Twist of Fate by Sk8erWitch Rating: PG13 Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 11/03/2004 Last Updated: 26/05/2004 Status: Completed ~COMPLETED~Harry Potter is going to start his 6th year at Hogwarts, he want nothing more then to date Hermione and have a normal year. But when a vision of a girl being tortured by the Dark Lord Voldermort, lands him in a 2 week coma he know 'normal' is not an option. As the new school year starts, the turtured girl from his vision turns up at Hogwarts, and it turns out that she is Harry's long lost and forgotten twin sister. Now Harry has his plate full as he deals with Quidditch, DA meetings, all of his classed, the homework, the Dark Lord, and the ultimate Mission Impossiple, how to keep his sister away from Draco Malfoy. 1. Visions of Pain ------------------ TWIST OF FATE CHAPTER 1 VISIONS OF PAIN The summer was unusually hot as the dark haired boy sat under a tree in the backyard of his Uncle and Aunts house. Harry was trying to empty all the thoughts from his brain. After what happened only weeks before when his Godfather fell behind the veil and died, he wasn't about to get anyone else hurt with his visions. Harry had no homework thus far; he had yet to receive his O.W.L results. Hermione, one of Harry's best friends, had a suspicion that their summer homework would be included with their O.W.L results. Harry stopped and notices he was thinking again. He had been improving in Occlumency. Harry figured it was because he wanted it to happen now, unlike before when he wanted so bad to get past that door in the corridor in the Department of Mysteries. Harry opened his eyes and saw his baby whale sized cousin looking at him. “What do you want?” Harry asked Dudley. “Mum says it's dinner, and if you don't mind me asking, not that I cared or anything, but what the blazes are you doing out here day after day?” Dudley looked puzzled. Not wanting to fetch and tall tale out of his tired mind Harry told him the truth. “I am empting all thoughts and emotions from my mind to prevent my nightmares.” Harry explained. “Does it work? Not that I care of course.” Dudley asked. “Why, Big D? Are you still having nightmares about those Dementors from last summer or about sweets and food you are not supposed to have?” Harry started to laugh and went into the house. As Harry entered the kitchen he felt a sharp pain inside like half of him was being torn apart. He started to black out and the shouts of his Aunt and uncle were drowned out by laughing. Harry saw what appeared to be a girl that looked a lot like his mother. She looked about Harry's age, and she was being tortured. Harry felt her pain. She was surrounded by Death Eaters and Dementors. And Lord Voldermort himself was inflicting the pain. Harry was looking in a huge mirror and he was viewing the torture of the girl though her eyes. * When Harry woke up he was not in his Aunt and Uncle's house but at St. Mungo's. He sat up and looked around, and noticed he was in a privet room. He found his glasses on the side table and put them on. No sooner that he did that the door opened and in came the nurse. “Glad to see you have finally woken up from your fitful sleep Mr. Potter. You had everyone worried. I'm sure they will be more then happy to visit today.” The nurse said. “Why am I here?” Harry asked, and then he remembered his vision of that girl. “How long was I out?” “You've been out for nearly two weeks! And you are here because no one could wake you up.” She replied. Just then Hermione walked though the door. “Harry your awake! I'm so glad, how do you feel?” Hermione said all at once. “Relax child the boy just woke up.” The nurse said. “Oh sorry,” Hermione said, “oh and Happy Birthday Harry, so much for sweet 16 huh?” Hermione glanced over to the opposite side of the room. There were lots of sweets and flowers. Harry noticed some new sweets and assumed the Fred and George must have created them. He picked one up. “Yeah,” Hermione said, “I'd stay away from those. I think you have had enough sleep.” The name of the candy was Sand Man Winks. Harry laughed. “Well here comes everyone else!” Hermione sighed as if the idea of other people in the room were a bad thing. Harry just looked at Hermione with one eyebrow up then shook it off. In the door came Ron, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Lupin, Tonks, Moody, and even Percy. “Wotcher Harry, good to see ya!” Tonks said. After everyone had their chance at Harry things started to settle down. Lupin and Moody had so things to do for the Order, Tonks Percy and Mr. Weasley said they had to get back to the Ministry leaving Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and Mrs. Weasley with Harry. Everyone asked what had happened to Harry but Harry just shook his head and said he didn't know which was only partially true, he only saw the girl being tortured and nothing else. He had no idea why he was in that coma for two whole weeks. Harry didn't even tell them about the vision. 2. New song, New girl --------------------- CHAPTER 2 NEW SONG, NEW GIRL The summer went by rather quickly for Harry; he got his O.W.L. results and scraped just enough of them to get into all the classes he needed to take to be an Auror. He had spent the month of August at the Burrow. It was better there them at Sirius's house. He didn't need the constant reminder that Sirius was dead. Harry had sort of a project to keep him busy, to think of a new Quidditch program to train five new rookies for the upcoming Quidditch season now that he was captain. Seeing that as of right now there were only two spots on the team that were occupied the Keeper and the Seeker. Ron and Hermione helped too though Hermione obviously wanted to read a book instead. “It's amazing that most of the team were in the same year” Hermione stated. “I don't think I noticed that before.” “Well that's a first.” Ron piped in. “Oh shut up Ron.” Hermione said, “I don't everything you know.” “Do you think I should owl Oliver Wood for his advise on how to do this? I have no idea how to identify a good beater of chaser if one danced around in front of me.” Harry said. “Why don't you guys worry about that when the time comes? Its summer holidays, you should relax.” Hermione suggested. “And what do you suggest we do??” Ron asked. “Read a book!!” this time it was Harry who spoke up. “Took the words right out of my mouth.” Hermione said with a smile. However Hermione's smile faded when Harry added. “You got any good Quidditch books?” * It was now September 1st and everyone was on the Hogwarts Express. “This year is going to be very quiet with Fred and George gone.” Ron said. “Yeah and thing keep going downhill from there.” Harry said as Draco Malfoy entered the compartment. “I would turn around and walk away if I were you Malfoy.” Harry said as he turned to look out the window. Harry really didn't want to fight with anyone at the moment and Malfoy would be sorry if he had to. Malfoy was about to say something, like maybe lousy remark Harry couldn't tell, but then he started to shut the door. “See you later then Potter.” Malfoy said with no trace of anger in his voice. Harry looked at Malfoy as he went out of sight. Everyone in the compartment looked puzzled. “What was that all about?” Hermione said quietly. “Darn,” Ron said, “And I wanted to practice a new hex Bill taught me.” Time rolled on as the train headed for its destination. Day became night as Hogsmade station came into view. As the trio was exiting the train Harry had a strange feeling that someone was watching him. Harry looked around then shrugged off the idea, his mind was just playing trick he told himself. Harry was still looking around, as they walked toward the carriages, trying to find someone who probably wasn't there. “Harry!” Harry looked at his friends who were waiting for him to get in the carriage. “Sorry” Harry mumbled as he climbed inside. Harry forced himself to smile to assure Ron and Hermione that was nothing was wrong. “What's wrong Harry?” Hermione asked. “Nothing” Harry replied. “Don't tell us `nothing.'” Ron said, “Blimey, you don't just walk right past Hagrid as if you didn't see him. I mean he's kinda hard to miss.” “I don't know” Harry said as he looked out the window, “I just had this strange feeling that someone was watching us.” “It's probably nothing Harry just you imagination.” Hermione said trying to think positively. “Maybe.” Harry mumbled. Students were pouring into the Great Hall. The enchanted sky above them filled with floating candles and blazing stars forming familiar constellations. Everyone was seated at their proper house tables for nearly ten minutes before Professor McGonagall lead a group of small, scared looking first years. McGonagall placed the three legged stool in front of the head table where the teachers sat and place the ragged old hat onto of it. The hat moved and the rip near the brim of the hat spoke: “Once again I welcome you, To this magnificent hall, Where I am quite sure, Most of you will have a ball. Another year I sit before you, To sing my little song, I will reach into your thought, And tell you where you belong, Shall I place you in Ravenclaw? Are you smart and full of wit? Or shall I place you Slytherin, Where the Gryffindor's will think you snobby gits. Speaking of Gryffindor, Are you loyal and brave? Or shall you go in Hufflepuff, Where your common room looks like a cave. I must say I had a lot of fun, Thinking up this rhyme, I only hope you will unit, Given a little time.” Applause broke out among three of the house tables. The Slytherins obviously didn't like being called `snobby gits'. The names of the first year were called out and everyone was sorted. Harry observed all the new Slytherins. He noticed that Malfoy was not there, nor was he anywhere in the great hall. Harry ate slowly; he wasn't that hungry even though he had hardly eaten anything all day. For some reason he a has a sneaky suspicion that something was going to happen, and with Malfoy not present at the feast, it made Harry feel even more uneasy. Harry was drinking some pumpkin juice when he felt a sharp pain in his arm. It was like a bludger had struck there and his are had broken. Harry moved his arm to make sure it wasn't. It moved just fine, but the pain lingered. Harry excused himself from the table and walked slowly out the great hall. As soon as he was out of sight from the entrance of the great hall Harry broke into a slight jog down a number a corridors as if something was drawing him to a certain place. As he approached the moving staircases he saw two people. One was lying on the floor as if she fell down the stairs, and the second was trying to calm her down, Malfoy was trying to calm her down. As Harry got closer he saw that the girl had a broken arm. She looked terrible, she had on a white tank top and some jean shorts, both were ripped. She had many cut and bruises on arms, legs and face and she looked like she had been traveling for days. Harry thought her face looked familiar. It was too familiar; it was the face that haunted him in his two week coma. She was the girl who was in his vision; she was the one who was tortured. Malfoy turned and faced Harry then snapped at him, “Don't just stand there Potter, go get Madame Pomfey!” 3. At the Stairs ---------------- CHAPTER 3 AT THE STAIRS Harry turned and ran back toward the Great Hall. His mind was racing, the girl in his vision was real, what happened to her was real. Harry stopped to look where he was and realized he had taken a wrong turn. He quickly backtracked and walked into the Great Hall. He made his way to the head table and got Madame Pomfrey's attention who was sitting beside McGonagall. “Madame Pomfrey, someone's been hurt!” Harry quickly told her. Pomfrey stood up. “Who??” she asked. Harry led Madame Pomfrey out of the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall came too. Harry passed Hermione and Ron, both looking confused. They were about to get up too when McGonagall told them to stay. As soon as the exited the great hall Harry answered the question. “I don't really know who she is; she's not a student here. Malfoy found her; I think she fell down the stairs.” Harry hesitated to tell more. They finally arrived where Malfoy and the girl were. Madame Pomfrey knelt beside the unconscious girl. “More has happened then a bad fall.” Madame Pomfrey contemplated looking at Malfoy for an answer. “She was unconscious when I found her.” Malfoy said. “I have no idea what happened to her.” McGonagall conjured up a stretcher and Malfoy and Harry put the girl on it. Harry couldn't hold back now he had to tell them what happened to her. “She was tortured.” He piped up. Everyone looked at Harry. “What Potter?” McGonagall asked. “She was tortured by Voldermort. There were Death Eaters there too.” Harry said. “And how do you know that Potter!” Malfoy snapped. “I guess the same way I knew Mr. Weasley was attacked last year; I saw it all in a vision over the summer. That's probably why I had that two week coma.” Harry replied quietly. “Why didn't you tell anyone?” McGonagall asked. Harry looked straight into Professor McGonagall's eyes “Look what happened last time I had a `vision,' I don't know what is real or not!” and with that Harry turned and walked away. * Harry entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning. He had managed to go to bed the previous night without anyone bothering him. “Harry!” Hermione called to him. Harry walked over. “What happened last night?” Harry was about to answer when the attentions were called to the head table. Professor McGonagall was tapping her water goblet with her fork. Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat, “It appears that we will have a new 6th year attending our school this year. An unfortunate event happened over the summer that left your new classmate without a school and a home. I'm sure that you will make her feel welcome. She will be attending her first classed tomorrow. In a privet session in the Hospital Wing your new classmate has been placed in Gryffindor. Now please enjoy your meal.” Harry explained everything he knew to Hermione and Ron in the few minutes they had before their first Transfiguration lesson of the year. They entered to classroom where Professor McGonagall was waiting for them. McGonagall motioned for everyone to find there seats. The class was smaller then usual, for not every 6th was taking N.E.W.T. level Transfigurations lessons. “Welcome to your first N.E.W.T. lesson in my class. Since most of you have less classes then usual, this class will be extra long and I expect you all to work extra hard.” The class was certainly long but everyone had managed to get through it. Harry, Hermione and Ron were about to leave when McGonagall call Harry. “Professor Dumbledore would like to see you Potter; he is in the Hospital Wing.” Harry nodded and told Ron and Hermione to go lunch without him. Hermione hesitated. “You sure you don't want us to come with you Harry?” she asked. “No it's Ok Hermione, maybe I will find out who that girl is, it's almost as if I have met her before, I mean before that vision.” Harry replied. Harry found Dumbledore in the Hospital wing. The girl was sitting up in bed talking with none other than Draco Malfoy himself. “Draco, I must ask that you leave. You can come back to visit Miss Evans later after classes.” Malfoy got up from his chair and did as he was told without any questions. “See you later Draco” the girl called after him. Harry noticed she had an American accent. Malfoy just waved as he turned the corner. “Harry, this is Aeryn Evans. Aeryn, this is Harry Potter.” Dumbledore motioned for Harry to sit down. Harry nodded at the Aeryn as he sat down. “I just wanted to thank you Harry.” Aeryn said. “For what?” Harry asked. “For what happened over the summer, when I was attacked by,” she cleared her throat then looked at Dumbledore “Voldermort. I knew you were there sharing my pain, I felt your presence. I think if you weren't there, I would have died.” “Now Harry you must listen to what I have to say. You are not going to like it. Both of you are in for a real shock.” Dumbledore said as he looked at both Harry and Aeryn. “This happens to be more information that has been kept from you. I don't doubt you will be angry for being kept in the dark, but both of you must listen first, to everything I have to say.” 4. Explanation time ------------------- CHAPTER 4 EXPLANATION TIME Harry sat there in his chair ready for anything that might be thrown his way. He looked at Aeryn and she looked at him for a brief moment then looked at Dumbledore. “Remember Harry, when I told you about the prophesy, that was told to me by Professor Trelawney?” Harry nodded. “Well when I told your mother and father about it, they developed a plan. They were going to do everything possible to protect you. But they had one small problem, your mother had, twins.” Harry sat up straighter in his chair; he couldn't believe the word he was hearing. “Sorry?” Harry managed to squeak. Aeryn had a look of confusion on her face as well. “Miss Evans here is your sister.” Dumbledore replied. Harry wasn't angry, he didn't lose his temper. All he could do was sit there in disbelief. “But if I'm his sister,” Aeryn spoke up, “why has it taken so long. Why hasn't any one told us about this?” Harry was surprised; it was Aeryn that was losing her temper. It hit Harry, when he had that vision of Aeryn being tortured she looked familiar, she looked like his mother, but her eyes were more like their father's. “After sixteen years why is it that I have had to live elsewhere, away from my true family?” “Miss Evans, please calm yourself. I will answer all you questions to the best of my ability. You see nobody knew that your mother had twins. Not even myself until after they died. You see when you both were born; your parents decided that it was best if they put you, Miss Evans, in the care of very trusting muggles in the United States so that they could pull all their concentration on protecting Harry, the boy mentioned in the prophesy. When they died they left me a letter, but the letter didn't tell me where to find you Aeryn. I have been searching for the past 16 years and have failed to you. And before you ask Harry because I know this will be your next question, neither Sirius or Remus knew. I was the only one who knew. It is fate that has brought you two together. Maybe the two of you together can stop Voldermort.” “But how did Voldermort know?” Aeryn asked. “What do you mean?” Harry asked. “Voldermort said something to Aeryn, and I am afraid that though I may have many talents, to this day I can not understand the language of the snakes.” Dumbledore said. “I didn't know I spoke a different language!” Aeryn said, “If you just asked I probably would have said it properly.” The three of them sat in silence for a moment. “Well what did he say?” Harry asked. Aeryn uttered an amount of hissing as Harry listened. Then more silence. Harry was staring out of window. Then he whispered the translated words. “Twin of a Potter, should die with her brother.” * Harry and Aeryn made the decision to keep the fact that they were brother and sister a secret. Harry even agreed not to tell Ron and Hermione until the time was right. Aeryn had been released from the hospital wing the next morning, she showed up in the Great Hall dressed in her new Hogwarts uniform on, but unlike all the rest of the girls, she was wearing black dress pants instead of the traditional skirt. Harry watched her walk in, he was about to wave her over to the table when Malfoy walked up to her. Harry couldn't tell what their conversation was about but Aeryn pointed over to the Gryffindor table, Malfoy nodded and Aeryn walked over to the table and sat down beside the open seat beside Harry. “Hi.” She said to Harry. Harry saw the looks on Ron and Hermione's faces. “Forgive me, Aeryn these are my best friend Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, guys this is Aeryn Evans.” Harry said. “Nice to meet you.” Hermione said. “Yes,” Ron added, “Welcome to Hogwarts, and Gryffindor.” “Food looks great, I'm starved.” Aeryn said as she dug into as much food she could lay her eyes upon. “So what happened to you...” Ron blurted out. Hermione kicked Ron under the table, “I mean I totally understand if you don't want to talk about it.” “No it ok really, I explained it all to Dumbledore, I'm sure I could do it again.” Aeryn paused and then began. “Well my school was having a little summer get together. The Minister of Magic was there…” “What was Fudge doing in States?” Ron asked. “Different countries have Ministers. Anyway, rumor was that Voldermort wanted to take him out, you know take over less important places of power, so Mr. Duff was at our school for protection. Only the top students were there, including myself. Well to make a long story short, we lead Voldermort into a trap inside the school and I accidentally blew it up. But Voldermort only crated an illusion of himself inside the school and I killed everyone who really was inside. I was really lucky to stay outside. But Voldermort captured me and tortured me and fortunately let my live. I also suffered a very big blackout. I was out for about two weeks.” Aeryn sighed. “How did you accidentally blow up the school?” Harry asked. “That my friend is still a mystery.” Aeryn said as she stood up. She put her hand on Harry's shoulder then quickly retracted as she was shocked by a spark. “Uh, I'll see you in potions.” She was looking at her hand then at Harry, and then walked away. Harry immediately noticed Malfoy get up from the Slytherin table and followed Aeryn. “What does he think his doing?” Harry asked himself loud enough for Ron and Hermione to hear. “Don't worry mate, Aeryn seems to have the brains, she'll see right though that Malfoy.” Ron said. 5. Quidditch, Spying and Idiotic words -------------------------------------- CHAPTER 5 QUIDDITCH, SPYING, AND IDIOTIC WORDS “It really is amazing that we all managed to get into potions this year.” Ron said as they walked down to the dungeon. Professor Snape wasn't there yet, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione found empty seats at the back. Malfoy was closer to the front and was sitting right next to Aeryn. Harry could hear them chatter away, Crabbe and Goyle were a couple is rows back. Hermione could tell that Harry was irritated. “Why dose it bug you so much to see the two of them get along? I mean it not like you own her or anything.” “Let's just get ready for class.” Harry said changing the subject, Hermione was about to say something when Professor Snape walked in. When he was at the front of the class he paused and looked at Malfoy and Aeryn. Clearly everyone noted the very rare event of a Slytherin and Gryffindor to sit willingly together. “Miss Evans, welcome to my potions class, may I ask wear your cauldron is.” Snape asked. Harry rolled his eyes; here we go again, Harry thought, the Gryffindor bashing begins. “Since I only came into this wonderful world of the conscious yesterday afternoon and ordered all my school supplies last night, I don't believe my things have arrived yet.” Aeryn said in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone. “Ah I see, well I am going to have to ask you to leave, you may return when you are able to participate in my class.” Snape said. Aeryn stood up and started to exit. “Sir, if I may, Aeryn can use my extra cauldron I brought to class. I have plenty of extra ingredients.” Malfoy piped in. Aeryn looked at Snape waiting for an answer. Snape looked at Malfoy. “Very well, Miss Evans sit down before you waste anymore time.” Snape said waving his wand over the black board and the daily lesson appeared on it. Harry was surprised that Snape didn't even take points away for Aeryn's cheekiness. * The weekend finally came and it was time for Quidditch tryouts. Ron and Harry stood in front of the rather large group of eager possible chasers and beaters. Amongst them was Aeryn, and to top it all off, Draco was not far, he was sitting in the bleachers. “Aeryn what's he doing here?” Harry asked her quietly. “He came to watch me, root for me, and show his support.” She replied. “Are you mad? He is on the Slytherin team!! Plus he's a Malfoy!” He told her. “And what is that suppose to mean Potter?” she put her hands on her hips. “It means that he doesn't know you are a Potter. The second he finds out, he's going to drop you like a fly, and not look back.” Aeryn's face turned white like she was going to be sick. “You alright?” he asked. “I need a broom.” She said sternly at him. “What?” “For the tryouts! I don't have one yet.” “You can use my Firebolt, I'm not riding today” he handed it to her. Harry walked over to where Ron was giving out orders. People tried out in small groups. Aeryn was in the last one. Ron noticed she had Harry's Firebolt. “You must really like her if you're willing to let her ride that.” Ron commented. Harry looked at Ron, “It's not like that; I tell you about it later, just go guard the goalposts.” Harry said as he watched Aeryn race up into the sky. She was fast on that broom with the Quaffle in her hands. Every time she went to score, she did. Harry knew that she was destined to be on the team. As Aeryn landed Harry started to walk over to her to tell her that she made the team when Malfoy got their first. They started to walk off, the only thing Harry hear from their conversation was Aeryn. ”We need to talk.” She told him, and walked away. Harry followed. So not to be seen Harry walked far enough behind Aeryn and Malfoy, but could not hear them talking. Harry wished he had some extendable ears, the Weasley twins had created. He then thought of Hermione for some reason. He thought of what she would say if she knew what he was doing, spying on Aeryn. But Hermione doesn't know the whole story; she didn't know that Aeryn was his sister. Ron had thought that Harry fancied Aeryn. Harry knew that he'd have to tell his friends the truth, soon. Harry train of thought was broken when Aeryn quickly walked away from Malfoy; it looked like she was crying. Harry was about to about to walk up to Malfoy and give him a knock on the nose when he noticed that Aeryn was walked in the direction of the place he was hiding. Harry cursed himself for not having his invisibility cloak. He had to face the music, fess up to spying on her. Aeryn turned the corner and stopped dead in her track as she saw Harry. Harry noticed her eyes were red, and her checks wet. Harry also saw Malfoy leaving the other way towards the Slytherin common room. Harry looked back at Aeryn. “Were you spying on my?” she asked him. Harry just looked at her not knowing what to say. “You know just because we share DNA doesn't mean you are automatically my `brother' with all the brotherly rights that go with it.” Harry tried to say something but she cut him off. “I don't want to hear it Potter! You best stay out of my way,” she warned, “you don't want to your life to be hexed up.” She gave Harry an angry glare as she walked past him. Harry's feet were planted to the ground he stood on. Time passed. To Harry it seemed like forever as he was in a train of thought of what just happened. In reality he stood there for about ten minutes before Harry could hear the footfalls of another person coming behind him. “Harry!” Harry turned around and saw Ron walking toward him. Ron caught the look on Harry's face. “What's wrong, mate?” he asked. Harry turned and looked at the spot where Aeryn and Malfoy were arguing. “Nothing,” Harry muttered. “Don't tell me `nothing'. I just passed Aeryn going into the common room, and from the direction she was walking from it was here. And I see you are here, which means you have something to do with her crying.” Ron said. “Look, I just warned her about Malfoy. I told her that the second he finds out she's my…” Harry paused leaving Ron to come up with quick conclusions. “What?” Ron asked. “I know I should have told you before, but Aeryn and I decided to get use to the facts before we told anyone.” Harry started to explain. They both started walking back towards the common room. “What are you two dating or something?” Ron asked. Harry gave Ron a weird look. “No! Ron, she's my sister. Haven't you noticed she looked exactly like my mum? Anyway, I told her that Malfoy would probably…” “Drop her like a fly?” “My words exactly.” Harry replied. “No that you mention it; I thought she'd look familiar. Except of coarse her eyes their like your dad's” Ron stated. “Well now that she hates my gut and wants to hex me let's get some sleep, I've got a mountain of homework and have to decide who made the Quidditch team,” Harry replied. Ron and Harry finally reached the common room entrance. “Allohamora,” Ron said to the portrait of the fat lady. The portrait swung open and they stepped inside only to see Hermione waiting for them, she was standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips glaring at Harry. Other then Hermione, everyone else went to bed. “I understand why you didn't tell me Harry James Potter, but you didn't have to pull a stunt like that!!” she said sternly. “How do you know?” was all Harry could say. “She came into the common room all blotched up, she thought she was alone so she didn't hold back with anything back. I believe her exact word were `I'd damn that Potter if I wasn't related to him.' Upon hearing that I lent her my ears and she told me everything!” She explained. Harry couldn't say anything. He sat down in his favorite chair. Hermione continued. “She wanted me to let you know that she still would have been mad at you if you hadn't been spying on her.” “Spying, now you didn't mention that part!” Ron said. Hermione gave Ron a look that told him to shut up. “She said it was because you were her brother that Malfoy `gave her a face of total disgust.' She was mad at you for that. I still don't know what she sees in him. He's not as cute as y…” Hermione shut herself up as she realized what she was about to say. It didn't go unnoticed as Ron stood up. “I, uh, I'm going now, uh `night!” Ron climbed the steps quickly and was out of sight. “I see what your doing