Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 16/07/2004
Last Updated: 26/07/2004
Status: Completed
Responses to the Summer Writing Series Challenge started by Tawny Spitfyre.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry & Hermione go on their first date. Harry or Hermione initiates the
goodnight kiss.
Title: A Comfortable Sign.
Thanks to me wonderful Beta ~ Another
“Ron, if you leave, I'll...I'll....”
“You'll what Harry?” Ron remarked an amused glint in his eyes, Harry composed himself and tried his hardest to look intimidating.
“I'll make Lord Voldemort look like Neville Longbottom!” Ron couldn't help but laugh in Harry's face
“Look mate, I'm getting sick of all your prancing about; it's about time you spent some time together! Alone!”
“Please, Ron, don't--he disapparated right before his eyes--go,” Harry sighed and turned around and headed back into the main chamber of the three broomsticks making his way over to her table.
“Potter,” Hermione said, nodding with an affectionate grin.
“Granger,” he replied equally as charmingly, “Ron said he was, erm…feeling under the weather, so he went back to the flat.”
“Oh, okay, so it's just you and me then?” Hermione asked him, secretly reminding herself to thank Ron. Maybe I'll get him that cannons book he wanted, she pondered
“Hello! Earth to Hermione!?!” she was pulled out of her thoughts when Harry flapped his hands in front of her face.
“Hmm…what?” she asked as she snapped out of it.
“I asked, if you minded it being just me and you?” Harry said with a warm smile
“Of course I don't,” she answered feeling her stomach tie in knots as she thought about spending time alone with Harry and those lips…smile!
“Come on then lets get out of here,” he said, grabbing her coat and pulling her from her table. Harry headed for the exit with Hermione close behind him.
They decided that it was too beautiful a night to be stuck inside a pub or theatre as they had previously planned, so they wandered the streets of Hogsmeade, bathed in the moonlight while conversing in friendly manner. He had gotten over his original dread of Ron leaving them alone quite quickly when he realised that he was comfortable with Hermione in every aspect. After all, she was the one person in the world who knew exactly who he was; sometimes he wondered if she knew him better than he knew himself.
“What are you thinking,” she asked after a lengthy silence. He turned his head slightly and looked to her eyes as he continued walking.
“How comfortable and content you make me feel,” he replied as they carried on. He reached out for her hand and intertwined their fingers, enough said.
Neither of them really had a plan but they found themselves walking around the lake at Hogwarts, while they amused each other with their discussion and musings. They sat for a while in silence, nothing else was needed, he could hear the sound of her breathing and he sought that alone.
The night swept away at a great pace. Harry had been charming and funny, making Hermione giggle and beam, while she was as graceful and witty as ever. Harry found himself wishing that it wasn't so late; he was having a simple but content night with his best friend. Harry had admired Hermione for a long time but had only recently realized his true feelings for her when Ron had weaselled it out of him one night at their flat. It was simple and effortless; he wondered why he had never seen it before: he was in love. He loved Hermione.
“Tonight was fun, Harry,” Hermione told her best friend as they made the way up the stone steps outside her flat, “despite the fact that we didn't really do anything...actually you're really quite cheap,” she added, smiling broadly to herself.
“Watch it, Granger,” he said, while chuckling to himself “It might be the last romantic night you ever have under the stars with your strapping and ever so charming best friend.” She snorted sarcastically at his comment; he gave her the hurt puppy dog look as they reached the stop of the stairs.
“Stop it!” she ordered, while lightly taping him on the arm, “you know I can't stand that look!” They smiled broadly at one another.
“Come on lets get you inside before you hurt my feelings some more and leave me an emotional wreck.” He walked her all the way up to her door and waited as she roamed around in her purse looking for her keys in a huff, he thought she looked cute when she was frustrated. Giving up on her, he took the key he had to her flat out of his pocket and opened the door for her.
“You know, I don't think you should have a key to MY flat,” she said, glaring at him
“Fair Hermione, if I didn't posses such an item, then I and others like myself would spend hours of our lives around your door!” he told her with a cheeky lopsided grin. She rolled her eyes as a strand of her hair broke loose from her grip; he automatically stepped closer to her and pushed it back behind her ear, delighting in the sheer touch of her skin. “Night, `Mione,” he whispered in a soft voice into her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her. She didn't respond and didn't snap out of her daze until he was half way down the corridor.
“Hey!” she called, making him stop in his tracks as he turned around to face her, “That's it? After a night like that you just….” She stopped, unsure if she should continue. They stood in the corridor staring at one another. “Never mind….goodnight, Harry.” She turned and was about to step foot into her flat when she felt his arms slowly encircle her waist. He leaned close and whispered into her ear yet again,
“I was looking for a sign.” He smiled against her.
Hermione turned in his arms and he closed the inches between them, it was slow, soft and tender, but the feeling it imparted was indescribable. It was everything either of them could have wished for, it was just right. Comfortable.
“If I had known you would kiss me like that, I would have told Ron to beat it months ago,” she said, smiling coquettishly at him. Before he could have pretended that he was bothered, her lips were once again upon his. He was in a blissful heaven.
A/N: The very first one-shot or fic I ever wrote!! This is still quite new to me!!
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Hermione twists an ankle and Harry helps her
Title: War Cries
It was an August afternoon at The Burrow. Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione were decorating Harry's new bedroom, a birthday present from the Weasleys (Percy's vacant room). After vanquishing the Dark Lord in the Trio's last year of Hogwarts, it was no longer necessary for Harry to live with the Dursleys, something everyone was happy to hear. It was decided that Harry was a part of the Weasley family as much as anyone else and therefore deserved his own bedroom. So there they were on this August afternoon, the first time since they graduated that the trio were all together. Hermione had been off vacationing with her family but had joined them earlier that morning looking like a Bronze Goddess, at least in Harry's opinion. They had decided that they would decorate Harry's room in the muggle way, much to Ron and Ginny's amusement.
Harry had decided that he wanted his room warm comforting colours so they had begun painting in the reds and gold of the Gryffindor shield. It was all going perfectly well until the teens began to get giddy, or rather Ron got giddy.
“A brush for paint? Haha! I'll never get them muggles, doing everything the hard way!” he had commented in between laughs
“Honestly Ron, it's the quickest way, it's not like they can do it magically, is it?” Hermione interjected with a superior tone. After a pause and narrowing of his eyes, Ron responded,
“One of these days Hermione, you'll get what's coming to you” he said in a mischievous tone, while staring directly up to her.
“Oh really, Ronald? And who, may I ask, is going to make sure of that? I'm more than certain it won't be you!” she said without backing down from his stare.
Harry and Ginny, who were painting the opposite wall of the room, could feel the tension mount, Hermione on top of her step ladder and Ron at the foot armed with a pot of paint and brush. Hermione continued to smirk at Ron, and Harry could swear he could hear Ron's thoughts as he was thinking them….
“RON! Don't you dare…,” Harry said cautiously, but it was too late, Ron had gone and done it. This was the point where it all got out of hand.
A war to end all wars broke out, one that could even shame `Voldemort vs. the Order'. Paint was splashed, insults were thrown, screams were let out, and from Harry's point of view it was a blur of paint and red Weasley hair as Ginny decided to join in.
“WOULD YOU GROW UP!?!” he shouted at them in a loud irritated tone as he could see his room being massacred by their stupidity. They turned to him with every intention of throwing paint all over him until they realised that he was deadly serious.
“Sorry, Harry” Ron said, lowering his head
“Yeah, sorry, Harry,” Hermione added, starting down the step ladder; however a corner of her jeans was trapped in the step, causing her to fall straight down in front of Harry. This would have been very embarrassing for her if she had not accidentally painted straight down Harry's face and shirt with her roller on her descent. She looked up from the floor and couldn't help but falling into a fit of hysterics, Ron and Ginny joined in at the sight.
“Right, that's it!” As Harry spoke he grabbed a rather large paint brush, “Ron was right, Hermione, you are gonna get it!” He started towards her; she scrambled on the floor, still laughing, it was only when she got up that she realised that her ankle would not hold her weight, she collapsed with a cry of pain.
“Ow…I think…ahh....” She tried to hold back tears, and Harry crashed down at her side.
“Hermione are you okay?” he asked, looking at her ankle through paint-covered glasses “Ah, I think you may have sprained it. Here, get hold of me, I'll get you on the bed.”
She just looked at him and smiled.
“Well you're covered in paint! I'll get…well...painty!” she said with a larger smile.
“I'm fully aware of that, Granger! I seem to recall that being your fault.” He snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her up, she latched on to him and he carried her over to the bed.
“Are you okay, Hermione?” Ron asked, “I'll go and see if Mum's back, she can fix it up, I'm sure.” Ron and Ginny left the room, still giggling under their breaths.
Harry took his glasses off and cast them aside as he could no longer see through them; Hermione, although in pain couldn't help but snort with laughter.
“Oh, I suppose you think that's funny do you,” he asked, smiling himself
“Well actually…yes.”
“Right that's it! Let the tickling commence!”
“Harry NO!” That's as far as she got before he began tickling her, they ended up in a heap on the bed as Hermione struggled out of Harry's grip, “Stop it,” she pleaded repeatedly. Harry gave in at the vulnerable look in her eyes and started melting internally.
“How's the ankle?” he asked, dangerously close to her face.
“It's alright,” she whispered back as he began to lower down to her lips.
“Hermione, Mum isn't home yet, you reckon you will be able to hold...?” Ron barged into the room as Harry and Hermione sprang apart; he looked at them incredulously and smiled. Ginny came in behind him with a potion.
“Here, Hermione, drink this and you should feel better,” she said turning around and taking Ron by the scruff of his neck out of the room.
Hermione took the potion and drank aware that the paint ridden Harry was staring at her with a smile.
“Ahh!! That tastes awful,” she said, trying hard not to gag. Harry laughed and moved closer to her and leaned down.
“Well, I'll guess you might like to taste something else?” he whispered with a roguish smile. She raised her eyebrows and smirked, taking him by his shirt collar.
She pulled him towards her, and then asked, “Exactly what do you have in mind?”
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry and Hermione take an impromptu nap.
Title: Sleeping Jealousy
“Hey, Harry.”
“Hi,” he replied getting up from the table, finishing off his piece of toast.
“Last night was fun, even by studying standards.”
“Ah, well, the Harry Potter way of studying is the best, twice the fun and less the work” he smiled with a goofy grin.
“Well anyway, you seemed stoked about that book you were talking about so..here..” She handed him the very old dusty tome. His eyes widened and he looked at it incredulously,
“How, Where, Whoa, this must be really old!” He told her “Where did you get it?”
“It was my dads, so it doesn't get used much anymore…anyway take it, I know you would appreciate it, I saw the glint in your eye when you were talking about it…so just be careful, it's kinda…valuable.” she smiled at him,
“I'll guard it with my life..” he told her and the starred off to space “Which isn't really a good idea actually - are you sure you wanna…”
“Look Harry, I trust you, so just take the bloody thing.” she thrust the book into his hands with a smile and a flick of her ash blonde hair. He just smiled at her
“I really appreciate this you know.” He told her with an intense stare “I'm going to go lock it in my trunk before I go to charms…do you…wanna walk?”He asked
“Yeah!” She replied as her face lit up “Let me just go and get my stuff from my house table”. She turned and left as he followed her with his eyes.
“Who the hell is that? Where is she from? Why didn't you tell me about her? How is it possible that I have never noticed someone that hot!” Ron asked, he had been listening intently to the meeting as had other certain Gryffindors. Harry turned to face Ron chuckling
“She's called Taylor, She's from the year above in Ravenclaw, I didn't tell you `cause you were asleep when I got in and probably because you're stupid.” he answered picking his bag up, he left the great hall with his new Ravenclaw friend and the tome under his arm.
“Nice one Harry!” Seamus projected “What is it with him and older women?” The Gryffindors in ear-shot all began laughing, all that is except one Hermione Granger. She starred at her breakfast while she tried desperately not to shed a tear.
Later that evening when classes had finished Harry went back to the common room only to be given an inquisition by Ron about Taylor. He had told him that he was in the library struggling with some homework when she had noticed and offered to help him. Ron carried on asking questions but Harry only answered them half-heartedly, he was concerned for the wellbeing of his other best friend Hermione, she was sat in an armchair facing the fire, she wasn't partaking in any conversation and her eyes looked puffy.
“Hey Mione,” he said approaching the chair, taking her hand in his “Are you okay? You seem quiet.” he asked his eyes and voice filled with concern. She turned from the fire and gave him a small smile, which he knew was put on.
“I'm okay, just tired.” she told him turning back to the fire
“Have you been getting enough sleep? You look very tired.” he asked the concern still evident.
“I dunno…no I guess…I'm gonna go…” She got up from the seat, brushed past Harry and made her way to her dorm room.
“What was that about?” Ron asked Harry, He didn't respond, he just starred after her and shook his head.
Harry came through the portrait hole she was sitting there or rather studying there, trying her hardest not to fall asleep. It was a Hogsmeade weakened and a lovely snowy winter's day so the common room was fairly empty,
“Why are you here?” He asked Hermione approaching her table, she looked up at him and Harry could see that she was exhausted.
“I could say the same thing” she spoke softly returning to her book.
“I had to talk to Katie about next weeks Quidditch match, now answer my question.” He sat down next to her.
“I have work to do.” she told him not moving from her book.
“Right come on,” he pulled the quill out of her hand and set the book aside
“Harry, what are you doing? I need to finish that.”
“Hermione, that's not due in till next week, it's Saturday afternoon, and your tired, so no more work for you!” He told her forcefully.
“I'm not tired” she assured him stifling a yawn.
“Oh yeah, you don't look it either.” with that he pulled her over to the couch beside the fireplace. They lay down together and he pulled her tightly towards him making sure that she was comfy. He wrapped a blanket around them and rested his head back.
“You don't have to sleep with me.” she whispered so quietly, secretly hoping that he wouldn't move.
“Yes I do, `cause if I leave, you'll go back to that bloody essay, now be quiet and relax!” She didn't have the energy or the willpower to fight with him. After a lengthy silence Hermione spoke.
“Why didn't you ask me?”
“Ask you what?”
“Ask me to help you with that homework?” He lifted his head up so that he could look at her, he was surprised by the question.
“Why?” He asked with a smile.
“I just….wondered,”
“Are you...jealous?” he asked fully aware that somehow she was. Hermione looked away.
`Merlin, you so are!' He smiled down her laughing “I came to look for you in your room but you were fast asleep and I didn't want to wake you `cause you looked so cute.”
“Yeah right!” she said quite loudly.
“Are you fishing for compliments?” He asked her still smiling.
“Ha! Hermione Granger does not and shall never fish!” She responded vigorously.
“Shame,” he muttered looking away before returning his gaze back to hers “Because I have quite a lot for you” he smiled sincerely and she could not help but beam from ear to ear. He lowered his head back down to the couch and once again pulled her tightly, she snuggled up to the crevice of his neck, breathing him in.
“Now sleep,” he whispered “We can talk about your jealousy later.” he continued smiling against her. He wasn't prepared for the wallop that came his way.
And then they slept.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry or Hermione return from a lengthy trip (6 months+) and is greeted by the
Title: A Journey to You
It was a glorious afternoon, the skies were clear, the sun was beaming and there was an air of happiness at the Burrow. Today was Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's wedding anniversary and there was a lively house party being thrown in their honour. All of the Weasleys were present, including their partners and children, distant relations and friends. The atmosphere was vibrant as a hundred people drank their way into the evening.
For Harry Potter, this would have been a perfect happy day, if only Hermione was present, but she wasn't, just like she hadn't been for over ten months. Hermione had been in Egypt on an exploration with work, she had originally planned to be gone for eight months but it had been extended and she had written explaining she wasn't sure when she would be back. It killed Harry, not knowing when she would be back. As the days dragged out people around him could see that he was becoming more and more anxious, he had been finding it hard to concentrate at work and that wasn't a good idea when you charm racing brooms for a living.
As the sun started to go down on the almost perfect day, Ron was becoming steadily drunk, flirting with Luna Lovegood and smiling brightly. Harry was seated at the far end of the garden on a table watching the festivities, with a butterbeer in hand. He liked to watch and be pensive, it was the Harry Potter way and he had grown accustom to it. He was startled out of his thoughts when Ginny sat down next to him and placed her hand on top of his.
