One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Rating: NC17
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 22/11/2002
Last Updated: 22/11/2002
Status: Completed

Ryoko Blue: Ron invites Harry and Hermione over to the burrow during the last month of summer, and has plans to seduce Hermione, but with Fred and George around things don't always go as planned. ***Completed***

1. Ron's Plans

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

And a big fat thank you to my buddy NAPPA who helped me kill my plot bunny. Thanks a mill NAPPA. Go and read his fics Septanic Dueling and Tangled Fates. They are excellent!!!!

One Hot Summer

Chapter 1—Ron’s Plans

“Right here?” He teased.

“Oh yes please, right there.” She purred and his hand continued to travel down over her belly.

“You sure Hermione?” He leaned in closer and ran his tongue up the side of her neck as his hand neared his prize.

She felt his fingers barely pass over the hem of her panties to rest inches on the mound just above her sex. She started to squirm from his light teasing. “yes.” She breathed out

“Tell me what you want.” He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes, he lowered his head and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue, she opened her mouth to him so he could kiss her properly. His tongue dipped into her mouth coming in contact with hers, flicking and commanding her to respond. She did while pushing her lower body into his hand.

He lightly traced his fingers along the opening of her sex, pressing her panties so intimately against her, she gasped into his mouth. She felt his fingers now inside her panties caressing each fold of her silky softness. He inserted his finger into her warmth, and she ripped her mouth from his in her blissful cry. He inserted a second finger and she rocked her hips while his thumb teased the soft button that caused the cries of her aching need for him fill the room. He was bringing her higher and higher away from reality, faster and faster, in and out of her his fingers moved. She couldn’t keep it in, she screamed out “HARRY!!!” in absolute pleasure—AHHHHHH!!! NOOOO!!! Came the loud scream from Ron as he woke in a cold sweat, and holding his pillow so tightly against his chest. He glanced about his pitch black, room. Ron’s eyes adjusted to the dark, he had never had such a horrible nightmare in his life. It should have been him in the dream, he thought. He leaned over and lit the candle on his nightstand. There were several pictures sitting on his nightstand of himself, Hermione, and Harry. The three best friends.

Ron swung his feet over the side of the bed, and stood up. The wooden floor was cold as he walked across the room to his small desk. He opened the drawer and pulled out some letters that he had gotten from his friends over the past summer. It was only one month until they had to be back at school for their seventh, and final year at Hogwarts. There was nothing in the way of a good year.

Last year was a triumph his best friend Harry Potter, with the help of the Order of the Phoenix they had finally defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort. All was well; nothing was keeping Harry from living with Sirius as his name had been cleared. There was nothing standing in his way of him and his desire, not to mention best friend Hermione Granger. Although she didn’t know she was his girl, but she would be soon enough. Ron sighed deeply and sat down in his chair glancing out at the dark night. He picked up the first letter it was from Harry.


Sirius said it would be alright if I stayed the rest of the summer with you, I’ll be there tomorrow around noon, I’ll be arriving by floo powder. See you then.


Ron placed the letter down on his desk and pulled out the second one, it was from Hermione.

Dear Ron,

Thank you for inviting me to stay with you and your family, my parents said it would be alright if I stayed for the rest of the summer, but someone in your family would have to pick me up since they have no idea how to get to your house. I’m positive that your mother or father or any of your brothers could floo to my house. So if you would send someone to retrieve me around noon it would be grand.

You’re friend,


P.S. Did you know Harry is coming as well? This is going to be so much fun.

Ron pulled out another sheet of parchment, it was a list of things to do, mainly his list of things to do to Hermione while she was here. He chuckled lightly while reading, he had a brilliant plan to make the witch of his desires well his.

1. Give Hermione big hug when she arrives

2. Help Hermione unpack her things and check out her underwear

3. Get another hug for helping unpack and sneak in cheap feel.

4. Get some alone time with Hermione after dinner

5. Next day take Hermione and Harry to the pond for swimming, check out Hermione in Bathing suit.

6. Next day offer for the three of us to do rest of summer homework and praise her intelligence.

7. Pretend to not understand something and have her lean on me so I can touch her.

8. Pretend to drop quill under table, I’ll ask her retrieve it and she will. I’ll get a good view of her ass.

9. Wait a few days then continue with plan.

10. Go to Percy’s One year fancy anniversary party, tell Hermione how pretty she looks. Hoping for low neck gown to be able to see more of her. At end of party give quick kiss on the cheek.

11. Next day Kiss Hermione again.

12. Next day wait till Hermione is out of shower and in the room, walk in on her

naked and pretend to be sorry.

13. Next day take Harry and Hermione on a picnic Pretend to fall and land on


14. Next day Give Hermione big kiss tell her my feelings for her.

15. Wait a few days giving her time to think

16. She’s mine. Sleep with Hermione.

Ron glanced his list over, he should have no problems he looked over at his clock only ten hours till Hermione and Harry arrive. He decided to go back to sleep, or at least try to. He did not want to have another nightmare like the one he woke up from. He crawled back in under his covers and blew out the candle and closed his eyes to sleep.

Something jumped on his bed, “Wake up Ronnie.” The voice said

Ron stirred he knew who that annoying voice belonged to, “Fred, go away.” He said turning over to go back to sleep. He felt something else jump onto his bed.

“Ron, up, up, up.”

Ron squinted his eyes shut tighter, “Not you too George? Just leave me alone.” He sat up a bit. “Both of you get out of my room!” He took one of his pillows and threw it at George.

“Fine,” George said and Ron leaned back against his pillows for another chance in the dream world. George was about to flick Ron in the ear when his something caught his attention. He looked up seeing his brother signaling to him. George looked at his brother oddly and moved over to Fred who was near Ron’s desk. Fred pointed down to the list with a jerk of his chin. Check it out Fred mouthed to his brother in silence.

George scanned the list and started laughing quietly to himself “Someone has a crush.” George whispered to his brother.

“Obviously.” Fred smirked crossing his arms over his chest.

“I wonder what Hermione would say to reading something like this?” George said.

Fred looked right at his brother, “I think we need to teach our brother a lesson.”

“That he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend that way?” George asked.

“No, that he shouldn’t leave lists of how to get a girl in bed lying around where just anyone could pick them up.” Fred grinned.

“You think we should mess up his plans?” George asked already knowing the answer, his mouth was watering with just the thought of it.

“Naturally, and I have the perfect plan for our dear brother’s plan. Quick let’s write this down to be able refer back to it.” Fred replied as he quietly got out another sheet of parchment and George got the quill out and they began writing down Ron’s list.

“You know it’s kinda dumb to even write a list like this, what if the female he was working on came across it?”

“We can save that for the finale.” Fred said.

“Oh that is just so cruel.” George paused, “I like it.” George said with a devilish smirk.

Fred folded up the completed list and put it in his pocket just as they heard their mother’s voice shout up the stairs at them. “Ronald are you up yet?”

“Not yet.” Fred whispered as him and George chuckled lightly. They heard Ron start to shift and move.

Ron stirred again violently shaken from his dreams, he sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Yes, yes I’m up.” He shouted sleepily and he stood up from his bed Fred and George left the room and he proceeded to get ready for the day. He looked over at the clock, it was an hour till his friends would arrive, he then wondered why his family let him sleep so late. He quickly got dressed and headed down stairs.

Harry was the first to arrive and Ron jumped up from the couch to greet his friend. “Hiya Harry.”

Harry smiled seeing his friend coming towards him with a huge grin on his face. “Hey Ron, how’s your summer been?” He sure looks like he’s in a good mood. Harry thought to himself

“It’s been Alright I suppose, but now my best friends are coming to stay with me I’m sure my fun will pick up.” Ron said with a hidden smile. Oh yes indeed. He thought while trying to hold in a snigger.

“So, what do we do first?” Harry asked as he looked around the room. He always loved coming here. It felt like he was part of a real family before he moved in with Sirius.

“Well we still have to wait for Hermione, she’s not here yet.” Ron said with a smile.

“Not yet, Hermione is usually always on time.” Harry said with a half grin.

“Well my mum went to pick her up, she probably got to talking with Hermione’s parents I swear she’s getting almost as bad as Dad is.”

Harry chuckled. He saw Fred and George come into the room with smiles etched across their faces.

“Hey Harry, you made it. No problems with the planning in getting here I trust?” George said with a smirk.

“Uh yeah,” He gave the twins an odd look. “It wasn’t that hard to get here, I just flooed in. I can’t apparate yet.”

“I can’t believe the ministry won’t make an exception for you to be able to apparate, after all you are the—“Fred was interrupted by Harry.

“No really, its fine. Rules are rules and they aren’t meant to me broken.” Harry said with a smirk. “Unless you have a really good reason.” He added.

“Are you kidding, rules are always meant to be broken.” George said with a wide grin reaching from ear to ear.

Mrs. Weasley and Hermione with her trunk came through the fireplace and landed with a thud in the room. Mrs. Weasley brushed off her robes with her hands noticing Harry had arrived.

“Hallo Harry nice to see you made it.” She said with a kind smile.

“Yes.” Harry said with a nod.

Hermione dragged her trunk behind her as she stepped out of the fireplace more. “This dang thing just gets heavier and heavier.” She complained.

Ron and Harry both noticed that nothing had really changed a lot with Hermione over the summer, she still had the same bushy hair bit it was pulled up in a banana clip, showing off her pretty face. She was in a pair of thigh high jean shorts and a green v-neck t-shirt, nothing too flashy just simple and casual.

Both boys felt themselves smiling while watching her pulling her trunk behind her trying to get more into the room.

Ron let his eyes wander about her, she looked firm and trim. He let his gaze travel about her long legs which were toned with slight muscle, not that she overly worked out, just enough to be appealing. Ron looked over at Harry noticing him doing the same thing, he felt himself scowl a bit and then returned his gaze to watching Hermione.

Hermione gave up on her trunk and finally looked up at the boys, “well this is going to be some fun isn’t it?” She said with a smile. Hermione first stepped up to Harry throwing her arms around him in a big friendly embrace. “Is everything all right with you?”

Harry hesitated a moment before his arms went around her and tightened. He gave off a soft sigh that no one could hear while holding her to him “Yeah, great.” He said quietly.

She smiled “Uh, Harry you can let go now.” Hermione said with obvious amusement in her voice.

“Oh, right.” Harry dropped his arms from around her and stepped back a little. “Sorry.” He felt slightly embarrassed.

“It’s fine.”

Ron was scowling in bitter anger by now, remember the plan? His mind shouted and he calmed a bit Right, right he said back to himself. If I just stick to the plan she will soon be mine. Okay time for my hug now. He looked at Hermione and a smile graced his face as she saw him smile back at him. “Hey Hermione.”

“Ron.” She said with a nod and she stepped up to him going to give him a similar greeting.

Ron was ready for it, he was almost there. She was stepping so close, almost in his arms. Something was violently thrown and an orb rushed past his head to break against the wall BOOM!!! CRASH!!!

“AHH!” Hermione jumped almost tripping back from the noise that startled her. She was in luck that Harry had stepped forward and caught her or she would have had one bruised bottom.

“Hey thanks Harry.” She said with a smile.

“No problem Hermione, I’ll always be here to catch you.” Harry returned the smile but he also wanted to slam his palm over his mouth for saying that last part. Hopefully she wouldn’t notice.

Hermione noticed his words wondering what he meant, but she just shrugged it off. Oh well she didn’t need to think about that now. She glanced over at Fred and George who were laughing hysterically. Hermione shook her head, “will they ever grow up?” She mumbled to herself. Thinking that one day those pranks of theirs are really going to hurt someone.

But nothing really bad happened as fairies seemed to come out of broken glass orbs and fly about the room giggling. One landed in Ron’s hair and immediately began to braid the short strands into tiny braids. It seemed that someone let off a bunch of fireworks in the living room and Fred and George looked up with grins on their faces.

“Get off me!” Ron waved his hand furiously at the fairy, the fairy got a bit peeved and bit him on the finger. “OOOW!!! Damn fairy.” He stuck his bloody finger in his mouth to relieve the pain.

“Oh Ron I think they’re sweet.” Hermione beamed. As fairies seemed to swarm around her and dance about the air in a circle while creating a sparkly mist as they danced.

“Sorry, just trying out our new line of Weasley Fairy Fireworks.” George was smiling but he hid a devilish smirk.

“I happen to think this is your best invention yet George.” Hermione praised even though she didn’t approve of their pranks, this one was a better one.

Harry glanced up as a fairy was braiding his hair, he didn’t really mind. Maybe it would improve the way it was always messy. “Interesting.” He said quietly.

Hermione gently brushed the fairy away began to take out the little braid in Harry’s hair. “There now, much better.” She said with a smile.

Harry gave her a half grin but couldn’t think of anything to say back to her. There was an odd silence about the room.

“Well.” Fred said breaking silence. “Let’s help Hermione up to Ginny’s room.”

Fred went to her trunk and picked it up.

Without warning George then lifted Hermione and threw her over his shoulder. “My Lady your royal transportation is ready. Lead the way Sir Fredrick.”

“Certainly Sir George,” Fred said and began to carry her trunk up the stairs. George followed with Hermione.

“George I can walk you know.”

“Nonsense My Lady, those delicate tootsies shall not touch a speck of dust.” And he continued to carry her up the stairs.

Hermione was looking back at Harry and Ron, the shrugged with a half grin. She went with the flow.

Both Ron and Harry were scowling at Fred and George. They both turned looking at each other the same expression mirrored in the other’s gaze, they dropped the scowl immediately. Hoping that the other didn’t notice.

Harry shook his head and picked up his trunk heading up to Ron’s room.

Ron shook his head back and forth, well so what if number one of his plan didn’t go accordingly, he still had a month to get to Hermione. Yes everything was fine, all was well. He wouldn’t worry. The next item on the plan was ready to put into play. Yes by the end of the month he would have his prize.


Well that’s the end of chapter 1, I know this chapter was mostly in Ron’s POV but it was his plan, and I needed to get a little info on what he wants to do. The rest of the chapters will be all of their POV’s. Well I hope you continue reading. Chapter 2 will be out in about a week. I still have Soul Scepter and its sequels to write. I had to get this idea out in fan fiction form or else I would have gone NUTS!! :-) Happy reading. Read and Review thanks Ryoko.

2. In Hermione's Trunk

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 2—In Hermione’s Trunk

“So is Ginny really in Paris?” Hermione said with a far off look in her eye.

“Yep.” Fred said, he sat down on the bed.

“Oh I would love to study in France; maybe I’ll spend some time there after I graduate Hogwarts.” She sighed while holding a shirt in her hand. “How’s the joke shop coming?”

“Oh fine, fine.” George said from inside the closet he opened Hermione’s truck. “Wow look at all this neat stuff.” He wasn’t referring to her school supplies that’s for sure.

He noticed that Hermione’s taste in undergarments were of satin and silk. Very, very sexy. He thought to himself, a thought popped into his head and he wondered who would get to see these. An mischievous grin graced his face as he pulled out the list, So Ron wants to check out Hermione’s underwear, well then he shall George started sniggering quietly.

Hermione heard a knock on the open bedroom door, she turned and found Ron step inside. She gave him a smile. “Hey Ron, what’s up?” She was holding a purple button up shirt in her left hand and a clothes hanger in her right hand.

“Nothing much, just came to see if you needed help with anything.” He grinned. Ron noticed Fred sitting on the bed his legs crossed underneath him. He looked around for the other Terror Twin but didn’t see him.

She shook her head, “nope, I pretty much have everything under control. But thanks for asking.”

“Hermione you actually wear these?” said George as he popped out of the closet holding a blue thong in his hand.

Ron’s face went bright red, seeing the blue silk in between George’s fingers. He was brought back to reality when Hermione ripped her undergarments from George’s hand and shoved them behind her back. “They were a gag gift from my friend who lives across the street from me; she knows I would never wear these. She was helping me pack my trunk and must have slipped them in.” Hermione argued.

“Right Hermione.” George said with a wink, “I believe you.”

Hermione’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “It’s the truth, I would never wear such a thing.” She said shaking her head with disgust.

“Why not, they look very appealing.” George said crossing his arms over his chest; he glanced over at Ron who was if it were possible turning an even brighter shade of red.

“Well for your information, they are very uncomfortable.” She tossed the thong into her open trunk which was on the ground next to George’s feet. “How would you like it if every time you took a step you would have to pick it out of in between your ass?”

“So you’re saying you’ve actually worn them?” George said.

Hermione’s face increased in color. “Alright, so I’ve worn them once.” She stuck her finger in the air “but only once, and I certainly didn’t want to take them to school with me.”

Ron had a vision of Hermione standing in front of him wearing only that blue thong, he shook his head, he hated the color blue. A cheesy grin appeared on his face when he imagined her in a black thong. He sighed causing three heads to snap in his direction giving him an odd expression. Ron noticed Hermione, George and Fred staring at him and he straightened his posture.

“Is everything alright Ron, you look a little flushed.” Fred said with a smirk.

“No.” Ron’s voice cracked, he cleared his throat. “No, I’m fine.”

Harry walked into the room looking at everyone who was in Ginny’s room. “What are all of you doing in here?” He asked with a smile.

Hermione smiled back at him, “well Fred and George were just helping me unpack my things.”

“Ah, that’s nice of them.” He said with sincerity. “Do you need some more help?” Harry offered with a friendly smile.

“I think everything is getting taken care of, I probably don’t need anymore help. But if you want you can get out my homework supplies and set them on the bed for me.”

Harry nodded “alright then.” He went over to Hermione’s trunk and pulled out her school supplies and carried them over to the bed.

Ron felt odd, he just asked to help and she brushed him off. He looked at Fred who seemed to be holding in laughter. “What’s so funny?”

Fred noticed six fairies enter the bedroom hovering above Ron’s head. He thought quickly. “I was just noticing that the fairies have taken a liking to you Ronnie.” He pointed up above Ron’s head.

Ron looked up as the fairies were sprinkling sparkly dust on top of him, turning his hair from red to a nice shade of green and gold. “Ahhhh! Get these damn things away from me.” He heard the fairies giggling while he waved his arms frantically in the air. The fairies started drifting away from him, yet one of them came back and gave him a good kick in the cheek then darted away still giggling

“Oow!!” Ron said rubbing his cheek

Hermione glared at Ron “Leave them alone Ron, they are just fairies and they are not really hurting you.”

“Leave them alone? Leave them alone? They are the ones terrorizing me.” Ron said pointing a finger at his chest.

Hermione shook her head as fairies were sprinkling her own hair with colored mist turning it a nice shade of light pink and orange.

Harry smiled, “that’s a good look for you.”

Hermione stifled a giggle herself, “oh yeah what about you? Mister blue and yellow hair.” She pointed to the top of his head.

Harry moved over to the mirror and sure enough his hair was a mix of blue and yellow. “I rather like it.” He said with a silly grin on his face. Harry heard the mirror whistle in appreciation and he jumped back

“Hey Hermione, what’s this for?” George asked as he pulled out a long red rope from her trunk. “Do you tie people up and whip them with this.” George whipped the air with the rope.

Ron’s pulse charged up hearing about that, he couldn’t help it just the thought of Hermione in black leather clinging to her every curve, standing in black vinyl spiked heels whipping that rope around got him all hot and bothered. The palms of his hands started sweating and he looked over at Hermione and gulped down a breath of air.

“NO!!!” Hermione squealed. She took a deep breath. “George, it’s a red licorice rope. It’s candy, you eat it.”

“Aw, I still bet you could tie someone up and smack them around with it.” George wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“I could not, it would break.” She said calmly.

“Oooh so you’ve tried it before?” Fred took a quick look at Ron then winked at George. “I can just see you the mighty bookworm on the outside, but underneath, when the lights go out you become the powerfully seductive Dominatrix.”

Ron was moving around as he felt himself unable to stop the very wonderful images popping into his head. He stepped closer to her having the need to at least touch her, it was becoming too much to bear.

Harry uncomfortably ran his hand through his hair, “uh, could we not talk about that anymore.” He said quietly under his breath hoping that no one heard him, he too couldn’t help the imagery his mind was forming and he took a deep breath.

“What was that Harry? Did you say something?” George asked knowing perfectly well what was on his mind.

“And no Fred I’ve never tried anything like that, I’ve actually never thought of anything like that.” Hermione said as she stepped near to her trunk. She hung up the shirt she was holding in the closet.

The fairies flew next to George, they wanted the licorice rope. He played a little tug of war with the fairies, he heard them giggling and cheering each other on. George finally let go and the fairies thought they won shouting in triumph as they flew about the room with the licorice rope in their little hands.

Ron seemed to hover towards Hermione when a fairies sped by him, he felt the end of the licorice rope whip against his rear end. “Eeoow!” He started rubbing his hand along the now bruised area trying to soothe the pain. He looked over and saw that the fairies were actually starting to wreck havoc. He saw one of them appear to be whispering into Fred’s ear as one of the other fairies was in the process of stealing Harry’s glasses.

“Hey, give those back.” Harry said jumping up for his glasses while the fairy just hovered in the air barely above his reach.

“Here let me help.” Hermione said also jumping up and down trying to reach Harry’s glasses.

Ron feeling left out decided to lend a hand also, he quickly rushed over to the fairy and almost grabbed the glasses from the fairy but it zoomed up higher away from him.

The fairies decided to have a little fun and started zooming around the room creating a thick purple, pink and orange sparkly mist, you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face. All you heard from the mist was a lot of ow’s and hey—don’t—do—that’s

When the mist settled Ron didn’t like it when he saw that Harry and Hermione were pushed together with the licorice rope securely around the both of them, binding the two to each other. They were struggling in the rope as the fairies were giggling in the process of flying gracefully about the room.

Ron attempted to get to Harry and Hermione to release them of the binding and one of the fairies darted from the bedroom.

Harry and Hermione were struggling to get out of the licorice rope which is usually a pretty easy thing to rip in half, but for some reason it felt as strong as iron. Which was also really distracting since every time they would struggle a bit their bodies would press a little closer together which would send wonderful tingly feelings through both of them.

Ron was moving quickly over to Harry and Hermione when the fairy returned holding a small bag of marbles from Ron’s bedroom. The fairy opened the bag and dumped the marbles out on the floor, the round orbs went rolling in all directions. Ron was going so fast that he stepped on some and slipped falling down knocking into both Harry and Hermione causing them both to also fall to the floor.

Harry fell on something soft yet very comfortable, he was lost for a moment. He planted his hands down firmly to try and push himself off the ground.

“Um,” Hermione’s voice cracked a little. “Harry would you kindly remove your hands from my person.”

“Huh?” He then remembered that him and Hermione were stuck together and that she was probably the soft thing he was lying on. It didn’t register in his mind that he had his hands on her—” His concentration was broken by Hermione’s voice.

“Harry, hands move them.” She was growing angry.

He realized where his hands must be and he pulled them away quickly his face growing red very quickly. “Oh, I’m sooo sorry, Hermione I didn’t realize—” He was interrupted

“Harry just get off of me, so I can get up.” Her voice was trimmed with irritation

Harry started to struggle a bit to try and stand but that only made the situation worse, that actually felt really nice he felt his body start to react to her in this position. He sure hoped she couldn’t feel his reaction to her at this moment.

Hermione’s face flushed bright red she was about to say what was on her mind when Fred and George appeared next to them, they snapped the licorice rope in half and helped Harry off of Hermione.

The fairy dropped Harry’s glasses in his lap and he put them on and got to his feet. He couldn’t bring himself to look at Hermione, hopefully she didn’t notice.

Ron was steaming by now, this was certainly not his day.

Hermione looked at the four boys, “I think I’ll go and see if your mum needs help with anything.” Hermione said as her voice quivered with embarrassment, she quickly darted from the room.

“Uh, yeah I need to, to. Go and uh take care of something.” Harry said quickly as he too left the room in haste.

