Rating: NC17
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Draco & Ginny
Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5
Published: 06/06/2004
Last Updated: 30/01/2007
Status: In Progress
As always, Draco is assigned to protect Ginny from harm... if you can think of a romantic stereotype, it's probably in here, but it's fun and you know you'll love it anyway... so read on!
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but I still get to play with them in my head... hehehe.
A/N: okay, so I decided to write something else! I actually really like this one, because there's an actual plot and everything! And the D/G action is great... trust me. A number of things are fully cliche, as well, just so you know, but I made them better *proud smile* Beta is Claresse, so thanks to her for her ideas and her editing! Now... On with the Show! Gypsy.
“No, no, no, no, no!!”
“Ginny -“
“No!” Ginny couldn't help the screech that came out, and really, she didn't care.
“Gin -“ Harry was trying as hard to hold onto his temper as Ginny was.
“Not on your life.” Okay, maybe he was fighting it harder. The danger in her voice was clear.
“Ginevra Molly Weasley!!! Sit down and listen to me!” He expertly cut her off when she opened her mouth to retort. “I'm through pretending that you have a choice in this!” Ginny fell back into her chair with a huff and her arms crossed.
“The situation is very clear. There is some information that the Death Eaters are searching for. From the ministry intelligence analysis, there are three people who could have that information, or be needed to find it. Hermione is probably the most likely, which honestly kills me, and you know it. Pansy Parkinson is also seeming very likely, and you are the third suspect, as it were. No matter which of you knows what they are seeking, all of you need to be protected.”
“Then why can't someone else do it!”
“Ginny,” Harry rubbed his temples in an attempt to regain his patience, they'd been at this for awhile and he was beginning to think that fighting Voldemort hadn't been this hard. “The rules of the ministry are clear: Protective Aurors cannot be assigned to a person they are in any way attached to. Ron's your brother, I practically am, and you've been friends with Blaise for awhile now.” Harry's voice was clearly disapproving of this last bit and Ginny frowned at him, so he just continued, “I'm the supervisor, so I oversee the whole thing and that leaves three people, two of whom are not allowed to protect you officially. So, Ron will be protecting Pansy, Blaise is responsible for Hermione, and Draco will be your protector.”
“And what does that mean, exactly? Why don't we just all go into a safe house or something?”
“You can't go into a safe house, because, strategically, we need to know what those last few Death Eaters are after, and we can't find that out without the three of you.” Again he cut off her attempt to retort and continued, “You know I hate that too, you're basically part of my family and Hermione is my fiance. I don't like the thought of using any of you as anything remotely resembling bait. As for what exactly all of this means, we've got a meeting in about 5 more minutes where all of us who are involved in this thing will discuss what to use as cover stories. Luna and Ron will discuss with Pansy; Hermione and I will plan with Blaise; and you will talk, civilly, with Draco.”
“And I have no choice anyway.” Ginny's voice finally showed resignation to the situation. At Harry's nod, she prepared herself for the inevitable, “Well then, I think a chat would be lovely!” She grinned and stood up with mock cheerfulness as he lead her out of the room.
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing… no, really, I hope I get a job soon.
A/N: Hello all! Thanks so much for the reviews! They're very fun to receive (and they prompt me to update quicker)! Thanks to Resse, my beta, once again for editing and suggestions. Thanks to Frost21, by the way, and I'll update Ginny's name and use the real one from now on (even though I hate it) because, as we all know, she's not my character… I don't have the first chapter on file on this computer though, so I'm hoping you'll all forgive me and understand that I'll re-edit as soon as I can. Oh! And just so everyone's clear… this is a boy Blaise story. Okay now… On with the Show!
A/N 2: Sorry, This is only an edit of the update I did yesterday, I guess I didn't look it over well enough, cause this is the direct edit! (that's what most of the parenthesis were, sorry to the reviewer who mentioned it, but I wouldn't have realized the mistake without you!)
Chapter 2: The meeting
As Ginny and Harry entered the private ministry meeting room, Ginny noticed that the three tables in the room were already occupied. Ron and Luna were talking with Pansy (whom Ron was assigned to protect in this case) and Hermione and Blaise were discussing their cover story at the center table, where Harry was currently headed. Over to her left, Ginny locked eyes with Draco Malfoy and realized that she was the only protectee who didn't have a live-in boyfriend or husband to have to concoct a story with…she'd be working directly with Malfoy. Without losing eye contact, Ginny took a deep breath and moved over to the far table.
Fifteen minutes later, the Weasley/Malfoy meeting was still extremely unproductive as they sat and glared at one another. It was Draco who finally broke the silence.
“So, Weasley, are you finally ready to admit that you couldn't wait to spend every moment with me?” He sneered at her, frowning and glaring across the table.
“Actually, Malfoy, I've decided you weren't worth the problems that might otherwise arise. I still don't know why they picked you though, since you're obviously as likely to smother me in my sleep as anything else.” Ginny's voice was casually detached from her cutting words.
Draco clearly recognized the cut, and his eyes narrowed in response. The little chit dared to suggest that he couldn't do the job he worked so hard for… Protection Aurors were supposed to be the most respected Aurors in the ministry, and the most trustworthy. “Doubting my trustworthiness, little weasel?” His voice was dangerous already, almost daring her to say it again.
“Just wondering, Ferret, how much do Protector placements go for now?” Her tone of voice was once again the true insult…it didn't matter what they said, she was prepared to battle him and he wasn't about to back down.
“Look, Princess, I earned my job and I don't plan to let a little bint like you screw it up for me. So why don't we just figure out our cover? Speaking of which, where's the other party we're supposed to be working with? Creevey finally figure out to ditch the rag doll?”
“Actually, I think Colin and Neville will be very happy together.” Only a slight blush indicated that she took any offense at all to his mention of her lack of relationship…but it wasn't enough to slow either of them down.