“Hey, hun, are you okay?” she asked her voice filled with concern.
“Yeah, I'm okay,” he answered, fake smile in tow.
“I've known you for what? Nine years? Most of which I've lived in close proximities to you, I think I know you slightly better than that.” They just stared up at the party in silence. “Harry it's okay to miss her,” Ginny told him with a gentle squeeze of his hand.
“I know, it's just, I can't stop thinking about her, Gin! It's driving me crazy not knowing when she's coming back, I..I..just..want her to be with me--he paused--be here with us,” he added at the end shaking his head slightly as if he was confused. Ginny smiled at him.
“Harry, when Hermione comes home, are you planning to tell her?”
“Tell her what?”
“That you love her so much that it's tearing you apart not being with her every day,” Ginny spoke as if this were the obvious truth and everyone knew it. Harry just stared at her open mouthed. Before he could answer Bill asked them to help him in the kitchen and they left with the question unanswered.
The sun was just about to set when everyone was seated and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were saying thanks to the crowd.
“Molly and I are so grateful that you all decided to be here with us today. You have made this day so special for us and we appreciate it so much,” Arthur finished as Molly stood.
“Seeing you all here makes us feel so special, this family we have is a strong and it's a happy one and I'm all glad that we could gather like this, it's been amazing, I just want to say thank you.” Everyone smiled as they toasted to family. “My only regret of the day is that an important family member isn't here to join us, Hermione….”
“I would have been her sooner, but the apparition wards in Egypt are tough,” Mrs Weasley was interrupted by a figure who stood at the bottom of the garden with what looked like a ton of baggage. As Hermione came into view, Harry's heart stumbled; he stayed in his state of shock for only a few seconds and jumped up from the top table where he and the Weasleys were sitting.
He wound his way through the tables at great pace to the bottom of the garden; he was in such a rush to get to her that he cleared the last table with a jump. He rushed the extra few feet to her; she smiled at him as he approached and they reached out to one another, Harry twirled Hermione around in the air, he held her so close, so desperately, fearing that if he let her go again she'd be gone. Everybody looked on as he buried his head into her neck. He was so emotional that he was on the verge of cracking right there on her shoulder; Hermione could feel his emotion through his breathing and his grip. He took a few deep breaths and pulled himself together moving back to look into her eyes, which were glistened with tears.
“Did you forget how to write?” he asked her in a low whisper trying to conceal the emotion behind it.
“I thought I'd surprise you,” she smiled back, wiping away tears. “So I take it that you missed me?” she asked him. He looked her with all seriousness
“I couldn't even try to describe to you how much,” he told her looking her square in her eyes, there bodies still close to one another.
“Try,” she whispered looking up at him tearfully. Harry couldn't pull any words together so he did the only thing he could think of to convey his emotion. He tilted her chin up to him and kissed her. Their first kiss. Hermione swore she heard the whole crowd sigh as she pulled him close and kissed him back. They broke apart and looked at each other with goofy smiles.
“Did you have a good time?” he asked her taking her hands in his
“Yeah it was great.”
“Glad to hear it! Please don't go again” he begged with his eyes, they laughed and held each other.
The rest of the night was amazing, everyone was together, happy, laughing and dancing, Harry finally had his Hermione back and everything was perfect.
A/N: I'll post a lot more soon I promise!!
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Someone is tired of watching Harry and Hermione tiptoe around their
relationship, and slips them Veritaserum.
Title: Backfire.
Harry Potter awoke not prepared in the slightest for what was about to happen to him that day. The sun was blazing and by the time the afternoon had come, he and Ron decided that it was far too beautiful to be indoors studying so they had opted to take an afternoon off. Hermione didn't need much convincing as she didn't particularly have a choice; Ron and Harry picked her up and carried her out of the castle all the way down to the lake while she protested and squirmed.
When they reached the lake they were not particularly surprised to see a horde of student lounging around in the sun and enjoying themselves. They found a large number of their friends from several houses shading under trees and running in and out of the water, as they approached Dean Thomas and Ernie McMillan were trying in vain to thrown Ginny Weasley into the lake, something Ron felt he should partake in. As Ron went off to intervene in his sister's watery end, Hermione sat with her back to a tree and took out a book she had smuggled out with her. Harry smiled down at Hermione thinking it was cute how she couldn't go without reading, he however decided he needed to catch some sun; he took of his shirt and lay down in the rays, his head resting up against Hermione's legs, much to her pleasure.
As the afternoon progressed, the sun became hotter and the laughter became louder, Harry was enjoying the feeling of Hermione's hand brushing though his hair, he assumed that she was doing this without realising it and so pretended to be sleeping.
“There he is, ladies, our sun-glistened, shirtless god of a target.” Cho Chang stood at the top of the slope down to the lake with her cronies.
“Are you sure this is going to work Cho?” one of her friends asked her, “how do you know he will even want to drink that?”
“Because Harry loves pumpkin juice, it's a well known fact; he won't be able to resist on a day like this,” she said with an evil smile. `After he drinks this, he can finally admit the way he feels about me and life will be great.' They made there way down to where the groups of teens were seated.
“Hey, guys!” Cho said loudly, forcing Harry out of his fake sleep with a start, Hermione whipped her hand away as he had predicted she would. He sat up, spying the pumpkin juice in Cho's hand; he adjusted his glasses and smiled up at her.
“Cho?” he asked with a large smile. She faked being unhappy about it but handed him the bottle. Harry took a large swig and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before he stiffened. Cho looked on smiling.
“What's going on?” Ron asked noticing Harry's new condition as many of the others had. Cho ignored him and began the task she set out to do.
“Harry? Can you hear me?” He nodded. “What's my name?”
“Cho Chang,” he answered in his stiffened, comatose state. Cho merely smiled.
“Where are you?”
“The lake, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland.”
Everybody looked on, intrigued by what Cho was up to. Hermione looked anxious, but small smiles crept over the faces of certain Weasley members as they predicted what was about to happen.
“What's you favourite lesson?”
“What's you favourite sport?”
“Who do believe to be the best Quidditch player at Hogwarts?”
“Ginny Weasley.” Everybody rounded on Ginny as she became increasingly red. Cho didn't seem satisfied with this answer.
“Besides yourself who is the best seeker?”
“Draco Malfoy.” There were a few gasps, but this only seemed to irritate Cho more as the crowd grew bigger to see Harry's confessions. Cho narrowed her eyes at Harry, determined to get what she wanted from him.
“Harry who do you love?”
“Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black (more gasps), Remus Lupin, Hagrid, and Hermione Granger” Cho became more and more irritated and asked the question she had set out to have answered.
“Who do you think is the prettiest witch is school?” There was a brief pause as if Harry was trying desperately to fight this, but it was no use.
“Hermione Granger.”
Hermione eyes widened an everybody turned towards her, she reached for her wand pointing it directly at Cho.
“What the hell did you put in there?” she asked with a mad glint in her eyes.
“It's Veritaserum, Granger,” Cho spat back at her furiously.
“Then why is he saying…?”
“Hermione, you really are stupid,” Ginny cut in before asking Harry a question of her own, “Harry who is the most snoggable person at Hogwarts?”
“Hermione Granger.”
Hermione looked on shock imminent on her face. Ginny smiled, willing Hermione to understand, nothing. This is where Ron decided he should get this over with.
”Harry, who do you love more than anyone in this world and trust most with your life? Who would you do absolutely anything to protect?”
“Hermione Granger.”
As this last answer came out, Harry snapped out of his daze; his eyes became wide with realisation and darted from person to person. He grabbed his shirt stood up and started a quick pace back up to the castle, everyone except Cho looked at Hermione expectantly.
She snapped out of her bewilderment and went running after him.
”Oy! Will you wait?' she pleaded as she caught up with him.
“I've never been so embarrassed in my life,” he said pulling his shirt over his head. “I'm so pathetic.” Hermione stopped him and pulled his shirt down so she could see his face.
“Yes you are,” she said sternly. “And so am I,” she added as Harry looked crushed. “We've both been ignoring what was in front of us this whole time.”
“You mean…?”
“Yeah, I mean,” Hermione said with a large and beautiful smile.
Harry had never been so happy that Cho Chang was a noisy, interfering temptress in all his life.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry and Hermione look back on their fondest memories.
Title: Don't let go
There was a surge of bright green light that spread from the spot where they stood; Hermione could feel the ground below her begin to give way as the earth began shuddering tremendously. The light burnt out in a bright crack and he fell to the floor nearly unconscious, The Dark Lord nowhere to be seen. Before she knew what she was doing she ran to him and collapsed at his side. He was in a terrible state, covered in blood, his clothes torn and ripped away exposing the mangled state of his war-beaten body. He was struggling for gasps of breath just to hold on.
“Harry,” she spoke in a shaky tone, “Harry can you hear me?”
She clutched his tired, limp body as he looked up at her with his bloodshot eyes; he blinked slowly, letting her know that he could, but didn't have the strength to answer.
“Harry, you're going to be okay,” she told him certainly, “it's gonna be okay, we're going to get you out of here and take you home, you'll be okay, just hang on, please just hang on?” she pleaded, her eyes swelling and tears flowing.
He continued to struggle for breaths, not tearing his gaze from hers, but it was becoming dark and cold and he feared that he wouldn't be able to survive the agonizing pain much longer. Hermione continued to plead with him, straightening his ruffled hair with her hands, stroking his face and holding him tightly. She removed her cloak and placed it over him as she could sense him shivering from the damp cold surrounding them.
“It's all over now, Harry, you did it, it's over,” she continued, trying to keep his weary mind with hers, tears still readily flowing, `we can go home, and next year will be the last year at Hogwarts and we can have so much fun, you're free now Harry, you can live and be normal, just stay here with me just a while longer.' Her breaths had become fast as she fought with him mentally
“Can you imagine what it's going to be like from now on, Harry? The world is going to be a better place, all because you made it so and you can live a happy life, Harry. We'll have s much fun, carefree like our first day at Hogwarts.” Hermione began too recall all the happy memories and emotions she could to keep Harry conscious.
“Remember what it felt like to cross the lake in our first year? Awaiting all the magic in that castle, a new world for us Harry, full of new experiences to be held, that's where we are now, on the verge of a new life, new experience.”
This continued as Hermione inwardly prayed that somebody would come and get them soon.
“Do you remember the time in second year when I put the wrong hair in the Polyjuice potion, and I turned in to a cat? I thought I was so smart getting the potion together and then that happened. It was so embarrassing and you guys never let me live that down, laughing about it and bringing it up whenever possible, torturing me.” Hermione let out a small smile as Harry breaths began to ease “And the time I slapped Malfoy? Or how about the time when Ron snuck to Hogsmeade with Fred and George and came back drunk only to confess his love to an armchair?” Harry smiled inwardly, his legs becoming numb but listening intently to everything that Hermione was saying to him. He tightened his grip on Hermione's hand the best he could, he didn't want to let go but his eyes were becoming heavier and his breaths shallower, the weight on his lids forced them closed as he lay in Hermione's arms, willing her to carry on talking to him about the good memories they shared. Hermione became panicked, gently shaking him when he closed his eyes.
“Harry don't you dare stop fighting” she told him as if scolding him for not doing homework `do not give up, not like this.' There was silence as Hermione began to sob “Please Harry, don't go, don't leave……”
“If you go, then I….I…I'll make sure your firebolt meets the same fate as your nimbus 2000.” Harry used all his strength and let out a diminutive laugh his eyelids fluttering back open, he starred up at her once more, strength returning to him just looking into her tearful brown eyes.
“Miss Granger?” Hermione spun around to see Snape running through the smoke towards them “Are you okay…Oh Merlin….Harry” Hermione had never been happier to see Snape. “Albus, they're over here.” he shouted through the dark shadows. Moments later Albus Dumbledore was on scene and hope began to flood through Hermione but she refused to let go of Harry.
“You can go in now Miss Granger,” Madam Pomfrey told her when they were back in the safety of the Hogwarts grounds. Hermione rushed into the hospital wing to find her best friend propped up in his bed; he smiled affectionately and held out his arms to her. She rushed towards and he buried his head into her hair.
“Thank you,” he whispered hoarsely, tears escaping his eyes as he held her tightly, not ever wanting to let go.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry & Hermione deal with their fame in the wizarding world.
Title: Look Hermione! KRUM!
“Do you reckon Luna has still got the hots for me?”
“Don't be daft, it's been five years since Hogwarts mate, she must have got over it”
“Then why's she staring at me?”
Harry, Ron and Hermione sat in the crowds watching the world cup semi-final between Bulgaria and New Zealand.
“Where are you looking?” Harry asked leaning across Hermione laughing at Ron's paranoia.
“Look she's over there, third row from the bottom” he said, pointing.
“She can't be looking over here, why the hell would she be?”
“Will you two just shut up and watch the bleeding match?” Hermione interrupted before Ron could answer. “You're supposed to be paying attention, you could be playing either one of these teams in the final.”
“Sorry, Mum,” Harry and Ron answered in unison; they received simultaneous slaps around the head.
“Look she's still staring, must be my roguishly handsome looks”
“Oh for Merlin's Sake, shut up!”
“I think you touched a nerve Ron,” Harry snorted on the other side of Hermione as they suppressed laughter.
“I don't under stand you two at all! You constantly talk about and play Professional Quidditch and we're here at the semi-final and all you can do is talk about some woman!” she exclaimed.
`Hermione you don't even like Quidditch, what's the problem?” Harry asked with a smile. Ron began to stroke his chin with his fingers as if he was deep in thought
“What could there be out there that our Hermione wants to pay so much attention to? Hmm... wonder?” Ron continued to muse as Hermione looked at him eyes wide and annoyance stamped across her face. “Could it possibly be Viktor Krum in those lush Quidditch pants?”
“Must be!” Harry exclaimed as Hermione's face began to flush a deep crimson
“Don't be ridiculous,” she scoffed at them, still blushing madly.
“Did you see that Hermione? The way his arse flexed in those pants,” Ron said, pretending to swoon.
Harry, Ron and Hermione started to exit the stadium in the mass of people, when they reached the bottom of the stands; Luna Lovegood approached determinedly, taking Ron away by the arm.
“What was that about?” Hermione asked as she and Harry continued to make their way through the crowds.
“She wants him!” Harry responded. “Apparently as much as you want Krum.” Hermione rounded on Harry with an severe glare, grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the moving crowd.
“I do NOT want Viktor Sodding Krum! Never have, never bleeding will,” Hermione glared at him, daring him to respond.
“Well you were certainly interested in the game and you most definitely wanted him in the fourth year!” Harry continued to chuckle at Hermione's expense.
“Don't be so bloody stupid,” she scolded.
“Hermione, look, there he is now!!!” Hermione turned around to the point where Harry was looking; Krum was stood in the middle of reporters and interviewers answering questions, seeing Hermione he smiled with a nod and waved, in a flash the reporters rounded on Hermione and started spurting out questions.
“Miss Granger, are you proud of Viktor's performance tonight?”
“Miss Granger, how does it feel to be dating a world renowned seeker?”
“Hermione, what's it like being separated from your boyfriend for such long periods?”
Hermione was like a deer caught in the headlights, her eyes widened further at each question and her mouth kept dropping open trying to from words but failing miserably. Harry who had turned his back and ducked his head as the herd of reporters came barging over, was shaking violently with laughter behind Hermione.
“Harry….help,” Hermione managed to speak, latching on to his hand, pleading with him to help her. He stopped laughing as the crowd realised who she was talking to and the swarm of reporters targeted him with annoying questions.
“Harry, are you nervous about going head-to-head with your best friend's boyfriend in the World Cup final?” Harry couldn't for the life of him contains his laughter at this question and actually burst out laughing.
“Harry is it NOT funny!” Hermione spat out, seething, Harry had to take a number of deep breaths to contain himself.
“Erm…well…actually no I'm not…. Krum and I get on so well.”
“Well what I meant to say is, no, I'm not apprehensive, we are all friends here….”
“JUST friends,” Hermione interrupted. Harry raised his eyebrows and continued.
