Jessie's Great Day


Rating: PG13
Genres: Drama
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 22/08/2004
Last Updated: 22/08/2004
Status: Completed

After Hogwarts, after Voldemort they thought life might become easy but life never becomes easy. Being Parent himself Harry must learn to understand his pregnant wife and his daughter in the middle of teenager time. Having two girls can make life so much more difficult but to his luck he got his best friend Ron...

1. JGD

Author-note: I would like to thank Austenlover for her betaing. Nice job. The first time ever I try myself at a OC. The clue in this story is its only written as Dialog.

Jessie’s Great Day

“Today, today as the sun rose, started Jessie’s great day. Did you know, Kitty? Did you know today is my great day, Mummy said so. Dad said Uncle Ron and Aunt Luna’ll come today, and Josh and Chiara too. Oh, Kitty this will be such a great day for everyone.”


“Mummy is calling. Kitty you must go under my bed or else we have troubles! She didn’t allow to have you here at least not today.”

“Jessie, where are you?”

“I’m here, in my room, Mum.”

“Oh dear, Jessica. Honestly, didn’t I tell you to tidy up? Look at this mess, and in just a few minutes Josh and Chiara will be here. Where is your cat?”

“I don’t know.”

“Don’t lie, I’m not deaf, Jessica! I know she is here though I told you: First clean up your room then you can play with Kitty. Don’t you ever listen to me?”

“Oh, mum!”

“You’re a bit too firm, honey. Well, I expect Jessie’s room will be messed up again whenRon’s kids are here. There is no reason to clean up in the first place, since I doubt Josh and Chiara will be offended by this chaos. Just relax, Hermione.”

“You can easily talk, it was, after all, I who needed to do everything, like get rid of the hole in the roof. Harry, I told you before to stop teaching Jessica those blasting spells. I always have to clean up after you two.”

“Think about how it’ll be when little Luke joins us in a few months. You just need to take it easy. Just look – wow you’re all tensed up dear – let me deal with this party and you could –“

“Don’t touch me, Harry. After all, it’s your fault. Look at me! I’m all fat and round.”

“But you wanted it, too. You know there are two involved not just one, Hermione.”

“Just leave me ALONE!.”



“Did I do something wrong?”

“Oh no, Jessie. It’s not your fault, its mine. You’ll see, Mummy will be fine again, in no time.”

“You realise, you said that last week, too?”

“Eh, yeah, I did, didn’t I? Seriously, you scare me with this memorising of little things.”

“It’s you who keeps telling me I got it from Mum. Though, I hope I didn’t inherit her temper.”

“Sweetie, you know why Mum is like that. She is usually not that bad.”

“Today is my birthday, Dad! She could at least try to be nice. I – I don’t care if Mum and you are expecting another child. This day is my day and after all these months, I at least deserve it that Mum is only nice on this day .”

“Come on, don’t cry! You know she doesn’t meant it. Honey, you must understand –“

“No, I don’t need to understand! It’s my thirteenth birthday. After I spent Christmas away from home, she could at least give me just this one day. Just this day, Dad? Is it really to much to ask for?”

“Jessie, wait! Women! Why in the world am I cursed with two hormonal females?”

“Are you seriously asking this, Harry?”

“You’re bit early, Ron. What happened?”


“You say it as if it did explain everything, even that my best friend who usually comes a hour too late is over two hour’s too early?”

“Harry, you don’t understand, its an old custom to be early on a birthday.”

“So it’s not the hormones?”

“Well, Luna is bit different in this area. You know her hormones kick in every night, if you know what I mean.”

“Can we change the topic, please!”

“If you request it, mate.”

“Jessica reminds me more and more at a younger form of Hermione. Ah Harry, how are you? I hope you didn’t buy any hats?”

“I could swear Jessie had just the same black hair like Harry. Darling, are you sure you don’t mean Harry? That she reminds you of Harry?”

“From character, Ron. Just from character. You haven’t seen Hermione and Jessica yet, have you?”

“No, I hadn’t yet the pleasure to see my goddaughter and my best friend, why?”

“Would you mind telling me first why I shouldn’t have bought hats for the birthday party of my little girl, Luna?”

“You’re truly interested? Good, because Jessica told me she can’t stand hats, though they promise a good year. Hermione seemed to be rather tempered as I met her in the living room and Jessica didn’t want to stay in one room with her so she dragged the twins outdoors.

“Is that true, Harry? Don’t tell me Hermione and Jessica were fighting again? It’s her birthday, doesn’t Hermione realise what she does to her daughter?”

“Just drop it Ron, and you too Luna. It won’t change anything. Just luckily in a few weeks Hermione will be back to her normal self.”

“But the damage will already be done, Harry. Look, I know how it feels to be second best. If Jessie starts to feel like that regarding the baby, I’ll tell you things could turn pretty nasty.”

“Ron is right, Harry. You really should talk with Hermione.”

“Not you too, Luna. Listen, its not only Hermione’s fault. She is after all pregnant and its perfectly normal that she is moody and that’s fine. I’m sure Jessie knows her mother loves her. Can we please turn back to the birthday itself?”

“Sure if you say so. Luna and I won’t interfere. We just wanted to be your friends.”

