Shades of Grey


Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 19/08/2004
Last Updated: 03/01/2006
Status: Completed

Last Chapter Up----------- Sequel to CHANGE IN TIME – Harry’s family is now complete, his mother and father are both alive, as well as his twin sister. He has a wonderful girlfriend and the best friend anyone would ask for. Voldemort is gone and no one is trying to kill him. As his final year of schooling takes place, it seems nothing could go wrong, right? Harry learns the hard way that some enemies won’t go down without a fight.

1. A Rose for Every Month

Shades of Grey

Chapter one

A Rose for Every Month

The door slid shut as the protesters protested behind the newly locked door. She burst into giggles as she slid down to the floor.

“Miss Potter, as your headmaster, I demand you unlock this door immediately,” she heard though the door.

“Professor Cogsworth, I believe Miss Potter has some valid reasons for her actions,” Aeryn could hear Professor Dumbledore say.

“We've been at these negotiations for three days,” Aeryn told them through the door, “And quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of some of your childish behavior. All ten of you agreed that I should be the mediator as I am Guardian of Atlantis, so you I am telling you now, to shut up, sit down and start working together because you are not leaving this room until you do.”

“Smart girl,” Aeryn heard from the headmaster with the Australian accent.

“I'll be back to check on you in a couple of hours,” Aeryn finally said as she started for the library.

There in the Library in Atlantis, people were buzzing about, sorting books and such. You certainly couldn't have school start and have certain books still available without caution.

It was the middle of September and school had yet to start. A lot of them had been working non stop in order to get started October 1st. All the schools that had been destroyed had now banded together to create the Atlantian International School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

“Are the negotiations finished already?” Professor McGonagall asked, she, Lily and Hermione had been helping out in the Library.

“Not exactly,” Aeryn said with a mischievous look on her face. Lily did not miss it.

“What did you do?” her mother asked.

“Nothing, I just left and kinda locked them into the room where they will be forced to settle things once and for all or face starvation.”

“You didn't,” Hermione said looking surprised before bursting out laughing, as well as Aeryn did.

“I got tired of them nagging and complaining about how some people will be in more control then others and how two schools from the US will be there so they have more people, blah, blah, blah.” Aeryn explained, “I think it sort of helped that I am no longer in Dumbledore's pocket so to say.”

“Why did you decide to no longer remain a Hogwarts student?” Hermione asked.

“I've only attended Hogwarts for a year, where as I've attended Holic for five. If I hadn't died and the schools hadn't been blown up, I would have been required to attend Holic anyway.” Aeryn explained, “Hogwarts was a temporary thing. Besides it's not like we won't be sharing the same roof now.”

“But what if we don't have any of the same classes?”

“Hermione, it didn't spring out of a box and show up on Hogwart's doorstep, or in my case staircase; I did have friends of my own.”

Just then, the familiar snowy white owl came swooping into the library and landed right in front of Hermione. In her talons was a single white rose with a note attached. Hermione smiled as she picked up the rose and held it up to her nose.

“What number is this one?” Aeryn asked.

“Sixty,” Hermione replied reading the note, “'A rose for every month we've been friends, be ready by six o'clock'”

“Sixty white roses,” Aeryn commented, “Wow!”

“He's had Hedwig deliver them all day. Poor Hedwig,” Hermione said petting Hedwig softly.

“One would think he was getting tips from his father,” Lily said.

“So how has your birthday been so far Hermione?” Aeryn asked.

“Well it was kind of embarrassing when I received a rose when I was getting my Apperations license this morning,”

“I think it's sweet,” Aeryn said.

Hermione then glanced at her watch, “Is that the time,” she gasped quickly getting up, “So much to do, so little time.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Aeryn headed to the Quidditch pitch, where Ron, Harry, Draco, James, Remus and Sirius were.

“Got room for one more?” Aeryn asked the guys.

“As long as you promise to go easy on us,”

“I tell you Harry, you are doing a successful job of charming the pants off Hermione,” Aeryn told him.

“Yeah, don't forget the proper spells,” Sirius said, “We wouldn't want any accidents.”

Harry started to turn a shade of red, “Sirius!” Aeryn scolded him, “I didn't mean it that way, and you know it.” All of them had a good laugh.

“So, twelve more days, how are the arguments coming with the headmasters?” Remus asked.

“I don't know I'll have to ask them when I let them out of their room.” Aeryn replied.

“You locked them in a room, all of them?” Sirius asked.

“Some of them don't care which office they get,” Aeryn said, “But come on, it's been three days, if I go back and they still haven't agreed to anything they're pulling straws.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Hermione looked at herself in front of a mirror for about the thousandth time.

“You look fine dear,” the mirror said. Hermione ignored it. Lily then came into the room.

“You should listen to the mirror sometimes,” Lily told her. Hermione smiled as she looked to the floor.

“I don't know why I'm so nervous,” Hermione admitted, “I mean we've been together for a year now.”

“Yes, but has he ever sent you sixty roses on your birthday before, other then going to Hogsmeade, have you actually been on a real date?”

“No, I guess not,” she said, “I'll have to talk to Harry about his math skills though; we've been friends for more then sixty months.”

There was a knock at the door, “It's just me,” Aeryn said popping her head in, “came to see if you were ready yet.”

“I am, but did you come here on your own or did a certain brother of yours send you?” Hermione asked.

“Would you rather he have sent Ron,” Aeryn said her expression, “I rest my case.”

“Anyway you could get into his mind to see what he is thinking or what he has planned?” Hermione asked.

“I can't do that,” Aeryn said, “Not saying I would, but I couldn't if I tried. For some reason, since we've been back, I have not been able to read his mind or even talk to him telepathically and vise versa. I can read his emotions no problem, being an empath. But it's like the link has been severed for some reason.”

“Have you let the Professors out of their room yet?” Lily asked.

“I'm going to after I'm finished here,” she said, “I hope they have come up with something, I'd hate to have to resort to drawing straws.” They laughed at that.

Soon Lily and Aeryn left and a couple minutes later there was another knock at the door. Hermione took a deep breathe and opened to door to finally come face to face with Harry.


“Hi,” Harry was standing there with his hand behind his back. Hermione smiled as he revealed what he was hiding, “A rose for every month we have been more then friends.” In front of her were thirteen beautiful red roses. Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and pressed her lips against his.

“I have wanted to do that since rose number one,” she said to him, “So what do you have planned for us.”

“Well I thought I would let you decided. We could either go to a Quidditch match where I'm sure you would hate me forever for taking you there of all places, or we could go out to dinner and perhaps see a movie.”

“That sounds good,” Hermione said.

“Ok Quidditch it is then.” He joked.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

The evening proved to be very successful. They went to a quite restaurant in London where no one would know who they were so that they would be left alone and after that they went to see a movie of Hermione's choice of course. Hermione was having the best time of her life. It was good to be doing something normal, and she really loved that Harry went to so much trouble to make sure her birthday was perfect.

They were heading back to the Portkey point where they were scheduled to take a Portkey back to Atlantis, walking slowly hand in hand enjoying the scenery.

Harry suddenly stopped, “What is it Harry?”

“I've yet to give you your birthday gift.”

“Harry, you've done so much already, I…”

“I'll have none of that,” Harry presented her with a small box with gold ribbon on it. Hermione took off the ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a silver locket, on it was a sideways eight.

“Isn't this?”

“Turn it over,” Hermione turned it over to reveal their initials, `HG + HP =' “It's identical to the one my Dad gave my Mum, indecently the same one that Aeryn had.”

“It's beautiful, thank you,” Hermione could very herself growing teary, “Could you put it on?”

Harry took that locket from the box and clasped it around her neck. “It looks beautiful on you,” he said as they continued for the Portkey point.


2. The Day Before

Chapter two

The Day Before

Over the next couple of days were filled with scrambling. Visits to Diagon Alley for their school supplies and last minute things to be done in Atlantis.

It was the day before all the students were to arrive and everything was ready. When receiving their school letter, all of them, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Aeryn and Draco, were formally requested to attend a special meeting September 30th, at three in the afternoon.

They had no clue as to what the meeting was all about, but they knew Luna and Ginny were notified to come as well. They tried to ask questions, but no one was answering them.

Their letters stated that they were required to first meet in Atlantis's entrance hall, where a number of fireplaces were located for the floo system and that they had to wear their school cloaks. While all of theirs were black, Aeryn's was a sort of a dull dark purple, (a/n: I can't exactly explain the color that well, I made a cloak last Halloween and it was white, so when I dyed it black it turned out like this wicked shade purple.)

People started flooing in at around two thirty. At first it was other Hogwarts students, like Hannah Abbot and Ernie MacMillan as well as Pansy Parkinson and other Prefects. In fact it didn't even occur to any of them that they were Prefects. Soon other people dressed in royal blue cloaks from Beauxbatons, and emerald green cloaks from Durmstrang. Eventually the sea of cloaks grew as people in sand colored, grey, red, brown, aquamarine and a shade of a deep orange came through the fire place. The last people that came through the floo were those that matched Aeryn.

Upon arriving, Aeryn immediately went over with the rest of the gang behind her. The first was a guy who was tall, had light brown hair and eyes that light up upon seeing Aeryn. Harry noted the awkward moment between the two and Draco's immediate gesture of lacing his fingers with hers.

“Aeryn,” the boy simply said in greeting.

“Xander,” she replied back, “You remember Draco, don't you?” the light in the boys eyes immediately left as he silently shot daggers at the ferret.

“How could I forget?” Harry made a mental note to ask about it later.

“Would you look who rolled around in her grave and decided to give life another try,” said a voice from behind the boy. As Xander moved to find a better spot in the room there standing was a girl with straight brown hair with highlighted streaks and bright blue eyes.

Aeryn smiled, “Terra! It's so good to see you.” They greeted each other with a warm embrace, “but you do know I didn't exactly have a grave.”

“No, technically you were cremated. But it's good to see alive,” Terra looked around, “so this is the Lost City of Atlantis. Any idea of why we were all called here?”

“Not a clue,” Aeryn said then was interrupted by an `ahem' by Draco, “You remember Draco?”

“Of course, it's good to see you as well.”

“Same here,” Draco replied, “Any idea of what is up with Romano?”

“Xander? He's been like that all last year, all of us in our year had the unfortunate experience of attending Salem.”

“Why unfortunate?” Hermione piped in.

Aeryn slapped her head, “Forgive me, Terra this is Hermione, Ron and the one with expression `please don't look at my scar' is my brother Harry. Everyone this is one of my best friends Terra Brooks.”

“Very funny,” Harry said.

“And to answer your question,” Aeryn continued, “Holic and Salem are like Gryffindor and Slytherin with the whole feud thing.”

“Which one is which?” Ron asked.

“You don't think a school with the name Salem is going to be anything like Slytherin do you.”

“So expect to see school rivalry?” Hermione said.

“I hope not.”

