Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 25/05/2004
Last Updated: 06/08/2004
Status: Paused
SEQUEL TO HARRY POTTER AND THE FLAME OF FLAMORA. Legend states there exists four pieces of an all-powerful crest that when combined would make its holder invincible. When Voldemort seeks the four pieces in hopes of claiming its power, the Magical World turns to Harry Potter and his friends for protection once again.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. Money was not made in the creation of this story.
~October 31st, 1987~
“It's a good thing Snape let you off the hook today,” Chris Diamond, a well-respected member of the Gryffindor House and one of the finest beaters to ever play for Hogwarts, laughed as he and his friends left their Potions class.
“I know!” Richard McCormick, the reigning clown and prankster of both the Gryffindor House and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, cried. “You would have missed the Halloween Party in Hogsmeade! Hogsmeade always throws the best Halloween parties and it's not every year we get to go!”
“It would have been awful if you missed the whole thing on account of your usual squabble with Professor Snape,” Michael Caplan, the brightest student and a prefect for the Gryffindors, added. “Couldn't you have just let your pride go?”
“I didn't do anything wrong to begin with!” Keung Chang replied defensively. “I did exactly what he instructed us to do. He didn't have to make a spectacle out of me just because I was the first person to finish brewing the potion.”
“Nonetheless,” Michael sighed as he rubbed his forehead, “you could have kept your composure and ignored him…like you usually attempt to do before you blow up.”
“There are times I can stand him and there are times I can't,” Keung retorted, “and making fun of me for brewing a potion correctly and quickly isn't something I'm willing to take from him.”
“Though if you did get detention tonight,” Chris quickly cut in, noticing the tension between Keung and Michael grow to an uncomfortable level, “that would make it your what…173rd detention with him?”
“165th detention to be exact,” Keung replied with a firm nod.
“165 detentions with Professor Snape over the course of five years,” Richard said with awe. “I didn't know you got that high. I stopped keeping track when you reached 100.”
“I've never ever heard of Snape giving anyone that many detentions before,” Chris said as the four entered the Great Hall for lunch, “especially to someone from his own house!”
“If I had it my way, I wouldn't be in that horrific house,” Keung groaned as he took a seat with the three at the Gryffindor table, ignoring the usual stares that he received from members of his house.
At the start of their first year at Hogwarts, Keung Chang was sorted into the Slytherin House; something he considered to this day as a grave and unfixable mistake made by the Sorting Hat. His best friends, all of which he met on their first trip on the Hogwarts Express, were all sorted into the Gryffindor House, his house's archrivals. Though despite receiving a warm welcome from those in Slytherin, he refused to accept their invitation and during his first year, constantly bothering Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall about allowing him to transfer. Unfortunately, he was never permitted to do so.
Despite being in another house, Chris, Richard, and Michael always accepted Keung as one of them. They would sit next to him in the classes that Slytherins and Gryffindors attended together and would spend their free and study time with him. Their actions were originally questioned by the rest of the Gryffindors, but after time, everyone too accepted him.
For his relationship with the Gryffindor House, Keung was referred to by many as the lion with the hide of a snake. However, as the welcome from the Gryffindors grew, so did the distaste from the Slytherins. None of them have ever witnessed such a friendship between the two houses, and quite frankly, it disgusted them.
Though the revulsion of the members of Slytherin was nothing compared to that of Professor Snape. Never before out of the years that he has spent with Slytherin, both as a student and now the Head Professor, has he ever seen such a strong and friendly bond between the two houses. But, what he resented most of all wasn't the interaction of Keung with the Gryffindors, but the occasions where he overheard Keung mention how embarrassed he was for being sorted into Slytherin.
Keung had made many enemies with the members of his house, majority of which found extreme pleasure in getting him in trouble with the faculty of Hogwarts, especially Snape. They initially tormented him in an attempt to force him to accept being a part of the Slytherin House, but when they realized that he held his friendship with the Gryffindors above everything else, they continued to torment him to satisfy their dislike for him. The only person, who kept the Slytherins from completely vaporizing him, was Magnolia Reins, the daughter of a very powerful and influential family in the Magical World and Keung's only friend in Slytherin.
Magnolia was the only Slytherin who continued to be his friend over the years. Many mistook her friendship with him as a showing of pity; though, through the years of their friendship, she has shown that her care and worries for him were genuine. She was his Slytherin conscience, constantly reminding him to keep in line and to not do anything that would enrage their house; but despite her pleas, Keung never seemed to obey. However, instead of growing tired with his disobedience, she continued watch over him.
“Sorry mates, but I won't be able to stay for very long,” Keung said as he pulled out a large handkerchief out of his pocket and started to gather food into it.
“Off for another secret rendezvous, I see,” Michael grinned has he took a sip of his pumpkin juice and winked at Chris and Richard.
“It's not a secret rendezvous,” Keung replied with a sigh. “Everyone in Hogwarts can see Veronica and me having lunch by the lake almost everyday.”
“Good thing too,” Richard snickered as he took a bite of his bread roll.
“Exactly,” Chris said, giving Keung a sly look. “Best to not stay concealed.”
“What do you mean by `concealed'?” Keung asked, not liking the direction Chris' comment was taking.
“Just say…” Richard started to explain, “the last thing you want is for her father, the Great Auror Malcolm Cross, to show up and transfigure you into an eel.”
“Our relationship isn't like that,” Keung scoffed as he continued to fill the handkerchief with food.
He was being honest with his friends about the matter. His relationship with Veronica Cross, a sweet fifth year student who had just transferred into Hogwarts at the start of the year from a school in Russia, was strictly platonic; but, he would have been lying if he stated that he didn't want a deeper relationship with her. Though deep in his heart, he knew harboring such feelings would bring many more hardships because Veronica was a Gryffindor.
“Say it as much as you like,” Chris said, his mouth full of food. “We all know that there is more to your relationship than you'd like to admit.”
“You have it written all over your face,” Michael continued. “It doesn't take a genius to know that there is a lot more there.”
“Listen, I have to go. Please believe me. I promise you all a thousand times that there is nothing between Veronica and me,” Keung said firmly as quickly wrapped the handkerchief into a secure bundle and ran out of the Great Hall.
“He's going to get himself bloody killed,” Richard sighed as he took a bite out of his chicken.
“Seriously,” Michael groaned as he massaged his temples. “He has the Slytherins at one end and Malcolm Cross at the other.”
“As much as I tease him about it though,” Chris grinned, “I'm happy that he does have someone. He's a lot happier now.”
“Yes…but to what extent?” Michael said somewhat worriedly. “He having a romantic relationship with a Gryffindor isn't going to sit well with the Slytherins. I just know that something bad is going to happen.”
“I'm sure Magnolia will keep him safe though,” Chris assumed as he finished his glass of pumpkin juice.
“Oh you can't be that thick?” Richard asked as he looked at Chris with a shocked expression. “Isn't it clear that she has a…a thing for him.”
“What? Can't be…” Chris replied softly.
“Magnolia can be a kind person, but when was she ever nice to us?” Michael pointed out. “What does she have to gain from protecting a renegade Slytherin?”
“Precisely,” Richard continued. “What other hidden motive could she really have aside from having some sort of feelings for him?”
“It's just speculation,” Chris argued. “She and Keung have been friends since the day he was sorted into Slytherin. Wouldn't you figure that she would have mentioned something about it by now…and wouldn't you figure that Keung would have noticed something?
“Don't forget, Chris,” Michael responded as he took another sip from his pumpkin juice, “you are talking about one of the thickest guys in the Magical World. Keung wouldn't get the hint unless Magnolia spelled it out for him.”
“I still don't know about all this,” Chris sighed, “but I do agree that Keung is one of the thickest guys in the Magical World.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“I'm sorry I'm late!” Keung apologized as hurried towards Veronica.
Prior to the start of October, the two were mere acquaintances. The two met each other for the first time on the Hogwarts Express and continued an acknowledgment of each other by usually saying hello when they bumped into each other in the hallways. It wasn't until just a few weeks ago when their true friendship and connection began.
“Oh don't worry about it,” she said with a sweet smile. “I haven't been waiting for very long.”
Keung smiled back as he took a seat by her on a hill that overlooked the lake.
That hill had become their private spot. During lunch they would often sit there and have lunch together. Their conversation moved around from things they had done in class that day to their dreams and what they wished to accomplish once they left Hogwarts. Despite only knowing her for a month, Veronica was the closest person to him and though he wasn't entirely sure, he felt it were true for her when it came to him.
“So what's for lunch?” she asked curiously as she eyed the bundled up package.
“The usual,” he replied with a smile as he unrolled the handkerchief and playfully tossed her a bread roll.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“What do you make of this, Albus?” Professor McGonagall asked as she and the Headmaster looked at the two students from behind a window. “This is a sight that I have never seen in all of my years with this school.”
“It is a good bond, Minerva…a very good bond,” Professor Dumbledore smiled. “It is exactly what his school needs.”
“Don't you feel that it's a formula for disaster?”
“It may lead to one, it may not, but one thing is for certain…those two are very special. They will make a very large impact in our school and with time, the world.”
“Your optimism is very comforting, but I do worry for the two,” McGonagall said with a weak smile as she walked away from the window.
“I, too, sometimes worry about the two,” Dumbledore sighed. “Only time can tell what is to be the fate of Veronica and Keung.”
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“That was a good meal,” Keung yawned as he laid back against the grass, his hands tucked behind his head.
“I must definitely say,” Veronica giggled as she took her usually spot next to him, her hands over her stomach. “You ate the majority of it.”
“Well…you weren't going to eat it all,” he replied sheepishly. “Can't let good food go to waste.”
“No, we can't,” she said with a warm smile.
A calm silence soon fell over them. The two have talked so much over the past couple of weeks that it was sometimes difficult to come up with a new topic of discussion. However, despite their silence, the two never felt uncomfortable with each other. Whenever nothing came to mind, they simply smiled at each other and enjoyed the other's company.
“Does that cloud look a little bit like Professor Snape?” Keung asked as he pointed to a large white cloud above them.
“I see a pig,” Veronica replied somewhat confused.
“Exactly,” he grinned, trying to stifle his snicker.
“You are horrible,” she giggled as she gently elbowed him in the side.
“I can't help it. You saw what he did to me in Potions.”
“Oh come now, he's done much worse.”
“Doesn't matter how much worse he's been in the past…” Keung groaned as he sat up and looked towards the lake.
“You love to hate him, don't you?” she asked as she sat up.
“What can I say? He's an easy person to hate,” he replied with a lopsided grin.
“Whether you like him or not, he is a good professor…very funny too,” she grinned while watching his diminish.
“You're just joking…right?”
“Of course!” she exclaimed. “Nothing is funnier than you grumbling about him.”
“Now that was uncalled for!”
Veronica did her best to hide her laughter, but attempting to hold it in at that point would have caused her chest to explode. Though Keung didn't mind hearing her laugh. On the contrary, he enjoyed listening it very much, even if this instance did seem to be at his expense. Her laugh was intoxicating and if he didn't feel like he would be stepping over any boundaries, he would have started tickling her.
“So, will you be going to Hogsmeade for the party?” Keung asked quickly when he noticed that her laughter was dying down.
“I guess so,” she answered as she took in a deep and calm breath. “All the girls say that it's going to be loads of fun and that I shouldn't miss it.”
“That was pretty much what the guys were saying too,” he said, trying his best to subdue the nervousness that was now building up at the pit of his full stomach.
“I could imagine,” she smiled. “I know you four would cause loads of trouble.”
“I think we can keep our behavior under control,” he smiled back at her. “So…you just going to be going with the girls then?”
“Well…” her cheerful tone dropped to one of uncertainty. “You know that…Hugh Simons…from Hufflepuff?”
“Yeah…he's one of the chasers for their Quidditch team,” he answered somewhat hesitantly.
“He sort of asked me to go with him,” she said quietly.
“You mean…as in…going on a date?” he asked, trying his best to keep the sudden explosion inside him from bursting out.
“I don't believe so,” she replied, noticing his body stiffening. “You know…just as friends.”
“Oh,” he said, her reply not soothing the explosion. “What did you say?”
“I told him I would consider it --” she replied, but before she could say another word, Keung swiftly got up to his feet.
“Oh, look at the time,” Keung quickly said as he turned his attention towards the school and away from her. “I have to run…I'm suppose to meet with the guys before I head off for my next class.”
“Keung wait!” Veronica cried as she, too, stood up. “Let me finish! It's --”
“It's okay,” he cut her off, stilling refusing to turn and face her. “I really have to go…I can't be late. You have fun then.”
Keung sprinted off towards the castle, leaving a very heartbroken Veronica behind.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“Keung! What's the matter?” Magnolia asked when she watched him storm through the dungeon entrance of the Slytherin Common Room.
“It's a long story,” he replied hotly. “I just want to grab my book for my transfiguration class and go.”
“Come now,” she said as she maneuvered herself to block his path, “you can talk to me…you know that I'll listen to you.”
Keung gave her a quick glare in response, but she wasn't ready to let him go.
“You can't go to your transfiguration class upset,” she said with soft tone. “You know that if you don't concentrate, you won't do well. And you and I clearly know that you won't be able to concentrate on anything aside from what you're mad about.”
Keung took in a deep breath and looked into her blue eyes again. She returned his gaze with a sympathetic smile and gave him a gentle nod. He released a defeated sigh and with a nod of his own, the two took a seat on the leather couch in front of the large fireplace.
“So what happened to cause you to come stomping through the common room like that?” she asked, almost in a comical tone. “I heard you had a rough time in Potions…does it have to do with that?”
“No,” Keung answered with a frustrated sigh. “It has nothing to do with that.”
“Something happened with guys?”
“Nope, the guys are their usual selves.”
“So what then?”
“Veronica is going on a date with Hugh Simon tonight…at the Halloween Party,” he said with a low groan.
“You mean you didn't know?” she asked curiously. “The majority of us heard about that a couple of days ago.”
“You mean…everyone in the school was hiding this from me?” Keung gasped as he stood from the couch, his anger growing again.
“I can't say that everyone in the school knew about it,” she quickly responded, trying to calm him down, “but those who knew thought that you already knew. I mean…you two are close, so we figured that you would be the first person she'd tell.”
“Well obviously I wasn't,” he said sarcastically as he plopped back down onto the couch. “I'm such an idiot.”
“You are not an idiot,” Magnolia replied as she placed her hand on his shoulder. “You didn't know…and she didn't bother taking the responsibility to tell you.”
“But I should have seen this coming. A girl like her…guy like me…we wouldn't have ever mixed well.”
“Don't worry about her. She's nothing but trouble. You'll be much better off without her.”
“That'll be easier said than done,” he groaned.
“Whether it's easy or not, it can be done,” she said reassuringly. “You are a Slythering after all…we're crafty. There's always a way.”
He didn't quite enjoy hearing her acknowledging him as a Slytherin, but he did appreciate her candor. He stood form the couch again and released another sigh. “Do you have any idea how it feels to have such strong feelings for someone and they never notice them?”
“Yeah…I know exactly how it feels,” she answered quietly as she looked up at him, their eyes meeting.
A silence soon fell upon the two, but this was a very awkward silence.
“Well…I have to get going then,” Keung said quickly, breaking the silence that felt like it lasted an eternity.
“You don't want to be late,” she replied softly.
“I'll see you later then.” He gave her a forced grin and started to make his way towards the boy's dormitory.
“Oh…Keung,” Magnolia called, causing him to turn and face her. “You going to the party with anyone?”
“I think I'm just going to go with the guys…you know blow off some steam.”
“Oh…okay,” she said with a depressed tone. Though she quickly covered it up before he took notice. “You go get your book then…I need to run to my Charms class.”
“Okay then,” he replied with a nod. “Oh…thanks for talking to me.”
“You're welcome,” she said with a smile. “You know that I'm always here if you need me.”
He gave her another nod and quickly made his way towards the boys' dormitory.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“Well, hello Mr. Chang,” Madame Pince said with a somewhat startled tone. “What are you doing here?”
“I'm returning a library book for Michael Caplan,” he replied, understanding her shock of seeing him in the library. For the exception of class projects where he was forced to go to the Hogwarts library, he had never ventured into it. “It's due today and he didn't have time to drop it off himself.”
“That's very kind of you,” she smiled as she took a thick book from him. “Hogwarts: A History,” she read out loud as she placed the book onto her desk. “It's a good read, Mr. Chang. Not may students enjoy reading about history, but some history is worth looking over.”
“Maybe another time,” he said politely, trying his best to avoid a potential conversation involving his reading habits and school marks. “I must be going…I need to get ready for the Halloween party.”
“All right then,” she sighed. “Thank you for dropping this off for Michael.”
“You're welcome, Ma'am,” he replied as he gave her a nod.
He slowly turned and made his way towards the doors that led back out into the hallway. He occasionally looked around at the shelves of books, his attention not particularly drawn by anything.
“Keung,” he heard a gentle voice call him from within one of the aisles of bookshelves.
He stopped and looked around for the voice, but he felt a lump fall into his stomach and he realized that the voice belonged to Veronica. He knew leaving her so quickly during lunch was rude of him, and the last thing he needed at this moment is a conversation involving his behavior or her date with Hugh Simons.
“You didn't let me finish during lunch,” she said quietly, her eyes looking down towards her feet.
“No, it's okay,” he replied as he forced his trembling hands into his pockets. “You have a fun time with Hugh. I don't --”
“I'm not going to the party with Hugh,” she cut in as she lifted her head and looked in his eyes, noticing a complete change in them. “I told that I would consider it, but I knew I couldn't go with him.”
“Er…why not?” he asked nervously, his hands trembling even more in his pockets. “I hear he's a really good fellow…kind, generous, and all that.”
“I was hoping that another fellow would have asked me,” she answered, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
“Who?” he asked, completely thrown by her response.
“Michael was right,” she grinned playfully at him. “You are the thickest person in all the Magical World.”
“What do you mean?”
“You silly,” she cried out louder than she should have for she heard Madame Pince's shush. “I wanted you to ask me,” she whispered.
“Really?” he asked hesitantly. “This isn't some joke, right?”
Veronica gently shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. Keung's heart felt like it had stopped beating. She raised herself onto her tiptoes and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. His body slowly relaxed and his hands found themselves resting on her hips.
As their kiss ended, he opened his eyes and noticed someone quickly move behind a bookshelf. It seemed somewhat odd at first, but he didn't want to think about it, his mind soon falling back onto the girl of his dreams.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
~August 28th, 1997~
“Hello Magnolia,” Keung said softly as he took a seat on an old dusty chair in front of her cell.
“I can tell when you're coming,” she said weakly as she looked towards him, trying her best to rub away the dirt that covered her face. “Her screams disappear when you come and visit me.”
“Dementors can be relentless sometimes,” he replied with a soft snicker. “Here, I brought you some food,” he smiled as he pulled out a few plastic containers and squeezed them through the rusted bars of her cell. “Dobby made roast tonight.”
“I love his roast,” she admitted as she slowly made her way to the containers, breathing in the delicious aroma.
“I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that.”
He rested against the back of the chair and watched her eat her food.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, etc. No money was made from the creation of this story.
Chapter 1: Through Unfamiliar Eyes
Vernon Dursley of number four, Privet Drive had finished mowing the grass in his backyard. He pushed the lawnmower into the little shed behind the house and wiped his forehead with his handkerchief. Vernon was not use to such labor. It was usually his son's responsibility to mow the lawn; however, it being summer and his last amateur boxing match approaching in a couple of days, Dudley remained in his room, practicing on his punching bag.
During the past six summers, the lawn was the responsibility of his nephew, Harry Potter. How he truly despised the boy, believing that his presence did nothing but bring shame onto his family. However, unlike the previous summers, Harry was seldom found roaming around number four, Privet Drive. In fact, Harry was only known to appear in the house when it was time for bed.
Harry Potter wasn't an average seventeen-year-old boy. He was a wizard. From the moment he wakes everyday to the time he goes to bed, Harry Potter spends his time with his guardian, Keung Chang, doing his best to train himself for his inevitable task. Unlike the other wizards in the Wizarding world, Harry possessed a special gift, a gift that he sees as a curse that he has had all his life. Harry Potter was the only wizard who possessed the ability to defeat Lord Voldemort.
Vernon never liked anything that seemed less than normal and magic was certainly at the top of his abnormal list. When he heard of the new living arrangements that the Order of the Phoenix had devised for Harry, Vernon was more than pleased. With Harry's absence, the Dursley home had returned to its casual Muggle routine. It was as if he'd never come home that summer. Their house was no longer bombarded with letters from owls and they were finally able to remove the barrier that prevented wizards and witches from flooing into their fireplace. The only part of the house that the Dursleys avoided was the room that was once Dudley's second bedroom.
That room was the sleeping quarters for Harry and the place he returned to every night to rest. Vernon, aware of the fact that Harry possessed the magical powers to simply transport himself into the bedroom, decided to board up the door, in hopes of keeping his nephew sealed off from the rest of the Dursley home.
Vernon closed the small shed and made his way towards the glass doors that led back into the kitchen. However, he focused his attention on the house next door. A white canopy had been raised in its backyard on the first day of the August and had been up ever since. For the exception of a few slits near the center of the roof, the canopy completely concealed the backyard of number two, Privet Drive. Vernon had always been curious about it, but never had the nerve to ask his neighbor for an explanation. The reason being that his neighbor was none other than Keung Chang.
It was August 31st and another incredibly hot day in Little Whinging. There hadn't been a breeze for the past several weeks, yet something frequently caused the white canopy to shudder. Vernon's eyes narrowed whenever it did and he knew that something peculiar was taking place inside it, but again, he never had the daring to investigate.
He released a heavy sigh as he shook his head in disgust. He opened the glass door and felt a cool gush of air hit him. He walked into the house and closed the door behind him. He noticed the canopy shudder yet again, but he couldn't care less at this point. He walked over to the refrigerator and helped himself to a cold refreshment.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“C'mon Harry,” Keung grinned as he hopped back a few feet, his wand trained on him. “I know you're tired…but you need to push yourself.”
“I am,” Harry replied as he took quick breaths, sweat trickling down his brow. “Believe me…I am.”
The two had been dueling for several hours that late afternoon. Harry was truly grateful for Keung's willingness and eagerness to train him in the arts of combat and magic, but there were times where he wished his guardian would relax and allow them to have a moment to rest. Keung knew of this need, but would never grant Harry such a luxury. An enemy wouldn't allow Harry time to relax during a fight and because of that neither would he.
For the past month, Harry and Keung had practiced fervently under the white canopy. Upon turning seventeen, Harry was no longer forced to obey the Decree of the Restriction of Underage Wizardy, which in turn, allowed him to practice magic during his training with Keung.
The two procured several round red gems from Professor Spencer, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and placed them in appropriate locations around the canopy. These gems produced a powerful force field that prevented any runaway spells from destroying the house as well as the rest of Privet Drive. With the use of a silencing charm, those outside of the canopy couldn't hear the commotion that took place within it, but the sudden shuddering of the white tent always attracted the attention of their neighbors.
Harry snickered at the massive list of reasons he and Keung had told the neighbors that were curious enough to come and knock on their door. Amongst their list were fibs were: science experiments gone horribly wrong, the construction of small theme park rides, and the taming of wild animals. Mrs. Figg, a squib who had watched over Harry from afar since his arrival to Privet Drive, occasionally dropped by and did her best to give the two a stern lecture about the rumors they were starting around the neighbor, but she, herself, ended in fits of laughter when they told her about their latest antics.
“Compello contrundo!” Harry shouted as he hurled white sparks at Keung.
Keung quickly moved to his right and allowed the barrier to absorb the attack. He swiftly maneuvered towards Harry and had his wand ready.
“Impedimenta!” he yelled in retaliation.
Harry instinctively jumped out of the way of the attack. “Silencio!”
Keung disappeared with a cloud of smoke just before the sparks hit him and reappeared behind Harry. Harry noticed this and immediately dove to his right as a volley of sparks flew towards him.
“Incendio!” Harry shouted as he landed on his back, a fireball launching out of the tip of his wand.
“Protego!” Keung roared back as he formed his Reflective Wall and sent the fireball back towards Harry.
Harry quickly hopped to his feet and disapparated out of the path of the fireball, reappearing to Keung's left. He bolted towards Keung and was able to get a firm grip on his right wrist with his left hand. Keung, in turn, grabbed a hold of Harry's wrist and the two began to push against each other.
“Your reflexes have improved,” Keung said through gritted teeth as he leaned forward, using his weight and strength against Harry.
“Thanks,” Harry grinned as his grip tightened on Keung's wrist. His eyes were tense and focused squarely on Keung's. Harry took in a deep breath and without hesitation, used everything he had to push against his trainer, forcing him to take a step back.
“You shouldn't use so much force,” Keung said as he winked at Harry.
Harry knew he was up to something, but before he had time to react, Keung pulled him forward. Keung dropped himself to the ground and stuck his right foot firmly against Harry's stomach. Using Harry's own force and momentum, he successfully hurled Harry over him and onto his back.
Keung quickly hopped onto his feet and turned to find Harry winded. Keung gave him a weak grin as he aimed his wand at Harry. Harry looked up at him and his grip on his wand tightened. His eyes quickly moved around, searching for a way to escape. Keung noticed this and within a split second, Harry disappeared with a cloud of smoke. Keung casually pointed his wand to his right just as Harry reappeared.
“I've got…woah!” Harry stopped himself when he realized that he had apparated directly in front of Keung's wand, the tip only a few inches away from his forehead.
“I'm glad you're incorporating apparition in your style,” Keung said as he took in a deep breath. “Though you shouldn't foreshadow where you're going to appear.”
Harry gave him a weak nod as he accepted his defeat and sank to his knees, his body fatigued. He grimaced quietly and reached behind him to rub his aching back. Keung shook his head at him and held out his hand. Harry knew he wasn't going to get a break and reluctantly took it. Keung pulled him up to his feet and gave him a pat on his shoulder.
“One more go,” Keung said as bright, yet tired smile. “It's going to be our last duel of the summer.”
“I guess it has to be a good one,” Harry replied with a wide grin as he and Keung took their starting positions in the center of the backyard.
Hermione Granger took a sip of her cold lemonade and relaxed in her chair as she watched the two men duel from the comforts of the air-conditioned kitchen. She softly grinned when her eyes fell upon Harry. After two months of rigorous training with Keung, Harry was no longer the skinny boy who looked gangly and underfed. His body had matured greatly. He didn't look anything like the mountain of muscles that generally appeared on Muggle billboards, in fact, Hermione was glad for she never found bulging muscles the least bit attractive. Harry, instead, had become nicely toned, which also added to his already respectable stature.
With the new developments in Harry's living arrangements and the use of the teleporting pocket watch, Hermione and their best friends, Ron Weasley and Nancy Mason, were able to visit him constantly throughout the summer. The four would usually gather around the oak dining table where they played board games and talked about whatever that came to mind. The conversation usually steered clear of the imminent dangers that surrounded them. There fun, however, always ended when it came time for Harry to return to the Dursleys' for bed.
On his seventeenth birthday, Harry was permitted to leave the house with his friends and the group spent their day exploring London, just as Harry and Hermione did the year before. Hermione was finally able to take Harry to the museum she had wanted to the year before, and the four had a wonderful time walking through the section dedicated to Wizards and Witches. They endlessly snickered at what Muggles thought were “facts”, occasionally having a museum employee tell them to quiet down. Though unbeknownst to the group, Keung was always a step behind them, watching vigilantly over the four.
“How long have those two been going at it?” Hermione heard someone ask from behind her.
Hermione was startled at first, but her nerves settled when she recognized the voice. She turned and gave Ron Weasley a half-smile, noticing that he was covered with dust and soot. He had grown a few inches over the course of the summer, easily towering over her by at least a foot and a half, and his red-hair was in need of a trim. He had been trying to adapt his hairstyle to that of his older brother Bill but wasn't very successful.
“They've been training for the past three hours,” she replied as she placed her glass of lemonade onto the oak dining table and raised her arms in the air to stretch her back. “I take you used floo powder?”
“Yeah, just got here a second ago,” Ron nodded as he walked closer to the window and watched Keung hurl Harry over his shoulder, causing him to cringe when Harry came in contact with the ground. “Wow…that must of hurt.”
“I'm sure it did,” Hermione said with a very disapproving voice as she watched Harry quickly get back to his feet. “I don't like it when they train like this…I'm always afraid that he's going to get hurt. I'm sure there are better ways of teaching him how to duel without having to beat him up all the time.”
“Oh, come now, Hermione. Quit your worrying,” Ron sighed as he watched Harry collapse to the ground after being struck by one of Keung's spells. “You know Keung isn't going to do anything to really hurt him. Besides…like Spencer said to us last year during the Dueling Club, the best way to learn is through example.”
“And since when did you ever take what professors say seriously?” Hermione asked as she raised an eyebrow.
“I do take them seriously…” he replied, trying to fight off a chuckle. “Well most of them. When did you get here?”
“My mum and dad dropped me off just before those two began their exercises,” she answered as she rose from her chair and looked behind Ron. “Isn't Ginny with you?”
“Oh, she'll get here later,” he said as he pried his eyes off of the duel. “She still had some packing left to do, so she couldn't leave just yet.” Ron glanced down at his wristwatch and looked up back at Hermione. “I reckon she'll be along in about another hour or so.”
