Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 10/03/2004
Last Updated: 18/08/2004
Status: Completed
~SEQUEL OF ‘TWIST OF FATE’ READ THAT BEFORE YOU READ THIS~ It’s a journey through time as Lucius Malfoy unleashes Voldemort’s last task. Malfoy has found the Tempus Temple, location of an ancient Time turner. Now the life that Harry and his friends has lived will be drastically change. With a little angelic power from above, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco and Sirius are able to keep their memory of their world as they travel through another. Takes place in the summer after their 6th year.
A/N: OK, I am here to clarify a few things. In the rush of trying to get the last chapter up of `Twist of Fate,' I totally forgot to include something. So let's just say this happened when the Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Aeryn are walking to the Hospital Wing. Aeryn was supposed to be talking with Snape quietly and saying something along the lines of “Thanks for the book.” And if you can't figure that out, I can't help you, well I can but not until later on in the story when I explain this whole Snape thing. And is still alive!!
And unfortunately I can't get into any detail on who the `Hogwarts Informant' is until the next installment `Shades of Grey'
And the whole Lucius Malfoy thing, let's just say his is in the forth installment. Yes I am evil, but I haven't decided who should kill him.
I will try to do more of Harry and Hermione. Most of this story is from their point of view, well at least I'll try. Now the question is, is that because of an absent character??? (singsong) I'll never tell!!!
Well enough with the Author's note you clicked here to read the story, right??
To tell you the truth, living at the Dursley's was actually pleasant this time around. It pained Harry to think why. It had only been a week since he came to the Dursley's. Currently Harry was sitting in his room looking out the window. Since the Dursley's were basically ignoring his existence, Dudley had been put to work in the garden with him mother. Harry then looked to his dresser. On it was the snow globe he had gotten from Hermione this past Christmas, and a picture of the gang standing on Liberty Island. Ron and Ginny were awkwardly standing between the two couples standing on either side of them. Like he did the summer before, Harry failed to mention to the Dursley's that Aeryn had died and that she could no longer threaten Uncle Vernon's job anymore. He deliberately left the picture in plains view for anyone who walked in the room to see.
Also on the dresser was every letter Hermione had sent him since they last saw each other. He found himself opening one of the letters just to read it over and over again. Harry was between being hopelessly depressed over the death of his sister and hopelessly in love with the love of his life, Hermione.
Harry was starting to get hungry. He ventured down the stairs of the empty house, his Uncle being at work. Harry scouted through the cupboards and fridge for something to eat. He finally settled on a sandwich. Dudley and Aunt Petunia came in through the back door.
“Go get cleaned up Dudley, you're father should be home soon.” Harry's Aunt said sternly. Over the past school year Dudley had been thrown out of school and was very close to ending up in St. Brutus's Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys. He got caught beating up a younger classman for the third time. It was a rude awakening for Dudley's parents. Now in the neighborhood, most of the people were more afraid of Dudley then Harry.
Dudley went upstairs to clean up. Harry remained silent making his sandwich while his Aunt cleaned up at the sink. “You'd better hurry up with that before Vernon comes home.” She said quietly. Harry only nodded as he sped up what he was doing. Aunt Petunia poured herself a glass of lemonade from the fridge before she headed back out to do more work.
“Do you need any help out there?” Harry asked as he finished his sandwich. Aunt Petunia looked at him bewildered.
“If you must.” She replied.
Harry thought it might do some good to get outside and do something. A bit of exercise wouldn't hurt.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Hermione Granger was a wreck. She had been franticly debating what to do all week. Upon coming home from Hogwarts, her parents told her that it was their turn to host the Granger Family reunion. It was an annual occurrence, yet for the past six years it had conveniently fell on a date that Hermione was still in school. But only Hermione and her parents knew of her uniqueness. Hermione felt as though she needed to tell her entire family, if she didn't there would be a lot of unanswered questions from her relatives.
It wasn't a big reunion. It was just her Aunts and Uncles from her mom and dad's side, her cousins, and her grandparents from both sides. No big, right?
Her parents felt it was a good idea to tell everyone. They said that they would be proud of Hermione. He parents always supported Hermione, well except she got strange looks from her father when she mentioned she had a boyfriend.
“There isn't anyway I can back out of this is there?” Hermione asked her parents for the thousandth time that week as they ate lunch.
“Now Hermione, you need to relax,” her mother Martha told her, “Everything will be just fine. You know our family has a very open mind.”
“Open minded yes, but this is big!”
“She has a point Martha,” Her father George said, “remember how we reacted when Hermione got her letter.”
It was true, at first Martha and George thought Hermione's Hogwarts letter was some kind of joke.
“Oh Merlin, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian are here.” Hermione said as she looked out the window.
“You'd better head off to the airport George, Karla and Noah should be arriving shortly and I need to get supper started.”
Hermione's Aunt Karla and Uncle Noah lives in the States, Charleston South Carolina to be exact. Her Aunt Lisa and Uncle Brian lives in Whitwell. It was small town in Worksop which was in Nottinghamshire. Both sets of grandparents lived in London and would arrive soon enough.
Now Hermione might have been an only child but had the cousins to make up for it. Kim was the oldest out of the five of them, she was 20. Kim's brother Curtis was 13. Hermione really liked Kim and was glad she was able to come, with her being away at University and all.
Hermione's other two cousins were racing up the walkway as Hermione and her parents greeted them at the door.
“Hermione!” they called upon see her. Louis was 15 and Sally was 12.
“Brian,” George greeted his brother, “Sorry I can't stay I've got to go to the airport.” And he was off.
Now oddly enough, Louis reminded Hermione of a brown headed Ron for some reason. He was just as tall and had the same sort of attitude except for her was a muggle. Sally though, looked to be the rebellious type. Basically she was a British Avril Lavigne wannabe. Through out the afternoon the rest of her relatives arrived. Martha was never out of the kitchen and soon enough neither was Hermione, Grandma Selene and Grandma Tracey.
Everyone was seated at the rather large dinning table, before them was a huge feast, although it did not rival a feast at Hogwarts, of roast beef, green beans, carrots, snow peas, a lovely gravy and Yorkshire pudding. So far this day had gone great. Currently during dinner everyone was talking about what Kim was doing a school.
“Hermione, you've been very quiet.” Kim commented, “What do you plan to do after school?”
Thanks for the reviews; I really didn't expect more then five. I am totally excited about the Portkey Awards; I can't wait to see who gets Nominated.
Well I won't keep you waiting too long for some action, I don't want you to get bored on me. Here is Chapter 2.
Chapter 2
Frozen in Time
His thoughts drifted off, Dudley had been scolded again at dinner. Harry loved every minute of it. Dudley had wanted to go to one of his friend's house and was told no. There was a huge argument. Harry was sitting at his desk; he was actually reading Hogwarts, A History. Yes, the Harry Potter was reading Hogwarts, A History to impress his Hermione. But unfortunately Harry found that it was kind of hard to keep his eyes open.
Harry then felt sleep take him over.
“Remind me again why you have to stay here.” She said.
Harry jolted from his sleep; he could have sworn he heard Aeryn. It seemed so real. He closed his eyes again.
“Sorry, were you sleeping?” Harry's eyes opened again, he slowly turned around. He immediately bolted out of his seat when he saw her.
“I'm dreaming.” He said.
“Pinch yourself, you'll find that it will hurt.” She said. She was dressed in her white robes. “Again I ask, why are you here in this mud hole?”
“Protection, because of Aunt Petunia having the same blood as Mom,” Harry said.
“Protection from what? Voldemort's gone, no longer a threat. You are letting Dumbledore push you around, you are going to be seventeen in three weeks.”
“How are you here? Harry asked ignore what she had just said
“Look outside, what do you see? What do you hear?” she asked him. Harry moved to the window. He immediately saw birds, frozen in mid-flight, the wind was not blowing and it was absolutely dead silent, save for Harry and Aeryn's conversation.
“Did I do this?” Harry asked.
“No, you don't have that magnitude of power yet.” Aeryn started. She looked sheepishly at a corner of the room, “ok, technically I'm not supposed to be here.”
“So how are you here?”
“We still share some kind of bond even though one of us is dead. I kinda taped into your power, and since I am a Guardian my magic increased your magic. Right now the whole universe is at a stand still, save for five people, six if you include me.”
“So that brings me back to why you are here. You said you weren't allowed.” Harry said sitting on his bed. Aeryn had her hands behind her back and walked to the window looking at the setting sun.
“The other Guardians have very strict rules we all have to obey, if we didn't you'd be getting regular visits from Mom and Dad. Of course I have yet to see them up there. No visiting, no interfering, yadda, yadda, yadda.
“Now right before I, you know died, Malfoy gave me some information on what he is planning to do and at this moment is doing. You know about Hermione's time turner?” Harry nodded, “Well there is a time turner that can turn back years, although it has been lost for centuries. Malfoy said he was headed for the Tempus Temple. Now I have no idea where that is and the Elder Guardians think me as a novice and won't give me the time of day.”
“So you are taking matters in your own hands?” Harry asked.
“Precisely, by the time the Elder Guardians notice what I've done it will be too late. Now, since I can be handy with memory charms I'll keep your memories of this timeline intact, along with Ron, Hermione, Draco and Sirius. Take it as something to do this summer before a perfectly normal last school year.”
“So once time starts back up here it will change into a different world?”
“Think about it, what if you got a chance to go back in time knowing what you know now.” Aeryn said looking at Harry.
“I would tell Mum and Dad not to interfere with Voldemort killing me, they would be safe.” Harry said quietly.
“Yes, but you would most likely be killed in your first year at Hogwarts. Remember that love scar with Quirrell. You wouldn't have been able to do that unless Mom sacrificed herself. Now we need to get the others. Take my hand.” Harry was hesitant at first but took her hand as they disappeared from Privet Drive in swirling white orbs.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Hermione gulped, she almost choked when Kim asked her the question. She had been pondering all day how to bring about the subject. Hermione looked to her parents who gave her a supportive look.
“Well, it all depends on how well I do with my final tests at the end of the year. Do you believe in magic?”
“Well that certainly is a drastic change of subject.” Aunt Karla commented.
“Actually it's not a change of subject and I am dead serious. Do any of you believe that magic can be real?” Hermione looked from person to person. Everyone was speechless.
“You see,” Martha piped in, “for the last six years we have told you that Hermione was accepted into a special privet school.”
“Only certain people can go to this school,” Hermione picked up. “People with Magic in them, you see I am a witch and I go to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”
Hermione looked for their reactions, but there weren't any. Everyone seemed to be frozen in time. She thought of Harry at that point, he was able to do things like this. Hermione waved a hand in front of Curtis's face, who sat beside her. No reaction. Hermione got up from the table and went to the window. Everything was frozen out there as well. It was a good ten minutes before anything happened. She was outside looking at her neighbor in the middle of taking out the trash. She heard voices from inside her house. She rushed inside.
“Mum? Dad?” she rounded the corner and caught sight of Harry. “Harry? What are you doing here?”
“Hey, traveling now, talking later.” Aeryn said coming in from the other room.
“Aeryn? Where are we going? What about my family?” Hermione asked.
“Don't worry, we have to go now, this is more important than telling the rest of your relatives that you are a witch.” Aeryn said grabbing Harry and Hermione's hands and orbed out.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Sirius was having dinner with the Weasley's this fine day. For the past week he had been arguing with Dumbledore. For some reason Dumbledore thought it best if Harry stayed with the Dursley's. But now he had been told to but his worried behind him while having dinner.
It felt so good to be free, not running anymore. Currently he was still staying at the old house of Black, but that was until he could find a place of his own. He still had no clue on what to do with the rest of his life. Truth be told he never thought about what he would do if he ever was free again. For the past sixteen years, he had been imprisoned, on the run, and then imprisoned again. Before that he was still fighting the good fight with the Order. Well, that was all over as well. Sirius wondered if life would get boring now that there wasn't anything interesting to do.
Across the table from him sat Ron. Sirius got tell he was thinking along the same lines. He still had his seventh year of school left, but what to do afterwards? Not to mention he was also worried about Harry. For the last month of the last year Harry had been kind of out of it.
It was amazing how short of time Aeryn was in all of their lives and how much impact she had. For Sirius, it had been less time then the others. But with that was the guilt that he had for the last sixteen years as well. James and Lily had trusted him with their daughter, to make sure she would be safe. He made the mistake then to trust that stupid Wormtail to help him. Sirius had though Aeryn had died when Death Eaters attacked the muggle neighborhood where she was, as did her muggle foster parents.
Sirius looked up from his musings; Ron was waving his hand in front of Ginny's face. He finally noticed no one was moving or talking.
“What happened?” Ron jumped; he didn't even notice Sirius was still moving.
“Don't know, they just stopped moving, it's weird. But I wouldn't be half surprised if Harry was behind this. He can do this sort of thing.”
After about 15 minutes, Sirius and Ron noticed that the Borrow was flashing, from what it looked like now to a house in ruins. Then they noticed the swirling orbs and there was Harry, Hermione and Aeryn.
“Crap, I'm losing it, we need to hurry up.” Aeryn looked to Sirius and Ron, “Just grab hold to one of us, I'll explain once we get to Malfoy Manor.”
“Why are we going to Malfoy Manor?” Sirius asked grabbing hold of Hermione's hand, Ron coming up behind him.
“Because Draco need to know what is going on as well.” They all had one last look around as the house and they people themselves kept flashing. Ron, Harry and Sirius' clothed kept changing. Hermione's changing clothes kept changing into something that looked like rags, like in a prison or something. Aeryn stayed the same. “It's going to be bad.” Aeryn said in a whisper.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
They arrived at the main hall of Malfoy Manor.
“Ok, here is the recap of what's happening for those who are confused. Lucius Malfoy had found an ancient time turner,”
“The Tempus Temple.” Hermione stated.
“Yes, 10 points fro Gryffindor,” Aeryn joked, “Time is being changed as we speak, the flashed we keep seeing are what the world is going to be like when time starts up again. What you need to do is figure out what Malfoy has changed. When exactly did he go back and fix it. When you fix time, everything should revert back to normal.”
Aeryn led them down a series of halls and up a few flights of stairs until they stopped at a door. “You need to tell Draco all this, just don't mention anything about me being here.”
“You're not coming with us?” Harry asked.
“I can't, I don't have the power to do that.” For the first time since she came to Harry, he saw a saddened look on her face, she whispered, “Draco must not know that I was here, it'll just push him over the edge. You understand?” Harry nodded, as did the others, “You've got about a minute and half, hurry. Time will start soon.” And they entered Draco's room.
A/N: Wow, how would of thought you'd like this story a whole lot better. I guess “Twist of Fate” was a start up story. I can't believe the reviews I've got already. I guess you like fast updates. I seemed to write this story a lot faster, I guess it's because it's been brewing in my mind for months and don't have to put a lot of thought into it.
So you want to see more of Aeryn? I don't know if I can resurrect the dead, but I'll see what I can do. For now you have Jade, well, you'll see once you've read the chapter.
Chapter 3
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too Draco.” Harry said as they entered Draco's room.
“Somehow I knew you were behind all this.” Draco pointed to the snowy white owl about to fly out the window.
“Hedwig? What's she doing here?” Harry asked observing the frozen pet.
“Don't know, she just showed up. So what are you doing here?” Draco asked again.
“You're father is up to his tricks again, he's gone back to change time.” Harry explained.
“Well we have to stop him.” Draco jumped up ready to go. “Beats staying around here.”
Their clothes flashed once more but did not flash back. Harry had his glasses back and his forehead was scar free.
“Once time reverts to normal, we could be separated.” Hermione said, “Some of us could even be dead. Who know the possibilities.”
“We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.” Sirius said.
“How'd you find out about all this anyway?” Draco asked.
“It doesn't matter,” Harry started but it was too late, time was in motion. Harry was standing in the middle of a forest. It was dark and spooky.
“Where are we?” Ron was standing behind him, the others were no where to be found. They heard a twig snap.
