A Magical Adventure

Ryoko Blue

Rating: R
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 01/07/2004
Last Updated: 01/07/2004
Status: Paused

Inuyasha/Harry Potter crossover fic. The Inuyasha pack are posing as students at Hogwarts since Shikon jewel shards have spread far into the Wizarding world. With the help of Harry Potter and his friends, will they succeed in their mission in retrieving the jewel fragments before Voldemort gets his hands on them? **Rating may go up**

1. Welcome New Students

Disclaimer: If any HP or Inuyasha was mine, I’d be so rolling in money. But alas I am not, so I’m…poor. WAH!!!!! Oh well haha

Summary: Inuyasha/Harry Potter crossover fic. The Inuyasha pack are posing as students at Hogwarts since Shikon jewel shards have spread far into the Wizarding world. With the help of Harry Potter and his friends, will they succeed in their mission in retrieving the jewel fragments before Voldemort gets his hands on them?

A Magical Adventure

Episode 1—Welcome New Students.

Sengoku Jidai 1500’s—

Kagome glanced at the group, Miroku, Sango, Shippou, Inuyasha, Kirara, Kouga, Ginta, Hikkaku, Lord Sesshomaru and Jaken. So these were the ones she was supposed to take back to the present with her and go to a new and strange place which she has never heard of to retrieve Shikon Jewel shards. How did she get into this particular mess? Kagome didn’t think the jewel shards would spread quite that far. She turned around to Kaede and Rin who was waving to them wildly.

“Are you sure this has to be done?” She asked Kaede who was holding little Rin’s hand. “I worry about taking certain, Youkai...” She took a quick glance at Lord Sesshomaru who stood expressionless and Jaken who stood there glaring at her, “back to the present.”

“Ye will do just fine, Kagome. Do not worry.”

With a sigh, Kagome reached into her pack and pulled out her container of jewel shards, she pulled out the top of the little glass bottle and handed a jewel shard to each of her companions except Kouga who still had two in his legs and one in his arm, and Inuyasha who could travel through time because he was linked to Kagome through his rosary. “All right, everyone jump down the well and we’ll be transported from this era in time into a bright new future.

“How dare this lowly human order Lord Sesshomaru around like a common slave.” Jaken grumbled.

Kagome rolled her eyes, “You all better listen to me, none of you know anything about this future, I do.”

“Just remember your place girl,” Sesshomaru said, “I will not take orders from one such as you. But I will give your knowledge of this future much consideration. I am only assisting you to see that foul half breed Naraku is dead. He has caused much trouble for myself and Rin that he deserves to die.”

Nodding rather quickly, she turned to her friends and with a smile she urged them to jump into the well.

“I’m going first!” Kouga shouted and Inuyasha growled.

“Oh no you don’t, I’ve done this many times. I will go first.” He yelled in the wolf prince’s face.

Miroku rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the well while Inuyasha and Kouga were busy fighting. He threw his legs over the side and slid in, Sango followed after him. Kagome groaned and came to stand between Inuyasha and Kouga.

“Guys! Miroku and Sango already went first.” She said holding her hands up against both of their chests.

“What?!” Inuyasha shouted and spun around jumping into the well with Kouga following. Kagome made sure that everyone got into the well safely, before she grabbed Shippou and jumped in herself. Pinks, blues and purples swirled around them as they landed at the bottom of the well. She could hear Inuyasha and Kouga still fighting, Kagome rolled her eyes. She felt this was going to be a long mission.

Present Day—

Using the ladder, Kagome pulled herself and Shippou from the well. “Kouga, Inuyasha! If you two don’t shut up right now, I’ll purify you so fast you won’t know what hit you!” She threatened.

Both of them looked shocked in her direction, their heads hung and they said sorry at the same time.

Kagome turned around and standing a few feet away was an old man with a long white beard wearing a pointy hat, he was standing not to far from them, he started walking forward until he stopped right in front of Kagome

“Kagome Higurashi?” He asked, his voice sounding ancient and wise.

“Hai.” She answered with a slight bow, “Higurashi, Kagome.” She pointed to herself.

“Ah finally we meet, we spoke through letter not too long ago. Rumors of your quest has reached many ears in the western countries.”

