Love Letters


Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Suspense
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 06/03/2004
Last Updated: 23/06/2005
Status: In Progress

*NEW CHAPTER* During a boring summer at the Dursley's, Harry recieves an unexpected letter from Hermione and soon sparks fly between the two teens. But when they return to Hogwarts, something seems terribly wrong with their best friend and it's going to tear them apart. Written Before OotP

1. Birthday Melody

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: I started this story over a year ago. It’s still not finished but I thought I’d start sharing it with you guys here at PK. The first five chapters are purely fluff. But I got bored writing the same bits of romance so after chapter five it becomes a suspenseful thriller type story. Odd things are happening to Harry and Hermione. . . Oh and also. Because I started this a year ago, the fifth book had not come out yet, so this takes place the summer after fourth year. Please don’t flame me for my taste in music, the songs listed in this chapter were simply things I listen to. I have updated some of them however. Anyway, here’s the start. . . it will get better as the chapters come along. I hope you enjoy it! ~MtL

Love Letters

Chapter One

A sweaty and exhausted teenager clamored his way up to his small room one late Saturday afternoon. He had been working all day in his aunt's garden, tending the roses in the terrible heat. He opened his closet door to put on some drier, less sticky clothing and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. It was his fifteenth birthday. He had grown a few inches and his shoulders had broadened, but other than that, he was still the same old Harry Potter.

Harry sighed and brushed his sweaty black hair off his forehead. A sudden pain twanged in his stomach. There was the same lightening bolt scar he had had since he was a year old, given to him by a monster he hated more than anything in the world, the same monster who took the innocent life of a fellow friend of Harry's, Cedric Diggory.

The teenager tried to form a mental blockade as he took off his shirt and put on a new one. It wasn't that easy though. Harry wasn't any normal teenager. He happened to be a wizard, a very famous one at that. When he was only an infant, Harry had amazingly defeated the darkest wizard of all time. In doing so, he received the infamous scar on his forehead. But Harry hadn't completely defeated the Dark Lord. The monster had risen just two months before, out for revenge. Harry had escaped but with more remorse and guilt than one would have expected him to have. He hadn't slept in nights.

A fluttering noise thankfully distracted Harry's troubled thoughts as he turned and saw an owl hovering outside his window.

"Hedwig," Harry breathed, giving a smile that brightened his darkened face. When Harry opened the window, the beautiful snowy owl flew to the bed and held out her foot. Harry quickly untied the package which was attached to his pet and stroked her gently. "Thanks Hedwig," Harry muttered. The owl cooed softly and flew to her cage, where she took a sip of water and went in for a nap.

Harry hastily opened the letter attached to the package and another small smile graced his lips.

Dear Harry,

Happy Birthday! I know I haven't exactly been keeping in touch this summer, but I would never forget your big day. How are you? I hope you are feeling better. I'm so sorry that you have to stay at your dreadful relatives. I know you must be bored out of your mind. To solve that little problem, I've given you a special gift. It's a little taste of the muggle world, the nice muggle world that is. I hope it gives you something to do until school starts again. I miss you terribly and can't wait to see you. Happy Birthday and stay safe!

Love and Friendship, Hermione

Harry smiled for the third time that day as he finished the letter. Hermione had always been so sweet and concerned. His curiosity got the better of him and he hurriedly opened the package. Inside he saw two things he only dreamed of holding in his own possession. It was what the muggles called a portable "CD player." It played music and you could take it around wherever you went. Harry knew his cousin Duddley owned at least five of them, but Harry was never allowed to touch them. But the present didn't stop there. When Harry took the CD player out he saw a headset and an actual CD. The ebony haired teen stared at the gifts in awe. It took Harry a few good minutes to realize that he had no idea how to work those things. He frowned slightly until he saw another slip of paper in the box.


This is a CD player. It plays music. I'm sure your cousin has one of these. Just take the CD out of the case, put it in the player, put the headset on, press play, and there you go. It's somewhat self-explanatory once you get used to it. I made the CD myself. It's full of songs I thought you might enjoy. I really hope you do. Happy Birthday!


Harry eagerly took hold of the CD and saw a list of song titles on the case.

1. Head on Collision. . . . . . . . . . . . New Found Glory

2. Somewhere Out There. . . . . . . . .Our Lady Peace

3. Believe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellowcard

4. Young and the Hopeless. . . . . . . Good Charlotte

5. I Miss You. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blink 182

6. I’m Still Here. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goo Goo Dolls

7. You're a God. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vertical Horizon

8. Still Waiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sum 41

9. I’m Just a Kid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Simple Plan

10. Iris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goo Goo Dolls

Harry laughed at the titles of some of the songs. He then carefully took the CD from the case and put it into the CD player. Within moments he heard music blaring from the headset. He then sat down at his desk to write back to Hermione.

Dear Hermione,

Thank you so much for the gift. You are the most thoughtful person in the world. The summer has been absolutely boring. The Dursleys act like I don't even exist. The only person I can talk to is Hedwig, and she can't talk back so what use is that? I'm listening to the music right this moment. It's amazing. You definitely picked out some great songs. This is the coolest present anyone has given me. You always give the best gifts Hermione. Thank you so much.

So what have you been up to this summer? Did you visit Viktor in Bulgaria? I bet you had the time of your life there. If not, I'm sure you're having a better time than I am. I'm either locked up in my room all day or doing some ghastly chore. This summer hasn't exactly been a ray of sunshine. I'm sorry, I'm probably making you feel bad. It's just that I've got no one to talk to and, well, I know you understand. I better go. Write back soon.

Love, Harry

Harry placed the letter in an envelope and put it aside on his desk. He'd let Hedwig have a real nap before sending her out again. Harry lay back on his bed with the music playing in his ears and the first genuine smile of the summer plastered on his face. He then drifted into a peaceful slumber, something he hadn't had all summer.

2. Behind Door Number One

Disclaimer: I do not own any thing Harry Potter related.

Love Letters

Chapter 2

Harry returned to his room from breakfast the following morning to see Hedwig sitting calmly on his bed, a letter attached to her foot. A grin spread across the teenager's lips as he hurriedly untied the letter. The snowy owl flew to her cage for another nap as she had done the day before. Harry paid no mind to his pet as he quickly read the letter.

Dear Harry,

I'm very glad that you liked the gift. It wasn't much but I'm glad you enjoyed it all the same. Some of the songs are personal favorites of mine. Others I just thought would make you laugh. I knew you must have been having a horrible time. It must be awful to sit around all day and have no one to talk to but an owl. What you need is a good taste of conversation.

How are you, mate? That's wonderful to hear. I'm doing very well thank you. Beautiful day we're having isn't it? Tomorrow they expect rain but I doubt it will come, it's summer after all. Then again, it's always raining here in London, must be why my hair is always a frizzy mess. Oh well, everyone is entitled to bad hair days. Actually I think I'm the exception to 14 years of bad hair days. I must do something about that. What about your hair? I've never seen you with a bad hair day in the four years we've known each other. Aren't you the lucky one? Well anyway, nice chatting with you.

I hope I have ended your thirst for conversation for a little while. Now onto the real letter.

I haven't been up to much of anything this summer. Okay, I'm lying. I've actually been up to quite a lot. That's one of the reasons I haven't written to you or Ron all summer.

I did go to Bulgaria to visit Viktor. I knew both of you didn't like the thought of me leaving but I thought it would be fun. Within one week I was on a plane ride back to London. It was absolutely boring and rather lonely. Viktor was so kind and sweet at Hogwarts, but in Bulgaria, he acted as though I wasn't there. I knew he was famous, but I didn't realize how famous. People followed us everywhere and all he talked about was quidditch this and quidditch that. He sounded much like you and Ron, only worse. He was very, how shall I put this, dull. Very dull.

It wasn't the mobs of people, nor the millions of autographs that I had to wait for him to sign that got to me. He was extremely proud and a tad bit cocky. He simply wasn't the same Viktor you and I met at school. It was almost as if all the fame and publicity got to his head. I left on my own accord. I could not stand one more day with him.

Harry, you completely amaze me. You are far more famous than Viktor will be in thirty lifetimes. I've seen first hand what you go through. You never let any of the fame get to you. You simply take it and make nothing of it. Not many people in this world could do such a thing. I admire that in you, among about everything else.

I think it's about time I should go to bed now. Write soon.

Love From, Hermione

Harry could not wipe the broad smile off his face as he read Hermione's letter over again. Her sense of humor was growing and she was quite funny. He was in dyer need of a laugh. Hermione was always there for him with a kind word or a helpful solution. Harry took out a piece of blank parchment and eagerly began to write her in reply.

Dear Hermione,

I'm sorry you had such a horrible time in Bulgaria. If I had gone with you, maybe I could have evened out the mob factor. If not, I'm sure we could have had a good time together. I don't see why you're amazed with me. I never knew I was famous. I just found out one day. Fame is something I deal with, if it's really fame at all. I'd give it all back to be normal. As for my hair, it's very flattering you think it looks alright. I think of it as an unruly mess. I guess we have something in common.

I felt as though I was experiencing the summer after first year all over again. Neither you nor Ron had written to me. You have no idea how much your letters mean. It's what keeps me sane. Have you heard from Ron? I find it quite a bit odd he hasn't owled me at all. I was supposed to go to the Burrow this summer but nothing has come at all, not even a birthday card or anything. I'm sure he's busy so I'm not too worried. At least I have you to write to again.

Harry paused a moment and read over his letter. He didn't realize how much he missed Hermione. He longed to see her smiling face again or at least hear her voice. A thought struck him and he wrote again.

Remember how I gave you my phone number a few summers ago? You never called. If you still have it, I would do anything for you to call me. I can only write so much. I need someone to really talk to. I have so much on my mind right now with everything going on in our world. I just need you is all. I know you're probably busy with homework or something else but just think about it, please.

Harry stopped again. Was he begging her? He didn't need her that much. But maybe he did. Harry signed the letter and then woke up Hedwig. His owl bitterly took the letter and flew off into the distance, leaving Harry with some more troubling thoughts.


“Tonight, is going to be the most important dinner of our lives."

Harry sat groggily at the breakfast table, listening intently to his vicious uncle.

"If I make this deal tonight, we will make a fortune," Uncle Vernon boomed across the table. "My company's drills have never been in such a high demand. If you blow this boy," he spat at Harry, "you will never see the light of day again."

Harry nodded solemnly, knowing that his uncle wasn't kidding.

"Now," Vernon continued, "these people are important. I know we've never liked dentists in the past but today is a new day. They need drills and we need their business. They will be bringing their daughter with them. She's about your age Dudley, so be extra courteous to her, eh my boy?"

Dudley mumbled an agreement and continued poking at the fruit on his plate.

"Harry," Vernon boomed, catching the boy's attention once more, "last time we had a dinner like this, you destroyed it. To keep an eye on you this time around, you will not be in your room. Instead, you will be the doorman, the waiter, the busboy, and the dishwasher. Now I'll repeat, if you screw this up," he threatened, "you're a goner."

"Yes Uncle Vernon," Harry said politely, not meeting his uncle's eye. Vernon went on discussing the evening to no one in particular and within ten minutes, Harry excused himself from the table and made his way back to his room. It had been almost a week since he had written Hermione and he had yet to get a reply. She hadn't called either. He tried not to let this get to him but he couldn't help but think about her more often than usual.

Time flew my amazingly fast that afternoon and before Harry realized it, his Aunt Petunia was throwing him a rented suit.

"Even you have to look nice," she spat, "you have ten minutes. Get ready."

She left Harry alone and he dressed rather quickly. He then made his way down the stairs, muttering to himself how he wished he wasn't there. He then stopped at the door and rehearsed what he was to say.

"Hello, and welcome to the Dursley residence," Harry said with a cheesy smile on his face.

"At least pretend to enjoy yourself," his uncle scolded from the other room.

"I will!" Harry shouted back.

"And do something with that hair!"

Harry sighed as he tried to fix it in the mirror in the entryway. There was no use. He figured that the strangers wouldn't care what he'd look like anyway. It was only going to be for a few hours.

The doorbell interrupted his thoughts and Harry took a breath. He waited a moment and then opened the door, a fake smile on his face. But the second he saw who was at the other side, his smile became genuine.


3. Some Enchanted Evening

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter related. I just own the story line.

A/N: Thanks to all who reviewed. Note that on the "Good Sir" part, think "Ten Things I Hate About You." Then, think to the prom and the little Shakespeare obsessed girl.

Love Letters

Chapter 3

Harry stared wide-eyed at the vision he had been longing to see for so long. He couldn't believe that the same shinning brown eyes, flowing hair, and cheery smile he knew so well was standing right before him. Hermione was smiling back at him but remained still next to two people, presumably her parents.

"We don't know each other Harry," Hermione whispered in a singsong voice.

The ebony haired teenager looked at the brunette with a confused expression until it finally hit him.

"Welcome to the Dursley residence," Harry said, somewhat louder than normal so his aunt and uncle could hear him. "We are so happy to have you in our home. Please, let me take your coats and escort you to the parlor." Harry shook Mr. Granger's hand as Hermione whispered something to her mother and giggled quietly. He took his coat and gestured the gentlemen into the entry hall.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Harry," Mrs. Granger said warmly, giving the boy a hug. "It seems I've known you for ages."

"Mother, stop it," Hermione pleaded quietly as Harry happily took the woman's sweater.

"Hi," Harry said gently to the girl. He couldn't believe she was really there.

"Good Sir," Hermione said seriously, giving him her hand. Harry grinned as he took it and softly kissed it. Hermione smiled broadly. "It's good to see you."

"It's so good to see you," Harry replied. They were both quiet for a few moments, taking it all in. A loud cough from Hermione's father snapped Harry back into reality and soon he had led them into the parlor where the Dursley's waited feverishly.

Before Harry could say another word to Hermione, he was sitting alone in the kitchen, listening to his uncle's stupid jokes and his aunt's annoyingly high pitched laughter. He was thinking about what he would say to Hermione, all the questions he wanted to ask her. A crash and a scream interrupted his thoughts and panic took over. He immediately heard voices.

"I'm so sorry," came Hermione's apologetic voice.

"Not to worry dear," Aunt Petunia said calmly, "It's just a tea cup."

"But it was your best, I'm sure of it and now it's broken. I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright Hermione, I'll just fetch Harry to come clean-"

"NO! I mean, I'll get him. This is my fault, I should help clean it up."

Within moments of the ordeal, Harry saw Hermione round the corner into the kitchen. She ran up to him and gave him the longest hug he had in a long time.

"I've missed you," she muttered into his shoulder.

"I've missed you too, so much," Harry whispered into her hair, not wanting to let go. When they finally parted they looked each other over for a moment. A grin spread across Hermione's glossy lips.

"You got taller," she noted.

"You got shorter."

"Shut up!" Hermione laughed, playfully slapping Harry on the shoulder. Even in heels, Harry was still a head taller than the girl was. But it wasn't her size that was different about her. She was wearing make-up and her hair ran down her back in soft curls. Harry hadn't seen Hermione so done up since the Yule Ball. No guy at Hogwarts could deny that Hermione was simply stunning at the dance. Harry was tempted to say she looked even better tonight, but held his tongue.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked, revealing his biggest question.

Hermione grinned almost devilishly as she made her way around the kitchen, filling the kettle with fresh water to heat.

"I would have told you but I wanted to surprise you," she answered, turning the stove on high.

"Well you succeeded," Harry replied, "but why are you here?"

"My parents are dentists. A dentist's most important tool is a drill. Your uncle's company just recently designed an amazing new drill that my parents are planning to buy. They're here tonight to seal the deal. I'm here to see you."

Harry watched Hermione in amazement as she explained everything so casually. He shook his head and laughed to himself.

"Hermione, you never cease to amaze me," he smiled, leaning against the sink.

"Thank you," she said, leaning against the island, directly across from him.

The two teenagers stared at each other for a while, lost in their own thoughts. Neither said a word until the kettle began to whistle loudly. Hermione busied herself with making a cup of tea and Harry started to make conversation.

"So what do you think of my family?" he asked sarcastically.

Hermione stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my gosh Harry, you poor thing, I can't believe you have to live with those people," she whispered sympathetically. "I wish there was some way I could help."

"Coming here has helped enough Herm," Harry said gratefully. She smiled gently at him as she dipped a tea bag in her cup. She took a sip and then looked up at him.

"Come on," she said, starting back to the parlor, "You've got a mess to clean up."

"Which you made," Harry protested.

"Only to talk to you," Hermione said matter-of-factly.

"Fine," Harry said exasperatedly, letting her win. He followed her to the room with a towel in hand and was then on all fours, cleaning up the broken china.

"That's a good boy," Vernon said in a chipper tone, "Harry's always been a hard worker since the day we met him. Always dependable, isn't that right Petunia?"

"Always," she agreed, taking a sip of her tea, a bit of a peeved expression on her bony face. Harry figured that she wasn't too keen on having her best china set broken.

"What class are you in Harry?" Mr. Granger asked, playing along with the game.

"I'll be in tenth," Harry replied, "I go to Smeltings with Duddley."

