The Painting


Rating: R
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Draco & Ginny
Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5
Published: 07/11/2004
Last Updated: 07/11/2004
Status: Completed

Draco Malfoy has mastered the art of the double life. He’s a famous muggle painter with no one in the Wizarding World suspecting a thing, but what happens when Ginny Weasley discovers his secret? Can one painting and one night change the attitudes of two sworn enemies, or will it force them farther apart? One-shot, has mentions of Harry/Hermione - Part two now posted as a story called The Challenge

1. The Painting

AN: Just a fun little idea I had - I wont tell you were it came from, but I will tell you it was fun ; )

The Painting

Painting had always come naturally to him. It was creating something no one else could; it was an art unique to ever artist who attempted it. But no one would ever pin him as a painter, or accept it of him, so Draco Malfoy kept that part of his very public life a secret. He had a studio flat in London where he did all his art and if any of it was any good it was displayed in a Muggle gallery in Whitechapel. His paintings weren't even displayed under his name. They were under the persona Silver Dragon because he signed his paintings with a small silver dragon in the bottom right corner. Almost a guarantee that the two sides of his life would never collide. Almost.

The day everything went to ruin still stood clear in his mind like a beckon showing him exactly when his life was changed; for good or bad was still undetermined. Draco was at the first day of his new show acting as liaison to the artist, pretending he was a man named Michel Shawn he stood back with the owner of the gallery, Megan Mitchell and watched the people admire his work. The show displayed a collection of paintings he had done of Hogwarts castle - the way the school lived in his memory. From where he was standing he could only hear some of the things people were saying. They said the castle looked like a safe haven where you would never worry about danger.

Draco laughed internally at that thought. Hogwarts had been a haven, especially after he decided not to follow in his father's footsteps, but it had exactly been safe. It seemed every year while he was there, there was another obstacle to face and overcome. Though he and his classmates weren't ever in any real danger they did come fairly close on a regular basis. Especially in his last three years when The Dark Lord had come back into power and the castle was torn between those who fallowed him and those who fought against him. Choosing to be the latter had not been easy for Draco, but in the end he decided to do what was right.

“I think this will be the most successful show yet, Michel,” Megan told Draco as she finished up with a couple who were buying one of the larger pieces in the collection, the twelfth to be sold in the collection of twenty-four. “Do you have any idea where our mystery painter came up with this place? If he could thing up another series like this we'd all be rich.”

“All he told me was it was a place from his childhood.”

“Who lives a childhood in a castle these days?” Megan scoffed while making out the sold sign to put next to the latest sale. “You know all these will be sold by the time the month is up.” Megan asserted as she walked over and put the sign up so that viewers would know the painting was no longer available. The paintings would be hanging in the gallery for the next month and when that month was over those that hadn't been sold would be returned to the artist.

“Maybe it was the place in his dreams he always wanted to visit.” Draco suggested as Megan returned to his side. She looked at him and they both started laughing.

“I cannot imagine our Silver Dragon as the sentimental type can you?” Megan asked suppressing her laughter as people turned towards them, clearly annoyed that people would be laughing in the middle of an art show.

“Not really no,” Draco said firmly, he certainly wasn't sentimental.

“I think I see some potential buyers.” Megan said nodding towards the largest piece in the collection; a large painting of the castle from the far side of the lake. There were two women standing in front of it. A tallish redheaded woman and a shorter brunet, they both seemed oddly familiar even from behind. “You want to convince them - the ladies are your territory after all.” Megan joked. She and Draco had a general agreement that if women were showing interest “Michel” would charm them.

“I could manage that I think.” Draco said straightening up, he had been leaning on the back wall, and starting across the room, but when he heard the women's voices he stopped dead. He knew their voices, he knew them a bit too well. His double life was dangerously close to being exposed.

“How did you hear about this again?” The redhead asked.

“Well my parents bought Harry and I a painting by this Silver Dragon person as a wedding gift last year and we love it so I thought it would be nice to get another of his paintings for our anniversary. I was reading the arts section of the newspaper, saw an advert for this exhibit, and figured this would be a good place to start. And it's just amazing. This castle,” the brunet said holding her hand up to gesture at the castle, “it looks just like Hogwarts which was always Harry's home. It'll be so perfect.”

“Well it is pretty amazing,” the redhead said nodding her head. “But Hermione don't you think it's a bit extravagant.”

“No Ginny I don't. I think Harry would love to have a painting of the place he felt safest and I can tell him that in twelve years we'll have our own little one finding his or her home there.” Hearing their names Draco knew he was right. These were people from his other life - from his time at school. The kind of people Draco never intended to know about his art.

“You still haven't told him you're pregnant?”

“Well I only found out last week and I want to tell him on our anniversary next week.”

“I guess that make sense, but what I meant by extravagant was this piece in particular, its three thousand pounds.” Ginny said pointing at the price label on the wall.

“Maybe we could look at some of the smaller pieces.”

“It's probably a good idea - I know you love him, but that doesn't mean you have to spend three thousand pounds on one painting.”

“True,” Hermione said and they moved away from the large painting to some of the smaller companion pieces.

“What's the matter Mike?” Megan asked coming up to his side, having watched the whole thing from the back of the room. Draco didn't answer, he pushed threw the crowed so he could fallow Ginny and Hermione. He didn't understand why he felt so compelled to fallow them; possibly because they were from the other side of his life and he wanted to make sure his secret was still safe; possible because he wanted to hear more of their opinions, he didn't know.

“You know I've been wondering about this Silver Dragon guy.” Ginny whispered tracing the silver dragon in one of the paintings with her fingers.

“Everyone has.” Hermione whispered back brushing Ginny's hand down away from the painting.

“You're acting like a mother already,” Ginny laughed, “but like I was saying I've been wondering about this guy. Wouldn't it be weird if he was someone we know?”

“Like who?”

“Like Malfoy.” Draco froze dead a few feet away. Hermione laughed slightly.