“…yes…just friends...erm….I'll look forward to the match and erm...wish Bulgaria and Krum the best of luck. Now…Hermione and I need to be elsewhere…bye.”
He snaked his arm around Hermione's waist and pulled her through the crowd at an alarming rate, their bodies close together.
(The Morning After)
“Have you seen the prophet???” Harry asked Hermione irritably handing her the paper
She just looked up at him, biting her lip. It was her turn to stifle the laugh.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry & Hermione have a fight and make up.
Title: I didn't mean to hurt you
Harry Potter stormed through the library seething with anger. He cut through the shelves and tables heading directly to where he knew she would be. He rounded the corner to see her sat laughing with her friends at a study table.
His eyes narrowed as she looked up at him and smiled warmly, he gritted his teeth and glowered trying to hold his tongue, he didn't want this discussion in front of her friends.
“What's wrong with you?” Hermione asked grinning as Harry turned his back to walk out. Harry lost it; the rage imprisoned inside of him was making his blood boil and he let it out, slamming a paper down on to the desk in front of her with immense force.
“What the hell is this?” he barked in a gruff, low voice, his anger clearly evident. Hermione eyes widened as she looked down at the paper, her previously grin quickly disappeared with shock and was replaced with a quivering jaw. She couldn't find words.
“Well?” He demanded staring intently at her
“Harry…I..I didn't mean for this to….”
“to get out?! How could you of all people do this to me Hermione?” he bellowed completely ignoring the shocked expressions of the girls sat around the table.
“Harry…it's not what you think…..”
“You know what Hermione; I don't even wanna hear it. I thought I could trust you. I thought you were different, but you're not, you're JUST like them! Meddling and interfering around in my life because yours is too sad and pathetic, you are just like them Hermione.” Harry roared at her in rapid succession, his body tense and shook up, his fists were balled up his nails packed heavily into his skin.
Hermione starred terrified at Harry. She began to shake and tears began flowing feely from her eyes, without a word she stood up and pushed past him running at full speed out of the library.
Harry's mouth became wide, hearing what he had just said to her ringing in his ears. He pushed his hands over his eyes and into his hair before falling to his knees his head bent down low.
“I didn't mean that” he breathed regretfully as moisture broke free from his eyes “What did I just do?” he sobbed. Ginny stood up from the table quickly grabbing hers and Hermione's things
“You just potentially ruined the best thing you ever had” She spat at him “You're pathetic”
A few hours later Harry walked through the portrait hole, all eyes rounded on him as came in and there was a silence, he pursed his lips annoyed that everybody obviously knew what had happened. He took a brief look around praying that Ron wasn't in there, he was sure that he would definitely receive a right hook to the jaw if he was. He walked slowly over to the bottom of the girl's staircase and stood there. His brow screwed up in concentration, she was up there and he needed to see her but knew as soon as he stepped foot on a step it would move. He racked his brain trying to think of a spell and looked around the room hopefully. His eyes narrowed as he walked over to a young boy in first year
“Can I borrow this?” he asked in a gravely voice. The boy shook his head rather taken back that Harry Potter had spoken to him. Harry picked up the Comet Two Sixty and walked back over to the staircase, mounting the broom and unevenly flying up.
He burst into Hermione's room dramatically to se her balled up on her bed, her back to the door. He walked over to her laying a hand on his shoulder, which she pulled away from underneath him harshly.
“Harry just leave” she whispered solemnly her voice filled with hurt.
“I can't Hermione. You don't have to talk to me, you don't have to do anything but I can't leave right now.” He whispered back, his throat catching. He swallowed hard pulling a chair up to the side of her bed. “Hermione I'm so sorry” She shook head slightly but Harry couldn't see. “I really I am, I didn't mean to say what I did…Well I did mean to say it but I didn't mean it” He put his head in his hands; his words weren't coming out very well. “Look, I was angry, I was really angry, but I had no right to say what I did to you, it just came out, but I didn't mean it, you have to believe me.”
Hermione lay listening to Harry's words intently but didn't speak.
“Hermione, you're my best friend and I love you so much, you're everything I could ever ask for and I know you didn't mean for that to happen, I still had no right. I jumped to conclusions and did the one thing I promised I'd never do in my life….I hurt you” Harry lowered his head and breathed deeply. After a few moment silence he stood up and left the room
“I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry”.
She turned around as he closed the door behind
Harry woke the next morning to a hand ruffling through his hair. He opened his eyes slowly met by hers. She smiled weakly running a finger over his scar delicately.
“It's okay Harry” she sighed.
“No, it's not” he shook his head definitely. “I'm so sorry Hermione, I didn't mean..”
“I know, I'm sorry too”
She reached out for his hand before he pulled her into a tight hug, his jaw quivering as he tried to keep his emotion in check.
“I'll never hurt you again” he whispered
“Good, cause I know quite a lot of hexes” she laughed gently
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry inherits Sirius's flying motorbike. Will Hermione ride with him?
Title: Motorcycle Fiasco
“Whoa, check out the biker!”
“Ooo he's getting off, whoa, nice B-hind, mister,”
Hermione shook her head at her muggle friends; they reminded her of Lavender and Parvati so much. She refused to turn and ogle the poor man they had targeted. They were seated outside a café in a nearby village, drinking coffee and catching up. Hermione had been home a few days and wanted to spend some time with her two friends.
“He's taking his helmet off…okay, so he pulls off the nerdy glasses, not only is he gorgeous and does he ride a motor bike, he's smart.”
“Check out that scar too! Above his right eye.”
Hermione's head whipped up from the napkin she was fiddling with with raised eyebrows. She turned around to find Harry Potter standing by a large black motorcycle. Her mouth dropped and her eyes widened.
“Harry James Potter, explain yourself now!!!” Hermione's friend's gawked at her as she stood marching over to the cute guy, hands on her hips. Harry reached out to his best friend hugging her. She didn't respond, she just stood there, hands still on hips, lips pursed.
“Hey.” He smiled the largest grin he could muster.
“Don't `hey' me! What in Merlin's name is this?” she asked. Her friends were trying hard to listen to their conversation from the table, obviously intrigued by how Hermione knew Harry.
`It's a motorcycle, Hermione,” he said, trying to be cute
“I can see that perfectly well for myself, thank you,” she retorted.
“Why'd you ask if you knew the answer?” he smiled cheekily.
“Shut up!” she said, patting him on the arm, “where in the world did you get it?” Harry didn't answer; he just starred at her blankly. “Well?”
“You told me to shut up.”
“Oh, you are impossible,” she spoke, finally cracking and smiling. He responded with a smile of his own.
“No more answers until I get a hug,” he told her assertively. She laughed wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
“It's great to see you, Harry. Now tell me where you got this thing before I hex you right here for everyone to see.” He smiled, letting go of her.
“It was Sirius's, I've had it for a while we just…erm….never told you.” Hermione stepped back, shocked.
“Harry!!! I can't believe you didn't tell me.”
“Well, I knew you'd go all Mrs Weasley on me…she doesn't know either, by the way.” he gave her his lopsided grin. She shook her head slowly.
“I swear one of these days I'm going to pop my clogs worrying over you Harry!” she was tense.
“Stop worrying then,” he said, taking her hands in his.
“Stop giving me reasons too.” She smiled sweetly up at him, relaxing at his touch.
Harry squeezed her hands as they gazed gently into each other's eyes. Harry turned away nervously, colour rising in his cheeks.
“Why are those girls staring?” Harry asked inquisitively. Hermione dropped Harry's hands, having forgotten that her friends were watching. She cleared her throat and introduced him to her friends.
“Harry, this is Anna and Laura. I used to go to primary school with them.” Harry smiled at her friends, shaking each of their hands in turn.
“Hey, how do you know Hermione?” one of the girls asked rather eagerly.
“We went to school together.”
Harry spent the afternoon with the girls in the village, shopping, eating and getting to know Hermione's friends. At some point he had latched on to Hermione's hand as they walked without realising it, making Hermione's friends raise their eyebrows at her suggestively to which she just scoffed.
“Okay, sweetie, we gotta go - see you next week okay?” Anna and Laura said their goodbyes to Hermione and Harry and headed off in the direction of home.
“Well that was fun” Harry smiled
“Killed you didn't it?” Hermione said in a know-it-all tone
“Little bit, yeah” he said hugging her friendlily “We better get you home then”
Knowing what he was suggesting Hermione ducked out of his grip turned and began walking away.
“Oh come on, Hermione, just to your house, it's not that far.”
“No, Harry, my parents are coming to pick me up shortly.”
“Actually, no they're not. I told then I'd take you home when I stopped by earlier to find you.”
Harry ran up behind her and pulled her over the street to where his Motorbike was parked; they ducked and dived in and out of each other's grip. To passers by this must have looked like a frantic dance around the bike.
“Come on, Hermione, please, don't you trust me?” he said, looking hurt. Hermione couldn't help but lighten up at this but she still didn't want to ride. “I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. Would I let you go anywhere near it if it were dangerous?” After a lengthy consideration Hermione came around to his reason.
Harry smiled excitedly kissing her on the forehead quickly, he handed her a blue helmet before putting one on of his own. He started up the bike with a loud rumble and held out a hand to help her climb on the back. She sat down, finding the appropriate place for her feet and griped on to him like he was library book.
Harry started off slowly pulling away and riding down the road carefully. They had just travelled past the village when Harry lifted the bike off the ground.
“Oh my God, Harry, get this bike back on the floor this instant!!!!” Hermione screeched, mortified that Harry hadn't told her it could fly.
He pulled the bike back down to the floor, laughing heartily. He could practically feel Hermione's heart beat as she clung to him. He rode the rest of the way back with the bike placed firmly on the floor. He was sure that Hermione had had her eyes closed all the way, but was glad she ridden with him anyway.
Reaching the Granger house, he pulled the bike to the side of the road and waited for her to get off before parking it up.
“Well?” he smiled at her expectantly.
“I hate you.”
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry. Hermione. Rain.
Title: Do Not Shut The Heavens
Sequel to Motorcycle Fiasco
“Come on, Hermione, come back!”
Harry followed Hermione into the kitchen of the Granger house, laughing. She stormed over to the
refrigerator, retrieving a bottle of water and then barged past him out of the kitchen towards the
living room. Harry continued to follow her, the smile not disappearing from his face.
She walked into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. She avoided eye contact with him by
turning her head away. Harry thought this was highly amusing and knelt in front of her.
“Hey, it wasn't that bad.”
“Wasn't that bad??? Wasn't that bad!!!” Hermione wailed at him.
“Aww, poor baby,” he said, sitting on the couch next to her pulling her into a hug, “did the ickle
motorcycle scare Hermione?”
“Don't patronise me.” She smiled, looking up in to his attractive emerald eyes.
“Would I?” he whispered slowly, placing his hand on top of hers, edging closer to her on the
She stared up into his eyes as his face became sombre. Her heart began to race and the palms of her
hands were becoming moist. Her eyes flickered closed as she moved her lips towards his.
“Why were you in my room, Herm??” Hermione's younger sister barged into the room causing,
Hermione's mouth to drop in disbelief. “Hey Harry!!! I didn't know you were here, how are
“Hey, Ellie, I'm fine,” Harry said, turning awkwardly from Hermione and smiling up at her
“Eleanor, haven't you even heard of knocking???” Hermione yelled.
“Why the hell would I have to knock to come into my own living room? And stop calling me Eleanor,
it sounds so snobbish.” Harry looked between the sisters, he was amazed at how different they
“Shouldn't you be reading over some of your spell books for next year?” Hermione asked,
standing up.
“I've been reading most of the day, actually!”
“Don't lie, I'll ask Mum!”
“Fine!” Okay so maybe stubbornness is a shared characteristic, Harry mused as Hermione left
the room looking for her mother.
“How are you liking the spellbooks, Ellie?” Harry asked.
“They're great. I'm so excited about going to Hogwarts next year.” Harry smiled,
remembering how he had felt on hearing that he would be attending Hogwarts. “Hey, do you fancy a
game of football in the park?” she asked eagerly. She along with most Granger family members had
taken a liking to Harry.
“Yeah, that would be great, but you know I suck, right!”
“Yeah, I know. That's why I want to play,” she said, smiling.
Hermione came back into the room, greeted by the news that Harry was being whisked to the park by
her sister. She hadn't been too happy about it at the time but had decided that she would
rather go with them than stay at home.
“Oh come on, you tackled me, that was a blatant foul!” Harry bawled, laughing at Ellie's
“It's not my fault you're too slow,” she laughed back from halfway across the pitch,
kicking the ball into the back of the net.
Hermione sat on the sidelines with a book. She was watching intently as Harry and Ellie laughed and
joked, having fun.
“I can't believe she just left with her friends, that's so rude!” Hermione commented as she
and Harry headed home.
“She's at the age; hanging around with her square sister could be bad for her
“I am not square!!!” she punched him in the shoulder for his remark.
They walked from the park as the skies began to darken; they were halfway to Hermione's house
when the heavens opened and rain began to pour down violently.
“Come on,” Harry seized Hermione's hand as they set off into a fast run; they ran down a number
of streets and up a few alleyways before reaching the Granger home. Hermione ran up to the front
door only to find it locked.
“Mum and Dad must have gone out,” she told Harry frenziedly. “I haven't got my wand.”
“Me neither.” He smiled, seeing the humour in them getting soaked through and through, being locked
out of the safety and warmth of Hermione's house. “What do you suggest we do?” he asked as she
joined him at his side. Her hair was sticking to her face as thunder rolled in the distance.
“Come on, around the back,” Hermione darted around the side of the house, desperately searching
under plant pots; she let out a cry when she found a spare key. She ran and unlocked the back door,
turning smiling at Harry she walked into the kitchen, only to slip when her wet shoes met the
kitchen tiles, Harry who was close behind her swung his arms around her waist instinctively trying
to catch her before she fell, all this achieved however was her to pull him down with her. They
collapsed in a heap on the floor laughing energetically at the soaked version of the other.
Harry softly knocked before entering Hermione's bedroom; he entered to find her drying her hair
with a charm.
“Nice!” She smiled cheerfully at Harry's appearance, their clothes had become extremely muddy
and so were put into the washing machine, leaving Harry having to borrow a pair of red shorts and a
rather large black t-shirt from Hermione's father.
“Oh you know you can't resist me in these shorts,” he replied, twirling for her to get a better
look. He straightened up starring at Hermione; he loved it when she laughed; it make her look even
more beautiful in his opinion.
“What?” she asked as a bolt of lightning clapped outside.
“I was just thinking about earlier,” he answered, his voice raspy, “on the couch in your living
Hermione smiled coyly up at him, hoping he was thinking the same thing she was. In turns out he was
as they each crossed the room quickly, throwing their arms around one another, pressing their lips
together passionately.
After a few moments they pulled away smiling at one another vibrantly. Harry kissed Hermione's
forehead and tangled their hands together
“See I told you, it's the shorts.”
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Non-songfic Songfic
Title: See the sun
Song used: Dido - See the Sun
He entered into a dreary darkness, the blinds were closed and the curtains drawn, there was no
movement, she lay still. He walked over to the window with determination, drawing the material back
to let the light flood into her morose bedroom. She whined pulling the blanket up over her
“Hermione?” he asked as he sat down next to where she lay.
“How'd you get in here, Harry?” she mumbled sullenly, “I locked the door.”
“And you seriously think a door, a spell and a few wards would stop me from getting to you?” he
asked in amazement. There was no response. “You need to get out of bed.”
“No I don't, the bed loves me and I love the bed. Leave us be.”
“Hermione, come on, you can't do this to yourself, it's been two weeks and as far as
I'm aware you haven't left this room; it's not healthy.” Silence “Take the
blanket off your head,” Nothing. “Hermione, either you take it off or I'll rip it off
and take it into the next room!” he said, getting slightly irritated.
The bed moved as she began to stir. She removed the blanket slightly, revealing puffy red eyes that
were full of sorrow. It was obvious that Hermione had been weeping a great deal since it happened.
His heart sunk to see her like this.