Ron shook his head in disbelief, two of his plans had failed, well the third should be a success. After dinner tonight he would get some alone time with Hermione, and with that thought he left the room and went into his own.

Fred and George doubled over in hysterical laughter.

“That was soo funny, did you see the look on Ron’s many faces.” Fred said as he pulled out the list from pocket handing it to George.

George walked over to Ginny’s nightstand and picked up a quill and dipped it into the ink, he looked at plan number two. “well I think we got the help Hermione unpack and sneak in cheap feel plans out of the way.” He crossed out numbers two and three on the list. “And well her and Harry were on the ground together I think that was better than a measly ole hug don’t you?” George said looking at his brother. “Hh by the way how did you get the fairies to agree to help us?”

“I promised them all the honey they could eat.” Fred said with a smirk. “You know how fairies love the stuff.”

“Yeah,” George nodded.

“So what’s next on the list?” Fred asked with a cheesy grin.

“After dinner spend some alone time with Hermione.” George started chuckling.

“Yep I don’t think Ron’s gonna be getting his alone time at all.” Fred joined in on the laughter.

Ron needed a nap to wash away this horrible day, he laid back on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, within a few minutes his eyes closed and he drifted off to the world of dreams— the gentle waves washed up onto the sandy beach, Hermione was coming towards him with a lovely smile on her face and her hand waving gracefully in the air. Her thin, white practically see through dress ruffled delicately behind her as she finally reached him, he was standing on a soft beach towel he had been waiting for her.

“Hello—” She was cut off when a finger was pressed to her lips.

“Shhh, don’t talk.” He pulled his finger away and his mouth claimed hers with a hot and vibrant need. His tongue twirled with hers like a soft ballet and they sank to the ground with him on top of her.

She felt his mouth travel down her neck, between her breasts and over her belly. He glanced up at her a moment and saw a brilliant light in her eyes, it was desire and love all mixed into one. He slowly lifted the hem of her dress he wasn’t shocked to see that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

He returned his gaze to what he wanted to see, he gently pushed her legs apart to reveal the jewel of her body. He took in a breath as his tongue lightly flicked at her little button he heard her give of a soft moan of approval and he continued. His mouth worked wonders on her as she felt his tongue also enter into the hot crevice of her body, she started to shake as he moved about trying to please her.

She was breathing hard, faster and faster she clutched the towel within her fingers as she felt the world fade away, her blissful cries filled the air in all it’s radiance.

He crawled back on top of her looking into her eyes.

“Oh make love to me,” She said her voice coming out in short breaths. “Harry, I need you, make love to me now.”NO!! NO!! NO!! Harry! Hermione! NOOO!” Ron tossed and turned hard in his bed his shouts filling the room.

Harry was shaking him hard on the shoulder. “Ron, Ron wake up! Wake up!”

“NOOOO!” Ron turned once more and THUD!!! He landed on the floor flat on his back, hard “OOOW!” Ron shouted up at the ceiling from on the floor. Harry and Hermione’s heads both came into view, they were looking down at him.

Hermione was trying not to laugh from Ron falling off the bed. “Ron, are you alright?”

“You two are horrible.” Ron said pointing up at them a look of absolute anger plastered across his face.

Both Harry and Hermione looked at each other and then back at Ron oddly.

“Ron, what are you talking about?” Harry asked obviously very confused.

He looked around, he was in his room not on the beach. It was a dream. He was so relieved. “Oh, nothing. I was just having a nightmare.” He confessed.

“What was it about?” Hermione said crouching down next to him.

“Uh.” Ron hesitated there was no way he was going to tell her. “Nothing, it doesn’t matter, besides I can barely remember now. Is dinner ready? I’m starved.” He jumped up from the floor and raced out the door.

Hermione looked up at Harry, “Harry is it just me or is he just getting stranger?”

Harry shook his head with amusement, “It’s not you, he’s definitely getting stranger.” He said with a smile. Harry held out his hand and Hermione grabbed it, she felt the same tingly sensation she did a few hours ago as he pulled her to her feet.

They stood there starring at each other for a moment, Hermione was lost in his deep, emerald pools. She was lost for the moment. She shook her head and pulled her hand from his “Uh, dinner.” She said and quickly turned and left the room, Harry followed after her.

Was he loosing his mind, he so wanted to stand there and kiss her senseless. He shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend that way. He watched her walking ahead of him, he sighed. It was hopeless, he would put those thoughts from his head. He agreed no more thinking about Hermione Granger, no more.


Hee hee Ron fell off the bed. Well stay tuned for Chapter 3 it will be out as soon as possible depending on my Soul Scepter and it’s sequels schedule. Please Read and review, Thanks Ryoko

A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers, I love you all. *kiss kiss*

3. Ronnella

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 3—Ronnella

Fred and George finished up the dishes from dinner as Harry, Hermione and Ron went outside. The three of them had already helped with the cleanup enough; their part of the work was done, so they went to relax. As soon as the front screen closed Fred leaned closer to George so that only he could hear him.

“I’ve been thinking about this plan of Ron’s, and well I think plan number twelve should be put into action tonight as well.”

George looked at him oddly, “Why is that?”

“It would just seem funnier, and besides. It would make Ron extra angry. Well earlier this afternoon when Harry and Hermione were on the ground together, that look on Ron’s face was just priceless, so imagine how he would look if he—”

George finished before him, “If he missed his chance to see Hermione naked cause it was all the way down at number twelve.” George laughed, “Brilliant my brother, brilliant.” George put his finger to his chin, “I’ve been also thinking, let Ron have his moment alone with Hermione tonight, so it doesn’t look like there’s something or someone messing up his plans. Since it’s so early in his plan, he probably won’t even try anything with her, besides if he does we can always have the fairies drop a bucket of water on them.

Fred nodded, “Yeah good idea, we don’t want Ron getting suspicious of us.”

“Good then, I’ll call Harry in here to help us finish with the dishes, it should take a good half hour. Giving him his alone time with Hermione.” He walked to the screen door and shouted out it. “Hey Harry, do you think you can give us a hand in here. There’s still so much to do and we need some help.”

“Yeah sure.” Harry said as he stood up from porch swing and headed inside.

Ron’s eyes lit up, he was alone with Hermione at last. He looked over at her, half of her was already bathed in moonlight, now to think of something to say that would interest her. He had just the thing, appeal to her academics. “So are you glad about making Head Girl?”

Hermione looked over at Ron oddly, “I told you already that I declined Head Girl.”

Ron felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

“Do you not listen to me at all?” Hermione was feeling slightly irritated she didn’t know why Ron never listened to her; Harry listened to her all the time.

“Oh that’s right, I remember now.” Ron said with a smile.

“Okay then, why did I decline Head Girl?” She crossed her arms over her bosom.

“Uh, uh.” Ron couldn’t think, he didn’t know what she said. It was true he didn’t listen to her at all through dinner, he kept staring at her lips as they moved and wondered what it would be like if he kissed her. He didn’t hear a word she had said. They heard a voice shout through the screen door.

“Because she’s wants to relax a little bit this year Ron. Even though she still wants to make top marks she wants to take it a little easy. It’s the last year of school you know.” Harry shouted reciting the same exact words Hermione had said at dinner and he went back to dishes.

Hermione lifted an eyebrow looking at Ron tapping her foot on the wood planks waiting for his answer. When she realized she wasn’t going to get one she shook her head and turned away, looking in the other direction.

Ron felt himself start to sweat, ‘Great going moron,’ he insulted himself. “Oh Hermione I’m sorry I wasn’t listening, but you know how I get around food.” He was hoping she would forgive him. He saw her body relax and she turned to face him.

“Yes I know how you are around food, it’s still no excuse not to listen when you personally asked me during dinner if I had made Head Girl.” Her arms were still crossed in front of her.

“I’m sorry, I really am.” He gave her a pouty look, pleading for her to forgive him.

Hermione couldn’t help it; he looked so funny that way that she cracked a smile. “Okay Ron, stop that I forgive your behavior.” She saw him smile and she turned back in the other direction, she was watching a few fairies dancing about the air and giggling.

Ron stared at Hermione, oh she was so close. He could kiss her right now and no one could stop him. Harry was inside with Fred and George, he finally had his moment, and he was going to take it. Nothing would mess this up now. He leaned in closer, and closer all he would have to do was say her name she would turn and he would plant one right on the lips. Closer and closer he came until the ropes of the swing busted and CRASH!!! Both of them landed on the ground.

Ron looked up from lying on his back and what he saw above him were three fairies giggling looking down at him. He closed his eyes willing himself not to shout out his frustration. He looked over at Hermione who seemed stunned from her fall. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah I’m fine.” Hermione got to her feet and brushed the dust off of her shorts. “Boy what luck huh?” She looked up at the torn ropes, “Well it looks like it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen, these ropes are so old.”

Ron stood up “Yeah sure.” His voice was quiet.

“I’m gonna go in and see if Harry and your brothers need some more help.” She turned around but Ron yelled after her.

“No wait!” He shouted and Hermione quickly spun on her heels.

“What is it?” Hermione’s voice held concern since he shouted so desperately after her.

“Uh, uh.” Ron’s hands went behind his back, as he couldn’t think of what to say. He felt a small tapping on his shoulder and something was shoved into his hand. He felt around a bit with his fingers, it was a flower. He pulled his hands from behind his back as three fairies flew past him hovering about near Hermione. “I have a flower for you.”

Hermione gave him an odd look, “You’re giving me a flower?”

“Yep.” Ron smiled and held the flower out to her.

She stepped forward carefully and took the simple white flower in her hand; she decided to see what it scent it was. Hermione lifted the white flower to her nose and a burst of sparkly blue paint sprayed out all over her face and clothes. Ron’s eyes went wide with horror.

“RON!! Uh! I should have known.” She shouted, glaring she threw the flower down and stomped on it, crushing it into paste. “When are you going to grow up!!?” She turned on her heels and threw open the screen door it banged on the outside of the house. Her angry footsteps carried her quickly up the stairs; the last thing that was heard was a door slamming.

Ron looked up at the fairies who were giggling “Why are you doing this to me?!” He shouted at them, but they just kept right on laughing. One fairy blew him a kiss and they all darted away. George, Fred and Harry came rushing outside.

“Ron what happened, why was Hermione so angry?” Harry asked, he didn’t see what happened to her.

Ron pointed towards the ground at the smashed flower, “I gave Hermione a flower and well it kind sprayed blue paint in her face.”

Fred and George just about fell over with laughter.

“Ron you gave her one of our Weasley Power Flowers?” Fred said.

“Excellent prank little brother.” George said patting Ron on the back.

“I didn’t mean too, I thought she was hurt from the fall and I gave her a flower to make her feel better.” Ron said shaking his head; he had enough of this day. “I’m going to bed.” He turned and went inside the house and straight to his room, he heard the shower on in the bathroom. ‘No Ron that’s plan number twelve, besides she’ll probably curse you at this time. Better wait.’ He agreed with himself and went into his room.

George, Fred and Harry went back inside the house. “Hey Harry we want to show you our new product, how about coming into our room for a bit?”

Harry nodded, “All right.” He said with a smile.

And they all went up the stairs, and quickly without letting Harry notice George opened the door to Ron’s bedroom leaving it slightly ajar, and they rushed into their own, Fred heard the shower stop and George noticed that the bedroom door to Ginny’s room shut quietly.

Fred looked through the drawers “Uh I can’t find the yellow egg, ” He stood straight, “I think it might be in Ginny’s room, we were discussing it with her last before she left for Paris.”

“You know I think you’re right Fred.” George said turning to Harry, “Would you mind taking a quick leap over to Ginny’s room and retrieve the egg I think I recall it last being on her dresser.”

“Yeah, sure.” Harry made for the door but turned around to face the twins as they were continuing to look for the rest of their product. He decided that his question could wait he went out into the hall towards Ginny’s bedroom. Harry knocked lightly on the door. “Hermione, you in there?” He heard a yeah and another faint noise that sounded like come in.

Harry opened the door and his eyes went wide and his face flushed as standing before him was Hermione and boy did she look good naked. Her breasts were round and full, her tummy was firm and trim. Her thighs were shapely and her— His thoughts were cut off by Hermione’s scream.

“AHHHH!!!!” Hermione covered herself quickly with the towel “HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!”

He couldn’t stop starring at her “Oh Hermione, I am soooo sorry I didn’t mean, I thought you said—” The door slammed in his face not letting him continue apologizing. Not even a second later Ron came barreling out his room cause of Hermione’s loud piercing scream.

“What happened? I heard Hermione scream and—” Ron saw Harry turn from Ginny’s door.

“I—I just saw something.” Harry cleared his throat.

“What?” Ron was worried, what did Harry see? Was Hermione hurt? He had to know. “What did you see?” Harry looked as if he hadn’t heard a word Ron said, he seemed dazed. Ron grabbed Harry by the shoulders, “What happened?” That seemed to shake Harry out of his daze, well maybe just a little bit.

“Hermione—naked—saw—I.” Harry said, and for some reason he forgot all about the twin’s project and went into Ron’s room.

Ron stood there piecing together what Harry said, it then struck him. “OH NO!!” He banged his fists against the wall. He went right into his room and flumped down roughly on his bed. ‘WHY IS MY PLAN GOING TO SHIT!!’ He screamed to himself, everything that he wanted to happen to him was happening to Harry. He looked over at the other bed in his room, ‘Does he have a plan too?’ His mind asked. ‘No, these are just accidents. He’s innocent; he’s your friend Ron. Harry wouldn’t have a plan; he doesn’t even know you like Hermione so why would he have a plan.’ Okay Ron thought, okay Harry doesn’t have a plan. Okay tomorrow he was taking Harry and Hermione to the pond for swimming; at least he would get to see her in a bathing suit. Yes, yes. All will be fine, he still had a quite a lot on his list. Tomorrow would be better.

Ron nestled himself into his covers, he pulled them tightly around himself and began drifting off into his dreams, hopefully this time they would not be about Harry and Hermione, just as he was falling asleep he kept saying to himself, Me and Hermione, me and Hermione. Me and Hermione. —His ankles and wrists were bound to something rather sticky. He looked up and saw a person on a white horse coming towards him. It looked like a medieval knight. He looked down at his feet and noticed he was in a pink gown. “What the Hell?” He shouted, he looked closer to his chest and relieved that he didn’t have breasts, at least he was still a man, but a man in a dress.

The knight on the horse came towards him and dismounted, “Fear not fair Ronnella. I Lady Hermione, Knightress, of the Round Table have to come to set you free.” She said pulling out a sword.

They heard a snarling noise coming from above them and a large spider dropped down, Ronnella started shrieking like a girl.

“No mere spider is a match for Lady Hermione, HA—HA!!” She ran and jumped on its back, the spider started bucking around trying to knock the knightress off. Lady Hermione lifted her sword and plunged it into the neck of the spider; it squealed and sank to the ground dead. Lady Hermione jumped off of the dead spider and started towards Ronnella. “I have vanquished the evil Orn.”

“Oh my heroine.” Ronnella said in a cheesy voice.

A large smile crept upon Lady Hermione’s face as she neared him, she was going to kiss him, and she leaned in. His lips quivered with anticipation, almost there, one second more.

“Halt noble Lady.” A powerful said from behind them.

Lady Hermione turned around seeing a very striking young man atop a black steed. “Just who are you and why have you disrupted my moment of bravery.” She asked with her held up high.

The young man jumped down from his horse and stood in front of Lady Hermione. “I am Sir Harry and I am a wandering knight, always on the search for those in need of my protection.”

“Well Sir Harry, I am Lady Hermione, Knightress of the Round Table. I’m in no need of such protection.”

“On the contrary noble Lady, that right there,” Sir Harry pointed to Ronnella, “which you were about to kiss is an evil demon, and therefore it must be destroyed.”

“An evil demon,” Lady Hermione looked back at Ronnella.

“No I’m not.” Ronnella said he tried to move forward, but he found himself still bound to the spider’s web.

“Yes, an evil demon. If you would have kissed it, you would be dead now. You are quite lucky I came along.”

Lady Hermione glared at Ronnella, no wait, the evil demon. She turned back to Sir Harry. “How pray tell are we to kill such a foul demon from Hell?”

“Well since it is evil, only during the act of love can such an evil be vanquished.” Sir Harry replied with a serious statement on his face.

“Then let us rid the world of this, evil.”

Sir Harry nodded and leaned in kissing her hard. His tongue met hers in a powerfully, heated kiss. They sank to the ground with him on top of her; quickly their clothing was discarded. He lowered his mouth to hers and began another assault upon her wonderful, full soft lips. His hands found her breasts and he teased them a bit, and she moaned into his mouth.

Her thighs parted and he entered her. She gave off a soft cry of approval as they slowly began to move together. Harder and faster they moved, each of their voices reaching new heights as they pushed themselves to reach that moment in time. She was almost there, her heart was beating fast and Ron woke up sitting straight in his bed. He was breathing so hard that it caused him to choke. He lit a candle on his nightstand, such a relief he was in his room and not bound to a stupid spider’s web wearing a dress. He looked down on the other side of the room and noticed that Harry wasn’t in his bed. Where on earth could he be? He would go find him.

Ron stood at the top of the stairs watching Hermione who was sitting outside on the newly repaired porch swing and Harry who was standing next to the door, debating if he should go out side.

Hermione was swinging gently on the porch swing, the screen door opened and closed with a clag. Hermione abruptly turned around seeing Harry come out side. She unconsciously crossed her arms over her bosom. “What are you doing out here?” She asked.

“Couldn’t sleep, you?” Harry tried to avoid looking at her completely.

Hermione shook her head, “Neither could I.” The silence was awkward. She sighed looking down into her lap. “I’m sorry for screaming at you.”

Harry looked up, “No I’m sorry for walking in on you, I should have listened more.”

“No, no it’s my fault.” Hermione replied. “I realize that it was an accident and I shouldn’t have over reacted. After all it’s only skin right?” Hermione said trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah but I invaded your privacy, you had every right to be angry.” Harry said shuffling his feet about.

“Well from the look on your face it was an accident, now if you had planned that on purpose, then I would be very angry.” Hermione said looking up at him.

“Well you don’t have to worry about that, I did not plan on walking in on you like that.” Harry said sincerely. “Mostly because I respect you as my friend, I would never do something to take advantage of you like that.”

Hermione smiled and moved over, “Do you want to sit?”

Harry nodded with a smile and sat down next to Hermione, they slowly began to swing back and forth. There was a silence about the two of them until Hermione broke it.

“So from a normal guy’s point of view and not my best friend’s, how did I look?” Hermione said looking straight ahead; she couldn’t bring herself to really look at him.

Harry’s face flushed, he couldn’t help it. He kept his face staring ahead too. “On a scale of one to ten, I’d say ten. You looked…” he took a breath and cleared his throat. “You looked really, really good.” He took a deep breath.

Hermione felt herself flush bright red; she couldn’t help the shy smile gracing her face.

Ron looked out the door at Harry and Hermione, they were sitting awfully close and he didn’t like it.

Harry finally turned looking at Hermione, which caused her to look at him. They started leaning closer to each other until their lips shyly met. Harry teased her lips with the tip of his tongue until hers opened allowing him entrance. His mouth hardened against hers, and they were kissing full and hard leaving no room to think. Harry’s fingers went to the buttons on her nightshirt and he started fumbling with them. Ron tried to open the screen door so that they would stop, but the door wouldn’t move. He jiggled it roughly, but it still didn’t budge. Surely they could hear him messing with the door but they still didn’t stop.

Ron started banging his head hard on the wood of the screen door, “Hermione, Harry!!” He shouted out the door but they still didn’t hear him, “Stop that, you can’t be doing that!! NO!! NO!!”—AHHH! Something cold and wet splashed against him and causing Ron to sit up straight in his bed. The fairies were giggling above him holding a bucket of water and zoomed from the room.

Ron wiped his wet hair from off his forehead, “those damn fairies.” He said quietly to himself. He reached over and lit the lamp; he looked around the room, mostly over at Harry’s bed. And there was his best friend sleeping soundly. He leaned back down with the light still on, now that was a very strange dream he thought to himself. He turned over and blew out the candle and started back to sleep.


Ah a double dream, which one do you think will happen? Tee hee stay tuned for chapter 3 A day At The Waterhole. Read and review thanks, Ryoko.

4. A Day at the Waterhole

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 4—A day at the Waterhole

Harry and Ron both sat down to breakfast across from Fred and George. Mrs. Weasley was pouring a final glass of orange juice, which was probably for Hermione but she was not at the table yet.

Ron was about to ask his mother where Hermione was when she came into the kitchen. She was in a long tanktop and almost knee length shorts. It was very unflattering. Ron wondered why she was going through all this trouble not to show off what she indeed had. He could see through most of her clothes that she had an exceptional body. Hermione sat down at the table next to Fred without saying anything. Ron smiled brightly. “Good Morning Hermione.”

“Mm” Hermione said in a sort of non committal noise. She immediately lifted the glass of orange juice to her lips.

“Bad morning?” George asked looking over at her from Fred’s other side.

“Try bad night, and I don’t want to talk about it,” Hermione said as she glanced down at her empty plate, she wished breakfast was over soon, she wanted to get to the waterhole and swim her embarrassment from last night away.

Harry couldn’t help but stare at her, the flashes of her being naked was still fresh in his mind. He blinked a couple of times to try and get the images to stop popping in and out of his head. He noticed Hermione wasn’t looking at him or even acknowledging his presence at the table. Why can’t she understand it was just an accident, he didn’t mean to walk in on her.

Hermione felt Harry’s eyes on her from across the table she lifted her head meeting his gaze, he seemed startled. She leaned over the table closer to him. “Stop staring at me.” She demanded quietly.

“I’m sorry.” Harry said in the same quiet tone Hermione used. “I know you’re probably embarrassed and a little miffed at me, but it was an accident.”

“A little miffed? Try a lot.” Hermione didn’t really believe it was just an accident, she wanted to scream and shout at him, but she also didn’t want to say something that she would regret. “Just don’t talk to me.” She leaned back in her chair and unconsciously crossed her arms over her bosom as if to protect herself from wandering eyes.

Mrs. Weasley filled the teenager’s plates with food and they started in on the delicious meal.

The Community Watering hole was within walking distance. Fred, George, Ron, Harry and Hermione finally arrived. The picked a spot on the sandy beach which was filled with people, families, and singles that were out looking for dates. The group set up their belongings.

Hermione quickly stripped off her shirt and skirt, revealing a light blue one piece swim suit.

Ron was disappointed. He was hoping for a two piece at least, he sighed with his regret yet he was thankful that bathing suits still clung to her every curve. He thought he saw her cheeks flush as she made a mad dash for the water. She didn’t even turn around to see if any of the boys wanted to join her for a swim. He looked over at Harry, “boy she’s pretty steamed at you isn’t she?” He was suddenly really glad that he didn’t walk in on her naked, or else it would be himself that she was mad at. And he wanted to be with her and realized that pretending to walk in on her was probably not the best plan on the list.

“Well I kinda deserve it.” Harry said, “I mean I see her point in being angry with me, even though it was an accident. But I do understand.”

“I wouldn’t worry about it Harry, just let her cool off and then she’ll probably start talking to you again.” Ron said with a smile

George nodded “I agree, of course she might not be mad at you at all.”

Both Harry and Ron looked at George in confusion.

“I mean how do you know she isn’t secretly flattered that you Harry Potter saw her naked, what if she was planning that?” Fred said with a secret smirk. “What if she wants to sleep with you?” Fred wiggled his eyebrows

Ron felt himself burn with jealousy, ‘what if she had?’ His brain shouted. ‘But she wouldn’t do that, Hermione in an innocent.’ His head argued. Ron nodded to himself agreeing with his second thought.

“I don’t think so Fred.” Harry said, “Hermione isn’t like that.”

“How do you know?” George asked with a smile.

