Rating: R
Genres: Angst, Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 12/07/2004
Last Updated: 04/05/2005
Status: Completed
Hermione tells her daughter about the love of her life and how he was tragically taken away from her. But something strange happens and will she get a second chance?
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Best Birthday Ever
You always think that you'll be with the love of your life forever, and you do. But sometimes forever is shorter than you think.
In the beginning out our seventh year, Harry and I finally admitted we were in love…with each other. Who would have thought that two seemingly meaningless crushes on each other could turn in the love of your life? Apparently neither did we.
I remember it like it was yesterday; instead of almost 23 years. We were walking down the road on our way to Hogsmeade to celebrate my seventeenth birthday when Harry reached over and clasped my hand in his and said “Happy birthday, my love.”
I was so happy to be given the best birthday present a girl could get: the heart and soul of her best friend.
When we finally got o the Three Broomsticks I wasn't aware of all the looks and stares the patrons were giving Harry and me as we walked in, I didn't even hear the comments of “Mudblood and St. Potter finally together,” at the time I didn't care what they said, I was too busy falling in love. And through out the evening I couldn't even think of anything else. Hey it was my party and I could think about what I wanted to.
The night was wonderful, no wait, the night was magical. It was just Harry, me, Ron, Luna, Draco, and Ginny - a couples night out. I couldn't wait until I was able to get back to the castle to tell Harry how I felt and still feel, and to this day I don't think I could not have told him.
It was midnight when we finally returned to the school, but being Head Boy and Head Girl had some definite advantages. I wasn't aware of anything going on around me, except Harry and him talking to me and holding my hand. I can still feel the strength of his hand holding mine and entwining his fingers with mine. I can still remember the conversation we had on the way back to the castle.
“Harry, I want to thank you so much for tonight. It was the best birthday celebration I ever had.” I said.
“Oh come on `Mione. I know that can't be true. You have had sixteen other birthdays and this can't be the best of the bunch.” I couldn't see his smile but I could tell it was there.
“Believe it or not, it is.” I could feel my cheeks reddening with each passing moment. “Thank you, Harry.”
We were halfway to the castle when he stopped and turned me to face him.
“'Mione, there's something I need to tell you…” I heard the seriousness in his voice and it scared me. I thought that it was something fatal disease or he would have to go battle Voldemort soon and he was saying his final good-bye.
He didn't speak for a moment or two and all the while I was looking into his deep green eyes. I could finally see them because the clouds parted and the moon shone down us with such an intensity it was as if the heavens were shining down upon us.
“What is it Harry? Just tell me, please.” I was really worrying now and I felt the tears pooling in my eyes and spilling on my cheeks.
I think I worried him more because he started to panic and he grabbed me and held on to me and whispered “'Mione, I didn't mean it. Whatever I did, I didn't mean it.”
“Oh, Harry. I know. You just sounded so serious and I thought that you would have to go fight Voldemort soon.” I was barely able to speak above a whisper, I was too wrapped up by the way Harry was holding me; almost as lovers would. It felt wonderful.
“Oh, Merlin, `Mione. It is serious, but you know that I'd tell you before I fought him you know that right. And if I am not mistaken you were the one demanding to go with me in order to see to my wounds I am bound to get.” I know it sounds weird, but he sounded as though he were proud of me demanding to go with him. Maybe he was.
“Yeah I know, but I still worry about you .I don't want anything to happen to you. I'd die if it did.” Just a life without Harry would be no life at all, and just thinking about being without him got me choked up; before I knew it I was sobbing uncontrollably.
“Oh, `Mione. Please don't cry. I'm not going anywhere. I promise you that, and if I do you are coming with me.” I just couldn't think of him leaving with his hands cupping my face like that and drying my wet cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “And I don't know what I'd do without you either.”
I sniffed once more before I looked into those big green eyes of his once more and saw sincerity and something I just couldn't place. Slowly his eyes searched mine and my eyes searched his. What we were looking for, I have no idea, but apparently we found what we were searching for, for after what seemed like hours our heads started to tilt toward each other and an eternity after that I felt his lips press lightly into mine for what was the worlds softest and most gentle kiss I have ever received.
After the contact he pulled his head back just enough to look into my eyes and what I saw in them was go powerful and so moving I almost cried again, but I controlled myself.
“'Mione, I think I am falling for you.”
Yes I was right, it was love I saw. And I couldn't have been happier.
“Harry, I know that I have fallen for you.” And he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered his head back to mine for what was our first kiss as an official couple and it happened just one minute before midnight, it was still my birthday and I received the greatest present one could ask for: the heart of her best friend.
Oh Merlin, that was all such a long time ago. I still wish he were with me but even in Wishcraft you don't receive all your wishes like having your love come back to life. I should know, after Harry was killed I took up this new magic and I wished night and day for him to come back to me. But nothing happened. My life was gone. All I had to get me through was Lily.
Lily Jane Potter was born in the February right after we graduated Hogwarts…or should I say I graduated.
A/N. ok so that is it for chapter one…chapter two should be up shortly.
Reviews are good to have!!
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Night That Changed Our Lives
I didn't know until July of 1998 that I was pregnant and Harry would never know. I can't help but think about that night:
I remember our first time like it was yesterday. It was right after we had taken our N.E.W.T.S. Harry and I were finally able to sleep without having to study all the time and it was wonderful. I remember after that last test dragging each other to the Head Boy and Girl Common Room. Falling on the couch we immediately fell asleep and didn't move until early the next morning.
I woke up because I had felt something stir against my ear - almost like someone breathing - soon I was awake enough to know where I was. I was on the couch in the Common Room with the love of my life spooning with my back to his chest and his arm wrapped protectively across my waist. His head was lying on his upper arm and his nose was right next to my ear. He was still sleeping. I slowly turned to a position where I could see him better and the sight almost made me cry. He looked so trouble free when he was asleep. I just wish it had been like that in real life. You know, no troubles at all, but life wasn't that fair to anyone…
Let alone Harry.
Let alone us.
All I could do was lie there and stare at him for about five minutes when he finally began to open his gorgeous green eyes.
“Morning, Harry.” I said wondering just how someone can look so good right after waking up.
“Morning, Sleepy-head.” He grinned. Just because I overslept that once I got landed with the name `Sleepy-head' for what was left of sixth year and all of seventh year.
