

Rating: R
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 07/12/2003
Last Updated: 07/12/2003
Status: Completed

While helping Hermione, Harry gets more than he bargained for. Response to a challenge by Muddgutts here:

1. Incentive


by: Kate J


Rating: R- Mild Shagging

Ship: Do you even need to ask? H/Hr of course.

Summary: While helping Hermione, Harry gets more than he bargained for.

Spoilers: None

Author's notes: I wrote this up really quick in response to Muddgutts challenge, which you can find here: I wish I had more time to think up a better plot, but, alas, grad school sucks and I'm not even sure what the word 'time' means anymore. So it’s pretty cornball. This is just a thank you to Victor for all his wonderful, artful, evil and diabolical ; )

Disclaimer: We all know this song. Not mine. Not yours. If the idea of these 2 fictional characters having sex disturbs you, then you should simply smack yourself in the face and save me the trouble, you anal-retentive assbag. : D


"Okay, now just put your leg..."

"Harry, I know how to do it."

"But I know you're nervous so I'm trying to..."

"It's not like we haven't done it before..."

"Not like this! I'm going to go fast tonight and I don't want you to get hurt."

Hermione paused, reaching for the handle of Harry's Firebolt, about to get on. One month ago, she'd gone to him with a favor. Of course, after all she had done for him over the years, Harry was more than happy to help her with anything she needed. He'd actually burst into laughter when she'd asked him to help her pass her Flying Newt. But once he saw how serious she was, he'd agreed immediately. He had no idea she was so scared to fly. He'd always known that she wasn't comfortable in the air, but in reality she was petrified. Hermione liked being in control of the things around her, and flying made her feel out of control. It's always been something she did only when she had to. And even then, she'd close her eyes and will the paralyzing fear to go away.

The first lesson had been a bit awkward. They began on separate brooms, but he couldn't get her to go higher than the first floor windows, which were about ten feet off the ground. And she wouldn't go faster than she could walk. She began to feel embarrassed and regretted asking for help. She felt like a little baby. Harry wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her give up. He stopped her before she walked off.

"You're the most stubborn person I've ever met. I mean, getting into an argument with you means an all night discussion where you'll win by default -- the other person falls asleep. You've never given up on anything in your life," he'd said, exasperated. Then he smiled and leaned toward her. "I'm not about to let you start now." He'd said quietly. She'd smiled back and sighed.


So the next lesson, he coaxed her to get on his broom with her, just so she could get used to the feeling of flying. At first, she'd absolutely refused.

"No way!! I've seen how you fly Harry. I'll throw up!"

"I wouldn't fly like that with you! I promise you I'll go incredibly slow, really. I promise. If you feel scared and want to come down at anytime we can." Pause. "C'Mon Hermione. I won't let you go. We'll go really slow. You know I'd never hurt you."

She blinked and took a breath. "I know, I know. Really I do. I just..."

"Just nothing then. C'mon, get on."

She'd climbed on in front of him and he could feel her shaking. He wrapped his arm around her as they slowly lifted off the ground. He hovered for a moment, just letting her get used to the feeling of being off the ground, of letting the broom hold her. She had a Vulcan death grip on his arm. He'd been bruised for a week afterwards. But he didn't care. He wanted to help her.

He began to enjoy the fact he was helping her. So often he was the one who needed help, needed her for some insane reason or another. He couldn't remember a time when it was she who really needed something from him. It was a nice feeling, being needed by her.

Every night after dinner, he'd take her up. Sometimes the sunsets were so amazing they'd just sit and watch it for a while. She'd loved going up after dinner while the sun was just setting. She'd never been able to enjoy the absolute peace you felt watching that. It was her incentive to go that high up now. Then they'd fly until it got really dark and they had to find their way back. It was like a little adventure, trying to find the lights from the castle to guide them home.

He started to really miss the feeling of holding her when their lesson was over; the way her back fit neatly against his chest. Each night, he'd find a reason to keep them out later and later. Each night, they'd go a little higher, a little faster. He could now, after only 4 weeks, fly pretty quickly up and over the Quidditch pitch, over the tree tops and over the school. She was still nervous about flying over things, pointy things like trees and towers. She said she felt like a human shish-kabob.

