The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Rating: R
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 25/01/2005
Last Updated: 25/05/2005
Status: Completed

A/U: A mutinous assassination divides a once peaceful land. The throne is protected from traitorous hands by an ancient spell, locked forever, until the true heir returns to claim it. A Rider who must face his destiny, a Queen who carries a dangerous secret and a King who has made a deal with the devil all set into motion the final battle against Lord Voldemort and to reclaim the throne to rule all the land.

1. Prologue

The Lost King


The air outside the castle walls were quiet and still, a little too quiet. Most of the castle's inhabitant's were asleep, others were running about doing their errands before turning in for the night, others who kept a watchful eye out. The King lay asleep in his bedchamber, his guards keeping watch over him.

He was a well loved King, loved by his subjects across the land, well-liked by other royalty whom he dealt with. He was in the prime of his years, his wife passed away many years ago leaving him with his five sons. It isn't important to know all the names of his son's save one, Phillip.

Phillip was a precocious boy, the youngest of the five only six years old. His mother had passed away bringing him into this world. The King loved all his sons but Phillip had a special place in his heart, and in his brothers' hearts. Being the youngest of the five, they protected him fiercely.

Even though the King was a popular King, there were grumblings within his kingdom. Some who did not share the others' enlightened view of him. One of these enemies was a powerful one and dangerous. He would set in motion the events of tonight and the start of our story.


A guard turned his attention to the moat, he had heard a small splashing sound. He looked over the black water, tracing the concentric circles to their source, a duck. Must have been startled in its sleep. He had been scanning the waters so he failed to see black figures climbing up the castle wall, hidden by the shadows. They climbed the wall like spiders splitting up into different directions. They climbed into windows, taking out guards quietly, stealthily. The attack might have gone unnoticed except for one thing. The King's eldest son had been entertaining one of the chamber maids and her screams awoke the entire castle.

In an instant, the castle went from serene inactivity to panicky chaos. Shouts of “Protect the King! Protect the King!” filled the air. The King's door burst open, an old man rushing in.

“Your Majesty! It's an ambush!” he shouted.

“Protect my sons, Artemus. Leave me to defend my castle,” the King ordered as he dressed. The old man raced out of the room but in his place a young man walked in. He was dark haired no more than 17 summers old. The King looked up and acknowledged the young man's presence.

“Thomas,” the King nodded to him. Thomas was Artemus' apprentice. “Hide yourself, do not seek out this battle. It is no place for a young wizard.”

“You are right, my King. This is no place for a young wizard,” he said steadily as he approached him.

The King had only a moment to realize the situation, the absence of the guards, he alone with the boy in his chamber. He made the movement for his sword but the young boy drew his first, plunging it into the King's chest. The King let out a scream of pain and rage. The boy moved close to the King, pushing the sword deeper as his face was centimeters from his.

“Your sons are all dead, your reign has ended,” Thomas sneered.

The King drew shallow breaths, giving the young man a small smile. “You will never sit on the throne of Gryffindor as long as I live.”

“Very well,” the man said pulling his sword from the King's chest then in one swing beheading him.

Thomas let out a shout of victory then bent down to take the crown off the King's head. But before he could touch it, it disappeared, along with the King's sword.

“No!” he shouted then ran out of the room.

Down, down, down the stairs he went, leaving the tower. He raced to the main hall where the throne room was just as the doors to the room closed with a loud thud.

“NO!” Thomas screamed. He drew out a wand and tried every incantation he could to open the door but nothing worked. The heavy oak doors stayed shut and locked. Intricate drawings carved upon him, ancient words scrolled upon it, and in the middle was the outline of a sword. Thomas ran to the castle's entrance hall where statues of the King's forefathers stood. In the middle of the hall stood a white marble statue of a beautiful woman, a lion at her feet as she sat, the King's sword gleaming in her lap. He needed the sword to unlock the door. Thomas reached out to take the sword but the moment his fingers touched it, a searing shock of pain went through him. Only a true Gryffindor could touch that sword as long as they thrived. Thomas had tried to avoid this from happening by killing the King's sons. But his plan must have failed somewhere for someone was still alive. As he thought this he heard the shouts of his mean and the galloping of hooves.

Phillip was awoken by the screams of a woman somewhere nearby. He climbed under his bed and shook in fear. The door to his room opened and he immediately recognized the feet of his brother.

“Antony!” the six year old boy shouted and scrambled out from under the bed. The little boy could hear the screams of people in the castle, the shouts of mean and the clanging of swords.

“Come, we must run!” Antony shouted. He grabbed his younger brother and ran through the halls. Antony knew his eldest brother was dead, so he ran for his younger ones. He sought Phillip first then moved on to the other two. However, as he and Phillip ran down the hall, they saw one of them lying dead on the floor, heard the screams of the other as well. It was only the two of them. They scurried down the stairs but found they were trapped on both ends of the stairwell. Antony drew his sword to defend themselves but wand blasts took care of that for him. The old wizard, Artemus was running for them.

“Come! Come quickly!” he shouted to them.

They had reached the King's stables, Artemus climbing atop a majestic white one. Antony handed his younger brother to him. He was just about to climb atop of his when he heard the whiz of an arrow and a sharp pain in his side. He turned and saw traitors had reached the stables.

“Go! Take Phillip!” he told the old man and slapped the horse to take off.

“Antony!” he heard his youngest brother cry out.

Antony turned and drew his sword to face the onslaught.

Thomas raced out of the great hall to see the old wizard riding away on a white horse below him.

“Stop him!” he shouted to his followers. “STOP! HIM!”

Arrows flew at the wizard as he made his way across the courtyard to the castle gates.

“Close the gates!! Raise the drawbridge!” he shouted.

The wizard made it past the gates but was stopped at the drawbridge that was rising too quickly. He was trapped, the small boy cried in his arms.

Antony stumbled into a room by the gate, killing the traitor that was there. The gate keeper lay dead on the floor. He knew he didn't have long to live, his wounds were fatal. He collapsed on the floor but drawing the last of his strength he crawled across the floor to the chained wheel. He reached for the lever and used the weight of his dying body to pull it. The drawbridge lowered and the wizard galloped away from the castle.

Thomas saw him gallop away and fell to his knees on the balcony floor. “NO! NO! NO!”

He had no chance of getting into the throne room, for there was an ancient spell protecting the throne of Gryffindor. Only the King's blood may sit upon its throne, its doors would remain shut until the true heir to the throne claimed it.


2. Chapter One

Chapter One

A group of horseman galloped across the plain approaching the castle. The gate keeper announced their arrival and opened the city gates. The riders were dirty, tired and battle worn. Their horses adorned with silver and blue, matching the banner that they carried. They slowed their pace as they approached the gates, the leader taking off his helmet to reveal a shaggy mane of red hair. As they entered the castle he looked up at a young maiden who was watching their arrival from the balcony above. She wore a pale blue gown, her long waist length cinnamon hair blew gently in the breeze.

The young red haired man and another with dark hair dismounted and walked into the Great Hall. The King promptly got up from his throne to greet them.

“Milord,” both of the riders knelt before the King.

“Good to see you back,” the King said earnestly. “What news have you from the North?”

The red haired man rose. “Arneau Tak will hold but we need to send reinforcements.”

“How many were lost?”

“At least a hundred men.”

The King sighed. “We are already spread so thin.”

“We must protect our borders.”

Over four centuries ago the land was divided when the King was assassinated leaving no heir to the throne. It was a mutiny the other lords did not stand for and did not succumb to the rule of the one who called himself Lord Voldemort. To protect their lands they created their own kingdoms; Hufflepuff to the West, Ravenclaw bordered it on the East, Slytherin was to the South. All three had managed to fend off Lord Voldemort to the North, they called it the Shadowlands, for it was always shrouded in darkness, its dark clouds festering above.

A silky voice spoke from the shadows spoke. “Perhaps Slytherin can be of assistance.” A man stepped forward, pale and thin, his oily hair fell around face.

The red haired man scowled inwardly. He did not like the idea of having the armies of Slytherin running around Ravenclaw. Luckily, the King shared his sentiments to some degree.

“Slytherin has been getting fat at the expense of our land. We are the barrier between them and the Shadowlands. Their people and trades are more protected than ours,” the King muttered. “Give me some time to think on this. I shall seek the counsel of Albus Dumbledore.”


The red haired young man walked up the stairs, his armor now free from his body. The afternoon sun filtered in through the windows casting spots of light upon the castle floor. The tapestries glinted in the sunlight. It had been a long and weary trip. He was gone for nearly a month, the battles casualties had been more than he would've liked, but they were able to defend their border once again. Although, without help, he didn't know for how much longer.

The man's name was Ronald de Weasley and he was the King's nephew, his mother being the King's sister. He was the youngest boy in his family, his younger sister, Ginnerva, was a lady of the court and a frequent companion to his cousin, Lady Hermione. Lady Hermione and he had grown up together, gone on many adventures through the castle. And although they were still very close, the duties of their births had separated them for long periods of time. As custom, Ronald choice of service to the King was in the military and he had proven himself a very good fighter. It was a duty he was fond of, something he was actually great at, so he was gone for long periods of time to check the borders of Ravenclaw.

He turned down a long corridor and entered large double doors on the left. It opened into a large open library, where the young maiden he saw earlier sat near a window. She looked up as he entered the room.

“Ron!” she exclaimed, dropping the book from her lap.

“Hermione,” Ron gave a short bow as an escort left the library, closing the door behind her, leaving the two in the room alone.

Hermione ran to Ron as he welcomed her in an embrace. “I feared I would not see you again,” she said to him.

“I shared the same sentiments.” He broke the embrace and looked at her, giving her a small smile.

She examined the healing cuts on his face, touching one lightly. “How bad was it?”

“We lost many men,” he said quietly. “Too many men.” He moved away from her and watched out of the window. Hermione followed and stood by his side.

“Is my father sending for help?”

“He's sending for Dumbledore's counsel,” he turned to look at her. “In the West.”

“The West?” Hermione looked incredulous. “But it is a lawless land, full of warlords and brigands.”

“I know. The messenger will be escorted by Viktor and a few others.”

“Who is he sending?”

“Just one of the royal messengers.”

Hermione sighed and angrily looked away and Ron looked at her.

“Hermione, this is far too dangerous a diplomatic mission. Putting you in danger is putting the crown in danger. Your father will do no such thing.”

“I can hold my own. I wish he would stop treating me like a child.”

“I would have to agree with your father on this.”

“Of course you would.”

“I mean you no ill will, cousin. But I too, would be concerned for your safety.”

It was an argument that would go nowhere. She sighed and stared out the window at the countryside. A small group of horses approached the castle, a green and silver banner waved above them. Hermione looked at her cousin, who had the same curious look on his face. Slytherin had sent a messenger.


The next morning, Ron practiced his broadsword relentlessly on the poor pages that assisted him. He was in a poor mood by the news the messenger from Slytherin brought. The Malfoys would be coming to Ravenclaw. He hit a target a page propped very hard. Ugh! How he hated their son, Draco. If ever there was a more arrogant Knight, he'd hardly believe it.

Since they had met, Draco and Ron had never been amiable to each other. The Malfoy's ruled Syltherin, getting rich on their protected trades. Ron got the immediate impression from their visits that they thought themselves above the house of Granger. Much to Ron's chagrin, Draco was an equally good warrior, just as good on the horse and sword as he was. Draco never let it rest when he had bested him on something. Draco served in his father's army as well, but unlike Ron, he was a cruel General. Fairness and justice were values that led to weakness in Malfoy's opinion.

Ron attacked another target, sending the page to the ground. He had a fair idea of why the Malfoy's were coming to Ravenclaw, though he did not voice it to his cousin. She was smart enough to know why, she probably figured it out already.

The Lady Hermione was the only daughter of King Edward. And though her father still had many years to live, at his passing Hermione would ascend to the throne, ruling all of Ravenclaw. A marriage to the house of Malfoy would unite two of the largest kingdoms in the land. Although his cousin had managed to fend off many suitors, her father was growing impatient with her. He wanted to see his daughter's position in life be secured, even after his passing. An offer from the young Prince would be most advantageous.

It was not lost on Ron what Draco's “affections” for his cousin were. The fact that she had matured into a lovely young woman did not go unnoticed by the spoiled brat. Ron did not like the way he looked at her, the way his eyes followed her, how he shadowed her. For this reason, Ron made it a point to always be around his fair cousin, when the Malfoy's came to call. But if he thought that Hermione's thoughts were now occupied by this, he was mistaken. She had other ideas on her mind.


Hermione watched from of above as the small cavalry assembled below her. The royal messenger was seated in one of the carriages, escorted by fifteen of the King's knights.

“How long do you think they'll be away?” a voice broke her thoughts.

Hermione turned to her cousin, the Lady Ginnerva. “It's three days ride to the village of Hogsmeade. I imagine a little more than a week.”

Her cousin sat her down and pulled her hair up into a knot. “That's a lot of time to make up excuses.”

“You're brilliant, you can manage,” Hermione answered wryly.

“There!” her cousin exclaimed, handing her a mirror.

Hermione looked at the wig atop her head. “Brilliant, Ginnerva!”

“You'll be able to pass as a young escort,” she replied triumphantly, handing her a hooded robe.

A few moments later, the diplomatic entourage left for the land of Hufflepuff with an extra escort in tow.


3. Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Harry Potter quietly watched the men in a small camp below him. He was crouched low in the brush, positioned at a small cliff above them. There were a dozen of them, all wearing dark armor bearing a skull with a snake coming out of its mouth. The emblem of the False King of the Shadowlands. Scouts probably, coming in to check out the lands of Hufflepuff. Harry and the others had been following them all day. They would be easy to take out, they weren't the Death Eaters. The men laughed below, a carcass roasting over a spit, oblivious to the dark fate that beheld them.

Harry pulled his cloak around him, whistling to imitate one of the night creatures, giving the signal.

The men tore hungrily into the meat, hungry and tired from the journey. Tomorrow would be another long day, they had to follow the border North, making note of all encampments and settlements along the way. A horse's neigh startled the men into quiet, nervously on guard.

“Go and check it out,” one of them motioned to another.

He was about to protest when a figure limped out of the darkness. It was a robed figure, hunched and limping aided by a walking stick.

“Spare some food and drink for a weary traveler?” the man asked.

A few of the men sniggered and stood up, one of them held out a meager bone.

“Would the dog like a bone?”

“Go fetch the bone, you dog.”

“Maybe he should do some tricks for us?”

They all laughed.

“I do know a few tricks,” the man spoke softly.

“What was that you said?” one of the scouts taunted him.

“I said,” the man's voice was more bold, “I know a few tricks.”

The man rose to full height, removed the hood of his cloak and drew his sword. The forest surrounding them was filled with shouts and war cries.

“It's an ambush!” the scout yelled as men ran from the forest, swords drawn.

The battle, if you could call it that, was over in a few minutes.


Harry was a young man with dark, raven colored hair and startling emerald eyes. He had a quiet demeanor about him that made him mysterious and along with his good looks, he was not unnoticed by the female sex. Orphaned as a baby, he fled the wrecked home of his parents' with his godfather, Sirius Black. They sought refuge amongst the rebels and bandits and countless others who did not bow down to the False King of the Shadowlands. Hufflepuff really had no King. It was a land of outlaws and outsiders. Each village calling upon the great wizard Albus Dumbledore, to settle accounts and disputes. It was under Dumbledore's watchful eye that Harry grew up. He was trained well in the sword, read countless books, got into all kinds of mischief with his friend, Neville Longbottom. Even as he grew up, he still got into trouble but of a different kind. Usually having to do with the misunderstanding of the opposite sex. He was teased relentlessly by his friends about his unrequited love of the fair Cho Chang, one of the town Lord's daughters. Dumbledore twinkled and smiled as Harry lamented. He loved the old wizard like a grandfather, considered him one, but he always felt that he was holding something back from him. Conversations veered off topic whenever Harry brought up his parents or their death.

But Harry had his own secrets as well.

Since the age of fourteen, he'd been having horrible nightmares. He would wake up screaming, terrified. He dreamt of a terrifying man, snake-like with red eyes, searching, always searching for something. Or someone.

He never told anyone about his nightmares, about who was in them. He kept it to himself, locked away with all the other odd things that would pop into his head.

Harry's exceptional skill with the sword and his tendency for solitude led him to be a Rider, those who patrolled the land, guarding the borders. This caused him to be away from town for long periods of time.

Harry had been napping on a sunny piece of flat rock, when Neville approached him.

“Sorry to wake you, Harry, but you gotta see this,” he said.

A few minutes later, Harry, Neville and a few others dismounted and approached the road, hiding behind the large tree trunks of the forest. The pounding of hooves and the clatter of a carriage filled the air. It was a large entourage, a large carriage with the silver and blue emblem of Ravenclaw, accompanied by sixteen escorts all bearing the same colors. Neville looked at Harry questioningly.

“Royal carriage,” Harry said in a low voice, “probably a diplomatic mission. We can't attack them, they bring no harm to us. Come on.” He led the group away back to their horses. Harry mounted and gave a last look at the royal assembly. Something wasn't right, it nagged him at the back of his head.

The feeling stayed with him for the next hour and he replayed it over and over in his head. Suddenly he looked up and stopped his horse.

The forest.

“Harry?” Neville asked him.

Harry looked back at him. “We have to go back.” He wheeled his horse around and galloped away, the others in pursuit.

The forest was what had bothered him. It was quiet. Too quiet, not even the birds made a sound.


Hermione kept a watchful eye about her. She had an uneasy feeling in her gut. There was something about this forest, she felt like she was being watched or followed, maybe both. She could tell the others felt it, too. Viktor signaled for the men to be on guard. Suddenly, the horses began to rear, whinnying frighteningly. Something was making them uneasy. Hermione held on to the reigns, her horse rearing and stamping. Then out of the trees came black hooded creatures, their breath rattling as they rode on skeletal horses. The air around them became cold and Hermione could see the short puffs of air she breathed out.

Viktor drew his sword and shouted, “Dementors!!”

She bravely drew her sword. Having grown up with Ron and her other cousins, she and Ginny had decent skills in the art of combat. She stabbed a Dementor that drew near her, then another from the other side. She heard a terrified scream come from the carriage where the messenger was. She rode up to it, stabbing the Dementor inside, but it was too late, the messager stared blankly at her, parchment in his hand. Hermione grabbed the parchment and stuffed it in her cloak just as she heard the whinnying of more horses.

“Death Eaters!!” she heard Viktor shout.

Hermione brought the horse around the carriage and saw twenty Death Eaters racing toward them. They would surely die if they stayed here. So Hermione spurred her horse and took off down the road, Dementors and Death Eaters in pursuit.

Harry and the others arrived at the same time the Death Eaters did. Harry halted briefly at seeing the Dementors. They were his least favorite beings to deal with, they brought about painful memories that Harry deeply repressed. He watched as some of the Dementors and Death Eaters took off after a lone rider.

“Stay with them,” he ordered, “I'll meet you later.” Then he rode off after the rider.

Hermione's horse rode fast putting some distance between herself and those in pursuit. But she had to get off the road to lose them. She made a hard left into the thick woods, dangerously dodging branches, trunks and other debris.

Harry closed the distance between himself and the two Death Eaters ahead of him. He drew his sword stabbing one in the side then quickly knocking the other off his horse and into a tree. There were still two more ahead of him, as well as two Dementors. Whatever or whomever this rider was, seemed damned important to them. He followed as they all headed into the thick forest.

Hermione's horse leaped over an enormous trunk, the Dementors were closing in on her, their skeletal horses nipped at her horse's legs. They closed in on either side of her. She began to feel weak and light headed. Heard their rattling breaths and the freezing air around her. Her horse screamed and reared, the skeletal horses biting at it. Hermione tumbled from her horse, landing hard on the ground. But she didn't have time to think, a Dementor swooped upon her, but she was cunning and unsheathed her sword, stabbing it in the abdomen. The other Dementor tried to approach her but she held if off with swings of her sword. She could hear the screams of her horse behind her. She looked up and saw three riders approaching her, two Death Eaters, she didn't recognize the third.

Harry sped up when he heard the screams of the rider's horse ahead of him. Approaching the plain he saw him take out a Dementor and kept another at bay. He darted between the two surprised Death Eaters, reaching out and yanked the young man onto the horse with him. He found that he was surprisingly light and had almost tossed him off the horse.

“Hang on!” he yelled to him.

“My horse!” the young man protested.

“Your horse can't be saved,” he said as they rode on with the Death Eaters behind him.

Hermione clung on for dear life as the man picked her up and threw her on his horse. The Death Eaters were close behind. The rider darted through the trees at breakneck speed, their pursuants equally reckless. When they came to a clearing, Hermione drew her sword and swung at the Death Eater next to her. She aimed for the strap of the saddle, severing it, the Death Eater slid off his horse.

“HOLD ON!!” she heard him yell and she sheathed her sword and clung to him.

“What are you doing?” she yelled at him.