I scowled at him but it wasn't long until he kissed away that scowl. First he kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, and then finally my mouth.
“How about this then?” He brought the hand from my waist up cupped my cheek, he looked me in the eyes, and said in the softest tone I have ever heard: “Good morning, My Love.”
I blushed and ducked my head into his chest. You have no idea just how much I loved - still love - this man. To put it into words: every time I look at him, I fall even deeper in love with him.
“Oh come now, `Mione. Don't be bashful; you know that you hold my heart in your little hands.” He kissed me again, lingering a bit before pulling back away. He rested his forehead against my own and said, “I love you.”
It was the first time he said the whole sentence. Not just a “me too” or a “back at ya” when I said it first. It was a full `I love you'. I would never forget how he told me those words and how much I knew he really meant it.
“I love you, too. So much.” My heart was bursting with so much joy that tears pooled in my eyes and one single tear slid down my face and dropped off my nose.
“Oh, `Mione, why are you crying?” His eyes were so full of worry and fear. “Every time I see you cry it breaks my heart in two. I can't stand to see you hurt.”
I had to smile at that. So Mr. Harry Potter did have a weakness: me. “I'm not hurt, Harry. I'm actually quite happy right now and I have you to thank for it. I love you.” I gently took his face in my hands and kissed his lips, hoping all the love I had for him could be represented by that kiss.
It couldn't have been done, because there was just too much love to be represented.
I never wanted that kiss to end. Nothing could drag me away from him at the moment. Soon - very soon, in fact - our kiss turned from sweet and innocent to hot, hungry and passionate.
I felt my tongue trace Harry's bottom lip and then meet with his ravenous tongue. It was the first time I had kissed - or had been kissed - that way.
I let my hands fall from his face and land on his chest. Immediately at the contact I felt his muscles contract under my palms. I had been ready to go to the next step for a while now, but that was all the conformation I needed from him to take our relationship to the next step.
I slowly let my hands leave his chest to roam the hem of his t-shirt and slid under if to touch his well-defined abs. Quidditch sure did wonders on his body these past six years. Within a matter of seconds I felt something hardening and lengthening in the general direction south of the belt.
“Oh Merlin, `Mione.” He tore his lips away and rested his head on my forehead again to look me in the eyes. The passion was overwhelming in them. “I want you so much.”
I didn't reply by words. I took my hands out from under his shirt and started to unbutton my uniform shirt.
I couldn't help but giggle at the look on his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open in shock. Soon, however, he recovered when I finished unbuttoning the top and started to take it off my shoulders.
“'Mione are you sure about this?” I looked him directly in the eyes and I knew there was no turning back now. I was in love with Harry Potter and I was going to become his in everyway.
I grabbed his wrists and brought his hands to rest on my breasts that were still covered in my lacy black bra. And, yes, good girls can be a little bad and racy at times.
“Oh. Dear. Sweet. Merlin.” Never could I have imagined how funny this man would be during our first time making love.
However my thoughts were put on hold indefinitely because his hands began to knead my soft mounds under that scrap of demure fabric.
Soon his lips were back on mine as his hands continued to caress my breasts. I was in heaven and hell at once. Heaven being this feeling he was giving me; hell being because I wanted skin-to-skin contact. I moved my arms to where I could reach around my back to unhook the bra clasp. Why I didn't buy the one with the clasp in front, I'll never know; but before long Harry started to tug on the straps; begging silently for that skin-to-skin contact too.
After fumbling with my bra for a few seconds, he finally freed me from a prison I never knew until that moment. He tore his lips from mine once more to look at me.
“You are beautiful, `Mione.” I could generally hear the appreciation in his voice and see it in his eyes.
“You're not so bad yourself, Potter.” And he wasn't. He was almost like a modern day Adonis. Everything about him was beautiful. Especially his heart.
“No, I mean it. You are too perfect for me. How'd I get so lucky to deserve this?” He reached back up to take my left breast into his hand and cup it. “And a perfect fit, too.” He leaned his head down to kiss and suck at my nipple.
It was pure torture what he did to my body. Not fair...not fair at all. Soon under his spell I took my hands and lowered them to his lap where I then rubbed my fingertips over the hard bulge straining against his zipper.
I felt, more than heard, the gasp coming from his lips. It felt wonderful and sent a thrill of excitement up my back causing me to arch off the couch and pressed my breast closer to his mouth.
After a few more moments of lying there writhing with the ecstasy Harry's mouth was entailing on my senses, I stood up and pulled Harry with me.
“Hermione Jane Granger, please tell me that…that wasn't a mistake. I can't handle it if it was.” I could see the smoldering look in his bright emerald eyes. That look shook me to the core.
“No, this is not.” I pressed my body into his, making sure that my belly was pressed against his erection. The power of him, even behind covering, was amazing. “I just don't want this to happen on the couch. I'd prefer the bed myself.”
“Good thinking, Love.” He smiled at me. I then knew I couldn't turn back. This was the man I loved, and I wasn't going to wait anymore.
He kissed me with so much passion that it made my knees turn to jelly, and I almost fell, except for his arms were right there grabbing me and holding me tight.
“To the bed?” I can't believe he asked me that. As if I'd say no. Not now. Not ever.
All I was able to do was nod my head as he started to lead me up the stairs toward the Head Boys dormitory.
I was only able to look around the room for a total of about five seconds before he walked me over to the bed and sat down and moving me to straddle his lap. All I can remember was books, they were everywhere: the floor, the desk, the window, the chairs, and the shelves. I knew he was training for the Final Battle and studying for N.E.W.T.S., but his is ridiculous; he had more books in his dorm than I had in my whole house. And that was saying something.
I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I felt his hands roam up and down my thighs and up under my uniform skirt. His hands were leaving trails of heat up and down my legs and creating a pool of heat deep in my belly. Deep in my soul.
He kissed my lips again, this time not even bothering to be gentle. The kiss was hard and wonderful. I shifted in his arms until I was somehow lying down on the bed and his knees were between my legs.
Without breaking the kiss I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started tugging it over his head, but eventually we realized we had to stop kissing in order to fully remove the shirt. That is what true passion is all about. I took a moment to look at his body. This man was utterly perfect. He could be a male model for anything, but no one would pay attention to the product, they would be too busy ogling my Harry. My Harry. Boy did I like the sound of that.
