Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 05/07/2004
Last Updated: 29/12/2004
Status: Completed
AU - Based on the song "Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard. After the final battle, Harry, Ron, and Luna decide to take a vacation in California when Harry meets Hermione Granger, the girl that will change his life...*please R/R!*
Ocean Avenue
“Ron, Luna, if you can't keep your hands off each other I'm going to leave you here,” eighteen-year old Harry Potter told his two best friends.
“Harry, you go along. I'll teach Ron a lesson; or two,” Luna grinned at Harry and then turned back to Ron.
“Too much information, thanks,” Harry made a face as he walked into the hallway.
Ron, Luna, and he had decided that after vacation they were going to take a relaxing vacation; which is how they ended up in sunny Malibu, California, for the next two weeks.
Since their hotel was on the beach, Harry decided to take a walk, and hopefully, by the time he got back to the hotel, Ron and Luna would be done. Harry took off his sandals and stepped into the cool surf. Smiling at a couple little kids building a sand castle, he made his way to the docks. The view was breath taking; the sky painted with oranges, pinks, and reds.
Harry leaned against the wooden guardrails and sighed. Too many had died; too many had suffered; yet he, the cause of it all, was alive and healthy. Voldemort was merely a memory now, never to return.
“Are you okay?” A voice asked from behind him.
“What?” Harry asked, turning to a girl with brown hair and eyes.
“You've been standing here for over an hour,” she replied.
Harry looked around and sure enough, the only light being given off was from streetlights. “I'm fine, just thinking,” Harry smiled half-heartedly at the young woman.
“Really, about what? If you don't mind me asking,” the girl asked.
“My life,” Harry replied. “Do I know you?”
“Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Hermione Granger,” Hermione blushed as she extended her hand.
“Harry Potter,” Harry smiled and shook her hand.
“Oh,” Hermione's eyes widened, but she didn't say anything.
“Are you from around here?” Harry asked, not having caught her look of surprise.
“Yeah, I live just up the beach a ways,” Hermione replied. “You?”
“I'm visiting from London. Staying at a resort just over there,” Harry pointed out the building a few blocks away.
“I've been to London a few times before, it's really nice there,” Hermione told him.
“Well, this is my first time to the states. I'm here with my mate Ron, and his girlfriend Luna,” Harry replied as they began walking towards the end of the pier. “Well, it was nice to meet you,” Harry smiled as they reached the beach.
“You too! Have fun while you're here,” Hermione smiled, and started walking away from Harry.
“Hermione!” Harry called out, and ran up to her.
“Would you like to do something tomorrow?” Harry asked.
“That'd be great. There's an amusement park not too far from here, if you'd like to go,” Hermione told him.
“That'd be fun,” Harry smiled.
“Meet you at the lobby where you're staying at 9:30,” Hermione told him. “Night.”
“Night,” Harry smiled as he watched her retreating back before heading back to his room.
“Mom, Dad, is it all right if I go to the park tomorrow?” Hermione asked her parents later that night.
“I don't see why not. Are you going with Ev?” Kate, Hermione's mother, asked.
“No,” Hermione replied slowly. “You know how I went on a walk earlier?” She asked.
“Yes,” David, her father, replied.
“Well, I was at the docks, and this guy was standing there with his head in his hands the first time I walked by, and when I was heading home, he hadn't moved at all. So, I went and asked him if something was wrong and he said no. He didn't even realize it was dark out. I introduced myself and guess who he is?” Hermione grinned.
“Who?” Kate asked, nonplussed.
“Harry Potter,” Hermione smiled. “We walked back onto the beach and then he asked if I'd like to do something tomorrow and I figured he needed to have some fun, so, I told him yes and that we could go to the parks,” Hermione finished, her parents looked at her wide eyed.
“So can I go?”
“ I think you're right. That boy deserves to have some fun. You can, just call us if you're going to be out real late,” Kate smiled as her daughter hugged her, and then David.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Hermione exclaimed as she ran up to her room.
“Ron, I'm going out tomorrow. Alone,” Harry called through the door into Ron's room when he got back to the hotel.
“Okay Harry, have fun!” Ron yelled. Harry just rolled his eyes and walked into his room to get ready for bed.
“Hermione!” Harry called out as Hermione walked into the lobby of the hotel.
“Hey, Harry” Hermione smiled and walked over to him. “I hope you don't mind, but my family has season passes to the parks around here so I thought we could just do that today,” she told him, hoping it would be okay with him.
“That sounds great,” Harry grinned. “Shall we?” he extended his arm and she looped hers through his. “Do you want to drive?” Harry asked once they were in the parking lot.
