Harry Potter and the Death Arch


Rating: R
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 15/12/2004
Last Updated: 07/05/2005
Status: Completed

Harry's feelings for Hermione are rejected. Can he forgive her and act when his powers are needed? Can he conquer her heart in the end?

1. Summer Surprise

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb and that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: I've deleted the chapters I'd posted and I'm now uploading them again, since my beta Cheryl corrected some errors she found in them. So if you want to review them again, do so, if not, I know you did before, and I'm happy all the same. Thank you again for your support.

Chapter One

“Summer Surprise”

Just like every summer evening at the Dursley's house on Privet Drive, Harry laid on his bed, waiting with eagerness for his return in Hogwarts. He was smiling, reminiscing about all the things that he and his best friends, Ron and Hermione, had faced in the previous five years. Hermione… that girl fascinated him. In their fourth year, upon seeing her with Krum, suddenly he understood how beautiful she was and what a prat he had been by not inviting her to the Yule Ball.

“I wonder why she's taking her time to answer me,” he asked himself, “its been a week now since I sent Hedwig to her with a letter…” as he drifted off to sleep.

As it often happened, Harry dreamed of his last though before falling asleep. He dreamed of Hermione, Ron and himself and what their future might hold after Hogwarts. In this dream they were all Aurors, hunting Dark Wizards, as the best Auror team in the departments' long history. The dream made Harry feel happy as she was still with him after finishing school. He didn't lose her.

But soon the happy dreamed turned to a nightmare. Suddenly he woke up his eyes shooting around the room as he regained his bearings. As is eyes pulled focus he realised where he was and he pulled a pillow over his head trying to fall back to sleep. With effort Harry relaxed his tormented mind and fell back into a dreamless slumber, his favourite kind of sleep.

The following day he decided to attempt his summer homework. He had yet to even start on his daunting Potions assignment. He despised Snape so much that he couldn't face the undertaking, but by afternoon found himself studying. He had figured that he had better start on it rather than have to deal with Hermione's inevitable disappointment if he didn't at least try to work on his homework. He didn't like letting her down, not at all. Apart from the fact she could be scary when it came to homework assignments, he had decided to make his move on her this year. He thought it was better to be in her good graces at the year's start.

In an effort to spend as little time with the Dursleys, Harry had taking up running in the early evening, just before dinner. After a long run in the park, he returned home and showered. Upon returning to his room he found a letter for him. He heart skipped at the thought that it might be from Hermione, but he didn't see Hedwig. He shrugged the thought away eagerly tearing open the letter to read her reply.

However, the grin on his face faded immediately. He was in shock the letter wasn't from Hermione. It was from Snape!!! With a great repugnance he forced himself to read the offending correspondence, thinking that maybe Dumbledore had directed Snape to write him regarding practising Occlumency during the summer. After the Department of Mysteries fiasco, he had decided to take the training more seriously, even if Snape was his only option as mentor. This thought brought him once again to ponder the loss of his Godfather, Sirius Black. Although his newfound feelings for Hermione were a constant distraction, the painful loss of his Godfather would eventually creep up on him and dealing with the emotions that those thoughts invoked was still hard.

Roughly wiping away the tear crawling down his cheek, Harry turned his attention to the letter:

Mr. Potter,

I have recently discovered that the Dark Lord has taken an interest in your friends. He has plans to use them to get to you. It would be wise to restrict your contact and be as vigilant as ever.


Harry re-read Snape's letter over and over, then carefully placed it in his trunk, before heading down for the dinner. Upon returning to his room he couldn't resist the urge to pull the letter out again. It must be some kind of mistake maybe he dreamed it. Snape writing to him was not a regular every day occurrence.

Harry sighed his friends were in danger because of the mere association with him. Ron and especially, Hermione were risking their lives out of loyalty and friendship. After what had happened to Sirius, he knew he had to do everything to protect them. He swore to God he would give his life before seeing them come to any harm.


Finally Harry received a reply from Hermione; he was so caught up in the joy of having contact with his best friend that all thoughts of Snape's letter faded away.

Then something really strange happened.

“Mum, can I ask Harry for a gift?” Dudley asked out of the blue one morning at breakfast. He was referring to his upcoming birthday.

“Alright, if you want. I don't see what he could give you, though.” Uncle Vernon answered scornfully before Petunia could respond.

“Harry,” Dudley proceeded uncharacteristically ignoring his father, “I want you to invite your friends to my party.”

Harry laughed thinking that Dudley was either joking or gone mad, Vernon and Petunia froze.

”What did you say?” Uncle Vernon bellowed turning a slight shade of purple.

“One of his kind in our house is enough, what are you thinking?” Aunt Petunia added.

In the end Dudley won the row, as usual, and he followed Harry to his room. A very confused Harry asked Dudley for an explanation and was more than startled at the reply.

“I'm tired of seeing you always sad. I don't like your kind much. I can't help it with Mum and Dad's influence, but I want to some how say thank you for saving my life last summer…and to try and make up for my mistreatment…I thought it funny, once, to treat you badly, but not anymore. You saved me…from those…things, you didn't have to but you did. I've had a year to think about things…don't expect a miracle, I'm still me, but I realised, I owe you.”

Harry was overwhelmed by his once hated cousin words. Without another thought Harry quickly invited Ron and Hermione to the party. Harry caught up in the excitement of having his best friends near and the pending party for Dudley, he forgot about Snape's ominous letter. For once, Harry Potter allowed himself to be happy.

They arrived early in the morning two days later, just as Harry was returning from his morning run. They hugged each other very affectionately.

“Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you invited us here…can you explain what is going on?” Hermione asked

Harry explained in detail the change in Dudley. Neither Ron nor Hermione could believe that Dudley had a change of heart. It was something that would have to be seen to believe.

To everyone's great surprise, and the chagrin of Vernon, the foursome had the best time. Dudley kept begging the trio for demonstrations of their abilities. An exasperated Hermione had to keep reminding him that they were not permitted to do magic outside of school until they were 17. Dudley didn't even try to hide his disappointment. The evenings were spent in Harry's room wherein they trio regaled Dudley with tales of their Hogwarts adventures.

Harry was even more shocked when Dudley started jogging with them depending when they went. At least that was one thing Vernon and Petunia are happy about.

“Definitely a surprising summer” Harry thought and smiled, without letting the others see him.


Hermione and Ron left a couple of days before the departure to Hogwarts, leaving Harry for the first time with good memories of his summer at Privet Drive.

Later while packing up his trunk, Harry spotted Snape's letter, he picked it up and re-read it. Cold fear ran through him, he had just put his best friends in danger to satisfy his own needs. He was ashamed. He quickly sent Hedwig off with a note to Hermione:

“Dear Hermione,

This year stay far from me; I will explain everything to you one day

Love, Harry”


2. Hogwarts, sixth time

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks to all the ones who took the time to review, bad or goods your comments always make me improve, so keep leaving them, ok? I wanted to thank my beta Cheryl, too, since I forgot to do it on the first chapter. *bangs head in shame* She always does a wonderful job on my fics, so all my gratitude to her!

Chapter Two

“Hogwarts, sixth time”

On September the 1st the Dursleys gave him a lift to the station, and for the first time ever Dudley had accompanied him. True to his word Dudley continued to treat Harry respectfully for the rest of the summer. Dudley was currently sitting in the back of the car with Harry chatting away, much to his parents' chagrin. Now and then some awkward silences happened but for the most part it was a rather pleasant ride.

Without looking for his friends Harry then charged through the barrier and directly on the train. He arranged himself in a compartment, he was unsure if Ron and Hermione would come looking for him or not. However, they did, and he couldn't help feeling a little guilty over his relief that they did in fact look for him. Hermione's expression showed a bit of worry, but she did not mention the note he had sent her, and Harry was grateful to her for that. His preference was to not have to explain, not in that moment at least, he knew they would never let him isolate himself just to protect them.

Finally the train started to move, they passed a large part of the trip joking, laughing and enjoying each other's company. Each of them intentionally avoided mentioning what happened at the Department of Mysteries, but occasionally Harry's mind would drift back to the memories of when he had nearly led his friends to their deaths and Sirius... `Maybe Snape, for once, had suggested the right thing. The problem was how to make them understand the situation.'

At one point Harry decided to leave the compartment to clear his mind, he made his excuses and quickly left. Upon his return, he found the compartment door locked with a simple alohamora he opened the door a crack, only to be offered a shocking vision: Ron and Hermione snogging very passionately.

Feelings of betrayal coursed through him, he wanted to scream out in rage, and however, he bit down his jealous realising he really should be happy for them. They were his best friends, after all, and its not like Hermione is his girlfriend, he had no right to be angry with them. He would allow himself to be hurt at the minute…

Deciding to not interrupt them, he silently closed the door, he wandered up and down the passage way but after a while he was compelled to look again. He thought they would have given it a rest by now. He was mistaken. They were still going at it and he once again he felt his blood boiling in his veins.

It was so strange, but at the same time so true, he was jealous of his best friend, of Ron. He laughed to himself, it was usually Ron who jealous him and now finally he understood how the redhead felt. He was reminded of fourth year when he and Ron were not on speaking terms.

Taking a deep breath he opened the door fully and announced, “Time to get changed.” His friends quickly broke apart and Harry pretended that he hadn't seen a thing. He tried to be the same old Harry they'd been best friends with for the last five years, however, he wasn't succeeding Hermione was on to him, he could tell.

In fact, upon exiting the train, Hermione pulled him aside, “You saw us…didn't you? Does it bother you?” she whispered to him, looking directly in his eyes.

Harry shook his head weakly.

“It just sort of happened, I didn't plan it, but it's for the best really. Don't you think?”

Saying the last words, he bit the inside of his cheek as he turned his back from Hermione; he needed to hide his emotions. When Hermione turned to look for Ron, Harry hopped on a carriage and warded door so he could be alone.


As soon as the welcome feast was finished Harry returned to the common room without a word to anyone. He sat in his usual spot in front of the fire until Hermione and Ron arrived then he moved to a far corner of the room to avoid them. He noticed Hermione stare at him and then shake her head. Her look of pity suddenly sparked Harry's anger; he stood up abruptly and stomped up the stairs to his dorm room.

`What did she expect, that I would be immediately love the idea of them being together?' he thought, `If I ever except it, I'll at least need some time.' He choked back the tears that started flowing down his cheeks.

`Sodding hell!' he thought as he laid in bed trying to get comfortable, `So much for a better start to sixth year.' After a long while he fell into a restless slumber.


The next morning Harry got up early and went for a run around the Quidditch pitch. He took a quick shower in the Quidditch change rooms and while on the way back to the castle, he unceremoniously vented his bottled up aggression on a small tree. The force of the single punch split the defenceless tree in two pieces.


Some students who just happened to be looking out a window caught site of Harry's tree abuse. He then once again became the main topic at breakfast. Although Ron thought he was one of the few people who really knew Harry, Ron was clueless, more so than others, even he thought that kind of behaviour was odd. Then again, Ron didn't know Harry had seen him snogging Hermione, and even if he did, he never would have thought it would upset Harry that much.

At breakfast Harry kept to himself sitting as far away from Ron and Hermione as he could. Ron was a little put out but shrugged it off as his hunger took over his concern. He figured Harry was following Snape's recommendation to keep Hermione and him at a distance; Hermione had told him about Harry's letter. However, Ron didn't want to believe that Harry was actually following directions from Snape.


The first lesson of the term was, coincidentally, Potions and for the first time in his life Harry was really attentive in class. He almost chuckled sadly thinking that his only “friend” now was Snape, and even he still treated Harry with the usual coldness.

Snape sensed something was not quite right with Harry and he was concerned. It had been a hard road to travel but Snape had decided to separate his hatred for the boy's father and had settled into a sort of mutual understanding with Harry. He had no desire to seek the kind of friendship Harry had with the likes of Hagrid or McGonagall but he had promised the Headmaster that he would protect the boy and intended to keep his word.

At the end of the lesson, Snape quickly thought up an excuse to keep Harry behind. Once alone Snape told Harry that if anything was troubling him and he needed to talk that he would be available later in the evening and to come by his private office. Although Snape's tone was still brisk and cutting, Harry thanked the Head of Slytherin for the unexpected offer and left the room.


He made his way to the History of Magic class, the most annoying of all subjects. He, however, succeeded in concentrating for the entire lesson. It was the same for all his classes, even Divination.

It had had been a natural transition for Harry to bury all his suffering into his schoolwork. He even challenged Hermione in a few subjects to his great satisfaction; though he still avoided her when at all possible.


Later that evening he decided he did want to speak to someone, and deciding that Hagrid was a bit too emotional, and McGonagall was too female, he would take Snape up on his offer and made his way down to Snape's office. The Potions Master ushered Harry into his office and offered him a seat.

“So what's troubling you Potter?” Snape asked, while Harry took a seat. “Listen Potter, I know that we have not been on the best of terms these last five years. I have come to realise that you are merely your father's son and not your father and I will make the effort to remind myself of that fact in our future dealings. Of course I will be required to keep up appearances in public, but know that you may approach me privately with any concerns you may have and I will endeavour to help.” the Potion Master added, before letting Harry speak.

Harry nodded and for some moments said nothing. “How did you know something is troubling me?” he finally asked, out of the blue.

Snape closed his eyes, he was reluctant to reveal something personal regarding himself, but accepting that in order to get Harry to open up he would have to make the first move. He began, “I once found myself in your shoes Potter. It's a long story; I will give you the abbreviated version. You will recall that the memory you viewed in the Pensieve last year involved your mother and father and his friends.” To this Harry nodded and Snape continued, “I despised your father; I harboured a certain affection for your mother and I viewed him as a rival. At the time of the incident your mother didn't think much of your father either and perhaps at that time I may have had a chance of her returning my affection. However, my humiliation over took my good sense and I called her a hateful name. I realised I had lost any hope. After your parents began their relationship, I was chagrined, I buried myself in my studies and poured all my energy into forgetting that I was in love with Lily.”

“You… you were in love with my mother?” Harry asked in shock. He didn't think Snape was capable of caring about anything let alone actually love someone.

“Yes, I was.” responded Snape then continued, “I need to advise you that I have some slight empathic abilities. It adds to the effectiveness of my Legilimency skill, I pick up emotions emitted from the people around me, as it suits my nature I am more adept at picking up the more aggressive emotions such as anger and hostility above others. Today for instance, for the first time ever you put in a considerable effort into the lesson, the fact that you seated yourself at a purposeful distance from Miss Granger and Weasley did not go unnoticed. I sensed that you were making a concerted effort to ignore the pair. Therefore, I couldn't help but sense that you hold Miss Granger in some regard? She is your problem, is she not, Potter?”

“Yes, sir. She is.” Harry replied, he neither confirmed nor denied what kind of problem she was, though. Despite Snape opening up to him and making the offer of help Harry was not ready to trust the Potions Master completely, so he didn't not reveal all his issues.

Snape nodded in acknowledgement, he had not expectation of Harry opening up fully, but it did not take Legilimens to know that Harry felt more than friendship for Miss Granger. “Potter take a page from my book, I buried myself in schoolwork and other interests…I am quite sure you will agree that this attitude did nothing to enrich my good character, I trust you will draw your own conclusions from my example.”

Harry nodded knowingly as his emotions swam dangerously close to the surface.

Snape handed Harry a flask that contained a Cheer Up Potion that would help better control his emotions, and then sent Harry back to his dorm.


After sampling the Cheer Up Potion over the next few days Harry found that either the Potion was too weak to be effective or simply his suffering could not be countered with a potion, not at this stage at least.

When the day of the first Hogsmeade weekend arrived Hermione and Ron had been dating for nearly three months. Hermione had tried to convince Harry to join her and Ron but he had refused stating that he had some homework to catch up on.

“Really, I don't want to spoil your day together,” Harry reasoned and then left to go to the library and study. His concentration was off, and he once again found himself fighting with his emotions. Harry's thoughts turned to Hermione, at that very moment she was with Ron enjoying the day; they were probably holding hands, or worse, walking arm in arm. Harry had been a bit rude to Hermione earlier; he hadn't meant to hurt her. He was struggling to keep his emotions in check.


With the passing of the days, he felt his jealousy wane; he still avoided the cause of his angst, not willing to completely make peace with the pair. For two reasons, Harry rationalised: first, he was in love with Hermione; seeing her with Ron pained him beyond belief. Second, that by following Snape's advice and keeping his distance he would be protecting them from danger as well as protecting his heart.