Sango nudged Kagome and the other girl looked at her, “I can’t understand what he’s saying?”

Kagome nodded and turned back to the old man, “I know English very well it’s taught in school, but my friends don’t know it. Do you perhaps speak Japanese?”

The old man smiled, “I do, but where you and your friends will be going, they do not. So…” He pulled out a long pointy stick and said something pointing it at the group. He then tucked the stick back into his robes. “There now, is that better?”

“Hey! Just what did this old freak do to us?!” Inuyasha growled.

The old man was grinning, “I just used a spell to make you all understand and speak the English language.”

“How many jewel shards have you got wind of sir?” Kagome asked politely.

The old man sighed, “Quite a lot I’m afraid, they have granted some strong power to our enemies.”

“How did you even come to know about the shards?” Miroku wondered.

“A creature was killed near our school grounds and imbedded in its skin was this pink crystal, over much research was done and we found out that it was a piece of this Shikon Jewel, that five hundred years ago was shattered into many, many, pieces. Since it was Japanese I went and began some research of my own and found out that this young teenager, she once had it in her body and that she is the soul caretaker of this jewel, she broke it and has been going back and forth through eras trying to put it back together again.”

“Uh…yeah.” Kagome was embarrassed that even now people in the west knew about her moment of stupidity.

“Just who are you?” Kouga said, crossing his arms over his armored chest.

“Forgive my bad manners,” the old man cleared his throat. “I am headmaster Albus Dumbledore, of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Might I ask who all of you are?”

Jaken cleared his throat, and he gestured to his master, “This is the Taiyoukai, ruler of the Western Lands, Lord Sesshomaru, and I am his faithful retainer Jaken.”

“What’s the matter toad, he can’t speak for himself?” Inuyasha glared at the little demon.

“Lord Sesshomaru does not have to answer disgusting humans.”

Kagome sighed, “Don’t mind them sir, they have an overwhelming hatred of all humanity, it’s a demon thing.” She then smiled and then pointed to each of her friends. “Well sir, this here is Miroku Houshi a monk, Sango a demon exterminator, Prince Kouga and his two best soldiers, Ginta and Hikkaku, they belong to a mighty demon wolf tribe, quite wonderful if you ask me. And then there’s Inuyasha a half demon, and then sweet little Shippou, a fox demon.”

“Well it is nice to meet you all,” Dumbledore said. “You all will be posing as Hogwarts’ students, you need not worry about anything that deals with magic we’ll improvise for you. I will take you to the train station where you will board the Hogwarts Express, perhaps learn a bit about the students before you fit in with them. Not that you’ll really fit in.” he said looking around at how different they all looked, especially Inuyasha with those dog ears on his head.

“We can also listen for rumors of strange shards among the students,” Sango said.

Dumbledore took out a piece of cloth, “All right everyone touch this piece of silk and you’ll all be transported to the Hogwarts train, in London England.”

Once everyone had their hands on the silk, they disappeared from Tokyo, Japan and reappeared by the Hogwarts Express, without the old man Albus Dumbledore.

“Kagome look at that!” Shippou perched on Kagome’s shoulder shouted, pointing at the crimson train, “It’s as big a Youkai. I’ve never seen anything like it!” He was excited.

“The stench of humans is overwhelming.” Sesshomaru said coldly, emotionless, he was not going to like this one bit.

Kagome turned facing him, “I’m sorry, I wish it could be more bearable for you.” She watched as Sesshomaru lifted an elegant brow.

Inuyasha didn’t like the way those two were looking at each other, “Hey Kagome, don’t worry about him. He don’t give a damn about how sorry you are.” Placing his hands on her shoulders, he spun her around to face the others. Inuyasha missed the slight narrowing of his brother’s eyes.

“Is it safe?” Sango said looking at the train curiously.

Miroku sighed, “I am sure if Kagome-sama says it is, then it must be.” He placed his arm over her shoulder, “You just put your fears to rest Sango my dear.”

Sango was blushing so hard, she would look like a beacon from space, although her blush was short lived when her eyes narrowed as she felt a certain monk’s hand rubbing her backside, a vein popped in her forehead and she turned sharply, slapping Miroku hard across the face leaving a red hand print. “Hentai!!”

