to stay with his friends. Almost forgot to tell you, bought him a broom Ginny. I hope you don’t mind. You should have seen Alex when I had it owled to him. I’ve never seen so many jealous faces in my life. It was quite wonderful. Harry Potter better watch out, all his quidditch records are about to be broken!

Ginny had turned over just then, subconsciously burrowing her head into Draco’s chest while her leg tangled with his. Placing a kiss atop her forehead he pulled her closer to him. “Awaken my sleeping beauty.” For twelve years he whispered his only wish, “Awaken”

Diamonds? Candies? He had twelve years worth of presents to buy and not a clue as to where to start. Making his way down the crowded streets he was distracted momentarily by the display window of Flourish & Botts. Alex had mentioned his grandparents had refused to buy him THE MONSTER BOOK OF MONSTERS. Not a book he himself would recommend for an 11 year old but if that’s what Alex wanted, by Merlin, that’s exactly what his son was going to get.

Exiting the store with package in hand he proceeded to Fairy Flowers buying a simple arrangement of red and white roses. Handing over his galleons, he gave the shopkeeper strict instructions to have the flowers owled immediately. So busy was Draco with the transaction that he didn’t hear the flying store fairy announce another customer had entered.

“Professor Malfoy?”

Draco spun around, his stern countenance immediately replaced with a smile at the young boy currently licking a blood flavored lollipop in front of him.

“Those are pretty flowers Professor . Are they for your girlfriend?” he asked inquisitively as the flowers Draco had bought were being wrapped in paper and tied with the most expensive bow Draco was able to find.

“You could say that.” Draco didn’t say much more. After tonight he could finally tell Ginny how much he loved her. Something he regretted not having told her for all these long years. But he had been young and foolish at the time. No longer. Tonight he would make things right. Everything would fall into place as it should have long ago.

Kneeling down to his son’s eye level he reached into his bag handing Alex the book he had just purchased.

“WOW! Thanks Professor!” Draco couldn’t help chuckling at the boy’s enthusiastic response. Very soon, everyone would know Alex was his son. No one would dare call Alex Malfoy a bastard again.

“There you are!” Molly exclaimed as she rushed into the store towards Alex unaware of the tall man directly behind her grandson. “How many times have I told you not to wander off! Grandpa is worried sick!”

“I wanted to buy Mum flowers.” he said reaching into his cloak for the money he had made working at his Uncle’s Joke shop during the summer.

Patting his head, her expression softened. “Your Mummy would like that very much.”

Draco watched both with a tinge of regret thinking about his own mother. Filled with much misplaced pride she had missed out on much. Her grandson was one of them.

Alex picked a collection of tulips mimicking his professor’s color choice, “Red and white please.” He said politely removing his lollipop as he talked.

That very instant Molly caught sight of the book she had expressly forbid Alex to buy. “What is this young man?” she asked grabbing the book and dropping it immediately when it tried to bite her.

“Be careful Grandma.” Alex answered carefully picking up the book by its binding and dropping it into his school bag, “Professor Malfoy gave it to me.”

Draco had hoped to slip out of the store unnoticed by the matriarch of the Weasley family. He was in no mood to get into an argument with the fiery woman.

Molly Weasley clicked her tongue and Draco could tell it did not bode well for him. “What’s the meaning of this Mr. Malfoy?” a suggestion of annoyance hovered in her eyes.

Draco smoothed back his blonde hair trying to come up with a suitable answer. He had already used the good grades excuse for the broom. Draco couldn’t very well tell her that Alex was his son and he could buy the boy whatever he damn well pleased, at least not yet.

“I hope you don’t mind Mrs. Weasley. It’s a celebratory gift of sorts. I hear your daughter Ginny has recovered.”

“I- uh, yes, yes she is back with us. Still it will be a long road to recovery. We Weasley’s will be there with her every step of the way.” Molly said looking from Draco to Alex then back to Draco.

Draco paled at hearing this new information about Ginny, What was wrong? “She’s alright isn’t she?” try as he might, Draco couldn’t rid himself of the icy fear that coursed through him. Was there something wrong with her health. Had she survived twelve years in a coma only to emerge on death’s doorstep?

“Maybe it’s for the best…...” Molly said stealing an affectionate look at Alex who was currently looking out the window entranced by jugglers and fire eaters.

What’s for the best? Draco tried not to seem too eager to hear the news about Ginny, concentrating on looking as nonchalant as possible.

Keeping her gaze firmly affixed on her grandson she continued, “Beauty can emerge from the most unlikely places”

Molly sighed deeply as she repeated, “Maybe it’s for the best.”

Draco was about to shake the woman, no matter that she was his child’s grandmother. Would she ever answer his question?

“She doesn’t remember the war Mr. Malfoy.”

Draco could feel his face fall as he looked away pretending to look at another floral arrangement. “I’m sorry to hear that. Truly sorry” He kept his grey eyes fixed on the violets in front of him, trying to steady his now shaking hands . Draco willed himself not to look at Alex for fear he might finally break.

Molly’s voice kept echoing in his ear, “She doesn’t remember the war Mr. Malfoy.”

Which means she doesn’t remember me.

To be continued

4. To Forgive is to Forget

Sympathetic glances shared by Harry, Hermione, and Ron reminded her that once again she had been a victim. Damn them all for not protecting me the first time and damn them all for not preventing it from happening again. Ginny hugged her knees to her chest staring out St. Mungo’s window, wrapping herself in a cocoon of anguish. How could it be such a sunny day when all she felt was such darkness inside?

“Come back to bed Ginny, you need to rest.”

She spun her head to look directly at Ron, eyes blazing with years of unspent rage, “I’ve rested enough for a lifetime!” Ginny looked away not wanting them to see the tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. Ginny didn’t mean to be so cold and cruel towards those she loved the most.

“I-I’m sorry.” She managed to say resting her head against her knee. Sorry for not being strong enough. Sorry that I couldn’t run fast enough. Sorry that I couldn’t fight long enough.

A warm comforting arm wrapped around her. “Don’t be sorry Gin.” Ron whispered “Please Ginny, you still need to rest. Mum, Dad and Alex will be back soon.”

Alex. At the thought of the boy, Ginny instinctively touched the scar that bore proof to the fact that at one time a life had grown inside. How odd to think she was now a mother. A mother to a boy she didn’t know. Wasn’t love for one’s own supposed to be automatic? Ginny willed herself to feel it. They all expected her to love him unconditionally without question. She could see it in her family’s eyes. Return to the family as if nothing had happened. But something had happened.

None of them were there when Charlie and Percy had died, when she had been promised to the Deatheaters for their efforts. Her memories were at best hazy. Before the Deatheaters gave chase, those memories were the clearest of all. Forever would the picture of Charlie and Percy’s bodies be ingrained. How could she love this child knowing his father may have taken part in killing her own brothers. She just couldn’t.

“I don’t know if I can Ron…......” Ginny had seen too much, witnessed too many painful scenes.

Ron looked confused, “What can’t you do? The Ginny I knew could do anything.”

Wiping a tear away, Ginny lifted her head, “I don’t know if I can feel anything f-for him.”

Ginny leaned back into Ron, crying for loved ones she had left behind. Lives laid down for her, for the safety of the wizarding world. Charlie and Percy had been dead for more than a decade. It felt like only yesterday because for Ginny it was. She could still picture the bloody scene amongst the deatheaters as they held her, forcing her to view the lifeless bodies of her brothers. She had screamed for them to stop. Pleaded for mercy but it was to no avail.


Flashback- 12 years in the past

Dragging Ginny roughly by her hair, the Deatheater shoved the redhead forcefully into the dimly lit circle. Hitting the ground with a sickening thud, Ginny’s head slammed into the concrete floor. Ginny’s mind floated, felt disconnected from the fuzzy images that surrounded her. Men dressed in robes of death lifted up their voices to their one and only God, Voldemort. She struggled to escape the low chanting of spells that promised death but her body was clumsy , her limbs not wanting to obey. Forcing herself to sit up, she slipped again to the ground, a sticky dark substance holding her there against her will. It clung to her robes,to her face, and to her hands. Reaching blindly forward Ginny felt the arm of another.

“Look littlest Weasley. Do you think we would have you suffer all by yourself?” Her head felt too heavy She couldn’t bear to raise it to make out the other person next to her. That’s when she felt rough hands grab her hair, forcing her head upwards, “ Look Weasley, see what happens when you don’t cooperate.”

Ginny recoiled in horror as she viewed Percy’s mangled and torn body, his limbs lying at awkward angles. Instinctively she tried to back away only to be met with a harsh kick forward. Trying to catch her breath, Ginny tumbled onto the blood soaked body of Charlie. Lashes scarred his once strong body. Hideous laughter joined her screams. They had not bothered with magical bonds, instead driving nails through Charlie’s hands securing him to the floor. She cradled her brother’s head. “No Charlie, no!” Images of what her brother’s must have gone through filled her with anguish the likes of which she had never known.

War had started. Everyone was at risk. But the talks of dying valiantly for the cause had clouded the reality of it all. Sacrifices would have to be made. Innocent blood would be shed. Not once did Ginny think it would be her brothers. Never did she think it could be her own.

“That’s enough grieving Weasley.” Ginny felt an arm snake around her neck as it dragged her harshly upwards. The deatheater threw her against the wall like a rag doll slamming her head against the cold stone wall. “Now tell us where Potter is or meet the same sticky end as your brothers.”

“No you murderous Bastard! No!” The blood from her brothers called out to her. Don’t have our deaths be in vain! Calling upon all her Gryffindor courage she spat on the deatheater. “Never will I cooperate. Never!”

Her tormentor pulled off his mask, no longer hiding behind the evil visage. Proud to be aligned with his master, his long blond hair that was once smooth and slicked back was now ruly and unkempt. Lucius Malfoy. The man had always intimidated Ginny and knew how to use it to his advantage. She tried to hide her shakiness as he pressed himself into her. Ginny attempted to claw him as he crushed her against the wall. His eyes burned fire as he smoothed his fingers over her face in an imitation of tenderness, “I think…….” He hissed in Ginny’s ear causing sensations of nausea to overwhelm her, “I shall rip out your tongue!

“You make me sick!” In vain she tried to push him away, but he was much too strong. She thrashed wildly as he buried his face into her neck, biting and drawing blood. “Help me someone, please!” She closed her eyes feeling the blood seep from her body. “Help me!” She wanted to kill them all. Every last one of them. Her eyes searched wildly for Snape. Wasn’t he amongst them. A spy in their lair. How could he have stood by and watched her brothers murdered? To save the order would she now be sacrificied?

She was too young to die. Ginny callled out to Harry, Hermione, Ron. Though far away she willed for them to hear her. Prayed to the gods in the heavens that if death was in her stars it would be swift. Not this. Panic was rioting within her. Lucius meant to humiliate her before he killed her. Warning spasms of alarm erupted within her at the evidence of Lucius’ arousal against her thigh. “Please don’t do this!” Ginny cried only to be met by the furious chanting of the Deatheaters matching Lucius Malfoy’s frenzied attacks. “Help me!

“Tell me where Potter is and you will be set free.”

Percy’s and Charlie’s lifeless bodies only gave her more resolve. “NEVER!”

Lucius stepped away, blood running down his chin making him seem even more deranged. Ginny flinched as his hand gripped her chin tossing her head to the side, admiring his handiwork. “Then you will die.” Snapping his long fingers he motioned for two deatheaters who grasped Ginny by each arm dragging her once again to the center of the circle.

“I think we shall have a bit of fun before we rid of you.” With a knife glistening in hand Lucius stood in front of her smiling wickedly. “You’ve grown so much little Weasley.” He hissed as he traced the blade along Ginny’s skin.

Ginny shuddered at the contact of the cool blade against her. Was this how she was going to die? Ginny bent her head allowing the hot tears to fall. It had seemed so heroic to die for the cause, now she stood cowering before Lucius Malfoy begging him to spare her life.

“I promise you that we shall all enjoy taking pleasure from a mudblood loving slut such as yourself.” Ginny didn’t expect the slash of her robe as Lucius ripped her cloak from her body leaving her vulnerable in her nakedness. In the darkness Ginny’s face burned in embarrassment. She could feel the roving eyes of the deatheaters hungrily tearing her apart, leering at her behind their masks. Ginny wept aloud no longer hiding her shame.

“Bow you whore!” Lucius yelled. Ginny felt the two deatheaters twist her arms causing her to fall to her knees.

Dressed in robes of red entered Lord Voldemort, cold eyes meeting Ginny’s. He said nothing, for he was already inside her head.

“We meet again Virginia.”

Though not one hand was laid upon her she could feel his touch. Burning coals raked her skin. Ginny screamed as the sensations became more intense and painful. Shrieking in terror, Ginny watched horrified as the skin on her hands blistered and melted leaving nothing but bone. Ginny clutched at her chest struggling to breathe, she was being smothered, drowned. Darkness swirled around Ginny threatening to bury her.

“Where is Harry Potter? Just say the word and I will make it stop. Just say the word.”

Another voice reached through, pulling her out of his grip. “Fight it Ginny!” came the weak voice. “Fight it! He’s in your head Ginny.”

Gathering all her strength, Ginny opened her eyes, staring at her hands. It had all been in her mind. No scarring marred her skin. The blisters that had been so real just moments before were no more.

“You can fight them Ginny!” came the weak raspy voice. “Fight them!” Charlie looked up at her, his eyes fluttered open once more giving his sister the will to battle against the evil that permeated around her. She tried wrenching herself free from the deatheaters that still held her firmly in their grasp. Charlie was still alive!

“Save yourself!” but this time the voice did not come from Charlie. The deatheater that had held her before Lord Voldemort pressed something into her hand. “Don’t be a fool, run!” the deatheater commanded.

Flashes of light erupted around Ginny, providing cover. “Don’t be a fool run!” the deatheater had said. But she couldn’t leave Charlie. Not when Charlie was suffering and needed her. Confusion surrounded her as she crept along the stone floor, following the trail of blood that led to Charlie. She pointed her wand at the tortuous bond that held him to the floor. Why did his hand feel so very cold?


But he didn’t answer. ”You must be too weak. That’s ok. I’ll take you to St. Mungo’s. The things they are able to do…you’ll be back in Romania in no time.” She smoothed his hair back, flicking the wand, starting to lose hope when nothing happened. “C’mon Charlie. I can’t apparate by myself. I’m too weak. Please Charlie, try.”

Still he didn’t respond, only growing colder. She buried her head into his shoulder and fought back tears. He didn’t stoke her hair as he did when they were younger telling her everything would be ok. Charlie lay their unmoving. Grief for him, for Percy and for everyone that would eventually suffer the same fate rose in her throat, choking her. The world spun. Ginny spun as hands gripped her. Spinning Ginny around to her feet a deatheater covered her with a black robe. Ginny found herself face to face with the Potions Master.

“You stupid, stupid, girl! Run while you have the chance!” Professor Snape grabbed Ginny’s hand pushing her towards a door that led to a winding staircase. “To the left is a door. Strike it three times with your wand…….” The Deatheaters were slowly advancing towards the both of them and with one final shove he pushed Ginny to safety, shouting spell after spell to protect the red head behind him. Ginny took one look back watching as Snape turned the wand onto himself. “Obliviate!”


Present – St Mungo’s

“You weren’t there Ron! Percy and Charlie weren’t just killed, they were tortured!. “ Ginny could still feel Charlie’s cold hand, still see the blood that stained the floor. Percy’s bruised and battered body torn apart by Deatheaters. Snape sacrificing himself for her. There could be no forgiveness, at least not yet. Twelve years they had to deal with death. The wounds were too fresh in Ginny’s mind. “I don’t want that boy near me!”

Harry’s protest fell on deaf ears. “You don’t mean that Gin….I know what it feels like to be unwanted. Alex doesn’t deserve this.”

“My brother’s didn’t deserve to die!” Ginny responded angrily, drawing herself up from the floor to face the boy who lived. Ginny didn’t know if she could forget all the deaths, or the years that were stolen from her.

Time is what she needed to sort out all the confusing feelings. A part of Ginny was in awe that at one time her body had given life to another being. A baby had formed inside her, complete with fingers, toes and a heart. So natural. Almost magical. Yet, had she not been robbed of bonding with the baby from the person who was most likely this child’s father?

Ginny wasn’t ready to be like her mother. Molly Weasley was filled with nothing but love for her children and for ones she hadn’t borne. From the few minutes she had seen Alex with her mum, Ginny could feel the love her mother had for the boy. But Ginny wasn’t Molly Weasley. She didn’t know if she could be. She didn’t know if she wanted to be.

“I can’t be a mother to that boy……not now.”

With a small shock Ginny realized her hospital door was wide open. With red and white tulips scattered on the floor a teary eyed boy looked at her, his chin trembling. How long had he been standing there? How much had he heard?

Harry reached out to him first, but Alex just backed away keeping his brown eyes on Ginny.

“You have my eyes.” Ginny whispered more to herself than to anyone else. The realization that she had indeed created this little boy was startling. “Alex?” slowly she walked towards him urged on by a mothering instinct she didn’t know she possessed. Alex only continued backing away into the arms of his grandparents that were already bending down on their knees, whispering soothing words into his ear.

“Delivery.” A mediwitch entered the room carrying a large bouquet of red and white roses, squeezing past the visitors that were momentarily blocking the doorway. “Did I come at a bad time?” the mediwitch asked catching sight of the crying boy.

Tearing his eyes from Ginny, Alex’s attention now turned to the flowers that were being set aside next to the various other bouquets that were crowding the already small room. Flowers were sent worldwide, from her friends Dean Thomas and Michael Corner and from people unknown who wished her the best. Guilt filled Ginny as she bent down to pick up one of the tulips. His gift to her was lying on the hospital floor while others were beautifully displayed.

“I like your flowers.” She said softly to Alex, feeling hopeful when he stepped inside the room. But instead of heading towards her as Ginny had expected, Alex stopped to inspect the many flowers that were threatening to overwhelm the room. “I’ll put your tulips in a pretty vase,” picking up more of the fallen flowers Ginny tried to keep her tears at bay. Harry was right, he did not deserve to be hurt.

With all the tulips in hand, Ginny joined Alex as the sun streamed into the room making the flowers bloom even more so. Transfiguring a nearby get well card into a vase she placed the tulips prominently in front of all the others. Tentatively she placed her arm around his shoulders hoping his own tears would stop, but her attempt at consoling Alex only made him cry harder.

“You hate me.” He sniffed, wiping his now runny nose on his Gryffindor robe and flinging her hand away from him. Running his wand along the leaves and petals of the many flowers, he whispered so softly Ginny was almost sure he hadn’t, “You hate me and I hate him………….INFLAMMARE!”

Flames alighted onto the flowers. With Chaos surrounding her, Ginny felt herself being thrown back onto her hospital bed. Harry and Hermione extinguished the last of the fire leaving nothing but the charred remains of her many gifts. Ginny cared nothing for the presents, what she cared for was a blonde boy who was no longer in the room. She searched wildly for Alex. Was he hurt? “Where’s Alex?” When no answer came she asked again, this time more frantic,”Where’s Alex?”

“Mum and Dad took him back to Hogwarts. He’s not ready Ginny. It was a mistake on our part to think he was.” Ron said with his head in his hands.

How long had she harbored sympathy for Harry and his plight? Of all people, he knew above everyone else what it was like not to have family. Was this how Alex felt? “No, I’m the one who’s not ready.” Ginny muttered silently. She had looked into his eyes. Oh, they were all so very wrong. Alex had been more than ready to receive the love that she was unable to give.


Next chapter – Ginny returns to Hogwarts and finally Ginny/Draco meet!

5. Love Lost

I know I said that in this chapter Draco and Ginny would meet but I wrote it and it felt rushed, so it is now in the next chapter….PROMISE! CROSS MY HEART AND HOPE TO DIE! This is basically the setup for the next chapter.

Alex wiped the last of his tears away wishing he knew a girly spell that would get rid of the redness under his eyes. Staring at the portrait of the fat lady he wondered whether he shouldn’t just turn around and hide. Without a doubt Edmund and Everett would be in the common room ready to pounce on him. Deep in decision making Alex didn’t hear small footsteps ascending the stairs behind him.


Great, just great. Casey Wood with her blabbering mouth would tell everyone what a crybaby he was, proving Zabini right in every way. He would be the laughingstock of the Gryffindor common room.

“Are you ok?”

Alex snapped back taking Casey Wood by surprise, “Does it look like I’m ok!?” he said trying to sound mean but came out anything but, between his sniffles and his runny nose.

Alex had never been known to raise his voice at anyone or yell. Grandma Molly had always said he was a sensitive boy, attune to the needs of others. “Just like your mummy”. The mummy who hated him and wished he didn’t exist. Right this very instant in front of Casey Wood, Alex wished he was never born. The words he meant for his father were directed at the black haired girl in front of him. It was his father’s fault his mum suffered. His fault his mum couldn’t stand the sight of him.

“I hate you! Get away from me!” He immediately regretted his slip of the tongue as her face fell. Alex didn’t like seeing people hurt, not his family, nor his friends.

Expecting Casey to run past him into the common room she just stood there, whispering, “You don’t mean that.”

Alex was never good at lying, not like his cousins. “No. You’re my friend.” he answered back softly. “But….c-could you leave me alone for a bit. I need to be alone.” He needed time to think, away from Casey, his cousins and everyone else. There was something he needed to do and he wouldn’t rest until he did it.

Casey smiled shyly at him. “If you want to talk Alex, my ears are available to listen.”

Alex nodded knowing that he would never tell Casey what he felt, though it was quite apparent on his face. The new knowledge he possessed about his father would have to be kept inside. He would deal with that on his own. Casey Wood with her two loving parents would never understand. Her father was none other than famous Oliver Wood captain of the Chudley Canons and her mum was Cho Chang-Wood seeker for the Falmouth Falcons. Would he really want her to know that the rumors about his Deatheater father were true? She would probably never want to be his friend again.

“I want to give you something that will make you feel loads better!” Now Casey was looking at him as if he had something weird on his face.

He hoped his nose wasn’t still running. “What?” he asked her becoming very unnerved by her attention and feeling quite sure there was nothing that would make this day any better. Did his face turn blue? Was his hair sticking up. Under the trying circumstances of today he thought it would be pretty normal. “What!?” he repeated.

Instead of answering, a pair of lips brushed his own, causing him to fall against the wall. Goodness, what was she trying to do? Yuck. She was trying to stick her tongue inside. Gross, just gross. “What are you doing! Stop!” he managed to say flailing his arms wildly.

Casey just stood up crossing her arms, “ I saw my older sister do that. Her boyfriend seemed to like it, a lot in fact.”

“Well, I’m not your boyfriend!” Alex brushed the dust from his robes and wiped the glittery lipstick he was sure was all over his face. Since when did Casey start wearing lipstick? Where was his old friend and who was this stranger?

Flinging her long black hair back, she only smiled at him , “No you’re not my boyfriend…..but you will be.”

Before Alex could protest Casey planted another kiss on his cheek before running past him into the common room. Alex could only sware under his breath, words he was sure his Grandma Molly would wash his mouth out with soap for.

“What’s gotten into her?” Alex said to himself, blushing red when he heard his cousins climbing the stairs. All this time he had thought they were in the common room. Had they seen everything? Sweet Merlin, Alex hoped not.

But indeed they had.

“Alex has a girlfriend!! Alex has a girlfriend!!”

The rest of the night Alex fought off his cousins constant teasing about Casey Wood. Soon all of Gryffindor was harassing him. Alex did feel a tad ticked off at the commotion Casey had caused, but a small part of him was thankful. For a moment he didn’t have to think about the mother who didn’t want him and the cruel man who had made him.


Sleep had not come to Draco. He had flown past St.Mungo’s during the night wondering if he should just stop by and wish her well. What could he say? The fact that she couldn’t remember what was so pivotal to him, to her and to their little boy changed everything.

Draco wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her, but he had. The enemy, a prisoner and he had fallen so deep he didn’t know if he could ever find his way out. Didn’t know if he wanted to. In just those six weeks he had loved more and been loved more in return than in years that led up to that point. Of course that was how he felt until he saw Alex that first time in Diagon Alley. After Ginny was gone he felt his heart grow colder. Locked up in the depths of Azkaban prison with the knowledge that he hadn’t done enough to protect Ginny, he refused himself to feel anything. All Alex had to do was grasp his fingers with his tiny hands and Draco’s heart started to beat again.

Twelve years hadn’t changed how much he loved the redhead that was now crying alone in her room. He hovered outside her window, thankful for the invisibility cloak that allowed him to be near her. What he wanted to do was toss the cloak and take her in his arms and tell her how much he loved her. With much hope he had bought a diamond ring even after the news Molly delivered that threatened to shatter him. He was a Malfoy, she would remember and she would say yes. How could she not? Looking at her sad face, doubt built within Draco. It wouldn’t be the first time things hadn’t gone his way. Had it ever really?

Draco Malfoy always gets what he wants. That was his mantra he would repeat over and over until he believed it, even if it was lie. War had changed everything, causing the former deatheater to sort out the truths and untruths.

Never did he get the snitch. Right before him but always out of his grasp. Just like his son and just like the redheaded beauty he was viewing before him.

Ginny immediately locked eyes with his as she struggled to bring herself to her feet. Draco’s breath caught. Did she know he was out there? With much effort she walked towards the open window shutting it with a forceful thud.

Once again he was on the outside looking in.


Draco looked up to see a hand waving wildly in the air, “Yes Miss Crabbe?” Draco rolled his eyes at the student who loved nothing more than to get others in trouble. Marigold Crabbe may have thought this endeared her to the Professor but it had quite the opposite effect. He wondered what student she would tattle on next.

“Alex Weasley’s late Professor.”

At that moment the young blonde boy sauntered in the classroom, with broom in hand not bothering to apologize for his lateness. He slid into his seat turning surprisingly cold eyes towards his Professor.

Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seat. Would Professor Malfoy take points away from his favorite student? A couple of sighs and mutterings of “Teacher’s pet” met Draco’s response.

“We’ll talk about this after class Mr. Weasley.” He wasn’t about to punish his son. This was not like Alex. He was never late. Usually Alex was the earliest to arrive, helping him prepare the days lessons. Apparently the visit with Ginny hadn’t gone well. Draco couldn’t imagine what it was like for mother and son to meet after such a long time apart. What he did hope to do was give Alex a few comforting words, and at the same time learn more about Ginny’s condition.

He didn’t expect Alex to talk back, “I don’t think so Professor.”

The Gryffindors were in shock at Alex Weasley’s behavior, snapping at him to be quiet or they would lose precious house points. The Slytherins’s on the other hand were speechless. Surely points would be taken away, teacher’s pet or not.

“Excuse me?” Draco shook his head not knowing if he had heard correctly. This boy who looked up to him, who would come to him with problems was not the same boy who sat in his class now.

“I think you heard me correctly the first time Deatheater Malfoy.”

Draco had heard the students whisper Deatheater behind his back. Even heard the staff say it when they didn’t think he was listening. The name reminded him of all the mistakes he had made in the past, and the lives that were ruined for an ideal that never really existed. Not once did he think it would come out of the mouth of his own son.

The class was now hushed as Draco rose from his desk with black robes billowing behind him. Draco refused to be upset, not even if Alex reminded him of the very reason he couldn’t be with him or his mother.

“Everyone except for Alex Weasley, please leave the class.” He said stopping at his son’s desk.

When no one moved, he repeated his command so forcefully it was only a matter of seconds before the room was cleared, “LEAVE MY CLASS NOW!” he roared. The scurried feet of the first year’s obeyed, happy that they were not on the end of Professor Malfoy’s wrath.

Alex now looked at him with fear in his eyes. The look Draco must have given Lucius many times before. He didn’t want Alex to be scared of him as he was with his own father. Draco took a seat beside Alex wanting to be eye level with his son.

“What’s the matter Alex?” he asked softly at the boy who was staring intently at a spot on the floor.

“Did you kill people Professor?” Alex said quickly, looking everywhere but at Draco.

The question had taken him aback, there was no proper answer he could give the boy. Not one he wanted him to hear. Being young and at war made one do things that would only lead to regret. Not one day went by that he didn’t think about the bad choices he made. “What’s this about?”

Abruptly Alex stood, knocking his desk to the ground . Flinging his broom at the Professor and shoving his book to the ground he yelled, “I DON”T WANT YOUR BLOODY BROOM AND I DON’t WANT YOUR STUPID BOOK!”

“B-but these are gifts.” Draco sat there frozen holding his son’s broom and book. “I want you to have them.”

“I don’t want anything of yours, ever!” Alex ran to the doorway, stopping and slowly turning around. Narrowing his eyes at the Professor he asked him, “Aren’t you going to take points away?”

Draco wasn’t thinking of anything else except for the anger he felt coming from Alex directed solely at him. He could stand to have hateful looks thrust upon him from others, but not his own son. He might not have Ginny’ s love but he could pretend to have Alex’s.

Draco said nothing only clutching the broom tighter wondering how something so good could end so badly. Ginny was awake. Everything he had hoped for was going to come true. They were going to be a family.

“No, I’m not. J-just tell me what has gotten into you young man!” Draco stammered.

Alex’s next statement only confused him more, “Then it’s true.”

“What’s true?”

Draco always knew the power that words held over others. He had wielded his skill above others when he was a student at Hogwarts. Draco knew the exact words that would hurt the spirit. How often did he make Granger cry or been on the receiving end of Potter’s and Weasley’s wands? Too many times to count. But this time he understood how wounded they must have felt.

“I hate you! I hate you!”

Three simple words that cut into Draco Malfoy’s soul.


Ginny stared at the room in awe. She ran her hands over the pink walls, posters of her favorite group- the Weird Sisters, the lace curtains, the afghan her mum had knitted. Everything had stayed the same as if suspended in time. Ginny’s mum hadn’t changed the room since the war, keeping it in the same condition as it had been 12 long years ago. Ginny took out her suitcase and started unpacking. This was a teenagers’ room not a grown woman’s. She lay back on the bed with a bit of sadness thinking about all she had missed.

“Alex would come in here often.” Molly’s voice interrupted her thoughts. Ginny was glad for the intrusion. The past 3 weeks she had done nothing but feel sorry for herself which was getting her nowhere. Hermione’s offer of a job as flying instructor at Hogwarts piqued her interest. She knew Hermione had her own reason’s for wanting Ginny to accept the position. It would be the opportunity for Ginny to get to know her son and try to be the mother Alex deserved. As of right now, she was far from ready.

Ginny’s mum handed her a small book that Ginny looked at quizzically. “What’s this?”

Molly said nothing only sitting next to Ginny on the bed as she let the magic of pictures draw Ginny out of her slump. It was high time her daughter stopped moping about.

Ginny’s breath caught in her throat at the first picture of newborn Alex. He was beautiful despite his red face and wrinkles. “He’s beautiful.” She whispered.

“He didn’t want to come out at all. The mediwizard had to take him out of you.” Molly said as she turned the page. Molly had placed Alex in a sleeping Ginny’s arms. “I thought you two should bond.”

Ginny’s eyes were bordered with tears of happiness and sadness. She laughed at her struggling brothers trying to give Alex a bath. Hermione trying to change his diaper was a sight to behold. Smart with the books, but diapers were another matter entirely.

Ginny rolled her eyes at the broom Harry had given Alex for his first birthday. He was much too young for such a gift. A few more pictures showed Arthur taking him to a muggle zoo. Nothing but smiles as he rode a camel. Ginny was nothing but laughs when the next picture showed Alex begging his grandpa for a pet, a camel to be specific. There were even some pictures from Hogwarts. “I’m a Gryffindor!” The excited boy said jumping up and down. Talking to the person holding the camera, Alex added, “I told you I wouldn’t be in Hufflepuff Edmund!”

Suddenly Ginny’s hands stopped at the picture of Alex with a familiar looking face next to him. A face she connected with memories of a diary that still haunted her, hurtful taunts and of a Deatheater the Order was trying to capture.Ginny’s fingers shook, removing the picture from it’s protective cover.

What is he doing with Alex?!” Ginny didn’t notice the small grin that appeared on Molly Weasley’s face at the note of her daughter’s concern.

“Alex won a DADA competion for the first years. I think that’s…um…Professor Malfoy giving him a medal for his work.”

A goddamn Deatheater was teaching Alex. After all they had suffered under Voldemort, how in the world was a Deatheater allowed to teach children? Memories of Percy and Charlie would not die. She knew exactly where Draco Malfoy stood in the war and it had been on the losing side. His people had killed her brothers. Perhaps he himself had taken part. It was an atrocity, an outrage.

“I need to talk to Ron and Harry.” Ginny stated more so to herself than to her mother. She had to find out why a monster such as Draco Malfoy was not currently locked up in Azkaban. If it had been up to Ginny, Draco Malfoy would most certainly be given the dementor’s kiss without any hesitation.

Ginny raced out of the room half expecting her mother to call out for her and ask what was wrong. But she didn’t. Perhaps she already knew how upset she was. The Deatheaters had hurt her family once before. The same mistake would not be repeated. Grabbing a piece of parchment and quill from her father’s study, Ginny knew what she had to do.

Nov 22

Mrs. Hermione Potter
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry,

Dear Mrs. Potter,

I am pleased to confirm my acceptance of your job offer for the position of Flying Instructor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry.

I am very pleased to have been considered for this position and feel confident that I will make a significant contribution to Hogwarts and to its students.

I would like to thank you sincerely for this opportunity.

Best Regards,

Virginia Weasley

To be continued….Draco and Ginny meet as promised!

6. Pain and Suffering

This is my longest chapter. Lots of info that will come into play later. Ginny may seem a bit immature now, but keep in mind that although she is physically 29, mentally she is still at age when she succumbed to the coma- 17. On with the chapter.

Chapter 6

“Draco Malfoy assisted the order in the capture of his own father.”

How convenient! Ginny fumed at Harry’s remarks. The tide of the war had changed and Draco Malfoy decided to see the light. It seemed all too sudden for the boy they had once deemed the King of Slytherin.

“I don’t buy it!” Ginny slammed her butterbeer against the bar causing patrons of the Leaky Cauldron to wonder why the pretty redhead was so upset at two of the most popular members of the Chudley Canons.

A weary looking Ron answered, wiping the mud caked away on his uniform from an early morning Quidditch practice session. Ginny noticed for the first time, the tiredness in her brother’s eyes that seemed to stem from more than Quidditch. “If it wasn’t for Malfoy you’d be dead Ginny. My daughter would never have been born because Padma would have met the same fate. Draco fed us information about the prison camp where Padma and the others were held. He’s the one that told us where the deatheaters had taken you.”

“Why are you defending him Ron?” Ginny shook her head, beginning to regret meeting Harry and Ron. Rushing to Malfoy’s defense were two of the most unlikely people to do so. All she wanted were answers, not a plea of letting bygones be bygones. Ginny had been thankful they had agreed to meet her so early in the morning, before she left for Hogwarts. Now she felt anything but gratitude.

A very matter of fact Harry answered simply, “He’s paid his dues Ginny.”

“For Merlin’s sake Harry! He’s a deatheater. You can’t let someone like Draco Malfoy roam the streets free when so many people have suffered from the likes of him!” Ginny didn’t care that it was only six in the morning. She waved her hand in the air requesting another drink. Unbelievable how things had changed in the men she thought she knew so very well.

Harry gently corrected Ginny trying not to raise the redhead’s ire any further. “Draco Malfoy is a former deatheater. He’s done nothing but good since his release from Azkaban. Malfoy has even contributed his expertise in catching escaped Deatheaters.We all live in a safer world because of his help.”

“Is there a reason for this sudden 180? The last I remember he was threatening to kill us all.” Somewhere deep in the recesses of her memory Draco Malfoy had visited her dreams.

In a windowless room she was bound. She was entangled in the arms of a deatheater wondering what his plans for her were. His grip was tight around her, not allowing room for struggle. No words were passed between them, only minutes of silence that seemed to drag on forever. Footsteps. Ginny heard footsteps nearing her cell. That’s when the mystery unraveled. His mask was thrown to the ground, the unmistakable sneer of Draco Malfoy staring back at her.

“I am going to kill you Weasley and take great satisfaction in watching your traitorus blood join Potter’s.”

The other deatheaters joined them in the cell, their laughter rising as Draco Malfoy’s hand met the youngest Weasley’s face. A harsh slap echoed in the room as she stumbled into the wall.

Harry broke Ginny out of her reverie, “Gin, whatever his reasons, Draco Malfoy has changed.”

Touching her cheek, Ginny could still feel the sting Draco had left there. Why had it hurt so much? The slap was only the beginning. He had a job to do. If a mudblood lover was what Ginny was, mudblood torture techniques she would receive. After all these years she could still feel the tears streaming down her face as the deatheaters watched Draco Malfoy beat her. But it wasn’t physical pain that was making her cry. It was a feeling she couldn’t quite name.

Ginny remembers the black and blue marks that covered her skin, the snap of her wrist when he twisted her arm and her cries for him to stop. “Not so brave now are you, you stupid little Gryffindor!”

Ginny was grateful for the blackness that welcomed her as she slid to the floor. She could barely hear the other deatheaters congratulate Draco Malfoy for a job well done. Hours later the familiar chant of healing spells had awoken her. The grey eyed monster who had left her broken was now trying to undo the damage.

Had he changed? Ginny could only guess he tried to heal her to spare himself further punishment form the Order when they eventually won. Or perhaps he wanted to torture her a bit later and needed a fresh and healed victim so that he could once again gain sadistic satisfaction from her pain.

Ron turned towards his sister, “Too many of us have suffered at Voldemort’s hands. He’s defeated and gone. I refuse to let his legacy rule my life any longer. Don’t live in the past Ginny, you’ll miss out on so much.”

It was no use asking them any more questions. It was clear where Harry and Ron stood. Still the worry weighed heavily upon her. Draco Malfoy, the brutal man from her dreams was in close contact with her son. She was urged on by an instinct older than time. That of a mother to protect her young. Ginny paused to reflect on all she had gone through. It was nothing less than a miracle that she was able to carry a healthy baby during such difficult times. Unbeknowest to Ginny, a bond ran through her veins to her very soul. A bond that was stronger than any magic - that of a mother and child.

What had Ron said many weeks ago in her hospital room? “Dean and Padma told me what happened. They were imprisoned with you during the last six weeks of the war. I didn’t want to believe what was said. But they saw with their own eyes. If I had been there Ginny I could have protected you.”

She might not get the answers she sought from her brother and Harry, but perhaps she could find out what she needed from another source. With half hearted thanks and kisses she excused herself from the table.

“Good luck at Hogwarts.” they both said before Ginny headed to the fireplace.

She watched them leave wondering where the Harry and Ron of old were. War, what was it good for? It brought her back to a world of strangers. Very soon she would be back at Hogwarts. Ginny looked forward to being in familiar surroundings. Unlike Diagon Alley which had been destroyed and rebuilt, Hogwarts had stood its ground.

Like Hogwarts, Ginny would stand her ground.


Slamming the door behind him, Draco headed for the chest at the foot of his bed. “Alohamora.” he whispered.

Unopened, the chest revealed unending piles of gifts. Carefully set aside were a broom and book all about the wonders of Monsters. Draco had to shudder at the title. There was only one reason to explain Alex’s fascination with creatures of the Wizarding world - Ginny Weasley. The boy may have looked like him but he had the heart of a Weasley. How else to explain why no one had noticed their resemblance?

Draco placed another package atop years of wrapped presents that were never given to their intended recipients. This one had a tag that announced, “Merry Christmas, Alex Malfoy!”

When Alex was still on speaking terms with Draco, he admitted his love for the game of wizarding chess. That very day Draco had ordered the most elaborate wizarding chess set that money could buy. Draco couldn’t believe the Gods had given him a son who had so many Weasley traits. Sooner or later he would be punished for the Weasley is Our King song. Yet, he wouldn’t have it any other way. Though the Malfoy blood ran through Alex, he was good, pure and all things Draco could never be. Alex was Draco’s redemption.

Wasn’t this what I wanted? Draco argued with himself. Alex would avoid the taint of being a Malfoy. Avoid the stigma of having the family name together ingrained in the minds of many as being one with the Dark Lord. Despite his misplaced efforts, his son still suffered.

How Draco wanted to choke those who would curse his son! Hexing them wouldn’t be punishment enough. Draco had wanted to kill the younger Zabini that very first day in the DADA classroom. He dared call his son a bastard. It took every ounce of Draco’s strength not to wring Marcel Zabini’s ugly little neck and send his body parts back to Blaise. .

The rumors that would reach Alex’s ear had poisoned the boy against him. It was bound to happen. Draco had been expecting it, didn’t mean he was prepared. The past three weeks had been the hardest in Draco’s teaching career. His son would never meet his eyes. On the chance Alex did, his brown eyes would stare right through his Professor with a face Draco would almost describe as disgust. He was sure the other students had noticed how the boy no longer participated in class and how the professor ceased to call on his prize pupil. Draco had longed to pull him aside and talk to him, tell him the truth no matter what the consequences. Even when Draco had asked Alex to stay after class, his son disobeyed, following the other students out of the classroom.

There was one promise Draco made to himself back in Diagon Alley long ago when he held an infant Alex in his arms. Draco would not be Lucius. Draco would not force Alex to do anything he wasn’t ready for. When Alex was ready he would tell him the truth. But there had been too many ears and the opportunity never presented itself.

There was only one person that could make everything right. Draco pulled out a small velvet box from his robe. He had carried it for far too long. Tapping the box with his wand, a diamond ring slowly emerged. The diamond sparkled, casting it’s brilliance on the walls of his dungeon bedroom. Draco whispered a spell, for the first time he pleaded with the gods of fate and fortune.

“Please Ginny forgive me. Please Ginny, remember me.”

A burst of light surrounded the velvet box .Draco had hoped that one day the ring would grace the hand of a particular redhaired woman. Now beautifully wrapped he added the tag which read, “Merry Christmas Ginny Weasley.”

This year Santa wouldn’t forget Ginny and Alex Weasley.


A tray of samosas and chutney greeted Ginny upon flooing to Ron’s London flat. The spicy aroma of Indian cooking was strangely comforting. Watching Padma at work in the kitchen, Ginny had images of her own mother ensuring her seven children were well fed. It was still hard to believe that Padma and Ron were parents with a life of their own.

“Thanks for seeing me so early in the morning Padma. I hope I didn’t inconvenience you” Ginny said as she took a seat at the dining room table.

“On the contrary, I love company. Ron’s an early riser, what with Quidditich practice and all.” Padma answered pointing to pile of dirty breakfast dishes that lay in the sink, “I’m up before the sun rises making sure that husband of mine is fed properly. He eats like a growing boy!”

Ginny had to stifle a laugh, the amount of dishes was evidence to the fact that some things never changed. Ron still had an enormous appetite.

“Aunt Ginny!” Anjali squealed in delight jumping up on Ginny’s lap. “ Can I show you my pictures?” Without waiting for her aunt’s response Anjali had already opened her coloring book filled with moving pictures of scribbled animals and what Ginny guessed were supposed to represent people.

“You have quite the artist on your hands Padma. She certainly didn’t get this talent from Ron.”

“No, but she did get his penchant for leaving things a mess………..Anjali, did you clean up your room yet?” Padma asked while brewing tea on the stove.

“Later Mummy……..”

“No, not later Anjali Vanhi Weasley. Now!”

Ginny had to suppress her laughter at the now pouting four year old who was climbing off her lap. “Sorry Mummy.”

“While you’re in your room I want those walls wiped down and no magic! Understand?”

Even in giving orders like a general, Padma was nothing if not motherly. Could Ginny even be this way with Alex? He didn’t seem like the type of boy she’d ever have to order about twice. Not that she would ever want to tell him what to do. But wasn’t that what mother’s were supposed to do? How in the world could she even hope to step into Molly Weasley’s shoes?

“Can you believe Anjali painted, or shall I say scribbled her room exactly like the quidditch pitch! Ron thought it was, in his words -Bloody Brilliant!” Padma shook her head with what seemed like frustration as she set down two mugs of tea, joining her sister in law at the table. A smile broke upon her lips after taking a sip, “ He’s lucky I’m in love with him.”

A thought flitted across Ginny’s mind. It hadn’t seemed appropriate to bring up and doubted she ever would. The need to know why was still there. Before the war Ron had been engaged to Luna Lovegood. Padma was simply a girl he had taken to the Yule Ball many moons before. Ginny would never have guessed, not in a million years that Ron would have married Padma Patil. Hermione maybe, Luna, most definitely. Padma? Not once had the idea ever crossed her. Then again, being a mother never crossed Ginny’s mind either.

Funny really, as Ginny’s eyes came to rest on a moving portrait of Luna Lovegood on the mantle of the fireplace. Why would Ron keep a picture of his ex-fiancee?

Pouring some cream into her tea, Ginny wondered why Padma didn’t object to Luna Lovegood’s picture so blatantly displayed. Ginny could only imagine the hurt she would feel. As if reading her thoughts Padma answered.

“Luna Lovegood died during the war Ginny.”

Ginny’s mug shook with Padma’s words. Luna Lovegood was dead. “How?” Ginny knew too well, the horrors of those captured by deatheaters.

“The war was nearing the end. Everyone could see that the Order was winning. Right before our prison was liberated, the deatheaters rounded the prisoners. They meant to kill every last one of us. Seamus, Neville, and so many others…….they killed them all. Luna…….” Padma paused taking a controlled breath before weeping, “Luna took an Avada Kedavra for me.”

Ginny had come here to be comforted but soon found herself giving what she was seeking. She put an arm around Padma’s shoulders. Ron had not only lost Percy and Charlie but Luna as well. Everything Ron had said started to make sense.

“I’m so sorry.” Ginny said holding onto her sister in law. She repeated it for her brother hoping that he could feel her sorrow as well. “I’m so sorry.” Silently Ginny floated a box of tissues towards Padma. Padma took one and scrubbed at her cheeks with the crumpled tissue.

Ginny hadn’t been expecting the question that followed. She was supposed to be asking the questions and receiving the answers that would unlock the past. What about the deatheater that had taken her nightly? Why wasn’t she killed with the rest of the prisoners? All questions were forgotten at the sound of Padma’s voice.

“Ginny, do you believe that good can come from evil?”

Nothing good had come from all those who died except that the living still had to endure pain and suffering. Broken spirits were left behind in the wake of war. No one seemed the same, especially her own family. Always full of energy, Ron had been much more subdued. George and Fred weren’t as jovial as before. Bill had come back missing not only the warmness that once graced his eyes but also a limb as well.

Ginny had to be honest with herself, “I don’t believe so.”

“Before Luna died she had only one request. She asked me to look after Ron. In the midst of all that darkness and ugliness she gave me a future. You do understand, don’t you? Don’t dwell on the past Gin. It’s not healthy for you or for………….. ”

Like a broken record were the words that met Ginny’s ears The anger of a seventeen year old trapped in a twenty-nine year old’s body threatened to spill. “Don’t dwell on the past?? I’ve forgotten enough as it is Padma! Is this a wasted trip? Will you tell me nothing?” Rising abruptly, Ginny pushed in her chair. She had been so close to finding out what happened. The last thing she wanted was a fight with her sister in law.

Ginny strode over to the fireplace ready to make the last leg of her final connection to Hogwarts . Dissappointed at Harry, Ron and her sister in law, Ginny was sure Hermione would probably be the same. Telling her as did everyone else, to get on with her life. Wasn’t that what she was doing? Teaching at Hogwarts would be a new beginning for not only her but Alex.

Taking out the picture in her cloak pocket of Alex and Draco Malfoy, Ginny couldn’t help but notice the look of absolute admiration from student to teacher. She would not have Alex Weasley under the influence of a man who was in league with murderers. For the protection her brothers had lacked, she would give back to Alex tenfold.

Deep inside something else was eating at her. She had answered Padma honestly about good evolving from evil. Now it was time to be honest with herself. It should have been Alex, and only Alex that urged her on towards Hogwarts.

Partly –yes. Entirely – no.

Hate was a strong word, at one time only belonging to the original owner of the diary that almost took her life. The new honor now belonged to none other than Draco Malfoy.


The Buzz around Hogwarts was centered on the new and very pretty flying instructor. Alex rolled his eyes at 5th year Gryffindors Lawrence Andrews and Samuel Li who were doing nothing but making foul gestures about what exactly they would like to do to this new teacher.

They had met her after breakfast, being sent to the Headmistress’ office by Filch who had caught them both vandalizing a portrait of Salazar Slytherin. Upon arriving they found the office already occupied with, in their own words, an “oh so drop dead beautiful creature.” A beauty about which they were discussing their wretched fantasies out loud, in the middle of Hogwarts courtyard to a laughing all male audience.

“That talk isn’t appropriate!”

All eyes turned to the blond boy sitting on a bench with his two dreadlocked cousins. Lawrence and Samuel were disgusting, really. The pair of them. Had they no respect for their fellow female students and teachers? It was clear they did not. Alex didn’t like it when people would talk about him behind his back, he would not stand to hear such talk about others.

“No wonder they can’t get dates.” Alex muttered under his breath trying to get back to reading his Care of Magical Creatures book.

Edmund and Everett looked wide-eyed at their once quiet cousin. Since when did he develop such a mouth?? They were dying to tell him the secret their Mum and Dad owled that morning, but were immediately hit by a silencing charm as soon as they opened the letter. Dinner couldn’t come fast enough.

“Sod-off Weasley.” Came the familiar voice of Lawrence Andrews. In a mock baby voice he added, “Did Granny Molly tell you it wasn’t nice to talk about girls?” As a beater for The Gryffindor team he commanded respect and fear. None of which Alex had for him.

“Yes! My Grandma Molly said exactly that! It’s not respectful!” Alex slammed the cover of his book no longer interested in reading. Laughter erupted around him at his admission followed by remarks akin to whether he still wore diapers.

Alex sighed now wishing he kept quiet. He’d have to walk straight past Lawrence and Samuel to get back to class. With his head held high and his legs moving at a very brisk pace for an 11 year old , Alex walked towards the corridor.

He should have seen it coming, should have known that Lawrence and Samuel wouldn’t let him get away without punishing him. Simple really what they did but embarrassing nonetheless. Samuel casually left his foot out at just the moment Alex crossed him. Before Alex knew it, he had landed on the ground with a harsh crack.

“You have a lot of nerve telling us what to do Deatheater spawn!” Lawrence spat enjoying the site of Alex and his now bleeding nose. “Just the thought of you being here disgraces all of Gryffindor!”

“Leave him alone!” mouthed Everett and Edmund who were immediately binded when they attempted to jump into the fray.

The taste of coppery blood trickling down his throat made him nauseous. His face was wet with not just tears but blood that was slowly dripping from his pained nose onto the courtyard. Not one person, save for Everett and Edmund who were incapacitated at the moment, tried to help him. Why were his own housemates laughing? He never felt more alone than at this moment. Alex could deal with the Slytherins dislike for him. But his fellow Gryffindors were his friends. Weren’t they? Had they all hated him from the very beginning? Why? Why him?

Pointing fingers shook with laughter as Alex struggled to his feet, feeling a bit woozy at the sight of his own blood. Alex could feel his nose throbbing as he applied pressure hoping to stop what seemed like an endless flow of blood.

“Your deatheater father killed my uncles!” Lawrence said shoving Alex back to the ground and punching him hard in the head.

Stars, Alex could see stars as he instinctively brought his arms up to his face. Alex would prove to them all that he was a Gryffindor. Although his tears betrayed him Alex refused to beg Lawrence to stop. Begging would mark him as a coward. Uncle Percy and Uncle Charlie had died. His own mum was almost killed. Couldn’t they see he was as much of a Gryffindor as them?

He needed to get away. Run to his room and hide. But his body was too weak and frail. Alex tried in vain to grab his wand that was only an arm’s length away.


The 5th year stepped harshly on the wand sending splinters in Alex’s face.

“Um….Lawrence...I think that’s enough.” Samuel pulled Lawrence away afraid that a bit of what he thought was goodnatured ribbing was going into a territory he did not want.

“No, that little dark wizard is going to get what’s coming to him!” Cheers went up in the courtyard as Lawrence wretched himself free and landed a kick to Alex’s stomach.

They were clapping their hands at the sight of a bleeding and sobbing first year. Why did Grandma and Grandpa Weasley send him here? He hated Hogwarts and most of all he hated Professor Malfoy.

“You’re hurting him! Leave him alone!” came the shrill cry of Casey Wood.

“Hey Weasley, it’s your girlfriend to the rescue!” Lawrence chuckled emptying Alex’s school bag and throwing the books forcefully at Alex Weasley’s head.

Alex was much to dizzy to focus but he could make out the familiar shape of Casey Wood running back into the school. Alex cried with disappointment, but not from the throbbing pain. Alex cried realizing that he indeed was alone.

No mother.

No father.

No friends.

To prevent any further blows Alex tried to curl himself into a ball, but found he was being held down by three other Gryffindors who decided to join in. Their malicious grins accompanied the many fists that landed on his face, chest and stomach. The pain became too much as Alex finally broke down, crying for them to stop.

“Please, no more!” at his plea, the beatings suddenly stopped.

A sudden chill swept through the courtyard as a ferocious growl reached Alex’s ears. “WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!”

With much effort, Alex opened a swollen eye finding himself now surrounded by the familiar faces of Casey Wood and a now unbound Edmund and Everett. Casey took out a handkerchief and pressed it against his bleeding nose, “I went to get help.”

Alex followed her gaze to Professor Malfoy. To his surprise the Dada Professor was flinging the offending students against the wall, promising each and every last one of them that they would never set foot in Hogwarts again.

Ordering two prefects and a head girl to deliver the rest of the students to the Headmistress, Draco saved a shaking and cowering Lawrence all to himself. “Have to pick on someone smaller than you, do you?” Draco’s hands were upon the 5th years neck banging his head with each word against the courtyard wall.

“If you hurt a student professor, you’ll be out of a job!” Lawrence managed to say as Draco’s hands tightened around his neck.


Draco cocked his arm back and for the first time struck a student, square in the jaw. “NOW GO SEE HEADMISTRESS POTTER! WE”LL SEE WHICH ONE OF US WILL BE PACKING OUR BAGS TONIGHT!

With a shove and a kick, he sent a scared and running 5th year to the Headmistress. Cries of I’ll have your job!.” didn’t seem to faze the Professor one bit.

Alex was in too much pain to protest when the Professor knelt next to him. As the Professor cradled him in his arms, confusion filled Alex . How could this be the same man that hurt his mother? This man that was now whispering how sorry he was had rescued him again. Alex burrowed into Draco’s chest letting the tears and blood stain his father’s robe.

“Will he be ok Professor?” Casey Wood asked,a bit frightened at the look of worry on the Dada teacher’s face.

“Madame Pomfrey will make him as good as new.” Alex could hear the wavering voice of his father and wondered if he was telling the truth. Draco continued, “I have an assignment for the three of you.” he said addressing Casey and the Weasley twins, “ Tell Headmistress to meet me straight away in the infirmary.”

“Yes Professor!” three pairs of scurried feet ran off leaving Alex alone with the Professsor.

Alex should’ve been scared after all he heard about the former deatheater. The funny thing was he never felt more safe and secure in his life. Before he knew it Alex was laying on a hospital cot being fussed over by Madame Pomfrey. Everything was a bit hazy as Madame Pomfrey got him into a hospital gown and started repairing his injuries. His head ached something fierce and there was a constant ringing in his ear, not to mention the all over body aches that were now beginning to numb thanks to Madame Pomfrey.

She lifted a bitter smelling concoction to his lips and he pushed it away.

“No! It’s going to taste horrible!”

With a stern voice she brought the cup again to Alex’s lips, “Mr. Weasley you have a concussion, not to mention various broken bones.”

There had to be a better way. Wasn’t there some spell she could cast? “ No!” he repeated.

“Alex,” came the commanding voice of Professor Malfoy, “You will drink this potion and you will drink it now.” Professor Malfoy was still here! He hadn’t left! Alex turned over to meet the fuzzy image of his father. Alex felt the professor wrap an arm around him, slowly but carefully raising him up to a sitting position. Taking the cup from Madame Pomfrey, Professor Malfoy lifted it to Alex’s mouth again. This time Alex did not refuse.

“He’ll need to be observed for the next 24 hours.”

Alex felt a slight smile at Professor’s words, although it disappeared with the first signs of nausea, the potion was absolutely horrible!

“I’d like to keep him company for a bit if you don’t mind.”

Madame Pomfrey smiled, “Not at all Professor.” Stepping out she closed the curtain allowing a son and father a moment alone. She may have only been a school nurse but it was her skills of assesment that made her a competent healer. Observing student injuries wasn’t the only thing she was good at.

Alex allowed Professor to sit next him on the cot as he rested his head against his shoulder. Alex refused to believe this man had raped his mother. The ugly rumors couldn’t be true. But what if they were? Should he even ask?

A Gryffindor would face the truth. Am I not a true Gryffindor?

“Professor, can I ask you a question?” his voice shook. What if the answer wasn’t what he wanted?

Alex wondered if perhaps Professor Malfoy hadn’t heard. After a long pause he answered, “You can ask me anything.”

Knowing the answer, Alex asked anyway, “Are you my father, Professor?”


Alex knew! Draco had given him physical attributes, the hair, his face save for the brown eyes. But nothing else. He missed so much. He never changed a diaper, never saw Alex take his first step or fly his first broom. But he wanted to make it up to him. There were too many things he ought to have done in Alex’s life.

His answer was surrounded by rumors of a beaten and raped Ginny Weasley. Draco couldn’t get the harsh image that kept him in nightmares and filled him with guilt. They were coming to take her. Avery and Mcnair were going to torture the woman he had just made love to. The fear of what else they might do added to the despair of the decision he had to make.

Alex sprang from love.

Then everything went horribly wrong.

So he beat her himself while hiding his tears from Avery and Mcnair. Draco fooled himself into thinking he could keep Ginny safe. Better him than another deatheater who would leave her for dead. Ginny’s battered face haunted him till this day. Instead it now took the form of a bruised and innocent young boy. Alex was being punished for all the sins he had committed.

Draco couldn’t change what happened. The guilt of all the mistakes he made weighed heavily on Draco, he was afraid he couldn’t move. But Alex, he wasn’t a mistake.One fact remained. Alex Weasley was his son and he deserved to know the truth. Alex’s brown eyes searched his grey ones waiting for the answer that would either damn Draco in his sons eyes or bring them closer. Could his son see beyond what everyone else deemed fact? If Alex did believe him, would he hate Draco for not telling him sooner?

“I loved your mummy so very much.” Draco held back the tears that threatened to overflow and managed to croak out, “ You’re my son Alex and I love you.”

Instead of pushing him away Draco felt his son’s arms wrap around him. Draco finally let go, tears cascading down his cheeks, over his nose, into his mouth and off his chin. Father and son held each other. For the first time Draco felt forgiveness.


Arriving at the school Hermione had given Ginny the grand tour of Hogwarts. Not that it was needed. Mostly it was a nostalgic trip back to the past. She was introduced to the new staff and reacquainted with the old. The only staff member she hadn’t met was Draco Malfoy. The time would come. Sooner rather than later when she realized her bedroom was next door to none other than Draco Malfoy’s.

“There must be some other accommodations!” Ginny protested. The room itself was in excellent condition. The man Ginny wanted to keep far from her son would now be in close proximity to her.

“Unless you want to rent a room in Hogsmeade, this is it.”

Ginny reluctantly agreed to the room, dropping off her bags and books. It was a far cry from her room in the Burrow , not as warm and welcoming but clean nonetheless. She would have to make it more accommodating for Alex to visit.

“I have a few papers left for you to sign in my office Ginny. Afterwards we’ll head to dinner. Alex will be so happy to see you.”

And surprised. Ginny wondered how Alex would respond to the fact that she was teaching at Hogwarts. Would Alex accept her after hearing his own mum refuse him ? Ginny knew that she already had his love, love that she didn’t rightly deserve. The big question was – Could she accept him? Lost in her thoughts Ginny didn’t realize that they were now standing in front of the entrance that used to belong to Dumbledore.

“Muggle-Born.” Hermione chanted sharing a smile with Ginny. Ginny had to hold back a laugh, Salazar Slytherin was probably rolling over in his grave. Once inside, the wooden spiral staircase slowly carried its occupants upward.

Ginny had always been in awe of this particular office. She wondered what interesting objects Hermione had added to the collections of the Headmasters of old. Ginny had been so busy that morning that she hadn’t bothered taking a look. With a few minutes to spare, perhaps she could take a tour before dinner. What she didn’t expect to find was a room filled with students including her two nephews, Edmund and Edwin. They ran to her immediately, followed by a young black haired girl who reminded Ginny of Cho Chang.

“What is the meaning of this!” Hermione directed her question to Ravenclaw Head Girl Lisa McDougal and Hufflepuff prefect Zacharias Smith Jr. The Head girl looked around nervously at the angry looks cast upon her by the other students. Whispering in Hermione’s ear, Ginny could see her face fall.

“Is there something I can do?” Ginny offered wondering what these Gryffindors had done that had half of her old house sent to the Headmisstress office.

“Lisa, Zacharias continue watching these students.” Hermione glared at each of the Gryffindors, her voice uncharacteristically rising. “NONE OF YOU WILL LEAVE THIS ROOM UNTIL I GET BACK! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?”

The students nodded flinching at the harshness that had escaped Hermione’s mouth. Turning to the twins she saw as her own nephews, her voice became gentle. “Edmund, Everett you can come along to the infirmary with me and Aunt Ginny.” Hermione patted the black haired girl on the head, “You can come too Casey.”

Infirmary? Ginny creased her eyebrow in confusion as she followed Hermione outside the office and down the hallway. “What’s going on Mione?” Her question was soon answered.

“Alex is injured.”

Ginny’s breath caught in her throat, “What? How?”

“They beat him up Miss Weasley.” Casey offered

Fingering the wand between her hands, Ginny’s anger grew. One against many. Sparks shot from Ginny’s wand, tempting her to turn around and hex them all. How long had he been in pain? She was here to protect Alex from the likes of Draco Malfoy. Not once did she think he would suffer at the hands of his own house.

“He was bleeding really bad…..” Casey added.

“Ssh!” Hermione said trying to lessen the worry she knew Ginny felt.

Without a look back Ginny raced towards the hospital wing, leaving Hermione and the children behind. Wild with fear and regret that she had pushed Alex away, Ginny only hoped it wasn’t too late to make amends. Alex had heard the hateful words come from her mouth.

“I don’t want that boy near me!”

“I’ll make it up to you Alex, I sware on Percy and Charlie’s graves. I will make it up to you.”

Catching her breath she arrived at the infirmary greeted by Madame Pomfrey. She promised Ginny that although Alex had a concussion , multiple bruises and broken bones he would be fine.

He’s going to be fine. He’s going to be fine, she repeated. The assurance she received from Madame Pomfrey did nothing to quell the ache Ginny carried in her heart. Ginny squeezed her eyes shut feeling pinpricks of tears at the thought of the suffering he had to have endured.

“He’s a strong boy Miss Weasley. He’s already on the road to recovery. I daresay that in a week’s time, he’ll be to back to normal running around with those rambunctious cousins of his.”

Ginny sighed with relief, “Where is he?”

Madame Pomfrey led her to a a cot with drapes drawn around, If Professor Malfoy habn’t gotten to him in time, I’m afraid……..”

Ginny didn’t let Pomfrey continue, opening the curtains with such force she almost ripped them from their hangings. Touching was what she might have described it. Propped up by pillows, Alex was resting his his head against Malfoy’s chest snoring softly. A sleeping Malfoy, held Alex with what Ginny might describe as protective possessiveness.

What game Malfoy was playing at, she didn’t know. Finishing the job he started with her brothers? Trying to make up for the past? Possibly. But he wouldn’t do it through Alex.Ginny would make sure of that.

She wanted to tell Malfoy to leave, yet she couldn’t bring herself to wake him. Alex looked content and happy with Malfoy. Now that she wanted to make a new beginning for her and Alex, the last thing she wanted was for him to be upset with her.

Carefully Ginny sat on the cot, with Alex between her and Malfoy. Ginny trembled as she tried to keep her tears at bay. She placed a kiss on each of his swollen eyes. The sight of Alex wrapped in bandages caused her heart to wrench.

“I won’t let anyone hurt you again.” Ginny whispered

Ginny kissed the bruise on his cheek willing him to heal. Small brown eyes fluttered open meeting Ginny’s own. “I came back for you Alex.” Ginny waited, hoping against hope that Alex still wanted her as much as she now realized she loved and wanted him.

His voice held a note of disbelief, “M-Mummy?”

Mummy. Alex had called her mummy. Tears flooded her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. “Yes Alex, Mummy is here.”

“All my dreams are coming true.” Alex yawned with a lazy smile before turning once again to his professor and drifting off to sleep.

She smoothed Alex’s hair back gazing at the wonderment that this particular angel was her son. Oh how Ginny wished she could turn back the clock. She had missed out on singing him lullabies, his first birthday and seeing him off to his first day of school.

