Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Mystery
Relationships: Draco & Ginny
Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 4
Published: 06/02/2004
Last Updated: 09/07/2004
Status: Paused
Draco Malfoy has been sentenced to life in Azkaban but after only spending at most an hour in his cell he is broken out by no other than Ginny Weasley. The only hitch...Ginny was the one who put him away in the first place!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to lead.
So Eden sank to grief
So down goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay
Nothing Gold Can Stay – Robert Frost
Draco Malfoy kept his head high during his court. He refused to waver in front of those who wished to see him fail. He may not have felt strong but he was determined to appear so. He couldn’t and even if he could, he would not show he was heart broken. He believed that she loved him. The first time he opened himself up to anyone and she was just trying to pin him for murder and Death Eater activities and somehow managed to find enough information, no matter how false, and he was now facing life in Azkaban with not parole. Dementors may not have residency in the Wizard’s prison but life in prison wasn’t an appealing prospect either way a person looked at it.
“Draco Malfoy, you have been charged with the murder of numerous persons who for confidential reasons will not be mentioned, as well as a few Death Eater activities. Twelve of your peers have given you, and without objection from me, we have charged you life without parole.”
How had this happened? Just a month ago he was happily in love with Virginia Weasley.
It was spring, and he had just decided to walk around in Diagon Alley. He was consumed with just how beautiful the day was he did not realize till it was too late that he was heading straight first into a curvy red head. He collided with the redhead but being a Seeker had its perks and steadied himself and the girl before either of them could fall.
“Malfoy? Dazed? What is the world coming to?”
“I was thinking, yes Weasley, I think.”
The littlest Weasley smirked, “Care to share what could’ve caught the mighty Draco Malfoy in a daze?”
Draco shrugged, “The company of a pretty young woman known for her intellect? Draco could think and had experienced a worst ways to waste time.
It was summer and some had the idiotic sense to knock on his door. Despite his apartment was cool; he did not want to welcome any of the unwanted heat in his home. He however risked the coolness of his place and opened the door to find a smiling Ginny. He pulled her in then slammed the door shut and looked at the sweaty woman in disdain.
“What are you doing out?”
“Working, some of us have to you know.”
Draco decide to ignore the comment and asked, “So why are you here?”
“I knew you’re chilling charms would work.”
“So you are only using me for my magic?” Draco asked archly.
Ginny shot him a glare that matched his own. After reflection, Draco realized, he should’ve stopped hanging around her then. But company, any company, that wasn’t after his money was welcomed. However odd a family enemy was slowly becoming what was become a friend with no interference from her family. He shrugged the thoughts away as she smiled.
“You figured me out.” She shrugged, “Besides I haven’t seen you in over a week. What have you been up to?”
They had been friends for almost nine months. The longest friend Draco had ever had! The only friend Draco had. He felt like he could tell her anything. He wanted to tell her everything that happened to him and he wanted to hear everything that happened during her day. He heard the pop and judging from the time it had to be Ginny.
“Hey Draco,” It took her a whole month of prodding to get her to say his first name.
“Gin.” He greeted, “A little bit late tonight.”
“Work. Been on my case to get something done.”
“The Ministry has been getting tight lately.” He paused as he reached for a plate on a high shelf, “You never told me what you do that the Ministry.”
“I told you I can’t tell you Draco.”
Draco shrugged, “It was worth a try. Put more rice?”
“Nope. That’s enough.” She answered, “Who’d thought Draco Malfoy could cook so well.”
“With years of nothing better to do, I had to learn something.” He set both their plates down, “You will at least tell me what you do one day right?”
“Maybe,” She took a hold of his hand, “Maybe.”
It may have made him a fool, but he couldn’t bring himself to hate her. She was doing her job and who was he to say anything. He was innocent, but with a community that knew the reputation of the Malfoy name, the accusation of murder was nothing new. He never saw her in the court room, there were no witnesses, only information, dates, and wand tests. Through the whole thing he was silent, he had nothing to say. Perhaps his father was right; trust only yourself, because you can depend on yourself to get the job done. He nodded his head at the judge’s decision and allowed himself to be led to the bus that with take him to Azkaban. He met brown eyes at the back in the room and only nodded his acceptance. She couldn’t bring herself to smile back. It was unparticular bright that day. The leaves in the trees were turning brown, orange, and red, decorating the streets and sky beautiful. This would be the last time he saw the beauty of London’s fall. Or so he thought.
He’d only been in his cell for an hour when he felt the presence of someone on the outside of his cell. He was prepared to tell them to leave, thinking it was some irrating reporter and seeing the red hair and brown eyes, the wind was knocked out of him. Ginny Weasley outside his cell!
“Gin! What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t do anything and I am going to get you out of here.” Her voice was so bland and emotionless, it sounded nothing like the girl he’d grown to know and possibly love. What had happened to her?
“Ginny don’t be foolish, leave here now!” He didn’t want her in a prison where guards where known to do ungentlemanly things.
“No!” She took a deep breathe, “I’m getting you out now.”
“You can’t Ginny.” He took a step forward, “There are wards!”
She didn’t answer and a minute later Ginny was standing right next to him.
“You were saying?”
Draco by now was sure he was dreaming. The pinch he gave to himself however, proves his theory wrong, “How did you do that?”
“Don’t worry about it.” She grabbed his hand, “Let’s get you out of here.”
After he got over his nausea he looked around and found himself outside a forest. The air was clear and he the view was beautiful. He was facing a large two storied mansion that was surrounded by land then grass. He had the feeling it was protected by more than forestry.
Draco took a step towards Ginny who was a few feet away from him, “Ginny where are we?”
Ginny turned to him and shook her head, “I’m not Ginny.”
The tone of voice that spoke to him struck a cord in him; it was familiar. He stood frozen as we watched the glamour fade and stared into the same gray eyes as his.
So what do you guys think? Kinda choppy right? I was reading a mystery book by some guy and then right after that I read a Nora Roberts book (not a good combination) and the idea just popped into my head. I always wanted to go a mystery anyways so here it is. Thanks to my Natalia for beta reading this and thanks to all who read, I hope you all liked it.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
It had been a year since she’d seen him. Draco Malfoy, after months of searching, could not be found in the isle that was England. It didn’t take much for Ginny Weasley to prove her innocence of breaking free Draco; all it took was a vial of Veritaserum and an alibi of where she was, at the Ministry filing her final report, when Draco escaped. In her case file she insisted that the attraction her case felt for her was not mutual and that throughout the case she stayed professional. She lied to her peers and herself. It was impossible to not become attracted to the young Malfoy. It was morning like these when the mornings were bright and she wasn’t occupied with another case, she allowed herself to miss him. His sarcastic wit and more than interesting point of view, along with his good looks…hell she just missed him!
To say the least when she walked into the Ministry, she was not in a good mood. So when she arrived at her desk only to find a memo announcing a meeting at nine o’clock, it being 8:58 and the meeting held in some other dimension, the words that flew out of her mouth would turn any mother’s hair gray. Finally managing to summon the portal that would take her to the meeting and stepping through, found herself at the beach. The bright sun beating down on the oak wood table with twenty oak chairs, ten out of the twenty were occupied by her superiors.
“You’re late.” One person announced. He sat forward in his seating at the head of the table. He was her father’s second, and just because she couldn’t stand him. Ginny bit back the smart comment and sat down on the chair that hovered over to her and let it place her at the other head of the table to everyone could look at her.
“As you know Voldermort is still in power and has started to go after people who are being considered as a treat to him.” The woman who was speaking, Ginny didn’t like either and severely wished she could slam the brunette’s head into a brick wall, “Because of your lucky first case you can be sure you’re name is among the list of those he wants dead.”
“Okay…” Ginny slowly replied not sure what they were trying to her, it was the morning after all.
“What we are trying to say,” another person remarked, “is that you have become a valuable resource. And we would like to keep you alive. We have gathered five people to live in a protected storehouse. You are one of them.”
“If you think I am going to sit around and hide the some stupid girl…” Ginny started stand up her temper ready to snap. Her own boss, Samantha held up her hand.
“Virginia calm down. You will be working, just reporting to a different superior.” There was a sound of papers being rustled as Samantha signed something, “You are immediately being reassigned. You’re family, your father being Minister, already knows about your reassignment, therefore your mother and brothers know as well. We don’t want a compromised mission.” Some one else spoke, a man said, “While you are away you cannot have contact without it being work related. Is that understand?”
Ginny nodded her head. That was the part of her job she hated, it dictated her life a little too much. The only perk was what she managed to get done in both the Muggle and Wizarding world made the irritation of power hungry people and politics worth it.
“You may go back to your office now. The portkey will ready whenever you are ready to go.”
Ginny nodded before she walked through the still open portal that would take her back to the Ministry.
“What the hell.” Ginny whispered to herself as she entered her office.
Her office was empty, bare except for her desk and chair and an envelope placed in the middle of the desk. Ginny suspected it held the directions on how to access the portkey. When she opened the envelope there was a letter that said her stuff was already in the safe house. One she was done reading she watched a door appear, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. So this was a high class portkey, Ginny thought to herself. She opened the door and walked through it only to find herself in the VIP section of a club.
“Virginia Weasley.” A voice remarked.
Ginny turned around and faced what could only be called an exotic looking woman. Curly black hair pulled back into a ponytail, cinnamon complexion, a petite woman in a all black fitted suit with sunglasses.
“Isn’t it early to port me to a club?”
“It’s night time. Time travels slower in that dimension.” The woman answered.
“Oh. And you are?” Ginny asked. She could already feel there was going to be a problem between the two of them.
“Don’t worry about it.” The woman answered as she stood up. “Come on, let’s go.”
Ginny had to run to catch up to her. They were out of the VIP area and walking towards the bar. Ginny didn’t really care she just had one question.
“And you are to me?”
She received no answer, so Ginny assumed that she just didn’t hear her question over the loud music. They both walked past the bar, occasionally stopping on the way for the unknown woman to greet some people with either a wave or a smile. Sometime she would stop and say a few words, the blank look on her face never leaving. They finally reached a door at the back of the bar and once opened they were in a huge long range of concrete. Along the length there were men and woman, of all different races, wearing numerous expensive looking clothes cheering for something. Before Ginny could ask that they were cheering for about five cars zoomed by followed by a person on a broom observing that appeared to be a race.