After receiving permission from Keung and the Order, Hermione, Ron, and Ron's little sister, Ginny, were to spend the night at number two, Privet Drive and travel as a group to King's Cross Train Station the following morning.
“Dobby has moved Wheezy and Hermy's trunks into the closet,” a squeaky voice came from behind Hermione and Ron.
“Thanks Dobby,” Ron grinned as he turned to the house elf and gave him a friendly pat on the back.
“Oh, you didn't have to do that,” Hermione replied, feeling guilty about Dobby doing something that she and Ron should have taken care of themselves. “We could of done it…you didn't have to.”
“It's Dobby's duty…Dobby is happy to help,” he smiled as he skipped over towards the counter.
“That's right,” Ron grinned and gave Dobby a thumb-up. “He likes doing that sort of stuff…you don't want to deprive him of his happiness now, do you?”
“You are incorrigible, Ron,” Hermione scoffed as she gave him her usual glare.
Ron had grown accustomed to that look, especially after receiving in on a constant basis during the six years of their friendship. However, despite its familiarity, there were still times when he felt a cold chill run up his spine when he saw it. And to his dismay, that chill was slowly settling in.
“What's for dinner, Dobby?” Ron quickly asked, hoping Hermione would discontinue her glare.
“Dobby was thinking stew with potatoes and bread rolls…” Dobby replied as he looked towards the large white refrigerator, gently scratching the side of his head. “Yes…stew with potatoes and bread rolls!”
With a snap of his fingers, the house-elf conjured a small apron and placed it on. He focused his attention back onto the refrigerator and with another snap of his fingers, the door opened. An assortment of different foods levitated out onto the kitchen counter. Dobby pulled over a tall stool and gracefully hopped onto it. He gave the two a bright grin as he started to separate the needed ingredients.
“We would really like to help,” Hermione said gleefully, causing Ron's eyes to widen.
“What do you mean `we'? I've never cooked before!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, it's not that hard…it's quite fun, actually,” she replied as she picked up a potato and a peeling knife. “Plus…we should help out…it's not fair to have Dobby do all the work. Now, go get yourself cleaned up so you can help out.”
“C'mon Hermione…” Ron groaned, his hands in front of him, pleading with her. “You know that I can't cook…”
“Well…it's about time you learn. Didn't you know that Nancy really likes a guy who can cook?” She honestly didn't know if her statement was true, but knew that it was the right card to play.
Ever since Ron and Nancy had started dating, Ron did everything in his power to please and impress her. Despite the declaration of her love for him and her attempts to calm his insecurities, he still felt unconfident about their relationship; continuously worrying about the other men she's met and how she would leave him for one.
Ron was ready to make another argument, but the moment he thought about Hermione's comment, he immediately shut his mouth and obediently walked towards the closet to retrieve fresh clothes from his trunk. However, regardless of his obedience, he still didn't like the idea of cooking. He grumbled as he walked into the bathroom and slowly cleaned himself up, trying to take as much time as he possibly could.
When he returned to the kitchen, he was saddened to see that there was still plenty left to do.
“Trying to take your time?” Hermione asked as she tossed him a potato.
“No, of course not,” he lied as he caught the potato and pulled up a chair next to her. “I just had trouble --”
“Stop Ron,” Hermione cut him off as she gave him a knowing look. She handed him her peeling knife and gave him a soft smile. “You continue with the potatoes…I'm going to help Dobby with the bread.”
Ron nodded and did his best to give her a smile. He knew that she enjoyed putting him in these kinds of situations greatly, and he knew that he had to somehow get even with her. However, such a task could only be performed on another day and with that, he released a soft sigh and he stared at his potato, slowly peeling it.
After about fifteen minutes of peeling, chopping, and kneading, the glass door of the kitchen slid open and Keung and Harry entered. The two were breathless and drenched with sweat, but it was only Harry who was covered with scrapes and dirt. Hermione and Ron gave him a smirk; obviously knowing which of the two suffered the most during the duels.
“Hello love,” Hermione smiled as she walked around the counter and pushed herself up on her tiptoes, giving him a soft kiss on his lips, able to taste the salt from his sweat. “How was your workout?”
“Invigorating,” he replied sarcastically as he leaned forward and gave her a quick peck. His eyes then focused on Ron, who was currently butchering the vegetables with a large serrated knife. “I see you've turned over a new leaf.”
“Hey, I didn't want to do this,” he replied as he scooped up the minced vegetables and tossed them into a bowl. “If one of you falls over dead because I bungled up somewhere, it's not my fault.”
“Well in that case, I'll avoid whatever you're making,” Keung snickered, causing Ron to look up and give him an unappreciated glare. Keung gently shook his head as he walked over to the refrigerator and took out two bottled waters. “We better get cleaned up,” he said to Harry as he tossed him one of the bottles.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded as he opened the bottle and drank half the water in a few gulps. He turned to Hermione and gave her another quick kiss. “I'll be back in a bit.”
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry wiped the condensation that had built up on the bathroom mirror and released a soft sigh. He finished buttoning his shirt and grabbed his towel, proceeding to finish drying his hair, not caring that it stuck out in random directions when he was done. After placing on his glasses, he quickly examined his attire and gave himself an approved nod. He tossed his dirt-covered clothes into the hamper and walked out of the bathroom.
He made his way towards the stairs when he heard a sudden crash come from the room that was next to his study. He was ready to investigate but stopped the moment he heard a hiss and a soft hoot. Harry released a sigh of relief when he realized that it was only Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, and Pidwidgeon, Ron's owl, having another one of their usual scuffles. With a gentle shake of his head, he continued on.
Harry found Keung standing at the foot of the stairs with his arms crossed. He was dressed in his usual evening garb with his black cloak draped over his shoulders; Harry could tell that he was going somewhere. Harry descended the stairs trying to make the least amount of noise possible, but Keung noticed him and gave him a smile. The two made eye contact and Harry immediately knew where he was going.
“Dinner is ready sirs,” Dobby said happily as he bounced over towards the two.
“Thanks Dobby,” Keung replied as he smiled at the house-elf. “Do you think I can take mine to go? Two meals, if you don't mind.”
Dobby nodded dutifully. “Yes sir…right away sir,” he said with a salute before he quickly made his way back into the kitchen.
“When will you be back?” Harry asked with a flat tone.
“I'll be back before midnight,” Keung replied as looked over towards the dining table and saw Ron and Hermione talking with Ginny. He turned towards Harry and gave him a grin. “I trust that I can leave you four here?”
“Oh, you know us…we'll just destroy everything inside this house and set the Dursleys on fire,” Harry answered sarcastically.
“Funny,” Keung said with a fake laugh. He took in a deep breath and gave Harry a sincere look. “I know you don't like the fact that I see her…I actually ask myself why I do it every now and then…but she needs a friend.”
“You do whatever you want,” Harry snapped quietly, not wanting to attract the attention of his friends. “I just think it's a bad idea…that's all.”
“I know…I know,” he sighed as Dobby walked cautiously back to them, carrying several plastic containers filled with food. Keung grinned at him and gladly took them.
“Thanks Dobby,” he said softly as he turned to Harry and gave him a reassured nod. “Don't cause too much trouble.”
Harry responded with a nod and before another word could be said, Keung vanished with a cloud of smoke. Harry shook his head and slowly followed Dobby back towards the kitchen. He greeted his friends with a warm smile and was astonished to see dining table was nicely set with the food ready.
“Where'd Keung go?” Ron asked as Harry took his seat next to Hermione.
“He's off visiting her again,” Harry sighed as he reached forward and took a bread roll from one of the center trays.
“Who's her?” Ginny asked as she swirled her stew with her spoon, noticing Harry, Hermione, and Ron's composures growing tense.
“Magnolia Reins,” Ron answered with a slight shudder.
“You mean the woman you tried to kill you all last year?” Ginny gasped, accidentally releasing her spoon and causing it to splash in her stew.
“The very same,” Harry replied, slowly releasing his anxiety by tearing his bread roll.
“He has a good reason for doing so,” Hermione said as she placed her hand on Harry's arm, giving it a soft squeeze. “I mean…”
“It's a bit dodgy, don't you think?” Ron interrupted her. “After everything she's done, I don't see how he can stand being around her, let alone trust her…it's just odd.”
“We have had this conversation several times before,” Hermione said as she rolled her eyes. “Dumbledore asked Keung to do it and he agreed.”
“Why would he want to do a thing like that?” Ginny asked as she carefully fished her spoon out of her bowl and dried it with her napkin.
“Dumbledore feels that she can recover from the corruption of the Flamora,” Hermione explained as she took a peak at Harry from the corner of the eyes. “Though such a recovery would be impossible if she didn't have anyone she could talk to…for motivation.”
“Also, being in Azkaban doesn't make things easier,” Harry continued as he was reading a script in his mind. “Keung feels that it's only right to be her friend again, since she befriended him back at Hogwarts when the other Slytherins hated him…sort of like repaying her for everything she did for him.”
“We should trust Dumbledore's decision,” Hermione said as she gently blew against her stew. “If Dumbledore feels that she can be saved…well, then I believe it.”
“I don't get how you could say that?” Ron asked with a bewildered look. “After everything she's done and all…she did try to kill us and she would of succeeded too if it weren't for Keung.”
“I'm not saying that I like it,” Hermione replied, defending herself. “I believe that we should trust Dumbledore…he's never been wrong about these things. I mean…you said the same thing about Snape, but he hasn't done anything.”
“Oh don't get me started on him,” Ron groaned as he placed a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth. “I still think --”
“C'mon,” Harry interrupted, sounding very frustrated about the subject. “I'm sorry for bringing it up, but can we forget about the whole thing for tonight? Hermione's right, we've had this conversation so many times…I can already tell you exactly what each of us is going to say. There's no point in starting it all over again.”
“We have talked this enough,” Hermione nodded as she took a sip of her water. “I don't want to think about it anymore.”
“Fine by me,” Ron retorted, not wanting to end the fight, but did so anyways. With a soft gruff, he stuck another forkful of mash potatoes into his mouth.
Ginny released a gentle sigh of relief as she watched the three dig into their food, the mood around the table lightening tremendously.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“That was a fun night,” Harry grinned to Hermione as the two entered his study, startling a now woken Hedwig.
“Sorry Hedwig,” Hermione said weakly as the owl glared at the two before resuming her rest.
After finishing their dinner, the four sat on the living room couch and watched a several Muggle movies. Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience for the Weasleys, despite the two constantly asking Harry and Hermione questions about things that they were watching. The questions somewhat drained the enjoyment of the movies for Harry and Hermione, but to Ron and Ginny, the answers they received were priceless pieces of Muggle information. It took them a while before they were able to grasp the idea of actors and their roles in Muggle entertainment. However, it was particular difficult to explain how one Muggle actor can assume the roles of more than one character in different movies.
Harry closed the door behind him and gave Hermione an evil grin. She couldn't help but release a soft giggle as he walked over and took her into his arms. Her arms wrapped firmly around his neck as she gave him a yearning look. Harry's grin widened at the sight of this and firmly placed his lips on hers, kissing her hungrily.
Hermione had grown into a beautiful woman. Harry always wondered why it took him so long to see the changes that she has gone through. She seemed so delicate and helpless at times, yet deep down she was as tough and resourceful as he was. So much of his life revolved around this woman. Such a revelation scared him at first for he was afraid that he would lose her to the curse of his prophecy; however, after several deep and intimate conversations with her about the subject, he knew that could never love anyone as much as her. He would gladly spend the rest of his life protecting her and keeping her happy.
“Now now…” Hermione gasped as the two broke their kiss, desperately needing air.
She gazed into Harry's emerald green eyes, half-opened and full of desire, and allowed a gentle moan to escape her. She loved his eyes. They possessed the ability to make her heart melt and cause incredibly warm sensations to rush through her. His eyes were the windows to his soul and by looking into them; Hermione knew what he was thinking and feeling.
“Mr. Head Boy,” Hermione grinned as she raised herself onto her tiptoes and gently kissed his cheek, “you need to keep your emotions under control. We can't allow you to abuse your power and take advantage of the innocent girls at Hogwarts.”
“Well, Ms. Head Girl…we can't possibly allow me to do such a thing,” Harry replied with a soft snicker, carefully pulling her towards the bed he had conjured for her to use for the night. “What do you suggest we do to keep me from abusing my new powers?”
“We must keep you preoccupied…you know, keep your mind with your studies, Quidditch, your duties as Head Boy,” she listed playfully as Harry laid onto the bed, gently pulling her on top of him. “Fraternization in such a manner will not be tolerated, kind sir.”
“Then, I guess it's a good thing that the school year hasn't started yet,” he said softly as he ran his fingers through her soft brown hair, gently pulling her head down to allow his lips to take hers.
Harry's digital clocked suddenly started buzzing, causing the two to groan. It was 11:30, and the time in which he was to return to the Dursleys. Hermione released a depressed sigh as she rolled off Harry. Harry watched her straighten her hair and clothing, her face flushed red.
“I guess we'll call it a night,” Harry sighed as he stood from the bed.
“Yes,” Hermione replied gently stood and wrapped her arms around him. “You get a good night's sleep.”
“You too, Hermione,” Harry smiled as he leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. “Look after her Hedwig,” he continued as he turned to face his agitated owl, which replied with a soft hoot.
She giggled softly and ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes locked with his. “I love you, Harry.”
“I love you too, Hermione,” he whispered before giving her another quick kiss.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
The tavern was old and rotting. The floor was covered with mud and spilt liquor, the air reeked of a stale odor, and the tables and chairs were covered with eerie vines. The bartender, huge and overly grotesque with unknown stains on his vest, through pints of ale left and right to the occupants, all of which were dark characters, covered with black cloaks and for the exception of two, sat at their tables and drank their ale quietly.
“Distraction, you say?” an old man scoffed, his face black with dirt and a silver eye patch over his right eye. His teeth were a disgusting yellow and his scent was strong enough to scare a forest troll.
“Yes, the pursuit of the Flame was only a distraction of the true quest,” the other man replied, his face covered by a black sash. “Indeed, the Flame would have been a fine weapon to add to the ranks of the Lord's army, but its failure was imminent.”
“Then why go through with it if its failure was foreseen?” the old man questioned as he took several gulps from his large goblet.
“The Lord needed time to have his wisest and most trustworthy men conduct research.”
“Which would explain the reason why you weren't in that humiliating showcase in the Forbidden Forest?” the old man jeered as he rested against the back of his chair.
“Don't mistake my ability to follow the commands of our master for cowardice,” he growled, his grip on the mug tightening.
“I'm just surprised that he allowed such a thing to happen,” he sighed in disbelief. “Twenty-one Death Eaters were taken that night.”
“I know the numbers, Reynor. Believe me when I say that their capture was a part of a very brilliant scheme.”
“Yes, to rot in Azkaban, I presume,” Reynor mocked as he shook is head in disapproval.
“I have had enough of your tongue!” the man roared as he stood from his chair and drew his sword, the blade centimeters from Reynor's short neck. “For a man who claims to have unparallel loyalty for our Lord, you know when to turn your tail.”
Reynor's eyes bolted around the tavern. The man's action had caused the others to rise from their chairs, but none did anything. Reynor noticed their eyes fixed on the man's sword and when he turned to examine it, his mouth dropped slowly.
The blade was finely crafted and had an eerie green glow. The hilt of the blade was made to look like a snake's head, with the blade expelling from his mouth. The blade seemed to radiate with an unforgiving power and a gentle yet furious hiss could be heard.
“You have found the blade,” Reynor gasped as his eyes moved back up towards the man's.
“Yes, I have found it and I…” the man suddenly stopped and pulled the blade away as he turned to look behind him. He took in deep breaths with his nose, his eyes bolting from face to face within the tavern.
“What is it?” Reynor asked, finally able to take in a breath and somewhat relaxed.
“I thought I smelled something,” the man replied in a low tone, his eyes still moving about. “It smelled almost like dog…no, a wolf.”
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry's eyes opened. He gently rose from his bed and felt his sweaty forehead. He was dreaming. However, it was somewhat different from the ones that he had in the past. His head didn't hurt, his scar didn't burn, yet he felt a sense of evil and fear run through him. Watching Reynor tremble in fear through the eyes of that man wasn't a very settling feeling.
Harry took in a few deep breaths as he examined his watch. It read 6:07. Harry turned to look at his pillow, but as welcoming has sleep felt, he didn't want it. He stood from his bed and stretched his back, hearing a few of his bones crack involuntarily.
`I guess, I better get a move on then,' Harry thought to himself as he took another deep breath and disapparated out of his room.
A/N: Sorry for taking so long to put up the first two chapters of the Crest of Eternity. Please bear with me because it may be a couple of weeks before any further additions can be made. There is a lot going on right now with me that takes priority over writing. Thank you very much for reading my first story and hope that you enjoy the first two chapters of the second.
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own the Harry Potter Characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made from the creation of this story.
Chapter 2: Start of Seventh Year
`That sword…' Harry thought to himself as the water from the warm shower rained down onto his face. `It felt…so real. It was…so…wrong.'
Harry's first instinct was to assume that his dream was the work of Voldemort, but deep down he knew that it wasn't the Dark Lord who was responsible. This dream felt different from the ones that he used to have during his fifth year at Hogwarts. However, despite one half of his mind concluding that what he experienced was a common dream, the other half protested that there was another power trying to invade his mind.
His thoughts soon came to focus on the unforgiving blade he saw, his fingers curling as if to grip the rough hilt. In his heart, Harry knew that sword was a craft not meant to be wielded by good, but something in his mind justified its wickedness, and this justification caused his conscience to shudder.
`It feels like my opposite,' Harry thought to himself, his eyes closing. `Everything that I hate in this world…it's in that sword.'
Harry felt a sudden rush go through his body, his scar tingling gently. He felt his lungs close and his muscles tighten. His heart was throbbing within his chest, his hands clenching into fists so tight that he felt like he had squeezed all the blood out of his fingers. He couldn't explain it nor determine its reason, but he was having a panic attack.
His body slowly started to grow cold and he felt something pulling at his mind. He knew this feeling all too well, causing a chill to run up his spine. `Dementors!' he thought to himself as he forced his eyes open, his panic attack instantly vanishing. He took several deep breaths as his muscles loosened, feeling the full weight of his body once more. He observed the wall of the shower with an unsteady gaze, his instincts screaming that something was gravely wrong.
Suddenly, like a ghost, a Dementor flew through the wall at him with its arms outstretched and mouth open. Harry tried to back away, but stumbled, causing himself to collapse onto the floor of the shower. The Dementor hovered a few feet above him, as if it were waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Harry's eyes focused on the dark specter above him, his mind racing to formulate some way of escape, but before he had a chance to act, the Dementor attacked.
Harry closed his eyes as he instinctively pulled his arms up to protect himself.
“Harry!” Hermione's voice came from behind the bathroom door. “Are you okay?”
Harry opened his eyes and he released a shuddered breath as relief washed over him. The Dementor was gone.
“Harry, are you all right?” Hermione called again, her voice shaken with worry.
“Er…yeah!” Harry replied as he quickly picked himself up from the floor. “Just…er…slipped on the soap. Yeah…I dropped it and slipped when I tried to pick it up!”
“Oh okay,” Hermione said with a sigh of relief. “Be careful, Harry? You know over 80 percent of injuries that happen in the home occur in the bathroom.”
“I will be fine, Hermione,” he smiled softly as he shook his head. Only his Hermione would remember such a random statistic.
However, despite the brief moment of embarrassment, his mind hadn't left the earlier happenings. His mind was no longer focusing on the sword but the attack of what he believed was a Dementor. He placed his hand against the wall, pushing gently against it, reassuring himself that it was solid.
`I know Dementors can't move through walls like ghosts,' Harry thought as he took in another settling breath. `Then was that thing that I saw? Couldn't have been a boggart --'
Harry heard the grandfather clock that stood next to the doorway that led into the kitchen chime and he abruptly realized that he'd been in the shower for almost a half-an-hour. `I've only been awake for an hour and I'm already exhausted,' Harry thought to himself with a smirk as he turned the water to the shower off.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“I hear you dropped the soap this morning?” Ron snickered as Harry took his seat at the large oak table.
“I was feeling a bit drowsy,” he lied as he poured himself a class of orange juice. “I must have nodded off or something.”
“Why, had a rough night?” he asked as he took a large bite out of his toast.
“Just a little trouble falling asleep,” he lied again. “Probably just nervous about today…you know, going back to Hogwarts and all.”
“The responsibilities of the Head Boy position already giving you nightmares?” Hermione joked as she gently poked him in the side.
“No, nothing like that,” he grinned at her. “I am actually looking forward to it.”
“That's good,” she smiled back. “It'll be an excellent learning experience. It'll also look really impressive on your transcript.”
“Come now, Hermione,” Ginny sighed as she spread marmalade over her toast. “You know just as well as the rest of us that Harry's name being on top of the transcript alone would make it impressive.”
“Yeah,” Ron agreed, trying his best to keep from chewing with his mouth open. “Harry could have any job that he wants with the Ministry.”
“I doubt that,” Harry said with a gently shake of his head. “You need to have all the right credentials and marks and classes to get certain jobs with the Ministry.”
“You say whatever you want, mate” he replied after swallowing. “All you have to do is present your name and whatever position you want is yours.”
“You boys even sure you want a job with the Ministry?” Ginny asked curiously. “Having a person like Cornelius Fudge around as your boss isn't going to be very much fun. You know how thick he can get.”
“He can be thick, but I would like to work for the Ministry,” Ron nodded as he relaxed against the back of his chair. “It would be wicked if Harry and I could be Aurors.”
“I don't think it's all that of a good idea,” Hermione disagreed. “You two get into enough trouble as it is. You know being an Auror will only bring more…besides, neither of you have the proper N.E.W.T. classes to qualify for Auror training.”
“That's true,” Harry said, noticing how uncomfortable Hermione felt with the idea of him becoming an Auror. “I do remember McGonagall saying that N.E.W.T. Potions was a required course.”
“Oh in that case,” Ron retorted in disgust, “you can count me out! I am absolutely fine with not having to be in Snape's class for another year.”
“I'll drink to that,” Harry grinned as he finished the last of his orange juice.
“But still, it would have been pretty exciting to get the chance,” Ron sighed.
“Exciting as it may be, I'm going to agree with Hermione,” Keung said as he entered the kitchen and took a seat next to Ron at the table. “You all, including you girls,” he gave the girls knowing look before proceeding, “get into enough trouble as it is. Plus, not all Aurors go out on assignments for the Ministry. There are just as many Aurors out in the field as there are in the office handling paperwork. Things could get dull.”
“Dull or not, at least we'd be paid for the trouble we get ourselves into,” Ron pointed out.
“I wouldn't mind having a nice dull job,” Harry smiled as he winked at Hermione. “I just hope we have a really dull year.”
“That would be very pleasant,” Hermione said with hopeful eyes. “Nothing to worry about except classes, Crookshanks, and the N.E.W.T.s.”
“Aren't I included in your list of things to worry about?” Harry asked with a frown on his face.
“If we have a dull year, you won't be getting yourself into trouble,” Hermione explained. “Therefore, I wouldn't have to worry about you.”
Her answer was painfully logical, but it didn't stop him from giving her a larger frown. She, in turn, giggled before leaning in and giving him a soft kiss.
“Not when I'm eating!” Ron groaned as he dropped his toast onto his place. “There is a time a place to do those things, and I'm telling you now that it's not at the dining table.”
“Stop it, Ron!” Ginny scolded as she hit his arm. “I think it's really sweet. Besides, I don't ever here you complaining when Nancy snogs with you.”
Harry, Hermione, and Ginny couldn't keep themselves from laughing when they noticed Ron's undoubtedly shocked and betrayed reaction. He slumped against the back of his chair and crossed his arms; the redness of his face grew to the point that it could have easily matched the red in his hair. Keung simply smiled at the bunch as he looked up at the old grandfather clock.
“You all need to start getting ready,” Keung said as he rose from his chair. “We need to leave for King's Cross in thirty minutes.”
The four nodded and quickly finished their breakfasts.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry made one last scan over his study, going through his mental checklist of things not to forget. All his school things, which included his books and summer homework, his clothes, and his Firebolt were all secured away in his trunk. Hedwig and her cage were currently downstairs in the living room with Hermione. His pocket watch was sitting safely inside his pants pocket.
“I guess I remembered everything,” Harry said to himself as he turned to leave the room, but then suddenly stopped before he reached the door. He had finally remembered the one thing that was poking under the surface of his mind.
He walked over to his desk and opened the side drawer to find the Golden Snitch that Hermione had given him for his sixteenth birthday. He gently smiled as he picked it up and rubbed his thumb against it. His eyes focused on the small inscriptions that were magically engraved into it.
“Always reach out for your dreams and hold on tight once you have a good grip,” he read quietly to himself, his smile growing larger.
“Harry, hurry!” he heard Ron call from downstairs.
“We can't be late!” Hermione's voice soon came after.
Harry quickly glanced up at his watch and knew that it was time to leave number two Privet Drive. He shoved the snitch in his pocket and quickly left his study.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“That's the last of them,” Keung said as he shut the trunk of the car that held the four student's now shrunken trunks.
He turned to the four and gave them a grin. Harry grinned back as he picked up the cage that held Hedwig. Hermione stood next to Harry, a giddy expression on her face and a groggy Crookshanks in her arms. Ginny held an eager expression, but her attention was mainly focused on trying to keep Pigwidgeon, who was flying around wildly in his cage, under control. Ron, on the other hand, was the only one who had somewhat of a grim look on his face.
“Everyone ready?” Keung asked as he opened the backdoor of a rental car he received from the Ministry of Magic.
“A definite yes!” Hermione exclaimed brightly as wrapped an arm around Harry's, giving it a tight squeeze.
“Can't believe how excited you are?” Ron sighed as he shock his head.
“It's our last year at Hogwarts, Ron,” Hermione replied. “It is exciting!”
“Whether it's the first or our last year, school is school,” Ron retorted.
Ginny, knowing that an argument was soon coming, gave Harry a defeated shrug before making her way around the three and into the car. She took the left backseat and rested Pigwidgeon's cage on her lap as she laid her head back against the headrest.
Keung looked over at the two arguing friends, his eyes calling out Harry for assistance in quickly ending the argument. Harry understood and, not wanting to make a dead sprint to make it to Platform Nine and Three Quarters on time, took a deep breath as he looked towards an agitated Hermione.
“Hermione, love, could you two please have this discussion later?” Harry asked sweetly before she had a chance to respond to Ron's last insult. “No good if we're late for our first day.”
She took in a deep breath and nodded at him, but rolled her eyes at Ron before finally entering the car and taking the middle seat, leaving the right seat for Harry. Ron caught her glare and, in turn, narrowed his eyes as he watched Harry shut the back door.
“You'll be riding front with me then,” Keung said as he patted Ron on his shoulder.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“Okay, I take that you all can make it over to Platform Nine and Three Quarters without an incident, right?” Keung asked as he and Harry finished unloading the now normal-sized trunks onto the luggage trolleys.
“We shouldn't have any trouble,” Hermione replied as she set Crookshanks on top of her trunk next to a caged Hedwig.
“All right then,” Keung smiled as she shut the trunk. “I need to head off now. I need to return the car and get in touch with Dumbledore.”
“About what?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I really don't know,” he answered honestly. “I've been looking after you the whole summer so I haven't really paid attention to the news that was be passed on around the Order. It's time I got caught up with things.”
“Let us know if there's anything `interesting',” Hermione said as she took hold of the trolley that held Harry and her things.
“I'll do what I can, but I can't promise anything,” Keung replied before giving Harry a gentle back on his back, his attention focusing on the two boys. “You two stay out of trouble this year. It's your last year after all, try to enjoy it.”
“Easier said than done,” Ron huffed as he crossed his arms. “With N.E.W.T.s at the end of the year, I can't see how anyone could possibly enjoy seventh year.”
“Shut it, Ron,” Ginny sighed agitatedly as she set a now content Pigwidgeon on top of Ron's trunk and took a hold of the Weasley luggage trolley.
Ron shot his sister a fiery glare and she responded with one of her own. Keung noticing the sibling tension growing knew that it was time to take his leave.
“You all better get going if you don't want to be late,” he announced as he pointed towards the large clock that stood next to the entrance of the train station. It read fifteen `til eleven.
“You three go on ahead,” Harry said to the others. “I need to quickly talk to Keung about something.”
Ron, Ginny, and Hermione agreed to Harry's request and after saying their thank you's and good bye's to Keung, they made their way into the King's Cross Train Station.
“I've been meaning to thank you about something,” Harry started as he put his hand into his right pocket.
“I've told you a thousand times already that you don't have to thank me about the summer,” Keung replied.
“No, it has nothing to do with that,” Harry said as he found what he was looking for. He pulled the snitch out of his pocket and showed it to him. “I wanted to thank you for bringing this back to me.”
Keung looked at the snitch and recognized it to be a birthday present that Hermione had given Harry, but his face then fell into one of confusion. “What do you mean, `bringing this back to you'?”
“The night that you showed up at number four Privet Drive, Hedwig found this outside,” Harry explained, unsure of Keung's lapse of memory. “I figured that you picked it up before you and Reins teleported to Hogsmeade, and you gave it to Hedwig as a sign for me.”