They were heading towards a cliff and he wasn't slowing down, in fact he seemed to be speeding up. She heard the roar of a waterfall ahead. Hermione shut her eyes, she was going to die. She heard the galloping hooves of the horse, then nothing. She felt weightless, they had gone over the cliff. She felt water hit her, she must have hit the river, but then surprisingly she heard the hooves again. Echoing. The slowed to a trot but she kept her eyes shut.

Harry was still, listening. The Death Eater swore, his horse rearing before he took off back towards the road.

“You can let go now,” he spoke to the young man.

The young man let go of him, sliding awkwardly off his horse. Harry followed but as soon as his feet touched the ground the young man drew his sword.

“Who are you?” he demanded.

Harry remained calm. “This is some way to treat someone who saved your life.”

The young man hesitated and Harry took this moment to draw his sword, knocking the young man's from his hand and stopping the blade at his neck.

“I am not afraid of you,” the young man spoke boldly.

Harry cocked his head to the side, looking at the man oddly. He slowly raised his sword to the young man's hair, the blade lifting it from his head and brushing it to the ground. A young woman stood in front of him, she was disguised as a young man. Harry stepped back and sheathed his sword.

“I should be asking you who you are?”


4. Chapter Three

Chapter Three

“I'm a simple messenger,” she answered.

Harry gave her a scrutinizing look. “A messenger,” he repeated. “Disguised as a man?”

Hermione didn't answer him.

“This must be an important message to have the Death Eaters after you. Who's it for?”

“It is not for the ears of a common brigand,” she said haughtily.

Harry eyed her.

“Now, if you would please tell me which way the road is?” she continued.

“Bossy aren't you? Are you sure the roads are safe?” he asked.

“I can hold my own,” she said picking up her sword and sheathing it. She then went to pick up her wig and put it on her head. Harry had to suppress a smile and laugh.

“Well,” he began in an amused tone, “I'd hate to point out a few problems for you. But I'm sure you may have already figured them out. One thing, your entourage is probably completely destroyed. Since the messenger is missing, the mission has probably been called off.

“Problem number two, since the roads have obviously been compromised and your entourage scattered, the road isn't very safe for a lone traveler. Let alone a mere messenger.” Hermione opened her mouth to protest but he continued on.

“Problem three is a big one, you have no idea how to get to your final destination, do you? And finally number four, this tunnel we're in is only one of several and there is only one way out. But you can spend several days in here finding out which way to go.” Harry turned and mounted his horse. “I bid you good luck.” He smiled as the horse slowly cantered away.

Hermione stood there, annoyed at the problems he listed, problems that she herself should have known. She looked over as the man rode away slowly. With a huff, she decided to put her pride away, but only for this moment.

“Wait!” she called out and Harry smiled to himself.


When Hermione thought they had plunged into the river, what had actually happened was that they leapt through the waterfall across the ravine into a tunnel that was hidden behind it. The tunnel was dark and a bit humid. The sound of water trickling was constant as well as the stale smell of water and rock. Hermione sat behind Harry who held a torch ahead of them to light the way.

“How far to Hogsmeade?” she asked, breaking the silence, her voice echoing off the walls.

“Is that where you're headed?” Harry asked.


“At least a day's ride,” he answered.

They rode in silence some more until they came upon a large cavern, a beautiful sparkling pool was in the middle of it, being fed by a narrow stream of water that made its way down the rock from above. Harry stopped the horse and dismounted, Hermione followed suit. He led the horse to the edge of the pool to let it drink. Harry pulled out a waterskin from the saddle and filled it with water. When it was full he offered it to her.

“Thank you,” she said politely, taking off her gloves to take a drink.

Harry watched her for a moment. “Why did you follow me?” he asked.

She looked at him. “You know the way out of this tunnel.”

“Maybe. I mean, I could be a brigand leading you deep in the caverns only to take advantage of you.”

“You could be, but you won't.”

“Why do you say that?” he smiled.

“You would've done it already.” Hermione handed the waterskin back to Harry.

Harry took a drink himself then refilled the bag. “So a messenger for the King, huh?” he asked, walking back to the horse.

“Yes, that's right,” Hermione answered.

“So what's it like being a servant?” He tied the waterskin to the saddle. “Working all day for a living?”

“It's all right I suppose,” she answered plainly and looked up at him.

He was giving her a scrutinizing look.

“What?” she asked defensively.

He walked over to her and knelt next to her. He reached out and grabbed her wrist, turning it so he could see her hand. Hermione yanked her arm away and stood up, backing away.

“How dare you!” she scolded.

“Those hands have not seen a days work,” Harry said seriously. “Either you tell me who you really are or I will have no hesitation about leaving you here.

Hermione stood there and fumed. Harry turned and moved to mount the horse but Hermione's voice rang out.

“I'm a lady-in-waiting in Lady Hermione's court,” she spoke out. Harry stopped and turned to look at her and she continued. “The Lady was afraid that her father's message would not get to its final destination so she sent me along, in disguise of course, in case anything was to happen to the messenger.”

“Why were you not protected by the other Knight's?” he asked.

“No one knew I was there. The Lady sort of went against her father's wishes,” her voice lowered with shame and she looked away awkwardly.

“A rebellious future queen,” Harry stated. He turned and mounted the horses, reaching down to help Hermione up. “Well I give your Lady credit for being clever,” he said and Hermione smiled. “But Merlin help you all when she ascends the throne.” Hermione's smile dropped.

“What's your name?” he asked her.

“Lavender.” She inwardly berated herself. It really wasn't a lie, she did have a lady in her court named Lavender.

“Lavender,” Harry repeated.

“And yours?” she asked.

“My name is Harry.”

“Harry,” she repeated his name as well then motioned to the horse. “And this is?”

“She's Hedwig,” he answered.

“She's a beautiful creature,” Hermione praised. The horse made a small neigh of appreciation and she laughed. A sound that stirred something deep inside Harry.

They eventually made it out of the tunnel, but when they emerged it was evening. The sun would set soon and the crickets began their nightly serenades. They rode out into a grassy plain, the grass blowing gently in the breeze. Harry stopped the horse and pointed to a rocky outcrop ahead of them.

“We'll make camp there. We'll leave early in the morning and we should arrive in Hogsmeade sometime in the afternoon.”

They tethered Hedwig before they set out to find dry wood for a fire. When that was done they went out into the plains to find dinner. Small furry ferrets scampered away from them as they walked and it took Harry several tries before he caught one.

“There!” he said triumphantly, “It's really not that hard. I know you don't have a lot of experience in the outdoors but this should manage us through the…”

Hermione dove to the ground, wrestled a little bit then leapt up triumphantly.

“Look! I caught one!!” she cried out, holding a large rabbit in her hands.

Harry closed his gaping mouth and tossed his ferret behind him, setting it free.

“Very good!” he said. “Beginner's luck.”

On full stomachs, they lay on opposite sides of the fire. Hermione gazed up at the stars above her.

“Harry?” she asked.


“Who are you? I mean, what do you do?”

“I'm not a brigand, if that's what you're thinking.” Hermione smiled. “I'm a Rider.”

“That's a lonely profession, isn't it?”

“I like being alone,” he answered.

“Don't you have any family?”

“Those whom I consider my family are in Hogsmeade.”

Hermione was silent.

“I was orphaned as a baby. My godfather took me and fled here,” he had no idea why he was telling her this. He surprised himself that he was this much at ease with her.

“I'm very sorry for your loss,” she said softly. Harry didn't reply. She watched the stars above her some more until her eyelids slowly became heavy. She took off her wig and tossed it into the fire before closing her eyes to sleep.

A sound woke her from her slumber. She looked above her, the sky was different, it must have been at least two hours. She heard a low moan then a strangled cry. She looked over. It was coming from Harry. He tossed and turned in a restless sleep.

“Harry,” she said aloud and crawled over to him. She shook him gently to wake him but he still tossed and moaned. His face was damp with sweat and she brushed his bangs from his forehead and cradled his head in her hands. “Harry! Harry, wake up!”

He started, his eyes shot open and in one swift movement had her pinned beneath him, a dagger in his right hand, its point mere millimeters from her throat. Hermione didn't move, she was petrified with terror. Harry was breathing heavy, his mind clearing from his nightmare as he looked into her terrified eyes, felt her trembling body beneath his. He quickly moved off of her.

“You scared me to death, Lavender,” he said putting the knife away.

She scrambled away from him. “I'm sorry. You were having a nightmare. I…”

Harry sighed, he didn't mean to frighten her. “Are you alright?” he asked.

“Are you?” she answered back.

“Yeah. I didn't mean to…”

“I know, Harry. I know. Let's just…try and get some sleep, alright?”

She turned over, facing away from him. Harry sighed and lay down. He looked at her across the fire. It would be a while before he would get any sleep. The feeling of her beneath him, still lingered in his mind.


5. Chapter Four

Chapter Four

The sun was high in the sky as the two travelers made their way across the hills to Hogsmeade. Harry still rode in front with Hermione behind him. They were almost to their destination.

“So, everyone runs out into the road, and sure enough, the troll lay in the middle of the road, knocked out cold. Neville and I were petrified, staring at everyone who ran out who stared in turn at us.” Harry was telling Hermione a childhood story of his.

Hermione laughed, a sound that lifted Harry's spirits. “Did you get in trouble?” she asked.

“Oh, Sirius was beyond himself. He was so angry and impressed at the same time. He just stood there, spluttering incoherent sentences.” He smiled at the memory. “Of course I was never to go out again on my own after dark, or so he told me.”

“Let me guess, you did anyway?” she asked.

“I never really was one for the rules.”

“I share the same sentiments. To a degree of course, otherwise why would I be all the way out here?”

“Because your Lady sent you?” Harry looked back at her.

“Well, yes that,” Hermione recovered. “But it still would be considered improper to be alone in the company of a gentleman without an escort.”

“A gentleman, huh?” Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Don't taint that picture I have of you just yet,” Hermione sighed and Harry laughed.

Hogsmeade was a quaint little village dotted with homes and building with thatched roofs. Farms dotted the outskirts of the town when they reached the main road. The village itself was protected by a tall stone wall surrounding it's borders, broken only in one area where there was a large wooden gateway. Its doors open to receive the population during the daylight hours. Harry picked up the Hedwig's pace as they entered the town, probably to limit the amount of staring at pointing that was in their direction. Apparently, Harry was well known in the village.

He stopped in front of a large building, a Great Hall that stood alone. They dismounted and walked toward it. An older gentleman, with shaggy dark hair, and aged good looks, greeted them.

“You're back early,” the man spoke, taking a glance at Hermione.

Harry introduced her. “This is a royal messenger from Ravenclaw bringing a message for Dumbledore. Her entourage was attacked on the way here.”

“A royal messenger for Dumbledore? I'm afraid the stars were not aligned for you today my dear, Dumbledore will not be returning for a couple of days.”

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, disappointment and failure was clear on her face.

“Where did he go, Sirius?” Harry asked, trying to salvage something from this mess.

“You know the old man never tells anyone where he's going,” Sirius waved him off.

“Well…do you know if we can reach him?” Harry asked. Sirius stared at Harry, he knew darn well that Dumbledore could not be reached when he didn't want to. Harry threw back a meaningful look and Sirius looked at the desperate hope on the young woman's face, then back at Harry.

“Tell you what I can do for you, Harry. I'll notify you immediately upon Dumbledore's arrival,” Sirius smiled sweetly. The young woman's face filled with relief and she looked up adoringly at Harry.

“Thank you, Sirius,” Harry said, turning the young woman away but she looked back and thanked him as well. Sirius rolled his eyes at Harry when her back was again turned to him. Harry threw him a mock look of innocence.

Harry took her back to the tavern they had passed on the way to the Great Hall, called the Three Broomsticks. The tavern was nearly empty when they walked in and Harry relayed Hermione's story to the Tavern's mistress, Madame Rosemerta.

“Oh you poor thing!” she exclaimed. “Of course she can stay here for a couple of days, Harry. There's no need to ask such a favor.” She came around the bar and greeted Hermione properly. “Come now, I'll show you to your room. I'll have Luna come up and bring you some bathwater and clothes so you can clean up.” She ushered her away from Harry and up the stairs.

The room Hermione was brought to was a simple one, wooden floors, a single bed with a quilt on it, a small table next to that with a chair. The single window filtered the sunlight that streamed through it. She wasn't going to balk at it, after three days of sleeping on the ground, the small bed looked like paradise.

“I'll ask Luna to bring you up some fresh clothes and a wash basin,” Madam Rosemerta said kindly.

“Thank you,” Hermione replied politely.

Madam Rosemerta left her company and Hermione sat on the bed. It was surprisingly soft and comfortable. There was a knock at the door and she answered it. A pretty young woman with long blond hair stood on the other side.

“Lavender, right?” she asked her.

Hermione nodded and let her in.

“My name's Luna,” she said, walking into the room. “You're Harry's friend. Oh don't worry about it,” Luna waved her off. “The whole town is talking about some mysterious person Harry rode into town with. Everyone will know your name by tonight.” Hermione was filled with horror. “Well, here you are.” Luna set down the wash basin on the table and put the clothes in her hands. “Let me know if you need anything. If you are hungry, we'll be serving dinner in a couple of hours.”

“Thank you very much,” Hermione said. “I'll think I'll rest for a bit. Thank you again…Luna.”
The young woman smiled and walked away.

She took a nice nap and awoke a few hours later as the sun was beginning to set. The dress Luna left her was made of a simple cotton material, cream colored with long sleeves, the overdress was a brown color. After washing herself, Hermione slipped it on then headed out of the room. The aroma of food hit her and she realized she hadn't had a good meal in a few days as well and she was ravenous.

The tavern was noisy with its boisterous occupants sitting down for a meal. Luna walked up to her, smiling.

“I was wondering when you were coming down. Come on!” she chirped and led Hermione to a small table in the corner. Hermione could feel the curious stares of the patrons flicker at her. Luna seemed to sympathize.

“I tried to get you a table far away, would you rather eat in your room?” she asked.

Hermione was about to answer when a group of young men approached her.

“So this is who Harry left us for?” one of them said. He looked to be about Harry's age, brown hair and brown eyes. He had a kindly disposition.

“This is Neville Longbottom,” Luna introduced, “he's a rider like Harry.”

“Pleased to meet your acquaintance,” Neville took Hermione's hand and kissed the back of it.

“This is Lavender, she's a messenger for Ravenclaw,” Luna smiled at her.

“A messenger?” Neville asked, an eyebrow raised.

Hermione changed the topic. “Where is Harry?” she asked.

“Probably getting ready for tonight,” Neville sat down across from her, the others pulled up chairs and joined him.

“Yeah, he's probably taking his time for tonight, Cho's going to be there,” another one of the men said, they all laughed in agreement.

“Harry's very smitten with Cho Chang,” Luna explained.

“Oh,” Hermione said, smiling a little.

“Yeah, we've got lots of stories about him,” Neville beamed.

It turned out that Neville and the other riders were actually pleasant company and kept her entertained throughout her meal. As the tavern quieted down a few hours later, they left their company for the Hog's Head. Hermione finished her meal and brought her dish up to the bar where Luna was.

“Did you enjoy your meal?” Luna smiled.

“Yes I did. Thank you very much,” Hermione answered.

Just then the tavern door opened and three young ladies walked in, they were very pretty with lovely dresses on. The one in front was the prettiest of them all with dark hair and dark exotic eyes.

“Cho!” Luna exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

Cho and the others walked toward Hermione.

“I just wanted to formally introduce myself to our visitor,” Cho said, never taking her eyes off Hermione. She stopped in front of her and gave a small smile that Hermione immediately recognized as false. “I am Cho Chang, this is Marietta and Susannah. You must have heard of me, my father owns most of the land around Hogsmeade. But I'm being rude, your name is?”

“Lavender,” Hermione said in a neutral tone.

“And what brings you to our humble village?”

“She's a messenger for Ravenclaw,” Luna chimed in.

Cho threw Luna a look of disdain at speaking up as the two girls behind Cho stifled their giggles. Cho gave them a sharp look and they immediately stopped.

“A messenger,” Cho repeated, looking over Hermione, taking in her plain clothes. “Well, well.”

Marietta stepped forward and looked at Hermione curiously. “You look very familiar to me,” she said slowly, tilting her head.

“Of course she looks familiar to you,” Cho snapped impatiently, “your father does business for the Ravenclaw King, you've probably seen her around the castle.”

“Delivering messages,” Susannah added.

“Well, we just stopped by to introduce ourselves to our visitor. We'll be off to the Hog's Head now,” Cho announced and the three of them left the tavern.

Hermione watched them as they left.

“What is this Hog's Head place?” she asked.

“It's another tavern down the road,” Madam Rosemerta spoke up, joining Hermione and Luna. “Mostly the young people enjoy themselves there until very late.”

“Have you ever gone?” Hermione asked Luna.

“Oh, no! I don't fit in,” Luna replied, blushing a little.

“But you get along so well with Neville and the others,” Hermione queried but Luna only blushed. Understanding dawned on Hermione.

“Cho,” she said simply.

Hermione looked again at the door the girls had walked through.

“We're going,” Hermione said determinedly.

“What?” Luna exclaimed.

“I said we're going.”


The noise from the Hog's Head could be heard before the two of them even approached the place. Luna trotted next to Hermione, still nervous and unsure about this idea. Hermione on the other hand, couldn't help her curiosity. She cautiously pulled the door open and a blast of heat and the noise flew at her. People were laughing, talking, drinking, sitting, standing or dancing to the music that was being played by a small group of musicians in the corner. The atmosphere of such gluttonous enjoyment was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Luna herself, who had never set foot in the place, seemed as much at awe as Hermione was.

“Lavender! Luna!” a familiar voice called out to them. Neville stood up from the table he was seated at and picking up two large cups, greeted them as they walked in.

“What is this?” Hermione asked, sniffing the contents of the cup.

“Best pint you'll have in all the lands,” Neville said proudly.

Lavender looked unsure at Luna who shrugged and took a drink. Hermione hesitated a moment, then followed suit.


After dropping Lavender off at the tavern, Harry headed back to Sirius.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?” his godfather asked him as they walked into the great hall.

“A royal entourage of Ravenclaw's was attacked just inside our borders,” Harry answered.

“Dementors?” Sirius asked.

“And Death Eaters.”
And Death Eaters,” Sirius let out a low whistle. “Must have been an important entourage.”

“Ravenclaw's King sent a messenger for Dumbledore. We arrived just as they were being attacked, the messenger managed to get away. I followed and brought her here.”

“She's very pretty,” Sirius said.

Harry made no acknowledgement to that statement. “She went through a lot to deliver this message. I didn't want her to be disappointed that Dumbledore wasn't here.”

“Of course,” Sirius said quietly, then quickly changed the subject. “Death Eaters within our borders…”

“Our neighbors are getting a little too comfortable here. I found a small camp of scouts two nights prior,” Harry informed him.

“As soon as Dumbledore returns, we'll have to tell him that our neighbors are getting a little chummy.”

Harry was very distracted giving his report to the rest of the town council. The meetings seemed to have dragged on forever. He wanted to see that Lavender was faring well, not that he really liked her or anything, he was just…concerned. After all, he just dropped her off with some strangers in a strange town. He had no idea how she was doing on her own.

As soon as the meeting concluded he headed straight for the Three Broomsticks hoping to catch her before she turned in for the night.

“You just missed her Harry,” Madam Rosemerta informed him when he walked in the door. “She left with Luna for the Hog's Head.”

“The Hog's Head?” Harry was surprised. “Luna never went to the Hog's Head.”

The noise from the place could be hear even before he reached its doors. Harry welcomed its electric atmosphere, watching the usual crowd do its usual thing. He spotted Luna at a table sitting with a couple of Riders.

“Never thought I'd see you around here,” Harry said sitting himself down next to her. Luna seemed a little tense and nervous.

“Well...I…” she stammered.

“Relax,” Harry smiled, “it's really good to see you here. I hope these men have been gentlemen in your company?” he asked nodding to the two riders who sat at the table. One of the barmaids walked by and Harry grabbed a couple of pints off the tray, setting one of them down in front of Luna.

“Is it always this…active?” she asked.

Harry grinned. “Actually, I think tonight might be a little slow.”

“I came with Lavender,” Luna said over the loud music.

“Really?” Harry tried to sound disinterested.

“Yeah, she's dancing with Neville.”

Harry took a drink from his pint, scanning the dancing crowd quickly. He didn't see her.

“Luna! What a surprise!” Cho came up to their table, accompanied by her two friends and Cedric Diggory, her suitor.

“Yeah, she came with Lavender,” Harry said distractedly still scanning the crowd.

“Good to see you, Harry,” Cho stepped in his line of sight.

Harry tilted his head a little so he could look around her when he finally spotted Lavender dancing with Neville. Her hair was no longer tied up and it flowed gently down her back in soft, gentle waves. Her face was flushed from the dancing she was doing giving her lovely face an ethereal glow. Harry was immediately entranced by her. He needed to be by her side.