“Come on Weasley.”
Ginny decided not to say anything and followed the lady to a booth where several familiar faced talked comfortably.
“Potter, Granger, Weasley, Zabini,” She said in a way of greeting, “Meet your fellow peers. I am Kaida Drake. You report to me. You all know why you are here and I refuse to state the obvious. You are living in my home and I expect you to follow my rules; if you are going to bring a date home-silencing charms are mandatory. Two, keep the house clean, I do not have house elves and I am not cleaning after you all like children. I expect everyone to show everyone else respect. If you have a problem with anyone here let me know now and it will be discussed. My final rule, I have places blocked off for certain reasons. If you go to the designated places, especially the East Wing, I will personally deliver you to Voldermort. Understood?
Everyone nodded and Kaida turned, “Well then let’s go.”
Harry, Hermione, Zabini, and herself had their own private room that included a bathroom and a walk in closet. It was almost as if she didn’t want them interacting with each other all that much. According to Kaida they had a while to get herself situated, about a week she was told. It was weird, she felt more uneasy then reassured. The bed was comfy, and she laid back on the bed, exhausted. She thought that for someone who didn’t really do anything that day she was really tired. Maybe she was just paranoid but it seemed that Kaida had disliked her automatically.
Kaida, after restating the East Wing shields, walked into her room kicking her shoes off before plopping down unceremoniously in her armchair.
“They aren’t dumb you know.”
The person she was talking to laughed, causing Kaida to roll her eyes.
“How long do you think it is going to take for them to get suspicious?”
She received no answer. She turned her head to look towards the body laying on her bed.
“No idea?” She asked. When receiving no answer she stated, “The Weasley girl is curious enough.”
This time she received a grunt and a cough.
Kaida sneered, “Don’t tell me you are still hung up on her.”
“You wouldn’t understand.”
“No I don’t. She set you up for murder and you still have a yen for her? What is the matter with you? She does not care about you! You were a case, a job, a step on the ladder; get it through your head!”
“I don’t want to get over it.” A voice muttered.
“You are really pathetic.” Kaida said whipping her glasses off exposing flashing gray eyes. The voice countered back spitefully, “I’m not the one born out of wedlock.”
Kaida shot up, “I’m not the one pinning over a pathetic Gryffindor!”
A pillow was thrown. “Shut up and go away!”
“It’s my room you loser. You get the hell out!”
“Malfoy if you do not get out of my room…”
In the dim light from the moon you could see light blonde hair and tall lean body resting on the bed.
“You’ll do what? Tell our guests I’m here and get u both locked up in Azkaban?”
Kaida sighed, “Just get up and go to your own room.”
Draco sat up, “What a nice way to treat your-”
“Don’t remind me of what we are.” Kaida snapped as she stood up. Proceeding to poke on Draco’s foot she whined, “Get the hell out of my bed. I have to get up in the morning and deal with those idiots.”
Draco sat up, “You know you love me.”
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up walking to the door, “I’ll see you later.”
As he walked out of the room, he turned to say something, a grin gracing his features.
“So how’s Zabini?”
After a sharp look and a rude gesture she slammed the door in Draco’s face. He smirked at the door, “Night little sister.”
I know it’s cliché but I needed a way to explain Draco and Kaida’s relationship. I’m sorry this was put out so late. I was going to post it the 13th but I left my disk at school, so I had to type out my draft again. Thanks Jewel for beta reading! I hope everyone liked it, thanks to all those who reviewed and will review, I appreciate it.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Blaise Zabini, was a man of many levels, being in Slytherin forced a person to conceal their true selves. He wasn't “evil” per say, he was ambitious. His will to survive made him strive to be smarter than the competition, more cunning than the rest. He liked to be in control, if there was ever a situation he wasn't in control, he would achieve it. He didn't necessarily care how he had to achieve the control he desired. Either through sex, violence, threats, he had no problems doing any of three. His favorite leverage was information; the correct information always was a person's downfall. In reflection, that was what got him in trouble in the first place; he knew too much. But information was a habit he couldn't shake off.
It had been one week since he'd seen Kaida. He happened to be early. Granger, perhaps if she and Potter hadn't been up to till three in the mornings talking about dreams, she would have been up first. As it was she was not up and he had the kitchen to himself. When he heard movement from the stairs he did not look up from The Prophet but paid closer attention to his surroundings. He was surprised when Kaida walked down the stairs.
“Morning.” She said sitting down.
It was all she said. Blaise knew about Kaida Drake, anyone who had listened out for new recruits knew about her. The best auror since Dumbledore himself, she was said to have great potential. Smart, it was the only way to describe her.
“Where have you been the last couple of days?” Zabini asked.
Kaida turned and eyed him as he eyed her. He probably didn't remember her. She only met him once when they were both young. He looked almost the same except older, no longer boyish but masculine. Kaida did her research on all of her current house guests, their lives, families, and friends. If she remembered correctly, Blaise Zabini, was quite the ladies man. She could understand it, he looked a lot like her brother except they were striking opposites, where Draco was blonde and grey eyes; Zabini was dark haired and eyes. About the same height, Zabini a bit taller, but with most of the same features, different noses but that was where the differences ended. He obviously was up for a while; he was dressed already in jeans and a black turtleneck with a black blazer and black Gucci loafers.
“Muggle clothing?” Kaida asked snatching the Prophet away from Zabini's hands “Isn't that below you?”
Zabini laughed, “If muggles know how to produce quality why should I deny myself a luxury?” He added, “Besides you don't seem to mind wearing the latest muggle fashions.”
A jean mini skirt, a white turtle neck, with a Gucci timepiece, and Blahnik heels, she should not have been one to talk. He smirked, “You're one to talk, Drake.” He leaned forward, “You remind me of someone.”
Kaida rolled her eyes and skimmed the front page. Once she was done she stood up away from the counter, “That line, I hope, did not work on all your conquests. I would've liked to hope they had some semblance of a brain.”
“Why would you care?” Zabini laughed, “I hope you aren't bitter about it.”
Kaida turned and looked at Zabini, the look of disgust obvious.
“Don't hold your breath Zabini.”
Harry Potter, was known for his dreams, they had been called prophetic, intense, and frightening. So when he woke up in a cold sweat, Harry Potter couldn't figure out why. He was somewhere else, in a castle, and he was learning about magic. The castle he knew wasn't Hogwarts, Hogwarts had a certain feel and the castle he was in didn't have it. As he stumbled out of bed he knew there was more to the dream than he was certain. It was still early in the morning. Maybe it was the power of suggestion. Just before he went to bed he had talked to Hermione about dreams of past lives. Even though many books she found in the library on dreams, the dreams still disturbed her. She often said it just like she had some part in the events of the dreams; and even though she knew the outcome would never be positive, she couldn't stop the events from happening. He walked down the stairs with a sigh; the hot shower did nothing to wake him up. He was usually one of the first people up so when he was Blaise reading the paper he was shocked.
“Expecting Granger?” Zabini asked, “She's still asleep. So is Weasley.”
“Has Ms. Drake been up yet?” Harry asked ignoring Zabini's question, grabbing a milk bottle to drink out of.
“She just walked in and went up to the East Wing.” He sighed, “That was about an hour ago and she hasn't been back down.”
“Have you seen Ginny around?”
“No.” Zabini turned the page, “I haven't seen her all week.”
There here a few minutes of silence, the sloppy dark haired man eating, the neater haired man reading.
“What do you think is going on here?” Zabini asked as he turned the newspaper page.
“I don't know. All I know is something is….” Harry trailed off, “Is not right.”
“They have been there for a week.” Kaida turned in the club chair. The night was cool and the fire was meant for warmth and appearances sake. The rain that managed to fall into the open window by the chair didn't really bother Kaida, she was soaked anyway, a few drops of rain wouldn't faze her.
“Have they started to dream?” Dumbledore asked. Granted he wasn't at his school but his charisma and influence wasn't limited to the prestigious school.
“Yes, by the second night. They should all start to put it together soon.”
“Good,” He reached in his desk for something. He offered it to a tall pale dark haired man. Dressed in suit underneath a cape, a hold covering his eyes but not preventing the dark hair from spilling out around his broad shoulders, he watched the respected headmaster of Hogwarts pop into his mouth a lemon drop.
“They are going to find Malfoy.” Kaida said after a few moments of silence, “Potter and Granger are naturally curious about their dreams, Weasley doesn't trust me, and I suspect Zabini is going to figure this whole thing out to.”
“Why Zabini?” The hooded figure asked.
“The other three barely know anything about me, and don't care to know anything about me. Zabini, he pries. He already caught wind of me from my job before and since he has now has to `work' with me, he could figure it out.” She rolled her eyes, “They don't even suspect that I'm just there to make sure they don't die before their time.”
Kaida smirked, “They have no idea. Stupid kids.”
“You are younger than them Ms. Drake.” Dumbledore reminded her, “If anything you are the child.”
Kaida's glare caused Dumbledore to chuckle.
“That has yet to be seen.” Kaida said, “As much trouble as Zabini is going to cause, I would like to request to move him ahead of schedule.”
The hooded figure moved forward, “This would have nothing to do with your past relationship.”
Kaida turned and looked him over. It wasn't a question but a statement of suggestion.
“No, it wouldn't. I need help, I don't know how long I can keep them hidden in that house, they came close already to finding them. They can't die again!”
The hooded figure picked up a figurine from the desk and looked it over, “Let him figure it out on his own.”
Kaida turned to Dumbledore and sighed as Dumbledore nodded his head in agreement.
“I am forced to agree with Mr. Bryan, Kaida. Let them figure it out on their own.”
He saw Kaida about to protest and put his hand up, “It would be best not to alienate them. They need to discover this on their own.”
Kaida stood up and turned to leave, she was stopped by a hand on her arm.
“Kaida,” The guy under the hood said, “I have to talk to you.”
Kaida rolled her eyes, “Let's go outside then.”
Neither of the two bothered to put a shielding charm on themselves. Kaida just shrugged on her hood and looked at the taller man.
“What do you want?”
“I am sorry to have angered you. It's business.”