“I don't know, I think maybe the Forbidden Forest, I'm not sure.” Harry held out his hand, “Lumos.” Nothing happened, he tried it again, yet nothing happed. Harry quickly searched the pockets of his shabby robes. “I don't have my wand. Do you think maybe there is an anti-magic field or something?”
Ron was doing the same thing, “I don't have my wand either.” He said, “What do we do now?”
“Well you could either run,” said a new voice, “or you could just give yourselves up. Your choice.” Harry and Ron turned around to see hooded figures all around them. All of them donned in black cloaks except the one in the middle, the one who spoke, she has a green dragon hide cloak. (Sort of looks like a full length leather coat) Slug across her back was a crossbow. Harry and Ron could not see her face, nor the face of any of the others.
“Who are you?” Ron asked. The hooded girl laughed slightly. Somehow her laugh and voice sounded vaguely familiar.
"Ah, poor Weasley is all confused. Did you slip and fall?" Some of the others laughed as well, "Who am I indeed." She flipped back her hood. And there was the reason Harry and Ron couldn't exactly place her voice, it was the British accent. She had perfect loose blonde ringlets held back in a half ponytail. Her eyes were no longer blue, but the same red that was Voldemort's trademark without the snake like part.
"Aeryn?" Harry asked.
"Oh don't tell me you're having problems with your pathetic brain as well? Avery, bind them." the Death Eater beside her aimed his wand at Harry and Ron muttering the binding spell. Ropes bound their hands. "And try not to hurt them this time; you know Potter is not to be fatally harmed. Not yet, anyway."
"There goes your anti-magic theory." Ron said to Harry.
"Get a move on!" Avery said pulling the ropes. Ron and Harry were pulled by their ropes through the forest.
“Give them here.” The woman who resembled Aeryn told the man called Avery.
“Of course, my lady.” Avery handed over the robes to her. “Are we heading back to the castle Jade?”
“Yes, Father will be wondering why I'm not at dinner. It's not easy telling the Dark Lord that I had to track those two yet again.” She said, “You won't be able to get back home, unless you tell us where it is,” she seemed to remind Harry and Ron, she walked closer to them, “Just give us the location of Godric's Hollow and you will be able to go home.” Their silence was enough of an answer; she tugged on their robes as she stormed off in the direction the rest of the Death Eaters were walking nearly pulling Harry and Ron to the ground.
“Look, if we knew where Godric's Hollow is we would tell you, if that meant you would let us go. But the thing is, is that we don't know where it is, we've never been there before.” Harry tried to tell Jade. Jade turned back to them.
“And you expect me to believe that? You are more pathetic then I thought.” She handed the robes back to Avery then let out a high pitch whistle. Along came a galloping black horse. Jade quickly mounted it. “I don't have time for this. Make sure they are locked up in a more inescapable cell this time. I'm late for dinner.” She rode off.
“She's mental in this world, I'll tell ya.” Ron said to Harry. They received a harder tug.
“I'll pretend I didn't hear that.” Avery said.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Hermione, what's wrong.”
Hermione had found herself in some sort of prison cell. Locked in, was the rest of her family. (Everyone at the reunion except for the grandparents) Hermione was utterly confused.
“Where are we?” she asked her mother and father.
“Are you feeling ok Hermione, you should come away from the gate before anyone sees you, you know how nasty those Wizards can get.” George said.
“Why are we here?” Hermione asked.
“Come on Hermione, we've been here for years, no need for questions like that.” Martha said. “You know, You-Know-Who detests us muggles. Now come away from that gate.” One of the guards grabbed her by the collar.
“You should do as your mother says girl.” Hermione didn't say anything. She eyes the guard's wand in a side holster. The guard let go of her and turned away. Hermione quickly grabbed the wand, without him noticing and backed away from the gate. As soon as the guard was gone her parents started scolding her.
“Hermione what do you think you are doing?" Martha asked.
"I'm going to get us out of here." Hermione said as she moved to the back of the cell where a bared window was.
"And how do you suppose you will do that, they are Wizards." George said to her. From what Hermione could tell they were on the second floor, still to high to jump. Hermione moved back to the gate, she could hear a couple of the guards off in the distance.
"...that old crack pot Dumbledore is still hiding out at Godric's Hollow, not that anyone knows where it is. Hidden by some sort of charm..."
Godric's Hollow, Hermione knew where that was; she looked it up in a book ages ago. Now she had the task of getting out of here without anyone noticing. Hermione thought of the disillusionment charm. She pulled the wand out.
“Yes, well, I'm a Witch.”
Chapter 4
Questions Answered
"You know, I never thought we would ever be living one of Filch's detention fantasies." Ron said. They were locked in one of Hogwarts' dungeon cells, "All we need is to be locked up by our thumbs."
"How long you suppose we've been down here?" Harry asked.
"About two hours, I suppose." Ron replied.
"Will ya shut your yap in there!" called their guard. Ron and Harry lowered their voices.
"I don't understand why I can't do wandless magic, I can't even freeze things."
"Your scar is gone, so I recon Voldemort never attacked you when you were a baby." Ron caught Harry's spaced out look, "Are you OK?"
"She looked so evil. I never thought she could ever be like that."
"She's not your sister, not the one we know anyway." Ron tried to tell him. "She probably doesn't know who she is."
"We need to get out of here." Harry said.
"Understatement of the year, mate."
The door to the dungeon opened, but they could not see who it was.
“Bring them.” The man's voice said. A guard came and opened their cell, while another came in behind him to put iron shackles on their wrists.
“Where are you taking us?” Harry asked.
“This is your third attempt to escape since you got here, you didn't think you'd remained unpunished.” The guard explained, “Lucky for you the Master has requested that Jade take care of everything. She has had some sort of fascination with you Potter.” The guard chuckled. “Let's go!”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Hermione had managed to make a hole in the wall without anyone noticing, transfigured their bed sheets into a strong robe. Under the Disillusionment Charm they were practically invisible as well. They escaped without a fuss. From what Hermione could tell, she and her parents were captives, in a muggle concentration camp of sorts. It reminded Hermione of what happened in World War II. The walked for about an hour before Hermione let off the Disillusionment Charm.
“Hermione, how do you do all that? You've never been near anyone who would teach you these things.” Her father asked her sternly.
“Look, I'll explain everything when we get to where we are going. This whole entire world is not supposed to be like this.” Hermione said, “We just need to keep walking.”
They walked for about two more hours before stopping to rest.
“Do you hear that?” Hermione asked. She could have sworn she heard laughter from a crowd.
“Hear what?” Her parents didn't hear anything. She heard more, chattering and laughter. Hermione quietly crept to the top of the hill they were resting on. Hermione looked onto the valley below, and there was a camp of about fifty tents. Hermione's parents came up behind her.
“What is it?” her mother asked.
“My best guess is that it is a camp.” Hermione replied.
“Where?” George asked.
“It's right there, since you can't see it, it must be a Wizarding camp.
“I'm going closer,” Hermione said getting up to move.
“Hermione, I forbid it, they are Wizards, and they are dangerous.”
“Not all Wizards are bad, I'm just going close enough to see if they are good or not.” Hermione slowly descended the hill. Thankfully it was dark out and she could not be seen by anyone. Her parents choose to stick with their daughter. Now that they were closer to the camp, they could see it too.
Although they could not be seen, they certainly could be smelt and heard.
“Fang, get back here!” a gruff voice called out. Hermione sighed with relief. Fang, Hagrid's pet dog came sniffing where they were hiding, “Who's there?”
“Hagrid?” Hermione came out from where she was hiding and went up to the tall, large man who just caught up with his dog.
“Who are you?” Hagrid said pointing his umbrella at Hermione.
“You probably don't know me,” Hermione said, more to herself, “My name is Hermione Granger. I was on my way to Godric's Hollow.”
“Why are you going to Godric's Hollow?” Hagrid asked still keeping his eye on her as well as her parents.
“I heard that's where Professor Dumbledore is. I need his help, plus I need to find some of my friends.” Hermione explained.
“Where did you come from?” Hagrid asked.
“The muggle prison, about three hours walk from here.”
“Muggle? How do you know about us?”
“I'm a witch. I'm muggle-born. These are my parents.” Hermione said.
“Muggle born? Impossible, there haven't been any muggle-born witches since You-Know-Who took over Hogwarts. Well, I suppose I could take you to see Dumbledore, he's here at the camp, since you can see the camp. The camp only appears to those who don't mean no harm. And maybe get you some proper clothes as well.” Hagrid told them. Hermione turned to her parents.
“It's OK; these people are on the good side.”
Hermione and her parents followed Hagrid through the camp to one of the tents towards the middle. Along the way Hagrid stopped by a tent and retrieved three robes for them to wear in the meantime. As they neared the tent where Hagrid was taking them Hermione could hear some of the conversation.
“Do you really think Voldemort meant what he said about the temporary cease fire? I mean it's a bit farfetched.”
“I believe he means what he says,” Hermione heard Dumbledore, “He must want us there for a reason. We will be prepared for anything otherwise. It might also be our best bet to get Harry and Ron back.”
Hermione almost stopped dead in her tracks, Harry and Ron where with Voldemort.
“There is still the issue of the actions of my son and Black,” said another voice. Hermione immediately knew who's it was, “We need to find out why they attacked me like they did.”
“Malfoy.” Hermione hissed to herself, she wondered what the hell he was doing here.
“Professor Dumbledore, sir,” Hagrid entered the tent with Hermione close behind, “I found these three outside the camp. They came from the muggle prison that three hour walk down the road.”
“Escaped?” Dumbledore asked. It was then that Hermione noticed everyone else in the room. Lupin, Malfoy and to Hermione's shock, James and Lily Potter. She stared at them with awe.
“You're alive?” Hermione barely said in a whisper.
“Excuse me?” James asked.
“I mean, you're not dead.”
“Should I be?”
Hermione finally came to her senses, “Yes, we did escape.”
“How?” Dumbledore asked. Hermione removed the stolen wand from her robes and showed it to Dumbledore. “Please sit down Miss-“
“Granger, Hermione Granger. I came for your help. You see, I'm not from this world. I am from a world where muggle-borns are welcome within Hogwarts walls. In fact, I have attended Hogwarts for the past six years.”
“You are from the future; I mean what once was the future.” Lucius Malfoy said from behind her.
“Can I ask why you are here instead of begging at you Master's feet?” Hermione snapped at him.
“Because, Miss Granger, if you say you are from another world, then this world is possible because of me, or rather the other me. I joined this side when I saw the other me the one that came from the future. I saw what he was like, what I would become. I didn't like what I saw.” Malfoy explained.
“I see, well you'll have to excuse me if I hate you still the same.” Hermione reverted her attention back to Dumbledore, “Harry and Ron are Voldemort's captives?”
“Yes, we are headed to Hogwarts now. Voldemort has granted a temporary cease fire. He wants us to see something, but I do not know what.”
“Where are Sirius and Draco?” Hermione asked.
“There are both in the Hospital tent. They both attacked me earlier and had to be subdued. Tell me why what did I do in your world that would cause them to want personal vengeance?” Malfoy asked.
“You murdered Draco's girlfriend. She was his best friend.”
“What about Black?”
“Aeryn would have been his Goddaughter.” That earned a gasp from Lily.
“Aeryn?” James asked.
“Yes Aeryn, Harry's twin.” That caused Lily to faint.
“Lily?” James caught her before she fell, “Aeryn is alive in you world?”
“Yes, she was until a couple of months ago, why?”
“In this world Harry's twin was still-born, no one and I mean no one has know what we named her. Harry doesn't even know about her.”
“She can't have been still-born; it must have been a trick. Who knew Harry had a twin here?” Hermione asked.
“Just Sirius and Peter.” James sat Lily down in a chair.
“Peter? Wormtail? You do know he's a traitor, right?”
“Yes,” Dumbledore said, “But why would Voldemort want to make you think she was dead? And where is she now?”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The guards led them out to the green houses. There Aeryn, or rather Jade was waiting for them. She was tending to a couple or plants.
“You should consider yourselves lucky,” she said, “Guards leave us.”
“But my lady…”
“Do not question me!” she snapped. The guard said nothing and exited the green house. “You two have been here a grand total of three weeks and have made three escape attempts. Any other who would have done the same thing would have been dead after their first attempt. Tell me Potter, why is it that my father fears you so much, that he won't kill you?”
“Who's your father?” Harry asked sarcastically. Jade snatched her wand from the table, “Crucio!” Harry felt nothing but pain as he twitched with it. “Once again I remind you that although I may be under strict orders not to kill you, I can still hurt you.” She let up the curse. “You have no need to escape again, my father has invited Dumbledore and your family and friend for a temporary cease fire get together. Maybe, I'll convince my father to feed your friend to the snake in the basement, or perhaps send him off into the woods to visit the spiders.”
“Why invite them here? You're just going to kill them.” Ron said.
“Perhaps, I know one reason is to eliminate that last giant or half-giant so to speak. That oaf comes anywhere near Hogwarts and he will be killed on sight.”
A girl came in the greenhouse, her eyes never left the floor and she bowed, “My lady, the Master requests your presents.”
“Very well,” she looked to Harry and Ron, “Would you like to see more of Hogwarts, or would you rather see your cell? Don't answer, it was a rhetorical question.” And they all exited the greenhouse. They walked down the halls and by the direction they were going, they were headed to the Great Hall. On the way they passed what once was the entrance to Dumbledore's office. The statue that guarded it was all but a pile of ruble.
The Great Hall was dark; it had a more gothic look then usual. It reeked of evil. It gave Ron and Harry shivers down their spines. The four house tables were non existent; they were replaced but just one in the center of the Hall. Voldemort sat where Dumbledore would sit if he were here. He looked more human then the last time Harry saw him, it must have been because he didn't spend thirteen years almost non-existent here.
“You wished to see me father?” Jade said slightly bowing.
“I just wanted to make sure you were ready for tomorrow, that you know the plan.”
“Of course, it will go done without a hitch.”
“Good, good,” Voldemort got up from where he sat and came up to them, he stared coldly at Harry, “Tomorrow, you die.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: I'll try to have chapter 5 done soon. And I know you will kill me for having a GOOD Lucius in this story, but what's done is done.
BTW THANK YOU for the reviews, they make me so happy. And a thank you to the one that gave `Twist of Fate' a nomination. It is much appreciated.
Chapter 5
We're off to see the evil Wizard
Hermione had woken up bright and early the next morning, though she went to bed rather late. The reason for staying up late was because she was listening to what this world was like. Voldemort had easily taken over most of the Wizarding World. Dumbledore had admitted that he often wondered what the world would be like if Voldemort had been defeated a long time ago. It was truly a sad day when he surrendered Hogwarts. She mostly talked with Dumbledore. James and Lily retired early.
Dumbledore said that Voldemort had never come after Harry in the last sixteen years, until three weeks ago. When Harry and Ron had accompanied several other adults to London to get some supplies. Harry and Ron strayed away from the group and were captured. Then about a week ago, Dumbledore had received a letter from Voldemort, stating that he had both Ron and Harry and asked that those of Godric's Hollow come to Hogwarts to retrieve Harry and Ron.
Hermione didn't get around telling Dumbledore or anyone else about what her world was like, and personally she didn't think she should be the one to tell them. Now that she was awake she was going to find out where the Hospital tent was to see Sirius and Draco and some how convince them not to go attacking anyone, like perhaps a certain Lucius Malfoy.
As she entered the tent, Dumbledore was already there talking with Madame Pomfrey. Madame Pomfrey was about to question Hermione's presence.
“I came to see if I could talk some sense into Sirius and Draco before we leave for Hogwarts.” She said Dumbledore nodded with understanding.
“They're just sleeping now,” Madam Pomfrey explained, “Shall I wake both at once?”
“No, Sirius first. It'll be easier.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The tents were backed up and the party had split into two groups, the one that would go to Hogwarts and the one that would return to Godric's Hollow. Hermione's parents went with those going to Godric's Hollow. Hermione decided to travel close to James and Lily, with Sirius and Draco as well. She very much wanted to get to know them.
“So how do you know Harry, in your world, I mean. Is he just a classmate?” James asked Hermione as they walked.