“I can't imagine Malfoy being an artist.” Hermione said threw her laughter; Draco scowled - what was so funny about him being an artist?

“I'm serious Hermione. I mean look at the facts.”

“What facts - no one knows anything about him.”

“Well the castle for one. It can't be anything other then Hogwarts, so the painter would have to be like us if you know what that means.”

“I do.” Hermione assured Ginny and she continued.

“And then there is the silver dragon at the bottom of all his paintings.” Ginny said pointing to the silver dragon at the small painting Hermione was examining.

“Well it's his signature.”

“I know that, but Hermione his name is Draco, it means dragon and his favorite color is silver.”

“How on earth do you know that?” Hermione asked turning away from the painting to stare at Ginny. A few feet away Draco was thinking the same thing. Unless the smallest Weasley had paid more attention to him then she let on.

“I heard him mention it twice and I remember because he was always like `the same color as my eyes' and every time he said it I just wanted to smack him because he said it in that `I'm better then you could ever hope to be' voice of his.” Draco smirked, that certainly sounded like something he would say.

“That sounds like Malfoy.” Hermione said nodding her head. “You could be right, I guess. I think I like this one. It even looks like it's got a bit of Hagrid's hut in it. Oh and good it hasn't been sold yet. I wonder where the gallery owner is?” Hermione started glancing through the crowd looking for Megan. Before her gaze could fall on him Draco turned away and started walking towards the back of the room again. There he bumped into Megan.

“Those women who were looking at number seventeen -”

“The ones you were supposed to charm into buying number seventeen?”

“Yeah them - the brunette, Hermione, is going to buy number twenty-three.”

“Hermione, why do I know that name? Hermione Potter?”

“Yeah - how did you know?”

“Her parents bought her and her husband -”

“Yeah I heard them talking about it, but how did you remember her name?”

“They bought that huge piece you brought in - the one that took up the entire display wall. Not something I'm likely to forget.”

“Ah, I'd wondered who bought is. But yeah like I said she going to buy number twenty-three and she's looking for you. I'll be in the office; I have to make a call.”

“Okay - wait why are we not talking them into buying number seventeen?”

“It's an anniversary gift for her husband so I thought letting her buy te one she wanted would be the best way to do it. It's kind of a personal gift, besides her friend who's with her talked her out of it before I could even say anything.”

“Ah, all right then. Go make your call; I'll take care of the two of them.” Draco nodded and headed to the office in the back of the gallery. He didn't need to make a call, he just needed to get out of that room before Ginny and Hermione saw him and exposed him for who he was.

Draco walked into the office, but didn't bother to turn on the light. He just walked over to the desk and sat. His head slumped forward onto the desk and one of his hands started to message the back of his neck - it was a nervous habit he couldn't shake and at the moment he was extremely nervous. Ginny and Hermione could have easily seen him and spread the news of his double life threw the Wizarding World. There was no way that they would know just by seeing him there that he was in fact the Silver Dragon, but he couldn't risk it.

And how had Hermione reacted when Ginny suggested the artist was Draco? She had laughed. If the Wizarding World found out that Draco Malfoy was a famous muggle artist they would laugh at him and Malfoy's couldn't be laughed at. They were far too good for that. There was a soft knock on the door and Draco assuming it was Megan, because no one else ever came into the office, told her to come in without even glancing up. It wasn't Megan.

“Are you Michel?” Draco's eyes, still looking at the desk, opened wide in fear. It was Ginny.

“Um, yes I am.” Draco muttered, trying to make his voice sound deeper, less like himself. Maybe if he kept his face down and put on a false voice she wouldn't know it was him.

“You're the only person who's ever actually seen the Silver Dragon in person aren't you?” Ginny said and Draco could feel her eyes on him.

“As far as I know.”

“Can you tell me about him?”

“I'm afraid I can't, he greatly desires his anonymity.”

“That's strange, a famous painter who doesn't even want to be known for his work.”

“I pass on that his work is appreciated, that seems to be enough for him.”

“Are you even going to look at me?” Ginny asked. Draco could hear her coming closer to the desk, her steps making a soft noise in the otherwise silent room.

“I've actually got a bit of a headache just now, that's why I'm in here instead of out there.”

“Uh huh.” Ginny said coming right up to the desk. Draco felt her push papers aside as she sat down on one corner of the desk. “That castle in the exhibit is amazing - were you intending to paint Hogwarts, Draco?”

“Yes,” Draco said before realizing what he had admitted. “Oh damn,” Draco breathed bagging his head against the table.

“I knew it was you.” Ginny squealed with excitement. “Really, who did you think you were fooling with that Silver Dragon persona?”

“It worked for the past three years.” Draco said sitting back in the chair.

“You've been selling paintings for three years?”

“Yes.” Draco answered getting out of his chair and starting around the desk. Ginny turned as he walked, never taking her eyes off him.

“Is this where you disappear to when you suddenly cancel meetings?”

“Ginny you can't tell a single person about this.” Draco said stepping in front of her. He leaned forward so that she had to lean back; he was clearly trying to intimidate her.

“Are you trying to intimidate me?”

“I am trying to make the situation clear to you. People can't know about this, not even Hermione. I've had to lead a double life for three years - it has to stay that way.”

“And what exactly will you do for me if I keep this little secret?”

“I won't kill you.”

“You can't intimidate me Draco.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I want you to paint me.”

“You - you want me to what?” Draco stammered stepping back, temporarily stunned.

“I want you to paint me.” Ginny said getting off of the desk and walking towards him. “We've had our differences in the past - hell we've never even liked each other, but you are a brilliant painter and I would love to see what you'd make of me.”

“That's it - I paint you and you won't tell a single person who I am.”

“Exactly,” Ginny said with a smirk Draco thought fit her well.

“I guess that sounds reasonable.”

“Good, I'll just ditch Hermione and we can go.” Ginny said stepping around him and reaching for the door, Draco grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

“Wait, you want to do this now. I can't leave the exhibit.”