“I’ve known her for the past seven years almost, and she just wouldn’t do anything like that. Hermione is not one to plan and scheme to get someone in the sack, it would take a real asshole to plan anything like that.”

Ron coughed, clearing his throat “Well I’m gonna go for a swim now.” And he stripped down to his swim suit and too headed for the water. The other boys were soon to follow.

After a while of swimming, Hermione dried off and wrapped her towel around her waist and tied it securely, she slipped on her flip flops and grabbed her little money purse and headed towards the Snack & Juice bar.

The Snack & Juice bar wasn’t too crowded with people as she sat up on the bar stool, the bartender behind the counter looked at her with a smile. “What can I get for you?”

Hermione put her finger against her chin in thought, looking up at the menu board that was placed above the bar tender’s head. “A Banana, Orange Fizzy please.” She got out the cost of the drink and placed the coins on the bar. Within a few seconds her banana orange Fizzy topped with whipped cream and orange sprinkles was sat before her. She put the straw in her mouth and started drinking down the delicious juice. She felt a group of eyes on her and she turned her head to find three young boys sitting a few barstools away from her. She didn’t want to be rude so she gave them a polite smile and a slight nod and returned to her drink.

That was all the invitation the boys needed and they got up from their stools and moved over to where she is.

“Hello.” One of them said with a smile and he sat down on the stool next to her.

Hermione dropped her straw back in her drink, “Hello.” She returned the smile.

One of the other boys sat down in another stool that was on the opposite side of her, the last boy just stood. The one to her right spoke again.

“I’m Zach, and this is Bryant and Tom.” He said pointing to the other two.

Hermione gave them each a polite nod. “Hello.”

“We haven’t seen you here before.” Zach said. “Do you live around here?”

“Oh no, I’m just visiting a friend for the summer.” Hermione said.

“Really, how fascinating.” Zach said.

Fred, George, Harry and Ron were drying off.

Fred and George looked around for Hermione but didn’t see her anywhere. “Where’s Hermione?” They both said at the same time. Each of the boys looked around for her, the checked the water she wasn’t there. They asked a girl to go into the girl’s restroom to ask if Hermione was in there, she wasn’t there either.

George then spotted her up at the Snack & Juice bar talking animatedly with three guys. “Look there she is.” George pointed up at the bar.

Harry watched her for a moment and he felt an odd tightness in his stomach, it felt as if someone was twisting his insides into knots.

“Hey! Isn’t Zach and his gang?” Fred said recognizing the trio Hermione was talking with. “She needs us let’s go.”

“Why?” Harry said more bitterly then he normally would. “She looks like she’s having a grand time.” He was sarcastic.

Ron thought it Harry’s tone was odd, but it really didn’t matter. He didn’t like other guys messing in on his plans.

“Well Zach and his gang usually prey on the innocent; they can spot a virgin a mile away.” George said.

“Well let’s go then.” Harry said and the four of them started up towards the bar when Ron tripped over something ,his eyes closed automatically and he went down landing face first into something really soft. Ron heard a loud woman’s scream in his ear.

Fred, George and Harry turned around hearing the woman’s scream and what they saw almost made them double over in laughter. In between hysterical laughter Fred and George offered to help Ron and Harry should to and see to Hermione. Harry nodded and was on his way up to the juice bar.

The loud scream was very annoying as Ron opened his eyes, he found his face buried into a woman’s bosom. His face flushed bright red as he started to stand. The lady had reached her purse and started bashing him on the head with it. “Ow! Ow! Lady calm down, it was an accident.” It was clear she didn’t hear him cause she was still hitting him on the head with her purse. Fred and George were at his side in an instant.

A very large six foot six man with hard, firm muscles was behind the woman, “what’s the problem here honey?” He said cracking his knuckles, looking at the three red heads.

“Brock, this boy was feeling me up.” She said looking up at her husband.

“Is that so?!” Brock said, his eyes narrowed.

“Now we don’t want any trouble.” Fred said as the three of them took a step back all together. Brock just continued to narrow his eyes and crack his knuckles menacingly. Without warning he reached for them.

Harry was coming upon Hermione and her new friends, he could hear the conversation. And it was one he didn’t really like, he knew what other men thought and from true from her point of view, sure the conversation was probably innocent. Yet he would put a stop to it. Hermione’s conversation with them seemed to sound very inappropriate to Harry.

“Well it’s dirty, but I like it.” She said with a smile.

“You do?” Zach said with a smirk.

“Oh yeah, but you do have to worry about germs you know.” Hermione replied as she took another sip of her drink.

“Oh I bet.” Bryant said

“I usually have to take a shower when I’m done. It just gets all over, and it’s really sticky.” Hermione replied. “But then the showers aren’t very sanitary in public.

“Well if you wanted to do it here, the showers in this place are very sanitary. Would you like to see them? We could give you a private showing.” Zach said with smile.

Hermione was about to say something when Harry stepped up to her side. “What’s this about the showers, are they really that clean?” He said looking at the three boys. “I know I would like to see how clean the showers are here.”

Ron, George and Fred finally caught up to Harry and were standing behind him. Harry heard them come up behind him and he pointed back with his thumb in their direction. “I’m sure even Fred, George and Ron would like to check out these sanitary showers with you three.” He was hinting to the Zach and his gang to hit the road or else there would be trouble.

Zach held a secret glare, “Weasleys” He spoke softly and silently spat. “No thanks. Maybe some other time.” He looked at Hermione “We’ll see you around.” Zach jerked his chin and Bryant and Tom both followed Zach away from the juice bar.

Harry turned around to the Weasleys and practically jumped back in shock, they each had two black eyes and not to mention other bruises. “What happened to you three?” Harry scanned each of their faces.

George cleared his throat. “There was uh, a misunderstanding.” He wiped his nose which hurt.

Hermione took in a breath, “Harry why did you interrupt my conversation, that was very rude.” She said crossing her arms in front of her.

Harry looked at Hermione for a moment then looked at the Weasleys, “can I have a moment alone with Hermione here.”

Fred and George nodded.

Ron didn’t want do leave Harry alone with Hermione. Whatever he wanted to say he could say it in front of him too. He was determined to stay, he felt two pairs of hands on his arms and his brothers were dragging him away.

Harry turned back to Hermione with a smile. “Hermione, you were being taken advantage of I had to step in.”

“Oh I was not, we were just having a friendly conversation.” Hermione said looking away from him, her nose in the air.

“A friendly conversation that probably could have gotten you into trouble.” Harry said glancing about her face.

“I didn’t need your help Harry; I can take care of myself.” Hermione replied glaring at him.

“Hermione, those boys were all over you. Couldn’t you see that was not a situation that you had control in.”

“I am always in control.” Hermione glanced down at her fingers as she twirled them

Harry sighed, “Hermione answer me this, you are still a virgin, right?”

Hermione looked up at him with an offended gasp and a glare in her eyes. “That is none of your business.”

“Just answer the question.” Harry said exasperated.

“So what if I am?” Hermione said as she looked away from him.

“Well I don’t want to be rude to you but you need to hear this. It’s for your own good.” He took a breath and then began again. “You are innocent Hermione. Those boys would have said anything to make you trust them. You were not in control, at all. I know, I heard, and I saw, they would have taken you somewhere private and then well, let’s just say you wouldn’t be a virgin anymore.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed in anger and she stood, “like I said Harry, I am always in control.” She realized that yes Harry was right, she did not have that situation under control and she very well could have gotten into serious trouble. But she was going to be stubborn. “I don’t always need you to come running to save my butt, I can do it for myself.” She picked up her money purse from off the bar and stalked away from him.

Harry grunted and banged his head down on the bar, “why won’t she listen to reason.” He said quietly mostly to himself.

“Hey kid you were right” the bar tender said with a smile and Harry lifted his head looking at him. The bartender smiled again, “don’t beat yourself up for it. She’ll come around.” The bartender said with a smile.

Harry shook his head and stood up from the bar he went off to find the Weasleys.

After a long day the group finally made it back to the burrow, dinner was served and eaten. Dishes were cleared and cleaned.

Hermione wanted some time to herself, she told no one to bother her as she went outside and sat down on the newly repaired porch swing to watch the last remaining colors of the sunset to disappear into the darkness of night. She swung back and forth a gently, closing her eyes simply humming to herself. She heard a noise behind her and saw Harry looking out the screen door at her. “What do you want?” She said with an irritated tone.

“Hermione.” He sighed. “We really need to talk.”

“I don’t want to talk to you Harry.” Hermione said continuing to swing herself gently. “I just want to be left alone.”

“Please, Hermione.” He was almost pleading. “This strain on our friendship, well it’s not good. And friends talk things out, and get past their problems. You might even feel better after.” He hoped she at least give him five minutes.

Hermione let out a breath of air. “All right, but I’m not going in there, you have to come out here.”

That was good enough for him, Harry opened the screen door and stepped outside into to cool summer evening. “First of all Hermione, I wanted to say how sorry I am for well walking in on you last night, I know your still mad at me for that. But you need to know that it was just an accident. I would never take advantage of you like that, why do you believe that I would?” He looked at the back of her head which was lowered.

Hermione sighed turning around to face him; she rested her arm on the back of the swing. “I don’t know Harry; there have been a lot of strange things happening this summer. I’m just confused. I should have known that you would never want to walk in on me naked.” She looked down at her fingers.

Harry looked at her “Now I never said that I didn’t want to walk in on you naked, I just said I didn’t plan on it.” He grinned.

Hermione gasped, “Harry you flirt.” She sat there shocked for a moment, but then laughed a bit, the tension in her released. “Do you want to sit?” She asked.

Harry nodded with a smile and Hermione moved over so he could sit beside her.

Harry sat next to her and began to swing gently.

“And well I have a confession to make.” Hermione said.

“What’s that?” Harry said, he turned looking at her.

“You were right about this afternoon, I didn’t have any control of that situation.” She said glancing down into her lap. “How did you know to come and well save my butt?” She smiled a bit.

“Hermione, I will always look out for you. You should know that by now. Almost seven years of friendship should have taught you that already.” He said with a half smile.

“Well, I am glad you were there for me.” Hermione said looking into his eyes.

Their gazes locked, holding for what seemed like an eternity. Harry didn’t know what made him do it, maybe it was something in her eyes that was commanding him. But he felt himself leaning closer to her, he couldn’t stop himself if he wanted to, and he didn’t. His lips descended on hers in a soft, sweet kiss, just holding it for a moment. The feel of her lips were so soft he wanted more but a thought popped into his head. This is your friend, you can’t kiss her. Stop!! He listened an immediately pulled away. What was happening? He stared at her in shock, he couldn’t believe he just did that.

Harry quickly stood, “I’m sorry, I have to go.” He quickly turned and tore open the door and it seemed that he was running away from her.

What had just happened? Hermione thought. She was confused at the way Harry just looked at her in complete horror and ran away from her. As if she had some kind of disease. She felt hurt and crossed her arms over her bosom, hugging herself thinking that there must be something wrong with me. She stood up slowly from the swing and opened the door and carried herself up to her room.

What she didn’t see were the fairies that were hovering above her, not in a happy glow. They were sad. One of the lifted it’s head in an idea, she turned to her fellow fairies and started telling them her plan.


Well no fairy pranks, Ron seems to make disasters well enough on his own, LOL. Well not to worry the fairies will return in the next chapter. So stay tuned for Chapter 5

Read and review, thanks Ryoko

5. It's No Illusion

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

Cheesy actor voice: Previously on One Hot Summer:

The feel of her lips were so soft he wanted more but a thought popped into his head. This is your friend, you can’t kiss her. Stop!! He listened and immediately pulled away. What was happening? He stared at her in shock; he couldn’t believe he just did that. Harry quickly stood, “I’m sorry, I have to go.” He quickly turned and tore open the door and it seemed that he was running away from her.

What had just happened? Hermione thought. She was confused at the way Harry just looked at her in complete horror and ran away from her. As if she had some kind of disease. She felt hurt and crossed her arms over her bosom, hugging herself thinking that there must be something wrong with me. She stood up slowly from the swing and opened the door and carried herself up to her room.

Cheesy actor voice again: Now Chapter 5—It’s No Illusion

A/N: Sorry I just couldn’t resist the cheesy actor voice.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 5—It’s no Illusion

Hermione tossed and turned in her bed; there was no way she could sleep. Too many thoughts had been plaguing her. ‘Why him? Why now? And what in the hell was wrong with me?’ Hermione turned over to face the blank wall “You’re nothing.” Her mind said. ‘That’s not true, I’m smart.’ She argued back. ‘Being smart doesn’t get you everything.’ Hermione sighed looking up at the dark ceiling. “I never wanted everything.” She said in a soft whisper.

That’s not what’s bothering you.’ Her mind said in an annoying voice ‘You’ve fallen for your best friend, that’s what’s bothering you.’ Hermione put the pillow over her face hoping to keep her thoughts from speaking to her, but it did no such luck. ‘And the way he ran away from you in absolute horror proves that—’ Hermione sat up straight shouting “Shut up!!” The voices stopped bothering her; she put the pillow back down on the bed and rested her head upon it. In an instant her eyes closed and she drifted to sleep.

On the other side of the hall in Ron’s room, a similar situation was going on. Harry was still wide-awake regretting what he had done earlier. ‘Why did I have to do that? Why couldn’t I stop myself? Why in the hell did I kiss my best friend?’ Harry turned over and faced the window; the stars were twinkling brightly. “You’re an idiot.” His mind said. ‘ That’s not true, I’m careful.’ He argued back. ‘Being careful doesn’t get you everything.’ Harry sighed turning over on his back and looking up at the dark ceiling. “I never wanted everything.” He said out loud in a soft whisper.

‘That’s not what’s bothering you.’ His mind said in an annoying voice ‘You’ve fallen for your best friend, that’s what’s bothering you.’ Harry grabbed the pillow from underneath his head and put it over his face to try and stop the annoying thoughts from speaking to him, but that didn’t work very well. ‘You love her. No I don’t. You love her. No I don’t. You love her. NO I DON’T!! YOU LOVE H—’ Harry sat up straight shouting “Shut up!!” The voices stopped bothering him; he looked over to Ron’s bed and hoped he didn’t wake him. He put the pillow back down on the bed, yawning largely. Harry’s head finally hit the pillow and he was out like a light.

Ron stirred and woke to Harry shouting at someone to shut up, Ron looked about the room yet no one was in there. He shrugged, thinking that Harry but be having some sort of weird dream that makes him shout out in the middle of it. Either that or the boy had gone completely off his rocker. Ron turned over on his bed clutching his pillow, pretending that the soft goose down pillow was his desire, Hermione. He nestled his head into its softness and sleep washed over him. —He was sitting at a table drumming his fingernails along the table; he kept looking over at the clock, hour after hour passed. It wasn’t until an hour later that the front door opened and Hermione came through, her hair was all disheveled and her makeup had definitely been smeared. He stood “Where have you been, it’s three thirty in the morning, and don’t tell me it was a long work night.” He pointed at her accusingly.

“Ron, you know I’ve been having an affair.”

“You what?!” Ron said gaping at her as if she grew another eye.

“Don’t look so shocked, you were the one that set us up. You told me that it would please you if I was with another man.”

“When did I say that?” Ron crossed his arms.

“Oh don’t play dumb, since you lost your penis in that terrible shuffleboard accident, you said it would please you if I was getting action from another man, you even said you wanted to watch.”

A loud annoying game show host voice seemed to fill the room, “Today is your lucky day Ron Weasley.” The room started to change a large score board appeared with flashing lights. And a game show, Alex Trebek walked out from behind a wall. “Welcome Ron Weasley to Who’s Screwing My Wife. Now the object of the game is to guess in three guesses or less who’s been screwing your wife. Are you ready to play?”

Ron felt confused, “I, I, I guess so.”

“Good, now first of all you have to sit here.” Alex pointed to the chair.

Ron nodded and made his way over to the chair and sat down. He saw Hermione standing on a round blue stage with a spotlight on her, she was winking and blowing kisses into the crowd that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Okay Ron, you and him have been friends since first year and he is knows as The—Boy—Who--Lived. Who is he?” Alex said “And please take your time to think about it.”

“I don’t need three guesses, I know who it is.” Ron said his eyes narrowing. “It’s Harry Potter.” He said bitterly. Ron heard a bunch of dings and buzzers going off as Harry came out from around the corner with a happy smile oh his face and stand next to Hermione.

“That’s correct, you’ve won Ron, you’ve won the grand prize.” Alex said

“Which is?” Ron was almost afraid to ask.

“You get to watch who’s been screwing your wife.” Alex said.

“What?!” Ron shrieked as he saw Harry and Hermione turn to each other and their arms wound around each other. Harry pulled her close and covered her mouth with his; with lightning reflexes Hermione’s dress was off of her and on the floor along with Harry’s clothes.

Ron struggled in the chair to get up, but he found himself stuck to the seat, which caused him to look down at see why he was stuck. He heard loud satisfying moans and gasps. When Ron looked up he was nearly blinded. Hermione had her legs wrapped rightly around Harry’s waist and he was already driving hard into her, every time he plunged in deeper, she clung to him tight, and tighter as he went faster and harder into her. She threw her head back and she let out a—Ron’s eyes popped open the sun was barely up, he could see the yellows and oranges of dawn. He turned over on his side facing away from the window. What was with these dreams, why has he been having dreams of Harry and Hermione engaging in things that he wanted to do himself? Ron then closed his eyes to try and sleep again.

The next day Ron suggested that the three of them should finish up their homework, both Harry and Hermione agreed. They were sitting at the kitchen table. Ron noticed there was something off between Harry and Hermione; they weren’t even speaking to each other. Boy, Hermione still must be mad at Harry for the other day. He shook his head and went back to work.

Harry had decided that the best thing to do in this kind of a situation, is ignore it and maybe it will go away. And that’s exactly what he was going to do. Ignore Hermione until she forgot about it. That’s right, don’t talk to her, and don’t even look at her. Don’t even acknowledge that you know she is in the room, sitting across from you at the table.

Hermione sighed, wondering why Harry was ignoring her. Was her kiss really that bad? Did she disgust him so much that he couldn’t even look at her? She sighed again and continued reading her book. Not only was she sad but she was getting a little mad too, what kind of a friend would ignore you like this? They’ve been through too much together, and now he was just going to throw almost seven years of friendship away because of one stupid, little kiss. She wasn’t going to sit here and let him keep ignoring her like this.

Now was the time for Ron to put his next plan into action, he put his quill down on the table and accidentally knocked it off with his elbow. He looked at Hermione who was standing. “Uh, do you think you could get my quill for me.”

Hermione glared down at Ron, from her standing position. “Get it your damn self.” And she picked up her book and stormed from the kitchen. And she roughly pushed the screen door open and walked outside.

Ron with a strange statement on his face looked over at Harry, “Well that was uncalled for.”

Harry simply shrugged his shoulders, and looked in the direction that Hermione gone. Nope he wasn’t going to go after her, he was just going to sit there. That’s right, that’s right.

Hermione walked a bit into the yard and passed a great oak tree where she sat down to relax in its offered shade. She took a deep breath and opened her book to read. Three fairies darted above her head, and one landed on her book, getting her attention. Hermione smiled down at the fairy. “And what is it that you want?” She said and the fairy smiled pointing upward. Two of them were creating some kind of material; it looked like an ancient roman style gown right out of thin air. Hermione looked down at the fairy. “Oh no, I’m to old to play dress up.” She said.

The fairy started to pout, the little person’s bottom lip started to quiver. Hermione felt bad. She tilted her head to the side and took in a deep breath. “Oh all right fine.” The little fairy’s face brightened up and it flew up into the air doing some kind of back flip in the air. Hermione was soon wearing the gown.

One fairy insisted on braiding Hermione’s hair while the two others made a ring of daisies and placed it on top of her head. Hermione took a deep breath and went back to reading. It was time to set the right scenery, and the fairies created a pond next to the tree with water lilies lying on the surface of the water. Next they created a soft misty atmosphere if light purples, pinks, and oranges, it seemed that little sparkles were also in the mix of colors.

The three fairies then darted away from Hermione and towards the house where they greeted the other three. They gave each other a nod and went inside.

The six fairies swarmed into the kitchen where Harry and Ron will still working on their homework. Three of them watched as Harry put his wand down on the table, and they went for it. Harry stretched up a minute he looked to the side and saw the fairies pick up his wand. “Hey, stop that! Leave it alone!” He tried to grab for it, but they zoomed across the table out of his reach.

Ron reached for Harry’s wand and the fairies, but he missed grabbing handfuls of nothing but air. The other three fairies, started flying circles around Ron, tight circles to where he had to pull his arms in an hold them down straight. He felt something tighten and go around him. When the fairies stopped circling him, he found himself in a strong binding. A tiny, thin rope was around him at least three times in three different places, his legs, his middle and his chest. He couldn’t move very well. Two of the fairies started giggling as they spun him around.

He went around and around until he got so dizzy that he fell backwards onto the ground. The fairies giggled and one started braiding his hair. He couldn’t swat at them this time.

The three fairies holding Harry’s wand was flying about the room, Harry made several attempts into getting his wand back. He was no match for them; they were too fast; he would have to outsmart them. He watched them heading for the screen door and he followed after slowly, he had plenty of time.

Harry followed the fairies outside, he came upon something he had never seen before at the Burrow, he wondered where it came from. The air was misty with color and sparkles as he neared the pond. He saw someone sitting on the ground, by an oak tree and a small pond. The person was reading, it had to be Hermione. He stepped closer, she was wearing something different, for some reason it made him want to get a better look ‘WOW!’ All his thoughts spoke at once.

The world seemed to be in slow motion as Hermione turned the page of her book and continued reading. Her hair was braided showing off her lovely face, her legs were tucked and curled around and slightly to the side. Her arms were bare as there were no sleeves on her gown, which scooped down in front. Not enough to be obscene, just enough to enhance what she had.

Harry stepped towards her again, Crack! He stepped on some kind of branch and Hermione’s head snapped around and she saw him. He stood there, not moving. Harry watched as Hermione got to her feet, her white gown cascaded down her legs, covering them. Around her waste was a simple belt of spun silver.

Hermione wondered why he was standing there, did he come to talk to her about what happened? She couldn’t figure out what he was up to. But he just stood there, much like what he was doing inside the house. Just staying silent and ignoring her. She couldn’t take that anymore. It seemed as if he didn’t even want to be her friend anymore, That had to be it, he came to tell her that their friendship was over. Fine if that’s what he wanted, that’s what he’ll get. She shook her head glancing down at the grass-covered ground.

Harry waited, he saw her head shake slowly back and forth. She turned around, her back to him. He knew she was going to leave. ‘Do something!!’ His mind shouted. He was so confused, what could he do. ‘She’s leaving.’ His mind paused. ‘Forever.’ It said in a quiet voice. He watched her walking away from him; she didn’t get very far when a light seemed to flash on in his mind. “Hermione, wait a minute!” He shouted to her.

Hermione didn’t stop; she didn’t turn around to face him. She just kept on walking.

Harry knew she could be stubborn, so he started walking after her, it seemed to him as he tried to catch up to her that she quickened her pace. He didn’t like this; it was as if she was running away from him, she started to go faster. She even changed directions, her legs carrying her faster away. She was going to leave him, alone. ‘NO WAY!!’ He picked up his pace; she was not going to get away. He saw her break out into a full-blown run, as now did he.

His legs carried him faster as they were longer, and he finally reached her he out ran her and jumped in front of her causing her to stop. She tried to go around him, but he still managed to stand in her way.

“Leave me alone.” She said still trying to get around him.

Harry shook his head, “No.”

“Yes, get out of my way.” She tried to turn around and go in the opposite direction, but he spun around her and again was in her way. “Would you stop this? Just let me pass.” She was irritated.

“No.” Harry said, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to show his determination.