“Harry, Ron and I are best friends. And Harry is my boyfriend actually.” Hermione said sheepishly. Lily smiled at her.
“Really,” Lily said, “Well I suppose Cho will be heartbroken to hear that.”
“He isn't really going out with her in this world is he? She not right for him.” Hermione stated.
“I know that, but sometimes people have to figure things out for themselves.”
“You know I never thought I'd ever see the two of you again,” Sirius said to them, slightly chocked up.
“Why what happened to us?” James asked with concern.
"Well, you're not exactly in the land of the living, where we are from." Sirius said solemnly.
Lily gasped at that, "How long? And how?"
"Well I suppose it should be ok to tell them," Hermione said, "It's not like it will affect them in this timeline."
"Well it would be sixteen year this October. Killing curse, by Voldemort's hand. He tried to kill Harry as well, but it didn't work of course. It's how Voldemort was defeated the first time." James and Lily were speechless.
"You must have taken good care of him, then," James finally said to Sirius.
"Actually he lives with your sister Lily."
"Petunia, why? She hates us, our kind."
"My fault really, lost control of my better judgment. Because you guys knew Voldemort was coming after Harry the Fidlelius Charm was placed over Godric's Hollow." Sirius explained.
"Naturally you would have been the Secret Keeper." James said at once.
"Naturally, but I convinced you that Voldemort would automatically think of me when it came to that, so Peter became the Secret Keeper."
"And he went straight to Voldemort." James said.
"Yes, after it happened, I went after him. Cornered him on a street. He tuned the tables on me and made it look like I killed him as well as thirteen muggles. Apparently all that was left of dear old Wormtail was his baby finger. I spent twelve year in Azkaban. Wormtail spent that time hiding as a rat in the Weasley household."
"It must have been awful for Harry to be living with Petunia." Lily said.
"Oh bloody hell," Draco exclaimed.
"What?" Hermione asked.
"I just realized that I'm not going to play Quidditch anymore. Unless I fight Potter for the position."
"That won't happen," Sirius told him, "You know Harry is a better seeker then you."
"Well at least I got to catch at least one snitch before Harry did, even though Gryffindor won." Draco said.
“You could always try out for Chaser, there's a spot open,” Hermione bit her tongue, “Sorry, I forgot about that.” It was Aeryn who had that position.
“It's ok.” Draco said.
“So Harry is a Seeker for Gryffindor.” James asked proudly.
“Yes, he is the youngest seeker in a century, been playing since first year.” Hermione told him.
Before long, Hogsmade came into view. The town was deserted. It was so quiet. Everyone stopped to make sure they had thought of everything that could happen; little did they know that what would happen could never have been thought of.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok so this is a filler chapter and most of the stuff said we already know. But something needed to happen before the action. I might not be able to update as fast as usual, although I'll try. Next Chapter will be better; it's called `Cursed Again'
And another note, did you know that if Hermione married Harry, they would both have the same initials H.J.P.?
Chapter 6
Cursed Again
Jade watched from a window at the castle, the group approaching. In the middle of it she could clearly see one was taller then the rest. Jade scowled, it was the half-giant. Although she had told Potter she would have him killed, something inside told her no to. She sent Avery and some of the others to give them her warning. Then she herself headed towards the entrance hall to greet the guests.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
They walked the path usual taken by carriage and as they neared the castle a group of Death Eaters were approaching, wand at ready. When seeing this many of the group did the same with their wands.
“The half-giant will not be permitted on Hogwarts grounds,” Avery said, “One more step towards the castle and it will be considered an act against the cease fire agreement.”
People started talking in protest, but Dumbledore quickly quieted them.
“We will do what is necessary to honor the agreement. Perhaps, Hagrid, you should head back to the village.” He said.
“You lot just be careful,” Hagrid told them as he headed back to Hogsmade.
As they came closer to the castle, Hermione, Draco and Sirius noticed a blonde girl dressed in her dragon hide cloak that was open in the front to revile her knee length leather skirt and black top, one of her knee high leather boots tapping with impatience, hand on her hips. They could not see her face clearly enough to know who it was, but when they did Hermione had to hold back both Sirius and Draco, she had seen her eyes. The three of them held back a little so not to be over heard.
“It's not her,” Hermione started, “look at her eyes.”
“Hey James,” Sirius said catching up, “Who's that?”
“She is Jade, Voldemort's daughter. You don't want to get on her bad side. She's only seventeen but she is as evil as her father.”
Sirius turned back to the others again avoiding not being heard. “I really think we should avoid telling anyone who she really is. Lily and James just found out she didn't die when they thought she did, but her being evil and all.”
“I know what you mean.” Draco said, “I myself wish I didn't have to see her like this.”
“As Deputy Head Mistress of Hogwarts, I welcome you within its walls.” Jade said with a smirk, “Hope you like what we've done with the place.” She opened the doors to let them in. “I apologize that you will not be able to look around, but you are requested to go to the Great Hall immediately after arrival. Avery here will escort you; I have more pressing matters to attend to.”
"What could be more important then this?" Dumbledore asked her. Jade walked up to him with no fear in her eyes.
"Aren't you just dying to know?" she said and she walked off down the hall laughing. Dumbledore led the way up the stair case that went to the Great Hall.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Jade entered the dungeon. Harry and Ron immediately got up from where they were sitting.
"Just what exactly is going to happen?" Harry asked.
"To tell you the truth, I am just to deliver you to the Great Hall. This cease fire agreement is a tricky thing. We cannot harm those who enter Hogwarts as guests, and they cannot harm those who live at Hogwarts. The two of you neither are guests or live here, you're prisoners." she told them. “In the end it works out fine for us. Now, time is short, so if you'll please.” Jade opened the cell door and bound their hands.
“They won't let you hurt us.” Harry said.
“I suppose not, but they will be helpless themselves. They will be outnumbered and unarmed.” Jade dragged them though the castle once again, this time Harry noticed that all the portraits on the walls were empty, as if they refuse to been seen. Ron was frantically trying to think of something to get Harry and himself out of this mess.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
How could they have been so stupid, to think Voldemort would honor a cease fire agreement. Not that he had harmed anyone, yet. Upon entering the Great Hall they were immediately disarmed and surrounded by those who were.
"You old fool."
"Why did you do this, invite us under false pretenses. What exactly was the purpose of all this?" Dumbledore asked.
"To show you that you have no hope anymore. I have been waiting seventeen years for this day.” Voldemort said, “Ever since I learned of the prophesy, I have been hell bent of destroying the only one person that has any real threat to me, Harry Potter. I would have tried to kill him years ago, if it wasn't for Lucius Malfoy delivering a message from myself allowing me to change what was to become the future.”
“Yes and whatever happened to the messenger?” Dumbledore asked.
“His task was done; I had no farther use of him. Just look what happed with this one.” Voldemort
said referring to the Malfoy here in the Great Hall. “Ran off with his tail between his
The doors flew open as Jade came with the prisoners in tow.
“Now I have found a way around this whole prophesy thing. I will now kill Potter, with no ill effects.”
Ron choice that moment to struggle, to draw attention away from Harry. He pulled against his robes. Jade got her wand out but Ron managed to knock it away. Jade lunged for his throat, and Ron tried everything to prevent being chocked. Ron could see the hate in her red eyes, it was almost enough to want to look away. Jade finally managed to grasp her hand around Ron's throat, lifting him a couple inches off the ground. Ron fought as hard as he could still looking into her eyes.
Everyone around looked helpless, one of the Death Eaters already had a hold on the rope that bound Harry.
There was a flash in her eyes, one that only Ron could see. Her eyes no longer red as she dropped Ron to the ground and letting go of her grasp. Her blue eyes had no hate in them, but confusion, sadness and sorrow. Ron stopped struggling as well. He looked deep into her eyes and understood. She looked in Harry's direction and he understood as well. There is something to be said, that the eyes are truly the window to the soul.
Her expression turned with horror as she was looking past Ron's head to something that was behind him. Harry had seen it too. She threw Ron out of the way at the same time Harry broke free and ran over to them as Voldemort cast the killing curse meant at Ron.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Don't you just love cliffies LOL!!! Sorry it took my longer then usual to update, but I have been debating how to do this chapter. And I give a big raspberry to anyone who think certain parts are far' fetched. You'll just have to deal with them being that way.
Hope to have more up soon! And thanks again for the reviews, I thrive off of them.
Chapter 7
The defeat of Voldemort, err, again
A shocked James was holding a hysterical Lily who had collapsed to her knees crying. Sirius even had to hold back Hermione, for she was about to do something rash. Draco had to keep reminding himself that it wasn't her.
Even Voldemort was speechless at what he had just done. Who would have thought he could actually care for something. He was angry at himself and at Jade for doing something so stupid.
Two lifeless looking bodies were sprawled on the floor. Only Ron was close enough to the two of them to see they were both still alive, and a freshly made cut on Harry's forehead, the lightning bolt. Voldemort quickly snatched Ron by his neckline.
“This is your fault.” He sneered at Ron. Voldemort pointed his wand at him.
“Don't you dare hurt him.” Harry said as he got to his feet. Voldemort dropped Ron as he turned in disbelief. Others gasped in disbelief as well.
“You are supposed to be dead!” Voldemort said in a half whisper. Harry bent over to help his sister up to her feet.
“I could say the same thing about you.” Harry told him. He looked at Aeryn; she had a far away look in her eyes. He sent his thoughts out to her `Are you ok?' Harry was glad the link was back, as well as their special magic.
`Ask me later' she replied. She quickly recomposed herself.
“Jade, your ok.” Voldemort said. Aeryn put up one finger as if to silence him, if there was any a time you wanted to see a pissed off Aeryn, this was it.
“Don't call me that.” She demanded. Voldemort know something was wrong, her voice was different, and that was besides the point that she was talking back to him. She never did that.
“I said don't call me by that name. It makes me want to hurl at the thing she has done.” Aeryn said.
`You remember?' Harry asked.
`Yes, I still have all of her memories, except I am here and she is not'
Everyone else in the room was slightly confused.
“Well it looks like we all came out of this with no ill affects.” Harry said.
“That shouldn't have happened.” Voldemort spat.
“Yes, I know. The killing curse was supposed to bounce off me and hit you. Why didn't it. And why is that I've faced you…” Harry started counting silently on his fingers, “six times, this being the seventh, and somehow you are still here!”
Harry was so tired of this. All he wanted was to have a normal life. He had a beautiful girlfriend, and all he wanted to do was lover her without fear that someone could go after her. He saw her standing with Sirius and Draco all frizzled with worry. But one look from Harry and Hermione seemed to relax. It was then that Harry finally noticed who else was there. Warmth filled his heart as he saw his parents for the first time, alive and well. He finally felt complete; he had everything he could ever ask for. All he needed was a fly swatter for the fly that was Voldemort.
“See if you had gotten the rebound of the spell, you would have faded, lost all your power and everyone would think you were dead.” Aeryn said, “Then you would have found a way to resurrect yourself and come back with all your power and then some. Then the only way you could be defeated was if someone other then yourself could read parseltongue and read Salazar Slytherin's little black book that you currently keep in the Chamber of Secrets, and invoke the spirits of the Founding Four and basically set all your evilness onto yourself.”
“What she means is that you're basically dead meat.” Draco said standing next to Hermione. Aeryn could see the happiness and pride in his eyes. For the first time since she was alive again she smiled.
`Ok you freeze him and I'll hurl him across the room, for some reason I want to see fear in his eyes.' Aeryn thought to Harry.
`I've never use that power against a person before,' Harry said to her.
`Use your emotions I can feel how pissed off you are at him. It's either freeze him or set him on fire.'
`Set him on fire?'
`It another one of your powers you don't know about. Currently it's dormant. But using my new power I could do it for you.'
`What new power do you have?'
`Harry, not now, Voldemort' she reminded him. Voldemort was starting to get his wand ready. Just looking at Voldemort made him angry for all the suffering and loss he caused, he gestured towards Voldemort and he froze in time.
Voldemort Death Eaters didn't know what to do, their master wasn't moving. Dumbledore choose that time to act, he grabbed the wand of the DE nearest to him, and well soon enough the good guys were in control.
But what Aeryn did not expect was to have a number of wands pointed at her as well. She felt the anger directed towards her. It was obvious that they did not get that she wasn't Jade. Instead of attacking them as Jade would have done, she held up her hands in surrender. This took some back in surprise. And soon enough Harry Ron and Draco came between Aeryn and the wands. Hermione soon enough was at Harry's side as well.
“Draco, what are you doing?” Lucius said to his son. Lily and James soon asked the same of Harry and Ron.
Upon seeing her killer, Aeryn lost all control; she backed up even more away from everyone. Truth be told she was more terrified then, then when she faced giants. She started to hyperventilate. Some of the windows from behind where the Head Table should have been started to explode, sending shared of glass into open space, luckily no one was there to get hurt. She grabbed hold of Draco's arm. He retreated with her. Aeryn called the Gryffindor door.
“I can't do this.” She said still looking at Lucius, slowly backing into the opening door.
Harry was about to called after her, but the door closed behind both her and Draco. He tuned back to Lucius but said nothing. His emerald green eyes glared an icy stare that told Malfoy to watch his step.
James asked. Harry couldn't hold back anymore and he really didn't care who was watching. He made his way to his father. It was if looking in a mirror except for their eyes. At that moment nothing else mattered. From what he learned from Sirius and Hermione, this was probably the first time Harry had seen his parents, in the flesh. James pulled his son close. It was defiantly a Kodak moment.
“That was Aeryn, wasn't it?” Lily asked; as it was her turn next to greet her son. Harry nodded.
“We didn't want to say anything,” Sirius explained, “you just found out the she still be alive, but to be that evil.”
“We understand Sirius,” James said, “But that's the Aeryn from your world, right?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, “But I don't know how she came here. We'll have to ask her. There is something different about her though.”
“She's slightly broken,” Hermione offered an explanation, “Shattered into a thousand pieces. She might of seemed ok when she appeared as a Guardian, but she's alive now. Seeing Malfoy triggered her last emotion before she died.”
“That's understandable.” Dumbledore said, “Fear is something that is not easily overcome, even for someone strong hearted. Now tell me what exactly has left Voldemort in his predicament.”
“When I was hit with the killing curse, he transferred some of his powers to me, except he didn't fade away like he should have.” Harry explained, “There was a prophesy made by Rowena Ravenclaw, that one day two great powers from the Founder's line would join and the power would be restored.”
Because Aeryn and I are twins, we have some sort of bond that allows the both of us to have special abilities. As far as I know, I can stop things in time and heal people, including myself. Aeryn had the ability to make certain things accelerate in time causing them to explode, and the ability to move objects with her mind.”
“Telekinesis?” Lily asked.
“Yes, and we both are capable of wandless magic. What do we do with Voldemort now?”
“You leave him to me,” Dumbledore said, “I suggest we head back to Godric's Hollow. After years of it being in Voldemort's hands, Hogwarts doesn't seem welcome any more.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
It was a couple of hours before anyone found them. Aeryn and Draco clung close to each other as they sat in the Astronomy tower, neither one of them wanting to let go in fear that if they did they would lose each other again.
“Thank Merlin for the Marauder's Map.” Harry said as he and Hermione entered the tower. “Found it in Filch's office.”
“Sorry about earlier…” Aeryn started to said, but Harry cut her off.
“It was perfectly understandable, from now on we will keep you-know-who away from you and I don't mean Voldemort.” Aeryn smiled. “We are all going to Godric's Hollow. Most of the group has already left, including Malfoy Senior and Hagrid, so it should be safe for you to come along, unless you want to stay here for the rest of your life.”
“What are they like? Mom and Dad I mean.”
“Why don't you go find out for yourself?” Harry told her.
“No buts, they know you are not Jade.”
“Yes but they won't help but think of her when they look at me.” Aeryn said.
“Maybe it's the hair?” Draco said twirling a couple strands of her blonde hair around his finger.
“A hair restoration potion doesn't take long to make.” Hermione added.