“Yes you can, and you're going to unless you want me to send a little note to the Daily Prophet.”

“You wouldn't.” Draco threatened meeting her green eyes with his silver ones.

“You know I would.” Ginny said matching his stare.

“Fine, go ditch Hermione and meet me two streets down in about twenty minutes, that's where my car is parked.”

“See you then.” Ginny said prying his fingers off her wrist and pulling the door open. With a departing wink Ginny stepped through the door and then pulled the door closed with a snap. Draco leaned his back against the door and sighed deeply. His secret was still in tact and he knew he could trust Ginny to keep her word if he held up his end of the bargain.

Draco stood with his back against the door for a while, trying to regain his composure. When he was sure it was safe he opened the door slightly and looked out. He could see Ginny and Hermione walking towards the door. Sighing again Draco pulled the door open and strode through with a bold confidence he wasn't actually feeling.

“Well I sold her number twenty-three, just like she wanted.”

“Good. Listen Megan I have to go.”

“Is this about your phone call?”

“Yeah my girlfriend says she needs me desperately.”

Megan raised an eyebrow at him, “I'm sure she does. I'll call you tomorrow about the sales so you can update the Dragon.”

“Alright,” Draco said and with a wave over his shoulder he disappeared out the door. He hurried down the street and then down the next and found Ginny leaning up against his silver convertible. Her already short skirt was pushed up her hips slightly because of the way she was standing and she was smiling a devious sort of smile. If Draco didn't know the littlest Weasley any better, he would think she was trying to seduce him.

“Do you think I'd make a good hood ornament?” Ginny asked sliding onto the hood of the car.

“Lovely I'm sure, just get in the car.” Draco said clicking the automatic lock and walking around the car. Ginny got down off the car and slid into the passenger seat.

“I never thought I'd see the day Draco Malfoy would get down off his high pedestal to drive a lowly muggle car.”

“Hasn't anyone told you Weasley,” Draco nearly growled turning the key and listening to the engine purr, “a car like this just screams high stature - there is no lowering yourself for this baby.”

“Of course, how silly of me,” Ginny said rolling her eyes.

“Have you ever been in a car like this?” Draco asked sounding smugger than Ginny thought possible and for Draco Malfoy that was saying something.

“No,” Ginny muttered not really liking the sound of that question.

“You might want to hold on.” Draco said switching the car into gear and stepping on the gas petal. Ginny felt her body being forced back into the seat as the car sped down the street.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” Ginny questioned gripping the door handle tightly as if that would keep her safe. Draco laughed as he whipped around the corner. The streets were empty, he was in control of the car, and at the moment he was enjoying the look of fear on Ginny's face. Torturing Weasleys had been one of his favorite hobbies in school. But then Ginny did something completely unexpected; she reached across the car and touched one of his hands gently.

“Please stop,” she pleaded fearfully. Draco couldn't explain why that simple action touched him so, but he felt he foot raise from the gas peddle and ease onto the brake.

“Thank you,” Ginny muttered pulling her hand back off his.

“I was only having a little fun - you weren't in any real danger,” Draco assured her.

“I can never be sure with you,” Ginny responded looking across the car to Draco. He turned to her and for a second their eyes met. It was an intense moment until Draco looked back to the road and Ginny looked out her window.

Draco stared intently out the front window. Ginny's words had caught his attention. The way she spoke it was almost as if they were friends or maybe that she wanted them to be friends. Whatever it was it was a bit unnerving.

Ten minutes later Draco pulled his car to the side of the street in front of his flat. He switched off the engine and looked to Ginny. She was sitting silently, still staring out the window. Draco cleared his throat and she turned to him.

“We're here,” he said and she nodded, she seemed completely lost in thought.

“This is a nice neighborhood.” Ginny muttered as she opened her door and stepped out in front of the building.

“Of course it is.” Draco assured her, he was a Malfoy after all. Ginny rolled her eyes as she stepped around the car and followed Draco towards the building. Draco turned the key in the lock and pulled open the door. Ginny looked at him, expecting him to go in first, but no he held the door open and gestured for her to step in first. She was surprised that Draco would ever make such a gesture towards her, but she hadn't seen him in five years, he might have changed since then. Draco pushed past her and started towards the stairs. Apparently his politeness was temporary.

They walked up the two stories to his flat in silence. They reached a pair of large double door and Draco pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door quickly and pulled it open. Once again he held the door open for Ginny. Maybe his politeness was limited to holding doors open - who knows. Ginny shrugged and stepped passed him into the flat.

It was an amazing place; a large open floor space with paintings on easels and in stacks along the floor was the first thing you saw. Ginny walked into the dinning room which was just to her right and saw the kitchen was right off it. Both rooms were fair-sized and the kitchen seemed to have all the modern muggle conveniences that Ginny had come to recognize from spending time around Hermione; who was a brilliant Witch, but still clung to her muggle heritage. Around the corner in the kitchen Ginny saw a set of stairs.

“They lead to my bedroom and bath.” Draco said noticing Ginny's quizzical glance.

“Oh,” Ginny said moving back out into the open floor and walking over to the stacks of paintings. She pulled some of them forward and looked at them. They were all amazing.

“They're rubbish really,” Draco said coming up behind her. “I just don't have the heart to part with them.”

“They aren't rubbish - they're brilliant.”

“I already told you I'd paint you - you don't have to kiss my ass or anything.”

“I wouldn't if you asked me to - I mean it Draco, these are brilliant, well maybe not this one.” Ginny said coming to one that was all red and black; she twisted her head slightly - trying to make sense of it.

“Ah, well that one is upside down.” Draco said flipping the painting over. Ginny took the painting in and nearly screamed. It looked like The Dark Lord's outline in red on a black background, his red, cat-like eyes staring out at them with frightening accuracy.

“It's -” Ginny started to say, but Draco stopped her.

“That's why I keep it upside down and lost in the stack.” Draco said turning it upside again and pulling it forward so they wouldn't be looking at it anymore.

