Rating: PG13
Genres: Drama, Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 06/07/2004
Last Updated: 25/06/2005
Status: In Progress
The Book of Deception was lost over two centuries ago. What happens when the infamous trio come across a clue that may lead them to where the book is hidden. Deception, lies, and betrayal all mixed with love make an interesting sixth year.
A/N: Ok so here is my first fanfic! I hope you like it, but if you don't, you know that's cool too! I'm American, and I just feel silly trying to sound British, but I did my best! I understand that most of you reading this would say that HE is dead, but I am sorry, I refuse to believe he is dead, and if you will bear with me, it will explain why he is back in coming chapters. R & R! Thanks!
Normal everyday kids would love summer and absolutely dread going to school. Normal kids would
opt to stay away from school as long as they could, and make up excuses for wanting to delay the
thought of going to school. But, we're not normal kids!
At a glance any one would think the 16-year-old boy with unruly black hair and bright green eyes
placing his trunk onto a pushing cart was just heading to a normal train taking him to a normal
place. But anyone who knew this boy would see his lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead and
immediately recognize him as Harry Potter, the `boy-who-lived'.
“Hey Harry, over here!” yelled Ron Weasley, his best friend, standing next to a blond headed
“Hey Ron,” Harry said approaching them, “hey Lavender!” he said acknowledging the blond girl next
to Ron.
“Hey Harry!” she smiled, “Where's Hermione?” she asked. Harry immediately smiled inwardly, he
couldn't wait to see her, over the summer he'd had some time to think about her, and he
did, but once he started, he couldn't stop. Since seeing her last year, he knew his feelings
for her had changed, but unfortunately she was with Viktor Krum, and didn't return his
“HARRY!?!” Ron yelled, snapping him out of his trance, “Where were you?” he asked.
“No where, just excited about this year!” he said quickly, too quickly. “C'mon, let's get
on the train.” He said pushing his cart towards platform nine and three-quarters. Ron and Lavender
shared a knowing glance before following behind.
Once she pried her parents away from her, Hermione Granger started heading towards the Hogwarts
Express her head full of thoughts all circling around one boy sitting on that train. Over the
summer she had certainly changed, last year had influenced all of them. They realized how close
they were to losing their lives and even though they lost one life, they gained experience that
nothing could ever take away.
Over the summer Hermione had a lot of time to herself when her parents went on holiday to France,
and she had decided to stay home and work on `homework'. Yeah right! Homework was the last
thing on her mind, she hadn't heard from Harry all summer and she was starting to get worried.
She knew she shouldn't be but she couldn't help it, he seemed to always be on her mind
these days, she knew that her feelings for him were changing, but into what, she didn't
Walking onto the train she knew that she hadn't only changed mentally, but physically also. Her
body was developing more into what a sixteen-year-old's body should look like. Her hair had
relaxed into a soft wave and she had grown a little over the summer. Now, she was not dense she
knew that she was pretty, but up until recently she hadn't thought of herself as beautiful
until her week in Bulgaria with Viktor Krum.
Instantly her eyes darkened, Krum, she hoped she never saw him again, and she could care less about
him after what he did. As quickly as her anger came, it was gone when she turned and came face to
face with a pair of familiar green eyes.
Hermione stopped abruptly once she saw Harry, `oh he's so gorgeous' she thought. She
smiled at him and made her way inside the compartment.
“Hey guys!” she said sitting down next to Lavender, “Lavender, I didn't expect to see you
here!” she said trying to sound friendly.
“Well...” she said eyeing Ron.
“We're dating!” Ron said not looking up at the magazine, “I asked her to go out with me, she
said yes end of story!” he said turning to page of his magazine. Hermione saw Lavender kick him
across the compartment. “What?” he asked.
“It better be more than that!” she said with a dangerous look in her eyes, she turned her eyes away
from him and lowered her voice so the guys couldn't hear. “We started dating a little after
school ended and haven't looked back since. Just between you and me...” she said glancing at
the guys who were engrossed in a conversation, “I think whatever is between us may be more than
what we give it credit for.” She said with a twinkle in her eye.
“You mean…really!?!” Hermione said excited, Lavender and she had never been good friends but she
extended the olive branch and obviously Hermione took it, “That's great, I'm happy for you,
I didn't know you and Ron even liked each other but I'm glad you found each other.” she
didn't want to say it out loud but Ron always felt like he was in Harry's shadow so it was
good to have something that Harry didn't. Without thinking my eyes turned to Harry, and
Lavender noticed the second it happened.
“You really like him don't you!” more as a statement than a question.
“Who, Harry? No way we're friends, nothing more!” Hermione said confidently. She laughed.
“Who do you think you're fooling, but that was good you almost had me fooled!” she said picking
up her book and starting to read. Hermione smiled, she had no idea what Lavender was talking about;
she didn't like Harry, did she?
As the girls turned to each other to talk, Harry's eyes lingered on Hermione, and
immediately Ron called him on it.
“Why don't you just ask her out instead of watching her all the time?” Ron said not looking
“What are you talking about?” Harry asked looking at Ron. “You aren't actually serious, are
you?” he asked eyeing Harry, “Okay, you are! And they call me the dense one.” He said sitting
forward and lowering his voice, “It's so obvious that you feel something more than friendship
for Hermione, so why not just act on it?”
“Listen I don't know who told you I liked Hermione but I...”
“Oh come off it,” Ron said cutting him off, “I know you like her, Lavender knows you like her, and
you know what I bet Malfoy knows you like her yet you cannot admit it to yourself?” Harry paused,
he knew that Ron was right, but he also knew that Hermione didn't feel the same way about him;
she had Krum, she couldn't like him. Could she?
Before they knew it they arrived at Hogwarts and once the four of them stepped off the train
they saw Hagrid gathering the first years up. Hermione scanned the scene, something was missing,
and she could sense it. Then she felt eyes on her so she spun around and came face to face with
Harry, she smiled instantly.
“Hey, what's wrong?” he asked.
“Me, oh nothing, I was just looking for someone.” She said.
“Who?” he asked
“Well not so much someone but more like something, well maybe someone, I don't know, something
just seems like its missing!” she said
“The insults!” he said helping Hermione pick up her trunk.
“Insults?” she asked
“Malfoy, you know, his usual insults!” he said laughing, “but that's okay he was probably just
tormenting the first years.” He helped her into the carriage where they were greeted by Ron and
Lavender. After a few moments of silence Lavender suddenly perked up and said two words that they
would regret, “Game, anyone?”
“Sure!” Harry and Ron said together, and as soon as they said it Hermione noticed the glint in
Lavender's eyes, then she turned to Hermione, “So what do you say?” she asked
Hermione hesitated, “I don't know!” she said. Lavender leaned towards Hermione,
“I promise, trust me!” she said and turned to Harry, “Truth or Dare?”
He glanced at Hermione, then at Ron, and said “Truth!” Lavender smiled
“Who do you like, and don't even think about saying no one because I know you like someone; I
can see it in your eyes!” Lavender said
Harry looked deep in thought for a long time, during that time Hermione glanced out the window and
noticed we were almost to school, she was about to announce it when Harry began talking. “Okay, I
like this girl that you all know, and I think that she is really great and I hope you guys will
accept her!” he said looking at Hermione.
“Well why wouldn't we accept her we're already friends with Her...” she stopped when
elbowed by Hermione, “I mean, who is she?”
“Well...it's...” he looked a little scared, “It's...ummm...Cho!” he said quickly. When he
said this the carriage pulled to a stop, and in one swift motion Hermione was out of the carriage
and Lavender had hit him
“Nice going smart one!” she said before jumping out after Hermione.
As Hermione ran away she couldn't believe what Harry had said `Cho, CHO?'
“Oh, that stupid git, why does he do this to me?” she said exasperatingly
“Her...mi...one...slow...down!” said an out of breath Lavender. As she caught her breath Hermione
looked at her, why had she chased after her? They had only been friends for five minutes. Lavender
seemed to be reading her mind, “I came after you because if we're going to be friends, you have
to start trusting me! Now, if you don't like Harry what was that about?” she said.
Hermione sighed, “I don't know anymore, I always suspected that there was something more
between us than we were letting on, I mean, I always knew how I felt, and you know, I thought I
knew how he felt, but I guess I don't.” she said looking out into the sky, it was getting
darker, the feast would start soon.
“Well, if you feel so strongly about him, it's time you act on it!” Lavender said coming up
next to Hermione. “Otherwise you'll just end up regretting it!” she said putting her hand on
her shoulder, “Now, let's head to the feast!” she said smiling at her, Hermione couldn't
help but breaking out into a smile too.
“Okay,” Hermione began, they started walking towards the Great Hall, “but I am NOT sitting by that
stupid git...” she said but was interrupted when she ran into a man, and fell to the ground, “Oh
my, I'm soo sorry!” she said down on the ground, when she heard Lavender gasp she looked up and
saw who she ran into, “Oh my!” she said
“Hello Hermione!” he said helping her to her feet.
“Hello Sirius!”
Hermione just stared in awe as she stared onto a man she thought was dead, “It can't be you, can it?”
“Oh, it can and it is, now can you tell me where my Godson is, I'm going to give him the shock of his life!” Sirius Black, Harry's godfather said. Hermione looked as though she might faint.
“Is it really you?” Hermione said, Sirius looked down at her and smiled.
“I missed you too!” he said before Hermione heard a small gasp behind her. When she swung around and saw Lavender, whom she had forgotten was there, joined with Harry and Ron. One look at Harry sent Hermione off and running, she didn't know where she was going she just knew she had to get out of there. When Lavender saw this she turned on Harry and gave him a death glare.
“You are such a…” she said poking him in the chest, “…GUY!” she yelled before turning and running after Hermione. Sirius just stared at Harry and Ron, and then suddenly broke out into laughter.
Harry's face fell, “What's so funny?” he asked not at all amused by this.
“Whatever you did, you're in it deep!” Sirius said turning to head into the Great Hall.
“Wait, Sirius, wait!” Harry said running after him, when Sirius turned around Harry ran into his arms hugging him, “I missed you so much!”
“I know, I missed you too!” Sirius said softly, then smiled after Harry had let go of him, “I think you should follow me, you two have some explaining to do about that scene back there.” Sirius said walking off.
“Where are we going?” Harry asked following, Sirius stopped and looked back at Harry smiling.
“Well, my office, of course!”
When Lavender finally found Hermione she was close to tears mumbling something. “Hermione, are you okay?” Lavender asked silently, sitting down next to her.
“He likes her, how could he like her, I mean she's rude, and well mean!” Hermione babbled.
“Hermione I don't think he likes her!” Lavender said, Hermione looked at her, as if for the first time noticing her there.
“You were there, didn't you hear him?” Hermione said as if Lavender had gone mad.
“But he didn't sound convincing, I mean, I'm no expert but I've had my fair share of guys and he just didn't sound convincing!” Lavender said standing up, “Listen you can sit here and brood over some stupid thing Harry said or you can get your arse out there and show him what he's missing!” Lavender paused, “I know it's not you, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Now let's go I'm famished!” she said extending her hand to Hermione, and Hermione took it standing up.
“I swear you get more and more like Ron everyday!”
As Hermione and Lavender were talking Harry, Ron, and Sirius were walking to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. Once they reached in they sunk into the two chairs in front of Sirius' desk. After a long pause Sirius leaned back in his chair,
“So who will begin?” he asked smiling, Ron and Harry exchanged looks.
“I don't know she just freaked out! It was so odd, very out of character!” said Harry shrugging. Sirius looked at Ron who just stared back.
“Well why don't you tell me what happened!” After Harry filled him in about the train and carriage rides Sirius began to laugh. “Oh boy, are you two in it deep!”
“What?” they both asked at the same time. “What did we do?” Ron asked clueless.
“Well Harry, you're in it deep for mentioning another woman when Hermione was there, and you,” he said pointing to Ron, “are in trouble for not stopping him!”
“Great I'm in trouble and I wasn't even the one who made the mistake!” Ron said standing up, “Well I better go make amends before they decide to turn the whole school against us!” he said storming out.
Harry turned back to Sirius, “What do you mean?” he asked confused, “Why would me mentioning Cho with Hermione there matter, she never used to care!”
“Yeah well love will do funny things to people!” Sirius said quickly while standing up, “Well, you better get out of here before all the food is gone.”
“Wait, love? Why would you say that, we don't love each other, friendship is the extent of our relationship!” Harry said quickly.
“Yeah, and I'm and escape convict, now off before McGonagall has my head!” Sirius said shoving Harry out the door of his office.
`Love, I don't love her!' Harry thought walking to the great hall, once he got inside he saw Hermione and Lavender sitting there talking and they met eyes, `At least I don't think I do!'
Hermione instantly felt Harry's presence when he entered the room, and her eyes flew over to Lavender who gave her a knowing glance. When Harry sat down next to Hermione she stared at him as he filled his goblet with pumpkin juice. When Harry looked at her, he smiled and opened his mouth to talk but was stopped by a roll that was shoved into his mouth by Hermione before she stood up and stalked out of the Great Hall, leaving a speechless Harry.
“Well?” Lavender asked, “What the bloody hell are you waiting for, go get her?” she said pointing out towards the doors Hermione had just exited through. Harry stood up hesitantly and started walking off towards the Gryffindor common room but never made it when he heard sobs coming out of Sirius' office.
“Crying over him won't make Harry any more aware of your feelings!” Harry heard Sirius say. Harry crept outside the door and saw that the door was partly open and peered inside only to be shocked by what he saw. A crying Hermione accepting a handkerchief from Sirius, then it hit him, Feelings? What feelings? That's when he saw Sirius look up and meet his eyes, “Harry?”
But Hermione didn't seem to notice, “No, your right, crying over him won't make him see that all I dream about is him…”
“Hermione…” Sirius began
“Crying over him won't make him see that all I think about is him…”
“Hermione!” Sirius said more forcefully this time.
“And crying over him sure as hell won't make him see…”
“HERMIONE!” Sirius screamed
“…that I love him!” Hermione finished.
“That you what?” Harry said entering the room. Hermione swung around and Harry saw her tearstained face. She immediately gasped and turned around on Sirius.
“Sirius, why didn't you try and warn me!” she asked, she sighed and turned back to Harry wiping the tears from her eyes, “It doesn't matter Harry forget you heard it, you're more interested in Cho anyways!” Hermione said walking towards the door only to be intercepted by Harry.
“Wait a second, Cho? Are you joking me you didn't think I was actually serious, did you?” Harry asked referring to the Truth-or-dare episode.
“You know I don't think it's a good idea you two do this here!” said Sirius quickly
“Well, excuse me if hearing you say it would lead me to believe that!” Hermione said ignoring Sirius.
“What about Viktor, you were head over heels for him, was he too famous, not famous enough, what? What was wrong with wonder boy that you had to dump him?” Harry said, his words seething with anger.
“Harry…” Sirius began
“That is none of your damn business!” Hermione said ignoring Sirius
“Hermione…” Sirius tried
“I beg to differ, I think it is my business, you just told me you loved me, and I just wanna know if your using me to make Viktor and Cho jealous?” Harry said heatedly.
“Harry!” Sirius exclaimed not believing what he had said.
“I can't believe you just said that; that you think that little of me!” Hermione said before heading towards the door but pausing before exiting, “If you think that of me you can just go to hell because you are no friend of mine.” She said before leaving the room and heading back to the dorms.
A/N: Just so you know I won't be updating like this every day, but I have a lot of chapters done, and I guess I'll just keep updating until I have no more. A huge thanks to all those who reviewed, I feel very special, thanks! R & R!
“I cannot believe her, how could she tell ME to go to hell after what she did!” Harry said pacing inside Sirius' office.
“Pretty easily, and frankly I wouldn't blame her if she never spoke to you again!” Sirius said sorting through lesson plans.
“What?” Harry said, “What are you talking about?”
“Well from the way I see it, and I might have it completely wrong, but it appears Hermione cares a great deal about you and has been trying to get you too notice her but you were too tied up on Cho. But now you're free and when she tries to see if all these little signs she has been seeing are true you ruin it and say you still have feelings for Cho. Then when you finally find out about her feelings you say that she is just using you. Frankly if you weren't my Godson and if you didn't need me so much I would have disowned you then and there.” Sirius said walking over to Harry and putting his hands on his shoulders.
“You're not a little boy; I can't fix this for you. If you don't want to be with her, tell her, but if you want to be with her, admit you were wrong and go get her.” Sirius said leading Harry to the door,
“Now go get a good night's sleep and I'll see you tomorrow!” Sirius said pushing Harry out the door and closing it behind him. Oh James, he's just like you, so bloody stubborn, don't let him screw this up!
Harry didn't find Hermione that night, and she avoided him the following day, and he hadn't noticed how much he actually needed Hermione until she wasn't there for him. Ron had thought it was awfully odd they weren't talking, but he didn't want Hermione upset at him also so he kept his mouth shut. The weekend following the fight between Hermione and Harry was a hard weekend Ron and Lavender were spending time together so Harry decided to go for a walk and think about everything going on in his life.
“Man, how did I screw this up so bad?” Harry said to himself, “I acted like a complete jerk!”
“Yeah, you really did!” said a voice behind him, Harry turned around to be face to face with Hermione.
“Hermione…” Harry started
“Harry, I acted like a jerk too, if you didn't want to be with me I should have just accepted it, I mean our friendship should be able to outlast some silly little crush that I had, that was one-sided.” Hermione said quickly
“No, Harry, thank you, you made me realize that it was just stupid.” Hermione said holding back the tears. “But anyways, I just came out to tell you that, and now I'm leaving.” She said turning around only to feel a hand stopping her.
“Don't go!” Harry said turning her around, “Whether or not you wanted me to hear your feelings for me, I did, I think it's only proper that you hear my feelings.”
Oh no Hermione thought but nodded slowly.
“We've known each other for a long time, and you, me, and Ron make a threesome, so starting a relationship between two of us would not only be difficult being away from each other through the summer but would also make Ron feel left out.” Harry said not looking away. When he said this Hermione looked at the ground I knew it, she thought, he doesn't feel the same.
“But, I am the boy-who-lived,” Harry continued when Hermione looked down, “…since when do I walk away from a challenge?” Hermione looked up into his eyes.
“What are you saying?” she asked trying not to get her hopes up, but failing miserably.
“I'm saying that I like you also, and I want to give what ever the heck it is that we are trying to have a shot.” Hermione just smiled up at him and he smiled back. Then he began to shift, “Hermione, umm…I was wondering if you already had a date to the Welcome Back Ball next weekend?”
“No!” Hermione said shaking her head
“Well, do you want to come with me?” Harry asked not looking her in the eye.
“Absolutely!” Hermione said excitedly, “I mean, I'd be honored!” Harry took Hermione's hand and they walked back up to school hand in hand, “You know what it's a good thing that you asked me today!”
“Why?” Harry asked
“Because a day later and I wouldn't have been able to get an outfit for the ball. I guess I'll have to go up to Hogsmeade tomorrow.” Hermione said sighing.
“Sounds dreadful!” Harry said sarcastically, when Hermione hit him on the arm.
“Just for that, you can come with me and Lavender tomorrow to find our robes.” Hermione said.
“What, no way, you can't make me!” Harry said stopping
“You're right,” Hermione said continuing to walk, “I guess I'll just have to find another guy to help me carry my things!”
“No way!” Harry said firmly
“Then it's settled, you'll accompany Lavender and me tomorrow, and anyways I'm sure Ron will be there.” Hermione said continuing to walk towards the castle.
Wait a second Harry thought how did I get sucked into this, “Hermione wait!” Harry said jogging after her, Women!
The next day Harry and Ron were sitting outside of Honeydukes, talking and waiting for Hermione and Lavender to be done. “I am so glad that you and Hermione worked through things, it was hard enough with it being the first week of school, but then you two had to have a huge fight, I swear no consideration.” Ron said sarcastically.
“Oh, Ronnikins, next time we fight we'll run it by you first!” Harry said with a laugh. Harry and Ron were so involved in their conversation they didn't see an approaching stranger come up behind Harry.
“So Harry,” Ron began, “…what do you have planned for the big first date?” Ron asked, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw who was behind Harry.
“Well, that I'm not quite sure of yet,” Harry said not aware of who was behind him, “But I wanna do something really special, something Hermione won't forget!”
“Hermione?” said a voice from behind him, Harry turned around to be face to face with Cho Chang, his former girlfriend.
“Oh, hi Cho!” Harry said
“Hello Harry, now what do you mean date with Hermione?” Harry's face immediately fell.
“I would appreciate it if you would not listen in on my conversations, now if you don't mind I will be going, c'mon Ron!” Harry said standing up and heading toward the shop with Hermione and Lavender in it, with Ron in tow.
“Wait Harry, I didn't mean to I just wanted to see you, it's been a long time and I know that things ended badly for us last year, but I was kinda hoping that we could, you know, give it a second chance, you and me, I mean.” Cho said
“I'm sorry Cho, but I'm dating Hermione now, and I have no intention of leaving her for you, now if you don't mind…” but Harry was interrupted by Cho's mouth coming into contact with his, he was so shocked he didn't move until he realized what was happening and pushed away from her. “What the…are you crazy, didn't you hear me, I said I'm dating Hermione now.”
“Yes, he's dating Hermione now,” said a voice from behind Harry, Harry spun around and saw Hermione and Lavender approaching them, “…so I think its time you left!” Hermione finished.
“Oh, I'm sorry Hermione I didn't see you there, but I guess I better be going,” Cho said as if she didn't hear Hermione, “…but Harry keep in mind what I said, the offer still stands!” she said before walking away. Harry turned to Hermione but she cut him off
“I'm tired, are we ready to go?” she asked acting as though nothing happened
Ron spoke up first, “Ummm, Harry and I have to get our robes!” he said hesitantly.
“Well you two take care of that, and meet us back at Hogwarts, bye!” Hermione said leading Lavender away.
“Wait, Hermione!” Harry said stopping her and turning her around, “I'm sorr…”
“Stop Harry, really, I'm just tired, it's okay, I'll see you back at Hogwarts!” she said before turning towards Lavender, “C'mon lets go!”
Once Hermione and Lavender got back to Hogwarts they headed back to their dormitories they both flopped onto their beds, “Man what a day!” Lavender said after a long pause.
“Yeah, but we did get those great robes, they'll make the boys go absolutely speechless, I can't wait!” Hermione said standing up and putting her robe in the closet, Hermione had never been one into fashion but she fell in love with this the second she laid eyes on it.
“Hermione?” Lavender asked, “Are you okay? I mean it's not everyday you see your boyfriend kissing his ex-girlfriend!”
“Yes, I'm fine, and plus, she's his ex-girlfriend, emphasis on EX, Harry's over her, I have nothing to worry about!” Hermione said sitting on her bed and picking up her copy of Hogwarts: A History and began to read.
“Man, I would have torn her bloody head off if that had been Ron!” Lavender said, doubting that she was okay with it, “Why did you act so calmly, I mean controlling your emotions is one thing, but not reacting at all is another!”
“Yeah well, it's not the first time that girls have tried to take away my guy from me, after a while, you just sort of know not to overreact.” Hermione said absentmindedly
“What do you mean?” Lavender asked confused
“Well, Viktor of course!” Hermione said, “We dated for about a year, and you know he had girls all over him, I just learned to not get jealous.”
“Viktor, Viktor Krum, you dated him!” Lavender asked, surprised that she had never heard about it before.
“Yeah, but we broke up this summer!” Hermione said sadly
“Oh, what happened?”
“Just a guy being a typical guy, no big deal, it's not as if we loved each other!” Hermione said brushing it off.
“Okay, but just remember if there is more to the story, I'll always be here to hear it.” She said before standing up, opening her trunk, and pulling out a bag, “I'm going to go take a shower, see you later.” Lavender said exiting.
Phew, that was close, I need to be more careful about what I say, she's getting suspicious. Hermione thought, but she can't know…no one can!
A/N: I…don't have anything to say! :) R & R!
The rest of the day passed by very quickly and before they knew it Monday came and they were sitting in their Defense Against the Dark Arts class listening to Sirius talk about curses used to control their minds, Harry zoned out and looked out the window thinking about Hermione. She hadn't said much about what happened at Hogsmeade, but on the other hand she didn't seem too upset by it, there was obviously more to the story that what she was letting on. But Harry's thoughts were interrupted by Professor McGonagall coming into the room and rushing to Sirius. After whispering something to him Sirius cast a glance towards Harry and rushed out of the room. Harry was about to go after him but Ron and Hermione stopped him,
“Let him go, Harry, come on its time for History!” Hermione said pushing him in the direction of History. Once they arrived Harry waited for Binns to arrive and begin his usual drones, but surprisingly someone else walked through the door. Lupin, Harry thought what happened to Binns?
“Hello class, I'm Professor Lupin, and I will be your new History teacher, Professor Binns has decided to retire.” Lupin said, “Now can anyone tell me where we are?” immediately Hermione's hand shot up, “Yes, Hermione?”
“Ancient Texts!” Hermione said proudly.
“Thank you, Ms. Granger!” Lupin said, “Now, tell me has anyone here ever heard of the Book of Deception?” Again Hermione's hand shot up and again Lupin called on her.
“The Book of Deception is an ancient text compiled by ancient witches and wizards. It is a book containing many different curses that can be used for controlling the mind and making it do things unconsciously, that it normally would not do.” Hermione said, “The book is said to contain some of the most powerful and dangerous curses known to witchcraft and wizardry and that is why it was hidden over two centuries ago.”
“Very good ten points to Gryffindor, Ms. Granger is correct it does contain some of the most clever, powerful, and dangerous curses in witchcraft and wizardry. It was hidden many years ago to stop it from falling into the wrong hands, but unfortunately it did, and when it was recovered it was hidden by one man who never told a soul and took the secret of where it is hidden to the grave.” By the time Lupin finished all the eyes were glued to him, as if he was telling a deep, dark secret. He laughed slightly and took out his textbook, “I'd like you to read over the less…” Lupin began but was interrupted by the door opening and Sirius stepped in.
“Remus, a word!” Sirius said waving him to the hall.
“Okay, class read the lesson and write six inches on the myths of where the Book of Deception is hidden by next time, now excuse me!” Lupin said before exiting. Harry turned to Hermione and Ron who just shrugged their shoulders in response, Harry began to think of all the many things they could be talking about but didn't have time to think for long when the door reopened revealing McGonagall.
“I will be watching over this class for the remaining time, I expect you to work on your essays from Professor Lupin.” She said in her usual stern voice, “Potter, Granger, Weasley, the Headmaster requests your presence in his office!” Harry, Hermione, and Ron all exchanged looks before gathering up their things and heading to Dumbledore's office.
“What do you think he wants?” Hermione asked after a long pause.
“I don't know, maybe it's a reason why Voldemort…” Ron flinched, “…has been so quiet.” Harry said.
“Maybe!” Ron said thinking about it. Once they reached the Headmaster's office the staircase immediately opened and all three of them looked at it suspiciously. “Is it supposed to do that?” Ron asked pulling out his wand.
“No!” Harry said as he and Hermione pulled out their wands also. Harry stepped up onto the stairs with Hermione and Ron right behind him, wands outstretched. Once Harry reached the top of the stairs they saw Sirius and Lupin staring at them with their arms crossed.
“Put those things away before you poke out someone's eyes!” Lupin said turning away and taking a seat while Sirius just stood there laughing.
“Children, come and take a seat!” Dumbledore said entering the office from another room. “It's about this weekends dance, I would like you three to help decorate and organize things.”
“Oh, umm, okay, sure!” Harry said not at all expecting that of all things. Hermione and Ron nodded thinking the same thing.
“Were you expecting more?” Dumbledore asked looking over his half-moon spectacles.
“Well, yeah, it just seemed important with Sirius, I mean Professor Black and Professor Lupin both being called out of class.” Hermione said hesitantly.
“Well, you are right, there is more but you have classes so the news can wait until tonight after dinner, come to my office and we will discuss the matters.” Dumbledore said standing up, “Oh and by the way, the staircase is triggered by your voices so you don't need to know the password, just say something.” Dumbledore said before ushering the kids out the door.
The rest of the day just sort of happened for Hermione she attended all of her classes but her heart wasn't really into it. The only thing she could think about was what Dumbledore, What was he going to say she thought then a thought suddenly hit her could he know? No, that's impossible, but then again he's the greatest sorcerer in the world! Hermione was brought out of her thought by a hand on her shoulder that made her jump.
“Hermione are you okay?” Harry asked sitting across from her in front of the fire. “You seem awfully quiet after our visit with Dumbledore.”
“Yeah, well, I'm just anxious to find out what he wants to talk to us about.” Hermione said avoiding his gaze. Harry noticed and he took her hand
“Hermione, your keeping things from me, what is it?” Harry asked
Hermione just stared at him, “No I'm not, why would I hide anything from you, Harry, whatever we have between us, which is obviously something, I want it to work out.”
“So do I, that's why if you are keeping any secrets you need to tell me!” Harry said hoping she would give in.
“Same goes for you Harry!” Hermione said turning the tables.
“Well, there was that whole kiss thing with Cho, we never really talked about it, and I think we should.” Harry said hesitantly
“What is there to talk about, she kissed you and then you pushed her off. I mean it was obvious that she surprised you, it's not as if you two shagged, you didn't did you, cause that would defiant…”
“No, Hermione, it's nothing like that, I just, I don't know most girlfriends aren't accustomed to seeing there boyfriends kissing another woman.” Harry said
“Yeah well, what was I supposed to do; it wouldn't have helped matters if I got upset at you over something that you couldn't have helped.” Hermione said, “And anyways I've been through worse with Krum, now if you don't mine I need to go get ready for dinner, see you there.”
You may have gotten away this time Harry thought but I'm determined to find out what happened between you and Krum, even if it's the last thing I do.
Harry and Ron were sitting in the great Hall eating and talking about Quiddich when Hermione entered with Lavender in tow. “Hermione, you should tell him, it's not really that big of a deal.” Lavender said.
“What are you talking about?” Hermione said coming to a halt.
“The thing that happened between you and Krum!” Lavender said, Hermione's eyes grew very large.
“How did you find out about that?” she asked nervously.
“That is beside the point, now look at Harry!” Lavender said pointing at him, Hermione didn't move, “Look at him!” Hermione hesitantly looked at him. “That boy is without a doubt the cutest guy in this entire school and you have him.” Hermione smiled to herself, “But, he already suspects things and if he find out you have been keeping things such as this from him, he will be hurt. Maybe he'll be so badly hurt he will fall into the arms of another girl, maybe someone you like, and maybe it won't be so bad, but maybe someone you hate, maybe Cho!” Lavender said getting Hermione's attention.
“What can I do, I can't tell him the truth, he'll just turn me away, I know he will!” Hermione said.
“If you don't tell him the truth I will!!” Lavender said crossing her arms.
Hermione sighed in defeat, “Fine I will!” she said angrily before storming off. Lavender just smiled when Ron walked up.
“What was that about?” he asked clueless
“Oh she's just going to tell Harry the truth about her and Krum!” Lavender said facing Ron.
“Really, how did you get her to do that?” Ron asked
“Oh I threatened that I would tell him if she didn't!” Lavender said with a smile.
“Really, so what did happen between Krum and Hermione?” Ron said walking with her, Lavender just smiled up at him, and shrugged.
“Beats me!”
“Harry, listen I know you have been wondering why I have been acting the way that I have…no, no, no, that's no good.” Hermione said standing in front of the mirror practicing what she was gonna say to Harry, she was about to try again when she heard her door open and saw Harry enter.
“Hey, Lavender said you wanted to see me!” Harry said entering.
“I do, umm…I don't exactly know how to go about this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it,” Hermione paused, “…you were right, I have been keeping things from you.” Harry just stared at her, “And I think it is time that you know the truth, about everything!” Hermione paused and looked down at her feet wondering where to start. She felt Harry take her hand and urge her on.
“Well, obviously it has to deal with Krum, and what happened between us.” Hermione sighed, “Well I guess I'd have to start back in the summer after fourth year. I was head over heels for him, but something was just wrong, like we didn't click! But I just thought it was after the whole Voldemort coming back thing so I just dismissed it. Then fifth year came and went and the summer after all I could think about was you, all I could talk about was you, but I couldn't talk to you.” Hermione said, “And Viktor noticed, and he wasn't pleased, to say the least. By this time, though, he was becoming very well-known and of course he had girls hanging all over him, it didn't help our relationship either, but he promised me that he loved me.” Hermione took a deep breath.
“But one night Viktor threw a huge party after one of his games, but I couldn't make it, family thing. But, my parents said I could go later but I didn't tell him that, I wanted to surprise him, so when I arrived they sent me up to his room, but on my way there I thought I heard a noise coming from somewhere, a little side room. I went to try the door but I found it was locked, so yelled to see if someone was in there and I heard struggling. So I shoved the door open and I found a girl tied down to the ground, whimpering. I went to untie her but there was some kind of force field.” Hermione stopped and looked at Harry who was still holding her hand and was encouraging her to move on.
“I ran to Viktor's room and burst in to see Viktor and another girl break apart, it hurt but then I probably wasn't thinking too straight and I asked him to come immediately to help the girl. Viktor asked the other girl to leave and locked the door and turned on me. He told me that I shouldn't have gone poking my nose in places it didn't belong. He told me to forget what I had seen tonight and to walk downstairs and pretend nothing happened. Of course I couldn't do that and I told him to screw him and I began walking out the door but he grabbed me and pushed me back. I told him not to touch me, and I again tried to leave, but again he stopped me so this time I slapped him and made a dash for the door. But he threw me against the wall and that's the last thing I remember, before waking up in St. Mungo's a week later with my parents next to me.” Hermione said.