“Harry?” Cho called out his name. Beside her, Cedric straightened up and puffed out his chest at her paramour, waiting for him to make a fool out of himself…yet again.

“Oh…how are you doing tonight?” Harry asked absently, getting up from his chair and walked away not really waiting for her answer. He was focused on Lavender, the way she would laugh when Neville accidentally stepped on her toes.

“Harry!” The way she said his name and the smile she threw him sent his heart racing a mile a minute.

“Hey Harry, I was wondering when you would join us. I was just keeping our lovely new friend here company,” Neville smiled good-naturedly.

“Good, I arrived just in time. I hope the damage was minimal. How are your toes Lavender?” Harry teased.

“Oh they are just fine. Practice makes perfect, doesn't it Neville?” she answered.

“Yes it does,” Neville agreed and looked over Harry's shoulder at Cho Chang. “She looks very pretty tonight doesn't she?”

“Yes, she does,” Harry said without thinking then cringed inwardly. He had been looking at Lavender when he blurted that out. Thankfully, her attention was with Neville.

“That's the girl that he's crazy about,” Neville was saying to her, “Cho Chang.”

Harry's face flushed embarrassment. Why did he have to bring her up now?

“Oh, I've met her already,” Hermione said. “She's a…lovely young lady, Harry.”

“Yeah well, enough talk,” Harry said briskly, wanting to end this conversation right away. “Care to dance?” he asked Lavender, taking her in his arms.

Hermione's breath hitched and her heart beat loudly in her chest when his arm went around her waist, taking her hand with his other. The drums started up a new song as they began to dance.

“I didn't think they danced like this at court,” Harry said over the music.

“I'm a fast learner,” Hermione answered. “They also don't serve ale at court.” Harry raised an eyebrow at her and she grinned slyly. “I did say I was a bit rebellious.”

Hermione reluctantly left his gaze to look over his shoulder. Cho stood amongst her crowd, giving Hermione scrutinizing looks. She looked back into Harry's mesmerizing green eyes.

“She likes you, you know,” she whispered into his ear. “A lady can tell these things. You have nothing to worry about.”

Harry looked into her eyes. At the moment, with Lavender in his arms looking up at him, he couldn't care less.


The next morning, Harry and Neville hunched over a map on a table. The other Riders were nearby practicing their broadsword or arrows. They were mapping out their next route, their next path to hunt the forces of the False King. It was a journey that Harry was very reluctant to make. He lifted his attention from the map to Lavender, who was walking down the road toward the stables. Neville watched Harry as he watched her.

“You know your friend,” Neville began hesitantly, “isn't who she says she is.”

Being caught in the act, Harry returned his attention hastily back to the map. “Really?” he said disinterestedly.

“I don't know. It's her presence, they way she carries herself, her hands. She is not a messenger,” Neville said in a hushed tone.

Harry sighed and looked at his friend. “Just between us?” he asked.

“Just between us,” Neville said back.

Harry looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. “She's a Lady in Waiting in Lady Hermione's court.” Neville's eyes widened slightly. “The Lady Hermione sent her in disguise in case the messenger didn't make it.”

Neville let out a low whistle. Harry went back to the map. Neville sat with his thoughts, looking at his friend.

“A lady of the court?” he repeated.

“Mm hmm,” Harry nodded, scribbling on a piece of parchment.

“Meaning you'd have to be a Knight.”

Harry paused a moment in his writing. “Yes.”

“Which means you would have to be of noble bl…”
”I know what it means, Neville,” Harry cut off his friend with a harsh tone. He sighed then returned his attention to the map.

Meanwhile, Hermione decided to spend her morning at the stables. Walking down the street, she bought some apples and oats from a vendor. She was lost in her thoughts, lost in the memory of the way his green eyes looked at her, the way she felt when his arms were around her. She was losing her heart to this young man, something she couldn't or shouldn't do.

Stepping into the stables, a familiar white mare stuck her head out to greet her.

“Good morning, Hedwig,” Hermione smiled at her, stroking her muzzle. “I brought breakfast.”

Hermione held up the pail of oats and apples. Hedwig neighed with approval and promptly helped herself. Hermione stroked her soft mane and sighed.

“You really are a beautiful creature. Harry must take good care of you…but does anyone take care of your master?” Hedwig looked at Hermione, blinking. “Can you keep a secret?” Hermione lowered her voice. “I'm very taken with your master, I believe he might have captured my heart.” Hedwig let out a soft neigh. “I'm not who he thinks I am though.” She looked around her to make sure that no one could hear her. “I'm Lady Hermione,” she whispered to the horse. Hedwig just gazed at her and Hermione sighed, her voice no longer a whisper. “I have a horse like you back home. Not as beautiful of course, but I love to ride her just the same.” Hedwig finished her meal and Hermione set the empty bucket down. “Thank you for the lovely chat, Hedwig. I'll see you later.”

Hermione turned to leave but was stopped by a tugging at her cloak. Hedwig had stopped her and had a bit of her cloak between her teeth, tugging.

“Did you want me to stay?” Hermione asked. Hedwig turned her head. Hermione followed her gaze. “Did you want to go for a ride?” she asked. Hedwig neighed.

“Stableman” Hermione called out, “could you please saddle this horse for me?” The stableman looked at her as if she grown two heads.

Hedwig was brought to these stables ten years ago by the famous creature peddler, Rubeus Hagrid. It was a birthday gift for the young Harry Potter when he was eleven. She seemed tame enough until the stableman and his assistants tried to saddle her. She nearly tore the place down. She only let a few people handle her and only one person could ride her, Harry himself. So imagine the stableman's surprise at the lovely young maiden's request. His shock at seeing her open the stable door and lead the mare out, the horse's eyes gazing at him innocently. He quickly saddled her up for the young lady and stared disbelievingly as she climbed up and rode away.

“Isn't that Hedwig?” Susannah asked. She was standing with Cho and Marietta at the peddler's cart, examining the new wares he brought.

“Of course not. She only lets…Harry…ride her,” Marietta's voice died in her throat as she watched the horse ride by.

Cho watched with narrowed eyes. “Where Luna?” she demanded, throwing down a piece of fabric she had been admiring back on the cart. “I want to know everything about this…Lavender.”


Hermione let Hedwig guide her throughout the forest. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Perfect weather for a ride. They had been gone for nearly two hours when Hermione spotted a small river and decided to follow it to the small waterfall that emptied into a small, quiet and clear pool. She dismounted Hedwig and led her to the edge, letting her drink, when suddenly a twig snapped behind her. She turned around and found herself staring at the edge of a sword, Harry was on the other end.

“Lavender!” he exclaimed, lowering his sword. “What are you doing? You shouldn't be out here alone.”

Hermione was at a loss for words, first from the shock of nearly being beheaded then at the state of which Harry was in. He must have been washing in the pool, his hair was damp on his head, water beaded down his bare chest. Hermione blushed and turned away, thankful that he at least had his trousers on. Harry, realizing the state he was in, hastily put on his shirt.

“Is that Hedwig?” he asked.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. It was such a nice day, I thought I would go for a ride and Hedwig thought so too,” Hermione rambled on.

“Hedwig?” he asked looking at his horse. She looked guiltily away. Harry stepped in front of Hermione and she was silently relieved that he was dressed.

“Did you want a ride back to the village?” Hermione asked. “I was headed there, anyway.”

“Did she take you up to Eaglesview?” Harry asked her.

“I'm sorry?”

“Did Hedwig take you up to Eaglesview?”

“I don't know, I…”

Harry stood next to Hedwig and motioned to her. “Ladies first,” he grinned.

After she climbed on, Harry climbed on behind her, his hands sliding past her waist to reach the horse's reigns. “Hold on,” he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He clicked at the horse and she gave out a snort before taking off into the woods at breakneck speed. “She's the fastest horse in all the land, I guarantee it!!” Harry shouted from behind. And run she did, expertly dodging trees and fallen logs. She moved with beauty and grace. Hermione's hands clung to the reins, moving them closer to Harry's, feeling a jolt of electricity inside her when their hands touched but she didn't move them and neither did he, not even when Hedwig began to slow down. She cantered up a grassy slope, Hermione leaned back slightly into Harry's arms and chest causing butterflies to stir inside. The slope gave way to the green forest below, and the view of the village.

“Oh it's beautiful,” Hermione gasped, gazing at the valley below her, nestled in the hills.

“Yes, beautiful,” Harry whispered, his lips grazing her ear.

Heart pounding Hermione turned to face him. His green eyes gazed into her brown ones as he cradled her head in his hands. Very slowly he lowered his lips to hers, touching them softly to give her her very first kiss. It was sweet and tender, making her dizzy with joy. She let out a small gasp of surprise when she felt his tongue touch her lips. Instinctively she parted her lips, letting him in to deepen the kiss. Hermione reached one hand behind his head, holding him to her as the kiss intensified.

Suddenly, Hermione turned away from him. “I can't do this. I'm sorry,” she said, getting down from the horse. She walked away, trying to gain her composure.

Harry dismounted and followed her. “Are you spoken for?” he asked her, dreading the answer.

She looked up at him, tears began to well in her eyes. “No…it's worse,” she said.

“Worse? Lavender, I know I'm not of noble blood and I know we can't be together.” Harry caught up with her and turned her to face him. “Don't leave,” he said bravely. “When you give your message, stay here.”

“I can't do that,” Hermione cried.

“You'd rather go back to your courts and your nobleman? Lead a life of doting on a selfish woman who is waiting to take the throne?”


“You may think you are above a servant, but you are one in a way. You lead a life where you keep company with selfish people and shallow riches. Lead a life where you laugh and smile and bow the every whim of the future queen, you—“

“Harry…I lied to you,” Hermione burst out. “I have been lying to you. My name isn't Lavender. It's…it's Hermione.” She turned to look at him but his expression gave nothing away.

“Hermione,” he repeated plainly. “As in…”

“Yes,” Hermione confirmed and he closed his eyes.

“Who are you going to be tomorrow? The court jester?” Harry said harshly.

“Harry, it's the truth!” Hermione protested.

“Do you even have a message for Dumbledore?” he asked, stomping back to Hedwig.

“Yes! My father (Harry gave a snort at this) sent it with one of the royal messengers. He said it was too dangerous for a diplomatic mission, so I disguised myself and snuck away.”

“That's a bit reckless don't you think? You nearly put the throne in danger,” Harry spat at her.

“I know,” Hermione said. “It was stupid of me.”

“Enough!” Harry tossed up his hands and mounted his horse. “I've heard enough out of you. I can see Dumbledore making his way to the village from the North. You can give him this so called message and be done with us.” He roughly pulled Hermione onto the back of the horse behind him.


Harry stabled Hedwig then took off at a brisk pace for the Great Hall, Hermione in pursuit. She dared not say a word to Harry, besides she doubted if he really even wanted to hear anything she had to say. Sirius greeted them at the door.

“I was just about to send for you to tell you he arrived,” he told Harry.

Sirius motioned for Hermione to enter the hall. It was a large room made of bricks of stone, it's torches illuminated it, giving it a warm, inviting glow. Her heart pounded as she laid eyes on the old man who sat in a large chair at the end of the chamber, a man she had only heard about in stories and never met in real life. His kindly eyes fell on her and he immediately got up from his seat and walked to her.

“Milady!!” a startled cry from the side of the room caught her attention. Her stomach dropped when she saw that it was Viktor Krum.

“The fair Lady Hermione,” Dumbledore greeted her kindly, giving her a short bow. “To what do I deserve this honor? I found a broken entourage of Ravenclaw's during my return, but they never mentioned you were with them.”

Hermione didn't dare look back at Harry but she could hear movement behind her. “They did not know of my presence, sir. I was in disguise, and I broke my father's trust doing so.”

“I see,” Dumbledore's eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement at her.

“I am sorry, Milady, but the mission failed. We have lost the messenger and the message,” Viktor spoke from the shadows.

“No, it hasn't,” Hermione smiled and reached into her cloak, drawing out a rolled piece of parchment. She walked over to Dumbledore and placed it in his hands. He unrolled it and quietly read it to himself.

“Very well…Remus!” he called out and a tall man stepped from the shadows. “We shall leave first thing in the morning,” he ordered.

“Pardon me, sir,” Viktor spoke out. “But I was thinking it would be best if I escorted the Lady back to her father as quickly as possible.”

“That is fine, I shall provide you with fresh horses for your men.”

“Thank you sir.” Viktor walked over to Hermione.

“I can leave in the morning with Dumbledore,” she protested.

“I think you have caused enough trouble, Milady,” Viktor answered back.

“As much as we would love your company, your escort is right,” Dumbledore said. “After all, we do not want a diplomatic crisis on our hands.”

Harry had heard enough when Dumbledore confirmed…Hermione's story of her identity. He couldn't breath, he felt dizzy. The walls felt like they were closing in on him and he had to get out of there. He was drowning in a feeling that was unfamiliar to him…but it had a name.


Many times Harry had lamented over the feeling he called love. Since the discovery of the opposite sex, he had romanced and pined away for many of the fairer sex. But he had never felt like this before. He literally felt like his heart was breaking. He was in love with the future Queen of Ravenclaw. He'd lost his heart to the one thing in life he couldn't have. She had gone from unattainable Lavender to untouchable Hermione.

His miserable solitude was disrupted by the stableman's assistants opening the stalls and gathering horses.

“He said he needed six horses,” he heard one of them say as Harry followed them. Sirius joined him.

“She's leaving tonight. Her entourage has found her,” he said quietly.

Harry watched Hermione emerge with a group of men that he recognized as part of the Ravenclaw entourage. He quietly walked back into the stables.

“Were you harmed Milady?” Viktor asked Hermione as they walked toward the horses.

“No, I was well protected,” she answered then looked up in surprise. “Harry!” she breathed.

Viktor followed her gaze to a strapping young man with dark raven hair and emerald green eyes leading the most beautiful white horse he had ever seen. He recognized the young man as the one who had led a group to their rescue. He saw the look in his eyes, he was familiar with it in association with his fair Lady. She had never returned the favor of her suitors and they always rode away with the look of heartbreak on their face. Viktor was surprised though, when his Lady mirrored the same look. The young man stopped in front of Hermione and Viktor excused himself, reminding his Lady that they were to leave immediately.

“Like I said, heaven help Ravenclaw when you ascend the throne,” he joked quietly and Hermione gave a small laugh. “Take her,” Harry said, handing her Hedwig's reigns.

“Harry, I can't. She's yours,” Hermione protested.

“I want you to arrive home safely and I only trust Hedwig to do that for me.”

Tears welled in Hermione's eyes. “I've never wanted to be Queen. Everyone close to me knows this, I've always said it. But until now, I never truly meant it.” She reached into the front of her dress, drawing out a necklace with a large sapphire in it. She took Harry's hand and placed it in it, closing it and giving it a kiss. “It was my mother's, I want you to have it. I wore it close to my heart, it should rightfully stay with you.”

Harry's forehead touched hers. “Hermione…” he began but she cut him off with a kiss. A kiss that was bittersweet as he drew her into his arms.

“Milady,” a voice interrupted. Viktor stood a discrete distance away, the entourage began to leave the stables. “We must leave soon.”

Hermione stepped away from Harry and climbed onto Hedwig. Harry stroked Hedwig's mane and whispered to her. “Watch over her for me, girl. Get her home safe.” Hedwig neighed softly and trotted after the others carrying away his beloved.

Harry watched her ride away.

Sirius came up from behind him. “You know, Dumbledore's leaving in the morning, you could—“

“She's going to be the Queen,” Harry cut him off. “And I have our borders to protect.” He walked away.


6. Chapter Five

Chapter Five

Ron was getting suspicious. His cousin Hermione came down with an illness the day after the entourage left. He could understand not seeing her for two days, he had other errands to run anyway. But on the third day he went to her room and was told that he couldn't see her because she was taking a bath. The second time he went to her room he was told she was “indisposed of at the moment”. On the fourth day, he went to her room and was told that she was sleeping and could not be disturbed.

He burst into his sister's room, startling her as she sat at a small table, her breakfast served before her.

“Don't lie to me and tell me she is ill! Did she leave with the messenger?” he shouted.

Ginny's eyes were wide. “How dare you burst in here!”

Ron just glared at her and stormed out of the room. Grumbling to himself he made his way to the grounds and to the stables.

“Sire, what are you doing? Where are you going?” his pages called out to him as he rode away on his horse.

He made good time on his horse, crossing into Hufflepuff in a day and a half. He took the road the messenger took as the bright morning sun filtered through the forest canopy. He raced his horse hoping he could make it to Hogsmeade by nightfall. Up ahead he saw a fallen log in the road. Bad news.

Ron veered his horse off the road and into the forest itself. Brigands were nearby, using the fallen log to their advantage, they would ambush passing carriages, stealing and murdering. He prayed his cousin was okay and that no such fate had befallen her.

He heard a whizzing sound then felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking down he found an arrow sticking out of his lower side abdomen. Another whizzing sound and he was shot again in his shoulder. The horse neighed and reared tossing him off. He fell hard, his head making contact with something hard. He could hear people approaching him, their footsteps crunching on the forest floor. He tried to move for his sword put the pain in his head, arm and belly were unbearable. He gasped for breath, fighting the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him, but it was too late and his eyes closed.


Hermione's group didn't take the road that they had used to arrive in Hufflepuff. It was too dangerous and they were shown a different route, a bit longer, but hopefully without any real danger on it. In their two days they had been lucky and had not encountered any trouble. A folly of fate though, because had they gone the route they had previous, they would've run into her cousin Ron.

Hermione was very quiet, lost in thought and memory throughout the journey so far. As soon as they crossed into Ravenclaw, she felt like she was waking up from a dream. She wondered if the past few days really had happened, that she really had met Harry, that she really did fall madly in love with him. She choked back a sob that desperately wanted to escape her throat but she remained strong.

As soon as they arrived into the castle, Viktor snuck her back to her room. Her father never questioned the whereabouts of his daughter, believing the lie that she had been ill the past few days. It was only in the solitude of her room when Viktor left her presence did she finally burst out in tears, crying herself to sleep.

Harry wasn't faring off that well either. Although he didn't cry, he was moodier and more sullen than usual. He didn't go with Dumbledore to Ravenclaw. What good would it do him to see her, watch her, be by her and not be able to do a thing about it? No, it was best that he stayed where he was, remembering the way she looked, laughed and smiled. He would think about their kiss, her taste lingering on his lips.

It was nearly a week since she had left, Harry and his fellow Riders had returned to Hogsmeade from another excursion at the border. He was brooding alone, practicing his broadsword when Luna approached him. Her demeanor was nervous and she was wringing her hands in anticipation.

“Luna?” Harry asked when he saw her. “What is it? What's the matter?”

“There's something…someone you should see,” she said nervously.

Following her, she led him to the Great Hall, down the stairs into the dungeon where the prisoners were kept, mostly thieves and brigands. She led him to a cell where a young man, about Harry's age was sleeping. He was sweaty with fever, bandaged on his abdomen, shoulder and head, his red hair plastered to his face.

“Who is he?” Harry asked.

“Cedric's group found him and brought him in. His horse had no markings and he had no armor. But I don't think he's a brigand. Look at his clothes.”

Harry looked at the strangers clothes. Luna was right, the tunic was expertly made of fine material.

“How long has he been here?” he asked.

“About a week. I've been taking care of him since he arrived,” Luna answered.

Harry sighed. “Maybe he stole the clothes?”

“I don't think so, Harry. He keeps mumbling in his sleep, saying the same thing over and over. `I have to find her'.”

“Hermione,” the prisoner mumbled in his sleep.

“He says that a lot too. Hermione is an unusual name, there is only one Hermione I know of and…Harry, are you alright?” Luna asked with concern.

When the prisoner mumbled Hermione's name, Harry's stomach dropped, his face paling. “Keep an eye on him Luna,” Harry said, heading out of the dungeons. “Do what you can to keep him well.”

Harry rushed out of the dungeons to search for his godfather. He found him at the Three Broomsticks talking to Madam Rosemerta.

“Harry! You're back!” he cried out.

“Sirius, can I have a moment with you?” he asked him, leading his godfather to a quiet corner of the room. “Did Dumbledore send word of his arrival?” he asked him in a low voice.

“Yes he did. He made it safely to Ravenclaw and he wanted to mention to you that the Lady Hermione made it back safely as well.”

“All of them?” he asked.

“Yes, all of them. Why?”

Harry brought Sirius to the dungeons, showing him their newest prisoner.

“We don't think he's a common thief or brigand,” Luna said.

“His clothes are too fine,” Harry explained.

“Maybe he stole them?” Sirius asked.

“Maybe…but he keeps repeating a name over and over,” Luna countered.

“Hermione,” Harry said, looking pointedly at his godfather.

“Hermione? As in…?” Sirius looked at his godson.

“Do you know any other Hermiones?” Harry asked.

Sirius sighed and looked at the prisoner. “Are you taking care of him, Luna?”

“Yes sir.”