“My, my, my! I think the poof community should thank you…that's the second man in recent history who hops into bed with you and then runs screaming from the female species forever. Perhaps you should be isolated from all wizards, you know...to protect the rest of us.”
“Actually, I think that men do just find being gay without my initial influence.” Ginny took the time to look Draco up and down with a significant look as to her meaning.
That was enough. Draco was tired of the banter when he really did want to do his job…even if it had to do with…her. He stood up to tower over her, palms flat on the table between them as he leaned in.
“Listen you stubborn, obnoxious, little chit! If you think that I need to sit and listen to you, just so I can protect you from whatever it is that's supposed to be after you…you can forget it! Either you start being somewhat cooperative so we can get something done, or I say let them have you!” Draco sat down heavily, somewhat gratified that she stayed quiet long enough to let him get that all out.
It was Ginny's turn now. Slowly moving into a position that clearly mimicked Draco's former posture, Ginny had her own say. “You know what, you ferrety, pointy nosed, obnoxious bloody prat!!!! I don't need your help! No one is after me, and even if they were, I don't know anything that would help them, so it doesn't matter! And you know what else, even if I did need help, I'd jump into a bottomless pit without a cord before I'd ask you!” The scorn in her voice as she spoke to him was almost as palpable as his had been and they locked eyes once again, glaring angrily at each other.
Harry sighed. He, Blaise, and Hermione had finished their discussion of their cover story. All three now sat watching the side show act that had formerly been the silent table on the far left. The story they'd concocted was that Blaise and Hermione (who worked in the Mystery Research Sector) were working on a project together, during the day, and Harry (a Protection section leader in his own right) would manage at night. That way Blaise wouldn't have to move in with them.
Ron and Luna had already reported to him their story with Pansy as well. Luna and Pansy worked together at the Daily Prophet, and Pansy had already been looking for a new flat, they simply decided to let her move in with them on the pretext that her previous flat had already been sold. Since, to the public, Ron didn't have regular work, him accompanying the both of them on a story or two wouldn't be completely out of place. Ron was currently being held in his chair by his wife to prevent him from engaging in the escalating war between his sister and Malfoy. His face was a study between pride and extreme anger as he listened to his sister's and Malfoy's jibes , respectively.
“How will anyone ever believe that the two of them are together willingly at all?” Hermione's question was enough to bring him out of his musings and back to the problem at hand.
“I don't know, I can't think of anything that Ginny and Draco would have remotely in common… they hate each other… and remarkably, by ministry rules, that makes him the only person qualified to protect her.”
“Right,” Hermione had her “business” voice on now. “So, let's figure out something for them. I'm not losing my best friend just because she can't calm down and be mature enough for even a second to figure out some sort of cover for them being together.”
“I agree, so, let's think of what we need to include.” Blaise broke into the conversation as well, joining both tables, still watching the “entertainment”, in the discussion. “They have to spend time together… almost constantly…”
“No, constantly. Since Ginny and Colin broke it off, Ginny's alone in a large, somewhat isolated flat… there's no one to get help if something happens, so Malfoy will have to be right there.” Ron had worked, grudgingly, with Draco for almost three years now, so he knew his sister would be well protected if they ever got to that point. Right now his hope to protect his sister over-road his personal dislike for Malfoy.
“So, why would they be talking to each other, much less living together?” They all turned to regard the pair in question in answer to Pansy's question.
“Lust.” Luna's somewhat dreamy voice was the only to supply an answer. As a result, she was now the subject of the incredulous stares.
“You've got to be kidding me.” Ron was vigourously shaking his head in response to the idea his wife supplied.
“Actually, Ron, I think that may be the only thing that's going to work. People almost never have trouble attributing that particular emotion to people of the opposite sex who fight like those two do whenever they're in the same room. Maybe the cover is that they've been seeing each other for a bit, based on sex, and have decided to come out into the open about it cause the secret is causing too much stress for one or the other of them. Does that work?” Hermione was applying a wholly scientific thinking to the problem, as usual, but she couldn't help the small smile that came out at her imagining of what would happen if Draco and Ginny were told that she came up with the idea for their cover story.
“Listen to me you stupid, bloody, vain, pansy-ass, sodding wanker!” Ginny's voice interrupted any further conversation with a vengeance.
“Now, now Weaslette, thinking naughty thoughts about me?”
“Could you get any more smarmy, you slimey, slithering, despicable snake? 'Oh, look at me, I'm Draco Malfoy...Merlin's answer to every love-lorn witch or wizard that ever lived! Pathetic, Slytherin man-whore! I bet -“
“ENOUGH!!!!” Harry's shout finally put an end to the mudslinging as the blond and red head turned their mutinous glares on him. Harry took a deep breath and quickly filled the noise gap with what he had to say. “Since you two can't talk civilly for long enough to come up with a cover story, we've come up with one for you. You've been secretly involved for about 6 weeks now, and since the stress of the secret was getting to you, Ginevra, you're finally coming clean and moving in together… Great. Now that that's done, we're all dismissed and I can go home after I file these things away.” Picking up his papers detailing the cover stories the three groups would be following, Harry left the room with Hermione, Ron, Luna, Blaise, and Pansy following behind… all alternately suppressing laughter and sheepishly avoiding the looks of the flabbergasted couple in the corner.
Draco closed his mouth with a snap. Malfoys did not gape. Oh, god. Malfoys don't date Weasleys either. He turned to the woman beside him and set his mouth into a grimly determined line. “Right, fine, see you tomorrow then.” Then, just as the others had, he left Ginny Weasley standing in the room alone.
The whole ministry heard the aggravated scream… they assumed it was from the Department of Mysteries.