“Oh, sweetie,” he said, kissing her on the forehead and wrapping his arms around the blankets to
her limp form. “Why are you doing this to yourself?” She stirred some more, freeing her arms so
that she could hold on to him; burying her face into his neck as tears threatened to flow once
“Why does this keep happening to me?” she whispered solemnly in response. Harry tightened his hold
on her; he hated to see her like this. He would have tracked the guy down and beaten him within an
inch of his life if it hadn't been for the past. For in the past he had done this to her. He,
Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, had made her cry for constant days and nights. Of course she
didn't know that he knew, but he did nonetheless.
They lay there for a while, arms wrapped around one another, Harry trying to offer as much comfort
as he could muster to his wounded best friend.
“Right, come on, it's time to get up,” he said, pulling out of her grip. She pulled the blanket
back up over her head and mumbled something he couldn't quite make out. “I'm going in the
next room to make breakfast. I expect you in there in 30 minutes, washed and dressed,” he said in a
dominant tone, “and if you're not, then I'll pick you up and carry you into that shower
fully dressed! You hear me?”
More mumbles.
“Hey, do you feel any better?” he asked as she pushed the door open and entered the kitchen dressed
in blue jeans and a beige shirt.
“Not really,” she answered truthfully. Harry looked at her with sympathy andpointed a seat at the
breakfast bar in her kitchen, which she took, shoulders slumped and head hung low. He placed a full
English breakfast in front of her, which she picked at for a few minutes before deciding that she
was actually hungry.
“So what happened?” Harry asked, eating his own breakfast next to her.
“He left,” she answered flatly.
“Do you know why?”
“No,” she lied; she knew exactly why he had left. He had left because of Harry.
“What a creep,” Harry said, taking his plate over to the sink. “Hurry up with that, we're going
“Harry, I really don't want to,” she pleaded miserably.
“Look, you haven't been outside for two weeks...you need some air. It will make you feel
better, we're just walking, nothing to heavy, okay?”
“Fine,” she said dejectedly, kicking herself for giving in to him; it was his fault she felt that
way after all.
After Hermione finished her breakfast, Harry took her plate and put it in the sink. He had
already put on his coat; it was a long and woollen and he often wore it in winter when they were in
the muggle world.
“You better wrap up, it's quite nippy outside,” he said, passing her a pair of gloves and a
When she was ready, Harry made sure the flat was locked before taking her hand in his. They
apparated just outside of a village on the suburbs of London. The area around them was green and
hilly. The skies were clear but it was a cold January morning and so the chilly wind was blowing in
off the hills around them as they walked.
They paced up a hill in silence for quite a distance before Hermione opted to take a rest due to
the stitch in her side. She sat on a bench as the wind wisped blowing her hair around in all
directions. Harry stood in front of her before, lowering to a crouching position. His cheeks were
red from the cold and Hermione could see the condensation of his breath.
“It'll be okay,” he spoke quietly, making Hermione look up to meet his gaze.
“How do you know that?” she asked distantly.
“Because things like this happen. Time passes and it gets easier, you're hurting now and I
understand that, I truly do, and I know you're feeling cold and empty but I promise you
you'll see the sun again, I promise Hermione.” He took her hand and looked earnestly into her
eyes. Hermione smiled. It was only small and weak but it was something.
“Has anyone ever told you you're sweet?”
“Well, yes, lots of times actually. But it always been you so, I'm guessing it's a biased
opinion.” He smiled as she laughed--music to his ears. “Come on, it's freezing out here.
Let's go to the pub and get a Butterbeer,” he said, checking his watch. It was a Sunday
afternoon and he knew that by now, Ron, Luna and Ginny would be in the Leaky Cauldron.
“I don't think I'm ready to face all the questions, Harry,” Hermione spoke softly, head
bent low. Harry reached his hand to her chin, pulling it up.
“You're gonna have to face the questions sometime, and the more you talk about it the easier it
will get.”
“Hey guys, look who I found,” Harry said, entering the pub and approaching the table where the
Weasleys and Luna were seated.
“Hermione!” Ginny called, taking her friend and hugging her tightly, “are you okay?”
“Yeah I'll be fine, can I-um-borrow you for a second?” she asked quietly, handing her coat to
Harry, who hung it on the back of a chair.
“Sure,” Ginny answered taking Hermione's hand and heading towards the ladies'
“So what's going on?” Ginny asked, reading into Hermione's request, “are you sure
you're okay?”
“No, I'm dying of a broken heart, and I know that sounds melodramatic, but it's true. I
don't think I can take this feeling much longer,” Hermione spoke in an outburst.
“This isn't about William, is it?” Ginny asked knowingly.
“Well it is, kind of, he left because of-um…”
“Yeah,” a glazed look crossed her eyes. “He said he recognised the sentiment I held for him,
whatever that's supposed to mean. Oh, Ginny, why can't I get over this? He's already
broken my heart once, how is it he keeps doing it without knowing?”
Hermione took her wand out and opened the door to her flat. She entered, hanging her coat up on the
hook by the door. Harry followed suit. She walked to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her
while Harry made his way to the living room.
“Incendio.” He lit a roaring fire up in the grate, sitting to watch the flames flicker. Hermione
entered the room moments later in jogging pants and a long black jumper.
“Black? Are you mourning the loss of this guy for Merlin's sake?” Harry asked, agitated.
“Yes I am, actually!” Hermione spat back, “yet another person deciding that they don't want
me.” Harry's heart sunk once again; he knew that this was directed at him.
“Yeah, well he wasn't anywhere good enough for you, anyway,” Harry replied, his voice
“You said you liked this one.”
“Yeah, well I lied. He was a pretentious Wanker in actual fact and I hated him from the moment I
saw him. Just ask Ron.”
“Well, I'm sorry if I got it wrong again. We can't all get it right like you and your
perfect Elizabeth!” Hermione was getting angry; she couldn't believe he was acting so
“Elizabeth? Bloody hell, Hermione, we split up four bleeding weeks ago.” Hermione was startled, how
hadn't she known?
“Wh--what happened?”
“It didn't work out.”
“But why, you said she was great.”
“Yeah, she was, she is, but there's no point being with somebody that you don't love
Hermione; it's a waste of time.” Harry turned his back on her and collapsed down on to the
couch, running his finger through his hair. “I don't see why this guy had such an effect on you
anyway; you were only with him for six months. Was it that serious?” he asked, his voice a little
more calm.
“I guess not,” Hermione said, sitting down.
“Did you love him?”
“Yes. No. I don't know,” she spoke slowly in realisation. “I think I was in love with the idea
of being in love with him…if that makes any sense.”
“Not really.”
“I just wanted to be loved. I keep thinking that that's not a big thing to ask for, but I
can't seem to get it right.” Harry turned his gaze from the fire to look at her. He so
desperately wanted to tell her.
“It's not a big thing to ask for,” he whispered quietly, “but tomorrow's another day and
love will eventually find you.” Hermione rolled her eyes and snorted softly.
“Oh it found me all right, knocked me off my bloody feet,” she said quietly, looking down at her
hands before looking back up at him on the other side of the couch. “You should probably go.” Harry
stood slowly, saddened by her request and turned to leave.
“How can you be so sure?” She rushed to him as he opened the door.
“Of what?”
“That life will get better?”
“Because pain's the only way to happiness.”
“Why?” she asked, her voicing catching in her throat.
“Because that's the only way we learn. We all learn through our mistakes, Hermione,” he replied
solemnly, “I'd know, I do it enough.”
“And what've you learnt?” Harry gathered together up all the courage he could find shutting the
door before answering.
“That life is harsh and cold, but it's something you have to deal with. You can get caught up
in things that you can't control, but you're forced to, if not for your own good but for
the good of others. You have to stay positive and look to happier times, stand by your mistakes,
even if you think they may have been the wrong choices because if nothing else you can learn from
“Harry, What have you learnt?” Hermione asked again, intense emotion building within her. He opened
and closed his mouth a few times trying to form a response.
“I learned that my best friend fell in love with me,” he spoke slowly, “and I ignored it because I
thought in the long run it would be for the better, my intentions were good but they were wrong. I
learnt that you can't substitute love for one person with another because you don't want
that original person to get hurt and most importantly…I've learnt that I'm still in love
with you.”
Tears stained each of their faces as they stared at each other, all the emotion they had held to
clung in the air between them.
“Harry,” Hermione cried holding out her arms to him desperately, which he quickly filled after a
few strides across the room. “You promised.”
“I promise,” he spoke harshly before capturing her lips with his own.
See the Sun - Dido
I'm comin' 'round to open the blinds
You can't hide here any longer
My God you need to rinse those puffy eyes
You can't last here any longer
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't want to hear tomorrow's another day
Well I promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
Come on take my hand
We're going for a walk, I know you can
You can wear anything as long as it's not black
Please don't mourn forever
She's not coming back
And yes they'll ask you where you've been
And you'll have to tell them again and again
And you probably don't want to hear tomorrow's another day
Well I promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
Do you remember telling me you found the sweetest thing of all
You said one day this was worth dying for
So be thankful you knew her at all
But it's no more
And you probably don't want to hear tomorrow's another day
Well I promise you you'll see the sun again
And you're asking me why pain's the only way to happiness
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
And I promise you you'll see the sun again
I promise you you'll see the sun again
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Harry/Hermione feed/eat from the other's plate at a restaurant.
Title: Nut Cracker. (Formerly called, Peanut Party)
Sequel to “Look Hermione! KRUM!”
“Don't smirk Granger! It's not funny!” Harry took a seat at the table Hermione and Ginny were occupying in the corner of the muggle pub.
“I'm not smirking, but at least it was you I `left with' and not Krum!” she said, her lips turning up into a smile she could no longer hold back.
“Need I remind you that you didn't? I was a perfect gentleman and returned you home straight after we apparated out of there.” Harry glared from across the table.
“Yes, I remember I got my hopes up for nothing, very disappointing,” she said, shaking her head and taking a rather large gulp of larger.
“Most men would have taken the opportunity to shag her while they could, but St. Potter, so chivalrous!” Ginny scoffed, causing Hermione to snort into her pint before laughing uncontrollably with her friend.
“Oh bugger off, it's not like I didn't think about it.” He smiled mischievously, causing them to stop laughing abruptly. “I'm going to get a drink, I can see you don't need another.” He pushed his chair back and stood up heading towards the bar. “Oh and please stop starring at my arse, I'm not an object,” he shouted over his shoulder, hands on his hips as he made his way through the tables. Hermione whipped her head towards Ginny, blushing a deep crimson.
“Was it that obvious?” she asked seriously. It was Ginny's turn to snort into her pint.
Harry stood against the bar, waiting to be served and purposely sticking his posterior out more then he usually would in a crowd full of men. He looked at his watch, observing the time. The rest of his friends would be arriving shortly to watch a football match on the television. Harry and Dean had convinced the gang of friends to come to a muggle pub for a change; with the world cup final coming up Harry didn't think it would be a good idea for him and Ron to be seen in the Three Broomsticks.
“Harry!!” Ron suddenly bellowed from the door followed by a large roar of apparent agreement from Dean and Seamus. Dean was dressed in his West Ham football team strip eagerly awaiting the match between his favourite team and Crystal Palace. They made their way over to Harry at the bar, ignoring the glares coming from the local drunks. Harry stood up straight to greet his friends with a big smile (much to Hermione's dismay).
“Where's Hermione?!?” Ron asked waving his football flag a little too enthusiastically.
“Over in the corner,” Harry said, gesturing behind them, “be careful though, the pissup's been wasted since before I got here,” he chuckled. (I normally would use a period before the last quote, but chuckling is a type of verbal communication, and I think it's better this way.)
“But it's only 11:55,” he said incredulously, gawking at his watch.
As the match progressed along with the afternoon, Hermione's state of rationality had become something of a distant memory. She had slumped further into her chair until only her head of bushy hair was visible above the table. Harry smiled at Hermione's condition; spying an opportunity to steal the bowl of peanuts she had been hogging for most of the afternoon he reached slowly across the table making sure not to wake her from her comatose state.
“I don't think so…mister!” she slurred, springing awake, slapping his hand away from the bowl with a crack causing the table to jump before laughing, awaiting Harry's reaction.
“Oh, give us one, you tight cow!” Harry whined, holding his hand out expectantly.
“Fine!” she half shouted, half giggled as she picked up and launched a peanut at Harry's head. Despite her present form, the peanut struck him in the middle of his forehead. Without delay he snapped his hands up to his scar clasping it as though she had sent the Cruciatus curse his way.
“Oh give it up, you woman!” she cried, giggling.
“You've been hogging them all day, now give me one,” he laughed.
“Open your mouth!” she said, not giving him much of a chance before she aimed and threw another peanut which bounced off his nose.
“Again,” Harry called, his mouth wide open. She threw another up in the air and with a slight adjustment on Harry's part it landed in his mouth. Both he and Hermione shot up abruptly from there seats punching the air in celebration. Hermione finding this somewhat amusing threw a couple more peanuts in Harry's direction all landing on target.
“Okay, now me!!!” Hermione shouted excitedly, pushing the bowl towards Harry. The others were watching with great interest as the pair became louder and rowdier, putting on a display for all to see.
“Okay, are you ready?” he asked cautiously, preparing her for the task.
“Just throw it, Potter!” she scolded.
What took place next seemed to happen in slow motion; the peanut reared to the right through the air causing Hermione to dive slightly as she concentrated on the peanut, consequently knocking in to Ginny's legs and very ungracefully falling over them to the ground with a loud slap stick thud. The group fell silent unsure whether it was appropriate to laugh until they saw Hermione's hand rise above the table, the peanut clenched between her thumb and forefinger. They all lost control, causing uproar. Harry snorted with laughter before stumbling around the table to help the pile up off Hermione.
“I think it's time I took you home, sweetie,” he said, dragging her towards the door while she continued celebrating her victory with triumphant cheers.
Harry opened the door of the flat, carrying a drunken Hermione in his arms. He walked over to the couch, laying her down and placing a blanket over her.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
They laughed as Hermione's consciousness returned slowly.
“So my knight in shining armour has returned me to safety once more,” she said before smiling coyly. “I hope I haven't got my hopes up for nothing this time,” she said, reaching out for him.
Harry crawled up on to the couch and lay with Hermione before she drifted off into a sleep, feeling more than content with the day's events.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: A Proposal...
Title: A Promising Proposal
Sequel to “A Journey to You”
August 11th, 1999
Dear Diary:
Today has been very eventful. It started off with me being extremely anxious, but as it happens it has turned out marvellously.
Well I was supposed to back in the country earlier this morning and had planned to make it to the Burrow just after noon. You know, fashionably late. But bloody Wilson was harbouring a rather dangerous and might I add rare Erumpent horn in his luggage. The bloody pillock thought he could bring it home and use it as a weapon, when it in actual fact all it did was keep us in Cairo for hours on end, being questioned before they would let us Floo out. I swear I don't know who let him on the exploration, if he had a brain cell he'd be dangerous. So there I was at the ministry in Egypt, pacing around, wanting more than anything to just be at the Burrow, where I knew all my family would be. It was killing me, just thinking about how I missed everybody so much, but the thing that was hurting the most was that I hadn't seen him for so long, his eyes or his hair or even his rather unstylish glasses. I assume you know whom I'm talking about; at least you should after all this time.
By the time we were back in London, I had missed pretty much all of the day and I felt awful. The only thing that kept my energy levels high was the fact that I was closer. As soon as we arrived at the grate, I immediately apparated to where I wanted to be, I didn't even take my things home, darn it I was anxious.
I don't really recall where I apparated to, all I remember was hearing Mrs. Weasley making some sort of speech and I think I arrived just in time because she mentioned my name. It was like a film or something…I was just there when I should have been…you know how I mean? Of course not you're a book and I presume you don't really watch many movies. Shut up Hermione. I digress. So anyway I stood there and I say something, I can't remember what, I'm sure it was terribly intelligent or witty though. From that point it was like time slowed down, I saw him, I saw Harry. He shot up from the table, startling a few people and making my heart pump vigorously at the mere sight. Even if I wanted to, I don't think I could explain the feeling that shot through my veins when he looked at me the way he did, Yes I know, I Hermione Granger, book worm of the century, cannot find the appropriate words.
