Twilight Moon by Nousia Rating: G Genres: Romance Relationships: Ron & Luna Book: Ron & Luna, Books 1 - 5 Published: 10/02/2004 Last Updated: 10/02/2004 Status: Completed Ron and Luna look at the moon one night. Ron swears he's going nuts. Cutesy R/L fluff . . or not. 1. Twilight Moon ---------------- Disclaimer: All right, I expect we all know this by now. HP isn’t mine, wasn’t mine, and never will be mine. It’ll always be J.K. Rowling’s and other related companies’. Unless something drastic happens and the ownership changes . . which I doubt it will. Author’s Note: My first *actual* Ron/Luna fic. Cutesy fluff and all that. *__* Or maybe not . . . This is a future fic. And this is dedicated to Cassie . . although we never keep in touch anymore. “He” is Ron, “she” is Luna. OOC, and a very horrible ending, but oh well! I tried. Night. Tranquil. Quiet. Silence. Calm. Save for the light breeze that was gently caressing her hair now. Nothing but silence. No sounds, no echoes . . nothing. She looked up at the dark sky. And the moon. White and clear it was. Like a large pearl hanging in the sky, like an adorned ornament . . the night and the sky being its backdrop. She wondered what it was like to actually *be* on the moon. Well, that was a sidetracked thought. But she still wondered. What it would be like to stand on gray bumps on an otherwise smooth surface and seeing nothing but craters. Random thoughts, these were. But she liked them. She liked to think them. Random was abnormal. Which was just fine with her. “What are you doing out here?” An amused voice said behind her. She turned around. “Just looking at the moon. Isn’t it lovely?” He sat down beside her on the front steps and didn’t say anything for a few moments. A slight chuckle escaped from him then. “You and Kessie?” “Yes.” She gave him a look. His gaze then landed on Kessie. A small smile lit up his face. “And how’s our Kessie doing?” He lifted her up and held her. “Fine,” Luna replied loftily. “Kessie’s so happy to be seeing the stars and the moon that she’s clapping her hands in delight. See?” Sure enough, the tiny, cherub, red-haired baby girl, who was also known as Kessie, was clapping her small hands together happily. The clear blue of her eyes were shining brightly. No doubt, Kessie was overjoyed. “She likes the moon,” Luna piped up. “She’s been looking at it all night – it’s as if her eyes are glued to it.” He only laughed. She pursed her lips. “What’s wrong with looking at the moon, Ronald?” “Nothing, Luna. Absolutely nothing at all.” He shook his head and only pulled her close to him, Kessie still bubbling happily in his arms. All three watched the opalescent moon silently. It was rather relaxing, he discovered. It took his mind off everything and somehow lessened his tension. Luna looked at him. “So *now* you’re looking at the moon,” she shook her head. “What’s wrong with that?” he cheekily replied, grinning. She didn’t even bother to reply; her gaze was fixated at the white sphere in the sky. *Luna*. *Lunar*. The whole idea of that struck her as hysterically funny just then. And she had no idea why. A comet streaked across the sky – a fireball lighting up the sky with its brilliance. Kessie squealed happily. Ron and Luna looked at each other and smiled. Right there, he decided, was where he’d rather be, out of all the places in the world: sitting on his porch steps and looking up at the sky . . and the hypnotic power that the moon seized over you. Just sitting there and gazing at the sky . . which held a myriad of things, things that kept your interest long after you knew and saw them a countless number of times. He blinked just then - He could’ve sworn that the moon had just twinkled at them. Must be Luna finally getting to him. After a while, she got up. “It’s late,” she said once she saw his questioning look. “Ten, to be exact. Way past Kessie’s bedtime.” He handed Kessie, who was now sleeping soundly, over to Luna. “Past her bedtime, eh?” She shot him a look. “Yes.” And shaking her head at him, she ran into the house. “Oi! Luna! Wait up for me!” He laughed, pushing himself up and following her inside. Soon the sounds of joyful laughter filled the air – and the moon twinkled brightly once more – especially for them.