"Oh really?" the older man stated, "and how do you like it there?"

"Oh, it's really, umm, great. Really great," Harry answered, not exactly knowing what to say. He caught a glimpse of Hermione hiding a laugh and shot her a deadly glance.

"You must be a good friend of Duddley's to do this favor for him," Mrs. Granger said kindly.

"Of course," Harry said, rising from the floor, "Duddley and I go way back. And not only that, but he said that I'd be serving a pretty girl as well and I knew I just had to meet her. So all I can say is, it's been a pleasure meeting you," Harry flashed Hermione a wicked smile, a blush rising in the girl's cheeks, "Mrs. Granger."

The room erupted with a mix of nervous and flattered laughter. Hermione, however, sat frozen and silent in her seat, not believing what she had heard. Harry was hitting on her mother. That boy had some nerve.

"You've got quite the sense of humor young man," Mr. Granger exclaimed, "but this pretty lady is already taken. You'll have to go down the line to the next one." Mr. Granger looked at his daughter, who blushed a deeper shade of red that matched the roses on her summer dress.

"I'll have to do that," Harry stated, grinning at Hermione. The corners of her lips tugged upward as she resisted a smile. Harry excused himself and went back to the kitchen where he waited to serve dinner.


When dinner had ended, Vernon told Duddley to take Hermione on a tour of the house (Obviously it was time to discuss drills). Duddley waddled into the kitchen with Hermione walking silently behind him.

"This is the kitchen," the gluttonous boy said dully, "and this is Harry."

"Nice to see you again," Hermione said politely.

"Likewise," Harry smiled warmly. And idea finally struck him and he stopped Duddley from going any further with Hermione. "Hey, Duds, why don't I give Miss Granger the tour? You can go watch TV or something."

For the first time Harry had ever witnessed, Duddley looked quite pensive. The boy then shrugged and made his way to the TV room.

"Impressive," Hermione said with an amused expression on her face.

"All in a day's work," Harry shrugged. "Come on," he said, taking her hand, "I'll give you the tour."

"How exciting," Hermione said sarcastically as she followed Harry up the stairs.

Harry ignored her comments and quickly made his way through the second floor until the reached the last room. He opened the door and led her inside.

"And this is my room," he said proudly. He watched as she examined it, expressionless. "It's not much I know but it's home," Harry added, trying not to show how uncomfortable he was. Hermione took off her jean jacket, revealing her bare but tan shoulders. She sat on his bed and looked up at him innocently.

"I don't bite," she said softly.

Harry nodded and sat down beside her. They were quiet for a few moments, both knowing how awkward it was. Harry couldn't understand what was wrong with him. It was just Hermione. It was just his best friend. It was just the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life.

"Did you say something Harry?"

"Huh?" Harry snapped out of his trance, not believing what his mind had just allowed him to think.

"What's beautiful?" she asked him, looking up into his bright emerald eyes.

"Uh, the sunset," Harry lied, not believing he had spoken aloud.

Hermione shifted her gaze to his open window and murmured an agreement.

"You seem distracted," Hermione noted after a few more minutes of awkward silence.

"Just thinking is all," Harry replied.

"About what?" she asked, turning to him with concern written all over her face. That was Hermione. Always worrying and always there with a helping hand.

"A lot of things," Harry muttered, admiring the way the light shone upon her face and slowly faded with the sun.

"Harry if it's about Voldemort, it's not your fault. It was bound to happen."

"You said his name."

"What do you mean?" Hermione questioned.

"You've never said his name before," Harry pointed out.

"I guess I've got no reason not to say it," she replied quietly, "you taught me that."

"It's not him I'm worried about anyway," Harry sighed, standing up and walking the short length to his windowsill. Hermione shortly joined him.

"Who are you worried about?" she asked somewhat casually.



Harry felt the night chill upon his skin as he walked Hermione and her parents out to their car.

"It was an absolute pleasure meeting you my boy," Mr. Granger said, shaking Harry's hand briskly. "Don't be a stranger now. And tell your uncle I'll be calling him in the morning to put the finishing touches on our arrangement."

"Okay," Harry replied respectively.

"Now I know why Hermione always talks about you," Mrs. Granger said kindly, giving Harry a warm hug. "Don't ever change." She and her husband got into their car, leaving their daughter to say good bye to her friend.

"So you talk about me?" Harry said in a big headed manner.

"Don't get cocky on me or I'll take it all back," Hermione replied, smiling.

Harry grinned and wrapped her in a tight hug, which they held for a good few minutes without saying a word. Hermione then loosened her grip on Harry's shoulders and wrapped her arms around his neck. He held her firmly at her waist. They looked into each other's eyes, holding the gaze for what seemed eternity. It only seemed natural for Harry to lean down for a kiss. That's what happened in the pictures after all. But Hermione sensed his motives and turned away.

"My mum's right," she said, looking back up at him, "don't ever change." She kissed him on the cheek and then let go. "I'll write you when I get home." She got into the car and minutes later she was out of sight.

Harry stayed on the pavement for a while, staring off into the distance where the car had last been. That was the second time she'd ever done that.

4. Hidden Messages

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: Since this chapter is pretty short, I’m also uploading chapter five for your reading enjoyment. Please read and review!

Love Letters

Chapter 4

"Hermione dear, you seem distracted."

"I'm fine Mum," the teenager replied, gazing into the darkness behind the car window. So many thoughts were swarming through her head that it was making her dizzy. She blinked and turned to face her mother who was looking at her with an amused expression.

"Harry's a fine young man," the woman smiled, turning back around in her leather seat.

"I agree," Hermione's father chimed in, "quite the gentleman."

Hermione remained silent and stared back out the window, getting lost in her thoughts again. The entire night had happened so quickly, she couldn't even believe it had happened. Harry had been flirting with her all night; and she didn't deny that she had flirted back occasionally. He was even going to kiss her. She was going to kiss him. But then she ruined it. . .

Before Hermione had realized it, her feet had walked her up the stairs and into her room where she could sort herself together. She dropped her purse on her desk chair and plopped herself down on her bed. She closed her eyes, but all she could see was Harry's smiling face. She got up and walked to her vanity and again she saw Harry's bright emerald eyes in one of her many pictures.

"What's wrong with me?" Hermione said to herself. "I can't think about Harry that way, he's my friend. And even if I did like him in that way, he would never like me; I'm just Hermione." As 'Just Hermione' debated with herself for the next few minutes, she failed to notice Hedwig swoop into her open window. The girl was caught quite off guard when she finally did hear the bird hooting loudly.

"Sorry," Hermione muttered, as she untied the letter from the owl's foot, "I'm just as annoyed with myself as you are."

Hedwig hooted a sweet reply as Hermione pet her gently. Finally, the owl flew to the bedpost for a nap and Hermione could read her letter.

Dear Hermione,

I know you said you would write first but I couldn't help myself. I had an unbelievable time tonight. It was so great to see you. And guess what? The Dursley's are so pleased that they got your dad's account and they think I helped them get it. If I "hadn't won their daughter over," they would've never gotten it. Thanks so much for coming. I can tell that they're going to be a lot kinder towards me, for a short while at least.

I hope you had as wonderful a time as I did. It wasn't just talking with you or seeing you that made this night so important to me; it's the fact of just being with you that really spared my sanity. I was about to go insane in that house. You saved me. I owe you one.

Your parents are two of the nicest people in the world. No wonder you're their pride and joy. Your dad's got quite the sense of humor. I can't see why you aren't into sports though. Both your parents seem to be fanatics. But I suppose everything doesn't have to be genetic.

It's getting late and I want you to get this as soon as possible. Write me whenever you can. I'll be waiting.

Love, Harry

"He'll be waiting," Hermione laughed as she finished the letter. Harry obviously didn't know how else to end the letter. She sighed as she read the letter over again. She had a wonderful time that night as well. But the peek of it was when she was alone with Harry in his room. They talked for a while but later laid down for a short nap. Hermione couldn't sleep though. Harry was so close to her that she couldn't get any part of him out of her mind. His face, his scent, his touch was just intoxicating her. After some time, his right arm slid around her waist and pulled her a bit closer to him. It might have been a reflex of his while he was sleeping, or he might have done it on purpose, but either way, it sent chills up Hermione's spine; chills, which she liked.


Harry sat in the living room the next day, flipping the channels on the TV. For the first time in his life, his uncle said he could watch what he wanted. Things just kept getting better and better for Harry and he knew it was all because of Hermione. The phone rang and his uncle slowly got up to get it.

"Dursley speaking," Harry could hear him grunt in the hallway, "looking for Harry are you my dear?" he chuckled. "Well it just so happens he's playing ball outside with Dudley, I'll go get him."

Harry smiled as he watched his uncle trudge slowly back to the living room.

"It's your little friend from last night," he said, as he made his way to the couch.

"Thanks," Harry chirped as he tried to contain him self from running to the phone. "Hello?"

"They think I'm your girlfriend now don't they?"

"Hey Herm," Harry laughed, “what’s so wrong with that?"

"I didn't say anything was," the girl replied, "I find it amusing actually."

"Same here," Harry answered. If Hermione could see the smile on his face that instant he'd die of shame. It's almost as if he liked the thought of Hermione being his girlfriend. "So, how's my girl doing?"

"Shut up Harry," Hermione snapped on the other end of the line.

"I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about you mother."


The next hour and a half was full of deep conversations and prolonged laughter. By the time Harry and Hermione finally parted, the Dursley's were sitting down to dinner.

"The Granger girl seems to like you Harry," Petunia said. It was an odd moment for Harry. His aunt seemed to be pleased, giddy, and even happy for him. Harry figured it was because of the money they were going to get from Hermione's parents, but it was almost like she was being a real aunt, meddling in her nephew's business.

"I suppose," Harry shrugged, trying to hide the grin that was etching onto his face.

"She's a sweet girl," his aunt went on, "very bright too. Top of class at, what school was it?"

"St. Anne's," came a mumble from Dudley's side of the table.

'That's it! St. Anne's School for Promising Young Women. It's a boarding school in Ireland I believe. She's only here for the summer."

"I know," Harry muttered through a mouthful of German potato salad.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she called again," Vernon chuckled, "whenever you weren't in the room Harry, you're all she asked about. You be nice to the girl. It's good for business."

"I know Uncle Vernon," Harry said, finishing his plate and excusing himself from the table. This was too strange for Harry. For the first time his family was acting like, well, family, almost.

"Where are you going?" Aunt Petunia called after him.

"I promised Hermione I'd call her back," Harry said, "can I use the phone in your room?"

"Oh, I suppose," Vernon grunted, after a moment of conversing with his spouse.

Harry tried not to run up the stairs but once he made it to the landing, he dashed down the hall to the master bedroom. He dialed her number with such ease and precision; it was almost as if he had called the girl dozens of times before.


"They think you're my girlfriend."

Hermione's laughter rang on the other line.

"Oh God," she muttered, "we must be really persuasive."

"Hey, I can't help it if you flirt with me constantly."

"What? Me? A flirt? What are you talking about? You're the flirt!"

After ten minutes of continuous bickering of who was the bigger flirt, Harry ended it.

"I think we should date."

For a good five minutes all Harry was listening to was complete silence.

"Are you still with me Herm?"

"Yea," she mumbled, "what did you say?"

"I said that I think we should date," Harry repeated.


"Not literally, I mean pretend. Listen Herm; you don't know how well the Dursley's have been treating me today. They think it was your influence that got them your parent's account."

"Well, technically it was Harry."

"Hold on, just hear me through Herm," Harry continued, "they think that I actually like you and that you like me. If I break your heart, they're afraid that you'll tell your parents and the whole deal will be canceled. The more I see you, the better they'll treat me and the more freedom I'll have. It's just for the rest of the summer anyway. After that, I go back to Hogwarts and you go back to St. Anne's right?"

"St. Anne's," Hermione stated with a giggle. "Sure, okay, I'll go out with you."

"Great," Harry grinned, "is tomorrow ok?"

"Any day is fine by me."

"Then let's see, what'll we do?"

"You're obviously new at this so allow me," Hermione said, taking over from there. They planned to meet at a movie theater in downtown London at 6:30 the following evening.

"So it's a date," Harry smiled.

"Yea, if that's what you want to call it," Hermione said, a little downtrodden.

"Anything wrong Herm?" Harry asked, alarmed.

"No, just tired," she replied, yawning. "See you tomorrow Harry."

Hermione hung up the phone and lay back on her bed. A tear silently fell from her eye, down her cheek, and fell off her face, disappearing in the sheets. Another tear followed and soon another one. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Then Harry's words came back into her mind. . . "They think that I actually like you. . ."

"I guess he can't see it," she whispered.

For the first time in so long, Hermione Granger had cried herself to sleep.

5. Some Fake Date

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related.

Love Letters

Chapter 5

Hermione awoke the following morning and immediately pulled her journal out from under her bed. She hadn't written in it in ages, but it had always helped her in good times and bad. She turned the old, yellow tinted papers to her last entry. She was eleven when she wrote it, the day before she began her life at Hogwarts. The brunette took a deep breath as memories flooded back to her.

Dear Journal,

Tonight will be the last night I will spend in my room until Christmas. I still cannot believe what has happened to me this summer. I always knew I was different. The kids at school always made fun of me. I can't blame them though; I'm such an easy target. But there was something more to me than just books and brains. I remember when I was younger, I once hid in the church to keep away from the taunts and laughter. I got on my knees and prayed that my life would be better than what it was, that I would be meant for something greater. I guess God answers prayers in strange ways. I'm a witch. No, I’m not the nasty, name calling kind but an actual wand holding, broom riding witch. I've spent the last three weeks reading up on the history of the magical world. I may have over done it a bit, but I cannot go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry tomorrow and look like a total buffoon. I just can't. But you know what? I have the greatest feeling that my life will keep changing for the better. Did you know, that about 11 years ago, an evil wizard was at the peek of his career, killing off innocent people and destroying the world? But when he tried to kill a tiny baby, he failed and the baby lived. The child's name is Harry Potter and he'll be one of my new classmates. I've read all about him. It must be awful to lose your parents when you're only a year old but he must be such a strong, wonderful person to be able to save everyone like that. The book said he has raven black hair like his father, the famous James Potter, and stunning green eyes like his mother, Lily. Green's always been my favorite color. I hate my eyes. They are so dull and brown. And my hair! Oh gosh, it's still the frizz ball it's always been; I can't do anything with it. But maybe Harry Potter will see past my childish looks and see the smart, sophisticated, and kind person I can be. Maybe we'll sit together on the train ride there, and he'll tell me about all the adventures he must have had throughout his life. And better yet, maybe we'll be in the same house. He's bound for Gryffindor. Oh Lord, please, let me be in his house! Wait, what am I saying? Nothing great ever happens to me. Harry Potter's too good for me. I guess all I can do is dream.

Love, Hermione

"Whoa," Hermione muttered, reading the last part of the entry again. It sounded as though she had a thing for Harry before she even met him. It seemed that God had answered a few more prayers of hers though. She was in the same house as Harry, and although the beginning of their first year was rocky, they've been the best friends since. Harry was such a great person. He brought out the best in Hermione, and helped her grow into the person she was. Hermione sighed and lay back on her bed.

She just couldn't like her best friend. She couldn't. It's like an unwritten law. Thou shall not fall in love with best friend. Hermione loved Harry of course, but she was not in love with him. It's not like he was in love with her. He said so himself that he didn't like her. After more mind- boggling considerations, Hermione smiled and took a pen out of her desk drawer.

Dear Journal,

I'm in love with my best friend, but you might know him better as Harry Potter.


Harry got up earlier than planned that morning. He was going on a date with Hermione. Of course it was just an act, but he was going to a movie, with Hermione, with no parental supervision. It was a date. It had to be. Harry couldn't stop thinking about the girl. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could see the image of her sitting innocently on his bed. Her dress rose right above her knee, when she stood. But sitting there, the form fitting outfit rose a few more inches and revealed quite a bit of flesh. She had taken off her jacket, allowing her bare shoulders and low neckline to be quite noticeable. Hermione had developed over the years and her womanly features were flattering to her figure. Harry then imagined her face, clear and glowing, with just the slightest bit of make-up. And her hair, in soft ringlets, it cascaded down her back. Hermione was a knockout.

"What am I thinking?" Harry voiced out loud. He was thinking about Hermione, but in ways he shouldn't be thinking about his best friend. He walked to the bathroom and tried to tame his black mane in the mirror. As he stared at his reflection, he began to drift back to the night before last.

"You care about me?" the girl had asked, a hint of surprise in her tone.

"Of course I do," Harry answered, turning to her, "only an idiot wouldn't be worried about you."

"Oh so now you're worried," Hermione declared, turning towards the open window with a smile dancing on her pink lips.