“Sure, it'll make it easier,” Hermione replied, getting into the driver's seat. The trip to the first park took about thirty-five minutes, and after they had parked and gone through the gate, they got a park map.
“What do you want to do first?” Harry asked, looking at the list of rides.
“It's up to you,” Hermione smiled. “If you like roller coasters, we can start with one of those,” she added.
“I've never been on one before,” Harry grinned sheepishly.
“Okay, I've got the perfect one!” Hermione led Harry over to a steel roller coaster and got in line. Since they got there right at opening, they moved through the line quickly, and before they knew it, the safety harnesses were lowered and they began their ascent up the first hill.
“Hermione, how far are we from the ground?” Harry asked, his heart hammering against his chest.
“About two hundred and eighty feet!” Hermione called back to him. “Put your hands up!” She yelled as they plummeted towards the ground. Hermione alternated between screaming and laughing while Harry hung on for dear life.
“That wasn't so bad now was it?” Hermione smiled as she grabbed her thong sandals from the shoe bin.
“I want to do that again!” Harry exclaimed, grinning like a madman.
“Settle down, there's only five more roller coasters here,” Hermione giggled, and they made their way to the next ride.
By noon, they had been on every roller coaster and decided to have some lunch.
“What do you want?” Harry asked as they entered the food court.
“Um, how about a cheeseburger and fries?” Hermione replied and Harry nodded his agreement.
“Hi, we'll take two cheeseburgers, fries and two drinks,” Harry ordered for them while Hermione found a table.
“That'll be $10.79 please,” the cashier replied, looking up at him. “Oh my god! You're Harry Potter!”
“What? Did someone say Harry Potter?” Harry heard a voice somewhere behind him.
“It's him! I can see his scar!” Yet another voice called out.
“Harry, c'mon!” Hermione grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him through the crowd and towards the ferris wheel. As soon as they were buckled in, the ride started moving.
“I'm sorry,” Hermione apologized, I didn't realize so many people would recognize you.”
“You're a witch?” Harry exclaimed, looking wide eyed at her.
“Yes, but that doesn't matter,” Hermione replied hastily.
“Yes, it does. I thought you were just another normal muggle. Someone that wasn't after my fame!” Harry yelled.
“I'm not! When I realized who you were last night I thought you deserved to have some fun after what happened with Voldemort and everything!” Hermione yelled back, crossing her arms across her chest.
“What did you say?” Harry asked.
“I'm not after your money!” Hermione growled.
“No, you said Voldemort. I only know about five people who will say his name out loud,” Harry gazed at her intently.
“Well, the fear of a name only increases the fear of the thing its self,” Hermione shrugged.
“Oh,” Harry murmured.
“I hope you're not mad at me. I just didn't want to treat you differently than anyone else,” Hermione looked hopefully at him.
“I just wish you would have told me,” Harry smiled reassuringly at her.
“I should also tell you that there is quite a large wizarding community in this area,” Hermione grinned as Harry rolled his eyes.
“Great,” he muttered as the ride stopped them on the top.
“Afraid of heights?” Hermione asked, smiling at him.
“No. My Malibu fan club has arrived,” Harry grumbled as a group of girls and a few guys pointed up at him.
“Just tell them you're a look alike,” Hermione offered, and Harry looked at her doubtfully. “Or you could just sign some autographs.”
“Why can't they just leave me alone?” Harry moaned woefully.
“Because you saved them all. Do you want to apparate out?” Hermione rested a hand on his arm.
“Dear god, yes!” Harry exclaimed.
“Meet you in the parking lot,” Hermione smiled and apparated next to the jeep. She looked up to see Harry looking back at her. “Have you ever been horse back riding?” Hermione asked.
“No,” Harry replied.
“Well, I suppose today'll just be full of firsts!” Hermione exclaimed, pulling out of the parking lot. She drove back to where Harry was staying and then they got out and walked about a quarter of a mile to `Johnson Stables'.
“Hey there, Hermione,” the man at the front counter greeted her.
“Hey, Nick,” Hermione smiled. “I'm going to take Lightning and Juliet out for a while,” she added.
“All right. You gonna saddle them up or do you want me to?” Nick replied.
“I can get it, thanks anyways,” Hermione waved and pulled Harry over to a large stall at the end of the building. “You can ride Lightning, he's the black one,” Hermione told Harry as she walked into the stall. After she saddled up Juliet, she helped Harry with Lightning.
“Just relax, he's a good horse,” Hermione told Harry as he shakily mounted the horse. After he was safely on, Hermione mounted Juliet. “If you want him to stop, pull on the reins. Pull on the right one to turn right, left to turn left, and if he's not moving, give him a little kick with your heels. Not hard though; you do that and he'll buck you off,” Hermione instructed as they started along the beach.