Disclaimer: still, I own nothing... I have a job now though. :-D
A/N: Okay, I've done back edits, so everything should be good now... but we'll see. On a note for this chapter, this is mostly background, but it's very important for the rest of the story (motivations and such). Hope you like this newest chap and thanks, as always, for reviewing! Oh! And I have nothing to read... so everyone update soon with your Draco/Ginny bits! :-P
NOTE: This chapter is NAUGHTY! I have my rating for a reason, and at this point you find why... *cheeky grin* and this is all because we're such good girls (and boys, if there are any).
Ginny's night was not going well. Reminiscing is fun and all when you're with someone else... when the thoughts don't leave you wallowing in a sea of rejection... Bastard. It was all his fault! Really, she hadn't been thinking about two years ago when Harry had come up with his crackpot cover story. But then he had to Floo her; he just had to come check...
“Did you tell them?” His face in her fireplace had shocked her out of her own reverie... which is probably how he got the whole sentence out.
“No, you pointy faced prat, I did not!” She crossed her arms and smirked as he abruptly disappeared. She had put a charm on her fireplace that ended conversations based on the hostile inflection of her voice. It was very useful... and she liked the idea of Draco Malfoy covered in soot, having basically been shoved out of the fireplace by a sudden magical barrier.
He was gone and she was sure he wouldn't try to get in touch with her again. For the night, at least... but he was moving in tomorrow morning. Ginny was, of course, filled with apprehension at that thought.
“UGH,” Ginny shouted and began pacing; being quiet and still held very little appeal at the moment. “Two years! Two!!” she began ranting to her, very attentive, snowy owl, Athena. “Two years without anyone asking anything about why we stopped getting along... without anyone wondering if something had happened! Now, I have to go and tell a story that is all too close to two years ago!!” Glumly she fell back onto her sofa, “Except this time he has to stay...” and the musing began anew.
Ginny had been so excited going into Auror sorting. Getting accepted into the Protector Program was an amazing honor, those in this program would eventually be Protectors for the secrets of their divisions. She knew where the students from the year ahead of her had been placed and that really made it all the harder for her to think where she'd like to go. She knew that the personality and aptitude tests she had taken would place her without a choice, but she was still thinking about it. Harry was among the officers, mostly those who had already distinguished themselves somehow and who would be good working without much supervision. Hermione had been put in the Research Division, of course, and now spent much of her time in the Department of Mysteries. Ron was a Strategist, a General Protector during peacetime and somewhat like a Muggle lawyer (so Hermione said) in some of his duties as well. She also knew that Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini had created a stir when they had joined the same program... grouped under `those with something to prove', mostly these were people who felt they needed to earn trust and respect before they could determine what they wanted to do. Some people in that division were also happy to know that, after their initial, all-around, two year training, they'd get to choose their own assignments to some degree, if they had distinguished themselves enough for those accepting applications. When the results of her test had been revealed to her, Ginny had been surprised to find that, for at least a year, she would also find herself working with the likes of Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.
After the initial shock, and the blustering of Ron, Ginny had settled into her own division, and, like many others, she found it fun and interesting to be able to work in many of the different departments, instead of being confined to just one. The only other group that got so much movement was the officers, which she found very interesting. She even found herself beginning to like spending time with Malfoy and Zabini, who had initially begun hanging around her to annoy the `Terrible Trio' but found themselves intrigued by the red head as well. The three would regularly go out, talk, and generally have fun together by the time six months had passed.
Then the Ferret had to go and be in a towel when she stopped by one night. Prat.
That incident and the subsequent realization that one of her closest friends was also a very hot male had made things a bit harder as the blushing returned full force…as did her penchant for falling for male friends.
It had been about two weeks after that incident that Draco, Blaise, and Ginny had gone out drinking after training. Ginny had had slightly too much to drink and out of concern, and the fact that he noticed her reaction to his best friend, Blaise had suggested that Draco Apparate Ginny home. But merely to prevent splinching, of course.
When they had gotten to her house, Draco, like any good and concerned friend, had asked why she had consumed so much alcohol, when usually she'd have one or two and be helping one of the guys home later. This had prompted her own tirade about not having someone of her own to help her home and wondering why men didn't want her and then blaming the whole thing on him and his `bloody towel'.
“What?” Draco stood up from his place on the couch, in order to make her face him in her accusation, and also to prevent himself from becoming dizzy watching her pace in front of him.
“You heard me, you prat! If you hadn't been in your towel when I came to talk to you at the Manor about my project, I would have been just fine and I wouldn't have had to worry at all that two of my best friends are two of the hottest guys in training, and the fact that I can't seem to stop thinking about one of them! If I can't stop thinking about how sexy you are and how much I want you, then how am I supposed to be able to find someone else!? And for that matter, how am I supposed to do my job!?” She put her hands on her hips, began tapping her foot, and waited for him to give her an acceptable answer.
He was speechless.
“Ginny, I - “
“Oh, bugger it!” After throwing her hands in the air to admit her own defeat she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled his mouth down to meet hers. In his shock, and to keep them both from falling, his hands had moved of their own accord to her hips.
The kiss was searing. At first, neither had moved, due mostly to shock of what they were doing, but then Draco had pulled her closer to himself. She wrapped her arms up around his neck, lifting herself more to his height. He ran his tongue along her lips seeking entrance as his mouth moved over hers and she gratefully granted it to him, battling his tongue with her own as the kiss deepened even further. Finally, as it became clear that kissing wouldn't be enough to make the raging feelings go away, he pulled out of her embrace.
“Ginny, I - I do want this, I promise you, but I don't want you to do something you'll regret just because you're drunk.” He was somewhat out of breath and the longing in his voice was apparent as he prepared to leave her in her flat. He knew if he looked at her again all his hard earned morals would be damned.