"I'm never going to let another Krum hurt you ever again," the boy said confidently. The young girl turned back to him and wrapped him in a warm embrace, which they held for quite a while. Minutes seemed to pass by in the blink of an eye and the two had found their way to the comfortable bed before them. Harry had wrapped his arm around her small frame and breathed in the scent of her hair. They had fallen asleep in that position for a while, and by the time they had waken up, it was time for Hermione to depart. Once they were outside, Harry had wrapped her in another tight hug. When they released, the two teenagers gazed into each other's eyes, and as if by some magnetic force, their faces were drawing closer together. Harry tilted his head and was about to close his eyes when Hermione turned away and said good bye in a hurry.

"She turned away," Harry muttered to himself. He looked at his depressed image and sighed. He didn't know what had come over him that night, but whatever it was, he was about to kiss his best friend. Obviously, Hermione hadn't wanted the same things and this saddened Harry for some reason.

"I can't fancy Hermione," Harry said defiantly to himself. He then pictured Hermione's dazzling face and sighed. "Alright, maybe I can."


Harry walked the streets of London that night, frantically searching for the right theater. The city was unbelievably crowed, which meant Harry had to push to make his way through the people. He accidentally bumped into a teenage girl, knocking her purse out of her hands. The girl groaned and got on all fours to pick up her things.

"I'm so sorry," Harry apologized, kneeling down to pick up her belongings. Yet in doing so, he knocked heads with the girl and fell back, as did she. Instead of cussing him out, however, she began to laugh.

"Harry you are such a klutz," the girl giggled, pushing her long, brown hair out of her face.

"Hermione?" Harry asked, a bit taken aback.

"Who else?" replied Hermione with a tint of annoyance in her voice. She stood up and brushed herself off. Harry noticed that she was wearing something quite unusual for Hermione. Jean pants (which barely rose under her naval, which was showing along with another inch of toned stomach), a red halter top (which revealed her shoulders yet again), and the same jean jacket she wore the previous night (which she was carrying under her arm).

"Hermione," Harry said, closing the gap between them so that their noses were touching, "I can't believe your parents let you out of the house like this. Put something on."

"Yeah," Hermione answered, "right Dad."


The girl grinned devilishly and made her way to the ticket line. They had decided to see some romantic comedy that had recently come out. The movie wasn't something Harry would want to see twice, but Hermione was enchanted by it and insisted on seeing it again sometime soon.

Later that night, with ice cream in their hands, they walked the streets of London side by side. Hermione had pointed out all the places she used to visit when she was younger. Everything was so natural to her, but Harry was taking much of the scenery in for the first time. Yet what he kept taking in the most was Hermione. She was absolutely radiant in the starlight. The two had been strolling around a park for about twenty minutes and Hermione had thought it best to sit awhile.

"So," she said after a few moments, "what haven't we talked about?"

"Hmm," Harry thought, "well, we have yet to discuss the greatness that protrudes from my being."

Hermione laughed and gave him a playful punch on the arm. Deciding to play along, Harry pinched her shoulder. Hermione shrieked and stomped on his foot before running off. Getting the picture, Harry jumped up and ran after her. It didn't take long for him to catch up to her and as they were running by a hill, he dived and tackled her down. Hermione screamed and tried to get out from under Harry's strong grip. Her constant movement caused them to roll down the hill together. They soon reached the bottom, laughing uncontrollably. Harry had pinned Hermione so that she was helpless below him. After catching their breaths, they both looked into each other's eyes, trying to see past the deep colors. Harry stared fondly at his friend. His friend. Hermione, she was his friend, yet so much more than that. He wanted more than anything to hold her face in his hands, brush his lips across hers gently, and stay like that forever.

"What are you thinking?" Hermione whispered, brushing some of Harry's stray hair out of his eyes.

"I'm thinking," Harry said gently, "about you."

A warm smile curved onto Hermione's lips. Harry took a deep breath in preparation of what he was about to do. He leaned his head forward. Hermione sensed his motive, and instead of turning away this time, she tilted her head to the left. Both their eyes fluttered closed and sweet music filled their ears as their lips finally met for the first time. At first the kiss was slow and soft, allowing the teenagers to take in what was happening to them. The kiss then progressed to something faster and more intense. Opening his mouth a little, Harry was surprised to find Hermione's tongue slip its way past his lips and explore his mouth forcefully. Hermione moved her arms up Harry's neck and wove her fingers between his ebony locks. Harry's hands moved up and down her back, rubbing it softly as he went along. What had started out as a simple kiss was now turning into something strong and passionate. Harry rolled his tongue across Hermione's lips and she welcomed him in an instant. One of his hands remained on her back as the other one tangled itself in her now messy mane. A small shriek had escaped from Hermione's mouth and Harry kissed her harder, finding it comforting as she relaxed beneath him. After at least a half an hour of endless bliss, the two had separated, breathing hastily.

"Holy cricket," Hermione muttered in shock.

"Holy shit," Harry said in amazement.

The two remained silent for awhile, not able to take their eyes off each other. Hermione gently grazed her fingers across Harry's numb lips and he softly rubbed her cheek with his thumb. After a few more moments, Hermione suddenly pushed Harry away and started to pace around frantically.

"Hermione," Harry said, trying to calm her.

"We just, I can't believe we just," she was muttering under her breath. Harry put his arm on her shoulder to stabilize her but she just stopped and stared at him wide-eyed. "What did we just do?"

"Well," Harry said slowly, "we just, snogged, a lot."

"Oh my God," she cried, running up the hill.

"Hermione," Harry called, running after her. He caught up to her at the top and took hold of her arm. "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting my purse Harry," Hermione said casually, "I haven't called my parents and I'm sure it's about time to be getting home."

"Oh," Harry shrugged.

Once Hermione had collected her things and called her folks, she and Harry took one last stroll around the park holding hands.

"So," Hermione said, "some fake date."

"I agree," Harry smiled. He stopped and looked down upon her. He took her face in his hands and began to kiss her again. It was much softer than their first kiss was yet just as perfect. When he stepped back, Hermione was smiling brightly.

"We should fake date more often."

"I agree."

Their lips met again for the third time that night. This time though, it was more intense and passionate. Harry slid his hands up the back of Hermione's shirt, under her bra, and massaged her bare skin gently. Hermione, on the other hand, was moving her hands up and down the front of Harry's shirt. She finally unbuttoned his first three buttons, giving her more to play with. Harry stopped abruptly.

"You've done this before," he pointed out.

Hermione grinned wickedly and grabbed his collar, forcing his head back down so that their lips could meet again. Before they could go anything farther though, a voice put them at a frightening halt.

"Hermione Elizabeth Granger!"


6. Great Expectations

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter related. And the short little poem Harry writes, it's taken from The Friendship Ring series by Rachel Vail so it belongs to her.

A/N: I cannot apologize enough for not updating. I honestly thought I had updated two chapters over Spring Break, just to keep you guys into it, but I guess that never happened. I’m so sorry. I haven’t even had time to read my favorite fanfics let alone write mine but here are at least three chapters to Love Letters, just to get you all back in the loop of the story. I apologize again for the very, very late update. Enjoy!

Love Letters

Chapter 6

The ride to the Dursley's was uncomfortably silent. Harry and Hermione sat in the back seat of the Mercedes as Mrs. Granger drove with a peeved expression on her pale face. Harry kept stealing glances at the girl beside him, not fully believing what had happened. This girl was his best friend. She had changed so much since they met so long ago; he had changed so much. Harry's mind was swarming with uncertainties and wishful thinking.

It wasn't until they had parked in the driveway of 4 Privet Drive that he came back to reality and quietly thanked Mrs. Granger for the ride. Harry and Hermione walked quietly up to his door and stood in silence for a few moments. Harry couldn't take the awkwardness any longer so he closed the gap between them and kissed her hard and quick. Hermione was quite taken aback and remained speechless.

"Look Hermione," Harry whispered, not wanting to be overheard by nosy relatives, "what happened tonight-I'm just as surprised as you. To say I didn't enjoy it though, that would be a lie. And I know things will be different between us from now on, but I hope that it can be a good different, if you want it to be."

Hermione looked up at him and smiled slightly.

"I do," she murmured, before engulfing herself in sweet bliss.

Hermione didn't know how long she snogged with Harry outside his front door that night, but by the grim look her mother was giving her, she estimated that it was quite a while. The ride home was tenser than ever. Hermione kept her head down, truly frightened to make eye contact with her mom. She could only imagine the punishments she'd receive when she got home.

"Hermione. . ."

Hermione practically jumped out of the car. Her mother's voice pierced the silence with such force it was like a volcanic eruption.

"Yes?" Hermione asked, her voice quivering.

"Your actions this evening," her mom began, "were very unacceptable young lady."

"I know Mum," Hermione replied, staring at her feet.

"The way you acted with Harry was like you were two sex-crazed teenagers."

"I know Mum," Hermione repeated.


Hermione's ears perked.

"But what?"

"But," her mom implied, "the point is, you are a teenager. You're allowed to have some fun."

Hermione's jaw was about to fall off her face. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"I'm not saying you're allowed to go to parties and have sex and act unruly," her mom went on, "but snogging with your boyfriend is alright. As long as it does not go further than a snog."

"He's not my boyfriend Mum."

"What?" the woman said exasperatedly.

"Well, it's not official," Hermione chimed in before her mother crashed the car in shock. "Harry and I haven't said anything aloud. But I think it's just something you know."

"So then you are?"

Hermione took a deep breath.


She slowly blew all the carbon dioxide out of her body, thrilled at what she just said.


He laid her down on his bed, planting wet kisses down her neck.

"Hermione my love," he muttered between each kiss. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you Harry."

He then reached her mouth once more and began kissing her violently. Hermione's body clung to his roughly, making the hairs on his arms stand on end. They sat up together, never breaking their kiss, and worked at each other's clothes. They were under the covers again within minutes. She brushed his sweaty hair out of his face and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. They started exploring each other's bodies, wanting to know every last detail of the other.

"I want you Harry," Hermione whispered sensually in his ear, "I need you now and forever."

She was quivering with need for him. He needed her too, every part of her.

"Are you sure you want to?" he asked sweetly.

She nodded but before they went further-

Harry woke with a start.


Panting, Harry sat up, covered with sweat. He ran to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. Harry stared at his reflection in confusion and disbelief. He had a dream about Hermione. But it wasn't just a dream; it was a . . . different kind of dream.

He slumped down the wall and sat on the cold tile. It wasn't everyday that you make out with your best friend at multiple times for God knows how long and then dream about having sex with them. That just didn't happen. But what troubled Harry most was that it was Hermione, his best friend. You weren't supposed to fall for your best friend.

The teen sighed hopelessly as he walked back to his room. He was too restless to sleep so he decided to write some letters.

Dear Hermione,

I've been going crazy without you. I know it's only been a few short hours, but it's seemed like an eternity and then some. It's odd though. I never thought I could fall for someone so fast. But as I think about it, I feel as though I've felt this way my whole life. There's always one person in your life that you're destined to be with forever. It's taken almost five years for me to realize but now I know it's you.

Tonight happened so fast, I don't even know what I was thinking. But all I know is that I haven't stopped thinking about you. I know we're best friends but I think that makes it even better. The summer is almost over and then instead of thinking about you, I can actually hold you in my arms and simply be with you. But until then, all I can do is wait patiently and dream.

I could fall in love with you, Fast as summer, Could you fall in love with me?

Harry signed the letter and sent it off with Hedwig. He then took out another piece of parchment and wrote a more personal letter.

Dear Sirius,

I think I'm in love with a girl. But she's not just any girl. She's the most brilliant, most beautiful, most amazing girl in the world. I think she feels the same way. But how can you tell without asking straightforward. What bothers me more is, well, I've had dreams about her. But tonight, I had a more, passionate dream I guess you can say. What do I do? Should I act on that? Or should I just let fate take care of it? Or does fate want me to act on it? Can you see how troubled I am? Enough about me though, how are you? Is everything going alright with everything? Write me soon.


He placed the letter on his desk, ready for Hedwig when she returned. He was about to start another letter to Ron when he realized something. Ron hadn't written to him all summer. Harry sent a fair few letters, but nothing ever came back. He decided not to worry about it at the moment and thought it best to go back to sleep, hoping that he'd see Hermione in his dreams once more.


"Join me, and I'll spare the girl. Fight me, and she'll die."


"Are you sure about that Potter? You don't want anything to happen to your precious Mudblood, now do you?"

Harry found himself tied to what seemed to be a large boulder. Voldemort stood in front of him, holding a terrified Hermione by the throat.

"Take me instead!"

"Ha!" Voldemort spat. "I could take both of you if I so pleased. But I find torture so much more amusing than sudden death."

"Why are you doing this?" Harry shouted, trying desperately to break free of his bindings.

"Because Potter, you destroyed me! And I know that killing the girl will destroy you!"

"He won't join you! Harry's too strong for that!" Hermione said defiantly.

"Shut up you stupid Mudblood!" Voldemort screamed. He set the crutatious curse on her and she began screaming in agony.

"Noooooo!" Harry cried.

Voldemort muttered something and Hermione's body stopped jerking violently. She was panting hard and tears were coming from her eyes. Voldemort put his head next to her ear and breathed in the scent of her hair.

"Pity," he whispered viciously, "you would have made such a lovely toy. But if you don't shut that pretty mouth of yours, I'll only kill you sooner."

Hermione let out a sob as Voldemort tightened his grip on her.

"So what do you say Potter?"

"Harry don't!"

"I told you to be quiet!" Voldemort screamed. He twisted Hermione's arm and within moments Harry could hear it snap. Hermione was crying even harder. The site of her made Harry cringe. Her hair was ratted and all over the place. Her clothes were ripped and her arm was now broken. One of her cheeks was bruised and swollen and her lip was bleeding terribly from biting down on it so hard.

"If-if I join you," Harry reckoned, "you won't hurt her?"

"Scouts honor," Voldemort smiled.


"Harry don't! He's lying to-"



But it was too late. In that moment, Hermione's lifeless body hit the ground.


For the second time that night, Harry woke in a deep sweat. Only this time, the lightning bolt scar on his forehead was sizzling with heat. The sun was already up and he could hear his aunt making breakfast in the kitchen. He wasn't hungry though. He felt empty and hollow inside, like something was wrong.

Harry didn't waste anytime. He ran down the stairs and dialed the only numbers he knew.

"Pick up . . . please pick up . . ." he muttered.



"Harry, hi! I got your letter and I just want to tell you that-"

"Are you alright?" he asked hurriedly, cutting her off.

"I'm fine," she said slowly, "what's wrong?"

"I don't know," Harry replied, thinking, "but something is."

7. Hard Times Ahead

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: As I've been told in reviews, my chapters are too short. I'm going to try to make this one longer so please bear with me.

Love Letters -:- Chapter 7

"Harry," Hermione's voice quivered on the other line, "what's going on?"

Harry bit his lip in hope that maybe the slight pain would wake him up from another bad dream. He rubbed his forehead in aggravation. How could he explain what was happening when he didn't understand himself?

"Harry," Hermione repeated quietly, "tell me what's going on."

"I had a dream," Harry stated, taking a deep breath, "and Voldemort was in it." He could hear Hermione gasp slightly but he continued. "In the dream, he-well he," but Harry couldn't say it. Just remembering it was painful enough.

"What did he do Harry?" Hermione asked. Her strength at a time like this amazed him. But then again, she had yet to know what was going on.

"He killed you."

Harry listened for her soothing voice, but minutes past and it didn't come. She had never been so quiet for so long in her life except for when she slept. This troubled Harry even more.

"Hermione," Harry whispered, "are you there?"

"I'm here," a tiny voice murmured on the other end.

"I woke up and my scar was burning," Harry explained, "it hadn't burned like that since I faced him back in June. I don't get the Daily Prophet so I don't know what he's up to but I wouldn't underestimate him. He may be lying low for awhile because now we know he's back. He'll probably hit us hard at a time we least expect him to. My only question is when?"

"Harry stop this."

"Stop what Hermione?" Harry shouted. He wasn't angry with her, but it was hard to tell otherwise. "We need to face the music. My scar only burns when he's close or about to kill innocent blood. Who knows how many people he's attacked in the last few months? Who knows who he'll attack next? Don't you find it a little odd that neither of us has heard from Ron this summer?"

"Harry, shut up!" Hermione demanded. Her tone astounded him to silence so she kept going. "You need to keep a level head. This is what Voldemort wants, don't you see? He wants you to be scared and to do something drastic and stupid. The fact is we don't know what he's been up to. The first thing we have to do is contact Dumbledore and find out what's happening; he'll tell us what to do. Yes, it is a bit unsettling that we haven't heard from Ron but I'm sure there's a logical explanation. We just have to stay grounded and wait until we get back to Hogwarts."

"I can't wait Hermione," Harry cut in, "I need to go home. Now."

"I know Harry," Hermione sighed, "believe me, I know."


Harry ran up to his room, three steps at a time, anxious to write to Dumbledore. But when he reached the landing, he couldn't go any farther. Uncle Vernon was standing in front of him with his arms crossed and wearing a smug expression.

"Did you and Miss Granger have a nice time last night?" his uncle sneered.

"Perhaps," Harry said a bit uncomfortably. What if his family had been spying on him and Hermione when they were outside? Harry was ready to kill himself and spare the embarrassment.