“I told my parents what had happened and they informed the staff who told Dumbledore who came and asked me about the girl. They had searched his house high and low but had found no girl so they just dismissed it as my imagination. Two days later I was in my room getting ready to leave when Krum came in and when I saw him I opened my mouth to scream but he put his hand over my mouth. He threatened me, told me that if I didn't keep my mouth shut I would regret I ever met him. He then turned to leave but just before leaving he told me he was always watching, no matter what. Then he left and I haven't heard from him since, but I always get the sense that I am being watched.” Hermione finished.
“Well, it sounds to me like it involves dark magic, but it's all right now, right, I mean you're at Hogwarts!” Hermione just nodded, “There's just one thing I don't understand, how you got out of Viktor's?”
“Once the girl came down she told everyone that I had been babbling about this girl and Viktor didn't seem happy. Well this guy heard it and came upstairs found me out cold and took me out of there.” Hermione said
“Who is he?” Harry asked intrigued
Hermione looked up, “Malfoy, Draco Malfoy!”
Shortly after Harry and Hermione had finished talking Ron found them and they headed towards Dumbledore's office. “What do you suppose this is about?” Ron asked after a long pause.
“I don't really know, it could be loads of things, maybe it's about the dance.” Harry said shrugging
“It's possible I mean…” Ron began
“Oh honestly you two couldn't be that thick!” Hermione said exasperatedly, “It obviously has to do with Harry's past or something along those lines.”
“How do you figure?” Ron asked.
“Well Lupin, Sirius, they are connected with Harry's parents and they were both called out of class very suddenly. I believe that there is more to this visit than meets the eye.” Hermione said continuing to walk.
“Like what?” Harry asked intrigued.
Hermione stopped suddenly and looked at Harry and Ron, “Have either of you talked to Sirius about what happened, you know, why he is here?” They exchanged glances and shook their heads. “Well I tried but he just shrugged it off and said he was lucky, but I don't believe that for a second!” Hermione said beginning to walk again, with Harry and Ron next to her.
“What are you implying?” Harry asked trying to piece things together in his head.
“What I'm trying to say is I think Sirius died last year at the Department of Mysteries!” Hermione said stopping in front of the staircase to Dumbledore's, “Just like we thought he did!” she said watching the staircase open. She was about to start up when Harry stopped her.
“You think he's dead?” Harry asked
“No, even I'm not stupid enough to think he was a ghost this entire time. I believe that they were trying to bring him back, all summer, and I believe they succeeded.” Hermione said, “But if they did bring Sirius back, one would have to ask themselves, why they didn't bring others back, like your parents Harry or someone else who could help with Voldemort.” Hermione paused, “That's the part I can't work out in my head.”
“Clever witch, aren't you!” said a voice from behind Hermione. They turned to come face to face with a smiling Sirius. “I mean Hermione, you were always brilliant, but that must have taken so much work to figure out.” He noticed the looks on Harry and Ron's face, “Oh, now don't act like that, it's not as if this is the first time someone has been brought back.”
“But, bringing someone back, it takes so much magic, good and evil, it involves so much power.” Hermione said in awe.
“Not everything is as it seems!” Sirius said before heading up the stairs followed by Harry, Hermione and Ron in tow. Once Harry, Hermione and Ron reached the top of the stairs they saw Dumbledore emerge from a side room, and motion for them to sit down in front of his desk.
“Ms. Granger, I assume that you have figured out what I am here to talk to you about, Sirius, being that he left us last year, how could he be here with us now.” Dumbledore said, “Well, why don't I let Sirius tell the story!”
Sirius looked startled when Dumbledore said this, “No, you can tell it!”
“He's you're Godson, he deserves to hear it from you!” Dumbledore said peering over his half-moon spectacles.
“Okay, well, after I went through the veil last year, I thought I was dead, and it took me a while to figure out I wasn't dead, but unfortunately I wasn't living either.” Sirius said, “I could see the world happening around me, and I could see you but I couldn't touch you, and I couldn't talk to you. It was a nightmare that I couldn't get out of, until I met two people there who helped me, they explained things. I was in another plane, and apparently I had the ability to travel in between the different planes, the ghostly plane, the living plane and the deathly plane.” Sirius stopped and looked at Harry, “You're parents were there, they helped me contact Dumbledore, they helped me leave, but they wouldn't themselves, they refused too. They said they needed to be there, they needed to stay out of the way, something about until it was time.”
“What did they mean?” Harry asked staring at Sirius, Sirius' eyes turned to Dumbledore.
“Your parents, as noble as their deaths may have been, died too soon. They were not supposed to die young, they had greater plans.” Dumbledore said staring at Harry.
“Not their time?” Harry asked not quite understanding.
“Well, it's as simple as this Harry; everyone has a set time when they will leave this world, and how. Your parents were not supposed to die then, and Sirius was not supposed to die last year. Now, Harry something happens when someone is taken from this world at the wrong time.” Dumbledore said.
“What?” Harry asked impatiently. Harry heard a gasp from behind him and turned around to see something he never thought he would see.
“They can be brought back, when the time is right!” Harry just stared, open mouthed.
“He looks so much like you, James!”
“I know, but he has your eyes, Lily!”
Harry just stood there staring at his parents, not believing they were actually there. “Mum, Dad, is it really you?” Harry asked
“Yes, it really is!” Lily said smiling and walking towards Harry, holding open her arms which Harry happily stepped into. After hugging his parents Lily's eyes fell on Ron and Hermione who were still dumbstruck. When Lily saw Ron her eyes brightened and she looked at James, “Look at that boy,” she said pointing to Ron, “…the hair, the freckles, its Arthur and Molly's child.” Ron smiled.
“Ron, Ronald Weasley!” Ron said stepping forward and shaking James hand as Lily hugged a very surprised Ron. Then Lily and James looked at Hermione who had slightly recovered from the initial shock of seeing her boyfriend's parents.
“Umm…I'm…” Hermione began.
“Hermione Granger!” Lily said, “Sirius told us!” Lily said stepping forward and hugging Hermione, while Hermione shot Sirius a grateful glance.
“So hang on a second, you came back, to help me defeat Voldemort?” Harry asked, “I thought only I could do that.”
“Well, yes we did come back to help you defeat him, but we also came back because it was time, and plus we had already missed fifteen years of your life, we didn't want to miss anymore.” James said, smiling.
“Well now that everyone is acquainted, let's get down to business; I'd say its time we start filling them in on what has been happening for the last fifteen years.” Dumbledore said, but then his eyes fell on Harry, Hermione and Ron, “Why don't you three head back to your dormitories!” He saw the look of disappointment on Ron and Harry's faces but they reluctantly stood.
“Oh, boys, it's probably for the best!” Hermione said heading for the door, “We do have classes tomorrow!”
“What she means is we have to go and finish our potions essays!” Ron said, “Leave it to Snape to assign homework the second week of school! Especially right before the ball…”
“Wait a second, Snape? What has Snape got to do with anything?” James said standing up.
“He teaches here, potions!” Sirius said, remembering having a similar reaction.
“He WHAT?” James yelled.
“James, sit down!” Lily said, “We have obviously missed a lot, now Harry, Hermione, Ron goodnight, we'll see you tomorrow!” she said ushering them out the door but stopped when she came to Harry.
“Promise?” Harry asked and Lily just smiled and ushered them out the door. Once they were out Lily turned towards her husband, his two best friends, and Dumbledore, and just thought to herself Too many men!
Harry, Hermione and Ron went back to their dormitories and up to bed, Harry lied in his bed thinking about his parents, not believing they were back, then a thought crossed his mind, he would no longer have to live with the Dursley's and for the first time in ages Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face. The rest of the week passed with Harry getting to know his parents and by the time Friday night came it was as if his parents had always been there. Harry was not just excited to have his parents back, but he also was excited for his date with Hermione. As Harry was getting ready for the dance he began to get a little nervous about it but at the same time he was happy because his parents were there to experience his first date with her. As Harry was waiting down in the common room playing wizard's chess with Ron, he heard the portrait hole open and looked over to see Sirius and Lupin walk in. Once they spotted Harry they broke out into smiles and exchanged looks, before heading over.
“Well don't you two look handsome!” Sirius said, “Where's Hermione and Lavender?”
“Getting ready, doing `girl' things that we wouldn't understand!” Ron said.
“Like what?” Sirius asked.
“I don't know, mum just kicked us out saying that we couldn't be there so we left.” Harry said making his next move in chess. He heard someone clear their throat behind Sirius and turned to see his mother standing there.
“They are ready!” she said looking up the stairs. First came Lavender, she was wearing a floor-length, strapless, pale pink robe with beading up and down. Her hair was done up in an upside-down braid with curls hanging down around her face. She smiled at Ron and walked to his side as Hermione began to walk down the stairs. Hermione was wearing a floor-length, spaghetti strap blue robe that had embroidery along the bodice then satin material hanging down to the floor. Hermione's hair was done up in a French twist with a few pieces of hair hanging down around her face, curled. Harry had never seen her look so beautiful in his life, and she was even more breathtaking when she smiled at him.
Lily suddenly spoke up, “Where's James?” she asked looking around. She looked at Sirius and noticed he was avoiding eye contact, “Sirius…where is James?”
“Wow, Hermione, Lavender you two are gorgeous, but I think it's about time that you got…” Sirius started.
“SIRIUS BLACK!” Lily yelled, “You WILL answer me!”
Sirius sighed in defeat, “He didn't want to leave Dumbledore's office in the chance that he might run into Snape.” Lily's eyes flashed with something, something that Harry couldn't interpret. Lily turned around and headed toward the portrait hole.
Lupin looked at Sirius, “You shouldn't have done that!” he said before following after Lily.
“What, you try standing up to that woman! C'mon kids we'll go see your father before you head to the dance.” He said ushering Ron, Harry, Lavender and Hermione out. Once they arrived at Dumbledore's office they heard shouting
“James, don't act so juvenile! This is childish; you know very well I want nothing to do with him, and for heavens sake, its Harry's first big date with Hermione, you know how much he's been looking forward to this.” Lily yelled.
“Yeah, well, I wouldn't have a problem with it if Snape wasn't here!” James said
“Fine!” Lily said, “I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back until you shape up, because this is a stupid schoolboy grudge that you have to get over.” Lily then came storming into Dumbledore's office and saw them there. She looked startled at first and then looked up to Sirius. “Oh, hi, well, kids I think it's time to get to the dance.” She smiled and looked at Harry, “Have fun sweetie, we'll see you tomorrow!” Harry and Hermione just looked at each other before turning and heading to the Great Hall.
“Wow, that sounded serious. I mean I knew that Sirius always had a problem with Snape, and I figured that your father would, but that is beyond what I thought!” Hermione said to Harry.
“I know!” Harry said thinking `I just got my parents back, don't make Snape split them up!'
The Ball was great, Harry and Hermione were having the time of their lives, they didn't think they could have this much fun together, but they were wrong. Hermione was getting punch when she saw something that caught her attention. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a head of blond hair, over by the corner talking to some girl. Hermione was about to go over and talk when Lavender tapped her on her shoulder.
“Hey, Hermione, do you mind if I steal a dance with Harry?” She asked
“Where's Ron?” Hermione asked looking around, but then she saw him, he was dancing with Ginny.
“She wanted a dance with her older brother!” Lavender said affectionately.
“Yeah, you can dance with Harry; just tell him I'm going to go out for some fresh air.” Hermione said heading toward the exit. Hermione headed outside and saw Malfoy standing by the ledge. He didn't seem to notice her so she spoke up, “Draco?” He spun around, as if he was ready to attack, but let out a sigh when he saw it was her.
“What do you want?” He asked staring at her.
“I just came out here to get fresh air, are you okay?” She said taking a step towards him. He just scoffed at her.
“Go away!” He said turning back and staring at nothing.
“Fine,” she said turning away, “You know I try!” she said turning around meeting his gaze, “I bloody well tried to make an effort, I even told Harry about this summer…”
“You told scarhead?” Malfoy said.
“Yes, I told him, he's my boyfriend he deserves to know what happened this summer.” Hermione said
“Yeah, you know, what DID happen this summer, I mean I know that Viktor hurt you, but what really happened before I saved you?” Malfoy asked heatedly.
“You know what Draco, Malfoy they were right about you all along, you are a selfish prat that hides behind daddy's money!” Hermione said
“Excus…” Draco started.
“I don't see what's wrong with that!” said a voice from behind Draco. Hermione looked up to see Lucius, Draco's father, surrounded by men wearing hoods over their heads.
Hermione just stared at Lucius as he smirked at her, “Silly little girl!”
“Run, Hermione, go!” she heard Draco yell, “Now!” Draco said pushing her towards the door before turning on his dad, “Father!”
“Draco!” he said eyeing his son, “She is very pretty!” Hermione didn't stay to find out what happened next she ran out of there and ran straight into Harry.
“Harry, Draco…his father came, deatheaters!” she stuttered.
“Okay Hermione go to Dumbledore's office and get my dad, I'll take care of them!” Harry said running outside to see Draco and his father square off.
“Draco, this time you picked the wrong side!” he said before holding his wand up to his throat, still not noticing Harry. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. As Lucius was muttering some spell Harry ran and pushed Draco out of the way just before it hit him. “Harry Potter!” Lucius spat out, “Come to save the day, have you?”
“I said I would always be here, didn't I?” Harry said standing up with Draco next to him.
“Well it seems you have just sealed your own fate as well as that of my son's!” he held up his wand preparing himself, “Draco, your mother will be so disappointed in you, we had such hopes for you, too bad you had to go a pick the wrong side!”
“I think it's you who chose the wrong side!” James said his wand pointed at Lucius. Lucius' eyes grew very big as he looked at Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Albus Dumbledore's wand pointed at his deatheaters, some of which had disapparated. But his surprise was mainly from James and Lily Potter whose wands were pointed at him. Harry saw this as his chance to act he took Draco and himself over to where Hermione was standing with Ron and Lavender. Ron looked at Malfoy with disgust, but Harry just shook his head and said.
“He's not his father, Ron!” Harry said as Hermione hugged him, “Hermione…air!” she suddenly let go and was about to say something when they heard a series of loud `pop's behind them.
“James, have you gone mad?” Sirius said, “We had them!”
“No, it's not time!” James said putting away his wand.
“I'm aware of what he almost did, but the point is we couldn't have taken them here with a room full of children next door and you know it!” James said back.
Sirius was about to say something back when Lily stepped in between them, “Children, the both of you, now calm down, Sirius, James is right we were not prepared, now let's go back inside.” Lily turned back to Harry, “Lavender, Ron why don't you go back to the dance and tell McGonagall that all is settled and…have fun. Harry, Hermione and Draco, follow me.” All of them began to walk except for Hermione who seemed to be in a daze.
“Come on Hermione, were safe!” Harry said reassuringly leading her towards Dumbledore's office.
Once they arrived at Dumbledore's office they were immediately checked over for any scrapes or injuries but found to have none. After Madame Pomfrey left Dumbledore spoke up, “So Hermione start at the beginning and tell me what happened!”
“Well, I went outside for a fresh breath of air and I saw Draco standing there and I started talking to him and we argued over things, but then his father came and he pushed me out of there, I ran into Harry and Harry told me to go get you and I did.” Hermione said.
“Harry what happened once you got there?” Lily asked
“I saw that Draco's father had his wand pointed at him, and he was about to curse him and I knocked him out of the way and then shortly there after you came.” Harry said looking at Draco who seemed to be in shock.
“Draco is this the way it happened?” Dumbledore asked him. Draco just nodded.
“What is the meaning of this!” they heard shouted through the door, which then burst open to reveal Snape who immediately came marching towards Draco. “Albus, this child is in my house, I should have been informed immediately!” He said not noticing those around him. He then stood up and saw Lupin and Sirius staring at him. “What are they doing here?”
“Hermione and Harry!” Sirius said pointing to those next to Draco. “They saved his life!”
“Is that so?” Snape asked Draco, who, again, only nodded. “I see well I will be taking him back to his house and I'll take care of it from here.”
“You most certainly will not be, that boy's father is looking for him, he would be safer kept somewhere else.” Lupin said.
“So you could protect him, an escaped convict, and a werewolf? What can you do? Or is it Potter that will protect him?” Snape said pointing to Harry.
“I know where he can go, at least for the night!” Hermione said, “The room of requirement! It can be anything that you want, why not just make it a place for him to stay for a while, until everything settles down.”
“That is the wor…” Snape started.
“Best idea I have ever heard!” said a voice from behind Snape. He swung around and came face to face with Lily Potter and James behind her. Snape started backing away, “What's wrong Severus, you look like you've seen a ghost.” She said walking towards him, “Or are you just looking at me like that because you're afraid that I know how you have been treating my son for the past six years.”
“Lily!” James said stepping towards her, “Stop!”
“What, I mean, are they ghosts?” Snape asked Dumbledore
“No, I assure we are very real!” James said turning his attention towards Dumbledore
“Harry, Hermione and Draco, you three will be staying in the room of requirement for tonight and we'll see what happens tomorrow. Now, go back to your dormitories and get your needed supplies for, a week, just in case.” Dumbledore said coming around and facing Draco, “Do not linger, I cannot stress this enough! Now go!” Harry, Hermione and Draco walked out of his office and headed toward their dormitories only to be stopped by Draco.
“Where is the Room of Requirement?” he said softly.
Once Harry and Hermione told Draco where the room was they headed toward the Gryffindor common room. Just before entering Harry stopped and looked at Hermione as if seeing her for the first time that night, he took her hand and looked down, “Hermione, I'm sorry that tonight didn't turn out to be the way we had planned it.”
Hermione looked at him in confusion, “It turned out fine, listen Harry, you don't need to impress me with fancy balls and planned out speeches, you already have me!” She said before heading up to her dormitory. Ten minutes later Harry was waiting down in the common room for Hermione when Ron and Lavender came in.
“What the bloody hell happened to you two.” Ron yelled.
“Ron…” Lavender tried
“No, Lavender we walk out there and see Malfoy with Hermione and Harry and then are told to go back to the dance and act as if nothing happened!”
“RON!” Lavender yelled giving him a sharp glare, “What he means is, are you okay?”
“Yeah, we're fine; my parents took care of it!” Harry said looking at Ron.
Lavender's eyes moved to behind Harry's head, “Oh, Hermione, are you all right?” Lavender said running to her and giving her a hug. Once she let go she noticed the bags, “Where are you going?” Harry stood up beside her.
“Dumbledore wants us to stay in the room of Requirement as a precaution with Malfoy for maybe a week, he's not all that sure.” Harry said.
“But we should be going, Dumbledore stressed not lingering.” Hermione said heading out of the portrait hole. “See you two tomorrow for breakfast!” They said heading towards the Room of Requirement. When they arrived there they saw Dumbledore with Malfoy.
“Ahh, good your back! Inside you'll find all the things you need, but as I was just discussing with Mr. Malfoy, after having talked it over with the Head's of your houses, and other close relatives we decided that it would be best if you stayed in here until further notice.” Dumbledore said.
“But, Professor, what about lessons?” Hermione asked.
“Don't worry about that we will have Ms. Brown or Mr. Weasley drop off your assignments.” Dumbledore said, “Oh, by the way, I will be sending some visitors down who wish to speak to you about tonight's matters in private. So don't be alarmed if you hear a knock on the door.” And with that said Dumbledore turned and headed towards his office.
Hermione, Draco, and Harry were left staring at each other in silence until Hermione sighed and took a step towards the door and opened it. The room was massive! It had a common room and four doorways, each marked with different names, leading to different rooms. Harry surveyed the four corridors; one said `Draco Malfoy', one said `Hermione Granger', one said `Harry Potter', and one said `Bathroom'. Harry went into the room marked his and saw a bed and a dresser with a mirror. It was simple but just what he needed. Harry walked back out into the common room to see Hermione sitting on the couch reading her `Hogwarts: A History' and Draco sitting across from her staring into space.
“So who wants to be the first to talk about what happened tonight?” Harry asked sitting down next to Draco. Draco looked startled, for a moment but quickly replaced his look with a stony expression.
“You were there you saw what happened!” Draco said standing up, “Even you couldn't be that stupid could you Potter?”
“Well, I was simply asking what occurred before I got there Malfoy.” Harry said standing also. Draco was about to say something when they heard Hermione slam down her book.
“Children, the lot of you! I refuse to stay a week inside a room where you two are at each other's throats.” Hermione said her voice full of anger.
“No one said you had to stay…” Draco said looking at Hermione.
“Listen, Malfoy, you may talk big, walk big, and act big, but I know inside your just a scared little boy. I saw the look on your face when your father arrived, I saw that you were terrified, and not that I blame you, but, just so you know, it's all right to seem vulnerable from time to time.” Hermione said. Draco was speechless.
“Listen, Draco, I know you don't want to be your father, that, in itself, should be enough for us to get along at least inside this room.” Harry said sticking out his hand, “Peace?” Draco seemed to consider this deeply before shaking Harry's hand. Harry and Draco were interrupted by a knocking on the door. They promptly let go of each other's hands and Hermione opened the door to reveal Sirius, James, Lupin, Lily, and Snape entering. Sirius, Lupin and James lingered near the door, while Lily went and stood next to Harry, Snape then made his way over to Draco. After a long, awkward silence with odd glances shot different ways Draco broke the silence.
“Don't tell me you came here to look at each other in odd ways, because if you did, why couldn't you do that in Dumbledore's office.” He said exasperatedly.
“Yeah,” Harry said having enough, “…there is obviously a lot of bad blood in this room, and being that I always seem to get the repercussions from that, I'd like to know what the bloody hell is going on!”
“HARRY!” Hermione and Lily said at the same time. Harry saw James, Lupin, and Sirius exchange knowing smiles.
“I believe what Harry was trying to say…” Hermione began.
“No, Hermione,” James said, “…we know what Harry meant, and he's right!” James noticed Lily's look. “Lily, he deserves to know, he's not a child, he's sixteen years old!”
“We all know how old he is Potter!” came the drawling voice of Snape.
“Stop! I want no yelling and Snape, I want you gone!” Lily said pointing towards the door. Snape looked at her and something flashed in his eyes before he stood up.
“I've been saying it for years and I'll say it again Potter, you never deserved her!” Snape said before leaving a very perplexed Harry, Hermione, and Draco. Lily seemed to have noticed Draco for the first time and smiled.
“You must be Narcissa's child?” Draco just nodded, “I'm Lily Potter, Harry's mother!” she said holding out her hand to shake, Draco took it hesitantly.
Draco seemed to have relaxed a little bit, “Umm, well, it's been a long day, I think I'm gonna retire for the day, night!” he said before heading towards his bedroom.
“Yeah, well you know, he's right, it's been a long day so I think I'll go and, umm…sleep, so goodnight, Professor Black, Professor Lupin, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, it was nice meeting you, Harry, see you tomorrow, goodnight!” Hermione said quickly before turning and heading to her bedroom, looking back to catch Harry's eyes briefly before disappearing behind her bedroom door. Harry turned back around to see all four adults with smirks on their faces.
“How long have you liked her?” James asked standing next to his wife.
“That is none of your business!” Harry said sitting down on the couch, his parents sat across from him as Sirius and Lupin sat in two armchairs next to the couches.
“At least since third year, possibly before!” Sirius said smiling.
“She reminds me loads of Lily, don't you think so?” James said to Sirius and Lupin who exchanged looks but remained quiet, “Well?”
“Sorry mate!” Sirius said, “We know when to keep our mouths shut!” James looked over to his wife who was giving him a death glare and smiled.
“Not meaning to sound rude, but you did come here to tell me what happened between you and Snape,” Harry said, “…so please I'd like to know!” Harry saw all the adults exchange glances.
Sirius finally spoke up, “I'll start, since obviously it started with me!”
“Started with you? What are you talking about?” Harry asked looking at his Godfather.
“Well when we were eleven and we received our Hogwart's letters my parents were delighted, another Voldemort worshipper in the family.” Sirius said with a scowl on his face, “But whenever I got on the train I couldn't find an empty compartment so I just sat down in the first one I could find. In it were many names that I recognized as friends of my father and mother, which also meant they were Voldemort supporters. Now, despite that I had been raised as a Voldemort supporter, didn't make me one. Among the people inside the compartment was Severus Snape who immediately had a feeling about him that we just wouldn't get along.” Sirius said. “After a while I left the compartment to see what else there was or more properly who else there was. I ran into James and he said he was looking for an empty compartment we found one with Remus and Peter in it and we immediately all became inseperatable.” Sirius paused. Lupin noticed,
“We were all very close but as I told you previously they couldn't very well ignore the fact that I disappeared once a month. When they found out they spent three years perfecting becoming an animagus. The next couple of years we spent playing evil tricks on people, especially Snape. Harry, now of course, you already know of the two worst instances in which your father, Sirius and Snape fought.” Lupin said
“He does?” James asked. “When?”
“During third and fifth year!” Sirius said, “Lupin sort of let it slip when Harry thought I was trying to kill him, and in fifth year when Harry looked in Snape's pensieve.”
“Which two instances?” James asked a little scared to know what his son thought of him. Harry looked at Sirius who looked back, but Lupin spoke up.
“The one with Sirius when he caught a glimpse of me, and then when you hung him upside down!” James and Lily's eyes both widened.
“He asked us why you two got married, after seeing the way Lily talked to James.” Sirius said.
“Yes, I didn't like him very much, it was in sixth year when he really started to grow up. I think he began to realize that in two years he was going to have to decide what he wanted to do with his life.” Lily said, “But in sixth year I couldn't admit that I had feelings for him, it would make me seem that I was a hypocrite. So while the rest of the school swooned over Sirius Black and James Potter, I stood off to the side and hid my feelings.” Lily finished; there was a silence.
“Now, girls didn't really swoon over us!” Sirius said, but Lily just nodded.
“Yeah they really did, they thought you were the best thing to happen to the female population in their time, and of course Sirius and James didn't exactly set the record straight,” Lily let out a laugh, “…Sirius had a new girlfriend every week, and James didn't exactly wait around for me either.”
“Hey, now that's not fair, in my own defense she obviously didn't like me, and I was young, what was I supposed to do not take advantage of the fact that all the girls thought I was gorgeous.” James said with a laugh, which got him elbowed by Lily.
“But, anyway, Snape was obviously jealous of James and by the end of sixth year it was becoming harder and harder to hide my feelings for James, and he had noticed my change in attitude towards him, but so had Snape!” Lily said, “Snape had made no secret that he liked me and had even asked me out a few times, but I just saw him as a greasy guy who loved the dark arts, because, Harry, despite the fact that I stopped your father from cursing him didn't make me like him.”
“Any way so, Lily and myself kept in contact all summer, and many times she would tell me that she didn't feel safe, like someone was watching her. Sirius was staying with me at the time, he had left his parents they…” James began
“He knows, I told him!” Sirius said cutting off James.
“He knows?” Lily asked.
“Well, yeah, he is my Godson!” Sirius said.
“Oh, okay then, anyways he was staying with me so we decided to take the knight bus and go see her. When we got there she was very scared, her parents had gone on holiday leaving her at home, and she didn't want to bother them. So we owled my parents and told them we would be staying at Lily's house for the last two or three weeks of vacation before school began they sent our trunks to her house and we stayed there.” James said.
“We all grew very close, we were pretty much stuck together,” Sirius said, “…but even I could tell that there was more in between Lily and James that they were letting come out. I was trying to give them time alone but everytime I did they never made any effort to try.” Sirius paused, “So when we went back to Hogwart's for the last year we were always together.”
“But, once I got back, I saw Snape lingering around in the hallways smiling at me, smiling like he knew a dirty little secret.” Lily said in disgust, “One night I was walking back from somewhere and Snape stopped me in the hall. He told me that he knew my secret and unless I agreed to date him he would tell the entire school. I had no idea what he was talking about but he told me it was that James and me were dating, and even though I wanted it and it wasn't happening, it wasn't a secret. I told him this and he pulled his wand on me and told me I'd date him or he'd make me. Before I got a chance to respond James had his wand against Snape's throat. He told him to let me go or else. He did and left, it was shortly thereafter that he became a deatheater. James and I began dating shortly after and the rest is history.” Lily said, “Snape never forgave me for rejecting him, but from what I hear, when Voldemort killed us he came back to Dumbledore and has been good ever since.”
James made a noise, “Snape will never be good, evil is in his blood, he doesn't know better!”
“Yeah well that may be true, but Dumbledore trusts him and that's good enough for me!” Lily said standing up, “We will leave and let you sleep it's been a long day.” She came and gave Harry a hug, “Good night my son!” she said before letting go and walking out the door with one last glance before heading out.
“Good night, Harry!” Sirius said following Lupin out. James was right behind him
“Good night, son, take care!” he said leaving.
“Night dad!”
The next day was very uneventful, Harry spent most of his day in bed until he heard Draco and Hermione talking.
“What are you talking about?” he heard Hermione ask.
“You know perfectly what I'm talking about, that girl's arm, the girl you saw at your precious Viktor's house.” Draco said. “Didn't you tell someone about the symbol since, Dumbledore, Black, Lupin, even Harry's parents?”
“No, I only told you, I was afraid that Viktor would come after me!” Hermione cried.
“He'll come after you whether you go to Dumbledore or not!” Draco yelled. Harry quickly got ready and went out into the common room. He saw Hermione and Draco pretty much at each other's throats. When he came out Draco backed off.
“What is going on here!” Harry asked.
“Your girlfriend here didn't tell anyone about that girl's arm she saw at Viktor's house!” Draco said pacing
“The girl's arm? Wait, why do you care?” Harry asked, Draco stopped pacing
“Why do I care? WHY do I CARE?” Draco looked at Hermione, “You didn't tell him did you!”
“No, I just figured it out!” Hermione said quietly.
“Figured what out?” Harry asked still not getting it.
“Well, this morning I went into the library to work on that essay for Lupin about the Book of Deception. Well I was just looking at things and that's when I saw this,” she said holding up a picture of some sort of symbol, “I remembered seeing it on the girls left arm when ever she was tied down. I hadn't been really concentrating on it, but it just sort of popped into my mind. Then when I read the caption I came back here immediately.” Hermione said
“Well, what does the symbol mean?” Harry asked intrigued.
“It is worn by the family in which hid the Book of Deception. The woman, that girl tied to the floor in Viktor Krum's house knows where it is, the Book of Deception.” Draco said, “And now, so does Viktor Krum!”
Harry, Hermione, and Draco burst into Dumbledore's office to find him sitting at his desk as if waiting for them.
“Hello children, please sit!” He said gesturing to the three chairs in front of his desk.
“Professor Dumbledore, we have bad news…” Hermione then went on to explain what they had discovered. Once they had finished Dumbledore had a unreadable expression on his face. Dumbledore then wrote down something on a piece of Parchment before standing up and going to Fawkes.
“Take this to Lupin, he'll know what to do!” he said and with a flash of fire Fawkes was gone. Dumbledore turned back to Draco, Harry, and Hermione.
“Hermione I thank you greatly for coming to me as soon as you realized this, but I don't think you understand the gravity of this discovery, you have just made a discovery that may change the course of the wizarding world.” Dumbledore said “The Book of Deception is quite possibly one of the most dangerous books in my time. Depending upon who finds this book can depend upon whether this book is good or evil.” Sirius, Lupin, Lily, James, Ron, Lavender, and Ginny walking into the room interrupted Dumbledore.
“What is the meaning of this?” Lupin asked
“It's been discovered Remus, the Book of Deception, its being sought after by Voldemort!” Dumbledore said standing up. “Ginny, thank you for coming, I would appreciate it greatly if you would look after the studies of these five while they are away, and also owl the Grangers, Browns, Mrs. Malfoy, and of course your parents.” Ginny just nodded, and Dumbledore smiled, “Thank you! You may head back to your class, and I would ask that you not repeat anything that you have heard here.” Ginny turned and began to leave before running back to Ron and hugging him and whispering something in his ear. Once she left Lily turned to Dumbledore,
“Where are they going?” she asked.
“Not them all of you!” Dumbledore said coming around his desk, “You are all going to find the Book of Deception!”
“All of us?” asked Lavender, “I mean, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but in this group I don't really belong.” Dumbledore took Lavender by the hand
“I assure you, Ms. Brown, you belong in this group, the acceptance that you long for lies in your roots!” Dumbledore said before turning to Draco.
“Mr. Malfoy, I know this seems against what you were raised to believe, and no one is forcing you to go on this journey, but if you go on this journey, I promise you that you too will find what you are looking for!” Dumbledore said looking at Draco
“Dumbledore must the children go?” James asked stepping forward
“James, I thought you would be offended if I didn't allow your child to put himself in harms way. But yes, these children must go!” Dumbledore said in a tone that was not to be argued with.
“Now, children why don't you head back to your dormitories while I go over the details with your parents.” Dumbledore said leading the children outside, “I suggest you go and pack, tomorrow will be quite a full day!” and with a quick snap as the door closed Dumbledore was gone.
Once they were back inside their dormitories Harry, Hermione and Draco headed back to the Room of Requirement. Draco immediately disappeared into his room and Hermione headed straight for the couch. Harry sat next to her, “What a day, huh?” Harry asked
“Oh, yeah!” Hermione responded
“Just think, tomorrow we'll be God knows where with Sirius…
“Lupin…” Hermione said
“My parents!”
