Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 13/07/2004
Last Updated: 25/07/2004
Status: In Progress
Response to a challenge. Harry and Hermione trapped between four walls with nothing to talk about! EDIT: Being extended due to requests.
“Why are we in a cupboard?”
“I don't get why he couldn't look for it himself!” Harry grumbled walking into the crowded chamber that was tucked away at the back of the library.
“Well I suspect he's a very busy man. If you have somewhere else to be Harry, then just go.” Hermione complained.
Harry sighed looking around the dusty tomes, in all honesty he had no where he particularly needed to be and he didn't really want to leave Hermione to look for the book on her own.
“What's it called again?” he asked.
“Venturing Between the Pasts” she replied putting her wand down and flipping through books.
Harry and Hermione had been sent by Dumbledore to look for a tome he wished to have for research purposes, they had been told to look for it within a chamber located at the back of the Library. Hermione had thought that it was strange as she had never noticed an opening for this particular room before and she spent most of her free time dwelling in the library.
“Any sign of it?” she asked him getting a little disgruntled, they had been searching for a quite along time and they couldn't locate it within the mass of books that littered the room.
“Nope.” Harry said, boredom evident in his voice “Did you check that bookcase?” he asked pointing over to a tall case in the corner of the room.
Hermione shook her head, walking over to the case pulling books from it checking the titles; these books had no references on the spine and as a result they had to pull each out in turn. Hermione reached up for the last book on the middle row and pulled it, only it didn't come off the shelf, instead it caused the case to jump away from the wall and shift to the side, revealing a door. Harry looked at Hermione sceptically and slowly reached for the door handle before peaking inside, it was a very small room, the size of a small storeroom, the walls were covered in books all packed neatly together. Harry groaned at the thought of having to check all of the books. Hermione walked in the room with a glance at Harry and he followed right behind her there wasn't much space at all, just enough for them to turn around in and that was about it.
“Here it is!!” Hermione said excitedly grabbing the book off the shelf “Now lets get out of here.” she said turning around back to the door to find Harry stood pushing all his weight against it in bursts of energy.
“What in the world are you doing?” Hermione asked condescendingly. Harry rounded on her with raised eye brows and a frown.
“It's bloody stuck.” he said heatedly.
“What? Move let me try.”
“Fine.” Harry moved to the side as much as he could to make room. Hermione tried the handle but it wouldn't work. “See? I told you, it's stuck. Use your wand I left mine in the tower.” Harry said taking his glasses off and pinching the bridge of his nose.
Hermione reached in her pocket for her wand only to find it wasn't there. Her face drained as she realised she had left it on the table in the other room.
“It's out there.” she said dejectedly.
“Oh, well, this is just bloody perfect.” Harry said running a hand through his hair.
Hermione leaned back against the books pushing her head back, her arms crossed over her chest.
“We'll just have to wait I guess, Dumbledore will come and look for us when we don't get back. What time is it?” she asked.
“Eight twenty five.” Harry spoke before cradling the back of his neck with his hands, letting out a large yawn. He took off his cloak and placed it on the ground sitting down. He looked up at Hermione who sat down next to him, not really enough room to sit anywhere else. He rested his head back and turned to the side to look at her.
“Hi.” he said like hadn't been with her this whole time.
“Hello.” she replied smiling.
“How are you?”
“I'm okay thank you? And you?” she said, still smiling.
“You know, same old same old, coming up with master plans to rid the work of an Evil Overlord.” he said as if this was nothing.
Hermione sighed; the last thing she wanted was to be locked in a room with a miserable Harry talking about nothing but the war.
“Can we not?” she said.
“Can we not, what?”
“Talk about the war - let's not make this worse than it already is.”
Harry nodded slightly before straightening his head back up looking at the door. They sat in silence for a while, no noise except their breathing.
“Eye-spy with my little eyes something beginning with B.” Hermione laughed at him leaning to the side resting her head on his shoulder.
“You really are smart Hermione, however did you guess?” he said roguishly pulling his arm up and resting it around her shoulders, his head leaning against hers.
The seconds turned into minutes and the minutes into hours. Neither could sleep as it was cold and they were uncomfortable.
“What's my favourite colour?” Hermione asked Harry after a lengthy silence.
“Well it used to be Blue.” he said in his defence. “What is it now?”
“Green.” she stated.
“I dunno.” Harry rolled his eyes.
“What's mine?”
“Damn it!” Hermione smiled, she knew practically everything there was to know about Harry. There was another long silence. “Hermione, what was your childhood like?”
Hermione looked over to Harry tenderly; she could just make out his expression in the dim light, she knew that this was a sensitive subject with Harry.
“It was good, normal I guess. It was happy, I've lived in the same house all my life and it's a comforting place for me.”
“Do you miss your parents when you're at school?” he asked. She lowered her head before raising it again to look at him.