He came back down for a chaste kiss then he moved his head back down toward my breasts and preceded to take the other nipple, the `ignored one' he called it, into his mouth. Somehow during all the pleasure sent through my body I was able to murmur a spell to remove us of our shoes and socks, but I left the skirt and pants for us to take off.
After Harry finished his administrations on my breasts he leaned over me and rested on his left elbow and kissed me sweetly on the mouth as his right had traveled from my breasts, to my stomach, to my waist, to my hip and then to my thigh where he slid his hand back under my skirt. A few agonizing seconds later, I felt his fingertips rub against the fabric guarding my most private part from him.
“Take the bloody things off already, Harry.” He smiled as I murmured into his mouth not wanting to break the kiss.
“Yes, Ma'am!” I laughed and I could feel Harry's mouth mutter a spell to not only rid me of my undergarments, but my skirt as well. This time I broke the kiss.
“Now, Mr. Potter. Don't you know how to play fair anymore?” I teased him, as I mussed up his hair, not that I could really do that anyway, but I wanted to show some playfulness at the moment.
“Remember, Love, I play against the Slytherins. There is no such thing as playing fair. But I think I might be able to this once.” He then muttered the spell to remove him of his pants and boxers. All that was left between them was air.
They stared at each other for a long moment in order to drown each other in the sight of the sheer beauty and love between them.
“Harry, I have to confess something.”
“I know, `Mione, and I promise I won't hurt you. You have to believe that. It's the same with me, you are my first, too.” I couldn't believe what was coming from his mouth. Harry was a virgin, too. He saved himself for the person he loved just like I did. I knew from that moment on that things between us would be those that tie us forever. I was right.
He kissed me again. Yet another one of those, passionate kisses that started out sweet and innocent and ended up hot and heavy. I seductively rubbed my body against his until he moaned in pleasure and leaned into me to where I could feel is erection with no abandon.
“Harry, I want…no, I need you. Now.” I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted us to be one, body, mind, and soul. I needed it. He was barely able to mutter a word before I kissed him and immediately sucked his tongue into my mouth. Both danced and played until I reached down, wrapped my hand around his manhood and guided him home.
I felt his tip against the center of my core before he started to push into me increments at a time. Merlin, he felt good and I moaned into his mouth. He kept pushing until he hit my barrier and he drew his head back and looked me in the eyes.
“I don't want to hurt you, Love. I really don't, but I am afraid I might…I am really trying not to.”
I didn't say anything to him; I wrapped my legs around his waist and brought him fully into me. My eyes pooled with tears as a scream escaped my mouth. Harry froze right where he was and I could feel his muscles twitching from holding back.
“Oh, `Mione. What have I done? No…don't answer that…I know what I did and it should--.”
“Harry James Potter, if you tell me that what we are doing is a mistake then I will leave you right this minute and not look back.” The look on his face told me that he was doing some rethinking. I could feel my body stretching to accommodate him and I decided to start moving in order to change his mind.
Soon his face changed and showed the pain of holding back, and he finally moved slowly out of me and thrust back in. After only moments, something, primal and primitive took over. Harry started thrusting into me a little harder and deeper each time and with each movement brought me closer to a release that I had only read about in romance books. This was much better than that.
Our breaths grew even more labored than what they were only moments before. I could still feel Harry moving in and out, but a new feeling was happening. I felt my inner muscles contract around him and I screamed out his name as I plummeted over the edge. Harry thrust in one last time and moaned my name before I felt his seed spill into me.
That night changed our lives in more way than one…
A/N and that kiddies, is why this is rated `R' I hope yall enjoyed it, and I hope to get some reviews too. And NO Hermione did not tell this part to lily, it her thinking about that night. I italicized it so you would know it is a thought! I can't believe you thought that…lol, I understand what you mean though, I should have done it differently.
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
A/N: in the last chapter many of you thought that Hermione was telling Lily about what happened between her and Harry. Nope. She was just thinking about that night, I should have mentioned that before. I have changed it so if you would like to re-read it and make sure I did ok on it then you may do so. I italicized it all but the first sentence and last paragraph because she told Lily those things.
On with the show…
The Final Battle Has Begun
So spent after what we just did, we fell asleep in each other's arms. I had no idea how long we lay there; I couldn't even form one coherent thought until much later. Imagine me, Hermione Granger, the smartest witch in Hogwarts, was speechless. So I brought my head up to his and kissed him with all my being. I was finally able to speak a while later.
“Harry, I love you.”
“Not as much as I love you, `Mione. I don't know what I would ever do without you. I want to be with you forever. Marry me after we graduate.”
There was only one thought going trough my mind at the point was: How did I get so lucky?
“Oh, Harry. Yes, I will marry you after we graduate.”
He kissed me again and I knew at that moment that this was the only man for me. I didn't have to voice it to him because I just knew that he felt the same about me.
He grew really quiet for about five minutes and grew this far off look on his face. I was scared. He had never gotten that look or gotten so quiet before.
“Harry, snap out of it. Harry? HARRY?” I was screaming by this time and all of a sudden he screamed bloody murder. “Harry, I am going to get Dumbledore.” I threw on Harry's robe he left hanging on the back of his door and ran out of his room, through our common room, and out into the hall. I just ran and ran and ran. I kept running until I realized I almost passed the stone statue that lead into his office. I had so much adrenaline running through my veins that I didn't have to guess a password, the door opened, I ran up the steps and threw the door open to find Dumbledore sitting at his desk looking nonchalant about everything.
“Professor I need your help. There is something wrong with Harry. We were lying there and all of a sudden he grew distant and a few minutes later he screamed like someone was performing the Cruciatus Curse on him. Please, help me.” I slumped to the floor crying. This couldn't be happening to me. When I finally found forever, it was in the process of being taken away.
“Calm down, Ms. Granger.” That was McGonagall's voice. How did she know where I was? “I heard someone crying and running down the hallway and I decided to take a look. I am glad I did, now.” I am glad didn't have to ask; sometimes I really think that she can read minds.