“Harry, if you don’t let me pass I will be forced to hurt you.” She said in a very serious tone.

“Just tell me one thing, why were you running away from me?”

“Cause I’m done with you, you’re confusing the hell out of me and I don’t like it. I don’t like feeling—” She cut herself off, she didn’t have to explain anything to him. “It’s not worth it to me, okay. Now don’t try to stop me and let me pass.”

“You think you’re the only one confused, well you are so wrong there.”

Hermione took a deep breath, “Look I just don’t care anymore. I’m tired and I just want, well I want.” She glanced down at her feet, “I just don’t want anything to do with you.” She turned away.

“You’re a terrible liar Hermione.” Harry knew she didn’t mean anything of what she was saying, she was only masking her emotions, he had made her feel really bad and worthless he knew that now. He was going to correct his mistake.

“Well there you have it; I’m not perfect as you all say I am.” Hermione started to walk away, tears were swelling in her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.

Harry started after her again.

Hermione was almost out the house she realized that she had run around the property in a way that she ended up near the side of the house instead of the front. She moved to go around to the front when some one grabbed her arm and pushed her gently against the wall. She was tired of this she kept telling him to leave her alone, but he just wasn’t listening. Hermione looked up at him, her eyes narrowed and her temper boiling. “Why can’t you just leave me alone, like a normal person? Why can’t you just go away?”

“Cause I don’t want to go away.” Harry said quietly.

“I’m tired of this, I don’t like to play games like this. I’m not Parvati, I’m not Lavender and I’m not Ginny. I don’t like what you’re doing now stop it and leave me alone!”

“All right, I’ll leave you alone. If you do one thing.” He was very serious.

“What’s that?” Hermione was exhausted.

“Let me kiss you.” Harry said quietly.

Hermione shook her head, “Have you lost your mind?”

“No.” He simply said.

“Well, no, no you can’t.” Hermione said quickly. She remembered what it was like the first time. The absolute look of horror on his face, oh she didn’t want to see that again, ever.

He stared directly into her eyes “Just let me.” He inched closer to her, effectively pinning her to the wall. His hands framed her face.

“No.” She lightly shook her head back and forth.

“Yes.” He whispered as his mouth neared hers, hovering inches above.

“No.” She whispered lightly her heartbeat raced and she felt her chest tighten.

“Just once?” He asked still hovering so very close. He wouldn’t kiss her until he had her say yes.

Hermione wanted to say no but the words that came out of her mouth were “Yes.”

He didn’t wait any longer, his mouth closed over hers. He kissed her softly as first, just his lips lightly playing against hers. Oh this felt so wonderful, her lips were so soft like silk roses. But he still didn’t want to push her, so he pulled back. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes slowly opened.

Harry searched her eyes; a question was in his own. He wanted to do it again, and he saw in her eyes that she wanted also wanted too. Maybe less than a second passed as his mouth was once again on hers, but this time it was different. His kiss was a bit harder and a little more confident, they fell back against the side of the house and Hermione opened her mouth on a gasp as she was pressed up against the house.

She felt his tongue enter her mouth and touch hers, sending a pleasant tingly sensation through her entire body. She felt herself responding and returning his kiss, her heart was reeling, and her head was spinning. She loved this feeling, and wanted more. She felt his tongue rake hers in his urgency.


Ahhh I know I’m leaving you in the middle of the kissing scene. *snigger* don’t worry it’s all good. Well I hope you stay tuned for chapter 6. Please read and review thanks, Ryoko

6. Oh my Love

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 6— Oh My Love

Hermione loved this feeling, and wanted more. She felt his tongue rake hers in his urgency. The need for air became too much to bear and she pulled away. Her breathing was harsh, as was his.

Harry was watching her closely; he didn’t like it at all when she was walking away from him like that. He knew something had changed, he didn’t know exactly when this change occurred to him, he just knew that he didn’t want to be without her. Harry wanted her to be the one that smiled back at him every morning. He actually wanted to hear the words I love you from her. “Hermione, please forgive me for last night and today, I was scared and I didn’t know what to do.”

Hermione glanced down at her feet, “I just don’t know what to do anymore, I mean you can’t erase that look you had on your face last night. You have no idea how much that hurt. It was like I was some kind of disgusting wretch that wasn’t good enough for you.”

“No, no. It wasn’t that at all.” He took her hand, “I was afraid that I over stepped my bounds as a friend. I didn’t want to fall in love with you Hermione; I don’t want to end up hurting you. You are not just some girl, you’re my best friend —” He was interrupted.

“What?” Hermione said, “What did you just say?”

Harry felt confused, “That you’re my best friend.”

“No before that.” Hermione looked up at him.

“I don’t want to end up hurting you, cause you are—”

Hermione interrupted with a wave of her hand “No no, you said…” She paused taking in a breath. “Oh never mind, forget it.” Hermione started to move away but Harry wouldn’t let her, he held on to her hand tighter.

“Don’t leave Hermione; please I really, really want to talk about this.”

“It doesn’t matter Harry, really. I know you don’t want me bothering you. So if I do stay clear of you, you won’t have to feel this way and you can move on with your life and go find someone who’s more suited for you.” She attempted to turn away again.

“Hermione, you are suited for me. No one else knows me like you do, you’ve seen me at my worst and my best.”

“Don’t say things you don’t mean.” Hermione looked away.

Harry quickly had her face in his hands and he was kissing her gently, he pulled back looking into her eyes. “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.”

“But—” Hermione was cut off again.

“No buts Hermione.” Harry said and in a quick movement he pulled Hermione to him, his arms wrapped around her crushing her against him. His mouth claimed hers and he felt her arms wrap around him.

Fred and George’s mouths both dropped at the same time at them seeing both Harry and Hermione wrapped up in them selves. The twins had come out side to see why Hermione had viscously snapped at Ron earlier, and then they were going to laugh about it. They didn’t expect to find Harry and Hermione totally going at it on the side of the house.

Fred and George both witnessed that Harry had Hermione pressed up against the house; her hands were in his hair, moving about towards his shoulders. One of Harry’s hands couldn’t be seen, although a strap on her gown had fallen off her shoulder and was hanging loosely on her arm. A lot of her hair had been messed and pulled from her braid.

George heard Hermione gasp as Harry pulled his mouth from hers, and pressed his mouth against her neck, kissing her slowly, lightly sucking on the tender flesh there.

Fred saw one of Harry’s hands on her waist and the other was inside her— “Oh my God!! We’re you expecting something like this?” Fred asked his brother.

“Well not really, but what did you expect? Everything Ron wanted to happen was happening with Harry. And I think they are just overcome with hormones to really understand what’s going on.” George said.

“Oh I don’t think so dear brother, I think this has been building up for awhile.” Fred said, and then his famous Weasley up-to-no-good smirk graced his face. “We should go and get Ron, this would be one of the greatest looks and disappointments on his face we could ever hope to achieve.”

“I don’t know Fred, this just seems cruel. Even for us.” George said looking unsure.

“Oh come on George, you’re not losing your edge are you?”


“Then come on, we have to do this.” Fred said.

“What exactly will this teach Ron? The other things were just fine. But this, this is just right out horribly cruel.” George liked a good prank, but this was going beyond pranks.

“Look I know he doesn’t really love Hermione, he just thinks he does. We both know it’s just lust. We are helping him get over his desire. Remember nothing on that list of his said anything about love. Now come on.” Fred said and he started into the house.

George sighed, he suddenly felt really sorry for Ron. But he followed his brother anyway.

Fred and George walked into the living room to find Ron on the floor tied up with braided hair. There were sparkly lipstick marks all over his face. Ron lifted his head looking at his brothers.

“GET ME OUT OF THIS!!” Ron yelled.

Fred got a knife from the kitchen and went towards Ron, he quickly sliced through the roped and Ron got to his feet.

“Ron, have you been snogging the fairies?” George asked with a grin.

“What?” Ron felt confused.

“I mean sure, they are cute. But we always thought you would enjoy snogging with the same species.” Fred said with a wink.

“What are you buffoons talking about?” Ron said his eyes narrowing.

“Ever hear of a mirror, go and see for yourself smart ass.” Fred replied.

Ron grunted and headed towards the downstairs bathroom.

“Four, three, two” George counted on his fingers. “One.”

“AHHH!! WHAT THE HELL?! DAMN DIRTY FAIRIES!!” Ron’s voice echoed through the house.

Ron turned on the tap and water gushed out, he immediately cupped the water in his hands trying to get the lipstick off his face. He didn’t notice the water turn green with gold and silver sparkles. He continued to wash his face with the water. As soon as he was done he turned off the tap, with his eyes closed he reached for the towel hanging on the rack.

He grabbed the towel and wiped his face dry. He opened his eyes to check out his reflection. “OH!!!!” He was so furious he couldn’t even think of a— “FUCK!!” Ron shouted. Well then again maybe he could think of a word or two to say.

Ron raced out of the bathroom glaring at his brothers, “Look at what those stupid fairies have done, they ruined my face.”

George was trying to hold in his laughter the best he could, “I’d say it’s a vast improvement.” George couldn’t take it he doubled over and clutched his stomach, as he laughed so hard giving himself a stomachache.

Fred was laughing so hard; he noticed Ron’s face sparkled brightly, not to mention it was also green.

Ron was so mad that he went up to his brothers and snapped the wet towel at Fred and George, getting them both in the rear end.

“OWWW!!” The twins said at the same time.

Ron threw the towel on the ground and raced out the door, he was going to go find Harry and Hermione.

The screen door banged loudly against the side of the house as he stepped out. He looked around. “Harry, Hermione. Where are you two?!” He shouted.

Harry and Hermione sprung apart as they heard Ron’s voice so close to where they were. Hermione looked up at Harry she noticed his hair was messier than usual.

Harry glanced at Hermione, her lips were swollen and her face was flushed. Even some of her hair had been pulled from its braid. Her shoulder strap was hanging off her shoulder revealing the thin white bra strap. Harry quickly lifted the shoulder strap just as Ron rounded the corner.

Hermione immediately turned in the opposite direction as to continue situating herself without Ron seeing what she was doing.

“There you two are, I’ve been looking for you two for ages.” Ron said with a smile.

“Ahh! Ron what happened?” Harry said trying to hold down his laughter at seeing Ron’s green sparkly face.”

“One word. Fairies.” Ron said as he crossed his arms over his chest in irritation hearing Harry’s chuckles of laughter. He looked over at Hermione whose back was turned to them. She still seemed mad. “Hermione can you please get over it? Harry didn’t mean to walk in on you naked.” Ron paused a minute. “And what are you wearing?” He thought it looked really silly on her, but he wasn’t going to say anything

“The fairies wanted to play dress up, I was humoring them.” She said with her back still towards him. “Besides, I kinda like it.”

“Hermione? Please, please forgive Harry. This silly argument well it’s not right. You two are supposed to be friends.”

Hermione took a side-glance at Harry and saw him looking at her he gave her some kind of signal for her to play along. So she crossed her arms in front of her. “I don’t know Ron, it was really embarrassing. How would you like it if someone you trusted walked in on you in your most vulnerable state?”

“Hermione please it was just an accident.” Ron said as he stepped towards her he watched as she took another step away from him.

“Hey Ron, why don’t you let me talk to Hermione a moment in private. I’m sure we can work past this argument.” Harry said to Ron.

Ron nodded, “Sure I’ll just go for a walk or something.” He sure hoped his friends could get past this; it just wasn’t the same with them at each others throats like that. Ron walked away from his friends.

Hermione turned to Harry, “Okay now what?”

“What?” Harry felt confused.

“What is going on with you and I?” Hermione said searching his eyes for an answer.

“Well I was hoping this would mean that you would be my girlfriend, for I am so deeply in love with you.” Harry said softly.

Hermione just stared, “Well what do you say?” She heard Harry say. Hermione cleared her throat. “I hope you don’t mind me saying yes to that, and that I am too in love with you.” She looked down shyly, as her face increased in color.

Harry smiled then swept her up in his arms holding her tightly.

“Are we going to tell anyone?” Hermione asked looking into his eyes.

“I figure we’ll wait a few days. You know how Ron can get with change. I think we should give him subtle hints that way it doesn’t hit him full force. Do you know what I mean?”

Hermione nodded, “I think so.” She held him tightly resting her cheek on his shoulder.

Harry sighed with content as he held her so close, his eyes closed as he breathed in the light strawberry scent of her hair.

Ron from afar saw them hugging, he figured they must have made up. It was a good thing, he couldn’t take much more of Hermione’s rude outbursts. He ran towards them “I’m glad to see that you two have finally resolved your problems.”

Hermione pulled out of Harry’s arms looking at Ron with a smile and almost broke down into hysterical laughter. “Oh great Merlin Ron, what in the world?”

“Why don’t we go in and see what my mum is making for dinner.” Ron said trying to change the subject. He noticed something was off as he scanned his friends; they looked differently at each other. “Oh no!” He said to himself. His worst nightmares were coming true. Ron’s eyes narrowed. ‘They must be in love with each other; I’ll have to think of a way to keep them apart. She’s mine Harry Potter. MINE. She may love you, but I will get to her first. FIRST HA. Beat that why don’t you?’

A lovely dinner was made, Harry and Hermione kept giving each other quick glances across the table at one another. The Weasleys then took care of the dishes and they played a quick game of exploding snap while, Harry and Ron played a game of wizard’s chess. Ron won, as usual.

Hermione yawned, “Well I’m heading up to bed, night all.” She got to her feet, smiled at her two best friends and left the living room. Soon after Ron decided he was tired too. He walked up the stairs and instead of going to his room and stopped at Hermione’s door. He lifted his hand to knock when something hit the back of his head hard and he fell to the floor. The giggling fairies each grabbed a piece of Ron and dragged him into his own room, and closed the door. He was not going to ruin their plans, no sir-ree.

Harry too decided to call it a night and climbed the stairs he looked over at the door of the room that Hermione was in. He didn’t feel so sleepy anymore. Harry cautiously went over to the room and knocked lightly and the door. The door opened slowly and Hermione stood there in a dark blue shirt that only went down to her thighs. He couldn’t help but stare at her long legs. Harry snapped out of his trance and looked into her eyes.

“Hermione, you probably think I’m a little forward and all, but—” Harry didn’t have time to finish his thought as he was pulled against her.

“Just be quiet and get in here.” She said

Harry’s eyes went wide with shock for a moment, but then was replaced by his confident smile. He leaned in covering her mouth with his. Hermione’s arms circled around him as he stepped inside the room, she had to back up some. Harry then reached for the door and pushed it closed. His arms then went around her and his hands flattened against her back.

Harry felt Hermione’s mouth open underneath his, their tongues, met and tasted each other’s, forming around every curve, heightening the senses. Hermione felt the wonderful sensations travel through her as she stood there. Harry held on to her tighter, which caused her lower body press and move up against his, and he let out a soft groan. Harry gently pushed her from him and looked her straight in the eye. “Hermione we have to talk about this.”

Hermione nodded, “Okay.” She took in a deep breath, hoping to will her heart from beating so fast.

Harry took Hermione’s hand in his and led her over to the bed where the sat down on the end. “Now Hermione, I know you are still a virgin, but just how far have you been with any guy?” He hated asking this question, he really didn’t want to know the answer.

“Well what do you mean?”

“There’s so much two people can do together without going all the way.” He said looking down at her hand, which was still in his.

“I think I know what you mean, the most I’ve done is basically just a lot of kissing. I almost touched a guy, you know on his—” Her face was turning bright red, she couldn’t even finish what she was saying. “But I stopped. I was afraid I guess, and I just didn’t go through with anything.”

Harry thought she looked really cute when she blushed like that, he just smiled. “What made you afraid?”

“I’m not really sure,” Hermione said looking away from him.

“Well there’s really nothing to be afraid of.” Harry said softly. “Here then, touch me.”

Hermione’s eyes grew wide and she tried to pull her hand from his, “No, no I—I couldn’t.”

Harry held onto her hand, “Why not?”

“I—I just can’t do that, it’s impossible.”

He lifted his left hand and lightly cupped her cheek, and made tiny circles with his thumb “That’s not true, you can do anything.” Harry’s lips softly touched hers. He knew it was more her mind that was telling her she couldn’t do it, so he thought maybe to distract her a bit. So he pressed his lips harder against hers, and at the same time brought her hand down against his pants.

Hermione gave a soft gasp feeling her him, for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to move it, is this what she was afraid of? Harry shifted a bit and she was pressed down against the softness of the bed, with him slightly on top of her. Hermione’s heart was speeding up; Harry’s mouth left hers to travel down her chin, to her neck. He heard her gasp and he smiled against the soft flesh in between her neck and shoulder. He ran his tongue up the side of her neck he felt her shiver slightly with delight. He lifted his head so he could look at her, he bend slightly and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue; she opened her mouth to him so he could kiss her properly. His tongue dipped into her mouth coming in contact with hers, flicking and commanding her to respond.

While he was kissing her, Harry let his fingers travel down her neck coming to the first button on her shirt. He pulled himself from her a bit. “If you don’t want me to do something, tell me okay. Whatever you want me to do, I will.”

Hermione reached up and removed his glasses and tossing them gently to the floor, “I just want to feel nice, and loved.”

“You are loved Hermione, so very much.” And with that he kissed her again.

Harry’s hands went again to the buttons on her shirt, and undid them. He pushed the offending material out of his way. He lifted his mouth from hers; his lips touched her neck, traveling lower over her throat. He stopped inches above her breasts and his eyes caught the glorious site of her curved and full breasts once again. His hand covered her right breast and she gasped out loud. He looked at her watching her reaction, her eyes were blissfully closed. Harry watched her closely, she was so responsive. He teased the tip of her breast a bit watching her squirm around with delight, a small curved smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

He ran his tongue down the length of her neck, and throat. Down between the valley between her breasts. Harry lifted his head slightly and lightly circled her nipple with the tip of his tongue. She gave a deep throaty moan, and it made him want to please her more. He lifted his other hand and covered her other exposed breast teasing and causing her nipple to become erect, he moved his mouth over to the other and gave her a thorough worshiping.

Hermione was breathing hard; her nerves were all a flutter. Her mind was shut off and she was responding to everything Harry was doing, she had never felt anything remotely like this, and hoping it would never end.

Harry’s hand then drifted lower over her tight belly, he lifted his head watching her again in case she wasn’t too keen on the idea of him touching her so delicately and intimately. If she wanted him to stop she would tell him. His hand continued on down towards it’s destination.

He lightly traced his fingers along the opening of her sex, pressing her panties so intimately against her, she gasped into his mouth. She felt his fingers now inside her panties caressing each fold of her silky softness. He inserted his finger into her warmth, and she ripped her mouth from his in her blissful cry. He inserted a second finger and she rocked her hips while his thumb teased the soft button that caused the cries of her aching need for him fill the room.

Harry shifted a bit and he gently pushed her legs apart to reveal the jewel of her body. He took in a breath as his tongue lightly flicked at her little button he heard her give of a cry of approval and he continued. His tongue also entered into the hot crevice of her body, then out again flicking against the little button of her desire.

He was bringing her higher and higher away from reality, faster and faster, in and out of her his fingers moved. She almost couldn’t keep it in. Harry stopped immediately and lifted himself above her a bit. So he could look at her, and talk to her.

“Hermione if you want me to stop, now would be the time to say it. Cause in a second I won’t be able to.” Harry searched her eyes. He felt her hands on his waist and his shirt being pulled from inside the waistband of his jeans.

His shirt was off of him in an instant as well as the rest of his clothing, they were tossed to the floor. Harry looked at Hermione as he let her do whatever she wanted. He sat up pulling her with him. She was confused he could see it in her eyes. “Whatever you want to do, do it. Don’t think about it. Just feel.”


“Yes,” Harry gave her a soft smile. “Just feel. No thinking allowed.”

Hermione nodded, she timidly lifted her hand, which was shaking. She was very hesitant.

“Just feel Hermione, just feel.” His tone was soft.

Hermione took in a breath and lifted her hand against his cheek. Harry closed his eyes.

Harry felt her other hand come and rest on his shoulder, and travel over his shoulder and down his arm. Hermione moved her hand back up to his shoulder and both her hands wandered down over his chest, she was so amazed at the smoothness and silky like feel of his skin that she gasped softly. She leaned in a pressed her lips to the column of his throat. Her right hand then traveled lower over his stomach, she was still a bit hesitant to venture lower. Hermione took in a breath; ‘Don’t be afraid, there’s nothing to be afraid of.’ She thought to herself and closed her eyes tight. Her hand covered over him and he let out a half gasp half moan. She pulled her hand away worried that she hurt him. “I’m sorry did I do something wrong.”

“No.” He grabbed her hand again; “No you did something very right.”

“I just don’t want to hurt you.” She said quietly.

“You didn’t.” Harry then smiled a bit, “If you did something to hurt me I would tell you.”

“Okay, let me do it again?” Hermione asked looking him in the eye.

“Whatever you want.”

Hermione leaned in and pressed her lips against his, and her hand covered over him again. But this time she let her closed her fingers around him.

Harry’s arms went around her and he pulled her against his chest as she handled him shyly and not really knowing what to do. He would make suggestions. “Move your hand up and down just a bit.” He whispered softly into her ear.

She did what he suggested, hoping he either liked it or that she wasn’t hurting him. “Like that?”

“Yes, just like that.” He breathed out.

Hermione was amazed at the feel of him in her hand; she wondered what was so scary about this. She came to the conclusion that maybe it was the fact that the last person she attempted this with wasn’t the one she was in love with. Maybe in the back of her mind, she knew it would have been a mistake. But this is different. It’s not scary, it’s not strange. In fact she rather liked doing this, and all it took was the right person.

“Hermione, you have to stop that now.”

“Why? I like this.” She smiled a bit.

Harry smiled back as much as he could; he was over come with his emotions and desire that it was almost impossible. “I’m glad you like doing this, but if you don’t stop it will be over. And I don’t want this to be over just yet, do you?”

Hermione stopped and shook her head. “No.”

Harry quickly pressed his mouth against hers, and they fell back down against the mattress, he was completely on top of her. He kissed her slowly, as his hand again traveled down between her thighs. He rubbed her sensitive button with his fingers and she cried out into his mouth, the warmth was spreading over his fingers. Harry shifted again so that he thighs opened more; he moved his hand away and positioned himself at her entrance.

He lifted himself off of her a bit and put one hand on each side of her, holding himself up on shaky arms. Everything was sensitive and all his nerves were raw, he so wanted to take her, but he had to show just a little restraint. He had been with two virgins before, he knew the pain they felt. He wanted to make absolutely sure this is what she wanted because once he continued; she would no longer have this innocence. “Hermione, if you want to—” He was cut off when she hooked her arm around his neck and pulled herself up kissing him hard on the mouth.

She then pulled back from her kiss and looked him in the eye, “Make me yours Harry, please?”

He didn’t have to be asked twice. Harry kissed her, his mouth nudging hers open and he pressed her back down onto the bed again. While still kissing her, he eased a path inside of her. Hermione gasped at this new feeling. Harry felt the barrier to her inner sanctuary and stopped, letting her get used to the feel of him there. She was so tight and warm, the satiny walls of her body closed around him. He had to fight every ounce of his instinct not to go any further until she was comfortable. “This is going to hurt some.”

Hermione nodded her head, and she felt him push through. She cried out, her eyes squinted shut; tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. He waited again and watched Hermione open her eyes, which were filled with tears. He leaned down and kissed her softly then pulled back again. “I’m sorry Hermione.”

“I—It’s alright.” She said with a tiny smile upon her lips. Hermione traced his cheek with two fingers, she saw him give her a reassuring smile and then he leaned down to capture her mouth with his once again. Harry started moving himself in and out of her slowly. And the pain that was once there faded more and more, until all that was left was the feeling of completeness.