“Draco!” Hermione said with a laugh
“Ron and Lavender!” Harry said, “That should be interesting!”
“Yeah!” Hermione said.
After a long silence, “So how are you?”
Hermione looked at him, “Honestly? I'm frightened out of my mind; I can't believe that Viktor would do that, and also what this trip to find this book might cost us?”
“Cost us?” Harry asked.
“Well, Harry you're the type to plunge into things without thinking of the consequences, me I'm the exact opposite! I mean what if we lose Sirius again, or your parents, what if you get hurt!” Hermione said, “I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you.”
“You don't have to worry about that, I can take care of myself!” Harry said taking her hand
“No, but, seriously Harry what if Voldemort is after this book, what if you meet, fight, and what if you lose? Then what?” Hermione asked.
“Then we'll deal with it, but I promise okay, I'll be all right!” Harry said, “Trust me?”
Hermione looked in his eyes, “I trust you!” they began to lean in, and then Harry pulled back suddenly.
“You know Hermione…I think I'm…” but he stopped when she put her finger on his lips.
“Harry, just shut up and kiss me!” Hermione whispered before Harry leaned in and caught her lips in a passion filled kiss.
A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short, I really don't have an excuse, it just is! I'm leaving for summer vacation soon, so I may not be updating much for a while, but I will update a bunch when I get home, I promise!
As Harry and Hermione sat on the couch kissing, Harry began to deepen the kiss while running his
hands up and down her back. Hermione pulled back for air and looked into his eyes, she leaned in
and captured his lips in another kiss. Harry pushed Hermione back on the couch, kissing madly,
until they heard the door open.
“Harry, Hermione?” they heard a man say, Harry immediately jumped apart from Hermione. Harry looked
up to see Sirius staring at him.
“Sirius, what are you doing here?” Harry asked. Sirius looked at Hermione on the couch with her
hair disheveled and her clothes wrinkled.
“What you're doing here, seems to be much more interesting!” Sirius said. They heard the door
open and saw James come in.
“Sirius what are you doing here?” James asked looking from Harry to Sirius.
Smiling he answered, “I...umm...well I cane to return Hermione's book,” he said holding up her
book on the Book of Deception; “...she left it in Dumbledore's office. But I walked in, I
didn't think to knock, I mean...and I saw...well...?” Sirius stuttered. “I saw Harry and
Hermione, umm...?”
“Snogging!” Hermione said standing up, James looked at her shocked and she ran out the room and
into her bedroom. Harry stared after her and then turned back to his father and Godfather.
“Well, thank you, for the book you can just leave it there!” Harry said sitting down on the
“Wow, boy do I feel awkward!” James said sitting across from Harry, “Well, Harry, your sixteen
years old, and I mean it's not as if you two don't like each other.” James said, “I
don't really see a problem with it; umm...just don't tell your mother!” James looked over
at Sirius, “Come on Sirius, let's go!” James said heading towards the door, but Sirius was
still in shock.
“Harry, I didn't mean to...” Sirius said
“Sirius, come on!” James said more forcefully.
“...it was like that time, when I walked in on Lily and James...”
“SIRIUS!” James yelled putting his hand over Sirius' mouth. “Let's go!” he smiled at Harry
who was trying to hold back the laughter.
“Bye dad, Sirius!” Harry said before they exited, James pulling Sirius out.
The next day Harry awoke by the sounds of a trunk slamming shut. He quickly got out of bed and
got dressed. When he walked out into the common room he saw Hermione point her wand at her trunk.
“Reducio!” she yelled causing her trunk to shrink to pocket size. She noticed Harry and her eyes
flickered to him briefly before she went over to her trunk and put it in a small carrying sack.
“Well, I'm all packed, Draco went up to his dormitory to check for something he left, and
I'm going to go join Ron and Lavender, bye!” she said heading towards the door.
“We have to talk about it some time, you know!” Harry said lugging out his trunk.
Hermione stopped and turned to face Harry, “Why should we talk about it, it was obvious that its
all right for us to kiss when no one was watching, but the second someone found out, just jump
away, pretend like nothing happened, just like with you and Cho!” Hermione said with hate in her
voice. Harry looked angry.
“How could you say that, what happened between us last night meant the world to me, I was just
surprised, I'm sorry if you felt like I was acting as if nothing happened, but I was just
surprised!” Harry said, “Why are you acting like this? I thought we had something good!”
Hermione sighed, “Because I loved last night, but I felt it when you pulled away, that need to
protect me, and now we are going on a trip where we are going to be facing danger, and you know
what, I know you, and I know that the second I get hurt you will push me away.” Hermione said
angrily, “And you know what that would just hurt more, so I'm ending it now, now before we get
more attached, before we do something crazy like fall in love with each other.” Hermione said,
“I'm sorry Harry!” she then turned and left.
Harry then turned and looked at his trunk, “What just happened?” he asked feeling his heart
“Hermione are you mad?” screeched Lavender as Ron comforted her.
“Laven...” Ron started.
“No, Ron, she had the best thing it the world, and she let him go because she was afraid that he
would let her go, that's stupid!” Lavender said.
“Lavender, she needs our support right now, not our berating.” Ron said
“No, Ron, she's right but there's more to it, last night, when we kissed, I didn't feel
it in his kiss, I didn't feel that need that he wanted to be with me, I just felt, well I
don't know. Then I looked into his eyes and I saw something but it wasn't love, and I
don't know if I can live knowing that I love him more that life itself and he doesn't love
me.” Hermione sobbed. Lavender sighed and sat down next to her.
“Hermione if you love him like you say you do then this should be a no-brainer.” Lavender said
taking her hands, “Hermione do you love him?”
“More than life itself!” Hermione said
Lavender smiled, “Then go get him!”
“Come with me, Ron. Lav, I need you guys.” Hermione said looking at them. Ron and Lavender
exchanged glances before nodding and Hermione smiled.
Lavender stood up, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!”
Ron and Lavender were following behind Hermione as they headed back to the Room of Requirement.
They saw Draco leaving and he looked at Hermione perplexed, “What are you doing out here?” he
asked, “You were just...” he said pointing inside. Hermione pushed open the door and ran to
Harry's room; she flung open the door and saw Harry kissing Cho.
“Oh my god!” she said as she staggered backwards and fell to the floor. Harry looked at her and
took a step towards her, “NO!” she screamed. She started scooting back on the floor, “Stay away
from me!”
“Hermione it's not what it looks like!” he said walking towards her. Lavender came in and ran
to pick her up, Hermione hung onto her for dear life.
“How could you, with her!” Hermione said before standing up and looking at Harry loathingly.
“Wait a second,” Cho spoke up, “you and Harry broke up, you have no say as to who he kisses!”
Hermione just stared at her and then lunged at her not holding anything back.
“Hermione!” Harry yelled pulling her back, then to his surprise Cho hit her back. “Cho!” Harry
pulled Cho off the floor and threw her against the wall with surprising strength. Harry looked at
Hermione, “Are you okay?”
“I don't believe this?” Cho yelled, starting towards Hermione and Harry only to be intercepted
by Lavender.
“I think it would be best if you left, Cho!” Lavender said stopping her.
“What, Harry...” Cho started
“Just go Cho, I can't even look at you, you tricked me, you told me you were my friend.” Harry
said stepping towards her, “Then you talk me into letting you into my bedroom and you try to seduce
me.” He stepped back, “Leave and never come back!”
“I'll get you Harry Potter that you can count on!” Cho said harshly before leaving.
Hermione looked at Harry and let go of Lavender and headed towards her bedroom. Harry followed,
once inside Harry closed the door and Hermione turned on him, “You wanna explain that?” Hermione
“She came in, she heard us arguing and then we just sat and talked. All the warnings I had against
her just seemed to shut off, then she said that she would be there for me. I told her I was going
to get something that I needed for this trip and I went into my bedroom and she followed me. She
then started saying that I didn't need you and that she wanted me, then she kissed me and you
walked in.” Harry said looking at Hermione. “I know it doesn't sound believable but it is the
truth, Hermione I know I haven't said it, because frankly until you left me I hadn't
thought about it. But now, after all this I know that we need to be together because we won't
make it through this trip without it.” Harry said pausing and taking a deep breath, Hermione's
heart skipped a beat, “I love you!” Hermione just stared.
Then she remembered what Lavender said to her `Hermione if you love him like you say you do then
this should be a no-brainer' “I do love him!” Hermione said to herself, then looked at Harry,
“You don't know how long I've been waiting for that!” Hermione then stepped into his arms
and kissed him like there would be no tomorrow.
Harry and Hermione pulled apart quickly when they heard the door open, “What the bloody hell is
going on...oh, I'm so sorry!” Lily said coming in the door.
“Oh...mum!” Harry said quickly, “Umm...” he looked at Hermione quickly, “...well, Hermione and I
are, well...”
“Courting?” Lily said, she smiled, “Oh, Harry, I may be getting older but I do remember what
courting is.” Lily said coming forward, “Now Hermione, we'll have to talk, I'll teach you
how to handle the Potter men!” she said putting her arm around Hermione's shoulders, “Now
it's time to go!” Lily said leaving the room, Harry and Hermione looked at each other before
Hermione headed out. Sirius, James, Lupin, Lavender, and Ron were sitting on the couches and stood
abruptly when they entered. Dumbledore then proceeded to enter the room.
“Ahh, good, you all are here, good. I am sending you to my friend who holds the key to where it may
be hidden her name is Persiam Deppart. She is a very well educated sorcerer, do not underestimate
her. I have prepared a portkey to take you as far as I can, from there you will have to go to
Aenigma, there you will find Persiam. James, give her this...” he said handing him a note,
“She'll understand.”
Dumbledore took out a jar, “Here's the portkey, be careful, I must not stress enough that you
need to be incredibly careful, that book, it does things to people you've never even heard
about.” Dumbledore then smiled and left the room.
Harry looked at his parents and stepped forward as the rest of them did the same, they each laid a
hand on the jar. Hermione, the last, stepped forward and grabbed Harry's hand smiled at him and
then laid her hand on the jar, instantly Harry felt the familiar pull behind his navel and he
closed his eyes.
When Harry opened his eyes he was in the most beautiful place he had ever seen, the grass was
green, the trees were fully in bloom and there was a breeze that made it not too hot, not too cold.
It was perfect, too perfect! Lavender took a step forward to look at the forest and immediately a
sword was at her throat. She stood so still she could have been a statue.
“Look at this, a poor little girl!” a man snarled, “Stay where you are or else this poor, little,
helpless girl won't have a head!” Hermione was watching Lavender, when the man said that
something changed in her eyes, immediately she stepped on the man's foot elbowed him in the
face and kicked the sword out of his hand. She stepped over and picked up the sword and held it to
the man's throat.
“Now, who's helpless?” Lavender said
“Bloody hell!” Ron said in shock.
“Who are you?” James asked stepping forward
“J-just a guard of the f-forest, nothing more!” he said stuttering
“Well, now what are we going to do with him, he obviously was just in the wrong place at the wrong
time, but if we let him go he'll go off and tell his friends and they'll attack us.” James
said, “What do we do?”
Lily sighed, “You know, the sad part is James is the smart ones out of this group!” Lily said
rubbing her forehead. She held up her wand and chords shot out of the end of it and tied up the
man. Hermione was next
“Petrificus Totalus!” she yelled and the man fell flat. “Honestly don't you boys ever
“If we say no will you do our school work?” Ron asked, Hermione glared at him.
“Well, we should get a move on, keep a watchful eye out, I'm sure there are worse things than
guards in these woods, especially once night falls.” Lupin said walking forward. The rest of the
day was pretty uneventful except for a few spiders, which scared Ron, but otherwise by the time
they stopped for the night they were just waiting for something to happen. Sirius, Lupin and James
all set up three tents. One for Lily, Hermione and Lavender; one for Draco, Ron and Harry; and
another for Lupin, James and Sirius. By the time night had fallen they were all going to their
respective tents. The four adults were inside their tent talking about the plan for the next day,
Draco was inside his tent, Ron and Lavender were inside the girls' tent, so Harry and Hermione
went down towards the river and sat there.
Harry was gazing out at the river not noticing Hermione looking at him, “You know Harry, I've
been thinking about something, you have been dealing with a lot lately, I mean with this Book of
Deception thing. It's all a lot to handle for a sixteen year old guy!” Hermione said.
“What do you mean?” Harry asked still not looking at her. Hermione put her hand on his chin and
made him look at her.
“I mean, I'm here, you can talk to me!” Hermione said looking into his eyes.
“I know, but it's not like you could understand, I mean, no one can, no one can know what its
like to carry a burden like this.” Harry said looking back towards the river
“Well then let us carry some of it for you instead!” Hermione said standing up and heading back to
camp. Harry stood up abruptly.
“Hermione, wait, I didn't meant to upset you!” Harry said grabbing her by the arm
She looked down, “I know Harry, but you have to realize that there are other people here that care
about you, so don't be scared to open up. Not just to me, but to others too, like Sirius and
your parents.” Hermione said, “Now I'm going to go to bed, good night, love!” Hermione said
leaning in and kissing him before pulling away and walking back to camp.
“She's right you know!” said a voice from behind Harry. He turned to see his father.
“Hello dad!” Harry said, he hadn't really gotten a chance to talk with his father by
James smiled, “She's right, smart one, that girl! You found yourself a good one! She reminds me
so much of your mother; smart, clever, muggle-born, she even looks a little bit like her.” James
said smiling at Harry.
“What do you mean?” Harry asked confused.
“Harry, finding the love of my life was the best thing that could have happened for me. I had
Sirius and Lupin but without your mother I would have gotten nowhere. Harry I barely know you, so
it wouldn't be logical for me to judge you. But, from what I can tell, you are remarkably like
me, which would also mean you have a tendency to push people away whenever they might be in danger.
Don't do that, listen to Hermione, her words could mean the difference between life and death!”
James said before turning to camp, “C'mon Harry, time for bed!”
Once Harry got into his tent he saw Ron and Draco lying on their backs not talking to each
other. Harry shook his head, “Can't you guys get over this thing that seems to separate you for
just this trip?” Ron looked over at Draco
“No!” Ron said defiantly
“I tried to talk to him but he wouldn't get over it!” Draco said sitting up.
“Ron, I don't think you realize Draco is on our side, he's with us on this thing. We
can't be divided, you know this as well as I do!” Harry said
“Now, let's go to bed, it's going to be a hard day tomorrow.” Harry said lying down in his
sleeping bag.
The next day after having breakfast and taking down the tents they began their journey to Aenigma.
They were all walking silently with their wands in their hands. The three marauders were walking in
front followed by the three boys, then Lily, Lavender and Hermione were walking at the end.
Lavender and Hermione were talking with Lily listening silently next to them.
“Hermione, I've got to ask!” Lavender said, “I know this is a sore subject for you but I was
just wondering what was Viktor Krum like, I mean, he was just so gorgeous, I mean...”
“I CAN HEAR YOU!” Ron yelled from in front of them.
“Well stop eavesdropping then!” Lavender shot back and then turned to Hermione with expectant
“Well, he was great, at first, but after a while he just got so jealous of Ron and Harry...”
Hermione started.
“Jealous? What would Viktor have to be jealous of with two scrawny fifteen years olds?” Lavender
“HEY!” Harry and Ron said together looking back at the girls. Lily just laughed.
“Sorry Harry, but she's got a point!” Lily said, “I mean in our fifth year when your father was
trying so hard to impress me and failing miserably, the older guys looked so much better, whether
or not you were actually scrawny is up for discussion but to girls, until your seventeen, you will
be scrawny.” Lily finished with a laugh while receiving and incredulous stare from her husband.
“Oh, honey, you know I love you, but you were pretty scrawny!”
“What is this, male bashing day?” Harry asked. Draco laughed at them and they stared at him, “Draco
you're supposed to be backing us up!”
“Why, so I can have my past brought up and thrown in my face, no thanks!” Draco said
Sirius spoke up, “Children, we're here!” Sirius said motioning to a sign that said
`Aenigma' across it.
The town was full of witches and wizards hurry through the streets not even noticing the nine
strangers entering their town. Sirius took a step forward and ran into a witch.
“Hey, watch where your going will ya?” the witch said before continuing on.
“It's magnificent!” Hermione said walking into town. But Sirius stopped her and just shook his
“A town holding secrets like this is not easy to get into.” Sirius said turning back towards Lily,
James and Remus. “Perhaps the kids should stay here!”
“What, no, that's not fair, coming from mister daredevil, you can't...” Harry
“Harry!” Hermione said, “You can't go in there without us, Professor Dumbledore said that you
will need us to help figure out the clue.”
“Lavender?” a voice asked from behind Sirius, he turned around to see a woman with long blonde hair
and shining blue eyes.
“Aunt Persiam? Is that you?” Lavender said launching herself into her arms.
“Lavender?” Ron asked.
“Oh, sorry,” Lavender said pulling herself, “Ron, Harry, Hermione, Professor Lupin, Black, Mr. and
Mrs. Potter this is my Aunt, Persiam Deppart.”
“Your Aunt?” Ron asked, “Your Aunt holds the clue to the Book of Deception?”
“I guess, this is the first I have heard of the book.” Lavender said looking at her boyfriend. “I
didn't mean to keep it a secret, but I thought that if Dumbledore had thought it would make a
difference, he would have told you.”
“Wait a second, how did you find out about the Book of Deception?” Persiam asked Lavender.
“It's trying to be stolen, we are on a search to find out who and why?” James said stepping
forward holding out his hand, “James Potter!” Persiam shook his hand. “I have a note from
Dumbledore!” he said handing her the note. She read it quickly and looked up at Sirius, Lily and
“Follow me!” Persiam said turning and walking through the village, once they made it through the
village they came upon a little cottage outside of the village. Once inside Persiam turned to them,
“Why have all of you come? The adults must be enough, I don't know if I appreciate my niece
going on a dangerous mission such as this.” She eyed the children, “What do you know of the Book of
Deception?” The children exchanged glances.
“Well...” Ron began
“It's a book containing some of the most brilliant and terrible curses known to wizardry!”
Hermione said.
Persiam's eyes turned to Hermione something flickered in her eyes but was quickly gone, “Yes,
that's right, but if this book is ever found, depending of course upon who finds it, could wipe
out all evil or all good.” Persiam looked over to James, “You come here to see the clue?” James
simply nodded. “Dumbledore told you that I show just about anyone this clue, and that is true, to
an extent. But most of them don't understand the clue simply because it is hard to figure out,
people don't understand the clue because the clue is this.” She said taking a small bottle out
of her robes. The vial was filled with a red liquid.
“Is this a potion?” Lavender said taking it from her Aunt.
“No, Lavender, it is something much better than that. It is my blood!” Persiam said with a smile,
when everyone looked at her with confused eyes her smile faded, “Dumbledore didn't tell you
about me?”
“About you?” Lily asked stepping forward.
“Yes about my past, about what happened to me?” Persiam said, “About why my blood is the key to
unlocking the secret of where the Book of Deception is hidden. That vial of blood was taken from me
a long time ago before my memory was altered, after I hid the Book of Deception.”
A/N: Well…here it is, I'm terribly sorry that it has been so long, but my friend came into town, and I had to spend time with her. Then next week I'm going on vacation to Louisiana, so I might not be able to get everything up, but I will try. Please R&R it makes me feel special!
“Before you did what?” Ron asked unbelievably
“Before I hid the Book of Deception! That vial of blood is the only clue to finding the Book of Deception because everyone else who knew where it was hidden died or their memory was altered.” Persiam said. She stood up and walked away from them.
“Aunt Persiam, you couldn't have hid the Book of Deception, it was lost or hidden over two centuries ago.” Lavender said.
Persiam turned to Lavender and put her hands on her shoulders, “Lavender you shouldn't have found out this way.” She sat back down on the couch and Lavender sat next to her, “My life is complicated, there is much more to me than meets the eye. My life would be something you would call a sad story. I'm a little over 200 years old, this, judging from my appearance, would be hard to accept.”
“Aunt Persiam?” Lavender asked hesitantly
“Lavender, I guess it's no secret I'm not your mother's sister, but I am your Aunt, just your Aunt many generations ago. I guess I should start at the beginning. I suppose this story starts with love, as many do, found, and lost. I met the man of my dreams when I was very young and still coming into my powers. We were instant friends but nothing more for many years but slowly our feelings changed and we fell in love. But in most love stories there was the outsider, the one who wanted someone but couldn't have them so instead sought out to ruin the relationship.” Persiam stood up, “He was very special and meant so much to me…” she paused and seemed to be lost in thought.
“I know who you are!” Draco said suddenly, she looked up into his eyes.
“You would Mr. Malfoy; I'm sure your father would have mentioned me as a traitor, my lover and myself were very much against the Dark Arts. We were very hated at the time, not many people were against it, but we did have followers. The Book of Deception was in our hands and we did use it to our advantage, but the problem with it was that the curses had side effects, horrible side effects.” Persiam stopped and thought,
“It was then that we decided there was no choice but to destroy the book or hide it. Well we tried to destroy it but it just didn't work, it just couldn't be destroyed. That was when we set off to find the perfect place, and I won't bore you with details but we found the cave of Deception. The cave itself has many secrets and it is very hard to access, few have ever succeeded, but we did, and there we placed the book. We didn't put any curses on the book to prevent people from taking it because the book itself has protections.” Persiam turned to Lavender and looked into her eyes.
“I have never given this clue to anyone, just let them hold it, touch it, see if they could get anything off of it.” Persiam said
“But wait, if you had you memory altered why do you know where it is?” Hermione asked. Persiam studied her.
“Because the cave of Deception was lost, it crumbled and no one has been able to find it. But this clue shows you how to get to the cave of Deception, if you can figure out how to use it.” Persiam said looking at Lavender before leaning into her ear and whispering, “The secret lies in their hearts!”
As they all stood up to leave Persiam took the vial of blood and handed it to Lavender. She put it in her hand and closed it, “I know this may all seem like a lot to handle, but I ask you to bear with me, everything I do has a purpose and everything I say has a meaning.” She said before turning away, but stopping quickly, and staring at Lavender. She turned took Lavender's hand and smiled at her, “Sorry!” she said before squeezing it causing the bottle to break in her hand.
Lavender let out a scream of pain and dropped the bottle, but the damage was done, on her hand was a mixture of Lavender's and Persiam's blood dripping from her hand. “Oh my!” Persiam said.
“Lavender, what's wrong?” Lupin said coming to her, his eyes widened when he realized what was on her hand, “What happened?”
“I didn't realize my grip and I broke the bottle in her hand, I am sorry, but I must request that you leave my home.” Persiam said pushing them towards the door, she looked at Lavender and pulled out her wand, tapping it on her hand, and cleaning up Lavender's hand. “Lavender, do not worry, the answer is in my blood, you'll be all right!” Persiam said before pushing her out the door. Lavender looked at everyone and closed her eyes, she saw something, some cave, it was in a familiar area, it was where the cave of Deception was, she recognized it. Then she saw a woman screaming in agony, standing over a dead man's body. Lavender's eyes shot open and she stared at Ron who was looking at her funny.
“Lavender, are you all right?” He asked.
“Stay here!” she said before turning back to her Aunt's cabin and opening the door. “Aunt Persiam, what the…”
Persiam looked at her, “Ahh, I see you had your first vision, I always thought the blood would do the trick.” Persiam picked up her cup of tea but stopped before drinking it, “Well, you can sit down, I'm almost certain you have questions.”
Lavender pretended she didn't hear her, “What was that, I just had some sort of visions of the Book of Deception, and a woman.” Persiam looked down.
“Yes you were having visions of me, when I hid the Book of Deception. See Lavender people come from all around to hold that blood take a drop of it and things such as that, but no one has been able to find where it is. I didn't understand it until you came here, how to access the book, or how to work the bloody, no pun intended, clue. But you see the answer is in my blood, you, you Lavender are my blood therefore making you the only one able to make it…work. Do you understand?” Lavender looked at her.
“No, I mean yes I understand that, but that woman she was you, and you hid the Book of Deception, that was hidden over two hundred years ago, explain to me how that is possible!” Lavender said
Persiam sighed, “You don't want to know the truth, but I'll tell it to you anyways. I am Persiam Deppart, I am 233 years old and I am trapped looking like I am 30 until I get my revenge on those that killed my lover.”
“What is taking Lavender so long?” Ron asked pacing around the yard.
“Ron, sit down!” Hermione said, getting tired of him asking the same question over and over.
“Yeah if that was Harry in there you wouldn't be sitting down!” Ron said sitting down next to Harry.
“Stop, the two of you! We don't need your fighting, it won't help matters. Hermione, Ron's worried about Lavender, and Ron, Hermione's just worried about you, so stop jumping down each other's throats.” Harry said standing up and walking away to sit on his own. Hermione watched him walked away and sighed, he was doing it, he was pushing her away. She was about to get up and help him when his parents started after him, she felt odd, jealous, even though she shouldn't have. Ron noticed,
“Hermione, I'm sorry for snapping at you, I shouldn't have, I'm just worried about her, I mean I know its her Aunt, but she's still my girlfriend, I'm allowed to worry right?” Ron said looking at her.
“Yeah, sorry for snapping at you too, I'm just worn out!” Hermione said dismissively.
Hermione looked away and Ron sighed, “We all see it, you know, he's not just pushing you away, he's pushing us away too.” Hermione looked up her eyes full of tears.
“I know, but this time he promised he wouldn't, he looked me in the eye and told me he wouldn't.” Hermione said with letting the tears fall. “He told me he loved me, you know.” Ron looked at her with surprise in his eyes, “Yeah he did, after I told him I loved him, after I told him that I couldn't live without him. I just, I love him so much and you know there are times when I just can't picture my life without him, and I don't want to either. But…” Hermione said staring at Ron, “…he doesn't love me!” when she said this Ron just looked at her, “He can say it a million times, but that won't change what I see in his eyes.” Ron sighed and leaned into hug her.
“Hermione, he may not love you yet, but just give it time, it's a big step, you know, Harry never had loving parents like we did growing up, he never saw love.” Ron said still hugging her. Hermione looked over at Harry and saw him looking at her and just shook her head.
“I keep saying that in my mind but I just can't believe it, I can't keep making excuses for why he won't love me, and if things don't change I don't know if I can stay with him.” Hermione said letting go of Ron, she looked over to Harry and saw him talking to his parents, “I can't keep pretending he loves me if he really doesn't!” Ron was about to open his mouth and respond when Lavender walked out and said the furthest thing from everyone's mind.
“I know how to get to the cave of Deception!”
That night they all set up camp in the same fashion as they had before Harry was sitting in front of the fire when he saw Lavender and Hermione walk out into a clearing. Harry got up to follow her when he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Ron standing there. “Hey mate, can we talk?” Harry nodded and sat back down still looking at Hermione.
“Harry, I got to ask you a question, Hermione and I were talking today after you stormed off. She would probably hex me into oblivion if she knew I was talking to you about this, but I feel I need to tell you.” Harry looked at him, “Well, of the two of us, it's no secret I am the dense one, but in this case, you have chosen to be dense and it might cost you Hermione.” Harry opened his mouth to talk but Ron held up his hand to stop him, “Hear me out before you talk. Hermione was telling me that you told her you loved her and that she loved you back. Now I've known from the beginning that your feelings have always run deeper than friendship, but I was surprised when she told me you told her you loved her. I knew she loved you, but I didn't know you loved her, and I don't believe you do…”
“Ron, how can you…”
“…and neither does Hermione!” Harry stopped and looked at Ron. “She sees it in your eyes, and she told me that she can't keep pretending that you love her when you don't. Now I love you two to death, and it pains me to see you two like this so work it out.” Ron said standing up and walking over to Lavender leaving Harry dumbstruck. Harry looked up and saw Hermione staring at him and he stood up and walked over to Hermione.
“Harry…I thought you had gone to be…” but Hermione was interrupted when Harry's mouth covered hers. Hermione was so shocked by this she didn't know how to react, then recovering from shock she pulled back from Harry and smiled, “What brought this on?”
“I talked to Ron…” Her smiled faded.
“Ron, RON?” Hermione yelled “I'm gonna kill him!” Hermione turned to walk away but Harry stopped her.
“No wait, we need to talk!” he said
“Why talk you already know about my insecurities, so what exactly happened, huh, what did he tell you?” she asked putting her hands on her hips.
“What the bloody hell is going on out here?” Sirius said exiting his tent followed by Remus and James. “Some of us are trying to sleep!” Lily and Lavender followed by Ron and Draco soon joined the group of spectators. When Hermione saw Ron she advanced towards him causing him to back up in fear.
“Ronald Weasley, you told him, you told him what I told you? That was not for him to hear!” Hermione said stepping towards him to have Lavender step in front of him.
“Hermione, come with me!” Lavender said grabbing her arm.
“Wait!” Harry yelled, “We were talking we need to finish this.” Hermione pulled away from Harry.
“I have nothing to say to you, as far as I'm concerned Ron told you what I was feeling, why should I tell you?” Hermione yelled at Harry.
Harry looked around at his parents and Sirius, “Hermione, this is not a conversation that we should be having in front of everyone!”
“I think here is fine! You know Harry I tried to make up excuses, saying you never had enough love in your life, I mean let's face it until Sirius came back into your life you didn't really know love, and I'm not even sure if he filled the place in your heart that needed to be filled, but you know what, I thought I did.” Hermione yelled at him, “I thought that maybe if I told you I loved you it would help, and I did, I didn't expect you to say it back, but you did.” Hermione turned away and then looked back, “And at least when you told me I expected you to tell me the truth, not tell me what I want to hear!” she said before running back to her camp. Lavender just looked at Harry and stepped towards him.
“Lavender, I'm really sorry that you had to see that…” but he was interrupted by Lavender's hand connecting with the side of his face sending him back a few steps.
“Stay away from her!” Lavender said before heading back to her tent. Lily and James just stared incredulously at their son. Sirius coughed and excused himself followed by Remus, Ron and Draco.
“Harry?” Lily asked. “What the bloody hell was that about?” Harry sighed and quickly filled his parents in on the details of how he had told Hermione he loved her, and how he had meant it.
“So you did mean it when you told her?” Harry nodded. “Well obviously not, otherwise she would have seen it in your eyes.” Lily said
“Mum, you're supposed to be on my side!” Harry said.
“I'm not on anyone's side unless they are right, Harry we may not have been there but I know you were raised with dignity, you told that girl you loved her and she told you se loved you, she meant it you didn't. I am going to go talk to that girl, but she's right you should have told her the truth, not what she wanted to hear.” Lily said before heading to her tent.
The next day as they were traveling there were obvious separation issues among the group, Hermione and Lavender wouldn't even look at Harry let alone talk to him, Lily would just send disappointing glances towards Harry and Ron, Draco, James, Sirius and Lupin were sort of thrown into the middle. By mid-afternoon Sirius had finally had enough, “Okay Hermione and Harry come here!” he said causing the whole group to stop. When Harry and Hermione didn't budge, Sirius conjured a box and grabbed them and thrust them inside locking the door behind them. When he turned around he saw the shock in everyone's eyes. “I'm sorry, I just couldn't take it anymore, now does anyone else have a problem with anyone?”
Harry and Hermione were banging hard on the door and trying everything, they had left their wands outside so they were trying to kick it open. After ten minutes of incessant knocking and banging Hermione sat down, she looked up at Harry and sighed, “What's the use?”
“What's the use? Oh I'm sorry I was under the impression that you didn't want to be in the same room as me!” Harry said looking at her.
Hermione stood up, “I don't but you know what were gonna have to talk about this sooner or later!” she looked at him, “I don't see why you couldn't just tell me the truth when I told you I loved you, I mean, was that so hard?”
“Well what did you expect me to say? Did you expect me to say, `I have feelings for you but I'm not in love with you'? Excuse me if I was under the impression that most girls wouldn't lik…”
“I'm not most girls Harry! I'm Hermione the girl you have known since you were eleven!” Hermione yelled interrupting Harry.
“Well what do you want me to do now?” Harry asked sliding down the wall, sitting down. Hermione sighed and sat down.
“I don't know, I just don't know!” Hermione looked down then back at Harry, “Harry, maybe this is my fault; maybe it was just too soon for you to know that I love you.”
“Hermione don't think that, I do love you, I've realized that now. I may not have when I first said that, but I do now.” Harry said sitting next to her.
Hermione looked into his eyes; “Do you mean it?” Harry leaned into kiss her but she pushed him back, “You break my heart, I'll hex you so bad you'll wish I was you-know-who!” Hermione said before letting him kiss her.
As Harry was kissing her Hermione thought that there couldn't be any better place. Harry began to deepen the kiss and slowly shifted his way on top of her. When they broke away for air Hermione searched in his eyes for the truth that she desperately sought and she found it, deep in his eyes. She leaned up and captured his lips, she felt his hands make their way down to her shirt so her hands went up into his hair, oh Merlin how she loved his hair. His hands snaked up into her shirt and she felt him pull it over her head, and for some reason she didn't protest. Instead her hands went to his shirt and pulled it over his head and admired his strong physique. She definitely loved Quiddich! They broke apart for air and suddenly she was brought back to reality, she was about to shag a guy she had been dating for a week. Harry leaned back in but Hermione pushed him back.
“No!” she said firmly picking up her shirt and putting it on over her head. When he looked at her in confusion she explained, “Harry, we've been dating for a week, I know we've known each other much longer, but I'm not ready for that step, at least not yet.” She said handing Harry his shirt, “And besides what would happen if your parents walked in on us?” Hermione said pushing herself against the wall handing Harry his shirt. As Harry threw it over his head Hermione stood up and tried the door to find it unlocked. She looked back at Harry and threw the door open to come face to face with Sirius.
