Déjeuner by InTheStars Rating: PG Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Draco & Ginny Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5 Published: 09/07/2004 Last Updated: 09/07/2004 Status: Completed Students screamed, ducking and laughing, yelling, brightening the usual dull Hall into a mess of soaring food and a makeshift battle field, Ginevra Weasley and Draco Malfoy the reason of it. 1. untitled ----------- **Title**: D�jeuner **Author**: Crystal **Disclaimer**: You know, I own a jar or two each of peanut butter and jelly. But that�s all. So, if you sue me, you�ll have to buy your own bread. **Summary**: Students screamed, ducking and laughing, yelling, brightening the usual dull Hall into a mess of soaring food and a makeshift battle field, Ginevra Weasley and Draco Malfoy the reason of it. **Dedication**: Nitya, of course, again. For this would not exist without her, and she beta-ed it wonderfully, and Daniela for reviewing Messes and reminding me to write this. ;) Turns out I can�t write H/Hr without much heavier doses of DG... And thaaaaaaaaaaanks to Daniela, because she titled this one, too. ;) **Author�s Note**: I highly recommend you read my H/Hr fic Messes first, otherwise you won�t understand why the hell Draco is talking backwards. Or why there�s a food fight. -� Students screamed, ducking and laughing, yelling, brightening the usual dull Hall into a mess of soaring food and a makeshift battlefield, Ginevra Weasley and Draco Malfoy the reason of it. Robes soaked with the menu's lunch the cozily warm Tuesday; Ginny hit the floor fast as a muffin flying the velocity of a Snitch missed her nose. "Whoa," she breathed, grinning and peeking up across the table. A warm handful of gravy just missed her face, soaking into the tendrils of hair, vulnerable to Draco's aim. "Gah elttil ytrid uoy, em esrucnu!" he bellowed, teeth clenched, cheeks reddening as his words came out jumbled. "What's that, Malfoy?" Ginny yelled. "I don't think I heard you correctly!" In a swift move, she grabbed a plate of spinach and threw it, not hearing the tin fall off the Slytherin's face over the chaos. "Hgu!" he grimaced, peeling layers of green vegetable from his face. Ginny saw her opportune moment, and jumping up, reached for the bowl of mashed potatoes, and feeling wicked, dumped it on the head of Malfoy. He stilled, sputtering and choking, and Ginny made a run for it, down the aisle, racing through food and warring students, straight out the doors. Laughter bubbled up and out, and she wiggled sticky robes off her body before jogging towards the Gryffindor Tower, adrenaline seeping into her veins. She'd just out-smarted Draco Malfoy in hexes, including the old past time of feuding with food. Life certainly did not get any better. "Io!" an angry voice called behind her, a voice attached to a dirty robe and matted hair above menacing grey eyes. "Crap," she muttered, turning her jog into a fast sprint, air trying futilely to whip up her heavy hair. Loud footsteps echoed hers, and she pushed her long legs harder- "Aaah!" She screeched in surprise, two arms encircling round her stomach, tightening her to a broad chest. "Em esrucnu," Draco growled into her ear, but the edge meant nothing when said in that comical way. Ginny struggled against his grip, arching her back and gripping his arms, trying without effect to budge them. A laugh moved against her back, and no words were needed - he had her trapped. "Let - me - *go*!" she protested, sinking her nails without pretense into the milky skin of his hands. Draco yelped, releasing Ginny, who scampered, stumbling, only to be caught again, pulled back. This time, he grabbed her wrists, crossing her arms, out of reach. She let out a sound of frustration. "Let me go, you racist pig!" "Em esrucnu uoy nehw," he said, loathing in his tone. "I'm *sorry*," Ginny hissed, "say that *one* more time, I don't understand since you're *talking backwards*." "Lesaew elttil uoy, uoy t'nod ynnuf os er'uoy kniht uoy?" he sneered. "That didn't sound the same," she bit back, still thrashing against him. Fingers crushed down into her wrists in retaliation, causing her to gasp and wince in pain. "Ow!" "Ti devresed uoy," he muttered with malice, "*won*, em esrucnu-" "Now?" she translated. "Or what? You'll *talk* me to death?" His nails dug into her skin, compressing the throbbing bones more. Ginny sucked in breath through her teeth, grinding them down against the discomfort, teeth that locked together a second later when strangely warm lips brushed against her chin, tickling her skin and stopping her movements. Lips that moved across a path of little freckles and pushed breath into her ear. Draco exhaled heavily, creating a path of raising goose bumps straining into the air. The bones in her wrists felt boxed, skin marred with bruises, a small sound of distress escaping her lips as his nails bit harder. "*Fine*," she said, stammering over pain and an odd tingling path down her neck. Ginny bit her lip, waiting for the grip to ease, and slowly it did, and a held breath left her, his twisted embrace letting her go, leaving her feel cold and changed. She blinked it all away, turning on the furious face, eyes flickering in satisfaction. "Won," he said, gesturing to her pockets. A hand clutched at her wand, pulling it out and pointing it, wrist wobbling and blue with contusion. Silvery grey orbs caught her cinnamons in a mesmerizing hold, light and dangerously glinting. "*Inclino*," she obeyed, the bright blue spark that had left her wand shooting back from his parted mouth. "Wasn't that hard, was it?" he smiled nastily, licking a stray bit of food adorning his lips. Ginny glared, watching as he left with a flourish of his robes, her forgotten cloak decorating the floor, and the memory of his lips haunting her skin. --end--