“Minerva, Ms. Granger here thinks someone put the Cruciatus Curse on Mr. Potter just a few minutes ago. We better see to him right now. We will ask more questions later.” I swear I love Dumbledore at times. This was one of them. I couldn't have answered his questions at the moment if my life depended on it. Let alone answer the unspoken question of why I was wearing just Harry's bathrobe. “Can you look after Ms. Granger for a few minutes. I must get to Harry.”
“Alright, Albus. I will try to calm her down, also.” With that Dumbledore swept out of the room at a fast pace to reach Harry before anything else could happen. I just sat there and cried.
“Now, Ms. Granger, it is alright. Everything will be fine.” She tried to assure me, but I couldn't be fooled. I knew that something was terribly wrong and nothing would be right again. I was right. A few moments later Dumbledore walked back into his office and looking so weak and feeble. Not the Dumbledore I knew.
“Where's Harry?” I couldn't even stop myself from blurting it out. I was so scared I was shaking and I was shivering at this point from crying too much.
“Hermione, when I got back to your rooms I didn't find him. Nothing of his was there anymore and it seems to me that he left in order to fulfill his destiny. The Final Battle has begun.” His twinkling blue eyes no longer held the cheery look; he was looking older and older at each passing moment.
I lost it. I thought I had cried all my tears, but I was wrong. My shoulders shook with tremors caused by my sobs into Professor McGonagall's shoulder. They let me cry. That was all they could do because I sure wasn't in the mood to be clamed down. The love of my life was off fighting a battle he would win. I was sure of it.
My tears started to dry after for what seemed like hours of crying, and I remembered something Dumbledore had said minutes before. “What destiny, Professor? Why can't you tell me?”
“Hermione, I never thought you didn't know. Remember when you went to the Department of Mysteries in order to supposedly save Sirius?” I nodded. “Well, Voldemort was there in order to steal a prophecy that deals with himself and Harry. But the orb it was in broke and it floated away. Only one other person could remember what the prophecy was. Me. I was in the exact room when Sybill gave the prophecy and luckily for us I can remember things very well.” He walked over to a cabinet and took out what looked like a stone basin. I knew what that was, a pensieve. “Come over here and take a look in the bowl, the memory should still be fresh in there.”
alright, I hope you guys liked that chapter, chapter 4 should be up shortly. Watch for it!
Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling; therefore I do not own Harry Potter or any other character I may mention.
On with the show…
The Prophecy Retold
I did as asked and I stuck my head through the watery silver substance and I whirled back into Dumbledore's office, but there was no Professor McGonagall and it was daylight. A young looking Professor Trelawney sat in a chair directly in front of Dumbledore. I didn't know what was happening, but something in the room shifted, the atmosphere changed and Trelawney got a distant look on her face.
I couldn't believe it. This was what Harry kept from Ron and me for two years now. I wanted to strangle and kiss him at the same time, but he wasn't here to either too and that started a whole new round of tears. I felt a swirling sensation come over me as everything in the bowl disappeared and once more I was standing in the modern-day office and it was nighttime.
I was still crying as I came out of the bowl and Professor Dumbledore did something that I would never have imagined. He walked over to me and held me in his arms and let me cry as much as I needed to cry as he rubbed my back and said `to get it out of my system so we could talk'. What he didn't know was that I wasn't crying for fear or sadness anymore. I was crying out of anger that Harry couldn't trust me enough to confide what was in Prophecy.
It took about a total of twenty minutes for my crying to die down and for me to get in control of my anger before I was able to look up into the faces of my two most favorite teachers.
“I'm sorry, Professors. This is really hard on me right now.” Professor Dumbledore shifted me out of his understanding hug and put me into a chair in front of his desk. “I guess you are wondering why I am in Harry's robe, huh?”
“Well, Ms. Granger, I wasn't going to force you to ask that question, but if you would like to inform us.” Professor McGonagall said as a small smile formed on her face. “However, I do believe I know what has happened between you and Mr. Potter tonight.”
I felt heat rise up my chest, into my neck and settling on my face where it abruptly stayed there. “Yes, Professor. I am afraid it is what you think. We were intimate tonight. And believe it or not, I don't regret it one bit.”
I carefully looked at Professor Dumbledore who had an amused look upon his face. “I don't doubt that, Hermione. When you fall in love, you will do anything to be with that person. Am I right, Minerva?”
“Absolutely, Albus. Hermione, how about you and I go back to your room so you can get something more, ahem, decent on. And then we can return here or perhaps back to my office to chat.” I nodded. The thought of returning to my room was unbearable, but I did need something else to wear, but I didn't want to take off his robe. The robe was him. It still smelled like him. I decided to wear my pajamas under it.
As we walked down the hallway, I could tell that McGonagall wanted to talk to me so bad, so I started her talking. “Oh, Professor, forgive the attitude, but spill it.”
She smiled at me. “I was just thinking, Hermione, that in that prophecy it said the one to defeat the Dark Lord had something the Dark Lord didn't have. I now believe it was love that will be the determining factor in this battle. You, Hermione, just might be the reason why Harry will finally win the War against the Dark Side. And if I am not mistaken, Mr. Potter will want to get back home to you so you can have a wedding to plan.” By this time we were standing outside the portrait of Sir Codogan, the portrait that allowed access to the Head Boy and Girl Common Room and dorms.
I quickly muttered the password and walked into the Common Room. Everything was just as we left it. I stalked past the couch, the coffee table, the fireplace, and the table and chairs to go up to my room and get my pajamas. I quickly changed and met McGonagall back in the Common Room.
“Let's go. I don't' want to stay here any longer than necessary. Right now, anyway.” I was on the verge of tears again and this time I knew that if I started I wouldn't be able to stop.
“Quite understandable, Ms. Granger. Let's go back to my office so we can chat and have a cup of tea.” I was so grateful for her at that moment. If I had to stay in our rooms one last second I would have surely let my tears loose and I would probably cry myself into a coma. She led me back out the portrait hole and up the hallway toward her office, and somehow just walking beside her calmed my nerves to an extent. Don't get me wrong; I was still nervous, very much so in fact, but it was less than before.
“Thank you, Professor.” I just continued walking, not really taking in anything that was happening around me. My mind was shut off. If I thought I hurt, and if I hurt I cried, and Merlin knows I didn't need to cry anymore. McGonagall snapped me out of my daze after I walked about 20 feet past her door. I would normally have been embarrassed, but I didn't give a flying Snitch at the moment. I tuned and walked solemnly back to the door she held open for me. “Thanks,” I murmured as I walked in the office.