“About time, now come on!” Sirius said making the box vanish after Harry stepped out, “We have a long trip ahead of us!” They said turning to walk away from them. Harry looked at Hermione and they exchanged glances before running to catch up with the group.
“So where are we going?” Harry asked catching up with his parents. Lily looked at Harry.
“Well, we are going to go to the place the cave of Deception was last known to be.” Lily said glancing at James. “Then hopefully once we get there we can find out how to access the cave, or get inside.”
Hermione spoke up, “Yes, but Mr. and Mrs. Potter…”
“Lily and James, Hermione, Mr. and Mrs. Potter make us sound so old!” James said cutting her off.
Hermione smiled, “Lily and James, why are we heading back towards Hogwarts?”
“Because the last known place where the caves were is close to Hogwarts and if we use the portkey to get back to Hogwarts it would be easier to access it, and quicker.” James said hurrying up to catch up with Sirius and Remus. Hermione looked at Harry and ran up to talk to Lavender. Harry looked at his mother.
“But mum, where was the last known place, I mean if it's close to Hogwarts you'd figure most students know about it, and it would be a pretty popular place.” Harry said.
“Ah, but see Harry Dumbledore is wise and he built something over it that would secure that no one got to the caves.” Lily said looking at Harry.
“But, what…” Harry said confused.
“Harry, I don't know what you have been told about the grounds surrounding Hogwarts, but I'm not naïve enough to think that that blasted map and cloak haven't found its way into your hands. But there are things on surrounding areas of Hogwarts that may have initially been put there for specific purposes but they do have double meanings.” Lily said pausing.
“Like what?” Harry asked.
“The shrieking shack Harry, it was placed there to hide the cave of Deception just as much to help hide Remus' condition.”
Once they arrived back at their former campsite they all decided to stop for the night and finish the next day. They set up their tents and Lavender and Hermione disappeared into them as soon as they were up. Lavender just stared at Hermione after she told her what happened, “You two almost…but…you stopped?” Lavender stuttered out.
“Of course!” Hermione said with a look of horror on her face. Lavender exhaled and looked at Hermione.
“You know, I really can't picture Harry and you, you know. I mean its hard enough picturing you two kissing or even seeing it, I mean, I may have gone to the Yule Ball with him, but I really can't picture him as an actual boyfriend.” Lavender said laughing.
“Oh, and you think it's easy for me to see you and Ron, I mean Ron is like a brother to me.” Hermione said staring at Lavender, “So, tell me, how are things between you and Ron?”
Lavender instantly brightened, “Oh they are great, guess what, he asked me to the Halloween Ball!” Hermione's face fell.
“Halloween Ball?” Hermione asked, “I didn't know we were having a Halloween Ball!” Hermione said trying to mask her disappointment, Lavender noticed.
“Yeah, a Masquerade Ball, didn't Harry ask you?” Lavender asked looking at her, “I mean I heard them talking about it, you know maybe he's waiting until the right moment!” Lavender said trying to make her feel better.
Hermione forced a smile, “Yeah maybe!”
That night while everyone was sleeping Hermione was lying awake in her tent still thinking about the Masquerade ball. `Why hadn't Harry asked me?' Hermione thought. She still couldn't believe it, but her thoughts were interrupted by talking. Hermione sat up and looked at Lavender and Lily, they were both sound asleep, but she could hear talking. She crept outside her tent and saw a light glowing from the adult tent.
“James, think logically!” she heard Sirius say, “Thousands have tried to get that book and none have succeeded, what makes you think that were any different?”
“Because…we just are!” James said, “I have to believe that or else we won't make it!”
“Anyway, James talked to Harry about this; Harry says he and Hermione can do it, right James?” Remus asked
“Right, Harry said he talked to or would talk to Hermione and they'll do it!” James said in exasperation.
“Yes, but you so conveniently left out the fact that if we are wrong, if they are not the right couple they might die!” When Hermione heard this she took a step backwards making a twig break. Hermione immediately ran back to her tent and was back inside before they saw her. As she slipped back into her sleeping bag she couldn't believe what she heard. As she fell asleep that night she, for the first time since she found out about the Book of Deception, wished she hadn't.
The next morning while Hermione was changing Harry and Lavender were discussing the events of the previous night.
“You forgot? YOU FORGOT?” Lavender said, “What do you think I am, twelve, I believe that you forgot about as much as I believe that Ron isn't hungry today!”
“I'm telling the truth, I truly did forget!” Harry said, “I had everything planned out, but then all this stuff got in the way.” Lavender looked at him.
“You know, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you forgot, but that doesn't mean you are off the hook, you have to promise me you'll ask her, this is hard on her Harry, not just you. So stop being the little boy that feels he has to protect her because she's a girl, be the boyfriend that she needs to get through this.” Lavender said before turning around and going to find Ron. Harry turned towards Hermione's tent to see her getting out, she took out her wand and with a flick the tent was gone and she was walking towards Harry.
“Morning Harry!” she said kissing him on the lips. “Let's go, I'd just rather get this whole book thing sorted out and then we can go back to Hogwarts.”
“Oh yeah the book, listen Hermione, there is something that you should know about the book…” Harry began.
“I know Harry, I heard your father, Sirius and Remus discussing it the other night.” Hermione said quickly, “I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened, but there is something that you should probably know, the last people that tried to get the book died because they weren't the right people!” Hermione said looking him in the eyes.
“They died?” Harry asked, not believing his father didn't tell him.
“Yeah, I'm thinking that they just had conflicting interests in what was going to be done with the book or their love or evil wasn't pure. You know, I'm sure we can pull it off, I'm just kind of surprised that your parents aren't doing it.” Hermione said, “Why is that?”
“I honestly don't know, there are still a lot of things about their past I don't know and there is still a lot about their death I don't understand.” Harry said
“What do you mean,” Hermione asked, “I thought they explained about their deaths and how they were brought back, it jus…”
“Just wasn't their time! I know I get that part but what did Dumbledore just say it's time and poof they were back, I don't think so. And I also think that there is more to Sirius' story than he's telling us.” Harry said, “I just wish they would realize that we aren't children anymore.”
“Hermione!” Lavender yelled from across the campground. Hermione sighed and picked up her backpack and threw it over her shoulder. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.
“Then maybe we should start acting like adults.” She whispered in his ear before turning and joining Lavender.
Once they got back to the place where the portkey was they were all tired and there seemed to be a distance between them. The adults wouldn't talk to the children and the children were not making an effort to talk to them. Draco seemed to be the only one that noticed and it was driving him mad, “Okay stop, does someone wish to share with me what the bloody hell is going on?” Draco said harsher than he meant to. Everyone's eyes shot up and they all exchanged glances. “You all act as though we are going off to our doom, like the second we find these caves we will perish.”
“Well we just might!” Hermione said stepping forward, “We wouldn't know would we because all of the adults don't feel we are responsible enough to know the truth,” Hermione's gaze focused on James, “do we James?” James looked at Sirius.
“I don't know what you're talking about!” he said defiantly
“Oh don't you?” Harry asked stepping forward only to be pushed back by Hermione.
“I know you've been keeping things about the Book of Deception a secret from us, the two people who have to retrieve it.” Hermione said “I overheard you last night saying that if we aren't the two people which is possible we could be killed the instant we lay our hands on that book.” Hermione finished, collective gasps were heard from Ron and Lavender, but more importantly Lily.
“Die?” Lily said turning to James, “James, no that can't be right, you're wrong, James tell her she's wrong.” When James looked to his feet, “No, oh no, James you promised, no one would get hurt, you…YOU PROMISED!” she yelled. James stepped towards her and she stepped away. “So what else have you been hiding, huh? Not Harry, James, you understand, not Harry!” Lily said turning away from him.
“Lily, LILY!” he said grabbing her arm, “Lily it can't be anyone else that book cannot be touched by us, you know it, we have no choice!”
“WHY?” Harry yelled, “Tell us why you can't touch that book!”
Lily and James looked at each other, “Because we were brought back by dark magic!” Sirius said stepping forward to Hermione, “Hermione you are one of the cleverest witches of your age, you must have figured it out by now.” Sirius said taking her by the shoulders, “You must have noticed all the small details, all the little clues.” Hermione just stared into his eyes and saw the truth and slowly nodded. “Then you see why they can't take the book?” again she nodded, “Then you see that it must be you two?” she looked down and Sirius lifted her chin with his finger, “We had to keep it from you!”
“I know!” Hermione choked out.
“I don't understand!” Harry said stepping forward, behind Hermione. Hermione turned to face him, “What do they mean they were brought back?” Harry asked Hermione, she sighed.
“Well, ever since I found out your parents and Sirius were back I've been researching about raising the dead, and there are only limited people who can do it and only limited spells that bring them back right. If you didn't do them exactly right they had side-effects, bad side-effects. But the problem with these spells was not necessarily that they were difficult, they were probably no harder that making a Polyjuice potion, but they involved a lot of magic.” Hermione said looking from Harry to Lily and James, “They involve both good magic and evil magic.”
Lavender spoke up, “So I don't understand, you were brought back with good and evil, what's wrong with that, I mean we all have a little good and evil in us. Don't we?”
“True, but they were not brought back with that spell, you'd have to have an evil and good sorcerer performing the spell, it would be like having Dumbledore and Voldemort in the same room, it just wouldn't work. But another spell exists, a spell that can be used to be done by just evil or just good. But because it could be used by evil it was hidden and anyone who used it would be lucky if they got thrown into Azkaban. The spell was so scarcely talked of most just simply forgot, which was what the Ministry of Magic wanted.” Hermione said, “But Dumbledore knew it.”
“Dumbledore knew it? Dumbledore knew it and waited until now to bring them back?” Harry said.
“Harry, think about it, bringing people back from the dead, it's wrong, it's messing with fate, and Merlin knows I'm not one for Divination, but one doesn't tempt the fates.” Hermione said.
“Okay, but why can't they get the book?” Ron asked stepping forward.
“Because that spell, the spell that brought them back was a very rare spell. It is one of four that are considered the unforgivable curses, but this one was ruled out because then people would simply never die. So it became the three unforgivable curses, but four were taken before it was lost.” Hermione said, “The reason they can't touch the Book of Deception is because the spell, potion, curse, whatever you want to call it…was taken from the Book of Deception!”
A/N: R&R! Thanks to all who have reviewed, it makes me feel special! Tootles!
“So let me get this straight, if you have a curse cast upon you from the Book of Deception you can't touch the book?” Draco asked, “That doesn't seem fair!”
Hermione turned to look at Draco, “I don't really understand that part of it, but I'm assuming it's different with every curse.” Hermione looked down to the ground and no one spoke for a while until Lavender stepped up to Hermione.
“Oh, okay, well it's certain, Hermione we need to get you away from the library!” Lavender said causing a few laughs. For the first time in a while Lupin stepped forward.
“Look, everyone here, obviously there have been things kept from people and all it is doing is causing us to be divided, and we can't be divided, so if you have a grudge against someone here let it go, let it go or stay at Hogwarts.” Lupin walked towards Hermione, “Hermione, Harry, and Lily, we realize we have been keeping things from you, and we realize that it has hurt you, but we hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive us.” Hermione looked to Harry who was in next to her and nodded. Harry just stared at her and then looked to his parents.
“I don't know, I mean I feel like I don't know any of you.” Harry said, “I mean the four of you,” Harry said gesturing to the adults, “have been keeping things from us. Lavender is the heir to some great power and she has visions or something. I mean Hermione has this cloud surrounding her summer, I don't know what to think. I mean the only people I can trust and Ron and Draco.” Everyone seemed stunned when Harry finished. Lavender was the first to speak up.
“Part of some great power, Harry you know that I had no idea about Persiam, it's not my fault that I'm heir to something. That's not my choice that was an accident of birth and you know what Voldemort isn't involved in this so no one is making you stay here, in case you forgot this trip was about Hermione, I didn't ask to come, none of us did.” Lavender yelled, “And you know what screw you because I thought that I was your friend, I guess you're just too famous for us, right?” Lavender said walking towards the portkey, touching it and a second later being gone. Harry just stared after her and then looked to his parents and girlfriend. Hermione was trying to figure out what to say but after opening her mouth a few times she couldn't find the right words. She looked up to Harry and smiled
“I guess we were rushing things, weren't we?” Hermione said before turning to walk towards the portkey.
“Hermione wait, I didn't mean that…” Harry said reaching for her arm but she pulled it from him.
“You know Harry, right now you are obviously going through a lot and you need your space so here you go.” Hermione said standing in front of the portkey, “But just remember, you weren't the only one lied to in this mess.” She said before touching the portkey and with a glow she was gone. Harry was left standing with his parents Ron and Draco. Draco and Ron exchanged glances with each other and Ron stepped forward towards the Marauders and Lily.
“Lily, James, I really do appreciate being included on this trip, but I think it's obvious that we all need a break from each other.” Ron said.
“Maybe we'll continue after the ball, a lot can change when you don't know who you are dancing with.” Draco said before stepping up to the portkey and he and Ron disappeared immediately. Harry turned to face the four adults who were staring intently at him. Lily sighed and stepped forward picking up her backpack that she had dropped in all the drama.
“Mum…” Harry started but she silenced him with a look.
“Harry, things may have been kept from you on this adventure but you were never once lied to, and I may not have been there to raise you but I know you were raised better than to treat your friends like that. Harry, you're my son and I love you, just like I love your father, but I can't stand to look at you right now, any of you.” She said stepping up to the portkey and disappearing. Harry looked at the Marauders but something behind them caught his attention.
“Dad, look out!” Harry said pointing behind him. Harry saw his father turn and stun a deatheater.
“Harry, go!” James yelled but Harry didn't make it to the portkey and the last thing he remembered seeing was a deatheater with blond, radioactive, hair pointing a wand at him.
When Harry awoke he was in the hospital wing and his mother and father were asleep on either side of him. Harry sat up and felt a searing pain throughout his body. His father was the first to awake shortly followed by his mother.
“Harry, how do you feel?” James asked sitting up. Harry was about to answer when he surveyed the room and saw that Sirius, Lupin, Ron and Lavender were all there. A second later Draco entered with Dumbledore and Madame Pomfrey behind him. Madame Pomfrey immediately ran over to Harry and checked on him.
“Mr. Potter, gave us quite a scare didn't you?” she said looking him over, “But you're improving quite nicely.” She disappeared from his site and he looked at his father.
“What happened?” Harry asked.
“We were attacked by deatheaters and Lucius Malfoy cursed you, but luckily it was just to stun you. We fought them off and brought you back here.” James answered.
“How long have I been unconscious?” Harry asked.
Lily and James exchanged glances, “A week!” Lily said
“A week!” Harry exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Ron spoke up, “The Halloween Ball is in two days!” Ron was standing next to Lavender who wasn't looking at Harry and hadn't said a word. Harry suspected she wouldn't have been there if her boyfriend wasn't his best friend. As the day went one people came and left and finally Harry was left with Ron, Lavender and Draco. Harry looked at Ron.
“Where's Hermione?” Harry asked. Ron looked at Lavender and she looked at Harry.
“She locked herself in the Room of Requirement and will only open the door for me or your mother.” Lavender said, “She was very hurt by your actions, from me to you Harry, the second you get out of here I'd go talk to you, she isn't looking good, she's losing weight she can't afford to lose. As much as it pains me to say this she needs you!”
Harry looked down, “Lavender, listen, for what I said back there, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it and I wasn't thinking straight. I know you didn't choose that life but you seemed to have a lot of things going well for you and I was jealous.” Harry said quietly, “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.” Lavender just smiled and took his hand.
The next day Harry was released and he immediately went to the Room of Requirement he knocked twice and heard no movement inside so he pushed it open and saw Hermione lying on the couch.
“Lavender? Is that you, you were supposed to bring me news about Harry yesterday, where were you?” Hermione said not sitting up. Harry slowly made his way inside and looked at Hermione, “Lavender?” Hermione asked sitting up and when she saw Harry something flashed across her face, “Get out!” Hermione said pointing to the door.
Harry looked down, “I don't plan on staying I just wanted to say that I'm okay, and that I realize I have put you through a lot and I'm sorry, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me, but I'll leave you alone for now.” Harry looked up at Hermione and her expression hadn't changed, “Aren't you going to say anything?”
“You really don't want me to talk right now!” Hermione said crossing her arms below her chest.
“Tell me what you're thinking!” Harry said, “I really want to know!”
Hermione looked down to the ground, “You know Harry if you wanted to know about my summer and what happened between Viktor and me, you know that all you had to do was ask. I never, ever kept anything from you; I just don't see why you didn't trust me. I never did anything but love you and you threw that in my face.” Hermione said walking to the door and pulling it open, “Now leave!” Harry walked in front of her.
“Hermione I don't know if I loved you, you were right we did rush things, but I don't see why it had to be all or nothing, why couldn't we find a common ground?” Harry asked, Hermione sighed.
“Harry, we've been over this, it wasn't that you didn't love me, it was that you didn't love me and told me you did.” Hermione said. “Harry it would just be best if you left!” Harry looked her in the eye
“Fine I'll leave, but we are not over!” Harry said and with one swift motion he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Hermione didn't pull away and Harry deepened the kiss but pulled away after a while and was gone.
The next day Hermione was sitting in the Room of Requirement when the door opened and Lavender entered. She had a smile on her face that went from ear to ear.
“What are you so happy about?” Hermione said smiling at her friend.
“Today is the ball, I'm so excited about my dress it's so pretty!” Lavender said, “It'll knock Ron off his feet!” Lavender said sitting on the couch next to her. “Oh Lily wants to come by and talk to you, any minute now.” Lavender said looking at her watch, “I just came to drop off my dress, I'll be back in a couple of hours to get ready…are you ok?” Hermione looked at Lavender and shook her heard.
“Harry came to see me last night!” Hermione said
“I know, I told him to!” Lavender said shrugging
“You did? Why would you do that, you know I didn't want to see him!” Hermione said looking at Lavender.
“Yes you did, Hermione okay, I can understand being upset but you gotta know when enough is enough.” Lavender said
“What do you mean, he lied to me, he told me he loved me and he didn't. Then he has this big distrust about Viktor and he doesn't trust me, and I never gave him one reason not to trust me!” Hermione said.
“I didn't say Harry was right Hermione, and we all know that he was just jealous of Viktor, but Harry didn't lie to you about being in love with you. He may not admit it to himself but I see it in his eyes, every time someone mentions you or he talks about you the love he feels for you, it's in his eyes.” Lavender said, “Hermione you're right, Harry distrusted you without reason, and there is no reason you should give him a second chance.”
“Harry hurt me so much; I just don't see why I should let him back into my life to hurt me more.” Hermione said, tears coming to her eyes.
Lavender took Hermione's hand, “Hermione can I ask you a question?” Hermione nodded, “How much do you love Harry?”
“What do you mean?” Hermione asked
“Well, okay there are different levels of love; there is puppy love, actual love and true love. Puppy love takes a month to get over, actual love…a year, and true love…well you never get over that.” Lavender said, “This obviously is more than puppy love, so what you gotta ask yourself is this actual love or true love. Now you have no way of finding out what it is based upon the short amount of time you have been together. Harry may not deserve a chance, but you owe yourself a chance to figure out what it is. Either way its gonna take a while to get over so you might as well find out how long.” They were interrupted by a knock on the door, Lavender got up to get it, “That is Lily, remember what I said, but I have a feeling that if you look in your heart you'll figure out what it is.” Lavender opened up the door and Lily stepped in. “I'll be back in an hour and well work on hair first.” Lavender said closing the door. Lily smiled and Hermione and walked over to her carrying a package.
“Hi, how you holding up?” she asked sitting on the couch next to Hermione.
“Actually I think things are really starting to clear up, I have a feeling that tonight things will change.” Hermione said, “Lavender told me you wanted to talk to me about something.” Lily looked down and smiled.
“Yeah I do, I was wondering if you had a costume yet for the ball?” Lily asked fingering the package she brought.
“Yeah, but it's nothing special, nothing that will make the boys drool like Lavender's.” Hermione said laughing.
“Yeah I know her dress is gorgeous.” Lily said.
“You've seen it, she wouldn't let me see it, she put some sort of spell on it.” Hermione said.
“Yeah I saw it because I gave it to her, I had two dresses left over that were at Sirius' home, and I thought that Lavender might like one and you would like the other.” Lily said.
“Well let me see it and I'll tell you, because the things that look good on Lavender don't exactly look good on me.” Hermione said, but she was very anxious. Lily stood up and undid the package and pulled out a maroon dress. Hermione gasp, it was beautiful, her hand went up to cover her mouth and Lily laughed.
“Lavender had the same reaction!” Lily said. The dress was gorgeous and she couldn't believe that she would get to wear it, “Why don't you go put it on and we'll work from there!” Lily said handing her the dress, Hermione took it and disappeared only to return five minutes later wearing the dress.
“Could you lace up the back?” Hermione said turning and having her lace up the corset-type back. Hermione turned once she was finished and looked at Lily. “What do you think?”
“I think you thinner than I was!” Lily said pointing her wand at Hermione and making the dress shrink so that the corset inside went tighter and made her appear to have more cleavage, yet still being comfortable. Lily led Hermione over to the mirror, the dress was exquisite she couldn't believe how well it looked on her. The neckline was on her shoulders in a way so that it was barely on her shoulders, revealing her tanned skin. The v-neckline showed just enough cleavage without showing too much the dress' sleeves were tight to the elbow and then fanned out with lace. The dress was straight down with a little piece of lace as a belt low on her hips. She turned to look at Lily.
“Hermione, I never had a daughter, I never got the chance to share these things with her, I know that I can't be your mother, you already have one, but I'd like to be something close to one.” Lily said tears forming behind her eyes. Hermione leaned into hug her
“I can have two mothers!” she said forcing back her own tears.
Hermione let go of Lily, “This was the dress I was wearing the night I fell in love with James, maybe it'll bring you luck too.” Hermione smiled. “Now, we should get working on your hair and make-up because Dumbledore wants to see you before the dance.” Lily led her over to the table and with a flick of her wand there was a vanity with make-up. Lily spent the next hour working on her hair, by the time she was done Hermione's hair was down around her waist with waves in it. In the top she conjured a headpiece to make her look like a princess. Lavender came back an hour later in awe with Hermione's finished appearance.
“Hermione, I hope you don't mind but I want to look just like you except blond!” Lavender said Hermione just smiled and hugged Lavender. “I'll see you at the ball!” Lavender said sitting down on the couch.
“Lavender, just one second I have to give Hermione her mask!” Lily said picking up a wrapped object out of the package where the dress had been. Lily unwrapped it and revealed a small half-face mask with dark red feathers and red jewels covering it. “This mask even though James swears it has magical powers is a phoenix mask, it has phoenix feathers on it and these jewels are called phoenix's eyes.” She said wrapping it up and handing it to Hermione. “Take care of it!”
“I will!” Hermione said taking the mask. She picked up her cloak and threw it over the dress hiding it and put the mask in her pocket, wand in the other. “Thank you Lily, you don't know how much this means to me!” she said hugging Lily, and stepping out of the Room of Requirement she headed for Dumbledore's office. Once she reached Dumbledore's office she immediately went inside. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk and Sirius was talking to one of the paintings.
“Ahh, Hermione, so glad you could come, please take a seat!” he said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. Hermione sat down and Sirius sat next to her. “Hermione, I was told of the events that happened while trying to retrieve the Book of Deception and I know how hard it must have been for you.” Hermione just nodded, “Well, after Halloween, tomorrow, we are leaving to retrieve the book, you don't have to come, but I know you feel as though you should, and I thought I would ask you if you still want to.” Dumbledore said standing up, “Now, it would be unfair of me to ask you to decide right here, right now, so I'll give you until tomorrow morning, if you wish to come, be at my office before eight o'clock.” Dumbledore said, “Now I asked Sirius and James to escort you to the dance, I hope that is all right.” Hermione nodded and stood up, she saw that James had joined them and was standing at the door.
“Milady may I take your cloak?” Sirius asked, Hermione smiled and removed her cloak taking out her mask and stared at James in self-consciousness. James smiled.
“Did Lily give that to you?” James asked linking arms, Hermione nodded as Sirius took her other arm.
“What my friend means is you look beautiful!” Sirius said heading down the steps.
“Oh, Sirius you're such the charmer!” Hermione said as they headed towards the Great Hall. When they were turning the corner Hermione paused and unwrapped her mask and put it on, but she couldn't get the chain to stay. Sirius took out his wand and muttered a spell to the mask and it stuck to her face, “Thank you!”
“Oh, Sirius it's the magical mask!” James said looking at her; Hermione rolled her eyes and stuffed the bag into James' pocket, “You see what we are to her Sirius!”
“Dad?” a voice said from behind Hermione, she knew that voice and she turned around very slowly, Harry and Ron were wearing the exact same thing, a black tuxedo with a cape over their shoulders and a mask covering the left side of their face.
“Harry, what is this costume?” James asked
“Sort of a James Bond meets Phantom of the Opera!” Harry said with a laugh. Lavender stepped forward and Hermione saw that they could have been twins if it wasn't that her dress was Royal Blue and she was blonde.
“Lavender you look stunning!” Hermione said hugging the girl that had become somewhat of a sister to her over the few months of that year. “Oh Lavender, my dates!” she said motioning to Sirius and James.
“Ah, Hermione, you picked two good ones!” Lavender said, “But Hermione, a teacher?”
“I know, and the other one is married!” Hermione said with a laugh, “All right well…”
“What's this pow wow here?” a voice said from behind Hermione, she swung around and saw Draco standing there with Ginny on his arm. Hermione just rolled her eyes and Ron stepped forward.
“Remember Malfoy, you hurt my sister, I'll hurt you!” Ron said in an unthreatening way. Draco just nodded and he and Ginny made their way into the ball. Hermione's eyes fell on Ron.
“Hermione, you look, okay!” Ron said
“You clean up all right too, Ron!” Hermione said smiling then her eyes fell on Harry, “You look good Harry!” she said quietly.
“You too!” Harry said.
“Well I guess we better be heading in!” Lavender said taking Ron's arm and leading him into the dance, followed by Harry, then Hermione with Sirius and James.
Once inside Sirius and James went to go talk to McGonagall and she joined Lavender and Ron by the punch.
“Let's dance!” Lavender said
“I don't dance!” Ron said
“Yes you do!”
“No I don't!”
“Lavender, want to dance?” an older boy asked approaching them.
“No!” Ron said standing up and taking Lavender's hand and leading her out to the dance floor. The older boy just shrugged and looked at Hermione who felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Sirius.
“Hermione wanna dance?” he said taking her hand and not waiting for a response.
Hermione was having the time of her life, the dance seemed to be going off without a hitch, and Hermione felt as though she probably could have handled anything that came her way. James and Sirius had disappeared half-way through the dance and she had been dancing with a different guy every new song. Hermione went to the punch bowl and saw Harry there as well.
Harry noticed her immediately, “Hey Hermione!”
“Hey Harry!” she said pouring herself a cup of punch. Hermione looked up at Harry and was about to ask how he was when he suddenly grabbed her punch from her hand and pulled her into a dance. “What…Harry, what you doing?”
“Hiding from Cho, she's been trying to get me to dance with her all evening and I don't want to.” Harry said leading her into the middle of the dance floor. Finally after successfully hiding himself he relaxed and looked at Hermione, “Sorry, if you want to go dance with someone else, I'll understand!” Harry said as if noticing that it was Hermione.
The song suddenly changed to a slow song and Harry was looking at Hermione and she smiled, “Let's just dance!” she said and laid her head on his shoulder just content in being there. Hermione looked up into his eyes and saw that he was staring at her, “What?” she asked smiling.
“Nothing!” he said smiling. Hermione looked into his eyes to see if she could see why he was looking at her and she saw something in his eyes, an unrecognizable emotion. Then she remembered something Lavender said `He may not admit it to himself but I see it in his eyes, every time someone mentions you or he talks about you the love he feels for you, it's in his eyes.' There it was, the love, staring her in the face, and she had doubted it for so long. Then without realizing it she leaned up and kissed Harry. Harry pulled away and looked at Hermione as though she had grown a second head. Hermione took his hand and pulled him through the crowd and out into the garden, but then thought better of it and pulled him into the hallway.
“Harry!” Hermione said dragging him into the hallway, “I'm sorry for all that I said, I pushed you into things, I shouldn't have told you I loved you so soon, we weren't ready, and I know you didn't love me then, but I should have trusted you when you told me you did.” Hermione said in a rush, “I still love you, and I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how you feel about me, that will never change.” Hermione said before turning away and heading back into the dance. Harry was still in shock, but he quickly recovered and grabbed her hand and pulled her down the hall. They came in front of the Room of Requirement and immediately a door appeared, Harry looked at Hermione.
“Did you think of something?” Harry asked, Hermione nodded and Harry turned to face her. “I want you to know that I love you, and I always did, despite the way it may have appeared.” Hermione pushed Harry aside and opened the door. She looked at Harry and walked inside pulling him with her. When Harry walked inside he saw that the room was dimly lit by a candle with a bed in the center. Harry swallowed hard and looked at Hermione, she was looking at him.
“You keep telling me you love me, over and over, you've told me and we keep getting torn apart by life.” Hermione said
“Well, I think it's time you stop telling me you love me and start showing me!” Hermione said reaching up and kissing Harry. Harry pulled back
“Hermione, don't, if we start this and we get into it, I don't think I can stop, I mean we've only been dating for a couple weeks, but I just don't think I can stop!” Harry said backing away. Hermione sighed and took her wand out and locked the door.
“Harry, I've always been the logical one and you have too, I'm not one to act upon impulse, and you aren't really either, but in this case forget logic, forget that we haven't spoken in a week, forget that we are only sixteen, forget about the Book of Deception, don't think about the what if's and just know that I love you and you love me, that should be enough!” Hermione said, “Forget about the fact that tomorrow we have to go retrieve a book that if we aren't the right one's may very well kill us, don't think about the future, and forget the past, just think about you and me here and now!” Hermione took off her mask and set it on a table, “It's just me standing in front of you telling you I love you! Because if the worst happens tomorrow, and we don't ever see each other again, I know I have now, and I'll have no regrets!” Harry stood there looking at Hermione. He reached up and took off his mask and laid it next to hers
“All right!” he said before leaning down and capturing her mouth.
Lavender was looking everywhere for Hermione, she had heard that Harry and her had gone out into the hallway but she couldn't find them. She had told Ron and he had run up to his dormitories to retrieve something and she was now waiting for him to return. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Sirius and James standing there.
“Where's Hermione, Harry and Ron?” James asked, Lavender led them out into the hallway and told them they couldn't find them. “Well that's okay, I'm sure they are around here somewhere.” James said. They saw Ron turn the corner carrying a piece of parchment.
“Ron, you went all the way back up to your dormitory to get a piece of parchment?” Lavender said taking it.
James grabbed it from her, “Where did you get this?” he asked Ron.
“Harry keeps it in his trunk!” Ron said ignoring Lavender.
Sirius took out his wand and tapped the parchment, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!”
“You swear what…” Lavender asked but stopped when she saw the map appearing. She was about to ask what it was when her eyes focused on Harry and Hermione. “There they are…” she said pointing to the room they were in.
“Ahh, they are in the Room of Requirement!” James said folding up the map and heading that way, but Lavender cut them off.
“No, why don't we go back to the dance!” Lavender said pushing them towards the Great Hall.
“But they are over there!” Sirius said, not catching on. Lavender sighed and turned to James.
“You two were teenagers once, you realize that they just made up, and what they are probably doing in that room.” Lavender said hoping they would catch on. James looked at her and suddenly stopped trying to get past.
“You mean…Harry and Hermione…together?” James asked, Lavender nodded.
“All right well what do you say we head back to the dance?” Lavender said pushing Sirius, James and Ron back into the ballroom mumbling, “Hermione you owe me big time!”
Hermione deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck; he pulled back for breath and looked at her.
“Hermione, you're sure about this right?” Harry asked, Hermione let go of him and pushed him back on the bed.
“Harry, you promised me, no talking!” she said leaning down on top of him to capture his lips. His hands settled on her back while her hand removed his jacket and threw it to the side. He began to untie her dress and slowly slipped it off, so that she was left in only her underwear. Hermione quickly took off his shirt and pants while he attacked her neck.
Harry looked at Hermione and slowly whispered, “I love you!” before laying her down on the bed.
“I love you, too!” Hermione said before finally giving into ecstasy and passion. Harry quickly removed her underwear and she took off his boxers. He slowly kissed the valley in between her breasts and cupped on with his hands. Hermione let out a moan and brought his head up to kiss him. She made her way to his neck and kissed his jaw as he gasped for breath.
Slowly he looked her in the eye and leaned into kiss her as he entered her and she screamed into his mouth as he thrust inside her. Hermione let out a moan as she reached her climax soon followed by Harry and then they fell onto the bed in exhaustion. Harry pulled the blanket over them as Hermione moved into his arms and fell asleep and for the few moments before Harry fell asleep he watched Hermione sleep and thought that for the first time in a while everything was perfect before giving into exhaustion, not knowing that tomorrow his perfect world would be gone.
