Rating: PG13
Genres: Drama, Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 09/07/2004
Last Updated: 03/06/2006
Status: Completed
Summary: Hermione Granger is in her seventh year when the Triwizard Tournament takes place at Hogwarts. She persuades Harry to enter with a promise that if he is elected, she will help him in every way she can. Even an old friend returns to see that the tournament is organized. Everything is quite in order, until Draco 'accidentally' shoots a spell at Hermione that makes her desire her best friend. How will Harry cope with this? And what about Ron? Who is it that she really wants? Will the spell work? What starts out as merely fun, could turn into love... H/Hr O/F VERY AU
The Amonrae Spell
A/N: Hey, I'm back, as promised! Welcome to my new fic, in which I promise to keep my guarantee on more H/Hr! Now, be warned: This fic is extremely AU, given the fact that Fleur and Krum will appear. This also features in some chapters a mean Ron! Some of you will say that he appears OOC, but I don't think so; anyway, if you are a Ron fan, I suggest you don't read. I will put a warning in the chapters where he is `bad'. Also, I don't think Hr is OOC either. I will do whatever possible to justify this fic and I hope all of you hopeless H/Hr fans will enjoy it! Be patient and please don't hesitate to review! I might just reply!
Chapter 1: Just Another Year
Hermione and her best friend, the one and only Harry Potter, got off from the Hogwarts Express for the start of 7th year.
Due to the fact that Ron wasn't with them, not that Hermione minded, Harry and her set up to share a carriage.
Hermione looked at her best friend and smiled. Of course, he had grown. He looked slightly taller and stronger, like he had been playing Quidditch all summer. Even though they had spent a few weeks in the Burrow together with Ron, he still managed to amaze her with his maturity changes. But through it all, he was still Harry. The same boy that managed to get in trouble each and every year and she had to go and save his ass. The same boy who befriended her since first year after that famous incident with the troll on Halloween. Just Harry Potter, dear Harry Potter.
Harry sat down next to her, instead of across her and put his arm lazily around her shoulders.
“So, how was the rest of your summer?” Hermione asked.
“Busy, You know, Sirius and Quidditch camp. How about yours?” Harry squeezed her
“Reading. Since I'm Head Girl and all, I want to make sure I can do a good job.”
“You will, just like you always do.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“ Thanks Harry. Say, do you know why Ron wasn't on the train? Molly always brings him on time.”
“I think Percy was bringing him. You know, since he keeps bragging about Percy being in the Ministry of Magic and all…”
“Yeah, yeah. He's changed a lot since his family found a new money income. I wonder why that happened. If I didn't know him better, I'd say he spent the entire summer trying to put the moves on me again.” Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“What makes you say that?”
“Just…the letters he kept sending and those weeks we spent with him at The Burrow, remember?'
“I was barely there. Wood kept taking me everywhere everyday, and there was Ginny…”
“Yeah, her.” Hermione sighed angrily. She hated when Harry spoke of her. They had gone out on a few dates while on The Burrow and the girl always seem to blush around him and want to touch him everywhere. She resembled Crazy Glue.
“You don't like her, do you?” Harry knew his best friend all too well. She always did her best to be polite with Ginny, but failed at hiding her discomfort.
“It's not that, it's just…forget it.” Hermione kept her opinion to herself and decided to carry on with the Ron matter. “ Well, he just did. It made me feel really uncomfortable.”
“Cut him some slack. Maybe you got the wrong impression. After all, after fourth year, I don't think he…”
“I hope so. Look, we're here.”
They got out of the carriage and proceeded directly to the Great Hall, where the usual feast and sorting ceremony took place. Ron still hadn't arrived, to Hermione's relief. She wasn't in the mood to see him just yet.
After the feast ended, Dumbledore stood up, to say the all too traditional first day speech and share some very important news:
“I'm pleased to announced that the Triwizard Tournament will take place this year, here at Hogwarts. The contestants from Beauxbatons and Dumstrang have already been chosen at their schools and will arrive tomorrow evening. Those who want to participate have to be from seventh year. I will be placing the Goblet of Fire tomorrow right here, and those interested can place their names in it. I expect you to treat the foreign champions well. I want them to feel right at home. That is all. Good night and good luck to you all.”
With these final words, Dumbledore retired. The students made their way to their dormitories, chattering excitedly about the tournament.
“So, thinking about entering?” Harry asked his best friend.
“No way Harry. It's too much this year. Besides, I don't have to prove myself to anyone. Why? You want to enter?” Harry shrugged at her words.
“I don't know. Do you think I should?”
“Why not? You're a great wizard. Who better to represent Hogwarts… again!” Hermione gave him a little pat on the shoulder.
“Nonsense. You're the great wizard who's always teaching me lessons and saving my ass.”
“True but you should enter all the same.”
“Sure. Can't hurt you to try at least. And tell you what, if you're the champion, I'll help you in every way I can,” Hermione proposed.
“You will?” Now that was motivation.
“Cross my heart.”
“Okay, I'll try it.”
“Now you're talking,” Hermione laughed and retired to her own room while Harry made his way to the dormitory, lost in his own thoughts.
Maybe Hermione was right. Besides, it was a great way to impress Elizabeth, his new crush. And he had his friends to help him. Yes, he was determined to try.
Harry slammed in his four-poster bed. If felt good to be at Hogwarts again. This was his seventh year, and he was going to make it unforgettable. With these happy thoughts, his eyelids began to close…
Suddenly the door slammed open, revealing a redheaded figure.
“Harry!” Ron shouted excitedly. Harry jumped of the bed and caught his glasses just in time before they collapsed on the floor.
“Ron, don't you realize what hour it is?” He whined.
“Is that any way to treat your best friend? Where's Hermione?” Ron asked, suddenly looking very interested.
“In the Head Girl dorm, sleeping, where do you think she'd be?” Harry tucked back in bed.
“How is she?”
“Like always. Why so curious?”
“No reason. So, heard about the tournament?” Ron asked excitedly
“Yeah. Why?”
“I'm thinking about entering. You think that will impress Hermione?”
A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner! Thanks to those of you who were kind enough to review! A few more chappies before you see the spell though. Enjoy!
The Amonrae Spell
Chapter 2: Big Favor
Harry couldn't sleep at all. Ron participating in the tournament? He had seen how upset Ron would get when he succeeded him at anything, even the most insignificant thing. He could only imagine what could happen if he won the champion post. He could end up losing his best friend, over a silly thing really.
Harry took a shower, put on hunter green robes and got down to the Great Hall. Hermione was already there, drinking some pumpkin juice while she unsurprisingly read, as always. Harry took a seat next to her, serving himself a bit of breakfast.
“Good morning,” he greeted her.
“Hello Harry. Ready for tonight's competition?” Hermione asked excitedly, but Harry's mind was still set on Ron.
“I don't know. I'm kind of having second thoughts,” he confessed.
“Why? Oh, come on Harry. Fear has never been one of your `virtues' if you know what I'm saying. After all you've gone through, a tournament should be no problem for you.”
“It's just that Ron…”
“Don't listen to Ron on this one, Harry. He's always…”
Before Hermione was able to finish, a pair of hands settled over her shoulders, turning her body very rigid.
“Miss me?” came Ron's voice from behind her.
“Ron, good morning, how are you?” Hermione answered distantly, getting Ron's hands off her.
“I'm good. In fact I'm great,” Ron answered happily.
“Good for you,” Hermione replied, taking her glass of pumpkin juice to her mouth while Ron sat down at her right side. “When did you arrive?”
“Oh, late last night. Around 11:00,” Ron shrugged.
“Why?” Hermione looked genuinely worried this time.
“Oh, something came up at the Ministry, no big thing really, but since Percy was bringing me in the new flying car the Ministry gave him; I guess we lost track,” Ron shrugged once more.
“Is everything okay Ron?” Harry asked this time.
“Sure thing! We would have gotten here earlier, but Percy likes to talk to Fudge a little too much,” Ron bragged.
Hermione was positively seething right now as she took her pumpkin juice glass for another drink. To think she had been worried about something happening to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley! And it turned out to be just another one of Ron's brags. Harry just shrugged it off. Ron was okay, that was what mattered.
However, Ron's next statement made Hermione's current train of thought disappear, along with half the orange liquid in her mouth.
“You know what? I'm even thinking of participating in the tournament.”
“Are you all right?” Ron asked, giving soft palms to her back.
“I'm fine. Take your hands off me,” Hermione whispered in a sort of angry tone that made Ron lower his hands at once, “So Ron, do you really think you're prepared to do this? Let's be honest with ourselves, shall we? You hardly pay attention to any class. How are you supposed to overcome these trials?”
“I'll have you to help me,” he said, putting his arm around her shoulders.
“Will you?” Hermione asked sarcastically while standing up and moving to the seat next to Harry, who was amused at Ron's unusual behavior.
To Hermione's fortunate luck, a friend surprised them at their table, stopping Ron's flirting.
“Here it is, my favorite trio.”
“Oliver!” Hermione exclaimed, standing up and placing her arms around him.
Oliver returned the hug cheerfully, giving her a peck on the cheek afterwards. Harry was watching, with a smile on his face, but then again, he hadn't really missed Oliver, due to the fact that he had spent practically all summer with him. Ron, on the other hand, was watching them with his arms crossed and a certain grim expression.
“What are you doing here?” Hermione asked enthusiastically.
“Well, I'm here to help organize the tournament. Dumbledore asked me to help and I could hardly refuse. After all, it won't interfere with my Quidditch career,” Oliver answered.
“You haven't changed a bit.” Hermione smiled.
“Why thank you,” Oliver laughed, before turning to Harry, “ Hey Harry, doing good?” he asked him, shaking his hand.
“For the moment,” Harry answered with a smile. After all, good was always such a strong word for him, since Voldemort was always looking for him.
“Ron,” Oliver turned to Ron, greeting him politely. Truth was, he had never spent that much time with Ron, so he didn't know him much; hence the polite and not friendly greeting.
“Wood,” Ron answered with a hint of coldness in his voice.
“So, Miss Head Girl, could I borrow you for a minute?” Oliver asked.
“Certainly. Excuse me boys.” Hermione went with Oliver.
“I'll see you later Ron. I've got class,” Harry stood up. Before he could leave though, Ron stopped him.
“Hermione doesn't like that idiot, does she?” Ron asked.
“Don't be ridiculous Ron. Why do you care anyway?” Harry couldn't help but ask.
“Isn't it obvious? I like her,” Ron replied.
“Oh, you do?” Harry strangely flinched at that statement. He hadn't really thought that Ron would still like his best friend, but then again, why was this his concern? “ Don't you think you should tell her before you keep putting the moves on her?”
“What, you think she doesn't like it? Then you need to learn more about women Harry,” Ron answered in a sort of arrogant tone.
Harry cleared his throat and proceeded to his first class, Occlumency This year was certainly going to be interesting.
“Harry! Harry!”
Hermione came running to him later on the afternoon. She seemed kind of desperate.
“Hermione, what is it? Are you okay?” he asked, worried. He had never seen Hermione like this, except of course when the book she wanted from the library was already taken.
“I need to talk to you, now,” she gave him a serious look.
They retired to their favorite spot next to the lake, which was in its early freezing stages.
“What is it?” Harry gave her his undivided attention.
“Harry, you know how much I love you, don't you?”
“You do?”
“Well you know, as a friend,” Hermione flushed.
“You want something, don't you `Mione?” Harry grinned.
“See, I got this really teeny favor to ask you.”
“See, there is this situation, you know, the tournament's contestants arrive tonight and as you know the Head Boy and Girl have to receive them.”
“See, we have this really awkward situation in which Dumbledore didn't really pick a Head boy. So we are literally screwed, unless of course…”
“You want me as Head Boy?'
“Why not? You're really a great wizard and well, there wasn't much of a choice,” Hermione smiled innocently. He loved that smile, but her words kept that thought from forming in his mind.
“That's comforting.”
“Please Harry! Please, please, please! I don't want to feel uncomfortable around a boy I hardly know. Ahem,” Hermione cleared her throat at the realization that she sounded like she was begging. Hell, she was, “ I mean, that is, of course, up to you.”
“All right, I'll do it.” Harry sighed. The things he did for his best friend.
“You will? Oh Harry! Ahem! I mean, I agree. Well, I advise you to go change. Our guests will arrive in two hours and here's the key to the Head Boy dorm. Thanks. I owe you.”
Hermione threw a tender smile at him and left. Harry rubbed his eyes. This was definitely going to be some year.
A/N: Please don't hesitate to review! I apologize for Ron's character,. But this change is completely natural for someone who's accustomed to one thing (such as being poor) and then gets struck with a large load of what he doesn't know how to handle (money and power) And Hermione doesn't hate him, she's just worried and uncomfortable at the same time. Bear with me! Thanks for reading!
The Amonrae Spell
Chapter 3: The Three Champions
A/N: Thanks for your fantastic reviews! I appreciate it! In this chapter, you will see why this fic is AU and yes, for the first time in my fic, Hermione isn't friendly to Fleur, we all know why. Enjoy, and keep the reviews coming!
“Who is it?”
“It's me,” came Harry's voice.
Hermione looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in her Head Girl black robes, had black boots and had curled up her bushy brown hair to her shoulders after giving up on trying countless hair enchantments. She decided that she looked okay.
“Hermione, are you done?” came Harry's voice again.
“I'm coming.” She opened the door.
Her eyesight wouldn't move from her best friend the minute she laid eyes on him. He was dressed in Head Boy robes, his untidy hair was untamed and he was wearing contacts, making his emerald green eyes sparkle.
Harry too was busy staring at her. In his opinion she looked beautiful, as always.
“Well, you ready?” Harry asked.
“You came here just to escort me?” Hermione was somewhat amused
“Oliver told me I was supposed to do it as the Head Boy and Girl are supposed to arrive together,” Harry stated simply.
“Oh, right.”
They went down to the Great Hall, making their way towards the Interior Gardens where the champions would appear. Oliver was already there, dressed in black robes also, topped with his mauve cloak. On his side was Professor McGonagall, due to the fact that Dumbledore was suffering from a little flu and was waiting for them inside the castle, as it was a cold evening and it was against medi-wizard advice for him to venture outside.
“There you are,” Oliver greeted them, “Just in time.”
Two seconds later, the carriage from Beauxbatons appeared, followed by the Dumstrang boat.
“They're here,” said Prof. McGonagall.
Both the carriage and the boat came to a halt as the boat's door opened and Igor Karkarroff, Dumstrang's Headmaster, got out. He went to Professor McGonagall and kissed her hand.
“Minerva, long time no see,” he said.
“Indeed Professor Karkarroff. Well, where's your champion?” Prof. McGonagall asked.
“Oh, right here. Viktor, come out if you please!”
A tall, robust boy came out from the boat. He had brown hair, light brown eyes, and he was dressed in red robes, the color of Dumstrang.
“May I present my champion, Viktor Krum,” Karkarroff introduced.
“Pleasure,” Oliver answered distantly. The boy looked a little too arrogant for his liking. Professor McGonagall threw him a severe look and he quieted.
But Krum didn't answer, instead, he settled his eyes on Hermione, advancing towards her.
“Hi. Vho might you be?” He asked, kissing her hand.
“I'm Hermione Granger, the Head Girl,” she said, taking her hand from him,” And this is the Head Boy, Harry Potter.”
“Surely.” Krum paid no attention to Harry whatsoever. “So, Hermy-own.”
“Her-mi-own-knee,” she corrected.
Their dialogue was interrupted by a discussion inside the Beauxbatons carriage. Later, a rather large woman came out.
“Minerva!” She kissed both her cheeks.
“How are you Maxime?”
“I'm good, merci. Oh, where is she? Fleur, come out!”
The carriage's door opened once again, revealing a girl of middle height, with silver blonde hair brushed to her waist. She had a perfect oval shaped face and deep blue sapphire eyes that contrasted her baby blue robes and cloak. Oliver couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. She was beautiful. To his surprise, she caught his gaze and walked towards him.
“Bonjour, I'm Fleur.” She smiled seductively at him.
“Hi. My name's Oliver Wood and this is Professor McGonagall,” he directed her towards his old teacher.
“Oui, pleasure. So, are you competing in `ze tournament as well?” Fleur asked Oliver again, her eyes sparkling with interest.