Strangely, something or rather someone disrupted Harry's plan and for a completely unexpected reason. Draco Malfoy, he had seen Ron and Hermione snogging, during the Hogsmeade weekend. Malfoy too was surprised; with the confirmation of the new relationship, he took every opportunity to insult the couple.

Despite Harry's personal opposition to the couple, he wasn't about to let Malfoy get away with harassing them; they were still his friends after all. In a rare moment that Harry actually found Malfoy alone, he confronted him, “What the hell are you on about, Malfoy?” he asked wand drawn and pointed directly at the Slytherin's chest. “Ron and Hermione, leave them alone,” his voice full of loathing for the blonde haired classmate.

“What do you care, Potter? The site of the Weasel and the Mudblood snogging makes me sick; I'm just playing with them. By the way, where have you been, the happy couple turned you out? Forgotten their friend have they?” taunted Malfoy with a sneer.

“Why do you care if Ron and Hermione are together? What business is it of yours?” Harry spat, Malfoy was really irritating and Harry was quickly using up all his patience.

For reasons unknown to Harry and the rest of the wizarding world, Malfoy lowered his wand and with a dramatic change in demeanour, and his voice barely above a whisper, Malfoy replied, “Because…because I think I love her,”

“Bollocks!” shouted Harry, “Just stay the hell away from her!”

As he walked away, he wondered, `what if Malfoy's telling the truth? Sodding hell, that's the last thing I need. What am I thinking, Malfoy in love with Hermione…'

“I'm telling the truth Potter!” shouted Malfoy, but Harry didn't acknowledge, he just kept on walking.

`What kind of alternate universe have I stumbled into?' mused Harry shaking his head, `Dudley is suddenly civil; Ron and Hermione together…snogging; Snape being kind and offering advice and now Malfoy…in love with Hermione too? I wonder what will the rest of the year will bring?'


Harry made his way to Transfiguration, wherein after successfully transforming a plate into a bird Professor McGonagall awarded fifteen points to Gryffindor. However, an overly distracted Hermione was unable to complete the assignment and was duly chastised by the Professor.

Hermione was smart enough to realise that Harry was struggling to cope with her relationship with Ron, but his attitude towards her failure hurt. Ever since the summer he hadn't been himself, she knew partly the reason, but she didn't think he would really keep his distance she was his best friend after all. He was acting more like Malfoy.

Immediately after the lesson, she ran away tears streaming down her face. Harry didn't completely understand why she was crying he was thinking that she took her failures way too seriously. Perhaps she thought he was happy with her lack of success in the transfiguration; when he simply had been gratified by his own success…

It pained him deep in his heart, if, even though unintentionally, he was the cause of her tears.

Needing to clear his thoughts he decided to go for a walk and ended up at Hagrid's hut. Hagrid invited Harry in for a cuppa and he obliged. Harry sat quietly listening to Hagrid's unsolicited advice knowing the half giant meant well.


Over the past few days Malfoy tried every so often to speak to Harry and after several attempts finally succeeded.

“I want to thank you Potter, I took your advice.” expressed Malfoy.

“What are you on about?” asked Harry decidedly confused.

“I've stayed away from her,” he simply said, “I am quite sure you are doing the same thing.”

Harry glared at Malfoy, “You don't know what you're talking about!”

“Don't I?” asked Malfoy arcing his eyebrow at Harry.

“You were telling the truth,” stated Harry, “You are in love with her.”

“So are you Potter,” said Malfoy.

In the moment of an impromptu staring contest Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy formed an unspoken truce. Harry smiled, then he patted Draco's back and to those who witnessed the scene unfold they could not believe their eyes and soon the news that Potter and Malfoy were friends spread.

Harry and Draco were often seen together, studying, flying and generally hanging out. The change did not go unnoticed and the fledgling friends found themselves in a meeting with Snape. They took turns explaining the situation. Draco surprised Snape with his admitted affection for Miss Granger. When they finished Snape responded, “I see…Well this is unexpected, however, I think you may be of help to each other.”


That same evening, Harry ran into Ron in the common room and the redhead demanded to know what was going on with Harry.

“Ask Hermione, Ronald…She knows why. Strange though, I wonder why she hasn't told you?” Harry responded, losing semi-control of his strongly guarded anger and then stalked off to the dorm. Harry was a little ashamed at his actions, he was still bitter over Ron's relationship with Hermione, he couldn't help lashing out and it bothered him.


A few nights later, Harry woke up with a start, his scar searing with pain. After pulling himself together he headed down to his favourite spot near the fire, to think. Harry had been dreaming…about Hermione, she was dead, and he was kneeling wand in hand before Voldemort listening to the pleased voice of his enemy stating, “Very good work, Potter. You have killed the Mudblood. You have confirmed that you are my loyal servant.”

From his several late night conversations with Snape, Harry knew that after his mother chose his father, Snape decided to join the Death Eaters. Even though Snape was now on the side of light, Harry had no desire to share the same path. He would learn from the Slytherin's mistakes.

Right there before the calmness of the fire, Harry vowed to protect Hermione; he would not be the one to harm her. He would swallow his pride and offer his two best friends an olive branch, starting tomorrow…


3. Lonely Christmas

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb; that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks to all of you for your reviews, they really mean a lot to me. And thanks to Cheryl for her wonderful job in betaing the chapter, as usual she has been fantastic!

Chapter Three

“Lonely Christmas”

Harry's relationship with Ron and Hermione greatly improved with the nearing of Christmas. Harry was consciously working at learning from Snape's error, and not letting anger consume him, all the while Ron and Hermione were afraid of completely losing their best friend. The three were on the long road to reconciliation and the closeness of the past was still eluded them.

However, for Hermione this was enough for the moment; how many sleepless nights she had passed, remembering Harry's face leaving the train and then the solemn look on his face as he walked away in search of an unoccupied carriage. Harry may have thought his actions had gone unobserved, but she watched, and she felt his pain.

Hermione couldn't even begin to explain how much her fear of losing Harry ran; now, having him trying to work things out made her relieved and cautiously optimistic.

When she noticed Harry hanging out with Malfoy, at first she was a little mortified, questioning why Harry would associate with his archrival. She knew it had to be more than just following Snape's suggestion to stay away from her and Ron. After mulling her thoughts over for quite some time, it dawned her; maybe just maybe Harry had feelings for her? She questioned her own feelings for Harry? But, she was with Ron now, what could she do? She tormented herself in the days leading up to the holiday break trying to determine what she could do, if anything to help Harry.

Meanwhile, Harry immersed himself in study, running twice a day, and captaining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he was inadvertently setting a strong example to the younger students; even Professor McGonagall was pleased with his remarkable new work ethic.

From the vantage point of her dorm room window Hermione often watched Harry run, he was relentless, and he ran in rain or snow. So many times she wanted to go and talk with him only to be held back by her own fears and insecurities.


A Few days later the Quidditch season started with the first game being Gryffindor verses Hufflepuff. The match was short lived when Harry caught the Snitch after only five minutes of play, tying his own Hogwarts record set in his first year.

After all the spectators and players left, save for Harry, he remained on the pitch, lost in thoughts of Hermione. He was desperately trying to resolve his feelings, his love for her, she is with Ron and he was determined to be the supportive best friend Ron and Hermione expected him to be, he rationalised. Some time later, Professor McGonagall roused Harry from his musing with a message from Professor Dumbledore.

“Harry, the Headmaster wants to see you in his office.”

Harry wondered why Dumbledore wanted to see him; however, he shrugged the thought off and headed in to the castle. When he reached the gargoyle guarding the entrance to the Headmaster's office, Harry realised that didn't know the password, but before he could start guessing with various names of sweets the gargoyle moved aside.

Harry entered and stepped on the stair that would automatically take him to the inner office.

“Ah, Harry. Please, take a seat” Dumbledore instructed.

Harry did as he was told.

“Harry, I have been advised that you have had a falling out with Miss Granger and Mr. Weasley. “ Harry opened his mouth to protest but stopped when Dumbledore held up his hand and continued, “I have also been advised of your recent attempts at reconciliation. I appreciate your efforts, however, I must impress upon you the need for unity, especially among friends. Harry, we must come together as a unified force against the darkness, there is no room for strife…or jealousy.

`Typical Dumbledore,' thought Harry, `he's acting like he has all the answers. What does he know about what I'm feeling? The pain I feel every time I see Hermione with Ron.' The memory of Ron and Hermione snogging on the train kept replaying over and over again in his mind. Anger once again started to boil Harry's insides, `What did that old codger know about anything!' Before Harry could think things through he spouted out something that he really didn't mean.

“You know what Sir…I give up, they might as well disappear for all I care. I have the prophecy; I have to defeat Voldemort, not them, not us together, not an army, just me! I don't need them, I wouldn't even know they were gone!” Harry shouted as he stormed out of the office.

He continued to storm through the empty corridors, and finally after gaining some much needed distance between himself and Dumbledore, Harry was able to admit that Dumbledore was right. Still Harry would have difficulty ever trusting the old wizard as he once had, Dumbledore was right Harry did need his friends, and it would kill him if anything happened to them.

He returned to Gryffindor Tower, decided to take a warm shower and afterwards dressed in his new robes proudly displaying his prefect badge, and went to the common room to finish his homework. Later he went to Hagrid's cottage, looking for company, but mainly to avoid Ron who, he heard had been searching for him. Although less agitated than he'd been earlier, Harry was in no mood to be dealing with Ron at the minute. Harry was not confident that he could keep his tongue in check and did not want to risk further damaging the already tenuous relationship.


A few days later, Harry had found some happiness for the first time this term. He had been secretly training to become an Animagus and had succeeded in accomplishing the transformation much quicker than he'd anticipated. Harry learned that he could not choose his Animagus that it came from his magic, much like the Patronus. He was relieved that his form was a golden griffin and that he had the ability to fly; fitting really, as flying was something he took to naturally. As he tried out flying in his Animagus form he felt happy and free and albeit temporary, he was able to clear his thoughts.

For the next Hogsmeade weekend, Harry chose to go solo, being alone all day, however, turned out to not be such a good idea. His thoughts kept drifting between grieving for Sirius; brooding over the Prophecy; and anguishing over his broken heart. It was too much, he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from crying, he thought of taking the easy way out, thinking of various ways to commit suicide. Then an image of his parents flashed in his mind; no, suicide was a coward's way and he wasn't about to let his parent's sacrifice be in vain. Harry resolved to fight; there was no way he would make Voldemort's ambitions easier; Harry would fight for the freedom of all the Wizarding World.

He returned to the castle with a renewed determination to face his problems and resolve them all, one by one.

`How could I have ever thought of suicide,' he admonished to himself, `How un-Harry Potter of me. Besides, my fan club would be really disappointed.' Harry chuckled and shook his head in amusement. He felt better now thanks to his internal pep talk. He realised that he could face all that life had in store for him. Harry returned to Hogwarts just in time for dinner. After eating and chatting quite cheerfully with his fellow Gryffindors, something he hadn't done in months, he decided to go for a walk, as he wasn't quite ready to turn in for the night.


Nearly all the students left Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays; for the first time Harry was alone with the Professors as Ron and Hermione both had elected to go home for the holidays.

`It wasn't going to be that bad, actually,' Harry thought, `Finally I can relax and rest up a bit more.'

He had made a good effort to be more civil to Ron and Hermione after the talk with Dumbledore. They were no longer a trio, but rather a couple and sidekick, but Harry didn't let it bother him too much. Now that he was alone he did feel freer.

In the absence of multiple students to watch over, Harry discovered the Professors were quite laid back and fun. He was enjoying the company of Dumbledore, Hagrid, McGonagall and Snape, as they went tobogganing, ice-skating, and snowshoeing. He enjoyed the company of the few students remained in the castle too, especially Lavender Brown, the only other Gryffindor to stay behind.

It was still a little unnerving and yet comforting as his friendship with Snape grew. Harry also found himself missing Draco's company, he laughed at the though, if anyone had told him a year ago that he would be mates with Draco and on speaking terms with Snape, he'd have thought they were mad. Harry thought about sending Draco an owl, but quickly nixed the idea he didn't want to cause trouble for Draco in case his correspondence was monitored.

On Christmas Eve, Harry with Lavender for company walked the grounds for hours. He was rather surprised that he was enjoying her presence and the chance to get to know her better. For the past five years Harry had only thought of Lavender as an idle gossip and fashion princess, but he found that there much more to her underneath the image she projected. Without realising it he kept watching her and smiling as they had lunch together near the lake.

In the afternoon, they attempted skiing on one of the smaller the hills near the castle. They laughed until they ached as neither one of them was any good. They did more falling that actual skiing.

After dinner, they found themselves alone in the common room, enjoying the warmth of the fire. They were chatting quietly about nothing of consequence when slowly Lavender slid closer to Harry. When he didn't protest she kissed him. At first Harry was taken aback and tensed, but Lavender persisted and gradually he relaxed into the kiss. Kissing Lavender was nice, however, images of Hermione kept flashing in his mind and quickly realised that he had to stop it wasn't fair to Lavender. He gently pulled away from her and she attempted to pull him back in.

“Lavender, I'm sorry. I like you, I do but…I can't do this.” he said and then got up walked to his dorm unable to look at her hurt expression. He felt badly for leading her on even if it was unintentional.

Christmas morning he sat on his bed opening his gifts alone. He was shocked to find a new watch from Dudley amongst his gifts. Dudley really had changed; he smiled as he wrote a thank you note. Just has he was tying the note to Hedwig's leg, he noticed a Muggle envelope on the floor.

It was from Uncle Vernon:


As we intended to summer with Marge next year, Dudley has convinced us to let you stay at the house instead of making you go to Mrs. Figg's. You may invite your friends if you like so you that you will not have to be alone.


Harry laughed out loud, if he didn't know differently, he'd swear Dudley really was a Wizard and he'd put Uncle Vernon under Imperious.

Then Harry's expression turned bitter, `your friendswhat friends? Ron and Hermione? Yeah, I'd get to watch them snog all summer. Maybe Draco and Snape…'

Harry didn't know why but suddenly he thought about Krum and his infatuation for Hermione. Harry wondered if Krum knew about Ron and Hermione, then shaking to rid himself of that thought, he wasn't Krum's personal assistant. Realising he now understood exactly how Krum felt, Harry's thoughts drifted to Hermione, `I hope she is happy with Ron.'

He returned to his gift opening; the last gift was from Hermione. It was a new Broom Polishing Kit specifically for his Firebolt make and model. She had included a framed picture of them taken during her stay at Privet Drive last summer. He felt his heart break just a little bit more as he looked at the picture - they were talking to each other and holding hands.

He read the accompanying letter:

Dear Harry,

Happy Christmas, I hope you are enjoying your gifts.

Ron and I miss you. I hope the Professors aren't giving you too much trouble.

Harry, I know you are having a hard time with Ron and I being together. Just know that we didn't plan this, it just happened. I realised too late that you might have feelings for me and please know that I/we didn't intentionally set out to hurt you.

If I had known sooner, I could have, I would have handled things differently. Please try and be happy for me/us.

I miss your friendship so much it hurts.



Harry bit down on his fist to hold back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes, he let the letter fall to the floor, in that moment he'd never felt more alone, like a lost child.

Suddenly in an act of unbridled teenaged angst he picked up the letter, grabbed the picture and charged down to the common room. Without a second thought he tossed the offending letter and picture, frame and all into the flames. He sat there watching with morbid satisfaction as the letter curled and then turned to ash. Harry then left the common to go for a walk; he needed to clear his thoughts.

“Is there a reason why you are walking about in your pyjamas?” questioned Snape. Harry looked down he was still in his nightclothes and rolled his eyes in embarrassment. Snape suggested that Harry get dressed and meet him in his office for a chat and then turned away muttering something about foolish Gryffindors.

Snape's voice was cold but not unkind, “Potter…Harry, pull yourself together man. She is just one girl, eventually your feelings will pass and you will move on to your next `one true love.'”

“Just like you got over my mum?” questioned Harry.

“Touché Potter.” smirked Snape.

The pair then settled in for a long talk about various things including but not limited to the fairer sex. Harry then joined Snape and the other Professors in the Staff Room for Christmas Lunch. He had to admit that talking with Snape did help him feel better about things.

Lavender was another story, he could feel her eyes on him during lunch, he had managed to avoid her all morning, but now he had no means for escape. When she cornered him after lunch he didn't try to take off the least he could do was face the music and hear her out.