“Why would you paint something like that?” Ginny asked turning away from the painting and studying Draco. He was very intently looking away from her - staring down at the painting. After a while, Draco cleared his throat uncomfortably and turned away from her and his art.

“Let's get started.” He said walking away from her, halfway across the room he pulled of his jacket and through it onto a couch on the far wall that Ginny hadn't noticed before.

“Answer my question.” Ginny said, not moving from where she was standing. Draco turned back to her; he rolled his eyes to the ceilings and made a strange noise in the back of his throat. He was making it painfully clear that he didn't want to answer her question, but Ginny didn't care - she wanted to know why anyone would paint that portrait.

“When The Dark Lord first came back, my father introduced me to him; told him that my mind was in the right place, that I would be perfect for the cause because I believed in it so. The Dark Lord took me to his side, determined to mold me after my father, and saw the beginnings of doubt in me. He tortured me for my doubt, made me feel pain, tried to break my spirit. Needless to say it didn't work. I managed to escape and I still turned against him, but those eyes tormented my dreams for years afterwards. All I could remember were his eyes, when they were filled with pleasure at the sight of my pain-ridden body. That's why his body is so incomplete - I don't see it clearly, I only see the eyes.”

“But why did you -?” Ginny asked painting over her shoulder to the paintings, she couldn't get all the words out, but she knew he would know what she meant.

“I painted it to get it out of my mind, and it helped.”

“Why do you keep it around?”

“The same reason I keep all the other ones around; I don't have the heart to get rid of it. And maybe I'm a little afraid that if I get rid of it the dreams will come back.” Ginny nodded, understanding slightly, and turned back towards the paintings; knowing that if she pushed the issue any further he would probably get defensive.

The painting that was staring at her now was of a naked woman, sprawled out on a couch. “I think I saw this in a movie once.” Ginny commented and she could here Draco laugh behind her. She smiled at the sound of her laughter. Ginny had never heard him laugh before - well not in this way. His laughter had always sounded mocking, but now it sounded soft and melodious, almost like music and she liked it.

“Oh you did - she loved that movie, made me watch it a million times.”

“Would you paint me like this?” Ginny asked tracing the girls face with one of her fingers.

“I think doing that once was enough.” Draco laughed misunderstanding Ginny's request.

“No I don't mean in that pose - I mean the style.”

“You mean nude?”

“Yes,” Ginny answered, not a note of embarrassment in her voice.

“Um, I can, if that's what you want, um want me to do.” Draco stammered, that unnerving feeling he had in the car was back and he was suddenly unsure about seeing Ginny naked. Like he would be invading her privacy and he had never felt that way about seeing any other woman naked; in fact it was one of his favorite ways to see women.

“I think I do.” Ginny said quietly and then quieter still she added. “She looks so beautiful that way, so desirable.”

“She was,” Draco said with a smirk, remembering.

“Shall we start then?” Ginny asked, turning to Draco.

“Sure,” Draco said nodding his head, he seemed a bit nervous. “Let me just go get something and then we can go into the studio.”

“This isn't the studio?” Ginny asked as Draco walked across the room. Draco shook his head no and kept walking until he disappeared around the corner into the kitchen. Ginny could hear him heading up the stairs and knew he was disappearing to his bedroom. She could hear him coming back down the stairs five minutes later.

“I got this for you.” Draco said coming around the corner from the kitchen, holding a black silk dressing gown in his hands. “I thought maybe you wouldn't want to be naked in front of me longer then you have to.”

“A very nice thought - thank you.” Ginny said as she took the dressing gown from him.

“Well the studio is just down this hallway.” Draco said walking past her to the hallway on the opposite side of the room.

“All right,” Ginny said fallowing him. They walked down the hall in silence, Ginny right behind Draco, until they came to a black door.

“This is the studio, there is a bathroom just down there,” Draco said pointing to another black door a little further along. “You can change in there - since I'm assuming you don't want to strip down in front of me.”

“You will be seeing me naked.”

“That's true, but still if you want privacy you can strip down in there.”

“Thanks, I think I will.” Ginny said nodding her head and walking towards the bathroom.

“Just come back down to the studio when you're changed - I'll set things up while you're getting ready.” Draco said opening the door to the studio.

“All right, I'll be back in a minute.” Ginny said, pulling open the door to the bathroom. Draco nodded and they both stepped through their respective doors at the same time.

The bathroom was a simple room except that the floors and counter tops were covered in marble, not cheap, though the most impressive feature was the large shower - a large water fall into a tub that could fit at least five people. Ginny wondered how many people had actually been in that tub as she pulled her skintight shirt over her head, but decided she'd rather not know. She stripped down to the black thong she was wearing under her skirt, decided that she didn't want to be entirely naked in front of Draco, and pulled on the silk dressing gown. The material was cold against her skin and made her nipples stand out.

Ginny looked to the mirror one last time before leaving and then stepped through the door boldly. She walked down the hall and pushed on the already open door to the studio. Draco was at the far side of the room sitting on a raised platform that was covered in black silk.

“I've gotten a vision in my head,” Draco said motioning for Ginny to join him on the platform. “It involves you lying on your back on this platform, surrounded by the black fabric, not completely naked though - only partially, if that's all right with you.”

“You're the artist; I'll trust your vision.”

“All right then,” Draco said patting the spot next to him. Ginny slid up next to him. Draco got up on his feet and Ginny did the same. He took her by the hand and led her over to the center of the platform. “You should sit about here, so if you'll, um take off your robe before you lay down I think it'll be easier.”

“Okay,” Ginny responded untying the belt, slipping the dressing gown down her shoulders, and tossing it to the side. Draco's mouth dropped open slightly when he saw her naked in front of her, no women had had that effect on him ever. Her legs were long and athletically toned, her hips were perfectly rounded, her waist, though slim, wasn't stick thin and Draco liked that. Then there was her chest. She had the most beautiful breast Draco had ever seen; they were full and round, weren't huge, but they fit the shape of her body perfectly.