“This isn't so bad,” Harry commented after a few minutes.
“You might be sore in the morning though,” Hermione warned.
“How long have you been riding?” Harry asked.
“Since I was seven,” Hermione replied, smiling at his shocked expression.
“So you do competitions?”
“I used to all the time, but I haven't been as much anymore. Juliet's getting old, so I've been taking it easy on her. She got sick a while back and hasn't fully recovered,” Hermione smiled sadly, while stroking Juliet's mane.
“Do you have any other pets?” Harry asked, as he rode along side her.
“Well, we had to put my cat Crookshanks to sleep last year - he was getting really old. I've been thinking about getting a puppy, but I haven't decided yet. I think my parents might get me one for my birthday,” Hermione told him.
“When's your birthday?” Harry inquired.
“September 19,” Hermione replied. “Why are you asking me all the questions?” She raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well, I'm sure you know everything about me already,” Harry shrugged.
“I know about your battle with Voldemort, but that's it really,” Hermione replied.
“Well, what do you want to know?” Harry asked.
“Do you play quidditch?” Hermione asked.
“I played for Gryffindor House as seeker, but I don't play professionally,” Harry replied. “I'm going into auror training this fall,” Harry grimaced.
“Sucks to be you,” Hermione laughed.
“Really, and what are you going into?” Harry shot back.
“I'm going to Africa to research ancient artifacts,” Hermione replied. “Mummies, tombs, books. All that fun stuff.”
“I know a guy that lives in Egypt. He works for Gringotts,” Harry told her.
“Really. Maybe I've heard of him.”
“Bill Weasley. I'm sure you've heard of his brother Ron, who's my best friend,” Harry replied, bringing Lighting to a stop.
“The guy with red hair and a fang earring,” Hermione grinned. “Yeah, I've met him before.”
“Ah, so you think he's good looking,” Harry laughed.
“Well, he is attractive, but I'm into dark hair; and I've always had a fetish for green eyes,” Hermione smirked at him.
“What?” Harry asked, eyes wide.
“Dark hair, green eyes. Oh, and I love accents,” Hermione giggled, riding off.
“Hey!” Harry called as he rode after her.
“Beat you back to the stables!” Hermione yelled over her shoulder. Harry groaned and went as fast as he could without falling off. When he finally arrived back to Lighting's stall, Hermione had already unsaddled Juliet and brushed her.
“Just tie him up, Nick will take care of the saddle,” Hermione smiled and pulled Harry out to parking lot. “You can drive since we're just down the rode.”
“Okay, do you want me to drop you off at your place?” Harry asked as he pulled onto the street.
“Sure,” Hermione accepted. After about a minute of driving Harry pulled into the driveway of a two-story house. “Thanks for the ride,” Hermione smiled, and leaned across the seat and kissed Harry lightly on the lips. “Bye,” she waved and ran up to the front door and into the house.
Harry sat in her driveway for a minute before coming to his senses and driving back to the hotel.
Author's Note: I got this little plot bunny after hearing “Ocean Avenue” by Yellowcard, which is a really good song. There will be like a chapter or two after this, not sure yet. So please tell me what you think so far, all reviews are greatly appreciated!
luv, sarah may
“So, Harry, what did you do all yesterday?” Ron asked Harry the next morning at breakfast.
“I went to this amusement park and then went horseback riding,” Harry replied, buttering a piece of toast.
“Really, by yourself?” Luna asked, looking over the top of the latest addition of the “Quibbler”.
“No, with this girl I met at the beach,” Harry replied, blushing lightly.
“What's her name?” Ron asked, grinning at Harry.
“Hermione Granger. She lives just a ways down the beach,” Harry told him, also smiling.
“Do you fancy her?” Ron teased him.
“I only just met her!” Harry exclaimed.
“Is she se-”
“Ronald, I'd advise you not to finish that sentence,” Luna stated from behind the “Quibbler”.
“Really mate, why does it matter? You've already got Luna,” Harry grinned at Ron.
“Shove off,” Ron muttered, shoveling in a forkful of pancakes.
“Are you almost ready?” Harry called through Ron and Luna's door about an hour later.
“Coming!” Ron shouted back, and a minute later, opened the door. “Okay, let's go,” he said, grabbing Luna's hand.
“Ronald, we're taking the elevator,” Luna pulled Ron away from the stairs.
“B-But I'm afraid of it,” Ron whispered, grabbing onto the stairwell door handle.
“Ronald, let go,” Luna commanded as the elevator doors opened.