“Harry, I realise you don't fancy me…and its okay. I don't really fancy you either. I just thought we'd have a bit of fun over the holidays. No harm done, okay…” stated Lavender offering her hand in truce.

Harry smiled and taking her hand said, “No harm done.”

“Would you like to go for a walk?” asked Lavender, “as friends?”

“I'd love too.” Harry replied.


4. A Very Unwelcome Gift

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Hey, I'm here at last. Sorry for the long time it took to me, but I'm here to update now. Hope you will like this, and please review, it makes me happy! Thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, who always contributes to make my story better!

Chapter Four

“A Very Unwelcome Gift”

Harry spent the afternoon exploring the secret passages he had yet to venture into. Just before going to bed, he took one final glance at the Marauder's Map with the intention of putting it away. It was in that moment he did a double take, unsure of what he was seeing he took his glasses off and cleaned them on his pyjama top and put them back on. He starred at the little person moving around the map labelled “Viktor Krum.”

`Krum?' Harry asked himself. `What is he doing here?'

`What IS he doing here?' Harry repeated, `Maybe he is looking for work? No…he's playing Professional Quidditch, isn't he? He finished school three years ago, he was already playing for Bulgaria…he was drafted by…' Harry shrugged and muttered “Mischief Managed” and carefully hid the Map in his trunk; Viktor Krum was not his concern. Harry fell into a deep sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Harry awoke with a start; the cause of his disrupted sleep was a large black owl tapping loudly at the window obviously intent on completing its late night delivery.

`Who would be owling him at this hour?' Harry thought as he stumbled over to the dorm window and opened it. The determined bird flew over to the bureau and held its leg out for Harry to retrieve the attached letter. It was addressed to “Harry Potter.”

The owl flew out the window as soon as Harry removed the letter, he briefly considered throwing it away; taking out his wand he cast the few revealing charms he knew. Nothing. Curious, he opened the letter glancing at the bottom his mood soured; it was from Hermione's parents. `Hermione's parents? What?' he thought; he read through the short note.

Dear Harry,

We are frantic; Hermione was not at the station when we arrived to pick her up.

We have contacted her boyfriend Ron, and he says that she was definitely on the train and that when he left with his parents she was still in the compartment gathering her belongings.

We have also alerted Professor Dumbledore and the authorities that she is missing.

If you know anything, if you have any idea where she may have gone, please let your Headmaster know.

Please help us.


Robert and Anne Granger

Harry felt sick, at first he was in denial, he had watched Hermione board the Express with his own eyes. Then he was angry, angry with Ron for not staying with her until her parents arrived. HE would have waited. Hermione was missing? How could this have happened?

Suddenly this was working out to be one of his worst Christmases yet, he felt a deep sense of remorse at his childish behaviour earlier and now regretted throwing her letter and picture in the fire. He thought back to Snape's warning from the summer, Voldemort WAS targeting his friends.

Harry got dressed and immediately headed for Dumbledore's office, giving the password “Chocolate Frog” to the gargoyle. Harry marched up the stairs and into the office; he tossed the letter on the Headmaster's desk. While Dumbledore picked up the parchment to read, Harry threw himself on the sofa, his eyes wild and desperate. `Hermione, missing! How was it possible? This is Ron's fault' he repeated in his mind.

His heart was pounding in his chest while he waited for a response for Dumbledore. Then he thought of something, “Professor, maybe…is it possible that Hermione has disappeared on her own? I did receive a letter with a gift, she definitely wrote the letter sir I know her hand-writing.” He was grasping at false hope, he knew it and so did Dumbledore.

Dumbledore pulled off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes, then putting his glasses back on he looked up at Harry to voice his response, “Harry, Hermione was going on a ski trip to Switzerland with her parents, she most likely gave the package to Ron to owl, or made prior arrangements to have it delivered for Christmas. I believe she has been taken, Hermione would not just willingly disappear.”

Harry and Dumbledore sat in contemplation for a few minutes when Dumbledore continued, “May I assume that your earlier declarations of not caring were false? Did you not state that you didn't wish to see Miss Granger nor Mr. Weasley for that matter ever again?”

`Why did he have that damned twinkle in his eye.' thought Harry, `the man is a nutter.'

Harry with a very serious tone and demeanour looked Dumbledore directly in the eye, “Sir, I never wanted anything bad to happen to them, I love Her-uh care for them still. We both know who is behind this, and I for one am not going to sit around letting Him take away anymore people that I lov…er care about. I will find Hermione and I will fulfil the prophecy. I will not rest until Hermione is safe and Voldemort is dead.”

The Headmaster tried to calm him, “Now, now, Harry do not let rage be your motivator. You will accomplish nothing and your anger will only lead to costly mistakes. Let `the power he knows not' be your guide from this moment, until you return with Hermione, I will ensure that you'll be able to research, investigate and plan without restrictions. I have confidence in you Harry; you have achieved much since your arrival at Hogwarts. Go on my boy, find our Hermione and bring her back.” Dumbledore then signed a piece of parchment and handed it over to Harry.

Dumbledore had many reasons for sending Harry on this task alone, the boy needed to find himself, allow himself to love and be loved. Harry couldn't fool Dumbledore, he knew Harry was in love with Hermione but had lost his chance of romantic relationship out of fear. Dumbledore was hopeful that Harry would learn to take risks in the name of love; as love was after all the greatest powers a wizard could hold. Harry would find Hermione; Dumbledore was very confident of this and Harry would face down Voldemort in the process, it was his fate.

The first thing that Harry did was to send an owl to Hermione's parents, telling them that he intended to do everything in his power to bring Hermione safely back to them. He then went to the Common Room, seated himself on the sofa in front of the fire and began to work out the different ways she may have been taken. He knew that she had boarded the train; and that she'd made it to Kings Cross but what had happened to her from there? Someone on the train must have attacked her, right after Ron left. She must have been taken by surprise (or disguise) because there would have been a struggle; there was no way Hermione would have just gone without a fight had she been aware…How to find her?

He hadn't quite worked out how, but he was determined he would, one way or another.

After staying up until the early morning and falling asleep where he sat, Harry awoke with a soar neck and still no plan. He ventured out to Hagrid's hut in hopes that a sympathetic face would give him inspiration. Harry needed to confide in someone; Hermione missing was making him ill with worry more ill than when he stumbled on her and Ron kissing that first time. He was succumbing to despair, he felt useless, powerless and thankfully Hagrid provided a much-needed distraction to lighten Harry's sombre mood. He decided against telling Hagrid at the minute that Hermione was missing, he didn't want to upset the gentle giant. After a nice visit, Harry returned to the castle with a clear mind and ready to re-start his research.

Harry's intuition told him that Hermione never made it off the train; she had to have been taken from the compartment. He went to the library to research all the possible ways to transport a person undetected. After ruling out several possibilities, like Apparation and Portkeys as they all leave traces of magic behind, he mused over the idea that maybe the kidnappers flew away using the Disillusionment spell, or an Invisibility Cloak…or maybe a flying Animagus? He himself was a Golden Griffin, but how many flying Animagi could there be? He wasn't sure but it wouldn't hurt to check the registry, though it was more likely that the individual would be unregistered…

Exhausted from lack of sleep, Harry decided to turn in early in hopes that a night's rest would inspire him on how to find Hermione. However, sleep did not come, he was restless with the constant images of Hermione in danger, tied up, gagged or even being tortured, try as he might he could not expunge the disturbing visions from his mind. Giving up on any prospect of sleep, he put on his dressing gown and slippers and headed to the dungeons, he needed to talk with Snape.

As Harry expected Snape was in his office without waiting for the offer he seated himself in the uncomfortable chair opposite his newfound confidant. Strangely, Snape was unaware of Hermione's disappearance, so Harry spent the next few minutes bringing Snape up-to-date.

“So Potter you were unable to follow my advice…now Miss Granger is missing and you wish to venture out on some hair-brained scheme to rescue her?” droned Snape, but then his demeanour changed as if struck with an idea, “You will need to keep your mind clear at all times Potter, you must keep your involvement with Miss Granger from the Dark Lord. He will use your fondness for the girl against you. You will resume practising Occlumency; it is imperative that the Dark Lord not access to your mind while you sleep. He may try and insert visions of Miss Granger in distress in effort to lure you away from Hogwarts as he did when he tricked you in to running off to the Ministry unprotected last year.”

“You are right Professor, I'll do it. I'll do whatever it takes to get Hermione back safely,” responded Harry. He was not going to make the same mistake twice; his foolish stubbornness had cost Sirius his life. The irony of the situation of not lost on him either as it was Hermione who had tried to talk him out of going to the Ministry last June in the first place.

Harry spent about two hours practicing Occlumency with Snape. Their new found friendship made the task of clearing his mind and staying focused much more productive than their previous endeavours the year before. When he left the dungeons to turn in for the night Harry felt a new sense of purpose.

Unfortunately, the next day proved to be as unsuccessful as the previous; Harry spent several hours pouring through the various reference books in the now very familiar Library, but nothing he came across proved was helpful. His mind drifted as he closed yet another book, `Every time I had a problem she would be right here with me working to find a solution. The Triwizard Tournament, he would have surely died if she hadn't helped…' Thinking about the Tournament always led to more painful memories so Harry quickly refocused on the task at hand picking up another large dusty book `Magical Abilities while in Animagus Form' by Selene Azazello.

Later that night, as Harry lay in bed finally able to sleep, however, he hadn't quite mastered clearing his mind. A vision invaded his dreams; it was from the same perspective as the attack on Arthur Weasley. Harry saw Hermione tied up, the room was dark when he heard what he assumed was Voldemort's voice, “I'm curious Mudblood, where is your rescue party? Where is Potter, why hasn't he come to save his one true love? Is it possible that he no longer desires you now that you have taken up with the Weasel?” Voldemort leaned over stroking her cheek with a long bony finger and whispered in her ear, “I can see into his mind, you know Mudblood. I know what he is feeling; how unlike Potter

to just leave you in my power…”

Harry woke up his scar burning on his forehead. He was right, Voldemort had Hermione, but not for long Harry swore to himself, `hang in there Hermione, don't listen to Him, I am coming for you.'

Voldemort was unaware of the very angry and powerful green-eyed wizard preparing for their final meeting.


5. Researches for Three

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks for your reviews, they always make me happy! I hope you'll enjoy this one too. And thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, she really helps me a lot with my stories!

Chapter Five

“Researches for three”

Before Harry knew it the holidays were over and his classmates returned save for one. He concluded that since Hermione's disappearance was largely Ron's fault, Harry would enlist the redhead's help even if he loathed the idea of working with the prat.

Harry cornered Ron in the Common Room thrusting the letter from Hermione's parents in his horrified face. “How could you let this happen?” accused Harry, his voice eerily calm, “You just left her, unprotected, for what? So you could get home and fill your gut faster?” Taking in a deep breath he continued, “She needs you…needs us, both of us, we have to help her.” Then in a surprise move Harry held out his hand to Ron and with a strained voice asked, “No hard feelings?”

Ron eagerly accepted his hand, “I'll do anything mate, anything to help find her and bring her back to me…er us.”

“You may not like this but Draco is going to help. He has access to information that we never will and he's willing to risk his neck…for her.” Harry added.

As predicted Ron contorted his face in disgust but quickly recovered as he had promised Harry that he would do anything and he meant it.

There was no way in hell that Draco was going to let the Weasel in on his feelings for Hermione. Accordingly he feigned disgust at the news and made a show of reluctantly participating in the quest to find her, he officially crossed the line; he was defying his father's wishes.

The small group assembled and got down to the business of working out how Hermione had been taken, where she may have been taken, and who may have take her from the train station - it had to have been someone she knew or trusted as there was no signs of a struggle.

Ron recounted his last moments with Hermione, “She was looking for something she misplaced. It was taking her forever and I started getting impatient. My mum was waiting and you know how she gets if we are late or something. So when Hermione told me to go on without her I kissed her good-bye and left her in the compartment.”

“So, you're saying that you didn't stay with your girlfriend, help her because you didn't want to keep your Mummy waiting?” Draco asked his voice dripping with sarcasm, “Smooth Weasel, very smooth.”

“Well…I…” Ron answered his ears turning bright red.

Harry rolled his eyes, they didn't have time to waste their energy on this, what was done was done. Interrupting Ron, Harry redirected their thoughts to the task at hand which was finding Hermione, “Okay then, Ron did you notice anything unusual during the train ride? Anything that seemed maybe odd or out of place?”

“No, not really…wait a minute…yeah…yeah I do remember something odd. I saw Viktor Krum getting off the train but that was before it had even left Hogsmeade.”

“Krum? Krum was on the train but got off before it left Hogsmeade?” asked Harry to which Ron nodded his head. Draco looked back and forth between the two with a confused expression on his face.

“During the Hols I saw Krum. He was here, in the castle.” Harry explained and mouthed to Ron `Marauder's Map.'

“Oh I remember now, yeah Krum took Granger to the Yule Ball, fourth year.” Draco stated his eyes taking on a light Harry had never seen before, “Well then that makes Krum our number one suspect.”

“Listen, Krum or whomever took her brought her to Voldemort.” Harry stated as Ron and Draco winced at the name, “I had a…dream of Hermione tied up in a dark room. Voldemort was taunting her asking why I wasn't coming to her rescue.” Harry lowered his head in shame and continued, “He's right, I should already be there.”

“But Harry…how do you know that wasn't just another trap, like last year?” Ron asked.

“Because…I saw things from his prospective…the same as when…like when I saw the attack on your father.” Harry replied.

Ron shuddered at Harry's reply but neither Harry nor Draco paid any notice.

“Potter, you're doing everything that you can. We,” Draco gestured to Ron then himself, “are going to help too. We are going to find her and bring her back,” he stated giving Harry a nudge on his back. Harry sighed and nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, McGonagall entered in the room and advised them that Dumbledore wished speak to them straight away.

When they arrived at the Headmaster's office, they were promptly offered a lemon drop and told to take a seat. After the boys politely declined, the Headmaster turned to Harry and asked, “Harry, what did you see in your dream?”

Harry wondered briefly how it was that the Headmaster knew everything that went on in the castle?

Harry then recounted the details of his dream and the Headmaster took in the information, his hands steepled and resting on his bearded chin. “Harry, promise me that you will not go after Voldemort on your own.” Dumbledore said, “Please advise me at once when you determine Hermione's possible whereabouts, it will do you no good to proceed without the Order.” He then dismissed the boys to return to their research knowing full well that the three young men had no intension of waiting for any protection.


They retreated back to the Library for another brainstorming session. Researching Tom Riddle/Voldemort wasn't exactly an easy task, its not like you could find the reference `How to Locate a Dark Lord' in the catalogues.

Draco was perusing a rather large textbook about the history of Hogwarts Lake when a particular passage triggered a memory from second year. “There is a legend…I thought it was rubbish when I first heard it,” Draco blurted out catching Ron and Harry's attention. “The passage here references a legend about a “Death Arch,” it's a stone archway allegedly located at the bottom of the Lake.” he explained, “If crossed, the Death Arch will transport the individual to another dimension. Maybe the Dark Lord is using it as his hideout?” Draco paused for effect then explained further, “In second year, some of the sixth and seventh years were saying that the Chamber of Secrets wasn't the only hidden chamber at Hogwarts, there was another chamber located under the Lake…this must be what they were talking about.”

“It's worth looking into,” Harry stated and Ron agreed, “But the Lake is still frozen over at the minute we will have to form some kind of plan first.”

Draco nodded, “Besides it may not even exist.”

They all agreed to check out the legend further but for now they focus their attention on other possibilities.


New day, new discoveries

Harry and Ron met up with Draco at the entrance to the Slytherin Dungeons; they were going to check out the area where Harry had spotted Krum on the Maurader's Map.

Harry and Ron had decided to let Draco in on the Map; although he didn't show it Draco was impressed. He was the most familiar with the dungeons and led them to the area Harry pointed to on the Map. It was a holding cell.

Entering the cell, Harry scanned the room for clues. He spotted a hair on a blanket, he was certain it was Hermione's. He also smelled a very faint yet still lingering fragrance the he was confidant was Hermione's scent. “Ron,” he called out.

Ron moved over to where Harry was standing. “Do you notice the smell? It smells like Hermione doesn't it? Its her perfume.” Harry asked, “and this, this is a strand of her hair.”

Ron sniffed in deeply and as he looked at the hair in Harry's hand he paled, “Yeah, Hermione was definitely here,” confirmed the worried redhead.