He walked towards me, I assumed it was a quick pace as he managed to leap a table, but it seemed like forever for him to get to me, I remember thinking: Come on, Hurry up! Put your back into it, or something to that extent. I would have moved myself but I seriously didn't trust my legs to cooperate, so I smiled, it was hard not to in retrospect. How can you not smile, when the love of your life is running to you with that look in his eyes. My arms must have reached out for him automatically because I was clutching to his neck as he picked me up off the ground. Now wait for the best part! Harry Potter kissed me, Hermione Granger. It wasn't an average kiss either, now I don't pretend to be an expert but I know the difference between a friendly--welcome--home kiss and a passionate I--want--you and need--you kiss. It was glorious, darn right magnificent and I never wanted to let go, but there was the matter of about 100 people staring at us with open mouths. Trust Harry to put on a show like that; he really does like to do things properly, doesn't he. Not that I'm complaining, of course.
The evening was amazing; everybody was in a wonderful mood. It was excellent, everybody was happy, especially me, probably due the fact that for most of the night Harry was by my side with his arms around my waist or our hands entwined.
But the best was saved for last. About an hour ago we sat down in the living room of the Burrow after cleaning up and bidding everyone goodnight, Harry had just finished snogging me senseless…sigh…when he looked me in the eye and squirmed a little, I could tell he was nervous. I asked him what was on his mind and he told me: he loved me. Now can you imagine my reaction? Bugger firebolts! Nothing and I mean NOTHING, had ever flown higher and faster than I did at that precise moment, it was exquisite. I would have loved to have seen my reaction because the next thing I remember was Harry looking at me anxiously; I think I must have been quiet for a while. Of course I told him how I felt before throwing myself at him with a bone crushing hug to which he embraced me laughing, kissing me once again. (Oh how I pray that doesn't get old.)
We laughed, our foreheads touching. Before his eyes darkened, I thought he was about to tell me something awful because he tensed up and cleared his throat nervously. But instead he proposed a proposition. One which made me smile contently and one which is yet to remove itself from my face, he told me that he couldn't bare to be apart from me (aww, good boy) and then told me that he wanted me to move in with him and if I did he would make it worth my while. Naturally my goofy smile told him the answer but I gave him a lip locker of a kiss for good measure.
So here I am at the Burrow, curled up in the arms of my wonderful, marvellous and amazing boyfriend. Heaven.
x H x
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: The Beach...
Title: Beach Bewilderment
Sequel to A Comfortable Sign
Hermione yawned sleepily as she awoke from her enchanting slumber. She rolled over, sighed slightly as she realised that her subconscious had been playing tricks on her once again. She had been dreaming about Harry, only this time it had felt so real. She dreamt that they had spent the night together in Hogsmeade, laughing and joking before heading back to her flat where the passion she held for Harry had reached its peak in an intimate confrontation. However as she regained her perception of the real world she realised that her relationship with her friend had not changed in the slightest from the previous day, nothing out of the ordinary had happened and he was still only her companion.
“I swear Ron, it was the weirdest dream I've ever had!”
“Really? Even after the experiences you've had?” Ron asked as he literally jumped on top of the muggle suitcase he was trying in vain to zip up.
“Yeah, I mean, it was, Hermione! And it was me! And we were….well…..you know!” Ron's head snapped in Harry's direction, his face was laced with astonishment.
“What?? You were….” Ron made a vulgar motion with his arms causing Harry to spit out his coffee as he laughed.
“Yeah. I'm telling you it felt so…real! It was nice” he added with a sigh making Ron smile knowingly.
“Was it wicked?” Ron asked mischievously “I mean is she…good?”
“Blimey, Ron it was a dream, a warped delusion and nothing more, how would I know if she's satisfying in reality?” Harry answered smiling broadly “I'd be happy to try and find out for you though!” Ron and Harry dissolved into a tirade of laughter as they finished packing there suitcases in preparation for the trip they were about to take.
“Then what happened?” Ginny asked curiously, not trying in the slightest to hide her excitement about her friend's reverie. Hermione raised her eyebrows suggestively whilst biting her bottom lip. “Oh my gods!” Ginny shrieked out of character jumping up and down. Hermione blushed but smiled nonetheless.
“If only it was reality!” Hermione shouted over Ginny's excessive racket in order to quiet her down.
“If only what was reality?” a male voice asked form behind the girls, making them jump slightly. Hermione shrugged the question off whilst going to retrieve her luggage. Ron looked to Ginny instead for the answer but received the same reaction.
“Women!” he snorted as Harry entered the room.
“Bloody hell, Hermione, I didn't know you even owned that many clothes!” Harry protested as he caught a glimpse of Hermione's baggage. “There going to have to send another plane out!” he joked as he smiled fondly. She sneered at him sticking her tongue out, to which he snapped his jaw closed rapidly in attempt to bite it off, they smiled flirtatiously at one another, as they always did.
Ron and Ginny watched the floor-show rolling their eyes. They left the flat as Harry and Hermione bantered playfully.
“Why don't they get a freaking room?” Ginny asked rhetorically, causing her brother to laugh.
“I know what you mean, it's bad enough they make `goo goo eyes' at each other at all, never mind in front of people”. The Weasley's laughed as they handed their luggage to taxi driver.
By the time they had loaded all their luggage into the black cab and climbed in, it was getting closer to their flight time. They had agreed to take an authentic muggle holiday this year and the four of them were meeting a few more of their friends at the airport before flying off to Greece.
“Whoa, this place is beautiful” Harry said in awe as he looked out across his balcony. “Ron come and check this out?” he turned to find Ron opening and closing the tiny fridge door in their apartment, with a large grin on his face.
“Look! The light knows when to come on!” Harry shook his head before turning his attention back to the azure blue sea. The sun was blazing and Harry could see many people lounging around on the beach and cooling themselves off in the sea. He smiled enthusiastically, he had never experienced anything like this before; it was amazing.
“Oh my, is that? It is! Look! It's Harry Potter.” Harry turned his head to the side to find Hermione stood on the next balcony with her hands crossed over her heart. “Can I have you autograph?”
“Only if you earn it!” he added with a wink, before clambering across the balconies into her and Ginny's room.
After a quick tour of the girls room most of the party decided to overlook their packed suitcases and decided to take out the bare essentials before heading off to the beach. Seamus lay on a towel looking around frantically at all the `sights,' Harry and Dean were throwing a volleyball around to one another while Ron tried desperately to take the cap off a bottle of sun cream.
Harry vaulted the ball in Dean's direction and laughed when it bounced straight off his friends head with a thud. This didn't take him out of his trance, however; Harry turned to see what had him so enthralled and literally fell over at the sight that greeted him. His eyes widened and his throat became as dry as the sand squelched up between his toes.
His two best female friends were walking towards them in nothing but scantly clad bikini's they were in deep discussion and hadn't noticed the large number of male eyes drawn to their direction.
Hermione looked up and smiled in Harry's direction with a wave, causing him to startle out of his trance.
“I think I need to go….over…to...swim!” he turned swiftly and raced to the sea without looking back.
Oh great Merlin, Oh great Merlin, Oh great Merlin! Pull yourself together man! It's just Hermione.
He chanced a peak back in her direction to find her rubbing cream into her sun glistened body.
Oh mother of all that is holy!!!
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Random Quote Challenge [Sequel Week]
Title: The Repercussions
“Whoa!” he breathed.
“Mmm...that's exactly what I was thinking,” Hermione whispered back to him as they rested their foreheads against one another's. She pulled back and he smiled shyly, his hands still gently resting on his waist.
“You…umm…you just kissed me,” Harry muttered as if he was astounded by this; Hermione laughed softly, finding his coyness incredibly sweet.
“Well, what do you expect?” she asked him, continuing to whisper, she smoothed circles over the back of his neck with her fingers, making a shiver run down his spine. He swallowed slightly and pulled Hermione to him, wrapping his arms tightly around her with fervour into a deep and meaningful hug.
“Ahem.” They pulled back from one another reluctantly to find Ron stood with a smirk on his face. “I just wanted to let you know that you have a rather large audience.” He smiled as the couple realised that everybody was watching them. Harry, as though he truly was a member of the Weasley clan, turned a deep crimson to the very tips of his ears. Hermione shuffled slightly on the balls of her feet tucking stray pieces of hair behind her ears nervously. Ron looked on at them finding it hard to control the grin spreading across his lips. “What are you two like? And you have the check to call me stupid! Well, welcome to the real world my friends, you're the stupid ones.” He grinned affectionately.
The trio beamed as they made there way back up to the castle, Ron was basking in the chance to tell them repetitively how blind they had been over the last year. Harry and Hermione smiled and took the abuse good heartedly, not really affected, they were too excited about the future prospects of their relationships. Harry caught Hermione side glancing at him with a smile; he responded by taking her hand in his as they walked, noticing this, Ron took the opportunity to make nauseous gestures.
“Hey you!” Ginny spoke teasingly as she sat down next to Hermione in the great hall. “Where's lover boy?”
“Oh be quiet, Ginny,” Hermione spoke trying to hide her embarrassment. “The boys have just finished their dinner and decided to have a quick Quidditch practice.”
“Really? Well you know why that is, don't you?” Ginny asked, reaching for various food groups to nourish her plate.
“What? They wanted to play.”
“No, Ron wanted to give Harry `the talk'.” Ginny smiled as Hermione looked at her with apprehension.
“What talk?”
“The talk where Ron threatens Harry that if he ever hurts you, he'll kill him, maim him, etcetera, etcetera.” The girls looked at each other seriously before dissolving into giggles at the prospect of Ron trying to intimidate Harry.
“Oh, Ginny, I'm so nervous about this whole thing. I have no clue how to deal with a relationship like this.”
“For Merlin's sake Hermione, It's not hard, stop over analysing the whole concept. You like Harry and he definitely likes you so take it from there. Everyone knows you're great together. Stop being such a worrywart and just snog his face off at every opportunity.” She added the last part with a playful grin.
“Okay, okay, seriously though, just have fun and relax, believe that live is worth living and your belief will help you create fact. Now are you gonna eat them sausages?”
“You sounded so profound up until the very end.”
“Harry will you slow down for a minute, I want to talk to you!” Ron shouted through the evening air towards Harry who was racing off on his Firebolt.
“Sorry Ron,” he said, pulling back to Ron's speed. “I couldn't help it; I just have to go fast on this thing, it's like a law.”
“No one likes a show-off, Harry,” Ron snorted humorously at Harry's egotistical comment.
As they flew around the grounds of Hogwarts, Harry waited for the dreaded conversation to begin. He knew Ron had brought him out here to discuss the boarder that he had crossed with Hermione.
“Come on then,” he said when he could wait no longer.
“I know you're gonna grill me about Hermione, so just get it over with,” Harry said. Ron flew down to the ground and beckoned Harry to follow. They landed by the boat shed on the lake and walked along the rickety pier.
“Why'd we come down here mate?”
“It's quieter, plus I was getting a stitch.” Harry laughed as Ron clutched his side.
“Well it's you own fault. You should never eat more than you can lift!” Harry poked Ron in the stomach and watched as he doubled over and sat down. Harry sat down next to Ron and prepared himself, he wasn't really sure what Ron was going to say.
“Firstly, Hermione's my friend too! Okay?”
“Yeah,” Harry said sceptically.
“So, you can't hog her all the time…I'll need help with my homework and such,” Harry chuckled slightly, “but I'm happy for you mate, you know that. You should really thank Cho; if she hadn't interfered none of this would be happening. You've been hiding this for so long, thinking we wouldn't notice!”
“Was that obvious?” Harry asked.
“Hell yeah, just the way you'd act around her, quite pathetic really.” Harry lifted his arm and elbowed Ron in the stomach. “But we all know you can't help it, you're obviously crazy about her, just too chicken to have done anything about it!”
“Hey, I'm not the only one who was too scared to admit their feelings,” Harry interjected critically.
“What are you talking about?” Harry scoffed as Ron played dumb.
“You know exactly what I'm talking about, Weasley. I've seen you sneaking off to find Luna, you know you fancy her but you just don't wanna admit it. Scared of what other people might think. Coward!” Harry spoke confidently enjoying the reversed roles.
“That is totally…off topic,” Ron said as he fidgeted with his robes. “I laugh in the face of danger!” he said in a positive tone, Harry turned to look at him with raised eyebrows. “Then I run and hide until it goes away,” he added, slumping his shoulders as Harry laughed. “Stop changing the subject anyway, we are talking about Hermione here!”
“Okay,” Harry said, sobering up.
“I don't even have to tell you how protective I get of her because you've seen for yourself, but I just wanted you to know that Hermione deserves the best and I know that you can give it to her. However I know that you're in a difficult position because of who you are and I know you'll want to shield her from getting hurt but just be careful because you could push her away.” There was along pause before he continued. “Just enjoy life. There is plenty of time to be dead.”
Harry sat starring out across the lake, taking in Ron's words. He knew he was right, he knew that Hermione could take care of herself and even though being with her made her a target, it would be worth it to be truthful to him.
Hermione sat on the couch in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny, discussing Harry in a girlish manner. When Harry and Ron entered through the portrait hole they quickly shut up and Hermione could feel butterflies start to roam frantically in her stomach. Harry looked in her direction and smiled warmly, not quite believing what had happened that day.
“Hermione, did you do that History essay?” Ron asked, throwing his trainers off into a corner of the common room.
“Of course I did, it's in first period tomorrow,” she responded, “oh please tell me you haven't left it to the last minute again, Ronald.”
“Well it's not technically the last minute, considering I've got a few more hours before it's due in,” Ron said, sitting down on a chair opposite Hermione. “Plus I don't actually know what to do.”
“For goodness sake Ron, you have to write about how the renaissance period contributed to the schism between the muggle and wizarding world. You would find it advantageous to also write about muggle advancements in science and technology and how the wizarding world protects muggles from harming themselves with magic.” Ron stared at Hermione in silence, his mouth hung low, he hadn't realised how much work was going to have to be put into the essay he had been putting off all week.
“People who think they know everything are really irritating to those of us who do,” he muttered to Harry who had perched on the arm of his chair. Hearing what he had said Hermione glared at him crossly.
“Don't speak unless you can improve the silence, Ron!” she retorted as he crossed the room, muttering under his breath, he reached his bag and started to pull odd pieces of parchment out.
“As much as I'd love to stay here and listen to you and Ron squabble all night, I think we better have a chat or something.” Harry smiled to Hermione form the arm of the chair. She nodded her head slightly and led them out of the common room.
When the portrait hole closed behind them Hermione looked at Harry expectedly. He just smiled and took her hand tenderly into his, leading her down the corridors, they walked in silence, simply enjoying the presence of the other. They had been walking for quite some time before Harry led Hermione out of the castle into the courtyard. The sun had set the only light was coming from fireflies buzzing around the fountain in the middle of the yard.
“So,” she mumbled.
“So.” They smiled sweetly at one another. Harry started to fiddle with the sleeves of Hermione's robes. “So today was different,” he said pathetically, not knowing what else to say.
“I know. If you had told me this morning that we were….” Hermione trailed off looking away from him.
“We were what?” he asked
“In this situation, well, I wouldn't have believed you.” She smiled bashfully, taking shallow breathes.
“The afternoon knows what the morning knows not,” Harry whispered to her.
“Why is everyone being so philosophical today?” she asked laughing, joining their hands together.
“I think there's something in the air.” They stood in silence as Hermione leaned back against one of the alcoves and Harry manoeuvred to face her wrapping his arms around her waist. “This is amazing, just being able to hold you this way. I've wanted to for so long.”
“I've wanted you to do this for so long too.” She smiled back at him playfully.
“What I said earlier, when I was under that trance....” He broke off, resting his forehead against hers, she closed her eyes waiting to hear the rest of the sentence, “I meant every word of it…obviously.” He laughed. “I just wanted to tell you on my own terms, that…well…I love you.” Hermione breathed against him contently, pushing him back softly so she could look at him.
“I love you too, Harry,” she said in a barely audible whisper, afraid her voice would crack if it was any louder. He raised his hand to her chin and kissed her gently, he would have never thought that a single kiss could make his whole body shudder with delight.
They looked down to find the couple in a deep kiss in the silence of the night, their bodies illuminated by the beams of the moon and the orange of the flies, holding one another as if the other was the most precious thing they had ever encountered.
“That's so wonderful,” Ginny breathed from the window that looked over the courtyard in all its beauty. Ron scoffed quietly.