“Yeah I guess I do.” Harry slowly reached for Hermione's hand and entwined their fingers gently. “What's with all the questions” she breathed.
“Wanted to ask you something I've never asked before.” he replied shortly.
“Boxers or briefs?” Harry laughed against Hermione's head as he pulled her in for a hug. “What is your ultimate dream in life Harry?” Hermione asked seriously.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times debating whether or not to argue about just wanted to last through the war, but he had agreed not to talk about it and he wasn't that insecure about telling Hermione anyway. After a long pause he answered.
“To be loved and to love in return.” Hermione's eyes winded, she hadn't expected something so deep. She had assumed his answer would include something to do with Quidditch. “I want to grow up happily, having a family to love as much as I can.” Hermione couldn't find anything to say so instead she tightened her grip on his fingers between hers and pushed against him tightly, she was more than happy when he wrapped his arms around her enveloping her completely.
“Why the hell are we in a cupboard?” he joked against her, making her shake silently with laughter. He could feel her smile up against the skin of his neck sending chills down his spine.
“Just because.”
“Fair enough.”
Another long-lasting silence.
“What your biggest fear Harry?”
“Hey, it's my question Hermione.” he said quickly.
“No it's not you asked why we were in a cupboard.”
“That so doesn't count!”
“Yeah it does now answer the question.” He sighed slightly in defeat.
“Honestly? I mean do you really want to know?”
“Yes” she looked at him fearfully.
“Clowns!! Can't stand them! No seriously” he added when Hermione tutted “Why anyone would think a man wearing scary arse make-up would entertain anyone is beyond me.” Hermione laughed softly, daft Harry made her smile.
“How about you? What's your biggest fear?”
“Losing you.” Hermione answered without delay obviously not having to think about the answer. Harry sat up off the book shelf with a start; he looked into her eyes intensely, gripping her arms delicately.
“You won't.” he answered solemnly continuing to gaze into her deep brown eyes “Ever! You'll always have me Hermione. Always. Even if I'm not physically around you won't lose me, I'll always be right by your side.” He raised a hand up to her cheek caressing it gently before collapsing into her for a hug. Hermione's revelation had startled him and more than anything it scared him, he didn't ever want to lose Hermione. So he just sat there holding her, not letting her go.
Albus Dumbledore entered the chamber in the library the next morning looking around the room expectantly, he noticed that a certain bookshelf stood away from the wall in the corner revealing a door; his eyes twinkled ever more brightly under his half-moon spectacles. He reached the door and tapped it gently with his wand.
“Alohamora” he gently pulled the door open to find Hermione Granger fast asleep in an equally slumber Harry Potter's arms.
“Hermione, wake up, it's eight o'clock. Hermione come on.” Harry softly tried to rouse her. She got up wiping sleep from her eyes.
“The doors open.” she said sleepily noticing how it stood ajar.
“I know.” Harry replied with a smile “Come on.” He said taking her hand “Lets get some breakfast.”
Hermione picked up her wand from the table as they made their way out. Harry smiled broadly as he noticed a single lemon drop sweet wrapper lying on the table next to where Hermione's wand had been. Crazy loon.
Response to a challenge by Nelli08:
1. Harry and Hermione spend the night in a broom closet together.
2. How they got there is your call.
3. They start to talk and one or the other realizes that they don't talk about much of anything
besides the war.
4. Harry and Hermione try to find anything to talk about that has nothing to do with Voldemort or
school work.
5. What they end up talking about is your choice.
6. Dumbledore must find them asleep the next morning and leave them there, but unlocks the door and
leaves a lemon drop by Harry's ear.
7. Both must find out something about the other no one knows.
Thanks for all the reviews!! Due to the responses regarding the length of this piece I have decided to expand it from one-shot to a chaptered fic, although the chapters will be fairly short. So without further adios, I give you;
Chapter 2
Harry and Hermione made their way up to Gryffindor tower to wash and change before going to breakfast. As they rounded the corridor that led to the Fat Lady's portrait, Ron Weasley their mutual best friend bound up towards them in a hurry.
“Where in the world have you two been? I've been worried sick!”
“It's a long story.” They said in unison continuing to walk past there friend, leaving him stood with his back to them.
“Are you gonna tell me?” he asked turning around and moving back after them.
“No.” They answered jointly once again, causing them to turn and grin at one another.
“You two spend way too much time together.” Ron said scratching his head as they entered the portrait hole.
As they entered into the tower the boys and Hermione pealed off to their respective staircases. Ron who was already up and dressed followed Harry like Colin Creevy's nose to a camera. Once Harry had got washed and changed he began to tell Ron about what had unfolded the previous night.
“So you're telling me you were stuck in a little room with Hermione all night without a wand?”
“Nothing gets past you Ron, no wonder they made you keeper.” Harry smirked quietly.
“The point I was actually making was; you were stuck in their all night and you just talked?” he smiled intrigued.