“Um Draco,” Ginny said after a while, “those aren't my eyes.”

“Right, sorry,” Draco said looking away from her breasts for the first time in minutes. “So if you'll sit down I'll move the fabric into position.” Ginny nodded her head, and lowered her body onto the platform. Though she had called him on it like she was offended, Ginny had liked the way Draco had been looking at her, as if she was beautiful.

“While we are being so…close,” Draco said pulling a long piece of fabric towards them, “do you want to explain to me why you think you're not beautiful?”

“What?” Ginny asked, surprised that Draco had so clearly seen through her façade and into her insecurities.

“The way you asked me to paint you,” Draco started, putting the fabric behind Ginny's back, “you said the girl in my other painting looked beautiful and desirable; you said it like you didn't think you were either.”

“Because, well, I'm not,” Ginny said lying back as Draco pushed her softly.

“What makes you think that?” Draco asked as her wrapped the silk around her hips, covering up her thong.

“My last boyfriend,” Ginny stated lifting her butt into the air so Draco could wrap the silk under her again. “We dated for about two years and it turned out he was cheating on me the entire time. The other girl he was seeing was one of those blond bombshell types and I just couldn't measure up. He even told me so when I confronted him about her. He said exactly, `you just wish you could be as beautiful as she is, she's the kind of woman men dream about, you're the kind they settle for'.”

“My God, where did you find that idiot?” Draco asked wrapping the silk around her left leg once.

“I met him at a party - do you really think he's wrong about what he said?”

“Are we being honest?” Draco asked adjusting the silk on her leg a bit.

“I was honest with you,” Ginny asked tilting her head up so she could look into his eyes.

“You were, weren't you?” Draco questioned standing up, “Yes Ginny, I think he was wrong about what he said. I also think you know better then to believe him.”

“I did get your jaw to drop didn't I?” Ginny asked laying her head back, a sweet smile on her face. She knew she was attractive, but what her ex had said had hurt her and brought up old insecurities. It was nice to hear that someone who “hated” her thought she was desirable.

“Yes you did, not that I'd ever admit it.” Draco said walking to the edge of the platform and jumping down.

“Why wouldn't you admit it?” Ginny asked, almost hurt that he would admit he was attracted to her.

“It's a weakness, to let a woman affect you so.” Draco muttered fiddling with something that Ginny could see with her eyes facing the ceiling.

“I forget you're a Malfoy sometimes.” Ginny announced, annoyed that he had been so sweet and then suddenly turned so cold. She had been enjoying the softer side he was letting her see.

“Lucky you.”

“You turned against your family name and beliefs once. Why couldn't you just stay that person?”

“I still am that person,” Draco asserted as he came into view above Ginny. He was at the top of a high ladder stepping onto a hanging scaffold. “It's too complicated for you to understand.”

“Why because my family was poor and only rich people have problems?”

“You know only a few years ago I would have said yes to that statement, but no. It's not because you were poor and I was rich. You wouldn't understand my issues because your family loved you and supported you.”

“My parents always loved me, that's true, but when I told them that I didn't want to work for the Ministry, they were not supportive.”

“That's not the same thing.”

“You're right it's not, but that doesn't mean I don't understand.” Ginny yelled up to him, spreading her hair out a bit.

“That's perfect, don't move you're hair anymore,” Draco yelled down to her and she saw a flash go off above her.

“What are you doing exactly?”

“I am taking pictures of you so that you don't have to spend three weeks in that position. I'll develop the film and use the pictures as reference when I'm painting you.” Draco explained continuing to take pictures periodically.

“So explain to me why a brilliant painter doesn't want people to know who he is?” Ginny asked, deciding to drop the other issue for the time being.

“It all goes back to the same things for me,” Draco said being completely honest with her. “I'm a Malfoy, we don't paint; we don't show emotion and we aren't creative.”

“Why do you bother with what people expect of you?” Ginny asked not understanding Draco at all. He turned against his family, but still holds himself to what they would expect of him.

“How did Hermione react when you told her you thought I was the Silver Dragon?”

“She laughed, but what does that matter? She also thinks the Silver Dragon is brilliant, she and Harry have that massive painting of yours up in their front hall and she can't stop raving about it. How every time she looks at it she sees something she's not noticed in it before.”

“But she still laughed.”

“So, we laughed at you all the time at school.”

“That was different, that was a stupid school rivalry, this is who I am that people will be laughing at.”

“Sometimes you have to take big risks.” Ginny said simply, “you can't let yourself fear what the outcome will be or you'll never get what you want.”

“What do you think I want?” Draco asked walking back across the scaffold towards the ladder.

“I think the artist in you is who you really are and you want people to be able to see that.” Ginny declared sitting up, pulling the silk up to cover her chest. She saw Draco pause on the ladder as if he was surprised by her answer.

“How do you see through people so accurately?” Draco asked coming down of the ladder.

“I've always been able to see people for whom they truly are; call it a gift if you want, it's a part of who I am. A person I am proud to be.”

“Though you have your own insecurities.”

“Of course I do everyone does,”

“Well think of this as one of my insecurities. I am proud of my art,” Draco said stepping up onto the platform. “I am, but how would it look for Draco Malfoy to be a famous muggle painter?”

“Who cares?”

“I suppose I do,” Draco said sitting down next to her.

“You shouldn't,” Ginny said placing her hand gently on his cheek, in a comforting way. He smiled slightly at her, Ginny realized it was the first time she had seen him smile, not smirk, but smile and she liked it. “I've never seen you smile before.”

“I do it very rarely.”

“You should do it more often, you have a wonderful smile.” Ginny said softly unable to stop herself. Then he made the movie she found she had been longing for him to make, he tilted his head towards her. Ginny leaned in to meet him and felt his lips suddenly against hers; they were warm and soft, yearning for the touch of hers. His mouth parted and his tongue slid out licking her bottom lip softly, begging entrance. Ginny's mouth opened to let him in and she could feel herself moan as their tongues danced together. Minutes, possibly hours later, Draco pulled his lips reluctantly from hers, they both needed to breath and for some reason their noses weren't working.