Kaida crossed her arms and eyed him through the corner of her eyes. She stiffened when she felt his hand on her face. He was rarely warm.
“I won't take any from you today. Just don't forget our pact.”
“I won't.” She pushed his hand from her face, “Now if you'll excuse me I have to go.”
“Remember the pact Kaida.”
Ginny knew when Kaida came home every night. She's waited a whole week of clocking Kaida's time. She would walk through the door, every time at three forty two every night. That night Ginny was waiting for her.
At exactly three forty two Kaida's key slid into the lock and a second later her foot steps could be heard throughout the quiet house.
“Why do you always come home this late?” Ginny asked from her seat on the stairs. She watched as Kaida turned and watched Ginny take a drag of a wizard cigarette.
“I didn't know you smoke.” Kaida observed; the way Kaida walked reminded Ginny of someone. She watched Kaida sit down next to her, “Let me get a drag.”
Wizard Cigarettes were composed of a completely different substance from Muggle cigarettes. There really wasn't an equivalent in the Muggle world. A Wizarding Cigarettes, WC for short, was used commonly by witches and wizards to clear their heads; a calming agent. Unlike Muggle Cigarettes, they were not hazardous to ones health and were not addictive unless abused.
Ginny shrugged and gave it to Kaida.
“You didn't answer my question.”
“Most nights, I come home this late. When I was a child I couldn't go anywhere. So I like to be out as much as I can.” Kaida took another drag, “Why?”
“Just wanted to know.” Ginny stated.
“Know what?”
“What you are hiding from us.”
Kaida handed the cigarette back to Ginny, “What makes you think I am hiding anything?”
“I haven't gotten my reputation for nothing,” Ginny said putting the bud out, “I know you are hiding something.”
“And here I thought redheads were just as empty headed as blondes.”
Ginny laughed, “Not all the times.”
Kaida stood up, “Don't worry, I'm not hiding anything.”
Ginny said nothing but stared into the darkness.
“Good night Ginny.” Kaida said walking up the stairs to the mysterious East Wing.
There was one thing Draco taught her, Ginny reflected as she stared into the darkness. She could spot a good liar just as good as she could spin a good lie. And the crap that Kaida put out reeked to high heaven. Ginny, despite her pretense of just being the physical unable to think auror who just follows orders, after her case with Draco she didn't believe what was told to her without question. She was going to find out what her “superior” was hiding from her. And she'd get Harry to help her.
This is six pages! I think this is the longest chapter for this fic, kinda my `I'm sorry for not updating in over a week'. I left my disk at school, and then I was sick, and then this chapter took a long time to be edited. ^^; Things are starting to get really, really, confusing and I am trying to keep things clear. Thanks Natalia for beta reading again, if you all thought this was horrible imagine this chapter WITHOUT her help. Thanks for all the reviews, I love them, keep them coming. I'll try to update every weekend.
Nothing Gold Can Stay
It was a cold morning. Harry’s jog around the grounds could attest to that. The automatic coffee machine had just activated when he walked through the doorway. Harry stared at the coffee machine interested, he didn’t remember setting it; the curiousness of the situation was the fact that he hadn’t set it to go off.
“Do you like coffee in the morning?” Ginny asked walking into the room brushing her teeth.
Harry shrugged, “It doesn’t matter. I don’t like coffee that much.” He sat down wiping his face, “It’s getting warm out.”
Ginny said nothing handing a mug of coffee to Harry.
“How did you get hustled into this?” Ginny asked as she sat down across from Harry on the long table. Harry said nothing as he put two teaspoons of sugar and a bit of cream into this mug.
“My superior a week before we moved in told me I was being transferred. I asked around, you know asked sources, heard this is really a safe house. That is why I bought lots and lots of interesting reading.”
Ginny said nothing as she lifted the mug to hid her smile; she didn’t even have to press about his sources.
“These sources,” Ginny asked, “Are you still in contact with them now?”
“If I wanted to be I could come into contact with them. Why?”
“I need to find something out.”
“And your own contacts? Everyone in the ministry has some, what happened to yours.”
Ginny’s smile turned upside down, “They haven’t come up with anything. I don’t usually like using other informants but I’m desperate.”
“What do you want to know, maybe I can help.”
Ginny looked at Harry. When she was younger she worshipped him, as they both got older Ginny stopped seeing him as a man who could do no wrong but a teen who made mistakes. Now, she preferred to leave those of her childhood alone, she liked to keep people at arms length, people only brought you down never brought you up. She didn’t trust people, when she was young it was instinct but after the chamber, it became her creed. But she needed to tell somebody.
Hermione in times of stress found relief in books. So when she finally dragged herself out of bed, after her morning routine, and finally finding the extensive library, Hermione found herself spending most of her waking hours there. The answer to her problems, the dreams, she was so close but so far away. She needed to understand why such disturbing images kept coming to her. Normally she would’ve gone to Harry with the problem but she was reluctant to go to him. She didn’t want to seem like a childish bookworm when all she wanted him to see her as was an intelligent grown woman. She wanted to solve this by herself. So when she finally got into the library she was shocked and dismayed at Blaise sitting in an armchair close the window, engrossed in the novel she had set aside on the side table the previous evening.
“What are you going here?” Hermione asked. Granted it wasn’t the most polite thing to say but she hadn’t been around people for about a week. That along with the stress she was under, her manners were not going to be the best. Luckily Zabini didn’t seem to mind. He set the book down on the little side table and focused his full attention to Hermione.
“I don’t really mind this house. In fact it’s quite beautiful.”
Hermione felt herself get frustrated. First he entered her own private place and when she asked him a simple question; he pulled the foulest shit out of his ass!
“Answer my question.” Hermione demanded.
“I was.” The Zabini answered coolly. The way the sunlight hit his face suddenly making him appear paler and harsh, “But then you interrupted me.”
Hermione sighed and sat down.
“I’m sorry.” She gestured with her hand, “Continue.”
“I often have a hard time sleeping. I usually have an easier time sleeping when I’m not alone.” Hermione’s eyebrows shot up but she said nothing as he continued. She watched Zabini turn his gaze out the window, “But I am having more trouble than usual sleeping.”
“My question?” Hermione queried.
“I was looking for a sleeping potion with little side effects.” Zabini turned his attention back to Hermione, “I was surprised to find a book on the meanings of dreams, lying neatly on the table.” He stood up and put his hands in his pockets. He paused waiting for Hermione to say something.
“It’s research.” Hermione said. Being the silly woman that she could be sometimes Hermione did not want Zabini, a Slytherin, to know what she really wanted with the text. Of course it was silly, years out of Hogwarts, a person shouldn’t allow a person’s specific house determine the person, because there always was exceptions to the rules. Hermione was also a strong believer in a person’s strength to change, she weighed her options carefully. Zabini, was a well known Wizarding Scholar renowned for his approached to the facts, could help her figure out her dream. But the logical part of her brain was still reluctant to trust her old schoolmate. When she was about to tell him to piss off an essential thought went through her mind; if Blaise was as indifferent as his reputation suggested, he wouldn’t bother to learn something unless he was asked or the subject truly mattered to him. Blaise was going through the same thing she was!
“You are dreaming it too.” Hermione meant it to be a question but it came out as a statement. Hermione didn’t bother to rephrase it either letting her intention clear.
“Getting what?” Zabini asked.
Hermione went on the defensive; he was going to answer her damn question!
“If you are referring to the dreams when I am a wolf…then yes I do what you refer to.”
Hermione narrowed her eyes, “Then what are we going to do about it?”
Hermione knew if Zabini was experiencing the same type of dreams as herself that he would understand her compelling desire to understand the dreams. Without answering Zabini picked up the book, opening it back to the place he left off. He looked back at Hermione and said, “There is a book on a shelf towards the back of the room. The title is “Mystic Omens and Signs: The Sources”. That should help.”
With that said, Zabini turned his attention back to the book but Hermione understood. They would figure this out.
Ronald Weasley was one of the best players in moderation. And that wasn’t even his ego screaming the headline; it was on the front page of the Daily Prophet. The Wizarding newspaper had given a poll and it turned out that Ron was voted to be the best Wizarding player in the past season. This headline was big news, considering how horrendous his first year at professional Quidditch at Hogwarts to now being the current best in the league; it blew his mind. It was a dream come true! And it wasn’t just his break, the Quibbler, now owned by Luna (his fiancée) was now an actual competition to the Daily Prophet. To celebration of both their success were going to The Glass Slipper, they both decided to go for dinner and dancing, and Ron could hardly wait. There was only one thing that bothered him.
He hadn’t seen or heard of certain people in a week. He hadn’t heard from his two best friends, sister, and according to Neville his fellow researcher Blaise hadn’t been seen or heard from in a week; about the same time his friends and sister were last seen. But he was determined to not let his uncertainties ruin his night.
The Glass Slipper was the place to go. If you were rich, they tended to go every opportunity and if you were poor or middle class it was your dream to go do the same. Ron, not being used to his sudden wealth, enjoyed the thrill of going to the Glass Slipper which still immense and went whenever he had the chance. Even though the Glass Slipper was whispered amongst many people, never mattering what class, many people did not know exactly what the Glass Slipper was. The Glass Slipper wasn’t one room but in fact many rooms, each one grand in its own right. There was the grand entrance which had three doors leading to three different locations. The one on the far right led to a small exclusive club with a more than fully stocked bar and overly extravagant bar, and the best mix of both Muggle and Wizarding music. The entrance on the far left, led to the gardens used for outdoor parties and corporate affairs. The middle hallway led to the five brooms (the rating only belong to three best restaurants in the Wizarding world; brooms ranging from two to five) had the best chefs who made the best foods, the best live bands, and the room’s design mimicked the design of the grand restaurants from the 1950’s with the high ceilings, bright colors, beautiful glass chandlers, and excess of every kind placed wherever their was the chance.
Luna Lovegood may not have changed much on the outside; longer hair and a more mature face, most of the changes consisted from her personality. She stopped being more spacey and showed her intelligence to the world and that with the combination of her being more outspoken and less of a pushover Luna Lovegood had emerged as one of the most successful women in the Wizarding World. Ron was just proud to be her fiancée. She was the love of his life and he was glad to have not pushed her out of it.