“May I have you attention please,” during the conversation they failed to notice some of the headmasters enter. “Will you kindly separate into you represented school and one at a time, enter though these doors, once inside merely request to go to the Great Hall and then find a seat.”

“Well if they wanted us in the Great Hall they could have told us and we wouldn't have to have come here,” Ron muttered.

Every single one of the Professors was there in the Great Hall. Even though they were separated by schools, Aeryn and Terra managed to sit over to where Harry and the others were.

Dumbledore stood before them, being the oldest and wisest of them all, “I welcome you all. I'm sure you are probably wondering why you have been called a day early, and I assure you all will be explained. Tragedy has befallen each and every one of us over this past summer. I for one am grateful for something such as Atlantis to aid us at this time. Many of us were amazed to find that Atlantis seemed to be made like a school. But enough of my rambling. Each Headmaster or Headmistress will call upon two from their own school, if your name is called please come up to the front.”

In some random order two people were called forth, the last schools left were Hogwarts and Holic.

“Hermione Granger,” Dumbledore called out, “and Harry Potter.”

Harry still had no clue as to what this was all about as he and Hermione got up from where they were sitting, although Hermione had a knowing smiled on her face. The last were to be called as Professor Elizabeth Cogsworth stood.

“Alexander Romano and Aeryn Potter,” she said. As the twenty students stood before the rest of the Prefect, each were handed a pin.

“As you can tell, each one of you has been selected to be Head Boy or Girl. With this comes great responsibility, don't misuse it. You may go sit down now,” Professor Dumbledore said, “Now many of you may wonder how everything is going to work. I'm sure some of you had houses in your school and we will do the same thing. Your school will be your house, over the year you will gain and lose points. Of course, many of you might not know that we even have our own Quidditch pitch, so try-outs will be required.

“We have called you all here today so that tomorrow when you arrive with the other students, you won't be totally clueless about where everything is.”

“Professor, perhaps Miss Potter can give them all a tour since she seems to know more about the lay of the land with that ring around her neck,” Professor Jameson, the Headmaster for the Outback Underground said. Aeryn was subconsciously playing with the ring/key that hung around her neck by a chain.

“Good idea, Miss Potter what do you say?”

“I'd be glad to,” Aeryn relied, “I sure you Professors have enough to do as it is.” And with that the Professors took their leave. Aeryn walked back up to the front to address everyone, “Well, I guess we can start of with any questions you might have before we start the grand tour.”

“How is it we are able to understand each other?” said a Japanese girl.

“I'm not exactly sure, but it seems we are able to hear everyone speck in our native tongue. To me, I hear you speak English, and you probably hear me as though I speak Japanese. Unfortunately it only works for common tongues, so if you were to hear someone speak an ancient language; say like Parseltongue, you would not be able to understand it.”

“How do you know it won't work for Parseltongue?” someone asked.

“Because it's been tried. Next question.”

“How did you find Atlantis?”

“Lot of research and some guided help. We figured out in was beneath the Bermuda Triangle.”

“What about muggles?”

“What about them, this place is loaded with distraction charms of the sorts, no matter what, they will never see a huge giant city floating in the Atlantic, not even with those thing the have in space,”


“Is that what their called? But yes just the same.”

“How do you know so much about this place? Is it because you were dead?” someone else asked. Aeryn gritted her teeth at that remark; she wondered when a question like that would pop up.

“No, it's not because I was dead. We haven't figured it out exactly, but my brother and I are direct decedents of the ones who created Atlantis, the First. Being a couple minutes older then my brother, I am the natural heir of the key that accesses control over the city. Any one can use the key, but I was chosen to guard it. With my being in possession of the key, it has given my some knowledge of the workings of the city.

“Now the doors you entered to get to the Great Hall are like apperating elevators, the go anywhere where there is a station, simply tell it where you want to go and it will take you. But for now we will walk, if you will follow me we will check out the dormitories.”

They walked down some corridors; some gasps could be heard as they passed by massive windows that looked upon lower levels.

“Now the Headmasters and Professors originally thought that we should still remain separated in dormitories, each school having their own. But there was one problem; there are only nine dormitories, one for the Professors, one for Head students and a dormitory for each year.” Aeryn showed the group the student dormitories except the Head student dormitories; she would save that for the Head Students only.

After some well thought out exploring the Quidditch Pitch, the Library, a large swimming area for luxury swimming and some of the class rooms the students flooed back home except the Head Students, Ron, Draco and Terra. The Head Students Dormitories consisted of twenty bedrooms, where everyone got their own bathroom, a common room designed for enough space for everyone to study.

After everyone else went though the floo, save for Terra who was going to floo with Aeryn the next day to keep an eye on the rest of the Holic students while they traveled here, they went back to the Head common room.

“Ok, I'm usually not the type of girl to ask questions,” Hermione said, “but I've been dying to ask you all afternoon. What was that all about with this Alexander Romano?”

“I knew that had to be the topic of discussion sometime soon. Well contrary to popular belief, Draco is not the first person I've dated, although he is my first boyfriend. Xander and I went out a couple of times during our fifth year.”

“Don't forget the part where Professor Wyndam and his father practically betrothed the two of you,” Terra added.

“Yeah, that's the part I want to forget.”

“So what happened?” Harry asked.

“Christmas came and I went home, packed a bag and told Frank and Patricia I was staying a Draco's for Christmas. There I realized that Draco meant more to me then my best friend.” Aeryn said.

“Yeah, then you got chucked out by my father when he discovered that we weren't exactly have study sessions.” Draco said.

“Well his first clue should have been when we said we were working on our chemistry, I mean potions.” By this time Aeryn face had turned red. “In the end I told Xander that I would feel more comfortable if we didn't stay together. And from the vibes I got from him today, I'd say he's still not over me.”

“Hey, I was wondering where you all were,” James said as he and Lily came in the common room, “Not interrupting anything are we.”

“Not at all,” Hermione said.

“Professor Snape wants to see you two,” Lily said to Hermione and Aeryn, “Something about Peeves in the Potions Lab where you two were working earlier.”

Both Aeryn and Hermione shoot out of their seat, “That bugger,” Aeryn started to curse, “I swear if he's done anything to that potion I'll kill him.”

“Why they let him in here with the rest of the ghosts is beyond me,” Hermione said.

“We'll be back in a bit,” Aeryn said as she and Hermione quickly walked out of the room.

“Wait for me,” Terra called after them.

“So what is the potion that those two are working on,” Lily swore she would get the answer out of them soon.

“We can't say,” Harry said, “But you'll know soon enough.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Sorry I haven't updated anything in a while, I've kinda had a little writers block on everything I was writing, including my newest story, `When Fate Comes Knocking' which I will work on before I get chapter three started for this story. I did have the inspiration last night to write and I wrote the very last chapter of this story, and NO I am not going to show it to you!! LOL!!

Well Please Please Review, I love to hear what you have to say!

And the whole ring/key idea I give myself total credit for that, because I have a thumb ring just like the way I described it and I wear in around my neck on a chain.

And the title `Shades of Grey' as you can see from the other stories the title has some meaning to the story, and the only clue I will give you for now is that the `grey' part is quite literal.




3. A/N- FanArt

A/N: Sorry for the interruption of your daily wait for an update, but sadly I don't have one. What I do have is a lovely piece of fan artwork that was created for `Twist of Fate” by Sinta (aka heroic)


Sk8erWitch ;-)


4. Peace under the Full Moon… For the Werewolf at Least

Chapter Three

Peace under the Full Moon… For the Werewolf at Least

It had been a hectic start, but finally after three weeks everyone more or less adjusted into their daily routine. The Professors were pushing everyone to the limit, giving them double the work to make up for lost time. Another week and they were sure the Professors would lighten up a bit.

Currently Hogwarts and Holic seventh year N.E.W.T. students were in Professor Snape's classroom, which was located below the main level of Atlantis. It was dark and you could look out into the sea from some windows. Because the Holic students didn't have their own Potions Master they had unanimously opted for Professor Snape rather than any other Potions Professor.

One thing that was noticeable was that there were more Holic students then Hogwarts.

“Now, so far throughout you education,” Professor Snape drawled on, “You have been taught how to brew potions and for some of you learned about what goes in a potion. At the end of this year you will present a potion of your own. Entirely your creation, and believe me I will know if it is original.

“I don't expect many of you to actually come up with a successful potion, but you will be graded upon you effort. And some of you know how I view effort,” with that he glared at some of the Hogwarts students, including Ron and Harry of all people.

“I know of two students in this very class that have already come up with some concoction, but I do believe that it is not of your own creation, no matter what timeline you got it from.”

“But don't think this is all you will be doing whilst you are in my classroom. We will be keeping up with our hard steady work. And for many of you who think that after we have `caught up' I will go easy on you, you have as much as a chance of that happening as a worm can sprout legs out of its own accord.” Snape raised his wand to his black board and instructions covered it, “Get to work. And if said two students please see me after class.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“So what did Snape want?” Harry asked Hermione as she and Aeryn emerged from the depths of the dark.

“The good Professor is helping us with the potion remember.” Hermione said.

“After the near fatal incident with Peeves,” Aeryn said, “We are lucky he didn't ruin it. Do you know how hard it is to get some of the ingredients? Not to mention it's getting harder and harder to dance around Snape's questions as to where I got some of them.”

“It's a good thing you had them in stock at the Manor,” Draco said, “I could see the headline now if you didn't, `Lady Potter seen in Knockturn Alley purchasing illegal substances'

“What's this? Draco Malfoy being sarcastic?” Aeryn said with a smirk of her own.

“I wouldn't be me if I wasn't.” Draco said returning the smirk.

“But I'm glad we told some people about this,” Aeryn said,

“Who doesn't know besides Lupin?” Draco asked.

“Actually, I think Remus is the only person who doesn't know.”

“I can't help but think that we should tell Remus.” Harry said.

“It would defeat the purpose of surprising him come the full moon in five days.” Aeryn said, “I heard that the new Ministress of Magic will be there.”


“Minister sounds too masculine.” Aeryn complained, “Anyway, he'll be taking an updated version of the Wolfsbane potion until the full moon, on that night just before the moon rises we give him the Lycan Antidote, as we are calling it.”

“Then we drag him under the full moon where he will enjoy it for the first time in a long time.” Hermione finished.

“So what do you think about this Potions project?” Draco asked Aeryn.

“Oh, I've got a few ideas already. But remember what Snape said, he doesn't expect anyone to come up with a real working potion. This is just to get our feet wet in the whole process.” Aeryn answered.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

When the day of the full moon finally came around, Professor Remus J. Lupin had to admit that something odd was occurring. Where he would normally feel tied down under the weight of the upcoming full moon, this time he did not. He seemed to be well enough to still teach his classes where normally he would have to have taken a couple of days off.