“No, I'm one of the team in charge of it, actually,” he answered.
“Oh, are you? You must be very strong to `ave such a weight on your shoulders,” Fleur said, placing her hand on his left shoulder.
“Okay, Miss Delacour! Enough introduction,” Hermione interrupted, noticing that Oliver couldn't stop sweating.
“Who are you?” Fleur threw her a patronizing look.
“I'm the Head Girl. If you permit me, I'll show you to the Great Hall,” said Hermione as casually as she could, for Frenchie was getting on her nerves.
“Oh, don't bozer. I'm sure Oliver can escort me, right?” she asked, throwing another seductive look at Oliver.
“Well I…”
“Grand.” Fleur took Oliver's arm before he was able to answer properly.
Viktor, on his part, offered his arm to Hermione, but she didn't take it, taking the lead instead and having the Russian Seeker following her. Harry trailed behind them with an amused look. But his stomach was starting to get grouchy, for it was time to announce the champion from Hogwarts.
They entered the Great Hall and everyone stood up to receive the guests. Oliver escorted Fleur to the Gryffindor table before making his way towards the teachers. Fleur sat next to Harry, Hermione sat on his right and Krum sat beside her, making Ron angry for not being able to take that seat before him, but this little detail slipped from his mind as he realized that he would be sitting next to his favorite Quidditch star.
After a mouthful of delicious dinner, which Harry didn't even taste, Dumbledore stood up, silencing everybody.
“I believe it's time to introduce the three champions that will be competing in this prestigious tournament.”
At these words, Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Hermione looked at him. He was already sweating and breathing hard.
“Harry, relax,” she whispered, taking his hand while he grasped hers strongly in return.
“For Dumstrang Magic School, we have Viktor Krum,” Dumbledore announced.
Krum stood up and approached the teacher's table, his face grim while the girls' giggles and squeals were heard.
“Oh please,” Hermione protested.
“We have Fleur Delacour representing Beauxbatons Academy,” Dumbledore continued.
Fleur stood up and tossed her hair, advancing towards the same spot as Krum while all the boys remained still, just staring at her.
“Honestly!” Hermione complained again.
“She's a Veela!” Ron exclaimed.
“And I'm the queen of England,” said Hermione sarcastically.
“And now, to announce the champion from Hogwarts. Minerva, if you please,” Dumbledore requested.
“Harry Potter.”
Harry just went pale right then and there, unable to move, while Ron grew slightly angry.
“What? Him again? It's always him!” he complained.
“Knock it off Ron,” Hermione glared at him as she glanced at Harry,” Harry, it's you. Get up.”
Harry's body turned rigid as he moved to the teacher's table while the girls' squeals were heard again. This caused a displeasure groan from Hermione as she buried her face in her hands.
“Congratulations to you all. I wish you the best of luck. The first clue will be placed on your door tomorrow as the first task is in two months. Miss Delacour, Mr. Krum, the Head Boy and Girl will see to your accommodations. Good night,” Dumbledore finalized.
Viktor went unwillingly with Harry as Hermione proceeded to escort Fleur. She even had to scream to push away guys who were behind her. She thought Fleur would be angry at the males, but she seemed to have enjoyed it as she threw a fierce look at Hermione when she pushed them away.
“French hag,” Hermione thought. “ Permit me your room key please.”
Fleur gave it to her. Hermione went berserk. That was her room key! As the Head Girl, she was supposed to have a room all to herself. It couldn't be. It definitely couldn't be.
The Amonrae Spell
A/N: Thank you for your wonderful reviews! Also, I apologize for Viktor's obvious mistake. He's from Bulgaria; I shouldn't have put Russia. Also, the tournament is not the major plot in this fic, so we will not get to see it. Keep the reviews coming! Also, about Dumbledore not picking a Head Boy…if Dumbledore wanted Harry to be Head Boy, he would probably had declined, seeing as he's worried about our dear Voldie and stuff, so Dumbledore did the next best thing…Harry could never deny Hermione anything, could he? **grins** Enjoy!
Chapter 4: Oy Vey
“What? But aren't I supposed to have a room all for myself? I'm the Head Girl for crying out loud!” Hermione just shouted in Dumbledore's office, in front of Dumbledore himself and Prof. McGonagall beside him.
“You are, but you are, as well, supposed to be in charge of the guests. That means making sure that they are comfortable. There just wasn't room in your old dorm, so Miss Delacour is to sleep in your room for the time being. It's just for a couple of months, Hermione. We were sure you wouldn't mind,” Dumbledore replied calmly.
“You were sure? Did you see her! Did you see how she is? Professor please…” Hermione begged.
“You don't know her. When you do, then you talk. In the meantime, she's to feel right at home. Good night,” finalized Prof. McGonagall.
“Good night.” Hermione took her leave. She had no choice but to obey.
She went to her room and settled on her bed. Fleur was already sound asleep. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly; nothing could possibly get worse.
“Good morning Harry,” Ron greeted him, sitting down across him.
“Oh, hello Ron.” Harry took a sip from his pumpkin juice.
“So… happy?”
“Pardon me?'
“Well, you got the tournament, lots of fame, and Elizabeth is free. That is, if you're still interested in her because the way I see it…”
“Don't start Ron. If this is about the tournament, I don't want to hear it. Your friendship is more important to me than that. I don't care about fame, never have, never will and I still care about Elizabeth, so cut it out, will you?”
In the middle of their polite argument, Hermione appeared in the Great Hall with lots of books as usual, and sat down next to Harry, helping herself to a red, juicy apple.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked, without a humorous tone in her voice.
“Everything all right?” Harry inquired with a worried expression, He had never seen her like this.
“No, it's not.”
“What happened?”
“What didn't happen is more like it. They assigned Frenchie to my room for starters,” Hermione groaned at the thought of sharing a room with a part -Veela.
“They did? Does that mean I can hang out there these days?” Ron was positively excited about this, but Hermione just glared at him.
“Give your hormones a rest, will you?” she spat. “Don't you have anything better to do? Anything more productive perhaps?” she couldn't help but blurt out.
“ I detect a hint of jealousy there,” Ron stated with a hint of arrogance,” Of course I COULD always hang out with you Herms,” he grinned, making Hermione glare once again.
“So Harry, how's the champion today?” Hermione turned to him; in hopes of regaining her already lost patience.
“Nervous. I got the first clue this morning, and since you promised…” Harry replied, his voice trailing off hopefully.
“A promise is a promise,” Hermione gave him a reassuring smile.
“Promise? What promise?” asked an altered Ron. He didn't like being left out of his friends' plans, but they didn't pay him attention.
“Meet me at the library this afternoon.” Hermione stood up.
“Done. Thanks `Mione.”
“All right. Don't be late,” Hermione smiled and took her leave.
“What did she mean by promise? Is there something you know that I don't?” Ron asked again, still altered.
“She's just helping me out Ron, nothing more. She's my friend too. I got class if you excuse me.” Harry exited the Great Hall, sighing. Ron was taking this Hermione thing a little to the extremes, and he was still trying to figure out why the hell that seemed to bother him.
“Oi Harry… holds up… I got class with you,” Ron reminded him, running after Harry and almost knocking several people over in the process
Hermione got to her room intending to put her books in order. But she immediately regretted doing so.
Fleur was there, dressed in flamenco pink robes and combing her straight silver blonde hair.
“ `Armonia!” Fleur said, obviously trying to say her name, “Bonjour.”
“Hermione!” Hermione spat furiously.
“Pardon my life,” Fleur answered with sarcasm, suddenly noticing Hermione's bushy curls. “Don't you comb your `air?''
“Yes I do! And I don't see how that's any of your business!” Hermione barked. This was so typical of a French girl, more typical of a Veela, whether she was half or complete.
“Sorry. Itz just so bushy. I could make you a potion `zat would straighten it out completely, if you're interested,” Fleur offered.
“No thanks,” Hermione answered coolly.
“As you wish. But a `air like `zat won't get you Potter's attention,” Fleur remarked.
“Like I care,” Hermione answered automatically, before realizing exactly what Fleur was implying. “Who asked you?”
“I've seen `ow you look at `im. You like `im, don't you?'
“I don't! And mind your own business from now on, would you?”
“You know, it wouldn't kill you to get along wiz me. Looks like we're going to be togezer for a long time.”
“I'm sorry. Would you mind your own business PLEASE… and that part is still on negotiation.”
“Oh, come on. I'm not `zat bad. What is it you don't like about me? Everybody likes me,” Fleur announced triumphantly.
“That's precisely the problem. You walk around like you're queen of the world or something. And for your information, Oliver isn't going to fall for you,” Hermione assured her, but Fleur looked puzzled.
“I'm sorry, who?”
“Never mind.”
“Look `Armonia, you're obviously in a bad mood and I certainly aren't staying to watch you take it out. We'll talk when your mood improves. Potion offer still standing, since `ze Yule Ball is coming up.”
“Sorry?'' Hermione was totally confused now.
“You know, Yule Ball, where `ze champions dance.”
“Oh, right.”
“Maybe Potter will invite you.”
“I don't think so. He wants to go with Elizabeth.”
“Some girl. But thanks anyway Fleur,” Hermione gave her a thin smile. She wasn't so bad.
“See? You learned my name. We're going to get along just fine `Armonia,” Fleur smiled back.
“ Yeah, zat.”
Fleur smiled again and left, leaving Hermione to her thoughts. Fleur didn't seem so bad, once her patience was back with her. It wouldn't kill her to have a new friend, since Ron was getting on her nerves. And Harry…hmmm well, we'll just have to see with him.
She glanced at her watch. She had an appointment with Harry in five minutes. She took her books and headed toward the library.
A/N: Dance camp is over, I can dedicate more time to publishing! Before you enjoy this chapter, I just want to say that I'm sticking to the original plot of this fic, so the tournament didn't happen in fourth year. Sorry if I caused confusion; I promise it will get better!
PS: I've replied to all your reviews, so if you're unsigned, be sure to check them out!
Until later,
Chapter 5: Just Helping Out
“Ready Harry?” Hermione asked, placing her hand on his shoulder. As a result, he jumped out of his seat.
“ `Mione, you scared the living daylights out of me,” Harry breathed out.
“I'm sorry. Well, are you?”
“Ready when you are.”
“Great. Where's the clue?”
“Here,” he gave her a riddle.
“My favorite. This is logic,” Hermione smiled, contemplating the interesting piece of paper.
“Good. Find out what it means, will you?”
“Harry, I can help, but you have to do the work yourself.”
“But I don't know logic!” Harry whined.
“About time you learn then, don't you think?”
Fleur stepped onto the school gym, where the pool was located.
“Fleur?” Oliver asked surprised, while he lifted weighs.
“Oliver! What a pleasant surprise. `Ere I am, and `ere you are. `Ow fantastic,”
she said in an everyday tone of voice, and took off her shorts, revealing a baby blue bikini.
Oliver almost dropped his weights. She was a vision indeed. Without hesitation, she dived and emerged, all wet. Oliver's eyes were still on her. She leaned against the pool, facing him.
“So, `ow's life treating you?” she asked.
“I'm good, thank you. How about you? Enjoying Hogwarts?”
“Now I am,” she answered seductively.
“Ahem!” If he didn't know any better, he'd say she was flirting with him. Get a grip Wood! So, got your clue?”
“I do. “
“Figure it out yet?”
“In `ze process. Why?”
“Just asking.”
“Appreciate your concern. So, tell me Wood, girlfriend?
“Good. Tell me, what kind of girls do you like?”
“Sorry?” Oliver gave her a puzzled look.
“Do you like French girls Wood?”
“ Don't know. I've never been in a relationship.”
“No? Well, don't you `zink `zis would be a good time to start one?”
“Your point?” Oliver was again puzzled. Since when did she care about his lack of love life?
“Tell you what. Figure `zat out.” Fleur got out of the pool. “ `And me `zat
towel, would you?”
Oliver stood up, giving her what she asked for. He cursed under breath; he couldn't stop sweating, and, rest assured, it wasn't for his earlier exercises.
“Merci. I'll see you tonight, Oliver.” Fleur smiled at him.
“Oh, sure.” He took his own towel, drying up his sweated face.
Fleur tossed her still damp hair and gave him another seductive smile before making her way out.
“A dragon,” Hermione muttered to herself.
“I'm sorry, what?” Harry brought his glasses to the bridge of his nose, glancing at his best friend.
“ I figured it out. Have you?”
“ That's what I was hoping you'd help me out with,” Harry gave her a puppy look.
“Fine. I'll give you a clue; Charlie Weasley specializes in them.”
“ A dragon?”
“You said it, not me.”
“Jeez,” Harry buried his face in his hands, obvious sign of frustration.
“What is it?” Hermione couldn't help but worry about him.
“Nothing. Just have to figure out how to complete the task now.”
“Oh. Well, I brought you some books on the most effective spells. You can check
these out. But, if I were you, I'd use a technique that I was familiar with. Something I do well. Something that nobody can beat me in. When you're done, let me know on what else I can help you with. Now we got to change for dinner,” Hermione finished, standing up.
“Thanks `Mione,” he said, taking her hand in his.
“Anytime Harry. I'll see you.” She gave his hand a light squeeze and made her way out.
She was gone, leaving Harry with his thoughts. What was the thing, which he did so well, that nobody could beat him at? Well, at least he was one step further with Hermione's help. Hermione, what would he do without her?
Chapter 6: Declined Invitation
“Hi, Hermione,” Ron greeted her with a smile on his face while she was seated on their usual table at the library.
“ Hello Ron,” she answered back, but with a distant tone.
“So, this week's the Yule Ball.”
“Yes, it is,” she continued looking through her books, without even glancing at him.
“I was just wondering if…”
“I'm already going with someone Ron.”
“Really? And who is that?” Ron's mood changed dramatically.
“None of your business. Excuse me.” Hermione stood up and exited from her favorite place.
Ron continued to glance at her until she was no longer in sight, his arms crossed. Who the hell was the guy who had invited her first?
He ventured off looking for his other best friend, whom he found engaged in conversation with Elizabeth.
“Harry! There you are!” he exclaimed, causing Elizabeth to roll her eyes in annoyance while Harry gave him an `I'll kill you if you don't leave' look.
“ Ron? Can't you see I'm in the middle of a PRIVATE conversation here?” Harry barked.
“Oh, excuse me Elizabeth,” Ron apologized without any intention of really leaving and returned to Harry. “But I have got to talk to you, quick.”
“That's all right. We can talk later,” Elizabeth gave Harry a polite smile.
“Elizabeth, you don't have to go. I'm sure Ronald here will be polite enough to let me finish first,” Harry said, throwing a fierce look to Ron.
“ No, that's okay. You probably have important guy stuff to discuss and I wouldn't want to meddle in. I'll see you at the dance Harry.” Elizabeth strolled off.
“Ugh! Look what you did!” Harry screamed at Ron.
“What? The way I see it, you have a date for the Yule Ball,” Ron replied.
“What do you want?”
“I have a situation.”
“Another one? Why don't you go see Hermione this time? She can give you better advice than I can.”
“She is it! I invited her to the dance and she already has a date!”
“She does? Well, good for her.” Harry's stomach flinched unexpectedly.
“Good? How can it be good? Who would invite her anyway?”
“Ron, would you calm down? So she's not going with you to the ball. Big deal.
Find somebody else.”
“Yeah, that's it! Maybe Fleur will go with me!”
“No, Ron. I didn't mean…”
“Thanks Harry!” Ron ran through the hallway. Harry sighed. There was no way in a girl like Fleur would go with Ron.
“Good afternoon, Oliver.” Fleur appeared, leaning on one of the Quidditch hoops.
Oliver stopped accommodating the Quidditch supplies in the trunk and glanced at her. She was dressed in jeans and a violet sweater, her hair combed to her waist.
“Knock it off Oliver! She is a student!” his mind reprehended him when his eyes wouldn't move from her body, and he kept picking the Quaffles across the field.
“You know, I kind of like `ze view from up `ere,” she addressed him seductively. At this statement, he stood up straight, clearing his throat.
“I'm sorry Miss Delacour. You wanted something?”
“First of all, call me Fleur. I'm not an old woman.”