“Okay then, we are on the right track.” Harry grimly stated, “Krum must be the one who took Hermione from the train station.”

Draco clapped Harry on the back and said, “Good eyes Potter, you should think about becoming an Auror.”

Harry simply shrugged and then left to go update Dumbledore on their findings. Ron and Draco stayed behind and continued searching for clues.


Harry briefed Dumbledore on the recent discoveries including Ron spotting Krum getting off the train at the start of the holidays and then later Harry spotting him on the Map the same night the Granger's letter arrived.

Dumbledore took in all the information and nodded.

“Excellent work, Harry. I agree that you are on the right path but remember don't go doing anything rash.” he advised.

Harry nodded, but in his heart he knew as soon as he found where she was he would go after her.


The next day Harry, Ron and Draco, after a review of the tangibles; Krum was involved, and Hermione had definitely been in the holding cell, the same cell that Harry had spotted Krum in on the Maurader's Map, decided to focus their attention on researching the `Death Arch.” However, their efforts were proving fruitless. It appeared that the only reference to the `Death Arch' was in the text that Draco found yesterday.

They argued over the Arch's existence, the likelihood that it was still at the bottom of the Lake if it did exist, and how would they go about checking for said Arch in said still frozen Lake…


Harry jumped and ran out of the Library, Ron and Draco hot on his heels. He ran to the kitchens and upon arriving called out, “Dobby! Dobby! Are you here?”

“I is here Mister Harry Potter sir.” said Dobby as he appeared right in front of Harry, “Is Mister Harry Potter needing Dobby for something sir?”

“Yes Dobby, I need something from you,” Harry answered, “Do you remember getting the Gillyweed for me? When I was in Fourth Year…the Triwizard Tournament, second task? Could you get some more for me? Straight away?”

Dobby nodded and quickly disappeared, re-appearing a few minutes later with the Gillyweed in hand.

“Thank you Dobby you are a life saver!” expressed Harry as he took the Gillyweed from the House Elf and fled from the kitchen.

“I is happy to help Mister Harry Potter, all he need do is ask!” Dobby called out to the back of the departing Harry.


Harry was out the door and heading for the Lake stuffing the Gillyweed in his mouth and chewing as he ran. Ron and Draco caught up with him as he reached the shoreline. Harry picked up a small boulder and walked out onto the ice covered Lake, he had to hurry the Gillyweed was starting to take effect. He smashed the boulder through the ice and fell in as a horrified Ron and Draco looked on.

“He's cracked,” Ron said. Draco only shook his head. Silently they moved under the shelter of a tree to wait.

Under the surface of the water Harry fought back the cold and swam towards the Lake bottom. He had a hunch, Krum, the cell where Hermione had been and the discovery of the `Death Arch' legend, couldn't all just be coincidence they had to all tie in somehow. With determination Harry searched the Lake bottom managing to avoid the Squid, the Merpeople and other Lake inhabitants. Just when he was about to give up and return to the surface, he spotted a rock formation in a sort of clearing. He swam closer, but not too close - that was it, he had no doubts that it was the `Death Arch,' it really did exist!

He returned on the surface and pulled himself to the shore where he collapsed from the cold as he tried to regain his breath. Draco and Ron ran over to him shouting out questions, but Harry couldn't speak. Draco cast first a drying spell and then a warming spell over Harry. After a few minutes a warmed up Harry told them about what he had seen and that the Arch was real.

“We have to go tell Dumbledore,” said Ron and after helping Harry to his feet together they ran to Dumbledore's office.


Harry, Ron and Draco found themselves once again seated before Professor Dumbledore as Harry recounted the most recent discoveries.

The Headmaster nodded gravely, lost himself in thought for a few moments before he spoke. “Yes, I should have destroyed the Arch many years ago. However, I didn't anticipate that Voldemort would make use of it again.” he commented looking of the three young wizards before him before continuing, “I will call in the Order, you three will not make a move until we have formed a proper plan of attack.” Not even Harry would disobey Dumbledore when he used that commanding tone.

Harry nodded but he was full of anger, `Dumbledore knew about the Arch? What the hell was the old man playing at? And what did he mean by `use it again'?' He spit out through gritted teeth, “You do realise that Voldemort will kill Hermione if we don't do something, sir.”


That night another vision came to Harry as he attempted to sleep. The scene once again played out from Voldemort's point of view. Hermione was bound to a chair while Voldemort paced back and forth taunting her, “How convenient for me that you spurned Krum's misguided affection when he offered it to you, they do say vengeance is sweet. You made it was rather easy to order him to deliver you to me; he has proven a most faithful servant.” Voldemort said coldly once again his thin fingers grazed her cheek, “Perhaps I over estimated Potter's intelligence Mudblood I assumed he would have discovered the `Death Arch' by now…but then again maybe he'd rather see you dead…You know Mudblood, perhaps I will give you to Krum as reward for his loyalty, unlike Snivilus, he wasn't so fortunate as his Mudblood had to die.” Hermione looked at Voldemort her eyes wide with the realization. “Yes, yes, you understand…I am referring to Potter's Mudblood mother,” Voldemort cackled.

Harry woke up his scar searing in pain, he wanted to slaughter Voldemort as vengeance coursed through his every pore, “I swear on my mother's soul if that bastard touches her one more time…” he raged his fists tightly clenched.

He roused Ron who was clearly in the throws of his own nightmare, they then made their way to the Dungeons to ask Draco and Snape to join them and together they converged on Dumbledore's office. Once settled in at the office Dumbledore dispatched Ron to collect Professor McGonagall and upon returning Harry relayed the details of his vision.

Snape's eyes burned with pure hatred for his onetime Master and the degradation of his beloved Lily. Even though he now served the side of Light the former Death Eater's demeanour was an intimidating sight…

After a long silence Dumbledore finally spoke, “Well, there can be no doubt Miss Granger was kidnapped by Viktor Krum, that would explain the absence of a struggle in the train compartment. Once he lured her away from the train station he must have used a Portkey and then brought her to the castle, keeping her in the holding cell until he could take her through the Arch undetected. What we don't know is how many Death Eaters he has on guard there.”

“There are only about three, maybe four tops as far as I could tell from the vision.” Harry offered.

“Are you certain, Potter? Did you get a look at the full scope of the operation? It is important that we know exactly what we are facing,” Snape snidely commented while he looked Harry and Draco directly in the eyes. He could feel the rage coming off the two boys and hoped the strong look let them know that he understood.

Snape then turned to Dumbledore and changing his tone said, “Headmaster, I think we should prepare to leave as soon as possible. They are determined to bring Miss Granger to safety, and each one of them is in love with her…and Love is something that can create miracles.”

At this, McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at Snape in shock, neither of them expected Snape to say something as hopeful as that. They then looked over to the boys looking for confirmation, two of them nodded in acknowledgement.

“When a man is truly in love, he is willing to face anything for that woman,” Snape added. Harry knew how hard it must be for Snape to open up like this and he couldn't hold back a small smile from forming on his face.

“Quite right Severus, you make a valid point,” Dumbledore commented and then drifted off into his own thoughts. Harry was going to have to face Voldemort alone, sooner or later; it was time to stop protecting the boy and finally let him deal with the heavy burden placed on since he was a toddler.

“It is too dangerous Severus, they are children they cannot be expected to go up against You-Know-Who on their own!” Professor McGonagall objected, “Albus, surely you are not going to consider this madness?”

“On my own? I can and I will,” Harry answered, his tone fierce and firm. Draco nodded in approval, but no one noticed a stunned Ron shaking his head…


6. Ron's secret

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb, that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Sorry for the late update, but I changed my Internet connection so it needed to be activated and in this weekend I was unable to connect. Hope you'll like this one, and please review. As usual, thanks to my wonderful beta, Cheryl. She did a great job on this one, as always.

Chapter Six

“Ron's secret”

Dumbledore didn't want them to run off half-cocked. He wanted them properly trained in deflecting and withstanding the Unforgivables. In particular, the Cruciatus curse and he brought in Mad-eye Moody to commence training immediately.

After a week of hard training, under Mad Eye's strict training methods, Harry and Draco were ready to fight but Ron was struggling but not too far behind.

Harry was growing impatient he had no intention of waiting any longer to start the rescue mission. “I'm going to Dumbledore, we are ready we need to get moving before its too late for Hermione.” stated Harry one morning as they made their way to the Headmaster's office, “and if he still says no, I say we go anyway.”

Draco easily agreed, and then both he and Harry turned to Ron.

Ron was shaking. “I can't come with you,” he whispered.

“What?” Harry asked in confusion before his anger took over, “What is wrong with you? You'd just leave Hermione in the hands of Voldemort?” Both Ron and Draco winced at hearing Voldemort's name but Harry merely brushed them off and continued, “Oh grow up, both of you! Have you gone mad?”

“Don't say His name Harry.” Ron shot back, “We can't go, we can't take on You-Know-Who by ourselves. I mean, he's already killed so many witches and wizards who challenged him…your parents, remember?”

Ron's cowardice turned Harry stomach and bringing up his parents that was a low blow. “We have faced him Ron, many times…together. We have to do this…for Hermione.” Harry spat out.

“That's were you are wrong Harry. YOU faced You-Know-Who, I'm just the sidekick remember. I won't go. We are not ready. My decision is final.” Ron stated and then turning to Draco he said, “and I suggest you do the same.”

“When I want your advice Weasel I'll ask for it,” Draco responded, “I don't believe you. This is YOUR girlfriend we are trying to rescue or have you forgotten?”

“Ron…is it possible that you are so afraid that you won't even take a risk to save your own girlfriend?” shouted Harry, “Everything we are training for, preparing for…its for her Ron, your girlfriend. Do it for Hermione. If you love her as much as you say you do, you wouldn't even question this?” Harry was seething as he thought, `What the hell is wrong with him? `

“I may have helped you find out where she is being held, but I won't go with you. You just don't get it, wizards who go up against You-Know-Who…they die Harry. Only you have managed to survive his attacks. I don't want to die…” Ron stated half-heartedly his voice full of shame.

“So you'd rather sacrifice Granger to spare your own life?” Draco spat out his voice dripping with disgust, “You don't deserve her Weasel; even I'm willing to do what it takes to save the Mu-Hermione!”

“Why? Are you in love with her too?” Ron spat back.

No one spoke.

They arrived at the gargoyle and Harry muttered the password, “Chocolate Frog.”

The gargoyle leapt to the side and Harry made his way to Dumbledore's inner office leaving Draco and Ron glaring at each other.

“Hello Harry, what news do you have for me?”

“Well, I assumed Professor Moody told you that we are ready.”

“You and Draco may be ready, but Ron surely is not.”

“Ron doesn't matter anymore, he refuses to fight. Draco and I, we are ready, willing and able.”

“Are you sure Harry? Are you confident enough in your training to put Mr. Malfoy at risk?” Dumbledore asked with a sigh then continued, “Harry, you must wait until we can fully assemble the Order and organize a team. I will not let you risk Mr. Malfoy nor yourself needlessly.”

“Fine then, I will go alone.” Harry responded growing tired of discussing this to death. Hermione was being held by the foulest evil of all time and time was exactly what Hermione was running out of and fast.

“Harry, do you think you can handle say two, three Death Eaters and Tom all alone?” Dumbledore taunted.

“Yes sir,” Harry replied, standing up, “I can and I will.”

“Harry, I need you to understand that despite your history you are still very mortal, if Tom senses or spots any weakness in you, any at all, he will use that to his advantage including harming Miss Granger.” Dumbledore explained acting very much like a concerned grandfather. Dumbledore knew Harry was ready to face Tom; it was he that wasn't quite ready to let Harry do so.

Dejected Harry exited the office without another word as far as he was concerned the conversation was over. Ron and Draco were still waiting for him at the entrance. “Draco,” Harry started to explain, “Dumbledore doesn't want us to go without an escort from the Order. He says we need to wait a few more days.”

“Well then that's that, we go without them,” Draco stated.

“Alright Draco, we'll go, but first I want…” Harry said turning to Ron, “to know the truth Ron. I may not be an expert but it sure doesn't take a skilled Legilmens to know that you are hiding something. Spill it. Now.”

Ron hung his head, he just couldn't look his best friend or his enemy for that matter in the eye, and then he began, “Okay Harry. You are not going to like what I'm about to tell you, but I'll tell you anyway, I owe you that at least…” he took in a deep breath and continued, “You remember when Hermione went to the Yule Ball, back in fourth year, with Viktor Krum? You remember my reaction? I was jealous, from that moment when we argued in the Common Room, I knew I wanted to be with her. I wasn't sure if she felt the same way, so I held back my feelings until I could figure things out.” he closed his eyes at the memory, “Ginny convinced me to buy Hermione that perfume last Christmas, you know, to show her that I fancied her and well…I didn't exactly get the reaction I was hoping for…”

“And this is important because…?” Draco interrupted.

“Sod off, Malfoy!!” Ron shouted.

“Go on Ron,” Harry said, the iciness in his voice chilling the air.

“I kind of figured she was serious about Krum what with her owling him in and all. But as we were leaving King's Cross at the beginning of Summer Hols last year, I said something like `Have fun with Krum over the Hols…' she got quite stroppy and said `Ron, Viktor and I are just friends. I. am. not. dating. anyone. Got that?'” said Ron doing a near perfect imitation of Hermione which irritated both Harry and Draco.

“She didn't come out and say that she fancied me exactly but it gave me hope. From that point all I did was think about the possibility of being with her, I decided that on the train to Hogwarts I was going to tell how I felt, I had to be brave…” he continued, “Then one day, after we got back from going to Harry's…well she didn't lead me on or anything but after that I thought I had a pretty good shot at getting her to go out with me. Ummm, yeah, then one day, I went with Mum to Diagon Alley to help her with shopping. She left me at Quality Quidditch while she went to Madame Malkins, I was just staring in the front window at all the latest brooms when this wizard walked up to me, stuck his wand in my side and forced me around the corner of the shop so no one could see us. He was a Death Eater.” Ron stopped for dramatic effect and was disappointed that he didn't get the anticipated reaction. Harry continued to glare and Draco was giving he a `yeah so what, welcome to my life' kind of look.

“Keep going Ron,” Harry said with the same iciness as before.

Ron shook a little and then continued with his confession, “He-he said that You-Know-Who had sent him to `help' me win Hermione's heart. I tried to argue that I didn't need His help and to let me go…then he pointed his wand directly at my forehead and said, `I don't think you understand Blood-Traitor, you don't have a choice, join us or your Mudblood will die.'

“Well, seeing that you are standing here…tell me Weasel how did feel when you took the mark?” Draco asked. He all at once felt both sympathy and rage for Ron. Draco too had the mark, he, however, never had the choice; he had been branded since birth.

“You took the Dark Mark?” Harry asked stunned, “You better not be playing with us.”

“Harry, I had no choice? Let them kill her? I accepted the Mark…I thought I was saving her!” Ron shouted.

“I didn't think you had it in you Weasel.” Draco stated.

“Ron. Is there more?” Harry asked, trying to hold his anger in check. He thought, `I probably would have done the same thing…'

“He then aparated me to a room, I have no idea where. There was a slab in the middle of room, the Death Eater spoke to someone in the corner of the room, I couldn't see, the only light was cast directly over the slab. The Death Eater held up my arm and the person in the corner cast a spell…moments later the Dark Mark appeared on my forearm…” Ron explained, “The Death Eater then handed me a bottle and instructed me to give it to Hermione to drink and also that we had to be alone when she drank it. I tried to refuse it, but then the person in the corner cast the Crucio on me. I knew then that it was You-Know-Who. He said, `How dare you refuse my gift, Blood-Traitor! You will give the Mudblood the potion or I will make sure your Mudblood-Loving Father does not survive another visit from my pet…'” He shuddered again at the memory as he completed the confession his voice full of conflict and anguish, “So on the train to Hogwarts, I slipped the potion in her water bottle when she wasn't looking and then when you left the compartment I encouraged her to drink. The potion took effect immediately, she was on me snogging me. I was sick with guilt but…I had no choice, you have to believe me, now do you understand why I can't go with you?”

“I understand Ron, I do. I probably would have agreed and done the same thing. Only I never would have deceived Hermione. I would have told her about the potion instead of tricking her. You know she would have helped you. Damn you Ron! Look where this has got us! If any thing happens to her…because of you…I don't even know you anymore. Who are you? What have you done with Ronald Weasley, my best mate? You make me sick.” Harry shouted as he paced the room.

“So Weasel show me your Mark.” Draco asked.