Hermione found herself kissing him harder as she squeezed him tighter with her thighs as moving herself along with him on pure instinct. She felt him pick up his pace and she welcomed it. Harry’s hands were on her legs and he wrapped them around his waist, and moved in deeper. They both let out gasps of approval, as he sunk more and more into her body.

He thrust harder and harder into her softness, as it formed around him. This was the most delicious feeling, much more then with anyone else. Maybe love did make a difference. Hermione rotated her hips, meeting his powerful thrusts as he pushed her sense higher and higher away. Her limbs clung to him so tightly, her arms around him and holding on, her legs squeezing around him and she even pulled him into her. Her mouth found his neck, wandering up to his mouth. Where she kissed him.

Hermione felt her chest tighten, her heart beating fast. The movement of him, bringing her closer and closer, faster and faster. Harry buried his face in between her neck and shoulder as he plunged into her with such a force he felt her body close tightly around him and Hermione arched her back, screaming out into the dark night. Everything around her felt small, as she was high above it all. She vaguely heard Harry who also reached his edge and then joined her voice creating a beautiful melody about the room.

Harry was breathing hard as was Hermione, trying to settle down from their recent visit to the heavens. His arms held her tight as his head was resting against her chest. He listened to the sounds of her heart as it was still beating. It belonged to him, he smiled. Hermione, his best friend and now lover. Was his.

He heard her breathing slow; he lifted his head a bit looking at her. She was asleep. Harry gazed at her; he gently lifted his fingers and traced her full lips with his index finger. They were still swollen from his kisses and the amount of sensations she had felt all through her body. He then rested his head back down against her chest. Harry reached for the blanket and pulled it over the both of them. Soon after, he too was asleep.


Okay that’s it for chapter 6 I hope I made up for what I did to you guys cutting you off in the kiss last week. Do you forgive me? Stay tuned for Chapter 7

7. The Morning After

Disclaimer: : No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

One Hot Summer

Chapter 7— The Morning After

Harry bolted up straight from a sound sleep; the light pinks had just begun to make an appearance over the horizon. He turned a bit and found Hermione still sleeping. “Hermione,” He shook her gently speaking softly into her ear, “Hermione wake up.”

Hermione was on her side and turned over, “Harry? What is it?”

“I think we made a mistake.”

She shook her head, “What?” Even though it was really early she still comprehended everything he said and her eyes narrowed. “What?” She asked again just to be sure.

Harry was able to see the look of disbelief and betrayal in her eyes. “No, no.” He said quickly. “It’s not what your thinking, we are definitely not a mistake. It’s the fact that we didn’t perform any spell so that you couldn’t get pregnant. And we didn’t even use any Muggle form of birth control either.” Harry was worried, he didn’t want to be the one to ruin her youth with bringing a child into the world.

“Oh relax Harry, everything was taken care of before you came in here.” She said turning over back on her side, still looking at him.

Harry grinned, “Why you little sneak.”

Hermione smiled a little, “Well I didn’t know when you would visit me the spell lasts for a good six weeks.” She said with a wink, “So I did the spell last night just to play it safe.”

Harry nodded in understanding; he wanted to stay there all night with her. But Ron would certainly have questions if he wasn’t there in the morning. He didn’t want his friend to find out the hard way that his two other friends were close. This would leave Ron feeling like the third wheel or uncomfortable around them. He wanted his best friend to be used to the idea and come to accept it. “I really should get back to Ron’s room; do you think he noticed I was gone?” Harry said as he bent over the side and slipped into his underwear.

“I just hope we didn’t wake anyone up that is my biggest concern.” Hermione said quietly as she watched Harry putting his shirt on over his head.

Harry crawled along the floor feeling around in the semi-darkness for his glasses. He found the glasses and placed them on. He stood and looked down at Hermione whose eyes were gently drifting closed. He walked back to the bed and bent down placing a gentle kiss to her lips. “Good night.” He whispered and picked up the rest of his clothing and shoes. Harry quietly started for the door, he opened it and looked up and down the hall and slipped outside. He closed the door behind him and swiftly hurried across the hall and opened the door to Ron’s room. Harry crept inside. The door was closed behind him.

Three fairies came from around the corner lightly giggling; they flew quickly about Hermione’s door, removing the silencing spell that was on the room. There was no way they were going to allow any interruptions to happen, while this was happening the three fairies in Ron’s room were sprinkling him with some pink sparkly dust removing the sleeping spell that was on him. They darted towards the window and sat on the windowsill.

Ron tossed and turned then finally sat up rubbing his eyes, he was relieved that he had no horrible nightmares. He leaned over and lit the lamp to get a little more light in the room. He looked over at Harry’s bed. Ron noticed Harry was asleep with some sort of goofy grin plastered across his face. He wondered what his friend was dreaming about. A fairy dropped down from the ceiling and blew out the lamp, she giggled and darted away. Ron just shrugged and lay back down against his pillow to get more sleep

* * *

Ron woke to the sounds of chirping birds; he glanced at the clock that said nine O’clock. He sat up and stretched. Ron could smell the breakfast scent floating about the room. His stomach was complaining so he got up and threw on an old black shirt and a pair of jeans. Ron loved Muggle clothing; he wondered why the Wizarding community just didn’t switch over. He noticed that Harry wasn’t in his bed. He’s probably down at breakfast. Ron raced to the bathroom and quickly drug a comb through his hair, and brushed his teeth. He then made his way down to the kitchen

Mrs. Weasley saw her son come into the kitchen, “You’re up awfully late dear.” She said with a smile.

“What do you mean? It’s only nine.” Ron was confused.

“No dear it isn’t, it’s nearly noon.” She kept in her chuckle.

Ron’s eyes narrowed and he heard giggling coming from the archway. He turned his head and found the fairies waving at him with smirks on their faces, he ran towards them and the fairies took off each giving off a little shriek they flew way too high for Ron to reach. “I’ll kill you stupid fairies if it’s the last thing I ever do.” He shouted throwing his fist up in the air shaking it at them.

“Is my little Ronniekins sick, do you need to see a doctor?” Mrs. Weasley asked as she came over to him pressing her hand against his forehead.

“No Mum, I’m fine, I’m fine.” He pushed his mothers hand away from his face as she tried to smother him with motherly affection.

Mrs. Weasley stopped her assault and Ron stepped away from her, “Where’s Harry and Hermione?”

“Oh they went out side.” Mrs. Weasley said as she walked back into the kitchen and bent half way over the counter and continued to read her Better Witches n’ Health cookbook.

Ron quickly raced towards the screen door and bolted through it, ‘Where in the world could they be?’ Ron thought. He looked in both directions, and started off towards the right.

“Hey Harry check this one out, this one is really pretty.” Hermione said as she pointed to the flower with a butterfly on it, its wings changed colors and it was fascinating to see. She started writing on the scroll.

“Well I still like the purple and green one better.” Harry said.

Hermione sat her book down on the grass and looked over at him, “Are you sure you’re not bored of helping me look for butterflies?”

“Well it is for an important class Hermione, I just don’t understand what made you decide to get into Entomology?”

Hermione got down low so that her rear end was up in the air; she put her face near the ground and studied a beetle with green and red stripes. “Let’s just say I have a fascination with insects, I always have. I know most girls go running and screaming from anything creepy and crawly, but me on the other hand I love insects, they have a whole interesting society.”

Harry turned around and faced her, seeing her in that position made him a little warm, he coughed. “Hermione, could you not do that?”

“Could I not do what?” She asked still studying the beetle. Then lifted her eyes to look at him.

“That.” He pointed to her rear end up in the air.

“Harry I need to study the insects and I have to kneel like this, sorry if it makes you a bit uncomfortable, but it has to be done.” Hermione said, then she smirked, “and then maybe I’m just doing this to torment you, you will never know.” Hermione lifted herself onto her knees, so that she kneeling upright.

Harry walked over to her and bent sitting in the same position she was, “You know for someone as innocent as you are, you sure know how to tease a poor guy.” He smiled.

“How innocent do you think I am?”

“Very.” He moved closer to her.

“And are you going to be the one to corrupt my very innocent mind?” She let her eyes fall innocently away from his after a few seconds she met his gaze once more.

Harry closed the distance between them “Oh I hope so.” He said with a grin. Harry moved in capturing her mouth with his. He felt her arms around him and pulling him against her. His lips pressed harder against hers and he felt her tongue touch his, which caused his arms to tighten around her.

He gently pressed her down against the soft grass, kissing her hard but gently. He felt her hands roaming about his back and finally her fingers reaching up into his hair. Harry gave a soft moan into her mouth, and let his hand travel down over her shirt barely brushing against her breast. He shifted a bit and his hand found its way underneath her shirt and upon the soft material covering her round, firm breast.

Hermione gasped feeling his hand on her breast that she squirmed a bit trying to feel more, her blasted brassiere was in the way. She wished she had enough nerve to just tear it from her body. Harry lifted his mouth from hers and pressed his lips against the side of her neck and then back again over her chin he pulled back a minute and Hermione reached up and removed his glasses and set them next to her. Harry moved a bit and he quickly lifted the hem of her shirt and pulled the clothing off of her, in an instant her brassiere was soon to follow.

She felt his hands on her breasts, Hermione breathed in a short breath as she felt her heartbeat quicken at his gentle touch. Hermione gave a soft gasp when she felt his lips cover over the sensitive tip of her breast. With his hand he teased her other breast by lightly tracing his fingers around the curve, over the nipple where the tips of his finger barely touched her. She knew he was teasing her like this, the frustration kept building.

Harry’s mouth moved from her breast and he lifted his head looking at her, “Hermione…open your eyes.” He said in short breaths. Harry saw her eyes flutter open and intensely held her gaze while his hand wandered down over her flat belly he came to another offending garment, if he had it his way they would never wear clothing at all. He brought his other hand down and very slowly unbuttoned her shorts. He heard her groan her frustration and he smiled a bit. He loved being able to torture her like this, besides she what fun would it be if it was always quick. What a pain it would be if someone came along and spoiled their time together.

Ron continued to walk over the property; well they were nowhere at this end of the property. So he decided to take a look on the other side. He called out for them several times but he got no answer. He started walking about the property some more, he felt the ground tremble a little, he shrugged and kept walking forward. The ground trembled again. This time Ron heard an angry snarling to the left of him, he slowly turned his head and saw a sight worse than in his dreams. There stood a very large, drooling furry brown spider. He stared for a moment, and then let out a very loud ear-piercing scream. His voice was high pitched and feminine sounding as he turned around and fled in the opposite direction, the spider was chasing after him.

What he didn’t see were four fairies who were high fiving each other as Ron was running away screaming like a wild banshee. Three fairies followed slowly after him, while the other three made sure that no one came across and ruined their plans of true love.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” Harry said looking into her eyes.

“Yes.” She breathed out.

Harry’s hand was between her thighs almost touching her; he barely let his fingers brush over the hidden jewel of her body. “Say you love me.” He said softly and he let his finger touch her just a little bit more causing her to cry out.

Hermione’s emotions where overwhelming her, and she took in a breath, “I—I love you.” She said her voice an enchanting melody.

He wanted to hear those words from her for the rest of his life, Harry leaned in more so his lips where mere inches from hers “Tell me you want me.” His lips brushed lightly over hers and he pulled back a bit staring deeply into her eyes as if seeking out the inner depths of her soul.

“I want you Harry, I want you to love me.” Hermione’s voice was shaking with need; she felt his fingers completely touching her, rousing her desire.

“I do love you Hermione,” Harry brought his mouth down against hers, kissing her with such a want and need of her. His tongue desperately seeking out hers in a frantic heat of hunger. Hunger to have her all to himself. For her heart to belong to him as his belonged to her. Harry loved this feeling; he never wanted this to be over. While he was still kissing her, his hand and fingers were still in between her thighs. His fingers caressing the delicate folds of her sex, teasing and tantalizing the sensitive button causing her gasps and cries to grow with the increasing pounding of her heart.

Hermione couldn’t keep her cries of pleasure to herself, she felt him pull his hand away from her. She groaned again in her bitter frustration and buildup of wanting more. Her eyes brimming with the tears of her longing and need. She so wanted to relieve the aching strain of her need to feel release, so she attempted to bring her own hand down but Harry caught it before her hand reached its destination.

“Oh no you don’t love,” He supposed his torture worked a little too well. Harry felt really bad for making her feel like she would have to take care of herself. “I’ll take care of you. I promise.” He said in soothing tones as he positioned himself against the entrance of her body. Harry looked down at her; her eyes were closed tight as he saw tears trickle out of her eyes. Now he really felt bad. “I am so sorry Hermione, please don’t cry.”

“I—I can’t help it. I just need—my emotions are all messed up.” She said with a soft smile.

Harry smiled, “I know this is a powerful feeling, it tends to control us.”

Hermione nodded, “Please don’t think that it’s anything you’ve done that’s making me cry, I just never felt like this so all my emotions are running amok.” She laughed lightly. She waited a few moments and before Harry had a chance to do anything she pressed her lower body against his and he slid inside her.

He was breathing hard feeling her snug around him, “I take it you want to continue?” Harry said with a grin.

“Yes.” She breathed out in a soft whisper.

Harry bent down covering her mouth with his, kissing her. He started moving himself in and out of her gently. He still had to be somewhat careful in the beginning. But her body was so warm and inviting. He felt the silky folds of her closing around him that he let out a gasp of his own, he listened to her cries of pleasure with every thrust into her. He so wanted to please her, so he slowed his rhythm just a bit.

Hermione held on to him tightly as she kissed him back with such a fiery want and need that she no longer had control of what she was doing, her body was in control; her mind had gone on holiday. Her tongue was attacking his in such a rush of heat, hard and powerfully his tongue dueled along with hers as if fighting for control. Their mouths were pressing harder against each other’s.

She felt his body move harder and stronger into hers she pulled her mouth from his. Her arms went around him as he slid further and further into her, harder and faster he moved. She pressed herself up so tightly against him, wanting, needing to reach the end.

Harry felt her legs clamp around his waist as he drove into her, she seemed to want more and more so he gave up on being soft and gentle, that wasn’t what she wanted. Innocent or not his Hermione wanted her needs fulfilled and he would give her exactly what she wanted. As he thrust harder into her slick hot body, he felt her mouth against his neck, her lips on his throat. He could hear her breathing in his ear as that pushed him more and more. She made beautiful sounds. Beautiful cries and gasps.

As Harry continued pleasing her, he felt her body closing around him harder and tighter. She was approaching her edge, he could feel it. He picked up his pace a little bit more, driving in her as hard as he could. Her hands clutched at him, grabbing at his shoulders so hard that her fingernails dug into his skin. Her back arched so far off the ground that it appeared that she might break something; her wild scream of pleasure seemed to drown out every sound around them.

Her body was tight around him, so very tight that he felt himself approach his edge, with another hard plunge deep into her soft warmth, he let out a cry equal to Hermione’s she was still calming down from her visit to the heavens. Completely exhausted he practically fell on her, almost crushing her under him. He listed quietly to the sounds of her heart, which was slowing to a more normal pace. He lifted up a bit and rested his chin on his hands looking at her.

Out of all the relationships he’s had this one wasn’t even in that category, it was far better than anything he had ever known. He had heard from Sirius to watch out for those innocent schoolgirl types, they were always the ones you would least expect to have that much energy, it was always difficult to give them exactly what they wanted. “Did I hurt you any?” Harry asked with concern, thinking that maybe he was just a little too rough with her.

Hermione smiled, “No, what makes you think that you did?”

Harry rolled over on his back, taking Hermione with him so that her head was lying on his chest. “Well I was going a little hard on you there, some girls can’t take it like that.”

She sighed, “Oh you didn’t hurt me at all.” Hermione lifted her head looking at him; she noticed red, fingernail marks in his skin. “But it looks like I hurt you.”

He looked at her and followed her line of vision to his shoulders; he glanced at it as if it were no big deal. “It looks like you did.”

“I am sorry Harry, I didn’t know that I had done that.” Hermione sat up half way, her hair dropping down over her shoulders.

“It’s all right, you, love, are quite the wildcat,” He said with a smile.

“I still feel really horrible, I don’t want to hurt you like that.” Hermione felt so ashamed that she couldn’t even meet his gaze.

“Listen, these will heal. They will go away.” Harry noticed she was looking towards the ground; he lifted his hand cupping her cheek causing her to look at him. “You are a very passionate young lady, and you can give me marks like this anytime you want.” He said with a smirk.

“So I didn’t do anything wrong?” She asked carefully.

“Being in love like this, well it’s not really a test you don’t get graded. You could never do anything wrong.” Harry saw her smile, which in turn made him smile; she always had the prettiest smile.

Hermione leaned over pressing her lips against his in a soft and gentle kiss. She felt his hands reach up and grab a hold of her face keeping her in place. He wanted to feel her lips on his just a few minutes more. She tried to pull away, but he still wouldn’t let her go. She started laughing while still held in the kiss, he too joined in on the laughter and they both pulled apart for air. “We should get back.”

“But I want us to stay like this forever, wearing no clothes just laying her in each others arms, just enjoying all our time together.” Harry said looking up into her eyes.

“I would love that, but—” Hermione was cut off by Harry placing a finger against her lips.

“I know, I know someday we’ll be able to do that just not now.” Harry smiled.

Hermione returned the smile and turned around to grab her clothing from off the ground as did Harry. They both quickly scrambled into their garments. Hermione picked up her scrolls and book. And they started back towards the house.

As they were walking Harry grabbed Hermione by the arm and swung her around pulling her against him, he was about to kiss her when Hermione turned her head at the last minute. He was about to ask what the matter was when Hermione said.

“Do you hear that? It sounds like someone screaming.” Hermione looked up at Harry who looked like he was concentrating on the sound as well.

“Yes it does.” Harry moved away from Hermione and listened harder for the sound, it sounded north from the house. “I’m going to go check it out.” He started walking from her

“Well I’m coming with you.” She said and he abruptly turned around facing her.

“No you stay here in case there’s trouble.” Harry said

Hermione’s eyes narrowed, “No way, I’m coming with you and that’s final.” She sat her book and scrolls down on a large rock. She saw Harry shrug.

“All right fine, but if there’s one ounce of trouble you run.” Harry said very seriously.

“Agreed.” Hermione answered, she and Harry started walking in the direction of the noise. They came upon Ron who was turned towards a large boulder screaming his head off. It was the weirdest sight the two of them had ever seen.

“I think he’s lost his mind.” Hermione said quietly looking up at Harry.

Harry nodded very slowly, “I’m beginning to agree with you.” He stepped close to Ron and placed his hand on his shoulder, “Ron are you okay.”

“Harry?” Ron lifted his face from the boulder looking at Harry.

“Yes Ron, it’s me. You’re best friend Harry.” He spoke slowly. “Are you okay?”

“Spider, big, huge spider.” Ron pointed at Hermione without turning around.

‘Spider?’ Hermione mouthed to Harry who just shrugged as if he had no clue to what Ron was talking about. Hermione glanced around on the ground; something was crawling about the leaves. She smiled and bent down holding the eight-legged cutie in her hand. “Ron, is this the spider you are talking about?” Hermione asked.

“Yes, yes!!” Ron shrieked still facing the boulder.

“Oh Ron this poor little thing couldn’t hurt you,” Hermione said with a chuckle. “It makes a great little friend.” She patted it a bit, it tried to run off of her hand but she quickly caught it in her other hand. “Come on, take a look.”

Ron looked at Harry for a moment who nodded; he slowly turned around and saw a really small spider in the palm of Hermione’s hand. He pointed at the spider, “But—but that thing was huge, with drooling fangs and it was really furry. It was at least this big.” Ron made a grand gesture with his long arms wide.

Hermione sighed, “Ron I think you’re getting a little too much sun, perhaps we should go inside?” Hermione bent down and let the spider run off her hand. She wiped her hands off and stood back to her full height and started walking back towards the house.

“Yeah mate come on, I think the sun is getting to you.” Harry patted Ron on the back then followed after Hermione.

Ron’s mouth moved but he couldn’t make sentences come out, he was so confused. He kept putting his finger in the air as if he was trying to say something. He shook his head, and started following after Harry and Hermione. He took a deep breath and got closer to them, he watched Hermione walking ahead of him. His gaze started at her heels, wandering up her legs, over her rear where his eyes lingered a moment then traveling up her back, that was a pretty shirt she was wearing, the light green looked good on her. He noticed the tag sticking up in the back; something was off about her shirt. It clicked in his head, it was on inside out. Strange he thought. He shrugged it off; she probably put it on that way this morning and just hasn’t noticed it yet.

Ron watched as Harry reached out and touched Hermione on the shoulder, it looked almost like a soft caress, but in a moment Harry shouted “Tag you’re it.” And Harry ran away from Hermione as she got this silly grin on her face and started chasing after him. Ron shook his head he never understood those Muggle activities. They were chasing each other all over the yard.

Harry and Hermione were in a heavy fit of laughter by the time their chase had ended that they collapsed next to each other on the lawn in the back yard. Ron came over and lay down next to Hermione so that she was in between them.

“That spider really was huge.” Ron said tilting his head looking at Hermione.

“Oh yes Ron, so scary. It’s going to attack Antville any second now.” Hermione teased.

“No I’m serious, it was very, very big. Almost like—” Ron paused thinking about that time in third year, he shivered.

“I’m so tired.” Hermione said as she turned over on her side facing Harry, “I think I’ll take short nap.” She closed her eyes.

Ron stood up, “Well I’m hungry, and I’m going inside.” He looked at Harry, “Are you coming Harry?”

Harry shook his head, “Nah, I think I’ll take a nap too, its really nice out here and the sun is really warm.”

“Suit yourself.” Ron said and headed towards the screen door.

Ron neared the screen door when something made him turn around, he saw Harry who was on his side, the side of his face was in his hand which was propped up with him leaning on his elbow. He was looking down at Hermione who was already sleeping. Ron saw Harry move a piece of her hair away from her face and he leaned in kissing her lightly on the forehead. Ron’s eyes narrowed in bitter anger and jealousy, he was about to go back over when Fred and George appeared on the other side of the door.

“Hey Ron you had better come and see this.” Fred said and he opened the screen door.

George grabbed Ron by the arm and pulled him inside before he had a chance to say no.

After a few moments of watching Hermione sleep, Harry lay back down on his back and closed his eyes. He too was tired; it was a very exhausting afternoon. While his eyes closed he smiled. He hoped there would be more afternoons like that. And he finally drifted off to sleep.


Well that’s it for chapter 7; I hope you all enjoyed it. Stay tuned for Chapter 8—Thoughts Of The Past. Read and Review, thanks, Ryoko

8. Thoughts of the Past

One Hot Summer

Chapter 8:Thoughts of the past.

At about twelve noon after their well deserved nap, Hermione and Harry sat down with Ron at the kitchen table where Mrs. Weasley gave them a new dish out of her Better Witches n� Health magazine. The food looked a pasty green with little red dots on them.

Hermione looked down at the food, �ooh looks good Mrs. Weasley.� She said trying not to throw up at the site of this strange dish.

�Oh it is good Hermione dear, I�m sure you will like it just fine.�

�Yeah me too.� Hermione lifted a fork full to her mouth and was about to take a bite when she remembered about her book she left outside earlier. The fork dropped from her hand and it hit the plate with a loud clink. �Oh dear I left my supplies outside on that rock, I had better go get them.� Hermione said as she excused herself from the table.

�Uh, I�ll go with you in case you need help.� Harry offered and he also stood up from the table. He followed Hermione out of the house.

The Weasley�s heard the screen door close and Fred turned to Ron.

�You know one would think they left together so they could go snog or shag or something like that. What do you think Ron?� Fred smiled.

�Oh Fred stop that kinda talk at the table, you know I disapprove.� Mrs. Weasley said as she lifted a bite of her green meal to her mouth. He face immediately paled and she tasted something rather bitter, her lips puckered.

�Uh how is it Mum?� George asked with a hidden smirk.