“Sorry, Fleur. Well?”
“Nozing. I was just curious if you were going to `ze dance.”
“I'm supposed to go if that's what you mean.”
“Oh, you are? You `ave a date yet?”
“No, why?”
“Zinking of inviting somebody?”
“Like who?”
“Get to the point Fleur.”
“ I was just wondering if you could do a big, big, favor.”
“What kind of favor?”
“Well, as you know, I `ave to go to `ze dance, because I am one of `ze champions.”
“ Yeah, and?”
“Well, I…it's just so painful,” she said, making sure she sounded desperate and like she was crying, which she certainly wasn't.
“What is?” Oliver gave her his full attention.
“Well, Roger Fowl asked me to go wiz `im.”
“He did? Good for you. You should go with him.”
“ I was going to, but…”
“You know, yesterday was `zat `orrible Quidditch practice, and….”
“What happened?”
“ Some idiot `it `im wiz a bludger and `e `asn't woken up yet. Madam Pomphrey says
it's going to be at least anozer week before `e wakes up! That means, `e…isn't going to be able to take me to `ze dance! What am I to do?” She sniffled in an exaggerated manner and threw
herself in his arms.
“ Oh, come on Fleur. You'll get another date,” he said, trying to calm her down.
“ Will I? I `ardly know anybody `ere. Unless…. you `zink you could take me instead?”
“Me? Why me?” he asked, sweating again.
“See? I knew you'd say no! Of course, you'd say `zat because I'm terribly ugly! There I go again! So pazetic as always!” she screeched, pretending to cry louder, moved away from his embrace, her back facing him.
“I didn't say you were ugly,” he said, putting his hand on her shoulder. At this gesture she turned around.
“Does `zat mean you're going to take me?”
“Well, I…”
“Oh, Oliver I love you!” She threw herself at his arms again, leaving him with a puzzled expression.
“You do?”
“What is `zere not to love about you?” she said, tossing her hair. “I'll see you at `ze dance.” She walked off, moving her hips in the process.
“Not happening,” Oliver protested, dropping down to the ground
He had just promised Fleur to take her to the dance. That meant a night of sweating and stammering, things that he couldn't seem to stop doing when he was around her. What was wrong with him? He couldn't be falling for her, could he? No! No way! Women and Quidditch don't mix. And for the time being, he would pick the second choice. Besides, she was a student, a French student. So there was no way on Earth that he could like her.
These thoughts flew through Hermione's mind as well. She had witnessed the whole scene leaned in one of the benches, her arms crossed. She had never seen Oliver like this before.
“My, my. She's smarter than I thought.” Hermione made her way towards Oliver. “So, taking Fleur to the dance are you?” she asked him, making Oliver jump from the fright.
“Herm! You heard?”
“More or less, So, I've never seen you like this before.”
“What do you mean?”
“Constant sweating and stammering. Not counting the day, which they made you Keeper of the national team of England. Do you like her?”
“Don't be ridiculous Herm. I'm just taking her as a favor.”
“So you say. I'll see you Oliver.” Hermione headed back inside.
“Heard you declined Ron's invitation, Oliver stopped her.
“That's right. Someone else invited me first,” she turned around to face him.
“ That would be?”
“Viktor Krum.”
“The Bulgarian?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Just asking. He has been looking for you at the library for ages.”
“I haven't been in the library these past couple of days,” Hermione clarified, but blushed at the prospect that there was someone actually looking for her.
“I know you haven't. Why would that be?”
“I'm just taking care of a promise.” She smiled at him as Harry came into her mind.
A/N: Sorry for the lack of faster updates! I hope this will be worth the wait and I promise to update faster! Thanks for the reviews! I answered them! Keep them coming!
Chapter 7: Hermione
"How do I look Harry?" Oliver asked, dressed in royal blue robes.
"You look fine Oliver," Harry answered while he finished dressing in hunter green robes and contacts, " Relax, why don't you?" He noticed his friend’s constant sweating.
"I'm relaxed. I'm all right," Oliver took a deep breath.
"Really? You sure don't look the part."
"Don't you think it's time to look for Elizabeth?"
"You're blocking my door."
"Oh, sorry. See you later Harry." Oliver left, leading his way to Hermione's room, where his date was expecting him.
"Oliver! Don't you look good?" Fleur opened the door, taking what was left of his breath from him. She was dressed in midnight blue robes and had her hair combed to her waist. She looked beautiful. "Oh, you like what you see? Considering you can't stop staring at me," she commented in her usual seductive tone.
" Ahem! Pardon me. Ready to go?" he asked, offering her his arm. She took it gracefully and they went towards the Great Hall.
Viktor Krum and Harry arrived simultaneously to get behind a curtain, since they had to start the dance. There was Viktor, dressed in black robes, accompanied by...
" 'Mione?" Harry asked, thoroughly surprised. Of course, she didn't look like the Hermione he knew. She was dressed in bright yellow robes, her hair combed straight below her shoulders, and she was using makeup. She looked beautiful….astounding…perfect.
"Oh, hi Harry, Elizabeth," she smiled at Harry's date, dressed in burgundy robes. Harry thought she looked pretty, but not as beautiful as his best friend. Hold it! Crossing the line here! You don’t think of Hermione in that way!
"Hermione," Elizabeth greeted back, snapping Harry out of his reverie.
"Doesn't she look great?" Fleur commented to Harry from behind, "I fixed 'er myself," she grinned. It was true; he couldn't stop staring at Hermione Granger.
"Harry! We're up!" Elizabeth brought him back to reality, again.
He realized that Hermione had already gone to the dance floor. They soon followed, Oliver and Fleur behind them.
It was a waltz. Harry was dancing with Elizabeth, but couldn't stop glancing at Hermione, who danced very well, so he could see. But he also noticed that she was far too close to Krum for his liking, and his stomach went somewhat grouchy. Why was this happening? This was Hermione, for crying out loud.
"Fleur, aren't you a little too close?" Oliver asked, trying to get a little more distance between them.
"Close? 'Zis is 'ze way 'ze dance is supposed to be," she replied, putting both arms on his shoulders, which meant, getting closer, of course.
"I know how the dance goes, but..." he stammered, and began to sweat.
"Oliver just relax. I don't bite," she whispered, laying her head on his shoulder, "Much."
Meanwhile Hermione was feeling really uncomfortable with Viktor. Sure, he was quite a gentleman, great and all, but still… she really hadn't been this close to a guy before. Not to mention her sight kept drifting towards Harry.
In her eyes, he looked so happy with Elizabeth and acknowledging that made her stomach do a strange flip- flop. She was wondering if she was going to get sick and why (we all know how Hermione is!), until Harry caught her gaze. She glanced back at Viktor, avoiding his deep emerald green stare.
To Hermione's luck, the dance ended and they were able to settle into their table. Hermione seated next to Fleur, who seated next to Oliver, who pulled his chair across Harry. Viktor sat on Hermione's side, while Elizabeth sat next to Harry.
"I'm going to get some punch Hermion-ninny. You vant some?" Viktor asked her, taking her hand, which she took strongly from his grasp.
"No. Thanks," she smiled shyly.
He went to get his punch just when the other dance started. At this time, Elizabeth went to powder her nose, leaving Harry alone with Hermione, Oliver, and Fleur, who was glaring at Oliver.
"Aren't you going to take me to dance?"
"Why?" he stammered.
"Because you're my date idiot!" Fleur barked, making him jump.
"All right, all right. May I have this dance?" he said, taking her hand.
"Certainly," she smiled, grasping his hand strongly. Oliver couldn't stop sweating.His date had quite a temperament.
"Want to dance with me?" Harry asked, taking Hermione's hand and surprising her in the process.
"Sorry?" Hermione gasped, startled.
"Well, Elizabeth is not here and Viktor isn't here. I just thought that maybe you wouldn't want to stay stuck in the table, unless you want to dance with Ron."
Hermione immediately grasped Harry's hand and stood up while he led her to the dance floor. Ron was still behaving strangely towards her and she didn’t want to give him any more reason to. Fleur was right there, dancing with Oliver, even closer than before. No wonder Oliver looked tense.
Harry took Hermione's hand in his and put his other hand on her waist, getting her closer to him. She looked at him and smiled. Beautiful. There was one tiny problem during this quality time; he was beginning to have trouble breathing.
"So, having fun?" Hermione asked casually.
"Yeah. And you? Imagine so, considering how beautiful you look," Harry said truthfully, blushing as he realized his previous statement, but Hermione just smiled tenderly once more.
"Thank you Harry." She laid her head on his shoulder, making it harder to breathe for him. Snap out of it! This is Hermione! You’ll scare her away! Hermione must have noticed his tenseness, for she quickly lifted her head and looked at him. "Something wrong Harry? Did Elizabeth arrive?"
" No, it's just..." He found himself getting closer to her. Her heart began to pound really fast. He was going to kiss her.
"Harry, my friend!" Ron shouted, laying his arm around Hermione, who got away and gave Ron a fierce look.
"Ron...what..." Harry was going berserk. One minute more and he would've kissed...
"Mind if I cut in? Wow, Hermione, don't you look hot? So, can I have this dance?" he said, getting Hermione closer to him.
"Actually Ron, I...don't feel so good. Excuse me," Hermione apologized, and without a second glance, exited the Great Hall.
"What's wrong with her?" Ron asked Harry, who sighed. He had almost kissed his best friend and he wasn’t sure that he would’ve stopped had Ron not arrived. That was what bothered him.
Of course, he had almost no time to dwell on these thoughts, for Elizabeth came back.
"Hermione, are you all right?" Fleur asked as she entered her room.
Hermione came out of the bathroom, already dressed in her nightgown.
"Fleur, what are you doing here?" she asked with surprise. Last time she had seen the blond part-Veela, she was engaged in deep flirtation with the ex-Gryffindor Quidditch captain.
"I 'ad Oliver escort me early. I was worried. What 'appened? One minute you were dancing wiz ‘Arry and 'ze next you were storming.... what 'appened wiz ‘Arry?" she asked suspiciously.
"Nothing Fleur, absolutely nothing," Hermione sighed, burying herself in bed. And nothing would ever happen. That was the problem.
A/N: Finally! The key chapter of my story, where you all will hate me! But I promise to update within the next few days or you can formally hex me. Reviews are greatly appreciated; once more, I answered them all. Thank you for your faith and support!
Chapter 8: Merely Sparks?
"Done," Snape announced, displaying his newly made potion to the seventh year students. "This is called a Protective Potion. It protects you from any spell that may get thrown at you. Of course, this is the first time that I have made it in this class, so we'll have to test it. Any volunteers?"
The students lowered their heads in fear while he went from desk to desk.
" Miss Granger," he called, showing the bottle to Hermione, who looked puzzled.
" I beg your pardon Professor?"
"What do you think Miss Granger? Drink up," he barked, giving her the bottle.
"But Professor I..." she stammered, trying to give the bottle back to him. There was no way she would be all right with being Snape's guinea pig.
"Do not start with your bickering Miss Granger. You're Head Girl, so you drink up. And for goodness sake, don't start your crying."
"But Professor..."
"I said drink it! Or I'll make you drink it!" he shouted, grabbing her arm to stand her up. Needless to say, Hermione drank it in half a minute.
"Good girl," Snape said, suddenly taking his wand out.
"What are you doing?" Hermione asked. By now, she was terrified. She knew that Snape had never been able to criticize her class work, so he would do anything to get back at her.
" Inmovimento!" Snape cried. As a reflex, Hermione ducked, avoiding the spell.
" Miss Granger, you're supposed to stay still!"
"What? Why? But..." Hermione stammered again.
"Because I say so! " he pointed his wand at her again.
"Atare!" Snape shouted.
At this incantation, a rope came out of Snape's wand and directed itself at Hermione.
"Do not worry Miss Granger, I won't kill you. I don't think that Dumbledore would appreciate his students dying in class," he stated coolly.
"That's comforting," Hermione thought.
But to her surprise, the rope broke at contact with her robes; although she wasn't there to witness it, for she fainted.
" Miss Granger, wake up!" Snape shouted, shaking her.
"Harry?" she moaned.
"Do I look like Potter to you Miss Granger?! Snape shouted again, making her jump.
" I beg your pardon professor, I..."
"Oh, shut up. Once you start talking, you don't stop."
"Where is everybody?"
" The class was over ten minutes ago, but you fainted just as the potion took effect. Good news though, the potion worked. You're immune to any spell. I'd give you the antidote, but I think that the spell might come in handy. We don't want any…unfortunate accidents to occur, now do we? You may go." Hermione tried to say 'thanks', but Snape shut the door on her face.
Meanwhile Harry was practicing the Summoning Charm. He figured it might be useful for the Tournament, just as Hermione had hinted out. He had begun conjuring up small things and so far, it had worked out greatly. The only problem was, he had run out of things to conjure within the small classroom.
"Let's see. What else? Accio..." he began twirling his wand.
It was then that he saw Hermione passing by with her usual amount of books, and instantly remembered that she had fainted in Potions. He had tried to stay with her, but Snape hadn't allowed it; stating that he could survive a few minutes without the insufferable know it all he called his friend. He would've argue back, but before he knew it, he had been shooed out of the classroom.
" Hermione!" he called her, without remembering he had pronounced 'Accio' first.
"Harry, what? Whoa!"
As a result, his best friend literally went flying into his arms, dropping her books on the way. But in trying to catch her, Harry tripped and fell on top of her.
"Hermione, I'm so..." he proceeded to apologize immediately, but his voice left him as he really caught sight of the soft body underneath his. She looked so beautiful, so perfect, just like she always did. Hold it! Trespassing again! But he couldn't help it, and the way her body felt against his...her tempting lips just seemed begging him to kiss them….
"Harry? Would you get up?" Hermione yelled suddenly, snapping Harry back to reality.. He immediately got up and offered his hand to her. She took it and stood up, before yelling some more, "What were you doing? You're supposed to conjure up small things, not human beings!"
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to It was an accident," now he apologized. She calmed down at seeing his embarrassed face.
"It's fine Harry, don't worry about it."
"How are you? You fainted and..."
"I noticed. So far, so good. Let's go. We can make good use of our free period in the common room. See how well you domain the Summoning Charm."
Harry and Hermione strolled down the hallway while having a pleasant conversation, about books. Hermione had made him drop the Potions subject and by now, she was talking and he just listened. Unfortunately, a not so pleasant person intercepted them.
"Potter and Mudblood. Oh, and here comes Weasel too, how nice," Draco smirked with a sarcasm that only he could pull off. But, it was true; Ron was coming their way.
"Hey," he greeted them.
"Hello yourself," Draco replied back.
"I wasn't talking to..."
"Ron, don't. Let's go," Hermione cut him off. Ron quieted at her request, still glaring at Malfoy, who was not quite finished yet.
"Oh, Weasel does what Mudblood says. What's the matter Weasel, not man enough? Or is it that you pity Mudblood here?"
"Leave her alone Malfoy!" Harry interrupted.
"Potty too, how nice. Big problem you got here Mudblood. Two admirers. How to pick one?"
"Go away Malfoy. If you don't want to display your abilities as a ferret one more time," Hermione answered coolly.
"You know Mudblood, I could do a spell that could help you decide. It makes you like your best friend, and quite a few things more. What do you say?" Draco sneered.
"You wouldn't dare," Ron said determinately, but Harry knew better than to mess with Draco.
"Ron, shut..."
"Amonrae!" Draco shouted. Sparks flew from his wand and crashed onto Hermione's body, who landed on the floor.
"Malfoy you..." Harry wanted to punch him, just knock the living daylights out of him, but Draco had other plans.
"Uh, uh, uh, I'd be worried about Mudblood if I were you Potter," Draco said, turning around and leaving while grinning triumphantly. This would undoubtedly be amusing.
"Hermione! Get away Ron! I mean, back up a little! Let her breathe!" Harry snapped desperately, settling himself at Hermione's left side and taking her hand while Ron went to the right side.
"Harry?" She looked at him, her eyes still a little lost from the abrupt fall.
"Hermione, are you all right?" Harry asked her with concern, getting her on her feet.
"I'm fine. I didn't feel a thing," she affirmed, "Don't worry."
"Are you sure? I'll take you to Madam Pomfrey," Harry offered, trying to lift her into his arms.