“I’ll never leave you again.” She said softly to Alex not realizing another blonde had awoken to her promise.


She stiffened at his voice. The same voice that threatened to kill her so long ago. Here he was holding her son. The one thing she could call her very own. She brought up her eyes to meet his.

“Ginny?” he repeated.

How dare he talk to her as if he knew her! How dare Draco Malfoy try to gain her son’s affections! Ginny’s lips tightened and she was silent for a moment, studying the man before her.

“Professor Weasley to you. I’m the new flying instructor.”

Draco straightened up, lowering Alex gently back into bed. “W-Welcome to Hogwarts.” Ginny had never heard Malfoy sound so nervous. Maybe he was afraid she knew too much. He held out his hand which Ginny refused to take.

“I remember you Malfoy. Don’t think I haven’t forgotten how cruel you were.” Ginny said through clenched teeth.

“Ginny, I can exp………….”

Ginny cut him off, pointing towards the door, “Leave Malfoy! I don’t want to hear you, I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t want you near my son!” she said in a raised whisper.

Malfoy stood there frozen, his face unreadable to Ginny.

“I said go!”

Malfoy’s hands shook as it gripped onto the curtains that surrounded Alex’s bed. Finishing what Ginny started, he tore the curtains from their hangings, tossing them to the floor. Ginny stared at him in shock as he strode out the infirmary . With one last look Draco Malfoy locked his gaze with Ginny’s, slamming the doors behind him.

A flash of memory flickered before her. Hungry kisses, the feel of hands on bare skin and the irresistible burn of pleasure and excitement as she looked into her lover’s grey eyes. Trying to hold onto the memory, it slipped from her grasp and was gone



7. Interference

Draco mindlessly watched sun the cast its last rays over the lake before it dipped from view. If asked, he couldn’t have said how or when he had arrived. Picking up a stone, he threw it across the lake watching it skim the surface. The squid popped it’s head from below, wanting to know who was responsible for disturbing its rest. The Malfoy of old shot another rock towards the squid, wishing he could knock the monster straight between the eyes. On purpose, he missed. Barely. His son loved magical beasts and Draco couldn’t bring himself to hurt the creature.

“Alex Malfoy.” he whispered out loud. Draco didn’t say Weasley. The boy should have been a Malfoy. A hint of a smile reached his lips. Alex had called him father today. He blinked back tears, grateful for the solitude. He had his son’s love.

But he had Ginny Weasley’s hate. Draco could see the emotion in her eyes. It burned her to look at him. When Draco had awoken to the redhead, he had to convince himself that she was indeed not a dream. Draco wanted to pull Ginny into his arms and kiss the lips that had once welcomed his touch.

Even after all the time they’d been apart, Ginny still did something to him, still touched some part of him that no one else had ever reached.

Someplace Draco had never wanted anyone else to reach.



If anyone could help, it was Snape. He followed his old Professor through the Dungeons that led to her cell. “She’s sick Professor. Ginny won’t eat, she’s vomiting. I hurt her. Oh gods, I really hurt her..........................................”

He had to. Didn’t he? They were going to kill her.

The Professor said nothing as they neared the cell, pulling the mask over his face. Draco followed suit as they opened the door. Padma was holding onto the sickly prisoner’s hair as Ginny retched into the basin.

“Leave her alone!” Dean Thomas spoke from across the cell as the death eaters entered.

At Dean’s words, Padma froze repeating the words but knowing she couldn’t prevent whatever the deatheaters had planned. “Leave her be, for mercy’s sake. She’s ill!”

Sweat poured down Ginny’s face, as she vomited again. “Make it stop!” she pleaded. Draco’s guilt weighed heavily upon him. The faded bruises of the night before were still very much evident.

“Mind your business, you!” Draco growled behind his mask at the black haired witch. He dragged Padma to the other end of the cell, forcing her to sit next to Dean Thomas. “Stay on this side and do not interfere, if you do..............................” Draco made a slashing motion across his neck. “Understand?!”

Dean and Padma nodded, Understanding far too well.

Still Draco didn’t trust them. He immediately cast a temporary blinding spell on them before walking to the opposite side of the prison cell, toward the sick woman he had dared show concern for.

Draco knelt next to Ginny, lifting her tired head as Snape administered various Potions. “I’m sorry Ginny.” He whispered, caressing her cheek . “I’m so sorry.”

She grasped his hand and gave it a weak squeeze. “You did what you had to do Draco. Don’t be sorry. You saved my life.”

No. She was mistaken. He thought he was saving her from them. But despite everything he had done, Ginny was still hurt. She could be dying and it was all his fault. Draco was sure he had performed the Healing charms correctly. What if he hadn’t done them in time?

“I love you Draco.”

Removing the mask, Draco pressed his cheek against hers, not knowing if the wetness was from Ginny’s tears or his. Lifting his face, he met the Professor’s frowning one as spell after spell was chanted.

“Just as I thought.” Muttered Snape, shaking his head as he looked at Draco.

Draco’s mind was congested with doubts and fears, “Will she be ok, Professor?”

Even after being made a Deatheater, Draco never saw Snape as a peer . He preferred calling him Professor to Snape. As at Hogwarts, he still had undying respect for the former potions master. Since the war started, Snape had saved his life twice.


The first time, Draco was once again given the assignment of extracting information from the youngest Weasley. He had dragged Ginny to the torture chamber as she screamed for mercy. Instead he had been caught by Mcnair being intimate with Ginny, screaming her name instead. They accused him of being a spy. Someone was leaking information and all signs pointed to the younger Malfoy.

Snape on the other hand said rather convincingly, “Draco is merely pleasuring himself with a female prisoner.”

They had all bought it. Draco wondered why Snape defended him. How did Snape know that Draco was not the spy they were searching for? The second time Draco had attempted to help Ginny escape. Caught this time by the potion master himself. He called them crazy and foolish. There were too many deatheaters and dementors guarding the prison. They would both be dead. That’s when he instructed them to wait for the Order. The Order of the Phoenix and their reinforcements would be coming soon.

Two spies in the snakes lair were now biding their time.


“We’re at war! I mistakenly thought you were much smarter than this. What in Merlin’s name were you thinking?”

Draco was taken aback at his words. “I – I, they were going to kill her. I had no choice!”

“You stupid fool. She’s with child!”

Ginny’s hand immediately clutched her abdomen protectively. “I’m going to have a baby.”

Draco for the first time was speechless. No words were uttered. He merely placed his hands over hers. His mind couldn’t quite comprehend that at this very moment his son or daughter was growing and developing in the womb of a woman he loved so very much. The next time Draco was asked to torture this particular prisoner, he would AVADA KEDAVRA the deatheater on the spot.

Snape fumed, his foot tapping in irritation at viewing the tender moment between the future mother and father, “Now the situation is even more precarious!” Snape pulled Draco from his knees to a standing position, whispering harshly in his ear. “Are you willing to sacrifice the outcome of a war for one woman?”

Draco turned his glaring eyes onto his professor, “I would die for her!” turning away from his Professor he knelt down once again to his beloved. Draco twined his fingers with hers. After the war they’d move far, far away from all these horrible memories. He would take Ginny and his child to the Americas or maybe Australia, someplace where a Malfoy and Weasley could live in peace. It didn’t matter where, as long as Ginny was with him. He’d marry her properly so that his son or daughter would be born a Malfoy.

Draco kissed her then, not caring that Snape saw.

“As touching as this little moment is I have to remind you both that Miss Weasley here is not well. I estimate that she is at 6 weeks. The first trimester is a difficult time for a new mother, not to mention, one that is imprisoned.”

“I’ll take care of her.” Draco said as Snape stomped off , muttering down the dungeon corridor that silly teenage daydreams would be the death of them all.

Draco stared at the brown eyes that had seduced him but a few weeks ago. He was already sneaking in food for Ginny when the rest of the patient population was starving. Though he guessed she was willingly sharing it with Dean and Padma from the looks of them. Now that Ginny was pregnant he would have to make even more trips from the kitchens and hope no one noticed.

Definitely more blankets had to be brought. The dungeon cells were chilly, and heating spells only lasted for so long. Draco would not have the mother of his child uncomfortable. A part of him was in her and she should be treated like a queen, not caged like an animal. Anger at the thought tore at him.

“I’m going to get you out of here Ginny.” He whispered running his hands through her hair. Would their son or daughter have red or blond hair? Draco didn’t care, silently hoping for a son. Call it Malfoy pride. He wanted a son and wished it so.

“Don’t let them hurt my baby, Draco.” Her eyes welled with tears, knowing full well the danger she was in. She wanted to see her child grow, learn and love.

Draco kissed the tears away. His woman. His baby. He would protect what was HIS. “If anyone dares hurt our child they’ll be on the receiving end of my wand!” he smiled at her trying to lighten the mood.

She returned his smile. Once again she took his hand in hers, guiding it to her still flat stomach that was hiding a life inside. “I love my baby already....................and I - I love you too Draco Malfoy”

He took Ginny in his arms then, grateful for the blinding charm he had cast on Padma and Dean. Slowly Draco bent his head until he was kissing her, and as Ginny’s mouth opened , he felt a rush of need fill him. He encircled Ginny’s waist to draw her closer not wanting to let go, ever.

“Well, Well, Well......................” came the familiar drawl from the doorway.

On instinct Draco pushed Ginny away, his worst nightmares were coming true.

“Father…………………,” Immediately Draco stood bowing before his superior.

“Is this the pretty Weasley that has been servicing you?” Lucius strode towards the cowering girl who was holding her arms across her belly. She did not dare make him angry. Now she had a life inside that she must protect at all cost. With his finger he brought her chin up, “Look at me girl, you know me, do you not?”

Ginny nodded her head as Draco looked on, trying to mask his fear.

“You’ll be reunited with your brothers tonight, my precious. A happy family reunion for all involved!” Lucius patted her head as if she were a child. He kissed her tear stained cheek before heading towards the door.

Before exiting Lucius paused, “By all means, finish what you started Draco. A man has needs, even if it is a Weasley whore who will be fulfilling them.” Lucius chuckled, beckoning his son with his finger.

Like the obedient son he was, Draco went to his father’s side, “Yes sir.”

“The Weasley prisoners have been scheduled for elimination tonight. The Dark Lord will call for us when the time is nigh. Be ready.”

Draco bowed his head once again, not in respect but to hide his paled face, “Yes, father.”

A trembling Ginny looked up at Draco. “I won’t let them hurt you or our baby.” He picked her up in his arms ignoring the protests of Dean and Padma who heard the slamming of the steel door. He took her to his quarters ignoring the warning eyes of Snape as he passed.

Lying Ginny down on his bed, Draco tried not to think about how soon tonight would come. He couldn’t stop touching her now, couldn’t control the way his hands caressed every part of her body. Draco couldn’t bear to think that this might be the last time he could make love to her.


It had been the last time he would ever make love to her. With all the anger building he threw another rock towards the lake. Draco watched as it sailed in the air to touch the shore on the other side.

“Professor Malfoy, there you are.” Came the voice of Headmistress Hermione Potter.

Leaning against the tree, Draco inclined his blond head towards Hermione as acknowledgement while keeping his eyes on a distant point beyond the lake. “Come to fire me Headmistress?”

Thoughts of his bleeding and bruised son ran through his head. Alex needed protection from the whole lot of them. Draco wouldn’t leave. If he was fired , he’d take Alex with him. “Mark my words Mrs.Potter, I will not leave my position without a fight!”

“Calm down Malfoy, I’ll be doing nothing of that sort. I’ve merely come to inform you that I have handed down suspensions. The offending students won’t be returning until after Christmas.”

Anger surged as Draco gritted his teeth, “Suspension! They nearly killed Alex Weasley and all you can give them was suspension?! You may as well have sent them on vacation!”

“I can’t prevent them from coming back to Hogwarts, though I was tempted. I cannot punish these students the rest of their lives. Educating the next generation of wizards is my job.”

Draco huffed with indignation, “ And look what a fine job you’ve done protecting your students!”

Hermione crossed her arms at the insult, “Look Malfoy, I know you’re upset. Your son was hurt…………”

A surprised Draco spun around towards her, “You know?!”

“I hadn’t realized it until today.” Hermione admitted, a bit embarrassed that she had pieced everything together a bit too late.

“And they call you the smartest witch in a century????? Ha!”

“You have to admit Malfoy. Alex is not a bit like you, personality wise that is. He looks like you but his heart is far too sweet to even be suspected of being a Malfoy.”

There was a bitter edge of cynicism in Draco’s voice, “I suppose you believe the rumors then, that I raped Miss Weasley. Shall I be expecting the Ministry to send me back to Azkaban?”

Hermione eyed him with a calculating expression, “A man who loves his son so much must also love the mother.” With that she gave him a curt nod of farewell before trudging back up the hill to Hogwarts.

A burden felt as if it had been lifted off his shoulders, shared by a muggleborn no less. At this point Draco didn’t care. Quite possibly he had a second chance to be with his son. From the looks of things, Headmistress Potter would not stand in his way. The last person he would suspect would keep him from his son was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, Ginny Weasley.


“Ginny you need to get some sleep.” The familiar voice of Hermione drifted towards her.

Ginny had spent the rest of the evening watching a sleeping Alex. She brushed a lock of hair out of his eyes, marveling in the wonder of having a son. For nine months I carried you.

Good Night Alex.” She kissed his forehead, wrapping the bedcovers tightly around him. I am a mother. I have a son.

Ginny walked alongside Hermione outside the medical wing, along the now dim corridor. Watching Alex in his slumber had been a life changing event. She memorized every hair on his head, studied every feature. She alone didn’t make him. Someone else had contributed as well. No matter who or what the situation was Ginny had come to a conclusion. She could love this little boy. “I’ve been thinking Mione, life is full of if-only’s. I want to try and deal with the here and now, for Alex’s sake. “

Hermione smiled, “I applaud your decision.” Always the dispenser of advice she added, “You’re a mum now. I know it’s rather sudden but Alex’s needs will always come first.”

“Of course.” Ginny replied. Once again she was reminded that she knew nothing, absolutely nothing about being a mother. The thought frightened her. Maybe there was a book she could check out at the library. Or would she have to admit defeat and write her mother for pointers? Ginny had already failed her brothers, she did not want to fail her son.

“He’s rather fond of Professor Malfoy.” Hermione’s voice broke Ginny from her reverie.

Ginny rubbed her forehead trying to rid herself of the headache that was forming at Hermione’s words. She had fully intended to remove Alex from Draco’s DADA class. That is, until Hermione along with her nephews and Casey Wood explained the horrid incident in the courtyard. If it hadn’t been Malfoy Ginny would have kissed his feet. Now she would have to thank the man that once held her life in his hands. Ginny wouldn’t prevent her son from being taught by his favorite professor. It didn’t mean she liked it.

Ginny had to answer truthfully. Hermione may have had her reasons for keeping Draco Malfoy on as a Professor but Ginny still held him up as suspect, “I can’t say I’m not grateful for what he did today for Alex, nevertheless I’ll be watching him.”

Hermione interjected, “For Alex’s best interests, at least be civil to Malfoy. He is Alex’s favorite teacher. ”

First Ron and Harry. Now Hermione. Was everyone under the imperious curse? “Is this defend Draco Malfoy day? Let me tell you something Hermione, I’ll be as civil as I can to a deatheater, and that’s not saying much!” with that Ginny turned on her feet not bothering to say good night to her best friend.Ginny stormed down the dungeon stairs heading towards her bedroom. In the wizarding world, peace reigned everywhere but in her heart.


Next chapter- More Draco & Ginny interaction finally!!! Alex’s Christmas wish.

8. A Wish Granted

(More flashbacks of course)

Chapter 8

Draco’s muscle worked in his jaw as he took his seat at the staff table. Taking a glance at the Gryffindor table he took note that it was half empty. A reminder of misplaced hate directed towards his son. Draco had spent 7 years being the most disliked person to grace the hallowed halls of Hogwarts. Lonely it was and Draco knew he deserved every minute of it. But not Alex.

Draco stabbed his eggs wishing it was that damn pathetic Gryffindor git who had hurt his son. So immersed was he in images of torture he’d inflict on the overgrown bully that he hadn’t noticed the redhead taking a seat next to him. Draco had to still his fingers from shaking.

He stole a look at her. How well he remembered her hair, how many times had he buried himself in her red locks? Too many times to count and not enough times to make up for their years apart. Draco wondered if the spot right behind her ears was still ticklish. For just a small moment he forgot he was at Hogwarts, forgot he was at the staff table in complete view of the entire student population. When Ginny brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear Draco was tempted to kiss her. Many nights he dreamed of her hair, her fingers, of Ginny’s touch and of her soft kisses. Then he would awaken, alone, his body coiled with frustration, anger and pain.

“Good Morning Professor Weasley.” His attempts to wish her a good morning were met with stony silence. She continued to sip her juice without a look towards him. Had she not heard him? Not one to give up easily, Draco tried once again. “Good Morning Professor Weasley.”

Nothing. No words in return as she continued to butter her toast as if he wasn’t there. His fingers itched to shake her, to make her see that he refused to be ignored. Whoever said Draco Malfoy hand no heart was wrong. Ginny’s words from the night before nearly broke his.

“I SAID…..” Draco’s voice rose, not caring that he was now attracting unwanted attention from the other staff, “GOOD MORNING WEASLEY! When one greets another it’s usually good manners to answer! ” Draco shoved his plate away, angry at himself for resorting to such a tactic.

“I heard you the first time Malfoy.” Ginny said firmly. Brown eyes that had at one time held warmth now flashed coolly on Draco. “You’re no expert on manners Malfoy, unless you count beating me the height of good manners!”

Draco rested his head in his trembling hands. Of all the things she remembered, why did it have to be the one thing he himself tried to erase from his own memories? He had told her he was sorry once and Ginny had forgiven him. How many apologies would be enough?

Ginny continued glaring at the guilty man whose face was buried in shame, “Think I would forget that episode, did you?!”

Draco raised his eyes to meet hers, “I’m sorry.” he whispered.

Ginny shook her head, pushing herself away from the table. “Your apologies mean nothing.” She said before heading out towards the great hall doors leaving Draco staring at the empty space next to him.

“Are you ok Professor Malfoy?” Hermione asked knowing full well the conversation between Malfoy and Ginny was anything but friendly. She had been sitting a bit too far away to hear but body language told her everything she needed to know.

“I’m fine Headmisstress.” Draco lied. He clutched at his chest, the emotional pain becoming far too real. A hollowness filled what had once been hope. His heart told him that Ginny had loved him once and could love him again. Common sense said to give up on what could never be and plan his life without her. But if he gave up on Ginny, he gave up on Alex, something he would never do.


Draco was grateful for the free period he had. Papers littered his desk that he ought to be grading. Instead he stared out the window at the red haired witch flying through the air. Not only did Ginny have the attention of her first year students, she also had the attention of the lovesick DADA professor. He leaned against the window tracing her flight path with his fingers.

“Taken with her are you?”

Draco spun around to be met by the grinning Casey Wood. He should be mad at the girl for sneaking up on him like that, mad at her for seeing him in a most vulnerable private moment. For some reason he could not utter the word detention. If it hadn’t been for her, Alex would have suffered much worse. Out of all the teachers she could have come to for help, Casey Wood had immediately sought out his help. Little Casey hadn’t hesitated choosing the former deatheater to help Alex.

Draco sat down on the ledge answering her question, “Yes, very much so.” Since when did first years become so smart and aware?

“I’m quite taken with someone too Professor, but he doesn’t see me that way yet,” with confidence she answered, “He will.”

Draco chuckled, “You’re awfully young to be thinking of such things.” At 11 the thought of girls was the furthest from his mind. Draco crossed his fingers and hoped the same could be said about Alex.

Casey took a seat opposite her Professor on the ledge, “I’ll be 12 soon, almost a teenager just like my sister.”

“Enjoy your youth.” Draco advised. Being an adult doesn’t get any easier, it only makes you more accountable.

Casey handed him a gift box of chocolate frogs, “I had my sister pick these up in Hogsmeade. These are for Alex. Perhaps you can give these to him when you see him today.”

Draco’s mouth twitched with amusement. Taking the box, Draco opened the attached card. A big glittery heart was drawn with Alex’s name in the center. Sweet Merlin, Alex Weasley had an admirer! Would he have to talk to his son about the birds and the bees already? The boy was only eleven! Maybe he should have that talk with him soon. There was no way he would leave such a discussion to Molly Weasley, the bearer of seven children.


Edmund and Everett were the first people he had awoken to. They were laden with gifts and get well cards signed by the remaining Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and even some Slytherins.

His cousins had given him funny looks when he requested that they bring him a copy of The Malfoy Family- Pureblood Royalty. Like the good cousins they were, the book was delivered promptly after breakfast, as well as Weasleys' Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs for his amusement. Madame Pomfrey eyed the package of fireworks that Alex held in his hand warily. Alex could only give an awkward smile before hiding them in his drawer. What were his cousins thinking?

What he wanted to do was find out more about his father. Opening the book he found himself immersed in all things Malfoy. Though it was daylight, Alex chanted Lumos lighting even the furthest corners of the medical wing. Why did Madame Pomfrey have to leave? The chapter on his grandfather, Lucius Malfoy, caused him to shiver in fear. Every creak and every howl of the December wind was suspect.

“That’s enough reading…….son.” The book promptly snapped shut and Alex found himself face to face with his newfound father.

Alex couldn’t help the toothy grin that spread across his face. He looked up at his professor hesitantly, still a bit unsure about how to address his Professor, “D-dad.” Not Grandpa Weasley, not Uncle Fred. Dad. His dad.

“I have something for you.”

Alex noticed hands hidden behind his father’s back. “You have something for me?”

Reading the book, he found out the Malfoy’s were rich even beyond what the Weasley’s had. Though he couldn’t imagine ever needing as many galleons that the book said were hidden in the Malfoy family’s Gringotts vault. Alex wouldn’t complain if getting presents from his dad was going to be the norm . He would enjoy it. But Grandma and Grandpa Weasley wouldn’t be too happy.

“I-I was hoping you’d want these back.”

Never had Alex heard the man that was sitting before him stutter. In front of class his father was nothing but cool, calm, collected and a tad bit intimidating.

The Monster Book of Monsters and the broomstick were presented to him, which Alex gladly took. Immediately he felt sorry for ever having thrown them in his father’s face. He reached for his father and hugged him. In return his father hugged him until he practically couldn’t breathe. It was the best hug Alex ever had in his life, well except for Grandma Molly’s hugs, and he didn’t want it to end. He felt so good inside, like when he got a good grade or when he beat his Uncle Ron at chess.

“You’ll be around, forever?” It seemed too good to be true when he found out that Professor Malfoy was his father. Professor Malfoy didn’t do those evil things to his mum that everyone else thought he did. His father loved his mum and loved him too.

“Always.” Draco said softly. Alex could almost see tears form at his father’s eyes. Alex was about to hand him a tissue when his father pulled another gift from behind his back.

“This is from your girlfriend.” Draco said in a teasing tone.

Alex could only roll his eyes. “Yuck Dad. That’s gross!” Alex was mortified at Casey Wood’s card, turning Weasley red at his father’s laughter.

“I swear Dad, she is not my girlfriend!” Casey was acting more and more peculiar with each passing day. This was not the first time she had sent him a card with hearts inside. He was pleased with the chocolate frogs, though.

“Look Dad, I have Uncle Harry!” Now it was his father’s turn to look mortified as he proudly displayed the Harry Potter card. He knew from Uncle Ron and Harry that animosity ran deep between them and Professor Malfoy. One day he would have to ask his mum and dad how it ever came to be that he was even born.

“Dad…..” Alex was about to ask the question he had been too frightened to ask when he had awoken. What if it had been a dream? Alex had his dad now, but he wanted so much more. Was it selfish to want his mum as well? He crossed his fingers hoping that the perfect dream he had last night hadn’t been a dream at all. She was here. His mum had slept right next to him, talking to him and singing to him.

“Is my mum here at Hogwarts?”

Alex pumped his fist in the air when his father silently nodded his head. For the first time the usually quiet boy made a loud cheer he had heard his cousins make when the Canons won.

Grandma Weasley was right. Wishes do come true.


The day he received his Hogwarts letter was the day he made his wish. It was his eleventh birthday and a warm July day called for an outside party Everyone was there, Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur, Uncles Fred, George and their wives, Uncle Ron and Aunt Padma, Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione and all his cousins. Picnic tables were set up in the newly deknomed garden. Alex had tried to help his Uncles get rid of stray knomes that very morning but Grandma Weasley forbid him.

“No chores for the birthday boy!”

Alex gladly complied.

Mountains of his favorite foods were laden on the tables and piles of gifts overflowed on another. Alex’s favorite part of the party, by far, was the Quidditch game he played with his uncles and aunts. He wanted to play chaser like his mum, but had to settle for playing a seeker since Aunt Alicia and Angelina decided they wanted to relive old times. Alex found himself playing seeker opposite Uncle Harry Potter.

Amazingly, Alex caught the snitch although he had the sneaky suspicion Uncle Harry let him.

“I sware I didn’t Alex. It was all you.”

“Ginny was one hell of a seeker the one year she played, before Harry up and stole the position back. Looks like you inherited all her skills.” Ron added which brought a smile to Alex’s face.

Was he really like his mum? Since finding out that his father was not the war hero he had imagined him to be, Alex tried to find anything and everything that made him a Weasley. He loved animals like his late uncle Charlie, started a muggle collection which included electrical plugs, a fellytone, and numerous other objects that was starting to rival Grandpa Weasley’s. Grandpa Weasley had even built a storage shed for Alex’s hobby. One thing Alex looked forward to was when Uncle Ron would come over to play chess. Now he could add Quidditch to the long line of Weasley traits.

Uncles George had his own piece of advice, “Recruit this kid to the Canons now.” He turned to Alex mussing up his blond hair ,“Think Grandma Weasley will let you skip Hogwarts?”

“What’s this about skipping Hogwarts?” Molly interjected while floating more trays of food to the table.

“I’m not going Gran. I’m going to live with you and Grandpa forever.” His uncles laughed but Alex did not. He was quite serious. Why did he have to go? Couldn’t he be taught at home? He didn’t want to leave the Burrow and most of all Alex did not want to leave his grandparents.

Everett and Edmund would go on and on about how excited they were to get back to Hogwarts. Alex was not as enthused at the prospect.

“I’m serious Gran.” Alex whispered. “I – I don’t want to go to Hogwarts.”

Molly bent down so that she was eye level with Alex, “Why wouldn’t you want to go to Hogwarts?” She looked from Alex’s angelic face to Arthur’s concerned one. How she wished she could keep Alex at home, though she musn’t let him know that. Admittedly she was a bit overprotective of her favorite grandson. He was a little bit of Charlie, Percy and so very much like Ginny. Grieving over her lost children, she was given comfort in the birth of Alex.

“You and Grandpa will be alone! Who will take care of you?” Alex’s mouth drew down and he chewed on his bottom lip. “You need me.” Who was going to help Grandma plant flowers in the garden or help grandpa take apart Muggle fellytones?

Molly’s heart squeezed just then. How right he was. They needed him and Alex desperately needed and wanted them. “Oh honey, we’ll be ok. Don’t worry about us. Your grandpa and I are experts at this. We’ve practically sent a whole Quidditch team to Hogwarts. We’ll be with you always.” Molly pointed to his heart, “We’re right in there, whenever you need us.”

Alex frowned studying his feet, apparently still not the happy birthday boy.

Ever the expert in all her years of mothering, Molly could see that something else was bothering her grandson. “Ok fess up, what else is bothering you?”

“What if I don’t get into Gryffindor, what if………..what if I’m in Slytherin?” Alex had been plagued by worries since the start of the summer. Edmund and Everett told him about the sorting hat. Edmund and Everett joked that Alex was destined to be a Hufflepuff. But a Hufflepuff would be better than being a Slytherin. It was a Slytherin that hurt his mum and Alex didn’t want to hurt anyone.

Arthur encircled his grandson in a enormous hug, “It won’t matter one bit to me and your Grandma.”

“Promise?” Alex’s voice wavered slightly.

“Promise.” Arthur affirmed while pulling out a muggle plug, “I was going to save this for later, but you can have this present early.”

“Cool grandpa!” That would bring his plug collection to almost 70. He would beat his grandfather’s collection for sure. Already he was halfway there.

Molly pleased to see the beaming smile on her grandson decided now was the perfect time for birthday cake. “Birthday boy, would you like to accompany your dear old gran to the kitchen to get your cake?”


Grandma Molly had made his favorite, chocolate cake with chocolate icing and chocolate chips. What they found in the kitchen was quite a sight. Edmund and Everett had charmed the cake to erupt a lava flow of chocolate that made a mess of the kitchen floor. Grandma Molly was raging mad, instructing Edmund and Everett to clean the floor till it was spotless.

“You’ll be the death of me! Fred and George didn’t even prepare me for you two!” she muttered as she left the kitchen with the cake.

Edmund and Everett spent a good deal of the party cleaning up the mess. Alex should have followed his grandmother but he could only stare at the chocolate spectacle that used to be the Weasley kitchen.

“Cousin, you gotta try this!” Edmund said as he skated on a floor of chocolate.

For twelve year olds, they were pretty immature. How they managed to become 2nd years was beyond his comprehension.

Always cautious Alex headed for the door not intending to once again get into trouble with his cousins. “I don’t know……” Everett didn’t listen pushing his cousin along the chocolate surface.

Edmund and Everett were right. This was fun! Alex slid across the kitchen falling into the chocolate mess. It was everywhere. In his clothes, his hair, and on his face. Cleaning up was never this fun or tasty!

“Alexander Charles Weasley! Everyone is waiting for you to blow out your birthday candles and here you are making a right mess of yourself!”

Alex hung his head at his Grandma’s scolding tone. He wasn’t used to having his grandma yell at him. Alex always tried to be good, and really, it wasn’t all that hard. But with Edmund and Everett as cousins, staying good became increasingly difficult. The only other time she yelled at him was when he brought a stray Hippogriff home.

“I’m sorry Grandma.” And Alex sincerely meant it. What if Gran decided to punish him now? He wouldn’t be able to blow out his candles and make the one wish he made since the day he was four

With hands on her hips, Molly pointed a warning finger at her grandsons,“Clean up this mess and no underage magic. Is that understood?”

Alex immediately grabbed a bucket and a sponge. Who wanted to make some silly wish anyway? That was for babies and wishes never came true.

A softer tone of voice was directed at Alex, “Not you birthday boy.” She waved her wand at Alex leaving a sparklingly clean little boy who nevertheless reeked of chocolate.

“Don’t you want me to help? Just cut the cake Gran. I’m too old to make wishes.” There was his excuse. Why set himself up for more disappointment? Every time he visited his mum in St.Mungo’s, Alex kept wishing she would awaken. How many times had he wished so hard it felt as if his head might explode? What happened? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Sometimes she would scream and it scared him. Sometimes she would cry and it saddened him. Never did she wake.

“Too old to make wishes? Sound just like your Uncle Percy, you do.”

Alex didn’t mind the comparison. It only reminded him that he was a Weasley, through and through.

“If I could go back to my Percy, I would try and instill in him the importance of having a little fun now and then. He was always so prim and proper. Just like you, Alex. All work and no play he was. You just don’t know when………..” Molly looked away not wanting to start crying in front of her grandchild. Too many tears were shed in the Weasley household since the war. Today would not be a day for sadness.

He saw his grandma’s eyes taking on a distant look. She was thinking of Uncle Percy. The last thing Alex wanted was for his grandma to cry. Alex wrapped his small arms around his grandmother, “Don’t cry grandma, don’t cry.”

“I just want you to be a happy boy Alex.” Molly said wiping a stray tear hat had escaped. “Grandpa and I want all your dreams to come true.” Molly held out her hand to him, “Come on and let’s blow out those candles.”

Alex took her hand. If grandma believed then he ought to believe too. Applause and cheers went up as Alex exited the house followed by two chocolate covered cousins.

How was he ever going to blow out all the candles? It looked like his cake was on fire. Grandma Molly gave a disapproving glance towards Uncles Fred and George. Instantly the flames died down leaving only small flickers of light.

“Make your wish!”

Alex closed his eyes, drowning out the sounds of his family urging him on. If he listened hard enough he could hear his mother’s gentle voice telling him how much she loved him.

It seemed so real. But it was his imagination wasn’t it?

Silently he said the wish he’d wished so many timed before, “I wish for my mummy.”


“Are you going to marry her, make it all proper?”

How could he tell Alex when he couldn’t face the truth himself? Alex was so happy, Draco had been happy. Draco couldn’t believe it. Alex had accepted him with no hesitation. The last thing Draco wanted to do was break the spell of happiness between father and son.

Why couldn’t Ginny remember all those nights they had spent together?

“Dad, what’s wrong?” Alex asked with concern etched in his eleven year old face.

No matter how hard he tried to mask his emotions, Alex saw right through. Draco Malfoy wasn’t known to wear his heart on his sleeve. Alex was much more perceptive than he imagined. You definitely get that from Ginny. “I want to marry your mum.”

“What’s stopping you?”

This was one question Draco didn’t want to answer. He shouldn’t have to burden his son. But he needed to know before things got out of hand and hopes ran too high. “Your mum, she- she doesn’t remember me. I mean, she remembers me from Hogwarts but she doesn’t remember when we were….”

Alex finished his sentence, “Mum doesn’t remember loving you?”

Draco nodded.

Alex bit his bottom lip, “Can’t you make her. You’re a professor. Please father, can’t you?”

Draco could only wish it was that easy. Years of going over spells and potions hadn’t brought back Professor Snape’s memories. In St. Mungo’s the one time potion master sat in a chair sputtering nonsense. “It’s not that easy, Alex.”

“Why can’t you just tell her?” Alex whispered, his voice barely audible.

Draco’s throat clogged with emotion, but he swallowed heavily. Ginny had said she loved him so long ago. Now when he was ready to tell her he loved her, always loved her, Ginny did not love him in return. “Your mummy’s been through a lot. I – we have to give her some time.”

After a few seconds of silence, Alex said miserably “That means-that means I can’t call you dad.”

Draco wanted to mess his hair, try to say something funny,or perhaps give him a gift, anything at all that would make the look of utter disappointment disappear from his son’s face.

The Malfoy of old would have pretended that what he shared with Ginny hadn’t mattered. Draco Malfoy from twelve years ago would have denied that the Weasley girl had stolen his heart. But he could not. Ginny was the mother of his child and whether she knew it or not, would always be a part of his life.


Ginny stared into the medical wing at Draco Malfoy and her son. Her first instinct had been to scoop Alex into her arms and run. Seeing the two sitting next to each other was strange and frightening. Ginny couldn’t hear them but she could see the excitement in Alex as he pumped his arm in the air. What he was excited about Ginny didn’t know, though she suspected it was the many presents Draco had brought her son. She would have a talk about that with him, but not in front of Alex. Hermione was right. Alex truly did like his Professor. From her vantage point she could see the admiration in Alex eye’s for the man she despised.

Unease inched down Ginny’s spine. Alex and Malfoy looked so comfortable sitting next to each other as if that’s how it was supposed to be.

It should be her in there comforting him. Not Draco Malfoy, a bloody deatheater. Was she not Alex’s mother? Ginny tried to recall how her mum acted when she and her brothers had a bad spill. Yesterday Ginny had gone completely on instinct, but today she had too much time to think.She was a mother. The thought made her lightheaded. When she returned to her room after leaving her son, it had been impossible to sleep. The entire night was spent tossing and turning wondering how a mother should act and wondering how to communicate with an eleven year old.

Teaching a class of first years was one thing. Being a mother to one was completely different.

As soon as she stepped into the medical wing, both blond heads turned towards her. “Alex, it’s me, mummy.”

Alex didn’t seem too happy to see her. Was it too late for Ginny and Alex? Ginny hoped not.

Draco promptly stood up, “Just dropping off homework for your son, Professor Weasley. I’ll be going now.”

Doubts nipped at Ginny. Alex should be thrilled to see her but his saddened expression told her otherwise. If it made Alex happy then she would sacrifice her own feelings. That’s what mother’s did. Ginny sighed lowering herself to sit on Alex’s narrow cot. Like second nature she wrapped an arm to draw him close.

“Professor Malfoy, you don’t have to go. Please………stay.”

Ginny was instantly rewarded with a tiny smile from her son which warmed her from her head to her toes. Her first decision as a mother and it had been correct, at least Ginny hoped so. Maybe just as Hermione advised, she should be civil to Malfoy. She would do absolutely anything to make Alex’s face light up just as it was now.

“My next class starts in a few minutes. Really I must get going. I’ll see you in class Alex.” He shared a smile with Alex and nodded politely towards Ginny before striding towards the exit.

She never did thank him for what he did. “I need to talk to your Professor, Mummy will be right back.” She gave Alex a quick kiss on the cheek before running after Malfoy.

Ginny didn’t notice Alex’s fist pump up in the air in a silent cheer.

TBC – (I’ll try to fit all this in my next chapter) Draco and Ginny have a talk, Mom and son start to bond, A family trip to Hogsmeade, Alex makes a x-mas wish, Ginny and Alex visit Snape.

Upcoming flashback – How Draco and Ginny got together in the dungeons



Draco hesitated as he neared the end of the corridor, the familiar voice calling out to him.


A Ginny Weasley who hated him would not call him Draco. His heart started to pound a little faster. Was it possible? Had all those nights together finally come back to her? Slowly he turned to face Ginny as she walked towards him. Looking at her was like trying to look at a bright light after being in darkness. It had been that way, so many long years ago in the dungeon prison. Time had not changed his want and need for her. Draco wanted to kiss her, the way he wanted to kiss her for so long. Already he was lost in the sweet scent of her as she drew closer. Draco could picture Ginny beneath him as his fingers tangled in her silky red hair. Tonight after 12 years Draco would attempt to make up for everything he had and hadn’t done. All his failures and his past cowardice would be forgiven in Ginny’s embrace.

The sweet daydream of their reunion was broken at Ginny’s next words, “Malfoy, may I speak with you please.”

Draco’s face fell. Damn her! Why can’t she remember just one night! His hands were tempted to make her remember. He wanted to press her against the cool stone wall, his hardness melting into the softness that once welcomed him. Draco would trace the contours and curves he knew so well as Ginny arched against him…………………..

“Well Malfoy, is that a yes or a no?”

Ginny tapped her foot impatiently leaving Draco to wonder how long he had been lost in thought. Quickly composing himself Draco shoved his hands into his cloak pockets. If he didn’t control himself he would touch her whether she wanted it or not.

Anger washed over him as he struggled to keep his voice emotionless, “Yes, of course Professor Weasley.”


“Draco.” Ginny had said. It had slipped from her mouth. She was not on a first name basis with the man and did not plan to be. Yet the name had rolled from her tongue. There had been nothing foreign about his name. It felt natural, as if she had been saying his name her whole life.

What Ginny saw in his eyes, for a fraction of a second, gave her pause. Fire burned behind his gaze. Ginny could feel it’s frightening heat. Her actions this morning must have upset him, but Ginny refused to apologize. The wounds were too deep and fresh to allow even normal pleasantries. Draco Malfoy deserved much worse and now he was about to receive more than she wanted to give.

“I- I just wanted to say thank you for helping Alex yesterday.”

“Help me!” She screamed. Blankets were thrown to the floor as she tried to cover her nakedness. Her eyes opened in the dim light to see men in black robes surrounding a bed that was not her own.

Ginny began to shake as the horrid images built in her mind. “Why didn’t you help me? Why?” Her mind asked the question she didn’t know she was saying.

One of the deatheaters grabbed her, apparently enjoying the struggle she made. He fondled her breasts as she tried to push away from him.

“The dark lord calls sir.” Another deatheater who had stood quiet finally spoke. He picked up a torn garment from the floor as he dragged Ginny out of the other deatheater’s grasp. “Is that how you want to meet your brother’s? Like some common whore? Get dressed and be quick about it.”

“Help me” she whispered.

“Are you ok Ginny?”

“Ginny, please be ok, please be ok. I’m so sorry.”

Her eyes opened to find the grey eyed deatheater kneeling next to her. Picking her up in his arms as if she was a fragile doll, he chanted, “Mors Mordre.” The hated symbol of all that was evil glowed eerily in the night sky. “They’ll be here soon Ginny.” She should have been scared but Ginny for some odd reason was not.

Ginny’s eyes fluttered open and a soft gasp escaped her. She found herself in the most precarious of positons. Draco Malfoy’s arms were wrapped tightly around her waist, her head resting against his chest. At first she was in too much shock to move. Ginny felt confused by her unexpected response to his nearness and touch. Ginny should have felt awkward but she didn’t. For the first time in a long time she felt comforted. It was a strange sensation, considering the man who held her. As Draco Malfoy’s hands started to rub small circles down her back, whispering in her ear that everything would be alright, Ginny moved into motion.

Ginny pushed him harshly away, “Don’t you ever touch me!” Closing her eyes Ginny tried momentarily to bring her emotions in order. Whatever occurred in those few seconds in which he held onto her had been quite unsettling. How or why it happened Ginny did not know, but it would not happen again.

“You fainted Weasley. Almost hit the ground you did! You should be grateful I was there to catch you!”

Folding her arms, Ginny tipped her chin challengingly, “I don’t need help from the likes of you Malfoy. I’d rather have fallen!”

“So you’d rather I stand by while you injure yourself?!”

Ginny’s voice rose echoing off the walls in the hallway, “Like you care Malfoy!”

He looked her squarely in the eye, enunciating each and every word, “I do care.”

His admission took her by surprise. A caring Draco Malfoy was far removed from the Malfoy she knew at Hogwarts. War had changed Harry and Ron, why wouldn’t it also impact Malfoy? From Ginny’s research she found that his parents and friends were long since imprisoned or dead. Even after his release, the wizarding world still called for his head. Numerous atrocities were committed in the Deatheater prison of which it was reported that the younger Malfoy had taken part. None of which he denied. He was alone just as he should be. No longer was Draco Malfoy in the good graces of the wizarding world. If Ginny could help it, he never would be in hers or Alex’s.

“If it’s forgiveness that you seek I suggest you look elsewhere. I will not have you seeking salvation in me or my son!”

“What are you going to do then Professor Weasley? Take him out of DADA class?” Draco added dryly, “I assure you, Headmisstress Potter will never allow it.”

“I’ll take him out of Hogwarts!”

“You’d interrupt his education just to spite me? Not a very good mother are you Weasley?” he smirked at her just then, making Ginny want to wipe it off his face.

His words infuriated her, reminding Ginny of how inadequate she felt at being a mother. Ginny’s own anger and hurt could no longer be controlled. Her hand came up connecting with his face, a sharp slap resounding in the hallway. “I hate you Draco Malfoy, I hate you!”

Ginny watched as he brought his own hand to cover the redness that was slowly spreading across his pale cheek. Unable to speak, Ginny stepped back, a heaviness centering in her chest at her actions. She clamped her lips imprisoning a sob. The knowledge twisted and turned inside her. For all the loss Ginny had suffered, she ought to hate Malfoy, but she didn’t.

“Draco, I’m sorry.” Once again the name had slipped from her, more comfortably than she would have liked. Why she apologized, Ginny didn’t yet know.Was it the Gryffindor in her? She felt angry and upset. Her brother’s had died. Snape had given himself up for her. With so many reasons, why couldn’t she hate the man who stood in front of her? What was preventing her from unleashing all the pain she felt?

She heard him sigh heavily, his voice filled with what sounded very much like anguish, “Don’t be sorry Ginny. I deserved it. If it makes you feel better, go ahead and hit me again. I won’t stop you.”

He was turning the incident around, trying to make her feel guilty when it should be him suffering from past wrongs. She refused to play his mind games, “Are you trying to punish me Malfoy? Make me feel as if I’m in the wrong? If you think that I’m going to……”

The words were abruptly cut off as he clutched at her wrists, You think I want to punish you!” Draco said with a slight shake.

“Take your hands off me!” Ginny ordered. She would not be manhandled.Trying to yank away from his grasp only increased his tightening hold on her arms.

“You are going to listen to what I say Weasley!” Draco growled fiercely.

Ginny glared at him. She was no longer a prisoner and would not be treated as such. “Say what you have to say and leave me be Malfoy!” Hermione would definitely hear of this. Draco Malfoy being fired would be a very nice Christmas surprise.

Draco loosened his grip on her, “Everyday I pay for what I’ve done when I look at………” His eyes wandered over her shoulder and Ginny followed.

“Alex?” they both said in unison.

“What are you doing out of bed?” Ginny was surprised once again at the gentleness of Malfoy’s voice. His lighthearted tone contrasted to the seriousness his voice had held earlier.

Alex bit his bottom lip, “I –I heard yelling.”

Ginny didn’t know what to say. She hesitated trying to find the right words. What a failure she was at parenting. How could she have let herself get carried away in a yelling match with Draco Malfoy? Alex looked to be on the verge of tears and Ginny had no idea what to do.

“Me and your mum were only arguing about who was going to win the quidditch cup. I said Slytherin, but your mum keeps going on and on about Gryffindor. I told your mum the only way Gryffindor would win will be when you join the team next year.”

Alex looked hopeful as he pondered this bit of information for a few seconds, “Gryffindor will still win Da….Professor Malfoy. Edmund and Everett are on the team and they are the best beaters ever! Sometimes they let me play at home without hitting me with the bludger .”

“Sometimes! If they hit you with the bludger again, your dear old Professor will have some words with those cousins of yours. Your mum was a good Quidditch player, knocked me off my own broom without the bludger a couple of times.”

Alex laughed tipping his head up to look at her, “Did you mummy?”

Ginny felt her hear stir watching Draco and Alex interact. He was a natural. Draco raised his eyes to meet hers and she couldn’t help the tiny smile that curved her lips in gratitude. Turning towards Alex she answered, “Yes. Professor Malfoy was a pretty good seeker back in his day but he was no match for your mummy.”

Draco Malfoy snickered at her comment but it was music to Ginny’s ears. Was it just a few minutes ago they had been in the heat of an argument? Now they were sharing a laugh.

Ginny knelt down next to Alex, “I talked to Madame Pomfrey. If you feel better tomorrow morning, maybe we can go to Hogsmeade for some Christmas shopping!” She wanted to spend the day talking to him but was a bit afraid of boring her eleven year old son. Maybe Christmas shopping would be way to learn his likes and dislikes without Alex feeling pressured.

Alex frowned not saying anything. Ginny wondered if perhaps she had said something wrong. Were Hogsmeade trips no longer something to look forward to?

“First years aren’t allowed to go to Hogsmeade. Aunt Mione said so.”

Relief washed over Ginny. Mum had told her that Alex was a by the book little boy. “If one of your parents is a teacher, you are allowed to go wherever I take you. I’ve already asked Aunt Mione. She’s ok with it. You can even bring a friend along.”

A smile erupted on Alex’s face, “I can take anyone? Anyone at all?”

“Anyone,” Ginny nodded her head, happy to see how enthusiastic his response was. The sparkle and anticipation in his eyes made her want to grant whatever request he had. If he wanted to bring both his cousins she would endure their hyperactivity for a day. If he requested the entire school, she would bend over backwards to ensure that it happened.

“Professor Malfoy, will you come to Hogsmeade with me and my mum?” Alex asked, his brown eyes shining in excitement.

Draco’s gaze locked with Ginny’s. “If it’s ok with your mum.”

The most important thing was for Alex to be happy. She couldn’t bear to see his bright smile dimmed. It was a wonder that Alex wasn’t spoiled yet by his grandparents and his numerous aunts and uncles. Even his teachers seemed to be under Alex Weasley’s spell. Ginny couldn’t imagine refusing him anything without breaking her own heart in the process. How could she possibly say no?

Ginny forced herself to smile, hoping her lie sounded convincing to Alex. “We’d be delighted if you would come Professor Malfoy.”

TBC: Alex’s wish for X-mas

10. Breakfast at Hogsmeade

Sorry….I know it’s after Christmas but this story still has a X-mas theme. I’m a bit slow with the chapters! The Wassail song in this chapter was written by an unknown author…….

Jealous, the whole lot of the first and 2nd years were jealous of his good fortune. Alex couldn’t help the small feeling of satisfaction as envious eyes followed him about the boys dormoitory while he put on his mittens and scarf. Edmund and Everett huffed and puffed about having to be stuck around Hogwarts all weekend. But not him. Oh no, not him. What stories he’d have to tell tonight!

Alex knew it wasn’t right to feel so smug at their reactions. Grandma and Grandpa always told him that no one likes a braggart. When Alex received the broom from his father, it was immediately shrunk and put into his drawer. The last thing he wanted to do was make his cousins and friends feel bad that they too hadn’t received such a fine gift. He must think of the less fortunate. That’s what Alex Weasley had been taught.

Today he didn’t quite care. Alex Weasley was going to Hogsmeade with his Mum and his Dad. They were going to be together just like a real family.

Buttoning up his cloak in his dormitory, Alex heard the familiar voice of Casey’s older brother, William Wood, calling for him, “Alex your mum’s here!”

Alex raced down the steps, taking them two at a time. What a sight! All eyes were on his mum. The whole common room was silent as they stared at the new Professor in their midst.

“Good morning everyone!” Ginny said to the shocked open mouthed students as she stepped through the portrait hole.

Only Casey , Edmund, and Everett managed to say hello back.

William Wood, one of the few 7th years that hadn’t been suspended, turned positively glassy eyed as he stared at Alex’s mum. “Professor Weasley is your mother?!” William said in amazement. “Think you can hook me up with some private flying lessons from your mum?”

Why in the world William Wood would want lessons from his mum was beyond Alex’s comprehension. Flying lessons were for first years not someone who was already being recruited by Puddlemere United!

William’s sisters, Casey and Leslie could only giggle. “He has a crush on your mum!” they both whispered in Alex’s ear.

Alex could only wrinkle his nose at such a thought. Yuck. Truly disgusting. He had heard the older boys talk about his mother in ways that truly twisted his stomach. Only Professor Malfoy could think that, not anyone else! At the same time, the thought that others found his mum pretty filled him with pride. His mum was beautiful just like the picture he kept by his bed. She smiled a lot in the photograph, Alex wondered if maybe she would smile that way again. It was his favorite and now took on a more special meaning. Not only did the picture have his mum in the image but his father as well. Though it was too bad father frowned throughout the entire scene. Maybe, one day, they would have smiles for each other.

“How are you Alex?”

Alex shuffled his feet a bit at his mother’s question. He didn’t know why he was still so shy around his mum. She had spent practically the rest of yesterday evening talking to him. As far as Alex could tell, she was much cooler than anyone else’s mum. They talked about Quidditch and their favorite team, the Canons. Chudley Canons all the way and not just because Uncle Harry and Uncle Ron were on the team. It was a Weasley tradition to root for the Canons. She even asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. A thousand things had raced through Alex’s head. A zookeeper, he told his mum. Alex would open the first zoo for magical beasts, or maybe he would study muggle artifacts, or maybe he would play for the Canons. Not once did she laugh like Edmund or Everett.

“I’m fine…..mummy.” Why did he have to sound like a little boy, not like the eleven going on twelve year old he was? “Could I, um……” Alex debated what he was about to do. Would it make his mum mad? But the possibility of his mum remembering his father erased his doubts. “ Could I show you something?”

She put her hand in Alex’s mittened one and was lead up the dormitory steps. Like the gentleman Grandma Molly taught him to be, Alex pulled out a chair, smoothing out the cushion. “Mum, Please have a seat.”

“Why thank you!” she said taking a seat, “Hasn’t changed a bit.” He heard her say as his mother’s eyes wandered, examining the boys dormitory.”

There it was, his mum’s picture prominently displayed on top of his bureau. Waving pictures of Grandma and Grandpa surrounded it on each side, reminding him that they were only an owl letter away should he ever become homesick.

Handing over the picture Alex crossed his fingers.


“You can keep it, if you like.”

Ginny laughed recalling the day the picture was taken. One of the first Quidditch games of the season. Gryffindor vs. Slytherin and of course, The Gryffindor’s won. With she, Ron and Harry on the team how could they not? The three of them were unbeatable on the field.

She remembered this particular game so well. Darkness had been rising outside the castle. The students at Hogwarts didn’t have to hear about it, they could feel it. Dumbledore decided to keep the games going instead of canceling. For they were still children and it was important that the students have at least some sense of normalcy.

Ginny had the quaffle in her hands speeding towards the goal hoop. With mere seconds to go, she scored. The picture showed an overly excited Ginny leaping through the air. In the background was a sneering Draco Malfoy. What the picture didn’t show were Malfoy’s next actions. Ginny could picture the events as if they happened yesterday. Always the sore loser he reached out to pull her ponytail, but ended up getting tossed off his broom by Ginny’s quick sideswipe. She chuckled at the happy memory.

“You like it then?”

Ginny nodded. How different and naïve they were back then. Harry, Ron and Ginny fought through that game with Slytherin as if the outcome would prevent a war. Not that they had to try hard. Half of the Slytherins hadn’t returned to school that year. Most of the team were Slytherins who had never touched a quaffle save for Draco Malfoy. All in all it had been an easy game to win.

They thought they knew it all. War just showed Ginny what little she did know. Was it only two weeks after the picture was taken that war broke out? And just a few weeks later the young boy next to her had been conceived. Once again Ginny was reminded that her childhood had been cut short.

“Mum, is something wrong?”

Her face managed to form a smile as she tucked the picture into her cloak pocket, “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just a bit worried we’ll be late to Hogsmeade. I have a surprise for you when we get there!”

“I love surprises!”

What did eleven year olds like anyway? She had a mind to ask Hermione who unfortunately was not available. The headmistress decided to surprise her husband who was currently on tour with the Canons by showing up to one of his games. The only other person she could think of to ask was her own mum. In the end she chose to make her own decisions on the events of the day. One of the teachers had told her about a pre -Christmas brunch in Hogsmeade complete with singing carolers.They would even have a trained actor playing Father Christmas handing out toys. It sounded like it might be fun for her son, but now Ginny was beginning to think it was a mistake. Wasn’t Alex a bit too old for such things? Goodness, I know nothing!

Did it really matter what they did as long as they were together? Ginny could only hope to provide Alex with a day to remember.


The snow kept falling as townspeople bustled about. Crowds of people busied themselves with Christmas shopping. Hogwarts students were busy throwing snowballs or stuffing themselves sick with sweets from Honeydukes.

A worried man standing apart from the crowd, stood outside of Madame Puddifoot’s Tea Shoppe. He kept glancing at his pocketwatch and the road ahead. A half hour late. Had Ginny changed her mind and decided not to meet him? Alex would be disappointed. Draco was becoming disappointed and slightly agitated. Where were they!

“Professor Malfoy!” Draco turned around, instantly relieved to see Ginny and Alex making their way towards him.

“Our carriage got stuck in the snow and mum had to cast warming spells. Were you worried professor?”

Was he that obvious? Draco tried to straighten the worry line he was sure had been on his forehead a few moments earlier. “With a witch as capable as your mother, not at all.”

She was beautiful as always, her red hair looking more vivid in a land blanketed by white and it was apparent that she was trying to be polite. Trying or pretending, Draco would take what he could get. “How do you do Professor Malfoy?” Ginny asked, her expression neither friendly nor adversarial.

“Fine and you?” There was an awkward pause as grey eyes met brown .She looked attractive even in her winter cloak and Draco wondered what she wore underneath it. Infected he was, and Draco didn’t think he would ever be able to get Ginny Weasley out of his system. The only thing he wanted was for Ginny to remember. Draco was older and wiser now, far removed from the 18 year old he had been. Mistakes of the past would not be repeated, and Draco hoped he would be given the opportunity to prove it.

“I’m well thank you.” He watched as Ginny took a step back to take in the new, at least to her eyes, Madame Puddifoot’s tea shoppe. It had been remodeled after the war and was quite the popular restaurant in Hogsmeade. No longer was it the secret spot of trysting Hogwarts couples.

Draco hadn’t been here in years himself. Six years ago to be exact. A run in with the Weasley’s doing their annual Christmas shopping with a terrified Alex in tow made him long even more for their red headed daughter.

Draco had exchanged pleasantries with Molly and Arthur Weasley, mainly talking about the weather. Five year old Alex stayed hidden behind his grandmother’s cloak.

“Hey you.” Draco had said kneeling down next to the little boy. He reached into his bag offering a lollipop to Alex, who was presently peeping his brown eyes at the stranger when he thought Draco wasn’t looking.

A small hand gladly took the lollipop, a smile finally erupting on his face.

“What do you say Alex when someone gives you a gift.” Molly reminded him.

“Thank you.” Alex looked up to his grandmother with questioning eyes. The boy didn’t even know who he was.

Say thank you Mr. Malfoy.”

“Thank you Mr. Malfoy.” Alex squeaked taking his grandmother’s hands as they walked away from him yet again.

Draco stared at the Weasley family as they shopped down Diagon Alley, stopping in a few stores here and there. He followed them, being careful not to be noticed. Wishing all the while it was him that was taking his son for a stroll down Diagon Alley. It should have been Ginny and Draco with Alex between them. They would all hold hands as they made their way through the town. That’s all Draco Malfoy wanted for Christmas.

But Draco Malfoy no longer got whatever he wanted. He had learned that long ago.

Alex must have been tired. Draco watched from afar as Arthur picked up Alex. What he didn’t expect was a little wave from his son. Surprised, Draco waved back.

“The nice man is following us Grandma.”

Draco wanted to find a hole to lie in. Molly turned around glaring at him. Draco was frozen to the spot as Alex jumped up and down in his grandfather’s arms, continuing to wave, “Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy!”

The Weasley matriarch whispered something to her husband. With an overexcited Alex in his arms, Arthur slipped into a nearby store, disappearing from view. He felt a sinking sensation in his chest. Almost the same feeling he had whenever the snitch was within reach but unattainable.

“I see you Mr. Malfoy. Believe me, I can see you! ” Draco was surprised when Molly Weasley appeared in front of him.

Before he could ask her what she was going on about, she withdrew her wand. In a poof she apparated.

He hadn’t seen Alex the rest of the day. What drove him on perhaps was loneliness and a tad bit craziness. Draco searched each and every store, three times, four times, even five times just for a glimpse of his son. As the night sky slipped into view, Draco found himself nursing a few drinks in the Leaky Cauldron.

“Draco Malfoy?”

Red hair is what caught his eye. Not as vibrant as Ginny’s . He wished for the woman to go away as he beckoned the bartender for another drink. Draco didn’t want any reminders of Ginny or Alex. None at all.

But the woman didn’t leave him be. Obviously they had both gone to Hogwarts together. Susan Bones was her name. Still he couldn’t quite picture her. But her hair, gods he wanted to get lost in her red hair and scream for Ginny.

What he did surprised them both. He kissed her. What was the harm? Ginny was never coming back. Maybe he should start getting on with his life. Why not with another redhead? Susan had to attend a Christmas party but suggested they meet somewhere more private.

Draco in all his drunkenness suggested Madame Puddifoot’s. They could relive being teenagers. The next day Draco found himself in a dark secluded corner involved in a heavy petting and snogging session with Susan Bones.

“Oh gods Ginny. I’ve missed you.”

A splash of cold water met his face and Draco had never been so thankful that he had been dumped in his life. He had come so close to cheating on Ginny. So close. But he wouldn’t, not with Alex in the picture. Draco apparated to her room later that evening when the healers and nurses had finished her nightly treatments. Draco knew the routine like clockwork. Taking off his invisibility cloak he slipped in between the sheets, cradling the mother of his son in his arms.

“I’m sorry Ginny. It won’t happen again.”

Draco made sure it didn’t. Immersing himself in teaching DADA, coaching the Slytherin quidditch team and head of house duties assured him that time was very limited. Draco had made sure he had time today. No longer did he have to follow in secret his very own son. They were going to have breakfast like a normal family.

A talking sign with a picture of Father Christmas hung outside the door.

“Ho- Ho- Ho! Have Brunch with Father Christmas! Free gifts for children!”

Catching sight of a shivering Alex, Draco opened the door for both mother and son. “After you.” he said stepping in after them.

Families with children much younger than Alex were crammed into the many tables that seemed to overflow the room. Red and white poinsettas were placed throughout the restaurant. The centerpieces on each table were small pine wreaths circling floating candles. A huge tree strung with with fairy lights and multicolored garland looked to be planted in the middle of the room.

A long line was already forming for the man in red and white. Draco wondered if perhaps Ginny had made a mistake. Alex was a bit too old for this Father Christmas nonsense. Nevertheless Draco had bit his tongue. Another argument with Ginny would not do, especially in front of Alex.

Draco could feel Alex fidgeting between them as they were seated in a small booth. “Dad.” Alex whispered so that Ginny couldn’t hear, “Do you want to sit next to my mum?”

Draco shot a quick look Ginny’s way. As much as he wanted to, this day was mainly for mother and son. “No, you stay put Alex.”

“Not for long…..” Alex answered, and for the first time Draco saw his very own smirk grace the face of his son.


All reservations Ginny had about bringing Alex to Madame Puddifoot’s were gone at Alex’s excited expression. As the drinks appeared on their tables, mimosas for her and Draco and hot chocolate for Alex, the chorus of the carolers drifted their way.

“Let’s sing along!” Alex exclaimed, a huge grin appearing on his face.

Ginny loved to sing and gladly joined Alex in singing O Christmas Tree while Draco Malfoy sat there looking ready to choke on his drink. A pretty amusing sight to Ginny. She tried to hold back her own laughter at Alex’s further prodding.

“Professor Malfoy, you aren’t singing!”

“I don’t know the words.”

An outright lie if Ginny ever heard one. Imagine that. Draco Malfoy was too scared to sing! What Alex wanted, Alex would get.

“Come now Malfoy. Try to be in the Christmas spirit by joining us in the next song.”

“Weasley, I can’t sing. Trust me, it would put a damper on the Christmas festivities. ”

“You can’t sing just like you couldn’t play Quidditch!” she said hoping he sensed the challenge in her tone. Ginny didn’t want to argue in front of Alex . But if Malfoy was going to accompany them today, he would do whatever Alex asked him to do. If Alex asked her to dance around in circles she would do it. Ginny expected nothing less from Malfoy.

As the Christmas carolers started the next song, another voice joined Ginny and Alex’s in the Wassail Song. Alex grabbed on to Ginny and Draco’s hands as the small chorus of three echoed throughout the room.

Here we come a-wassailing
Among the leaves so green,
Here we come a-wand'ring
So fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
And to you your wassail, too,
And the Gods bless you, and send you
A Happy New Year,
And the Gods send you a Happy New Year.

Actually, Draco Malfoy had quite a nice voice. If she was being honest with herself, it was a voice she could find herself listening to all day. A fact that she would take with her to the grave. There would be no compliments for him.

“That was fun!” Alex said after another round of singing.

Ginny had to agree even sharing a smile with Malfoy over Alex’s head. “Now it’s time to eat, we can all do more singing after our bellies our full!”

Alex oohed and aahed as plate after plate of various foods were floated to their table. A warm winter fruit compote with a dollop of chocolate ice cream. was her son’s favorite. She made a note that even in cold weather Alex loved ice cream . One day she would have to take him to Florean Fortescue’s ice cream parlor. It seemed this particular dish was also Draco Malfoy’s favorite as well. Both faces were practically drowning in their food. Boys and their tummies. How did her mum ever manage to feed all seven of them?

As soon as the plates were cleared from the table. Alex started to sing again. Ginny joined in, poking Malfoy in the ribs with her wand when he didn’t sing immediately. He feigned injury, clutching at his chest mockingly. “You nearly killed me Weasley.”

Ginny could only roll her eyes. “Bat Bogey Hex!” she mouthed causing Draco’s booming voice to bring all eyes to their table and send Alex into a fit of giggles.

Out of nowhere, a flash exploded in their faces. Ginny blinked, focusing on a houself dressed in green and red who lowered a camera grinning from ear to ear at Draco. “Nice looking family you have there sir! It will be 10 galleons for the Christmas memory.”

The elf winked slyly at Ginny, waving the happy faces of her, Alex and Draco in the air.


Alex asks Santa for his wish and…………….Draco and Ginny kiss(next chap-promise!!!!!).

11. Father Christmas

“I’ll take three!” Draco gladly handed over thirty galleons for the pictures, giving Alex and Ginny their own copies. Ten galleons was a bit too much for one picture. In fact it was akin to highway robbery. It was clear as day that Madame Puddifoot was taking advantage of her customers, but Draco didn’t mind. When would the opportunity again present itself in which they were mistaken for a family? Now he would forever have a keepsake that at one time they almost were.

That elf wasn’t lying. Draco had to agree with the elf as he studied the picture. They really were quite the attractive family, much better looking than the rest of the people here with their screaming bratty children and whining wives. Draco took pride in the looks that came their way. Other mothers admired his well behaved boy while yelling at their little demons. Men on the other hand certainly had their eye on Ginny. This did not escape Draco’s notice. She was with him, at least it looked that way. They had better keep their eyes to themselves, Draco thought as he fingered his wand.