Mione. Now that you know that she is only my sister, you are not jealous anymore!” Harry said as he smiled, laid back and put his hand behind his head. “Um, I think I should go to bed too, I'll uh see you tomorrow.” She quickly go up trying to hide her blush. She started to climb the stairs. “Don't worry Mione; Malfoy's not as cute as you are either!” Harry called out. Hermione stopped and turned around. “That was hardly a complement! You really need to learn how to talk to girls.” She was out of sight. Harry got up and headed to towards his dorm room contemplating the idiotic word he had spoken to her. 6. Spiders, Spilt Milk and Marauders ------------------------------------ CHAPTER 6 SPIDERS, SPILT MILK AND MARAUDERS The next day was Sunday. Harry woke up as the sunlight came though the window. Ron was sleeping still and Harry threw a pillow at him. Ron turned over but did not wake up. Harry walked up to Ron's bed. Ron started to snore again. “Ron,” he whispered. Ron did nothing, “Ron there's a spider on you pillow.” Ron's eyes shoot open and jumped out of bed. “Where's it at?” Ron shouted looking around for any signs of a spider. “No where, we have to get the Quidditch list up before anyone wakes up. I know I am the captain and all but I would really like your input in this.” Harry knew that Ron would take great pride in doing something like this. “I really think we should share the position of captaincy.” “You really mean that.” Ron whispered as to not wake up their other roommates. They walked down into the empty common room and sat down at a table. Harry pulled out a piece of parchment. “Who do we want for Chasers?” Harry asked Ron. Ron looked at Harry. “Isn't it obvious? Ginny and Aeryn, of course,” He said. “I didn't even realize Ginny tried out.” Harry said as he wrote their names down. “Honestly, no wonder you need me. What were you doing while we were having tryouts?” Ron didn't expect an answer. “What about that Natalie McDonald in the third year for the last spot. She was really fast, even on that cleansweep she was riding.” “What about Beaters, she we go with those twins in the forth year, the, uh, Eddings twins?” Harry asked as he wrote the last Chaser name down. Ron nodded. “Just when I thought we had gotten ridden of twins on the Quidditch. At least there're girls.” “You forgot about me.” Harry said, “Aeryn and I are twins too you know.” Ron rolled his eyes. Harry finished the list, assigned a practice date, and posted it onto the common room notice board. “Yeah except she hates you at the moment doesn't she. Plus no one but a few people knows about it.” Ron stated. “Yeah, and Malfoy. Let's how long it takes before he makes fun of her for being a `Potter'” Harry said. “He's not going to.” A new voice entered the room. Aeryn walked down the stairs of the girl's dormitory followed by Hermione. “Morning,” Ron and Harry both said at the same time as they moved away from the notice board. Aeryn walked up to the notice board. She looked at the list of who made the Quidditch team and then shook her head “Typical.” She said. “What now!” Harry exclaimed. “Did you pick the team hoping we would win a game with good looks?” She said, “Honestly, where you watching people try out or off in space. The Eddings twins sucked. I could name half a dozen people who were better.” Harry looked at Aeryn, her face was so serious. Harry could not think what to say, and then he caught Hermione smiling and looked back at Aeryn who was smiling too. They both started to laugh as Ron and Harry stood there very confused. “I was joking.” Aeryn said as she stopped laughing, “I didn't even watch the tryouts, my mind was wandering too. Anyway I'm decided that it's no use crying over spilt milk and that you were only doing what you thought was best for me. If Draco is a stuck up pure blood snob, then he is a stuck up pure blood snob. Well I'm starved let go get dressed before we go to the Hall.” Harry could see that she was still upset, maybe not at him but at Malfoy. If fact he could feel it. Ron and Harry join Aeryn and Hermione in the common room and Harry gave Aeryn a book. “What's this?” she asked opening it. “I thought you might want to look at some of these pictures. I know some of them are pictures taken of Ron Hermione and me but…” She flipped to the first page and saw the photo of their parents holding baby Harry. She smiled at Harry. “Thank you.” She set the book down on a tables and pulled out here wand, whispered a spell as the book duplicated itself. She handed Harry the original. “That way I can look at it when ever I want to.” The four entered the Great Hall and it was buzzing with chatter. Harry saw Aeryn hesitate as she and Malfoy caught eyes. They both looked away. They sat down and began to eat. Aeryn started a conversation. “You know Harry you should really consider getting a new broom, I mean, I don't if you noticed but your Firebolt is not going as fast as it should.” Aeryn saw the looks on all of their faces. “What?” “My Firebolt was a gift from Sirius.” He looked at his eggs as he played with them. “I'm not saying you get rid of it…what, Sirius as in Sirius Black?” All three of them nodded. “Why would that murder give you a broom?” “Marauder!” someone said from behind them, “He may have been a Marauder, but never a murderer.” “Professor Lupin!” 7. Sisterly Advise ------------------ CHAPTER 7 SISTERLY ADVICE “What are you doing here?” the trio managed to say at the same time. The three of them looked at each other then laughed. “Well it's nice to see you too; it's only been like a month since I saw you last.” Lupin said sarcastically. “And it's good to see you too Miss Evans though it has been longer then a month since I last saw you.” “You know her?” Ron asked. “He taught DADA at my school in my 1st and 2nd year. I always wondered what happened to you, Defense against the Dark Arts was never the same when you left” Aeryn said. “Well I was asked to teach at another school, this school in fact. After all these years I am surprised I remember you. I guess it was because you reminded me of someone I once knew.” Lupin replied. “Let me take a wild guess,” Harry started, “she reminds you of one of your best friend's, wife, and one that I happen to be related to?” “It's a long story,” Aeryn said, “Do you have time, or should I give you the short version and let you fill in the blanks?” “Actually, Dumbledore asked me here for some reason, I should go see him. I just thought I'd drop by to say hello.” Lupin started to walk away, “I'll see you later when you can tell me the whole story, oh and Harry, please correct Aeryn about the misinformation about Sirius.” The day was spent outdoors sharing stories with one another. Most of the talking was done by Ron, Harry, or Hermione. Aeryn seemed to be avoiding the subject of her childhood, but loved to talk about what she did in school. Later in the evening Lupin joined the group. Fortunately Dumbledore had told Lupin all about Aeryn being Harry's twin sister and the story did not have to be re-told. Before long Lupin had to say good-bye, but told them that they would see him sooner then they think. Ron said he was hungry and headed up to the castle. Hermione said she was going for a walk leaving Harry and Aeryn alone. Harry was looking at Hermione as she was walking away. “You like her don't you?” Aeryn asked. “Yeah,” Harry said, “I think I do.” He was still watching Hermione. “Then what the hell are you still doing here!” Harry gave her a look, “It pretty obvious that you like her and she likes you. Why don't you walk with her, it's what she wants you to do.” “How do you know?” Harry asked. “Last time I checked I was a girl myself. Trust me having sister will pay off.” Hermione was no out of sight. “Look, sometimes girl do thing like this, call it a test, to see if you really like her. Just go catch up with her ask her if it's ok that you tag along.” Harry got up and started to jog in the direction Hermione was walking, “And don't say anything stupid, she told me what you said to her last night.” Harry was gone leaving Aeryn alone under a tree. She got out a Quidditch magazine and started to flip though it looking at the brooms. After a while the sun was setting and Aeryn started to pack up. She caught a glance of Malfoy and his goons Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy saw her and quickened his pace and was out of sight. The Great Hall was buzzing the next day. Ron and Aeryn were already eating breakfast when Harry and Hermione came into the Great Hall together. They sat down and avoided eye contact with anyone. “And where have you two been this fine morning?” Aeryn asked already knowing the answer, “it's nearly bell time.” “We just wanted to get some fresh air before started the day. We saw the sun rise.” Hermione said. “It was so beautiful.” That wasn't the only thing that was beautiful, Harry thought. “What was that Harry?” Aeryn asked. “What was what?” Harry said. “Didn't you just say something?” she asked. “No.” he replied. Oh boy, Aeryn thought, now I going crazy. “No your not.” Harry said. “Not what?” Aeryn asked. “Going crazy.” He replied. “But I didn't say that I was, I…” “Thought it?” Harry finished for her. “Yeah. Ok this is kinda getting freaky.” Everyone sat in silence as the minutes ticked away. Harry was wondering how he could hear her thoughts, and if it was a good thing or a bad thing. His thought wondered to Hermione and how she smiled when they sat on that cliff that looked over the lake, watching the sun rise. Then thought wandered to Malfoy?? Harry looked at Aeryn as she was trying not to look in Malfoy's direction as he entered the Great Hall talking with Pansy. Harry felt jealousy being emitted from her. It was enough to give him a headache. “Aeryn!” Harry managed to get her attention. “What?” she said. “I'm getting a headache.” He rubbed his temples. “Sorry, I guess I wasn't thinking.” “Actually you thinking too much.” He said. “Sorry,” she said again, “You know this is all too weird. I feel like my life is turned upside down chewed up a bit and now I have new pieces to this puzzle that I have yet to figure out. I mean everything was fine. I went to a good school; I had friends, played Quidditch. And now I have the same things except I have a brother who can read my mind vise versa of coarse. It's a whole new world to me and… Ok now you are the one thinking too much. What is with the Potter-Malfoy feud?” Harry looked at Aeryn but the bell rang “Let's talk about it later, let's go see Hagrid and see what new beasts we'll be taking care of this year.” Aeryn shook her head. “I'm not taking Care for Magical Creatures. I already passed my N.E.W.T.'s for that. I am taking something else. I'll see you at lunch.” She ran off. That afternoon was the Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson. It was still a mystery on who was going to teach this year and everyone was equally surprised to see Professor Lupin in the classroom. Everyone sat down as the class began. “Due to recent events, most of you parents wanted someone who could actually teach this subject to you. So Professor Dumbledore asked me to teach you again. Even though the reason why I left in the first place is still an issue, trust me when I say that all precautions are being made so that no one ever gets hurt. “Now I understand that last year you DADA teacher was not practical and some of you took matters in you own hands.” He looked at Harry, “And I encourage you to continue with the DA as an official school club where anyone can join.” 8. Odd one out -------------- CHAPTER 8 ODD ONE OUT The moon was full. She sat by the lake night after night for the past month. It was October and the night was getting cold. The werewolf howled in the distance. He watched her. He was never close enough to be noticed but he was there. They had not spoken to each other since that Saturday afternoon. Not one word. It was unbearable, for neither of them could stop thinking about each other. The lake shimmered as the moonlight glided across it. There was not color; everything was a different shade of grey. She always felt his presence when he followed her to the lake, not getting to close hoping not to be discovered. It had gone on long enough. She didn't want this to go on any longer. No more awkward glances. No more avoiding. She wanted to look into his eyes and know that he loved her no matter what. He came closer then usually tonight. She wondered if her being reckless or daring. She watched a shooting star on the reflection of the lake. She closed her eyes a made a wish. When she opened her eyes, she found the courage to speak. “It's about time.” She said. He was standing eight feet behind her at least. “What did you wish for?” he asked as he moved closer. “A miracle.” She replied. “And when do you expect this miracle?” He asked as he sat down beside her. “I was hoping you would know.” She said as she turned to look at him. “He doesn't know does he?” he asked her. “Not a clue. It's hard to keep it from him.” She said. “So the rumor is true?” He asked as he looked into her eyes. She nodded, “I think I will go crazy, if I don't get this empathic connection with him under control.” “I'm sorry.” He said looking toward the lake. “It's going to be hard,” she said, “There is a lot of stuff we need to work though.” “I know.” He said quietly. She moved closer to him. He looked at her. “Do you think we could, just skip that part, and like be kissing right now?” she asked and for the first time in a month they both smiled with real happiness as they passionately kissed under the moonlight. * The next day was a Saturday. The only thing occupying the schedule was Quidditch practice. For the past month it was just the four of them; Harry, Hermione, Ron and Aeryn. Other then a certain Slytherin, Dumbledore and Lupin, they were the only one who knew of the twinship of Harry and Aeryn. Not even McGonagall knew. Ron and Aeryn were walking in the front as Harry and Hermione walked hand in hand in the back. They walked the halls toward the Quidditch pitch. Aeryn was very happy; it showed on the outside as well as in her thoughts. “You know you need to lower your thoughts a few decibels.” Harry called towards Aeryn. “Why Harry I didn't know you knew such muggle words.” Aeryn said briefly looking back the watched where she was going. Harry rolled his eyes, Hermione laughed. “Don't change the subject.” He said. “It's very annoying when I'm thinking about Hermione, classes, Hermione, homework, Hermione, Quidditch, Hermione, then all of a sudden Malfoy pops into my brain. It's such a turn off. I have to start the whole thinking process all over again.” “Gee, I didn't know.” Aeryn said with a smirk, “Try not to hurt you self.” Ron burst out laughing. Soon enough all for of them were laughing. When they got to the locker room the rest of the team was waiting. On the floor was a big box addressed to the Gryffindor Quidditch team. “What's this?” Harry asked. “Oh I ordered new Quidditch uniforms for the team. The old ones were so tattered.” Aeryn said. Harry was about to thank her but she held up her hand “I don't want you to thank me I expect you all to pay me back. This stuff doesn't come cheap you know.” Everyone agreed to pay her back as they opened the box. Inside where the crimson Gryffindor robes, each with a last name in gold lettering on the back. Harry pulled out the one that said `POTTER' it was pretty obvious that is was not going to fit, because it was a couple of sizes to small. “Ah, Aeryn,” he held up the robe, “I don't think this is going to fit.” Aeryn took the robe from Harry, “That because it's not yours.” She handed him that last robe that came out of the box. It also said `POTTER' “But…” “I thought it was about time you weren't the only `Potter' around. It is the name on my birth certificate. At least I think it is.” She smiled. The other teammates were a little puzzle, with the exception of Ron. “You sure you want the whole world to know?” He asked her. She nodded. “What about Malfoy?” “We already discussed it. He's fine with it. He loves me for who I am, not who I'm related to.” Natalie McDonald spoke up. “Well I feel like the odd one out.” Harry realized that Natalie was the only one that didn't share her last name with anyone on the team. “Whoever's commenting this year will have a mouthful to say. He or she will have to use our first names as well. Hey Aeryn you don't think you could distract Malfoy while I find the snitch could you?” “Harry!” Hermione punched him one in the arm. “I was only joking.” He said rubbing his arm. “Hey guys?” Ginny said, “I don't mean to interrupt but what the hell is going on?” “Aeryn is Harry's twin sister.” Ron replied to her. “But, how?” Ginny asked. “Long story, we'll tell ya later, right now I want to try out my new broom.” Aeryn said as she picked up the second package that was near the box. She opened it up; the broom was similar to the Nimbus 2001 series. On the handle were to letters `SB.' “What does the `SB' stand for?” Ron asked. “It's the new `Sonic Boom'” she said “It's the newest model. It's not even advertised yet.” “How'd you scrape the Galleons for that?” Ginny asked, “It must cost a fortune.” “Actually I had called the Quidditch shop in New York to order my broom when they said that there was a broom on hold for me already. Frank must have bought this for my birthday.” She said studying the detail of the broom. “Who's Frank?” Harry asked. “Well I wasn't raised by baboons for 16 years. Frank is, uh, was my guardian. He was the potions master at my school. And we all know what happened to my school.” She said. I thought Dumbledore said she was given to muggles, Harry thought. “He probably got his info wrong, I'm pretty sure Frank isn't a muggle.” She said answering his thought. “If you thought hearing each other's thoughts was bad.” Hermione started “You should be on the outside, not having a clue as to what the heck was thought.” “Sorry Mione.” Harry looked at his watch, “I think it's safe to said that practice has been splotched today.” “I'm sorry Harry.” Aeryn apologized “It's ok; you can make it up to me by letting my kick your butt at the DA meeting.” Harry said. “Not a chance Potter.” She said with a smiled. “Draco has decided to join the club; I might let you have a go at him.” 9. Death Eater Attack --------------------- CHAPTER 9 DEATH EATER ATTACK Azkaban All cell doors were unlocked and open. The place was empty. No Dementors in sight. Deserted. Hogwarts- DA meeting People were starting to arrive for the first official DA meeting. “So what dose the `DA' stand for anyway Potter?” Draco Malfoy asked while looking some books on the bookshelf in the Room of Requirements. “I don't Draco, why don't you ask Harry.” Draco gave her a look, “Sorry I couldn't resist.” “Well you could either call it the Defense Association, or Dumbledore's Army, take your pick Malfoy.” Harry glared at Malfoy. Draco crossed his arms in a defense position. Aeryn got between the two of them. “Hey, whoa, the tension in here is getting so thick I think I'm going to need a steak knife.” With that both Harry and Draco started to laugh. It was short lived. They started to stare at each other again. “Yes I think that this mortal enemy thing has gone on too long.” Hermione added. Others looked on at the hopeful duel between Harry and Draco. “You're only saying that cause you snogging the guy, Miss Mud—“ “Draco!” Aeryn warned. “Sorry, old habits die hard.” Draco apologized. “Are you sure that's what they are, old. For all we know you could...” Harry started. “Harry, that's enough.” Aeryn said rubbing her temples. “No!” Harry started again, “I don't know what you see in him, he's nothing more then a pureblood sno…” “Enough!!” Aeryn said in a more stern voice. “No!” Harry said again, “For once you are going to listen to me; you need to know what kind of person he is! You haven't known him that long!” “ENOUGH!!” This time everyone flinched, for Aeryn spoke in Parceltongue. Harry looked into her eyes, they were solid black, and he could not read her thoughts. Several bookshelves exploded and people ran for cover. Aeryn then fell backwards dizzy. Draco caught her and caught her eyes slowly returning to normal. “Aeryn are you ok?” Draco asked with concern. Aeryn sat down in a chair that materialized as she required it. “I'm fine. You two need to learn to work together. Draco is not the `Pureblood snob' you think him to be trust me. In fact I have known him a lot longer then you have!” Aeryn looked down at the floor. “What do you mean…” Harry started to ask. “Not now Harry, please. I'm more concerned on what the hell just happened.” Aeryn glanced at the other people and the ones that just walked in the door. “Gee, not really a good day for organized activities today huh?” Harry looked at all the members in the DA “I'm sorry, but tonight's meeting is canceled.” There were a few moans of disappointment. Only Luna Lovegood stayed. She sat down beside Ron who was sitting in the cushion patch. “So what did happen?” Ron asked. Aeryn looked sick. She was trembling. “It was power,” Aeryn said quietly, “A power beyond anyone's understanding. Maybe we should see Dumbledore about this.” “Has this happened before?” Draco asked, who sat on the arm of the chair Aeryn was sitting in. “Well, what has recently been blown to bits? I felt this happen over the summer, you know with my school.” She closed her eyes. Hermione was repairing the broken bookshelves. A few good books were destroyed beyond repair. They were about to call it a night when the door burst though. In came ten Death Eaters, all dressed in black and wore masks. Harry, Ron and Draco took defensive positions around the girls, wands out. The head Death Eater stepped forward from the others, and took off his mask. There was the escaped prisoner Lucius Malfoy stood before the six students. “Well, well, what do we have here?” Lucius Malfoy observed the students. His eyes stopped and he was looking at Draco, “You'd better leave Draco, go back to you common room and I'll pretend I didn't see you here.” Draco didn't move, he stood there with his wand pointed straight at his Father. “Draco, I said go!!” he pointed at the door. Draco moved closer to his Father. “Father,” Draco said, “Get bent!” and punched his father in the face. Nine other Death Eaters stood in silence waiting for their leader to tell them what to do. Malfoy staggered back and revealed a bloody broken nose. He was stunned that his son, his own flesh and blood, had turned against him. Malfoy looked deep into his son's eyes and without thought and forgotten wand, he back fisted Draco across the face sending him flying across the room. “DRACO!!” Aeryn cried out as he landed on a pile of pillows, and staggered up and rejoined the others, blood coming from his mouth. He gave Aeryn a look of reassurance that he was OK. The Death Eater, now remembering that they had wands, raised them to start their curse. Ten bolts of green lightning hurled at the six students. For a split second they thought as one, their eyes tuned black as they watched the lightning come toward them as if in slow motion, they raised their right hand. “Protégé!” they both yelled at the same time. It was pure instinct. A magical shield formed around Harry, Aeryn and their friends, and absorbed the killing curses. Still speaking as one they said to their friends “Get to the door!” “But the door is still blocked.” Ron noted. “Try the back door.” They said. They both turned to look behind them. A door materialized in the blink of an eye. The door looked magnificent. It appeared to be made of solid gold, with rubies outlining it. They doorknob itself was made of rubies. In the center of the door was an etching of a beautiful Lion. Luna got to the door first, she tried to open it but the knob sent a small shock into her hand. “It won't let me open it.” She said shaking her hand from the shock. The magical shield was starting to crumble as Harry and Aeryn appeared to be getting weak from this magic. The Death Eaters were still trying to break though with various curses, which was breaking the shield as well. Next Draco tried the door and received the same treatment as Luna. Ron tried, he did not, however, receive a shock, yet the door would not budge. “Hurry!” Harry said as his connection with Aeryn was starting to break. “It won't open!” Ron shouted. “Move over!” Hermione said as she pointed her wand at the door knob “Allohamora!” Instead of the door opening the knob disappeared. “Great!” Draco muttered as he kicked the door, he winced in pain as it was solid gold. Finally Harry broke the connection and went for the door. The door opened to his presence and sucked all six of them though. Dumbledore came in just in time to see six of his students vanish though the door. They door closed behind them and disappeared itself. 10. Blood ties -------------- CHAPTER 10 BLOOD TIES The Death Eaters were unconscious, tied up, and had their wands broken. Albus Dumbledore stood before a bookcase where the door had appeared. Other Professors stood by watching, not knowing what to do. “Where do you think they went Albus?” Minerva McGonagall asked. “To be honest, I haven't the slightest idea.” Dumbledore said as he turned away from the bookcase. “Right now we have to figure out what to do with these people.” “Do we know what happened?” she asked. “Longbottom said that the DA meeting was canceled after Aeryn freaked out.” Lupin replied. “Freaked out?” Snape said casually. “Apparently Harry and Malfoy were having one of their usual arguments. Aeryn and Hermione were trying to break it off. Longbottom said that she got real mad, spoke like a snake, and made a couple bookcases explode.” Lupin said. Just then Lupin felt dizzy and sat down. “The Moon is rising Remus, you better go.” Dumbledore said. Lupin nodded and left the room. He stopped at the door. “I wouldn't waste my time trying to find that door. If my memory serves me correctly, only Harry and Aeryn can call the door to appear.” * It felt like a port key, only ten times worse. They were sucked through the door like a hurricane. They felt like they had the wind knocked out of them. When they finally came to their senses they found themselves in a room. The walls were crimson and gold. It was a very close resemblance of the Slytherin common room. “This almost looks like my common room.” Draco noted. “Yeah, except it's less spooky.” Ron said without thinking. “How would you know?” Draco asked. Ron looked to Harry. “I refuse to say anything that might get us in trouble with Professor Snape.” He said innocently. Draco rolled his eyes. “I won't rat on you, if that's what you're worried about.” Draco sneered. Ron told him the story of the Polyjuice potion in their second year. Harry's mind however was else where. He was looking at some books that were on selves. He picked one up. It looked like a diary of some sorts. On the cover was a drawing of a Golden Snitch. In the center were the initials “JP”. He opened the book up and turned to the last entry. *Wow, it's my last night here at Hogwarts. We leave in the mourning. I am really going to miss hanging out in this room. A lot of great memories were created here. I still remember the look on Lily's face when I brought her here for the first time. I mean who wouldn't love this place. It's great that only I can get here. Moony and Padfoot have tried so many times to even locate this place. I guess I will leave this diary here. For my future generations to read what my life was like at Hogwarts. But of course they won't need this silly old book, because I will tell stories of my adventures here to my kids, and they will tell their kids and so on. It is nice to know that I come from a noble family, to have Godric Gryffindor's blood flowing though my veins.* *Well this is it; I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Its way past curfew, but what are they going to do, expel me??* *Good wishes for the future* *James Potter* Harry sat down at a table and flipped though the diary reading an entry here or there. Aeryn noticed what Harry was doing and sat down at the table. *`What are you doing?'* Aeryn thought only wanting to talk to Harry. *`I found this on the shelf'* he handed her the diary. She flipped though it. *`Wow, I would never of guessed'* Aeryn got up and went to the self were other book were waiting to be read. She found a really big book. It was about five inches thick. She plopped it on the table with a loud thud. Everyone looked up at Harry and Aeryn. Harry and Aeryn barley notice, they were too engaged in their telepathic conversation. *`I wonder how long it would take Hermione to read this book'* Aeryn thought. Both Harry and Aeryn laughed. Everyone was still looking at the twins in silence. Harry noticed everyone was staring. “Uh Harry,” Hermione started, “I can't believe I going to say this, but now is not really a good time to be reading books. We need to find a way out of here.” “I guess it is late, we could leave this for another time.” Aeryn said. “Leave what?” Luna asked. “Only our family history, told by those in the Godric Gryffindor blood line.” Harry replied. “Ok this is getting a little too confusing for me. Could we just leave this until tomorrow?” Ron said. “We will have the whole day to explain and figure out what the bloody hell has happened.” “Ok I guess your right.” Harry said. “Um, Harry I hate to bother you but the door we came in disappeared when we came, how are we going to get out?” Hermione asked. “I suppose we should find Dumbledore and tell him we are ok. Harry, give me the map.” Aeryn said. “How do you know I brought it?” Harry slapped his forehead, “Right stupid question.” He handed her the Marauder's map. She tapped it and studied it. “Most of them are in McGonagall's office.” She said handing Harry the map back. “All right then.” Harry closed his eyes tight and thought of where he wanted to go. The door appeared. Harry stepped forward and opened it. * “I can't stand it, Albus! They have been gone for almost an hour.” McGonagall was pacing in her office. “Calm down Minerva I'm sure they will be back soon. Are the prisoners secured Severus?” Dumbledore asked. “Locked up tight.” Snape replied. There was a flash of light as the gold door materialized in the wall. The door swung open as Harry walked thought, followed by Hermione. Then Ron and Luna. Then Aeryn and Draco. “At least the ride back was pleasant.” Hermione noted. “Yeah I think we had the whip lash result from the magical serge Harry and I provided.” Aeryn added. “Oh thank heaven your back!” McGonagall sighed with relief, “We were worried.” “Well everything is peachy, on the side of keen,” replied Aeryn. “Where were you?” Snape asked. “The Chamber of Secrets, Gryffindor style.” Harry replied. “Well I'm beat,” Draco finally said, “If no one needs me I'll go.” He got the approving nod from Dumbledore. “I'll see you later Kit Kat.” He called to Aeryn. “Oh give me a break!” Aeryn rolled her eyes. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, she called back to Draco “Thank you,” them turned to McGonagall “Professor did you send those registration forms yet?” “Not yet Miss Evens, why?” she asked getting some papers off her desk. “Misinformation, my name is wrong on the form.” McGonagall handed Aeryn the papers as Aeryn got out a quill and ink. She used her wand to erase the `EVANS' part of her name and replaced it with `POTTER' then she gave McGonagall the papers back. She looked at them. “I don't understand.” McGonagall looked puzzled. “What you can't see the close family resemblance. I look exactly like my mother.” 11. Obstacles and Giants ------------------------ CHAPTER 11 OBSTACLES AND GIANTS Aeryn was sitting on the grass staring at the lake as the sun was raising the next mourning. It was very early and as it was Sunday most students opted to sleep in. Draco Malfoy came a sat down beside her. Both were unknowingly being watched from the Gryffindor boy's dormitory, as the sleepless Harry gazed out the window. Harry still hated that Malfoy. No mater how hard he punched his own father the night before. No Malfoy was to be trusted. He looked back at the DA meeting when he had tried to tell Aeryn what Malfoy was really like. She had said that she knew him longer then Harry had, and was still puzzled about it. He was puzzled about a lot of things that happened the night before. He and Aeryn had performed a very powerful magic without the aid of a wand. And to be truthful to himself, he was kind of scared of this new found power. More information was swirling though his brain. He had found out that he was a descendant of Godric Gryffindor. Harry watched his sister and his enemy sitting by the lake. They looked to be in a very serious conversation. Harry quietly thanked Merlin that they were not having a very serious snogging session. * Draco sat down beside Aeryn. “Mourning, Kit Kat.” He greeted her. “You know I actually like that pet name, it suits, don't you think?” she smiled. “What was with the `Thank you'?” he asked her. “You reminded me that McGonagall had my registration papers, I had to change my last name on it. Luckily she had not sent them yet. I really didn't want to have to wait extra long for new Animagi Registration Forms.” She answered. “I'm surprised the famous trio hasn't become Animagists. Them and all their glory.” He snickered. “They were surprised when I told them last night. But I still haven't told them what animal I can turn in to. I plan to surprise them with that one. But don't worry I didn't tell them that you were an Animagist too. McGonagall said she would send the papers tomorrow mourning.” She smiled as she looked out toward the lake, resting her head on his shoulder. “I'm scared.” “Of what?” he asked. “Of what happened yesterday. The magic, it was so powerful.” “You saved my butt.” He said. She laughed a bit and laced her fingers with his. “Still, I don't know if this new power is good or bad,” She paused, “I'm glad I can talk to you. I think I'd go mad if you weren't here.” “I'll always be here.” He said quietly to her. * “Now ladies and gentlemen, before you is an obstacle course. I am not going to tell you what is going to happen on the obstacle course. You will have to start at one end and work your way though. This is what I like to call a Pop Quiz. No studying ahead of time, you will show me what you have and have not learned over the past 5 years.” Professor Lupin walked back and forth in front of the lined up students the next morning, they were up in the bleachers of the Quidditch pitch where the obstacle course could be seen from above. A single hand shoot up in the crowd. “Yes, Miss Granger.” “Professor, if one person has completed the course won't we know what is to come if we watch?” she asked. “I see your wits are still about you. Don't think I didn't think of that. I have placed a simple charm on the obstacle course so that once a person has completed the course it will automatically change into an entirely different course. So some things could be repeated, but you still don't know what is to come.” Another hand was raised. “Yes, Miss Evans?” “Potter.” “What?” “My last name is Potter.” She smiled noticing many heads turn. “Is their, a specific order or can anyone volunteer to go first?” “By all means.” He motioned her to take the stairs down to the pitch. She left the class and headed sown the stairs. “Now, because you each will have a different course, I don't see why we can't talk about what Miss Potter is doing.” The class looked on as Aeryn started the obstacle course. Lupin was commenting how well Aeryn was doing with each task. “Now comes the finale task.” Lupin announced. Aeryn was walking up to a wardrobe cupboard. The cupboard shook a little and when it did Aeryn stepped back for the first time starting the course with hesitation. She backed away slowly. “Professor, what exactly is in the cupboard?” Draco asked cautiously. “Boggart,” Lupin simply replied as he looked on. “Bloody hell,” he muttered under his breath as he bolted down the step towards the pitch. “Mr. Malfoy, get back here!” Lupin yelled. Draco was halfway down the stair but was too late to cupboard door had opened and the Boggart tuned into a 20 foot giant. She didn't scream she was too scared. Harry could feel how terrified she was and went after Draco, and was followed by the rest of the class. Everyone was on the pitch; Draco was running at top speed towards Aeryn and the increasingly growing Boggart giant. Suddenly Harry could not feel what Aeryn was feeling; he did not know what she was thinking. The class observed a blue light emitting from Draco's wand as the Boggart was banished back into its cupboard. Everyone hurried across the pitch where Draco was making sure Aeryn was ok. Harry could see that Draco was snapping his fingers in her face. She had no reaction; her expression was blank and her eyes looked empty, her wand forgotten lying in the sand. “What's wrong with her?” Hermione said quietly breaking the silence. Draco lifted one of Aeryn's arms, he let go and her arm did not drop, it stayed in the same position. “Well it appears that she has a slight case of `I've gone completely catatonic!” Draco snapped. “But why?” she asked. “Honestly Granger, you're the smart one, tell us the 411 on Magical Phobia.” He sneered as he wrapped Aeryn's lifted arm around his neck and swept her off her feet to carry her off the pitch. Hermione looked defeated as she looked towards the ground. “I don't think I've come across any information regarding that subject.” Malfoy laughed quietly. “Finally, something that Miss Know-it-all doesn't know about.” “That enough, Malfoy.” Harry warned, defending Hermione. Malfoy backed down, “Magical Phobia is a very, very rare condition among the Wizarding world. Very few have it. In Aeryn's case, it's Giants. She doesn't have anything against them; it's just their magical presents that send her into a catatonic shock. It can't be helped. She can look at pictures of giants, talk about giants, but when it comes down to being in the presents of one, it magically affects her.” “Maybe you four could take her to Madame Pomfrey while we continue with the lesson.” Lupin said to Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco. They nodded and left, heading towards the castle. 12. Enter the mind ------------------ CHAPTER 12 ENTER THE MIND “I have never treated someone with Magical Phobia before.” Madame Pomfrey was pacing, trying to think of what to do. “I have no idea where to start.” Aeryn was sitting up in one of the beds in the Hospital Wing, still catatonic. She didn't even blink. “What about a Mandrake Potion?” Hermione suggested, she shrugged “It almost looks like she's petrified.” “She's not petrified.” Draco inquired. “Why are still here anyway?” Harry asked “It's not like you are really needed here.” Harry was trying everything possible to keep that Malfoy away from his sister. Draco got up and smirked. “Fine by me, I think that she'd want me to take notes for her in Potions this afternoon. You know how she is, almost as good of a bookworm as Granger is. Almost.” With that he walked out passing Dumbledore as he walked in “Call me when you want her catatonic free!” Malfoy's footsteps where heard only a few seconds before they disappeared. “Albus thank Merlin you're here, did you find any books?” Madame Pomfrey asked. “I have found no books containing any information on Magical Phobia; I dare say that if we had any Miss Granger would have found it already. However I have a few ideas of my own that might interest you three.” He looked at Harry, Hermione and Ron. “We might need some clues as to what Miss Potter is thinking about, maybe there is a theme to her thoughts that might tell us what the key is to unlocking her brain, to let her out of her mind. I know of a spell, it requires 3 people and a spell caster.” They found an empty classroom and cleared the furniture. Only a chair remained in the middle of the room. They sat Aeryn on the chair; they placed five white, lit candles in a circle around her. Harry sat cross-legged on the floor within the circle. Hermione sat on Aeryn's right, Ron her left. Dumbledore stood behind Aeryn outside the circle. Dumbledore was muttering the spell under his breath waving his wand in the correct positions. Inside the circle wind swirled about as a bright light blinded them. They felt a little dizzy. Then with a flash the light and wind was gone. The candles went out and Harry, Hermione and Ron lay on the floor as if in a deep sleep. A beam of light emitted from Aeryn's forehead, separated into three beams, one going into each of the sleeping student's forehead. They were in some kind of woods. The trees were tall. Harry, Hermione and Ron looked around confused. “Where are we?” Ron asked. “I think we're…we're inside Aeryn's mind.” Hermione said. Suddenly they hear a big explosion. The trio ran in the direction of the explosion. They found themselves on top of a cliff. There looking over the cliff was Aeryn. “Aeryn?” Harry called. No response. “Harry I don't think she can hear you. We are in a memory.” Hermione said she pointed to the dirt road about twenty meters to there left were a sign stood. It said `WELCOME TO HOLIC ACADEMY BRIDGE OUT OF ORDER' “This was her old school.” They peered over the cliff. There in a canyon was a castle, a little smaller then Hogwarts, in ruins as if it just exploded. “Hence the explosion.” Ron said “Bloody hell, she really did a number on the school.” They heard someone laugh as the black-eyed Aeryn turned to face the group of people that arrived behind her. She gasped and stumbled backwards. She slipped a started to go over the edge, but the laughing man magiced her to safety. “You did well, Frank was right; you will be a most powerful servant.” Voldermort laughed again. The Death Eaters stood behind their Master. Harry, Ron and Hermione could do noting but watch. FLASH They were outside a mansion. It was night. “Ok what was that all about?” Ron asked. “And where are we now?” Then they saw two hooded figures walk towards the entrance of the mansion. The trio followed. One of the men was shorter then the other and the tall on had a walking stick. The tall one knocked on the door with his walking stick. As the trio got closer to the hooded men the door swung open. “Ah, Master Malfoy, welcome once again to Wyndam Manor. Master Wyndam is in the lounge. May I take you cloaks?” The Butler welcomed. “Malfoy.” Harry whispered under his breath. “I've read about Windom Family. They are the American version of the Malfoys. Probably Death Eaters.” Hermione said as they went inside the mansion. “Ok but what are we doing here? Aren't we supposed to be inside Aeryn's mind?” Ron asked. The question was answered as Draco Malfoy handed the Butler his cloak. Aeryn came running down the Grand staircase. “Are they here?” She saw Draco and grinned from ear to ear. “I wasn't sure if you were coming.” Draco was walking up the stairs to meet her half way. “What, and miss your Birthday? I think not. I would rather face a dragon then not come at least once every summer.” They reached the top of the stairs. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed. Aeryn peered over the ledge and called at the butler. “Altair, a Boggart just moved into my dressing room, can you be a dear and take care of it for me?” then she and Draco walked into a huge room, it wasn't a bedroom, yet a lot of what looked like Aeryn's belongings were there. There was a desk with a computer on top of it. Five brooms were mounted on the wall, and a TV was on, tuned to the MTV channel. “So how is everyone's favorite boy wizard?” “Alive and well.” He answered. “And how is my favorite boy wizard?” she asked him as she sat down on the couch. “Quidditch deprived.” He answered. “Flirt much?” Hermione said. Draco was about to say something when Aeryn motioned for him to be quiet. She stood up and walked over to a bookshelf. She pulled out what appeared to be a shoebox, from the top shelf. The box had tons of doodles all over it. She opened it and pulled out a rugged crystal, the size of a baseball and placed it at the base of one of the walls in the room. She pulled out more crystals and placed them around the room. She then closed the door and places the tenth crystal at the base of the door. As soon as she placed the crystal light came out from it and created a type of force field around the room. “There,” she said, “All listening charms are off line.” 13. Friends for life -------------------- CHAPTER 13 FRIENDS FOR LIFE “Good, now we can really talk.” Draco sat down and Aeryn turned off the TV. “So he's really back?” Aeryn asked as she sat down once again. “Father won't say anything, but Potter says he is. He says he saw him come back.” He sighed. “Still playing the bad guy at school?” “Can be anything else, not while Father has eyes and ears in Hogwarts. Still, I can't help the way I am. I hate myself for treating everyone so cruelly. Got cursed on the train home. Right and proper.” He closed his eyes. “Potter is right though, the Dark Lord has returned. Father wants me to stay here for the whole summer. He says he got work to do, and doesn't want Mother around me too much, it might soften me up. Too late for that don't you think?” Aeryn let out a quick laugh. “Come on it's nearly midnight and I am dead tired let's get some sleep then catch up in the morning. I have got the whole summer with you!!” they picked up the crystals put them back into the box and back on the shelf. Then left the room. “Aeryn are you ok?” the voice of Frank Wyndam was heard from downstairs. “I'm fine Frank.” She called over the railing. “Did Altair get rid of that Boggart?” “Yes he did, it is now safe to walk into you dressing room.” He answered. “Draco and I are headed of to bed. In separate rooms might I add? Tell Altair I said thank you.” “Ok when are we?” Harry asked. “Summer before our fifth year I believe.” Hermione answered. FLASH! They were outside the mansion again. It was still night. But Aeryn sitting on a blanket out in the yard. “Ok different night?” Ron implied. “I think.” Harry said. Aeryn was looking at the stars. She was crying. Then with a flash Draco Malfoy was standing on the opposite side of the yard holding and old shoe. He ran up to Aeryn as she stood up. They embraced. “I got your letter. I had to come.” He said to her. “I don't know what to do. I have to leave to go back to school tomorrow. Our Minister of Magic is coming for protection.” She let out faint laugh. “Once again I'm at the top of my class. Of course Frank know all it. And if he knows, You-Know-Who knows. Frank said my time as come. He wants me to pledge loyalty to Him and get tattooed and everything. He said he was going to wait until I was 17, but since I have the good grades, he feels that I can be trusted.” She paused. “I'm going to get killed if I don't.” “Don't say that. You are strong. You can survive anything.” He told her. “I want to run away, but I can't, I have to stop the attack on my school next week.” She said. “Well if you should survive, WHEN you survive find your way to Hogwarts. Dumbledore will give you a safe haven there. Besides, I'll be there when school starts up.” He forced a smile out of Aeryn. “I have to go now. Mother will worry, she checks up on me every half hour. Ever since Father got jailed.” He gave her a square envelope and then embraced once more. Suddenly the whole scene froze. The trees stopped moving and could hear no sound at all. FLASH They found themselves in a white room. There was a big tree in the middle of the room. Hanging down from a branch was a swing. And on the swing, Aeryn was sitting, swigging back and forth. “You know sometimes it is your own mind that is the hardest to control. It took me this long to stop you three from looking into my memories.” It was the real Aeryn. “What do you mean stop us; we're only trying to help.” Ron said. “Help? How? By invading my mind? It's bad enough that Harry can read my thoughts, but all three of you reliving my memories.” She looked pissed. “We had no choice, you had gone catatonic. Dumbledore was the one who suggested this.” Harry said. “Yes, I know all that. I may have gone catatonic but my ears are working fine.” She stopped swinging and walked over to a door that appeared. “This is the door I have to break through, to exit this crazy place I like to call my mind.” The door was wielded, bolted, and nailed shut. “How are you going to help me? The truth is that you can't. Now correct me if I am wrong but I did hear someone say `Call me when you want her catatonic free!' And if that isn't a clue to help solve the mystery of how to get out of here maybe this will.” FLASH The trio found themselves back at Windom Manor. Harry recognized Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy walking up to the door where Frank Wyndam and a woman came out to greet them. Behind the Malfoys was a little bleach blonde about the age of five. “Frank, Patricia.” Lucius greeted them. The little boy tugged on his mother's sleeve. “Mommy when can I see Aeryn?” “I don't know Draco why don't you ask Mrs. Windom?” Narcissa said. Patricia Wyndam knelt beside the boy. “She's in the backyard, but I don't think she can play right now.” She said. “Why not.” But no one answered for the boy ran off to the back yard. “Another Boggart.” Frank implied “Moved in last night into one of her toy chests. Don't know how long this one will last. Last time it lasted a whole week.” Harry, Hermione and Ron followed the young to-be nemesis into the backyard where they saw the tree with the swing on it. The little girl was sitting very still on the swing. Her face was blank and her eyes were empty. Young Draco walked up to her. “Hey Aeryn, you want to play?” she gave no answer. “Come on Aeryn, stop playing like this.” He reached into his pocket “I'll give you a chocolate frog.” He pulled it out and waved it around her face. Still no response. “Fine, then I am going home!” Draco started to stomp off. Reality snapped back into the little girls face. “No Don't Go!” she yelled after them. She ran up to him and pushed him on the ground grabbed the chocolate frog “Your `IT'!” she said as she ran off eating the chocolate frog. FLASH Harry, Hermione and Ron went flying backwards in the empty class room and thankfully hit no walls. They got up and walked back to the center of the room Dumbledore had conjured a chair and had fallen asleep. Night had fallen as the three noticed Aeryn's eyes were black, then returned to the catatonic empty look. 14. Bite the Bullet ------------------- CHAPTER 14 BITE THE BULLET Dumbledore had woken up and looked at the trio. “Well, what did you find out?” He asked. “Well I think we seriously pissed her off, “Ron said, “Erm, sorry Professor.” “There's nothing wrong with expressing the way one feels.” He said with is always calm voice. “Anything else?” “We can't do a thing to help her,” Harry said, “Except…” “Except what, Harry?” “I am going to have to bite the bullet and ask Malfoy for help.” Harry then started to walk out of the room, and then paused, “Does anyone know where he might be?” “Everyone is in the Great Hall eating dinner,” Dumbledore replied, “I suggest you three go eat something yourselves, if I'm not mistaken you have already missed lunch. I will tell Professor Snape to have Mr. Malfoy meet us here afterwards.” With that everyone left to go to the Great Hall. “So you haven't found a way to fix things yet I see.” Draco peered into the classroom to see Aeryn still sitting on the chair. He noticed the candles the still circled around her. “What did you do?” “Professor Dumbledore cast a spell to let the three of us see into her mind, to know what was going on inside her head, so that it might help us figure out how to help her.” Hermione explained. Dumbledore had left the room to let the four of them to sort thing out. He said he had things to do. It was a good thing too, because it let Draco express himself. “You. Did. what?” he asked sternly. The Gryffindors just looked at the Slytherin. “Do you have any idea what she would do to you if she found out? Trust me she knows a lot more curse then you think. She could do worse then you have ever done to me!” “We already know,” Harry said cutting him off, “She went all black-eyed on us. But let's not get off topic. I…” Harry paused and then bit his lip, “I need your help. I think you are the only one who can help her.” There he said it. “Look we saw you that you helped her when you were five.” Harry quickly added so to not inflate Malfoy's ego too much. Draco couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself. “Your really loving this aren't you.” “Every minute.” Malfoy replied. Then he got back to the subject at hand. “I can't get her out of this but, you can't be here.” “We're not going anywhere!” Harry said. “I for one would like to see how you do it.” “Harry,” Hermione said quietly, she looked into his eyes. “I think we should leave them alone. It might be better if Malfoy didn't have to worry about what he might say in front of us.” “No, its ok, I have idea.” Malfoy said. “I need something though. She keeps it under her bed. It's a box, like a shoe box…” “The one with all the doodles on it?” Hermione interrupted him. “You've seen it before?” He asked. “Um, should used the crystals in one of her memories.” She confessed. “I'll go get it.” * “Do you have any idea how lucky that girl is to have a dorm room that big and not have any roommates?” Hermione said as she stormed back into the empty classroom with Aeryn's box under her arm. “What are you talking about Mione?” Harry asked as he took the box from her and handed it to Draco, who then opened the box and began to place the crystals around Aeryn. “I had to ask Dumbledore where the heck her room was. She's been here a month and no one of us thought to ask her where the heck she sleeps at night.” Hermione continued. “I knew.” Draco added, “The Head Girl, what was her name, uh, Cho, said she'd rather stay in her old dorm room with her friends. So Dumbledore offered the Head Girl dorm room to Aeryn for the year.” He placed the tenth and final crystal on the floor. Energy beamed from crystal to crystal as the force field hovered around Aeryn and Draco. “Sorry to bail on you mate,” Ron turned to Harry, “See as that the almighty snake over there is the only one to help your sister, I'm not really needed. Seamus said we have a really big essay in Potions that we still have to do every though we weren't in class. I for one would like to get it out of the way!!” Ron left leaving Harry and Hermione practically alone, with the exception of Aeryn a Draco. But Harry and Hermione could hear nothing from inside the force field and Malfoy couldn't hear anything on the outside. Harry sat on the floor by a wall, and was soon joined by Hermione. Harry wrapped his arm around her and they both watched as Malfoy sat on the floor looking up at Aeryn who was still sitting in the chair. * Harry felt something hit his shoe, but ignored it. He felt it again. Harry opened his eyes to realize he had fallen asleep. Malfoy was nudging Harry's foot to wake him up. Hermione had fallen asleep also. Harry gently caressed her cheek as she stirred. Aeryn was kneeling on the floor, gently picking up the crystals and placed them into the box. “What happened?” Hermione asked sleepily. “You fell asleep.” Aeryn commented. “Yes thank you that was pretty obvious. I meant what happened with you two?” Hermione said with a snippier tone. Aeryn just stared daggers at her, and then looked away ignoring Hermione's question. Noticing that Draco had slipped away quietly Aeryn placed the lid on her doodled shoe box and stood up. She looked into Harry's eyes and saw the worry and concern in them. “All you need to know is that I'm ok.” She paused and gazed at the door, “Um, I'll uh, see you guys tomorrow.” She then left Harry and Hermione alone. 15. Extra Extra --------------- CHAPTER 15 EXTRA EXTRA After the incident that displayed the venerability of `Harry Potter's sister' Aeryn seemed to distance herself from others. Not only had people been whispering about her very rare condition, but it seemed that The Daily Prophet as well as other well known newspapers and magazines got hold of the information that the heir of the Wyndam name and fortune was in fact the twin sister of the Great Harry Potter. And as usual in the Wizarding world people didn't give a second thought to speak their mind. Aeryn and Harry both got their share of owl letters. Most of what Harry got was pity letters, people telling him how sorry they were for him, about his parents, and they hope he was happy now that he has a sister. Letters to Aeryn were some what different. She was often called a fraud and that she was nothing more then fame seeking girl. And after a week or two they stopped reading the letters, immediately chucking them into the fire. Draco gave her the space she needed. He could tell from the look in her eyes that she needed time to resolve whatever it was she was going through. He would watch over her from a distance, watched the show she put on for her brother and his friends. He could tell her smiles were fake, sometime she'd gaze as if in deep thought. A blue barn owl landed in front of Aeryn's plate one week before Halloween. She stared at it for a moment before she ripped the letter out of the bird's beak, tearing it open. She dropped her guard letting her true face come through. Draco could tell because Harry had that brotherly concern look planted on his face. She stood up staring at the letter in disbelief, uttering a few words that caught the attention of the surrounding student eating their breakfast. When she finally notice the staring eyes and her brother asking what was wrong she bolted out of the Great Hall. Harry stood up, about to go after her when he felt Hermione pull him back down. He looked at her and was about to ask her why she prevented him from leaving, but all Hermione had to do was point in the direction of the doors as they observed Draco Malfoy go after her instead. Draco didn't have to go far; Aeryn was waiting for him right outside the Great Hall doors. She was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. “What's the matter, love” He asked her, he stood in front of her with his arms crossed. She didn't say anything; she looked at him with pleading eyes hoping for a quick solution to all her problems. She handed Draco the letter she had received. *Dear Miss Potter,* *It has come to our attention here at* *Bray,* *MacK**enzie and Walsh**, that you have renounced your title as the heir of the Wyndam name and fortune. As stated in the Daily Prophet and other newspapers that you are indeed the daughter of the deceased James and Lilian Potter and therefore have no right to claim the title anyway. We, therefore**,* *are officially freezing all Wyndam accounts at Gringotts* *and all business concerning the Wyndam name will cease until the proper person or persons comes to claim it.* *Thank you for you co-operation and Happy Halloween.