Ron pulled up his sleeve revealing the Mark and Draco did the same revealing his own Mark, “Does it burn?”

“Sometimes,” Ron answered.

“So Weasel, who do you serve?” Draco questioned, “The Dark Lord? Did you help Krum kidnap Granger? Are you afraid?”

“No, I didn't help him, Malfoy. But you're right I am afraid. I can't go with Harry, because if I do, You-Know-Who will kill her, and my family and…me.” Ron replied as he put his head in his hands. He knew he had screwed over Harry, Hermione, his family…maybe he should go and face You-Know-Who if he was lucky only he'd get killed. Avada Kadavra was sounding pretty good at the minute.

“You are a coward Weasel!” Draco exclaimed, “You are even more pathetic than I thought poss.”

Harry had been quietly watching the exchange spoke up, “Shut it Draco. Ron…if Voldemort ordered you to kill me…say in my bed while I was asleep. Could you do it? Would you do it?” Harry asked. He was watching Ron's demeanour very carefully while he waited for his reply.

“Uhhh…well…Harry…” Ron stammered as he struggled with his answer, “I would…I think…I don't think…kill…you…force…”

Watching Ron struggle with his answer Harry finally understood what was going on. “Stupefy!” Harry shouted and Ron fell to the floor unconscious. “Come on, Draco, we have to go see Dumbledore, now!” Harry ordered. Ron really truly wasn't himself; he was constantly battling the curse that had been cast on him most likely back in September. Harry saw it glimpses of the real Ron, he was in there somewhere fighting off the curse…Ron was under Imperius.


7. Using the Death Arch

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks for your reviews, they really mean a lot to me. And thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, who still helps me writing this story. If there's something good here, it is also, and probably most, for her help.

Chapter Seven

“Using the Death Arch”

When they arrived in the Headmaster's office they immediately sat down.

“Back so soon Harry? What has happened?” Dumbledore asked somewhat concerned.

“Headmaster, we had…” Draco started, but Harry stopped him.

“Professor, Ron is a Death Eater. He admits to having the Mark.” Harry stated.

“Its true sir. We've seen it, Weasley has taken the Mark.” Draco interrupted.

“Voldemort threatened him…threatened to kill Hermione if he didn't become one of them. Voldemort then promised him Hermione…Ron had no choice…he went along.” Harry continued shooting Draco a look that said `Do not interrupt me again.'

“He says he had nothing to do with Hermione's disappearance and I believe him.” Harry stated further, “Its the real reason he won't go with us to rescue Hermione. Voldemort will kill Hermione, then his family and then him.”

“I have no doubt that Voldemort will follow through on any threat he made to Mr. Weasley.” Dumbledore responded, “Is there more?”

“I think Ron is under some kind of Imperius he doesn't look dazed or vacant, it must be some kind of modified version of the curse as he appears to be in control, but he's not. He's trying to fight it but the curse or whatever is just too strong. I stunned him not only for our protection but his as well; he is secured in the Transfiguration classroom. He should probably have a guard.” Harry said.

“I agree,” Dumbledore said, “and the rescue team is nearly in place.” Dumbledore then exited his office, Harry and Draco following behind.

With a knowing glance between them Harry and Draco thought Dumbledore was just stalling. If they waited any longer it would too late for Hermione, silently they agreed they would leave immediately.

The Headmaster knew the boys would not wait and he resigned himself to let them go. The extremely unlikely combination of the Death Eater's son and the Boy-Who-Lived off to rescue the women they both loved, a woman whose heart belonged to another. Harry was about to face his destiny and Dumbledore could no longer prevent the inevitable.

Harry and Draco ran from the room heading straight for the kitchens, not finding Dobby they decided to check out Snape's supply room. There had to be some stored in there.

Thinking for only a fraction of a second about asking permission, they decided to just take what they needed and go. Snape would understand, he wouldn't like it, but eventually he would understand.

They made their way to the lake as Dumbledore watched them from his office window. “Merlin protect him.” the old wizard whispered as he turned away from the window with a sigh, “Be careful Harry.”

Arriving at the lakeshore, both Harry and Draco quickly chewed and swallowed the absconded Gillyweed, shrugged off their cloaks and dove into the frozen lake, using the same route that Harry had taken earlier. On instinct Harry swam towards the Arch, Draco following closely behind him. They carefully avoided the Merpeople that happened to be about in greater numbers this time round. Certain they were nearly out of time to rescue Hermione, they didn't want to be further delayed by inquisitive Merpeople.

Following the path the pair came upon the “Death Arch”. To Draco, seeing it for the first time, it was enormous and Gothic in design, the stones were black as pitch. As they approached Harry noticed the words engraved on several of the stones.

“The Dark Lord is with you.

Whomever passes this threshold,

will be delivered to the presence of the

Dark Lord; he will bow and be

submissive before his Master”

Harry and Draco looked each other and with steely resolve they swam forward. They were about to swim through the Arch when Draco noticed another inscription and signalled to Harry to stop.

“Those who chose to enter and

do not serve the Master shall pay

with their lives for their transgression”

Harry shook his head at Draco and turned and swam through the Arch. Threats like that had little effect on Harry. Bravely Draco followed behind.

Upon entering the Arch both wizards found themselves spinning out of control and thus cancelling the effects of the Gillyweed. Almost as soon as it started it stopped with them landing on soft earth of a courtyard leading to a larger building. Quickly regaining their footing they surveyed their surroundings, the building were situated on the ledge of a deep cliff and the atmosphere had a thick and heavy feel to it.

Harry pulled out his wand and cast a drying spell as Draco did the same, their lungs a bit achy from being in the cold water and now breathing in the warm humid air.

“Alohomora,” Draco whispered and the door clicked opened. Harry was sceptical at how easy that had been and held Draco back to cast a few revealing charms but found no traps. Cautiously they proceeded through the opening, the walls were black similar to the Arch stones and every few paces a stone was emblazoned with the bright green Dark Mark. This was it; they really were in Voldemort's stronghold.

Harry and Draco moved forward wands drawn and very alert. Even if the Death Eaters numbers were few, they were still very dangerous. Harry's scar suddenly started burning with pain, he recognised this particular pain; the Dark Lord was speaking to Hermione. `At least I know she is still alive,' he thought.

“Ahhh Mudblood, your hero has arrived.” Voldemort loudly announced and then laughed evilly, “and so it begins.”

Harry and Draco stopped in their tracks as they heard Voldemort's voice. Paying more attention to Voldemort's words a Death Eater came up behind them shouting, “Who's there?”

Startled the boys jumped and then ran. Harry heard the Death Eater shout, “Crucio.” He turned around just in time to see Draco fall to the ground writhing on the ground in pain.

“Stupefy!” Harry cried out and the Death Eater to fell to the ground. However, another Death Eater had arrived and started throwing curses toward Harry. He jumped behind a nearby wall to avoid being hit. Getting ready to cast a few hexes of his own he came out from behind the wall only to see the second Death Eater dragging Draco away. The fallen Death Eater was still lying on the ground; Harry cast a binding spell on him and then headed back in their original direction before the ambush.

It was now down to him, he knew he had to be extra careful, he couldn't afford to be captured too. He had to save Hermione, and would worry about Malfoy later. “Sorry Draco, but I know you'd do the same,” Harry whispered as he pressed on.

A third Death Eater came out of nowhere and was firing curses at him. Taking up a defensive stance again, Harry quickly turned and fired off his own Impedimentia successfully blocking the Death Eater's curses. Harry then cast a memory charm and another binding spell on the third Death Eater and carried on.

Coming upon a staircase he ran up the stairs only to find a closed door. He cast a revealing charm, again nothing; he opened the door only to find another ten closed doors. He was reminded of the Department of Mysteries fiasco in fifth year, pushing back those painful memories; he proceeded to check each door only to find empty rooms. He went back down the stairs and tried a corridor to the left of the stairs and was met with another set of four closed doors. As he cast some more revealing charms he thought, `Moody's magical eye sure would come in handy about now.' He opened door one…nothing; door two…nothing; and then door three…nothing.

Only one door remained. Harry opened it and sighed…another passage, this time with more burning Dark Marks on the walls and more closed doors. Refocusing on finding Hermione, he knew she had to be close he had heard Voldemort talking with her from the other corridor; he went about checking the rooms. His hand on a doorknob he was suddenly overwhelmed by a strong coldness nearly freezing his very soul and he knew, it was a Dementor.

Harry reacted quickly his wand drawn and pointed directly at the Dementor swooping down on him. Gathering happy thoughts, he remembered when Hermione kissed him on the cheek at King's Cross at the end of fourth year and those few alone moments they had shared this past summer at Privet Drive. His heart filled with love and he radiated happiness. “Expecto Patronum!” Harry shouted out and the strong silver stag leapt out of his wand tip repelling the Dementor with great force.

As the Patronus turned to mist and faded away Harry briefly thought of his father and that gave him the strength to go on. He wasn't going to let Hermione down.

He opened another door and there it was, the stone slab he had seen in his vision. The room was dark expect for the lone light shining directly over the slab, he knew he had the right room. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness he noticed first Draco laying on the floor unconscious and then Hermione, his Hermione bound to a chair and gagged. She had tears streaming down her face, her eyes wide with a mixture of relief and fear. She was looking behind him and that's when he heard the familiar chilling voice he had come to know so well, better than he ever wanted to…

“What took you so long Potter?”


8. The duel

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks to all the ones who reviewed, it really means a lot to me. And thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, who had to do a big work on this one. You really are amzing,

my dear!

Chapter Eight

The duel

“Sorry I'm late,” he answered without looking at Voldemort, but staring directly at Hermione.

“I'm here now, let them go.” Harry said firmly, finally looking into the red slit eyes of the purest incarnation of evil to be seen in at least a century.

“Potter, Potter, you don't know how to play the game do you?” Voldemort droned, grasping his wand, “My answer to that is…NO.”

In that moment, Draco began stir at first he had forgotten where he was and his body shook involuntarily trying to regain consciousness. He looked up in time to see Harry staring down the Dark Lord with a look so full of rage and contempt that would have terrified the average Wizard. In those few seconds Draco finally conceded that Harry was in a fact a truly powerful Wizard. Chancing a glance at the Dark Lord, Draco thought he saw a glimmer of concern on the evil Wizard's snakelike face. Draco's eyes grew heavy as he slipped back into unconsciousness with the thought, `It was probably just wishful thinking, but maybe…'

“You want to kill me, don't you? Well, I'm here. Now let them go!” Harry commanded.

“You are making this too easy Potter, far too easy.” Voldemort sneered in reply. “You think this is negotiable do you? Well, let's see then…How about a choice? You duel and you all die or you kill yourself and just maybe…I'll let the Blood Traitor live. The Mudblood, however, she will die. The choice is yours, watch me kill her or kill yourself first knowing that she will join you shortly thereafter. Hmmm? Which do you choose Potter?” Voldemort offered laughing at Harry's look of uncertainty.

Harry looked to Hermione, her faced streaked with tears and then to Draco fighting his way back to consciousness from the floor. Steeling his resolve, he knew what he had to do. At the same time Voldemort was watching Harry carefully and taunted, “Look Potter, your Mudblood understands her kind have no place in our world.”

“If she has no place in our world then I don't either.” Harry announced as Hermione and Draco looked on alarmed, each thinking the worst.. “She is better than you will ever be,” Harry stated calmly walking over to Hermione and running his finger gently over her cheek.

“Harry please don't,” Hermione fearfully pleaded staring deeply into his eyes.

Harry was taken aback, she loved him it may be only in friendship but she loved him he could see it in her eyes. He moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, “This is for the best…trust me?” He then pulled back, looking from Hermione to Draco, and said, "You both know what to do." Turning away from them, Harry walked over to Voldemort and stood directly in front of him; rage, contempt and hatred welled up inside him, but with those strong emotions came something else...something that Voldemort could never have.

“Okay Voldemort, you win.” Harry stated.

Hermione let out a gasp and Harry secretly gave her a reassuring look.

“You are smarter than I thought,” Voldemort sneered, “Pity.”

Distracted, Voldemort didn't notice Draco slowly withdraw the wand hidden in his boot and free Hermione from her restraints. He gave her a silent pleading look that implored her to play along; thankfully she nodded her head in understanding. There were two Death Eaters in the room and as their attention was focused on Harry and their Master, Draco nodded his head toward the pair and mouthed to Hermione, "We can take them."

Harry realized that Draco had understood and closed his eyes briefly as relief washed over him. Appearing to steel his resolve Harry said, "Okay, I'm ready," and pointed his wand towards his own chest.

"Avada..." Harry said, drawing out the word, as Draco aimed his wand at Harry and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" Harry's wand flew out of his hand towards Hermione, who quickly snatched it out of the air.

Extremely angered by the interruption, Voldemort turned to his Death Eaters and shouted, “Capture them!” Turning back to Harry, his voice filled with fury, he said, “Now you will die my way, Potter. I will enjoy your suffering, now watch your Mudblood die.”

Wasting no time, unarmed Harry did the only thing he could do...he charged into Voldemort while his attention was focused on Hermione. At the same time, Draco and Hermione made quick work of the Death Eaters, quickly relieving them of their wands and then stupifying them. As Draco cast the binding spell on the fallen Death Eaters, Hermione turned to Harry and tossed him his wand.

Righting himself and catching his wand, Harry quickly turned to where Voldemort still lay on the ground; pointing his wand and shouted, "Crucio!" Unfortunately Voldemort easily blocked the curse and counterattacked immediately.

"Imperio!” Voldemort shouted as the curse hit Harry he felt his mind go blank and then the warm, peaceful feeling of nothingness; "Kill the Blood Traitor and the Mudblood, Potter."

He heard Voldemort's command and raised his wand in submission, but he hesitated he couldn't follow through, `No, this isn't right. I don't want to kill them, I don't want…' and he threw off the curse.

Harry turned to Voldemort with a smirk and said, “No, I don't think so,” and started throwing curses at his life long nemesis. The duel continued for what seemed like hours as Hermione and Draco watched on unable to do anything but keep watch out for any more Death Eaters. At one point Draco made a move to intervene, but Hermione held him back as she knew that only Harry and Harry alone could defeat Voldemort.

Matched wand for wand, neither Harry nor Voldemort could gain the upper hand. Hermione cried out as she watched Harry suddenly trip when he tried to avoid one of the curses.

“Avada Kedavra, “ Voldemort shouted, a smug expression on his face as he watched the green streak of light advance on the vulnerable Harry.

It was a long shot as Harry defended himself by throwing a stone in the path of the light and rolled out of the way. The stone exploded taking on the full force of the curse and Harry jumped to his feet ready to defend himself against his enemy's next move.

“Surprising Potter, Moody has trained you well. It would appear that your luck is still holding perhaps a change in tactic is in order.” Voldemort said as transformed into a giant serpent and then hissed to Harry in Parseltongue, “Let's see how well you duel in your Animagus form? Yes, yes I know all about it…”

Hermione and Draco looked from Harry to Serpent-Voldemort and then back to Harry as he responded in Parseltongue, “Bring it on.” A few seconds later he himself transformed in to a Golden Griffin revealing to his friends for the first that he was also an Animagus. He took off and flew to the rafters to contemplate his next move.

Griffin-Harry effectively avoided Serpent-Voldemort's assaults dodging and flying with great agility and skill. When Griffin-Harry went on the offensive he succeeded in sinking one of his sharp talons into the side of his opponent. .

“He really is a brilliant flyer…a natural.” Hermione said dumbstruck with shock. As the worry set in Hermione slumped against Draco her head on his chest as her body shook in great sobs. She was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that Harry could die right before her very her eyes, he was willing to die for her…that he didn't want to live with out her, and even after everything that had happened since the summer. In that moment the binding hold of the Love Potion broke she shuddered violently at the sudden clarity coursing through her as she fought through the haze she had been stuck in for the past several months.

Feeling Hermione shudder Draco wrapped his arms around her tightly in an attempt to console her. He knew that she would never return his affection and this was his chance to show her that even he could be a caring friend. Friendship would be better than nothing he thought as he whispered words of comfort. In a flash of “Now or Never” confidence Draco leaned forward his lips only inches away from a very confused Hermione's lips when suddenly their attention was pulled back to the battle.

“Look the Dark Lord is bleeding! He's not moving!” Hermione shouted as she pulled away from Draco's embrace in time to see Griffin-Harry fly down to take another swipe at Serpent-Voldemort's immobile form. The Griffin sank his teeth into the Serpent's side causing it to writhe in agony as blood squirted from the bite and pooled on the chamber floor.