"Don't bother Harry, I'm fine."
"Are you really sure?"
"Yes! Let's go to the common room, " Hermione suggested.
"We can practice later. You go rest, just in case," Harry replied.
"You're sure?" Hermione asked. “I can still help you practice.”
"Positive. You go rest. I'll take you if you want."
"No, I'll take you," Ron insisted.
"That's not necessary. I'll go myself. I'll see you." Hermione took off, unworried.
After all, Snape had given her a protection potion. But would it work? So far, she didn't feel a thing, but the real question would be: would she allow it to work?
A/N: See? I kept my promise! Because I love all you guys! You make my world go round! Now, I won't be able to update this fast often, I'm going away to College next week, but I'll try to be efficient. Thanks for the wonderful reviews, the make my day! I answered them all! Keep them coming! Enjoy!
Chapter 9: Just for Fun
“'Erm? Aren't you supposed to be wiz `Arry now?” Fleur asked, frankly getting a little worried. It was not like Hermione to skip commitments, she thought, putting a black sweater on.
“I am, but Harry sent me right back here. He said I need to rest,” Hermione answered, and Fleur couldn't help but notice a hint of sarcasm in her voice that made her frown. Since when did Hermione use sarcasm?
“Sorry? `Ermione, are you all right?”
“Oh fine,” Hermione dismissed Fleur's worry with a wave of her hand, before glancing at her,” Fleur, what does the Amonrae spell do?” she said while flipping through as many books as she had, which was a lot. “It isn't in my books.” Now that was strange.
“Amonrae? Itz quite `ze spell really. Itz supposed to make you like, no `zat's not ze right word, INFATUATE, yes `zat sounds better, yourself wiz your best friend, but it also can turn you into a whole different person. Take you for example, even if you were attracted to someone, you'd never tell `im. In contrast, `ze spell would make you `zrow yourself at `im. Put it `zis way, you'd never rest until you `ad slept wiz `im,” Fleur explained, while she finished putting her baby blue cloak around her shoulders. “Pretty advanced magic, `zat one. `Zat's why it isn't found in just any book. You have to know where to look, plus, the ministry doesn't approve of it.”
“Really?” asked Hermione, playing with one curl of her hair, “Why?”
“It gives you power if you know `ow to play your cards right, plus you aren't yourself, which can be dangerous for `ze person under `ze spell as well as `ze best friend whom `ze person is, letz just say, stalking. Anyway, why so curious?” Fleur knew Hermione was all about asking questions, but her favorite subject was Arithmancy, not Charms. Plus, why this spell?
“Oh, no reason. I just think it's time to change things a bit, that's all.”
“Pardon me? `Ermione, what's gotten into you?”
“Oh, nothing. Let's just say I'd got tired of playing `insufferable know it all Granger'.”
“What?” By now, Fleur was getting just a little scared to say the least.
“You know how Harry always comes to me in times of crisis? `Hermione, this, Hermione, that, I don't know how to do this, help me do that'.”
“'Erm, `zat's what friends are for.”
“Yes, but he never sees me as anybody else but Geeky Granger , who lives inside a book. He always puts me in second place, looks for me only when he needs help with something. Ron, Elizabeth, and Quidditch always come first. What about me? What about what I want? He thinks I don't notice that he takes me for granted.”
“ You may `ave a point `zere, but neverzeless 'Ermione, what do you expect `e'll see you as? You're `is friend, not `is love interest. Wait a minute! Are you under `zat spell? You are, aren't you?”
“See, that's what he thinks. Malfoy shot the spell at me, but Snape made me drink a protective potion this morning, so I'm immune to spells,” Hermione answered with a naughty smile.
“Well, what are you waiting for `zen? Tell `im!”
“'Ermione, what exactly are you up to? `Zis isn't right.” Fleur was getting more worried by the minute.
“Come on Fleur, where's your sense of fun? I just want to make him sweat a
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh, you know. He feels so comfortable with me because he knows I always save his ass. I just want to make him think twice.”
“'Ermione, `zat wouldn't be wise…”
“Can I borrow your clothes?”
“Sure, but…”
“Thanks Fleur. I'll take good care of them.”
“'Ermione, please `zink about `zis. Zis isn't a wise plan to carry out. `Zese `zings always go wrong.”
“I want to laugh a little. I haven't done that in months. Nothing more, just fun. And who knows? Maybe I'll get an apology out of him. Enough about me, where are you going?” Hermione noticed the cloak on Fleur's shoulders.
“I'm riding my unicorn.”
“You have one? Wow!”
“Oui. `Er name is Artemise. You're welcome to ride `er if you want.”
“Thanks. But I'll take a rain check.”
“Ermione, do `zink about `zis. Ze spell doesn't work `zat way, you always end up…”
“See you in a while Fleur.” Hermione went to take a shower as well as to add the final touches of her plan.
“ REALLY falling for your friend,” Fleur sighed, opening the door.
A/N: Hey guys! I'm back! Actually, I added chapter 11 here on advise from Madhu893…I'm sorry about this…didn't know. Anyway, more thrill for you guys! Now, keep in mind that this is the last chappie before I'm off to College, so you'll have to wait a while for the next! Sorry! Review please! And thanks Madhu893!
Chapter 10: Surprise
“Artemise, lever!” Fleur commanded her unicorn to get up, of course, in her native language. The unicorn neighed and started to jump, telling Fleur to take her out. Fleur took her by her reigns and mounted her. “Artemise, accélérer,” Fleur commanded, telling her to quick the pace.
Artemise jumped and settled in her front paws, neighed and was about to run, when Fleur
pulled her reigns
“Arreté,” Fleur ordered her to stop momentarily.
The unicorn did as told and settled quietly, while Fleur got down from it looking in the
distance. She tossed her hair and went towards the owlery, taking Artemise by the reigns. She smiled as she arrived. Precisely who she wanted to see tonight.
“Oliver?” .
“Fleur! What are you doing here at this hour?” he asked, settling his owl in his nest, after he practically flew from the fright she had given him.
“I was going to ride my unicorn. Want to join me?” she purred
“I don't think that would be appropriate. Besides, you should get to bed. It's cold and dark, you don't want to catch the flu.”
“Oh, come on Oliver. Where's your sense of adventure? Besides, tomorrow is a
free day. Why waste `ze night? My unicorn needs exercise,” she answered, petting Artemise. “She just arrived from France. Come wiz us. I `aven't seen you since `ze dance.”
“That was yesterday,” he said, fixing his cloak as the night was getting colder.
“ Yesterday, not today. Come on! Give me a tour of England,” she dared him.
“ Fine, but only because I don't think you should be alone at this hours.”
“'Ow protective of you,” Fleur replied seductively, mounting her unicorn.
Oliver went and settled behind her ,clearing his throat. He wasn't used to this kind of closeness.
“ `Old on to me,” Fleur commanded.
“Pardon me?' Oliver was puzzled.
“She kind of likes to go fast, so I'd `old on, unless you want to end like Roger Davies," she laughed.
“Wait a minute, I thought Roger had been in…” Oliver started to say, but couldn't continue.
“Accélerér!” Fleur shouted, and Artemise ran off faster than lightning, making him
hold on to Fleur strongly by her waist.
It was cold to be sure, but it was a beautiful night, so Fleur enjoyed the ride. She loved to ride her unicorn. It made her feel like she was flying. Oliver, on the other hand, couldn't stop sweating. He wasn't use to be this close to Fleur, not to mention he didn't trust her dear pet.
They were riding fast against the wind and he could feel Fleur's hair blowing against his skin, smelling her rose scent. It wasn't a while before he began to have trouble breathing. What was wrong with him? He hardly knew her. Yet, she was so beautiful that…
“Whoa!” he exclaimed, while Fleur pulled Artemise to a stop.
His body crashed into Fleur's. At this, Fleur smiled and sighed, turning around to look at him. She immediately noticed his sweatiness and strange demeanor. .
“What's wrong Oliver? You look like you saw a ghost. Are you afraid of me?” she asked, caressing his face seductively.
“Your unicorn, more likely,” he stammered, breathing hard. Her caress had made his heart beat faster. Knock it off!
“Zat can soon be fixed,” she said, dismounting from her pet.
“What are you doing? We're in the middle of nowhere!”
“ You're going to take `er reigns from `ere back to `Ogwarts. Is `zat good for you?”
“Oh, come on Oliver. Don't tell me you're really afraid of my Artemise,” Fleur laughed.
“I didn't say that.”
“Well `zen, impress me wiz your bravery.”
She went to Artemise and whispered some words in French. Then, she took Oliver's hand and settled behind him, holding him tightly by his waist.
Oliver kicked Artemise. The unicorn neighed and began to trot as fast as lightning once more. He had to admit, it wasn't that bad.
That was until Fleur settled her head against his back and moved her arms to his chest. Then, he really couldn't concentrate on the way. He just couldn't keep his mind off her…
“Stop it!” his mind told him. He even kicked Artemise again to quick the pace even more.
Before he knew it, they were back on the school grounds, well after midnight. Oliver pulled at Artemise's reigns and settled her. But Fleur didn't move.
“Hey, Fleur, we're here,” he informed, brushing one of her hands. She grasped his strongly and moaned. “Fleur, wake up.” Oliver turned around to face her.
As a result, she fell in his arms, opening her eyes sleepily.
“Oliver? What?”
But he didn't reply. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted to kiss her right here and now.
“Oliver?” She smiled, noticing how he was still as a stone, his eyes fixed on her. “ You know, you could try kissing me Wood. I know you want to.”
“What?!” He literally fell off the unicorn, which looked at him pitifully,
“Oy vey,” Fleur protested, passing a hand through her face. “Oliver! Are you all
right?” She dismounted Artemise and kneeled on the floor.
Oliver jumped at the sight of her closeness to his embrace.
“I'm fine! Just…eh, technical problems,” he stammered, rubbing his back.
“Backache?” Fleur stood up.
“Me? Backache? No, no, no way,” he assured her.
“You're sure? Because if you `ave one, I could surely make you feel better,” she
whispered, stroking his shoulder.
“No! I mean, don't worry. I'm sure I can manage. Besides, you should get to bed. It's a quarter to 2:00.”
“But I'm not tired.” She got closer to him.
“But I am!” he exclaimed, literally running away from her.
“Why don't you relax around me Oliver? I promise I won't kill you.”
“Sure you won't. But I…have to go. Need help with your unicorn?”
“I'm sure I can handle `er. But you're welcome to stay.”
“ Oh well, good night then. See you Artemise,” he said, petting the unicorn.
At this gesture, Fleur put her hand on top of his and started to caress it. But Oliver removed it in a flash, gave her a thin smile, and ran off.
Fleur put Artemise to sleep and was left alone with her thoughts. She wanted Oliver, and she would have him if it were the last thing that she did. No man had ever refused her and Oliver wasn't going to be the exception He was going to be hers.
“Fleur! Fleur!" Hermione shouted, opening the curtains as the morning sunshine swept across Fleur's face.
" Stop shouting," Fleur whined, putting the bed sheets against her face.
"Fleur, wake up! It's ten o'clock!"
"So it is. Now go away," Fleur protested
"What?" she whined again, yawning while lazily opening her eyes. But at the sight of Hermione, or rather what had become of her, she jumped, every trace of tiredness leaving her body. "'Ermione, what 'ze 'ell? Is 'zat..."
"I look good then? Very well, ciao."
"'Ermione, you're not going anywhere dressed like 'zat! 'Zat's my job!"
"But you said I could borrow your clothes."
"Yes, but..."
"Then I will." Hermione smiled, suddenly noticing Fleur's puffy eyes, "What's wrong with you? Did you sleep well?"
"I actually didn't sleep. I rode Artemise until late."
" But it was dark..."
"Oliver rode wiz me."
"Oh, I see. Wait! Did you...?"
"No. It just so 'appens 'zat 'e's afraid of me."
"Cut him some slack Fleur. He's never been with a girl before."
"Well, don't you 'zink itz about time for 'im to change 'zat? No matter. I will 'ave 'imsoon enough."
Hermione would've talked Fleur out of this, but she was too excited about today's 'play' to give her new friend's matters any attention whatsoever.
"Good for you. I'll see you later. Wish me luck." Hermione smiled once more and ran off.
"Actually, it's 'Arry who needs 'ze luck," Fleur muttered to herself, suddenly wondering why Hermione had chosen Harry to be the… victim and not Ron. She smiled as she came up with just the right answer.
"What do I have to do to impress her Harry?" Ron screamed at his friend.
Harry spilled his pumpkin juice and looked at him, still nervous Truth was, he had been deeply lost in thought about matters that concerned a certain bushy haired girl, which he wasn't keen to discuss at the moment.
"I'm sorry, what did you say Ron?" he asked apologetically.
"What do I have to do to make Hermione mine?! I'm desperate!" Harry strangely flinched at that statement, all the hunger he had was gone now...again.
"I don't know just..."
"Hey there," Hermione appeared out of nowhere and put her arms around Harry.
Harry was surprised at this gesture and turned around to look at her. Wrong move. He literally jumped from his seat the minute he set eyes on her while Ron was as still as a stone, just staring at her. She was dressed in a short black skirt and a low cut burgundy colored blouse. Her hair was combed to her shoulders and she was wearing makeup. Due to the shortness of her skirt, Harry could see every single curve of her body. Suffice to say, she looked breathtaking.
"What? You like what you see?" Hermione smiled in an un-Hermione sort of way, or so .it seemed to Harry and her statement…what the…
"Hermione...you..." Harry couldn't stop stammering.
"I'll take that as a yes," she whispered, passing her hand through his chest.
"Hermione! Why, you look H O T ! Hot!" Ron exclaimed, standing up and walking towards her.But she held her hand up to stop him and said in a rather degrading tone, once again, very un-Hermione like:
"Save it Ronald. So Harry," she continued, her eyes never leaving his own, "Meet me at the common room in five. We need to...practice a few things," she said, giving a seductive look before taking her leave, moving her hips as she did so.
" Why you? What do you have that I don't?" Ron protested.
But Harry didn't want to know. It was true, he couldn't stop staring at her. But what had gotten into her? She wasn't like this. Then his mind figured it out. It had to be the spell!
A/N: Finally! I'm able to get out of the rush of College for 1 minute to get back to you guys! Sorry it took so long, but I've been very busy to say the least. Now bear with me; this story will be completed if you just give me time. Thanks for your reviews and please be patient while I answer all of them since time is gold for me now. Keep them coming! Sorry if this is short; I'll try and update as soon as I can. This is all H/Hr interaction, so here's for the insatiable H/Hr shippers!
Chapter 11: Seductive Flirting
“Harry Potter. Potter Harry,” Hermione said while playing with a lock of her hair as Harry entered the common room. To Harry, she looked more beautiful than ever, but his mind snapped out of it when the word spell came to mind.
“Yeah… hi,” he couldn't help but stutter, “Um, where is everybody?” he asked as he saw that the common room was dead empty.
“Away. I made sure that the common room was deserted, so we could practice.”
“Practice?” he gulped again. That tone she was using…
“Of course. The “Accio” summon. That's what you wanted to work on yesterday wasn't it?” she
inquired calmly, giving him a small wink in the process.
“Yeah, that. Right.” He cleared his throat, never taking his eyes off her.
“Harry, take out your wand.”
“Wand! Here it is!” Harry exclaimed, showing her his unpolished wand.
“Good boy. Now what do you say we practice a little bit?”
“Sure. What do I summon?”
“Take what you want,” she answered, getting closer to him once more.
“Uh… Hermione, are you sure you're all right?” Again that tone that made his blood rush…elsewhere. Of course she wasn't well; but frankly, he didn't know what else to say.
“Fit as a fiddle. Why? You want to check me?”
“Ahem! Accio-book!” he summoned, trying to get one of her books, but as a result of being too nervous, he only succeeded on getting the book to the floor.
“Tsk, tsk,” Hermione protested, “Pitiful. Didn't you practice? I thought I told you to do so.”
“I did. I'm just having some, wand problems.”
“Really? Let me help you then,” she said, getting behind him. She put her left hand on his stomach, making him stop breathing, and grasped his wand hand with her right.
“`Mione, what are you doing?” Harry couldn't help but squeak. Truth was, she was a little too close for his comfort.