“Harry…” Keung said slowly, his body stiffening slightly. “I never once touched this snitch when Magnolia and I were trapped inside the chamber…and I know for a fact that I did not give it to Hedwig to give to you on the night that I arrived at the Dursleys.”
“Then…how…how did it…” Harry stuttered as he looked back down at the snitch.
Keung took the snitch from Harry's hand and examined it carefully. “You sure this is the exact same snitch that Hermione gave you.”
“Yes,” he replied with a nod. “It has the same engraving on the side.”
“You've had this the whole summer and didn't say anything about it?”
“I thought you brought it back to me. I never got around to thanking you for it until now. I didn't know that you…” Harry suddenly stopped. “You don't suppose…”
“I don't know,” Keung said as he continued to examine it. “Would you mind if I hold onto this for a couple of days and have Dumbledore look it over?”
“I guess not,” Harry answered with an uneasy shrug.
“Harry!” the two heard Hermione call out from the entrance of Kings Cross. “Hurry or we'll be late!”
“You go on then,” Keung said as he placed the snitch into his pocket. “I'll see you in Hogwarts in a couple of days. If anything funny happens, let Dumbledore know immediately.”
“So much for a year of no worries,” Harry groaned as he ran towards Hermione.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“What kept you, mate?” Ron asked as Harry and Hermione ran into the entrance of the last carriage of the Hogwarts Express.
“Sorry, Ron. I had to ask Keung about one of the spells that he showed me a few days ago,” Harry lied after taking a deep breath. Until Dumbledore discovers the means of how the snitch made its way back to him, he didn't feel his friends needed to know about the situation. `The first day hasn't even started yet. No need to make them worry already.'
“Good thing you two made it back,” Ron said with a grin. “The train is about to leave at any minute.”
“Do you really think Harry and I would miss the train?” Hermione asked as she leaned her head against Harry's shoulder.
“I can't say anything about you, but I do know that Harry has missed the train at least twice,” Ron answered as he patted Harry on the shoulder.
“Come now, I didn't have a choice last year,” Harry said with a defensive yet humorous tone in his voice. “And during second year, it wasn't my fault.”
“I know, mate,” Ron grinned. “Let's get going then. Ginny has seats for us in the back.”
Harry and Hermione gave him a nod and the three made their way into the center aisle of the carriage. Unfortunately, the group didn't make if very far before they heard a snide voice come from behind them.
“Well if it isn't Saint Potter,” Malfoy scoffed as he crossed his arms.
“Why can't he just leave us alone for once?” Hermione muttered quietly.
“I think it's in his blood to be a royal pain,” Ron replied after releasing an annoyed sigh.
Harry snickered quietly at the two before slowly turning to face Malfoy, somewhat surprised to discover that he was alone, not a single one of his cronies in sight. “What do you want, Malfoy?”
“You know that you and I have some unfinished business, Potter,” he replied hotly, his hands on his hips. “But first things first, I want to settle something that you and I started the last time we were on the train.”
“Last time I checked, it was settled, and you were lying on the floor unconscious,” Ron pointed out, trying his best to stifle a laugh.
“Stay out of this, Weasley!” Malfoy barked, his eyes narrowing on him. “This has nothing to do with you. If I were you, I'd be more concern about your poor excuse for a family.”
Ron's smirk washed away from as if Malfoy had thrown a bucket of cold water over him. An expression of rage was all that was left. Malfoy always found it difficult to ignore the taunts of Draco Malfoy and his Slytherin gang. There were many times he wished he could retaliate, but someone usually talked him out of it.
“Ron, calm down!” Hermione exclaimed when she noticed his blood boiling. “Both of you ignore him. You know he's only looking for a fight.”
“I have no problem with a fight,” Ron grinned. “I'm ready to kick his ruddy arse all over this train. You with me, Harry?”
The thought of knocking Malfoy unconscious did seem very tempting, but upon looking at the agitated look on Hermione's face, he reconsidered it.
“What's wrong, Potter? Going to let your foul, little mudblood girlfriend lead you around on a leash!” Malfoy laughed, noticing Harry's hesitation.
“I hope you remember what happened to you the last time you called Hermione that?” Harry replied, his tone low and threatening. Malfoy, as usual, had crossed the line.
“Harry, please don't…” Hermione started.
“It's okay, Hermione,” Harry interrupted her as he turned and gave her a quick smirk. “No one is going to get hurt.”
“You think you're so tough?” Malfoy shouted with disgust. “Of course someone is going to get hurt, and I guarantee that it's going to be you.”
Harry turned back to Malfoy and took in a deep breath. “Say when, Malfoy.”
The two stood still and watched each other, waiting for the other to make the first move. Malfoy's hand moved ever so slowly towards the inside pocket of his jacket, his fingers trembling slightly. Harry kept his hands loosely at his side while he examined Malfoy's shaky figure. He could tell that Malfoy was both angry and nervous, a bad combination of emotions to have before going into a duel.
The train suddenly jolted and the whistle signaling the train's departure sounded off. This was the moment that the two were waiting for.
“I have you now, Potter!” Malfoy roared as he grabbed the hilt of his wand; however, before he had a chance to draw it, Harry disappeared with a cloud of smoke and reappeared a few feet in front of him with his wand already raised.
“If you draw your wand, I promise you that I won't hesitate to transfigure you into a ferret,” Harry said slowly, his wand aimed at Malfoy's sweaty brow.
“You cheated,” he growled through gritted teeth. “No one ever said you could use apparition.”
“No one ever said that he couldn't,” Ron stated with a grin so large that not even a spider could wipe it off his face.
“Are we done?” Harry asked his eyes locked onto Malfoy's.
Malfoy muttered something under his breath, but when asked to repeat himself, he barked that he had forfeited the duel. Harry accepted his surrender and lowered his wand as he slowly backed away. Malfoy released another menacing growl and after a few verbal curses, he stomped away, leaving the carriage.
“You shouldn't have done that, Harry,” Hermione sighed as he turned and walked back towards them. “You're are the Head Boy now. You're not supposed to get into petty fights.”
“But he was asking for it,” Harry replied. “No one, especially him, has the right to come up to you and call you that name.”
“It doesn't matter what he called me,” she said as she took his hand. “You have new responsibilities and rules that you need to be aware of at all times and even though school hasn't technically started yet, you have to uphold them.”
“I'm sorry, Hermione.”
He knew she was right. She always was. If he wanted to be successful at being the Head Boy, he knew that he needed to follow the rules at all times and set a proper example for everyone at the school. Though despite his acknowledgement of this, but deep down, he was pleased with how he handled himself in his first duel since his summer of training.
“It's okay,” she smiled as she got up on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss. “I know all of this is new to you, but don't worry, you'll be an expert in no time. I'll see to that.”
“And how are you going to see to do that?” Harry asked mischievously.
“Come off it you two!” Ron cried. “If you haven't noticed, I'm still here. Could you please at least wait until I'm out of sight before you both get cozy.”
“Come now, Ron,” Hermione exclaimed. “Harry and I have been together for almost a year! You have to be used to seeing us do this by now.”
“I have nothing against your relationship and I have no problem with the thought of you two snogging,” he replied. “I just don't want to see it. It's like watching your brother and your sister kiss.”
“Thanks for putting that wonderful image in our heads,” Harry groaned as he tried his best from keeping his face from contorting.
“You will never change, Ron,” Hermione sighed as the three made their way towards the last compartment.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry gently rested his head against Hermione's shoulder. She, Ron, and him had just returned from the prefects' carriage. Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, and Neville Longbottom had stopped by their compartment and they, along with Ginny and Ron, were discussing the upcoming Quidditch season.
“Are you feeling okay?” Hermione asked him as she rested her head against his, wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
“Yeah, I'm a little tired,” he replied with a soft yawn.
“You could take a nap if you'd like,” she suggested, gently nudging the side of his head with hers. “I'll wake you up when we get near to Hogwarts.”
“That doesn't sound like bad of an idea,” he smiled as he moved his head up so he could give her a quick peck on her cheek. “If only it were quiet.” He said towards the chattering group. Unfortunately, none had noticed.
Hermione giggled and gave him a tight squeeze as he rested his head back against her shoulder. He felt secure and safe there, allowing his worries to slip away and sleep to take him.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter characters. They are he property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made from the creating
Chapter 3: The Emptying
“Will you hurry it up, Reynor,” a man growled lowly as he and the old Death Eater hurried up a flight of stone stairs. “We only have a few minutes to get into position, so move those old bones of yours.”
“These old bones are moving as fast as they can,” Reynor wheezed through short quick breaths, leaning against the rickety wooden banister that lined the staircase.
“You may be getting too old for this kind of work,” he laughed condescendingly as he reached the top and quickly took a peak around the corner. “Best keep up or I may just leave you behind.”
“I will keep up,” the old man replied after releasing a muffled cough. “I would never want to spend a day in this awful place.”
“You feel such a place as awful? I hear it's quite nice during the summer,” the man joked as he quickly ran around the corner.
Reynor rolled his eyes at the comment and did his best to keep up, but his legs would never be able to match the speed of the energetic wizard in front of him.
“How could it ever be nice in Azkaban?” he muttered softly.
The two quickly made their way through the maze of corridors of the wizard prison until they reached the door that sealed off the Northern wing, where nearly half of the prison's captives were held. Reynor had never been in the prison before and was somewhat surprised to see that it was not as bad as all the stories told; however, by no means would it be a place any wizard or witch would like to become a permanent resident. What bothered the old Death Eater the most was the eerie silence that consumed the stale and musty air.
“We move on their signal,” the man whispered to Reynor as he looked down at his rustic pocket watch. “Let see if these beasts are truly as reliable as our Lord says they are.”
A sudden roar of cell doors unlocking rang throughout the prison, causing great commotion amongst the confused occupants. Cries of freedom were howled into the air by some prisoners, while others were skeptical, screaming that it had to be some sort of trick. Though whatever the cries were for, the Northern wing of the wizard prison had come alive.
Reynor was lost in the roars, but suddenly regained focus when his body started to grow cold; the white wisps of his breath becoming visible. He looked towards his energetic comrade, and soon realized that he was eying the other end of the corridor with extreme interest. Reynor slowly turned and looked, finding a large group of Dementors moving slowly towards them.
“They are reliable,” the man snickered as the first Dementor floated passed him and opened the door of the Northern wing. The large group proceeded into the wing, and the cries that were once joyous had suddenly turned to ones of utter terror.
The man noticed Reynor's trembling figure and let out a sigh of disappointment. “You wait here. I don't want your body to give out before the mission is over,” he scoffed as he followed the last Dementor, leaving Reynor against the wall of the corridor.
The man's look of disgust soon turned into a lopsided grin when he took in the sight in front of him. The prisoners were trapped, the rock wall of the prison behind them and certain death in front. The Dementors had swiftly moved in and cornered the entire group, preventing any attempt of escape, whether it be out the door in which the Dementors entered from or to the sanctity of their cells.
“What is the meaning of this?” one prisoner shouted at the Dementors, his rage overpowering his fear. “Is this some sort of disgusting joke?”
“Actually, no it isn't,” the man spoke out as he made his way towards the group, two Dementors parting to allow him to walk through. “This by no means is a joke. To the majority of you, I will by your worst nightmare, but to some of you, particularly one of you, I will be a savior.”
“Vincent!” a prisoner exclaimed happily as he pushed his way through the crowd of prisoner. The prisoner was Lucius Malfoy. “Is it really you?”
Lucius Malfoy had been placed in the prison a year ago under the charges of conspiring with the Dark Lord, Voldemort. He, along with several other Death Eaters, was arrested in the Ministry of Magic while trying to retrieve the prophecy of Harry Potter for their Lord. Their plans had failed due to the interruption of Harry and handful of Hogwarts students, and for their crimes, each received a life sentence in the wizard prison.
Vincent could see that the time, whether it be short, Lucius spent in Azkaban had been very difficult on him. He was a man who always received the best things that the Magical World had to offer; so such a new and horrific setting had taken its toll. His clothes were dirty and stunk of sweat and dirt. His once bright blonde hair was now as dark as night and his face held an uncultivated beard.
“It is me, Lucius,” Vincent laughed as pulled his filth-covered friend into a tight embrace. “It is good to see you my old comrade.”
“I see that you spared no expense with this rescue,” Lucius laughed as he turned and looked at the Dementors.
“These Dementors once served the Dark Lord willingly,” Vincent replied, his attention returning to the still creatures. “I see nothing wrong in reacquiring their services.”
“What about the rest of them?” Lucius asked as he focused his attention on the bewildered prisoners.
“You are the only Death Eater in this wing, correct?” Vincent asked, his eyes narrowing upon the prisoners.
“That's correct,” he replied. “There are a few in the Western Wing, but most of them are in the Southern Wing.”
“Well then,” Vincent started as he took a step towards the prisoners. “I have an offer for you all,” he announced. “I am giving you all the opportunity to escape; however, in return for your freedom, you will have to become a servant of the Dark Lord, Voldemort!”
“Be a servant of that wizard?” a rather large prisoner asked with pure shock, his lower lip trembling.
“What madness has taken you?” another prisoner shouted.
“I'd rather die in his prison than be one of his puppets!” another shouted, causing the rest of the prisoners to roar along with him.
“The guards from the Ministry of Magic will have your heads for this!” an old man scolded, waving his fists in the air.
Vincent released a disappointed sigh as the prisoners of the Northern wing started to rally against the Dark Lord. He turned to Lucius and lightly shook his head, knowing that their refusal to cooperate would bring a grave consequence.
“The guards won't be arriving anytime soon for they have already been disposed of by this kind creatures,” Vincent grinned was he opened his arms as if he were presenting the Dementors. The prisoners grew incredibly silent after this statement, causing Vincent's grin to grow wider. “Though if it is death that you ask for…that certainly can be arranged.”
Vincent snapped his fingers. The Dementors gave him a slow but clear nod before proceeding towards the prisoners.
“It's time we leave this place,” Vincent said as he patted Lucius on the back of his shoulder. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”
“What about the others?” Lucius asked, referring to the other Death Eaters who were prisoners of Azkaban.
“No worries, my friend,” he grinned as he turned and faced the door. “Cross is taking care of their release as we speak. Now, lets leave this place. Their screams are starting to annoy me.”
The two Death Eaters walked towards the door that led out of the Northern Wing, ignoring the excruciating cries of the prisoners, whom one by one were being kissed by the Dementors.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry's eyes shot open and he suddenly jerked out of Hermione's arms, startling both Hermione and Ron.
“Harry, what's wrong?” Hermione asked urgently as she placed her hands on his arm, trying to steady him.
“Just a nightmare,” he replied with a sigh as he rested against the seat, rubbing the sweat of his brow and taking in a deep breath. “Only a nightmare.”
“Nightmare? Must be some nightmare to make you jump out of your seat,” Ron grinned nervously as he crossed his arms.
“It seemed pretty real,” Harry commented after taking another deep breath and gently placing a hand on top of Hermione's.
“Was it like the ones you had two years ago?” Hermione asked, a tone of concern growing in her voice. “You know…the dreams that were conjured by Voldemort?”
“No…I don't think so,” he answered while slowly shaking his head. `No…it can't be…could it? Lucius Malfoy…Willard Cross…is Voldemort trying something? Who is Vincent?'
“Are you sure?” she asked, her grip on his arm tightening, breaking his train of thought.
“They're different…” he replied, unsure of how to express the differences in words. “It doesn't feel like Voldemort. My scar doesn't hurt at all. I don't feel his presence. I think it was just an everyday nightmare…everyone has those, right?”
“I suppose,” Hermione said, her worry for him could be clearly seen in his eyes.
“Yeah, just an everyday nightmare,” Ron reaffirmed, obviously uneasy with the topic. He then turned and looked out the window. “We're at Hogsmeade.”
Harry and Hermione gazed out of the window, but to their surprise, the town was completely still. It was jarringly silent. If it weren't from the flickering candlelight that could be seen from various windows, one would assume the town had been abandoned. Harry felt a chill run up his spine as he turned and looked his friends, uncomfortable expressions on both their faces.
“I've never seen Hogsmeade this empty before,” Hermione said quietly. “Something must be wrong.”
“What could possibly be wrong?” Ron exclaimed, his eyes moving quickly, trying to find someone. “Everything was normal when we left London.”
The door of the compartment was suddenly pulled opened. The three quickly turned, Harry instinctively drawing his wand and stepping in front of Hermione and Ron. They all released a sigh of relief when they found Ginny standing there, a look of shock on her face.
“What's the matter with all of you?” she asked, completely startled, as Harry lowered his wand.
“It's nothing,” Ron replied quickly as straightened his robes. “Just wondering why Hogsmeade is so quiet.”
“I doubt Hogsmeade being quiet is the reason you all being jumpy,” Ginny said as she hesitantly walked into compartment and proceeded to pull her trunk out from underneath the seat. “It is a little strange, isn't it? I guess the town can't be lively all the time.”
“There's something more to it,” Hermione said as she helped Harry pull out her trunk out from under their seat. She looked outside again before continuing. “I can see Hagrid standing outside…he has a very worried look on his face. He always happy when he welcomes us back from summer holiday.”
“He's probably worried about one of his creatures,” Ron reasoned after taking a quick look at their troubled Care of Magical Creatures Professor. “You know how he gets about them.”
“If that's the case,” Hermione said as she took another look outside the window, “then why are Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall standing outside with him?”
Harry and Ron took another look and noticed the two standing in Hagrid's shadow. The question caused an unsettling feeling in the pit of Harry's stomach. Never before has any other person aside from Hagrid ever greeted them on their return to Hogwarts. The four knowing that they wanted answers, exited the train, retrieved their pets, and quickly made their way through the growing crowd of students to the professors.
“Hello Hagrid,” Harry said with a weak smile as the four came up to him, unable to mask the anxious look that once covered his face.
“'Lo Harry…Ron…Hermione…Ginny,” Hagrid replied, nodding his head to each of them as he said their names. “Good ter see yehs again.”
“It's good to see you too,” Harry said as he looked towards Snape and McGonagall. “What's going on? Why are Professor McGonagall and Snape here?”
“Professor McGonagall will answer yer questions, Harry,” he answered as she shook his head. “Somethin' big has happened. Dumbledore wans everyone ter go ter the castle righ' away.”
“When you say big…” Ron exclaimed with a hint of dread in his voice, “you mean, something bad, don't you?”
“Students, please listen!” McGongall called out before Hagrid had the chance to reply. The conservations between the students quickly ended and they were all quiet, listening attentively to their Transfiguration Professor. “We have just been alerted by the Ministry of Magic that sometime during the late afternoon Azkaban Prison was destroyed.”
Harry's eyes grew wide as loud gasps and waves of commotion rushed through the students like a wildfire.
“Destroyed?” Neville Longbotttom squeaked as he turned and gave a fearful look at Seamus Finnigan.
“Did the convicts escape?” Padma Patil asked urgently.
“Many of the convicts were found dead, but yes, some did escape,” McGonagall answered tentatively, causing another uproar to occur.
“How could something like this happen?” Padma's twin sister, Parvati, cried out to McGonagall. “Why didn't the Ministry of Magic stop it?” However, to her dismay, Professor McGonagall didn't hear her question.
“Please students!” McGonagall started again, regaining their attention. “There is no need for panic or fear.”
“How could we not panic?” a girl from Hufflepuff squealed. “Azkaban prisoner has just been destroyed!”
“We all could be in danger!” a first year screamed.
The comment caused another rush of commotion to sweep through the students. Harry noticed the frustration growing in the professors' eyes, especially Snape's. Only Dumbledore had the ability to silence and communicate to the whole school during such a crisis, and without him present, chaos continued to grow.
“Silence! All of you!” Snape roared at the top of his lungs, startling the students. “If I hear another sound out of any of you, you will be serving detention in the dungeons for the entire year!”
“Thank you for that, Severus,” McGonagall said, appreciating the assistance, but not the tactic. “Please students. We will all travel up to the castle together and once we arrive, Professor Dumbledore will explain the situation in further detail. So please, at this time, proceed to the carriages.”
The students did as they were told and started on their way. The destruction of the prison was now the topic of all the conversations. Some students were incredibly frightened by it, while some, whom were ironically Slytherin, didn't seem to be upset by it at all. Harry noticed a look of satisfaction on the face of Draco Malfoy, which didn't make his turning stomach feel any better.
“Ron, I'm going to ride with Dean and Seamus, okay?” Ginny stated when she spotted Dean, Seamus, and Neville entering a carriage.
“All right,” he replied as he handed her Pigwidgeon. “Take Pig with you.”
She nodded as took the cage and quickly hurried over to the Gryffindor boys.
“This one is empty,” Hermione said when she found an empty carriage.
The three quickly entered the carriage and stored their trunks underneath their seats. Hermione placed Crookshanks in her lap and for the first time noticed how frantically he was acting, his head constantly moving, his ears sticking straight out, almost as if he was preempting something horrible was about to happen. Harry noticed the same unsteadiness in Hedwig, whose eyes were constantly moving around the carriage.
“You saw this coming…didn't you, Harry?” Hermione asked him as the carriage started to move. She placed her hand over his and gave it a tight squeeze. “I saw the look in your eyes when McGonagall told us the news. I knew that something was wrong.”
“Oh come off it, Hermione,” Ron scoffed. “How is he --”
“I think I did,” he confessed slowly, interrupting Ron. “At least…I think I did.”
“What?” Ron asked with a look of shock. “Why didn't you tell us?”
“It's not like I didn't want to,” he answered, his eyes meeting with Ron's. “I saw it in the dream I had on the train. I didn't think that it was real. I didn't think much of it. I, also, didn't want to make either of you worry over something that I thought was nothing.”
“Are you sure that Voldemort isn't behind this?” Hermione asked again.
“I don't think that he's doing it. These dreams…visions…or whatever they are,” Harry replied, “It doesn't feel like him. These dreams feel different from the ones that I had before.”
“Dreams…” Hermione said slowly as her eyes grew wide. “Was this the reason why you couldn't sleep well last night?”
Harry gave Hermione a slowly nod.
Hermione took in a deep breath. Harry could tell that she was upset. She exhaled slowly and looked into his eyes. “If you don't think that Voldemort is behind this…do you think someone else is responsible for these dreams?”
“I don't know,” Harry answered. “It could be someone else. These dreams could have just be a wild coincidence…I don't know.”
“I don't think it's a coincidence at all, Harry,” Hermione said softly as she squeezed his hand again. “And I know that you don't think it is either.”
“If it was someone else, who do you think is behind it?” Ron asked.
“I don't have the slightest idea,” he replied, the frustration of not knowing any answers building up inside him. “Who knows how many people out there are trying to get into my head.”
“What did you see in your dream?” Hermione asked, a gentle calm returning to her.
Harry took in a deep breath and did the best that he could. He explained how he was looking through the eyes of Death Eater who possessed a sword that was pure evil. He explained that before Azkaban was destroyed, Lucius Malfoy and other captured Death Eaters were released, and that the Dementors had rejoined Voldemort. Though the thing that he had the most trouble explaining to them was that Willard Cross was also a part of the breakout.
“So he is still with You-Know-Who,” Ron sighed as he rested his head against the wall of the carriage, a strange calmness in his voice. “All the Death Eaters are free…the Dementors are on his side…this isn't going to be good…not at all.”
“He is rebuilding his army,” Hermione said shakily. “He is going to start a war. The whole Wizarding world could be destroyed by it.”
Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her a comforting hug as he rested his head against hers. He didn't know what to say to comfort her. Hermione hated the idea of war and it was something that now seemed inevitable. The only real solution he could think of to prevent it is to destroy Voldemort before he had a chance to destroy the world; but that was something he didn't want to bring up for he knew reminding her of his prophecy would only upset her further.
The three were quiet the remainder of the trip towards the school. Though despite the uncomfortable situation, it was a comfortable silence. When their carriage came to halt, they proceeded to disembark, wanting desperately to hear further details about the emptying from Dumbledore. Bad news never sounded too bad when it came from their Headmaster.
“Hey Potter!” Harry heard from behind him. He turned and found Filch, the caretaker of the school, giving him a nasty look.
“Yes, Mr. Filch?” Harry replied.
“These men are from the Ministry of Magic,” he said as he pointed to two elderly men standing by a horse drawn carriage, the insignia of the Ministry of Magic shining brightly on the door of the carriage. “They have some questions they want to ask you. You best talk to them.”
“Er…okay, right away,” he said with a nod. He turned to Hermione and Ron and the two gave him an unsure look.
“I'll take your trunk in, mate,” Ron offered.
“And I'll take Hedwig,” Hermione said after as she gave his arm a gentle squeeze.
Harry agreed and after taking in a slow breath, walked towards the two men. Aside from the wizards and witches who were members of the Order of the Phoenix, Harry didn't like those who worked at the Ministry. Any person who obediently worked for Cornelius Fudge must have been jinxed one too many times.
“Harry Potter, my name is Samuel Lewis,” the taller of the two men said as he bowed his head. “And this is my partner, Vladek Frelaine.”
“Nice to meet you,” Harry replied trying his best to sound pleased that they were there.
“Lewis and I are undergoing an investigation about the breakout of Azkaban Prison,” Frelaine said in gruff tone as he unrolled a parchment and pulled out his wand, “and we have a few questions we want you to answer.”
“Er…sure, but I don't know who much help I would be,” Harry said, unsure of where this questioning was going, but already not liking it.
“According to our records, your legal guardian is one, Keung Chang,” Lewis stated as he crossed his arms. “Is this information correct?”
“Yes, that's true,” Harry answered with a nod, noticing Frelaine jot notes down onto his parchment with his wand.
“Is it true that on numerous occasions during the months of June, July, and August that Mr. Chang has visited a Ms. Magnolia Reins, a prisoner of Azkaban Prison?” Lewis asked with an intrigued tone.
“That's true,” Harry said as he raised an eyebrow. “What is this about?”
“We'll be asking the questions, Mr. Potter,” Frelaine said with a fake smile as he looked up from his parchment.
“Do you know what Mr. Chang and Ms. Reins discussed during their meetings?” Lewis asked.
“I don't know,” Harry replied with a shrug. “He never talked about it with me.”
“Why is that?” Lewis asked.
“It was none of my business,” Harry answered, his patience growing thin. “Besides, I didn't want to what they talked about.”
“Why is that so?” Lewis asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.
“Like I said, it was none of my businesses,” Harry replied with a flat tone.
“Surely you must have been interested,” Lewis said with a tone of disbelief. “You don't find it odd that Mr. Chang would want to visit the woman who murdered his lover? A woman, if I am not mistaken, has attempted to murder you on several occasions?”
“I don't know…the thought never crossed my mind,” Harry stated, his voice slowly growing unfriendly, as he crossed his arms.
“Please answer our questions honestly, Mr. Potter,” Frelaine said sternly, giving Harry a knowing look. “This is a Ministry of Magic investigation and lies hold high consequences.”
“So you are saying that you have never had worried thoughts about your guardian getting so close with a woman who attempted to murder you?” Lewis asked again.
“I have every now and then,” Harry urged them, “but they used to be friends before they became enemies. They were most likely trying to rekindle their friendship.”
“Rekindle a friendship,” Frelaine sneered as he rolled his eyes. “You know damn straight that they were not rekindling any sort of friendship.”
“All right, I've had enough!” Harry said, finally raising his voice. “I have been patient with your questions, so if you want me to answer any more, you need to tell me what exactly you are investigating.”
Lewis released an aggravated sigh but gave Harry a nod. “You are aware that Azkaban Prison was destroyed no more than a few hours ago.”
“Yes, our professors just told us about it,” Harry replied.
“Before the prison was destroyed, there was a breakout,” Lewis said with a regretful tone. “The guards from the Ministry did not know how it happened and the Dementors didn't detect anything.”
“Who broke out?” Harry asked timidly.
“Magnolia Reins did,” Frelaine answered as he rolled up his parchment and pulled out a vibrating medallion out of his pocket.
“For the exception of Sirius Black, no one has ever escaped out of Azkaban Prison without some sort of assistance,” Lewis continued, slowly starting to pace. “But before we even get to the issue at hand, don't you find it interesting that a convict managed to break out mere hours before the prison was destroyed?”
“That is interesting,” Harry replied slowly.
“And you know what else is interesting?” Lewis asked. “Not all the convicts that were in the prison were killed during its destruction. The bodies of those who were tried of conspiring with the Dark Lord were not found anywhere in the ruins. It seems as if they escaped either before or during the prison's destruction.”
“Are you saying that Magnolia Reins had something to do with the Death Eaters' escape?” Harry asked, quickly replaying his dream through his head, never once did he remember anything about Reins.
“It is highly plausible, isn't it?” Lewis suggested as rubbed his chin. “Though there is no way she could have aided in such an ordeal without being freed herself. And there is no way for a convict to escape the prison without aid.”
Harry eyes suddenly grew wide when he finally realized the purpose of his questioning. “Are you telling me that you believe that Keung helped Magnolia Reins escape from Azkaban?”
“It is one of our theories,” Lewis admitted.
“That is nonsense!” Harry roared. “Keung had nothing to do with any of this! He had nothing to do with Reins' escape! And I know he had nothing to do with the escape of the Death Eaters!”