“I was thinking about the wedding.” Luna replied as she set her wine glass down, “How about a summer wedding.”
“Will we actually be able to get everything done by this summer?” Ron asked as he set his knife and fork down. The Filet Mignon was especially good that night and he was glad that he ordered it that night. He reminded her, “Don’t forget the media coverage that will be there.”
He could already see Luna’s mind trying to fathom a way to make the wedding work while she went back to her salmon filet, the determination still gleaming in her eyes. Ron knew when she had found a way when a smile found a way to her face. She was about to say something when someone entering the room caught her eye and her smile wavered.
Ron turned around and saw a beautiful couple being led to their table by their waiter. The man was in a black tailored suit, with pale skin contrasted by long black hair held back in a low ponytail; a red ruby on his right ring finger catching the light from the chandler. He had broad features to match his broad shoulders and an air of pride saturating the air. It wasn’t the man who had Luna’s attention but the woman with him. She had light brown skin, long black hair down to her back, what could only be called noble features, and her most startling feature were the sharp grey eyes. She looked stunning in tight low cut dress her feet in high heels the only type of jewelry on the strap around her ankles flashing with every movement.
“Who is she?” Ron asked as he turned around. He watched Luna as Luna watched them walk to their table and sit down before she turned her attention back to Ron.
“I didn’t know they were in London.”
“Who is she?”
Luna shot a quick look to the couple before answering, “Maxwell Stantion and….” She trailed off before concluding, “That can’t be her.”
Ron heard all he needed to hear. “Maxwell Stanton, from the Stantion, Stanton’s?” Ron asked almost chocking on his wine.
“Okay what about the girl? Isn’t she kind of young to be hanging around such a older man.”
“Age won’t matter with her. She graduated school at age fifteen. Was an auror by age eighteen.”
“So why wouldn’t she come to England?” Ron asked.
Luna smiled her thanks to the waiter who served her chocolate cheesecake and answered, “She was released about a year ago.”
Ron looked at the girl who was smiling at something Maxwell had said.
“It takes a lot to be released form the service. What happened?”
Luna leaned over and smiled. “Well,” She said her tone seeping scandal, “That’s just it no one knows. She was supposed to go undercover as a death eater. Young, I know, but death eaters seem to be going after the young and impressionable. Coming from a rich family only helped lure the scouts. She brought them down but two aurors died; a month later after an investigation she was released from the service.”
“There were rumors she really is a death eater and killed the two aurors herself.”
“Who is she Luna?”
He saw Luna’s hesitation and that surprised him because Luna was known for her forwardness. He had a bad feeling about all of this.
“Luna?” he asked grasping her hand from across the table.
Luna took a deep breath before answering, “Kaida Drake.”
HA! Do you like, do you like? SPECIAL THANKS to Kirixchi for letting me use her idea of the Glass Slipper featured in Chapter Nine of The Pleasure of Your Company. Great, great, great, fanfic! If you haven’t read it yet, go read it! I promise it will not let you down. Thanks also to Natalia (you look so cute/hot with the dark hair; leave it like that! ^_-) for beta reading and editing. I hope this was as good for you as it was for me. It took forever to get this out of my head. Thanks for everyone who reviewed, they mean so much and I hope to get the next chapter out soon!
Nothing Gold Can Stay
“How was your date with Maxwell?” Draco asked as he looked up from the book to watch Kaida walk up the stairs into the foyer that sat at the top of the first flight of stairs. On either side of the landing stairs stretched out to the second floor of the entryway which led to the East Wing of the house.
“He says hello.” Kaida said dropping down on the sofa next to Draco.
“Does he?” Draco asked, “What does he want?”
“To see what the progress is.” Kaida said pulling her hair out of the ponytail. “And how you are doing.”
Draco laughed, “How I am doing huh? I hope you told him I was fine.”
Draco waited for Kaida’s placid response but when he didn’t get one drew her answer from her silence.
“You told him I wasn’t okay?”
“I told him I didn’t know.” Kaida said pulling off her shoes. “Because I honestly don’t know how you are.”
“I’m fine.” Draco said offended. “And I don’t understand why you told him you had no idea how I felt.”
“I don’t!” Kaida said, “A week ago I would’ve said that you were fine. But now…I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”
Draco stood up and looked down at Kaida. “And what caused your change in opinion dear sister?”
“I don’t exactly like that tone!” Kaida said standing up staring Draco in the eye, grey verses grey clashing angrily.
“Learn to like it! I mean you sold me out and then you want me to speak to you in a civil tone?”
“I spoke the damn truth! They asked me a question and I answered. I refuse to take this from you; I don’t care who you are!”
“What is your problem?!”
“You are still hung up on her! And she is clouding your judgment!”
Draco pulled back and looked at Kaida, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Kaida said calming down, “That ever since Virginia Weasley stepped foot inside this house your work has not been up to par. I can understand if you are angry but you need to act better than this Draco.”
Draco sighed and turned away from Kaida only to whisper, “I’m not angry.”
Kaida paused not sure she heard him correctly, “What?”
“I said,” Draco replied louder, “I’m not angry.”
“So what is your problem?”
“I feel as if I should be angry. But seeing her, I don’t feel anything other than just a swirl of emotions…”
“And you expected to be angry.” Kaida said, “Draco I understand but you have to just be patient. Once they remember things will be better for you.”
“And what about you?”
“Me? I’ll be fine, I always am.”
“And that lie doesn’t work for me. Don’t worry.”
“Worry about what?” Kaida asked, “I amazingly trust you.”
“I’ll still do our little missions.”
“Draco.” Kaida started, “You have one this morning don’t you?”
“Yes. I have a…thing.”
The smirk that now graced his features turned off any sympathy Kaida might have had for him and she frowned, “I knew I hated you for some reason.”
“You are just jealous that I get the better missions.” He picked up his jacket and walked towards the exit, “Don’t wait up.”
“Bastard.” Kaida said to herself before picking up her shoes and walking towards her room. It had been a long night.
Macey Knight was if anything a jaded intelligent human being. In witnessing her dog being tortured and killed by two snot nosed wizards at the still impressionable age of fifteen she had been different. Discovering the Wizarding world at age twenty made her indifferent. Amazed by the different wonders she became what could be considered a dealer. She had no problem killing a witch, wizard, or human for the price. Of course being the different person she was she never killed a person directly. There was a process and she always managed to get more out of the kill than just the high of taking a life. Most of the time the information she extracted from her victim was insubstantial but recently she was hired to kill a human who angered a wizard; but the human was as different as she was. Draco Malfoy was her favorite case. She grasped at any excuse to see the blond haired grey eyed beauty .
“I hope I get a rise out of this.” Macey said raunchily sliding into the both which Draco occupied.
“You just might.” Draco replied before taking a sip of his water, “But I want to know what you know.”
Macey leaned her head on her hand and sighed dramatically, “Information is so boring. Why don’t we skip the talking part and you give me that rise.”
“Macey.” Draco warned.
She huffed and sucked her teeth, “Fine, fine, fine.” She gave a flirtatious smile to the young waiter that served coffee while leaning in at an angle to give the young man a view of her breasts. The waiter blushed profusely before turning away from them and running back to the kitchens. Macey turned her attention back to Draco and smiled.
“So anyway some wizard contacted me to kill some human girl who had been messing around with his boyfriend.” Macey laughed, “People are so stupid. So anyway I was almost done killing her and she begged me to spare her life. And so she said that she was really a scientist who was doing experiments on humans and animals and nature itself. The boyfriend was a wizard who hired me was really the girl’s boss who was giving her a few perks to go along with the job.”
“And what did he want her to do?”
“Mix the energy that wizards produce when they do magic with normal ‘muggle’ things.”
“Did they succeed?”
Macey smirked, “I’ve hit the jackpot didn’t I?”
“Yes you have.” Draco said humoring her. “Did they succeed?”
“She said they were close with a few probable results but mostly negative results.”
“The broad hired me to kill the wizard who hired her. He was sleeping around with other women.” Macey laughed, “And when he was on his merry way to dying, he told me something interesting.”
“Which is?”
“That the muggle I killed, she wasn’t the only scientist on his payroll. In fact he has several from several different continents and then the pressure applied on his arm finally broke it,” Draco watched as her eyes became distant as she remembered the memory of her torture. “And he told me…that he was successful. That he finally merged magic and nature perfectly together. Said wizards were going to finally start up on the right path.”
Macey laughed, “Now about that rise.”
She leaned forward over the table her long blonde hair brushing the table and covering her cleavage slightly giving it an erotic shield. Draco leaned forward his face solemn and smiled coyly, “Maybe some other time.”
He pulled back and pulled the hood over his face and Macey smiled.
“Always string me along.” Macey pouted as she twirled her hair around her finger, “If I didn’t know better I’d swear you were in love with another girl.”
Virginia Weasley, after conning Harry into introducing her to his contacts, found a man with the files that the English Ministry had not viewed. However, due to lack of sleep the night before Ginny wasn’t at her best. She knew she was late as she and Harry raced up the spiral staircase.
“You look tired.” Harry breathed.
“Insomnia.” Ginny answered as the door opened revealing a tall skinny man with short blond hair in sort of a buzz cut with the tips gelled straight up. The ends were dyed an array of colors.
“Virginia Weasley.” A tall man with thin framed glasses and long arms welcomed, “I have the files you wanted.”
“Well then let’s view it.” Ginny said Harry following her.
Ginny, after pulling some strings, had finally found somebody who could get her access to Kaida Drake’s files.
“Did you get what you wanted?” Harry asked as they left.
“It didn’t answer anything. All it proves is that she is a lie.”
“A lie?” Harry asked confused, “What do you mean you mean by a lie?
“Her record…it’s too perfect. Never any trouble in school, perfect grades, it’s almost as if she
never lived before.”
“Maybe she was just a good student; like Hermione.”
Ginny cut her eyes at him. “Are you stupid?” she asked, “Someone like us doesn’t have a perfect record. There is always a history of disturbance. It’s not natural.”
“You just don’t like taking orders from her.” Harry remarked.
“And you do?” Ginny countered. They walked in silence and watched as Diagon Alley came into view.
“Is that Hermione and Zabini?” Harry asked curiously.