Mrs. Weasley started chewing, very slowly. �It�s um interesting.� She swallowed. Who was she kidding, it was nasty. She jumped up from her chair and headed towards the bathroom, the dang thing was coming back up.

�I suppose Mum didn�t like our bitter butter seeds, what do you think Fred?�

�Oh I think they worked just fine, now she won�t try to feed us that health food crap ever again.� Fred replied with a smile. He watched as Ron got up from his chair. �Where are you going?�

�Just for a walk.� Ron said. �I�m not that hungry.�

George pretended to faint, �not that hungry, since when are you not hungry?�

�I�m just not hungry alright.� Ron was irritated as he headed out the door in search of his friends. He walked the path where the giant spider chased after him. Ron knew Hermione left her books on the boulder there when they were talking. He heard voices, namely Harry and Hermione�s voices, they weren�t even whispering. Ron got nearer he could see them he watched as Harry had one arm around Hermione as she was leaning against the boulder. She looked very seriously up at him and he was nodding. He listened intently on what they were saying.

�So why did you pick me? I�m sure there are plenty of other more elegant girls that could have had your attention.� Hermione looked up at him.

�I think somehow it�s always just been you, sure I�ve had other relationships. But ours, yours and mine are deeper in some way.� Harry leaned in closer and rested his forehead against hers, �and you are elegant Hermione, who�s to say you aren�t. I want to spend the rest of my life just making you happy.�

Hermione smiled �Oh Harry, you are just so sweet.� She felt a blush creep on. �Are you sure that I am enough for you?�

�More then sure, love. More then sure.�

�I just don�t want you to wake up one morning and say hey, what was I thinking?� Hermione glanced at her feet.

He gently cupped her face with in his hands, and tilted her face upward so he could look into her eyes �Do you have no confidence in yourself Hermione, there will never be anyone else for me. You are it, now and hopefully once school is over, that you would be mine forever.�

�Oh I hope so too.� Hermione replied in a soft whisper.

Harry lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly. Hermione seemed to melt to him as her arms went around him pulling him closer. She felt the nudging against her lips and immediately opened her mouth giving him what he and she also wanted.

Ron�s fists clinched at his sides so hard that his knuckles were turning white, �how dare they go around behind my back and do this.� Ron thought to himself, he would put in play some extra things in his plan tonight at the party. There was no way he was going to give up. Just because Harry seemed to have won her already, doesn�t mean he doesn�t completely have her. Ron smirked, oh yes he would have his chance and it would be tonight. Ron heard leaves crunching as he turned to find his two brothers heading in his direction.

�Ron, Mum said it�s time to start getting read for Percy and Penelope�s fancy one year anniversary party.�

�All right.� Ron said and without looking back he started towards the house.

Fred and George sniggered at the kissing couple, they really didn�t want to embarrass Harry or Hermione at all, they were doing this just to torture Ron and it was such fun.

�Harry, Hermione where are you two?� George shouted.

The two lovebirds broke apart immediately, Hermione grabbed her books and scrolls from off the boulder and she and Harry stood before them. Trying to act like they had not been caught doing something more then friend like.

�Yes.� Hermione said, she felt a scratch in her throat and cleared it, �yes what is it?�

Fred smirked, he noted she looked pretty cute in that roman getup, too bad for Ron. He laughed to himself. �Our mum wants us all to get ready for Percy�s party tonight, so we were told to fetch you.� Fred smiled.

�Oh okay then.� Harry answered. He turned and looked at Hermione. �this will be a lot of fun, don�t you think?�

�Oh I hope so.� Hermione replied as she and Harry followed the twins back inside.

* * *

After Harry�s shower he went into Ron�s bedroom and proceeded to get into his formal wear. The invitation said muggle formal wear only, no dress robes. Harry chuckled. �Leave it to Percy to have rules for his party.� Harry said out loud but quietly to himself. He got into his formal suit and sat down, he had some time to think. And Hermione�s doubts came flooding back to him and he started thinking about his past school days:

*~*~ Begin Flashback~*~*

�Harry, Harry oh God guess what?� Ron said.

Harry who was sitting in the common room at Hogwarts in his sixth year looked up from his scroll as his best friend was getting his attention. �What?�

�Fred and George are coming back to school for a visit.� Ron said. �Can you believe that? It�s bad enough I have to live with them day in and day out, but now they are coming back to torment me.�

�Ron, you don�t know they are just coming to torment you.� Hermione said who was sitting next to Harry. �Why would they just do that?�

�Simple Hermione, they are my brothers. They live to ruin my life.� Ron shook his head back and forth.

Hermione heard the clock above the mantle ding, she looked up and smiled. �Ah seven O�clock. I gotta go guys.�

Harry looked at her, �why where you going?�

�Justin is taking me to the astronomy tower; I have never been there with a boy before. Well like not like this on a date anyway.�

�Hermione, you promised you would help me work on these charms.� Harry said, with a bit of disappointment.

�I can help you when I get back later, after my date.� She smiled and put her books into her bag. She rested her bag against the couch. �Well I�ll see you soon.� And she went towards the portrait hole.

�Since when did she become the social butterfly?� Ron spat.

�Well she is growing up Ron,� Harry said returning to his scroll.

�Yeah but still, she shouldn�t be dating Hufflepuffs.� Ron said still staring towards the portrait that Hermione left through.

�As if my dating a Ravenclaw isn�t the same thing?� Harry pointed out.

�But that�s different, you�re a guy you can date whoever you want.� Ron smirked.

�Don�t let Hermione hear you say that, you�ll end up getting one of her long lectures.� Harry laughed. �In fact I think I�ll tell her what you said.�

Ron was about to say something when the portrait swung open and two familiar look alikes stepped in. Harry smirked knowing that it was Fred and George, the twin terrors.

�Ah it�s good to be back.� Fred said as he threw his suitcase to the floor. �Time to spread our joy.�

�Oh I agree dear brother.� George replied with a smile.


�I�m not dating her anymore.� Harry replied.

�Did you two, you know?� Ron asked.

�No, we just didn�t click. I�m interested in someone else now anyway.� Harry said.

Ron nodded, he so hoped it wasn�t who he had his sights on. �Well who�s the lucky girl?� Ron asked.

�I know it�s going to sound silly, but I have a tiny crush on Lavender.� He smiled.

�O�on Lavender?� Ron was disappointed it was the girl he had his sights on. �Why her?�

�Because she�s hot.� Hermione replied interrupting their conversation.

Both boys looked at her in shock.

�Oh so you think so do you?� Ron asked.

�No you idiot, I do not. I heard Harry talking about her to Dean just the other day.� Hermione smiled at him. �Why do you like her Harry? It has to be something more then just her hotness.�

�It is, she�s not as flakey as you all think she is. Lavender has a small problem with confidence, she never thinks she can do anything right. But I have been spending some time with her, going over classes with her and believe it or not she is pretty smart.� Harry replied.

�Okay Harry I believe you.� Hermione said, �Hey are you ready to go to Hogsmeade with me, I have to pick up something for Justin�s birthday.�

�Yep, let�s go.� Harry said and he went with Hermione towards the portrait.

Ron couldn�t believe it, Harry liked the same girl he did. What an outrage. What a load of� His thoughts were interrupted as he felt someone snake their arms around his neck. He knew who it was by the smell of her hair.

�Hello darling.� She said into his ear.

Ron turned and found Lavender smiling at him, �what do you want?� He asked.

�You know.� She answered.

�Lavender what kind of game is this, are you interested in Harry too?� Ron asked seriously.

�Oh sweetie, of course I am. I just have a hard time deciding between the both of you.� Lavender smiled. �You are both so nice to me and treat me with respect. I can�t help but love both of you, I just have to figure out who I love more.�

�And how are you going to do that?� Ron asked.

Lavender sat down next to him on the couch, �Ron have you ever kissed a girl before?� She asked.

�Umm, well no.� He admitted regretfully.

The twins poked their heads from around the corner and started talking amongst themselves.

�Did you bring them?� Fred asked quietly.

�Of course I did,� George replied with a smile as he got out a very large box.

�Great give them to me.� Fred said and he watched as his brother handed him the rocket.

�So this will be your first kiss Ron and it will be mine too. I want to us to share our first ones together.� She smiled bashfully.

�Really, me? Not Harry, but me?� Ron was ecstatic.

�Yes you. So kiss me already.� Lavender smiled and gently closed her eyes.

Ron licked his lips and moved in, his lips barely brushed hers when a rocket blazed past right in front of him and exploded, the room was filling with all kinds of sparks and colors. Both he and Lavender jumped back with a loud yell �AHHH!�

�Ron!!� Lavender was mad, �You are so mean, I hate you.�

�Wha�what did I do?� Ron was confused.

�You think you can make a fool out of me, that was a mean joke you played on me Ron, I will never forgive you.� Lavender sad and distressed she jumped up from the couch and ran out of the common room.

Ron heard snickering and laughing and he turned to find Fred and George rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter.

George pointed at Ron whose fists were clinched at his sides, �Well we wanted your first kiss to be explosive.� George continued to laugh.

Fred, �I think they both saw fireworks.� Fred laughed so hard that he looked like he would wet his pants.

Ron growled and took himself up to his room and slammed the door.

Harry and Hermione were coming back from Hogsmeade and they stepped through the secret passage.

�Oh Harry this is just the perfect gift for Justin, I�m so glad you were there to help me pick it out.� She smiled down at the little wrapped box in her hand.

�I�m glad to be of help my friend.� Harry grinned.

Without warning Hermione threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Harry wasn�t shocked at this, she had become more emotional as she got older and he had gotten quite used to it. For some reason it was fun to hug her and he didn�t mind in the least.

�Thank you Harry you�re a good friend.� She said

�So are you.�

Hermione pulled back. �Well I�m going to give Justin his present, I�ll see you later.� She smiled and hurried off towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Harry continued walking and sounds of someone crying caught his attention, he stopped near a door and pressed his ear to the door and listened, sure enough someone was crying. He pushed the door open and he saw Lavender sitting on a desk, a tissue in her hand and tears streaming down her cheeks.

�Lavender, are you alright what happened?� Harry came inside and closed the door to give them privacy.

�Ron is so cruel.�

�What did he do?� Harry sat next to her.

�He made a fool out of me, I told him I never kissed anyone before and he well he shot fireworks off at me.� She wiped her tears away with her tissue. �He is such a child sometimes, I don�t think he will ever grow up.�

�I�m sorry about Ron, he can be a bit childish at times.� Harry said patting her on the back.

�I don�t even know why I wanted to kiss him, I�m not even really interested in him.� Lavender sniffled.

�Who are you interested in?� Harry asked carefully, he wanted it to him.

�Oh it doesn�t matter. He would never like me anyway. He probably thinks I�m a flake. I mean just cause I�m fascinated by Divination doesn�t mean I�m a flake, does it?�

�No it doesn�t.� Harry answered, �And how do you know he doesn�t like you, did you talk to him?� He watched her eyes, she seemed to be avoiding his. �Can I ask you a question?�

�What?� She looked up at him.

�Is it me?�

�Uh, I have to go.� Lavender got up off the desk but Harry quickly grabbed her hand and she turned looking at him.

�I was kind of hoping that it was me.� He said with a smile.

�You�you were?� Lavender was surprised.

�Yes, I really like you and I was so hoping that you liked me too.�

Lavender was speechless. �you�you like me?�

Harry nodded.

�I never thought you would like me so I never said anything.�

�Well I do like you Lavender, I�ve liked you for months.� Harry glanced down at his feet.

�Why didn�t you say anything?� She asked her eyes lit up with happiness.

Harry shrugged, �I�m not too good with expressing how I feel.�

�Well we are alike in that regard.� Lavender glanced at the floor, �so what happens now?�

�How about we spend sometime together, like a�a date maybe?� Harry asked. �This Saturday?�

Lavender smiled, �Oh I would love that. Saturday is going to be so much fun.� Without thinking she leaned up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Her face flushed and she ran out of the room.

Harry watched her go and smiled, he was very happy.


Harry and Lavender had been dating for weeks, it was a fun and lovely relationship. Harry glanced about her face as she was eating lunch. He wondered if something was missing, but he also felt very happy around her.

Lavender looked up at him as she felt him staring at her. �Is something the matter?�

�Lavender, I�ve been thinking.�

�Well so have I, I want, well..� She started blushing bright red. �I think, I want to you know.�

Harry started blushing too, �Oh you want to.� He couldn�t help the bright red cheeks, as he thought about it. �Do you really want to, I mean I��

�Well unless you don�t want to I would understand.� Lavender said interrupting him.

�Oh no, it�s not that. It�s just.� He leaned forward so close so that only she could hear him, �I have never done that before.� He said.

�Well neither have I,� She glanced at her fingers, �Do you want to?� Lavender said in a quiet whisper.

Harry nodded slowly and he saw Lavender smile.

�Okay then tonight when Hermione leaves for her midnight snog with Justin��

�She what?� Harry interrupted.

�Oh didn�t you know? Hermione always leaves at about midnight and doesn�t come back for hours. She told me in confidence of course not to tell Parvati, which I haven�t. But she goes to spend quality time with Justin in the astronomy tower.� Lavender replied with a smile. �Those two are just so adorable.� She noticed he looked shocked. �Is everything alright?�

�Yes, yes of course.� Harry smiled. �I just didn�t think Hermione would do anything against the rules like that. Imagine sneaking out in the middle of the night like that for shame.� He teased.

�Well her bed is right next to mine, so I hear when she�s leaving and when she�s coming back. But you can sneak into the girl�s room my bed is second from the door, and then I�ll make do with the silencing charm. What do you think?�

Harry smirked, �It seems like you�ve been planning this awhile.�

�Well.� Lavender�s cheeks flushed an attractive pink, �Perhaps I do think about that sort of thing often so I created some sort of plan in my mind.�

�So that�s the plan then?� Harry asked just to be sure.

�Unless you have a better one?�

�No I don�t.� Harry replied honestly. �Well I gotta get to the library before Hermione checks out all the books, I need something on sour funguses and what their uses are.� He leaned in a kissed her lightly on the lips and stood.

�Snape is just so gross when it comes to potion ingredients.� Lavender felt sick.

�I�ll see you later.� Harry said with a smile and then headed for the library.


The door to the girl�s dorm opened and a figure came through, Harry stood there in his invisibility cloak as he watched Hermione pull the hood up on her black cloak and look around in both directions.

�Oh Hermione I hope you know what you�re doing?� Harry thought to himself. He then thought that what was he worried about Justin was harmless, he would treat her right. And besides Justin knew if he didn�t treat her right Harry here would beat him to a pulp in seconds flat. Harry watched as Hermione moved from the door he quickly stood in the doorframe as Hermione practically flew down the stairs as if walking on air.

Hermione took one last look up at the girl�s dorm door, it closed and she smiled. She left through the portrait hole off to meet her wonderful boyfriend in the astronomy tower.

Harry saw Lavender sit up from her bed and he walked closer to her. He quickly removed the cloak and he saw her smile. Lavender waved her wand around her speaking quietly, then with her dainty hand she motioned him over. Harry rushed to her side and sat down on her bed facing her. Lavender pulled the curtains around her bed and spoke the silencing charm. She set her wand outside of the curtains on the table next to the bed.

�alright I took care of everything necessary so we don�t have any unexpected problems.� Lavender said with a smile.

Harry figured she must have made sure that she would not end up getting pregnant. He tucked his legs under him and leaned forward. �Are you sure you want to do this Lavender? Because if you don�t it�s fine.�

�No I want to.� Lavender leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She felt his arms go around her pulling her against him. Harry�s mouth opened hers and he kissed her stronger, harder. The feelings were much different then before. They were used to giving each other slow and soft kisses, these were powerful and desperate. Desperate to feel. Desperate to taste. Desperate to learn. And most of all Desperate to please.

Harry�s hands were shaking nervously as the wandered about her back, he gently pushed her back onto the bed. His hands and fingers moved over her, exploring every sensitive spot to her favorite place where she liked to be tickled. In an instant both their clothing where shed and they explored the first experiences between a man and a woman.


About two weeks have passed since Lavender and Harry shared their first experiences together, and they have been together a few more times after that.

Lavender heard a scream followed by a laugh coming from the Hufflepuff�s table. She recognized the voice as Hermione�s. She turned and saw the girl jump up from next to Justin with a large smile on her face. She had some white cream in her hand and she rubbed it all over Justin�s face.

Harry also heard the commotion and looked over he saw what Hermione had done, and she was smiling so brightly. He saw Justin stand with a bowl of what looked like red jello in his hand and advanced towards his bushy haired friend with a smile on his face as well. He watched as Hermione turned and fled the Great Hall with Justin trailing after her with that bowl full of jello.

�They haven�t even slept together yet.� Lavender said disrupting Harry�s friend watching.

�What?� Harry was sure they had, Hermione and Justin were so comfortable with each other. �Are you sure?�

�Positive, Hermione doesn�t lie and I don�t expect her to.� Lavender replied. �Harry we have to talk.�

�Uh-oh I know that tone.� Harry said looking down into his plate.

�Harry, are you happy with me?� Lavender asked.

�Of course I am.� Harry answered.

�No, honestly. Are you happy?� She asked again, her eyes staring right into his. �Because I�m not.�

Harry felt like he couldn�t hear, her voice sounded so far away. �What do you mean?�

�Harry darling I care about you, I do. But don�t you feel that something is well missing?� Lavender was very serious.

Harry glanced down again, �I, I honestly don�t know.

�I watch Hermione everyday, she is always so happy. Even though her and Justin only see each other for a few hours a day, she always looks like she�s having a good time. And they haven�t even been intimate yet. I look at us, our lives together and I don�t feel the same happiness that I see in her.�

Harry thought a minute, it was true Hermione and Justin did look ten times happier then he felt. Sure he noted that there was something just a little off about his and Lavender�s relationship. She was right, something was missing. �So what do we do now?� He looked up at her.

�I think that we are no good like this, we will end up hating each other Harry. And I would never want us to hate each other. We should not be together, not like this anyway.� Lavender�s eyes were swelling with tears. �We should find whatever makes us feel complete.�

�We�re breaking up then.� Harry glanced down to once again stare into his plate, he didn�t want his eyes to start watering. So he pushed back the tears that were threatening to form. �You are right Lavender, we should find whatever or whoever makes us feel complete.�

�I�m sorry Harry.� Lavender sniffled.

�So am I, but it is for the best.� He replied, if he didn�t leave now the tears would definitely spill over. �Well it�s been grand while it lasted.� Harry smiled and he saw her smile just a little. He stood and quickly left the Great Hall.

Harry opened the doors and saw Justin and Hermione locked in a passionate embrace on the stairs. Hermione matched his height as she was on a step above him. Harry was very depressed and now that scene before him of a happy couple was just irritating him. �Will you two stop that for one minute!� Harry shouted.

Justin and Hermione pulled apart and looked at him astonished and shocked for using such a tone.

Hermione was about to speak her mind when she saw tears in his eyes, some had already trickled down his cheeks. Her heart softened, �Oh Harry what happened?�

Harry watched as Justin leaned over and whispered something in her ear, Justin pulled back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed back into the Great Hall. Harry approached her and looked her straight in the eye. �Lavender and I, we aren�t together anymore.�

Her arms quickly went around him, and she pulled him to her in a tight embrace. Hermione felt his arms also go around her just as tightly while she let him shed his tears on her shoulder. �I am so sorry Harry. You really cared about her didn�t you?� She spoke softly into his ear as her fingers also threaded through his hair making him feel comfortable.

Harry nodded, �I did care about her. A lot� He sniffled.

Hermione moved her hand away an inch when Harry spoke again.

�Keep doing that, please?� He asked.

�What, this?� She moved her fingers through his hair again and he nodded. Hermione continued to massage his scalp with her gentle fingers. �Alright, whatever you want.� She continued to speak soft soothing words into his ear, �You�ll be alright Harry, I know you will.�

They just stood there, Hermione easing his great sadness. Harry didn�t know what he would do without her.


The months passed, as Harry had a few other relationships, nothing too much or too grand, all very nice and lovely relationships.

Both Ron and Harry were walking about the school grounds, it had been a few days since he and Ginny had parted ways. She said to him that he didn�t seem happy with her, and that it appeared he was always looking for something else, and she just wasn�t it. They haven�t really talked to each other since.

Ron was a bit miffed every girl he wanted Harry seemed to snag up. It just wasn�t fair. They both came across Hermione and Justin, Hermione was looking down at the ground her arms crossed protectively in front of her. Even though they were quite a distance away, the two weren�t whispering, their voices carried over the grassy lawn.

�I understand, believe me.� Hermione said.

�I am sorry Hermione, we just aren�t right for each other.� Justin said also glancing down. He lifted his hands and rested them on her arms.

She nodded, �I know.� Hermione looked up at him with a tiny smile on her face. �We did have fun though didn�t we?�

�Oh absolutely.� Justin smiled, �I know you�re better suited for someone else, and it isn�t me. I don�t know why I didn�t see it before. But I see it now.�

Now Hermione was confused. �What do you mean, I don�t understand.�

�You will, I�m sure given enough time you will come to understand what I mean.� Justin lifted his hand and brushed her cheek with gentle fingers. �Well you were my first real girlfriend Hermione, and I your first real boyfriend. That is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life.� He smiled. �I hope we can always be friends?�

�I wouldn�t have it any other way.� Hermione felt the tears start to form in her eyes.

�Oh don�t cry Hermione, you know I�m weak against that.� Justin smiled and he took her in his arms one last time.

�I�ll be alright Justin, don�t worry about me.� She pulled back and looked up at him. �I am going to miss us though.�

�So will I, but this is for the best. You will thank me later for it.� He gave her a soft smile and kissed her lightly on the cheek. And turned to go.

Hermione sighed and she turned to walk away from hers and Justin�s spot. She saw her two best friends coming towards her. �Hey guys,� she said with a smile but her eyes were spilling with tears.

�Another relationship biting the dust.� Harry said.

Hermione wiped her eyes, �Yes.� She turned to Ron, �Can you give me and Harry a little space I kinda want to talk to him privately.�

�Why can�t I stick around, what do you have to say to him that you can�t say in front of me?� Ron felt offended.

�It�s mushy Ron, you would just end up leaving anyway.� Hermione replied with a little half smile.

�You don�t know that, try me.� Ron said.

�Okay.� Hermione, �Justin and I broke up, this was the first relationship I;ve ever had. I am going to miss him a lot.�

�As much as I missed Lavender all those months ago?� Harry asked.

�Probably more so, I was with him for a long time I sort of got used to him being around, and now it�s like I have this empty feeling. There�s a big hole.�

�Did you love him?� Harry asked carefully, he didn�t want to overstep his bounds with getting into personal territory.

�I didn�t think it was love yet, I mean it was pretty darn close. I don�t know what its like to really be in love with someone, I guess there�s no set rules for love, but how are we to even know what the feelings are suppose to be like.� Hermione sighed. �I felt strongly for him, so strongly.�

Harry quickly wrapped his arms around her, as his friend needed a hug. He pulled her close. �I know exactly what you mean, Lavender was the only girl that I really, really cared for. I mean sure other relationships came and went, and I was happy for awhile. But nothing will be the same��

�I�m going back inside.� Ron said interrupting. Hermione was right, this was getting far to emotional for him. He started walking ahead and he turned one last time. A thought popped into his head. He knew of someone Harry would never be able to have. Their best friend Hermione. That was it. He could win Hermione�s affections and then he would finally have something that Harry didn�t. Oh yes what an idea he had, and it wouldn�t be that strange, they were already good friends. Now all he needed was a plan and Hermione would become his and not Harry�s. With a smile Ron continued back towards the school.

�Don�t worry Hermione, there will be someone else who is just perfect for you.� Harry said with a smile.