As of now the sun would be setting soon, he was headed to his quarters where he would make his transformation. That was the problem with Atlantis, there were too many windows, moonlight was bound to spill into every room. Another thing that was bothering him was the fact that over the last couple of days, certain students of his were constantly watching him, as if they knew this great secret. He did ask James if he knew what his twins were up to. He said that he did notice something was going on, but then changed the subject about how the new Minister of Magic, Amelia Bones, was coming for a visit.

It was a great relief to many when Fudge was sacked. A big change in the Ministry was needed. Cornelius Fudge was close minded, pig-headed, and stubborn. Amelia Bones was a perfect candidate to replace him; she was a total opposite to Fudge.

“Professor Lupin!” a voice broke Remus' train of thought, he turned to see the famous trio, no there were five of them now more like quints, headed toward them. Hermione was holding a goblet that was smoking faintly.

“We were hoping to talk to you,” Harry said.

“I'm afraid I don't have much time,” Remus answered.

“Trust us when we say that you would want to hear what we have to say,” Aeryn said with a look of seriousness on her face. Remus nodded and led them to an empty classroom.

“I'll start,” Aeryn said, “As you know when the time line changed during the summer and we were thrown into it, the memories of my counterpart, for lack of a better term, where some how downloaded into my head. I remember some pretty terrible things. One event that happened was known only to the people on the Dark side. It was called the `Lycan Purge',”

They could see Remus' uneasiness. But Aeryn continued.

“Being a high member of society, my `counterpart' witnessed it first hand. But all the Werewolves that were killed weren't Werewolves when they were killed.”

“What do you mean?” Remus asked. Hermione finally presented him with the smoking goblet.

“We present to you the Lycan Antidote,” Hermione said.

Remus was shocked, “How?”

“Voldemort created it, and he wrote it down in Parseltongue. We found it translated it, tried our best to memorize it and with the use of a pensive, Aeryn and I recreated it in this time.” Hermione explained.

“So that's what has been going on,” Remus commented.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I am not totally blind as to think you weren't up to something,” Remus said, “But I do have one question, why didn't you tell me before?”

“Personally, I thought it was best to wait,” Aeryn admitted, “Partially because I didn't want you to go mad with anticipation. I mean this is your cure, after tonight you will be the first person to be cured of lycanthropy.”

It was then that it finally hit Remus, he was to be cured and it was right there in front of him. “I'll truly be cured?”

“Well you will have to take this potion once every new phase of the moon until the next full moon, but after that you'll be one hundred percent human,”

Remus took the goblet from Hermione with shaky hands, “Well bottoms up.”

The rest of them backed up a bit and the twins put up a powerful shield between them and Remus. Remus looked at them.

“We will be seeing Moony one last time,” Harry said, “This is just in case.”

“We never said it was an easy cure,”

Remus looked at the potion one last time before downing the whole thing, a few minutes passed before anything happened. Remus dropped the goblet as the feeling of transformation was taking effect, the moon visible in the sky. The group watched in concern as Moony made his final appearance; the wolf lunged at them trying to get through the shield, which made them jump, silently thanking whatever deity was holding the shield up. And it went on like that as if the Wolfsbane potion he had been taking had no affect what so ever. The wolf literally torn up the empty classroom.

“How good is this shield?” Hermione asked.

“You've got nothing to worry about,” Harry reassured her as he gave her hand a small squeeze. The potion was slow moving in the Professors veins, but soon they started to see results, Remus slowly but surely change back to normal underneath the full moon. As soon as it was safe the shield went down and Aeryn rushed over to Remus who was sprawled across the floor in a daze.

“If there is something wrong with him, I could just…”

“No!” Aeryn snapped cutting Harry off.

“But it would save you the trouble…”

“Draco,” she said irritably.

“Just let her do it Potter, and lets not argue about it right now either,” Draco said.


“Do you really think if I wasn't capable of doing this myself that Madame Pomfrey wouldn't be here,” Aeryn snapped while continuing checking on Remus.

“Why are you so against my healing power?” Harry asked Aeryn.

“I really don't think it's a good idea to be arguing right now,” Hermione said.

“I'm not against your healing power, I'm against taking the easy route,” Aeryn continued, “I haven't worked this hard to be an accomplished healer, only to pass it over to you leaving me with no purpose. Remus should be fine in a couple of minutes.” And with that she left.

“Aeryn,” Draco called going after her.

“I don't get,” Harry said in defeat, “Is she PMS-ing or something?”

“Harry!” Hermione exclaimed, “I can't believe you would say something like that.”

“Sorry,” he muttered.

“A little help here?” called the voice from the one still on the floor.

“Sorry Professor,” the three remaining people said in unison and the help Remus off the floor and let him sit in a chair.

“How are you feeling?” Hermione asked.

“Like a shadow that has been lifted off of me,” Remus said, “that and like I got hit by a truck, take your pick.” He looked out the window at the darkened sky with the bright full moon in view. “I use to hate the moon, but now it's not so bad.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

News of the curing was spreading the Great Hall at dinner like a plague; everyone was taking about it and was awaiting the DADA Professor. As soon as Professor Lupin, Harry, Ron and Hermione arrived in the Great Hall, everyone burst into applause.

Remus felt overjoyed, it was a day he would never, could never forget. There was a feast in his honor.

After a while Draco came into the Great Hall alone and sat near the others.

“Where's Aeryn?” Hermione asked.

“Up in her room, she had a headache so she took a sleeping potion; she's out like a light.” Draco explained.

“I still don't get anything about earlier,” Harry said.

“Let's just leave that discussion for a later time; I'm not up for a headache myself.” Draco said. “What's up with Weasley?”

Ron was not eating and kept looking at the entrance of the Great Hall.

“Luna was supposed to be here,” Hermione explained, “It's not like her to be late.”

Minister Bones left early after giving her regards to Remus and the feast went on. Before they went to retire, Professor McGonagall approached.

“Something has happened and I require you three to follow me,” she said referring to the trio. Ron Harry and Hermione got up and followed. The walked to a nearby `Appervator' (Apperating Elevator) and Professor McGonagall requested the Hospital Ward.

“I'm starting to get a déjà vu from your second year,” McGonagall said, “She was found not half an hour ago outside the 6th year dormitory.”

On one of the hospital beds lay Luna, with the exception of her cloths she was completely grey, and absolutely no color to her what so ever. But was it an attack or something else?


5. Shockwave

Chapter Four


“So what happened?” Aeryn asked as she made a quick stop at the Hogwarts table before joining her friends.

“Madame Pomfrey said that her magic has been totally drained from her body,” Hermione explained.

“Someone bound her magic?”

“Not exactly, binding someone's magic still leaves the magic there; you are just unable to use it. What happened with Luna is different, it's like magic doesn't exist in her, she was completely drained that she was drained of her color as well, she's completely grey.”

“But she was attacked?”

“We don't know for certain, they can't tell if she was attacked or if it was a cause of something else,” Ron said, “But the drain has left her completely comatose.”

“I'm sorry Ron,” Aeryn said, “Did you try anything?” She asked Harry.

“Yeah, but nothing worked.” Harry replied.

“I only asked because I five more people were in the Hospital Ward,” Aeryn said, “I went to get some headache potion.”

“I didn't know about that.” Harry said.

“I tried to ask Madame Pomfrey, but she would tell me anything,” Aeryn said, “I got the feeling that she was keeping something from me.”

“Maybe we should hold a prefect meeting.” Hermione suggested.

“Did you see who was `attacked'?” Harry asked.

“Well I don't know their names, but they were all prefects,” Aeryn said, “I remember seeing them at the last meeting. Anyway, I should get back to my table; I just wanted to see if you knew anything.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“Some people say that evil people don't have a soul, is that true?” Remus Lupin asked his seventh year Advanced DADA class. It consisted of a mix of all four houses. The particular classroom which he had chosen was seated stadium style where the top row was higher then the rest.

A few people raised their hands. “Pansy?”

“No, it's not true. If it were then why would they use the Dementor's Kiss as an execution at Azkaban?” Pansy replied.

“Very good point, anyone else? Hermione?”

“When someone uses the Dark Arts for Dark purposes, they do so with the sacrifice of ones soul. Instead of becoming a mindless shell, a dark soul remains.”

“Excellent. Now what can be done about it? Could there be redemption? Draco?”

“Perhaps, if said person truly wants to seek redemption.”

“Now, how was Voldemort defeated?” Remus asked, he clearly could see Harry roll his eyes.

“Potter killed him.” Someone called out.

“In a way he was poisoned,” Harry said, “His new body was made from pure evil, we found a way to poison him with pure goodness.”

“Good, excellent, forty points for Hogwarts, for all four of you. Now…” The class was interrupted by a small shockwave sweeping the room from back to front. Ink bottle and books were moved causing them to crash to the floor.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“I wonder what all that was.” Hermione said after they were headed to lunch after being dismissed from class. “Luckily none of my notes have been ruined.”

“Am I the only one who didn't cast any protection spells on my parchment?” Ron groaned.

“Seems so, I didn't see anyone else with all their notes erased when casting the cleaning spell.” Harry said teasing Ron.

“Draco!” they heard from behind them. The group turned to see Terra Brooks headed for them, “I wanted to tell you that Aeryn's in the Hospital Ward.”


“We were in Charms; everything was going normal until she tried a really complex charm. There was this big shockwave…”

“You felt it too?” Ron asked.

“Ron, right? Please don't interrupt me.” Terra said, “Anyway the shockwave came from Aeryn. Shattered all the windows in the room. She passed out and is running a high fever. I just thought you should know. Kayla is sitting with her now; Madame Fernelly is a lot less strict when it comes to visitations.”

“Thanks Terra.” And they headed towards the Hospital Ward.

“Who's Kayla?” Harry asked.

“Really Harry,” Hermione started, “It's been three weeks since school started and you don't know who Aeryn's friends are.”

“Well I can't help it if she's been distant lately,”

They entered the Hospital Ward to find six curtains drawn around six beds. Three blonde girls from Salem Academy were standing near a bed where Aeryn was standing getting her books organized into her book bag, like she was getting ready to leave.

“We'll be making a list of the damages to all of out personal belongings that you damaged with your little freak show Potter.” One of them said, “We expect you to pay up. It's not like you can't afford it.”

Aeryn slung her bag over her shoulder, “Listen to me, I'm not about to be pushed around by some beach blonde Cali girls who are too stupid to fix their little nic nacs with a simple Reparo. So you can take your little list of damages and shove it up your -“

“That's enough young lady.” Madame Pomfrey came into the room, “You are not free to leave yet.”

“But Madame Fernelly said I was fine.” Aeryn argued.

“I think it's safe to say that I have had more experience to know what to do in this sort of situation.” Madame Pomfrey said.

“What situation? What ever happened, it's over. I don't have a temperature anymore.”

Madame Pomfrey held out a potion, and Aeryn looked at her in disbelief. “You don't really expect me to take that?”