“Would you stay still? I can't concentrate if you move.”
At her command, Harry stayed as still as a stone, his heart already on his throat.
“Move your hand with me.” Hermione twirled both their hands, getting partial control of Harry's wand. “Accio book!”
The book started coming towards them, but before it came to her, she broke away from Harry's embrace. As a result, the book ended up hitting him squarely on the forehead.
“Ouch!” Harry whined in protest.
“That proves just how concentrated you were Potter,” she said, walking around him.
“ Sorry? Although technically it wasn't my fault!”
“Oh? Pottie can't concentrate?”
« Pottie ? « Now this was going just a touch too far and Harry was beginning to…panic, to say the least. Oh, there would be no Draco Malfoy once he was through with him. « Hermione, listen to me, you…”
“If you are having problems concentrating, I can help you out,” Hermione assured him while putting her hands on his shoulders, stroking his tense muscles.
“Relax Harry, clear your mind,” she whispered while she continued to massage. The only problem was that Harry couldn't concentrate with her around, or specifically, that close to his body. “Stop tensing your muscles!”
“I can't help it!”
“I see. Why is that?” she asked, crossing her arms.
“Because you aren't yourself Hermione! Stop it! Stop the spell!” he exclaimed desperately. It was the only thin he could think off. She was supposed to be the smart one, he just couldn't figure this one on his own.
“Whatever are you talking about Harry?” Hermione asked in an innocent tone.
“Forget it. Professor Snape has to have the antidote. You're coming with me.”
“Oh am I? Where may I ask are we going?” she said in a tone that was both playful, and sensual and notice Harry's body tense even more.
Harry couldn't hear any more, this was more than he could take in one day. Frankly, he preferred to face 1O Voldemorts in one day than a very frisky and tempting Hermione (Scratch that! You're not supposed to be thinking of your best friend in that way! She's under a spell! Wait! Does that mean you're her best friend more than Ron? Stop! Focus!) He couldn't think of anything more to do, so he preferred to deal with professor Snape as long as he could bring his best friend back. So, he took her hand and strolled her behind him.
Hermione couldn't stop laughing inside. He was buying every word and she was having the fun of a lifetime, so far.
A/N: Well, here is the other chapter if only because of your reviews and that I want to take my mind off studies. I hope you enjoy it and don't hesitate to review. The climax is approaching…ooh, I'm dying of suspense! `Till next time!
Chapter 13: Figuring it out
“Dobby, bring me some coffee, will you?” asked an exhausted Oliver.
“But Master Wood hates coffee,” Dobby pointed out.
“Coffee!” he exclaimed, scaring the house elf.
“Right away, Master Wood,” the elf bowed and retired.
Oliver buried himself in his chair. He hadn't slept at all. But last night had been so…
“Don't, don't, don't!” he told himself, pounding his head against his desk.
Simultaneously, a head pocked into the fireplace, scaring the living daylights out of the ex-Quidditch captain.
“Wake up Wood!” .
“Professor Snape? What?” Oliver inquired once the fright had subsided.
“Madame Hooch has just informed me that one of the Quidditch hoops is broken. She wanted to see if you could repair it. Since you don't have anything more to do than to hang out in your office,” he said sarcastically.
Snape disappeared shortly. Dressed up in jeans and a gray sweater, Oliver exited from his office just when Dobby was bringing the coffee.
“Your coffee, Master Wood,” the elf said.
“Ugh! Throw that away. It makes me nauseous,” Oliver contradicted and went his way, leaving the house-elf quite confused.
Oliver adjusted his cloak as the cold wind came in contact with his skin. The temperature had dropped quite a bit; due to the fact that Christmas was coming. He went to the Quidditch field, only to find that the hoops were up and standing, their features impeccable.
“What the…”
“Going somewhere?”
Oliver turned around to find Fleur leaned against one of the hoops. She looked breathtaking. She had black jeans and a magenta sweater, accompanied by her baby blue cloak. Her hair was brushed smoothly to her waist.
“But wasn't this…”
“It takes me by surprise `ow many `zings one can do wiz a twirl of one's wand,” Fleur said seductively, twirling her own wand.
“You fixed it?”
“I did. Going to do somezing about it?”
“You know, I `ave learned some ozer amazing tricks wiz my wand too. Want to see?”
“Pardon me?”
“Oui, like `ze Accio summon. It allows anyzing I want to come to me. I'm really anxious to test it,” Fleur smiled, staring at him.
“Wait a minute, you're not…”
“Accio Oliver!”
At Fleur's command, Oliver literally flew to her, making her land on the grass, her arms locked around his neck.
“Uh, Fleur…” Oliver stammered.
“My, my; I didn't realize it could work so well,” she whispered, looking at him.
“Fleur, let go…”
“`Ad fun last night. But it was quite cold, wouldn't you say?”
“Sure, but…”
“Kind of like `ze grass beneaz me. You `zink you could do somezing about it?” she asked him seductively, passing her hand through his chest.
“Sure! No problem! I'll just stand up and then, I'll help you get up, so we can…”
“Not quite what I `ad in mind.”
“Shut up and kiss me Oliver,” Fleur whispered, putting her arms around his neck again to bring him closer and brushing her lips against his.
He returned the kiss instantaneously, caressing her face while the kiss deepened. He just didn't want to let go of her. Fleur didn't mind this. After all, wands had to be good for something, right?
“Harry, would you let go?” Hermione sighed, exasperated.
“Not until we get you that antidote!” he spat back.
Harry was out of himself, taking solace only in the fact that he would beat Draco to a bloody pulp once this was over. Hermione was driving him nuts, or rather, was driving little Harry nuts. She was so seductively beautiful….No! This wasn't the
Hermione he knew and he wasn't going to rest until he had gotten his old friend back.
“Harry! And where are you two going?” Just what Harry needed; Ron intercepting them. “Hermione, just the woman I wanted to see,” Ron affirmed, trying to caress her shoulder, which she got out of his grasp before his fingers got a chance to even get close to it.
“Ronald, don't you have something better to do?” she asked angrily. Suddenly she sounded like herself again.
“Is that an invitation?” Ron inquired with a twinge of excitement.
“Ron! Do yourself a favor and do not rage your hormones in front of me,” Hermione responded distantly.
“We were going now. Excuse us,” Harry tried to avoid him politely. He was afraid that Hermione would kill his friend anytime now.
“Where are you heading?” Ron asked casually.
“That's kind of personal,” Hermione replied, taking Harry's arm.
“Snape's classroom. Antidote,” Harry answered, clearing his throat and trying to get some distance between him and his bushy haired friend.
“Oh Harry, where's your sense of fun?” Hermione said seductively.
“I can take her. Snape doesn't like you very much,” Ron offered while staring at Hermione intently, almost lustily, Harry would say.
“Funny. He doesn't seem to like you either,” Hermione replied distantly once more.
“He likes you least of all Hermione, so don't start talking,” Ron pointed
“That's why I'm not going,” Hermione affirmed, smiling.
“Oh yes you are! If it's the last thing I do,” said a determined Harry.
“Is that really the last thing you would want to do with me? Think about it,” she went back to the seductive tone.
“Oy vey,” Harry protested. This was getting a little out of hand.
“I'll come…” started Ron.
“No you won't…” argued Hermione.
“What? You can't bear to see me because you're into me?” Ron asked.
“In your dreams Weasley!”
Harry tried to interfere, but it only caused Ron to begin arguing with him instead, neither of them paying any attention to Hermione whatsoever. Not wasting this opportunity, Hermione tiptoed and got out of their sight.
She didn't like when her friends argued, mind you, about her. But she was still having the time of her life, or so she thought.
She caught sight of Oliver and Fleur while heading into the hallway. It would had looked normal, if it wasn't for the tiny fact that they were never together, due to Oliver's excess nervousness around her and that they were…holding hands? And that was not all. She was resting her head on his shoulder while they smiled and talked in whispered voices.
“Hey, you two,” Hermione smiled at them.
“ `Ey you,” Fleur greeted her, never taking her head off Oliver's shoulder.
“Herm, what's with the clothes?” Oliver asked, mildly surprised.
“Oh, I just decided to dress up,” Hermione replied
“That's dressing up?” Oliver asked.
“I'll explain later,” Fleur, said to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend. She liked the sound
of that .
“I'll see you guys in a while. Getting away from Harry there,” Hermione grinned again.
“Are you sure `zat's what you want to do?” Fleur asked in sarcasm, but a mildly concerned tone could also be detected on the Veela's voice.
“Look who's talking. So Oliver, she finally got you?” Hermione asked mischievously.
“Go away,” he smiled.
Hermione returned the gesture and went her way. As for Oliver and Fleur, they intercepted Ron and Harry, who were now arguing because Hermione had gotten away.
“Look what you did!” Harry shouted.
“I did? You were the one who…”
“Yeah right…”
“Guys!” Fleur interrupted, “Problem?”
“Hermione. She's under a spell and we don't know how to get it out of her!” Harry complained.
“Amonrae?” Fleur asked. Harry nodded.
“What's that?” asked Oliver, estranged.
“ `Arry, let's talk,” Fleur instructed
“If it's about Hermione, I want to hear it,” Ron protested.
“Excuse us `oney,” Fleur requested to a confused-looking Oliver.
“Fine, but only because I have a Quidditch book I want to read,” Oliver answered. Fleur put her arms around his neck and got closer to him. Only this time he wasn't so nervous. She gave her a breathtaking kiss and smiled.
“I'll catch you later,” she whispered.
“Can't wait,” he answered, gave her another kiss and left, taking Ron with him, who was muttering protests.
“Come wiz me,” Fleur eyed Harry without a twinge of amusement on her face as they made their way toward the Gryffindor Tower.
Chapter 13: Shocking Information
Harry and Fleur sat down in the common room. While Harry was both nervous and apprehensive in regards to what this had to do with getting his best friend back, he was more nervous just looking at Fleur's expression. It was guarded, not even a twinge of amusement. It made him think that the Veela part of her would explode any minute.
“What?” he dared to ask.
“Are you sure `Ermione is under `zat spell?” Fleur inquired, although she already knew the answer to that. Perhaps by some miracle, Harry wouldn't be so clueless?
“You mean you haven't noticed anything different about her?” Fleur sighed. Who was she kidding?
“Yes I `ave, but…”
“Well! You know how the spell goes. Question is…how do I reverse it?”
“Zere is no antidote, `Arry.”
“What?! That can't be, that…”
“ `Owever, zere is a remedy.”
“There is? Well, what is it?”
“I assume she's `itting on you. So, `zat means you're `er best friend,” Fleur tried to keep her voice steady. She hated lying to Harry; he seemed so naïve at the moment, but this was a lesson Hermione had to learn.
“It could be Ron.”
“Cut `ze crap `Arry. She `ates Ron. I'm not surprised zough. Well, in `zat case, you…”
“What? What do I do?”
“ `Arry, put it `zis way. She won't rest until she sleeps wiz you.”
“Pardon me?”
“Itz true. Zat's a very used spell all over Beauxbatons, so I zink I know. All I'm saying is `zat once she sleeps wiz you, `ze spell ceases to exist.”
“So I have to sleep with her to reverse the spell, is that it?”
“Mm,” Hermione moaned.
She opened her eyes to find herself on top of Harry's chest, who was stroking her hair with an adorable smile on his face if she did say so herself. Once their eyes met, her lips were greeted with a passionate kiss.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he whispered, his lips moving to her neck.
Hermione sighed, taking his hand in hers and continued resting her head on his muscular chest. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her forehead.
“Comfortable?” he asked.
“Very,” she giggled.
“Plans today?”
“Enjoying your company,” she answered, kissing his chest.
Harry turned over, getting on top of her and cupped her face, kissing her intensively. She responded with the same intensity, putting her arms around his neck. She loved the feeling of his arms all around her, his caresses….
“I love it when you're mine, `Mione,” he whispered, attacking her neck once more.
“Well Harry, I'm here with you, and I'm planning to stay that way,” she breathed.
“I love you `Mione.” Harry claimed her lips once more.
“Oh Harry…”
“Holly hell!” Hermione jumped from bed like she had seen Voldemort without his cloak, unaware that she was being watched.
“Good morning,” Fleur greeted her, brushing her hair.
“Wait a minute, what time is it?” Hermione asked, not bothering to greet her friend back.
“ Did you ave a bad dream?” Fleur grinned. Hermione squeaked, but didn't speak.
What did you think? The only bad part was I had to wake up. Stop it!
“Oh Harry?” Fleur quoted her. “Zat's sweet Erm.”
“You heard?”
“Crookshanks `eard too.” Hermione turned to find her cat happily asleep, “Oopsy, I guess not.”
“Yeah well, it was just a dream. Excuse me.” Hermione got up, crabbing her clothes and making her way to the shower, but Fleur's words held her still to her spot.
“Are you sure?”
“What are you implying?” Hermione asked, but didn't face her.
“You tell me. Ze way I see it, you can't look at me because you're red as a tomato and
your eyes are sparkling, am I right?” Hermione didn't answer. Instead, she took her robe and entered the bathroom. “Oh, and don't forget `ze cold shower!”
“Go to hell!”
“Come wiz me!”
“Hate you!”
“Tell `zat to Harry!” That definitely shut Hermione up.
She came out of the bathroom when Fleur had already left. She put on lilac robes and performed a drying spell on her hair, combing it into a ponytail. She finalized her routine with a look at herself in the mirror, noticing her heart was still pounding hard and fast.
“Stop it! This is Harry, damn it! Stupid, idiot, imbecile, Potter! “ But as her mouth pronounced Harry's name, butterflies formed in her stomach and her heart pounded even faster as her mind formed the thought that had been eating her heart out. Who will notice me if I get my way.” “Relax!” she commanded herself, dismissing the obscene image from her mind and picking her books.
She wasn't hungry, so she figured to just grab a pumpkin juice and head to the library. She opened the door, ready to leave…
“Good morning Hermione.”
Hermione instantly jumped and dropped her books at the mention of her name. Once the fright passed, her gaze crossed with a pair of emerald green eyes. The ones she dreaded and longed to see at the same time.
What is happening to me?
Well, wasn't the dream obvious?
Shut up!
“H…Harry, hello,” she cleared her throat, bending to pick her fallen books.
“I'll get them,” Harry offered.
“No you won't! I mean, no thank you,” she said as casually as she could.
“You okay?”
“Fine. You wanted something?”
“Actually, Dumbledore wants us to see him at his office tonight. You do remember where it is, don't you?”
“South passage at the Astronomy Tower.”
“9:00 p/m?” Hermione's eyes widened. Being with Harry at night in the Astronomy Tower…
“Of course.”
“Okay then,” Hermione squeaked. She noticed that Harry didn't move his eyes off her. “What? Is there something in my clothes?”
“No, nothing. I'll see you in a while.” Hermione cleared her throat once more and gave him a thin smile, making her way through the hallway. Once she was out of sight, Harry finished his sentence, “ In your room.”
“The first task is next week, so those dragons have to be here by then, you got that?” Oliver requested, filling some parchments.
“No problem Oliver,” answered a happy Hagrid.
“I knew I could count on you Hagrid,” Oliver smiled broadly.
“What's with you? You won a Quidditch game?”
“Oh? No, why?”
“You never smile. And you never wear black robes, unless we make you do it.”
“My girlfriend likes them.”
“What? Girlfriend? Have I died and gone to paradise?” Hagrid gave him an amused look.
“ No such luck,” Oliver grinned again, patting Hagrid on the shoulder. “I'll tell you later. Have to go.” He picked up some books, a parchment, and a dozen of red roses while he made his way for the door.
“Who's the lucky girl?” Hagrid asked.
“Fleur,” he said, closing the door.
“Fleur? As in the French?” Hagrid thought. That was weird to be sure. But he didn't care as long as Oliver was happy.
“Artemise, stay still!” Fleur commanded, putting the reigns on her unicorn, or trying more likely, but Artemise kept on neighing. “What's wiz you?” Fleur asked, but then, hands seized her waist as a very familiar pair of lips gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I see your point,” Fleur smiled to her unicorn, turning around and placing her arms around Oliver's neck. “I `zink she `as taken a liking to you.”
“Can't blame her. I'm irresistible,” Oliver grinned.