Harry new she was ready to fly on her own now. She was diving as fast as he would. Her sprints were better than most Quidditch players. She was even quicker than some of the best flyers he'd come across. She was amazing. Leave it to Hermione to learn something that fast. They'd stay out until midnight just diving through trees and over the lake. She'd even scared him a bit one night flying through the trees in the pitch black. He was scared but it was exhilarating. He'd smiled through the whole thing. The flight turned him on so much he was afraid she'd notice. When they dismounted the Firebolt he'd wanted nothing more than to just grab her and kiss her like he wanted to tattoo a part of himself on her lips.

It took all of his will to stop. To breath.

Yes, she was ready to fly on her own, but he didn't want to let her go. In fact, he was holding her closer than ever now. He loved the smell of her shampoo, or whatever it was. That 'Hermione' smell that he wished they'd bottle so he could buy it and smell it all the time. He'd caught himself smelling her hair, his cheek resting on her neck just trying to get closer. He'd feel her hand hold his over her stomach, even though she didn't have to. She could have held his arm, his elbow, or even the broom for that matter. They both knew. They both knew each other knew. They both allowed each other's indiscretions.

He was falling in love with her. He was beginning to plan his days around his nights with her. It was a habit he was happy to keep. He didn't want to think about the day that the Newt would come along and end it all.


"Huh?" He asked, startled from his thoughts.

"I said to scooch back so I can get on." Hermione told him, moving closer. He smiled up at her, pushing back and allowing her room. She leaned back into his chest as his arm, of it's own will, wrapped around her waist. He took control of the broom and kicked off.

He took her up toward the mountain. He'd usually go there to be alone, to think about whatever. But he wanted her to see it. The snowy white caps were such a contrast to the stark blue-grey of the sky. The kind of blue that made the air around them feel completely pure, as if no one else had ever breathed air so clean, so cold.

Yet all he could smell was her.

The sky began to get darker, not because nightfall was approaching, but because it was about to downpour. No sooner had he thought it before he felt the first drops hit his forehead.

"Oh no!" he said."This is what we get for leaving so late. We're going to be drenched by the time we get back to the castle."

"Just fly in there. We can stay until the rain lets up a bit." Hermione said, pointing to a large building covered in vines and rock.

"What is that anyway?"

"It's the carriage house, I think. Hurry, I'm getting soaked!" she said, steering the stick toward the building herself.

He could barely see now that it was full out pouring. The whole sky was the darkest grey-blue he'd ever seen. They made it to the door just before the lightening began.

"Wow, this place is big," Harry said, wiping his glasses of rain and looking around the farmhouse-style room once Hermione Alohomora'd the door open. Wood floors, wood walls, and a labyrinth of black horseless carriages littered the room. The ceiling was high and pitched. The only light came from a white light pitched outside. It gave the room a bluish color.

He felt his broom slip from his fingers.

"Now that I'm not afraid to fly anymore, I'm stealing this!" she said, running from him. "I'm freezing an I need firewood." He heard her yell.

"Hey!" he laughed, chasing after her. He couldn't see which direction she'd gone, and he was worried he'd be lost in the maze. "Don't you touch my baby!” he joked, trying to figure out which way she’d gone. “Besides, I don't want your cooties all over it." He yelled out.

He listened intently for a minute, waiting to hear any noise. "You know, I'm not above crying like a little girl... it's dark in here!" He laughed.

He heard her giggle down the right hand row of carriages. He moved slowly, like a cat stalking its prey. One of the carriages moved. He smiled.

After a few silent moments, Hermione looked out the window, wondering where he'd gone.

"Ahh!" he screamed, opening the door and scaring her enough that she screamed. They laughed.

"Give it back you hag! Just for that you're walking back!" He joked, pulling on the broom. "Firewood? Firewood ay?!"

"Firewood, Firebolt...same thing if you ask me!" She teased, keeping a forceful grip on the broom.

"I'll burn your hair before I touch this broom!" He joked, pulling hard on the broom. "God damn you're freakishly strong." he laughed. They were both laughing so hard they were practically in tears.

He pulled one more time on the broom, hard enough that he almost fell out of the carriage.

"Whoa!" she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him forward. He fell forward, landing right on top of her in the seat, the firebolt still in her hand beside her. His mouth was a millimeter away from hers. His smile faded a bit. So did hers. He swallowed hard.

Then, without a thought and like a broken dam, Harry leaned forward and forcefully kissed her.