“I wish this could last forever.” Alex whispered softly to Draco while clutching onto the picture as if he was afraid to let it go. “Do you think, um, maybe we can do this again?”

“I would love to, but it’s really your mum’s decision.” Draco said, his heart crashing at his son’s longing. He was already planning trips that they all could take together. Wasn’t that foolish? Ginny’s facial expression told him all he needed to know.

Ginny frowned slightly as she took the picture shoving it deep within her cloak pocket without so much as a peek. She cast a wary glance at Draco before turning her attention to Alex. A smile magically appeared on her face . “Why don’t you tell Father Christmas what you want for presents!”

“I’m almost 12 mum. I don’t believe in Father Christmas.” Alex said sharply all the while staring at his hands. He was a very intelligent boy and Draco knew exactly what the boy suspected would happen in his absence. His parents were going to fight.

Draco watched as Ginny’s face fell. “Y-Y-Yes, you are almost 12. A young man, my mistake.” she stammered, a shimmer of unmistakable tears threatening to burst.

Draco had 12 years of reading, studying and teaching children, not to mention wanting his very own, to have some experience dealing with young ones. “You know what I think Alex, I think you should do what your mum says and tell Father Christmas what you want.”

“He’s a lie Professor, he doesn’t exist.”

“Muggles think wizards and witches don’t exist either, but we do. So maybe, just maybe there is a possibility that Father Christmas is also real.”

Alex took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “I suppose you could be right Professor Malfoy.”

Ginny swiped a stray tear away and mouthed a thank you to Draco. The sadness in Ginny’s eyes made Draco’s chest tighten. He wanted to pull Ginny in his arms and tell her that she was a good mother and one day she would be a great mother. Only a few weeks ago she had lain in St. Mungo’s. Ginny had made great strides with Alex in the few days she had known him. The smiling picture was proof positive of that, and he wished he could tell her. Ginny didn’t have to be single parent. He was right here. He had always been here.

“I know I’m right.” The corners of Draco’s mouth tugged upwards when Alex nodded his head in agreement.

Alex surprised his mother with a quick kiss to the cheek instantly bringing a smile to Ginny’s face. Scrambling over his father’s lap and jumping to the floor, he shouted, “I’m off to see Father Christmas!”

Alex was so tiny, just as he had been at that age. It wasn’t untill Draco was fifteen that he had a huge growth spurt, standing even taller than Lucius. Draco wondered briefly if it would be the same for his son.

“I have to say I’m quite impressed. Never would I have guessed what a natural you are.” Ginny said, still sniffling a bit while dabbing her eyes with tissue.

Draco was surprised by her compliment, “Thanks Weasley, but I think you are being much too hard on yourself.”

Ginny rested her head onto her hands, “I come from mothering stock Draco. The great Molly Weasley is my mother. One would think some of her abilities would have rubbed off on me.

Draco smiled slightly. Ginny had called him by his first name again. “No one’s perfect Weasley. Not even as you refer to your own mother, the great Molly Weasley. She’s had plenty of practice with, what is it seven, 8 or was it 10 of you? ”

Ginny smacked him playfully, “There are seven of us Malfoy.” Suddenly her expression darkened remembering the error of her words, “There were seven of us.”

“Don’t Weasley.” Working on their own accord, his hands took Ginny’s in his own. He stroked the backs of her hands surprised that she hadn’t withdrawn. They were still so soft , just as he remembered.

“I miss them.” Ginny said blinking back tears.

And I’ve missed you.


Snow fell from the ceiling, drifting on the long line of children waiting to sit on Father Christmas’s lap. Alex stuck out his tongue, catching a snowflake in his mouth before it could hit the ground and disappear. He was much too old to believe in Father Christmas, much less sit on his lap.

He was six years old when Edmund told him Father Christmas was only Grandpa Weasley all dressed up. He cried for days. On Christmas day it was Edmund’s turn to cry when he received a stocking full of coal. Later on, of course, he was given his real presents. From that day on Edmund was never allowed to tell the younger cousins that Father Christmas wasn’t real.

Here Alex was, ready to tell a man that didn’t exist what he wanted for Christmas. Father wanted him to do this for mum. Alex felt horrible for snapping at his mother but he couldn’t take it if they started yelling at each other. Why couldn’t they be in love like Grandma and Grandpa, or Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione?

An elf wearing pointy shoes and a necklace made of candy canes, led him to Father Christmas who sat in a large chair. It reminded Alex of the Headmisstress’s chair in the great hall. This Father Christmas looked awfully familiar with his long white beard, gold rimmed glasses and twinkling eyes. His long red wizarding cloak and shiny black boots seemed much more real than Grandpa’s.

“Have I seen you before?” Alex asked touching the beard that almost reached to the floor.

“Oh no, Alex but I’ve had my eye on you.”

Alex’s eyes darted throughout the tea shoppe, hoping that none of his classmates were in the vicinity.

“Would you like to sit on Father Christmas’s lap?”

“Stand if you don’t mind Father Christmas.” Alex replied. If Edmund and Everett saw him, there was no possible way he would ever be able to live this down. They would tease him until he graduated. Seven long years of teasing was far too much!

“What do you want for Christmas Alex?”

There was so much he wanted. Where to begin? Alex hesitated, unsure of what to say. Should he really tell this stranger all his wishes when in Alex’s heart he knew it wouldn’t come true?

Father Christmas’s eyes twinkled, “I think I know what you want already.”

Alex watched in amazement as Father Christmas pointed his red and green wand towards his mum and dad. They were holding hands! It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t possible…..unless…..unless the man in front of him really was Father Christmas!

“Are you……?”

Before Alex could finish the bearded man nodded his head. All Alex could utter was a one word phrase, “Wow!” Father Christmas wasn’t fat and jolly like he had pictured him to be. More wise and knowing was what Alex would describe him as. Alex wondered what Father Christmas did the rest of the year.

Once again, the man whose eyes sparkled, answered Alex’s question as if reading his mind, “Vacation mostly. I’ve worn many hats in my day. Retired from most of them but I still enjoy passing out presents on Christmas.”

“Could I sit on your lap?” Alex asked wanting to be closer to the man who seemed to know everything his heart desired.

Father Christmas patted his knee, “Climb up my boy.”

Alex sat on his lap sensing the strong magic that swirled around them. Father Christmas was a wizard and a very powerful one at that!

“Would you like a lemon gumdrop or perhaps a chocolate frog?” He asked Alex, taking them out of his bag of goodies.

Alex looked at the chocolate frog in awe. It had been magicked to say Happy Christmas. “Thank you.” Alex said before dropping it into his mouth.

“I much prefer lemon sherbert myself. Now tell me what else you would like for Christmas.”

“I want my mum and dad to love each other.” Questions galore ran through Alex’s head. Was it really going to happen? Would Father Christmas grant his wish? Maybe he should ask for something more simple, like his mum smiling at his dad. That would be a start at least.

“Do you believe in miracles young Malfoy?”

“Yes.” Alex nodded enthusiastically. He’d believe in anything if it could bring his mum and dad together.

Father Christmas reached into his bag. He winked at Alex, handing him what he recognized from Herbology as mistletoe. “The miracle has already started. I trust you know what to do.”

“Thank you so much Father Christmas!” Alex turned over the small sprig of mistletoe over in his hands. A sly smirk crept up on his face. Did Alex know what to do with this particular plant? Did he ever!


Ginny didn’t want to cry in front of Malfoy of all people. This was supposed to be a day of merriment for Alex. Why couldn’t there be one day she didn’t have to think of Percy and Charlie?

The answer sat in front of her. Draco Malfoy had been there when her brother’s were killed. Ginny withdrew her hands from his as if they burned.

“Did you hurt my brothers Malfoy?” This wasn’t the place nor the time but she had to know.

“Weasley, please. Not here! Think about Alex!” He pounded the table causing other patrons to look their way.

“I am thinking about him!” Ginny had wanted to tell Draco Malfoy that today was the only day he could play his little apology game to the Weasley’s. No more playing father to her son. Ginny had to fight for control not to let Alex see how upset she had become. Draco Malfoy willingly paid for a family picture that was a lie. After today, he was no longer welcome. But after seeing how he handled the Father Christmas situation with Alex, Ginny was starting to have doubts.

Silence passed between them before Ginny asked again, “Malfoy, did you hurt my brothers?” She wanted to hear his answer. She needed to hear his answer.

“No.” Draco’s voice was calm, his gaze steady.

Tears of relief found their way to her eyes. Deep down, hadn’t she always known? She felt him hesitantly draw her closer. He said nothing to her as his arms folded around her, drawing a great breath through his nose.

“You smell so good.” Ginny thought she heard him whisper.

She should be panicking and trying to get away. But it felt so right, so very familiar to be held against Draco Malfoy’s chest while his head was buried in her hair. Ginny didn’t know how long they were both locked in that embrace, two lonely people clinging to each other.

“Wow! Father Christmas was right!” Alex stood in front of their table looking on in wonderment.

Ginny slid out of Draco Malfoy’s arms, both redfaced at being caught by Alex. But they had only hugged, nothing more and nothing less. Why then did she feel as if she had just crossed over into some kind of uncharted territory?

Trying to gather her composure, Ginny asked Alex what presents Father Christmas promised to bring. Alex could only smirk, pointing to the floating mistletoe above their heads.

Ginny gulped as Draco’s eyes darkened. “Shall we?”

Fear shivered through her, not of the dark and all things evil but of another sort. She wanted to kiss him too and it scared her.

“Mum, it’s holiday tradition.” Alex seemed to plead.

It would mean a lot to Alex. Didn’t she tell herself that she would do anything he asked of her? One little kiss on the cheek, no harm done.

“Close your eyes, Alex.” Draco winked and Alex gladly obeyed.

Before she could change her mind or protest he lowered his mouth to hers. The moment Draco’s lips touched Ginny, multiple sensations ran throughout her body. Electricity surged through her ,sending her nerves tingling. Ginny’s lips parted allowing him access. They explored each other with an ever increasing need. And oh, he tasted of chocolate! Draco’s arms slid around her, holding her tighter and closer while her own hands slipped around his neck playing with his soft fine hair.

His warmth chased away the cold in her heart. Draco pulled her closer, her breasts pressed against his firm chest. She could feel the rapid beating of his heart as his long fingers ran through her hair.

She didn’t want to stop, didn’t want it to ever end. But they had to stop.

“I love you Ginny. Oh Gods, I love you.”

Had she heard him right? Draco words startled her back to the present. The kiss ended leaving them staring at each other.

“Awesome!” Alex said jumping up and down.

Slowly it dawned on Ginny that she was still in Draco Malfoy’s arms and the funny thing was, she didn’t want to leave. Slowly she scooted away from him. The kiss was supposed to be nothing more than a traditional peck. How did everything get out so out of hand and why did she let it?

Ginny and Draco stared at each other in disbelief. They were both blushing like guilty teenagers caught in the act. Ginny touched her fingers to her swollen lips wondering what had just transpired between them.

“Mum?” Ginny was glad to draw her attention away from Draco. The blonde man was now dragging a trembling hand through his hair probably wondering the same thing.

“Yes Alex?” He looked so very happy. It was apparent to Ginny what Alex wanted. But it could never be. Ginny was not going to date Draco Malfoy just because Alex wanted her to. She would have to put her foot down sometime. After Christmas she would have a talk with him. Not before. She couldn’t bear to have his heart broken during the holiday.

Unfortunately, Alex took the decision from her.

“Mum, Do you love Professor Malfoy?”


I know, I know the whole mistletoe thing is a bit over used….but I had to do it!

Upcoming –Ginny has a Flashback, Finally Christmas comes to this story, and Ginny learns the truth!

12. Fighting Fate

In one unthinking moment Draco had bared his soul. She wasn’t ready. For a fraction of a second, before succumbing again to the desire to kiss her once more, he had told Ginny the words he had been too afraid to tell her so long ago. I love you Ginny. How ironic that when he had been ready to tell her, her mind wasn’t willing to listen.

Now Alex wanted his mother to echo the same sentiments. He was setting his son up for disappointment. Draco felt like kicking himself. Already he could read the look of confusion on Alex’s face. One glance at Alex caused pain to stab his heart. The light that had shown only a few minutes before in Alex’s eyes had dimmed.

The silence seemed to stretch for an eternity broken only by Alex’s soft mumbling, “But Father Christmas told me………..he told me it was happening.”

Ginny’s gaze met Draco’s. No smile, no reaction at all. The passion he had seen moments before was gone. “What I would love is for Professor Malfoy to spend the rest of the day at Hogsmeade with us.”

Change of subject. End of story. It wasn’t what Draco wanted to hear but he hadn’t been expecting it either. The ghosts of his past made sure of that. Was it not his fault that she had been hurt? They were punishing him for all the sins he had committed, teasing him with glimpses of what should have been.

But it could still be.

Kissing Ginny after all those years had been better than he remembered. Her taste left him wanting much more. Something physical still existed between them, at least he felt it. Ginny had to have felt it too. If she didn’t………Dammit, he would make her.

Draco Malfoy wasn’t going to slink away like the coward he had been twelve years ago. Too afraid of Lucius to protect Ginny, he watched in horror as his own father stripped off her robes. She screamed for help as the deatheaters laughed at her pleas for mercy. Her brothers wouldn’t save her. The great Harry Potter wasn’t coming. But it was not them she cried out in vain to. Ginny was crying out for him.

Draco had answered, far too late. He had been trying to keep Ginny and himself safe by controlling his emotions and feelings. None of what he tried to do mattered in the end. He had failed not only her but their unborn baby. Ginny was already gone to him and wouldn’t return for many years, and his son kept from his sight. Now they were both sitting next to him. So very close yet so far. Draco wanted them, not just for one day but forever.

Ginny eyed Draco. Her brown eyes seemed to be searching for something. “You will be coming with us, won’t you?”

No chance in hell Draco would pass up extra time with Alex and Ginny. He needed to make her remember and hoped that this was the chance he had been waiting for. “Yes.” was his simple reply. Definitely a yes.

She reached across to their son ruffling his hair, “You’d like that wouldn’t you Alex?”

Draco watched as Alex’s eyes filled with hope. “Very much so Mum.”

“Well, we’d better be going, we have lots of shopping to do!” Ginny said looking everywhere except where Draco willed her to look, himself.

Draco summoned their cloaks and a few minutes later the somber threesome strolled quietly along down Hogsmeade. Neither of them saying a word. Alex looked every bit the disappointed boy. The energy and happiness he had possessed earlier seemed to have disappeared.

Draco could only curse himself silently. Everything had been going so well for the three of them. What a difference from a few minutes ago. To all other eyes they had been the perfect family. But I ruined it, just like I ruined their lives long ago.

“Where’s my mum?” Alex asked, his face wide eyed with concern.

Broken out of his reverie Draco realized Ginny was nowhere in sight. She couldn’t have gone far. Did she slip into a store without telling him or Alex? It didn’t seem like something Ginny would do. Perhaps she was tired and had fallen behind. Before he could turn around to look for Ginny, Draco felt a cold and wet object hit the back of his head. “Ouch!” An obvious Hogwarts delinquent had dared throw a snowball. Whoever it was would have detention all year long. Draco whirled around to face the offending student, “THAT’S TWENTY POINTS AND DETENTION!”

Draco was surprised to find a laughing Ginny armed with another snowball. She winked at him before sending another snowball sailing his way yet again. “No fair Weasley! I’m unarmed!”

A smile had returned to Alex’s face and Draco couldn’t help overplaying his injuries as he pretended to fall to the ground. Ginny Weasley packs a mean snowball!

“It’s Gryffindor vs. Slytherin Malfoy.” Ginny said grinning, beckoning Alex over to join her.

“Cheater, that’s two against one!” Draco said in a mock angry tone. A cold December day it was, but the warmth that passed just then from Ginny to him had been unmistakable. He felt as if he was on top of the world.

“Loser buys…….” He saw Ginny kneel down while Alex whispered his wants in her ear, “…………….. sweets from Honeydukes!”

Draco sent a snowball towards Ginny, “Pumpkin Pasties for me please.”

“Dream on Malfoy, we’ll take Chocolate frogs and Cauldron Cakes. Can never have enough you know. ” Ginny deftly rolled out of the way.

A flurry of snowballs headed in his direction, thrown by an overenthusiastic Alex who hit Draco square in the face. “Score!”

Ginny and Alex high fived each other at his obvious misery. Not that he was miserable at all. Draco was enjoying this. Although he was now starting to doubt whether his son should play seeker next year. Beater was more like it. Draco hated to lose at anything. Losing a snowball fight to Alex and Ginny? Draco didn’t mind at all. Whatever the outcome, Draco already felt like a winner.


Ginny watched her son grin from ear to ear as he exited Honeydukes carrying overflowing bags of goodies. Since the impromptu snowball fight, the happy boy had returned. Ginny had to admit to herself, it had been fun. Never had Ginny imagined she would end up enjoying this trip to Hogsmeade in the company of Draco Malfoy. They had all shared laughs throwing snowballs at each other and afterwards built a snowman. Her heart warmed over watching not just Alex but surprisingly Draco Malfoy.

Alex walked a bit ahead of them and Ginny wondered if he was doing it on purpose. She needed Alex next to her. This would keep the discussion about what happened at Madame Puddifoot’s to a minimum and hopefully not at all.

“You’ve definitely overdone it this time Malfoy! If Alex gets a stomach ache and I have to buy him medicine, you’ll be owled the bill!” Ginny tried to keep her tone light hearted though she only felt nervousness.

“I’ll be expecting the bill then. You know my address.” he smiled as he walked alongside her, sending a rush of heat running throughout Ginny’s veins.

Why him of all people? The kiss they had shared opened a floodgate of feelings that Ginny could not explain. When she was in his arms a sense of longing urged her on. It didn’t make sense. Though Draco’s Malfoy’s kiss felt good. It had been quite nice, actually more than nice. She found herself blushing thinking about it.

But it was wrong. She wanted to hate him for all the things he was but found she could not. How could one kiss have such an effect? Ginny had been kissed before but never with such intensity.

I love you, Ginny had heard with so much emotion it nearly undid her. It couldn’t be. An overactive imagination was at fault. But why imagine it coming from the mouth of Draco Malfoy. No, he couldn’t have said it. One kiss was all it was, with only Christmas tradition behind it and not much else. Ginny would just have to push it to the side as she did with so many other questions that were better left unanswered. Alex’s feelings could not be set aside so easily. Alex liked his professor and Ginny was daresay to admit that perhaps Alex even loved his professor. Ginny knew enough about Alex’s history at Hogwarts to understand why there was such an attachment to Malfoy.

In the midst of Holiday shoppers while deep in thought, Ginny realized that she had lost sight of Alex. She stood on her tiptoes searching for a small blond boy but he was nowhere to be found. Her heart plummeted sending her senses on high alert. Alex was not the type of boy to play games. The last time she had lost sight of someone was the last time she had seen him alive.

Ginny had visited Percy at the Ministry, the night of it’s attack. War had started but the Ministry of Magic would not fall, but fall it did. There had been no warning. Intelligence reports that had come in were owled too late. The laws of magic that had provided Ministry employees safety would now bring about the deaths of hundreds. Screams of people unable to apparate or floo were now trapped inside what would soon be a tomb. Others would face worse fates for their lives would not end quickly. Many were carted off to be tortured, imprisoned and sacrificed for the pure blood ideals of the dark lord.

“Stay close to the walls, Ginny!” were the last words Percy had told her.

Ginny did what she was told clinging to the walls with a handful of people, sharing one invisibility cloak between them. It wasn’t until Ginny had reached Muggle London that she realized in all the confusion that had taken place ,Percy wasn’t with her. The Weasley family huddled together in the burrow that night as the hand on the clock that signaled Percy’s whereabouts hovered over Mortal Peril.

A few days later she and Charlie’s hands would join Percy’s.

“Where’s Alex?!” she scanned the crowd, “Malfoy where’s Alex?” Twelve years later Voldemort still had control of her life from beyond the grave. Fears and doubts she had thought were buried, resurfaced.

“He mentioned he needed some new quills while we were in Honeydukes. I gave him some galleons to pick up what he needs at Scrivenshaft’s. You’re not upset are you?”

Relief washed over Ginny. “No, not at all.” She had to remind herself, he was eleven. That was an age old enough to shop by oneself, wasn’t it? Ginny could have sworn that her own mum accompanied her in Diagon Alley wherever she went until she was 12. Or was it 13? Am I cut out to be a mother? I can’t even keep track of my own son. Ginny ought to be mad at Malfoy for sending him off alone, but she wasn’t. The day was turning out almost as she had planned, perhaps even better. Alex seemed to be enjoying himself. She would not ruin today by having Alex find his own mother in another argument with his favorite Professor.

Ginny followed Draco as he lead her to one of the many benches that dotted the snow covered sidewalks of Hogsmeade. He muttered a warming charm as they both took a seat. Ginny and Draco simultaneously fell silent, the air growing thick between them. Ginny averted her eyes from his, keeping focused on Scrivenshaft’s Quill shop.

“I have a confession Weasley.” Draco had moved closer, barely pressing his thigh into hers.

“W-What is it?” she stammered, heat rushing into her cheeks at his touch. An innocent touch, Malfoy was probably not even aware of what he was doing to her. But her body was. Imagine what it felt like when……….Ginny stopped herself from thinking such thoughts. She was not an innocent for that had been taken from her so very long ago. Many times she would have glimpses of what had occurred. Lying naked in the arms of a deatheater, she would not let herself remember his face. She willed her mind to close that door to her past. Ginny refused to let her memories take her on such a painful journey.

“I sent Alex to the Quill shop. We need to talk about what happened between us.”

The urge to run away was strong but she couldn’t move. “No.” she said through tight lips, “Not now.”

“Why not?” he asked softly, “Why not now?” With each word he came closer until Ginny could feel Draco’s breath on her lips. She brought her eyes to look into his. Draco caught her gaze, holding her there. He seemed different somehow. This was not Draco Malfoy the boy who had tormented her and all she cared for. Momentary panic gave way to shaky pleasure as he traced his fingertips along her jawline.

“Hogwarts students are all over town. Do you want them to see?” she said trying to pull away but found that Malfoy’s other arm was draped along the seat at the back of her, holding her firmly into place.

“I don’t care anymore.”

Ginny was trembling inside and hoped it wouldn’t be obvious to those devastatingly piercing grey eyes that seemed to look into her very soul. Somehow she was able to find her voice. “I’m a Weasley, you’re a Malfoy. There is too much history and bitterness between not only you and I, but are families. We weren’t exactly mates at Hogwarts Malfoy. Too much has happened. It would never work.”

Draco’s next statement only confused her more, “Oh, but it has Ginny. It already has.”

The sweet thrill of excitement quivered down her spine when his mouth closed over hers as if it had a perfect right to do so. Her own mouth responded to his firm, warm lips. He started to move all over her face in gentle caresses before his mouth danced along her throat and Ginny couldn’t help the small sigh that escaped. She knew she should try to resist Draco and all the feelings that came with him. Instead Ginny went with what felt oddly natural. His proximity crowded her senses as she started to lose control. On their own volition her fingers pushed through his hair as she sought his mouth with her own.


Alex had just completed paying for his purchases when he saw the commotion. Casey Wood’s older brother and sister were standing at the door of Scrivenshaft’s with a rather large group of Hogwarts students trying to push each other out of the way for a better view.

“Excuse me.” Alex said trying to exit the store. When no one attempted to move he asked again, “Excuse me, please.” His request went ignored. What had caught their attention that they would have to resort to spying? A fight perhaps? Maybe it was a student or professor who had drunk too much butterbeer. Alex heard rumors that the potions professor drowned himself in Firewhiskey every weekend and made for quite a sight, stumbling all over town. Perhaps that’s who they were looking at. Curiosity was getting the better of Alex. He tried to peer over their shoulders but they were all a bit too tall and he was but a short first year. Fortunately for him the gossiping students gave him all the information he needed to know.

A Hufflepuff seventh year sighed dreamily as she looked out the window of Scrivenshaft’s store, “How incredibly romantic!”

“That is so disgusting. Really, people that age should keep their hands to themselves.” Remarked one girl Alex recognized as a fourth year Slytherin.

Casey’s older sister Leslie rolled her eyes at the haughty Slytherin, “And you think kisses and such should only occur between teenagers? Half of us wouldn’t be born and the other half would be living in poverty. ”

William Wood added clutching his heart, “And half of Hogwarts is going to be heartbroken!”

“Which half?” joked Ravenclaw Maggie McDougall , “Who would have known Professor Deatheater had a heart? What I wouldn’t give to be in Professor Weasley’s position!”

“What I wouldn’t give to knock Professor Malfoy into the snow!” William exclaimed. Catching sight of a jumping Alex who was trying to take a peek, he immediately covered the younger boy’s eyes, “You shouldn’t look. Seeing your mum being snogged by Professor Ferret will scar you for life! It’s already ruined mine!”

They were kissing again! “Yes!” he shouted causing all heads to turn towards him. With newfound energy he pushed past the students, pressing his face against the windowpane to get a better view. The kissing as usual was the most disgusting thing Alex had ever seen. As far as Alex was concerned he was never going to kiss a girl. Not ever. If Casey Wood ever tried that little kissing stunt with him again, he would hex her. If he got in trouble, so be it. He would rather have points taken away than for someone’s slobbering tongue shoved in his mouth. Icky. What was so great about that? But seeing his mum and his dad so close together gave Alex a good feeling in his chest. Maybe when grownups kiss, it wasn’t so bad.

“Maybe you should tell Professor Malfoy to keep his slimy hands off your mum.” Huffed a very jealous William.

Alex would do not such thing. He’d go out there when he was good and ready to go. Alex smiled to himself. They needed to love each other again, and if he had to wait in Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop all day long he would do just that. This was important. Mum had to fall in love again with Dad. Then Mum and Dad would get married and they would all live in the Burrow with Grandma and Grandpa, happily ever after, just as he imagined.

“Thank you Father Christmas. “ Alex whispered, “Wherever you are.”


Yeah, I know it’s after the New Year and I still haven’t made it to Christmas. Trust me it will come.

Upcoming in future chapters -Ginny and Alex will visit Snape during X-mas, Ginny will have a very important flashback, A visit to Azkaban and Ginny learns the truth.

Also thanks so much for your reviews. I didn’t know so many of you would enjoy reading this. I just hope not to disappoint in the future.

13. Authors note

Author’s note – I just wanted to thank everyone that reviewed. Wow. I am really blown away. I never thought so many people would like this fanfic. I can’t mention everyone but know that I sincerely appreciate your comments, both good, bad and even flames. This fic is far from over. I still have more parts about exactly what occurred between Draco and Ginny in the dungeons regarding Alex ‘s conception. Ginny will remember…..eventually. Snape will have a small yet pivotal role soon, etc. etc. If you’ve read my other fics on FF you can tell I am not one for happy endings or at least a happy ending without a bit of torture in between for the characters, although I assure you Draco’ s Favorite Nurse will be almost completely happy…..won’t let you know about this one till the very end.

Thanks again for reading!!!

14. Ready Or Not

Warning this chapter does not portray Draco in a good light but it’s important for the story.

Chapter 13

It hadn’t felt like a mistake to Draco. With much hesitation he watched as Ginny broke their kiss A long moment passed when they stared shakily at each other. Her featherlight fingers which had been caressing his cheek were pulled away abruptly as she stood. Draco churned with frustration already missing her soft touch. It took every amount of self control he had not to push her back on the bench and kiss her again.

“We should check on Alex.” Ginny said, her voice a bit unsteady.

Yes, Alex. Musn’t forget my own flesh and blood. Have to check on our son.

The kiss did affect her as much as it did him. She couldn’t deny it. He saw it in her eyes and the way her body moved. Ginny may not have any memories of them together but she remembered his touch. Tonight he would make her remember everything.

They didn’t have to look far for Alex. A smiling boy stood in the doorway of Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop, waving at the both of them as they neared. “Mum, Professor Malfoy!” Alex shouted as he ran towards them.

Alex smirked at him in only a way a Malfoy ever could, “Have you been spying on me and your mum?” Draco whispered.

“Maybe just a little.” Alex admitted sheepishly handing over the quill he requested. “I bought one for you too Mum.”

Inscribed on the quill were the words, Wizarding worlds #1 mum.

“Oh Alex, you shouldn’t have……..”

Draco could see fresh tears on the verge of spilling. He put his arm around her shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze , “Ssh Ginny, stop doubting yourself.”

If anyone should have any doubts about being a parent Draco knew it should be him. When he was finally able to be a father to Alex, would he make the right decisions? The only father Alex knew had been his grandfather and his many uncles. From what Draco saw they had all done a good job. A job that should have been his. Harry and Ron had taught him Quidditch. Who better to teach Alex than two professional Quidditch players? The fact didn’t stop Draco from becoming jealous every single time he heard Alex talk reverently about his uncles.

Alex had also been on numerous trips with his Grandfather. Alex talked on and on about something called a zoo. He had even been on a muggle airplane with his grandparents. Would Draco even have allowed Alex the experience of such things had he been his father from the very beginning?

Had it been ten months that he’d been imprisoned in Azkaban? Draco was starting to lose track of the days spent in solitary confinement with no one to talk to but the burly guard just outside the cage .Deatheaters abounded in the prison and Draco Malfoy was marked as their target, the traitor that helped bring down Voldemort’s reign.

“It’s for your safety.” Harry Potter had said the first time he and Weasley paid him a visit.

He was beginning to doubt them both. They wanted to see him suffer and become mad. They were playing with his head, torturing him for all the pain the Deatheaters had caused.

Draco scooped up the porridge in his hands. He wasn’t even allowed to have utensils. Flinging his half eaten tray to the opposite side of the cell, he ignored the guards protest that he would have to eat every last morsel on the ground.

“Suicide watch.” Was the new rule the Weasel told the guard a few weeks prior, instructing him that Draco Malfoy was to have no silverware. They suspected he would try to hurt himself. How right they were and he hated them for knowing it.

Damn Harry, Damn Weasel, Damn them all!

“You have visitors.” Stated the guard.

“Tell them to go away!” spat Draco. No one could see him in this condition. The Malfoy heir who had been coddled since the day he was born was now reduced to spending the rest of his days in a concrete box

And he deserved it. Why did they let him live? They were torturing him as Draco himself had done to countless others. Draco wanted to die. Dying had to be better than this. Draco could still hear the Wizengamot sentencing him to life in prison, though Dumbledore had urged the court to keep in mind Draco Malfoy’s cooperation with the Order. That day was the beginning of the end. Draco had blacked out after hearing his fate, waking up to what would forever be his home. He wanted to cry but found he could not. All his tears had been used for the woman he loved and would never see again.

“We will do no such thing!” Harry Potter and Ron Weasley ordered the guard to open the door raising their eyebrows at the porridge covered wall. With a few flicks of the wand, the door swung open. In full Auror regalia they strode into his cell.

“I assure you both that I won’t try to hang myself today.” Draco drawled as he slumped over on his cot. Since the war ended the Daily Prophet ran stories about the victims of the Great Wizarding War. The most recent article had been about Virginia Weasley. Lying pregnant and comatose at St. Mungo’s she was predicted to not live much longer. The viability of her baby was also in doubt. Their baby. Draco made the decision that he would join them, fashioning his pillowcase into a noose. Stupid Potter and Weasley just had to pick that exact moment to find him dangling from the ceiling and interrupt his plans.

“Good news Malfoy.” Potter said with too much enthusiasm for Draco’s taste.

“Will I get the Dementors kiss?” It’s what Draco wanted but it was never to be. After the war the Dementors were rounded up and banished for their alliance with Voldemort.

Weasley could only shake his head, “Malfoy. Just listen for once. Harry and I have been working behind the scenes with Dumbledore to obtain your release.”

“And……….?” Draco didn’t want to hope. Weasley and Potter had promised his release months ago and it was denied, again and again. The Malfoy name conjured up nothing but bitterness in the Wizarding community. Too many lives had been lost and Draco Malfoy had to pay.

“It’s official” Harry handed over a piece of parchment declaring Draco’s freedom. “You’re a free man Malfoy.”

Draco stared at the parchment paper for a long time. He was free to do as he pleased, to go wherever he was inclined. Shouldn’t he be thrilled at the prospect of leaving Azkaban forever? But Draco was far from happy. Ginny who was supposed to spend a lifetime with him was gone. He had been too scared to read the Daily Prophet, afraid one day to see her obituary. If he couldn’t be with his Ginny he wanted death. What was freedom without her?

“We’ve rendered Malfoy speechless!” Ron chuckled, “Come now ferret, it’s the least I can do for the bloke that saved my sister.”

“I’m assuming she is in good health?” Draco asked trying not to look at all interested.

“Ginny’s always been tough. If anyone can pull out of trouble it’s her. She’s still in a coma but physically the doctor’s say she is well. Her baby was born two weeks ago. My mum named him Alex.”

The news of his son’s birth was a ray of light in Draco’s dark world. He wanted to shout at the top of his lungs that he was a father. The feeling only intensified when Ron pulled a picture out of his billfold and handed it to Draco, “This is my nephew, Alex Weasley. Good little bugger. Really quiet, haven’t heard him cry yet.”

Draco was in awe. This baby that was so beautiful and pure was his son. How did a Malfoy help make someone so innocent and perfect? He barely registered when Ron and Harry left the cell, informing him that a parole officer from the Ministry would be escorting him out of Azkaban.

Draco never returned the picture. In the future when loneliness tempted him to end it all, he would pull out the picture of a newborn Alex. Every decision he had made, every action he had taken since his release including accepting the DADA position had all been for Alex.

All things happened for a reason and Draco had to learn to accept it. Maybe it was for the best his son was raised a Weasley. Thinking about the past gave him regrets. Nothing could be changed but the future still held much promise. Ginny was responding to him in ways Draco hadn’t been expecting. His arm was still around her shoulder as they walked through Hogsmeade and Draco made no attempt to remove it. This was how it should have been from the beginning.

Taking a quick look at the quill Alex had bought, Draco couldn’t help but smile. Inscribed on his quill were the words.

“Wizarding World’s #1 Father. Love, Alex Malfoy”


“Dad, do you think Mum will like this?” Alex picked up a bottle of vanilla scented perfume at Gladrags. From the look on his father’s face Alex knew he had to buy it.

Alex wondered what his mum was buying him for Christmas. They had all gone their separate ways. Alex with his professor, and his mum off in another store to pick up his gift. Alex wanted to tell his mum she didn’t have to buy him anything at all. He already received his present. Three days early in fact. This was shaping up to be the best Christmas ever. It would be the best Christmas, if only……if only his father could spend the holiday with them at the Burrow.

Alex waited patiently in line as the woman behind the counter wrapped his purchase. “May I interest you in some socks or one of our fine cloaks?” asked the salesclerk.

“Socks please. “ Funny, they looked just like the socks Father Christmas wore. Alex wondered if Father Christmas did his own shopping at Gladrags or if the elves did that for him.

His father was having a cloak wrapped, “For your mum. This will go quite nicely with her perfume.”

“That’s really pretty father! She’ll love it. When are you going to give it to her?” Alex crossed his fingers hoping he’d say Christmas day. That would mean he’d be at the Burrow. Grandma would love father. He was sure of it. They could all bake cookies with Grandma Weasley. Father would help his uncles and Grandpa chop down a Christmas tree. Afterwards they would decorate it together. Perfect, just perfect.

“Don’t worry Alex. You and your mum will have presents in hand before boarding the train.”

No, father had to come. He just had to. Why hadn’t mum asked him? Alex was smart enough to know a kiss didn’t make two people fall in love. He had spotted William Wood snog countless girls all over school to know it took more than sharing a tongue to fall in love. But Alex could see how much his dad loved his mum and he was quite certain she felt the same way. He saw it with his own eyes, twice. “Why don’t you come to the Burrow with me and mum for Christmas?”

Alex didn’t like the hesitation playing across his father’s face. “You’ll have fun!” Father was afraid of his uncles. That had to be it! He knew his uncles weren’t fond of his father and constantly made jokes about him, but Alex would make them stop this year. “My uncles will be nice to you, I promise! You can see my collection of fellytones and everything, please? ”


“Just say you’ll come! Mum would say yes.”

“I’d say yes to what?”

Alex spun around at his mother’s voice. She loved his father. Alex knew in his heart that she did. “Wouldn’t it be great if Professor Malfoy spent Christmas with us at the Burrow!”


There was a minute of appalled silence while the three of them stood in the midst of holiday shoppers. Time seemed to stop at a standstill. If she hadn’t given in to Malfoy and acted like some silly school girl she wouldn’t be here about to crush her son’s hopes. She had been leading not only Malfoy on but Alex.

It was impossible not to disappoint Alex with the answer she was about to give. She owed it to Alex to stay away from Draco Malfoy, but as teachers their paths would continue to cross. If only she had put her foot down the very first time Alex asked that Professor Malfoy come to Hogsmeade. Ginny decided she would have to steel herself the next time Alex asked her anything that had to do with Malfoy. She couldn’t keep riding this emotional rollercoaster.

“Mum….aren’t you going to say yes?” said Alex staring at his shoes while he scuffled his feet. “

Ginny’s heart ached. Alex had grown attached to Draco Malfoy and because of her actions he was in for a letdown. The talk she was hoping to save after the holidays would now be held in the middle of Gladrags.

“I’m sure Professor Malfoy has other plans.” Ginny said in an effort to pass it off lightly,

Alex frowned, stomping his foot when he didn’t get the answer he desired, “You don’t just kiss like that if you don’t love each other….you just don’t. It’s not right!”

“Alex that’s enough.” Said Draco in a curt voice. “I can’t come. The Headmisstress has left me in charge of Hogwarts while she is away on Christmas break.”

Alex’s mouth set in a stubborn line, “Someone else can be in charge.”

“No Alex. As much as I would love to spend Christmas with you, I have responsibility to the school. I can’t just leave my post.”

Ginny didn’t have to look at Draco to feel the mounting tension simmering within him waiting to explode. Ginny swallowed, wanting her scattered feelings to go away, to be replaced by confidence that she was doing the right thing. “Professor Malfoy’s right Alex. He has a job to do. Maybe we can floo him Christmas day and wish him a Happy Christmas.”

Draco looked at her, through her, not really focusing, before turning towards Alex, “That’s a great idea, isn’t it Alex?”

A frowning Alex said nothing.

Blinking furiously, Ginny tried her best to smile at both Alex and Draco . “If we don’t leave now we’ll miss the carriages home.” She turned quickly towards the door not wanting them to see her cry. Why had she been so weak? If only she had said no to Alex, said no to the mistletoe and said no to Malfoy none of this would be happening.

On the way home with Alex sitting between her and Malfoy, Ginny leaned her head towards the window of the carriage, welcoming the wintry breeze. She wished it would blow away all her problems and all the confusing feelings she was having for Draco Malfoy.


After dropping off a sullen Alex to Gryffindor tower they walked in silence to the teachers quarters before Draco broke the stillness that hovered between them. “Do you like me Ginny?” he asked watching the play of emotion in her brown eyes. His hands ached with the need to hold Ginny’s body close to his own and let her see just how much he wanted her. He would take a like if that was all she was capable of at the moment, although he would always hope for more. After hearing no response on her part he asked again, “Did you feel anything at all?”

“It was just a kiss Malfoy. I……we got carried away. It meant nothing.” She said as they turned the last corner towards their rooms.

I waited twelve years for you and it meant nothing! Draco’s jaw grew rigid as his hands clenched into balled fists.

“Let’s just forget this whole episode happened, ok?” Ginny offered a weak smile before opening the door to her room, “Goodnight Malfoy.”

Deeply humiliated and angry Draco followed Ginny into her room before slamming the door behind him. “Patience has never been my virtue Ginny.” She was going to remember whether she was ready or not. He muttered a silencing charm before advancing towards her.

“Get out of my room!” Ginny glared at him, “I kissed you Malfoy. That’s it. I owe you nothing more!”

“We’ll see about that won’t we.” before she could protest he grabbed onto her wrists. Draco’s imagination ran wild with pictures of Ginny naked in his arms. Pushing her onto the bed he forced his mouth on hers while he started pulling at her clothes. She struggled beneath him but he kept her firmly in place. Any minute all her memories would resurface and he wouldn’t have to do this to her.

“Kiss me back Ginny!” he screamed at her when she wouldn’t respond. “Fine, have it your way.” Draco trailed kisses along her neck and across her shoulders as he cupped her breasts. They were soft and beautiful just as he remembered them. Draco caressed her nipples watching them harden at his touch. See, you remember Ginny. He couldn’t resist taking her pert nipples in his mouth to play with them. Biting and caressing each in turn.

“Malfoy, please………”

Ginny ‘s words were cut off by Draco’s hoarse whisper, “Don’t tell me to stop because I won’t.” His hands skated over her body as he moved lower along the body he knew so well. Draco’s every nerve ending throbbed with pentup desire. Draco yearned for release ,feeling his body growing more engorged. Draco smiled against the skin of her thigh as he tore off her skirt. Hot need billowed in him as he tugged her underwear down, a glimpse of red curls was almost his undoing. Draco hurriedly unbuttoned his trousers returning to the cradle between her thighs.

She shivered beneath him before he entered. It wasn’t a shiver of pleasure but of fear. Ginny was afraid of him. “Please don’t.” she said tears streaming down her face. “Don’t do this.”she pleaded.

Draco stopped himself, mere centimeters away from the point of no return. “Fuck!” he rolled off her, cursing himself for losing all semblance of control. He nearly raped the mother of his son. “Oh Gods, what a bloody mess!” Draco averted his gaze from Ginny’s tear filled one. Were the bruises that lined her skin his doing? Bite marks marred the perfect breasts he adored. Ripped clothes lay strewn across the room.

“Are you ok?” he managed to say pulling his trousers back on.

There was a long pause, before Ginny said with an air of finality, “Please leave Malfoy.”

Draco’s mouth tightened at her words, leaving without a look back. He wanted to get on his hands and knees and beg for forgiveness, but he knew Ginny would never accept his apologies. Any chance he would have had with her was gone. She was no close to remembering than before. Only now Ginny’s thoughts of him would be colored by this horrific episode.

Later that night as Draco sat up in his bed unable to sleep, he leaned against the wall that separated his room from Ginny’s. It was impossible. The walls of the castle were thick. But when Draco listened carefully he could hear the soft cries of his beloved.

“I’m sorry Ginny.” He whispered hoping that a part of Ginny could feel how much he wished to take back what happened, “I failed you again.”


Chap 14 - finally Christmas comes to this fic,Ginny and Alex visit Snape.

After Chap 14 flashbacks and a visit to Azkaban.

15. Dark December

Today was the last day of classes before Alex and his mum would catch the last train home for the holidays. No school and presents. What more could one boy ask for? Stealing glances at the staff table Alex wanted much more. Even from the distance where Alex was seated at the Gryffindor table, he knew something was wrong. Losing his appetite, Alex pushed his plate of eggs and sausages away, concentrating on his mother whose red and puffy eyes told him that she had been crying.

“Your mum looks awfully sad. Professor Malfoy break her heart already?” William Wood added, “There’s still hope for me.”

Alex narrowed his eyes at William, “Sod off Wood!”

Not one to let their cousin fight alone in the war of words, Edmund and Everett gladly jumped in, “Yeah Wood, Sod off. Leave his mum alone.”

William Wood rose from the table, stopping only to whisper in Alex’s ear, “Nothing you can say will take my love away from Professor Weasely.” He winked at Alex giving him a pat on the back before exiting the great hall.

“Don’t mind my brother, he’s a prat.” Casey looked up from the book she had been reading, Quidditch Through the Ages, and studied both Professor’s intensely, “But my brother’s right. Your mum looks like she’s been crying for days. Maybe her and Professor Malfoy got into a row. He looks rather glum doesn’t he?”

Alex frowned deep in thought. Why were they avoiding looking at each other? It must be his fault. They snogged and now they were embarrassed. Just like how he’d been embarrassed when Casey Wood tried to stick her yucky tongue down his throat. But both his parents had seemed to like it at the time. A lot in fact. So much that they had snogged not once but twice. What had gone wrong? Breakfast ended without either of his parents talking, much less looking in each other’s direction.

Sitting in Professor Binn’s class, Alex tried to listen about the downfall of Voldemort and found himself fidgeting instead. It was useless. His mind was elsewhere. Maybe mum and daad were both upset with him because of how horrid he had been yesterday. Making a scene at Gladrags upset them both. That had to be it. Flying lessons with his mum were next. He’d apologize straightaway for his behavior and make everything right again.

Alex had been looking forward to being in his mother’s class since the day he heard she was teaching. Walking towards the great expanse of greenery where the lessons would be conducted, Casey Wood couldn’t stop talking about how much fun the classes had been.

“Your Mum taught us some new techniques. Stuff my mum and dad are too busy to show me. Then Professor Weasley says- Ok class let’s incorporate all of that into a game of Quidditch! Too much fun all around. You should have been there!”

Alex had felt slightest twinge of jealousy. He had missed out, not only on his mum’s first day as a teacher but on Quidditch!

“This will probably be an easy pass for you.” Casey said as they arrived onto the Hogwarts grounds, “

The Slytherins that shared the class with him were already saying the not so endearing term under their breaths as he passed by. “Teacher’s Pet!”

Alex rolled his eyes, “My mum will be fair. She’ll treat me no different than anyone else.” But deep inside Alex hoped differently.

Alex may as well have been any other student. Much to his dismay no attention was paid to him at all. Instead of the Quidditch game he had hoped for, she instructed the class on basics he had already learned from Uncles Ron and Harry. But Alex didn’t complain. He’d be happy to just clean brooms all day long, as long as he was able to be close to his mother.

Alex tried again to catch his mother’s attention, “Mum could you help me with the braking charm?” Not that he needed to learn how to brake on a broom. That was one of the first things Uncle Ron had taught him, but he needed to talk to his mother.

She looked up momentarily from instructing the Slytherin first years, and Alex found that he couldn’t help smiling at his mum. From now on he would be able to see her whenever he wanted. A blank stare returned his smile. Alex felt a funny hurtful ache deep in his stomach. This was how he felt when he’d visit his mum in St. Mungo’s. It was as if his mum wasn’t there anymore.

”Ok, that’s all for today. Class dismissed. I’ll see you after the holidays. Happy Christmas.” Her faint smile held a touch of sadness that Alex did not miss.

A flurry of students ran past shouting, “Happy Christmas,” and “One More Class to Go!” While throwing their brooms haphazardly into the broom closet. Alex expected his mum to yell at his classmates for being so messy but she didn’t seem to care at all.

“Casey, can you tell Professor Malfoy that I’ll be a bit late for class?” Alex said, while his eyes followed his mother as she walked towards the back of the broom closet.

Sensing his worry Casey gave him a comforting smile, “Anything for you Alex.”

Quietly he followed her as she leaned face forward, sobbing against the broom shed wall, “Mum, why are you crying?” He didn’t want to see his mother cry for something he did. “I’m sorry Mum.”

What could he possibly do to make his mum feel better? Without a second thought he gave his mother a great big hug. In return, Alex felt a tiny kiss being placed on his forehead.

“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about Alex.” She sniffed and Alex didn’t quite know if he believed her. But if felt good to be in his mother’s arms as she hugged him even tighter. “I just miss the Burrow so much. I want to leave this place and go home.”

His mum was trying to hold back her cries but failing miserably. She missed Grandma and Grandpa too, just like him. A lump formed in his throat that Alex desparately tried to fight. “I love you mummy. I love you so much. Please don’t cry.”

A knock on the broom shed door intruded on their private moment. Alex quickly shot a locking charm towards the door. “Professor Weasley?” came a voice of a curious Ravenclaw, “Are you in there Professor?”

In the state his mum was in, Alex knew that teaching a class was out of the question. He led his mother to one of the benches handing her a handkerchief he transfigured from a stray piece of string found on his robe, “I’ll take care of everything mum.”

Ginny sobbed into the handkerchief, “Y-You shouldn’t have to do this.”

He patted her head assuring his mother in soft whispers. Alex had seen Grandma Weasley do this many times when his younger cousins got into scrapes. It had worked when a crying Anjali fell off Uncle Ron’s broom and it seemed to be working for his mother.

As her cries died down Alex headed towards the door , opening it slightly. He peeked his blonde head out to meet a crowd of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs.

“What are you still doing here Alex?” asked one of the Hufflepuffs surprised to see him instead of their flying teacher.

A Ravenclaw piped in, “Where’s Professor Weasley?”

“I’m helping my mum inventory the brooms before the hols……Oh and by the way, Professor Weasley’s gift to you all is……..CLASS DISMISSED! Happy Christmas!”

Shouts of joy filled the air as the students raced to their respective houses. When the last student disappeared Alex closed the door behind him. Tentaively he asked, “You didn’t mind mum, did you?” A lie had to be told, a fact Alex wasn’t very proud of.

Brushing tears from her eyes, she held out shaky arms towards him which Alex gladly took. Sitting next to her on the wooden bench he allowed his mother to draw him closer, enveloping him in another hug. He didn’t have to raise his head to know she was still crying as tears matted his hair.

“Mum, we’ll be home soon . Don’t cry mum……” The suns rays no longer reached its winter light through the cracked boards of the broom shed. Alex could only guess that more than an hour had passed as his mother’s cries finally stilled.

“W-We should get ready t-to catch our train.” Ginny stammered “D-Did y-you pack your things?”

Alex nodded, “Yes mum.” Very shortly they would both be in the warmth of the Burrow. Alex couldn’t wait. He knew exactly how his mum felt. He missed Grandma and Grandpa Weasley so very much the first time he had arrived at Hogwarts. Everyday Alex had cried into his pillow until one day the tears vanished. So busy with schoolwork, Alex somehow forgot to cry. He still missed them horribly, but knowing that they were just an owl away made him feel loads better. You’ll feel better too Mum. Grandma Weasley can fix anything.

Suddenly Alex became wide eyed realizing he had missed his entire DADA class. “Mum, I have to see Professor Malfoy. He’ll be worried……”

Alex was surprised by the harshness of his mother’s tone, “NO ALEX! Go straight to Gryffindor. As we planned, you and your cousins are to meet me and your Aunt Hermione in the Great Hall before we head to the train station.”

“But Mum, Professor Malfoy……….”

“He’ll understand Alex.”

Was she worried he would tell his father about how she cried over the Burrow? He wouldn’t do anything of the sort. “Please Mum I won’t tell him that you’ve been crying. I promise. Can I just wish him a happy Christmas? Please Mum, Professor Malfoy will be alone. I don’t want to leave without saying goodbye.”

Alex took a small step back when his mother snapped, her eyes glistening, “DO AS I SAY ALEX!”

Alex tried to stop his lips from trembling. He didn’t mean to make her upset and most of all he didn’t want to see her cry again. “But Professor Malfoy……”

“DON’T JUST STAND THERE! GO! GO!” Ginny’s finger shook as she pointed towards the door. When he didn’t move, Ginny took him by the collar and roughly pushed him towards the door. “LEAVE!”

Alex stumbled out the door not daring to look back. Wiping away his tears Alex ran all the way to Gryffindor Tower. Grandma Weasley never yelled at him that way. Not ever. It wasn’t just the Burrow his mother missed. Alex could sense something was hurting her. Was she not telling the truth when his mum said he shouldn’t be sorry? Was it him? Did she not love him?

Standing before the portrait hole, Alex tried to utter the password, holding back the sob in his throat. All he had wanted for Christmas was for his mum and dad to be together. Alex added another secret plea. I want my mum to love me.


Draco hesitated approachinghis son as he stood hidden in the shadows of the Gryffindor common room. If Ginny had told him of what he had done, the relationship he was gradually building with Alex would be destroyed.

His son’s actions told him otherwise, “Father!” immediately Alex ran to him, dropping the trunk he was levitating from his room. Draco knelt down next to Alex, holding him close. Ginny who had every right to have him arrested hadn’t told a soul. Draco wanted to take Ginny in his arms and whisper endless apologies. He had never meant to hurt her. He had been so close to her at the staff table, yet not able to lend his comfort . Draco wondered if it would help at all to tell her why when she wouldn’t even look at him. Now Ginny would never believe him, not after what happened.

Draco poured every ounce of remorse into the hug he gave to Alex. I’m sorry Ginny. I’m so sorry.

“I- I wish you could tell her Father. Mum would be happy.” Alex added biting his lip, “I would be happy.”

The day before Christmas and Alex was crying into his shoulder. No Malfoy should ever cry, especially at Christmas. What kind of father was he when he couldn’t even provide a bit of happiness for his son? Alex should be spoilt like the many Malfoys that were before him. That would change. At least for a few minutes.

“Alex, I have something for you.”

Alex looked curiously at Draco who reached into his cloak pocket. A miniature gift wrapped box appeared in his palm no larger than a knut. Whispering the shrinking reversal spell, Draco handed the gift to his son. “You can open it now if you’d like. No need to wait until tomorrow.”

“For me?” Alex asked as the corners of his mouth twitched upward.

“I hope you like it. ” Draco said, watching Alex carefully open the package as if the gift wrap were as much a part of the present as what lay hidden underneath. Had it been Draco, the wrapping paper would already have been tossed aside without much thought.

Smiling, Alex looked up at Draco, “A chess set!!!”

“Just be sure you beat that Uncle Ron of yours, ok?”

Sounding very matter of fact and not at all like an eleven year old, Alex answered, “Don’t worry father. I intend to win always.”

Draco couldn’t help smirking at his son’s words. Though Alex was very much a Weasley in spirit, it pleased him to see his Malfoyness just below the surface. One day the Malfoy name would no longer be seen as shameful. If there was anyone who could bring back honor to the name that had once held it so long ago, Draco knew it would be Alex.

“I have something for you too father.” Alex unlocked his trunk, rummaging through the contents until he found what he was looking for. He handed Draco a small envelope that simply read : For Father- Happy Christmas. “Don’t open it until Christmas, ok?”

“Not even a peek?”

Alex grinned while shaking his head no. “No father and see through spells are completely out of the question!”

Draco let out a mock sigh. “Just for you I shall abide by the rules.”

A clock chimed and Alex’s voice wavered, “I –I promised my mum I’d meet her in the Great Hall. We have to catch our train. She’ll be worried.”

Draco’s thoughts wandered back to the prison he head left many years ago. Just a teenager being tried for adult crimes, he had cried as he stood before the Wizengamot. To this day Draco could still hear the calls for his death, the booing, the laughter as the only living Malfoy broke down for all the world to see. Dying he was not afraid of. Being separated from Ginny made him lose all composure. Being apart from Alex now that they had found each other was far from easy.

Draco brushed his hand through his hair. Anything to keep from pulling Alex into his arms until he was old enough to graduate Hogwarts. He watched silently as Alex headed towards the portrait hole. Away from Gryffindor, away from Hogwarts, and away from him.

A gut clenching feeling surfaced in the pit of Draco’s stomach. The same way he had felt when he had awoken in Azkaban away from Ginny and their baby. Before Alex could escape through the portrait hole, Draco hugged his son as if it would his last. Emotion clogged his throat but he refused to have Alex feel even more saddened. Draco forced a smile, “Happy Christmas Alex.”


“What happened between you and Malfoy?” Hermione asked softly.

How very much like Hermione to drag everything out into the open. Ginny dragged her eyes away from the hypnotizing scenery as it passed by the train window. She glanced quickly at Alex on the other side of the car immersed in a game of chess with Edmund while Everett looked on.

Ginny had no need to worry that Alex would hear. The headmistress compartment had been charmed to be three train cars long on the inside and that much wide. The train car was decorated to suit Hermione’s taste, with rows upon rows of books. It resembled a library but with comfortable sofas throughout the car. An unopened book lay on her lap. Ginny had tried to lose herself in the novel ,forget all that had occurred but found herself unable to do so.

“Nothing.” Ginny lied. She didn’t want to think of the dangerous glint in Draco Malfoy’s eyes as he tore the clothes off her, leaving marks of lust on her tender flesh. Ginny unconsciously wrapped her arms protectively around herself. In that one moment Malfoy had taken her to a nightmare world filled with torture and death. Lucius had ripped off her robes and marked her with his teeth, the same glare in his eyes as in his son’s.

“We’ve been friends for a long time Ginny. I may not know the details about what happened but I’m not blind nor deaf.”

“Hermione, I’m fine.” Ginny didn’t understand herself. Why couldn’t she just tell Hermione or better yet show her? Fresh bruises and bitemarks were hidden underneath magic. She hated him as he lay on top of her, touching, biting and kissing. And most of all, she hated herself for wanting to forgive him.

“I’m here if you want to talk.” Hermione said soothingly placing her hand over Ginny’s.

This pain was not what she wanted to share with Hermione. Not now. Not ever. The chamber had taught her many lessons. Hiding her feelings was what she had always been good at. It meant nothing. I’m fine. All lies, but the truth left her feeling vulnerable.


Ginny didn’t know how long she had been napping in her old childhood bedroom. The train ride had been long and tiring and Ginny grabbed upon that as an excuse to retire to her room for a bit. No one had yet arrived, and her brothers and Harry were still enroute .But she felt guilty for wanting to stay hidden in her room away from Hermione’s questions, her mother’s concern and most of all, her son’s looks of disappointment.

Ginny could hear shouts and laughter downstairs as another Weasley arrived for the Christmas festivities.

“Where’s Ginny?” It was Ron’s voice that caused her to groan, “She’s all right isn’t she?”

“We have 12 years of Christmases to make up for. I’ve already spiked the punch for this special occasion.” Fred added.

“What?!” Ginny laughed hearing Angelinas’s voice raise, “There are children here Fred! Edmund, Everett……….get away from that punchbowl!”

The decision as to whether to stay in her solitude for a few moments or rejoin the family was taken from Ginny. Without knocking Molly Weasley came into the darkened room chanting, “Lumos.”

“I’m worried about you.” Molly said as she took a seat on the bed next to her daughter. “Is something wrong?”

Ginny was almost tempted to tell her mother everything. Where to start? Her fear of not being the mother Alex wanted, Draco Malfoy, and the anger that rose within her evey day to know that precious years had been stolen from her everytime she looked at the face of the boy she was beginning to love, “A lot has been going on.”

“I wasn’t born yesterday Gin dear. Your son is down there looking as morose as can be, on Christmas eve no less. Now why is that?”

Ginny picked at a stray string on her coverlet, anything to keep her eyes away from her mother’s all knowing ones. “I- I really don’t know mum.”

“Here’s a bit of advice, if you don’t mind me being so blunt. Virginia Weasley stop moping! Where is the girl I raised that thought of others before herself?”

“She died 12 years ago.”

“Nonsense, Alex is proof that life goes on. I want him to have a Happy Christmas Ginny. I love you dear but I won’t stand for you to ruin the holiday for him.”

“What about me mum? How about my Happy Christmas? Twelve years of my Christmases were ruined. I was alone in my nightmares mum.”

“You were never alone Ginny. Did you know that we spent every Christmas at St. Mungo’s? While other little boys were opening presents in their homes, Alex would spend hours decorating your room and afterwards he would sing Christmas carols to you.”

“He sang for me?” Ginny had dreams of a little child’s voice that would lead her out of the dark. For a few moments she would drift into peacefulness pulled away from the men in black who were bent on destroying her. She would follow the voice to safety. Had that been Alex all along?

“Your father and I thought it was too much for him, bless his heart , but he insisted on staying. He’s a good boy, a sweet boy. All you have to do is open your heart. Alex has been waiting for so long.”

She was running again, this time away from the memories Draco Malfoy had forced upon her. Ginny pointed to her heart as the realization sunk in, “Mum he’s always been here.”


Everyone save for Uncles Ron and Harry were already on their way out the door trudging through the snow. Harry eyed his nephew with concern, “We’re going to pick out the tree. Are you sure you don’t want to come?”

“No thanks Uncle Harry. I’m going to help Grandma ice these cookies.”

Of course Alex wanted to come. Every year the entire Weasley family would head to the nearby forest to pick the biggest, most fantastic tree there was. All the older Weasley men and their wives would take turns chanting chopping spells until the ancient tree gave way amidst the roar of applause. Alex’s favorite part was the special Christmas edition of Weasley’s Wildfire Whiz bangs. Uncles Fred and George would release the red and green colored fireworks into the sky. The muggles in Ottery St. Catchpole just thought they were regular fireworks but in fact they were charmed to say Happy Christmas and would morph into a winking Father Christmas being pulled by all his reindeer.

“Ok Alex, but you, me and a game of chess after we’re done decorating the tree. Is that a deal?” Ron asked bringing a small smile to Alex’s face.

Alex nodded, “It’s a deal.”

As soon as the door closed Alex’s face fell. He wanted to be out there with his mum. Since that day at Hogsmeade she seemed to prefer being by herself. Alex wondered if anyone at all noticed and if everyone blamed him. It’s all my fault. Reaching for the bowl of green colored icing that his grandmother had left, he drizzled it onto a tree shaped sugar cookie. I love you mum. Happy Christmas.

“Can I help?” Alex turned surprised to see his mum and Grandma standing behind him.

“If you want.” Alex said hesitantly as he scooted over on the dining room bench to allow his mother room. His mum had been so upset with him in the broom shed and didn’t attempt to talk once since they boarded the train. He continued working on his cookies, too afraid to speak lest he ruin everything again like he had at Hogsmeade.

Molly turned towards the kitchen, “I think I’ll check on those other cookies. You two have fun and don’t eat too much icing.” She winked at Alex before leaving the two of them in silence.

Alex handed her a plate of cauldron shaped cookies, “Here mum, use the black icing for these.” He took a bowl of crushed blood flavored lollipops centered on the table, “Sprinkle this on top. Professor Snape loves these Sprinkles.”

Professor Snape? Ginny tried to catch her breath. “You know Professor Snape?”

Alex nodded while continuing the sprinkling “Every Christmas when we’d visit you, Uncle Harry and Ron would visit the Longbottom’s and Professor Snape. Sometimes I would go with them and pass out cookies.”

“That’s thoughtful Alex.”

“I didn’t want them to be lonely and Professor Snape loves my cookies. He gives me 100 points every time he sees me.”

Ginny bit back her laughter. No Weasley ever had points given to them by Professor Snape. If Snape only knew. Perhaps if she had made cookies back at Hogwarts when she took potions, her grades would have been much better.

“Can I come with you tomorrow to pass out cookies?” Ginny asked peeking at Alex from the corner of her eye while trying not to make such a mess out of the icing. Though her mother, and it seemed, her son were whizzes in the kitchen, Ginny was anything but adept at culinary skills.

“Will you be sad?” Alex asked seeming to concentrate intently on making the cookies perfect.

“Were you sad when you came to visit me?” Ginny put her arms around his shoulders at the first sight of a tiny teardrop making its way down his cheek. Ginny couldn’t imagine spending every Christmas at St. Mungo’s. Her thoughts immediately went to Neville Longbottom. How horrible must it have been for Neville, and how depressing it was for her son.

Alex’s hand shook as he transferred a tray of phoenix shaped cookies to wax paper. With green icing he drizzled the words, “Happy Christmas Longbottoms,”

When Alex didn’t answer, Ginny drew him closer, “You don’t have to go anymore Alex. I’m here.”

“But they are still alone. I didn’t want you to be alone mum and I don’t want them to be alone either.”

Ginny’s mum was right. He was a sweet boy. Far too sweet even by Weasley standards. I don’t know the hows or whys regarding your birth and I don’t care to ever know. But I do know one thing, I’m glad you’re mine.


Christmas morning was a flurry of activity. Ginny sat with her brothers and their wives at the dining room table watching the numerous Weasley children making a ruckus around the tree. Screams of joy as a child received the toy they requested and a halfhearted thanks when another infamous Weasley jumper was presented.

Ginny lounged in her chair, the familiar scents of cinnamon and coffee comforting her. Alex sat in the corner quietly opening his presents, grinning more than one should when receiving his own Weasley jumper. Unlike the other children, he immediately took off his jumper to replace it with his new present, proudly displaying an A for Alex. Ginny couldn’t help but notice how he stood out amongst the other Weasley children. Although Anjali had distinct Indian features and Edmund and Everett’s Jamaican heritage via Angelina’s parents were very apparent, their demeanor was every bit Weasley – loud, energetic and happy. It was not hard to visibly miss that although his mother was now here, her absence all those years had affected him.

“He’s a very well-behaved boy Ginny.” Padma said watching Alex put his pile of presents to the side, while trying to help his younger cousin open a package she was having difficulty with.

Ginny sipped her coffee, “I have my mother to thank for that.” Her heart welled with pride watching Alex help Anjali. After much struggle Alex finally opened the gift box and handed it to his cousin. Ginny had to chuckle when he was rewarded with a kiss which Alex immediately wiped away.

“Ladies man Alex is. He won’t be trying to avoid the women that much longer.” Joked Fred.