* *Aidan Bray* *Attorney at Magical Law* *NY, NY* “You've got to be joking,” was all Draco could say, “What do they hope to gain by this?” “Prophet? I've got a feeling one of the other rich families in the world is up to this. I wouldn't be surprised if they went after you next.” “They wouldn't dare.” Draco said as he handed Aeryn the letter. She held out her hand and Draco grabbed it pulling her to her feet. “You know what you have to do.” “Go on with life?” “No, you need to fight this. Call this a test if you will a test to see if you can handle the Wyndam affairs. If you don't show them that you have power them maybe they should take everything away. And then the money and whatnot will find its way into someone's hands who is in league with the Dark Lord, then he has the power and that's not a good thing.” Draco put his arms around her waist. Her arms naturally found themselves wrapped around his neck. “Alright, alright, I get your point. But what about the part where I'm not really Frank and Patricia Wyndam's real daughter they've got me right there.” She asked staring into his blue-gray eyes. “Did they adopt you? Officially I mean.” He asked. She nodded, “Got the papers?” “Altair should know where they are, that is if he is still loyal to me, I haven't heard from him at all. But what good is that going to do, I basically renounced the title.” He pushed a stray piece of her long dark red hair away from her face. “Then don't denounce your name. I'm sure you could hyphenate it or something. They left everything to you in their will. Look, I usually talk to Snape about problems of these sorts,” she gave him a dirty look, “yes I know you probably wouldn't get the same results with him as I do, but maybe you should talk to McGonagall or even Dumbledore.” “Yeah, maybe I will.” The bell sounded and they could hear the sound of on coming students rushing to their classes. Draco and Aeryn slipped from their close embrace and ended up with their hands locked together. They were soon joined by Harry Ron and Hermione as they walked to class. “You ok Aeryn?” Harry asked immediately. “Peachy on the side of keen.” She replied, she finally felt like her normal self. “So Potter,” Draco started, “I was thinking of asking your sister to the Halloween dance next week, and I thought I might ask you for your permission. So what do you say can I take her?” He winked at Aeryn who just smiled. “Let me think about that, ahhhh, NO!” he said sarcastically. Aeryn looked at her brother. “You do realize that he is going to take me whether you say yes or no.” She said. “It was worth a try. I'm just surprised you waited this long to ask her, it's only what, one week away?” Harry looked at Hermione who grabbed hold of his hand. “I asked Hermione about 5 seconds after it was announced that we were having a dance. Only 6th and 7th years.” “With the exception of a few 5th years,” Ron piped in, “Ginny is going with Neville and Luna is going with me.” “Ahh yes the ickle 5th years. That'll be fun.” Aeryn said with a giggle, she then turned her attention back to Draco, “I think I'll go talk to McGonagall now, she's got this period off, and Binns is always boring this time of the morning. So I'll see you in Arithmancy.” And with that she gave Draco a quick kiss on the lips and a wave to the others as she strolled off to McGonagall's office and the others went to their History of Magic class. 16. Traveling ------------- CHAPTER 16 TRAVELING Aeryn sat down like usual with Harry and the others at the Gryffindor table at lunch that day with smile planted on her face from ear to ear. “Why are you so happy? In case you haven't noticed with all the rain, that it is an exceptionally gloomy day.” Harry asked shoving a few chips in his mouth. “Yes do tell you were very chipper in Arithmancy.” Hermione added. “Well you may remember a certain letter this morning and because of it I am going back to New York, just for the weekend. McGonagall just told me that I am allowed to bring 5 friends at most with me. You know dance next week, us girls need dresses. Lupin has agreed to chaperone. What do you think? Do you want to come?” Aeryn waited for a response. “Us? Go to New York?” Hermione started unsure. “Did I mention shopping?” Aeryn implied. “What was I thinking, when do we leave.” Hermione quickly said. “Hey Mate, next time you want Hermione to go anywhere, don't promise her books, promise her shopping.” Ron said to Harry. Hermione slapped Ron in the arm. “Ow!” “Well then it's settled we are coming with you. We just have to ask Ginny and Luna to come.” Harry said with anticipation. Aeryn sat down and the smile slowly went away. “It's actually an either or situation. I kinda need Draco to come with me for this business I need to take care of. So with Draco, you, Hermione and Ron, I can only take one more person.” “It's Ok Luna has already gotten her dress and she's not really into shopping so we will take Ginny.” Ron said coming to the rescue. “I'm really sorry Ron, but you know how McGonagall is with her rules. I'm really lucky she is letting me go at all, I don't want to push it.” “So when do we leave?” asked Hermione. “Late tonight. McGonagall set a portkey up for midnight. That's 7 o'clock New York time. So be sure to get your homework done and pack!” * Aeryn and Draco were talking with Professor McGonagall when the other four traveling companions walked in. As soon as Aeryn noticed the others she stopped talking. “So everyone all packed?” Aeryn said breaking the silence. “All set, just waiting for Professor Lupin.” Hermione replied. Just as she a said that Lupin walked through the door carrying an old tattered overnight bag. “I tell you I haven't been to New Your since,” he paused thinking, “well since I taught at your school Aeryn. I always liked New York. Is everyone ready?” he asked. Everyone nodded in compliance. “Now the closest I could get on such short notice was on the outskirts of the village.” McGonagall explained, “So you'll have to walk.” “Where exactly will we be going?” Ginny asked. “Wyndam Valley. My family and their big heads,” Aeryn rolled her eyes, “the village was named over a century ago. There are only a few muggle families that live there. We will be staying at my house.” “I wouldn't exactly call it a house.” Draco added. “All right, Mr. Technical. You're just jealous because my house is slightly bigger then yours.” She said with a grin. “If you don't mind, I would like to get some sleep tonight.” McGonagall implied. She held out a snow globe and when all seven of them touched it they disappeared. * They walked into the dark cold mansion. The sun had set and the only light that could be seen was from seven lit up wands. As they walked to the center of the room a huge ancient looking chandelier lit up. The walls were made of stone and the high ceilings were painted with dragons. Harry recognized the grand staircase with its red carpeting from Aeryn's memories, but actually seeing it was amazing. Two hallways flanked the stairs, each looking dark and gloomy as if death were waiting in the darkness. “Welcome to Wyndam Manor. We call it that even though it's a mansion. It just sounds better,” Aeryn said with a shrug, “I guess I'll show you where you will be sleeping, Merlin this is worse than jet lag.” Without words Draco took Aeryn's bag from her and went up the stairs, while Aeryn and the others walked towards the left hallway. The hallway lit up as they walked through, they took a series of turns left and right until they finally reached a spiral staircase. No one was up for much talking considering how late they felt it was. Ron and Ginny yawned a lot along the way. They went up the stairs, when they reached the top there was a narrow hallway with a low ceiling about seven feet high. At the end of the hallway there was a dead end. There were five doors on the right wall and five doors on the left. “This is one of the Guest Room Halls.” Aeryn opened the first door to the left, inside was a simple room with white walls. “All the guest rooms are enchanted they change to whatever will make whoever is staying there comfortable, Harry.” She motioned that this was Harry's room and as he entered the wall changed to a deep scarlet color. The large white comforter changed pattern to form pictures of lions and golden snitches. To the right was a fireplace flanked by two bookshelves filled with books that would spark Harry's interest. Aeryn continued walking down the hall and pointed to the second door. “Hermione you can have this room. Ron you can have the third room, Ginny in the forth.” Then Aeryn walked to the third door on the right. “Professor, you can have this one.” Lupin having to be the responsible chaperon of this trip had to ask all the questions. “And where will Mister Malfoy be staying might I ask.” “Draco has often stayed here and has his own guest room; I can show it to you if you like.” “No it's alright I trust you. And you will be staying in your own bedroom?” he asked. “No I thought I would sleep in the ballroom.” She said with a straight face. Then she smiled, “Of course I will be in my own room.” As the five of them walked into their rooms and shut the doors Aeryn quickly called out to Hermione, “Hermione can I talk to you for a sec?” Hermione nodded as they entered her room and shut the door hearing the door shut as well. Hermione's room was a light purple. It had the same fireplace and bookshelves but to the left of the room. “What do you want to talk about?” Hermione asked. Aeryn didn't say anything she just walked over to the bookshelf to the right of the fireplace and started to pull out a book on the top shelf. Suddenly there was a creaking noise then the bookshelf swung open to reveal a startled Harry on the other side. “Oh, nothing I just wanted to show you a book on the book shelf,” she said innocently. “Oh my, would you look at that, a secret passageway that leads right into Harry's room. I'll see you two tomorrow.” She said as she headed out the door. Aeryn ventured back down the stairs and though the maze of hallways back to where the grand staircase was. Her mind wondered of to the many memories created in the mansion. She climbed the lengthy stairs and went down the hall to where the door to her bedroom was. She opened the door to find Draco already asleep in the King size bed. Aeryn smiled as she looked on. She walked into her dressing room, and even though she had come here with Dumbledore himself back in September to retrieve some clothes as well as a few personal items, the room was still full. The back wall has a huge rack that was filled with shoes and boots. She had a variety of different style clothes that hung on rails. And even though the room was too big to be called a closet the space was filled up that often a Boggart called this a home. She quickly changed into her night clothes and climbed into bed and nestled close to Draco. He felt her presence and moved to wrap his arm around her, where they slept the night away. 17. Deep Underground -------------------- CHAPTER 17 DEEP UNDERGROUND The throne sat in front a huge pit. From the throne you could see the red glowing from it, lava looking as if it were in a pot, boiling. On the throne sat the Dark Lord, though the chamber, deep within the ground, was stifling hot, one look from Voldermort's red snake eyes would send shivers down your spine. Many of his minions gathered, vampires, werewolves, demons and the humans. “Wormtail, come forth.” The Dark Lord said. “Tell me what news you have brought.” One of the shorter, fatter humans, dressed in a black cloak, stepped forward from across the pit and kneeled, “Master, the location of the prisoners has been found and retrieval is in the process.” “Good,” Voldermort replied, “Good. Any inquiries of why they failed?” “I'm sure Lucius will inform you, when he arrives m'lord.” Wormtail answered. “And what of our informant at Hogwarts? Have they found out how we got into the castle?” Voldermort asked, with a tone of boredom. “Our informant tells us that they have yet to find our means of entrance. Nor has anyone suspected that we have an informant.” ”Good, good. I do not need another set back especially what happened at Holic. Frank and Patricia were good servants, but too `good'. Had that Potter boy not condemn me to my doom all those years ago, I would have raised that girl myself. She would not have turned out to be weak if I did the job myself. Imagine Wormtail, put brother and sister against each other and see who wins.” With that Voldermort gave out an evil laugh. Then he stopped, “But that is not going to be the case, as soon as Lucius and the rest are retrieved, you may move forward with our plans.” * Harry woke up in a cold sweat. Hermione was still asleep beside him. Harry cursed at himself. He had been practicing his Occlumency religiously, yet he had a dream last night. He didn't know if he should believe it or not. He glanced at the clock, it read 8:14. He looked back at Hermione, he didn't really want to wake her up, but they had been sleeping for about twelve hours. But then he looked back at the clock, and he could see the clock clearly, and he had yet to put on his glasses. He quickly snatched his glasses and put them on, everything was all fuzzy and out of focus, “Bloody hell.” He blurted out. Hermione bolted awake and was in a sitting position. “What, what is it?” she asked in alarm. Harry was still fumbling with his glasses, sliding them on and off. Then looked at Hermione. “I'm sorry,” he quickly apologized, “I didn't mean to wake you like that. It's just I woke up and could see properly, can't see anything with them.” He said finally tossing the glasses on the night table. “How did that happen?” she asked laying back down again with one hand propping her head up facing Harry. “Don't know.” He replied. Hermione studied his face; she could tell he was in deep thought. “What's wrong?” she asked him, “besides the glasses thing.” “I had a dream last night or a vision if you want to call it that, about Voldermort.” Harry said, he explained what he saw. “Do you think it was real?” Hermione asked. “I'm not sure.” He simply replied still with the face of thought. Harry looked over at Hermione who was smiling. “What?” “I was just thinking,” she paused, “that you look better with out the glasses.” “Really?” She didn't answer, Ron had knocked on the door, “Harry get up already, some people are staving for food and unfortunately this mansion doesn't have any.” Hermione gave Harry a quick kiss before she got up and hurried to her room to go get dressed. “Be right out.” * Somehow Harry and Hermione managed to find their way into a large workout room where the others were gathered. Lupin was sitting in a chair looking at the Daily Seer, the American version of the Daily Prophet. While Ginny and Ron were on lookers to a fencing match between Aeryn and Draco. They wore no protective gear of any kind. Aeryn, in fact, was dressed up to go out, short black skirt, red sleeveless halter top, with knee high, four inch heel, black boots, making her almost as tall as Draco. Harry was amazed how well Aeryn could fight with those boots. The match was quickly called to a close when Draco was distracted by the arrival of Harry and Hermione, and Aeryn easily disarmed him. “No fair.” Draco said, “That's something a Slytherin would do.” Aeryn held her arms out as if presenting herself, “Well, what can I say? I'm just getting into character.” “What do you mean `in character'?” Harry asked. Everyone had to look twice at Harry because of his lack of glasses on his face. “And before anyone asks, I just woke up to perfect vision, hence I'm not wearing my glasses, and no I don't know why or how.” Aeryn cleared her throat, “Well, what I mean by in character is that I have some business to attend to today. That letter I received yesterday was from a lawyer stating that I have no right to all this.” She gestured to the mansion, “And that they will take it all away.” “Is that a bad thing?” Harry asked. “If I don't have all this,” Aeryn gestured again, “then it will probably go to a distant cousin of mine, one who will most likely be in the service of a certain Dark Lord. And that gives him more power. So yes that would be a bad thing. Now legally they can't do this, I was officially adopted by my parents and they left everything to me in their Will. But you know evil they never do anything by the rules.” And with that they all flooed out of the mansion, to a floo station deep in New York City. 18. Leave the Job to the Girl ----------------------------- CHAPTER 18 LEAVE THE JOB TO THE GIRL Oddly enough, the lawyer's office, it actually looked like a muggle lawyer's office. They were in a waiting room, with antique furniture and wall to wall bookshelves. Magazines were sprawled across coffee tables. There was a window in the wall so you could talk to the secretary, and to the left of the window was a rather large mahogany door, with no handle. Aeryn and Malfoy had entered that door nearly an hour ago. Harry paced around the room. He was bored, yet worried. He wondered how much longer in would be. Hermione had found a book to read, although she wasn't really reading it. She was more concerned with Harry. Ron and Ginny were playing a game of chess, much to Ron's complaint in was a muggle set, and had to move the pieces by hand. Lupin however was not there at all. He trusted the group to behave while he had some errands to run. Finally Hermione had enough of Harry's pacing and slammed her book shut. “Harry, could you stop pacing for five seconds and tell us what bugging you?” “Something's not right,” he said glancing at the door, “Usually I can get some kind of read of her, an emotion of some sort. But now I am totally cut off.” “I'm sure she's fine. It's just a lawyer. Beside she's got Malfoy with her.” She added with a slight eye roll with the mention of Malfoy. “Remind me why we even trust him?” Ron asked looking up from the chess board. “Just because he punched his Death Eater of a Dad in the face, doesn't make me see him in a whole new light if you ask me.” “I don't trust him yet either, but Aeryn does.” He caught Hermione smiling at him, “What?” “You turned into quite the big brother over a short period of time, it's amazing.” Harry smiled at that too. But then Ron added, “That is if you are the older one, you could be the *little* brother.” The conversation was interrupted when the door beside the secretary window burst into splinters and Aeryn came sailing through the air landing on the bookshelf hitting her head in the process. She muttered a `bloody hell' as she stumbled to her feet. There was a tall man standing in the broken doorway. He had sandy brown hair, with dark brown eyes. He looked as if he hadn't had any sleep in days. He had his wand out pointing at Aeryn not giving anyone else a chance to pull out their wands. He was the lawyer, Aidan Bray. “The Dark Lord sends his greetings if I ever saw you, though I must say I wasn't expecting you to show up so soon, with a Malfoy no less.” Then he finally realized there were other people in the room. He eyed Harry as if he didn't recognize him, but when the famous scar was seen, “Ah Mister Potter, almost didn't recognize you.” Harry looked over at Aeryn to make sure she was ok, which she was with the occasional scratch on her arms and face from flying pieces of wood. *Harry,* he heard in his head. Harry was still looking at Aeryn, she was looking at him. *Don't stand there like a dork, we need to do something.* *Like what? I can't exactly get to my wand at the moment,* Harry replied back to her. *Ok what happened three weeks ago when we were attacked by ten Death Eaters?* Aeryn asked in her usual sarcastic tone, *were not at all curious about the wandless magic thing.* *No, I* *ignored it like nothing happened. Where is Malfoy?* *He knocked out cold, now if you'll excuse me I have to concentrate, I thought you could help but I was wrong.* “Hey are we going to stand around all day staring at each other, or can I gloat now?” Bray said breaking the silence. *Distract him!* Harry heard, “I don't know about you but it was certainly my plan, you know just standing around staring at each other.” Harry said as Aeryn closed her eyes. She let her new found magic flow through her. Over the past three week while she had withdrawn from everyone, she had been trying out new things. She hadn't told anyone, not even Draco. She opened her eyes and they were black. Aidan Bray saw her eyes and was stunned. “What the hell?” He felt his wand quiver in his tight grip. Finally he had to let go as the wand floated in mid air turning to point directly at his face. 19. Muggles in Manhatten- Part 1 Girls point of view ---------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 19 MUGGLES IN MANHATTEN PART ONE- GIRLS POINT OF VIEW He didn't know what to do, he couldn't have. Death Eaters were sometimes stupid when they had no control. “You can't do this, you need me.” He said in a panicked voice. “I will give you back what's yours. We can forget this whole thing ever happened.” Aeryn didn't say anything she just concentrated on levitating the wand. In the meantime, Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione pulled out their wands. Then Bray's wand snapped in half and immediately fell to the floor and Aeryn collapsed into a nearby chair, clearly drained. “You know very well that we cannot forget this whole thing,” Aeryn finally spoke up, “but you are right about one thing, you **will** give back what's mine. I want all Wyndam accounts reopened, and everything back to normal. And if anything was to ever happen to me or I am unable to do my duties, everything will be transferred to Draco Malfoy.” Aeryn stood up, after recovering her strength and walked over to the lawyer with her arms crossed, “And if you don't do as I say, I'll be back, and you won't be so lucky,” she said with coldness in her voice that sent chills down Harry's spine. “Do I make myself clear?” “Crystal.” Bray whimpered. “Well you better get a move on, I going to Gringotts right after this. And if they deny me access to my vault, I will be making a bee-line straight here!” Bray quickly apperated to do his business. “Bloody Hell!” Draco came through the door, wand ready, “Where'd the sodding bastard go!” Aeryn was starting to move to walk towards Malfoy when Harry grabbed her arm. She slightly winced from the cuts on her arm, but he still held on, “What were you thinking, letting him just leave. He's a Death Eater for Merlin's sake.” “For once I actually agree with Potter, how could you just let him leave?” Draco said rubbing the back of his neck. “I was going on a guess that the only reason he serves the Dark Lord is because of fear. I just gave him something to fear more then Voldermort, Me.” She jerked her arm away from Harry's grasp, “Now if you two are done ganging up on me, thinking that I don't know what I'm doing, I would very much like to find a bathroom and clean myself up before Professor Lupin comes back.” “Aeryn, your cuts were healing” Hermione said in shock. Aeryn looked at her arms, and then felt her face. All the cuts and scraps she had gotten from flying through that door were halfway gone. Aeryn was even shocked herself. Harry got a hold of her arm again to examine her cuts, she was about to pull away again, when the cut started healing again. “Hmmm, I wonder how that happened.” Harry said, he obviously didn't realize that he was the one healing her. “Harry for one of the smartest people at school, you can be really thick sometimes.” Ron said with one of his silly grins on his face. “What?” “You are the one that healed me,” Aeryn said as Harry turned to face her, “by grabbing my arm. Thanks.” “Uh guys,” Ginny said standing at the window, “Professor Lupin is coming back.” “Let's get out of here.” Malfoy said. “I don't know about you, but I don't want to explain this, especially since we don't have the Death Eater to back up our story.” Everyone grabbed all their belongings and headed out the door before Lupin could reach the door. “Everything situated?” Lupin asked doing a 180 to follow behind them. “Uh huh” Aeryn said quickly. “Can we get something to eat, I'm starved.” Ron said. *** After a delicious late breakfast to Ron delight at IHOP, the girl and guys went their separate ways. As much as Lupin tried to argue the fact that they should stick together, Hermione said that the girls needed to shop for their dresses for the Halloween dance and they weren't about to do that with the guys hanging around. Aeryn added that she knew her way around the city blindfolded. The girls went to a muggle dress shop Aeryn knew about and bought their dresses. And after having to drag Hermione out of a book shop, and still having a couple hours left before they had to meet up with the rest of their party, they went to a place called `The Smoothie Shack' (which was really a muggle shop owned by wizards) Hermione and Ginny found a table and Aeryn went to go order their strawberry smoothies, she could get a discount because of who she was. As they were sitting enjoying their smoothies they couldn't help but over hear the conversation from the table behind them. It was a married couple, the man was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, while the woman was tall and thin, very much the opposite. They were talking about things like drills, someone named Dudley and complaints about poor service as their blueberry scones were taking forever. It was the fact that they had British accents that caught the girls' attention. “Here are your blueberry scones Mr. Dursley. They are on the house.” The waiter, if you want to call him that, said. Hermione, Ginny and Aeryn nearly choked. “Dursley? As in…” Aeryn whispered. Hermione nodded. Aeryn's look of surprise turned into a smirk. “Whatever it is that you are thinking of doing, don't” Hermione said. “Don't worry Mione, they are family after all. I'm just going to talk business.” Hermione gave her a look, “He works for Grunngins right? Wyndam Inc. has dabbled into muggle affaires and has done business with the American branch of Grunngins here in New York. We buy drills from them, don't ask me why.” With that she walked over to the table where the Dursley's sat and put on her `I come from a rich family and you are beneath me' face. “Mr. Dursley it is so good to finally meet you. I have heard a lot about you. I've heard you are one of the top sellers at the Grunngins in Surrey. Aeryn Wyndam” She introduced herself, holding out her hand. From the look on Vernon Dursley's face, the name `Wyndam' was highly respected, from people like Dursley anyway. Vernon shook her hand and gestured for her to sit at their table. He had a huge grin on his face like he won the lottery. Petunia Dursley on the other hand was white-faced and tight-lipped in utter shock. “Hope you've only heard good things about me.” He said. Aeryn matched his grin, “You wish!” Vernon's grin fell. Aeryn turned to Petunia, “What's the matter, you look like you've seen a ghost.” “Whatever you may have heard, I'm sure it's not true.” Vernon said. “Not true? Is it not true that you have kept your nephew in a closet under your stairs for ten years!!?” Vernon Dursley looked baffled. “How could you possibly know that?” Hermione and Ginny decided to join in. “Is it not true that all my **boyfriend** had for clothes were hand me downs from your son, who by the way is the size of a baby whale.” “Is it not true that you hated my brother's best friend?” “Is it not true that you think my **brother****,** and the rest of us for that matter, are `freaks'?” “I don't know who you are but you better leave us alone.” Vernon said. “She looks just like her it's scary.” Petunia finally spoke up. “I've been told that.” Aeryn said looking over at Petunia, “But I do have my father's eyes.” She looked back at Vernon, “This summer when my brother, Harry, comes to stay in the hell you call a home, I'd better not hear that you have been mistreating him in anyway.” “He can't use that bloody piece of wood he does freakish things with over the summer and I bet neither can you. So I bet you can't do anything, when I make his life a living hell.” He said standing up. Aeryn stood up also and was slightly higher then him with her boots on. “No we can't use magic over the summer that is until July 31st, our birthday. But I wasn't planning to threaten you with magic.” She moved closer to him looking down at him speaking in a cold, low tone, “When Grunngins asks me why Wyndam Inc. decided to stop buying drills, I'll tell them, that's right **I** will tell them, that I met an employee, and I didn't like him very much, and I don't think my company should buy anything from a place that hires people like you. What do you think they would rather do?” 20. Muggles in Manhatten- Part 2 Guys point of view --------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 20 MUGGLES IN MANHATTEN PART 2- GUYS POINT OF VIEW After a delicious late breakfast to Ron delight at IHOP, the girls and guys went their separate ways. “New York wouldn't have a place like Diagon Alley would it. You know, with no muggles?” Harry asked. “Actually New York is actually twice as big then the muggles believe it to be.” Lupin informed them. “Every so often you will find a Wizarding shop and the muggles just walk on by, just like the Leaky Cauldron if you will.” And indeed, as they walked through the city, along the way they would find a bookstore that sold books for wizards, or a Quidditch shop, which displayed the new Sonic Boom, which Aeryn already owned. The muggles just walked by the stores seeing nothing out of the ordinary. “There are some places you ought to avoid.” Malfoy said, reminding Ron and Harry of his pleasance. “Like that pub over there,” he pointed to a dark looking bar, The Dragon's Breath, “A good meeting place for rouge Wizards.” “And you know that, how?” Ron asked. “Have you forgotten who my father is?” he simply answered. “How can we, we have a constant reminder with you around.” Harry said. “That's enough; we'll have none of that. Can we at least be civil with each other? I have no qualms about giving detention or taking house points away, even if we aren't at school.” Lupin said stopping the argument before it got out of hand. “So how about we do some early Christmas shopping?” *** A couple of hours later the guys decided to get something to drink, before meeting up with the girls. Malfoy suggested smoothies, and that he knew of a place where he knew the owners. “Let me guess,” Harry said as the strolled up to `The Smoothie Shack' “the owners are Wizards.” “Would I know of this place otherwise?” They entered the door to see the three girls standing by a table, and at the table was a woman sitting and standing up was a man, who Harry immediately recognized, as did Ron and Lupin. Malfoy however was left in the dark. “What do you think they would rather do?” was all they heard of the conversation. “Well Malfoy, are you ready to witness the muggle version of your father?” Harry said quietly. Malfoy didn't know what to make out of it. Harry saw the familiar purple faced look on his Uncle whenever he was peeved about something. In fact he looked a little scared. “Aeryn, what's going on?” Professor Lupin asked. Vernon finally noticed the others that entered the shop. “Oh, nothing Professor, just meeting the rest of the family.” She said not taking her eyes off of Vernon. “Anyway, I'll leave it at that,” she said to Harry's uncle, “Enjoy your day.” And she walked back over to the table where the girls were sitting and sat down, followed by Hermione, Ginny and the guys, who had ordered a smoothie themselves. But the Dursley weren't to keen on staying so the just left, without saying a word. As soon as they left, the girls started laughing. “Well, I'd never thought I would meet the rest of our so-called family this way.” Aeryn said as she finished her smoothie. For the next half hour the group chit chatted about almost everything. “Well, I guess we should get back to the mansion.” Aeryn suggested. And everyone agreed. They used the fireplace in the storeroom at the back of `The Smoothie Shack.' They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the massive mansion, finding the occasional secret passageway. The mansion even has its own library, which Hermione said she could probably live in. It had two levels, with wall to wall and floor to ceiling bookcases. While the rest explored, Ron mainly looking for a snack, Harry, Hermione, Aeryn and Draco remained in the Library. “Looks like we're all on the same page,” Draco said glancing at all the books, “No pun intended.” “Heavy duty research mode. I for one would like to know what is going on with the both of you.” Hermione said, “You wouldn't happen to have any ancient books would you?” “Ah, we have a variety of really old books that would put the restricted section to shame. I'm not supposed to know about this room,” she said as walked up the stairs to the second floor. And started to pull random books off the shelves, but not removing them entirely, they seemed to hang off the shelf as if it were hinged. Then a bookcase on the first shelve slid open to reveal a dusty chamber filled with ancient books that must of dated back thousands of years. “But I have been told I am too smart for my own good.” For the next Half hour the books were skimmed thought looking for anything that might help. Harry came across a book clearly titled *The Big Book of Ancient Power* “Do you think this might help?” Harry said, holding the book up with a silly grin. Hermione shrieked with excitement and nearly snatched the book out of Harry's hands. After reading for a while longer, “Oh here is something,” Hermione said, “It's about the founders of Hogwarts. It says that in order to create such a magical place such as Hogwarts, the founders had to put an enormous amount of magical energy. The four founders themselves where very powerful. From what it says here, more powerful the Dumbledore even. But in creating Hogwarts a lot of their magical energy diminished, and they became normal wizards. It is rumored that the founders great power would have been passed on though out the generations, but would remain dormant until two great powers intertwine with each other.” “I still don't get it, what does that have to do with Harry and me?” Aeryn asked. “You and Harry are both from Godric Gryffindor's bloods line, descendants. Voldermort is from Salazar Slytherin.” “Dumbledore told me that Voldermort transferred some of his powers to me when he tried to kill me all those years ago. That's the two great powers that have intertwined.” Harry added. “And because you and Potter have this freaky weird twin bond thing going on, you have the power to.” Malfoy added. “I wish I had more to read on the founders of Hogwarts, but I don't know of any books.” Hermione said. “I think I have a book.” Aeryn said getting up from the table they were sitting at and went up the stair, and then up a ladder. Coming back she handed Hermione the book she retrieved. “*Hogwarts, a History*? But I've already read it.” Hermione said in confusion. “Not this one. This one, apparently, is from a different dimension. I think it focuses more on the founders, then the school. You can have it if you want. In fact, help yourself to any book you want. But if you do happen to find any illegal books just turn them over to the proper authorities.” Aeryn said as Ron stuck his head in the library door. “Hey guys, Ginny is uh, doing her impression of our mother. She's trying to cook us dinner, except she can't even boil water!” 