“Please don't make me,” Ron moaned, as Harry helped Luna pry him off the door and shove him into the elevator.
Harry pressed the main floor button and the elevator began to move downwards. He and Luna snickered as Ron squeezed his eyes shut and held onto the railing for dear life.
“It's not funny,” he said indignantly.
“You're right, it's hilarious,” Harry burst out laughing as the elevator made a dinging sound and the doors opened. Ron shot into the lobby like a bullet with Harry and Luna laughing behind him.
“Ah, time for a tan,” Luna smiled as they walked out onto the beach.
“Sure is a change isn't it?” Ron smiled as he hugged her from behind.
“Duh,” Harry replied, slipping off his sandals and running towards the water, Ron close behind.
“Be careful!” Luna called after them, and laid out her towel.
“So, this Hermione girl, is she cute?” Ron asked once they were in the water.
“Well, I don't know,” Harry started, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“You like her!” Ron exclaimed excitedly.
“I've only just met her!” Harry replied exasperatedly. “Besides, I've never been in love before.”
“What did you just say?” Ron asked, mouth open in shock.
“I've never been in love before,” replied a confused Harry.
“You love her??” Ron exclaimed.
“What? I didn't say that…” Harry trailed off. “I couldn't. It takes time to fall in love - not a day and a half,” he muttered.
“Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight?” Ron asked, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, but I just…I mean I thought. Oh bloody hell, I don't know anything!” Harry cried, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“Maybe you should really get to know her,” Ron suggested.
“Yeah, maybe I will,” Harry replied, though his mind was elsewhere.
“Hello?” A voice asked.
“Hi, is Hermione there?” Harry asked into the phone.
“Just a minute,” the voice replied. Harry heard someone running and then muffled talking.
“Hello?” Hermione's breathless voice came onto the line a few seconds later.
“Hi, Hermione, this is Harry,” Harry told her.
“Hey, what's up?” Hermione asked.
“Not much, I was just wondering if you were doing anything tonight,” Harry replied, crossing his fingers.
“Um…I don't think so, why?”
“Well, my friends and I are going to this club and I was wondering if you'd come with me?” Harry asked hopefully.
“That'd be great!” Hermione exclaimed. “What kind of club is it?”
“Uh, a normal one?” Harry replied, a puzzled look crossing his face.
“Um, okay, what's it called?”
“Signature or something,” Harry replied, racking his brain for the name of the club.
“Oh! I know the place. Okay, so are you going to pick me up?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, my friend Ron decided to go all out, so you'll just have to ignore some of the things he's done,” Harry grinned.
“Okay,” Hermione replied slowly.
“So I'll see you at about eight?” Harry asked.
“Eight it is,” Hermione confirmed. “See ya later, bubye.”
“Bye,” Harry replied and hung up the phone.
“So,” Ron pressed.
“So what?” Harry asked.
“Can she go?”
“Well,” Harry frowned. “Yes,” he added with a grin.
“I'll go tell Luna. You should get ready too, it's already seven,” Ron told Harry and bounced out of the room.
“Loon,” Harry mumbled as he walked into the bathroom to take a shower.
“Mom, can you get that?” Harry heard a muffled voice call from inside the Granger residence. A few seconds after that, the door opened and a woman with curly dark hair stood before him.
“Oh, you must be Harry. I'm Hermione's mother, Jane,” Jane introduced herself. “Please, come in. Hermione should be down in a minute.”
Harry followed Jane into the living room where Harry saw a man sitting in an armchair reading a newspaper.
“Doug, this is Harry, Hermione's going out with him and some friends tonight,” Jane told the man.
“I see. Hello Harry, I'm Hermione's father,” Doug approached Harry and extended his hand.
“It's nice to meet you,” Harry replied, shaking his hand firmly.
“So, Hermione's told us about you,” Jane told Harry as they sat down.
“Good things I hope,” Harry smiled.
“Oh yes, she's so happy to have met you,” Jane smiled knowingly. “But don't worry, we're both dentists,” she added, smiling at the look on his face.
“Harry?” A voice asked from behind him. He turned to see Hermione standing in a short black skirt and an off the shoulder green shirt.
“Hey, you look beautiful,” Harry blushed lightly as did Hermione.
“Thank you,” Hermione replied shyly. “We should go,” she added, to break the silence.
“Have a good time!” Jane called after them.
“Who rented the limo?” Hermione asked at the sight of the black limousine.
“Ron. I told you he was going all out,” Harry grinned, opening the door for her to get in and followed.
“Hi, I'm Ron and this is my girlfriend Luna,” Ron said once they were all situated.