“How can you be so certain of such things?” Lewis asked as if he were pointing a guilty finger at Harry. “I also have another theory that also includes you.”
Harry clenched his fists and was ready to unleash his anger when Frelaine suddenly stepped in and showed the medallion to Lewis. “We need to go Sam. Minister Fudge has just summoned all the Aurors. We must head back to the Ministry.”
Lewis examined the medallion and gave Frelaine a nod. He then slowly turned to Harry, narrowing his eyes slightly. “Well it seems that we must be going. Though don't be too surprised if we drop by again for further questioning.”
“I can't wait,” Harry replied sarcastically as he watched the two men climb into their carriage.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“Harry…is everything all right?” Hermione asked when Harry took his seat next her at the Gryffindor table.
“No,” Harry replied with a low tone, the anger swelling inside shown through his eyes fiercely. “I'll tell you about it after dinner.”
He had arrived during the middle of the Sorting Ceremony. The old Sorting Hat, doing what he did best, dispersed the first year students amongst the four houses of Hogwarts. Harry was never really keen about the Sorting Hat's songs, and wasn't too disappointed when he had missed it.
“You won't believe it, mate?” Ron snickered, trying his best to lighten the mood. “Dumbledore stopped the Sorting Hat half way through its song and asked it to start the Sorting Ceremony. The old Hat was so angry that it started to argue with Dumbledore. It was amazingly funny.”
Harry couldn't help but grin, the look of anger gently subsiding. Suddenly he wished that he was present during the Sorting Hat's Song.
When the Sorting Ceremony was complete, Professor Dumbledore stood from his chair. This was the moment that everyone had been waiting for. They all turned to face their Headmaster, ready for the news. A creepy silence fell upon the Great Hall, one that caused Harry's heart to start racing.
“You all have heard that Azkaban Prison has been destroyed,” Dumbledore said with a calm and soothing tone. “I can say that many of you are having trouble grasping this and wish for it not to be true. I, too, wish for it to be a mistake, but I am sorry to say that the prison has been destroyed.
“Prior to your arrival, I received a letter from Cornelius Fudge and he informed me of the situation. It is true that many of the prisoners perished in the destruction of the prison and it is also true that there were several that survived. Please do not be alarmed by such news. The Ministry of Magic is doing everything in its power to apprehend the escapees.
“As for the reasons behind the destruction of Azkaban, who was responsible for it, and the means of how it happened are still unknown. I ensure you that all resources will be used to discover the answers to these questions. But despite our ignorance to the details of this tragedy, please do not feel that you are not safe.
“Hogwarts is a school that possesses many protective charms and barriers, and is one of the safest places in the Magical World. I have received concerned letters from many of your parents and I have also told them this. All have agreed that the safest place for you all is to be is here. So please be at peace. If you have concerns or worries, please feel free to address them with any of the professors or me. We want you all to feel safe.
“Life for you all and this school will continue on. I do expect you all to be ready for your classes tomorrow. Please continue with your dinner and get a good night's rest. A new school term starts tomorrow. I expect you all to be ready.”
Dumbledore went back to his seat and the students returned to their meals. Harry looked at Hermione and gave her a warm smile. He wasn't very satisfied with the information that the Headmaster gave the school. None of the important questions had been answered and its mystery was as troubling as ever.
He released a soft sigh and started on his meal.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“So they think you and Keung are behind the whole thing?” Ron asked as he rested against the large leather couch in the Head Chamber.
The rest of dinner had gone by relatively smoothly. Many of the students' worries were subdued by Dumbledore's comforting words, but the destruction of the Wizard Prison remained the topic of all the conversations. Students started formulating theories behind the incident and tested them against the others that were conjured. They would occasionally share their theories with the professors in hopes of shedding new light on the subject, but were always disappointed. However while Dumbeldore's words brought comfort to the students, it left Harry, Hermione, and Ron bothered.
“I don't know,” Harry replied as he took a seat on the windowsill next to Hermione. “It's one of their theories,” he continued in a mocking tone, gently resting the side of his head against hers.
“I can't believe that they're considering such a stupid theory!” Hermione exclaimed as she kicked the wall with the back of her heel. “They don't have the slightest idea what their doing. They're just going to point the finger at whoever Fudge doesn't like and harass them.”
“You know how Fudge is,” Ron sighed. “He never lets a grudge go. I'm sure if he could, he'd find a way to link this whole thing with Dumbledore too.”
Hermione's brow furrowed, an expression that often meant that she has thought of something that the three had either overlooked or failed to bring up.
“Dumbledore didn't mention anything about the Dementors to the school, did he?” Hermione said quietly as she turned to look at Harry.
“No, he didn't mention anything about them,” Harry replied with an unsure look.
“Why would he not tell us?” she asked.
“Probably doesn't want us to panic again,” Ron answered uncertainly with a shrug. “We know that he keeps stuff away from us all the time.”
“Yeah,” Harry said with a slow nod. “But there is something more to this…there is always something that he hides from us.”
“You think Keung would tell us anything?” Ron asked in a hopeful voice.
“I don't know,” he replied. “I suppose he would. He doesn't usually keep stuff away from me.”
“You are going to tell Dumbledore about your dreams, right Harry?” Hermione asked, her serious eyes looked into his.
“I'm not sure,” he answered quietly. “I still don't think that it's Voldemort who's behind them.”
“You really should, Harry,” Hermione said with a firm voice. “We don't know the reason why you're having these dreams and the last thing you want is to find out that Voldemort is trying to trick you again. Besides, if it really isn't Voldemort behind it and some other unexplainable forces, the information you get from them would be really good for the Order.”
“But we still don't know if these dreams are real,” Ron said. “It wouldn't be good if we gave Dumbledore bad information.”
“If you don't think your dreams are a coincidence,” Hermione urged Harry, “then it's a good enough reason to tell Dumbledore.”
Harry rested his head against the window and took in a deep breath. He looked into her eyes and knew that he didn't have to think hard about the matter. Any information the Order received would be helpful and the last thing he'd ever want is for someone in the Order to get hurt when his information could have prevented it. As usual, his Hermione had it thought through.
He gave her a soft smile and gave her a nod. “You're right, Hermione.”
“You should know by now that I often am,” she smiled back as she rested her head against his shoulder.
Ron watched his friends snuggle together and fidgeted uncomfortably in he couch. He quickly looked up towards the clock that hung from the wall and after taking a quick breath, stood to his feet. “It's getting late. I'm going to head back to Gryffindor Tower. I'll see you guys tomorrow in class.”
Harry noticed Ron's uneasiness, believing it had to do with his and Hermione's closeness, and was going to say something, but Hermione spoke first.
“You miss Nancy, don't you?” she said with a weak smile and all at once, Harry understood.
Ron gave her a nod. “It'll be weird not having her around to talk to, you know?”
“You know she'll come and visit,” Harry said reassuringly.
“I know she will,” Ron replied while staring at the rug that covered the floor, rubbing his shoes against it. “But it isn't making it any easier.” He looked up at the two and gave them a weak grin. “But anyways, I'll see you two tomorrow at Breakfast.” Ron gave them a quick wave and made his way out of the Head Chamber.
“He'll be all right, won't he?” Hermione asked with a worried tone in her voice as she stood from the windowsill.
“He'll be fine in a couple of days,” Harry replied as he moved quietly behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach, holding her against him. “Being back at school and not having his girlfriend with him…especially with what's happening…I'd be worried and lonesome too.”
“Are you worried?” Hermione whispered as she shuddered gently.
“I am,” he whispered into her ear as his arms tightened around her. “I'm worried that if I don't do something… a lot of people are going to get hurt. I'm worried that something might happen to you. I'm scared that I am not going to be able to protect you.”
“It's you that I'm worried about,” she said, tilting her head up to look at him.
“And you should know that you're all I worry about,” he said with a lopsided grin.
Hermione gently turned in Harry's arms so that she was facing him and wrapped her arms around his chest, squeezing him tightly while burying her face into his neck. He rocked her tenderly and kissed the side of her head soothingly. She looked up at him, her eyes red from the worried tears that she was trying to hide. Harry gave her a warm smile and kissed her delicately on her lips, rubbing his forehead against hers after they broke their kiss.
“So…” he said in a playful voice, “your room or mine?”
“Harry James Potter!” Hermione gasped as she pulled away from his arms and placed her hands firmly on her hips. “Exactly what are you insinuating with that question? You know very well that I am not that kind of girl.”
Harry's mouth dropped when he realized his tease had completely ruined the moment. “No…no…Hermione. Er…you know I didn't mean anything like that. You know that…I um…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to…I --”
He stopped trying to untie his tongue when she started giggling at him. Her cheeks were bright pink and she did her best to cover her grin with her hand. He gave her a confused look as she took a step towards him, closing the small gap between them. She gave him a devilish smile and proceeded to take hold of his tie.
“You can share my bed with me, you big git,” she giggled as she walked towards her room, leading her dumbfounded boyfriend by his red and gold tie.
A/N: Sorry again for the slow updates. I don't have a lot of free time at the moment, but I am working on this story whenever I get the chance. Thank you to those who wrote reviews and again, thank you for bearing with me. Take care.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter Characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made from the creation of this story.
Chapter 4: Meeting with Dumbledore
The next several days moved rather slowly for Harry. He had tried to speak with Dumbledore on the first day of classes, but was told by Professor McGonagall that he was asked to go to London on urgent business and would not return for a short time. Harry figured the business was in regards to the breakout in Azkaban; he only hoped that his Headmaster wasn't being interrogated the way he was the night the students arrived at the castle.
Though despite his inability to verbally speak with Dumbledore, Harry didn't give up. After learning of his Headmaster's visit to London, he hurried up to the owlery and had Hedwig deliver a letter to him. However he was disappointed to see that when Hedwig returned, she wasn't carrying a response. This caused a queasy feeling to grow in his stomach and with a heavy sigh; he knew he had to wait for the old wizard to return to the castle before he had a chance to talk with him.
It was Friday and Harry, Hermione, and Ron quickly made their way towards their Defense Against the Dark Arts class after having lunch. They were greeted by several Aurors along the way. The Ministry of Magic had stationed over a dozen Aurors at Hogwarts, a little added defense for the school during the troubled times. Ironically, the Aurors whom were stationed at the school were all members of the Order of the Phoenix, something the trio found quite encouraging and believed to be the work of Dumbledore.
“So what do you think Spencer will teach us this year?” Ron asked enthusiastically while gazing at the cover of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor Spencer assigned all the students to purchase.
Ron never enjoyed any of his classes for the exception of Muggle Studies and maybe Care of Magical Creatures, except when he's trying to put out the fire on his robes out when he got too close to a blast-ended skrewt. However, with Professor Spencer in charge of Defense Against the Dark Arts, his interests in the subject had grown.
“I don't know,” Harry replied as the three started to make their way up a flight of stairs. “I suppose he could teach us a few new hexes and curses.”
“More than likely,” Hermione agreed with a look of excited anticipation. “You know that unlike our previous Defense Against the Dark Arts professors, he mainly focuses on offense and defensive tactics for dueling.”
“You think that we'll have another tournament this year?” Ron asked as he shoved his textbook into his school bag.
“I hope so,” Hermione replied as the three made it to the top of the stairs and into the corridor that led to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. “I would really like to have another go at becoming one of the final four.”
“I see she's still trying to pick a fight with you, mate?” Ron snickered at Harry.
“Seems so,” Harry replied, a little uneasy with his girlfriend's bright grin.
“Oh Harry,” Hermione insisted at him as she took his hand in hers and gave it a quick squeeze. “You know I'm not trying to pick a fight. It would be a really good learning experience for me. Plus, I also think it will be good fun.”
“Good fun, she says,” Harry groaned as he looked up towards the ceiling, causing Hermione to giggle before giving his hand another comforting squeeze.
“You keeping a watchful eye, Potter?” the three heard a raspy voice say as they passed an old suit of armor. “Maintaining utmost vigilance?”
The three immediately recognized the voice and turned to find Mad-Eye Moody grinning widely at them. He was dressed in dark robes, which bared the insignia of the Ministry of Magic on its left breast pocket. His magical eye was spinning around randomly as he slowly made his way towards them, a loud clunk echoing through the corridor with each step he took with his wooden leg.
“Moody,” Harry exclaimed, completely surprised by his presence. “Good to see you. When did you get here?”
“What are you doing here?” Ron asked without thinking, also incredibly shocked to see him.
“Why do you think, Weasley?” Mad-Eye replied while he rolled his good eye. “I just arrived last night. I'm here to help keep a watchful eye over the students, especially you, Harry.” His large magical eye turned to focus upon Harry while his other remained on Ron. “With Voldemort gathering all his Death Eaters, it will only be a matter of time before he takes action once again. We need to make sure that you are safe until the appropriate time.”
“The appropriate time…” Harry mumbled to himself as he looked at Hermione and Ron. The two grew tense and Harry realized that they were both thinking about his prophecy.
“I know it is a grim matter, laddie,” Moody said in a sympathetic tone. “However, it is a matter that must be accepted for that time will come.”
Harry nodded his head quickly, not taking his eyes off of his two best friends. The more Moody talked about it, the more fidgety they became. Harry knew he had to quickly change the subject.
“Have you heard any news from Professor Dumbledore? Anything about the breakout and the Death Eaters?”
“I haven't heard anything since he left for the Ministry of Magic,” he replied, both of his eyes moving to focus on Harry. “All I know is that he is suppose to return sometime today. An Order meeting has been scheduled to be held later tonight. I believe he'll share his newfound knowledge at that time.”
“That's really good news,” Hermione smiled weakly as she looked up at Harry, trying her best to hide what she was really feeling at the moment. “You'll finally get a chance to talk to him.”
Harry returned her weak smile with one of his own, giving her hand a warm squeeze.
“What is it that you must talk with Albus about?” Moody asked Harry curiously.
“Oh…” Harry started somewhat apprehensively. “I've been having some dreams and I wanted to tell Dumbledore about them.”
“The workings of the Dark Lord?” Moody questioned, his magical eye bulging out to the point it looked like it was ready to pop out of his head.
“No no,” Harry replied as he shook his head. “Not at all. I don't know if anyone is behind them.”
“I know you're hiding something, laddie,” Moody stated flatly as he took a step closer to him.
“What makes you say --” Harry was interrupted by a fierce shove from behind, which nearly caused Hermione and him to stumble into the old Auror.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron turned to find Draco Malfoy and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, with looks of sheer disgust. Harry was frustrated enough as it was and was ready to use his new Head Boy powers when the disdainful expressions of the three Slytherins turned to ones horror and panic. Harry was taken aback by this. Never before has Draco Malfoy ever given him that look. He was literally shaking.
“A thousand apologies, Mr. Potter! I didn't see you there,” Malfoy said in a voice was so apologetic that Harry was actually about to believe him. “It will never happen again. I will be on my way now.”
Before another word could be said, Malfoy took off a dead sprint towards the door of their Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with his two clumsy henchmen chasing after him. Harry gave Hermione and Ron an odd look before turning to face Moody. Surprise and confusion covered his face.
“Why is the Malfoy boy so skittish around me?” he asked the three while scratching the side of his head. “I've never approached him about anything. That is the second time today that he has ran away from me. Is he afraid I'll do something to him because his father is a Death Eater?”
The three looked blankly at Moody and did their best to contain their now growing snickering.
“What is it, Potter?” Moody asked as he looked at Harry.
“He thinks you're the same Professor Moody that we had during our fourth year,” Harry replied as he held him a laugh.
“Does he?” Moody said, still not quite understanding what that had to do with Malfoy's strange reactions.
“During that year, your imposter transfigured him into a ferret for trying to attack Harry from behind,” Hermione explained as she did her best to calm the redness in her face.
“It was brilliant!” Ron added after taking a few deep breaths. “You…I mean, the imposter even made him bounce all about the hall while he was still a ferret. It was one of the best moments of my life. Bloody brilliant!”
Moody's confused expression didn't change. “So my imposter transfigured the boy into a ferret and made him bounce about the corridor.”
Ron nodded excitedly before continuing, “If you ever have the urge to do so yourself…feel free --”
“Ron!” Hermione exclaimed as she shot him a look. “As funny it may be, Malfoy was lucky that he didn't get hurt.”
“What?” Ron replied furiously, his humor completely leaving him. “You sticking up for him? I can't believe you. This coming from the girl who'd like nothing more than to slap him unconscious and incinerate his carcass?”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, completely appalled by his question. “I would never stand up for that horrible cockroach!”
“Don't play stupid with me,” Ron replied as he crossed his arms. “You know perfectly well that you said those things.”
“I never said any of those things!” she answered, her anger growing. “I despise him, but it doesn't mean that I want to openly assault him! If he and I were to face each other in the dueling tournament, then the situation would be completely different.”
Harry was happy that his friends were no longer thinking about his prophecy, but this wasn't one of his top choices in distractions. He gave Moody an apologetic look before releasing Hermione's hand so he could wrap his arm around her shoulder.
“It's good to see you again, Moody. We better be going…don't want to be late for class, you know,” Harry said with a nod.
“You three best be off then,” Moody replied as he gave Ron and Hermione a peculiar.
Harry turned and started to walk towards the door of the classroom, pulling Hermione with him while she was in mid-sentence with Ron. She gave Harry a shocked look, but upon receiving a disapproving expression from him, she crossed her arms and released an aggravated sigh. She quickly shot one last glare at Ron before regaining her composure. Ron noticed the look and in turn stuck his tongue out at her.
The three entered their classroom to find all the students sitting quietly at their seats. They looked towards the front of the class and saw that their professor was sitting casually on his desk, giving them all a stern yet friendly expression. They all had grown to learn that this was the face that Professor Spencer held when he was ready to start class. The three quickly took a seat at an empty desk in the back of the class and took out their notebooks and quills.
“Welcome students to N.E.W.T. Defense Against the Dark Arts,” Professor Spencer announced as he dismounted the table and began pacing. “I first want to start by stating that what you're seeing is not an illusion. I know you all have never seen this before, but I am Marcus Spencer and I have returned as your Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor.”
Many students started chuckling and clapping after hearing Spencer's comment, while a few, which included the Slytherins, just rolled their eyes. He was right. This was the first time that any of them had ever seen a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts return for a second year. The commotion ended when Spencer raced his arm in the air.
“Thank you for the welcome,” he grinned before continuing. “This class will follow a curriculum similar to the one that you all followed during your sixth year. As I have explained when you all first attended my class last year, I want you all to be prepared for the dark times that unfortunately seem to be inevitable. You are all aware of the destruction of Azkaban prison and with the ever-growing threat of the Dark Lord, more misfortunes will soon fall upon the Magical World.”
Professor Spencer stopped his pacing and gave the class a pleased smile. “I was very satisfied with the results of last year's dueling tournament. Everyone participated in their duels and you all have showed me that you are capable of dueling…well, at least when you are forced into doing it.” Spencer chuckled slightly at his last comment. “However what you showed me last year will now set the bar of what I expect to see out of all of you this year. By the end of this term and this year's dueling tournament, I will accept nothing but improvement out all of you.”
Upon hearing that a dueling tournament was going to be held this year, an energized but quiet murmur began to spread throughout the classroom. Harry noticed the bright smile that formed on Hermione's lips and he couldn't help but feel happy and queasy at the same time. He was always happy when she was happy, but the idea of possibly dueling his girlfriend always made him nauseous. His eyes then moved to Ron, who was whispering anxiously to Seamus Finnigan about who he did and didn't want to duel during the tournament.
Upon clearing his throat loudly, the students quieted down. “I'm glad you all are excited about participating in another dueling tournament. However like I said earlier, I will accept nothing but improvement out of all of you, so I expect all of you to perform better in your duels. No more simple spells like Expelliarmus and Incendio…I want to see real creativity and real strategy. Believe me…if you wish to achieve a high mark in my class and on your N.E.W.T., you will give me nothing more than a hundred percent during our class lectures and practical lessons.”
Spencer moved nonchalantly over to his chalkboard. He pulled out his wand and with a flick of his wrist, a piece of chalk levitated up from his desk and started to scribble every spell he had taught the students during their previous year on the chalkboard. The list was pretty extensive and many students were surprised to see that they had learned so much over the course of their sixth year.
“Though I cannot expect to see the improvement I desire unless you all increase your repertoire,” Spencer said as the piece of chalk floated back to his desk. He quickly scanned over the board before turning to face his students. “As you all can see, these are the spells that you learned last year. That isn't too bad of a list…but believe me, you will learn just as much if not more by the end of this year.
“Now as you can see the majority of these spells are charms…spells that can usually be absorbed by an Invisible Wall or reflected by a Reflective Wall.” Spencer walked back to towards his desk and leaned against it. “However what can these walls not absorb or protect against?”
Hermione instantly raised her hand and wore her usual expression of anticipation. Spencer gave her a smirk as he nodded to her.
“The Invisible and Reflective walls are not affective against hexes or curses,” she answered in a clear and firm voice.
“That is somewhat correct, but it isn't the answer I'm looking for,” Spencer replied as he stood from his table and resumed his pacing, his hands moving into the pockets of his robes.
Hermione's face contorted along with almost every other student in the classroom. Harry and Ron's mouths both dropped so low that their chins nearly hit their desk. It was incredibly rare when Hermione Granger had failed to answer a professor's question correctly. She leaned back against her chair and crossed her arms, re-contemplating what the answer to the question could be.
Harry gave her a comforting smile, but she didn't notice. Her eyes were fixated on the board, slowly scrutinizing all the spells over and over again. Harry looked around the class and he could see that no one had the slightest idea of what the answer could be. However, after about a minute, Hermione's hand was once again in the air with a bright smile on her face.
“Yes, Ms. Granger?” Spencer said.
“Theses barriers are only capable of protecting a witch or wizard from spells that produce a visible attack,” Hermione stated confidently.
A bright smile formed on Spencer's face. “That is exactly right, Ms. Granger. Twenty points to Gryffindor.
“These barriers are useless against anything other than visible attacks. Feel free to try as much as you like, but any spell that does not produce a visible spark or attack cannot be protected against by such means. Visible and non-visible spells are very different in their magical composition, so it would only seem logical that different means must be taken when it comes to protection. You all must rely upon a new set of barriers when it comes to the protection against non-visible attacks. Now since the majority of the non-visible spells consist of hexes and curses, they along with the new barriers will be the main focus of study for this class this year.
“Now without further a due, let's start our first lesson of the year.” Spencer grinned as he turned his attention back towards Hermione. “Excuse me Ms. Granger, but would you mind taking notes for Mr. Potter?”
“No sir,” Hermione replied as she gave Harry a curious look.
“Excellent,” Spencer said as he turned his gaze to Harry. “Mr. Potter, since you are the reigning dueling tournament champion, I see it fit that you for the remainder of this term will be my…let's say my assistant. So would you please come up to the front of the class?”
Harry released a sigh of disbelief but quickly stood from the desk and made his way to the front of the class, not wanting to make too much of spectacle of himself. Though as he has grown accustomed to, all the eyes of the students were on him. He gulped nervously as he took his place next to Spencer, not entirely sure of what to expect.
“All right class,” Spencer started again, “you all know that there is usually some sort of counter-curse or counter-hex that exists for every curse and hex. And you all have learned that one of the more universal charms used for most lower level curses and hexes is Finite Incantatum. Though those counter-curses and counter-hexes are generally used only after the curse or hex has taken effect.
“Now it is wise to learn all these counter-curses and what not, but the concept that many wizards and witches fail to see is that when under the effects of some curses and hexes, it becomes very difficult to call upon their counters. If that is the particular case, the duel is over and you have unfortunately lost. And in certain situations, especially in life and death situations, losing is not an option…or at least, it isn't the safe option.
“What I am about to teach you is another barrier that if done correctly will negate most curses or hexes from even taking effect. It is call the Consecro Barrier and it possesses two abilities. Just like the walls its first ability is to absorb, completely negating a curse's or hex's effects, and its second is to reflect it back at its caster. Unlike the walls, this barrier is very difficult to conjure for those who are not familiar with it and for this reason; we will be spending our entire practical lesson on Monday practicing it.
“In order to summon this barrier, a specific wand movement and incantation is needed. The incantation is praesido. The incantation must be spoken during your wand motions and you will see immediately if the barrier has been properly conjured. This barrier is very difficult to summon for it requires not only speed of hand, but speed of mind as well. You only have a second to summon this barrier…if you fail; you best start spouting off counter-curses and counter-hexes.
“I will demonstrate how to conjure barrier. I highly suggest that you all observe my wand motions for what you see is exactly what you need to do to perform this barrier properly.”
Spencer raised his wand and with two quick flicks of his wrist, drawing a cross in the air while muttering the incantation. A white line of light started to shine, following the tip of the wand, as if he had scratched an opening into the air. The cross was visible for only a second before instantly vanishing.
“The cross that you all just saw was an indicator,” Spencer started once more as he lowered is wand and tossed it onto his desk. “When the indicator senses a curse or hex or what not being launched at you, its center will glow red. Upon seeing its red glow, you will have a split second to decide what you would like to do with the captured magic. Slash through the cross with the tip of your wand to negate the effects or stab through its center to reflect it back at its caster.”
Spencer took up his wand once again, walked in front of his desk, and lowered himself into his dueling stance. Harry observing this did the same, his wand trained on his professor.
“Now you all pay careful attention,” Spencer said, his eyes not moving from Harry. “For this barrier to be affective, you must summon it immediately after if not during the time your opponent casts the spell. If you succeed in doing so, you will see the center of the cross turn red, and as I said before, you have two options with what to do with the spell. Let's first start with negating.
“Please fire any curse you like at me, Mr. Potter.”
Harry took in a deep breath as he quickly thought of a curse that wouldn't cause his professor too much harm if he had failed in summoning his barrier. Upon thinking of one, Harry's grip on his wand tightened. He took in a quick breath and launched the curse. “Affectus vocis!”
Spencer swiftly performed the cross and when completed, its center glowed a bright red. He slashed through the cross, causing it to tear and vanish. The class remained silent, unsure of whether or not the barrier had protected their professor. He turned to them and gave them a bright smile before turning back to Harry.
“A voice-changing curse, Mr. Potter?” Spencer snickered as returned to his dueling stance. “Not trying to make me sound like a squirrel, are you?”
“No, sir…more along the lines of a whale,” Harry replied sheepishly, causing a giggle to spread throughout the class. “I didn't want to do anything too bad…you know, incase the barrier failed or something.”
“I appreciate your concern, but as you can hear by my voice, I am completely fine. Believe me, Mr. Potter, I know how to protect myself,” Spencer said before turning to face the class. “Now class, I will perform the reflective ability of the barrier.” His attention along with everyone else in the class returned to Harry. “Be ready, Mr. Potter.”
Harry quickly peaked over at his friends and wasn't thrilled to see both Ron and Hermione paler than Nearly Headless Nick. He knew what to do to protect himself from his reflected attack, but if he somehow failed, the effects of the curse would only last for a few hours. Harry refocused on Spencer and with a nod; he launched the same curse again. Spencer performed the same movements, however rather than slashing through the cross, he thrust his wand through the center of the cross.
The cross consumed its red center creating a bright red sphere, and with the speed of which Spencer motions, the sphere flew towards Harry. Harry readied himself and easily destroyed the red sphere with an Invisible Wall.
“Very good, Mr. Potter,” Spencer smiled as he stood out of his dueling stance.
“I thought you said that curses couldn't be protected against by those walls,” Malfoy scoffed as he sat back against his chair and threw his legs onto the table, very upset that Harry was able to protect himself against his reflected curse.
“You are correct in your statement, Mr. Malfoy,” Spencer replied as he motioned Harry to take his seat, which he gladly did. “However, upon contact with the Consecro Barrier, the magical compensation of the curse is changed so that it becomes a visible attack, and as we have discussed earlier, all visible spells can be protected by the walls.”
“Makes perfect sense,” Hermione whispered to herself as she diligently wrote in her notebook before looking up at Harry with an excited smile. “I have to read up on the magical compensation of spells! It sounds fascinating!”
Harry grinned at her before opening his notebook and dipping his quill into his inkbottle. Hermione was simply adorable when she got excited about something. He quickly scanned over the notes that Hermione had written for him, and couldn't help but take her hand and give it a squeeze. She had written “I love you” neatly at the top of the page.
The class progressed rather slowly, but smoothly. Spencer lectured further on the Consecro Barriers, explaining the proper strategy behind its usage and when best to conjure it. It was a concept that the majority of the class failed to understand, causing the professor to resort to several hypothetical situations as examples.
Despite its repetitiveness, Harry was intrigued. He came to see that Spencer and himself had very different dueling styles. Spencer was like Hermione, overtly prepared for an encounter, usually having a strategy formulated in his mind prior to any confrontation, while Harry flew by the seat of his pants, strategizing according to the current situation. That was how he always dueled, and Keung encouraged that sort of mentality. “No need worrying about a duel before one actually happens” was their motto.
When class ended, everyone eagerly packed up their bags. It was the first weekend of the new term. It wasn't necessarily a big occasion, but any day they didn't have to go to classes was a welcomed one. It was also a good time to catch up on homework, something Ron was allowing to slip.
“Harry,” Spencer said as he approached Harry, Hermione, and Ron's desk, doing in his best in avoiding the scurrying students, “mind if I have a word with you?”