“Ey!” Fleur hit him playfully.
“Wait! You didn't let me finish. But I'm just yours.”
“Good boy,” Fleur whispered, kissing him passionately. He took hold of her by her hips and pulled her closer against him. But Artemise neighed once again, making them stop. “I `zink she wants you to ride her.”
“Yeah, well, it'll have to be later. Have to take care of some Tournament business first. But I promise I'll make it up to you,” Oliver whispered, kissing her neck.
“You better. Don't make any plans for tonight.”
“Yeah? Why is that?” Oliver grinned maliciously.
“Figure it out,” she responded, taking him by his robes and giving him another breathtaking kiss before mounting her unicorn and taking off.
Oliver sighed. For the first time, he really loved someone. He smiled as he noticed that the roses were in still in his hands. He had to stop by her room anyway, right?
Harry was sitting in his bed, his face buried in his hands while Hedwig was pecking his cheek.
“What do I do, Hedwig?” he whined. Hedwig screeched her reply. “Yeah, I know it's the only way to remove the spell, but what if…”
“Harry!” Ron appeared, making him close his mouth instantly.
“Hi Ron,” Harry greeted him gloomily.
“What's with your mood?”
“Bad sleep.”
“What a shame. So, figure anything out on Hermione?”
“What makes you think I have?” Harry tensed up suddenly.
“I'm just asking.”
At this statement, Hedwig screeched and pointed her beak at the clock.
“Sorry, I have to go Ron, “Harry said in an exasperated tone, fixing his robes and putting his cloak on.
“Where are you going?”
“I'll see you later,” Harry answered and gulped. He was off to the Astronomy Tower.
“Is that understood?” Dumbledore asked. Hermione and Harry looked at him. They couldn't keep themselves still in their chairs, both drowned in their own thoughts as to pay any attention whatsoever. “Hermione?”
“Um? Oh, yes. Got it,” she affirmed.
“Harry?” Dumbledore asked again. Harry jumped from his seat.
“I'm just asking…”
“Oh, sure professor, I got it.”
“That will be all,” Dumbledore finished. Hermione got up in a flash and left. Harry
cleared his throat and was about to follow when he was stopped. “Harry?”
“Yes Professor?”
“Is everything all right?”
“Fine. Absolutely great.”
He got out to find out that Hermione had already disappeared He sighed and made his way downstairs. He knew what he had to do. And if he had been paying attention to details instead of little Harry's mission, he would have noticed that Hermione didn't seem like herself when influenced with the spell today.
A/N: Sorry! But I'll update soon! Cliffies are the only way to keep you reading! Thank you for your wonderful reviews! You keep me going; you guys are so nice! I answered them, so check it out! `Till next time!
Okay, here's the chapter you all been waiting for. Although the real fun comes afterwards. Somebody asked me if this shouldn't be higher; well, I am not that graphic. I just imply, so it is still safe PG-13. Sorry if that disappoints some of you, but I prefer to work on the real plot instead that on PWP. Thanks for the reviews, and I'll do my best to reply this week; I just thought you would prefer an update more than an answer.
Keep them coming!
Chapter 14: Reversing the Spell
“Fleur?” Oliver asked, clearly amused.
He had just gotten out of the bathroom in his burgundy colored robe, to find the heater already turned on, and just one lamp illuminating his room; the one that was next to bed. He found his breathtaking girlfriend settled there, sitting in his very own bed, which was already prepared for his good night's sleep. But what turned him the most was her position. She was just sitting there, her back against a pillow, dressed in a black nightgown, her hair brushed to her waist.
“Finally `ere?” she smiled and stopped filing her nails.
“Wow,” was the only statement that his moth could form at the moment.
“I couldn't help but notice `zat you do like what you see,” Fleur put her arms around his wet neck, “Still wet, I see. You'll be dry in a minute,” she whispered seductively, taking off his robe to reveal his black boxers, while kissing his chest.
He lifted her chin and kissed her intensively, taking her to his bed. She returned his kisses with equal amount of passion as turned off the lamp, making a path to her neck. From this moment on, she was just his.
“Harry? What are you doing here? It's after midnight. Did you lose something?” Hermione asked, unable to keep her voice steady. There was something in his eyes that she had never seen before, yet couldn't decipher.
She held Crookshanks in front of her, an automatic defense mechanism, while the feline hissed at Harry. Suffice to say, the orange cat had never liked Harry very much, for the simple fact that he never gave him his share of attention when he purred in the common room.
“I did. But I'm about to get it back,” he replied, getting closer to her. Hermione immediately backed away from the door, gesture which, Harry assumed, invited him in.
“Well, what did you lose?” Hermione squeaked. Things were getting more awkward by the minute. Not to mention, she didn't like the prospect of him seeing her in her pink bathrobe and cat slippers.
“Is Fleur here?” he asked casually, never taking his eyes off her.
“N…no. She's with Oliver. But…she could come back any minute,” she added hastily as she witnessed Harry's emerald green eyes darken. Or was it the light?
“ I don't think so. Two hours good enough for you?” he asked her as he began taking off his robes.
“For what?” she asked, putting more distance between them. Harry scoffed. Where was she going with this? Now she was playing hard to get?
“Don't start Hermione, let's just get it over with.” He stepped towards her once more.
“Get…what over with? Harry, what are you talking about? “she inquired
impatiently, putting the cat between them once again as she got cornered into a
wall trying maintain distance between her and her best friend's embrace.
“Get rid of the cat, `Mione,” he requested, taking Crookshanks and throwing him into the Head Girl's bathroom.
“Why? Harry, what's the matter with you?”
“You're certainly strange today,” he responded, trying to take her by her waist.
“I am? “ Harry just sighed and got her closer to him. “What are you doing?!”
“Didn't you say you wanted me? Well, now you can have me and you're complaining? What's with you now?” He started to take off his shirt.
“What? Harry, if this is about the spell…” she stammered.
“Strange how you're not throwing yourself at me like the last couple of days,” he said sarcastically, starting to take off the knits that tied her robe.
“Oh, no, no Harry. Listen, about the spell, I…”
“Shh,” Harry silenced her with a kiss, licking her lips teasingly, but sensually.
Hermione's heart pounded fast. She found out, that she did want him and her body automatically got closer to his. But her mind got in the way and she broke it faster than the speed of light.
“Harry, don't,” she breathed. She couldn't do this, not if he still believed she was under the spell. This was definitely not part of the plan. She just wanted to have fun. And it looked like the fun was over.
“Kiss me back, `Mione,” he commanded, taking her lips again.
She moaned, and her mouth opened in his, unable to refuse his tender assault. Her arms took him by his neck, her senses gone now. He accessed her neck, taking off her robe, and lifting her in his arms, her body hitting the softness of the bed.
“Just the spell, the spell, “his mind kept telling him, but Harry's thoughts had lost all reason.
Hermione was the only thing he cared about right this minute, and he found out, that he wanted her, despite the reasons behind this night.
Hermione succumbed to Harry's requests and responded passionately to his caresses, kissing him with intense passion. Just for the spell, he kept saying, but at the end, was this sole purpose really true?
Harry sighed as he opened his eyes in the middle of the dark night, to find Hermione on top of his chest, her arms still around his neck, fast asleep. He had her wrapped in his embrace and he could feel her every breath.
He looked at Hermione's bedside table watch. It was 4:00 a/m. He had been asleep at least an hour and a half after being there nearly four hours. He sighed again, remembering the events that had taken place in the last hours. He had slept with his best friend. But just to remove the spell, that was the one and only reason. He wouldn't do it ever again.
As he reminded himself this purpose, his heart still pounded fast; he had liked being by Hermione's side. She was so beautiful and the way she….
”Knock it off!” he told himself.
After all, it was just to remove the spell. In less than two hours, Hermione would wake up like her old self again, and they would be best friends once more, just friends. Well, what else was she supposed to be? She would never see him like that. Besides, Ron wanted her and he knew it. He was determined not to get between them. This was the first and last night that she would be his.
He took his arms away from her, and put her on her side of the bed, getting out of it in the process without waking her up. He put his clothes on and the covers on her. But before leaving, he couldn't resist giving her a kiss, even if it was on the cheek. Mind you, she didn't even notice. She just moaned and continued sleeping.
The night was over, time to get back to reality. He entered into his dorm and sank onto the bed, still dressed. Sleep wouldn't come to him though, for Hermione kept appearing in his thoughts.
Finally, he fell into a troubled sleep at 5:00 a/m. One hour later, Ron would wake him up.
Chapter 15: Back to Reality
“Mm,” Hermione moaned, stretching herself across the bed. Its blankets still had Harry's scent, so she automatically stretched her arm to touch him. “Harry?” She opened her eyes lazily, finding his side of the bed empty.
She took her time getting up, and found herself thinking about last night, about Harry. The way he had kissed her, his caresses…. How he had said that now she had him.
Hermione suddenly gasped, her mind playing back what Harry had said before taking her. He had been saying that he was estranged that she wasn't throwing herself at him. Why would she throw herself at him? Why had he slept with her in the first place? Did he love her? Then, it dawned on her.
“He thought I was under the spell! Oh, hell. Now, what will he think of me? “
“Oh, simple, that you're a b**** and a w****”, her mind answered her.
“He can't think of me like that!” she retorted.
“Oh really? Then why was he estranged that you were not throwing yourself at him? He did remind you that you wanted him; right before he said you would have him.”
Hermione felt like being swallowed from the magical world as she forced herself to get out of bed. Her mind did have a point. Then again, why else would Harry sleep with her? But most importantly, why did she care? The plan, after all, was supposed to be for fun. However, it was not supposed to end this way.
“Harry! Wake up!” Ron bellowed, throwing his books at him.
“ `Mione?” Harry moaned.
“Sorry?” Ron looked at him with a bemused expression. His friend was surely strange today. His hair was untidier than usual and his clothes were put on reverse. Not to mention, he was late for breakfast and that, to Ron, was a blasphemy. “Harry!”
“What!” Harry fell from his bed with a thud after jumping three feet high from his bed. He sighed when he found out it was just Ron. “Ron, what do you want?”
“You have class in 15 minutes!”
“Damn it!” Harry got up and ran to the shower as fast as his legs would carry him.
“I'll catch you at breakfast,” Ron excused himself and left.
Half a second later, Harry came out dressed in black pants and a mauve sweater. He put on his black robes and brushed his untidy hair, leaving it equally untidy and thus, giving up on the lost cause. He sighed once again, reaching up for his glasses.
“Where the hell are my glasses?” he cursed, his mind wandering about infinite places where he could have left them:
no, he never went there.
not that he knew of.
dining room…
no, he still had then on at the Astronomy tower last night.
Astronomy Tower!
No, he still had them when he had gone to Hermione's room.
Hermione had put them underneath her pillow a minute after they have landed on bed... Okay! No time for details. Point was, he had never retrieved them from that previos location, which meant Hermione still had them.
Oliver's eyes squinted at the morning sun, finally opening to find that Fleur was still asleep in his arms. He yawned and attempted to get up, keyword being attempted.
“Don't go,” Fleur pleaded, pulling him back to bed.
“Have to. I have an appointment with my coach today,” he explained, getting up this
“Quidditch, always Quidditch. What about me? What about my needs?” she protested, getting up and tossing her hair in her part-Veela manner.
Her subtle movement made his breath hitch on his chest. She looked absolutely beautiful. She noticed his demeanor change and smiled, getting closer to him and putting her arms around his neck.
“Merlin, you're beautiful,” Oliver whispered.
“I know,” Fleur whispered back, her lips taking a passionate journey through his mouth, but he broke the kiss in half a second.
“I'm going to go take a very cold shower,” he sighed, grinning.
“Really? Why don't you stay and kiss me instead?” she suggested seductively, planting soft kisses on his chest, but Oliver got away from her embrace and put his robe on.
“I have to go,” he reminded an upset Fleur who had crossed her arms and had a very
grim expression. Oliver did notice something. She looked even more beautiful angry.
“Sure, Quidditch! You never `ave time for me! Itz always Quidditch!” she barked.
“That's not true. I always have time for you,” Oliver got close to her, which succeeded in calming her down if only a bit. She leaned closer to him and was about to brush his lips, when he gave her a kiss on the forehead instead. “Except now.”
Hermione combed her hair to her shoulders after dressing for another school day and started to make the bed, which still had Harry's scent. Her mind told her that she ought to order her sheets changed, but at the end, she didn't really want to. She was putting her pillows in order just as Fleur came in.
“Hello,” Hermione answered, unable to keep nervousness out of her voice tone. If her friend only knew what had happened…
“What's wiz you?” Fleur asked, raising an eyebrow. There was something off about Hermione today, if only she could put her finger on it.
“Nothing! How was your night?”
“Good. I didn't sleep, but oh well,” Fleur smiled maliciously.
“Funny. Neither did I, “Hermione muttered to herself.
“Oh, nothing. I was just going,” she assured, taking her books.
“But your pillows are still a mess `Erm,” Fleur advanced towards her friend's bed.
“Oh, no, no, I'll do it!” Hermione exclaimed, throwing all her books to the floor in a haste to get to the forbidden territory. She wasn't too keen with Fleur finding out about her late night activities with her untidy haired best friend.
“ `Erm, I didn't know you used glasses,” Fleur shrugged, taking Harry's glasses on her hands.
“Wait a minute, izn't `zis `Arry's?” Fleur looked intently at the frame with a confused expression, until she completely figured it out, “Oh.”
“Oh, hell,” Hermione buried her face in her hands. She still had Harry's glasses and she had forgotten all about it. And worse, Fleur knew!
“Want to tell me somezing about last night?”
Okay guys, I know you want to swear a thousand times and say horrible things to me, but things have gotten tough in College, and it was my sister who convinced me to take a break from my studies and write, because my stress was getting to me. Good grades come at a price. Anyways, I hope this calms you down, and I apologize for another cliffie, but I'll try to update as soon as I can. Take care and please drop me a line. I'm sacrificing study time for you!
PS: Thanks to all that reviewed! I answered them all!
Chapter 16: “Facing Him Again”
“Where were you last night?” Ron asked to his best friend once he managed to get to the Great Hall in time to at least get a bite to eat, and without tripping into anything.
“Sorry?” Harry's heart skipped a beat. He certainly didn't want to tell Ron about his rendezvous with Hermione last night, which had been strictly platonic of course.
“Last night. You didn't return until late.”
“I was reading, alone. You know, second task,” Harry managed to say without actually stuttering.
“Oh. Looking forward to it?”
“The task.”
“Oh, yeah,” Harry responded absentmindedly. His mind was in another place at the moment; or rather, somebody else.
“You know, I was thinking of asking Hermione to be my girlfriend. What do you think? I know she's into me anyway.”
“Are you? Good for you,” Harry tried to smile thinly, but found the task impossible when he felt his insides were threatening to explode. Relax! She's just your friend! That's all she'll ever be!
And speaking of the devil…
“Hermione!” Ron was able to spot her hidden behind her books, as usual.
Hermione jumped, barely managing to crab her books before they fell to the floor. Harry turned around and there she was, in person, his other best friend, who had been his just last night. But just to remove the spell, he reminded himself.
“Oh, hi Ron,” she said distantly.
“Let me help you with those,” Ron offered.
“No. Don't bother,” she said as she caught sight of Harry.
“Good morning,” Harry smiled thinly at her. He was suddenly caught between awkwardness and curiosity about how she would react. Would she remember the spell? Anything at all? A question he had forgotten to ask Fleur, to his misfortune.
“Hi,” Hermione lowered her head.
At least she's not under the spell anymore.
“Are you all right?” Harry asked. Just to make sure.
“Fine,” she squeaked. Then she remembered the point of confronting her friends, or rather him, during what was bound to be an awkward morning. “Harry, could you…? I got something of yours.”
“Sorry?” As a response, Hermione took him by his robe, successfully getting him out of his seat
and EXTREMELY close to her for comfort. “What?” She remained quiet as she handed him his glasses.
“Oh, thanks,” he whispered, noticing that her eyes were keen to avoid his, which meant that memory
lost was not an effect of the `antidote'. “ `Mione, I'm…”
“What are you two up to?” Ron interrupted before Harry could go any further.