“Its fine Ron. Its just— Hermione isn’t as bad as you make her.”

* * *
“I can’t eat any more, Hermione. Surely you have outdone yourself. I mean, and Luna will certainly agree, that this little birthday party is really overwhelming. If I just look at the decorations, it’s just wow. Too bad only we could come today, but Mum insisted it was better for you to have only a few visitors per day, so we split it up. Today Luna, the kids and I are here, tomorrow the rest of the Weasley clan.”

“Your mother is probably right. Well, its in honour of Jessie thather birthday lasts two days.”

“Mum, you know I didn’t ask for it.”

“Anyway, I guess its time for a little game. Harry, do you have the scarf?”

“Got it, Hermione. Will you explain the rules or should I?”

“Its fine, I’ll do it. This is a muggle game. You know something kids play in a kindergarten –“


“Yes, Ron, you know, where muggle kids go before they are old enough for school.”

“And we going to play such a game?”

“That was the original idea, Luna. Anyway the game is called The Blind Man’s Bluff.”

“Could we just start with it already?”

“No, Josh. Not before your aunt has explained the rules. After all it’s a muggle game and we, says you, your sister, your father and I need to know where we get into.”

“Can I now go on?”

“Just get over it, already, Mum.”

“Well, all right. Blindfold one player and spin them around 3 times. The blindfolded player tries to tag one of the other players, who may crouch low, sneak up behind the "blind man" and yell "Boo", or stand still and keep very quiet. Eventually though, someone will get careless and be tagged. That player is then blindfolded for the next game. That’s how it works, any questions?”

“Yes, do we really need to play it at all, Mum?”

“Of course we need to play it, Jessie! Your mother did everything to prepare so we’ll play it. After all its fun.”

“That is so typical for you, Dad. As usual. you take her side and agree to every stupid idea of hers. Did you even care and ask me if I want play such a game? Or if its my favourite game? No, you already decided over my head –“

“Stop it, Jessie. You’ve got no right to talk to your mother like that. You hear me? I won’t allow for you take this tone with her –“

“Harry, it’s all right. S-she is right I should have asked her. It’s my fault. Excuse me but you’re better without me.”

“Hermione, love don’t…go.”

“Harry, you better go after her. Every emotional stress is poison to her. You remember how it was last time, don’t you?”

“Of course I do, Ron. As if I could ever forget it how many hours I, we, worried about Jessie’s and Hermione’s health.”

“Don’t worry, Harry. We’ll have a little talk with Jessie, so you can speak to Hermione.”

“Thank you, Luna. You too, Ron.”

“Now to you, darling. I know its tough to see how your parents expect another child, but –”

“But what, Uncle Ron? Did your mother treat you like mine does?”

“I’m not talking about myself, Jessie. Look, Josh and Chiara are going through the same thing, if you haven’t noticed –“

“They don’t have to face a mother who is everyday mean to them and search for a reason to boss or nag them around.”

“Well, Hermione isn’t Luna. She can’t take it easy like you want her to.”

“Why not, Uncle Ron? Why not? She always has to take things so damn serious! It’s now worse than ever before. At least before she became pregnant she was fair to me and we had fun together, just like that but now I – I almost wish I were back at Hogwarts and didn’tneed to share a room with her .”

“Ron is right. I’m not like your mother, every woman handles or reacts different while she is pregnant, but with your mother, we have a special case. Her first pregnancy was rather tough. It wasn’t clear if she could get you at all. Hermione is probably one of the few women I would call strong headed, but at that time she wasn’t herself. Barely she had survived the war and heard you were on the way, as the healers told her she would lose you again if there were any stress in the following 9 months.”

“But Luna there isn’t any danger for my mum and Luke. There doesn’texist an excuse for this.”

“You’re wrong there my dear. Something like that affected your mother more as you want allow her. At this day, nearly 14 years ago, her fears were real, fears which followed her 9 months and ended with her risking her own life just to have you. Now, however, her fears exist only in her mind. Your mum is tense and tempered like that because she is awaiting a battle which might not even come.”

“You mean Hermione is actually afraid of a miscarriage though there don’t exist a real reason for such fears?”

“Ron, that’s exactly what I’m saying but don’t be mistaken, for Hermione this fear is very real. She is like a tiger ready to jump.”

“Excuse me, I have to find my Mum.”

“You know, Luna, I think you just sorted some things pretty well out.”

“Well, this is what friends are for.”

* * *

“Hermione, open the door, please?”

“Just leave me alone, Harry. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“You know, Jessie didn’t mean what she said, don’t you?”

“Oh, Harry, she meant it and after all that happened she had every right to react like that. This day is such a special day and all I do is to ruin it for her –“

“Don’t cry, love, I’m just glad to have you in my arms and not the door in front of me. Everything will be fine, I promise.“


“For what?”

“For the awful things I said to you its just…I’m so afraid that something could happen to our baby.”

“I know.”

“You have tears in your eyes, Harry.”

“I had feared to lose you and Jessie at that time and I would end up all alone. It’s just the thought, only the thought that makes me like this.”

“Me too, Harry.”

“Mum! I’m so sorry, can you forgive me?”

“Can you forgive me, Jessie?”

“Of course, I can and, Mum?”


“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Well, I love you both.”