“Sure,” Harry replied as he stood from the desk.
“Would you like us to leave, Professor?” Hermione asked as she and Ron stood from the desk.
“Oh no, feel free to stay,” Spencer replied with a smile as he turned back to Harry. “I've heard from Professor Dumbledore that you have been training with your guardian over the summer. I was curious to see how your progress was.”
“I think I've improved a bit,” Harry said, thinking back to everything he had learned over the summer. “Keung taught me different styles of dueling and loads of various spells.”
“That's very good to hear,” Spencer replied as he cross his arms and gave him a knowing look. “You already knew everything about the Consecro Barriers before you set foot in class today, didn't you?”
Harry nodded. “It was one of the first things Keung trained me in after I turned seventeen.”
“Had to wait until the Decree of Underage Wizardary no longer applied to you?” Spencer asked and Harry nodded again. “What did you learn prior to your seventeen birthday?”
“Mostly strategy and some hand-to-hand stuff,” Harry replied with a grin. “He said that just because a wizard was unarmed doesn't mean that he still wasn't dangerous.”
“I will happily agree to that,” Spencer snickered. “How are you on your Apparition?”
“I can do combat Apparition, but not standard yet.”
“They're two kinds of Apparition?” Ron asked, a confused look on his face.
“Yes, there are,” Hermione started to explain. “Standard Apparition is used as a mode of transportation. When a wizard uses it, they disapparate with a loud pop and can apparate to any location, no matter how far away it is…well saying that the location they want to apparate to allows it.”
“I know that,” Ron said heatedly, feeling that Hermione's response had insulted his intelligence. “What is combat Apparition?”
“It's another form of Apparition used during duels,” Hermione replied, not taking his tone to heart. “Unlike standard Appaition, a wizard cannot apparate very far from his original position. Also, when a wizard disapparates, they do it silently and leave a cloud of smoke behind, further confusing his opponent. It is mostly used as an evasive and disorientating tactic.”
“Your knowledge never ceases to amaze me, Hermione,” Spencer said, causing her to blush slightly. “Combat Apparition is a very tough practice, much more difficult that standard Appariation. I am very impressed that you have learned so much over the summer and I'm glad that you had a fine trainer.”
The four heard the hoot of an owl and when they turned to face the front of the class, they saw a jet black one fly towards them with a note attached to its leg. Spencer held out his arm and the owl landed gracefully on it, sticking out its leg with the attached note. Spencer took the note and with another hoot, the owl flew away.
Spencer opened the note and the three students watched his expression change to one of worry and happiness as he quickly read through it.
“Everything okay, Professor Spencer?” Ron asked.
“Oh everything is fine,” Spencer answered quite breathlessly, it was obvious to the three that he was hiding something. “Just something from my daughter. I haven't heard from her for several weeks, so I was starting to worry.”
“We never knew you had a daughter,” Hermione said with a smile, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Yes, she's twenty-one,” Spencer said, his voice still somewhat shaky. “She's off in the world following her heart…occasionally forgetting to check in, you know.” Spencer snickered before folding up the note. “You three are free to go, I only wanted to check up on your progress, Harry.”
“Thank you,” Harry said with a lopsided grin.
“Now, I know that Keung will be performing tasks for Dumbledore, so he won't be around as much as he would like to be,” Spencer said. “If you ever have any questions about any tactics or need someone to duel to sharpen your skills, by all means feel free to stop by my office.”
“That'll be brilliant,” Harry exclaimed.
“Good then, you three run along. Have a good weekend.” Spencer gave them a nod before turning and walking towards the front of the class.
The three gave each other puzzled looks as they watched their professor walk up the stairs to his office, once again reading the letter. When he retreated into his office, the three left their Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, only to find Professor McGonagall waiting at the end of the corridor.
“Potter,” McGonagall said as the three stopped before her, “Professor Dumbledore has returned from London, and would like to have a word with you.”
Knowing that this was the moment he'd been waiting for, he gave his friends a reassuring look and followed their Transfiguration professor to the statue that hid the staircase that led towards their Headmaster's office. McGonagall whispered the password and the staircase revealed itself. Harry stepped into the staircase, and after receiving a warm smile and nod from McGonagall, proceeded to ascend it.
Upon entering the office of Professor Dumbledore, Harry found Dumbledore sitting behind his desk and Keung petting Fawkes. Dumbledore stood and gave him a warm smile, Harry noticing the same twinkle in his eye, as he offered him a seat in front of his desk. Harry took the seat and relaxed against the chair.
“Good to see that you haven't caused any trouble,” Keung snickered at him as he took his seat next to Harry.
“You haven't give me enough time yet,” Harry replied sarcastically causing his guardian to release a short laugh.
“It's good to see you in good spirits, Harry,” Dumbeldore said as waved his hand over this desk, causing the dispersed documents across it to magically organize itself into neat stacks. “There is something that we must discuss with you, but before we commence with that, there was something urgent that you needed to discuss with me.”
“Yes, sir,” Harry replied with a nod. He opened his mouth to begin, but hesitated, trying to find the right words so that he wouldn't alarm him or Keung. “I know how Azkaban was destroyed…I know who did it and how they did it…or at least, I think I do.”
“What do you mean, Harry?” Keung asked as he gave Harry an expression of both puzzlement. “How could you know what happened?”
“I had a dream about it,” he said quietly, watching Keung carefully.
“A dream?” he exclaimed. “You mean like the ones who had during your fifth year?”
“No, it isn't like that,” Harry replied as he turned to face Dumbledore. “This…this felt different, Professor. This dream was nothing…nothing like the ones during my fifth year. I was looking through the eyes of a Death Eater…his name was Vincent. He carries this sword that glowed a dull green.”
Dumbledore settled against the back of his armchair and folded his fingers together. He stared down at his desk for a few moments, thinking deeply about what Harry had just said, before he sat back up and placed his hands at the edge of his desk. He gave Harry a warm look, which caused Harry's heart rate to settle down.
“Tell me what you saw in your dreams, Harry.”
As he had done with his friends, Harry spent the next several minutes explaining everything he had saw in his dreams to Dumbledore and Keung, the two listening intently. He decided to leave out the incident that took place in his bathroom. He didn't really know why, but something inside him told him that it wasn't important. When he was done, he leaned back against his chair and took in a deep breath.
“Willard…” Keung muttered to himself as he shook his head. He gave Harry a comforted pat on his shoulder and turned to Dumbledore. “I can't explain why, Headmaster, but I do feel that Harry's dreams are an omen of some sort.”
“As do I,” Dumbledore replied, running his long fingers through his beard. “These dreams are not a coincidence. They are the work of some form of magic, but I do not believe it to be dark magic. Voldemort would never want to reveal his plans in such an intricate manner, especially to Harry. Someone is behind this, but I am happy that the culprit is seemingly on our side.
“Harry, will you please notify me immediately when you have another one of these dreams. The information that it reveals will be very useful to the Order. They will add some hope to the situation.”
“Situation?” Harry asked, turning to look at Keung and then back to Dumbledore.
“Voldemort is trying to get his hands on a new weapon…the Crest of Eternity,” Keung said as he stood from his chair and walked over to Fawkes, resuming his petting. “This crest contains unbelievable power. It gives its possessor more power than any could ever imagine, they say. The perfect instrument in taking over the world.”
“Then we have to stop him!” Harry exclaimed, also standing from his chair.
“The proper preparations have been made, Harry. Please, sit,” Dumbledore said in a comforting voice, his hand gesturing to take his seat. “Voldemort will do everything in his power to acquire the crest, but doing so isn't as simple as it seems.”
“What do you mean?” Harry asked as he sat back down.
“The crest has been divided into four separate pieces,” Keung answered. “And these four pieces have been dispersed around England. The locations of three of these pieces are known, but the last is still missing. As of yet, we know that the first three are safe, and really if we know that at least one of these pieces are safe from Voldemort, we'll be all right.”
“In order for the true power of the crest to be unleashed, all four pieces must be assembled,” Dumbledore continued after noticing Harry's confusion. “As long as the Order possesses at least one of these pieces, the power of the Crest of Eternity will never belong to Voldemort. Therefore it is the priority of Order to acquire as many of these pieces as necessary to prevent Voldemort from assembling them.”
“That's brilliant,” Harry said, his concern subsiding slightly. “Is there any way that I can help?”
“Funny you should ask that,” Keung grinned as he glanced at Dumbledore out of the corner of his eye.
“There is something that the Order could ask of you, Harry.” Dumbledore's posture had straightened once more and he looked deeply into Harry's eyes. “However, you are not by any means obligated to do anything.”
“I want to help, Professor,” Harry said eagerly, ready to jump out of his chair. “I want to do whatever I can.”
“All right,” Dumbledore replied with a slow nod. “The location of one of the pieces is very close to the castle. It is hidden somewhere within the chamber in which you and Ron explored during your second year.”
Harry thought for a second and his eyes grew wide when recalled the chamber that Dumbledore spoke of. “The piece is inside the Chamber of Secrets?”
“That is correct, Harry,” Dumbledore said. “I will need you to assist Keung in retrieving that piece. Your ability to use Parseltongue will be an invaluable asset for no one can safely be sure of what dangers may lie within Salazar Slytherin's lair. There may be several occurrences when you will need to use that ability to ensure safe passage.”
“The crest is located in the last chamber,” Keung explained as he unrolled a parchment and placed it in front of Harry. It was a map of the school grounds with a very large maze of green paths drawn in. “The green paths you see are the tunnels of the Chamber of Secrets. The chamber we're looking for is here.” Keung pointed down at a large green circle that lied deep within the Forbidden Forest. “The good news is that there is an exit to the maze is located right next to the chamber; however, if we are wrong or the exit is blocked, you and I will have to do things the hard way and start from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.”
Harry studied the map carefully and nodded before looking back at Keung. “When do go?”
“We'll go tomorrow morning,” Keung said as he picked up the parchment and rolled it back up. “You get some rest tonight. Meet me in the Quidditch locker room at six o'clock. If everything goes accordingly, we should be able to make it back to the castle before breakfast is over.” Keung pulled on his robes and placed the parchment in his pocket. “If that will be all, Professor, I will take my leave.”
“That is all, Keung,” Dumbledore replied as he turned to Harry. “Are you all right, Harry?”
“I'm all right, Professor,” Harry answered as he stood from his chair. “But…er…I do have a question about Magnolia Reins, sir?”
“Do not concern yourself with Magnolia Reins, Harry,” Dumbledore said with a reassuring tone. “I know all about her escape. Believe me when I say that her situation has been taken care of. Now you two go and have a good rest of the day.”
“All right, Professor…thank you,” Harry said as he turned and walked towards the door with Keung.
“Godspeed to you both,” Dumbledore smiled as the two exited his office.
“Don't stay up too late tonight,” Keung grinned as the two descended the staircase and found Hermione and Ron waiting anxiously at the bottom. “It's up to you whether or not you want to tell them. Though knowing you, they'll probably know the whole story before you reach your Common Room.”
“How you doing, Keung?” Ron asked with a bright smile on your face.
“Hey, Ron, Hermione,” he replied as he waved at them. “Sorry, I can't stay and chat…urgent Order business I need to take care of.” He turned and gave Harry a lopsided smile. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
“What are you two doing tomorrow?” Hermione asked as the three watched Keung leave the corridor.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“You nervous about tomorrow?” Hermione asked as she entered her bedroom.
“Not exactly,” Harry answered as he sat up in the bed. “I am worried a little bit…but I'm also excited about it. It's the first time I've ever get the chance to really do something for the Order. I've been wanting to help out for the longest time.”
“Sorry if I don't share your enthusiasm,” she replied in a slightly displeased tone as she crawled into the bed next to him. “I am very happy that you get the chance to help the Order. You know that Ron and I both want to help too, but…it's just --”
“You don't like the idea of me going off without you,” Harry answered for her, drawing her into his arms.
“It's not that I have anything against you going without me,” Hermione explained as she looked into his eyes. “It's…I don't like when I can't be there to help you…to protect you when you need me.”
“Hermione,” he whispered to her as he lean forward and gave her a tender kiss. “You know that I won't do anything reckless. Believe me, I have learned from my mistakes. Besides, Keung will be there with me. You know that he won't let anything happen to me.”
“I know he won't,” Hermione replied, resting her head against his shoulder. “But I would feel loads better if I were going with you.”
“I'll be fine, Hermione,” Harry smiled as he gave her another kiss. “I promise that I'll come back to you in one piece.”
“I will hold you to it,” she grinned as the two settled in her bed.
Hermione laid her head against the chest with her arm resting across his stomach, her legs tangling around his. Harry wrapped his arms around her and took in the gentle aroma of her hair. She took in a deep breath and released a soft sigh.
“You promise to wake me before you leave?” Hermione asked quietly.
“I promise, love,” he answered as he gave her a tight squeeze. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied.
Harry gave her a warm squeeze in which she returned with one of her own. He gazed up at the ceiling and released a soft yawn, slowly letting sleep take him.
A/N: Thank you again for those who reviewed and once again I am sorry in the delay of my updates.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter Characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made for the creation of this story.
Chapter 5: Vincent and the Chamber of Secrets
“Please! Show mercy!” a man cried as he stumbled onto the floor. His face was pale, his black tuxedo tattered, and blood flowed freely from his hands and face. “I'll give you whatever you want…just please…please don't kill me!”
“I wish you stop whimpering! What kind of man are you?” Willard snarled as he aimed his wand at the man's forehead. “I would ask you for any last requests, but I already know what you're going to ask…and the answer, my dear friend, is no.”
“Please!” the man screamed, covering his face with his arms. “Please don't kill me!”
“Avada Kedavra,” Willard chanted quietly, beaming as he watched the green sparks fly into the man's shuddering body.
“What was all that racket, Crooked?” Vincent asked when he walked up to him.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that!” he replied harshly, his hand absentmindedly moving to rub his twisted nose.
“You know that there are charms that exist that would repair…your disfigurement,” he grinned as he looked down at the dead man.
“It's a reminder,” he replied almost growl-like, pushing the man's still body aside with his foot. “I'll have it fixed once I kill Potter. He will pay for --”
“You idiot!” Vincent suddenly snapped when he realized whom Willard had killed. “You good for nothing, sorry piece of troll dung! You have any idea of what you have just done?”
“I don't appreciate the tone you're using with me,” Willard said, his eyes narrowing. “And to answer your question…I just rid this world of one more pathetic Muggle.”
“I don't care what you appreciate, you stubborn arse!” he replied as he shook his head in disbelief. “Did you realize that the Muggle of which you have just gotten rid off was the head butler?”
“And what makes him so special?” he asked as he looked down at dead butler.
“Aside from the head Muggle of this house, which you butchered before he even had a chance to say a word, the butler is the only person in his whole castle who would possibly know where the crest is!” Vincent shouted as he took a hold of Willard's cloak. “Because of you, we'll have to tear this entire bloody building apart to find the crest!”
“If you do not let go of me, I swear that you will regret it,” he said lowly, his grip on his wand tightening.
“Don't you dare threaten me, boy,” Vincent growled as he pushed Willard aside and stepped over the dead butler. “You wouldn't stand a chance against me in a fight. If our Lord didn't find your wretched carcass useful, I would have the time of my life cutting you down.”
“You are nothing but talk,” he replied as he rolled his eyes.
“Some of our comrades say you possess the confidence of youth…I see nothing more than ignorance and disrespectfulness.”
Before Willard had a chance to reply, Vincent swiftly drew his sword. Willard's eyes flashed with fear and the next thing he knew, he was up against the wall with the tip of the blade pressed against his chest. Vincent noticed Willard's eyes frantically move about the sword and with a triumphant snicker he lowered his blade.
“Don't test my patience,” Vincent grinned coldly as he sheathed his sword. “Your blood would be spilt all over this wonderful carpet if I hadn't held back. You understand why they say to respect your superiors, don't you?”
“Can't say I'm familiar with the reason,” he replied, averting his eyes away from Vincent's.
“The reason is those who don't respect their superiors don't deserve to live long and fruitful existences,” he explained as he made his way into the extravagant living room. “To a superior, anyone who breaks the rules doesn't mind having their bones broken. I most certainly feel that it's a fair trade.”
“That's comforting to know,” Willard muttered sarcastically. “You know, this castle is almost the size of Hogwarts, don't you reckon that there is bound to be someone else in this castle aside from these two Muggles?”
“Well if you ever bothered to read my briefing you'd know that the majority of the castle's staff has the week off,” Vincent replied incredulously. “According to my source, the mother and their only daughter are off somewhere in France, and the head of the household and, maybe, the lead butler were the only people to currently inhabit the place.
“Good to know that my source was accurate about the butler,” Vincent said as he glared at Willard, who immediately looked away.
Vincent cursed himself for bringing the boy along and continued to look around the living room, stopping for a few moments to examine himself in front of a large mirror that hung next to the fireplace.
“Now if I were a Muggle,” he said to himself, “where would I hide such a treasure? More than likely it would be in some sort of safe…but where would I keep that?”
“Will you quit talking to yourself and start looking,” Willard scoffed as he headed towards the grand staircase.
“What did I say about respect,” Vincent replied, following Willard up the stairs.
The two stopped halfway when they noticed the family portrait hanging from the north wall. The father stood tall in his blue tuxedo and radiated of success and wealth. The mother stood beside the father, wearing a white flowing gown. She looked like a very kind and loving woman, possessing a humble sort of beauty. Their pretty daughter, who looked no older than twenty, sat in a white chair in front of the two and wore a conservative red dress. All in all, they seemed like a decent and happy bunch.
Vincent looked over at Willard and noticed him eyeing the daughter with extreme interest. He rolled his eyes at his insubordinate Neanderthal of a partner and decided to press on, wanting to finish their assignment as soon as possible. When Willard finally came back to his senses, he quickly followed.
The two found themselves at the beginning of a very long hallway. It was very nicely decorated with flush carpet; something Vincent would have spent time to admire if it weren't for the several dozen doors that appeared before them. Vincent released a defeated sigh, knowing that all his hopes of quickly finishing their assignment were shattered.
“Oh this will take forever,” Vincent groaned as he looked over at Willard. “The crest could be in any one of these rooms. We could comb through this castle for an entire week and not find the damned thing.”
Willard was ready to snap with a rude comment, but stopped when they heard something rustle behind the closest door to their right. The two eyed the door carefully and drew their wands, slowly taking a step towards it. They listened carefully and upon hearing another sound, they knew someone or something had to be inside the room.
“You sure there's no one else here?” Willard asked quietly as he pressed his back against the wall beside the door.
“No else should be here,” Vincent replied as he readied his wand and placed his free hand on the doorknob. “I'll go first…can't afford to have you blast whoever it may be behind it. It could be our last hope in finding that crest.”
Willard glared at Vincent for the comment but nodded. Vincent took in a deep breath and upon turning the knob; he kicked open the door and yelled fulgeo, causing a blinding light to fill the room. The two Death Eaters shielded their eyes from the light and heard a girl scream before she collapsed onto the ground. Willard shut the door behind them and they were both surprised to see the daughter from the portrait lying on the floor with her hands covering her head.
“What are you doing here?” Vincent asked as he took hold of her arms and gently pulled her up so she was sitting up. “You're supposed to be off on holiday with your mother.”
“I was,” she sobbed, her eyes reddened with her tears. “We got home early be-because she fell…ill. She's off to see her physician in London…she won't be home until morning….”
“We don't have time for her stories,” Willard exclaimed as pushed by Vincent and knelt down next to the girl, taking a firm hold of her hair. “Tell us where the crest is or we'll --”
Willard was pulled fiercely off his feet and thrown onto his back. He growled and was ready to unleash his pent up aggression until he realized that the tip of Vincent's wand was only inches away from his forehead. He looked up at his superior and was met by very cold eyes.
“We do not harm innocent children!” Vincent roared. “I don't care whether they are Muggle or not. Unless ordered otherwise, we leave innocent children alone. Do I make myself clear, Willard!”
“Clear,” Willard replied with a weak nod.
Vincent lowered his wand and turned to face the frightened girl. He knelt next to her and tried to touch her shoulder, but upon seeing his approaching hand, the girl jerked away.
“I am sorry for the intrusion,” he said with a friendly tone, slowly retracting his hand. “What is your name, girl?”
“An-Angela,” she replied shakily. “You…you killed Laurence….”
“Who's Laurence?” Willard asked intolerantly.
“More than likely, it was the butler,” Vincent exclaimed as he shot him a glare.
Willard crossed his arms and muttered something under his breath as he walked over to the door and leaned against it.
“We are not going to hurt you,” Vincent said softly to Angela. “All we want is the crest.”
“Crest? What crest?” she asked, her sobbing slowly subsiding.
“It is a blue crest…about the size of my hand,” Vincent explained as he held his hand out. “It has image of a raven on it and has the name Ravenclaw written along the bottom. Have you seen it?”
Angela thought for a second and nodded quickly.
“Do you know where it is?” Vincent asked with a bright and sincere smile.
“It's…in my father's study,” she replied. “He has been studying it for the longest time. It…it should be somewhere on his desk. He wouldn't leave it anywhere else.”
“Where is your father's study?”
“It's the room at the end of the hallway,” she said as Vincent helped her up to her feet. “There…there is a picture of my grandmother next to the door. But…it has a lock on it…my father has the key.”
“That won't be a problem,” Vincent smiled as he looked at Willard, who was looking very impatient. He turned back to Angela and placed a warm hand on her shoulder. “Thank you very much. You stay here. I promise that we'll be gone before you --”
The three heard the front doors of the castle open and what sounded like a group of people entering the living room. Willard quickly pulled out his wand and placed his ear against the door, listening to the people urgently scramble around.
“It could be Aurors,” Willard whispered to Vincent. “There are three…maybe four of them.”
“All right then,” Vincent replied as he settled Angela onto a chair and quickly moved to Willard. “You take care of getting that crest and apparate outside. I'll stall our little pests until you come through the front door. We'll sandwich them in.”
Willard nodded and slowly opened the door. He quickly stuck his head out to take a look around before leaving the room. Vincent gave Angela a friendly grin before leaving, closing the door behind him. He quietly made his way to the grand staircase where he found the Aurors waiting.
“We knew it would only be a matter of time before you Death Eaters showed your face,” an Auror said in a firm tone as he took a step forward, his wand readied. “We know that you have the crest. Come down peacefully and you won't be harmed.”
“I'm very sorry to disappoint you, gents, but I will not be handing the crest to anyone except my lord,” Vincent replied as he pulled out his wand with his left hand and drew his blade with the right. “I would like to say I have no quarrel with you…but that would be a lie, wouldn't it?”
“You know that you don't stand a chance against us,” another Auror exclaimed as he took a step forward. “You are out numbered three to one.”
“I don't believe that it is the numbers that matter, but who participates,” Vincent grinned as took a step down, causing the three Aurors to move into their dueling stances. “You are about to confront Vincent Palaris. It'll take more than the three of you to make it an even fight.”
“How dare --” the first Auror started but stopped when they heard a loud crack behind them.
They quickly turned and found Willard looking at them with searing eyes, the tip of his wand glowing green. The Aurors didn't have time to react. The moment they raised their wands, the two Death Eaters had all ready begun the attack.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry's eyes suddenly opened and he tried to sit up, but something was weighing him down. He rested his head back against the pillow and took in a deep breath, his right hand searching randomly for his wand. When he couldn't find it, he took in another breath and quickly observed his surroundings. He released a sigh of relief when he remembered that he was in the sanctity of Hermione's bedroom.
“Another dream…I have to tell Dumbledore,” he said quietly to himself as he wiped the cold sweat from his brow and looked at his beautiful girlfriend, sleeping soundly against his shoulder. He then slowly turned his head to look at the clock.
“Five o'clock…I have to meet Keung. I'll tell him about my dream.”
Harry slowly and gently rolled Hermione off him, hoping not to wake her. After succeeding, he gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek and stood from the bed. He raised his arms above his head and stretched, hearing the usually bones crack. He gazed back down at Hermione and gave her a soft smile before quietly sneaking into the Head Boy's lavatory.
He looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes had dark circles around them and his hair was as messy as ever. He released a sigh as he picked up his toothbrush and proceeded to brush his teeth, his eyes focusing on the water that swirled down the drain.
His mind had wandered back onto the dream that he just had, especially focusing on the face of Vincent Palaris. When Vincent looked at himself in the mirror, it was the very first time Harry had ever seen his face. He had a pale complexion and his nose was slightly hooked, but what stuck out most in Harry's mind were his eyes. They were cold as ice and were shaped like a snake. Harry shuddered at the thought of them, but his mind soon migrated back onto the unforgiving sword.
Harry shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, as he placed his toothbrush back into its container and looked back into the mirror. He was startled to see that the mirror was no longer showing a reflection but instead, showing him a strange void. Harry took a closer look and noticed that something was shimmering at the end of it. The object steadily grew closer and he was soon able to make out the silhouette of a sword. Harry's heart started pounding when he realized that it was the same sword that Vincent wielded, and as it did the morning before he left for King's Cross, it called out to him.
Harry raised his hand and moved to place it against the mirror. His eyes widened when he felt something pull against his hand. He tried to pull back, but the force was overpowering him. As if the mirror were the gateway into the black void, his hand passed through the reflective glass, moving closer to the approaching sword.
Harry did his best to free himself, but the moment his eyes focused upon the sword, he became fixated on it. He opened his hand and reached for the hilt, ignoring the fact that he had pushed his arm deeper into the mirror. Harry's conscience was screaming at him to pull away, but it had no effect. He wanted that sword. He wanted to hold it. He wanted to claim power over it.
“Harry!” he heard Hermione call the Common Room. “Harry…are you here?”
Harry snapped out of his trance and looked towards the entrance of his bathroom. Upon hearing Hermione's footsteps moving closer towards him, he fiercely pulled his arm back. To Harry's unfortunate surprise, the force that he had earlier experience had vanished, causing him to fly onto his back.
“You okay, Harry?” Hermione exclaimed as she rushed to his side and helped him to his feet.
Harry took in several deep breaths as he looked into the mirror, once again seeing its reflection.
“Are you all right?”
“Yeah…just fine,” Harry smiled weakly. “You know me…accidents in bathrooms and all….”
Hermione forced out a giggle, but Harry could see that she didn't believe what just happened was an accident. He opened his mouth, ready to explain, but was silenced when she placed her hand over his lips.
“You can explain later,” she said in a soothing voice. “You have to get ready. You need to meet up with Keung in forty-five minutes.”
He just nodded. She gave him a warm smile and kissed him on the cheek before making her way out of the bathroom.
Harry took in a deep breath and gazed into the mirror once more. He approached it slowly and held out his hand. He touched the smooth glass and watched it carefully, but nothing happened. The green sword started to creep back into his mind; however, this time his conscience was able to ward it off.
Not wanting to spend anymore time pondering over his unusual mirror, Harry quickly got ready for his day. When he left his lavatory, he found Hermione sitting in their armchair with her comforter wrapped around her. She was staring into the fire with a very anxious look on her face.
“Don't forget the promise you made me,” she said to as she shifted to one side of the armchair, making room for him.
“You know that I will keep my promise,” he replied as he took a seat and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. “I'll be back before you know it.”
“You say that with such ease. It'll feel like an eternity,” she muttered against his shoulder. “You know I hate playing the role of the worried housewife waiting desperately for her husband to come home.”
“I know, love,” he replied as he kissed the side of her head.
She lifted her head from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. The fire flickered within them, creating a unique combination of red, orange, and green. She cupped his cheek with her hand and gave him a gentle kiss, in which he returned along with several more.
Harry tightened his arms around her, he completely losing himself in her soft and sweet lips. He knew that if things did go horribly wrong today, this might be the last time he'd ever get the chance to do this. Though upon thinking of his prophecy, unless Voldemort, himself, were to wander back into the chambers, he should return alive.
Hermione could feel that his mind was wandering, and thus deepened their kisses. It worked. All his worries of the upcoming morning had vanished, leaving only his thoughts of Hermione. He felt like he was floating.
When they finally parted, Hermione looked up at the clock and took in a nervous breath.
“It's five-fifty, Harry,” she said. “You best be off. You don't want to make Keung wait.”
“I don't think he'll mind if I were a few minutes late,” Harry replied with a grin.
She grinned back at him. “I know he wouldn't mind…but you can't delay this mission. You have to get that crest before Voldemort does.”
Harry nodded to her and painfully released her from his arms. He gave her one last kiss before standing from their armchair, doing his best to straighten his clothes.
“Come back to me, Mr. Potter,” she said with a weak smile.
“I promise I will, Ms. Granger,” he replied as he took her hand in his and gave it a kiss.
She giggled quietly and gave his hand a squeeze. He released her hand and slowly made his way towards the door.
“Oh wait!” Hermione exclaimed as she quickly pulled something out of her pocket and tossed it to him. “Just incase you and Keung need to make a quick getaway.”
Harry caught the object and saw that it was his pocket watch. He couldn't believe that he had forgotten to take it with him. He gave her warm smile and whispered thanks before making his way out of the Common Room.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry entered the Quidditch locker room and found Keung sitting on one the benches. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a very disturbed look on his face. The look worried Harry and he knew immediately that it had to do with what he saw in his dream.
“It was Willard Cross and Vincent Palaris,” Harry stated as he took a seat next to his guardian.