The kiss was one of pent up emotion that had built up over the past 7 years, culminating in the last few weeks. She pulled him close to her, crushing his body to hers. To Harry, it wasn't anywhere near close enough. It was a powerful kiss that left them both wanting a lot more. She fell back on the seat, bringing him forward. The Firebolt was an awkward fit in the carriage, so he impatiently pushed it out the door and it fell to the floor with a ‘clunk’. Hermione laughed. He closed the carriage door and kissed her again, this time, his body was as close to her as it could be.

They broke apart only to stare at each other. For a moment, all they could hear was the rain outside beating against the walls and the wind rattling the tiny windows at the top of the wall. It was as if everything they'd ever wanted to say was completely unnecessary. He knew where this was going.

"Are you scared?" Harry finally asked. She furrowed her brows and looked at him, shaking her head slowly.

"No," she said quietly.

"You're shaking."

"I'm freezing." she smiled, a few drops of rain falling down her cheek from her hair.


"Well, I'm scared." Pause. "You scare me."

Hermione softly giggled. "Why do I scare you?"

But Harry wasn't laughing. He wasn't laughing at all. "Because I love you so much," he responded. "and that's scary."

Hermione brought her hand to his wet cheek and caressed the side of his face for a moment. She just looked at him. A small square of bluish light was coming through the tiny window in the carriage, highlighting his wet face for her.

She moved toward his neck and untied his cloak, which was heavy with rain. She looked at him and smiled as she reached under his shirt. His stomach flinched a bit. She pulled his sweater up over his head and looked at him.

Harry found the row of buttons holding her cloak together and loosened them from their holes. One by one they slipped free, exposing her black turtleneck. Slowly, like he was worried that any sudden movements would spoil everything, he slipped his hand under her shirt. She shivered a bit; his calloused hand touching her skin was a new experience. He leaned forward and caught her mouth with his again as he pulled her top off.

He stopped. He just stared at her for a minute, wanting to remember her, just like this.

She bent her head back a bit, exposing her slender throat, like a cat begging to be pet. He smiled and went in, nuzzling his mouth just under her ear. The skin was so soft there. The sounds she was making gave him a newfound confidence as he slid his hand higher on her stomach, to her chest.

He moved to lightly nuzzle her cheek; dropping soft kisses up to her right earlobe where he waited, his breathing fast and shallow. Hermione closed her eyes again, feeling his touch along her ribs and his mouth on her neck. Slowly her hands began to run along his chest and up to his neck, stroking the dark strands of hair there; Hermione felt the cold air moving along her bare skin as his fingers made their way over her bra and over her breastbone. It was like he was trying desperately to feel every inch of her in the shortest amount of time possible.

He brought her down to the floor of the carriage so that she sat in his lap, her legs on either side of his, the coarse fabric of their pants rubbed together creating the only sounds they could hear other than the thunder and lightening.

Her fingertips ran further along his neck, down onto his chest which rose and fell at the same time as her own. Stroking his nipple lightly, she couldn't suppress a grin at the shudder that ran through his body and into hers. She could feel him hard against her.

“Harry... I’ve never done this before. I’m not quite sure what to do.” Hermione admitted smiling down to him.

Harry smiled up at her and pushed her wet hair back so he could see her face. “We’ll figure it out.”


The Next Morning...


The room was on fire. At least, that's what it looked like with the sun bursting through the small square windows at the top of the room. He woke up first, to a bright ray of light in his eyes.

They'd fallen asleep with him practically sitting upright. He was leaning against the back of the padded seat. Hermione lay in his lap, their clothes and robes covering them. His back was killing him, he was freezing, and he didn't think the crick in his neck would ever go away.

He'd never felt better.

He smiled down at Hermione, who was still fast asleep, and just watched her for a few quiet moments. He slowly brushed her hair away from her face, brushing his fingers across her cheek. She was so beautiful. Beautiful in a way that was very different from other girls.

He could have stayed there, freezing and uncomfortable for the rest of the day. But he had Quidditch practice this morning before the game at noon. He was going to be late if he didn't get a move on now.

"You need to go." She said disappointedly, more of a statement than a question. Harry jerked; she startled him.

"I didn't know you were awake." he whispered.

"Just a few minutes," she said sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "I wanted to stay here as long as I could." she smiled at him. He smiled back and slowly brought his hand to the side of her face, bringing her mouth to his.