Ginny rolled her eyes sharing a laugh with Hermione and Harry. “He’s only eleven!” Surely little boy’s didn’t think such things! Then again she did have that crush on Harry Potter at his age. She was new at mothering. Now that she was becoming used to the idea, just the thought that soon she would have a hormonal teenager on her hands made her feel even less ready and unsure.

“His girlfriend is Wood and Cho’s daughter.” Ron said while buttering his toast and at the same time yelling at his daughter, “Anjali you are not to fly that broom inside!”

“Heard he threw a fit when he found out his little girl was our Alex’s friend. Really Oliver Wood should be glad we Weasley’s associate with such a slavedriver. I remember back in Hogwarts days……” George was given a harsh poke in the ribs by his wife Alicia. “Ow!!! What was that for?”

Ginny watched with suspicion as all eyes were averted away from hers. “Why would Oliver be upset?” questioned Ginny. “Why doesn’t he want Casey to be friends with Alex?

When no one answered she asked again, “Why doesn’t Wood want Casey to be friends with my son?”

Molly floated a tray of pastries and mince pies, slamming them on the table in front of George, “It doesn’t matter. It’s Oliver Wood’s loss.”

Then it hit her. “It’s because his father is a deatheater, isn’t it?” Ginny said silently.

Ginny knew that Oliver Wood had been married previously to Katie Bell before the war. Katie had died in the same camp where Ginny herself had been held. After the war Wood was already a young widow with two children to raise on his own, until he married Cho Chang.

Even though another daughter had been born to him and Cho , the scars hadn’t left him. Ginny should understand. She still felt pain both emotional and physical from the war. But she had been given a gift. Despite all the horrible things that had been done to her, she had been given another chance at life. Ginny had been given a son. It didn’t matter who his father was. It shouldn’t matter at all. Why should Alex have to repay a death that was not his fault?

Ginny felt a sick churning sensation. Alex would be faced with this prejudice his entire life, judged on the sins of his father. He would be lonely just as she had been that first disastrous year in the Chamber. But Ginny had willingly written in that diary, though a small part of her mind always told her something wasn’t quite right. Always she had a choice. Alex had none.

“Heard the oldest Wood girl is a bit of a tease and the Wood boy is a few knuts short of a galleon. Who knows about how this Casey Wood will turn out. It’s better Alex doesn’t hang around with that sort! ” Molly huffed heading back to the kitchen.

“It’s not fair.” Ginny muttered.stirring cream absentmindedly into her mug.

Everyone was in shock at Arthur Weasley’s words. The man who usually had a kind word to say did not hold back. “Your right Gin dear, it’s not and frankly Oliver Wood is an idiot……now pass me those danishes. I’m hungry.”


Ginny with Alex in tow followed Ron, Harry and Hermione as they made their way down St. Mungo’s corridor.

“Ginny, I have to warn you Professor Snape is no longer the same person he was at Hogwarts. “ Harry said before opening the door that read Severus Snape.

Ron raised his eyebrows in question, “You sure mate? He might be nutters now but that doesn’t stop him from taking points away from me every time I step foot in this room. Trust me somewhere in that mind of his, dear old Snape is alive and well.”

“I need to pay my respects.” If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be standing here, Ginny thought to herself. A man she had once feared had saved her life. Ginny didn’t know if she could ever begin to repay him.

Hermione put her arms around her friend, “Are you sure?”

Ginny managed a smile, “Alex and I have to pass out our cookies, Right Hon?”

Alex nodded enthusiastically. “He gets a bit grumpy if I don’t give him his cookies on time.”

Ron couldn’t help adding his own experiences with the former Professor, “Your lucky Alex, he was nothing but one big grumpy git 24 hours a day, seven days a week……..”

Hermione crossed her arms, “Shush Ron, we’re about to visit one of the great war heroes and you are still hung up on how he treated you. Maybe if you studied a bit more ……….”

It was now Harry’s turn to play peacemaker as he pushed open the door, letting Alex lead the way, “You two are giving me a headache! Can’t believe you both are grown adults! Stop this nonsense. I believe we have a delivery of cookies to make.”

Ginny shook her head in laughter. Some things never did change, especially when the first words out of Snape’s mouth were, “Weasley that’s 10 points from you. Now cut up Malfoy’s roots!”

“Told you so.” Ron whispered to Ginny, as he took a seat next to his old Professor.

Ginny moved quietly forward, peering at her professor of old who sat rocking wildly in his chair. It was Snape yet not. Professor Snape was more pale than he had ever been at Hogwarts, almost greyfaced. His long black hair was now tinged with white. Dark eyes darted back and forth watching and waiting for something only his mind knew.

“Leave me alone James.” Snape said pointing his finger at Harry.

Harry tried to correct his old Professor, “It’s me Harry, Harry Potter.”

“And Hermione.” Hermione added only to be met by Snape’s disapproving glare.

“Miss know it all….yes, 20 points from you for not letting Longbottom finish his own work. What? That’s not fair? 30 points then Miss Granger.”

Harry was right. She wasn’t ready to have seen her old Professor in such a condition. Professor Snape may not have been the best loved teacher at Hogwarts but he would give his life for his students. He had made the ultimate sacrifice so that one day the Wizarding World would be free of war and for that she was thankful.

“Thank you Professor.” Ginny said, not knowing if he could understand or even comprehend what she was saying. There was so much she wanted to say. If it weren’t for him she would have shared the same fate as her brothers. She was taken aback when he locked eyes with her.

“You are with child Miss Weasley.” Ginny breathed deeply taken aback from his words. Had Snape known so long ago? In her memory the professor handed her a potion, “This will ease the nausea.” Beyond the Professor stood another deatheater. If she looked a bit more closely she could see him and know who her son’s father was. But Ginny could not. That part of her mind was locked. Only a former professor with wild eyes held the key.

“I brought Christmas cookies for you professor.” Alex handed the cookies to Snape and his countenance changed almost immediately. It wasn’t a smile but it was as close to one as Ginny had ever seen grace the professor’s lips.

“The one with the blood flavored sprinkles?” Snape questioned the little boy, poking his finger in the basket filled with cookies.

Ginny laughed at the looks of utter revulsion that Ron, Harry and Hermione could not hide. “Truly disgusting.” She heard Ron and Harry whisper at the same time .

“Yes Professor. I added extra sprinkles for you. Happy Christmas.”

Snape snatched a cookie from the basket, munching away. “100 points for Malfoy.”

Did she hear right? It seemed as if time froze. Snape had called her son Malfoy. His blond hair, the way he smiled………….no, smirked when he played chess. Draco Malfoy’s interest in her son. No. No. No.

“Mum?” Alex backed away from his professor, looking up at his mother with a worried expression in his eyes.

Ginny shook her head trying to clear it. She grabbed Alex’s arm and dragged him towards Professor Snape. “Mum, ow!” Ginny was too far in the depths of shock to realize she was inflicting pain on her son.

Ginny’s voice wavered as she gripped Alex’s arms tightly. “This is Alex. Alex Weasley Professor. This is my son.”

“Weasley? Is blindness a family trait? That’s ten points from you Virginia Weasley, for insulting my student. Am I not a master at my craft? I would know a polyjuice potion imposter if I saw one. It’s plainly obvious that this is Draco Malfoy. ”

She shoved Alex away harshly from her, his face the same as the one that had tormented her and those she cared for years before. Voices of her brother, Harry and Hermione seemed a million miles away. Feeling weak and unsteady, she fell onto the hard surface of the hospital floor. “Why didn’t anyone tell me!” she screamed.

She pounded her fists into the floor until they became bruised, “Why!?”

Ron grabbed her before she could injure herself further. “We-We didn’t know.”

“Look at him!” she pointed to Alex who stood shaking silently in the corner of the room. “He looks like that bloody deatheater. Your grandfather killed my brothers. Did you know that Alex? Your grandfather was an evil man just like your father!”

“No he’s not!” Alex cried as snot and tears ran down his face. “He’s not!”

“How dare you defend him! Your father is a wicked man!” Ginny screamed. All this time Alex’s deatheater father had been right under her nose. He was probably mocking her, laughing at how he was able to kiss the woman willingly he had once took without permission.

“Stop it.” Hermione said kneeling next to Alex and gathering him in her arms. “You’re scaring him.”

Ginny wept aloud, Alex’s cries joining hers from across the room as each rocked back and forth in anguish. Ginny was oblivious to the whisperings between her brother and Harry. Draco Malfoy wanted to humiliate her. She cried harder realizing upon glancing at Alex that he already had.

“We still have pull at the ministry.” Harry whispered. “We’ll have Malfoy brought in for questioning. Ron’s already contacted the Aurors.”

“I hate him! I hate him!” Ginny pushed Ron away tearing away at her blouse like a madwoman, leaving her in nothing but her brassiere. The marks she had hidden with a glamour spell were no longer invisible.

Harry drew in a harsh breath, “What the hell??”

Ginny tried catching her breath, “Malfoy attacked me. He ripped my clothes…….”

Ron’s face became red. “Did he rape you Ginny? If he did so help me, this time I won’t fall for his bloody lies. He’ll be sorry I let him get away for so long.”

“Ron, now is not the time to go on a personal vendetta!” Hermione pleaded trying to reason with not only Ron and Ginny but with Harry as well.

Ginny shook her head, “No, he didn’t rape me.”

“He’s still going to be brought to justice Ginny.” Harry said offering Ginny his cloak. Ginny let Harry lead her to a chair ignoring Snape who was taking points at the yelling in his classroom. “Ron and I thought it was Lucius, Ginny.”

Ron hugged his sister close, “When we finally broke into the prison and found Charlie and Percy dead I was so grateful to Malfoy that you were alive. I’m sorry Ginny. Please forgive me.”

Ginny cried onto her brother’s shoulder unable to speak. Brushing away her tears she looked up to find a room filled with Aurors and Snape still taking points away from each and every one.

It was difficult for Ginny, but more tears later she had told and retold the episode of what had occurred between her and Draco Malfoy. A female auror was brought in to go over every bruise and bitemark that blemished her skin. “Rest assured Miss Weasley, based on this evidence alone, he’ll be in Azkaban tonight.”

Hermione stood arguing with one of the Aurors, “You will not step foot into my school. I still have students residing there for the holidays. Let me talk to Professor Malfoy. I am sure he will come to the Ministry willingly for questioning.”

“That’s obstruction of justice Miss Potter.” One of the younger Aurors added.

“Please Hermione, listen to the Auror.” Harry suggested almost to the point of begging.

Hermione paced the room, “Fine, but I am coming to observe. I will not have my students and staff frightened by such an intrusion!”

Ginny clutched Harry’s cloak tighter around her as a Ministry official approached, quill and parchment in hand. “We’ll have to take your son Alex Weasley in when we bring in Draco Malfoy. The Ministy will need to run some tests on your son to prove Mr. Malfoy’s paternity.”

A pain squeezed her heart as she thought of Alex. “Yes, of course. Do what you have to.” It would have been better had she and Alex never found out. It would hurt him to find out what his favorite professor had been capable of. For some reason it filled Ginny with a dull ache. Even after what he had done to her that night, Ginny could never shake the look of sadness and regret Draco had when he left her lying naked and vulnerable. If he had done such a thing before why had he stopped?

Ginny looked around for her son realizing that he was nowhere to be found. “Alex?” she asked hoping he would answer. She looked everywhere in the small room. A small blond haired boy was no longer present. Ginny’s sense of loss was beyond tears. She hadn’t meant to push him away. He didn’t deserve her yelling or screaming. Had she not been doing the same thing Oliver Wood and others had done to her son? Punishing him for a parentage that was beyond his control, she had hurt him once again.

Hermione seeing her concern ran out into the hallway calling for Alex. Minutes later she returned without a little boy behind her. “The nurses and healers haven’t seen him….”

Ginny watched in confusion as Hermione reached into her cloak pocket withdrawing her hand and staring at her empty palm.

“What is it Hermione? Ginny paused and continued in sinking tones, “ Do you know where my son is?”

The room became hushed at Hermione’s words. “He’s taken my portkey to Hogwarts.”

To be continued……….

Just want to thank my beta reader – Violet Jersey!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

16. Never Let Go

Chapter 15

Emptiness filled the Great Hall save for a lone man eating his Christmas dinner illuminated by a few flickering candles. The remaining students had long since finished the small holiday feast leaving their professor alone. A few students wished him a Happy Christmas only to be greeted in return with silence. They knew better than to be around Professor Malfoy when he was in such a mood. Perhaps he didn’t mind being by himself, they all thought.

Any other holiday Draco would have agreed. It was much better to feel sorry for oneself without company. Draco was used to spending the holidays without friends or family. This Christmas was supposed to be different. He could have been with Ginny. It should have been him watching Alex unwrap presents under the tree while Ginny sat on his lap, his fingers playing with her hair. Draco would hold her tight and never let her go.

“When the war is over, I want you to spend the holiday with me at the Burrow.” Ginny said her hand caressing the pale cheek of her lover.

Draco shook his head as he looked down at Ginny’s beautiful face, the cascade of red hair that was splayed enticingly on his pillows. Draco had buried his hands in her hair as he’d made love to her. Draco had touched and kissed her everywhere. But a few weeks ago at Hogwarts he felt nothing but hate for her. How odd yet how very right it felt to have Ginny Weasley in his bed. Draco wanted her when he wasn’t supposed to want for anything except the victory of a cause he despised.

“Your parents and brothers would never let a Malfoy into their precious little burrow.”

A small smile of enchantment touched her lips, “Because I love you they will love you.” Draco wondered whether Ginny knew what a captivating picture she made when she smiled.

Draco traced her lips with his own, “Love me do you?”

“Yes, very much so.” Ginny said as Draco lowered his body over hers, tucking her curves into his own contours.

Much later as their bodies lay naked and still moist from their lovemaking Ginny voiced the question he was avoiding answering. “When can I see my brothers Draco?”

Even he didn’t know the answer. Every day she would ask and every day he would give her the same answer, “I don’t know.”

Charlie and Percy were being held in another wing of the prison overseen by none other than Lucius. Even Draco couldn’t gain access to them. To attempt so was to raise suspicion. It was only a stroke of luck that the particular prisoner he had been assigned was Ginny Weasley. How could he tell her that they were tortured daily, their screams filling the entire corridor. Draco wouldn’t. She would never understand that he couldn’t interfere.

Had he done so and failed, the protection he offered Ginny would be gone. She would be at the mercy of the other Death Eaters. Draco saw the looks they had given his special prisoner. What frightened him above all was his father. Draco couldn’t shake the feeling that Lucius knew more than he let on about his relationship with the female Weasley. Draco would go along with everything he was told to do. The other prisoners’ lives were inconsequential. Draco couldn’t help them even if he wanted to, all that mattered was the redheaded woman he had fallen for. He had to protect her.

What a spectacular failure that was. Draco poured himself another glass of wine, not enough to be drunk since he did have students to care for but enough to ease the pain.

Amidst the devastation in the middle of a street that was once Diagon Alley, Draco cradled an unmoving Ginny in his arms. She had almost been free. She had just been one prisoner. Why couldn’t they have let her go? The Death Eaters had no need for her. Why did they have to hurt her? But Draco already knew the answer. The war was almost over. A lost cause, and the Death Eaters thrived on cruelty and revenge. They may be on the losing side but they would take as many people to the afterlife with them, before Dumbledore’s Army came to throw Voldemort and his followers into Azkaban.

“I won’t let you die.” He smoothed his hand against her cool cheek, “I won’t let you die.” Draco knew then that without a doubt he loved Ginny and he loved the baby that she was carrying. Being faced with the possibility that he might not be able to save her forced Draco to admit his feelings. He loved her. Sweet Merlin, why did it take the horror of war to make him realize it?

Her breathing was uneven and ragged. “Ginny, please be ok, please be ok. I’m so sorry.” For a split second Draco’s heart stopped beating. He knew that if Ginny died, he didn’t want to live.

Draco breathed a sign of relief as her eyes fluttered opened. Holding her tightly against his chest he flicked his wand at the night sky. “Mors Mordre.” Draco’s shoulders trembled as he tried to keep his tears at bay. They ate away at his insides, clawing at his throat until the tears finally flooded his eyes. “They’ll be here soon Ginny.”

“I love you Draco Malfoy.” Ginny said weakly entwining her fingers with his.

Draco placed a kiss atop her forehead, “I lo…………….” He was never able to finish his sentence.


At the sound of Lucius voice, Draco reached for his wand that Ginny still gripped in her hand. Too late. He felt his body being flung to the opposite side of the street, landing with a thud amongst broken pieces of concrete and brick.

“You’ll watch me take your pretty little girlfriend.” Lucius growled binding his son as he tore at Ginny’s robe. “I lose, you will lose as well.”

Draco could feel bile rise in his throat as Lucius claimed Ginny’s lips against his, crushing her frail body to him. Draco cried along with Ginny when her attempts to resist Lucius were meant with a ferocious slam of her head against the cold, hard ground.

Don’t fucking touch her! Don’t you fucking dare! Draco’s screams joined Ginny’s. Draco could hear the sounds of the battle in the distance. The order was here, so close yet so far. They wouldn’t get here in time and now he was defenseless.

How many glasses of wine had he consumed? Draco was beginning to lose count. Everything was a tad bit blurry, just as the memory of his father hurting Ginny was blurry. The Order had arrived just in time for Ron Weasley and Harry Potter to witness Draco kill his own father. But they had all been too late.

He could still hear her screams for him to help her. Draco finished off the bottle of wine, opening another bottle and pouring yet another glass. “You’ve always been mad at me haven’t you Ginny.” He muttered to himself, “I know deep down you blame me, because I blame myself.”

A draft of cold air filled the Great Hall and a young boy started running towards him. “Father! Father you have to get out of here!”

Hallucinating, he must be hallucinating. Alex wasn’t supposed to be here. He was at the Burrow with his mother and the rest of the Weasley’s. As soon as he felt small arms wrap around him Draco knew he wasn’t dreaming. Alex really was here. But something wasn’t right. Alex’s words were lost in cries that were muffled against his father’s cloak. Draco hugged him in return. What had happened to bring Alex back to Hogwarts? “What’s wrong? Is your mum ok?”

“Y-you have to go!” Alex shoved a broom in his hands. “T-They’re c-coming!”

Alex hiccupped, crying only harder. The words coming out if his mouth were unintelligible. Draco set the broom aside. “Calm down and tell me what’s going on.”

“There’s no time!” Alex said trying to pull Draco out of his chair. “Please Father……”

The doors to the Great Hall flew open, the shrill cry from Hermione echoed, “That wasn’t necessary! I have students here! Dammit, there is no need for all these Aurors. He’s not a Dark wizard!”

Draco immediately arose, knocking his wine glass over. He clutched his son closer as a dozen Ministry officials entered the hall. “Not in front of my son!” He said as he drew his wand. He couldn’t think, he couldn’t feel. Draco’s only instinct was to run. “Not in front of my son!”

“Get away from him Alex.” Harry Potter called out to him as Ron waved his wand dangerously at Draco.

“No!” Alex shouted. They were going to take his father away and he wouldn’t let them. He would fight every last one of them.

Hermione tried to push Ron’s wand arm down but she was no match for his strength. He resisted Hermione’s attempts, “I should kill you for lying to me Malfoy! Can’t believe I ever believed you. Following in Lucius footsteps, have you? Perhaps you were doing just that all along. Like Father like Son.”

“I’m nothing like him!” Draco answered in a harsh raw voice.

“You hurt my sister and obviously this hasn’t been the first time!” Ron said edging closer.

“Leave this to us.” One of the Aurors stated to Ron realizing the danger of the situation.

“No, I don’t think I will.” Ron said urged on by his sister’s cries and visions of his brother’s deaths. A Quidditch player he was, but his stint as an Auror during the war taught him many things. One was a perfect aim, “Crucio!” he shouted.

“No!” Alex watched in horror as his father fell to the floor twitching convulsively. “Leave him alone!” Alex cried as the Aurors rushed forward. He pointed his wand at the evil men that came to take his father away.

“Put that wand down little one. We’re just here to help.” The lie came straight out of the Auror’s mouth but Alex didn’t believe him one bit. “We just need to ask your father a few questions.”

Alex kept his wand pointed at the man, ignoring Uncle Harry and Aunt Hermione’s pleas for him to put his wand down. Alex lifted his quivering chin, boldly meeting the Auror’s eyes, “Will you let him go?”

“Y-yes we will. Now give me your wand.” The Auror lunged forward grabbing Alex’s wand.

“Liar!” Alex yelled snatching not only his wand back but the Auror’s as well. “Expelliarmus!” he screamed. Another Auror stepped forward only to watch his wand go up in flames as Alex shouted, “Incendio!”

The weak voice of his father reached Alex’s ears. “Alex please stop.”

Keeping his wand steady he knelt down next to his father. “They’ll take you away!” Alex’s body shook as a steady stream of tears made their way down his pale cheeks. “I just found you, I just found you!” he sobbed.

Draco still shaky from the effect of the Cruciatus curse raised himself up wrapping his arms around Alex. Without Alex noticing, he took the wands from his hands, tossing them aside. “I love you.” Draco said softly. “I love you.”


Ginny stood in the back watching the events unfold. Draco held her son and although she couldn’t hear him she saw the words his mouth formed. “I love you.” It could have been a tender scene, one that would make most people smile or feel warm inside.

Instead it made Ginny want to cry as the Aurors rushed forward. One of them grabbed Alex who screamed, his arms outstretched towards Malfoy. “NO!” Alex cried struggling against the Auror’s strong grip.

Magical bonds were immediately placed on Malfoy who offered up his arms to the arresting Aurors without resisting. Draco’s voice cracked, “Take my son away, I – I don’t want him to see….. this.”

Malfoy looked tired and weary, she thought, noticing a tinge of red in his eyes. He met her eyes briefly before quickly glancing away. Those weren’t the eyes of a person sorry for being caught but of a man filled with regret.

“Take my son away.”

She realized that he wasn’t speaking to the Aurors, nor Harry and Hermione. He was speaking to her. Ginny nodded to the Auror who held Alex releasing him into her arms.

“Please Mum, don’t let them take him to Azkaban.” Alex cried as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Ginny didn’t know what to say, she did the only thing she could do. She held him close, her tears mingling with his. She grasped her hand tightly around Alex’s attempting to lead him out of the Great Hall.

“No! I can’t leave him!” Alex tried in vain to push away from her.

“Alex, stop! You have to come with me!” Ginny said struggling with much effort to hold onto him. She looked to Hermione for help but she was far too busy with Harry trying to restrain Ron.

Unexpected tears welled in Ginny’s eyes, watching as the Aurors dragged a bonded and defeated Draco Malfoy towards the oak doors that would take him away from Hogwarts to Azkaban. That was the punishment he deserved, wasn’t it? She shouldn’t feel sorry for Draco Malfoy. Because of him she had been hurt, Alex was hurt and Ginny didn’t know if she would ever be able to take his pain away.

“Can’t you see how much he loves me! Can’t you see how much he loves YOU!” Alex screamed stretching out his arms in vain towards his father.

In the black stillness of Ginny’s mind was burned the memory of a man whose face lingered around the edges of her thoughts. Someone had loved her once and she had loved in return.

“Love me do you?” his lips brushed against hers as he spoke sending shivers of desire racing through her.

“Yes, very much so.” Ginny gasped as he lowered his body over hers once again. It was flesh against flesh, man against woman. Ginny felt as if she was half ice and half flame as she welcomed him into her body.

“Listen to your mum.” Alex immediately calmed down at Malfoy’s voice but his crying did not cease.

Ginny smoothed Alex’s hair back allowing him to cry for the man she thought she hated. Ginny was silent. She couldn’t tell him everything would be ok, because it would not be true. She could only pray to the gods that Alex would forgive her and someday understand.

And Ginny hoped that one day she would understand why she was crying for the man that had given her a son so long ago in a dungeon cell.


Ginny sat in her father’s Ministry office, holding Alex who slept snoring softly in her arms. She was thankful to Hermione for the sleeping potion that had finally calmed down her screaming and crying son. Ron meanwhile paced back and forth ignoring Harry and Hermione’s request for him to sit down. Ginny felt a sense of comfort when her parents arrived, awaiting results of a test that Ginny already knew the answer to.

A Wizard dressed in a white lab coat entered with parchment in hand, “Miss Weasley, if you’ll come with me, I can tell you the results privately.”

Ginny twisted her hands nervously. She knew what would be said. But making it official was quite another thing. Alex indeed would be the son of a Death Eater. The blood that ran through him was from one of the most hated families in the wizarding world. Taunts that followed him at Hogwarts would not be easily ignored. Soon the whole wizarding world would know the whole horrific story. There would be no way to keep what would be revealed here in the confines of the Ministry a family secret. Too many ears had heard and too many eyes had seen.

“Whatever the results are, it won’t change a thing.” Molly said reaching out to rub a sleeping Alex’s back.

Arthur nodded in agreement, “Nothing will change the fact that we love him, right Ronald?”

Ron stopped his frantic pacing to stare at the boy Ginny held in her arms. He slumped into the chair next to Ginny, his eyes watering, “How can anyone not love the little bloke. I love him………a lot.”

The truth hurt but it had to be better than being fed half truths and lies. Addressing the wizard that would change not only her life but Alex’s as well, Ginny cleared her throat, struggling to find her words. “Whatever is to be said to me can be said in front of my family as well.”

Taking a deep breath the Wizard unrolled the parchment, “Draco Malfoy cannot be excluded as the father of Alex Weasley, with probability of paternity being 100%.”

Ginny took another look at her sleeping son. She caressed the face that looked so much like the boy who had teased her, Ron and their friends mercilessly at Hogwarts. Alex shared the same facial characteristics as the boy who had grown to be a Death Eater. But Alex was neither Draco nor Ginny. He was his own person that Ginny was proud to call her own. Knowing who his father was wouldn’t change how she felt. His nose, chin, cheeks, even his coloring were the same as the man who had fathered him. Ginny let her tears fall, for she loved Alex even more.


Thanks to all who reviewed!!!!!!!!! I can’t thank all 500 + of you but I really appreciate the fact that you take time out of your day to read my little fanfic.

I know some of you didn’t like Ginny’s characterization last chapter. Just remember that Draco Malfoy did try to have his way with her even if he never intended to hurt her. She thinks Alex is a product of rape. Most rape victims ran the gamut of emotions from sadness and rage to trying to feel absolutely nothing. I hope this chapter starts to explain other reasons as to why she can’t or won’t remember. Also if you have any questions about my story pls feel free to email me.

17. A Secret Shame

Ginny tucked her sleeping son into his bed. He stirred a bit as she drew the covers more snugly around him. His reddened cheeks were still wet with fresh tears as he cried, “Please Father, don’t leave.”

Ginny sat on the edge of Alex’s bed until he became silent, except for the soft sounds of his breathing. “Alex Weasley,” Ginny whispered, “You are such a handsome boy.” She brushed a wisp of blonde hair off his forehead and pressed another kiss in its place.

“Father!” he whimpered in his sleep, reaching his arms for someone who was only present in his dreams. “Don’t go!”

Heavy emotions welled inside Ginny. Why were there no healing charms for a wounded soul? Pulling herself together she walked woodenly towards the door before turning back once again to drink in the sight of her son.

What if he hated her?

Molly, standing behind, nudged her daughter gently. “Ginny dear, Alex needs his rest. Come dowstairs, I’ve brewed some tea.”

“Yes Mum.” Ginny said keeping her eyes fixed on Alex. Her mind was spinning trying to adjust to everything that had happened, trying to let the fact sink in that Draco Malfoy had fathered her son. “Nox.” She whispered and shut the door following her mother downstairs. Somber faces of her family greeted her. Never could Ginny remember a Christmas in the Burrow without laughter and gaiety. How much things had already changed.

Bill pulled out a chair for his sister, motioning for Ginny to take a seat. “Dad, Harry and Ron are still at the Ministry. They’ll be here soon.”

Ginny sat between her mother and Hermione, sharing an uneasy silence. No sounds were made except for the occasional chime of the clock. Even George and Fred were uncharacteristically quiet.

“We have things to discuss with you Ginny,” Harry and Ron had told her before she portkeyed back to the Burrow with her parents and a sleeping Alex. “I know it will be late but it’s important you hear them from us instead of others.”

Ginny had been too tired to question what they meant. What more could they tell her? How much would she be able to take? All the Weasley grandchildren had been sent to bed. Whatever Harry and Ron had to share wouldn’t be discussed amongst the children. It wouldn’t prevent them from finding out what happened during the war, and soon Alex would be at the center of it all, unable to ever hide from what would be revealed. Ginny took a deep breath. She had her own questions and this time she wouldn’t be afraid to face the answers.

Hermione reached out and placed her hands gently on Ginny’s shoulders, “Before the story gets out, there are things about the past you need to know Ginny.”

“What did you three keep from us!” Molly said angrily carrying in a tray with steaming mugs of hot tea and cookies for the family. “What else in Merlin’s name can there possibly be?!”

Hermione stumbled looking away from Ginny, “We—we did what we thought was best. We did it to—”

“Protect Ginny,” Ron finished stepping out from the fireplace with Harry and Arthur behind him, “We did it to protect you.”

“Protect me? I was working with him, living next to him!” Ginny trembled, her cup shaking in her hand at the knowledge that someone so dangerous had been allowed the freedom to hurt her, “He was teaching my son!”

Arthur stood, chewing his lip shooting angry stares at both his son and Harry, “They’ve told me everything Ginny. There is much more that happened than even I and your mother were aware of.” Arthur wiped a stray tear that escaped from his eyes, “Perhaps you can come to understand why they felt they had to hide this from us, from you and from Alex.”

Molly shot Arthur a look fraught with worry. Crouching down beside Ginny’s chair she took her daughter’s hand willing for a sense of peace and calmness to surround her.

Ginny shook her head trying to make sense of it all, “Why…” Ginny managed in a hoarse whisper, “Why did you trust Draco Malfoy?”


No tears were shed. Ginny had none left. It was she who comforted her mum when more of the horrible truth was told to the rest of the family. Numbness filled her at Ron and Harry’s account of her rescue. Winning the war had come at a terrible cost. Most of the prisoners had been massacred with only a handful of witches and wizards left for the Order to rescue.

Charlie and Percy had been the last of the bodies the Aurors had found along with their trusted spy who was no longer in his right mind.

“Twenty points from the both of you for coming to class late. Maybe detention will provide you and Weasley with lessons on punctuality!” Snape snapped at Harry while curiously eyeing the crying Ron.

Helplessness overwhelmed Ron as he slumped to the ground between the bodies of Percy and Charlie. He lowered his forehead into his hands and closed his eyes. “NO!”

“Ron…” Hermione said softly attempting to console her friend.

Hermione started to wrap her arms around him when Ron held up a hand to stop her and turned away. With his shoulders hunched, he cried tears for Luna, Percy and Charlie and a sister he was certain was dead.

“Ron,” Harry said quietly placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “I’m sorry.”

A raw and primitive grief overwhelmed him, “Where’s my sister? Where the hell is she?!”

Harry and Hermione shared pained glances. Teams of Aurors had swarmed the prison looking for the unaccounted prisoner, but Ginny Weasley was nowhere to be found.

The potion Professor’s next remarks gave Ron a glimmer of hope, “I’d cry too if a Weasley ran off with a Malfoy. Silly children…” Snape muttered to no one in particular as he stared at an empty stairwell, “Run you fool, run!”

The broken remnants of what was once Diagon Alley welcomed them as Harry, Hermione and Ron emerged from the Death Eater stronghold. A vast wasteland was all that remained of a place that once teemed with wizards and witches. A lone sign blew in the wind, proof that at one time a store had indeed existed. The horizon became darker and menacing, thunder rolled through the night sky promising survivors that destruction was not yet over. Sheets of rain poured down threatening to obscure their vision.

It wasn’t the scream of a young woman that caught their attention but the cries of a man in agony. A flash of lightening uncovered the sin of a man against woman. In the distance Harry and Ron could see the struggling figure of Draco Malfoy, and but a few feet away from the bound man, a sickening sight greeted them. An unmoving bruised and bloody Ginny lay beneath Lucius Malfoy as he violently writhed atop her.

In anger Ron raised his wand, “Avada…”

“No Ron! You might hit Ginny!” Hermione screamed.

Pointing his wand at Draco. Harry yelled a countercurse at the young blond man still dressed in the robes of the enemy. A most unlikely spy, who had turned sides at the very end of the greatest Wizarding War in history. Questions were raised. Sabotage many of the Aurors suspected. He was trying to bring down the Order, but surprisingly all his information had been accurate. Harry had no choice but to trust him.

From afar, Harry, Ron and Hermione raced on their brooms towards an unbound Draco. Grey eyes blazing, he leapt atop his father. Draco seemed to be in possession of superhuman strength as he flung the elder Death Eater against a brick wall. A flurry of punches was released but Lucius refused to show any pain, only smiling even more so at his son.

“I hate you!” Draco screamed as his fist connected with the face of the man he had loved more than anything, “I’m going to kill you!”

A satanic smile spread across Lucius’ lips, “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Accio Wand!”

Draco grabbed the wand in midair pointing it at his father’s heart.

“You’re a coward Draco.” Lucius drawled. “You can’t kill me the same way you couldn’t save that pretty little Weasley whore…”

A cry echoed through the night sky as Draco plunged his wand deep into his father’s chest. Lucius looked down as blood trickled from his chin in shock and horror, sliding to the ground. Draco followed him, his shaking hands still clutching the wand oblivious to the three Aurors who had just landed behind him.

“Goodbye Father.” While tears mingled with the rain running down his face Draco gave a final plunge of the blood soaked wand, chanting “Avada Kedavra.”


A secret Ron, Harry and Hermione had shared with Draco to protect her.

A secret that won Draco Malfoy the trust of former enemies and assured his eventual freedom.

Ginny felt absolutely nothing at Harry and Ron’s confession. Perhaps deep within her mind she had always known. Lucius was a cruel man with fierce hatred reserved for Muggles and unmatched ferocity for the Weasley family. Atrocities happen during times of war and Ginny knew this before volunteering, never once thinking it could be her. Always the victim would be another unseen face, never again would she play that role. But she had many more times than her memory would allow her to relive.

“My baby,” Molly cried as she hugged her daughter, “My poor baby.” Ginny couldn’t relax in her mother’s embrace, for it was not her who would need touches of assurance and love. Alex would be devastated. Twelve years ago Draco Malfoy had forced himself upon her and Alex had been the result. Soon her son and the whole of the Wizarding world would find out that she was raped by not only the father of her child but his grandfather as well.

Ginny withdrew from her mother’s embrace at the sound of tapping at the window. An owl beckoned just outside, an edition of the Daily Prophet tied to its feet. She moved towards the window retrieving the paper and giving the owl a few treats in return. Ginny gripped the Daily Prophet in her hand, the vacant stare of Draco Malfoy looking back at her as he was led away into Azkaban.


By. Parvati Longbottom

An apologetic Draco Malfoy was taken into custody Wednesday evening for the sexual assault of Virginia Weasley, daughter of Minster of Magic Arthur Weasley and his wife Molly Weasley. The assault took place during Sunday evening Dec 23 in the victim’s quarters at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry where both are instructors. The former Death Eater confessed to the crime immediately upon being brought to the Ministry for questioning.

Draco Malfoy is also being charged in the rape of Virginia Weasley more than a dozen years ago in the notorious Death Eater Prison, Mors Mortis, in which both her brothers: Percy Weasley, a former employee of the Ministry and Charlie Weasley, dragon trainer, died. Draco Malfoy is denying the rape of Miss Weasley claiming that sex was consensual between both parties.

A paternity test performed on the DADA Professor and Virginia Weasley’s son Alex who is currently in his first year at Hogwarts were conclusive to the fact that Draco Malfoy had fathered the child.

A Ministry inquiry has been launched into the reasoning behind Draco Malfoy’s release from Azkaban 11 years ago. Mr Malfoy was freed due to the efforts of Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter, former highly decorated Aurors who now play for the Chudley Canons. New evidence has emerged that Virginia Weasley was raped and beaten by Lucius Malfoy after the defeat of Voldemort. For the past 12 years Miss Weasley was comatose and this attack may very well prove to be the cause.

An undisclosed source states that Draco Malfoy murdered his father after the vicious rape on Virginia Weasley. Speculation has arisen as to why Draco Malfoy committed patricide.

A close acquaintance of the family gave these comments, “He lied to us. Draco Malfoy killed his father to serve his own purposes, to prove he was on our side. And we believed him.”

Ronald Weasley under duress attacked Draco Malfoy with an unforgivable curse. The Ministry has agreed to waive punishment on Ronald Weasley’s behalf due to the sensitive nature of the crime committed against his sister. When Draco Malfoy was asked whether Ronald Weasley should also be sent to Azkaban for his misuse of unauthorized and deadly magic, the former Death Eater answered no.

Rape carries a serious penalty of the Dementor’s kiss, whereas Malfoy’s assault conviction may only earn him a few years behind the walls of Azkaban. When Arthur Weasley was asked what punishment he would seek for his daughter’s attacker he replied, “Let the wizards and witches of the wizarding world decide.”

Hermione Potter, Headmistress of Hogwarts, and friend of the Weasley’s had this to add, “The Dementor’s Kiss is wrong in principle and unjust in application. As a magical community of law abiding citizens we must move together beyond the use of the Dementor’s Kiss as a means to deal with the accused. Research has proven that this punishment has not been shown to be a deterrent to crime. The wrongful application of the Dementor’s Kiss to an innocent person is an injustice that can never be rectified.”

When asked if she was putting forth the suggestion that Draco Malfoy’s life be spared, Hermione Potter only responded with, “No comment.”

“All my sister wants is justice,” Ronald Weasley said, “We are going to ensure that happens by whatever means necessary.”

Ginny threw the paper onto the table. Ron grabbed the Daily Prophet immediately scanning the article with his brothers and their wives. “At least we all know where you stand Hermione.” Ron said acidly.

Hermione’s calm features immediately became startled, “Ginny, please. I’m here for you. I support you, but as the accused Malfoy still has rights.”

It was Harry who confronted his wife, “Hermione, now is not the time to push this agenda of yours.”

“This isn’t SPEW Hermione! This isn’t about elf rights. Malfoy deserves nothing less than the Dementor’s Kiss for what he did! He pulled the wool over all our eyes and was able to walk freely at our expense. Because of our blindness he hurt Ginny again. Or does she not matter? What about the rights of the victim?” Ron’s eyes snapped in anger “Do those count at all?”

“I think it would be better if you left Hermione.” Molly said bitterly.

“No.” Ginny said blocking the fireplace, “Hermione doesn’t have to leave.” This was supposed to be a special Christmas not just for her but for Alex. It was too late for a Happy Christmas. Her world was rapidly crumbling around her, ruined. She needed the stability of her loved ones, and Hermione although not bonded by blood was family. Hermione was her sister and her confidante. Who else could she talk to about the misgivings, irrational feelings and thoughts she was experiencing about Draco Malfoy. Why didn’t Hermione believe in his guilt?

Hermione gave a forced smile to Ginny,and the rest of the Weasley’s. “Actually I really must be getting back to Hogwart’s. I left Professor Sinistra in charge. As Headmistress it’s my duty in times like these to oversee the school.” Hermione nodded to Harry who strode towards the fireplace, “Stay here Harry. No need to cut your holiday short too. I’ll see you tonight.”

A pinch of floo powder later and Hermione was transported away in a cloud of smoke. “She didn’t have to leave.” Ginny whispered leaning against the empty fireplace. “No more arguing, no more talk about what happened.” Ginny didn’t want to hear anything else, didn’t want any more reminders of the horror that had occurred, there were too many of those already. The past was over and done with. All that was left now was to deal with the present.


The sun’s warm rays filtered through Alex’s window, awakening the sleeping boy. Mornings at the burrow always filled him with happiness and warmth. But the memories of the night before left him with a bewildering sense of loss. Alex walked across his room to his desk writing a quick letter before sending it off with his owl perched outside the window. Waving to the bird as it flew off he wished it a safe journey.

Closing the window he sensed something was amiss. The Burrow was never quiet. He crept down the stairs to an empty kitchen. “Grandma Molly? Grandpa?” Alex’s small voice asked only to hear nothing in return. Alex’s eyes wandered around the parlor that was devoid of Weasley’s except for the faint scent of Aunt Fleur’s perfume. He followed the scent to the front door, opening it to see numerous fresh tracks in the snow.

Every year after Christmas the whole family went sledding. Never had he missed a day of fun in the snow with his family. But they had left him. He slowly trudged back to the kitchen stopping in his tracks at the sight of his father staring back at him. “Father!” he whispered sliding into a chair to read about the man he missed so much he felt as if his heart would break.

Slowly the realization crept upon him. His family hated him. After reading the article Alex hated himself. Tears trickled from his eyes smearing the ink on the paper. He crumpled up the paper, tearing it into tiny pieces before finally throwing it into the fireplace. “Incendio!”

Alex still refused to believe that his father would hurt his mum. No, Father loves Mum, just as much as he loves me. It had to be a mistake. Alex looked at the small bruises on his wrists. Whatever his father did Alex was sure he hadn’t meant to hurt her just like his mum hadn’t meant to hurt him.

He had looked forward to the day when he could become Alex Malfoy, proud to be the son of Draco Malfoy. Now the name was tainted and evil and the whole world had always known, except for him. Grandma Molly had told him that she would always love him no matter what, that it didn’t matter how he came to be. But she had lied. They couldn’t love him. How could they even look at him after the horrible things his grandfather had done to his mother.

Alex hugged his knees to himself, squinting into the dying flames wishing he could disappear. Would they give Father the Dementor’s Kiss? Then he would be truly alone for he was sure his father was the only one who loves him. “I don’t want you to die.” Alex cried letting the tears run freely down his face. “You can’t leave me.”

Arms came around him and Alex found himself enveloped in his mother’s embrace. Mum hadn’t left him. He leaned into Ginny pressing his lips together trying to still his quivering chin. Alex allowed his mum to wipe the tears away even as more followed. He wouldn’t let himself look at her. Alex kept his eyes downcast afraid that she would see the Malfoy in him and hate him for it.

“Do you…” Alex finally dared to look up at the mother he had wished many years for. He whispered the question that weighed heavily on his mind, afraid of the answer he would receive, “Do you love me?”

Dear Merlin, she loved this child.

The vulnerability in her son’s eyes broke Ginny‘s heart. She touched the little boy’s silky cheek catching a stray tear with her thumb. She could barely get the words out as she brushed at her own eyes. “Yes Alex. I love you. No matter what happened in the past and what happens in the future I want you to know this Alex, I will always love you.”

“B—but” Alex stammered struggling to get the words out, “E—everyone is gone. They left me. Grandma Molly left me, Grandpa…”

She rocked him back in forth in her arms, swallowing to dispel the lump in her throat. “Sssh, honey you were still sleeping. They didn’t want to wake you. Besides, I wanted some alone time with you. Was that ok?”

There had been another reason the family decided to let Alex sleep in. Reporters had swarmed Ottery St. Catchpole hoping for a glimpse of the newly discovered Malfoy child. Fierceness and protectiveness surged through her when Fred had spotted the first of many reporters on the Weasley Property. Alex would not be fodder for their gossip columns.

His expression was troubled as he looked at her, “You wanted to spend time with just me?”

Ginny’s stomach flipped over. No child should ever question a parent about their love. How had she filled Alex with such doubt about her feelings towards him? There was much to make up for and Ginny intended to do just that. Her son would need her now more than ever. “Yes Alex, just you and me.” She drew him in tighter, rubbing his back, trying to absorb her son’s pain. “I love you Alex so very much.”


Am I dead? Draco could hear nothing but silence, nor his heartbeat or breathing. Even as the thought formed, waves of pain wracked his body assuring him that he was very much alive. Draco lay awake in the darkness of his cell trying not to think of the pain, his mind wandering the paths that had once again led him to Azkaban.

There was not a witch or wizard who was untouched by war in some way. Everyone had a connection to friends or family members who died at the hands of the Death Eaters. Draco was never one to give up control and now he was in the domain of wizards who sought revenge for past sins. Dementors were only used for executions, no longer inside the prison walls save for the day of death. Wizard guards could be just as cruel and even more calculating than their predecessors. This time, without Potter and Weasley’s protection he would be vulnerable. But he refused to beg for mercy.

It had taken three of the Azkaban guards to hold him down while they doled out their punishment of bruises, cuts, and broken bones. Ah, Merlin, everything hurt. How much longer would he have to hold out? His feet and hands were swollen, exquisitely painful. The next time would be much worse.

The next time came soon enough. Draco jolted upright on his cot as the door of his cell slid open facing a guard whose badge read Hawthorne. Hawthorne was a muscular man with a deep scar that ran down the down the left side of what could have been a handsome face, from the bottom of his eyelid down to his chin. A glass eyeball that eerily reminded Draco of Professor Moody had replaced where his left eye should have been.

The guard tapped the heavy baton in his hand as he paced the small confines of the cell, “Do you remember me Malfoy?”

“Yes, if my memory still serves me correctly I have you to thank for my black eye.” drawled Draco, “and you have me to thank for yours.” Draco refused to play punching bag for a lowly guard. Hadn’t he already paid dearly for his wrongdoings? He would not be used to atone for all the sins of Voldemort’s followers.

“Such a smart mouth you have there Death Eater. Watch what you say or I shall have my friends join me for a repeat of the little party we had earlier.”

“Yes, don’t forget to send me an invitation.” Draco said coolly his face never betraying the growing unease brewing inside him.

Hawthorne shot him a twisted smile, “I have something much better and maybe, just maybe I will let you have it if you show me some respect.”

Draco said nothing. He would not play into the guard’s games for he was prepared. Whatever response he gave would lead to the same result. Draco knew all too well the look and feel of impending violence for he had once played the part and now he would pay.

A piece of parchment paper was waved enticingly in the air in front of him, “Looks like you have some family after all Malfoy. This letter arrived in the owl post today.” A thin smile spread across the guard’s lips as he opened the letter and started to read. “Dear Father, I miss you, blah, blah, blah, Love Alex Malfoy.”

“That’s my letter!” Draco gritted looking up at Hawthorne through swollen eyes. Draco could see his son’s innocent brown eyes and the goodness they held, so unlike his own. He needed this connection to his son and would not allow it to be taken away. Struggling to his feet he reached for what was his.

Hawthorne beckoned another guard awaiting beyond the bars of his cell. A swift kick met his back as the guard entered, causing Draco to fall face first onto the floor, the coppery taste of blood filling Draco’s mouth. “I have rights damn you!”

“You lost all your rights the moment you had that skull burned into your skin!”

With much effort Draco pushed himself up spitting flecks of blood. “GIVE ME MY LETTER!”

“GIVE ME BACK MY PARENTS!” Hawthorne shouted. “I was eight when your people attacked my home. The Death Eaters killed my mother and forced me to watch. Called her a traitor for marrying, in your own words, a Mudblood. But it wasn’t enough was it?” Hawthorne’s voice rose with each and every word. “THE DEATH EATERS TOOK MY FATHER AWAY INTO THAT PRISON OF YOURS AND NEVER DID I SEE HIM AGAIN! I WAS LEFT AN ORPHAN WITH THESE REMINDERS!” he traced the scar that ran the length of his face.

Draco blanched scrubbing his face as if he could wash away his sins. He froze into blankness. Sorry would never be enough. Not to Ginny, not to Alex and not to the man who stood before him. The wrongdoings he had committed and the sins he had condoned would follow him the rest of his life. The past could not be changed.

A chill ran through Draco spine at the guard’s sadistic laugh. “May your demon seed of a child meet the same fate as all your victims!” A firm boot landed on Draco’s wrist causing it to snap.

“Aaah!” Draco grimaced, clutching his broken wrist, firmly to his chest. He was trapped in Azkaban unable to protect his son from the hurt he would surely face, “You leave my son out of this!”

Draco lunged for Hawthorne, who only shared a knowing smile with the other guard. The crack of the baton echoed in the room, meeting the base of Draco’s skull. He slid to the floor opening his eyes to find his prison cell blurred and out of focus. The urge to vomit was upon him as he wretched violently on the cold floor.

“You may learn in the next few days that death can be a blessing.” The other guard stated as his mouth took on an unpleasant twist. Hawthorne used his boot to turn Draco over. Instinctively Draco curled into a ball as a flurry of kicks and punches from both guards met his face, stomach, limbs, and back. This was not the first time they beat him and it would not be the last.

To be continued – Ginny and Alex visit Azkaban.

Hermione makes a discovery

Another shoutout to my betareader VioletJersey. Your help means so much! Salamat, Agyamanak

18. Accidents

Chapter 18

“You have to eat, Alex.” Leaning against the doorway to her son’s room, Ginny eyed Alex with concern. She had spent the last few days trying to comfort him, which in turn had leant comfort to herself. Since that tragic day at St. Mungo’s, her world seemed to crash down upon the name of Draco Malfoy escaping from the potion professor’s tongue. It was up to Ginny to gain some sense of normalcy back into their lives.

She was merely pouring every ounce of care into her son instead of being on the receiving end of her family’s sympathy. Was it selfish if she had other purposes? Concentrating on just Alex, she could forget the questions and doubts that lay on the edges of her mind.

“Not hungry.” He said staring out the window. Looking for what, Ginny didn’t know. She sat on the edge of his bed looking out the window with him. Alex was broodingly quiet. He refused to eat and opted to lock himself in his room instead of playing with his many cousins. It wasn’t for their lack of trying. Edmund and Everett had begged him to play seeker in their pickup Quidditch game only to be met with a resounding no.

“Your Grandma made all your favorites. “

Alex never let his eyes stray from the window but the frown was very evident on his face. “Will Uncle Ron be downstairs?”

Ginny was afraid of this and silently cursed her brother for having taken matters into his own hands in front of her son. “Everyone’s in the kitchen waiting for you to join us, your Uncle Ron included.”

“He hates me.” Alex said fiercely, “He hates my father and he hates me.”

“Your Uncle Ron loves you.”

“Why doesn’t he talk to me? He won’t look at me like I have something horrible on my face. It’s because I look like a Mafoy, isn’t it?”

Ginny closed her eyes briefly, striving to find the words that would help her son understand, “Uncle Ron wished he did things a bit differently. Sometimes adults let their emotions get the better of them. He knows you’re upset but he doesn’t quite know how to tell you that he’s sorry.”

For a long minute, Alex said nothing at all. Ginny wished she could say something else. She hated feeling inadequate and most of all Ginny hated the unhappiness on her son’s face. Ginny’s eyes shifted from the window to rest exclusively on her son. At this very moment, Alex looked even more so like Draco Malfoy.

Draco Malfoy is denying the rape of Miss Weasley claiming that sex was consensual between both parties.

When we found you Ginny, you were six weeks pregnant.

Ginny chose to not seek out answers to questions she felt were best left alone. She didn’t want to fathom what occurred in the dungeons before the Order had found her. Had both father and son shared in unleashing their lust and violence upon me? No, Ginny shook her head, Don’t think about it! She didn’t want to remember. Draco Malfoy was a liar, twisting her son’s mind to believe in his innocence and twisting her own mind to doubt his guilt.

A heavy silence hung between mother and son broken only by a knock at the door. “Where’s my favorite grandson?” came the familiar voice of Molly Weasley as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. “Owl post came, there’s a letter for you.”

The first smile in days graced his lips. Alex scrambled off his bed, “I have a letter?!”

Molly handed the letter to her eager grandson. Alex scowled as he casually tossed it onto his desk.

“Is something wrong?” Ginny asked, turning the envelope over in her hands. Pink hearts were drawn around the envelope with the initials C.W. + A.M.

Ginny took a deep breathe upon glancing at the initials. Alex Malfoy. This was not the name she wanted associated with her son. He was already being demonized in the papers. Horrible comments about Alex being the new dark lord. She had taken it upon herself to destroy each copy of the Daily Prophet and Quibbler before her son could read them.

“Wasn’t it nice of Casey Wood to send you a letter?” Maybe there is hope, Ginny thought. At least there were some people outside the Weasley family who knew that Alex was still the same boy despite his bloodlines.

“Nothing else came for me?” Alex asked his grandmother in an almost pleading tone.

“Just Casey’s letter,” Molly answered, “Were you expecting anything else?”

Ginny swore silently. She knew exactly what Alex was waiting for. “Have you been writing him?”

Alex leaned forward on the edge of his bed, his small chest rising and falling rapidly, “Him? You mean my father. Why can’t you just say it?”

“Don’t Alex. He’s in Azkaban for a reason.” Ginny could say no more. He didn’t deserve the title of father. One didn’t go about making children by attacking their mothers. What fools they had all been to let Draco Malfoy wield such influence on Alex.

Ginny watched the play of emotions on her son’s sweet face. Sadness. Anger. Disappointment.

“I’ve written father everyday and he won’t write back!” With one quick swipe of his arm he threw his bottle of ink, quills and parchment crashing to the floor.

Ginny shared a look of concern with her mother at Alex’s outburst. Molly said nothing, quietly casting a cleansing charm. The ink stains that were seeping into the wood floor disappeared as the quills and parchment were floated neatly on top of the desk.

“I want to see him.” Alex demanded.

Ginny felt her son’s pain. Her body was tight with emotions waiting to be unfurled. But she had done enough damage already, in front of her son no less. Alex needed to see his mother as a strong woman. He needed a sturdy foundation even if her next answer would condemn herself in Alex’s eyes.

“No Alex.” Ginny tentatively reached for him but he drew away from her.

“Go Away!” Alex yelled, stomping his feet. “Leave me alone!”

“Give him some time.” Molly whispered, leading Ginny out of her son’s room. “He’s trying to work things out right now. All we can do is let him know that we are here for him.”


Lunch was a quiet affair, or as quiet as it could be with the whole family surrounding the table. Alex’s absence was noted by Ron’s daughter, who kept asking about the whereabouts of her favorite cousin.

“Where’s Alex, Aunt Ginny?” Anjali inquired, as her mother tried to talk her into eating vegetables that lay on the plate, untouched.

Padma inhaled deeply not wanting to fight with her daughter at the table, “Anjali Vanhi Weasley you eat these vegetables or no dessert later.”

“No mum I’m saving it for Alex. Where is he?”

“He’s tired.” Ginny answered. The truth would be far too complicated for a four year old to understand.

Anjali tipped her head to the side, rubbing her chin deep in thought. She understood far more than what Ginny gave her credit for. “Daddy, why is Alex so sad?”


It’s a summer holiday and we are on the beach. I’m kneeling before this huge sandcastle I just finished making, with no magic at all! The Muggle way, Grandpa once told me. I can see Mum and Father swimming in the warm waters of the ocean. Wait, Mum’s jumping around in Father’s arms with each passing wave! Parents! To be honest, it’s really quite embarrassing. I mean the way they keep touching and carrying on like William Wood and his many girlfriends at Hogwarts… but I couldn’t care less. They look perfect together. Finally, I thought they’d never get out of the water anytime soon. Gods in the heavens, Mum’s as beautiful as ever…

Even with a full, rounded belly, mind you!

Okay, the beach is gone, and Mum’s crying like a madwoman! I look around and all I can see is the Burrow from afar. It seems to have been charmed to bloom with an overabundance of exotic flowers that I’ve never seen in my entire life. Rows upon rows of seats are filled with people I recognize from school, although all are much older. Mother and Father are seated in the first row. She’s sobbing on Father’s shoulder, whose blonde hair is now covered with streaks of grey. He hugs her back and I can hear him whisper, “Honey we have two more,” which makes Mum burst into even more tears than before.

Am I in a funeral? Where’s Grandma and Grandpa? Why is Mum crying? Why is everyone staring at me?

What in all of Hades is going on here!?!

Why, there’s Everett & Edmund standing right beside me! William Wood is there as well, gazing at Mum as always. “I have to admit, Malfoy, your mum is still hot after all these years! I wonder if I can ask her to…”

“SOD OFF WOOD!” We said in unison. Bloody bastard. Never could take his eyes off Mum…

Not that he’s lying about her though…

What are we waiting for anyway… and why am I wearing formal robes? Hold on, why are there harps playing in the background? Holy Hogwarts this isn’t a funeral… it’s a wedding! And from the looks that Mother and Father are giving me, it’s pretty obvious that I’m the groom!

I must get out of here! I’m too young to get married!?

Then why am I still here, grinning from ear to ear in anticipation! Might as well find out who she is, since my legs are frozen to the ground, and there’s not a single broom within a mile’s radius

Besides, am I not a brave Gryffindor?

I can’t really tell from this side though, because of this hazy cloudlike veil hanging low at the far end of the aisle. Gods in the heavens, how I wish I’d wake up from this dream before I end up kissing the bride! Wait, the veil is moving…

Leslie? William’s sister?! She looks ok and all, for a girl… but she’s 3 years older than me! Gross!

Sweet Merlin, she’s just one of the bridesmaids! Ok, I can breathe now. For a moment there, I thought I was going to have a Muggle heart attack! Somebody’s right behind her. Wow, it’s Anjali! Just like Aunt Padma, she’s very pretty, even if she’s older now, with her long dark wavy hair, light brown skin and freckles that could only belong to a Weasley. Looks like there’s another bridesmaid coming, and I don’t recall this particular redheaded cousin. She’s beautiful. Everyone’s eyes are upon her. Especially Willam Wood. Perverted git; always on the lookout for his next... Oh my, I can’t believe this! She looks exactly like Mum in that Quidditch picture with Father, save for the grey eyes. She’s probably around 15 or 16 years old. We share a smile, this girl and I. Already I feel a strong connection to her.

She is my sister. She has to be…

I can’t wait to meet you…

“Alex, honey, wake up.”

He heard a faint voice calling him. But Alex didn’t want to go. This was a happy place that he didn’t want to leave. He could be here forever and never wake up. There was so much more to find out. Why couldn’t Mum let him stay in this dream world where she was madly in love with father and tears meant something other than being sad?

“Two o’clock in the afternoon is much too early to be sleeping.” Ginny said while removing the covers.

He wanted to tell her to leave him alone but Alex knew she meant well. He would just give her the same excuse he had been giving her the past week, “Mum I’m tired.” He said grabbing for his blanket and flinging it over the top of his head.

“Stop it Alex! You have to stop! What’s going to happen when school starts? Will you hide in your room?”

“Yes!” What Alex wished for was that he wouldn’t have to go at all. He had no friends save for his cousins and Casey Wood who only wanted to snog him. How could Mum ever understand how utterly lonely I feel right now? Alex dreaded returning to school. If father was there they wouldn’t dare touch me! Now, even with his mum teaching, Alex felt scared at the prospect of going back to Hogwarts. Lawrence and the others would be returning back to Gryffindor. Where would he hide in his own common room? It wasn’t fair.

His mum had his Weasley jumper in hand and folded Muggle khaki pants. “Here.” Ginny said handing the clothing to Alex. “I expect you to be washed and dressed in no less than half an hour.”


“Your Uncle Ron wants to take you, me and your cousins to Diagon Alley for some ice cream.”

“Are you sure Uncle Ron wants me there?” Alex asked rather stiffly. If Uncle Ron had wanted me to come, why didn’t he ask himself?

Alex allowed Ginny to put her arms around him and this time he didn’t move away. “Of course your Uncle Ron wants you there!” She gave him a small kiss on his forehead, “Honey you know I love you right?”

Alex nodded. He was quite sure of it now. She was telling him what to do and where to go. Laying down the law like a real mum would. A part of him didn’t like the fact that after all this time apart she could order him about, that had been Grandma Weasley’s job. But another part of Alex was finally happy that he had a mum to do just that. It felt normal and it felt right.

He wrapped his arms around his mother and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, “Ice cream would be nice mum.”


“Stay close!” Uncle Ron instructed the numerous Weasley cousins that had descended on Diagon Alley.

Ginny’s eyes met Alex’s before addressing the rest of the family, “No wandering off!”

Alex knew it was all meant for him. He saw the reporters eyeing him curiously as they pretended to point their cameras at other people or buildings that were no doubt meant for him. Alex had spotted them in the Burrow numerous times before being run off the property by one of Uncle Fred or George’s hexes.

Alex ignored them while his cousin Anjali waved to one of the Quibbler reporters.

“Don’t!” Ron told his daughter sternly, causing Anjali to pout.

Edmund and Everett on the other hand gave the reporters a rude gesture as a reporter flashed his camera unexpectedly. “Let’s see them put that in the paper!” they winked at Alex.

Alex felt tempted to do the same, but then they really would think he was the evil dark lord. That musn’t happen. The Weasley clan passed by a newsstand selling the latest copies of the Quibbler. A New Dark Lord Has Arisen -screamed the headline with his 1st year Gryffindor picture plastered on the front. It could almost be funny except Alex felt anything but. Edmund and Everett laughed upon spotting that their cousin was the new Voldemort in training. Alex pretended to laugh, trying to stop his fingers that were currently wrapped around his wand from sending curses flying towards those hateful reporters.

How could people say such things that aren’t true? Don’t they know how much it hurts?

“Alex, come now.” came his mother’s voice. Alex slowly tore his eyes away from the paper not realizing that most of the Weasley had already made their way into Florean Florescue’s Ice Cream Parlor.

Uncle Ron was standing beside his mother looking at him with the most odd expression, glancing from the papers to Alex. Did he really believe what the Quibbler said? All of a sudden Alex’s taste for chocolate ice cream vanished. How could his favorite uncle believe such lies? When you love someone you believed in them. Just how I love my father. This could only mean one thing. Mum was wrong. Uncle Ron really does hate me!

“I have some business to take care of Gin,” Ron handed his sister a satchel full of galleons. “Buy as much ice cream for the kids as they want. I’ll meet up with you in a bit.”

Uncle Ron didn’t want to spend time with him. He didn’t invite me because he wanted to, he invited me because he had to, Alex thought rather dejectedly. He followed his mum into Florean Florescue’s feeling sick at the scent of cherry syrup and fudge.

Edmund and Everett waved him over, “Hey Dark Lord, we saved a seat for you!”

Alex slumped into the seat next to his cousins while his mum ordered what seemed like a hundred sundaes. He barely tasted his; the bright winter sunlight streaming into the parlor was melting the untouched ice cream. He swirled it around absentmindedly only slightly aware of Ginny’s concerned gaze.

“I thought you liked chocolate.”

“I do.” Alex said not meeting his mother’s eyes.

“It would taste much better off your plate and in your mouth.”

Alex spooned a bit of ice cream and attempted to eat some. “I know.”

“What the papers are saying about you hurts. It hurts you and it hurts me.” Ginny whispered reaching across the table and giving Alex’s hand a small squeeze. “None of us believe what the Quibbler or Daily Prophet says. I might not have known you as long as Grandma or Grandpa but I know that the love, goodness and compassion inside your heart is so much more than anyone I have ever known.”

He tried to smile and let her know that he was ok. But how could he? Someone did take what those awful papers wrote as fact. If Uncle Ron didn’t believe him, who would believe that his father was innocent?

“May I sit here?”

Thoughts of his father were momentarily gone. Without waiting for an answer Casey Wood slid next to a surprised Alex in the already overcrowded booth. Why isn’t mum telling her to leave?! This is just a family outing, Weasley’s only! No one else was invited, but he couldn’t bear to tell her to sit someplace else. She was his friend after all, even if she acted peculiar at times. “Hello Casey.”

“Hi Alex, Hi Professor Weasley.” She said pointing to a red bow tied around her hair, “Do you like it Alex?”

“It’s pretty I suppose.” Alex was already hearing the snickers of his cousins singing that awful Muggle song they had recently learned.

“Casey and Alex sitting in a tree. K- I –S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage …” Now Anjali was joining them in their little song. Mum should be stopping them!

“Would you like some ice cream?” Alex frowned at his mother’s generosity. Great, just great. Mum is encouraging her to stay!

“No thanks Professor. My parents are buying me some as we speak.” Casey turned her attention back to Alex, “Did you get my letters?”

Alex tried to ignore his cousins kissing sounds in the background. “Um, yes, thank you.” He wouldn’t tell Casey that her weeks worth of letters lay unopened on his desk, the hearts and flowers mocking him every time he chanced to glance at them. Why couldn’t she have drawn the Snitch or something like that?

A sharp voice was the only thing that tore Casey’s attention away from Alex. “Casey, you get away from that boy!”

It was Oliver Wood, captain of the Chudley Cannons. Even though Uncle Ron and Harry were on the team he had never had the chance to properly meet him. Once a long time ago Uncle Ron had brought him into the locker room during one of their games. Alex had built up enough courage to ask Oliver Wood for an autograph only to have his quill shoved back into his face.

“Don’t take it personal Alex, he’s just busy.” Uncle Harry had told him.

Maybe he could ask Casey to get him an autograph. Surely he wouldn’t say no to his own daughter!

“Get away from that boy Casey, now!”

Alex’s face fell, finally realizing who that boy was.

It was him.

The woman Alex recognized as Cho Chang –Wood, seeker for the Falmouth Falcons, attempted to grab her husband who was stalking over to their table. “Don’t make a scene! Please Oliver!”