“So I take you had a dream about it,” Keung replied as he looked at Harry.
“Yeah,” he nodded, turning to look at the floor. “I just had it about an hour or so ago.”
“So it was only two of them…unbelievable. Two Death Eaters killed four Aurors and seriously injured one,” Keung said in a very depressed tone, shaking his head.
“What? There were five Aurors?” Harry asked, looking back at Keung. “I only remembered seeing three?”
“If your dreams do show you exactly what took place, it may have ended early last night,” Keung said as he stood up and stretched his back. “Three Aurors went in first, but when they didn't returned, two more went it to see what happened. The first three were killed, and out of the two that went it after, one was killed…the other was injured so badly that he was left for dead.”
Keung looked at Harry with an uncomfortable expression. Harry could tell that he was holding something back.
“What is it?”
“The backup Auror that was killed…” Keung started, but stopped for a second before continuing. “I'm sorry, Harry. The backup Auror that was killed was Kingsley Shacklebolt.”
Harry couldn't believe it at first, but when the truth finally sank it, he clenched his fists tightly and stared at the floor. He remembered the Auror well. He was one of the Order members that escorted him from the Dursleys to Grimmauld place at the start of his fifth year. He was the Order member that tried to protect him from Magnolia Reins when he was taking the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron at the start of his sixth year. He held a bold and proud stature, but was very kindhearted and warm. It was a tragedy that his life was ended by the hands of two ruthless killers.
“We best be off,” Keung said as he placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. “McDavern, the Auror that survived the encounter, said that he overheard one of the Death Eaters saying that he may go after another crest before this afternoon. We don't know which crest it may be, so let's hope it's not the one we're going after.”
“Let's not waste anymore time then,” Harry replied as he stood from the bench and proceeded to unlock his locker.
“Wait a second, Harry,” Keung said as pulled a bag out from under the bench and took out a gray vest and cloak. “Before you leave, you need to put these on.”
Harry gave Keung a peculiar look but held out his hand nonetheless. Keung gave him a mischievous grin and gave him the two garments. Upon releasing them, Harry was shocked to find that they were a lot heavier than he had expected, causing him drop them onto the floor.
“What in the bloody hell are they made out of?” Harry asked as he lifted the vest.
“They are made from the scales of an Ukrainian Ironbelly,” Keung replied as he pulled out another vest and proceeded to put it on. “It is very strong…almost as strong as mythril. A lot stronger than most armors…weighs a considerable amount less too.”
“Well, I'm glad we're not wearing armor then,” Harry said sarcastically as he straightened out his vest and placed on the cloak, nearly losing his balance.
“It's for our protection,” Keung grinned as he pulled out a cloak and flung it over his shoulders. “You never know what we'll encounter when we get to the chamber. Believe me, this stuff is strong. It'll absorb most magical attacks without causing too much harm to the wearer. It could and will more than likely save our lives if things don't go as smoothly as we hope.
“Besides, within in the hour, you won't even feel it. It's also the standard battle garb for the Order.” Keung pointed to Harry's chest and when he looked down; he noticed the silhouette of a phoenix embroidered across it.
“Well if it's standard battle garb,” Harry grinned, no longer caring about the extra weight he had to carry, “then who am I to complain about it.”
Keung grinned back as reached into his pocket and pulled out the golden snitch that he had taken from Harry when they were at King's Cross.
“Before I forget,” he started as he handed Harry the snitch, “I had Dumbledore give it a look over and he says that it is safe. There were no traces of any enhancements of any sort. I don't know who got it back for you, but they didn't tamper with it.”
“That's good to know,” Harry smile as he ran his thumb against the fine print, before placing it into his pocket. “I always thought of it as my good luck charm.”
“Then it's perfect that you got it back today. Now to find me a broom.” Keung turned and made his way towards a set of lockers. “Whose lockers are these?”
“Oh, those belong to the Slytherins,” Harry replied as he retrieved his Firebolt from his locker and walked towards him.
“Perfect,” he smiled as he pulled out his wand and aimed it at the lock of the closest locker. “Bombarda!”
The lock exploded, causing the locker door to swing open. Keung happily pulled out the Nimbus Two Thousand And One that resided inside and the two quickly made their way out of the Quidditch locker room and the castle.
Once outside, Keung pulled out the parchment that contained the map of the Chamber of the Secrets and examined it.
“Okay, to get to the entrance,” he said as he looked up towards the sun, “we'll have to travel northeast for about fifteen or so miles.”
Harry nodded and the two mounted their brooms. Keung took off first while Harry tried to re-adjust himself. He knew the extra weight of his vest and cloak would make it a little difficult to control his broom, but not wanting to keep his guardian waiting, he decided to take off and finish his adjustments while in flight.
He struggled a little at first, but was soon able to gain his usual control. However he knew if he had to engage in evasive maneuvers, the extra weight he was carrying could easily throw off his center of balance. But that will be something he'll worry about if the time comes.
“You said the Death Eater with Willard was Vincent Palaris, right?” Keung asked when Harry caught up with him, the two flying at a comfortable but fast speed.
“Yeah,” Harry shouted back, the sound of the wind making it somewhat difficult for him to hear. “He's the one that uses that sword that I told you and Dumbledore about.”
“That's interesting,” Keung said to himself as the two made their way over the Forbidden Forest.
“What?” Harry asked, unable to make out he Keung said.
“I said that was interesting,” Keung exclaimed as he slowly drifted closer to Harry, allowing him to better hear him.
“Why is that interesting?”
“The Crest of Eternity was created by a warlock over a thousand years ago,” Keung explained. “The name of the warlock was Lord Montgomery Palaris.”
“Can't it be a coincidence?” Harry asked as he looked down at the green blur that made the tops of the trees. “You reckon with over a thousand years, there would be hundreds of families with that last name.”
“Not that name, Harry,” Keung replied as he pulled out the map and quickly examined it. “That was a name that the warlock created for himself and according to Dumbledore, he didn't have any offspring.”
“He created a name for himself?”
“Yeah…like Tom Riddle did, Montgomery Palaris was born Montgomery Slytherin.”
“Slytherin?” Harry cried as he looked at Keung with astonishment. “Is he related to Salazar Slytherin?”
“They're actually cousins,” Keung answered. “Ironically, Montgomery was ashamed with his family for their lack of action against Muggles. The whole lot hated Muggles because during that time Muggles misunderstood the realm of magic and constantly persecuted anyone who seemed abnormal. The Slytherins constantly talked about exterminating them but they never ever took action for the Wizard Council…pretty much the Ministry of Magic of that day, decreed that despite the harms Muggles have caused to the Wizarding World, they were to be protected and wizards who caused them harm by the use of magic would be severely punished. It makes sense, can't form peace if both sides are throwing blows at each other.
“I guess you could say that Montgomery was the only one who possessed the…er…courage to defy the Council. However, knowing that his actions would live in infamy, he didn't want to draw negative attention to his family, so he changed his name before starting on his quest.”
“That is kind of ironic,” Harry said as the two turned slightly to cut through the wind. “How was Palaris defeated?”
“After the creation of the Crest of Eternity, the Council knew it had to take action,” Keung answered. “Though by that time, Palaris had become so powerful that all those who stood before him perished. After several failures, the Council was starting to grow desperate. They originally wanted to only send experienced wizards and witches to go after Palaris, but by this point, they were willing to send out anyone who volunteered for the task.
“A wizard and two witches volunteered. They were all young and were just admitted to the Council, and for those reasons, the other members felt it would have been suicide to let them go, but since they were desperate, they allowed them to anyways. So that marked the start of the illustrious careers of Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff.”
“What about Slytherin?” Harry asked as Keung slowly lowered his altitude, he following.
“Slytherin eventually joined the group,” Keung explained, “but it was said that it was quite a struggle. Gryffindor and Slytherin never saw eye to eye, and Gryffindor believed that Slytherin could not be trusted since Palaris was his cousin. Though after being convinced by Ravenclaw that they needed as much as they could possibly get, Gryffindor swallowed his pride and went to Slytherin, who was currently being lectured by Hufflepuff to do the right thing.
“The group banded together and went to face Palaris. No one exactly knows how they defeated the warlock, but at the end of a gruesome battle that nearly claimed all four of their lives, Palaris was vanquished.
“The four later returned to the Council and presented them with the crest. The head of the Council felt that no single witch or wizard should ever wield such power on their own and he feared hiding such an artifact because anyone who stumbled upon it could easily claim its power.
“That left with the Council with the option of destroying the crest; however, when that proved impossible, they decided to divide the crest into four equal sections, therefore, dispersing its immense powers. The Council agreed to give the four sections to the four wizards and witches that destroyed Palaris, and gave them the responsibility to ensure that the four pieces would never again be reunited.
“The four accepted their duty and the section they each received was transfigured into a crest of their insignia. From that point, the four went their separate ways, finally reuniting many years after to create Hogwarts. By that time, the four had hidden their crests, and as they had agreed the day they each received a piece of the Crest of Eternity, they never ever spoke of it again.”
“So the crest that Willard and Vincent were after last night was the crest of Ravenclaw,” Harry said as they began their final descent through a small opening in the treetops.
“Yeah and unfortunately they were successful in doing so,” Keung replied, the two safely landing on the soft dirt.
“And the one we're looking for now is no doubt the crest of Slytherin,” Harry stated as he dismounted his broom and rested it against his shoulder like a rifle.
“Right you are,” Keung said as he pulled out the map and looked at it once more. “Now if this little map is correct, the entrance to the chamber should be right beyond those trees.”
Keung pointed to a small growth of trees and shrubs as he folded up the parchment placed it back into his pocket.
The two made their way through the trees and discovered a large pile of boulders. The two cautiously approached the pile, examining it carefully. Harry then found what looked like a snake carved into the center of one of the boulders. He pointed it out to Keung and the two took several steps back.
“Use Parseltongue, Harry,” Keung said as he withdrew his wand and held it ready.
Harry nodded and tried to remember how to unlock the ability. He focused his eyes on the carving and opened his mouth. What came out of his mouth was a low hiss. “Open.”
The ground around them suddenly started shaking, causing the two kneel down to maintain their balance. Like the bricks at the Leaky Cauldron that formed an archway into Diagon Alley, the boulders came to life and started to roll away from each other, revealing a stone staircase that led into the ground.
“Why you suppose Voldemort never used this to sneak into the castle?” Harry whispered as he and Keung placed their brooms against a nearby tree, and slowly made their way towards the staircase.
“I reckon he never knew about it,” Keung replied with a shrug. “The chamber does span out for over fifteen miles, you don't figure he walked that --”
Keung stopped and he looked down at the staircase with extreme interest. Harry, curious of his sudden halt, too looked down and noticed what appeared to be footprints, fresh ones, leading down into the chamber. Keung immediately leaned down and touched the prints; they were fresh. He gave Harry a worried expression and the two swiftly and as quietly as they could, descended the staircase.
This end of the chamber looked exactly like the other end. The walls were dark and slimy, and the stench of rotten animals lingered about the old, stale air. Random bones of small forest animals were littered about the floor and the two could hear water dripping from somewhere within the distance. Thankfully there were cracks in the ceiling, allowing small beams of light to enter the chamber, slightly illuminating their surroundings.
Keung stopped Harry when he noticed a large boulder that had crashed into the wall of the corridor. The two studied the boulder for a second before continuing on. They stopped once more when came across a series of large snake fangs embedded into the wall. Harry examined the fangs closely and noted that they were the about the size of the Basalisk's fangs that he fought during his second year.
“What is all this?” Harry asked as they proceeding deeper into the corridor.
“Looks like sprung traps,” Keung replied. “Seems whoever beat us here was able to make it passed them. Though since the footprints only go one way, either he is still in the chamber or he didn't make it passed whatever other goodies Slytherin left behind.”
The two continued on until they came upon a fork in their path. Keung led them down the left one and they soon arrived to the entrance of the chamber they were looking for. They heard something rummaging around inside and quietly leaned against the wall next to the door. They quickly peaked inside and found a man wearing a black cloak standing over a stone pedestal with his back to them.
Harry pulled out his wand as Keung gestured with his hands that they needed to charge in and surprise the Death Eater. Harry agreed for it would hopefully prevent a possible deadly fight from taking place. The two readied themselves and after taking a deep breath, they rushed through the doorway with their wands raised.
“You know, if you wish to sneak up on someone, you really ought to be a lot more quieter than that,” the man said as he turned to face the two, his wand also raised.
Harry's eyes widened when he realized that the Death Eater standing before them was the very same person whose eyes he has been seeing through in his dreams.
“You're…you're Vincent Palaris,” Harry stuttered.
“It's flattering that you know my name, Mr. Potter,” Vincent smiled as he bowed his head, before facing Keung. “And you must be Keung Chang.”
“That's my name,” Keung replied in a low tone. “I take you're searching for the crest of Slytherin.”
“Not search my friend, but possess,” he grinned happily as he raised his other hand, the green crest shimmering brightly in it. “So I reckon that you gents are going to try to take it from me?”
“That's the idea,” Keung replied as he took a step towards him, he in turn taking a step back.
“How did you managed to get into the chamber?” Harry asked while his eyes darted back and forth between Vincent and Keung.
“It's quite simple, Mr. Potter,” Vincent replied in Parseltongue, causing Harry and Keung's eyes to widen. “As you can see, Mr. Potter, I have the same ability as you. Trust me when I say those without that ability cannot venture into Salazar Slytherin's chambers.
“Now, I'm sorry,” Vincent continued, this time in English, “but I cannot stay and play. My Lord is a on a very strict time schedule, so I can't waste my time with you two. I highly suggest if you two would like to live to fight me another day, you step aside now.”
“You're not going to get out of here with that crest!” Harry exclaimed, taking a step towards the door, wanting to prevent any chance of escape.
“I beg to differ, Mr. Potter,” Vincent smiled wickedly, his eyes moving towards a large object on the floor.
Harry's eyes moved towards the strange object on the floor and his heart sank when he recognized it to be the dead skin of a very large snake, and from the size of it, it could easily rival with the Basalisk he killed during his second year.
“It's coming,” Vincent exclaimed as he lowered his wand. “Don't bother trying to talk to it, Mr. Potter. Since I woke it from his slumber, it will only listen to me. Have fun.”
The ceiling above Keung and Harry suddenly burst open as the Basalisk lunged at them. Keung instinctively grabbed Harry and pulled him to the ground, barely avoiding the snake's strike. Vincent took this as his opportunity, and quickly moved around them and out of the door.
Keung quickly picked himself and Harry up from the floor and the two maneuvered around the Basalisk's body and took off after Vincent.
“Did you bring your pocket watch?” Keung asked Harry as Vincent saw the two approaching, causing him to take off at a sprint for the staircase.
“Yeah,” Harry replied as he reached into his pocket and pulled it out.
Keung snatched the watch out of Harry's hand and opened it. He pushed on a number, causing a small bright gem to emerge out of the face of the watch. He took the gem and threw it as hard as he could, it landing securely in the hood of Vincent's cloak.
Keung smiled with satisfaction but was abruptly pushed aside by Harry just as the Basalisk broke through the wall next to them, taking a lunge at him.
“And you worry about me lowering my guard during a fight,” Harry cried as he quickly dove behind some fallen stone, taking in quick and shallow breaths.
“Thanks for that,” Keung replied as he took cover behind a crumbled statue. “Didn't you kill the Basalisk that was in the chamber?”
“I thought I did!” Harry cried as he quickly peered around the fallen stone to see that the serpent was making its way towards Keung. “He's coming for you! Don't look into its eyes or you'll die instantly!”
“That's good to know,” Keung exclaimed as he found an old rusty shield on the floor.
He picked it up and shielded his face and upper body as he made a dash out from behind the statue. He didn't make very far when he felt the snout of the Basalisk furiously ram the shield, causing Keung to fly onto his back. He quickly got to his feet with the shield up, but was once again fiercely knocked back onto the ground.
Harry took this as his chance and quickly ran out towards the Basalisk, his wand aimed at the back of the giant snake's head.
“Deflagratio!” Harry bellowed as he unleashed a constant wave of fire from his wand, burning side of the Basalisk's head.
The snake screamed in pain as it jerked about its head away from the fire.
Keung looked out from behind the shield and took aim for the serpent's tail, which blocked off the doorway that led to the staircase.
Large streams of lightning struck the Basalisk's tail, causing it unleash another scream as it violently rubbed its tail against the dirt.
“Go Harry!” Keung shouted as he pointed towards the staircase.
The two sprinted towards the staircase, easily avoiding the snake's swing tail and randomly launched spells behind them towards the Basalisk as they ascended the stairs.
“Close the chamber!” Keung shouted when the two reached the top.
“Close!” Harry shouted in English. He shook his head and focused. “Close!”
The boulders once again came to life and rolled over to conceal the staircase just in the knick of time. They could hear the angry Basalisk screaming as it rammed its head against the boulders; the two were very happy that rocks didn't budge an inch.
“That was a close one,” Harry said breathlessly as he collapsed on his hands and knees, the weight of the cloak and vest taking its toll on him.
“No time to rest now,” Keung gasped as he pulled Harry to his feet. “Go get the brooms.”
Harry nodded to him and quickly retrieved the brooms. When he returned, he saw Keung fiddling around with the pocket watch.
“What about the Basalisk?” Harry asked as he handed Keung the Nimbus Two Thousand And One.
“We'll tell Dumbledore about it when we get back to the castle, but we first need to get that crest,” Keung replied as he rested the broom against his chest and continued his work on the pocket watch.
“What was that gem you threw into his hood?” Harry asked as he watched Keung intently.
“It was setting stone,” Keung replied. “I guess you could call it a teleportation point for the pocket watch.”
“Teleportation point? You mean like how when I push the number seven, it takes me to Hermione's house?”
“Yeah,” Keung said with a nod. “There is a setting stone in Hermione's house that allows to you to teleport there. Now if our luck holds out and dear Mr. Palaris didn't notice the stone, he can run wherever he wants…even into Hogwarts, but the moment we push the number ten, we'll teleport right to him.”
“Well what we waiting for then?” Harry asked as he placed his hand on the pocket watch.
Keung grinned at him as he took hold of his broom and pushed the number ten.
A/N: Thank you to those who reviewed. If something about the story confuses you, please feel free to leave questions, and I will do my best to reply to them in a timely fashion. Thank you all again.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter Characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made from the creation of this story.
Chapter 6: The Crests of Eternity
Harry felt the familiar rush as he and Keung were transported to Vincent's location. He shielded his face with his arm to protect his eyes from the light, his heart beating faster with anticipation. He wasn't sure if he was ready for what was to come, but upon thinking of the Aurors that were killed the night before, he knew they had to win.
The light faded and when Harry lowered his arm. He realized that the two were in the Forbidden Forest and gauging by how far away the castle was, they were no more than five miles away from Hagrid's hut. The two immediately dropped their brooms and lowered themselves to their dueling stances, observing their surroundings carefully.
“That is a mighty impressive toy you gents have,” they heard Vincent say from behind them, causing the two to whirl around.
They found him sitting on a rock with his legs crossed, the gem from the pocket watch rolling around in his hand. He gave them a smirk as he briefly examined it.
“I was wondering exactly what it did?” he grinned as tossed it to Keung. “I reckon I know now.”
“You're quite impressive yourself,” Keung said as he stood from his dueling stance. “You moved ten miles in ten minutes.”
Harry's fists clenched tighter as he watched Vincent, his rage growing with each deep breath he took. He knew better than to go into a duel with such mixed emotions, but he wanted to avenge Kingsley Shacklebolt and the three fallen Aurors if it were the last thing he does. Keung noticed Harry's tension and knew that a fight was something that wouldn't be avoided.
“Speed enhancement charms are amazing, aren't they?” Vincent jeered as he jumped down from the rock, eying Harry curiously. “I've been experimenting with them along with potions to maximize the potency. Though they can be a little rattling on the nerves. I feel like I've just took a tumble down a hill.”
“Enough small talk,” Keung said firmly. “You know why we're confronting you.”
“I do,” Vincent replied, holding up the green crest for them to see. “However, you both are sadly mistaking if you believe that I am simply going to give it to you.”
“No by all means resist,” Harry growled through clenched teeth.
“Well I see that young Mr. Potter is more than slightly miffed about the situation,” Vincent commented as he removed his cloak and threw it aside, revealing the dark sword.
Harry's heartbeat quickened at the sight of the sword and once again, he felt it calling out to him, drawing him in. However, unlike the times before, he didn't give in to its calling. His anger was blinding and all he wanted was Vincent. He no longer cared for the sword, or at least for the moment, it could wait.
“You killed my friend,” Harry stated lowly, his wand aimed at Vincent's heart.
“Your friend?” he asked, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Last night,” Keung started as he detached his cloak, it falling to the forest floor with a loud thud, “you killed four Aurors…one of them was one of Harry's friends.”
“Only four died…. Nice to know that one of them survived,” Vincent replied with another smirk.
“Why would you be happy about something like that?” Harry asked angrily. “Happy that you may have another go at one that lived at some later time?”
“You have a lot of rage, Mr. Potter,” Vincent said, his voice strangely sincere. “I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend, but this is after all a war and casualties are expected. If you feel that I have wronged you then by all means feel free to do what you must to soothe the rage of emotions inside you.
“I am a soldier, not a monster,” he continued. “I follow orders and if someone stands in my way from fulfilling what I need to, then they are the ones who are putting their lives in danger. All that matters is the cause.”
“Whether you are a soldier or not, your master is a monster,” Keung said as he lowered himself back into his dueling stance. “By the way…you have a disgusting cause.”
“Two on one?” Vincent grinned as he raised his wand. “That hardly seems fair.”
“I thought that it's not the number that matters, but who participates,” Harry replied with a wicked smile. “After all, you're the great Vincent Palaris.”
Vincent narrowed his eyes after hearing Harry's comment. “You ask for death, boy? Well then you have come to right person.”
“Not if I can help it,” Keung stated. “You should never underestimate your opponent.”
“Believe me, gents,” Vincent replied as he lowered himself into his stance, “I will do no such a thing.”
A steady silence fell upon the three as they watched each other. The wind blew gently, causing the fallen leaves to dance about their feet as they were lifted into the air. None of them moved, none of them blinked. They measured each other, formulating their best plans of attack.
Harry watched Vincent's eyes narrow and knew that the time had come.
“Avada Kedavra!” Vincent bellowed as the green light left his wand.
Harry and Keung jumped away from the light and immediately bolted towards Vincent, Harry moving towards Vincent's right and Keung to the left.
Vincent saw the maneuver and not wanting to face an enemy on each front, he pointed his wand towards the rock he was once sitting on and whipped his arm around so that it was point at Keung. The rock started shaking and suddenly flung itself at Keung.
Keung was able to dodge the rock, but was completely thrown off balance. Vincent grinned, knowing that he would have a chance to concentrate on his other opponent.
“Confundo!” Vincent shouted with his wand aimed at Harry.
Harry dove to the ground, barely avoiding the attack. He quickly got back onto his feet and threw off his cloak. The heavy thing was making it very difficult for him to move as fast as he'd like.
“Stupefy!” Keung cried, launching the red sparks at Vincent's back.
The attack took him completely by surprise, but he was able to move fast enough to stop the attack with an Invisible Wall.
“Deflagratio!” Vincent retaliated at Keung before making a break towards Harry.
“Compello contruno!” Harry roared, firing the white jet of sparks towards him.
“Protego!” Vincent barked as he reflected the spell back at Harry.
“Protego!” Harry shouted back as he launched the spell back, somewhat surprised that he was able to keep the wall for shattering.
Vincent dodged the attack and before Harry had a chance to react, there were within striking distance of each other. Vincent threw a rally of punches, majority of which Harry was able to avoid, but the last one caught him right in the cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“Avada Ke--”
Harry quickly hopped onto his feet and was relieved to see that Keung had tackled Vincent, causing the two to stumble onto the forest floor, both losing their wands in the struggle.
“Damn you!” Vincent cursed as he tried to pry himself from Keung's grasp to reach his wand.
Harry took aim but was unable to get a clear shot. The two rolled about the ground, punching and kicking, occasionally landing a successful attack, however neither gaining any sort of advantage over the other.
“Let go of me!” Vincent yelled as he finally managed to push Keung off him.
Harry finally found his opening. “Immobulus!”
Vincent saw the attack coming and gracefully rolled out of the way. He successfully retrieved his wand and took aim at Harry. “Stupefy!”
Harry instinctively scratched the air with his wand, stopping the attack with an Invisible Wall.
“Pungo!” Keung yelled as he stood up.
The hex hit its mark and Vincent clenched his teeth as he felt a rush of pain course through his body. The pain was nowhere near the strength of the Crucio curse, but it was strong enough to crumble to his knees. Harry and Keung looked at each other and knew that this was their best chance to take the advantage.
Harry held his position as Keung quickly made his away behind Vincent, once again forcing him to fight on two fronts.
“Fulguritis!” Harry bellowed, unleashing a bolt of lightning at Vincent.
Despite the sharp sting that ran through his body, he was able to dissapparate out of the way and reappear a few feet away. He grinned to himself, knowing that the lightning would surely surprise if not strike Keung. However, against his knowledge, the attack was perfectly coordinated.
“Protego!” Keung shouted as he redirected the bolt towards Vincent.
It struck him in the side, causing him to cry out and collapse onto the ground.
“Finite Incantatum,” he groaned to himself, finally able to negate the Stinging Hex; however, it did absolutely nothing for the aching he was experiencing from the lightning bolt.
“Surrender,” Keung cried as he took a step towards Vincent. “You can't beat us.”
“Oh, I beg to differ,” Vincent replied as he got back onto his feet. “You are the ones that can't beat me.”
“That's funny…coming from the person who's having trouble standing,” Harry sneered as he took a step towards him.
“You are quite rude, Mr. Potter,” Vincent stated as he looked back and forth between his to adversaries. “You two do make a very good combination…but you haven't bested me…not yet you haven't.”
Vincent aimed his wand towards his feet and muttered something to himself.
Harry narrowed his eyes and advanced a few steps. He, however, stopped when he felt the ground rumbling underneath his feet. He looked at the forest floor and noticed a small hole forming in front of him. A large stone in the shape of a great spike suddenly burst out at him. Harry managed to avoid being impaled, but then realized that several more holes were forming around him.
“Watch yourself, Harry!” Keung shouted as he dodged one of his one spikes.
Harry rolled out of the way of another spike just in the knick of time and disapparated away from several others; unfortunately, wherever he reappeared he would see another hole appear. Knowing that he couldn't evade forever, Harry apparated to a low hanging branch of a nearby tree.
He looked down and found Keung standing on a boulder, just out of reach of the striking spikes.
“Finite Incantatum!” Keung roared, causing the spikes to crack and crumble into dust.
“You okay?” Harry asked as he jumped from the branch and landed safely on the ground.
“I'm fine,” Keung replied as he jumped down from the boulder. “Grab our brooms…the ruddy bastard has taken off and it looks like he's running towards Hogwarts.”
Harry didn't need to be told twice and quickly retrieved their brooms. The two were soon in flight, flying as fast as they could towards the castle while only being several feet off of the ground. Harry, being on his Firebolt, took the lead.
“Can you see him?” Keung shouted as he flew between two trees.
Harry narrowed his eyes and was able to make out a figure running ahead of him.
“I think that it's Vincent!” Harry replied as he pointed towards him. He knew that it had to be him, but he was having trouble grasping the concept for Vincent was running as fast as he was flying.
“He has to be using another speed charm!” Keung yelled as he tried to increase the speed of his broom, but was unsuccessful. “We need to slow him down! The only way to stop a speed charm is to stop the wizard from running!”
Harry nodded and followed Vincent's every movement, slowly gaining on him. Harry looked down towards the ground and saw that the ground was covered with soft dirt. Not entirely sure of how else to stop Vincent, Harry positioned himself so that his feet were on the broomstick.
He waited a few more seconds until he was within a few yards of Vincent and quickly pulled up on his broom. In one fluid motion, he jumped off his broom and threw it like a harpoon at Vincent's feet. It struck the back of Vincent's left leg causing him to fall and skid face first into the forest floor until he came to a stop.
Harry's right shoulder hit the ground first and he allowed his body to roll like a rag doll. The wind was knocked out of him and he found it difficult to breathe, but he was happy that none of his bones were broken. At least so far it seemed that all his body parts were working properly. He attempted to push himself up, but his aching and tired body wouldn't let him.
Vincent punched for the ground before he struggled back onto his feet, rubbing his dirt-covered face with the sleeve of his shirt. He whipped around to find Harry laying still, taking in quick shallow breaths. He pulled out his wand and was ready to finish the job, but was kicked in the side of the head by a figure that flew passed him.
Realizing that he had stunned Vincent, Keung quickly landed and threw his broom aside. He rushed over and took hold of Vincent's arm, flinging him away from Harry and against a nearby boulder.
“You two are quite the nuisance,” Vincent commented as he pushed himself off the boulder and licked his lip, tasting the blood that escaped his mouth. “I see now why Willard found you both to be worthy adversaries.”
“I warned you about underestimating us,” Keung replied as he positioned himself in front of Harry, preventing Vincent from getting a clear shot.