After a few moments, they broke apart. "Yeah, I have practice and then the game." Harry finally answered. "I'd stay if I could."

"You'd better go. Before I decide to keep you here by any means necessary." She said with a devilish smirk.

"I'd rather be here." Pause. Harry raised his eyebrows. "Wow, I never thought I'd find anything I wanted to do over Quidditch." She laughed.

"If you have to leave then you'd better at least win," she said, nuzzling his neck. Harry looked down and saw her breasts peeking out from his cloak and was tempted to blow off the game. So very tempted. When she kissed him like that, he'd do just about anything.

"I just hope this game is over soon... I want to do more of this." he said, squeezing her breast softly.

"I'll meet you here again, but only if you win. Think of it as incentive."

"Are you kidding?"

"No, really. I'll meet you back here but only if you win... this way you'll have extra drive to catch that snitch as fast as you can."

Harry quickly pushed her off of him. He began to put on his pants with rapid speed.

"Then I'd better get to practice." He said. “I don’t plan to loose.”

Hermione started laughing, his eagerness to be with her was obvious. She loved it.

"I'll see you at the game." She said, pulling Harry's cloak around her shoulders. "I'm keeping your cloak. I'll give it back to you later."

"You'd better not stay out here too much longer or you'll freeze to death." He told her, tying his shoes.

"I won't. I just need to wake up a little bit before I go trudging back to the school."

"Be careful." he said, jumping out of the carriage. He grabbed his Firebolt from the floor and looked back to her. He leaned forward, kissing her sweetly and smiling at her. "I'll see you soon," he said, turning around and walking away.

Hermione smiled and touched her lips. She moved to put on her own shirt, but heard the door open again. Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her to him, kissing her again. But this time, he kissed her with everything he had, every ounce of feeling he could muster. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck, giving just as good as she got.

"That's better," he said breathlessly when they finally broke apart. "you know... incentive and all..." he winked at her and rubbed his thumb over her lips. Then he left, leaving her smiling for the rest of the morning.


"Go Gryffindor!!!!" Lee Jordan screamed over the megaphone. "That had to be the fastest win against Slytherin ever! Harry Potter caught the snitch 2 minutes into the game; Gryffindor wins 150 points to zero!"

Everyone was screaming. Draco Malfoy didn't even know what hit him. Harry held the snitch in his hand. But he didn't stick around to celebrate with the team on the ground. He flew straight to the Gryffindor tier where Hermione stood cheering for him. She leaned over the railing, pulling him to her.

"I told you all you needed was incentive." she yelled over the crowd. Harry moved right up to the railing and pulled her forward, kissing her right in front of everyone. Lavender and Parvati looked shocked but giggled all the same, while Colin Creevey found the perfect opportunity to snap a pic.

"Think you can help me win the Quidditch Cup this year with this 'incentive' program you've got going?" He asked once they pulled apart.

"Oh I think we can work something out," she said, leaning in to kiss him again. But this time, Harry pulled her straight off the pier and onto the broom with him.


Harry threw the snitch to a stunned Lavender as he held Hermione close.

"Hey I won; I think I deserve my reward!" he said as he steered them toward the carriage house.

Suffice it to say, Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup by a landslide.


::Sources: Inspiration ::

"Hasn't anyone ever told you you're a way very different from other girls?"-- I recently caught this cute movie called "Whatever It Takes" on TV. I liked this line.

“You’re freakishly strong!” -this is a line from Friends that I always thought was funny. Monica is this tiny little 90 pound woman who is really, really strong.

Glass Vase Cello Case by Tattle Tale (But I'm a Cheerleader sdtk.)-- really pretty love song. I listened to this over and over. Go download it. Now. Cause I'm telling you to. Don't argue with me.

Njosnavelin (the Nothing Song) by Sigur Ros-- Awesome song. Long, but beautiful. It was on the Vanilla Sky soundtrack too. Anything by Sigur Ros is good in my book.

Add. Note 12-16-03 A few people have mentioned Titanic when refering to the sex scene. Well, stop it. No. Just I forced myself to go back and watch that scene and Jack does say something similar to what I wrote. It makes me want to change the story! But instead I'll just grudgingly credit the movie...even though that really isn't how I pictured it. But, you know, just in case.