“Ok, Draco and I will go to the potions dungeon while you take Hermione to the Library. I know for a fact that you have not told anyone about the forbidden section. Password should be the same. Find any books on time travel; I doubt the any of the books in the restricted section would be of any help.”
“There is a forbidden section in the library and you didn't tell me?” Hermione accused her boyfriend.
“I was going to, it just slipped my mind. Shall we take the Gryffindor express?”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Where have you two been?” Ron asked as Harry and Hermione as they came back from the library, carrying a bag full of shrunken books each.
“Library, we still need to find where the tempus temple is, so we can get home.” Hermione said.
“Did you find her?” Both Lily and James joined them in their conversation. They were both eager to know their oldest daughter. Though for Harry it was the first time meeting his parents, in this world he lived with his parents all his life. But his parents hadn't seen Aeryn at all.
“Yeah, thanks to you.” Harry said.
“To me?” James asked. Harry pulled out the Marauder's map from his pocket.
“Well, thanks to Moony, Padfoot and Prongs.”
“Bloody hell, I haven't seen this thing in ages, how'd you get it?” he asked.
“I remembered where Fred and George Weasley said they found it back in our world when they gave it to me. In Filch's office.”
“I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good. What are they doing in the Potion's Dungeon?” James asked.
“Aeryn made the argument that when you look at her all you will see is Jade. Draco made the comment that it was her hair. So they are making a hair restoration potion.” Hermione said.
“So she is not a natural blonde?” Lily asked.
“No, she looks just like you mum. Trust me the only one with out red hair in our circle of friends in Hermione, and Draco.” He quickly added in, it was still a bit weird to be referring to Draco Malfoy as a friend.
“Oh Harry before I forget,” Hermione said, “Because I am muggleborn and therefore was kept in a prison of sorts with my parents, you should know that you might have to break up with your girlfriend.”
“I have a girlfriend other then you? Who is it?”
“Cho Chang,” Lily said, “Beautiful young lady, but not the brightest.”
“Well, I've broken up with her once before, I'm sure I can do it again.” Harry said.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
It had been well over an hour before Aeryn and Draco found where everyone was. The potion had worked perfectly and Aeryn's hair was its natural hair color. She had changed of course, not that Jade didn't have good taste in clothes, it was just that traveling in a skirt and boots would have been hard. She also had packed some clothes and weapons, she really liked Jade's crossbow. She even was keeping her dragon hyde cloak.
She never thought she would be greeted so warmly by her parents especially after all the things Jade had done.
“So how did you get here anyway?” Ron asked. It was just Lily, James, Sirius, Ron, Hermione and Harry with them.
“Yeah I thought you said you didn't have the power to come with us.” Harry said.
“I didn't, but the elder guardians do. This is sort of a punishment for interfering.” She already had this conversation with Draco, “I get to help you, deal with human emotion and have the knowledge that when this is all over, I have to go back.”
“You'll be dead again?” Sirius asked.
“Yeah, but I will make the most of my time here. In the end when we go back in time to stop him, I will have to face him.”
“Why would they give you punishment for what you did?” Hermione asked, “I mean if you hadn't, well I would probably be dead.”
“I make sure to ask them.”
“Is everyone ready to go?” Dumbledore asked as he entered the room.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Well that was chapter 7. Hope it was long enough for you. I was typing like a maniac listening to Avril Lavigne.
I guess I must be losing my touch, only 5 reviews?? Please tell me if you dislike the story so I can improve it.
Well TTFN and hopefully I will get chapter 8 done soon. Although I am going to try to update `Slayer' first. And if you have questions, please ask them, I am dying to discuss my stories with anyone.
Chapter 8
Basilisk's Revenge
Godric's Hollow was amazing in Harry's opinion. The town was surrounded in mist, which cloaked it. If someone where to pass by and had not been invited to the town, they would just pass by without seeing it. And they could only be invited by those who reside in the city. Both Wizards and Muggles alike lived in the town and got along fabulously, not that the alternative was pleasant or anything. Harry thought of what it would have been like to grow up in such an amazing place. Privet Drive didn't hold a touch against this place. Yet Godric's Hollow was still different. Instead of a place to just live in, it was converted over the year into a place to train Wizards, take in refugees, a safe haven from the war. The town could easily occupy a couple of thousand people.
Aeryn certainly felt the tension and hatred of the people they passed by. Some people came to greet Dumbledore and the rest of the group because they all heard of Voldemort's demise, but they were all caught off guard by Aeryn's presence. Yes she looked a little different from Jade, but they still thought it was her, as no one knew of Aeryn's existence. Aeryn kept her eyes forward, not looking at too many people. It also didn't sit well with her crossbow slug across her back.
Aeryn quickened her pace to meet Professor Dumbledore's. “Ah, Professor? I'm not exactly wanted company here.”
Dumbledore saw the worry in her eyes as she glanced at some of the people in the streets. “We are just heading to your parents house, it won't take too long to get there. But I guess we will have to explain all this, tomorrow though.”
They continued walking until they reached a house that was notably larger then all the others.
“I guess you don't remember this place,” James asked his son, Harry shook his head, “Well we live here, but we also live with the Weasleys and the Malfoys. As well as the headquarters for the Order”
“We live with you guys,” retorted Draco, “Never thought that was a possibility, not that it's bad place or anything. Malfoy Manor's load better mind you.”
“No, no, no, Wyndam Manor is loads better then Malfoy Manor, but this place takes the cake,” Aeryn said, her mood lightened by their inside joke of who mansion is bigger, “This place is home, no matter if none of us has really lived here before.”
“Feels more home, then Hogwarts, I dare say, and we haven't even gone inside yet.” Harry said catching a glace at Hermione, squeezing her hand a little as they walked linked together.
“This place was destroyed when Voldemort attacked,” Sirius told James and Lily, “After sixteen years no one has had it in them to rebuild the place.”
“Well you better make sure it gets built when you go back,” James said, “This estate has been in the family for generations.”
As they started up the stairs Aeryn dropped her bag and sat down on the steps with her eyes closed. Draco was immediately at her side.
“What wrong love?” he asked.
“I don't suppose Hagrid is close by?” she asked.
“He's probably waiting for us inside.” Dumbledore said.
“I guess since what happened… I'm extra sensitive… I mean he's half blood.” She was hardly making complete sentences and absently had one hand clutched around her throat.
“Concentrate,” Draco told her, “Come on Kit Kat, it'll be better if you transform, you can do it.” He tried to catch eye, she looked at him and with one deep breathe she transformed in to her usual white cat with her long reddish hairs on top. The cat, somewhat less affected, meowed at Draco as he picked her up.
“Bloody Magical Phobia.” Harry said, “For something so rare amongst Wizards and Witches, it has become quiet an annoyance.
“Magical Phobia against what? Giants?” Lily asked. Harry nodded.
“It was how she died wasn't it?” Hermione said, “No wonder she extra sensitive.”
“Can it kill…?” Lily started with alarm.
“No, no,” Harry said, “Malfoy had a jar of Giants blood on him when he, when he slit her throat.”
“That certainly explains why Voldemort had all the Giants killed off, and why they thought Hagrid was such a threat earlier.” Dumbledore said, “I'll go see Hagrid makes it home.” And he entered.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
With Dumbledore's arrival and Hagrid's departure, they all received a warm welcome from everyone in the house. Ron was knocked down by all of his siblings except Bill and both his parents.
“Oh, Ron you had us so worried,” Molly said to her son, “Thank Merlin you are alright.”
Two giggly girls, who wouldn't be caught dead together in the `normal' world, came around the corner and spotted their boyfriends.
“Harry!” Cho Chang hurried across the room and before Harry could stop her she was hugging him. When Harry backed away slightly in this awkward situation she leaned in for what she thought was the usual kiss, but Harry defiantly stopped her there, “What's wrong with you?” She saw Hermione and backed away with an automatic angry expressions, “Oh, I see, let's have it then!”
Meanwhile Pansy Parkinson headed towards Draco who was still holding Kit Kat.
“Oh, how sweet, you got me a kitty,” she made for the cat, who started hissing as she neared. Pansy backed away, “You could at least get me a cat that would actually like me, Draco.”
“And someone could have bloody well told me I had a girlfriend as well.” Draco said to the others.
Ron was laughing at the situation, “I think you getting too close to her territory Parkinson.”
“I believe an explanation is order for most of you,” Dumbledore said, “Aeryn?”
The cat calmed down and looked at Dumbledore and meowed, she jumped to the floor and as she landed she transformed causing quiet a few to shriek with fright.
“Why the bloody hell did you bring that murdering witch here for?” An angry Charlie cried out, he was very close to Bill. Pansy started to move to get to Draco but Aeryn blocked her way. Then Aeryn looked to Charlie.
“I'm not Jade, and I've never killed anyone.” Aeryn still received cold stares from the Weasley's. Aeryn remembered that Jade had killed Bill herself not two months ago.
“It seems that these six people, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Sirius and Aeryn are not who we think them to be. They are not as we know them.” Dumbledore explained.
“We are from a different time line.” Hermione said, “One where there is no war.”
“How is that possible?” Arthur Weasley asked.
“I believe I can answer that.” A voice came from the top of the stairs; both Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy ascended the stairs. Aeryn nearly jumped out of her skin causing a vase full of flowers on one of the tables to explode, which caused more panic.
“I suggest that you don't sneak up on us like that.” Draco told his father.
“Or what happened to the vase will happen to a vital part of your anatomy.” Aeryn warned. Lucius made a note that his son's red headed girlfriend never looked at him, he knew he could not understand what she was going through. Part of him was glad he changed his ways and didn't become the monster she was afraid of.
“I apologize; I didn't mean to scare anyone. I will be more careful.” She still didn't look at him but he turned to the others, “This all basically has to do with why I joined the Order and not stay with Voldemort. There was another Lucius Malfoy who came from the future, the same one they are from,” he referred to the young ones, “He was able to give Voldemort vital information to prevent his demise.”
“He also made the mistake of telling me that he was going to do that when he killed me. When I died I became a Guardian Angle of sorts. We are not supposed to interfere with the on goings of earth, only the Elders have that sort of power. But because I have such a strong bond with Harry I was able to keep my power.”
“What strong bond?” Somebody asked.
“We never told anyone, except for the Marauders of course,” James explained, “Harry has a twin sister, after all this time we thought she was dead.”
“Yeah instead she was one of you worst nightmares.” Aeryn said, “Anyway, cliff notes say I kept our minds intact so we know what the hell is happening where as if I didn't this world would have no chance on getting back to normal.”
“And what exactly is normal?” Molly asked.
“In our world Voldemort is gone and still live at the Burrow and Ginny and I go to Hogwarts.” Ron told his mother. Then the front door opened behind them and closed, in came a girl with long black hair tied back in a pony tail and glasses about the age of eleven.
“Mom, Dad, HARRY you're back!” the girl ran to Harry who received a bone crushing hug from her.
“Ah, this is MacKenzie, you're younger sister,” Lily said to Harry and Aeryn.
“My god Harry, she's the girl version of you.” Aeryn said with a laugh.
“Look what I got while you were gone.” MacKenzie said pulling out her very own wand, “Willow with a Unicorn hair, 10 inches. Maybe now you could teach me some spells.”
“Kenzie, why don't you go to the kitchens to get yourself a snack?” Lily told her ushering her off.
“But Mum…”
“No but we are talking about very important thing, much too important for your young ears to hear.” Kenzie did as she was told.
“She looks up to her big brother a lot.” James said. Harry smiled sheepishly.
“Well are there any other surprises?” Aeryn asked hoping there where none.
`Where's my master…I can smell him…'
“Professor, what did you do with Voldemort?” Both Harry and Aeryn craned their necks listening to the hissing voice no one else could hear.
“He a performed a spell that truly made him immortal, I shrunk and put a permanent freezing charm on him and placed him a this bottle.” Dumbledore told them pulling out the bottle causing Harry to slap his hand on his scar.
“Put it away!” Harry said, Dumbledore complied, “It seems that we where followed here.”
Aeryn was already at her bag, glad she brought some weapons with her including the sorting hat. She took out the hat and tossed it to Harry. Harry gave her a puzzled looks.
“The sword.” She told him. Someone came in the door.
“Dumbledore sir, there's a Basilisk surrounding the Hollow, the watch guards are dead. It can't get past the mist.”
The twins were already plotting their plan in their heads as Harry was trying to figure out how to get the sword out and Aeryn got her own sword out.
“Hermione what spell can blind a creature?” Harry asked her.
“Harry, you are not going out there by your self. I won't allow it!” Hermione told.
“I won't be alone, Aeryn's coming.”
“No she's not!” Draco said.
“Yes I am!” Aeryn said, she then turned to Harry, “A spell won't work, Magic won't work against that thing. What we need is...”
They heard the magical song of the Phoenix as it flew in from upstairs and out the door.
“Good old Fawkes.” Harry said, “Should be no problem now.” Then the hilt of Godric's sword appeared and Harry grabbed it and pulled it out. Harry and Aeryn started for the door, Hermione grabbed his arm.
“Hermione no one else has the kind of advantage that we do.” Harry looked into her eyes, “I will be back, no worries.”
“Harry,” this time it was a mother's call, “Aeryn, what are you planning on doing, that no one else could?” Harry tuned to his mother and unknowingly gave her the `don't worry, it's me' look she received from James. Then Aeryn added.
“It's not that he hasn't done this before.” Harry and Aeryn grabbed two brooms that were standing near the door; the whole company of the room followed them both to see the show and help.
Outside was in panic, people rushing to get indoors, other then screaming the only other sound was a terrible hiss.
`My master is missing…forcibly taken from his fortress…he is here…'
The blinded Basilisk emerged from the mist slowly entering the town starting for Main Street. Every able body brave enough to fight was sending curses and jinxes at the Basilisk. Harry and Aeryn came running down the street followed closely be Hermione, Draco, Ron, James, Lily, Sirius and Dumbledore. Charmed with the Sonorus Charm they began.
`The Dark Lord is not here' Aeryn told the snake.
`I can smell him'
`You have been blinded, leave now before worse is done' Harry warned.
`My only concern is my Master, where is he?'
`He is not here.'
`Liar' the snake lashed out snapping its jaws. Both Harry and Aeryn backed away and then mounted their brooms.
“We'll at least we warned him.” Aeryn said to Harry.
“Aren't you the least bit scared?” Harry asked her.
“Terrified. How `bout you?”
“It's only my second time facing this thing. But hey, we've face Voldemort this should be no problem.” Aeryn could tell he was a little scared himself. Aeryn then got off her broom and tossed it aside.
“You attack from the air, I'll distract it from down here.” She told him. Harry took to the air. When Aeryn turned around and almost ran smack dab into Draco, with his own sword in hand. “You should get out of here.” Aeryn told him.
“And you two should stop trying to be the hero all the time and except a little help.” Aeryn couldn't arguer with that.
`Hey, how about some distraction.' Harry thought. Aeryn looked up into the sky to see the Basilisk snapping at the flying Harry.
“Sorry,” she muttered, `Hey snake head,' she called out, the Basilisk reverted it's attention to the ground at the sound of the voice, `You want you Master you'll have to go through me.'
`My pleasure'
“Get ready, he's going to attack.” She told Draco. The Basilisk struck at the ground and hit the pavement a mere 5 feet away from Aeryn and Draco. They froze in shock of how close that was. “Holy shi…” Draco shoved her out of the way as the Basilisk kept pecking at the ground like a chicken, their swords long lost leaving them unarmed.
Meanwhile Harry was trying to avoid being hit by the snake when it came up, finding the right time to jump. Aeryn hurled some rocks from some ruble at the snake using her TK which caused the Basilisk to stop. Harry choose that moment to jump off his broom, he landed on the top of its head and drove his sword into it. The snake jerked back tossing Harry off but not before bursting in flames.
“Accio Broom!” Harry called and the broom obeyed, he grabbed the handle as he climbed back on. The Basilisk plummeted towards the ground.