Serpent-Voldemort managed to wriggle free from Griffin-Harry's clenched jaw and made a fast retreat hissing as he slithered through a crack in the wall, “This isn't over Potter.”

Harry quickly transformed back into human form and fired a succession of hexes at the crack in the wall. He knew very well that the war wasn't over, but he had won the battle and for the time being he would enjoy the small victory. Hermione and Draco were still alive and safe for now. He had barely gathered his thoughts when Hermione ran into his arms hugging him fiercely in gratitude and relief. Harry lovingly hugged her back as she rested her head on his shoulder tears streaming down her face. Gazing down at her beautiful face Harry lost all control, before he even realised what he was doing he leaned forward and caught her lips up in gentle sweet kiss.

“How touching,” the voice from behind them sneered, with Hermione still nestled in his arms they turned to face two new Death Eaters standing at the chamber entrance.

“Stupefy!” Draco shouted as one of the pair fell stiffly to the ground. The remaining Death Eater pulled back his hood to reveal his identity. It was Viktor Krum!

“Vell, Potter Ve meet again.”

“You bastard!” Hermione screamed and then lunged for Krum only to be held back by Harry.

“Vaht Hermyninie, you are not happy to see me?”

“He brought me here! He turned me over the to V-Voldemort but not before trying to…back at Hogwarts…in the dungeons…” Hermione cried but she couldn't finish and buried her face in Harry's chest.

“Go stand with Draco Hermione,” Harry whispered in her ear and she complied. Turning to Krum wand ready and filled with blinding rage Harry suddenly shouted, “Crucio!”

Stupidly Krum misjudged Harry and had not expected to be hit with an Unforgiveable as he fell down screaming and writing with pain. Krum was no match for Harry as he hit him with the curse a few more times. Harry momentarily thought about killing Krum but the look of horror on Hermione's face made him stop and finish the torment with a Stupify. Harry left Krum lying on the floor as he walked over to Hermione's side. “I'm sorry,” he said, “He hurt you and I…”

“Vat Potter, I am not good for you to kill? You missing something in your training you never turn back on the enemy,” Krum said getting to his feet wand drawn, “Avada…” but before he could complete the curse three wands pointed in his direction and three different spells were cast.




Krum again under estimated Harry Potter and subsequently Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy also, the full force of the three spells exploded into him causing his body shred into pieces of searing burned flesh.

Hermione screamed.

Draco vomited.

Harry slumped to the floor exhausted.

Taking a few minutes to recover, they then gathered the subdued Death Eaters and sent them on to Ministry Law Enforcement via Portkey set up by Draco who had a few hidden talents himself.

They had a great deal to discuss but that could wait for later it was time to return to Hogwarts.


9. Return to Hogwarts

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks again to all of you for your reviews, they mean a lot to me. And special thanks to my beta Cheryl, she's always extraordinary, and this chapter really needed her help.

Chapter Nine

“Return to Hogwarts”

To say Krum was dead was an understatement.

As they made their way back to the courtyard, Harry replayed Krum's death over in his mind. He thought he would be more…something, his, well not his specifically but the combination of their spells had obliterated Krum. Before Harry could dwell on what he should be feeling Hermione suddenly wrapped her arms around him. He closed his eyes lost in the sensation of her body pressed up against his.

When her gaze met his, everything hit her all at once, the realization that what she thought she felt for Ron was wrong and that here wrapped up in Harry's arms was where she truly belonged. She felt safe and secure, her mind was clear the effects of the Love Potion completely gone. Her lips met Harry's and then she felt his arm on her back as he pulled her closer, tighter against him. Their kiss deepened and she held on to him like a lifeline as their tongues tangled and danced in exploration.

Quite some time had passed before Harry broke the kiss. “Wow,” he said.

“About time you two came up for air,” Draco said with a noticeable sadness in his tone.

Harry whispered something in Hermione's ear at first her eyes grew wide with shock and then her lips turned up into a playful smile. She left Harry's side and sauntered over to Draco, placing a hand on each shoulder she pulled herself up on tiptoe, he was so much taller than Harry, and gently brushed her lips across his. Then she moved over to his ear and whispered breathily, “Thank you for coming to my rescue.” Planting a chaste kiss against his cheek she hugged him tightly and then let go.

Draco was stunned, he felt off balance and almost giddy. “Thank you, Hermione.” he simply stated.

Hermione only smiled at Draco in reply as she returned to Harry's side taking his offered hand in hers. Harry gave her a quick wink and the threesome then continued on their way to the courtyard.

Arriving at the courtyard they realised that they couldn't return to Hogwarts through the Death Arch, neither he nor Draco had any Gillyweed left.

“Allow me,” Draco offered as he pulled off his shoe, cast the incantation for a Portkey on it and held it out for Harry and Hermione to take hold. “Father insisted that I learn the spell, never realised just how handy it would be.” Draco said with a smile just before the Portkey took them to the Hogwarts gates.


They landed in an ungraceful heap just outside the front gates. Pulling themselves together, they made their way up to the Castle doors. When they entered, a crowd had gathered to greet them with resounding cheers, but Harry didn't stop. He headed straight for Dumbledore's office as the gregarious crowd of well-wishers parted way in order for him to pass.

“Chocolate Frog,” Harry said to the gargoyle and headed up the stairs to the inner office, still holding Hermione's hand and Draco following. The Headmaster welcomed them warmly and he asked, “Are you all right Miss Granger? Are you up to recounting your ordeal?”

“I'm fine, thank you Sir. Well…” Hermione began, “I was on the train, Ron had just left me to meet his Mum, when Viktor appeared at the compartment door. I was quite surprised but happy to see him, but he looked angry and before I knew it he pulled his wand and cast a spell at me. I didn't have a second to even react,” she explained as she lowered her head ashamed at her inability to protect herself. “Viktor had taken me to some dungeon, I think it was here at the school, something seemed vaguely familiar.” she recounted shakily. “Anyway, he locked me in the cell for a few days; I'm not sure how many. And then…Viktor…he tried to…” Hermione chocked out losing her composure; Harry put his arm around her in comfort. Hermione took in a deep breath and continued, “He tried to kiss…and touch me; I was confused…I tried to explain to him that I didn't feel that way about him…that he should let me go. But that was the wrong thing to say…he…uhmm, he tried to…but some loud noises distracted him.” Hermione paused to take in another cleansing breath of air, “He left for a short time and when he returned he said that we were leaving immediately. He cast another spell at me and I blacked out again.”

“Why didn't you call out for help when you were in the dungeons?” Draco asked.

“I didn't have my wand, I didn't have anything but the clothes on my back. Viktor cast strong wards and a Silencing charm on the cell, I was helpless to do anything,” she sighed. Harry placed his free hand over hers and gave it a light squeeze.

“I woke up in a dark room with Voldemort speaking to me about you, Harry.” Hermione said as she glanced up at Harry.

“I saw that, Voldemort showed me…using our connection,” Harry mumbled then his mood changed to anger. “If I'd only been more …questioned why Krum was on the grounds when I saw him on the Marauder's Map that night …but…Sir…if Hermione was with Krum why didn't she show up on the map too?” Harry questioned.

“Hmmm, it is possible to cloak a person from being seen, Harry, a Delusion spell most likely. The Map could be fooled, it is not perfect.” Dumbledore pondered.

Harry looked a little surprised; he had thought the Map to be infallible. It had never failed before. Harry pulled the Map out from his pocket and tapped it with his wand stating, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” and then spread it out on Dumbledore's desk. It correctly showed, Harry, Hermione, Draco and Dumbledore all in the Headmaster's office.

Extinguo!” Dumbledore said and suddenly the spot labelled “Dumbledore” disappeared even though the Professor was still sitting right in front of them.

“Okay, but Sir, why would Krum not cast the Extinguo on himself as well?” Harry asked.

“I guess we'll never know, an error in judgement perhaps?” the Headmaster replied before asking, “Now Harry, tell me what happened after you found Hermione?”

Harry recounted the events that had occurred to Dumbledore, with Draco and Hermione adding their input when necessary. Dumbledore closed eyes and listened to the retelling without comment, choosing instead to listen intently.

“Interesting…” He said once they had finished, “Voldemort's Animagus is a serpent…not surprising really. That is an important detail, that advantage will no doubt assist us in tracking him...” Dumbledore fell silent again for a moment and then offered Harry congratulations in successfully facing Voldemort again and said, “I think we can be fairly certain that Voldemort will not underestimate you again.”

”And I will be ready for him,” Harry replied confidently then looking over at Hermione a slight blush flushed his cheeks, “Professor Snape was right…when you care…when you love someone you can accomplish just about anything.”

Hermione gazed back at Harry her cheeks flushing too.

“Hermione, you must owl your parents they are very worried about you,” Harry said as he stood up taking Hermione's hand. “Your parents sent me the owl that alerted us of your disappearance,” he said and they left for the Owlery.

Before they exited, Hermione stopped and turned back to Draco and said, “Thank you again Draco that was very brave of you…” Hermione paused a smirk formed on her lips, “Very Gryffindor I'd say…”

Draco quirked his eyebrow and smirked back, “Not bloody likely…and your welcome though Harry is the real hero.”

Harry made a strangled gagging noise as he pulled Hermione through the door and shouted, “Couldn't have done it with out you mate!”

“Harry, Miss Granger after you send that owl I want you to head over to the Hospital Wing to get checked over by Madame Pomfrey…and you to Mr. Malfoy.” Dumbledore ordered.

“Right, will do!” Harry shouted.

“I'll go now Sir,” Draco said.


Conveniently the Owlery had a little writing desks with some spare quills and parchments, Hermione dashed off a quick letter to her parents letting them know that she was fine. She decided against telling them exactly what happened, but that she had run into an old friend who was all in a panic and that she had gone with him. She added an apology for worrying them and that her friend had been taken care of.

“I hope they buy it,” Hermione said as she tied the letter to Hedwig's leg. With a thank you from Hermione, Hedwig flew off into the night. “Thank you for letting me borrow Hedwig Harry.” she said somewhat shyly, “Harry? Did you mean… when you were talking earlier…about love.” She closed her eyes and blurted, “Were you referring to me?”

Harry smiled at her, she was rather cute all flustered, and wrapped his arms around her; he slid one hand up to cradle the back of her head. His other hand held firmly at her waist and he pulled her closer to him kissing her like they had in the courtyard. Reluctantly pulling away he looked her directly in the eyes and finally answered, “Yes you Hermione. I love you.”

“I…I…love you too. I feel it so strongly…I'm overwhelmed,” she said with tear filled eyes.

Becoming acutely aware of their surroundings Harry said as he tenderly brushed away her tears, “Let's get the visit to the Hospital Wing over with, shall we?”

A quick kiss on his cheek and a nod of her head they were off hand in hand to the Hospital Wing each sporting a grin like a cat that'd just got all the cream.


From his hospital bed Draco shot the pair a wary look as the entered, “Watch out, she's on a tear.” Draco warned.

The grins slid from their faces as Madam Pomfrey bustled about them pulling them apart and forcing them lay down on beds to the left of Draco. She mumbled something about reckless youth and freezing water as she left for a moment to retrieve something from her office.

“Weasley was released just as I got here,” Draco said.

“Ron?” Hermione asked, “Was he hurt? Oh my…” Her eyes widened at the realisation, “Ron!”

“Hermione, its okay. I'll explain everything. There are some things you need to know,” Harry soothed.

“I've…oh my. What have I done?” Hermione cried looking over to Harry. She had completely forgot about Ron, her boyfriend.

“Hermione, listen to me.” Harry said firmly, “Ron…he tricked you. It wasn't real…he used a Love Potion.”

Hermione paled, she looked around desperately and then giving up leaned over the side of the bed and threw up.

“Hermione!” Harry shouted as he jumped to her side, “I'll get Madame Pomfrey.” Draco pulled out his wand and cast a cleaning spell at the sick on the floor.

“No Harry, its okay. I'm alright.” she implored, “What to you mean…Love Potion? Ron wouldn't do that would he?” Though her sudden clarity and change in feelings did now make sense.

Harry explained what happened to Ron, the Death Eater and the Love Potion and how he was trapped and really had no choice. Hermione fought to keep her fury in check, she accepted that Ron did what he had to but it still angered her that he made all the decisions with out telling her. She couldn't help feeling violated, all the snogging and touches. None of it was real; she didn't think she could ever look Ron in the face again.

“Miss Granger, try to understand. Mr. Weasley didn't have a choice; you and his family had been threatened. He was placed under a complicated Imperius curse and was ordered to kill Harry at first chance, an order he managed to resist. It took some time, but with a few potions and a counter spell Mr. Weasley managed to break free from the curse. I am confident that he can be trusted now…and Miss Granger, he is very remorseful about what happened, especially with you.” Dumbledore said joining the conversation, “He is most relieved that you are all safe.”

A pained look crossed her face as she nodded in understanding to Dumbledore. Harry held on to her hand.

Dumbledore turned around and walked toward the exit. Once he reached the door, however, he turned around again and said, “Mr. Weasley would like to see you…when you are ready…both of you.

“I'm ready Sir,” Hermione responded.

“Me too,” Harry added.

“I recommend that you gently break the news to him.” Dumbledore cautioned his blue eyes twinkling, “However, I assure you he will understand.”

He smiled and left the room.

“He is a right nutter Dumbledore is,” Draco stated as he fell back against his pillow and closed his eyes to get some well-deserved rest.

“Harry lay with me please?” Hermione whispered.

“Alright,” Harry replied and joined her holding her tightly as they too drifted to sleep.


10. The dream becomes reality

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: Thanks for your reviews, they mean a lot to me. And thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, who made this and the other chapters a lot better than what I wrote. For this one, I need to thank her beta too, selened, who revised her revision, and so I think this must be almost perfect, so enjoy it! And review, please…

Chapter Ten

“The dream becomes reality”

The Hospital stay was short lived. Draco, Harry and Hermione were released the next morning and were expected to return to class. Draco and Harry were given yet another lecture about taking chances and putting themselves in harm's way, and waiting for grownups before pulling anymore foolish rescue missions from Madame Pomfrey. However, it came across as blah, blah, blah to them. Hermione was eager to return to her lessons and she worried about being behind, having missed so many classes, on top of an entire Christmas break's worth of study time.

Ron watched the new couple enter the Great Hall with their new sidekick. He couldn't help a sigh, he really messed things up. He was now regretting not taking up Dumbledore on his offer to obliviate him, as he figured he deserved to wallow in the humiliation of what he'd done, a penance of some sort. He continued to watch as Malfoy left the pair to sit at the Slytherin table, leaving Harry and Hermione at the head of the Gryffindor table. `This is it,' Ron thought. Dumbledore did say they were ready to talk…would he still be their best friend or had Malfoy replaced him?

“Hey Ron,” said Harry as he and Hermione seated themselves across from him.

“Hey Harry,” Ron said back, “Are you okay Hermione? I really am sorry about…”

“I'm fine Ron.” Hermione curtly answered and Harry took hold of her hand giving her a concerned look.

“Okay,” said Ron his remorse still evident.

Letting go of Harry's hand Hermione held both palms to her eyes and attempted to pull it together. She was ready for this, she moved her hands away, “Ron…” she said and he looked into her eyes, “Not now…but later you and I have to talk.”

“Yes…” Ron replied his voice barely above a whisper.

“How about we meet in the Common Room after dinner?” Harry suggested.

“Harry, I appreciate you…but this is between Ron and I.” Hermione said and Ron cringed, “Ron, meet me in the Room of Requirement tonight at 8:00pm.”

It was an order, not a request and Ron nodded his head in silence. Harry was smart enough not to protest.

The Gryffindor table remained eerily quite for the rest of breakfast.


Draco watched as Harry and Hermione joined Ron at the Gryffindor table. He realised that things were probably going to change between him and Harry now. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice someone from the Gryffindor table was watching him watching Harry, Hermione and Ron and that someone was forming a plan of her own.


Later that evening with great trepidation Ron opened the door to the Room of Requirement. He drew in a deep breath; he was ready to face Hermione. Well…as ready as he'd ever be, whatever she dished out, he knew he deserved it.

“Why Ron?” asked Hermione her back to him.

Ron looked around the room. It was stark and sterile. The walls were grey. There was an uncomfortable looking sofa and a fire that with the cold atmosphere provided little warmth. “I'm so sorry, `Mione.” said Ron with a shiver.

