Lie To Me


Rating: PG13
Genres: Angst, Romance
Relationships: Draco & Ginny
Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5
Published: 27/07/2004
Last Updated: 27/07/2004
Status: Completed

'Tell me lies. Tell me all I’ve ever wanted to hear.'

1. untitled

Title: Lie To Me
Author: Crystal
Disclaimer: Don't own Draco or Ginny.
Summary: 'Tell me lies. Tell me all I�ve ever wanted to hear.'

Author�s Note: This ficlet is a strange idea that popped into my head while looking at avatars. It's in Draco's POV.


Tell me lies.

Tell me all I�ve ever wanted to hear.

Look in my eyes; Ginny, look in my eyes and weave together some fantastical story to warm me.

Lie to me.


How can you turn away a dying man? How can you look in my eyes and refuse a dying wish, Ginevra?

I�m leaning heavily on your generosity, on your bravery, on your compassion I have never shown you or anyone else in my entire life.

Ask me if I even acquire the necessary heart to have an ounce of generosity or bravery or compassion.

Ask me, Ginny.

Because I don�t know. I don�t know.

I don�t know and its ripping me apart with every last breath I take. If you ask I might have had the chance no one gave me.

Ask me.


Would you have faith if I said yes? Would you touch me without reason? Would you cringe when I reached for you? Would you watch me struggle and try and would you lend me courage?

Would you look at the Mark blackening my arm and comfort me while it burned, sending molten lava through my veins? Would you believe in me, Ginny? Would you have believed in me?

Answer me.

Stop fucking crying and just look at me. Look at me and answer me.



Ginny, ask me. Answer me.

Lie to me.


Lie to me, Ginny. Tell me that you loved me.