“I've never kissed anyone like that.” Ginny gasped trying to find the breath that Draco's kiss had stolen away. Draco shook his head to indicate that he hadn't either. Not bothering with even a single word Draco leaned in and started kissing Ginny's neck. Ginny could feel herself moaning again, he was attacking the weak spot behind her right ear. This new moan came in the form of his name and that spurred Draco on. He nibbled at the soft flesh of her neck playfully and she felt her body arch towards him, enjoying every sensation he was creating. Loosing control, Ginny surrendered her hold on the thin fabric and it pooled in her lap, exposing her breasts to him once more. Draco took the opportunity to cover one breast with one of his hands while the other wrapped around her back and held her tight. The hand on her chest started to massage her flesh sensually and Ginny moaned his name again.

“And you think you're not desirable,” Draco huskily whispered in her ear as he continued to massage her nipple playfully.

“Clearly I was wrong,” Ginny breathed between moans. “But you have me at a disadvantage.”

“And what would that be?” Draco asked, slightly afraid she was going to tell him he was taking advantage of her and she wanted him to stop.

“You're still dressed,” Ginny breathed.

“That I am, but that can easily be fixed if you want it to be.” Draco said as his lips moved back towards her neck. Ginny purred softly into his ear as a means of response and tugged at the buttons of his shirt. She managed to get his shirt unbuttoned quickly and pushed it down his shoulders. Draco released his hold on her momentarily to allow her to free him of the shirt entirely. Ginny threw it over her head enthusiastically and moved her hands to the front of his pants. She nearly tore the button open in her sudden burst of passion.

“Hey those are expensive,” Draco joked; there was a laugh at the edge of his husky voice. Ginny glared at him, annoyance written all over her face; he was reminding her again of their financial differences and she didn't find it funny. He wiped the annoyance right off her face by circling her nipple with his thumb and tugging at it lightly. “Let me help you.”

Draco relinquished his hold on Ginny and pushed her away slightly so he could get up to his knees. He pushed his zipper down and the bulge that had been growing in his pants became completely visible. Ginny's eyes grew wide, the sheer size of him surprising her. Draco caught the look in her eyes and smirked inwardly; he had often thought of himself as well endowed. They remained that way for a moment or two, Draco kneeling above Ginny, until Ginny made a bold move and pulled his pants and boxers down to his knees. Draco got up onto his feet. Ginny slipped his shoes off his feet and then freed him from his pants entirely.

“I believe now you have the advantage.” Draco laughed remembering that Ginny still had on her sexy little thong.

“You're right I do.” Ginny said rising to her knees, the silky material falling from her completely, exposing her thong once more. Draco was going to say something to her about how great that choice of underwear made her ass look, but he stopped as she kissed the tip of him sensually. Her action took him by surprised; though it was a welcomed surprise. She ran her hand along his length softly; trying to tease him more then please him. Looking up into his eyes she could see she was succeeding. He was looking down at her, his eyes pleading with her; keep going they urged her though his lips said nothing. Ginny just smiled at him and continued to play.

“Do you have any idea what you're doing to me?” Draco gasped as she played with her tongue.

“A fairly good one actually - that's why I'm doing it.” Ginny said seductively as she looked up to Draco again. He was panting heavily, his mouth hanging open, his eyes locked on her and what she was doing to him. “Do you want me Draco?” Ginny asked moving her mouth away from him and moving her hands to his legs.

“Oh God yes,” Draco panted.

“Then I suggest you get back down here.” Ginny said moving away from him slightly. Almost immediately Draco dropped back down to his knees. Ginny smiled at him as she reached to either of her sides and tugged at the knots holding her thong together. Seconds later she was free of it and she threw it to side of the platform where Draco's clothes lay.

“We are back to where we started.” Draco declared moving closer to her.

“Not entirely,” Ginny said reaching out to his bare chest and caressing him. Draco moved her hand around to his back and pulled her to the edge of his lap. “Anxious aren't we?”

“I want you so much, Ginny.” Draco said trying to bring her closer, but she held him at arms length.

“Why?” Ginny asked locking him into a deeply searching stare.

“Because you see me - you want to see me. You knew the paintings were me and you accept me for them.”

“That's a good answer,” Ginny said smiling at him and running her hand down his chest again.

“It's a very true answer,” Draco assured her. “No one has ever showed any interest in who I am and even after the way I treated you at school you still treat me like I'm worth something.”

“Don't doubt your worth Draco, you are an incredible man.”

“You're only saying that because you're seeing me naked.”

“Well it certainly doesn't hurt your case.” Ginny smiled glancing down his body quickly before kissing his neck softly. “Now shut up and finish what we've started.”

“You're the one who brought up reasons.”

“And now I'm the one who needs you to finish this.” Ginny purred in his ear pulling herself even further onto his lap. Draco nodded, the heat radiating off her body was making him hot in more then one way and he needed her just as much as she said she needed him.

Lifting her hips up and moving her as close to his body as possible Draco looked into his eyes and he found her staring intently back into his. He brought her down slowly and saw pleasure ripple across her face - the same pleasure he could feel spreading suddenly through himself. Moving together the way their bodies were urging them to Draco and Ginny quickly found themselves reaching the heights of passion together, their eyes and bodies never parting.

In the earlier hours of the morning, when exhaustion finally took over Draco found himself lying with Ginny in his arms, nestled tight against his chest. He could feel her chest rise and fall steadily and he knew she had fallen asleep, his eyelids feeling heavy Draco knew he would quickly be joining her. The last think he remembered thinking before sleep completely over took him was that something powerful had happened between them and he could fall in love with her. He knew in that moment that his life had changed and nothing would be the same for him ever again.

The next afternoon Draco woke to the sound of his phone ringing. Draco tried to rush from the platform to grab the phone off the wall, but the satin slowed him down so that he barley reached it in time.