21. Halloween Interupted ------------------------ CHAPTER 21 HALLOWEEN INTERUPTED That Friday lessons were cut short for the 6 and 7th years, in order to prepare for the Halloween dance that night. While it was true that the Great Hall could not be decorated until after the rest of the school had their dinner, the girls quickly disappeared to their respected dorm rooms. Hermione, Ginny Aeryn and Luna went to the Head Girl's room, Aeryn's room, to get ready since Luna was in Ravenclaw and not allowed to be in the Gryffindor tower. Ron and Harry spent their free time playing chess. Since coming back from New York, Harry had agreed to study his new found power. While you couldn't practice the ability to heal, Hermione had figured it was the reason for his repaired vision. He was asked many times over the past week where his glasses were. Unfortunately, Harry could do what Aeryn could. He had tried numerous times to move objects with out a wand, but couldn't. Aeryn however had no problem. Her ability in telekinetics, as Hermione graciously put it, was growing every day. They seemed to evolve in their power in the last week then they had in the past month. Their telepathic link had grown tremendously. They had learned to stay out each others minds. But also with that the found that they could project images of what they could see around them, to the other's mind. It was almost as if new powers were being known to them when they felt that they were ready for them, when Harry and Aeryn became open to them. Yet for some reason, they choose not to tell anyone, other then Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Draco, about their new power. Hermione had read in the book Aeryn gave her that some of the founders had unique powers, such as telekinesis and the ability to heal, as well at astral projection and the ability to speed or slow down molecules, causing things to freeze or explode. “Checkmate.” Harry said. He could tell from the look on Ron's face that he was shocked. “How in bloody hell did you beat me.” Ron said still stunned. “I didn't,” Harry simply replied tapping the side of his head, “You just got beat by a girl mate.” “That's not fair, that downright cheating. I want a rematch.” And fair enough Ron won the next few rounds. “You would happen to `see' what the girls are doing?” Ron asked. Harry just gave Ron a look. “What? I had to ask.” “You can trust me when I say we won't be seeing any girls in the next few hours. Why they take hours to get ready is beyond me.” Harry said making his next move in chess. “Are we going to have practice tomorrow?” Ron asked. The Gryffindor/Slytherin match was that Sunday. “No, Slytherin managed to book the pitch for all day, somehow they managed to argue the fact that we have had more practice then them.” “Well no matter how much they practice they are still going to loose.” Ron said and Harry nodded in agreement. “Hey can I join you guys for a while.” A new voice was heard, Aeryn was coming down the stairs, “They rest of them still have a lot of work to do.” She said referring to the rest of the girls. Aeryn's hair and make-up where done, but she had changed from her school uniform to a pair of jeans and a sweater. “You're not going to the dance like that are you?” Ron asked. “No,” she replied, “like I going to wear my dress when it's hours away from the dance. Something could happen to it, then what? I was hoping to actually play a game of chess, in the flesh this time.” “It was probably a fluke.” Ron said sounding sure that he was going to win. “The only person to beat me at this game was Bill. He is the one who taught me of course.” Aeryn said nothing and played her game in which she won. The next game however Ron won. “Let's just say” Aeryn said ending the third game “that between the two of us, no one is better then the other, stalemate.” And with that she retreated up the stairs once again. Later at around eight o'clock, many of the guys were dressed in their dress robes waiting by the entrance to the Great Hall. Malfoy joined them shortly after. For the dance the guys had to be in their dress robes, where the girls had the option for either a dress robe, or a muggle style dress. It was decided that, while they had their separate dates, they would go as a group, with Harry and Hermione, Ron and Luna, Ginny and Neville, Aeryn and Draco. Luna was dressed in a dark blue dress robes. Her blonde hair was down, but it was tame with just the right amount of curls. Ginny was in a dark green dress, which complimented her pinned up fiery red hair, with a square neckline, no sleeves, and flowing fabric that reached the floor Aeryn and Hermione were in identical dresses themselves, except for color. They had v-necks and long pointed sleeves and just as the other dresses, they reached the floor. Hermione was bold when she bought her dress in red, whereas Aeryn bought her dress in one of her favorite colors, black. As they entered the Great Hall, they could see the starry sky above them with the enchanted ceiling. Orange pumpkin floated in the air and music was playing from a Wizard Wireless that had been enchanted to be loud enough for all to hear. The center of the room was made into the dance floor and tables were scattered around the room, large enough to seat ten. They found a table near the front of the room where the Slytherin table should be. The two vacant seats were taken to another table so in was just the eight of them. The Head table had been made smaller as there were fewer teachers there. Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore were dressed up in their dress robes talking to each other quietly and Professor Spout was talking with Flitwick by the punch bowl on the other side of the room. Dinner was the same as the Yule Ball two Years earlier, where you just had to look at the menu, say want you want, and then it would appear on your plate. But Harry could care less about dinner; he couldn't help but be mesmerized by Hermione. She was absolutely stunning. He didn't care about anything else at the moment. What Harry ate, he could not remember and was over before he knew it. Ginny and Neville were the first of their group to go and dance. Ron and Luna decided to get some punch. “You know you two compliment each other, almost perfect.” Aeryn said admiring the couple in front of her. “What do you mean *almost* perfect?” Hermione asked looking at Harry smiling. “I was just saying, not as perfect as us.” Aeryn said looking at Draco. Draco smiled. Harry realized it was probably the first time he had ever seen that ferret smile, usually he just smirked. Draco then whispered something into Aeryn's ear, she nodded and he stood up and left. “What was that about?” Harry asked. “Don't know, he just said he would be right back.” She replied, “You know you go and dance, you don't have to wait here for me.” “No it's ok, we're just…” Hermione paused. “…taking in everything.” Harry finished. “It was just that last year everything was just so horrible and this year…” “…is less dark.” Hermione said with Harry nodding in agreement. “Look at that, you two are all ready finishing each other's sentences.” Ron quirked as he and Luna came back to the table with drinks for everyone. Neville and Ginny came back shortly after that and they began discussing the event of last year with Umbridge as if it were all a big joke. Aeryn was sitting with her back to the entrance and every so often she would look over her shoulder to scan the room and the door. Harry wanted to say something to Aeryn, but didn't know what. Hermione squeezed his hand as if to tell him that everything would be ok and not to worry. The Wizarding Wireless channel was having a muggle request night so they had been listening to song, most of the students never hear of. Aeryn had just about enough of waiting, “I think I am going to see what's keeping Draco.” She announced getting up from the table. As she turned a rose materialized hovering above Aeryn's plate, she didn't see it. “Aeryn,” Harry called, she turned around and spotted the rose. It wasn't a red rose, but a grey one. The stem was a vibrant green, yet the petals we grey. There was a note attached to in and Aeryn sat down and read it smiling. Draco seemed to appear out of no where behind her. “I believe there is a song coming on that I'm sure you would love to dance to.” He said taking her hand leading her to the dance floor. Harry took the note attached to the rose and read it. “What's it say?” Hermione asked. He gave her the note; it said `*Kiss from a Rose.'* “Is there anything that Ferret can't do?” Ron asked. “Yeah,” Harry said, “He can't catch the snitch before I can.” They all laughed, they stopped when a song started. They all sat there in silence listening to the song, while Aeryn and Draco were in their own world, dancing to their song. *There use to be a graying tower alone on the sea* *You became the light on the dark side of me* *Life remain**ed* *a drop that's the high and not the pill* *But did you know that when it snow**s* *My eyes become large and the light that you shine can be seen* *Baby I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey* *Ooooooh t**he more I get of you it's strange how it feels yeah* *Now that your rose is in bloom, a light hits the gloom on the grey* *There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say* *You* *remain**, my power, my pleasure, my pain* *Baby, to me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny* *Won't you tell me is that healthy baby* *But did you know that when it snows* *My eyes became large and the light that you shine can be seen* *Baby I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey* *Ooooooh t**he more I get of you it's strange how it feels yeah* *Now that your rose is in bloom, a light hits the gloom on the grey* *I've been kissed by a rose on the grey* *I've been kissed by a rose on the grey* *And I should fall in love on the way (I've been kissed by a rose on the grey)* *I've been kissed by a rose on the grey* *There is so much a man can tell you, so much he can say* *You* *remain* *my power, my pleasure, my pain* *T**o me you're like a growing addiction that I can't deny* *Won't you tell me is that… healthy baby* *But did you know that when it snows* *My eyes became large and the light that you shine can be seen* *Baby I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey* *Ooooooh t**he more I get of you it's strange how it feels yeah* *Now that your rose is in bloom, a light hits the gloom on the grey* *Yes I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey* Aeryn and Draco hardly notice the song was over as they continued to dance to the next song. Harry and Hermione soon joined them. About an hour later all eight of them were chatting away at the table. Snape had entered the Great Hall however and made his way to the Head table. After he finished talking with Dumbledore he left. Dumbledore got up a ventured over to where Harry and the others were sitting. “I am truly sorry to have to do this to you,” Dumbledore started, “but something has come up and I would like those who went to New York last weekend to go to my office. I'm afraid that this cannot wait.” “Sure Professor,” Hermione said. They left the Great Hall and Ron said goodnight to Luna, and Ginny said good-bye to Neville. And the six of them headed to Dumbledore's office. “Does anyone know the password?” Ron asked. “Lemon drop” “Smarties” “Twix” The last one made the Gargoyle spring to life, they all traveled up the stairs. They found six chairs waiting for them. As they sat Dumbledore and Snape walked into the room. Snape stood quietly at the back of the room and Dumbledore sat in his own seat. “As it will be in the Daily Prophet tomorrow, I will tell you now that the Death Eaters that came to the school have escaped once again.” “My father?” “Yes including your father Mr. Malfoy. But that's not the point of this conversation. Twenty American Death Eaters have turned themselves in to their Ministry. Upon questioning, they said that the Dark Lord in the end is going to be defeated and they'd rather not go down with him. Now I wonder what made them think that.” Dumbledore was now smiling, peering over his half-moon spectacles. “Now it appears that Aidan Bray was the only one without a wand.” “Sir, if you don't mind me asking,” Aeryn said, “Why don't you just come out with it, let's not beat around the bush and just get down to the point. I for one am not in the mood for cryptic talk.” “My point is, is that as Headmaster of this school, it is my responsibility to make sure that all student learn to use their magic responsibly. No matter their magic level. What I would like to know is why you let him go?” Aeryn looked at the ground thinking of what to say. Why did she let him go? “She let him go because that is the kind of person she is,” Draco said, “She is one for giving second chances and makes it know that you shouldn't cross her again.” Dumbledore smiled at Aeryn reassuring her that she was not in any trouble, “This kind of magic hasn't been seen in over a thousand years, so it is even a mystery to me. I knew that this was to happen, but what I didn't expect was that the both of you were to burden this power. I would like for you to keep practicing any new powers you may discover.” 22. Christmas with Family...well almost --------------------------------------- *A/N: Ok people here it is: Chapter 22. Thank you for all your reviews. Some of them can be really helpful. I promise that I will try to put more Harry/Hermione. And to Silverbreeze: You can never have too much Yoda in your diet. And the `**Abracadara you are a Death Eater TOAD' I couldn't stop laughing.* *And with the Snape thing, thank you for noticing, for I never would. It got my head thinking for future events.* *And Hex me now, for I don't do Quidditch!!* *Quick Quiz: If you can answer these two questions, then you deserve a gold star!!* *In Chapter 10, can you spot the chocolaty joke?* *Where did I get the name `Aeryn'?***Hint* It's all about the frelling spelling!* CHAPTER 22 CHRISTMAS WITH FAMILY… WELL ALMOST I was the last day of term, Christmas holidays would be starting. Harry, Ron and Hermione would be spending Christmas at the Weasley's. Aeryn was invited, but she declined. After that fateful day in the beginning of November, tensions were a mile high between Gryffindor and Slytherin. That day was dubbed `The day the ferret caught the Snitch' Gryffindor had won the game however, due to the excellent Keeping of the Weasley King and the trio chasers that were Aeryn, Ginny and Natalie. But still, Harry failed to catch the snitch. Of coarse the Slytherins didn't really care that they lost the game, they were just glad that after four years they finally caught the snitch before Harry could. And Draco defiantly would not let Harry hear the end of it; practically every conversation consisted of something to do with Harry not catching the Snitch. But now it was the middle of December and Quidditch talk died down. People were thinking of Christmas. Hogsmade trips were for last minute shopping and the Great Hall was being decorated. “Are you sure you don't want to come,” Harry asked Aeryn for the umpteenth time, “I'm sure the Weasley's could squeeze you in some where or they wouldn't have invited you.” “I told you, I'd rather not. I've never been into Christmas.” Aeryn explained yet again, “Besides Draco has had one too many Christmas's alone, and I don't want him to be alone this year.” Aeryn caught the look Harry gave her when she even mentioned Malfoy, “And I wish you would just grow up. So what if he caught the snitch! You're not going to have a perfect record, no one does. I not asking for you and Draco to be best buds, just try to get along.” “You have to admit Malfoy has made an improvement,” Hermione said coming down the stairs from the girl's dorm to the common room where Harry and Aeryn were talking, “He hasn't called me Mudblood in a long time. Where's Ron?” “Where else, off snogging the Loneyfull Luna.” Harry said eyeing Hermione. “Do you want me to leave the room?” Aeryn said sarcastically. “Actually, I came down here to steal Aeryn for a minute or so.” Hermione said. “Sure, I'm going to find Ron, drag him from whatever closet he's in.” Harry said climbing out the portrait hole. Hermione made sure Harry wasn't coming back before opening her mouth. “Ok, you are probably the only person to help me. I have absolutely no idea what to get Harry for Christmas. And it's next week. I mean, usually I would get him something like a book, or a box of chocolate frogs, but that was when we were just best friends, and now… I don't want to get him something that might spook him or…” “Hermione calm down, you're going to hyperventilate. Just relax!” Hermione stopped and collected herself. “I can't tell you want to get him, honestly I didn't know what to get him myself till this morning.” “This morning? What did you get?” Hermione was curious. “Well, I got an interesting package this morning from my butler, he still helping out with Wyndam manor, in his letter he said he found a huge chest, like a treasure chest, and when he opened it he found two boxes inside, one said `Aeryn' and the other said `Harry'. I've opened mine already, but I'll give Harry his for Christmas, some old trinkets from our parents.” “Harry will love that.” Hermione said smiling happily for Harry; he missed his parents so much. “But that doesn't solve my problem.” “Well then you should probably ask what I got Draco.” Aeryn said. “I don't think I can think of a gift that suits Malfoy.” “Well that's because you don't know him the way I do. Believe it or not Draco had a soft side to him, don't tell him I've said this to you or he'd probably never speak to me again. Through that bratty side of him there's music. He absolutely loves music. It's been there for him when life drags him down. He loves listening to it, playing it, making it. Just look what he did at the Halloween Dance, he choose a song to express himself.” “So, what did you get him?” Hermione asked. “When Draco was younger, his father made him play the violin. When he found out that Draco loved playing the violin he made Draco smash it. From what Draco has told me, he was pretty good at it, so I am replacing it. Just look at Harry and try to figure out what's in his heart and go from there.” ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ “Happy Christmas everyone, tuck in” It was Christmas morning at the Borrow. Everyone had woken up early, excited to get the day started. Everyone sat down and ate breakfast before opening presents. Fred and George were there, as well as Percy and Charlie; Bill had to stay in Egypt to work. Harry was glad to see Percy back with his family. Harry had given Hermione silver charm bracelet for Christmas. It had small hearts and big hearts and tiny baby angels. Hermione loved it. Hermione had gotten Harry custom made snow globe. Inside were three very unique animals, Prongs, Padfoot and Moony, all surrounded by snow. Harry was speechless when he opened the box it was held in. “Hermione, this is absolutely incredible.” Harry was starting to get teary, but quickly stopped himself and smiled at Hermione, “You are absolutely incredible.” He said giving Hermione a hug and kiss. Forgetting there were actually people in the same room, it was a little more than a little kiss. With almost everyone staring at them, they quickly stopped. “Sorry,” they both said at the same time. “Harry the last one is for you, it's the box in the corner there.” Mr. Weasley pointed out. Harry got up from where he was sitting to where the wooden box was. The box was an old box, or at least made to look old, Harry wasn't sure. His name was carved on the top. Harry went to open the box, but was interrupted. “Harry, before you open the box,” Hermione said kneeling next to him, she was holding a rolled up piece of parchment, “Aeryn asked me to give this to you.” She handed him the scroll. Harry took the scroll and opened it to reveal Aeryn's neat handwriting. *Harry,* *This box was found at Wyndam Manor. I don't know what is inside, but it is from our parents**. I have one just like it. The two boxes were found inside a larger chest, that I will show you when you get back from your stay at the Weasley's. I wouldn't want to open it in front of everyone though, wait till you are by yourself, trust me.* *Well Merry Christmas* *Aeryn* “Well, Harry, you going to open the box?” Ron asked from across the room wearing his maroon colored sweater. “Uh,” Harry traced his name on the box; Hermione was looking at him, from her face, Harry knew that she knew what the box contained, “Maybe later.” Harry replied. He wasn't sure if he was ready to open it, deep down he knew what was in the box as well. 23. Box of Stuff ---------------- CHAPTER 23 BOX OF STUFF The box was empty. Everything that was inside was now on the floor of Ron's bedroom. Harry could hear the cheery chatter emitting from the living room downstairs. He picked up one of the letters he found inside and read it once more. *My Dearest Harry,* *No one regrets more then I do, if you are reading this letter. I know it means that you have survived, and I have not. But also* *that you have found your sister, for that is where this letter resides. No matter, I am happy that you are alive, that is all I could ask for.* *In this box are some things that your father and I wanted to preserve for you**. Do with them what you want, but we hope you cherish them forever.* *I don't know what else to say. What does one say in a letter like this? I watch you every night as you sleep in your crib* *right beside your twin**, wondering why any one would want to harm you. I hope you have a great life, where people love you* *always. You are going to be a great and powerful Wizard**.* *I will always be with you no matter what* *Love you always* *Mom* There we other letters like this, both from his mother and father. The ones from his mother were often splotchy meaning that she had cried while writing these painful letters. His father's letters were filled with thing he wished he could do with Harry. Harry can't help it, he cries too. There was a knock at the door, Harry quickly dried his tears. He was relived to find Hermione standing on the other side of the door. “I just came to check on you,” Hermione said, “see if you were ok.” Harry smiled at her concern. Harry took her hand and led her inside the room, he wanted to share with her the things his parents left behind for him. On the floor lay various objects. One was a light blue baby blanket. It was said in a letter, that it was Harry's very first baby blanket. In it were embroidered snitches and lions. There was a large photo album. Inside, pictures were over flowing the pages. Photos were of both Lily and James, from their child hood, to when they attended Hogwarts and the years after that. Some were muggle photographs and some were magical, all of them with notes describing the picture beside them. Hermione questioned a small black square box that also was on the floor, but Harry quickly picked it up and put it in his trunk and said it was nothing. He shared the letters with Hermione. Harry was glad to be sharing this with someone. They could smell the aroma of Christmas dinner being cooked down in the kitchen and decided to go downstairs. They packed the things back inside the box and went downstairs. It was probably the best Christmas Harry ever had. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *A/N: I know this chapter is short but it needed to be posted, just the way it is. More to come. Soon will be a face off with Moldiemort Mwwwwaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!* 24. The Book ------------ CHAPTER 24 THE BOOK January passed on into February, no sooner did that happen March rolled in, and in no time at all April was here bringing in the rain, washing away the snow. Aeryn had been sporting around a heart shaped locket around her neck since Harry and the others had returned from Christmas holidays. At first Harry had thought it was a gift from the bouncing ferret himself, but upon closer examination Harry saw what appeared to be a sideways eight shape. When he asked about it, Aeryn showed him the other side to reveal `LE+JP=.' She explained to Harry that the sideways eight meant infinity. Aeryn wore her locket with pride, inside were pictures of her real mum and dad, each changing every few seconds in a cycle of sorts. She felt one step closer to actually feeling like she was a Potter and not just the long lost sister of Harry Potter and not just heir to the Wyndam fortune. She was Aeryn Potter, who cared what anyone else thought. Harry certainly managed to keep himself busy. With Quidditch practice and DA Meetings, came also piles of homework the teachers were graciously assigning. It was all they could do considering what was happening outside of the Hogwarts safe haven. Since the beginning of March there had been three Death Eater attacks on towns across Great Britain. A total of twenty people dead, many others injured, not to mention the muggles that were on the list of casualties. The Daily Prophet had reported that the Aurors were doing everything possible to locate the Death Eater and stop them. They had only managed to identify the leader of the raiding Death Eater as the one and only Lucius Malfoy, escaped convict yet again. The good news about that was that some of the Death Eaters had been killed as well. Then there had been the issue of the Harry and Aeryn's growing, and awesome powers. Ever since they were encouraged by Dumbledore to improve on what ever powers they had, they had been doing just that. Aeryn's telekinetic power had grown so much in the past few months. They had been using the `Gryffindor' room for practicing so that no one would see what they were able to do. It wasn't very odd anymore where unanimous objects were flying through the room if Aeryn was there. Sometimes she would just sit in the middle of the room and float books and candles, practicing aim as well as multi tasking. Being able to make objects explode was her other talent, she had been practicing on her own with that power, not wanting to blow up anyone by mistake. She now had her powers under control. Harry had found the opposite power. It happened in potions when he messed up his highly sensitive immobilizing potion. The blue liquid started to bubble over, spitting in every direction. It was about to explode right into Harry's face but when he went to cover his face with his arm he heard other people gasp in surprise. When Harry looked to see what happed there was the potion mid-explosion frozen in time. He, like Aeryn had continued to practice his power. Of course, the entire school was suspicious, it was only natural. When asked about the potions incident, Harry merely suggested that Snape cast an immobilizing spell. But it could not be ignored when Harry and Aeryn started practicing their talents with wandless magic. They found it a usual habit of the late, to leave their wand in their trunks so that they were forced use wandless magic. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “This better be good, I have things to do!” “My lord, our `informant' at Hogwarts had reported that the Potters are now doing wandless magic.” Lucius Malfoy stood before his master in the privet chamber behind the huge cavern and lava pit. Voldermort was sitting at a stone desk of sorts, working on his Plan. Maps of Hogwarts and the surrounding grounds were scattered about. He peered up at Malfoy with his red snake like eyes. He looked angry. “How accurate is this information?” Voldemort said as calmly as possible considering his blood was about to boil. “It was confirmed by Goyle's son.” This latest drawback was the final straw. For months he had been working on a plan to get that Potter boy out of Hogwarts. In fact it was set to be done in three weeks time. The key for his plan to work was the fact that Potter's wand didn't work against his own. But now that Potter didn't need his wand, all the months of planning went down the drain. Voldemort shoved everything off his desk with frustration. “Well now we are back to square one. And some of my loyal servants killed for no reason now from those pointless raids.” Lucius stood there quietly, doing nothing to receive the wrath of his Master. Voldemort got up and went to retrieve a letter from inside a musty trunk, a bit calmer then he was. “You are my most loyal servant Lucius, not matter what that bumbling idiot Wormtail thinks. Keep this letter with you at all times. Do not open it unless…” he broke off, with this new information, thoughts of the possibility that he could be defeated by that Potter now entered his mind. “unless I am gone from this world.” He quickly said as if it could never happen, “not that it will, this is just a precaution. My last instructions, so that I may still rule this world.” (A/N: Remember this!) “Any word on my missing book, it is of great value to me.” “No my lord, as of late it is still missing.” Malfoy replied. “Make sure you find it!” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ They were in the Gryffindor room yet again. Harry and Aeryn sat across from each other cross legged on the floor. Between them was a lit tall white candle floating in mid-air. Hermione and Malfoy were observing from the side lines. Really they were reading but both of them kept glancing up at the practicing twins. Aeryn was the one floating the candle in front of them and while doing that she kept on levitating books and throwing them at Harry. After the 5th book hitting him and a couple snickers from both Malfoy and Hermione, Harry managed to freeze the books before reaching them. “You both are getting really good at this,” Hermione commented. “Just wait until we start…” Aeryn never got to finish. Both she and Harry got blasted backwards, knocking against the walls. Aeryn was covering her ears while Harry was clutching his scar. Both the observers raced over to their significant other. “Bloody Hell” Aeryn cursed, since being around Brits, she had a knack for swearing like them, “I though the stupid snake head was only able to talk to you.” She called out to Harry. “He is,” Harry said, the pain gone. “We're connected remember?” “What did he say love?” Hermione asked Harry caressing his forehead as his bleeding scar healed. “He's certainly pissed off.” Aeryn said recovering with only a slight headache. “You think?” Harry replied sarcastically, “He's found out we can do wandless magic, from his informant at Hogwarts. He said his plans went down the drain.” “Well the suspects on whoever the `informant' is, has just been narrowed down to the whole school.” Draco said with a smirk. “Not funny.” Aeryn said playfully punching him in the arm. “Well I've narrowed it down farther then that. It is most likely someone in Slytherin.” Hermione said going back to the table were her books were, and started to pack up. “Just remember to keep an open mind.” Aeryn said as Draco helped her to her feet, “Not all Slytherins are evil.” “Too true,” Draco added. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Gryffindor had just won against Ravenclaw in Quidditch, and a lot of the 6th years were outside enjoying the spring weather, having picnics and hanging out. Dean Thomas was trying to teach a few people who would listen, how to play football, or as Aeryn argued, Soccer. In the end a small group of people were just kicking Dean's soccer ball aimlessly to each other. Any 5th or 7th year dared not show them selves not studying in their free time, with the O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s coming soon. A huge black owl landed beside where Harry and Aeryn were playing Exploding Snap. Hermione was reading a book, as usual and did not notice the owl. Draco was snoozing. The owl was carrying a thin square package with a piece of parchment attached. Both Aeryn and Harry eyed the package; the parchment was addressed to `Potter.' Harry took the parchment. *This book has great value to the Dark Lord, hopefully you will be able to read it. Use it well* *Someone who want to help.* Harry handed the parchment to Aeryn and she read it. Harry went for the package. Aeryn nudged Hermione who finally looked up from reading and was handed the parchment. Before Harry's hands touched the package, he felt something was wrong, he heard whispering. It went away when he backed away from it. Aeryn noticed Harry's hesitance. “What?” she asked as she herself went for the package. Then she heard the whispering too and backed away. “Well go one open it.” Hermione urged, the twins wouldn't budge, so Hermione reached for the package herself, apparently not hearing or sensing anything and ripped the brown paper off. Hermione examined the black hard cover. It had inscriptions across the center as a normal book would, but Hermione couldn't make two heads out of a tail from it. She opened it to reveal the same kind of inscriptions through out the book as well as some pictures. “Why would someone send you a book that you can't even read?” “Let me see.” Aeryn said, since Hermione was touching the book without problems it seemed to be safe. Hermione handed it over, “Catchy title.” She said. “You can read it?” Hermione exclaimed in surprise. “Well if you can't, it's probably Parceltongue. `Everything you need to know about the Power of Slytherin, how to gain it and how to defeat it.” She read. She began flipping through the book. She stopped at a page then handed the open book to Harry. “Isn't this what happed in that graveyard two years ago?” Harry looked at it and was surprised that it was indeed the potion and ceremony he witnessed of Voldermort's Resurrection. He nodded confirming it. “If this book has this in it, it's bond to have info on how to destroy him.” Finally, it was as if a grey cloud was lifted from their sprits. They saw hope for the future. Aeryn quickly woke up Draco to tell him about the book. Meanwhile, the sender of the package watched from the castle. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *Well finally, I have updated YAY!! Hope you like this chapter. Can't say how many more chapter I have left to finish the story, but I am wrapping it up nicely in a nice bow of Death, ready for the sequel “Change in Time”* *For some reason my fics in this series have the same ring to it, `Twist of Fate',(no need to tell you want that story is about)* *`Change in Time,' (a bit of time travel over the summer following the 6**th* *year)* *`Shades of Grey' (7**th* *year starts of normal, but them no one is able to leave and someone is on killing spree)* *There will be a forth fic but I haven't decided what to call it yet, it takes place 11 years after the Year 7. I can't get into details without revealing vital information.* *So please review, whether it's good, bad or other wise. I love reviews and I thank you sooooooooo much for reading my fic. Hopefully, if I have time I will update this fic and maybe `Slayer' (my HP/BTVS crossover fic) very soon.* *TTFN* *Sk8weWitch* 25. Epiphiny ------------ CHAPTER 25 EPIPHINY “Anything yet it the book,” Hermione asked for the umpteenth time in the last two weeks of receiving the book. Harry could tell she was getting peeved about not being able to help in this particulate situation. “No,” Harry lied each time she asked. The truth was that he and Aeryn had found want they needed to defeat Voldermort the same night they received the book. It was in the Gryffindor Room. ~^~^~^~FLASHBACK^~^~^~^~^~ “To invoke our spirits is the only way we feel might defeat the descendant of Slytherin, doomed to be consumed by evil,” Aeryn read in Parceltongue to Harry. “Never thought Salazar Slytherin was actually a nice guy.” “That's a journal entry?” Harry asked. “They are all journal entries of sorts. The book was meant to be passed on generation to generation. Can see why Voldermort likes to keep this book in his possession. It has the basic instructions of how to defeat him.” Aeryn started to read on, “It was prophesized by Rowena that a descendent of mine would terrorize the Wizarding world, he would be unstoppable and less human than normal. Rowena said that the only ones that could stop this person would hold our powers. Which to me, it sounds absurd because our powers are gone, forever lost in my opinion. Godric says that they would have to have our powers because it is really hard, no normal wizard can do it. I suspect he says that because he can't do it anymore. So now that we know what is to come in the future the four of us have been preparing. There is a book that we put in the library, in the very restricted section of the library that no one knows about. The password that opens the very restricted section can be found in Godric's Room. The book is called `Invoking'” “So we need to get that book,” Harry said, “and the password.” He added looking around the room. “Maybe we should look for it tomorrow, with the others.” He said getting up. Aeryn made a face and he saw it, “What?” She looked at him, “Do you really think that is a good idea?” “So far it's the only way we know of to finally rid the world of Voldemort.” Harry replied. “No, I mean involving the others. Sure we could use the help, but what if someone gets hurt, or worse killed because we involved them in our fight.” “Where is this coming from?” Harry asked a little shocked about what Aeryn just said, “Ron, Hermione, my best friends have been there with me from the start, I'm not going to shut them out now.” “No, in the end you had to face what ever it was alone. With the Sorcerers Stone, the Chamber of Secrets, the graveyard. That is of course you have been telling me a different story.” “You still can't ask me to shut them out and not tell them about this.” “But you can protect them from danger. It just sort of came to me like an epiphany. We… find out as much as possible about this invoking of the spirits…thing. And when we are ready, we just leave, find out where he is and just do it.” “Hey, calm down, you're going to make yourself crazy.” Harry said taking her by the shoulders making her stop pacing around the room. “I'm sorry; it's just that I am sick and tiered of all these Death Eater raids, people getting killed. I mean how many more people have to die before you do something about it? Are we just going to sit around and do nothing because we're in school? I just want to have a normal life. We have to stop relying on other people to protect us and protect them. Am I making any sense?” Harry started to realize she was right. It was that stupid prophesy Trelawney made that said that it would be `kill or be killed' situation. It became all to clear on what they had to do. “The password is probably in his journal.” Harry replied. “Huh?” “For the restricted section, it'll probably in Godric Gryffindor's Journal. We'll also need to make one hell of a plan to pull this off. For once we are going on the offence.” ~^~^~^~END OF FLASHBACK~^~^~^~^~^~^ “So I guess that book didn't help much.” Hermione replied. “Certainly got some good fact about Salazar Slytherin felt towards Godric Gryffindor.” Harry said with a laugh. They were out in the Astronomy tower. Harry and Aeryn would be leaving to seek out Voldemort in two days time, on Saturday night. He was leaving without the love of his life and wasn't sure he would be coming back. They wouldn't come back unless the world was rid of Voldemort. They were staring at the stars, it was a clear night. He tried to keep his thoughts on Hermione, but couldn't help thinking about what he was doing to protect her, all the plans he and Aeryn made. The had studied the book `Invoking' all the way through and were very confident that they could pull this off. “You want to go to Hogsmade together this weekend?” Hermione asked. “Can't, I already told Aeryn I would practice with her.” Harry said. “Can I watch?” “Do you want to end up in the Hospital Wing? There are going to be a lot of exploding objects.” “Oh. Well I really should study. Exams are coming soon.” “Don't study too hard. You practically know everything.” “Not everything.” “That's why I said practically.” Harry joked. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~ “Are you sure we won't expect a certain brother of yours anytime soon?” Draco asked. They were in the Gryffindor Room or as Draco dubbed it `the G-Room.' “He and Hermione are in the Astronomy tower gazing at the stars. And no one else can get in so just relax.” “What are you doing on Saturday?” he asked. “I'll be trying to kill my brother with incoming exploding objects, why?” “I just thought we could go to Hogsmade this weekend.” “Oh, maybe next time.” Aeryn smiled. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Their packs were packed. A few extra clothes, some food and plenty of water. “Are you ready for this?” Aeryn asked Harry as they checked to make sure they had everything. “No, but we have to go anyway. I would have come sooner but I had to leave Ron and Hermione a note saying I wasn't attacked or anything and that I would be back soon.” “Yeah I know I did the same for Draco. You didn't leave them any clues to where we are going do you?” “None.” “Good. I've got the floo powder. We should be able to get some sleep once we get to the manor.” So they left Hogwarts via floo powder and would not return until their mission is done. 26. Where are They? ------------------- CHAPTER 26 WHERE ARE THEY? “What I don't understand is why they haven't come down to eat. It's already lunch and they were practicing all day yesterday.” Hermione said as she and Ron sat down for lunch the next day. “Maybe they knocked each other out cold.” Ron suggested. “Don't even think that, how could you even think that, Harry has the healing power of his.” “I know but if he is knocked out, how does he know to heal himself.” Ron said. “It's not a conscious power,” Hermione argued, “He healed his eyesight and didn't even know it.” “True, I wish that we could get in that room just so we know that they are there.” “Does the Marauder Map's show that Room?” Hermione asked. “Don't know, never checked before. We can see after lunch.” After lunch Hermione and Ron went up to the Gryffindor common Room, at the portrait of the Pink Lady they saw none other then Draco Malfoy. “You haven't seen Aeryn around have you?” he asked. “No, we suspect she and Harry are practicing again. We were just going to check the Marauder's Map.” Hermione replied. “I'll wait here.” He replied. Ron and Hermione went up to the Boys Dormitory. Ron immediately went for Harry's trunk where he kept the map. Hermione sat on the bed facing the end. “I solemnly swear that I am up to not good. The Room is not on here.” Ron said, “Mischief managed.” Hermione turned her head to look out the window when something caught her eye. There were two envelopes slightly under Harry's pillow. “Ron!” “What?” Hermione quickly snatched the envelope that had her name on it. She read quickly taking in every word. *Hermione,* *I've been wondering how long it would take you to find this letter. By now you are probably wondering where I am, but I'm not going to tell you. Aeryn and I have come to a decision to end this war once and for all or at least die trying. I know this is hard to understand but this is something that I must do.* *I fell I must apologize to you, you have been asking if we have found anything in the black book that belonged to Salazar Slytherin and the truth is that we did. We didn't tell you because you would either stop us from completing our crazy plan, or come with us which comes with the risk that you or Ron could get hurt or possibly killed. I don't know what I would do if I let you get hurt again. You mean so much to me.* *There is one thing you can do to help us, if you could, tell no one we are gone until you absolutely have to, that way we will be long gone and no one will be able to follow us. Please do that for me. I will be back, and when I do you make sure you yell at me from doing this, you make me promise never to do something like this ever again.* *I love you lots* *Harry* “Oh God!” Hermione exclaimed. “What is it?” Ron asked closing Harry's trunk. “He's gone.” Hermione handed Ron's letter to him without looking up, she just keep reading the letter over and over again. Ron read his letter. “I can't believe it. Why would they do this?” Ron asked after reading his letter. “I think we should go straight to Dumbledore, maybe we can stop them.” Hermione got up and went for the door. “I think we should help them in any way that we can.” Ron said, “Besides you know about the prophesy; only Harry can defeat You-Know-Who.” “We could have gone with him; he could at least have the gut to talk to us in the first place.” Hermione spat angrily. “Look, I'm just as angry at him as you are maybe more.” Hermione gave him a look, “Ok, maybe you're mad at him more then I am. But I do understand why he did this.” “I understand too. But it's not about that. Harry need to learn that he doesn't have to protect everyone, some people can take care of themselves.” Hermione paused to think things over in her head. “The longest we can go to not tell anyone is tomorrow. After they don't show up for class the teachers are going to get worried.” She sighed, “what about Malfoy?” “What about Malfoy?” “Look you might not like him, but Aeryn means a lot to him. I can tell. But I don't know what his reaction to this will be. He might go straight to Dumbledore, or worse Snape.” “Then we won't tell him until we have to,” Ron concluded. They both went downstairs and through the portrait to find Malfoy sitting on the floor against the wall, with a letter in his hand. “I would follow her to the ends of the Earth if she asked me to.” Malfoy said quietly breaking the silence. “I know.” Hermione simply replied. “But I don't know if I can do this pretend that I'm not worried to death not knowing whether she will keep her promise that she'll come back.” “I know.” “How are you not angry with this?” Malfoy asked waving the letter around. “Oh trust me, I furious over this. And don't doubt that they won't hear the end of it when they come back.” “So are we going to keep quiet about this?” Malfoy asked. “Let's just say we won't be upfront with information. We will keep it as quiet as possible.” Ron stated. “We can even ask Dumbledore when he finds out, to say that they went in hiding. It's better if Voldemort thinks they are hiding then to be forewarned that they are going after him” Hermione suggested. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *A/N: Well here is an update already. I don't know when exactly I am going to update again, I have to write it. In the next chap we will see what the twins are up to LOL!!* *And someone asked if `Slayer' was the sequel to this, and it's not. “Slayer” is totally not related to this story in anyway!!* 27. Disgusies ------------- CHAPTER 27 DISGUISES It had been two days since they left, Tuesday. They were hidden in a chamber underground beneath Wyndam Manor. To get into the chamber you had to twist one of the spindles on the rail at the grand staircase. Part of the stairs would then lower itself to a point where you could walk down them and into the stone chamber. The walls were lined with shelves that were filled with thing you'd only see in Professor Snape's office and then some. It was Frank Wyndam's Potions lab. Why were they there? Because it was the only place Aeryn knew they could get most of their supplies for a very complex potion they needed in order to defeat the Dark Lord. The potion they had o make would be used to make six candles. Using the candles and some crystals it would create an energy field powerful enough to call upon the spirits of the Founding Four. These first few days were spent starting the potion. But now they realized that they still had to find out were Voldemort is. “I've never even heard of these crystals before. I don't know where to start looking for them.” Harry said as he read the instructions for the spell for what seemed the thousandth time. Aeryn had just come down the stairs. She had been out to get a few supplies. She was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with her hair up in a pony-tail with a Yankee's cap over top of that and sunglasses. “So what kind of supplies did you get?” Harry asked. She was holding a plastic bag. “They kind we need to make sure no one, wizard or muggle, will ever recognize us.” She replied. “Nothing permanent, I hope.” “Nothing a spell can't fix.” “Then why don't we use magic to disguise ourselves?” Harry asked. “Do you know any glamour spells?” Aeryn asked sarcastically. Harry shook his head, “Besides glamour spells are a lot harder to cast them restoration spells. Anyway, what color do you want your hair to be?” Harry glared at her, “What? Would you rather have no hair at all?” “It's not that, it's just that my hair has a mind of its own. One time Aunt Petunia cut my hair and the next day it grew back.” “How bad was the haircut?” “Bad enough. I was afraid of what people would think at school, the Muggle School, that is. It was before I found out I was a wizard.” “Well there you go. It was you fear and magic. You have nothing to worry about; I'm not going to make it look bad. And not to mention you have better control over your magic” But the end of the day Harry had spiked red hair. His scar was hidden beneath foundation. Harry did nothing but complain. Aeryn told him to stop being a wuss; it wasn't like anyone was going to find out that the Great Harry Potter was wearing make-up to hide his scar. He had muggle eye contacts that made his eyes look brown. Aeryn's long dark red hair was now streaked with bleach blonde and black highlights. She was going for a Goth look. She kept her blue eyes, but they outline with black eyeliner and wore a dark lipstick. They both dressed in black, Harry in a black t-shirt and black jeans, Aeryn in a long black skirt and a black top with extra long sleeves. Harry cast a time freezing spell over the potion so that nothing would happen to it while they were gone. They set out for the bad part New York, right after sunset. New York was the second best place in the world to recruit followers for the Dark Lord, the first being London. “So what's the plan again?” Aeryn asked as they walked down a dark street. “You're asking me? It's your plan!” Harry told her. “I know I'm just nervous. I never did well with the being bad and all. I guess I just need to hear it from someone else.” “Ok, we find where some Death Eater recruiters are and we make some new friends; do anything possible to make believe that we want to be Death Eaters, so that they will eventually tell where Voldemort's lair is so that instead of going there to get branded with the Death Mark, we set up our little incantation with the candles and the crystal, which I still haven't a clue where to find, and rid the world of the evil that is You-Know-Who, then we go home and possibly get detention for the rest of our life.” “God you make it sound so simple, I really doubt that we'll get detention, maybe one but we will be doing the world a favor with this.” Aeryn was watching her surroundings. In the Dark alleyways there would be groups of homeless people crowding around a barrel of flame. “I think we should revert to thinking instead of talking, we might be overheard.” Aeryn suggested. Harry agreed. They kept walking down the street. In one alley way they past then noticed a line of people. Most of them were dressed in black. They were about to shrug it off as yet another night club when Aeryn recognized someone. *`He's a Death Eater.'* She thought *`Who?'* *`The guy at the front of the line talking with the bouncer, I've seen him talking with my father, I mean Frank, at the Manor last summer. This must be a recruiting place.'* *`Well let's get in line then'* They were in line for about a half hour before reaching the front. They used the time to watch what was happening and to form a plan. The guy Aeryn recognized was talking to each and every person in the line at they went into the club. Every once and while he would let someone go past the door farther into the alley where there was another door. “You here to party?” the guy asked. “Not really.” Harry answered. The guy perked up at this. “Who do you serve?” he said quietly so no one would hear. “Currently no one, but we are here to change that.” Aeryn replied. “Who do you serve?” he guy asked again. Harry and Aeryn glanced at each other. “He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.” Harry said. The guy smiled and let them go past him rather then in the club, and they headed towards the door. *`Well let the fun begin'* Harry thought. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *A/N:* *Ok, can you tell that I'm winging it? I know what's going to happen in the end, but until then I have no clue. Next chapter is set in Hogwarts so you have to wait even longer to find out what happens to Harry and Aeryn.* *Well that's all I have to say for now, please review!! I love reviews!! I thrive off of them!!* *Chapter 28 *SPOILER** *“Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, the Headmaster would like to see you in his office after dinner.” McGonagall told them as she past the Gryffindor table.