“Draco, I have a secret.” Just the way she said it was enough to make him lose his resolve not to look at her, and when he turned, she was close enough to kiss again and her hand was on his shoulder.
“I'm not that drunk.” Without waiting for an answer she pulled him down to meet her once again in a passionate kiss, but this time, all restraint had flown.
This kiss was enough to heat the blood racing through the pounding hearts of both of them. They pressed themselves together, regretting every tiny space between them. His hands pulled her into him by her arse and she fitted herself as closely as she could manage. She felt his arousal clearly in her abdomen. It wasn't clear if she had moved first, or if it was him, but, without breaking their lip lock, he lifted her and she wrapped her legs around him so that now their still clothed centers were pressed against each other.
He began walking to her bedroom, both of them moaning with each step as they rubbed against each other. He finally leaned over her bed, letting her fall from his hold onto the mattress as he began trailing his lips over her jaw and down the column of her throat. His hands began moving the fabric of her shirt up her body, caressing her bared skin as he went. Eagerly, she began removing his shirt as well, her movements frantic. She lustily caressed his skin once his torso was fully revealed to her. Both their bodies were sculpted and toned by months of hard training. His lithe, slightly more muscular body, caused her mouth to water as she looked at him. And her athletic, small frame seemed to cause the same reaction in him. He was the first to move, beginning to kiss down her chest as he simultaneously began unhooking her bra and pulling out of the way to free her to his lustful gaze. He bent his head to take a firming nipple into his mouth as he began kneading her other breast with the hand not holding his weight off of her. She moaned and arched into his touch, running her hands up his muscular back to entangle in his hair and hold him to his chest. As he sucked on her left nipple, lathing it with his tongue, he took her right between his fingers, rolling it to hardness, before moving his head to her right and sending his left hand to move further along her body. He rested his hand, open palmed, on her stomach, feeling the flutters there, waiting to go further. As his hand rested, she moved her hands down over his back, to the belt of his trousers, which she then followed forward until her hand was on his zipper. Unzipping his pants, she immediately began pulling them down over his hips, not hesitating to reach into his boxers and grip his arse teasingly as his trousers fell to his ankles.
With his pants down, Draco lifted himself away from her body, kicking the final way out of his pants and allowing her to see him as she pulled his boxers down to follow his pants. Seeing him nude in front of her, Ginny couldn't help reaching out to take his penis in her hand, bringing her lips to it briefly before looking up at him and taking pride in the fact that she could cause his face to look so ecstatic with so brief a gesture. She then pulled away, unhooking her skirt as she dragged herself up the bed. The friction of her movement caused her skirt to be pulled down of its own accord, leaving her in only her knickers by the time her head was up among the pillows. Slowly, he moved up the bed after her. Kneeling beside her legs, he caressed up the outside of her left leg before hooking his finger through the waistband of her knickers and pulling them down with his hand trailing down her right leg. With her completely bared to him, he moved so that he was kneeling between her knees. He ran his hands up the inside of her legs, lightly caressing the inside of her thighs before running his hands along her slit, teasing her before entering her body with one slowly thrusting finger, followed by two fingers. His other hand moved up her already writhing body and moved to cup and kneed her breast while he leaned to capture her moaning mouth in a sensual kiss. He moved the thrusting hand to brace himself and the other hand to lift her as he moved into her, both of them gasping and moaning with his entrance. She brought her arms up to grip his shoulders as he slowly thrust into her. As his thrusts sped up, she moved her hands to grip his arse and pull him as far as possible into her center. Their hands had continued to explore and move over each other at first, but now they both sought release with complete abandon and desperation. As he felt her nearing her peak and his own thrusts became erratic he caught her lips in yet another fiery kiss, sending them both over the edge together.
After they had recovered from their orgasm enough that he was no longer collapsed on top of her and someone had had enough energy to grab a wand and clean up the aftermath of their copulation, she curled herself against him. When they were nearly asleep, and he was trying to decide if he should stay with her or not, he heard her small voice beside him.
“Will you stay tonight?”
“Of course.” And with that she had moved even more against him, his arm around her and her arm thrown across his chest. He had pulled up the comforter to cover their naked bodies and they had both fallen asleep.
She dreamed that maybe he had kissed her in the night, but she didn't feel him leave.
He wasn't there in the morning.
The next day, she didn't see him at work either, not that, at that point, she wanted to. When she did see him again, she asked why he hadn't been there when she had woken up.
“I had to leave. Ginny, I don't want this completely screwing up our friendship.”
“It wouldn't have. If you had been there.” And she had walked away. After that she had proceeded to pretend that Draco Malfoy did not exist. About a month later, she dated and then broke up with Blaise Zabini as well. The reasons for the break up were never revealed, but Hermione had a hard time convincing Ron not to have a party for the fact that his sister no longer spent time with `those bloody gits'.
The day after the break up, Ginny came into the office with eyes blood-shot and puffy, clear proof that she'd been crying. The day after that, Blaise had come in with an eye bruised and puffy, and his lip split, clear proof that he'd been beaten up. Harry and Ron swore that it wasn't them. A short while after that incident, however, Ginny, for some reason, decided that the silent treatment was far less interesting than all-out verbal warfare, and that was how the relationship between Draco Malfoy and Ginevra Weasley had progressed up until the current point. And now, they were going to have live in the same house and pretend to be in love...
A/N: I know, I know, I 'm a bad, Bad person! Sorry, a lot's happened since the last chapter, obviously, especially some major writer's block about how to proceed. Hopefully this satisfies you and hopefully I'll get more out post haste! Cheers!!
"Honey, I'm home!" Thunk. Ginny groaned at the sound of something heavy being deposited in her living room, and cursed the training in the muggle world that had allowed Draco to pick up some annoying catch phrases.