Hermione turned with tears and fury in her eyes, “Don't call me that! You have no right to call me that! You didn't answer my question Ronald. Why? Why didn't you tell me what happened? Why did you drug me and made me think…” she shouted before loosing her composure.

Ron reached out to her and said “Hermione…don't…I'm so-“

“Don't you dare touch me ever again!” she shouted as she coiled away from him, “You said you loved me…you made me think that I loved you…but it was a lie and you chose that…” She broke down again.

Ron lowered his hand he knew he deserved this and he was going to take it…everything. “I was jealous, stupid and jealous. Last summer at the Dursleys, I could tell Harry was in…had feelings for you, but I wanted you too. I didn't want him to win. I thought…no I didn't think that's my problem and then the Death Eater, the Mark…Hermione, they were going to kill you if I didn't give you the Potion. They were going to kill my family…starting with Ginny.” Ron tried to explain and then in a whisper said, “I had no choice.”

“But you did have a choice Ron,” Hermione stated calmly(,) yet tears were still flowing, “You could have told me about the Mark and the Potion. You should have given me a choice…but you didn't.” She paused to wipe her eyes with the back of her sleeve, “I am not a prize to be won Ron.”

“You are right,” said Ron his voice thick with sadness, “I was stupid.”

“We did things Ron, you touched me…” she choked out, “Tell me. Would you have made love to me, knowing it was all a lie?”

Ron felt ill but he had to answer, “Yes…I love you Hermione…the Potion, being with you…I deluded myself into thinking it could be real…that it was all real. Deep down I knew it was a lie, but I wanted you so badly and with the Potion you were mine.”

Hermione felt the bile rising in her throat but she fought it back and responded, “You have no idea what love is Ron. If you really loved me you never would have used the Potion in the first place.” She closed her eyes and more tears fell.

“You're right,” Ron whispered in reply, “I didn't realise until just now…except I do love you(…) just not in the way you deserve…I let my lust and jealousy get in the way of friendship. I truly am sorry.”

Ron's admission shocked her; she moved over to the sofa and sat down lost in thought. Ron moved to stand in front of the fire, fidgeting uncomfortably in the silence.

“We are going to be okay Ron; just give me time.” stated Hermione after what seemed like hours.

Ron gave Hermione a hopeful look but couldn't find his voice to say anything in reply.


It was 9:30pm and Harry was making his way to the Room of Requirement. Hermione had asked him to go to the Room only if she and Ron didn't return by 9:15pm. Harry had so badly wanted to be there with her when she confronted Ron, but he respected her wishes and stayed away. He admitted he was a little more than fearful that Hermione might choose Ron or even decided that she didn't want to be with anyone. Before he knew it he was outside the door. He wasn't sure if he should knock or just go in; he decided to just go in and opened the door.

Hermione was sitting on the sofa. She had been crying, he could tell. Ron was standing in front of fire. His expression was pained and remorseful. Harry didn't really know what to make of it and said, “Hermione, it's 9:30pm you asked me to come…”

Hermione rose from the sofa and moved slowly over to Harry. She was calm but still teary. She wrapped her arms around his waist and clung to him. Harry held on to her tightly, he gave Ron a look, a “what the sodding hell did you do” look.

Ron finally spoke, “I'm sorry Harry.”

“I'm not the one you need to apologise to Ron, you know that.” Harry stated.

“I know and I have…apologised to Hermione. We have sort of worked some things out…she's asked for some time.” Ron explained, “I'm sorry for what I've done…to both of you.”

Harry looked to Hermione still nestled in his arms, she nodded her head and repeated her earlier statement, “I'm…we're going to be okay Harry.”

Harry kissed her on the forehead and said to Ron, “You going to be able to handle this?”

Ron knew what Harry was referring to and replied, “I have to, she belongs to you now, always has really…she was never truly mine Harry. I accept that now.”

“Ron…you still don't get it. I belong to no one. Not you, not Harry, no one Ron.” Hermione spat out bitterly closing her eyes tapping down her anger. “I repeat. I am not a prize to be won or lost Ron. I choose to be with Harry and he chooses to be with me; it really is that simple. Harry truly loves me. I can feel it in my very soul and I love him for it. I know that Harry will do the right thing…he has proven it. When he thought what you did to me was real…he let me go…because he loves me. He even…” she said looking up in to Harry's eyes before she said thickly, “He was even willing to die for me and Draco. That is an act of love Ron, unconditional love.”

Ron was speechless, shame washed over him in tormenting waves. He managed to mumble another apology before he finally broke down and cried.

Hermione cried too and Harry continued to hold her tight.

“Have I lost you? Will we ever be friends?” Ron asked finally pulling himself together and breaking the silence.

“Ron, listen to me, everyone makes mistakes. You will always be my friend. Hermione asked you for time…you are going to give her that. Like she said, we are going to be okay.”

Ron hesitated, he wasn't sure what to do so he dropped his arms down to his sides and said, “Thank you.” After a long pause he added lamely, “I have to go now…I have a…paper due tomorrow.”

And he left not waiting for any reply; knowing things between the three of them would never be the same but it was for the best. He didn't think he deserved to be forgiven and he vowed to never take anyone, especially Hermione for granted again.

“I think we need change of scenery,” Harry suggested after Ron's departure and with a flick of his wand the Room turned into a comfortable replica of the Gryffindor Common Room. “There… much better,” he said and moved Hermione to sit on his lap on one of the squishy armchairs before the fire. “You okay? Do you need some time alone? I could-“ Harry asked but his last sentence was cut off by Hermione's lips pressing onto his. He opened up to the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I love you Harry.” she quietly said, “Right now it is the only thing I am sure of.”

They decided to remain in the Room of Requirement, and moved to the sofa closer to the fire, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.


Next morning Hermione awoke still wrapped in Harry's comfortable embrace. She smiled and kissed him tenderly in an attempt to wake him up.

Harry was having a wonderful dream. He was snogging with Hermione on the sofa in the Common Room and she was about to…Harry woke up with a start. His eyes darted around the room, finally resting on a smirking Hermione. “Sorry luv, I was in the middle of a brilliant dream…but I think I'm liking reality much better,” he said and he pulled her close to continue the kiss.

Breaking away from the snogging, Hermione suggested that they go for a run. She hadn't run since the summer but she knew that it was important to Harry. He readily agreed, he hadn't been running lately and he missed the release it gave him. They quickly returned to their dorm rooms to get changed, agreeing to meet back in the Common Room.

Soon, running every morning became their regular routine and they both enjoyed the extra time together it afforded them.


Over the next few weeks Hogwarts managed to settle back into the norm. Ron even perked up a bit as he and Hermione slowly worked through what happened between them. It helped that Ron was spending more time with Luna Lovegood. At first he was very resistant of her but she eventually wore him down. A nice result was he managed to get a handle on his schoolwork and his marks actually improved with his study habits.

Harry and Hermione were officially outed as a couple and more than a few galleons were exchanged as bets were settled. No one was really surprised and Harry and Hermione were very happy.


Lavender Brown watched the happy couple eat their lunch talking animatedly with Ron and his sister Ginny about the upcoming Easter Break. She stole a glance over at the Slytherin table and as expected Draco Malfoy was watching them too.

`It's now or never Lavender,' she thought as she stood up and walked over to Malfoy. She stood behind him for quite some time before he finally acknowledged her presence. “What do you want?” he asked with a sneer.

“I know how you feel. If you ever want someone to talk to, someone who understands, you know where to find me,” she stated with confidence. She wasn't about to back down, despite being surrounded by Slytherins and then she turned and walked out the doors.

She smiled as she heard the doors open behind her and she waited.

Draco caught up to her and asked, “What are you on about?”

“Walk with me,” Lavender said taking him by the arm, leading him out on to the grounds and toward the lake. She was pleasantly surprised that he followed without protest.

Stopping by a shady tree near the lake edge, Draco was reminded of the rescue mission of a few short months ago. They settled in under the tree and Draco said, “Very Gryffindor of you to just walk up to a Slytherin like that.”

Lavender threw her head back and laughed, “I'm just me Draco. I don't really hold myself to house loyalties; if I see something…or someone that interests me I simply go for it. There is no harm in trying is there?”

“I guess not,” replied Draco and he moved a little closer to fully assess the intriguing witch beside him, “You are something else Lavender Brown.”

“I'm impressed that you even know my name,” Lavender laughed again, “I think you are something too Draco Malfoy.”

For the first time in ages Draco Malfoy laughed a real genuine laugh and thought, `what was it with Gryffindor witches? I think with this one I might just find out.'

“So tell me, are you over Hermione Granger yet? Or do I need to be patient?” Lavender smirked.

Giving her his trademark eyebrow-raising look, Draco said, “You may just be too brave for your own good Lavender.”

“Well…nothing ventured, nothing gained. Explain to me then, why her? Why the attraction in the first place?” she said.

“I don't know.” Draco said hesitantly and then thinking `what the hell' he continued, “I think it was more of an infatuation…back in third year she punched me…right in the face and that took a lot of nerve. I became a little enamoured after that…if that makes any sense.”

“If I'd know all I had to do was slug you to get your attention,” Lavender said amused.

Draco leaned in and whispered in her ear, “You know there are other more pleasant ways to get my attention.”

Lavender turned her head slightly her lips mere inches away from his and asked, “Care to give me an example?”


After finishing their lunch Harry and Hermione decided to take a walk around the lake. They were walking hand in hand enjoying the sun when they came upon Draco and Lavender under a tree, snogging.

Harry smiled, not wanting to disturb them; he turned Hermione around guiding her toward Hagrid's Hut and away from the snogging couple. “Was that Draco and…Lavender?” Hermione asked.

“Yes…let's go visit Hagrid and leave them be…alright?” Harry asked still pulling her away.

“Good idea. I hope they are good for each other,” Hermione said.

“I think Lavender may just be what Draco needs at the minute,” Harry stated with a knowing grin.


Before they knew it Easter break had arrived. Hermione's parents wanted her to come home as they had missed her at Christmas, but she wanted to stay at Hogwarts as she still felt behind because of the time she lost. Reluctantly her parents agreed; they even sent another owl to Harry asking him to look out for her. Harry was hoping that she would be willing to have a little bit of fun too. Voldemort had yet to regroup and Harry wanted to take a little time to relax. He, Draco and Ron had made plans to go flying and get some Quidditch practise in.

The Common Room was more crowded than at Christmas mainly due to the majority of fifth and seven years staying behind to get in some extra studying. The other years that stayed behind tended to spend more time outside in an effort to get away from the stressed out students that had to study.


Next to spending time with Hermione, Harry was happiest in the air and he loved to fly. Harry and Draco took turns taking shots at the goals while Ron practised his defensive moves before they released the Snitch. They were having a great time. Harry appreciated his friendship with Draco. He didn't hold back; he wasn't in awe of the-boy-who-lived and he played full out. He was first and foremost a competitor. A couple of times he even tried to knock Harry off his broom, but in the end Harry still caught the Snitch.

When Draco spotted Lavender in the stands he flew off to see her and leaving Harry and Ron alone.

“Harry …take care of her and make her happy, okay mate?” Ron said as he and Harry hovered over the pitch.

Harry wondered about Ron's change in demeanour, but responded in all seriousness, “I intend to Ron, have no doubt about that.”

“Right then, I have to go I'm meeting Luna in the library for a study date.” Ron said.

“You sure have been spending a lot of time with her.” Harry said.

“Yeah…well…she is a bit odd but she likes me…flaws and all…and I…like her too, a lot.” He replied, “Well, I don't wanted to keep her waiting,” and then with a wave flew off to the change rooms.

Harry scanned the stands looking for Hermione; she said she might come out to watch later. He smiled as he spotted her engrossed in a book. Stealthily he flew over to her and said, “I thought you were going to watch me play?”

“Oh my goodness, Harry! You scared the life out of me!” Hermione exclaimed clutching her book to her chest.

Harry just grinned. He looked out at the horizon. It was getting dark. Holding out his hand he said, “Come fly with me Hermione.”

“Okay…not too fast though.” said Hermione as she tucked her book into her robe and took hold of his hand. He pulled her to sit in front of him and she got comfortable leaning against his chest.

“Hang on,” he said and he kicked off heading over towards the hill at the north end of the Castle.


Harry stopped at the top of the hill and spread his Quidditch Robe on the ground for them to sit on. They sat in silence and watched the magic of colour dance across the sky as the sunset. “That was beautiful, thank you for bringing me here.” Hermione said giving Harry a kiss.

“You are beautiful,” responded Harry putting his arm around her. It had turned chilly rather fast and he felt her shiver and asked, “Are you cold?”

“A little…Harry…I,” she started; she was nervous but the way the relationship was heading she needed to say it. She had to clear the air, more for herself than for Harry, before they could move forward. She continued, “Harry, I love you, I want to…be with you, but there are some things I need to tell you.” She looked up at him searching his face for any reaction.

Harry heart skipped a beat at what she might have to say; he absently pulled out his wand and cast both a warming and cushioning charm around them. This could take a while. “I'm listening,” he said.

“Ron and I…when he…we did things when I was with him…the Potion…it, I didn't…oh god this is so humiliating,” Hermione said trying to hold back from crying. She was still trying to deal with Ron's betrayal and the intimacy she had shared with him while under the Potion's influence.

“Hermione…it(`)s okay, I understand. You love me, I love you and that is real. What ever you did or didn't do with Ron is the past.” Harry reasoned.

Hermione let her tears fall at Harry's words. They were exactly what she needed to hear. “Oh Harry,” she cried while hugging him tightly, “Thank you…I just felt that I had to say something…thank you for understanding.”

“I intend to spend the rest of my life with you Hermione. You are my everything,” Harry stated the intensity between them was overwhelming and he felt his eyes wet.

Hermione flushed at the emotion behind his words. Everything was different with Harry and she finally had the confidence to move their relationship forward. She gave him a mischievous look before straddling him; her weight caused him to fall on his back. With a seductive yet determined look in her eyes she stretched out on top of him capturing his lips in a smouldering kiss. Harry was taken aback by her forwardness but he sure wasn't going to complain and he opened up responsive to her kiss. Encouraged he flipped over pinning her beneath him and started kissing her neck, making her moan as she clutched at his back trying to bring him closer.

Neither really knew what they were doing, though Hermione did have more experience. Harry let her take the lead. There were no doubts about what they were about to do. They both were ready to take this next step.

Hermione slowly moved her hands to underneath Harry's jumper, rubbing her hands along his chest, as he took in a deep breath at her touch. She smiled, pleased that she was having an effect on him and then she pulled the jumper off sending Harry's glasses flying off with it.

Thankful that he had the foresight to cast the warming charm Harry repositioned himself so that they were facing each other as he undid the clasp to her robes letting it fall down to her side.

They weren't in any hurry and they took their time removing clothing and exploring each other's body. Soon they were down to undergarments; Harry tentatively reached out cupping Hermione's lace covered breast and she sighed leaning into his touch kissing his lips. Harry fell back pulling Hermione on top of him, as he made quick work of unclasping her bra. She laughed at the sudden movement. She was happy that this didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable as she positioned herself at Harry's side and went to work removing his underpants.

Harry was preoccupied with his mouth laving Hermione's nipple when he felt his arousal fully exposed. He was a little bit nervous, he knew this was going to be quick and he wanted to make sure that he pleasured Hermione first. He moved his attention from her breasts to gaze into her beautiful aroused face; she actually wanted to make love with him. He moved his hand between them and nearly came undone at the wetness on her knickers. “Hermione, are you…do we need a charm?” he asked with a strangled moan.

Hermione leaned forward to grab her wand causing her to press into Harry's arousal, they both groaned at the sensation. The only thing between them a thin layer of cotton; she grabbed her wand and cast the contraceptive spell Mrs. Weasley had taught her last summer. Yeah, that's right Mrs. Weasley. Pushing any further thoughts along those lines from her mind she kissed Harry fully as she dropped her wand.

Harry pulled off Hermione's knickers while she gently stroked his erection; she couldn't help compare and she was quite surprised. He moved his hand back between her legs exploring her folds; she pushed against his hand as he eased one and then another finger into her opening.

“Yessss,” moaned Hermione.

Encouraged Harry slowly pushed his fingers in and out. “Come for me Hermione…please,” Harry whispered into her ear.