“Yeah, what else would we do?” he asked rather naively as he fished through his trunk for the appropriate books for the day's lessons. When he turned around he was greeted by Ron stood with a thoughtful and mischievous grin on his face, his eyebrows raised suggestively. “Oh come off it Ron, it was Hermione!”
“All the more reason for…” he gestured once again with his eyebrows.
“Ahh Ron, that's just wrong!” Harry laughed covering his eyes.
“Whatever Harry, If you can look me in the eyes and tell me you have never ever once thought about Hermione in that way, well you'd be a low down liar.” he spoke knowingly.
Unable to find any defensive words Harry ducked out of the room past Ron unable to stop the coy smile appearing across his lips.
“Ha told you!” Ron bellowed triumphantly as he followed behind Harry.
Hermione entered the Gryffindor girls' bathroom, finding Ginny stood up against one of the sinks brushing her teeth.
“Hey Gin.” Hermione smiled graciously.
“What's that all about?” Ginny asked rinsing her mouth.
“That rather bright goofy smile?” she replied turning and leaning back against the sink.
“I was just greeting you.” Hermione said defensively occupying the sink next to her friend. Ginny gave a perceptive nod and waited for Hermione to start talking. If she knew anything about her friend it was that she liked to control the conversation. “Well it was nothing really,” she continued her account much to Ginny's amusement.
“Wait wait wait, why were you in a cupboard?” Ginny asked when she had finished.
“I don't know we just got locked in.”
“Right, you're telling me you were in a confined, dark and small space all night with Harry bleeding Potter and he didn't lay a finger on you?” she said hitching the corner of her mouth up into a grin.
“Ginny!” she scoffed. “Hardly!”
“So he did?”
“Of course he did!” Hermione gleamed “Just not in the way you're thinking about Missy!” Hermione laughed as she grabbed her toiletries bag and headed to her room.
“Chuffing tease.”
Ginny and Hermione laughed about the whole situation before changing the subject to the younger Gryffindor's developments with Dean Thomas. When they were fully dressed and ready they headed down to the common room to meet Ron and Harry, they found the boys sat sniggering quietly in the corner of the room waiting to go.
“May I ask what is so funny?” said Ginny as they approached them.
“No you may not.” Ron answered simply as they left the common room. Hermione and Ginny led as they walked down to the Great Hall. Harry and Ron had pulled back as Ron had decided it would be a fun time to tease Harry about the productivity he could have advanced on in the situation he had been presented with the previous night.
“What are they sniggering about?” Ginny asked Hermione as she became increasingly aware of the boys behaviour.
“I've found its best just to let them get on with it.” Hermione replied purely as they reached the entrance hall.
As the girls entered the Great Hall, Harry pulled back dragging Ron's robes with him, pulling him effectively into the passageway to the Hufflepuff cellars. He pushed him up against the wall trying hard not to smile as Ron was still chuckling quite erratically.
“Right Weasley that's enough!” he grinned. “Firstly, it was Hermione by best friend who I respect more than any other girl I know. Secondly, even if it wasn't Hermione and it was somebody else, I still wouldn't have `made a move' because I, unlike you, am a gentleman.” Ron couldn't contain his composure much longer, practically doubling over with laughter.
“Gen...tle…man!!” he croaked out between laughs. Harry turned on his heal and left him giggling against the wall, muttering something about him being immature under his breath.
“Where's Ron?” Hermione asked as Harry took his usual seat next to her at the house table.
“Being immature and childish.”
“No change there then.” Hermione said as she returned attention back to her copy of the Daily Prophet. Harry grinned slightly before tucking in to some well earned breakfast.
“Calmed down?” Harry asked when Ron finally took his set opposite him. He nodded his head sheepishly grabbing a plate of bacon.
“Where's Ginny gone?” he asked looking around to trying to find his sister.
“She erm went to get some air.” Hermione said from behind her paper, not technically telling him the whole truth.
As the day went on Harry became more and more drowsy, he hadn't been able to sleep much the previous night and had spent the majority of which, watching his best friend breathing heavily in and out as she slept. Although after a while he had been uncomfortable on the hard floor he hadn't wanted to disturb the peaceful Hermione who was crawled up silently in his arms.
It was the last lesson of the day, History of Magic when Harry finally succumbed to his fatigue and let sleep wash over his body, lowering his head down to his desk unconsciously.
“Wake up darling. Come on sleepy, wake up.” Harry was roused by a gentle, calm voice. He could feel a hand upon his neck lightly swaying him. His eyes fluttered open and he was met by the soft face of Hermione, kneeling slightly at his side. “You fell asleep,” She smiled “The class has just finished.”
“Why didn't you wake me?” he asked groggily lifting his head from the desk.
“I don't know why. You just looked peaceful.” she answered brushing away a quill feather that had stuck to his cheek.
“You let me sleep rather than pay attention?” he asked astonished.