Hermione woke up in the middle of the night and realized that she should probably head back to her dormitory but figured that Harry would probably think the worst if she left. Hermione looked around and saw all the clothing strung around, `Man, I could really use a change of clothes' Hermione thought and immediately she saw a pile of neatly folded clothing on a table. She quietly changed into them and pulled a robe on. She looked at sleeping Harry and knew that she couldn't possibly fall asleep again and she didn't want to wake him. Her thoughts immediately fell to the Book of Deception, she knew she would have to go and get it tomorrow and that it wouldn't be easy, she just hoped that together her and Harry could do it, otherwise they would die trying.
Hermione looked around and saw that while she was daydreaming a door appeared that hadn't been there before Hermione looked at it and approached it with caution, had she needed it? She didn't remember thinking for anything. Hermione pushed open the door and saw that there was a covered table with a cloaked figure sitting at it. Hermione closed the door and looked suspiciously at the figure.
“Who are you?” she asked, she saw the figure remove its cloak and she saw a raven haired beauty with green eyes staring at her.
“Sit down!” she said motioning to a chair in front of her. Hermione looked at the woman suspiciously before sliding into the chair.
“What do you want, why are you here?” Hermione asked.
“You want to know that your family and the ones you love would be safe, I am here to tell you!” the woman said to Hermione.
“What?” Hermione asked still not understanding.
“Let's just say that I am someone to help you change the decisions that you must make in the future.” The woman paused, “I come bearing sad news, but it is news that in a different time affected a choice that pretty much ended the world. Your parents, come tomorrow will be dead, and no matter what you try to do, they will stay dead, that is their destiny. But your destiny remains a mystery, you see in a previous time, you received this news and it grieved you, you mourned for the death of you parents and you let that grief take hold and it prevented you from obtaining the Book of Deception.” She stopped and let the information sink in, “You are not as surprised by the news of your parents death, are you? Yes, it's because in your heart you know that the second you kissed that boy you sealed your parents' death wish. But you must not blame yourself!” she added. “It will not help matters!” Hermione stared at the woman as she let silent tears fall from her eyes but did not look away from the woman.
“What am I supposed to do?” Hermione choked out.
“You cannot let your grief prevent you from getting that book, if you do not succeed in getting that book, you will live to see the world in the hands of evil, but you will wish you didn't. Tomorrow will be a trying day and many things will happen that will change the course of things but remember not everything is as it seems, betrayals may not be all they appear to be and love, you must trust in the love that you have.” She said. She leaned forward and took Hermione's hand, “He loves you, through everything remember he loves you!” Hermione felt a hand on her shoulder and looked around; she was in the bed with Harry.
Harry stared at her, “Hurry up and get dressed, we have to meet Dumbledore!” Harry said tossing her clothing.
Hermione and Harry arrived at Dumbledore's office to see Lavender, Ron, Sirius, James, Lily and Draco standing inside.
“Who are the Marauders?” Lavender asked but forgot as soon as she saw Hermione enter. Lavender grabbed the Marauder's Map and walked over to Hermione, “Did you know about this? That they can watch our every move?” Hermione looked down at the map and took it from Lavender
“Yes, and don't make it sound like they sit there and watch us, they don't, I know.” Hermione said taking the map and putting it into Harry's hands. Hermione looked around and noticed that Lupin and Dumbledore were not there. “Where's Lupin and Dumbledore?”
James, who hadn't stopped looking at Hermione, spoke up, “He won't be able to come!” Sirius looked at James.
“Full moon!” Sirius said looking at Hermione, and she nodded in comprehension. Dumbledore walked in from a side room and interrupted the conversation.
“Umm, I would like to speak with Ms. Granger please!” Dumbledore said, Hermione then suddenly remembered her dream and looked down while everyone was confused.
“I already know, Professor Dumbledore!” Hermione said quietly. Dumbledore, who had been walking around to his desk, froze mid-step and turned to look at Hermione.
“How do you know?” Dumbledore asked, eyes wide, she began to speak but Dumbledore stopped her, “Out!” he said to the others, sounding harsher than he meant to. When they didn't move he waved a hand, they moved to the door and it closed with a snap after them, “Sit down Ms. Granger, I need you to tell me everything!”
Hermione slid into a chair, “Well, I was asleep, but it didn't seem like I was, I mean I know it wasn't a dream, it was too real to be just a dream.” Hermione said shaking her head, “Once I sat down she started telling me things…”
“Like what things?” Dumbledore asked. “It is important that you tell me these things, because as far as I know, you shouldn't know a thing about your parents' deaths, and it strikes me very odd that you would.”
Hermione took a deep breath, “Well she told me about my parents, and then she told me that I shouldn't let their deaths prevent me from retrieving the Book of Deception.” Hermione said and then remembered the rest, “But, she…she said something else.” Dumbledore looked at her, urging her to go on, “She told me that betrayals are not as they seem and to trust in love.” Dumbledore seemed to be pondering this. He stood up abruptly and walked over his mantle and seemed to be inspecting it.
“Hmm…ahh here it is!” he said pulling out a small silver dagger. “I want you to keep this, you will need it!” he said looking at her over his half-moon spectacles. He began to walk to the door but she stopped him before he reached it.
“Professor Dumbledore?” Hermione asked, when he turned to look at her she paused, “It would appear that when we go to the Shrieking shack Harry and I will have to retrieve the Book of Deception, am I right?” Dumbledore nodded, “Well, and forgive me if I seem nosy, but are you keeping something from us, you know about the Book of Deception?”
Dumbledore made his way back to his desk and again told Hermione to sit down, “Yes, Ms. Granger, we are, and I think that it is time we told you.” Dumbledore sat back and folded his hands, “Persiam Deppart, as you know, laid the book in its final resting place, but what you don't know are the events leading up to it. Persiam and her husband…”
“You mean her fiancée, that's what she told us!” Hermione said interrupting.
“She wouldn't remember him as her husband because we had to erase that memory, but he was her husband. They made the long journey to the cave of Deception not knowing they were being followed by her husband's jealous ex-lover, who happened to be evil. Well skipping gory details and the fact that we are on a tight schedule, his ex-lover killed him when he refused to love her.” Dumbledore said with a sigh.
Hermione gasped, “Oh, what a horrible woman!”
“Yes, mother wasn't very kind!” Dumbledore said.
“Mother?” Hermione said.
“Yes I was her child that is why I know so much about all of this. But my parentage is not why you are here. Persiam was furious, but good could never kill so in order to get her revenge, Persiam turned pure evil, the most evil being that has been known to man. She killed that woman in the most brutal way and wiped out anyone within a mile radius with her anger. But just because Persiam was evil didn't necessarily mean that she wasn't thinking straight, she knew that, that book needed to be put to rest, none of them were safe otherwise.” Dumbledore said.
“So what you're saying is that, that book was laid with pure evil…” Hermione began
“…and you have to retrieve it with pure good.” Dumbledore finished.
“Good?” Hermione asked.
“Love, to be more precise, now Ms. Granger, you must understand something about this book, no one
has ever tried to get it, no one has gone near those caves with the intent to take that book.”
Dumbledore said.
“What are you saying?” Hermione asked.
“Everything you know about this book, all the tales of the spells inside that book, are just
that...tales. We don't know if you will be able to get this book, and we don't know that in
order to get this book you may have to...” Dumbledore said trailing off
“Die?” Hermione said.
“Ms. Granger, Hermione, You have given up a lot to the cause already, Mr. Potter's intentions
are true, and even if I asked him to not go on this journey, I know he would, but you have already
lost your parents,” Dumbledore paused, “...if you went home right now, if you left this up to
everyone else, I would never let them hold it against you.”
Hermione just looked at the old man, “Well, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to go
lie in my bed and cry over my parents, and I wouldn't be human if I said this didn't scare
me.” Hermione said leaning forward, “But I want to do this, my parents died for me, that woman,
whoever she was, was right, I can't let grief take over me, if I do, my parents deaths would
have been in vain.” Hermione thought, and then added, “And I need to do this for Harry, he and Ron
are all that I have left now that my family's gone.” Hermione stared down at her hands and
sighed, before letting the tears fall silently down her face. Hermione stood up and looked at
Dumbledore, “Well I guess I better head out!” she said turning to the door.
“Ms. Granger, family isn't always blood; remember that, we will always be here for you, no
matter what.” Dumbledore said before walking around to Hermione and placing a hand on her shoulder,
“We may not be your real family, but we'll always be here for you.” He said pulling open the
door to reveal Lavender talking to Harry and Ron.
“So your dad, Sirius and Lupin are all Marauders, and a rat, but he's evil?” Lavender said and
then saw Hermione and walked towards her smiling, but her smile faded when she saw the tears on her
face, “Hermione, what's wrong?”
“M-my parents were killed last night!” Hermione said before falling into her arms and letting
herself cry for her loss. Lavender was shocked by the news, and even more shocked that she was
crying in her arms and not Harry or Ron's. Apparently so were they, and they exchanged looks as
if asking each other if it was their fault. Hermione pulled away from Lavender wiping her tears and
smiled at her, “Oh, don't worry Lavender, they'll be time for pity later, right now we have
to go retrieve a book, don't we.” She said smiling through her tears, she had to think about
something else or else her grief would take over, and she couldn't let that happen. She looked
at Lily and Lily nodded.
“To the Whomping Willow, c'mon James, Sirius, Remus, I believed we should find a long stick.”
Lily said grabbing James' hand and marching down the hall. Lavender helped Hermione walk over
to the boys and stopped in front of Harry.
“What happened?” Harry asked.
“My parents were killed last night!” she said again, Ron and Harry's eyes both widened in
“Was it Voldemort?” Ron and Lavender winced and Hermione just shrugged and looked at Harry.
Lavender started to walk away and Hermione walked with her but Harry grabbed her arm, which she
shrugged off.
“I don't want to talk about it Harry!” she said firmly staring at Harry, “I know you feel the
need to be my savior, but not this time!”
“No, you don't understand...” Harry started.
“No, you don't understand Harry; I don't need you saving me!” She said harsher than she
meant to, she took a deep breath, “Look, Harry, I'm sorry, but I can't do this, not now, if
I do, if I start to cry, I won't stop.” Hermione said softly, “And we need to get that
Harry sighed, “All right, but you know I'm here, right?” Hermione nodded and turned towards the
door pushing it open and stepping out. Harry stared after her.
“You think she's hiding something?” Ron asked from behind.
“No, I don't think she's hiding something,” he said reaching down and picking up his bag,
“I know it!”
The group, who had been waiting for the four, waited for Harry and Ron to emerge and then made
their way down to the Whomping Willow. After successfully prodding the knot on the tree they made
their way down into the passage. Few were talking, and those that were didn't say much. All of
the adults had their wands out, lighting the way, and Draco, Ron, Lavender, Hermione and Harry all
had their wands at their sides, just in case. Once they got inside the Shrieking Shack they all
stood around looking expectantly at James.
“Lavender?” James said turning to the blond-headed girl. Lavender was walking around, surveying the
“Does this have a basement?” Lavender asked looking at James.
“Yes, follow me!” Lupin said walking through a corridor. They weaved in and out of rooms until they
came to a door that was scratched at and had holes in it. “This door has never been opened, I tried
too many times, but it just won't budge!” Lupin said, Lavender didn't seem to be listening
and she stepped forward and opened the door. She looked at Lupin and smiled before reaching for her
wand and stepping in. The rest of them, surveying their surroundings soon followed lavender. Once
they descended the stairs they looked around, it seemed like a normal basement, but they all knew
better. Lavender stepped towards the walls and started pawing at them.
“Lav, what are you doing?” Hermione asked, just then she stopped and looked at Hermione. Hermione
just stared back; Lavender walked past her and grabbed a piece of scrap metal. Everyone just stared
at her as though she had lost her mind, but Hermione suddenly understood, there was something
behind that wall. Hermione looked around and quickly grabbing another piece of metal holding it
like a bat, then to everyone's surprise she swung at the wall. Lavender made a hole in the wall
and just kept hitting it. Hermione just kept hitting the wall also, she knew she was a witch and
could use magic, but she needed to let out her frustrations somehow. Finally they had made a hole
large enough for one person to fit through at a time. Lavender went first followed by Hermione not
long after.
“Lumos!” Lavender whispered and stared in awe at her surroundings. Hermione took a step forward and
suddenly fires lit up in various spots. Hermione looked around and there were four openings that
obviously led to the Book of Deception, but which one? James stepped towards the center to a block
that seemed odd since it was stocking up out of the ground. It had writing on it and it was
obviously old, it seemed age was taking its toll.
“Inside this cave are four tasks, all must be completed to get what he asks, if one fails one must
face, the consequences that he, himself makes.” James read aloud. He laughed and turned towards the
others, “Looks like we have our work cut out for us!” he walked back over to his wife's side
and looked around, “Sirius and Harry, Hermione and Remus...” James began pointing to the
“No, wait,” Lily said interrupting, “we should all be with people we trust, I mean, let's face
it, James, Hermione and Harry need to be together. You and I should be together, Remus and Sirius,
Lavender and Ron, and Draco can go with...”
“Us!” Hermione and Harry said together. Lily smiled and nodded; she stepped towards the caves and
examined them. “I think that these caves are particularly designed for each of us...” Lily said
taking a step inside one, instantly, as if protected like a force field it threw her back against
the cave wall.
“LILY!” James yelled going to her, he looked her over and noticed that she didn't appear to
have anything wrong with her. “Are you all right?”
“Yeah,” she said standing up, “no harm done!” Hermione walked up to the cave and looked at the
writings on the walls outside the cave, there was ancient text and three little holes. Hermione
walked to the different caves, all having the same writing, and all having two holes, except for
the first one that had three.
“Harry, Draco give me your wands!” Hermione said holding out her hands for them. They didn't
move, “Just trust me!” she said grabbing their wands and sticking all three of them into the holes
in the wall. A bright light flashed and three swords, with sheaths, were now floating in mid air
with their wands attached to them. Hermione grabbed all three swords and handed them to their
respective owners. “Just put you wands in the holes on the wall and you'll be able to enter.”
Hermione said to everyone, putting her sword around her waist. They all stepped up to their caves
and did as they were told. Three flashes later and they were all ready to go, Sirius stepped
forward and started passing out little mirrors to everyone.
“These are two-way mirrors, if for any reason you need to contact one of us, just shout our name
into the mirror and we'll be able to talk.” Sirius said. Everyone shoved them into their
pockets before looking at the other members of their group. When no one moved, Hermione sighed and
took step into the cave, immediately she froze.
“Hermione?” Harry asked. Then as if nothing happened Hermione began walking forward, she stopped
and looked back at Harry and Draco. “What was that?”
“I don't know, it just like...” Hermione took out her sword and removed her wand from where it
was, she pointed it at Harry, “Silencio!" she yelled, then lowered her wand, "Try
and talk!”
“What would you do that for?” Harry asked, “I have my voice!”
“It removes your magic!” Hermione said putting her wand back on her sword, and putting it back in
the sheath. “Well, come on, it doesn't hurt!” Hermione said standing there. Draco and Harry
exchanged looks and stepped in, they froze and a minute later walked through it. “Come on boys, we
don't know what we'll face and it would be best if we stuck together!” Hermione started
walking into the cave looking around, as if something was going to pop out of the wall. She
didn't hear footsteps behind her; she spun to see no one.
“Harry, Draco, where are you?” Hermione yelled, “Great, five seconds and I lost them!”
“Hermione?” she heard someone say, she looked around and came face to face with Harry.
“Harry?” Hermione asked. Then suddenly she saw a hand come across his chest, Cho's head
appeared over his shoulder, smirking.
“I always told you, you couldn't please him!” she said laughing, she leaned into kiss Harry,
and then let go of Harry and walked towards her. “Hermione, you are powerless against me!” she said
grabbing her by the throat and forcing her against the cave wall. “He doesn't love you!”
Something inside Hermione went off with these words and she kicked Cho off her.
“He does love me!” Hermione said, unsheathing her sword and putting it through her gut. She faded
away into dust. Hermione looked around and saw Harry and Draco staring at her.
“What the hell was that?”
No one else was having better luck; it seemed that as soon as they entered the cave, one of the
people faced something they feared the most. James faced the death of Lily and Harry, Sirius faced
dead Harry, and Lavender faced being helpless.
Lavender and Ron were walking along the hallway in silence when Ron suddenly spoke up,
"Lav, can I ask you a question?" Lavender looked at him, and nodded. "Why is your biggest fear being helpless?" Lavender stopped and looked at Ron.
"Ron, there's just a lot of stuff in my past, that when it happened I was helpless to stop it, and I never want to feel that way again." Lavender said continuing to walk.
"Lavender, like what stuff?" Ron asked, Lavender hesitated, "Lavender, if we want this to work, you have to be honest with me."
Lavender looked down to the ground, "Ron, it's no secret that I was always with a lot of guys, and I rubbed it in people's faces as much as possible. Well, one time, I started dating this guy and I didn't know it at the time, but apparently, he had been dating another girl. This girl happened to be someone I didn't like someone I tended to rub my relationships in her face. Well, one time she just had enough. I don't really want to go into detail, but she just forced me to watch something that I didn't want to, and to do things I didn't want to. It was horrible, and since I cannot stand the feeling of being helpless.” Lavender shook her head, erasing the memory, “You don't know what it feels like to feel helpless, and you never want to.”
“You're right,” Ron said, “I could never know what it feels like to be helpless, but you can tell me these things. You shouldn't have to think that you need to face these on your own.”
“I know, thank you! You know what Ronald Weasley, I really do love you!” Lavender said.
Ron seemed to be studying her, “I love you, too!” he said before leaning into kiss her.
“Sirius, can I ask you a question?” Remus asked as they walked along the cave. Sirius looked at him, as if telling him to continue. “Tell me what really happened the night you came back!”
“What do you mean? I told you what happened!” Sirius said looking him in the eye.
Remus smiled, “Sirius, Padfoot, there are no kids around here, so stop trying to be protective.” Remus said, “Tell me what happened, tell me who brought you back!”
“Remus, would you just trust me when I tell you, you don't want to know who brought me back.” Sirius said turning to face him.
“Was it Dumbledore, was it Voldemort, I mean it had to be a person.” Remus said.
Sirius sighed, “Remus if I tell you, you have to promise not to breathe a word of this to anyone!” Sirius said, “No, one, but Dumbledore and myself know, James and Lily don't even know, and most certainly not the person.”
“Who is it?” Remus asked.
“It was Hermione!” Sirius said simply.
“Please tell me you know another Hermione!” Remus said, Sirius shook his head. “How could it be Hermione?”
“C'mon Remus, you have to have noticed that Hermione seems to be figuring everything out.” Sirius said, “After the incident at Viktor Krum's house she wasn't unconscious as long as we told her she was. She regained consciousness almost immediately, and told them what happened. That night she was released and she went back to her house. She had been researching it for sometime, how to raise the dead. But on every case that she had found the person had come back wrong or not all. Except one case. The case, in which, she found and figured out how to use the spell. She brought us back, James, Lily and I. We altered her memory and put her in a dreamless sleep. We also did memory charms on Draco, and her parents.” Sirius finished. “It had to be a secret, if Voldemort had ever found out she knew he would have tortured her for it, and Hermione, as strong a girl she is, probably would have given in. This way they won't know.”
“So James and Lily don't know?” Remus asked.
“No, and they didn't ask they were fine with Dumbledore's explanation, they were just happy to be back. So we didn't mention it.” Sirius said.
“But Sirius, it was so dangerous, that takes an abnormally large amount of magic.” Remus said.
“Hermione's full of surprises, Harry doesn't know it, but that girl possesses a whole lot of magic, and I'm afraid that neither of them will realize until it comes out in anger.” Sirius said, “Or pain!”
Lily and James were walking along in silence not really talking about anything in particular. James sighed and Lily looked at him.
“What?” she asked.
“Lily, I have a problem!” James said.
“A problem…?” Lily asked.
“Yep, you see, I just love you so damn much…” James said, “…and you're hiding things from me!” Lily stopped walking, shocked by what he had said.
“James…?” Lily asked softly.
“Lily, ever since we have been back, you avoided the fact that we have been gone for fifteen years. You acted as though nothing happened, like we were here the whole time.” James said turning to face her.
“Well, how am I supposed to act, I mean, James we have been gone for fifteen years, we didn't just go on a trip, I can't ignore it, but I don't want to face it…” Lily said
“Well, tough! Lily we need to talk about what happened that night, what went wrong. I got the whole Peter thing but you, you left that night and came home right before we died, where were you?” James asked; Lily looked away.
“Why does it matter where I was that night; it was over fifteen years ago!” Lily said, not meeting his eyes.
“Because, this is the way I see it, you were either cheating on me,” James said
“James that's silly…” Lily said
“…or you went to go talk to someone!” James finished. Lily just stared at him, “Who was it?”
“Why does it matter…?” Lily looked at James, “Fine, I tried to stop it, I tried to make us live!”
“Live…what do you mean, live! You didn't know we were going to be murdered…did you?” James asked, confused.
“We both knew or else we wouldn't have put the charm on us if we didn't know. I didn't know it was going to be that night, but I knew it was going to be soon, I could sense it!” Lily said, “Anyway, I went to…Sever…Snape's to beg that he would spare us, convince Voldemort to leave us alone, I begged him, and I pleaded with him, but he refused.” Lily paused and studied James' face, “Then, just before I left, I told him that he was a pitiful excuse for a human being,” she said with a laugh, “and that it was no wonder he could never get a girl! Then I turned to leave and he told me okay, under one circumstance.” Lily looked down.
“What circumstance?” James asked.
“That I…that I…” Lily stopped and took a deep breath and looked into James' eyes, “That I leave you…” James sucked in a breath, “…for him!”
Hermione refused to look at Harry and she didn't dare glance a Draco, she knew they were worried about her which infuriated her, confused her, and flattered her all at the same time. They were walking down the cave when Hermione stopped all of a sudden and looked around.
“Haven't we been here before?” Hermione asked. Harry and Draco looked around and shrugged.
“How can you tell it's a rock cave, you've seen one, you've seen them all.” Draco said. Hermione turned to face him.
“Thank you, Draco, but we've been walking for what seems like ever, shouldn't we be, oh, I don't know reaching another task or something along those lines.” Draco looked at her and shrugged, then, letting his arms fall to his side, he strode towards an open place and unsheathed his sword.
“I don't know what this cave has planned for us, but I for one can take it!” Draco said swinging his sword around like an idiot. Hermione laughed and looked at Harry, she smiled and opened her mouth to say something, but suddenly she saw Harry and Cho together, they were standing over her and Draco, Cho whispered the killing curse and Harry pointed his wand at her chest, smirking evilly. Hermione was suddenly brought back and she looked at Harry.
“Hermione, are you okay?” Harry asked stepping towards her. She stepped away.
“You're going to betray us!” she said.
“What…no…” Harry started.
“I just had a vision, Cho, she killed Draco, you were going to kill me, I saw it in your eyes, oh my God; you are going to freaking kill us!” Hermione screamed, she stepped away and unsheathed her sword only to have it taken by Draco.
“STOP!” he said standing between them, “Hermione, I thought you knew better…”
“What, to not trust anyone…” Hermione began
“No!” Draco said, “Hermione, we are in the cave of Deception, key word, DECEPTION! It's trying to divide us; it wouldn't send us visions to help us know what is to come so we can change it.” Draco said, he looked at Harry and turned to Hermione, “Hermione…” he said lowering his voice so only she could hear, “…betrayals may not always be all that they seem!” Hermione stopped, the woman, she had said that, her eyes shot up to his.
“Draco…?” she asked, he gave her, her sword and turned to Harry,
“C'mon, I have a feeling we are close!” he said walking ahead, leaving confused Hermione and even more confused Harry.
Lavender and Ron were the first to reach the central chamber which held tasks they had to finish together, they had each, like Hermione, faced a task where they saw the other betraying them. Most were not as lucky as Hermione and Harry were, Sirius convinced Remus before any harm was done, but Lavender had to knock Ron out, and James had to force Lily's sword from her. Harry, Hermione and Draco were the last to arrive at the center. Lily immediately came over to Harry making sure that he was okay, then going to Hermione and doing the same. Harry walked around the chamber; there were four giant walls, all obviously hiding something that each group would have to face. Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to see Hermione.
“Harry, I'm sorry I jumped to the conclusion that you would betray me, I know you love me; I just got scared.” Hermione said quietly.
Harry looked down, that wasn't what was on his mind, “Hermione can I ask you a question?”
“Yes…of course!” Hermione said without hesitation.
“Why are you so threatened by what I had with Cho?” Harry asked. Hermione looked at him with surprise, but to be honest she wasn't that surprised.
“The same reason you are so threatened by what I had with Krum! We don't know what happened last summer, I mean we could have shagged our partners and we wouldn't know it, because we never bothered to ask. She could be pregnant and you might not know it. She knows things I don't, and that scares me.” Hermione said looking him in the eye.
“Well, you shouldn't be scared!” Harry said leaning in to kiss her, Hermione kissed him back, then pulled away and walked toward the group. Harry thought maybe he was imagining things, but he thought that when she turned he heard her whisper `I wish I could say the same!'
Harry looked at Draco, “Are you sure this is how it works?” Draco shrugged and looked at Hermione.
“Hermione is this righ…” Draco started
“Boys, would you listen to me, I already explained this once.” Hermione said taking her sword, “We put our swords in there and it will open to reveal our task.”
“So, let me get this straight…” Harry began, “…we are supposed to go in there powerless, defenseless and clueless?”
“Harry, you do that everyday in your classes why should this be any different?” Lavender yelled from across the cave. Harry gave her a pointed look and focused back on Hermione.
“I don't know, but there is only one way to find out!” Hermione said lifting up her sword, “All of us must do this at the same time so, on three, one…” Hermione said lining up her sword with the slot, “…two…” she said looking at Harry and Draco, “…three!” she said thrusting her sword into where it went as Harry and Draco did the same. They were all forced back as their swords disappeared and the wall went up. They slowly approached it and looked inside. Hermione, standing in the center, grabbed both of their hands and stepped inside pulling them with her. When they stepped inside instantly the wall went down, they were trapped.
“You won't get out now!” a voice said from the corner. They all turned to see a woman emerging from the shadows; all three of them looked at her in shock. “Yep, it's me!” the three looked at each other.
“You know her?” they all said in unison. All of their heads turned to the woman.
“I appeared to each of you in your sleep, giving each of you advice on how to go about this, I told you each something different, I told Draco to trust in his heart, and in your friendships. I told Hermione and Harry to trust in his friendships and trust in love.” The woman said, “But I made a mistake…” they all exchanged glances, “…or should I say Hermione made a mistake!” Hermione looked like she might have fainted if she hadn't been so intrigued. “Hermione, as noble as her intentions, was not supposed to tell anyone what happened. Now, things have changed, and now you must rely fully on the trust you have built amongst one another.” She sighed, “I cannot tell you anything more than that!” she said, pausing. “I know that all of your friends and family went into the other caverns, but that is just to keep them busy. You know you will have to get the book, and you know that the second you step forward you'll have to face something in which you trust each other, and I can only imagine what is going through your heads right now. But, I assure you; as long as you trust each other you will be fine.”
“How can you be so sure we trust each other?” Draco asked hesitantly. Her eyes snapped to him.
“Mr. Malfoy, you may think you're dark and mysterious, but your not, if any of the three of you, it's not in your heart my fear lies. I believe you trust more easily than you would let on. My worry does not lie in you or in Mr. Potter; my worry lies in Hermione, because I know what is in her heart. I know she wants to trust you two, but she refuses to let herself give in.” she finished, her eyes turning to Hermione. Then with the blink of an eye she was gone!
Draco turned to the other two, “Should we trust her?” Hermione, who was looking at where she had been, turned her eyes towards him. He looked at her and she looked away.
“I guess we have no choice!” she said holding back her tears, and how much the woman's words had stung her. Hermione began to walk forward, slowly and cautiously. She turned to face them, “There's something about this cavern!” she said, “Something more than what they have been telling us!”
“What do you mean?” Harry asked
“Well,” she said turning to walk forward, “this is obviously about trust, they keep telling us to trust each other, trust in our friendships, our love, but what I really think it's about is trusting ourselves.”
“Trusting ourselves?” Draco asked, “I'm pretty sure we all trust ourselves.”
“Do you?” Hermione asked, raising one eyebrow, “I mean Draco, do you trust that you won't become like your father? I know it's your greatest fear, I can see it in your eyes, but do you trust yourself enough to resist your father and the power that comes along with it?” Hermione's eyes turned to Harry, “And Harry, I see it in your eyes; you don't trust that you won't fail. You think this all relies on you defeating Voldemort single handed. Well, guess what, it doesn't, you have friends and we are sick and tired of you beating yourself up over it!”
“Well what about you…” Draco said, “You're not little miss perfect like you lead people to think, you don't trust yourself either.”
“You're right!” Hermione said simply, “None of us trust ourselves or each other, and we can't take one more step until we do.”
“What are you talking about; we all trust each other, that woman was just mad.” Harry said
“Really, is that why we all told each other about the dream, vision, whatever with her in it?” Hermione said sitting down on the ground and leaning against the cave wall. “Listen, Harry, Draco, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just, I'm afraid of giving you my complete trust because you might hurt me.” Hermione stood up, “You have given me no reason too, but that doesn't change the fact that I do!” Harry looked down and then up at Draco who gave him a look. Harry turned to Hermione.
“Hermione, I trust you!” Harry said stepping forward and taking her hand. Draco was next he came forward and put a hand on her shoulder.
“You know, I've given you no reason to trust me, and you vice versa, but I do, that's good enough for me.” He said, Hermione smiled at the two of them and opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a rumble they all looked to the wall that they had entered through, it was moving up. But, it wasn't the same chamber they had come out of, Hermione smiled and walked into the chamber.
She turned around and smiled at the boys, “We did it!” Harry went to take a step forward, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a hand reach out and grab Hermione and slowly putting a sword to her neck.
“You may have done it, Ms. Granger, but we did it first!” came the drawling voice of Lucius Malfoy.
A/N: All right well, this is it, for a while, my story is all caught up, and now, I'm off to Louisiana to rest, I will update as soon as I have another chapter written, which shouldn't be too far away, R&R!
Harry and Draco froze as they stared at Hermione with a sword to her throat, “No magic in this cave,” Lucius Malfoy drawled, “it's a nice trick, but it will only delay the inevitable.” His eyes turned to his son, “Draco, come here!” Draco didn't move. “Draco, you are my son, come HERE!” he said angrily. Draco walked over to his father, not daring to look at Harry, and stood next to Hermione's side. “Now, Draco, take this,” he said handing him a sword, “and finish her, we only need her blood.” Draco took the sword and smiled and took the sword. He roughly grabbed Hermione's arm and thrust her back towards Harry.
“This is between you and me, father!” Draco said turning towards his father. Lucius looked at Draco, but didn't seem surprised that he had turned on him.
“So Draco, I see you have chosen death!” Lucius said getting ready to fight his son.
“I'd rather die knowing I'm doing what's right, than live knowing I'm a coward!” Draco spat at his father. Lucius looked furious and charged on him, Draco deflected most of his blows, as Lucius did the same, they were both fighting hard, but Hermione could see Draco was tiring. She looked around for something to help with, he had saved her life, she owed him hers. Hermione took her bag and began to dig through it when she heard Draco cry out in pain, her head shot over and she saw Lucius knock him to the ground.
“You worthless child! I taught you everything you know, and you think you can beat me?” Lucius spat, “Fool…”
“I think you're the fool!” a voice said from behind him. Lucius' eyes went wide before he fell to the ground revealing Hermione holding a bloodstained golden dagger, “You didn't teach him everything he knows, he has friends he can rely on!” Lucius, who was scooting away on the ground, was holding his side where she had plunged the dagger.
“You missed…” he said weakly smiling. She smiled at him.
“I didn't miss, I just didn't kill you!” Hermione said handing the dagger to Draco, “You may be an evil selfish prat with nothing going for him in life, but I won't make you turn me into a murderer. You won't win this time, you won't turn me evil.” She stood up and turned to Harry, “I believe we have a book to find!” she said taking his hand and walking further into the cavern. Draco stood there fingering the dagger; he slowly knelt down beside his father.
“Hermione may not be able to do it, but let's face it, no one ever accused me of having a conscious.” He said plunging the dagger into his father's heart, “Go to Hell, and stay there!” he said watching his father take his last breath.
Hermione and Harry looked at the task in front of them and decided this was definitely not going to be easy. After sending Draco away to watch for more deatheaters that may come looking for Lucius, Hermione pocketed the dagger Dumbledore had given her, and threw her backpack into a corner, along with Harry's. In front of them stood a gigantic cage covered by some sort of plant that, undoubtedly, would kill them upon touch.
“Well, the book is obviously inside, so we have to get inside, somehow.” Harry said examining the cage from a safe distance. Together they stepped closer and found what looked like a door. Hermione cautiously reached for the door but stopped when Harry grabbed her hand. “I'll do it!” He pushed her hand away and grabbed the doorknob, forcing the door open. Inside was a simple bar cage surrounding the Book of Deception.
Hermione narrowed her eyes, “Too easy!” Hermione gasped from behind him, he turned.
“I've read about this, I can't exactly remember where, but it's basically going to be that whole trust in ourselves thing, it reads our heart, it tells if our intentions are true, if so we get in.” Hermione said approaching it.
“And if they aren't?” Harry asked. Hermione turned to face him.
“They will be!” she said quickly. “Now how we do this is…?” Hermione said approaching the cage. When she walked up a podium appeared out of thin air. Hermione looked back at Harry and he came up to join her at the podium. She looked at Harry expectantly.