Ginny strained her eyes forward, “I think so,” she said before crying out, “Hey Hermione, Zabini.”
The two figures ahead of them turned and waved back. Both Harry and Ginny ran up to the waiting forms of Hermione and Zabini and stopped when they came in a close enough distance to walk.
“What are you guys doing here?” Harry asked them both.
Hermione shrugged and looked towards Zabini. It had been already a few days since their unspoken alignment.
“We were going to Scrolls, Novels, and Spellbooks.” Zabini answered for the both of them, “We were looking for something about a wild species. Rather new discovery we want to classify.”
When the words left Zabini’s mouth the clock in the tower struck twelve. At that moment the world tilted and suddenly their surroundings became blurry as something inside their mind became clearer.
Thanks everyone for the reviews. They are much appreciated. Thanks Natalia for beta reading.
I know I kinda left everyone hanging but hey. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. First piece of action Natalia you are the greatest!
Brewbucks was a new store in Diagon Alley. Like its muggle sister Starbucks, it was a Wizarding novelty. Muggle coffee with Wizarding twists made it a novel with the Wizarding world. It was a massive structure with the machines and grinders all of the first floor while on the second and third floor were the seating area. All the walls were covered by wall length shelves filled with both muggle and Wizarding books except the wall facing the forest was charmed to change the sun settings and seasons every few minutes.
“Boss.” Zabini welcomed as he sat down on the chair across from Kaida. Kaida barely glanced up from her book but Zabini was not deterred. He planned to run into her; he needed to talk to her and he didn't want her to have time to prepare.
“Kaida.” Zabini said.
Kaida lifted her head up and smiled a welcome. It was the first time he'd ever seen her smile. It did wonders to her whole aura.
“You look sharp.” She commented as she ran her finger around the rim of the mug she was drinking from. Zabini shrugged and replied. “I dress like this everyday.”
“Khakis, nice shirt, sweater, and nice shoes? A pretty boy.” Kaida commented, “Who would've thought?”
Zabini smiled charmingly at the blushing waitress who brought Zabini's Panama La Florentia with wizzles. He turned back to a frowning Kaida and asked, “What does that mean?”
“I have read some of your books. Interesting but conflicting opinions you have.”
“Not many people our age have read my essays. Until you, my readers have been balding middle aged wizards with young wives.”
“I'm not most people.” Kaida said, “What are you going here?”
Zabini leaned forward in his chair as he set down his cup, “I went to see a friend in the Ministry, buy the Quidditch tickets, buy some new quills, stuff like that.”
“And where are these things?” She asked.
The simple reply; “Shrunk them to fit them in my pocket.”
Kaida said nothing and instead nodded her head. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Zabini got up and moved his seat to the right of Kaida.
“Tell me about yourself.” Zabini demanded suddenly.
Kaida turned and looked at Zabini archly, “Excuse me?”
The researcher repeated, “Tell me about yourself.”
Kaida laughed as she closed her book knowing she wasn't going to get a chance to read it again. Her tone was amused when she said, “Alright.” She shook her head, “What do you want to know?”
“Where are you from?”
Kaida tapped her finger against her chin as if to think and replied, “The States; New Hampshire. I thought it was obvious.”
“What are you doing here?”
Zabini watched her hesitate and shift in her seat, “The states were…not where I was supposed to be. Ever have a calling Zabini?”
“No; I don't supposed I have. I always thought you were supposed to ignore the voices.”
Kaida chucked as she shook her head. She grinned as she stood up and put her money on the table, “You are ridiculous. What else do you want to know?”
Her style was very retro compared to his more conservative style. She wore blue jeans, black turtle neck, black flats, and grey blazer with grey glasses.
“I didn't know you wore glasses.” Zabini stated, standing up as well and leaving his money enough to cover his bill and leave a tip. Kaida didn't say anything till they walked into the street, the afternoon spring sun blinding them momentarily.
“I usually wear muggle contacts but my eyes are too dry today.” She looked at Zabini. “Any other questions?”
Before Zabini could even answer there was a loud penetrating sound before there was a flash of heat as an explosion sparked two blocks away. They weren't knocked off their feet like people around them but it took them a second before they gathered themselves.
“What the hell was that?” Kaida asked.
“I don't know.” Zabini answered, “Let's go see.”
Kaida was already running to the site before Zabini could finish his sentence making him have to race after her. They didn't even get more than a block before another explosion the sound of another explosion went off not three yards away from them. This time they did get pushed to their knees from the impact of the blast.
“Zabini!” Kaida called. The dust and rubble around them from the upturned cobblestones made it almost impossible to see.
“What the FUCK!” Zabini yelled.
“Zabini!” Kaida yelled before yelling a spell that moved the rock away, “What the hell is going on?”
“What the hell is going on? What the hell is going on?”
The six words rang in his head over and over like a catchy song. He felt a sharp smack against his face and blinked looking up at Kaida.
“Snap out of it Zabini. We have to get out of here! The Enforcers are here.”
“You said that to me before.” He whispered mutely.
“This is no time to go into shock.” She shook him hard by the shoulders, digging her nails into his skin hoping to snap him out of it. It unfortunately brought up a new memory.
“She will be expecting me.”
“I can't Cathal.”
“You!” Zabini muttered before grabbing Kaida by her shoulders and kissing her without warning.
Maxwell was bored. There were several things Maxwell, Max for short, hated. Sitting with another man who had the same mentality as himself ranked on the top five on his list.
“So Draco…” He sighed as he looked over to Draco and sighed even louder as he watched the blonde sleep.
Stakeouts sucked.
They were in the States waiting for another scientist in the science ring Draco's informant informed him of. The description they were given was of a built green haired middle aged man who drove a green BMW. They had been waiting for ten hours and being cooped up in a car for so long, Max felt himself starting to get antsy. The scientist was supposed to have been home hours ago!
Max wasn't the most gracious person in the world, when he was irritated he became even less friendly. After spending twenty hours in a car with Draco Malfoy, who managed to sleep the entire time Max was just that, irritated. Malfoy with his head back, mouth open and his light snores caused by the weird angle his body was positioned further infuriated Max causing his nerves to snap and made him shake the blond once roughly to wake him up.
“What?” Draco snapped as he jerked up. He cleared his throat and looked around quickly, “He's here?!”
“No.” Maxwell answered curtly, “You were snoring too loud.”
The sullen reply, “I don't snore.”
Max said nothing as he focused on the brownstone. New York, he thought, had such interesting buildings in many diverse areas. He caught sight of an electric blue Lexus and almost dismissed it; his instincts forced him to maintain his attention. It turned out that his gut was correct.
Draco leaned forward reaching for the dashboard, “That's him.”
Maxwell looked from Draco to the man walking at the car. The man had short spiked brown hair with blue tips, completely different facial features, and was walking in the wrong direction.
“Those are two different people. Two flashy cars and hairstyles,” Max reasoned, “does not make the same man.”
Draco had pulled out his 9mm and without checking slid it into his holster.
“The man,” Draco answered just as smartly, “has the same scar on his neck as the guy Macey showed me.”
Draco waited for Maxwell to asses the situation, Max being the boss and founder, and superior. He tensed as Max unsheathed his gun.
“Alright let's go.”
Turned out it things didn't take very long. Malfoy had his ward pointed to the scientist's nose while Maxwell's gun rested on the doctor's forehead. The doctor's eyes flashed from one face to another, desperate for sanctuary in one of the faces. When he received none he started to sweat more, his reactions further betraying his guilt.
“If you want help,” Draco offered, knowing Max would give none looking around for a cigarette. He knew this was going to take a while, “You should just tell us what we want to know.”
The man said nothing and Max sighed, “And down the rabbit hole we go.”
“What in the hell is that?” Harry asked Zabini as the tall man walked into the library. Zabini without saying a word walked to the nearest window to see his reflection. He touched the bright red mark on his neck and replied, “I am here to tell you what I feel is Kaida Drake's involvement. Not about my rash, Potter.”
The tone of Zabini's voice let Harry know the discussion was closed. He cleared his throat and sat up straighter in the arm chair.
“Her involvement?” He pried.
Zabini turned and rested on the window, his hands behind his back. He thought for a minute before responding.
“I think she knows what is going on.” He paused once again to think of his phasing, “But not a threat. Why would she keep us alive for so long?”
“Not everything pertains to life and death. Sometimes it is all about the power a person has over a people's lives.” He waited for his words to make their impact and added, “That is a greater power.”
“You know something I don't know?” Zabini asked.
“Her records are too clean.” Harry supplied, “Teachers never had a problem, perfect attendance, never tardy. Someone in her line of work has to have some type of blemish and she has none.”
Zabini sifted from one foot to the other his expression reflecting his disbelief.
“A clean record makes her a suspect?”
Harry opened his mouth and closed it. He leaned forward resting his crossed hands on the table, “Why are you defending her?”
“I don't defend anyone but the Romans who loved to roam. Why would I defend her?”
Harry's eyes flickered from the `rash' on Zabini's neck to his face.
The silence was unbearable, the air cracked with tension. Neither one was going to give anything else away.
“Have you chosen sides Zabini?” Harry asked finally. His eyes narrowed further as Zabini smirked. A move that had irked him in school and still had the same affect.
The reply was dry, “Only if you make me.”
It was a war of wills neither one of them was ready to fight.
“Am I allowed to go Potter?”
Both understood the double meaning behind it, and both tensed in anticipation behind for the answer.
“For now.”
Zabini nodded and walked out the room loosening his tie. He had dinner with one of his sources tonight at The Pacific. He would tighten it when he got there. Potter so didn't believe a hickey was a rash.
So you like? I know things aren't really clear but hopefully things will clear up as the story goes on. Review please!
a. There are several things you need to know about these next few chapters before reading it. This part of the story was originally written as a part of another one of my fan fictions. However, the storylines were so similar I toyed with and eventually used this introduction for this fan fiction.
b. This is about ten pages long (might be more) and in order to make this more bearable I have broken up the dream into two chapters. When ever I upload this chapter the second part of the chapter will follow shortly.
c. This chapter is heavily Hermione and Harry focused
d. Names have been changed:
Draco = Ace
Ginny = Sarai
Hermione = Abigail/I <- narrator
Harry = William
Ronald = Theodore
Luna = Serena
e. Italic = Dreams
Normal = Story
Nothing Gold Can Stay | Dreams
It was a warm night and Ginny not accustomed to the humidity tossed around in bed unable to keep her eyes closed. Eventually Ginny sat up and rubbed her eyes. She was so tired. Sighing she brought her legs to her chest. And lonely, Ginny thought. Ever since she was “transferred” that empty feeling she felt was once so small had grown into a gaping hole.