“Oh trust me Potter, you'll be catching up on what you missed along with the homework.” She said ruthlessly as she stood taking hold of her bag. Harry groaned as he followed suit, heading out of the classroom behind Hermione.
“Where'd everyone go?” he asked as the corridor outside the classroom was fairly empty.
“Out into the courtyard for some air.”
“I think I'll join them, I'll be sleeping like a baby before dinner otherwise.” Harry said.
“I've got to go and see Cho about swapping a prefect duty.” said Hermione reluctantly. Harry put an arm around her shoulder giving her a gentle squeeze for good luck before they parted; he knew that Cho and Hermione never quite saw eye to eye.
He walked through the corridor, down the Grand staircase and made his way around to the back of the castle. The courtyards had become the new haunt for the older Gryffindor's and he knew a large gathering of his friends would be there. As he entered the courtyard he automatically picked out Ron's red hair from the crowd, he was leaning over a wall talking to Dean, both were laughing profusely, when they noticed him approaching they quickly cut off from their conversation and gave forced effort to stop laughing.
“Ron???” Harry chuckled as he realised what they were talking about. “Let it go.”
“Oh come on Harry you're supposed to be a man!” Dean bellowed resulting in all three of them cracking up.
“Why isn't Harry a man?” asked Seamus approaching.
“Coz he didn't feel up Hermione!!” Dean answered, making Harry's jaw drop in shock. Seamus looked between the two of them noticing Harry's expression.
“You mean like the way you've been doing to Ginny?” he asked smugly in his thick Irish accent. Both Dean and Ron stopped laughing abruptly snapping their heads towards one another. Dean looked like a dear caught in the head lights as Ron narrowed his eyes dangerously. Without another word Dean turned and jolted off into a quick run closely followed by the long-limbed redhead. This time it was Harry's turn to laugh at somebody else's expense.
“Thanks Seamus” Harry said as he walked over to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard. He pulled himself up and sat on the edge.
“Well you looked like you were about to lamp him.” he replied chuckling. “So what's going on anyways?”
“They're just trying to wind me up that's all. I got locked in a storeroom or something with Hermione last night and had to stay there until this morning, they think it's funny that I didn't try anything.” explained Harry.
“Well why would you? She's your best friend.”
“Exactly!” he smiled.
“And plus it wouldn't be the best way to tell Hermione that you have feelings for her by groping her at every opportunity that presented itself!” he grinned.
“What? I don't have feelings for her.” Harry said bewildered.
“Oh really?”
“Yes really!” Harry answered definitely.
“So tell me this, what exactly did you two do in there Harry?”
“We just talked.”
“I dunno, we were asking each other questions; things that other people didn't know and stuff.” Harry said reluctantly.
“And I bet she told you all sorts too! Things she's never told anybody else. And I bet you didn't just sit there with your hands by your side neither, I bet you had one of your infamous Harry and Hermione embraces or something.” Seamus laughed as Harry started to pale. “Just think about it,” He added with a wink “I'm going to go and find what's left of Dean. Seeya later Harry.”
Harry sat on the edge of the fountain with wide eyes, watching as Seamus left the courtyard.
“Oh shit!” he mumbled lowering his forehead against the palm of his hands.
Hermione trudged through the atriums to the courtyard, her robes bellowing out behind her and her bag hanging from her shoulder limply, on reaching her destination she threw it to the ground with a thud, took her robes off and tossed them over the lip of the fountain.
“I can't stand her,” she roared irritably.
“Hi Hermione,” Ginny said from the arms of her boyfriend “everything's just peachy I take it,” she smiled to the bushy brown haired girl.
“No it's not! That bloody Cho Chang has it in for me, I swear, she's such an arrogant, conceited….little…” Hermione searched for the words as she paced on the spot.
“Cow?” Dean asked.
“Yes!” Hermione answered taking a deep breath and pinching the bridge of her nose. “All I wanted was to swap a simple shift and she has to go and make things difficult for me. I swear who ever thought she'd make a good head girl is out of their mind.” she huffed sitting down on the ground leaning back against the fountain.
“She only has it in for you because of Harry, just ignore her,” Ginny said reassuringly.
“Where is Harry?” Hermione asked noticing his absence.
“He said something about going for a walk,” Ginny replied.
“Yeah, apparently he has something on his mind.” Dean added as Hermione looked at them curiously.
“And the others?”
“Ron, Seamus and Neville are down by the lake catching flying seahorses.” Dean answered guiltily.
“I think our little Ronnikins needed to calm down,” Ginny smiled to Hermione.
“I take it he found out about you two then?” she smiled noticing they weren't trying very hard to conceal their relationship.
“Oh yes, Seamus told him right in front of me but he's okay with it…well he is now that he chased me around the Quidditch pitch a few times.”
“Hagrid, are you home?” Harry asked rapping the door of his friend's hut loudly.