“Your body in not capable of handling the amount of magic it contains you are not able to channel it properly.” Pomfrey explained.

“I'll use a wand.”

“I'm afraid it would do no good.”

“I'm not taking it!” Aeryn said stubbornly.

“With a normal witch or wizard it would bind all of their magic. With you, it is more likely that you will have to go back to using a wand. No more wandless magic, no more extra powers.”

“I don't care I am not taking it, and you can't make me.” Aeryn said as she stormed right out of the room.

“How bad would it be if she didn't take it?” Draco asked Madame Pomfrey.

“I'm afraid that if she continues like this, she will overload. It would destroy her.”

“Give me the potion and I will make sure she takes it.”


6. Devil's Night Scare

Chapter 5

Devil's Night Scare

After much persuasion and a few more shockwaves Aeryn finally took the potion. She spent the better part of the week only being able to take notes in class as she was told that she would not be able to get a new wand until the weekend after Halloween. Whispers could be heard about the six people in the Hospital Ward. But it wasn't until the day before Halloween that people realized that something more sinister was happening than the draining of people's magic.

“You know what; I don't give a rat's ass about this whole `we have to sit at separate tables' thing.” Aeryn exclaimed as she claimed the seat next to Draco and across from Harry, “We use to be able to sit where ever we wanted at Holic.”

“What's wrong with the Holic table today love?” Draco asked.

“I swear if he looks at me like that one more time, I steel your wand and give him a piece of my mind.” Aeryn said as she started dishing food on her plate.

“Someone giving you trouble?” Hermione asked.

“None other then Alexander Romano. Part of me is glad to have gotten rid of that empathy power. He still has it in his mind frame that I have been promised to him. Stupid pureblood arranged marriages.” She muttered.

“Why is it that most purebloods have such uppity names?” Hermione asked.

“Well that question goes right up there with `why are most purebloods only children'” Draco said.

“Why is it though,” Ron asked looking up from playing with the food on his plate.

“Ok, let say for the sake of argument that your family was rich with 100 galleons and when you come into your inheritance, you only get about 14 galleons because you have to share it with six other people.” Aeryn explained. “You want to make sure all your fortune stays together, so you have one child, maybe two.”

“So what about the uppity names?” Harry inquired.

“Well you are certainly no going to get anywhere in the Wizarding world with a name like Waldo.” Draco said.

“Yes, well just the same you probably would be made fun of in the muggle world with a name like Draco,” Hermione said.


“Well I'd rather have the family then the money.” Ron said.

“That's what puts people like your family on the other end of the `pureblood' spectrum.” Draco said, “If only all the `purebloods' where like that. I'd do anything to have a large family.”

Aeryn raised an eyebrow at that, “And who exactly are you planning to have this `large' family with?”

“Oh, I don't know I've had my eye on a certain red headed witch…”

“I knew it. Who is it? Is it Ginny?” the both of them started cracking up.

“I just had a thought.” Aeryn said.

“Don't hurt yourself,” Draco said.

“Oh hush,” Aeryn said slapping Draco on the arm, “I need to do something things first but make sure you come up to the common room in about half an hour.” With that she finished her dinner and headed out the Hall.

“Should we be scared?” Harry asked out loud.

“That, I don't know, she's always finding new potions to try.” Draco explained.

“She we be scared?” Hermione asked echoing Harry's question.

“She did grow up with a Potions Master as a father figure. If she had taken her final exams at the end of last year she most likely would have out scored you in potions.” Draco said with a smirk on his face, “She's also been drowning herself in her work as of late.”

“She's not as bad as Hermione though.” Ron said.

“Hey, I'm right here you know.”

“Actually I'm a bit worried about her, she's been getting a lot of headaches, and now that she's been bound from her gifts, not to mention being killed and being brought back again with the memories of a deranged psychopathic megalomaniac.” Draco said.

“Well then by all means, let's let her poison us.” Ron said as he gave up on his dinner.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“Glad to see we are all brave.” Aeryn said and Draco, Hermione, Ron and Harry came into the Head Common Room. Aeryn had created a circle made up of big fluffy pillows.

“So what are our chances of dieing with this potion?” Ron asked as Aeryn pulled out a crystal ball from a bag and placed in the middle of the circle.

Aeryn laughed, “Come on, do you really think I would test a potion on you that might hurt you?”

“Ok so where do you want us?” Harry asked.

“Everyone sit down in the circle.”

Around the pillow arrangement were a set of crystal like rocks. They sat down in a circle around a crystal ball.

“The crystals that surround us are their so that what we see will be related to each other.”

“Explain to us exactly what we're doing.” Ron asked, “The suspense is killing us.”

“We are going to see premonitions of the future, hopefully we can find out what's been going on with the Grey People.”

“You've found a potion that can do that?” Hermione asked.

“Yes, but I'm not telling you where. The potion more or less opens your mind to project an image of an event that has not happened in your life. We will see it in the crystal ball.” Aeryn explained.

With all the explanations done and over with Aeryn gave them each a vial filled with a vibrant green mixture.

“Just add one drop of your own blood.” Aeryn said as she showed them. Everything was ready. “So who wants to go first?”

“I'll go,” Ron volunteered and without hesitation he downed the potion. He immediately fell backwards against the pillows.

“Ron?” Harry called out to his best friend and was replied with a snore.

“Ha, Weasley snores!” Draco said.

“You're just noticing that now?” Harry replied, “Your one of his dorm mates. Either you're a heavy sleeper or…” Harry then noticed Aeryn and Draco looking at each other from the corner of their eyes. “Oh, so you've been sneaking in here…well that…that's just too much information for my liking.”

“Look at the crystal Harry something's happening.” Hermione said grabbing his attention. Aeryn gave her a silent thank you.

The crystal ball grew dark as the four of them leaned in closer to see something. They could see Ron alone in a dark corridor of Atlantis. The only light came from above; it looked like some sort of shield.

Movement came from ahead of Ron; a distant clicking of heels on the floor came from the darkly cloaked person.

“I know who you are!” they heard Ron say. The person up ahead stopped dead in her tracks.

“Wow,” she said, her voice was British yet it had an echo almost inhuman. “I hadn't pegged you to be the one that would figure me out.” She turned around, but the hood of her cloak hid her face.

“I won't let you get away with this,” Ron said, “I won't let you get away with what you did to Luna!” As Ron came closer, she sidestepped on to reveal someone on the floor.

“Well, I guess you can't be that smart. I mean you are here confronting me when you don't stand a chance.”

The two circled each other until Ron was right next to whoever was laying on the floor. Ron bent over and rolled the person over to reveal that it was Aeryn.

“So what, you're just going to suck the magic out of all of us, then what?” Ron said angrily.

“Well I wasn't planning of taking your magic. I was going to find more ways to make you suffer. But my main goal is to make the Potter's suffer, all of them. Let's see how much dear Harry will suffer when he no longer had his best friend. But then, he knew this would happen.”

“The others will figure everything out as well.”

“That's why I'm smarter then your average Dark Lord. Unlike the former Dark Lord, I don't rely on minions and lackeys to do my dirty work.”

“You're not working entirely alone.” Ron said.

“I cover my tracks Weasley, and I'm not sorry to say you turned yourself into one.”

She took something from her pocket, it looked like a potion of sorts and she drank it.

“Well you should have attacked my when you had the chance. I have control over Atlantis, and soon I'll have control over everyone who resides in it. He endeth my gloating session. Happy Christmas.” She held out her hand getting ready to attack. Ron threw curses at her, but they did nothing. It was her turn now.

“AMOVEO POTENTIA!” she called out, Ron tried to shield it but the spell broke though hitting him square in the chest. Ron cried out in pain as his magic was drained from him and he collapsed to the floor.

The crystal ball suddenly went foggy again, Ron stirred from his sleep.

“Bloody Hell!” he said, “Don't know whether I should be happy knowing what's to happen, or mad that I should of stayed oblivious.”

“Then we wouldn't have had a chance to stop you from doing this.” Hermione pointed out in a quiet voice.

“I'm so sick of this!” Aeryn exclaimed as she got up and stormed off to her to her room and slammed the door. Draco quickly scrambled from his spot.

“Aeryn!” he said rapping on the door, “Let me in!” pause “Please?” the door opened and he slipped inside.

“Well that was interesting.” Ron said.

“I think we should clean up.” Hermione said.

“What you don't want to still do it?” Ron asked.

“What ever will come, will come,” Harry said, “We'd rather just leave it at that.”

Haven't we had enough! After all we have been though, what else could life possibly throw at us?” The trio heard Aeryn shouting in her room.

A sudden buzz filled the air and the windows were illuminated against the dark sky. Aeryn and Draco came rushing out of their room.

“Just great, now I go and jinks ourselves.” Aeryn said as she walked over to one of the tables.

“What are you doing?” Draco asked.

“Well, since I can't really protect myself anymore, I hid the ring.”


“This table has a hollow leg.” Aeryn said as she flipped the table over, unscrewed a leg and rattled it but heard nothing. Aeryn sunk her head in defeat. She turned to the door, carrying the table leg, laughing uncontrollably. The other four were looking at each other in puzzlement.

“So this is where my suffering begins.” She said as she forcefully flung the table leg across the room.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“As all of you have noticed this morning, that the owl post was not delivered as expected. Someone from within this room had stolen the very key that controls this school, and had taken upon herself to trap us with this shield.” Dumbledore announced the next morning. “We have found that no one can get in and no one can get out.”

Commotion started up in the Great Hall. “Silence Please! I must put out that this situation is of great importance. Please if any of you have any information at all do not hesitate to come forward.

“However, we will not let whoever is behind this and the attacks, to stop us from continuing as normal, but with extreme caution. We expect all of you to be in class this morning.”


7. I'm Not Ok

A/N: Well, finally I've completed another chapter. I haven't had the Internet for a long while and now I do. I was going to update back in July, but I was shocked and heartbroken and now on the road to writers recovery from Harry Potter and the HBP. Maybe that's why I haven't put Draco in this Chapter?

Thanks to my beta Mike Watford AKA HarryPotter17

Chapter 6

I'm Not OK

Aeryn was cold. She had not bothered with a cloak and the bitter cold December wind nipped at her skin. She sat on the large ledge on a window of the high center tower looking at the lit city below. And though it was night the sky was lit as well. For a month they had been trapped inside Atlantis. Well it wasn't like they needed to leave, but the fact that the owl post had ceased and nothing could get in or out irked just about everyone.

The others were worried about Aeryn, and they had every right to. Aeryn hardly ate; her grades were drastically slipping, and forget about late night studying. As soon as she hit the Head Common Room she headed straight to her room after dinner. Natural sleep was out of the question; in fact she could not get to sleep without a sleeping potion. She was sitting in the tower that night waiting for the potion to show some sign of working. The potion was having less and less effect on her with each passing night.