“Have a seat, Hermione. We need to chat.” I politely sat down in an armchair that was in front of her desk. “Ms. Granger, I must talk to you about your actions tonight. You and Mr. Potter were destined to be together, I know that, but are you so sure that you were ready to finalize your relationship with him?” I knew that must have been coming. All I could do was nod my head. My mind was zoning out again and I knew if I didn't stop that I would never be able to concentrate on my schoolwork. Wait…what schoolwork. We just finished N.E.W.T.S. and there were no more classes for the seventh years. It was already affecting” my mind.
“Professor, must we talk about this now? I know we shouldn't have, but if I start thinking like that and he doesn't come back to me, it was almost as if it were a mistake. Believe me, it was no mistake. Even if it were the last time I could hold him, I wouldn't change a thing. I love him so much and I don't want to lose him. I just found him and he could be gone.” I started crying again. I cried like I had never before, not even in Dumbledore's office. I heard her get up, but I didn't know where she went and I didn't care. I sat there; my shoulders shaking and my breath coming out as gasps. When McGonagall came back I couldn't breathe right, I was hyperventilating.
“Hermione, breathe, you have to breathe.” She was really worried about me. I could see it in her eyes, she was worried not only for me but for Harry.
It took several minutes for my breathing to even somewhat, but even then it was still ragged. “I can't believe he left without telling me.” I whispered. I could barely hear it and it was a miracle McGonagall heard it.
“Miss Granger, did you ever think that maybe he didn't leave of his own accord? That maybe You-Know-Who might have had a hand in his disappearance?”
All the bad thoughts one could think of were running through my head. I wouldn't have been able to say one coherent thought if my life depended on it. I only shook my head.
“You know that everything happens for a reason don't you, Miss Granger?” I nodded. “Then you know that everything that happened tonight was just a part of the overall plan that the Great Being has for us, am I right?” I nodded again. “Alright, if you know that, then why are you sulking the whole time? Miss Granger, you have to understand that everything has a reason and that reason is everything. The Final Battle has reason, and Mr. Potter and yourself doing what you did this evening even has reason. I don't want you to fret over it, Hermione, all will turn out in the end.”
You know, I didn't want to admit it, but she was right. She was absolutely right.
alright, that is chapter 4. I am currently working on chapters 5 and 6.
OMG I forgot. I would like to thank my beta sarahmay, she is an awesome beta and I am SO, SO sorry I forgot to mention you! Please forgive me…goodness, I promise that will be the first thing I do when I finish the rest of the chapters. Lub you sarah, thanks again!!!
P.S. reviews are nice
Hey y'all. I am back with the long-awaited chapter 5!! I am so sorry it took so long. I lost my disk…after I had written the entire chapter too…so I had to re-write it. I hope y'all like it!
Thanks to all those who reviewed! And to HHRLVR for being the best beta on earth! And for sarahmay who helped me when I had block! Good luck with everything ya'll!
On with the show!
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I own the plot.
To this very day, I still think Professor McGonagall was right. Everything happens for a reason.
“Miss Granger, I think you should go back to your dorm for the night. You need some rest.”
“I will, but do you think it might be possible for me to stay with Ginny Weasley instead of going back to my room? I don't want to be alone tonight.”
“I don't see why not. Let's go to Gryffindor and get you settled in again.”
“Thank you, Professor.” I was truly thankful for it. I didn't know what I would have done if I had to be alone.
When we reached Gryffindor Tower, McGonagall told the Fat Lady the password and we walked through the common room toward the sixth year dorms to find Ginny.
It didn't take long, and McGonagall walked over to have a word with her before she would let me fully into the room.
“Miss Weasley…Miss Weasley…Ginny wake up.”
“Humph…It is Saturday for goodness sakes, can't I sleep till noon?”
“No, you may not, Miss Weasley. I must speak to you for a moment. Harry has disappeared. It is evident that the Final Battle has begun, and Hermione refuses to stay by herself. May she stay with you?” I know she was trying to whisper, but she wasn't trying hard enough; I could still hear her.
Ginny sat there for what seemed like ages. I thought she had fallen asleep again, but I heard her say, `Oh my God. Send her in.' If she wasn't my best girl friend before that, she was now.
I walked over to the bed and she scooted so I could get in.
“Now, Hermione, that tea you had in my office had a bit of a sleeping draught in it and as soon as you fall asleep, you will have no dreams and you will sleep for a while. See you tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Professor.” I rose up in the bed and hugged Professor McGonagall tight before she had the chance to walk away. I don't know what I would have done if not for her tonight. I might have done something rash and unforgivable if not for her guidance and caring.
She let go of me with a sad smile upon that wizened face and with tears in her eyes she said, “You are very welcome, I just wish I could have done more. Goodnight, ladies.”
After she left, silence ensued for a long moment before Ginny said anything.
“Oh Merlin, Hermione. I am so sorry about it all. What can I do?”
“Nothing,” I said as I started to cry again. “No one can do anything anymore but listen and offer solace and comfort. I just want my Harry back.”
“I know you do, but you knew this would happen sooner or later. It was meant to be.”
“I know that now. I just didn't want it to happen tonight. Tonight was our night. Our first time.” I knew she would want to know, but I didn't feel like talking anymore. I wanted sleep. “'Night, Gin.”
I woke up that next day with a pounding headache from the crying I did the previous night. How could something so right be so wrong the next day? I finally decided to get out of bed after what seemed like an eternity of just lying there. I had to move around, and the only way I could was to go to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Once I got there, I remembered it was a Hogsmeade weekend and that most of the students had gone, but Ron and Ginny, two of the best people in the world, were sitting there waiting for me to get up.
“Good morning, Hermione. We heard about it all. We're sorry, and Ron and I wanted to be with you today.” Thank Merlin for Ginny Weasley. I walked over to the sofa and sat down in between Ron and his sister and thought about everything that had happened.
“How about we go walking around the castle? You, Hermione and me. We can go and talk and just walk if that is what comes to it.”
“Sounds like an idea to me, Gin. Let's go.”