“I said that I wouldn't underestimate you two and have yet to do so,” Vincent said as took a slow step forward. “You and Mr. Potter make a fortifiable team. Best I have faced in quite sometime, but I am sorry to say --”
“You're holding back,” Keung finished for him.
“Good to see that you were able to tell,” Vincent grinned as he took the wand with his left hand and drew his sword from the right. “I am sorry, but I have toyed around with you two long enough. I can't linger around here all day.”
Keung took in a deep breath and watched Vincent make his advance, his eyes moving back and forth between Vincent's blade and wand.
“I have heard that you are quite talented with a sword,” Vincent said as he stopped his advancement and moved into his dueling stance. “It's a pity that you aren't carrying a sword with you…I would have much enjoyed a good sword fight.”
“Your style,” Keung stated, his eyebrows contorting, “it looks very familiar.”
“It should,” he replied coldly. “You did defeat one of my apprentices, after all.”
Keung's eyes widened at the comment as he took a step back.
“You taught Magnolia Reins how to use the sword?”
“Yes, I did,” Vincent nodded. “I was very intrigued with her Flamora weapons. You know, she was one of the best apprentices I ever had. You must have either great skill or great luck to have defeated her.”
“Maybe it was a little of both,” Keung replied as he lowered himself into his stance. “So, how about we finish this?”
“Actually, let's make this a little interesting,” Vincent smirked as he sheathed his sword and reached into his pocket, withdrawing the crest of Ravenclaw. “I want this to be a good fight. It wouldn't be much of a challenge if I were to use a sword…so how about I try out this crest. I am curious about its powers. Why not give it a go?”
Vincent's grasp on the crest tightened and it started to glow bright blue. An eerie smile formed across his face as he felt a surge of energy and power rush through his body, his eyes glowing the same blue color as the crest. He then released a loud howl just as if he were a wolf baying at the full moon.
Keung took a hesitant step forward. Vincent was leaving himself completely open to attack. He didn't know very much about the Death Eater, but he knew that he was a smart enough of a fighter to never leave himself so exposed in the middle of fight. Keung knew that if he were purposely leaving himself open, there was something seriously wrong and that he was in trouble.
Vincent grinned widely as he placed his wand back into his pocket. Keung, now beyond confused of what was going through Vincent's head, decided to play it safe and take a slow step back, keeping his wand trained on him.
With a sudden explosion of smoke, Vincent apparated right in front Keung and punched him in the face, knocking him down to the ground. Keung lost his wand in the fall, but didn't bother searching for it. He quickly jumped to his feet and threw whatever attacks he could at Vincent; however, he avoided and blocked every single one as if he were expecting them.
“This crest is awesome!” Vincent exclaimed as he knocked Keung's arm aside and grasped the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer. “You may have been better off if I used my sword.” With that, Vincent rammed his forehead into Keung's, knocking him down to the ground.
With a heavy grunt, Harry was finally able to push himself off of the forest floor. He had seen everything that happened and knew if he didn't act quickly, Keung would be done for. He took a few staggering steps forward and he raised his wand, aiming at Vincent's back. “Stupefy!”
Vincent smirked to himself and disapparated out of the way of the red sparks, reappearing behind Harry and wrapping his arm tightly around his neck. “You should have stayed on the ground, Mr. Potter. You will seriously regret making that mistake.”
Vincent noticed Keung getting up from the corner of his eye. He quickly released Harry's neck and took a firm hold of his vest. With one hard heave, Harry was thrown into the air, knocking Keung back onto the ground.
“Now for some real fun!” Vincent howled as he pulled his wand out and aimed it at the two. “Bombarda!”
Harry and Keung rolled out of the way of the way just as the ground next to them exploded, sending dirt and small rocks into the air. The two quickly got to their feet and once again were forced to take evasive actions as Vincent continued to make the ground around them erupt. Though to Vincent's displeasure, the two were able to find safety behind a huge boulder.
“Oh this is a fine spot we've ended up in,” Keung said sarcastically as he heard the spell break off of a chunk of the boulder.
“How is he able to predict our attacks?” Harry gasped as he rested against the boulder.
“I don't know…it has to be the power of that crest.” he replied. “We need to think of something fast or we're dead.”
“We're about a mile away from the castle,” Harry stated as he pushed himself off the boulder. “We could to make a run for it. If he follows, the Order could surround him or something…he'd have to give up.”
“But what about the students?” Keung asked breathlessly as he peaked over the top of boulder, his heart sinking when he saw Vincent take his time in walking towards them. “We can't put them in harms way.”
“He won't harm them,” Harry replied. “He won't harm innocent children. In my dream…he stopped Willard from killing the Muggle girl that lived in the castle. He said that unless he was ordered to harm them, he would never harm the innocent…Muggle or not.”
“The old him may not attack the innocent, but you can't say anything about him now,” Keung exclaimed as he grabbed hold of Harry and pulled him behind a nearby tree as the boulder they were hiding behind exploded.
“You may play hide and seek as much as you like,” Vincent laughed as he casually made his way towards them. “I love that game! But I am very sorry to say that I know exactly where you are. You can't run forever.”
“We can't let him get away with two crests,” Harry argued. “Voldemort will have half of the Crest of Eternity. The Order is at the castle…I know they and Dumbledore will know of a way to stop him. He can't be so powerful that Dumbledore can't take him.”
Keung quickly peered around the tree and found Vincent standing several yards away with his arms cross as if he were waiting for them to do something. He hated the thought of Voldemort gaining two crests as much as Harry, but he knew bringing the Death Eater to the school grounds could bring consequences. Though despite the consequences, Harry was right; half the Order was stationed at the castle, and they were their only hope they had of surviving this encounter and getting the crests.
“All right,” Keung nodded as he took a hold of Harry's sleeve, “we'll make a run for it. Don't run in a straight line…if he goes after you, you can't give him a steady target. No matter what happens, you keep running. If you make it to the castle before I do, alert one of the professors to round up the Order.”
“Okay,” Harry replied, readying himself.
“Go…now!” Keung cried as he patted Harry on the back.
Harry took off in full sprint from behind the tree, hurdling over several tree roots that lied in his path. He did as Keung had instructed and darted to the left and right as he made his way through the forest, constantly positioning himself so that he would have at least one tree behind him. He didn't bother looking over his shoulder; he kept his eyes locked on the forest line and pushed harder.
Harry was ecstatic when he was able to make out Hagrid's hut at the end of the forest; however, feelings of curiosity and concern soon took over. He was never once attacked or confronted by Vincent during his run. In fact, he never once saw Keung either. He quickly took cover by a fallen tree and stopped, his breath finally catching up with him. He looked back in hopes of seeing his guardian, but instead saw a very still forest.
“Where are you?” Harry asked himself as narrowed his eyes slightly. “I can't leave you behind.”
Harry was ready to run back into the forest but stopped when he saw a tree off in the distance fall to the ground. He could hear explosions echoing through the tries and what sounded like battle cries. He was able to distinguish one to be Keung's and he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. Not wanting to end up disappointing him, Harry took off in the direction of the castle.
When he finally made it out of the forest, he released a cry of triumph. However, he was then shocked to see both Hermione and Ron running towards him, the screaming sometime at him. He waved his arms in the air and shook his head, but before he had a chance to tell them to run, the ground underneath his feet exploded and he was hurled into the air.
He landed hard on his back, completely disoriented. It felt like his lungs had collapsed and there was a sharp ring in his ear. He was able to force himself to sit up, but his body refused to do more after that point. He opened his eyes and it seemed like everything around him was moving in slow motion.
He saw Vincent walking towards him with the crest of Ravenclaw in his hand. A wick smile formed on his face as he raised his arm, brandishing the crest. Harry's hand slowly made its way towards his pocket. He took hold of his wand but didn't have the energy to draw it.
The crest started to glow again and Harry felt his world darken. His eyes grew heavy and he felt his consciousness slipping away. He could vaguely see a figure move in front of him, shielding him from the light, but it didn't help. Harry's eyes closed and he collapsed back onto the ground.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Harry's eyes fluttered open and he jerked up from his bed, trying to take in his surroundings. Everything was a blur, but he didn't need his glasses to determine where he was. Once again, he had ended up in the hospital wing. He fell back onto his bed and released a sigh of relief. He was still alive; he had survived his first encounter with Vincent Palaris. He knew it wouldn't be his last, but he was content that he at least made it through the first one.
Harry took in a breath as he thought back, trying his best to replay what had occurred during their fight. He remembered that he was with Keung and that the fight had taken him back to Hogwarts, but for some reason, everything else had become hazy. He could somewhat remember being blasted by one of Vincent's attack and a bright blue light, but no other clear memories surfaced in his mind.
Harry turned his head to look at the bed towards his right and his eyes widened. He could see a person lying in the bed. He quickly sat up to get a better look and his heart stopped. He slowly reached over for his glasses, but he didn't need them. Even without his glasses, he recognized her. He knew that the person lying in the bed next to his was Hermione. Her face was pale, the curls in her hair messier than usual.
His body started shaking uncontrollably, and the missing memories from the fight with Vincent came to him as clear as day. He remembered being hurled into the air and being unable to protect himself. He remembered the glowing crest and the figure that came to protect him. The figure was Hermione.
He stood up from his bed and placed on his glasses. At a snail's pace, he moved towards her bed. He was immensely relieved to see that she was breathing, but it didn't settle him. He knew that she didn't look right. She's just resting, she's okay, he strained himself to believe as he knelt down and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Wake up, Hermione,” he whispered as he shook her shoulder gently. “Please wake up…please.”
She didn't respond in any way. Her body felt cold under his touch, making it harder to control the knots inside him.
“Hermione,” he whispered as he shook her again. “It's me, Harry. You know…your boyfriend…the guy who loves you more than anything…the guy that doesn't deserve your love. The guy that always gets you into trouble. The guy…that always gets…you…hurt.”
She didn't respond. Harry was shaking again, his grip tightening as he shook her once again.
“Please wake up, Hermione,” Harry cried, feeling his hot tears welling up. “I beg you, please wake up.”
Her silence caused his restraint to crumble. He shook again, this time almost violently. “Hermione! Please wake up! I'm sorry, Hermione! I'm so sorry! Please wake up!”
When she didn't respond, he released a cry of anguish and anger as he buried his face into his shoulder, allowing his tears to flow freely. He couldn't control his emotions any longer. He had once again failed to protect her.
Harry heard the door of the hospital wing suddenly burst open. He looked up to find Hagrid standing in the doorway with his crossbow raised, wearing a very worried expression on his face.
“What's the matter, Harry?” Hagrid asked as he carefully looked over the room.
“I'm…s-sorry, Hagrid,” Harry managed to get out after a sob. “Why won't…Her-Hermione wake up?”
“I…we dunno, Harry,” Hagrid replied apologetically as he lowered his crossbow. “Madame Pomfrey doesn't know what's wrong. She's been searchin' `bout the library for a cure…but she has nothing yet.”
Hagrid made his way towards him, leaving his crossbow on an empty bed along the way. He took a seat on Harry's bed, ignoring the loud creeks that it made as it supported his weight.
“What happened after I passed out?” Harry asked, finally in control of his emotions once again. “Did Vincent get away? Is Keung okay?”
“Keung's all right, I'll assure you of that,” Hagrid replied with a firm nod. “He's worried sick `bout ya. He waited in the hospital with Ron yesterday, hopin' you'd wake up. He's now doing a quick job for Professor Dumbledore…should be back real soon.”
“That's good to know,” Harry said, very relieved that his guardian had also made it through the fight. Though Harry could tell that Hagrid had avoided answering his first question. “What about Vincent, Hagrid? What happened to him?”
“He…he got away,” Hagrid confessed as he looked down at the floor. “He used the crest of Ravenclaw…blooming cheat that is…and got away. We couldn't even scratch `im. I fired all my arrows at him and he dodged them like they were nothin'.”
“So he got away with both crests?”
“That he did,” Hagrid said in a depressed tone. “That he did.”
“All that for nothing,” Harry muttered harshly.
“Some good came with it,” Hagrid insisted. “I'm just glad to see tha' you're all right.”
“I'm not all right, Hagrid,” Harry exclaimed as he stood up, not wanting to face Hagrid. “Look at what I've done…look what I have done to Hermione.”
“Harry…” Hagrid stammered. “It wasn't your f--”
“Yes it was!” Harry interrupted, losing control again. “It was my idea to run back to the castle! Keung said it would too dangerous, but I didn't listen! Now look what happened!
“It's my fault that she got hurt! It is always my fault that she gets hurt! She shouldn't be here…in the hospital! She's supposed to be studying in the library or writing an essay! Not…not lying like this in the hospital…. It's all my fault! She wasn't supposed to protect me!”
Harry turned to face the nightstand that stood in between his and Hermione's beds and with as much force as he could muster, he kicked it. He broke the lower drawer, causing the nightstand's contents to rattle; unfortunately it came with a price. He felt a sharp pain consume his foot and he bit his lower lip to keep from screaming. He had forgotten that he wasn't wearing shoes.
“Codswallop!” Hagrid replied with a shocked look on his face. “You know jus' as much as I do tha' Hermione be hurt by what you said…. She loves you, Harry…o' course she would have protected you. Wouldn' you do the same?”
“Of course, I would,” Harry said through gritted teeth. “I'd do anything for her. I'd give my life to protect her.”
“You can't expect less from her, can yeh?” Hagrid said with a weak smile.
“No, I can't,” Harry muttered to himself. Though admitting this to himself didn't make the guilt that surged through him lessen.
“Look whatcha done ter yer foot,” Hagrid sighed when he noticed a small pool of blood form around Harry's injured foot. “Madame Pomfery won't be happy with yeh.”
“I don't think she will be either,” he replied as he limped towards his bed and took a seat next to Hagrid. “Sorry about yelling at you.”
“Nah, it's nothin',” Hagrid grinned as he patted Harry on his back, nearly causing him to fall off the bed. “I understand why yeh did it.”
Harry nodded as his eyes fell back onto Hermione, but was then distracted by Hagrid's loaded crossbow.
“Hagrid, what were you going to do with your crossbow?” he asked.
“Oh…just going to have a look `bout the grounds,” he answered as he crossed his arms and took in a deep anxious breath. “There be rumors floatin' `bout that trouble may be comin' to the castle. Professor Dumbledore doesn' know if the rumors are true, but he wants us to be ready.”
“Yeah, it's good to be ready,” Harry nodded as he looked down at his bloody foot for the first time, his face contorting when he saw how out of place a few of his toes were. “I really made a mess of it, didn't I?”
“Nothin' Madame Pomfrey can't fix,” he replied as he stood up, the bed raising a noticeable amount. “I best be going, then…need ter finish those rounds. I'll go fetch Madame Pomfrey for yeh.”
“Thanks, Hagrid,” Harry said as he gave the gamekeeper a lopsided smile.
Hagrid picked his crossbow and headed towards the door as Harry's gaze returned to Hermione. He heard the door open and Hagrid talking with someone outside, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He was glad when he heard the door close. All he wanted at the moment was to have time alone to resort his thoughts.
“How you doing, mate?” Harry heard Ron say.
Harry looked up and a smile formed on his face when he saw Ron and Nancy standing by the doorway. The two looked haggard. He could tell that the two had been extremely worried and was happy that his awakening eased some of their concern. Despite wanting privacy, seeing his two friends was something he gladly accepted.
Harry tried to respond to Ron's question, but every time he opened his mouth, he couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He eventually gave up and simply nodded at them. The two hurried over to him, Nancy giving him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek and Ron gave him a pat on the shoulder.
“Blimey, you had us worried, mate,” Ron said as he gave him a grin. “We didn't know when --”
“Harry!” Nancy gasped, pointing to his foot. “What did you do?”
“Something I should have thought twice about before doing,” he replied as he gestured towards the broken drawer of the nightstand.
“I don't know what to feel more sorry for…the nightstand or your foot,” Ron chuckled.
Harry snickered along with his friend as Nancy shook her head. She pulled out her wand and with a quick flick; Harry felt the pain in his foot disappear. He looked back down and was in awe to see that his broken toes were mended and his cuts had stopped bleeding.
“Where did you learn how to do that?” Harry asked as she walked to the nightstand and pulled out a roll of white bandage from the top drawer.
“I've been spending the majority of my time at the library in Diagon Alley doing research for Professor Dumbledore,” she replied as she Aquula charm to wash the blood off his foot. “Along with my research, I perused through several spell books.”
“She's been reading up healing magic,” Ron added, taking a seat next to Harry on his bed. “She's thinking about becoming a healer just like Pomfrey.”
“That's brilliant,” Harry smiled as Nancy while she wrapped his foot with the bandage.
“I'm not exactly sure yet,” she said as she stood up. “I just know with you two, it's only going to be time before one of you will need to be sent to the hospital. So I reckon I might as well learn as much as I can now to save you both the trip.”
Nancy hoped her humor would lighten Harry's mood, but the moment his eyes fell upon Hermione, he sank back into his depression. Nancy sighed and took a seat on Hermione's bed, taking her hand in hers and giving it a squeeze.
“She'll pull through, Harry,” she said reassuringly.
“Yeah, there's nothing wrong with her…you know, physically,” Ron added shakily.
“Then what's wrong with her?” Harry asked.
“We honestly don't know…. I've been helping Madame Pomfrey find a way to wake her up, but nothing has worked so far,” Nancy said sadly as she let go of Hermione's hand and placed hers on her knees. “She was struck by a blue beam from the crest of Ravenclaw, right?”
“Yes,” Harry replied lowly. “Vincent was curious to know what powers the crest possessed when we were fighting in the forest. It was bloody horrific.”
“What powers did he use against you?” Ron asked curiously.
“More than likely he used foresight,” Nancy answered for Harry, causing him to look up at her with surprise.
“How did you know?” Harry asked, his voice slightly strained.
“That is what the crest of Ravenclaw is best known for,” Nancy explained. “It was a part of my research. Dumbledore asked me to find as much information about the four crests of Eternity as I possibly could as well as try to track down where they were hidden.”
“What did you find?”
“I was struggling with it a lot, because no one had any sort of documentation on it. But a couple of days ago, I had a breakthrough and found an old manuscript written by an old mage who knew the four wizards and witches very well and in his manuscript, he explained all the magical abilities of each of the crests, and believe me, even if You-Know-Who doesn't get his hands on all four pieces, each crest he gets makes him a lot more powerful.”
“That's good to know,” Harry groaned, staring down at his freshly bandaged foot. “And now he has two.”
“We need to make sure he doesn't get the other two, right?” Nancy exclaimed.
“Yeah…I'm sure the Order will figure something out,” Ron commented, trying his best to relieve Harry's tension. “So…um…what do all the crests do?”
Nancy crossed her arms and took in a breath. “Each crest has the ability to make its user more powerful magically. It was said that a single crest could increase a wizards powers by ten, so you can imagine how much power a wizard would gain with every crest that he gets. If the four crests are reassembled, the wizard holding the crest could be as much as hundred times more powerful.”
“Blimey….” Ron squeaked as he fidgeted on the bed. “That would make You-Know-Who a god.”
“That's only if we let him get all four,” Nancy said before continuing. “Each crest has its own special abilities, interestingly the abilities reflected each of the founding four wizards. For his bravery and defense of others, Gryffindor's crest possesses the ability to generate an indestructible and impenetrable barrier that would surround its user, protecting him from any attack, whether it is physical or magical. The barrier is so powerful that it could block the Killing Curse summoned by the most powerful wizards.”
“Wow,” Harry said quietly as he looked up at her. “I thought there was no protection against that curse.”
“No true protections exist. This crest is the only magical item known to the Magical World that could defend against it,” Nancy replied. “And for that reason, that is one crest we need to make sure that You-Know-Who doesn't get.”
“Are there any ways that the crests can be destroyed?” Harry asked fervently. “You know…any sort of weaknesses we could use against them.”
“The mage did write that each crest had its advantages and disadvantages, but he never bothered to explain any of the crests' disadvantages. I figured that is something that we'll need to figure out on our known.”
“That's bloody helpful,” Harry retorted as he shook his head, his frustration growing. “Here we are on the brink of war and we're forced to solve thousand-year-old riddles.”
“What about the other crests?” Ron asked.
“Well…for her kindness and want to help others,” Nancy started again, “Hufflepuff's crest possesses the ability to heal, both magical and physical wounds. The mage added that the crest even possesses the ability to revive a person from the dead.”
The crest of Hufflepuff intrigued Harry as he looked hopefully at Hermione. “You reckon that the crest of Hufflepuff could cure whatever Hermione has?”
“I guess it could,” Nancy replied with a shrug. “Because Hermione was affected by the powers of the Ravenclaw crest, I don't know if the Hufflepuff crest could do anything for her…but it wouldn't hurt to try.”
“So what exactly does the crest of Ravenclaw do?” Ron asked.
“That crest was a mystery to the mage. Ravenclaw was best known for your intelligence and wit, and for that her crest contains abilities revolving around the mind. As I said earlier, foresight was one of the abilities that the mage was able to determine, but he has witnessed Ravenclaw use the crest for other purposes that he couldn't explain.”
“Whatever other abilities the crest has,” Harry muttered, his frustration surfacing, “unless we find a way around its foresight, we're not going to get anywhere.”
“And the crest of Slytherin?” Ron said, his voice tensing slighlty.
“Due to his cunning and elusiveness, the crest of Slytherin possesses the ability to remove any magical enchantments that would protect a location.”
“What does that mean?” Ron asked with a confused look.
Harry's eyes lowered and he cursed himself. “It means that Voldemort can now destroy the magical barriers and enchantments that protect places like Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic.”
Ron's eyes widened and he quickly turned to Nancy, only to see her nod worriedly. “That means…You-Know-Who could attack the school whenever he wants to.”
“Yes!” Harry cried as he stood from the bed, his anger now fuming. “Don't you understand? That's why Hagrid was on alert and patrolling the grounds! No one is safe anymore! With that crest, Voldemort can go after anyone he wants, no matter how protected they are! I just handed him the key to the entire bloody Magical World.”
“What are you talking about, mate?” Ron asked, his emotions lost.
“I failed in stopping Vincent from getting away and I know that innocent people are going to get hurt because of it!” Harry spat.
“Oh Harry!” Nancy exclaimed as she stood from Hermione's bed. “Will you stop feeling sorry for yourself and accept the fact that you cannot control everything that happens!”
“Nancy….” Ron muttered as he shook his head and rose from the bed. “He's just cranky…he'll be fine later.”
“I'm sorry, Ron” she huffed as her gaze fell back onto Harry, “but Harry needs to hear this, and it's better coming from a friend than anyone else.”
Harry's eyes flared and he didn't care that the girl in front of him was one of his best friends. He opened his mouth, ready to quarrel, but she purposely interrupted him before he had a chance to speak a word.
“You don't say a word until I'm done with you!” she scolded as she took a step towards him. “It isn't your fault that Vincent escaped. He used a crest and overpowered both Keung and you. I mean, what do you expect, Harry? You are not invincible. You both gave it your all and you lost. You can't always beat You-Know-You!
“Do you honestly believe that we didn't make any backup plans incase something like this happened?” Nancy continued, placing her hands on her hips. “Believe me, the Order will not allow innocent people to get hurt. But you have to understand that the situation was out of your control and there was nothing you or anyone else could have done about it. You just have to accept the defeat and move on. We have lost the war.”
Harry's eyes moved down to Hermione. Nancy noticed this and scoffed, “Don't you dare start on what Hermione did! It was not your fault. She would do anything to protect you. Anything! Just as you would have done the same for her.”
An awkward silence soon fell onto the three. Nancy's cheeks were as red with anger as ever, while the redness in Harry's cheeks drained away leaving him very pale. His eyes hadn't left Hermione and as much as he wanted to accept what Nancy said, deep down he knew that he would always be responsible.
“I think you and I should get going,” Ron said to Nancy as he stood up from the bed. “Harry needs some time alone…right, mate?”
“Yeah,” Harry replied softly with a nod. “Some alone time would be good.”
“Listen, Harry,” Nancy started, her voice a lot calmer, “it's just like what Keung told you last year. There are some things you cannot control and you can do nothing but allow time to take its course. Hermione will make it. She is a strong girl and I know she will pull through. Let her take care of herself. You just make sure that if something does happen, nothing happens to her while she's resting up.”
Harry looked up at Nancy and gave her a shaky nod. She gave him a weak smile in return as she pulled him into a warm embrace. Ron gave him another pat on the shoulder and reassuring smile before the two quietly made their way out of the hospital wing.
Harry took a seat on Hermione's bed and gently brushed away the brown curls that covered her cheeks. He took in a deep breath and slipped under the covers. He pulled her into his arms and held her close. He took in the gentle scent of her hair, wishing with all his might that he hadn't convinced Keung to allow them to run for the castle during their fight with Vincent. Though as Nancy had reminded him, he knew that there was nothing he could do but patiently wait by her side.
A/N: Thank you very much for the reviews, and again, sorry for the slow updates.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter characters. They are the property of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., etc. No money was made in the creation of this story.
A/N: Sorry for taking so long with this chapter. I just recently came back from a 10-day camping trip and as you would guess, I had no time to work on my story. For those who have grown frustrated with my slow updates, please accept my apology.
Chapter 7: Fried Chicken and the Sudden Jolt
It wasn't until late that evening when Madame Pomfrey returned to the hospital wing and as Harry had expected, she wasn't very pleased with his newest injury. She gave him the usual lecture about carelessness and their idiotic outcomes. She believed the injury was the result of a stupid accident and Harry was planning on keeping it that way. She was, however, very impressed with the bandages that were applied to his foot; something he knew he had to tell Nancy.
After finishing her lecture and repairing the broken drawer of Harry's night table, she told Harry that he was free to leave the hospital wing. This pleased Harry. He never enjoyed being in the hospital wing and as everyone around him says, he spends too much time there. Though despite being allowed to leave, he didn't want to leave Hermione's side.
“Mr. Potter,” Madame Pomfrey sighed, frustrated with his persistence, “it is late and you haven't had anything to eat for the past two days. You must go and get something to eat if you hope to gain all your strength back. I will take good care of Ms. Granger and I promise to inform you the moment there is a change in her condition.
“Besides,” she continued, quite perturbed by Harry's silence and lack of action, “since you're no longer a patient, you are now considered a visitor. Visiting hours are over; therefore, you must leave the hospital wing. If you do not do so, it will result in a detention.”
Harry didn't know how to respond. A detention was the last thing he needed to worry about, but when it came to Hermione, he'd accept a million detentions to be allowed to stay by her side. He struggled to find the words he wanted to say but Madame Pomfrey spoke before he had chance to say anything.
“Please Mr. Potter,” she said in a reassured tone. “You need to go to the Great Hall and get something to eat. Ms. Granger will be fine. I will alert you when there is a change, but until then, you need to try to get yourself back on track. You are Head Boy, after all. Without Ms. Granger, your duties will double, so I must insist that you continue on your way and be prepared.”
“Thank you,” Harry said softly as he stood from his bed.
He had completely forgotten that he was Head Boy and was on the verge of panicking when he realized that he didn't have Hermione to fall back on. He held himself together, not wanting to cross Madame Pomfrey and took in a deep breath. He knew he could always turn to Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall if he needed any help with his duties.
Madame Pomfrey gave him a pat on the shoulder and soft shove to get him moving. Harry gave her a thankful smile and after one last glance at Hermione, he left the hospital wing.
Harry pushed his hands into his pockets and slowly made his way through the quiet corridors of the castle; his thoughts moving painstakingly back to the memories of Saturday morning and the scolding he received from Nancy earlier today. He did his best to forget it all, but the harder he tried, the harder it became.
He could smell the gentle aroma of dinner lingering about the Great Hall as he entered it, his stomach immediately rumbling. All he wanted was to get something to eat and get to bed as quickly as possible, but upon seeing Ron and Nancy sitting at the end of the Gryffindor table, his want for a hasty disappearance left him.
The two were in the middle of a deep lip lock. He walked quietly towards them, not entirely sure if he should interrupt them, but before he had a chance to make up his mind, Ron's eyes opened slightly and soon focused on him. Ron immediately broke the kiss and almost violently pushed Nancy off him.
Nancy was shocked at first but upon realizing Harry's presence, she instantly shifted farther away from Ron and tried to straighten her hair. Harry could tell that the two were trying their best to calm themselves down, but their faces were as red as tomatoes.
Harry hesitantly took a seat on the side opposite of the two and gave them a weak smile. He had just made an awkward situation even worse and he didn't know how to break the tension without bringing up the argument he and Nancy had. And as he feared, another uncomfortable silence fell upon them.
“Hey Harry,” Nancy said softly after several minutes. “I wanted to apologize for what I said to you earlier.”
“No, it's okay,” Harry replied, incredibly relieved that she brought up the subject. “You didn't do anything wrong. I needed to hear that.”
“I know you did…. But I had no right to yell at you the way I did. I should I have handled it better. I understand that you've been through a lot and I know that you're angry. Yelling at you when you're like that isn't the best way to get my point across.”
“You know how she gets when she gets rattled up,” Ron snickered, causing her to look at him with a careful expression.
“I am not like that all the time,” she protested as she slapped his arm playfully.
“That is what you think,” Ron grinned as he proceeded to poke her in the sides, which in turn made her jump slightly in her seat.
“That was dirty!” Nancy cried, narrowing her eyes at him as she quickly reached out to squeeze his sides.