“I've got Arithmancy. See you guys.” Hermione took the first opportunity and rushed out of the Great Hall without so much as a pumpkin juice.
“What's with her?” Ron asked, puzzlement evident in his eyes.
“Beats me. Come on, we have class too.”
“Mr. Potter!” Professor Snape barked, “A word if I may.”
Harry stayed behind as the other students left the Potion's classroom. He gulped. What did he want now? First, Hermione had avoided him all day, and now this? What could possibly get worse? Wrong question.
“How's Miss Granger?”
“Granger! The bushy- haired girl who keeps you company!” Snape shouted.
“ Oh, Hermione?” Harry's brow furrowed. Since when did Severus Snape care about Hermione? Nevertheless, he proceeded to answer the question. After all, the sooner he got out of there the better. “Ahem! Fine. Why?” Maybe Snape had noticed the change
on Hermione too these past couple of days. The question was, why mention it now?
“Did she cry? She couldn't stop complaining when I gave her the potion,” Snape confessed bitterly.
“What?” Harry asked. Frankly, he couldn't be more lost.
“ Oh, never mind. You must had spent the day crying some more about poor
James. Just give her this,” Snape commanded, giving Harry a flask that contained a pink liquid.
“What is this?”
“The antidote Potter! Tell her she can stop crying now. Make sure she drinks it. Oh, and to make sure it works, try any spell on her, will you? I expect you have learned something during your stay at school.”
“Wait a minute, this is a Protection Potion antidote.”
“ Good Potter. At least you learned something from my class. I gave it to her last Wednesday.”
“Wednesday? But…”
“What did she do?”
“Well, I accidentally conjured the Accio summon on her…”
“Enough said Potter. That potion protects against spells, not summons, or conjures.”
“Oh. Can I go now?”
“Please do!”
Harry got out of Snape's classroom just as Snape closed the door in his face. Needless to say that he spent quite a while looking at the pink liquid. Was it true? Had she been under a Protection Potion? Because if she had, Draco's spell couldn't have worked on her, meaning that…. the Protection Potion hadn't worked. She wasn't the kind of person that would joke with a spell. No, she wouldn't do that. Why would she? He put the antidote in his bag and went to look for her.
Hermione was seated in her usual chair at the library. No surprise there. Harry grabbed a chair and sat across her.
“Hey,” he greeted her.
After a light gasp, she looked at him with a nervous expression, forcing a thin smile, and continued reading.
“Snape sent you something,” Harry interrupted her once more.
“ Sorry?” she asked, turning her full attention to him. She had to face him sooner or later after all.
“ He wants you to drink this,” Harry put the flask on the table,” The antidote to his Protection Potion.”
“ I'm sorry, what?” Hermione's eyes opened wide. That was definitely not the start she had in mind for the dreaded conversation.
“The one he gave you…last Wednesday, if he really did.”
“Oh, well…Ahem!”
“Because if he did, it didn't work, because you were under a spell since that Wednesday, so I don't think that…. “
Hermione cleared her throat once more, effectively interrupting him. It was about time that he knew the truth. Things had gotten out of hand last night. That she had liked it was not in the bargain.
“ There was never any spell Harry. “
A/N: Okay! Here is another one for you to hate me for. I want to apologize for submitting this chapter so late, but I have been sick and busy. Anyway, Happy Holidays everybody. Hope the New Year brings lots of blessings for each and every one of you. Until next time. I'll try to update before I go back to College. Thanks for the reviews and don't hesitate to drop me a line! I still answered each one of them!
Chapter 17: Feelings you just can't hide
“Want to tell me somezing about last night?” Fleur crossed her arms, looking at Hermione expectantly. She had a feeling that the spell was just about over.
“Well, I…sort of…Harry and I…we sort of…”
“You slept wiz `Arry last night,” Fleur finished for her as it was quite obvious by now. The glasses and the stammering provided impeccable evidence.
“Yes, but it's not what you think. He thought I was under the spell,” Hermione whispered, lowering her had. She had never felt guiltier.
“Because you didn't tell `im ozerwise,” Fleur pointed out.
“I tried to, but…”
“Did you enjoy it?”
“Fleur!” By now, Hermione was as red as a ripe tomato.
“Are you going to tell `im?”
Hermione sighed at Fleur's inquiry, passing her hand through her face.
“He deserves to know.”
“There was never any spell Harry.”
Hermione let out a deep breath that she didn't know she was holding. Yes, Harry deserved to know. However, this was not the way that the conversation was supposed to go, according to a plan that she had not yet formulated. The truth was that she had to tell him sooner or later. Still, she definitely wasn't expecting that an antidote would let the truth out, although she should have. But there was no way to turn back now, Harry knew; now she had to wait for his reaction.
“Pardon me?” Harry felt like he had been hit with a hundred pounds of ice. He had to be misunderstanding. He just had to. If not, last night...he didn't even want to go there.
“There wasn't any spell. Snape's potion protected me against it. So, there never
was one,” Hermione whispered, her eyes never meeting his.
“There wasn't a spell? But then, how…how did you…?”
“I pretended.”
“You were….acting?” Harry's face lost all color right there and then. It couldn't be. It just couldn't be.
“It started that way.”
“Why would you pretend about something like that Hermione? Why the hell would you make that up? All of that was an act?”
“Well, it started out as fun…but…”
“Fun? Oh. Well, in that case… you were just having some fun?”
“Harry, let me explain….”
“No, it's not necessary. Fun, just an act. That's just fine, Hermione, buddy, pal, friend.”
Harry wanted to be angry. In fact, he should have been outraged, but he just could not do it. Especially when everything that invaded his mind was the past night. If she was not under the spell, then why had she responded the way she did? Guess it was just another act.
“Then… jeez, about last night…”
“Harry, I…”
“I'm sorry I, you know…”
“You are?”
“What?” Harry's eyes opened wide. What was that supposed to mean?
“Hey!” Before Hermione could answer, Ron appeared, effectively interrupting the conversation.
“I'll see you later, Hermione.” Harry stood up and took his leave.
“Harry, wait!” But he already had exited the Great Hall.
“So, `Mione, how are you today?” Ron put his arm around her.
“Not in the mood to talk Ron. I'll see you.” Hermione got up, taking Snape's potion to her mouth and drinking it in two seconds. “Spell's over Ronald. So quit your flirting, will you?” Hermione requested, leaving the Great Hall.
At some point, she wished the spell would have taken place. That way, Harry wouldn't be so cold with her. But she had no one to blame but herself.
“She was acting? How could she do that? Acting? Was this funny?” Harry thought angrily as he inspected the Quidditch trunk for practice.
Yet, as his mind went back to last night, his anger switched to confusion. He couldn't help thinking about how Hermione had responded to his kisses, how she had caressed him back passionately. Why would she respond like that? It seemed too real to be based solely an act.
However, he couldn't ponder this for too long, because suddenly, he found himself breathing fast, his heart refusing to slow down. Why was this happening? There was only one conclusion to be had; he had liked being with her. He had loved her kisses, her intense response to him. Harry sighed. Was he in love with Hermione, his best friend? Well, there was one thing for sure, he still wanted her.
What the hell…! You're not supposed to be thinking like this! Stop it!
“Harry, hello,” Oliver greeted him before his mind could go any further on the scolding. Harry jumped and the Quidditch trunk, which he was inspecting, fell on top of him. “My God, are you well?” Oliver took the trunk away from him.
“Great,” Harry mumbled.
“You know, it doesn't take a genius to notice that something is bothering you. We have been friends long enough. Care to share? I can tell it's women problems.”
“You know, you have changed a lot since you're with Fleur,” Harry noticed, smiling. It was great that Oliver finally had something more in his life that had nothing to do with Quidditch.
“Well, what can I say?” Oliver smiled briefly, before remembering the real problem at hand, “But we are not talking about me.”
“It's Hermione,” Harry admitted.
“Herm? What about her?”
“She was acting.”
“Pardon me?”
“You know how she has been acting a little weird lately.”
“Throwing herself at you? Yeah, I noticed.”
“She was just acting!”
“I don't get you, Harry.”
“She was supposed to be under a spell, or so I thought. But I saw Draco do it! He
said Amonrae!”
“Harry, your point is?” Oliver was still puzzled.
“My point is she wasn't! There was no spell! And I…sort of…slept with her last night,” Harry stated, passing his hand awkwardly through his untidy hair.
“You what?” Oliver's eyes opened as wide as saucers.
“But just to remove the spell!”
“Harry, what kind of spell removes itself by sleeping with someone?”
“That one?”
“What did she do?”
“She took it quite well. Well, she wasn't so frisky at first, but we all know how Hermione is!”
Oliver just sighed, clearing his throat. “Let me guess, you slept with her to reverse the spell but later on, it became everything but an antidote for the spell. Is that it?”
“Yes,” he squeaked.
“Do you still want her?”
“How do you know! Oh hell,” Harry hid his face on his hands. Had he just said that out loud?
“Ooh, boy. Are you in trouble! The question is how does she feel about you?”
“She was just acting! What does that tell you!” Harry temper was on the edge of rising once again
“Herm is not like that, Harry.”
“ She'll never see me like that, Oliver. Besides, Ron wants her.”
“So what? Who did she sleep with? That's got to mean something.”
“ What!”
Both Oliver and Harry jumped at the scream, their faces rapidly draining of color. It now appeared that things just couldn't get any worse.
A/N: Sorry guys, but I had some problems uploading this chapter. It was ready before last Wednesday like promised, but due to Portkey's problems, I had some problems of my own. Forgive the tardeiness and forgive yet another cliffie, just to keep you interested. You might have to wait a little bit for what I officially call my favorite chapter of this fic, but I promised it will be well worth the wait! Please forgive me and feel free to drop me a line. Thanks for your wonderful reviews. I answered them all!
Until next time,
Chapter 18: Uncloaked
“You slept with Hermione!” Ron's anger flared up within mere seconds.
“Well, I didn't…” Harry stammered. He wanted to explain that it was just to reverse the spell, but in the end, he couldn't say that he had done it just for that.
What the hell…Harry's mind was having an inward war right now.
Not to mention that Ron didn't let him speak.
“You didn't or you did! You just said you did!” Ron barked.
“Now, Weasley…” Oliver tried to cut in.
“Nobody got you into this Quidditch freak!” Ron spat.
“Ron, it isn't what it looks like,” Harry tried to explain.
“Oh? Then what is it? Did you sleep with her or not?”
“Excuse me, Oliver.” Hermione's voice interrupted her best friends' argument as she
came in with a bunch of books, apparently addressed to the coordinator of the Triwizard Tournament.
Harry buried his face in his hands. He actually thought that things couldn't possibly get worse. Oh, he was very wrong indeed.
“Herm, not now,” Oliver tried to whisper, but Ron was in no mood to let her off the hook just yet.
“Hermione!” Ron shouted angrily.
“What's wrong? Lower your tone of voice with me Ron,” Hermione said coolly. She was sick and tired of Ron treating her like he was superior to her.
“I won't! I deserve an explanation!” Ron kept on shouting.
“Explanation?” asked Hermione, kind of lost. That was before she saw Harry's and Oliver's frustrated faces.
“Leave her out of this Ron. She didn't…”
“Stuff it Potter!” Ron shut him up.
“Hey! Ron, what's the matter with you?” Hermione asked, her temper rising. Something was going on and she was going to get to the bottom of this. If only she knew what it was…
“You know Herm, that's an excellent question. Maybe you could answer it for me,” Ron voice had suddenly turned dangerously calm.
“Ron, don't…” Harry pleaded.
“Try me,” Hermione challenged before catching a glimpse of Oliver signaling her to shut up.
“So, `Mione', what did you do last night?” Ron asked as casually as he could.
“Sorry?” Hermione stammered. Oops. Could he be…?
“You know, last night, in your dear old bed. She was in her bed, wasn't she?” Ron
glanced at Harry.
“I don't know what you mean,” Hermine kept on stammering.
“Hermione, this is simple, what were you doing in your room last night?” Ron
asked, kind of exasperated by now.
“Uh, sleeping?” Hermione's face was turning pale. She knew perfectly well what
she had done.
“Really? Are you sure you slept?” Ron asked. His statement succeeded in intimidating her more.
“What do you think one does in one's bed at night Ron!” Hermione spat, her tone of voice rising.
“You tell me. A lot of things can happen at midnight.”
Hermione's heart started to beat wildly, but she remained composed, her mouth tight shut. She knew that Ron had found out about her last night…activities, yet she couldn't bring herself to say it.
Meanwhile, Harry's uneasiness, contrary to Hermione's, was very palpable, fact that got Ron red with anger as he glanced from one to the other.
“So it's true!”
“What is?” Hermione couldn't seem to stop shrieking by this point, perhaps as a result of her own nervousness and uneasiness.
“You slept with Harry, didn't you Hermione?” Hermione's face was rid of all possible color as her books collapsed on the floor.
“Well Ron, it's not quite what it seems,” Hermione's nervousness got the better of her as her last statement came out as a squeak. She was not expecting Ron to be so direct, but knowing Ron, she should have known better.
“It's not? Did you like it?” Ron asked defiantly.
“I beg your pardon?” Hermione was outraged He had some nerve!
“You know, did you enjoy being his?” Ron clarified in a sarcastic tone.
“Uh…I….” By now, Hermione didn't know where to put herself.
“You did,” Ron said triumphantly.
“I certainly don't have to answer that to you!” Hermione smacked him square in the face.
“Why don't you leave her alone Ron? Now you know what we did. Whether she liked it or not is my business to find out, don't you think?” Harry's voice came out like a block of ice. He was getting tired of this. No matter what she did, or they did for that matter, he was not going to let Ron treat Hermione like she was some sort of harlot.
After hearing this, Ron literally prepared to jump on top of Harry. He just wanted to punch him, right there, right then. Harry knew that he wanted Hermione! He was not supposed to do this, much less talk to him like that.
“Oh, no, don't do that… No need to use violence,” Oliver whispered. But his statement didn't help.
“I'll get you Potter!” Ron threatened, taking him by his robes. It was as far as he was allowed to get however.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you Ron,” Hermione threatened back, pointing her wand directly at him.
“Uh?” Both Harry and Oliver were stunned.
“Oh? Got your girlfriend to protect you now Potter?” Ron was out of himself.
Then again, so was Harry. He was just tired of Ron mocking Hermione, so he threw the first punch, breaking Ron's lip in the process. When Ron was going to punch him back, Hermione took action. She too, was out of herself, or else she would have known what she was about to do.
“Accio Harry!” she summoned. As a result, Harry flew right towards her, landing on top of her, right in the cold floor. Suffice to say, Ron was absolutely shocked. And there's no word that can describe how Harry was at that moment.
“I should've known. It's always you Potter! You always get what I want!”
“You forget something Ron. What about what I want?” Hermione spoke again, this time in a cool and calm tone of voice.
“What the…?” Harry thought. What on earth was wrong with her?
“I'm sorry Hermione, what do YOU want?” What? Don't tell me you're going to kiss him now. Go ahead. Make my day.”
Harry was pale. What was Hermione up to? But to his surprise, Hermione took him by his neck and brushed her lips against his in a brief kiss. But right after they tore apart, one look at his darkened green eyes made her catch his lips again in a more passionate embrace. Harry returned it with the same intensity, which left her quite shocked.
Once they did tear apart, she gave him a thin smile. But apparently, he wanted another kiss from her. He made it quite evident by lowering his head yet again. His wish was denied however, as they heard Ron's screams.
“You'll pay for that Potter! Hermione's mine!” Ron shouted, but just as he pulled his wand out, Professor Snape entered.
Harry got up instantly, and offered his hand to Hermione, who didn't take it, getting herself up.
“What is all that screaming I hear? If I didn't know better I'd say…” Snape smiled maliciously. He was eager to extract points from Gryffindor.
“Professor,” Oliver addressed him.
“Wood? Do I hold you responsible for this?”
“Of what? We were just practicing a play for the Wizard Student Council. You know, for the holidays,” Hermione commented.
“Right. That's the screaming you heard,” Harry added. Hermione had quite a way of improvising at the last minute.
“Play?” Snape asked again, indifference evident in his tone of voice.
“Yeah well, they are pretty identified with their characters,” Oliver explained, smiling, when inside, he was sweating. “One just has to let them.”