"Gin?" Hearing her brother helped to wake her somewhat as she turned over in her large, comfortable bed. She knew he wouldn't go long before he began to search her out, and being his sibling left him few inhibitions as far as what was appropriate wake-up technique.
Ginny groaned and turned onto her back, looking up at the ceiling and wondering what possesses people to be up in the morning... especially when she had so much trouble managing a wink of sleep.
As light began entering the room, she groaned again and moved up onto her elbows to look towards the door and assure her brother that, no, conjuring water above her head was not necessary this morning.
"Hey Gin." It was the Smug Bastard.
"Get out." Most people would consider that her Dangerous look... he seemed unaffected.
"Well, I warned you."
Hermione, Harry, Blaise, and Ron didn't really need to ask what the loud crashing sound was in the hallway when Malfoy came, rubbing his shoulder and his head alternately, from the same direction. They did however have to try valiantly to smother their laughter... that they failed, can't really be held against them.
"Right, no going in the Weaslette's bedroom and she's not a morning person... check and check." He moved past the trio and began unpacking his things, starting with the kitchen... farthest from Her room.
Ginny wasn't long in following Malfoy from the hallway. Still wearing her pajamas and a disgruntled look, she glared at the laughing trio and began giving rough, gestured directions on where boxes should be placed.
"Why are you all here so bloody early, anyway?" She frowned at a picture of her, Draco, and Blaise that must have been dug up from training photos as she unpacked it. She did realize what it could lend to their cover, and so put it on the mantle, opposite a picture of the other ministry trio.
"Gin, it's after noon..." Harry pointed at the mantle clock.
"Oh." She didn't feel the need to be ashamed of her sleeping habits and thus went on casually unpacking... once again ignoring snickers and "looks" from the others in the room.
And so it began.
Ginny and Draco had walked hand in hand into work the next day. And generally people took the stormy looks on their faces to be frustration with the number of questions they still had to answer on their relationship, and not really anything serious. Especially after Pansy Parkinson on the Daily Prophet announced them in her column to be unequivocally in love.
As such it proceeded with Draco picking Ginny up from work everyday. Obviously so that he could be with her and protect her from all those horrible reporters talking about "forbidden romances" and "star-crossed lovers" and generally prophesying their overall doom and the end of their relationship. Given the modesty of the relationship, there were also plenty of reporters just waiting to have the ultimate picture, the hot-blooded kiss, to add to their columns.
At home, the general bickering continued. Draco slept in an expanded towel closet next to Ginny's room, which was still off limits. They had moved into less intense arguing, however, after each of them realized how much of a drain that was on their time and energy. Thus, they lived with a nominal truce. Ginny did the cooking and Draco was actually very helpful where he could manage, going shopping and even casting a few cleaning charms every once in awhile. They did not go on public dates... despite Harry's urging that it would help their cover to keep from becoming suspicious.
Once a month the whole group got together at one of the houses to discuss how things were going within each group and to be able to talk to other people, without being watched so closely by their own guardian. Draco didn't take long to notice that Ginny did everything in her power to keep Blaise away from her... thus, without her noticing much, so did he.
Four months passed, just so, with no new information really coming in and quiet in all the homes. As things went on, the stormy looks faded from Draco and Ginny's faces as they held hands into work and they started looking for each other out of habit around the office, despite their differing departments. He began to notice what shampoos and soaps she liked, as well as her favorite ice cream, without a list for shopping. She began to note his favorite dinners, and they worked more and more into her rotation. Everything happened gradually, with no one really noticing. And then Harry had to go and insist they have that Bloody Date.
They had gotten away with four months of no one questioning things and of them managing to get along just fine! Harry had set up dinner tonight though, in their name, and Draco had to go and agree with him! Ginny couldn't believe it. If she didn't go along, that was sure to cause suspicions somewhere and if she did... well, then she had to go on a date with Draco Bloody Malfoy!! Upon musing, Ginny began to realize that Bloody could not possibly be his last name and she had to remember to ask him so that she could use it if the occasion arose... for now, she was happy to improvise, coming up with some creative combinations of what to put between the two names she did know as she viciously ransacked her closet for a nice dress to wear.
Once she finally came up with a lovely green dress, which only suited, since she was supposed to be in love with a Slytherin and it went well with her hair, she began going at her hair and make-up. Once everything was fully applied, she admired her own sleek appearance quickly before storming into her living room to turn her anger onto the Middle Nameless One.
Both parties stopped abruptly when they came in sight of each other.
Upon noting the stormy look on her face, Draco held up his hand to stall her and took a quick step back before trying to explain himself as quickly and reasonably as possible. "This wasn't my idea. Harry didn't give me any more notice, or choice than you and I still have to think it's probably a good idea so that someone can't just say one of us has the Imperious on the other when we're out in public."
"Fine." He wasn't expecting her to be even this understanding, but he just chose to be glad for it as he held out his arm for her to take so that they could apparate together to the restaurant.
It was a sin that he had to look so good in that slate gray color... she had some really good insults worked out too.
Somewhat unexpectedly for both, dinner was very pleasant, despite the expected gawkers and reporters who just "happened" to show up. Ginny and Draco were able to draw upon many of the similarities they had found during her first year of training as well as their first true discussion of what they had each been up to since their fallout with each other. Neither mentioned that little part.
After dinner, they decided to walk for awhile before settling back at home, since neither had gotten much chance to be out in the last few months, given their mutual fear of some massive insult session over something blowing their cover entirely. While this was a small fear at the beginning of the night, it seemed to fade as the hours went by, until it was late enough that even a reasonable couple would probably want to head home.
Upon arriving home, it became apparent that they were obviously expected. The reporters weren't doing a good enough job of being subtle as the once again vied for the picture of the Weasley-Malfoy kiss; at least, two aurors were easily able to spot them. They spoke in quiet tones before entering the apparation-warded house.
