Pieces of Us by Twitch E. Littleferret Rating: R Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 21/10/2004 Last Updated: 07/04/2005 Status: Completed After her not-so-ideal life falls apart, Hermione returns home to pick up the pieces and perhaps find another chance at happiness. 1. For the Best --------------- **Disclaimer:** The world of Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Let us all bow at her feet. ***Pieces of Us*** Chapter One: For the Best New Years Eve. I'm sitting on the sink with my feet resting on the lid of the toilet, gazing outside through a small window. The sky is gray and cloudy. It's going to snow. Seeing as I am dressed only in my underthings, I should be cold. But as I let the cold air pierce my body when I open the window, I feel nothing. For a split second, I think of making a run for it. But how can you explain a half naked lady running around in the middle of winter? You see, I left my clothes in the other room when I barricaded myself in the bathroom. The only other piece of clothing I have with me is my wedding dress. It's hanging next to the door. I love it. It's beautiful. It's everything I've ever dreamed I'd wear when I got married. My stomach gives a lurch and I face the open window again to breathe in the fresh air. Look at that, it's snowing outside. I take a moment to revel in the quiet waltz of the snowflakes. It is so peaceful. The harassers have left the room long ago. They probably went to get reinforcements. They really aren't harassers, it's just Ginny, Luna, Mrs. Weasley and my mother begging and pleading with me to come out of the bathroom. For crying out loud, can't a bride have a moment to herself before she walks down the aisle? I glance again at my wedding dress. Oh Merlin, help me. I fondle the pack of cigarettes in my hand. I picked it up on the way here, along with two pack of chewing gum. I've already gone through the gum. In fact, you could probably trace my steps from the store to the church just by following the wrappers. I pull out a cigarette and stare at it. I've never smoked before in my entire life but I'll try anything to calm my nerves right now. I'm desperate. I light it and take a drag. Almost immediately I start coughing. Ugh! It's horrible! How can people stand this? Maybe I'm doing this wrong? I try again and still have the same result. Knock. Knock. Knock. “Hermione, are you alright?” asks a voice from the other side of the door. “Yes! I'm (cough) fine! What (cough) do you want, Ron?” “I just want to talk.” Ah, the reinforcement has arrived. “I'm alone,” he stresses. I reach for my wand and unlock the door. He enters the bathroom, eyes the cigarette and gives me a condescending look as he shuts the door behind him. “You,” he begins as he walks over and plucks the cigarette from my fingers, “don't smoke.” He tosses the cigarette out of the window. “I was thinking of starting today,” I say. He gives me a stern look before his face softens again. “Why are you doing this, Hermione?” “I heard it relieves stress.” ”No, not this!” he says grabbing the pack out of my hands and tossing it out of the window. “This!” he exclaims, gesturing to my wedding dress. “What are you talking about?” ”Are you really going to go through with this?” “Ronald!” “I'm serious. I'm not going to let you go through with this. You don't love him, Hermione!” “Excuse me, but I *do* love him!” “Okay, fine, you do love him. But not enough to marry him.” “Who are you to tell me how I feel about someone?” “I'm your friend, and as your friend, and his, I'm telling you to call this thing off.” “Don't be ridiculous. This wedding isn't getting called off.” “This wedding was supposed to happen fifteen minutes ago, and the bride has locked herself in the bathroom.” ”I just needed some time to think.” I really don't want to be having this conversation right now. “You're right. You do need to think. Think about what you're doing. Stop this wedding. It's going to break his heart and yours, but I would rather you do it than spend the rest of your lives miserable.” I don't want to look at him. Instead my eyes wander until they land on my make up bag. A small package wrapped in silver is peeking out of it. I feel a knot in my chest. This is for the best. This is what we want. “Tell him--.” A commotion outside interrupts me. “Michael! Where on earth did you find those? You give them to me right this second!” A woman yells at her child who is holding, what suspiciously looks like a pack of cigarettes in his hand. “What have I told you about—Oh! Aunt Bea! You're on fire!” Exclamations run amok as an elderly lady's elegant hat starts to smolder. A man yanked it off her head, accidentally taking her wig along with it, and proceeded to stamp it on the ground. Ron and I, who where peering from above through the window, turned to each other and muffled our laughter. “It's alright, it's alright! It's out!” claimed the hat rescuer and he bent down to pick up the hat. “Look, a cigarette.” “Oh, shit!” Ron's and my laughter instantly died as we quickly shut the window. “Michael!” screamed the mother. “Just wait until your father hears about this!” “But I didn't do it mom,” protested little Michael. “Poor kid,” Ron said, then we both looked at each other and burst out laughing, “Go on, you need to get out of here so I can change,” I order. “What are you going to do?” I eye the silver package again. “Tell him…I'll see him at the altar.” Ron follows my line of sight. “Hermione, listen--,” he protests. “Goodbye Ron,” I say, shoving him out of the door. I walk over to my bag and pull out the silver wrapped box. The tag in front reads: *To: Hermione* *From: Harry* He gave it to me on Christmas. ******Flashback****** *“Oh, Harry! It's beautiful!”* *“I know you're supposed to have something old, something new, uh, you know, all that. Well I'm sure you have everything already, but I would be honored if you wore this as your something old.”* *“Something old?”* *“Look at the inscription on the back.”* *“'To my wife Lily. Love, your husband James.' Oh, Harry.” ”My dad gave it to my mum on their wedding day. I…uh…I want you to have it.”* *“Harry, I can't.”* *“Please. I can't think of anyone else worthy of this. Please, promise me you'll wear it?”* *“I promise.”* ******End of Flashback****** I clasp the necklace behind my neck. It's a silver heart shaped locket with a red ruby in the middle of it. Inside is a picture of Harry's parents on their wedding day on one side; a baby picture of Harry on the other. “It's what we want, right Harry?” I ask myself in the mirror. “Yes, it's for the best.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Yes, yes, everything is set. Start the processional music,” the wedding nazi -sorry- coordinator is speaking into her headphones. Ginny jumps out of her place in line and runs up to me. She really looks beautiful in her red dress. “You look absolutely beautiful, Hermione!” she exclaims. I hug her briefly before we pull apart, holding back our tears. “Good luck,” she says to me. For a moment, she looked as if she wanted to say more but the nazi, no *coordinator*, yanks her back in rank. “You look beautiful, sweetie,” my dad says to me. “Thank you, daddy.” Suddenly, I hear the wedding march play. Is it time already? I swallow nervously as the coordinator gives me last minute instructions, but the pounding of my heart is blocking her out. The doors swing open and a collective sigh is heard. I could swear in the rehearsal that the aisle was not 100 meters long, and just how many people did we invite? Oh, god. ALL EYES ARE ON ME. “Just keep smiling,” my dad mutters to me. It is a forced smile and I'm pretty sure I look like a deer in headlights. I see my mom smiling at me, dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. Ginny and Luna are at the altar smiling encouragingly at me. On the other side, I see Ron with the other groomsmen. He's smiling but it clearly isn't reaching his eyes, he actually looks a bit panicky. Why the hell is he panicky?! I'm the one getting married! In fact, I spot Sirius and Remus in the pews, they too are looking a little anxious and worried. They aren't helping things, so instead I focus on my groom who's smiling lovingly at me. *This is for the best. This is what we want.* I say this to myself silently over and over. And suddenly, it hits me just as I meet my groom at the altar. I quickly look around. Vaguely, I hear the priest in the background speaking about….something. With a slight look of panic in my eyes, I catch Ron's. The expression on his face says “Now do you get it?” *He* isn't here! Harry isn't here! Oh my god! Well of course he isn't here, he said he wouldn't be here. He made it very clear that he would not be here today. But reality hits me and I begin to panic. I'm turning to face my groom. Oh, what do I do? Why am I thinking about this now, on my wedding day, at the altar? Focus, focus, the priest is speaking to me. “…to have and to hold from this day forward?” From the corner of my eye I see Ron, Sirius and Remus lean forward in anticipation. I can feel their eyes burning into me. I look up at my groom. *This is for the best. This is what we want…right Harry?* --> 2. Secrets and Lies ------------------- **Chapter Two:** Secrets and Lies *Whose bed have your boots been under? And whose heart did you steal I wonder? This time did it feel like thunder, baby? And who did you run to? And whose lips have you been kissin? And whose well did you make a wish in? Is she the one that you've been missing', baby? Well whose bed have your boots been under?* *(Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?-written by Twain/Lange)* The sun rose over the quiet New England suburb, waking the residents inside the quaint homes that lined its streets. Sprinklers turned on to water the perfectly manicured lawns. Dogs barked and chased the paper boy who was riding his bike, making his rounds delivering the morning news. It was the ideal American suburb for the ideal American families that dwelled there. Well, almost ideal. One house on the block had a most unusual couple who lived there. Oh yes, to the neighbors they were the newlyweds who just moved here from London. Active in the neighborhood, friendly with the neighbors. He was a handsome young man, she was a stunning young woman, no children (the neighbors were hoping it would happen soon) but they had an over large sized cat. What made them different from the others was that they were magical. As in witches, wizards, wands and spells magical. This was the home of Oliver and Hermione Wood, and where our story begins. “Honey, where's the coffee?” Oliver yelled. “Cabinet to the right of the sink,” Hermione yelled back as she stood before the bathroom mirror fixing her hair. “I'm going to the store later today. The list is on the fridge, so add what you want,” she yelled down to her husband. She had taken great care with her hair and makeup today. She even spent an hour that morning putting together the perfect outfit. She looked great, smart and professional. Even Crookshanks gave a meow of approval. “Thank you, Crookshanks. I'm going to need all the luck I can get.” She walked into the kitchen to find her husband fixing a cup of coffee to go. She picked up the grocery list and scanned it. “Lucky Charms?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Good stuff,” Oliver replied, taste testing his coffee. “You'll rot your teeth,” she playfully scolded. “That's why I married you. My in-laws are dentists.” “You're incorrigible.” “No, I'm running late,” he said as he began to gather his things. “What time will you be home tonight?” ”I'm not sure. We have another late meeting tonight after practice.” “Another one? But that's the second one this week.” ”Well, you know, playoffs are coming,” he said as he zipped up his bag slowly. “Well, try not to come home too late.” “Of course not,” he said as he opened the door. “I'll see you later.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “This magazine is the number one selling magazine among witches in America,” said the venerable looking blond witch. She was an older witch, though you couldn't tell from the anti-aging spells she put herself through. Her bottle blond hair was impeccably done, her manicured nails neat and trim, and her makeup expertly done. This woman intimidated Hermione, though she didn't show it. “I realize that I haven't much experience writing for magazines and that my secondary education is incomplete…” Hermione offered. “You only had a year left of auror training?” the woman raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow at Hermione. “Well, yes, but I graduated at the top of my class at Hogwarts.” The woman politely closed the folder that held Hermione's resume and smiled sweetly at her. “Mrs. Wood, with your social status and the *connections* that you could bring to this magazine, I am sure that we could overlook a tiny thing like experience.” Hermione nodded politely but inside her heart sank. The woman stood up and Hermione followed suit. “We'll be sending our formal offer by owl later today,” she said politely shaking Hermione's hand. Hermione pushed the button, summoning the elevator. She couldn't believe it. It was always the same for every interview she went to. Her “social status” just meant that she was married to a famous Quidditch player. Her “connections” meant her association with an even more famous wizard named Harry Potter. Never mind the fact that she hadn't spoken to him in over two years. She jabbed the elevator button again and sighed. Still, maybe this job could be a foot in the door to bigger and better things, like National Wizard, a journal that discussed intelligent social and political issues. Yes, she could start here and write about everyday injustices of witches. Her eyes fell on a poster in the elevator lobby. It was a blow up of the front cover of the current issue of the magazine. The pretty blond witch with sparkling blue eyes smiled down at her. Below her in large black print was the heading: “**The Calorie Content of Potions: What they don't tell you**.” The one next to that read: “**How** **to Turn Your Wizard into** **a Dragon in Bed**.” The elevator doors opened. Well, she would try to make a difference here. The muggle cab she took smelled a little funny but she would tolerate it until it took her to a safe apparition point. “You're not from around here, are you?” “I'm sorry?” Hermione asked, startled out of her thoughts. “Your accent. England, right?” the driver asked. “Yes, yes that's right.” ”I knew it! I consider myself a sort of expert on these things. I can tell…” Hermione tuned the driver out as something else caught her eye. Oliver was standing on a street corner, leaning against a building. Perhaps she could surprise him and they could have a late lunch together. She opened her mouth to tell the driver to let her off here, since they had stopped at a light but she hesitated. A blond woman walked up to him. Hermione watched as her husband greeted the woman with a deep kiss. The ground fell beneath her and all the air left her lungs. “You alright, miss?” The driver asked as the light turned green. “You look a little pale.” “New England Rebels,” announced the perky witch on the other end of the floo network. “Oliver Wood, please,” Hermione said. “One moment, I'll connect you to his floo.” She still couldn't believe it. Maybe it was a mistake, just someone who looked like him. “I'm sorry,” the witch reappeared in front of her. “He's out all day for meetings.” Hermione pulled her head out of the fireplace and sat on the living room floor. Maybe he really is in meetings all day. Maybe she had imagined what she saw. Crookshanks crawled into her lap and she obliged him with a scratch behind his ears. She would just ask him when he got home tonight. “Funny thing happened today. I could've sworn I saw you snogging some blond.” But it nagged at her all day and evening. The thought just wouldn't go away. Curiosity finally got the best of her and she began to rummage through his things. After finding nothing in his clothes, she moved onto his bills and papers. Nothing. She didn't know if she was relieved or frustrated that she couldn't find anything. She laughed at herself and the over-active imagination of the housewife. Then it caught her eye. Oliver's bag still on the table. He was rushing out the door and probably forgot it. And she was too preoccupied with her upcoming interview that she didn't see it either. Heart pounding, she unzipped the bag. Slowly she emptied its contents. Nothing…nothing…nothing. She took out a small bag that held his hygiene products. Razor, cream, deodorant…condoms. Why did he have these? They didn't use them. They were trying to conceive. She looked back into the bag. A small crumpled piece of paper lay in the corner. Heart pounding, she picked it up and slowly began to straighten it. It was a muggle credit card receipt, dated two days ago, to an expensive muggle hotel. Rain poured down as she hailed a cab. She had apparated into the city only five minutes ago but she was drenched. She didn't bother bringing a jacket or umbrella. “Oliver Wood's room number please,” she asked the man behind the front desk when she arrived at the hotel. The man looked over Hermione's appearance with disdain on his face. “I'm afraid I can't give you that information. We protect our guests and respect their privacy from…*people* who just wander off the streets.” Hermione slammed her hands loudly on the counter, making the man jump, and leaned into him. “My husband is upstairs somewhere…fucking the brains out of some blond bimbo. You are going to give me his room number. NOW!” The man quickly began to type away. She walked down the hallway, room key in hand, heart pounding. Did she want to do this? Did she really want to know? Room 1667. She stopped outside of the door. She brought her hand up to insert the key card but noticed her hands were trembling badly. She paused and took a deep breath. Gryffindor bravery, summon it now. The lock gave a soft click and unlocked. She opened the door cautiously and stepped into a suite. Standing in the living room, her heart broke a little when she heard the moans of pleasure and the creaking of bedsprings coming from the next room. As she walked over to the door, part of her still wanted to believe that it wasn't her husband who was in the next room. Maybe one of his teammates is using his name. She quietly opened the door. Her long smooth legs were wrapped around his waist as he moved back and forth on top of her, once in awhile causing the headboard to bang against the wall. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy as they both moaned in pleasure. She opened her eyes and gasped. “Ollie! Oliver! Stop! Stop!” she told him. Oliver slowly stopped his thrusting and dazed asked her, “What? What's the matter?” He noticed that her eyes weren't on him and followed her line of sight. “OH SHIT!” He scrambled off her, covering himself with a sheet. “This isn't what it looks like,” he told his wife who was standing in the doorway. “You. Fucking. Bastard,” Hermione said quietly then stormed out of the room. “Hermione wait!” Oliver called out. He threw on some clothes and ran out after her. He caught up with her in the lobby of the hotel. He reached out to stop her. “Hermione, stop,” he pleaded but she yanked her arm away. “Don't touch me!” she hissed and kept walking. He ran ahead of her and stopped her in her tracks. “Would you please just listen to me? Let me explain--.” “Explain? EXPLAIN?! What you were doing upstairs with that woman needs no explanation!” She continued on her path but her grabbed her arm. “Let me go!” “Hermione…” “Don't touch me!” ”Let's just go somewhere and have a little chat…” “Fuck off!” “Stop it, Hermione. You're making a scene!” Indeed, hotel guests had stopped to watch the spectacle before them before continuing on with what they were doing. Hermione just stared at him, disbelieving. Suddenly, her fist flew out making contact with his face. “Fuck. You. Oliver!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron Weasley couldn't get comfortable in bed. His wife Luna had earlier that day decided she didn't like their pillows and bought new ones. He liked his old pillow, it had the indentation in it that perfectly fit his head. The new pillow was nice (he wasn't going to admit that to her) but breaking it in would take a couple of days of a sore neck. He rolled on his back and sighed. Thank god tomorrow was Saturday. They would be having a large family get together at the burrow. Ron and Luna Weasley lived in a small cottage next to the burrow. It wasn't anything special, but he built it, with help from a few friends, but he and Luna loved it. It was home. The sound of gravel and headlights brought him out of his thoughts of the food that was to be served later that day. Curious, he got out of the bed and peered out the window. Luna shortly joined him as the noise woke her. “Is that Ginny's car?” Luna asked sleepily. “Yeah, I wonder what--,” he was cut off when the passenger side door opened. Ron squinted his eyes then shook his head. It was Hermione, a very awful looking Hermione that looked like she'd been run over by a herd of hippogriffs. What the hell was she doing here at this time of night? Shouldn't she be in America? He had just spoken to her a couple of days ago and she hadn't mentioned anything about coming here, unless… “Oh, Merlin,” Luna sighed wearily. “I'm going to see what's going on,” Ron said and turned from the window. Luna put out a hand to stop him. “Not now, Ron. Talk to her in the morning.” --> 3. Rough Mornings ----------------- Chapter Three: Rough Mornings *Heartbreaker you've got the best of me But I just keep coming back incessantly Oh why did you have to* *run your game on me? I should've* *known right from the start You'd go and break my heart* *(Heartbreaker-Mariah Carey)* The tiny ringing of her cell phone brought Ginny Weasley out of her slumber. Blindly she fumbled around her nightstand until she found it. “Hullo?” she answered groggily. She parked her car in the parking lot of Heathrow. Now wide awake, she had thrown on jeans and a jumper, pulling her hair back in a ponytail and sped out the door. She leaned casually against a wall between two lifts and walked through. “Departures or arrivals?” asked the sleepy wizard behind a desk. “Arrivals, please.” The wizard pointed to the door on her left which she walked through. It was a long room, the farther half was lined with dozens of fireplaces with numbers above them in bright gold. Witches and wizards flooed in, then proceeded down the room, closest to the door which was lined with benches. This was a waiting area and where Ginny saw the lone figure of her friend, Hermione. She looked awful. Her hair was slightly damp and hung straggly around her face, ash from the floo clung to her damp clothing, her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying. Crookshanks was in a basket next to her and a small bag was on the floor at her feet. “I-I didn't know where else to go,” Hermione said weakly. “Shh, it's okay.” Ginny knelt in front of her friend. Hermione's face scrunched up and she began to cry. Ginny immediately hugged her friend. “She…she was blond, and…she was beautiful…” Hermione choked out through her tears. Ginny grimaced and sighed. Hermione paid no attention to the drive to the burrow. The image of her husband and that woman entangled in the most intimate way were burned into her mind. She leaned her head against the window watching the streets pass by. “Mum knows you're coming. She's not asking questions, she just wants you to come home,” Ginny said, breaking the silence. Hermione's parents were on vacation, taking a cruise of the Mediterranean. She didn't want to be alone in an empty house. Besides, she strangely wanted the comfort of the wizarding world, to be around people like her. The familiar silhouette of the Burrow came into view giving her an immediate sense of comfort. Opening the car door, she breathed in the familiar scents of summers spent here. Molly opened the front door for them, a robe covering her nightgown. As soon as she saw Molly, her tears came back and she collapsed into her motherly embrace. Molly held her tight and murmured words of comfort in her ear until Hermione's sobs subsided into small hiccups. “Drink this, dear,” Molly said gently, handing her a cup of tea. Hermione suspected that there was a little Dreamless Sleep in the tea as she settled down to sleep. She was in the extra bed she used to sleep in during her summer stays in Ginny's room. Ginny lay down on the bed next to hers. “You're okay now, Hermione,” Ginny soothed. “You're home.” Harry Potter lay in the bed pondering his next move. It wasn't like he hadn't done this before, he was practically a master escape artist. He lay on his side, the woman's slender arm draped over and in front of him as she cuddled him from behind. Very slowly, very gently, he lifted her arm up and away from him. She giggled softly. Shit, she was awake. Harry reached for his glasses on her nightstand then turned to face her. She lay on her side, elbow propped up on the pillow, her large blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “So it's true. You never stay longer than a night,” she bemused. “Er, well…,” Harry began to reply but she cut him off with her laugh. “Relax, Harry. I brought you here last night full aware of that,” she said as she pulled the sheet tight around her naked body. “Besides, I'm leaving soon and I have a boyfriend,” she said nonchalantly. “You what?!” “Oh, it's not like he's going to come walking through that door. We keep in touch by owl, I'll see him again in September. I just wanted to see what it was like with someone else. Don't get me wrong, I love Matthew, I'm going to marry him, but he's the only guy I've ever been with.” “Glad I could help,” Harry said, still slightly shocked by her revelation. “Well, I'm just being honest. We both only wanted a one night stand.” Harry gave a small nod of agreement. “Besides,” she continued as she ducked under the covers. “That thing you did with your tongue was absolutely amazing. Allow me to return the favor.” “That really isn't necessary,” he stammered as she placed herself between his thighs. “You…I…” But he lost his train of thought as soon as her tongue worked its magic. Sod it, one more time couldn't hurt. “Oh God, why did you stop?” Harry groaned but she shushed him her finger on his lips. They sat motionless, then… “Chelsea! We're home!” A voice called out. Chelsea's eyes got huge. “Oh shit! My parents are home!” “Parents!!?” Harry screeched as they scrambled away from each other. “They must have come home early for my birthday,” she said as she hung off the side of her bed, looking for something. “Aha!” she said as she found her wand and cast a locking charm on the door. “Thank God I can do magic outside of school now.” Harry fell off the bed. “Outside of school?!” Harry took a good look around her room. A Hogwarts trunk lay open in the corner, books and clothes spilling out of it. A school robe hung from the chair bearing the crest of… “Hufflepuff?” Harry asked, bewildered. “You still go to Hogwarts?” Footsteps could be heard outside, coming up the stairs. Chelsea was scrambling to put on her pajamas and threw Harry's clothes at him. “This year's my last year,” she said apologetically. “Oh, don't worry! I am of age!” she said quickly at the look of panic on Harry's face. “Last night was my birthday, my friends and I snuck into the club. That's where I met you and well, here we are.” “Chelsea, are you awake?” came the voice of her father on the other side of the door. “Hang on a minute dad, I'm looking for my wand so I can unlock the door,” Chelsea called back then she whispered to Harry. “Climb out of the window, no one will see you.” “What? Are you crazy?! Why don't I just apparate?” Harry whispered back. “No! My parents will hear you!” She opened her window and nearly pushed Harry out of it. He landed with a thud in the bushes below, his clothes followed shortly. Feeling very exposed in his natural state, Harry took his clothes and ran across the lawn to find cover to apparate. Unfortunately for him, the sprinklers were timed to go off at that moment, attacking Harry with sprays of water. Cold water. He finally made it to the back of the garden shed, his body and clothes dripping wet. “She did *not* look seventeen,” Harry muttered to himself as he dressed. He made a mental note to check the age of every woman he would meet. Was there a charm for that? Well, there should be. He disapparated with a loud crack and appeared at his front door. Leaning against it, half-dressed, he began to put on his pants. He had managed to get one leg through before the door suddenly swung open. Harry lost his balance and landed with a thud on his back. His godfather stared curiously down at him, stepped over him to grab the Daily Prophet and then stepped back inside. “Rough morning?” he asked, one eyebrow raised. --> 4. End of Innocence ------------------- **Chapter Four:** End of Innocence *One fine day You'll look at me And you will know our love was Meant to be One fine day You're gonna want me for your girl The arms I long for Will open wide And you'll be proud to have me By your side One fine day You're gonna want me for your girl* *~One Fine Day sung by Natalie Merchant, the Chiffons and countless others* *(**Summer before the seventh year**)* The wafts of summer air and excitement flooded Hermione as she stepped out of the fireplace. “Oh, you're here! You're here!” Ginny leaped on her in excitement. Hermione squealed back. Mrs. Weasley came around the corner. “Oh, Hermione, so glad you could make it!” she said as she gathered her in a motherly hug. Ginny and Hermione quickly ran up the stairs to put her trunk away, jabbering excitedly away about their summers so far. “Where is everyone?” Hermione asked as she put away her clothes. “They're all outside. Harry and Ron started up a game of Quidditch,” Ginny answered. “Harry's here?” she asked, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach. She had been in love with her best friend since their first year at Hogwarts. She also lacked the courage to do anything about it. But this year was going to be different, she could just feel it. This year she would tell him and pray that it wouldn't destroy their friendship. “Sirius brought him over earlier today,” Ginny said, bringing Hermione out of her thoughts. “Unfortunately, Lavender is here, too.” ”Lavender? Why is she here?” Hermione asked. “Oh that's right, you haven't heard. You've been away most of the summer,” Ginny's voice became a little edgier. “Lavender and Harry are an item now. Got together over the summer sometime.” Hermione, who was in the process of putting her hair in a ponytail, gave a slight pause, an action that did not go unnoticed by her friend. “Well, that explains the extra bed in the room,” Hermione said in a voice she prayed was neutral. “It's been a complete nightmare having her here.” Ginny lowered her voice, “she talks non-stop, she hogs the bathroom, she spends her free time following Harry around like a lost puppy.” She rolled her eyes. Hermione didn't know what to feel as they headed downstairs to join the others outside. It was a mixture of nervous anticipation at seeing her best friends, mixed with dread at seeing a certain friend's girlfriend. Harry, Ron and the twins were up in the air, tossing the quaffle to one another, showing off new turns and dives. Upon seeing the two girls, Harry immediately stopped mid-dive and gave a huge grin. “Hermione!” he shouted. Just then the quaffle, thrown by one of the twins, hit Harry on the back of the head. Loud snickers could be heard as they made their way back to the ground. Ron reached her first. “Decided to come back after all,” he said as he gave her a hug. “Well, someone has to keep you from failing your classes,” she smiled back. Ron was shoved out of the way by Harry who picked her up hugging her and swinging her around. She couldn't help but smile at seeing her best friends. “Actually, I think she came back to keep us out of trouble,” he grinned and Hermione laughed. “Oh Harry, is your head alright?” she asked. “With a noggin of stone, I'm sure he's fine,” said Fred. “You should worry about the poor quaffle,” chimed George. “Hermione, how good is it to see you,” said an all too familiar voice. Lavender stepped out from behind Fred to join the group. Hermione just realized she was still in Harry's arms and quickly stepped away from him to greet her dormmate. “Hello Lavender, it's nice to see you,” she said pleasantly. “We were wondering when you'd arrive,” Lavender said as she weaved her arm through Harry's. Turns out, the three girls would be sharing Ginny's room for a couple of days. Harry's godfather, Sirius, had tickets for a Quidditch match the next day; Puddlemere United vs. Wimbourne Wasps. For now though, Hermione had to get through dinner without tossing up her food at the sight of Lavender and Harry. She clung to him and stared at him with puppy dog eyes. Worst of all, Harry seemed to be enjoying this. “Luna's invited us all to a party at her house tonight,” Ginny announced. Hermione sensed Ron slouch slightly next to her. She caught Harry's eye and they both grinned. “Loony Love…?” Lavender asked. “Luna,” Ginny corrected her. “There are mostly going to be Gryffindors and Ravenclaws there.” “Sounds like fun,” Harry said. “I want you lot back at a reasonable hour,” Mrs. Weasley said sternly. “Oh, ease off a little, Molly,” Arthur soothed. “It's the summer before their last year. I'm sure they're entitled to a little fun.” Hermione felt really plain her jeans and white shirt next to Ginny who wore a denim skirt and red halter top. Harry and Ron wore jeans and t-shirts that seemed to emphasize how much they'd matured over the summer. Lavender came running down the stairs wearing a, what else, lavender spaghetti-strapped dress. “Wow! You look great!” Harry beamed. Hermione thought the dress was a little short. The party was actually a lot of fun. It seemed all of the sixth and seventh year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were there, as well as a few other students from the other houses. Cho Chang was there, glaring at Lavender, she had never really gotten over Harry. In fact, it gave Hermione a small amount of satisfaction that she wasn't the only one not to pleased with the couple as Lavender was drawing a lot of scathing looks. Several butterbeers later, the trio sat on a couch, observing their fellow partygoers. “This year's going to be great, isn't it?” Hermione tried to make small talk. “Yeah, we're going to have so much fun,” Harry replied. “Cheers,” added Ron and they clinked their bottles together. Harry hesitated in taking a drink as something, or rather someone, caught his eye. Hermione followed his line of sight to his girlfriend, who was currently dancing with Parvati in what she perceived was in a rather inappropriate way. “And I'm really looking forward to the Quidditch match tomorrow,” she added, trying to catch Harry's attention. But his eyes grew darker with an intense look that she thought he reserved only for the snitch. “Hello Ronald,” came Luna's dreamy voice. “I'm so glad you came to my party.” Ron nearly choked on his butterbeer, then frantically began to search for an escape. “Excuse me,” Harry said blankly as he got off the couch to join Lavender on the dance floor. Ginny plopped down in his place. “Shall we dance?” she asked. “Oh no, I'm not a dancer. I can't dance,” Hermione said quickly. “Have no fear,” Ginny said coyly then drew her hands from behind her. “Firewhiskey is here!” Hermione's eyes widened and she quickly hid the bottle. “Where did you get this?!” Ginny laughed. “Relax, Hermione,” she said as she grabbed Hermione's bottle of butterbeer and poured some of the alcohol in it. “Now…have a drink.” ”Are you crazy? I can't have a drink, I'm Head—“ but Ginny cut her off. “You can't use the Head Girl excuse. Number one, we aren't in school. Number two, Head Boy Harry and Ron have already indulged themselves.” Hermione just stared at her appalled. “Come on, Hermione, have some fun for once. Let your hair down.” Hermione stared at the bottle Ginny was offering then looked up at her and grinned. Turns out, dancing isn't half as bad as you think when you've had several bottles of spiked butterbeer in your system. Hermione's bad mood dissipated as she danced with Ginny. Neville and Seamus had even asked her to dance, even Ron showed off some moves. She even got to know some people from other houses. She was having a great time dancing with Terry Boot from Ravenclaw when he suddenly lurched forward, spilling his drink on her. Harry had accidentally bumped into him as he was making his way through the crowd. After a while, and a few more drinks, she began to get a little disoriented. She needed to get to a bathroom and splash some water on her face. She was refusing to admit that she was a little tipsy…okay more than a little tipsy. She had already forgotten the directions Luna had given her to find the bathroom. She faced a long corridor, lined with closed doors. Was it the third on the left or the right? Was it even the third door? “Room's taken!” shouted a voice when she opened a door. “Sorry! Sorry,” Hermione mumbled as she quickly closed it. She had similar luck with the next door as well. She opened a third door, let out a gasp and quickly closed it. She leaned against the door a moment, a hand covering her mouth as she stood there in shock. She had found the bathroom. Problem was that it was currently occupied by a topless Lavender sitting on a sink with her legs wrapped around a certain raven haired friend, whose hand was up her skirt. They didn't see her, thank Merlin. But her mood quickly darkened. She walked back into the party, taking a bottle of Firewhiskey from a passed out partygoer on the couch. She didn't bother mixing it with butterbeer as she took a swig, she didn't even feel it burn down her throat. She walked outside. He would never see her as more than a friend, he would never look at her the way he looked at Lavender, he would never touch her the way he was touching Lavender. She caught a reflection of herself in the glass of the greenhouse and let out a little laugh. Would anyone? “Hermione are you okay?” someone asked. She turned to face Neville and stumbled. “I'm okay, just a little tipsy.” “Aren't we all?” Neville said and took the bottle from Hermione to take a drink. “Hey what happened to your shirt?” Hermione looked down at the stain. “Oh, I got butterbeer spilt on me.” Then she let out a laugh because it seemed so funny for some reason. Neville took another drink then his eyes lit up. “Hey! You should wash it!” “Wash it?” Hermione giggled. “Where?” “I AM A GRYFFINDOR GOD!!” Neville yelled at the top of his lungs. Hermione and Neville swayed precariously at the edge of the roof of the Lovegood Manor. Shouts of surprise and egging on came from the crowd below. Hermione was too drunk to remember that she hated heights. “Oh my God!” “Do it Neville!!!” “Somebody find Harry! Where's Ron?” “Hermione! What the hell are you doing up there?” Ginny shouted. “I need to wash my shirt!” she shouted back. “What on Earth is she talking about?” “Isn't she Head Girl?” “Don't worry, they won't jump. Neville doesn't have the balls and she won't break any rules.” Up on the roof, Neville turned to Hermione. “You know, I'm sick and tired of everyone thinking I'm a coward.” “I can break rules. I've broken lots of rules,” Hermione muttered. “We should turn around and walk back,” Neville said quietly. They both turned and walked away from the edge. “It would give us a good running start,” Hermione said. Neville grinned and grabbed her hand. Oh the rush you get for that split second when you're weightless in the air before gravity gets a hold of you. Then you plummet to the ground, freefalling before the cold sensation of water overloads your already maxed out senses. They had jumped into the swimming pool below. Hermione let herself sink to the bottom, listening to the muffled cheers and shouts of the crowd above, the muffled booms of others joining you in the water. She watched the trail of little air bubbles make their way to the surface. She was in her own little planet, her own zen for a few moments before she felt arms wrap around her and bring her to the surface. She was a new person. She left the old Hermione at the bottom of the pool. “I cannot believe you fucking bloody did that,” said a familiar voice. It wasn't angry but amused. She opened up her eyes to look into his brown ones, red hair plastered to his head. “Nice hair,” she said. “You're one to talk. You know, that was quite dangerous Miss Granger.” He hadn't let go of her, she was still in his arms. “Well, there is a correlation between the amount of alcohol in your system and your fears diminishing.” “And how much alcohol have we had?” Ron asked. Hermione grinned and placed her forehead to his. “Entirely way too much. You?” “Fucking pissed,” he laughed. “Ow!” Hermione exclaimed suddenly. She and Ron had drifted to the edge of the pool where she hit her head. Ron reached out and grabbed the ledge, keeping one arm around her waist. Their faces were centimeters apart as they looked into each others eyes. Suddenly he moved away from her, breaking eye contact. “I should get Harry,” he said quietly. “No, I don't want Harry.” It was a loaded statement. She realized it the moment it slipped from her lips, she realized that at that moment it was true. She didn't want Harry. She wanted Ron to look at her like that again. It stirred something within her, made her feel beautiful and desired. He looked at her the way Harry looked at Lavender tonight, the “snitch” look. Ron slowly looked back at her, catching her stare for a moment. He looked away again, disappointment filled Hermione. “Let's get you out of the pool, it's time we headed home anyway,” he said as he hoisted himself out of the pool. Hermione shied away from his outstretch hand. “Um, Ron, I don't think that would be a good idea.” He looked at her puzzled. “I'm wearing a white shirt,” she whispered to him. “So?” Hermione rolled her eyes, then looked around her before briefly lifting herself out of the water, then quickly back down. “Oh!” Ron exclaimed as he blushed. “Are you alright? Are you cold or anything?” Ron asked. He had managed to find her a blanket to wrap herself in as they made their way back to the burrow. It was only the two of them stumbling along the path, still inebriated. “I'm fine, Ron,” she answered. She was getting tired of walking, the burrow seemed a lot farther away than earlier. Finally, it came into view but Ron suddenly stopped. Hermione nearly walked into him. “What's the matter?” she asked. “What is it?” He didn't answer her. He just turned around, cradled her head and kissed her. Kissed her long and good. She gladly responded, parting her lips to let him in. “I don't want to go home yet,” he whispered to her. “Then don't,” she replied. He kissed her harder, pushing them backwards until she hit a wall. Ron fumbled with a door before pulling them into the garage. The Anglia had been replaced with another muggle vehicle that she didn't really care at the moment to find out which. She opened the door then pulled Ron into the backseat with her. His kisses and touches were awakening feelings inside her that she thought she never had. It was like another adrenaline rush, she wanted to lose herself in the moment. She shut her eyes at the pain as he broke through her barrier and winced as he moved within her. She opened her eyes and stared over his shoulder at the car's ceiling. Had other girls stared at that same spot as they gave themselves away? How many hormonal teenagers fooled around in the backseat of this car? She let out a gasp as a new feeling struck her, a small flame of pleasure igniting within her. But with a groan, Ron stopped moving before the flame could get any bigger. She and Ron kissed some more before he pulled out of her, rolling her on top of him and wrapping the blanket around them. She could hear his heart slow down from its frantic rhythm and the crickets chirping away in the night. *(**Present Day**)* That was her last summer at the Burrow. The end of innocence she called it. She stared at the ceiling above her listening to the birds chirping outside. Ginny had awoken before her and was probably downstairs discussing the current disaster that her life was in right now. But as soon as she thought that, she heard hurried footsteps coming up the stairs. “Hermione,” Ginny came charging into the room. “Oh good, you're awake. You've got about thirty seconds to pull yourself together.” “What?” Hermione asked as she jumped out of bed and to the window. Ron Weasley was making his way toward the house. “Oh, shit!” “Mum's made some breakfast to try and head him off. Hurry up and get ready!” Ron woke up earlier than usual for a Saturday, but seeing as he didn't get much sleep after seeing Hermione arrive it was no big feat. He walked into the kitchen, the smell of sausages tempting his stomach and threatening to derail his purpose of arriving here. “Good morning, Ron! Care for a bit of breakfast?” his mother asked cheerfully. “Where is she?” he asked. “Where's who?” Ginny asked innocently as she sipped a cup of coffee. “Don't play innocent with me. I saw her arrive last night looking like she had been through a war zone.” “What are you talking about Ron?” Ginny smiled. “It's okay, Ginny. I'm fine,” Hermione said as she stood on the bottom steps of the stairwell. She had tried her best to look a little decent, even though she was still in her pajamas. “Merlin, what happened to you?” Ron asked incredulously at her appearance. “Can we talk upstairs?” she gestured. Luna Weasley flooed out of the fireplace at the burrow dusting herself off as she entered the kitchen. Molly and Ginny were sitting at the table, not really drinking their coffee, but listening to the muffled shouts above them. “I take it Ronald is here?” she asked and they nodded. “Had to go into the office early this morning to do some damage control,” she said as she filled up a cup and joined them. “Daily Prophet's already got it on the front page. Damn Rita Skeeter.” “It's already in the paper?” Molly gasped. “Nice big headline: Trouble in Paradise; complete with a large photo of Hermione and Oliver in the lobby of some hotel. That woman really has it in for her. Made her out to be a total raving lunatic that attacked her husband and Oliver the poor husband who was unloved my his cold unfeeling wife.” “Oh dear,” Molly said. “Please tell me the Quibbler isn't printing the same story,” Ginny groaned. “Almost. That's why I went in early, so I could stop that article from printing. Father said it was big news and that to compete, we had to print this story. So I quickly typed up a new one, the truth, more likely,” she explained as she pulled out the paper from her robes and handing it to Molly and Ginny. In giant print, the headline read: CHEATER!!! “Oh what was Oliver thinking?” Molly sighed. “Probably the same thing he was thinking with,” Ginny answered wryly. Luna grinned. More shouts could be heard from above and Ginny put her cup down. “I think she's had enough,” she declared as she and Luna walked up the stairs. **A/N:** Borrowed a couple of scenes from some of my favorite movies for this chapter. Review away!!! --> 5. Alternate Universe --------------------- Chapter 5: Alternate Universe Sun is shinin' in the sky There ain't a cloud in sight It's stopped rainin' ev'rybody's in a play And don't you know It's a beautiful new day hey,hey Runnin' down the avenue See how the sun shines brightly in the city On the streets where once was pity Mister blue sky is living here today hey, hey *(Mr. Blue Sky-Electric Light Orchestra)* Harry walked into his room after his shower to find an owl he didn't recognize on his bed holding a note. He had slept in a little more after he had gotten home and finally woke up around eleven. He gave the owl a treat before it left the room leaving the note behind. Only a few select people had the password to deliver owls to him, for privacy purposes of course, so it was a surprise to read who the note was from. *Harry,* *Meet me at McCullough's at 1pm. Please come.* *Oliver* What in the hell? What was Oliver doing here in London and why does he want to talk to him? He hadn't spoken to Oliver in well over two years. He contemplated this further as he walked downstairs a few minutes later. He heard voices coming from the living room, Sirius and Lupin in deep discussion. “…nothing here. Not a word or anything,” he heard his godfather say. “I've been trying to reach Molly, but her floo is blo—Hello there Harry!” Lupin said cheerfully, his head peering at him from the fireplace. “Hello,” Harry answered politely, suspicious of the men's behavior. He walked into the kitchen to find something to eat. “I'll talk to you later and let you know if I hear anything,” he heard Sirius say. “Same here,” Lupin answered. “What's that all about,” Harry asked when Sirius entered the kitchen. Harry sniffed out a muffin to see if it might be edible. “Nothing important,” Sirius said dismissively. “You look better than you did this morning,” he teased. Deciding the muffin was questionable, Harry threw it away making a big **CLUNK!** sound as it landed in the bin. It was a hazard of living the bachelor life with his godfather, the food was always questionable in edibility. “Don't want to talk about it,” Harry muttered as he searched the cabinet for a mug instead. “Don't you ever get tired of it?” Sirius asked, sitting down at the table. “Tired of what?” Harry sniffed the coffee pot, shrugged and poured himself a cup. “Don't you get tired of waking up in a strange bed, a strange room, a different woman each time?” Harry eyed his godfather carefully. His love life was not a topic he was comfortable discussing with anyone. “I mean I've never met any one of them, you never bring them here,” Sirius continued. “Have you even been out with one longer than a night?” “I really don't want to talk about this,” Harry said, taking a sip of the coffee. “A relationship with someone is not that bad, it can be quite nice,” his godfather teased. “Do you have the paper?” Harry asked, changing the subject. “Er…I'm not done reading it.” “I'm going to get something to eat,” Harry said as he dumped the rest of the coffee in the sink. “I'll be back later.” “Don't forget about dinner at the burrow tonight.” “Me? Miss a home cooked meal?” Harry grinned then walked out the door. Walking down Diagon Alley was a bizarre experience. He was used to people gawking and staring at him but he found that he wasn't bothered once for an autograph or a picture. People were sitting down quietly reading the paper. Even when he passed by Aphrodite's Beauty Parlor, the women inside were completely engrossed in the paper or a magazine, gossiping away excitedly. He walked into the twins' joke shop to find them behind the counter huddled over a paper. “Bit quiet in here isn't it?” Harry asked. “Hello there Harry!” the twins shot up and smiled. Fred tossed the paper behind him. “Come to check out your investment?” George asked. After an hour in the more than usual bizarre behavior of the twins going over earnings, losses, market research and product development, Harry was completely famished. He headed back to the Leaky Cauldron for a bite, ordering a large sandwich and chips then sat in a corner table. Starving he dove into his meal stopping only when the occupant in the next table left. The paper was on the table. Curiosity getting the best of him, he reached over and nicked it. He unfolded the paper and took a swig of his drink. **Phllft!!!