“Pictures of perfection as you know make me sick and wicked,” he responded to his sister's glare, trying hard to suppress the smile threatening to dance across his lips. “Fine, you're right, it's…wonderful,” he said, rolling his eyes.
A/N Sequel to Backfire: Veritaserum challenge.
Quotes used:
1. The afternoon knows what the morning knows not
2. Don't speak unless you can improve the silence
3. Pictures of perfections as you know make me sick and wicked
4. Never eat more than you can lift
5. Enjoy life there is plenty of time to be dead
6. Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create fact
7. No-one likes a show off
8. Welcome to the real world
9. I laugh in the face of danger and then i run and hide until it goes away
10. People who think they know everything are very irritating to those of us who do
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione receives an anonymous gift/card/letter that
they think is from the other...but it's not...
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each
consecutive day you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a
6000+ word story that flows from beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as
Title: The Bare Essentials.
Harry Potter jumped from his bed with a start; there had been a thunderous clang throughout the flat. He reached for his glasses and stood up opening the door to his room, popping his head around the kitchen door he found a disgruntled Ron Weasley cleaning up marinade sauce from the kitchen floor, his hair sticking up in different angles across his head.
“What the hell are you doing?” Harry asked groggily.
“I thought it would be fun to get up at 6:30 in the morning and throw sauce on the floor!” he snapped irritably.
“I rephrase; why are you up at 6:30, I wasn't aware you actually knew 6:30 had an `Am'`” Harry asked, retrieving his wand from his room so he could clear the sauce away.
“Didn't you hear the bloody knocking?” Ron asked when he re-entered the kitchen. “Hermione decided that it would be a great time to come around for breakfast, I'm not even awake yet and I dropped the bloody saucepan,” Ron answered in mutters.
“Hermione's here?” Harry asked, cleaning the sauce up with a spell.
“Yes she is!” Harry jumped as Hermione grabbed his hips quickly from behind hitting his tickle spots.
“Don't do that to me!” he wheezed against the wall. “Why are you here so bloody early?”
“Got a lecture at nine and I wanted to see you guys,” she answered with a bigger smile.
“How can you be so cheery this early in the morning?” Ron asked as they entered the kitchen.
“I just am,” she replied with a shrug, sitting down at the kitchen table. Harry was about to join her when he realised he was still only wearing his bare essentials. He looked down and quickly lifted his head locking sheepish
“I'm gonna go put clothes on,” he left the room in a swift movement.
“No! Don't be doing a thing like that! I was enjoying the view!” Hermione whined loud enough that only Ron could here her.
“Put a cap on it, Hermione, it's too early for ogling!” Ron chuckled as he splashed eggs into a frying pan.
“Now can you blame when he struts around in those wonderfully revealing boxer shorts?” she laughed as she took sausages and bacon out of the boy's fridge.
“You're ill, well and truly ill!”
The trio consumed their meal, talking more animatedly as the boys regained more and more consciousness. Harry had entered back in to the room in a black muggle suit, with a white shirt and a blue tie. Hermione's jaw had literally dropped at the site, causing Ron to drop a glass of milk on the counter with amusement. Harry had told them that he needed to go in to muggle London that morning on business and wanted to look professional.
“Any news on the manager deal for the Cannons, Ron?” Harry asked pushing his empty plate back across the table, it had been the second helping and he was thoroughly stuffed.
“And on that note, I'm leaving!” Hermione spoke before Ron had a chance to answer. She picked herself up from the table and headed to the kitchen door, she didn't want to sit while the guys droned on about Quidditch.
“Wait Hermione!” Harry said jumping to his feet and putting his sink in the plate. Hermione stopped at the doorway with a grin. “Have you got your car?” he asked, putting his suit jacket back on.
“Yes, I've got to go back to campus.”
”Good, you can give me a lift into town, I quite fancy the drive,” he said with a smile that he
knew Hermione wouldn't be able to resist.
“Come on then, if I'm late to my lecture it'll be on your head Harry Potter!”
“Ready to go when you are sweetie!” However just as he had said this, two owls flew in through the flat window. One was undoubtedly Hedwig and the other was a large brown owl with the morning paper and Ron's mail. Hedwig flew directly to Harry landing on his shoulder gently where he proceeded to untie the letters that were attached to her leg. Harry scanned over them quickly, recognising two of the letters to be from `Firebolt,' the company he worked for, but the third was indistinctive. He opened the envelope and unfolded the parchment.
I have no idea what's come over me, but I seemed to have mustered some stray courage and decided to write you this letter.
I've been thinking about you a lot recently you see and I can't seem to stop. Before you get worried I assure you I am no groupie or fan girl, I am aware how much you detest them, on the contrary in fact I know you very well.
I figured the only way to get you of my mind would be to let you know what it is your doing to me. I am going to leave it at that, for it is very early in the morning and I must get some sleep.
Yours truly xx
Harry looked up from the letter his brow furrowed. Hermione was looking at him anxiously from across the room.
“What is it?” she asked, smiling, noticing the way he was starring directly at her.
“A letter from a secret admirer or something,” he smiled at her reassuringly, realisation began to form in his mind as he face dropped dramatically. Well well well Hermione
“We…erm, better go; I don't want to be late,” she managed to speak. Harry smiled picking up a small rucksack from the corner of the room and made his way past her dragging her arm gently.
Hermione managed to give Ron a `what the hell was that' look, as she was dragged from the doorway, to which Ron shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't until he heard the door small did he reached across for the letter in question and began to read hurriedly.
“End of the road,” Hermione said, turning off the ignition of the car with a smile.
Summer Writing Series Challenge
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione deal with the media discussing their
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each
consecutive day you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a
6000+ word story that flows from beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as
Title: Driving me Crazy! (Part 2/5)
Harry sat in the passenger seat of Hermione's car with wide eyes, his face had paled and he
was clutching to the seat belt with white knuckles.
“What's wrong with you?” Hermione asked him as he continued to stare dead ahead.
“Nothing!” he breathed deeply. “Other than the fact you drive like a raving lunatic!” he let out in
an exasperated tone.
“Oh give it up Harry, I'm not that bad and you know it.”
“No not at all…for those with a deathwish,” he chuckled to himself. Hermione simply rolled her eyes
with a sneer as she opened the door and got out.
“Mio!!!” came a call from a crowd of muggles sat on an embankment next to Hermione's parking
space, Harry could tell by just looking at them that they were students from her university. The
majority of the group sat on a bench while others stood with large foam coffee cups. As Harry shut
the car door he saw Hermione give them a wave.
“Mio?? What the hell's a Mio?” Harry laughed loud enough so that the group could probably hear
him. Hermione scolded him with wide eyes over the top of her car.
“Well it's a damn sight better than `Mione!” she whispered keenly.
“Well to be honest they both suck.” Harry laughed as he came around the front of the car to meet
“Tell me about it,” she replied laughing. “What time do you need to meet your boss?” Hermione
asked, checking that his suit looked impeccable. Or so that's what she planned to tell him if
he caught her looking him over.
“10:30. Should be over by dinner though, what time does your lecture finish?”
“Huh! You only want me for a ride home!” Hermione sulked playfully.
“Actually after that driving I'll apparate home, thank you! Seriously, what time do you finish?
We can get some dinner; I need to talk to you about something anyway.”
“Oh okay, well I'll meet you here at twelvish then,” she smiled gently. “I better go,” she
said, pointing somewhere behind her.
“Okie dokie,” Harry said whilst (Same thing as before.) putting an arm around her shoulder and
kissing her lightly on the forehead. He turned and started to walk in the general direction of the
town but was forced to turn back around to face her when he heard a loud wolf whistle. He turned
back smiling broadly as Hermione glared at her friends outraged, her face had turned a deep
Oh she wants me.
Harry grumbled as he sat down on the bench which had earlier been occupied by Hermione's Uni
friends. His meeting with the co-owner of `Firebolt' had been long and arduous; he had spent
the majority of the morning trying to convince the squib of a new technique of charming that could
increase the racing broom's performance. His suggestions seemed to be falling on deaf ears
however. He took his jacket off, untucked his shirt and undid his top button on his collar.
“You look terrible.” Harry looked up to find Hermione approaching with a grin.
“Thanks,” he sighed heavily. Realising that he obviously felt as bad as he looked; she sat down
next to him and put her hand on his knee.
“Harry, what's up? The meeting not go well?” Harry shook his head before standing and taking
her hand. They walked through muggle London until they reached the leaky cauldron, moving through
into Diagon Alley they quickly found somewhere to eat and ordered their food. Harry told Hermione
all about the disastrous meeting and how pathetic he thought the owners of the company were. She
sat and listened intently as Harry vented his thoughts; when he finally drew to a close she looked
at him reassuringly, she didn't utter a word, instead moving around the table they sat at
outside of the café and kneeing before him.
“What?” he asked expectantly. She smiled lightly and pulled him into a hug, patting him on the
back slightly. He laughed against her neck pushing his chair back and pulling her up into his lap
returning the cuddle a little more deeply. “All better.” He gasped noisily as they pulled
“Good.” She smiled pulling her hands down to her lap. Harry circled his arms around her waist and
looked into her deep brown eyes.
“How was school?”
“It's not school Harry! It's University.”
“Okay, how was University?” he grinned, mimicking her.
“Fine, thanks,” she sneered. He looked at her debating whether or not to bring up the letter he
received earlier on that morning.
“So I've been meaning to ask you about that…erm....”
“That what?”
“That letter I go this morning.” He grinned, twinkles appearing in his eyes. Hermione looked at him
vacantly as if expecting him to continue.
“What about it?”
“Oh come on, Hermione, I've figured it out,” he said, smirking.
“Oh I'm glad, you erm...wanna let me know what your talking about?” she asked, getting up and
moving back over to her side of the table.
“I know it's from you Hermione! What I don't get is why you didn't just let me know
instead of sending a stupid letter.” Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.
“I did not send you that note!!! I am not some Harry Potter groupie!” she spat, standing up and
moving back from the table.
“Oh come on! That's what you said in the note!” he laughed, mirroring her as she stood up and
moved away from the table.
Their conversation became increasingly heated as they discussed the letter. Hermione was outraged
that Harry thought that she sent him a letter like a thirteen-year-old Lavender, and Harry was
getting increasingly wound up that Hermione was denying the whole thing.
It resulted in the pair standing in the middle of the alley, bantering at the top of their voices
with a rather large and intrigued audience. The pair only realised their surrounding circumstances
when there was a number of flashes from a camera and then hurried footsteps.
“Oh we are going to be hearing about that!” Hermione groaned before turning her back on Harry
and retreating away. She could hear various whispers from the crowd.
“They're having a lover's tiff.”
“Was about to hit the rocks eventually; no couple's perfect.”
“Oh bollocks!”
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 14)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione is confronted by a former crush
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each
consecutive day you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a
6000+ word story that flows from beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as
Title: Insanity. (Part3/5)
Just an ickle note, this chapter has irksome factors. Now don't be fooled it's going somewhere but I think I'd better warn you so you don't kill me!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“What the hell have you gotten yourself into this time?” Ron asked as Harry slammed the door to their flat.
“Well, Luna just had to leave,” he said, pulling a t-shirt over his head. “Her dad owled her and said there was some urgent news that needed to be reported regarding you and Hermione.”
“Oh for Merlin's sake,” Harry exclaimed, pulling off his tie and his jacket hurriedly.
“What happened?” Ron asked plopping down into a leather armchair. Harry was perched on the edge of their coffee table, taking his glasses of rubbing his eyes thoroughly.
“Basically,” he said looking up at Ron “I just made a complete arse out of myself in front of Hermione,” he said dejectedly. “And apparently the rest of the world.”
“What did you do?” Ron had to remind himself to suppress a grin; he didn't think Harry would appreciate him laughing in his face right about now.
“You know that note I got this morning,” he said standing up “Wait, I'll go and get it.”
“Don't bother mate, I um already read it, carry on.” he said, smiling impishly.
“Figures!” Harry sighed, sitting back down “Well I, erm...kinda accused Hermione of sending it.” He trailed off at the end of the sentence. Ron looked at him plainly, biting his lip in order to keep himself from laughing.
“Erm...why?” he asked.
“I don't know,” Harry replied with a nervous smile, finding the funny side of the whole situation. “I just got it into my head that it was from her, the things it said…,” he said, trailing off.
“Let me guess, she had a fit about, right?”
“Oh, true to Hermione style, it started off quite playfully then she just got really pissed off with me and stormed off. She said she would never do something so ridiculous.” Harry looked up in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. “She didn't seem to be annoyed about the `confessing the love' part though.” Harry looked at Ron thoughtfully who started fidgeting with the arm of the chair, his eyes looking anywhere at Harry.
“Yeah?” he said, the tips of his ears turning crimson. Harry smiled, slowly looking at him.
“Is there a reason why Hermione didn't say anything about that part?”
“How should I know mate? I wasn't there.” Ron stood and left the room hastily. He mentioned something about needing a shower but Harry wasn't paying much attention; instead he sat in the room alone, a broad smile crossing his lips.
Harry gently kicked his bedroom door open and danced in across the threshold; his hair was still wet from the shower and dripped down his shoulders and his torso. Despite the fact he knew the papers would be splashed with his name and picture tomorrow he didn't care, the reason being he had just figured it out. The reason why his best friend had become so flirtatious with him recently, he assumed that she now felt the same way as he had for months.
Ron's earlier reaction had spurred this thought on, and he kicked himself for not realising it sooner. As soon as it had entered his mind though he was off, he jumped into the shower as soon as Ron had finished and begun to plan out what he would say to her when he saw at the Three Broomsticks that evening. He recited his game plan as he pulled on the jeans and shirt he planned to wear for the evening.
“Okay, Harry,” he said to himself. “Walk in with Ron, find Hermione and ask to speak to her alone; easy enough. Apologise profusely for thinking she would do something so…how did she put it…Lavender-ish?” He shook his head. “Tell her that secretly you were hoping it was her--not technically lying there mate--then beg like the shameless man you are.” He smiled at his reflection as he splashed on small amount of aftershave.
“She's bound to fall for it, dear,” the mirror spoke to him.
“Fingers crossed,” he tied his shoe laces and left the room. “Ron, are you ready yet? I don't want to be late.”
“Whoa Harry, you stink!” Ron said, wafting the air in front of his nose as he came out of his room. “Could you have found a stronger cologne?”
“Shut it Ron, I'm dressed to impress!” he answered with a grin.
“Impress who? Why are you so giddy? Stop it, it's frightening me.”
“Hermione, because I am and no,” he answered all of his questions in turn.
“Hermione? Why?”
“'Coz I swear on Merlin's name that I'm gonna make her fall for me one of these days.” Ron gawked at Harry
“You are so bloody dumb!” he muttered under his breath, smiling.
“I said I'll shout for you when I'm done,” Ron spoke loudly before going back into his room.
On opening the door to the Three Broomsticks, Harry could tell that there was a large crowd inside. He ran his fingers through his hair with nerves. He could see Hermione seated talking to Luna, Ginny, and Seamus across the room.
“Breathe,” he whispered to himself. “Be confident, be confident.” She looked up at him with pursed lips, trying to radiate anger, but he could see the warmth in her eyes. He smiled to her as he was grabbed by the arms and pushed off to the other side of the bar.
“Harry, we need to talk.” Harry turned his head to find Katie Bell (you're going to upset Fred/Katie shippers with that, you know! Lol!), an old school friend, had hold of his arm. “Is it true what they're saying? Are you and Hermione Granger engaged?”
“WHAT? Oh...that...no, it's not true,” he said waving it off. He saw Katie visibly swallow and he started to get concerned, she had a strange glint in her eyes.
“Oh,” she smiled flicking her hair “So did you get my note?” she asked him bashfully.
“Your note?” he asked astonished. “Oh my goodness, Katie! What happened between us that night was a well…drunken fantasy…we talked about it at the time, remember?” he asked alarmed, swallowing hard.
“I know Harry, but I can't help it, just thinking about it's driving my crazy, I mean…whoa!”
Without warning she grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket and pulled him into a lip-locker of a kiss.