Aeryn and Draco watched as the snake burst into flames. Aeryn smiled at the fact that Harry unlocked his power of fire. The smile was short lived as the snake was coming down on them; there was no time to get out of the way. Aeryn pushed Draco out of the way with the extra boost of TK and flung her clock over top of her as the snake landed.
(A/N: Should I leave it here with a cliffie?? Ok, ok I wouldn't do that you ya now!!)
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Harry landed near the tail of the flaming snake and with a wave of the hand the flames froze in place. He saw Draco standing at the head.
“Where's Aeryn?” Harry called out to him. Draco just looked at the snake. Harry ran to him, “She wasn't…”
At first they thought the snake was somehow still alive because it slowly was rising. But then they heard a strained voice from underneath.
“A little help please.” They both breathed a sigh of relief. Draco crawled under and grabbed her by the cloak and dragged her out. Her hands were in front of her as if she were pushing something and as she dropped her hand so did the Basilisk. She had a few minor burns on her arms from the fire; Draco saw them and was about to ask Harry to heal them but Aeryn shook her head as Harry hadn't seen them and covered them up behind her cloak. Draco gave her a questioning look.
“Harry concentrate,” Aeryn told his as she sat up, “will the flames to go away, you created them in the first place.”
“You mean, I did that.”
“Yeah, I told you, you were able to do something like this back at the castle remember.” Aeryn explained, “now that you know you can do it, believe you can do it.”
Harry gazed at the frozen flames and suddenly he felt Hermione slip her hand into his. He looked at her.
“Don't you ever do something like that to me again.” She told him quietly. Harry looked back at the flames and they disappeared leaving a charred snake corpse.
“You know I had to.” He told her.
“Doesn't mean I have to like it.”
“After all this is over we will have an eventless seventh year, the most chaotic thing that will happen will be your frantic studying.” Hermione playfully punched him in the arm.
“That was brilliant flying son!”
“What? It was!” James said innocently.
“You almost gave me a heart attack when that thing flung you back.” Lily exclaimed.
“Well thank Merlin for wandless magic.” Harry said as they started back for the house.
Draco and Aeryn still lingered behind. Almost as if they were forgotten. Aeryn was still sitting on the ground, she knew she would not be able to walk well, her ankle was sprained. Her arms, which she used to lift the snake off of her causing them not to be protected by her Dragon Hyde cloak, were aching. She knew what she was feeling at that moment, looking as Harry and the others walked off, jealousy. In this world, no matter what, Jade's deeds still lingered on her.
“Why didn't you want Harry to heal those?” Draco said about her arms.
“I don't know. Having him give me the automatic fixer-upper seemed a bit too easy. I won't allow him to fix everything for me. I've been doing things for myself, you know that.” Aeryn studied her arms, “It feels so good just to feel sometimes.”
“Well if you won't let your brother heal you, we'd best get you to a healer.” Draco said.
“It's ok, I can do it myself.”
“No, you are going to see a healer,” he told her, “Even the best healers need to see other healers for their ailments.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok, if I don't stop here I am never going to stop. Just to explain that little tid bit a few sentences up, Aeryn's chosen career was in healing, except she never told anyone, except Draco of course. Just goes to show that there is a lot to Aeryn that we don't know about.
I would have written a lot more for this Chapter, but as a good author, I didn't want to keep you waiting as long as I have already.
Lots more to happen in the next chap!
Chapter 9
Explaining Snape
“I thought they were right behind us.” Harry commented as they got back to the house and realized Aeryn and Draco was not with them.
“I believe I saw them heading for Madam Pomfrey.” Dumbledore informed them.
“Why would they do that?” Harry said, “If one of them was hurt, I could have just healed them.”
“Maybe they felt by doing that they would be relying on you too much.” Hermione suggested.
“Why would they think that?” Ron asked.
“I don't know, that is something for them to answer.” She replied.
“James, why don't you go check on them,” Lily said, “I feel bad enough that we left them behind.”
“Yes, I think I will do that,” James responded, “I'll be back shortly.”
“I'll come with you.” Sirius said as they left.
“Well how about something to eat, I sure you guys must be famished.” Lily said as they were led into the house.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Don't forget about that Dragon in out fourth year mate.” Over dinner Harry and the others were sharing stories of their adventures at Hogwarts.
“Dragon?” Charlie asked.
“Yes, I had to retrieve a golden egg from a Hungarian Horntail.” Harry explained. “In the Tri-Wizarding Tournament.”
“Well you seem to find adventure everywhere you go.” Lily said, “But don't be giving you little sister any ideas, we've been doing our best to keep the war away from the children.”
“Is that why you sent her upstairs?” Harry asked.
“Yes,” Lily said, “She doesn't need to know what's been going on just yet.”
“Don't keep things from her too long,” Harry said talking from personal experience, “she may grow to resent that you did.”
“I'll keep that in mind,” Lily said thinking about what might happen, “I wonder what is taking James and Sirius so long.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
James and Sirius headed for the building Madame Pomfrey and some of the other healers claimed as the medical facility.
“So what is she really like?” James asked about Aeryn.
“Can only tell you from what I've been told about her, we only met briefly, she's a lot like Lily.” Sirius replied, “Stubborn as hell. But so is Harry.”
“I still can't believe she was with Voldemort all this time, how stupid we must have been to be tricked like that.”
“Well be sure to spend as much time as possible with her now, as much as I hate to say it, we can't stay here,” Sirius said, “The past wasn't meant to be changed. Things happen for a reason.”
James and Sirius found Aeryn and Draco waiting to be seen, they were quietly chatting to themselves. Aeryn saw them first.
“Dad, Sirius, what are you doing here?”
“Came to check up on you of course, your mother and I were worried when you didn't come back with us.” James said, “We didn't you tell us you were hurt?”
“You were busy, didn't want to bother you.”
“Who do you think you're fooling?”
“It's just a sprained ankle.” Aeryn said. Draco just gave her the look.
“Well that sprained ankle certainly left some charred holes in the sleeves of your cloak.” James said making to grab hold of the cloak, Aeryn moved so he wouldn't irritate her burnt arms. “Ah, see. Come on take the cloak off.”
Draco helped Aeryn out of her cloak as Sirius went for Madame Pomfrey, suspecting the reason for their wait was Jade.
“Those are some nasty third degree burns for a sprained ankle.” Draco told her.
“I didn't want Harry to see them because he was the one who caused them,” Aeryn finally admitted, “It was the first time he used his new power. He has enough on his mind already. I don't need him hovering over me.” Aeryn examined her arms once more, “Well I can't believe I'm saying this, but I thank Voldemort for that cloak, Dragon's Hyde is flame resistant for most part. It must have been worn out in the sleeves.”
Sirius came back and was followed but Madame Pomfrey who suddenly had a change of heart.
“Come dear; let's take a look at those.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“So where is Snevillus anyway?” Sirius commented as Madame Pomfrey was in make a potion for Aeryn's wounds.
“Severus Snape?” James asked, “Why ask about him?”
“He's the Potion's Master at school.” Aeryn said, “And am I correct to assume that he is dead?”
“Yes he is, how did you know, it wouldn't have been a memory. Not to mention that is top secret information.” James said.
“In our world he died as well,” Aeryn started to explain.
“Well he certainly looks good for being dead,” Sirius scoffed.
“Let me finish,” Aeryn said, “This information was shared with me when I died. And will more than likely help us figure out when time was altered. He died right before Harry and I were born right?”
“About a month before. We were caught in the middle of an attack, he died saving Lily.”
“He became a guardian; in fact he's probably listening in on our conversation seeing that it's about him. When you and Mom died you became guardians as well. The Elder Guardians foresaw something that Harry would need in the future. Now I don't know why they sent Professor Snape of all people, but he certainly been doing his job. He agreed to do it, but it was for Mom not you or Harry.”
“I still don't understand.”
“Professor Snape was the only one that could get us that book.”
“What book?” Sirius asked,
“You mean Salazar Slytherin's book?” Draco asked
“Yes, we would have never been able to defeat Voldemort without it. And believe it or not all the things Snape has done to make his Harry hate him so much, all the rude comments and strictness was necessary to shape Harry into becoming a better student as well as a better person. Ant rude comment made would make Harry want to prove it wrong. Any potion Snape scraped would make Harry do it better next time. The Guardians work in mysterious ways to shape the world.”
“Of course none of this information is to leave this room, Snape would have my head if I let Harry find out, it would defeat the purpose.”
The room was silent for a couple minutes, but Aeryn brook the silence.
“What do you know happened to Remus?” Aeryn asked her father.
“Actually we don't know anything, he went missing about six months ago.” James stared at his eldest daughter, “You know what happened to him don't you?”
Aeryn nodded, “Voldemort himself found how to cure werewolves. Remus was kept in a camp with other werewolves that would not join Voldemort; they were cured before they were killed under the full moon.”
The room was silent once again.
“Maybe some good can come out of this.” Sirius said.
“How so?” asked James.
“Do you know the cure?” Sirius asked Aeryn.
“He wrote it down in the Slytherin book, in fact I brought it with me, it's back at the house. Why?”
“Well if we memorize it and we go back, we can cure Remus.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok people I'm disappointed, I write a really long chapter and all I get is 5 reviews, (and I thank those who did)
It might take me a while to get the next chapter us because I need to figure out a few things first.
And I do reply to my reviews, so make sure you check to see what I've said.
Lot of Love and Happy Reading and Reviewing
Chapter 10
Coming of Age
Outside the misty walls that protected Godric's Hollow, war raged on. The Dark Lord had fallen but it was too late. Where one would think that the Dark forces would crumble in confusion and chaos, within three weeks others rose up in power, taking over where Voldemort left off.
Some who were loyal sought revenge on their fallen Master and believed that his daughter shared the same fate and had to be revenged as well.
While inside the misty walls, research was under way. For three solid weeks they had been slaving over the books Harry and Hermione brought back from Hogwarts.
“Nothing, absolutely nothing!” Hermione was getting frustrated slamming another book closed.
“Professor Plum, in the Library with a rope!” Aeryn burst out, Harry and Hermione, being the only ones in the room, looked at her odd, “Sorry, weird dream.” She told them trying to brush the sleep from her eyes.
“We have been at this for three weeks and we still can't find anything about this Tempus Temple.”
“Maybe I was wrong to think we had any books at Hogwarts that would help,” Aeryn said, “I mean Voldemort did not find out where it was with these books.”
“So the question is,” Harry said, “Where did he find out where it is?”
Another dead end. The clock in the hall chimed twelve, midnight.
“Happy Birthday,” both Harry and Aeryn muttered at the same time. They both looked at each other and slightly laughed showing how tired they really were.
“I'm off to bed,” Aeryn said
“I think the rest of you should follow,” Lily said as she entered the library, scolding them off for being up so late.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Aeryn and Draco were spending the morning in the atrium, which was located at the back of the house. It overlooked the wide backyard that contained a stable house. During their first week there they had found the stable house and its five horses.
Aeryn favored the white one, which was such a contrast to the type of horse that Jade favored, the demon black horse left behind at Hogwarts. However Draco favored the roan one. They had often gone riding when they were not researching, to get away from all their worries. They had even planned on going riding later that afternoon. For now they were sitting there in silence, in the mourning sun.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“So what do you want to do today?” Hermione asked Harry as she came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him. Harry had been sitting in the library reading.
“What, you aren't going to nag that we should be researching?”
“Even I have me limits. We aren't going to find anything in those books.” Hermione said, “So back to the question, what do you want to do today?”
“I don't know. I'm seventeen today, I was really looking forward in tormenting the Dursley's.” Harry said receiving one of Hermione's glares. “I get to spend my birthday with my whole entire family for the first and most likely the last time.”
How could Hermione reply to something like that?
“I heard your Dad say something about a Quidditch game later, I'm sure we could round up enough players.” Hermione said.
“That sounds like a good idea.” Harry said, “I haven't seen Aeryn all morning, do you know where she is?”
“She and Draco are in the atrium,” Hermione told him, “I can't help but feel bad for them.”
“Some of have to sacrifice so much for the greater good,” Harry stated, “Sometimes I wish I could just be selfish and stay here, where all my family is. But that would not be fair. You wouldn't have the same family that you know; Aeryn would always be slenderized because of a person she is not. So many people that are dead now, shouldn't be, and many people who are alive here gave their lives to make the world a better place.”
“I love you so much,” Hermione told Harry, “I always will be.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
At the mention of Quidditch all plans for the afternoon were dropped. The first game was played father against son, which Harry caught the snitch first. The second game Draco insisted that he play against Harry, but Harry won that game as well. Now they were back at the house. MacKenzie had been hovering over Harry since they all came back from the Quidditch matches.
“Harry, you were absolutely brilliant,” she commented about his flying.
Right now, it was after dinner. The kitchen was in plain view from where Harry and Aeryn were sitting side by side. The watched as Lily and Molly Weasley were tiring with all there might to light thirty-four candles on one huge cake.
Of course it was Harry and Aeryn making the candles blow out whenever they were lit. No one could understand why they both were having small fits of laughter as the twins both watched. Harry was using his ability to control fire, make the fire go away. Aeryn was using her TK to blow small amounts of air over the candles.
“And what pray tell is so funny?” James finally asked. Harry and Aeryn looked at each other again and just burst out laughing. Lily had hear the laughter and finally got what was happening with the candles.
“Will you to stop that,” she scolded her children smiling herself. Aeryn gave Harry one last look as all the candles became lit.
Everyone sung `Happy Birthday' and each of them made their wish as they blew out the candles together. On the cake it said, `Happy Birthday Aeryn and Harry'
They found out then, as they asked why Aeryn's name was first as it was always `Harry and Aeryn' that it was in fact Aeryn that was born first. Aeryn gave Harry a smug look.
“Well now that's interesting,” she said. She pretended to hold up a microphone up to Harry, “So Mr. Potter, how does it feel to be the middle child.”
It was truly a wonderful day.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A/N: Another filler chapter, I know. But I promise that the next chapter, `Sent Visions,' something will happen to set thing in motion; the quest for the Tempus Temple will begin!!!!
Chapter 11
Sent Visions
The leaves on the trees where the brightest shade of green ever seen, you could say that it could be seen no where on Earth. There were no imperfections anywhere to be seen. It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was the perfect temperature. It was a place you could call perfect. There was a path that seemed to go on forever whether you looked forward or back.
Harry decided to see where the path would take him. He knew he was dreaming, but like previous dreams he wanted to see where he could go. Strangely enough he seemed to be dressed in his Hogwarts uniform. He just kept walking in one direction, but it was like one of those things in Hollywood where you kept walking in one spot while the scenery is rolling bye on some sort of track. The same scenery over and over again.
Harry gave up on that direction after a while and tried going the other way to only find that the same thing happened.
“Don't worry you're not going crazy or anything,” someone said behind him, “It took me a couple of week to get use to traveling around here.”
Aeryn was there dressed in a white summer dress with a white cloak over top of that. She was also holding a crystal ball in her hand.
“Where are we?” Harry asked Aeryn.
“We are in the land of the Guardians. It's sort of like Heaven, but for the angels. Everyone else goes up to the real Heaven.” She told him pointing up.
“Well can I just say this place sucks,” Harry said, “How are you suppose to get anywhere?”
“Well you are not a Guardian are you? This is just a precaution for those to like to have out of body experiences. They usually travel here. The never ending paths are so no one, other then those who are suppose to, see anything.”
“So why am I dreaming this?” Harry asked.
“I don't think this is really a dream,” Aeryn said, “I mean we are dreaming, just look.” She held up the crystal ball, it showed Harry sleeping in his bed with Hermione sleeping right beside him. The image changed to see Aeryn sleeping in her bed, three guesses as to who was sleeping beside her.
“But I never heard of someone sharing a dream with someone else at the same time.” Harry told her.
“Like I said I don't think this is a dream, I…” There was a gust of wind against their backs that had a sort of whisper to it. They both turned around to find, not the path, but a shore line leading to the wide open sea, “I think this is more like a vision.” She finished.