** Harry sprayed the front page with pumpkin juice then coughed a few times. Right there on the front page was a picture of Hermione and Oliver with the headline “**Trouble in Paradise**”. Harry forgot his food as he read the article. McCullough's was a muggle pub that Harry and his friends used to go to when they didn't want to be harassed by other wizards. It was nothing special, just had great pints and played football continuously on the television. Harry was just about to open the door when he heard his name called from across the street. “Harry!” Oliver yelled as he ran over. “Thank you for meeting me here. I didn't think—OW!” Harry had punched him hard in the face. “What the fuck, Oliver?” Harry seethed over the sprawled form of Oliver Wood. “It's in all the fucking papers and Witch Weekly!” “I know, I found out this morning,” Oliver said clutching his bleeding nose. “You think I wanted this? I had no idea how anyone found out.” “Is it true?” Harry asked angrily. Oliver just hung his head and sighed. “Bloody fucking hell,” Harry groaned. “Look, can we talk inside…Please?” Oliver asked. “How is she?” Oliver asked after they ordered their pints. “How the hell would I know?” Harry answered bluntly. “You mean she hasn't been to see you?” “Why would she come to me?” “Well, I figured,” Oliver paused then changed direction. “Sorry, I just assumed she…” Harry didn't say anything, just took a slow sip of ale. “She's not at her parent's house, you haven't seen her, where else could she…wait, is she at the burrow?” Harry took a sip and didn't answer. He was thinking back to Sirius' and Remus' mysterious conversation earlier this morning. “If she is,” he began slowly. “I don't think it would be a good idea for you to go over there. Molly is there, I assume Ginny might be too, as well as Ron.” “God, this is awkward, what with the deal with Ron and everything. I doubt she'll take any of my owls,” Oliver said glumly. “Would you talk to her for me? Convince her to see me?” “I don't think so,” Harry replied. He fiddled with the coaster on the table, he could feel Oliver's questioning gaze on him. He sighed. “I haven't spoken to Hermione in over two years,” he said quietly. Oliver looked away, an awkward silence falling between them. “Can I ask you something, Oliver?” Harry spoke up. “Why did you ask to see me?” Oliver took out his billfold to pay for their drinks. “Honestly?” he replied. “I thought she would go running to you.” Harry didn't answer; he just continued to fiddle with the coaster. Oliver continued, “You know, to--.” “No, I get it,” Harry cut him off. “Yeah, well, I guess things really do change, huh?” Oliver said vacantly as he got up out of his seat. “What a prick,” Harry muttered to himself when he left. He lifted the pint to his lips in deep thought. He thought of his past. He thought of that fateful day so many years ago… *(Summer before seventh year)* “Come on! Would you guys hurry up?” Ron shouted back at the girls who were lagging behind. Harry and Ron had taken off ahead of the group as soon as the Quidditch pitch came into view. They raced each other up the stairs and into the top box where their seats were reserved. “These seats are great!” Harry exclaimed. “They really are unbelievable! Thanks Sirius,” Ron said when the others had joined them. “We made it just in time to!” Sirius said as the announcer began to announce the teams. Lavender sat down next to Harry and he put his arm around her shoulder. Ron sat next to him, Hermione, Ginny and Sirius sat directly behind them. “I really don't know all the Quidditch maneuvers, could you explain them to me Harry?” Lavender cooed. Harry could hear a cluck of disapproval from behind him but he ignored it and went on explaining things to his girlfriend. Things had been going great with Lavender so far, they had hooked up at the end of last year and really stepped up their relationship over the summer. He thought he was super stealthy in keeping his rendezvous with Lavender a secret, but he knew his cover was blown when his godfather cornered him one afternoon to give him the dreaded TALK. It was too late by then, the status of his virginity had already gone from thriving to non-existent. Sirius had lectured him to be respectful to women and Harry right now was downright worshipping the female form. He grinned at the thought of last night's party…yeah, bathrooms could be fun. How many bathrooms did Hogwarts have? The gang stomped and cheered when Puddlemere's seeker caught the snitch, ending the game 350 to 140. “Harry!” called out a voice in surprise. Oliver Wood, Puddlemere's keeper flew up to the box. “Harry, it's good to see you! How have you been?” “I've been doing alright. Great game you played,” Harry answered. “Thanks! Listen, would you and your friends like to meet the team?” Harry hated big crowds, people gawking at him, and he especially hated reporters. He was therefore very thankful that the Puddlemere clubhouse was devoid of this. Well almost, the select few guests and the players did give a brief pause when Harry and his friends walked in. Oliver was most gracious however. “Glad you guys could make it!” Oliver greeted them. He, like the other players, had changed out of their uniforms and were celebrating their win with friends and family. He introduced the members of his team, Harry and Ron a little star struck at meeting the subjects of their posters in person, they in turn a little star struck to have Harry Potter in their clubhouse. “So, who'd you bring with you?” Oliver asked when he was done with his introductions. “Oh, right! This is my Godfather Sirius, and you remember my friend Ron, Fred and George's little brother. And this is Hermione, she--,” but he was cut off by Oliver who suddenly had a strange expression come over his face. “You're the one who came up with that brilliant charm to keep the rain away from Harry's glasses,” he said. For a moment, Hermione looked too shocked to answer but she quickly recovered. “Yes, that's right. I can't believe you remember that. That was ages ago!” “Has it really been that long?” Oliver said vacantly. “And this is Ginny,” Harry continued. For some odd reason, the look on Oliver's face began to annoy him. “And Lavender,” Harry finished. “Harry's girlfriend,” Lavender volunteered but Oliver merely greeted the rest with a nod and turned back to Hermione. “Where did you learn that?” he asked her. “Oh, well I…,” she began but Harry didn't hear the rest of the conversation as Puddlemere's seeker sought him out. Harry was having a great time talking to the players and he couldn't wait to get back home and try out some of the moves he had seen today. He had almost forgotten about Oliver until he looked across the room and saw that he was *still* talking to Hermione. What on earth could they be conversing about? He eats, breathes and sleeps Quidditch, and she really didn't have a clue about the sport. Wait a minute…did she just blush? Harry walked over to investigate. “So with N.E.W.T.s coming up, I just don't know what I'll do,” she was saying. “There's really nothing to be afraid of. If you would like, I could fly you around the pitch. Then after that, we have some extra broomsticks you could practice on,” Oliver offered. “Wow, thanks. That's really nice of you, I—“ “She hates to fly,” Harry said in a voice that was a bit edgier than he meant. He had come up behind Hermione and had startled her with his comment that her drink that she had been holding ended up on Oliver's shirt. “Oh my God! I'm so sorry!” she exclaimed. “That's okay,” Oliver smiled as he grabbed some napkins nearby and began to wipe his shirt. “Oh, here, let me help,” Hermione offered frantically. “I think he can handle it, Hermione,” Harry interjected. But with a flick of her wrist, her intent to help Oliver clean his shirt made the entire thing disappear. Hermione's eyes grew as big a saucers and her face turned scarlet as she covered her mouth. For a second, Oliver and Harry stood there in shock before Oliver began to laugh. Catcalls and teasing came from his fellow teammates. Hermione didn't say a thing, she just turned around and fled the room. Sirius walked up to the two of them. “Yeah, well, I think it's time we headed out anyway,” Sirius said diplomatically as Harry transfigured a nearby napkin into a shirt. “Right, well it was great catching up with you,” Oliver replied as he took the shirt from Harry. “Thank you for letting us join you here. We all had a great time,” Sirius said as he shook Oliver's hand. “Hey, Harry, could I have a moment?” Oliver asked, stopping Harry from leaving the room with the others. “Could you give this to Hermione for me?” he asked handing Harry a piece of paper. “It's my address so she can owl me,” he explained. “Sure,” Harry said casually. “Thanks mate.” Oliver smiled and waved Harry goodbye as he left the room. He put on the shirt but stopped suddenly. Harry had made the shirt too small. --> 6. Why Can't We Be Friends? --------------------------- **A/N:** Thanks for reviewing! Sorry about not warning readers about the R/Hr scene, kind of a newbie here at Portkey. So now that I've learned, there is another R/Hr scene in this chapter but I've kind of toned it down a bit. But to clear the air, Ron and Hermione do stay friends only, after all Ron does end up marrying Luna! I stole a couple of scenes from some movies for this chapter. Chapter Six: Why Can't We Be Friends? *Jessie is a friend, yeah, I know he's been a good friend of mine But lately something's changed it ain't hard to define Jessie's got himself a girl and I want to make her mine And she's watching him with those eyes And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it Yeah 'n' he's holding her in his arms late, late late at night* *You know, I wish that I had Jessie's girl, I wish that I had Jessie's girl Where can I find a woman like that* *(Jessie's Girl—Rick Springfield)* “I can't believe it! I'm going to kill him!” “Ron, stop it!” “No really, I'm going to hex him into a million pieces and then kill him!” “I'm the one he hurt! I can take care of myself!” “You're doing a bang up job of it, Hermione!” Ron immediately regretted saying it the moment it left his lips. Hermione sighed, a defeated look came over her face as she sat down upon the bed. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean that,” Ron apologized. “I really don't need anyone to tell me that I'm an idiot. I already feel like one,” she said quietly. “You're not an idiot,“ Ron said as he sat down on the bed next to her. A knock at the door interrupted them; Ginny peered in. “Hermione, are you alright sweetie?” she asked. “I'm doing as well as can be expected.” “There's breakfast waiting for you downstairs if you would like.” “She can't eat at a time like this!” Ron protested. “Ron, I'm fine. I really need to take a shower and just get on with the day, right?” Hermione got up and left the room. Ginny waited in the doorway until she heard the bathroom door close before turning back to her brother. “We could hear you downstairs. In fact, I think all of Ottery St. Catchpole could hear you.” “I fucking knew something like this would happen. I just *knew* it,” Ron sounded frustrated. “Knew what? That Oliver was going to fuck around behind her back?” “This marriage was doomed from the start.” Ginny glowered and slowly, menacingly walked toward her brother. “Don't go there, Ron. And don't you *dare* say that to Hermione,” she threatened. “Of course I'm not going to tell her that!” he hissed back. Ginny backed off and didn't say anything for a minute. “Do you think he knows?” she asked, thoughtful. “I don't know,” he said softly. “Well, he will soon. It's already in the papers.” “WHAT??!!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blame it on him being overprotective or whatever, but he didn't think it was a good idea to have a big family dinner right now. However, Hermione insisted that it still go on and that she wouldn't feel overwhelmed or anything. Still, Ron was worried about her, especially since everyone (including himself) conveniently didn't mention a Mr. Potter being on the invite list. Ron was very aware of the rift that had happened between his friends years ago that had caused them to ignore each other's existence. And even though it was a beautiful clear night, the Burrow could do without fireworks. Somehow the idea of an emotionally vulnerable Hermione and a hot headed Harry being in the same place together wasn't a good one. **Crack! Crack!** “Harry! Sirius!” Molly started. “H-how good of you to come!” Harry hugged Molly, swinging her around. “Put me down Harry!” “Harry! Harry!” cried out Fred's twin boys as they ran and attached themselves to each of Harry's legs. “No roughhousing in the living room!” Molly cried out at the boys who were already tackling Harry. “Sirius, could I have a word with you?” “Of course, Molly.” Ron, who had been hiding in the hallway the moment he heard the two men arrive, quietly snuck out to the backyard. He found Hermione at one end of the table set up outside chatting away with Angelina. “Hermione,” he began when he sat next to her. “There's something I need to tell you.” *Crash!!* “AARRGGHH!” Harry roared as he burst through the backdoor; one twin wrapped around his leg, the other over his shoulders. His smile instantly slid off his face at the unexpected occupant at the table. In fact, the entire table paused for a moment then continued on with their conversations, in strained forced ways. “Harry, you're blocking the doorway,” Sirius nudged him from behind. “Hermione!” he cried out, moving past Harry and to the table. “It is so good to see you!” “Hello Sirius, you're looking great!” Hermione answered back, grateful for the interruption. “Care to give an old man a kiss on the cheek?” Sirius teased and Hermione obliged. “Oh, if only I were younger,” he sighed, his eyes smiling. “Tuck in everyone! Tuck in!” Molly announced. Ron sat next to Hermione, Luna sat by Ron and Ginny sat across from Hermione. Harry, still a little shell shocked at seeing Hermione actually here in the flesh, grimaced and reluctantly took the only available seat next to Ginny. The look on his face clearly read that this was the last place he wanted to be. Ron was grateful that dinner was going smoothly so far, even though they were only ten minutes in. He was so nervous that he was really only poking at his food. Harry was busy stuffing his face, not joining in on the conversation. Ron thought it was a good thing that Harry's mouth was presently occupied. He yanked his concentration back to the conversation at hand. “…so I'm making the most of the time that I have with Ronald,” his wife was saying. “It's been so busy at the Quibbler that I only get to see him when I come home late at night.” “Well, I bet it won't be so bad once the season starts up again,” Ginny replied. “I know he's working on a big trade deal right now—“ Ron began to panic but before he could stop his sister she was cut off by another voice. “That's going to be a bit difficult now isn't it? You know, a bit awkward.” Ron's stomach plummeted. Harry *had* to open his mouth, just *had* to open his big, fat mouth. “What are you talking about Harry?” Ginny asked in sickly sweet voice. “Well, Oliver did admit that it was going to be awkward,” Harry replied. “You spoke to Oliver?” Hermione asked quickly. Harry looked at Hermione as if contemplating his response. “Yes, I met him this afternoon.” “He came all the way to London to speak to you?” “No, he came looking for you. He wants to see you, speak to you.” Hermione scoffed. “Well, if he can't work up the balls enough to ask me in person, I'm not going to do it!” “Good for you, Hermione.” Ginny stated. Harry threw her a look of annoyance before continuing, “I think you should do it.” “It doesn't matter what you think!” Hermione shot back. “Aren't you being a bit stubborn, a little selfish?” “Selfish? How am *I* being a bit selfish? I'm not the one who cheated here!” Hermione's voice began to rise. “Did you ever stop to think about Ron?” so was Harry's voice. “Don't bring me into this, Harry,” Ron threatened but Harry ignored him and continued on. “Now, I'm sure Oliver is willing to put things aside to try and work things out.” “The marriage or the deal?” Hermione retorted. “That's a fair question,” Ginny looked at Harry scathingly. “You stay out of this,” Harry snapped back. “So you're telling me,” Hermione began, tears were forming in her eyes and she looked as though she was trying her best to hold them back, “that I should just sit back, shut up and allow him to feed me loads of bullshit.” “Hermione,” Luna said soothingly, trying to calm her, but Hermione continued on. “And I should just smile pleasingly and…and say thank you and…” but she choked up. She threw down her napkin, left the table and ran into the house, tears streaming down her face. Ron stood up, threw Harry the nastiest look he could and took off after Hermione. “You know, you're a real jerk Harry,” Luna quipped and followed her husband. “Nice going Harry. You handled that marvelously,” Ginny sneered. “Sod off Ginny,” Harry shot back. Ginny huffed then took off as well. “Well now, look at the time!” Sirius suddenly announced. “Thank you for inviting us over but we really must get going!” Sirius grabbed Harry by the scruff of his shirt and yanked him out of his seat. “We'll see you again!” Then, with a loud crack, he apparated them both away. “Hermione! Hermione, open the door,” Ron pleaded. She had barricaded herself in the bathroom. Ginny and Luna walked up behind him. “We'll take care of her Ronald, you go back and sit with the family,” Luna said. “This situation requires female company,” Ginny added. Ron reluctantly gave way to the two women who successfully convinced Hermione to let them in. “Don't listen to anything that jerk has to say,” he heard Luna advise. “He's just a miserable git, who wants to make everyone else miserable too,” Ginny added. Ron walked back downstairs. He really didn't feel like going back outside so he did the only thing that would make him feel better. The evening sky was cool and clear, perfect flying weather. Ron did a couple of loops around the burrow, then extended his route around Ottery St. Catchpole. This wasn't the first time Harry and he had come to heads about Hermione and it probably wasn't going to be the last. His mind drifted back to the first time he and Harry had fought about this… *(Summer before seventh year)* “Oh. My. God!” Ron and Hermione both sat straight up, fighting each other over the blanket to cover themselves. They were still in the back of the car, his head pounded from the amount of alcohol consumed that night. For a moment he thought he had had a really vivid dream about him and Hermione, but the rude awakening he just received proved otherwise. Ron was embarrassed about the situation, even more so than being caught by someone he least wanted to catch him. “Lookie here, George. Ickle Ronnie isn't so little anymore,” Fred teased. Hermione moaned in embarrassment. George joined his twin at the open car door. “Well, hello there, Hermione.” “Look, will you guys just give us a moment,” Ron said impatiently. “Of course, little bro,” Fred obliged then walked back outside the garage with his twin. “Are you alright?” Ron asked. “Oh that was soooo embarrassing!” Hermione moaned. Ron took a moment to assess their situation, then closed his eyes and fumbled around for his clothes. “Ron what are you doing?” Hermione asked. “Getting dressed.” Hermione tutted impatiently. “How about we go to opposite sides of the garage and get dressed…with our eyes open.” “Oh, yeah. Good idea.” Ron began to dress himself. Hermione was the first to leave the garage. Ron followed shortly only to be stopped outside by his brothers. “Just what in the hell do you think you're doing,” George asked. “I don't know what you're talking about,” Ron muttered. “You're supposed to be his best friend,” Fred accused. “In case you two didn't notice, he has a girlfriend,” Ron pointed out. “Don't play stupid,” George said. “You're lucky *we* were the ones that found you two,” Fred added. “Well maybe not too lucky,” George said slyly. “A little bribery might be in order. Just so we don't let certain events slip,” Fred continued. The twins were grinning like Cheshire cats. Ron groaned. Hermione was waiting for him at the backdoor of the house. “Is everything alright,” she asked. “Yeah, everything's fine, just peachy,” he said cringing inwardly about all the potions he was going to have to steal from Professor Snape. “About last night Hermione…” he began. “We both had a lot to drink,” Hermione said hastily. “I don't regret it.” Hermione paused before answering. “Neither do I,” her voice sounded relieved. “But I don't want to ruin our friendship,” she added quickly. “Of course not! This was just a one time thing.” “That's right. One time. Never again.” “*Never* again.” Hermione sighed as Ron rolled off of her and lay next to her. They were both on the ground of the greenhouse at Hogwarts. “This has *got* to be the last time,” she said looking a little flushed. “Hey! You're the one who pulled me into the bathroom on the train here,” Ron replied, still a little out of breath. Hermione stifled a laugh then got up and began to dress. Ron followed suit after a few minutes. “Ten minute head start?” she asked. “Yeah, you go ahead this time,” Ron offered. “Ron,” Hermione began after she finished dressing herself. “Do you think I'm attractive?” Ron looked up at her and grinned. “Well, I *did* con you into coming here so I could shag your brains out.” Hermione laughed. “You're incorrigible!” Then she left. This really had to be the last time, Ron thought to himself as he made his way to the Gryffindor common room. He really couldn't help it though. Hermione shocked the hell out of him on the Hogwarts Express, not that he didn't enjoy that little tryst. It really was all his hormones fault. Besides, it was kind of fun, like a game, a little secret that they shared. They weren't hurting anybody. Ron walked into the boys' dormitory to find his roommates sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. “Just in time, come join us Ron,” Harry said. “Care to have a drink?” Seamus handed him a bottle of butterbeer. Ron sat down next to Harry and took the bottle from Seamus. He eyed it suspiciously. “Oh, come on, we didn't poison it!” Seamus exclaimed. “We have the Head Boy present!” Ron took a drink of the butterbeer, sure enough it tasted normal. “Although as Head Boy, it is my duty to know exactly why you have *this*,” Harry pulled a small vial of clear liquid from his robes. *Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!* “It's for Fred and George,” Ron spilled out before he could stop himself. Harry had a small smile on his face. “Oh, I forgot to mention we might have put a little bit of that in your drink,” Seamus informed Ron a little too late. Ron looked at Harry. “I put it in everyone's drink. Figured we could have a little fun,” Harry said casually then looked directly at Ron. “Besides, it's not like you're hiding anything from me anyway.” *He knows.* “Alright mates, you know the rules, one question at a time, a different person each time,” Harry announced to the group. Ron was being set up, set up by his own best friend, and he was powerless to stop it. If he walked out of the room, he would look like a guilty man. But if he stayed, well… “Neville, are you a virgin?” Seamus asked evilly. Neville turned bright red before answering, “Yes.” Everyone laughed. “Well, what about you Ron,” Neville asked in the defensive. “Are you a virgin?” “No,” Ron replied. Harry's eyebrows raised slightly. *Alright Harry, two can play at this game. If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me.* “Harry, are you cheating on Lavender?” Harry narrowed his eyes. “Yes.” The boys whooped and hollered in response. “Oh yeah? Dean have you cheated on Ginny?” Dean stopped laughing immediately. “Yes.” *WHAT?? I'll have to deal with him later but for now I have bigger fish to fry.* “Well, I guess I'm the only faithful one here,” Seamus exclaimed proudly. “Oh yeah?” Dean asked. “Besides Parvati, who else would you like to sleep with?” “Hermione,” Seamus answered immediately, then clapped a hand over his mouth looking apologetic at Ron and Harry. Ron saw Harry's jaw clench slightly briefly before everyone broke out into a laughter. “Oh, come on! Who wouldn't like to…you, know…with her,” Neville said shyly. The conversation was getting a little uncomfortable for Ron. “Yeah well, we all might be a little out of luck for now. I have it from a very reliable source that Hermione might be off the unicorn handling market,” Dean announced. *FUUUUUUUUUUCK!* “WHAT?!” Harry yelped. “Yeah, on the train to Hogwarts, Ginny happened to walk by the restrooms and heard Hermione moaning. She thought she had a stomachache or something and was about to knock on the door when she heard another voice in there…a male voice.” Ron's palms began to get sweaty. Harry looked absolutely gobsmacked. “I thought there was something different about her,” Neville pondered aloud. “Wow. You know, I always thought she would hook up with one of you two,” Seamus nodded to Harry and Ron. Ron gave a nervous laugh, Harry still looked too shocked to speak. “Too true,” Dean added. “Have either of you slept with Hermione?” “No!” “Yes.” *Stupid Veritaserum!!* Harry and Ron spoke up at the same time. Dead silence followed that. Neville, Seamus and Dean just sat there with their mouths open. Harry slowly turned to look at Ron. Ron panicked and said the first thing that came to his mind. “Harry fooled around with Ginny over the summer!” Neville made a sound of disbelief. Harry seemed not to have acknowledge that, he continued to look at Ron. Oddly enough, Dean had a quiet demeanor about him, too quiet. He was taking the news rather well. “Um…well, since we're airing our dirty laundry here, I've been sleeping with Lavender,” Dean said quietly. Harry ignored this comment as well. Slowly he stood up and walked toward the door. “Harry,” Ron called out, standing up to go after him. Harry stopped at the door, hesitating a moment before he suddenly turned around and charged at Ron, tackling him to the ground. They guys shouted at them to stop it but fists went flying everywhere. Dean jumped into the fray, punching Harry, then being punched by Ron for punching Harry. “Go and get help!” Seamus ordered Neville who ran for the door, but it opened on him. “What on earth is going on here?” The voice of Hermione Granger immediately stopped the fight. --> 7. Reality Really Bites ----------------------- **Chapter Seven**: Reality Really Bites *I try to shut my eyes but I* *can**'t get her out of my sight well I* *know* *I'**m gonna blow it but* *I* *can**'**t get over my fright* *well I'**m gonna walk up to her and* *I'm gonna talk to her tonight S**he**'**s probably somebody's only light gonna shine tonight oh yeah she**'**s gonna be somebody**'**s baby tonight* *(Somebody's Baby—sung by Phantom Planet)* It was wrong do it. Cheap. Low. It was his best friend for crying out loud, but since he was lacking the morals department as of late, it made it *that* much easier. His best friend was keeping something from him, something huge. He'd never really done that before and it hurt Harry that he wouldn't tell him what it was. Did he not trust him with it? Did seven years of loyal friendship mean nothing to him? It was this train of thought that justified his actions in his mind. He wasn't snooping, he was running late for class and had accidentally grabbed Ron's robes instead of his. That was how he found the vial of Veritaserum. Curious to know what his friend was up to, he set his plans in motion that very night. Boy did he get an earful. “What on earth is going on here?” her voice rang out. He had been shocked, no *floored*, to know that his best friends had slept with each other. His reaction surprised him even more. He felt hurt, angry…betrayed. “Why don't you ask your *boyfriend*?” Harry snarled back. “My boyfriend?” “Don't play stupid with me! He told me all about it, Hermione!” he raged, but she still had a blank look on her face. “I didn't mean to Hermione,” Ron spoke up, his voice muffled by a hand covering his nose. “He put Veritaserum in the butterbeer.” Hermione's eyes narrowed and she pulled out her wand. “Accio!” she shouted. But Harry wasn't seeker for nothing and snatched the vial out of the air before it flew into Hermione's hands. “Give it to me Harry!” He wasn't stupid. Even though Ron had most likely illegally attained the potion, Harry had used it on himself and his fellow classmates. That was enough to expel them both. “No way! You're just going to take it to—“ “Take what, Mr. Potter—Good heavens! What is going on here?” McGonagall had just entered the room. “Take…take…,” Harry floundered. “Take these three to the hospital ward,” Hermione recovered for him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione. Ron. Hermione and Ron. Ugh! The thought of them…together, made his insides writhe. Sure he had fooled around with her roommates and even her friend. They were at that age when hormones were raging, curiosity was peaking. But he never thought of doing those things with Hermione, she was above that, she was…she was…well, she was just different. And to find out that Ron and she had slept together…it just changed *something.* And he didn't like change, change was bad. “You had to tell everyone?” she was saying quietly to Ron. Madam Pomfrey was currently fussing over him, but he was eavesdropping on his friends' conversation at the bed next to his. “I couldn't help it, Hermione,” Ron's voice lowered. “*It* was in the butterbeer.” “And you didn't see this coming?” “Of course I did!” “And you couldn't just leave the room?” ”It would've looked suspicious!” Hermione tutted impatiently. “You know, you never can stand up to Harry,” she said angrily before turning on her heel and walking out of the ward. “Mr. Potter, come back here! I'm not finished yet!” Harry ignored Madam Pomfrey as he took off after Hermione. “Hermione, wait!” He caught up with her just outside the ward. She spun around to face him. “What on earth were you thinking, Harry?” she whispered angrily to him. “To get your hands on Veritaserum, let alone use it on other students!” “Were you and Ron ever going to tell me you are together?” he shot back. “Together? We're not *together* Harry, and it's none of your business anyway.” She turned and began to walk away. “None of my…,” Harry repeated before taking a few steps and standing in front of her, blocking her way. “You're supposed to be my friends.” “Friends,” Hermione repeated then let out a laugh, confusing Harry. “Friends…okay, Harry, would you like to know what going on? Yes, Ron and I are shagging. And no, we're not together, we're just shag buddies. There! That's the truth, happy now?” “Why would you do something like that? That's just so…not you.” “Not me? I have needs too, urges—“ “I don't want to hear this,” Harry threw up his hands in his defense and walked away, but Hermione followed him, continuing on. “Why not, Harry? I'm just like all the other girls.” “No, you're not!” Harry whirled around to face her. “Who are you to judge me anyway? Look at you! You're not exactly the pillar of morality here!” “What's that supposed to mean?” ”You're supposed to be with Lavender, but you fooled around with Ginny over the summer, yes I know about that.” “Oh yeah? At least I'm not shagging my best friend behind my back!” Hermione made a sound of disbelief. “What about you and Parvati? Yes, I know about that, too.” “Don't change the subject, you betrayed me!” “Betrayed you? Ha! Granted I say that we could've told you but one, it wasn't your business and two, I didn't think you would care anyway. Although, judging by your reaction, it was a good thing we didn't tell you.” “Wasn't a good thing? How could it have been a good thing?” “What's the problem Harry? Are you the only one of us allowed get any?” “Of course not, Ron can shag whomever he wants—“ “Just not me,” Hermione finished for him. “Exactly.” “Why not? What are you so mad about? That Ron and I shagged each other or that we didn't tell you.” She was confusing him, he wanted to tell her something but he didn't know what. “You were supposed to be my friends.” “Do friends put each other in the hospital wing?” Harry threw up his hands in frustration. “You slept with him! He was my best friend and you slept with him!” “Would you rather it was someone else? What about Neville or Seamus? Would you have done the same to them?” Harry looked away. She was frustrating him. “Why, Harry? Why would you do that?” “Because!” He shot back angrily. Something was building up inside of him. “Why?” she demanded. “Do you want to know why?” He advanced angrily on Hermione, cornering her against the wall. “Do you really want to know why? It's because I—“ “Harry?” It was if he was in a trance and was suddenly snapped out of it. Whatever he wanted to tell Hermione fell away from his mind as soon as Lavender spoke up. He stepped away from Hermione, glared at Lavender then walked back into the hospital wing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It wasn't until Quidditch season began that he had mended his friendship with Ron, mostly because they were forced to cooperate with each other during practices. Hermione was a different story, every time he tried to get her alone she simply avoided him or surrounded herself with her fellow students. Ron had informed Harry that she was snippy with him and also avoided him as well. Word had spread quickly about what happened that night causing much drama amongst the Gryffindors. Harry had dumped Lavender, Ginny dumped Dean and Parvati dumped Seamus the minute Harry became available causing a catfight between her and Lavender, who shortly after being dumped by Harry, relieved Neville of his virginal burden. The incident had also given Draco Malfoy and the other Slytherin's plenty of ammo to taunt the Gryffindor's with, Draco was especially gracious to Harry. Much to Harry's dismay, the incident had also rocketed Hermione's popularity with the male population of Hogwarts. He had managed to fend off many of her paramour's but a few had managed to slip by. “Harry, you're staring again,” Ron nudged him in the side and whispered. He and Ron were in the library, struggling to put together some semblance of an essay for Snape. Harry's attention, however, was occupied by Hermione and Terry Boot sitting a few tables away. She was explaining a concept that they had learned in Transfiguration that day to him. “He's getting top grades in the class, he doesn't need tutoring,” Harry seethed. “Of course he doesn't, he's just trying to get up her skirt,” Ron said absently and Harry broke his quill. Ron looked at his friend and sighed. “Why don't you just talk to her?” “Now that's a concept I haven't tried,” Harry answered sarcastically. “She just avoids me or is never alone.” Harry sulked and diverted his attention back to his essay “I think your opportunity just arrived,” Ron said after a moment. Harry looked at him quizzically and Ron pointed in her direction, Harry looked up. It seemed Terry had finally worked up the nerve to make his move on Hermione. “Ew, get off of me, you slug!” Hermione squirmed away from Terry's probing arms. Harry was out of his seat in a flash. “Come on, Hermione, don't be such a prude,” Terry coaxed. “Get away from me!” “She said get away,” Harry yanked Terry away from her and threw him to the ground. “What the hell, Potter?” Terry protested. “I'm going to give you five seconds to get the hell out of here or else I'm not even going to bother with taking points away,” Harry threatened. Terry stood up and straightened his robes. “Wasn't going to get anywhere with her anyway, she only spreads her legs for stupid red heads.” Harry's fist flew out and made contact with Terry's jaw, sending him knocked out cold on the floor. Harry shook his right hand in pain. That hurt. Ron ran over and nudged Terry with his foot. “I think I'll throw out the rubbish,” he said and left the library, dragging an unconscious Terry along. Harry and Hermione were left alone. He turned to look at her. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Yeah…I'm fine,” she said quietly. “How's your hand?” Harry looked at it. “It's fine…I think.” Hermione gasped when she saw it. “It looks worse than it feels,” Harry lied, trying to put up a brave front. God his hand hurt. “Oh, Harry. Come here,” she motioned for him to sit next to her and he obliged. She examined his hand then took off her tie and wrapped it around it. Harry's breath hitched when she touched him. “Thank you for what you did.” “He's just a git, don't listen to him,” Harry advised. “I know, but thank you all the same.” She finished wrapping his hand. “You should see Madam Pomfrey.” “I will,” Harry promised. Hermione began to pack up. “Hermione, listen…I…I want to apologize to you. I've been such a stupid prat. I never should have behaved the way I did that night, I'm so sorry.” He took her hand in his. “Oh, Harry,” Hermione sighed. Harry moved closer to her. “These past few weeks have been horrible without you. I feel so miserable and lost. Hermione, I…” “You what, Harry?” “I…,” he was losing himself in her cinnamon eyes. A shadow fell across the doorway and Harry looked up, past Hermione. “I don't believe it.” Hermione turned around. “Oliver! What are you doing here?” Oliver Wood stood in the doorway of the library dressed in his Puddlemere United uniform. “I'm taking up some good advice I received this summer,” he smiled. “Dumbledore has allowed me, and a few friends of course, to come and…” “…give a Quidditch demo and offer advice and tips to house players and others who might be interested in making Quidditch a career,” Harry explained to Ron as they sat in the stands watching the players in the sky. “That was nice of him, don't you think?” Ron said as he watched Puddlemere's keeper make a save. “Nice. I wonder if I could try that?” Harry was watching Hermione, who was standing with Ginny and Luna in the front of the stands, cheering as they watched the players in the sky. “He's not even that good, you know.” Harry stated. Ron eyed him. “What? Well he's not.” Harry didn't know why but he was deeply irritated that Oliver had come to Hogwart's. Maybe he was just here doing a good thing for the students. He watched as Oliver came out of a steep dive and gave a small smile to Hermione. She blushed as the group of girls around her giggled. “Show off,” Harry muttered and Ron laughed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry decided to lick his wounds that night in the locker room with Hannah Abbott. They had been dating for a week and had been getting to know each other in many of Hogwarts' secluded places. Hannah straightened up her robes and tidied up her hair as Harry quietly opened the door of the locker room to see if the coast was clear. He took Hannah's hand and led them outside. It was a clear night, the full moon was shining bright in the sky, as the two of them made their way stealthily back to the castle. Movement caught Harry's eye and he motioned for them to stop. From the stands came Draco Malfoy and his latest conquest. Draco stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Harry. “Out for a late night stroll?” Draco whispered. “I forgot something in the locker room,” Harry whispered back. “Funny, I left something under the stands,” Draco replied. “Oh my God! Look!” Hannah whispered pointing to the sky. At first, Harry didn't know what the object in the sky was that was flying around, but as his eyes adjusted he saw that it was two people riding on a single broomstick. Draco's girl spoke up. “Is that Oliver Wood and…” “…Granger.” Draco finished, eyeing Harry. Sure enough, Hermione was flying in the air with Oliver. Harry felt a weight drop in his stomach. He had offered countless of times to teach Hermione to fly and she had refused every time. She hated heights, she hated flying. “Hmm,” Draco murmured. “What?” Harry asked, irritated. “Well, it's just that I was wondering when the mudblood would be over you.” “What are you talking about?” “Don't tell me you didn't know, Potter. She's been in love with you for years,” Draco smirked and walked off. Harry felt as if the floor fell from beneath him. Hermione was in love with him? He watched as Hermione and Oliver flew through the air. Then, like a thunderbolt from the sky, a sad reality hit him. She was over him just as he realized he was in love with her. “Are you sure it was her?” Ron asked. The walk back to the Gryffindor common room was the longest one he had ever had. He was currently telling the nights events over a half-hearted game of Wizard's Chess. “Yes, flying up in the air with that…that…” Harry floundered for a word that would best fit how much he hated his former teammate. “Maybe it isn't what you think,” Ron offered. “Yeah, she might be flying up there with him, but it doesn't mean that she's in love with him or anything.” “Yeah…I suppose,” Harry replied morosely. His best friend gave him a contemplating look. “Harry…are you in love with her?” Harry paused mid-move and looked at his friend. “Then I really think you should tell her,” Ron finished. Harry watched as Ron captured his rook. He thought about what Draco had said. “Ron,” Harry began. “Did you know that Hermione was…that she…” “Was crazy about you?” Ron finished his thought. “Yeah…yeah I did,” Ron lowered his voice and moved his knight. “And I also knew that you were crazy about her.” “And yet, you two--.” “Don't, Harry. Don't go there again,” Ron looked up sharply at him. “Look,” he began in a calmer tone, “you and I both know Hermione, she doesn't go for the big and famous Quidditch players. Remember Krum? Now, when she gets back, I think you two should have a nice long talk. You have nothing to worry about, Harry.” At that moment, the portrait swung open and Hermione walked in. Harry stood up but a squealing sound from the other side of the room stopped him in his tracks. Ginny, Lavender and Parvati flew towards Hermione. “Well?” “How was it?” “Did he kiss you?” Hermione looked at the girls, smiling and biting her lower lip before letting out a small scream of excitement. The girls responded with screams of their own, jumping up and down. Harry looked at Ron, who mirrored his own dumbstruck look on his face. The female entourage then dragged Hermione upstairs to get more details in a flurry of laughter and giggles. Dean Thomas joined a stunned Harry and Ron. “What the hell was that about?” Harry clenched his hands and winced in pain. He looked down at his right hand, the one she had wrapped her tie around. Laughter could be heard from upstairs. Harry was in love with Hermione and he wasn't going to lose her to some lousy Quidditch player. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *(**Present Time**)* Harry sat at the bar, nursing his wounds of the day over a bottle of Firewhiskey. Between the rough morning he had, the meeting with Oliver, seeing Hermione and the verbal lashing he received from his godfather, he had a pretty brutal day. Harry took a long drink. God she looked good, did she really have to look that good? He was hoping that a couple of years in America would have made him feel less for her, however, her absence merely made his feelings scab over. Seeing her at the burrow tonight just ripped open old wounds. He knew he was being an ass tonight, that he hurt her feelings. But in some twisted way it made him feel better, if he hurt, she had to hurt too. “You didn't really think it would be that easy to get over her, did you?” a voice asked. “Spare me the lecture, Remus. Sirius already beat you to it.” Remus sat down next to Harry. “Well, I hope it was worth it. Making her cry.” “Can't you tell? I'm just a ray of sunshine.” “Next time you see her, I do hope you'll be a gentleman and apologize.” “Actually, I was planning on staying as far away as possible from her. She *is* a married woman after all.” “She was once your friend, too.” “Yeah? Well, she was more than that, Remus,” Harry shot back, his temper rising. He pulled out a few coins and tossed them on the bar. “I've got to go.” He stood up to leave but immediately swayed on the spot. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy there, Harry. You're in no condition to apparate or floo, let me take you home.” --> 8. Conversations and Confrontations ----------------------------------- **Chapter Eight**: Conversations and Confrontations *As I walk this land with broken dreams I have visions of many things Love's happiness is just an illusion Filled with sadness and confusion, What becomes of the broken hearted Who had love that's now departed? I know I've got to find Some kind of peace of mind Maybe. The fruits of love grow all around But for me they come a tumblin' down. Every day heartaches grow a little stronger I can't stand this pain much longer* *(What Becomes of the Broken-hearted ~ sung by Jimmy Ruffin)* Hermione covered her head with the blanket to block out the morning sun. She really didn't feel like getting out of bed. It had been a week and she had been staying at Ginny's apartment. Luckily her flatmate had just moved out leaving a vacancy. She felt as if she was at a standstill in her life, a pause button. She felt so lost, she didn't know which way to move. She never left the apartment, she had yet to contact Oliver and she refused every owl she received. She had cried a lot the first few days but now she didn't have any more tears to shed. What went wrong? What had happened to her life? She was beginning to think that she didn't deserve love, that she was being punished for something she must have done. Wasn't she worthy of it? It seemed her love life was one disaster after another. How many times could a person fall in love? She fell so hard for Harry. Harry. She never really got over her first love, his rejection nearly destroyed her. ***Flashback*** *“Harry,” she began, hesitating, wondering if she should ask it. “Can you think of any reason, any at all, why I shouldn't marry Oliver?”* *“No,” he replied after a pause, “none at all.”* Was she being punished for hesitating about marrying Oliver? That she was still in love with Harry but said her vows in front of friends, family, God? She loved Oliver, she did, he was her husband, her future, he represented a new start in life for her. She made a promise to herself, to get over Harry, start a new life with her husband. She didn't even owl Harry, the feeling must have been mutual because he never owled her. It was going to be the start of a new life for her. ***Flashback*** *“Oliver!” Hermione squealed as her husband swept her up and cradled her in his arms. “Can I take the blindfold off yet?”* *They had just arrived back in the states after their honeymoon and she had been blindfolded since they left the airport. Hermione wondered what the surprise was.* *“Not just yet. Patience my love,” Oliver teased. She felt him walking up some steps, a small jingling sound then a door opening. “Okay…now.”* *Hermione took off her blindfold and gasped. “Oh my God! Oliver…is this…?”* *“It's the house, the one you loved. I signed the papers the day before the wedding. See? I had all of our boxes shipped here.”* *Oliver put her down and she walked around the house in awe.* *“It's ours**? It's really ours?” she asked and her husband nodded. She let out a squeal of excitement then leapt into her husbands arms, giving him a big kiss**.* *“Wanna check out our bedroom?” he asked suggestively, picking up his wife and carrying her upstairs.* She couldn't pick out the feeling at first. Things had been going great after all. While Oliver went off to practice with his new team, she occupied her time unpacking their things and making their house a home. She was learning how to get around town, adapting to the American wizard culture as well as the muggle one. Driving had been a unique experience on its own since everyone in United States drove on the opposite side of the road than she was used to. But she was a fast learner and had begun to pick up the culture well. But it was difficult at first, all of her friends and family were so far away. ***Flashback*** *“Hermione? Hermione, what's wrong?”* *Oliver opened the bathroom door to find his wife sitting on the floor, crying. She looked up at him, hands clenching a tissue, tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks.* *“I…I got…my period today,” she said between hiccups.* *“Oh, darling,” Oliver sighed. He sat down next to his wife and took her in his arms.* *“We've been trying for* *months, Oliver. It's never going to happen,” she sobbed.* *“It'll happen love, it will. We'll just keep trying,” he soothed.* Incomplete. That was the feeling. She felt like something was missing in her life. She had a husband, a home, her parents, her friends but it still felt like she was incomplete. A baby. She wanted a child, maybe that's what was missing. It was the next step in life, right? But she had failed at that, too. ***Flashback*** *“And you suspect that you're husband may be the reason why you're unable to conceive?” Dr. Reed sat behind his desk, writing notes on a pad of paper.* *“I just want to make sure that he's…fine,” Hermione replied.* *“And have you considered that you yourself might have trouble?” he asked.* *“I know that I don't have any trouble conceiving.”* *“Have you had yourself examined?”* *Hermione didn't reply for awhile. “I just…know,” she said discretely.* The whistling of the teapot brought her out of her reverie. She was preparing herself a cup when a knock came at the door. She tied a robe around her and answered the door. Her stomach dropped when she opened it. “Uh…Ginny isn't here…right now,” she said when she found her voice. “I know, I saw her earlier in Diagon Alley,” her raven haired visitor said as he walked across the threshold. “I came to see you.” Hermione regarded him warily. “Still acting as Oliver's messenger boy, are you Harry?” “No…actually I came here to apologize for my behavior at dinner.” Hermione closed the front door. “Well if you're looking for an invitation to tea, you're not going to get it.” “That's fair,” he replied. She walked back into the kitchen to finish her cup of tea. Harry followed. “Did you give any thought to what I said?” “Why should *I* be the one to try and work things out? I'm not the one shagging some blond!” “I don't mean that, I meant that you should at least talk to him.” “If this is about that bloody deal…” “He is being an ass about it, extremely difficult to Ron.” “That's none of my business!” “The last two deals Ron negotiated with the Cannons have fallen through, if he loses this…he could lose his job.” Hermione sighed and sat down at the table. “I can't believe this,” she said quietly. Harry didn't join her, he leaned against the wall. “Just talk to him, okay?” he asked. “Why didn't he just come to me himself? Why did he go to you?” “He thought you might have been to see me.” “That is just so typical. Poor little Hermione goes running to Harry Potter,” she scathed. “Oh don't start,” Harry rolled his eyes. “Don't start what?” “Your own little pity party, you made these choices yourself…no matter how bad they were,” he muttered as an afterthought. “Here we go again, are we going to have this same argument?” Hermione stood up abruptly. “You only had a year left and you threw it all away so you could marry the git and run off to America!” he followed her into the kitchen. “If he was such a git, why did you let me marry him?” She dumped her tea in the sink. “Don't blame me for that.” “I asked you if there was any reason, any at all!” “What did you want me to say, Hermione? It was *your* decision, and yours alone to make. You could've said no when he asked you!” “Yeah, well at least he asked!” she shot back. Harry threw up his hands in frustration. “Okay, you know what, that's it, I'm done!” He reached for the door and yanked it open. “I just came to apologize!” “Apology NOT accepted!” she yelled as Harry slammed the door. She threw the teacup she had been holding, shattering it against the door. ********************** She stepped out of the car and adjusted the simple grey dress she wore before heading inside the restaurant. “Table for Wood,” she informed the host. “Yes, right this way please.” He led her through the restaurant to a table where her husband stood to greet her. “You look beautiful,” he praised. “Hmm,” was all she said as she took her seat. “I'm really glad you came,” he began after they ordered their meals. “I was beginning to think you'd never talk to me.” “It would serve you right, wouldn't it?” she said as she took a sip of her wine. “I completely deserve that and every nasty word there is in the book. I am so sorry, Hermione. Words cannot express how sorry I am.” “Try it,” she replied crassly. “Exactly how long has it been going on Oliver?” “Hermione…” “How long, Oliver?” “Four months,” he sighed defeatedly. “Four?!” she exclaimed, turning a few heads. She quickly lowered her voice, “Oliver…” “I'm so sorry.” “Do you love her?” she asked. “No! No of course not!” “Was she the only one?” “Yes.” “Why, Oliver? Why would you hurt us like this?” “I'm not entirely to blame, am I?” “Are you trying to say that I made you do this?” Hermione hissed. “The only reason we've been having sex, lately, is so we can conceive a child. And when we are doing it, it feels like a duty, like I have to get it over and done with.” Hermione's mouth dropped open. “How dare you! Maybe if you spent your energy on your wife instead of some blond you would know it can be quite enjoyable.” “Look, let's just stop. This is going nowhere,” Oliver sighed. Hermione crossed her arms and looked around the restaurant. “So, what do we do now?” Hermione uncrossed her arms and looked sadly at her husband. “I don't know,” she answered quietly. “Are you going to come back home?” he asked, hopeful. Hermione sighed. “I don't know, Oliver. I need some time to think about things.” “I understand,” Oliver said softly. ***************************** “So are you going to go back to the States?” Luna asked. “I'm not sure,” Hermione answered distractedly as she watched her husband in the sky. She, Luna and Ginny were sitting in the stands watching an exhibition game being played by Quidditch players from all over the world, a sort of All-Stars game. It was the day after she and Oliver had had dinner together. “God, that number 45 is hot!” Ginny said looking through her omniocculars. Hermione and Luna followed suit. “Um, excuse me Hermione. May I have a word with you?” came a female voice. “Meredith! How good to see you! These are my good friends Ginny and Luna, this is Meredith Fulton, her husband plays a chaser on the New England Rebels,” Hermione introduced her. “How do you do?” Meredith nodded to her friends. “In the stairwell, Hermione?” “Oh, of course. Please excuse me ladies.” Hermione followed the woman to the stairwell. It was a pleasant surprise to see her here in London, she had almost forgotten that her husband Ryan was also playing in the game. He and her husband were the top two stars of the team. Meredith looked nervously about when they stopped walking. “Meredith, is everything alright?” Hermione asked. “First off, I want to say how sorry I am about you and Oliver,” she replied and Hermione cut her off. “Don't be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry about.” “Oliver didn't mention me, did he? I just want to make sure everything is okay between us.” Hermione's concern faded. “What are you talking about Meredith?” “Well, it was just a one time thing, you know. I think it was because he and Ryan are so competitive,” Meredith rambled on. “And you know, Ryan and I were going through a rough spot in our marriage and…” Hermione sat back down with her friends, a dazed look on her face. “Are you alright, Hermione?” Ginny asked her. Hermione just stared out in front of her. A woman came up to Hermione, microphone in hand, accompanied by a man carrying some sort of antennae. “Mrs. Wood, the spouses of the Quidditch players have contributed so much to the wizarding communities disadvantaged. As head of the US division, what do you ask of your fellow members?” Hermione blinked at the woman. “Ask? Yes, I do have something to ask,” she said as she yanked away the microphone from the woman. “I want to know how many wives out there have had sex with my husband!” The people in the stands around her gasped, Luna made a movement to take the microphone away from Hermione but Ginny stopped her. Mrs. Weasley who was listening at home on the wireless, dropped one of the plates she was washing. Fred and George were in their shop listening cheering Hermione on. Sirius was sitting behind Hermione with Remus and his wife Tonks, who had promptly covered her son's ears. Harry was at his desk, jaw dropped before he quickly recovered and grabbed his jacket. “How many goddamn wives out there have had any goddamn sex with my goddamn husband?” Hermione continued. “Meredith Fulton has just informed me that she was fucking my husband and I want to know—“ Luna had finally succeeded in taking the microphone away from her. “Um yes, the Foundation is doing great and uh, we expect more…” “Calm down, Hermione,” Ginny could be heard in the background. “I'm fine! I'm FINE!” came Hermione's voice. “…more…great things this year. Thank you. And uh, go Cannons!” Luna and Ginny accompanied Hermione outside of the stands. “I don't know what you are so upset about, Luna,” Ginny said. “That was the best interview ever!” “This isn't funny, Ginny,” Luna replied. “She's right,” Harry's voice rang out. “What are *you* doing here?” a surprised Hermione asked. “Excuse us ladies,” Harry said as he grabbed Hermione's upper arm and dragged her away. “Harry, what are you doing?” Hermione tried to free herself. Harry let go of her arm. “What's wrong with you? Have you gone mad?” “Have I gone mad? *Have I gone mad?* Yes, Harry, I have gone mad because I've just found out that my *husband* has been servicing the wives of his fellow teammates! Now, leave me alone!” she hissed. “Half of the wizarding world thinks you've lost your mind since they printed that picture of you screaming at your husband in front of a muggle hotel. They've pegged you out to be the cold, unfeeling bitchy wife. Now you've just confirmed their suspicions of you being a lunatic by accusing the female population of sleeping with your husband!” “Sod off, Harry! You're only concerned about how this whole situation is going to affect Oliver's deal!” Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see his godfather. “Come on, Harry let's go,” Sirius said calmly. “Let Ginny take you back to her place, Hermione,” Ron had joined the group. Hermione's attention however was focused over his shoulder. Oliver Wood was storming toward the group. Hermione walked toward him. “You told me she was the only one!” Hermione yelled at him. Oliver met his wife halfway and took her by the arms. “Can you for once not make a scene in public?” he scolded. “Get your hands off me!” Hermione growled as she broke his grip only to have him regain it. “Come on, let's go somewhere else.” “I'm not going anywhere with you!” “You heard her, she's not going anywhere with you!” Harry had approached the struggling couple. “Harry, Harry come back here,” Sirius followed Harry, reaching out to hold him back. “Harry stay out of this,” Remus joined Sirius. “That's right, Harry, this is between me and my *wife*,” Oliver stated. “You wouldn't be in this mess if you'd only kept it in your pants!” Harry shot back as Sirius and Remus held him back. “Oliver no, don't,” Hermione warned her husband. She reached out and held his arm, stopping him as he advanced toward Harry. “Come on, Harry, let's leave,” Sirius advised. “Fine words coming from you, Harry. You are a model of faithfulness,” Oliver goaded. “Oliver, stop it,” Hermione tugged on Oliver's arm. “I'm not the one who's married to Hermione!” Harry shot back. Sirius and Remus were still holding him. “That's right, you're not!” Oliver sneered. “Oliver, stop it. I'll go with you, come on let's go,” Hermione pleaded. Oliver smirked at a seething Harry and leaned forward to whisper to him. “Don't think I didn't see you that day.” He then turned around and walked away with Hermione, looking over his shoulder once to do the most childish thing. He stuck his tongue out at Harry. “Okay, that's it,” Sirius said as he released his grip on Harry. Harry didn't even hesitate. He ran toward Oliver, tackling him to the ground. “Oh my God!” Luna covered her hands with her mouth. “Kick his ass, Harry!” Ginny shouted. Ron ran to the two men, who were in a tangle of arms and legs, punches being thrown to land wherever. “HARRY! OLIVER! STOP IT! STOP IT!” Hermione screamed at the two, trying to find a way to pull them off of each other before Ron pulled her away. “Let me handle this,” he offered. Ron pulled Oliver away from Harry, who was being pulled away by Remus and a very reluctant Sirius. Both men were bruised and bleeding, though Oliver looked far worse than Harry. *********************************** “Have you gone insane?” Hermione asked her husband, when the mediwitch finished up with him. “Picking a fight with Harry?” “I'm going to get Potter for this,” Oliver growled as he motioned to his bandaged arm in a sling. “She healed the break immediately, your arm will only be sore for a few days. You should know better,” she scolded. “Why are you taking his side?” “I'm not taking anyone's side but you goaded him, you pushed him. What did you say to him, anyway?” Oliver didn't answer her. “Fine!” she said and picked up her coat and purse. “Aren't you going to stay here with me?” Oliver asked. “No,” she answered. “What, are you going to see *him*?” Hermione paused before opening the door then spun around to face her husband. “Why don't you ask Meredith to stay, or that blond?” she spat. “Hermione,” Oliver pleaded. “What about Layla, or Danielle? Have you slept with them as well?” She yanked open the door and left, ignoring her husband's calls for her as she headed towards the lifts. She passed Harry's room, barely glancing inside to see everyone else crowded in there. She jabbed the down button and waited. She could see Harry approaching her from the corner of her eye. “Hermione,” he began, but she whirled around to face him. “What in the world were you doing, starting a fight with him?!” “He started it!” “It doesn't matter! You are an auror, Harry, trained in combat, he is just a quidditch player!” “He was defending himself alright.” “You broke his arm, Harry! And nearly broke two of his ribs!” “And you're telling me he didn't deserve it?” The lift doors opened and Hermione stepped inside. “It doesn't matter if he deserved it or not, Harry. This is between Oliver and me, it's bad enough as it is without dragging anyone else into it.” Harry swung out his arm to stop the doors from closing. “But you have to admit, it was nice seeing him get his ass kicked.” Hermione rolled her eyes and pushed his arm out of the way, letting the lift doors close. --> 9. I Want You To Want Me ------------------------ Chapter Nine: I Want You To Want Me *Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you Why can't I speak whenever I talk about you It's inevitable, it's a fact that we're gonna get down to it So tell me Why can't I breathe whenever I think about you* *(Why Can't I - Liz Phair)* *Hogwarts: Seventh year* Hermione opened her eyes to the streaming sunlight that fell across her bed. It was late in the morning, she had slept in for the first time she could remember. She had spent all night retelling and analyzing the events of last night. She touched her fingers to her lips, smiling to herself before getting up and getting ready for a brand new day. It was a chaste kiss on the lips at first before he made the first move to deepen it. She couldn't believe it. She kissed and was kissed by Oliver Wood. She sighed at the memory of his eyes and oh, his smile. She had to admit to herself that she was smitten, acting silly and behaving like the girls she used to roll her eyes at and chastise. She opened the door to leave her room and found her friend standing in front of her. “Harry! What are you doing here?” she asked her green eyed friend. “Well, you didn't come down to breakfast, I was a little worried,” he answered. “Oh, that's so sweet. Can you believe that I actually slept in?” she said as she stepped out of the door. “I had such an unbelievable night.” “Yeah, I know,” he said softly then immediately brightened his tone. “Hey, did you want to come to the kitchens with me? I'm sure Dobby can make you something for breakfast?” “That sounds like a great idea,” Hermione agreed. Harry opened the portrait for them both. “So…,” Harry began. “You and Oliver, huh?” “What do you mean?” Hermione asked. “Whole school is talking about it. News travels fast around here, you know that.” They walked side by side to the kitchens. “Wow, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.” “Some people saw you last night, on the Quidditch pitch,” Harry said slowly. He turned to look at Hermione who was suddenly blushing. “Did he kiss you?” he asked. Hermione looked away. “It feels so awkward talking to you about this.” “Why? We're friends aren't we?” Hermione turned to look at him. Harry's expression was unreadable. “Yes…of course we are.” There was suddenly an uncomfortable silence as they continued on their way to the kitchen. When they arrived, Dobby was most cordial in making something for “Harry Potter's Herminy”. Hermione suddenly felt awkward eating in front of Harry, well not eating exactly, she just couldn't get the knots out of her stomach. “To be honest, I never thought you went for the Quidditch guys. I mean, look at Viktor,” Harry said. “Funny, huh? I guess things change,” Hermione replied. “Do they?” Harry asked quietly. Hermione just looked at him. Again, Harry's face was very guarded. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She sat with Ginny in the stands. Gryffindor was playing Ravenclaw today. “I swear you are the most popular girl today,” Ginny was saying to her. “I mean everyone's talking about you and Oliver. Oh, he's so dreamy.” Hermione watched Harry in the sky. “Yes, I suppose so.” Ginny looked at her friend. “Boy, you are a far cry from where you were yesterday.” “What do you mean?” “I mean yesterday, you were on cloud nine, nothing could wipe that smile off your face.” “I don't know. It's all just so new.” Hermione watched as Harry made a spectacular dive to avoid a bludger. She couldn't help but feel a little sad somehow. She felt as if she was closing the book on a particular part of her life. Was she sure she wanted to do that? “I heard Harry broke up with Hannah last night,” Ginny interrupted her thoughts. “Really?” Hermione said dryly. It was no surprise to her, Harry didn't seem to stay with one person for too long. “Yeah he broke up with her on the Quidditch pitch. She's pretty pissed off about it,” Ginny continued. Hermione looked at her. Last night on the pitch? Did Harry see her and Oliver? She looked up in the sky at her friend zooming around. Part of her was glad that he had seen her with Oliver, but part of her was a little bothered by that. Suddenly Harry dived toward the ground, pulling up at the last second triumphantly holding the snitch in his fist securing another Gryffindor victory. Hermione nearly screamed herself hoarse, cheering him on. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I still don't see it,” Ron was saying as he squinted up at the tree. Hermione sighed. “It's by that big knobbly branch,” she said as she pointed up. It was a light grey sky outside for the Gryffindors and Slytherins as they attended their Care of Magical Creatures class. Harry, Hermione and Ron stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, glancing up into the trees to study Tree Pixies. “Okay, I think I see it. Nope. That's a leaf,” Ron sighed. “Hogsmeade weekend is coming up for Halloween,” Harry said as he rolled his head. He was getting a crick in his neck from staring up in the trees. “Luna asked if I would go with her,” Ron said sullenly. Hermione clicked her tongue. “I hope you were a gentleman and let her down nicely.” “Actually,” Ron said, blushing. “I told her I would go.” Both Harry and Hermione looked at him. “Oh, wait! Is that it by the knot that looks like an upside down question mark?” Ron was still looking up in the tree. “No that's a twig,” Harry corrected. “Good on you, Ron!” “Maybe you'll actually have a good time. She is quite nice, you know,” Hermione added. “Well, I'm bringing along some insurance just in case. I told her we were going with you two,” Ron smiled. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and shrugged. “Sure.” “Fine.” “Oh wait! There it is! It's sleeping under that big leaf, its leg is dangling down!” Ron said excitedly. “That's right!” Hermione affirmed. “Sometimes you're just looking too hard before you realize what you were looking for was in front of you all along,” Harry said. Hermione turned and looked at him, he turned to look down at Hermione and gave her a small smile before returning his gaze to the treetops. Despite the crispness in the air, she felt her face get very warm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry and Hermione were in the greenhouse putting away pots and sweeping up the soil and fertilizer from the floor. Harry was unusually quiet. “It was an awkward class wasn't it?” Hermione asked with trepidation. “Hmm? I'm sorry…what?” Harry asked distracted. “I said it was an awkward class,” Hermione said a bit more boldly. “You know…with Hannah.” “Oh that,” Harry said scratching his head. “I don't know. Not really.” “With the way that she was…*throwing* herself at Seamus, trying to make you jealous,” Hermione added. Harry stopped his sweeping at looked at Hermione who was gathering the pots from the table. “You know, I never did thank you for helping me here. It is my detention, you didn't have to do this,” he said as he walked toward the table. Hermione determinedly kept her face glued to the table. “Oh, you know…it's no bother.” Harry stood directly beside Hermione. “You have some dirt on you,” he said quietly. Hermione looked up at him, he was so close to her. “Uh…what?” she asked weakly. “Dirt. In your hair,” Harry repeated as he brought his hand to her hair and pulling a small clump of dirt out. She was finding it hard to breathe as he looked at her. She gave a small smile. “Yes…well…so do you,” she said mischievously as she grabbed a small clump from the table and dumped it on Harry's head. Harry laughed out. “Oh…I'm going to get you for that, Granger.” Hermione let out a shriek and ran around the table, her friend in pursuit. Laughter could be heard from the outside of the greenhouse as Ron looked in on his two friends. He smiled to himself. Harry would forgive him for framing him with those dungbombs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione sat on her bed, in her hands rested a small package with an envelope but her attentions were elsewhere as she stared out of the window. It had been a strange few weeks. She felt the butterflies and anticipation you get with a new love every time she thought about Oliver. But Harry… She just couldn't get him out of her mind. It was the little things lately. The looks he would give her, the smiles, the way he would accidentally brush up against her or reach for the same object only to have their hands make contact without pulling away right away. He was the first person she would see in the morning as he waited by her door, and the last person she would see at the end of the day as he walked her to her room. It was the way she felt when he stood so close to her, looking down at her. She sighed and opened the envelope, taking out its contents to read for the tenth time that day. She had received it early that morning. *My Dearest Hermione,* *I hope this letter finds you well and I hope you are enjoying your final days at Hogwarts. Being back there brought back so many memories. I hope Gryffindor is still in the running for the cup but with the form**idable team that you have, I don't have any doubts. I'm really glad I got to spend some time with you while I was there. And I won't forget our incredible night. I've sent you something that I hope you will like. It's really just a small gesture. Look out for a surprise that I'm sending you on Halloween. I really miss your company and I look forward to seeing you again.* *With Love,* *Oliver* Hermione carefully opened up the small package revealing a robin's egg blue box inside with a white ribbon. Hermione gasped. It was from Tiffany's. She slowly lifted up the lid of the box, taking out a smaller velvet box. Inside this was a silver heart pendant on a silver chain. “Wow,” Hermione breathed. She put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She was so confused, she needed to think things through. She sought solace at the lake, staring out at the flat water surface that was disturbed once in awhile by the giant squid. She should've felt happy. She had a boyfriend, she was Head Girl, it was her last year at Hogwarts. And yet she'd never felt more confused in her life. She heard a twig snap behind her and she whirled around, wand drawn. But her intruder merely grabbed her wrist so the wand was no longer pointed at him. “Harry!” Hermione gasped. “You should know better than sneaking up on people.” “I wasn't sneaking. I called your name three times,” Harry informed her, releasing her hand. “Oh,” she said as she tucked her wand back in, “well, I have a lot on my mind.” “Apparently. You shouldn't be out here by yourself, you know.” “I can take care of myself.” Harry stood right next to her and stared out at the lake, not saying anything for a few moments. “Beautiful necklace. Oliver, right?” he broke the silence. Hermione shifted her stance. “Yes,” she answered quietly. “Tiffany's. Good taste.” Hermione looked questioning up at Harry. “Remember, I dated Lavender,” he explained. Hermione smiled. “Beautiful night,” she said. “Yes, beautiful, indeed,” he answered, looking at her. Another spell of silence fell between them. “Well, curfew has started,” Hermione stated. “We should get back to the castle to start our rounds.” “Yes, I suppose we should,” Harry sighed. Hermione turned to walk but her foot caught on a tree root that was sticking up out of the ground. She lost her balance and began to fall forward but Harry had caught her. He held her close to him. “Are you alright?” he asked her. She was having trouble finding her voice but managed to squeak out a yes. She regained her balance but Harry still held her close and she wasn't making any moves to leave his arms. She breathed in his scent, felt his arms wrapped around her, his beautiful eyes and those lips. “I can't do this, Harry,” she whispered weakly. “Can't or won't,” he whispered back. “Shouldn't,” she replied. “Why?” “I'm with Oliver, now.” “Then why haven't you pulled away?” he asked. His face inched closer to hers. “Harry,” she sighed. “What if there was no Oliver?” he asked. “But there is,” she answered. She was well aware that she wasn't pulling away from him. Her heart was pounding in her chest as his lips were centimeters from hers. “Then get rid of him,” he said huskily as he finally closed the gap. Their lips touched for only a millisecond before the sound of laughter rang out in the air. A group of third years were scrambling toward the castle. Hermione slipped out of his arms and walked toward the group, escorting them back. She heard Harry swear behind her then jogged to join the group. She managed to avoid him the rest of the night to settle her thoughts and nerves. She'd almost kissed him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sky was a stormy grey, the next morning as they made their way to Hogsmeade. Harry held the carriage door open for Ron, Luna and her. She gave him a small smile before climbing in. Three Broomsticks was warm and inviting as the four of them snagged a table next to the fire. Ron and Luna were carrying on pretty well and they were enjoying each others company. Harry and Hermione smiled to themselves, happy for their friends, once in awhile their knees touched or their hands brushed. Everyone was having a great time until… “I'll be right back,” Harry announced as he got up and left the table, making his way to the restrooms. “Hey, Hermione, you don't mind if Luna and I go and play a game of gobstones over there, do you?” Ron asked, pointing to a table across the room. “No, no of course not. I'll tell Harry when he gets back.” “Thanks, Hermione.” She took a sip of her butterbeer and watched the two of the set up their game. “Now what's a beautiful girl like you doing sitting by herself?” Hermione whirled around. “Oliver!” “Surprise!” he said as he sat down next to her. “I see you got my gift.” “Um…yes. Thank you,” she said, still in shock. “It's really great to see you,” he said then kissed Hermione lightly on the lips. Hermione broke the kiss and looked over his shoulder. Harry had come back from the restrooms and was standing in the crowd watching the two of them with the most heartbroken look on his face. He walked sadly past the table and out of the small pub. Hermione turned to look at Oliver. “Oliver…we need to talk.” ~~~~~~~~~~ It had begun to rain when Hermione ran out of the Three Broomsticks. She looked up and down the street but her friend was nowhere to be found. On a hunch, she ran towards the Shrieking Shack. “Harry! Harry, wait up!” she called out to him. She found him walking towards the house. “Go away, Hermione. I want to be alone,” he shouted out, not turning toward her. “Harry would you at least stop so we can talk?” she caught up to him. “I said GO…AWAY!” “Harry…I broke up with Oliver,” Hermione's words stopped Harry in his tracks and he spun around to look at her. She was completely drenched, her jacket hung heavy on her and her jeans were soaked through, she brushed her wet hair out of her face. “Actually, I don't know if we were really going out.” Harry just looked at her, he didn't say anything. “Harry, what do you want from me?” she cried out exasperatedly. “I've been in love with you since…since you saved me from the troll.” Harry looked surprised. “But you never noticed me, you never noticed me like you did Cho and Lavender and all those others. Do you have any idea how painful that was? I had to get over you Harry! I couldn't take it anymore! But Ron noticed me,” Harry winced at her words, “and Oliver did, too. So I tried to move on, I tried…so…hard,” Hermione began to cry. “Hermione…” Harry moved forward to wrap his arms around her but she stepped away from him. “No, Harry, I can't,” she pleaded but he persisted and won, embracing her against him she sobbed. “Hermione, I'm so sorry. I've been so stupid and blind. Yes, I do know how painful it is to watch the person you love be with someone else.” He cradled her head between his hands, forcing her to look up at him. “I love you. I just didn't see it until recently.” She looked dumbstruck at his words. “It nearly drove me insane that you were with Ron. Then, seeing you with Oliver, I was crazy with jealousy. Hermione, I've loved you for so long, I've just been too stupid to see it. And, today, when I saw you kiss him, I thought I was too late. Am I too late, Hermione?” Hermione stayed in the arms of the boy she loved, still loved, tried so hard to get over loving him. “No, Harry, you're not too late.” He looked down at her, she wanted him to kiss her so badly. He had that look on his face, the snitch look. The clatter of the carriages announced their arrival as Harry began to close the gap. “Oh, you've got to be kidding me,” Harry groaned in frustration. Hermione laughed and gave him a quick peck on the cheek before leaving him to supervise the students leaving Hogsmeade. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Hermione, I'm closing up dear,” Madam Pince informed her. Hermione looked up from her Arithmancy homework. “I'm sorry, I didn't notice the time!” She carefully packed her things into her bookbag and was heading towards the door when she was grabbed from behind, a hand covered her mouth. “Harry!” Hermione hissed. “You nearly scared me to death.” “Shh!” he whispered, then threw his invisibility cloak around them. Madam Pince looked up and down the aisles once more before turning out the lights and locking the door behind her. “What do you think you're doing?” Hermione whispered as Harry uncovered them. “Continuing our conversation,” he replied. “Our conversation?” she asked. “Yeah, this conversation,” he answered, then he cradled Hermione's head in his hands and brought his lips to hers. Hermione felt time stop, the world around them fell away as Harry kissed her. Now granted her experience in this department was limited to the boy next door, Ron and Oliver, but none of them, I repeat none of them felt like this. Not even close by a longshot. Harry wrapped his arms around her as she fell limply against the bookcase behind her. “Wow,” she gasped when Harry broke the kiss. “Yeah,” Harry agreed, a little breathless. “We should talk about this some more,” she said. “Most definitely,” Harry agreed. The kisses intensified as Harry kept Hermione pinned to the bookshelf. Their hands began to wander and explore as Harry took joy in inciting little sighs and moans from her. “Hermione,” Harry moaned as she kissed his neck, “Hermione, we should stop. We have to stop.” He forced himself away from Hermione. “You're right, it's late,” Hermione agreed. “I don't want to push you or do anything with you that you might regret. You're too special to me. I want to wait until you're ready.” “I'm ready,” Hermione said simply. “Okay,” Harry replied, then he kissed her passionately. Hermione walked backwards, leading them to a table, undoing his robe as he kissed her. He quickly undid hers then lifted her onto the table. She scooted backwards then lay down, bringing Harry with her by this tie, which she began to undo. She moaned as Harry began to move against her. “Ow,” she whispered as she hit her head on the table. “Harry…we need…a pillow,” she said he kissed her. He moved down to her neck, reaching down to retrieve his wand. “Oh sod it,” he whispered when he couldn't find it and reached for his robes, bundling them up and placing it under her head. Hermione pushed Harry up so that she could remove her sweater. Harry promptly began to undo the buttons on her shirt. “This is taking way too long,” he whispered frustrated and ripped open the rest of it. “Harry!” Hermione scolded as he kissed and caressed her breasts. “I'll buy you a new one,” Harry whispered. Hermione brought him back up to kiss him on the lips and she heard the small tinkling sound of a belt being unbuckled, then a zipper being undone. “Oh, crap, my shoes are still on,” Harry muttered. Hermione let out a small giggle as Harry struggled to take them off. “Not funny, Hermione,” Harry whispered as he climbed back on top of her. He began to work on her skirt, blindly, as he kissed her. “Just leave it on,” Hermione whispered after a few moments. She let out a soft moan as Harry's hand traveled up her thigh. “Are you wearing granny panties?” Harry asked her. Hermione wanted to die of embarrassment. “The house elves haven't brought our laundry up yet.” He laughed quietly. “They are totally hot.” “Oh shut up, Potter,” Hermione scolded. “Too bad they have to come off,” Harry whispered as he slowly slid them down her legs. He climbed back on top of her and nestled himself between her thighs. He kissed her tenderly on the lips. “Do you—“ “I'm taking a potion.” “Okay.” Harry paused a moment, then slowly slid himself into Hermione. “Oh…God,” he whispered as Hermione moaned quietly. Harry kissed her once more before he moved rhythmically against her. He invaded her every sense. Maybe it was because they had to be quiet, the fear of discovery or the fact that her best friend, whom she loved for so long, was sliding above her and within her, or all of it put together but she had never felt like this. Her only experience had been with Ron and it was nothing compared to this. A new sensation overcame her, it was like a tension building and building. She had never felt this before, it felt pleasurable. She let out a little gasp. Harry moved a little faster. It was a pleasurable tension, just building and building and building until it released. Hermione let out a moan but Harry quickly covered her mouth with a kiss. She couldn't help it, she was feeling the most wonderful sensations all over her body. This is what the big deal was about, what all the girls talked about. An orgasm. She had just had her first orgasm. And with Harry! He broke his kiss with her and let out a hushed groan as he came. Her heightened sensations made her body aware of every move he made. Hermione moved his bangs away from his head, feeling a trace of sweat on his forehead as she traced his scar with her finger. Harry was a little out of breath as he kissed her sweetly on the lips then rested his head on her chest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron looked up as the portrait door opened and his friend walked through. “Hermione still out on her rounds?” he asked Harry, who plopped himself onto an armchair. “Yeah,” he said, scratching his head and looking into the roaring fire in the fireplace. “Did you get a chance to talk to her?” he asked. “Yeah…we talked.” Harry shifted uncomfortably. “And?” “We, uh, basically said all we needed to say,” Harry answered, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. Ron looked at his friend. “Good, then,” he said, still perplexed by his friends deceptive behavior. --> 10. Oliver's Bad Day -------------------- **Chapter Ten****: Oliver's Bad Day** *My head keeps spinnin', I go to sleep and keep grinnin' If this is just the beginnin', my life is gonna be beautiful She's tellin' me we'll be wed, she's picked out a king-size bed I couldn't feel any better or I'd be sick Tell me quick oh, ain't love a kick? Tell me quick ain't love a kick in the head?* *(Ain't That a Kick in the Head? - Dean Martin)* A loud squeal coming from the kitchen woke Ginny from her sleep. Grumbling she stumbled out of bed, out of her room and into the kitchen where Luna and Hermione were standing. “Are you guys aware that it is a weekend?” she yawned. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you,” Hermione apologized. Ginny waved her off. “So, what's all the excitement about?” “You are seeing the newest reporter for the Quibbler,” Luna announced, presenting Hermione. “Oh, that's great! That means you're staying in London!” Ginny jumped up and down as Hermione nodded. “We are very fortunate to have her. Especially since we'll be short handed later this year,” Luna explained. Hermione and Ginny looked quizzically at her. “Well, I *will* be on maternity leave later this year.” Hermione and Ginny let out screams of delight as they both hugged Luna. “Oh my God, this is so wonderful!!” Hermione said through tears of joy. “It's a girl. I just know it is,” Ginny squealed. “Well this definitely calls for a celebration,” Hermione announced. “And I know just how we'll do that.” She grinned walking over to her purse and reached in, pulling out a Gringott's key. ******************************* “Oh a girl could get used to this,” Luna moaned. The three of them were face down on massage tables being serviced. Hermione had treated the girls to one of the most exclusive spas in the wizarding world. After this, they were going to do some celebratory shopping. “You know, Hermione. You *are* going to need a new wardrobe,” Ginny said. “Hmm, you are absolutely right!” Hermione agreed. “I guess we should head over to Bond Street after this,” Luna sighed. The three broke into laughter. Hermione was exploring the cosmetic possibilities inside Fenwicks when she heard a familiar voice. “I'll tell you now, that that color stains.” Hermione put the lipstick down. “Harry,” she said politely, “dare I ask how you know this?” “I just do,” he shrugged. “Hmm,” Hermione said suspiciously. “Fancy meeting you here of all places.” “I saw you come in here,” Harry said picking up a bottle of perfume and smelling it. “Don't aurors have better things to do than spy on law abiding wizards?” she muttered under her breath. “Don't flatter yourself, Hermione. I was doing a bit of shopping for Molly,” he said as he picked up another bottle. Hermione put down a bottle of nail polish and looked up thoughtfully. “Oh, that's right, her birthday is coming up. I should find something for her as well,” she added as she picked up her shopping bags. “Looks like you've been doing a bit of damage to your Gringott's account,” Harry said as he took a few of the bags off Hermione's hands. “Geez, how many pairs of shoes do you have in here?” he asked as he picked up a particularly heavy one. “They're not all mine. Some are Ginny's and I won't take the time to explain to you the importance of Jimmy Choo,” Hermione replied as she continued her way to the handbags. “And the Prada and Versace?” Harry said eyeing the other bags. “Since when were you into shopping?” “I'm not. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Prada and Guess. That's Ginny's department, I just follow her lead,” Hermione explained. “Oh, so Ginny's with you?” “And Luna. The girls and I are doing a bit of celebratory shopping,” Hermione said perusing the handbags. “So you've heard Ron and Luna's good news?” Harry asked. “I'm so happy for them. Ron is going to be such a good father,” Hermione beamed. “And I've got a bit of good news myself.” “You've stopped being a raving lunatic?” Harry guessed. “Ha, ha. Very funny. I've just taken a job at the Quibbler.” “Well, congratulations,” Harry said. “Now you get to write first hand about how much of a raving madwoman you are,” he chided. “I am not a raving madwoman.” “Okay, how about scorned wife whose revenge on her cheating husband is to empty his bank account?” Harry teased, picking up a small handbag. Hermione snatched the handbag out of Harry's hands and put it back on the shelf. “Don't you have a bit of shopping to do?” “I'm thinking of buying Molly a handbag.” Hermione opened her mouth to retort but was cut off by her friend. “Harry! What are you doing here?” Luna asked from behind her. Hermione turned around, Luna and Ginny had come back from the restroom after battling a bout of morning sickness. “I was just looking.” “He was just leaving.” Harry and Hermione spoke at the same time. Ginny and Luna looked confused. “Um, Ginny. I'm glad I ran into you, I was just shopping for your mum, and Hermione here was telling me how much an asset you were to her. I was hoping you could help me out?” Harry asked, looking directly at Hermione. “Of course! I'd be happy to, Harry!” Ginny answered brightly. Hermione gave out a quiet laugh of disbelief as Harry joined their little group. At the end of the excursion, Harry called for a limo to take them back to Ginny's flat. The driver began loading their bags into the boot, as Ginny and Luna climbed in. “Well, Harry, thank you for the ride,” Hermione said as she made a move to join the girls but Harry stopped her. “I'm just curious as to what Oliver thinks of your move,” he asked. “Oh, I have a feeling it will work out for the best. After all, we'll both be working here,” she said cryptically. “Both be working here?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Have you talked to him, then?” “Why on Earth would I talk to that poor excuse of a husband?” she asked as she walked toward the car. Harry followed. “So how do you know he'll sign with the Cannons?” “Let's just call it a hunch,” Hermione said smiling as she climbed into the car. The driver closed the door and Harry approached the window. “What are you up to Ms. Granger?” he asked, handing Hermione her purse through the window. “That's Mrs. Woods to you,” Hermione winked and rolled the window up. *********************************** Oliver stepped into his manager's office and closed the door behind him. He had just gotten back to the States last night and hadn't slept well. The mediwitch had given him a couple of potions for the pain, but there was enough of a dull ache in his ribs to keep him from sleeping comfortably. On top of that, there was the loneliness he felt being by himself in that house since Hermione left. There was no warm smile and hug waiting for him when he came home from a long day. There was no fighting for the remote, or bathroom space when brushing his teeth at night. When he woke up in the morning, her space was empty and he was left holding her pillow which had her fading scent on it. He missed his wife who was an ocean away from him. He fucked up. Really fucked things up. He had taken her for granted. Taken what they had together for granted. “Sit down, Oliver,” his manager Gerald Frosbe said nodding to a chair, Oliver obliged him. The door opened and Rachel McKinnon walked in. He hadn't seen Rachel since his wife walked in on them at the hotel. She had been leaving messages at his home, sending owls to him in London, all of which Oliver did not return. He wanted nothing to do with her, anymore. “We have a bit of a situation here, Oliver,” his manager began. “Ryan Fulton refuses to be on the same pitch as you and is threatening to leave the team. Although we are in negotiations with you to renew your contract, I'm afraid we are going to have to leave the table.” “What do you mean?” Oliver asked. His manager shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “You two are our biggest stars but we can't afford to lose the both of you. As of late, you have been attracting some unwanted and negative press. It's affecting the team. I'm sorry Oliver but we have to let you go.” ******************************* Oliver cleared out the last of his belongings from his locker and stormed out of the locker room. Rachel was waiting for him in the hall. “You knew about this didn't you?” he growled at her then continued on his way. She followed him. “I've been owling you and calling your house but you didn't answer,” she replied. “I didn't think it would appropriate for me to respond.” “Oliver, you haven't said a word to me since that night,” she pleaded but Oliver ignored her and kept walking. “Oliver, are you alright? Please talk to me. Oliver?” He ignored her and apparated home. As he walked around the block, he saw people dressed in blue uniforms walking in and out of his house. “Excuse me, can you please tell me what's going on? This is my house!” He stopped one of the men in uniform. Marshall's Magical Movers was on the label of his shirt. “Hey man, we're just the movers. We're just picking up the boxes we were told to pick up.” “Where are you taking them?” he asked. “London.” Oliver walked around the house. The movers were taking only a few pieces of furniture, all the books in the library as well as a few pictures on the mantle. Oliver noticed that all the pictures of Hermione and him were left behind. He ran upstairs to his bedroom. All of her things from the bathroom were gone, as well as her clothes in the closet and in the dresser. “Oliver Wood please?” he heard a voice downstairs. “I think he's upstairs,” one of the movers replied. A goblin had walked upstairs and entered the bedroom looking for him. “Can I help you?” Oliver asked him. “Oliver Wood?” “I am.” “I'm Rangok, a representative from Gringott's. I'm here personally to inform you about your account with us. There has been some recent activity on it, most unusual for it and I wanted to rule out any fraud on your behalf.” “What kind of unusual activity?” Oliver asked. “Well, there seems to be some rather large drafts taken from the account.” “Do you have a record of this?” “Oh yes, here you are,” Rangok replied handing Oliver a piece of parchment. Oliver scanned the parchment. “WHAT??!!” ************************** He stepped out of the floo network at Heathrow and ventured to an apparition point. CRACK!! He landed two blocks away from where he wanted to be. He tried again. CRACK!! The same result. He swore angrily under his breath and began to walk toward his townhouse. Hermione and he had kept their townhouse in London after they moved to the States, using it to stay when they were in town for the holidays or vacation. Or as in the past few weeks, when you're in London trying to reconcile with your wife. He walked up to the front door and used his key to unlock it. But it didn't work. He looked around, no one else was in sight. He pulled out his wand and muttered the charm to unlock the door, it didn't work. He could hear footsteps on the other side before the door was yanked open. “Hermione?” Oliver asked surprised. “What are you doing here? I thought you were staying with Ginny.” She stood in the doorway of the home, arms crossed, wearing jeans and a white sweater. Her hair looked different as it cascaded around her shoulders. “I've imposed on Ginny long enough and seeing as I was offered job here in London, I needed to stay somewhere more permanent.” “A job? Where?” Her husband asked. “Luna's offered me a job writing for the Quibbler.” “Honey, that's great!” Oliver brightened but Hermione threw him a condescending look. “I assume you're here to pick up your things?” “My things?” Oliver asked, confused. Hermione nodded and picked up a large box, shoving it in Oliver's arms. “I assume this is the reason why I can't apparate here?” “And why your key doesn't work,” Hermione finished. “You can't kick me out of my own home,” Oliver threatened. “*Our* home,” Hermione shot back. “And yes, I can.” “Where am I supposed to stay while I'm here in London? You know I'm in the middle of a deal.” “Not my problem,” Hermione chirped and closed the door in his face. “You nearly drained our account at Gringott's. I don't even have enough money for a few days at a hotel!” he shouted at the door. Hermione yanked the door open again. “Why don't you use your credit card? I'm sure it's seen enough charges at hotels,” she hissed before slamming the door in his face again. Two days later, the Daily Prophet headline read: **Wood Returns to the UK: Oliver Wood signs with the Chudley Cannons.** --> 11. Silent Night ---------------- Chapter Eleven: Silent Night *And they say that a hero can save us. I'm not gonna stand here and wait. I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles. Watch as we all fly away.* *(Hero ~ Chad Kroeger**)* *(Hogwarts: Seventh Year)* Harry sat in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class for the first time in his life not paying attention. He was mesmerized by the swinging leg of his girlfriend. Ah, his girlfriend. Hermione. He had never felt more at peace in his life than he did right now. Word had spread quickly about the two of them being a couple. Not that they didn't catalyze that by their inability to keep one another's hands off of each other. He watched her, sitting a table away, her legs crossed. One of them dangling, swinging lazily back and forth. Harry was hypnotized, remembering her cute little toes, her delicate ankles, those sexy calves, those thighs that wrap so nicely… He yanked his attention back to Professor Lupin at the front of the class. He really needed to pay attention. What he could learn could one day save his life. “It is necessary to clear ones head of all thoughts and if possible do not make eye contact. A person skilled in Occlumency is able to do this, keeping his enemy from using whatever information is in his or her head.” *Yeah, no* *kidding*, Harry thought to himself. Hermione's swinging leg caught his attention again and his mind drifted back to a couple of days ago. She had yanked him into a broom closet as he was leaving for Quidditch practice. He half-heartedly told her that he was going to be late and that as captain, it would not look good. She was kissing his lips, his neck, nibbling on his ear. But the protests died on his lips the minute she got down on her knees, unzipped his trousers and— “Harry!” “Huh, what?” Harry bolted upright, yanked out of his reverie by Professor Lupin. “Seeing as you have a lot on your mind, I was hoping you'd give a demonstration of Occlumency to the class?” he asked and some of the class sniggered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He made his way to the Prefect's bath, hoping to unwind and let the day's events clear his mind. He was getting better and better at Occlumency. Now that Hermione was usually the last thing on his mind before he went to bed, he didn't want Voldemort to see what he and Hermione had been up to. After opening the door, he immediately found that he was not alone. “Rough day?” his girlfriend asked as Harry walked over to the edge of the pool. “My scar's been acting up all day and I've just got back from a particularly brutal Occlumency lesson with Dumbledore. I feel like my brain has been run over and over by the Hogwart's Express.” Hermione gave a small smile of understanding. Harry dived into the pool and did a couple of laps as Hermione watched. He swam over the steps of the pool and sat down. Hermione joined him, sitting behind him, legs perched on either side of him as she began to massage his temples. Harry sighed as he felt himself unwind. “Christmas is coming up, have you thought about what you want to do?” he asked her. “My parents are going on a holiday cruise to the Bahamas,” she replied. “Wow, that sounds nice.” “Yeah, too bad I'm not going.” “You're not?” “Dumbledore thinks it would be wise if I stayed somewhere a little more protected.” Hermione began to massage his neck. “I think he's absolutely right. Where will you go?” Hermione didn't reply for some time. “He was thinking Hogwarts.” Harry's shoulders slumped slightly. “Or…headquarters.” Harry turned around to face her. “I think headquarters would be best,” he said, moving close to her. “Do you now?” Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow. “The place is unplottable and the Death Eaters have no idea where it's at,” Harry said as he kissed one side of her neck. “That's true,” Hermione replied. “And you would be completely surrounded by aurors, so you would always be protected.” He kissed the other side of her neck. “Good point,” she sighed. “And I will be there to keep my eye on you.” Harry kissed her deeply, tasting her as one hand slid down her waist. She was wearing the bikini bottoms with the strings on them. His favorite. He began to undo them. “So I guess it's settled then?” Hermione asked between kisses. “Yes, it's settled,” Harry whispered taking them off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Death Eaters in Ottery St. Catchpole?” Hermione gasped. She and Ron sat on Harry's bed, Harry stood leaning against the bedpost, arms crossed while Ginny played with Crookshanks on the floor. “Yeah, I overheard on my way back from the kitchen,” Ginny said. It was Christmas Eve at Grimmauld Place and an impromptu meeting of the Order was taking place downstairs. The Weasley's had joined Harry and Sirius for Christmas at Harry's request. The huge house would be lonely with just the three of them, Hermione included. “Do you think they were looking for us?” Ron asked. “Maybe,although most likely not,” Harry spoke up. “I think they were after Luna,” Hermione said gently. Ron looked up fiercely at her then at Harry. “Voldemort never really did get over what happened in the Department of Mysteries,” Harry explained, his jaw clenching slightly. He had nearly lost his godfather in that near disaster. “But don't worry, I asked Dumbledore if he would keep Luna and Neville at the castle.” Ron visibly relaxed. “Do you think,” he began as he fiddled with the quilt on Harry's bed. “Do you think it would be okay if we invited Luna over for the holidays?” he timidly asked Harry. “I mean we could invite Neville, too,” he hastily added. Harry smiled down at his friend. “I'll ask Sirius in the morning. I'm sure it will be okay.” “I'm going to check if dinner's ready,” Ginny announced as she got up from the floor. Hermione watched as Ginny left the room then turned to her two best friends. “I think now would be a good time to give you your gifts.” She hopped of the bed and out of the room, returning a short while later as Ron and Harry were setting up a game of wizard's chess. “Here,” she said, handing them each a small wrapped box. The boys eagerly unwrapped them. “Oh cool, Hermione, a watch!” Ron exclaimed excitedly. “I charmed them so they would work at Hogwarts.” Hermione stuck out her arm, revealing a watch of her own. “These aren't your ordinary watches,” she continued. “I've been working on them since the beginning of the term. See here?” she asked pointing to a button on the watch. “Press this, and you can summon any one of us to talk. Just speak low into the watch face. Sort of like a walkie talkie.” Ron looked confused. “Like this,” she demonstrated, pushing a button. “Hello boys,” she whispered into the watch. “Wicked!” Ron face brightened. “You only need to whisper into it,” Hermione continued on. “Now, press this button here, and you've got a homing device so anyone of us can find each other in case we get separated.” “Thanks, Hermione,” Harry said quietly but sincerely. Ginny reentered the room. “Dinner's ready,” she announced. Harry laid in bed that night, looking at his watch on the nightstand. The battle was getting closer with each passing day. *…and you've got a homing device so anyone of us can find each other in case we get separated.* Hermione's voice lingered in his head. His battle with Voldemort was his and his alone. A small knock at the door brought him out of his thoughts. Harry got out of bed and opened the door. Hermione was on the other side, dressed in her night robe. “You know you don't have to knock,” Harry whispered, letting her into the room. “I'd rather not risk attack by sneaking up on you,” she replied as Harry closed the door behind her. “Good point,” Harry said. “Couldn't sleep?” “I realized I forgot to give you a goodnight kiss,” she said, her eyes dancing. “Well, you should remedy that right away,” Harry smiled, bringing his head down to kiss her. She led them back towards his bed, her fingers slipping underneath his t-shirt to trace the muscles defined by his Quidditch playing. Harry pulled the t-shirt off over his head as Hermione gently pushed him down onto the bed. She untied her robe, letting it fall to the floor and Harry inhaled sharply as the moonlight illuminated the silk chemise she wore. She climbed atop him, straddling him as she began to kiss his lips. His hands wandered up her thighs, her waist then the swell of her breasts, feeling the silk against her body. He tangled his hands into her hair, kissing her deeper and more intense as she moved herself against him. She broke the kiss to allow Harry to remove his pants then straddled him once more, teasing him at her entrance before lowering herself to take him in. Harry's hands rested on her hips as she moved in rhythm, small moans escaping her lips. He watched her, feeling her warmth around him. He sat up, kissing her neck as she wrapped her legs around him. He turned them over so that he was above her. They clasped their hands together and he placed them above her head. “You know that I love you?” he whispered into her ear as he slowly entered her. “I'll love you forever, Hermione. Forever and ever.” He slowly began to pick up his pace, moving against her, feeling the silk slide between their bodies. Soon her moans began to get louder and he felt her walls tightening as she gave her release, biting her lower lip. He soon followed, releasing himself into her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A bruised and bloody Harry flew through the air and landed hard on his back. He struggled to breathe as he got the wind knocked out of him. *Get up! Get up! Get up!* He told himself repeatedly. With difficulty he managed to roll himself over, he coughed once turning the white snow in front of him, pink. He touched his fingers to his lips then looked at them, they had blood on them. He staggered to his feet. “Why can't you just stay down?” a cold, high pitched tired voice called out. Voldemort had attacked them just after midnight on Christmas Day. Death Eaters swarmed Grimmauld Place and Harry separated himself from his friends knowing that Voldemort would be drawn to him like a moth to a flame. They were on the roof, facing each other down for one final time, while the others battled the Death Eaters in the house. “I could ask you the same thing,” Harry panted. For being a self-proclaimed evil genius, Voldemort had surprisingly used his own wand to battle with Harry again. Both of them well aware what would happen if they used their wands against each other, avoided trying to cast incantations at the same time. Voldemort limped into Harry's view. For his credit, Harry had done his own number on Voldemort. Harry raised his wand to cast another spell when two voiced suddenly shouted out. “Expelliarmus!” Hermione and Ron shouted together. They had made their way to the roof to help out their best friend. “NO!” Harry screamed. Voldemort was too quick for them. “Protego!” he shouted, shielding himself from them. Their wand blast bounced uselessly off his shield. “Avada Kedavra!” he shouted. Hermione and Ron quickly jumped out of the way as the green jet of wand blast exploded onto the ground between them. Harry took advantage of this and sent a blast towards Voldemort, who at the last minute turned but the spell did enough damage, slicing through his shoulder blade. He cried out in pain. “Get out of here, get away from here!” Harry shouted to his friends. “No way, mate. We're all in this together!” Ron shouted back as he and Hermione ran towards Harry. “Reducto!” Voldemort cried out and the ground exploded between them, separating Harry from his friends, sending them all to the ground. “Three against one! No matter, just two more lives for me to claim. So,” he strode towards Hermione and Ron, “would you like a taste of what it's like to duel with me? CRUCIO!!” Hermione and Ron cried out in pain, writhing on the ground. Harry's heart broke when he heard his friends in pain, fury raged inside of him as he heard Hermione's screams. He forced himself off the ground. “EXPELLIARMUS!” Harry shouted. The events of what happened next seemed to only take a split second. Voldemort's wand went flying out of his hand. Harry had actually disarmed him! However, Voldemort snatched Hermione up from the ground. “Drop. Your. Wand, Potter,” Voldemort growled, holding Hermione in front of him as a shield. “Don't listen to him, Harry! Cast it! Cast the killing curse!” Hermione pleaded. “Yes, Harry, go ahead and cast it, but you'll kill your little mudblood along with me,” Voldemort sneered, wrapping his arms tighter around Hermione, pulling her closer to him. “Do it Harry! Just do it!” Hermione ordered but Harry just kept his wand pointed at them. “Let her go,” Harry demanded. “Tell me Harry, does it pain you to see my arms wrapped around your little mudblood?” Voldemort taunted. “Shut up,” Harry growled. “Tsk, tsk, Potter. You should've known better than to think you could completely block me out of your mind.” Voldemort raised one hand, twirling his fingers in Hermione's soft brown curls. “I know all about you and your little mudblood.” Harry's fingers tightened around his wand. Ron slowly opened his eyes, his whole body hurt. He could hear Voldemort taunting Harry. He saw something lying in the snow. Ever so slowly, as to not attract any attention, he began to move. “Not too much. Just a glance here and there,” Voldemort continued. “I knew how you felt about her long before you did. But I do give you credit, she is a beautiful mudblood.” Harry's rage and terror began to build. “I saw a touch here and there,” he caressed Hermione's face. “A kiss,” he kissed Hermione's neck then very slowly began to slide his hand down her belly. “And did you know,” Voldemort's voice suddenly became dangerous, “that your mind opens up for a few seconds as you reach your pleasure with her?” “Harry, please!” Hermione cried out as tears began to fall down her face. “Okay! Okay,” Harry tossed his wand and held his hands up in surrender. “No!” Hermione sobbed softly. “Harry, no!” Voldemort began to chuckle softly as his hand slid into Hermione's robe. “You stupid, *stupid* little boy,” Voldemort laughed. He withdrew his hand from Hermione's waist, drawing out her wand. Hermione suddenly elbowed Voldemort in the gut and stumbled out of his grasp as he doubled in pain and surprise. “HARRY!!” Ron shouted, tossing a wand to his friend. Harry didn't hesitate. “AVADA KEDAVRA!” he shouted. A blood curdling scream pierced the air as the wind roared around them at a violent speed. Lightning began to strike dangerously around them. Harry grabbed his scar, dropped to his knees, retching at the incredible amount of pain he was in. “*Did* *you really think you could destroy me? Everything that I embody?*” Tom Riddle's voice spoke in Harry's head. “*Yes, you will kill me today but I will rise again in the form of another. Someone else will get my revenge**, Potter. It's only a matter of time…*” There was a loud explosion and a powerful shockwave knocking everyone to the ground. Then silence. Harry lay in the snow, breathing shallow as he closed his eyes and welcomed the darkness. Ron began to crawl as Hermione got shakily to her feet. They both used the last of their energy to reach their best friend, collapsing in the snow next to him. --> 12. Old Habits Die Hard ----------------------- Chapter Twelve: Old Habits Die Hard *Moon river, wider than a mile I**'**m crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker,* *you heart breaker Wherever you'**re goin**'**, I**'**m goin**'* *your way Two drifters, off to see the world There**'**s such a lot of world to see We**'**re after the same rainbow**'**s end, waitin**'* *`r**ound the bend My huckleberry friend, moon river, and me* *(Moon River—lyrics by Henry Mancini)* Hermione came home from a long day at work to a house filled with a wonderful aroma of food. Curious, she walked into the kitchen. “How did you get in here?” she asked. “And more importantly, *what* are you doing here?” “Making dinner.” Her husband stood in the kitchen wearing an apron, stirring the pot on the stove. “The answer to your first question is on the table.” Hermione walked over to it, picking up a parchment and scanning it. “Are you serious?” she asked. “Since the deed to the house is in both our names, we both equally have the right to be here. I checked the books. You should be proud of me, I was in a library.” Oliver began to set the table and lit the candles in the centerpiece. “I'm not hungry,” Hermione stated. Oliver sighed a sigh of frustration. “Hermione, whether you like it or not, we are going to have to discuss this situation sooner or later.” “This situation is apparently taking care of itself. You should be a little more discreet when announcing you have gotten a lawyer,” Hermione snapped. “I got one to help with the deal with the Cannons,” Oliver explained. Hermione grudgingly sat down and Oliver smiled. He poured her a glass of wine then placed a plate of spaghetti in front of her. Hermione took a sip of her wine and pushed her food around her plate with a fork. “What are we doing Hermione? How did things get so bad?” Oliver asked quietly. “If I recall correctly, you were still sowing your wild oats,” Hermione replied smartly. “Dammit, Hermione!” Oliver threw down his fork. “I apologized for that. I don't even see that woman anymore, in fact, I'm seeing nobody. I made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes! But it doesn't change the fact that I still love you.” Hermione sighed and massaged her temples. “I feel like a complete idiot, Oliver. I feel so stupid and so blind. Why didn't you tell me you were so unhappy in our marriage?” “You're one to talk. I could ask the same of you?” “What are you talking about?” “I think you were having second thoughts about marrying me on our wedding day.” Hermione scoffed. “What are you talking about?” “I think you were still in love with Harry.” Hermione threw down her napkin and picked up her plate. “I don't believe this,” she muttered, leaving the table. Her husband followed her to the kitchen. “In fact, all of your friends were against our marriage,” Oliver said. “What? They were happy for us, if they were so against us like you say, they wouldn't have come.” Hermione angrily scraped her food off her plate and into the disposal. “They all wanted you to marry Harry.” She spun around to face her husband, tears were in her eyes. “It didn't matter what everyone else wanted! It mattered what I wanted and I loved you, I married you!” She turned away from him. “We had a marriage, Oliver, for crying out loud. Why would you throw it all away?” Oliver stood behind his wife and put his hands on her shoulders, burying his face in her hair. “I'm so sorry, Hermione. I love you so much, I'll do anything you want,” he whispered. “I just don't know if I can trust you anymore. And isn't that what a marriage is built on? Trust and love?” she sniffled quietly. Oliver sighed and stepped away from his wife. “Do you want a divorce?” he asked quietly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry read the paper, sipping his coffee as he walked to his office. Thank God it was Friday, he was looking forward to a long and peaceful weekend. He opened his office door to find a pair of long legs capped with black high heels resting on his desk. “Cho Chang,” Harry mused as he shut the door behind him. “Hello, Harry,” she sang back. “And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” he asked, setting the paper and his coffee on his desk. Cho got out of his chair and walked around his desk to him. “I'm in town and I just wanted to say hello to an old friend. Are you busy tomorrow?” “As a matter of fact, I am.” “Can't you spare a little of your time for little old me?” she pouted then kissed Harry slowly on the lips. Harry thought back to the last time she had “visited” him. “Well, maybe I can squeeze you in tomorrow night,” he replied and she deepened the kiss. “Harry, are you ready to—oh shit! I'm sorry,” Neville had barged into his office and quickly looked away. “No, Neville, it's okay,” Harry assured, removing himself from Cho's kiss. “I'll see you tomorrow, Harry,” she cooed and left his office. “I'm so sorry, mate. I didn't know she was in here,” Neville apologized. “It's no big deal,” Harry said as he wiped her lipstick off of him with a tissue. “God I hate this color. What's up Nev?” “Recon work today, remember? *He's* in town.