“Hey, we'll figure this out, I promise!” Harry said taking her hand and kissing it.
“But what if we don't?” Hermione asked, Harry took her hand and squeezed it.
“We will!” Harry said, smiling reassuringly. Hermione looked at the podium and saw that it was covered in dirt; she dusted it off and saw that there were two hand prints on there.
“Harry?” Hermione said; he approached and looked over her shoulder. She turned around to look at him, he shrugged.
“I guess we just put our hands there!” he said stepping around to the other side and laying his hand where it was marked. He looked at Hermione expectantly; she closed her eyes and placed her hand on where it went. She didn't feel anything, `Am I dead?' she asked herself. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Harry staring at her.
“What happened?” Hermione asked looking around.
“Nothing!” Harry said. Hermione didn't move her hand, but she started looking around for a clue. “God dammit!” Harry yelled, Hermione looked up, “We came this far, and we can't even figure out how to get past a stupid podium!” Harry yelled slamming his hand down onto the podium. Suddenly the room began to rumble, Hermione tried to back away, but her hand wouldn't budge. She looked at Harry and saw that the same thing was happening to them. Suddenly they were moving down; Hermione looked around, panicked, still trying to get her hand free, she heard Harry cry out in pain, but was soon blinded by her own pain. Once Hermione finally got her hand free she looked around and saw that they had stopped moving. She looked down at her hand and saw that her hand had been cut; she assumed that the same had happened to Harry.
“What is this place?” she said stepping off the platform and exploring the new tavern.
“This is the Cave of Deception!” a voice said from behind her. She spun around to come face to face with someone she never thought she would see down here, Cho.
“How did you get here?” Harry asked coming up behind Hermione.
“Simple, I just followed you!” Cho said approaching them, her eyes flickered to Harry, “Harry, it's time you stop this, think of what we shared last summer, I love you, she doesn't!” Cho said looking at Harry.
“You're mad!” Harry said putting his hand on Hermione's shoulder. Cho opened her mouth to speak but stopped when she heard a voice behind her.
“Silence!” a voice hissed from the darkness. The man, if you could call him that, the voice belonged to stepped out of the darkness. “Harry Potter…”
Harry's eyes widened, “Voldemort…” Harry whispered.
“Potter, I believe that you and me have some unfinished business,” Voldemort snarled, “you have escaped me too many times, it will end tonight!”
“Not with them here!” Harry said pointing to the girls. Voldemort smiled.
“Not that I care what happens to either of them, but shall we say, they have a score to settle.” Voldemort said as Harry watched Cho pull out a sword and aim it at Hermione.
“Hermione!” Harry yelled, but just before the sword cut her throat she ducked and spun around facing a Cho.
“Cho, hitting someone while their back was turned, that's just down right deceitful. But then again, you don't have feelings, so why should it matter!” Hermione popped up and prepared to face Cho, “Harry…?” Hermione said not taking her eyes off Cho, “…kick his arse!”
Harry smiled, “With pleasure!”
As Harry squared with Voldemort Hermione was looking at Cho. “So are you gonna attack me, or stand there and pretend to look intimidating?” Hermione asked with a laugh.
Cho advanced on Hermione, but Hermione just kept backing up, then she remembered the dagger. She pulled it out of her pocket, and Cho just laughed. “Ooh, I'm scared!” Cho said in a sarcastic voice. Hermione knew she only had one shot, and it had to be perfect, she aimed carefully and sent the dagger flying. It sliced Cho's arms just enough to make her drop the sword and Hermione went for her feet. Within seconds Cho was on the ground and Hermione grabbed the sword, she knew they couldn't use it so she turned to Harry.
“Harry!” she yelled tossing him the sword, he grabbed it with one hand and turned back to Voldemort, while Hermione turned back to Cho. “So, Cho, it has finally come down to you and me!”
“You deserve to die, you stole Harry from me, and I'm going to kill you for it!” Cho spat at Hermione.
“If you kill me, Harry would just kill you, and then bring me back; you forget that we have the Book of Deception.” Hermione said smiling. Suddenly Cho broke into a smile; Hermione's face fell out of confusion. She turned around and picked up a bag.
“The Book of Deception…?” Cho said opening the sack, “You mean like this one?” she said holding up the book with the symbol for the Book of Deception on it.
After Harry had received the sword from Hermione, he had quickly fought Voldemort, both getting hurt in the process. Harry knew that either he was going to kill Voldemort or die trying. Harry was tired of this, not of the fight, but of this whole war, he wanted his life back, he wanted to be with his parents and Sirius, he wanted to be with Hermione, he wanted to be free from all this. In his anger Harry felt a surge of energy and, after dodging a few blows finally got Voldemort to the ground, with Harry's sword at his neck. Harry knew he could do this now, and never look back, Voldemort wouldn't have hesitated, he knew that, yet something stopped him.
Voldemort laughed, “Can't kill me Potter? After all the training…all the sleepless nights when you knew you would have to come and kill me, you can't do it.” Harry was about to just do, ending it there, when he heard Hermione scream. He instinctively looked over, but as soon as he did, Voldemort pushed to sword away, and when Harry looked back, Voldemort was no where in sight. Harry quickly turned around looking for Hermione, he saw her over in a corner with Cho, Cho had her back to Harry and was holding something when Harry caught a glimpse of it. Slowly coming up behind her, he reached out and took it from her, Cho spun around and came face to face with Harry, her face suddenly falling.
“Harry,” she said reaching her hand out, “give me the book!” she said slowly.
“No!” Harry said, Cho's eyes flashed in anger and she turned on Hermione.
“You, you tricked him, you bitch!” Cho said launching herself at Hermione, when Harry saw this he reached for Cho and threw her off Hermione. Harry, paying no attention to Cho, went to Hermione, who was in a state of shock from seeing the book.
“Hermione, are you okay?” Harry asked taking her hand. Hermione looked at Harry and nodded, Harry stood up and helped her to her feet, Harry who had dropped the book, bent down to get the book revealing Cho, standing there with a sword.
“Harry…” Hermione gasped, Harry looked up at Hermione and stood up, she felt him take something from her pocket and he swung around. Hermione couldn't see Cho over Harry's shoulder, but she heard her cry out in pain, then Hermione realized the dagger, he had taken the dagger. Hermione moved to the side of Harry and saw Cho on the ground; she was alive, but just barely. Hermione saw her and she couldn't help but gasp, she knew Harry had no choice, but it was odd, seeing Harry kill someone.
Harry turned around and looked at Hermione, handing her the book; she looked down at it and put her hand on the front cover, it snapped open. Hermione opened it and began flipping through the pages. “Harry, all these spells, we can win with this!” Hermione said not looking up from the book. Hermione sat down on a large boulder and began looking at all the many different spells. Harry started looking around the cave and began looking for a way out.
“Hermione lets find a way out…” Harry said
Hermione looked up, “I'm assuming it's the same way we came down!” Hermione said standing up.
“All right, then lets…” Harry said trailing off, his smile fading from his face.
“Harry…?” Hermione asked. Harry's eyes moved to hers and he fell down. Hermione watched in horror as Cho stood there with the dagger in her hands. Seeing that she was too weak to try and fight Hermione, she turned her attention to Harry. “Harry can you hear me…Harry, hang on, Harry don't leave me!” Hermione said with tears in her eyes
“Her…mi…on…e…” Harry said slowly
“Harry hang on…DRACO…Harry, hang on Draco will go get help…” Hermione said
Harry was slowly closing his eyes, “I…love…you!” he said quietly before taking his last breath.
A/N: I'm am so terribly sorry, I know it has been a long time, but I've just been on a block, and I have stupid school, and I'm sorry, but here's a good chapter, at least I hope so. Wow some of you are quite mean, now you couldn't possibly think that I would keep Harry dead did you? In a Harry Potter story? You should know better! R&R!
Hermione just couldn't believe that Harry was dead, as she knelt next to his lifeless body; she grabbed his hand, searching for any sign of life. Then, from behind Harry's body she heard something, her eyes shot up and she saw Cho, lying there, laughing! Hermione let go of Harry's hand and grabbed his sword from the ground where it had fallen and approached Cho, who was still laughing. Hermione put the sword against her throat and stared at her.
“What are you gonna do?” Cho said, “Kill me?” Cho said coughing, “I'm already dying, and besides, killing me, won't bring him back!” Hermione just stared at Cho, not moving before slowly lowering her sword.
“Why did you do this?” Hermione asked, her eyes never leaving Cho's face, “Why did you take the one thing I have left?” Hermione screamed, “My parents are gone, I had nothing left, NOTHING, then Harry came and I had something, he meant everything to me, and because of your petty jealousy you took him.” Hermione said turning away from Cho.
“You,” Cho said in a small voice, “you talk about him like you…”
“Like I love him?” Hermione said facing her, “Of course I love him, and he loved me too, and we were happy…” Hermione said, almost crying, “I was happy!” she finished in a small voice.
“But what about me…” Cho said
“What about you! So Harry didn't love you, big deal! You could have had anyone you wanted but you chose the one guy you couldn't have.” Hermione spat.
“Harry was the only one who understood me; after fourth year, I didn't think I'd be happy…” Cho said trailing off.
“Yeah, why was it that you got over Cedric so quickly…I mean if you liked him as much as you claimed to, why did you get over him in three months?” Hermione asked stepping closer to Cho, “Was it maybe because you never really liked Cedric and you were just using him?” Cho's eyes widened and she made a motion to move but drew back in pain, to effects of the stab wound taking their toll.
“How dare you,” Cho wheezed, “Cedric meant everything to me, but so did Harry, and you know what I'm glad I killed him, because I would hate to have to watch you two be happy together.” Hermione just stared at Cho and then a thought popped in her mind.
“Oh, you'll watch me and Harry be happy, and you'll hate it!” Hermione said digging through her pack, she pulled out some bandage and quickly walked over to Cho, doing her best to stop the bleeding.
Cho just threw her head back in laughter, “Saving me won't bring Harry back!” Hermione looked up at her and could tell she was getting weak.
“No, but if you live, you can watch Harry and I be happy, after I bring him back!” Hermione said. She walked over to where Harry was and knelt down next to his body, “We'll have our happy ending!” she whispered to herself.
“Why would you choose Harry?” Cho asked, “Why would you choose a fling over your parents?” Cho said. Hermione just kept staring at Harry, she had never thought of that. Her parents, she could bring back her parents; but then again, these types of things took a lot of magic, she didn't have enough to bring them both back. Something, something was nagging at the back of her mind, something someone said about her parents, she just couldn't lay a finger on it. Then she saw something, or someone, out of the corner of her eye and she looked and saw that no one was there. She had sworn she had seen that woman, the same woman that had been in her dream. Then it hit her and she looked back at Cho and saw that unconsciousness was quickly taking her. Hermione stood up and picked up the Book of Deception, staring at the cover, could she really do this?
“Of course you can!” Hermione heard from behind her. She didn't turn, she knew who it was.
“What do you want from me, who are you?” Hermione said spinning around to face the raven-haired woman, the book still clenched in her hands.
“Who am I? That I cannot tell you! But why I am here is to remind you of…” the woman began
“My parents can't come back! I remember…” Hermione interrupted
“I didn't need to remind you of that,” the woman said, “I knew you would remember, I came to remind you of something you cannot remember, because it was erased…” the woman said, “something you shouldn't remember, something that for you to remember is illogical, but I think you can do it.” She finished.
Hermione looked at the woman, “So…let me get this straight, you came here…to remind me of something…that logically, I shouldn't be able to remember?” the woman nodded. Hermione resisted the urge to yell, and instead rolled her eyes, looking down at the book. “Whatever…”
“You know how to use that!” the woman said, Hermione looked up.
“No, I don't I'm just assuming you say the spell and it should work!” Hermione said opening up the book.
“I wasn't asking you…I was telling you!” she said with a smile on her lips. Hermione looked up to see that the woman was gone.
“I just wanna get out of this cave…” Hermione said looking around, then her eyes fell upon Harry, and she felt her eyes tearing up, `What if it doesn't work?' she thought to herself, `I couldn't live without him…' she thought blinking back the tears, “It will work!” she said out loud, “It has to…” Hermione controlled herself and looked back to the book, flipping pages. “How am I even going to figure this out, I don't even know what the spell sounds like, or looks like!” Hermione continued to flip until she saw Harry out of the corner of her eye. Taking the book over next to Harry's body she set the book down and looked at him, taking his hand, that was already beginning to go cold. As she looked back at the book she saw something that seemed familiar, a faded drawing on a page. She stared at it and felt a hand on her shoulder; she turned and came face to face with someone she never thought she would see, again.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione asked. The person did not speak but instead pointed to the book; Hermione looked back and saw that the picture was becoming more evident. Once she realized who the picture was of, she turned back to where the person should have been, but found her not to be there. Hermione smiled, something that was almost foreign to her now, and looked up, “Thanks, Persiam!” Hermione said quietly as she began to prepare to say the spell, not seeing the head of blond hair that had been watching her the entire time.
She was in her room, but she knew something was wrong, she felt sadness in her heart. Someone had died. She saw something scribbled on a piece of paper, but it was blurry. She looked up and saw a bright flash of light. Focusing her eyes she concentrated on the thing in front of her, once her mind took in what she saw she began to feel dizzy. Overwhelmed by shock she felt darkness overcome her while whispering one word, “Sirius!”
Hermione's eyes shot open and she took in her surroundings, she was in the hospital wing, why was she in the hospital wing? Then it all came back to her…the cave…the book…Harry! She frantically looked around the room, searching for Harry, instead all she saw was an empty room, not even Madam Pomfrey was there. Then she heard a door open and looked to where the sound came from and saw Draco standing there.
“Draco?” Hermione said in a hoarse voice. Draco just stood there, staring at her.
“Hermione, you're awake, let me go get Madam Pomfrey!” he said quickly turning and leaving the room, only to return with Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore, Harry, Ron and Lavender all in tow. After checking Hermione over Madam Pomfrey went back to her office to leave them all to talk. Hermione's eyes shifted to the face of the other people in the room, Harry's face held one of concern and confusion, this made her wonder; did he not remember what had happened? Hermione's eyes shifted to Ron and Lavender who looked confused, happy and concerned, but it was Draco who held a look of utmost discomfort. Hermione was about to speak when Dumbledore spoke up.
“Hermione, it's good to have you back with us.” Dumbledore said with a smile, “Now if you would be so kind,” he said turning to the others, “Miss Granger and I have some things to discuss,” he said motioning towards the door. Harry and Hermione exchanged glances before he followed the others out. As soon as Harry closed the door Dumbledore walked to it, taking his wand out from his robes, muttering some spells towards the door. He turned back to her and walked over to sit next to her bedside, not saying a word.
“Professor…?” Hermione asked timidly
“Yes, Hermione?” Dumbledore asked still smiling.
“You wanted to talk…” she said uncertainly.
“Oh, yes, well I assumed that you had some questions.” Dumbledore said, “I am not wrong, am I?”
Hermione looked down, “He doesn't remember does he?”
“Remember what?” Dumbledore asked.
Hermione looked up, “Surely you know!”
“I only know if you want me to know!” Dumbledore said, a more serious look coming over his face. “Hermione keep in mind, what is in that book, all those spells, enchantments, and charms, are highly illegal, and dangerous. What you did was very brave, and you showed yourself as a true Gryffindor. But that doesn't make it right, surely you thought of the consequences before you did this.”
“The consequences couldn't be worse than not having him here, could they?” Hermione asked, “It was foolish, I shouldn't have done it, I know…”
“I didn't say you shouldn't have done it!” Dumbledore said, interrupting her, “I would have done the exact same thing…”
“Well, then I don't understand…” Hermione said trailing off.
“Hermione, excuse me for saying this, and I don't mean offense by it, but you and me have very different magical abilities. I should be able to perform powerful incantations, and be able to control the consequences and make them minimal. You shouldn't!” Dumbledore said.
“I know, I know!” Hermione said. “Professor…what happened, I don't remember much, just performing the spell then nothing but this weird dream until I woke up. What happened, why doesn't Harry remember?”
“It's a side effect, if the person saying the spell doesn't want you to know you died, to save you the pain, perhaps, then they won't. But, according to Harry, he woke up you were passed out on the ground clutching the book in one hand and a sword in the other. Cho was slowly dying, but Harry got her back here in time, she in currently in St. Mungo's, she should be getting out soon.” Dumbledore said.
“And the book?” Hermione asked.
“Is safe…for now!” Dumbledore said. “We will be transporting it to Grimmauld place soon, for safe keeping.”
“So, no one knows what I did?” Hermione asked after a long pause.
Dumbledore looked at her, “Hermione what you did, was very wrong, it is not our place to be messing with who lives and who dies.”
“But you brought back Sirius and the Potter's, how can you tell me I did the wrong thing?” Hermione said
“I didn't bring anyone back to life!” Dumbledore said, “I want to make that perfectly clear, I had no part in this, I was just the one who cleaned up the mess.”
“Then…who did?” Hermione asked confusion etched on her face.
“Hermione…some things are kept a secret for a reason,” Dumbledore said taking her hand, “I cannot tell you what you ask, it is not my place.”
“You can't tell me…but someone else can!” Hermione said, Dumbledore just smiled and turned towards the door.
“Oh, Hermione?” Dumbledore said from the door.
“Yes…professor?” she asked thoughts running through her head.
“Don't tell him I sent you!” he said before exiting.
Throughout the week Hermione had been kept in the hospital and the whole time all she could think about was why Harry didn't remember, whether or not to tell him, and that stupid dream she kept having. It had been the same one that she had, had before she initially woke up, and it ended the same way, with her seeing Sirius before waking up. She was getting out that day after Madam Pomfrey checked her over and she was heading straight for his office. Then there came the issue of Harry, she had been distant and she knew he knew. She couldn't help it, he had died right in front of her eyes and she had brought him back without anyone knowing. How was she supposed to just act the same around him, its just not that easy! Her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Madam Pomfrey coming inside. After checking her over, and commenting on how great of a recovery she was making she headed for the door. Hermione was getting out of bed when she heard the door reopen. Her head went to it immediately, expecting Madam Pomfrey to reenter, but was surprised to find Draco.
“Draco?” Hermione asked as he came inside. “You haven't been to visit me since I woke up…?” Hermione said.
“I know, and I can't stay long.” Draco said quickly.
“Okay, well come in and take a seat, I guess?” Hermione said unsurely. “You look nervous, Draco what's wrong…you look like hell, is someone hurt?” Hermione stopped when she heard Draco mumble something. “What?”
“I know what you did!” Draco said meeting her eyes. Hermione felt her stomach drop.
“What…” Hermione said shakily.
“You heard me, what I don't understand is why he doesn't remember?” Draco said looking up at her.
Hermione felt like she had just been kicked in the stomach, “I…I don't know what you are talking about, now get out.” She said turning away so he wouldn't see the truth etched onto her face.
“Fine have it your way, but I know the truth and I won't tell anyone, but he deserves to know, so do his parents and all those involved. It can just make him seem more powerful, like even death can't stop him.” Draco said.
Hermione spun around with an angry look on her face, “Get out…you have no right to be here and tell me who to tell, that is my own business. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and saw some things that you shouldn't have. You shouldn't have seen that, Harry doesn't need this, not now.” Hermione said in a pleading voice.
“Why not…” Draco asked
“Because he's happy!” Hermione exclaimed, “For the first time in his life he has his Godfather, his parents, good friends…”
“An honest girlfriend…” Draco said
“What would you know about honesty?” Hermione spat back. When she saw the look on his face she immediately felt guilty, “I'm sorry, that was uncalled for, but Draco, do try and understand, if Harry found out he died, it would ruin him. He's always been able to save himself and us at the same time. Let him think he did it again, please.” Hermione begged.
“Listen, it's not my place to tell, so I won't, but you can't keep it from him forever.” Draco said, then with a smile he was out the door leaving Hermione to think about what he said.
“No, I can't.” she said to herself, “But I can die trying!”
A/N: Hola! I'm back! Well, I was back the other day, but I forgot to say I'm back, so now I'm saying it! This chapter has not been read by my beta because she is out of town, so excuse any typos I may have missed. This chapter was a difficult one for me to write, I didn't want to end it the way I did, but in order to understand what happens next, they have to be apart. Hope you understand, R&R!
After Hermione left the hospital wing she knew who she had to go see, but she didn't know what she was going to talk to him about. Obviously her visions were memories, but if she didn't remember, why would he remember. Who had obliviated her, and why was she remembering. With all these thoughts running through her head she didn't realize she had arrived in front of Sirius' office. She opened the door and was relieved to find that he didn't have a class.
“Sirius?” Hermione said walking in and shutting the door behind her. She saw Sirius walk out of his office.
“Hermione,” he said walking down the stairs, “How are you, I haven't seen you in a while. All better, I trust!”
“Yes, all better, I was glad to see you don't have a class!” Hermione said.
“Class…Hermione, my dear girl, it's the weekend, I was just doing some reading.” Sirius said holding up a book. Hermione smiled, but didn't believe for a second that he was up there just reading.
“Right…” Hermione said, “Actually Sirius I came to talk to you about some strange dreams I have been having recently.” Hermione said not looking away from his eyes, “They are odd, and I keep having them every night, I am in my room with a spell written on a piece of paper, I can't tell what spell it is, but the writing looks old, like I have had it for a while, and it has worn. I say the spell and I always wake up right after seeing your face. Why?” Hermione kept her eyes of him, he looked away.
“Hermione, I don't know what you are talking about, it sounds to me as though you had a dream that frightened you, now if you would be so kind, I have work to do…” Sirius began
“Who brought you back?” Hermione asked interrupting him. Sirius didn't say a word. “Sirius,” she said making her tone more firm, “Who brought you back?”
“Hermione, there are things we do, things we keep from you that are strictly for your benefit, if you knew who brought me back, it would be bad, I can't tell you why, just simply that it would be.” Once Sirius said thins Hermione knew who it was, he wouldn't be trying to hide it so hard otherwise.
“It was me wasn't it?” when he didn't answer she turned towards the door.
“Hermione, you have to understand,” Sirius began, “it was for your own benefit!”
“My own benefit, my arse! You kept it from me so you wouldn't have to deal with telling me.” Hermione said harshly. “My parents died because I brought you back, don't you think I deserved to know that they might die because I was helping a friend. Don't you think I deserved…”
“What? The right to drive yourself crazy not knowing when they were gonna die, if they were gonna die?” Sirius said forgetting that she was a student he a teacher. “Hermione you did what you thought was right and it turned out badly, so what you should be happy you got to spend some time with them like everything was normal.”
Hermione just stared at him with anger, “That wasn't your decision to make.” She said before heading out the door.
“Wait, Hermione don't leave, look I'm sorry what happened and that you found out this way, but I'm not sorry for how I handled it. I did what I thought was best for you and I can't change that.” Sirius said
“I need…to go!” Hermione said exiting the room. Seconds later Harry came inside.
“What was that about?” Harry asked in confusion.
“Nothing, she's just angry at me.” Sirius said. Harry laughed.
“It's about time someone else dealt with her anger besides me and Ron!” Harry said smiling.
“Is there something I can help you with Harry, I really do need to be getting back to work!” Sirius said moving towards the stairs.
“Yeah,” Harry said, “Where are my parents?”
Hermione stormed out of there unsure of where to go. She knew she had to go somewhere where no one would find her and she considered the Room of requirement, and decided since there was no way she was getting out of the castle she walked towards it. Once she got there, a door was already there and letting curiosity get the best of her she opened the doorknob to find an empty room.
“Hello?” Hermione yelled into the room only to be met by silence.
“Hello!” a voice said from behind her. She immediately swung around, to be met by nothing. Confused she felt for her wand to find it not there, she must have left it back at her room.
“What do you want?” She asked to no one in particular. When she got no response she walked over to the couch against the wall. Hermione noticed that there was a door over on the other side of the room. She hadn't noticed it there before and she didn't know what made her get up and walk over to it, but something about it drew her to it and as soon as she put her hand on the doorknob she felt herself being tugged in all directions. She closed her eyes and when she opened them she was in the middle of a house. She heard voices from behind her and turned to come face to face with Lily and James.
“Hello?” she asked causing them to stop what they were doing and turn to face her. When they got over the shock they smiled.
“Hermione…what are you doing here?” James asked and Lily hit him.
“What my husband means is, we're so glad to see you but, what are you doing here?” Lily said.
“I think I came here by accident, I was just trying to see what was behind that door and I guess it was a portkey, but I just wound up here…where is here anyways?” she said looking around.
“This…is our house,” Lily said with a smile, “or more properly known as Godric's Hollow!”
Harry was worried. He hadn't heard from Hermione all day, and it was worrying him. He had gone to the hospital wing to find she had already left and went to Sirius' office to find her storming out. He tried to get her attention but she didn't stop and so he went into talk to Sirius. After he had left he went to the Gryffindor common room to do some homework and had fallen asleep, only to wake up hours later with no Hermione in sight. He checked the clock and found that it was 10 and tomorrow was a Saturday, meaning that Ron and Lavender would be upstairs and despite that they would not like it he had to know if either of them had seen Hermione. He walked up to the Girls Dormitory and went to Lavender and Hermione's room only to find Lavender sitting on her bed.
She looked up, “Hello, Harry!” she said sitting down the paper she had been studying.
“Lavender, I don't mean to seem rude, but have you seen Hermione?” Harry asked walking into the room.
“No, I figured she wouldn't be coming back tonight.” Lavender said, looking at Harry.
“What do you mean?” Harry asked.
“Well, I figured since it was her first night out and yours back together, you might…celebrate…for lack of a better word.” Lavender said a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Harry's eyes widened, “Oh, um…no, actually she walked away pretty angry this afternoon and I haven't seen her since.” Lavender looked down, thinking.
“Well…use the map!” Lavender said as though it was nothing.
“The map! Of course, you're brilliant!” Harry said running out of the room.
“Wait,” yelled Lavender, “I'm coming!” she said running after him.
“No go back, I need to work this out with Hermione by myself!” Harry said reaching his room and heading for his trunk.
“No way, I'm coming too, I wanna be involved in this adventure too.” Lavender said walking into his room, “Wow, you're messy!” she said scanning the room, only to be sent a dirty look by Harry.
“She's not on here!” Harry said searching all the different areas.
“Who's not on there?” they heard from behind them. Harry and Lavender both spun to come face to face with Hermione. Harry looked at her as though he was looking at a ghost.
“Where have you been?” Harry asked.
“Yeah, what he said!” Lavender said with her hands on her hips. Harry looked at Lavender and she looked at him. “Oh, um…yeah I guess I'll be leaving now.” She said before exiting quickly.
“You didn't have to do that, now she will spread it all over school…” Hermione said shutting the door behind Lavender.
“Where have you been?” Harry asked again, not moving.
Hermione stared at him, “I needed to clear my head, so I went to the room of requirement.”
“I went there, I didn't see you there.” Harry said.
“Well, I was there. Why are you acting like this?” Hermione asked stepping towards him. “You've never been like this before!”
“That was before you started keeping things from me!” Harry said and Hermione looked up, surprised.
“I'm…I'm not keeping anything from you!” Hermione said in an unconvincing voice.
Harry scoffed, “I cannot believe you are lying to me!”
“I'm not lying to you!” Hermione said.
“No, then why have you been avoiding me ever since you came to, why have you been pretending to be sleeping when I would come to visit you in the hospital wing. And why do your eyes always say something different than you say.” Harry asked, pleading with his voice.
“I don't know what you are talking about!” Hermione said not looking him in the eye.
Harry stepped up to her until he was inches from her face, “Tell me!” Harry said before leaning into kiss her. Once they broke apart Hermione just looked into his eyes and for the first time since they came back she considered telling him. Then he grabbed her hand and she suddenly flashbacked to the cave and felt the coldness of his hand when he had died and stepped away.
She looked at Harry, “I'm sorry!”
“What happened in that cave?” Harry asked his eyes never leaving her face.
“Nothing!” Hermione said.
“Liar!” Harry said turning away from her, “God Hermione, why for once in your life can you not act like you need to be in charge.”
“Oh that's priceless, you're the one that has a thing for saving people. You always have to be the one that saves the people from death and horrible things.” Hermione said.
“Yeah well, that's what I do, what I don't get is why you're hiding this…secret or whatever, it'll eat you from the inside out. It couldn't possible be so bad that it would hurt me.” Harry said.
“Yes, it can!” Hermione said, “If you found out, it would be terrible, you'd never forgive me, or yourself!”
“Why wouldn't I forgive you?” Harry asked, “Maybe because you kept it from me?”
Hermione looked up at him, “Kept?”
“Yes, kept?” Harry said, he turned towards his trunk and pulled out something. “When I woke up, I found these on the ground, I took them, I don't really know why, I just thought they would be useful. Snape ran a bunch of tests on them to find out whose blood it was on them.” Harry said holding up two bloody swords. “One, was Cho, the other, was me!”
Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing, “You knew all along!” Hermione asked, “You knew that you had died, and you made me go through that hell.” She saw Harry look down. “What?”
“I didn't know I had died until now, I just thought that I was badly injured.” Harry said in a quiet voice. He dropped the swords into his trunk and walked towards the door and opened it. “Get out!”
“What?” Hermione asked.
“Get out!” Harry said more forcefully this time, “I gave you plenty of chances to tell me the truth but you just lied to me and told me nothing happened. I didn't care about the fact that I died, it wouldn't have hurt me, but the fact that you kept it from me because you thought it was what was best for me, really hurt.” Harry said, “I can't just forget that.” Harry said in a softer voice, “Now get out, as far as I am concerned…we are through!”
A/N: Oh, for Pete's sake, I get it, you don't like it when they fight, but seriously, would it be as interesting without the fights, and for now, you just need to trust me when I say, it's imperative to the plot. Okay, now I'm gonna start leaving little teasers at the end of the chapters, keep in mind it may not happen all in the same chapter, but it will happen soon! R & R, it makes me feel special!
“We're what?” Hermione asked.
“Through,” Harry said firmly, “I don't care about how much you think you were saving me, the fact that I died, is a pretty big deal to me, and definitely not something that should be kept from me.” Harry said, “Don't make this harder than it already is!”
“Oh, I'm sorry…” Hermione said, unsuccessfully trying to hold back the tears. “I'm so terribly sorry this is hard for you.” She said turning away from him. “I was just trying to protect you!”
“What is it that you are always telling me, don't try to save you, you don't need it, why did you think it would be any different for me, the door swings both ways.” Harry said. Hermione sat down.
“I don't know what I was thinking!” she said quietly and then looked up at him, “But what about us? We love each other, why can't we work through this?” Harry looked down. “You can't even answer me, what can't think of an excuse why you need to cut yourself off from the world this time?”
“Lashing out won't make it stop hurting!” Harry said
“Really, because I fell a whole lot better lashing out than I do keeping it all inside!” Hermione said.
“Why are you angry, I'm the one who has been kept in the dark about this, I should be the one angry, tell me what other deep, dark secrets are you keeping inside, got a family, a child? Is that why you were so hesitant to talk about your summer, are you still seeing Viktor, was I just there for you when he wasn't?” Harry said harshly. Hermione stood up and slapped him.
“How dare you!” she said, “I gave you everything and you are just throwing it away. Okay, so I lied about one little thing, it's not worth throwing away what we have over it.” Hermione said, “Please!” Harry stood there, not moving, then after a while he walked towards the door and opened it.
“Maybe, its not the right thing to do…but if we're meant to be together, then we will be, but right now it's hard for me to look at you, knowing you kept that from me, so please, just leave and we'll see where things take us through Christmas.” Harry said sadly “We can't go back, but maybe we can move forward, just not now!”
The next week was not easy for either of them, Lavender spent all night trying to comfort Hermione, while Harry distanced himself farther and farther from everyone. Everyone noticed and the day before Christmas break, Sirius couldn't take it anymore.
“Harry,” Sirius said, stopping him from leaving the classroom, “I need to talk to you!” Harry walked to him and sat down in front of him.
“Yeah?” Harry asked
“Mind telling me what's going on between you and Hermione?” Sirius asked, getting to the point. After a long pause, Sirius sighed, “Typical teen…”
“What did you and Hermione talk about that day she got out of the hospital wing?” Harry asked quietly.
Sirius stared at Harry and knew instantly that he knew, “Harry…”
“How could you….” Harry said standing up, “How could you keep something like this from me?”
“Harry you have to understand…” Sirius tried.
“No, no I don't not on something like this!” Harry said stepping away.
“Listen Harry it's not like you were the only one left in the dark on this…” Sirius said, “I mean your parents don't even know, only me and Hermione, and maybe Dumbledore, you know you can't always tell if he knows or not.” Sirius tried with a laugh.
“How could you keep this from me, I mean if it was about you,” Harry began
“But it isn't about you!” Sirius interjected
“I'd be more understanding…” Harry continued.
“It's not about you…” Sirius said again
“I WAS THE ONE WHO DIED!” they both shouted together. Their eyes never left each others, “What?” they said in unison.
Hermione couldn't find him, and as much as her pride told her that she didn't want to
see him, she was aching inside. She was in her room packing her things up for Christmas. Dumbledore
had told her to take everything, not knowing how long she was going to be gone. Lost in thought she
didn't hear the door open and close, until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around,
surprised to come face to face with Lavender.
“What are you doing?” Lavender asked looking at Hermione's trunk.
“I'm packing, for Christmas!” she said walking over to her dresser.
“Rubbish! Why would you be packing this much if you were just packing for Christmas!” Lavender said crossing her arms over her chess.