“Is tha you Arry? Come on in.” Harry pushed the door of Hagrid's hut open and walked inside. Hagrid was stood over a bunch of crates feeding small wriggly creatures into them gently. “I thought ye'd forgotten tha way down ere,” Hagrid smiled as Harry approached.
“Sorry,” Harry smiled guilty; it had been a good few weeks since he had visited his friend. “I've been kinda busy what with work and training.”
“It's alrigh', at least I see yeh in class,” he smiled brightly. “So wha's on yer mind then Harry?” he asked pushing the last of the insects down in to the gaps of the crates.
“Nothing, just came for a visit,” said Harry as he sat down at the kitchen table. Hagrid walked over to his kitchen wiped his hands clean and started to make some tea.
“Sorry if I don' believe yeh Harry,” Hagrid said, “but if you were jus visiting you would ave come down with Ron and Ermione.” Hagrid laughed as Harry looked down to his hands nervously, he opened a tin and put it down on the table and poured two cups of tea, “So come on lad, tell me wha's on yeh mind.” he grinned pushing the cup towards Harry.
“It's nothing,” he said reflectively.
“Oh come on man, yeh'll ave to do better than tha.”
“Fine, it's something; but it's nothing. I don't know, maybe I'm just being silly.” Hagrid encouraged him with a few head nods. “It's Hermione.”
“Ahh,” Hagrid smiled knowingly, putting his cup down on the table. “I wondered if we'd ever be avin this talk.”
“What do you mean?” Harry asked.
“Well I gather yeh finally figured Ermione out,” Harry looked at him with a bewildered expression. “Or not,” he added his brow furrowed. “Wha d'ya mean it's Ermione?”
“What do you mean? Figured Hermione out?”
“Oh, well, just that there erm well, she's a girl,” Hagrid answered somewhat pathetically, trying to cover up his tracks, it seemed to work though as Harry looked down at his hands again.
“Well I already knew she was a girl Hagrid,” he sighed “I just didn't realise what kind of girl.”
“An what kinda girl is she Harry?” he asked taking a rather large rock cake from the metal tin. Harry played with the hem of his robes trying to figure out the answer for the question, he was becoming increasingly embarrassed by the conversation. “Come on, yeh can tell me, I'm yeh friend after all.” he smiled reassuringly.
“A girl that I might….erm…like.”
“Well you'd better like er Harry, she's bin yeh best friend fer Merlin knows how long,”
“You're going to make me say it aren't you?” Harry asked, grinning slightly at the situation. Hagrid nodded with a chuckle. “Fine,” He took a large breath and balled up his fists on the table. “I think, no wait…I know I have feelings for Hermione.” Once he had said it he let out a large breath and slumped his shoulders.
“Well yeh not the firs' to figure it out Harry, but at leas' yeh got there in the end,” Hagrid laughed as Harry turned slightly red in the cheeks.
“How come everyone seems to have figured out I like her accept for me?” Harry asked bewildered, he stood up and walked to the window.
“Well there's at leas' one other who don't know Harry.” Hagrid said trying to comfort him.
“Oh yeah, who's that?” he asked turning to face his half giant friend.
“Ermione. You two are smart but you ain't `alf stupid sometimes.” Harry smiled before turning to look back out the window.
“Ron, give it back now!”
By the time Harry walked back to the courtyard the sky had turned a hazy red, he heard echoes of his friends shouting and laughing as he rounded the last corner. He smiled when he saw Ron tormenting Hermione, he was holding what seemed to be her wand high above his six foot frame, and a thick book was floating inches away from it in the air above them. Hermione stood with her hands on her hips facing Ron who held a goofy expression, the rest of the 6th year Gryffindor's looked on in anticipation.
“Alright, here you go Hermione,” Ron said holding the wand out with a gentler expression.
“Thank you,” she huffed reaching out for it, she was mere centimetres away from having it back in her procession before Ron tossed it over her head, through the air towards Harry.
“Ron!!!” Hermione whined as she shoved him back at little too hardly, he smiled mischievously as Harry caught it. Hermione turned to face Harry her expression softening, she knew he would give it her back.
“Merlin Ron, why d'ya have to be so immature?” he asked walking over to Hermione.
“Because it's fun.” Harry held out the wand to her; as she was about to grasp it he mirrored Ron's actions and tossed it over her head sharply.
“So it is,” he smiled boyishly. Hermione's mouth dropped in shock and her eyes widened.
“You?” she exclaimed looking at him strongly, “I expect him to be a prat,” she said pointing behind her to Ron, “but not you!” she finished closing in on him. Harry smiled broadly, he stepped back cautiously as she closed in on him.
“Now, now Hermione, don't do anything rash," he laughed, holding his hands out in front of himself. She continued to close in on him, a menacing smile spreading across her lips.
“Would I?” she asked innocently before she pounced on him. Harry let out a sharp laugh as Hermione tickled him mercifully just above his hips, quicker than he could comprehend what had happened, she reached for his wand and summoned her own from Ron's hands. The book fell to the floor with a thud as Hermione backed away from Harry with a triumphant grin.