"The girl obviously fancies you tremendously," Vernon declared, "you've done a good job Harry. The papers will be signed this evening and by this time tomorrow, I'm going to be a multi-millionaire."

Harry's uncle laughed almost cruelly as he sauntered down the stairs. It disgusted Harry. Money was all anyone cared about and it didn't make any sense. Sure money could buy you things but it couldn't buy anything important, like love or happiness. Harry shook his head as he walked into his room, remembering the letter. Harry found a scrap of parchment and scribbled on it.

Dear Professor,

I had a dream last night. It worries me about Voldemort and his whereabouts. I really need to come back to Hogwarts. Is there any way that I can come early?

Signed, Harry

Just as Harry was about to send Hedwig off with the message, he saw an odd form in the distance, coming towards his window. A minute later, a large barn owl was perched on Harry's windowsill. It was carrying a letter addressed to Mr. H. Potter with the Hogwarts emblem on it. Harry took it and opened it hastily.

Dear Harry,

I'm sure this summer has been a difficult one for you, especially after the events that occurred in June. I think it best that you return to Hogwarts before the rest of the student body. I've sent an identical letter to Miss Granger. There's something I need to discuss with you two. A Ministry of Magic cab will be at your house at noon on Monday.

Until then, Professor Dumbledore

Harry tore up the letter he had written and started packing things in his trunk. It was Sunday afternoon but he was eager to get ready. He wanted more than anything to go back to Hogwarts and the fact that Hermione was going too was even better. It seemed to Harry that Dumbledore was reading his mind. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it was a bit unnerving. What if Dumbledore knew what he was thinking the other night when he was with Hermione? The thought of it made Harry's cheeks burn red with embarrassment.

By the time dinner had come around, Harry's room was completely empty and all of his things were waiting patiently by the door. His uncle kept talking non-stop about his meeting with the Grangers and his aunt was already planning their winter vacation to Bora Bora ((A/N: sp?)).

"Um, Uncle Vernon," Harry muttered when he was through with his meal. His uncle grunted, meaning that he was listening. "Well I got this letter from school," Harry continued, "and they want me back earlier than planned. Someone will be picking me up tomorrow, if it's alright with you."

Vernon eyed Harry suspiciously and took a swig from his glass of wine.

"Well," the large man replied coldly, "if you do go, that may upset the Granger's daughter. And by what you two were doing last night, I'm sure she'd be more than a little peeved."

"You were spying on me?" Harry practically screamed. He figured they were, but the truth didn't make it any better.

"Don't get your panties in a twist," Duddley snorted from the other end of the table, "Mum was."

"Duddley eat your broccoli." Petunia demanded, a bit of pink rising in her very pale cheeks.

"Anyway," Vernon said loudly, taking control of the conversation once more, "by tomorrow the papers will be signed and the deal will be set in stone, so it doesn't matter much to me if you knock up the tramp or dump her."

"What?" Harry almost shouted. He could not believe what he was hearing. "Hermione is not a tramp," he said through gritted teeth. They sure had some nerve. "She's a very bright and very sweet girl and I would never steep so low to knock anyone up. I happen to have class and so does she."

"By the looks of it, neither of you had much last night," Petunia scowled.

"My personal life is none of your business!" Harry retorted angrily, squeezing his hands into tight fists under the table. There was a thick and uncomfortable silence that followed for at least five minutes. Not able to deal with the pressure any longer, Harry sighed, deflating like a hot air balloon. "Well can I leave tomorrow or what?"

Vernon grunted an approval and Harry quickly dismissed himself to his room. He hadn't done anything wrong last night with Hermione. He lay on his bed and closed his eyes, reliving the ecstasy that he had been in. All right, so his hand was up the back of her shirt at one point and they were very, very close. So what though? Harry thought. They were only kissing. It wasn't like they committed a mortal sin. His family was unbelievably quaint and stubborn. Harry spent the night, reliving the moments and wishing for more.


Relief washed over Harry as he walked through the barrier of Platform 9 and ¾. The site of the bright, red Hogwarts Express and the scent of the train's steam brought back wonderful, stress free memories for the teenager. It didn't seem like anyone else was around so he climbed on board and started walking through the compartments. He finally found the one; the one compartment that he and Hermione and Ron sat in at the beginning and end of each term. He sat in his usual spot and stretched his legs out. The train wouldn't be leaving for another fifteen minutes so he decided to rest his eyes and wait until Hermione had found him.


"It's not a difficult decision Harry," Voldemort's oily voice sounded, "join me or your friends die."

Harry opened his eyes to find himself at the edge of a rocky cliff. He looked down and saw a deadly gorge at least a mile below him. He stumbled forward, trying hard to keep his balance. His forehead was sopping with sweat from the heat of the rising sun and his shirt was sticking to him like glue.

"You already know my answer Voldemort," Harry said through gritted teeth, "so why are you doing this?"

"Why?" Voldemort asked nonchalantly. He snapped his scaly fingers and suddenly Ron and Hermione appeared before them, bound together with a thick rope. Hermione was struggling to get free but Ron stayed completely still, as if he didn't care what was happening to him. "I'm giving you a chance to change the world Harry," Voldemort hissed, "think of what the two of us could do together. We'd be unstoppable."

"I don't want to become a slimy murderer like you," Harry spat.

"Have it your way then."

Voldemort smiled evilly and muttered a few short words under his breath. Moments later, Hermione hit the ground, dead.

"No," Harry whispered in disbelief. He ran to Hermione's side and took hold of her hand. She was cold as ice and completely. . .gone.

"Funny how quickly the life can be sucked out of your body," Voldemort replied. "Pity, that mudblood was quite an attractive toy."

Harry started to drown in his own bitter tears. After a while of unusual silence, Harry noticed that Ron was staring at him with an emotionless expression. Perhaps he was in shock. No, it couldn't be that. Ron was the type of guy to wear his emotions right on his sleeve.

"Ron," Harry muttered, his tears now silent ones, "how can you be standing there?"

Ron said nothing. Instead, his impassive face turned into an evil, sadistic grin and the ropes snapped from his body. A cruel laughter came from behind him and Voldemort soon joined his side. Harry stared at them in horror. They were walking towards him, laughing viciously.

"Stay away from me!" Harry yelled, cradling Hermione's lifeless body in his arms.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. . ."

"Leave me alone," Harry cried, "I don't want anything to do with you!"


Harry's eyes snapped open and he looked around wildly. He couldn't see where he was. Everything seemed to be a blur. He sat up and wiped the sweat off his brow. There was someone beside him with his or her kind hand on his arm, trying to comfort him. The person placed something in Harry's hand and, realizing it was he glasses, Harry took them gratefully and put them on his face.

"Hermione," he muttered, seeing her kind, smiling face before him. Without thinking twice, Harry wrapped his arms around her and held her as close to him as possible.

"I missed you too Harry," Hermione joked as she placed her arms around his neck. After what seemed a good while, Hermione loosened her grip and leaned back. She cupped Harry's face with her soft hands and tilted it upwards. His eyes were shut tight, as if trying to forget something horrible, and he kept a firm hold around her waist. "Harry, look at me," she said, brushing a bit of his damp hair out of his face. Harry slowly opened his eyes and got lost in a pool of chocolate with golden flecks splayed about. He blinked a few times and looked up into Hermione's concerned face. "You had another nightmare didn't you?"

Harry nodded and closed his eyes again. He couldn't imagine losing Hermione. And the fact that Ron, his best friend, simply laughed completely frightened him. Hermione gently kissed his forehead and rubbed his cheek softly. A sad smile crept upon Harry's lips as he opened his eyes once more. He took hold of her hands and kissed them in gratitude.

"You're too good to me," he whispered, now stroking her cheek. Hermione smiled and tilted her head to the right. Harry took her initiative and tilted his own head to the right and leaned in. Their lips brushed each other lightly, but only for a moment. The mere touch of her sent electrifying chills up Harry's spine. After a few soft kisses, he brushed his tongue across her lips. She invited him in eagerly and Harry began exploring her soft, sweet mouth. His tongue conquered every corner, just as Hermione's did the same to his. It was so amazing holding her in his arms again and having her like this. But it wasn't enough and Harry knew he needed more of her. The two teenagers were on the floor of the train compartment, but it didn't bother them at all. Harry held Hermione's head gently as he laid her back.

A giggle escaped Hermione's lips and she parted from Harry. Both of them were breathing hard and Harry had a goofy grin on his face. Her hand wiped away the hair on his forehead and her index finger delicately traced his lightning bolt scar. He took hold of her hand and kissed it again. He gazed deeply into her brown eyes. She was the only person he felt truly connected with. Harry cursed himself for taking this long to realize that she was the one.

"What are you thinking?" she whispered, staring back into his emeralds. But Harry just answered her with another heart stopping kiss.


The atmosphere surrounding Hogwarts was not the relaxing one Harry expected as he and Hermione walked through the Entrance Hall. It wasn't empty; in fact, there were many familiar faces. Collin Creevey and his brother Dennis waved half heartily at them as they made their way into the Great Hall for dinner. Cho Chang walked by silently. When she saw Harry, she gave him a weak smile and turned away.

"Something seem, off to you?" Hermione whispered as they got closer to Dumbledore's office.

"A bit," Harry replied, giving her hand a squeeze. Hermione returned it with a supportive smile and they soon found themselves in front of the grand phoenix statue.

"Oh, Mister Potter thank goodness you're here."

Harry and Hermione both turned to see Professor McGonagal ((A/N: I don't know how to spell it exactly, and I'm too lazy to go fetch my books but you know who I'm talking about anyway)) coming towards them in a hurried manner.

"Is everything alright Professor?" Hermione asked quietly.

"I'm afraid that's why you two are here," the old woman sighed. "The password is Laffy Taffy and. . . welcome home." She gave a slight nod and headed off in the opposite direction.

Harry raised his eyebrows at Hermione, not excited about what was going on. The girl sighed as she started to climb the moving staircase up to their Headmaster's office. Harry knocked on the great oak door twice, before deciding to open it on his own.

Harry, still holding Hermione's hand, led her inside the familiar circular room. Hermione, however, had never been to this place before and she marveled at all of the fascinating contraptions and paintings. They made their way to the desk and Harry smiled to see the Fawkes was alive and well, sleeping happily on his perch.

"You are welcome to borrow my books anytime Mr. Longbottom."

Harry jumped a little at the sudden, raspy voice and watched as Professor Dumbledore made his way down the stairs with Neville.

"Oh you two are here, delightful," Dumbledore smiled at seeing Harry and Hermione.

"Hi guys," Neville murmured, waving a wee bit. Hermione gave him an affectionate smile and Harry nodded at him. "I best be off to dinner-thanks Professor." And the boy made his way out with a large book in hand and not another word spoken.

"Well, take your seats," Dumbledore said, gesturing to two chairs before him. Harry and Hermione sat down quietly and watched their Headmaster carefully. "Now I suppose you two are wondering why I brought you back so soon, yes?"

They both nodded without making a sound.

"Well I'll make it quite quick," Dumbledore went on, "you see, since the third task of the Tri-wizard Tournament, Voldemort has been recruiting more and more followers and killing more and more innocent people. Corneilious Fudge refused to face facts and the Ministry of Magic has been overthrown by Death Eaters." A gasp escaped from Hermione but Dumbledore still continued. "Voldemort has been taking desperate and absurd measures this time around. He has given most of his victims an ultimatum. Either they join him in his escapades, or he kills them and their family. Anyway, the students that you have seen present here already are victims of Voldemort's twisted game. Most of their parents are Death Eaters now. But some are now orphans. For instance, the Creevey brothers; their parents were attacked and the two boys were sent here straight away. And Mr. Longbottom; his grandmother is sadly gone."

Silent tears of remorse were beginning to stream down Hermione's cheeks and Harry looked desperately at the old man.

"But Sir," Harry muttered, "why have you brought Hermione and I back?"

"Because Harry," Dumbledore said sadly, "the world is no longer safe. And the world needs you."

"What about Hermione?"

"You, Harry," Dumbledore said, "you need Miss Granger."

Harry nodded, trying to take in all of the horrid information. Something started tugging at the back of his brain, but Hermione got to it first.

"Pro-Professor," she stammered, "what about Ron? I mean, Harry needs Ron just as well."

"Yes well we all would like to have our best friend with us in times like these. But due to the circumstances we can't always have what we want."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because," Dumbledore explained, "nobody can find the Weasley family."

8. Through the Storm

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: So here is chapter eight. There’s a pretty good cliffhanger so I might leave you waiting a few extra days. I’m evil, I know, I can’t help it. Anyway, enjoy!

Love Letters

Chapter Eight

Harry sat cold and frozen in his chair, trying hard to comprehend the jumble of words Dumbledore had just uttered.

"Beg your pardon," the teenager muttered, his teeth beginning to chatter slightly.

"I'm afraid," Dumbledore sighed with a sense of true sadness in his eyes, "that the Weasley family is missing. Since the middle of July we've had people searching, but it's no use. They've disappeared."

"N-no," Hermione stammered, finally speaking up, "no it can't be. There, there must be a logical explanation. You can't, you can't just, just disappear. Can you?"

"I don't know what else to tell you," Dumbledore replied, "I know how shocking this must be but it has come time for all of us to face the truth and move onward from it. If we don't," the old man paused and looked at the sullen Harry from over the rim of his half moon glasses, "Merlin only knows what will become of us all."

Harry nodded and stood up. He needed to get away from everything and just breathe for a while. Hermione, who had tears streaming down her cheeks, followed him out of the office and all the way to the lake in silence. After standing together for what seemed like ages, Hermione collapsed to the ground in bitter agony.

"It's all my fault!" she sobbed, her breathing off center.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked quietly, joining her on the ground and rubbing her back warmly.

"The letters," Hermione cried, "he never answered my letters. And I didn't do anything. Not a thing! It's all my fault!"

"No it's not," Harry contradicted, pulling her closer to him. "Ron didn't answer my letters either. I should have done something too." Harry kissed her forehead and held her for a while. Hermione's sobs slowly began to subside and her breathing went back to normal. She looked painfully into Harry's deep green eyes and shook her head sadly.

"He's gone," Hermione sniffed, "Ron's really gone."

"I know," Harry replied, setting his chin on top of her head. "But Dumbledore's right. We have to face this. And we have to move on. Look at everyone else here. Neville, the Creeveys . . . together, we can get through this. We're only as strong as we are united, remember?"

Hermione nodded slowly.

"Troubles like this only make a person stronger," Harry continued, "We'll get through this. We can . . . and we will."

The two sat in the growing darkness for a long time after that. Hermione, trying her best to stay strong as Harry said. And Harry, trying his best to believe what he had said.


"Pass the fruit please," Hermione muttered the next morning. Harry passed her the large bowl and she thanked him quietly. Breakfast that morning was a particular quiet one. It consisted of whispers and short answers. No one seemed in the mood of talking much.

"Morning Harry, Hermione," Neville Longbottom said cheerfully as he sat down beside them. "Sleep well?" Harry gave him a weak smile and then went back to staring at his bowl of cold oatmeal. "It gets better," he continued after a while, "being here, you know? I know we aren't here on such wonderful circumstances but school will really be starting in a couple of weeks and it will all go back to normal, you'll see."

"How can you say that?" Hermione snapped all of a sudden, making Harry drop his spoon. Neville looked up at her in confusion.

"Say what?" the boy asked timidly.

"How can you talk like everything is just peachy?" Hermione answered, her volume loud enough for the entire hall to hear her. "Your grandmother is dead! The Weasleys are missing! And you say everything will go back to normal? Don't you get it? Nothing will ever go back to normal again! Nothing will ever be the same! Never!" Hermione slammed her fist onto the table. "I can't take this anymore!" She screamed, and sobbing violently, she ran from the hall before anyone could stop her. All heads turned to Harry and Neville, who sat there in shock.

"She's right you know," Harry whispered bitterly.

"You think I don't know that?" Neville spat in reply.

A tense silence lay over all of the students for the rest of the morning.


Hermione ran to the place that had been her sanctuary for over four years: the library. The library had always been a place where she could recollect herself and think things through. The librarian gave her a quizzical look as the teen stormed in, bothered and upset. Ignoring the woman, Hermione started walking through the many aisles filled with books and knowledge. It always gave her a jolt of excitement, knowing that there was so much out there to discover. Walking along, picking a book out here and there, Hermione finally was able to calm down. She sat down at the table in the farthest corner and started to read The 100 Greatest Witches of All Time. Hermione sighed in content. This was how it was supposed to be.

"I know how you feel," a voice said hours later.

Hermione jumped with a start. She looked up and found herself face to face with the Ravenclaw seeker, Cho Chang.

"Hi Cho," Hermione said politely, "why don't you sit down?"

The tall and exotic looking teenager sat across from Hermione. Her eyes were dark and swollen but also set and determined.

"I know how you feel," she repeated, making Hermione squirm in her seat.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked nervously, knowing exactly what Cho meant.

"About Ron," Cho answered, "I know how you feel."