During the day she could hide her anxiousness to find out what Kaida and her house was doing to them; it was easy for Ginny to appear nobler than she really was. Her real reason was less noble; she didn’t want to face her fears and insecurities. But pride prevented her from leaving. There was something about Kaida, a look in her eyes that screamed danger to Ginny. Kaida knew more about them all than she let on and that put her on edge. Facing the truth Ginny knew she couldn’t sleep. She didn’t want to face the dream. Every night the dream took more and more from her. It was such an odd dream; it was like someone was talking to her about something she should know. But she didn’t know and the dream only made her want to remember what she couldn’t. An hour later she lay back down, unable to fight off sleep any longer. The dream was waiting for her.
~ ~
William Parker, my boyfriend, was in a bad mood. When he was in a mood everyone felt his wrath. Being a journeyman and a sought out upperclassmen for either academic or personal guidance the whole school felt his anger. I, not just being his girlfriend but his confidant, knew and understood why he could at times be so uptight. Ace was his childhood enemy, as well as his family’s foe. After the death of his parents, his only family, William was all alone. Even though everyone knew William mostly blamed Ace’s family (mainly his father), there was no way to link Ace’s father to the crime. Even though the accusations didn’t die they had faded with time and were now just gossip between mothers. Ace, was if anything quiet, ambitious but honorable in his own way, the mirror image of his father physically. Ace, never having done anything wrong to the Will himself, was the brunt of William’s hate; anything evil, William connected to the Haurus name and thus Ace was evil. Though many families of the students were against Ace entering the school claiming that with such a notoriously corrupt family, the son couldn’t be a positive influence on the school. However, Eusebius (headmaster) was firm in his decision, and Ace Haurus was admitted into the school. He was on his way to the school at that very moment.
“You really need to let things go William.”
We were walking to meet Ace outside. Ace’s carriage was sighted a few minutes ago and as Head Journeymen it was out duty to meet him despite William’s protest.
“He’s done nothing to you.” I added solemnly. It started to rain and we were getting soaked.
We had just got there when Ace stepped out of the carriage. If I wasn’t totally in love and happy with my relationship with William, I would have been highly interested in Haurus Jr. He had blonde hair down to his shoulder’s pulled back, sharp grey eyes that probably missed nothing, an aristocratic nose and chiseled jaw; kinda ferret like in appearance but it worked. Ace was tall but with a lithe build, probably due to the fencing skills that William told me the Haurus family was known, immaculate clothing, that was in the process of getting ruined by the rain.
“Parker.” He greeted solemnly. He then turned to me and said, “Gaiver.”
The fact that he knew who I was surprised me because Hushlin was a small school and coming from a low class family, my name coming from his lips was if anything but an unintentional complement.
“This way Haurus.” I instructed.
Ace’s things had arrived ahead of him by only a few hours and were already waiting for him in his room. Though it had only been raining for at most fifteen minutes, the grounds as well as any poor souls, such as ourselves who had the misfortune of being outside, were drenched. Another misfortune; the main building was a good walk away from the entrance but none of us made an actual attempt to move faster; it was as if we knew things were going to end. We were almost there when we caught sight of another soaked form; Sarai Wright. She was from a well known family; though not overly rich, the latest generation was exceptionally successful and was well known for having successful ventures in various fields. Being the only girl in the family and the last Wright in school, it was a known fact she was a loner. Many people hadn’t tried to rectify the situation; William and I included. Sarai didn’t generally talk to people, she kept to herself, not that she was cold, she didn’t really feel the need to talk to people and if she did it was because she was addressed. No one was deluded enough to believe that they were her friend, Sarai had not friends except her pet Raven named Zareh. Sarai wanted it that way.
I was always jealous of her.
Ever since I met her through Theodore Wright, Sarai’s brother a good friend of William and I who was a schoolmate from ages eleven to fifteen. He was needed back home and continued his education with a home school teacher. We saw Theo from time to time because he sometimes visited another student, his fiancée, Serena. Back to Sarai, I admired her ability to never get emotional, I am if anything an emotional idiot and her knack for keeping herself distant from others made me envious. Then there was the matter about her hair. It was a deep auburn color that was so thick and straight. Gripping a limp curl, and looking at Sarai in the rain, Zareh perched on her arm, I observed Sarai once again. There was something about her that just attracted most people. It wasn’t her looks, she was pretty granted but it was the type of beauty that fought to get noticed. It seemed like our new resident was indeed into what he saw in Sarai.
“Who is she?” Ace asked either one of us, nodding his head towards Sarai who was staring into Zareh’s eyes as if she was having her own conversation with her.
“Sarai Wright.” William answered before I could.
As if she knew we were walking about her, Sarai turned her head and stopped to look towards us. Her face was in its usual blank face, her I-see-through-you eyes piercing into us. For some reason the world seemed to narrow down to the hour of us and William whispered.
“She’s looking at Haurus.”
Zareh cried out and successfully knocking both Sarai and Ace out of their daze. Sarai gave one final look to the three of us and walked off further into the wooded area outside the school.
We’d never know it but in that lifetime something important occurred between the four of us. We’d never have the time to figure out what that thing was because in less than a month we’d all be dead.
Ace assimilated quickly and nicely into Hushlin. It was amazing how he almost gave himself to the student population. He was charismatic, handsome, smart and overall popular. But to the careful observer, Ace really kept to himself, and was actually a guarded person. No one; I realized one day watching him entertain a crowd, really knew him. I think he and the Headmaster preferred it that way. William, unlike the rest of his school, was not charmed by Ace. Being constantly around him for two weeks William had to admit he actually was not all that bad. William’s attitude moved from intense dislike to indifferent respect which was all I could really ask for. By the beginning of the third week the buzz of Ace had decreased and by the end of that month Ace could walk the halls without being stopped. It was maybe the first day of the full moon when William came to me, his whole usually peacefully aura disturbed, causing my immediate concern.
“What’s wrong?” I asked already moving towards him. William looked around; we were in the library and I could see he wished to talk in private.
“Come on,” I said to him, “Let’s go up to my room.”
It was a double edged suggestion (it wasn’t the first time we went to my room) but it served its purpose in case anyone was listening. To any outsider it would seem like I was seeking alone time with my fiancée, nothing to get in an uproar about. We made it up the stairs without incident and we sat down in my two chairs. My parents, as a birthday gift, brought me chairs to put in my room. They said if I ever had company they would have a place to sit.
“So what’s wrong?” I asked sitting forward in the chair.
“William sighed and leaned back before answering, “Haurus has been leaving the grounds after curfew.”
“So? A good twenty percent of students here do that a least once a week.” I laughed.
“William we’ve been on the grounds after curfew.”
“He’s been meeting Sarai and they go out towards the forest.”
“I once again don’t see your point.”
“If something is going between them and Theo finds out that we know he’d never speak to us again.”
“William.” I took his hand, “Theo will still be your best friend. I don’t think you can do anything that could change that. But we barely know Sarai and she doesn’t seem to be the type of girl to get into something so unknown so quickly.”
“So you are saying we have to trust them?” William asked. It was moments like that which made me wonder how he managed to become Head Journeyman. He was denser than dense.
“Yes Will. That is what I am saying.” I leaned back in my chair and rolled my eyes. We sat in silence for a few minutes. That was that I loved about being with Will, we didn’t have to fill the silence with meaningless words, and I value meanings and actions more than empty words. Tonight, the silence wasn’t going to last long.
“So…” William trailed off. I sat up straighter and raised my eyebrow in question, “want to see what they are up to?”
The suspense was killing me and I shot out of my chair saying, “Let’s go.”
I’d only been in the forest once after the sun set. Will, Theo, and I had all dared each other to go into the forest. We were twelve and figured maybe the forest changed after the sun went down. The forest actually wasn’t all that bad, there were some dangerous animals but our magic scared them off. There was a clearing in the middle of the forest and Will suggested that we start from there first. I agreed, I really didn’t want to find the. I was just antsy and found myself eager for something out of the ordinary to happen. Will was right. They were in the middle of the clearing, facing each other so we could see their profiles. There was a few feet between their bodies hut the intensity of their staring was disturbing.
“What are they saying?” Whispered William in the quietest tone possible.
I shrugged and in an effort to hear I moved closer to the pair.
“You should really tell the Headmaster what you know. They will attack here next time and we won’t be any match for the.” Sarai said suddenly not breaking eye contact.
Ace sneered, “Oh ye of little faith. We aren’t supposed to fight now.”
“I don’t know you and I don’t trust you.” Sarai challenged back, “How can I have faith in ‘ye’ of massive ego?”
“But yet we’ve met here everyday in the past week.”
This time Sarai smirked, “Don’t get flattered. I have nothing better to do in this school than to wait for things to happen.”
They were silent for a few minutes. Ace turned his gaze towards the tree that William and I hid behind, for a minute I felt my heart freeze at the fearsome thought that they knew we were spying on them. Luckily Ace shifted his gaze back to Sarai who was looking Ace over.
Sarai asked dryly, “How exactly did they manage to change the physical form of creatures of the forest into such vicious creatures?”
“You answer my question and I’ll answer yours.”
Sarai laughed this time and looked up at Zareh who came and perched herself on her owners shoulder.
Ace looked over the raven with interests, “Pretty bird. But don’t ravens signify death?”
“A stupid wives tale.” Sarai reprimanded, “Nice wolf.”
Sarai looked towards the shadows for the first time. It was the first time either William or I ha ever seen the fabled Haurus pet. He was a dark black wolf with dark black eyes but oddly contrasting manners. He stood stiffly, as if a person would, observing the meeting indifferently.
“I’ll make sure he doesn’t eat your bird.”
Sarai laughed once again, “Zareh can take care of herself. I’ll see you around.”