“Very well, let us know the moment he wakes from his fever. There's nothing we can do until we talk to him.”


Meanwhile, in Ravenclaw, a sort of crisis was unfolding. The King received a message that his nephew had failed to show up at Arneau Tak when he was supposed to. The King sent out a search party and messengers all over Ravenclaw, looking for him.

“Milady,” Viktor approached Hermione one day. “I may have an idea where your cousin is.”

“I know,” Hermione answered. “I have a fair idea as well.”

“I can take a small party back…”

“No! I don't want to risk another missed encounter. I'll talk to Dumbledore and ask him to send a message.”

She approached Dumbledore later that afternoon.

“I have already sent messengers to Hufflepuff,” Dumbledore informed her.

“Oh, thank you,” Hermione breathed.

“There is no need for thanking me yet. I hope your cousin is safe and sound. But I do hope this teaches you an important lesson, my dear,” Dumbledore looked at her gravely.

“I know. It was a stupid and foolish thing for me to do,” Hermione sighed.

“We all make mistakes in our lives. But it's what we learn from them that makes the mistakes worthwhile.”

Hermione said nothing for a long time then thanking him she took her leave.


Harry and Sirius were in the Great Hall when Dumbledore's message arrived.

“Well, that tells us who our prisoner is,” Sirius sighed handing the note to Harry.

“We should probably move him to more comfortable quarters,” Harry said. “Holding the King's nephew in our dungeons would probably be frowned upon. This is the only message sent?” he asked turning the paper over.

“Were you expecting another?” Sirius asked.

“No,” Harry replied hiding his disappointment. “Just curious.” Of course he shouldn't expect her to write to him. What happened between Hermione and him was over.

A few days later, he was informed that the stranger had awoken and Harry went to talk to him at his new quarters in the Three Broomsticks. The young man was still in bed, weak but with eyes open and talking with a rough, scratchy voice. When Harry entered the room, Luna was keeping him company, the young man tried to sit up.

Harry held up a hand. “Please, don't try and sit up. Your wounds still need to heal.”

Ron settled back down on the bed and looked up at the young man who entered. He was about his age with dark hair and green eyes.

“I've been inquiring about a young woman who may have passed here,” he said roughly.

Luna looked up at Harry. “I haven't told him anything, I was waiting for you, Harry.”

“Your cousin was here,” Ron looked up at Harry in surprise. “Yes, we know who you are and who your cousin is. She came here and delivered her message to Dumbledore. She is now safely returned to Ravenclaw.”

Ron let out a sigh of relief. “What happened to me?” he asked.

“You were attacked by brigands just inside our borders. One of our men managed to find you and bring you here before they could do any more damage,” Harry lied. He didn't think it would be wise to say that Cedric had gotten a little overzealous and attacked the King's nephew then dragged him to Hogsmeade, tossing him in the dungeons.

“You can stay while your wounds heal,” Luna said, gazing at Ron.

Ron looked back at Luna and Harry suddenly felt uncomfortable being in the room. He moved to leave but Ron stopped him.

“Could I have some parchment and a quill? I would like to send word that I am okay.”

“Of course,” Harry said then quickly left the room.


“Hufflepuff?” the King asked. “What's Ronald doing in Hufflepuff?”

Four days after Dumbledore sent his message to Hogsmeade a reply came saying that the King's nephew was found and was currently residing in the village.

“I'm not sure Milord,” Dumbledore said calmly.

Hermione stepped from the shadows. “Father…I may have some idea why.” Hermione then went on with her confession, telling her father how she had disobeyed him and traveled with the entourage under disguise. As predicted, her father was in outrage, ranting and raving at her for at least an hour.

After being released from his presence, Hermione wandered down to gardens to seek some solace. However, when she got there she found she was not alone.

“It was the right thing you did, telling your father the truth,” he spoke aloud.

“The right thing is always the hardest thing to do,” Hermione sighed. Dumbledore grinned at her. “Sir, may I ask…was there anything else in the letter?”

“No, there wasn't. Where you expecting any news?” he asked mildly.

“No, no I was just curious.” She hid her disappointment well. Did she really expect Harry to inquire about her? She half wished he did.

She made her way to the stables to visit Hedwig and see if she was well. The mare cantered out to greet her, neighing softly.

“Hey girl,” she cooed to the horse, petting her mane. “Was it all a dream?” she sighed. “It can't have been, you are here, you are real.”

“Pardon me Milady,” Viktor said aloud, looking apologetic. “But your father has requested that you have an escort with you at all times. In case you decide to take another adventure.”

Hermione frowned. “I was wondering if he was going to do this. Very well, I was going to take this lovely horse on a tour of our grounds. Feel free to follow, I'll not leave the land.” She gave a dry half hearted grin.

Since she had returned, people noticed that Hermione was more withdrawn, very quiet and often lost in thought. There was a sadness about her but she spoke to no one, save Ginny, about her experience. For his part, Viktor told no one, not even her cousin, about the cause of her heartbreak, the young man with the green eyes.

For quite some time now, Viktor had been harboring feelings for the fair Lady. He watched as the other noblemen of the court, tried to pursue her, only to find their efforts had been in vain. He watched and waited, hoping that one day he would work up the nerve to make a request for her hand. And pray to everything he held dear that she would return his favor. When her father requested that Viktor be her escort, he was not unhappy with this new position.

One day, Hermione finally worked up the nerve to write her cousin a letter herself. Asking of course the usual questions about his health and when he thought he would be returning soon, she also inquired about a certain young man by the name of Harry.

By this time, Ron was healing nicely. He was now up and walking around, short walks of course, with Luna by his side to aid him. He would dodge questions from his family about his health and when they should be expecting him. Ron wasn't looking forward to the day he would have to leave Hogsmeade. He was quickly losing his heart to the fair lady who constantly stayed by his side. But, sadly, he knew he would have to leave sometime.

An idea came to him when he received a surprise letter from his cousin, Hermione.

Harry entered the Three Broomsticks to check in on Ron.

“Afternoon Luna,” he greeted the pretty blond, “how is our guest today?”

“He's doing much better. We were able to walk to the stables and back today,” she beamed. Harry always noticed that she lit up whenever she was asked about Ron.

“That's great! He'll be healed up in no time!” Harry immediately regretted saying this before the smile even wavered on Luna's face. “Luna, I'm—“

“No, it's okay. Really,” Luna quickly said.

“I'm sure you two will work something out,” he tried to sooth her.

“Yes, I'm sure you would know all about that,” Luna quipped then walked away briskly.

Harry sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

“Harry!” a familiar voice called out.

“Cho,” he said in surprise. She walked up to him, looking lovely as usual.

“I was wondering if I could have a word with you,” she said.

“Uh…sure,” he replied following her to a corner of the tavern.

“I haven't seen much of you lately,” she began. “In fact, I hardly see you at all. You used to come by and let me know when you returned from the borders.”

Harry didn't reply to that, he didn't know what to say.

“Is everything alright with you?” she asked.

“Yeah…yes, everything's fine. I just have a lot on my mind,” he replied.

“Okay,” she nodded and looked closely at him. “Have I lost favour with you?”

“Cho…it really shouldn't matter to you whether or not you're in my favour. You're with Cedric and I--.”

“But I'm not with Cedric,” she cut him off. “Not anymore.” She pounced on Harry and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Harry was stunned. It happened so quickly it caught him off guard. Although it was a different woman kissing him, he couldn't help comparing it to the kiss he shared with Hermione. This kiss with Cho paled in comparison to Hermione's. She ended the kiss and looked up at him expectantly.

“I'm sorry,” he said quietly and walked out of the tavern.


As soon as Ron finished reading his cousin's letter, he left his room to find Luna. He had a plan already forming in his mind, but a question his cousin had asked him, left him a little disturbed. Why would Hermione ask about the well being of the Rider named Harry? He walked into the tavern and nearly ran into Madam Rosemerta. He opened his mouth to question her but she held up a hand to silence him, nodding toward a corner. Ron followed her gaze to the two people who stood in the corner of the tavern, very engaged with each other. She nudged him out of sight, indicating that she didn't want them disturbed.

“That's Harry and Cho,” she whispered when they were out of sight. “He's been in love with her for so long and it looks like she returns his feelings.”
”Oh,” Ron whispered in understanding.

My Dearest Cousin,

I was pleasantly surprised to receive your letter. I hope all is well with you and your father. As for me, I am healing nicely and should be returning to Ravenclaw soon. The Veranis festival is arriving soon, bringing with it the warm air of summer. I was wondering if you would do me a favor, cousin, and extend an invitation to a guest from Hufflepuff. Perhaps you may have heard of her, her name is Luna Lovegood. Her father is one of the Lords of the land here. She has taken it upon herself to oversee my recovery and I dare say that I would like to show her my deepest gratitude. Please do me this honor. As for the person you had inquired about, I am happy to say that he is well. Very well, in fact, for I am told (and have seen with my own eyes) that he has finally won the heart of the fair Cho Chang, for whom he had been desiring for so long. Take care cousin and send a reply to my request as quickly as you possibly can.

Yours truly,

Ronald de Weasley


Hermione and Viktor were just returning to the stables when one of her chambermaids ran up to her.

“Milady, this just came today,” she said, handing Hermione a rolled piece of parchment. Hermione immediately recognized her cousin's scrawl. “And you father wishes to see you immediately.”

She found her father in his study, standing behind a large table with the maps of the land sprawled out upon it. Viktor closed the door behind them quietly.

“The house of Malfoy has sent word that they will be staying with us for the festival. We are to expect their company in a few days,” the King spoke without looking up at her.

“Yes, father,” Hermione gave a small curtsey.

“With their arrival, we are expecting an offer of marriage from their son, Draco. He has already written me earlier about it and I have given him my consent.”

“Father,” she began in protest but he cut her off.

“I am expecting you to accept his offer,” he said firmly. He threw down a quill that he was writing with and looked up at her. “For too long have I let you live like a child, it is time for you to accept your duties that come with your birth.”

”No more galavanting off to other lands, dressed in disguise!”
”No more turning away every suitor at your whim! No! No more! Enough!” He was red in the face when he finished his tirade.

“Father,” Hermione began in a calm tone but she was once again cut off.

“You are to accept his offer, that is final.”

Hermione, filled with outrage, turned and left her father's presence in a huff. Viktor watched her go, not following her.

“Yes?” her father asked him, realizing he still stood there.

Viktor swallowed nervously. “Your Majesty….there is a matter that I would like to discuss with you,” he said bravely. The King gave him a gentle, knowing smile.

Viktor found Hermione a little later in the garden. He could hear her crying softly, a piece of parchment lay in her lap.

“Milady!” he exclaimed and ran to her side. “Is everything okay?” he motioned to the letter.

Hermione had sought refuge in the gardens after leaving her father's presence. She was in such an outrage that she nearly forgot about her cousin's letter. She sat down at a bench in the warm sun and proceeded to read it. No matter how her cousin tried to disguise his feelings, she could tell that another member of the royal family had fallen for a citizen of Hogsmeade. And Hermione was full of approval, she got along finely with Luna and wouldn't hesitate to extend an invitation and a carriage for her. But her happiness quickly faded when she read the news about Harry. She suddenly couldn't breathe, the sun seemed to stifle her and before she knew it, tears were falling down her face, her breath coming in sobs. So, Harry had finally won the heart of his long awaited love. She should be happy, she probably helped him out a bit. But she grieved, grieved because it made what they had shared, or at least what she thought they had shared meaningless.

“Is that news of your cousin? Is he well?” Viktor's voice was full of concern.

“Yes, yes he's fine,” Hermione assured, wiping her eyes. “I'm just upset about my father…” She couldn't think of another lie, and it was partly true. “To be wed into the house of Malfoy.” She closed her eyes.

“Milady,” Viktor began, finding his courage. “I put in a request for your hand.”

Hermione looked up at him in astonishment. “You…you what?”


Ron was sitting with Neville and Luna, talking excitedly about the Veranis Festival. The food, the music, the jousts and swordplay, it was all animatedly detailed for them. Word had spread quickly that the Lady Hermione herself invited Luna to the festival and would be sending a carriage for her shortly. Ron's dialogue was interrupted when a messenger arrived, accompanied by two Ravenclaw soldiers, handing him a parchment. Ron took it with a puzzled look on his face.

“This is from Viktor,” he said.

“He sent us as well,” one of the soldiers spoke up.

Ron unfurled the message and read it to himself, then he abruptly stood up. “I wish to leave now,” he told the visitors.

Harry was upset to learn that Hermione had written to her cousin here in Hogsmeade but didn't bother writing him. He didn't dare ask her cousin if she mentioned anything about him in her letters, he figured Ron would've told him. Part of him felt foolish for thinking that she would actually think of sending him a note. The more sensible half of him realized that what they had shared was just a fling, a small spark of passion.

He was leaving the Great Hall when Luna and Neville came running up to him.

“What is it?” he asked.

“He's leaving,” Luna panted. “He's leaving right now!”


“Ron got a letter from someone named Viktor. He didn't tell us what it said but as soon as he read it he demanded to leave,” Neville answered.

“Well…I suppose he is better now,” Harry shrugged.

“Harry,” Neville stepped forward, “we heard him talking when he was saddling up. He mentioned his cousin and that he needed to be with her right away.”

This caught Harry's attention. “Hermione? Is she ill? Is everything alright?”

“We don't know,” Luna repeated. “Ron didn't tell us about anything in the letter, he just demanded to leave right away.”

The sound of galloping horses caught Harry's attention and he looked up to see Ron riding away with one of the soldiers from Ravenclaw. He took off at a run toward the stables, Luna and Neville in pursuit. The other soldier's horse and the messenger's horse were still saddled and ready to go. Harry mounted one while Neville mounted the other, ignoring the protests of the stablemen.

“I'll meet you in Ravenclaw,” Luna told the men, opening the gate.

“You don't have to come,” Harry told Neville who only grinned in response.

The two men raced out of the stables to catch up with Ron.


7. Chapter 6

Chapter Six

As Ronald rode, Viktor's message played over and over in his head. It was only one sentence long but had a much deeper meaning.

Malfoy is on his way to Ravenclaw.

Although he was sure Viktor would not take his eyes off his cousin, he just couldn't trust anyone but himself with his cousin's safety and well…to be frank, her virginal well being. The thought of that putrid scum Malfoy having the opportunity to paw at his cousin made him sick. Malfoy was coming to the castle for one thing and one thing only, to offer his hand in marriage to the Lady Hermione. And it would be over Ron's dead body that he would have that opportunity.

He was thoroughly irritated by this constant thought and add to that, he had acquired against his will two extra riders. His annoyance getting the best of him, he stopped his riding to take his anger and lash it out to whomever he could.

“What are you doing? I'm nearly to the border, you can leave now,” he said angrily to Harry and Neville.

“I know a faster way to Ravenclaw,” Harry shot back, “since you're in such a hurry to get back to your cousin.”

Ron clenched his jaw. “How do you know about that?”

“You said you needed to get back to your cousin after you read the note you received. If Hermione is ill or in trouble, it is my duty to get you to her as quickly as possible.”

Ron narrowed his eyes at Harry, bringing his horse next to his. “What is it between you and my cousin?” His tone was dangerous.

Harry didn't reply, he was caught off guard by the statement. Did Hermione mention him in a letter?

A whooshing sound of an arrow flew by Harry's ear, landing into the chest of the Ravenclaw soldier that rode with the group. He let out a groan of surprise then fell from his horse. Harry, Ron and Neville all drew their swords at once, their horses neighing in irritation of the attackers nearby.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you, young Royal,” a voice called out.

Thirty Dark Riders stepped out of the woods, all of them in black cloaks bearing the symbol of the False King. A few of them parted the way, letting a rider through. This one rode an enormous black horse, his black cloak rustled slightly in the breeze, the mask of a skull covered his face.

“Drop your swords,” he said.

“We'll do no such thing,” Harry spat back.

The thirty riders all drew their arrows, all of them pointed at the King's nephew. The man in the black cloak held up one hand.

“Go ahead and you'll give the Ravenclaw King a reason to march his armies over your land. It'll just make my job easier,” the man spoke.

“Harry don't,” Neville whispered.

Harry gritted his teeth then dropped his sword.

“Good,” the man said. Harry heard a sound behind him then a sharp pain in the back of his head before all went dark.


Hermione sat by the window in a small patch of sun, warming herself. She could see a gentle breeze brushing against the trees below, the green grass of the fields surrounding the castle and the sound of the birds chirping. Summer was on its way and bringing with it the start of the Veranis festival.

She had watched earlier as the carriage for Luna Lovegood left for Hufflepuff. Luna would be staying at the House of Weasley as a guest of her cousin Ginevra. Hermione sighed as she thought of this. Thoughts of her cousin's guest led her to thoughts of Harry and thoughts of Harry put her in a state of melancholy. She wondered what he was doing now, if he was happy with Cho, if he ever thought of her.

“I knew I'd find you in here,” a voice startled her out of her thoughts and she abruptly stood up, her book she was reading fell to the floor.

In the doorway of the library stood a tall and handsome young man. A few strands of his blond hair fell forward, the penetrating gaze of his grey eyes wandered over her. He strode into the room toward Hermione.

“Sir Draco,” she said politely, giving him a small curtsy. “I had no idea you had arrived.” He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

“Milady,” he greeted. “I've been here for a little over two hours. I had matters to discuss with your father.”

“I see,” Hermione replied. Her stomach churned.

He stayed near her still holding her hand. “I must say that I was disappointed to learn that part of my business here had been but a moot point.”

“Oh?” Hermione asked, faking interest. She wished he wouldn't stand so near her.

“I have just learned of your engagement to Viktor Krum. I must say I was very surprised. Perhaps the lady thought there would be no other offers and acted too rashly?” His tone was arrogant.

Hermione really didn't know what to say but she was saved of a reply when her intended walked into the library.

“Hermione,” Viktor smiled at her as he walked into the room. Hermione yanked her hand out of Draco's and stepped away from him.

“Viktor,” Hermione breathed, “have you greeted our guest, Sir Draco Malfoy?”

“No I don't believe I have,” Viktor stood protectively next to Hermione. “Must have slipped by me.” Viktor gave Draco an icy smile.

Draco's reception was equally warm. “I have just received word of your engagement and I just came by to offer my congratulations to the Lady.”

“Thank you,” Hermione replied politely.

“Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I was wondering if you would join me on an afternoon ride?” Viktor asked Hermione.

“Yes. Yes, I would love to,” Hermione answered.

Draco watched as Viktor smiled, taking her arm in his as they walked out of the room. It did not go unnoticed by him that even though Viktor looked at Hermione with love and adoration in his eyes, the look was not returned by the fair lady.


Harry stood before a large crowd of people in sea of blue and silver, Dumbledore and Sirius stood to his left, Ron and Remus to his right. Dividing the large crowd was a blue carpet, decorated in silver thread that ran the length of the crowd and ended at Harry feet. Walking on the carpet was a beautiful woman in a white cloak and dress. The crowd cheered and screamed with joy. As she came closer, Harry could see her creamy skin and her flowing cinnamon hair.

“Hermione,” he whispered. He looked down at his hands. They were holding a silver crown adorned with sapphires and diamonds that sparkled. Sharp points, like small daggers pointed inward, ready to impale the skull of whomever wore it.

Dumbledore turned to him and spoke. “You will put her on the throne.”

Hermione walked up the steps and stopped in front of Harry. The Ravenclaw crowd screamed and went crazy with joy, the volume increasing as she knelt before him.

Dumbledore spoke once more. “Make her a queen.”

Harry held the crown high above his head. “Long live the queen!” he shouted before slamming the crown onto Hermione's head.

Harry jerked awake and bolted upright. He was breathing heavy, his hair plastered to his forehead by sweat.

“Harry?” Neville asked with concern. “Harry are you alright?”

Harry's breathing slowed and he put his hand to his chest, feeling the necklace Hermione gave him underneath his shirt. He turned to look at Ron but his expression gave nothing away. He hadn't said anything to Harry the past few days but his jaw was clenched as if he were holding back something to say.

“Yes, I'm fine,” he said as he turned to look at where they were. The three of them were locked away in a wagon with steel bars pulled by four horses. Four others had accompanied them on this mobile prison since their journey began three days ago. They had to be deep in the land of the False King, the landscape having turned from lush forests to barren deserts of sand and fire. They were quite the entourage with the thirty riders, led by the man in the black cloak.

Suddenly one of the prisoners cried out, “Save us! We're here! He will kill us! We are dead!”

“Shut your raving, you coward!” Another prisoner admonished.

The entourage had reached the crest of the hill they were climbing revealing a large castle, black with sharp spires reaching up to the heavens. Swirling black clouds hovered above it sending bolts of lightning down every once in awhile sending the boom of thunder across the land. A river of lava surrounded it acting as the castle moat.

“Well,” Ron spoke for the first time, “it's not like we were expecting banners and a feast marking our arrival.”

Neville smiled wryly at him then looked back at his friend. “Harry?” he asked.