�You think so?�

�I do, there is someone out there just for you and just for me too.� He pushed her back from him a bit, and looked her in the eye. �We just have to figure out who that person is. Then these failed relationships will mean nothing in the end, because you have to wade through the wrong ones to get to the right one.�

�You are getting smarter you know.�

�I think your influence is rubbing off on me.� He smiled.

�And that�s a very good thing.� Hermione returned the smile. And they stood there in each others arms talking about how miserable they had been.----

*~*~ End Flashback~*~*

The clock on Ron�s nightstand said it was six thirty, Harry shook his head of the memories. He now knew for that it has always been Hermione, the one that he�s loved. Even though he told her that outside, he felt it more so now. They were the ones always there for each other. Friends first, that was the important thing. Harry nodded agreeing with his thoughts. It was time to head down the stairs to the living room.


Ah sorry guys, not too much comedy in this chapter, more angsty if you ask me. Well anyway. There will be much more comedy in the next chapter. Chapter 9:It�s A Celebration. Many more of the twin�s pranks in that one friends, I have really funny funny things planned. So I hope you stay tuned. It�s going to be fun. Read and Review thanks Ryoko

9. It's a Celebration

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 9—It’s a Celebration

Mrs. Weasley came out of her room and walked into the living room, where Mr. Weasley, Fred and George, Harry and Ron were waiting. Mrs. Weasley looked so proud and happy.

Mr. Weasley looked up at his wife, “are we ready to go yet?”

“In a minute, Hermione is still getting into her gown. The way it looked on the hanger was really pretty.

“Why do girls have to take so long in getting ready for functions like these?” Ron said.

“Oh just be patient Ron, we aren’t in that much of a rush.” Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

Harry glanced about the boys; he could have sworn that Ron just glared at him. But it was so quick that he just dismissed it. He noticed that Ron seemed a little tense, for the red head’s fists were clinched at his sides. Perhaps he was just nervous about the party. Oh well Harry shrugged.

Ron held his eyes straight, glaring at the door. Right now he really hated Harry, how dare he take something that he wanted. He always did that. Hermione was to be his, not Harry’s. He wanted to hurt him, really bad. But he kept himself calm. He was about to turn to Harry and throw him another glare but Hermione came through the arch way. She was in a strapless gown made of dark blue velvet, it hugged her form perfectly flowing down to her matching shoes. She was wearing a diamond chocker around her neck and her hair was pulled back in a neat bun with a diamond ring fitting around her dark hair. Ron’s eyes widened as he felt himself reacting to her, he started fidgeting about, and wiggling around trying to get comfortable.

Fred and George noticed their brother’s reaction to Hermione and they immediately both had a plan, they started whispering among themselves.

Ron tilted his head to the side, ‘I wonder how easy it would be to get her out of that gown, bet I could do it really fast.’ He shifted again. Ron heard a loud and amazed “WOW” from next to him.

Everyone turned and looked at Harry, he even heard some sniggering as he felt the redness of embarrassment rush to his cheeks. ‘I think they heard me.’ He thought to himself. He shook his head, trying to ignore the laughing Weasleys. He looked at Hermione seeing her face flushing as well; she was looking towards the ground.

“Do I really look that good?” She asked.

“Yes.” Mostly everyone replied.

Hermione couldn’t help the smile that graced her face; she lifted her head and found Harry just staring at her like he was in some kind of trance. She was smiling brighter now.

Harry inwardly groaned, ‘God she looks beautiful!’ It took all his willpower not to grab her right then and kiss her senseless. His fists clinched at his sides with the feelings of utter frustration traveled through him. He wanted her so much right now, that maybe they should just skip the party all together. Oh but that gown on her was breathtaking, she looked like royalty. She looked much too good to be with him. ‘But she is with you, she loves you. That’s right, she’s actually mine. Mine to hold, mine to kiss. Her heart is mine, she loves me. I am hers. Hers to hold, hers to kiss. I love her. I love her smile, I love her fluffy hair, I love her thoughts. I love it when she can ease my pain, I love the way she bites her lip when she’s concentrating. I LOVE HERMIONE!!’ Harry smiled without realizing how big his smile had gotten.

Mr. Weasley cleared his voice, which still didn’t break Harry’s concentration on Hermione. He smiled knowingly; he too often stares at his wife like that. The clock on the mantel dinged a few times and he was shaken from his thoughts. It was time to go. “Well then, if we are ready we should head on over.” Mr. Weasley replied cheerfully.

Ron was going to act, he was going to walk proudly with Hermione to the party. He stepped towards Hermione but Harry beat him to it by gently taking her hand, Hermione gave Harry a soft smile.

“Would you allow me to escort you to the celebration my lady?” Harry offered sweetly.

“Oh I would be honored good sir.” She replied with a smile keeping with his playful tone. The two of them headed towards the fireplace.

Ron felt himself twitching, as he stared at the back of their heads. ‘No I must keep control, I’ll get mine. I will that’s a promise.’ He too walked towards the fireplace where Ron shouted Percy Weasley’s House and he disappeared into the flames.

The Weasley’s followed by Harry and Hermione stepped out of the fireplace and into a grand ballroom where couples were dancing all over the place. Percy came forth from the crowd of people who were gathered around a very pregnant Penelope. She was smiling brightly and having a really good time while holding a glass of cranberry juice. Mrs. Weasley went right over to her and embraced her daughter-in-law. They started talking.

Percy stepped up to his father and gave him a stiff hug and then pulled back looking at his brothers, his eyes narrowed in Fred and George’s direction “Please no pranks tonight, this night is really important to me.” His voice was trimmed with authority.

“We’ll see.” Fred replied with a smirk

George gave off an identical smirk.

Percy looked at his other brother Ron, who was very tense. “Is everything alright Ronald? You seem distressed.”

“Oh no Percy, everything is just fine.” Ron answered through gritted teeth ‘it’s not everyday you find out your too best friends are fucking behind your back.’ Ron forced a smile. He spotted a table full of food, that’s just what he needed. “I think I’ll help myself to the buffet table.” Ron passed through the crowd and disappeared. He was gone.

Percy was going around talking to his guests as he gave a polite nod to both Harry and Hermione who still had their hands clasped together. He gave a smile then turned his attention directly to Hermione. “I heard you turned down Head Girl, I was wondering if it was just a rumor.”

“Oh it’s no rumor, I did turn it down.” Hermione smiled, she felt Harry’s thumb rubbing against her hand affectionately. She felt her heart flutter with his simple touch.

“Why did you do such a thing? It’s a great honor to be head of class. You get your own room away from other noisy students.” Percy wondered, he was glad he didn’t turn it down. Often he wondered why anyone would turn down Head of Class, especially if they wanted to go far in life.

“It’s also a lot of work; I don’t want to always be working. Especially my last year. I worked totally hard non stop I want to enjoy my last year. I let life pass me by because I was studying all the time.” Hermione said politely.

“Well it’s your decision, but you do know it looks good on records in looking for a career.” Percy offered with some kind of smile, if he were able to smile.

Hermione often wondered if his face would crack if he smiled. She saw him turn and go join his wife with the other guests.

Harry sighed caused Hermione to turn and look at him, he sighed again. “You know maybe you should have been head girl, you get your own room.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“Harry, that would be misuse of the privilege.”

“Yeah I know but I want to be able to express my love for you, and well we just can’t do that with other people around.” Harry said wanting to take her in his arms right now and just prove how much he loved her, but they were surrounded by people.

Hermione smiled, “Oh we’ll figure something out.”

Harry grabbed Hermione’s hand firmly and started pulling her towards the floor where there were people dancing and twirling their dates around. “Come and share a dance with me.” He offered with a bright smile.

“I thought you couldn’t dance.” Hermione’s eyes narrowed with amusement and suspicion.

“I have improved since fourth year Hermione,” Harry started twirling her around just to prove it.

Hermione was twirled gracefully, she was spun around and then brought close against Harry’s chest without a problem. “Well aren’t you full of surprises.” She smiled.

Harry nodded, “you had better believe it.” He loved the feel of the velvet under his hand, it was so soft. They danced in a series of fast paced waltzes and finally a romantic soft and slow melody began to play. Harry let out a sigh of regret, he wanted to hold her closer but they still hadn’t told anyone about their relationship. But perhaps tonight they should. Harry thought. He hated keeping these secrets from his friends and what he considered his family. It was agreed he would talk it over with Hermione tonight, and then they would both tell Ron and the others. He held her a little bit closer.

He could smell her heavenly strawberry scent as it tickled his nose, Harry’s eyes closed as he just stood there holding her, and letting the warmth of her surround him. “Did I ever tell you how much I love you?” Harry whispered into her ear.

Hermione jumped was startled a bit as she didn’t know exactly when she was pulled closer to him. Perhaps it was just natural to be this close.

Harry quietly chuckled “did I scare you?”

Hermione looked up at him, “I just didn’t notice we had gotten this close.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I like being close to you.” Harry bent slightly wanting to kiss her so badly, it was such a strain to not be able too.

Hermione’s heart pounded, she wanted to feel his lips on hers and she didn’t care any more of people would see. She wanted to shout to the world she loved Harry with all her heart and soul. Their mouths drew closer as if pulled by a powerful magnet when Harry felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Broken out of his tender moment with Hermione he was slightly irritated. Harry turned to find Ron standing there. “Yes Ron what is it?” He asked his voice trimmed with annoyance.

“I was just wondering if I could cut in a moment. After all Hermione is my friend too.” Ron replied with just the same tone that Harry used.

Harry looked at Hermione who sighed and nodded solemnly. Harry reluctantly let her go so that Ron could have his dance. “I’ll just be over at the refreshment table, I’m a bit thirsty anyway.” Harry took a deep breath as he quickly made his way over to the refreshment table. He grabbed a glass of punch and downed it quickly; he grabbed another and sipped at it slowly this time. He turned and leaned against the table. It turned out he had a view of Hermione and Ron.

Ron smiled, “so are you having fun this evening?” He asked politely.

“Yes I am, how about you?” She looked up, staring at him oddly; his skin color was changing colors, like a rainbow. “Uh Ron, there is something wrong with you.”

“What?” Ron looked at her confused.

Hermione started sniggering, “oh never mind.” She turned her head slightly and saw Ron’s brothers Fred and George laughing and putting some kind of liquid also into Percy’s drink for he was not paying attention. Hermione knew that the twins must have put something into Ron’s drink as well. “Ron you know that we will always be friends right, I mean no matter what happens.” She said very seriously.

“I know that Herm, I know that. Friends forever right?”

“Right.” She smiled.

Ron pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, he and Hermione danced in small circles as she held onto her friend. Ron turned and he could see Harry, he smirked slightly as his hands slowly wandered lower, almost enough to where Hermione couldn’t feel a thing. Ron caught Harry’s eye, he was looking at him oddly. Ron’s hands wandered lower where they were pressed against her rear end as he looked right at Harry. Harry was squeezing the glass so hard that it looked like it was going to break.

Hermione’s eyes widened in shock as she felt his hands on her bottom, but were then quickly removed and back up around her waste. She shook her head, thinking that was probably an accident, those things happen all the time, right? She suddenly didn’t feel too comfortable around Ron.

Fred and George were in the kitchen as they grabbed a squeeze bottle of mayonnaise.

“Did you see that? Ron got his cheap feel.” Fred said in disappointment. “He wasn’t supposed to get anything on his plan right.”

“I agree brother; we have to make him suffer now.” George said squeezing a little water in it to make it look milky white. “This should do it.” He placed a lid on the container. A blonde in a short, tight dress walked into the kitchen.

“Um they are out of drinks, do you know where we can get more?” She asked with a flip of her hair.

Fred stepped up to the blonde, “Oh we can help you, if you help us.” He smirked.

The blonde smiled, “what would you like me to do?” She asked seductively.

George told the girl the plan, she started giggling. “Do you have one?” He asked pulling back from her, the blonde nodded. “Okay give it to me.” George watched her digging into her red purse and pulled out a small package handing it to him.

Fred and George both smirked.

As George continued with the plan, Fred spoke to the blonde

“Now you have to appear totally serious.” Fred said.

“Oh I’m a good actress, you can count on me.” She said with a smile. George handed her the container and she winked at the twins and went about to take care of business.

While still dancing with Ron, Hermione saw a blonde girl in tight, short red dress coming their way; she was holding a container in her hand. The blonde looked angry and sad at the same time.

“So this is what you have left me for?” The blonde said, her eyes brimming with fire.

“What? Who are you?” Ron said completely confused, he stopped dancing and stepped back from Hermione.

“Oh now you don’t know who I am, is that the game you’ve been playing. You gave me the best experience of my life and this is how you treat me after. I should have known.” The blonde said.

“Look I have no idea who you are, honestly I don’t.” Ron said as he looked down at Hermione who appeared just as confused as he was. “You believe me don’t you Hermione, I don’t know who this girl is.” He noticed he was getting quite the audience, people were staring at them. He was very nervous.

“Well fine, if that’s how you want it to be.” The blonde opened the container, “Here sweetie you left this over at my flat.” She shoved the container into his outstretched hand and turned fleeing the scene.

Ron saw what looked like a muggle condom but it look used and there was some milky looking substance around it and on it. He felt ill.

Hermione looked at Ron in bitter anger, “Oh Ron that is so disgusting, how could you treat that girl so callously? You sleep with her and then treat her like that?!”

“Hermione I have never seen that girl a day in my life, I most certainly didn’t sleep with her.”

“Oh really, the proof is staring me in the face how dare you deny it.” Hermione turned and walked from him.

“But I didn’t…” Ron felt two hands pat his shoulders; he turned to find his brother’s Fred and George laughing. He turned around to face them. “Why are you this to me, first the fairies now these pranks and what was this? That wasn’t funny. That was stupid.” Ron was glaring he was so mad he looked like he would explode. “Why are you tormenting me?”

“Two words smart ass. ‘Ron’s Plan’.” Fred answered with a grin.

Ron’s eyes widened, ‘They know.’

“That’s right dear brother, we know. We know of your so called plan. Now that is stupid.” George said. “It’s fun to play with you Ron, you are just so easy.” Both Fred and George walked away from Ron.

The crowd started gathering around Percy for some reason he was dancing the Can-Can and singing at the top of his lungs. There were three fairies flying around him sprinkling him with a pink colored dust causing him to take form of the now dead singer Elvis Presley along with the full hip movements. He was in the middle of a medley of ‘The King’s’ greatest hits.

Ron spotted the fairies as he glared at them, ‘well at least they aren’t picking on me this time.’ His thoughts were interrupted as the fairies came towards him; he took off running from them. The fairies cornered him and started giggling maniacally. They threw some orange dust on him which caused him to hear ‘Stayin’ Alive’ by the BeeGees(A/N: Hope I spelled their name right) and start dancing like John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever. The fairies giggled and darted away.

The twins by now were practically rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter, the saw their mother glaring at them. The twins looked at each other ‘uh-oh’ they thought at the same time and took off in a run as Mrs. Weasley came after them.

Harry was walking through the house when he found Hermione coming towards him. He went right up to her and took her hand. “We have to talk.” He said very seriously.

“What’s wrong?” Hermione was concerned.

Harry glanced around the hall; he brought her to a door and opened it. They stepped inside the room, and the lights automatically lit up. They were in a bathroom.

“What are we doing in here?” Hermione asked.

“Why did you let Ron grab your… ass?” He asked with his arms folded across his chest. He hated this feeling of jealousy he had.

“It was just an accident.” She answered.

His angry jealous feelings subsided; she was confused as well he could see it in her eyes. “I’m not so sure about that.” Harry leaned against the counter.

“Well I don’t think he meant to grab my butt.” She glanced around, “but then again I’m not really sure either.”

“I’m gonna go talk to him.” Harry said as he straightened and headed towards the door. Hermione quickly grabbed his arm.

“Harry no, don’t. It was probably an accident and I’m sure he’s embarrassed enough as it is. You don’t want to go and make it worse for him do you?” Hermione had a pleading look in her eyes.

“But I don’t think—” He was cut off in mid sentence seeing her looking concerned that they were making assumptions, when they didn’t have all the facts.

“Alright, I won’t go talk to him.” He shook his head with a smile, “You know you can make me do just about anything.”

“It’s just I don’t want to assume anything when it comes to Ron, he’s been acting very odd lately. In fact he’s probably looking for us.” Hermione reached for the doorknob but Harry quickly grabbed her wrist.

“Oh Hermione we don’t have to rush off to meet Ron so quickly, we finally have a moment alone without busybodies crowding over us.”

She looked up at him, “Whatever you are thinking about you can just forget it.” Hermione was firm “This is a bathroom for heaven sakes, it’s someone else’s house at that.” She reminded.

He moved so that she was standing with her back to the door “I don’t care if it was a prison cell in Azkaban.” Harry smiled, “As long as we are together why should it matter where we spend our time?” He wrapped his arms around her drawing her closer. Harry leaned his forehead against hers.

“It doesn’t matter.” She answered quietly. Hermione closed her eyes simply enjoying the closeness. She felt the soft touch of his lips, hers parted.

He was kissing her full and deep pulling her away from the door and up against him; Harry heard her moan and her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him even more against her. He groaned feeling him pressed against the soft of her body, one hand slid down her back and her arms tightened feeling his hand cradle her bottom. She let out another moan as intoxicating as the last one making Harry kiss her harder, his tongue stroking hard against hers hungrily, wanting to taste her mouth, her lips. Drowning in the essence of the passion.

Harry wanted to feel more then just her gown under his hands; he slowly lifted his hand against the back of her dress and found the zipper. He started pulling it down so that her back was exposed to the air and his heated touch. Harry’s hand was on her back and to his great surprise she wasn’t wearing a brassier not even a strapless one. He groaned louder pushing her up against the counter. He pulled his mouth from hers, glancing about her face. Her eyes were still closed and they fluttered open.

Hermione looked up at him confused, “why did you stop?”

“I don’t know if you wanted more or not.” He tried to control the fast beating of his heart.

Her hands flattened against his chest, “I want more, I want all of you.” She kissed his jaw. Her lips gliding down her neck where she undid the first few buttons of his shirt, she felt his hands on her bare back, and slide down. There was that material, as much as he liked the velvet he would much rather feel her. His arms went around her waist where he lifted her and sat her on the counter. Hermione helped him rid her of the gown as it was tough to get into, it was tough to get out off. Harry started tugging on it really hard, which caused Hermione to laugh for the darn thing wasn’t budging.

Finally the material gave way and was thrown to the floor. She stood up off the counter, where all that she was wearing was her black panties, which were a bit sheer and were made of a soft material. Hermione grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him against her. Her fingers quickly went to the belt of his slacks where she started to undo the clasp.

“Eager are we?” Harry teased.

“Well unless you don’t want—” She was cut off by his mouth taking hers, he pulled back.

“Oh I want to alright.” Keeping his heated intense on her, Harry lifted her and lowered her to the floor which wasn’t as cold as it looked. He settled himself over her, Harry felt her tugging at the waistband of his slacks. “What?” He looked down at her innocently.

“What do you think, I want them off.” She smirked.

He smirked, “As you wish.” He leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth, the tip of his tongue lightly stroking against her lips wanting in. She opened and his tongue thrust inside her mouth coming together with hers. Her heart fluttered as he teased her mouth slowly, gently giving her just enough then pulling back. She groaned in frustration when he lifted himself up over her. He searched her eyes, and gave her a smile.

Harry kissed her again, slowly and lovingly his fingers caressed the upper curves of her breasts and then lower, his fingers lightly trailed over the hardening tips. Her breathing increased, her heart raced. She loved the feel of his hands on her. Hermione gasped loudly into his mouth where he drank in the beautiful sound. His hands moved, his palms slightly possessive covered over the soft mounds as he was rewarded with another soft moan of delight and want. Harry remembered that they were in a bathroom, he sure hoped no one had to use it.

“Hermione, as much as I would love to take my time and worship you, as you truly deserve we are in a bathroom.”

“You had better not stop, or else I would be very upset.” She smiled.

“But what about—” He was cut off as she brought his mouth down to hers and kissed him.

Hermione pushed against him, “then we’ll just have to hurry.”

Harry didn’t like hurrying, “That’s just not right, we should really wait.”

She sighed with disappointment, “Alright, you seem to know what’s best.” Hermione smiled and tried to get up but he pushed her back down on the floor, she was confused. “What are you doing?”

“This.” His hand was between her thighs, and his finger stroked against her opening and he heard Hermione’s loud cry.

“What—what are you doing?” She was breathless, “I thought you said.”

“I did say that, but I’ve been dying to touch you all night.” His breathing was hard while he continued to stroke and caress her. Harry’s lips touched the side of her neck, and his finger pressed inside her, she gave out a soft squeak. His lips wandered down the length of her body.

She lifted herself up a little as Harry slipped off her panties, “Harry, I—don’t think—this is—” Hermione saw him lift his head looking up at her.

“Shhh.” He said with a smile.

Hermione didn’t really have any control over her body as she felt his fingers thrusting in and out of her, in quick, almost graceful motions. Hermione pressed herself down against the floor as she felt his fingers move from her body, only to be replaced by a gentle flick of his tongue. “Oh God.” She breathed out. “Harry, please I want you, not this.”

Harry pulled back, he lost it. Her begging him like that would get her just about whatever she wanted. And she wanted him. He quickly removed his clothing and he positioned himself against her entrance. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

“Yes, please.” She answered.

He pushed himself inside her.

Harry’s eyes closed, he was already deep within her. Thrusting and pressing more and more into her soft snug body. He moaned loudly feeling her meeting his rhythm eagerly, desperately. She lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around him, and Harry moaned again at the sensations, the hot feelings running though him. Harder he thrust into her, making her shift and shake with pleasure in passion he filled her completely. He bent and kissed her hard, so hard he was worried if he would bruise her lips, but she didn’t seem to care because she was kissing him back just as hard, just as strong. Her fingers clutched his shoulders, and she pulled him against her.

Harry felt her breasts tight against his chest making him gasp loudly. She seemed to be controlling his movements, his emotions for once. The hungered need to feel her, to touch her. To fill her. He heard her voice loudly as it echoed in the bathroom, much too loud for being in someone else’s house, someone would surely hear. His mouth covered hers completely as her cries were muffled. He continued his almost violent thrusting into her.

At the almost exact same time, the two of them gave off loud cries of release into each other’s mouth, which was a good thing that it was muffled for the sound definitely would have brought attention to the bathroom. Harry had finally collapsed against her, both breathing hard. She smiled through her euphoria; the heavens had welcomed her for just a moment. She saw Harry looking at her. Searching her eyes, her soul, her heart.

He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her slowly. His body still tingling it was a glorious feeling, being with her. He had never felt more complete. Even if it was fast and quick or slow and sensuous. No matter what he would always cherish the feel of her. He pulled his mouth from hers and lifted a hand caressing her cheek, her nose. Tracing her lips with his finger.

“Harry.” She said breaking the glorious silence. “We have to get out of here now.”

“I know.” Harry sighed. He rolled off of her and grabbed for his clothing. Hermione grabbed for hers too and they dressed.

Harry opened the door carefully, he looked out. Luckily no one was standing there. “Coast is clear.” Harry said back to Hermione and he took her hand and they made their way from the bathroom and headed down the hall.

Ron came from around the corner, he crossed his arms over his chest. So it was them in there. He was so mad, so angry. He followed them down back to the party.

Hermione went off by herself go to and talk to Mrs. Weasley which just left Harry alone, he sat down in a chair and ran his hands through his hair. Ron came up do him.

“Hello Harry.” Ron said through clinched teeth.

“Hey Ron.” Harry said, he looked up at him. His eyes narrowed in suspicion he had to know what Ron was doing when he grabbed Hermione. He swore he saw Ron look right at him and do that. “Ron I couldn’t help but notice when you were dancing with Hermione that you, oh I don’t know. Grabbed her ass!!” He stood enraged. “Now Hermione thinks it was just an accident, but what I saw you do. It was no accident.”