For the rest of the day, all I was able to do was my normal routine. It was like I was a robot, going through all the motions, but not putting any heart into it. We passed several people in the hall, but I spoke to no one; I looked at nothing in particular. Ron even thought that someone had put the Imperious Curse on me because I didn't act right. Well could you blame me? I mean, the only love of my life had vanished to fulfill his destiny and he might never come back to me.
Ron had had enough of it by five o'clock in the evening.
“Hermione, look at me. That is it, look at me. Snap out of it.” I swear he could be the biggest prat in all of the United Kingdom sometimes. He still can be after all these years.
“Ronald Bilius Weasley! How would you feel if Luna disappeared for days and you didn't know if she would come back alive or not? You would feel the same way!” I love Ginny. She was always there to help fight my battles. Ever since I returned to the common room she was right there for me to cry on her shoulder, and all I did was tell her I didn't want to talk and goodnight. How was that for friendship?
“I am only trying to help. We love you, Hermione. We don't want you to be bummed. Well, how `bout we go to dinner then?”
“Let's go then.” I do believe those were the only words I had uttered since last night..
We walked down to dinner in silence. By this time the students who went to Hogsmeade had returned. Everyone we passed in the hall was quiet. I knew news traveled fast at Hogwarts, but I didn't think it was that fast. I ignored all the stares and whispered comments; I had to. If I let some of it get to me, I would have hexed everyone in my way. But we made it to the Great Hall with no one being injured.
We sat down at the table with the rest of the Gryffindors and Malfoy. Ever since he and Ginny started dating they ate all meals together and were often seen in the halls holding hands and stealing kisses when no one was looking. It turns out after all that he isn't the bad guy we once thought he was. All of us are actually getting along with him. Except Ron of course, but no one cared about his opinion, as long as Ginny was happy.
It wasn't but about five minutes after we sat down to eat that I had a terrible feeling that something bad had happened. Soon I knew why; Harry was back, coming in through the doors of the Great Hall.
He looked horrible. His clothes were ripped half off his body, blood was all over him and still coming out of deep gashes, and I could tell that he could barely walk. I started to get up from the table to go to him, but Ginny and Ron held me back.
“Let me go. I have to get to him!”
They let me go, but before I could get to him, he made it to the staff table and took something out of his pocket and set it before Professor Dumbledore.
“It is over. He is gone, for good.” Then it happened: he crumpled to the floor.
Somehow I was able to reach him before anyone else. All I knew was that Harry needed me, and I would be there for him! Nothing could keep me away.
I laid his head in my lap and looked at the man that I loved and knew that it was the end of what was supposed to be our beginning. But at the time, my brain didn't want to believe it; my heart still doesn't believe it.
He looked up at me with those green eyes of his, and I could feel his pain. I never thought that a person would ever feel that much pain in one lifetime, but Harry did. Ever since his birth, he knew nothing but pain, and even in the end, I am sure all he would feel was pain. I felt so special to know that even for a brief period in his life, I was able to give him happiness.
“Harry. You're back.” I was so happy to see him that I was oblivious to what else was happening to him. His heartbeat grew weaker and his breathing quickened.
“No, Hermione, I'm not. I had to come back to tell you that I love you, and I always will. And please tell Lily that I love her too. And that I am looking down from Heaven on both of you…I love you, `Mione.” He closed his eyes and was gone.
“No, Harry, come back to me. Please come back to me! I love you, Harry.” I sobbed into his body. My love was gone, but something new hit me: Who is Lily?
ohhhhh…what is gonna happen next? tune in for chapter 6. it should be up within the next few days. thank goodness my writers block is gone!
please review
just bumping it since when I changed the chapter nothing happened.
chapter 6 coming soon!
Hey everyone. Me again. Well this was to be the last chapter, but then I wanted to add someone else and then I got some bright idea which was supported by my beta and it ends up changing the whole story. the title pretty much gives it away, but I hope yall will like it.
Umm…ok after re-reading it, my original plot has changed a lot. so all those who didn't want Harry to die…well read on before I say anything else and ruin the surprise. and now I have one more chapter and an epilogue in the works
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot.
Family Reunions and Second Chances
Harry stood there looking down on the scene from his spot in heaven. This was it; this was the day his little girl was getting married.
He had watched the two most important women in his life grow and adapt to the world around them for almost twenty-four years now. Man, how the time had flown.
It seemed just like yesterday to him that he left to battle Voldemort. After making love with Hermione, he vowed to bring that bastard down so his loved ones wouldn't suffer anymore than they had already. What he didn't plan on was losing his life in the process.
He couldn't blame himself for it anymore; he knew what he was doing. After all he went into battle with his eyes wide open wanting only one result: Voldemort's death. He didn't expect to die as well.
He could still remember that day, not for the fighting, but for the vision he saw on the way to fight Voldemort. Hermione holding a baby, a baby girl. His baby girl. He knew then that this was it. The end of the modern Dark Ages. The end of Voldemort, for once and for all.
Things didn't go as planned. Just as Harry cast the Killing Curse, Voldemort cast a spell Harry had never heard of. One that didn't cause instant death, but caused death all the same. A much more painful death; one that shut down each internal organ one at a time. He could still sometimes feel the pain when he let his memories drift to that day.
“Don't think about that now, Harry. Today's the day your little girl is getting married,” came a voice from behind him.
“Ah ha, so you can still read minds, eh, Albus? I always knew on some level you could, you always knew everything that happened at Hogwarts. So that is how.”
“I always knew you were a bright young man, Harry. However we do have to discuss how Miss Lily came to be. I don't condone premarital relations, Mr. Potter, but I accepted it. And Lily is a bright young lady. Congratulations.”
Harry chuckled. “Sir, I do believe you are about twenty-four years late on that. But thank you anyway. I am so proud of her. She's just like her mother. I couldn't have asked for anything better than that. But as for being bright, look around to where it got me. A lifetime of not being with Hermione, Lily, or any other children we might have had.”
“Harry James Potter, don't you dare say that. You saved them. You saved the whole entire Wizarding World. That was the most selfless and wonderful thing a person can do for his family and friends.” He knew that voice. He hadn't heard it since he was a little over one year old, but he knew that. It sang to him on more than one occasion when he couldn't get to sleep.
“Mum?” He had to turn to see the speaker. He wasn't disappointed.