The sea was not empty, it was full of destruction. There were crashed planes and boats; hundreds of them. Boats ranged from modern ones to ones that might have been seen hundreds of years ago. Some planes where on fire, not looking like they were going to sink anytime soon.
Then there where the lost souls; thousands of them. All seemed to be crying out for help. Some of them looked like they had been explosion victims, some where skeletons.
“I thought you said this place was like Heaven.” Harry said quietly, looking out in horror. He was so busy looking out to sea that he didn't notice Aeryn. She was trying her best to keep her head.
The cries were just too much, her head and heart was swarming with lost hope and despair, not to mention misery. She tried to block it out, but wasn't doing a good job. Then it all just stopped. For some reason their first instinct was to look behind them once again.
Behind them were five people dressed in the same kind of robes that Aeryn was dressed in except theirs had gold down the front of their robes, giving them an authority look. Their hoods where up, so Harry and Aeryn could not see their faces.
The stood slightly staggered with the one in the middle ahead of the others. He was holding an odd looking object that looked like a pitch fork. It had three prongs, the center one being higher then the other two and they all had a spear like end. It was all silver save for the handle which had a grip on it in an aqua blue. Below the center prong was a symbol, it looked like two brackets facing away from each other, )(, with one line connecting in between the top in middle and one line connecting in between the middle and bottom.
Harry didn't know what to make of it; he didn't know what any of this meant. Aeryn however knew she had seen that symbol before, but couldn't remember where.
Suddenly both of them heard their names, it was like a whisper. Aeryn held up her crystal ball, it showed both Harry and Aeryn no longer in their beds, they were standing at the top of the stairs with their backs turned to the descent.
They both opened their eyes at the same time. Aeryn gasped as she felt herself falling backwards. Harry who remained firm on his feet raise a hand and Aeryn stopped at a forty-five degree angle. Both Hermione and Draco where there, they had been the ones who were calling their names as they had both noticed their sleeping buddy had left. Draco quickly grabbed Aeryn hands that where reaching up, and nodded to Harry who then restored time for Aeryn. Instead of falling like she would have she was pulled up. She clung closely to Draco like she was scared of something.
“Are you alright?” He asked her. Aeryn nodded.
“I didn't think you were the type to sleep walk,” Hermione said, “I was really worried. You are not supposed to walk someone who is sleepwalking but the both of you were going to go down those stairs. And not by the way of your feet, I might add.”
“I don't know what happened,” Harry said. He looked at Aeryn, she was very pale. Harry reached out for her but she backed away out of his reach.
“I'm fine, i-it was just all those people,” she explained, “I'm an empathy remember.”
“What people?” Draco asked. Aeryn didn't answer she just looked out the window that was close by, the sun was just starting to rise, making all the stars disappear. Then the light bulb went off in her head, she sped down the stairs. “Aeryn?”
“What people was she talking about?” Hermione asked Harry.
“We had a vision of sorts,” Harry explained as they followed Aeryn down the stairs, she was making her way to the library, “ there were planes that crashed and boat that looked like they were lost. There were people, like lost souls crying out for help.”
Aeryn was then scaling the bookshelves, looking for a certain book. Harry, Hermione and Draco just stood there unable to help, not know what to look for and all.
“What are you looking for?” Draco asked her.
“The symbol,” was all she said.
“They symbol on that pitchfork?” Harry asked.
“It's not a pitchfork,” Aeryn said as she moved to the stacks of books brought from Hogwarts, then back at another bookshelf. She then found it; it was a tall skinny book part of a collection of twelve. The cover was white and on the frond in black was the symbol she was looking for.
“Gemini?” Hermione asked.
“I knew I saw this symbol somewhere,” Aeryn opened the book and started to skim the pages, “the zodiac symbol for Gemini.”
“Ok, so a zodiac symbol was on the pitchfork, what does it mean?” Harry asked. Aeryn found the page and tuned it so they could all see.
“I told you it's not a pitchfork; it's called the Gemini Trident. In the tales of Poseidon, the Greek God of the sea, it was said that he sometimes uses a Trident to control the great waters of the world. Now one would think that either the Aquarius or Pieces symbol would have been used. The Gemini are twins, one good and one bad. They Gemini used on the Trident, symbolizes that the Trident can be used for either good or evil.”
“Didn't Poseidon also use the Trident to hide the city of Atlantis?” Draco asked.
“That is what many have believed,” Hermione said, “But I doubt that it even existed.”
“Atlantis was hidden because the city was very advanced, too advanced for all the other peoples of the world. There was a great device that could destroy the world if misused,” Aeryn was reading from the book.
“So you think the Temple is in Atlantis?” Hermione asked.
“I think that what the Elders were implying,” Aeryn replied.
“So those five people were Elders?” Harry asked. Aeryn nodded.
“Ok, but that still doesn't tell us where it is.” Draco said.
Harry was thinking about all those boat and planes. What did they have to do with anything? Maybe they had to look for a place where many boats and planes crashed… or disappear.
“What about the Bermuda Triangle?” Harry suggested, “I mean, the Dursley's watched a documentary once on it. What id all the boats, ship and planes where all there because they are the ones that have been disappearing?”
“I thought the whole Triangle thing was just folklore.” Draco said.
“The only way to prove the theories about the Bermuda Triangle is to go there,” Hermione said, “If they are you won't ever be coming back.”
And with that they spent the whole entire day researching, at least this time they actually had something to go by. The found information on the Bermuda Triangle and the lost City of Atlantis.
They finally concluded that the reason why people kept disappearing in the Triangle was so that no one save for the one who held the Gemini Trident could ever find Atlantis and it device.
“I may have to die my hair blond again,” Aeryn said later that night.
“Why?” Draco asked.
“I know where the Trident is, I've seen it before. To get it I need to be Jade. It's at the Ministry of Magic.”
“Maybe we should talk this over with Dumbledore,” Hermione suggested, “To we can get everything in order, a foolproof plan.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Well here it is, that was the chapter to get things started. I think I might have listened to my Avril Lavigne CD at least five times while typing this.
Please Review, I really like to hear what you have to say, and remember I do reply to most reviews.
Chapter 12
Proving your Power
A plan was made indeed. It was a very dangerous plan. Aeryn would attempt to be as bad ass as possible with Draco and Harry as servants under the Imperius curse. Hermione and Ron wanted to go as well, but Aeryn made a note that Hermione was muggle-born and would probably be looked for since she and her parents escaped from a muggle camp. Ron was a Weasley and would most likely be killed on the spot no matter what.
Draco would be an easy one; Aeryn could claim she is using him to get to his father, for betraying the Dark side. And Harry, he was a trophy, the one person Voldemort had trouble killing, and he would be under `Jade's' control.
Lily, James and the Malfoys naturally were reluctant about this plan. They would be entirely out of their mind not to be. But they had no choice; the Trident was needed to get to Atlantis where the Tempus Temple was located.
“Do we actually have to be under the curse?” Harry asked as he and Draco were already to go to London. Dumbledore was there as well to make sure all would go as planned.
“You will encounter those that will see through an act, to be believed that you are under the Imperius curse is to actually be under it. As long as you don't resist you should be just fine.” Dumbledore explained.
“But Albus it's an unforgivable curse.” James said.
“It was an unforgivable curse James, given the state of this world and how much those three cursed are used everyday, it doesn't really matter anymore.” Dumbledore said, “We must do what is necessary.”
“I've been under the Imperius curse before,” Harry said, “It's not very pleasant.”
“That because you first instinct is to always fight being controlled,” Aeryn called from up the stairs. She was blonde once again, much to her distaste and dressed to kill, literally. “We'll just make it quick; we get in then get out as fast as we can.”
Dumbledore gave Aeryn a small rock, “This Portkey will activate only when all of you are touching it and when you are out of the mist.”
“”Ok, but I have a problem, or rather I have two,” Aeryn said, “I'm not exactly British, and I can't fake an accent very well either.”
“That's an easy one,” Lily said as she pointed her wand at Aeryn and muttered a spell, “Now do you need any lessons on `How to talk like a Brit 101'?”
Aeryn cleared her throat, “I think I've spent enough time around you Brits to know how to talk like one, do you know how many times Ron can say `Bloody Hell' in one day, even I've picked up on it.”
“What's your second problem?” Dumbledore asked.
“Her eyes, Jade's eyes,” Aeryn said, “I don't know how they were red, but they were.”
“The constant practice of the Dark Arts does some incredible things to the human body, look at Voldemort. You needn't but a simple glamour,” Dumbledore explained as cast the glamour spell on Aeryn.
“I guess Jade wasn't snake enough to have the whole snake eyes treatment,” Aeryn joked, “Ok, not funny.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
London was like Knockturn Alley, only expanded to the whole of London. Harry and Draco were doing just find under the Imperius Curse, all they had to do was do whatever Aeryn told them to do any no one else. They could not act on their own freewill, if someone made a snide comment about them that would usually result in a reaction, they could not react unless Aeryn told them to react.
They started walking down the streets of London, working their way towards where the Ministry of Magic was once located, it was the heart of the evil that corrupted London. Most likely where those who were trying their best to take over Voldemort's position.
Aeryn thought she was lucky she still had all of Jade's memories, if she hadn't she would probably have to fight her way into London.
Many people where not evil at all, just in the wrong place and couldn't get out. Now Dumbledore wasn't stupid enough to send Aeryn, Harry and Draco to London all by them selves. He had informed many of his spies in London that they were on a mission and not to attack, because it did look like Jade had captured Harry Potter once again.
“Jade!” Aeryn heard someone call out, “Thank Slytherin you're all right,” Blaise Zambini came walking down the street towards them. Ah, Blaise Zambini, one of Jade's love interests. Zambini, only in it for power.
“Blaise,” Aeryn greeted him quite coldly hoping to put him in his place, “Tell me has this place really gone to the dogs in my absence?”
“Everyone thought you were dead, what else were we to do with the Dark Lord gone.” Zambini said, trying to advance on her. Aeryn put up her hand to stop him, “Where have you been anyway?”
“That is none of your concern.” She told him.
“Some of us have been working night and day trying to find Godric's Hollow. We need to get your father back.”
“My father is probably stuck frozen in some bottle on Dumbledork's desk. Besides we don't need him, he was weak.” Aeryn told him.
“Think of what you are saying; when the Master finds a way to return he will surly punish you.”
“That's were you are mistaken,” Aeryn said flashing her red eyes, “My father is never coming back; it's time for me to step up to the plate and become everything my father wanted me to be.”
“What's with the two goodie-goodies,” Zambini asked nodding towards Harry and Draco.
“Two of my most prized trophies, Malfoy is really for bait for his father, if you get my meaning. And Potter… the boy my father was afraid of. It will give me great pleasure in making hid life a living hell.” Aeryn said.
“So what are you going to do now?”
“I'm going to the Ministry, I need something from there.”
“Good luck, everyone there will most likely kill you there; majority of them are glad the Dark Lord is gone, they won't want you to interfere.”
“Don't worry, if they interfere with my plans they will get what is coming to them.”
As Aeryn, Draco and Harry walked away, Crabbe and Goyle joined Zambini, “She'll get what's coming to her I think.” He said as they diapperated.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Blaise Zambini,” she told Harry and Draco, though it looked like she was talking to herself, “Only trying to get into my pants to get into good graces with dear old daddy. Jade just used him for a boy toy.”
As they reached the Ministry the phone box that occupied the entrance had been ripped away, and only a set of stair remained to go down. The atrium was quiet, no one was there. Aeryn could stand keeping the Imperius curse on Harry and Draco and released them.
“Why did you take it off?” Harry asked.
“I just couldn't stand it anymore, besides I have a feeling we are going to fight our way out. I got the feeling from Zambini that we are walking in a trap to get me killed. I'm the only real threat left.” Aeryn explained, “The Trident is on the wall of the main meeting room where most likely we will meet the others.”
“Well, let's get this party started.” Draco said.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“She said she had no wish in rescuing the Dark Lord?” Bellatrix Lestrange asked Zambini as he told her that Jade was coming.
“She wants everything for herself,” Zambini replied.
“Well it's about time we stand out of fear and stand up to the brat. We will show her that she can no longer hide behind the Dark Lord's power.”
“I believe you underestimate me Bella,” Aeryn said as she heard what Bellatrix had said when she walked into the room.
“I think not little Jade; you are young and have hardly the power you think you have.”
“Is that what you truly believe?” Aeryn asked her.
“Yes and the fact that you are probably not the Dark Lords daughter by blood.”
Draco saw the Trident on the wall; this Ministry was so different from their world. Draco had the job of getting the Trident while Harry and Aeryn got to kick some butt.
“Oh well, you called my bluff. You are right, I am not related to Voldemort by blood and I am truly grateful. And had Voldemort not taken me from my true parents,” Aeryn whispered spell to revert her appearance and voice to normal, “I would have been a Potter.”
“Well then, this should be easier then I thought,” Bellatrix said, “All Potters are weak,”
“Harry and I are the heirs of Godric Gryffindor and when Voldemort tried to kill Harry three weeks ago, we came into our full power.”
Harry choose to look threatening with fireballs in each hand, while Aeryn made the air move to form a wind in the room.
“Would you like for us to prove our power!” they both said.
A/N: Advanced Warning, this chapter contains violence and a gruesome death. Nuff said. Don't say I didn't warn ya!!
Chapter 13
Lose Control
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Her feeling she hides
Her dreams she can't find
She's losing her mind
She's falling behind
She can't find her place
She's loosing her faith
She's fallen from grace
She's all over the place
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
They had been gone for about an hour and a half already. Hermione was desperately trying to read a book, but she couldn't no matter how much she tried.
“Good book Hermione?” Ron asked her as he came into the library with some lunch for her, “I do believe you are on the exact same page as when I was in here last.”
Hermione hopelessly put her book down, got up and went to the window. “I can't help but feel left out, I know what they are doing in dangerous and I wish they didn't have to do it, but I just wish I could be there with them, to face the dangers with them.”
“We have always been there with Harry on all our adventures,” Ron said, “Its nerve racking just waiting.”
Hermione was looking out the window; it was such a bright and sunny day. She was thinking back to that day when time changed; how small telling the rest of her family she was a witch seemed, compared to all the dangers she ever faced. She didn't feel nervous about their reactions anymore.
She then saw something which made her sprint out of the library. Ron then looked out the window to see what Hermione saw. Aeryn was walking up to the house, Trident in her hands and alone. No Harry and no Draco. Ron hurried to follow Hermione.
When Hermione got within visual distance of the front door, Aeryn came in. She had a blank expression on her face, she looked lost. Aeryn held the Trident lazily in her hand.
“Aeryn, where's Harry?” but it was if Hermione wasn't even there. Lily and James came from wherever it was they were along with Sirius. With all the people in the room Aeryn finally looked up to notice everyone there, “Aeryn, where is Harry?” Hermione repeated. Aeryn looked to the Trident in her hand and acted like she was shocked to see it there. She quickly dropped it as if it were poison. As the sound of the Trident falling to the floor sounded Aeryn ran, up the stairs and out of sight, ignoring the calls from the others, silencing them with the sound of a slamming door.
No one said anything for the longest time, and not five minutes later Harry and Draco came through the door. Harry was almost knocked down by Hermione.
“Hermione can't breathe luv,” Harry managed to say. Draco immediately took notice of the Trident on the floor and hurried up the stairs calling Aeryn's name.
“Sorry, it's just that when Aeryn came in she wouldn't say where you were,” Hermione said tearfully. Harry just held her in his arms.
Meanwhile Draco came back down the stairs and sat down on the last few steps defeated.
“She won't even open the door,” he said to no one in particular.
Lily was worried, “What happened?”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Harry choose to look threatening with fireballs in each hand, while Aeryn made the air move to form a wind in the room.
“Would you like for us to prove our power!” they both said.
There eyes were black as usual when they did this kind of magic, but unfortunately it didn't even phase Bellatrix. She just laughed a bit.
“You know there isn't that much room down here for a proper fight,” Bellatrix said, “Why don't we take it to the streets.” And with that she disapperated.
Harry let the fireballs in his hand diminish, his eyes returning to normal. The wind however remained, Aeryn held her ground. Draco got the Trident from the wall.