“It's nice to meet you,” Hermione smiled and shook each of their hands. “So, Harry, you do know that this is more or less a wizarding club right?” She asked as they pulled onto the interstate.
“Great,” Harry mumbled and Ron laughed at him.
“Poor Harry,” he teased.
“Shut up,” Harry groaned.
“Do you want to go somewhere else?” Hermione offered.
“Hell no!” Ron exclaimed. “When we can get pampered at this place? You've got to be kidding me!” Everyone, including Harry, laughed at his outburst.
“We'll just go there. I mean you said it yourself, this is a highly populated with wizards,” Harry shrugged.
“So, Hermione, how are you?” Luna asked.
“Good, you?” Hermione smiled.
“Brilliant,” Luna replied. “Why do men always talk about quidditch?” She added, catching a piece of Ron and Harry's conversation.
“Who knows?” Hermione laughed. “They probably say the same thing about women and make up.”
“Yes, but they love the end result of it all,” Luna told her.
“Good point.”
“Girls,” Ron started, interrupting their conversation. “Who is better looking? Me, Harry, or Draco Malfoy?”
“Draco Malfoy?” Hermione asked, puzzled.
“This big prat that we went to school with,” Ron replied with a disgusted look.
“Ron, you need to get used to the fact that he's shagging your little sister sooner or later,” Harry grinned and Ron glared at him. “What?”
“Okay then, who's better looking between me and Harry,” Ron asked, just as the car came to a stop.
“Well, looks like we're here,” Hermione smiled as the driver opened the door. Luna stepped out of the car, followed by Ron, then Hermione, and finally Harry. For a moment the long line of people waiting to get in went silent; then all hell broke loose.
“Oh my god! It's Harry Potter!” A girl yelled, causing the people towards the back of the line to start talking louder than they already were.
“Let's go,” Harry told Hermione, Ron, and Luna as he grabbed Hermione's hand and led them into the club.
“Harry Potter,” Harry yelled to the bouncer at the door over the loud music coming from in the club and all the people outside. The bouncer immediately let them pass and from there they were directed into a VIP room.
“Is it always like that?” Hermione asked once they were all in the room.
“It's worse back home,” Ron muttered darkly, sitting in one of the comfy looking couches.
“Want to go dance?” Harry asked Hermione a minute later.
“Sure,” Hermione grinned, taking Harry's hand and following him out onto the dance floor.
“You go out often?” Harry yelled to her.
“Occasionally with friends!” Hermione shouted back as they moved with the music. “Do you?”
“Hardly ever,” Harry told her as he pulled her against him. “Why did you kiss me the other day?”
“I-I don't know,” Hermione gulped as his eyes burned into hers. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be; I'm not,” Harry whispered seductively into her ear. Hermione started breathing heavily as he ran his hands down her sides.
“I was never sorry to start off,” Hermione whispered, looking into his eyes before pressing her lips against his.
“When do you go back to London again,” Hermione asked Harry later that night as they walked along the beach.
“Nine days,” Harry replied, holding her left hand in his right and his shoes in his left.
“It's so soon,” Hermione sighed, tightening her grip on his hand.
“I know, but we'll have to do stuff while I'm still here,” Harry told her.
“Yeah, we can go to a movie, go to the pool, try and surf,” Hermione giggled.
“Sit and watch the sunset and sunrise, gather sea shells,” Harry smiled.
“You are quite the poet mister Potter,” Hermione smiled, though tears were shining in her eyes.
“What can I say? It's a gift,” Harry laughed.
“Really,” Hermione murmured.
“Really,” Harry smiled at her before leaning down and kissing her gently.
“You know, I think I'm falling for you,” Hermione whispered against his lips.
“You're not alone,” Harry kissed her again, though more passionately. “I should probably get you home, the sun's going to be rising soon,” he told her after they broke apart.
“You're probably right,” Hermione sighed and they set off in the direction of her house.
“Your parents won't be mad that it's like after five, will they?” Harry asked as Hermione's house came in sight.
“No. They sleep like logs, and normally are out by eleven, eleven thirty,” Hermione replied.
“Oh, is that how all adults are?” Harry asked. “I know my aunt and uncle were like that, but I wasn't sure if it was the same for everyone,” he added sheepishly.
“Working adults tend to go to bed earlier if they work during the day,” Hermione smiled softly, giving his hand a gently squeeze.
“I see. It's a little weird growing up without parents and living with scum,” Harry muttered. “Then when I went to Hogwarts there was no way of knowing sleeping patterns. This is so stupid,” Harry laughed after a minute.
“What is?” Hermione asked.
“This whole conversation about adult sleeping patters,” Harry started laughing hysterically and Hermione joined in.