And all this affected everyone. Draco had reverted to being the mean person he used to be. Ron had reported that a couple weeks after Halloween, Draco was sleeping in his bed in the seventh year dorm. Ron in fact seemed to disappear a lot. Though he claimed to be in the library, the others doubted it.

Hermione and Harry felt helpless to what was happening around them. All they could do was to continue on with their normal daily routines. They do however spend a little of their time each day with Lily James, Remus and Sirius.

Back in the beginning of October they had all agreed to have dinner together once a week at least. Currently Harry, Hermione and Ron were in the living room of the apartment James, Lily and Sirius shared. While the `adults' were in the kitchen.

“I don't understand why we have to walk eggshells.” James said.

“She's had a rough time James, all she needs is time,” Lily replied to him.

“I think this goes beyond being dead. She was fine before,” Sirius said, “Something has set her off recently.”

“But what do we do. I don't about you but it's hard jumping into parenting two teen rather than one baby.” Lily said.

“We know Aeryn is reluctant to except help if something is wrong,” Remus said.

“But how do we go about it. I doubt she would willingly allow to an examination by Madam Pomfrey.” Lily said.

“Exactly, so we have to come up with a way to do it whether she is willing or not.” Remus replied.

“You're joking right?” Lily asked.

“Lily, she needs help with whatever is going on whether she wants it or not.” James said, “What kind of parents would we be if we continue to let her go down the path of destruction.”

“Back in the other timeline when things got back she only let two people in, you James and Malfoy.” Sirius said, “And from what Harry, Hermione and Ron say, Aeryn and Malfoy are on the rocks.”

“So it's up to me.” James said, “If she doesn't show up for dinner I will go look for her.”

“I'll go talk to Madam Pomfrey right now to see if she can come here in a couple hours.” Remus said.

“Good idea, I'll come with.” Sirius said.

“I think you should find Aeryn now and get her to come for dinner,” Lily said to James.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were puzzled when the three Marauders exited to their tasks.

“What's going on Mum?” Harry asked.

“We are putting a stop to Aeryn's nonsense once and for all. What ever is happening with Aeryn we will find out and deal with it. We can't just stand by and do nothing anymore.” Lily replied trying to convince herself that they were doing the right thing.

“She won't like that.” Harry said.

“I think it doesn't matter what you sister likes it or not.” Lily said.

“I think she's confused.” Ron said.

“What do you mean?” Hermione asked.

“Well, I told you that I have been spending a lot of time in the Library and that the truth.” Ron said, “Mostly to find something to help Luna. But I've watched the way Aeryn has been lately. And sometimes, when she really snaps at us, it looks like she is trying to restrain herself from doing something.”

“She wouldn't hurt us Ron.” Harry said.

“No, Aeryn wouldn't, but what if she had this internal battle going on within trying to decipher whether to love us or hate us because of Jade's memories.” Ron said.

“You don't think she has anything to do with the attack do you?” Hermione said as a thought.

“Why would you even think that?” Harry said to Hermione.

“I wasn't going to bring it up,” said Ron, “But it does make sense.”

“Harry, you should let Ron explain first.” Lily said calmly wanting to know what Ron thought.

“Right after the attacks, who had the magic overload shockwave thingy? She goes to her room straight after dinner and we don't see her until lunch the next day, if we are lucky. She's pushing everyone away.”

“Not to mention the only person who knew where the Ring of Atlantis was, but her.” Hermione said. Harry gave her a look, “It's not like she would do it on purpose.”

“So, what, she has a split personality problem?” Harry asked. They all sat there thinking, “The Attacker isn't working alone though.”

“So who would be stupid enough to help? Everyone who Aeryn trusts is being pushed away.” Lily said.

“More importantly, who in the school would Jade trust enough.” Ron said.

“This is ridiculous!” Harry exclaimed, “In that vision where you were attacked Ron, who was also attacked, lying on the floor. Aeryn can't be the one to do all this.”

“This is all just a theory Harry,” Lily said, “No one has any actual proof.”

“Why are you doing this?” they heard a voice from outside the apartment, “Why can't you just leave me alone?”

The door opened and in walked Aeryn followed closely by James.

“We agreed to have dinner together and no amount of self pitying and pouting in the high tower is going to change that.” James told her, “Now sit down and shut up over there and if even attempt to leave, I swear to Merlin I will spell you to your seat.” Aeryn reluctantly sat down where she was told.

“Just a warning,” Aeryn said, “I took about five times the amount of a sleeping potion that you are supposed to take.”

“Why the bloody hell would you do that?” James asked raising his voice a little.

“I can't get to sleep without it and lately it hasn't been working. I took it an hour ago and still hitting the hay for me.” Aeryn said looking out the window.

Harry took a real good look at his sister. She had circles under her eyes, and to be honest, looked like hell.

“Do you know that you run the risk of not waking up?” Lily told her, “It is extremely dangerous.”

“Don't lecture me about potions Mom. I know exactly what I am doing with them.” Aeryn said coldly. Lily gave up and went back to the kitchen to finish making dinner.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

As Sirius and Remus entered the Hospital Room, they could do nothing but overhear the conversation coming from Madam Pomfrey's office.

“I don't understand how those Holic people can people can be so incompetent. If only they cared about their students. How could they not do anything?” Madam Pomfrey said to her two guests.

“I will speak to her Headmistress about this.” Dumbledore said.

“Perhaps being a Head student is a bit too much for Miss Potter to handle.”

“That decision is for Professor Cogsworth to make Severus,” Dumbledore replied, “Besides we don't know for sure if Miss Potter's grades have been slipping in other areas other than potions.”

Remus cleared his throat, making their presence know. Ignoring the sneer from Snape, the two made their way into Madam Pomfrey's office.

“Looks like we all are on the same page.” Sirius muttered.

“How so, Sirius?” Dumbledore asked.

“We are planning an intervention with Aeryn after dinner tonight.” Remus replied.

“About bloody time.” They heard Snape say.

“We were wondering, maybe with your assistance Madam Pomfrey, we could perhaps find out if anything is wrong with her.” Remus explained.

“Of course I will.” Madam Pomfrey replied.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It would seem that Aeryn's potion had finally kicked in by the time Sirius and Remus returned with Madam Pomfrey.

“What did you have to do James, knock her out to get her here?” Sirius asked.

“She took five times the amount of a sleeping draught.” James explained.

“Why didn't she just take Draught of the Living Death,” Madam Pomfrey said, “If she had taken anymore there would be no difference.”

“She said she took it over an hour ago.”

“That's impossible.” Madam Pomfrey said as she rushed to the couch Aeryn was lying down. “Sleeping draughts work instantly.”

Madam Pomfrey worked on Aeryn for ten minutes. “Well there is nothing we can do now. We'll have to wait until she wakes up. I am excusing her from all her classes. She can stay here for now, but I want her in the Hospital Wing as soon as possible tomorrow.”

“Is there something wrong?” Lily asked.

“I can't tell right at this moment, but there is defiantly something wrong.” She replied, “I don't claim to know that much about a person's mind.” After that she left.

Shortly after that Harry, Ron and Hermione were told to go to their dorms, they couldn't do anything for now.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

The next morning Harry and Hermione stopped by to see how Aeryn was before breakfast. They knocked on the door several times, but there was no answer. Harry tried to go into the apartment but for some reason he could not.

Figuring that they were in the Hospital Wing, Harry and Hermione headed there next. Still, there was no sign of them. Just as they were about to leave they saw movement from one of the curtains.

It was Aeryn. She saw them and smiled. It was probably one of the first smiles they had seen on her in a while.

“Hey guys,” Aeryn called to them.

“What's going on?” Harry asked.

“Oh, everything's fine now. Clean bill of health, get to go to my classes and everything.” Aeryn replied.

“So what was wrong?” Hermione asked.

“Oh, stupid me, it's highly unstable to have two sets of memories in one's head. I just had bottle Jade's memories up. So they are out of my head now.”

“So you are ok now?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, everything's fine now. Let's go down to breakfast.” Aeryn said as she walked down the hall. Harry and Hermione looked at each other still skeptical, but could do nothing but follow.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Meanwhile, back at the Potter's residence.

“What's wrong with this door?” Lily, James and Sirius had been trying to get the door open all morning. Lily let James and Sirius deal with it as she put a cool cloth on her daughter's forehead.

“Her fever won't go down.” Lily told James and Sirius. James even tried the windows, but something was keeping them locked in.


A/N P.S.--- Is you jaw hanging?????? Evil clifie!!!


8. You still don't get it

Chapter 7

You still don't get it!!

“Something's not right.” Harry said as breakfast was nearing an end. Aeryn had just left a few moments earlier, saying she was getting behind.

“Ron should have been the first one here,” Hermione agreed, “He never misses a meal.”

“I hate to admit it, but even I noticed a change in Aeryn.” Harry thought for a minute, “She looks at us as if she has a secret and she knows that we know she had a secret.”

Suddenly almost everyone jumped as the doors to the Great Hall slammed shut with a rather large bang. The Professors were especially startled.

Harry looked around and realized there was no escape from the room. But before anyone could do anything to escape a faint hissing noise could barley be heard over the commotion. Harry could hear it though.

“Do you hear that?” he asked Hermione.

“Hear what?”

Harry stood up on the seat he was sitting on and cast the spell to make his voice louder. “Everyone be quiet!” Many people heard him but it wasn't enough. Hermione joined him and they both yelled “Shut Up!!” as the same time.

Silence was then heard, save for the now louder hissing noise.

“It's coming from under the tables.” Someone called out.

“Harry,” Hermione called to him. He looked to her as saw what she was seeing. People were dropping like flies. Harry looked to where they Professors were. They were attempting to create a bubble over themselves and some students but started passing out as well.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Hermione start to go down. “Hermione!”

“So sleepy,” she whispered as Harry caught her. He himself was feeling a little drowsy himself. What scared Harry the most was that he could do anything, and he didn't know it he was going to wake up.

Everyone was asleep around him and hissing had stopped. Sleep was trying to take him but as he held on to Hermione he held on to his consciousness.

The Great Hall door opened and he looked up to see a blurry person with red hair. She saw he was still awake. Next thing Harry knew he was hit with magic before falling into darkness.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Harry's head hurt. It was pounding like crazy when he came to.

“Harry?” he heard Hermione's voice. Harry groaned as he opened his eyes.

“Ok, now that we are all awake, you mind telling me what the hell is going on?” ok Draco was there to. Harry looked at his surroundings. The three on them where in a room lined with cells.

“Why are we in cages?” Harry asked.

“No one has come yet.” Hermione said, “And it's about mid afternoon.”

Harry got to his feet. “Should we be worried that there are no doors to these cells?”

“Do you think, now that you are awake and all you could get us the hell out of here?” Draco said with a slight sneer.

“What's with the new attitude?” Harry asked as he tried a spell to make the bars disappear, but all he got was a nasty spark. As he tried more spells he kept getting more backlashes from his magic.