“That boy has a name!” Ginny rose to meet Oliver Wood. Although she was much shorter, she poked her finger into his chest rather hard almost causing the great Oliver Wood to fall backwards, “How dare you talk about my son. You aren’t fit to wipe his boots!”

“Yeah!” said Edmund and Everett, echoed by Anjali’s small voice. “Yeah!”

Oliver narrowed his eyes at the redheaded woman who had once, many years ago, been considered a friend, “I won’t have my daughter tainted by the likes of him!”

“Dad please!” came the embarrassed voice of William Wood hiding his face in his hands. “Leave him alone!”

“I’m sorry Alex.” Casey whispered in his ear. “I still like you a lot.” A wet sensation could be felt on his neck before Casey slipped away to her waiting mother.

Did Casey just kiss me again?

A crying Casey waved to him from her table and he tentatively waved back only to have his hand caught by Oliver Wood. “Don’t wave to my daughter. Don’t talk to my daughter. I don’t even want your Death Eater eyes looking at her!”

“Take your hands off my son!” Ginny screamed even more so than when she had been at St. Mungos’ that horrible day. She drew her wand, pointing it dead center between Wood’s eyes. “I’ m not above using the Unforgivables!”

Before Ginny could utter a hex. Wood was unceremoniously thrown to the ground. Alex couldn’t help the small grin that started to form. Behind the now fallen Wood stood the cloaked figure of Uncle Ron, his wand tip still emitting faint bursts of light.

“No one messes with the Weasley family.”


Alex was flipping through the many books at Flourish and Botts, Anjali holding tightly to his hand. “I want a book with Princesses!”

Alex’s brown eyes scanned the aisle, looking for a book suitable for his four year old cousin. It had to have a happily ever after ending. Why can’t life be like a fairy tale? Mum would be the princess and Father would be the prince. There would be no such thing as the prince being imprisoned, and their son would not be hated throughout the land.

One day he would have a sister just like Anjali, maybe two. But that was just a fairytale. Alex didn’t believe in happy endings anymore, had he ever? Alex flipped through the book on Rapunzel. Was this really for children? Anjali would have nightmares. After the Princess’s beautiful hair was cruelly torn from her head and the Prince was blinded by thorns they were finally together. So much trauma Rapunzel had to suffer before her joyful reunion with the Prince. Just like Mother and Father. Maybe fairy tales were closer to the truth than he once thought.

“Hey Weasley!”

Alex looked up from the books he was handing to Anjali. Ravenclaw Duncan McCain stood in the wizarding comic book section with two other Ravenclaws Alex recognized from Herbology class.

“H-Hi Duncan.” Duncan was a very smart and popular student who beat all the other first years in everything save for Defense Against the Dark Arts and Potions. Alex had the honor of being first in DADA and Potions, and was acutely aware of the tension between him and the Ravenclaw. Alex had always thought it was because he had prevented Duncan from obtaining top honors. Every now and then he would catch the Ravenclaw making faces at him when he thought no one noticed.

Anjali was tugging on his sleeve but he refused to follow his cousin when the Ravenclaws walked towards him.

“Chocolate frog, mate?” Duncan asked offering the candy to Alex.

“Thanks.” Alex said taking the frog cautiously. They had never shared more than two words, and now Duncan McCain and his Ravenclaw companions were chatting with him as if they’d always been friends.

“You’re cousin is such a pretty girl,” Duncan reached into his cloak pocket offering Anjali another Chocolate frog, “Would you like one too?”

Anjali narrowed her eyes at Alex’s classmate. “No!”

“Anjali, that’s not nice! When someone offers you a present you can’t be ungrateful!” Alex sighed remembering the talk Grandma Weasley had given him about talking to strangers. Anjali must have received the talk and now was just as paranoid as he had been.

Alex remembered so very well how afraid he was that someone would snatch him away from his grandparents. The very next day a six year old Alex eyed each and every person warily as he accompanied his grandparents Christmas shopping. A tall blond man was following them and Alex was scared. But Mr. Malfoy had turned out to be so nice, offering him a lollipop. Alex had thought they were playing hide and seek. He would go into a store with his grandparents and always Mr. Malfoy wasn’tfar behind. Alex made it a game to seek him out in the crowd. Finding Mr. Malfoy, he waved and the nice man waved back. But then Mr. Malfoy disappeared and Alex had lost him.

It was no different now. He had once again lost his father. Alex was tired of losing. He was not about to miss out on the chance to be in the company of Duncan McCain.

“You should take the chocolate frog Anjali.” Alex insisted. He wouldn’t stand to have his cousin act rude to potential friends.

“Your loss little Weasley,” Duncan shrugged, “Heard about your Uncle and Wood at Florescue’s ice cream parlor. Awful what happened. Hope Wood doesn’t take it out on your poor Uncle during the Canons game.”

“That Wood git definitely had it coming.” The other Ravenclaw piped in.

“My dad died during the war but I don’t blame you Alex. You weren’t even there. It’s a shame so many people are narrow minded.”

Alex couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Is Duncan McCain actually taking my side? It seemed to be so. Maybe going back to Hogwarts wouldn’t be so bad after all, especially if someone like Duncan was his friend. His father died, yet here he was offering the hand of friendship. Maybe that’s why Alex felt compelled to apologize.

“I-I’m sorry about your dad.”

Duncan waved his apology off, “Not your fault. Bygones are bygones right?” he said holding out his hand towards Alex.

Alex gladly took it, smiling broadly.

Duncan pointed his finger out the store window at Quality Quidditch supplies. “The new Firebolt came in today. Want to take a look with us?”

Would he ever! He was being invited to hang out just like normal chums with Duncan and his Ravenclaw friends. “Sure!” His mum’s voice popped in his head. “Don’t wander off!” she had told him. But isn’t this what Mum wants? No more hiding away, I’ll be with friends.

“No Alex!” Anjali started to wail. “You’re supposed to stay with us!”

Alex handed her the rest of the books, “Shush Anjali! Go off to your dad. I’ll be back.” Mum meant to protect him after the incident at Florean Florescues. But he wasn’t four like Anjali. He was eleven and quite capable of walking down to the Quidditch Store and back by himself.

“Let me just get my cousins.” He said ready to tell Edmund and Everett the good news about a new Firebolt. He had spotted them earlier in the back of Florish & Botts immersed in a book entitled, Anatomy Of A Witch. They had been laughing, showing Alex disgusting pictures of naked witches. Alex hoped that as long as he lived he would never ever have to see such a sight again.

Duncan grabbed his shoulder, turning Alex around towards the exit. “Already talked to Edmund and Everett. They’ll meet up with us later.”

Eagerly, Alex followed.


Ginny walked up and down the aisles of the bookshop. The day was coming to an end and it was time to floo back home to the Burrow. Every one of the Weasley grandchildren were accounted for, except for Alex. She asked each of the clerks and questioned random customers if perhaps they had seen her son.

He was nowhere to be found. Next time they ventured out Ginny promised herself that she would place a locating charm on Alex whether he wanted it or not. Especially now.

“Ron, I can’t find him!” Ginny said frantically, “I’ve searched everywhere.”

“He has to be here somewhere.” Ron’s eyes wandered finally resting on Edmund and Everett who were giggling over a book. “Have you two seen your cousin Alex?”

Wide eyed, they quickly snapped their book shut, “No.”

Anjali was currently jumping up and down in her father’s arms, “I know! I know!”

“Where is he?” Ginny asked her niece feeling a sense of relief. She would have a word with Alex for not listening to her. She had told Alex to stay close by and never did she expect her son to disobey. Ginny chuckled to herself. She was sounding more and more like her mother everyday. After all Alex had been through these past days, the last thing she wanted to do was make him more angry than he already was. But she had to make him understand that these rules were for his safety.

Anajli shook her head, “I told him not to go. I told him he was supposed to stay with us.”

Ron’s voice became firm. “Answer your Aunt Ginny, where is Alex?”

“He went with his friends to the Quidditch store to see the new Firebolt. I don’t like them. They make faces at him when he isn’t looking.”

Ginny’s instincts were screaming. With a terrified expression she bolted out of Flourish and Botts. There were many other people like Wood who had less control of their emotions. Victims of a war that still sought revenge against those with connections to the Death Eaters. Her son was prey to those out for justice. May the Fates help them. If they dared to lay one finger on her son, she would hurt them all.

She caught her breath standing in front of the Quidditch store whose sign read Closed. Ginny banged on the door, “Open up damn you! Open up!”

“Ginny. He’s not there!” she twirled around to face her brother. “You have to calm down, okay? We’ll find him.”

“I should have been watching him! After what happened at Florescue’s I never should have let him out of my sight!”

Ginny’s ears perked up as faint sounds of coughing reached her ears. Her eyes searched the area, panic setting her legs in motion as she spotted blood leading into an alleyway towards the back of the Quidditch Store. Please be ok!

Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as Alex stumbled towards her. Ginny ran her hand along her son’s eye that was rapidly turning black and blue, wiping the blood that trickled from his nose and cracked lip. Ginny forgot all about yelling at her son, telling him how he ought to have listened to her. Instead she gathered Alex in her arms, kissing his bruised forehead.

“Who did this!” Ron seethed.

“It was an accident.” Alex said rather calmly, staring at his shoes. “I- I fell.”

Ginny felt her thundering heart constrict into an ache. Would her son always have to look over his shoulder? What had Alex ever done to them? The monsters that had hurt him deserved nothing more than to be locked away in Azkaban. Ginny would gladly throttle them herself. She had carried him for nine months and he was just as much a part of her as he was a part of the man who helped create him. Ginny could feel every bruise and cut that marked her son’s delicate face as if it had been her own.

“Who was it?” Ginny asked again, tempted to use her wand against those that dared touch Alex.

Alex refused to reveal who his attackers had been. He seemed much more in control of himself than Ginny, his eyes void of any tears while his mother shook in anger. Ginny sensed a bit of foolish pride that prevented him from telling the truth, “I told you Mum, it was an accident.”

He had gone through so much in her womb, only to survive in a world that wanted him gone. The need to soothe and protect was strong as Ginny held Alex even tighter. A few weeks ago she had been frightened and unsure about whether or not she could ever begin to love this boy. Now Ginny couldn’t imagine her world without him. In such a short time Alex had become everything to her. Despite all the evil that had been thrust upon her, goodness still found a way to live on.

How ironic and how very fitting. Instead of breaking her, the Death Eaters had given her a very special gift.

What would she have done had Alex not been there when she had awoken? “You are the best thing that ever happened to me. If you left me I wouldn’t know what to do. ”

“Don’t cry.” Alex’s hand went to his mother’s cheek to brush away the tears that trickled past her defenses. “I’m okay.”

Ginny lowered her head, her voice choked with tears. “I’m not okay Alex.” I’m the one who’s not okay.


After a few quick healing charms cast by his mum, the swelling started to subside. Unfortunately they weren’t cast soon enough. The injuries to Alex’s face wouldn’t be camouflaged easily. He pulled his hood over his face walking in silence to the Leaky Cauldron with the rest of the Weasley family.

What a fool I am! How stupid of me to think anyone would want to be the friend of a Death Eater’s son.

“Hey what happened to the newsstand?” Edmund pointed to a pile of ashes where the newsstand that sold pictures of Alex had once stood, only mere hours before. A stray piece of the Quibbler floated through the air. Alex picked up the paper, his own picture staring back at him. It was burnt around the edges but the title remained - A New Dark Lord Has Arisen.

Alex felt hurt squeeze his heart wondering if the feeling would ever go away.

Carrying a tired Anjali in one arm, Ron offered his other hand to his nephew. Alex took it, walking quietly beside his uncle. “Pity it burnt down.” Uncle Ron whispered. “It was an accident.”


Ginny waited until Alex was fast asleep before she allowed herself to break down. Her mum enveloped her in a hug as a sob escaped her lips. “They could have killed him!”

“Gin dear, he’s ok. He’s made of stern stuff. Weasley stock. Alex will pull through.”

She let her mother hold her in the middle of the Weasley kitchen, sharing her pain, despair and exhaustion. Never had Ginny needed her mother more. Ginny wanted the strength, wisdom and maturity her mother carried so effortlessly. How else could she protect her son?

“I don’t know if I can do it, mum….I feel so alone. I feel like I’m not enough.”

“You were never alone Ginny.” Molly said letting her daughter go briefly, before rummaging through her bureau. Yellowed pieces of parchment were held in her mother’s hands. Ginny peered at them strangely. The handwriting looked oddly familiar. Her handwriting.

Molly opened one of the letters carefully, blowing the layer of dust that had accumulated over the years. “When you were captured, we feared you were dead.” Her voice wavered handing over the letter to Ginny. “Read.” she urged gently.

Dear Mum and Dad,

Please do not shed tears for me. It saddens me to think you feel pain over my assumed death. I am very much alive. When this war is over I shall see you both again. Please give my love to everyone. Thoughts of my family keep me going in these dark times. I cannot say much lest this fall into the wrong hands but let me give you a bit of good news and hope. Although I have not seen Charlie or Percy, I am told that they are alive.



“I never received any letters from Charlie or Percy. Not one.” Molly sighed, “Snape had informed us before the last Order meeting that he had to shut down communications. Voldemort and his followers were beginning to suspect a traitor. But Draco Malfoy......” Molly let a small smile escape, blinking back tears “he didn’t seem to be listening. His owls kept coming.”

Ginny regarded this new information with somber curiosity. “What are you trying to tell me mum?”

“I was never blind.” Molly admitted. “I saw the resemblance between Draco and Alex since the first time he held him as a baby.”

Ginny’s world seemed to tilt on its axis and come crashing down. She clutched the table to prevent her legs from falling over. “You let him hold my son? Why mum? How could you?”

“How could I not Ginny? Alex is his son.”

Ginny crossed the room, grabbing her cloak. “You knew all this time? Why didn’t you tell anyone then?”

“I fell in love with Alex the first time I had him in my arms Ginny. I lost Percy and Charlie and was so afraid that you would never come back. I don’t know what I would have done if Alex hadn’t been born. He gave us….” Molly paused, struggling to continue, “He gave me a reason to keep going on.”

She wanted to be angry at her mother for keeping a secret for so long just as Ron, Hermione and Harry had kept secrets from her. But her mother admission was so very similar to her own feelings. Alex had given Ginny purpose, something greater that she had to live for.

Molly continued her voice breaking, “I knew Draco Malfoy was his father and it frightened me. My children, my grandchildren are the most important parts of me. Alex is the one I hold most near and dear and I couldn’t bear to lose him. Maybe it was anger that I would have to give up Alex to someone I still held responsible for my son’s deaths, no matter how unfounded. Or maybe it was my fear of losing a part of you.”

Ginny finished buttoning her cloak. “I- I need to leave.” She turned the doorknob hesitating before walking out into the snow covered grounds of the Burrow. “Why are you telling me this? Why now?”

Before she shut the door to be alone with her thoughts, her mother’s voice followed her. “I don’t know why he hurt you Ginny but there is one thing I do know. He loves Alex.”

Had she any doubt about Draco Malfoy’s feelings for her son? The first time she had seen her son and Malfoy in the hospital wing, a small part of her had sensed it even then. Did you really hurt me Draco Malfoy? Ginny said to herself. After a long troubled night of soul searching, Ginny knew what she had to do.


“Wake up, honey.”

Alex’s eyes felt heavy and his head throbbed and ached as if he had been punched repeatedly. Memories of the day before brought him out of the dream world he wished to run back to. No one hated him in his dreams. And no one broke his nose either.

He rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. His mum stood before him already dressed. He glanced outside, the sun barely starting to rise. “It’s so early mum. Everyone else is sleeping.” Grandma Weasley was always the first one awake. The smell of his grandmother’s frying sausages usually indicated that morning had come.

Alex sniffed the air. Nothing.

“We’re going somewhere. Just you and me Alex.”

Alex yawned as Ginny handed him a towel. “I’ve already drawn you a bath. Breakfast is waiting downstairs and I’ve packed us both a lunch. We’ve a bit of a journey ahead of us.”

“Sounds like we’re going far.” Alex said as he trudged sleepily toward the bathroom, wondering what kind of journey his mum had planned. He hoped he didn’t run into any of his classmates along the way. Already he was feeling a bit excited. He would be spending time alone with his mum, just the two of them. It would be far better if Father was here. Just like in his dreams of the beach, it would be the three of them.

“We’re going to Azkaban Alex.”

Azkaban? Alex was much too afraid to question his mother fearing that he was still in a dream. Was he really going to see his father today?

He couldn’t stop the tears that escaped, though he tried desperately to hide them. “You’re g-going to let me see h-him!” Alex stammered running back to his mother and throwing his arms around her. Never had he been happier to hear the word Azkaban. Alex Weasley was going to see his father.


Although the sun shone brightly, Ginny shivered as she neared Azkaban. Her trembling hand knocked on the gate. “Ginny and Alex Weasley requesting entrance.” She hesitated before stepping through, as the gate slowly swung open. Ginny closed her eyes trying to control her breathing as she walked past the many guards that lined the entry way. Alex clung close to her, and Ginny to him.

Despite her father’s overhaul of the prison system and recent remodeling of Azkaban, the place gave off the stench of evil and bloodshed. She could feel the rage of the convicted and the torment of the victims. She squeezed Alex’s hand, offering him a smile. He needn’t know her fears of the dark and closed spaces that stretched even further than her imprisonment. The newly painted interior that was meant to keep the prisoners on high yet controlled spirits didn’t fool Ginny. Behind it’s façade lay a place that gave off the aura of hopelessness. The Dementors no longer had free reign over the prison but their presence still hung thick in the air.

A stocky woman dressed frighteningly in the robes of a Dementor came forward to greet Ginny, her hand outstretched. “Miss Weasley, I’m Warden Thompson. I can’t tell you how pleased we all are that the Minister of Magic’s daughter has decided to pay us a visit.”

Ginny hesitated before shaking the warden’s hand. “Yes, I owled my request to see Prisoner Malfoy.”

Warden Thompson tapped her wand on a set of steel doors that led down a windowless corridor, “Ah yes, our problem prisoner.”

“Excuse me?” Ginny asked trying to quell the sense of foreboding. She gave Alex a quick kiss on his forehead more to calm her own fears than Alex’s.

“I think you’ll be quite pleased to see that we take crime seriously here.” Warden Thompson said pointing to a bin on a table next to another set of metallic doors that read- DANGER. PRISONERS IN AREA. PLEASE DEPOSIT WAND.

Warden Thompson said simply, “Security procedures. Your wand will be returned after your visit.”

“Of course.” Ginny dropped both her and Alex’s wand into what looked like a bottomless bin.

The warden eyed her son’s face curiously. No matter how many charms Ginny or her mum had tried, the black eye proved difficult to hide. She would rather have waited until Alex was healed. But by that time it might be too late. Alex needed to see him and if Ginny was being honest, she needed to see him as well.

“What happened to you young man?”

Alex it seemed, was sticking to the same answer he had given Ginny the night before. “An accident, I fell.”

Warden Thompson said nothing, only raising her eyebrows in disbelief.

Stopping in front of a door, the warden chanted a lengthy spell before the door glowed bright, allowing entrance. She waved over a guard who stood at the opposite side of what seemed like a never ending hallway. “If a prisoner escapes, he can never find his way out without the proper spell. The corridors will go on forever. ”

“Yes Warden Thompson?”

“Hawthorne, this is Arthur Weasley’s daughter and grandson. Please show them to Malfoy’s cell.” She turned again towards Ginny,” If anything is not to your satisfaction Miss Weasley, we are happy to assist.” With that the Warden left, her heels clicking sharply down the hall.

Ginny tried not to stare at the guard whose grotesque features startled not only her but Alex. She barely registered anything the guard said as they walked past the caged walls. Numerous hands shot out through the bars begging for contact. Ginny could only hold her son closer and assure him of his safety.

“In my opinion Miss Weasley, after what that Death Eater did to you, I don’t believe Azkaban is enough punishment.”

They turned another corner, descending down stone steps into what must have been the basement of Azkaban. It was damp and cold with the faint smell of rot. At the very bottom of the stairs was a lone barred room. Ginny peered through the bars surveying the room. It was devoid of light. Ginny could barely make out the figure of a man lying on a cot.

“Lights please.” Ginny asked pulling her son close.

“Certainly.” Hawthorne had a cold hard smile that made Ginny’s stomach clench, “Lumos.”

“Mummy, is Father ok?” Alex whispered ,his eleven year old face looking more adult and serious than ever before. Draco’s back was turned towards them and he was shivering violently.

Hawthorne rapped loudly on the bars of the cell causing Draco to mumble incoherently.

“You have visitors!” The guard bellowed before bowing to Ginny. “I’ll leave you and your little one for now. Need anything.” He pointed to a desk at the end of the hallway. “I’ll be right there.”

Alex’s eyes followed the guard, “He scares me Mummy.”

“Me too.” Came the familiar drawl of Draco Malfoy. “I’m afraid I am no longer as beautiful as the last time you both saw me.”

Ginny wasn’t prepared for what she saw as he turned to face them. “Oh gods, Draco!” Both of Draco’s eyes were bruised. One eyelid so swollen it could barely open. He was in possession of a cut lip and numerous still bleeding lacerations on his cheekbones. Draco’s arm seemed to be fractured, dangling at an awkward angle.

“Father!” Alex cried reaching his arms out through the bars to touch him. “Father!”

Ginny gasped as he limped towards them. His feet were bare and bloody leaving red footprints in his path. Falling on his knees before the bars that separated him from freedom he managed to croak out his gratitude, “Thank you Ginny.” He said as he took Alex’s hands in his own. “Thank you.”

“What happened to you Alex?” Draco asked tracing a bruise on his son’s once flawless skin that mirrored his own.

Ginny encircled her arms around Alex as deep sobs racked his small body. “I-t w-was an accident.” Alex stuttered choking on his tears, “I-I fell. W-What h-happened to y-you?”

Draco wiped at the tears trickling down his son’s cheeks. “It was an accident. I fell too.”


To be continued - more of the prison visit, Hermione’s discovery and Draco’s sentencing.

What was in that envelope that Alex gave to his father before X-mas???? It will become very important soon in helping Ginny remember.

Another appearance from Snape and Father Christmas

Much Thanks to VioletJersey, my betareader who won’t let me give up!!! Also I want to give credit to for the plotbunny and helping me write the dream sequence. Without her, the small glimpses of happiness would have been dark and moody. Again much thanks!

19. Gone

Note to readers: Thanks for reading my little story here, and thanks for all your reviews. I appreciate it. I made this chapter short and I think you will understand why. Just don’t be too upset. All I can say is trust me. I have this story plotted all the way to the end. Thanks again to my beta readers VioletJersey and Rainpuddle. Now on with the story.

Chapter 18

“Ssh, Alex. Don’t cry.”

Draco hated seeing the sadness on his son’s face. He hadn’t wanted anyone to see him in this condition, least of all Alex. But despite his own pain, Draco felt, in the most odd of ways, happy. His son and the woman he loved were here. He could reach through the bars and touch his son. Death had been calling him for quite some time, but he refused to succumb no matter how bad the beatings had been. For every bruise and wounds the guards had inflicted, he had fought back tenfold. Or at least tried to. Draco refused to give in. Twelve years ago he would have gladly resigned himself to fate, but now Draco couldn’t. Not with the possibility of seeing Alex again.

This time he wasn’t hallucinating as he had done many nights before. The small hand he held in his own really was Alex’s. He glanced up at the brown eyes that were so much like those of his son. Though they were separated by more than a physical barrier, Draco could sense Ginny’s warmth. The hate he had expected to see wasn’t there; ven in the dim light of the prison he could see the pain on her face, for him and for their son. No words passed between Draco and Ginny. The only sound was the cries of the young boy they had created.

Dammit, Malfoy’s never cry! Why should his son have to see him so powerless? He wanted to break free from these walls and protect his son whose bruises were meant for him. But how could he do that when he couldn’t even help himself? What a weak man I am! He wanted to throw something, anything to give vent to the frustration that coursed through his veins. But he had to show Alex that he was in control. Although others held the key, his mind was still his own. “Alex, I’m okay. It’s much worse than it looks. Don’t cry.”

“You’re lying,” Alex said in between his sniffles, clutching onto his father’s hand.

“Draco,” Ginny whispered.

She had said his name again, in the same familiar way she had done years before. Draco held onto her voice, willing himself to be closer. He laid his head upon the cool metal bars of his cell. Say my name again, Ginny. Say my name again. Her voice would give him something to hold onto when the beatings became more than he could bear.

“Draco.” Soft fingers danced tenderly on his face. She held one of his cheeks in her palm, muttering silently, “Not this. I didn’t want this.”

Draco leaned into her palm, closing his eyes. He pretended that Ginny was absolving him of all the sins he had committed against her and others, for which their son would have to pay. He wanted to apologize, yet he couldn’t bring himself to say the words – I’m sorry. She wouldn’t believe him, no one believed him. After what he had done, who would?

Alex started to shake uncontrollably. Draco knew what he had to do - he needed Ginny to listen to him. She had to understand. For twelve years he had missed the two most important people in his life. He missed Ginny’s smile even in the darkest of places, the sound of her voice whispering wants and needs in his ear. He missed his son’s unwavering love.

“I never wanted to hurt you Ginny,” Draco said roughly, moving his lips to her hand, he kissed the smooth skin of her palm. “I never wanted to hurt you.”


Time seemed to stand still.

Draco’s kiss was feather soft, but she felt it deep within her. Hadn’t she heard those same words many years before? Except the roles had been reversed.

Ginny was lying injured on a cold dungeon floor. The same Death Eater who had beaten her had returned. She should have been afraid of the grey eyed Death Eater. He was the one who made her bleed. He was the one who made her bruise. But why was she reaching for this man?

“I never wanted to hurt you, Ginny!” Never before had she seen Draco Malfoy cry. “I’m sorry Ginny! “ From this young man that Ginny had always thought cold, came tears. Real tears. Ginny could feel the wetness fall upon her face, taste the saltiness of it as it reached the corners of her mouth.

She felt tired. So very tired. Sleep was calling for her, but he would not let her out of his grasp. Draco chanted healing spell after healing spell urging her to stay awake just a bit longer. Her brown eyes fluttered open to connect with a sea of grey.

“Forgive me Ginny.” He whispered

She brought her hands to his face, wiping the tears that bordered his eyes. “I forgive you.”

“I forgive you.”

She saw Draco swallow hard, his question laced with hope. “Ginny?”

Harsh reality crept in as she found herself lost in the same grey eyes as the Death Eater who begged for forgiveness. Withdrawing her shaky hand from Draco, Ginny forced herself to stand. Leaning against the opposite wall, she tried to gain the strength to face the revelations before her. A rush of emotions pummeled Ginny, sharp, fast, and brutal. Nothing had prepared her for what she had felt in those few fleeting seconds. Fear. Shame. Sadness. Love. Ginny’s heart thudded painfully with the realization. She had loved him.

Her chest tightened at the sight of both father and son, sharing in each other’s pain. Alex weeping against the steel bars as Draco kissed him lightly on the forehead, his gaze never leaving hers. A prison cell separated Draco and Alex ,but blood bound them. No longer could she look past the fact that she had given birth to a Malfoy.

A beautiful Malfoy. Just like his father.

A grave mistake had been made and she had to make it right. Ginny flew down the corridor that lead straight to the guard who was calmly reading the latest edition of the Quibbler. Biting hard on her lower lip, she strove to control her rioting emotions. “I want a healer now!”

“Excuse me?” Hawthorne set his paper aside, slowly rising from his chair to stand face to face with Ginny. “Did I hear right? You want a healer for that Death Eater? Here, I mistakenly thought someone such as yourself would see the service we guards at Azkaban are providing for Wizarding society. ”

“You heard me right the first time!” Ginny spat, her heart beating frantically. She was not above using her father’s position as a threat. Draco’s condition warranted immediate medical attention. Ginny would not stand by and watch him die. “Get me a healer now or you’ll find yourself out of a job!”

Hawthorne laughed grimly, “I’ve already lost so much thanks to that Death Eater. Losing my job is the least of my worries. In fact, I’m looking forward to it. ” He stepped closer to Ginny, backing her against the damp stone walls, “The last Death Eater that graced these hallowed halls never made it to his appointment with the Dementors. I’ve waited for a day like this. Never have I forgotten what they did to my family and to me. The Malfoys will pay.”

“Mummy?” Ginny looked down to find Alex standing between her and the guard. He was trying to protect her!

Hawthorne shook his head in disgust, “He’s poisoned you, that’s what. Poisoned you with a devil child that should never have existed!”

A fearless Ginny lifted her chin and did not back down. “That’s my child!” she said in a voice strong and sure. The infamous Weasley temper took over as she raised her hand to strike the guard. He caught her hand in midair, twisting it behind her back.

“Leave my mum alone!”

Metal bars rattled down the dim hallway as Draco’s voice joined his son’s, “Touch her Hawthorne and I will kill you!”

Oblivious to little arms that were trying their hardest to pummel him, Hawthorne shoved Ginny away causing her to stumble against the wall. “I don’t hit women Miss Weasley.” Hawthorne hissed grabbing Alex, “But little demons I do.”

Ginny ran after her son being dragged by Hawthorne. “Mummy!” echoed through the halls.

“No!” Ginny screamed, a boost of adrenaline sending her racing after the cruel man who held Alex. All she could think of was her child, her mind didn’t register the wand pointed in her direction. The last words she heard were “Petrificus Totalis!” Rigidity took over her body, ever increasing blackness overcame her mind as she hit the floor.


Draco shook the metal bars of the cell, his knuckles turning white. “Let go of my son!”

In front of Draco’s cell, Hawthorne stood in a sick display of pride holding a struggling Alex in a stranglehold. “There’s a muggle saying. An eye for and eye. A tooth for a tooth.” He increased his choking headlock on Alex, his face rapidly turning blue for lack of oxygen, “And I must add my own, a life for a life.”

Alarm and anger rippled along Draco’s spine. This guard meant to kill his son. “This has nothing to do with Alex,” Draco said, attempting to sound calm. He was afraid of what would happen if he infuriated Hawthorne any further. “This is between you and me. Let him go.”

Hawthorne tilted his head as if considering it for a moment and then shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“You’ll be in Azkaban, just like me. Is that what you want?” Draco asked, trying to reason with the guard. “No family, no friends. I’m not worth it, Hawthorne.” Draco couldn’t help the hint of pleading in his words. Alex was fighting less and less, gasping for air. He could see the fear in his son’s eyes. So close, yet so far.

“My family is all dead, thanks to you.” Hawthorne said with a laugh . “Now Malfoy, you will get what you deserve. Watch your precious little son die before your eyes, as I watched my parents die.”

Terrified for Alex, Draco beat his hands against the bars as Hawthorne sharply jabbed his wand into Alex’s temple. “My son is innocent! He hasn’t done anything to you!” Lunging his arms through the bars he attempted to grab at Hawthorne who remained out of reach.

“Should I use the Cruciatus curse or perhaps the killing curse?” Hawthorne tapped the wand against Alex’s head pretending to be in deep thought, “Decisions, decisions!”

Being faced with the possibility that he would not be able to save Alex, made Draco lose all semblance of control. “Please!” Draco begged no longer able to hold his emotions back. “Kill me instead!” There was nothing he could do. Hope was fading with each passing second. With Ginny unconscious, his son was truly alone. He was going to lose Alex again and this time it would be for good. “Kill me instead!” Draco screamed again, hurling himself against his cell door, willing it to come crashing down. “Kill me!”

Hawthorne tucked his wand into his pocket, smiling sadistically. He took hold of Alex’s small neck with both hands. “Maybe I’ll just kill him the old fashioned muggle way.”

Alex struggled against his attacker, clawing at the man in a fight he could not win. “Father,” Alex cried weakly before slumping over, lifeless in the guards arms.

“NO!” Draco’s shoulders trembled at the sight of Alex . The emptiness and loss ate away at his insides, clawing at his throat as tears flooded his eyes. The world came crashing down in one moment of helplessness. If he had protected Ginny twelve years ago; if he had confessed to Ron, Hermione, and Harry; if he had forced Ginny to hear him out, Alex would still be alive.

“Weak boy you have there Malfoy. Didn’t even have a chance to torture the boy with the Cruciatus. Guess that means I’ll just have to reserve it for you,” he said, tossing Alex’s limp body against the wall.

Collapsing against the bars, Draco sobbed uncontrollably as intense agony filled every fiber of his body.

Alex was gone.


20. Blood Bonds

Chapter 19

A leering Hawthorne stepped closer to Draco’s cell, his eyes glinting with murderous mischief. “Since I’ll be going to prison myself, I might as well make the most of it.” He reached for his wand, cursing when he came up empty handed. “Where in Hades is my wand???”

“Right here.” Alex jumped up, rubbing his bruised neck with one hand and pointing the wand at the guard with the other.

Draco’s arms shot through the bars, succumbing to the primitive urge to wrap his hands around Hawthorne’s throat and slowly choke the life out of him. He held onto the thrashing guard. Draco’s face reddened in anger, still reeling with the loss he almost suffered. He wouldn’t allow Hawthorne the opportunity to have another go round with his son. “Die!” Draco screamed, his arms shaking as his grip intensified. “Die!”

Hawthorne tried in vain to wrench free, choking out his words, “Finally going to finish the job, are you?” The guard narrowed his eyes at Alex, pointing to the long scar that ran the length of his face. “Your daddy did this to me!”

“No Father! Don’t hurt him!”

Slowly, he raised his head to look at Alex, his mind finally registering that Alex was indeed alive. The feeling of relief almost overwhelmed him. Almost. His fingers were still wrapped around Hawthorne. Thoughts of how the situation could have ended raced through his head. He couldn’t let it happen. Draco tightened his grip, he wouldn’t fail his son or Ginny again.

“NO! STOP IT!” Alex screamed. “NO MORE!”

Hawthorne coughed violently as Draco loosened his hold, capturing the guard’s arms instead. “Because my son is better than you…..” Draco whispered through clenched teeth trying to regain control of his emotions, “because my son is better than me- you live.”

“Did you father?” came the question Draco didn’t want to answer, “Did you do this?”

Draco looked away hastily, struggling with his conscience. “He hurt your mother, Alex. He almost….” Draco paused swallowing the lump in his throat, “He almost killed you!”

Tentatively, Alex reached out to touch the guard’s scar. “When?”

Through ragged breaths came the answer, “Eight. I was eight years old.”

“Get away from him, Alex!” He was afraid of what Hawthorne might do if he escaped from his grasp, and most of all, frightened of what Hawthorne might say. Grave mistakes were made by a teenager filled with hate so long ago. “Summon help for your mum.”

Alex didn’t seem to listen, staring intently at Hawthorne who looked curiously at the young boy. “What happened to your mum and dad?”

Hawthorne’s eyes glazed over as his mind drifted to a night that begat hatred, “Death Eaters killed my mother and took my father away. I never saw him again.”

Alex looked to be deep in thought before asking sorrowfully, “You were all alone?”

“I was left for dead, bleeding next to my mum. My beautiful mum whose only crime was to marry a muggle, and she was killed for it. What did we ever do to them? Why couldn’t they have left us alone!” Hawthorne growled with ferocity, “Those damn Death Eaters left me an orphan!”

“Shut up!” Draco hissed, fear paralyzing him. Hadn’t he already served time for his war crimes? Would he continue to pay for what he did? Alex hadn’t left him physically, but there were still many ways he could lose his son. “I didn’t kill your parents!” That was the truth, but he was guilty nonetheless. He hadn’t helped them either, nor at that time, did he want to. One did not disobey orders from Lucius Malfoy.

Draco wanted to take it back. All of it.

Hawthorne’s voice cracked with raw emotion, unshed tears welling in his eyes. “Your father held me and forced me to watch his Death Eater friends murder my mum. My own father was tortured before my eyes. Malfoy owes me a blood debt and I will never forget! They scream from their graves for justice!”

Draco twisted Hawthorne’s arms roughly. “I won’t allow it!” A blood debt was the magical binding of an innocent and the guilty. He had hoped that when Ginny awoke, he would claim Alex as his. How foolish of him to think that with each passing year people would forget about the war, and a debt of honor the Malfoys, were entitled to pay. A debt that would wipe out the Malfoy line forever.

Now the wizarding world knew of the secret that would forever put his son at risk. As a Weasley, Alex was safe. As a Malfoy, Alex would never truly be at peace.

“I’m sorry,” Alex whispered, gazing straight into the watery eyes of a man who only moments before had been more than willing to take his life. “And I forgive you-Stupefy.” Hawthorne slumped over, his arms finally escaping from Draco’s hold as he collapsed onto the ground.

Draco didn’t spare a glance at Hawthorne’s prone form lying motionless on the floor. The only thing that mattered was Alex who stood over the guard, his face expressionless. “Alex,” Draco said hesitantly, “Are you ok?” When no answer came, Draco reached through the bars framing Alex’s face in his trembling hands. “Forgive me.”


Suddenly, a multitude of voices could be heard down the corridor. Alex wrenched away from Draco as familiar voices drifted towards father and son. “Grandma! Grandpa!” He raced towards his grandparents flanked by Aurors, stopping to kneel next to his mum, “She needs a Mediwizard!”

A female Mediwizard bent down to inspect Ginny, “She’ll be fine young man, an hour in the infirmary and your mum will be as good as new.”

Alex felt his grandmother’s arms wrap around him. Grandma Weasley always knew when he needed her. “How did you know to come?” Heaving a sigh he turned towards Molly who held onto him tight, as if she didn’t want to ever let him go. Alex wanted to cry to rid himself of the heaviness centered in his chest, but he was far too tired to shed any tears.

“Our clock said you were in Mortal Peril!” She held Alex out, inspecting him. “Oh sweetheart,” Molly whispered, lightly touching the bruises on his neck, “Arthur look at my poor baby.”

“What’s going on here!” Warden Thompson exclaimed, stepping out from the crowd.

“I think it’s fairly obvious!” Molly snapped, “Your management skills leave much to be desired. Send you and your bags packing I will! Mark my words, I promise that my husband will have you fi-”

Never before had Alex seen Grandpa interrupt his grandmother. “I think it’s high time we had a discussion, Warden Thompson. See to it that my daughter and grandson are looked after by the Mediwizards and I shall meet you in your office for a little chat.”

“Grandpa?” Alex looked up at Arthur who had turned his attention away from the speechless warden to the stunned guard on the stone floor. He looked distant, as if his mind was anywhere but Azkaban. Hadn’t Grandpa Weasley always been that way? Alex knew Grandpa loved him in his own way, buying him presents and taking him on trips, but he wasn’t like Grandma Weasley, who was warm all the time. From what he heard from his uncles, Grandpa wasn’t like this before the war. Laughing and smiling constantly, Grandpa Weasley was always talking and joking about an assortment of things. As long as Alex knew him, Grandpa had always been a quiet and serious man. Alex couldn’t imagine him any other way.

“Grandpa? “ Finally breaking free of Molly’s embrace he turned towards Arthur, “Grandpa.”

His grandfather looked so tired, with dark circles under his eyes. A tight smile greeted him. Instead of saying anything, Arthur reached out to hold his grandson and Alex obliged. Hugs from his grandfather were rare, but when they came, they were almost on par to the best hugs from Grandmother. The last time Grandpa Weasley hugged him was when he fell off his broom that Uncles Fred and George had enchanted to fly faster. Alex could still remember the yelling afterwards that ensued. His grownup Uncles were chided like children, while he got presents of Fellytones from Grandpa and kisses and cakes from Grandma. If falling off the broom earned you presents, Alex was more than tempted to take another spill. Only it had hurt awfully bad.

Arthur shook as he held his grandson.” “We tried to get here sooner, Alex. I couldn’t find my emergency portkey.”

“I’m fine Grandpa. Really I am.” Alex squeezed in a final hug before separating. Was it wrong to find comfort in the fact that his Grandfather had been worried? Sometimes he had questions about Grandfather Weasley’s love for him. But at times like these, even though they seemed to be surrounded by darkness, the love of his grandfather always shone through.

“I need your help, Grandpa.” Alex took Arthur’s hand, leading him in haste to the front of his father’s cell, avoiding the stunned body of Hawthorne that was being bound by Aurors. Alex found his father kneeling on the ground; his body slumped against the bars. “He’s hurt awfully bad.”

He saw the curious eyes of his grandfather inspect the beaten form of his father. Why wouldn’t Father look at him or Grandpa? Instead Draco kept his eyes downcast, staring at the dirt floor of his cell as if he was in a trance. Minutes of silence passed before Alex broached the subject again. “Please Grandpa, he needs a mediwizard.”

Arthur bent down next to Draco. “Only for my grandson!” Alex heard his grandfather whisper harshly before walking abruptly away,” Alex jumped upon hearing his grandfather’s voice bellowing down the hallway, “I NEED A MEDIWIZARD DOWN HERE! NOW!”

“You were never supposed to hear any of it,” Draco said softly, his eyes still fixed on the dirt floor, “Because of me, you could have died.”

“But I didn’t,” Alex replied glumly, thinking about his fight with Duncan McCain. He had plenty of practice this week playing dead.

Gently Alex felt his father lift his chin and look into his eyes, “I’m proud of you Alex. You were so smart and so brave.” Draco’s voice faltered, “If you hate me I understand, because I hate myself. You don’t know how much I want to take away your pain.” Draco paused. The strong facade slowly crumbled as one tear escaped, followed by another. “You’re worth ten of me.”

Though his father held a faint smile, his eyes were still sad. And if there was anything Alex knew about, it was sadness. Every dark secret he had heard about his father came much too late. He already loved this man so very much. “Father, I forgive you.”

His words only seemed to make the seemingly emotionless man cry more. Never before had he seen his father in such a state. His thoughts were interrupted by a slight tap on his shoulder. Alex looked over his shoulder to see his grandmother and a mediwizard, with a stretcher floating beside them.

Molly held out her hand to her grandson, “Alex, dear. We’ll walk to the infirmary so that a mediwizard can take a look at you. ” She pointed to the darkhaired man beside her, “This mediwizard will take care of your father.”

Alex slipped his hand into his grandmother’s as he watched his father being floated onto the stretcher. He felt tired and worried. Suddenly, it was too much to hold back. The harsh reality of all the events that had occurred finally hit him. He sniffled as a tear trailed down his cheek, turning into Molly’s welcoming arms and buried his face against her.


Ginny slowly roused from slumber. She was disoriented and her head throbbed. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious. Was it a few minutes? Hours? Days?

What had happened? Ginny scrubbed a hand over her face and blinked to clear her vision. The scent of healing potions and the clang of hospital machinery whirred in the background. Where was she? The memories floated back. Alex. The guard had Alex. He was going to hurt her son and she couldn’t stop him.

“Alex?” Staggering out of bed, she called out to him noticing two Aurors posted at the door across the room. “Where’s my son?” she asked the Aurors anxiously. Before they could answer, a sound from the corner stopped her cold. A low moan. She spun around. Through the partially opened curtains she saw Alex next to a hospital cot keeping watch on his father.

Draco looked pale and bruised against the white sheets. She walked towards them both, her heart in her throat. “Alex! Draco!”

“Ssh!” Alex held a finger to his lips. “He’s sleeping.”

It was just like her son to be more concerned for anyone other than himself. Ginny slid into a nearby chair and pulled Alex onto her lap. “I know you are too big for laps, but I don’t think we ever outgrow hugs.” His bruises that she and her mother tried to rid Alex of were gone. Whatever injuries the guard may have inflicted on her son were not evident and apparently healed. She held him close ensuring herself that he indeed was safe and sound.

“Mum, I can’t breathe.” Alex coughed, finally pulling away, giving Ginny a quick peck on the cheek before returning to watch his father.

Ginny swallowed hard, afraid to ask what had had happened, but there were still many questions she had about the events that had transpired. Ginny would not have Alex repeat what she was sure was a traumatic experience for all of them. The most important thing right now was that her son was ok and Draco was being given the medical attention he needed. There would be time for answers later.

Ginny eyed a bottle of Skele- Gro amongst numerous other potions next to Draco’s bed. Being a former Quidditch player, Ginny had been given her share of Skele-Gro when a stray bludger had thrown her off her broom, breaking a leg in the process. The memories of the bitter taste and pain as the bones mended made her grimace. Ginny clasped her hand over his, feeling the need to take care of him. Poor Draco.

She didn’t notice the wide eyed boy whose once somber face was slowly spreading into a grin. Slowly, Alex tiptoed away to the opposite end of the infirmary, crossing his fingers the entire way.

Draco’s eyes slowly opened. He squinted, trying to focus on her. It was obvious that he had been given a very strong pain relieving potion. Draco seemed to struggle to find his words, “G-Ginny?”

“I’m right here.”

He reached out to cup her face in his hands and she did not stop him. “You look bloody awful,” Ginny said, forcing herself to smile.

Even under heavy sedation, Draco still managed to smirk, “Wait till I’m healed Weasley. I’ll be prettier than you.”

“And more vain to boot. Still think yourself a legend in your own mirror, do you Draco?” Ginny raised her eyebrows, laughingly remembering how annoyingly neat he had been at Hogwarts, especially about his hair. It was rumored he spent more time in the loos of Hogwarts applying glamour spells than any other female student, including Hogwarts beauty queens Lavander and Parvati- and that was saying something.

“No, I think you are,” He said softly, “You’re beautiful.”

He pulled her towards him, lowering her mouth to his. Without thought, Ginny’s lips parted readying themselves for contact her body wanted but her mind struggled to fight. “Malfoy, no.” she said pressing a shaky hand against his chest.

To her, he was still a stranger. The memory of intimate touches shared was brief and hazy. She didn’t remember that Draco had probably seen her in every way imaginable. But Ginny did remember the feeling of having loved this man.

“Please Ginny, let me give you a new memory.” He didn’t wait for her response as he claimed her mouth. Ginny’s pulse raced as his lips melded with hers. Long forgotten desire stirred within when he moaned into her mouth. As she tasted Draco’s lips, raw need flamed inside of her, remembering the feel of his hands everywhere, giving her pleasure.

She forced herself away from him, flushed with arousal. What was she thinking? He was hurt and medicated. Had she allowed him to keep touching her she was afraid of where it might have lead to. For shame! Ginny scolded herself.

“Ginny, come back…..”

She smacked her forehead with her palm ignoring the pleas of the man who was still calling for her. Not once did she think of Alex. Once again she was kissing Draco Malfoy in plain view of her son, but Alex wasn’t nearby. She walked away from Draco’s bed catching sight of her son, happily chatting away with one of the Aurors who were guarding the entrance to the infirmary.

“…….you own a Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon?!” Alex exclaimed.

“Had her ‘bout three years this March. She’s a beaut. ”

“Wicked cool! My Uncle Charlie was a dragon trainer. I want to be a dragon trainer too or a zoo keeper or work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office or…..”

Ginny felt instant relief that Alex was immersed in conversation. At least he hadn’t seen.

Or so she thought.

Alex cast a sly grin at his mother. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you kiss him before Mum,” he said before returning to the conversation with the Auror.

She slowly backed away, biting her lip in a combination of embarrassment and laughter. Drawing the hospital curtains more securely around Draco’s bed this time, she returned to his side. A rush of tenderness overcame her as she traced a path along his cheek. There was still so much she did not know. Her heart told her that Draco did not deserve to be in this prison; but the last thing she wanted was to endanger Alex , to lose him again.

“Who are you, Draco Malfoy?” she whispered gazing at his sleeping form, “Who are you?”

To be continued

Thanks to my betareaders VioletJersey and Rainpuddle13. Go read their stuff now!!!

And thanks to all who have read and given their thoughts, good or bad.

21. Pensieve

While You Were Sleeping.

Chap 20 – Pensieve

“What do you mean he can’t go to prison? He almost killed my son and his father!” Ginny had struggled to keep her calm as she sat in the Warden’s office with Arthur. She jumped out of her chair grabbing onto Warden Thompson’s cloak and would have dragged the other woman from her chair had Arthur not intervened.

He put his hand on her shoulder, pressing Ginny back down into her chair, “I’ve tried to change the law but the people will not hear of it.” Arthur said walking away to the windows that overlooked the crashing waves on the jagged rocks below.

“Hawthorne is entitled to have his blood debt repaid.” The warden said slowly sitting back in her chair while smoothing down her robes.

Ginny’s knuckles turned white as she clutched the sides of her chair. “As well as others, is that right?”

Silently, Arthur nodded his head.

“It’s an archaic law! Are we not a modern society of witches and wizards?” Ginny remembered the debates, for and against, that would rage in Professor Binns class over the blood debt - a law to discourage the lawlessness that had been running rampant in the Muggle communities. If a murder was committed, one person within the family line would be given to the people in order to absolve all crimes committed . Their sacrifice would ensure that blood did not remain on the family’s hands.

The law since its inception at the dawn of the wizarding age changed only slightly. If a family member committed a murder one did not have to willingly sacrifice one of their own. But it was known that a price would forever be on their head and they would always have to be on guard. Many of those whose ancestors had committed such atrocities chose to leave their country of origin or disguise themselves as Muggles.

Ginny had always sided for the blood debt. For who else would be liable under that law but Deatheater scum? Never once did she think of the innocent lives that could be lost. Not once did she think such a law would affect her.

“Isn’t there anything you can do, Dad?”

She could hear the trembling in her father’s voice, “I cannot go against the wishes of the wizards and witches that I serve.”

Never had Ginny raised her voice at her father but she was furious. Her father was said to be a just Minister of Magic, putting the wizarding worlds concerns before his own. There were many times when the majority was right, but this was not one of those times. “How about the wishes of your family!”

“We’ve released Hawthorne from employment with Azkaban according to the request of Minister Weasley.” The warden interjected as both father and daughter before her seemed to be on the verge of war.

Arthur turned towards Ginny, his expression tight with strain, “Don’t you think your mother and I knew who your child’s father was? I wanted more than anything for Alex to be safe.” He brought his wrists together, emphasizing his next point, “My hands are tied here Ginny. There is nothing I can do.”

“There’s nothing you couldn’t do Daddy. When I was a little girl you always said you could make everything better. But you lied.” Arthur kept silent as Ginny continued, “I’ll take Alex out of Hogwarts…” Harm would not come to her son. Ginny would see to that. Perhaps it would be better. Ginny saw how lonely he was in school, making her painfully aware of her first year. Having cousins and a little girlfriend wasn’t enough, Alex needed friends.

Arthur interrupted, “Now Ginny, there is no need to interrupt his education. Hermione will keep him safe there.”

“No, Dad. He isn’t safe at Hogwarts or any other place in the wizarding community! Didn’t you see the black eye he had?” Her parents had been in denial for years. They had never acknowledged the truth as to his parentage, although it seemed it was suspected, if not known, for quite some time to everyone else except for the boy that mattered.

“Boys will be boys.” Warden Thompson added only to have Ginny shoot her a warning glare that she was not invited to participate in the conversation.

“Alex and I will move. We will live as Muggles away from this barbaric nonsense! I swear Dad, that when we leave it will be the last time Alex and I step foot in the Burrow! I’ll never come back!” Never before had she raised her voice to her father. In fact there had never been a need. Arthur was a gentle man who always leant an ear to listen. That was his problem. He was listening to everyone but her.

“Your mother and I raised him Ginny. Don’t threaten me by taking my grandson away. I am not at fault. Alex suffers because of that wretched piece of filth that is his father, if he even deserves such a title. ”

“Don’t talk about Draco that way!” Ginny snapped surprised at her own reaction. If Alex overheard his much beloved grandfather talk about Draco in such a way his heart would be crushed.

The warden delved into the fray, her voice remaining calm. “You know it’s quite common for prisoners of war such as yourself Miss Weasley to develop an attachment to their captors. There are many techniques and spells the Death Eaters may have used on you. It takes its toll on the strongest of persons -”

“No!” Ginny cut off Warden Thompson, “He wasn’t…” Her voice grew softer, more unsure. “He wasn’t part of that.”

Arthur could only shake his head at his youngest child, “How do you know that Ginny? He plead guilty of his crimes at his first trial, are you to tell me he was lying?”

“No, Daddy, no.” Ginny said trying to fight off tears of frustration. The doubts were already planted in her mind. She didn’t know anything about Draco Malfoy. All she had was a feeling she had managed to carry over from the past and bits and pieces of a memory that would not be made whole. “Use Veritaserum!”

Warden Thompson summoned scrolls from a nearby cabinet, “These are statements from his trial twelve years ago. It’s been proven he can fight off Veritaserum”

“How?” Ginny asked leafing through the parchment laid before her.

“He was questioned as to whom fathered your child Miss Weasley, under Veritaserum twelve years ago and he denied any knowledge. This has been proven otherwise, has it not?”

“He only denied my son for his safety.”

“That’s beside the point.” The Warden huffed, “What I am trying to say is that Veritaserum has been used in the past and he is capable of fighting it off. We cannot use any statements he makes under the influence of this particular potion as evidence.”

She saw the want in Alex’s eyes for his father. Ginny would not allow her son’s father to stay in Azkaban. The war had caused enough damage and separated people meant to be together. Ginny could not deny Alex his father, nor Draco his son. “I want these charges dropped!”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Ginny.” Arthur said. “He is to be tried for his attack on you at Hogwarts and…”

Warden Thompson finished for Arthur, “Your rape Miss Weasley. He will be tried for the atrocities he committed against you in Mors Mortis Prison. Crimes against witches are taken quite seriously. If proven guilty, Mr. Malfoy will be given the Dementor’s Kiss. ”

Ginny stamped her foot, “He didn’t rape me!” She turned a pleading eye on her father. “Daddy please believe me!” But what she saw in his eyes already told her the answer. She read grief and sadness for Percy, Charlie and for her. “Please.”

A conflicting expression flashed across her father’s face as he swiftly exited the Warden’s office, the door slamming after him. Her father didn’t believe her. If she couldn’t convince her own family, how could she convince the world? How could she convince herself? The door swung open again, her father leading the way with a group of Ministry officials behind him. A stone basin with a pool of silvery liquid material was laid before her. She looked up at her father to thank him. He could only shake his head slightly before turning away.

“We will need your authorization in order to allow us access to your memories Miss Weasley.” The Ministry official said pointing to the pensieve in front of her. He turned to Arthur who was dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief, “It will take but a few minutes of your daughter’s time and we will have a full report by the end of the day.”

One by one Ginny let the silvery strands of the few memories she had of Draco fall into the Pensieve. A young Auror caught her as she fell back, sitting her gently in the chair. She felt drained and weak, watching as the Ministry officials sifted through her memories.

“Sir,” one of the Ministry officials beckoned her father to the pensieve. “I think you ought to see this.”

Arthur surprised Ginny by taking her hand. He placed a small kiss on her forehead just as he had done when she was a little girl. “Everything will be ok.” he whispered, “Everything will be ok.”


Alex munched on the chocolates his grandmother had given him while he waited in the hallway for his mum. What was taking her so long? Maybe they were talking about freeing father. He couldn’t wait. Alex pulled a handkerchief from his pocket wiping the last traces of chocolate from his fingertips before taking out a piece of parchment. He started to write in all the things he wanted to do once his father was out. Number one on Alex’s list was going to see the Quidditch World Cup. His uncles always took him to the matches but this time he would go with his dad. Number two, really the most obvious, was that father had to come to the Burrow. Maybe Grandma would even make his favorite chocolate cake to celebrate. His mouth watered just thinking about it. Yes, father will definitely love Grandma’s cooking.

“What are you smiling about?” Grandma Weasley asked, handing him another piece of chocolate.

He couldn’t tell her yet. It wasn’t good to jinx his wishes. Wasn’t that what she always said? “I can’t tell you Gran. IF I do, my wishes won’t come true.”

Molly grinned in return, ruffling her grandson’s blond hair, “That’s my boy Alex. As long as your wishes are right here,” she said placing her hand atop her heart, “they will all come true.”

Although Alex still had his doubt, he wanted desperately to believe. He had wished for his mum on his birthday. True, he had wished for her since he was four but it was better late than never. Father Christmas had granted him his request, even if it was for a brief moment. They only got sidetracked. It wouldn’t be long before his mum and dad were together, married and having more babies, just like in his dream. That reminded him of another thing he wanted to add to his list – a family trip to the beach.

He was so busy pouring over his to do list he didn’t notice his mother stepping out from the office followed closely behind by Grandpa Weasley and an Azkaban guard. His mum didn’t look so well and for that matter neither did his Grandpa. “Are you alright Mum?” Alex said leaping out of his seat to take his mother’s hand. “Did you want a seat?” Alex asked, offering his own chair and wondering what could have made her look so pale.

“I’m fine.” Ginny said, not letting go of Alex’s hand.

He looked up at his grandfather curiously as he whispered to his grandmother. Something wasn’t right. No longer did he want to be kept in the dark,. “What’s going on?” he demanded drawing shocked faces from all three adults. “Is my father coming back with us?”

When no one answered him, Alex asked again, “Well, is he?” he turned to his grandfather and waited, his mouth opening then shutting immediately.

Finally his mother spoke, “Your grandfather wants this guard to take us to your father.”

At the notice of the guard, Alex wasn’t feeling very good. Molly stuffed more candies into his pocket before sending him off with kisses. Grandpa went back into the office where a crowd of Ministry officers and Aurors awaited, leaving Alex with no more than a small pat on the head. Alex couldn’t rid himself of the small ache he felt at the pit of his stomach. His father wouldn’t be leaving Azkaban.

“Remember what Grandma said.” He chanted to himself. “I believe Father will be free.” If he said it enough times, Alex could believe it.

The guard that had come out of the Warden’s office with his grandfather and mum, led the way. Instead of walking down towards the dungeons, the guard led him and his mother towards a small tower. “This here is a room set aside so that family can visit their loved ones. It’s only used for nonviolent offenders, never rapists or murderers….”

Alex saw his mum wince and cover his ears, though he heard each and every word. Alex refused to dwell on what the guard had said. He did not want to ruin what happiness he had left. He was going to see his Father and it lifted his spirits, if only for a little while.

“…..but we have Minister’s permission to allow you access, seeing that you’re his daughter and all.” The guard chanted a spell causing the door to swing open, “As you can see it’s quite different from the cells.”

Alex peeked in with his mum to overlook the surroundings. There was a small bookcase filled with books, a sofa and a couple of chairs. Centered around the room was a table with fruits, nuts, and was that a bowl of chocolate frogs?

The guard saw the surprised look on Alex’s face, “A request from your grandfather.”

Alex walked in picking up a chocolate frog and popping it in his mouth. This was a much better place than his father’s chilly cell. Already he was becoming saddened at the thought that his father would have to return to that horrible place. It was cold and dark . Bad things always happened where one couldn’t see. Unfortunately he knew that all too well from personal experience. Images of the dark alleyway where Duncan and his Ravenclaw friends cornered him sent shivers down his spine.

A side door piqued his curiosity. He opened the door to find a bed. Would he and mum spend the night here in Azkaban? “What is this bed doing here?”

“Conjugal visits” the guard said automatically before realizing he spoke to soon.

Ginny strode over to Alex and proceeded to slam the door shut. “That won’t be needed.”

Alex turned away from his mother’s reddened face hiding the smirk on his own. That won’t be needed? A small plan started formulating in his head. Who could ever have doubted he was not a Weasley? Sure he had been accused of being a goody two shoes like his late Uncle Percy, but he had been influenced by none other than his Uncles Fred and George and his cousins Everett and Edwin to be a bit wicked. Or was that the Slytherin in him? Whatever it was, if it got his mum and dad together then did it really matter?

Father would be out of prison soon. When he was finally free, Alex wanted more than anything for his former professor to be married to his mum. Only then would he have a normal family, just like he always wanted. Anything less was unacceptable.


Draco still felt achy as he was led away from the medical wing. The dizziness he felt, a side effect from the pain relieving charms, had yet to wear off. Draco shuffled his feet wondering where he was being taken. Was this another guard with a personal vendetta against him? The guard looked oddly familiar. Of course they all started to look alike with their batons and wands swinging. Draco readied himself to receive any blows. There was nothing he could do to fight him off. Draco’s hands and feet were bound as he was led to a mysterious fate.

“Where’s my son?” Draco asked straggling behind the guard, cursing as he was led up another flight of winding stairs. He desperately wanted to see Alex again, make sure he was alright. It was killing him each day to be kept from Alex, to have the letters his son sent, waved tantalizingly in front of his face.

“You’ve moving too slow there Malfoy.” The guard reached behind Draco refusing to answer his question, dragging him roughly by the collar. “Think you could walk a bit faster?”

Draco motioned with his head to his binded feet, “That’s a bit hard in this situation.” He said and couldn’t help whispering. “Wanker.”

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Draco had to remind himself to hold his tongue, no matter how much these incompetent guards deserved to be taken down a notch. He had to be on his best behavior or at least act like a complying prisoner, if there was any possibility at all that he would see his son and Ginny again. Once he was free he would make a clean start with Ginny, if she would have him.

“Smart mouth you still have. You’re lucky Minister Weasley assigned me to this detail. All the other guards want to beat you to a bloody pulp.”

Draco didn’t bother hiding his irritation as he glared at the guard now that he knew he had the safety of none other than the Minister of Magic behind him. “I asked you a question and I expect an answer. Where is my son and his mother?”

Silence was the only thing that met him.

The last thing Draco wanted was to be dragged in front of Ginny and Alex like an animal on a leash. “Take these off me!” he seethed but the guard only shook his head no.

“Minister Weasley doesn’t want his grandson harmed.”

Hurt Alex? After what that bastard Hawthorne did to his son, Mr. Weasley still thought him capable of hurting his own flesh and blood? “I would do no such thing!”

“I know that. You know that.” Sighing , the guard looked behind Draco before chanting an unbinding spell. “Tell no one of this.”

Draco merely nodded his head as he turned towards the door that separated him from Ginny and Alex. Quickly his head shot up trying to figure out who the guard was that stood before him. “I know you.” he whispered trying to piece together the blurred vision of the burly man before him with a voice from his past.

“It’s Greg.” He said softly before tapping his wand against the wooden door.

“Goyle?” Draco asked although he already knew who this guard was. No affirmation was necessary. He was much thinner than he had been in Hogwarts. He had always been a little plump at Hogwarts, but his bulk was now evenly distributed throughout his large frame. If Draco had met such a person on the street Draco would be sure to hold on to his wand tight.

Goyle pointed to his nametape, “It’s Harrison now. Took my mum’s name after the war.”

Draco had last seen Goyle running away from one of their first victories. He had cursed his former friend for his cowardice . How time does shed light on the past, making heroes villains and villains heroes. Goyle refused to take part in any bloodshed, abandoning the DeathEaters, never to be heard from again, until now.

“I have a little one too.” Goyle added. “A bit younger than yours. He’s five. Ioan Harrison’s his name. Safer for him.”

Draco nodded , only knowing far too well what Goyle was implying. “Go ahead now Draco.” He said stepping aside. “Your family’s been waiting.”

The door slowly swung open. A beaming young man looked up from his chess board. Alex ran or it could have been Draco. He didn’t know who stepped forward first but suddenly he found himself kneeling down with Alex in his arms. Staring over his son’s blond head with eyes dry and face aching, hard little muscles clenched and unclenched in his jaw.

Ginny stood, leaning against the windows. Her own misted gaze met Draco’s before averting her eyes to the ocean below, leaving father and son a moment alone.


Sorry for the lag in updates. I have been quite busy. A lot has been on my mind. I thank you all for reviewing. I appreciate each and everyone of you that has taken time out of their busy day to read my fanfic. I will be leaving the Harry Potter fandom (although I don’t want to!) soon but my goal is to finish my fics before I leave. I’ll be the first to admit it’s not written well, it’s not the most engaging and it can be pretty OOC, but you guys like it and that’s what counts.

I have been posting this chapter on my live journal and will probably post the next chapters in bits and pieces before posting it on Portkey. If you want a sneak peak of upcoming chapters & want to know why I am leaving fandom, feel free to visit my livejournal.


22. Behind Closed Doors

Chap 21

I’m not going to cry. Ginny thought, watching a happy and smiling Alex engaged in a chess match with his father. She busied herself with a book, not daring to let her eyes wander back to her son. Only when he was with Draco did his eyes light up and truly match the smile on his face. Sadly, Ginny noticed that Alex rarely laughed. Not like he was doing right now.

“Checkmate!” she heard Alex roar.

“You cheated!”

“No Dad, I’m a Gryffindor. We don’t cheat. Now pay up.”

Ginny watched as Draco reached into the bowl filled with goodies and handed over a box of Bernie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Putting on his best grudging voice he replied, “There’s Slytherin in you, no doubt. No mercy, not even for your father.”

She guiltily reminded herself of the last time Alex had been in such good spirits. The Hogsmeade trip had gone well, only to go so horribly awry. What Draco had done was very wrong . He had almost committed the same act that everyone had told her he had already done, an act that his own father had perpetrated on her.