"And how is that?" Hermione asked, her temper about to get the best of her.

"I'm here aren't I?" Cho replied quietly, full of remorse.

"What happened?" Hermione questioned after a long pause.

"I wasn't having a good summer, without Cedric you know?" Cho said, griping one of Hermione's books closely. Hermione nodded and she continued. "So a friend came over one day and said that I had to get out; I had to leave the house. So she dragged me to a party. It was fun . . . it was a lot of fun. I mean I had the time of my life. Then I got home and everyone was asleep. I thought everyone was asleep."

Cho stopped abruptly as tears began to well in her eyes. Hermione reached out and squeezed her hand comfortingly. Cho took a few deep breaths and went on.

"I went upstairs and noticed that there was a draft. I figured that my parents left their window open so I went into their room to close it. When I got there they were . . . well they. . ." she closed her eyes and took a couple more breaths. "They were dead."

The two girls sat in silence for a few moments until Cho was ready to speak again.

"I ran to my younger sister's room to see if she was alright," Cho whispered almost inaudibly, "but she was gone too. She was my best friend and she was dead. I ran to my room hoping to wake up from a horrible dream. I mean first Cedric, now my parents and my sister! But on my bed there was a note. It said 'I'll be back.' The next day I was on a train back to Hogwarts."

"I'm so sorry Cho," Hermione said, not knowing what else to say.

"I know," Cho smiled weakly, wiping her eyes, "everyone's sorry these days. You know, for weeks I beat myself up about it. If I had just stayed home I might have been able to save them. I blamed myself. But Dumbledore did something great. They've, they've got these counseling sessions every night now; anyone can go. And we just talk. It's helped a lot." Cho looked up sadly into Hermione's brown eyes. "I know how you feel about losing Ron. You can't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Sometimes things happen that we can't prevent. We just have to . . . move on. It'll take a while, believe me, but you can . . . and you will."

"That's what Harry said," Hermione muttered so quietly that Cho couldn't hear her.

"Well, it's almost time for tonight's session," stated Cho, standing up, "I'm gonna go. Maybe I'll see you there?"

"Maybe," Hermione sighed.

Cho smiled slightly and started making her way out of the library.

"Cho," Hermione called.

The girl turned around curiously.



"Hey Stranger."

Harry turned his gaze from the lake and saw Hermione walking towards him.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Harry asked, full of concern.

"Better," Hermione answered shortly. She stood beside him and stared off in the distance past the lake and into the horizon. She reached for Harry's hand and took it without a word. Harry looked up at her, confused. Earlier she had been on the verge of a breakdown. Now she seemed perfectly calm and normal.

"What happened?" Harry asked abruptly.

"Nothing," Hermione said nonchalantly, still gazing at the sunset, a small smile curving onto her lips.

"Hermione, something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong Harry," Hermione said exasperatedly, "just . . . different."

"Like?" he asked, turning her chin so she was looking at him.

"Like I love you," she replied, "and I know that together we can get through anything. That this whole . . . ordeal, we'll move on from it, together."

"I see," Harry smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist, "bout time you figured it out."

"Shut up Harry," Hermione joked, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you too," he said, kissing her nose. "And we will get through this . . . in due time. . ."

Hermione smiled contently into Harry's shoulder and they stayed like that for a while.


Weeks later, Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand down to the Great Hall for dinner. It was the first feast of the year and the remaining students were back for the start of the new school year. Familiar and smiling faces greeted the couple as they made their way to the Gryffindor table.

"Lavender! You're back!" Hermione squealed and hugged the girl who normally was not her friend. But the absence of so many students, like the Patil twins, made every bond a little thicker.

"Hey Dean, welcome back," Harry smiled, giving the guy and friendly pat on the back.

The feast began on a remorseful note in memory of those who were no longer with them. But there was also a relieved feeling in the air, knowing that there were still so many students left. The new students had been sorted and the feast was about to begin when something interrupted it.

"Hey Harry, did ya miss me?"

Harry and Hermione both turned around and gaped.


9. Vacationing in Egypt

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: This is sort of a filler chapter. It sort of clues you in on what happened to Ron and it sort of doesn’t. I'm not going to base anything that happened in book 5 on this story. This was meant to take place in Harry's fifth year in case you forgot and I'm keeping it that way. Thanks for the awesome reviews! Hope you continue to enjoy. You’ll find a lot more out as this story progresses, trust me.

Love Letters

Chapter 9

"R-Ron?" Hermione muttered breathlessly, staring at the familiar red head in disbelief.

"How are ya Herm?" Ron grinned widely.

"R-Ron," Harry stuttered, hardly comprehending what was happening, "what- what are you do-doing here?" By the puzzled expressions of the students and teachers, it seemed as though that thought was on everyone's mind.

"Start of term Harry," Ron said shortly, "would ya move over? I'm starvin'"

Harry moved slowly towards Hermione, still staring. All eyes were on their freckled friend as he began to scarf down some chicken. Ron continued to eat and drink without looking up or acknowledging anyone's presence.

"Um, Hermione," a small voice mumbled a few moments later, "do you mind moving over some?"

Hermione shook her head as though waking up from a dream and turned to see Ginny Weasley standing with the twins, looking smaller and more fragile than usual.

"Of-of course Ginny," Hermione smiled awkwardly, scooting closer to Harry. She took his hand and squeezed it, more out of fright than anything else. Harry's grip tightened for a moment, giving Hermione an understanding look, and then let go of her hand before anyone noticed.

Except, someone did notice.


The start of the new year was more awkward than Harry had expected. No one could quite believe how or why the Weasley's were suddenly back when they had been missing the entire summer. But what Harry really could not believe was how calm and natural Ron seemed to be while his siblings walked around with frightened expressions on their faces. Harry hadn't even heard the twins crack a single joke. He knew something was wrong, but he couldn't quite explain it.

"Harry, Ron's told you, they've been in Egypt all summer," Hermione insisted one evening in the library. It may have been the first week of school, but the teachers had loaded the fifth years with tons of homework already, in preparation for the O.W.L exams in June.

"But Hermione," Harry replied in a harsh whisper, "don't you think it's a bit strange, the way they've been behaving?"

"So what," Hermione shrugged, "Fred and George aren't the center of attention every night in the common room anymore. Maybe they've just matured and have grown out of their little pranks."

"Hermione, do you really believe that?" Harry asked testily.

"Yes. I. Do." Hermione replied slowly and firmly, as though settling the manner. She continued to scribble out an essay for Transfiguration while Harry watched her in disgust. This wasn't his Hermione. His Hermione had more sense than this.

"Hermione," Harry whispered. She raised her eyebrows and looked at him coldly, as though daring him to say another word. Harry stared at her, not quite sure what to say. After a few moments she shook her head and muttered something under her breath, going back to her homework.

"Hermione," Harry tried again.

"What?" Hermione shouted unexpectedly, slamming her quill down on the table and knocking over her bottle of ink. Harry blinked, a bit taken aback and then shook his head, continuing.

"You're worried," Harry whispered calmly, taking her hand in his, "just say it Hermione. Something is . . . different about Ron. Just tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking. I need to know."

Hermione's bottom lip quivered as she stared crossly at Harry. Her bright brown eyes seemed to be glistening with tears and it looked as though she was using all her might to hold them back.

"Look," she said in an unusually low tone, withdrawing her trembling hand from Harry's grip, "our best friend is back. He hasn't disappeared, he isn't dead; he's here Harry." Her breath seemed to have gotten caught in her throat and a strangled sound came from inside her. Harry reached for her hand again but she moved it away. "Ron still has a temper," Hermione continued after taking a deep breath, "that will never change. And I refuse to go up to him-again-and ask him what's happened when we already know the answer-"

"But we don't know the answer Hermione," Harry protested, "he can't possibly be telling the truth. Something's wrong with-"

"No Harry!" Hermione said loudly, catching the attention of some nearby second years. She quickly collected her things and started to leave.

"Hermione, please," Harry pleaded, disregarding his belongings and following her out of the library. He grabbed hold of her arm and with tears streaming down her cheeks, she shot him the dirtiest look he had ever received. "Hermione, please," he whispered, wiping away a few of her tears. She continued to glare at him but did not move. "You're scared to lose Ron again. I know you are because I am too. I know you want everything to go back to normal but something's wrong and there's nothing normal about it. Please, let's talk to him together, get some real answers. Please 'Mione. . . please."

Hermione took a sharp breath, her expression as though she was being painfully torn apart. Harry looked at her with fear and remorse, not knowing what she was going to do.

"Please," Hermione said slowly, her eyes wet and cold, "take your hands off me."

Harry did so slowly, but before he could do anything else, Hermione had run off, leaving him alone in the dark.


Harry walked into the empty Gryffindor common room after spending an hour or so wandering aimlessly around the castle. By the silence he heard, Harry assumed that everyone had gone to bed. Harry trudged sullenly towards a chair in front of the dying fire and sat down. He hadn't fought with Hermione in, well he couldn't think of a time when he really had. The thought depressed him completely. As the fire began to drift away into nothing, so did Harry's troubling thoughts. He hadn't been sleeping for more than a moment . . .

"What did you do?"

Harry awoke instantly to a voice shouting in his ear.

"Wh-what?" Harry asked, looking wildly around in the darkness, his glasses askew.

"She came in here crying Harry! What did you do?"

Harry's eyes came into focus on an extremely angry and violent looking Ron.

"Who?" Harry asked dumbly. But then it hit him. "Oh, you mean Hermione?"

"Who else you git?" Ron shouted, kicking the table beside him, making it topple over.

Harry stood up nervously, and began to back away slowly.

"Ron, calm down, I can explain."

Ron stood still, breathing harshly and glaring at Harry. Since when did he act like this?

"What are you waiting for?" Ron said, his voice suddenly slick and quiet.

"Hermione and I," Harry started, uncertain of what to say exactly, "well, we, uh, we got into a fight is all. Just a fight."

"If it was 'just a fight,'" Ron said coldly, "why was she crying."

"Why do you care?" Harry suddenly shouted before he could control himself. "It's my business, not yours!"

"Why do you think I care Harry?" Ron shouted back. "I come to school and find that my two best friends are an item and they don't bother to tell me! And then I find Hermione sobbing as though somebody died and you wonder why I care?"

Harry said nothing. Ron was right. He and Hermione hadn't told Ron they were together, in fear that he might get angry, like he just so happened to be at the moment.

"Look," Harry muttered, "I messed up. I wasn't honest with you and I hurt Hermione. I'm sorry."

Ron continued to glare at Harry. Something was off here. Ron got mad often, but he never acted this way.

"If I find you hurt Hermione again," Ron threatened, "you'll have to mess with me."

Harry gave Ron an identical glare. Who did he think he was? He didn't own Hermione. He couldn't hurt Harry.

Ron stalked off to the boys' dormitories, leaving Harry even more distressed than before. The ebony haired teen sat down again, rubbing his temples with a mix of exhaustion and pain.

"Harry," a small voice came a good while later.

Harry looked up and saw a trembling Hermione walking towards him, her face shinning within the dim firelight. Harry got up and without saying a word, took her hand and led her to the closest couch. He sat down and brought her small frame into his arms, cradling her as she cried.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled into his shoulder after her sobs subsided. "Something's wrong with him. Something's awfully wrong with him."

"Shhh, it's okay," Harry whispered into her hair, rubbing her back gently.

"What should we do?" Hermione asked, looking deeply into Harry's green eyes.

"I think," Harry replied, taking a thoughtful pause, "that we should talk to Dumbledore."


"Harry, Hermione, what a pleasant surprise."

Harry and Hermione had gotten up extra early the following morning, in hope to catch their Headmaster before classes began. The old man led them into his circular office and gestured to two chairs for them to take. The teenagers sat down without a word and kept their eyes cast watchfully on him.

"So," Dumbledore said, taking a seat behind his desk, "what can I help you two with?"

Hermione cast Harry an uneasy glance.

"Well Professor," Harry began slowly, "we were wondering if you knew . . . why Ron and the other Weasleys arrived at school?"

"Aw yes," Dumbledore nodded, "I figured you two would come to ask me that. But I am afraid that I cannot answer that question because I do not know the answer myself."

"So you're saying that they just . . . showed up?" Hermione asked quietly.

"As far as I can tell," Dumbledore replied, a sad glint in his usual twinkling eyes.

"Sir," Harry said, "Ron has been acting . . . a bit different. I mean, like nothing happened, like, he was never missing. He says that he and the family were in Egypt visiting Bill but I just. . . I don't believe it Sir."

"Egypt you say?" Dumbledore asked, sitting up straight and looking quite alert. Harry and Hermione nodded. "That's not possible. We searched Egypt and there wasn't a Weasley in sight. We spoke with Gringots. They said Bill was . . . missing. And we went to Romania and Charlie Weasley was nowhere to be found. Vacationing in Egypt . . . it's just not possible."

"Then Ron lied." Hermione said blankly, in more than a statement than a question.

"Wait," Harry exclaimed, a jolt of fear running through his veins, "If they weren't in Egypt or Romania or Great Britain all summer and then four of them suddenly appear for the first day of school, where were they?"

Dumbledore shook his head, looking hopelessly defeated.

10. Maybe

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot.

A/N: Sorry for the delay. The plot is going to start rolling now and I’m going to try to keep away from the OOC business I’ve seemed to be bordering. However, Ron is supposed to be a bit OOC. You’ll see why. Maybe not in this chapter, but you will.

Love Letters

Chapter Ten

Harry felt too sick to go to breakfast that morning. He and Hermione walked slowly and silently to Care of Magical Creatures, both lost in their own troubling thoughts. The grounds were still soggy from the morning dew and dark clouds were looming overhead.

"Looks like we're in for a bit of a rainstorm, don't it?"

"Hi Hagrid," Hermione smiled slightly as their friend and teacher greeted them.

"You two are here a bit early," Hagrid said, their saddened expressions unnoticed, "where's Ron?"

"Right here."

Harry jumped slightly as Ron's presence caught him off guard. Hermione let out a small squeak and Harry thought she looked almost frightened of their best friend. He felt his stomach tie into a great knot. The grinning red head in front of him seemed like Ron, but there was something terribly different about him. Harry tried to act casual as he, Ron, and Hagrid shared a conversation about the upcoming quidditch season, but Hermione remained silent as she stared at her shoes.

The rest of the Gryffindor fifth years and the Slytherin group made thier way over in a matter of minutes and Hagrid began his class. Harry paid little attention to the whole lesson. His mind was swarming with different questions. Where was Ron all summer? Why is he lying to us? Why does it seem like there's nothing wrong at all? Harry caught Hermione's eye and she gave him a weak smile. He noticed her glance at Ron's casual figure in front of them and saw a single tear fall down her cheek. Why is this making us so miserable?


Harry found himself walking through the forbidden forest later that night. He could hear a soft and familiar cry in the distance.

"Hermione?" he called, his feet picking up pace and moving faster through the darkness.

"Harry," he heard a mild whimper coming closer.

Harry broke into a run, Hermione's cries growing louder with each step. And then he saw her. She was on her knees, clutching her chest in the middle of a small clearing, her frail body shaking. Her usual shinny brown hair was wet and sticking to her back in a tangled mess.

"Harry," she managed through her violent sobs.

"I'm here," he answered her, coming to her side. But as he tried to wrap his arms around her, they went right through her. Hermione continued to cry, leaving Harry unnoticed, and turned over on her back. Harry's breath caught in his throat as he saw what looked like a stab wound protruding from where her heart should be and there was a growing puddle of blood around them.

"Harry," Hermione cried, "how could you do this to me?"

"What?" Harry said, confused. "Hermione, I-"

But he cut his sentence short as he tried to take her hand. Their hands didn't even meet. His went right through hers and she didn't notice. Harry seemed to be like a ghost. He couldn't touch her and he couldn't understand why.

"Hermione-I'm, I'm sorry," Harry muttered.

"She can't hear you," a cold voice said from behind.

Harry turned abruptly and saw Ron walking towards him.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Harry asked, his mind spinning.

"She can't hear you; she can't see you," the red head answered, "that's what I mean." He walked right up to Harry and shook his head, glaring at him. "I can't believe you'd do this Harry, and to Hermione of all people."

"What did I do?" Harry asked. "I just found her here."

"Really?" Ron asked coldly, not looking convinced. "Didn't I tell you not to hurt her? Didn't I warn you not to break her heart?"

"But I didn't! I swear!" Harry said, jumping to his feet to defend himself.

"Right," Ron stated, still glaring at Harry. "Then what's that?"

Harry turned his head in the direction of Ron's gaze and his stomach gave a lurch. He hadn't noticed it before, but in his right hand, he was holding Godric Gryffindor's sword, the same sword he used to defeat the basilisk in his second year, and it was dripping with blood.

Horrified, Harry started to back away, not believing what had happened. It looked like Ron was smirking but Harry couldn't be sure. Ron knelt down to the crying Hermione and touched her hair softly. Her head shot up and her face contracted into what looked like relief.

"Oh Ron," Hermione sobbed as she fell into his arms.