Harry didn't even smile at Ron's comment. As soon as he laid eyes on the castle, his heart stopped beating and the blood left his face. He had seen this castle many times before but only in his nightmares that plagued him.

“Get out, you dogs!” barked the man in black as the door was opened.

The seven of them were yanked out, put in line and marched into the castle. Only a few of the Dark Riders accompanied them as they made their way on the drawbridge. Harry tried his best to remain calm and focused on the back of Neville's head as he marched ahead of him, Ron was behind him. But a strange thing happened the moment Harry stepped foot into the castle, there was a very slight tremor as if the whole castle shuddered.

“Did you feel that?” one of the riders whispered.

“Feel what?” another answered.

“Nothing. Never mind.”

“Stop here and wait, you slime!” the man in black ordered. The group halted and were forced into a straight line. For a split second, Harry thought he saw two glowing orbs that floated in the shadows but when he blinked and looked again they were gone.

“You will stand there as he observes you,” the man in black spoke as the other riders went down the line spacing the prisoners apart and taking their shirts off. “You will not speak to him. He will decide what to do with you. He only wants this maggot here.” The man pointed to Ron with his sword. “The rest of you will either be sold as slaves or killed where you stand.”

Harry raised his arms as his shirt was yanked over his head. “What is this?” the man in black said slowly as he approached him. Harry tried to free his arms but they were held back by a couple of riders. The man in black reached out and lifted the pendant on the necklace Hermione gave him off his chest. Ron looked at the pendant then slowly turned to Harry. He didn't return his gaze but he could feel the anger in his eyes.

“Such a lovely gift to be worn by such scum as you,” the man in black said then he yanked the necklace from his neck, breaking the chain.

Harry struggled even harder against his captors. “Give it back,” he snarled menacingly.

The man in black laughed softly as he placed the necklace in his cloak then hit Harry hard in his abdomen. Harry doubled over and coughed.

“There is no need to worsen the condition of the prisoners before I look at them, MacNair.”

His voice was cold and chilled Harry to the bone. His voice was familiar, a voice from his nightmares. There was a slight splashing sound and the faint smell of urine hit the air. Neville moved closer to Harry as the prisoner next to him, trembled and let out a small terrified cry. Harry stood staring forward, his eyes averted from the False King as he stood in front of them.

He started down the line. “He's scrawny but he is in good health. We'll keep him and the one next to him.” He stopped in front of the trembling prisoner who had soiled himself. “Kill him,” he said coldly and MacNair eagerly drew his sword and plunged it into the frightened man. The False King walked on. “Keep him,” he motioned to Neville. “Keep,” he motioned to Harry and moved toward Ron.

But he stopped suddenly.

He took a step back and looked again at Harry. Harry lowered his gaze but still kept it away from him. The False King tilted his head to the side as if working out a puzzle in his head.

“Do you want me to send the message to the King, Milord?” MacNair spoke aloud, rousing the False King from the thoughts he was lost in.

“Yes, do so,” he said and paused one more time to look at Harry before taking his leave of them.


Draco approached Hermione as she walked around the castle garden. She stood there in the warm sun wearing a pale blue dress made of a light material that lifted slightly in the breeze.

“Mind if I join you?” Draco asked, startling Hermione. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you,” he said sincerely.

Hermione let out a small laugh. “You didn't frighten me, just brought me out of my thoughts.”

He took a step closer to her. “You seem to do that a lot. You know, wander around lost in thought.” Hermione didn't say anything. She only turned and continued on her way, Draco at her side. “Something's different about you Milady, something I can't quite put my finger on.”

“Really?” Hermione asked, slightly amused.

“A certain sadness about you.”

Hermione stopped and turned to look at him. “It's inappropriate for us to be walking without an escort. Especially since I am to be married.”

Draco stepped in front of her. “Why are you doing it? You can't even stand the man.”

“That is not true!” Hermione hissed and stomped away. Draco followed her.

“When we were younger, he was one of the first ones at your side whenever you were hurt,” he said. “He follows you around like a puppy, looking at you like a dog would to a master, but you don't return his gaze.”

Hermione turned around and slapped him on the face. “How dare you!” She looked shocked at her own actions and quickly dropped her hand to her side.

Draco didn't flinch when she slapped him. “I apologize if I spoke rashly,” he said. “But your actions only verify my claim.”

Hermione sighed and picked up her dress, raising the hem as she stepped into the garden's maze. “What do you want, Draco? Other than to pester me?”

Draco followed her. “I want you to deny his proposal and accept mine.”

“Yours?” Hermione asked incredulously as Draco circled her.

“Think about it Hermione,” his hands slid around her waist as he stood behind her. “Our kingdoms united together, it only makes sense. I'll be king of Slytherin very soon and you'll be queen of Ravenclaw. Our lands United. The two most powerful houses joined in marriage. Together we will be more powerful than the Shadowlands and Hufflepuff combined!” He whispered into her ear.

“Is power all you think about?” she breathed.

Draco walked around to face her, his hand never leaving her waist. “The thoughts I have about you would make you blush.” He brought one hand up to the side of her face as he leaned forward, his lips centimeters from hers. “I would make you a queen like no other.”

His lips brushed against hers in a soft kiss that quickly escalated to something more. It wasn't as passionate as the one she had shared with Harry but it was passionate enough to ignite a small flame of desire that was accompanied by guilt. She ended the kiss abruptly.

“I gave Viktor my word,” she said softly but firmly. She left Draco's arms and moved to exit the maze.

“You've never looked at Viktor the way you looked at me just now,” Draco said, stopping her in her tracks. “And you've never kissed him, the way you kissed me now.”

Hermione spun around to retort but was interrupted by the cry of a raven. The two of them looked up in the sky and saw the bird carrying a parchment. They looked at each other once more before running to the castle.

Hermione opened the door to the throne room looking flushed and out of breath, Draco followed just after her. Viktor was next to her father and looked up at her as she entered and looked from her to Malfoy, his jaw clenched.

“Father?” Hermione asked with concern in her voice.

The King sighed. “Take five hundred men with you,” he said to Viktor. He looked at Hermione. “The False King has declared war on Ravenclaw by capturing my nephew. I want Arneau Tak reinforced.”

Hermione brought a hand up to her mouth in horror. “Ronald,” she breathed.

“Take a handful of men with you into the Shadowlands,” the King said to Viktor. “Bring him back if you can.”

The castle gates were a flurry of activity as the soldiers stood in line. Pages scurried back in forth, readying the horses and bringing their masters supplies. Hermione stood with Ginevra watching all this unfold in front of her. She walked up to Viktor as his pages brought out his horse. Her hand brushed over the emblem of a raven on his armor, the mark of a General.

“I'll be back soon, Hermione,” he whispered and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

Hermione brought him into an embrace. She looked over his shoulder and saw Draco watching them, a slightly amused look on his face and she averted her gaze.

“Be careful,” she said quietly to Viktor when she broke the embrace.

“I'll bring him back,” Viktor promised when he mounted his horse. Hermione smiled and watched him disappear into the ranks as the gates opened and the soldiers filed out. Draco brought his horse to Hermione.

“Milady,” he bowed his head slightly. “Have no fear, your soldier will come back safe and sound to the woman he loves.”

“Ooh, I hope an arrow finds its way past your armor,” Hermione retorted. Draco laughed and galloped away with the rest of the soldiers.


As soon as they were thrown into the dungeon and left to themselves, Ron pounced on Harry, tossing him to the ground.

“Where did you get that?” he shouted as he pinned Harry. Harry pushed Ron away from him and sprang to his feet.

“Hermione gave it to me,” he said waiting for Ron to strike again.

“How dare you speak her name!” Ron was held back by a couple of the prisoners.

“She gave it to me as a gift for saving her life,” Harry lied as Neville held him back.

“What?” Ron said.

“It's true,” Neville interrupted. “Her entourage was attacked by Death Eaters on the way to Hogsmeade. Harry saved her life and brought her safely to Dumbledore.” He omitted the part about Harry falling head over heels for her.

Ron sighed and the other prisoners released him. “I'm sorry,” he apologized then walked to a corner. The other prisoners drifted off into their own retreats to wallow in their sorrow. Harry and Neville joined Ron in the corner.

“Hey Ron,” Harry began awkwardly, “there was no apology necessary. You didn't have to leave to this corner.”

“That's not what I'm doing,” Ron cut him off. “Look,” he said pointing the wall, “there's a draft somewhere here.” He took a pinch of dust and held it in front of the bricks, slowly letting it fall from his hands, the grains of sand blew sideways as they fell to the ground.

“Where there's a draft, there's a way out,” Harry grinned.

“Exactly,” Ron whispered. “I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting out of here. He'll sell the others as slaves, including you Neville. But he's going to keep me around for a long time, until he gets what he wants. And as for you Harry, I saw the way he looked at you. There's something about you that has him intrigued. He's going to kill you, Harry. I can't explain it, but he'll come after you.”


8. Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

Ron's words repeated themselves over and over in Harry's head as they worked at the wall. They were soon able to free a few bricks for an opening that they could squeeze through one at a time on their bellies.

“I'll go first,” Neville said bravely.

“No one is going anywhere,” one of the prisoners spoke up. He shrugged off a tattered blanket revealing his arm which had the mark of the False King tattooed upon it.

“A spy!” another prisoner shouted.

“Guards!! Guards!!” the spy shouted out.

One of the prisoners that had been with them on the journey over tackled the spy to the ground, muffling his cries. “Go!” he cried out to the others. “I'll take care of him.”

Neville didn't need telling twice. They all followed suite, crawling on their bellies until they reached an open chamber. There was a lit torch on the wall and Harry took it. A stream of water ran through here and the trio followed it until it forked in two. Two passageways stood before them and they had no idea which way to go.

Ron swore under his breath. “Now what do we do.”

“Shh,” Harry silenced them. “Do you hear that?”

There was a slight scraping sound, it sounded like metal against stone. Suddenly it stopped. Harry looked into one of the passageways and saw the two glowing orbs again. They were getting closer and the three of them stood together, bracing themselves for what was to come.

Suddenly, an odd creature stepped into the torch light. The two glowing orbs were its eyes reflecting what little light they had. It was small and skinny, with large eyes and ears. It was dragging three swords under its arms.

“It's an elf,” Ron said in amazement.

“Oh good, you found the torch I left. This way! Quickly!” the elf said to them as he ran off into the passage on the left.

The three of them looked at each other then grabbed the swords, following the elf. He led them down the passageways quickly until they led to a set of stairs that went up.

“This will lead you to the main entrance,” the elf whispered. “Go quietly, there is a man there. Take the first left, then a right, then another left. You will come to the stables. I will have three horses ready for you.”

“Why are you helping us?” Harry asked the small creature.

The elf looked up at him owlishly. “I serve the True King and the True King only.” Then he disappeared. The three of them looked at each other bewilderedly. Harry began up the stairs but was stopped by Neville.

“Should we trust him?” he asked.

“He's led us this far,” Ron spoke.

“He could be leading us into a trap,” Neville argued.

Harry shrugged. “There's only one way to find out.”

The passageway was hidden by a tapestry on the castle wall. A panel of wall slipped out of the way and Harry peeked around the corner. MacNair was leaning against a banister. Harry motioned for the others to come out. The quietly made their way around the corner, pressing themselves against the wall. Once in the corridor, Harry drew his sword.

“Take Ron and go,” he told Neville.

“Harry what are you doing?” Neville protested.

“Just take him and go! I'll follow you.”

“Are you crazy?” Ron protested but Harry waved them away and retraced his steps.

He pressed up against the wall and peered around the corner at MacNair, who had his own sword out and was thoughtfully spinning it on the ground, point down like a top. Harry quietly and stealthily made his way up to him. His heart beat in his chest as he was only two steps away.

Suddenly, MacNair turned around, sword held high as he struck at Harry. Harry had only a moment to react, blocking his blow with his own sword but the impact sent him to the ground. MacNair laughed and struck again but Harry rolled out of his way.

“You're a quick little one,” MacNair laughed aloud.

“I've just come to retrieve what was taken from me,” Harry quipped.

“You'll never get out of here alive, slave.”

“That's a point I'm willing to argue.” Harry jabbed at the man, but he quickly blocked him and swiped at Harry. He let out a small gasp as the blade cut his arm, thankfully it was not deep.

“That was a close one, wasn't it?” MacNair teased and Harry attacked him. He was able to block a few of Harry's blows but one of them landed in his side. Harry withdrew the blade, its end red with blood. MacNair was angry and struck at Harry hard causing the sword to fly from his hand. MacNair took the opportunity and kicked Harry in the abdomen. Harry fell back hard against a statue. MacNair held his sword high above his head and charged at Harry. Harry looked around, his sword was too far from him. Then he looked up and saw that the statue had a sword. In a split second, Harry reached for the sword, grabbed it from the statue and impaled it into MacNair. He looked up at Harry in surprise, then looked down at the sword in his chest and fell limp.

Harry shoved him off the blade and rested against the statue. Suddenly, the castle was filled with angry shouts. News of their escape quickly traveled. He sheathed the sword then reached into MacNair's cloak and pulled out Hermione's necklace.

“I told you to give it back,” he said then stepped over the dead body to join his friends.


“Harry, come on, let's get out of here!”

His two friends were already on their horses, the little elf was holding the reigns of a third. Harry ran to the horse, picking up the elf and tossing him on the back of the horse as he saddled it.

“You're coming with us,” he told him as he raced the horse away.


Lord Voldemort sat in his chair in front of the fire brooding. The ministrations of his favorite bedmate did nothing to ease his thoughts. The man that was brought in today. There was something about him. Something that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

“So familiar…” he mumbled to himself.

“What was that, Milord?” a female voice broke his thoughts. He was now aware of a sort of commotion going on in the castle.

“Nothing. Bella, what is that racket?” he roared. “I cannot hear my own thoughts!” A knock came at his door. “WHAT?” he roared and a Death Eater entered.

“The prisoners have escaped, along with the King's nephew,” he said bravely.

Lord Voldemort tore out into the corridor. “WHAT? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?”

“Milord, there's more. There's something you have to see.”

Voldemort stood quietly in front of the statue of the seated lady and the lion at her feet. The sword was missing. His Death Eaters stood on either side of him, apprehensive and petrified with fear. Voldemort said nothing, he only stared at the statue but the anger was crackling off him. At last, he spoke.

“Find him,” he said quietly. “He has dark raven hair and emerald green eyes. Take the dragons, take the fastest creatures, take whatever. Just FIND HIM!!”


The three men and the elf rode all night until they reached the edge of the forest. They took a brief rest where the elf, whose name they learned was Dobby, healed and refreshed the horses with a magic that they couldn't explain. They decided to stay in the cover of the trees as they headed southeast to Arneau Tak. Dragons flew overhead, searching and they could hear the snarls of vicious creatures and the horses of the Death Eaters that pursued them. The forest would end soon, they knew, and it would have to be a flat out run for their lives as they crossed the flat plains to Arneau Tak.

Inside Arneau Tak, Viktor stood with Draco and a handful of other soldiers as they poured over a map, discussing the best way into the Shadowlands and to the castle of the False King. They could hear the men shouting outside followed by a sharp and piercing roar of a dragon. Draco and Viktor raced up to the wall.

Forty men on horses, accompanied by large tiger-like cats were chasing three lone riders on horses. Three dragons circled above them, once in awhile diving to take a swipe at them. Viktor took a lens from a nearby soldier and peered into it.

“Open the gates!” he ordered, tossing the lens back to the soldier. “It's Ronald! Open the gates!”

Draco drew his sword and pointed it at the archers that lined the fort's wall. “Draw your arrows!” he ordered. “Aim for the dragons!”

“Ready the catapults!” Viktor yelled as he made his way down to the main floor of the fort.

“Go!” Draco yelled and the archers released the first wave of attack. They had managed to take out one of the dragons, its body falling from the sky.

“Release!” Viktor ordered as five of the catapults pelted large boulders over the wall, crushing a few of the riders who chased the three men.

“Take it out! Kill it!” Draco shouted to the archers as they released their arrows. Draco picked up a spare bow and strung an arrow. “Again!” he shouted.

Harry, Ron and Neville all rode their horses hard. Blood mixed with the foam at the horses' mouths, the men were delirious with exhaustion.

“They're opening the gates!” Ron shouted.

“We're going to make it!” Neville cried.

The third dragon fell to the ground and Draco redirected the archers to the ones who were pursuing the King's nephew. “Shoot them!” he yelled.

Harry heard the whiz of the arrows fly over him and land behind him. He heard the yelps of the creatures, the neighs of the horses and the shouts of men. But he was quickly losing conscious. He looked over at his two companions and saw that they too, were barely hanging on. Miraculously they passed through the gates.

“Close the gates!” Viktor ordered.

Draco and the other archers took out the remaining enemies locked out of the fort.

The horses screamed and collapsed on the ground, their riders tumbling to the floor. Harry breathed heavily on the straw covered floor. He looked at Ron a few paces from him.

“We made it,” Ron said between breaths. “We made it.”

Harry closed his eyes and welcomed the darkness.


The sound of shouting awakened Harry from his slumber. He was in a simple room with a bed and a small table. He winced at the ache of his sore muscles as he moved to get out of the bed and dress himself. A fresh pair of trousers and a tunic was left for him. He examined the bandage on his arm that covered the cut MacNair had given him. Harry opened the door and stepped out into a courtyard.

“A Slytherin inside Arneau Tak! What the hell is going on here? I leave for a few weeks and we're comrades with Slytherin?!” Ron bellowed at a tall man Harry immediately recognized as the one who led Hermione's entourage.

“A nice thank you, considering I helped save your life!” a man with blond hair shouted back. Viktor held out his arm, holding Draco back.

“Malfoy volunteered to be here. I allowed it,” he stopped speaking when he saw a familiar looking man with dark hair join the group.

“You allowed it,” Ron said with frustration. “Since when do you…” But he was silenced when Viktor pulled back his cloak revealing the raven on his armor. “A General? Since when did you become a General?”

“Since he asked for the Lady Hermione's hand in marriage and she agreed,” Draco spoke up.

Harry's insides turned to lead and stared at Viktor who matched his gaze in return.

“Is it true?” Ron asked quietly.

Viktor broke his stare with Harry to face Ron. “Yes, it's true.”

Ron didn't say anything for awhile, he just stood there. Then suddenly he turned. “I want three horses ready for me,” he told another soldier who immediately ran off to fulfill the request.

“Three?” Viktor asked signaling for his horse.

“They're coming with me,” he said, nodding to the three men. “They are my guests for the festival.”

Harry opened his mouth to protest but Neville cut him off. “A festival? We'd be honored to be your guests.” He looked at Harry eagerly.

“I don't think it's a good idea,” Harry said flatly. He could not face Hermione after this piece of news.

“I agree,” Viktor said as a stable boy brought out three saddled horses. “We can send an escort with them to make sure they reach Hufflepuff.”

Harry narrowed his eyes at Viktor. “You know what?” he said more boldly. “I changed my mind,” he mounted the horse. “Some festivities would do us some good, Neville.” Harry challenged Viktor who glared at him in return.

“This is going to be great, Harry. You'll see!” Neville said eagerly as he mounted his horse.

Harry smirked at Viktor then trotted away, Viktor and Neville followed. Ron had watched the exchange between Viktor and Harry with narrowed eyes.


9. Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

As they neared Rowena, the village where the King's castle resided, unease settled into Harry. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Why did he want to be present to see the Lady Hermione and Viktor fawn affection all over each other? His nervousness brought no conversation with Neville and he soon gave up and began to talk to Ron.

The village was lively, spirits were high due to the promise of summer and the festivities. Word that the King's nephew had been rescued was more reason to celebrate. Barrels of ale were carried through the streets, the smell of roasted meat permeated the air along with wafts of fresh baked goods. The sounds of music and people dancing lifted the soldiers' spirits. Harry couldn't help but smile as the villagers crowded and waved to Ron's entourage dotted with a few curious looks at Harry and Neville. It almost took Harry's mind off his nervousness. Almost, until the castle doors shut, blocking out the sounds from the village.

The castle was large and built of brick and stone, the roofs of the spires were the royal blue that signified the colors of Ravenclaw. Pages and stable boys immediately tended to the riders and their horses. Harry dismounted and looked up at the castle. Hermione was somewhere within these walls. Did she know he was there?

“I'll see the King first. Please let any of the servants tend to your needs,” Ron said to Harry and Neville. “You are my guests after all. After this, we'll go to my home.”

Harry only nodded. He didn't dare open his mouth for fear that actual butterflies might actually fly out of it. Draco and Viktor dismounted and made their way into the castle. Harry dismounted and busied himself with the saddle but a page took over.

“Would you like something to eat?” a maid walked up to them. Confident that he could leave his belongings since Dobby kept a close watch on his things, he and Neville followed her inside the castle.

They snacked on bread, cheese and water, chatting once in awhile until another servant entered the kitchen. This one was more finely dressed.

“Which of you is Harry Potter?” he asked.

“I am,” Harry said, rising from the table.