"What do you say, Weasley? After tonight we may as well get it all finished with, then maybe they can leave us alone." To anyone else this would look as a simple exchange of loving words, instead as further instigation of a large-scale scam on the public.
"Draco, given our history, I don't know if that's a good idea..." Dammit, did he have to stand so close? And what was with that whole leaning thing!?
"Come on, Gin, it's just a little kiss... that's all, there doesn't even need to be anything behind it, unless we put it there." When she didn't respond, he just leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, brushing against her mouth.
Well... if there was nothing behind that kiss, it certainly packed a punch. Neither one really noticed the flashes going off around them, and it's doubtful that either would have seen Voldemort himself involved in a wild naked snow dance in their yard once the kiss deepened.
Ginny did notice herself pulling him against her and she noticed his hand on her lower back as they tried to move as close as possible to one another. Draco was the first to notice that it would be indecent to continue this snog session on the front lawn, surrounded by reporters, as he began to fumble with the handle of the door to move them both inside. Once they were inside, nothing could stop him from pressing her up against the closed door and not even he could prevent the moan that escaped him as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
It was that noise that finally broke her concentration on seeing exactly how she could fit him and memorizing exactly what he tasted like. Ginny quickly broke the kiss and placed her hands on his chest in an attempt to get him to move away. With the connection broken, both took only a moment to jump clear of each other, exchanging nervous looks and taking in the disheveled appearance of their partner. Draco was standing in the middle of the living room, breathing heavily and his hair in disarray. Ginny leaned back against the door, letting it cool her. She was the first to move again.
She pulled down her dress and began to move towards her room. "Just a little kiss my arse."
Given his current state, I don't think we can hold the thought that it was also quite a nice arse against Draco.
Her door slammed and they each spent the rest of the night going over what could have happened, why it shouldn't happen, and what in the world they were possibly going to do about the fact that they wanted nothing more than for that very disaster to strike.
A/N: Just so everyone knows, reviews are why I didn't forget about this thing in the first place. Thanks to Claresse for the beta. And the Naked Snow Dance reference is due to the clever banter of Anywho and myself as we did our best to scare those who don't really know us. Cheers!
A/N: I love my reviewers!! I didn't think anyone was still reading this, but someone reviewed and pointed out to me that it had been two and half YEARS!!! I'm so sorry, I never meant to do that to all of you! I'm settled now, and I'll be getting a reliable internet source soon, and as it turns out, I had a chapter waiting for all this time!! It just needed some adjustments and a beta. I've got another that should be coming fairly quick and I'd just like to say that Draco and Blaise, though adorable, have been amazing prats all this time, screwing up my ideas and not coming out like I wanted them to! Alright, without further ado (and many apologies) here's the next chapter.
Sleep deprivation makes some things that would seem obvious, not so obvious, and some things that you would normally know to keep away from, suddenly become very good ideas.
I suppose that means that this day was fated after the small amount of sleep Ginny got, and the large number of naked Dracos doing interesting things to her while she was asleep.
The first slip of the memory was when she forgot that there was a man staying in her house. She also forgot that she, and said man, were not allowed to lock the bathroom door, and thus should always knock. This little procedure arose since said man was her Protector, and they weren't sure if Death Eaters would have the sensibilities to stay out of her bathroom-- there was also the small matter of Draco breaking the lock after she had aggravatingly locked him out after an argument and then screamed when she fell on the still wet floor.
In forgetting all of this, Ginny woke up groggy and wandered into her bathroom unannounced.
The first thing she noticed was that Draco still looked excellent in a towel.
The second thing she noticed is that she was (mostly unconsciously) trying to come up with a spell that would make the towel fall without causing suspicion.
After tamping down this thought, she noticed that Draco had spun away from toweling his hair and was currently staring at her... though not openly arguing with her seeming contemplation of his towel clad body.
"Can I help you, Gin?"
"Er... no." With that, the bright red Weasley daughter immediately slammed the door to the bathroom closed once again.
Once that was accomplished, she immediately began banging her head against the door jam... still clutching the door handle. "Stupid, bloody, buggering towel" was the general mantra for this process.
Until, of course, the door was pulled open from the other side, causing Ginny to conveniently miss the door jam and instead plant her head firmly in what felt suspiciously like a male chest. Looking up, she confirmed that it was, in fact a male chest. At this point, she also realized that she had reached out to find purchase on something to balance her when the door had been pulled open. Turning bright red, she valiantly fought the urge to look down, ostentatiously to check and make sure that her hand was only full of terry cloth.
Both parties were speechless at this point.
Still over compensating by looking at the bathroom ceiling, Ginny held up the towel between them and stammered out that they needed to talk, before quickly getting herself far clear of the area of the flat containing the bathro
Somehow, this was not how she had hoped her morning would go.
After that embarrassing display in the bathroom, Ginny sat at the kitchen table staring at the entrance to the room and desperately hoping that Draco would never walk in. Or at the very least, give some indication that the earlier happenings were actually all composed of her morbid fears and that she had actually been asleep the whole time.
"Alright, Weasley, would you care to tell me now why you needed to talk to me? And, while you're at it, could you add what possessed you to barge into the bathroom, stare at me, and then divest me of my only covering after I came to see what was the matter with you?" His face was so serious and composed that Ginny couldn't help herself.
She burst into laughter.
Not that calm, dainty kind that so many want to emulate. No, Ginny Weasley was laughing until she had tears streaming down her face. Laughing in that boisterous way that had no guile or subtlety. Laughing in such a way that Draco was afraid she could easily fall off her chair and possibly do herself bodily harm.
In short, Ginevra Weasley was hysterical.
Okay, maybe not really, but it was certain that the night before, combined with this morning had definitely driven her past some kind of breaking point.