“Er…. So what are you two doing here so late?” Harry asked, causing the two to stop what looked like the start of a tickle fight.
“Just spending some alone time together,” Ron replied cheerfully as he winked at Nancy.
“Oh stop it, Ron,” Nancy giggled, her face was once again bright red. “I have to leave tonight and head back to Diagon Alley. There are plenty of old books and parchments that I haven't gone through yet and the research must continue. Never know when we might find another big breakthrough.
“So… I wanted to spend time with Ron, away from the rest of the Gryffindors before I left. You know how they get and the last thing we want to start a big scene or be teased.”
“Oh, I understand,” Harry nodded as he stood from the bench, “I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I was just going to get something to eat.”
“No, it's okay, Harry,” Nancy said as she gestured for him to sit back down. “It's completely all right.”
“You sure?”
“It's no problem, mate,” Ron insisted. “We talked with Dobby earlier and he told us that he was going to prepare a special meal for you. He has been at it for the past hour, so you know it's going to be good. I reckon he should be out with the food in a little bit.”
“Oh okay,” Harry replied as he sat back down. “I'll wait for Dobby, but I'll go after that. I don't want to cut into your alone time together.”
“Don't worry, Harry,” Nancy giggled as Ron started to play with the back of her neck.
Harry just smiled at the two. Ron hadn't looked this happy in a long time and like Ron, he wished Nancy didn't have to leave so soon. Watching the two flirt, he felt the unusual feeling that Ron spoke of when he complained about his and Hermione's public displays of affection; however, unlike Ron, the thoughts of sibling indecency never once entered his mind.
“Oh dear! Sorry Harry,” Nancy exclaimed when she realized that he was watching them with a silly grin.
“No no,” Harry said as he tried to hold in his laughter. “I don't mind at all. Hermione and I have done that quite a few times in front of Ron, so it's only fair.”
“Only a few times?” Ron gasped as he shock his head. “Come now Harry…. It's more like at least five times a day.”
Harry snickered, causing the three to burst out in laughter. They haven't laughed like this since the last time they were together during the summer. Though without Hermione, the melody of their laughter wasn't right, but given their present situation, no one wanted to comment on it.
“Have you had anymore dreams?” Nancy asked after the laughter stopped, wanting to prevent another uncomfortable silence.
“No, not since Friday night,” Harry replied as he rested his arms and head on the table. “I don't really know what's going to with then.”
“Have you dreamt anything about the crest of Hufflepuff?” she asked, unsure if Harry really wanted to talk about his nightmares.
“No, sorry,” he answered. “The only crest I have dreamt about was the Ravenclaw crest.”
“That's good,” she said somewhat relieved. “Since you haven't dreamt anything about it, chances are it hasn't yet been discovered by the Death eaters yet. We still have a chance with that crest.”
“What about the crest of Gryffindor?” Ron asked.
“We all ready have that one,” she replied in a matter-of-fact tone, causing the two boys' eyes to widen.
“What do you mean, we all ready have that one?” Harry asked slowly, trying to make sure that he heard her correctly.
“The location of that crest was the only one that we knew of,” Nancy explained. “So we sent out a team to get it and they were able to retrieve it. They are currently moving about Europe and will return to England sometime within the next couple of weeks. Though the crest will be stored in a safe location outside the school.”
“Why outside the school?” Ron asked. “You reckon Hogwarts would be the perfect place to hide it… especially with all of its enchantments and protections and all.”
“Yeah but the last thing we want is to draw attention to the school,” Harry answered for Nancy, who nodded in agreement. “We don't want to give Volde-- oh c'mon Ron… You-Know-Who any reason to come attack the castle… especially since he now has two of the crests.”
“Though if we have the crest of Gryffindor, You-Know-Who can't put the Crest of Eternity together, right?” Ron said uncertainly. “Doesn't that mean we all ready win?”
“He can't but the Crest of Eternity together, but that doesn't means that we're not in danger,” Harry said in a low but not hopeless tone. “The more crests he gets, the more powerful he'll be. When he finds out that Dumbledore and the Order have the crest of Gryffindor… it'll only be a matter of time before he forces Dumbledore to fight for the crest.”
“Then we'll have to even it up,” Ron exclaimed as he turned to Nancy. “Have you found any clues that will lead the Order to the crest of Hufflepuff?”
“Nothing solid enough to pinpoint any sort of location,” she replied with a depressed sigh. “According to the manuscript written by the old mage, Hufflepuff was extremely concerned about the crest falling into the wrong hands, so she transfigured it into some other object. Problem is we have no idea what. She never told anyone what object she transfigured the crest into.”
“What is the Order going to do?” Harry asked.
“The only solution is to track down all of her most prized possessions in hopes that one of those items is the transfigured crest,” Nancy answered despairingly. “But that poses another problem.”
“What's that?” Ron asked as he started to rub the back of her neck, trying to ease her tension.
“Hufflepuff collected many artifacts during her life time,” she explained, “and so she has many… hundreds of what she thought were prized possessions.”
“That doesn't sound horribly bad,” Ron commented. “All the Order has to do--”
“I haven't gotten to the bad part yet,” she interrupted. “She loved charities and would always do her best in helping them… so before she passed away, she donated the majority of her possessions to those charities… many of which sold those items for money to help their specific cause.”
“More that likely, it was a collector that bought the artifacts,” Harry stated with a sight. “And it's the nature of artifacts to move from collector to collector or wind up in a museum. That means that those items could be anywhere by now… especially after a thousand years. For all we know, so of them could have been destroyed or lost.”
“Blimey….” Ron gulped, utterly stunned. “That makes things almost hopeless.”
“The Order is forced to rely on luck and we hope the Death Eaters have to do the same,” Nancy said as they heard a crash coming from outside the main doors of the Great Hall followed by the squeal of a house elf; Dobby they figured.
“Half the Order is currently running around the world trying to find those items,” she continued. “So far we've been able to locate about thirty of them, and so far, nothing.”
“I didn't think we would be lucky enough to find it all ready,” Harry sighed as they heard further commotion come from outside the Great Hall.
“Harry Potter sir!” Dobby cried as he rushed through the large doorways with a large plate of food in his hands. “Dobby is very happy to see you, sir!”
“It's good to see you too, Dobby,” Harry replied with a smile. “Thank you for the food, it looks and smells delicious.”
The large silver plate was covered with so much food that Harry wasn't sure if he could finish it all. Dobby had prepared a grand assortment of his best dishes with included fried chicken, baked ham, mashed potatoes, fresh honey rolls, and stuffing. Harry couldn't help but show a grin when he noticed Ron's hungry stare.
“If there is anymore Harry Potter sir needs, please tell Dobby,” the house elf announced as he saluted Harry.
“I'll be fine, Dobby,” Harry replied, saluting back. “Thank you again.”
Dobby bowed so low that his long thin nose touched the floor and with one last salute, he took his leave.
Harry snickered as he turned back to his friends. He noticed that Ron was practically drooling over the food, his right hand trembling slightly and slowly creeping towards the plate, while Nancy sat next to him, slightly offended that he paid more attention to the food than her.
“You can grab a piece of chicken if you like,” Harry offered to Ron.
“No no, I couldn't, mate,” Ron replied but it was more than obvious that he wanted to.
“It's okay, go ahead,” Harry offered again as he picked up a large chicken wing and held it out to Ron. “There is no way I can finish all of this food on my own. I'm not that hungry.”
“If you insist,” he smiled widely, taking the offering and taking a bite out of it. “This… is… really… good….”
“I'm glad you're happy,” Nancy huffed as she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at him.
“You want anything?” Harry asked her.
“No, I am completely content with my boyfriend,” she replied while glaring at Ron; however, he didn't take notice.
“Okay, I'll be heading off then,” Harry said as he stood from the table and picked up the large plate.
“You sure, Harry? You can stay,” Nancy said.
“No, it's okay,” Harry replied. “I need to get to eat and get to bed. I haven't full regained my strength yet and Madame Pomfrey wants me to rest up. Besides, you two need some alone time together.”
“You sure?” Nancy asked again.
“Yeah,” Harry nodded as he turned to Ron. “Want another piece of chicken?”
“If you're offering--”
“No, he's fine,” Nancy interrupted as she slapped his hand away from the plate.
“What was that for?” Ron asked as he rubbed his reddened hand with the other.
“You take care, Harry,” Nancy smiled, ignoring Ron's question. “I'll be dropping by every other week or so to let you guys know what I find and just to check up on you both.”
“That'll be great,” Harry smiled back. “Good luck with the research and all.”
“Thanks. Oh, if you have any dreams that would help us find the crest of Hufflepuff, please tell Dumbledore.”
“Don't worry, I will,” he said with a firm nod. “I'll see you later.”
Harry made his way out for the Great Hall, trying to keep his laughter contained when he heard Ron try to defend himself in regards to his insensitivity. It was so like Ron to act the way he did and then defend himself when his actions were brought up. Emotional range of a teaspoon, he grinned as he walked through the corridor towards the Head Room.
The castle was its usual quiet self. Except for the occasional ghost, Harry didn't see anyone. He was glad about this for he didn't want to be hounded by the students about the fight that took place with Vincent. He didn't want to be reminded of how he and the Order were severely defeated by him.
Harry's mind settled on the meeting he and Keung had with Vincent in the Chamber of Secrets. Harry didn't realize it before, but there was something very familiar about him. He couldn't quite determine the reason why, but he felt it egging him at the back of his mind. It felt as if he were an acquaintance in a past life.
The sword once again surfaced in Harry's thoughts and once again it was calling out to him, tempting him. Harry shook his head vigorously as he placed his plate of food onto a nearby table. He no longer pondered about it or wanted to claim it. After meeting Vincent, Harry wanted nothing to do with the cursed blade and only wished it would stop haunting him. However, whenever Vincent entered his mind, so would that sword.
The sound of voices coming from around the corner of the hallway broke Harry's thoughts, and his mind was free, at least for the moment. Harry listened carefully and recognized the voices belonged to Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkninson.
“All the Aurors together couldn't beat that one Death Eater,” Malfoy laughed loudly as they rounded the corner. “If that is the best the Ministry of Magic can come up with, they are done for. Just a team of five of those Death Eaters can do away with that Cornelius Fudge… the idiot he is.”
Harry quickly hid behind a statue, curious to hear what else the two Slytherins had to say. He could hear their footsteps growing closer and he hoped that the smell of his food wouldn't attract too much attention. Luck was on his side for the two were unaware that they were heading straight towards him.
“Do you think that that Death Eater will come back?” Pansy asked, her voice somewhat shaky as if she were worried.
“I do hope so,” Malfoy replied in a hopeful tone. “He nearly killed that jumped-up Mudblood. Maybe next time, he'll finish the job and rid us of Saint Pot--”
Malfoy stopped when they saw Harry step out from behind the statue several years in front of them. They could see the fire in his eyes, his clenched fists shaking slightly. When he took a step towards them, Pansy quickly moved behind Malfoy with a terrified squeak. Malfoy eyed Harry carefully, unsure of what to do.
“Wh-what do you want, Potter?” Malfoy snarled as he crossed his arms.
“Do you find it funny that Hermione was hurt, you disgusting slug?” Harry growled as he grabbed Malfoy's robes and shoved him against the corridor wall. “Do you find it funny that the castle was attacked?”
“Come off it, Potter!” he scoffed, pulling his robes out of Harry's grasp and shoving him back. “No harm with a little laugh. But if you must know, I find it bloody hilarious. I haven't seen something so funny in ages and I do hope that Death Eater comes back for a second appearance.”
“You are unbelievable,” Harry said lowly as he released a frustrated sigh. No matter how much Draco Malfoy angered him, he knew he shouldn't attack him. Lowering himself to such a level would be something he could never forgive himself for.
“If that Death Eater does come back,” Harry continued, “I hope he gets you. Ridding the school of one pathetic bastard would cause no harm…. In fact, it'd be quite funny. Don't you think so, Malfoy? It would be bloody hilarious.”
Harry turned and slowly walked back to the table that held his food. He knew his last comment struck a nerve and could possibly cause Malfoy to snap. Harry slowly moved his hand to his pocket and was ready to defend himself if Malfoy tried anything.
Malfoy's restraint was gone and his anger had taken over. Harry heard him growl followed by a stomp and the movement of robes. From the sounds that echoed throughout the corridor, Harry could tell that Malfoy had opened his robes and was reaching for his wand.
“Hold it right there!” Harry heard a raspy voice shout before he had a chance to pull out his wand.
“M-Moody….” Harry stuttered as he watched the old Auror walk out of the shadows and towards them.
Malfoy's face turned white and he immediately straightened himself and clumsily tried to straighten his robes.
“Attacking a man when his back is to you!” Moody roared as he gripped Malfoy by his collar. “That is by far the most despicable and cowardly act any wizard could do! Slytherin or not, I expect better behavior out of any student that attends this school.”
“I'm sorry!” Malfoy squealed, his knees trembling. “I'm very very sorry!”
“If my memory serves me right,” Moody stated as he narrowed his eyes, “this is the second time that I have caught you trying to attack Potter from behind. You deserve to be punished, you worthless piece of scum.”
Moody pushed Malfoy back, causing him to fall onto his backside. Moody reached into his robes and withdrew his wand, aiming it at Malfoy's forehead. Malfoy, fearing what was to come next, pulled up his arms for protection.
“No Moody!” Harry exclaimed as he stepped in front of Moody, blocking Malfoy from him. “He deserves to be punished but not like that. He will get detention for trying to attack me.”
“Detention?” Moody retorted, lowering his wand. “Detention is no suitable punishment for such an act, laddie.”
“Sorry, Moody,” Harry said firmly. “He will get detention. Nothing more. We do not punish the students that way.”
“Fine then, you are the Head Boy,” Moody huffed as he crossed his arms. “What will he have to do for detention?”
“He will….” Harry finally turned and faced Malfoy, whose lower lip was shaking and face paler than ever. “He'll have to clean the owlery for Mr. Filch for a month.”
“A month?” Malfoy cried, completely shocked and ready to be enraged once more, but held himself together when his eyes met with Moody's. “A month… yeah, sounds fair. I'll report to Filch tomorrow.”
“You better, laddie,” Moody said lowly, his magical eye bulging out at him. “I will check in with Mr. Filch and if I hear that you have neglected your duties or performed the them poorly, I will not hesitate in punishing you myself.”
“Yes sir,” Malfoy replied weakly as he gave him a quick nod. “We… we've stayed here for too long. Pansy and I need to continue our rounds… our prefect duties.”
“Fine, be off then,” Moody sneered as the two Slytherin prefects turned on their heels and hurried down the corridor.
“I take you're going to pretend that you were the same Moody that was our professor during our fourth year?” Harry asked with a smirk.
“Might as well. No point trying to explain the truth to the students. I hardly believe that they would believe me anyways,” Moody replied as he turned to face Harry, the eyebrow over his good eye raised. “You manipulated him quite well, Potter.”
Harry released a soft sigh and gave Moody an apologetic look. “You've been watching the whole time?”
“Long enough to see you verbally provoke him into attacking you,” Moody replied. “I could see that you wanted to attack him, but you're not accustomed to throwing the first blow. So you wanted to provoke him so your attack would be in self-defense. It's easer to fight someone in self-defense.”
“That was what I was hoping for,” Harry admitted, his guilt creeping over him. “He said some bloody awful stuff and I just wanted to blast him. He is one of the few people who could and would make me that angry, and he enjoys it. But… it still didn't feel right to just attack him.”
“Good to know that your conscience is working,” Moody chuckled as he patted Harry on the shoulder. “I'm not saying you did the right thing in provoking him, but better that than to simply raising your wand and letting him have it.”
“That's why I only gave him detention for a month,” Harry grinned. “Were you really going to transfigure him into a ferret?”
“I wasn't going to do anything to the boy. I was only playing along with what you started. Besides, I can't do it even if I wanted to. I don't know that charm,” Moody grinned back. “Though I do know how to transfigure a person into a dung beetle.”
Harry laughed as he bid the old Auror goodnight and retrieved his food. Malfoy the Dung Beetle. He had to admit, it had a better ring to it than Malfoy the Bouncing Ferret.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
It was September 16th and for the majority of the school day, the Gryffindors were abnormally silent. No one needed to ask for an explanation for the students in the other houses knew the reason for it. It was Hermione Granger's birthday and the once happy occasion was clouded by worry and pessimism. Even Professor McGonagall wore a very depressed demeanor during her classes, her usually enthusiasm gone.
Hermione hadn't shown any improvement in her condition; something most people saw as a bad thing. Harry knew that it wasn't good that Hermione hadn't shown improvement, but was also greatly relieved and content that her condition hadn't worsened. He only hoped that whenever her condition was to change, it would be for the better.
Harry visited her everyday after his classes. He would usually bring his homework with him and do it while sitting in a chair by her bed. He often read the homework readings out loud in hopes that the combination of his voice and information she often hungered for would trigger some sort of physical response from her. She, however, never responded, but it didn't stop him from continuing.
Harry didn't bring his books with him today. Today not only marked Hermione's birthday, but was also the day of the Gryffindors' Quidditch tryouts. He didn't like the idea of having the tryouts on same day as Hermione's birthday, but it was the only available evening that they could reserve the pitch. He was very happy though when Ron and Ginny volunteered to lead the tryouts until he showed up. It meant that he would at least be able to spend sometime with Hermione.
“Happy Birthday, Hermione,” he said softly to her as he took a seat in his usual chair. “I'm really sorry but I can't stay very long today. I know it's really rotten of me and I know you'd be angry with me… especially since it's because of Quidditch. I promise to make it up to you and I'll stay here with you as long as I can.”
Harry knew that in Hermione's current state, she more that likely couldn't hear a word that he said. Though in the off chance that she did, he did want to do his best to explain himself. For all he knew, she was very much awake inside, but had no way of waking up physically. He brought up the theory with Madame Pomfrey, but from the expression she gave him afterwards, he knew that it was a theory he needed to keep to himself.
“I brought you a couple of presents,” he smiled at her as he held up two nicely wrapped gifts. “I don't know why I wrapped them up, since I'm just going to unwrap them and tell you what they are. I guess you could say I got a bit caught up in the moment.
“Anyways,” Harry snickered to himself, “I'm opening the first one. I think you'd be able to figure out what it is because of how small the box is. I bought it in Diagon Alley. Actually, it came from the same store where I bought your necklace. When we all went book shopping before first term started, I kind of sneaked off to get this for you, I hope you like it.
“It's a promise ring,” he said quietly as he opened the box and pulled out a small ring. The band was made of white gold and it held a small light-blue diamond, which was cut in the shape of a heart.
“It isn't incredibly fancy. I know you don't like anything that's overly fancy. I find it funny that you enjoy reading and studying the most complicated stuff but you prefer your life to be simple as possible. I still don't know why you want to be with a guy like me if you want a simple life… I seem to do nothing but make your life more complex than it really has to be. But I do promise with this ring that I will always love you and be with you. No matter what happens, you know that you will always be the keeper of my heart.”
Harry quickly rubbed his watering eyes and took in a deep breath. He placed the ring back into the box and closed it. He placed it on her night table and then proceeded to unwrap her second present, which revealed a large book.
“I remember how excited you were when Professor Spencer brought this up at our first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, so I did some quick research and found this book. According to Professor Dumbledore, it's the best book ever written on the subject. It's Lucille Van Morgernstern's Everything You Would Ever Want to Know About the Internal Makings of Spells.
“I read through a few of the chapters earlier and it is pretty interesting. I may have to borrow it after you're finished reading it. Actually, you know… maybe I'll just start reading it to you, you know, that way we'll both be learning something and when you wake up, you can finish it on your own. And if you let me, I'll borrow it afterwards.”
Harry's smile grew very weak, but he took in another breath and opened the book. He turned to the table of contents and casually read through it before turning to the introduction. He cleared his throat and with a tone of a storyteller, Harry began to read the introduction out loud to her.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
“Blimey Ginny!” Ron cried as he glared at his sister. “You have ran all of them haggard! They're only trying out for a House Quidditch team, not a national team. Come off them a bit before they start hating the sport.”
“If they do love the sport,” Ginny replied with a harsh tone, “they will not mind going through the extra effort of proving themselves and working hard.”
The tryouts had gone on for an hour and a half, thirty minutes longer than what was originally expected, and as Ron had said, the newcomers were fatigued to the point that they were ready to fall of their brooms. Ginny had them run every possible drill that she could think of, trying to bring out the potentials of each newcomer. At this moment, they were flying back and forth across the pitch as fast as they possibly could, a drill that was good for building up stamina and agility.
“Come now,” Ron said, his frustration nearly at its maximum, “you know perfectly well after watching them try out for the first fifteen minutes that none of them are good enough to play for the team. Half of them can't even control their brooms.”
“Dean was a horrible on his broom before he started playing Quidditch,” Ginny retorted as she pointed towards her boyfriend, “and look at him now. He'll probably be one of the best Chasers that Hogwarts will ever have.”
“If you two don't mind, please don't bring me into the discussion,” Dean stated squeamishly as he and Seamus Finnigan took a step back from the two arguing siblings. It didn't seem like they heard his comment.
“That's true, but it took him a bit before he became really comfortable on his broom,” Ron argued. “None of these guys are simply going to pick it up by doing mindless flying exercises all day.”
“So I leave you two in charge and this is what happens,” Harry laughed as he approached them.
“H-Harry!” Ginny exclaimed. “We didn't think you were going to show up.”
“Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. I was reading something to Hermione and I completely last track of the time,” he replied at the two before looking up that the newcomers zigzagging through the air. “I thought the tryouts would be over by now.”
“They were suppose to,” Ron replied as he shot his sister another look. “Ginny has had them flying around in circles for the longest time. Mind you, there were more that tried out, but half of them quit and left about thirty minutes ago.”
“I wanted to weed out the bad ones,” Ginny said as she crossed her arms and returned her brother's look. “And if you must know, it worked. We know for sure that only the very determined ones are left.”
“That's good,” Harry said, cringing when he saw two newcomers nearly collide with each other. “Which of them do you think should be added to the team?”
Ginny grew silent, causing Ron to sigh and answer for him.
“We don't think any of them are good enough to join the team,” he answered with another sigh. “I mean, we practically already have a full roster. You know, you being the Seeker, Ginny and Dean being Chasers, Jack being a Beater, and me being the Keeper. Andrew came back and tried out a bit, so we want him back as our other Beater and we all feel that Seamus is great for our last Chaser position.”
“You mean, you had them run drills for ninety minutes and none of them are going to make the team?” Harry asked, his eyes wide.
“None of them were good at anything,” Ginny explained. “I was hoping that some of them would be like Dean and be poor in one aspect of the game but exceptional good in some other. So I made them do drill after drill after drill. But, they are all poor in all aspects. None of them can catch well, fly well, or throw well. The only thing they have going for them is their determination.”
“You know they're going to be mad when we tell them that none of them will be making the team,” Harry sighed as he looked back up at them. “If you feel that none of them have what it takes, then there is no point having them keep up with the drills. Have them come down and break it to them gently. We don't want to lose any potential players.”
Ginny nodded and called out to the newcomers to land. They did and with a worried sigh she proceeded to explain that none of them had made the team. While some of the newcomers lowered their heads, some, as Ron and Harry had feared, were outraged, asking why they had to work so hard to achieve nothing. Harry wanted to step in and help her, but knew that it was a situation that she could handle on her own, especially since it was her determination to find their hidden potentials that led to the rough tryouts.
After what seemed like an eternity, Ginny was able to calm the group down, easing them by stating that they were all potential alternates in case of a player injury, and dismiss them. Though the damage had been done. Three of the newcomers who did possess the potential of being Quidditch players within the next couple of years were fed up and cursed the sport before leaving the pitch.
“Well that went well,” Ron grinned at his little sister, causing her to give him a hard punch in the arm. “What was that for?”
“It was just as much your fault as it was mine!” she screamed at him, rearing to punch his arm again.
“How you figure that it was my fault?” Ron asked as he took a step away from her.
“Harry put both of us in charge,” she replied, throwing a punch at him, but missing. “If you thought my methods were bad then you should have said something and not just agree with me.”
“I never said I didn't agree with your methods…. You just took them too far!”
“Let's see how you like it when I take my fist too far!” she bellowed, throwing another punch.
“That's not fair! I can't hit a girl!” Ron yelled as he dodged another punch.
“Tough luck then, because I have no problem hitting boys! Especially stupid and obnoxious ones!”
“Have these two always been fighting when I'm not around?” Harry asked Dean and Seamus as they along with Andrew and Jack watched the two Weasleys go at it.
“Not usually,” Dean replied as he lowered his head, releasing a sigh. “But they do have their sibling fights every once in a while.”
“I guess you could say that without Hermione around, Ron has no choice but to empty his frustrations on Ginny,” Seamus added as he watched Ginny connect a punch into Ron's gut. “Oh… that must have hurt.”
Harry nodded and crossed his arms, not wanting to verbalize the emotions that he was feeling inside. He looked down at the grass and kicked his foot back and forth, making a small hole. What he really needed was someone to talk to. He felt odd about turning to Ron for the two never really talked about matters of the heart and because of him, the one person he always turned to couldn't talk back.
“I'll bet you a Galleon that Ron avoids Ginny until she gives up,” Seamus laughed as he nudged Dean in the shoulder and pulled out a gold coin out of his pocket.
“You're on!” Dean exclaimed, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a coin. “I bet you that Ginny knocks him out cold.”
“Oh we want in!” Andrew and Jack said in unison, both with a Galleon in their hands.
Harry snickered as he looked as his team. His Keeper was in a life-and-death struggle with his star Chaser while the rest of the team made bets on the outcome. He shook his head and reached into his pockets, pulling out a Galleon of his own. If he couldn't beat them, he might as well join them.
* ~ * ~ * ~ *
Several weeks had passed and the students were anxious about their first trip to Hogsmeade. Dumbledore and Order were hesitant at first about allowing the students to go, but knew that the population would grow uncontrollably unruly if they were to be cooped up for too long. Since the emptying of Azkaban prison, Voldemort and the Death Eaters had not struck another public place and if they were too, Hogsmeade, more than likely would not be their target.
Hermione's condition hadn't changed in the slightest. The group knew that they could not continue to feel depressed over their fallen friend, and therefore did their best to cope with her absence. She was alive and believed well by Madame Pomfrey, so until further news would say otherwise, the worrying subsided. Ironically enough, this was the time when the majority of Gryffindors realized how valuable Hermione was to the House for without her intelligence and ability to answer professors' questions, the Gryffindors' House points were abnormally low.
Harry continued his routine throughout the weeks. He would visit Hermione in the mornings before going to his classes and right after would return to her and spend as much time as he could with her before having to leave to perform his Head duties. He would occasionally skip his Head duties for Quidditch practice, but nothing ever cut into his time spent with Hermione. For his constant need to visit her, many thought he would eventually have a nervous breakdown, but Harry was fine and well. He cherished every minute he spent with Hermione despite her being unconscious and his need to be by Hermione's side was not for the sake of his sanity, but for his want to be there incase she woke up.
“Visiting hours are over, Mr. Potter,” Madame Pomfrey whispered to him. “You must go and start your duties. You know the first trip to Hogsmeade is tomorrow. The students will be exceptionally rowdy tonight. You and the prefects must maintain some sort of order.”
“It shouldn't be too bad, Madame Pomfrey,” he replied as he closed his textbook and placed it into his book bag. “Curfew is going to start soon and I'm pretty sure no one is going to disobey it, especially if their Hogsmeade privileges are at risk.”
“Nonetheless,” she insisted, “students can still be rowdy.”
“Everything will be fine,” Harry reassured her as he gave Hermione a quick peck on her cheek. “Nothing horrible has ever happened before.”
Madame Pomfrey raised her eyebrow and gave Harry a look that immediately told him that what said was false. Though she but didn't bother making a comment about it and simply shook her head with an agitated expression on her face. She walked him to the door of the hospital wing and gave him a nod before pushing him out and closing the door behind him.
Harry made his way towards the Gryffindor Tower, wanting to see how his friends were doing, when his scar started to tingle. He moved his hand to his forehead and rubbed his scar gently, worried about what could be possible wrong. He has experienced this feeling before and he knew that whatever was going on, Voldemort was happy. If Voldemort was happy, it meant that something horrible was about to happen.
Harry knew he had to inform Dumbledore about the situation and ran as fast as he could towards to the corridor that led to the hidden entrance of the Headmaster's office. The closer he got to the corridor, the stronger the tingling in his scar crew, but when he reached the stone gargoyle, he felt a jolt that was so strong that it nearly knocked him off his feet.
He leaned himself against the gargoyle for support, trying his best to remember the password that would reveal the staircase; however all his mind focused on was the growing throb in his head. He felt another sharp jolt, causing him to fall onto his back.
“What's going on?” Harry said through gritted teeth as his hands moved to his head.
Voldemort was happy. He was extremely happy.
A/N: I know that cliffhangers are horrible with me since I'm not the speediest updater, but please bear with me. Thank you to those who took the time to review and I am really sorry for the delay of this chapter. For those that didn't read the Author's Note at the beginning of the chapter, I just got back from a 10-day camping trip and haven't had a chance to work on my story, hence the horrible delay. Thank you to those who have stuck it out and I hope you enjoyed the chapter.