But she would forgive him because Alex loved him and a part of her still felt great affection towards him. Ginny couldn’t quite explain it herself. How did they end up making such a beautiful boy, when but a few weeks before his conception they hated each other?


She looked up, startled to see Draco standing before her. No evidence of his past beatings were evident, save for a spot of blood on his prison robes, reminding Ginny just how close she had come to losing them both.

“How about joining us in a game of cards. Alex is on a winning streak and he must be stopped.”

She looked over at Alex who seemed to be on the verge of jumping off of his chair in joy. Of course she would play. Father and son time was important but Ginny also knew that her boy wanted be with both his parents. Ginny tried not to think of the discussions taking place at this very moment concerning Draco’s life and the confusing memories she had witnessed in her pensieve. Alex should always have his father and mother at his side.

Ginny offered up a smile as she took Draco’s outstretched hand, “A winning streak, eh?” She quirked her eyebrow at him, “That’s a trait he gets from me.”

“We’ll see about that when I beat the both of you.”

“I’d like to see you try Draco Malfoy.” She said letting Draco lead her to the table. A hyperactive Alex waited. He hopped off his own chair pulling out his mother’s. Before she took her seat, Ginny placed a kiss atop her son’s blond head. “Such a gentleman you are.”

He wriggled away from her, smirking, dumping boxes of Bernies beans in the center of the table and proceeded to separate them by color.

Draco leaned towards Ginny, whispering in her ear, “You won’t think such a thing when Alex tells you what the losers have to do.”

How could she think when the effect of Draco’s breath against her skin left her feeling a bit lightheaded? Alex looked up at her curiously as Ginny fanned herself with a card she swiped from the deck. “It’s hot in here, don’t you think?”

“No,” Alex answered shuffling the deck. “You should lie down mum.” He turned to His father, “There’s a bed over in that room, father “ Alex said pointing to the door, “Maybe you should take mum to bed and have her rest.”

“I think your mum just needs some water.” Draco said jumping off his chair in a similar fashion as Alex had done only moments before. He walked over to a pitcher of water set on a stand near the entrance to the room, and brought back a glass for Ginny while gulping one down himself.

Ginny had to hold back a chuckle. What a sneaky little bugger their son was. “So tell me Alex what will you and your father have to do when I win?”

Ginny knew she should have expected the answer that Alex gave her. The suspicious gleam in Alex’s eye was the same as in Madame Puddifoot’s Tea Shoppe. “I’m going to win Mum, and when I do, you and father must kiss.” He said calmly dividing the cards between the three of them.

This time it was Draco who objected, “Alex, I don’t think –“

Alex interrupted his father pouring more Bernie’s Every Flavor Beans on the table, “If you don’t kiss then you have to eat all the bogie and earwax flavored beans.”

“I guess that means one of us has to win” Draco said to Ginny while reaching out to collect the green and grey beans just in case.

“Drop those beans Malfoy. I don’t intend to eat any of those horrid candies.” Ginny said, catching sight of Alex’s grinning face across from hers. How perfectly happy her son looked, in of all places Azkaban. Her little boy had faced too many days of disappointment. This day had started off as a disaster and it was still late morning. She refused to ruin the rest of the time they had left for Alex. She leaned next to Draco, whispering in his ear, “But I do intend to lose.”

Bernie Botts Every Flavor beans scattered across the table.


“Well, are you going to kiss her father?” Alex asked tapping his fingers impatiently as he collected the cards. “I’ve won and you two have lost. A deal is a deal.”

What a brat his son was being, and Draco couldn’t have loved him more than he did at this very moment. But he had to be careful. He had rushed into things, forcing his feelings on Ginny in a way that made him ashamed. A Malfoy never had to force anything. A Malfoy always got what he wanted. Or at least he once did. It had been Ginny who had come to him many years ago.


Draco had been quite surprised when a captured Ginny Weasley was given to him as his personal servant by his father.

“The Order will be coming for you!”

The same girl who had laughed in his face, caused him utter humiliation in the hallways of Hogwarts with that bat bogey hex was about to be taken down a notch or two.

“Payback time little Weasley.” Draco whispered, delighting in the shiver of fear he saw in her as he dragged a bound Ginny Weasley down the corridor.

“Harry will defeat Voldemort and when he does you’ll rot in Azkaban!”

Draco threw her to the floor where she landed with a harsh thud. “How is Potter to defeat the Dark Lord when he can’t even save you?”

Still stubborn this girl was, as she spat in his face. “You Death Eaters will never win!”

Draco narrowed his eyes at the girl who dared spit in his face. His anger rising by the secomds. “I could have you killed for your disrespect. But I don’t think I will.” He smiled eerily at her, sending Ginny crawling back, “I have something different planned for you.”

“Don’t touch me!” Ginny screamed as he came forward, struggling to free herself from her magical binds. “Don’t touch me.”

Draco could only roll his eyes at the suggestion. Stupid silly girl. She was pretty, there was no doubt about that. But he didn’t want to taint himself with mudblood loving filth. Who knew what kind of mudblood had touched her?

“I have much more control than your mudblood boyfriends. Maybe we shall indulge your tastes later Weasley. We have that mudblood Thomas here. Perhaps I’ll have you two share a cozy cell. Would that be more to your liking?”

He took out his wand chanting a spell that did away with her binding. “Now would I free you if I was going to do something wicked?”

“One day you’ll regret everything you did here. Mark my words Malfoy! That day is coming!”

Draco let out a hollow laugh. The writing was written on the wall. The Death Eaters were winning. Every major battle up to this point had been disastrous for the Order. It would be nothing short of miraculous if they won and Draco didn’t believe in miracles for his side, nor for theirs. “What are you Weasley, a seer now? You can tell the future?”

“I am the seventh child of a seventh child. And my brother Ron always had the gift. He predicts our victory and your destruction.”

“The wind is blowing our way Weasley.”

“Wind can change directions Malfoy, even for you.”

He had enough of her talking. He was the one in charge and he would show her. Better now than later. Draco had an assignment to do and Ginny would be perfect. “One of your dear friends arrived just before you graced us with your wonderful presence. I thought maybe you and I could pay him a visit.”

Draco grabbed onto Ginny’s arms, twisting them behind her back. He was surprised at the girls’ strength as she struggled against him. He would let her tire herself out. It would be much easier to break her later.

Perhaps that time would come sooner than expected. Beyond a wooden door was the sound of a screaming man. “No!” Ginny cried at the sound of a man’s voice. “No!”

“Yes, Weasley. Maybe you and your brothers will be next!” he threatened, knowing full well that nothing was to come of this particular Weasley, at least for tonight. She had different purposes that could be served at the moment.

The door swung open, flickering lights from floating overhead torches casting an unnatural light on the room. “Welcome nephew.” Bellatrix smiled wickedly kissing Draco on the cheek. “You’ve brought a friend.” she said turning her attention to the woman he held in his arms. “What a pretty girl. She’ll make a delightful addition to our game!”

Ginny wrestled a free hand from Draco and attempted to slap the smirk off the other woman’s face.

Bellatrix grabbed her hand, digging her fingernails into Ginny’s skin, satisfied when she drew blood. “Fiery little thing, aren’t you?” she brought her wand up, harshly digging the tip against Ginny’s throat. “Hear that screaming? You are next.”

Bellatrix beckoned Draco closer to join the circle consisting of Dolohov, McNair, Avery and her husband Rudolphus . Their black cloaks and chanting surrounded the source of the screams. Shouts of Crucio were heard around them as each of the Death Eaters took their turns trying to extract information and when it failed, handing out punishment.

Draco could feel the young Weasley’s stupid Gryffindor courage as she tried to break free but he wouldn’t let her. If this one prisoner of theirs would finally give in, then everything would start to fall into place for him. Admiration and power from the other Death Eaters. Recognition from Voldemort. Respect from his father.

Weasley was wrong. He would never regret this.

In the middle of the Deatheaters lay a bleeding and broken young man, not much older than a boy. Ginny immediately let out a cry at the sight of him, twisting in Draco’s firm grasp and pleading with him to let her go.

“Ginny?” the man on the floor struggled to open his eyes reaching out a hand to the redhaired girl. “Don’t hurt her!” he said as he pushed himself up with much effort. “Don’t hurt her!” he screamed, his eyes locking with Draco’s.

“What are you going to do? Save her? I’d like to see you try!” Draco mocked. But inside, very deep inside Draco couldn’t help but have grudging respect for the man. A Gryffindor he truly was. After hours of torture he had given no information and refused to renounce his allegiance to the Order. Like all the Gryffindors before him, the man was extremely stupid. Did he want to die?

“Crucio!” Bellatrix’s glee rang out as the dark haired man writhed in pain , foam and blood dribbling from his mouth onto the stone floor.

Ginny wretched her arm free from Draco, grasping onto the young man’s arm who lay slowly dying before her. “Ginny.” he whispered.

The contact only lasted for a mere second as Draco dragged her away again. He was being too nice in even allowing that. “No! Neville!” she said reaching out for him in vain. “Neville!”

“Tie the girl up nephew. We are going to have a bit of fun with the Weasley as Longbottom watches. Tell us what we want to know and the girl goes free”

Ginny shook her head, pleading with Neville not to cooperate. “Don’t trust them Neville. ”

A newly bound Ginny was pushed into the center of the circle, each Death Eater taking turns to Crucio the new prisoner. It was obvious that Neville was beginning to crack under the strain. It wasn’t long before he resembled nothing more than a whimpering piece of flesh on the floor giving up the location of the next battle.

Ginny Weasley had done her job and had done it quite well.

“You woman are always the downfall of us men, aren’t you?” Draco chuckled as he took a crying Ginny to his room. Lost in her tears Draco could hear her muttering about her brothers. She would be useful in their torture as well. He would be sure to use her to bring not only her brothers down but the rest of the Order as well.

It pleased him to no end that the youngest Weasley would be at his beck and call. The quarters given to Voldemort’s army weren’t in the most optimal conditions, but as a Malfoy he was given one of the best rooms. He would make sure she was put to good use in other ways. The first task he would have her do would be to clean his room and perhaps make his meals. Houself duties he was quite sure befitted a person such as herself.

No more smart remarks from her. She would learn or face the same fate as Longbottom. He looked around his room wondering what he would have Weasley do first. He sat on his bed and motioned for her to follow him.

She froze, afraid to come any closer.

“You give yourself too much credit. Wipe my boots Weasley." He said shoving her head to the ground. Draco smiled, pleased with himself to see the change in the disrespectful Gryffindor that had been brought in only hours before.

The redhead looked around frantically, spotting a rag and wiping at his boots furiously.

“No.” Draco said, “Not with a rag.” He snapped grabbing the material and throwing it to the floor, “And you will address me as Master.”

Ginny slowly rose her head to meet his, “With what then,? ” she hesitated before adding, “Master.”

When he didn’t answer she asked again. Her voice shook as she met the dangerous gleam in his eye. “What will you have me clean your boots with, Master?”

“With your tongue, Weasley.”


He had observed McNair use this as a punishment to make a prisoner more subservient. It seemed to be doing the trick, yet it didn’t give him the satisfaction he was sure it had given McNair. Was this the same girl he had battled in Quidditch. Why wouldn’t she get up and try to fight him? She had been much too easy to subdue. Ginny Weasley was a weakling and it made him hate her more. Where was the challenge in this?

Longbottom had been much more interesting. That’s who he’d pay a visit to the next morning. Take him to his cell and lock away the key. He’d be sure to thank him for giving up his friends and family. That alone would be enough for torture for the Gryffindor. Longbottom had become much too confident since the Battle at the Ministry that caused his father to be locked away.

Each and everyone of those haughty Gryffindors had laughed at him. Even his own housemates showed their true colors as they pointed their fingers with glee at his misfortune. With a father in prison and the Malfoy vault being raided by the mudblood loving ministry, Draco had never felt more truly alone that at that time. But he would be exacting his revenge.

A knock at his door sent thoughts of revenge aside. “You may enter.”

“Mother!” Draco made a motion with his foot as if to kick the redhead and stopped just short of her face as she scrambled away.

Narcissa bowed her head towards her son. She looked at the girl curled in a ball on the floor and shook her head in disgust.

“Wh-What are you doing here?” he stammered as he knelt down in deference to his mother before taking her hand and placing a kiss upon his mother’s palm before rising. Why should he feel embarrassed at what his mother and Snape had seen? People like the Weasley’s had nearly ruined their family name. Now it was his turn to ruin her.

Narcissa didn’t answer, instead she walked over to Ginny. “Up girl.” A blank expression was all that was received.

“Mudblood loving wench when my mother gives you a command, you listen!” he forced her up to face his mother.

Narcissa’s lips were set in a tight line. “A gift from your father?”

“A reward for a job well done, isn’t that right?” offered Severus Snape, a small corner of his mouth turning upward.

Narcissa eyed the girl curiously. “She’s a pure blood Draco.” She said, her words directed to her son as she kept her eyes on the tear stained girl in front of her. Stepping nearer, she scrunched her nose, “My goodness she smells like a mudblood.” which brought laughs from both her son and Severus.

“Molly Weasley’s daughter I assume.” Narcissa reached out to touch the girl, lifting through her hair muttering, “No bugs,” grasping her biceps, “Very strong, she’ll be good for manual labor,” and measuring her hips, “A good investment, she’ll be able to have many children.”

“Mother, surely you don’t expect me to – “

Narcissa gave a sharp laugh, “I would like her for myself, dearest. I’m heading back to Malfoy Manor and am in need of a companion. It’s quite lonely now that all the servants have run off.”

As much as he wanted to make his mother happy in any possible way, Ginny was still of use in prisoner interrogations. He would not let such a valuable prisoner go. Not even for his own mother. “My apologies mother, but as you have pointed out she will be of much use to me.”

“Very well then.” Narcissa stiffened or at least it was his imagination for she looked up at him with a warm smile and held out her arms, “I’ll be at the manor by nightfall.” She hugged him then in a way she hadn’t since he first stepped foot on the Hogwarts Express so many years before.

It was quite embarrassing with Professor Snape and the Weasley girl watching. He didn’t know what came over his mother but it needed to stop. Malfoy Manor was just as secure as Voldemort’s stronghold. She had no reason to act as if this would be the last time they would see each other.

“I love you Draco.”

He gently removed himself from her grip. “Mother please.” He whispered. How could Professor Snape even begin to respect him after such an episode. And that Weasley girl, he couldn’t stand to see her eyes on him.

“Good bye mother, I’ll see you soon.”

Narcissa simply nodded her head, “Your father has shut down the floo for my safety. If you need to get in contact with me, Severus has a special owl for all my deliveries.”

“I’ll owl you first thing mother.” He said walking to the door and opening it, gesturing for his mother and Professor Snape to leave. His mother could become so emotional over the smallest of things. He wouldn’t have her in a crying fit. Only weak people cried, weak people like the Weasley girl. HE would not associate his mother with people like the Weasley’s.

Professor Snape strode quickly out the door but Narcissa held back, “Draco….”

“Yes mother?” Draco asked tapping his foot impatiently. He was getting rather annoyed at his mother’s insistence on staying.

Narcissa opened her mouth as if to say something looking from Ginny to Draco, but instead embraced her son once again. “Goodbye my son .” she whispered softly before slipping away.

He slammed the door behind him. How many times had she returned to Malfoy Manor? Must each time be full of drama? He was beginning to understand why father spent so much time away from her. When he turned around he took a step back not expecting to come face to face with the Weasley girl.

“The way you treat your mother is abominable.”

“Excuse me?” he said taking a step forward, but Ginny stood her ground.

“Your mother won’t be here forever yet you take her for granted.”

Draco had enough of her mouth. He had much better uses for it, and if truth be told he could think of hundreds of different ways to use it. Had Mcnair or Avery been in possession of the Weasley girl she would already have serviced them a dozen times today. But he was raised a gentleman. It was Ginny Weasley who was ungrateful. “It is you and your precious Order who won’t be here long.” He pushed her head back down and forced her to kneel before him.

“Now Weasley, where were we?”


(The present)

“Where were we?” Draco was startled back to the present by Ginny’s voice. After what he had done to her, Ginny had still come to him. An eighteen year old didn’t question when a willing woman came to his bed. But a 30 year old Draco did. The hows and whys were being answered in his head and he didn’t want to face them. Not now when she was smiling at him with a tenderness he hadn’t shown her. Not now when she was taking his hand in her own.

“The kissing part.” Alex volunteered with a sly wink at his mother.

“Aren’t you going to kiss me?” Ginny asked bringing much laughter to her young son. “I think you’re father is playing hard to get!”

Draco slipped his hand from Ginny’s and pushed away from the table. He wasn’t going to take anything more from her than what he already had. “You don’t have to Ginny.”

“Father, I won’t look, I promise!”

“Alex no!” Draco hadn’t meant to raise his voice at Alex. The young boy looked crestfallen, muttering about promises that were never kept. “No,” Draco repeated, this time with a soft whisper, “Let’s not force your mother to do something she doesn’t want to do.”

Ginny pointed to the bedroom, “Alex, honey I need a moment to speak with your father.”

Alex didn’t move a muscle. “Alex.” Ginny asked again, “All I need is a minute.”

“Why do I have to go? ”

“Because…” Ginny trailed. She couldn’t say no to her son, not when he was pouting just so. With his lip jutting out he looked absolutely and utterly adorable, if not bratty. She had a feeling her son knew exactly what he was doing, and it was working.

Alex crossed his arms in defiance, “Because why?”

“Because your mother and I say so.” Draco interjected but this time it was Ginny who wasn’t listening as she headed to the bedroom. She turned towards him beckoning him to follow.

Ginny wondered at his hesitancy. He needn’t be afraid to touch her. No matter what the outcome would be at his trial, she had forgiven him. She didn’t want to think about the discussions that were being held at this very moment that held Draco’s life in the balance. Right here and right now she would put what happened behind them. This was Alex’s father and at one time she had loved him.

“I want to make Alex happy too.” Draco started as he entered the room, “But it’s a silly little bet. Alex has to learn he can’t have everything he wants.” Draco sat on the bed slumping forward with his head in his hands, rubbing his forehead furiously as if he had a headache.

“He’s a Malfoy.” Ginny whispered holding his hand as she took a seat next to him, “Isn’t that a birthright? I want him to have everything. I want to spoil him rotten. I’m beginning to understand why your mother sent you all those chocolates back at Hogwarts.”

Draco looked up at her then, looking more like a lost boy than a man. She wondered if perhaps in her attempt to lighten the subject she made a mistake by mentioning his mother. From those weeks of research while she lay recuperating at the Burrow, she had learned that Narcissa Malfoy had been killed. “Draco?” she asked quietly, lacing her fingers between his. “I don’t want to kiss you for Alex. I want to kiss you for myself. Make me remember Draco.”

“What if I don’t want you to remember? An evil horrid boy I was to you…..”

“And to my friends and my family.” Ginny continued. She didn’t want to hear his apologies for Hogwarts. That was in the past and she wanted to keep it there. “You were always an evil git.” Ginny said jokingly, “and you are being one now for not giving me a kiss that you promised our son.”

“No Ginny,” he said this time turning towards her gripping onto her arms and shaking her slightly, “You don’t understand!”

Was he embarrassed that Alex was right outside the door? One small kiss wouldn’t scar their son. If anything the last time Alex had seen them do such a thing he had been nothing but smiles. “I understand all right.” Ginny crossed over to the door and proceeded to shut it, but not before Alex gave her the thumbs up sign as she closed it. Just a kiss! she mouthed before turning her attentions once more to the other blond.

As soon as she sat next to him he moved suddenly, standing away from her. “Draco?” she asked her voice etched with concern. The last time they were in such close proximity had brought him to this wretched place. But she was ready to forgive him. She already had. Ginny locked her gaze with his, not allowing him to turn away. “I forgive you.”

Draco dropped to his knees before Ginny, placing his tired and weary head in her lap. The significance of such an action she did not know. She only knew he was hurting. Ginny felt his arms shake as they wrapped around her waist. Tentatively she reached out to play with the strands of his hair, marveling at the softness of it and the once hard exterior of the man who possessed it. An exterior that was shattering before her.

The bedsprings squeaked as she moved to the floor to face him. Grey eyes looked back at her wondering what it was that she saw in such a person. Ginny reached out to touch him, her fingers delicately stroking the sides of his face. Had she known what the man was questioning she would have told him the most obvious, how beautiful indeed was such a man. But that was not what captured her. A small tear that Draco struggled to hide escaped. Ginny followed it with her fingers, kissing the tear away with her lips. His sadness had broken her.

What others saw in her pensieve didn’t matter, what she felt in her heart did, “I want to remember us Draco.”

“Then let us remember only the good.” He tilted her chin up, brushing a kiss against her mouth.

“Alex wouldn’t think that was a proper kiss.” Ginny whispered as she was drawn closer in his arms.

Draco reached up, and cupped a hand behind her head, pulling her into a dizzying and electrifying kiss. He was both tender and possessive, exploring her mouth with such focus that she felt as if she was at the center of the universe.

Pieces of a time long gone flashed before her. She was in a prison, but not Azkaban. Draco stood before her in his death eater robes but she was not afraid. She allowed him to kiss her with the ferocity of youth and she returned it He grabbed at her robes until they were torn lying in tatters. His own robes joined hers, thrown to the ground. He pushed her against the stone wall, biting and licking as he entered her.

“Scream for me Ginny.” He panted.

Oh yes, she was remembering.

In her frantic desire to regain more of her memories or perhaps becoming lost in them, Ginny found herself atop Draco’s lap, grinding against his growing erection. She should feel embarrassed with her son right outside the door, but her senses took leave of her the moment his lips touched hers. His hands clutched onto her hip, holding Ginny to him. Burying her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, she pulled him even closer. As she stayed with his mouth, their tongues tangling, Ginny felt Draco press her body harder against his, her breasts crushing his chest, quietly moaning into her ear. Instinctively her body started to react, deep yearning wringing through her. She felt him slip his hands underneath her robes and she wasn’t going to stop him. Not when just feeling his arousal felt this good. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream but instead with the knowledge of a boy much too young to know of such things she kept kissing Draco, their bodies stroking against each other as each moved. His breathing was becoming uneven and as ragged as hers.

I should stop this. Ginny thought and she thought she heard Draco whisper the same as they continued becoming familiar yet again with each other. But neither of them had the willpower.

A small knock at the door brought them both back to reality. “Mum.” Came Alex’s shaky voice, “The guard is here to take father back.”

23. War Wounds

This chapter contains mention of a rape. Keep in mind this fic takes place during war time. Ginny's actions may seem very OOC even degrading and offensive but the explanations are forthcoming.

WYWS Chap 22

“We'll come back, won't we Mum?” Alex winced as the guard bound his father. He wanted to run over to the guard, hit him, kick him, hex him, anything at all to prevent his father from being taken away again.

“Yes of course,” Ginny said, coming up behind her son and wrapping her arms around Alex.

He leaned back against his mother, watching his father being led away. This would be one part of the visit Alex knew he would never get used to. It was a struggle to keep a smile on his face. He had to be strong for both his parents. But the moment his father turned to wave goodbye, Alex lost it. Breaking away from Ginny, he ran towards Draco. “Father!” He threw his arms around Draco grabbing onto his prison robes, unwilling to let him go. “Don't leave me.” Jeers, taunts and the occasional fights at school could never hurt as much as this.

He half expected to be pulled away from his mum or the guard, but it never happened. They allowed Alex to steal a few more minutes with his father, while Draco whispered his goodbyes to him. “Soon, my son. We will all be together.”

Alex gave a grudging nod, because even though his father was smiling, his eyes told him a different story. The uncertainty he saw staring back at him frightened Alex. His father was not a perfect man, yet Alex could accept that. But he was not willing to accept the fact that the man he had gone so long without, the father he had just discovered, might be taken away from him forever.


Longing so pure and sharp that it made his eyes burn pounded Draco's chest. He wanted to be lost in the memory of Ginny and her sweet kisses, but his mind kept wandering back to the boy he disappointed. The pain in Alex's voice had been palpable. It had been hours since they departed but it felt like years. He closed his eyes, willing for sleep to lessen the anger, frustration and growing sense of hopelessness.

Ginny was regaining her memory, little by little. It was important for Ginny to regain all her memories. But now Draco was in doubt as to whether her remembrances even in their entirety would change anything at all. Visions of the past flashed before him, washing him in a familiar wave of guilt and pain.


Two days had past and she still hadn't tired of the list of things he had left for her to do. “My floors need scrubbing, Weasley,” he said as he led her from the tiny cell she shared with a sickly and starving Patil and Thomas.

“Have fun with the wench.” Avery winked as
he passed, on his way to retrieve his own prisoner.

The fire that had been behind her eyes disappeared, leaving nothing but blankness in her face. For a small moment a spark reappeared. “They know it's you.” Ginny spat harshly at a masked Draco. “There is no need to hide your face. What are you ashamed of?”

He tore at his mask, advancing upon her, “They fear me do they not?”
he asked, pinning her against the wall. He would not allow the Weasley girl to talk in such an insolent manner in front of a fellow Death Eater. “Me ashamed? I could cause you much shame,” he whispered, pressing his growing hardness between her legs. She was a Weasley, but she was also a woman. “I could take you here Weasley, in this hallway in front of everyone. Is that what you want?”

He grabbed
the hand that had reached out to smack him, forcing her palm to rub against his already bulging erection. “Feel that little Weasley?”

A crowd of
Death Eaters was already surrounding them, laughing at the ravishing they were sure would take place, each one asking for their turn. Draco had never shared anything and he wasn't about to share his prisoner now, but he had no qualms about making a spectacle of the girl in front of all the Death Eaters. Sex was something he would not engage in with a mudblood lover. He had standards, even if the others did not. Voldemort and his father would surely notice his sincerity unlike Avery or McNair who bedded a different female every night, mudblood or not. It didn't mean he couldn't scare the girl. The thought in itself excited him.

“What you want you will not take!” Ginny spat, surprising Draco by slipping her hands into his trousers. Draco felt his muscles stiffen in shock as she started stroking his length. His erection was now painfully hard. He rested his hands on her hips, leaning down to part her lips biting and sucking fiercely on them, drawing a trail of blood down her neck, leaving marks in his wake.

He could feel her other fingers tugging his head down, pulling them closer. “You dirty bitch!” he groaned. Pressing into Ginny's hip, he grinded madly against her hand which was furiously pumping his cock, wet with precum. “This is what you want, isn't it Master Malfoy. You want to fuck me
, she laughed, nearly bringing him to completion, before kneeing him in the groin.

He doubled over in excruciating pain, laughter from the other Death Eaters reaching his ears. Once again he was back at Hogwarts, the same feeling of inadequacy he had felt coming back ten fold. How could he lead these men when he couldn't even control a simple prisoner
? “Diseased Whore!” he hissed through clenched teeth. Pushing himself off the ground with much effort, his hand came up to strike her face again and again.

“There are potions that will get rid of everything these mudblood lovers have
,” winked Avery as he and Dolohov led a battered blond woman down the hallway.

“Unfortunately the potions are not a cure all
, ” remarked Snape, his eyes following his former student being dragged by the two Death Eaters before returning his full attention to Draco. “I commend you for avoiding the mudblood diseases that might ravage the community were it not for our adherence to the purity called on to us by our Lord. There should be more like you in our ranks. ”

Compliments did not come easy from his former Professor, not even back at Hogwarts. His words of praise were always an unexpected surprise and he hoped his father would hear of his strength of character. “Thank you, Professor.”

“There is a meeting tonight
, Mr. Malfoy. Your father requests your presence,” he said, nodding before disappearing down the hallway.

Finally he was acquiring more responsibility. Neville's confession had shown that he indeed was capable of so much more. For days they had tried to break the man. It had been his idea to use the Weasley girl. A simple Crucio would never work on the man, all one had to do was look at his parents. They would rather save others than save themselves. A true Gryffindor weakness that would be exploited again. Her brothers would be even easier.


“What did you say?” Draco asked
, twisting around to look at her.

, ” she whispered. Just as quickly as her eyes lit up, they now died seemed to stare into nothingness. A small battle they fought daily, but he would continue to win. The sooner she realized it, the better.

“You see what happens when you are not a good girl?” he remembered
when Lovegood was captured by Avery and Mcnair. The fact that she was also the fiancée of the great Ronald Weasley enraged them even more. She was raped more times than Draco could count by multiple Death Eaters. Even Draco was sickened by the sight, but why he did not know. Perhaps because he had a little bit of Narcissa in him, though he would never admit it to anyone. Afterwards, he caught his mother crying. A promise was made not to speak of what he had seen, and he swore that he would not. She muttered about her precious boy having higher standards than to shag a lowly witch and such, but he knew what his mother was really trying to imply. Draco was not to participate in such activities. He didn't give much to anyone, but for his mother he would honor her request. There were more than enough willing females of high rank in Voldemort's fold. Perhaps he would pay Pansy Parkinson a visit tonight.

Ginny followed him the rest of the way in silence.

Draco conjured up a bucket of soapy water as they entered his room. “If I cannot see my reflection in these floors by the time I come back, I'll hex all that pretty hair from your head.”

No retort left her mouth. She simply got down upon her knees and started to scrub.


Whispers of his unearned privileged status were heard throughout the prison. He heard the snickering of the rest of the Death Eaters upon hearing of Lucius commands. Once again, an important battle was brewing and he was left on the sidelines with none other than Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson and Peter Pettigrew. It was his interrogation of Neville that had led to this very point, yet it hadn't mattered to his father.

“Father, may I have a private word with you

Lucius who had been in a deep conversation with Snape and Rudolphus, rolled up the parchment they had been studying
before turning to his son. “Yes Draco?” the tone of his voice was pleasant yet it conveyed a hint of irritation. He may have looked calm, but Draco knew that underneath a storm was brewing. “Is there a question about your assignment?”

Of course there is!, was what he wanted to say. Why should he be left behind with Goyle and Parkinson to oversee the prison, when people such as Flint were sent into battle and coming back as heroes. He was more competent in hexes and curses than Flint could ever hope to be, yet he was forever lumped in with incompetent Goyle. Pettigrew was nothing more than house elf for the Dark Lord. Someone had to wait on Lord Voldemort while the rest were engaged in battle. What better person than a sniveling idiot like Pettigrew? As for Pansy, it was common knowledge that Mr. Parkinson had forbid her to go into battle. War is not a woman's place, her father had commented, yet the hypocrite had no qualms about being under the command and protection of Bellatrix Lestrange when the time came.

Draco was being coddled just like a child and he resented it. Taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat
, scraping up enough courage to ask his request. “It would give me no greater pleasure than to serve our Lord during this time.” Draco could already picture himself coming back, the praises and looks of envy heaped upon him.

Lucius nodded toward the others while leading his son away
. “Have I not toiled hard enough in the service of the Master only to see my son killed! I will not let you throw away everything I have worked for! ”

“But Father, were it not for my use of the Weasley girl-”

Lucius cracked his cane against the stone wall behind Draco
. “Silence! Your Hogwarts education leaves much to be desired. You can thank your mother for that.”

Draco dared to continue. He was eighteen now and refused to let Lucius intimidate him with his walking stick. It would serve no good purpose to let his father become aware of the fact that it instilled a bit of fear, even after all these years. “What of Flint and Pucey?”

“Survival of the fittest
, Draco. War is a natural part of life. It rids the world of a certain segment of the population it does not need.”

“Father, I am more than capable of holding my own against Dumbledore's Army. If you'll just give me a chance-”

Lucius interrupted, tapping his wand impatientl
y. “The chance to prove my theory wrong Draco? I think not, my son.”


“Did you punish the girl?” Pucey laughed as Draco stormed down the corridor past the exiting Death Eaters, doing his rounds.

Sounds of
Apparition could be heard throughout Voldemort's stronghold. His peers were headed off to fight while he was stuck making sure each of the prisoners were accounted for in his wing. How very unimportant he felt. A monkey could do this task. His father did not trust his abilities. That fact in itself burned. Perhaps he had heard of the incident in the hallway. What he wouldn't give to punish the girl in front of her brothers. But they were his father's special prisoners. No one was allowed to touch the Weasley brothers save for Lucius Malfoy, not even his own son. The Weasley girl on the other hand was a different matter altogether. She was meant to be used by the younger Malfoy. The centuries of bad blood between both families was coming to a head and soon they would be taught the proper ways of Wizarding culture, or, as his father was apt to say, meet a very sticky end.

He wanted to hurt her for making him the laughingstock once again. The frustration within threatened to explode. Perhaps a visit with Longbottom would put his mind at ease. He made his way to the torture chambers, screams
became more fierce as he drew closer. Lovegood's crying pricked at his ears. What would it hurt to see exactly what type of games Avery and Mcnair engaged in with the young Ravenclaw? He whispered Alohamora, the door swinging slightly open.

What he didn't expect to see was his own father screwing the girl across a table. She was bent over, her face being banged maniacally by Lucius with each thrust. “A good luck fuck for the battle. Maybe I will even
Avada Kedavra your Ronald Weasley tonight!”

She turned her head to catch Draco staring, hidden in the shadows. Her eyes caught his and in that instant, despite everything that was happening to her, she looked like his mother with her blond hair splayed across the table. Bile threatened to rise in his throat
. What about his mother? How could his father lower himself to do such a thing? All his rhetoric about self control and the discipline his own son lacked was something Lucius himself appeared not to possess. He crept out of the room to vomit violently in the hallway.

“Musn't be weak. Musn't be weak
, he chanted to himself. Muttering cleansing charms, he made his way to the chamber holding Neville. He would torture the man, this time with words. Let him know how grateful they all were for his contribution to the downfall of Dumbledore's Army. Draco had to forget what he had seen. Had to burn the memory of his father's actions from his mind. Had his mother known?

“What are you doing?” Draco asked flinging the door open to find Snape extending Longbottom's chin, pouring a vial of liquid inside his mouth

“Preserving the body
,” Snape said matter of factly before returning to the task at hand.

“He's dead?” Draco reached out to touch the skin of Neville which was so very cold. Realization hit him hard and fast. This was no longer a game where simple hexes were flung to embarrass another. This was life and death and Draco had never felt so vulnerable. His thoughts wandered to Lovegood and wondered how long his father had been using her in such a fashion and how long it would take before she herself met death.

“Of course he died! What do you think would happen to him?” Snape snapped
, continuing about his work. “Longbottom would have been of much better use to us alive. There are still many secrets we could have learned about the Order.

“Aunt Bella, she…they…said he had served his purpose. He was to be moved to the prison cells tomorrow
with the rest.” He had a hand in killing this person, this boy he had gone to school with. The familiar feeling of bile was rising in his throat once again.

“Longbottom deserves a proper burial despite where his loyalties lie. He died a warrior. Send me the young Weasley so that I may have her prepare Longbottom's body for delivery to his wife. As soon as she is done
, I shall have her sent back to your chambers.”

Though they were far removed from Hogwarts, Draco still had undying respect for his former potions professor. He could have said no
, but he found himself heading to his room on his way to retrieve the young Weasley.

Chanting the lengthy unlocking spells the door swung open
, revealing Ginny Weasley rummaging through his bureau. “You spy!” he screamed, grabbing for the redhead, shaking her violently with all the pent-up rage he felt. The anger at seeing his father cheat on his mother, the wretchedness he couldn't explain when he saw Longbottom's dead body, were all directed at the Weasley girl.

“Healing Potions, I was looking for healing potions. Padma and Dean are sick.”

“In my drawer
, little one?” His hands closed around her neck, before he threw her to the floor.

Despite his questioning, her answer remained the same, “Please. They are being overworked
, Master Malfoy. I was only looking for Healing Potions.”

He would not be taken for a fool any longer, not by his father
, nor by this insipid girl who dared to put her filthy hands on his belongings. There had to be a contact somewhere within Voldemort's forces. If he could use the Weasley girl to snuff out this mole, he would be seen as an equal, not the pampered son of Lucius Malfoy. “Who is it!” he said through clenched teeth.

“There is no one
, Master Malfoy. I wish only to please you,” Ginny said, bowing her head in deference as she knelt at his feet. Before he could move, her hands had unfastened his belt and his pants quickly shoved to his feet.

“What are you doing?” he questioned although his feet stood planted to the floor. “Stop Weasley!” His command was lost in a whimper as he staggered back against the wall when she wrapped her fingers around his hardened length and stroked.

As soon as her mouth closed in on the tip of his penis
, all thoughts, except for the pleasurable sensations tingling his every nerve ending, vanished. Draco had come back to his room to do something, what it was he had momentarily forgotten. The subtle pressure of her tongue made him start to shake. He clutched at his wand, his knuckles turning white. He didn't know what to do about the shaking or the moaning, he was quite sure he hadn't performed any silencing charms before this. For all he knew, the other Death Eaters might be able to hear every sound.

She began to suck deliberately, and indeed the day of reckoning was close at hand as her silky mouth surrounded him. His climax rode closer with every downward stoke of her tongue. “There…oh yes…oh yes.” He grabbed onto her head, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he erupted into the warmth of her velvet mouth.

Sliding down the wall, Draco collapsed against it. He closed his eyes, his body still shivering from his orgasm. When
he finally managed to open his eyes, the tip of his own wand was pointed directly in his face. He looked up to see Pansy Parkinson holding onto a crying and trembling Ginny, whose arms were now tied behind her back. “Tsk, Tsk, you dropped this while having your fun with the Weasley girl.”

“What are you doing here?” he
asked, grabbing for his wand while he scrambled to put his pants back on.

“Learn to lock your door, Draco. Snape sent me down to retrieve the girl since you seemed fond of shirking your duties and engaging in other matters.”

“How I handle my affairs is none of your business! Now get out!”

Before she slammed the door shut behind her, Pansy shot him a twisted smile, “You scream just like a girl when you cum, Draco. Did you know?”

“Out!” roared Draco before turning his attentions once again to the sniffling girl. “How very brave of you Gryff to lower yourself to that of a common slut. I quite enjoyed myself.” Her sobs grew louder at his pronouncement, drawing more ire from Draco. “Stop crying you stupid twit. I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to, now did I? Too bad it backfired. Don't play me for a fool
, Weasley. I know your motivations. We will continue our discussion after your assignment with Snape.”

He dragged her down the hallway, Lovegood's cries now replaced by another's screams.

Lucius voice drifted from one of the torture chambers
. “Tell us where the Order has been hiding.”

“I do not know.” came the calm
, yet exhausted reply.

“You leave me no choice then.” The stench of Dark Magic lay thick in the air, a cruel voice echoing down the corridor, “

The girl slumped against him, mumbling incoherently. Draco swore, pushing her along as he made his way towards Professor Snape. The only word he could make out was one
- Charlie.


The girl was still crying when she was returned to his Chambers. No doubt she hadn't expected her respite from him to be that of cleaning the dead body of Longbottom. Her sobs breaking the stillness of the Dark Lord's fortress, carried on for hours. Still, after what Weasley had seen and heard, she refused to tell him anything.

A sharp rap at his door interrupted his interrogation session. “Who is it

He opened his door to see a bloodied Nott and a limping Pucey “Your father requests reinforcements.”

The time to prove himself was upon Draco. After locking the Weasley girl in his room and promising to extract information later, he gathered the few remaining Death Eaters that he most trusted. Draco readied himself
, chanting protective spells that would prepare him for war. The others started to arrive, including Goyle and Pansy on defiance of her father's orders. Draco wasn't going to stop her.

A slightly out of breath
Nott briefed Draco on the situation they would soon face. “We were ambushed, surrounded. When we arrived in Hogsmeade it had been deserted. The whole town gone. They weren't there.”

Draco asked
, pulling on the mask that marked his loyalty, “Pray tell, how does an entire town just disappear? Where were they?”

“The information was wrong. Dumbledore's Army was in a different location
,” Pucey said hesitatingly, holding out the Portkey “There's something else you must know…”

“Give me that!” Draco snatched the case, pushing Pucey to the side, urging the others to grab onto the Portkey.

What he didn't expect to see was the decimated ruins of his boyhood home.
Malfoy Manor which had stood for hundreds of years, was no more. Reduced to rubble. Flashes of eerie light lit up the sky, surrounded by sounds of the unforgivables. But he didn't move, instead he picked through the pieces of his home. “Mum!” he cried out. But there was no answer. She was supposed to be safe here. Father had promised.

Coming across his mother's hairpin, Draco's throat tightened. “Mum!” He called out again, his voice strained. “Mummy!”

It was Goyle who found the body of Narcissa Malfoy, burnt almost beyond recognition . He had fallen to the ground at the news, throwing off Pansy when she tried to comfort him. The grief came upon Draco, hard and violent. He should have been here to protect her. His mother should never have had to die alone.

That night was a blur as he ignored his father's orders for him to be sent back. Damn Lucius! He should have been with mother instead of screwing the Ravenclaw. Draco made his name that night, taking his grief and anger out on both mudblood and wizard, young and old.

That was the night Goyle deserted and Pansy Parkinson went missing. That was the night he saw his first
Thestral. That was the night Ginny Weasley had come to his bed.

(end of flashback)

Thanks to my betas Rainpuddle and VioletJersey! Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you and wading through the flood of punctual and grammatical errors. I am sure it gets tedious but I appreciate it!

Also thanks to the readers who have stuck with me through this whole fic! We are nearing the end.

To Be Continued.

24. Finding a Friend

Chapter 23

Alex hated Hogwarts. Even though the last couple of days he had spent at the burrow had been the worst in his memory, he would have preferred never to leave. The eyes of his fellow roommates were on mother and son as Ginny unpacked his trunk. Alex could very well have put his own things away, but he allowed his mother this one thing. She slowly put his shirts and trousers away, sharing a smile with him every now and then. It was a fake smile, of course. Alex had become an expert at spotting one a mile away.

What would happen to his father had been answered soon after he and his mother returned from Azkaban. She had sent him to bed, retiring to his grandfather’s study. Edmund and Everett caught him trying to eavesdrop, his ear pressed against the door to no avail. Their loan of the extendable ears had proven quite valuable.

It was nothing but shouting between his mum and Grandpa Weasley, with his mum doing most of the yelling. The Ministry had found enough in her memories to convict him. That’s when he heard his mother cry, his grandpa whispering promises that he would make his father’s last days as comfortable as possible. The Dementor’s Kiss seemed all the more real to Alex. His father would never be coming back. He cried alongside his mum that night, though she never knew.

Now here he was back at Hogwarts, his mum so gentle and so concerned, that he couldn’t bring himself to tell her how bad he felt.

“Do you like Kneazles?” Ginny asked as she closed his trunk with a flick of her wrist.

Surprised, Alex turned around on his bed to look at his mum more fully.

“You do like Kneazles, don’t you? Your Grandmum told me that you’ve been begging them for a pet since you were a wee little thing.”

Alex nodded.

“I want you to be happy and thought you could use a friend. One of Hermione’s Kneazles just had a litter. I-I had her pick one out for you, I hope you don’t mind. I’ve sent your cousins to fetch it.”

Mere seconds later, a bright orange Kneazle bounded into the room followed by the sounds of his cousin’s laughter. The Kneazle didn’t even try to stop – it made a beeline for Alex, jumping on his lap, tipping him over onto his back in the process. The purring bundle of soft fur nuzzled against his neck, its warm tongue tickling his cheek. Alex’s laughter joined his cousins as he tried to free himself and then gave up, wrapping his arms around the Kneazle in a hug.

“She likes you!” Ginny said as she petted her son’s new Kneazle.

“And she kisses you just like Casey Wood!” exclaimed Edmund causing Alex’s cheeks to match the fur of his new pet. His mother’s raised eyebrows did nothing to help.

Who should appear like magic, but Casey herself. He tried to hide his face behind his Kneazle but it was of no use. She plopped beside him on the bed. “Is that a Kneazle?” she asked reaching out to tickle its ears.

“Keen powers of observation you have there,” Alex snapped sarcastically and then wished he hadn’t, when his mother told him to be nice in a stern tone of voice.

“What will you name it?” Casey asked, her fingers still messing with the fur of his new pet.

“I don’t know,” he said, jumping off the bed as soon as he felt Casey’s head rest against his shoulder.

“How about Paws?” Edwin suggested.

Everett picked up the Kneazle from his cousin’s arm, “Or Claws. Or better yet – Jaws! ” Alex rolled his eyes as his cousins pretended to fall over in hysterics.

“How does your pet make you feel, Alex?” Ginny asked thoughtfully.

Alex stepped towards his cousin, cupping the Kneazle’s head with both hands and gave her a kiss on its wet nose. They all laughed as the Kneazle wriggled free, leaping from Everett back into its owners outstretched arms. He couldn’t help but grin at his new purring friend, burying his face in its soft fur. After a long moment, Alex lifted his head.

“I’m going to name her Paz.”

“It certainly fits honey,” his mum said, encircling her arms around both him and Paz. He didn’t mind that at all. What he did mind was Casey joining in on the hug when all he wanted to do was tell her to bugger off.

“Casey and Alex sitting in a tree, K- I – S –S –I -N- G……” came the not so quiet infernal chanting of his cousins.

Bloody Hell, Alex thought. Not again! Mum wasn’t defending him, but thankfully, his all knowing Kneazle did. She jumped from his arms, hissing, her back arched, chasing Edmund and Everett out of the dormitory.

Minutes later Paz wandered, no, strutted back towards Alex . He knelt down, catching his Kneazle in his open arms. “We are going to get along just fine, you and I. Just fine. ”


Ginny passed a cluster of students in the courtyard on her way to the staff dormitories. It was a bright and sunny day, surprisingly warm for January in Scotland. Students from all houses were enjoying their last day of vacation, taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather.

“Care for a game, Professor Weasley?” came the voice of William Wood as a Snitch raced past.

Ginny snatched it out of the air without thinking. She handed the Golden Snitch back to William Wood who hovered slightly above ground on his broom. “No thanks, William”

As tempting as the offer was, Ginny had to decline. Quidditch had always been a way to forget her troubles. But she doubted that even her favorite sport could offer any escape. She couldn’t stop thinking about her son, worrying about his safety and wondering if he would ever be happy again .

A persistent Wood had dismounted his broom, following Ginny across the courtyard. “That was a good catch, Professor. Are you sure you don’t want to play? We could use another Chaser.”

Ginny was quite aware of the young man’s crush and would not give him any reason to think her feelings were mutual. “I would really love to but I can’t, besides, I doubt I’d even be able to fit into my old Quidditch gear.”

“You look perfectly lovely to me!” William’s broom fell from his hands upon realizing the slip of his mouth, “I mean perfectly fine, um, in Quidditch gear ,um, with nothing at all actually, um, oh bloody hell!” he said soaring off to the sounds of his teammates chastising him for flirting with their teacher.

“You look perfectly lovely to me too!”

Ginny twirled around to see Harry Potter. They both stared at each other and burst out laughing. “Looks like you have your own fan club Ginny. Your presence must be quite detrimental to the student body. How in the world can they pass their OWLS if the boys are mooning over their teacher?”

“Oh stop that!” Ginny said stepping into Harry’s outstretched arms. “What are you doing here? I thought you and Ron were going to teach at that Quidditch camp in Australia? ”

“Well, we were. The Canons wanted Ron and I to teach some up and comers and do a bit of scouting when the season ended, but plans change.”

“Hermione and Padma will be happy.” She had much respect for the two women. Being a Quidditch spouse was not as glamorous as the public thought. To go for months without seeing a loved one must be hard. How much more difficult would it be for her son to be separated from his father forever?

“Will you be coaching Quidditch then?” Ginny asked, attempting to keep her tone light hearted, “Hermione tells me that you coach all the houses when you come back to Hogwarts, must kill you to have to give your secrets to the Slytherins.”

His expression turned serious as they walked side by side down the hall. “I’m here to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts until the season starts up again. It may take Hermione a while to find a replacement.”

A replacement. The words echoed in Ginny’s mind, reminding her that Draco would not be coming back. “Well, isn’t that wonderful.” Ginny said coolly stepping towards the ledge away from Harry and burying her head in her hands.

Harry put his arm around her, giving Ginny a firm squeeze. “Am I that bad?” he said, his faint smile touched with a hint of sadness. “Ginny, all of us want what’s best for you and Alex. Hermione loves Alex almost as if he were her own.” Harry paused just then seeming to struggle with his next words. “You do know that we can’t have any children.”

Ginny was taken aback by the news. “No, I didn’t.” Even survivors still suffered from war injuries and Ginny wondered if a damaging curse had been flung Harry and Hermione’s way depriving them of a chance to have a child.

“When your son was born, we moved into the Burrow to help Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Hermione and I became so attached to Alex, we offered to adopt him. He reminded me so much of myself and Neville.” Harry tore his eyes away from her staring at the rapidly darkening sky. “How wonderful, I thought, to provide him a family with a mum and dad. I would do right by him in a way the Dursley’s could not for me. Mrs. Weasley wouldn’t hear of it. Any day you would wake up, was what she would say. I suppose your mum was right.”

There was a long moment of silence before Harry continued. “Hermione and I still care very deeply about Alex’s well being. Considering all he’s been through his attitude is amazing, yet there’s always been an underlying sadness that I see in him. We want Alex to be happy, and the only way I can see this happening is if his father is released.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“Ginny, we want to help you. Ron is working with our contacts at the Ministry to locate some of the guards and prisoners. If we can find at least one person to vouch for his relationship with you, he’ll go free.”

Never before had Ginny wanted to hug her brother more, but she still couldn’t keep the disbelief from her voice. “Ron wants to help me?”

“Of course he does. You’re his one and only sister. Ron might not even believe Malfoy’s story, but he is willing to push all that aside for you and Alex.” Harry looked at Ginny, anxiety mingling with hope growing in her eyes. “Do you love Malfoy?”

How could she answer such a question? She had loved him in the past, Ginny was sure of it. She had felt a closeness to him, an attraction to the man, even when she was trying to push him away. But that wasn’t love. It was a memory of a feeling she no longer possessed. “Alex loves him very much.”

“That’s not a good enough answer Ginny. If for some reason Ron can’t find anyone-”

“That’s impossible, there were hundreds of people in Mors Mortis! There has to be a witness.”

“If Ron can’t find anyone that can corroborate Malfoy’s story it will be up to you.”

Ginny’s face clouded with uneasiness. The few memories she had were going to condemn her son’s father to a fate worse than death. “What I remember is going to give him the Kiss! I need to remember everything, Harry, and I can’t. I just can’t!” Ginny said, her voice choked with frustration.

“Is there nothing else?”

“I think I loved him,” Ginny admitted hastily, looking away from Harry.

Offering Ginny a comforting smile, Harry took her hand and pulled her excitedly down the hallway, “There’s something else Hermione and I want you to see.”


Draco tore open a letter from his son, his fingers shaking as they did so. It was the first owl post he had received. In fancy script much too elegant for such a young boy was written :

Dear Father,

Mum and I are back at Hogwarts. Guess What?! She gave me a Kneazle! Her name is Paz and we are already great friends. Paz scratched up Lawrence really good. The dumb bloke tripped me in the common room when he thought Mum wasn’t looking. I hope Madame Pomfrey leaves him with scars. Yes, it’s quite bad of me to say so, but I hate him. Mum cornered Lawrence and most of my house before she left me with Paz threatening them all with the Avada Kedavra should they lay a finger on me. I wish she didn’t have to do that. The other Gryffindors are calling me Mummy’s boy now. Though it was wicked cool when she whipped out her wand on Lawrence. I think he almost peed his pants. You should have seen it.

I hate it here. I wish you were here. I love you.

Love your son,

Alexander Charles Weasley Malfoy

“I love you too,” Draco whispered, slowly folding the letter and putting in into his pocket. He would visit the letter again when the pain of separation became too unbearable just as he had done many years ago when Ronald Weasley had presented him with Alex’s baby picture. How many times had he pulled out that picture of his son? It was too numerous to count, just as he had relieved the moment in Diagon Alley when Molly Weasley allowed him to hold his son for the very first time.

“Don’t you think you ought to get some sleep, Draco?”

“Not tired.” Draco laid down on his cot, staring up at the ceiling, his mind anywhere but in Azkaban.

“Thought so,” Goyle said sliding a box full of letters between the bars.

Draco shot up from his cot, kneeling down to retrieve the box. He rummaged through the contents, more than twenty letters all addressed to him from Alex. Some had already been opened, courtesy of the guards. He recognized one as the letter Hawthorne had waved in his face. “I can’t thank you enough, Greg.”

He opened one after another, desperate to hear Alex’s voice, if only in the form of the written word. For now, it would have to be enough. Not one day was missed. From the dates on the envelopes, Alex had sent daily owl posts and on some days he had sent them almost hourly. One letter simply read – “I miss you.” As each day of his imprisonment had progressed, the letters became more angry and heartbreaking.





The last letter Draco hugged to his chest, wishing it were Alex he was comforting. His absence had hurt his son greatly.

“You’ll see him again.” Goyle said.

He would see him again, but not in the way he wanted. He’d never get to see Alex play Quidditch, never see him walk across the Great Hall as a graduate of Hogwarts, never see him marry. Alex was growing up before his eyes and he would not be there to witness any of it. He had already missed eleven years of his young son’s life, how much greater the punishment to be denied a lifetime.

“Funny isn’t it.” Draco stood to face his old friend. “I’m in here with nothing and you - you Goyle are out there. How did it ever come to be? ”

“I’ve never been a leader, Draco, but I didn’t want to follow anymore. I didn’t like what was going on around us, to people we had gone to school with. I never hated any of them really. Talk the talk I did, but never did I agree with any of the going-ons in the prison. What was I to do? All I knew how to do was run, and I did. For the first time I followed my own voice. Call me a coward if you must.”

“You have a wife and son, correct?”

A smile emerged on Goyle’s face. “Yes, and my wife is expecting another.”

There had been numerous times when he had been jealous. Jealous of Potter and his fame, jealous of Granger and her brain, jealous of Ronald Weasley’s easygoing ways. But never had he felt more so, than hearing of Goyle’s happiness. He wanted what Greg had, a family.

Draco shoved a hand through his hair and swore softly. “You are a lucky man and I – I was a goddamn fool. It was I who was the coward, not you. I couldn’t say no to my father and I couldn’t say yes to my Ginny.” Draco clutched at the bars, leaning his tired head against them. “ I’m going to receive the Kiss, aren’t I?”

“First you have to go before the Wizengamot-”

Draco interrupted his old friend, “Don’t raise the small amount of hope I have, Greg.” The last thing he wanted was Greg to tell him what he wanted to hear. What Draco needed was the truth. If all he had was a short time he wanted to tell Ginny everything, let her know that no matter what people said or would say in the future he loved her.

“From what I hear, Ginny Weasley’s penseive isn’t looking to be in your favor, Draco.”

Draco let out a resigned sigh. “Can you blame them? Who would believe me?”

“I do.”

“Why Greg? I’m not an innocent man.” Goyle had been witness to his madness, had seen him terrorize Ginny that fateful day when he threatened to take her mind, body and soul in front of the other Death Eaters. “You saw me hurt Ginny.”

“People change. My wife’s part Muggle. Imagine that, a Slytherin with a half breed. But I love her. Saw you in Madame Puddifoot’s. Wife made me take Ioan to see Father Christmas. I was surprised to see you there with Weasley and the little fellow. I saw the way you looked at her and the way you looked at Weasley’s son and I knew. Maybe I had the reputation as not being the smartest bloke, but you’d have to be blind not to see that the three of you were a family.”

Draco couldn’t prevent the small corner of his mouth start to tug upwards. “I’m beginning to think your brain just may have rivaled mine back at Hogwarts.”

“You mean Granger, don’t you?” Goyle said in all seriousness before a flash of humor crossed his face.

“Knock a man when he’s already down, and here I thought we were friends.”

The bantered on the rest of the night, Greg pulling out a picture of his son and Draco bragging about Alex being the smartest wizard at Hogwarts. They shared in a laugh when Draco mentioned his young son already having a little girlfriend. It was a normal conversation between two parents sharing their hopes and fears for their children, were it not for the bars between them.

To be continued

Thanks for all those who have read and reviewed. Love all the comments, critiques and I don’t even mind the flames. I promise you I will finish this before I am sent overseas with the Army next month! Again much love to you all.

Also, in case you were wondering - Paz means Peace

Also thanks to VioletJersey who keeps me plugging away at this fic when somedays I want to hit the delete button. Go read her fic GoodNight My Someone and beg the girl to update! More Thanks to Rainpuddle who helps bring this poor nurse’s grammar and punctuation up to speed. Go read Rainpuddle’s And Baby Makes Three for a wonderful read!! Actually go read all her stories! Run, don’t walk!

Another thing – a very attentive reader pointed out that Crookshanks is male. Remember it’s twelve years later and Hermione cannot have children, so she may find something to replace that loss. For her it’s her Hogwarts students and more pets.

25. At Last

Chapter 24

“Why did you bring me here?” Ginny asked, her eyes wandering over the sparsely furnished room. Only half finished graded papers lying on a desk gave any clue as to who the previous occupant had been. She stepped into Draco Malfoy’s former quarters, Harry and Hermione following.

There were no fancy trappings here. No silk bed sheets, paintings or antique furnishings. It was a sensible room. A bed stood in the corner with a small lamp situated on the end table at its head. A trunk lay at the end with a desk and bookcase directly across by the entryway. Tracing a finger over titles of books arranged alphabetically in Draco’s bookcase, Ginny gave a little laugh. Their son did this very same thing.

“These are some of the items the Ministry left behind,” Hermione continued, “Items they thought were of no importance.”

Ginny spotted it first. The only hint of color in the room. She sat on his bed, picking up the framed photograph on the end table that her eyes had missed. She held it carefully in her hands as if it might break. Happy faces of her, Draco and Alex stared back from that fateful day in Madame Puddifoot’s Tea Shoppe. Did you sleep knowing we watched over you, Draco? Draco and Alex were so much alike, their smiles identical, a smudge of chocolate on not only the elder Malfoy’s mouth, but the young one as well. “I’ll leave this for you,” she said softly to Malfoy although he was miles away. She placed the picture back on the end table facing the bed, noticing an unopened drawer that tempted Ginny to peek inside.

A picture of a sleeping baby yawned up at Ginny - his tiny fingers seemed to reach for her. “Alex,” she whispered, turning the picture over in her hands. “He kept this. Draco kept a picture of my -” she stammered, “of our baby.”

“And he kept so much more.” Hermione’s voice jolted Ginny back into the present. “Come, take a look.” With a wave of Hermione’s hand, the trunk at the foot of the bed slowly opened.

“What is it?” she asked, removing herself from Draco’s bed. She knelt hesitantly before the now unopened trunk. The first thing she picked up was a box labeled, Happy Birthday Alex on your 1st birthday. Inside, a plush toy dragon had awaited a boy who would never receive it. Year 5 was a Lil Wizards Potions Play Set. Turn your family green! it advertised. Turn your vegetables into chocolate! For Use only Under Adult Supervision.

Every single birthday and Christmas was accounted for. There were even presents for Ginny including perfumes, jewelry and a wide array of other gifts. A silk emerald green cloak she had seen in Hogsmeade had been meant for her. Ginny closed her eyes, bringing the soft material to her cheek and before she knew it, the tears were falling. Draco had bought these presents never knowing if he would be able to give them to Alex or to her.

The last unopened box was quite small. It wouldn’t open as easily as the others. Ginny shook it wondering what was inside. Tapping her wand against it, the box slowly started to open, revealing a brilliant diamond ring. Never had Ginny seen anything so grand in her life.

Even Harry was taken aback, “He must have scrimped and saved for years to buy that!” A Dark Arts Professor’s salary didn’t afford many luxuries, even for a man who once had the Malfoy fortune.

A small inscription could be made out on the ring. Ginny removed the ring from its holder, fingering it in the now dying light. Her breath caught in her throat, her hands trembling as she read the engraving. Marry Me, Ginevra Weasley.

“Can I tell you something?” Ginny asked Hermione who was already beside her.

Her friend gave her a comforting squeeze, “Me and Harry are here for you.”

Ginny paused only for a moment and then poured out her heart. “I believe Draco loved me, still loves me. I told Harry this, but now I want to tell you Hermione - I loved him. I don’t want Draco to get the Kiss. My feelings are so mixed up. I don’t want him to leave Alex and I don’t want him to leave me.”

Harry conjured a handkerchief and handed it to his wife. Hermione dabbed at her friend’s tears. “Oh, Ginny there is nothing mixed up about the way you feel, nothing at all.”

“When I woke up in St Mungo’s nothing was the way it was supposed to be. I wanted to die Hermione. I didn’t want to see that boy. Do you remember?”

Hermione nodded her head silently allowing Ginny to continue. “Everything I expected from life was gone. Taken away. But I was given something even better. Someone. My Alex. What if it is the same for Draco?”

“Your mind may have forgotten the details, but your heart remembers. If you have feelings for Draco then go with them.”

A small smile broke through Ginny’s tears, “I kissed him yesterday, telling myself it was for Alex.”

“Was it?” Hermione questioned, motioning Harry with a wave of her hand to leave them alone.

”I kissed him for me, Hermione.” Ginny looked up at her friend suddenly knowing where she wanted to be. “I have to go to him.”

Hermione smiled, “Then go, you must.” She reached into her pocket handing Ginny an envelope, “Filch found this in the Great Hall. I don’t think Malfoy ever had a chance to open it.”

For Father – Happy Christmas, it read.

Ginny may have lost her past, but today and tomorrow was hers.


A Muggle? Pansy Parkinson was living as a Muggle? Ron scratched his head in confusion, looking from the address listed on the parchment paper as the last known residence of Pansy and back again to the two story red brick house with a car parked out front. He took in the basketball hoop as he followed a curved cement path to the front door and managed to avoid tripping over a stray skateboard left on the lawn.

Ron glanced at the house before knocking on the door. The porch was overflowing with clay pots holding various flowers, from the back he heard a dog barking. Was this how a former Death Eater lived? He refused to be angry. He didn’t want to listen to the voice that insisted what Pansy had was undeserved. Luna should have had a house full of children, not Pansy. But, did he not have Padma and Anjali? He wouldn’t give them up for anything in the world. What would he do without his little sweet Princess greeting him with her toothless grin every time he came home from Quidditch practice? Without the bad, would he have ever experienced the good?

Ron pushed those thoughts to the side when the door swung open. A young girl greeted him, dribbling a basketball, “Hi, there.” The child looked to be around nine or ten with short black hair, just like her mother. It was disarming. Almost as if looking back in time. “How can I help you?” there was one difference of course. This child was friendly.

Muggle blood sure made Parkinsons an agreeable lot.

“I’m looking for Pansy.” When the girl looked up at him in confusion he rephrased the question, “I’m looking for your mum.”

The girl flashed a crooked smile. “You sure do talk funny.” She giggled before yelling, “Mom! You have a visitor! Mom!”

“Who is it?” Pansy asked, all traces of her aristocratic British accent gone. She emerged from what looked to be the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She stopped abruptly, her eyes wide with shock. “Weasley?”

She looked from him to her daughter. “Rachel, I want you to go outside and take Bludger for a walk.”

The girl looked warily at Ron, “Are you sure Mom?”

Pansy nodded, crossing the foyer. “He’s an old friend of mine from school.”

The girl, although not quite convinced, headed towards the barking dog, glancing at them before disappearing behind a door.

Ron couldn’t help from hiding his amusement. How very unexpected these Slytherins turned out to be. “Pansy Parkinson - an American Muggle. Who would have guessed?”

“My husband and son will be home soon. He can’t find you here, and it’s Patricia Friedman. I no longer go by Pansy.”

“He doesn’t know that you’re a witch?”

“No,” Pansy said rather abruptly. “And I hope to keep it that way.”

“What are you afraid of?” Ron said, inspecting the room with pictures of Pansy, her daughter, and who he assumed to be her husband and son. “You family looks like a happy one. Do you think he would leave you?”

“No, not at all. It might take a while to digest that there is a magical world, but my husband, Ari, would do so. It’s my past I don’t want him to find out about. I don’t want him to find out about me.”

“What exactly does he know about you, Parkinson?”

Pansy retreated into the back of the house, returning with a plate of cookies and a carafe of coffee. “Please sit, Weasley.” She said pouring a cup of coffee for Ron.

“No tea?” Ron asked, only to be met with a glare from Pansy.

“Do you want to hear my story or not, Weasel?”

That’s more like it, Ron thought. The old Pansy he knew was returning. “Cream and sugar please. But only one scoop of sugar, just like how my house elf makes it.”

“Is that how Padma refers to herself these days?” Pansy flashed Ron a wicked smile before taking a seat opposite, watching his face grow red. “Don’t get mad Weasley. You walked right into that one.”

“Fair is fair, I suppose. Ok then Parkinson, Friedman or whatever you are calling yourself these days. Carry on with your story.”

“Everyone knows, at least the Order knows, that I deserted. I couldn’t have Voldemort find me. Although I hate to say this, I do thank you for finding me.”

“What was I going to do, let you bleed to death after you hacked off your arm?” Ron placed his coffee down, taking a seat next to Pansy. “May I?”