That’s the end of part one. I hope this is going to start making sense to everyone soon. And the Ginny monologue was only a taste of more. Chapter Eight is already written and you are all going to like it, lots of unknown Draco/Ginny unknown reaction.
IMPORTANT: a. This is part TWO of Chapter Seven.
b. This chapter is Hermione and Harry focused
c. Names have been change: Draco = Ace
Hermione = Abigail <- narrator
Harry = William
Ronald = Theodore
d. Italics = Dreams
Normal = Story
Nothing Gold Can Stay | Dreams Part II
It was a warm spring morning when the first body was found outside the school. His particular gift left him in tune with different types of animals; horses were his favorite. He was said to have been heading towards the stables, and never got there. According to a teacher he was found just a few feet from the horses burned from head to toe. After that, classes were suspended and all older students as well as instructors were left to search through the archives to find out what exactly had happened. Some brought up the idea of spontaneous combustion but immediately ruled that out because in order for the theory to be correct there had to be a spark of heat which the human body was physically impossible to create. William, after many nights of debates with myself and other students, brought back the theory insisting that if the student was hit by magic maybe a certain spell could create the spark. Of course the stupid prat had to come up with another brilliant idea but who can blame him?I am only book smart, all his intellect is natural. We spend the next few hours searching for a spell that could perhaps spark this internal fire. Ten hours after the first body was found, a fifth level student found a cluster of first level students all clawed to death by some animal. After a quick inspection of the slashes it was determined that an unknown being had killed the children. The Headmaster become desperate knowing that something had to be done and sealed off the grounds with a barrier, in hopes that the danger was on the other side of the barrier.
It wasn’t and would eventually be our own downfall.
The research team of students and teachers were now divided into two teams, one searching through spells and the other searching through texts about creatures we know and that were just thought of as myths. Some time after lunch the next day over twenty bodies were found, all killed by various means, none were explainable by our knowledge. It was aggravating to everyone; even Will with his high level of patience was getting exasperated.
We were all forced by the Headmaster to stop our search and get something to eat and to try and calm down a bit. We had been at it all day and even though it was a wise decision to keep the students that were still alive and healthy, I still wanted to object. It wasn’t that his decision wasn’t wise or the circumstances didn’t call for a break but I didn’t want to hear about anymore dead bodies or find one myself. William and I were walking back to the dormitories, neither of us were hungry and were just on our way to sleep when we heard voices arguing.
“We should have told them what we know!” Sarai yelled.
Will and I looked at each other before running up and peering around the corner to see Ace and Sarai in the middle of the argument.
“And what good would it have done? We are all going to die here tonight Virginia and there is nothing that anyone here can do. We tried to tell out house head and she wouldn’t listen. Insisted that it was childish dreams and we can never get to the Headmaster because he is always around that damned McGonagall! Just what do you think we could do? It isn’t supposed to happen now!”
William and I looked at each other; they knew what was going on?
Ace whirled around and immediately spotted us hearing what was supposed to be their private conversation. Instead of denying anything he sighed and gestured for us to come forward.
“Since this is the second time you have been listening in to our conservations,” Sarai said her tone dry but her facial expression letting us in on her amusement.
“Why do you find this while thing funny?” William asked angrily.
“Because after thinking about what Ace said, he is right; we are all going to die.”
“Why?!” I questioned desperately. I hadn’t married William yet, had his children and gotten old together. We were not supposed to die when our lives were just beginning! I could see neither Ace nor Sarai were happy with the news they delivered but I realized I hated them both right then and there.
“I hate you both.” I said quietly. In the silence my words easily reached the ears of everyone in the room.
“Abigail,” William started but I pulled away from him, I wasn’t going to change my mind.
“How dare you?” I asked them both, “You know what was going to happen and you just sit there debating with yourselves on what should be done. If you really wanted to change what was going to happen you could have easily found a way to do so! Now you’re telling me that I am going to die and I can’t do anything about it?! How can you sit there so calm and tell me that everyone is going to die? What gives you the right?”
“We didn’t ask for this.” Ace replied to me.
“We tried,” piped up Sarai, “I’ve been trying for years and Ace has been trying for almost his whole life. What is going to happen here tonight is unavoidable. The Headmaster may have protected us from the outside world but not tonight.”
“What is going to happen?” William asked Sarai.
“Dark Magic has been growing stronger in the past couple of years.” Sarai answered, “This is one of the few schools that still support what is now known as white magic, or magic with sacrifice or without evil intention. We, unfortunately, are the strongest and are going first.”
“Why us first?” William asked, perplexed, “Shouldn’t they go after the weaker schools then us?”
“And have us ready for them?” Ace asked matching question with question, “If this school falls the rest will follow.”
Before any of us could answer the ground beneath us started to rumble.
“Is it an earthquake?” I asked. I had read about them in a book but never experienced one. I hope from what I’d read of the natural disasters that it wasn’t.
“No.” Sarai and Ace answered at once.
William and I managed to look at each other and then the other two again. Will yelled over the rumble, “How do you know?”
“We know,” was the response. Just then the rumbling stopped and all four of us breathed a sigh of relief. We all managed to pick ourselves up, the rattling of our bones making it slightly difficult but we did it.
“I am going back to the library.” I announced it loudly. I did it mainly to assure myself and everyone else that I was fine, that it would all be okay. But somehow seeing the looks that Ace and Sarai gave each other I knew it wasn’t going to be. But I’d be damned if I was going to go down without a fight. We walked into the library solemnly, two of the four of us determined to last longer, if not to live until we were old and wrinkly. The sight that greeted us in the library was probably my own breaking point.
“What the hell happened to them?” Will asked pulling me to him so I wouldn’t see the bloody mess of bodies. He turned to Ace and Sarai and asked, “Well?”
Ace and Sarai were looking anywhere but at us or the bodies.
“Answer him.” I demanded. I had hoped my face was menacing enough.
“They infiltrated the caste.” Sarai said simply dropping to her feet, “What is going to happen tonight isn’t going to be stopped.”
“The shields!” William said suddenly after a few minutes of silence, “What about the shields?”
Ace shook his head. I’d never thought I’d see such a proud man look so defeated, “They have ways to get through them.”
We were silent again. Looking back it amazed me how I used to enjoy silence, the calm it could bring. Now I couldn’t stand it, I didn’t want to hear the words they were speaking to me. It was suddenly easier to understand why Sarai kept to herself, knowing a secret no one believed and knowing she would have to die so young. I would’ve kept myself closed off too.
“If they can get in then we can get out.” William asked desperately.
Ginny shook her hair, “It’s the nature of the shield. It takes less power to get in than to get out. Getting out requires strong magic we don’t have.”
“With the four of us; why can’t it be enough?” I asked, “We know enough of our studies.”
“The spell you are thinking about requires trust.” Ace turned away.
Incredulous William asked, “And you don’t trust us?”
“No.” Sarai injected, “You don’t trust us.”
I started to protest but at a look from Sarai, I closed my mouth. She was right, I knew I didn’t trust either one of them and that was saying a lot. Between the two of us, Will and I, I was the more trusting one. If I didn’t trust them how can I expect William to?
“There is nothing more we can do.” Ace said sighing. He grasped Sarai’s hand and with a last look they walked away.
There was nothing else to say. I don’t know how long William and I stood there.
“Abigail.” He started to say. I turned to him and smiled, “I don’t want to die William.”
He grabbed my hand, “We won’t!!! I refuse to die without a fight.”
“We aren’t going to get out of this one.” I said squeezing his hand, “So much for those three kids.”
“We have to have faith that things will get better.” Harry said enveloping me with a hug, “Things are going to get better. I promise.”
I took a deep breath trying to get his scent into my head, “Do you think we’ll see them again? Do you think we’ll see Sarai, Theodore, and Ace again?”
“You won’t see them again.” A voice said.
We both whirled around and caught sight of a small wrinkled man with long white hair. That was all they could really see, the shadows concealed the rest of his features.
“Headmaster?” Harry asked.
The man shook his head no. “Someone who has seen what is to come.”
“What happened to Ace and Sarai?” I asked, my palms starting to sweat.
“They have…passed on. They unfortunately have not fulfilled their duty but their duty will be passed on to you. You both have a decision to make.”
“What decision?” I asked, “What duty?”
“To change the world. I predicted this occurrence many years ago and gave the task of defeating it to a few of my students. Two of my students remembered and four didn’t. The ones that remembered carried out what they could in this life. I have enough power to stop what is happening now but the world will change. You, woman, make the decision.”
“Why me? Why not William?”
“He’s dying. In a few minutes his heart will stop and you will be the last living person in this building. Ten minutes later after he’s dead, you will die. Your decision will change history for all of our kind.”
I felt my heart stop as I looked at William. He was sweating; I could see the perspiration start to form across his face and neck. I looked back to the man and shook my head. How could he expect me to make a decision when the love of my life was dying in my arms.
“I am not qualified to make this decision. You will have to find someone else alive. Leave us alone, I don’t want to make history. I just want to be with him.”
Zabini jerked awake gasping for air. He knew he was seeing more than the others were but he didn’t understand why things were the way they were. Confusion never suited him, he hated not going what was going on, and what was going on wasn’t helping. Granted sleeping with Kaida didn’t exactly help and not seeing her for two days wasn’t the best thing either. But he would’ve done it again and again. Not exactly the best thing to do when everyone else in their house suspected she was a Death Eater. There was a knock on the door and after a moment Hermione let herself in.
“There’s a meeting downstairs.”
Nothing Gold Can Stay | Chapter Eight
“Did we really live through all of that?” Hermione asked balled up in a corner of the sofa. It was four in the morning and besides her there was Harry, Zabini, and Ginny who were all wide awake. This time there was no denying what had happened, the unnerving feeling of being connected to somebody and not knowing why. The first time they experienced this…sensation it was when they ran into each other on their way to Hogsmeade. Before, the feeling of being connected was easier to shake off; and shake it off they did. This time they knew it would be impossible.
“Why are we seeing these things now?” Hermione asked. She could feel her nerves slipping. Why was this happening? She wanted the answers but things were so complicated. What were the questions she needed to ask to get the right answers? It was as if everything she ever believed and stood for was being challenged. Hermione felt someone grasp her hand, and loosened as she felt a clam warming feelings. She turned her head slightly and smiled at Harry. Everything was forgotten as she looked at him. For the first time in her life, she didn't have questions and needed no answers. In that moment everything was perfect.