“Harry you're pathetic,” Ron bellowed across the courtyard, sitting down against a wall.
“It's her!” Harry protested point to Hermione.
She turned to retrieve her book pocketing her wand safely, she threw Harry's wand back to him as their friends laughed at his defeat.
“My afternoon's been bad enough as it is, I don't need you two knuckleheads messing with me,” Hermione complained.
“Why what's happened?” Harry asked Hermione as the group trailed off into different conversations.
“Just bloody Cho again,” she shrugged.
“Not cutting you any slack?”
“Will she ever?” she asked pursing her lips. Harry smiled as he looked at Hermione, she was so cute and he couldn't help but grin.
“What?” she asked noticing this.
“Nothing,” he said shaking his head, “Sorry about Cho, you know what she's like. Need a hug?” he asked friendlily. Hermione smiled sweetly and nodded her head. Harry returned the smile before pulling her into a tight embrace. For a second Harry forgot that he was surrounded by his friends until everything went quiet. He opened his eyes and looked up to find everyone staring at them; Seamus was grinning at him brightly.
He's told them!
Harry immediately freed his arms from Hermione and pulled back abruptly, causing her to stumble slightly.
“I gotta erm, go.” he said quickly with more force than he had meant to. He turned on his heal flushing a deep crimson and left the grounds heading back into the castle.
Hermione stood in the courtyard still in shock; she stared after the point where he had left. “That was weird,” she said turning to face the onlookers.
“He's been acting weird all afternoon,” Ginny said after she lowered her eyebrows.
“What was all that about?” Hermione asked Ron
“Erm, what was all what about?” he asked a nervous note reaching his voice, “Seems fine me. Anyway gonna go its dinner time,” he stated as he picked up his things hurriedly.
“Wait up Ron, we'll come with you,” Ginny said avoiding Hermione's eyes, she and Dean followed Ron out of the courtyard.
“Seamus, Neville, what do you lot know that I don't?” Hermione asked her suspicious rising.
“Erm probably not a lot,” Neville answered with a nervous laugh as he stared off to space.
“Ugh, tell me what's going on?” she continued getting angrier.
“Nothing's going on Hermione,” Seamus laughed “Dunno what you're talking about. Are you coming in for dinner or are you gonna stand out here all night like an egit?” he asked walking towards the Great Hall with a grin, Neville close behind him.
Hermione stood still briefly, she knew something was going on and she'd find out if was the last thing she did. “Okay I'm coming; wait!”
“Move your arse Potter; you can't nick the whole couch.”
“Move over, I'd like to sit down too if that's alright,” Ron said as he literally pushed Harry's legs over to the other side of the couch.
“Sorry, I fell asleep,” Harry yawned as he pulled himself up into a sitting position to one side of the couch.
“Nice deduction Holmes,” Dean laughed as he threw himself into an armchair by the fire.
“Who's Holmes?” Ron asked puzzled.
“Never mind!” Harry smiled. “Hey what time is it?” he asked looking around.
“Don't even think about dinner mate; you missed it, it's just gone ten.” Harry frowned as his stomach growled, he wished he had gone to dinner now but after his incident with Hermione the couch had seemed much more alluring.
“Serves you right anyway, you shouldn't have run off like a nancyboy,” said Seamus, with a smirk.
“I didn't run like a nancyboy at all, I erm just remembered I had to do something,” Harry said pathetically.
“Yeah, run away from Hermione,” Dean laughed.
“Shut up, she might hear you,” Harry said looking over his shoulder making sure she hadn't overheard.
“Relax she isn't here, she's on late night prefect duty,” Ron said throwing a cushion at Harry. “Why did you leave anyway?”
“Coz you jerks were all laughing at me.”
“That's no reason to pansy out, you should have seen Hermione, she looked like she'd just failed a test or something,” Seamus said, laughing.
“Plus we weren't laughing Harry, we were smiling,” Ron said knocking his friend lightly on the shoulder.
“The difference being?”
“That we weren't laughing at you, we were smiling because we thought you were planning on making some sort of move.”
“What do you mean?” Harry asked, slightly confused.
“I mean, we all think it's about time you did something about this erm, thing with Hermione.” Ron answered. “I mean it's pretty darn obvious how you feel about her, even I can tell and that's saying something.”
“So you're saying I should tell Hermione?”
“Yeah, tell her how you feel.” Dean chimed in. Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat; just thought of admitting to Hermione how he felt made his stomach lurch. What if she didn't feel the same? What if she was repulsed? What if she laughed?
Noticing that Harry was squirming Ron offered him encouragement, “Don't worry about what she'll say mate, I'm more than sure she wants you too.” Harry stared at Ron with wide eyes.
“W-What do I say?” he asked timidly, he had absolutely no idea how to go about confronting Hermione. He had been nervous in the past telling other girls he liked them, never mind telling his best friend that he thought he might be in love with her.