Faced with that image, as well as the number of images they would have presented to spectators over the last two days, Draco failed to keep his decorum as well. Though he only released a few, much lighter, chuckles, it was still an impressive feat for someone who was so very... Malfoy.
After a few minutes of this shared camaraderie, both subsided and looked to each other, eyes still expressing mirth, but ready to return to the actual matter at hand.
"I'm sorry--" the hiccup that interrupted her planned sentence nearly set Ginny off again, and certainly received a patented smirk from Draco. Clearing her throat, she began again, "Sorry about that. And I'm definitely sorry about the," she waved her hand in the vague direction of the hallway with this statement, "bathroom... thing."
"It's alright, Weasley. I suppose it's bound to happen with the two of us living here together..." He ran his hand through his hair. It was a gesture that drove Ginny mad, since it made his hair somewhat mussed and made him look... She shook her head before the thoughts continued onto another disaster and returned to what he was actually saying. "What did you need to talk to me about that was so important?"
Ginny blushed, she had actually only said that so that it wouldn't seem completely absurd for her to be looking for him. In reality, she had temporarily forgotten his presence in her house, since she was so tired, and had still been somewhat lost in the fantasies she had had the night before. It didn't help matters much that he had been a main character in most of those, rather fun and interesting, dreams.
"Um, last night." Right... that's the last thing she wanted to bring up, but here goes.
Now it was his turn to look somewhat discomfited. Ginny did try not to be satisfied by that. "Alright... what about it?" Was he fidgeting? Malfoys didn't fidget... he'd told her so once when they'd been completely smashed and she'd asked about the nervous movements.
"I think it went well... um... what are we going to tell the others?"
He blinked. "Others?"
"About the kiss... the picture's bound to be in the papers now, and we've got our monthly meetings with them today, and Ron's going to be livid, even with the cover. And I don't know how Harry will take it, since the whole thing was his bloody idea, and I know Hermione's going to read something into it no matter what, and then there's Luna and there's no telling what she'll think. And Blaise..." Her words were rapidly speeding up as she spoke, and he wasn't sure there had been a breath anywhere in there.
"Don't worry about them. They'll understand." He interrupted her with a calm tone, and what he felt was a more reasonable pace of speaking to someone who was clearly on her way to going mad. "Harry, Ron and Blaise will understand the necessity. Hermione's got nothing to read in," There was a searching look with this statement that Ginny deftly avoided meeting, "and Luna's always been mad."
She looked up to argue with him on the final statement and saw that his eyes had softened somewhat from what she expected and that, in actuality, he seemed amused by her concern about all of them. He probably did think Luna was mad, though not in a malicious way. For some reason, the thought that he would be there and that he wasn't insulting one of her oldest friends, not really, made her happy.
She smiled at him. "Ron's going to beat you to a pulp... you know that, right?"
"If he tries then Potter and Granger will hold him back. That's pretty much been the way of things for the last few months, we remember." He smiled back and it became harder to convince herself that, if she kissed him again, it would all be for the people who were watching.
He reached across the table and took her hand, applying pressure to pull her out of her chair. "Come on, go get ready and we'll get to work. The get together tonight is at Blaise's manor."
A small shiver went down her spine at the thought of going back there, but the reassurance that Draco would help her if she needed him, which she knew regardless of any other feeling there might be, was enough to move her into her bedroom so that she could being dressing to get on with her day.
Once she was done, she came back to the living room, took his arm and they apparated together to the ministry.
Work went pretty well that day. Tiring, but not all that interesting. Most of the day was spent trying to determine why the Death Eaters hadn't attacked, if whatever information they were looking for was so important. No new leads, though Ginny and Hermione both admitted some fear that somehow whatever it was that they wanted, they had already gotten by some subtle means.
They had already fought stupid, evil people in the Second War. Cunning evil was an infinitely more frightening prospect.
Too much time contemplating that prospect was making Ginny extremely jumpy. She was glad when Draco showed up to the office. She didn't, however, realize how much it had concerned Hermione, until the other woman asked that Draco and Ginny stay until Harry or Blaise showed up to get her.
It turned out to be Blaise that showed up and he and Draco nodded to each other in greeting. Once again, Ginny realized how distant the two men had become since two years ago when all three of them had been close. She also noticed the darkened look on Blaise's face when Draco put his arm around her waist and pulled her close before apparating to the Zabini Manor.
All four arrived at the same time and Blaise sent out a notification via his wand that the wards were now open for everyone to arrive. Draco had been allowed through the wards for years, so Ginny wasn't sure if she was still allowed through on her own, though she guessed that Blaise was the type of person who rarely got around to changing his security settings, auror or no.
Tea and snacks arrived via houself; Hermione scowled; Ron apparated and immediately jumped at Draco; Harry held him back and did his best to talk sense to him; and everything was normal, with everyone together again.
As always, it was only a moment before the two factions of the whole group split apart. Draco, Blaise and Pansy made polite, if somewhat cold conversation on the outside of the room and the Trio, Ginny, and Luna sat on the couch talking expressively and laughing. Ginny never had a moment where she didn't feel Draco's eyes on her, and for some reason, it didn't feel odd, as perhaps it should have, it felt safe.
Each of them talked about their days and how work was going, on this case and on others. They discussed how Harry and Hermione had finally set a date and Mrs. Weasley was ecstatic over being involved in wedding preparations. Luna revealed that apparation would only work for her for a very short while more, since she had found out she was pregnant, and apparation was only safe for this first trimester. Ginny smiled, and hugged, and congratulated, and generally felt the overall emptiness of her romantic life.
With this rather depressing thought, Ginny rose to go to the bathroom. At least a moment alone would help her gather her thoughts a little. As she rose she caught Draco's eye as he began to push off the wall and shook her head. She had no doubt that she'd be fine without him for just a moment, there were more wards on this house than St. Mungos, she was pretty sure.