“Yeah, it's me, Baby.” She said as she enveloped him in a hug.
Lily Evans Potter looked just as vibrant and wonderful as she had in the pictures that Hagrid and Sirius had given him for in those brief seven years he was in the Wizarding World.
Her red hair wasn't a red like the Weasleys had, nor was it the near orange that plagued most redheads. Hers was an auburn color that hung in ringlets down her back. She was beautiful. Her skin was a creamy white and her eyes were exactly like the ones he saw in the mirror everyday of his life.
And next to her stood a man that could have been a replica of Harry himself if he had lived to see that age.
“Hello, Son. My, how you've grown.”
“See, Prongs. I told you that he was a spitting image of you at that age. You didn't believe me, did you?” Harry just shook his head. Sirius. He knew that had to be him. “And believe it or not, Harry, Lily is more like you and your father than she is Hermione or your mother. I've seen it.” Yep. It was.
“I knew it was you somehow, Sirius. I didn't want to, but I knew you would be up here too.”
“Well, who did you think it was? The Easter Rabbit? Of course it is me! You can be such a dolt at times.”
“But how? How come I never saw you guys before?”
Albus spoke up that this. “Well, I thought that it was time that you were brought into the circle here. And meet your parents. Of course you know Snuffles.” He said the last with a bit of humor in his voice that received a growl of disapproval from Sirius.
“Padfoot, behave.” Lily scolded. “How would you feel if I hissed at you? I know you don't like cats, so don't make me change.”
“O-kay, Lily.” Who would have ever thought Sirius could be reprimanded by anyone.
“Oh, my dear sweet Merlin. Today has been a trip. First my little girl is getting married, now I get to meet my parents, and I get to see Sirius afraid of my mother. I can't believe it.”
“Believe it Harry. It's real. And this time we are not leaving. We promise.” If Harry didn't know that the man speaking was his father. He would have seriously thought that he was in a twilight zone, seeing himself a few years older.
“There is just one thing I wish, though. I wish that I didn't go rushing to get Voldemort. I should have resisted and then when I was more prepared I would have been able to get him without being killed myself.”
“If that is what you want, I suppose I can grant that.”
Everyone around Harry gasped at who had just joined the circle of family and friends. He didn't know who this person was, but apparently he was some sort of great wizard or something.
“Yes, Harry. I am a great wizard `or something'. I am Merlin, at your service. And you, as I understand correctly, want another chance at life.” Now it was Harry's turn to gasp in awe. He had definitely heard of Merlin. Hell, what witch or wizard hadn't?
Merlin chuckled. “Yes, I do believe almost every magical person has heard of me. There is a reason for that as well. It's not because I can read minds, my boy. It is because I have been able to do some of the most powerful magic ever known without consequences.
“I heard your wish just now, Harry. And if you are willing, I would be happy to send you back to the night that you died to change the past, to learn how to right it. I know you want to say yes immediately, but know this: you will never forget what it was like to be hit with that curse, to see Hermione in pain when you died in her arms, and you will never forget what it is like to be up here too early. I saw the night you died and I knew that you were going to be here far too early, and for the past twenty or so years I have been debating coming to you and letting you do this. It wasn't until watching you look down on Earth with such a longing for life that my decision was sealed. I want you to have this opportunity, Harry, not just for you, but your family and Hermione and Lily, too. Just tell me when you would like to leave and I will be ready.”
Many thoughts swam through Harry's head at once. He was getting the opportunity to go back to Earth to be with Hermione and Lily. Not just that, but he was being given the chance to go back into time and fix everything and be there through everything. Something else crossed him mind also. He looked around at the people standing there by him. There was Albus Dumbledore, whom Harry knew he would see when he got back to Earth. However there was his mum, his dad, and Sirius. He had gotten his family back. But deep in his mind he knew that they would always be able to watch down and see him live and he knew that when his time really did come he would be able to spend Eternity with them; he would only get one lifetime and only living seventeen years didn't qualify for one.
He just had to get back to the past; and to Hermione. To Lily. To everyone else at Hogwarts. An unshed tear fell down his cheek
“Harry,” said James, “I know that you are thinking of leaving us. But your mother and I couldn't be happier that you are given the chance to go back and change everything. You have another chance at life. I would have given anything for that. We understand and we love you, that's why we are pushing you to do this. It sounds like it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it.”
As his mother wiped away another stray tear off her son's face, she spoke quietly to him. “Sweetheart, I want you to know that your father and I are so proud of you, and nothing will change that. We just want you to be happy, and if having you leave now lets you be happy, then we will see you when it is your time.” As an afterthought she turned and smacked her husband in the arm.
“What was that for? I didn't do anything.”
“That was for the `once in a lifetime' remark a few minutes ago! Don't do it again.”
“Yes, Love.”
“Harry, I know we weren't there for you your whole life, but know this, we were up here watching you grow into a wonderful young man. So now, go back down there and make us even more proud to be your parents.” Lily was crying now. It wasn't the first time she let her baby go, but this time she let go willingly so Harry could live a wonderful life. He turned to Sirius.
“Harry,” said Sirius, “I want you to know that what happened that night at the Department of Mysteries wasn't your fault. If I had taught you how to use that damned mirror, you wouldn't have been tricked to think that I was in trouble, and neither one of us would be here right now. But know this. It happened, don't blame yourself for it. Don't blame anyone for it. Well except Bella, she was to blame. But don't go avenging my death, at least not now. Maybe later.” He paused to duck from a hit from Lily. “I was joking Lil. Calm down. Before we let you go Harry. I never told you this, but I love you. You were the child I never got to have. Well, to my knowledge anyway. Ouch, Lily, that one hurt. Go have fun, Harry. See you around.”
Harry was freely crying now. Never had he felt such emotion running through him: happiness, sadness, hope, fear, and desperation. He turned to Dumbledore and put his hand out. “Sir. Will you still let me graduate from Hogwarts?”
“It will be my pleasure, Harry. See you on the other side, shall we?”
“We shall.”
He then turned to the rest of the members of the group. He went to Sirius first and hugged his Godfather tightly and whispered in his ear, “The next kid we have will be named after you, but Merlin help me, if he acts like you I'm going to kill him.”