“The King wishes to see you.” Harry gave a questioning glace at Neville. “Don't worry,” the servant said. “Ron will be down shortly to take your friend to the House of Weasley.”

As Harry followed the servant through the corridors, he couldn't help but hope to see a glimpse of Hermione. They came to a set of large wooden doors that opened into a Great Hall. A long chamber filled with beautiful marble statues of past dignitaries. The royal blue carpet runner that ran to the foot of an elaborate throne upon which Hermione's father, the King, sat upon. A familiar old man stood on his right.

“Your Majesty,” Harry bowed respectfully.

“It is not very often that I find myself indebted to another. Never to one as young as yourself,” the King began. “My Nephew has told me of the service and hospitality you have shown him while he was in Hufflepuff. And once again, helping him to escape from the Shadowlands and the False King. You have spared Ravenclaw a battle, although I fear there are many more to come.

“Most important to me is the service you had provided to my daughter during her…escapade to Hufflepuff. You saved her life, thereby protected the throne of Ravenclaw. I thank the saints that she will soon be Sir Viktor's problem, heaven help him.” To this Harry gave a wry smile.

The King got up from his throne and stood in front of Harry. “Dumbledore speaks highly of your bravery and character. And so I ask you this, what do you want? What reward can Ravenclaw give you for your bravery?”

Harry was momentarily stunned but recovered nicely. “Your Majesty, I seek no reward. I did what I did for your nephew out of friendship, not for glory.”

“And for my daughter?” the King asked.

Harry paused. “Out of duty,” he answered.

The King smiled. “Very well, think on it Harry. But in the mean time, you are a guest in the castle. I shall have a room prepared for you complete with servants. Anything you need, you just ask them. You shall be my guest of honor at the feast tonight.”

The King turned and left the room leaving Harry to be reunited with Dumbledore.

“It's very good to see you, Harry,” the old wizard said kindly to him. Harry gave him a small smile. “So…the Shadowlands?”

“And the castle of the False King,” Harry sighed.

“Hmm,” Dumbledore said thoughtfully. “Did…did he say anything to you?”

“No,” Harry answered.

“This is an odd question but did you take…anything from the castle?”

Harry scratched his head in thought. “An elf,” he answered, forgetting the sword.

“An elf?” Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

“Yes, his name's Dobby.”

“I see,” Dumbledore smiled. “Very well. Oh, a servant is here for you. I'll see you tonight, Harry.”

He and Dumbledore walked out of the room, a moment later, a man with a hooked nose and oily hair stepped out of the shadows.

The servant led Harry up the winding stairs and down a long corridor to his room. It was a large one, with a plush bed and a large fireplace. Cushioned chairs, a plush rug and a mahogany table completed the furnishings. Harry stood by the large window looking out over the grounds when the servant left and Dobby appeared.

“Is there anything else, Master Potter?” he asked.

“No,” Harry said absently, staring out the window.

“I will see to your clothes for tonight,” the elf squeaked.

“Thank you, Dobby.”

Harry was staring into the garden. His heart nearly stopped when he saw her there. Her cinnamon brown hair in soft curls, the smooth creamy skin. She was walking through the garden with Viktor. Harry felt a stab of jealousy and envy for the man. He was about to walk away from the window when something else caught his eye. Hidden from view, Draco watched the couple from afar.


“What did you just say?” Ginevra asked as she walked into the parlor with Luna. Ron and Neville had been regaling their harrowing tale of their escape from the Shadowlands to his brothers and father.

“I said that the two of them are here as my guests,” Ron repeated, standing to greet Luna. “You look lovely,” he whispered to her.

“Neville and Luna?” Ginny inquired.

“No, Neville and Harry,” Ron said absently, his eyes still on the lovely Luna who wore a pale blue dress. “The carriage is ready and waiting.

“Harry?” Ginevra asked. She was thinking of the story the Lady Hermione had told her of her adventures in Hufflepuff and the young man she had lost her heart to.

“Oh, Harry's here?” Luna asked.

“He's staying at the castle as the King's guest,” Neville chimed into the conversation.

Ginny tore out of the room and clambered into the carriage. Neville, Ron and Luna stood there a bit puzzled.

“She really loves the starting feast of the festival,” Ron said, trying to explain his sister's odd behavior.

“I'm not going to wait here all day!” Ginny called out to the others from the carriage.

“The silver or the gold, Milady?” a handmaiden asked her.

“I'm sorry?” Hermione was brought out of her thoughts.

“The silver or the gold?” she repeated.

“Um…gold,” Hermione said absently.

Her thoughts were occupied by the odd conversation she had had with Viktor earlier that day. He kept asking her if she truly was committed to their engagement, if she truly did choose him as her intended. She kept reassuring him that her word was her word. Did Draco say something to him? She was going to have to have a talk with him. He had no business interfering in her personal affairs, filling Viktor's head with doubts and insecurities. Viktor asked her if she loved him. She was honest with him. She cared for him deeply and one day it may grow into love. It was the best she could do.

The gown she wore was made of a fine gold silk material, fashioned after the gowns worn by the royal ladies of the Roman Empire she had read about. Her curly hair gathered and held in a simple updo. She looked lovely but she wasn't in the mood for a feast and dancing. But she had a duty to carry out and she composed herself enough to be pleasant and greet the guests.

The hall was buzzing with the conversations between the guests that had arrived. Hermione entered the room and began to make her rounds, smiling and laughing with the guests. Harry stood hidden in the crowd. His breath hitched when he saw her walk into the room. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. He found that he was frozen, unable to move yet unable to take his eyes off her. She was truly breathtaking. He watched as Sir Draco Malfoy made his way over to her, watched as she pulled him to a quieter corner. He could tell that whatever they were talking about was an intense subject.

“What did you say to him?” she hissed softly.

“Don't worry, Milady, our little secret is safe,” Draco smirked at her.

“There is no little secret!”

“Oh! So I can tell him about our little walk in the garden?”

“I can tell him how you forced yourself upon me,” she whispered harshly.

“And I can tell him how much you enjoyed it.”

“Enjoyed what?” Viktor interrupted and Hermione and Draco jumped away from each other.

“Enjoyed the…” Hermione floundered for a moment.

“The Winter Festival at Slytherin,” Draco recovered. Viktor looked down at Hermione but she didn't dare meet his gaze. He was just about to say something when he was nearly run over by a blur of red hair.

“Milady!” Ginevra gasped out of breath.

“What? What is it? Is everything okay?” Hermione asked as her friend dragged her away from the two gentlemen.

“He's here!” Ginny whispered.

“Who's here?” Hermione whispered back.


The horns sounded, announcing the King's arrival to the feast and Hermione barely heard her friend.

“Who?” she whispered.

“Lords and Ladies, may I present his royal Majesty King Edward,” one of the royal attendants announced. The guests all bowed respectively as the King entered the hall.

“Welcome everyone to the Veranis Feast, the start of the Veranis Festival,” he said warmly and his guests clapped with approval. Viktor made his way through the crowd and stood by Hermione's side. “And we have much to celebrate,” the King continued. “Most importantly, the Ravenclaw army led by Sirs Ronald deWeasley and Viktor Krum have successfully defended Arneau Tak, thereby staving off another attack by the False King.” Hermione looked up at Viktor, who was blushing and smiled warmly as the crowd clapped. “And speaking of Sir Viktor, he has asked the Lady Hermione for her hand in marriage and she has gladly accepted. Let us all celebrate this good news.” Gasps of delight filled the crowd along with more clapping that Draco Malfoy did not partake in. “And lastly, as you may already know, my nephew Ronald was captured by the False King. He escaped, however, unharmed and without having to employ our armies. For this feat, we should be grateful for the bravery of two young men, Neville Longbottom,” the King gestured for Neville to step forward. He did, blushing to the roots of his hair as the crowd clapped.

Hermione, gasped. “I know him!”

“That's what I've been trying to tell you,” Ginny whispered feverishly to her.

“The other has been of assistance to the throne twice and for that, I am deeply grateful. He is my personal guest here…Harry Potter.” Harry nervously stepped forward and the crowd cheered and clapped.

Hermione couldn't breathe. It was him. It was Harry. Her Harry. His emerald eyes fell on her.

She gripped onto her friend. “Hermione?” Ginny asked with concern.

Hermione couldn't catch her breath. Her blood left her face. Harry was looking at her with concern on his face. Her father was speaking again but she couldn't hear him. Why couldn't she breathe? Darkness began to cloud her vision and the last thing she heard was Ginny saying her name before all went dark.


10. Chapter Nine

A/N: Thanks for all the great reviews!

Chapter Nine

Hermione awoke with a start. The faces of Ginny, Ron, Dumbledore, her father and Viktor loomed over her.

“Are you alright Hermione?” Ginny asked.

“What happened?” Ron asked at the same time.

Hermione slowly sat up with assistance from Ron and Viktor. She was in another room, a small one off to the side of the Great Hall. She could hear the noise of the crowd through the walls. She had been lying on a small stone bench before Dumbledore produced some sort of smelling salt that had awoken her.

“Are you feeling well my dear?” her father asked.

“Yes,” Hermione put a hand to her forehead, “yes, I'm fine. Just a little light-headed. I skipped a meal this afternoon to get ready for the feast.”

It was a small lie but it fit well. She met Viktor's eyes and gave him a flash of an angry look that said they would talk later. Convincing the group that she was feeling much better, the group left to rejoin the feast in the Great Hall. Royalty and honored guests sat at the long table in the front of the Hall. As Hermione entered the Hall, the gentlemen stood asking of her well being. Assuring them all she was fine, she caught Harry's eye and gave him a small smile.

She sat in between Viktor and Ron, Luna sat at Ron's right. Ginny sat across from Hermione, Neville to her left and Harry next to Neville so he sat across from Luna. Draco placed himself next to Ginny so he could sit directly across from Viktor and diagonal to Hermione. Dinner was pleasant, so was the conversation, which was surprising considering Draco and Ron were sitting at the same table. Past dinners where they were placed together usually consisted of heated debates and low key insults to each other. But Draco didn't join in the conversation, he just ate and observed. He watched as Ron doted on the young fair haired maiden next to him, listened as the brown haired young man sitting next to Ginevra stumbled over his words as he spoke to her. Most of all he watched the exquisite Lady Hermione, watched as she laughed at the funny stories her cousin told, watched as she subtly removed her hand when Viktor placed it upon hers, watched as she gossiped with Ginevra and Miss Lovegood, watched as she gave Viktor cold looks. She was upset with him for some reason and it delighted Draco.

But what really raised Draco's curiosity was who the Lady did not speak to. She of course spoke to her cousins, she had conversation with Viktor although it was brief and polite, she had spoken to himself, she held conversation with Miss Lovegood and whoever the brown haired man was next to Ginevra. She did not once speak with the dark haired man, what was his name…Henry? And Henry did not speak to her but he did join in the conversation once in awhile.

“So,” Draco spoke up, “Henry…”

“Harry,” Hermione corrected and Harry tried to catch her gaze but she still wouldn't look at him. The sound of her voice saying his name stirred something within him.

“Harry,” Draco continued, “I've heard the tale of how you assisted Sir Ronald in his escape but I've yet to hear of your assistance to the Lady Hermione.”

Hermione picked up her goblet and finished the wine that was in it then fiddled with the silverware as Harry told the story, omitting certain details.

“Well, it was good thing Harry was there to save the day, right Viktor?” Draco said. Harry threw Draco a sharp look, knowing the man was baiting Viktor.

“I had the situation under control,” Viktor shot back.

Draco raised his eyebrows, “Clearly. So I'm assuming this is how Ronald, here, came to Hufflepuff?”

“Had I known the Lady was safely on her way back here…” Ron tossed a look to Viktor.

“Oh yes, that's right. I must applaud you on your timing Sir Viktor,” he said winking.

“Her father is hoping that marriage will quell the rebellious streak in her,” Ginny said, jumping in to save the conversation. “It's a shame because that's what we love about her.”

You have no idea, thought Harry.

“Hermione will make a great queen,” Ron assured her.

“A queen like no other,” Draco added softly.

Hermione stared at Draco, her cheeks flushed red, lips pursed. Viktor looked from Hermione to Draco and back. Harry watched, his head tilted slightly in thought, a flag of warning was brushed to the back of his mind as the musicians began to play.

“Come, Darling,” Hermione said in a sickeningly sweet voice, her eyes not leaving Draco's. “Father would like us to start the first dance of the evening.”

The couple got up and left the table. Harry watched as others joined in, including Neville who had managed to spit out the invitation to Ginevra. His mind was occupied with other thoughts, the most prominent one was the thought that someone was constantly watching him. There was a man with oily hair that stuck to the shadows whose gaze seemed to be on him at all times. And the Slytherin King, he kept giving him curious glances, enough to make Harry uncomfortable. A young woman asked him to dance and he obliged, positioning themselves near Hermione and Viktor.

“And what is your name?” Harry asked the fair haired maiden.

“Lavender,” she smiled up at him.

“Is that so?” Harry asked smiling, glancing over at Hermione. Hermione was blushing furiously and tried to hide behind her fiancé.

“Let me guess,” Harry said, “You're a Lady-in-Waiting in the Lady Hermione's court?”

Lavender's jaw dropped. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

Hermione danced two more dances with Viktor, then one with her father. At the end of this reel, her father led her over to Harry.

“The least you can do is offer one dance to the young man who saved your life,” he said kindly to his daughter.

Hermione opened her mouth to say she was too tired but Harry cut her off.

“It really isn't necessary, your Majesty,” Harry said.

“Please, I insist. You are, after all, my guest,” he said then he took his leave.

Harry took Hermione's hand in his as the musicians started up and they began their dance. She trembled slightly in his arms as he held her. He breathed in her familiar scent.

“You look lovely tonight,” he said.

Hermione blushed. “Thank you,” she said. “It's not like the dancing at home is it?” she asked, lightening the mood.

Harry laughed. “No, it isn't.”

“Well, you seem to be doing fine.”

“Looks can be deceiving.”

An awkward paused overcame them until Hermione broke it.

“I wanted to thank you for saving my cousin,” she said softly.

“He truly is a good man and I hope our friendship is strong,” Harry said sincerely.

“Does this mean we'll be seeing you more often?” she asked.

Harry didn't answer her. “I want to congratulate you on your engagement.”

Hermione's smile dropped slightly. “Thank you,” she said softly. “And I want to congratulate you. I hear you have finally won the heart of your fair Miss Cho Chang.”

“Who told you that?” Harry asked.

“My cousin wrote me when I asked about you,” Hermione said dismissively. Harry stopped and looked at her. She had asked about him in her letters to her cousin!

“May I?” Draco interrupted them not bothering for Harry's okay before he took Hermione away from him.

“If I were Viktor, I would be a bit jealous of that Henry fellow,” Draco said softly in Hermione's ear.

“His name is Harry,” Hermione corrected in a pleasant voice as she tried to put some space between them. “Are you telling me that a future King is jealous of a Rider?” she teased.

“You are a beautiful young Lady,” Draco whispered into her ear as he slowed his dancing pace. “You have ensnared the hearts of many young men. I would never let you out of my sight.” His tone got slightly darker when he finished his last sentence.

“So you'd lock me up like a bird in a cage?” she whispered a bit harshly.

“No, admired like a fine piece of art,” Draco said smoothly.

“Thankfully, you do not have to shoulder that burden,” Hermione smiled and resumed their dancing. “You are not Sir Viktor.”

“No,” Draco sighed, “that I am not.”

Hermione didn't dare so much as glance in Harry's general direction for the rest of the evening.


“I want it sent right away,” Lucius Malfoy, King of Slytherin spoke to Severus Snape in the shadows of his chambers in the Ravenclaw castle. “I will be awaiting his instructions.”

Severus bowed and made his exit. Lucius sighed and fell into one of the plush chairs.

“Don't be hasty,” his Queen, Narcissa said patiently. “He is under the watchful eye of Dumbledore. No one can touch him while he's here.”

“The brat sits there all evening mocking us,” Lucius grumbled. “Foolish thing for Edward to do, inviting him to the feast. Does he think his kingdom will be spared when the boy ascends to the throne?”

“Patience,” Narcissa sighed. She sat next to her husband, her gaze falling on the chess board in front of him. “I do not think the boy yet knows he is the King. Dumbledore would not have let him stay here.”

“Hmm, you are probably right. Dumbledore would have been parading him in the streets.” Narcissa rolled her eyes, the action unseen by her husband. “Ah! But he's still here somewhere in this castle. I could find him myself and put an end to this situation,” Lucius pouted angrily, getting up from the chair and stomping around the room.

Narcissa sighed the sigh of a mother whose child is throwing a tantrum. She gestured for him to play chess with her.

“No, you know I can't stand that boring game,” Lucius sulked.

“You know you could learn a thing or two from this game,” Narcissa said patiently, examining a pawn. “It's a game of strategy,” she said quietly, distantly. “Placing your pawns at just the right places so that when your opponent makes one wrong move,” she knocked the king down, “you take the game.” She smiled a poisonous smile that did not reach the cold gaze that fell on her husband.


Hermione cried in her bed that night. Harry was here. Somewhere in this castle he was sleeping. She wanted so badly to be by his side. She closed her eyes and relived the memory of the feeling she felt in his arms as they danced. He was here. Her Harry.

No not her Harry. She wasn't his, his heart belonged to another. Her body wracked with sobs again. She had given her heart to him, not to Viktor. More than anything she wanted to run up to Harry, throw her arms around him and profess her love.

But she couldn't.

Hermione stopped her crying and wiped her eyes. It would do no good crying about things you couldn't change. She had to accept her future without Harry in it. She was her father's daughter, a king's daughter and she had her duties to carry out. She could grow to love Viktor, yes, even if it killed her inside she would do it.

Draco practiced his broadsword in the late morning warmth of the sun. He kept the Lady Hermione in his peripheral vision. She was talking with Viktor and it was a heated conversation at that.

“I never realized that the Lady had two shadows,” Harry's voice broke his concentration. Draco looked coldly at his intruder.

“I'll dismiss it this one time, your lack of manners probably due to your meager upbringing,” Draco said haughtily. “But in the future you will learn to address me properly and learn when to hold your tongue.”

“So,” Harry began, picking up a sword and examining it, “the way I see it is this. You are a bit sore about this engagement. You believe that Sir Viktor took advantage of the Lady's cousin's absence to make his proposal.” Harry stood in front of Draco. “Just days before you were to make yours. Tsk, bad timing, isn't it?”

Draco's fist clenched around the hilt of his sword and brought it up quickly to swipe at Harry's head stopping centimeters from his neck. Harry didn't even flinch.

“I told you to hold your tongue,” Draco hissed dangerously. Harry brought up the sword he was holding and brushed the blade away from him.

“Hit a bit close to the mark, didn't I?” Harry's voice was calm.

“Who do you think you are? Being the King's guest and rescuing his daughter does not make you one of us.” Draco stepped away and sneered. “I know I'm not the only one unhappy about this engagement. I saw the way you looked at Viktor when he broke this news to his cousin, I saw how you couldn't take your eyes of the Lady last night. I saw your face light up with delight when the Lady pityingly gave you a dance.” Harry tightened his grip on his sword as Draco kept speaking. “Oh, yes. Many have fallen for the beauty and grace of the future Queen. But who do you think you are to her? You are a mere flea in her presence, the dust that falls on the books she's already read, you aren't fit to wipe the dirt off her shoes. You are nothing to her.”

“Is that so?” Harry's voice rose a little in anger.

“What have you to offer her? A life of sleeping on a dirt floor, cleaning up after you and your little brats in the tiny shack of a home? Will she pick the straw from your horse's hooves after you've left her to protect your borders?”

In the blink of an eye, Harry's blade flashed, falling centimeters from Draco's neck. “If I recall correctly she did not choose you,” Harry said evenly.

Draco's sneer turned into a smile, one like a cat about to pounce on a rat. “This is true. But I don't have to dream of what the Lady's lips taste like, the softness of her mouth, her smell when you hold her, how she feels in your arms when you hold her.”

Rage boiled inside Harry but on the outside he was calm and collected. “And you don't?”

“That is between the Lady and me,” Draco smirked. He stepped away from Harry and made his way back to the castle. Harry gave the sword to a nearby page and looked for the Lady Hermione. She was gone and so was Viktor.

He made his way over to the stables to greet an old friend. He was glad to see that Hedwig was happy and healthy. He mounted her and decided to ride around the fields. He thought about what Draco had said.

Why did he come here? He did not want to get involved with the Lady again. She had chosen Viktor and there was nothing he would do about it. What could he do? What could he offer her? He didn't belong here. Why didn't he just leave for Hufflepuff after Arneau Tak?

Because you wanted to see her. You wanted to see if she was real and it wasn't all a dream.

She was more beautiful than he remembered her and it pained him. He lost his heart all over again to her. Why was he such a glutton for punishment? He had to know. He had to know how the Lady felt about him. He had to know if she shared the same feelings.