“Hello,” Draco said suddenly fighting the urge to yawn.

“Michel, it's Megan I have the numbers from last night.”

“What?” Draco asked sleepily, his mind wasn't focusing on the phone call at hand.

“Oh good lord you did it again didn't you?”

“What?” Draco asked again - having no idea what she was talking about.

“Never mind - listen do you want the numbers now or should I call back when you're less distracted?”

“I'm not distracted I'm just tired, you woke me up out of a dead sleep.”

“Ah well now that I've got you off guard let me ask you something I've always wanted to know - boxers or briefs?”

“At the moment neither.”

“Oh really, maybe I really should call back later - you sure your girlfriend wont mind you talking to someone else in the middle of things?”

“What are you babbling about?” Draco asked bringing his hand up to his head and running it through his long untidy hair.

“Again I'll say never mind - so do you want the numbers or not?” Megan asked. Draco didn't answer right away. He had chosen that moment to look back to the platform, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ginny while she was still sleeping, only to find that she wasn't there at all.

“Listen I'll call you back later Megan - I have stuff I have to do right now.”

“Okay Michel, just call me anytime to find out how rich last night made us.” Draco heard Megan say as he hung up the phone. He didn't really care about the money, he never had, and all he cared about now was finding Ginny. Forgetting that he was completely naked Draco ran from the room, he didn't know where to look first.

“Ginny - Gin are you here?” Draco called from every corner of his flat, but he got no answer. He was just going towards the back bathroom where she had disrobed the night before, when something caught his eye. Resting on the easel in the very middle of the room was a parchment with his name on it. Draco found himself rushing, something he never did, to find out when this parchment said. In Ginny's perfectly feminine handwriting his name was written on the back of it. Hurriedly Draco flipped it over, he found a somewhat lengthy note on the other side.

I'm sorry I'm not there with you right now, but I had to leave. You're an amazing person Draco, I always believed you were and I saw I was right last night. The truth of who you are was clear in your eyes when we talked about your art and your family. I just hope you can come to peace with it some day - you'd take the world by storm if you were just yourself and that's an amazing thought.

Now I know what you are thinking - if you are so amazing why am I not there? Well honestly Draco I think you need some time to yourself. To accept who you are. If I'm right about what happened last night, and I'm fairly sure I am, you are well on your way to finally being yourself and I think that journey has to start alone. I don't want to push you into changing - I just want you to be you.

If I'm wrong, then I hate to say this but it's true - I can't see you again. Right now you are two different people, you are Draco Malfoy and you are the Silver Dragon. The problem is there's only enough of me for one of you. I hope you understand that and can accept it.

I pray that I'm right


PS - you don't have to paint me if you don't want to, I wont say a word about your secret, because I think you'll come clean all on you own when the time comes.

Draco read and reread the letter a countless number of times. Not daring to believe that it was actually real. She said she didn't want to push him into changing, but she was. Just saying that she wouldn't see him again if he didn't change made it impossible for him not to. Draco decided that there was only one thing he could do - go after her. True he didn't know where she lived, but he could find out easily enough. Again finding himself in an unnatural hurry Draco ran through his kitchen and up the stairs to his bedroom. He grabbed clean clothes from his closet and took a faster shower then he thought was possible.

Clean and dressed Draco hurried back down stairs. He was just reaching for his keys when he saw the second note stuck to his front door.

Don't come after me until you are ready Draco - I meant what I said. When you are sure you are ready you can find me here:

And bellow was her address - she lived just outside of London not far from his flat. It would take him no time at all to get to her. But then he reread the note when you are sure you are ready - was he sure he was ready? No. Reluctantly Draco let his keys fall from his hand. He knew if he went after her she would just ignore him. And what if she was right; right about who he was and about him caring too much about what others thought. Maybe he should just go down to the gallery and tell Megan he was the Silver Dragon, that every piece she has sold he had created, and that there were hundreds more in his flat. But no he couldn't do that; he wasn't ready to make that step. He at least knew enough about himself to know that he could just jump into it and change everything all at once. That is, if he was going to change anything at all and he wasn't really sure he was.

Draco's life had been working perfectly well for him up to this point. He got to hear people's honest opinions about his work without worrying about them trying to kiss his ass because he was the artist. But Ginny had reached a longing in him that he didn't know existed; the longing to be recognized for who and what he was and now that she had tapped into it he was sure it wouldn't go away. God, Ginny had him so confused.

And why had she had this affect on him? He had had one-night-stands before and he can't say that he had expected this thing with Ginny to be anything more than that. But her absence when he awoke had, he now realized, thrown him into a panic and she had him thinking he needed to change how people saw him so that he could be happy. Her note even had him acting like a lovesick fool dashing off to make sure he hadn't lost what he'd found. It was ridiculous that one woman, one whom he barley knew, could have such an affect on him.

The only thing Draco knew was he needed to do some serious thinking and the best way for him to think was for him to paint. Shying resolutely, Draco walked to his studio. The only thing he could think of painting was Ginny. He knew he didn't have to paint the picture anymore for her to keep his secret, she had said so in the note and he believed her, but now he found he wanted to. He wanted to challenge himself - trying to capture the intensity of her green eyes, the perfect smoothness of her skin, and the curves of her body that had captivated him so.

For four months Draco did nothing but work on his portrait of Ginny. He ignored every phone call, disregarded every letter, and focused all his attention on her. He would spend hours lost in the eyes he had painted for her - losing all sense of where he was or what he was doing. On countless nights he would fall asleep on his stool after having spent the whole day in front of the easel and accomplishing very little.

When it was finally finished, perfect in everyway, Draco signed it with the same silver paint he used for all his signatures, but this time he signed his name. It was the first step of the journey he understood now that he had to take, if he was ever going to happy, and not just with Ginny, but in life, he needed to do this. Draco fell asleep that night knowing that the next day he would take the painting to Ginny and show her that he was taking those ever important first steps.