“That's what life's all about,” Hermione smiled at him as they approached the back door to her house.
“Stupid conversations. Especially when they hold deeper meaning,” Hermione told him knowingly.
“You're right,” Harry replied, looking towards the floor. “I'll call you later so we can start spending all that time together that we need before I have to leave,” he added.
“I'm going to miss you, y'know,” Hermione sighed, her voice breaking.
“We'll see each other again,” Harry murmured, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Promise.” He sealed his words with a kiss before leaving.
Author's Note: Oh my gosh I'm soooo sorry it's been so long since the last chapter! It's not an excuse, but my computer has been really slow and acting really funny lately and I haven't been feeling the greatest, but I still should have gotten this chapter out sooner…please forgive me! Now, if you like this chapter…please review it cause I really appreciate it! Thanks for reading!
Sarah May
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter nor do I own the song “Ocean Avenue” - YellowCard does…duh…*rolls eyes*
Author's Note: Hey everyone…I'm putting the a/n first this chapter because I just wanted to let you all know that this chapter is more jumping from scene to scene…but hopefully you still like it…it would mean a lot if people did cause it's not exactly what I wanted…but whatever. Anyways…please review! I love you all!!! Typical-Me, I love that you love the title “barefoot promises”!
“I'm going out for a run,” Harry called into the house from the doorway.
“Okay!” Ron yelled back from down the hall. Harry shut the door behind him and started running along the dirt road.
They had been living in the new house in the country for a little over a month and Harry had taken to running every night. When he came to split in the road, he took the opposite way that he normally took. After running about half a mile, he stopped, his mouth dropping open slightly. Before him stood several horses, including a black and a palomino one. He noted the sign on the gate that said “Arnold Stables” in silver lettering. Harry walked up to the gate and ran his hand across the black one's neck. He hadn't been riding since…Hermione.
“Hi there,” a voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Er, hello,” Harry replied, stepping back from the horses.
“Do you ride?” A woman with long blonde hair asked.
“A few times before,” Harry told her.
“Really, well, if you ever want to come over tell them you know Julie,” the woman smiled and then rounded up the horses and took them back over towards the stables.
“I need to move on,” Harry muttered to himself as he began jogging back towards his house. As he entered the living room, his eyes wandered to the mantle to see pictures of him and his friends. He stopped on the picture of Hermione and himself.
“Hey, Harry, do you want to go into town with me?” Ron asked from behind him.
“Uh, that's okay. You go on without me,” Harry replied, turning to face Ron.
“Okay. See you in the morning then,” Ron said, before disappearing down the hallway. Harry made his way upstairs to his bedroom and into the connecting bathroom. Shedding his clothes, he stepped into the shower and let the warm water loosen his tense muscles. After he was dressed, this time in pajamas, Harry made his way into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee before going to sit on the back porch. His thoughts drifted back to Hermione, which they had been doing so often as of late. He remembered the day he left like it were yesterday…
“I don't want you to leave me,” Hermione whispered into his ear at the airport, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“I-I don't want to leave either,” Harry hugged her, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.
“Then don't. Stay here, with me,” Hermione begged, looking into his eyes.
“I-I can't,” Harry murmured, avoiding her eyes.
“But, I-I love you, Harry,” Hermione sobbed, burying her head in his shoulder.
“And I love you,” Harry whispered softly, rubbing her back comfortingly.
“Then don't leave me,” Hermione said softly, bringing her lips to his.
“I-” Harry was cut off as a voice came over the intercom.
“This is the final boarding call for flight 796.”
“I have to go,” Harry whispered, kissing Hermione hard on the lips, putting all his love into the one kiss. “Good-bye, Hermione.”
*End Flashback*
“Hermione, have you been out here all night?” A groggy voice asked from behind Hermione. “Hermione, what's wrong?”
“I just miss him,” Hermione sighed looking up at her mom.
“Oh hunny,” Jane sighed and wrapped her arms around her daughter.
“I just, I've never felt like that about anyone,” Hermione cried into her mother's shoulder.
“If it was meant to be, then just be patient,” Jane whispered to her soothingly.
“I love you mom,” Hermione whispered, succumbing to sleep.
“Harry, it's three in the morning, get to bed,” Ron said from behind Harry, who was still sitting on the back porch.
“I will in a minute,” Harry replied, gazing up at the stars.
“Hey, what's the matter with you? You've been kind of out of it lately,” Ron asked.
“Nothing,” Harry muttered.
“Don't lie to me,” Ron told him, sitting down in the seat next to him.
“I just can't stop thinking about her,” Harry sighed, looking down at his empty coffee cup.