He rode back to the stables and removed the saddle from Hedwig's back. He was brushing her down when he heard the voices of people approaching. He quietly slid into the shadows.

“Good, I hope you'll be leaving immediately?” Hermione asked as she led her horse into the stable. The stablemen hurried to assist the Lady.

“My, my. Such a hurry to get rid of me,” Draco teased. He dismissed the stablemen with a glare and they hurried away leaving Draco alone with Hermione. Or so he thought.

He stood behind Hermione as she fed her horse some apples. “I never told him about our walk in the garden if that's what you are afraid I'll do,” he whispered in her ear.

Hermione glared at him then stepped away to Hedwig, offering the beautiful horse apples.

“Can you honestly tell me that Viktor has ever made you feel the way I did? Has Viktor ever kissed you or held you the way I have? Have you even let him?”

“Stop it!” Harry could hear the quiver in her voice.

“You know you don't love him,” he moved next to her.

“What do you want from me? Why can't you leave me be?” Tears shone in her eyes.

Draco grabbed her upper arm roughly and Harry silently put his hand on his dagger hidden inside his cloak.

“You know what I want,” Draco said so softly that Harry barely heard him.

“And I told you that I gave Viktor my word,” Hermione's voice was brave and even.

Draco let Hermione go and she brushed past him to leave the stables.

“You know I was curious to know why Viktor had been so adamant in his reassurance that you'll not go back on your word,” Draco called out stopping her. Hermione's heart beat hard in her chest. “I thought it was because of what happened between us in the garden, I thought that maybe you were thinking about my offer,” Draco continued. “But I have to wonder if it has anything to do with the Rider from Hufflepuff. I believe his name is Harry?” Hermione spun around to face him. “You spent a lot of time in his company and I know that there were holes in the story that he made everyone swallow last night.”

Terror filled her insides, she was afraid for Harry, afraid of what Draco might do to him. “He's just a Rider, Draco. A simple Rider.”

Her words cut through Harry. She left the stables just as her cousin Ronald and Luna approached her. Hermione left with the company of Luna while Ron continued to the stables.

“When will you ever learn to stop shadowing my cousin?” Ron asked angrily as he stormed toward Draco. Draco was about to retort when he was cut off.

“He wasn't alone,” Harry stepped from the shadows. He saw a flash of surprise on Draco's face that was quickly replaced with anger. “I was just getting the tour of the stables,” Harry lied, looking directly at Draco who looked ready to explode with rage.

“Your entourage is in the courtyard. It looks like they are ready to leave and I believe you have overstayed your welcome,” Ron said shrewdly.

“I'm sure I'll be back soon,” Draco sneered and walked out of the stables, looking back once to give Harry a look of death.

“I'd keep a close eye on him if I were you,” Harry said to Ron as they watched Draco retreat. The two of the walked to the door of the stables and watched as the Slytherin entourage rode away. “I'd tell Viktor to watch his back as well.”


“You're leaving?” the King asked, surprised.

“The maiden's carriage will be leaving for Hufflepuff tomorrow, it is only right that we return with her,” Harry said to the King.

He stood in front of the throne in the Great Hall, Dumbledore stood next to the king, Hermione and Viktor on the other side. Ronald and Neville were in the courtyard with Luna. On the outside, Hermione looked calm and collected but inside she was crying.

“Very well,” the King sighed, “if you must. It is a shame that we have not yet repaid you.”

“Your generosity has been more than enough reward,” Harry said with respect.

The King smiled kindly on him. “Perhaps we will see you again. I will make sure that an invitation to the royal wedding will be extended to you.”

Harry's gaze flickered over to Hermione who excused herself from the room. Harry bowed to the king.

“You sure I can't change your mind?” Ron asked Harry as they stood in front of the carriage.

“I'm sure we'll be seeing each other soon,” Harry teased looking at Luna who blushed.

Harry and Neville busied themselves with the horses while Ron and Luna said their goodbyes. Neville nudged Harry in the side and when he looked up at him questioningly, he nodded up ahead. Harry looked up and saw Hermione approach them with Hedwig. Neville left the two of them alone.

“I wanted to return her to her rightful owner,” Hermione said as she handed the reigns to him. “I want you to return home safely and I only trust Hedwig to do that for me.” She said repeating the same words Harry had spoken to her when she left.

“Thank you,” Harry said, swallowing the lump in his throat, “thank you for taking such good care of her for me.”

“Of course,” Hermione smiled and Harry's heart broke a little more.

He reached behind his neck and took off the necklace Hermione had given him. Hermione looked up at him in confusion. Harry kissed her softly on her forehead as he closed her hand around the bauble.

“Goodbye,” Harry said softly then quickly mounted Hedwig.

The carriage clattered away and Harry followed pausing in front of Ron. He looked back at Hermione then at Ron.

“Remember what I said,” he told him then rode off the catch up with the carriage.

Ron walked back to his cousin who had tears in her eyes. He put his arm around her to comfort her.

“Do you love him?” he asked.

A tear fell down Hermione's cheek. “I gave Viktor my word,” she said then left his side to walk back to the castle.


Lucius sat in the carriage as it bumbled along, lost in his thoughts, wondering what Lord Voldemort would do with the information he had given him. His job was done, he just had to sit back and wait for further instructions.

Narcissa sat next to him, staring out the window at the passing forest. Draco rode up next to the window.

“We're inside our borders now,” he told his parents. “We should be home in a day.”

“Thank you, darling,” Narcissa said sweetly. “I think I shall read a book.”

Lucius looked away uninterested as his wife picked up a book and his son rode away. Draco nodded to two of the knights that were traveling with them, Crabbe and Goyle, and they broke away from the group, riding into the forest instead. Narcissa hummed and turned a page in her book.

“AMBUSH!!!” one of the guards yelled.

Brigands came out of the forest and attacked the royal entourage. Lucius panicked and shut and locked the carriage windows.

“How can you sit there and read at a time like this?” he roared at her.

Narcissa looked up at him calmly and turned a page. Inside the book was the cut outline of a dagger hidden inside.

The attack lasted ten minutes before the brigands retreated back into the forest. Draco rode up and down the entourage line. They had only lost a few soldiers and guards.

“Gather the wounded!” he ordered.

Just then he heard a scream from inside the carriage and the guards all drew their swords. Draco got off his horse and ran to yank open the door. His mother cradled his father in her lap, her dress red with blood and a dagger sticking from his father's chest.

“He's dead!” she cried. “The King is dead!”


11. Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

The castle at Anguin, where the Malfoy's resided, was very different from the one at Rowena. For one thing it was built of dark stone, larger than the one at Rowena of course, and although the interior seemed gloomy, it was exquisite.

The Great Chamber was large with buttresses that arched high overhead, the gargoyles sneered at the crowd that had gathered below, statues of kings past stood as giants among the crowd. A green, carpeted runner divided the room as the crowd on either side faced toward the throne.

A young man knelt before the High Council, dressed in an elaborate tunic and pants of the finest dark green silks. His cloak of dark velvet lined in dark fur trailed behind him. An older man, a member of the Council, placed a crown on his head of blond hair. It was silver and adorned with emeralds that glistened in the torchlight of the hall. The old man presented a sword, shining steel with a hilt adorned with a serpent, two large emeralds as its eyes. He tapped the young man on each shoulder with it as the young man recited an oath of allegiance to his country, his land and his people.

As he rose from his knees, clapping and cheers filled the hall, spilling out of the room to the castle grounds where the villagers huddled and waited en mass.

“All hail King Draco,” one of the Council members called out as the young man faced the chamber.

“Long live the King!” was the reply inside and out.

Lords and Ladies from across the land came to pay their respects to the new king. The Lords bowed cordially offering gifts of precious metals and stones, the Ladies laying down bouquets of the finest flora from their gardens. His mother, Narcissa, sat in the seat next to his, smiling politely at the well wishers.

“The Lady Violet of Orlich,” a servant announced as a dark haired beauty laid her bouquet before the king.

“Long live the King,” she said coquettishly and Draco nodded.

“The Lady Pansy of Anguin.”

Narcissa smiled with approval and the lovely young lady with fair hair and blue eyes. She was the young woman she was intending for her son.

“Long live the King,” Pansy said as she offered her bouquet.

“The Lady Hermione of Rowena, Princess of Ravenclaw.”

Narcissa watched with disdain as the Lady approached her son, kneeling and presenting her bouquet. Draco's gaze burned into her.

“Long live the King,” she said politely returning his gaze for only a moment before taking her leave. His eyes followed her, much to the queen's dismay. The Lady Hermione was a threat to the plans she had for her son and his intended. She needed to be dealt with and swiftly.

Hermione and Ron did not stay long in Slytherin. That very evening a messenger from Ravenclaw was sent delivering a note to Ron. Hermione was preparing herself for bed when the urgent knock came at her door.

“What is it?” she asked her cousin who had a grim look on his face.

“An army of the False King was seen headed west toward Hufflepuff,” he said breathlessly.

“Hufflepuff?” Hermione was alarmed. “You don't think they will attack Hogsmeade?”

For a moment, anger flashed through Ron's eyes. Was she thinking of Harry? She did not answer his question about her feelings for the Rider but she was adamant about marrying Viktor. Although, he didn't like Viktor going behind his back and asking for his cousin's hand, he was still his friend. And so was Harry and he didn't like being caught in the middle. Whatever was going on between his cousin and him, neither had made clear and it angered Ron that they could possibly be keeping a secret. But his anger quickly gave way to fear for Luna's life.

“Harry told me that they had been spotting more and more encampments along their borders. It's possible they were scouting a location to attack.”

Hermione ordered her chambermaids to pack her trunk, they were to leave immediately. “I can appeal to my father to send a small army to Hufflepuff. I assume you will lead it?”

“Your father is on his way to Arneau Tak with Viktor.”

From the shadows in the hall, Narcissa listened to the two of them. A small army would be leaving Rowena, including the young Sir de Weasley. It would leave the castle vulnerable with the future Queen residing in it alone. She silently backed down the corridor.

As the servants packed the trunks onto the carriage, Draco stepped into the courtyard. Hermione and Ron bowed politely.

“You were going to leave without saying goodbye? I thought you would be staying longer,” he said with disappointment in his voice.

Ron rolled his eyes, unseen by the king, and mounted his horse.

“An emergency has come up that needs to be dealt with,” Hermione said cordially.

“Is everything okay in Ravenclaw? It's not your father, is it?” Draco's voice had genuine concern in it.

“No, no. None of that but it is an urgent matter,” Hermione said as she climbed into the carriage.

Draco summoned a servant. “Send a group of twenty soldiers to accompany the Lady safely to the border,” he ordered.

“That really isn't necessary,” Hermione said but Draco waved her off.

“It's dark and as I know,” he sighed, “the roads aren't safe.”

Hermione looked at him. “I was sorry to hear about your father,” she said sincerely. Draco's expression was guarded.

“I'm hoping to see you again soon,” Draco quickly changed the subject. “One of the things I wish to do is strengthen our relationship with Ravenclaw. Please give your father the message that if Ravenclaw needs anything, Slytherin will extend a hand.”

“I will and thank you for your hospitality,” Hermione smiled.

Riding all night without a break, they reached Rowena just as the sun passed its midpoint in the sky. Hermione and Ron burst into the Great Hall.

“Send a small brigade of a hundred men to Hufflepuff,” she ordered her cousin. “You will lead the counter attack.”

“I want at least five hundred men,” Ron said.

“Fine, just leave immediately,” Hermione said.

Ron turned around and left the hall but stopped at the doors and turned back around.

“What?” Hermione asked at Ron's proud look on his face.

“Already a queen,” he said softly.

The army was ready in a few hours. Ron looked up in surprise to see his cousin join him, holding the reigns of her favorite horse.

“You don't think I'll be left behind, do you?” she smiled.

“Should I even bother protesting or will it be a waste of breath?” Ron said warily.

“Save your breath for the battle cousin,” she said as she mounted the horse.


Harry sat at a small table in the Hog's Head with Luna and Neville nursing a pint of ale. He was saying goodbye to the Lady Hermione from his life.

He's just a rider. A simple rider.

Her words cut through him. He felt foolish. What was he thinking? Did she really care for him? Did she really lose her heart to him? How could she when she so easily gave it away to Sir Viktor? What could he offer her anyway? Sir Draco was right, he did not belong in that world.

“Listen to her, she's still ranting and raving about it,” Luna said disdainfully looking at Cho.

“I don't think anybody in Hufflepuff got an invitation,” Neville said.

“Invitation to what?” Harry asked.

Luna and Neville both looked at him.

“Harry where have you been lately?” Luna asked.

Harry lifted up his half empty pint and Neville sighed.

“You have to get over her, mate.”

“She loves you Harry. Ginny told me so but she has…” Luna was cut off by Harry.

“…a duty to fufill. I've heard it all,” he said sullenly. “Anyway, invitation to what?”

“The Slytherin coronation. Draco is the new king,” Luna announced.

Harry who had been taking a drink spit it out, spraying the contents.

“What?!” he said, wiping his chin.

“The royal entourage was attacked by brigands coming back from Ravenclaw. The king was killed in the ambush,” Neville informed him.

“There haven't been brigands in Slytherin for decades,” Harry said thoughtfully. “A bit odd don't you think?” Neville and Luna shrugged.

They didn't have long to ponder this thought before Sirius burst through the doors.

“Harry, Neville, we need you right away at the Great Hall,” he panted as if he'd been running.

“Is everything okay?” Harry asked.

“Dumbledore needs you right away,” he said.

“Dumbledore?” Harry asked, springing to his feet. “He's back.”

“Come, quickly!” Sirius said dragging the men out of the door.

Harry had no idea what was going on. He had received no word that Dumbledore was on his way back from Ravenclaw. The Great Hall was crowded with the local land owners, farmers and Riders. Dumbledore stood in the center of the hall surrounded by them.

“I came as quickly as I received the word from the King,” Dumbledore was saying as they walked in. “They were seen headed this way two days ago.” At this a murmur went through the crowd.

“Two days!” Master Chang spoke up. “They are upon us already!”

“Which is why I have summoned every available hand we have,” Dumbledore said patiently.

“Who's here?” Harry asked.

“An army of the False King was seen headed in our direction two days ago,” Sirius whispered.

“Merlin's beard,” Neville gasped and Harry swore under his breath.

The crowd was dismissed to spread the news and ready themselves for battle. Dumbledore sought Harry out immediately.

“Take the riders and spread them out along the city walls. You are our eyes and our first line of defense,” Dumbledore said quietly.

“What about Ravenclaw? Are they sending help?” Harry asked.

“The messenger had just missed the King, I redirected him to Arneau Tak. Provided the King received it in time he will not be able to do anything until he reaches the fort. I doubt he will do anything in time, the fort is four days ride to here. I'm afraid we are on our own.”

The clanking of the blacksmith's filled the night air and well into the morning as each able bodied man was armed with a sword and armor. The women and small children took refuge in the basements of the Three Broomsticks or the Hog's Head. Luna took it upon herself to see over the refugees in the Three Broomsticks, stocking up on bread, cheese, water and blankets. The same thought ran over and over in their heads. They were a small quiet village, why would the False King send an army to destroy them?

Night soon fell and Harry stood on the perimeter fence, staring out into the dark.

“Harry,” Neville whispered nodding to his right.

He heard them first before he saw the lights. The stomping of the soldiers, the twigs snapping underfoot as they marched through the forest. The flames of the torches appeared in the darkness. Harry's heart beat hard in his chest. He could hear the faint yells of the general in the distance.

“We'll be alright,” Harry said quietly to his friend. “We'll be alright.”

Dumbledore joined him on the perimeter. “Of course we will,” he said smiling, “we have you.”


Ron rode up next to Hermione.

“We have to stop and rest. My men will be of no use if we get there quickly but are too tired to fight.”

Hermione nodded.

“We'll make camp here. Let the men rest overnight then resume in the morning,” he said.

“How far are we?” she asked.

“About half a day,” Ron answered.

Hermione's horse fidgeted. “What if we are too late?” she barely voiced the thought as if it would make it true.

“We'll be in time. We have to be.”

She did not sleep well that night. She wondered if anyone else felt like this and if they did was it worth it to stop if you weren't going to get any rest, anyway. She stared up at the roof of her tent.

“Please don't let us be too late. Please,” she pleaded to her ancestors.

Harry lowered his hand in a slashing motion, signaling the archers. Bright flares flew into the air, landing in the forest and illuminated the oncoming army. A bright orange glow filled the forest as a giant fireball flew in their direction.

“Above!!” Harry yelled as the fireball landed in the middle of the town. Another one followed it, crashing into a building and setting it aflame. Screams and yells from the townspeople could be heard.

“Ready the trebuchets!” Neville shouted his order.

The squeaky wooden wheels of the catapults made its arrival as it was hauled into the streets. At Neville command they were let loose sending large boulders over the town walls. They hit their marks, dropping the numbers of the invading army.

The Riders stood looking down as the army marched toward the town. Bows strung and arrows notched, they waited for Harry's command. At the sound of a horn they ran for the city. Harry fired an arrow into the onslaught and the others shortly followed. A wall of the False King's soldiers fell.

“Shields!” Harry yelled bringing up his shield to guard his body. The others followed suit as the invading army sent their answer to Harry's attack. The arrows whizzed by his head, some hitting his shield with a dull clank. He could hear the groans of some of his men as they were struck down.

“Go!” Dumbledore signaled to the archers that were hidden within the city walls. Neville sent another wave of stones. The False King answered as more fireballs hit the town.

“Put it out!” Sirius ordered as the women who chose not to hide ran with water from the wells. The horses screamed in panic when a fireball hit too close to the stables. The men set them free before they tore down the place.

“Fire at will,” Harry ordered as the enemies reached the wall. There was a loud boom and the wall shuddered.

“They have a battering ram!” he heard Oliver shout.

“Secure the door!” Dumbledore ordered and Remus took a group of men with him to support the barricade.

He stood in the center of the village, taking out his wand and closing his eyes to concentrate. Harry felt the wind stir around him and dark clouds swirl above him. Suddenly, lightning shot down, a bright flash of light that nearly turned the night to day. It struck in the middle of the oncoming army. It struck again, then again, decimating their numbers. But still they came. Harry drew his sword as the first of the ladders hit the perimeter fence. The other riders followed suit.

“Faith be with you,” Neville said to Harry.

“And to you,” Harry said, hoping to see his friend when all this was over.


As they left the clearing, the Ravenclaw army saw smoke rising in the distance. Hermione looked at Ron, a slight panic in her face. Ron picked up the pace of the army.

Harry ran down from the perimeter to help barricade the gate. But before he could get there, there was a loud crack and the gate gave way. The False King's army spilled through. Dumbledore sent small explosions their way as they bottlenecked through the broken door. Hogsmeade was going to fall, they were infiltrated over the walls and now the gate was broken down. He was surprised and proud that they had lasted through the night.

He heard the unfamiliar blast of a horn followed by a low rumble. The enemy burst through the door, rushing into the village as if running from something. Running in a panic to Harry and the other Riders' swords. The final remains of the gate gave way and a sight ran through that Harry was so happy to see in his entire life.

A familiar red head led countless soldiers on horseback, bearing blue and silver, through the gates, swords drawn. He could hear the shouts of more soldiers from outside the city walls. The battle quickly ended as Ravenclaw and the Hogsmeade soldiers demolished the enemy's army.

Ron dismounted and fought his way to his friend.

“Sorry we're late,” he said when he reached Harry.

“Better late than never,” he smiled.

“We can set up a sick bay inside the stables, take the wounded there,” Harry ordered another Rider.

Ravenclaw soldiers helped the townspeople put out the fires. Dumbledore walked out of the Three Broomsticks with the women and children.

“Ron! Ron!” Luna screamed.

“Luna!” Ron was so thankful that she was unharmed. They rushed into each others arms, Ron held her tight, whispering words of love into her ears as she covered his face in kisses and tears of joy. Dumbledore and Harry smiled at the sight.

“I didn't think the King received the message in time to send help,” Dumbledore said to Ron jovially.

Ron turned away from Luna. “He didn't. I received the message.”

“Well, then who sent the armies here?” Sirius asked, joining the group.

Ron looked over the men's heads.

Hermione looked at Harry as the men turned their heads to her. Thank the heaven's he's alive. He's alive! Harry just stared at Hermione. She was a vision, a regal lady sitting upon her horse looking down at him…

…with love and relief in her eyes.

“Milady,” Sirius stumbled forward to help the Lady from her horse.

“You sent the armies?” Dumbledore asked, his eyes twinkling.

“I had to,” Hermione said in a small voice. “It was least Ravenclaw could do.”

A crowd had gathered around the group, the villagers whispering amongst themselves.

“It is her.”

“The Lady Hermione.”

One by one the crowd kneeled before her. Marietta nudged a gaping Cho hard in ribs, yanking her down to kneel.

“No, please don't kneel,” Hermione said, walking to one of the villagers. “I am the one who is honored to be in the presence of such brave people.”