"Shhh, it's okay," Ron answered soothingly, rubbing her back, "I'm here."

"Harry," Hermione muttered into his shoulder, "I can't believe Harry did this."

"I know, I know," he replied. He glanced up at the retreating Harry and winked. Harry dropped the sword and advanced on his best friend, suddenly wanting to strangle him. But he walked right through both of them. He stopped and turned around, anger and regret boiling inside him as he watched Ron comfort his Hermione.

"You'll be alright Herm," Ron whispered in her hair, still watching Harry with an amused expression, "I'm here . . . always."

"I know Ron," Hermione said, looking up at him and smiling through her tears, "I know."

"No!" Harry shouted, and woke with a start.


"Harry you could never break my heart, even if you tried."

"I know but-"

"But nothing," Hermione cut him off. She had a somewhat frightened expression on her face as Harry had told her of his dream the night before, but now she wore a kind and understanding smile.

"But Ron seemed so. . . Malfoyish," Harry muttered, sitting back in his chair and Hermione let out a hearty laugh. They were in the farthest corner of the library, Hermione's favorite spot, and no one was even close to them.

"Harry," Hermione said, taking his hand from across the table and squeezing it, "yes he did, but Malfoy has never really hurt us before now has he?"

"I guess you're right," Harry sighed, accepting her view on the dream.

"Of course I am," she joked, giving his hand one last squeeze before letting it go. "I've got to run," she said, standing up and gathering the few books that lay in front of her, "I promised Ginny I'd help her with her Transfiguration homework before dinner."

Harry nodded as Hermione came around to his side of the table. She knelt down beside him and took his face in her hands so that he would look at her.

"Harry," she whispered so only that he could hear, "we're having some confusions about our friend right now but it'll work out, believe me. I love you." She kissed him lightly on the lips and smiled up at him. Harry couldn't help but smile back.

"I love you too," he replied, and they kissed again, but this time for a bit longer. He gazed down on her loving face and the vision of her lying on the ground, alone and bleeding to death caused a pang in his heart. She knew he was still troubled and brushed his ebony hair out of his face. She kissed his scar softly and stood up, giving him a reassuring smile. When he just stared back at her, she sighed and started to head out.

"Hey, hey Herm," Harry called, suddenly getting an idea.

She turned and looked at him questioningly.

"Yeah?" she asked, leaning against a book shelf.

"I was thinking," Harry said as he met up with her, "you know how Ginny and the twins have been acting . . . well not themselves at all. I mean, Ginny's never needed help in anything before."

"What are you getting at Harry?"

"Well," he began, trying to think of what he was getting at.

"Well. . ." Hermione was looking lost.

"Talk to Ginny."

"Well I plan to," Hermione replied, standing straight, "how else can you tutor someone without talking to them?"

"No," Harry said, "talk to her about . . . her summer."

"Harry I dunno," Hermione answered, shaking her head.

"Come on Herm, it's worth a shot."

Harry looked up at her, hope in his eyes. Hermione seemed to be holding her breath, contemplating what to do. After a moment or two she sighed and gave into his request. They kissed one last time and Hermione finally left for the common room.


"I don't see why you need help in Transfiguration Gin. You seem to be getting this fine."

"I know," Ginny muttered, staring down at her hands in her lap. Hermione was extremely concerned for her friend. Ginny was always a quiet girl but for the entire first month of school, she hardly said a thing. Ginny was bright and had a sense of humor as large as any of her brothers', but she never did anything anymore, never laughed at all.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Hermione asked quietly, thinking of what she and Harry had talked about. Ginny met her gaze and Hermione saw tears welling in her sad blue eyes. The red head nodded slightly and then began to stare at her hands again.

"Well," Hermione whispered, putting her arm comfortingly around her friend, "what's the matter? I know something is wrong. Just tell me, what is it?"

"I can't say," Ginny said through a small sob. Tears were beginning to stream down her freckled cheeks. The poor girl had bags under her eyes and she looked as though she had been under so much stress. Hermione reached out and hugged Ginny as she cried. She didn't cry for very long but Hermione could tell Ginny was just trying to hold them back.

"I can't talk now," Ginny sniffled, putting her Transfiguration book into her messenger bag, "but later."

"Okay," Hermione answered, her mind drawing up a million conclusions all at once, "when?"

Ginny turned to her, her eyes set and determined.

"Tonight, right here in front of the fire, a quarter after midnight. And bring Harry."

"I will," Hermione replied, nodding.

"Hey Ginny!" a rough voice called from behind the girls. Ginny dropped her bag when she saw that it was Ron.

"What's up Herm?" Ron asked, flashing Hermione a grin as he ran a hand through his red locks.

Is he flirting with me? Hermione asked herself.

"Not much," she answered, shaking the thought off, "Ginny and I were just having a study lesson is all."

"Really?" Ron asked, his blue eyes suddenly looked like ice. He rounded on Ginny and glared at her. "A study lesson huh? I thought I told you to keep your grades up this year Ginevra." He snapped. Ginny looked down at her shoes and said nothing. Ron looked back at Hermione, his temper about to blow. "How badly is she failing huh?"

"She's not, Ron," Hermione said immediately, taking a step back from him. "We were just doing homework together and talking, that's all."

"That's all?" His temper was starting to slowly go down. He looked back at Ginny. "Talking Gin? What about?" Ginny continued to stare at the floor.

"Oh you know Ron," Hermione replied, trying to cover for Ginny, "just girl stuff."

"Right," he said, taking a step back from both of them, though he still looked unconvinced. "C'mon Ginny," he stated, grinning jus like the normal Ron, "let's go have dinner. I'm sure Hermione's going to wait for Harry." He gave Hermione a cold look on his last word. He then grabbed Ginny's arm roughly and stalked out of the room with her trailing along.

"Okay," Hermione muttered under her breath, staring after them, "could this get any more complicated?"


Harry wandered through the empty corridors. Everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner, but he didn't feel very hungry. He kept thinking about the dream he had. He kept seeing Hermione's frail body shaking in a puddle of her own blood. It scared him. It wasn't the only dream where he had hurt Hermione in some way.

He racked his brain to try to remember those nightmares. He knew he had them, but they were so far away, and extremely hard to recall.

The first one, he remembered, was right after he and Hermione had their "fake date." The end of their date was the beginning of the new relationship they were sharing. But the dream, the dream was the beginning of this torture. Voldemort had Harry bound to a boulder and Hermione was tied in the Dark Lord's arms. Voldemort had wanted Harry to join him, combine their great powers. If he didn't join, he would kill Hermione. Hermione told Harry not to listen to him, to let her die, but Harry agreed to Voldemort's terms as long as Hermione stayed safe. But like any evil villain, Voldemort lied, and Hermione was dead in an instant.

The other nightmare was on the train to Hogwarts around the beginning of August. Harry had gotten there early and fell asleep as he waited for Hermione to join him. Harry had found himself at the edge of a rocky cliff and Voldemort was standing menacingly in front of him. Again, the Dark Lord had wanted to join forces with Harry. When Harry refused, Ron and Hermione appeared. Hermione was struggling to unbind herself from the ropes keeping her captive, but Ron was standing completely still. When Harry still resisted in joining Voldemort, Hermione was killed instantly, but Ron lived and remained still. As Harry held the lifeless Hermione in his arms Ron watched him, along with Voldemort, with a sadistic grin on his face.

And now this dream, where Harry himself was the one that practically killed Hermione. Ron acted as though he knew something like that was going to happen all along. Something was wrong with Ron. These dreams had to mean something. It was as though Ron wanted Harry to be miserable, but the real Ron would never want that.


Harry's head shot up from his thoughts and he saw Hermione walking quickly towards him, past the statue of Hugo the Hopeless. She seemed out of breath when they reached each other, and by her expression Harry could tell she was worried about something.

"What's wrong 'Mione?" Harry asked, worried as well.

"It's Ginny," Hermione replied, pausing to catch her breath. "She's going to have a nervous breakdown any moment, I know it. And she wants to talk to us, but privately. Before she could say much more though, Ron barged in."

"What did he do?"

"He was quite peeved when he realized Ginny was talking to me," Hermione said quickly. "He dragged her out of the common room and I'm almost positive he doesn't want her talking to anyone at all, not even us. He's hiding something I know it. This isn't Ron; it can't be."

"Who can it be then?" Harry asked. This was a genuine question, not just a senseless remark.

"I don't know," Hermione cried, exasperatedly, "maybe, maybe this really is Ron, and he's just got a big secret. I mean, he's not happy that we're in a relationship, Harry. It was quite obvious he had some sort of crush on me last year. His reaction to us was totally Ron-like. But he's been acting normal really. He just seems a bit violent now and then."

"But Ron's never been the violent type," Harry added, "so this can't be Ron."

"Maybe it can," Hermione said desperately. She was the kind of person who needed straight facts and this was eating away at her. "Maybe, whatever happened this summer, made him this way."

"And how will we know this for sure Hermione?"

"Well, tonight," she answered, "a quarter after midnight we're meeting Ginny in front of the common room fire. She's got something important to tell us. Maybe she'll help solve this whole thing."

"Maybe," Harry muttered. Hermione sighed and looked like she was going to pass out from everything that had happened. Harry wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his shoulder. They stood in the empty hallway for awhile in silence, both of their thoughts on what was going to happen at 12:15.


"Maybe she fell asleep. Why don't you go check on her?"

"I doubt it," Hermione said later the night. She and Harry were sitting in front of the dying fire. It was five minutes until one. "Ginny doesn't look like she's had any sleep in a very long time."

"Maybe she forgot," Harry suggested. Hermione huffed and even Harry himself admitted that that too was impossible.

The two waited quietly until the fire completely burnt out. It was half after one when it did. Hermione stood up and sighed.

"Maybe I'll just go check," she whispered, and headed up to the girls' dormitories without another word.

Harry remained seated and laid his head back on the chair. He was just beginning to drift to sleep when he heard Hermione's footsteps running down the stone stairs. He stood up and looked at her questioningly.

"She's not even in the room," Hermione cried franticly, walking towards him, "and a fourth year that was still awake said Ginny's been gone all night."

"Where is she then?" Harry asked, though he wasn't expecting an answer. Hermione just shook her head sadly, completely lost.


"Do you see her?" Hermione asked Harry as she scanned the Gryffindor table at breakfast the next morning.

"Nope," he sighed, playing with his porridge. "Maybe she already ate."

"Maybe," Hermione muttered, taking a sip of pumpkin juice from her goblet.

Harry hadn't seen Ron either, but Ron was usually late to rise anyway. The two remained quiet for quite sometime after that.

"Did you hear about Ginny Weasley?"

Both of their heads shot up instantly and glanced around anxiously. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, the biggest gossipers in the whole school, were walking up to the table to grab some breakfast before class.

"What about her?" Parvati asked her blonde friend as they sat a few feet away from Harry and Hermione. The two met each other's eyes for a moment and their ears perked, eager to hear what was up.

"Apparently," Lavender went on matter-of-factly, "she and Ron were racing each other to dinner the other night, and she fell down two flights of stairs. Ron had to carry her to the hospital wing. The poor thing was unconscious and bruised all over."

"She fell?" Parvati gasped in surprised, "that's awful."

"It is," Lavender agreed, taking a bite out of her biscuit, "but Ron is such a good person for taking care of his sister like that."

"Yea he is."

Harry and Hermione heard no more of the conversation. Without a word, both stood up, gathered their things and started out of the Great Hall. Once they were in the Entrance Hall they started quickly towards the infirmary.

"Do you think she really fell?" Hermione asked.

"Yea," Harry answered, "and I'm really the Minister of Magic."

11. With Action Comes Consequence

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: I know you shall all hate me after this chapter, but all I can say is, don’t lose faith quite yet. I’ve brought back the whole “Love Letters” concept a bit as well. This is a pretty heavy chapter. The beginning/middle is pretty fluffy ((for those of you who have been asking for it)) but I do warn you that you will not like the end of this at all. No one yet to read it has, but for the sake of the story, just stick with it.

Love Letters

Chapter 11

When Harry and Hermione reached the infirmary, they were a little more than shocked to see Ron sitting on Ginny's bedside, his face in his hands, and his body shaking. Hermione immediately ran to his side.

"Ron, are you alright?" She said softly, kneeling beside him. Harry followed her inside and stood on the opposite side of Ginny's bed. He stopped short and stared at the girl. Her right cheek had a long slash across it and the other side of her face was swollen and bruised something fierce. Her left arm was in a sling and her right was bandaged up, but the blood was seeping through. He could only see the upper half of her body and Harry didn't want to imagine what happened to the rest of her.

Ron looked up a bit embarrassed and hastily wiped his eyes. It was evident he had been crying. The site of his friends calmed him a bit and his whole body relaxed.

"I'm fine Hermione," the red head replied with a small smile.

"What happened?" Harry asked, though in his mind he was sure he already knew the answer.

"Well," Ron started, taking a deep breath. Hermione gave him a sympathetic look and squeezed his hand gently. Ron gave her another smile that sent an unpleasant jolt up Harry's spine. "When Gin and I left you in the common room the other night, she thought it might be fun to race down to the great hall. When we were younger, we always did that sort of thing at home. So I agreed and next thing I knew she lost her footing and just-" his eyes began to water and he took another breath. "She tumbled down the stairs, banging into the walls and everything. It was awful."

Ron buried his face in his hands. Hermione looked uncertainly at Harry and he only shrugged. He had never seen Ron upset enough to start crying. Ron never cried, not even when Ginny was taken down into the Chamber of Secrets during their second year. Ginny wasn't dead now, only unconscious. Why was Ron so shaken up? This wasn't his fault, if that was what happened at all.

"Herbology is going to start in ten minutes," Ron muttered, standing up and wiping his eyes. "I've got to go get my things back in the dorms. I'll meet you two out there." And without another word, he walked right by them and out the door.

Harry and Hermione were silent for a while, staring after their friend in confusion.

"Ron doesn't cry," Hermione whispered after a few moments.

"I know," Harry replied, turning to look at Ginny's helpless body beside them.

"Do you thing he's lying?" Hermione asked in an even smaller voice.

"I don't know," Harry answered. "But he's never been a good actor." Both of them were speaking in low tones for no apparent reason. Harry watched Hermione's facial expressions for a few moments. She seemed worried and lost and scared. Harry had no idea what he felt like.

"Ginny," Hermione muttered, and Harry stopped staring at her when he noticed that the red head was stirring in her sleep. "Ginny, can you hear me?"

The girl blinked her eyes a few times and looked from Hermione to Harry and back again. Harry noted that she seemed extremely calm and her expression was impassive.

"How are you feeling," Hermione asked gently, sitting down in Ron's vacant chair.

"Fine," Ginny answered, now staring at the ceiling.

"What happened last night?" Harry asked.

"I fell."

Harry and Hermione shared an uneasy glance. Maybe Ron really was telling the truth.

"Well," Hermione said in a shaky voice, "since we missed you last night, what was it that you wanted to tell Harry and me?"

For the slightest moment Harry saw something that looked of utter fright cross Ginny's already frightful looking face. But in the next moment she was unreadable.

"I don't remember," she said shortly.

"You don't remember," Hermione repeated. She looked up at Harry helplessly and all he could do was shrug.

"We've got to go to class now," Harry said, standing up. Hermione followed his lead.

"Yes, we've got Herbology," she stated, walking slowly towards the door. "We can come visit you at lunch if you'd like company."

"No," Ginny said. She was still staring at the ceiling.

Hermione gave Harry a look of defeat and sighed, heading out the door.

"What do you think really happened?" Harry asked her as they were crossing the lawn to the greenhouses. They had been silent all through the castle.

"I don't know," Hermione muttered. "She's so banged up. I understand all the bruises and the broken arm if she fell down more than one flight. But the scratches and the cut on her face. What could have given her those? Nothing on the stairs could have."

Harry silently agreed with her. Ron's description of what happened and Ginny's actual appearance just didn't combine well.

"And now she's not speaking!" Hermione added exasperatedly. "She was so intent on telling us something yesterday. And I think Ron was on to her. And now this! He was angry when they left the common room last night. He wouldn't suddenly agree to race her to the Great Hall, it doesn't make sense."

"This whole year hasn't made sense," Harry sighed.

"Hey," she said, stopping abruptly, "some parts of it have." She grinned slowly and wiggled her eyebrows at Harry. He couldn't help but laugh. At a time like this, she was the last person he thought would crack a joke, but Hermione was always full of surprises.

"Okay, some parts have," Harry smiled, taking her hand and kissing it gently. Hermione smiled at him. He took her other hand in his. "Some parts have been," he kissed both her hands, "unbelievable."

Hermione blushed and looked quite flustered.

"You make my life worthwhile Herm," he said gently, "I don't know what I'd do without you." He was about to kiss her hands again but she drew them away.

"Harry, stop it," she insisted, "you haven't done this in so long, and right before class is not a good time."

"What?" he asked innocently. "I haven't kissed you? Well we can fix that." He closed the gap between them and leaned down to kiss her lips but she turned away giggling.