Pansy nodded, allowing Ron to slowly roll up one of her sleeves revealing her prosthetic arm. “Voldemort can’t find you anymore, Pansy. Our healers can regrow your arm.”

“That vile mark will reappear and I can’t have Ari knowing about it. I’ve gone the past twelve years without the use of my arm. I can go another twelve.”

“Tell me about your husband.”

A true smile appeared on Pansy’s face. “I couldn’t have been more happy nor more sad after the Ministry sent me to America, for my protection. What was I to do? Who was I to be? My first apartment was a few blocks from Loyola University. I would watch the students come and go from my window, their arms full of books, laughing and talking. Though I was an ocean away, seeing these students made me yearn for my Hogwarts days.”

“I thought you hated Hogwarts.” Ron said, his voice muffled by a mouth full of cookies.

A hint of annoyance flickered in her eyes. “This is my story Weasley. I shall tell it with no interruptions. Understood?” Pansy didn’t wait for his agreement, but continued on. “I enrolled in school. The studies were the easiest part of it all. It was making friends that was difficult. I didn’t have people like Draco, Greg and Vincent around me. At the time I didn’t have my prosthetic arm and wasn’t feeling very friendly myself.”

“That’s natural. You never were!” Ron exclaimed.

Pansy shot him a glare and Ron sheepishly reached for more cookies, trying to stuff himself quiet. “Ari Friedman was always outside the student center trying to sign people up for once cause or another. He asked me if I would sign a petition for peace in the Middle East. For a Muggle, he was such a Hufflepuff! I told him I was busy. Couldn’t he see that I had an arm full of books and wouldn’t be able to sign his stupid petition! What would signatures get anyway? Ha! Imagine if the wizarding world had presented Voldemort with such a thing! Crucio’d on the spot, that’s what. Well, Ari wouldn’t give up. He followed me to my next class, asking if I wouldn’t mind donating an hour of my time for a date with him. Eleven years later, here I am.”

“Hufflepuff? Sounds like a Gryffindor to me. Your husband’s persistence paid off. By the way, interesting name your husband has. What does it mean?”

Pansy shivered. “Let’s not talk about that right now. It’s Hebrew. That’s all I will tell you. To get back to my story – My husband is a doctor now. He belongs to an organization called Doctors Without Borders. It’s a Muggle organization that gives care to people in conflict zones, no matter where they are or what their background is.”

“And you Parkinson?”

“I’m also a doctor. Though due to my limited abilities with my arm, I am not a surgeon like my husband. My specialty is general internal medicine.”

Amusement flickered in Ron’s eyes. “Pansy Parkinson, helping those in need, despite their backgrounds. The sorting hat whispered Gryffindor, didn’t it?”

“Actually it said I might be good in Ravenclaw. “ Her mouth quirked in humor before her expression turned serious. “I do know why you are here. Out of the wizarding world as I am, I still get the Daily Prophet from time to time. I’m sorry to say that I cannot help you, Draco or his son.”

“There has to be something, anything you saw or heard that can help us.”

“There isn’t much I know. I’m sorry,” Pansy said heading towards the door.

Pansy motioned for Ron to exit. Slowly Ron headed towards the door, pausing before leaving. “The Prophet and Quibbler reporters are very close to finding out where you are. I assure you Parkinson that I won’t let the Ministry divulge your whereabouts. All I need are a few statements.” He reached into his pocket, tapping his wand against a small object in his hand. It enlarged to reveal a pensive.

“No, I can’t. You don’t understand Weasely. If Ari finds out the person I was it would devastate him. His grandmother’s entire family was killed by another group of Muggles that didn’t think the Friedmans and their kind were pure enough! How would Ari feel if he found out I once held the belief that no Muggles were pure enough? He doesn’t even know I’m from England! He thinks I’m an orphan from Kansas for goodness sake! If my children are hurt because of this, I couldn’t bear it! Besides, what I know about Draco and Ginny-”

At that moment, Pansy’s daughter Rachel bounded into the room followed by a big black lab. “Hey mom! Look what I can do.” Rachel tossed the bone into the air towards the barking lab. The bone stopped in midair, as if suspended, taunting the dog. “Look Mom, it’s like magic!”


Twelve years, ten months, fifteen days. That’s how long he had wallowed in this pit of suffering. He would dream of Ginny, their limbs entangled, living the six weeks they had been together each night only to wake up in a sheen of sweat with no one beside him. He would remember the first time she had come to him.

His mother was dead, killed by Dumbledore’s Army.

In his grief, in that hazy place of suspended reality, Draco had been surprised to find Weasley coming to his bed, pressing her bare breasts against his back while he lay crying for his mother into his pillow. He accepted her embrace, turning towards her and demanding more. When she whispered words of comfort, he sought her mouth with his. He lost himself in her softness and the warmth of her nakedness, lust replacing sorrow.

His own driving need sought her out more than once that night.

When they were both sated, his grief dulled, a sleeping Ginny had nestled deeper against him. Her long red hair was fanned against the wrinkled pillowcase where her head rested, with her arm draped across him. He noticed the tears she had shed at the corners of her eyes. He kissed them away as she slept, wondering if it had all been out of pity. Even if it had been, he wanted to be with her again.

He had hated her.

Or at least he had.

“Draco.” He stiffened at the sound of her voice. Was he still in his dream world? He didn’t want to wake up to find himself alone. He could already feel her soft hand against his cheek, whispering his name. “Draco.”

Nothing prepared him to see her kneeling beside him on his bed, only a few centimeters away. Even in the faint light of his cell he could make out the concern in her gentle brown eyes. “What are you doing here?” he asked sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Ginny was about to answer him when a light chuckle echoed before them. Draco turned to find Goyle smiling from ear to ear. He winked at him from behind the bars, “Miss Weasley insisted she see you immediately. Wouldn’t wait for me to bring you to the visitor’s quarters. I couldn’t say no to the Minster’s daughter. I’ll be doing my rounds. See you ‘bout an hour or two Miss Weasley.” He gave a nod whistling down the hallway.

As the whistling died down, she asked the question he wanted to tell her, but was yet afraid of. “Tell me about us. Tell me how it all began.”

He leaned toward her, his silvery gaze intent. “My father, he gave you to me, Ginny. I’m afraid I didn’t treat you in a decent way. What you may hear from others is true, but I never raped you. Never.”

His hands went around her upper arms, tightening , as if he were afraid once she heard him out, she would try to get away. “Don’t hate me, Ginny,” Draco begged, his voice a tortured whisper.

She reached out to him, touching his lips with her fingertips, “I promise you Draco, I’ll never hate you.”

“My mother died and you came to me,” he said swallowing hard, “you slept with me out of pity, Ginny. Not because you and I were in love.” He brushed one hand over her hair, forcing himself to stay calm. “Perhaps it was all out of pity. Perhaps you didn’t feel the same way at all. It doesn’t change the fact that I fell for you.” He couldn’t bear to hear her response. She had already pulled away from him. Draco didn’t know if she would tell him that she never wanted to see him again and kill the last bit of hope he had. “I love you Ginevra Molly Weasley. Somewhere behind all the shadows and worry you know that. That’s why you’ve come.”

Ginny studied him for a long time, her brown eyes darker now with hidden secrets she couldn’t explain. “I don’t remember the past, Draco and I am worried about what the future holds. But it’s time to move on. I want to make something of my life, of our life.”

Of our life. Her words echoed in his mind. “Will you forgive me for all I’ve done Ginny?” he whispered.

“There is nothing to forgive, Draco.”

“Yes, there is. I hurt you that night in Hogwarts. The first time you walked back into the school, all those years seemed to disappear. It’s all I could do not to touch you.”

It was Ginny who willingly moved into his arms, bringing his palm to cup her breast. “Then touch me, Draco.” She brought her lips to his, her kiss soft, but he could feel it all the way to his very soul.

Shuddering like a man consumed with fever, Draco wasn’t even aware of where and how his hands touched her. He hadn’t been with a woman in so long, he couldn’t even remember how good it felt, and prayed to the Goddesses that she wouldn’t read how very much he wanted her right then and there. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off. But that had always been his problem when it came to Ginny - control.

His mouth slid along hers, urging her to open to him, gentle yet demanding. She then opened her mouth, kissing him back, moving her tongue with his, her arms now behind him, pulling him closer. Draco’s hands skimmed her body relentlessly as their kiss grew deeper. He didn’t know when he had started, and how it came to be that Ginny now lay beneath him, one of his legs wedged between hers, tightly pressing against her soft feminine places. His fingers as if working on their own accord, were rapidly undoing the small buttons of her blouse. With the final button released, Draco drew a deep breath; withdrawing from a woman he wanted so much. He gazed at her flushed body heaving silently. Never before had he seen such a beautiful sight! “Tell me no, Ginny. This time, I’ll stop. Just tell me no.”

No matter how badly his body revealed how much he wanted her, he would stop - though silently he begged for her to let him continue, to feed his undying hunger for her once more.

Instead she slid a hand along his back pressing him closer, “I won’t. I promise.” Ginny murmured, licking his mouth and tasting him again. Giving him the answer he desired, Draco parted her blouse with one hand. Her breasts, more fuller than he remembered, swelled from the edge of her bra making him burn even hotter. With a flick of his fingers, he unfastened her bra. Draco pushed aside the lacy material and looked down at Ginny. His Ginny. With a feather-light touch, he ran his thumb over one breast, watching in satisfaction as her nipple hardened, a desperate moan escaping Ginny’s lips.

He drank in the sight of Ginny, her long red hair to her heavy-lidded brown eyes and her slightly parted mouth. She was just as he had remembered, willing and wanting. Holding her gaze, he lowered his head, covering one tip with his mouth. She arched against him, mewing in pleasure, her hand holding his head in place. “Draco, please.”

Ever so slowly, he began kissing and touching her softly, every piece of skin familiar- the curve of her back, the hollow just below her hips, the underside of her breasts. Draco had wanted to stretch every kiss and every caress. Make the moments last forever But the way she touched him had him lost. The sound of his zipper being undone fueled his desire. “We shouldn’t be doing this here,” Draco whispered even as his own thumbs were hooked in her knickers, peeling them down her slender hips and legs.

“I find this rather exciting.” A slow smile curved her face as she lifted her hands to his chest, slowly sliding them lower to the waistband of his trousers, shoving them down impatiently. She licked her lips and trailed butterfly kisses under his jawline, tracing a path down his neck, teasing him. “I have twelve years of wanting.”

“As do I,” Draco replied, nipping at the creamy smoothness of her neck as he tore his shirt from his shoulders. He wanted her all right. There had been many years of wanting and waiting. Draco wanted to taste and touch every bit of her. But he had to make this good for her; he had to prove he would never hurt her again. He had to make up for what he had done that terrible day at Hogwarts and assure her that she had nothing to be afraid of.

He took his time, holding back his need to give her the pleasure she deserved. He had waited twelve years so what was a few minutes? But when she took his hardness in her hands, stroking him, it was all he could do not to plunge into her. “Not fair.” He growled.

He made a promise to himself as he slipped a hand between her thighs that he wouldn’t let the past hurt him nor Ginny. Feeling the evidence of her arousal, he thrust his fingers along her moist lips, back and forth, until she began to ride them, grinding wildly.

Ginny whimpered and tossed her head. “Make me remember,” she whispered, arching her hips against his hand. “Make love to me, Draco.”

No more invitation was needed. He entered her slowly, even when every beat of his heart urged him otherwise. It was torture. Pure torture. He tried to hold back, fighting his inner demons. She deserved better than this, she deserved better than him. His inner battle was not lost on Ginny. She put her arms around him, holding his head on top of hers. “It’s okay, Draco,” she whispered, brushing his lips as their foreheads touched one another. She pulled at him, thrusting upwards to hurry him. “I want this. I want you.”

Draco wanted to prolong the sensation, but hearing her words of encouragement he found his willpower gone. He sheathed himself inside her, his head lolled back in pleasure. “Oh gods, oh gods.” It was almost too much. Wonderfully hot and tight. It was like his first time all over again. He could feel the familiar sensation prickling his spine, every nerve ending at fever pitch. After so many years, Draco wanted to savor the feeling, but found himself withdrawing slowly, only to sink back in. Again, again and again. More forceful each time.

Ginny met Draco stroke for stroke, her legs firm and strong around him. She held his face in her hands, kissing him, urging him on. Their slick skin slid against each other, harder and faster.

“Yes,” she whimpered, while her nails dug into his back. “Draco!” Her eyes glazed over as she arched up, crying his name over and over.

When he felt her contract around him, he let himself go, thrusting deeper into the warmth and heat that he had dreamt of for twelve long years. Draco’s cry of release was met with another of hers, as their world exploded around them, shuddering in the same jolt of pleasure that had eluded them both for so long.

Exhausted, they both fell asleep. When Draco finally awoke awhile later, Ginny was still curled in his arms, her head resting on his chest. He dropped a kiss against her forehead, “I love you, Ginny Weasley.” Even though the thought of the Dementor’s Kiss was always near, he forced it aside. Dammit. He wasn’t going to receive the Kiss. There would be more days and nights filled with lovemaking. He would not lose Ginny and he would not lose his son. When he finally gave into sleep once more, Ginny was there.

Just as she was now.

Just as she would always be.

To be Continued

Ari – means lion in Hebrew

Thanks again to my beta readers Violet Jersey and Rainpuddle. If I haven’t told you before, I will tell you again. Go read their stories!

Thanks Violetjersey- You know I love bouncing ideas off you and you giving your input! Thanks for helping me in adding spice to this scene. You are the greatest girl!!!!!! Had I wrote this smut alone it would be boring. But with your collaboration it turned out pretty good for a first timer!

Thanks Rainpuddle – You’ve been through a lot and I feel so grateful that you are taking time out to beta my fic. In my opinion you are the best D/G writer out there. If any of you readers haven’t read Rainpuddles fics, do so now! Thank Merlin that you are on our ship!

26. The Morning After

Chapter 25

It wasn't the faint rays of light creeping through his barred windows that had woken Draco suddenly. Ginny was beside him, sitting on the edge of the bed wrapped in one of his prison sheets staring off into the shadows of the dungeon.

He could feel her tense and silent beside him. "Ginny, what's wrong?" he asked, reaching out to brush his fingers through her hair, a gesture that seemed almost unconscious. This was not what Draco had envisioned for them. Never had he imagined that they would be reunited in a damp prison cell. "I'm sorry about this."

She turned towards him, reaching up to touch his face, "Don't be sorry. I don't regret it, not for a minute."

She stared at him in the light of morning, a sliver of the sun's rays falling on her face, and he wanted her all over again. "You deserve so much more, Ginny. I've given you nothing but pain."

"Draco, you've given me Alex." Ginny must have seen the growing need in his face for she reached up and put her arms around his neck, dropping the sheet from her body, "Now I want to give you,” she paused, "...me. Kiss me, Draco."

Draco swept his tongue across her lower lip and when she opened for him, he felt desire rage inside. What happened during the night hadn't extinguished his feelings for Ginny Weasley. His passion for her had only been made stronger.

He wrapped his arms around her pulling her onto his lap, holding her tightly against him. He slid his hand to her breasts to cup the luscious curves that had driven him insane in his dreams. Draco wanted to hold back, but just as before found that he could not resist. Not when Ginny was straining towards him, moaning in the back of her throat. "That feels so good, Draco."

He bent low to take an already tight nipple into his mouth. As his mouth closed around it, Ginny sank her nails into his back. "Don't stop. Just don't stop." She clung to him writhing atop his lap, pleading with him for more. Draco obliged, slipping a finger between folds of swollen flesh. Strong muscles convulsed around his finger as she sighed in pleasure.

Draco swore silently as he watched his climaxing goddess. It was too much. Draco gave in to the desire coursing through him, lowering Ginny onto the cot, he covered her body with his and pushed inside. Her panting and pleading with each thrust was making short work of his control. Much too soon it would be over, but he wanted to please her. Draco rose up slightly, slipping a hand between them. As he rubbed that swollen point of pleasure, she screamed for him. Screamed his name while her fingers dug into his shoulders. Her mouth fused to his.

Feeling the ripples of Ginny's release clamping around him, Draco thrust twice more before pouring himself into her.

He felt like the luckiest bloke in Azkaban.

Perhaps he was.


Walking into the Great Hall, Alex sat in his usual spot for breakfast. "Hi Samuel. Hi Averill. Good morning Geoffrey." Just as he took his seat, all three Gryffindors grabbed their belongings and moved to the far end of the table.

He could hear the whispers starting as more and more Gryffindors trudged into the Great Hall. "Don't sit by that little Dark Lord."

If only Edwin and Everett hadn't gotten morning detention from Filch for defacing a portrait of Salazar Slytherin he wouldn't feel so out of place and on display. William Wood would sit with him, but he was far more interested in a redheaded Hufflepuff that he was currently snogging out in the hallway.

Alex stared at his plate, pretending to look interested in the bangers and mash. He had to look like he didn't care that not one person sat next to him during breakfast. His fellow Gryffindors listened to his mum all right. His housemates didn't hurt him physically, but they knew there was more than one way to wound him.

"Looking rather glum there, Malfoy."

The Scottish lilt could only come from one person - Duncan McCain. His eyes shot up across the table to stare into the face of the person responsible for his black eye. What he wouldn't give to hex him into next Tuesday. A detention would be worth it. Besides his Aunt Hermione wouldn't punish him like the rest of the students. That he was sure of.

But he wouldn't want to do anything bad in front of his mum. He glanced at the staff table and for the first time realized she wasn't there. Was she ok? The last couple of nights he knew she didn't get much sleep. Alex hoped she wasn't coming down with something after all her worrying.

Duncan spoke mockingly, "Miss your mummy, do you, Death Eater?"

"I'm not a Death Eater," Alex mumbled, resting his head in his hands to prevent Duncan from seeing the tears that he knew were forthcoming. For once Alex was actually glad she wasn't here. He didn't want his mother seeing what a loser he was. He didn't want her to hate him for not being the son she expected. Irrational though his thoughts were, Alex couldn't help the feelings of abandonment he feared were just around the corner. Mum said she loved him, but sometimes he couldn't help but feel that her love might be taken away at any moment, just like his father was taken away.

Alex dragged his eyes back to his plate when Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry caught him looking at his mum's empty seat. They didn't look too concerned about his mum's absence and he trusted them more than anything. His mum must be all right. What he did see in Uncle Harry's face was something all together different. Sadness and pity for him and Alex didn't like it. He was trying to make himself feel fine, at least pretend that he didn't care people were avoiding him, but he was failing miserably.

He was grateful for Paz who lay curled up in the seat next to him. His only friend and that left him feeling a little less lonely. He rubbed one of her ears, causing her to purr contentedly.

"How sad," Duncan said in the midst of his laughing cronies, "no mum, no dad, no friends, and not even your silly little kneazle."

"Watch what you say or you'll be sorry, Duncan," Alex snapped. Paz was already in full attack mode, back arched, stretching her claws.

"OOH! Are you threatening me? "

Alex couldn't help but smirk. Duncan was going to pay and he would sit here and enjoy the show. "No, but my kneazle is."

Paz leapt from her chair and stealthily crept underneath the table. No one knew why Duncan McCain started screaming in pain. No one that is, except for Alex. For once that morning he smiled a bit as Duncan was chased out of the Great Hall, trousers and shoes in tatters by an orange ball of fur that looked suspiciously like his kneazle.

He glanced at the staff table, Uncle Harry giving him the thumbs up which Aunt Hermione managed to smack down.

"You'll get what's coming! Just like that father of yours," came the threat from one of Duncan's friends.

Alex's smile faded as the words hit him. What he wouldn't give to see his father at the staff table. What he wouldn't do to go back in time for a few weeks when his father was here. No one knew Professor Malfoy was his father at the time, but Alex did, and that had been enough. The temptation to snatch his aunt's time turner and become lost in the past was becoming greater and greater.

He'd write his father. That's what he would do. Alex reached into his bag only to find it empty. Nothing. No books, no parchment, no quills. He looked around the table and underneath, but still no sign of his belongings.

"Lose something?" came the smug voice of Lawrence. Noting that the Headmaster and her husband were engaged in a conversation with another professor, Lawrence took this opportunity to make Alex suffer once more

Oh, how Alex would love to Avada Kedavra him. There were some people who rightly deserved an unforgivable and Lawrence was one of them. "Give them back!" he hissed as Lawrence floated his books and parchment papers towards Alex.

Lawrence shot Alex a twisted smile, "As you wish."

The laughter was what caught the Professors' attention as books and parchment toppled into Alex's breakfast sending the rest of his food onto his robe and in his hair. Don't cry. Don't cry. He told himself as he calmly reached for a napkin to wipe off the grease from his books.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Uncle Harry head towards him. This is not what he wanted. He didn't need Uncle Harry defending him, not now. He had things completely under control.

"Mind if I sit here?" Casey Wood didn't wait for an answer, making herself comfortable beside him. "Sorry I'm late!" she said picking a piece of sausage out of his hair.

"Can we sit here too?" came the chirpy voices of Allyse and Meridel, two gossiping fourth year Gryffindor girls that got on his nerves, but at this moment were more than welcome.

Before he could answer yes, Casey took it upon herself to do so for him. "My boyfriend wouldn't mind. The more the merrier!"

"I'm not your boy-" Alex wasn't able to complete his sentence when six other girls, three from Slytherin, two from Hufflepuff and one from Ravenclaw decided they also wanted to have breakfast with him.

They were all chatting madly, filling his plate with more food, and much to his chagrin, wiping his robes clean and touching his hair. "Don't touch the hair please!" Alex attempted to smooth down his hair after the whole lot of the girls tried to fix it for him. He looked in desperation at his Uncle Harry who was now backing away towards the staff table, an odd grin on his face.

Alex wasn't smiling. In fact he was becoming downright irritated. With a jealous look he cast his eyes down at the end of the table where the rest of the Gryffindor boys were congregated. He should be grateful for the company. No longer was he by his lonesome. But he'd much rather be laughing and talking with other boys. Not girls. Yuck.

Boys didn't touch him, at least not in the way Casey and that silly Ravenclaw, Delisa were doing currently. Alex was beginning to think that perhaps the black eye he received from Duncan was much preferred over this. He smacked Delisa's hand away for the second time as she ran her hands down his robes. "Taking out the wrinkles." She smiled up at him.

Sure, she was probably jealous that his robe at one time belonged to famous Quidditch player, Ronald Weasley. To this day Alex still didn't know why his Uncle Ron was shocked. Why should he be? Uncle Ron's robe was good enough for him. "Don't you want a new robe?" his uncle had asked after a day of school shopping. Alex, upon finding his Uncle Ron's things locked in a trunk at home, much preferred the vintage robe over the newer ones which hung untouched in his closet. "Mum!" Uncle Ron had asked after purchasing new robes for his nephew, "Talk some sense into that grandson of yours! There is no way another Weasley will ever wear hand me downs again!"

Aethlind, a Slytherin girl was joining the rest of the girls in touching the great Ronald Weasley's robe. "Stop it!" Alex demanded, which only brought more laughter from the cackling witches surrounding him.

"You're so cute!" Mercina a fifth year Hufflepuff remarked, and who he suspected was playing footsie with his feet underneath the table. Alex had to still the urge to kick her. If it hadn't been for his grandparents telling him it wasn't nice to hit girls he would have done so. Was this her idea of a joke? She was much too old to be sitting with him anyways.

The last straw was Casey holding his hand. Alex was too nice to tell her to let go. Instead, Alex decided to be a strong, courageous Gryffindor. He would smile politely and be the gentleman his Grandma wanted him to be. All the while he would be waiting for the moment when he could make his escape.

Alex couldn't help but notice the Slytherin and Hufflepuff students laughing at him. As for his own housemates, the male Gryffindors were whispering madly with the Ravenclaw boys. If looks could kill Alex was certain he'd be dead. He was sure they were making fun of him for his current situation. Who would want to be surrounded by girls?

Not Alexander Charles Weasley Malfoy. Maybe, just maybe, he would retire his uncle's robe after all.


Ron glanced behind him as he made his way to the Leaky Cauldron. It was hard enough avoiding the masses as a Chudley Canons player. Not that he minded, not one bit. He wasn't like Harry who would sign one autograph and disappear as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Even after many years of being with the Canons, Ron still loved meeting his fans. But today he had to be as inconspicuous as possible. He kept a hand on his hat to prevent the wind from revealing his identity. Red hair in the Wizarding world usually meant one thing – a Weasley. He didn't need anyone watching him. Especially now.

Ron nodded to the two young Aurors posted outside a hotel room in the Leaky Cauldron. "All clear, Auror Weasley. No signs of reporters."

It seemed like a lifetime ago that at one time he held the title of Auror. Years may have passed, but the war was still fresh on many minds. Ron would be called an Auror for many more years to come. "Good. Carry on, " he said as he stepped into the room.

"Mr. Weasley!" he was greeted by an energetic black haired girl. She jumped up and down waving Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans in the air. "Look Mr. Weasley, I have your card. You talk, wave and do everything!"

"Rachel, give Mr. Weasley a moment's rest, " Pansy's husband Ari said, holding out his hand. "Pleasure to meet you again Mr. Weasley. How are you doing?"

Ron couldn't help but wonder how this Muggle was taking to the wizarding world, and to find out everything he knew about his wife was a lie. He returned the handshake, "I think the question is, how are you doing, Mr. Friedman?"

"Well, I have to admit I am a little peeved at Patricia , actually let me correct myself - Pansy. All those times she made me take out the trash and she could have made it disappear with one simple spell!" A slight smile formed on Ari's face before he turned serious. "I love my wife and I am here for her."

"That's very noble of you, Mr. Friedman."

Ari shook his head as he hugged his daughter close before she slithered away, popping more Bernie Botts Beans into her mouth. "No, not noble. What she's done in the past is over and done with. It's too late for me to be angry. I love her too much for that."

"Where is Pansy by the way?" Ron asked searching out the room and hoping she didn't stray too far.

Ari chuckled, "Reuben's in the bathroom with Pansy, talking to the mirror."

"The mirror called me pretty, Mr. Weasley!" Rachel yelled from across the room as she raced in glee after a chocolate frog.

"He was jealous that his sister had a conversation with the mirror." Ari raised his eyebrows in disbelief as if he couldn't quite imagine the scenario himself. " My son, Reuben, is too short to reach the mirror so Pansy is in there helping him converse with an inanimate object. It scared me to death I tell you, when it told me I needed to shave!"

They both shared a laugh before Pansy returned with a happy boy in tow.

"It's time, Pansy."

"What about Ari and my children?"

"It's best they stay here for now. The word will be out soon and the Ministry will be swarming with reporters. I have your family under assumed names so they will be safe, not to mention two of the finest Aurors guarding this room." He turned towards Ari, "Breakfast will be served downstairs soon. Have yourselves something to eat and I shall return your wife shortly."

Pansy handed her young son to her husband, giving them both a quick kiss and calling over Rachel to do the same. Pansy Parkinson of all people being emotional. Nothing would ever surprise him after this.

"Quick peek in your pensive Pansy and I'll floo you back before the morning is over."

The look on her face gave Ron pause. Or maybe he had just imagined it. Pansy had given her word that her memories didn't involve the rape that was rumored to have occurred between Draco Malfoy and his sister. Why then did she look frightened?

He held the door open for Pansy, motioning for her to exit first. Just as he was about to shut the door, a small tap on his arm caught his attention, "Hey Mr Weasley." Rachel stuck out her chocolate frog for him to inspect. "Look, no legs!" she laughed like a child possessed, chewing on the edible limbs. "Now it can't get away! Yummy!"

The kid was definite Slytherin material.


The scent of their lovemaking was on the sheets and in the very air around them. Ginny awoke to find herself sprawled across a sleeping Draco's chest. She hadn't come for this. Her purpose had been only to talk, but that had been quickly pushed to the wayside as her senses took leave. She didn't regret it for a minute. The guard had never come back. Harrison, who seemed a bit familiar to her, always seemed to know a bit more than he let on and she couldn't be anything less than grateful.

From the angle of the sun's rays, Ginny guessed she had a few minutes before she would have to leave. It would be breakfast in the Great Hall about now. A quick cleansing charm and a change of robes – she would be ready for her first students of the morning. But she didn't want to leave him. Draco loved her. He had always loved her. Foremost on her mind was the ring and the feelings Draco whispered to her in the darkest of night when he thought she was asleep.

Draco stirred, allowing Ginny to slip away from the tight grip he had held around her. She eased away from the bed and began to search for her clothing. Fully dressed, she stepped away from his cot towards the bars. "Harrison?" she whispered, hoping not to awaken Draco. He would need his rest in the days ahead.

It was too late. "Ginny?" Draco rose from the cot to a sitting position, the sheet falling to reveal his bare chest. A chest she had but a few hours before trailed kisses upon. Ginny couldn't help but blush. "I know you have to go teach mindless little ponces, except my son that is." Draco smirked before his face fell, "but I don't want you to go."

For a timeless minute neither of them moved. Then she went to him, burying her face in the crook of his neck. She didn't want to look into his eyes and have him see the troubling feelings waging war within her. How could she share such intimate physical moments with him, yet be wary and embarrassed of speaking her true thoughts?

"I was in your quarters yesterday. I saw all your presents. For Alex…" she raised her eyes to face him, "for me."

Leave it to a Draco to cut to the chase, just like their son. "Did you like it?"

Ginny knew he wasn't referring to the robe. She dug into her pockets, bringing out the diamond ring. "I was going to ask you about it and how it came to be that you felt this way about me."

"Isn't it obvious?" Draco took the ring from Ginny, inspecting it. "I have wonderful taste, don't you agree?" Draco held out his hand in a way that made it impossible for her to do anything other than put hers into it. "You want to know the hows and whys, Ginny? This much I can tell you – without experiencing such evil, how could I appreciate what was good?" How many times had she heard that statement from Padma and from Ron? Had her life continued on a safe path during the war, Alex would never have existed and the man before her who was beginning to mean so much to her would be nothing in her heart.

Before she could pull away, he slipped the diamond onto her finger. Painfully aware of the strength and warmth of Draco's fingers, and paralyzed by sudden shyness, Ginny stared fixedly at the ring.

"I love you, Ginny Weasley. Had it been my choice, I would have asked you in a place other than this. Azkaban isn't the most romantic place." Draco waved his other hand towards his surroundings before pausing to gaze intently at her. "Marry me, Ginny."

She cared for him a great deal. But love? Ginny had loved him before, this much she would admit to herself. Her memories didn't allow her much, but it did afford her visions of pain, sadness and even love.

Draco must have seen the confusion written on her face. "You don't have to say yes now, Ginny. You don't have to say yes at all. Just wear my ring and remember that at one time we both shared something extraordinary in the darkest of times."

"I care about you a great deal, Draco." She swallowed and drew her hand free. Ginny was afraid to look at him. She didn't want to see the disappointed look in his eyes, knowing he wanted more yet she was unable to give even a tenth of what he needed.

Draco framed her face with his hands, tilting it up until his lips were a few centimeters from her own. "You've been through so much and I understand, but it doesn't change the fact that I still love you."

"If…I mean when you get out of here I want to get to know you more, Draco. This I promise you. I want you to be a part of Alex's life and…" Ginny paused trying to find her courage, "and mine."

Lightly, Draco's lips touched hers, clinging with such sweetly aching tenderness, Ginny could have wept. Her hands circled Draco's neck as his lips moved over hers, nibbling and licking in turn. A sigh escaped Ginny lips. As if it was the permission Draco was waiting for, he crushed her against him, deepening the kiss. Each poured years of want and longing into their kiss goodbye.

Their kiss was broken by a slight tap on the bars. "Sorry for being late, Miss Weasley," came Harrison's voice, "your Portkey to Hogwarts is ready."

"I'd better go, Draco." She reached into her cloak fishing out an envelope that read, For Father Happy Christmas.

"In all the commotion I must have dropped it. Thank you Ginny, for this, for everything."

"Goodbye, Draco," she said as she headed for the cell door.

He stared after Ginny, not taking his eyes off her. "Goodbye then."

Ginny tried to break free from his gaze, but could not. She wanted to make things better for him, to make things better for all of them. She would keep her promise to him and to herself. She would get to know the father of her son and the lover she once had. Maybe one day she would even come to love him.

If she’d been honest with herself, she would find out that a small part of her already did.

To be Continued

Much thanks to Rainpuddle13 and VioletJersey, my betas!

27. Disturbing Revelations

Warning: Disturbing information of a sexual nature regarding Lucius Malfoy. Also a disturbing revelation about Draco and Ginny. But this is Go back and reread the Chapter entitled War Wounds to figure out what happened.

Chapter 26

Disturbing Revelations

"What are you doing here, Parvati?" Ron eyed his sister-in-law warily as he led Pansy into the Ministry's interrogation room. Despite the fact that Parvati was his wife's sister, he had only seen her in passing, during Quidditch games, covering ministry events. Parvati hadn't set foot in the London home he shared with Padma since the day Anjali was born.

"The press has every right to be here." Parvati snapped. "If you deny me access to these proceedings you are in violation of laws put forth by our esteemed Minister Of Magic.

Pansy's eyes locked with the other woman's before quickly looking away. Pansy hesitated before taking a seat offered to her by a Ministry official. Ron put a calming hand on her shoulder to still her shaking. "She's a reporter! You told me, Weasley, there would be no reporters!"

Parvati couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips at the former Slytherin's apparent nervousness, "I can assure Miss Parkinson, I am only here to report the news unbiased and fairly."

"Just like your articles on my nephew?"

The room full of Ministry officials milling about became deathly quiet. Ron didn't need the extra attention. Not when it might cause Pansy Parkinson to refuse access to her memories.

Ron beckoned one of the junior Aurors who was more than eager to help a great war hero. Ron glanced at the badge on the Auror's cloak. "Addison's your name?"

"Yes, sir."

"Could you start retrieving Miss Parkinson's memories into the Pensieve?"

"Absolutely sir!" the young Auror nodded.

"Carry on, please, " Ron said to the crowd of Ministry employees as he grabbed Parvati a bit roughly out of her chair. "Excuse us. Family discussion here." He led her away to a far corner, away from prying eyes and an apprehensive Parkinson.

Parvati wrenched her arm free. "It's my job to inform the public of all angles and you know that!"

"He's no dark wizard!" Ron threw back, "Maybe if you spent time with your sister and the rest of the family you'd realize that."

"Family?" Parvati questioned, her hands resting on a nearby desk as if she needed the extra support. "Death Eaters murdered my husband. They left me a widow with anewborn son to raise. He's my only family now."

"Padma loves Alex. Anjali adores him. They miss you Parvati. You and your son don't have to be alone." Ron reached out to Parvati, only to have her take a step back. "Don't deny your son the rest of his family over a grudge. How long are you going to allow this hate to eat you alive?"

Parvati straightened herself to come eye to eye with Ron. "You and Harry let Neville's killer walk free! Why should bloody Draco Malfoy be allowed to have a normal life when he's denied that to so many of us, to you! "

"Parvati, he hasn't led a normal life. He's been separated from his son for twelve years! I won't stand for Alex to suffer a minute longer."

"That boy caused my son to be expelled!"

Ron should have been surprised to hear that Neville's son, Sunil, had taken part in Alex's beating. But he wasn’t. Parvati had allowed Ron to take his nephew to Canons games and similar father son activities. No one would ever replace Neville, but as Sunil's uncle, Ron felt it was his duty to help his nephew out in any way he could. From the few times he was around the young boy,the first thing Ron noticed was his anger. Throwing tantrums if he didn't get his way. Lashing out at others around him. "Is that how you honor Neville's memory, by teaching Sunil to harm a defenseless boy? Neville abhorred violence unless it was absolutely necessary."

Parvati answered softly, her eyes contemplative. "Yes, yes, I know."

"I don't want to argue with you, Parvati. Regardless of how you feel, you are my family. I won't prevent you from being here, but I want your word that you won't let past hurts color what you see here. Unbiased, just like you said. Do I have your word?"

Parvati nodded. "Of course."

"Auror Weasley." Ron turned away from Parvati at the sound of his name. "Auror Weasley." Ron ignored the incessant calling from Auror Addison for the moment, his attention focused on Pansy who sat slumped over in her chair. Snapping his fingers at a nearby ministry worker, he ordered food and drink brought immediately for Pansy. The retrieval had most obviously been draining. Ron couldn't help but be a little worried. Only the worst memories left one completely spent. Ron was becoming more than afraid to find out what lay hidden. He had prepared himself for the worst. It was war and that was to be expected, but it didn't mean he was ready.

"What did you need to tell me Addison?" Ron asked when he felt Pansy was properly taken care of, finally giving his full attention to the younger Auror.

"The pensieve is ready for viewing, sir."


Ginny stared out over Hogwarts in amazement. The early morning sun gleamed off the Hogwarts castle in golden hues, adding warmth to the grey exterior, and the neatly clipped grounds were a deep, fresh emerald green only seen in this part of Scotland. Everything looked beautiful, which wrecked havoc with the bittersweet emotions coursing through her. She could still feel Draco's drugging kisses and worshipful touches. If only Draco could be with her, then this day indeed would be perfect.

Soon Draco. I have faith that you'll be free soon.

She waited patiently for her students to arrive, eagerly anticipating the arrival of her son. Ginny wanted to wrap Alex in her arms and tell him she loved him. She had loved Draco, there was no doubt in her mind. The real and tangible proof was their son. Of course being the good mother that Ginny was striving to be, she would wait until class was dismissed to hug Alex. The last thing Ginny was sure he needed in front of his friends was a hug from his mother.

She didn't have to wait for long. "Mum?"

Ginny turned around to watch her son trudge slowly towards her. "I have an exciting lesson planned today. We'll even play Quidditch. What do you think?"

Alex nodded, his eyes downcast.

"Is something wrong?" Ginny gently lifted his chin with a finger and looked into his eyes, "Did those boys hit you again? Because if they did, so help me Alex, they will beg for the Crucio."

"No, Mum." Alex sighed.

"Are you telling me the truth, Alex?"

The young boy simply answered, "Yes."

Ginny didn't buy it. She could tell her son was troubled. Was it worries about his father or those bullies that had accosted him not so long ago? Ginny couldn't tell. She rested the back of her hand against Alex's forehead. "Do you feel ok?"

Ginny was more than surprised when Alex threw his arms around her, but welcomed him with her own hug. "I missed you mum. I was worried when you weren't at breakfast but I'm glad you're ok."

"I should have told you, honey," Ginny said still holding onto Alex tight. "I went to visit your father this morning."

Alex pulled away from her slightly, a small smile appearing on his face, "Did you kiss him?"

"Yes, " Ginny answered, hoping her blush didn't give any other information away. Either he got that mischievous streak from her brothers Fred and George or he was more of a Malfoy than she thought.

"One more question, Mum."

Ginny didn't like the sound of that. All it took was one look at her son's adorable face and she found herself saying yes when she should have said no. Did this boy know how much he could get away with? How was it that her mum managed to raise such an unspoiled child? Had she raised Alex from the beginning, Ginny was sure he would be a little brat for she would have denied him nothing. "Yes, Alex?"

Her son shot her a smirk that was altogether too familiar. "Did you do anything more than kiss him?"

Ginny was sure she was blushing from head to toe. "I'm not going to answer that. Now be a good boy and help me prepare for class. We still have a good fifteen minutes before the rest of your classmates arrive. There's brooms in the shed that need serviced before we begin the lessons."

He was a smart boy, but just this once, Ginny prayed to the gods that he hadn't a clue about what activities went beyond kissing. Again Ginny was wrong. Alex could be heard singing in the shed, "I'm going to have a sister. I'm going to have a sister."

Ginny swung the door open trying to sound as authoritative as her ownmum, "Shut it you, and get to work." She ordered, slamming the broom shed door behind her.

For a moment she thought it had worked as the sounds of silence met her ears. Perhaps she had been a bit harsh? Maybe she ought not to have yelled. Ginny backtracked about to apologize when a new chant reached her ears, "I'm going to have a brother. I'm going to have a brother."

Suddenly Ginny realized a very important detail. Or, in her case the lack of one. She hadn't used a contraceptive charm.


(In the pensieve)

"I think you should wait for the Minister," Addison recommended as Ron prodded the contents of the pensieve with his finger. "He should be here in less than an hour."

"My nephew has waited long enough for his father. The minister will understand." Ron watched the silvery substance of the pensieve begin to swirl rapidly. The liquid within the pensieve was becoming clearer, revealing a dark corridor which Ron instantly recognized as Mors Mortis, the Death Eater stronghold.

He was ready to plunge himself into its depths, but it was Parkinson who placed a hand on his shoulder, holding him back. "It's best that you don't go alone."

"I think I can handle this Parkinson."

"You'll need me to explain things."

Ron gave a grudging nod. "Ready when you are Parkinson."

Pansy plunged headfirst into the pensieve with Ron following. They both felt themselves falling, falling, as if it would never end. Suddenly it stopped. Pansy and Ron found themselves in a silent corridor, save for a young man's wretching.

"Mummy!" Draco cried. Sickness overcame him as he fell to his knees, vomit covering the floor. "Mummy."

Draco Malfoy's face and robe was covered with bits of what must have been his breakfast. Had it been any other time, Ron would have laughed. A fine intimidating Death Eater Malfoy made when he couldn't even control his own stomach, calling out for his mother, no less. But the terrified look on Pansy's face told him there would be no laughter here.

"Musn't be weak. Musn't be weak." Draco muttered running off.

Ron knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "What put Malfoy in such a state? Did he run into a hippogriff again?"

Ron didn't expect Pansy to snap back. "This is not time for jokes Weasley! You would…" Pansy's voice became softer tearing her eyes away from Ron's, "you will do the same."

A much younger looking Pansy stepped out into the dim light of the hall from where she stood hidden. Creeping along the passage she slowly retraced Draco's footsteps to the door.

Ron stilled at the sound of the love he had buried long ago. "Ronald."

"Turn the damn doorknob!" he yelled at the younger girl.

"She can't hear you, Weasley." Pansy reminded him. "In due time she will open the door, and you will have to prepare yourself for the worst. Do you understand?”

Pansy took a deep breath watching her past self open the door in an event that would change her life. "Just what made you so scared, Draco?" a younger Pansy whispered, as she flattened herself against the stone wallin order to remain hidden, peering through the darkness of the cell.

The answer was given soon enough.

"No!" Ron ran towards Luna, "Keep your bloody hands off her! Don't you dare touch her!" He fell backwards as if an invisible force were preventing him from being with Luna. "Luna! Luna!" Ron yelled until his voice became hoarse. "I'm here!"

"Weasley, stop!" Pansy shouted after him, as Ron tried to kick and pound the barrier in vain.

Ron's hands were beginning to bruise, trying in vain to reach back into the past. "I have to save her! Please let me save her."

"You know the rules. You can't go farther than my memories allow." Pansy was already holding onto a shaking Ron who had collapsed onto the floor. He covered his ears, screaming in pain as Lucius took his fiancée mind, body and soul in front of him.

Lucius spat out each word, with every thrust,"Your- fiancée – will- be- dead –soon- my- precious- little -bint."

She was splayed across a table, Lucius covering her from behind. His one hand pulling her hair and slamming her face repeatedly while the other pulled her tighter against him. Ron could see the wounds that crisscrossed her body, bite marks across her breasts, blood on her thighs and bruises on her back and buttocks.

"Take your bloody hands off her!" Ron's commands would be to no avail.

Ron closed his eyes, allowing Pansy to rock him back and forth as if he was a child. "I can't watch this anymore!" he sobbed. "Ican't save her! I can't save her!"

Pansy held Ron closer to her,whispering words of comfort in his ear as Lucius own groans and harsh, ugly sounds became louder. In a matter of minutes, it was finished. Lucius threw Luna like a rag doll to the floor.

"I'll be back my pretty, " he said while pulling up his trousers. When Luna went to reach for her dress,Lucius grabbed it from her. "I prefer you naked, my dear."

Still, Luna said nothing as Lucius dragged her to a far wall, chaining her against it. Lucius walked past them, heading towards the door, not aware that the younger Pansy was hidden in the shadows, but a few feet away. Ron lunged for him as he drew closer, yelling curses that were twelve years too late.

"You can't leave her like this!" he screamed after Lucius. Pansy went to Ron, folding the weary man into her arms. "She'll be cold. So very cold." He wept against Pansy’s shoulders. She could feel Ron's body quaking against hers, as if the war itself were being waged inside. "Please let me save her. Please Pansy."

Pansy had prided herself on her ability to hold onto her emotions. It was what irked her husband most of all, and why she always beat him at card games, but what made it difficult for her to have relationships apart from her husband. He wanted his wife to have friends, to go out with the girls for a few drinks after work. But she didn't have friends. She was too cold, too frigid she had heard her fellow doctors say. It was a way to keep the hurt away. She had mastered it during the war. She never cried tears of sadness or happiness.

But she was crying now. The vulnerability in his eyes broke her heart. Ron's voice, when he spoke, was like something tearing.

"I never told her I loved her."

She held him tight, rubbing his back and absorbing his pain. "Luna knows." Pansy remembered how the Lovegood girl spoke in the darkness of the cell, as if she was talking to someone other than her. Luna was an intelligent girl, though she thought her a bit off for conversing with a person who was not there. But perhaps she never was as crazy as Pansy thought. Perhaps Luna knew that one day Ron would need saving himself.

Despite the physical and sexual abuse Luna had suffered, she seemed to be in her own world. "Ronald."

Ron looked up from the blur of tears. It seemed as if even through space and time Luna could see him. Her eyes seemed to connect with his. But it wasn't possible, was it?

"I love you, Luna, " he whispered, though knowing she would never be able to hear him.

It made it all the harder when Luna answered back, "I love you, Ronald Weasley."


"Professor Potter is a much better instructor than Death Eater Malfoy."

Zabini was trying to egg him on and Alex refused to let him. Not listening! Alex reminded himself. It wouldn't do to get into a fight the first day back at classes, especially inUncle Harry's presence. He had at least one thing to be happy about today and wouldn't let Zabini ruin it. It was a small feeling he had, but a strong one. His mum was going to have a baby, even if she didn't quite know it yet. Perhaps she would be the redhead girl from his dreams.

"Now can anyone tell me what this creature is?" With a swish of Harry's wand, a cage appeared. Inside was a beautiful exotic bird, which appeared to be sleeping inside.

Alex raised his hand. It was a Fwooper, he would know such a brightly colored bird anywhere. He had seen this particular birdwhen he traveled on a safari to Africa with his grandparents.

Harry nodded his head towards his nephew. "Yes, Alex?"

"Trying to be another teacher's pet!" whispered Zabini. "Daddy's not here Malweasel. Afraid this time it won't be so easy to kiss up to the professor!"

Students from his own house joined in Zabini's chanting of teacher's pet, save for Casey Wood.

"Teacher's Pet! Teacher's Pet!"

"Quiet!" Harry commanded to the rest of the class before turning his attention back to Alex. "Do you know the answer?"

A piece of paper sailed through the air, bouncing off his head. With trembling fingers Alex picked the note off the ground and opened it. No one likes a know it all! – it read.

Harry's forehead furrowed as his gaze drifted to the Gryffindors where the flying paper had originated, then landed back on Alex with a hint of sympathy. "Alex, is there something you'd like to tell me?

Slowly, Alex lowered his hand. "I don't know the answer is all, Professor," Alex lied. His chances for friendship were slipping through his fingers like sand. Perhaps if he didn't draw so much attention to himself the others wouldn't hate him so much. Alex made a vow just then. He would never allow his future sister to suffer the loneliness he felt. He would see to that.

"Alex!" Casey shook her head in disappointment. "You do so know what that creature is! Why don't you tell Professor Potter?"

"I have no idea what that ugly bird is and I don'tparticularly care." Another lie. Alex loved all sorts of creatures, more than potions and more than Defense Against The Dark Arts , though he'd never tell his father that. He had a feeling his father wouldn't be pleased.

"So if everyone jumps off their brooms in midair, will you do the same thing?" Casey admonished.

"Of course not!" Alex was becoming a little exasperated at Casey's questions and wished that for once she would leave him be. He turned away from her to study the sleeping bird at the front of the classroom. No longer was it sleeping. Alex braced for the worst, covering his ears.

"Afraid of a little birdie?" Zabini snorted in laughter.

Any laughter soon died the minute the Fwooper opened its beak. He watched as Uncle Harry calmly put in Muggle earplugs as the rest of the class screamed in fright. Desks were thrown to the floor, students rushed to the door, only to find it locked, as the bird sang its song of terror.

Alex couldn't help but smile. A harmless bird was simply singing, yet his classmates thought it was the end of the wizarding world. They were getting exactly what they deserved, every last one of them. Except for Casey. He had forgotten to tell Casey to cover her ears. "Help me!" She had fallen to the floor in panic, sobbing at an imagined monster. "It's coming to get me!"

He dropped to his knees in front of Casey, trying to calm her but to no avail. "There's nothing to be afraid of Casey. It's just a bird. The Fwooper is still in its cage. The bird can't get you. It wouldn't harm you even if it could. "

"It's coming closer! Please Alex, save me!"

Without hesitating he drew his wand and pointed it at the Fwooper. "Silencio!"

Immediately the room went still. Tired students were everywhere, slumping over their desks and against the wall. Casey threw her arms around Alex, crying into his shoulder. He allowed her that much.

"So, Alex," Harry said tapping his wand against the table. "You didn't know, eh?"

The little white lie –only meant as a chance to escape the incessant teasing now felt like a rock the size of Stonehenge in the pit of Alex's stomach. "Will points be taken away, Professor Potter?"

"No, not from you." Before Alex had a chance to grab his note and destroy it, Uncle Harry shouted, "Accio, note!" After a quick read, he floated the parchment paper towards the rest of his classmates. "Until the person who wrote this note confesses, I shall take away points every day from both Gryffindor and Slytherin."

"Professor Potter, no, really, it's nothing. It's just a joke." Couldn't Uncle Harry see that doing this would only make things harder for him? He didn't even want to know how Samuel and Lawrence would take this bit of news. Gryffindor was so close to winning the House Cup. If they lost, the blame would be on him.

"Anyone?" Harryoffered up again but no one answered. "Fine then. That's twenty points from both houses. Class dismissed!"

The students rushed out, the chanting of Teacher's Pet still floating in the air.

"Please Professor." Slowly he removed himself from Casey, telling the young girl that he would meet up with her in Charms class. When Alex was sure the room was empty save for him and Harry Potter, he resumed pleading with his uncle to be lenient on his housemates.

But Uncle Harry stayed firm. "I'm sorry Alex, but this has to be done."

Alex said nothing. He simply turned around and walked away. If only he hadn't raised his hand in the first place. He sighed, slowly turning the knob of the door.

"Alex, when it's just me and you, call me Uncle Harry. Anytime you want to talk, I'm always available, okay?"

Alex nodded and managed a smile, but his insides still felt quivery. Right outside the DADA door lay people who hated him. People who wanted to hurt him. Harry Potter had saved the world from Voldemort but Alex didn't know if this same man could save him from the rest of Hogwarts.


There was a time for secrets. Ginny was no longer fond of keeping them.

Ginny told herself it wasn't possible, even though it was. How many times had they made love? Once, twice? Or had it been three times? She hadn't thought about casting a contraceptive charm before entering Azkaban. As far as a pregnancy prevention potion, Ginny hadn't time to even look at other men – she was far too busy trying to get to know her son.

She had called off the rest of her classes. It was useless to try and focus when all she could think about was the potential life inside of her. Hermione hadn't questioned why, simply giving her the day off, though concern was evident in her eyes. She could have gone to Madame Pomfrey and known in a matter of seconds. Ginny wanted, no, she needed family around her.

The first person she owled was her mother. Mere seconds had passed before Molly arrived via Portkey. "What's wrong Ginny? Is Alex ok?"

Would she be angry? Upset? Would her mum think how incredibly stupid she had been to become pregnant once again by a man everyone already deemed as guilty?

"I think I'm pregnant," she confessed to her mother, not truly knowing what she was feeling but crying just the same.

Molly simply wrapped her arms around Ginny, "Babies are always happy occasions. Don't be frightened." She asked Ginny for a few potions ingredients she would need. "I've done this plenty of times dear." Ginny led her mother to an empty potions classroom where Molly immediately made herself at home.

"Just like making a pot of tea." Molly offered an assuring smile at her daughter while a potion started to brew. "This potion can confirm pregnancy an hour after um…" Molly paused and it was evident to Ginny she was trying to come up with a word other than sex, "… well, after a blessed life begins!"

"I'm sorry mum. I – I wasn't thinking. I went to visit Draco and…" Ginny's voice broke, "I'm so sorry to disappoint you."

Molly took a break from stirring the cauldron and hurried to her daughter's side. “Disappoint me? Nonsense! Stop those tears this instant Ginny. Too many tears will cause a moody child. We musn't have that."

Ginny was starting to feel a wild mixture of panic and fear. This wasn't the most opportune time to find herself with child, especially with Draco in Azkaban. "Mum, what will people think? I- I might give birth to another child who will grow up without his father. How could I be so selfish?"

Molly wiped at a tear streaking down her daughter's cheek. "First off, I have never cared about what anyone else thinks and neither should you. Second, I have faith in the Wizengamot. They'll free him, Ginny. Your father will do what is right. As far as being selfish, you couldn't be more wrong. You are loving, kind, and a wonderful mother if I do say so myself. Plus you are giving me another grandbaby. If anyone is selfish, it's me. I've been so lonely these past months without Alex. It would be nice to have another child to spoil."

Ginny closed her eyes against the wash of emotions. The person she held most dear had been conceived in the worst of times. Alex may not have been planned, but he was wanted and loved. Just as this baby would be. Ginny had missed out on experiencing her pregnancy with Alex. A pain she would never quite recover from. Her time with her son during those nine months had been robbed from her. She hadn't even experienced her own son's birth. It was as if a piece of Ginny was taken, leaving her feeling incomplete. Here she stood now with her hand on her still flat belly, hoping she was pregnant and too terrified to admit it. She would not miss out on this child.

"Looks like the potion is ready." Molly removed herself from her daughter, pouring the liquid into a separate vial. "Drink every last bit. As soon as you are finished,I'll begin the confirmation spell."

Ginny did as instructed. As soon as she was finished, Molly pointed her wand at Ginny's belly, beginning the confirmation spell. Ginny closed her eyes, feeling the ancient magic surrounding her, flowing through her. She could hear a baby's laughter and its cries. She could feel the small infant in her arms and Ginny never wanted to let go. When she opened her eyes, her arms were empty, yet it felt so real. Was she dreaming? Had it just been her imagination?

Life was a series of unexpected events. Ginny had awoken from a coma to find her life irrevocably changed. What was once unwelcome, Ginny could not imagine her life without. Alex was unexpected, but he was what Ginny needed. Her life was about to take yet another surprise turn.

"Congratulations honey, you're having a baby."

Ginny didn't have to ask her mother to hold her. Molly instinctively hugged herdaughter, whispering how everything would be alright. "No worries, Ginny. If you worry too much you'll have a nervous baby. No nervous Weasley grandchildren, okay, my sweet Ginevra?"

"Yes, mum." Ginny managed a smile through her tears, placing a protective hand over her abdomen. Though the child was still in the womb, Ginny already knew how much she loved it. Just as she had loved Alex the moment she learned she was carrying him.

Another time, another place but Ginny could feel the same emotions reaching out to her. She stared into the past, a half smile tugging at her mouth.

She could feel Draco's cheek pressing against her own, she could see Snape waving his wand performing the exact spell her mum had performed. She was drifting in and out of consciousness, wondering if perhaps death would be visiting her soon.

"She's with child." It was Snape's voice that brought her out of the darkness. "She's with child."

"I'm going to have a baby."

It was her mother's voice that drew Ginny out of her reverie. "Are you ok Ginny?"

Ginny hugged her mother, her saddened countenance changed to one of joy. "I remember being pregnant with Alex mum. I remember my son."


Ron's sobbing grew quieter after awhile. Pansy knew Ron's pain must be unbearable. It had been for her. She watched her younger self tentatively approach Luna Lovegood and drape her cloak across the broken girl's body.

"Thank you, " Luna whispered hoarsely, at the same time, Ron turned to his comfort her and echoed the same sentiments.

"You didn't have to help her but you did. Thank you, Pansy, " Ron wept into her shoulder, "Thank you."

Pansy shook her head as if tossing off the gratitude she felt she didn't deserve. "I was a woman much longer than I was a Death Eater Weasley."

Ron straightened himself within Pansy's arms. "Stop making excuses Parkinson. You are a good person, you truly are."

"Parkinson." The familiar voice of the potions professor interrupted them both and caused the past Pansy to jump in surprise.

"Professor Snape, I was just…I mean, she was cold, you won't tell will you?"

Professor Snape would only roll his eyes. "You are a female Parkinson. It does not surprise me that as the weaker sex, you would feel the need to do such a deed. I will forgive you of this weakness if you will remove Lovegood's chains."

Pansy did as she was told, Professor Snape stood nearby catching the battered girl as she collapsed from the wall and into his arms.

"I need to make Lovegood presentable for Lucius. Retrieve the Weasley girl from Draco and bring her to me, I have a few errands I need to have her attend to while I am with Lovegood."

"Certainly Professor," Pansy nodded. Ron and the elder Pansy shadowed her former self down the corridor as Snape began healing charms. It was the last of the spells that gave him pause. Ron had to take one last look at a love he lost too soon, despite Pansy's objections to keep moving. The younger Pansy had stilled, looking back as well.

It would be the Professor that Ron most detested at Hogwarts that would make Luna's last days bearable. Professor Snape pointed his wand at the young woman, softly whispering, "Obliviate."


Alex knew something was wrong by the way Paz arched her back and started to hiss. Alex eyed the hallway warily, but there was no one. "What's wrong, girl?"

The hall was eerily silent for midday as he made his way to charms class. Almost fifteen minutes late Alex ran down the hallway with Paz close behind, hissing the whole way. He glanced around at his surroundings nervously, still there was not a soul in sight. "There's no one Paz. Stop it, you're making me nervous."

"Petrificus Totalis," came a whisper, so quiet Alex didn't know if he had actually heard it or if it was just his imagination gone wild.

He turned around to see his kneazle frozen. Alex's eyes darted along the hallway to see nothing but emptiness. He scooped up his kneazle in his arms and stood defiantly, "I'm not afraid of you!" his voice echoed down the corridor. "Make yourself known!"

Nothing but silence surrounded Alex.

"I won't have you hurt my friends!" Alex said rubbing the fur of his very stillcompanion. "Stop being a coward and face me!"

"We'll be more than happy to oblige, Malfoy, " came the sinister whisper. Duncan McCain seemed to step out from nowhere followed by his Gryffindor accomplice Lawrence.

"Invisibility cloak." Lawrence towering over Alex by nearly a foot, shoved the younger boy into the wall, the solid body of Paz falling to the floor. "A Death Eater invisibility cloak. Spoils of war. I have word that my uncles dragged it off your Death Eater grandfather's body."

"Bloody liar!" Alex spat, feeling his face start to redden in anger.

"Perhaps," Duncan added, "Perhaps we are, because I think it was dragged off that whore you call a mother. Word is she was found screwing both Malfoys and she liked it, a lot in fact. She was begging your granddaddy for more."

It hurt Alex to think of what his grandfather had done. Lucius Malfoy had hurt his mother, but it was not her fault. How dare they twist what happened to his mum! "Don't ever call my mother a whore!"

"Traitor Professor Weasley was. Sleeping with Death Eater Draco Malfoy. Telling him all the Order's secrets. What an absolute slut she was."

With strength that was uncommon for eleven year old boys but could easilybe acquired upon insult of one's mother, Alex broke free from Duncan and Lawrence's grip, whipping his wand towards them both.

"What's little goody two shoes Malfoy going to do?"

"Hurt you."

Duncan and Lawrence shared a laugh as if not quite believing that the usually quiet Gryffindorcould do any harm. "Mental you are Malfoy,” Duncan said as he reached for his wand, only to find nothing at all in his cloak pocket. "Where's my wand?"

"Same place Lawrence's is. And by the way, the invisibility cloak is mine now!"

This time it was Alex's turn to shoot the both of them a smirk. He patted his pocket with the confiscated cloak all the while pointing all three wands at them with his other hand. He was getting quite a lot of practice doing this sort of thing. Alex had to admit to himself, he was getting quite good at it. "No one calls my mother names!" Alex said taking a step towards both boys. "My mum was a war hero. She suffered and almost died for ungrateful pricks like you!"

Duncan held out the palms of his hands in a protective measure, "If you hex us mate, you'll have a lot of points taken away. Your fellow Gryffs aren't going to be happy with you."

What had he to lose by hexing them? Absolutely nothing. "My fellow Gryffindors hate me already. So, it really doesn't matter," Alex replied calmly, taking another step closer as Lawrence and Duncan took a few steps back.

"You'll be sorry little Death Eater, " Lawrence hissed, which earned him a shove from Duncan.

"No, actually I think you will." Alex smiled waiting a bit until he saw down the corridor students being dismissed from classes. If he was going to get into trouble, he might as well make sure he had an audience. Nothing would be more embarrassing for the Gryiffindor Beater and the smug Duncan McCain. Alex shot his curse towards them watching in a combination of horror and accomplishment as furry bats covered both faces. Lawrence and Duncan flew down the hall screaming. Students laughter soon followed as they filled the hallway catching sight of the cursed Lawrence and Duncan.

"Wicked cool, cousin!" Edmund ran up to Alex through the crowd of students and patted Alex on the back. "Where'd you learn to do that?!"

"Well, Well, Well," came the familiar voice of Alex's Aunt Hermione, standing right behind him. "The apple surely doesn't fall far from the tree."

"I don't know where I learned it. I read it in a book somewhere." Alex whispered to Edmund as he reluctantly followed his aunt to her office, but not before offering the counter curse for Paz.

"Taking after your father, I suppose," Edmund whispered back, "Remember cousin, you have to use your Dark Arts skills for the good. Like conjuring your favorite cousins some chocolates!"

"Enough of that talk you two,” Hermione ordered as they both the entrance to her office. "Edmund, I think you have studies to attend to. Alex and Paz can follow me."

Alex waved his goodbyes to his cousin, wishing he didn't have to be alone to face his Aunt's wrath. He wrung his hands nervously as Hermione chanted the Password. He slowly stepped into the spiral wooden staircase after her. "You're disappointed in me, Head Mistress?"

Hermione said nothing.

"They cornered me, Head Mistress. I had no choice."

Still, no words left Hermione's mouth.

Alex's face fell. Maybe, just maybe his Aunt thought what everyone else did. "I guess you think I'm just like my father."

"On the contrary," Hermione said softly as the staircase ceased its movement finally bringing both occupants to the Head Mistress office. "You are just like your mother."

"Like my mum?" Any further questions he had disappeared from his mind as he stepped into the Head Mistress's office. Alex was more than a little surprised to see not just his Mum but his grandma as well. Paz ran ahead of him, jumping onto his mother's lap, purring contentedly. "Mum, Grandma Weasley?" Were they brought up here to see his punishment? Was he being sent home like the others before him? His mum's face was red and Alex could make out the dried tears on her face. "Mum, are you okay?" Alex asked, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Your mummy is fine, Alex. Just fine." Molly answered for her daughter. "I do think she has a bit of news to share with you."

Alex took the seat next to his mother. "Mum, why are you crying?" Ginny stroked Paz's fur, before gently setting the kneazle down to face her son. Alex didn't expect his mum to pull him out of his chair and almost suffocate him with a hug. Now he was convinced he wasn't here to be punished for his actions with Lawrence and Duncan. But if this was his mum's way of punishing him, he had the best mum in the world.

The next question was most unexpected. "Do you still want a sister or brother Alex?"

"Yes, Mum. I do." Alex nodded, ever more hopeful as more tears escaped from his mother's eyes. Dreams of a redheaded sister were stronger than ever. He was already talking to her in his dreams, finding out all sorts of things about her. She was scared of spiders, butloved chocolate,Quidditch and magical creatures. Yes, definitely his kind of sibling.

"I'm going to have a baby, Alex."


"Out of my way, Greg!" the younger Pansy ordered .

Goyle shook his head, "I wouldn't go in there if I were you Pans, Draco's busy."

"I said move it!"

"It's not for ladies eyes…"

First her father wouldn't have her on the battlefield just because she was a woman, now Greg was preventing her from entering Draco's chambers. What could possibly be worse than what she had just seen? She needed to get Weasley and bring her to Snape. Most importantly this would give her some alone time with her fiancée. She had spent so much time apart from Draco who was kept busy overseeing one of the many prison wings assigned to him by Lucius Malfoy.. It would be nice to finally see Draco, have him hold her and tell her everything would be alright. If Draco said it, she would believe that soon this madness would be over. She pushed Goyle aside, carefully opening the door to Draco's chambers.