Then he moved to his father and hugged him for the all the missed hugs for the past forty years worth. And then for the next forty to come. “I know I never got to know you, but I want you to know that you were always my hero. I will do everything in my power to be like you, and be the dad that I always knew you would be. I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, Son.” Now James was added to the crying masses around him.
Harry wasn't able to get to his mother before she rocketed herself to his arms and hugged him tightly. “Harry, be careful! I don't want to see you here for a second time within the next 60 years. You hear me?”
“Yes, Mum.” He buried his head into her hair. “I love you, Mum. And I promise that I will change everything when I get there. I won't screw up this time.”
“Harry James, you could never `screw up' if your life depended on it. Well, this time it kind of does matter, so don't mess this chance up. I love you, Baby.”
He reluctantly let go of his mother and turned to face Merlin again.
“Sir, I do believe that I am ready now.” Merlin nodded.
“There is one thing that I must warn you about first, Harry. Absolutely do not tell anyone about you dying and going to heaven and then being given a second chance. They will want to do it then and I will not allow it. You may say that you had a dream about it, but do not go into detail or everything will change. With that said, good luck, Harry. Enjoy your second chance.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“Now then. How did that spell go? Ah yes… reciproco aevitas.
And with a whoosh, he was gone.
I gotta thank my beta HHRLVR and I am going to promote her story The Bachelorette…so go and read it! and if you think that spell is wrong for sending Harry back…it is also her fault, because she thought it up for me! (by the way…reciproco means reverse and aevitas technically means time, but it more like age)
don't forget to review!
A/N To my wonderful readers…about all two or three of you. (Man I really have to build up my fan base).
Onward we go…and I am sorry for the writers block I had. My Muse was extremely lazy and stubborn and refused to cooperate with me. However she did decide to return during Algebra this morning.
AND Thank you to the best beta ever… seanbiggerstafflover (aka to me as Erin)
Chapter 7 - Nothing Else is Worth Living For
Hermione awoke to someone rubbing small circles over her abdomen, right above the spot where her womb lay.
“Good morning, my loves.” Harry whispered in her ear, and she turned to face him, tears in her eyes.
“Harry, you're still here. Thank Merlin it was just a dream.” She hugged him tight and wouldn't let go.
“Of course I am still here. Now what happened in this dream?” Maybe she was remembering what happened in the other life as a dream, soon to be forgotten.
“I remember someone's wedding day, and you not being there because you were dead. It was terrible. Promise me you won't leave, ever.” Her tears fell freely down her face with no chance of stopping them for a few minutes.
“You love me that much, huh?” Harry tried to tease her out of her tears, and for the most part it was working like a charm.
“Uh huh,” she answered in a giggle. “I love you that much. Now, just promise you won't leave.”
“Hermione, I promise that I won't leave either of you. Why do you think I would?”
“You didn't leave. You were dead. You went to fight Voldemort and you left me, by myself. Wait…us
It finally dawned on her that the night before they didn't use protection. She laid her hand over top Harry's and pressed against her stomach, ever so lightly. Harry intertwined fingers with Hermione and looked from their hands, to her face, and back again.
“I'm sorry for not remembering, Hermione. But I'm not sorry for her.” Honestly, he was sorry for being so lost in her not to remember even the smallest thing like a condom, but he was definitely not sorry for his daughter growing in this woman's stomach.
“Oh gosh, Harry. I know you do and I'm not sorry either. Just how do you know it is a she?”
“I just have a hunch,” he said with a smile, “and I do believe that she will be just like her mother.”
“Harry -“she started to say be he silenced her with a loving kiss.
“Hermione, marry me.” He said as he finally dragged his lips off hers.
“Harry, just because I might be pregnant doesn't mean that we have to get married.” Hermione's heart was beating fast, like she had run a marathon. Liar she told herself he ONLY wants to marry you to make the baby legitimate.
“'Mione, it's not that…ok it's part. I love you, and I was going to ask you to marry me even before last night happened. I was just going to wait until later, but now I realized that I don't want to wait. I want this everyday and every night and forever more. Marry me, Hermione.”
“I love you, Harry. Yes, I'll marry you.” Harry grabbed her up close and didn't let go until he realized he might hurt Lily.
“I love my girls.”
“Not as much as we love you. So, this is what it's like starting a new life with the person you love?” She had to ask. She wanted to know if he was feeling the same things she was feeling.
“I guess it is. And believe me, nothing else is worth living for.” Harry had been to the other side and back. Love was the only thing that he wanted to live for, and he got his wish. Truly, nothing else is worth living for…
Yeah I know it is short, and I am sorry for that. My class ended early and apparently my Muse got bored in Algebra too and let me write this.
Don't worry, not exactly the end, just the last chapter. Epilogue out soon.
Please review?
And I am so sorry for not getting this out a LONG time ago. Please don't hate me. I had started writing it before I started another fic of mine and then I had to run with it cause the ideas kept bombarding me full force...anyways…here it is. The Epilogue to Nothing Else Is Worth Living For.
Harry Potter leaned against the doorjamb of the nursery and admired the site he saw before him.
Now normally a man wouldn't stand there and watch his wife breastfeed a hungry, screaming baby, but Harry wasn't an ordinary man. He was one hell of a wizard and he had cheated death not once but twice. The first was sheer luck, but the second occurred when he had already been dead for almost twenty-three years.
“…if that pony runs away, mummy and daddy's gonna buy you a brand new day,” sang his wife softly as Lily finally shut her eyes, stopped suckling, and fell right to sleep.
“I think she's out,” whispered Harry as he walked into the light yellow and red nursery, carefully picked up the small two month old and placed the infant in her white wicker bassinet.
“I love you, Harry,” said Hermione quietly as she wrapped her husband into a backwards hug to where they could both look down at their miracle child.
“Thank you, Hermione. For Lily. For everything. I love you both more than life itself,” he told her. As he turned to face her, she saw in his eyes that he was telling the truth. He did love them more than his life.
Harry and Hermione were wed right after their last day of school at Hogwarts. Of course they were only seventeen, but everyone knew that their love would pull them out of any argument or any obstacle that may come their way. And over the years they would spread their love as far as it would go, and after having eight children and many anniversaries their love only grew stronger. And through the years the whole world knew that love was the only thing worth living for…and nothing else.