Unfortunately for Draco someone banging on his front door awoke him the next day. Pulling on his robe Draco walked sleepily to the door, not bothering to hurry; whoever was waking him up at seven in the morning was just going to have to wait. When he finally reached the door and pulled it open he found Megan standing on the other side looking furious.

“Where the hell have you been?”

“I've been here - why?”

“Because I've been calling here for the past four months. I've almost lost my job because of you.”

“Why what did I do?”

“Nothing, but that's the problem. You haven't come to pick up the two paintings that were left from the last show. You haven't supplied any new paintings for a new show and the gallery is going under.”

“What? You've gone more then four months without a show before.”

“Yes, but the last show peaked national interest and now that I haven't been able to deliver another for four months there are rumors that this Silver Dragon thing was just a scheme to draw attention to the gallery and most customers refuse to come anywhere near it now.”

“Oh, you should have told me.”

“Well I tried, but you haven't answered your phone for four months - I was afraid that it was some big scheme and now that it was out you had run.”

“No nothing like that - sorry I haven't answered the phone, I've been busy.”

“Well when you're not busy do me a favor - contact our mystery artist and let him know what's going on.”

“Yeah about our mystery artist -”

“Oh don't tell me - he's retired or something.”

“No - I'm him.”


“Yeah I'm the Silver Dragon, but I was afraid of what people would think of me if they found out - that's why I came up with the persona.”

“You're telling me Michel -”

“Actually that's the other thing, my names not Michel, it's Draco Malfoy. That's where my signature comes from - my favorite color has been silver for as long as I can remember and my name means dragon.”

“Oh my God - this is insane.”

“Listen you said you need a show right?”

“Yeah,” Megan said still sound completely flabbergasted.

“Well then come in.” Draco stepped out of the doorway and motioned for Megan to come in. She did somewhat reluctantly and her jaw nearly dropped to the floor when she saw the sheer number of paintings that seemed to be everywhere.

“You've just got all these lying around.”

“Yeah - I figured they weren't any good. Either that or they weren't bought when they were up in the gallery, which I guess means the same thing. Look just pick out the ones you want and I'll get them to the gallery by this afternoon.”

“Well I know I want this one.” Megan said pointing to the painting of Ginny.

“Oh except that one - that one I'm giving to someone.”

“It would be extremely popular at the gallery.”

“I'm sure it would be - the woman in it is perfect, but I promised.” Draco said making his way through his dinning room.

“Fine, wait where are you going?” Megan called after him.

“I'm going to get dressed and take this painting to it's rightful owner, just tag the ones you want or stake them up or something and I'll get them to the gallery by this afternoon.” Draco repeated impatiently walking up the stairs to his bedroom. He got himself ready quickly, not wanting to go another second without seeing Ginny. Dressed in black pants and grey sweater Draco walked back down to his living room just in time to meet Megan at the door.

“I found about thirty that I think will do really well and I stacked them up over there.” Megan said gesturing to a large pile of paintings across the room from where they stood.

“You work fast.”

“Hey it's my job.”

“Glad I could help.”

“Help, you've saved me, but I have to go now, I've got to get the gallery ready for the new show.”

“All right, well I have to take this painting to its owner so let me grab it and I'll go down with you.”

“Oh Mich - I mean Draco, it's raining so you might want to cover it with something.”

“Okay thanks Megan, let me just grab a large bag from the kitchen,” he said disappearing into the kitchen. Draco returned a couple minutes later with a large bin liner that he quickly threw over the top of the painting. He could have easily cast a spell over the painting so it was made water resistant, but Megan didn't know he was a wizard so casting a spell in front of her would not be safe.

“Do you think you could bring the paintings by around one?” Megan asked as the reached the sidewalk outside of Draco's building.

“Sure one o'clock sounds fine,” Draco yelled over the suddenly roaring winds. Desperate to get out of the rain Draco quickly unlocked his door and got in. He placed the portrait in the passenger seat, strapped on his safety belt and started down the road.

Twenty minutes later Draco found himself sitting in his car outside a fairly nice looking house. The rain had picked up a great deal since he started out on his journey and he was just working up the courage to venture outside the safety of his car and into the storm. Finally there was a break in the clouds and Draco made a mad dash. Painting in hand Draco sprinted up Ginny's front steps and managed to make it up to the covered porch just before the rain started to pour down again. Draco gave himself a moment to calm his nerves before he rang the bell and waited for her to open the door.

He could see her shadow approach the door and he felt his heart start to hum. She opened the door agonizingly slow, almost as if she was reluctant. When the door was finally open all Draco could do was sigh happily. There she was in all her glory. She even looked better then last time; she had an unexplainable glow about her. In her white pants, a white shirt and a light blue poncho - she looked absolutely beautiful.

“Draco,” she said stepping back away from him. “I never thought I'd see you again.”

“What, do you really have that little faith in my ability to change?”

“Well no, but after you didn't reply to my last letter I thought I'd never hear from you again.”

“Yeah sorry about that - I haven't actually looked at any of my mail recently. You see I've been busy working on this,” and Draco pulled the bag off the painting.

“God Draco I didn't expect you to be here and not know.”

“What are you talking about?” Draco asked wondering why she wasn't looking at the painting and praising him for what he worked so hard on.

“Draco I thought you knew, I don't really know how to tell you this, but um, Draco, I'm pregnant.”

“What?” Draco questioned his eyes suddenly wide with the realization of that night. Almost exactly four months ago. Ginny nodded her head slowly and pulled her poncho up over her head; her once perfect stomach had rounded out. Draco took a nervous step towards her, his hand out stretched. Seeing what he was trying to do, Ginny took Draco's hand and placed it on her stomach - where she knew their child was growing in her womb.

“Maybe you should come in.” Ginny offered stepping back from the door. Draco nodded grabbing the painting tight in one hand he stepped through her doorway after her.

AN: I should probably get working on part two now shouldn't I? Well while I'm working on that you guys let me know what you thought of part one.