“Just be honest, tell her how you feel. Tell her she's smart and pretty and all that other stuff girls like to hear.” said Dean.
“How is it that you've got a girlfriend?” Seamus asked Dean, to which he responded with a sneer. Harry paled, this was going to be harder than he could have ever imagined and he was getting tense already. “Harry? Are you with us mate?” He heard the words echo in his mind as he snapped back to attention.
“Tell her she's pretty,” he said in a dreamy tone as if he was making a mental check list.
“Don't tell her unless you mean it though, she'll see right through you will Hermione,” Ron said shaking his head.
“You do think she's pretty don't you?” asked Seamus. Harry sat with wide eyes, he didn't want to answer this question, they'd laugh at him for sure.
“No,” he said shaking his head. The boys looked at him with confused expressions, Harry nervously looked down to his hands and with a roll of the eyes he said, “She's not just pretty, she's beautiful.”
“You're not even dating yet and you're already whipped!” Ron shouted as they boys laughed. “She's beautiful,” he repeated mimicking Harry.
“Will you lot shut up,” Harry said standing up and walking over to the window. “I can't help it.”
“Sorry Harry,” Ron smiled as he stood up and walked towards him by the window, “you just amused us there for a second. Look next time you see her just tell her, what've got to lose?”
“Erm my dignity, her respect, her friendship, her trust……” Harry began to count off on his fingers.
“Okay, okay maybe you have got something to lose but you'd regret it if you didn't say anything and you never know what might happen. Plus like I said, I don't think she's gonna turn you down, in fact I think she's rather taken to you.” Ron said, with a wink.
“Are you sure that you're okay with this Ron?” Harry asked quietly to his best friend.
“Don't worry about it mate; there was a time when I wished Hermione had looked at me like she looks at you, but its all in the past. Plus I think she'd drive me crazy,” Ron grinned as he clapped Harry on the back.
“Oy Ron, you owe me a game of wizard's chess.” Neville called, as he entered through the portrait hole, he left to play leaving Harry stood staring out of the window, breathing deeply.
“It's okay you can do this,” he told himself, “Tomorrow, you can do this tomorrow,” he closed his eyes and concentrated on something soothing to calm him down. “Hey guys, I'm gonna go and get some food from the kitchens, my stomach's trying to eat me from the inside.” Harry left the common room with a wave and headed towards the kitchens all the while thinking about what he could possibly say to Hermione.
“I don't get why he acted so strange around me, is it something I did?” Hermione asked Ginny as they walked the corridors of the castle.
“No I don't think so. Like I said, he was acting weird all afternoon,” Ginny answered.
“Why though, why was he acting weird and why would that make him run away from us like that?” she asked as her friend turned her gaze away, “Ginny what's going on, please tell me.”
“Hermione, as far as I'm aware nothing is going on,” Ginny hated lying to her friend but had been sworn to secrecy by Ron and the rest of the Gryffindor boys. “Look Hermione I've got to get back up to the tower, talk tomorrow though okay?”
“Yeah sure,” she answered dejectedly. “Stupid bloody Cho Chang, I'm dying for some sleep after spending the night in that stupid cupboard and she's got me doing the night shift, typical.”
“Life's a bitch,” Ginny smiled reassuringly, “It'll be okay sweetie, I'll see ya in the morning,” she smiled with a wave as she turned and headed back to the tower. Hermione continued to walk as she thought about the days events; she had a whole other wing of the castle to search before she could go to bed. She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps along an adjacent corridor; she quickened her pace so she would see who the footsteps belonged too.
“Oh bloody hell!” Harry breathed as he passed the opening of the corridor and she walked out briskly. “You scared the life out of me Hermione,” he breathed, his heart beating at an incredible speed. He couldn't decide whether it was because he had just been startled or because he was face to face with Hermione who was smiling broadly and cheekily at him.
“Should have been concentrated on where you were walking,” she grinned at him.
“Does scaring the life out of people excite you?”
“No I just think at has more of an effect on rule breakers if I jump out at them; I think it's more dramatic that way.”
“You're a loon,” he smirked at her.
“So what if I am? You love me all the same,” her smile wavered slightly as Harry paled at her words. Quick say something. “You know you're not supposed to be out at this time of night Harry, where are you off to?”
“Oh, erm to the kitchens, I'm really hungry,” he said pointing off into the direction he was heading.
“That's because you skipped dinner,” Hermione said very much like the know-it-all little girl he had encountered in the first year. She turned and started to walk off down the corridor.
“That's because I was avoiding you,” Hermione stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him, her mouth hanging open slightly.
“You were what?” she asked quietly, Harry could sense the hurt in her voice.
Oh please tell me I didn't say that aloud. “What?” he said with a blank expression.
“Y-You just said you were avoiding me,” she replied shakily. Harry stiffened and stared at her, unable to form words.