* 28. Hand of Friendship ---------------------- CHAPTER 28 HAND OF FRIENDSHIP It was nearing the end of Tuesday. Ron and Hermione were doing the only thing possible to keep their minds off Harry, homework. Though it wasn't much, it was the only thing they could do to stop themselves from the urge to find him and Aeryn. They had already lost points in potions that day, for being distracted. Ron and Hermione were amazed that the Professors hadn't approached any of them about the sudden disappearance of the twins. Malfoy was avoiding everyone like a plague, and when Hermione tried talking to him he was back to his usual self, called her mudblood and everything. Clearly, Aeryn brought the best out of him. They were not alone in the common room when McGonagall came through the portrait hole. Others were talking and playing games, as well as studying. “Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley, follow me please.” Hermione and Ron gave each other a knowing glance, both thinking the same thing, `Here we go.' They followed their Professor down the halls of Hogwarts to where the entrance of the Headmaster's office was. When they entered Dumbledore's office, two people were already there, Malfoy and Snape. McGonagall told them to sit down in the two empty chairs whereas Malfoy occupied the third. Snape and McGonagall stood behind them as Dumbledore came down the stairs from his privet chamber. “I cannot express the seriousness of your actions.” Dumbledore started off, “The Order has been working day and night, trying to find ways to destroy him, all to protect both Harry and Aeryn. Now that they have left to do the very same thing we have already done, they could get them selves killed as well as any Order members that are now trying to find them. Why did you let them go?” The three of them sat in silence before Hermione spoke up, “I don't think `let' is the appropriate word sir. They didn't include us in their plans.” “If they did, don't you think we would have gone with them?” Ron added. Malfoy remained silent. “When did you know they were gone? Why didn't you tell anyone?” McGonagall asked. “We found out Sunday afternoon, we suspect they left either that morning or the night before. We didn't tell anyone because they asked us not to.” Hermione stated. “They left us letters.” “Headmaster, why would they leave if they had no idea of going about defeating the Dark Lord?” Snape let the question linger in the room, “If they go up against the Dark Lord, I seriously doubt they will be back.” “They found a way.” Hermione said quietly. The adults looked at her. “When we had that picnic after the Quidditch match, someone sent them a book. It was written in Parseltongue, Salazar's Diary or something. I might have asked about a thousand times if they found anything in that book related to defeating Voldemort. Every time Harry said they hadn't. I think they have a pretty good idea on how to get the job done.” “Why not tell us, they cannot possibly do it all by themselves. They could have stayed here and let the Order take care of everything.” McGonagall said trying to figure things out. “You couldn't have. The whole prophesy thing,” Ron reminded her, “Only Harry can do it.” Malfoy finally spoke up as he looked at Dumbledore, “Do you know where the Dark Lord is hiding?” He asked looking at him square in the eyes. “We know the general location, but we can't get into his lair.” Dumbledore know he couldn't lie. Malfoy nodded as if he was agreeing with some conversation going on in his head and got up from his chair and started to head to the door. “If anything happens to her,” he said calmly, “It's on your hands,” he looked at Dumbledore again with angry written on his face, “You and your bloody Order, you left them in the dark. You know Potter was the only one who could do it and you left them in the dark. If anything happens…I'll blame you!” and with that he walked out the door. Those words stung Dumbledore, another foolish mistake he thought to himself. “Are we done here?” Hermione asked, “Because I think someone should go see if he's alright.” Dumbledore nodded and Hermione exited the office. Ron remained. “Hermione had mentioned that it might be a good idea that if anyone asks about Harry or Aeryn that you tell them they have been moved to a secret location for protection or something. Make Voldemort think that they have gone into hiding rather then warn him that they are coming.” Ron said, feeling a bit awkward being the only `kid' in the room. “An excellent idea Mr. Weasley. You'll have to thank Miss Granger for me. It seems that she is in total agreement with Mr. Malfoy.” Ron got up and went for the door. “As am I,” Ron said before closing the door behind him ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “Go away Mudblood!” Malfoy sneered as he stormed down the hallway. “I wish you'd stop calling me that! Clearly it doesn't have the same effect on me anymore.” Hermione snapped at him as she caught up with him. “Well then, what's it going to take to get you to leave me alone?” “Maybe when you get you high-almighty stuck up nose out of your butt! You're not the only one going through this. And believe it or not, I am in total agreement with what you said back there. They shouldn't have kept any of us in the dark; we are not bratty eleven year olds anymore.” Hermione said. Malfoy slowed his pace. “Why are you even trying to talk to me? I've done nothing but made your life hell whenever I could since first year.” He asked. “Have you ever heard the term `Don't judge a book by its cover'? Since our first year we've seen nothing but your cover. I thought you were this spoiled brat from a rich family who would only become exactly like your father.” Malfoy was about to interrupt her but she stopped him, “Now I see the real you. Not even Harry is ready to admit that you are more than just your cover. Aeryn has told me what a wonderful person you can be.” They had stopped walking by then and were just standing in the halls. “You had to show just your cover to survive. I don't think you would be here if you did not make your father believe you were just like him.” “I would have been just like my father if it hadn't been for her. I've know her for as long as I can remember. I'd live with my family and learn the way they live their life. And when we would go visit the Wyndam's or they would visit us, I'd see her spirit, her pure goodness, even though she was basically in the same situation I was in.” “I don't think Aeryn would be like she is if it wasn't for you either.” Hermione said as Ron came down the hall they were standing in. “You don't have to be alone in this mate,” Ron added to their conversation, “Look I know that the Malfoys and the Weasleys have hated each other for what, centuries? Don't you think someone changed that?” Malfoy looked at him as if he wasn't serious. “I'm not joking, let's just put all the bad things behind us, start over.” Ron held out his hand, he offered friendship. Draco hesitated and thought this over in his head, but then shook Ron's hand in return. As soon as there hands touched there was a slight breeze as the green from Draco's uniform washed away turning into a reddish color. The Slytherin patch turned into a Gryffindor one. Draco was shocked at he pulled away from Ron to inspect his uniform. “What the bloody hell?” he swore. Down the hall Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape were casually following the Sorting Hat, which was on a stool that was some how walking by itself. “Language Mr. Malfoy.” Snape reminded him. “Sorry,” Draco muttered, “Ok why did that happed?” “Do you remember what I told you when you were sorted Mr. Malfoy?” The Sorting Hat spoke up. “Not really, bits and pieces, something about doing something no one in Hogwarts history has ever done.” Draco replied still shocked at his uniform. “Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. On the day you were sorted, you were destined for Gryffindor. But as I looked inside your head I saw your dilemma. You needed to be in Slytherin and as I remember you begged to be put in Slytherin. I may not have been on your head for long, but I saw a lot.” “I still don't get what this means.” “It means that in the first time in Hogwarts history a student has changed houses,” The Sorting Hat continued, “You are now a Gryffindor.” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ *A/N: Sorry it took me a whole week to update. My computer was in a funk, something about a corrupted DLL file. I had my whole system reformatted. I really tuned off my computer last Thursday but it wasn't worked on till Monday, so I have been trying to reorganize my computer. Well I'm sure you don't want to hear about that.* *So what do you think about Draco and the whole changing houses thing. I know I like it, I wrote it didn't I. Ok now I'm just getting stupid with this Author's Note. I guess I'm just tiered. Anyway I've got a bowling tournament this weekend, so I'll try to write more on the road trip.* *Please Review* *Sk8erWitch* 29. Dog Star ------------ **Ok this Chapter is for all you Sirius Black fans who so badly don't want to see him dead or stay dead!!** **Other fics have their comments to their reviewers so I will to!! But only to the Signed comments. There are two many Anonymous', it would get confusing!!** ****Auscricketjunkie**: You better not steal Draco, he's all mine!!** **KypDurron: Love your name, do you live up to the character? They are all in the 6****th** **year.** **IssaBissa: Thanks, I'm glad you like it.** **Harry85: Well we all know how Draco's father feels about Draco already. And if I didn't say so before, Draco's mother kinda went crazy after Lucius went to jail. The other Slytherins are already alienated themselves from Draco because he is dating a Gryffindor and won't join the Dark Lord.** **gerdieSI: Your welcome for the great story, I can't believe it will be a whole year this August since I started writing it.** CHAPTER 29 DOG STAR *`Ok, this place is creepy,'* Aeryn thought. The room where they were all gathered was a dark reddish color. The only light in the room came from the candles that lined the walls. Including Harry and Aeryn, there were a total of twenty people in the room. Some were sitting on a big black couch, while other's preferred to stand looking at various objects as if admiring them. The door they entered made a *click* noise telling everyone that they were locked in. “No turning back now,” someone, a shady looking woman sitting on the couch, muttered. In fact almost everyone in the room had a shady look to them, half being female. *`I can't believe these people are actually here, ready to serve Voldemort willingly,'* Harry thought. *`Don't look into it too much**,**'* Aeryn told him, somehow she always happened to be the voice of reason. A door, opposite the door they all entered, opened and in came Wormtail. Aeryn could feel Harry's immediate hatred. `*Relax'* Aeryn tried to tell him. *`How can I?'* *`Think about our goal, we can't show hatred or tense up when we see someone we don't like'* “All females follow me,” Wormtail squeaked. All of the women got up and followed him. Aeryn looked at Harry giving him a look of reassurance that she could take care of herself, and followed too. All the guys were left alone. Harry didn't like the feel of this; he didn't like the idea of being separated, even though they could still communicate telepathically. He sat there in silence waiting for something to happen. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “You will be welcome to join the Dark Lord after you pass a simple test. All of you will be required to interrogate then kill a certain prisoner of ours.” Wormtail told the women as they walked down a hallway. “What are we suppose to be interrogating the prisoner about?” A British sounding woman with spiked green hair asked nervously. “Any information about The Order of the Phoenix, where the headquarters are, who some prime members are, you know the usual.” “Then we kill him?” “Yes, kill him.” Wormtail led them into a room that had no windows, no furniture and no other doors. Aeryn notices a muggle video camera attached to the ceiling in one of the corners. Against the back wall was a scruffy looking man huddled on the floor. The door behind them closed with a slam and clicked shut, one girl went back and tried the door, in was locked. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “Pathetic females! Bloody muggle devices!” Lucius Malfoy swore as he watched the very same room Aeryn was in from a T.V. screen. “How long do you think they'll last?” Another man, Terry, asked. He was the club owner. “Not long, no pathetic female has yet to survive. With the exception of my sister-in-law women should stay out of the ranks of the Dark Lord.” Malfoy replied. “What about the men?” Terry asked pointing to another T.V. screen. Malfoy studied each person carefully. “Only those three,” He pointed at three people on the screen, “Kill the rest. I don't need anyone blabbing off as to what we are doing here. Have them ready by the end of next week.” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “You three,” Terry went to the room Harry was in, “Follow me.” Harry got up and followed him. Two others, who were young like Harry and a bit muscular, went as well. They went through the door. “My name is Terry. I give you my congratulations. You have a good chance to serve the Master, you passed the first test.” “What about the others?” One of the men behind Harry asked. Suddenly screams of terror were heard coming from the room they exited. “What others?” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Aeryn didn't know what to think of the poorly dressed man. He had dark long hair and a scruffy beard. He had a gleam of anger in his eyes as he stared at each and every one of them. For a moment Aeryn thought he looked a little familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on it. “So, Blondie decided to send in another batch.” He said with a growl. “Blondie?” Aeryn asked still staying out of the view of the muggle camera. “You didn't see Malfoy?” The man stood up, and as he did, eight wands were pointed at him, “Oh, like I could actually do anything,” he said stretching his arms out to his sides, “I am unarmed.” “We want to know everything you know about The Order of the Phoenix,” said a black woman taking leadership of this interrogation. “Well I wouldn't know anything about that; you see I've been stuck here in captivity for almost a year now. Why don't you just let me go, I'll find out everything you want to know and then I'll come back and tell you,” He said sarcastically. “How about we do it this way,” the black woman said as she waved her wand, **“Crucio!”** The man knelt in pain, gritting his teeth. “You will tell us now!” Aeryn saw the man was fighting through the pain, as if he almost thrived on it. To everyone's surprise the man lunged out attacking the black woman knocking her down and her wand stumbled out of her hand. The man quickly grabbed it and used every blocking and killing spell he could muster. The only other person not fighting was the green hair woman. The expression on her face was as if she had seen a ghost. Aeryn took the opportunity of not being watcher by anyone and blew up the muggle camera to pieces, severing the connection to the people watching. Soon enough, three people were left standing, the man, the green haired woman and Aeryn. Aeryn studied the man's face, trying to remember where she had seen it before. Then it hit her, his face was seen plastered all over the wizarding world three years before. She remembered it from a picture in the photo album Harry gave her, which she copied. Here stood Sirius Black. Aeryn felt relief for Harry. She knew that everyone though Sirius was dead, it hit Harry really hard. But he had been alive all this time. “Tonks?” Sirius was looking at the green haired woman. “How'd you know it was me? I thought I had done a pretty good disguise.” Her hair turned a bright shade of purple and some of her facial features changed. Aeryn remembered Harry, Ron, and Hermione talk about Nymphadora Tonks, the clumsy Auror that could change her appearance at will. “I just can't believe you are alive. We all thought you were dead.” “I did too for a while. But apparently the veil was some sort of trick of Voldemort's. It was more like a Portkey.” Then they looked to Aeryn, finally realizing she was still in the room. “Well, well, what do we have here? How did you manage to avoid any wayward spell, when you wand is still tucked in you pocket? How old are you anyway, fourteen, fifteen? What reasons could you possibly have to serve Voldemort?” Sirius asked her. “First of all,” Aeryn said with a cool voice, “I will be seventeen in July. Second of all, I'm not here to serve Voldemort. I'm here to find out where he is so we can kill him.” “We?” Tonks asked. “Oh boy,” Aeryn sighed, “If I knew how much time I had before someone comes in here to check to see if we're all dead yet, I would tell you.” “You've got twenty minutes or so. That camera usually gets hit when Malfoy send anyone in here to kill me, mostly women. No one comes in for a half hour at least.” Sirius replied. “So what's your story?” Aeryn sighed again, “Last October, there was a major article in the Daily Prophet about Harry Potter,” Tonks knew about it, “Did you know Harry had a twin?” Tonks asked Sirius. Sirius had a shocked expression on his face. “Yes,” he clearly said. Aeryn was shocked by his answer, Dumbledore said he didn't, “But what does that have to do with anything, she's dead; died in a raid about 16 years ago.” “Wow,” Aeryn said and couldn't help but be a little funny about the situation, “I look pretty good for being dead.” Sirius gave Aeryn an angry glare, “What are you playing at, you can't be her. I told you she's dead” “I agree with Sirius, about the `you can't be her' part not the `she's dead' part. Last time I check all Potters were safely tucked away at Hogwarts.” Tonks said. “Ok, what do I have to do or say that would get you to believe me,” Aeryn said thinking of ways to prove who she was. “Harry and I left Saturday night, very late Saturday night.” “If Harry is here, then where is he?” Sirius asked her. Aeryn closed her eyes. “He's talking with someone named Terry. Terry is asking him a whole bunch of questions to see if he will make a loyal Death Eater. Harry says not to bother him, he needs to concentrate.” Tonks was finally convinced it was Aeryn, she knew from Dumbledore about the twins' power. “And why the bloody hell, are you here!” Tonks scolded her, “You and Harry should be at Hogwarts worrying about homework and exams. Leave this to the professionals.” “And what, watch more people get killed. Harry is the only one that can defeat Voldemort. Didn't Dumbledore tell anyone what that prophesy you people were guarding all last year said? Merlin, what is wrong with you people, always wanting to protect us. We are powerful enough to protect ourselves. And before I give you my one solid proof of evidence that I am in fact Aeryn Potter,” Aeryn said to Sirius, “How did you know about me, Dumbledore said no one did.” “That's what Dumbledore thinks. Just because Remus didn't know doesn't mean the rest of the Marauders didn't. It was me and Wormtail that brought Harry's sister to that muggle family in New York.” “Bloody Wormtail,” Aeryn swore, “That's how Voldemort knew who I was. I've been under his thumb the whole time.” Aeryn took off her locket and tossed it to Sirius, “Need any more proof?” 30. The calm before the Storm ----------------------------- **Kw702955: I am so glad you love my story, I have often doubted my writing skills. It makes my feel good when other people enjoy my stories.** **KypDurron: Who is your other favorite female character?** **the real HOPE: Somehow I had to make Lucius a woman hater. We will see him in the sequel and in the forth story, sadly *cough* yeah right *cough* we will not see him in the third story.** **Harry85: I could say the same about Jedi Mages.** **Anonymous 112272: Don't worry****,** **I won't take until August. I so badly want to start up the sequel.** **IssaBissa: Thank you!** **Anonymous 112309: Yes I am stopping in the middle of the conversation.** **So Deal!** CHAPTER 30 THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM “Alright Fred, you've proved yourself worthy,” Terry said referring Harry to the alias he gave him, “Here is a list of thing for you to do, you have until next Friday.” Harry looked at the list; it was more of a shopping list. “Now go home and make sure you return when you are supposed to.” Terry led Harry through the club which was in full force with partygoers. Harry nodded, “And if you can make sure you learn how to apperate.” Harry was left alone in the dark alley. He looked at the list again and shook his head, counting the many times he could of gotten killed tonight, and walked back to Wyndam Manor leaving Aeryn a telepathic note of where he was heading. This whole thing is just crazy, he thought to himself. He missed Hermione a lot, and couldn't wait for this nightmare to be over. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “What's wrong with this door? *Alohomora**.* Hey Malfoy this door won't open!” Aeryn was holding the door closed using telekinesis. “Does anyone of you know how to make a Portkey since this place has an anti-apperating spell on it?” Aeryn asked Sirius and Tonks quietly. “I can,” Tonks said, “I was thinking of making one anyway since you can't apperate yet.” Tonks went over to where broken pieces of camera were and picked up the biggest piece she could find, “*Portus.”* “I'm not coming with you.” Aeryn simply replied. “The blood hell you are,” Sirius said to her in a yelling whisper, “There is no way I am going to leave you here.” “Well then you won't get a choice. Harry and I have a job to do, now be a good dog and go home. I don't want to force you. How much time before the Portkey leaves?” Aeryn asked Tonks. “About ten seconds.” “You know you're just as stubborn as your mother.” Sirius said to Aeryn. “Good to know. Just wait until you find out who I am dating. Make sure you tell Dumbledore we are safe and not to worry when you do remember.” Aeryn said. “When we do remember?” Both Sirius and Tonks were holding on to the Portkey. Aeryn waved her hand. “*Oblivirate,”* Tonks and Sirius disappeared. She wasn't going to have the both of them blab off as to where she and Harry were. Then Aeryn muttered a spell with her wand to get rid of the bodies that were still of the floor, then transformed into her Animagus form, letting the door fly open as Terry and Malfoy stumbled into the room, Aeryn slipped by. “Bloody hell, he's escaped.” Malfoy said outraged. “How did that happen? He doesn't even know how to make a Portkey.” Terry asked. “I don't know. What am I going to tell the master, Black wasn't to be killed or allowed to escape.” Malfoy said as they started to walk out of the room, in their path was a solid white cat with slightly longer red hair on the top of her head. She then transformed. “If you didn't want him dead, then you shouldn't of left instructions to kill him.” Aeryn said looking at the ground in a slight bow. “You killed him?” Malfoy asked her. “He isn't here is he,” Aeryn replied. “I don't like your cheek.” Malfoy sneered. “What did you find out from him?” “Nothing much. He has been held captive for almost a year, or so he says. I rather doubt any information has any usefulness from him” Aeryn still avoided eye contact with the elder Malfoy, he seemed to be ok with that, she was inferior to him. “Very well, Terry she's all your. Do the same thing as the others.” And with that Malfoy left. Aeryn let out a sigh of relief that he didn't recognize her, or she would surly be dead. “All right,” Terry said, “let's start off with you name.” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “So you made it in?” Harry said as Aeryn walked down the stone steps of the potions chamber. “Barely,” Aeryn said plopping into a chair, taking off her boots, she didn't look at him. But it didn't stop Harry from knowing something was wrong. “What's wrong?” “Uh… nothing” It was 3am in the morning and Aeryn just wanted to sleep. She muttered the spell to get the potion going again. “Come on, I've known you long enough to know something is bothering you.” Harry said. “I just saw someone and I don't know if I want to tell you who it was,” Aeryn didn't if Harry would just go home just to see Sirius again. “Why wouldn't you want to tell me, who was it?” Aeryn felt she couldn't keep it from him. “You might want to sit down for this,” Aeryn said while se got up to check on the potion, “You have to promise not to do anything rash and try to stay calm.” “Rash? Like what?” “Like grabbing the first handful of floo powder you find and going to Hogwarts.” “Who is it?” Harry said sternly standing up looking at Aeryn straight in the eyes. Aeryn looked to the floor, “Sirius.” “I am being serious. Who was it?” Aeryn almost laughed. “No Harry, I saw Sirius, as in Sirius Black, as in the godfather you thought was dead.” Harry sat down again, but missed the chair landing on his butt with a thud. “Are…are you sure?” Harry asked looking at her. “I mean one hundred percent sure it was him.” “I had a nice conversation with him that makes me want to see Wormtail dead as much as you do. Both he and Tonks Portkeyed out of here and are safe.” Aeryn said. “Tonks?” “She was undercover, you remember the green haired lady.” Aeryn said, “Are you ok?” “I don't know if I want to go back home or just hurry up with this `mission'” Harry said getting up from the floor, sitting in his chair once again. “I'd stick with the mission, we *will* defeat Voldemort. I know we will. And when we get this done we will have all the time in the world to live our lives.” Harry nodded in agreement; he got up and started looking for something. “What are you looking for?” “Parchment, quill.” “Whoa, you are not writing a letter.” Aeryn said rushing to stop him. “And why not?” “Because Sirius and Tonks don't exactly remember anything that has happened today.” Aeryn said biting her bottom lip. “You cast a memory spell on them; do you know how dangerous that is?” “Not if you know how to do them properly, I learned how to do memory spells last year, along with coping spells and Patronus Charms. It was my big three, my `if I could learn any three spells' within reason of course.” Aeryn said adding a few lizards' eyes to the potion. “I didn't want them to go to Dumbledore with our location, so they don't exactly remember ever seeing us. It'll wear off. You should go get some sleep; we have a lot of things to do until next Friday.” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ **Ok, I really want to get the action started in the next chapter so I will just summarize a couple of things.** **Over the next week or so Harry and Aeryn have to get certain things from the lists they were given, which most are illegal. They also find their three crystals that they need for the spell with the candles. They need six crystals of each.** **The first crystal in the Danburite Crystal, which is suppose to block** **and** **transform negative energy into positive energy. And increases connections to angels and guides.** **The second crystal in the Candle Quartz Crystal, which allows us to look within and discover our true nature, our true path and true spirit.** **And the last crystal is the Zincite crystal. It assists in removing energetic pollutions by pulling together the negative energy and transforming them.** **Let's just say Voldemort can't do anything to stop what coming to him.** **The candles are** **white, but when lit they are supposed to swirl with black and white while the flame is black.** **Feel free to e-mail me with a question if you have any at** **** 31. Unwanted and Deadly Help ---------------------------- CHAPTER 31 UNWANTED AND DEADLY HELP “Does Dumbledore usually do this to you guys?” Draco asked as they walked towards the Womping Willow. “What, you mean tell us to sneak out in the middle of the night? Not really.” Ron said as he reached for the knot in the tree making the branches freeze in place. “I wonder why Dumbledore wants us to go to the Shrieking Shack.” Hermione said thinking to herself out loud. “I thought that place was haunted.” Draco said. “People thought that because every full moon they would hear howling coming from there. But really it was Professor Lupin.” “Ah. So, any idea why we are going here?” “Not a clue.” Ron said. “And you two have been here before?” “Yes, back in our third year. It's where we met Sirius.” Draco had heard stories of Sirius through Aeryn. “So why am I coming again? Dumbledore said you two should go right?” Draco asked. “We thought we'd include you. Show you the side of us you always wanted to get into trouble.” Hermione said with a slight laugh. They crept down the tunnel until they reached the shack. They looked around with lit wands and listening for anyone who might be there. They heard a scraping sound coming from the floorboards above them. They quietly walked down the hall to the stairs and slowly climbed them. Hermione's heart skipped a beat when they were at the top. On top of the shabby bed was a huge black dog. The dog wagged his tail at the sight of Hermione and Ron. Draco was behind them but not easily seen. “It can't be…” Ron whispered. The dog finally caught sight of Draco and instantly started to growl and move towards him. Draco started to back up; he didn't like dogs that well. Both Hermione and Ron came between the dog and Draco. “He's a friend.” Hermione said to the dog. The dog stopped and looked at Hermione. “How are you alive?” Ron asked. The dog then transformed, Sirius was still looking at Draco. He was interrupted though by Hermione who hugged Sirius. “You have no idea how good it is to see you. Harry is going to be so happy when he comes back.” Hermione had let go of Sirius, she had tears coming from her eyes. Sirius took her by the shoulders and looked at her. “It was all a trick Hermione. I'm back now. I would have came to see you sooner but I've had a memory charm placed on me for the last week and could remember how I escaped.” Sirius explained. “Who cast the charm?” Ron asked. “I believe you know Aeryn.” Sirius stated. “You've seen Aeryn?” Draco quickly broke his silence. Sirius looked to Ron and Hermione. “Why is he here? He's the son of a Death Eater.” “Doesn't make me a Death Eater too.” Draco snapped. “I'm going back to the castle.” And with that he left. “What did you do that for?” Hermione asked Sirius. “What? He's a Malfoy.” “How much time did you spend with Aeryn?” she asked. “About twenty minutes.” Hermione rolled her eyes. “What?” “You just happen to have scared away Aeryn's current love interest.” Ron said modestly. Sirius sighed; he made a mental note to talk to Aeryn about her taste in men if or when he saw her again, but right now he had other things to do. “Well You should head back to the castle yourselves and get some sleep. I've got to be somewhere soon. I just wanted to see and tell you that I saw Aeryn about a week ago in New York City. She seemed to be doing ok other then both she and Harry are in deep undercover.” Hermione and Ron went back to the castle like they were told while Sirius, Lupin and some others from the order went behind Dumbledore's back and headed for the now know locations of Voldemort's lair. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Harry could not tell where in the world they were. He knew that they were in a forest, one that was heavy with ancient trees. Harry was in a group with other soon-to-be-Death-Eaters. Aeryn was by herself, the only female at the back, in her place. The group consisted of five other people besides Harry and Aeryn. They had been walking for about an hour in silence. If Harry had to guess they were somewhere in Europe, judging by the difference in the position of the sun. They had left New York at noon and when they arrived at the unknown location moments later it seemed to be late afternoon. There were escorted by the older Death Eaters, none of which Harry recognized. *`Something's not right'* Aeryn's thoughts interrupted the silence *`this place should be crawling with muggles'* *`You know where we are'* Harry asked. *`Only one of the most magical places in the whole world. We are in* *the legendary* *Sherwood Forest. All these trees are really old, like 600 years old. Very magical. I swear Hermione's knack for reading better rub off on you, you need to learn about the world around you more'* *`Can't help it if I've lived a sheltered life'* Harry snapped. *`Sorry. Gee can the tension in the air be any thicker?'* *`I'm just nervous.'* *`Me too. Hopefully the magic from the trees might help us in the long run.'* The final destination was a really, really old tree. The spread of the branches was about ninety feet, the girth about thirty. The older Death Eaters led the group past the fence that surrounded the ancient tree. The led Death Eater waved his wand about the trunk and a hidden doorway appeared. *`Major Oak'* *`huh?'