“I see,” Ron muttered. “Things will work out,” he added, before going back inside the house. After taking a quick shower, Ron took a handful of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace. “The Burrow!” Ron said, sticking his head into the flames.
“Ron!” Ginny yelped, falling off the couch in the Weasley's living room.
“Agh! Put some clothes on!” Ron cried out, putting his hands in front of his eyes.
“You can look now,” Ginny said a minute later. Ron opened his eyes and saw Ginny kneeling in front of the fireplace in a bathrobe. “It's almost 3:30, Ron, what did you need?” She asked, a bit annoyed.
“Could you do me a favor?” Ron asked her.
“What kind of favor?”
“I need some information on a person,” Ron replied.
“Who?” Ginny asked.
“Hermione Granger.”
“Oh Hermione! That dress looks amazing on you!” Katy, Hermione's best friend squealed.
“Really?” Hermione asked, looking in the mirror self-consciously.
“Amazing,” Katy replied earnestly. “Are you going to get it?”
“Well, I suppose,” Hermione grinned.
“Do you have a date yet?” Katy asked.
“No, I already told you, I'm going alone,” Hermione replied from inside the dressing room.
“You need to date more, it's not normal,” Katy told as they made their way to the cashier.
“Just because I don't fall in love with everyone I meet,” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Hey! I resent that,” Katy laughed along with Hermione.
“Sure. Who are you going with?”
“Jared,” Katy replied grinning. “I think he might be the one,” she added.
“I'm happy for you,” Hermione forced a smile, wishing she could have the same thing.
“Here Ron,” Ginny handed Ron a piece of parchment. “It's all current information.”
“Thanks Ginny, I owe you,” Ron smiled.
“No shit,” Ginny replied. “You can start by taking me out to dinner on Friday,” she added before apparating out of the Chudley Cannons' locker room.
Ron rolled his eyes before apparating home to find Harry playing something on his guitar.
“New song?” Ron asked, leaning his broom against the wall.
“Yeah,” Harry replied, putting the guitar back into its stand.
“Sound's good. Hey, listen, I've got something for you,” Ron told him.
“Like what?” Harry asked a little confused.
“An address, date, and time,” Ron replied grinning.
“I'm not going out on some blind date,” Harry groaned, flopping onto the couch.
“It's not a blind date,” Ron replied.
“Yeah, then what is it?” Harry asked, looking slightly interested.
“Look for yourself,” Ron said, handing him the piece of parchment.
“Salem University, Saturday, December 20th - 7:30 p.m.,” Harry read aloud. “What's that mean?” He asked, really confused.
“There's going to be a Christmas dance there on that date,” Ron replied and then added. “Hermione goes to university there.”
“What?” Harry asked, his jaw dropping open.
“I think you need to find something to wear to a dance,” Ron smiled, clapping Harry on the back.
“Jenna, Lisa! Thank god you're here!” Katy cried pulling the two girls into Hermione's apartment.
“Why? What's up?” Jenna asked confusedly.
“Hermione only owns like eye shadow and lip gloss!” Katy exclaimed.
“Oh my gosh…I think I'm going to hyperventilate!” Lisa put her hand over her chest and took several deep breaths. “Where is she?”
“In the bathroom,” Katy replied as they made there way to the bathroom.
“Excuse me,” Lisa told them, walking into the room and closing the door behind her.
Twenty Minutes Later…
“I am so good,” Lisa told them as she exited the bathroom, Hermione in tow.
“Wow,” Katy and Jenna breathed when they saw Hermione. Her hair was up in an elegant knot, her make up lit up her face, but was still natural looking - very Hermione-ish, and her dark green strapless dress accentuated her figure perfectly.
“So, is this better?” Hermione asked, forcing a smile.
“Much,” Katy replied, smiling.
“Definitely,” Jenna seconded, a large grin on her face.
“Okay, then, let's go!” Hermione smiled and the girls left for the school's auditorium.
“Nervous?” Ron asked Harry as they sat in an empty room backstage.
“Yeah, a little,” Harry replied, tuning his guitar.
“Don't worry, everything will be great,” Ron patted him on the shoulder before going back to tuning his own guitar. They had started playing in sixth year because according to Dumbledore, they needed something to help them relax.
“What if I mess up?” Harry asked, his voice shaking.
“You won't,” Ron replied lightly.
“Easy for you to say,” Harry replied hotly.
“Just take a few deep breaths,” Ron told him, holding back his laughter.
“You're on in two minutes,” a woman called from the doorway.
“Here goes nothing,” Harry sighed.