A/N I used KB because I knew Ginny and Cho would be used on the SWSC by the other authors……………….Please don't kill me
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 15)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Harry/Hermione travel somewhere together
Challenge Conditions: Each day we'll post a challenge topic as usual, but each
consecutive day you will continue your story from the day before...and on Friday you'll have a
6000+ word story that flows from beginning to end and includes each of the daily challenges as
Title: Hit and Run (Part 4/5)
“It was nothing, I swear, I just, erm...overreacted a bit, no big deal,” Hermione said vaguely to Ron as he took his cloak off at the side of her. “Why's Harry talking to Katie?” she asked. Ron's head shot up and Seamus swung around to spy on his friend.
“Oh no,” Ron said, hiding his hands behind his eyes.
“What, what's going on?” Hermione asked somewhat frantically. Seamus turned his head back round to face Ron,
“We're in for a show here, aren't we mate?” he laughed, taking a gulp of his ale. “Has he even spoke to her since…well you know?”
“Erm...not that I know of,” Ron responded, looking on at Harry, his eyes widened significantly as he saw Katie throw herself at his best friend. He quickly grabbed Hermione's arm trying to steal her attention away but it was too late; she dropped her glass with a start.
“Katie!” Harry gasped as he pushed her from him with force, “what the hell do you think you're doing?” Harry brought the back of his hand up and wiped his lips, not taking his shocked eyes from her.
“Look, I know what you're gonna say Harry, and yes maybe I am being stupid, but do you blame me really? After that night!”
“But we decided at the time--”
“I know we did,” said Katie. “That's why I just kissed you.”
“You just kissed me because you know I want nothing to do with you?” Harry asked, running a shaky hand through his hair.
“Exactly, I just needed to kiss you one last time, so now I can get over it.” He looked at Katie incredulously and backed away. She smiled, rushing a feeble apology before she left . Harry stood in a daze, not really sure what to make of what just happened.
“What the hell was that all about?” Hermione grilled Ron furiously.
“Don't ask me!”
“She was bound to kiss him after what happened between them, I mean he just left it so….unfinished.” Ginny giggled.
“And what exactly did happen between them?” Hermione asked irately, causing Ginny's face to drop like Crabbe and Goyle to Malfoy's feet.
“Oh…erm…I gotta go,” she said, making a sharp exit with Seamus.
“Harry, I um, I'm leaving, you might want to go and talk to Hermione, I kinda accidentally forgot she didn't know about Katie.” Ginny smiled weakly. Harry looked over to Hermione to find her gripping the table harshly, she looked more than unhappy.
“Oh bleeding hell,” Harry said as he rushed over “Hi, Hermione.”
“You did what?” Hermione turned from Ron to Harry. She looked a mixture of emotions; shocked, amused, disgusted and annoyed. “You bloody shagged Katie bloody Bell in a locker room?” she asked, stunned.
“Well not, technically,” Harry said nervously, causing Ron to snigger.
“What do you mean 'not technically'?” she asked him skeptically. Harry began to shuffle on the spot nervously.
“It never erm…well what I mean to say is, that I couldn't….” He leaned in and whispered the remainder of the sentence into Hermione's ear bashfully. Hermione covered her hand with her mouth as he pulled away; her eyes widened, shaking silently on the spot.
“Oh, Harry…I'm sorry,” she managed to say before she burst into a fit of giggles. Harry stood with pursed lips as he watched his two best friends nurse stitches in their sides.
“When you've finished laughing,” Harry spoke to Hermione “You'll be happy to know that the wizarding world seems to think that we're engaged.” He smiled smugly as Hermione stopped laughing abruptly.
“Not laughing now, are you? Apparently that's why we were arguing, over wedding arrangements or something.”
“Rightly so! I'm not marrying you if you can't perform-”
“I dare you to finish that sentence!” he growled.
“And plus you're off kissing other women in bars right in front of me.” She smiled.
“I didn't kiss her, she threw herself at me.” He grinned, sitting down at the table.
The trio were greeted by a gaggle of journalists and photographers as they apparated back in to London at the end of the night. Apparently word had spread fast about Harry and Hermione's `on-again-off-again' imaginary engagement.
“Oh for Merlin's sake,” Harry growled as the herd rushed forwards energetically. “Come on let's get out of here.” He grabbed Hermione by the wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction.
“Quite the predicament you have yourself here,” Ron yelled as he scampered off, laughing.
“This way,” Hermione shouted to Harry as the mob got closer. They ran as fast as they could, winding in and out of alleys, trying desperately to escape. As the interviewers dwindled, they ran into muggle London. Hermione ran to her car and unlocked, jumping inside.
“What are you doing?” Harry asked as she put the key in the ignition.
“Driving away, they won't come after us in this thing, they wouldn't dare,” she said as she put her foot down on the accelerator. Harry sat back in his seat, taking his glasses off so he didn't have to see.
They travelled for ten minutes before Hermione pulled the car over into a darkened street.
“That ought to do it.” She smiled at Harry. He let out a deep breath, about to put his glasses on.
“Uh uh.” Hermione shook her head slightly, taking Harry's glasses from his hands.
“What are you doing? I can't see.” Hermione undid her seat belt and cautiously clambered over the gear stick to Harry's seat.
“Can you now?” she asked as she straddled him. Harry gulped and nodded tensely. “Why'd you push Katie away?” she whispered huskily, bringing her hands up to his neck.
“Erm…cause I'm not interested,” he said, his eyes wide and his voice breaking in his throat. The palms of his hands were sweating and he shuddered visibly as Hermione touched the skin of his neck.
“Is that the only reason?” she asked again in a dangerously sultry voice. She pulled back and searched his eyes. He shook his head again, not trusting his brain to come up with the words he required.
“Didn't think so,” she smiled assertively as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his. After a few moments of dizziness, Harry responded to the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.
“You do realise,” he spoke when they pulled apart, “that when people ask about our first kiss, I'm going to have to say you attacked me in your car.” He smiled fervently.
“How romantic!” she breathed, leaning into him again.
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 16)
Challenge: Single Story Week: Topic #1: Harry/Hermione learns something new about the
other, Topic #2: Harry/Hermione asks the other for a huge favour, Topic #3: Harry/Hermione visits
the other at work/on duty/at practice
Challenge Conditions: You may choose 1, 2, or all 3 of the challenges listed. If more than
one is chosen, you must be able to weave it with the other topics seamlessly. As a bonus, for each
extra topic you choose above the first, add 1,000 words to the length of your story for today. 1
topic = 2,000 words, 2 topics = 3,000 words, and 4 topics = 4,000 words. You need to try and tie up
any and all mysteries/loose ends in this 'final' chapter as this is the last challenge for
'Single Story Week'!
Title: The end of a perfect day. (Part 5/5)
“Umm, Hermione,” Harry pushed her back gently with his nose.
“What's wrong?” she asked, searching his eyes. He smiled and kissed her tenderly on the lips before reaching down to unclip his seat belt. He reached for the recliner on the seat and started to turn it slightly so he tilted back, not once taking his eyes from the woman in his lap. She smiled slightly as he leaned away from her in his seat.
“Nothing's wrong.” He smiled.
“I'm glad,” she grinned as she squirmed in his lap slightly, causing his eyes to flutter shut as he bit his lip, seeing this Hermione couldn't control herself and pounced towards him with so much force that the back of the seat collapsed in to a horizontal position.
They smiled broadly at one another before their lips met. As the kiss deepened Harry couldn't control himself and laughed against her. He began to shake violently as his case of the chuckles became more severe.
“I'm glad you're finding this so hilarious,” Hermione sighed as she gave up on the kiss, placing her hands on his chest and pushing back.
“You broke the chair,” Harry laughed, closing his eyes; he felt her forehead lean against his.
“That's muggle workmanship for you,.” She smiled.
“This is pathetic,” he said opening his eyes and looking into hers, he took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb up her index finger softly. “Shall we go somewhere a little more, erm,...serious?” he asked. He grinned as she nodded and with that they apparated right outside the door to Harry's flat, leaving Hermione's car in the muggle alley.
As soon as their feet touched the ground Harry pushed Hermione into the wall with all his weight, kissing her passionately. He fumbled around in his pocket searching for his key, his lips never leaving hers. Becoming frustrated, he retrieved his wand from his holder and mumbled an unlocking spell. They burst though the door dramatically only to find Ron more then preoccupied with his girlfriend in the front room. Harry grabbed Hermione around the waist and pulled her back out of the flat and slammed the door.
“It's going to take me forever to forget that image,” Hermione whispered with a laugh. Harry buried his hand into her hair and captured her lips once more. He couldn't get enough of her, she was exhilarating and he didn't want to let her go. She responded vigorously not passing up the chance to kiss the man she had loved for so long.
“Your place?” Harry growled against her as he fought to retain control of his hands. Hermione pulled back and nodded capturing his hands, in an instant they were just outside Hermione's university campus.
“Be quiet, I'm not technically supposed to have anybody in tonight,” Hermione said cautiously as they walked in the direction of her building.
“Tonight?” he said. “That would imply that you have people over other nights.”
Hermione raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe, maybe not.”
“Am I supposed to feel this insanely jealous?” he asked, gripping her around the waist with his arms, making it increasingly difficult to reach Hermione's hall of residence.
“Yes,” she answered craning her neck and kissing him.
It took them a good length of time to reach Hermione's building. When they got their however they practically raced one another up the stairs and down the corridor, it was certainly a sight to see considering they were trying their hardest to be quiet and not wake anybody. At one point Harry tripped on a bag that had been left on the floor, falling into a wall with a thud. Hermione kept shushing him in between stifling laughs.
“Okay, let's just pray my roommates are out,” Hermione said as they reached the door. She proceeded to open the door while Harry kissed her neck tenderly. When they entered the dorm Harry stood looking around while Hermione called out for her roommates. Harry had never been to Hermione's residence since she started University; he had never had the chance. He was stood in what appeared to be a communal living area, to the left there were two doors, one that had a poster of a rock band hung on it and the other was the kitchen, Hermione entered back into the room from that particular door and smiled at him slightly.
“I don't think anybody's home,” she said quietly. Harry glanced to his right to another door which he assumed to be her room, he turned back to face his best friend and breathed deeply, his heart racing frantically. What was he doing? He had only realised what he felt for Hermione a few months previously and was fighting mentally with himself whether or not this was the right course of action.
Is this what you truly want? Think about it Harry; your best friend, you could ruin everything here .
“Harry?” Hermione whispered warily. She stood facing him, one arm around her waist, the other brushing hair behind her ears, “Do you want to, erm...watch TV?” \She smiled, biting her lip gently. Harry let out a short laugh.
Merlin, she's beautiful. He shook his head gently and held out his hands, “Come here,” he said quietly. She walked over to him and linked their hand together, looking up into his emerald eyes; she wished she knew what he was thinking. “Hermione, you're my best friend in the whole world,” he started, not breaking eye contact, “you've been there for me when others haven't, and I love and respect you so much.” he told her urgently.
“I know that Harry,” she said, anxious as to where this conversation was heading.
“But this,” he said pulling their hands up, “is completely new. I don't want to do something now that could jeopardise the amazing relationship we share.”
“Oh,” Hermione said as she tugged her hands gently from his. She looked down to the floor her hair cradling her face.
“Hermione, look at me,” Harry said softly. “I think that came out wrong, what I'm trying to say is that if something is going to happen now just for the sake of it happening, then I'm going to turn around and walk away but…if something happens that you want to happen as much as I do, then I'll have no regrets. Am I making any sense at all?” he asked nervously, his words muddling up as they came out of his mouth. Hermione nodded her head slightly a faint smiled appearing.
“Are you asking me for all or nothing, Harry?”
“Yes,” he answered, reaching out and embracing her expressively. “I want to repay you for everything you have done for me.” he brought a finger up to her lips as she was about to speak, “I know that I don't have to Hermione, but I want to. I owe you so much; you've been there for me all my life…my real life, anyways. From the moment I met you you've done nothing but be there for me, guiding me, showing me the right way, giving me a reason to keep on fighting. You've loved me unconditionally Hermione and I want more than anything to do the same for you. If something takes place between us tonight, I just know I won't be able to let you go,” he stared at her intently, searching her eyes and waiting for a response. “Hermione, say something,” he said, lowering his head to her shoulder.
“What are you waiting for?” she breathed huskily, wiping delicate tears from her eyes, “I've always been here Harry, I'm all yours. Always.” His grip tightened around her waist suddenly as he heard the words.
“What time is it?” Hermione yawned as her eyes fluttered open.
“Nearly midnight,” the man at her side whispered into her ear, causing a chill to run down her spine. “Will your roommate be coming back?” he asked, brushing his fingers along her shoulders.
“I'd like to see her try and open that door,” Hermione smiled, turning to face him. “I think even a capable wizard would have trouble.”
“Miss Granger,” he gasped playfully. She smiled, pushing back his hair from his eyes and rubbing her finger gently over his scar. “This has been with out a doubt the most eventful day of my life,” said Harry as he gazed into her eyes. “And that is most definitely saying something.”
“I know,” she grinned. “If somebody had told me this morning I'd be here with the man I've practically doted on for the past nine years, I'd have told them to bugger off and stop tormenting me.”
“What?” he asked, his eyes widening in shock, “n-nine years?”
“Uh-huh.” She smiled bashfully, pulling a pillow over her face.
“I didn't know that,” he said, awestruck, pulling the pillow from him and tossing it away. “That's a bloody long time.”
“Tell me about it,” she sneered, sticking her tongue out, “took you bloody long enough.”
“I have been told I'm blind when it comes to these kinds of things.” He grinned fervently.
“Obviously not enough!”
“Well I suppose I'll have to make it up to you.”
“Not really, it was worth the wait,” she said as she embraced him tightly. They kissed chastely before smiling contently at one another. “I'm going to be so tired for tomorrow's lectures,” she said as she stifled a yawn. “And we'll have to deal with the papers as well.”
“Don't forget the torment we'll have to endure when we tell people that we actually are together,” he added, squeezing her gently. She groaned slightly, pulling a face; they certainly were in for another long day. Harry pulled the sheet up and around them tightly before kissing Hermione's eyelids closed. “Sleep well angel,” he said, resting his head back against the pillow.
Her breathing became heavier as Harry ran through the days events in his head, finding it hard not to smile. He looked at her at his side and shook his head slightly in disbelief. “I love you Hermione,” he whispered gently.
A large smile sprung out across her face and Harry jumped slightly realising that she wasn't asleep as he thought she had been. She reached her arm out and around the back of his neck, “I love you too.” She smiled against the pillow. “Eat your bloody heart out, Katie Bell!”
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 19)
Challenge: Musical week: Action/Mystery/Suspense/Horror Scene
Title: I only want to say...
Okay this song is from the musical Jesus Christ Superstar; I'd just like to make a little point so I'm not offending anybody's religion etc. I am in no way comparing Harry to JC, but this song is very moving in the way that Jesus had his doubts in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion; in the same way I can imagine Harry being weary of having to leave for the final battle. So in this piece I am hoping to portray the comparisons of the feelings expressed by the character in the play and Harry, nothing more.
If you haven't heard the song I suggest that you go and listen to it because it is extremely moving and may give you a better insight to what I'm getting at. (In a superstar kinda way.)
He stood on the edge of the forest tying the last of his equipment to Buckbeak; his only light was that given off by the starred sky and the beaming moon. It was a clear night, chilly and silent; there was no wind, no movement, no life. He stood in the eerie darkness petting the audacious Hippogriff, a bitter chill running through his body, it was time and only he knew it; it was time for him to leave and for the war to begin.
“Are you ready Beaky?” he asked his voice a mere whisper, tears brimming in his eyes. The Hippogriff bowed his head slightly acknowledging the man stood next to him. Harry turned to face the castle, his silent tears running icily down his cheeks as they broke free from his eyes.
“Well, it's time,” he spoke to nobody in particular. He looked up to a certain window in Gryffindor Tower and then to a constellation in the sky. “I just wish there was another way,” he spoke huskily, his voice catching in the back of his throat, “I wish I had more time with you,” he spoke, looking back to the window. “I wish I didn't have to leave like this and I hope that you can forgive me. I'm so sorry, my Angel,” he broke down, falling to the earth onto his knees, his gentle sobbing the only sound that pierced the silence of the night.