* *`This tree is called Major Oak'* Aeryn explained to Harry and they stepped through the door way and down a spiral staircase. *`It is where Robin Hood and his Merry Men hung out. I'm guessing that they really hung out down here.'* The staircase descended into darkness passing an odd touch here or there. When they finally reached the bottom they found themselves in a small touch lit circular room. The air had become hot and stuffy. The lead Death Eater then turned to face the recruits. “You need to turn over your wand to us. You are free to explore and get use to your surroundings. After the branding tonight you lot will be spending the rest of your lives with us.” He reminded Harry of Mr. Filch the Hogwarts caretaker. “Do try to stay away from the vampires and the werewolves. They both have been edgy tonight.” *`Could this get any better for us?'* Aeryn said with slight excitement. “Be back here in two hours, if your not, well you might as well stay lost.” The Death Eater chuckled. All the Death Eaters left the room taking everyone's wand. As soon as they were alone the five others turned to face Aeryn. “So Miss Goth,” one of the guys, a Britt, addressed Aeryn's gothic look, “how's it that you are the only lady here?” He stepped closer reaching out with his hand and caressed Aeryn's cheek. Harry was about to step forward but Aeryn was faster; she grabbed the guy by the throat and whirled him around so that he was against the wall with Aeryn cutting off his air supply. “How is it that you are not the only powerless egocentric male here?” Aeryn replied in return. She then let him go leaving him to sag to the ground coughing. “The name is Claire, stay out of my way.” She warned the rest. *`**Let's* *go explore**'* ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Harry and Aeryn had split up; they thought it would look less suspicious that way. So no one would think the two of them knew each other. After an hour of exploring the small group o seven made it to a balcony of sorts to a larger circular room. It was the room Harry recognized from his dream back in October. *`This is it.'* *`Ok let's star setting up the crystals and candles.'* Each of them carried half the crystals and candles. Thing couldn't have looked better. Here was Voldemort's defeat on a platter. A perfect circular room with a balcony all the way around. In the center was the throne like rock formation. The lava pit closer to one of the walls. Harry and Aeryn set out to lay five candles and fifteen crystals to form the points of a pentagram. *`Make sure the quartz crystal is facing* *the center'* Aeryn reminded Harry, *`and the skinny crystal, the Zincite, goes on the left side.'* *`All right I got it.'* Aeryn had managed to get one set done; she was walking along the corridor of the balcony. Suddenly Aeryn thought she heard something, she cocked her neck to listen, there is was again, it was like a muffled yell. She moved closer to the wall that was about thirty feet away from the edge of the balcony. It was darker then it was closer to the balcony, Aeryn's eyes taking a few seconds to adjust. She then saw what looked like ten people tied up tightly in a web like cocoon leaving the top half of their face exposed. They were all conscious and yelling through the muffled webbing. Aeryn's blood went cold as she recognized one, then two of them. **Thud!** Aeryn's world went black. Bellatrix Lestrange stepped out from the darker shadows tossing a rock up and down in her hand. She studied the red, blonde, and black haired girl lying unconscious on the floor. “Don't know who you are yet,” she said, “But my dear cousin looks quiet well for being killed by you.” Sirius could only look on in horror as Aeryn fell to the floor. He struggled against his restraints but still couldn't escape. He was starting to think it was a mistake coming here to `help.' 32. The Ulimate Out of Body Experience -------------------------------------- **Welcome to the second last chapter, Enjoy!** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** CHAPTER 32 THE ULTIMATE OUT OF BODY EXPIRIENCE Sirius had been desperately trying to get out of his bounds for the past twenty minutes, but to no success. All the while silently blaming himself for coming in the first place and getting caught. Their timing was very bad, they had come a day to early and was outnumbered 5 to 1. And here they were, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Mundungus, and some others from the Order caught in a web spun by one of Voldemort's spider demons. He heard a noise, someone was coming Sirius couldn't see who. The figure slowed down as he was passing by. He must have seen Aeryn on the floor. He came rushing towards Aeryn. Sirius has to strain his eyesight to see who it was. Harry was trying not to look panicked. It had been at least twenty minutes since he felt that Aeryn was panicked herself. He had tried contacting her by she was not answering. Then he saw her on the floor face down as he was walking. He had only one set of crystals with him, but that was for the middle. From what she could see Aeryn had a nasty gash at the back of her head. Harry muttered the spell to wake her from her unconsciousness. She sat up with a start, before almost laying down again from dizziness. *`Are you alright?'* “Ah, don't do that, it hurts too much to think,” Aeryn whispered. “What happened?” Harry asked as he started to heal her wound. “My cover's blown.” “What? How?” Harry was surprised. “Ask your Godfather.” Aeryn nodded towards Sirius. “He's supposed to be dead by my hand.” Harry stood up and walked over to Sirius' cocoon. “You don't know how happy I am that you are alive, but you have impeccable timing.” Harry started pulling away the spider web. “Harry, I'll finish that, you need to put the last set of crystals in place.” Sirius' whole face was now uncovered. “It was my cousin Bellatrix, but she doesn't know who you are.” He told them. Aeryn was giving Harry one set of crystals she had with her, the other set was to be set up here. “Don't light the candle until you get as close to that throne thing as possible.” Harry took her by the shoulders and looked her strait in the eyes, “Aeryn, I know. We've been over this thousands of times.” “Yeah and if you haven't figured out it out by now, I try to be a perfectionist. Why do you think Hermione and I get along so well? Now go!” Harry looked at Sirius then to the rest of the captives. “I'll see you all when this nightmare of a life is over.” Then he left. Aeryn continued to free Sirius. When Sirius was free he started working on the others. Aeryn, however, started setting up her crystals. “So what's with the crystals?” Sirius asked. “You'll see.” Aeryn said with a smirk. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ When Harry returned to the lava pit room later on with his `group' the place was packed. The other five were looking around, so Harry thought it was safe enough to do the same. There were all sorts of creatures, thought most looked human. Vampires and many different looking demons. The group stood single file in front of the throne with Harry at the back. Standing at the sides of the throne stood some rather familiar people. Lestrange, McNair, and Wormtail. Harry's scar had been prickling all afternoon, but now he was starting to feel pain. Harry fought it. He was lucky that the last set of crystals he had with him didn't have to be place on the floor in any certain pattern, they just had to be on him. He had the candle up his sleeve. Voldemort then entered the room and Harry's scar exploded with pain. Harry could also feel Aeryn taking some of the pain for him so he wouldn't blow his cover as well. Voldemort's followers then knelt and bowed in submission. “Tonight my followers, we bring into our circle of power six new members. After performing an assigned task they are no welcome to receive the Dark Mark.” Voldemort preached to the crowd, “Soon we will have enough power to crush the fool Dumbledore and be rid of that pesky Harry Potter.” Voldemort's voice quieted as spoke to the six before him, “Now my new servants once you receive the Dark Mark you will under my control, you will give your will to me. You will then get your wand back.” The first one to go up was the guy who had his run in with Aeryn earlier. “Do you swear to serve me with all of you mind, body and soul?” Voldemort asked him. “I do, Master.” Voldemort took the guys left forearm and muttered a curse. The guy screamed in agony as the Dark Mark was branded into his skin. Harry cringed at the noise. One by one the other four had stepped up and was given the Dark Mark then getting their wand in return, now it was Harry's turn. Harry walked up to Voldemort got as close to the throne as he could, keeping his eyes to the ground. *`This is it!'* he thought to Aeryn. *`You can do it!'* “Do you swear to serve me with all of you mind, body and soul?” Voldemort asked Harry. Harry slowly slid the candle from his sleeve. “Never,” he whispered. “I'm sorry, what was that?” He lifted his eyes to look at Voldemort square in the eyes. “I said never!” This time yelling it. He whipped out the candle and held it before him. “**I****n****flammati****o!”** The candle lit before him. “A candle? You say `never' and light a candle.” Voldemort scoffed unaware that five other candles lit at the same time. Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out the Quartz Candle Crystal and held it in front of the flame. The crystal then floated in the air on it's own as Harry dropped his hand away. The other two crystals burst out of his pocket and with the third crystal started rotating around Harry. Voldemort knew what was going on and who was standing before him. “You think you can pull this off, you don't have power for it. It will only lead to your self destruction.” Voldemort started laughing. “Master wh-what should we do?” Wormtail stuttered. “We do nothing, he will destroy himself.” The crystals were now spinning faster and faster. Harry's eyes turned black. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Just like with Harry, Aeryn's crystals were spinning around her. She held on to her candle tightly, it was already swirling with white and black itself. Her eyes were black as well. The crystals were spinning so fast that it looked like a ring of light. The Order members were staring at her in awe. “Stay behind me!” Aeryn said to the others over the whirling sound of the crystals. Then light burst from the crystals surrounding Aeryn and the area in the ring from floor to ceiling. From where Sirius was he could see the same light coming from the middle of the main room. The light had blown away all the coloring from Aeryn's hair and now was her natural dark red. “She looks so much like her mother,” Sirius commented. “I know,” Remus said. Aeryn then yelled out with pain as four beams of light coming from somewhere else in the cave, impaled her at the center of her chest. She dropped the candle, but it remained floating in front of her. Both Sirius and Remus held their urge to help her somehow but they knew they couldn't. Then there was an explosion of light as Aeryn's body fell to the ground leaving what looked like her spirit form. The crystals and candle exploded into oblivion as well and the light disappeared, except for the light where they know Harry was. Spirit Aeryn then started to walk, ah, float to where Harry was. The Order members followed. When they reached the edge the group noted that there were other spirits floating towards Harry who was still engulfed in light. They could see Voldemort and practically every wizard below trying to stop Harry, but the light seemed to protect him. The other four spirits were the founding four, Rowena Ravenclaw, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff. As they passed creatures and Wizards alike on their way to the center, the evil beings fell to the ground. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “Kill him!” Voldemort roared, “How can you be this powerful, you are a mere boy not even of age.” “I am one of the heirs of Godric Gryffindor, when you tried to kill me when you killed my parents you unknowingly gave my some of your powers.” Harry said. His hair had turned to normal as well, and his scar perfectly visible. “I have a vision that one day when one heir received some of the powers of another heir that they would awaken the lost powers of the Founding Four,” Rowena explained. “Now that that has happened, my heirs now have the power to destroy you.” Godric said. “What about you?” Voldemort turned to Salazar, “I am your heir.” “You think this is what I envisioned for my `noble work.' I was young and stupid back then. I've had over a thousand years to think my actions over and I admit I was wrong. What you are doing surpassed that, you seek conquest and revenge.” Salazar said in disgust. “We do not seek revenge,” Aeryn started. “We seek justice,” Harry finished. The five spirits then joined with Harry in his ring of light, which intensified. Harry redirected the light with his hands, the beam hitting Voldemort. Voldemort was knocked back in his throne screaming in agony. The goodness of the light entered Voldemort's body, surging through him like a poison. The room was filled with an unnatural silence as the light blinded everyone, and as the light faded away all that was to been seen was Harry collapsed to his knees and the spirit Aeryn floating beside him. Everything else that was evil was gone, no trace was left that they had been there. Voldemort was no more. Harry quickly recovered and got to his feet, turning to face spirit Aeryn. “It's over.” Harry said, “It's finally over.” Aeryn's spirit became flesh once again, her body disappearing from above, but she collapsed to the ground herself. Harry reached for her to help her up, but Aeryn waved him off. “I'll be ok,” she said catching her breath, “Go see Sirius; I know you've been dying to give him a hug hello.” Harry looked up to where Sirius and the others were standing, they were cheering with happiness. Harry ran to see his godfather. Aeryn's body hurt all over, Harry was lucky to have his healing ability because he would probably be going through what she was now. She felt like her body had been ripped into two then sewn back together. Hell that was basically what happened. It was the ultimate out of body experience anyone could have. The dark load had been lifted off her shoulders as well as Harry's. They were now free to live there life without the worry of Voldemort. Voldemort doesn't exist anymore. Aeryn climbed to her feet and was hit with dizziness. At first she thought it was normal, but her muscles started to tense up as well. There was an awful buzz inside her head; it was like the same thing she went through when a boggart or giant was near. She couldn't concentrate. She heard footsteps behind her. Before she could turn she was grabbed from behind, an arm around her neck. “Well, it seems I've missed the party.” Aeryn was petrified inside she could not move a muscle. “No matter I'll have my fun anyway.” She saw a gleam of silver as a dagger flashed before her, she saw on the blade a type of seal, *Oh God, Lucius Malfoy!* The Malfoy seal was proudly shown, “This is for clouding my son's judgment, and for destroying my Master as well. Just so you know, all this,” he whispered to her showing her the room with his dagger “was for nothing. Nothing a little time won't change; you see I'm off to the Tempus Temple. I'm going to change everything. It's a good thing my Master sent me off to see the Giants, or I wouldn't have this jar of fresh Giant's blood. I see it has the desired effect on you.” Lucius moved his dagger fast and let her go. She felt no pain but felt the blood flowing down her shirt. She collapsed one final time, she couldn't move or call for help, she couldn't even saw goodbye. A single tear ran down her face as the light from her eyes disappeared. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “Sirius!” Harry was still running as he came towards the group. “That was brilliant Harry, how the hell so you pull that off!” Sirius said as he captured his godson in a tight bear hug. “Just a bit of magic.” Harry claimed. “Just a bit? He had no chance!” “I just can't believe you are alive.” Harry said. “Believe me neither could I when we saw him.” Remus noted, “Thought he was a ghost. We were bloody fools to think he'd done something clumsy enough to get himself killed.” “You lucky no one got killed tonight, well except for all those who are evil. Why did you come here anyway?” Harry asked. “I was getting batty just waiting around; we found out where this place was and thought you would be here already. But we can too early. But I'll tell you Dumbledore will have our heads.” Sirius said. “Why?” “We really aren't supposed to be here. Gave us strict orders not to do anything rash.” Remus said. “Well he will probably do a lot worse to me and Aeryn. Strictly speaking we weren't supposed to be here either.” They laughed at that. “Where is Aeryn any way?” Remus asked. “She should be here soon,” Harry replied as he walked to the edge of the balcony, “That spell took a lot out of her…” his mind drifted to the body lying on the floor. Harry's heart seemed to stop as he bolted away from the others in a panic. The others were slightly confused until they saw what Harry had seen. Sirius and Remus ran after Harry. The ground started to shake a little as Harry reached the bottom of the stairs, he didn't miss a step, he just kept running. She was lying on her back, with blood pooled around her head and her eyes were still open. There was a dagger stuck in the ground on one side of her and a jar with a red substance on the other. Harry ran to Aeryn's side. Harry saw the deep slash to her throat. He started to heal her. “Why isn't it working?” Harry muttered to himself, no matter how much energy he put into it the wound would not heal. Harry could feel himself starting to cry, “Come one Aeryn, you can't leave me! Why didn't you call for help, why didn't I know you were in trouble?” Harry was starting to yell at her. “I've only just found you, a year isn't enough!” Remus and Sirius came up beside Harry. Remus picked up the jar and opened it. “Giant's blood.” He said. Sirius looked at him. “Aeryn has- had magical phobia.” He didn't need to say anymore Sirius knew what that was. Sirius knelt down beside Harry and put a hand on his shoulder. “Harry, she's gone.” At that the ground started to shake again. “No she's not I have the ability to heal, she's going to be fine.” Harry tried to tell Sirius and himself. “Harry, look at me,” Harry did, “She's gone, you can't help her.” The ground shook harder. “Wotcher, this place is going to blow!” Tonks called from above, “The lava's rising.” “Harry, we need to get out of here.” Sirius said to him. “I can't leave her.” “Harry, you are going to have to. All that magic has done something, we are going to be dead too if we don't get out of here. We have to go back to Hogwarts; you have to tell Hermione and Ron that you are ok. Harry we need to go now.” Lava flowed out of its pit blocking the exit. Harry saw his wand beside the throne and quickly grabbed it. But it was too late; there was nothing they could do. There was no way out. There was a flash of a bright white light as the cave underneath Sherwood Forest was destroyed. Though most of them were badly hurt the magical being that came with the white light saved them from death. **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** **Well only one more chapter to go, don't flame me there WILL be a sequel. So what do you think? Thank you for all of my reviews, I really appreciate them. The good and even the bad. The next chapter will be called `Because it is'** 33. Because it is ----------------- CHAPTER 33 BECAUSE IT IS “I tell you Minerva, it feels as if I've lost control of everything,” Professor Dumbledore was talking with McGonagall in the staff room, “First Harry and Aeryn, now ten members of the Order.” The door swung open as Snape, Flitwick, Madame Pomfrey and Sprout entered the room. “The Dark Lord is gone,” Snape said rolling up his left sleeve, “The Dark Mark is gone.” “When did this happen?” McGonagall asked. “Just about a half hour ago or so.” “They did it!” Dumbledore remarked. “There is also report of unusual magic in Sherwood Forest.” Flitwick said climbing into his seat, which was stacked with pillows. “Yes, that is where Voldemort was. I do hope they are ok though; I'd hate to see what young Mister Malfoy will be like if anything happened. You know how his father is.” Dumbledore said sipping his tea. The door swung open a second time and she entered the room, her white robes flowing. “Miss Potter!” McGonagall exclaimed, “How in the world did you get in here?” Aeryn observed the room. She looked eyes with Snape, which made him understand what was going on. “Madame Pomfrey, Harry, Sirius and Remus are in the Hospital Wing.” She told the school nurse. Madame Pomfrey rushed out of the room. Aeryn turned back to the others in the room; she had an unusual glow to her, an almost peaceful look. “I thought the rest of the Order members that went with Sirius and Remus should go to St. Mungo's. Madame Pomfrey is an excellent healer, but I don't think she could handle eleven patients.” “What happened?” McGonagall asked. “There was a slight lava eruption. You know the one where it slightly destroys a whole Forest. Some of them got burned pretty badly.” “How is it that you were unharmed? And managed to get yourself and the others out in such short time.” Dumbledore questioned. “Who said she wasn't harmed?” Snape said. “I suggest we go to the Hospital Wing. My time is short.” Everyone but Snape was slightly confused. Aeryn laughed to her self; it was her turn to be cryptic. As usual Madame Pomfrey wanted everyone out of the Hospital Wing, she had work to do. “Potter has no trace of anything that may have harmed him, but the other two. I'd give them a week before either one of them wakes up.” She said to the four remaining people in the room. “I've tried to wake Potter, but nothing seems to work.” “That's because he doesn't want to wake up.” Aeryn said quietly as she walked over to her brother's bed, “He feels that he has failed.” “Because he couldn't save you?” Snape asked. “By the time he reached me it was too late.” She whispered. Dumbledore and McGonagall seemed to catch on, however Madame Pomfrey didn't. “Now, I'm done with these two,” she said referring to the last of the Marauders, “I would like to make sure everything is ship shape with you.” She said to Aeryn. Aeryn let out a small laugh, “I can tell you now that everything is not `ship shape' with me. If fact I am far from perfect health.” Madame Pomfrey looked bewildered, “Merlin, I'm dead. I have no body left, in fact I left it back in the cave where we were, which is but now overflowing with hot magma.” “How- how did it happen?” McGonagall looked as if she was on the verge of tears. Aeryn looked towards the ceiling in thought, “It was after we defeated Voldemort, we did this big complicated spell invoking the spirits of the Founding Four, I became a spirit too. Well let's just say the whole spirit thing took a lot out of me. I told Harry to go find Sirius because I knew Harry missed him a lot when he was gone. I was left alone to recover. I was about to follow Harry when Lucius Malfoy came up behind me. He apparently missed the whole destruction of his master. He slit my throat. I would have been able to stop him but, well you know about my magical phobia; the bloody idiot had a jar of giants' blood with him. Of all the luck huh?” “Why are you so calm about this,” Madame Pomfrey said, “I mean you're dead.” “Yes and now I am what Snape here was when he died.” “Not everyone here in the room knows that.” Snape said. “Well I leave it to you to explain in now won't I? Anyway, I now have a chance to do some greater good; I'm now a guardian angel. I'm with my, our parents now.” Aeryn explained. “I heard it could be rather boring up there.” Snape said, his mood seemed to have lightened up ever since his Dark Mark was gone. “No wonder you jumped at the chance to be Harry's personal watchdog…” “I never agree to be his watchdog.” Snape snapped. “Well we will leave it at that.” Aeryn said with a sadden expression on her face; “Like I said before, my time is short.” ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ It was the next mourning, and the three of them were sitting in the common room. “I feel as if *something* has happened.” Hermione stated. “Well I don't.” Ron retorted with a yawn. Draco kept quiet. “That's because you've just been sneaking around snogging Luna.” “Yeah, well I'm sure you can't wait to do the same when Harry comes back from saving the world.” The three of them stood up and decided to go to breakfast. As they exited the portrait hole they were surprised to find Professor Dumbledore. “You'd be please to know that Harry has come back, unfortunately he is in the Hospital Wing.” Dumbledore needn't have said anything more as the three Gryffindors bolted towards the direction Dumbledore came from not before Draco gave Dumbledore a look with question. Dumbledore sighed to himself. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Hermione rushed to Harry's side as soon as she saw him. She held on to his hand tightly never wanting to let go. Harry was still unconscious, refusing to wake. “What's wrong with him?” Hermione asked Madame Pomfrey as she was tending to Remus and Sirius again. “Nothing,” another voice called out from the other side of the room. Aeryn was looking out the window. She then walked towards them; Draco had not yet entered the room. “He should wake soon.” She walked up to Hermione and gave her a hug, “I hope you understand why we left they way we did.” “I do, I am still a little upset, but I'll get over it, you are both safe.” She didn't see Aeryn's saddened expression as she turned to Harry again. “So You-Know-Who is…” Ron started. “Gone? Yes for good this time.” She answered Ron. Aeryn turned back to Hermione, “You take good care of him, he's going to need you.” Hermione was about to ask her what she meant when Draco entered the room. Aeryn quickly ushered him out. She heard Harry then start to stir. “Mione?” “Oh Harry, I've missed you soooo much.” She said as Harry sat up and Hermione immediately wrapped her arms around him. “Don't you ever do that to me again, do you hear me?” Harry remained silent. “Harry what's wrong?” She asked pulling back from him; she could see tears in his eyes. “She's gone, I couldn't save her.” “Who?” Hermione asked concerned. “Aeryn, she's gone.” “We just saw her just a second ago,” Ron said, “She looked fine to me.” Harry looked back and forth between Ron and Hermione. It started to rain outside. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “I am so happy you are ok.” Draco said to Aeryn as he pulled her into his arms. When they pulled back Aeryn refused to meet his eyes. Aeryn never knew saying good-bye was this hard. She leaned in and gave him one last kiss. When they parted Aeryn's eyes still looked to the ground. “Why did that feel like good-bye?” Draco whispered. Tears rolled down Aeryn's angelic face as her eyes met his. It started to rain outside. “Because it is.” She said realizing it was a mistake to say good-bye like this. Draco didn't want to let go of her as she said those horrific words to him. She kept looking into his eyes as she transformed into white swirling orbs and ascended to the sky. Draco stood there with a black expression. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ “I saw her, she dead.” Harry tried to explain to them. “Look, I'll prove it,” Ron said as he started for the door, “She's outside probably snogging the Gryffindor ferret.” The door burst open before Ron could reach in. Draco came rushing in; in search for the nearest bucket his could find and throw up his non-existing breakfast. Not caring who was watching Draco Malfoy cried. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The school year was over, and everyone was packed up and aboard the Hogwarts Express. The past month and a half just seemed to wiz by. Hermione was leaning on Harry as they sat together looking out the window. Draco said across from them looking out the window as well. It was just a few days ago that Harry and Draco worked together to pack up all of Aeryn's belongings. It was very hard for the both of them, but they managed to get it done. Now here on the train Harry had Aeryn's copy of the photo album. Along with the pictures of their parents, over the year Aeryn had been adding pictures. There was a picture of Aeryn and Draco dancing at the Halloween Dance that Colin Creevey took as well as other events that happened. He'd only just found his sister, his *twin* sister and now she was gone. As being the one to defeat Voldemort, Minister Fudge actually listened to Harry when he told him about Wormtail and Sirius. Sirius was now a free man. Harry didn't want to say good-bye to Hermione as they got off the train as Kings Cross. He really needed her at his side. But in was inevitable, he had to go back to the Dursley's and Hermione had to go back with her parents. Draco was going back to his delusional mother, back to Malfoy Manor. And he prayed his father would show up. He told Dumbledore that he wouldn't be held responsible for his actions if he ever came across his father again. Dumbledore understood. They all said good-bye and after getting a lot of hugs from the people around him, except Draco of course, Harry trudged over to the waiting Dursley's for the last time. **THE END** **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** **Well that's it. This is my first story that I have ever completed that was this long. Thank you for all my reviews they mean a lot to me. I will try to get the first chapter of `Change in Time' up by tomorrow. I love summer vaca!!** **I know this chapter is kinda sad but it had to be done.** **And the whole Snape thing which I'm sure you are wondering about will be explained in the future so just hold on to you snitches!!!**