"No that's not what I meant," she answered, regaining her composure and resuming their walk, but putting one hand in his. "I mean, you haven't acted all romantic and grateful for me in a while."

"I've always been grateful for you," Harry said, slightly put out.

"I know Harry, that's not what I meant," she said gently, "but this hand kissing and talk like you'd die without me-"

"I probably would die without you," he cut in.

"Yes but," Hermione seemed to have lost the point she was trying to make. She sighed, stopped walking, and took his other hand in hers. "You mean everything to me Harry and I know I mean the same to you. It's just, I don't know, I guess I'm still getting used to this public display of affection sort of thing." She smiled and nodded kindly to Hufflepuffs Hannah Abbot and Ernie Macmillian as they passed on the way to the greenhouse.

"You mean you and Krum never snogged in the library for hours on end?" Harry joked once they were out of earshot.

Hermione's head shot up and she looked as though she lost ability to speak. He started laughing and she slapped his arm playfully, trying hard not to break a smile.

"No," she said indignantly, "I never snogged Vicktor in the library. We did it some place much more private."

"Are you serious?" Harry asked in surprise, though he was still laughing.

"I snog you Harry, I don't find this so funny or shocking!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said, trying desperately to stop laughing. Hermione shook her head and laughed silently herself.

"Alright Hermione," Harry said once he was able to control himself, "you're basically saying that I don't do or say romantic and grateful things enough."

"No," she replied, "I'm just getting used to it. Vicktor did these things sometimes, but he never meant it. And I know you do . . . that's all."

"So then you don't want me to act that way?"

"No!" she said quickly, and they both laughed a little. "Actually I find it quite sweet. You haven't really acted like this since . . . gosh, since we got back here in August. You remember, on the Hogwarts Express?"

Harry smiled at the memory of their trip back to school, but then got confused.

"I did all that?" he asked. "I know we snogged but I don't remember kissing your hands or anything. Your neck maybe but-"

"Harry!" Hermione said exasperatedly, but she smiled along with Harry. "You probably just blocked it from your mind is all," she went on nonchalantly, continuing on towards the greenhouses. They were late.

"Why would I block it from my mind? I find this quite sweet too." He said, raising her hand and kissing it again.

"Well it was right after you had some nightmare," she answered, "and you hugged me and said I was too good to you and-"

"I did?" Harry stopped right outside Greenhouse 11 and racked his brain to try to remember.

"Yes, you did. And it's alright if you can't remember. I understand. Now let's go."

Hermione opened the door and Harry followed her inside, still lost in thought. Hermione gave a hurried apology to Professor Sprout for being late and Harry vaguely heard some people in the class snicker. The news of their relationship had traveled fast and even the professors knew Harry and Hermione were an item.

It wasn't until the middle of the lesson that it hit Harry. While he had waited for Hermione on the train that day, he had fallen asleep. And while he was sleeping he had a dream about Voldemort again.

"You alright mate?"

Harry's head snapped up and drew his attention towards Ron, who was giving him an appraising look.

"Fine," Harry muttered.

It was in that dream that Voldemort killed Hermione, but not Ron. It was almost as though Ron and the Dark Lord were working together. What if they really were? What if it was a premonition of some sort? It somewhat connected with his most previous nightmare where he himself killed Hermione and Ron found it almost amusing.

"Come on Harry. Let's go." Hermione's voice interrupted him. The class had ended and it was now time for Potions. He was going to have to wait until later to tell Hermione of this new revelation.


Potions dragged on as usual and Snape kept catching Harry thinking and took thirty points from Gryffindor during the whole period. He didn't care though. He couldn't stop thinking about his dreams and how much sense things were starting to make.

"Harry," Ron muttered while they were mixing a shrinking potion, "you seem really out of it. I'm sorry if the whole Ginny thing has gotten you worked up."

"No it's not that," Harry replied, purposely not making eye contact.

"Maybe you should take the rest of the day off and sleep or something," Ron suggested.

Harry didn't find that a bad idea. He caught Hermione after class let out and drew her aside.

"Are you okay Harry?" she asked.

"I'm fine," he answered hurriedly, making sure Ron wasn't around to hear him, "I think I'm going to take the rest of the day off-no buts Hermione- I'm not feeling well. Meet me in my dorm after last period before dinner. I need to talk to you later."

Hermione looked skeptical about allowing Harry to cut class but agreed to it in the end and gave him a kiss on the cheek before departing for her next class.

When he reached the fifth year boys dormitories, Harry threw his bag on the ground and plopped down on his bed. He shot a glance at Ron's bed beside him and he felt another unpleasant jolt go up his spine. If Ron really was working for Voldemort, then it definitely explained why Ginny and the twins had been behaving as they had. He was almost positive that Ginny was going to let everything slip to him and Hermione the previous night, and Ron sensed her motives. She didn't fall down the stairs. Ron did something to her. Harry was ready to bet his Firebolt on it.

Harry let his mind keep swarming with different assumptions and before he knew it, he had drifted into a dreamless sleep.


Harry woke up hours later to a loud snore from across the room. He groggily checked his watch and saw that it was ten past eleven. He had slept all day. Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Ron were all sleeping soundly in their beds, and Harry was now wide awake. He noticed a slip of paper on his bed side table and turned his lamp on to read it.

Hey You-

I came by but you were still sleeping. You looked so worn out in Potions that I didn't want to disturb you. We can talk tomorrow. I love you.


Harry sighed at Hermione's note and laid back down on his bed. Not wanting to wake her at that hour, he decided it would be best to talk with her the next day.

The sun was shinning brilliantly through the window when he did awake the next morning. Neville was running late as usual and he informed Harry that first period began in twenty five minutes. Since he had slept in his uniform, Harry simply picked up his bag and followed Neville to the Great Hall. He spotted Hermione talking with Ron so he refrained from giving her a kiss on the cheek, in case in caused any of Ron's emotions to stir.

"Sleep well?" Hermione asked brightly when Harry sat down. He shrugged and began to quickly butter some toast.

"You look better than you did yesterday that's for sure mate," Ron said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs. Harry nodded, still not making eye contact with his friend.

As he began to munch on his toast, a flock of owls came into the hall and flew in circles to find the recipients of the letters and packages they held. To Harry's surprise, a great barn owl flew down to him and deposited a note before flying off. He noticed that a tawny owl had done the same to Hermione. Harry shrugged and read his note.


Meet me in Flitwick's classroom at 7:00 tonight. Then we can talk about everything, and maybe do a little more than talk. But let's keep this a little surprise for now and not mention it. I can't wait to be with you. I love you.


He looked up at her as she finished her letter and she gave him a quick smile. He returned the action and took a sip out of his goblet. For some reason Harry felt relaxed. He was going to be able to tell Hermione everything that he was thinking about, and she seemed ready to relieve him of those problems as well.

The day flew by for Harry and as Hermione had hinted in her note, he didn't say anything about what they were going to do later that evening. In the middle of dinner, Hermione excused herself to go to the library. She smiled at Harry as she left. When he was done with his meal he went up to his dorm and tried to freshen up a bit. Though he had a big burden to share with her, Hermione always had a way of making sense of everything and having him relax. She made the world better when she was with him. That was just how Hermione was.

Smiling at the thought of her, Harry made his way out of the Gryffindor tower and all the way to Professor Flitwick's empty charms classroom. He was a few minutes early and he quickly noted that fourth years had been learning banishing charms, because there was a neat stack of pillows in the corner of the room. Grinning, Harry went to pick them up and distribute them comfortably around the room.

"You're a man who gets straight to the point aren't you?" a female voice said from the doorway.

Harry turned towards her, smiling. But his face fell immediately. Cho Chang was leaning against the door frame. She was still in her uniform like he was, except her skirt was at least two inches higher than average and her blouse was unbuttoned a few times too many. Her robes were formfitting and a little too tight in Harry's opinion. He had never seen her dress that way before.

"Err. . . hello Cho," he said uncomfortably. Ever since Cedric Diggory's death the previous June, all romantic feelings he had for the girl had vanished away.

"Hello Harry," she said rather seductively as she shut the door behind her and walked towards him.

"Err . . . Can I help you?" Harry asked nervously as she was approaching him.

"I think the question is, can I help you Harry?" she replied in a sickly sweet tone.

Harry had backed into and desk and she was now right in front of him.

"Umm . . . you can't," Harry said, "I'm meeting Hermione here. My girlfriend."

"Oh, her," Cho said. She seemed bored suddenly. "Well, she's not coming."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, suddenly very nervous.

"I sent you that note today, and just signed that Mudblood's name," Cho said nonchalantly, "would you have honestly showed up if it was my name on that paper?"

"Well I guess that means I better be going," Harry said irritably, and he tried to walk towards the door, but Cho stepped in his way.

"Come on Harry," Cho whispered, pulling his robes down towards her, "the Mudblood'll never know. . ."

Her lips were a mere inch from his but he backed away.

"No," Harry said firmly, "Hermione is my girlfriend. She's not a Mudblood and I love her."

"Oh please," Cho said briskly, "like you know what love is. Let me show you what real love feels like." With that she forced Harry's head down and began kissing him vigorously. It took him a few moments to break away from her tight grip.

"Look Cho, you're not acting yourself right now, and I would never cheat on Hermione because I do love her."

"Save the sob story Harry," Cho exclaimed and she started kissing him again. The male instinct in Harry began kissing her back. He had to admit that she was experienced and good at what she was doing. Her arms slid knowingly up his chest and around his shoulders and down his back as she kissed him passionately. Harry automatically put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

An alarm was beginning to sound in his head. He shouldn't be kissing Cho, he should be kissing Hermione. What if Hermione found out? This was a mistake. He had to stop. Harry tried to pull away from her but Cho just attacked his neck and began kissing every bit she could.

"Cho . . . please. . .Cho. . ."

"Harry. . ."

His head shot up immediately. Hermione was standing in the doorway, and looked as though she had just been shot. Her body was beginning to tremble and her eyes were watering. She was gawking at what he was doing. Cho looked up briefly, smiled wickedly at the brunette, and tried to start kissing Harry again.

"Hermione," Harry started, pushing Cho away, "please, I can explain."

"Explain what?" she squeaked, frozen in place.

Harry realized that this situation was practically unexplainable and began kicking himself for not leaving Cho when she first got there.

"This, this isn't what it, it looks like," Harry stammered.

"Yes it is," Cho said impatiently and she tried to start necking Harry again but he pushed her away and she landed on the pillows in an ungraceful flop.

"Harry, I can't believe you," Hermione said in barely a whisper.

"I know Hermione and I can explain," Harry said urgently, finally reaching her. He tried to take her hand but she drew it away swiftly.

"Don't Harry," she said harshly, taking a step back, "I really thought better of you. And you too Cho," she added, turning to the girl on the floor. Cho had always been nice until . . . now. Cho shrugged and lay back on the soft pillows, obviously bored.

"Hermione, if you just let me-"

"No Harry," Hermione said firmly, "just . . . leave me alone. . . forever." And with one of her deadliest glares Hermione left Harry alone with Cho.

"What do I do now?" Harry asked, sinking to the floor, ready to drown in his own bitter tears. What had he done? He just lost Hermione . . .

"Well you can do me if you'd like," Cho offered, sitting up and giving Harry a seductive smile.

"You're pathetic," Harry said, disgusted.

"Well then I guess I'm done here," she sighed, standing up and brushing herself off. "See ya later Baby."

Harry didn't bother to watch her leave. He leaned against the wall and shut his eyes tight. If Ron issues weren't enough to keep Harry awake at night, he certainly didn't need this. He could never bear having Hermione mad at him. But what was he supposed to say to her? She caught him cheating, even if he hadn't meant to. What was he going to do now?


"Hermione are you alright?"

"Go away!"


Ron had been busy working on his Transfiguration homework when he saw Hermione storm through the common room, her face red with rage and stained with tears. She had spent over an hour wandering the castle before coming back to the common room to reside in her room. Hermione was halfway towards the stairway to the girls' dormitory when she collapsed on the ground in a fresh batch of tears. Students were staring at her but said nothing. Ron immediately got up and crossed the room.

"Hermione, what happened?" he asked gently, putting his arm around her shoulder.

Hermione continued to sob for a long time and he patiently rocked her back and forth and whispered comforting words in her ear. By the time she had stopped crying, half the common room had emptied out.

"Does this have to do with Harry?" Ron asked quietly. Hermione nodded and sniffled a couple of times. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Hermione was silent for a few moments and she muttered something Ron couldn't catch.

"What was that?"

"I caught him snogging Cho in Flitwick’s room!" she shouted. The students left in the room now had their attention back on Hermione.

"He was what?" Ron asked, surprised.

"He was kissing her Ron," Hermione said helplessly. "We were supposed to meet at 7:15 in Flitwick's classroom and when I got there she was necking him!"

"Oh Hermione," Ron said kindly as she was starting to tear up again.

"I should have seen it coming though," Hermione went on, "I mean, I can't expect a man to be interested in me for too long can I? All those times he said he loved me, what bull! The worst part is I actually fell for it, and I thought I loved him too. But no one could ever love a Mudblood like me."

"That's not true Hermione," Ron contradicted her.

"Oh how would you know?"

"Because I love you."

Hermione's breath caught in her throat and she looked up at Ron with wide eyes.

"What?" she asked shakily.

"I said that I love you Hermione," Ron answered, a small smile dancing upon his lips.

"Why?" she asked stupidly, due to the shock she was going through.

"For the reasons Harry said he loved you," he said softly. "He got it all from me. For the last year and a half I've been crazy about you Herm. But I thought I missed my chance."

"Ron, I-"

"You don't have to say anything," Ron replied, caressing her cheek with her left hand.

Hermione knew she shouldn't trust him. Harry believed Ron to be untrustworthy. But Harry was untrustworthy. Before she realized what she was doing, Hermione found herself kissing Ron on the floor of the Gryffindor common room. Some people were watching, but Hermione found she didn't mind this like she did when she was with Harry. She liked to be more private with Harry. But at that moment she wanted nothing to do with the boy, so she went on kissing Ron. She had thrown her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She drew her tongue along the bottom of his mouth and he let her in to explore without hesitation. Kissing Ron was far different from kissing Harry. This was scary and exciting all at once. Kissing Harry was sweet and safe. But which was better she couldn't tell and at the moment she didn't care. One of her hands grasped Ron's wild mane of red hair while the other traveled down his back. Ron did his fair share of kissing her too. His hands made their way through Hermione's wild mess of long dark hair, down her back and up through her school blouse. Hermione no longer comprehended what she was doing and kissed Ron even harder, wanting to taste every bit of him.

At that moment, the portrait door swung open and Harry walked sullenly into the common room. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the wild site in front of him.

"Hermione," he choked.

12. Confusion

Disclaimer: I do not own anything Harry Potter related.

A/N: **A couple parts of this chapter are either in Hermione’s POV or Harry’s, just FYI. They’re basically asking themselves questions which I think the average reader would ask as well.** Anyway, on with the 12th chapter!

~*~Love Letters~*~

*~Chapter 12~*

Harry felt as though he had walked into another awful nightmare. Hermione, his Hermione, was on the floor with Ron, his best friend, and they were . . . Harry's knees started to go weak and he stumbled forward. Hermione and Ron broke apart, a look of disbelief on her face, and a satisfied grin on his.

"Hermione," Harry breathed, hardly able to remain standing.

She looked up at him, suddenly terrified. She stood up shakily, her mouth forming words, but nothing coming out. Harry walked closer to her, wanting to talk to her, wanting to understand everything that had happened that night. Hermione continued to stare at him, unable to speak. He was finally standing directly in front of her, mere inches apart. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, to save her from the agony inside her that was shining through in her deep brown eyes. But something stopped him from doing anything. She had just kissed his best friend and he couldn't understand why.

"Harry, I," Hermione whispered, a silent tear falling down her cheek.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Ron's voice interrupted.

Both Harry and Hermione turned abruptly to look at him. Ron was standing tall with a smug and confident expression.

"And how would you know that?" Hermione managed in an almost inaudible tone, her voice trembling.

"Hermione," Ron said softly, coming up to the girl and putting his arm around her. Harry took a step back and noticed that Hermione had shivered slightly at Ron's touch. "Harry hurt you Hermione, he doesn't love you."

"And what makes you think that?!" Harry practically shouted, on the verge of a breakdown.

"Do the words 'Cho' and 'Chang' ring a bell Potter?" Ron sneered, tightening his grip around Hermione. She shut her eyes tight and winced slightly, but only Harry noticed.

"She came on to me," Harry retorted, "I was supposed to meet Hermione there!"

"And do you think Hermione will believe you now? Do you think she trusts you?"

"You two, stop it!" Hermione shouted, breaking away from Ron's hold. Harry and Ron both fell silent and watched her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Harry," Hermione said slowly, her lips shaking, "I never . . . want to see you. . . again. Please leave me . . . alone." And with that she turned her back and walked away from him.

Harry just stared after her, unable to speak.