So this is what it feels like. She thought.
They seemed so happy! When was she ever going to find someone to love like that again? The dream might've brought Harry and Hermione together, FINALLY, but all it did was further prove how alone she was. As a child she had a theory that death was wrong not because it took away a person's life but it took away a person's soul mate. Was that what happened to hers? Was he dead by some muggle robbery? Tortured to death by death eaters? Where was he?!
Only a year ago she would've thought she was in love with Draco Malfoy. How could she not when he was everything she thought he wouldn't be? The rude obnoxious git from Slytherin turned out to be the kind but sarcastic prince from her dreams.
Or so she thought.
That was when she got it, it being the anonymous package mailed to her flat. Suddenly her world shattered and any image she had of them living together happily married with two and a half kids changed into a nightmare of the man she still loved killing innocent children because they didn't use the proper fork during dinner.
It slowly became harder to be around him. The vulnerability and fear she felt towards him made her distant and her love for him made her inconsistent. He once commented that she never smiled around him; even mentioned that he'd leave for a while. She declined because, at least she told herself, she'd lose the case. Internally she admitted it was love for him that insisted she just wanted to be near him. A part of her died when she brought him into the Ministry and tell him it was all an elaborate ruse. To watch him crumble was one of the hardest things she'd ever done. He had no friends, the way he mentioned it, having no one to depend on was the norm.
“If life was measured by friends,” He said once in passing, “I'd have nothing to measure.”
A part of him died that day too his ability to trust. Ginny could never forgive herself.
“We're going to the East Wing.” Zabini decided, “Now.”
Jordan, was considered a muggle. As a child she never showed any signs of magic and never received an invitation to any Wizarding school. Her magic, those who theorized about such rare cases such as hers, were results of extremely long exposes to stress. Jordan was sure her parents attempting to kill her counted as severe cases of stress. A child begot by two pure bloods she was considered a waste, a squib. Her mother because of a complication during Jordan's birth could not have any other children. Jordan's parents' frustration and embarrassment only grew over the years and made them farther apart. During her early teen years Jordan learned the joys of experimentation carrying from drugs to sex to plain disobedience. Testing her limits by dying her hair blue, wearing unorthodox clothes, purposely coming home after dinner, things were coming to a head. One night it all came to a head. After failing all her courses, reported to have been kissing some muggle and embarrassing her parents in front of their friends her parents finally had enough.
Her mother always had a strong temper and excess pride. After the stunt her daughter pulled, wearing muggle clothing in front traditional wizards, went into her daughter's bedroom that night to shake some sense into her. Literally. Evidently being awoken to her mother's hands around her neck was not a pleasant way to wake up. Jordan felt this power, an overwhelming feeling in the back of her brain well up. and was shocked as her mother slumped to the ground shaking and screaming. Hearing his wife, her father rushed to the room, the look in his eyes promising murder, she did it again. Her father fell forward on his face, his body jerking on the floor. Later, after much testing, it was assumed that they both went crazy leaving Jordan both money and more importantly, freedom.
That was when Kaida Drake appeared claiming to posses the ability to help her. The rest was history. Two years later, Jordan was rumored to be the best mental witch in North America, her abilities put to cause.
It was maybe a little after two thirty in the morning when she heard a car pull up and the front door open. Jordan pulled the hood to cover her now red hair, her green eyes and fair skin shadowed; making it easier to answer the questions Kaida would ask.
“Sorry I'm late Jordan.” Kaida, said rushing into the room, eyes wild. Jordan observed the woman who showed her more compassion than her parents ever did. Something was off but she knew better than to question Kaida about her feelings.
“Things okay?” Kaida asked taking a long drag of a wizard cigarette.
Jordan said nothing but instead reached for her mirror. She commented, “You cut your hair.”
Kaida touched her head, “I needed a change.”
Jordan nodded, “I sent them a stronger dream earlier.”
“Really?” Kaida sat up interested, “Did it work out?”
The dry response, “That is what I am checking for now.”
Kaida sighed knowing she was going to have to wait a while. It, surprisingly took only one hour to focus her mind on their thoughts, “You might want to go home.”
Kaida laughed, “Why? The git may be on a cooking kick but he won't burn anything.”
“The git, as you called him, is about to discovered.”
The color drained from Kaida's face as she dashed off. Jordan started to warn her but Kaida was already running to the apparating port.
Draco was enjoying his night. The sky was clear and the stars were bright. The trees gave the moonlight a beautiful edge. It was amazing, how much freedom a person experienced, on their own and with no responsibilities. He was in a good mood, so when he heard footsteps, assuming it was Kaida, he took out an extra plate. It was the first meal he'd ever created without burning something and grinned at the pride he felt. His perfect night was ruined when he turned to see Harry, Hermione, Blaise, and Ginny, their wands pointed at him.
“Hello.” Malfoy said as evenly as possible, “How are you?”
They couldn't open the barrier! Kaida ran though the forest outside the house, cursing herself for putting the apparition point so far from the house. When she finally reached the edge of the forest, to her dismay, she could see the house without casting the `see all' spell on herself.
They broke through the barrier! If still in their ignorant state, alone with Draco's smart mouth, they might kill him.
That just couldn't happen.
As she burst through the front door Kaida pushed away the thought of the other repercussions that would occur if they stayed in the house much longer. Pushing her tired legs to run up the stairs and inwardly groaned at the site she saw.
“Um Kaida,” Draco called, “You might want to come up here.”
Kaida closed her eyes momentarily before resigning herself to her fate. Seeing Harry and Hermione pointing their wands to her chest Kaida put her hands up, “I don't have my wand.”
“Keep your hands up.” Harry commanded, “And sit over there.”
They made sure she wasn't anywhere near Draco. Not that it would matter, if they stayed here any longer.
“We have questions to ask you.” Ginny started.
Annoyed Kaida shoot back, “I could only guess.”
“What are you doing to us? Plaguing us with disturbing dreams, keeping us like relative prisoners in this house?” Hermione asked.
Kaida laid back glaring, “We need to leave this house.”
“Answer her.” Harry demanded.
Kaida rolled her eyes and crossed her arm, “You aren't ready. If you were you wouldn't have asked me the question you did.”
“Ready for what?”
“None of you business.” Kaida shoot back, “All we need to do is leave this house. I am not going to die for you idiots.”
Ginny and Zabini had their wands pointed towards Draco. Neither one of them wanting to be doing so.
“Just tell them Kai.” Draco shouted from the other side of the room.
“No one asked you moron!”
“Fine.” Draco said, “Then I'll tell them.”
“Shut up! We need to leave not swap stories!”
“Bite me.” Draco shot back. Ignoring Kaida's huff he continued, “You are all reincarnations of spirits that were supposed to make an important decision. Events occurred and prevented you from making the decision, and you have to make it now.”
“Huh?” Zabini asked stating the stupor of the room, Draco and Kaida excluded.
“You can forget all of that, since you will die,” Kaida said suddenly, “if we don't leave!”
“Are you going to kill us?” Harry asked, “You are harboring a known felon.”
Kaida laughed, “It's amazing how dumb you are.” Clearly irritated she added as she turned her cold gaze to Ginny, “Isn't it amazing how everything just landed in your lap when the case was just one week from being dismissed.”
“It was luck,” Harry said in defense, “Everyone knows that.”
“Only children and fools believe in luck. You like the little children you are laughed when a load of shit fell in your lap.”
“What are you trying to say?” Ginny asked.
“I am saying you played right into the hands of the people who are trying to kill you.”
“You mean you?” Hermione asked, after finding Draco in the house, she couldn't find any reason to trust her.
“I by some misfortune,” Kaida replied blandly, “Have been trying to keep you alive.”
“Really?” Ginny asked, “Why not just tell us?”
“Two reasons but I am not going to waste time explaining. Can we leave?”
“Why do you want to leave so badly now?” Zabini asked.
“The barrier that you broke though not only protected you and kept the moron away from you, it also made the house invisible to people looking for you.”
“So we broke though the barrier. What's the big deal?”
“Death eaters now know where we are.”
“That's it?” Harry asked, “There can't be more than a hundred of them left around the world. We can take them.”
“You can't fight these death eaters with magic.”
“They are muggles, loser.”
Before any of them could asked Kaida what she meant there was a loud explosion below them. Kaida stood up pulling the seat cushion up to reveal an arsenal of 9 mms guns.
“Here.” She said tossing two 9mms to Draco. She slipped on two thigh holsters before loading them up with two standard guns. Picking up another she turned the clueless expressions of Harry, Hermione, Zabini, and a seething Ginny.
“I suggest we go.” Kaida suggested.
“Why?” Ginny asked, “If they are Death Eaters we can take them.”
Draco absently said, “We would be arrested and none of us would be able to protest.”
“Why again?”
“Were you not listening?! They are muggles. It doesn't matter if they are trying to kill you.”
“THEY'RE UPSTAIRS!!” They heard a voice yell.
“Think about it,” Draco remarked, “A dozen or more muggles with military training intent on blowing our brains off. You four can't stop them.”
The four looked at him processing the information.
“With that said. How about you move?” Kaida added sweetly, “Draco, darling, show them the exit?”
The blonde smiled, the wide grin sparking the immense fire of jealously from two other people in the room.
“No worries love.” Draco answered.
A.N: If this sucks I am SO sorry. Sorry this took to damn long! I have an audition on the 15th and practice is really time consuming. I really don't expect anyone to review for this one, after they find Draco, this became very forced and is not my best work and for that I apologize. For those reading `Tease' you have at least a three week wait, and once again I apologize for this. Wish me luck; I hope you are patient with me.
To the readers of Nothing Gold Can Stay:
the story is being discontinued
three part trilogy is being written in the following order: Ron/Luna, Draco/Ginny, Harry/Hermione
- the same characters from Nothing Gold Can stay will be used in similar relations
Thank you all for all the reviews and support I received on this fic. I am glad those that enjoyed it, did so. If anyone was interested in how everything was going to end, e-mail me and I'll tell you. Thanks once again. The first part of the new trilogy should out soon.