“Just stop Harry, before you get hurt.” Hermione told him.

Looking around the room Harry noticed a wall had shimmered. It was showing an image of the Great Hall. It was more like a prison now. He could see some people, not clearly enough to see who they were, putting unconscious people in their cells. Not in individual cells like the three of them were but more like twenty in one cell.


“'So' what?” Draco snapped.

“Are you going to answer my question?” Harry asked.

“Is there are reason I should be nice to my Ex's family and friends?” Draco asked in reply.

“Wait, `Ex'?” Hermione asked.

“What she didn't tell you? She broke up with me a couple weeks ago.”

“No!” Hermione exclaimed, “That can't be.”

“Why are you upset by it? It's not like she broke up with you.”

“But you and Aeryn… I mean after all you've been through…”

“Well it's not like Aeryn is herself lately is it?” Harry said looking at wall; where there was an all too familiar person could be identified. And she was giving orders. Draco was shocked and Hermione told him of Ron's theory.

“Is that Snape?” Harry asked as couple people were dragging Professor Snape out of the Great Hall.

It was ten minutes later that Professor Snape was put into a cell in their room. One of the people helping Aeryn was Xander Romano.

“So what are you getting out of this Romano?” Draco asked. Harry saw the look on Romano's face it was fear. Romano didn't say anything as he and the other guy left.

“I don't think he's getting anything Draco,” Harry said, “He's scared.”

“Of what? Aeryn wouldn't kill anyone, not matter how screwed up she is?”

“It's not about Aeryn, more like WWJD.” Hermione said.


“What would Jade do?”

“Well we are at least ten minutes away from the Great Hall,” Harry noted, “But I still can't think of a way to get out of here.”

Over the next hour more people were brought into their holding room, people like Dumbledore, McGonagall and Remus. There were still asleep and their captors still silent. Snape was the first to awaken, soon followed by the others. The Professors themselves tried to escape the bars that held them, but without wands it was useless. Not even Dumbledore could do anything.

The door to the room opened again and Xander Romano came in alone.

“What the hell do you want now?” Draco blurted out.

“Look, if she knew I was here she'll have my head; I didn't want this to happen.” Romano said.

“Well you sure didn't do anything to stop it.” Snape said.

“There is nothing we can do, she took our wands away. She is extremely powerful.” Romano explained.

“Why are we getting special treatment of this room and not with everyone in the Great Hall?” Dumbledore asked.

“She said something about a funeral.”

“Someone's dead?”

“As far as I can tell everyone is still alive,” Romano explained.

“Everyone except you.” A cold voice said as a flash of green struck him in the back. His eyes blank as he fell lifelessly on the floor. She could see the expression of shock on some of their faces.

“What? Did I cross the line?” she said mockingly, “Did I just commit an act to which there is no redemption?”

“You need to snap out of this Aeryn,” Harry said to her, “You need to remember who you are.”

She rolled her eyes, “I know exactly who I am. You still don't get it do.” She moved closer to Harry's cell, “This isn't about confusion of memories and trying to tell one from the other. It's about having two consciousnesses' in one body. My body might I add.” She backed up a bit to collect herself, she wasn't about to lose her temper just yet.

“Did you think that I would just sit back while she took over? I let her for a while, until I could figure out my plan.”

“So now you bury Aeryn? Make her watch everything you do?” Hermione asked.

“No. I can't just bury her inside that would leave room for her to take control again. I made her weak, made her doubt herself. Toyed with her mind. And it worked, she distanced herself from everyone, well everyone except pretty boy over there had to break that off myself.” she said referring to Draco. “Though she couldn't understand why she was getting the cold shoulder.”

“What about when Aeryn had a solid alibi?” Draco asked.

“Astral Projection. Only this last time, it's been made permanent. Two separate bodies, two separate consciousnesses'. All without her knowledge.”

“If that's true,” Snape said, “then where is Miss Potter.”

“So glad someone asked.” She said with a laugh and left the room.

“I don't like the sound of that.” Draco said.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Aeryn found herself in a familiar place, the endless road way up in the sky.

“Oh great, I'm dead again.” She shuddered at the fact that she was here and it actually felt good. The shadow had been lifted, she felt like herself again.

“Not yet young one,” said a voice that belonged to the Head Elder.

“So why am I here if I'm not dead?” Aeryn asked.

“You know of what has happened.” HE said.

“I feel totally helpless.”

“You don't have to be.”

“I'm not staying here, and I'm not going to die!” Aeryn said, “I haven't done anything to receive such punishment.”

“You broke the rules, as a result you aided in releasing a tyrant into the world.” HE said accusingly.

“I had no choice, time was being altered.” Aeryn started to yell. “And you would have let it happen.”

“It is not you place to question the actions of the Elders.” The HE told her, “Everything has happened as it should have.”

Aeryn just looked at the HE in shock and with tears in her eyes.

“Your final death will not be for many years to come, I have seen it.”

“So what happens now?” Aeryn asked.

“The only way to help yourself and you loved ones is to let go. You are fighting so desperately to hang on to your former self, but you have to let go. We can send you back, but only if you are willing to make a sacrifice.”

“What kind of sacrifice?” Aeryn asked in a whisper.

“A blind sacrifice, you will not now what it is. It is the only way.”

“And I'll be able to stop Jade?” Aeryn asked.

“She was not meant to stay in your world.” Was the only answer she received, “I will leave you to make your decision.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Jade came back with Lily James and Sirius and properly secured them. She waved a hand over the center of the room and a table rose from the floor. Jade left again, and when she returned she was followed by Aeryn who Jade had levitated. When Aeryn was laid on the table, Harry observed her. Her hair was damp and it was obvious that she was sweating.

“What's wrong with her?” Draco demanded.

“I mix a fever inducer with her sleeping draughts. How much did she take last night?” Jade said her with a laugh and her eyes turned red. “What is her temperature at now?” Jade asked Lily and James.

“One hundred six.” Lily replied.

“Shouldn't be too long. I'll leave her here so you can watch her die. I have business elsewhere.” And she left.

“What does she mean die, how can she die?” Draco asked on the verge of panic.

“When one's internal body temperature exceeds its limit, the brain over heat and certain parts stop working.” Snape explained, “And because it is a potion induced fever her body can't do anything to cool down. Breathing will be the first to go followed by the heart.”

“A little more than we needed to know Severus,” Dumbledore said.

“Why doesn't she just go back to her own time?” Harry asked.

“There's nothing left for her there.” Hermione said, “Most of the damage there was done by Voldemort, here she has a clean slat to work with.”

Harry banged against the bars of his cell, “We need to get out of here.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

They remained there for a long while, it started to get dark and people were getting hungry. Draco didn't look away from Aeryn for one second, watching her chest rise and fall, in fear that if he did she would stop breathing.

Jade didn't come back at all, nor did anyone else.

Aeryn stopped breathing at midnight, she let go. She gave in and was willing to sacrifice anything to help the one's she loved.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

A/N: Yes, I know, I killed her again. But it needed to be done.

I think there will be only two more chapters, one for the conclusion, and one for what happens in the years to come. I think I'm just bored with this story.



9. She's A Rebel

Chapter 8

She's a Rebel

“Oh look at that, ding dong the witch is finally dead.”

“This might be the biggest understatement of the year,” she heard Draco say, “But you are truly evil.”

“I try!!” Jade laughed. “Do you think she would want to be buried or cremated?”

“You've won.” Harry said coldly, “Have at us and be done with it.”

“Tsk, tsk, have you learnt nothing about me and my nature of doing thing?” Jade waved a hand over Aeryn's body and it went up in flames, she then moved closer to Harry, “I find it absolutely fascinating the way people's minds work. I like to see what makes them tick; I mess with them until they break.”

She turned away for a second to look at Hermione, and then tuned back, “I wonder how much more you can take before you break, and your sister was too easy.”

The flames disappeared and all that was left were ashes. “You stay away from her.” Harry warned.

“Oh don't be like that brother dear.”

“I am not your brother!”

“You're right,” Jade sighed, “You are no fun sometimes.” She moved to Hermione's cell and opened the door.

“Leave her alone!” numerous cries echoed through the room.

“It's alright.” Hermione said, “I'll be fine.”

Jade pulled out a dagger, “Just so you know, I won't hesitate to gut you.” Jade started to lead Hermione out of the room.

“Take me instead,” Harry begged.

“Surely you jest,” Jade said, “I have you right where I want you.” And with that they left.

“Damn it!” Harry cursed with frustration.

“It's weird,” Sirius said, “That the only villain competent enough to kick our butts is not even from this world.”

“And we don't know that much about her,” Harry's gaze fell upon the ashes, “She never talked about Jade.”

“Does she have any weaknesses at all?” Draco asked.

“There's always Hagrid.” Professor Dumbledore noted.

“Yeah, I bet that's one of the first things she'd take care of.” Draco said.

“You don't think he's…” Lily started.

“We can't think that way Lils,” James said, “We must always have hope.”

As soon as James said that, a faint breeze flowed through the room, stirring the ashes on the raised table. They swirled around for a bit then burst into flames once again.

“What the hell is she doing now?” Harry asked in disbelief, he wished Jade would just leave them alone.

The flames seemed to be in reverse, like everything was moving backwards. A body was formed, and as the flames died, life was brought back into it.

“What are you wearing?” Draco blurted out.

Aeryn looked to see what she was wearing.

“She was wearing that when she died the first time.” Harry said.

“I died again didn't I?” Aeryn asked. “Damn!”

“Yeah, you need to stop doing that.” Harry said.

“I don't think I can.” Aeryn said.

“You can't die?”

“No, I can't die and come back again. Next time I die, it's a done deal.” Aeryn explained. `Harry can you hear me.'

`Our link is back.' Harry thought back.

`I'm only letting you and Draco out.' Aeryn told him.

`Why not everyone?'

`I have a plan and I won't be able to do it, they will interfere.'

`They could probably help' Harry told her.

“Fine!” Aeryn said out loud as she waved a hand and the cell doors disappeared.

They all got out of their cells. Harry and Draco quickly went to Aeryn's side.

“What do we do now?” Draco asked.

“You have to remove the power that Jade possesses” Aeryn explained, “Draco, Harry and I will stop Jade while the rest of you head to the hospital wing. The spell to return everyone's power is Reverto vis vires”

“And how do you expect to stop Jade?” Dumbledore asked.

“Well, we can't do anything while she's jacked up on magic, so we will distract her while you do your part, then we send her back to her world.” Aeryn said, “By some laws of nature only one of us can exist, now that I have my body back, she can go to hell.”

“Wait!” Snape said, “How do we know this isn't a trick, that you aren't your counterpart.”

“Look we could stand here all day arguing whether I am who I say I am.” Aeryn said. “Jade does do a very good impression of me.” She looked at Draco when she said that.