Hermione turned to look at her, “I have to make the arrangements, for my parents.” She said quietly.
“Oh, Hermione…I'm so sorry!” she said taking a step towards her, only to have Hermione move backwards.
“I don't need your sympathy!” Hermione said turning back to her dresser.
“Hermione, where are you staying?” Lavender asked, “You know, for Christmas?”
“Well, I have to stay at my house, because that's where the funeral is being held!” Hermione said carrying her clothes to her trunk and closing it, “Why?”
“Because, I'm coming with you!” Lavender said turning to her dresser and pulling out her clothes.
“What? You were going to Ron's for Christmas! You can't ditch him!” Hermione said, but when Lavender wouldn't stop Hermione walked over to her.
“Hermione, Ron has a big family, you have no one, and I won't let you spend Christmas by yourself, sad!” Lavender said packing ridiculously fast, “I'll be damned if I let Harry Potter ruin your Christmas!”
“Fine!” Hermione sighed in defeat, “But I have to go talk to Dumbledore, I'll meet you in the common room.” She said turning towards the door only to be stopped by Lavender's voice.
“By the way, Hermione?” Lavender said watching Hermione open the door and step out, “I know about Harry!” she said before Hermione closed the door.
Hermione was walking down the hallway from Dumbledore's office to get Lavender and her trunk when she heard voices from Sirius' office, and letting curiosity get the best of her she looked inside.
“You have got to be lying!” she heard Harry say.
“No, but it does make sense. Not the you-dying part, just the her-being-the-one-to-bring-you-back thing. I mean you would be the fourth person she's brought back, whether she knew it at the time or not.” Sirius responded.
There was a long pause and Hermione wondered just how much the both of them knew, “Do you think I'm overreacting?” Hermione wanted to scream `yes' but kept it inside her.
“Well, Harry, it doesn't matter what I think because what I feel isn't gonna change what you feel.” Sirius said, “Harry, what you have to ask yourself is if this is a big enough thing to throw away what you have. Now don't get me wrong, this is huge and not to be taken lightly, but that doesn't mean that it's worth that.”
“So you do think I'm overreacting!” Harry said downcast. “You think I'm throwing away the best thing that ever happened to me, that I'll regret this if she finds someone new?”
“No!” Sirius said simply, “I don't think any of that…I know it! I know your throwing away the best thing you have, and I know you'll regret it WHEN she finds someone, not if. You two love each other, but your young, you have your lives ahead of you, you can't think she'll wait for you, can you?” Hermione didn't need to hear any more. She walked away and headed towards the Gryffindor common room, deep in thought. It was obvious Harry still loved her, and she did too, but, did she want him back. It wasn't fair to make him wait for her to get over he parents. She wasn't watching where she was going and ran into someone. When she looked up she came face to face with Draco.
“Hermione, are you okay?” Draco asked, “I was saying your name, but you just kept walking.” Hermione mumbled something and continued walking like nothing had happened. Then, suddenly she stopped.
“Draco?” she asked. He looked at her, “You were evil!”
“So much for beating around the bush!” Draco said.
“That's not what I meant…” Hermione said, “I mean, you were mean, evil, you name anything bad, you were it, but you aren't now,” Hermione said still looking at him, “what made you change?”
Draco paused before saying anything, “What brought on this question?”
“It's just always bothered me,” she said, “it was implied that we were supposed to trust you, without ever given a reason why!”
He paused in thought, “I realized that I couldn't spend my life hating the world or I would end up bitter like my father.” Draco said looking down, “I didn't want to become my father!”
“So that was the only reason?” Hermione asked
“Isn't that enough, I mean you've met my father…”
“Yes and he's a terrible man, but no that's not good enough, mean doesn't run in the family, Draco!” Hermione said walking past him and sighing deeply, “I'm sorry, today's just not a good day.
“Yeah, I heard about you and Harry, when are you two gonna give it up and get back together.” Draco said with a smile.
“It wasn't my choice to leave him…” Hermione said
“Yeah, but I don't see you trying to hard to get him back.” Draco said.
“He left me!” Hermione screamed, “That's what no one seems to realize, I didn't break up with him, I didn't want him to leave, but he left, and there was nothing I could do about it.”
“Hermione, you kept the fact that he died from him, how did you expect him to react?” Draco asked, “Did you think it would all be all right?”
“No, but I didn't think he would break up with me!” Hermione said, tears evident in her voice, “I mean how could he do this to me, now when the realization of my parents' deaths are hitting me.” When Hermione didn't get an answer she looked up at Draco, “I'm leaving, you know?” when she saw Draco's question in his eyes she continued, “For my parents' funerals, then I have to work out finances.” Hermione looked down, “My family sold the house and transferred the funds, Dumbledore's been in contact with them and they switched the money over to my name, and I have to move out and into…well, I'm not sure.” Hermione stood up, “But I've got to get back, Lavender's waiting.”
“Okay, but just remember!” Draco said beginning to walk away.
“Remember what?” Hermione asked.
“Love conquers all,” when Hermione just gave him a look he continued, “You're a smart witch, you figure it out!” Draco said disappearing down the hall.
Hermione leaves to attend her parents' funerals, Lavender and her move out, and into some new place. Christmas Holiday begins at Hogwarts, and Harry spends Christmas with his parents. When they return, Hermione's absence worries Harry and he finds out some news from his parents about where she is, and who she's staying with.
A/N: Ok, to start out, this is by far the most depressing thing I have ever written in my life, I'm a happy person, it doesn't matter how angry I am, I always see the glass as half-full, not empty, so this chapter was difficult for me to write. But anyways, ok please update, constructive criticism is welcome, and you know if you want to flame me, I won't take it too personally, well okay I'm lying, but I won't send the mob out! Tootles! :)
Hermione and Lavender left that night, and when Harry found out he was devastated. The Hogwarts express was leaving that day, and Harry was going to visit his parents, and as sad as he was, he couldn't help but be excited. When he stepped onto King's Cross, he didn't see his parents so he began to walk around with hopes of seeing them. He felt a hand on his shoulder and spun around to find Mrs. Weasley staring at him.
“Hello dear! Your parents are this way!” she said leading him off the platform and out into the parking lot. When she stopped Harry saw his mother immediately, he broke out into a smile and ran for a hug.
“Nice to see you too, sweetheart!” Lily said. “Grab your trunk, and let's head home.” Lily said turning towards the car. Harry smiled both inwardly and outwardly it was their home, his home. Harry had always had the Dursley's to call home, but it was just a home in the physical form, but for Harry home was always Hogwarts, where people are that love you, not like the Dursley's that hated him. Now Harry had another place to call home, a place where he had parents, a family, and for the first time in his life, he was looking forward to Christmas. As Harry headed home, he couldn't help but smile, despite the problems with his relationship with Hermione, he was, for the first time since he could remember, truly happy.
Hermione sat in the front pew of her local church, watching the priest give the sermon. Since she arrived there people had come up to her and told her how sorry they were that this had happened. People that she didn't know, partners of her parents, family she never knew she had. People, who she would have known, if she had not gone to Hogwarts.
As the day went by, Lavender stood by her side and saw the struggle in her eyes. She was thinking about whether or not she should go back to Hogwarts or not. Lavender knew this struggle, she had faced it once, after the rise of Voldemort, her parents had expressed their concern about her being Hermione's roommate, but ultimately left it up to her and she had returned. She hated letting her friend go through this alone, but she knew she had to.
Lavender excused herself as they entered Hermione's house, well, it wasn't even hers anymore, they had sold it and she had to be out before next week. Hermione headed up to her bedroom and opened the door surveying the room. The walls were covered with Gryffindor things from her past years at school, the school that kept her from her parents. She walked over to her bed and looked at the picture of her, Harry and Ron in third year. She picked it up and fingered Harry's face, then Ron's. They were her life now, and she didn't even have Harry anymore. In a rage she flung it across the room watching it shatter. As she fell onto her bed and began to cry she looked at the pieces of glass on the floor, they were obviously beyond repair, just like her life.
Lavender heard the noise upstairs and ran immediately. When she opened up the door she saw Hermione curled up on her bed crying her eyes out.
“Hermione…” Lavender began
“I loved them so much!” Hermione sobbed.
“My parents, I loved them so much, and they didn't even know it, they died because of me, because I was so selfish, that I didn't think of the consequences of dating Harry!” Hermione said still curled up on her bed.
“What are you talking about?” Lavender asked, coming closer.
“I killed my parents!” Hermione said squeezing her eyes shut. When she didn't hear a response she looked over to where Lavender had been, only to see nothing.
“Get up!” she heard from beside her, and felt Lavender pulling her out of bed.
“Lavender…what are you doing?” Hermione asked incredulously.
“Hermione, I understand you lost your parents, and I understand you won't get over it…ever, but I will not stand around and watch you pity yourself. I refuse to watch you screw up your life by blaming yourself.” Lavender said.
“WHAT LIFE?” Hermione screamed, “I DON'T HAVE A LIFE ANYMORE! I lost my parents because I wanted to be happy, and I lost Harry because I wanted him to be happy. I have nothing anymore and you know what, I regret the fact that I ever met Harry, because for once in my life, he's right, he only ended up hurting me in the end!”
Lavender couldn't believe what she was hearing, “You can't mean that…”
“Of course I can, and I don't even know why I thought bringing you here would help things…” Hermione said, “You have no idea what I'm going through, you have no clue what it's like to lose someone close to you!”
Lavender's rage just skyrocketed when she heard this, “You know NOTHING about me!” she said in a tight voice, “You don't know what it's like to be me and you don't know what I have been through to become the person that I am today.” Lavender said walking towards the door and pulling it open, “And you haven't lost everything, you're just too blind to see what's right in front of your face!” she said walking out of the door and slamming it shut. Hermione knew she was right but she couldn't help but cry harder, she had chased the only other person who still cared about her, and as she fell asleep her body racking with tears, she didn't hear the door open and close and the footsteps of someone creeping upstairs.
Harry was really getting use to this family thing! He had always had the Weasley's, but this was different, it was his family, not Ron's. Despite his happy surroundings he couldn't but let his mind drift to Hermione. He was to go back to school in a few days and he hadn't heard anything from her or about her. He had kept in touch with Ron, but apparently he hadn't heard anything from Lavender or Hermione, and it was worrying him.
“Harry?” He heard his mother call up the stairs, “Harry, get down here, NOW!” Harry could hear the panic in her voice and ran down the stairs.
“What, what is it?” Harry said seeing the looks on their faces. He saw that Lavender, Sirius and Remus were in the background in addition to his parents.
“Do you know where Hermione is?” Lily asked Harry.
Harry looked at her, “Last I heard she was going to her parents' funerals with Lavender, why has something happened?”
Lily and James exchanged looks, “Lavender and Hermione had a fight, and Lavender left the house to calm down, but when she returned the house was a mess, and Hermione was missing!” Harry's rage was evident in his eyes as he looked at Lavender.
“You left her by herself?” Harry said in a very calm voice.
“Yes, we fought I needed to calm down, I didn't know that someone was gonna come and kidnap her, Harry!” Lavender said in a sarcastic voice. Harry seemed to be pushed over the edge; Harry lunged towards her and grabbed her by the throat and slamming her against the wall.
“Where is she?” Harry yelled at her. He was soon pulled off by his father and Sirius.
“HARRY!” Lily yelled running to Lavender, “Are you mad?” she said turning to Lavender.
“Harry, that was uncalled for!” James said turning on Harry, “I know you weren't raised well, but I had hoped that you knew better than that.”
“James…” Lily said
“Hang on, I can't believe that you would do that, not only is she your friend but she is the only link to helping us find her!” James said ignoring Lily.
“James…” Lily repeated.
“Now, we have no way of knowing how to get to Hermione or anything…”
“JAMES??” Lily yelled.
“What?” he said turning to her.
“She's not waking up!”
Hermione didn't remember much, she just heard footsteps and as an immediate reaction she hid from them. She heard them tear the house to pieces, she just hoped they would take what they came for and leave it at that, but somehow she didn't think they would.
“Where is she?” someone hissed.
“Our sources said she was here, maybe she left!” a weaker, familiar, voice said.
“For your sake you better hope she didn't get far!” She heard the other voice say followed by retreating footsteps.
Hermione waited where she was hiding, she knew that they would be close so she had to do this carefully. She opened up the closet door and stood up walking out of the closet; she quickly got the things she needed and ran out of the house, stopping and getting the things Lavender had and a few of her parents belongings before exiting her house.
She knew there wasn't much of a chance she would make it to Godric's Hollow, but she knew some place else that would take her less time to be there and be just as effective. As she ran there she could feel the panic kicking in, and every time someone looked at her she couldn't help but wonder if they were a death eater or not. She turned the corner, and looked around before stepping in between doors 11 and 13 of Grimmauld Place. After muttering a few words a door slid into place and she hesitantly entered.
“Hello?” she yelled, she felt weak and she felt her lack of sleep catching up with her. “Is anyone here?”
“Hermione?” a voice said from behind her. She spun around to see Sirius and smiled.
“Oh, Sirius!” Hermione said running to him, “You don't know how glad I am to see you! Death eaters, they attacked my house…I don't kno…”
“Hermione, Hermione! We already know, we were just searching for you, I better floo Dumbledore!” Sirius said turning to the fireplace, after a few minutes he returned, “He said we should go to St. Mungo's, to…”
“Sirius I am fine, I don't need to be checked over!” Hermione said, all she wanted right now was sleep.
“I know, but we're going anyways, so come on!” he said ushering her out the door.
Harry was sitting down with his head in his hands; he couldn't believe what he had done. The healer said it could be days or weeks until she woke up. His parents had apparated to Hogsmeade and were going to Hogwarts to see if they could contact Lavender's family. Harry heard a noise and he looked to the door to see a sight for sore eyes standing in the doorway.
“Hermione…” Harry whispered.
Hermione walked to Lavender's bedside, “What happened?”
Harry stood and put his back to the door, “She came to Godric's Hollow, and she told us you were gone, and you don't know how good it is to see you…”
“What HAPPENED?” Hermione screamed.
“Well, she said she didn't know where you were, and I freaked out!” Harry said desperately, “I didn't mean to, it was just in a moment!”
“The healer said you may have crushed her vocal chords, he also said you slammed her head and it could be weeks before she woke up! What were you thinking?” she said turning to him, “I want you out!” she said pointing towards the door.
“You can't mean that!” Harry exclaimed.
“OUT!” Hermione yelled, when Harry didn't move she walked towards him, “I SAID NOW!” Harry suddenly went flying towards the wall only to stop before he hit it.
“HERMIONE!” she heard a voice bellow. Her eyes shifted from Harry to the woman slowly lowering him to the ground, “Harry, dear would you please excuse us?” Harry, recovering from shock slowly left the room, only leaving Hermione to face the woman.
“What did you do that for?” Hermione asked her, “He almost killed Lavender!”
“No, he didn't, and it was just an accident!” the woman said.
“Persiam, you know as well as I do what the healer said…” Hermione said
“True, but I also know one thing; the healer said you wouldn't wake up either.” Persiam said, “She'll be fine, she will just be out for a while! Now onto more pressing matters, that was some display of power back there, you wish to explain that?”
“I just let my emotions get the best of me!” Hermione said not looking her in the eye.
“Oh, rubbish, you know that, that was something you have never done before and something that you will never do again!” when Hermione tried to protest, Persiam held up her hand, “Hermione, you don't understand where that power is coming from, and if you continue to use it, you will become evil, and nothing that you do or say will change that!”
“Where is the power coming from that is so evil?” Hermione asked, still confused.
“Hermione what you must understand is that the book, it like to bind itself to one person, so it can corrupt you, make you do things that with better judgment you wouldn't do, and if I hadn't stopped you, you may have killed Harry. No matter who you are Hermione, muggle or wizard, once you kill someone, there is no turning back!”
“What are you saying?” Hermione asked.
“I think its time that you talked to Harry!” Persiam said walking over to Hermione and walking her to the door.
“What about?” Hermione asked opening the door.
“Ask him about the prophecy!” she said before slamming the door in Hermione's face.
Hermione wasn't quite sure what to make of all this. She had no idea what to make of the prophecy and what she had done to Harry. She had left shortly after Persiam to think about what was happening to her, if Persiam was right, and she was tied to the book, then that meant that she would have to destroy it. Now, only two problems remained the fact that she didn't know where it was, and she wasn't sure that it was all bad. She heard a door slam and immediately her eyes shot over to it, she saw Sirius entering and stood up.
“What's wrong?” she asked immediately fearing the worst.
“You are what the hell was that back at the hospital?” Hermione was taken aback by his harsh tone; he had never spoken to her like this before.
“What…what…” Hermione stammered.
“What happened between you and Harry, because whatever it was freaked him out, and we can't find him now!” Sirius screamed.
“What do you mean, you lost him?” Hermione didn't wait for a response, “Well did you check Godric's Hollow?” Sirius nodded, “What about Hogwarts?” Sirius shook his head.
“Harry couldn't get there!”
Hermione shook her head, “You underestimate him!” Hermione turned to the fire, “Can you get me to Dumbledore's office, I think I know where he is.”
Sirius walked to the fire and within five she was tumbling out of the fireplace. She stood up gripped her wand and walked out Hogwarts, not glancing a look at anyone determined not to let her tears shine through. She quickly made her way to the shrieking shack and went inside the Cave of Deception, since the book was no longer there; there were no obstacles to overcome. She quickly made her way to the place where she knew Harry was, the place that she had been trying to forget, the place where he had died.
When she reached it, she saw him kneeling on the ground, “Harry?” he visibly tensed, and stood up.
“What are you doing here?” He asked not facing her.
“I thought now was the best time to talk, we're both hurting over Lavender, maybe we should lay all the cards on the table, you know finish this!” Hermione said.
Harry spun around, “Lay all the cards on the table? Ok, you almost killed me, you have no right to be angry with me and you know what…”
“No right to be angry with you, are you kidding me? You almost killed Lavender!” Hermione said
“Yeah, well with all due respect, that's between Lavender and me, not you and me!” Harry said, when Hermione didn't answer Harry turned back around and looked at the ground. “Is this where it happened?”
“Where what happened?”
“Where I died and you brought me back?” Harry said harshly
“I figured!” Harry said interrupting her and turning to her, “Why couldn't you just tell me, why did it have to be a secret, I wouldn't have cared if you had told me, not kept it from me, that's what I just cannot get past!”
“You can honestly tell me you wouldn't have cared if you had died?”
“Well, I wouldn't have been angry with you!” Harry yelled, “I wouldn't have blamed you! We would still be together and this would be a thing of the past.” Harry said walking to her, “Enough things have been kept from me in my life; I don't need you doing also!” Harry said walking past her.
“What are you doing?” Hermione asked him.
“Fixing this!” he said before walking out of the cave.
When Harry arrived into Dumbledore's office, Dumbledore was ready and waiting.
“I came for…” Harry began
“I know what you came for, I know why you want it, and I'm telling asking you if you realize what a risk you are placing upon this, someone else might go after that.” Dumbledore said.
“I don't care, I'll take that risk, because that book is doing things to Hermione…”
“It's killing her!” Dumbledore interjected.
Harry stopped, “What?”
“The book, it's slowly killing her, the power will consume her and it will eventually prevail, because she is too good of a person to use evil magic on her own.” Dumbledore said, “It will kill her!”
“And what were you planning on doing about it, letting it kill her!” Harry exclaimed.
“Of course not, but I cannot take it back there, it has to be the one who took it from the platform, Hermione, but it has to be sealed with your blood.” Dumbledore said standing up, he walked over to Harry and with a wave of his hand Harry was holding the book. “Take it, and do the right thing!” he said before ushering Harry to the door and pushing him out.
“You know you may have just sent him to his doom, right?” Dumbledore heard a voice from behind him.
“But I may not have, it's what needs to be done, and it's unfortunate that I have to be the one to do it!”
“But they may die!” the man said approaching Dumbledore, “You may never see them again!”
“Yes,” Dumbledore said swinging around, “But if they live, than together they will be so powerful, they could kill Voldemort with their bare hands! Hermione's powers are already coming through, I see them everyday!”
“But, you told her that they were attached to the book, naturally they will dissipate when the book is gone.” The man said confusion evident in his voice.
Dumbledore broke out in a smile, the twinkle in his eye showing through, “I never told them anything!”
Harry and Hermione entered the cave of deception with heavy hearts and doubt embedded in their minds. They both wanted to get this over with and get on with their lives, Hermione especially. She knew the power was overcoming her, and she wasn't sure if by the time they got to the cave, she would be able to give up the book. Harry saw the struggle within Hermione's eyes and he knew there was no way for him to help ease her struggle.
“You know, you don't have to pretend like this is all on you,” Harry said finally, “you don't have to face this alone!”
Hermione scoffed, “Harry, don't do this, for once it isn't about you, so just leave it that way! Why are you even here?”
“Because my blood seals the protection of the book, so actually it is about me!” Harry said in a sarcastic voice and sped up walking.
“Harry…why do you always do this?” Hermione said stopping
Harry turned to face her, “Stop what, telling the truth, fine you're right, it isn't about me, it's about you and its worse! Tell me, how does it feel to know that if you mess up and don't return that book, the world is doomed!”
“I think it just kills you that this is about me and for once the great Harry Potter isn't the one saving the day!” Hermione screamed at him, when Harry just stared at her she continued, “I mean…I'm sorry, but what changed Harry, I mean we have been friends for so long, what changed that made you withdraw yourself from me?”
“You did!” Harry said softly.
“What?” Hermione asked
“You changed, you lied to me about me dying and suddenly I was questioning everything that you ever told me, did you really want to be with me, were you telling me the truth about the book, did you really love me? You don't know the hell I was putting myself through, and I hated it.” Harry said.
“So why didn't you date others?” Hermione asked, “Why didn't you just move on?”
“Because, somewhere in my heart, I knew you did love me and it didn't matter that you had lied to me, because I loved you so much, that all I wanted was for the pain to be over.” Harry said.
Hermione didn't move or say anything for a long time, and then she turned and began walking. “So you have nothing to say to that?”
“Harry you don't want me to respond to that!” Hermione said not stopping.
“Why not, because you're scared, because you're…what? Why?” Harry said walking after her.
“Because you won't love the person I become after I put the book back, the person I am right now, is not actually me, I have powers that will be gone, confidence that will be gone, all of it will be gone, and you won't feel the same way anymore trust me.” Hermione said swinging around to face him. “I love you, yes, that has never changed, but the person you love isn't me, so it's best to just walk away now, and not worry about it later.”
“Fine, walk away, you know, I never thought you would be one to be scared of what could be!” Harry said before taking off and walking through the cave. Hermione stood motionless for a few minutes before chasing after him.
“Harry, that's not fair, you are just as scared as I am about this relationship!” Hermione said.
“Yes, but there is one big difference between me and you!” Harry said turning to face her, “I'm not the one who isn't willing to work through it.”
They walked the rest of the way silence; it didn't take long for them to reach the platform. Hermione was immediately overcome with flashes of seeing Harry fall.
“Hermione?” she heard Harry ask.
“Let's just get this over with!” Hermione said
“Yes let's!” they heard a voice from behind them, they swung around to come face to face with someone they never thought they would see, “Surprise!”
Something was definitely up! Sirius had search all over and he couldn't find Lily and James anywhere. He apparated to Hogsmeade and went back to Hogwarts, hoping they were there. When he arrived, Dumbledore was very secretive but said that they were fine. Now he was searching for Ron at St. Mungo's hoping to find Harry and figure out what happened.
Sirius turned the corner and walked into Lavender's room to find her staring at him. “Lavender you're awake!” She just smiled at him.
“Where are Harry and Hermione? Ron went to find them, but something tells me he won't find them!” Lavender said.
“Harry should be here!” Sirius said, suddenly worried.
“Harry and Hermione have left!” he heard from behind him. Ron entered the room, “They are taking back the book!”
“NO!” Lavender yelled, making Sirius and Ron stare at her.
“What?” Ron asked.
“They can't take back that book! I mean, the stories…they all end badly…” Lavender said
“Lavender…what are you trying to say?” Sirius asked.
“I grew up with stories about the Book of Deception and my Aunt always told them to me, and they always ended up with someone dying. A pair always went in and only one left, my Aunt said the book is filled with so much evil that someone must die in order to ensure that it is sealed, knowing the consequences…” Lavender said very quickly, “They both won't come back!”
A/N: OK, I'm terribly sorry for taking so long, but I have homecoming and my Emily is coming into town, and it's just been so hard to find time to sit down and write, but I did. Anyway this weekend is Homecoming (GO IRISH!) and I doubt I'll have time to start the next chapter, but I will sure try. Now, my beta has been terribly dreadful recently, she says she keeps mentioning me and my story and blah blah blah, so I'll mention her story, I don't exactly remember the name but the premise is great, I mean if you read stories for good writing, read this, but as of now, it isn't exactly up yet, so I don't know why she insists upon me telling you, but I will. Oh, and by the way, it's Snape and Hermione, I know icky!
“Surprise!” he repeated.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione asked
“I'm here to assist you, and if need be, save you!” He said with a cocky smile on his face.
“Draco, go home!” Hermione said.
“See, I can't do that, because I know what's going to happen if I go home, and let's just say it won't be pretty!” Draco said, “Listen I'm not meaning to sound like an asshole, and I'm not trying to move in on the time you two share together, but whether or not you know it, I was there, and now I need to be here.”
“But that doesn't make any sense, why would Dumbledore put someone in danger that doesn't need to be in danger?” Hermione asked.
“To calm Lavender!” Draco said, Hermione's looked up, “Lavender woke up and started freaking out when Sirius told her that you two went alone to put the book back, she only calmed down when he told her he would send me. Odds are better with three!” Draco said walking over to Hermione and taking the book from her. “So how does this thing work, do you just do this…” Draco asked putting it on the platform, immediately causing the book to flip open. “Nifty!”
“Draco…stop!” Hermione said stepping up to the platform, “There are certain incantations that need to be said, certain formulas needing to be said!”
“Not really!” Harry said speaking for the first time since Draco had arrived. “You just do this…” Harry said placing his already cut finger over the book and as the drop of blood hit the book it snapped shut, and all that was heard was Hermione's piercing scream as she fell to the ground.
Lavender knew something was wrong, something had happened; she could feel it in her heart. She thought that sending Draco down there would be enough, but she knew now it wasn't and now, there was only one thing left to do. As she took her wand out of her robes and changed, she heard the door open.
“You know, knocking would be nice!” Lavender said turning to the door and coming face to face with her Aunt, “Persiam?”
“Lavender, what are you doing?” Persiam asked.
“What does it matter…” Lavender said, when she noticed the look on her face she softened, “I'm sorry, Persiam, I didn't mean it!”
“Why do you call me that?” Persiam asked. Lavender threw down her cloak.
“What would you like me to call you?” Lavender asked in an agitated voice.
“Lavender Brown, I don't care what you think, I am still your Aunt and you will treat me with the respect I deserve!” Persiam said.
“I don't have time for this!” Lavender said picking up her cloak and walking towards the door.
“Stop…” Persiam said causing Lavender to pause. “What has gotten into you?”
Lavender spun around, “You knew that if they went in there one would die, and I refuse to let that happen!”
“You know, for a smart girl you overlooked one major part of the stories!” Persiam said, “In my stories god never wins, because I didn't win!”
Lavender looked at her Aunt, “You aren't supposed to remember that!”
“I'm not supposed to remember a lot of things!” Persiam said
“Fine, but what does that have to do with anything?” Lavender said.
“They are sent to fix my mistakes, this time they will succeed!” Persiam said.
“And what if they don't succeed? What if something goes wrong?” Lavender asked.
“They will become trapped…the one that survives that is, they will become just like me, trapped until that book is destroyed.” Persiam said, “But Lavender, you need to have faith in your friends, you need to believe they are stronger than I was!” Persiam walked over to Lavender, “Now get back into bed and recover!”
“What would happen if I went?” Lavender asked quietly
Persiam sighed, “Well, if they are destined to succeed the chances in you altering the future are very high!”
“But it goes the other way, right? If they are destined to fail, and I get there in time to help, I could help them succeed, or maybe it was my destiny to help them and if I don't go down there they might fail!” Lavender said, “I'm leaving with or without your blessing, I just hope you'll understand why I had to do this!”
“Lavender, if you feel so strongly about this then I won't stop you!” Persiam said. Lavender looked at her aunt, picked up her things and left, not looking back. Persiam smiled, things were in motion!
She had fallen; Hermione was on the ground and not moving. Harry ran to her and shook her, but she wasn't waking up.
“What happened?” Draco yelled.
“I don't know, that was supposed to destroy the book!” Harry said.
Draco looked over at the unharmed book, “Well it didn't do anything!”
“Of course it didn't!” a voice sounded from behind them, Harry and Draco turned to find Persiam standing there. “If the book was that easy to destroy, heck if it was that easy to use, it would have been gone from this cave ages ago! That book, is so complicated, Harry, you can't just drop your blood on the book and have it work, someone has to place your blood on it, and it has to be someone that has used that book.”
“You mean…” Draco began
“Me!” Hermione said standing up. Harry looked at her, a second ago, he wasn't even sure she was alive. They all looked at her, she was different, “What are you all looking at? Let's destroy this book!” Hermione walked over to the book and closed her eyes. Draco walked over to the wall and grabbed the torch and threw it on the book. When he stepped back and watched the book burn, Hermione's eyes shot open, and she looked at Draco, “Why did you do that?” she asked before falling to the ground.
When they returned to the castle, they immediately took her to Madame Pomfrey who shooed them out of the Hospital Wing while she tended to her. Dumbledore had summoned Harry and Draco to his office while Lavender, whom they had met on the way, went to sit with Hermione.
“So who wants to begin telling me what happened?” Dumbledore asked, Harry and Draco immediately told him what happened with Hermione and how she had reacted to Draco torching the book.
“Odd, that is very unlike Hermione! When she woke up from her little spell, was she different?” Dumbledore asked, thoughts filling his head.
“Oddly confident!” Draco said, “Like she had nothing to lose!”
“Hmm…what I think…” Dumbledore began before being interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal Madame Pomfrey.
“Sir, I think you need to come and see this!” she said before turning and heading out. Draco, Harry, and Dumbledore followed her back to the hospital wing to find a sleeping Hermione. “She woke not to long ago, and she acted very strange, very unlike Ms. Granger would. I gave her a sleeping potion, and examined her mind and powers. I don't know what occurred down there in that cave, but I do know that the person lying in that bed, is NOT Hermione Granger!”
Hermione was lost! She remembered being in the cave and fainting but when she woke up she was a completely different person. She saw everything that she was doing and she felt everything that she should, but she had no control over it. She had to wake up, and she felt her eyes opening, she suddenly was in control of her life. Harry, she heard his voice, she had to open her eyes.
“What do you mean it isn't her?” she heard Harry ask.
“Well, it's her, but it isn't, there is something else in her mind, whispering voices.” Madame Pomfrey said.
“Let's take this outside!” Dumbledore said, suddenly she shot up in bed, only to find Harry staring at her.
“Oh dear,” Madame Pomfrey said rushing to her side, “let's check you over; perhaps you can be out by tomorrow.” Madame Pomfrey began checking her, to make sure she was okay, but Hermione's eyes didn't move from Harry's. Harry began to leave the room and when he looked away she suddenly felt herself in control again. “Ms. Granger?”
“Yes?” Hermione said.
“Are you all right, dear? You worried me for a while; Harry said you seemed to pass out!” Madame Pomfrey said.
“Yes, I…just got over excited that is all, when can I leave?” Hermione asked.
Madame Pomfrey eyed her, and turned away, “I want to keep you a night and monitor you, and if everything's okay then I'll release you.”
“Can't I leave now?” Hermione asked, needing to see Harry.
“This is not a choice Ms. Granger, if you won't stay willingly, I'll be forced to make you; you are not of age you cannot leave on you own, now must I force you, or will you stay on your own?” Madame Pomfrey said with a serious face.
“I'll stay!” Hermione said begrudgingly. Madame Pomfrey walked away and came back with a vial.
“Drink this!” She said shoving it down her throat immediately making her fall into a deep slumber, thoughts of Harry running through her head.
“What do you mean that isn't her?” Ron asked incredulously. Dumbledore had summoned Ron, Lavender and Draco to meet himself and Harry in the Room of Requirement.
“Ron!” Lavender said, “Professor Dumbledore, what do you mean?” Lavender asked.
“Draco,” Dumbledore said, “Harry tells me you destroyed the book, may I ask how?”
Draco shrugged, “I just threw the fire on the book, and it was gone! It was still burning when we left. Hermione fainted and then we came back here and we went straight to the hospital wing.”
“Yes,” Dumbledore said, “But you didn't tell me about how entranced she was with the book.”
“I didn't think it relevant…” Draco said, “Is it?”
Dumbledore didn't say anything, just stared at Harry, “Harry, I'm afraid Hermione is tied to the book.” He said stepping towards a table that hadn't been there before. “And now, I'm afraid there is only one thing left to do.” He picked up a sword that appeared and handed it to Harry.
“I have to kill her?” Harry asked. Dumbledore's eyes locked with Harry's, and Harry saw something in them, but when he registered what it was, it was gone.
“Yes, Harry, you must kill her!”
A/N: Ok…ummm…yeah I really don't have an excuse for why it took me so long, just a lot of junks been happening and schools hard and with Halloween and Thanksgiving, and family and my birthday, and you name it, I just really have not had time to sit down and write in a very long time. Thank you for your patience, and even those who weren't so patient! R & R!