“Pathetic,” Sesshomaru said to the group, his eyes then slid over to Kagome who was busy in conversation with Prince Kouga, she was laughing at something he said, she was the only human in this damn pack that had any sense at all, her scent wasn’t as foul as these other humans, it was quite pleasant actually, like the fresh scent left after it rains and strawberries. He growled lightly, how dare he, Lord Sesshomaru, a noble demon think those thoughts about a miserable human! He turned away from her to watch the humans passing by.


Harry Potter ran through the barrier at Platform 93/4, the Hogwarts express was a welcoming sight. He heard his name being called and as he looked up he saw Hermione running towards him with a huge smile on her face, her hair bouncing as she hurried towards him.

“Harry!” She pushed her way through the crowd still running and stopped right in front of him, “hey Harry.” Hermione panted, out of breath.

For some reason he was incredibly happy to see her, she was leaning over, her hands on her knees as she was struggling to catch her breath. “Are you all right?”

She nodded, “yes, I ran all the way from the other end of the train station,” Finally catching her breath, she said, “Ron is already waiting for us in one of the compartments.” Hermione smiled.

“All right, lead the way then.” Harry smiled as Hermione led the way towards their train and their compartment. She looked back to talk to Harry when she bumped into something rather hard. “Oh I’m so sorry.” Hermione was saying as she turned around and came face to well chest of someone rather tall, she looked up and found the oddest person she had ever seen. He had silver hair, with a blue crescent moon on his forehead and two magenta stripes on both of his cheeks, his ears were pointy. He was wearing white silk with red flowers on the shoulder, and some kind of armor it looked like ancient Japanese armor.

“Watch where you’re going woman,” The tall person said coldly.

Hermione immediately shrunk back, something about this guy was off, she could tell he didn’t like her much. “I…I’m sorry.”

“Hermione are you all right?” Harry said coming to stand next to her, glaring up at this odd looking person. He didn’t like the looks of him at all.

Hermione nodded, “Yeah Harry, I’m fine. I should look where I am going. It was my fault.”

“You had doubt?” the silver haired fellow was emotionless, he saw both humans jaws drop. The boy recovered more quickly and glared up at him. The white haired man simply turned away from the two humans.

A squeaky voice broke through the stunned silence of the humans, “Lord Sesshomaru, we must follow after your half brother and the humans; how disrespectful to you my Lord, what should we do?”

“We will do what Inuyasha’s woman advises us to do, since we know nothing about these particular humans. It would be wise to know thy enemy.” Sesshomaru said and followed after Kagome and her friends, who were getting onto the train.

Hermione shook her head, and cleared her thoughts. She had never been frightened of anything before but that man…that strange man was causing her to shiver most unpleasantly. “Harry, was that a student?”

Harry took a deep breath and turned to Hermione, “I think so, come on, let’s forget about that rude prat and find the compartment.”

“Good idea,” Hermione smiled and she and Harry walked forward, boarding the train

Hermione led the way towards the correct compartment, “This way, Harry.” She smiled upon reaching the compartment, Ron was already munching on something chocolate. Of course Harry assumed it was a chocolate frog.

Ron’s head snapped around in Harry’s direction, “Hey, it’s about time you showed up, the train was going to leave without you.”

Harry grinned and sat down next to Ron, “It just so happens I had to take a taxi here, my relatives wouldn’t even drive me, but that’s nothing new.”

Hermione closed the compartment doors, “Harry you know if you want to talk about anything, we, your friends are here to listen.”

Knowing she was hinting to what happened at the end of last year with Sirius, he really did not want to talk about it. Just the mention of it would bring sadness flooding in, if he didn’t think about it he could pretend it didn’t happen…Right? “Uh, Hermione, I’m fine, I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“If you’re sure?”

“I’m sure.” Harry said rather coldly.

Ron opened another chocolate frog, and immediately bit the head off, “You know before you showed up with Harry, Hermione, I saw the strangest site, there were about eleven new students that passed by the compartment a few of them looked so very odd, one was very small and had a bushy tail! There was this one girl, she was wearing a green short skirt and some kind of weird white and green shirt. She put some weird hat on a boy that had furry dog ears on his head. You both think I’m hallucinating, don’t you?”

Hermione was snickering, “As a matter of fact, I don’t think that. Harry and I saw someone pretty strange as well. So we believe you.”