The present Pansy watched the horror appear on the face of her past self and Ron. Pansy felt her throat tighten at the sight of the Weasley girl, her hair being twisted and pulled by Draco as he forced Ginny to take more of his member into her mouth. She could see the tears at the corner of the girl’s eyes as she struggled to keep up with his demands.

Draco's eyes were screwed shut, his moans almost drowning out Ron's angry shouts.

"Why didn't you tell me, Parkinson!" Ron screamed, falling to the floor, pounding his fists into the concrete. "Why!"

Immediately Pansy went to Ron trying to subdue him from causing further injury to his rapidly bruised hands. "I tried to tell you, Ron," Pansy whispered as if the others might hear. "I tried to tell you what I knew wouldn't help your nephew."

Ron slowly raised his shaking head to watch his own trembling sister reach for Draco Malfoy's wand as he let out one final cry of completion. She stood over the now slumped over Draco. Though her whispering was faint, Ron could make out the words of the hated curse.

"Avada Kedav…"

The younger Pansy crept forward grabbing the wand from Ginny, preventing the utterance of the forbidden curse. Ginny let out a cry as the wand was torn from her hands.

Before Ron could question, Pansy answered. "I still loved him. I don't know why, but at that time I did. Foolish I know. I should have let her finish it. I wanted her to finish it. "

"My gods," Ron sighed heavily, his voice filled with anguish, "Ginny wanted to kill Malfoy. My gods. She wanted to kill him."

Suddenly both Ron and Pansy felt the familiar pull of being taken out of the pensive. Tired with emotion, neither fought the sensation. Ron wearily faced his father. Ron had expected his father to scold him for going in by himself, but his grief must have shown on his face. It didn't matter that the room was full of Aurors and Ministry officials. Minister of Magic Arthur Weasley simply led his son into a nearby empty room, enfolding his son into his arms.

Ron was supposed to give a report, but the only words he was able to utter were Luna and Ginny. Arthur gave Ron strict instructions to eat and rest. Ministry officials would be doing the rest. Ron nodded in agreement, finally following his father out to the conference room filled with Aurors and Ministry Officials who were trying their best to prod information out of Pansy. All the questions didn't seem to phase Pansy. She simply ignored them, forgot they were there. Ron wondered if that was a skill she had learned through the years. But what Ron had seen, he could never forget.

"Don't go in Dad," Ron pleaded. "Please don't."

"I must," Arthur said, waving over his advisors to follow.

In a few minutes with most of the room immersed in the pensieve, all was quiet except for the tapping of a quill on a nearby desk.

"What did you see, Ron?" Parvati asked, her tone holding a slight note of mockery. "Did you witness love at first sight for Malfoy and your sister?"

"Shut it!" Pansy snapped. "You're a reporter, Parvati. I'm sure you can deduce with your keen observation skills that Mr. Weasley is upset. Why don't you leave him alone and wait for the others to give a report. I'm sure you can't wait to hear what will sell out the Prophet tomorrow!" Pansy stood up from her chair, exiting the room but not before slamming the door behind her.

"I gather what you two saw didn't go well, " Parvati said derisively.

"Why don't you see for yourself!" Ron jumped out of his chair dragginga struggling Parvati to the pensieve, dunking her head into the silvery contents. The madness had only just begun for Ron. He pointed a finger to one of the Auror's in the room.


Yes, sir!" Addison said jumping to attention.

"Bind me."

"Excuse me, Auror Weasley?"

"Bind me."

"Why sir?"

"I need you to take me to visit Draco Malfoy in Azkaban. I will have no control when I see this prisoner. If no bonds are placed on me, I will hurt him. Now do as I say and bind me!"

To be continued

Ron visits Draco in prison. The trial begins.

More info: Before you guys send me hate mail…no Draco did not force Ginny to do what Ron thinks. Just remember things are not always how they appear. War made them both Ginny and Draco do things they would never have done.

28. Secrets and Lies

“…ninety-nine,” Draco exhaled as he did his final pushup. “One-hundred.” There wasn't much to do in his cell. The few books Greg had bought him had already been read from cover to cover. He could read his son's letters, but the grief seeping through each owl recieved, made him more depressed. Draco hated that. What was there to do but try and keep his body fit? He had to take care of himself, for Ginny and Alex's sake. It helped keep him sane. Jogging in his cell became part of his normal routine, as were his daily pushups and situps. Draco had to laugh at the irony of it all. Here he was resorting to Muggle methods to stay in shape, when he would do anything at all for a sweaty game of Quidditch. He would even be content to allow Potter to catch the Snitch.

Draco wiped the sweat from his forehead, as he lay onto his back and began his situps. As he did his final set of exercises, he had almost been able to forget the pain Ginny and Alex were going through. But otherwise, in spite of everything that had occurred, he had moments of joy and peace. He smiled slightly, as he raised himself to do his last situp, remembering and relishing the moments when Ginny had been in his arms. Draco could still feel the sweet weight of Ginny curled on top of him, and the warmth of her body. He could remember her soft breathing and the intensity of their lovemaking.

Draco thought it was death he feared. Funny, but the possibility of receiving the Dementor's Kiss no longer filled him with dread. The fear that broke into his sleep and crept around the edges of his mind during his waking hours was far worse. Being separated forever from the woman he loved and the son he might never see grow into a man was a fate more frightening.

But that wouldn't happen. Draco shook his head to rid himself of such thoughts. Was he not a Malfoy? Things had to work out in his favor. They just had to. He would be leaving Azkaban soon and would be the father Lucius was not. One day soon, he would marry Ginny. She may have said no, but her eyes told him yes.

Draco turned his head slightly, the sound of footsteps growing nearer drawing him out of his daydreams. “Harrison?” Draco asked trying to keep his voice steady, knowing that his shift had been over hours ago.

Warden Thompson stood outside his cell, two burly guards on each side. “You have a visitor, Malfoy.”

Draco couldn't help the sudden surge of excitement. It had to be Ginny. “Has Miss Weasley returned?” It was almost too good to be true.

And it was.

Draco didn't expect the Warden's wand thrust into his face. He backed away, tensing against the ordeal to come. The last words to leave his lips were Ginny, as the Crucio curse was thrown at him again and again.

He tried to sit up as the curse wore off, his body bloody and bruised when the cell door was thrust open. Two guards rushed towards him . One bound him while the other covered Draco's face with his own pillowcase.

“You can't even do a proper blinding spell, can you!” Draco screamed through the sheet, trying not to suffocate, as the guards dragged him down the corridor. .

He felt as his body was being thrown inside another room; the hard crunch of his torso against the wall, signaling that yet another bone had been broken. “Where's Ginny?” Draco yelled. “She won't let you get away with this!”

Draco gasped for air as the pillowcase was ripped from his face. An Auror whose badge read Addison, stood over him. “Who the hell are you? You goddamn prick! I'm not to be harmed. Minister Weasley's orders!”

“The orders have changed,” came the soft reply. Draco turned his head, taken aback to see a familiar shade of red.

“This is for Luna and Ginny.”

The last thing Draco saw before collapsing was the heel of Ron Weasley's boot as it came smashing down upon his face.


A burden seemed to lift off Ginny's shoulders as she sat in her chambers surrounded by Hermione and Harry, her mother and Alex. Her son took the news of her pregnancy better than expected. Had she really any doubt? He would be a great brother and a tremendous help to her.

Alex was already hard at work furiously magicking a pair of kneedles to knit a pair of pink booties. The sight alone brought a small smile to Ginny's face. A Malfoy male knitting? Lucius was probably rolling over in his grave. The fact alone brought Ginny amusement. So alike in look to the Malfoys, yet so different in temperament. Then again, none of the Weasley males ever did a minute of what they would call witch's work. Her brothers would pile their ripped sweaters and socks full of holes at her bedroom door when she was younger .

It was beneath a wizard to do such feminine work, her brothers would say. Absolute rubbish, Ginny had thought. Men were just a lazy lot, except of course for her son and the man who defeated Voldemort. Harry Potter was giving Alex tips on the finer points of knitting, both Muggle and magic.

“My Aunt Petunia made me mend Dudley's socks. What do you think I did all those days and nights in the cupboard under the stairs?” Harry offered up as an excuse to his prowess in the textile arts. “In fact,” he added quietly to ensure only Alex and Ginny could hear, “My wife still makes me sew. You'd think that the smartest witch in a century could manage some decent household spells.”

Hermione who had been engrossed in the latest Wizarding Baby Magazine with Molly and Ginny looked up immediately, “What was that Harry?”

Ginny and Alex shared a laugh over Harry's current predicament. “Oh, nothing dear. Nothing at all.”

A knock at the door interrupted their laughter.

“It's me Miss Weasley,” a very out of breath Head Girl, Lisa Mcdougal managed to say.

Ginny answered the door, the Head Girl handed over two scrolls. One addressed to Hermione and Harry, the other addressed to her.

“Auror Weasley's owl. The poor creature was almost at death's doorstop. He must have flown nonstop. Must be important.”

“Thank you Lisa,” Ginny said waving the girl away. She handed Hermione and Harry their scroll, waiting to see the expression on her friend's faces before opening hers. A small cap fell out, a Portkey.

“Ron wants me and Hermione to meet him in Azkaban.”

“What for?” Alex asked. “Can I come?”

“Just some paperwork we have to help your uncle out with,” Hermione quickly added. It was a lie, and Ginny knew it. From the look on her face, Ginny knew whatever was written on the scroll didn't bode well.

She slowly unrolled her own parchment. It simply read:

Alex must not leave Hogwarts. He must not go into town. Do not let him read the Daily Prophet.


“What does it say, Mum?” Alex inquired, eyeing the piece of parchment suspiciously.

Ginny conjured up her most convincing smile, “ Your Uncle Ron sends his love and your father says the same.”


“Dementor's Kiss now!”

Draco awoke with a start. He rubbed his tired eyes trying to orient himself to his surroundings. Hadn't he just met the wrath of Ronald Weasley moments before? Or was it hours before? Where was he?

He searched the darkened room, now becoming increasingly familiar. Draco had been in this room that dreaded morning when Alex had almost been taken away from him. He was in Azkaban's sick bay. He absently picked up a cup of tea on a tray set beside his bed. It was filled with an assortment of jellies and biscuits. First he was kicked, now he was being fed. What was going on?

“Dementor's Kiss now!” came the flood of voices. He glanced out the barred windows amazed to see what looked like hundreds of people beyond the gates of Azkaban. Glowing letters were magicked into the night sky. Their message couldn't be any more clear. They all wanted him dead.

Eerie fireworks exploded their words into the night sky. Bring us Draco Malfoy!

Draco almost jumped when a familiar voice reached his ears, “I'll soundproof the room.”

Draco didn't bother to turn, seeming entranced by the protesters calling for his demise. “Come to finish the job Weasley? Soundproof the room so they won't hear you kill me?”

Ron came around to face Draco. He smiled though his eyes remained cold. “I could have killed you earlier. In fact I think that's what most of the world wants me to do.”

“Then why didn't you?” Draco snorted. “ Go ahead and be a hero, Weasley. You'll be even more famous than Potter.”

“While that sounds like an incredibly enticing proposition, I may have to pass.” For a moment Draco thought Weasley was lying as his wand was flung at his face. Draco waited, ready to hear the final words that would take his life away.

“Lumos,” Ron chanted seeming to enjoy the fear he thought he had momentarily instilled in Draco. Fear that was no longer there; without his son and the woman he loved, Draco almost welcomed the idea of ending it all.

Ron flooded the room with light, holding out an envelope for Draco to see, writing that seemed at the same time familiar yet unrecognizable at the same time.

“What's this?” Draco asked confused. The envelope was addressed to Ron Weasley, not to him. “What has this to do with me?”

“A moment before I was to send you on your journey to the afterlife, this message was owled to me. Seems like you've been given a reprieve, for now.”

Draco called out for him as the redhead walked away., “By who?” He did not like secrets kept from him, especially from the likes of Ron Weasley. Now more than ever, Draco needed to know what was going on, who he could trust and who was on his side. From the looks of the angry crowd outside his window, he needed as many friends as he could get.

“That's none of your concern. Just be thankful you are still here. In the meantime drink your tea. It will get rid of your headache.” Ron paused before slamming the door behind him, “And Malfoy, if I were you, I wouldn't look out the window lest a stray spell strike you dead.”

*** *

“Thanks for coming,” Ron said as his two friends were ushered into his makeshift office at Azkaban. “Would you like some tea or something to eat?” he offered, ready to pour them both a cup.

Hermione looked uneasily outside the window, eyeing the crowd that seemed to grow by the hundreds. “We might need the strength.” She said, taking a cookie and nibbling nervously on it. “How secure are those gates?”

“Very secure,” Ron answered.

“That is if you trust the warden in charge of keeping the spells in place.” Harry said.

“Thought of that already.” Ron shoved the Daily Prophet towards Harry. “I did a few extra security charms on the gates and windows. But I may need a few more since this article came out, hot off the presses.”

“We'll be glad to assist in any way,” Hermione offered, her face full of disdain as she glanced at the article. “Tabloid journalism, that's what!”

“What about Hogwarts and Hogsmeade?” Ron asked. “What is the crowd situation? I assume similar to these?”

“Hogwarts is fine, as it has been for many years,” Harry reassured. “Before we Portkeyed here, Hermione and I did a fly by around Hogsmeade. The crowd is almost as big. He quickly added, seeing the worried expression on Ron's face, “Don't worry Ron. Alex will be safe at Hogwarts, as well as a few of our other students who fall under the Blood Debt.”

“There's another reason I called you both here besides helping me put extra security charms in place.” Ron opened an envelope carrying classified scrolls from the war. “I was sent an owl this morning carrying material that was addressed to me as urgent. As you can see, we are the only people besides the document writer who has ever seen these scrolls.”

“What are you doing with these?” Hermione asked, grabbing the documents. “These scrolls are from the Wizengamot. Even your father doesn't have access to these! The only one who can open them…” Hermione's voice trailed off, at the realization of who had sent them to Ron dawned on her.

Ron rested his weary head in his hands. “Malfoy can't fight off Veritaserum. We've all been told a lie. Malfoy admitted he was the father the very day he was questioned. These were sealed to protect Alex from the Blood Debt and to protect my sister. There are those who would have killed her and her unborn baby.”

“We can test Draco Malfoy out then. We should start as soon as possible.” Not wasting any time, Hermione with quill in hand started compiling a list of potion ingredients they would need.

“Already done,” Ron said. “I put some in his tea. We can start asking him questions now. It will take a lot of convincing on my part. I've seen too much. I'm only doing this for Alex and Ginny. Not for him. I could care less about Malfoy's life.”

“I do have one question.” Harry traced the handwriting of envelope writer. It was so familiar. Was it… No, It couldn't be… “Who signed off on these documents? Who is responsible for hiding the truth from us?"

Ron answered, confirming Harry and Hermione's suspicions.



To Be Continued

Much thanks to my betas - Adrith aka clanmalfoy , Rainpuddle13, and VioletJersey. After reading this, if you want more D/G, even better D/G, go read my betas stories. They have fanfiction here on thissite.I promise you, you won't be disappointed and you will be begging them for more.


29. Walls Come Falling Down


Draco awoke, surprised to see the Weasley girl in his bed. He was no Avery and Mcnair. He didn't….? And then it struck him. His mother had died and she had come to him. Overwhelmed with grief he had locked his door. He didn't want any company. He didn't want fake condolences from people who were probably only relieved it wasn't them. Draco wanted to be alone but he had forgotten he wasn't. She was here.

She had come to him and comforted him even though he had treated her horribly. Compassion was not deserved but he received it nonetheless.

She was turned away from him, the covers barely covering her bare back. He brought up his hand to lightly touch her shoulder, and he could see her instinctively shudder.

So it was out of pity. What else could it be?

“So I am just like you said Master Malfoy, I am a whore.”

Draco winced at those words. “Don't call me that anymore.” After all ,he was the one who succumbed to her, not the other way around. “And-and you aren't a whore.” He said quietly.

Those were words his mother had told him never to use. But he did. He treated Ginny worse than any house elf. He could still remember the look in his mother's eyes. The disappointment. He had become the son his father wanted and the son his mother had been afraid for and possibly, afraid of.

“Are you hungry?” He asked, too aware of the awkwardness of the situation. This wasn't a normal morning after. She was a prisoner and they were both well aware of it.

She nodded, and he got up to call for one of the few servants the Death Eaters still had left, since most of the house elves had run off, to prepare his breakfast. A double order this time.

A breakfast of porridge, eggs , bacon and sausage arrived. They ate in silence. Ginny finishing a quarter of what was on her plate.

“I would like to bring the rest back to my cell to eat later.” Ginny said, although Draco guessed it would actually be for her cellmates.

Draco nodded that it was ok.

“Did you want to have a bath? I can have….” Draco paused, usually Ginny was the one that drew his bath, “ I can have someone draw you a bath.”

“Thank you, but I can draw my own bath.” She replied , her eyes still downcast.

He went out of his room allowing Ginny to have privacy, roaming the dark deserted dungeons, alone in his thoughts and sadness. His mother was gone. Malfoy Manor burnt. But how? Was not every protection possible in place. Were not Voldemort's forces winning? How could Malfoy Manor which was almost as old as Britain itself, be gone? How could his mum be gone? His father had even placed Dementors to guard Malfoy Manor against the order.

“Your mother was a good woman.” Ginny said as Draco returned shutting the door behind him.

Yes, she was a good woman. But what did this Weasley girl know of her? That she was married to Death Eater extraordinare. That her progeny was exactly the same. But his mother was good. Maybe he was just blind to the fact of her being his mother,but he always felt her goodness, the love for him that his father lacked.

“The post came…one is from your mum.”

Draco grabbed it roughly out of Ginny's hand. It was written two days before her death. With the war going on, the post was always late, if it came at all.

Something told Draco he had to sit down. He sat on his bed, turning away from the redhead lest she catch him in an emotional state. Now he wished she could come and go as she pleased. He wished he could send her out in the hallway. But he couldn't. Not with Avery and Mcnair out there. Not with his own father out there.

He opened the letter and read the flourishing script from his mother. The last he would ever hear from her.

Dearest Draco,

There is so much I regret. So much I should have told you. I want you to know that I blame myself. I will be dead when you receive this. I can now bear my burdens and share with you what I should have told you a long time ago. I wanted to protect you. Please do not be angry at this. Do not think I died in vain. I have been providing medical care unbeknowest for a time by the Deatheaters, and what food I can smuggle in to the prison for the prisoners being kept there. It is not right Draco, what is being done in those foul walls. Once it was a grand castle. 1000 years ago my ancestors was married there. This castle was used for celebrations. Now it is being used for torture. I cannot condone it Draco. My ancestor was no fan of muggle borns but he would not advocate such violence for our purity. Separation? Yes. Violence. NO! Muggles used to round our people and murder them. Now we do that to them and even our own people? Draco. We must stop. This is why I have been supplying information to the outside since I visited that prison. I should have done have been more brave, risked my pride. Maybe this could have been prevented if I had shared information sooner. I am afraid though, I have been found out. I am sending this out with one of the owls in hopes that this letter will soon be in your hands. Voldemort wants me dead. Avery and Mcnair are here to question me. I don't think it will be long before I am gone. The right way is not always the easy way, my son. I know you are good. The goodness in your father left many moons ago and I know, I KNOW you can see this for yourself. It is not too late for you. Save yourself Draco. I love you and always will.



Draco crumbled the letter in his hands and whispered “Inflammare.” Had his mother been a spy for this order the whole time? Had the Deatheaters themselves killed her? Had Avery and Mcnair….

He took the cup that had held his tea and threw it against the mirror, the shards flying everywhere. He didn't want to think of his mother's last moments being with Avery and Mcnair. He had seen what they had done to the women here.

“I'll get that.” Ginny said as she stooped to collect the broken pieces, but Draco stopped her.

“No!” Draco pushed her away as he went about the room breaking everything he could get his hands on. A half hour later he was slumped against the wall, broken pieces of glass and wood surrounding him. “It was all for nothing, ” He whispered to himself.

Voldemort frightened him. As did Lucius. He would never have joined the Deatheaters had it not been for his own father threatening that not complying would mean his own mother being in danger at the hands of the resistance. He did it for her. His father's pride be damned. He did it to protect his mother and it hadn't worked. Draco remembered the first time in Malfoy manner with that hideous creature his father worshipped sitting where his father would usually sit. His mother had seemed frightened. He thought it was because of the threat on their lives by the resistance. In retrospect, he now realized it was Voldemort his mother had been scared of. He had been used. The resistance didn't kill her. The Deatheaters had.

He looked at Ginny eyeing him with a mixture of fright and sadness, and wondered how well she really knew his mother. Maybe even more than him.

Draco asked slowly, his voice cracking, “Why do you think my mother was good?

“She just was.”

“I know.” He picked up the scraps of the burnt paper. “She told me she worked with your people. Tell me about her. Tell me about my mum.”

Ginny sat down next to him, amidst the rubble of Draco's once immaculate room, telling him what he learned from the letter and more. Her smuggle of an infant out of Mors Mortis that had been born to a prisoner, chanting spells to make the injured forget their pain, healing spells, healing potions that she had in fact hidden in Draco's floorboards, food, and much more that made Draco want to burn the Dark Mark from his arm.

After her death, Draco felt like he was meeting his mother for the first time.

_ _ _ _

“These scrolls. These witnesses were put under the tongue tie spell by the Secretum Justicia. It's a special court within the Wizengamot. Only 2 wizards are called to hear cases like this. Dumbledore was one of the judges. Helena Aequitas was another.They knew Ginny was pregnant with Draco's child. This is Dumbledore's doing. He wanted to protect Alex from the Blood Debt. I am telling you it is a law that needs to be changed. Just because it's tradition doesn't make it moral!” Hermione snapped in frustration. “Slavery was also a tradition in the muggle world. Didn't make it right. Thank god there were people back then that wanted to break with society's norms.”

Harry read the scrolls over Hermione's shoulder,” Draco could get out of the Dementor's kiss. But to do so…..”

“Would put Alex's life in danger. He'll always be in danger with a blood debt hanging over him.” Ron put his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes, at a loss about what to do. “In accordance with the blood debt, Lucius death was not enough. Too much blood was spilled. If it was a life for a life it would be simple. But the crowd wants the whole Malfoy blood line wiped out.”

“Rubbish!” Hermione stood up, “I know what to do.”

Harry looked up at her quizzically, “And that is…?”

“I need to speak to Parvati and I'm going to the Edinburgh Wizard Library.”

“Mione? “ Ron threw up his hands in exasperation, “For all the gods sakes! Parvati? The library? Now?”

Hermione nodded, “Yes” and with that she disappeared.

_ _ _

“I don't believe what they say about Professor Malfoy.” Casey pulled up a chair next to the blonde boy diligently trying to finish his transfiguration homework.

“Thanks.” Alex stole a glance at Casey's notebook which had hearts surrounding Alex's name. The older hearts had been written with Alex Weasley. The Weasley now crossed out to say Malfoy.

At least someone wasn't embarrassed of him, although he had to admit he was embarrassed of her hearts. Alex swore he would never desecrate any of his notebooks with silly hearts and girl's names. Yuck!

“Hey Deatheater!” Duncan whispered from across the library with his friend Sunil. They launched a gigantic spitball at Alex which he stopped in midair with his wand without taking his eyes from his paper.

“Sod off.” Alex kept his eyes on his work launching the spitball and hitting Duncan right in the eye. The two boys, humiliated, left the library vowing to get their revenge.

“Yeah, sod off!”Casey chimed in. “We'll be waiting for you!”

“Yeah sod off Duncan,” shouted a 2nd year Ravenclaw. She winked her eye at Alex, “We have your back.” She said leaving the library with two other giggling girls who he couldn't help but hear saying how cute he was.

Turned his stomach. It really did.

“Too bad they can't have you, since you are my boyfriend.” Casey rested her head for a minute on his shoulder.

Alex shifted nervously away, “Yes, I'm your friend that's a boy.”

Casey reached into her pocket putting more of that disgusting, waxy, glittery concoction on her lips. “Do you like when I put it on? My sister says boys like to watch girls put lipstick on.”

Alex wanted to tell her no. He really didn't see what the fuss was about. He still remembered the taste of wax when she tried to kiss him that time by the stairs. It was not pleasant. But he couldn't be mean.

Alex shrugged, “It's alright, I guess.” He was trying to focus on his transfiguration homework but was failing miserably. Casey incessantly chatting away, some girls giving him weird looks from across the library, nothing mean but a bit too similar to the giggling girls that just left. Thoughts of his mother and the new baby. His father on trial. He wanted to go to Azkaban with his mum but she wouldn't take him. It was best he stay at Hogwarts.

What if they give him the kiss? He had asked her.

His mum hadn't lied to him. Hadn't promised him it wouldn't happen. His mum told him the truth about what she would do. About what they would do. Before he received the kiss they would spend as much time as possible with him in Azkaban.

He cried wracking heaving sobs that hurt his insides and burned his eyes. He cried until he fell asleep and could cry no longer. Now he just felt numb.

“My mum was in that prison with your dad. She says he helped her.”

Alex's ears piqued. Maybe, just maybe his dad could be saved after all. He had helped Casey's mother. The famous Cho Chang. Who would deny his father was good then if someone that important came to his father's defense?

Soon, his hopes were dashed.

“Whenever she tries to tell my dad,she can't for some reason. Gets all tongue- tied.”

_ _ _

“For the 100th time I never forced Ginny to be intimate with me. Clean and cook yes. And I am sorry for that.”

Draco felt his pale face redden in embarrassment and shame. He wondered if the memories they were able to extract from her had been those of him ordering her to clean his floor, cook his food and clean his boots.

If he got out o f Azkaban he would clean her floor the muggle way, shine her shoes and cook for her. Well, maybe not cook, because then he just might kill her.

“She wanted to Avada Kedavra you one minute and then she is madly in love with you the next? It's not believeable Malfoy.” Ron stated.

“Maybe she never loved me then. “ Draco said, averting his eyes from Ron. “Maybe she just wanted to survive.” That was more realistic. Even he had to admit it. That she slept with him so she could live. And the realization of it hurt. How could she ever have loved him?

He didn't even love himself.

Better to survive and be the pet of Draco Malfoy than Mcnair, Avery ,Dolohov, or the many other sadistic Deatheaters or even his father.

“I - I love her. I loved her then. I fell for her. I think she did for me. I think.” Draco said with some doubt. It took a lot to admit this to the men standing around him - Ron, Harry and two other rather mean looking Aurors who could have given Deatheaters a run for their galleons.

Maybe Alex wasn't born out of love. Just out of survival. Did it make him any less? No. He loved his son fiercely.

“You think?” Ron chuckled.

“We all saw Mrs. Friedman's, I mean Pansy Parkinson's memories. We saw what you did and what Ginny did.”

“I have served my time!” Draco yelled before beating himself up internally. I was in Azkaban all those months. I missed out on the birth of my son!

“True. But these are new charges against Miss Weasley. The complete Wizengamot court has to hear them.” It was then that one of the Aurors dragged Draco to a pensive,. “Maybe your memories are a bit cloudy.”Draco's head was submerged into the pensieve.

Harry shook his head, “I don't think that's necessary Aurors!” Harry turned to Ron, “ We have to stop it. We have the scrolls . He's been given the Veritaserum. Malfoy is telling us the truth.”

“So he's done some good things, Harry. I admit if the scrolls are reopened, the Wizengamot may be in his favor. Maybe not. This isn't Dumbledore as his judge. We don't know what they will do. But what I saw, what I saw ….” Ron's voice trailed off before picking up again ,his mind on a blond haired girl with carrot earrings, “horrific things. He left my Luna to suffer. The scrolls may not be enough. We still need witnesses. We have to find those people in those scrolls and pray we can undo the magick placed upon them. What the Wizengamot does and what the public wants are two different things. ”

“What horrific things has he done?!” Ginny said as she opened the door into the room, “I flew here as soon as I received your owl and….” catching sight of the auror keeping what appeared to be a very unwilling Draco submerged. “Stop!”

Draco was brought up for air, “I'm sorry Ginny. Please. I'm sorry.” Ginny ran to Draco, holding him up, “It's ok. Draco. It's ok. Don't be sorry.”

“Your turn ,Miss.” Auror McClintock stepped forward to bring Ginny to the pensieve.

Now it was Ron who stepped in. “Not necessary guys. We had our bit of fun with Malfoy. No need to have my sister relive it.”

“She has to do this before trial Mr. Weasley. It's protocol.”

“Damn protocol! “

But it was too late. “There are memories of me in there?” Ginny whispered.

She was afraid to see. But maybe, maybe she would remember. She couldn't keep being afraid. If she couldn't remember herself, maybe someone else's memories could help.

She had went into the pensieve herself, with Draco crying out not to go, an auror binding him back to his cot. “No, No. ”

_ _ _

Ginny had seen enough. She brought herself out of the pensieve and looked straight at Draco. The memories did nothing but enrage her.

“Go!” she screamed at her brother and Harry and then turned to the aurors, “ALL OF YOU!”

“We'll be right outside the door Miss Weasley,”, Auror Mclintock remarked as he followed the rest out the door, ” he also has a binding charm and..”

“I'll be perfectly safe, now get OUT!” Ginny yelled before turning her burning gaze onto Draco.


Draco looked crestfallen. ” I was 18. I….…I couldn't say no.”

“Not that.” Ginny whispered, “Luna. Why didn't you help her?”

“I was scared.”

That wasn't good enough for Ginny. She had seen him get sick and upon finding Lucius with Luna, but to just leave her there -is that what he did with her?

The second part of the pensieve was no better. Had he also forced her to do unspeakable things?

“I never made you do that. I didn't ask.”

“But you didn't stop me.”

“No, I know you just wanted to…to live.” Draco finally admitted to himself more than Ginny, I took advantage of you. Of that situation. I am ashamed Ginny.”

Ginny closed her eyes. She wanted to live. She wanted to get her brothers out of there. Ginny nodded her head. “I didn't want you to give me to Mcnair. Or to your father. I remember just wanting to make it out alive.” She remembered missing the feel of the sun's rays on her skin, the noise of the burrow, her brothers' jokes.

“It wasn't like that later. “ Draco lay on his cot, closing his eyes, not wanting to meet Ginny's, Draco paused, a frown creasing his mouth, “I don't know, maybe it always was like that with you. But I fell for you Ginny, no matter how you felt, I fell for you and I wanted to keep you safe.”

“I was your personal prisoner Draco. I called you Master. I did that thing with you. “

“The women who did those things lived a lot longer Ginny. Even you knew that. I'm sure you all talked in your cells. The Deatheaters took advantage of it. The women who didn't comply never lived very long. ”

Ginny stared absently at the grey walls around her. The grey walls that began to call out to her. To remind her of years past. “I was weak then. Better to die.”

“You weren't weak.

Ginny couldn't wrap her head around what she was finding out about herself. She gave herself to Malfoy so she could live. Even if he was telling the truth, it didn't make her feel any better than if he had taken her by force.

“I love you Ginny.”

“Don't Malfoy. Don't say that.” Ginny swallowed hard, her hands against the cold walls of Azkaban. Something was so very familiar. If she pressed her ear against the wall she could hear people calling for her and even for Draco. Ginny was starting to remember. A veil was starting to lift, her mind trying to make sense of what it was seeing. She lifted her hands away from the wall. The memories fading.

“How could you love me? Did I even have a choice?”

“I never forced you.”

“Maybe not, but the situation did.” Ginny walked over to the window, a mass of people, almost as large as the crowds at the Quidditch World Cup stood just outside the gates. “I think I remember.” Ginny whispered almost unintelligibly, tearing herself from the window. ”I remember the first time.”

There was a moment of silence before Draco asked, “You do?”

“Your mother? You were crying that your mother was dead.” Fragments of memories here and there started to come together, “ I thought you would blame the resistance and blame me. “

It wasn't even out of compassion. Ginny had lain with Draco because she was frightened. Hedging her bets that she could console him with her body before he had a chance to think. A person in a vulnerable position taking advantage of another in a vulnerable emotional state.

“You didn't force me Draco.” Ginny said, the fact of remembering it wasn't force didn't make the memory any less pleasant. “I was scared.” And she added, not knowing whether it was true or not because pieces of her memory were still missing, “I don't think I ever loved you. It was all pretend. And I am here, so it worked.”

“But you said you loved me. You said you enjoyed being with me.”

“I enjoyed being with you in a dungeon?” Ginny scoffed , thinking back to Padma telling her of the blankets and extra food she would bring back to her cell.

“Maybe I said that to get a blanket or food. You are right Malfoy, maybe I am a whore.”

“You aren't! I only said that before we were ever together. I was being mean. Awful. Trying to prove to the other Deatheaters I was their equal. If I could take it back I would.”

Ginny herself wished she could take back what she said. That it had all been pretend ,because she didn't really know. She saw his face fall. The hardness of his face become vulnerable. The dark girl that she had thought was banished after the Chamber of Secrets was still within her.

“ I do love you Ginny. I loved you then. Please believe me. I've even been given veritaserum. Ask your brother. Ask Potter. I'm telling you the truth.”

“I want to believe you Draco, I do. It's hard. The few memories that I do have, tell me something else. I was in a subordinate position to you. How will I ever know if I continued to be with you in order to survive or if I did fall for you like you said? It was all so unequal and cruel and horrible. How could I love someone during such circumstances?”

It didn't start out as love. Perhaps she had grown to love him during those dark days?

Ginny walked over to him, helpless, lying on the cot. Now she was in a powerful position and he was bound. She stared at him for a long time, searching his eyes. Willing herself to remember that maybe she might have loved him. But it didn't come.

“Maybe we are both telling the truth, just seeing it from different sides. You loved me. But maybe I never loved you back.” The words were harsh. Ginny watched as the color seemed to drain from Draco's face. She could even taste the bitterness on her tongue as she spoke them.

“The worst thing is, after learning all of this,” Ginny waved her hands towards the pensieve,” I feel like a fool. This time, I willingly gave myself to you. Perhaps I had to back then. I didn't have to now. I gave myself to you because I wanted it. I wanted you.“

“You regret it now?” Draco's voice sounded hollow, empty.

Ginny rose, walking towards the window again. The crowd had gotten larger. More vocal. She could hear the crowd chanting , “ Death To Deatheater Malfoy.” Wondering if he could hear it too. The island around Azkaban had been enlarged. One of her father's plans after the war, so that familes could visit their loved ones in Azkaban. A little village had sprung up just outside the prison walls. An inn for families to stay at. Even a branch of Florian Fortescue's ice cream parlor. Ginny had thought it was a wonderful humanitarian idea her father and the ministry had done for Azkaban. But now, the island and the village just served to hold even more vengeful wizards.

Bring us the Malfoys, read one sign . Mafloys. Plural. They didn't just want Draco. They wanted her son too. The words disappeared and two images appeared of a man and a young boy being burned at the stake. She clutched at her stomach. This crowd. These people. People who had been her friends and neighbors wouldn't just stop with Draco. They would go after Alex.

Justice for Ginevra, read another sign. Justice for her? Or to satisy their bloodlust? Killing her son and perhaps this baby was no justice.

Her sweet blonde haired boy with his soft brown eyes. His face every bit of Draco's and she loved Alex all the more. “I don't regret any of it.”

_ _ _

“I want to tell the Wizengamot that Draco didn't force me to do anything.” Ginny offered the memories flooding back, to Auror McClintock, her hands tracing the stone walls in the room next to Draco's.

Maybe those awful memories had triggered something in her. Cho Chang. She remembered Cho. In Draco's room. Behind a wall? A grey wall like the grey moist walls in Azkaban. Lavendar. Dean . Luna. Katie. Many more , all crowded in a backroom of Draco's quarters. She saw flashes of herself whispering a word only the wall could hear to reveal a door. She could see Draco passing out pieces of bread to the people behind the wall.

Ginny remembered vomiting all day and night. The people behind the wall hearing her retching. They all knew she was with child and it was Draco's. All of them.

Yet they had all kept silent.

“Actually, they didn't.” Harry said taking out the scrolls. “It's all here. It's been sealed to protect your son from anyone trying to collect on a blood debt.”

“Why do they want Draco now? Why wasn't he killed for this debt? Why even have the condemned serve in Azkaban if they are still liable?”

“The key word is TRY. Try to collect. Doesn't mean the people will. Most are fickle Ginny. But the masses are easily swayed.” Harry's mind seemed to wander and Ginny wondered if he was thinking back to the times when he was adored one minute as the boy who lived and then vilified the next in the Daily Prophet.

“The people are not over the war Ginny. I'm not. I don't think I'll ever forget Luna.” Ron reached into his cloak pocket and took out a photo of Luna, her carrot earrings swaying in the photograph. He put it back in his billfold, where a picture of Padma and Anjali smiled up at him. He looked at Luna's picture again and this time put it behind their picture.

“Most people just know he gave us some information, although the public doesn't know exactly what. And what prevented the Dementor's Kiss was the fact that he killed Lucius. Got in the public's good graces. Good graces can be lost. We have to let the people know the facts Ginny. He did a lot more for those prisoners than most people know.” Harry added, “Your memories could mean more than these scrolls. Possibly prevent the Dementor's Kiss for what the public thinks happened to you. ”

Ginny's hands shook wildly, her heart pounding as the visions came to the surface, “ Cho?” He brought Cho into his room. Draco had me hide her. Then he brought others.” Ginny looked up at Ron. “He brought Dean, even Luna. She didn't make it. We tried Ron.”

“I didn't know he helped Luna.” Ron said looking up from one of the scrolls. “Padma never told me. I know Luna took a curse for my wife but I didn't know it was because Draco was helping them escape. He was helping my Luna? “ He looked up at his sister who seemed to be in a trance, thankful she couldn't see the tears springing from his eyes.

Hary reminded him, “She couldn't have told you Ron. She'd been silenced.”

Ginny touched her head to the wall. Everything was returning. Images bombarding her. She closed her eyes, seeing everything as clear as if they were in the very room with her. “We kept most hidden right under the death eaters noses. In Draco's back room. They were torturing and killing the prisoners and he hid those he could. ”

“There was too much dark magic in that prison. We couldn't portkey everyone. A few at a time. We tried to do the escapes during battles when the Deatheaters were busy. I tried to help with the first escape. But I wouldn't leave. Not without Percy and Charlie. Lavendar, Eddie Carmichael, and a few others made it out. They captured me helping them escape. Mcnair and Dolohov. They were going to hurt me. Draco came back from the fighting and said he would do it himself. He had too. They would have killed me and done much worse. The memory I gave the Aurors earlier wasn't complete. Draco had to hurt me in front of the Death Eaters to protect me. He forced me to escape the next chance we had. I didn't want to leave without my brothers, but Draco forced me to go. We were the last to try and escape. Cho, Padma, Luna and I. Our portkeys didn't work right. There was only one location in the prison we could use them. We didn't all end up at the right rendezvous point. They flung curses at us. Dolohov caught me and brought me to my brothers and to Voldemort.”

Harry glanced up from the scrolls, “50 people escaped from that prison according to the scrolls. They said it was all due to Draco and you.”

Ron put his hands on Ginny's shoulders for support, “We'll have the Wizengamot summon everyone that is still alive from those scrolls. A lot of counterspells have to be done. Tongue tied curse, silencing spells, and who knows what else was placed on all of them. May take a few days”

“ The Wizengamot will dismiss the case if your memories completely return. If the witnesses corroborate that you were with him willingly, the Veritaserum statements, there is nothing the Wizengamot can do. He's already served his time in Azkaban.” Auror McClintock stated confidently.

“So,” Ginny faltered trying not to get her hopes up, “ No dementor's kiss?”

“Not likely.” Ron added.

“But the blood debt?”

Auror Mclintock chimed in with his own advice. Advice Ginny didn't want to hear but knew it might be the only way. “It might be best for him to leave England. Those scrolls come out might change the peoples minds. But sometimes people just don't want to hear facts. ” Auror pointed out the window. “The people want blood.”

“Alex?” Would he have to leave England too? Draco would be gone but the whole of England would still want a Malfoy to sacrifice and now it was no secret her son was indeed a Malfoy.


“What about my son?”

“We can put more protective charms around the burrow.”Auror Mcclintock said.

Ginny shook her head. He'd be like a prisoner!

“He's safe at Hogwarts.”

“Hmph!” Ginny's delicate chin lifted in resolve, “We will leave England.”


Alex had been warming up by the fireplace with Casey and his cousins trading the latest Chocolate frog cards when he jumped at the sounds of a screaming Ravenclaw emerging from William Woods room.

“Wasn't she just snogging your brother, Casey?”

Alex clicked his tongue just like Molly did when she disapproved of something. Snogging was something he greatly disapproved of and look what it got people. A girl screaming at the top of her head at William Wood.

“You have her hair? Her hair? As a momento?”

William Wood pulled at the collar of his jumper in nervousness.

“Can you please not announce that.” William whispered his plea.

“You don't even have my hair!” But you keep her ? What do you plan to do with it? Make a love potion to make Miss Weasley fall in love with you?”

William became redfaced, all of Gryffindor could hear her. The common room was packed and people had come out of their rooms, onto the stairwell to hear the commotion.

“Be quiet!” William hissed.

“Oh no!” The Ravenclaw girl smirked, “Listen Gryffindors, dear William Wood has a horrible crush on Miss Weasley. Took a few strands of her hair during a flying class and now hopes to make a love potion.”

Alex had all eyes turned on him. His mum. The object of Woods affection. Quite icky if you asked him. And the Ravenclaw was moving towards him. Alex fidgeted nervously wondering why she was heading his way.

“Don't worry little guy, I don't blame you.” She planted a little kiss on his head which Alex immediately wanted to wipe off.

Casey winked at him just then, “You are a catch. Even the older girls like you.”

Edmund and Everett stuck their fingers down their throat to indicate their revulsion. A feeling Alex felt just the same.

Her fingers were still on top of his head, ruffling his hair.

“Miss Weasley's hair is on top of William's bureau in an oh so romantic heart shaped satchel. Go take a look!”

Oww!” Alex exclaimed as the Ravenclaw pinched his cheek before heading towards the portrait door. Wood running right after her.

Alex smoothed his hair out. He hated when his hair was out of place. One of the few things grandma might say was vanity.

“Where were we?” Alex asked throwing out a picture of Morgana. I'll trade her for Dorcas Wellbeloved.

Amidst the laughter at Woods predicament no one noticed Lawrence Anderson and Samuel Li sneak into Woods room.

Alex did feel funny when the two boys that had sent him in the hospital wing stared at him later that evening, mouthing, “We'll get you Deatheater.”

Paz hissed at them and Alex returned to trading cards, trying to act as normal as possible with Casey and his cousins. He had a bad feeling. Something very bad was going to happen and all Alex wanted right now was his mother.

_ _ _

Alex should have been looking up at the heavens during astronomy class. Should have been mapping Venus and Saturn and the crescent moon. Instead his telescope was aimed lower, watching an effigy of himself and his father burning in Hogsmeade.

He had never seen so many people in Hogsmeade. Hundreds of them. Right outside Hogwarts. Waiting for him.

He couldn't hear them but he could see their mouths cheer as bright red flames raced up the straw body to where his face would have been. Alex shuddered, wondering when his mother was coming back. He wanted her. He needed her to tell him those angry people would not get him.

“Hey,” Casey whispered rubbing his back after watching the same through her microscope. “Idiots, the lot of them.”

“Yeah,” Alex slumped beside his telescope, pretending to finish his assignment. Not wanting anyone else to know how vulnerable he truly felt. People hated him for what his grandfather did, for what they thought his father did.

He was just as much a Weasley as any of his cousins. Grandpa Arthur was Minister. But that didn't get one burned at the stake. Being a Malfoy did.

“I'm a Malfoy.” Alex said softly to Casey. “People hate me because I'm a Malfoy.”

“I won't ever hate you.” Casey said smiling, “Besides, Casey Malfoy has a ring to it, don't you think? Casey Weasley, not so much.”

Alex rolled his eyes at her. But it took work.

He couldn't help but smile in return when she went back to her telescope. Maybe he didn't have many friends but having one like Casey made up for the quantity. Quality was what mattered, and Casey was definitely quality.


“You are not going Cho!” Oliver ordered his wife, the ministry be damned he would not have her go.

“Malfoy saved me. Saved many of us. Tried to save your Katie”

“Save Katie? How?”

But Cho couldn't get the words out. Couldn't tell her husband, although she could relive it as if it happened yesterday.

She could feel herself falling off her broom, the stray curse flinging her far into enemy territory. Cho could hear the snap of her leg as it hit the ground. The ugly writhing snake lit up in the sky. Deatheaters surrounding her.

“Oh, a pretty one for your collection.” Bellatrix Lestrange kept her eyes trained on Cho while waving beckoning another deatheater.

Bellatrix crouched over her, her face only centimeters away from Cho, “She's no fun. Save the mudbloods for me. You can have her Avery.” Bellatrix lifted her velvet skirt with her fist as if to try and not taint her clothes with ones she called traitors. She kicked a spiky heel into Cho's back, before setting her sights and wand on a very unfortunate muggle born wizard.

She didn't like the way Avery looked at her, the way he dragged her on his broom breathing his firewhiskey smelling breath on her neck.

We are going to have fun.”

She tried to fight him off which was useless without her wand. He punched her when she wouldn't do what he asked. He dragged her down the hallway by her hair as she screamed, her broken leg trailing behind her.

That's when she saw him.

Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.

“Good capture Avery. I'm sure she'll be useful in giving us resistance flying patterns.”

“I have a much better use for this bint” Avery threw her inside and chained her. It was dark in the dungeon, but she could make out the figures of Luna and Katie Bell. My gods. They were naked, bruised and bloodied.

Don't touch me!” Cho hissed only to be met with two hands wrapped around her neck.

Avery only laughed at her, pressing himself against her trembling body.

We are going to have so much fun. As much fun as your friends here are having.”

“No!” Cho spit on Avery only to have Avery press his hands tighter against her neck.

“You are going to pay for that.”he threw his robe in the corner,quickly removing his belt. And lowering his pants before turning cho around and hiking up her robes.

Cho closed her eyes, tears streaming down. He was going to violate her in the worst way. She waited- but nothing. The door opened and another pair of footsteps entered the dank room.

“I want to join in Avery.”

Malfoy. Malfoy's voice. She would know the Slytherin's voice from anywhere. She knew he was a horrid creature from school but was he capable of this? Cho kept her eyes closed, Malfoy was going to join Avery in abusing her.

“Be my guest Malfoy. About time you came around. Punish these pureblood traitors. I take much pleasure in it”

“Did you take pleasure in hurting my mother?”

Cho opened her eyes, feeling a pair of hands tug at her robes to bring them down. Cho slowly twisted around to find Malfoy's back facing her. She could hear Avery's sharp intake of breath upon Draco's accusation.

“Is this what you did to her before you burned her?”Malfoy asked advancing on Avery.

“You little fuckin' traitor. Just like your mother. Voldemort will hear of this. You will be chained up like the rest.”

“I said” Draco stepped to Avery, his wand pressing into his the other's temple, “Did you do this to my mother?”

“Are you going to Avada Kedavra me Malfoy? They will catch you. They will know it was you.”

Did you do this to my mother?

“Your father won't protect you Malfoy. If you must know, Lucius gave us permission to torture your traitorous mother.”

Draco's voice shook, repeating again, “Did you do this to my mother!”

That uppity bitch received much worse.” Avery said reaching for his wand, but not able to find it.

“Looking for this Avery?” Draco said, snapping the wand in two.

Avery backed into the corner. Draco was taller than Avery , younger and stronger and he had vengeance on his side. “I don't need my wand.” Draco flung it over his shoulder and grabbed Avery's belt, wrapping it around his neck.

“These mudblood methods are rather interesting. Much better than the Avada that lasts a mere second.”

“You” he said tightening his grip on the belt as Avery struggled to get free. His hands grasping his neck trying to loosen the belt as he kneeled before Draco, “look” tighter still, “silly”, even tighter, “ with no pants.”

Avery gasped, his face reddened, the last of the oxygen leaving his body. His bowels emptying.

“Sick.” Draco said as he threw him to the ground.

Draco chanted the shrinking spell and then afterwards transfigured the remains into glass before sharply stepping on them.

“Thank you.” Cho whispered without hearing a your welcome as Draco undid her chains. “Follow me.”

“What about them?” Cho whispered pointing to Katie and Luna.

“I'll be back.”

“Thank you so much Malfoy. Thank you.”

“Shut it Chang. Just shut it.”

Draco went out the hallway Cho steps behind him. She gasped seeing her former potions professor. Snape? There were always rumors, but a Deatheater?

“Avery's prisoner?” Snape asked.

Draco grabbed Cho's hair and threw her on the floor. “Trying to get intel out of her Professor. Avery's not very successful.”

Cho wondered if she had been wrong. Perhaps Malfoy did have another agenda or perhaps this was a ruse to protect her.

He pushed Cho down the hallway, thankfully no other Deatheaters in sight.

He knocked on a door and Cho was surprised to see Ginny answer. Ginny was just as surprised to see her.

Cho felt him push her past Ginny, almost hitting the floor. “Hide her.” was all he said before leaving. He definitely wasn't the most gentle of rescuers but he rescued her nonetheless.

Luna and Katie came back that night.The next night, one more. Another night, 2 more. Soon there were 50 of them packed in a room that was only equipped to hold 5. Ginny had magicked it to hold more but it was always cramped. Katie unfortunately didn't live to escape. Her injuries too extensive.

Ginny didn't stay with them though. Cho knew she had a cell she was in with Padma and Dean and when Malfoy could, had her in his room. It was no secret they were together intimately. They'd come in the morning and feed them. She remembered Malfoy coming in half dressed with Ginny in just her robe passing out some breakfast. In the prison, modesty went out the window. Catching Malfoy kissing her on the neck when he thought no one was looking, and the whole lot of them hearing their arguing. Ginny saying she would not leave until her brothers could be rescued. Malfoy shouting back at her that she was pregnant and had to escape.

They all knew.

Cho reached out to touch the portkey surrounded by ministry oficials, “I'm going Oliver.”

With a poof she was gone.


Around Hogwarts the crowd grew larger. “The sins of the father must be paid!” Chanted the crowd. “Bring us the boy.”

“For Ginevra Weasley!” The crowd became more unruly. Stakes being planted in the ground. One for the elder Malfoy and the other for his son.

Alex watched from the window in his room, the smoke rising in the air. Fire meant for him. He wouldn't go out there. He wouldn't even leave the grounds. He skipped Care of Magical Creatures, his favorite class, because he did not want to step foot outside the castle. He would be able to smell the smoke then.

Paz scratched at the window as if trying to erase the scene for Alex.

He returned to his bed, not feeling the least bit secure even with the other Gryffindors sleeping soundly around him ,and Paz snuggled against the crook of his arm.

Alex pulled the covers over his eyes.

He was right not to feel safe.

Elsewhere in the castle a potion was being made. Lacewing flies, leeches, powdered bicorn horn, knotgrass, fluxweed, shredded boomslang skin, and a bit of red hair was added to the cauldron.

Lawrence chuckled to the other two boys sitting next to him, “Who fancies a trip to Hogsmeade?”


Author's Note-

The rest of this story is now complete. Just waiting for the final chapters to come back from a Beta. Just sent her the chapters today.(This chapter got on Portkey without a Beta. Obvious, I know.)

Took me a few years. I was busy. Life got in the way, and then a huge snowpocalypse hit Chicago and I could not get to work for 2 days and I found the file on my computer that contained my stories. A file I thought I lost. Gave me the itch to start writing again. I know my punctuation isn't the best. Maybe the plot isn't that great and my writing has gone downhill(if it was ever uphill!) but I had great fun writing it. Don't know if anyone is even reading this particular fic but it was always a favorite of mine to write. Even if the number of my readers is now 0, I am hoping to complete this fic for myself.

I am hoping to put COMPLETE on this fic by next week.



30. The Verdict

"All rise for Head Judge Wizard, Merlin Thackett. The Wizengamot is now in session!" The Auror bellowed to the packed room that was overflowing with jurors, witnesses and spectators.

Head Judge Merlin Thackett took his seat on the bench with the other junior judges of the wizarding court. "Witches and Wizards of the jury, have you reached a decision?"

A young blue haired woman in a Hungarian horntail skin jacket and a Diricawl feathered skirt stood up. "Yes, your Honor, we have."

" Please hand the Auror your decision." The Auror took the sealed scroll and handed it to the head judge.

Merlin Thackett reached into his robe pocket for his spectacles. The courtroom became even more silent. He opened the scroll with the decision that could free Draco Malfoy or send him to Azkaban for life.

The Head Judge looked at the bench in front of him. "Would the accused, please rise?"

Draco shook as he stood, his hands in front of him still magically bound. He looked around for Ginny, who had pushed her way to the front of the crowd. She stood there with the witnesses who had spoken for him. He thought no one would come. But they all came. Cho Chang. Dean Thomas, the whole lot. Former enemies who might suffer for defending him later, came to tell the world that Draco had saved them from certain death.

Merlin Thackett coughed to clear his throat before announcing the verdict, "We the jury find Draco Malfoy 'Not Guilty.'"

The Head judge thanked the rest of the Wizengamot and the jurors before turning to the Auror,. "This wizard is released from custody and is free to go."

Draco stood in shock, his hands finally free of the magical bonds. He searched again for Ginny in the courtroom. She had testified for him. Her memory coming back, her recollections of the escapes they planned for prisoners. The suspicions the guards had of a traitor in their midst when Avery went missing.

Draco recalled how he was sure they would point him out. Avery and his prisoner, the Chang girl, vanished out of thin air. Draco had been sure Snape would turn him over. It never happened. Soon Snape would reveal to Draco that he was not alone in sabotaging the Death Eaters.

Twelve years later, it seemed the Death Eaters were still sabotaging his life. But now, it really was over.

Or was it?

He couldn't see Ginny but heard her scream his name, “DRACO!”

The crowd was swarming around him pulling at his robes from every direction. A chant could be heard from outside of the courtroom to bring them the head of Draco Malfoy.

The judge seeing the hands shooting out for Malfoy from the crowd,turned to the Auror, “Bring him to my chambers!”

Draco was being hurried out of the room surrounded by Aurors. “I thought I was free!”

He was unceremoniously trhown into the room, Potter and Ron Weasley right behind him.

“For your safety Malfoy. The crowd doesn't like the verdict.”


He didn't have to complete the sentence. She was here, pushing past Harry and Ron and fell into his arms.

“Oh Ginny.” was all he could say.”I'm ok, I'm ok.”

He put his face down into her hair, not particularly caring if Potter and Weasley saw him become an emotional wreck.

The Wizengamot had found him not guilty, why then did he feel this sense of doom? “

“Malfoy,” Ron handed him some firewhiskey from a decanter in his robe and handed it to Draco, “Drink this, it will help a bit. You may need it when I tell you what your not guilty verdict means.”

“I know.” Draco said still holding on to Ginny. “The verdict means nothing to the people on the street. No dementor's kiss but they want me dead.”

"The war is still fresh in everyone's memory. The people won't let you forget. We've arranged for you to leave the continent. Pansy Friedman and her family have offered a vacation home in South America for you…” Ron paused unable to finish.

Draco shook his head. “I'm not going to the bloody Americas! I won't go. I won't leave my son. I won't leave Ginny. I will not leave them”

“We are coming with you Draco, Alex and I.” Ginny said softly. “It's not safe for him either.”

Draco brought his arms to Ginny's shoulders, looking directly into her brown eyes, “No! I won't have you uproot his life for me! I'll go, you and Alex stay here.”

Harry handed Draco the latest edition of the Daily Prophet, “You need to see this. You need to understand the danger.”

The headline shouted -

Hogsmeade readies for Blood Debt Repayment

The picture accompanying the article showed thousands of people around two lifelike figures. There was no mistaking, the crowd would not be satisfied with one Malfoy. They wanted every Malfoy dead.

Draco let the paper flutter to the ground, swallowing a tight knot of dread,“What do I have to do?”

Ron wouldn't give him an answer, he stole a look at Ginny and turned around. Draco knew the Weasley's were close. After all this time that Ginny spent apart from her family in a coma, she would now have to leave.

I'll take good care of her. This time I won't let her down.

Harry answered for his silent friend, "We all thought the verdict would be in your favor so arrangements are being made. Ginny's and Alex's things will be picked up at the burrow. The ministry just needs the both of you to finish some paperwork to allow for international travel. A Portkey is being delivered to Hogwarts where you , Ginny and Alex will make your departure.”

You, Ginny and Alex.

Me, the woman I love and my son.

“Let's get our son, Draco.” Ginny finally withdrew from his embrace but still held on to his hand.

“Yes,”Draco whispered, “Our son.”

“Paperwork first. Will just take an hour or two.” Harry said opening the judge's door.

What's an hour or two when I've waited 12 years?

Back at Hogwarts, a redhaired woman was patiently waiting outside the Gryffindor common room.

“Mum?!” Alex barreled out of the portrait hole into his mother's arms. He couldn't believe his ears when Casey had told him his mother was waiting for him. News was already spreading like wildfire that his father was innocent. Now mummy was here ready to take him to his father.

“He's waiting for us in Hogsmeade.”

Alex stepped back. “But…but they are burning things there.” Just last night he saw them light more straw figures of him and his father. Why there? Why Hogsmeade of all places? It just seemed very unsafe.

“It's all celebratory now, Alex. He's safe. There is nothing to fear. There will even be fireworks tonight. Wouldn't you love to see that?”

Paz hissed wildly at his mum. “Stop Paz.” Alex said picking him up and quickly dropping him off on the other side of the portrait door.

Alex took his mother's hand, “I'd love to see fireworks.”

His mum chuckled as they headed down the staircase, “You will my boy, oh you definitely will.”




31. Hold My Hand

They wove behind the buildings of Hogs meade. Through the alleys and cobblestone side streets, Alex could see the crowd gathered on the town square.

Grandma, Grandpa? Was that Uncle Bill next to her? Uncles Fred and George ? All seemed to be kneeling and praying to that hideous altar he had seen from the Gryffindor window.

“Let us reunite with your father.”

Alex's hands stilled, frozen in his mother's grasp. There was a chill in the air. A feeling of evil that permeated the air.

“No….” Alex whispered. The voice coming from his mother was familar, but not her own.

Terror, fear, dread filled him as Lawrence stood in his mother's place. “Time to pay your debts ,Malfoy.” Out of the shadows crept Duncan and Samuel.

Alex wouldn't let them take him like this. He delivered a swift kick to Lawrence before being chased down by the two other boys .

He wanted to cry out for his mum and dad. Wanted to yell for help ,but he was breathless. His smaller legs managed to outrun the two older boys. He went from building to building, alley to alley trying to avoid his captors and the crowd. As Alex reached the end of another alley behind Gladrags and Scrivenshaft's he saw his grandparents. He looked behind, Duncan and Samuel nowhere to be found.

Something told him not to shout. Not to run into his grandparent's arms. He stood there crouched in the dark alley. His family was not praying. They were all bound, their hands behind them in unseen restraints.

“Grandpa.” He whispered



Arthur Weasley's look was that of terror. “You must go back to Hogwarts.”

“I can't. I can't leave you like this Grandpa.”

His family looked to be in physical pain. His grandfather' s hands slightly blue from the tightness of the magical binds.

“Alex. You must go! We came to Hogsmeade as soon as we could, to stop this. I am sorry. I am so sorry that we failed. You must go back . You must not be caught. We will be fine. It's you who must leave this instant!”

They had come for him. All of his Weasley family had come to ensure he was safe. They loved him. No matter that he was part Malfoy, he was loved by his red haired clan.

The Weasley's were his family. He would not leave them like this.

Alex raised his wand to loosen their binds but immediately dropped his wand, tackled to the ground by Duncan.

“We have the Malfoy!” Duncan shouted leading Alex out of the alley to deliver him to the cheering crowd. The Weasley's struggled with their binds to no avail. Shouts of “LET HIM GO! “ by his Uncle Bill and “He did nothing wrong!” by his Uncles Fred and George went unheard and ignored.

A chant went up in the crowd, nine red-cloaked wizards taking their places to surround Alex. His captors now looking from the outside in. The humming was becoming more intense, Alex placed his hands against his ears in order for it to stop. It was becoming louder and more furious with each passing second.

The many voices became whispers before melding to become one. “We sacrifice this being to honor our ancestors, to honor our loved ones who call from the grave so that they may find peace in the land beyond. To the gods and goddesses of time immemorial, we offer this blood debt to you.”

“Grandma!” Alex tried to break free of the circle, his hands shooting out to touch his grandmother who could only whisper that she loved him as tears filled her eyes. His Grandfather, his eyes closed rocking back and forth. His uncles struggling to free themselves to no avail. There was no one who was coming. His family was bound. His mother and father , nowhere in the crowd. He was alone.


“Wingardium leviosa!” shouted one of the red figured wizards. Alex found himself floating to the stage towards the wooden stake, rope twirling its way like snakes around his body and legs. His arms the only parts of his body to be free, still unable to undo the knotting, increasing his frustration and tears.

“They used to burn witches and it was just ticklish, right?” He asked Casey whose favorite subject was the History of Magic.

“They wouldn't tell first years the truth. Think we can't handle it. Besides. It's a lie. My sister told me you can't believe everything in history books. Witches and wizards do burn.” Casey had told him.

I'm only 12, he said silently to the crowd. No one cared. He saw his grandparents neighbors- the Boyle's, friends of the family who had let him fish in their pond. The Boyle's had invited him and his grandparents over for picnics when he had just been a Weasley. Now they were part of the frenzied crowd dancing in madness. They were going to celebrate his death.

Flames shot out through thousands of wands. “KILL THE MALFOY!”


Ginny ran upstairs with Draco, “Exploding Dungbombs” Ginny shook her head with a laugh as she stepped through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room.

“Alex!” Ginny called out, her hand entwined with Draco's, “your father is here!”

His friend Casey Wood looked up from her book Blood Brothers: My life Amongst the Vampires. She looked confused as she put the book down and slowly rose from the oversized chair. “He-he left with you to go to Hogsmeade.”

“No!” Ginny and Draco rushed to the window facing Hogsmeade, Casey at her feet. The crowds at Azkaban and the Ministry had been nothing to the crowd gathered in the town below.

Draco pushed open the window, flinging himself out, “ACCIO BROOM!” A broom sped out, catching him just before he hit the ground, with Ginny close behind.


Alex's eyes flew open at the sound of his father's voice. His father struck one wizard down with his wand, then another shouting out stupefy as he made his way to the stage.

“Father.” Alex whispered, he had been dreaming of his parents far away from this place. Far away from people that hated them. He could still smell the salt in the air. The sand beneath his feet. He could see the ocean that reached out far beyond what he could see.

“We are leaving.” Draco tried to undo Alex's binds which seemed to only get tighter the more he attempted to magic them away.

Just then, ropes from the other stake twirled around Draco, grasping the man and pulling him onto the empty stake next to Alex.

Alex watched horrified as the rope twisted around his father's body. His father also struggling against the ropes to no avail.

The crowd let forth a cheer. Their sacrifice was almost complete. Almost. The six redcloaked wizards only stood in silence, apart from the wizard mob. Waiting.

Alex knew who they were waiting for.


“Mum!” Alex screamed as Ginny followed the same path as Draco had moments before. “You can't help us. Please mum, just go.”

She wasn't going to leave. Not without her son. Not without Draco. Not with Harry and Ron right behind her. If anything. Harry would stop the crowd. They would listen to Harry.

The crowd was eerily silent as yet another Weasley was added to the bound family and Harry Potter stood in the middle of the crowd, now without his redhaired companion.

“Even the great Harry Potter must obey the blood debt and not interfere.” One of the red cloaked wizards shouted to the crowd as unseen magic forced a shouting Harry to the ground, his hands twisted behind his back like the others.

Ginny took this time that all attention was on Harry to try and free her son. Magic did not work, so she tried the muggle way. Nothing. “Dammit!” she cried out in frustration.

“Please mum. You're in danger too.” Alex said with the sad hint of acceptance in his voice.

“I won't leave you Alex. “

“Miss Weasley, you offer us the ultimate sacrifice.” One of the red robed wizards said. His wand was pointed to the side of the stage next to Alex that was empty. Another stake appeared. Ginny felt herself losing Alex's grasp as she was pulled away from him and tied like her son and lover.

“She's not a MALFOY!” Draco screamed, his nostrils flared with fury. “She's a WEASLEY DAMMIT!
his breath became ragged as he repeated, “She's a Weasley! She's a Weasley!”

“The Malfoy line must become undone. Even the smallest seed must not be sown.” The red cloaked wizards chanted.

Ginny brought up her eyes to meet Dracos , a hand going across her still small waist, and she could see that he understood.

I love you. She mouthed. Her other hand reaching for Alex.

I love you too. He whispered taking Alex's outstretched hand.



Ok, I know I said one more chapter. Got it back from my Beta and she thinks I should post it in two parts

So yes , one more very long chapter after this one. Already done Just wanted this chapter to end on a cliffhanger.