Harry knew what he had to do, but that didn't make him any happier to do it. He didn't want to kill her! But, unfortunately there was no way to avoid doing it. Harry silently made his was back into the hospital wing and sat next to a sleeping Hermione.
“You don't want to do it, do you?” a voice asked from behind Harry. Harry turned to find Persiam staring down on him.
“You knew this would happen!” Harry said turning back to Hermione.
“I had hoped she was stronger than I was! But, unfortunately I was wrong, and now you and she have to suffer.” Persiam said circling the bed Hermione was lying in. Harry turned away from her and left the room for a second, coming back bearing a dagger.
“Dumbledore told me this is the dagger used to kill those with the darkest magic penetrating they body, and there have been cases where the person has survived.” Harry said with wishful thinking. He pocketed the dagger and picked up Hermione, “I'm going to the Cave of Deception, and I am going to finish this once and for all.”
Persiam nodded, “And I'm coming with you!”
They rushed to the cave, not stopping to tell anyone what they were doing. Harry climbed through the last chamber and set Hermione down on the platform that once held the book. When Persiam stepped through Harry had the dagger over her heart. He knew what he had to do, and he was determined to do it.
“You know something bothers me!” Harry said suddenly, Persiam's head shot up.
“Something bothers me; you know this dagger was originally given to Hermione, why would Dumbledore give her such an crucial part to the story? I know that Dumbledore has made mistakes in the past, but none this huge before.” Harry said lowering the dagger.
“There's a first time for everything!” Persiam said
“But in addition I've known Hermione so long, and she couldn't have hid the fact that she had the desire to be evil, she's an open book, and I may be clueless at times but I'm not that clueless.” Harry said, walking away from Hermione and towards Persiam, “And then there is how you always seem to be in the right place at the right time. So, I guess the real question is…”
“What do you plan to do now that you cannot use any of your powers down here?” a voice said from behind Persiam. She spun around to come face to face with Ron and Lavender, their wands raised high.
“I don't know what you are talking about!” Persiam said her demeanor unchanged, “Lavender, you have known me your entire life, I would never be evil, tell them!”
Harry walked in front of her, “I never said anything about you being evil!” Harry gave her a look. “I never said you were evil…”
“What are you talking about, Hermione is the one with the book of deception inside her, she has all that knowledge inside her, why are you even worrying about me!” Persiam said.
“Because you're wrong!” she heard from behind her.
“Hermione…?” Lavender asked, lowering her wand a little.
“Hello Lavender!” Hermione said in a voice that wasn't her own.
Everyone looked shocked, save Harry. Ron noticed, “Harry, what is this?”
“That's not Hermione…” Harry began.
“Well no duh…” Hermione said; her hand immediately went up to her mouth, “Sorry, that was her talking!”
Harry continued, “Hermione, hasn't been herself for quite a while, but for a long time, it wasn't necessary for the other part of her to come out.” Harry said, “She had been having dreams with this woman for a very long time, since summer when she had her first encounter with the book. Then shortly thereafter she became someone different until school began, and then she became herself again, unfortunately she then began to change when we found the book, I saw it, she knew it, and then her other side came out, and everything suddenly became clearer.”
“Who is this other side?” Lavender asked.
“Perhaps I should answer that,” Hermione said stepping forward, “Harry is mainly correct, I am another part of her, but we coexist together, not as two separate parts.”
“But who are you?” Lavender asked.
Her eyes turned to Persiam and she stepped forward, “I…am…” she said turning away from Persiam and to Lavender, “Persiam Deppart, and I have been trapped in the Book of Deception.”
Dumbledore was worried, and he didn't worry often. Dumbledore had been pacing in his study, something he did often, thinking about the fate of everyone involved. True, Harry had always proven himself to be worthy of anything that came his way, and he had never wavered when it came to doing what he had to do, but this time it was different. This time, Harry was in love. Dumbledore knew that, that was dangerous, yet he didn't say anything, he knew the chances of Hermione being used against him were greater. Yet, when he saw them together at the ball, when he saw how happy they were together, he couldn't ruin that happiness because of something that might turn out to be bad. At the time anyway, he convinced himself that the love he had could be useful, the `power he knows not', yet something lingered in his mind. Harry knew what he had to do, and he was positive that he would carry it out, but what if she reaches him, makes him sympathize with her. He didn't want to train Harry to be a killer, but he didn't want Harry to be defenseless concerning people who may have a past with him either, they had seen the harmful effects of that with Wormtail.
Despite everything, Dumbledore continued to pace, Harry had a temper, and that would present an issue, if he cannot control the anger that he has for Persiam. The book was not gone; Dumbledore knew that, a detail that he had conveniently left out when he explained the situation to Harry. If Harry knew, he would view the situation with no purpose, no outcome, a situation with no result except his death, or hers.
Dumbledore stopped and looked towards the door. He approached it and locked it with a wave of his hand. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do this, but he didn't see any other way to come about it. With a wave of his hand his office faded away into a room he seldom used. Few knew of this room, only those that needed to be able to find him in an emergency. As Dumbledore began to scan the books on the shelves his eyes fell on a particular book that he had forgotten about. He reached up to take the book, but before he could take it the book floated out.
“I suppose you want this?” a voice said from behind him
Dumbledore slowly turned around and smiled, “I would love that!”
The ghost dropped the book and floated to Dumbledore, “What has she done this time?”
“It's not Persiam this time; it's whatever took hold of her that night!” Dumbledore said.
“Pish, posh! She knows perfectly well what she is doing and you know it!” the ghost said. “Who did she hurt this time?”
Dumbledore sighed, ghosts could be so stubborn, “We are trying to destroy the book!” he said walking over to the discarded book and picked it up.
“You're what?” the ghost asked, but before Dumbledore could respond the ghost continued, “Because I thought you said that you were going to destroy the Book of Deception, the same book that turned her evil in the first place.”
“I see the years haven't taken away your hearing?” Dumbledore said smiling.
“Albus, this is no joke; that book does things to people, most cannot resist the urge to join it, use it, and in return the book corrupts them.” The ghost floated over towards Dumbledore, “What has she done?”
“Persiam, the real Persiam, took over a student at my school, a student who happens to be very important to the future of witchcraft and wizardry.” Dumbledore said, “This book needs to be gone, that is the only way to set Persiam free, and rid the world of this evil.”
The ghost looked at Dumbledore and closed its eyes; suddenly the ghost wasn't floating anymore. “You want me to go after her!”
“No, not necessarily, I just want you to make whatever is inside of her to come out.” Dumbledore said handing him the book.
“But this student holds Persiam's spirit, why would any remain in her body?” the ghost asked.
“Only the good left her, not the bad, and despite the differences between the two both of them love you, and that is what will unite them.” Dumbledore said, picking something out of his pockets, “Take this, it will take you right to her, it's ancient magic that precedes those that protect the cave, when you are in trouble, use it!” he said handing him something resembling a wand. Immediately he disappeared from view, and Dumbledore's surroundings faded back into his office. “Good luck, Christian!”
Nobody moved as Lavender and Hermione stared at each other. “How can you be Persiam?” Ron asked standing behind Lavender.
Hermione turned away from Lavender and towards Persiam, “I'm not exactly sure how it happened, or why, but that night I put that book back, the good in me was put into that book, and stayed there until the next person used it, then I transferred into this body, and here I am.” Hermione said turning around. “But as soon as I chose this body, I immediately regretted it, I mean I've seen some emotionally distressed people, but I mean seriously.”
“Why were you transferred into the book?” Lavender asked. Hermione opened her mouth to answered, but suddenly stopped.
She looked around, “Did you hear that?” she asked, then suddenly with a swish, there was a man standing in front of them. Hermione and Persiam gasped, “Christian!” they said together.
The man looked around, “Persiam?” he asked, and then surprisingly he walked to Hermione and kissed her. “Darling, it's been so long, too long, when will you let go of this life, and come with me for eternity.” He said after releasing her.
“No!” he heard behind him. Harry and Persiam were standing there.
“Get your hands off her!” Harry said walking towards Christian.
“Persiam…is that you?” Christian asked, not fazed by Harry's jealous antics. “Your essence is almost non-existent!”
“The book…it took hold of me!” Persiam said.
“Wait a minute…who are you?” Ron said stepping in front of Lavender.
“Me, well…” Christian began.
“It's Christian!” Lavender said from behind him. Ron turned to look at her, “It's Persiam's lover, Christian, the one that was killed and forced all the good out of her!” Lavender said to Ron, “What are you doing here?”
Christian looked at her, “So much like Persiam,” he said smiling, “well, if you must know, I don't know, I was summoned!”
“You were summoned?” Lavender said disbelievingly
“How else could I get down, magic can't be used down here!” Christian said. “Now, I am here to find Persiam, but seeing as how, she has no essence, and judging by the look on your face I'd say you have no idea who I am, so I'll just be going now!” he said taking the wand out of his pocket, and with a swish he was gone.
“You see what you did!” Persiam said, walking towards Hermione, Hermione began backing up.
Harry stepped in front of her, “Don't do this!” but he could tell that there was no ounce of humanity left in this person. She swung at him and he blocked, but she forced him successfully out of the way with another punch.
“This ends now, I want Persiam Deppart gone!” a new voice said from behind Persiam, everyone turned to look to see Lucius Malfoy standing there.
FYI this isn't where I wanted to end the chapter, but It seemed appropriate for now at least, I didn't 100% like the way this chapter turned out, but I don't really think I can change it much, so please understand! R & R!
A/N: Again, I'm sorry this took so long, but it's almost over and plus schools ending soon so I'll definitely get to finish it the way I want to without worrying about stupid school. I am planning on making a sequel to this, but I want to know people's ideas first, so please feel free to share things with me! R&R!
Ron gasped; Lavender screamed. Harry couldn't believe what he was looking at, Lucius Malfoy was dead, Draco had said he had killed him. This was impossible.
“Impossible!” Hermione said, “You are dead!”
“Yes, it would seem that way, wouldn't it? But then again, I believe Potter was also?” Lucius drawled. Harry stepped towards Lucius, “I wouldn't do that if I were you!” he said, then with the wave of a hand, Lucius took off the invisibility cloak and revealed a bound and tied Draco, and Lucius was holding a sword to his throat. “It would take one second, and his head would be gone, do you really want another life on your hands.”
Harry was looking at Draco, it didn't matter how many times that boy had told him he was changed, he had never believed him, until now, looking into his eyes Harry saw the person he had been looking for inside Draco all along, “What do you want?”
“I want the book, and her.” Lucius said motioning towards Persiam.
“The book's gone!” Harry said, “Draco burned it!”
“But the book isn't gone, at least not completely!” Lucius said, his eyes falling onto Hermione. “One of you knows where that book is, or how to reveal it.”
“None of us do!” Ron said, “Or else we'd have it and would have killed you already.”
“It would appear that way wouldn't it?” his gaze remained on Hermione, “Awfully pretty for a mudblood, aren't you?”
Something about what he said made her look at him, his eyes, weren't the eyes of someone that hated her, his eyes, were…blue. “You…said that to me before!” she said slowly
“Did I?” he said raising one eyebrow. Hermione's eyes turned to Draco and she saw the look in his eyes. With one swoop Hermione took the sword from Lucius and turned to Persiam, shocking everyone.
“Hermione what are you doing?” Lavender asked stepping in front of Persiam.
“Lavender, move!” Hermione said not moving.
“Yes, Lavender, move!” Lucius said stepping forward. Lavender looked to him but didn't move. He smiled, “Oh, yes!” with a wave of his hand Lucius' radioactive blond hair turned grey, and his stiff demeanor became that of an old man.
“Dumbledore?” Harry said stepping forward.
“I'm sorry Harry, but for once, can you understand, this isn't about you!” he said taking Harry by the shoulder and ushering him towards the opposite side of the cave, with Ron in tow, but Lavender remained in place.
“Lavender, she is not your Aunt, you need to move…” Hermione said, “or I'll make you!” Suddenly, Lavender stepped aside and walked over to where Ron was. “Well, that was easier than I thought it was going to be.” Hermione, not noticing Persiam's move, was caught off guard when the sword was knocked out of her hands.
“No swords…this is between you and me, no weapons are needed!” Persiam said her eyes turning black, “We end this, now!”
Sirius couldn't name the last time he felt like everything was ok, and today was no exception. Sirius hadn't seen anyone, not Hermione, not Dumbledore or Harry; Sirius hadn't even heard from Lily and James for a month, it was time to get to the bottom of this. He walked, stormed, to his office and stepped into the fire place and throwing down floo powder he shouted out `Godric's Hollow'. When he stepped out, he saw no sign of anyone, he headed upstairs and began calling their names, and when he heard no response, he began searching for them. They weren't in the basement, nor were they on the ground floor. As Sirius made he way up the stairs, he had the flashes of the night so long ago that had killed his best friends, and landed him in Azkaban for 12 years.
Sirius instinctively made his way to what would have been Harry's nursery. He pushed the door opened and surveyed the room, it looked exactly the same, the bed, the walls, they were exactly the way they had been the night of the attack.
“I haven't the heart to move any of it!” Sirius heard from behind him, he turned to see Lily leaning against the wall. “James, wants to keep it, he says maybe we'll have another child, but I told him we'll have one, but he had to have the child; he forgot the idea immediately.” Lily said laughing to herself.
“He just wanted to be the father he didn't get to be.” Sirius said fingering the baby toys around the crib.
“I know, but we couldn't raise a child, and having another child won't replace the time we missed with Harry, and I think that is something James seems to be missing. I love him to death, but he can be so dense sometimes.” Lily said, “Anyway…”
“Did you tell him?” Sirius asked.
Lily looked up, “Tell who, what?”
“Harry, did you tell him about his past, for the last seventeen years, that's all he's ever wanted to know, a link to his past. To everything he missed!”
“I missed just as much as he did!” Lily said
“Yes, and you had it explained to you, he is still missing everything before he was born.” Sirius said
“Well, why didn't you tell him?” Lily asked putting her hands on her hips, when he didn't answer she continued, “You didn't want him to know either!”
“Not true, I did want him to know, I…he had just been through so much, and this would just further confuse him, and give him one more thing to burden.” Sirius said
“Exactly why I don't think we should tell him!” Lily said
“Tell who what?” a voice said from the doorway, they turned to see James standing here.
“I think we should tell Harry about everything, our childhood, school, Snape…everything!” Sirius said
“Why?” Lily asked, “All it is going to do is burden Harry more!”
“Wait a second…that is not why you don't want to tell Harry, and you know it!” James said.
“Oh, here we go again, James, Sirius you really need to get over this whole grudge with Snape, Dumbledore trusts him, why can't you?” Lily asked.
“I'm not having this argument with you!” James said
“Why, because you know I'm right?” Lily asked as James and Sirius walked away.
“I'm, going to Hogwarts, Dumbledore said he needed to talk to us, but I'm assuming you want to stop by and see your old pal, Sev, right?” James said making his way out of the nursery with Sirius in tow, “And you're wrong, I'm not going to have this argument with you because YOU know you are wrong,” James said stepping into the fireplace with Sirius, “and you just won't admit it to yourself!” he said, then with a flash he was gone.
Hermione and Persiam had been fighting for a while now, and it was visible they were both tiring; unfortunately Persiam had the upper hand.
“This seems somewhat familiar!” Persiam said taking a punch from Hermione
“That was different then!” Hermione said dodging a punch from Persiam, but not expecting her kick, and falling down to the ground.
“This is no different!” Persiam said pinning Hermione to the ground, “You made the same mistakes last time, and you will not win this time! Nothing has changed, good will never triumph over evil!”
“This time it is different!” Hermione said again.
“Enlighten me, how?” Persiam said putting her hands around Hermione's neck.
“This time, she has friends!” Harry said swinging the sword and effectively severing her head from her body.
“No!” Lavender screamed trying to run after her, as if she could fix it. “Harry, how could you!”
“Now, Lavender…” Christian tried.
“Lavender…” Hermione said in Persiam's voice, “Lavender, I'll be all right, I'm free now, I can be with Christian, do not mourn for me, it will do nothing! I will miss you, but it is my time to move on!” she said.
“But, I don't want you to leave, I love you!” Lavender said crying.
“I know, but you have someone else to love now, and besides, this body wants me gone, she is already slowly dying, and the longer I stay in here, the slower she will heal.” Persiam said. “And besides, I'm positive that everyone wants their Hermione back.” Hermione closed her eyes and in an instant Persiam's ghost stepped out of her body, Hermione fell back and shook her head.
“Whose brilliant idea was it to have ME possessed?” Hermione practically yelled.
Persiam smiled, “Now you'll hear what I've been hearing this whole time!” Christian walked over to Persiam and took her hand.
“Ready to go, luv?” he asked.
She smiled, “Oh yeah!” and before Lavender could say goodbye, they were gone.
A/N: I'm a terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible person, and I know it, I'm reminded of it everyday from my beta. Life just sucks and to be perfectly honest I would rather write you 20 stories like this rather than live a normal life, so I'm hoping you can find it in your heart to forgive me. This was supposed to be the last chapter, but it was so long, that I just decided to give it to you now, and the other half later. R&R! Thanks, tootles!
James and Sirius stepped out of the fireplace and immediately noticed that Dumbledore was not in his office.
Sirius sighed, “James, was storming out of there really necessary?” Sirius said dusting himself off.
“I'm so sick of her defending him! He almost killed her, whether or not she will recognize it, and he tormented our son for so many years. How could she just dismiss it as him being under Voldemort's command? That may have been part of it, but I saw his eyes when he had his wand pointed at her, the crazy look in his eyes, if Harry hadn't started crying then, he would have killed her, you and I both know that.” James sat down and put his head in his hands, “I only wanted to protect her and Harry that was all I ever wanted!”
“Buddy, you're preaching to the choir here! But you know Lily; she likes to see the best in everybody, even lowlife scumbags!” Sirius said to him. “I'm not asking you to let go of it that would be hypocritical of me; I'm just advising you to let up on it, its going to ruin your relationship with Lily if you're not careful!”
James sat down, “He's going to use her!” James said suddenly, making Sirius stare at him, “I don't know how, but I can almost sense it, that's why we moved out of the castle, I didn't want to risk her getting alone with him.” James fumed, “Not again!”
“At the risk of being the sensible one of the two of us, have you told her your feelings on the subject? I mean, not implied or anything like that, have you sat down and said `Lily, I hate the guy, and this is why…'?”
“I really thought she would figure it out by now!” James said, his anger subsiding.
“Well, in case you forgot, you have been dead for the last fifteen years!” Sirius said sitting next to him.
“What are you saying?” James asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Well, I have information from an inside source, that says what happened to the three of us,” he said gesturing to them, “is not supposed to happen, and that there may be side effects…”
“Side-effects?” James questioned.
“Side-effects indeed!” a voice said from behind them. James and Sirius turned to stare at Dumbledore looking at them with the familiar twinkle in his eyes.
When Ron, Harry, Lavender and Hermione reached their dorms, they parted ways, thinking it was best to head in for the night, graduation would be here soon, and it was important that they salvaged what was left of their lives before summer. Hermione threw herself on her bed and sighed, she couldn't remember the last time she had had time to think to herself. She heard Lavender mumble something about a bath and a minute later heard the door shut, she was alone.
It was amazing what saving the world again had cost her, her parents, her life. In her head, she had the picture of her life; she had a life outside of magic with her family and a life with magic at Hogwarts with Harry. She never wanted the worlds to mix, but they had, and now, she had no choice but the let it go.
“Yeah right!” she said aloud as the tears began to spring to her eyes. She had made so many mistakes the past year, big ones and small ones. Some turned out good in the end Harry got his family back, she gained another mother, but then she lost one too. Hermione sat up and looked at the room her and Lavender shared. Its funny how being in a room that represented the life she had, could make her cry. The door opened and closed as Lavender came in and set her things back in their places before sitting down on her bed and facing Hermione.
“So…” Lavender said not seeing Hermione's glassy eyes. “Wanna talk about it?”
This got Hermione's attention, “Talk about what?”
“Whatever has got you all quiet! If I were you, I would be asking Dumbledore what happened back there!” Lavender said, “I got the premise of it, but Hermione, you fought pure evil, and won!”
“Can't we talk about something else?” Hermione asked
“Yes, we could, but we won't!” Lavender said.
Hermione sighed, “Fine, Persiam Deppart….” Hermione began.
“No, no, no! I already know that part, I'm talking about good old fashioned girl talk! Something has got you quiet and it has absolutely nothing to do with magic!” Lavender said interrupting her.
Hermione remained quiet for a long time, toying with the idea of telling her, “It's just life in general!” when Lavender raised an eyebrow, she continued, “My parents are dead and buried, my house is gone, and right now, all I have is a life, money, and love, and I'm still not happy.” She shook her head, “I'm so selfish, I acted so childish with Harry…”
“What do you mean?” Lavender asked.
“I slept with him!” Hermione said simply, Lavender's eyes widened, “We hadn't even dated for a couple of months, and I slept with him, it's not as though I regret it, but I treated him like he was a nuisance.” When Lavender didn't say anything Hermione continued, “I'm a terrible person…”
“No!” Lavender said suddenly, “you can say you made a mistake or an error in judgment, but I never ever want to hear you say that you are a terrible person.”
“Lavender…” Hermione began
“Listen, we all have our little secrets, and the fact that you keep them is not bad, and doesn't make you a bad person, secrets don't make friends, whether or not you keep them, and we did all wonder when you and Harry were so lovey dovey, and then it seemed to be over, but all you were is scared.” Lavender said.
“Lavender I don't see…”
“No, Hermione,” Lavender said, “you don't see, Harry's a great guy, and you were about to give me a speech on the `top ten reasons I should break up with Harry'. And if you think for one second that I will let you, you obviously do not know me. Harry is by far one of the greatest guys I have ever known, and if you think for one second that the fact that your parents died will tarnish you in his eyes, or ours for that matter, then you have seriously misjudged our friendships with you.”
Hermione paused for a long time, “What do I do?” she asked in a quiet voice.
“I can't tell you, but I can suggest something!” Lavender said getting up and heading for the door.
“What?” Hermione asked
“Grieve!” Lavender said before shutting the door, leaving Hermione alone to face her demons.
Lavender walked outside, knowing that it wouldn't be long before Hermione needed to talk to Harry alone, and they would need some time, so she decided she would head for the room of requirement, thankful that not many people knew about it. She looked up at the stars and sat down enjoying the cool night.
“It's dangerous to be sitting here by yourself at night!” She heard from behind her. “You never know who's going to want to hurt you!”
Lavender didn't move, “Can I help you, Draco?” Lavender said looking at the stars.
Draco sat next to her and looked up at the stars, “You just looked like you could use a friend!”
“Nope, just thinking!” Lavender said.
“Ahh…” he said not getting up.
“But, Hermione, on the other hand, could use five friends now! I mean she's the one who has been through so much, you should really go talk to her.” Lavender said
“Nah, I don't think so,” Draco said, “You see, Granger's got friends hanging around her all day long. She doesn't need another person to hang all over her wondering if she's ok, or going to be okay, I know she will, and she knows it too. I'm more concerned about her best friend who is sitting outside by herself.”
Lavender looked at him in shock, “What?”
“Well, I realize I didn't exactly have the picturesque childhood, but when someone stargazes, it means they have something on their mind, and when they stargaze alone, it means they are hiding something.” Draco said.
“I'm not hiding anything; I'm just stargazing because Hermione needed to be left alone.” Lavender said
“And usually whoever they blame is the person they are hiding from!” Draco said. Lavender just stared at him, and looked down. “I swear to God I won't tell a soul!”
“It's nothing, I just, I'm just still grieving for my Aunt, it's hard, she was one of the only members of my family left, and to find out all this about her, it just is hard to handle, that's all!” Lavender said, turning back towards the sky.
Draco laughed causing Lavender to look at him, “What?” she asked.
“You're good; I mean I really have to applaud you.” Draco said, “I mean, you're talking to the king of liars, and you almost had me fooled, almost.” Draco stood up, “But if you're hell-bent on keeping your secrets keep them, just remember, they kill you from the inside out.”
“Wait!” Lavender said causing Draco to turn around and face her, she stood up to meet his eyes. “I'll tell you, you just have promise me you won't tell anyone, not Hermione, not Harry, not even Ron or Ginny, understand?” Draco nodded, “I've seen the terrible things that he will do to them!” Lavender said sitting down again.
Draco sat down next to her, “Who?”
“Voldemort and your father, they will come back, and I saw them torturing students, killing innocent children.” Lavender said
“That's impossible, my father is dead, I killed him!” Draco said.
“Or someone impersonating him!” Lavender said, “All I know is that I had a vision, and he was there!”
“Have you told someone, Dumbledore or Lupin?” Draco asked
“I told Dumbledore, and he advised me to keep it to myself, I probably shouldn't have even told you, but I needed to tell someone, it was killing me on the inside!” Lavender said
“Well, you can tell me anything, anytime!” Draco said smiling at her.
She smiled at him, “I just might take you up on that offer one of these days!”
A/N: Okay, I know that I have no excuse but to be perfectly honest I had a writer's block for about 3 months. Then, by the time I felt like writing again, I had forgotten what the story was about, so I had to reread it all and start this chapter. Then I had final exams for school, and then I had vacation and so on and so forth. But now I've spent about a week writing on nothing but this, and I'm just not happy with it. Obviously, I read H/Hr fanfiction and while I can't always please myself, it helps when I do. But I need this chapter to go where I want to go, so if you don't like it I'm sorry. R/R!
Harry Potter sat on his bed in his room alone, watching the Marauder's Map. He had seen Lavender leave Hermione alone, and he had seen her and Draco meet up. While in the back of his mind he thought he should tell Ron, he had seen how the events of the last 24-hours had affected Lavender, and she probably just needed someone to talk to. His eyes wandered to Dumbledore's office, his dad and Sirius were in there with Dumbledore, and had been for quite some time, Harry wondered what they were discussing, because there was no doubt that Voldemort was still out there waiting for the news that Lucius Malfoy was dead, if it was truly Malfoy that died.
Harry heard a knock on his door, and his eyes immediately went back to the map and he saw Hermione standing there. He slowly got up and walked over to the door, taking a deep breath and opened the door. Hermione looked at him and smiled a small smile.
“Hermione!” Harry said first, “why don't you come in!” Harry stepped aside and Hermione walked in and stopped, waiting for him to close the door. Harry walked back over to his bed and sat down staring at her waiting for her to say something.
“I'm sorry!” Hermione blurted out after a long pause.
“For what?” Harry asked.
“You didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you after that night!” Hermione said sitting down on his bed next to him.
“No, let me finish! I treated you like you were a burden, and when my parents died, I didn't get the chance to let everything out, so I kept everything in and let it out on our relationship. It wasn't fair for me to tell you I love you and then turn around and treat you the way I did!”
After a long pause Harry spoke up, “Are you finished?” Hermione looked up and nodded. “Alright, then lets put it behind us and go talk to Dumbledore!”
“What are you talking about?” Hermione asked.
“Well do you or do you not have to find an apartment?” Harry asked taking her hand.
“Harry, I don't understand…”
“Hermione, did you really think I would be mad at you?” Hermione didn't respond, “I meant it when I said I love you, I'm not in this for the short run, I want this thing between us to last, and I'll move heaven and earth, and kill Voldemort twice to have this last.”
“You mean it?”
“You bet I do!”
James and Sirius sat in front of Dumbledore in silence looking at him expecting him to explain what he meant.
"James, Sirius what you must understand before I begin, you two along with Lily should not even be here. I don't know why you were brought back, the person who brought you back had their own intentions for doing what they did. However, there are going to repercussions for the magic that was preformed through this act." Dumbledore said slowly.
"But I still don't understand, who brought us back, and why did they? I mean, anyone who had that power would have tried earlier, or would be working for the other side, right?" James said, not seeing the look between Sirius and Dumbledore. "What are you not telling me?"
"James…you must understand, I never prepared myself for this circumstance, your right, the only people who knew how to bring you back are very powerful witches and wizards who are either dead or would want you dead." Dumbledore said cautiously, "Except one!"
"Who?" James asked.
"James, I don't really think that is any of our business, I mean, it's obvious that Dumbledore doesn't want to divulge the name." Sirius said.
"See…even Sirius gets to know, why can't I?" James asked
"Because it is not his place to say!" said a voice from behind them. They turned around and saw Lily walking in. "I got here as soon as I could Dumbledore." She said sitting down next to James, who refused to look at her.
"Fine, I don't need to know who, but what are these side-effects?" James asked.
“Well, whether or not I told you, this spell was not supposed to be performed, and the consequences of the spell have yet to catch up with us, but they will.” Dumbledore said leaning forward. “I've tried searching for the consequences and side-effects, but either they were never recorded or where they were recorded was destroyed.” Dumbledore said standing up and walking over to his bookshelf and pulling out a book. “This book briefly mentions a spell that brings the dead back to life and it mentions a few spells that can ensure long life,” Dumbledore said setting down the book in front of the three adults.
“It says how to find out the side-effects right here. It just says to perform a series of spells on the one that brought you back.” Sirius said.
“Yes, but the spells can be quite dangerous and can result in serious consequences.” Lily said continuing to read.
“All these things are saying the same thing, we have no way of finding out if we'll drop dead tomorrow or not.” James said sitting back in his chair.
“I didn't say that!” Dumbledore said suddenly, “I did find something, something not written in any book. It may help you, but you would be using very powerful magics, and very dangerous.”
The three looked at each other and Lily looked back at Dumbledore, “What do you mean!”
“The magic you were brought back by was very, very powerful and dark magic. In order to secure the magic, you have to balance it off by using very, very powerful and good magic.” Dumbledore said, “I spent a very long time searching for power that would be the match of the power used, and it wasn't easy because the power used was pure evil, so I had to find the opposite, pure good.”
“What would that be, love?” Lily asked guessing
“Love would be a very difficult one to grasp, because you would have to have so much love for one person inside of you that it would be able to save them.” Dumbledore said, “It is a very risky thing to try and control, unfortunately it is what we have to do.”
“Can't we use a different form of good?”
“No, we can't because the evil that brought you back stemmed from love, it may have turned evil, but it began with love.” Dumbledore said, “The person that brought you back did it out of love and it turned them unwillingly evil, they may have eventually overcome it, but it was pure evil that was used. Now, we must take the same love and pray that that love is enough to keep the person good.”
“You can't expect their love to be enough!” Lily said
“Lily, they believe in it, and it won't work unless we all believe in it.” Dumbledore said quietly.
“Well I'm in!” James said standing up.
“James, you cannot rely on them this much, its too much responsibility for children!” Lily said standing up.
“Lily, they aren't children, they are almost 17, we were that old when we fell in love!”
“Yeah, and we saw how great that turned out for us, plus we don't even know if they are back together, Hermione left him over stupid things.” Lily said. “Their love is too new, and too fragile.”
“Lily, James I don't think this is the best place!” Sirius said
“So you're basically saying you don't believe in their love!” James said ignoring Sirius
“She is not right for him, and if we do this we may be dooming not only Harry but Hermione to an unhappy life together!”
“Lily…” The sound of a door slamming finally alerted Lily and James to the entry way where they saw a shocked Harry standing.
“Harry…” Lily whispered.
“I cannot believe you, all this time you were pretending to like Hermione when really you hated her…” Harry said
“Harry, I'm sorry…”
“She wanted to spend the summer with us because you said you wanted her too, she thought of you as a mother, and you crushed her.” Harry yelled.
“Honey, you're just too young…” Lily said
“No, mother you were my age when you and dad began your relationship.” Harry retorted, “I cannot believe this, my whole life all I wanted was you two back, and now…I can't see why!” Harry said turning to the door and slamming it shut. Lily started after him but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.
“There is absolutely nothing you could say to him that would take back what he heard.” James said.
“I don't hate her; I just can't see why they are rushing so much.” Lily said looking at him.
“Yes you can!” James said lifting her chin.
“James…” Lily began but was interrupted by James' lips. It had been a long time since they had truly kissed, not including the time they were dead. James pulled back and walked past Lily with Sirius not far behind him. Lily was left with her own thoughts and Dumbledore staring at her.
“Harry loves her very deeply, Lily!” Dumbledore said
“How do you know?” Lily asked sitting down, “What makes you so sure that it isn't just puppy love?”
Dumbledore leaned back and looked at Lily, “I've seen my fair share of students pass through these doors. Every single one of them acted up in one way or another because they felt as though they had to make a place for themselves in the wizarding world. Some achieved high marks; some have excelled in Quiddich, and so on and so forth. Not many, however, have come into the school having a place, however,” Dumbledore said, “There have been very few, people like the Malfoy's who come from money, for example. But Harry came into this world not knowing anything about his life and he was instantly popular, having people begging to be his friends,” Dumbledore paused, “But Harry didn't want it! He didn't want to be written into books, or be pointed out! He wasn't a celebrity and no one seemed to understand that; except for Hermione and Ron. It is true that they don't always get along, but Harry would save the world for them, even if it meant giving his life. You remember, like you did for Harry.”
“He's my son…”
“She's the love of his life!” Dumbledore interrupted, “And she makes him happy, if you knew nothing else that should be enough!”
“So…what do I do?” Lily asked after a long pause.
“I can't tell you what to do, you have to make sure that she understands that you are on her side, if she doubts that love, she won't come back this time!” Dumbledore said standing up and walking to the door. “But I can tell you she'll be in the library!”