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Oh my God. So did he stay the night last night?” Ginny asked as they walked down the street. It was crowded with people making their way to work that morning. “I put a stinging hex on the door in case he tried to pull anything. I swear Ginny, I can't stay another night there,” Hermione complained. “No problem, you can stay with me tonight.” “Thanks Ginny, I—Ow!” Hermione just collided with someone on the street sending their things flying all over. “I'm so sorry!” “No, I apologize, I wasn't looking where I was going.” “No, it's my fault, I wasn't paying…attention,” her voice died away on her lips as she looked into the strangers face. He was a handsome gentleman, a little bit older, maybe in his early forties. He had dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. The stranger looked equally stunned. Hermione quickly gathered the last of her things and stood up. Ginny's mouth hung slightly open as she looked at the stranger and Hermione nudged her friend. The stranger slowly stood up and smiled. “Uh, well…sorry about that,” Hermione forced her composure. “Um…have a nice day,” she said and she dragged Ginny quickly on their way. When they were safely a few blocks away Ginny turned to her friend. “Oh, my God! He was gorgeous, to die for!” she squealed. Hermione laughed at her friend and shook her head in agreement. Hermione was sitting at her desk, writing away, when a breathless Luna came up to her. “Hermione, I need your help. Robert called in sick today and we have a big important interview today, with Antonio DeMarco.” “Who?” Hermione asked. Luna yanked Hermione out of her chair, leading her to the reception area. “Antonio DeMarco, wizard billionaire, he owns dozens of casinos and is opening his new one just outside of London.” “Luna! I can't do it! I'm not prepared, I haven't researched, I have no notes,” Hermione protested. “It's all taken care of. Robert owled all his stuff on this guy, along with the questions he was going to ask and Colin Creevey is doing the photos.” Luna stopped in front of the doors to the reception area and took a deep breath. “Good luck, I know you can do this.” She opened the doors. Hermione's jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she saw the blue eyed stranger from this morning standing in the reception area. He seemed equally shocked, hesitating only a moment before getting out of his chair. He was accompanied by two other wizards. Luna walked up to him extending her hand. “Good morning Mr. DeMarco and welcome to the Quibbler, I'm the editor-in-chief Luna Weasley, this is Hermione Wood. She will be doing your interview.” “Hermione,” Antonio smiled extending his hand to her and shaking it, “a pleasure to meet you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry and Neville sat in the lobby of Antonio DeMarco's office inside the Milanio Casino. It was paneled with dark wood, carpeted in a pattern of burgundy and furnished with the plushest of chairs. The two aurors stood up as Antonio walked through the doors accompanied by two gentlemen. “I apologize for being late, I was caught up in some business elsewhere. Things are pretty chaotic around here, getting ready for the big opening.” “It's no problem,” Harry nodded. Antonio walked over to his secretary's desk and pulled out a business card. “Send two dozen red roses to this person and address, I want them boxed. Also, send an invitation to the opening and a car to pick her up. This way gentlemen,” he guided the two aurors to his office then doubled back to his secretary. “On second thought, add her to the VIP list. I want to be notified immediately when she arrives.” He rejoined the men. “My casino manager should be here any moment, please have a seat. Now, you wish to search the casino?” “We've had some evidence of dark magic that has led to this establishment,” Harry began. “How can that be? We have been under construction, we haven't opened yet,” Antonio questioned. “We aren't accusing you of anything. This is just a cautionary measure,” Harry assured him. “Very well, you are welcome to search. I must tell you that I do not tolerate that kind of behavior from my employees.” “I understand,” Harry said. The doors opened behind him and he and Neville turned around. Harry immediately tensed but did his best to hide his shock. Antonio stood up. “May I introduce to you my casino manager, Draco Malfoy.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The bright sun shone down warmly in the backyard of the Burrow. Everyone decided to sit outside and enjoy the last of the sunshine as fall was here, turning the leaves of the trees red, gold and yellow. Harry arrived a little late since he forgot Molly's present and had to go back and get it then wrap it. He set his gift down on the pile that had accumulated on the table and surveyed the party. “She's out in the back,” his godfather came from behind. “What?” Harry asked. “Hermione. She's out in the back,” Sirius repeated. “I wasn't looking for her,” Harry hissed. He didn't care if she was here. Well, not really. “Sorry, my mistake,” Sirius apologized and walked away, a smile in his eyes. As soon as Sirius was out of his sight, Harry walked to the window and gazed out into the yard. He just wanted to see who else was here, right? And everyone seemed to be gathered in the back. It was just a coincidence. Really. She was standing by the swings pushing Pierre, one of Bill and Fleur's children, while Ginny pushed Luna gently on the other swing. Hermione was wearing jeans and a long sleeved red t-shirt, her curly brown hair moved gently in the breeze. “Oh, I wish I could've seen the look on his face. So what did he say?” Ginny asked. “Well, he wasn't too happy about it.” Hermione was currently telling her friends about the unexpected gifts she received when she went home yesterday to pack an overnight bag. “I mean, who would send a married woman roses?” “Correction there, dear Hermione, currently *separated* woman,” Luna interjected. “Whatever, the point is Oliver was furious. He actually accused *me* of having an affair. Honestly!” Hermione sighed. “Two dozen long stemmed red roses,” Ginny said dreamily. “In a box,” Luna added. “God, what I wouldn't give to have Ronald give me something like that.” “Well, there was more,” Hermione continued quietly. Ginny and Luna looked at each other then at their friend. “I have an invitation to his casino opening next week. He's sending a car to pick me up.” Ginny and Luna's mouths fell open. “I don't know if I want to go.” “You're going,” Luna and Ginny demanded at the same time. “Going where?” a smooth voice asked. Hermione spun around. “Harry! Umpf!” She had momentarily forgotten that she was pushing Pierre on the swing and was knocked to the ground when he swung backwards. “Are you alright?” Harry asked with concern in his voice. Ginny giggled and stopped Pierre's momentum on the swing. “Oh hush up, Ginny,” Hermione said lightly as Harry helped her to her feet. “I think you might get a bruise if you don't put some ice on that right away,” Harry advised. He cupped Hermione's chin with his left hand, brushing her cheekbone with his right hand thumb. Hermione's stomach flipped and her breathing momentarily stopped. Harry's eyes darkened. Hermione snapped out of it and stepped away from him. At the same time, Harry quickly took his hands off of her as if she were made of fire. “You should, uh, pay a little more attention to what you're doing,” Harry began awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. “Yes, well, you startled me. Do you always sneak up on people?” Hermione retorted then began to walk back to the house. “I'm an auror, I can't help it,” Harry followed her. Ginny sighed and took over pushing Pierre on the swing. “I swear those two should just get it over with and shag each other senseless,” she said looking at the two of them as they continued to argue all the way to the house. Luna laughed. The two tables groaned with the amount of food that was on them. The family had sat down and were currently indulging themselves in the delicious food that Arthur had ordered from Molly's favorite restaurant. Harry sat directly across from Hermione. “So, Luna tells me that you've been invited to the opening gala at the Milanio,” Harry began. Hermione looked at her friend, who was currently hiding behind a large cup of water she was gulping down. “Yes, yes I was,” Hermione answered. “He put you down on the VIP list you know. I read your article on Mr. DeMarco this morning and I put two and two together.” “What are you talking about?” Hermione asked. Harry stopped midmotion of bringing food to his mouth, realizing his mistake in almost revealing that he was at DeMarco's office yesterday with Neville. “You're not thinking of going by yourself are you?” he asked, hoping to deter the conversation. “Actually, I don't know if I want to go,” Hermione said politely. “You are going,” Luna demanded. “As your boss, I need someone to cover this event and seeing as you've got an invitation, it just makes it more convenient.” She finished with a cheshire grin on her face. “I don't know. It's a black tie event and I don't have anything to wear, I don't have time to find something,” Hermione protested. “I'm sure you'll find some time to do some shopping,” Harry said dryly earning a glare from Hermione. “Shopping? Hermione hates shopping,” Ron said with a mouth half full with food. “Oh, no Ron. Shopping is one of Hermione's favorite new hobbies,” Harry said brightly. Hermione kicked him under the table. “Don't worry about that, Hermione, leave the little details to me,” Ginny said proudly. Pierre had come up to Harry, tapping him on the arm. “Yes, Pierre?” Harry indulged the small child. “Aunt Ginny said you and Her…Hermi…Herminny should just get it over with and shag each other senseless,” Pierre stated proudly. The entire table went silent. Sirius sprayed out his drink. Hermione looked down at her plate, her face hot with embarrassment, determined to not look at Harry. “Ginnerva Weasley!” Molly scolded, starting an uproar at the table. “What?! I didn't mean…” Ginny's voice was lost among the voices. “Um, I've got to get going,” Harry said awkwardly to no one in particular. Hermione could barely make out his voice above the din, no one was really paying attention to what he was saying. “I've got a prior engagement that I, um, must attend to. Well then,” he got up from the table and left. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sirius picked up his cloak and walked outside in the chill night air. “Mind if I join you?” he asked the young woman sitting on a bench. Hermione looked up at him, quickly wiping away the tears in her eyes. “Uh, sure go ahead.” She moved over, making some room for him. Sirius wrapped the cloak around her shoulders then sat down next to her. Laughter could be heard from inside the house, as Molly's birthday party began to wind down. “How are you holding up, kiddo?” he asked. Hermione laughed through her tears. “Considering I'm going through a very public divorce, being called a raving madwoman by the Prophet and Witch Weekly, currently homeless then absolutely mortified at dinner tonight. I'm doing just peachy.” Sirius chuckled and wrapped one arm around Hermione as she leaned into him. “How did I become such a mess?” she sniffled. “You're not a mess, this situation is a mess, divorce is messy,” Sirius comforted her. “I've never failed at anything in my life. I haven't even drawn up the divorce papers because it would just confirm that I failed my marriage.” “Have you ever considered that *you* didn't fail at your marriage, that *it* failed you?” Sirius asked. Hermione sighed. “Oliver said that everyone was against our marriage.” “Hmm,” Sirius murmured in thought. “What?” Hermione asked. “Nothing. Listen, how about I take you out on the town tonight?” Sirius offered. “I don't know,” Hermione sighed. “I know just the thing you need right now,” he grinned, taking her hand and getting her off the bench. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry rested above Cho, kissing her lips as she began to work on his shirt. He had met her for dinner after the birthday party. She was staying at a very nice hotel in Diagon Alley and they were currently continuing their date up in her hotel room on her bed. Harry kissed her neck and she sighed contentedly. Harry stopped suddenly. “Shit!” he swore under his breath, getting off the bed. “Harry what's wrong?” Cho asked as she watched him pace the hotel room. “Nothing. Nothing's wrong,” he jumped back on the bed and she let out a squeal of excitement as he pulled her on top of him. She kissed his lips, then his neck and continued downward past his chest, down his abs… “Fuck!” Harry sat up quickly, knocking Cho to the floor. “Harry!” Cho said impatiently. Harry put on his shirt then grabbed his jacket. “Harry, what's going on?” “I'm sorry, Cho. I can't do this. I'm sorry.” Then he left her room. The air was cool and crisp and he wrapped his jacket closer around him. He didn't feel like going home so he began to walk around muggle London. He couldn't do it. Cho was ready and willing and he wasn't in the mood. Well, it wasn't that he wasn't in the mood, it's just that his thoughts were occupied by another woman. Damn it, he swore that he wouldn't let her get to him. But she had a way of doing that, occupying his every thought. Hermione. Why did she have to come back? He was perfectly content with her far away in the States. *Were you?* Harry shook his head at that tiny little voice in the back of his mind. The voice that had been blissfully silent for over two years. They had stayed out of each others lives for this long. Besides, she was just going through a rough patch in her life. She and Oliver will sort things out and go and live happily ever after. *Do you really want that?* “Argh!” Harry said aloud, startling a group of people walking opposite him. “Sorry,” he muttered to them. His wanderings had led him to a pub. It's door swung open letting a few patrons out. The warm breeze that Harry caught invited him in and he sat at the bar, ordering a drink. Yes, they would work things out. Live happily ever fucking after, reunited and happy, maybe pop out a couple of rugrats. Then he could go back to his carefree life, the life of a bachelor, a happy bachelor. *If you really say so.* He didn't care. Hermione could work things out with Oliver or not. It was her decision, her life. It didn't matter to him what she did. He. Did. Not. Care. Really, he didn't. He would not get involved. Nope. Under no circumstances, he would not get caught up with her again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Victoria helped Sirius unlock the door to his flat, his arms were currently busy carrying a very inebriated Hermione. He had caught up with the woman at the Hog's Head, where he took Hermione. Victoria was Sirius' girlfriend of two years, a spritely woman with dark hair and lovely hazel eyes. It took Sirius three tries before she finally consented on going out with him on a date, they had been inseparable since. Sirius was no fool and knew he had a good thing going, and this Christmas he was putting an end to his bachelorhood. He had bought the ring last week in Hogsmeade. Harry, of all people helped him pick it out. “Harry isn't going to like this,” Victoria whispered as Sirius plopped Hermione onto the bed. “Harry isn't here and I have a feeling he won't be here this weekend anyway,” Sirius whispered back. “Find an old t-shirt or something, I'll get her ready for bed,” Victoria whispered as she took Hermione's shoes off. Harry was surprised that he found his way home. He was soooo pissed. He fumbled with the door knob and stumbled through the door. He carelessly tossed his jacket onto the couch, missing it entirely. He noticed Victoria's purse on the table. *At least someone's getting some tonight*, Harry thought to himself. He opened the door to his room, he was exhausted and dizzy, he just wanted to sleep like the dead. He didn't bother turning on the light. His eyelids shut and he barely managed to undress himself and kick his shoes off before he fell back onto his bed. “Mm, Harry, you're late,” he heard a familiar voice sigh, then familiar arms wrapped around him as her head rested on his chest. Automatically he wrapped his arms around her. “Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, Hermione,” he murmured in his sleep. “It's okay,” she said sleepily. And they both drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. Victoria tied the knot of her robe tighter and walked into the kitchen where Sirius was making breakfast. She greeted her boyfriend with a kiss and poured herself a cup of coffee. Picking up the paper, she made her way to the table…then her coffee cup crashed to the floor. Sirius walked over to her to see what was the matter, frying pan still in his hand. “You didn't borrow Harry's jacket last night, did you?” she asked her boyfriend. Sirius looked at the jacket, then the wallet and keys on the table. He dropped the frying pan. **Crash!!** A sound caused Harry to stir in his sleep. He could feel a major headache coming on and he could tell the room was lighter, through his eyelids. He felt a pressure on his chest and the familiar scent of vanilla and honey, her body pressed against his. If they were lucky, they would be able to get a quick shag in before they headed off to training. “Come on, Hermione. We have to get up. We've got training to go to,” he said blearily, still half asleep. Hermione snuggled even closer to him. “Just five more minutes,” she replied groggily. Harry's eyes shot open. Training? Hermione? **What the fuck??!!** Apparently, she came to the same abrupt conclusion and they scrambled away from each other. Hermione yanked the bedding around her causing Harry to fall off the side of the bed. Harry got up and reached for the closet thing to him, a pillow, to cover himself up. “What the *hell* are you doing here?” they both yelled at the same time. “This is *my* bed, what are you doing in it?” Harry yelled. Hermione looked confused around the room. “Well…you should've noticed I was in it!” she yelled back. “Or are you just used to having another body in the bed?!” Harry pressed the pillow tighter to himself. It didn't help that it was the morning, and the fact that he had a very fiery Hermione, *half-dressed* in one of his button down shirts, and that the quilt wrapped hastily around her left a very nice view of one of her legs. “What is *that* supposed to mean?” he demanded. Hermione looked everywhere around the room but at him. She avoided looking at a very undressed Harry, his body lean and toned by Quidditch and auror training, thankful for that pillow that covered him. “Look, this obviously was just an accident. I had a little too much to drink last night,” Hermione began to feel a little dizzy, her mouth was very dry. She sat on the bed. “I did too,” Harry said, still standing with a pillow in front of him. “Are you alright?” he asked a pale Hermione. “Where's your bathroom?” she asked quietly. “Over there,” Harry nodded to a door. Hermione immediately ran to it yanking it open then fell to the floor, heaving the contents of her stomach into the toilet. Harry ran in to help, holding her hair back away from her face. “Oh, Hermione,” he sighed. “You never could hold your alcohol.” “Harry,” she gasped in between heaves, “this really isn't the best time for a lecture.” --> 13. Champagne and Roses ----------------------- **Chapter Thirteen:** **Champagne and Roses** *Imagine me and you, I* *do I think about you day and night, it's only right To think about the girl you love and hold her tight So Happy Together If I should call you up, invest a dime And you say you belong to me and ease my mind Imagine how the world could be, so very fine So happy together I can't see me lovin' nobody but you For all my life When your with me, baby the skies'll be blue For all my life* *(Happy Together—The Turtles)* **(Hogwarts: Seventh Year)** And so the Dark Lord was defeated, the Death Eaters fled into hiding and the wizarding world rejoiced. If defeating Lord Voldemort as an infant made Harry Potter a legend, defeating him at last rendered him to a God-like status. But life wasn't all champagne and roses for the trio. They shunned the attention, stuck together like glue, avoiding the rest of the student body at Hogwarts. They sat by themselves in the great hall, the library and in their classes that they shared. They really didn't speak to each other, brooding in the mental scars that Voldemort had left them. They had spent nearly all their childhood preparing for the defeat of the dark lord and now that they had, it was like they mourned a loss. Ron still felt the pain of the Cruciatus curse coursing through him, even though it was all in his head. The curse seemed to accentuate the damage caused by the brains during his fifth year. He suffered from insomnia, painful memories and thoughts kept him awake and no amount of Dreamless Sleep potion could help him. Dumbledore said the only cure would be time. Hermione had terrible nightmares and often woke up screaming. She dreamt that Voldemort still had her in his arms, should could still feel his touch and kiss. She flinched whenever someone touched her, to offer her comfort or a mere accidental brush. She kept quiet, not speaking much, her grades slipping. Thankfully, she was so far ahead of the class it really made no difference in her marks, but her teachers, especially McGonagall, were concerned. Dumbledore's heart nearly broke when she came to him in tears, begging him for a pensieve to relieve herself of a particular memory, then smash the bowl into a million pieces. He told her, too, that time would heal her wounds. He called in a specialist from St. Mungos to talk with Hermione twice a week at school, using the upmost discretion. Dumbledore especially worried about Harry. Of the three, Harry was the one who had least changed. He still stayed with his two best friends, still kept apart from the other students, still studied and attended classes, giving Professor Snape a hard time. The thing that worried Dumbledore was how Harry was channeling his feelings. Harry still demanded Occlumency lessons and Snape had reported to him that on more than one occasion he fell victim to a painful hex when he even attempted to penetrate Potter's mind. Harry stepped up his DADA training, stepped up the DA, every morning he could be seen running laps around the school grounds and the room of requirement became Harry's personal training ground. He never spoke to Dumbledore about what happened that Christmas. Then the unthinkable happened. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione walked to the lake after seeing her boyfriend standing alone by the shore. Grey storm clouds could be seen rolling in. The distant sound of the thunder's rumbling announced its impending arrival. A small breeze blew a few strands of hair in her face which she gently brushed away. “Hello Harry,” she said gently as she approached him. He turned to look at her. “Hey Hermione,” he replied quietly, a sad look on his face. “Is everything alright?” she asked. Harry sighed and took his eyes off of the horizon, putting his hands in his pockets he stared at the ground, scraping one shoe on the pebbly ground. This was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever had to do in his life. “Hermione,” he began, desperately trying to find his courage, “I don't think we should see each other anymore.” Hermione stepped closer to him. “What?” she asked quietly, praying that she didn't hear him right. “I think we should break up,” Harry said softly, raising his head to look at the clouds rolling in. Hermione stood there in momentary shock. She could see sprinkles of rain landing on the lake surface creating circles that radiated out. “Why?” she whispered. Harry still couldn't look at her. “Too much has happened…” he began but she cut him off. “I know why you're doing this. You're trying to push me away.” “The Death Eaters are still in hiding and…” “Don't do this Harry,” Hermione's voice began to break. “I'm sorry Hermione.” He turned to look at her one last time. “No, Harry, you don't mean this.” Tears began to fall down her face as the rain began to softly fall from the sky. Harry began to walk away. “Harry,” she called after him. “Harry!” her voice began to rise in anger and she ran after him. She grabbed his arm and yanked it to make him turn around and look at her. “You just have to be miserable, don't you? You don't want any happiness in your life so you want to be miserable and make everyone close to you suffer.” Harry didn't say anything back he just closed his eyes, sighed, opened them up and still not looking at her, he walked away again. “Don't you walk away from me! You are nothing but a coward!” she yanked him around again and shoved him in the chest. “A coward, Harry Potter! A stupid coward!” She began to hit him in the chest. “I hate you! I HATE YOU! I hate you…” she sobbed over and over again. Harry's resolve broke. “Hermione,” he said painfully as he wrapped his arms around her. “NO!” She broke free of his embrace. “Don't you touch me! Stay the hell away from me! It's over like you said. IT'S OVER!” The rain really began to fall now. Harry lowered his head in defeat and slowly walked away. “Wait I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!” she called out and ran after him. “Please stop, Harry!” But he kept walking away. “You don't mean this! Please don't do this, Harry, please don't,” she pleaded. Harry's insides wrenched as he heard her pleas but he kept his resolve and walked away from her. Hermione collapsed to the ground in tears as the rain fell all around her. He didn't return to the common room for some time. He had stayed hidden in one of the towers of the castle, lost in his own grief. He was beginning to have second thoughts about what he had done. He missed her terribly. A part of him was missing. He shut his eyes at the painful memory of her sighs, her caresses, the way she would look up at him, eyes full of desire as they made love. He had skipped dinner, he didn't feel hungry anyway. He finally made his way back to the common room after midnight. It was a long walk, he didn't know what to expect when he walked through that door. Would she be there? Could he handle seeing her again? The portrait swung open for him and he stepped through. The common room was empty except for one person. Ron sat on an armchair, leaning forward, forearms resting on his thighs, hands clasped together as he stared into the fire. He stood up as soon as he saw Harry walk in. “Listen, Ron,” Harry sighed as his friend approached him, a murderous look on his face. He really didn't want to deal with this right now. Ron stopped in front of his friend, trying to put the words together that he wished to convey. He gave up though, scrunched his hand into a fist and punched Harry *hard* across the jaw. Harry's head jerked violently to the side, his body falling to the floor. Ron had knocked him out cold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The summer breeze wafted through the windows of the library bringing with it the promise of summer, sunshine and the end of the school year. Hermione sat with Neville at the end of a long table, hunched over her book and once in awhile scribbling a note down on a piece of parchment. Neville sighed with frustration, his hair sticking out at odd ends from relentless running of his fingers through it. “I'm going to fail,” he said miserable. “Of course you won't,” Hermione mumbled. “We've been at this for over two hours. My head feels like it's going to explode.” “You're going to do fine Neville. Remember, Snape isn't the one presiding over the NEWTs,” Hermione assured. There were only three Gryffindors crazy enough to take the NEWT in potions: Hermione, Neville and Harry. Of course, seeing as they broke up two months ago, Harry was not with Hermione and Neville studying. He was in the library though. He sat at a table by himself as far away as possible from the other two. Hermione was well aware of his presence. They had managed to avoid each other throughout the school, seeing each other only in classes and in meetings with the prefects. She never saw him in the common room at night, who knows where he was. But she missed him terribly. She missed the feel of his arms around her, his smell, his touch, his kisses. She walked around school with a dull ache in her. Her stomach would tie up in knots whenever she saw him in their classes together and it took all the strength she had not to break down and cry. Ron was furious at Harry and didn't speak to him for two weeks. She had run into Ron right after Harry had broken things off. The next morning she saw Harry come to class with a very large bruise on his cheek and Ron with suspiciously bruised knuckles. He hung around Hermione mostly, playing an occasional game of Wizard's chess with Harry. She never asked Ron how Harry was and she doubted that Harry asked about her. Ron did feel uncomfortable at times, feeling like a child of divorced parents. But he channeled his frustration into his blossoming love life with Luna Lovegood. His last weeks at Hogwarts were bittersweet. He was glad to be graduating soon but sad because he would miss Luna terribly, for she still had a year to go. He walked into the common room after walking Luna to the Ravenclaw portrait, and saw his best friend sitting on the couch, staring into the fire. “It's after hours, Weasley, I could take points away,” she chided him. Ron grinned and walked to his friend. “But you won't,” he smiled at her. She laughed but he could still see the sadness in her eyes. He sat down next to her. “How are you doing?” he asked her. “I'm fine, Ron. Really,” she emphasized at the end seeing the look of doubt on her friends face. He sighed and nodded. She leaned against him and together they watched the fire for a few moments. “I'm really going to miss this place,” he sighed. “Miss this place or Ms. Lovegood?” Hermione smiled. “Both of course,” Ron said whistfully. “I have so many memories of this place. The friends we made, the adventures.” “The trouble we got into?” Hermione finished for him and he laughed. “God, we've had quite a year.” They sat in silence for a few moments, staring into the fire until Ron heard a small sniffle. “Oh, Hermione,” he sighed as he slid off the sofa and kneeled in front of his friend. “I can't help it Ron,” she sobbed softly. “I miss him so much. I love him and I hate him.” “Shh, it's okay,” Ron soothed as he gathered her into his arms. “If only he'd show some sign that he was as miserable as I am. I wish I could get away but I can't. I want to be an auror and we're going to be training together. I don't know how I'm going to do it,” she cried into his arms. “You will, Hermione. You're the strongest person I know, you will get over this,” Ron said quietly. “Will I? It just seems to get worse and worse as the days go by. I hate getting up in the morning, I hate having to face a new day without him, I hate having to put on a brave face and pretend that all is well with me because it's not Ron! I'm not well at all!” “But you do get up everyday, you do face a new day without him. That means you are strong Hermione, you are the strongest person I know. You will get over this someday, I know you will. Harry is a stupid prat for letting you go. But you can't let his stupid mistake ruin your life, you're better than this.” He hugged Hermione and held her until her sobs eventually subsided and the fire began to get dimmer. She looked up at him and smiled. “Thank you, Ron,” she said quietly. “Anytime, Hermione,” he smiled at her as they both rose to their feet. He walked her to the foot of the stairs. “Goodnight,” she whispered and kissed him on the cheek. “Night, Hermione,” he whispered back. He watched her as she walked up the stairs to her room and waited until he heard her door shut. Then, he drew out his wand and turned around. “Accio invisibility cloak,” he spoke out to the empty room. He heard someone cursing and a cloak flew into his hands. Harry had been a complete wreck these past couple of months. He never showed it on the outside but inside he was screaming. He was a complete idiot! So stupid! He had the greatest girl on the planet, the greatest thing going for him and he threw it all away. He had received a verbal lashing in the form of a howler from Sirius and his best friend knocked him out cold. When Ron finally was on speaking terms with him, Harry lacked the nerve to ask him how Hermione was doing. She was right, he was a coward. He watched her from afar everyday, longing for her, wishing she would say at least one word to him. Gods, he missed her, loved her, longed for her, desired for her. With each passing day without her, he grew more aware of her presence, her every move began to drive him mad with desire. He longed for her words of comfort, he longed for her arms to wrap around him, longed for her kisses. He tried to stay away from her but found that it was worse. So he had to content himself by watching her from afar, working up the nerve to approach her again. If only she would give some sign that she still loved him, that she was as miserable as he was. He would never take her for granted again, he would cherish her and every moment they would spend together. He watched her that night as she sat in front of the fire, longing to touch her, to hold her once more. His thoughts were interrupted when his best friend walked into the room. He was so jealous of him. Jealous that she would still laugh and talk with him, but most of all it drove him insanely jealous that Ron got to hold her and he didn't. He couldn't take it anymore. He was about to leave when Hermione's sobs and confession of her love stopped him in his tracks. She did still love him as much as he loved her. She was as miserable as he was. It took all of his willpower not to reveal himself standing there, watching them. But his friend relieved him of that burden when the invisibility cloak went flying into his hand. Ron walked up to his best friend, who was standing there like a kid with his hand caught in the cookie jar. He handed the cloak back to him. “You two *really* need to get your shit together,” he sighed, then walked up to the dorms to get to sleep. Harry plopped down onto the sofa and sighed. His friend was right. He really needed to pull himself together. He sighed and placed his cloak next to him and his hand his something hard. He looked down. Then his eyes opened wide with horror. He had put his cloak over a large hardcover book. His heart began to race and he swallowed hard. With trembling hands he lifted the book and turned it over. FUUUUUCK!!!!!!! *Hogwarts: A History* “How long had you been standing there, Harry?” a soft voice asked. Harry spun around. Hermione stood at the foot of the stairs, her hair up in a loose ponytail, her baby blue flannel pajamas bore a pattern of white clouds on them. His chance had come. She watched as Harry strode over to her. Her heart pounded in her chest. This was the first time they had spoken to each other, let alone be in a room alone with each other. “Did you know that I'm insanely jealous of our best friend?” he said in a low voice as he handed the book back to her. “You did that to yourself,” she whispered back. His presence so close to hers sent her heart racing. “I'm an idiot. You should know that after all these years,” he smiled at her. She smiled back and let out a small laugh. He bravely sought out her hand and held it in his. He spoke softly, his voice barely a whisper. “When I defeated Voldemort, his voice spoke out in my head,” he began and Hermione looked at him in concern. “He said that, even though I would kill him tonight, someone else would come and take his place. Get his revenge.” “Oh, Harry,” she sighed and placed her hand tenderly on his cheek. “I have the image of him…holding you, in my head. I replay it all the time. If you were to get hurt again, if I put you in that position again…” “Shh, stop,” Hermione silenced him with her finger to his lips. A tear fell down her face. “Harry, I don't want us to live with that thought hanging over our heads. If we do, everything we fought so hard for would become meaningless.” Harry collapsed into her arms, releasing his grief in the form of tears. They held each other all night and fell asleep on the sofa. The next morning, Hermione woke up very early and found herself alone in the common room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione looked through the telescope then charted another star on a piece of parchment. She and her other classmates were taking their Astronomy NEWT. She paused a moment, feeling someone watching her. She looked up and saw his green eyes staring at her. She gave him a smile and he smiled back then he looked down to scribble something on his parchment. They had been like this for the last two days. Not really talking to each other but acknowledging each others presence with a smile. She would stare at him in their classes then when he looked up at her, she would look away only to feel his gaze burn into her. “Time!” the examiner called out. “Please put down your quills and wait for me to go around and collect your parchments.” Hermione put her books away and sighed. Harry was nowhere to be seen. She was walking down the stairs when, suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around her and yanked her into the darkness. “Harry! What are you doing?” she whispered. “Shh!” he whispered back, his finger lingering on her lips. They waited in silence as the last remaining students left, then a few more moments later the examiner followed. Harry waited a few more moments to make sure they were absolutely alone. Hermione finally got impatient and shrugged out of his embrace. “What do you think you're doing?” she asked him. Millions of stars twinkled above her as a warm breeze blew a strand of hair across her face. Harry reached her in two steps, wrapping his arms around her and crashing his lips down on hers. Hermione let out a small whimper as he backed them up to a wall, pinning her against it. “I don't want to go another day without you in my arms,” he told her as he kissed her neck. She hungrily responded to kisses, quickly loosening his tie and working on the buttons of his shirt. His hands caressed her everywhere and she sighed, missing his touch. Harry wanted to treasure this moment, take it slow and savor every moment of it. But he needed her just as badly as she needed him. She kissed his chest and neck as she worked on his belt buckle. She brought her lips back up to his. “Don't do it again, Harry,” she whispered as a tears fell down her face. “Don't do this again.” “I won't,” Harry kissed away her tears. “I promise I won't.” He whispered as they both slid to the floor. --> 14. Ain't Love Grand? --------------------- **A/N:** Thanks so much for the great reviews. And thank you for your patience with the updates. Holidays make everything crazy, don't they? I wrote another flashback chapter (not to be mean! I know I left Harry and Hermione in an awkward situation). Hope you guys like this one. I think you will. (wink, wink) **Chapter Fourteen:** Ain't Love Grand? *L is for the way you look at me O is for the only one I see V is very, very extraordinary E is even more than anyone that you adore can Love is all that I can give to you Love is more than just a game for two Two in love can make it Take my heart and please don't break it Love was made for me and you* *(L—Nat King Cole)* **(London 1998: Summer after leaving Hogwarts)** “Okay, I'm done,” Harry said, exhausted he collapsed on the floor. Ron had already given up long ago and was sprawled on the couch. Hermione was sorting through a box in the kitchen and looked at the two men. “Come on, you two, we'll be at this all weekend if we don't finish,” she scolded. Harry, Ron and Hermione had found a large flat just a couple of blocks from Diagon Alley. They moved into it in the beginning of July after taking a nice summer vacation to the South of France, courtesy of Hermione's parents. The place had a large great room, a decent kitchen, two baths and three bedrooms. The third bedroom was mostly to appease Hermione's parents' minds that their daughter was not sexually active, *very* active, with her boyfriend. Hermione was planning on spending a lot of time in Harry's large bedroom. They had even went out and bought a king size comfy bed together and sheets! Although, Hermione was in charge of that department, Harry really hadn't a clue. Though, he had to put his foot down on some white ones with ruffle thingies on it. “Hermione, we've been at this all day! I'm hungry,” Ron whined. “Ugh, me too,” Harry added rubbing his grumbling stomach. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked over to them. “I swear you two can't go two hours without food.” Harry reached up to his girlfriend and brought her down on the floor with him. “I'm sure there are things even you can't go without,” Harry said in a low voice. Hermione gaped at her boyfriend while a blush creeped over her face. “Harry…” “I was talking about cracking open a book. I don't know where *your* mind was,” he teased her. “Oh, you're impossible,” Hermione said in a mock angry tone as she got up from the floor and walked back into the kitchen. She sighed and picked up the phone. “I hope you're ordering a large pizza!” Harry called out to her. “Make it two!!” Ron added. A few weeks later, two couples walked down the street enjoying the summer breeze in the night air. Luna arrive a couple of weeks earlier to see Ron and ended up planning on staying until she had to leave for Hogwarts at the beginning of September. They had missed each other so much. Hermione sighed contentedly as she snuggled closer to her boyfriend, who wrapped an arm around her, hugging her close. “Do you guys want to get some coffee?” Ron asked Harry and Hermione. “No, I think we're going to turn in for the night,” Hermione sighed. “We'll catch up with you guys in the morning, I'm not ready to go back yet,” Luna snuggled in closer to Ron. “Take care, guys,” Harry said as Ron and Luna walked away. “God, he's going to be so heartbroken this September,” Hermione said quietly as they watched the couple distance themselves from them. Harry took her hand in his and they walked to their flat. They talked about the upcoming training in September, how messy a flatmate Ron was, and Luna and Ron's lack of knowledge for silencing charms. “Luna is in Ravenclaw! She knows how to do them!” Hermione admonished. “I'm sure that in the heat of the moment, you're really not thinking about these things,” Harry smiled at his girlfriend as he let them into the flat. “I know for a fact that we have forgotten to put up a charm or two.” Hermione smiled and pulled her boyfriend to her. “Yes, well we'll be sure to remember to put one up tonight.” “Will we?” he asked before he brought his lips to hers. Harry sat on the bed, waiting for Hermione who was in the bathroom. He reached over to Hermione's side and pulled a book off the nightstand. It was one of their books they were going to study while they were in Auror training. Go figure, Harry thought. The bathroom door opened and Harry's jaw dropped, along with the book in his hands. Hermione stood in the doorway wearing a black bustier with satin laces up the middle, a black satin thong, a garter belt whose straps held in place the sheer black nylons and black fuck-me heels. “Happy Birthday, Harry,” Hermione said in a sultry voice. Harry couldn't speak, all the blood had left his brain and went down south. She walked over to him, swaying her hips and stood in front of him, between his legs. She slowly began to unbutton his shirt, taking it off and slowly running her hands across his chest then down his abs before she began to work on his jeans. Harry lifted his hips allowing her to pull them down his legs. His brain suddenly decided to work as he drew Hermione onto his lap. She brought her lips to his, kissing him passionately as Harry's hands wandered over her body. He kissed her neck, her chest then leaned back onto the bed rolling her under him. “This is a *very* happy birthday, indeed,” he smiled as he undid the laces on her bustier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Run through it again!” Kingsley Shacklebolt's voice boomed out. The class of ten auror trainees were exhausted and sprawled out on the lawn. Harry was on one knee panting while Hermione lay on the ground breathing heavy. Poor Neville emptied the contents of his morning breakfast further down the lawn. Hermione groaned and rolled over, slowly getting to her shaking legs and walked to the starting line of the mile long obstacle course. Shacklebolt's whistle pierced the air and the class took off. They were halfway through their first year of training whose days consisted of the morning workout regimen, followed by lectures on defense, then lunch, then another lecture on procedure, followed lastly by practical training in cloaking and stealth, defense, etc. Harry, Hermione and Neville were the three trainees from Hogwarts, there were two from Durmstrang, two from Beauxbatons and three from the States. Not everyone was going to make through to the end of the program and become full-fledged aurors, some would be cut and some would quit. It was unanimous amongst them that Harry would be the leader of this division. Harry was, again, the first to cross the line, breathing heavy and bending over to rest his hands on his knees. Tobias, from Durmstrang was next, followed by Hermione then Neville. They lay on the lawn, gasping for breath and trying to cool down as the others filtered in. “Hit the showers!” Shacklebolt's voiced boomed out. Hermione let out a small moan. She didn't know if she had enough energy to make it back to headquarters, let alone stand and take a shower. Harry's figure loomed above her, holding out a hand. “Come on, Granger,” Harry smiled as he helped her to her feet. Harry walked out of the locker rooms to find Marie, one of the Beauxbatons, waiting outside the door. She was on the petite side, with blond hair and lovely blue eyes. “Harry, could I have a word with you?” she asked. “Yeah, sure,” Harry answered and she led him further down the hall and spoke in a low voice. “I need your help,” she said. “I'm having trouble with the practical part of the training.” “What do you mean?” he asked. Marie sighed. “Yesterday, in Stealth, I set off every alarm. I'm terrible, I'm going to fail, I'm never going to be an auror,” her voice began to crack at the end. She really did do terrible, it was actually kind of painful to watch, Harry had thought. “Look,” Harry sighed. He didn't' want to see anyone fail, he liked the group of people he was training with. “Maybe we can set aside some time so we can practice. I'll ask Kingsley—“ “No!” she spoke out then quickly looked around to see if she disturbed anyone. “I don't want him to know that I need extra help. He'll cut me out of the program for sure.” “He won't cut anyone. Trust me, I'll talk to him,” Harry smiled. “Okay, thank you, Harry,” she smiled back. Kingsley was okay with Harry using the training room for extra practice. It really didn't hurt anyone if they did that. He let him use the room *after* the training day was over and if other aurors weren't using it. “He's letting you do that?” Hermione asked Harry as they lay in bed. “Yeah, he says the extra practice couldn't hurt anyone,” Harry answered sleepily. “So, you'll be helping Marie?” Hermione asked thinking about the pretty blond witch. “Mm-hmm. But don't tell anyone, she's really embarrassed about it,” Harry murmured. “Good night, Hermione.” He leaned over, kissed her then lay back on his side, falling asleep quickly. Hermione let out a deep sigh, listening to Harry's deep breathing. Deep down she had an uneasy feeling about this situation. Two days later, Harry and Marie had the training room all to themselves. “Okay, maybe we can start by having you run through the course,” Harry said as the set up the room for the Stealth training. “That way, I can see where your weaknesses are.” “Okay,” she agreed then proceeded through the course. **Bzzzt!** She set off the first alarm. “Shit,” he heard her say to herself setting off another alarm. “Don't…don't say anything if you mess up. You'll set off the sound alarm,” Harry advised. Marie nodded in understanding then proceeded along her way. **Bzzzt!**...**Bzzzt!**.... Harry sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It was going to be a long night. They got to use the training room again two days later, then for three days the next week. Harry walked into the training room one day during the third week to find Jacque, the other Beauxbaton and Kaleb, one of the Americans, joining them. “If you don't mind, Harry, I told them how you were helping me. They need help, too,” Marie told him. “No it's not a problem at all,” Harry said. After all, it wasn't like he wasn't used to teaching others about defense. Harry opened the door to the darkened flat and placed his keys and wallet on the table. Quietly he walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There was a small plate of spaghetti in there with a note from Ron. *Hermione made this. It was good. I saved you some.* Harry looked at the small plate. “Thanks Ron,” he grumbled softly, heating the food with a warming charm and diving in. He rinsed the plate and put it in the sink when he was finished then headed up to bed. He got ready for bed in the dark, he had mastered it by now. He slid into the bed and felt that there was no one in there with him. Hermione had gone to bed in her own room. *Fuck!* He had been coming home late for some time now. At first, Hermione, tried to stay up for him and he would find her asleep on the chair or sofa. He would gently wake her up and bring her to bed. Then, she stopped waiting up for him and just went to bed without him. It seemed she now progressed to sleeping in her own room. Harry sighed and got up. He walked over to her room and opened the door. She was fast asleep, curled up in her bed. He closed the door behind him and slid into bed next to her. “I'm sorry, Hermione,” he whispered to her, kissing her ear then her neck softly. Spooning against her soft nightgown combined with the fact that they hadn't made love in a long while, stirred feelings of arousal in Harry. He kissed her neck, her shoulder, her back. His hands caressed her waist, her hips, crossing down to her belly then up to gently cup her breasts. Hermione responded with deep steady breathing. She was fast asleep. Harry sighed and gave up, turning away from her and wrapping himself in her blanket, hoping sleep would catch him soon. Hermione opened her eyes. She had been awake the entire time. “Perrin! You're up next!” Shacklebolt boomed over the class. The blond witch suddenly stood up a little straighter and walked to the starting line. They were doing the obstacle course for stealth. “This'll be good,” Hermione heard Brandon, one of the Americans mumble under his breath. Kingsley held a timer in one hand and held his wand in the air with the other. “Start!” he barked and away she went. Hermione almost felt sorry for her and the snickering she heard behind her. *Almost* felt sorry for her. Until she saw how intense Harry was watching her through the course, he never took his eyes off her, barely breathing. Hermione felt a strong wave of jealousy course through her. Harry had been faithful to her so far, but she remembered that he was a bit of a playboy before they got together. And he *had* been spending many nights with her “training” if that's what it was they were really doing. Hermione looked at the witch as she made her way through the course. She was a bit shorter than Hermione, and a bit skinnier Hermione grudgingly admitted. She did have nice hair too and big blue eyes that her fellow classmates seemed to get lost in. Ugh!! She hated her. Hermione absolutely hated her. Marie finished the course and looked up expectantly at Shacklebolt. “Perfect,” he announced. “Not an alarm was set off.” “Yes!” Harry exclaimed aloud causing Hermione to jump and look very annoyed. Marie let out a shriek of excitement herself as Harry, Jacque and Kaleb all ran up to her in some sort of cheesy group hug. *Whatever*, Hermione thought rolling her eyes and leaving the training room in a huff. Harry was in a good mood that night. He had successfully trained Marie, Kaleb and Jacque to go through the stealth obstacle course without setting off an alarm. He was coming home on time today and whistled through the street. He stopped by a flower stand and bought Hermione a bouquet of wildflowers, then he stopped by another store and bought a few candles. No one was home when Harry got there so he took this opportunity to set the evening up. He put the flowers in a vase, placed the candles around his room. He even opened a bottle of wine and set it on ice while it breathed. Next, he went into the kitchen to make a wonderful dinner for Hermione, Chicken Parmesan, one of her favorites. He set up a table for two in his bedroom, it was going to be a private night for him and Hermione. He took a few of the flowers out of the bouquet and charmed them to hover in a path from the front door to his room. He looked at his watch, then sat down on the bed and waited. And waited. Then waited some more. *Click!* The sound of a door closing woke Harry up. He must have dozed off for awhile because the candles he had lit were nearly burned down. He looked at his watch and saw that it was around 2 am. Harry opened the bedroom door and saw a small light coming from the kitchen. He walked over and saw his best friend standing in front of an open fridge. “Did you just now get home?” Harry asked Ron. Ron looked up at his friend, nodded and closed the door. “Have you seen Hermione?” Harry asked. “She went to bed,” Ron answered plainly. “Oh,” Harry said quietly, then brightened. “You should've told me where you guys were at, I would've joined you.” Ron looked at his friend. “Hmpf, like you would've cared,” was all he said then he walked past him. “What?” Harry asked, a little perplexed by his friend's behavior. “What's that supposed to mean?” Ron turned around. “When's the last time we all hung out? In fact, when's the last time you took Hermione out?” Harry was caught off guard by his friend and just stood there. Ron smirked. “That's what I thought.” He proceeded down the hall to his room. “Well, wait!” Harry caught up to his friend. “Where did you go? Did you have a good time?” Ron sighed. “As much as I love our friend's company, Harry, I'm getting a little tired of being the default date. You are her boyfriend, Harry. Don't you think you should start acting like it?” Ron walked into his room and closed the door leaving his friend in the hallway to his thoughts. Harry blinked then walked into his room and took the flowers out of the vase. He then walked over to Hermione's room and knocked softly on the door. She didn't answer so he turned the knob to let himself in. It was locked. Harry slumped his shoulders and sighed, leaning his forehead against the door. “Hermione,” he whispered softly to himself. Hermione woke up the next morning thinking of ways she could fill her day so she could avoid being home. When she and Ron got home last night, she saw the flowers leading to Harry's door but she was too pissed off with him and didn't bother to investigate. It was very early and she had only gotten a few hours of sleep in. She got up and dressed, she was going to headquarters to get an early workout in. After an hour long workout, she showered then went to her parents' house to spend a couple of hours with them, catching up. Next, she went to a muggle theater to catch the latest release. After the movie, she took a walk around a nearby park then decided to head home. When she got there Harry was sitting in the armchair. “You've been avoiding me, haven't you?” he asked quietly. Hermione sighed and put her purse on the table. “No more than you've been avoiding me.” Harry stood up. “I haven't been avoiding you, Hermione. I've just been staying late so I could help—“ “Train,” she finished for him. Everything she had been wanting to say to him was threatening to erupt. She walked to the kitchen and reached for glass. “I'm only trying to help our classmates out,” Harry followed her into the kitchen. “I don't want to see anyone get left behind.” Hermione yanked open the fridge a little hard as she thought of Marie. “I'm sure you don't Harry,” she said coolly. “I know you enjoy helping others.” Warning sounds went off in Harry's head. “It looks like Marie is really doing well under your tutelage.” Harry let out a little laugh. “Oh so *that's* what this is about,” he smiled. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, as Hermione slammed the fridge door a little too hard. He heard something break in there. “I wonder if Jacques and Kaleb are getting as much out of you as Marie is,” Hermione said bitingly. Harry's smile slid off his face. “Hermione…” his voice became serious but Hermione continued on. “Because I certainly am not.” She shoved her way past Harry. “Look, I know I've been coming home late but nothing's going on—“ Hermione whirled around. “Don't tell me nothing is going on! I'm not stupid and I'm not blind, Harry!” “What are you talking about?” “I saw you yesterday, watching her, the way you looked at her, the way you ran up to her and wrapped your arms around her.” “Of course I was watching her. I was nervous about how she would do on the course. I was really proud and relieved that she did so well. Jacques and Kaleb thought so, too.” “I can't believe you are going to stand there and lie to me!” “I'm not lying to you, Hermione!” ”You stay late “training” every night, you ignore me, we haven't had sex in two months!” “Hermione!” Harry's patience was wearing thin. “Nothing is going on between me and Marie!” ”Yes, well you don't exactly have a reputation of monogamy, do you?” Harry blinked and looked at her like never had before. “What is THAT supposed to mean,” he snarled at her. Hermione didn't back down. “It doesn't take a genius to put it all together,” she narrowed her eyes. “I can't believe you would think I would do that to you, to us.” “You haven't given me a reason not to.” “Trust, Hermione, trust. You know me, Hermione.” “Yes, you're the guy who pops into the flat once in awhile, claiming to love his girlfriend.” Harry shook his head. “I love you. I'm so in love with you. Doesn't that mean anything?” “What does it mean to you, Harry? I'm sure all the other girls loved you, too.” Harry looked like Hermione had stabbed him through the heart. He couldn't even look at her. He just turned around and walked out of the flat. Hermione was inconsolable that night. She missed him so much. She didn't mean to say horrible things like that. Of course, she trusted Harry. The way he had looked at her before he left just confirmed that he was right, that nothing was going on between him and Marie. He did love her, she just needed him to make her remember that. Now, she might have blown it. He didn't come home all weekend. He was just too hurt by Hermione's accusations. He stayed with his godfather, pining away for her and at the same time entirely way to pissed off at her. Although, he did admit to himself that he was partially to blame. If the roles were reversed and Hermione was spending late hours with some bloke, he would've come to the same conclusion. He knew that he was staying out late, too often, he was just banking on the hope that Hermione would see past that. It really hurt, when she saw him during training. He didn't even acknowledge her presence, wouldn't look in her direction. Hermione just prayed and prayed that the day would end soon. But then she'd go home to a flat without Harry. She went into Harry's room one day and took a shirt from his closet, wearing it to bed that night, just because she missed his scent so much. Harry hated going to training every day. It was just too painful to see her. He just tried his best to ignore her, for his resolve was teetering on a thin line. He had yet to go home and went to bed each night, dreading the next day when he would have to see her and not be able to hold her. He was going to drive himself mad. A small sound woke Hermione from her sleep. A week had gone by since Harry had left. She opened her eyes to see his face looking into hers. “Am I dreaming?” she asked softly. Harry nodded slowly. He wasn't going to wait any longer. He came home and went directly to her room. “Harry, I know that you love me. And I'm sor—“ Harry cut her off with a kiss that grew more and more passionate. Hermione lifted the covers letting Harry back into one of his favorite places that he liked to share with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The end of the first year of training came without anyone dropping out. They had a month off before they had to go back and begin their second year, which was about the same as the first, but they got to do some field work this time. Luna graduated from Hogwarts and spent her time working for her father. He wanted to retire soon and wanted to hand the paper over to his daughter. Although she still technically lived at home, Luna spent an awful lot of time at the Trio's flat. Mostly with Ron of course. Hermione joined Ginny and Luna for lunch one afternoon in February for a start of a Girls Day Out of some sort. Hermione sipped her drink, listening to the gossip of their fellow witches and wizards. “So, Hermione,” Ginny began. “Any idea what Harry's getting you for Valentine's Day?” “Oh, I don't know. I know he's taking me somewhere really nice for dinner. He told me to find something dressy to wear.” “Rumor has it he's been haunting jewelry stores lately,” Luna said dreamily. Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and raised eyebrows. “Some photographer claimed to have pictures of him in some muggle jewelry shops,” Luna explained. Ginny's mouth dropped open and Hermione looked away blushing. “It probably isn't what you think,” Hermione said setting down her drink. “Oh why not, Hermione?” Ginny exclaimed. “You guys have been together for awhile. Don't you think that thought has crossed his mind?” “He and Ron have been whispering to each other lately, taking off together. I think they're up to something,” Luna added. “I bet you it's going to be a gorgeous ring with an obscenely large diamond,” Ginny sighed. “You guys!” Hermione admonished. “Oh come off it, Hermione! You can't tell me that you hadn't been thinking about it.” The truth was that she *had* been thinking about it. Thinking about where they were headed, where the relationship was going. She loved Harry with all her heart and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. She was sure he felt the same way. Right? It's just that they never really talked about it. Ever. “You look beautiful tonight,” Harry said as he tucked Hermione's seat to the table. Harry had taken her out to a very expensive muggle restaurant in the heart of London. It was by the window and gave a breathtaking view of the city lights. Hermione couldn't really concentrate, she was feeling very nervous. She had even thrown up this morning with anticipation. She was sitting on pins and needles. They had ordered their food and were making small talk while sipping the champagne Harry ordered. “Look, I really can't wait any longer. I really want to give you your gift now,” Harry said. He looked like a kid waiting for Christmas. “Oh!” Hermione said. “Well, okay then.” She took a large drink out of her glass downing the rest of the champagne. Harry looked at her a little funny. “Are you alright?” he asked. “Huh? I'm fine!” she said putting her hands in her lap, clattering her silverware against the china plates as she did so. “I'm fine,” she said more calmly as she straightened out her place setting. Harry grinned at her and reached into his jacket drawing out a small velvet box. Hermione's heart began to race. “I wanted to get you something that would show you how much you mean to me. How much I love you,” Harry said as he slowly flipped open the box. “Oh my God, Harry!” Hermione gasped as she looked at her gift. “I know that diamonds are the most precious gems, so I decided to give you two of them.” Hermione stared at the two diamond earrings resting on the black velvet. “They're beautiful,” she whispered. “Not nearly as beautiful as you,” Harry grinned. Hermione looked up at Harry and smiled. They really were a gorgeous gift, but she couldn't help but feel just a tiny bit disappointed that it wasn't just one diamond, resting on a beautiful ring. Harry wined and dined her, then took her out dancing. They didn't return to their flat until one in the morning. Hermione stepped through the door to hear a loud squeal then get bowled over by an overly-excited blond. “I'M GETTING MARRIED!!” she squealed at Hermione. “What?” Hermione asked, regaining her bearings. Luna held out her left hand, revealing a gorgeous diamond on a single gold band. Hermione's mouth dropped open. “Congratulations, Ron,” Harry said, shaking his best friend's hand. “Nice job, Ron! Oh, congrats Luna!” Hermione exclaimed. “Well, I can't have all the credit. Harry helped me pick it out,” Ron said as he hugged Hermione. “You knew about this?” she asked Harry. “I've been planning this with him all week,” Harry smiled. A look of realization flickered over Luna's face and she looked at Hermione. Hermione smiled back and her and hugged her. “I'm so happy for you, Luna. Really I am,” Hermione said cheerfully. Harry and Hermione lay awake and bed that night. Hermione promised Luna that she would join her and Ginny for dress shopping the next day. “Wow, I can't believe Ron is getting married,” Hermione sighed. “Yeah, I know,” Harry answered, predicting the next thing that would come out of Hermione's mouth. “You don't think…someday…we…we will…get married. Do you?” she asked timidly. Harry sighed. “Someday, maybe. But it's not like we have to rush or anything.” “Oh, of course I was just asking,” Hermione recovered quickly. “Good night, Harry.” “Night, Hermione.” The truth was, Harry had thought about it. Thought about it a lot. Even Ron had brought it up when he was ring shopping for Luna. *“You'd better get on it,” Ron said. “She's not going to wait around forever.”* What Ron and Hermione didn't know was that Harry already had the ring. He bought it some time ago and was safely keeping it in his vault at Gringott's. He was going to give it to Hermione after they finished training, maybe even a little bit after that when he was sure that the world was a safe place to spend with her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione shot out of bed the next morning. She had overslept and was supposed the meet the girls in a little under an hour. She stood in front of the mirror brushing her teeth when it suddenly hit her. She dropped to the floor and vomited into the toilet. She let out a small groan as a second wave hit her. Then a third. She flushed the toilet and lay her face on the cool tile. *Dear God make it stop.* When the queasiness finally subsided she got back to her feet and finished getting ready. She knew she would pay for eating that funny looking pudding last night. “Oh, Luna that one's beautiful!” Ginny exclaimed as she gazed at Luna in another wedding dress. What started out as the quest for the perfect dress turned into a session of make-believe dress up at the bridal salon. “I like yours Ginny,” Hermione said, looking at the wedding dress Ginny was wearing as she rifled through the dresses on the racks. “Ooh! Go back a couple, Ginny!” Luna said and Ginny pulled out a GORGEOUS white gown. “Hermione! You would look great in that! Try it on!” Hermione took the dress and went into the fitting room to try it on. Her stomach was still a little uneasy, but she prayed that everything would stay down. “Oh my God, Hermione,” Ginny said in awe when Hermione walked out of the changing room. “That's beautiful on you Hermione,” Luna said reverently. Hermione walked over to the mirrors and she too was momentarily taken away by the sight. The dress fit her beautifully. Its white satin layers covered by a thin sheer material that had a select, few crystals in it to make it glitter. She felt like a princess in it. If she was ever going to get married, THIS was the dress she was going to wear. “Are you okay, Hermione?” Ginny asked as Hermione suddenly got very lightheaded. “Yeah, I just need to go to the bathroom,” Hermione said. “I'll go with you.” Hermione stood in the stall waiting for the dizziness to go away. Maybe she needed something to eat. She'll just suggest to the girls that they should get something to eat. “Oh, bugger!” she heard Ginny say in the next stall. “Hermione, do you have an extra tampon or anything that I can use?” “Yeah,” Hermione answered and searched through her purse, finding one and passing it to Ginny under the stall. Suddenly something clicked in Hermione's brain. *Today was the fifteenth of February. Okay, think.* *You bought a box of tampons at the drugstore when you found that ridiculous hat for Harry that had reindeer antlers on it. That was before Christmas. December. Okay, what happened in January? January….* SHIT!!!! “Is everything alright, Hermione?” Ginny asked. Hermione had sworn aloud. “Uh, yeah,” Hermione tried to hide the panic in her voice. “I just realized I forgot to…check out my parent's home.” Which really wasn't a lie. Her parents had gone away for a Valentine's Day trip to the States and had asked Hermione to keep an eye on the house. “I'll talk to you guys later. I'll tell Luna on the way out,” Hermione said in a rush as she washed her hands and left the bathroom. “Okay,” Ginny answered a little unsurely at her friend's odd behavior. Hermione stopped by a drugstore on the way to her parent's house and bought three pregnancy tests and a large bottle of water. She placed the tests on a counter by the bathroom sink and read the instructions for the hundredth time. “Okay…place the absorbent end...then lay on a flat surface…” she mumbled as she read. “Wait five minutes…one blue line…two blue lines…Okay, I can do this,” she said to herself as she uncapped the tests. Each box had two test, so when she was done, she lined all six of them in a row on the counter and waited. *Tick……..Tick…….Tick…..* Each second seemed to take forever. She yanked open the bathroom door deciding that she just couldn't stand to be in the room. She walked around the house, straightening things up, cleaning here and there. Finally she looked at the clock. Five minutes had passed. She stood outside the bathroom door and reread the instructions one more time. “One blue line, not pregnant. Two blue lines…pregnant,” she read and looked up. “Okay then.” She opened the door and walked in. The folded piece of paper with the instructions floated to the floor as Hermione gasped and brought her hands to her mouth. She fell back against the wall and slowly sank to the floor. All six tests had two blue lines on them. --> 15. Tossing In The Towel ------------------------ **Chapter Fifteen:** Tossing In The Towel *It's, oh, so quiet* *It's, oh, so still* *You're all alone* *And so peaceful until...* *You fall in love* *Zing boom* *The sky above* *Zing boom* *Is caving in* *Wow bam* *You've never been so nuts about a guy* *You wanna laugh you wanna cry* *You cross your heart and hope to die* *'Til it's over and then* *It's nice and quiet* *But soon again* *Starts another big riot* *You blow a fuse* *Zing boom* *The devil cuts loose* *Zing boom* *So what's the use* *Wow bam* *Of falling in love* *(It's Oh So Quiet—Bjork)* **(Present Time)** Harry stood outside on the balcony, watching the twinkling lights of the city spread out before him. He sipped on the coffee he had in his hand. He could see his breaths in little puffs of clouds that emanated from his mouth. He thought of the awkward, very awkward Sunday morning he had shared with Hermione. Falling asleep with her, waking up with her, just like old times, right? “She's not as strong as you think,” a voice came from behind. Sirius joined his godson on the balcony. “She's going through a confusing time right now. She needs the support and love of friends and family.” “Her parents are in the Bahamas. They have no idea what their daughter is going through. She's too proud to tell them,” Harry said quietly. “She hates failing. She hasn't drawn up the divorce papers because she's afraid to admit she failed at her marriage.” “She didn't fail at it. Oliver was just a lousy fucking husband to her,” Harry said bitterly. “I told her that,” Sirius stood next to Harry. “But I don't think *I'm* the one she needs to hear that from.” He looked at Harry. Harry sighed and looked down. “Harry,” Sirius began, “have you thought that maybe this is a second chance for you two? That maybe fate hasn't turned its back on you both?” Harry didn't say anything, he just stared out at the city lights. Sirius sighed next to him. “Right then. Don't stay up too late,” Sirius said and turned to go back into the house. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Harry,” Neville whispered. “*Harry!*” he whispered more forcefully, nudging his friend who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Harry blinked and sat up straight, the other aurors sat around a table looking at him as Kingsley Shacklebolt stood at the head of the table. “Well?” he asked Harry. “Oh, right!” Harry said, bringing himself back to the table. “Um, Longbottom and I did meet with Mr. DeMarco and he graciously gave us a tour of his casino. Interesting fact here,” Harry said shuffling the papers in front of him. “Draco Malfoy is his casino manager,” he announced causing some murmurs at the table. “With permission, Longbottom and I would like to conduct a further search of the casino. We have a feeling we were shown only half of it.” “Very well, permission granted. Keep in mind, Potter, that we must not let DeMarco know that we are continuing this investigation.” “Yes sir.” “Do you have a plan on how you would do this?” Harry cast a look sideways at Neville. “I have an idea,” he said cryptically. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Soooo, did you have a nice weekend?” Luna's voice interrupted Hermione from her thoughts. “I was just wondering if you had a nice weekend. Saturday's dinner was quite amusing wasn't it?” Luna chided and Hermione blushed a little. “Ginny needs to learn to keep her mouth shut,” Hermione said tartly and Luna laughed. “Don't hold your breath on that one my dear Hermione.” “How are you feeling?” she asked Luna. “The morning sickness is a bitch. I have to duck out of here at lunch time. The aroma of the food is way too powerful,” Luna sighed. “Try crackers and ginger ale,” Hermione advised. “That's what muggles do,” Hermione added quickly. “Hmm, I think I'll try that. I'm not too sure about those potions that they sell to pregnant witches that claim to put an end to the queasiness. Huh, maybe I should write a story on that,” Luna said thoughtfully as she looked up around the room. “You seemed a little distracted when I walked over here. Mr. Potter occupying your thoughts?” Luna asked Hermione. “Why would I be thinking about *him*?” Hermione answered a little too quickly. “You're drawing snitches on that piece of parchment,” Luna said nodding to her desk. Hermione looked down and saw that she was in fact doodling snitches. “I was just drawing…it doesn't mean anything,” Hermione muttered. “Me thinks the lady doth protest too much,” Luna smiled. “Anyway, how embarrassing would it be if Harry saw that on your desk?” “Oh, for crying out loud. I wasn't thinking of Harry! I have better things to do with my time than think of that arrogant, swaggering…prat,” Hermione ranted. “And furthermore, I don't care what he sees on my desk, I could care less what he thinks about anything.” “So, if he came over and saw you doodling snitches, you wouldn't care?” “I would just explain to him, that I was merely doodling nonsense. People do it all the time, it doesn't mean anything.” “Well, then. Here's your chance,” Luna smiled then called out, “Hello Harry!” Hermione looked up sharply and saw Harry heading towards her desk. The female (and a couple of males) population of the Quibbler had all their eyes on him as he walked over. “Shit,” Hermione muttered as she crumpled up the piece of parchment and threw it under her desk. “Hello, Luna,” Harry greeted as he reached the two ladies, “Hermione.” “Morning Harry. Did you have a nice weekend?” Luna asked. “Let's just say it was full of surprises,” he answered, tossing a look to Hermione, who looked away. Luna looked between the two of them. “Well, I must be off. I'll just check on…someone,” she said as she walked away, leaving the two of them alone. Harry looked down at Hermione. “So…how's my favorite little lush this morning?” Hermione tutted and blushed. “Really, Harry.” He laughed. “Relax, Hermione. I brought a peace offering,” he said as he held out a coffee cup and a paper bag. “I'm not interested,” she said, turning away from him. “What a shame. I guess I'll have to give this Caramel Macchiato and this delicious cheese danish to someone else,” Harry sighed. Hermione snatched the bag and cup out of his hands. “Well, it's the least you could do,” she said, taking a sip of one of her favorite drinks. Harry chuckled. Leaning towards her he said, “I missed you this morning. I woke up alone.” Luna had been walking by that moment and raised an eyebrow at Hermione before continuing on her way. Hermione watched her friend then turned sharply to Harry who was laughing. “What are you doing here, anyway?” she hissed. “Besides torture you?” he asked. “You're doing a hell of a job.” Harry smiled and picked up the paper on her desk which had the article of DeMarco on it. “So, are you going to go?” “To the gala? I have to, Luna wants me to do a report on it. Why?” ”Just curious. Are you going alone?” “If you're thinking of an invitation, you're not going to get it.” “I already have my own. I was just wondering if Mr. Woods would be making an appearance.” “No, I'm going alone. Although, I shudder at the thought of whatever arm candy you decide on bringing,” Hermione said scathingly. “Pretty feisty for a Monday morning, aren't you?” Harry smirked. The smile in his eyes died as he looked over Hermione's shoulder. “Harry! What are you doing?” Hermione asked as Harry dove under her desk. “Shh! Hide me!” he whispered to her. Hermione shoved his head under the desk then scooted her chair after him. Harry let out a silent grunt as Hermione's knees rammed into his chest. Cho Chang stopped at the receptionist's desk, who pointed towards Hermione. “Hermione Wood,” Cho greeted Hermione coldly. “Cho Chang,” Hermione's reception was just as warm. “Pretty ironic that you're working for a newspaper. If that's what you'd call the rubbish that you print,” Cho mused. “No, that would be the Daily Prophet,” Hermione shot back. “How embarrassing that must have been for you. But you must be used to that by now, having your love life in the limelight. I don't know how Harry put up with you.” A loud thump came from under Hermione's desk. “What are you doing here, Cho?” Hermione asked coldly. *Exactly, what the hell is she doing here?* Harry thought to himself as he rubbed the back of his head. He shifted his position and found that his hand was resting on a piece of crumpled paper. He moved to pick it up. “I'm here representing my client, your husband,” she announced. Harry froze. Cho reached into her robes pulling out a packet of papers. “He is requesting that you both go to marriage counseling as a last attempt at reconciliation. Your lawyer has contacted me to let me know that you have been considering drawing up papers to begin the dissolution of your marriage. My client has stated that he will be contesting the divorce and is offering you this opportunity to think this matter over carefully.” Hermione took the papers from Cho. “Are you always the bearer of such good news? I thought Oliver was using you for his deal with the Cannons.” “He did use me for that, but contacted me again when he received the papers that would begin your dissolution. I sincerely hope you take up his offer. I would hate to tear you up in the courtroom.” Hermione glared at her. “I'm sure you would.” Cho smirked and turned to walk away but turned back to Hermione on a second thought. “If you see Harry, please tell him I had a wonderful time with him Saturday night in my hotel room,” she boasted then swaggered away. Harry shut his eyes and mentally swore. Hermione watched as Cho left the office then wheeled away from her desk. She reached underneath the desk and yanked Harry out by his robes. She didn't let go of him as she led him, like a child to be scolded, into one of the empty conference rooms. She shoved him into the chair and slammed the door shut behind her, casting a silencing charm around the room. “*You're sleeping with my husband's lawyer?*” Hermione rounded on him. “I didn't know she was Oliver's lawyer!” Harry stood up and protested in his defense. “And I didn't sleep with her!” Well, not that night at least. “How could you?” she ranted. “You know what,” she said tossing her hands up in the air, “I don't care! I don't care what you do with that…bitch!” she shouted then she rounded on Harry. “But I swear to God, Harry, if you interfere with this matter,” he backed away from her as she neared him, “in any way, I will make sure that the next woman who will touch your balls will be the mediwitch who has to reattach them after I'm through with you.” Harry backed away, plonking onto the chair behind him. “Are we clear?” she threatened. Harry gulped and nodded. Hermione left the room, slamming the door. *Merlin, she's sexy when she's angry*, Harry thought to himself. He sighed and took out the crumpled piece of paper in his hand, straightening it out. He smiled to himself as he looked down at the snitches drawn on the paper. Oh, sod it all. He promised himself that he wouldn't get involved with Hermione. He would most likely lose if he did. But, damn it all to hell, if he was going to fall in love with her again, he was going to go down like a champ. Hermione was fuming. She was so angry at Harry. She sat down at her desk in a huff. *Who does he think he is? Shagging the entire wizarding female population, he probably made a considerable dent in the muggle one as well. Honestly! What is wrong with the male population, do they have some sort of biological urge, the inability to keep it in their pants. And to be with Cho! What's so bloody fantastic about her?* She blew a piece of hair out of her face, then drew out a piece of parchment and a quill and began scribbling away. *Harry Potter: Male Slut. No, no, no.* She scratched that out. *Harry Potter: Lover Extraordinaire.* No, that gave him too much credit in the bedroom. *Harry Potter: The Boy Who Shagged…A Lot.* Hermione grinned and continued. *Known for his defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, he has become one of the wizarding world's most infamous heroes. Regarded as one of the best aurors, well respected by many members of the ministry, he has all the makings of an upstanding citizen of the wizarding community.* She chewed the end of her quill to gather her thoughts. *But there is a darker side to this tragic hero, one the wizarding world has yet to know. This hero has plowed through the female population, leaving behind him a trail of broken hearts. It seems our hero is a bit of a playboy, using his* *fame and fortune* *as a means to get into the skirts* *of many unsuspecting females.* Hermione continued on to two more pages before she suddenly stopped and looked up. The article had been a means to channel her anger at Harry, but it was mostly untrue. This made her no better than that wretched beetle Rita Skeeter. There was no way that Hermione was going to publish this article, it was only a stupid rant. She crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed it into the rubbish bin. Why was it that only Harry could get her all worked up like this? She wasn't even dating him and the mention of him sleeping with another woman just threw her into a tizzy. Maybe it was the fact that she was so sensitive about the issue of monogamy since her husband seemed to have a real problem with it. Yes, maybe that was it. She was just reflecting her feelings onto Harry and his actions. It has nothing to do with the fact that she was jealous of Cho. Not in the least. Not at all. Really. Okay, maybe she was a little jealous of Cho. But only just a tiny bit. Really tiny bit. All right, she was jealous of the stupid bint. But it wasn't because she was with Harry Saturday night. She didn't care one bit about Harry's love life. Who cares if Harry stayed the night with stupid Cho in her stupid hotel room? Hermione suddenly sat up. Wait a minute. Harry came back to his own place that night, totally smashed. They woke up together. Was Cho lying? Hermione shook her head. What was she doing? She shouldn't care if Harry spent the night with Cho or not. She had her own problems to deal with. Like finding a place to live. She had an appointment tonight to view a flat in a building across the street from Ginny's. She saw a sign Sunday afternoon and had called to set up an appointment. Sharing a home with your separated spouse ranked on the fun meter up there with going to the gynecologist. And sleeping on your friend's sofa wasn't that great either. With any luck, this place could be livable and most important, affordable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “So which lovely lady will be accompanying you tonight?” Neville asked Harry. He was sitting in Harry's office wasting away the final minutes of the work day. “Actually, I'm going to go solo for this event,” Harry replied. It had been a long work week. The device he ordered was supposed to be delivered today and without it, he could just scrap his entire plan. He had tried to find out from Ginny what Hermione would be wearing but she was very vague. Ideally, if he had the device he would just have to break into her flat and plant it, but now he had to come up with a plan B, and very quickly. “You going dateless would have nothing to do with a certain Mrs. Wood, would it?” Neville asked, smiling. “Not at all. Who are you going with?” Harry replied quickly, changing the subject. “Ginny Weasley,” Neville said, blushing slightly. Harry looked surprised at his friend. “Well, finally worked up the nerve? Good for you,” he said smiling. “But if you try and pull anything, I'll kill you.” One of the assistants walked in dropping a parcel on Harry's desk. Harry opened it and emptied its contents revealing a small black smooth stone the size of a button. “A Mapper?” Neville asked, looking at the object. “I was hoping I would get it before I left this evening,” Harry said, examining it. “So, that's how you're going to map out the Milanio.” “Nope, not me,” Harry answered, grinning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione sat in the car, nervously watching the crowd of photographers stationed at the entrance to the casino. The driver stopped and got out of the car. Hermione gave herself one more once-over in the mirror. She wasn't sure about the dress that Ginny had picked out for her. It was a strapless black dress that fit her nicely, it was floor length and had a long slit on one side, revealing a glimpse of the long, creamy leg underneath. Ginny and Luna had styled her curly hair straight, letting it fall to the middle of her back. She wrapped her wrap around her and grabbed her clutch, as the driver opened the door for her. “Some party isn't it?” Ginny asked Harry, when she and Neville finally found him in the crowd. He was looking *very* nice in a black tuxedo, nursing a glass of rum and coke. His appearance did not go unnoticed by the female guests in the casino. “Any luck out there?” he asked Neville. “I won 10 knuts,” Neville answered, shrugging. “Nev's been playing it safe on the machines. I, on the other hand, am going to have a shot at that roulette table,” Ginny playfully nudged Neville. Harry laughed and brought the glass up to his lips to take another drink. But he stopped halfway as he gazed across the room. *Oh. Good. God.* The very alluring Hermione had managed to render Harry Potter absolutely primal. “Over here, Hermione!” Ginny called out, waving to her friend. Harry broke out of his stupor and took a long drink out of his glass emptying it then grabbed two champagne flutes off a passing hostess. Hermione had barely managed to keep her composure when she saw how delicious Mr. Potter looked in a tux. There's always something about a tuxedo that can elevate a man's status, making him a gentleman, the man you fantasized about. Harry Potter always wore one well. “Mrs. Wood,” Harry greeted her, handing her a flute. “Mr. Potter,” Hermione answered, smiling and taking the flute from Harry. “Truce,” he said, tapping her glass with his. “I suppose we can have a cease fire for just one night,” Hermione sighed and took a drink of the bubbly. The band finished a jazzy little tune then started up on a new one that always reminded Hermione of her grandparents. Harry took Hermione's hand and led her to the dance floor as Moonlight Serenade filled the room. It was like riding a bike. They fell into step seamlessly, their feet remembering the dances they shared long ago. Hermione sighed and rested her head gently on his shoulder. Harry closed his eyes. Long ago he had wished for one thing and one thing only: To hold Hermione in his arms once more. But it was bittersweet, he could hold her in his arms for this dance and possibly the next one, but at the end of the night he was going to have to let her go. Again. Hermione blinked back the tears that began to form in her eyes. Being in Harry's arms reminded her of the last time they danced together, the last time he held her in his arms nearly three years ago. “May I cut in?” a voice spoke up, yanking them both back to reality. “Of course,” Harry said turning to Antonio DeMarco. He kept one hand resting on the small of Hermione's back. “Lovely party, thanks for the invite,” Harry said, making conversation as he slipped the Mapper into Hermione's dress, the one place he *hoped* DeMarco would not have access to tonight. “You look lovely tonight,” DeMarco said to Hermione, kissing the back of her hand, deliberately ignoring Harry. *Fucker*, Harry thought. Hermione flushed. “Um…Thank you,” she said. “May I introduce my…friend Harry Potter?” “We've met,” DeMarco said, acknowledging Harry's presence with a glance. “I just asked the lovely Hermione here to join me on the dance floor. Nice band,” Harry said trying very hard to control what he really wanted to come out of his mouth. “Will Mr. Potter be joining us for the rest of the evening?” he asked Hermione. “No.” “No.” They both spoke at the same time, looking at each other then looking away. DeMarco smiled at Hermione, offering his arm to her. Harry grabbed another drink from a nearby tray as he watched Hermione walk away with Antonio. He walked over to the casino floor, changing a few hundred galleons for chips. He undid his bowtie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt as he sat at a nearby blackjack table. “Twelve. Sixteen. Dealer shows twenty one.” Harry tossed out a couple of chips onto the table as the other players grumbled, tossing theirs onto the table. He had been playing for thirty minutes and he was ahead twenty galleons. “Pressing your luck there, Potter?” a familiar voice drawled. “I always was a gambler,” Harry replied and Draco smirked. “Impressive place you have here. Took only a year to build.” “I see you did your homework,” Draco said lazily. “I always thought that was Granger's department. Sorry…Mrs. Wood.” Draco never outgrew his need to taunt Potter mercilessly. “Dealer shows twenty. Win to Mr. Potter.” Harry collected his winnings from the dealer leaving half on the table. “So you practically built this place from the ground up. Must be hard having the boss come in and run the show.” Draco smirked again. “He was always behind the scenes. It's not everyday we get a second chance in life.” “Is that what this is? Huh, I guess I would've figured being the son of a well known Death Eater would put a bit of a *mark* on this place.” Draco laughed and flagged a hostess down. “I, too, am a bit of a gambler, Potter. Bourbon?” he offered Harry a glass as he took one himself. Harry obliged, looking across the room as Hermione and Antonio caught his eye. They walked through the casino floor. Draco followed his line of sight. “Speaking of second chances, I heard Granger's, sorry, Wood's marriage is on the rocks,” Draco said looking at Harry who went back to his card game. His face gave nothing away. “I'm surprised Malfoy. Of all people, you would be the least interested in her love life,” Harry said flatly. “Normally, I wouldn't but she really is making the Daily Prophet something to look forward to in the morning. DeMarco sure has taken an interest in her so I hope you didn't have any grand ideas of a reunion in your head.” “Malfoys always have a way of finding the big fish in the pond, don't they?” Harry said bitterly. “It certainly is a big jump for the mudblood. I saw you dancing with her earlier, don't get any hopes up, Potter.” “Is that a warning from you or your boss?” “Just stay away if you know what's best. There's nothing you have that DeMarco can't give her.” Harry collected his chips and stood up. “I never was one for the rules,” Harry said, tucking a card into the front pocket of Draco's jacket and walking away. Draco took the card out of his pocket. It was a king of hearts. He laughed to himself as he watched Potter disappear in the crowd. Hermione freshened herself up in the powder room. Antonio had treated her to a lovely dinner and was in the middle of giving her a tour of the casino. She pulled up the dress, adjusting it then reached behind her to check on the zipper of her dress. She stopped when she felt a tiny bulge in her dress. She grasped it and brought it to her face. It was a Mapper. She recognized it from her Auror training. “Harry,” she whispered. Harry must have planted it on her. She left the ladies room and joined Antonio on the casino floor. “Would you like to try one of our tables?” he asked gesturing to the room. “Actually, I was hoping to see more of your casino,” she said, linking her arm through his. “More?” he asked. “I'm sure there are places you haven't shown me, yet,” Hermione said as she looked demurely up at him. Antonio caught her message. “Yes, there is more to this casino,” he said, leading her away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione closed the door to Ginny's flat, letting out a loud sigh as she leaned against it. It had been a very long night. She had managed to fend off DeMarco long enough to call it a night, thankfully they only got as far as kissing. She had to do something to get into his home, his room. Yeech, she would definitely have to brush her teeth at least three times tonight. Knock, knock, knock. Hermione smiled to herself. Didn't take him too long. She opened the door. “What is it, Harry? I'm really tired.” Harry pushed his way into the flat. “Just wanted to make sure you made it home alright.” “I did. Thank you very much.” “Okay then, good night Hermione,” Harry said as he wrapped her into a hug. He felt for the Mapper on her back. *Shit!* It wasn't there. Hermione smiled to herself breaking from the hug. “Well then. Good night Harry,” she said, holding open the door. Harry closed it. “Maybe I should make you some tea. It will help you sleep.” “Oh, that's so sweet of you, Harry. I'll just go ahead and sit myself down,” she walked over to the sofa. “No! Um…,” he was floundering, “you'll wrinkle your dress. You should take it off and hang it up.” Hermione looked up thoughtfully. “No, it's no big deal. I know an ironing charm.” “Surely, you probably want to get more comfortable. That dress looks…restricting.” “No, I'm fine.” “You should take it off,” Harry insisted. “No.” “Take off your dress!” “It's not in my dress, Harry!” Hermione reached into her clutch, drawing out the Mapper. “How did you know?” he asked. “You might want to put it in a less conspicuous place.” Harry walked over to her and reached for it but she got out of her chair and held it away from him. “Give it to me, Hermione,” he demanded. “Why did you put it on me?” “Hermione.” “No. Not unless you tell me why. Are you investigating Antonio?” “That's classified.” Hermione narrowed her eyes, then tucked the Mapper into the front of her bra, sticking her chin out at Harry. “Don't think I won't go for it,” Harry threatened. “You. Wouldn't. Dare.” Harry and Hermione stood, facing each other. Finally, Harry lunged for her. Hermione dodged him and ran for her clutch that had her wand inside but Harry tossed it out of her reach. Harry reached for his wand but Hermione knocked it out of his hand. He took that opportunity and grabbed her wrist and yanked her to him. Her back pressed against his body as his free hand slid up the front of her dress. A familiar heat settled between Hermione's thighs as she struggled against him. Harry turned her around and pinned her against the wall, his lips grazed her neck and she let out a soft moan as she felt his hardness press against her. His eyes were dark with desire as he gazed into hers that were full of lust. Her chest heaved with deep breaths that she needed to steady herself. Her hands fell limply on his shoulders as he wrapped one of her thighs around his waist and lifted her slightly against the wall. Her skin was hot against his hand as he led it under her dress, past her waist, up her belly. Hermione inhaled sharply as his hand brushed over her breasts. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Thank you, Hermione.” Hermione put her leg down as Harry moved away from her. She looked at him, puzzled, as if being shaken from a dream. Lust was still in his eyes as he grinned wickedly at her. He held up his hand triumphantly, the Mapper between his thumb and forefinger. “Ugh! You are such a jerk!” Hermione scolded pushing him away as he laughed. --> 16. Telling Harry ----------------- **Chapter Sixteen:** Telling Harry *Rock a bye baby on the tree top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks the cradle will fall, And down will come baby, cradle and all.* There's was only one person in the medical field that Hermione trusted, one who would keep this information confidential. Her family doctor, Dr. Wisefield. She had been going to him since she was younger, he treated both her parents, as well. Since he was a muggle, he had no clue who Harry Potter was to the wizarding world. And, due to patient confidentiality, he didn't have to share this information with anybody. *Especially**,* her parents. “Well, I'd say you are around eight weeks,” Dr. Wisefield peered at her over his chart. Hermione took in the information, thinking back on what the hell happened eight weeks ago. Well, she knew what happened, but she took in a play-by-play of the evening trying to pinpoint when she and Harry had somehow forgotten any precautions. As soon as those tests yielded positive results, she immediately called her family doctor and scheduled an appointment to see him right away. Luckily, she was able to get in early Monday. She had yet to tell Harry, and boy was that a long weekend. She had made excuses to Harry, claiming to have a bit of the flu, when she emptied her stomach for what seemed the millionth time. She told him she was going to see the doctor on Monday, which really wasn't a lie, she did have an appointment. Besides, it was a solid excuse to miss training that day. “Have you given any thought to what you might do?” Dr. Wisefield asked her. “I'm sorry?” Hermione asked, shaken out of her thoughts. “The pregnancy. Have you given any thoughts about what you are going to do with this pregnancy?” Hermione shook her head. “It's a lot to take in, right now,” she answered honestly. The doctor nodded in understanding. “Well, until a decision is reached, I want you on prenatal vitamins,” he said, scribbling down on a piece of paper. “I'll ask the nurse to give you some pamphlets and leave you a reference on an excellent OB/GYN. Take care, Hermione.” She decided to walk back to her parents' house, her mind filled with thoughts. No matter what decision she made, she would have to tell Harry first. She honestly didn't know how he would react. She knew, deep down, that he did want a family since he had been deprived of one of his own. The miserable Dursley's hardly qualified as care givers. But did he want one now, they were only two years out of Hogwarts, smack in the middle of training and not even married or engaged. She passed by her favorite sushi place and stopped in to take a bite. She got as far as the counter to order when she suddenly realized she shouldn't eat raw fish, it could harm the baby. She opted for a rice bowl with teriyaki chicken instead. She ate her food, watching people walk by. It never occurred to her, how many children lived in the area. Maybe they always did but until now she never noticed. Suddenly, it came to her. She was already thinking of the well being of the child inside her; the right foods, the right schools, would the child be magical? She was going to keep the baby, no matter what Harry thought of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry surveyed the wreckage in front of him. The house was charred, an explosion had occurred, possible dark magic was involved. It was a lovely cottage before, now it was just a ruin of burnt wood and the smell of smoke. He followed the auror in front of him, taking notes. It was field practice and he was learning the protocol of a crime scene. It was scenes like these that made Harry question why he wanted to be an auror. He would have to deal with this from time to time. “That's it for now. We have to go back to headquarters to identify the bodies,” Marcus Jones, the auror that was training him spoke up. Harry's stomach turned slightly at the sight before him. He and Jones stood in the observation room, behind a small glass that looked into the morgue. Two bodies lay covered up before him, an adult sized one and a small bundle lying on the table next to it. Harry had been disgusted to learn that the bodies were a young woman in her late twenties and a small child, only two years old. They were found outside of the house, most likely AK'd as they ran from their destroyed home. Harry slammed the file shut, this scene was eerily familiar to him. This could've easily been his own demise when Voldemort murdered his parents. The door to the morgue opened and Harry watched as Shacklebolt entered the room accompanied by man who looked like he aged fifty years in a few moments. The mad staggered to the woman's body first as the morgue's wizard lifted the cover. All color from the man's face drained away and he had a vacant look on his face as he nodded, confirming the woman's identity. The wizard then moved to the child's body. The man reluctantly followed. The wizard uncovered the body but the mad did not look down. Harry could see that he was fighting the reality in front of him. But the man did look and immediately picked up the small child and let out a cry of anguish. Cries that Harry had long forgotten, but brought back the memories of pain and suffering caused by a raving madman of a wizard. The man held the small child's body to him rocking him back and forth then dropping to his knees. Shacklebolt and the other wizard immediately went to him to take the child out of his arms but the man refused. Sobs wracked his body and tears streamed down his face as he kissed the child's face. Shacklebolt and the other wizard left the room, leaving the man to grieve his lost family. Harry and Marcus left the room as well, meeting Kingsley in the hall. “Jones, I need you to check this information out,” Kingsley ordered handing the auror a manila file. This left Harry alone with him and as soon as Jones was out of sight, he pulled Harry into an empty room, closing the door behind him. “He's been here all day. He wanted protection but his wife and child were hit seconds before the aurors got there,” Kingsley told him. “Death Eaters?” Harry asked, dreading the answer. Kingsley nodded and Harry sighed, leaning forward his hands resting on the back of a chair. “They're back, Harry. The man saw Bellatrix LeStrange, he ran right over here.” “Why weren't the aurors dispatched soon enough?” Harry asked with and edge in his voice. “I sent them as soon as I heard. We did the best we could.” “I'm sure that man shares the same sentiments,” Harry said bitterly. Kingsley reached into his robes and pulled out a manila file, similar to the one he gave Jones earlier. “Here's the file, read it over. I'd ask Dumbledore to gather the Order again.” He placed the file in front of Harry and left the room. Harry reluctantly sat down to read. He read the report over and over again, burning every detail into his memory. It was late in the evening. Most of the aurors had left a couple of hours ago. Harry sighed and looked at his watch, it was getting late and he wanted to get home to Hermione. He needed to hold her right now, needed her to remind him of the good in this world. He left the room and walked past the morgue again and noticed that the man was still inside. Harry looked up and down the hallway, no one was around. Harry opened the door and walked in. The smell of ammonia hit Harry's nostrils, a clean smell that reminded him of his childhood at Aunt Petunia's. The two bodies were back on the table and covered with a tarp. All the lights in the room were off except two of them that cast eerie yellow circles of light around the two bodies. The man lingered at the body of his wife, holding her hand uncovered by the tarp. Harry wasn't sure if the man acknowledged he was there until he spoke up. “She was a muggle,” he said softly looking up at him. “I met her at King's Cross when I finished my last year at Hogwarts. I walked through the barrier and saw her across the way, sitting on a bench. She was reading a book, waiting for her train but I knew from the moment I saw her, that I would marry her.” Harry stepped into the circular beam of light. The man looked up at him. “Of course it took her a couple of years for me to convince her,” the man let out a soft chuckle and Harry gave a small smile. The man's eyes did the familiar searching of his face, his eyes flickering upward to Harry's scar. Harry didn't move to cover it as the man's face lit with recognition. “I have nothing to lose, now. I don't care if they come after me or not. I saw her, Bellatrix LeStrange. It was an accident really, a chance passing but I saw her and the others. I should've gone home first, should've taken my wife and son to a safe place first.” The man's voice broke a little and he looked down at his wife's covered body. Harry walked over and stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder. It was moments like these that reminded Harry why he became an auror in the first place. “Their deaths will not be in vain,” Harry spoke softly. The man looked up at Harry, anger and grief in his eyes. “I want her dead, Harry. I want LeStrange dead.” “I'll hand you her wand, personally.” The man nodded and put a hand on Harry's shoulder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione sat on the sofa, anxiously awaiting Harry's arrival. She looked up at the clock, it was a little past eight. He had field training today, usually everyone got home late on those days, but as Hermione was anxious, it made the minutes go by that much slower. Thankfully, Ron was out with Luna and wouldn't be back until late, leaving the two of them alone. Hermione made a nice dinner, setting up a candlelit table setting. Then disassembled it, thinking it was too cheesy and cliché, reminding herself that she had no idea how Harry would react to this news. At the sound of the click of the door knob, Hermione sprung from the couch. Her face fell as she saw the look on Harry's face. “What's wrong?” she asked. “Uh…long day,” Harry replied. “Listen, I have some news.” “We need to talk.” They spoke at the same time. “What?” Harry asked. “Harry, we need to talk,” she dragged him over to the sofa. “Hermione…” he began but she cut him off. “This is important, Harry.” “I need to te—“ “I'm pregnant.” A look of shock went over his face. “Harry,” Hermione said after awhile, “say something.” Harry found his voice. “Um…are you sure?” Hermione slid to the floor, kneeling in front of him. “I'm eight weeks along. I…” Harry got up from the sofa and stood in front of the window, gazing out at the view of the city in front of him. “Harry,” Hermione called out to him. “Harry!” she repeated and he turned around to look at her. “Say something. Say anything other than are you sure? Tell me how you are feeling? Tell me what you're thinking?” She shot all this out to him and once. Harry held up his hands, “Hermione, you have to be fair and give a moment to take this in. You've just told me a few moments ago, how much time have you had to take this in? I just have a lot on my mind right now.” Hermione's jaw clenched as she got up from the floor. “Fine!” she said tensely. “Hermione…” Harry said placatingly. “I'm so sorry to bother you with some piddley news that I'm pregnant when you have soooo much on your mind!” She left the room in a huff. She slammed her bedroom door behind her and plopped onto her bed, letting the tears fall down her face. She knew she wasn't being fair to Harry, she had three days to mull over this situation. She had only told Harry five minutes ago. What was she expecting? Harry to sweep her up in his arms, twirl her around then plop a diamond ring on her finger? She heard the sound of the floo, guessing that Harry had flooed himself somewhere to think things over. She had a long day and an even longer one tomorrow. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. She woke earlier the next morning, hoping to arrive at headquarters ahead of schedule so she could talk to Kingsley Shacklebolt about her training. The building was cold, as the heating charms were just placed, the offices quiet waiting to be filled with the sounds of the workday yet to be started. As predicted, the light in Shacklebolt's office was on, indicating his presence. She knocked on the door briefly waiting for an answer. “Come in,” Shacklebolt replied. Hermione opened the door and was shocked to see Harry in the office with him. He looked like he didn't get much sleep either and Hermione wondered just how early Harry had gotten here. “Good morning, Granger. I expected to see you here early this morning,” Shacklebolt acknowledged her presence. Hermione looked at Harry questioningly but his face gave nothing away. Her gaze then wandered to a file with photographs lying open on Shacklebolt's desk. With a small panic within her, she saw a picture of what looked like Bellatrix LeStrange. Harry's hand closed the file then slipped it into his robes. He gave Shacklebolt a look of an unspoken conversation then headed out the door stopping briefly by Hermione to wish her a good morning. “Have a seat, Hermione,” Kingsley gestured toward a chair in front of his desk. Hermione obliged him. “You're here pretty early. Is there something you want to talk about?” “Well, you see…the thing is…,” Hermione was finding it a bit difficult to go about this situation. “I don't think I will be able to do the physical part of our training anymore.” “Did you sustain some sort of injury?” he asked. “Uh…no, not exactly…I'm…I'm pregnant,” she said quietly. Kingsley sat back in his chair, Hermione wasn't sure what the expression on his face was. It was no secret that she and Harry were a couple so the child's paternity wasn't in question. “Potter came in to see me early this morning asking a most unusual request,” he looked at Hermione. “He asked that you be removed from training and escorted by a few aurors to Hogwarts as soon as possible.” Hermione looked shocked. “At first I thought that that was a most unusual thing to ask, but now learning the possible motive behind it. I can perfectly understand why.” “Why would he ask that?” Hermione was a little bugged by this. Shacklebolt looked as if he was debating whether to tell her this next bit of information or not. “Bellatrix LeStrange was spotted in London yesterday,” he said and Hermione gasped. “We have a feeling she's not the only Death Eater to make an appearance.” “Harry knew about this?” she asked and sat back in thought. She emerged from Shacklebolt's office half an hour later and headed towards the locker rooms for training. She found Harry just outside talking to Tobias. “May I have a word with you, Harry,” Hermione interrupted. She pulled him aside and spoke in low hushed tones. “Why did you ask Kingsley to remove me from training?” she asked. “So, he told you,” Harry answered. “You're doing it again. You're pushing me away.” “No, I'm just looking out for you.” “I know about LeStrange,” she said and Harry hung his head and sighed. He looked up and around to see if anyone was nearby then gently lead Hermione into an empty room. “The Death Eaters are back, Hermione. You are so important to me, I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you…or our child.” Hermione looked up at him. “I'm going to be a father and the first priority for me is your safety and the safety of the baby. I asked Dumbledore as a special favor to me, to keep you safe at Hogwarts until this thing blows over. They're going to make a move and you know I'm a target. Until they're caught, I don't want to even entertain the chance that something could happen to you. I don't want our child to grow up parentless, and I'm not going to give the Death Eaters a chance to hit two birds with one stone. This is important to me, Hermione. And I'm asking you, no begging you to do this.” Hermione had tears in her eyes as Harry finished. She gathered him into a hug. “Oh, Harry. I love you,” she sniffled. Harry held her tight. “I love you, too, so much,” he placed a hand on her lower belly, “you and our baby.” “Okay. I'll do this for you,” she said as she smiled. “Us. I want you to do this for us.” That night, Harry lay awake next to a sleeping Hermione. Their lovemaking was gentle yet still full of passion. He thought about the future, about being a father. He thought of the man yesterday and how he lost everything, his family, his love, his future. History would not repeat itself. Their child would grow up with his mother and father, Harry was adamant about that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The train whistle of the Hogwarts Express, pierced the crisp morning air. It had been a week of careful preparation and planning. Four aurors accompanied Hermione to the train and would be riding with her until she arrived at the front doors of Hogwarts and Dumbledore personally laid eyes on her. She and Harry had said their goodbyes the night before, he would be joining her for a visit this coming weekend. Dumbledore made special accommodations at the castle for her, where she would stay for the rest of her pregnancy under the watchful eyes of Madam Pomfrey. Harry had made it a point to be seen going about his day of training as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Hermione leaned her head against the window pane, watching the landscape pass by. It was going to rain soon, the dark grey clouds made sure of it. The lights were on in the train, casting a soft glow in the compartment. Tonks sat across from her. “You alright, Hermione?” she asked. “I think I need to use the toilet,” Hermione said, getting to her feet. “Wait a moment,” Tonks stopped her. “Smith, check out the bathrooms,” she ordered. Hermione finished off her crackers and ginger ale, staving off another attack of morning sickness. The light in the bathroom flickered as she opened the door to exit. “You alright?” Tonks asked her, meeting Hermione in the hallway. “Yes, just getting over a bout of the flu,” she answered. The overhead lights flickered again then went completely out, plunging them into semi-darkness. “I'll go see what's going on,” one of the aurors said, heading toward the front of the train. Suddenly there was a horrible screeching sound of metal against metal as the train jerked violently sending everyone to the floor. An auror came dashing up the cabin from the front of the train. “Hold on everyone!” he yelled out. “The tracks are out up ahead!” Hermione's mind flooded with terror as she realized that the train was on a bridge, suspended meters above a very deep gorge. She managed to get to her feet and cling for dear life to a pole. They were still going too fast. She could see the conductor in the cabin ahead. He scrambled out of the engine room and into their cabin. “She's going to go over!” he yelled out. Hermione fled the cabin with the others going into the next compartment. Tonks was behind her, searching through a duffle bag. There was another violent jerk and Hermione clung to another pole. She could no longer hear the screeching brakes, the sound was replaced with another horrific sound, twisting and groaning metal. Then it seemed that the train began to pick up momentum. The engine had gone over and was now taking the rest of the train with it. “Go! Go! Go!” an auror shouted out as everyone scrambled for the next compartment. Hermione heard a grunt behind her and she turned to see that Tonks had tripped, spilling the contents of the dufflebag. “Find the portkey!” another auror shouted as they all fell to their knees, searching in a panic. “What does it look like?” Hermione asked. “An aluminum can,” Tonks answered, swearing at herself under her breath. Everyone stopped suddenly as the familiar tinkling of a rolling aluminum can hit their ears. The lone can rolled to the far end of the cabin, slowly. With dread in her stomach, Hermione looked up at the end of the cabin, and saw nothing but air through the window. She looked at Tonks who had the same look of horror on her face. Hermione grasped at a pole as the world was turned on its side. She was going to die. It was true what they said. Your life does flash before your eyes. She thought of her parents, Harry, Ron, her friends, Crookshanks. She looked over at Tonks who had her eyes scrunched shut. Then she felt the freefalling slow down. Tonks opened her eyes and looked back at Hermione. They stopped. The train had half its compartments dangling midair, being held by the other compartments that were still on the track. They knew they were far from safe, though. By the creaking and groaning of the metal, the train was going to separate any time now. Hermione weighed their options. They couldn't apparate due to the anti-apparition wards on the train, the portkey was lost, her wand was in her pocket. “Potter gave me another portkey, an emergency one, just in case,” one of the aurors spoke up quietly. “Where is it?” Tonks asked. “A couple of compartments above us,” he replied. No one needed telling twice as they all began to climb up slowly, the creaking of the train filled their ears. There was a sudden jerk and everyone froze, Hermione let out a cry of surprise, clinging to a railing. Nobody moved for several seconds. “Well…,” Tonks began. “I think we'd better pick up the pace.” They were halfway through the compartment above them when one of the aurors called out. “Wands at the ready! We've got company!” Hermione looked out one of the windows and saw robed figures flying toward the train. She shut her eyes, her stomach dropping. Death Eaters. She knew instantly that they were coming for her. In a panic for her life, she picked up the pace and began to scramble up the compartment. “Hermione! Wait for me!” she heard Tonks cry out. But she didn't slow down. She needed to find a way to get off the train, to find that stupid portkey. Suddenly, the sound of glass breaking filled the compartment. Jets of wand blast ricocheted off the walls as she scrambled into the next compartment. She could hear the shouts of the wizards below her and suddenly felt very alone. This might have been a stupid thing to do, but she kept climbing to the other end of the compartment, where some of the aurors' bags rested. She stopped suddenly when she heard someone enter the compartment. She ducked into one of the seats. Whomever entered wasn't an auror, they didn't call out for her. She slowly drew her wand from her pocket, heart thumping in her chest. As soon as the hood of the intruder appeared she sent out a blast sending the Death Eater to the ground. The weight of the body hitting the ground made the compartment jerk violently and Hermione clung to one of the seats. The compartment swayed ominously. She stuck her wand between her teeth, darted off the seat and began her ascent for the bag when she heard a familiar voice cry out. “REDUCTO!” The blast hit a piece of railing that she was holding on to and Hermione came crashing down. She flung out her hands helplessly, desperately reaching for anything that would stop her descent. Her hands finally connected with something and she clung for dear life. What had stopped her fall was the robes of her attacker. And her momentum caused them both to tumble down a bit. She stopped her fall and heard the small clatter of wood falling to the floor. “You wretched little mudblood!” Bellatrix LeStrange shouted at her. She clung to a pole as Hermione clung to another one just above her. Hermione glared at her and looked past her to ground below. A single wand lay on the floor. Not hers. Hermione lost hers when she fell, that wand had to be Bellatrix's. Bellatrix followed her gaze and saw her wand on the floor. The two women looked at each other. The math wasn't that hard, it was just a matter of who would get to it first. Hermione kicked out and her opponent and began to scrambled back down towards the wand. Unfortunately, Bellatrix desperately wanted to get to it first. She let go of the pole she was holding onto and Hermione heard a sickening CRACK! as she hit the floor. She must have broken her leg. Bellatrix let out a scream of pain and rolled on the ground. The compartment shuddered again, it's metal creaking. Hermione looked down. She couldn't fall the way Bellatrix did, she could do much worse damage to herself in her delicate state. Hermione had no option but to try and scramble down quickly before Bellatrix recovered from her fall. Unlucky for Hermione, Bellatrix had a high tolerance of pain and recovered more quickly than Hermione would like. She lunged across the floor, her hands reaching for the wand. Hermione had no choice at this point, if she could aim just right, she could minimize the damage. Bellatrix cried out in pain as a sudden weight landed on top of her. The train groaned in protest and plunged down a few meters. Hermione gasped out in disbelief, Bellatrix completely cushioned her fall. Hermione rolled off of her and scrambled for the wand, but her head was painfully jerked back as Bellatrix grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked. Hermione reached out to try and swat Bellatrix's hand away as she reached out. Bellatrix punched Hermione in the face and she was blinded with pain. Hermione kicked Bellatrix on her already broken leg. She screamed out in pain. Hermione was just about to dart for the wand, when the compartment door she was standing on gave way. She had heard a horrible screech of metal just before that and she realized as she dangled mid air that there was nothing below her. The compartment below had given way and was dropping to the ground. Hermione heard the sounds of screams inside the train. She pulled herself back up into the compartment, trying to block out the horrible sounds. There was a loud explosion as the train hit the ground and Hermione braced herself as the shockwave hit, shaking the already precariously hanging compartment. “You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment,” Bellatrix said coolly. Hermione, who had been leaning against a wall opened her eyes slowly. Bellatrix stood opposite her, across the gaping open doorway, wand trained on her. “Don't do this Bellatrix,” Hermione said. “Ooh! Are you going to beg for your life?” she answered, a wicked smile grew across her face. “Harry will hunt you down. You'll never have a moments peace in your life.” “I just want to make you all pay for what you did.” “What? Rid the world of an insane second rate wizard?” Hermione shot back. “Voldemort was…” “Don't you dare speak his name from your filthy little mouth!” Bellatrix shrieked. “You have no idea what he meant to me.” “Bellatrix,” she hissed when Hermione spoke her name, “don't do this.” “Potter took more than our leader away, he destroyed my life…my love,” Bellatrix's eyes welled with tears that spilled onto her cheeks. “But your husband is still alive,” Hermione said stupidly. Bellatrix tossed back her head and laughed maniacally, taking her wand off of Hermione. “My heart was already taken long before I married my husband.” “Voldemort was incapable of love, you know this.” “I do know this.” “Then why avenge his death if he didn't love you?” “Even though it was unrequited it still hurts, probably more than if he did love me back. I want Potter to feel what I'm feeling. The pain of losing someone you love.” “He has already felt that, all his life,” Hermione said patiently. “Not this type of pain,” Bellatrix said softly then looked up at Hermione. “What would you do in my shoes? If I was the one who took away the one you loved, would you spare my life? If I murdered Harry, would you show the same compassion?” Hermione blinked slowly and looked away. Bellatrix slowly raised her wand at Hermione again. “Bellatrix, I'm begging you,” Hermione shut her eyes as tears fell down her face. “I'll go away forever, you can fake my death, we can make any body look like mine. I swear no one will find me.” “Why would you do that?” she asked. Hermione turned to look at her. “We'll be even. Just don't, I'm begging you as a woman to another woman, please don't take my life.” Bellatrix tilted her head and looked at Hermione. Comprehension grew on her face as she lowered her wand. “You're with child,” Bellatrix said softly. Hermione dropped to her knees. “Please.” Bellatrix didn't speak for a long time. “I'll spare your life,” she whispered softly. Hermione's body sagged with relief. “Thank you.” “I said I'd spare *your* life,” Bellatrix repeated, raising her wand. Nymphadora Tonks had been in the other train compartment when it had given way. She had been trying to reach Hermione in the other compartment and had opened the door when the compartment suddenly gave way. She was falling through the air and in a panic thought about the train tracks above. CRACK! She had apparated on the tracks, just before the bridge. The halved train rested just ahead of her. She ran for it, with any luck she could still reach Hermione and grab the portkey. She had just reached the last remaining compartment when she heard a voice cry out. “CRUCIO!” Then a horrible scream pierced the air. Hermione's scream. Tonks burst through the door disarming and stunning the Death Eater. She climbed down to Hermione. “Hermione, are you alright?” she asked her. Hermione had her eyes clenched shut, her body curled in the protective fetal position. Tonks reached out to her. “Oh, God, help me!” Hermione cried out. “Harry! I need Harry!” “Shh! Hermione calm down,” Tonks tried to sooth her. “Somebody help me! Oh God it hurts!” she writhed on the floor Tonks looked down at Hermione and panicked, blood began seeping through her jeans. “Oh, Merlin, hang on Hermione!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The doors of St. Mungo's flew open at Harry burst through running. Sirius ran to meet him. “Where is she?” Harry asked. His heart raced as panic seized him. Kingsley notified him immediately about the attack. “Where is she? How is she? SOMEBODY TALK TO ME, DAMN IT!!” he roared. “Harry, calm down,” Sirius said. “Don't tell me to fucking calm down!” he saw Ron come out of a room, a grim expression on his face. “Is she in there? Is she alive?” “She's alive,” Ron said blankly when he reached him. “Oh, thank God! Can I see her?” Harry sighed in relief. “Harry…I…we need to…I have to tell you something,” Ron stammered. “Privately,” he looked at Sirius. “I'll just go and get some coffee,” Sirius said, walking away. He filled up a Styrofoam cup with coffee and watched as Ron spoke quietly in hushed tones to his godson. Then he saw all the blood drain from his face. “Oh, no!” he heard Harry cry out. “Oh, no. Oh God no!” Sirius ran over as Harry crumpled to the floor crying out in anguish. --> 17. The Darkest Hour -------------------- Chapter Seventeen: The Darkest Hour *In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round I stand there for a minute starin' straight into the ground Lookin' to the left slightly, then lookin' back down World feels like it's caved in - proper sorry frown Please let me show you where we could only just be, for us I can change and I can grow or we could adjust The wicked thing about us is we always have trust We can even have an open relationship, if you must I look at her she stares almost straight back at me But her eyes glaze over like she's lookin' straight through me Then her eyes must have closed for what seems an eternity When they open up she's lookin' down at her feet Dry your eyes mate I know it's hard to take but her mind has been made up There's plenty more fish in the sea Dry your eyes mate I know you want to make her see how much this pain hurts But you've got to walk away now It's over* *(Dry Your Eyes-The Streets)* Harry sat in a darkened hospital room. He couldn't stand the bright lights in the waiting room, nor the family and friends that were gathered there giving him pitying looks. Ron had been discrete with the bad news, telling them only about Hermione's attack not about losing… the baby… Harry sunk his head. The grief was terrible. His future shattered. His child gone. He was so lucky to have Hermione still. “Harry,” Ron stuck his head in the door. “She's awake.” Hermione looked so small and fragile lying in the hospital bed. She stared outside the window at the evening sky. It was overcast, it might rain soon. “She was after you,” Hermione said quietly. Harry sat on the bed and reached for her hand but she pulled it out of his grasp. “Hermione,” Harry whispered softly. She turned to look at him, her eyes showed no emotion. “She wanted to punish you. She wanted to cause you pain by taking away someone you loved.” She turned back to the window as tears filled her eyes. “She punished *me* instead,” her voice broke. “I'm so sorry, Hermione,” Harry said quietly. Hermione closed her eyes as the tears spilled down her cheeks. “Get out,” she said so softly that Harry nearly missed it. “Get out.” “Hermione,” Harry pleaded. She raised her voice slightly. “Get out, Harry.” He couldn't believe his ears. “Get out!” He stepped away from her, slowly. “I said get out! Get out! Get out! GET OUT!!!” She threw the pitcher of water, that was on the tray next to her, at him. It narrowly missed his head as he left the room, stunned and heartbroken. Feelings that quickly gave way to anger. It took him only a minute to floo to the Ministry then race down the stairs to Headquarters. He drove through the aurors in his way as he burst into the holding room. Bellatrix sat on a chair at a table, a small smile on her face. He grabbed her by the robes and yanked her out of the chair, hurling her across the room. “I warned you NEVER to harm a hair on her head,” he threatened her. “Harry, no!” Kingsley entered the room and pulled him away from her. “I swear I will make you pay!” Harry called out behind him as Kingsley led him out of the room. “Go ahead, Potter!” Bellatrix shrieked back. “Then no one will get to hear how I attacked her! How I tortured her!” “Harry, don't do it!” Kingsley was struggling to hold Harry back as Tonks came in to help restrain him. “Did you know that the little mudblood begged me? Actually got down on her knees and begged me to spare her life and the life of her unborn child?” Bellatrix sneered and cackled with laughter. “Spare the life of the Potter brat growing inside her?!” Harry was blind with rage. “I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!! YOU FUCKING BITCH, I'M GOING TO MAKE YOU BEG FOR DEATH!!” Two more aurors fled into the room to restrain him and drag him out of the room. Kingsley managed to toss Harry into another room. “I want her dead, Kingsley. I want her fucking dead,” Harry's grief was overwhelming. Tonks sniffled as she knelt next to Harry. “I'm so sorry,” her voice cracked as tears fell. “I was supposed to protect her. I…I didn't…I'm so sorry.” She stood up and walked to the other side of the room to wipe her tears. “I've just signed the order. She'll be kissed first thing in the morning,” Kingsley said quietly, laying a hand on Harry's shoulder. “I want to be there. I want to see her die,” Harry said softly. “I understand.” Neville and Tobias burst into the room. “Sir, we've got a situation. We've just been given orders to transport LeStrange to Azkaban.” “She stays here, she's being kissed here,” Kingsley ordered. Neville spoke up. “The Kiss has been overturned. She has a pardon.” “A pardon from who?” he asked, anger rising in his voice. “It came directly from Fudge. He is negotiating a deal with her. Information on the rest of the Death Eaters in exchange for a life sentence in Azkaban.” “What?!” Harry, Tonks and Kingsley stood in protest. “He's sending his personal bodyguards down here to do it.” “You can't let him do this!” Tonks protested. “She can't get away with this,” Harry pleaded. Kingsley sighed and rubbed his head. Neville and Tobias looked at each other then closed the door behind them. “We can stall them,” Tobias said. “We can give you about five minutes, tops,” Neville spoke, looking directly at Harry. Kingsley sighed and didn't say anything for a long time, contemplating his next move. He then took out the Kiss order from his robes and set it afire with his wand. He looked at Tonks. “I'm going to need you to tell me exactly what happened on that train. Let's go to my office,” he and Tonks left the room. Harry, Neville and Tobias walked out into the hallway, back towards the holding room where Bellatrix sat. “We'll give you the most time we can, Harry.” Neville said then he reached out and pat Harry on the back. “I'm sorry.” Harry opened the door to the holding room. There were two aurors standing guard. They looked at one another. “Didn't you say we needed to take a quick break?” one of them said to the other. “Yeah, I've suddenly got to piss,” the other replied. They left the room leaving Harry alone with Bellatrix. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael Farrington sat and stared at the fire. The rain splattered hard against the house. Their funeral was today, pouring salt into his grieving wounds. How do even begin to heal from this? His thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at his door. He sighed wearily and got to his feet ready to greet another sympathizer. Ready to stand there and listen as they tell him how sorry they were and that time would heal all things. He didn't expect to see this visitor. He stood in the rain, his black robes soaked, his hair plastered to his head. The look of loss on his face mirrored his own. “Mr. Potter,” he said not hiding the surprise in his voice. “What are you doing here?” “Keeping a promise,” Harry replied, holding out his hand. Michael held his out and Harry dropped a bundle in it. Puzzled, he unwrapped it revealing a wand. He looked up in surprise but Harry was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fudge was furious. How could Bellatrix LeStrange disappear like that? They had her in the building…secure, for crying out loud. He had been on his way down with his guards to take her to Azkaban. What happened in those five minutes?! None of the aurors said a thing, they were no help. Potter had something to do with this, he just knew it. But no one was talking. Fudge had underestimated the loyalty the aurors had to Kingsley Shacklebolt and to Harry Potter. Willing to go far enough to cover up a crime. Neville and Tobias stalled the elevators by charming them to stop at every floor on their way down. The two aurors that were keeping watch returned a few minutes later to find the room cleaned and devoid of any body. They had asked Harry to stun them, to stage an attack. Shacklebolt and Tonks made their way back to the holding room five minutes later to see the stunned guards, awakening them and making sure Harry was well out of the building before they raised any alarms. The sky was still grey with rain clouds the day of the funeral for the three aurors that were lost during the attack on the train. Harry looked across the caskets at Tonks who was crying softly. She was the only auror to survive the attack. He watched as Remus stood next to her, reaching out to hold her hand. Her near death experience had prodded his old professor to work up the courage to do something about the feelings he had for her. Hermione was to be released from the hospital today. Harry was going to head over there after the service to try and talk to her. She was still refusing to see him. But when Harry arrived, he found that Hermione had already checked out. In a panic, he went to her parents' house. With relief, he found that she wasn't there. Next he went to their flat. Her father, Edward, met him at the door, walking out with a large box in his hand as Harry was walking in. “What's going on?” Harry asked, confused. Edward looked awkward, not knowing what to say as he looked over at his wife in the living room. “We should get going,” Jane said quietly as she walked out the front door. “I'm sorry,” Edward said apologetically before he followed his wife out the door. With a feeling of dread, Harry walked over to Hermione's room. Peering in through the door, he saw her packing up a box. “Hermione,” he began as he stepped into her room. “What's going on?” Hermione didn't look at him as she placed some more objects into a box. “I'm packing,” she said matter-of-factly, as if he didn't understand the concept. “I know what you're doing, but why are you doing this?” he moved next to her, reaching out but she turned away, retrieving more objects. “I don't want this, Harry,” she began but Harry interrupted her. “Don't want what?” “This,” she said motioning around her. “Or this,” she motioned between herself and Harry. “What are you talking about, Hermione?” Harry asked with a firm voice. “I can't do this anymore, I don't want to do this anymore,” her voice was breaking. “Hermione, don't do this. You're just upset, you're not thinking clearly.” “Believe me, this is the most clear I've ever probably thought in my life,” she said with a slight edge in her voice. “Hermione, I'm grieving too,” Harry said. Apparently it was the wrong thing to say because Hermione slammed a ceramic figuring to the floor. “Don't you *dare* tell me that you're grieving, too,” Hermione said waspishly, her eyes brimmed with tears. “This is not your pity party. Don't you dare try and take this from me.” “I'm not trying to take anything from you. We both lost the baby,” Harry shot back. “No, *I* lost the baby! She wanted to hurt you! She went through me to get to you and I'm the one who had to suffer for it! My baby had to suffer for it!” Guilt washed over Harry in waves. He shut his eyes, trying to mentally protect himself from Hermione's attack. “Please don't leave. Don't leave me,” he whispered, his heart breaking. “I hate you,” Hermione said scathingly. “I curse the day I ever met you!” Harry couldn't take anymore and he ran out of the flat. He didn't return to it for several days. He didn't want the pain of seeing Hermione's things packed away, her room empty. He was deeply wounded by Hermione's verbal attack, not to mention the guilt he had for once again, placing his loved ones in danger. The price for this time had been high, maybe too high. Save Ron, no one knew about Hermione's pregnancy, and Harry didn't feel like being around Ron either. He opted to grieve for his lost child, alone by himself. It was nearly three weeks before he would have another run in with Hermione. She wasn't at training, she had been given some time off to heal from her injuries. Ron and Harry decided to move out of the flat, they all needed to move on. Ron was going to move in with Luna, he was building a place in the burrow since they both wanted to be close to their families. Harry was going to move in with his godfather, Sirius had a sort of giddy excitement about this, although he wished it was under better circumstances. Harry had no idea where Hermione was going to stay. Ginny and Ron were pretty tight lipped about it since Harry had a pained look on his face whenever her name was mentioned. Harry had walked into the nearly empty flat to pick up the last of his boxes when he realized he wasn't alone. Hermione was there too. On the middle of the floor sat a new box, his name written on it in Hermione's neat handwriting. He could hear her moving around in her room. Curious, Harry walked over to the box and looked inside it. For the past few weeks, Hermione had been staying at her parent's house. Moping around, showering once in awhile and crying all the time. She cried about her lost baby, cried at the memory of Bellatrix's torture, cried about the dull ache in her abdomen, but she mostly cried about Harry. The hurt was still so raw. She blamed Harry for the longest time, lashing out at him, saying horrible things to him. She had read about this one time. The stages of grief, lashing out at your loved ones was one of them. Oh, the horrible things she said to him. But she avoided him, she didn't want to see him as it would bring on a slew of conflicting and confusing feelings. Seeing him would bring back the shame of what she had told him, at the same time the hurt of the memory of her lost child, but most of all the pain of loss. Loss of what they were, what they had and what they could've been. It hurt, it really, really hurt. She had gone to the flat to get the rest of her belongings. Ron had told her they were going to sell the place, split the profit three ways. Hermione agreed this was best. She had gone to the flat this afternoon thinking that Harry would be busy away at training. A small flutter of panic welled within her when she realized that she had been mistaken. She could recognize those footfalls anywhere. He had apparently noticed the box and was walking towards her. “There's a box in there with my name on it,” Harry walked into the room. His voice was painful to hear and she didn't dare look up at him. “Yes, I know,” she answered. “It's filled with pictures and things. *Our* pictures and things.” Hermione didn't answer. “Why are you giving them to me?” Harry asked. His voice had an edge to it. “I don't want them,” she said plainly. “Well, I don't want them either.” Hermione looked up at him. “I don't care what you do with them,” she said impatiently. “Throw them out for all I care.” She looked down and continued packing away her things. Harry stood there for a moment, then she heard him walk away then walk back. Hermione looked up as Harry reentered the room, carrying the box in his arms. “You know what?” Harry overturned the box, spilling the contents all over the floor. “Since *you* can pack up everything we were into a stupid little box and give it all away, you fucking throw it out.” He tossed the empty box aside then stormed out of the flat, slamming the door. Hermione looked down at everything and sank her head into her hands, crying. ***************************** Hermione returned to training three months later. Harry, Neville and the others in her class had only a year left, she was only a few months behind them. She was now training with a new class. It made the awkward moments easier, she didn't really see Harry although she did have pleasant conversation with Neville and a few others in her old class. For his part, Harry politely avoided Hermione. The hurt between them was still a little tender. Hermione had eventually moved out of her parent's place and moved in with Ginny. Luna had decided to move in with Ron, leaving a vacancy for Hermione to fill. Ron came over once in awhile to keep company with Hermione, but the trio was never together. Wedding plans were in full swing, Luna had enlisted Ginny and Hermione as bridesmaids, dressing them up in whatever gaudy monstrosities that bridesmaids dresses were. Ginny personally felt that Luna was doing it on purpose. Of course no one is supposed to be more beautiful than the bride, but for crying out loud, did her bridesmaids have to look like trolls? It was one sunny Saturday afternoon that Hermione's life took another twist. Ginny and she had been walking down a busy London street, taking in the beautiful day when Hermione heard her name across the street. She held her hand up to her face, shielding her eyes to see who had called her name. “Oliver!” she called out in surprise. Oliver Wood waved to her from across the street, then jogged across to greet her, timing himself carefully as he crossed the street. “Hermione, how are you? Long time no see,” he said smiling down at her. “You look great!” “Uh, thank you. So do you!” she was still recovering from the slight shock of seeing him. She reintroduced Ginny and the three of them started in pleasant conversation. Catching up, discussing current events, gossiping. “Well, it was really great seeing you again, Hermione,” Oliver said as the conversation began to wind down. “Yes, you too,” Hermione answered. Oliver scratched his head awkwardly. “I…guess I'll see you around some time.” “I guess so,” she smiled. “Okay. Take care, then.” He looked to Ginny and gave a polite nod. “Ginny.” “Bye, Oliver,” Ginny waved at him and he turned and walked away. “Ow! What was that for?” Hermione hissed at Ginny as she nudged her in the ribs. “I guess so?” she mimicked Hermione rolling her eyes then she suddenly straightened up. Oliver had stopped walking, turned around and headed back to Hermione. “Uh…I was wondering if…,” he stammered, “well…I mean, would you…like to have dinner…with me…tomorrow night? Iunderstandcompletelyifyourbusyandwellofcourseyourbusybutifyouweren't.” “She'd loved to,” Ginny spoke up to put him out of his misery. “Huh?” he asked, a little disbelieving. Ginny threw Hermione an exasperated look. “Uh, yes. I'd love to,” Hermione echoed. “Okay then. Great!” Oliver had a look of relief on his face. ******************************** Dinner turned out to be a pleasant affair. Hermione hadn't laughed in so long, it was like welcoming a breath of fresh air. Oliver was a complete gentleman the entire night, he even gave a polite handshake at the end of their date. One date turned into another, then another and then another. Hermione was finding a sort of odd peace in her life when she was with Oliver. It was nice to not have to look over your shoulder to see if a dark wizard was lurking in the shadows. Of course, the peace wouldn't last long. “You're seeing Oliver?!” Hermione sighed and opened the door to her flat. “Hello, Harry. Nice to see you, too.” Harry had found out about this news by a slip of the tongue. He and Ron had been at a Quidditch match when Harry asked if he would come to Hogwarts with him that weekend to visit Dumbledore. *“Can't,” Ron said absentmindedly, his concentration clearly on the game, “Luna and I have a group date with Hermione and Oliver.”* *Harry sat up in his seat. “What?” he asked calmly.* *Ron sat absolutely motionless. “Fuck,” he swore softly to himself.* “I take it Ron told you?” she asked Harry. “On accident. When were you going to tell me?” Harry accused. “I didn't think it was any of your business. And for the record, I'd like to point out that it isn't,” she said pointedly. “How long have you been seeing each other?” Harry ignored her last comment. Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples. “About a month.” “A month? A little quick on the rebound aren't you?” “Harry, that isn't fair. He's not a rebound. I happen to like his company very much.” Harry did some calculations in his head then a horrified look came over his face. “You're not sleeping with him, are you?” “Oh my God!” Hermione threw her hands up in the air. “Well are you?” “Harry, get out!” she pointed towards the door. “I just want to know!” “Harry!” “What?” she was shoving him out the door. “Just tell me!” “No! I'm not sleeping with him. We haven't slept together, yet.” She shoved him out of the door and slammed it in his face. “So…she said *yet*. Does that mean that she's planning to?” Neville hit his head on his locker door in frustration. “Harry, you really need to stop dwelling on this.” They were changing in the locker room after another long day of training. Harry thought his life was already in ruins, but with this news, whatever remains he had were scooped into a blender. And Hermione was hitting the frappe button. “You really need to move on, mate. What about that girl Annie? She's kinda cute, why don't you ask her on a date.” Harry sighed and sat down. “I can't. I just don't know what she sees in him, Nev. He's really not that great. What does he have that…” “…you don't?” Neville finished for him. He looked down at his friend who looked so lost. “Maybe this really is just a small fling. But I think you should talk to her and tell her how you feel. I mean, how serious can they get? Hermione and Oliver moved in together three months later. ************************************ Hermione was quietly reading a book, cuddled up on the sofa next to Oliver who gave a soft sigh. “Okay,” Hermione closed her book and put it away. “That's the tenth sigh tonight. Talk to me, Oliver, and don't say it's nothing. I know you have something on your mind.” He looked at Hermione, trying to piece together what he wanted to say. “Some American scouts have been watching us all week. And, well, I've been given an offer. A very lucrative offer from a team called the New England Rebels.” Hermione's stomach dropped. “Did you take it?” she asked softly after a moment. Oliver looked up at her. “No, I wanted to talk to you first.” Hermione looked at him questioningly and he continued, holding her hands in his. “We can start a new life together. You and I. I know it seems really soon for us, but I love you and I know you love me. I want to make you happy, Hermione. I want to give you a new beginning. *Us* a new beginning.” “I don't know what to say, Oliver. I…” she stammered. “You don't have to say anything at all. Just…think it over, okay?” She gave him her answer a week later. *********************************** She was giving Neville a small hug goodbye when Harry grabbed her upper arm and led them to an empty room. “Harry, what are you doing?” she asked as he released her. “Kingsley just informed me that you are quitting the program,” Harry's eyes blazed with anger. “Is it true?” Hermione paused a moment before answering. “Yes.” “Damn it, Hermione! Why? You only have a year left!” “I don't want it anymore.” “Don't want it anymore?” Harry said incredulously. “What happened to the person who stayed up all night to help me through the Triwizard Tournament, who started the DA, who would spend all day in the library researching spells that would one day save our lives?” Hermione closed her eyes. “I can't do it anymore, Harry. I don't want it anymore. Oliver has signed a deal with the New England Rebels, a Quidditch team from…” “America, yeah, I know. But what does that have to do with you?” Hermione looked right at him. “I'm going with him, Harry,” she said softly. “I'm moving to America.” Harry looked as if he'd been punched in the stomach, in a way he had. He stood in front of Hermione, close. “Do you love him?” he asked her. “What?” she said softly. “Do you love him? Do you really love him?” he asked quietly. Hermione looked at him. “Yes, Harry. I do. I really do.” Deep inside, Hermione felt a small twinge of…something. “You're definitely not the person I used to know,” Harry said softly. “What is *that* supposed to mean?” Hermione said fiercely. That small twinge disappeared real quick. “The Hermione I used to know wouldn't run away with her tail between her legs.” “I'm not running away. I'm moving on.” “You're leaving your friends behind, your family. Admit it, Hermione, you're turning your back on everyone here.” Hermione looked away and shook her head in disbelief. “You are such a coward,” Harry's voice dripped with venom. He left Hermione standing there, alone in the hallway. ************************************* Three months later, they decided to call it a truce for one day, to celebrate in their friends' happiness. Luna looked absolutely radiant, everything a bride should be on her wedding day. Ron cleaned up pretty well in a tux, too. Ginny was her maid of honor, dressed in a pale blue dress that seemed to accentuate her very fit body. Hermione also wore a pale blue dress, different from Ginny's but also made her look very stunning. Much to Harry's dismay, of course. He had a small twinge of sorrow as he watched her walk down the aisle. He tore his eyes of her and looked at his date, Annie, in the pews, giving her a small wink. He knew that Hermione was bringing Oliver to the wedding and he scrambled to find his own date. He finally asked Annie, one of the receptionists that worked at Auror headquarters. She was a petite blond who kind of reminded him of Fleur. The reception was held outside at Lovegood Manor, it was beautiful weather and everyone was enjoying it while they could. Fall would be upon them soon, then winter. Hermione would be leaving at the end of December. Harry tried his hardest not to dwell on that this day but with the feelings of joy, love and hope that come with weddings, it was proving most difficult. He watched her dancing on the dance floor with Andre, Bill and Fleur's one year old boy (she was pregnant with another child). He watched as she held the small child in her arms as he giggled and laughed at her. The image pained Harry, more than anyone could know. He watched as Oliver approached the two of them, taking Andre from her arms and holding him up in the air, the three of them laughing and smiling. Then it dawned on Harry. The thing Oliver could give her that he couldn't. Peace. A chance at a new beginning, a new life. “Could I have your attention, please?” Oliver's amplified voice yanked Harry from his thoughts. “I wanted to thank Ron and Luna for allowing me to share their special day with them. Ron, she is absolutely beautiful. You have been an absolute help with me recently with the trade to the Rebels and I thank you so much.” Everyone smiled and clapped politely. Harry rolled his eyes. “Weddings bring about the possibilities of the future, the miracle of love and the promise of happiness. I can only hope that I am as happy as you are Ron on my own wedding day.” A hush fell over the crowd and Harry watched with absolute horror as he dropped down on one knee in front of Hermione, holding out a small velvet box. Hermione's hand went to her mouth in shock. “Hermione Jane Granger, would you do the honor of making me the second most happiest man today? Will you marry me?” Harry got up from where he was sitting and walked toward the bar. He picked up a full bottle of Firewhiskey and walked away from the reception. He didn't need to hear her answer, he could hear the cheers and whistles behind him as he walked away. --> 18. Season's Change ------------------- **Chapter Eighteen:** Season's Change *I won't ask for much this Christmas I won't even wish for snow I'm just gonna keep on waiting Underneath the mistletoe I won't make a list and send it To the North Pole for Saint Nick I won't even stay awake to Hear those magic reindeer click 'Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do Baby all I want for Christmas is you* *(All I want for Christmas Is You—Mariah Carey)* *Harry and Hermione stood, facing each other. Finally, Harry lunged for her. Hermione dodged him and ran for her clutch that had her wand inside but Harry tossed it out of her reach. Harry reached for his wand but Hermione knocked it out of his hand. He took that opportunity and grabbed her wrist and yanked her to him. Her back pressed against his body as his free hand slid up the front of her dress. A familiar heat settled between Hermione's thighs as she struggled against him. Harry turned her around and pinned her against the wall, his lips grazed her neck and she let out a soft moan as she felt his hardness press against her. His eyes were dark with desire as he gazed into hers that were full of lust. Her chest heaved with deep breaths that she needed to steady herself. Her hands fell limply on his shoulders as he wrapped one of her thighs around his waist and lifted her slightly against the wall. Her skin was hot against his hand as he led it under her dress, past her waist, up her belly. Hermione inhaled sharply as his hand brushed over her breasts. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.* *“Thank you, Hermione.”* *Hermione put her leg down as Harry moved away from her. She looked at him, puzzled, as if being shaken from a dream. Lust was still in his eyes as he grinned wickedly at her. He held up his hand triumphantly, the Mapper between his thumb and forefinger.* *“Ugh! You are such a jerk!” Hermione scolded pushing him away as he laughed.* “Oh, come on, Hermione. Did you honestly think I wouldn't do that?” he said playfully. “No gentleman would do that,” Hermione said as she smoothed down her dress. He stood in front of her. “I never really considered myself one, anyway.” His voice was low and husky. “That was a little intense wasn't it?” “I think we got a little carried away,” her voice was breathy, her cheeks were still flushed. Harry noticed she hadn't moved away from him. “Old habits die hard, don't they?” he whispered, her lips were begging to be kissed. *I'd give anything for you to kiss me.* Hermione's head was swimming, he invaded her body space and she was welcoming it. “Yes, they definitely do.” Harry's arms encircled her waist as her hands wandered over his chest. They both moved in to close the gap between their lips, but just as they brushed Ginny and Neville came bursting through the door. “Oh my God, I'm so sorry!” Ginny blushed and turned around to walk back out. The moment was lost and Harry and Hermione stepped awkwardly away from each other. “That's okay, Gin. I was just leaving,” Harry said, walking toward the door. Hermione followed as Ginny and Neville made themselves scarce in the kitchen. “Thank you for your help tonight,” Harry said and Hermione rolled her eyes. “Let's not start that again,” she smiled and he let out a soft laugh. “Thank you for the dance.” For a split second, a pained look flashed across his eyes. A look that Hermione was very familiar with. “No, thank you,” he spoke just above a whisper. “Goodnight, Hermione,” he said leaning down and kissing her on the cheek. His lips lingering longer than they should, Hermione closed her eyes as she leaned into him slightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ringing of the phone rudely yanked Hermione from her slumber. She fumbled around for the receiver and groggily answered “Hullo?” “Hermione, darling!” “Mum?!” Hermione bolted upright in bed. An hour later, Hermione found herself at her parents' house, crying in her mother's arms. It felt good to have them back in town. She didn't realize how much she needed them until now. Edward Granger, Sirius Black and Harry Potter stood in the crisp afternoon air. The sky was filled with plump grey clouds ready at any moment to release rain or snow. Not ideal golf weather, but if you were fanatics like Edward and Sirius, the weather was a minor issue. Harry putted the tiny golf ball, sinking it, giving himself a birdie on this hole. “Good shot, Harry,” Edward praised. The Grangers had been in town for about five days after cutting their vacation in the tropics short. One morning, Edward woke up to find a familiar looking white owl pecking on his window. “I wanted to thank you, Harry, for sending us that message. Jane and I had no idea our daughter was going through this alone,” Edward said. Sirius looked up from his swing, giving Harry a surprised look. “It was no problem. Hermione needs all the support she can get at this difficult time,” Harry avoided looking at his godfather, although he could feel his gaze burning in the back of his head. “And I let my daughter marry that son of a bitch,” Edward swung and sliced the ball. Harry and Sirius ducked. “Uh, we won't count that one,” Harry said cautiously as he placed another ball on the tee. Edward swung again, this one driving the ball in the right direction. “I'm going to wring that little prick's neck,” Edward growled. “Well, Harry already took care of some of that for you,” Sirius chimed in. “Sirius,” Harry's face reddened with embarrassment as he looked away. Edward looked up at Sirius. “Really?” “Broke a couple of his ribs, didn't you Harry?” Harry still didn't look in their direction as he got into the golf cart. Edward and Sirius dumped their bags in the back and hopped in as Harry drove. Edward patted Harry on his shoulder. “Well, it's nice to know that someone is looking out for my daughter.” ******************************* The doorbell chimed and Hermione's mother shouted, “Hermione dear, would you answer that?” She was wearing a lovely red dress, her hair in loose curls falling past her shoulders. Her father had gotten a box at the theatre to see the Royal Ballet's production of the Nutcracker. It was a way to kick off the holiday season. It had snowed the past couple of days, blanketing London in the soft white powder. Hermione opened the door, a look of shock on her face. “Wh…what are *you* doing here?” She wasn't rude, just surprised. “Oh, Harry, darling, you made it just in time,” Jane came around the corner, putting an earring in her ear. “Don't be rude, darling, let the young man in!” Hermione snapped out of her stupor and let Harry in the house. He was dressed black slacks, dark green shirt and a black tie, his jacket hung from his arm. He looked dashing as always. “Glad you could come, Harry,” Edward joined his wife at her side. “Hope you don't mind, Hermione, but we had an extra seat in our box and Harry here told me he had never been to the ballet.” “There's a first time for everything,” Harry grinned shaking Edwards hand then turning to Hermione. “You look lovely, Hermione.” He bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You're not too bad yourself,” Hermione beamed. The exchange between them did not go unnoticed by her parents. “Shall we go?” Edward asked. The theatre seats were upholstered in plush red velvet material, matching the soft carpet beneath them. Hermione looked down to the stage and gave a small gulp. “You'll be fine, Hermione. This isn't really that high,” Harry whispered in her ear. Hermione let out a nervous laugh and a small smile. Harry grinned and handed her a program as the lights flashed then a minute later dimmed. She watched Harry from the corner of her eyes as he watched the dancers onstage. Smiling and laughing to herself when she saw him wince at the dancers en pointe. She smiled sadly and thought back to her past. *******************FLASHBACK************************ Hermione knew exactly what dress she wanted to wear on her wedding day. She went to the bridal shop she had visited with Luna and Ginny and picked out the dress. Ginny had tagged along with her, playing make believe again. In the dressing room, Hermione looked into the mirror and gasped at her image. Yes, she would wear this on her wedding day. She envisioned herself standing at the altar, her groom at her side. But the groom in her mind wasn't Oliver. It was Harry. The reality of her situation came crashing down on her. It was like she had awoken from a deep coma. She braced herself against the wall and let out a small sob. Ginny heard it and opened the dressing room curtain to reveal a bride with tears of sadness in her eyes. Ginny sighed. “You have to talk to him, Hermione.” Harry had just gotten back from work and was walking to his flat when he saw her standing at his doorstep. “Hermione? What are you doing here?” he asked. “Can we talk?” she asked timidly. “Where's Oliver? Shouldn't you be planning your wedding?” he said not hiding his bitterness. “Please, Harry.” Harry opened the door. “I don't think so, Hermione.” Then he closed the door in her face. Hermione didn't budge. She spoke to the closed door in front of her. “I completely deserve that and a whole lot more,” she sighed and continued. “I wanted to apologize to you, Harry. I have been absolutely horrible to you. I never meant those awful things I said. I was just so hurt and confused. I'm still confused, I feel so lost. Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to know.” Hermione wiped away her tears and turned to walk away but the door opened. Harry stood there looking at her, then he moved aside to let her inside the room. Harry set a cup of tea in front of Hermione, then sat in the chair opposite of her. Hermione sipped at the tea. “We've been through a lot haven't we?” he said softly. Hermione sighed in agreement. “Do you love him, Hermione?” Hermione thought awhile before giving her answer. “Yes. In a way, I do.” Harry nodded in understanding. Hermione continued, “But this morning I pictured myself at the altar, my groom at my side. It wasn't Oliver that I saw, it was you.” Harry sighed and closed his eyes. He got up from the chair and stood by the window, looking out over the city. “What do you want, Hermione? What is it that you truly want?” Hermione answered immediately. “I want peace, a family, love. I want to walk down the street with the man I love, not having to worry that someone will come and take it all away.” “And Oliver can give that to you?” “You can, too. Don't you want that? Wouldn't you like to just forget about Dark wizards and Death Eaters and just be happy with someone you love?” “Of course I do. Someday it will happen…” “Why not now? Why can't we be happy now?” “Hermione, the thing I was most afraid of happened. Someone I cared about very deeply was hurt. Because of me…” “Harry I didn't mean what I said,” Hermione interrupted but Harry plowed on. “It's true though. She attacked you to get to me. I can't stop now, Hermione. I won't rest until this world is a safe place. Then I'll be happy, then I can rest.” “Harry, there will always be some sort of danger. But you have to find happiness somewhere with someone. That's what makes it all worth it. The bad guys have already won if you keep thinking the way you are. I love you, Harry.” Harry sighed and dropped his head. Hermione got up from the sofa and walked toward him. “Hermione, so much has happened between us.” She took off her engagement ring and reached for Harry's hand, placing it in it. “Marry me instead. Be with me.” Harry looked at her, longing written all over his face. He so badly wanted her, wanted to hold her, kiss her, make love to her again. She was standing in front of him, putting everything on the line, offering herself to him. He leaned into her. The communicator on the coffee table crackled to life as Kingsley voice rang out. “Potter, are you there? We need you down at Headquarters right away. We've caught more Death Eaters.” Harry looked back at Hermione. “Don't go,” she whispered softly. “Stay with me, be with me.” Harry had to make a choice. Hermione let out a sob as he kissed her on her forehead. He raised her left hand and slid her engagement ring back on her finger. “Marry Oliver, Hermione,” he whispered into her ear. “I can't give you what you ask of me.” *******************END OF FLASHBACK************************ The sound of applause snapped Hermione from her thoughts. The Nutcracker was over and people were rising from their seats, ready to leave. “Well, what did you think, Harry?” Jane asked. “Not bad. Although, I could do without the men in tights,” Harry answered and Edward laughed. The snow was falling when they left the theatre. Cars lined up in the front, valets at the ready to release the vehicles to their rightful owners. One of them ran up to Edward handing him the keys to the vehicle. “You two want us to give you a ride?” he asked. “If you don't mind, I think I'll walk your daughter home,” Harry said. Edward nodded and Jane kissed her daughter's cheek, “Take care, darling.” Harry and Hermione started down the street. “You were in ballet once, weren't you?” Harry asked. “Oh, God that was ages ago. I was in primary school,” Hermione tossed her head back and laughed. “Did you ever do the Nutcracker?” “Yes, it was a small cheesy production. I was a mouse.” Harry laughed. “I bet you were an adorable mouse.” Hermione blushed. Their hands brushed briefly and Harry caught her hand with his, wrapping his fingers around hers. She didn't pull away. “Thank you for walking me home,” she said, walking a bit closer to his side. “Anytime, Hermione. Anytime.” ********************************* “Potter, can you come in here for a moment,” Kingsley's voice called from his office to Harry as he walked by. “Is everything alright?” Harry asked entering the room. Kingsley stood up to greet him, an Asian wizard he didn't recognize stood up as well. “Harry, this is Mr. Chen,” Kingsley introduced. “He's head of the auror division in Hong Kong.” “Pleased to meet your acquaintance,” Mr. Chen gave a nod to Harry. “Wow, Hong Kong,” Harry was impressed. “What brings you to London?” “They are doing some reorganizing in the Hong Kong division. Mr. Chen is here to observe our model of work.” “And possibly to offer someone a position in our division?” Mr. Chen added. “Mr. Chen is being promoted to a higher office, leaving a vacancy for the head of the Auror Department.” Both men looked pointedly at Harry. “Oh, wow! Um, I don't know what to say,” Harry was flattered. “We'd hate to lose you, Harry, but I can't think of anyone more qualified than you,” Kingsley smiled. “It would be an honor if you took our offer,” Mr. Chen handed him a piece of parchment. Harry took it and unfolded it. His eyes got huge. “Uh, well…I…” he stammered. “You don't have to make any decisions right now, we'll give you some time to think about it,” Kingsley offered. “Yeah, that would be best. I just need some time to think this through.” “Very well, Harry. You can go on with your day.” ********************************* Hermione collapsed on her sofa, her shopping bags piled around her. It was only a few days before Christmas and she had braved the stores to do some last minute gift shopping. She groaned when she heard a knock at the door. She opened the door and gasped in shock. “Oh my God!” A Christmas tree stood in front of her. “Surprise!” Harry called out from behind the tree. “You've got to be kidding me!” Hermione stood out of the way as Harry dragged the tree into her flat. “I noticed that you were missing this important piece of holiday equipment,” Harry said beaming. “It's wonderful!” Hermione said, looking up at it. “But I don't have any decorations.” “Well, we'll just have to go out and get some,” Harry said, dragging Hermione to the door. “Oh, Harry,” Hermione groaned. “I just got back from that chaos.” “Come on! We'll brave it together.” Hermione managed to grab her purse before Harry dragged her through the door. “A little more left. No, too far, go right. Wait!” “Hermione!” Harry groaned, “my arm is killing me!” Harry was placing an angel on top of the tree under Hermione's guidance. “But it has to be perfect!” Harry sighed and plopped the angel on the tree. “There! Trust me it's perfect.” They had gone out and bought various decorations for the tree then brought them back and began hanging them while obnoxious holiday music blared from her radio. Hermione consented to the position of the angel, although she still thought it was a little off center. “Here, help me move the sofa,” Harry instructed. And they swung the sofa around to face the large window, the tree standing next to it, its enchanted decorations scurried around it. “Now we can relax,” Harry sighed. “Wait!” Hermione dashed to her purse and drew out her wand. Pointing it at Harry she transfigured the clothes into a pair of warm pajamas. “I'm going to get a blanket, you make the hot cocoa.” She dashed into her room and rummaged through her drawers, searching for her flannel PJs, when she came across a small package wrapped in silver. ***********************FLASHBACK***************************** The annual Christmas get together at the Burrow was bittersweet this time. She was leaving for America and her wedding tomorrow. She was really going to miss this place, miss England, miss her friends and family. She had just settled into bed when there was a soft knock at her front door. “Harry!” she said with surprise, when she answered it. “What are you doing here?” She let him into the flat. Harry walked in and looked around. The place was empty, filled with boxes ready to be taken away. Harry swallowed the lump in his throat. “I wanted to give you this,” he said, handing her a small wrapped silver package. Hermione took it from him and carefully unwrapped it. Inside was a silver heart shaped locket. “Oh, Harry! It's beautiful!” “I know you're supposed to have something old, something new, uh, you know, all that. Well I'm sure you have everything already, but I would be honored if you wore this as your something old.” “Something old?” “Look at the inscription on the back.” “'To my wife Lily. Love, your husband James.' Oh, Harry.” ”My dad gave it to my mum on their wedding day. I…uh…I want you to have it.” “Harry, I can't.” “Please. I can't think of anyone else worthy of this. Please, promise me you'll wear it?” “I promise.” She took out the locket and clasped it around her neck. “Thank you, Harry.” “You're welcome,” he answered softly. “Harry,” she began, hesitating, wondering if she should ask it. “Can you think of any reason, any at all why I shouldn't marry Oliver?” Harry looked deep into her eyes. *How about I love you? I'll never love anyone as much as I love you.* “No,” he replied after a pause, “none at all.” Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. Harry took her to the airport the next day. Saw her off at the gate. “This is for the best, Hermione,” he had told her, then he kissed her on the cheek. ********************END OF FLASHBACK************************** Hermione opened the box and took out the locket, clasping it around her neck. She sighed and took a long, hard look at herself in the mirror. She then walked over to her nightstand and opened the drawer. Inside was an envelope which she drew papers from. Her divorce papers. All she had to do was sign it then send it off to Oliver, her part would be done. She had to admit to herself, and face the fact that she had made a mistake. She walked over to her desk and pulled out a quill, signing her name on the paper. She then took her wedding ring off her finger and put it in her jewelry box. She sighed. “Is everything alright?” Harry asked when she returned to the living room. Hermione smiled. “Yeah, I think it will be.” Harry looked at her a little quizzically then settled down with her on the sofa. She had brought out a blanket with her and tossed it over Harry and herself. Harry handed her the hot cocoa and they settled in. The candles on the tree dimmed, casting a soft glow over the room as the animated decorations scurried around the tree, whispering amongst themselves. Snow began to fall lightly as the city lights sparkled. “The Christmas party at the Burrow is coming up soon,” she broke the silence. “Yeah, I know,” Harry answered. “I was wondering…would you like to go…together?” she asked timidly. Harry smiled, “It's a date.” --> 19. What I'd Be Without You --------------------------- **A/N:** All wands, weapons or whatever else you may be carrying must be left nowhere near your computer before you read this chapter. This is for the safety of the author. Seriously, this was a tough chapter to write. I made Oliver out to be a real jerk (sorry Oliver fans, if there are any for this story). **This is another flashback chapter.** Spaz141: You might want to have a tissue at the ready. **Chapter Nineteen:** What I'd Be Without You *I may not always love you But long as there are stars above you You never need to doubt it I'll make you so sure about it God only knows what I'd be without you If you should ever leave me Though life would still go on believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me God only knows what I'd be without you* *(God Only Knows—Beach Boys)* “Have you gone completely insane?!” Ron shouted at him. Harry winced at the loudness in Ron's voice. He was recovering from a hangover, a bad one as a result of seeing the woman you love fly off in a plane to marry another man. “Ron, be quiet!” Harry grabbed his head. Ron grabbed his hair in frustration. “What is wrong with you two? Why are you both so stupid and stubborn?” “Ron, Ron calm down,” Ginny shoved Ron out of the way and looked at Harry. “Harry, are you sure you guys are doing the right thing?” she asked him. Ron still ranted and raved in the background. That was how his morning started off. He managed to kick Ginny and Ron out of his flat and on their way to Heathrow to floo to the States. Her wedding was tomorrow and the more Harry thought about that, the more the ache inside him began to swell. He sought solace in the one place he always felt comfortable at. Hogwarts. But as soon as he walked in the doors, he was flooded with memories of her. “Harry, what are you doing here?” Dumbledore's voice shook him out of his thoughts. “I thought you'd be on your way to stop a wedding.” “Huh?” Harry asked, more than a little startled. “Miss Granger's wedding is tomorrow, is it not? Why are you standing here?” Dumbledore asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I don't think…” Harry began but the old wizard cut him off. “Oh, I see. I know what you did. Trying to do the noble thing by making the world a safer place,” he sighed. “Such is the life of the tragic hero.” Harry shut his mouth and looked away, awkward. “Walk with me, Harry,” he said and motioned to the castle grounds. Dumbledore sighed an old man's sigh. “Long ago, a young man came to me with a similar predicament. He had lost those who were closest to him and the wizarding world was in the middle of chaos.” He walked over to the edge of the forbidden forest and stood over a small patch in the snow. “Yet, love is an amazing thing. Through times of hatred and evil, it can bloom in the darkest of times.” He pointed down and Harry followed to a small green sprout sticking out of the snow. “But, it's a fragile thing and can be so easily lost. For this young man, had fallen deeply in love, but he, too, had his reservations. But I told him, that love is what we were fighting for. If we gave up on that, we might as well toss our wands aside and let darkness overcome us. We never know what the future holds, but living our lives to the fullest makes everything worthwhile in the end.” Harry knelt down and touched the delicate sprout. “What did he do?” “He married the young woman,” Dumbledore smiled, “and they were the happiest couple I'd ever known.” A sad look came over his face. “But like I said, you never know what the future holds. They were murdered a few years later. But love is an amazing thing. Within that tragedy, love survived. It survived through their child, a son, just a year old.” Harry looked up sharply at Dumbledore, who smiled kindly at him. “Now you tell me if my advice to that young man was worth it.” Harry sent off a letter with one of the school owls before taking off for his flat. The letter would reach her tomorrow morning at the earliest, late tonight if he was lucky. He had sent it through the Owl Express. He rummaged for a duffle bag in his closet then set it on his bed, tossing whatever he could into it then he took off for Heathrow. “I'm sorry, sir. But the next floo to the East coast of the states isn't until tomorrow at ten a.m.,” the wizard behind the counter explained. “Ten o'clock will be too late. Please, please are you sure there aren't any floos?” Harry pleaded. “Sir, you've had me check three times already. Now, like I said before…” Harry pulled the bangs off his forehead and shouted at the man. “I'm bloody Harry Potter, and asking you for a favor,” he pulled the name drop but the wizard merely rolled his eyes. “If you're Harry Potter, I'm bonny Prince William.” The wizard walked off in a huff. Harry sighed and banged his head on the counter in defeat. “Excuse me sir,” a voice came from behind him. It was a janitor. “Excuse me but I couldn't help but overhear your predicament. There's another floo to the States that's still open.” “Really?” this was music to Harry's ears. “But it's connected to the west coast, Los Angeles, I think. But you could try a floo from there.” the janitor said. “I could get you in there if you'd like.” “Could you? Thank you so much.” The janitor went behind the counter and fiddled with some of the drawers before pulling out some floo powder. “Here you go,” he said, handing it over to Harry. Harry reached into his pocket to pull out some money but the janitor waved him off. “No charge. It'd be my pleasure…Mr. Potter,” the janitor winked. Harry smiled and gave him the money anyway. “Keep it for you,” he said then ran through the gate. ***************************************** “Hermione, hurry! We're going to be late for the rehearsal dinner!” Oliver said from behind the door. Hermione opened it and rushed out into the hallway. “Okay, okay. Let's go.” They hurried into an elevator. They had just reached the restaurant in the lobby when Hermione stopped in her tracks. “Blast! I forgot the bridesmaid's gifts in my room.” “I'll go and get them,” Oliver said, “you go in and sit down.” Moments later he opened her hotel room door and found a tawny Express owl sitting on her bed, a letter tied around its leg. Oliver removed the letter and the Owl disapparated. The front of it had Hermione's name written on it, in handwriting that was vaguely familiar. Oliver opened the letter. *My Dearest Hermione,* *I'm hoping this letter reaches you in time. I've had a chat with an old friend that opened my eyes. You were right. There's never going to be a time when the world is completely at peace, but I know that my life would be if you were by my side. I'm asking you, Hermione. Don't marry Oliver. Call off the wedding. Stall if you must, but I'm on my way there as you read this. If you still love me and if you believe that there is still a future for us, then wait for me. I'll be there as soon as I can.* *With all my love,* *Harry* Oliver crumpled the letter in his hand. Rage washed over him. He walked over to the phone and dialed out. “Father Duprey? Yes, this is Oliver Wood. Yes, yes, I am ready for tomorrow, but a slight problem has come up.” Oliver walked back into the restaurant, gifts in his hands as he sat at the table. “Thank you honey,” Hermione said. “Did you find everything okay? You were gone quite awhile.” “Yeah, everything's fine but I got a message at the front desk from Father Duprey.” “Is everything all right?” Ginny asked. “Yeah everything's set for tomorrow, but a small emergency has come up and he was wondering if we could start the ceremony an hour earlier. He would be most indebted to us.” ***************************** Harry sat in a terminal at LAX, waiting, jittery, anxious. He couldn't sit still. He did end up having luck here. There was a floo available that would take him to New York and from there he could connect to other floos. The only problem was that he'd had to wait a few hours. Harry looked at the clock on the wall. 5:45 a.m. He would be cutting it close. Really close. The floo opened at 6 am, 9 am on the East coast. Then he would take a floo to Boston, he would be there around 9:30, that left him with 30 minutes to find the church and stop the wedding. ****************************************** Ron paced back and forth across the room. The wedding was supposed to have started already but Hermione wasn't ready. “Well, she got here a little late,” one of the groomsmen said. “She must have really liked that,” replied the best man. “She's just running a little behind. Besides, people are still showing up. I hope everyone got the message.” Ron thought it was a little fishy that the wedding was moved up an hour. With all the planning and preparation it took for his own wedding, he wondered why the priest would ask them to change their plans. It just didn't seem right. He was trying to think of a way to talk to Hermione before the ceremony. This wasn't right. He knew his two friends loved each other madly, but were too stupid and stubborn to drop this game. Someone was going to pay dearly for this: Hermione, Harry, Oliver. It wasn't going to be pretty. How could Harry just let her go like that? How could Hermione say yes to Oliver? “Could I have a moment alone, fellas?” Oliver's voice broke Ron's thoughts. They all consented and left the room but Oliver stopped Ron. “I wanted to talk to you, privately.” “What about?” Ron asked. Oliver took a long hard look at Ron and sighed. “I know you're not happy about this wedding, and that you're doing this because Hermione asked you to.” Ron opened his mouth to say something but Oliver held up his hand. “I know that I will never be as good as Harry for Hermione, in your eyes, and I know you wish it were him instead of me.” Ron looked away. “But I love her, Ron. More than anyone else in the world. I would do anything for her. I also know that you're more than a little mad at me for uprooting her and moving her here away from her family and friends. But I want this for her, us. A new beginning for her, I want to bring peace into her life, one she hasn't known for a long time. I only want to make her happy.” Ron looked at Oliver for the longest time. He was about to say something to him but was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Come in,” Oliver said. The door opened and Ginny poked her head in. “Ron, could I have a word with you?” ***************************************** Harry stumbled a little out of the floo at Logan. 9:35 a.m. He was okay, he still had 25 minutes. But to his dismay, there was a long line of people waiting to exit the terminals, moving at what seemed like a snail's pace. Harry had another problem as well. He had never been to Boston before and had NO idea how he was going to get to the church. Was it near? Far? The solution presented itself as he walked out into an alley where all the other witches and wizards were exiting. Yellow cabs lined the streets, wizard cabs, mini versions of the Knight Bus. Harry ran up to one of them. “North Church, please,” he said to the driver. The driver smiled at him. “Granger-Wood wedding huh?” Harry looked down at his watch. 9:45 a.m. ********************************* Ron watched as Hermione walked down the aisle looking absolutely beautiful. Well, not as beautiful as his wife did on their wedding day. He swallowed the lump in his throat, praying silently that Hermione would come to her senses. He shot a glance at Sirius and Lupin in the pews, they, too, had looks of anticipation on their faces. Various scenarios played through his head on how he could stop this wedding. Drop to the ground in convulsions. Kidnap the bride and run off. But even if he did stop the wedding, what would happen then? Harry wasn't here. Harry was in London. If Harry wanted to stop this wedding, he would've done it already. Where did that leave Hermione? Alone and heartbroken on her wedding day? Was it even in his right to do this? He was Hermione's best friend, too. *************************************** Harry watched in horror as traffic in front of them came to a complete standstill, horns honking all around. “Bad accident ahead,” the driver explained looking front. “Even I can't squeeze this cab around this mess.” Harry swore and sat back in his seat thinking. “You could probably walk from here,” the driver offered. “We're not too far away.” Harry shot himself forward. After receiving directions he paid the driver and tore out of the cab, sprinting down the street. The snow began to fall lightly as he cut across the park, hurdling over the benches. He could hear the church bells tolling. He was close now. When he was younger, his Aunt Petunia had a shelf that not even Dudley could touch. But when everyone was away and left Harry alone, he would pull up a chair, stand on it and stare at the objects. They were mostly delicate ceramics of animals and of some people in various poses, but there was one that stood out. Harry's favorite. It was a musical snow globe. Harry would very carefully bring this one down and set it on a counter. Inside the globe was a beautiful woman, a princess, dressed in a flowing white dress. He would wind up the knob at the bottom and watch as the princess twirled in the falling snow around her to the tinny music that played. This was the sight that greeted him as he reached the church. He skid to a halt across the street. He saw a crowd of people lined up at the entrance of the church, laughing and talking to one another. Then a swell of cheers as a bride and groom walked out of the church. Harry looked down at his watch. 10:00 a.m. Hermione's wedding should've started, but this scene looked as if it had just ended. Maybe it was a different wedding? But his stomach dropped when he saw the most beautiful thing in the world he had ever seen. Hermione in her wedding dress. She looked radiant and happy, everything a bride should be on her wedding day. She was laughing and smiling, talking to the well wishers that lined the stairs. Flashes of a camera went off every once in awhile. Harry died inside. He quickly ducked behind a tree when Oliver looked in his direction. Did he see him? Harry peeked out from behind the trunk. Oliver picked up Hermione and swung her around, set her down then gave her a deep kiss in front of the crowd. The pain was so great inside Harry that he was numb. *She* *chose Oliver**,* he thought sadly. *She* *didn't wait for me.* Harry hid until the last of the guests left the church then he walked across the street. Standing in the doorway, Harry looked inside the deserted church at the altar ahead of him. He bent down and picked up a few flowers that were left by the flower girl on the floor. He sat down in one of the pews and stared blankly ahead of him. Then he slumped down, hands in his face as he silently cried. *She didn't wait for me.* *If you should ever leave me Well life would still go on believe me The world could show nothing to me So what good would living do me God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows God only knows what I'd be without you God only knows what I'd be without you* --> 20. Cheated ----------- **A/N:** Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I've also been working on my new fic, The Lost King. I hope you all enjoy this long awaited chapter, I hope it's worth the wait. **Chapter Twenty:** Cheated *You give your hand to me* *Then you say hello* *And I can hardly speak* *My heart is beating so* *And anyone can tell* *You think you know me well* *But you don't know me* *Ooh no* *You don't know the one* *Who dreams of you at night* *And longs to kiss your lips* *Longs to hold you tight* *I'm just a friend* *That's all I've ever been* *Cause you don't know me* *(You Don't Know Me—Harry Connick Jr.)* The snow continued to fall through the night as Harry and Hermione sat on the sofa talking. It was nearing two o'clock in the morning. “I felt horrible. I felt like I was the one responsible for the safety and wellbeing of our child, and I failed. I never failed at anything before and I took it out on you. It was wrong, I know it. But I was so devastated inside. I didn't take into consideration that you had lost a child as well,” Hermione sniffed and brushed away a tear that fell down her cheek. Harry didn't say anything, just let her talk about this painful subject between them. Hermione continued on. “I didn't mean to say all those awful things to you. I regret it to this day. I was just so hurt and angry. I took it out on you. It was wrong for me to do so.” Harry spoke softly. “I did feel partly responsible. I was the one who set up the whole plan. I should've seen a loophole somewhere. And Bellatrix was trying to hurt me by taking away the ones I loved.” “No, Harry, don't. It wasn't your fault. You had no idea they would attack the train. You did everything you could.” “But I should've been on that train with you.” There was a hint of anger in his voice. “I wouldn't have let you. I know why you didn't want that.” They lapsed into silence, watching the view out the window in front of them. Finally, Harry spoke up. “How did you find out about Oliver?” he asked. Hermione let out a long sigh. “He really made me feel like an idiot didn't he?” She laughed quietly to herself. “I'd been coming back from an interview and I saw him on a street corner snogging some blond.” “Of all the street corners in all the world,” Harry mused. “Exactly. Well I went home, rummaged through his things and found some rubbers and a credit card receipt to a muggle hotel in the city. Naturally, I went to investigate and found him thigh deep, shagging the brains out of the same woman.” “I'm sorry, Hermione,” Harry said. “Oh, there's no need for you to apologize. I married the wanker.” She almost said that she had just divorced him as well, but she held that information back. Another silence fell between them. Harry had been wrestling with the urge to ask her the one question he'd wanted to ask for some time. Since she'd come back to England, really. Finally, he worked up the nerve. “Hermione,” he began, still a little unsure. “Why *did* you marry him? Why didn't you wait for me?” Hermione looked at Harry. It was an odd question to ask. “I wanted a fresh beginning…Harry it hurt when you rejected me. I know I was a complete jerk to you and I completely deserved it. But you said no. And I *did* love Oliver in some way. And he loved me, he offered to me what you told me you couldn't…or wouldn't.” It was Harry's turn to be confused and little angry. His voice raised a little as he sat straight up. “Were you so angry at me that you didn't even bother to read my letter?” Hermione reacted to his angry tone. “What letter are you talking about, Harry?” “The letter I sent to you the night before your wedding!” “I didn't receive a letter the night before my wedding.” Harry stood up. “I'm not kidding Hermione. I'm talking about a letter that I sent to you by Owl Express.” Hermione was completely bewildered by this information. Had Harry gone mad? “Have you gone mad? I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry!” Harry paced the floor in front of her, running a hand through his hair. Then he picked up his wand, transfigured back his clothes and put on his jacket. “Harry, what's going on?” she asked. “I've got to go, Hermione,” he said as he opened the door and left her flat. Hermione sat there on her sofa, jaw dropped trying to process what in the hell just happened. Harry had left Hermione's to confront her husband. Harry wanted answers and he wanted them right now. He pounded on the door of the town home he knew Oliver was staying at. He did this for a couple of minutes before a light flicked on in the house and he could here the groggy stirrings of the man inside, pissed off at the late night visitor. Oliver swung the door open ready to yell at the person who woke him from his slumber, but quickly moved to shut it when he saw who it was. Harry blocked him with his body and shoved his way into his home. “This is trespassing, Potter. I'm calling the Ministry,” Oliver sniffed. Harry drew his wand and pointed it at him. “You will do no such thing.” His voice was deadly. “Sit down,” he nodded with his head to the sofa in the living room. Keeping a wary eye on his wand, Oliver moved to the sofa and sat. Harry looked livid. “Did you see the letter?” Harry asked coolly. “What letter?” Oliver spat, he knew damn well what Harry was talking about. “Don't play stupid with me. You know what letter I'm talking about.” “Oh, yes. The letter you wrote to *my fiancé*, the night before *our* wedding? How dare you come here and ask me about that.” “Why didn't you show her? It wasn't yours to read.” Harry jabbed his wand at him. “It didn't matter anyway. She married *me*!” “You never gave her a choice!!” “Do you honestly think she would've chosen you?” Oliver laughed. “Obviously you thought she would. That's why you hid it,” Harry snarled. He lowered his wand and tucked it into his jacket. He looked down at Oliver, his tone was softer now. “She did love you. You had her. You had the most perfect woman in the world as your wife. And you threw it all away.” Harry shook his head then left the house. Oliver sat there in a rage. Potter obviously hadn't told Hermione about the letter…yet. He knew Potter was going to try and make a move on his wife, it was just a matter of time. He was going to put a stop to that. It was time to call in a favor. Harry walked away from the house, he wanted to be alone. He took a walk through the streets, thinking. All this time he had thought Hermione had chosen Oliver. She never got the letter from him. Would she have waited for him? Every fiber in his being told him that she would've. Harry laughed softly to himself at this folly. All this time they had wasted, all the time that was robbed from them. Where would they be now if she'd only read that blasted letter? A stupid comedy of errors that robbed them of each other. But wasn't that the way it was for him? He was going to have to tell Hermione about it. But should he tell her about the letter? What would come of it? Would it make a difference now? What did he hope to accomplish by telling her? He needed to think on it for a couple of days. *********************************************** Hermione walked into the lively Burrow, Christmas Eve, alone. She hadn't heard from Harry for a few days, he didn't return any of her letters. She was still puzzled by the way he had left her flat. What letter was he talking about? “Hermione!” The greetings from the Weasley family brought her out of her thoughts. The smell of Mrs. Weasley's cooking made her salivate and she looked at the table to see a HUGE ham ready to be eaten. Closely guarded under Ron's watchful eye of course. Another table held desserts that would make you put off that holiday diet. The children ran around the enormous Christmas tree in the living room, while the twins and their father talked animatedly about their newest inventions. Molly, Angelina, Katie and Fleur doted on Luna and her swelling belly. Ginny came up to Hermione. “Need a hand?” She lifted some of the packages off of her arms and set them under the tree. Hermione hung up her coat. “Have you seen, Harry?” she asked. “No, not yet. I think he's coming. Sirius and Victoria are on their way here,” Ginny answered, then looked slyly at her. “Why?” “No reason at all. Just curious,” Hermione picked some lint of her jumper to avoid looking at Ginny. She was saved by little Ava, Fred and Angelina's little girl, who stole Ginny's attention. “Lookie! I made it for you!” she exclaimed proudly, holding out a piece of parchment with crayon colorings on it. “Thank you! It's lovely!” Ginny said and Ava skipped away. “She's been doing that all evening. Everyone's got a portrait, you'll get yours soon.” Hermione laughed and joined in the festivities. Sirius and Victoria arrived a short while later, gifts in hand. Everyone was just about to tuck in for dinner when the door opened and the kids went running. “Harry! Harry!” “Harry's here!” “It's Uncle Harry!” Relief flooded Hermione as she looked at him. His eyes immediately sought out hers, giving her a soft smile before tending to the children around him. Hermione flushed and looked away. Ron watched his two best friends, a small smile grew on his face. Harry sat down next to Hermione, giving her a soft smile. “You look lovely,” he said softly. Hermione beamed and replied, “you're not looking too bad yourself, Harry.” Dinner was lively with the twins providing most of the entertainment with hilarious stories. Ron, Harry and Hermione retold some of their own. As dinner was cleared away, Harry draped his arm casually on the back of Hermione's chair. Sirius looked at his godson and saw for the first time, in a LOOOONG time, he looked happy. Truly happy. And he knew the reason why was sitting next to him, laughing and looking radiant. Something must have happened between them, a subtle change. He was hoping they were smart enough to get their heads out of their arses and figure it out for themselves. Desserts made their way onto the tables, reminding Harry of the gluttonous festivities at Hogwarts. Luna's growing appetite nearly rivaled her husbands as everyone partook of the delectable treats. “Look mummy! Look at me!” one of the children called out. “Oh my God!!” Fleur exclaimed. One of her children had grown long ears and a pointy noise, resembling a house elf, dressed in a tacky red and green suit. Little Ava laughed next to him before a loud pop and she turned into a mini Santa. More pops ensued as all the children had indulged in the red and green sprinkled cupcakes on the table, provided by the twins of course. Harry and Ron each took one and dared each other to take a bite. Hermione and Luna rolled their eyes as they dug in. With a loud pop, Ron sported reindeer antlers that made everyone laugh. Harry stopped laughing immediately when he heard a loud pop above him. Hermione looked up and her laughter ceased as well. They looked back down and caught each other's eyes. Mistletoe appeared above Harry. Hermione blushed then bravely leaned into Harry, giving him a soft kiss…on his cheek. It was Harry's turn to turn a shade of red. He looked at her and she gave him a small smile. Ron's antler's disappeared after a few minutes and he tapped on the glass with his fork. The room quieted as he stood. “I just want to say how wonderful it really is to have everyone here this Christmas, especially you, Hermione,” he said. “Here, here,” Sirius said, seconding the motion. Hermione blushed and Harry smiled at her. “I also want to say that I am looking forward to this New Year. A year that I'm hoping will bring this family good luck, good health,” he looked down at his wife, “new beginnings,” he looked over at Harry and Hermione, “and second chances.” Harry raised his glass. “To second chances.” Hermione raised hers. “And to new beginnings.” “Cheers!” Everyone toasted, clinking their glasses together. Luna, Molly and Ginny had tears in their eyes. Soon the children's interest in food was lost to the prospect of opening a few gifts on Christmas Eve. Everyone gathered into the living room, joined in conversation as the kids darted about handing out gifts. “Here Uncle Ron! I drew it for you!” Ava toddled to Ron, handing him a scrap of parchment. It was a drawing of him with antlers. She had apparently run out of parchment and was now drawing on any piece of paper she could find. “Thank you,” Ron said and Luna sniggered. Remus howled in laughter at the gag gift from Sirius. A movie called An American Werewolf in London. Harry sat by Andre, helping him to put together his mini broomstick that he had given him. Hermione leaned against a wall and watched him. He looked up and gave her a child like grin. She looked down when she felt a small tug on her jumper. “I made this for you,” Ava said, handing her a piece of parchment. “Thank you sweetie,” she said as she looked at the picture. There were two stick figured drawings, one with bushy brown hair, the other had messy black hair and glasses. They were holding hands as little hearts surrounded them. Hermione held drawing up, something catching her eye. She turned the paper around and looked at what looked like a photocopy. “Ava, where did you get this?” Hermione knelt in front of the small child. “Uncle Harry's jacket,” she said simply and skipped away. Hermione stood up and read the letter. “Harry are you sure it's safe?” Fleur asked. “Of course it is. I wouldn't buy it for him if I didn't think it was.” Harry finished the broom and handed it to Andre who took off with it, some of his cousins in tow. “He's been begging me everyday to take him up on the broom.” “Stay in the yard!” Fleur shouted after them. “Are you okay, Hermione?” Luna asked. Harry looked up at her. Hermione was pale, the palest he'd ever seen her, her eyes wide. Her hand covered her mouth and she was shaking. She was on the verge of some sort of breakdown. To Harry's horror, he recognized the paper in her hand. In a flash he was on his feet and at her side just as her legs gave way. Harry caught her and snatched the parchment from her hand. “Hermione!” Ron exclaimed and got to his feet. Harry waved him off. “I've got her, she's okay,” Harry said distractedly. Just then Hermione let out a strangled wail which quickly escalated into hysterical sobs. “Harry?” Ginny questioned. “Everything's fine! Everything's just fine!” Harry said falsely and gave a forced smile as he moved Hermione up the stairs, she was now hyperventilating. Everyone listened to the commotion she was making until they heard a door close and then nothing at all. Harry must have put up a silencing charm. “What the bloody hell was that all about?” Ron asked a bewildered room. A door opened above and they could hear Hermione in complete hysterics, Harry must've broken the charm. “Could someone get me a Calming Draught?” he called out below. “A really powerful one?” Molly walked over to her cupboard where she kept various potions under lock and key. She poured some Firewhiskey into a glass then pulled out a small vial of blue liquid. “I'll take it up there,” Ron said, as he stood beside his mother. She poured in a few drops of the liquid then handed the glass to her son. “On second thought,” she said, stopping him and handing him the entire flask of Firewhiskey. “Take this to him, too.” Ron walked up the stairs and knocked on the door to his old bedroom. Harry opened it a crack to see who it was, Hermione's sobs filled the air. Harry saw that it was Ron and opened the door a little more, just enough to take the glass and bottle from him. Ron peeked into the room and saw Hermione on the bed, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. She was sobbing hysterically. “What the hell is going on?” he asked quietly, although Harry barely heard him above Hermione. “Huh? Nothing,” Harry said nonchalantly. “Everything's fine,” he smiled and shut the door in Ron's face. Harry set the glasses down on the bedside table, drew out his wand and recast the silencing charm over the room. He sat down on the bed, next to Hermione who was inconsolable at the moment. “Hermione,” he called out to her. She kept rocking and crying. “Hermione,” he said a bit more firmly, then again as he put his hands on her arms to steady her. He put his hands on either side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “Hermione,” he said firmly. “Look at me. You *have* to calm down. Drink this,” he said, holding the glass of Firewhiskey to her lips. Hermione took small sips in between hiccups. Harry reached over and grabbed the bottle of Firewhiskey, taking a swig for himself. Slowly, Hermione calmed down. She was still shaking and hiccupping but at least she wasn't wailing anymore. “Harry…explain…letter,” her voice was rough and scratchy. Harry sat down in front of her and brought out the parchment, holding it in front of her. “I never meant for you to find it like that,” he began. “Hermione…,” he paused a moment to gather his courage. “Hermione, this is a copy of a letter that I sent to you a long time ago.” He spoke slow and firm. “See the date? It's dated the day before your wedding. I sent it to you that day.” Hermione began to get hysterical again. “No you didn't. No you didn't. I didn't get a letter.” “Hermione, yes. Yes, I did send the letter.” Hermione began to cry. “No, no, no!” Harry was adamant. “Yes, Hermione. I *did* send the letter. You received it the night before your wedding. I know. I sent it Express.” Hermione sprung away from him, off the bed. She stood accusing him. “I didn't get a letter, Harry!! You didn't send me a letter!!” “Hermione, I did send the letter. It arrived that night at your hotel room, but you didn't get it. Someone else got to it first.” “What?! Someone was in my room that night?” she asked, bewildered. “Think, Hermione. Think!” Hermione stood and thought back to that night. She had left the room to go to the dinner, but there wasn't an owl there. But she forgot the gifts and she had to go back. No, she didn't go back. Oliver did and…oh! “Oliver,” Hermione whispered. She didn't trust her legs and she sank on the bed. She couldn't breath, suddenly. “Hermione?” Harry asked, alarmed. She began to hyperventilate again. “Put your head between your knees. Breathe, Hermione,” he knelt in front of her. “He…wedding…moved,” she mumbled in between breaths. “What?” Harry asked, not understanding her. She grabbed his arms and looked straight at him. “He moved up the wedding, Harry. He moved up the wedding an hour! He knew you were coming! He never told me! He moved up the wedding!” She was getting hysterical again. “Okay, okay Hermione. Take it easy. Breathe,” Harry himself felt a little shocked at this piece of information. His anger at Oliver grew exponentially, but was now overshadowed by trying to calm Hermione down. It took him nearly an hour but she drifted off to sleep, the potion finally kicking in. He quietly left her side and the room, closing the door softly behind him. He joined everyone downstairs. “Is she alright?” Ron asked. “Yeah, she's asleep. She just got some unexpected news. Threw her off, that's all,” Harry explained, giving Ron a look that said they would talk later. “Ginny, do you have anything that she could wear tonight? Any pajamas?” “Yeah, sure,” Ginny walked out of the room and up the stairs. “Well, it's a bit crowded in here tonight. But I'm sure we have room for you at our house,” Luna offered. “Thank you Luna. I'll take you up on that,” Harry replied. Sirius told him to get lost tonight, he had something special planned for Victoria, so he was planning on staying at the Burrow anyway. ************************************** Harry tossed down his overnight bag on the chair beside his bed. He sighed and sat on the bed. It was past midnight and he was exhausted, mentally exhausted. He had spent the night, telling Ron all that had happened between Hermione and him that evening, over some butterbeers in his kitchen. Harry reached over to the nightstand and turned off the lamp. He stayed there a moment, his eyes wandered over to the burrow, in particular the window of Ron's old bedroom, where Hermione was currently sleeping. Making up his mind, he put his shoes back on and quietly left the house. Hermione had awoken some time in the night, Harry had left the room. She lay there in the bed thinking. Thinking of the past, the stupid mistakes that she made, what could've been different if she made other choices in her life. How different her life would be right now if she never went to that fateful job interview in the States. She sighed and got out of bed, standing by the window. It pained her to think about that. She would still be the oblivious wife, not knowing that her husband was cheating on her, not knowing that she'd missed her chance with her one true love. A creak of the door caught her attention and she turned to see Harry standing in the doorway. Harry's breath was momentarily taken away by the sight before him. She gazed at him from the window, her hair down, dressed in a white nightgown, the lost look on her face. He stepped into the room and quietly closed the door behind him. “I have to know, Harry,” she whispered. “Were you there?” Harry walked slowly toward her and softly said, “Yes.” Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. “Did you see me?” He stopped in front of her, brushing a strand of hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear. “You were the most beautiful thing, I'd ever seen,” he whispered. Hermione smiled and a tear fell down her face. Harry brushed it away with his thumb. “Hermione?” he began to ask but she silenced him with her fingers on his lips. “I would've waited for you, Harry. I would wait forever for you,” she said. Harry leaned down and brushed his lips against hers, taking in their familiar softness, gathering her in his arms to him. She held him close, parting her lips to deepen the kiss. The kiss quickly intensified. Harry couldn't get enough of her. She moaned as his lips left hers to fall upon her neck, igniting fires within her that he and he alone could set off. The heat and wetness swelled between her legs as she felt his hardness press against her. Harry was a man drowning, trying to lose himself in her but his conscience pulled him back. He wasn't going to do this to her. She was still a married woman, doing this with her, no matter how badly he desperately wanted to, made her no better than Oliver. And he would not do that to her. Harry moved away from her and slowed down his kisses. “I have to go, Hermione,” he said to her. “Don't, she protested. “I have to.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I'll see you in the morning.” He gave her a small smile which she returned. “I love you,” she said. Harry stopped at the doorway and turned around. “I know.” He closed the door behind him and started down the stairs. He mentally scolded himself, other parts of his body scolded him. But he kept walking saying to himself that she was married. *Married alright. Married to that wanker of a husband who cheats on her. He won't even divorce her, just keeps her like a pet or a prize or something. Didn't give her a chance to see the letter, because he knew, KNEW, that she would've left him at the altar without a second thought. Why? Because she loved me. And he knew it!! She loved me and she still loves me!* Harry stopped in his tracks, turned around and marched back into the house and up the stairs. He walked into the room, drawing his wand and casting a silencing charm. A powerful one. “Harry?!” Hermione was startled, “What are you…?” But Harry cut her off with a kiss. A kiss of lovers now reunited, escalating quickly into a passionate fire that desperately needed to be put out. He took off his robe and Hermione quickly lifted his shirt off, revealing his naked torso. Harry swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, lowering her gently, settling himself between her legs. His hand slid up her thigh, fingers brushing aside her knickers and plunging themselves into the warmth that she was. Their kissing was frenzied, hands and lips moving all over, reexploring, rediscovering each other. She managed to undo his jeans, reaching in and grasping him. Harry let out a low moan at her touch, removing his fingers from her and drawing the nightgown over her head and off of her. He quickly stripped himself of his jeans and boxers as she took off her knickers. Harry took a brief moment to take the sight in front of him in before claiming her, his lips claiming her breasts as his fingers picked up where they left off. Her moaning became a little louder, her breathing erratic before she became slicker and he felt her walls tighten. “Harry,” she moaned when his fingers left her at the beginning of her climax. He kissed her deeply as he plunged himself into her, bringing her back, finishing her orgasm. He groaned. How long had he waited for this? How long had he been wishing for this moment? With every thrust into her he thought of that night they shared before Voldemort attacked. The night she came to his room at Grimmauld place. She moaned his name and he could feel her walls tighten around him. The familiar tension settled in his lower abdomen as he whispered in her ear. “I'll love you forever, Hermione. Forever and ever.” --> 21. The Boy Who Plotted ----------------------- **Chapter Twenty One:** **The Boy Who Plotted** *Now I was just a once a fool it's true I played the game by all the rules But now my world's a deeper blue I'm sadder but I'm wiser too I swore I'd never love again I swore my heart would never mend Said love wasn't worth the pain But then I hear it call my name The trouble with love is It can tear you up inside Make your heart believe a lie Gets stronger then your pride The trouble with love is It doesn't care how fast you fall And you can't refuse the call See you've got no say at all* *(The Trouble With Love Is—Kelly Clarkson)* Harry and Hermione fell asleep in each other's arms only to be awoken by the sounds of the Weasley grandchildren's squeals of delight early Christmas morning. Hermione heard Harry groan of complaint behind her and she nudged him gently. “It's too early,” Harry mumbled, his voice muffled by the pillow he buried his head under. Hermione laughed. “If I can recall correctly, you and Ron would get up as soon as the sun rose over the horizon. Maybe even earlier. In fact, I think Christmas morning was the only time I saw you two up before me.” Harry reached over and turned Hermione onto her back, settling himself on top of her. “Well, if I'm going to wake up next to you, I guess it's not so bad after all.” Hermione relaxed under him, letting him pleasure her with his touches and caresses and kissing each other softly. She sighed a sigh of satisfaction as Harry entered her, filling her completely in every way. While last night's love making was frantic, a rush to be reunited, this was gentle and slow. They reveled in their togetherness. Harry wanted to burn every moment of this into his memory. To him, this lovemaking was bittersweet. He was so conflicted. His conscience told him that this was wrong, that she wasn't his, that she still belonged to another. But every fiber in his being screamed that this was right, that he was whole and complete. Her walls tightened, signaling the height of her pleasure and sending Harry to his own. He put all his emotions he was feeling at the moment into the strangled whisper of her name. Hermione held him as he rested his head on her chest, listening to her heart beat. She hadn't felt this sort of peace in her life in a long time. Not even with Oliver. It was a peace that only Harry could bring her. A knock at the door yanked them out of their thoughts. “Hermione,” a grumpy voice yawned, “time to get up. The little buggers want to open their gifts.” Ginny yawned. “I need coffee.” Hermione and Harry let out a small laugh. Harry lifted his head and looked at her. “Happy Christmas, Hermione.” “Happy Christmas to you, Harry.” They never left each other's sides that morning, laughing and enjoying themselves watching the children's faces light up with delight. Sirius and Victoria dropped in for breakfast announcing themselves engaged. Squeals of delight from the women and handshakes from the men followed. Remus and the Weasley men immediately went into the tales of the wonders of wedded bliss, a topic that Harry felt very left out on. Sirius couldn't help but catch the flash of longing and sadness on Harry's face. After breakfast, Harry dreaded that Hermione had to leave the Burrow to spend Christmas with her parents but she assured everyone that she would be back in the late evening. He watched her as she gave him a smile and a wave, wishing that he could join her or at least give her a kiss goodbye. He sighed and sat down next to Ginny on the comfy sofa. “Sleep well?” she asked him slyly. “Huh? Uh…yes, quiet well. Thank you,” Harry answered awkwardly. “Good. It was about time, too.” “I don't know what you're talking about,” Harry said, his face turning a little pink. “Hermione's got that Just-Got-My-Brains-Shagged-Out-By-Harry-Potter glow about her. I recognized it immediately,” Ginny said triumphantly. Harry went into a fit of coughing and Ginny patted him on the back. “It was…one time thing…Hermione…not a bad person,” he said in between coughs. Ginny straightened him up and looked at him squarely in the face. “Are you that daft, Harry?” she asked. Harry's face gave nothing away but cluelessness. Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes. “She's not wearing her wedding ring anymore Harry. She hasn't been for the past few days and I would bet a hundred galleons that that means she signed those divorce papers.” Harry stared at her. “Men,” she huffed and got up off the sofa. Harry couldn't wait for Hermione to come back. ~*~ When Hermione pulled up to the front of her parent's house there was an unexpected visitor outside the gate. “Oh, My. God,” Hermione said, turning off the ignition. Oliver stood there and gave her a little wave. Hermione grabbed her purse and shoved the door open. “I felt a little awkward going in to see your parents,” he said to an approaching Hermione, who did not look very happy to see him at all. “You useless…little…sack of shit!!” Hermione attacked him with her handbag, hitting him repeatedly with it. “Why did you do it? Why?!” “Hermione, stop it!! What are you talking about?” Oliver tried to defend himself against her attack. “You didn't give me the letter!! You didn't give me a choice!!! You took that from me…from US!!” Tears fell down her face and she turned and stomped towards her parent's house. “Hermione, wait! Listen,” he ran up to her and turned her around. She pushed him away. “Don't you DARE touch me!! You make me sick! I hate you…you…vile wretched thing!!” The front door opened and her parent's rushed out. Hermione felt her father embrace her and turn her away from Oliver, pushing her toward the house. Hermione struggled and turned to face Oliver again. “I signed the divorce papers but I'm ripping them up!” she screamed. “I want an ANULLMENT!! I want to forget I was EVER married to a putrid scum like you!!!” Her father succeeded in getting Hermione into the house and handing her over to her mother. He turned around and faced Oliver. “I think it's best if you left. You're not welcome here,” he said sternly. Edward walked back into the house to help his wife console their sobbing daughter. ~*~ Hermione did not return to the burrow that evening like she said she would. Harry was out of his mind with worry and took off after Christmas dinner. He knocked on the door to her parent's house and Jane answered. He sat down with her parents and sipped tea while they told him what had happened earlier. Harry was fuming at Oliver's nerve but out of respect of her parent's did not voice his thoughts. “Did you want to see her?” Edward asked. “She's upstairs asleep but I can wake her.” “No. She needs to rest and think things through a bit,” Harry answered. Jane smiled with approval at Harry's decision. ~*~ “Luna!! Luna, wake up!! LUNA!!” Luna Weasley groaned and stirred in bed. Ron grumbled and asked a question his voice muffled by the pillow. “No, it's my dad. I'll see what he wants,” Luna yawned. Ron heard his wife leave the room and turned toward the bed table. He blearily looked at the clock. It read: **4:00. Way to****o** **early, Get back to bed**. “WHAT?!!” he heard his wife scream in a rage from the other room. Ron shot out of bed and ran to her. **The Boy-Who-Plotted** By Rita Skeeter Dearest Readers, it is times like these where the job of informing the wizarding world is much too large a burden to bear. But bear it I must, for it is my job to enlighten you dear readers, no matter how painful a subject. Harry Potter, known as the saviour of the wizarding world, made infamous by the defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and loved by all of the community. It is because of this, that I found it most difficult to write this article, and I thought about if for some time. But like I said earlier my duty is to inform the public, no matter how difficult it may be. We are all familiar with the very public separation of Oliver and Hermione Wood, and in an exclusive interview with Mr. Wood, he brings a darker and more shocking aspect to the separation. Harry Potter, the darling of our world, due to petty spite and jealousy, purposely and willfully orchestrated the demise of this marriage. Mr. Wood's and Mr. Potter's friendship went as far back as their days at Hogwarts, where they were both in the same house and Mr. Potter astonishingly made Seeker his first year. “Nobody had any confidence in him,” said Oliver Wood, “I mean, who would, he was just a first year. He never even heard of the sport. But as team Captain, I took it upon myself to teach him everything I knew.” And under his tutelage, he turned out to be a spectacular player. Many of you can recall the many offers he had received from various teams to play for him upon his graduation from Hogwarts. Mr. Potter, of course, turned them all down in order to become an Auror. But his friendship with Mr. Wood remained strong, even after Mr. Wood left Hogwarts. “I invited him to our clubhouse after one game, he and the group of friends he was with.” It was on the fateful encounter that Oliver met the love of his life, the pretty muggleborn Hermione Granger. As we all know, Hermione is notorious for attracting Quidditch players and has been romantically linked to the famous Viktor Krum, as well as the Gryffindor seeker at the time, Harry Potter. “The moment we met, ah, it was like being hit with a ton of bricks. I was madly in love with her and she was instantly attracted to me,” Oliver fondly recalled. Mr. Potter of course was not very happy about this. “I remember him interrupting our conversation a lot, that day. His reception was very cold toward me.” Oliver and Hermione kept correspondence the rest of the summer and well into her last year at Hogwarts. “Our relationship was growing, it had a lot of potential.” Blossoming into what could've been a whirlwind romance had a certain party not stepped in to intervene. Using his fame, Harry Potter convinced Hermione Granger to leave Oliver. “Draco and I would run into them all over Hogwarts. For being Head Boy and Girl, they sure did bend a lot of rules, if you know what I mean,” Pansy Parkinson, a school friend of the couple, said. Draco Malfoy could not be reached for a comment. “I can't blame her really,” Oliver says with a heavy heart. “I mean, who could compete with him? He's the Boy-Who-Lived.” And so, Hermione Granger was coerced out of a potentially wonderful relationship with Oliver Wood, into the tumultuous one with Harry Potter. This reporter has written many, many accounts of their rocky relationship. See pages four through six for some highlights. Since I knew them so well, I knew it would not last and it didn't, leading to their very public breakup. Although the particulars surrounding this event are very guarded, some people are now stepping forward. “I heard he tired of her,” a witch who remains to be anonymous said. It was inevitable, of course. We all know Mr. Potter's notorious reputation with the ladies, for a recap of some of the stories, read my article on pages seven and eight. Poor Ms. Granger was devastated with a broken heart. A broken heart that only Oliver Wood could mend. They met up again a few years ago, a chance meeting in the street. “It was still there, that spark that we had,” Oliver fondly recalled. Hermione found some peace and happiness in her life with Oliver and they were married a year later. But even then, dark clouds were on the horizon, clouds in the form of Harry Potter. “Harry was insane with jealousy that Hermione chose me over him. He never got over the fact that she loved me, not him. That I was better than him,” Oliver said. “On the night before our wedding, he wrote a letter to my fiancé, asking her not to marry me and to wait for him. He was actually flying over to the States to stop the wedding!!” Oliver and Hermione were furious and moved up the wedding to avoid any unpleasantness. And it worked! The happy couple wed on New Years Eve, for pictures of this event see page nine. But, the nuptial bliss was once again interrupted by the jealous Harry Potter. In a stunning turn of events, Rachel McKinnon, the witch that allegedly broke up the happy couple, has stepped forward with her side of the story. And what she has to say is shocking. “I was approached some time ago by Harry Potter,” she recalls. “He offered me an undisclosed amount of money to seduce and start an affair with Oliver Wood. How could I not resist? It was a large some of money and for crying out loud…he's Harry Potter! It's something I'm not proud of and I sincerely regret. I feel so used by him.” She says that he set up the whole thing, told her what to do and where to go with him. He set it up so Mrs. Hermione Wood would catch him in the act at a certain hotel. He did it all so she would leave her husband and go back to him. Unfortunately, Hermione did fall for this awful plot. She did leave her husband and return to London, where she recently has been seen in the company of Mr. Potter. But Oliver returned to London as well. “I'm not going to give up,” he told me. “I love my wife, very much. We're both reconciling our marriage. She and I are tired of this manipulation by Mr. Potter.” It is important to note that it is reported that, *coincidentally*, Mr. Potter has taken up with the stunning Ms. Cho Chang, the Wood's lawyer. But Oliver has high hopes. “We'll make it through this. We love each other very much.” ~*~ Luna and Ron read the article, stunned with mouths open, gaping like fish. Arthur ran to get Molly some tea to settle her down after reading it. Sirius and Victoria ran into Harry's room. “Harry! Harry wake up!” Sirius shook his godson. “What? What's the matter?” Harry quickly sat up, grabbing his glasses on the nightstand. “Read it! Read it!” Sirius thrust the paper at Harry. Harry read the article, his rage and anger growing at every sentence. He tossed the paper aside and got out of bed. “Harry, you're not going to see Oliver are you?” Victoria asked with worry and concern over her face. “No, I've got to see Hermione,” he answered, pulling on a pair of jeans. “Harry, do you think that's wise?” Sirius asked. “I have to see her,” Harry looked up at him, determination on his face. ~*~ Harry didn't know what to expect when he got to the Granger's house. They didn't get the Daily Prophet, but Hermione did. He knocked hesitantly on the door, his heart pounding. The reception he received was not at all what he expected. “Oh, good morning, Harry!” Hermione's mother said brightly when she opened the door. Smiling she let him into the house. The smell of eggs, bacon and toast hit his nostrils, warming him. “Morning, Harry!” Hermione's father sat at the table with a muggle newspaper, he rose to greet Harry, shaking his hand. “I knew you'd be here this morning, but not this early.” Harry was stunned momentarily but recovered quickly. “Uh, good morning. Is…Hermione up?” he asked timidly. “No, she hasn't come down, yet. Did you want to go and get her?” Jane motioned upstairs. “Tell her that breakfast is ready.” Heart pounding, Harry climbed the stairs and to Hermione's old bedroom. He cautiously opened the bedroom door. Hermione was awake, standing by her bedroom window reading the Daily Prophet. She looked up at Harry as he walked into the room, closing the door behind him. The anger in her face was clearly visible. “Before you say anything,” Harry said quickly, hoping to cut off Hermione, “that article is a load of rubbish. Please believe me, I…” But he was cut off when Hermione quickly approached him, silencing him with a deep kiss. Harry was speechless. “Do you really think I'd believe that wretched beetle and my adulterous ex-husband over the man I love?” she asked when she broke the kiss. Harry sighed with relief. “Oooh, but she has gone too far. Too far!! I'm going to get her for this.” Hermione's anger was back and she paced back and forth muttering curses under her breath. “Is it true?” Harry asked. Hermione stopped her pacing and looked up at him. “Huh?” “Did you divorce him?” he asked her, slowly approaching her. “Well…yes,” she answered, “but I changed my mind.” Harry's happiness evaporated. “I want an annulment. I want to forget I was ever married to that selfish, cheating, low life…” It was her turn to be cut off by Harry's passionate kiss. Hermione groaned with disapproval when his lips left hers. “Hermione…uh,” Harry was distracted by her lips on his neck, “breakfast...Your parents sent me up here…for breakfast, no! To tell you that breakfast was ready.” Hermione's lips were back on his and she was teasing him through his clothes. “Breakfast can wait,” she said coyly, leading him back to her bed. “Hermione! You're parents!” he whispered as he settled over her, lightly kissing her neck, his hands caressing her. “We can be quick,” she whispered, reaching for her wand and casting a silencing spell over the room. ~*~ Rita and Oliver expected they would get lots and lots of owls over this article. What they didn't expect was instead of letters, they got Howlers. Apparently, there were a lot of Harry and Hermione romantics out there. “HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO THEM!!!” “I DON'T BELIEVE ONE WORD OF THIS RUBBISH!!” “WHY CAN'T YOU LET THEM BE? THEY BELONG TOGETHER!!” Sirius didn't see a lot of his godson over the next week. Harry stopped by once in awhile to pick up some clothes, drop off the dirty ones and pick up his mail. Sirius didn't really mind, he had a good idea of where Harry was spending his nights. Harry and Hermione didn't go out that much, spending most evenings at her flat, making dinner and watching movies. And of course, doing a lot of catching up in the bedroom. Harry and Hermione were the happiest they'd ever been in a long time. One afternoon, Hermione went to Headquarters to surprise Harry for lunch. “What are you doing here?” Harry asked when she walked into this office, a huge smile on his face. “Have you had lunch yet?” she asked. Harry wrapped her in a hug. “What kind of lunch are we talking about?” he asked, a smirk on his face. Whatever romantic interlude was diverted when Harry's door burst open, and his co-workers, led by Neville entered his office. Chinese fireworks went of with loud bangs and miniature Chinese dragons flew through the air. “Congratulations Harry!!” “We've just found out!!” “Head of the Auror department in Hong Kong! Wow!” Hermione moved away from Harry and looked at him. “You're moving to Hong Kong?” Harry had a guilty look on his face. “When where you going to tell me?” her voice rose. She stormed out of his office, Harry followed her. “Hermione, I can explain,” Harry pleaded as she reached the lifts, walking into one of them. “Don't bother!” she called out, closing the door in his face. ~*~ She was sitting in a park bench when a familiar person sat next to her. “He hasn't taken it yet, just thought you should know.” “Why?” she asked. “I don't know. He's probably waiting,” Neville answered. “Waiting for what?” “I'm not really sure but I can guess,” he said pointedly at her. Hermione sighed and looked away. “You annihilated him, Hermione,” Neville said quietly. “I've never known two people who loved each other so intensely as you two. I've also never known two people who could wound each other so much.” “I love him, Neville. I really do,” Hermione whispered. “I believe you. I know you loved him all along. But I really think you two need to step back and make sure this is really going to work, to see if this is really what you want. I don't want to see you destroy each other again. You're not the only one who needs a second chance.” Hermione sighed. “He's worked so hard for something like this.” “Yeah, I know.” “Am I really holding him back?” she asked. “He told Kingsley he wouldn't give him an answer until he finished the DeMarco case.” They chatted a little more until Neville left her to her thoughts. She sat there for nearly two hours, thinking back on her life. The mistakes she made, the decisions, her life with Harry and Oliver. In the end she decided that she had had enough of being selfish. She would help her best friend, the man she loved, make the best decision for *him**self*. ~*~ “Is Antonio in?” she asked his receptionist when she arrived at the casino. “No, he's not expected until later today.” “Oh, well, I he told me I could pick up my coat that I had left here. It's in his office, I'll only be a moment.” Hermione walked into the office before she could protest. Hermione leaned against the closed doors, taking a deep breath to calm herself before she set about to do her task. “Sneaking in are we Granger? Tsk, tsk,” a silky voice spoke out. Hermione wasn't alone in the room. --> 22. A Bad Feeling ----------------- **A/N:** Go ahead, hate me. I deserve it. I had written this chapter, then lost it (long story) so I had to rewrite it. It's split into two chapters otherwise it would've been super long. There's a Draco and Hermione reunion in this one for the fans of Fear and Loathing. I apologize for the very long awaited update. **Chapter Twenty-two:** A Bad Feeling *Rescue me Oh take me in your arms Rescue m**e I want your tender charms 'Cause* *I'm lonely and I'm blue I need you and your love too Come on and rescue me Come on baby and rescue me Come on baby and rescue me* *'Cause* *I need you, by my side Can't you see that I'm lonely Rescue me* *(Rescue Me—Aretha Franklin)* At first, Harry wasn't worried about Hermione. She was just angry and she needed her space to think things through. When he hadn't heard from her in two days, tiny alarm bells went off in his head. He called Luna to ask if she had been into work and Luna said that Hermione told her she would be on assignment for a few days. Although the explanation was plausible, Harry couldn't shake this feeling that he had. Two more days passed without word and Harry really began to worry. Luna called him at his office saying that Hermione didn't show for the morning meeting and that she should've been back by this time. At this news, Harry was near panic, he was just about to leave his office for Hermione's flat when the most unlikely visitor walked in. “What is Oliver doing here?” Harry didn't bother hiding the surprise in his voice. Neville turned and looked at Harry. Oliver was sitting at one of the aurors desks apparently deep in discussion. “I was going to get you. He's here to file a missing persons report,” Neville said quietly. “Hermione?” Harry asked and Neville shrugged. Harry didn't bother with formalities when he walked over to the desk, he just interrupted. “Have you seen Hermione lately?” he asked Oliver directly. Oliver looked up at Harry, his face a mixture of surprise and anger. “Since you are the one shagging my wife, I figured you would've kept tabs on her. Apparently not, did she leave you again?” Oliver's tone was biting and it took all the self control Harry had not to throw Oliver against the wall. “Luna called and said she missed a meeting this morning at the paper,” Harry said with control. Oliver looked away and sighed, he rubbed his hand across his mouth, his rough hands making contact with a five o'clock shadow. “She missed a meeting today with our lawyers.” “That's it, I'm checking her flat.” He looked at the auror who was taking the report. “Any news on this and I want it reported directly to me, understand?” “Yes sir,” the auror replied. Oliver got up from his chair and followed Harry. “I'm coming with you.” ~*~ “A little left…Stop! Okay, now back up a bit…no, the other way! Back me up! You move forward!” “Well you said back up!” “I meant to move so I could back up!” ”Whatever!” Hermione whispered in a huff. “Okay…stop!” Draco whispered. Hermione and Draco were sitting back to back in chairs, a rope binding the two of them together. There were in the middle of a large drawing room and had managed to scoot themselves over to a large desk that was off to the side. They had managed to look through some of the drawers and were in the process of looking in the last one. Draco lifted his foot, hooking it underneath the drawer pull and pulled the drawer open. “Anything?” Hermione asked. “Fuck! Just a bunch of papers and envelopes. Any other bright ideas, Granger?” Draco sighed. “Wood!” Hermione corrected him. “Wood, Granger, Mrs. I-Wish-It-Was-Potter, it's all the same.” “God! You are such a jerk!!” “I just call it as I see it.” Hermione huffed and scanned the room again. She had had enough of him the past few days. The console table on the other side caught her eye. There was a globe resting on it and next to it was a silver object. Muggles usually had these in their homes. A map of the world, labeled in tiny print so people usually had magnifying glasses resting next to them. “Malfoy, let's move over to that table,” she ordered. “All the way over there?” Draco whined. “Do you have any other ideas?” she hissed. Half an hour later, they managed to reach the table and sure enough, there was a magnifying glass. Even more lucky for them, the globe and the glass were resting on a runner. They maneuvered to one of the table and Hermione very carefully and very slowly began to tug on the runner. “Easy Granger…careful…careful,” Draco didn't dare move a muscle, a nervous sweat began to bead on his forehead. Hermione concentrated on her task, the magnifying glass slowly making its way toward her. “Ready, Malfoy?” she asked. “Don't drop it.” Draco flexed his hand as the glass neared the edge of the table. Slowly, slowly, gravity began to pull it over and it landed in a soft thud in his hand. “Did you catch it?” Hermione asked. “Of course I did!” “Good, now we need to move back over to the window.” The window she was speaking of was, again, on the other side of the room, streaming the afternoon sunlight into the room. They had reached it, with careful maneuvering, in fifteen minutes. “What are you doing?” Draco asked as Hermione took the glass from him. “It's a muggle trick,” Hermione explained and Draco let out a huff, mumbling under his breath. Hermione did the best she could with her limited peripheral sight to angle the magnifying glass to the sun. She waited. “Ow!” Draco hissed. “Something's burning my hand!” “Oh, sorry! I'm doing the best I can,” Hermione said, adjusting the glass. “Great,” Draco said sarcastically, “that's just great.” Hermione waited again. “Hey, do you smell smoke?” Draco asked. “If I did this right,” Hermione explained, “the rope should be burning.” A few moments later, Hermione heard the crackle of a flame then Draco tugged his bound hand releasing it. Hermione followed suit and soon they were both free from their binds. Draco picked up the magnifying glass and examined it. “I'm surprised you didn't know about that,” Hermione said, watching him. “Muggles use it to torture ants.” ~*~ “Hermione?” Harry called out as he entered her flat. Crookshanks greeted him, meowing loudly, and rubbing against his legs. He went to the kitchen to open a can of catfood for him. Oliver went over to her desk, thumbing through the stack of mail she had received. There were no signs of attack in the apartment, it was neat and clean just as Hermione had left it. Harry walked over to her answering machine and hit the play button to listen to her messages. There were only two, both of them from her mother. “She wasn't at her parents'?” Harry asked Oliver. “No,” he answered. Harry frowned then proceeded to check out the rest of the flat, walking into her bedroom next. At first, Harry was overcome with awkwardness when he realized some of his clothes were in here. He could feel Oliver's eyes burning in the back of his head but he was quickly distracted when an object in the room caught his attention. A jewelry box. Harry quickly walked over to it. “What's that?” Oliver asked. “The jewelry box she used to keep while she was at Hogwarts,” Harry carefully rifled through the contents, then suddenly, it hit him and he looked up sharply. “Go back to headquarters and finish your report,” he told Oliver. “Why, what's going on?” He asked Harry who walked quickly to her fireplace. Harry grabbed a handful of floo powder then flooed himself to his own flat. “Harry!” yelled out a startled Sirius. “What's going on? Luna and Ron just flood panicking about Hermione. Ginny is in hysterics!” “Ron flooed?” Harry asked. “Yes, he's at the Burrow with Luna.” Harry grabbed a pinch of floo powder, tossed it into the fireplace. “Ron!” he called out. He was facing the table in the kitchen at the burrow and he could hear footsteps running towards the fireplace. Ron ran into view, skidding to a halt then dropping to his knees to face Harry. “Did you find her?” he asked breathlessly. “No but I need you to do something for me. Do you remember those watches Hermione gave us in our final year?” he asked. Ron didn't need telling twice, he ran up to his room. Harry pulled his head out of the fireplace and ran into his own room. Sirius followed him. “Hermione is missing,” Harry said as he heaved the trunk from his closet. “I'm not sure how many days she's been gone because she told Luna she was on assignment.” He rummaged through his old school things. “Is she okay? Is she alive?” Sirius asked. Harry let out a sound of triumph when he found what he was looking for then looked up at his godfather. “Whoever took her better make sure she's damn fine.” He pressed a button on his watch. “God I love that she's smart,” he said. “The Milanio.” Time was of the essence. Harry took the watch from Ron, made a quick stop at Hogwarts to call in a favor then headed back to Headquarters. “Neville!” he said when he saw his fellow auror. He tossed the extra watch to him. “Put that on, we're going to the Milanio.” ~*~ Never in a million years did Draco Malfoy think she would be in this situation with Hermione Granger of all people. After the resurrection of Lord Voldemort in his fourth year, he was expected to follow in his father's footsteps and become a Death Eater. Something that he really wasn't interested in. The Malfoy's were known for their cunning and ambitiousness, associating themselves with those that were more powerful and could give them the connections they needed. His father chose to associate himself with Lord Voldemort, Draco was more ambitious and chose to make his own fortune. After the defeat of the Dark Lord, Lucius was tossed into Azkaban and later given the kiss. The Malfoy fortune went into ruin…his father's fortune that is. Draco had seen this coming and during a family trip before his sixth year had a fateful meeting with a powerful wizard…Antonio DeMarco. Antonio was a very rich wizard, his fortunes mostly coming from his casinos and shady business deals. The way he ran his business and accumulated his fortune was one tale of wizard mob tactics after another. How could Draco not resist that? And as soon as he came of age and got his greedy little hands on his trust fund, Draco emptied it and poured it into his new obsession. Unbeknownst to her father of course, he had already lost his son to another. Draco rose quickly in the ranks, just as cold and ruthless as his mentor and idol. It was inevitable, as what happens with all pupils that you one day wake up and discover that you are in fact better and smarter than the teacher. And Draco was very smart indeed. He possessed a truly snakelike trait…patience. Like a snake, coiled, paused, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The moment soon came. DeMarco wanted to expand his casino business further North, and Draco was the perfect one to oversee casino construction in London. And he did the job well, a little too well, for Draco was making some powerful connections of his own in London, as well as other areas in Europe untouched by DeMarco. Draco had a plan already in formation on the take over of the casino, and a couple of other health prospects of DeMarco's. Unfortunately, Antonio must have caught wind of this and immediately set forth to London to make it clear, once and for all, that HE was in charge of this business. Quickly taking over the Milanio, Draco's plans were temporarily on hold, waiting again for the perfect moment. It was by sheer accident that Draco discovered his boss' unhealthy obsession with the Dark Arts and an even more unhealthy fixation of Lord Voldemort. That was why he was so keen on accepting Draco Malfoy into his business, the son of an infamous Death Eater, right hand man of Lord Voldemort himself. Draco was like another collectible to add to his fetish. Draco's future seemed even brighter when Voldemort's Biggest Fan was in the land of Saint Potter, hound dog of the Dark Arts. A plan formed in Draco's mind. A plan to wave red flags in front of Potter, having him do the dirty work of getting rid of DeMarco and letting him slide easily into his place. Bait…all he needed was bait. Potter came sniffing around at the first signs of Dark Magic but DeMarco had managed to steer him away (or so it seemed), and Draco needed something bigger to grab Potter's attention. DeMarco had many vices, but none of them were as notorious as his one for women. Easily falling in love with the bat of an eyelash and he was sent swooning, sparing no expense and eliminating the competition until he won the object of his affection. Then he quickly lost interest and dumped them, moving on to the next conquest. So imagine Draco's delight, and disgust, when DeMarco fell for of all people, Hermione Granger (sorry, Wood), Potter's little mudblood. It was all he needed to set Potter on DeMarco like a pit bull. All Draco had to do was give him a little nudge by telling him to back off. However, things went downhill from there. DeMarco quickly backed off when he learned of Granger's and Potter's torrid past and that any connection to her would keep Potter sniffing around. He had almost lost hope until Granger walked in, actually she broke into, DeMarco's office. Never one to waste an opportunity when he saw one, he told her everything. He was about to take her to DeMarco's mansion outside of London when he soon realized he was not alone in the room. “Well, well, well, Mrs. Wood, it has been a long time, hasn't it?” Dolohov appeared out of nowhere, a folded invisibility cloak in his arms. And now, here he was in this strange room, in a strange house, with the person he never expected to be in this situation with. Hermione was about to reach for the doorknob when Draco yanked her hand back. “Perimeter charm,” he muttered at her questioning look. “You can feel it,” he hovered his hand in front of the door. Hermione followed suit and yes, she too could feel the slight vibration of the charm around the door. “Well there's got to be another way out of this room,” she said as she took a look around. She walked over to a bookshelf and examined the books there, pulling random ones out hoping to trigger some sort of mechanism that would open a secret door. She wasn't having any luck. “You could help, you know,” she shot at Draco who was staring at the large window in the room. “Maybe we need to set off the charm,” he said quietly. Hermione looked at him. ~*~ Easily stunning the secretary, Harry and Neville searched DeMarco's office. Harry was hoping to find the office in a mess, signs of a struggle everywhere, chairs overturned, tables broken. But unfortunately, the office was in pristine condition, just as DeMarco had left it. “I don't believe this, there's nothing. Are you sure she's here?” Neville asked. Harry looked down at his watch, she was supposed to be here, right here in this office. He sighed and got down on all fours, searching the floor closely. “Damn it,” he muttered, reaching under the large desk, drawing out Hermione's watch. “Well, you were right,” Neville muttered, “she was here.” Just then, the doors burst open and robed figures poured into the room. Harry was momentarily stunned at the sight he hadn't seen in a few years, but it was enough time for the Death Eaters to disarm him and Neville. “Well, well, isn't this a surprise,” DeMarco chided the aurors as he stepped into the room, “and highly illegal as well. I believe you have no right to be here.” “Where is she?” Harry demanded as he and Neville struggled against capture by the Death Eaters. “Oh, don't worry. You'll be reunited with her soon. In fact, we're all going to have a nice little reunion, aren't we?” DeMarco laughed and the Death Eaters joined in. “If you hurt her in any way,” Neville struggled in the Death Eater's grasp. DeMarco swooped on him. “Play nice, Potter and you'll be reunited soon,” he snarled. “Stop it! Just do everything he says,” Harry told Neville, giving him a meaningful look. “Let's go!” DeMarco barked out, leading the group out of his office. ~*~ “Malfoy, I don't think this is such a good idea,” Hermione's voice was quiet. “Shut up and just be ready,” he said sharply. He picked up one of the chairs and tossed it at the window, shattering it and setting off a high pitched alarm. Draco and Hermione scrambled through the window and onto a narrow ledge. Hermione's stomach flipped dangerously as she looked down at the ground far below her. She hated heights. “Come on, move!” Draco hissed. On shaky arms and legs, Hermione carefully lowered herself off the ledge, praying that her fingers would hold her as she dangled just under the window just as the door opened. Two Death Eaters walked into the room. “Find them,” one of them said to the other. Draco and Hermione swayed gently as a strong gust of wind blew. The sky was graying and they could hear a distant rumble of thunder as the Death Eaters searched the room. Hermione's arms were burning and she didn't know how much longer she could hold. Finally, one of the Death Eaters looked out of the window. Suddenly, Draco reached up and grabbed him, tossing him out the window to his death below. He dodged a stunning spell as he scrambled into the room, tackling the other Death Eater to the ground. Hermione lifted herself back on the ledge and into the room as Draco struggled with the remaining Death Eater. She ran over to them, pinning the Death Eaters arm with her foot and yanking his wand out of his hand. “Stupefy!” she cried as Draco ducked out of the way. The Death Eater fell still. “Are you alright?” she asked Draco. “Yeah, I'm fine,” he said, wiping a little blood from his lips. He walked over to the fallen Death Eater and began to tug at his robes. “What are you doing?” Hermione asked. “Summon the robes from the guy below,” he told her then looked up at her. “We're getting the fuck out of here.” Disguised as Death Eaters, they walked out of the room into a corridor. Looking over the banister they could see the large foyer below them. “Come on,” Draco whispered, heading toward the stairs. As they descended, silence filled the house. “Where are we?” Hermione whispered. “DeMarco's mansion.” Voices suddenly filled the room and Draco and Hermione quickly hid in a dark corner. At the end of the room was a large fireplace, the back of which disappeared with the grinding sound of stone against stone. A group of Death Eaters walked out of it and the two in disguise waited silently for them to pass. Draco stepped out of the shadows, followed by Hermione, he gave her a glance then headed toward the fireplace. “Did you know about this?” she whispered. Draco nodded, “No and I'm not going to stay and find out where it leads.” He turned to leave but the same group of Death Eaters walked back into the room. They were accompanied by more Death Eaters and DeMarco leading the front. A small and barely audible gasp came from Hermione when she saw that they had Harry and Neville bound and captive. Draco's mouth had gone a bit dry and he found it hard to swallow the lump of fear that had developed in his mouth. He had a bad feeling about this. “Open the passageway!” DeMarco barked at them. Draco's bad feeling suddenly worsened. --> 23. Second Chances ------------------ **A/N:** Here it is! The final chapter! **Chapter 23:** Second Chances Harry watched as the two Death Eaters just stood there dumbly at DeMarco's command. The Death Eater next to him tilted his head to the side just a bit and clicked his tongue softly as if in thought. Suddenly he moved forward. “Don't just stand there gaping like idiots!” he said in a threatening voice Harry immediately recognized as Dolohov's. Unease filled him suddenly. Dolohov stepped in front of the two dumb Death Eaters and tapped on a brick in the back of the giant fireplace. The grinding sound of stone against stone filled the air as the back of the fireplace moved, revealing a stone stairwell that spiraled down. “Move!” DeMarco said roughly, shoving both Neville and him forward. The stone stairwell was lit with torch lights that cast their strange shadows against the wall as the group made their descent. A stale and cold smell that comes from places buried in deep below ground filled Harry's nostrils almost making him want to sneeze. Their descent finally ended and they spilled out into a large chamber. It, too, was made of stone, its floor the packed earth and lit by torches all around the room. Harry inhaled sharply as he gazed at one end of the room. A large carving of the dark mark decorated the wall, in front of it was a small stone table, an altar of some sort. In the middle of the room was an even larger table, long and rectangular, a set of robes rested on it, clothing that Harry immediately recognized. Something clicked in his head and he began to struggle. “Get him ready!” DeMarco ordered as he strode to the altar, setting a large cauldron on top of it. A couple of Death Eaters grabbed Neville and as he struggled, tied him to an upright stone slab, his arms pinned to his sides. “Stop struggling!” Harry shouted to his friend. “Just do everything they tell you.” He gave him a pointed look. It took all of Hermione's will not to scream in terror when she saw the Dark Mark on the wall and all her willpower not to help Harry as he was tied to a slab of stone. Draco moved closer to her, sensing her unease. “Bring the prisoners,” DeMarco barked out. “No need,” Dolohov said passively nodding at a couple of Death Eaters. Hermione and Draco let out shouts of protest as they were seized from behind, pinned so they couldn't move, they were unmasked. “Let her go!” Harry shouted out, struggling against his binds. Neville made a motion to dart forward but stopped himself. Hermione felt his eyes burning into her. “You're going to pay for this!” Draco snarled. DeMarco sighed. “I should've known better, Draco. After all, you have a reputation of turning against your fathers.” “You are NOT my father!” “I TREATED YOU LIKE A SON!!” DeMarco shouted, his voice echoing off the stone walls until it faded. Hermione placed a hand on Draco's arm, a look that asked him not to say anything. The water in the cauldron bubbled softly, the only sound in the room for a moment. Harry watched as DeMarco reached under the tabled and drew out a large thick book covered in a thick layer of dust. He opened it and looked out to his audience. “The day we have been waiting for has arrived. Tonight, our master shall rejoin us! We will bring him back from the land of the dead and he shall reward us!” “Hail the Dark One!” the Death Eaters chanted. “Hail Lord Voldemort!” “Stop this! This is crazy!” Neville pleaded. The Death Eaters began to chant, a steady drone of words that Harry couldn't understand, repeated over and over. “Bring forth his body!” DeMarco ordered over the steady drone. Dolohov stepped forward, a pillow held in front of him with an object shrouded in black velvet. It was reverently placed on the altar as DeMarco lifted the shroud revealing a human-like skull. DeMarco carefully lifted it then walked around the altar and stood before the long table. He raised the skull triumphantly over his head. “Hail the Dark One! Hail Lord Voldemort!” The Death Eaters shouted as one then resumed their chanting. DeMarco carefully placed the skull on the table at the head of the robes. “Why do this DeMarco?” Harry shouted. “He won't reward you like you think!” DeMarco ignored him as he began to pour potions into the cauldron. “Next, the sacrifice of a faithful servant,” he chanted aloud. Another Death Eater stepped forward holding another pillow, on top of this was a jar. Hermione stifled a scream when she realized that it was a human heart…still beating. The Death Eater offered the jar to DeMarco who held it high above his head. “Hail the Dark One! Hail Lord Voldemort!” DeMarco opened the jar and dumped the heart into the cauldron. The Death Eater that gave the heart to DeMarco clutched his hands to his chest and let out a scream of agony before dropping dead to the floor, his body rolled to a stop at Hermione's feet. She screamed and jumped back, clinging to Draco who held her up so she wouldn't faint to the floor. “Flesh…of a traitor,” DeMarco said slowly and quietly, looking directly at Draco. “What? No!” Draco looked up, startled. Harry watched as Draco fought valiantly against the Death Eaters that surrounded him. He heard Hermione's pleas as they tore him away from her. She struggled against her captors screaming No!! Harry managed to break free from the Death Eaters that held him and pelted across the room. He tackled a few Death Eaters, knocking them down and freeing Draco. But more Death Eaters flew into the melee, Harry was pinned to the floor, half a dozen Death Eaters held him down so he couldn't move, hell, he could barely breath. Draco fought against capture again but was soon overtaken as well. “No!” he screamed over and over as he was dragged, kicking and screaming to the altar. “Stop it! Stop it!” Hermione screamed over and over. She was going to be sick, she just wanted to shut her eyes to what was about to happen. “Don't do it DeMarco!” Neville shouted. He was pinned to the floor, unable to move by the Death Eaters that held him there. “I swear to you I will make you pay!” “No! No!” Draco struggled as he reached the altar. He was forced over, bent at the waist he head slammed against the cold hard stone of the table. “You're dead, DeMarco! Do you hear me? You're dead! You're fucking dead!” He was pinned down and before realization dawned on him, he left arm was held out. “Don't do it!” Harry yelled out. “Stop it! Please!” Hermione cried. “DeMarco, I'm warning you!” Neville threatened again. Draco screamed in terror when DeMarco brought out a small axe. He raised it above his head and Hermione shut her eyes just as he brought it down. She heard the thud as it hit the table, the high pitched scream from Draco. “Oh my God. Oh my God,” Neville said over and over. Harry remained tied to the slab but vomited over himself. Hermione opened her eyes as a whimpering Draco was thrust at her. The Death Eaters let her go and she caught him as they tumbled to the ground. “You fucking bastard!!” Hermione shouted at DeMarco. “Hail the Dark one! Hail Lord Voldemort!” Hermione turned Draco's head away from him but she couldn't block out the unmistakable plop as his hand was dropped into the cauldron. Hermione forced herself to look at his wound. His left hand was gone, the wound cauterized but still tender and smelt faintly of burnt flesh. Draco whimpered and whispered threats under his breath as Hermione held and rocked him. “You unforgiving bastard!” Hermione spat at DeMarco. Harry felt like he was going to be sick. What was he going to do with them all? His stomach churned with terror at the thought of what DeMarco might have in store for his beloved Hermione. “Blood…of the one from whose hands you fell,” DeMarco said reverently. Thunder rumbled overhead. A scene familiar to Harry unfolded in front of him as he watched a Death Eater approach Neville. Hermione screamed out in protest as a small dagger pierced his arm, the flow of blood that emptied into a small vial. A smile broke out on Harry's face as the consequences of what happened took hold of him. DeMarco took the vial and held it above him. “Hail the Dark One! Hail Lord Voldemort!” Hermione watched helplessly as the vial was emptied into the cauldron. Nobody moved, breathed or did anything. A small chuckling sound filled the air and Hermione looked to its source. “Neville!” she hissed. “Neville be quiet!” She moaned, terrified at the consequences of her friend's disobedience. The cauldron bubbled furiously as sparks flew out of it. The torches flickered even though there was no breeze. Then Hermione felt it, it felt like the air was moving but there was no wind. The sense that something was stirring in the room. The cauldron rose from the table, it was a vacuum to whatever presence there was in the room, sucking it into itself. There was a loud whooshing sound, another loud clap of thunder and then a blinding flash. The cauldron disappeared. In its place, a small glass vial appeared, inside was a black liquid, floating gently to rest on the altar. Neville was still chuckling, escalating to near hysterical laughter. DeMarco paid no heed, his attention now on the vial. He carefully picked it up then stepped down to the long rectangular table. He uncapped it as thunder boomed even louder overhead. A few of the Death Eaters looked at one another nervously, now questioning whether this was a good idea or not. Hermione held her breath as he poured the limited volume over the skull, thunder again boomed loudly overhead. Then nothing but complete silence. Everyone waited with baited breath. Hermione's heart was pounding in her chest and she wouldn't have been surprised if everyone in the room could hear it. Even Neville stopped his maniacal laughter. Another loud boom of thunder made everyone jump. Draco nudged Hermione and she looked down at him. Barely visible and sticking out of his robes, Hermione could see the wand they stole earlier. He gave her a meaningful look and she very slowly slid her hand into his robes. Harry was just about to let out a shout of triumph when the ground quietly began to rumble, thunder boomed overhead louder and more frequent. “Look!” one of the Death Eaters exclaimed. A green glow came from the skull as it rotated on its own face up, the bones of the neck and spine began to grow from it. They grew like vines, branching from the neck bones came the clavicle, the shoulders, the sternum, the ribs. From the shoulders came the humerus and ulna, the arms were forming. “He did it,” Dolohov said softly. “The son of a bitch did it.” The spinal column finished forming, the pelvis materialized then the femurs. “Oh fuck it worked,” Harry whispered, he was not at all amazed. He watched as his enemy he defeated long ago and with great sacrifice begin to materialize in front of him. The skeleton was complete. DeMarco was about to let out a sound of triumph when the rumbling suddenly stopped. Silence filled the room again. Then there was a gust of wind, strong that gusted around the room making everyone's robes flap. It picked up the dirt in the floor whipping it in everyone's faces, stinging them as they shut their eyes. “No! No!” DeMarco shouted. Hermione opened her eyes to slits and looked at DeMarco. He was looking at the skeleton. It began to turn black then crumble like dust. The entire skeleton began to disintegrate, the wind blowing it around the room. And just as suddenly as it began, the wind stopped. The table was bare. No robes, no skeleton, no potion. Nothing. Neville began to laugh again. DeMarco was furious and shoved the Death Eaters that held Neville to the ground. He yanked the auror to his feet. “STOP LAUGHING!!” he screamed into his face. Neville smiled. “It didn't work, did it?” he taunted. “Don't push him, Neville!” Hermione pleaded. “I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT! IT SHOULD'VE WORKED! IT SHOULD'VE WORKED!” DeMarco's face was red as he screamed at Neville who continued to laugh. Slowly Neville's hair began to grow and turn dark, his face lengthening a little, the thin line of a scar appeared on his forehead and his eyes turned to a shade of emerald green. Hermione gasped as Neville turned into Harry and Harry turned into Neville. Before heading out to find Hermione, Harry stopped by Hogwarts to ask a favor from an old professor. He asked Snape if he could brew a Polyjuice potion that would last longer than normal. Before reaching the Milannio, Harry and Neville drank it, each turning into the other. The potion lasted throughout most of their capture as Harry had hoped. When DeMarco took the blood from whom he thought was Harry, it messed up the potion, making it incomplete, thereby keeping Lord Voldemort from rising again. “Accio wand!” Harry shouted, taking advantage of everyone's surprise. His wand flew out from DeMarco's robes and into Harry's waiting hand. “Stupefy!” Hermione snatched the wand from Draco and struck down Dolohov who tried to strike Harry. Draco took advantage of the distraction and with his remaining hand, seized the wand out of the Death Eater's hands who stood next to him. He covered Hermione as she quickly freed Neville from his binds. The three of them ducked behind the stone altar, Harry joined them shortly. “Didn't your mother teach you to let people know where you're at at all times?” Harry scolded lightly to Hermione. Hermione ducked as a wand blast hit above her. “Glad to know that you're actually putting one of my gifts to good use.” She motioned to the watch on Harry's wrist. “Sorry to break up this happy reunion but we've got about thirty Death Eaters between us and that lovely exit,” Draco shouted. Just then, a loud explosion was heard followed by more wand blasts. “DROP YOUR WANDS!!” A familiar voice boomed aloud. Harry, Hermione, Draco and Neville all peeked over the altar. The Death Eaters had dropped their wands and held their hands over their heads. Fifty aurors filled the room, along with Albus Dumbledore and other members of the Order. Ron Weasley stood in front. “Why do I always have to be the one to save your arse,” he sighed then grinned at Harry. ~*~ ~*~ *Three* *Month**s* *Later…* “This is the final reminder. Floo number Twenty-eight for Hong Kong will be closing in ten minutes. Floo number Twenty-eight will be closing in ten minutes.” I sigh and pick up my heavy bag, starting what I have been putting off. I've already said my goodbyes to the staff at Hogwarts, Hagrid was inconsolable. Poor guy. I stand and walk to Kingsley and a few other aurors that made the trip here. “Good luck, Harry. Keep in touch,” he says as he shakes my hand. “Thank you,” I say and move to Remus and Tonks. I bend and hug their little boy. “Bye Harry,” he says, sadness on his face. I tossle his hair and stand to hug his mom. Tonks has tears in her eyes. “You had better keep in touch,” Tonks threatens as she hugs me. “I will,” I say and I turn to Remus. “Take care, Harry.” The twins, Bill, Charlie and their families are next. More tears from the little ones. It really hurts to say goodbye to them. I'm going to miss seeing them grow up. “Send back some items…you know,” Fred says to me, winking. “It's always good to know what the competition is up to,” George adds. Mr. Weasley shakes my hand. “Good luck, Harry. I'm so proud of you.” I swallow the lump in my throat and give him a hug. “Are you sure you packed everything? Do you have your floo ticket? Don't forget to eat something when you arrive!” Mrs. Weasley fusses. I simply hug her and thank her for everything. She cries and turns to her husband for comfort. Victoria is a blubbering mess. Most of it is probably because of her hormones. She's a couple of months pregnant so she has pretty radical mood swings. I'm glad she's crying, otherwise she'd probably clobber me for leaving. “I'll see you in a month,” Sirius says, hugging me. “You take care and try to stay out of trouble.” He winks. “Bye Harry,” Neville says. “Thanks for everything.” Ginny flies into my arms. “I swear if you don't write, I'll hex you into a million pieces,” she sobs. “I promise, Gin. I promise.” She lets go and I can breathe a little easier. Draco shakes my hand. “Second chances,” he says. Luna is holding a small baby in her arms. I kiss her tiny little forehead. My godchild. I have to blink back the tears. “Bye Harry,” she whispers and kisses me on the cheek. I stand in front of Ron. I can't think of anything to say. I can't say goodbye to him. I guess he's thinking the same thing so instead we hug. I'm really, really going to miss him. Hermione is standing next to him, a bag slung over her shoulder. She looks up at me and smiles. I bend down and kiss her softly on the lips, then on her forehead. She shrugs the bag off her shoulder and hands it to me. “This is for the best, Harry.” I smile at her words. We've already said goodbye to each other last night. All night actually, not to brag or anything. She's not coming with me. It's a journey I'm taking alone. We don't know exactly where things stand between us. We have so much baggage that we both need to step back and sort through our lives. “For the best,” I say back. I turn and wave one more time to everyone then give Hermione one more big hug. I'm a little nervous, more excited actually. I feel like I did on my first trip to Hogwarts. What adventure lies before me now? For the longest time I was afraid that I would have no future to look forward to. And now, for the first time in my life, I cannot wait to see what lies ahead of me. Somewhere beyond the sea, Somewhere, waiting for me, My lover stands on golden sands And watches the ships that go sailing; Somewhere beyond the sea, She's there watching for me. If I could fly like birds on high, Then straight to her arms I'd go sailing. It's far beyond a star, It's near beyond the moon, I know beyond a doubt My heart will lead me there soon. We'll meet beyond the shore, We'll kiss just as before. Happy we'll be beyond the sea, And never again I'll go sailing! (Beyond the Sea—Bobby Darin) **A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed and stuck with me through this story. Whew! Now I can concentrate on The Lost King but don't worry. I'll have an epilogue. It'll be short though. Thanks again, everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have.** --> 24. Epilogue ------------ **A/N:** Geez, okay! Here it is! Put down those pitchforks! **Epilogue** *Four Years Later…* “Harry, it's been a pleasure having you here,” Li Chen says as he shakes my hand. “I really hate losing you but it is a great opportunity.” I smile and offer my gratitude as he shakes my hand. He leaves my office and I continue to pack up my desk. Today is my last day of work here. Remus is leaving his position as the DADA professor at Hogwarts in order to go into business with Sirius. Sirius had to grow up anyway, Victoria made him after they had their child, a young boy of three. Dumbledore offered me the position and I gladly jumped at it. I've been Head Auror of this department for the past four years. I feel kind of sad, the kind of sadness anyone would feel leaving the familiarity of a workplace. This has been my home away from home and I've grown to like and care about the people that work here. That's okay, we'll keep in touch as much as we can. I'm actually excited. I'm going back home to the UK. ~*~ Ron Weasley was anxiously waiting at the arrivals area staring at the clock. Harry will floo in around three o'clock. Ten minutes to go. “Gemma! Please sit still!” Luna pleads to the lost cause of her toddler daughter. Gemma is bouncing around the benches, doing what a toddler does best, testing her boundaries with her parents. Her activity is rousing her younger brother, Ron Jr., who is now fighting to be free of his mother's lap. Ron sees his wife's struggles and picks his son up. “I'm going to laugh if she's late,” he mutters to his wife. “Hermione won't be able to help it. Sirius and Victoria are bringing her,” Luna says as she gets a hold of her daughter. Ron chuckles to himself. He's done well for himself and he's now Head of Magical Games and Sports. They still live at the burrow. He and Luna have two children, Gemma who's four and Jr. who just turned two and are contemplating a third. Well, he wants another child but Luna, a stay at home mom with two toddlers, is a little hesitant. ~*~ I gaze outside my office window. It's funny, I've only been here for four years but I'm really going to miss this town. It's grown on me. My office has been cleaned out and is ready for my replacement. My work has been distributed. And we've already had a small goodbye party. The house is all packed and empty ready for delivery at a home I've been building in Godric's hollow, perfect for my wife and I to raise our family. Yes, my wife. I'm married now. I saw her one day walking down the street and I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that I was going to marry her. I thought the love I had shared with Hermione was great but this, whew, this really blows my mind. We've had a good life here but she's excited to move as well. ~*~ The group waiting for Harry's arrival has grown to include all the Weasley's and it's not a small bunch considering all the spouses and children. Draco couldn't be here, he's in the States opening up a new casino in Las Vegas. Ginny snuggles into her husband's arms as he rubs her very pregnant belly. “Only a few more weeks love, then you'll have your body back,” Neville assures her. “Thank God,” Ginny mutters and Neville laughs. Although his wife has never been more beautiful, she hates being pregnant. Well at least, hates the tail end of the pregnancy when she's peeing every ten minutes, constantly eating, waddles, and swells in areas that she'd never want swollen. He can't wait, he's excited to be a father. Neville has done well also. He's still an Auror and even had the pleasure of throwing Rita Skeeter in Azkaban after a certain vengeful witch let it slip that she was an unregistered animagus. As for Oliver, well sadly he still contested the divorce with Hermione. It was getting a little out of hand until one day, papers showed up on Hermione's doorstep. He had finally signed the papers. Harry and Neville were a little curious since Oliver made a hasty departure from London, so they did a tiny investigation before Harry left. They never figured out what exactly happened but somehow Draco Malfoy came into the picture. It was a cold trail so they had to drop it. But Oliver is still making headlines. He's currently going through a nasty divorce again with his second wife. She was cheating on him. “There we go!” Fred says, pointing to a floo gate that has just opened. People start whooshing out. “And here she comes!” Ginny says, looking over her shoulder. Hermione, Sirius and Victoria just arrived carrying three children. “Just in time!” Ron teases and Hermione rolls her eyes. “Not now, Ron,” she says out of breath. ~*~ I stumble out of the floo, not too gracefully. I always hated doing that and I don't think I'll ever get used to it. I dust myself off and pick up my bag. My friends and family are waiting for me and boy what a crowd they are! “Dad!” The spitting image of me only a quarter of my height, jumps out of Sirius arms and runs at me. I bend down and wrap my arms around him as he collides into me. Wait a moment, I should back up a bit. I told you I was married but I didn't tell you whom I was married to. Can you guess? Hermione. She, Ron and Sirius came to visit me a month after I moved to Hong Kong. Seeing her made me realize just how much I missed her. Although the three of us did a lot of sight seeing the two weeks they were here, Hermione and I really got acquainted with my bedroom. Really acquainted. It killed me when they had to leave. I had returned home after dropping them off at the airport, but I couldn't stand being in an empty flat. I had to get out. So I went for a walk. Lo and behold, two blocks away, I spot a familiar head of bushy brown hair. I couldn't believe my eyes. She couldn't go back home, she explained, because home was where I was. Because Hermione and I never really left the bedroom, she didn't pay attention to any maps around the neighborhood and ended up getting lost trying to find my place. I asked her to marry me right there in the middle of the street. After a shameful and not very family friendly display of PDA, we dropped her luggage off at my place, which was necessary anyway because I had ring to get. I had bought it after we left Hogwarts and I kept it all these years, it was hers and hers alone. We were married that night in a small and private ceremony. It was a good thing we made honest people of one another because two weeks later, after days of praying to the porcelain god, Hermione discovered she was pregnant. Nine months later, my son James was born. Like I said earlier, I thought the love I shared with Hermione was great but it's nothing compared to the love we share now. We are finally a family. I pick James up and go to greet the rest of my family waiting for me. After many hugs and kisses, I greet my beautiful wife and my daughter, Lily Jane. Lily arrived thirteen months after James, she looks like her mother. A bit bossy liker her too, but I'm not going to say that in front of Hermione. She has me wrapped around her little finger. The kids were too young to floo so Hermione left for London ahead of me. A week away from her has been too long. I was terrified that she would go into labor while we were separated. Yes, she's pregnant…again. Believe me, we already got a lot of ribbing from the family. She's carrying twins this time, her due date is the same as Ginny's. Are we done having kids? I don't know, it's up to Hermione really. But I'm trying to get in as much sex as possible. After the twins are born, I don't know if she'll let me or my penis come near her. Can't blame her, James and Lily are a handful. “Oh, how I've missed you Mrs. Potter,” I say to her as I give her a big hug and kiss. She smiles and looks up at me warmly. “And I missed you Mr. Potter,” she replies. I wrap an arm around her shoulder as the entire group heads out, noisily chatting away. A big feast is waiting for us at the burrow. “What?” I ask, curious at the look Hermione is giving me. I see her eyes moisten slightly as she stands on tiptoe to whisper in my ear. “Welcome home, Harry Potter.” **A/N:** You didn't really think I'd pull a Kevin and Winnie on you? ;) -->