“How was I supposed to know it wasn't you?” Draco asked.

“Your first clue should have been when she was breaking up with you.” Aeryn said, “Come on I would never do that. No one can fake an Animagus form.” And with that she transformed into Kit Kat. She sneaked around the door then transformed back, “Coast is clear.” She called for the others to follow.

Harry and Aeryn summoned the other's wands then they then went their separate ways.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“So what exactly are we going to do?” Draco asked.

“We need to get Hermione away from her,” Harry insisted.

“I have a plan,” Aeryn merely said as they walked down the hall way.

“What plan?” Draco asked.

They stopped suddenly and the expression on Aeryn's face was one that showed she was thinking, “I don't know.” Then she continued walking, Draco and Harry glanced at each other, and then went after her.

“What do you mean you don't know?” Harry asked.

“I don't know,” Aeryn continued, she suddenly put her hand on a wall and it slid back to reveal a shaft with a ladder, she began to climb the ladder, “It's like I'm on autopilot, I just know what I have to do, when I have to do it.”

“Why are we climbing a ladder?” Draco asked following her, “Though I have to say I'm rather enjoying the view.”

“Hey,” Harry complained as he followed Draco, “Need I remind you that I'm still here.”

“Relax Harry; it's nothing he hasn't seen before.” Aeryn told him as they kept climbing.

“Oh great, like I really needed that.” Harry complained some more.

“If we use the elevator, little miss gemstone will know.” Aeryn said.

“So is it the Guardians who are persuading you to do things.” Draco asked.

“Possibly, most likely,” Aeryn said, and then she said in frustration, “We need to go faster.”

“Well, you are the one leading darling,” Draco reminded her.

“I know that,” Aeryn said adding to their playful banter, "There is a spell we can say, that can prevent Hermione from being harmed."

"Did it just come to you?" Draco asked.

"As a matter of fact it did, and believe it or not it is very simple." She said as they finally reached the floor where the library was located. “`A foul soul intends to harm, inflict it upon her instead.'"

"That's it?" Harry asked.

"That's it." Aeryn said. "And it doesn't even rhyme."

"So how do we get the spell to work?" Draco asked.

"It's already been done." Aeryn replied as they ventured closer to the library.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“So what are you going to do with me?” Hermione asked.

“It's interesting,” Jade said, “Both your parents are muggles?”

“What of it?” Hermione asked.

“My father always said that muggles were pathetic, and useless.” Jade continued.

“Well his father was a muggle himself.” Hermione said.

“Makes me grateful that I'm not really related to him.” Jade said twirling her dagger around on the table, they were in the library.

“It's amazing,” Hermione said boldly, “that someone with your power can be affected by something as simple as a giant.”

“Yes well we all have our Achilles' heal.” Jade said.

“You will be stopped.” Hermione said, “One way or another.”

“I seriously doubt that.” Jade said. “My plan is too perfect.”

“Nothing can be perfect.” Hermione stated. “You're just too cocky.”

“And you are too bold for someone in your position.” Jade snapped back. With the snap of her fingers a teapot and a couple of cups appeared.

“Would you like some tea Granger?” Jade asked her as she passed one of the cups towards Hermione, “I afraid I have to insist.”

“What's in it?” Hermione asked with a shaky voice.

“Family secret ingredient.” Jade replied sipping her own tea, “its affects are quite, grave.”

“What if I don't?” Hermione asked.

“I have a way of making people do what I want. Some are not pleasant.”

Hermione had no choice, she had to drink, and she had no idea what it would do to her.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Harry, Draco and Aeryn were listening by the door. "See, Jade just feed herself a spoonful of her own medicine, she can't fight it off because she doesn't know. Stay here and don't do anything." Aeryn got out a notebook from her robes and started writing something down.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Sometimes spells work better said as a phrase or a rhyme instead of an incantation in Latin. We'll figure it all out later." Aeryn faced the door and let the magic flow to what she intended

"Mirrors, Mirrors everywhere,

They can't see where's here nor there,

Set a path for my eyes only,

The spell to be broken by a good person solely."

Then Aeryn changed her clothes magically to match those of Jade's.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Jade was beginning to feel frustrated. She didn't how Granger did it, but she somehow switched the tea, she could feel the affects of the poison already. Jade could feel the numbness form in her fingers and toes and was slowly crawling to the rest of her body. She suddenly grabbed the table they were sitting at and flipped it over. Hermione froze, she was trying to figure out what poison Jade gave her, so far she had yet to feel anything.

Suddenly the room started to change. It reminded Hermione of those mirror mazes at carnivals. She saw Jade was trying to find her way though, but ran right into a mirror herself, it seems they had been separated. Hermione needed to get out and away from Jade, this was her chance. Hermione placed her hands on the mirrors hoping to feel her way out. Her heat fell as someone grabbed her hand, she looked and saw it was Jade; she was guiding Hermione out of this mess. Hermione tried to fight back, tried to loosen Jade's grip, but it was no use she was out of the library and out of the confusion of the mirrors.

“Let go of me you vile monster,” Hermione shouted in defiance. Aeryn let go.

“Be quite Hermione,” Harry said from behind her, “She'll hear you.”

“Harry?” she said in shock then she broke down in his arms, “I was so scared, and she's done something to me, poison, but I don't know what it is.”

“Relax, there is nothing wrong with you, she took the poison instead.” Harry told her.

“I hate to be the barer of bad news, but the spell is losing its touch,” Aeryn said, “We need to get out of here now.”

“Wait,” Hermione said suddenly realizing that this wasn't Jade, “You're alive?”

“We don't have time fore this; we'll go back the way we came.” Aeryn said.

As they ran towards where the ladder was they heard a terrible scream, one of agony. Then bright light burst from the library, so bright they had to cover their eyes.

“What is it?” Draco asked.

“Everyone's magic that she's stolen, it's returning to where it belongs.” Aeryn explained.

“Why don't we just finish her off now, while she's weak?” Draco asked.

“Think for a second and think why you wouldn't want to be in the same room with me when I am angry, then triple it.” Aeryn told him.

“Oh,” was all Draco said in reply.

“We need to regroup with the other and form a plan.” Aeryn said as she started down the ladder.

“What, don't you have one?” Harry asked jokingly.

“We're on our own now.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

When they got to the Hospital Wing, they were happy to see that everyone that was grey was now awake, and they finally found Ron.

“What happened to you Ron?” Hermione asked.

“Oh well I got rewarded for figuring everything out,” Ron replied, “Got the magic sucked out of me and everything.”

Aeryn, out of gratitude gave Ron a really big hug. “I for one thank you for that.”

“So you don't think you're her anymore?” Ron asked.

“Oh, I never did,” Aeryn said, “Did no one tell you.”

“Everyone has been trying to get people to calm down and get over the shock of what happened.” Ron replied.

“Over the summer when were in the other place, Jade has always been aware of everything. When we went back in time to stop Lucius, out of self preservation Jade cast a spell to allow her to stay and not be destroyed, because technically I was dead. So everyone that was with us at the time that was dead in this time and no in the other was brought back from the dead.” Aeryn explained to everyone.

“That means Jade is the one that brought Mum and Dad back.” Harry said and Aeryn nodded.

“So it wasn't a state of an identity crisis,” she told Ron, “It was Jade's little mind games, but you weren't that far off. At least I have my own body, back from the fiery grave.”

“What?” Ron asked. But Aeryn went to go seek out Lily and James.

“She kind of died again.” Harry told him.



10. The Mirror of Truth

Chapter 9

The Mirror of Truth

The last of the numbness finally went away, but Jade was still in no condition to deal with them right now. She was so drained, not even enough energy to do the simplest of magic. They would just have to wait. She would form her plan and they would form their, but Jade's would be better.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

It felt as if the battle was won, everyone was fully recovered and others were freed from what ever prison they were held.

But Atlantis was still a prison itself, and Jade was no where to be found. All the students were instructed to stay in their dormitories, except for a select few of course.

“You were up there again weren't you?” Draco asked. Both he and Aeryn had secluded themselves to a quiet corner, yet still see by others in the room; most of the Professors where out on the hunt for Jade.

“I guess,” Aeryn replied. “I can't really remember what happened up there this time around, it's all fuzzy.”

“Probably nothing happened at all,” Draco said to her, “They probably just sent you right back down.”

“Something happened up there, I know it, something important,” Aeryn said rubbing her temple from an oncoming headache, “I just can't remember.”

“I've just decided,” Draco declared, “I'm never losing sight of you ever again.”

“I can't always be in your line of sight,” Aeryn laughed.

“Well I can try,” Draco laughed with her, “I just can't believe I couldn't tell the difference between you and her.”

“I was just joking about that,” Aeryn told him, “Even I was fooled.”

“How can you trust yourself after all that?”

“Part of me can't, but the other part knows who I am, I just have to trust that. I just hope that I won't have trouble with other people trusting me. She's destroyed that for me.” Aeryn confessed.

“You have your family, they will trust you. Who cares what other people think, you've never let that stand in your way before.” Draco told her.

“You give the best pep talks. But just in case, if I ever get depressed like I did, keep me away from my potions.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

“Where ever she is hiding, she's hiding well.” Someone reported the next mourning. But that stuff faded away as Harry, Ron and Hermione were having their own conversation.

“Please,” Harry pleaded, “Can we get off the subject of where Aeryn and Draco might be right now. It puts too many bad images in my head.”

“I was just wondering,” Ron said.

“Where do you thing she is, Jade I mean.” Hermione asked.

“I guess all we can do is wait for her to make the first move.” Harry stated, “Besides, I'm useless against Jade, both Aeryn's and my powers cancel each other out.”

Aeryn and Draco both came in then, some people looked at her cautiously. She never noticed, or at least didn't let it bother her.

“Hey guys,” Aeryn greeted them with a great big yawn.

“How'd you sleep?” Hermione asked; Harry rolled his eye.

“Sleep? Are you kidding?” Aeryn said as she plopped sown in her seat.

“Hard to sleep with evil on the loose,” Draco said.

“What are you talking about?” Aeryn asked him, “You slept like a log.”

“Well you wouldn't let me help you with your little project,” Draco said, “What else was I suppose to do.”

“What little project?” Ron asked.

“It's nothing,” Aeryn said.

“Bull!” Draco told her.

“We've agreed to disagree on that subject.” Aeryn snapped at him, but then realized her tone, “It's my decision.” Aeryn made to leave; she halfway stood up when Harry caught her arm.

“You can talk to us, whatever's bugging you.” Harry told her.

“I know, but if I told you, you would stop me.” Aeryn told him. She stood up all the way but froze.

“What is it?” Draco asked.

“Did you not feel it? Magic just went by.” Everyone looked around the room. Then Aeryn suddenly fell as if someone had pulled a rug out from under her.

“Ow,” was all she said before some invisible force dragged her out of the room by her feet.