“Let's get this thing out of here,” Draco said. But Aeryn wasn't listening and Harry knew she wasn't listening. Bellatrix suddenly came back.
“Well are you coming or what?” she said and disapperated again.
“Aeryn, no…” Harry started but it was too late, Aeryn disapperated as well.
“I thought we agreed not to actually be involved in any actual dueling?” Draco said.
“Let's go help her out,” Harry said as they disapperated to the streets of London where the battle was.
From where Harry and Draco were standing, Aeryn had walked into a trap. Fifty Death Eaters surrounded her. Curses and hexes were thrown her way but she threw them back with the TK. Harry and Draco immediately jumped in to help.
Suddenly, like a ripple of water after something was dropped in a pool of water, everything around Aeryn was pushed out, including Harry and Draco. Hurled away, leaving Aeryn standing alone.
As Harry got up 20 feet from where he was just standing he could see Aeryn and Bellatrix fighting, both with physical effort and magic. The Death Eaters were told to stand down. Both Harry and Draco could only see the back of Aeryn as she had her back tuned to them.
At first they started off with simple curses and hexes, but then it got really serious. Instead of the both of them casting a spell in turn, Aeryn started throwing them one right after another.
“Expelliarmus,” was first, which in Harry's opinion should have been done a long time ago, followed by “Silibritus Folbilio,” which caused Bellatrix to shield her eyes from the blinding light. “Everte Estáte” which caused Aeryn's opponent to become disorientated.
“Aeryn stop!” Draco called out to her.
“Paralificus Entiro,” which caused Bellatrix to fall to the ground paralyzed. Although it was pretty obvious that Aeryn had won this fight, she continued, “Crucio!”
“Aeryn, that's enough. Please stop,” Draco pleaded with her, but she wouldn't stop. Harry tried to get into her mind, to try and get through to her there but he was forced out.
Draco suddenly was shocked by the Trident and he let it go, only for it to fly into Aeryn's not outstretched hand. Harry and Draco quickly walked quickly up to Aeryn. She was now unleashing the power of the Gemini Trident. Bolts of electricity were flowing through Bellatrix Lestrange's body, frying her to a crisp.
Draco was within grasp of Aeryn as he put his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. He saw her eyes, a fire burning in her black eyes like a dancing flame; a look of pure rage and hatred. As Aeryn turned so did the direction of the Trident causing Draco to be in the line of fire sending back ten feet.
It was then that Aeryn finally stopped, hate and rage were replaced with lost and confused.
“Aeryn,” Harry managed to say to her, he was shocked by what he just witnessed. He silently cursed himself for no trying harder to stop her. Harry took Aeryn by the shoulders trying to get some eye contact, but she disapperated leaving the smoking corpse that was Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry's view. Harry they quickly turned to tend to Draco who was trying to get up. Harry healed him and they both apperated away to the outskirts of the Hollow.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“She lost control,” Draco said in a whisper. Lily started for the stairs but James stopped her.
“I'll go,” he said.
Harry picked up the Gemini Trident, “We should put this somewhere safe,” he said, “it can be very dangerous.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
James knocked on the door of Aeryn's bedroom, “Aeryn are you in there?” he asked, right stupid question, he thought to himself. He tried the door and much to his surprise it wasn't locked.
She was sitting on the window seat, her knees drawn up under her chin looking out the window.
“Everyone is worried about you,” James said closing the door behind him; he figured she let him rather then the slip of the mind to forget locking the door. Still she didn't say anything.
“Do you want to talk?” she shook her head. James sat down on the window seat beside her with his back to the window. “I wish I knew what to say, but I don't.”
“Tell them to go on without me,” she said quietly, “my part is done. Tell them to go to the Bermuda Triangle, go fix time and move on with their lives. Tell them I'm dead.”
“You think he is just going to except that.” James said, “Harry will move on with time, I'll give you that. But Draco with never get over you. You mean the world to him, can't you see that. You can't just hide away; act like you don't exist anymore. You can't push him away.”
Aeryn let go of her emotions, she started to cry. “I don't know what I would do if I ever lost your mother, probably go off the deep end.”
“I almost killed him,”
“But you stopped. If you truly were full of rage and hate, you wouldn't have. You are not Jade.” James said
“It wasn't Jade,” Aeryn said, “I lost control of my powers. I felt the hatred from the city all of those people were angry for one reason or another and it consumed me. I wanted to stop to bad, but I couldn't. I murdered someone in cold blood today, in a way that I would not wish upon anyone, not even my enemies, yet I did it to someone.”
“I know there is nothing anyone could say that could justify that, but there isn't; I'll tell the others you want to be alone for now.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“How is she?” Draco immediately asked as James came down the stairs.
“I've seen better,” he admitted, “I'd say she need's time but given the situation with the whole time thing, it doesn't matter. We can wait a week or so before going to the Bermuda Triangle. If we let her have her way, she would have us go this second.”
Draco started for the stairs, “She'll come down on her own Draco,” James said. Draco stopped knowing Aeryn's father was right and stormed off in another direction to be alone himself.
“What really happened with her,” Lily asked her husband.
“A really deranged world and a not yet mastered empathic ability.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Ok, I wanted to bring something up. I know that JK Rowling usually put Dumbledore or Hermione as the explainer, but to tell you the truth, I don't really like Dumbledore that much. I try to use him as least as possible. I'm even seriously contemplating killing him off in my next story.
Don't get me wrong, I have loads of respect for him, but if I ever met him myself I'd tell him to go screw himself with his cryptic talk and his certain point of view Obi-Wan Kenobi-ish ways. And no I am not bashing Obi-wan, not to found of the old Obi-Wan but love the younger one. (Can you believe I would pick Ewen McGregor over Hayden Christiansen any day?! I love the Irish!)
Ok, Ok I'll stop talking now!! I tend to ramble!
Chapter 14
Time to Fix Time
Two day and three nights came and went before Harry and the others had even seen Aeryn. And for that matter they hardly saw Draco as well.
Preparations for the trip to the Bermuda Triangle were being made. Lily and James offered to accompany Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sirius. They would Portkey to the nearest shore that was the closest to the Triangle and head over the ocean by broom. Harry was in charge of the Trident, although he had no clue how to use it when the time came.
Aeryn and Draco were sitting in the kitchen when Harry and Hermione entered together.
“Good morning,” Aeryn said extra chipper.
“You're in a good mood,” Harry said with a yawn.
“Why shouldn't I be?” Aeryn asked knowing what Harry meant. She hoped he would get the hint not to get into that topic of discussion.
“What do you mean, `Why shouldn't I be'?” Harry said, obviously he did not, “You've kinda been locked away in your room for the past few days.”
“Lay off Potter,” Draco said, “She's in a good mood and I advise you not to piss her off.”
“So what's going on with our trip?” Aeryn asked.
“We're all good to go; it's just a matter of when.” Hermione said. They told them what exactly was planned. While Harry and Hermione were doing that, Lucius slipped in not unnoticed.
“Maybe we should do it today,” Aeryn suggested, “I mean there's no time like the present.”
“May I be bold as to make a request?” Lucius asked politely.
“How about, not!” Draco said.
“Draco,” Aeryn scolded him, “It won't to hear what he has to say.” Harry gave her a weird look as to say `What the hell are you doing?'
“I couldn't help but notice that you will require my help on your mission.” Lucius said, “You will need to know the date as to when time changed.”
“Actually, if what I've read about this particular time turner, the date will be shown on the devise itself,” Hermione told them, matter of fact like.
“Well then think about this,” Lucius said, “who better to take on a person, other then the person himself?”
“Come again?” Draco asked.
“I think what he means to say is that when we go back in time we will have to face the Lucius Malfoy from our time-line,” Aeryn explained, “Who better to duel with him, then him himself. Did that make sense?” Aeryn asked at her usage of the word `him'.
“So your `request' is that we let you come along. So that you can take on yourself?”
“Does it not make sense?” said Lucius.
“It does,” Harry said, “but not coming from you.”
Aeryn quickly got up from where she sat, “Oh relax Harry, he has our best interests at heart.” Aeryn grabbed her mug that was on the table and brought it to the sink. “I'm going to pack a few things. Request granted Mr. Malfoy. We need all the help we can get.” Aeryn walked out of the kitchen. Harry quickly followed her.
“Aeryn, what is going on?” Three days ago you still wouldn't give that man the time of day, now he is coming with us?” the others joined them.
“Harry, ever since I arrived here, I have been judged by the actions that are not my own. Why should we put someone through that any longer? And the fact that now I don't have to face that monster, makes my day a whole lot better.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The afternoon seemed to drag on like forever. But the time finally arrived. It was like a time that you didn't want to come. The urge to do selfish acts was strong in some. Harry had grown accustom to having parents around. Part of him wanted to keep everything the way it was, despite the condition of the world, just so he would have them alive and in his life. Then there was his little sister MacKenzie, changing time would be condemning her into non-existence.
Hermione was torn in two, she wanted Harry to have his family, but that was at the sacrifice of her own family and so many others.
In all their hearts they knew they had to do this, it was for the greater good. So the nine of them left via Portkey, to the shore of the point closest to the Bermuda Triangle. The air was hot and thick, filled with humidity, even though it was windy. The nine mounted their brooms and headed out to sea, however Hermione shared a broom with Harry, she felt safer that way and didn't have to worry the group with her lack of flying skills.
“How long do you think it will be before we get there?” Ron asked.
“Why, do you have a hot date or something?” Draco replied to him.
“It's just that riding a broom for a long period of time might become a little uncomfortable.” Ron said. The only three girls of the group started to laugh.
“What would you do without us girls?” Lily said, “We already thought of that and charmed the brooms to make sure that none of us get uncomfortable.”
“And here I was thinking one of your first questions on this trip would be `when are we stopping to eat?'” Hermione said.
“Ha ha very funny.”
The traveled hard for about an hour before they were suddenly halted. Before them was what looked like some sort of barrier. You could only tell it was there because in looked like the air was rippling like water yet you could see beyond.
“So what do we do now?” Draco asked observing the barrier.
“I assume this is where we use the Trident.” Sirius said.
“Oh, that would be smart,” Harry said, “Mione would you mind getting it out of my pack.” Hermione got the shrunken Trident out and passed it to Harry who then returned it to normal size. The Trident immediately started to react to the barrier as Harry and Hermione neared it. Bolts of electricity shoot out of it and attacked the barrier. The barrier quickly collapsed. Once that happened Harry shrunk the Trident again and handed it back to Hermione and she put it back in his back pack.
Beyond was just like Harry and Aeryn's dream with the boat and the crashed planes, except this time there were no lost souls.
“Ok, so if Atlantis is at the bottom of the ocean, how in bloody hell are we supposed to get down there?” Draco asked. Just as he asked that a huge watery figure rose out of the water.
“Why have you woken me from my slumber,” it said in a booming voice.
“It's Poseidon, god of the sea,” Hermione whispered to Harry, “well he is mort like a ghost now, he wasn't really a god.”
“We seek safe passage to Atlantis, the great city of the water!” Aeryn yelled out to him.
It looked like Poseidon was observing the travel group, “Ah, three I see are of noble birth, descendants of the first. Others may come, but only you three truly hold the right.”
This confused them, “Hold the right to what?” James asked.
“The right to Atlantis of course. Why do you think I guard the place, so that just anyone may hold the rights to the city?”
“Someone was let in before.” Aeryn said bitterly.
“There are other ways to get to Atlantis other then through me; I do remember someone coming out of Atlantis many years ago. But I don't remember how he got in. Now I can rest, my duty is done. Alas I will help you but only two riders my go. That is all the power I have left. Yes only two, the ones who share same day of birth will do.”
He went back into the water and the water divided into two tunnels, like twisters, big enough for one rider each.
“Harry?” Hermione said nervously.
“Just hold on tight,” He told her, “I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.”
Harry could feel Hermione's arms around him, gripping very hard like a vise. He took a deep breathe as he readied himself for the task.
Aeryn could feel Draco getting something out of her pack, but she did not look back. As soon as she felt he was done she zoomed right into one of the tunnels. Harry soon followed into the other one. As soon as they both entered the water closed up above them, which caused concern for the rest.
“Where's Draco?” Lucius pointed out to the others, they all looked around to discover he was not among them and his broom lay floating in the water.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
They made their way down the tunnel, Hermione was very scared and it didn't help that the water was closing in behind them. But at last they reached the bottom onto some sort of platform. Aeryn soon joined them and they all happily got of their brooms.
“I'll be glad if I never have to go on one of those ever again.” Hermione said, glad she made it in one piece.
Before them was a door, it looked very strong, strong enough to with stand the pressure of the waters that surrounded them. There was no visible way of opening the door other then a bottom on the side frame that looked like a doorbell. Harry reached forward and pushed the button and the door slid open. Once inside there was another door.
“I guess this is to make sure you don't open the door by accident and let in all the water,” Hermione observed. They went though the second door, inside was pitch black. Aeryn reached out with her hand and said “Lumos,” and not only did a small light, light in her hand, but many lights around the room lit up like a well lit room.
“Ok,” Aeryn said observing the room, it was small and circular and other then the door, it had windows all the way around. In the very center of the room was a door that looked to be some sort of elevated for all they knew. Aeryn walked to one of the windows and gasped. “Oh my god!”
Harry and Hermione quickly went to Aeryn's side as they saw what she was seeing. Atlantis wasn't just a big city, it was a massive city. The whole of Atlantis was lit up. Aeryn went from window to window sizing up Atlantis, “This place had got to be half the size of Manhattan.”
“Aeryn, something is in your pack, it's moving.” Harry told her. Aeryn slid her pack of her shoulders and opened it, up and onto her shoulder came a white ferret.
“Why you sneaky little ferret.” Aeryn scolded it. They ferret jumped to the floor and transformed. Harry started to laugh.
“Don't even start Potter,” Draco said.
“What's so funny?” Aeryn asked.
Harry stopped laughing by then, “Nothing, it's just that Draco is the amazing bouncing ferret.”
“I said don't start.”
Just then Poseidon the ghost appeared. “Truly an amazing sight isn't it?” He said.
“Yes it is.” Hermione said.
“I'm sure you'll want to raise the city so that your other companions may join you.”
“We can do that?” Harry asked.
“Well no, only one of you can. Only one of you can take the key from its place.”
“Gee, you're as cryptic as old Dumbledore.” Aeryn commented.
“Any way, good luck,” Poseidon said, “I can't help you anymore. You're on your own. Just remember to keep the key safe and on you at all times.” And with that he went through the window and out to sea. Draco casually went over to the elevator and pushed the button.
“Going down,” he said as the door slid open like a sliding door. When the entered the saw what appeared to be a map of Atlantis painted on the wall. “If I were a key where would I be?” The map on the wall started to change, in the middle of the map there was a point pointed out that said `THE KEY' and the door slid open again to find a different and much larger room.
“We didn't even move.” Harry said.
“Yeah, that's what you would call magic.” Aeryn said.
The room they were now was on the bottom floor, and it was huge. You could have fitted about ten of Hogwart's Great Halls in it. In the very center of the room was a small pedestal with a light shining right over top of it. The ceiling was a huge glass dome that looked out into the water.
Hermione was busy admiring the walls; they had everything from Egyptian hieroglyphs to ten different crests. “Look at this,” she said to the others, “These are school crests, look there's Hogwarts.”
“How is that possible?” Harry asked, “Wasn't Atlantis built before the thought of Hogwarts even existed?”
“Yes it was,” Aeryn said, “There's the Holic crest, and the one for Salem Academy.”
“What's the O.U.S.?” Draco asked as he observed one of the crests on the wall.
“Read the fine print brainiac,” Aeryn said pointing to the smaller print at the bottom, “The Outback Underground School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”
Other crests that were displayed in this Great Hall included, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, Solución Escuela de Hechicería in Spain, as well as a school in Germany, Italy and Japan.