“Did I?”
“Yes you did!” she said, her voice rising slightly. “Were you?” she asked staring at him forcefully, “Harry answer me.”
“Yeah I was,” he whispered his head hung low, “But it's not….”
“Oh that's bloody lovely, my own best friend avoiding me!! Am I that annoying to be around?”
“No Hermione, that's not it,” he said putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Let go Harry, I'm leaving, I'm sure you don't want be around me,” she said pitifully as she turned and walked back in the opposite direction.
“Hermione don't be like that,” Harry pleaded as he set out after her, “Let me explain it's not how it sounds.”
“Fine explain,” she said as she swung around to face him, her lips pursed and hands placed firmly on her hips. Harry gulped at her dangerous stare.
“Well you see when we were out in the courtyard before…”
“Oh tell me this isn't over that macho display before?” she interrupted.
“What? No of course not,” Harry said shaking his head, “are you going to let me explain?”
“Carry on.”
“Anyway, out there before, I gave you that hug remember? Well anyway when I was holding you I totally forgot where I was and all I could think about was you and me and how great it felt like when you were in my arms and then it all went quiet,” he stopped and took a deep breath, he was so incredibly nervous. “When I looked up everyone was staring at us Hermione and I got panicky because they were all laughing at me about last night in that cupboard and how I should have done something, made a move, they were laughing at me all afternoon and then I could tell that Seamus told everyone that I had feelings for you so when I looked up and they were all laughing I got really embarrassed and I kind of ran away,” Harry clutched at his side taking more deep breaths, he hadn't been able to stop the words flowing from his mouth.
Hermione stood staring at him; she was taken aback by his whole outburst and was processing what he had said.
“Wait, did you just say you had feelings for me?”
Harry bobbed his head, tracing his words in his head, “Erm yeah I think I did,” he said as he ran his hands through his hair. She didn't say anything, her mouth kept opening and shutting but no words came out. The silence was piercing through Harry like a knife, he started to pace around, his hands still in his hair, he started to shake and his hands were clamming up.
“Way to go Harry! Could have got her flowers, or chocolates or at least told her you liked her like a normal person would do, but no you have to rave on like a lunatic,” he scolded himself under his breath.
“I..I……” Hermione trailed off, tilting her head.
“What?” he asked shaken, “Say something!”
“I'm thinking,” she said quietly. Harry stared at her with wide eyes, ready to turn around and run as far as he possibly could in the other direction.
“Oh…about what?” he asked. She lifted her hand up and pointed to the wall behind Harry, he turned around to look before turning back to face her with an anxious look. “You're thinking about the wall?” he asked incredulously.
“I'm wondering whether it would be proper of me to push you against it and kiss you,” she whispered bashfully.
Harry gulped as his stomach dropped, did she just say?
“Well Harry? Would that be proper of me?” she asked as she walking towards him slowly.
“Well,” he answered his voice cracking like he was hitting puberty, “I think that'd be just fine.” His eyes were darting around over her as she came closer and closer. She grinned slyly as she approached placing her hands on his chest and pushing him back gently, her lips meeting his in a hard passionate kiss. Harry being in the nervous state he was found it hard to control his legs and so collapsed back against the wall as he encircled her waist with his arms. He kissed her as hungrily as she kissed him.
“Wow!” he said as they broke apart, “Did that just happen?” he asked with a smile. Hermione nodded as she bit her lip.
“Sorry, I couldn't control myself, I've dreamed about hearing you say that to me so many times and when you did it was surreal, I just lost it,” she said, as she laughed. “That wasn't very proper of me at all.”
“Oh bugger being proper,” Harry grinned as he gently brought his hands up to Hermione cheeks and caressed them slightly, “I'm sorry I told you like that, I hadn't planned on doing, it just came out like verbal diarrhoea.”
“Ew, way to go and spoil the mood Harry,” Hermione laughed as she stepped back from him.
“Sorry, I'm such a dolt, I don't know what it is, I just can't seem to control myself around you. You have the strangest effects on me Hermione.” he spoke softly, meeting her deep chocolate eyes with his. She beamed from ear to ear before moving back towards him, they shared a soft and lingering kiss, his hands finding a home in her hair, hers fitting snugly around his neck.
“I'm falling for you Hermione,” Harry whispered as he leant his forehead against hers.
“And why may I ask has it taken you so long to realise that?” she grinned mischievously.
“I guess it took being stuck in a cupboard with you to realise.”
“Harry!” Hermione laughed against him. He clutched her tightly to him, breathing in everything Hermione, he smiled brightly when she pulled back and looked into his eyes, he could see longing there he had never noticed before. “I fell for you years ago Harry,” she whispered before kissing him once again.
A/N: Okay guys, there is going to be an epilogue after this chapter and that's about it. I'm off to the South of France on pilgrimage for 9 days so I'll update when I get back. X NilreM X