-:-Hermione’s POV-:-

Hermione closed the door of her room and leaned back against it. She shut her eyes and without warning the tears began to spill. That night’s events were flashing through her mind and her head was beginning to spin. She went over to her bed and, as tired as she was, picked up one of the pillows and started hitting anything in sight. When the softly snoring Lavender began to stir, Hermione stopped and collapsed on the bed, crying softly.

What’s going on?! Everything had happened so fast. How could Harry do something like that to me? How could I do something like that to Harry? But he did it to me first.

Hermione pounded her fist into the pillow and took a deep breath that came out shakily.

Harry was kissing another girl. But not just any girl. Cho Chang. I thought Cho was nice, after our talk in the library during the summer. I guess not. . .

But then again, I was kissing Ron. . . Ron. . . RON?! Of all people . . . I admit that it wasn’t half bad but it wasn’t Harry. Oh Harry. . .

Was Ron right? Was Harry lying all along? Is it Ron that loves me? What was I thinking kissing him? Did I really like it? Oh God I don’t know!

Hermione buried her face into her pillow. Sleep did not come easy that night, for she, or Harry.

-:-Harry’s POV-:-

What did I do?

Harry slammed his bedroom door shut and started to pace frantically. Neville’s loud snores were muffled for a few moments while the boy rolled over in a peaceful slumber. Dean was the heaviest sleeper in all of Gryffindor, and since Ron hadn’t come up to bed, Harry decided he didn’t care how much noise he made. The ebony haired teenager stopped moving to take a few deep breaths, hoping that maybe he’d wake up from a very, very bad dream. But when he opened his eyes, Harry let out a moan of displeasure.

Why does everything always happen to me?

He went over to the windowsill that was to the right of his bed and sat down heavily, feeling defeated. Hugging his knees, Harry tried to concentrate on all that had happened that night, but the details only made his stomach churn.

How could Hermione do that to me? How could I do that to Hermione? God! Why is life so complicated. . . Cho was a mistake, but Ron. . . What the hell was Ron?! If only I had a chance to tell her about the Ron that’s in my dreams, maybe then she wouldn’t have. . . She won’t listen to me now, she doesn’t even want to see me. . . God, what am I going to do?!

Frustrated, Harry slammed his fist into the window which shattered into a million pieces. He stared at it sadly.

I know how you feel.

As Harry turned to go to sleep, the shards of glass magically resembled themselves to be whole again, without scratch.

-:-Regular POV now-:-

The following morning could not have been more depressing. Hardly sitting down to breakfast, Harry caught sight of Hermione walking into the Great Hall . . . holding hands with Ron. His stomach turned over sideways and he suddenly did not feel hungry anymore. Trying to get away without being noticed, he felt a kick in his shin and immediately sat back down.

“That’s letting them win Harry,” Neville muttered out of the side of his mouth. “Don’t let them know it’s getting to you.”

Harry looked at his friend quizzically. Neville had been sound asleep by the time Harry went up to the dormitory the previous night. After a moment or two of contemplating, he figured that Neville had caught sight of Ron and Hermione in the common room and probably put two and two together.

“Good morning Neville,” Hermione said in what Harry thought sounded like forced cheerfulness as she and Ron sat down opposite of him and Neville. She ignored his presence, but he expected nothing less.

“Is the sausage any good mate?” Ron asked Neville. He usually asked Harry these questions, but he ignored him as well.

Neville played along the rest of breakfast, taking over the role that Harry usually held. Harry, on the other hand, kept quiet, but sat straight with his head up, finding an appetite somewhere inside of him and appearing to be unaffected by his former girlfriend and former best friend’s new found relationship.

“I’ve got to get to the library before class,” Ron stated several minutes later. This surprised Harry like no other. Ron. . . going to the library. . . the two just didn’t go together. The red head stood up and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “I’ll see you in Potions,” he said to Hermione. He bent over and kissed her longer than was necessary. Harry felt the anger boil up inside of him. He realized he was staring at the two and tried to look away but instead he looked at Hermione, who was staring back at him, even in the midst of an intimate moment. Their eyes only locked for a few seconds and then Ron had left the scene. Hermione suddenly busied herself by filing through her book bag and did not look at Harry the rest of the morning.


It happened somewhere along the third corridor.

Once Divination had ended, Harry raced down the many staircases, trying to avoid Ron, and everybody else. The corridor was deserted and the paintings on the wall watched him cautiously. He hadn’t been along this way since his first year with Ron and Hermione. . . Ron and. . . Hermione . . . Harry shook his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about her and watching her all day.

“Ooph. . “

“Watch it!” Harry reprimanded the slumped figure on the floor next to him. He rubbed his forehead and started to collect his things on the floor. Harry hadn’t meant to collide with the stranger but he had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t paid attention to where he was going.

“I’m- I’m so- so sorry Harry,” the person beside him stuttered. Harry looked at the boy quizzically. After a few moments, it sunk in.


“I’m so- sorry,” Draco stammered, tripping over his robes as he stood up. Harry watched him, completely baffled. Malfoy was scared of him it seemed. He was being polite even. Harry began to stand slowly, still watching.

“Is-is there something on my face or something?” Draco asked, pushing his platinum blonde hair out of his eyes. They pierced Harry’s green ones with what seemed like fearful curiosity.

“No,” Harry barely managed to whisper. “Malfoy, what . . . how. . ?“

“I was on my way to visit Ginny,” the boy explained immediately, “I guess I was just in a bigger hurry than I thought. I’m sorry I knocked you down.”

“Malfoy . . . you’re visiting Ginny? Why?”

Draco’s face suddenly contorted for a moment.

“Is-Is there something wrong with that?” Draco asked rather defiantly, as if daring Harry to go on.

“Why would you visit Ginny?” Harry asked, dumbfounded.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Draco challenged.

“You’re not making any sense,” Harry said, a laugh coming out of him. It surprised both him and Draco. They both stared at each other for a few moments. Harry hated Malfoy, he always had. But for some reason he couldn’t find any anger or resentment inside of him. And by the way Draco was staring at him, it seemed like he couldn’t find any hatred either.

After a few moments, Draco sighed and stared at his shoes.

“I know what happened to Ginny,” he said quietly.

Harry’s head snapped up in attention.


“I know what happened to the Weasleys this summer, and why Ron is acting like he is.”

Harry stared at Draco, his mouth formed into an ‘o’. This wasn’t Malfoy, it couldn’t be Malfoy. But this was Malfoy. Harry had never been more confused in his life. Draco sighed again.

“Follow me.”

Without question or hesitation, Harry walked behind Draco as he led him down two staircases and down a familiar corridor towards the hospital wing. Within a few silent moments, they were paces away from Ginny Weasley’s bed, where the teenage girl slept peaceful. She was still covered in a few scratches and bruises.

“Stay behind this curtain,” Draco whispered to Harry, gesturing to the window by Ginny’s bed. “You’ll learn everything.”

Harry nodded without a word. So many questions were swarming through his head, but he couldn’t find the voice to speak them. Before he had a chance to say a thing, Draco pushed him behind the curtain and sat down beside Ginny, taking her limp hand and squeezing it.

The girl’s eyes squinted shut and she blinked multiple times. Once her vision was cleared, she turned to the boy next to her and smiled weakly.

“Ron. . .”

-:- Another cliffhanger, I know. That’s simply how I am. The reason this story is farther along on is because that’s where I started it. I just haven’t had the time to upload this story to portkey all the way. It’s not done though, not even on My schedule has been rather hectic this summer. I’m going to try to add something to it to wrap this story up but for now, if you want to get caught up as much as possible, this story is on as well. Special thanks to anyone who voted for me for the Portkey Reader’s Choice Awards. That was very thoughtful and quite surprising. I’m very honored to have even been nominated. So much thanks, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

13. Figuring Things Out

A/N: It's been a really long time I know. Here's more. Hope you all enjoy.

-:-Love Letters-:-

-:-Chapter 13-:-

“Ron?!” Harry practically shouted, revealing his hiding place behind the curtains. Ginny's swollen eyes widened in fear and her breathing became short and heavy at the sight of him. Harry walked towards the two with an expression of bewilderment and anger.

“Ron, what's he doing here?” she asked her supposed brother, looking worried. “If he finds out we'll be done for.”

“He won't find out Gin, I promise,” Malfoy, or Ron, whispered gently, taking Ginny's hand in his.

“What do you mean I won't find out?” Harry asked angrily, stopping before them. “Why am I even here? And who the hell are you anyway?”

“Harry calm down,” Malfoy-Ron demanded and Harry found himself falling silent without protest. “First of all, we aren't talking about you Harry. And second, I am Ron.”

“But, but,” Harry couldn't comprehend what was happening.

“I'm under a polyjuice potion,” Ron finished, “if you're wondering why I'm looking like that rat, Malfoy.”

Suddenly, things started to fall into place for Harry. Too many things were falling into place for him. He slumped into an empty chair beside Ginny's bed and took a deep breath. He looked up and saw the two Weasleys staring at him with their breaths held.

“That means,” Harry said slowly, “that the Ron with Hermione is, Malfoy?”

Ron nodded sadly and Ginny let out a small whimper, covering her face.

“And he did this to you?” Harry asked Ginny, gesturing to her small, beaten frame. She nodded, a few tears escaping her eyes. “I'll kill him,” Harry said defiantly, “I'll kill him right now!”

Harry stood up quickly and started heading out of the infirmary. What gave Malfoy the nerve to do something like that to Ginny? And to take Hermione away from him as well?

Harry's blood was beginning to boil and he could feel his temper rising.

“Harry, stop.”

He turned around to see Ginny shaking from her silent tears and Ron looking at him sadly.

“There's more,” Ron said quietly, “so much more that you need to know.”

It was a strange moment for Harry. He was looking into the eyes of his sworn enemy, but at the same time it was his best friend, who he had been missing for so long. Ignoring Ron's exterior appearance, Harry sat back down, ready to hear everything.

“I. . . don't know where to start, exactly,” Ron said slowly.

“This summer,” Ginny suggested in less than a whisper. Harry smiled sadly at her. The past few months were obviously torture for her.

“Ok, this summer,” Ron said, stopping slightly to take a deep breath. “Well, we were. . . kidnapped, to put it lightly.”

“Who's `we'?” Harry asked nervously, knowing where this was going.

“Me, Gin, Fred and George, Mum-“

“All of us,” Ginny cut in, her eyes shut tight, most likely to keep from crying again.

“Yes, we, we all were,” Ron said shakily, “by Vol. . .Volde. . You-Know-Who.”

“Oh God,” Harry muttered, putting his face in his hands. Voldemort was already coming after his friends.

“And all summer,” Ron continued, his tone a bit quieter, a bit calmer, “we were kept captive and occasionally tortured.”

“You were tortured.” Harry repeated, trying to keep from exploding. “My God Ron. But tell me, why are you Malfoy and Malfoy you?”

“I'm getting there,” Ron muttered. “See, one day, maybe mid-August, You-Know-Who came along with Malfoy and had a proposition for me. In order to assure my family's safety from anymore harm, I was to take a polyjuice potion with Malfoy, so that when we went back to Hogwarts, he would pose as me, and I would as him. I didn't realize until after I agreed to it, that it was a way to get to you Harry. By ruining your friendship with me and finding your weakness, You-Know-Who's planning to destroy you.”

Harry sat still, letting Ron's words sink in. Things seemed so much clearer now. In his dreams, when Ron was acting all sadistic, working with Voldemort, it was really Malfoy doing that. And they always got to him through-

“Hermione,” Harry muttered, “they're going to hurt Hermione.”

“I'm sorry Harry,” Ron said sadly, “I shouldn't have agreed to it.”

“No,” Harry told him, “you were looking out for your family, I understand.”

“I should have been looking out for you and Hermione. You two are my best friends.”

Harry stared at Ron, not sure what to say. He was partly angry at his best friend for making such a deal with Voldemort, without thinking it through. But Ron's heart was in the right place, with his family the entire time, where it should be.

“You're not supposed to know this Harry,” Ginny said, breaking the silence. “That's why I'm here. I wanted to tell you. I even tried. But Malfoy sensed my motives. That's why he beat me, and threw me down the stairs. Torture. . . it's the best way to silence people.”

“Ginny don't say that,” Ron reprimanded.

“It's true,” the red head insisted. She turned to Harry, who couldn't bear to look at her small, weak frame. “I'm sorry. I should have told you. . . before things started to fall apart.”

“I understand,” Harry said quietly, staring at his shoes. He couldn't stop thinking about Hermione. She was trapped in this horrible mess with the darkest wizard of all time because he was Harry Potter and she. . . was his weakness. His nightmares were going to come true if he didn't do something.

“How can we stop him?” Harry said immediately.

“Who?” Ron asked, puzzled at Harry's sudden outburst.

“Malfoy, Voldemort, both,” Harry answered impatiently, “we've got to do something.”

He was greeted with bewildered silence until Ginny spoke up again.

“Get her back Harry,” Ginny told him. “Get Hermione back, and protect her. If You-Know-Who can't hurt her, he can't get to you.”

“She's got a point mate,” Ron chimed in.

“Yes, you have a point Ginny,” Harry agreed, “but if Malfoy doesn't let her out of his sight, tell me how I'm going to do that.”

Ron turned to his sister, waiting for a reply. She looked at both boys and sighed.

“Don't look at me. I don't have all the answers.”

Harry groaned, frustrated, and buried his face in his hands. How he'd get Hermione back was going to take a miracle.


The next morning, Harry went down to the Great Hall with Neville, earlier than he usually would. Once he was there, he found that Hermione had risen early as well, and was eating her breakfast alone. He sat down across from her, but she continued reading whatever book was propped up against her goblet, ignoring his presence. Several minutes of silence at the Gryffindor table passed by until Neville started to cough rather loudly.

“Talk to her,” he muttered through his coughs.

“Er. .right. `Morning Hermione,” Harry said, getting a nod of approval from Neville.

“Good Morning Harry,” she replied, not looking up from her book.

“How are you?”

“Fine thank you, and yourself?”

“Good. . . good,” Harry answered. A few more minutes went by, and Hermione continued reading her book without acknowledging Harry at all. Neville started coughing once more, drawing some unneeded attention from other House tables.

“Keep. . . talking,” he muttered.

“I, I think we should talk,” Harry went on, “about what's happened between us.”

Hermione finally took her eyes off her book and looked at him darkly.

“I don't believe that there's anything to talk about,” she put calmly.

“Oh, I think there is,” Harry continued, “I think there are a lot of things we need to talk about.”

“And I think you're wrong.”

With that Hermione shut her book quickly and stood up from her seat, heading out of the Great Hall. Harry stared after her. This was working smoothly.

“Well go after her,” Neville stated.

“Right,” Harry muttered, stumbling out of his seat. Once he left the Great Hall, he saw Hermione's figure disappear out the entrance to the castle. He quickened his pace and soon found himself following her across the large green lawn towards the lake.

“Don't you understand?” Hermione shouted at him once Harry caught up to her. “I don't want to talk to you! I don't want to look at you! I don't want to be in the same room as you!”

“You don't know what you want!” Harry shouted back at her. They were now mere inches apart, both breathing heavily in anger.

“Oh, what would you know?”

“I know that I never meant to hurt you,” Harry answered, now speaking in almost a whisper. “I never meant to kiss Cho. I never wanted to. She came on to me. I know how painful it was for you to see me with her because the next thing I knew, you were doing the same thing with my best friend. I know a lot more about Ron than you do. I know why he's been acting so strange and why he never wrote to us over the summer. I know that he's telling you I never loved you and that you should hate me forever. But he's wrong. Most of all, I know that I still love you and that whether you want to or not, I know you still love me. You can't stop loving someone in two days time Hermione, it's impossible.”

“Harry stop it!” Hermione shouted, tears falling down her cheeks. Harry reached out to wipe them away. “You don't know anything, you don't.” she sobbed, falling into Harry's warm embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and gently tangled his fingers in her hair. She clung to him and though her mind screamed that she shouldn't, her heart was telling her much otherwise.

“I miss you,” she whispered into his shoulder, “I miss you so much.”

“I know, I've missed you too,” Harry told her, rubbing her back softly.

“I'm sorry,” she said as her sobs started to subside, “I'm so sorry.”

“Come back to me `Mione,” Harry pleaded, taking her face in his hands. He kissed her forehead and looked intensely into her sad brown eyes. “I need you, please come back to me.”

“Harry,” Hermione whispered, “I-“

The oak front doors of the castle slammed open, causing the two to jump apart. Ron, or really Malfoy as Ron, was standing there, staring at the two.

“Hermione!” he shouted, running towards them.

“I have to go to him,” Hermione muttered under her breath.

“Don't,” Harry pleaded with her. But it was too late.

“What's wrong Ron?”

Now that he was closer, Harry noticed that there were tears streaming down his cheeks and he was shaking. He fell to his knees once he had finally reached them.

“It's my dad,” he said, breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. “He's, he's-“

“He's what Ron?” Hermione asked kindly, kneeling down beside him and taking his trembling hand. Harry watched them awkwardly, standing a few feet away.

“He's dead.”

-:-Don't worry… more will be coming… Please Read and Review. Sorry this took so long! ~MtL