He drew his head up towards the sky, “Please,” he pleaded, “If there is another way, show me, I can't go on like this, not knowing what I can make of myself.” He looked up to the silent night, no response. “I used to acknowledge this as my fate, but you have shown me so much more of this world,” his glance briefly turning back to the window before gazing upwards once more. “I don't want to give up, I really don't, but I'm scared. You can understand that right? I don't want to die, I'm just…I'm just…a boy.” He ran his hands through his hair, staring blankly at the night sky.
“I'm just a boy,” he repeated, standing shakily to his feet, “what more do you expect of me? I've fought in the Order for the past two years, risked my life for the past six, I keep fighting but it's in vain,” he spoke, his voice rising slightly. “What more do you ask of me?” he whispered, lowering his head once more.
Buckbeak let out a large yawn sending echoes off the silent stone building. “Shush Buckbeak, you'll wake them,” Harry comforted the animal, ruffling the feathers on his neck gently. He sighed sorrowfully as he looked at the hundreds of windows of the castle.
They are all so innocent...well, the majority of them.
“If I go through with this,” he said, not tearing his eyes away from the castle, “will it matter? If I go and I fight, will it help, will they be spared? I have to know, I have to know if what I'm doing is in vain or if it will matter.” He looked up to the sky boldly “I'll do this, I'll let the pain wash over my body, I'll let him hurt me, even kill me; if it matters, if it's worth it. But I have to know,” he said, his demeanour deflating, “I don't want to give up my life if it makes no difference. Is there no other way?” he said in a barely audible whisper.
“Pleas,. please let me know, will everything be worth it if I leave right now? Or will it all be meaningless? Is everything the Order has ever fought for going to matter?” Harry began to pace on the spot, his heart filled with conflicting emotion. He wanted more than anything for the war to be over, for the Dark Lord to be vanquished, for the world to be safe once more, but there was a place in his heart that was calling out to him, the place where his life resided, where she resided.
“Why me? What did I do? I was a baby, I didn't start this,” he cried to the hours of darkness. “You gave me this fate, you prophesised this for me and you won't even give me a reason. I don't understand…” he said as the tears became heavier “You give me this fate to fight and then you send her to me. You let me love and yet you send me to him, I don't understand,” he cried, “I'm sad and I'm tired.” His knees buckled once again and he fell to the floor. The conflict within him was taking his strength; the tears were fast and his breathing erratic. He laid in the cool grass the tears staining his cheeks, his mind racing.
“It's time. It's time. It's time,” he muttered again and again, “it's time.” He stood up abruptly, an unknown source of faith filling his body with strength. He gazed across the castle one last time; closing his eyes he felt a tingles run course through his body.
“Tonight I will fight, watch me fight. I'd do what you ask of me, I'll do what you ask of me for them. For her. I'll suffer if it means a glimmer of hope for them and their lives.”
Harry stood in front of Buckbeak and bowed deeply. When the Hippogriff returned the gesture, he threw his leg up and over the wing joint and held on tightly.
“Take me now Buckbeak, before I change my mind.”
And with that Harry Potter, the courageous young wizard took flight to meet his destiny.
Gethsemane (I only want to say) Lyrics:
I only want to say
If there is a way
Take this cup away from me
For I don't want to taste its poison
Feel it burn me,
I have changed I'm not as sure
As when we started
Then I was inspired
Now I'm sad and tired
Listen surely I've exceeded
Tried for three years
Seems like thirty
Could you ask as much
From any other man?
But if I die
See the saga through
And do the things you ask of me
Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me
Nail me to their tree
I'd want to know my God
I'd want to see my God
Why I should die
Would I be more noticed
Than I ever was before?
Would the things I've said and done
Matter any more?
I'd have to know my Lord
I'd have to know my Lord
I'd have to see my Lord
I'd have to see my Lord
If I die what will be my reward?
I'd have to know my Lord
I'd have to know
I'd have to know my Lord
Why, why should I die?
Oh, why should I die?
Can you show me now
That I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little
Of your omnipresent brain
Show me there's a reason
For your wanting me to die
You're far too keen on where and how
But not so hot on why
Alright I'll die!
Just watch me die!
See how, see how I die!
Oh, just watch me die!
Then I was inspired
Now I'm sad and tired
After all I've tried for three years
Seems like ninety
Why then am I scared
To finish what I started
What you started
I didn't start it
God thy will is hard
But you hold every card
I will drink your cup of poison
Nail me to your cross and break me
Bleed me, beat me
Kill me, take me now
Before I change my mind.
A/N This next three fics are up early because I'm going to be out of the country for the next 9 days. Enjoy! x
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 20)
Challenge: Musical week: Love/Romance
Title: In whatever time we have.
Based on Whatever time we have from Children of Eden!
Act I, Scene 1
At night, on a path leading from the grounds to the courtyards of Hogwarts castle. Light is given off from the windows of the castle; distant voices can be heard coming from the castle. Harry and Hermione are alone together. Harry stands with his back to Hermione as they become increasingly angrier.
Enter Harry and Hermione
How can you just turn your back? Ignoring this as if it isn't even there?
[Shouting.] Because I don't have a choice, Hermione!! [Pushing his hands though his hair, becoming solemn.] And neither do you.
We all have choices, Harry.
We can't control this, Hermione. [Turns to face her.] They'll come after you, they'll target you and it'll be my fault.
[Angrily.] And you don't think they are already targeting me, Harry? I'm the mudblood best friend of Harry Potter, as if that isn't enough.
Well then let's not give them any more reasons, Hermione. [Walking away from her slightly.] I couldn't take it if anything happened.
Have you even thought about what I feel? Do you think I haven't thought about these consequences, Harry? Do you honestly think I would just forget? I know the risks I'm running and whether you like it or not, Harry. I can't just ignore this. [Sighing at his silhouette. A short silence.] Harry, they already know; everybody does, they'll come after me whether or not I'm at your side and I don't care, I really don't. Let them come, I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself.
The grounds are silent, nothing is heard except breathing. He stands with his back still facing her, she looks around in frustration.
[Quietly.] I can't take that risk
[Angry.] I'm not asking you to, I'll take it for you. Come hell or high waters, whatever happens. [She pauses, takes a deep breath and walks towards him silently.] How could I live in a world without you Harry? [His silence spurs her to continue.] Don't you see that none of it matters Harry, not so long as we're together and I know you anxious about what will happen but it shouldn't matter. I love you, and I know you love me Harry. [Silence. Turning away from him facing left.] I can do this on my own Harry, it'll hurt, but I'll survive. Please tell me that I don't have to. [Wiping at eyes.] If at times we are afraid, we can keep each other tough, Harry, we can do this together, we're stronger this way. I'll hold you when you when it's dark. It's alright to be scared.
A soft violin can be heard by the audience, playing a slow and romantic composition.
[Placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder and pulling her into a hug.] I do love you, Hermione, I love you more than anybody or anything in this world, but I could be gone from this plane at any moment. [Pulling back, stroking her cheek] The world could end tomorrow……
[Interrupting.] Or we could live a hundred years! We can be together in whatever time we have left. It would hurt just as much no matter how you might be taken from me. We need to be together, Harry, in this precious time.
[Pulling her hands into his, gazing intently.] Okay. [Nodding his head gently.] You're right, we should be together. I love you so much.
The couple embrace fervently and share a passionate kiss. The music become dramatic. The atmosphere darkens as the light from the windows start to die out one by one, the couple are left stood in under the stars holding on to one another compassionately.
This won't be easy Harry; we know it will be tough. But don't you think it's worth it just being together?
[Nodding.] We can face it now as one. But you have to promise me you'll be careful Hermione; promise me right now.
I promise, Harry, and I assure you it'll be easier this way, together, you and I.
I know. [Sighing.] How do you do this? Every time I'm afraid you comfort me, sometime without knowing it. Just a look or a simple touch and I feel better. As much as I hate to admit you were right, just by holding my hand and being by my side right now you're giving me an unbelievable strength. How do you do it?
[Smiling] Magic!
We're in for rocky months, Hermione. Are you sure this is what you want?
I have never been surer of anything in my life Harry. From this day forward I will never ever regret my decision, I will never look back. I've wanted this for so long.
Me too.
[Smiling.] So we are in agreement then. So this is it, you and I together
In whatever time we have.
The couple kisses once again smiling brightly as they pull apart. Harry wraps his cloak around Hermione's shoulders before leading her off to the right, towards the castle.
Exit Harry and Hermione.
The music fades out slowly and the lights dim into darkness.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whatever time we have Lyrics
I don't give a damn for the thunders of fathers
Come hell or high water whatever they do
I could not live in a world without you
In whatever time we have
For as long as we are living
We can face whatever comes
If we face now as one
I could make on my own
Let me know that I don't have to
No one really wants to be alone
In whatever we time have
If at times we are afraid
With so little to believe in
It's alright to be afraid
I will hold you in the dark
All we know for sure is this
Though the world could end tommorow
You and I will be together
In whatever time
In whatever time we have
For as long as we are living
We know life can be a battlefield
We can face it all as one
But we won't run and we won't fear
You'll be my fortress and I will be your shield
No one really wants to be alone
In whatever time we have
There are time I've been afraid
In a world that's so uncertain
Then I feel your hand in mine
And there's courage in my heart
We could live a hundred years
Or the world could in tommorow
But we know we'll be together in whatever time
From this day forward lights don't seem so black
From this day forward we will never look back
In whatever time we have
We will make the most of time
And at least we'll be together in whatever time
We have
Summer Writing Series Challenge (July 22)
Challenge: Musical week: Humour
Title: Gryffindor Flunkout
Based on Beauty School Dropout from Grease! (Dedicated to Faith O'Brien for being a loon of a fan! Cheers Darling, your reviews keep me going!) ;)
Hermione woke up with a start; she looked around to find that she was alone in the library, her Arithmancy tome being used as a pillow.
“Stupid guys not waking me up,” she muttered as she packed her things into her bag. “Trust them to bloody leave without me, typical male behaviour.”
She continued to huff as she closed the book on the table at the back of the library before looking at her watch. That's strange, she mused. Her watch told her it was afternoon but the library was pitch black, there was no light from the window's, as far as she could tell it was most certainly nighttime.
“What was that?” She span around as she heard a low tenor note behind her. There was a small sparkle of light coming from the top of a bookshelf, she stared with wide eyes as the light became bigger and bigger, her brow furrowed and her mouth dropped as twinkles erupted from the growing light. She could swear she could here chimes and harps from behind her, she spun around to take a look but nothing was there.
“Weird, could have sworn I heard something, OH MY GOD!” Hermione jumped out of her skin at the sight in front of her. “Pro-Professor L-Lo-Lockhart?” she wheezed, rubbing her eyes as if she was seeing a mirage.
He beamed brightly, a bright spark of light cracking with a pop from the corner of his lips. He wore white and silver dress robes and his hair was styled into a far more ridiculous style than his trademark weaves. Hermione stepped back cautiously as the bookcase he stood upon transformed into a high stairway; she fell backwards into a chair as he opened his mouth and sang.
“Your story's sad to tell,
A witch who cannot cast a spell,
Most mixed up non-delinquent in the school.”
“What the hell is going on?” Hermione asked frantically, looking around. “Why are you
”Your future's so unclear now,
What's left of your wizarding career now?
All the houses are gonna know you're a fool.”
If it was possible, Hermione was rendered even more speechless as the back glow of light from
behind Lockhart erupted bathing the whole room in white light. Fairies and Angels flew over the
shaken bushy girl's head with a case of the `la-la-la-la-la's'. The bookshelves sprang
wings and flew away graciously. She turned her startled gaze back to the man who was slowly making
his way down the staircase.
“Gryffindor flunk out.
No graduation day for you.
Gryffindor flunk out
Failed the test when he brushed against you.”
Hermione gasped and blushed a deep pink when the singing Lockhart gestured with his hands in a rather provocative manner. A smiling form of Harry Potter hovered to the right of him in his full Gryffindor uniform; he winked and grinned when Hermione looked at him.
“Well at least you could have taken time
To try and catch those notes up,
After spending all your efforts
Shouting at Ron to get his marks up”
She opened her mouth to protest but was dumfounded when Ron appeared floating on the right side
of the pompous singing Lockhart.
“Baby get movin',
Why keep those successful hopes alive?
What are you provin'?
You've got the dream but not the drive.”
Hermione started to shake and could hardly breathe. The form's of her two best friends sprouted wings before her very eyes; their uniforms dissolving into white toga's as they flew up in the air to join the fairies and bookshelves backing up Lockhart with `Ooh's' and `Ahh's'.
“If you keep staring at Harry then you'll definitely flunk outta school
Put your tongue away `cause you're starting to drool!!”
Lockhart appeared in front of Hermione with a pop, causing her to jump and fall back on her chair. His voice was low and rumbled, his pelvic movements becoming more and more erratic as he inched closer to the trembling Gryffindor.
“Gryffindor flunk out,
What did you come to the library for?
Gryffindor flunk out.
You'll getting nothing done for sure.
Well you're not listening to anything
your thinking he's so gorgeous
and he's noticed that you're acting weird
You really are tactless!”
Hermione gasped as the cherubim versions of Harry and Ron as she peeked over the tabletop, they were dancing around in front of her, playing small gold harps.
“W-w-what's going on?” she stammered, alarmed. “Why are you dancing? WHY ARE YOU DANCING SYMMETRICALLY?” Hermione's gulped loudly as Lockhart jumped onto the table in front of her and brushed his finger along her chin.
“Baby, don't sweat out, you're not cut out to get good grades
Better forget it
I heard the Leaky Cauldron's looking for maids”
Hermione stood and fell back against the wall as the all singing all dancing Professor hit a crescendo arching back and lying down provocatively on the table. He turned his head and winked at her as the cherub version of Harry duplicated and began to fill the room, staring at her with a mischievous look.
“Now your cheeks are red,
you're acting like an airhead
and you still look like a fool
Wipe off that dreamy face and concentrate on high school.”
As he sang the last note the throng of Harry's disappeared with a pop, the light's
dimmed down and Lockhart began to re-climb the staircase. When he reached half way he stopped and
turned to look at her.
“Baby don't blow it;
Don't put our good advice to shame!
Baby you know it,
Even Dear Rita'd say the same!”
Guess there's no way to get through to you
No matter who may try
Might as well go back to my groupies in the sky.”
Hermione fell to her knees as he reached an ear piercing note, thrusting his hands into the air and his pelvis out with a jive. With one loud crack of light he was gone.
“Aaahh!!!!” Hermione bolted upright, screaming.
“Hermione!!” Harry cried, his voice filled with concern as he rushed around the table. “What's the matter, are you okay?”
Hermione stared at him with wide eyes, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. “Oh Harry, it was horrifying,” she said as she collapsed on to his shoulder and cried.
- - - - - - - - - -
Beauty-school Dropout Lyrics
Your story's sad to tell,
A teenage ne'er do well,
Most mixed up non-delinquent on the block.
Your future's so unclear now,
What's left of your career now?
Can't even get a trade in on your smock.
Beauty school dropout,
No graduation day for you.
Beauty school dropout,
Missed your mid-terms and flunked shampoo.
Well at least you could have taken time,
To wash and clean your clothes up.
After spending all that dough,
To have the doctor fix your nose up.
Baby get movin,
(Better get movin)
Why keep your feeble hopes alive?
What are you provin?
(What are you provin)
You've got the dream but not the drive.
If you go for your diploma you could join the steno pool.
Turn in your teasin' comb and go back to high school!
Beauty school dropout,
(Beauty school dropout)
Hanging around the corner store.
Beauty school dropout
(Beauty school dropout)
It's about time you knew the score.
Well they couldn't teach you anything,
You think you're such a looker.
But no customer will go to you,
Unless she was a hooker!
Baby don't sweat it.
(Don't sweat it)
You're not cut out to hold a job.
Better forget it,
(Forget it)
Who wants their hair done by a slob?
Now your bangs are curled,
Your lashes twirled,
But still the world is cruel,
Wipe off that angel face and go back to high school.
Baby don't blow it,
Don't put our good advice to shame!
Baby you know it,
Even dear Abby'd say the same!
Guess theres no way to get through to you
No matter who may try
Better be going to that malt shop in the sky.