“Oh my…gu-,” she shuddered as her orgasm clenched around his fingers. Overcome with wanton desire Hermione pushed Harry onto his back and positioned her entrance over his erection, there were no questioning looks, no hesitation just base desire. “I need to feel you inside me,” she said and then she plunged down on his hardness. The pain ripped through her as she gave her virginity to Harry, she bit her lower lip as she tried to hold back from crying out.

Harry held still fighting against his instinct to move as Hermione adjusted to having him inside her. He reached up to wipe away the tear that escaped the corner of her eye. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yes…just give me …I didn't…” she tried to speak but then gave up on talking as the pain eased

Feeling Hermione relax Harry's body took over and he pushed up into her, he wanted to go slow, make it last, but he couldn't hold back any longer. He kissed Hermione before burying his head into her neck, “I'm not…going…to last …” he grunted.

“Its okay Harry…let go,” Hermione said as they quickly found a rhythm slowly moving against each other. Unexpectedly she felt a knot build inside her and instinct took over as she increased her pace. “Oh,” was all she said.

At her words Harry thrust into her and when her felt her pace change that was it with a loud groan he came filling her with his seed. A few seconds later Hermione let out a pleasurable scream as a second orgasm washed over her.

“Wow,” said Harry his hands on her hips to hold her place, as his kisses made their way from her neck to her lips.

“That is an understatement,” she murmured against his mouth. She made to move to his side but his hands held her firmly onto her hips. She sighed, “I love you Harry, so very much.”

“I love you too Hermione. I always have, and I always will,” he said his green eyes fixed on her brown ones before he released his hold. When she moved he noticed the blood, he was confused and looked up at her. “I thought…” he started to ask.

“Only you Harry,” Hermione said with a sated smile as she grabbed her wand to cast a cleansing spell on them both. She then laid back down beside him snuggling in close, it was late and she was getting sleepy.

“Only you too Hermione,” Harry whispered and then kissed the top of her head. He renewed the cushioning and warming charms, cast a strong ward around them and lastly transfigured her robe into a warm blanket to cover them before drifting off to sleep. He was happier than he had ever been in his entire life.


11. Summer's Arrival

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. JKR does. Some details are taken from the fanfiction HP and the Psychic Serpent by Barb that can be found on fanfiction.net.

A/N: And so we are come to the end of this story. I want to thank all of you who read and reviewed it, and as usual, if you do that for this chapter I'll be happy once again. thanks to my wonderful beta Cheryl, who had to work a lot on this story, and for all of you, be ready for the sequel, I hope it will come soon.

Chapter Eleven

Summer's Arrival

Next morning Harry woke up to the sound of chirping birds and the feel of a warm body next to him.

She is even beautiful when asleep. My angel, what a way to wake up,” he thought.

After admiring his love for a few minutes he finally gave in and woke her up. Hermione smiled at the first thing she saw; Harry's handsome face smiling back at her. “I could get used to waking up like this every morning,” she said wincing as she stretched out she was sore but happy sore.

“Me too,” Harry agreed but when he noticed her wince he asked, “Are you really okay? Did I…hurt you?”

“Oh Harry, I'm perfect.” Hermione responded and then kissed him. The kissing soon turned into snogging that led to…


Hermione fell back panting and said, “Oh my, could I ever get used to waking up like this.”

“That was…you are…holy crap.” Harry stuttered making love first thing in the morning was definitely something he could get used to as well. “Too bad we have to get back to the castle otherwise I'd much prefer to spend all day here with you.” Harry said.

“Right the Castle…revising, what was that again?” asked Hermione playfully, she was still catching her breath.

“What I have done to you?” he said in mock horror.

“Turned me into a wanton witch that can't get enough of her wizard,” she teased.

“Your wizard, I think I like that,” he mused.

Hermione smiled sheepishly in response, as she got dressed.

Harry hunted around for his jumper and then pulled it over his head, he grinned as he `caught' Hermione checking him out.

“You know Mr. Potter. I don't know if you noticed, but you are fine. I think I may have to brush up on my hexes to keep the competition at bay.” Hermione said cheekily.

Harry pulled her close, kissed her briefly, and then answered, “You, Miss Granger, are the only witch for me.” Harry mounted his broom and then helped Hermione climb on in front of him. As he kicked off he kissed her cheek and whispered, “the only witch for me.”

Hermione smiled, leaned back against his strong chest and enjoyed the ride back to the castle.


Before they knew it classes had ended and summer break was upon them.

An uneasy truce existed between Ron and Hermione. It helped that Ron was now officially dating Luna Lovegood and that they appeared to be very happy together. Every once in a while Ron would roll his eyes at some outlandish theory of Luna's but for the most part though, he adored her. Ronald Weasley finally knew, really knew what unconditional love was all about.

Boarding the train, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna found an empty compartment. Settling in they chatted about the past year's events. At one point, Luna relayed the actual moment she and Ron became a couple. Ron grew rather embarrassed and uncomfortable. Begging the excuse that he needed the loo he quickly exited the compartment before Luna got to the most humbling part of their courtship.

After completing the story, to gales of laughter, Luna set out to look for the long absent Ron. Immediately upon her exit, Hermione took out her wand, cast a strong locking charm and warded the door.

Harry looked at her in surprise surely didn't want to...

“Alone at last,” she said, smiling.

He smiled back, crossed the compartment, scooping her up in his arms and holding her close. He brushed his lips against hers. He felt her mouth opening, and her tongue flicking teasingly on his lips. Soon they were in a full out snog.

“Wow...” she said when they parted for air.

“You can say that again,” answered Harry before kissing her again.

Meanwhile Luna had located Ron and they had returned to the compartment only to discover the door locked. He pulled out his extendible ears to have a listen even though he knew he really shouldn't. He nodded his head smiling. He looked at Luna and said, “I think they've got the right idea. What do you say we check out the loo again…very closely?”

“Yes Ronald, I like that idea very much,” replied Luna with a giggle, “Lead the way my King.”


“I really don't think I'll ever tire of this.” expressed Hermione as she finished buttoning her blouse.

Harry adjusted his trousers giving Hermione a very satisfied smile. “Me neither luv. How am I going to get through the summer without seeing you everyday?” sighed Harry.

Positioning herself on Harry's lap she said, “I promise I'll owl everyday. Will that help?”

“A little…” Harry teased before capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.

Some time later, Ron and Luna returned to the compartment.

“So…where did you two run off to?” Harry asked, grinning.

“Oh, it was amazing, Ronald made me a member of the “Express Club,” Luna offered, innocently, “I still don't understand why we had to make love in the loo though.”

Ron flushed.

“Hermione, we should look into joining that club too,” Harry said. Hermione playfully socked him on the shoulder in response and they all laughed. They were almost back to normal.

“Things sure are different from last year, aren't they mate?” Harry asked. Hermione, Ron and Luna all agreed.

Suddenly becoming serious Ron said, “You know…I am really happy for you both. You deserve some happiness after the year you've both had. After the life you've had Harry. I really truly am sorry for the part I played in what happened, but in a way I'm glad too. Because it brought you two together and helped me realise…” Luna took Ron's hand giving it a light squeeze encouraging him to continue, “Realise that I'm the luckiest wizard in the world to have good friends like you and a wonderful girlfriend like Luna.” He then bent down giving Luna a tender kiss and said, “I owe you so much Luna…thank you for making me a better man.”

It was Luna's turn to flush and the she threw her arms around Ron and said, “Oh, I love you Ronald Weasley.”

“I love you too Luna,” Ron whispered in her ear holding her tightly.

“Thank you, Ron.” Harry replied, “That means a lot to me…to both of us.” Harry then pulled Hermione's hand to his lips to kiss the back of it.

Hermione looked over to Ron and Luna, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She mouthed, “Thank you Ron.”

In that moment, Draco entered the compartment his arm around Lavender.

“Hey Potter, Granger…did you know that you two are the odds on favourites to be Head Boy and Head Girl next year?” asked Draco. Harry and Hermione just smiled and then invited the couple to join them.

“What a strange group we make,” said Harry as he grinned at the sight of Draco and Ron sitting side by side…with their respective girlfriends gracing their laps.

“Yeah…well…Malfoy's not so bad.” said Ron.

“What's that supposed to mean, Weasley?” asked Draco with a mock sneer.

“Now boys…” Lavender started to say.

“You aren't so much of a prat anymore either.” offered Draco.

“Draco!” Lavender scolded, “Play nice or you won't get any…” She whispered the rest of her statement into his ear so the others couldn't hear. Draco paled a bit at her words but recovered quickly.

“You wouldn't.” stated Draco.

“Try me,” challenged Lavender.

Luna interrupted them, “I think you two need to visit the loo.”

Everyone looked a Luna puzzled.

“You know, work out your tension…you need to join the “Express Club.” Luna explained.

Lavender and Draco were confused. Ron was blushing beyond all embarrassment and Harry and Hermione were desperately trying hold back their laughter.

“Ronald? I think we may be the only members of the club.” Luna suggested. She then turned to Draco and Lavender to explain, “It's a bit awkward but doable. You make love in the loo and then you become a member of the Club. I'm not sure if there are weekly meetings. Ronald?” Luna turned to look at Ron; however, he was too embarrassed to respond. He stared out the window, silently praying that someone would change the subject. “Ronald? I've gone and said something wrong again haven't I?” Luna asked with a sigh. The only sound was Hedwig flittering in her cage and squawking loudly.

Ron turned to his girlfriend with tenderness in eyes. He pulled her closer to give her a reassuring kiss before saying one word, “Never.” Luna relaxed in his arms and smiled with that far away look that she alone owned.

Soon the Witch with the snack cart came by and the group loaded up on sweets and drinks. They had an enjoyable time and good conversation. Hermione and Draco got into a rather heated discussion over House Elves and Lavender took that as their cue to leave.

“Well…after all that pumpkin juice I must go to the ladies room.” announced Lavender.

“I'll go with you Lavender,” Draco said quickly. As they made their way out the door Draco leaned into Ron and said in hushed voice, “Express Club…brilliant mate…brilliant.” He gave them a wink and exited the compartment after Lavender.

With just the four them in the compartment again Harry locked and warded the door. He added a silencing charm for good measure. “There is something I need to tell you, both of you,” he said looking to Ron and Luna. Hermione reached over and took him by the hand. Giving Hermione a warm smile he continued and told them about the prophecy.

“Bloody Hell! So Vol-He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named chose you? Blimy…it could have been Neville instead of you?” Ron shuddered at the implications.

“Yes he chose me and now it's either him or me. Only one of us can live.” Harry replied, pulling Hermione closer. She wrapped her arms around him tightly resting her head on his shoulder. “Hermione, luv, don't worry. I intend to succeed.” Harry whispered her. She looked at him, her face brimming with tears, and nodded. She knew that he would do everything in his power to defeat Voldemort.


King's Cross

Draco, of course, had to pretend to be an arse and brushed past them. Putting on an act for his Father was wearing but necessary. He knew his Father wouldn't approve of Lavender and fortunately she understood. They had already said good-bye on the train. Draco smirked as he remembered that good-bye. She was quite a witch.

Ginny, Ron and Luna made their way over to Molly and Arthur. Harry and Hermione stopped to say a quick hello. Ron hadn't filled his parents in on what had happened between him and Hermione. He had to do some quick explaining as his parents gave him a confused look as they still thought he and Hermione were together. Harry squeezed Hermione's hand at Ron's lame explanation but the went along with it.

Harry did smile when Ron proudly introduced his new girlfriend to his parents. Luna beamed as Molly pulled her into one of her famous bone crunching hugs.

Harry took Hermione by the hand and they passed through the barrier. Once on the other side he stopped and whispered in her ear upon spotting her parents, “Hermione, how would you like to spend part of the summer hols…with me?”

“Really? Yes! Of course I would. But how?” she asked, curious.

“Well, I'm sorry I didn't mention it sooner…I was distracted. My Aunt, Uncle and Dudley are going to Spain I think for the first part of summer. Dudley convinced them to leave me at the house…I won't have to stay with Mrs. Figg's.”

“But will you be safe? Does Professor Dumbledore know?” she asked, suddenly becoming serious.

“Hermione, yes, Dumbledore knows. I am protected at Privit Drive, the blood protection but there will be Order members keeping an eye on things.” he said reassuringly, “What I don't know is whether your parents are letting you stay with me.”

The Grangers waived to Hermione and she ran into their open arms. Dr. Granger held her daughter in a tight hug.

“Harry! How are you?” Dr. Granger asked, “Thank you again…for everything,” he added shaking Harry's hand.

“Oh, you're welcome sir,” Harry answered slightly embarrassed at the praise. Hermione's mum then turned to Harry and gave him a hug and said, “Thank you so very much for safely bringing back our Hermione.”

“I'd do anything for Hermione.” Responded Harry half strangled from the hug.

“Really?” asked Dr. Granger with a hint of suspicion.

Harry looked nervously at Hermione. She obviously hadn't told her parents that they were dating yet. `Sod.'

The Grangers looked at each other. “Is there something we need to know?” asked Dr. Granger.

“Mum, Dad, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Harry Potter,” announced Hermione with only a slight smirk.

“Oh my…boyfriend? Ian,” Dr. Granger turned to her husband, his eyes twinkling like he already knew, “Ian did you already know?”

Ian cleared his throat, “Ummm, no…suspected, but no I didn't know until just now, Leanne.”

Leanne gave Ian a pained look and said, “This changes things…the two of them…alone?”

Hermione gave Harry the “Oh sod, they are not going to let me go with you for the summer because we are dating” look.

Hermione opened her mouth to protest when a voice said, “No need to worry, they will be well chaperoned.”

“Bill?” Harry asked.

“Harry. Mr. Granger. Mrs. Granger. Hermione.” Bill said, “I'm William Weasley, Ron's oldest brother, I was asked to keep an eye on these two for the summer.”

“Oh well…okay…that's…okay,” sputtered Leanne as she sized up the young man before her. The hair, the earring…'is that a…tooth?'

Harry and Hermione looked on at Bill in surprise. Harry inwardly sighed in relief…Dumbledore could have sent Moody.

“Excellent, now that's settled, I understand that you'll be taking these two to the…house. I'll meet you there,” said Bill giving the semi stunned Harry and Hermione a quick wink. Bill casually looked around then with a soft pop he disapparated.

“My word!” exclaimed Ian, “Can you to do that?”

“Not yet Dad, I don't have my licence yet and Harry's not of age,” explained Hermione trying not to sound exasperated.

“Well then, off we go,” stated Leanne and they all headed to the car park.

The drive to Surrey was quiet. Harry smiled at the site of Bill standing in the drive as Dr. Granger pulled up. Harry unlocked the door and they quickly moved their trunks into the house. Mrs. Figg came over and had a quick word with Dr. Granger and she seem pleased by what Mrs. Figg had to say.

Dr. Granger pulled Harry to one side, “Harry, sorry about earlier. We, Leanne and I that is, we are thrilled that you and Hermione are now dating. We were a bit surprised when she took up with Ron, we didn't think he could handle her…uhhh…studious nature, but you…we know you are different.”

Harry smirked `yeah studious nature…if he only knew…' and said, “Thank you sir, that means a lot to me. I lo-care for Hermione. I quite fancy her bossiness, keeps me on my toes.”

“Glad to hear it son,” replied Ian, “Please, call me Ian.”

“Okay…Ian,” said Harry tentatively but with a smile.

“Leanne, we just about ready to go luv?” called out Ian.

Hermione and her mother joined Harry and Ian in the driveway and made their goodbyes. Bill waved goodbye from the doorway.

“Now, don't forget to give us a ring after dinner every night. Agreed?” said Leanne.

“Agreed,” replied Hermione.

“And be mindful of Mr. Weasley, don't give him any trouble,” ordered Ian.

“Yes sir/dad,” they courused.

“We'll be back in about a month to pick you up. Have a nice time and be good,” shouted Leanne as Ian dragged her to the car.

“We will,” Harry and Hermione said together waving to the Grangers as the pulled away.

Holding hands they made their over to a grinning Bill.

“What are you grinning about?” Harry asked.

“Nothing,” he winked, “I'll be off now.”

“Ron…” said Harry as the realisation dawned.

“Yeah,” chuckled Bill, “He thought you might need…a grown up.”

“Thanks Bill,” replied Harry.

Hermione gave Bill a quick peck on the cheek and with that he said, “Anytime Harry. Though to warn you, Mrs. Figg will be dropping by once in a while to check up on you,” and then he disaparated.

Alone, Harry turned to Hermione and kissed her softly.

“This is going to be the happiest summer of my life,” he said as he wrapped his arms around Hermione and kissed her more deeply.