Ron’s fists clinched, “That’s right it wasn’t an accident, I did grab her ass.” He smirked.

Harry wanted to hurt him, but he restrained himself. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I wanted too.”

“You crossed over the line with her Ron, she’s is not a toy. She is a human being with feelings.” Harry pointed out.

“As if you haven’t been taking advantage of her yourself, you think you can preach to me?” Ron glared.

“I’m not taking advantage of her.” Harry glared back.

“Right, you’re just fucking her.” Ron was rude.

Harry’s fists clinched at his sides.

“I know Harry, you and Hermione have been at it like rabbits. I am not blind. Sure I wanted her ass too, but you beat me to it.”

“Ron this isn’t contest, it’s not a game.”

“Oh yeah, what’s the difference if I go after her or you.” Ron looked down at Harry, fire was blazing in his eyes.

“Cause I love her!” Harry shouted. A few guests stopped talking and stood watching the scene.

“You love her? That’s—” Ron was boiling over. “You always get everything I want, but not this time. You couldn’t possibly love her. I want her, she will be mine I can promise you that Harry Potter, I will prove to you that you won’t have everything.”

“Ron, stay away from her.”

“Oh is Harry jealous that he’s not man enough to compete with me?” Ron spoke to him as if he were a child.

“It was never a competition Ron, never. This isn’t about us. It’s about her. Hermione made her own choice I didn’t make her choose.” Harry said, as he calmed down a bit. Ron was still his friend.

“Well it looks like I’ll have to do something about that, she will see you beating me up and then she’ll call you an asshole and leave you.” Ron said.

“Huh?” Harry was confused. Ron’s fist shot forward but Harry who had great reflexes moved out of the way. “Ron what are you doing?” Ron struck again, but Harry dodged it. He didn’t want to fight Ron, that was stupid.

“Come on fight like a man.” Ron shouted, he threw a few punches Harry dodging every single one. “What’s the matter with you, you wimp?”

“Me? What’s the matter with you?” Harry shook his head.

Ron was tired of trying to hit Harry, nothing was working. He decided to charge him, Through frustration Ron let out a mighty roar and charged after Harry. He ran at full speed, but Harry moved out of the way and Ron smashed his head against the wall and fell back unconscious.

Hermione came running up and passed through the crowd. “Oh my god, what happened?”

“Ron here well knocked himself out.” Harry said as he looked down at his unconscious friend. He then turned to Hermione, “Hermione, he knows. About you and I.”

Hermione gasped. “Oh my.”

“He tried to kick my ass.” Harry said.

Mr. Weasley passed through the crowd, “Well Ron.” He said looking down at his unconscious son. “He always overreacts. I would wake him, but it’s probably better if he’s out.” He looked at Harry. “Don’t let Ron get to you, he’ll get over it.” Mr. Weasley winked

Fred and George who was part of the crowd turned to each other.

“Fred, this prank has gone of far enough. It’s time to end it.” George said seriously.

Fred sighed, “I suppose you’re right, but hey it was fun while it lasted right?” Fred smirked.

“Yeah it was great.” George sniggered.

The twins started laughing, as they remembered the whole thing.

“But one last big –POW to end it.” Fred said with an all knowing smirk.

“Oh please enlighten me dear brother?” George asked.

Fred and George went off talking amongst themselves.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione stepped out of the fireplace into the living room. Mr. Weasley brought Ron up to his room and tucked him into bed, he would have quite a headache in the morning.

Hermione shook her head as she walked up the stairs with Harry next to her, “I can’t believe he would try to have you beat him up, that sounds so absurd.” Hermione said.

“I don’t know what he was thinking, he’s really lost it.” Harry answered.

“Well he probably just needs a good night’s rest, everything will look better in the morning, it always does.” She smiled and headed towards the door to Ginny’s room. She saw something lying on the floor next to her door. It was a piece of parchment. “Hey what’s this?” Hermione picked it up.

“I don’t know.” Harry said looking at the folded piece of parchment.

Hermione unfolded it the parchment and gasped.


Well that’s it for chapter 9 stay tuned for Chapter 10—Discoveries. Read and review, thanks Ryoko.

10. Discoveris; An Act For Revenge

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

A/N: *sniffle, sniffle* yes, yes it is the end of OHS; this is the final and last chapter of this fic. It is hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful story. Well I’ll leave you to read now, *sniffle* does anyone have a tissue?

One Hot Summer

Chapter 10—Discoveries; An Act For Revenge

“What is it?” Harry asked.

Hermione stared blankly, fire erupting in her eyes. “Why that big oaf—”

Harry wanted to see what was making her so upset so he attempted to take the parchment from her hand; he had ripped the corner trying to remove the parchment for she was holding it tightly. He scanned it over, at the top of the parchment it said Ron’s Plan, and there was a list of things to do. Harry lifted his eyes looking at Hermione who was shaking with anger.

“I can’t believe he would pull something like this? How juvenile, how, how RUDE!!!” She yelled. “Well this explains his very odd behavior this summer doesn’t it?” Her voice trimmed with annoyance. Right now she wanted to kill Ron

Harry shook his head, glancing back at the paper. “He’s out of his mind, as if this sort of thing would even work.”

Hermione took the paper back from Harry, and continued to look at the list, “And what makes him think I would even have these same feelings, for him to even make a ridiculous list like this? Have I given him any inclination that I even wanted to date him, that I even had feelings more than friendship towards him?”

“No.” Harry answered plainly, he thought a moment. “You know Ron said something to me earlier tonight, he said that I always get everything he wants, and he will prove that I won’t have everything.”

Hermione rolled his eyes, “So he doesn’t even care about me like that? He just tries to get me because he thinks you get everything?” Hermione crossed her arms in bitter anger. “Some friend he turned out to be.” She glared at the floor hatefully, an idea popped into her head and she turned to Harry with a smirk on her face. “I have an idea to get back at him, he wants me does he? Then fine.”

“Hermione?” Harry was confused.

“Here I’ll explain.” Hermione said moving closer to Harry.


Ron woke from his night of restful slumber for the first time that whole summer, rubbing his head. There was a large bump and boy did it hurt. He sat up from his bed looking around his room noticing that Harry wasn’t in bed, his eyes narrowed in jealousy as he thought about where Harry would be.

Harry was actually sitting on his bed under his invisibility cloak, Hermione had some kind of idea and he agreed that it would be the best source of punishment for their dear, dear friend. And it would prove in an instant if Ron were to remain their friend, or turn into an enemy.

Standing and stretching, Ron gave a giant yawn and proceeded to strip down from the clothes he was wearing last night, clad only in his underwear he heard a knock at the door and Hermione’s voice from the other side.

“Ron, it’s me can I come in?”

“Uh sure, just hold on a sec.” He quickly scrambled into a pair of shorts as the door opened and Hermione stepped. He noticed something about her was different this morning, apart from her only wearing a black Chinese silk robe. She just seemed different to him for some reason. “If you’re looking for Harry he’s not in here.” Ron said trying not to sound bitter, and he realized that his voice wasn’t as angry sounding as it should have been.

Hermione closed the door behind her and turned around facing him, “I wasn’t looking for Harry.” She looked up at him, “I wanted to see you.” Hermione stepped right up to him.

“Me?” Ron glanced around the room nervously, and then looked her in the eye. He noticed a different kind of light in her eyes; similar to that of which when he caught Hermione and Harry talking yesterday before the party.

She reached up and tapped him on the nose. “Yes you, silly.” She smiled slyly, flirty.

Ron backed up a little she was making him very uncomfortable. “Why would you want to see me?”

“Well why not?” She asked innocently

He was confused. “Hermione, what’s going on?”

“Do I have to be any more obvious?” Hermione sighed. “I suppose I have to be, so I’ll be blunt. I want you Ron, I want you like crazy.”

Ron’s jaw dropped, this was it. She wanted him. He was about to go through the roof. Something was holding him back; he couldn’t even take a step forward. All he could do was take a step back when she came towards him. ‘Harry loves her, he obviously thinks she loves him.’ His mind said. Ron looked at Hermione, “But what about Harry?”

“What about him?” She stepped closer to Ron.

“Well for one he cares about you.” Ron stepped back, but this time ran into the wall. He was trapped.

“So do you.” Hermione took a step towards him. “And who cares about Harry, it’s you that I want.” She saw Ron’s eyes widen as she rested her hands on his shoulders, “What’s the matter, don’t you want me?”

Ron pushed her hands away. “No.” he said.

Hermione smirked, “I don’t believe you.” She stepped right up to him.

He could feel the heat from her body close to his and he took in a gulp of air, “Herm—” His voice was oddly high pitched, “Hermione you…you can’t do this, I mean Harry, he more than cares for you. He’s in love with you.” Ron said hoping he sounded confident.

“I’m confused Ron, what does Harry loving me have to do with you or I?” Hermione did not move away from him.

“This isn’t right Hermione.” Ron shook his head.

“Why not?” She pressed herself against him this time.

Ron’s brain started to shut down, but he took in a deep breath. “Because Harry loves you and you love him. You two have something special, don’t throw it away.”

“Well why can’t I have both of you?” She said her mouth next to his ear. “I know that he loves me and he thinks we are in a relationship, but I’m afraid that his idea of the relationship is one sided, I am only using him.” Hermione glanced up at Ron with a smile across her face. “And since he’s not in here, why don’t we—” She was interrupted by Ron.

He pushed her back from him, looking at her in astonishment. “What is the matter with you?”

“What do you mean?” Hermione asked sweetly.

Ron was growing angry, “I won’t be a part of this Hermione. Harry loves you and I will not let you hurt him like this.”

“But what about you? What about your needs? Doesn’t he get everything; don’t you want to be the one to have something that he will never have?” Hermione said.

“No this is not what I want, not like this.” Ron glared down at her, “Harry needs to know that you are not the girl he thinks you are, in fact I’m going to tell him.”

“Oh who is he going to believe, you or me?” She laughed. “It’s your word against mine.”

“I wouldn’t necessarily say that.” Harry’s voice was heard as he came into view taking off the invisibility cloak.

Hermione’s jaw dropped, “What were you doing there?” She pointed to him with disgust.

“I had some suspicions about you and Ron, Hermione. So I decided to investigate a little.” Harry said crossing his arms over his chest.

“You were spying on me?” Her hands planted firmly on her hips, she was so angry.

“Yes and it’s a good thing I did, how wonderful it is to find that my two best friends were betraying me behind my back.” Harry glared at both Ron and Hermione.

“That is not true.” Ron said.

“Oh come off it Ron, I know the truth.” Harry looked at Hermione, “I knew it was no accident that you let Ron grab your ass last night.” He saw her close her eyes and look away, as if she were better than anyone else. Harry pointed at Ron, “Oh and don’t even get me started on you.”

“Harry I wouldn’t do this to you, I don’t know about her.” Ron waved his hand bitterly in Hermione’s direction.

“Oh your performance last night Ron, don’t you remember it. How she was going to be yours, you promised me that she would be.” Harry sighed, “I knew there was some jealous truth behind those words Ron, I could hear it in your voice.”

Ron glanced down at his feet he felt really bad. He knew that he only wanted Hermione because he thought that Harry would never have her and he would be able to walk away with something, but he was wrong. Harry was desperately in love with Hermione, he could see it. Too bad they didn’t see Hermione as a deceiver and a liar. Harry was so heartbroken. As he heard Harry step closer to Hermione, Ron lifted his head watching them.

“How could you do this?” Harry said sounding and also looking very sad. “You have everything I could give. And what, I wasn’t enough?” A clear sense of desperation pierced his voice.

“Oh I’m so confused Harry, I am. I don’t want to hurt you. But I thought that Ron also loved me too.” She said looking down at the floor. “It’s hard to choose between the both of you.

“What would make you think that Ron loves you the way I do.” Harry asked.

“Well he wrote this.” Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment and she began to read it out loud.

Ron stared at it in horror; Hermione had found his plan, but how? Two things popped instantly into his mind. Fred and George, they were the only ones to have known about his plan. He was going to kill them.

“Is there something you want to explain to us Ron?” Hermione said as she held the paper out for Ron to take.

“Ooh this dumb thing, well I…I uh.” Ron couldn’t think of anything to say.

“How about what in the hell possessed you to write such a thing?” Harry asked in anger. “Hermione is our friend; she deserves much more respect then this.” He crumpled the parchment and tossed it to the floor.

“Respect?” Ron bellowed, he couldn’t believe this, just a second ago they were in a heated argument and now Harry demands respect for his betraying girlfriend. “How can you even think about respecting her when she doesn’t even respect you!” He shouted.

Hermione sighed, “Ron, wake up. That was an act. I knew Harry was in here, he knew what I was planning to do.” She was glaring at him.

“You…you two tricked me!” Ron shouted.

“Not anymore than what you tried to do to me!” Hermione shouted back.

Ron glared. “But this is different.”

“How is it different?” Hermione threw her arms up in the air; “You tried to trick me into bed.”

“Yeah well you would have fallen for it, if it weren’t for Fred and George messing up my whole plan.” Ron blurted out without even thinking, but it was too late her already saw the flames erupt in her eyes. Her fist shot forward and bashed him hard in the stomach. He bent over clutching his aching tummy.

“Ron you are horrible.” Hermione spat.

“I know…I know.” He breathed out and sat down on his bed.

Hermione shook her head with disappointment as did Harry. “Come on Harry let’s go.” She said her voice shaking with the tears that were threatening to form. They headed for the door.

“Wait Harry, Hermione, please.” Ron gasped out still in pain. They turned around giving him a—what—do—you—want—now look. Ron stood and approached them. “I’m sorry you guys, I’m sorry about the list, I’m sorry that I’ve been behaving like an ass. It’s just I was blaming Harry for everything that went wrong with my life. I just thought that…well I don’t know what I was thinking.” Ron took a breath, “I wrote this list at the beginning of summer before you two were even invited here, but I was wrong to do that, you are right Harry. Hermione deserves respect and I certainly wasn’t thinking of respecting her.”

“Ron, what you did was very wrong. Trying to trick me. If I would have fallen for you, it wasn’t going to be because of some silly list and a plan.” Hermione said, with a bit more patience in her voice this time.

“But why does everything good happen to Harry?” Ron glanced at the floor.

Harry felt bad; Ron saw all the good things that happened to him. None of the bad. He had troubles just like everyone else. He wasn’t perfect, but here Ron thinks that he is perfect. He understood why Ron wrote the plan list.

“Good things happen to you too Ron, you are just too blind with jealousy to notice them.” Hermione answered.

“Oh like what?” Ron sat down on the side of his bed.

Harry and Hermione sat next to him, Ron in between them.

“Well I never wanted everyone that you liked Ron.” Harry said. “There were a few that liked you and not me.”

“Really?” Ron lifted his head.

“I know for a fact that Susan from Hufflepuff had a crush on you, well last year anyway.” Hermione said.

“Well why didn’t I know about this?” Ron said.

“Because you were angry that I was dating Lavender.” Harry replied, “You didn’t even really like Lavender.”

Ron nodded, it was true although he couldn’t say that he hadn’t been attracted to Lavender, but he certainly wasn’t really interested in her until he heard that Harry was interested in her.

“I am really sorry Hermione.” Ron said to Hermione and then he turned to Harry. “Harry, about last night? I was just really angry and I said and did some things I clearly didn’t mean. I hope you two can find someway to forgive me, I was out of line, way out of line.”

Harry slapped him on the back, “I really would have beat the crap out of you if I had done what you said and fought you Ron. That proves how good a friend I am to you.”

“Well I don’t know, Hermione here throws a pretty good punch herself.” He patted his stomach.

“You deserved that.” Hermione said with a smile.

“I know I did, and it’s not everyday I agree with anything you say Hermione.” Ron chuckled.

“Just don’t ever do anything like that again.” Hermione said very seriously.

“I won’t I promise.” Ron said solemnly and both of Hermione’s arms were around him, and she was holding him.

“You will always be my friend Ron.” She spoke softly. “No matter what stupid things you do.” She added slyly.

Ron laughed to himself; he had finally gotten his hug. The one he was supposed to get back when Hermione first arrived. He pulled out of her arms and stood. “I’m going down stairs and talk to my brothers; they have some serious explaining to do themselves.” Ron left his room.

“So do you think he’ll be okay?” Hermione asked looking through the open door.

“Yeah, he’ll be alright.” Harry smiled and stood. He went to the door and closed it, leaning against it. “I must say that was a very convincing performance with Ron.” Harry said.

Hermione also stood. “Well mum said I would make a brilliant actress.”

“Yes you would. For a second there I thought it was true, you were that convincing.” Harry said and he stepped closer to her. “And this is a really nice added touch to your performance.” He lifted his hand to her silk robe and lightly touched her shoulder.

“Oh this silly old thing,” Hermione innocently looked towards the floor.

His arms went around her and pulled her to him and Hermione looked up at him, she pressed her lips softly against his in a sweet kiss, his hands traveled up and down her back, he did not feel a brassier strap through the silk, which meant she wasn’t wearing one. Harry pulled back, and looked at her curiously. He opened the lapels of her robe and saw her bare shoulders.

Hermione leaned in close to his ear, “Yes it is exactly what you are thinking. I am completely naked under this robe”. She smiled hearing his groan of frustration. Hermione pulled back and tried to turn away, but he caught her before she could and spun her around to face him.

Harry wasn’t letting her get away that easily; his mouth came down on hers in a crushing passionate kiss. Hermione melted into his warmth as he kissed her, she felt a tugging at her waist and a moment later her robe was open and pushed off of her and tossed to the floor. Harry glanced about her, his finger traced her cheek and he leaned in kissing her again. His arms went around her, feeling her soft skin. He backed her over to his bed still locked in their kiss, his tongue slowly tasting the inside of her mouth, coming together hers in heated need. Hermione helped him shed the rest of his clothing and they fell together on the bed.

Harry looked down at her, she was smiling and her hand lifted to his cheek, where she caressed the side of his face tenderly. She so loved him; he could see it in her eyes. He was sure lucky that he had her in his life. “I love you.” He said.

Her eyes filled with tears, “I know. I love you too.” Hermione smiled, though the tears were falling.

“Hey, hey what’s the matter?” Harry wondered if he said anything wrong.

“Nothing, I’m just really happy.” She wiped her eyes with a slender finger.

Harry nodded; he searched her eyes before he lowered his lips to hers. Hermione’s arms went around his neck as she pulled him more against her while their kiss deepened. His fingers wandering lower lightly brushed the side of her breast, and she moaned softly enjoying the feel of his fingers. Hermione tightened her hold on him. Harry’s mouth moved from her mouth down her throat where she gave of a little sigh of approval when she felt his mouth close over her already sensitive nipple, and she was making soft, whimpering sounds at the sensations he was creating in her. Her fingers intertwined in his hair, pushing his head harder against her. She cried out when his other hand was between her thighs, his fingers thrusting into the silky softness of her body.

Her sounds were beautiful, as Harry continued bringing her higher to the heavens. The heat was building, Hermione couldn’t think and she didn’t want to. She just wanted to feel every thing, and loved every minute of it. Her hand closed around his erection and she heard him groan and pant, causing a smile to appear on her face. She loved hearing his reactions to her. She wanted him to feel just as good as he was making her feel.

Harry was breathing hard as Hermione aroused him; he felt her lips on his neck, shoulder and back against his lips, nudging his mouth open. He gave in to what she wanted. His kiss was hard and powerful, his tongue thrusting in and out of her mouth. He moved his hand from between her thighs to her hip where he caressed her skin with gentle fingers. Harry felt her legs wrap around his waist, which positioned him against her entrance.

“Harry…Now…Please.” She practically begged.

Harry’s hands where on her hot skin as he felt the tingles run through his body hearing the pure desire for him in her voice. In one swift move he pressed into her hot, tight body. They both gasped in amazement at the same time. No matter how many times they have done this, it was still an astonishing feeling.


“Ron! Ron, please let us down!” Fred screamed down at Ron from up in the air. There were fairies flying furiously around Fred and George’s feet keeping the pair suspended in the air.

“He’s going to pay for this.” George said threateningly about Ron to Fred.

“Oh I don’t think so dear brothers.” Ron shouted up at them and sat down leaning up against the tree. Ron signaled to another set of fairies and they darted up sprinkling Fred and George with a bit of pink and green sparkly dust, they immediately broke out into Elvis and started singing ‘The King’s’ greatest hits while the twins were turning a series of rainbow colors. He smiled nodding his head slowly. Oh this was only the beginning of his revenge for the pranks his brothers pulled on him this summer. He figured out the his brothers offered the fairies honey to help them, so he added strawberries and chocolate as well as the honey, the fairies couldn’t pass that up, he was having the fairies do the exact same things that they did to him. He lifted a green paint ball in his hand and handed it to a fairy who was giggling.

The fairy took the paint ball and smacked it into Fred’s face another fairy did the same thing to George’s face. “Now whose faces are green?” He shouted up in laughter. He folded his arms behind his head and smirking slyly, almost evilly watching his brothers being tortured by fairies. They looked ready to kill him, it was perfect.


Harry moved in and out of her, his breathing increased as well as the beating of his heart. God she felt good, words couldn’t explain how good she felt to him. Her body closing around him snugly, the rippling tingly feelings constantly running through him, the want and need to fill her with everything he was and even more. He would give her the moon if she asked for it. Harry relished in her voice moaning and gasping his name over and over again, it caused him to give her more of what she wanted, her pushing back against him so eagerly, meeting his rhythm just as wildly.

She wanted it, oh God she wanted it so bad. Hermione felt a tightening of her own body around him, hugging him tightly like a soft glove. Her breathing was harsh and her chest tightened as she neared the height of her desire. She felt him thrusting hard into her soft body, and her voice echoed in the room with the sounds of her immense pleasure. Hermione wrapped her legs tighter around him, wanting him deeper inside her. She felt him shift and move giving her exactly what she wanted and most desperately needed. Her heart pounded fiercely within her chest as he plunged harder and faster, going as much as he possibly could.

Her arms tightened hard around him and he was pulled even more against her, as she felt the rippling waves of her release wash over in. She had buried her face in between his neck and shoulder crying out at the same time as Harry did. The stars were sure bright even though it wasn’t night. The feelings of utter completeness swept over surrounding the both of them in its glorious warmth.

Hermione felt Harry’s slowing heart beating against her chest, it was a wonderful feeling. She stroked her fingers up and down his back soothingly and lingered about his dark hair for a moment before continuing to make him feel nice and relaxed while they both calmed down.

Harry lifted his head a bit staring down into her eyes, which shone with a brilliant light. She had lifted her fingers to his cheek and traced it a bit. Boy what a summer it has been, Hermione was here and she was everything he was looking for, everything that he needed. He did not want to think what life would be like without her.

“What a summer aye Harry.” Hermione said softly with a smile, she was tired.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”

“I’m relieved that it didn’t get too hot this year, how about you?” Hermione said as she felt Harry move off of her and lay next to her.

“Oh I wouldn’t necessarily say that Hermione,” He gazed into her eyes, “I thought this summer was very hot indeed.” He teased.

She grinned and Harry captured her mouth with his. Hermione enjoyed Harry’s lips on hers as she melted against him. She sighed into his mouth as he softly kissed her.

Harry pulled back so he could look at her Ah yes. Harry thought it was a hot summer. He grinned wickedly and quickly grabbed her; he pulled her over him so that she was straddling her hips. Harry saw her smiling above him as she leaned in, kissing him hard. Oh yes it has definitely been one hot summer, and he hoped the summer would continue to be just as hot. And it was


Well that’s it for One Hot Summer, I hope you enjoyed it. There is not a sequel planned, because well I can’t think of one. LOL Take care and I hope your summer is just as hot as Harry and Hermione’s is. :-) Remember read and review.

Later Babes,