With that, she moved out of the room and took in her surroundings as she casually moved further into the house towards the entrance hall where the loos were. There were many beautiful paintings, priceless vases, and ancient tapestries that she knew came down through the Zabini family line, just as the ones in Malfoy Manor did. This thought struck her as she realized that Draco had never suggested everyone meet at Malfoy Manor. For some reason, she found herself curious about this fact and about the place that was his home.
"Knut for your thoughts." Surprised, Ginny whirled around and found herself face to face with Blaise Zabini.
"Only a knut?" Ginny laughed nervously as she tried to back away from him. His smile was positively predatory.
"I'll give more, if it's good." He was still advancing on her and she was pretty sure a wall would be coming up on her soon.
"I was wondering why we've never been to Draco's home." As she let the thought escape her quickly, she hoped that that surprised look meant he would stop advancing on her. He didn't.
"Didn't you know? Malfoy was disposessed when he failed with Dumbledore, refused to join the Death Eaters and went into Auror training, he can't even get through the wards now, the house only answers to the master of Malfoy Manor... that's not Draco." He was definitely in her personal space now, and that was definitely a wall behind her. She chose to focus on the conversation, instead of his nearness.
"Why weren't you dispossessed? You did the same thing." Was he smelling her hair?
"That is the question, isn't it? Now let's find something better to do than talk about Draco." He was leaning into her now. Frantically she searched for another way to keep him talking, so that he wouldn't be moving his lips in other ways. Merlin, why was he so unnerving!
"What are you doing, Blaise?" Her voice was stronger this time. It was an age old question of former lovers.
"What do you mean, Ginny?" He pulled back, and looked at her with what could only be described as innocence.
"You were the one who didn't want me... remember?" She turned her head away and tried again to move away from him.
“We didn't talk about it… I wanted to say I'm sorry for that, Ginny.” He pulled back and ran his hand through his hair. Ginny noted that it was the same gesture Draco made when he didn't want to admit to being uncomfortable.
“It's alright, it doesn't matter anymore anyway.” She started to move away from him, trying to cut the conversation short before she had to relive yet another thing she didn't care to.
Blaise grabbed her arm as she turned away from him, “Ginny, wait, can't we try again?”
“Let go of her, Zabini.” Ginny couldn't explain why she felt relief at Draco's voice, cold and hard as it was.
“We're just talking, Malfoy, it's not a big deal.” Ginny did notice, however, that Blaise hadn't released her arm… in fact, his grip had tightened when Draco spoke. Unnoticed by either of them, she looked at his hand, and then his face, trying to figure out what was actually going on here.
“Come on, Ginny, let's go home. It's been a long day.” Finally, Draco broke eye contact with Blaise to address her, holding out his arm for her to take.
“In a minute, Malfoy. Ginny, what I'm saying is --,” Ginny knew the mistake Blaise had made, but she still wasn't expecting quite the reaction they got when Blaise stepped between her and the doorway… and Draco. With good reason, Protectors are generally charged with making sure the person they're defending isn't trapped in a small area with anyone they might not want to be. Of course, not all Protectors respond by pinning someone to a wall with an arm over the neck.
“Draco!” She hadn't wanted Blaise holding onto her, or standing so close in the alcove, but his face was already turning a very unnatural red. Fear prevented Ginny from even trying to comprehend what was really going on as she tried to work out the best way to finish all of this.
The men were still involved in a fierce staring contest, a silent angry conversation between them, when Ginny grabbed Draco's arm. “Draco, he's an auror, he wasn't going to do anything. It wasn't anything worth getting worried over, let's just go home.” Ginny was pretty sure neither man heard her, but she hoped some of the reasoning could penetrate whatever it was that had actually caused this.
“Draco, Please.” The last was barely above a whisper, but it seemed to be enough as Draco dropped Blaise.
“Keep your hands off her. Don't even think of cornering her like this again, or I will consider it part of my duty to hex you within an inch of your life.” With that, in a tone of voice that could have frightened the wall now supporting Blaise's gasping form, and with Ginny still pulling on his arm to remove him from the scene. After another pointed look, they moved further down the hallway, he put his arm around her, and they apparated home.
When they arrived back at her flat, Ginny began to move away from him, to begin preparations for dinner. Cooking was always good at calming her nerves.
"I'm sorry." She almost didn't hear it, and certainly didn't expect it. As she turned back to face Draco, his face gave her a vague sense that maybe she should be wondering more what he was apologizing for.
"It's alright. I grew up in a family of redheads... everyone loses their temper sometimes." She smiled at him, still completely relieved that he had shown up when he did, even if his methods of dealing with the problem had been somewhat harsh and unexpected.
He looked as if he was going to say something, but stopped, so she turned into the kitchen once again.
Once she entered, and realized that they had a lot of leftovers and very few ingredients left, she decided on a sandwich and some pumpkin juice and she'd find something to read to help calm her instead. After making the sandwich, she went back to the refrigerator to search for the juice.
It was somewhat unnerving that Draco had returned to his stony former self for now and was sitting at the kitchen table watching her. So unnerving, in fact, that she couldn't for the life of her find the juice!
"Do you know where the pumpkin juice has gotten to? I can't find it." She heard the chair scrape against the floor as he got up and turned to see what he was doing and why he hadn't answered. When she turned, for the second time in one day, she found herself staring directly into a male, though this time clothed, chest.
He put his hand on her waist and leaned past her into the fridge to pull the pumpkin juice out of it's conspicuous place on the top shelf and moved back to hold it in front of her. Despite the relative similarities of the two times she had been in this position, with two different men, this time it seemed frighteningly comfortable. She wondered why his eyes seemed darker now, as she took the pumpkin juice, and fled the room.