“Or…” Harry smirked, “We’re just as mental as Ron here.” He looked at Ron who had stuck his tongue out at him. Both he and Hermione laughed.


“I hate wearing this stupid hat!” Inuyasha growled, folding his arms over his chest and sat down on the floor in their compartment.

Kagome rolled her eyes, “I’m doing it so these humans don’t stare at you, its enough that you look like you do, we don’t want any more attention drawn to ourselves.”

“Yeah,” Shippou said. “You’re ugly enough as it is.”

“Hey!” Inuyasha was about to pound that little runt into the floor when Kagome stopped him.

“Don’t make me say it Inuyasha.” Her eyes narrowed at him and Inuyasha grumbled and turned away. Kagome sighed and got down on the floor and kneeled next to him, resting her forehead against his shoulder, “I’m sorry, but you know how I don’t like it when you hurt Shippou.”

Inuyasha was turning slightly red at her close contact, everyone’s eyes were upon him, he swallowed hard. “Uh Kagome…”

“Oi, dog breath, get away from my woman.” Kouga jumped on Inuyasha’s head, and Kagome looked up at him, he lightly took her hand in both of his. “Kagome, I will not allow this Inu-shit to hurt you or your little friend.”

“Uh…thanks.” Kagome said nervously, she could see Inuyasha shaking with anger.

Inuyasha jumped up knocking the wolf prince back and against the soft cushions. “Get off my head you jerk! And Kagome is not your woman!”

“Oh yeah?!” Kouga jumped back to his feet, getting right in Inuyasha’s face, “Says who, you?”

“Yeah, me!”

Kagome hung her head and covered her face with her hands, feeling very embarrassed. It was the same things over and over again, the sound of a loud slap and the word pervert behind her, Jaken’s rude comments about humans, and Inuyasha and Kouga’s argument getting worse. She sighed, thinking things were never going to change, not at all. Feeling the light prickling going up her neck, Kagome turned to find Sesshomaru staring at her, in his usual expressionless manner. He was probably thinking of ways to get rid of her and these annoying humans and Youkai. Feeling slightly more nervous than before, she turned back around to find Kouga and Inuyasha still in their argument and Hikkaku and Ginta cheering on their leader.

“This is going to be a long mission.” Kagome whispered to herself.

With his Youkai hearing, Sesshomaru silently agreed with her. Only in his opinion, he was becoming frustrated for another reason entirely.


The red train pulled into to Hogsmeade station, Harry, Hermione and Ron followed the students to the horseless carriages. They chatted about who the new DADA professor was this year; Ron heard it was going to be a woman with long blonde hair and large heaving bosoms, but Harry heard it was going to be a vampire who had a licorice fetish, which made Hermione groan with annoyance.

“Honestly you two, Ron you’re a pervert stop thinking about women and Harry, well you’re just plain odd.”

“Why thank you Hermione.” Both Ron and Harry said at the same time, grinning like idiots.

When they arrived in the Great Hall the students were all seated at their designated tables, the first years were sorted. Gryffindor received ten first years, Ravenclaw received six, Slytherin received twelve and Hufflepuff received eight. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat to speak.

“We have a few transfer students this year from Japan, please show them the proper respect you do each other.” McGonagall gestured to the back of the hall, towards the entrance doors, the sounds of students shifting and gasps echoed through the room—


Next time on A Magical Adventure:

Hermione smiled, “So how do you like Hogwarts so far Kagome?”

“It’s interesting.” Kagome was nervous, “I have never seen such a place before, we don’t have castles like this in Japan.” She covered up her little fib.


His clawed hand squeezed around her throat as he held her up against the wall, “Are you quite sure Miko, that I am still not the enemy?” Sesshomaru quietly breathed into Kagome’s ear, while pressing himself against her.

Kagome’s useless human fingernails were grabbing at his wrist, scratching feebly as she struggled for air. “Please…I can’t…breathe.” She was relieved when the pressure on her throat ceased, and her feet touched the floor. Kagome was taking in large gulps of air, realizing he had not moved back from her----


Heehee, I hope you all enjoyed this episode, I’ll try to update when I can. I’ve only 100 pages to go and then my novel is finished. Yay!! Till next update then, TA!