Hermione was enjoying herself, having accepted a few requests to dance. The decorations were wonderful and the music wasn't too bad either. But as she watched all the couples dancing as a slow song came on, she couldn't help but think about Harry. It had been almost six months since they had said good-bye and she had felt empty ever since.
The song came to an end and the band shuffled off stage. Quite a few people looked around confusedly, hoping the band wasn't leaving, since the stage lights had turned down. Then two people walked onto the stage, the darkness making it impossible to tell who they were. Then the first one walked up to the microphone and began to speak.
“I'd like to dedicate this song to the only girl I've ever loved. I've been lost without you,” he said, and as he played the first few notes, the lights turned back up and Hermione gasped.
“Harry,” she breathed, hardly believing her eyes. How had he found her? Then she remembered, he was after all - Harry Potter. Then he started to sing.
“There's a place off Ocean Avenue, where I used to sit and talk with you. We were both 16 and it felt so right: sleeping all day, staying up all night. Staying up all night.
Hermione stood up and started walking towards the stage, not noticing as she bumped into people along the way.
“There's a place on the corner of Cherry Street, we would walk on the beach in our bare feet. We were both 18 and it felt so right: sleeping all day, staying up all night. Staying up all night.”
Tears sprang into Hermione's eyes as she listened to the words.
“If I could find you now things would get better, we could leave this town and run forever. Let your waves crash down on me and take me away. There's a piece of you that's here with me. It's everywhere I go, it's everything I see, when I sleep, I dream and it gets me by I can make believe that you're here tonight. That you're here tonight.”
As Hermione stopped right in front of the stage, she made eye contact with Harry, who smiled at her, tears forming in his own eyes.
“If I could find you now things would get better, we could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together. Let your waves crash down on me and take me away.
“I remember the look in your eyes, when I told you that this was goodbye. You were begging me not tonight: not here, not now. We're looking up at the same night sky and keep pretending the sun will not rise, be together for one more night: somewhere, somehow.”
By now tears were spilling down Hermione's cheeks as she gazed up at the man she had loved since the moment he spoke to her. He was singing to her. Singing a song he had written for her and had traveled across the Atlantic just to sing to her. No one had ever made her feel as special as Harry did; nor had anyone ever loved her the way he did.
“If I could find you now things would get better, we could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together. Let your waves crash down on me and take me away.” The song came to an end and before Hermione realized it, Harry had handed his guitar over to Ron (she hadn't even noticed he was there until now!) and standing in front of her.
“I've missed you,” he smiled, his eyes shining.
“I love you,” Hermione breathed, before pulling him to her in a breath-taking kiss. The whole auditorium applauded and as they broke apart, Hermione could see her friends crying and hugging each other excitedly.
Several hours later, after the dance had ended, Hermione and Harry were walking along in the sand, holding hands, and carrying their shoes in their other hand.
“So Ron's little sister Ginny got all my information?” Hermione asked.
“Yeah, she works at the ministry, plus her fiancé is Draco Malfoy. His dad's dead, but he still has power,” Harry replied as they continued walking along in the surf.
“So, what happens now?” Hermione asked after a few minutes of silence.
“What do you want to happen?” Harry asked, stopping and looking into her eyes.
“I don't know,” Hermione replied, quickly looking down at the ground.
“Yes you do. Tell me?” Harry asked, lifting her head back up.
“I-I want to live happily ever after,” Hermione whispered, biting her lip.
“With me?” Harry asked, taken aback.
“With you,” Hermione smiled, stepping closer to him.
“It doesn't matter, I can find a school in Europe, and my dad was raised in London; they would probably consider moving back there,” Hermione replied.
“You want to spend the rest of you life with me?” Harry asked, rephrasing his earlier question.
“Yes, silly,” Hermione giggled, bringing her hand up to his cheek. “I love you.”
“And I love you, Hermione,” Harry smiled. “Eventually, one of these days, will you marry me?” He added, no hint of laughter in his voice.
“Yes,” Hermione replied, before crushing her lips against his. “I love you,” she whispered as they broke apart.
“You just told me that,” Harry grinned.
“So, I love you, I love you, I love you!” Hermione smiled, before resting her head on his shoulder.
“I love you more,” Harry smiled and kissed the top of her head.
“Forever,” Hermione whispered.
“Yes, forever,” Harry agreed. “You know,” he started after a few pensive moments, “it's a good thing I took that vacation.”
“A very good thing,” Hermione agreed as they headed back into town.
Hey everyone…well, after much deliberation - and lots of reviews asking for it, I've decided to write a sequel! I'm not sure how long it will be or when I will start it…but just thought I'd let you all know that there is one in the making! So thanks to everyone for their reviews and for liking my story!
Luv, Sarah May