The `adults' didn't seemed to notice that anything was amiss so Harry and the others went after her, Draco in the lead.

“You do realize this is a trap.” Hermione said as they ran after Aeryn trying hard not to lose sight of her.

“So what are we suppose to do?” Harry asked.

“We spring the trap of course.” Draco replied.

After winding their way through hallway after hallway they finally arrived. Jade was standing looking smug, while Aeryn was struggling to her feet.

“Well, here we are at last. Though last time I checked you were dead.” Jade said. They were in a room none of them had ever seen before. It must have been another one of those ancient rooms where things like the big time tuner where kept. Here there was a mirror and it showed no reflection of any person in the room, just the room itself.

Suddenly the lights went out and the windows darkened. They all heard Jade laugh and then the lights went back on. Both Jade and Aeryn were sprawled across the floor.

“Are you ok? Draco asked Aeryn as he helped her up. She just nodded.

`Over here!' Harry heard coming towards Jade.

`You switched?' Harry asked trying not to give anything away.

`Get Draco away from her now!'

Harry moved towards Draco and quickly grabbed him and pulled him away from `Aeryn.'

“What are you…?”

“That's not her.” Harry told him, and as Jade was distracted with what Harry was telling Draco, Aeryn made her move, she set her plan into motion. She had made sure that mourning to wear something that hade a lot of pockets. There was one by her right shoulder and another by her left thigh that she paid close attention to as she had place two special vial filled with very dangerous substance. Now Jade was wearing those clothes. Aeryn removed the charm to make the vials unbreakable, and then she made them explode.

The screams that came from Jade where unbearable, as was the pain she was obviously feeling.

“Sorry, did that hurt?” Aeryn taunted her. Jade's skin seemed to be melting, “Flesh eating acid, my own special recipe just for you.” Then suddenly Aeryn was hit with a wave of pain herself. She then realized what Draco was trying to tell her the night before about revenge, it sure isn't what its all cracked up to be, especially with the ability to feel another's pain.

She turned her back on Jade in shame.

“So that was your little project,” Harry said barely above a whisper, “Revenge”.

“Didn't turn out quite like I planned.” Aeryn replied.

“I tried to tell you,” Draco said, “I wanted the same from my father.”

Aeryn smiled, “Thank you for not saying `I told you so' exactly.”

“You are weak and pathetic.” Came the hoarse voice of Jade. And before anyone could do anything at all, Jade lunged out at Aeryn and they went crashing through the mirror. Except they did just that, they actually went into the mirror. And what previously has no human reflections now shown Aeryn and Jade in the mirror.

Harry tried to follow but all he got was glass. “What is this thing?” Harry asked.

“I don't like this one bit.” Draco said.

“What did you do?” Aeryn screamed at Jade.

“This is the Mirror of Truth. This will solve all my problems. This body belongs to me.” Jade said.

“Your right,” Aeryn said, “But you also belong in your own time.”

“Well this not everything can be as it should.”

“I have one last thing to say to you. You were right about me invading and keeping your body, I shouldn't have been selfish, but like you I wanted to protect my existence. But that's not an issue anymore. When you killed me, I came back, from my own fiery grave. And you don't belong here.”

Jade's eyes widened at this and quickly tried to get out of the mirror, but all she got was glass.

“This is the Mirror of Truth, and the truth is Jade, you lose! Goodbye Jade.”

There was a blinding light and only one emerged from the mirror. Aeryn took a few steps and looked to the sky “A deal is a deal.” And dropped faint to the floor.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Students were sent home for Christmas holidays and the hospital wing population was thankfully one sole occupant. Madame Pomfrey could find nothing wrong with Aeryn. She was just sleeping.

They had told Dumbledore what Aeryn had said right before she went under. Dumbledore suspected that in order for Aeryn to come back from the dead she had to give up something.

It wasn't until four days after the New Year that Aeryn woke up. She woke up in the middle of the night. She had started to be a little freaked out because she had no idea were she was. She felt better when she saw Draco sleeping in one of the other beds. Aeryn quickly woke him up.

“Draco, wake up.”

“What?” was his groggy response, but quickly snapped awake, “Aeryn, you're awake.”

“What happened?” Aeryn asked.

“We are finally rid of Jade…” Draco started.

“Wait, who's Jade?” Aeryn asked confused.

“What do you mean? You don't remember?” Draco asked, Aeryn shock her head, “What's the last thing you remember.”

“There was a forest; Harry and I were on our way to kill Voldemort.” Aeryn answered.

“Aeryn, that was half a year ago.” Draco told her.

“Well did we succeed?” Aeryn asked.

Draco nodded, “Killed him right and proper.”

“Any casualties? Harry's ok right?” Aeryn asked.

“There was only one casualty,” Draco said, “You.”

“I've been dead half a year?”

Draco went on to explain all that has happened. And that was Aeryn's sacrifice. She unknowingly gave up half a year of her life and in the long run it was better this way, she would never remember the nightmare they all lived.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

15 years later

“Quiet, she'll hear us,” said one of the girls. She had wavy dark reddish brown hair.

“Well we shouldn't be out of bed in the first place.” Said the black haired girl.

“If you're so concerned Em,” said the sandy blonde haired boy, “Then go back to bed.”

“I'm not concerned,” Emily said, “I was just stating the obvious.”

“Emmy,” came a voice from behind them.

“Evan, go back to bed.” Emily told her five year old brother.

“I don't wanna,” the little boy wined.

“Evan, if you don't get back to bed RJ will turn you into a toad.” Emily told him. Evan looked to the other girl wide eyes and quickly retuned to his room.

“Em, why did you have to do that?”

“Well, it would have been an empty threat if I told him I would turn him into a toad.” Emily explained, “Mom told me if I ever used magic on Evan without a good reason I'd have to read from the encyclopedia again.”

“You know I'm starting to feel sorry for the teachers at school already.” The boy said.

“Jacen, we haven't even started school yet.” RJ said to him.

“Exactly,” Jacen said, “And we're most likely to get into the same house.”

“The two of you are still predetermined to cause trouble aren't you?” Emily said as she attempted to use one of her mother's disapproving looks.

“Just as you are predetermined to ruin our fun.” Jacen said.

“Practicing for Hogwarts I see,” came a voice from the shadows of the hallway.

The three children froze in place.

“The three of you should be in bed, asleep.” Aeryn said.

“Jace and I couldn't sleep Mum,” RJ explained.

“And naturally you woke Em up.” Aeryn said.

“We would never hear the end of it if we didn't.” Jacen said.

“Well, I just came to check on Isabel,” Aeryn said as she walked passed them, “I'm pretty sure I saw three mugs of hot chocolate sitting in the kitchen though.”

“Thanks Mum,” RJ and Jacen said in unison.

“Yeah, thanks Aunt Aeryn,” Em said as she followed after the twins.

When Aeryn came back from checking on her three year old, the other children where sitting in the kitchen.

“Daddy still working?” RJ asked.

“He should be home soon.” Aeryn replied.

“Why does Uncle Draco work so late?” Emily asked.

“It's too dangerous for Mum to work in the lab until she has the baby,” Jacen said.

“So Daddy stays late to make sure everything runs smoothly without her.” RJ finished.

“I hate it when you do that twin thing.” Emily said. The twins stuck there tongues out at Emily.

“Hey, none of that now.” Aeryn scolded them, “Now I heard you earlier about causing mischief at school. And I'll tell you this only once, I have no problem send howlers.”

“And you thought my Mom was bad.” Emily said.

“Now off to bed with the three of you, the train leaves at 11 sharp.” Aeryn said to them.

“Night Mum,” the twins said again in unison.

“Night Aunt Aeryn.” Emily said.

“Suck up,” Aeryn heard RJ say.

“Rylee Jade Malfoy, no name calling.”

It was an hour later that Draco came home.

“So, how's Hermione?” Aeryn asked.

“The question should be `how's Harry?'” Draco said, “We can surprise Emily with the news that she finally has a sister.”

“She'll love that, she and the twins where up not an hour ago.” Aeryn said.

“Sneaking around again?”

“They are going to drive their teachers' nuts.” Aeryn said.

“How are you doing?” Draco asked.

“Other than feeling like a beached whale, I'm fine.” Aeryn said as she rubbed her bulging belly.

“It'll be quieter with the twins gone.” Draco said to her.

“Ha, have you forgotten the holy terror that is Isabel?” Aeryn reminded him.

The next day Aeryn and Draco took the five children to St. Mungo's bright and early. Emily was so surprised to learn the real reason why she had to stay with her Aunt and Uncle.

But the family get together was short lived as two Malfoys and a Potter had to head for platform, their own adventure was about to start.

“Now you two behave your selves.” Draco told the twins as the train was about to leave.

The twins had one last request as they peered out the train window at their mother, father and little sister.

“Dad, one thing,” Jacen said.

“Keep Mum away from the Howlers.” RJ finished.

“We'll at least some good will come out their going to Hogwarts,” Aeryn said, “It will most likely get Snape to finally retire.”

~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Now the thing you have to understand is that after Atlantis was taken over and the school year ended, the ministries declared that having Atlantis as a school was not a good idea. The schools that were destroyed were rebuilt. Hogwarts was tricky though. The founders had used their own magic to create the school. It was recently discovered that they could use the magic that was left over and from the earth to restore Hogwarts to what it once was.

Atlantis was now one giant research facility, one that was funded by none other then the Malfoys. They research everything from potions to new charms. To create and evolve the use of magic. It soon became a family thing, because even Hermione started working there.

Aeryn and Draco had gotten married two years after graduating from school in 2000, Harry and Hermione a year after that in 2001.

Emily Lily Potter was born spring of 2002. Jacen and Rylee Jade `RJ' Malfoy were born Halloween of the same year.

Six years later Evan James Potter was born. Isabel Malfoy was born two years after that.

The day before the twins and Emily went to Hogwarts the Potters welcome their last bundle of joy, as Jane Rose Potter was born. A week before Christmas Julian Malfoy was born.

And they lived happily ever after, to the end of their days.

The End

Last Note: Thank you to all my readers and all my reviews. After about three year I have finally finished my story. It is a rare accomplishment for me, because I'm one of those writers that comes up with an idea and never quite sees it to the end. This is the first time I have finished a story. Ok, so it's a trilogy, but the other two left off with cliffies. This story is my pride and joy. You don't know how many possibilities went through my head about how all this would end. Hopefully I picked the right one.

I hope you read my other two stories, because I will sure try to work on them. `Everlasting Daystar' is my newest pride and joy and `When Fate Comes Knocking' has turned out to be quite a hit, (Although I haven't a clue as to what happens next, any suggestions?)

I will try to update on those stories when I can. Sadly I will not be continuing `The Greater Power of Three' but if anyone wants to use what I have and continue it, I would hate for it to disappear completely.

Well, Happy Reading (and Reviewing (please review!!))


Kayla aka Sk8erWitch