“Quite. I'm watching you Potter. Your role as goody and stoic Head Boy is something I will never buy.” With these final words, Snape took his leave.
“Ahem!” Hermione cleared her throat, “I guess I can go too. See you Oliver. Oh, and those books are for you. Minister Fudge sent them for the Tournament.” Hermione composed herself. However, as she was about to leave, she took Harry by his robes, leading him outside with her. He didn't expect this and had to take her by her waist to avoid a fall. She kept quiet, though tense, and exited the locker room.
“This isn't over Potter,” he heard Ron whisper threateningly.
Hermione let go of her green eyed friend, clearing her throat once again.
“Sorry about that Harry.”
But he just couldn't resist his urge any more and took her by her shoulders, getting her closer to him. She gasped and put her hands on his chest to maintain what little distance she could.
“I'm not,” Harry confessed, leaning closer to her, his intense stare focused on her moist lips.
“What?” she tried to whisper, but her eyes were already closing, her lips parting to let his mouth in.
“Ey!” Fleur's voice sounded in Hermione's ears. She was dressed in baby blue robes and had her hair brushed into a high pony tail.
“Hi,” Hermione smiled, getting out of Harry's embrace.
“Am I missing somezing `ere? Did I interrupt you?” Fleur frowned.
“Interrupt what?” Hermione said naturally as Harry sighed. Things were back to normal it seemed.
“In `zat case itz okay `zen. So, where's my Quidditch boy?” Fleur grinned broadly.
“Looking for me?” Oliver circled his arms around her waist.
“ `Zere you are! I've been searching `igh and low!” Fleur whined in protest.
“Why? Did you miss me?” Oliver grinned.
“Where were you?”
“Inspecting some Quidditch matters,” Oliver chose to say.
“I'm not surprised,” Fleur scoffed.
“Well, are you too busy to spend time wiz your girlfriend now?”
“Let's see…”
“Come on Oliver, enough Quidditch for one day,” Fleur whispered seductively.
Oliver grinned once more and, rest assured, they were gone in a flash.
As soon as her friends left, Hermione glanced by her side, hoping to be on time to catch that last thought on Harry's mind. But he was gone.
She sighed exasperatedly, hitting the floor with her boot. She had wanted to kiss him so badly. As soon as that thought reached her mind, Hermione reprehended herself. She couldn't be in love with Harry Potter. He was her best friend! He was sweet, but he was still Harry, the one who was so thick that she had to end up saving his arse every year, just Harry Potter. But her heart told her quite the contrary. Things had changed after last night. She had given herself completely to him, had thrown herself in his arms. And that…certainly hadn't been an act.
If only she had known that Harry was frustrating over the exact same thing, all the way from the boy's dormitory.
A/N: Again, I am sorry for the time it took me to complete this. College gets harder and harder. But I have not forgotten about you, my dear fans, who keep me going. I hope you could enjoy Book 6, although it was a little disappointing on the romanti area. Anyway, this fic will be completed with only two chapters to go, and I thank you for your patience. I am sorry that I could not respond to all of your reviews for lack of time, but I appreciate every single one of them. Enjoy!
Chapter 19:Brutal Honesty
Do you know what's wrong wiz her?” Fleur asked to her boyfriend, who had her on top of his chest and wrapped in his arms.
He opened his eyes to the sound of her question and tightened his grip on her.
“Wrong with who?” he yawned.
“ `Ermione. She seemed kind of strange in ze `allway,” Fleur whispered in a concerned tone.
“No wonder. I'd be surprised if she didn't act this way.”
“Why?” she asked, but Oliver's look made her eyes open wide. “Did she finally tell `Arry `ze truz? `Ow did `e react?” Fleur moved to her side of the bed.
“She did, after she slept with him. That's not all. Snape told him the truth first.”
“What! No way!”
“When you saw her she had just fought with Ron because of well… you know.”
“Ron? What did `e do?”
“What didn't he do is more like it. So then Hermione decided to play on her own terms and kissed Harry after pulling the Accio summon on him.”
“And to `zink I missed `zat! Damn! She told `im `zat she loved `im?”
“I think she does. I've never seen her like this.”
“I warned `er as much.”
“You knew about this in the first place?” Oliver's eyes displayed an incredulous look. Fleur just grinned maliciously.
“Who do you `zink you're talking to Oliver? She doesn't call me best female friend
for nozing, you know.” While saying this, Fleur couldn't help but notice that her boyfriend hadn't taken his eyes off her. “What?”
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you are?”
“Not today,” she replied a silky seductive tone.
“Come here,” he commanded and took her in his arms, kissing her passionately.
“What about `Arry?” she asked once more, suddenly on top of his chest again.
“Oh, he loves her,” Oliver answered without really paying much attention and moved his mouth to her neck, rolling on top of her.
Harry did not know how long he had been asleep. But judging by the state of the light outside his window, he probably had already missed dinner.
He sighed. After this afternoon's heated argument had taken place, he just did not feel like talking, or going anywhere for that matter. He was sure that he had already lost at least one of his best friends, and where he stood with the other was still unknown at this point.
He groaned as he finally got out of bed. He was not looking forward to confronting the particularly messy, albeit delicate situation that he had gotten himself into. But things had gotten out of hand this afternoon. He had even punched Ron, his best mate for years, not that he hadn't deserved it at that point. Regardless, he knew that the three of them had said things they did not mean.
He sighed once again, his hand at the doorknob. He would clear out things with Ron first.
His exact feelings for his bushy-haired best friend would have to be sorted out another time. Right now, he wanted to salvage whatever was left of his friendship with Ron.
He had not gotten far down the stairs when he heard the unmistakable sound of Hermione's voice all the way down in the common room.
“You've got some nerve!” she shouted.
It didn't take long for Harry to figure out who her argument companion was.
“Oh, I've got nerve? What about you pulling that bloody stunt? Shagging Potter behind my back!” Ron bellowed.
“Yes, I screwed up! Still, that is between Harry and me. You got no say in the matter,” Hermione whispered coolly. However, it did not go unheard by Harry, who had now stopped moving completely.
“I don't? You knew I fancied you! And I thought you felt the same way!”
“ You thought? Did you even ask me that?”
“Instead you go running to Potter, like all the other bloody girls in this school! I thought you were different! And what do you mean you screwed up?
“I mean I didn't plan for this to happen. We both didn't. Still, if you want to blame someone, blame me. Keep Harry out of this,” Hermione said earnestly. All this, every detail, had been completely her fault. Harry couldn't be blamed for anything but his loyalty.
“Sure, and I'm supposed to believe that,” Ron scoffed.
“It's true. We did not plan it.
Hermione gasped as she saw Harry coming down the stairs. His expression was grim, something she had never seen displayed on Harry's eyes before. However, Ron's anger flared up even more.
“But don't blame her entirely. In fact, I think I should take the blame,” Harry stated.
“No,” Hermione concluded.
“But Hermione, you were trying to tell me something that night. I didn't pay attention,” Harry affirmed.
“Only because I made you believe something that wasn't true!” Hermione replied.
“I still took you to bed.”
“With my consent!”
“Not at first-”
“Am I supposed to guess what you guys are quarreling about?” Ron intervened, quite annoyed at this point.
“Ron, we already told you what happened, when in fact, we don't need your approval,” Hermione observed.
“You don't? Harry knew I fancied you!” Ron accused.
“But you never told me. And even if you had, I'm still free to make my decision and bed whomever I want!” Hermione spat.
“Like hell you are-”
“Why don't you ask me what this is really about Ron?” Hermione asked, “ Your question: Why Harry and not me? Am I close?”
“Hermione-” Harry tried to intervene, noticing that Hermione had hit a nerve. Ron could not possibly look redder.
“Stay out of this Harry.” Hermione raised her hand in a gesture to quiet him. “I'll tell you why. Because of your attitude. You can behave quite like a little boy when you don't get what you want, and come up with a tantrum like you only know how. If this would have happened the other way around, and I had been with you, you can be sure Harry would not be as you are right now. But it wasn't the way around. Either way, in the end I got what I really wanted and you are no one to take that away from me,” Hermione whispered. “I do care about you Ron, a great deal, and I hope we can continue to be friends after this. But I do not care about you in the way that you want me to. And I hope you can get over it, because I am not changing my mind.”
Hermione sighed and lowered her head as she walked away to the girls' dormitories.
Harry looked at Ron, who now had a disappointed look on his face.
“I'm sorry mate,” he blurted out.
“I'm sorry too. I guess she is different, but not as I pictured her to be.”
Chapter 20: The Heart Can't Take Commands
“Crookshanks! What?” Hermione shouted at her cat, which was meowing while she was trying to read a book. Mind you, Crookshanks was not exactly what was keeping her from concentrating.
Her cat put what looked like an appalled look on his orange face, which made his owner feel sorry for her earlier remarks and take him in her arms, settling him on her lap.
“I'm sorry. None of this is your fault. You're such an idiot Hermione! To think Fleur warned me! Now I am cursed to watch him kiss Elizabeth for the rest of the year.”
She sighed. She had told him how she felt in front of Ron. However, she knew that Harry would not believe it. She had already lied to him. Who was to say that he would ever believe her again? Moreover, she really doubted that he felt the same way.
She turned the page, and came right across a picture of a Snitch. She sighed once more, resting her face in her hand.
“Harry,” she whispered, suddenly remembering the events that had taken place just last night, right here, in her room. His kisses had been so passionate… the way he had touched her, the way that he had made her feel his. “Stop it, damn it! she cursed herself, throwing the book to the floor and standing up.
Crookshanks jumped and headed for the door, scoffing in protest.
“He was never mine, and he never will be.
She glanced at Crookshanks, trying to open the door and meowing again.
“What is it boy? You want out?”
She went and opened the door for Crookshanks as she got out as well. She too needed some fresh air, so she sat down on the cold floor with her face cupped between her hands, drowning in her own thoughts.
However, the night was cold and breezy, and it did not help that she was only wearing her nightgown and robe, her feet covered in pink cat slippers. So she decided to get back into her room. It was time to go to bed anyway.
“Come on Crookshanks. Back inside.” But her cat was looking elsewhere.
`Crookshanks? Come on.” But to Hermione's surprise, her cat stood up and began to run, getting out of her sight in a flash. “Crookshanks!”
Hermione shouted her cat's name all through the hallway. How lucky for her that she was the school's Head Girl. That gave her permission to walk around the school at night. And that is just what she needed to do in order to find her cat. She tightened the knits of her robe and literally ran off after him.
She soon found herself in the Astronomy Tower. It was dark, with only a streak of moonlight illuminating her path.
“Crookshanks!” Hermione found her cat hiding behind a column. She took him in her arms.
But instead of walking back to her room, she could not stop herself from advancing to the window. The night was beautiful, despite the cold. The stars were shining gold, and she could feel the wind stroking her face. Finally, she felt a sense of peace inside her, although just for a tiny second, for her cat scoffed once more and brought her back to reality.
“Oh, what now?” She glanced at her cat, following his glance out the window. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of Hedwig heading towards her shoulder.
Hedwig screeched happily as she landed on the window's border, waiting for Hermione's attention. She was about to pet her when she heard some footsteps.
Hermione closed her eyes briefly, sighing. It couldn't be.
“Harry.” She glanced at her best friend, who was dressed in black pants, a hunter green sweater, and his cloak was covered with the cold night's dew, always a welcomed sight, although now she was not so sure that she welcomed his presence.
A/N: I cannot apologize enough it seems. College life is great, but busy as hell. Thank you for being so patient with me. I am not sure when you will hear from me again, as I probably have to get a special permission to publish here my latest fan fiction in Fiction Alley, Worth Loving. But we'll see. Thank you for bearing with me and for your wonderful reviews. I love you dear readers! You make a writer's day. Until next time and I hope this fic has been as enjoyable for you as it has been for me.
Chapter 21: Truth Be Told
“What are you doing here? This isn't one of your regular whereabouts, or is it now?” Harry asked.
“Yeah well, tell that to Crookshanks.” Hermione gave him a thin smile.
“The things you do for that cat `Mione,” he chuckled, “I can walk you back to your room if you want,” he offered before he could stop himself.
“No, that's not necessary,” Hermione replied, although she really wanted him to walk her, and perhaps even stay... but he would not do that, unless she finally would get the truth out, and even after that, in all probability, he would not talk to her again. However, it was the least she could do, since she had gotten him into the mess to begin with, and on purpose.
“All right. Good night.” Harry started to walk away. “Hedwig!” he called
his owl, who stepped on his shoulder to bite a cracker that her owner had gotten out of his pocket just for her.
Hermione sighed. It was now or never.
“Harry wait!” Hermione pleaded. “About this afternoon- ”
“Don't worry Hermione. I know you wanted to teach Ron a lesson and used me to do it. So, no need to explain, and yeah, it's forgotten. Yes, we can keep being friends. Good night.”
“It wasn't like that! I really wanted to…” She lowered her head at the sight of Harry's puzzled face. “I really wanted to kiss you.”
“You heard. And while we're at this, it's about time you know what really happened with the spell,” she whispered, afraid to look at those emerald eyes which he hadn't taken off her.
“I know. It was just for fun. You were making it up, I-”
“It wasn't like that. I mean, it may have started that way and it was wrong of me to do so. I just wanted you to stop seeing me as one of your guy friends or as your everyday rescuer. It's just…you can be such a git sometimes Harry.”
“But it ended differently,” Hermione effectively avoided his interruption attempt.
“What exactly do you mean?” Harry asked anxiously. Even though he thought he knew what she meant, he needed to hear it nevertheless.
“What do you think I mean!” Hermione almost shrieked. Nobody could possibly be that clueless.
“You mean last night-”
“That was not pretending Harry. I… really wanted you. I tried to tell you, but you didn't let me and I-”
“So this evening-“
“I was not lying to Ron, Harry. I wish it could have happened under different circumstances, but-“
She could not continue however, for he advanced towards her and claimed her lips in a breathtaking kiss while caressing her face with his left hand. She responded to his kiss instantly, opening her mouth in his. It seemed they both had craved it for a long time.
Harry tore his mouth away and looked at her. Hermione had already placed her arms around his neck and was looking at him with shining questioning eyes. He smiled, stroking her bushy hair.
“I wanted you too. Merlin `Mione, you don't know for how long I have loved you, for how long I have wanted this. I didn't want to admit it because I was afraid that I would end up losing you and Ron, but after last night, I just couldn't deny my feelings anymore.”
“Really? You mean, what you said on the table-” Harry could've sworn Hermione's eyes brightened even more, if that was possible at this point.
“No, I really am not sorry.”
“But Harry, why didn't you tell me in the first place?” Hermione asked. It would have saved them a lot of trouble.
Wait a minute! Did that mean she had special feelings for him prior to the Amonrae Spell? Apparently. But now was not the time to debate the real motive for the Amonrae Spell faking.
“I was afraid of how you would react. I didn't want to lose you `Mione. Being just your friend is better than not to have you at all.”
“You would never lose me Harry. I will always be your friend.”
“Yes, that's good to know, but right now I would like you to be more than that,” he grinned maliciously.
“Harry James Potter!” She hit him playfully.
He took her by her waist and kissed her passionately. She responded to his intensity as he lifted her into his arms.
“Why me?”
“ What do you mean?” there was puzzlement on his words again.
“You could have any girl-”
“Mm, I don't think so. Besides, I already have the one I want,” he grinned at her once more.
“And it took you seven years just to realize that? We've always been together-”
“Yeah, you've always been there. Guess it took long to realize that I always want you with me. I don't know… you're different. You always know what to do, how to solve every problem, the answer to everything, not to mention I just love how your bushy
“Stop!” She blushed in his arms.
“What? It's the truth. What makes you different makes you beautiful to me.”
Hermione sighed happily as she laid her head on his shoulder. Ron would just have to deal with this, and she was sure, knowing the kind of friend Ron was, that their friendship would return to normal, eventually. And she was willing to give him all the time he needed, as long as she had Harry by her side and no Amonrae Spell in the way.
“I love you.” He kissed her forehead as she rested her head on his shoulder.
Within seconds, they had disappeared into the darkness of the Astronomy Tower. Hermione laughed. That spell hadn't been so bad after all.