“Well let's get that darn key and float this boat,” Aeryn said. The four of them circled the pedestal. The key appeared to be some sort of ring; it was silver and had aqua blue waves on the side all the way around. The only way to get the ring was to slid it up and of its holder. Hermione went for the ring first, but it would not budge. Next Draco tried, and got the same results. That left Harry and Aeryn. Harry waited for Aeryn to try it.
“It's not going to be me,” Aeryn told him, “You're the one who is Harry Potter.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Harry asked.
“You're the one with the destiny. The only reason I got special powers like you is because we are twins. This is your thing.”
“And I've got a hunch that has nothing to do with this,” Harry tried to pull the ring off but couldn't not either, “Think of what that sorry excuse of a sea ghost said, `Three I see are of noble birth, descendants of the first,' and if I know anything from what reading I actually have done in the past few weeks, it's the first born who gets the inheritance.”
Aeryn opened her mouth to argue, but he did have a point. “Why did I have to be the first born?” she muttered, “It doesn't matter anyway, it'll be yours once this is all over.” Aeryn easily pulled the ring off and as she did something happened.
“Are you ok?” Harry asked her.
“Wow, it's like the Marauder's map permanently sketched in your head, I know where everything is.” Aeryn said, “A lot of thing in this place are so advanced, they even look like muggle technology but is strictly magical.” Aeryn was getting excited, “Let's go raise this place.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
The guys had decided to explore some of the old ships that were still afloat as they passed the time. Lily had to admit it was a lot better then staying on that darn broom. She did warn them to be very careful.
She was looking out towards the open water when Lily noticed the surface was starting to bubble. It wasn't in the `the sea is starting to boil' kind of bubble, but something else. The ship they were on started to rock back and forth violently. Lily quickly mounted her broom and rose up into the sky. The others soon joined her.
“What do you think it is?” James asked her.
“It might be Atlantis.” She told him. And she was correct. Atlantis slowly rose from the water. It was so beautiful, the sun shone down on it with the water cascading down.
“Wow,” Sirius said, “Complete with a Quidditch pitch and everything.” And indeed there was.
“Bloody Brilliant,” was all Ron could say.
Down below on the main entrance platform stood Harry and Hermione, waving for them to come down. The remaining five travelers descended down and came to a landing.
“That was impressive,” Lucius said.
“You should see the inside,” Harry said.
“Harry, we don't know where Draco is…” Ron started.
“Oh, don't worry about the ferret; he snuck in, in Aeryn's pack.”
“Well, that's great leave me here with the grown-up while you have all the fun… wait did you just say ferret?”
“In his words, `Don't start,'” Hermione said.
Since they didn't really have the time to explore and run the risk of getting lost they all took a lift (elevator), which could go anywhere where there was a station. The map on the wall showed two points labels `AERYN POTTER' and `DRACO MALFOY' and decided to go there. They ended up where Aeryn and Draco where, which was a room where a giant hour glass was located.
“I guess this is it.” Lily said sadly.
“The date is set on July 17th 1980, two weeks before we were born.” Aeryn said, “Is everyone ready?”
“Not really, but let's get this done.” Harry said.
“We will all meet at the Burrow,” Ron said, “I mean, we have to tell Dumbledore what happened here and I think it's best if we are all in the same place other then separated.”
Everyone nodded in agreement. Aeryn pulled a lever which made the whole hour glass spin. The room seemed to spin around them and they were thrown back in time. When the room stopped spinning the only things that changed were the fact that they were under water again and it was pitch black, save for the illuminated wand of a certain Lucius Malfoy who was walking towards the lift.
“Lumos!” Aeryn commanded once again as the city lit up; startling the one they were after.
Aeryn, Lily and James found themselves in three separate amber colored bubbles of sorts.
“You!” Malfoy whispered.
“What?” Aeryn said from her bubble which she could see clearly out of, “Did you think you had seen the last of me. You made the mistake of telling me all about this stupid time traveling thing before you slit my throat.”
The evil Malfoy started to run past the lift into some other room and the good one followed sending curses already. Meanwhile the rest of them tried to find a way to get Aeryn, Lily and James out of the bubbles.
“What are these things?” Harry asked.
“For once, I don't know,” Hermione said.
Aeryn was trying to blast her way out but it was no use. No spell could break it from the outside, or the inside.
They felt their time was desperately short. Harry saw time was slowing down; Aeryn and Draco trying to get at Aeryn's bubble while knowing this was it, trying to get that last touch before everything went away. And he was trying to do the same with his parents.
Harry closed his eyes, and when he opened them again he was standing in his room, on Privet Drive. He looked around, everything was almost the same, except for the fact that all of his stuff was gone and there was a lot of dust lying around. He was confused by this, but he apperated to the Burrow none the less.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
A/N: Well that certainly took me a while to write, but its here! There is one more chapter to go and hopefully I'll get it out soon. And for those of you who don't know already, I've started a prequel for this awesome series called `Beginning of It All' http://fanfiction.portkey.org/index.php?act=read&storyid=2620
And my inspiration for Atlantis is based on the Atlantis from Stargate Atlantis. I've just added the HP twist.
And if you want you can check out my live Journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/_sk8erwitch_/ which I will update when life hands me lemons that I can't update my stories with.
Chapter 15
The Ten Disasters
Time was back to normal. Hermione had fully expected all her relatives to be right there in front of her in the dinning room of her house. But everyone was gone.
“Mum? Dad?” she called out. The house was silent. Hermione decided then to just Apperate to the Burrow.
When she got there, Harry, Ron and Sirius was waiting, the Burrow equally dead like her own house.
“Ok, what happened?” Hermione said, “There should be people at my house, eating and doing family reunion things.”
“Everything I own at the Dursley's is gone,” Harry said, “And it looks like no one has been in my room in a couple of weeks.”
“I'm going to go to Grimmauld Place and see if there is anyone there, if not I'll go to other places,” Sirius said moving to the fireplace, “I want you three to stay here, is that clear.”
The trio nodded in agreement as Sirius flooed away. Ron studied the family clock, the pictures of his parents and Ginny were pointed at the `AWAY' sign, where the rest of them were pointed at `WORK'.
“You don't think we mortally screwed up time somehow?” Harry asked.
“I hope not.” Ron replied.
“I know we all agreed to come here,” Hermione said, “But I don't think Draco is coming. He would have been here already if he was.”
“We do so much, and fate bloody well screws up our life.” Ron said.
The fire place lit up in green flames as Sirius came back, “It's like a bloody mob in that house.” The trio looked at him concerned, “Good news is, is that time is back to normal just the way it should be. Bad news is, is that for the three and a half weeks we were gone, that time passed here as well. What I meant by mob, was everyone wanting to know where I was and if I had seen you. I thought I tell you this before you all get mobbed yourself.”
“Are they coming here?” Hermione asked.
“No we are going there, there is a law against muggles using the floo system or a Portkeys and I don't think we want you parents to get into trouble now would we?”
When they all flooed to Grimmauld Place the three of them all received bone crushing hugs from just about everyone. Everyone was relived to see that Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sirius were safe.
“Now Hermione,” Martha said, “I know you really wanted the rest of the family to accept that you are a witch, but did you have to disappear like that.”
“Sorry Mum, I was kinda saving the world.” Hermione replied.
“Yes, might we might sit down, perhaps for a bit to eat while we discuss the resent events,” Dumbledore suggested. Before they had a chance to do anything, Mundungus came through the fireplace.
“I tell you, it's absolutely beautiful,” he started, “never in all my years have I seen such a sight.”
“Mundungus, what are you going on about?” Molly Weasley snapped at him.
“The Great City of the sea,”
“Ok Dung,” Remus said, “I think you've had too much to drink.”
Harry, Hermione, Ron and Sirius however thought otherwise. Harry and Hermione knew there was only one other person other then Harry that could raise Atlantis and make it travel to the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.
“Where did you see it?” Harry asked Dung.
“Southwest coast of Britain.”
“Please don't humor the man, Harry,” Molly said, “He's just had one too many drinks.”
“I would say the same thing,” Sirius said, “If I had not seen Atlantis for myself.”
“It'll be better if we just go there, we will explain everything there,” Harry said, anxious to see if Aeryn truly was the one guiding Atlantis.
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Aeryn had been surprise to find herself still at Atlantis when she opened her eyes. The amber bubble that had surrounded her was gone and so were the ones around her parents who were lying on the floor. She walked over to them to find the unconscious, yet alive.
She levitated them out of the Temple and sealed it shut with the ring. The elevator took them to the Great Hall first, where she conjured make-shift cots and put Lily and James on them. They seemed to be ok, just unconscious. Aeryn made her way to the control room, raised the city yet again and set a course to Great Britain as the fastest speed possible.
She then went back to the Great Hall to find Lily and James up and about, but when they saw her they pulled there wands out and pointed them at Aeryn. Aeryn put her hands up in defense.
“Who are you?” James demanded.
Aeryn looked at him skeptically; “You're joking, right?” another pause told her he wasn't, “What's the last thing you remember?”
“Voldemort came,” Lily said, “he was trying to get Harry, our son.”
“What sort of trick is this,” James said, “He's probably gotten to Harry by now.”
Aeryn realized they were talking about the night they died nearly sixteen years ago, they were of this timeline, and they were brought back to life. “Relax, that was a long time ago.”
“What do you mean `a long time ago'? What is the date?” Lily asked.
“I don't know the exact date, but,” Aeryn paused, “You might want to sit down, and please I'm not going to hurt you, there isn't a need for your wands.”
Lily and James reluctantly sat down together on of the cots. “You remember it being October 31st 1981, right?” they both nodded, “It's the summer of 1997.”
Lily gasped, James sat there in shock, “Harry?”
“Is perfectly fine,” Aeryn told them. They both breathed a sigh of relief. “And while we are on the subject of really shocking things…”
“How do we get out of here?” James asked, “We need to see Harry.”
“We will get out of here as soon as we can,” Aeryn said, “Can I just say something here, cause Merlin know it took me awhile to convince Sirius that I am who I am. Just put what you know on hold for just one minute.” Lily and James were listening carefully after she mentioned Sirius. “Peter Pettigrew betrayed you, he was your secret keeper and low and behold Voldemort ended up on your doorstep. Now just think, what other secret did you keep from the rest of the world, but only told Sirius and Peter.”
It immediately clicked in Lily's head, she saw the young lady in front of her and the maternal instinct kicked in. “Look at you,” Lily said as she got up and made her way over to Aeryn, “You're all grown up.”
“I still don't get it” James said.
“Oh James, it was Sirius and that rat who took Aeryn to Rochester. Said rat told Voldemort, and Voldemort devised a plan to make up think she was dead.”
“And low and behold, here I am.” Aeryn said with a small laugh.
“So the Voldemort problem is all resolves?” Lily asked hugging her daughter.
“As of a couple of months ago Voldemort has been successfully vanquished.”
“So when did you find out you and Harry were related?” James asked.
“About a year ago; there was an attack at my school last summer by Voldemort personally. He was in the perfect position to kill me but he said something along the lines of `twin of a Potter should die with her brother' or something like that. I didn't think much of it at the time. But I found my way to Hogwarts because my best friend who goes there told me that if anything happened to go there, that I would be protected there.”
Lily was shocked at the notion that Aeryn had faced Voldemort, “But I haven't even been through half of what Harry's been through since he entered the Wizarding World.”
“What do you mean, `since he entered the Wizarding World'?” Lily asked, “Why in the world would he have been kept away from it.”
“I shouldn't have said that.” Aeryn said.
“Well it was said so spill,” James demanded.
“Well no one knew that you made Wormtail Secret Keeper and after you died and Harry didn't, Sirius kinda went after him.” Aeryn explained.
“So what happened?” Lily asked.
“In the end Sirius spent twelve years in Azkaban and Dumbledore thought it best if Harry was looked after out of the spotlight being the-boy-who-lived after surviving the killing curse and sent him to live with the Dursley's.”
Suddenly there was a load beeping noise. “I'd better slow this thing down, look its best if you wait and let someone who knows all the facts explain everything to you.”
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Harry and Hermione led the way when they entered Atlantis. Everyone seemed to be awed by it magnificence. All the while they explained what happened over the past three and a half weeks. As they entered the elevator to look at the map, Harry saw something odd, which made his heart jump. He quickly read the identities of the three dots over and over again just to make sure he was reading them correctly.
“Are we just going to stand here all day,” Snape said from the very back of the group away from the enchanted map. Sirius and Remus were looking at the map as well.
“Does that mean…”Remus started staring at the map.
“The Great Hall,” Harry demanded to the elevator as the door slid open to the Great Hall and there in the middle of the rather empty room, stood three officially declared dead people, alive and well. It wasn't much of a shock to Sirius as it was to Remus.
Harry immediately noticed Aeryn was trying to get his attention, she had her hands up and made a gesture while silently mouthing to him to freeze. Harry did just that.
“What's going on?” Harry asked.
“Unfreeze Hermione, Ron and Sirius,” she told him and Harry complied, “I need to let you in on a few things beforehand. I don't know how or why, but we are alive and I mean truly alive.”
“Well that's a good thing,” Sirius said.
“Yes but Mum and Dad haven't a clue. They have the bodies of the Lily and James Potter from the timeline we were at, but the last thing they remember is Voldemort killing them. They are of this timeline. So we can't shock them too much, I mean I just told them that about me.”
“That's understandable,” Hermione said.
“So I guess we'll hold off the school adventures for a while.” Harry joked, “Anything else?”
Aeryn paused, “Nope can't think of anything. Wait, have you told Remus about the cure yet?”
“No, we've hardly been back.”
“Let's wait until the Potion is done before we do, I mean it will take a while and I for one think it's best if he didn't have to go months waiting.” Aeryn said. “Oh and keep quite about the `I'm dating a Malfoy' thing, I think that Lucius Malfoy being good in the other time line made Mum and Dad react differently about it.”
Harry then unfroze the rest of the people standing in the Great Hall. They all spent some time talking about almost everything, and doing what you would expect at a meeting such as this. Everything in the world seem perfect, nothing could go wrong. Fate had granted some of their greatest wishes, just when they thought it was trying to screw up their lives.
Aeryn observed Professor Dumbledore as he seemed to be admiring the ten crests that were represented through out the Great Hall. He seemed to be in deep thought. Aeryn could feel his concern and sorrow for something
“Sickle for you thoughts Professor,” Dumbledore looked at her, then back at the Hogwarts crest he stood before.
“I just find myself very curious about something,” he said solemnly. “These ten school represented here have something in common.”
“And what would that be?”
“They all just happen to have been destroyed about a week and a half ago,” Aeryn was utterly shocked and speechless, the thought that they might have caused this entered their mind, “At first I thought the sudden disappearance of five people and this event were links somehow, but now know what happen to you I believe whether the time traveling event occurred or not, it would have happened anyway.”
“I know that Holic Academy was supposed to open again come September, I mean they had rebuilt everything, how… and my god Hogwarts, it's just not possible for it to be rebuilt”
“We think whatever was left of Voldemort's `army' was behind it. It is still unclear as to how exactly it was done, but it was done none the less. Nothing has been decided yet on what is to happen.”
Aeryn stopped to think, how in the world was it possible that the ten schools destroyed and yet those exact same school's crests hung in Atlantis.
“You better tell the others,” Aeryn said to Dumbledore as she started to walk off.
“Might I ask where you are going?”
“Malfoy Manor, there is a certain someone who needs to know I'm alive.”
And that's how it was, a new chapter starting in their lives. One of the worst things happened, but they would be ok, somehow they would find a way to make everything alright.
But that is for another story……………
To Be Continued
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Yes I am ending it here, you know why, because I suck!! I got so stuck with this chapter so I said screw it.
Oh well, I'll just have to make up for it with the sequel, or would you call it a Triquel??
I'll get started on Shades of Grey ASAP. It's been hard getting on the computer since I sort of started school. I haven't totally started yet, senior year and all, but my mom hasn't ordered my school things yet, so she has me doing grammar and spelling practices because it is my weak point. Yes I am a very bad speller, oh well Einstein couldn't do Math!!
Anyway please review, even if it is to tell my this Chapter sucked, cause you know it did!!