Harry watched as she brought the people to their feet. He could not love her more than at this moment.

She was his queen.

“Please, I've brought fresh food and water, and clean bandages for the wounded.” She motioned to some of the soldiers who brought forth packages to the villagers. Hermione looked at Harry one more time as if reassuring herself that he was still alive before she was ushered away to help the villagers.

Although the damage to the town was great, they could rebuild. Hermione spent most of the day in the sick ward, brightening their moods with her presence. But the sheer number of casualties was overwhelming to her. She couldn't understand how her cousin could deal with it. Mothers had lost sons, wives lost husbands and children lost fathers. The guilt overwhelmed her and she eventually needed to get away.

She sought solace in the now empty Great Hall. Walking to a pillar she rested her back against it then slid down in a slump. Tears fell from her eyes and she cried silently for those who had been lost and the families that had been broken. The door opened and footsteps filled the room. Hermione quickly scrambled to her feet and wiped her eyes.

“Harry,” she said quietly, surprised at her visitor.

Harry had also sought the quiet of the Great Hall but was surprised to see it was already occupied.

“Milady,” he said, “you should not be alone and unguarded.” He was a bit peeved at the Ravenclaw soldiers for leaving her unprotected.

“I wanted to be alone,” Hermione said. “You of all people should know I can get away when I want to.”

Harry gave a small laugh. Hermione moved closer to him, standing in front of him.

“Were you hurt badly? I didn't see you in the stables,” Hermione said, eyeing the bandages on his arms and one on his head. She raised her fingers to touch them but at the last second thought better of it bringing them back to her sides.

“Just a few scrapes,” Harry whispered. He could smell the scent of cinnamon and vanilla from her. She was so close to him.

“I'm sorry we didn't come sooner,” she said, her voice breaking. “All those people…dead.”

He so desperately wanted to comfort her. “We're thankful that you showed up at all. Thanks to you, we still have a town to rebuild. For every man we lost, two will go home to their families.”

She looked up at him, a small smile growing on those lush lips that begged to be kissed. Tears unshed pooled in her eyes. Harry needed to pull himself away from her.

“I hope you will not get in trouble with your father for this. Or Viktor,” Harry said, stepping away from her.

“It doesn't matter. I would send armies wherever you were in danger,” Hermione clamped her mouth shut, she spoke too much.

Harry gazed at her. She did this for him?

“Be cautious, my Queen. Your fair knight would not be happy if he thought he lost your heart,” Harry said softly.

“He can't lose something he never had in the first place,” Hermione whispered back but Harry couldn't help but notice the sadness in it.

Hermione gave him a small smile and gathered her skirts to leave. Walking past him toward the door she paused and looked over her shoulder.

“Give Cho Chang my best. She is the luckiest maiden in all the lands.”

She turned and continued on her way. She heard quick footsteps behind her then felt herself being turned around. Harry held on to her arms, his eyes gazing into hers before his lips descended upon hers. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck as the flame of desire roared within her. Harry gathered her in his arms, his kisses intensified, he couldn't get enough of her. She ran her hands through his hair bringing him closer to her. She tasted sweeter than he remembered and he didn't want to be without her taste ever again.

Their kiss was interrupted by a door opening and another person entering the room. Ron saw his cousin in the Rider's arms. Hurt and anger flashed in his eyes.


12. Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

Harry had been reluctant to leave Hermione's side but she needed to speak with her cousin alone. After he had left their company, Ron took a seat on a bench, the silence permeating throughout the large structure.

“I love him, Ron,” Hermione said, breaking the silence. “I love him like you love Luna.”

Ron sighed and slumped. “I know,” he said quietly. “I had my suspicions when I saw your necklace around his neck. Why didn't you tell me?” He looked up at her.

“You're very overprotective, Ron,” Hermione sighed.

“But I thought you would be able to trust me with this,” his voice had a hint of hurt in it.

“I would trust you with this…I will. But look how you are with Viktor. You've barely spoken any words to him since you found out about our engagement.”

“Speaking of him…what are you going to do?” he asked.

“What can I do?” she sighed, sitting next to her cousin.

“Break it off with him,” Ron urged.

“You're not the only one who has asked that of me.”

“Malfoy?” he asked and Hermione nodded.

“If I go back on my word to Viktor, Si—King Draco will hound me. The mere thought of being his queen…” Hermione shivered.

“He hounds you even though your hand is already taken.” Ron sat back thoughtfully, remembering Harry's warning to watch over Viktor. “I wish he were of noble blood because if there was anyone I could trust to watch over your well being and safety, it would be him.” Hermione burst into tears. “When we were captured by the False King, the necklace that you gave him was taken from him. While we were escaping, he risked his life by getting it back. That says more to me than any actions Viktor has taken.” He embraced his cousin. “I cannot imagine what you are going through. The thought of me not being able to love Luna freely pains me greatly. But you are stronger than me, the strongest person I know. What you did for these people today is a mere hint of the character that you will bring to the throne. This is what the land needs.”

“Thank you, Ron.”

Ron left his cousin's side and walked out of the Great Hall. Harry was waiting outside.

“She loves you, you know,” Ron said to his new friend.

“And I love her,” Harry replied.

“I saw you…with the maiden Cho Chang,” Ron began but Harry cut him off.

“There is no other. She was too late to take a place in my heart.”

“If what you feel for my cousin is any bit like how I feel for Luna, then I understand why you would torture yourselves like this.”

“I would a go a lifetime being happy knowing that I had only a few moments with her,” Harry said sincerely. “She will be the queen.”

“Yes…she will,” Ron nodded solemnly.


Narcissa Malfoy walked hastily down the corridor, her cloak billowed behind her, the hood covering her head as she met a bulky shadow in the dark.

“My Queen,” the figure bowed respectfully.

“This is to be delivered to Severus Snape at the Ravenclaw castle with you,” she said quietly but firmly, handing him a rolled parchment. “I have a small group of men waiting for you in the courtyard. These are your orders,” she handed him another small piece of parchment.

The man read it then raised his eyebrows as he looked up at her.

“No one is to see you go in or out of the castle. Slit her throat quickly and quietly. Leave her to be found for the chambermaids in the morning,” Narcissa said sharply.

“As you wish, My Queen,” he bowed respectfully.

“Upon your return, you shall be rewarded greatly,” she finished then left hastily.

“Indeed I shall,” the man said.


There was a celebration that night in Hogsmeade, a celebration of victory that they shared with their new Ravenclaw friends. The ale flowed, the musicians played and the people's spirits soared as they danced and sung along. Harry did his best not to show the whole village he was in love with the future queen. They had to keep it a secret but every once in awhile they would share a look that spoke sentences of their adoration for each other. He shared a dance with her, holding her in his arms, looking into her eyes with love that was reflected back in hers.

The next day they rode to Eaglesview together. They started out on separate horses but when they were well out of the village, Harry brought Hermione onto Hedwig, riding the rest of the way with the other horse following behind.

They lay down together in the soft grass, his head next to hers as they stared up into the blue sky. Harry's hand gently twirled a curl of her hair around his fingers lazily.

“I've made up my mind,” Hermione said softly. “I'm going to break off the engagement.”

Harry stopped playing with her hair. “No,” he said firmly.

“No?” Hermione asked quizzically.

Harry sat up. “You can't, Hermione,” he sighed. “Another suitor will come along, this one not as good for you as Sir Viktor is.”

“I'll not marry,” Hermione said stubbornly, sitting up as well. “Harry, the thought of another man…”

“I know,” Harry cut her off. “I know, it kills me inside too.”

“It isn't fair,” Hermione cried. “I love you!”

Harry drew her into his arms, kissing the top of her head. “And I love you. I love you enough to give you up to Sir Viktor than the Slytherin King.”

He lay her down gently on the soft grass, kissing her passionately and committing to memory the feel of her underneath him. She returned his kisses, losing herself in the flame of desire that Harry fanned with each caress over her body. His hand rested on the knot that would undo her dress.

“Harry,” she whispered.

Harry stopped to look at the fear and sadness in her eyes. The reality that she wasn't his to take began to settle around them. He moved his hand away from her and kissed her softly one more time.

They decided to walk together, hand in hand until they reached the waterfall where they could refresh their horses and ride back to the village. As they neared it, Harry suddenly stopped and drew his sword.

“What it is?” Hermione whispered fearfully.

Harry put a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. Stealthily they walked, silently approaching a clearing by the water fall. They found that they were not the only ones who were seeking the solitude of the forests.

Luna and Ron sat by the waterfall, a goblet rested between them. Ron drew out a small flask of wine and filled the goblet. Luna drew out a small dagger from its sheath.

“What is she doing?” Hermione whispered.

Harry gave a small smile. “Binding herself to him,” he whispered back. “It's a proclamation of her love for him. We've been doing it for ages. She's telling him that she could love no other, that her body and soul belong to him and him alone.”

“Really?” Hermione's interest was peaked.

She watched as Luna made a small cut on her palm then making a small one on Ron's. She held her palm over the goblet, letting a few drops fall and Ron did the same. They joined their hands, bleeding palms face to face as Luna wrapped a handkerchief around their wrists and together they tied the knot.

Harry moved Hermione silently back to the horses.

“They'll say their vows of love to each other then drink the wine,” Harry said as he mounted Hedwig.

“Ron will marry her,” Hermione said smiling. “He told me yesterday. He's just waiting for the King's approval.”

They shared a sad look with each other, a look mingled with longing.

If only…


Draco sat silently as he watched his mother across the table eat her dinner. The food before him lay untouched.

“Do you like it?” Draco asked.

“You know it is one of my favorites,” Narcissa answered, daintily placing another morsel in her mouth.

“Good, I had the cooks specially prepare it for you,” he said, smiling.

Silence fell over the table before Draco broke it again.

“I heard the most interesting rumor.”

“Really? About whom?” Narcissa raised a goblet to her lips.

“About Ravenclaw,” Draco replied.

“What could possibly be interesting about that dismal place?” Narcissa said dismissively.

“I heard that someone formed a plot to kill the Lady Hermione,” Draco said disinterestedly.

“Really?” Narcissa raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, the plot was to sneak into the Ravenclaw castle and slit her precious throat,” Draco picked up a knife and sliced it through the air. “Letting her bleed to death until she was found the next morning.”

“How terrible,” Narcissa replied.

“Yes, such an awful thing to do to the future Slytherin Queen. But do you know the worst part of it?” Draco asked. “The mastermind behind this…sinister plot lives within these castle walls.”

Narcissa carefully folded her napkin in her lap. “Well…thankfully it was just an awful rumor.”

Draco placed the knife back on the table. “Yes thankfully, because if it were true the mastermind would have soon found out that the ones she could trust before to carry out her dastardly deeds now have loyalty to me. I would have been told every detail of that plan, intercepted whatever messages she wanted to send to others and punished her for this crime by poisoning the very meal in front of her.”

Narcissa paled and her heart beat loudly in her chest. Tears welled in her eyes and dropped slowly down her cheeks as her son got up from his chair and slowly approached her.

“The poison will work slowly,” he said, “by now you will realize you cannot move a limb.”

Narcissa tried to move her hands but they lay still on top of the table, her legs unmoving under the table.

“But I am a just king and I will give you a chance to plea for your life,” he sat next to his mother and drew out the rolled parchment with its seal broken. “Is it true what is going to happen to Ravenclaw?”

Narcissa said nothing. Draco reached into his cloak and brought out a small vial. “This is the antidote. Play nicely mother and I'll give it to you.”

“It's true,” Narcissa said quietly, “Lord Voldemort's army will overtake Arneau Tak then seize Rowena.”

“You say his name,” Draco said surprised. “My, my. What have my loving parents been up to?” He tapped the parchment, “It mentions something in here about the Lost Heir being found. Is this true as well?”

Narcissa trembled. “Yes,” she said meekly.

Draco leaned in close to his mother. “I want you to tell me everything.”


Cedric and his Riders waited with baited breath, the arrows notched and quivered in their bows as the clatter of hooves grew louder. Was it another attack? The horses appeared through the clearing mist, riders atop bearing the colors of Ravenclaw.

“Hold!” Cedric called out.

The Riders relaxed their arrows and the Ravenclaw soldiers stilled their horses as Cedric left to meet them.

The doors of the Great Hall burst open as a wounded Ravenclaw soldier and Cedric held up a third person who was gravely injured.

Dumbledore rose to his feet and met the trio. “What happened?”

“Can you help him?” the soldier Dumbledore now recognized as Sir Viktor Krum asked.

Sirius and Remus ran over to offer their assistance.

“It was an ambush!” Viktor gasped out. “The King was injured badly so we tried to ride back to Rowena but we were blocked by more armies of the false king.”

“Hermione! My daughter!” the King gasped aloud, wincing in pain.

“Please, I must leave and rejoin the group outside your borders. We are trying to reach Rowena and the Lady Hermione before the False King does.”

“The Lady is safe here in Hogsmeade,” Dumbledore said calmly and Viktor gave a confused look. He unwrapped the bandage around the King's middle to see the wound. He nodded gravely then looked at Sirius.

“Find the Lady and her cousin and bring them here immediately,” he said.

There was no need as the doors burst open and Hermione, Harry and Ron ran through.

“What has happened?” Ron asked.

“Oh!” Hermione exclaimed at seeing her father wounded before Dumbledore. Harry just stared in shock. “Father,” she whispered falling to her knees at his side.

“Can you help him?” Ron asked quietly.

“I will do my best,” he smiled kindly, “but I'll need everyone to leave the room.” Ron and Hermione opened their mouths to protest but Dumbledore stopped them. “Everyone but you two.”

The wait outside the Great Hall seemed to take forever. Sirius sat with Remus while Harry paced back and forth, worried about the Lady Hermione and her father. Viktor sat on a nearby boulder, deep in thought.

“You should have your injuries checked,” Harry spoke up to Viktor.

Viktor blinked as he was ripped out of his thoughts and looked at his wounds. “I will,” he said quietly. Then he looked at Harry. “Why are the Lady and her cousin here?”

“We were attacked by an army of the False King. A small Ravenclaw army was sent to assist us,” Sirius spoke up. Viktor's eyebrows raised but he didn't look at him, he still kept his eyes on Harry.

“That doesn't explain why the Lady is here,” Viktor said.

“She was the one who sent the army, I assume she wanted to ride along,” Remus spoke up this time.

Viktor was still looking at Harry. “I'm not a fool,” he said quietly to him.

“She chose you. She loves you,” Harry lied.

Sirius and Remus stared back and forth between the two men. There was a tension in the air that was broken when Dumbledore walked out of the Great Hall. The look on his face was grave.

“I cannot heal his injuries, they are too great,” he said solemnly. “But I took away his pain, he shall pass away in peace.”

The men all hung their heads.

“How long?” Viktor asked, his voice breaking.

“We will be lucky if he lasts until the morning,” Dumbledore answered.

Sorrow for Hermione and Ron filled Harry's heart. He was too young to remember what it was like to lose his parents, but the thought of losing someone close to him now filled him with pain. He so desperately wanted to comfort Hermione, to hold her in his arms, to be the one to wipe the tears from her eyes. But it was not his place to do it. He watched as Viktor left the group to be inside with the other two.

“The Lady Hermione will be queen sooner than she wants to,” Sirius sighed.

“She is ready,” Dumbledore sighed.

“If there's a Ravenclaw left for her to rule over,” Harry added.


Generals and other soldiers of rank gathered in the Three Broomsticks, pouring over the map of Ravenclaw. Harry and Neville stood among them. Viktor had protested but Ron wouldn't hear anything of it.

“So Arneau Tak has fallen,” Ron said quietly.

“We tried to ride to Rowena as fast as we could but we were cut off here,” Viktor said, pointing to the map.

“Two armies…” Ron sighed.

“The soldiers broke in two, half just outside the border of Hufflepuff, the other half is winding its way to Rowena,” Viktor said.

“We can lead the soldiers that are here, through this pass,” Harry said pointing to the map. “We can reach Rowena in two days.”

“We?” Viktor asked, staring hard at Harry but Ron didn't notice.

“Yeah…yeah we'll do that. Viktor, you will rejoin the group just outside our borders and head to Rowena. Harry and I will take the others through the mountains and meet you there.”

After more planning, Ron and Harry left for the Great Hall to see the King.

“You don't have to do this,” Ron said quietly as they walked. “This really isn't your battle.”

“It's the least I can do,” Harry answered.

Ron stopped and faced Harry. “You're a good man Harry. You have more honor in you than anyone I know of. Even those of noble blood.”

Harry gave a small smile then walked into the Great Hall. The King was with Dumbledore, resting peacefully on a soft bed.

“Ronald, my nephew,” the King's voice was hoarse. “What news have you?” Ron and Harry kneeled respectfully before him then took their places at his side.

“Sir Viktor will leave to rejoin the army outside the borders and will ride to Rowena. Harry and I will take the soldiers here and lead them through the mountains to Rowena,” Ron said.

The King raised his eyebrows. “You and Harry?”

“Yes Your Majesty,” Harry answered respectfully.

“When I heard my daughter was safe here within the borders of Hufflepuff, a great burden was lifted from me. I feared she was still at Rowena. Once again our neighbors have come to the aid of Ravenclaw as I heard we have come to your aid. And now, a son of Hufflepuff, wishes to place himself in danger so that Rowena will not fall.”

“Rowena must not fall,” Ron said.

“Yes, yes,” the King muttered. “I have been speaking with Dumbledore about this young man. Such an honorable young man to do this without seeking reward.”

“Actually…Your Majesty…I have thought of a reward,” Harry said timidly.

The King's eyebrows rose. “Is that so?” he said.

“Yes…” Harry paused and swallowed, “knighthood. I wish to be a Knight of Ravenclaw.”

Silence followed this. Harry's heart beat loud in his chest. Did he ask for too much? He looked up at Dumbledore. His expression was soft, his eyes twinkled. He looked at Ron who was looking back at him with admiration. The King was silence in deep thought.

“Knighthood is usually bestowed upon those of noble blood,” the King began but Ron cut him off.

“I can vouch for him.”

The King waved his hand in impatience. “Ronald, you never learn when to hold your tongue, do you?” Ron blushed to the roots of his hair. “Always too hasty. Anyway, what I was saying was that Knighthood is usually bestowed upon those of noble blood. But they can also be granted to those whose character and valor have been of great asset to Ravenclaw. You, Harry, have shown such bravery and honor and have many times come to the aid of Ravenclaw. I was hoping you would ask this of me. Yes, Harry, Ravenclaw would be honored to grant you Knighthood.”


Ron stood quietly with Harry in a room off the side of the Great Hall as he was dressed by a page. Hermione stormed into the room.

“Leave us,” her command was short and curt, her eyes flashed dangerously with anger.

“Milady!” Ron protested.

“I said, leave us!” she hissed violently.

Ron audibly gulped and looked apologetically at Harry before he and the page left them. Harry was wondering when this news would reach her.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked.

“I would say for honor and glory of Ravenclaw but that would be a lie,” Harry answered plainly.

“Don't do this,” Hermione pleaded. “This isn't your battle.”

“If it concerns you, it is my battle,” Harry answered softly. “Rowena is your home and I wish to protect it.”

“I would not put you in harms way because of me,” Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

“I can think of no other end to me than protecting you and with your name on lips.”

“Lips that I wish I could kiss but cannot, arms that will wield the sword that I wish would hold me?” Hermione's voice was filled with longing.

“I cannot bear another moment without you nearby,” Harry said sincerely. “I would rather live as a Knight protecting you and all you hold dear than to spend another moment so far away from you.”

“And who will protect you?” Hermione asked.

“Your love is all the protection I need.”

Hermione stepped toward him. “Don't do this. I'm asking you. Please do not do this.”

Harry put a hand tenderly on her cheek. “My Queen,” he whispered.

A knock at the door broke the moment and Harry stepped away from her. Ron poked his head through the door.

“Milady, your father is ready,” he announced.

Ravenclaw Knights filled the Great Hall standing alongside Neville and the other Riders Harry rode with, Remus, Sirius and Luna. At the dais, Dumbledore sat next to the King, who was too weak to sit and who lay in his bed. Ronald would do the induction. Hermione stood next to him and Viktor next to her. Harry stood alone in front of them.

“Kneel, Harry Potter,” Ron spoke aloud and Harry obeyed, kneeling on his right knee. “Your sword.”

Harry withdrew his sword and placed it in front of him, point down, his right hand on the hilt. Dumbledore inhaled sharply when he saw the sword. Its gold hilt with the lion emblazoned upon it, gilded with rubies. The sword of Gryffindor.

“Do you swear your allegiance to Ravenclaw, its land and its people?” Ron asked.

“I swear it,” Harry replied.

“Do you swear to serve those who are less fortunate, to uphold the law and be just and fair of judgment?”

“I swear it,” Harry replied.

“Do you swear allegiance to your brothers in arms, to fight alongside them, to protect them as they protect you?”

“I swear it.”

“Do you swear your allegiance to the Queen, to protect her and her honor and glory?”

Harry's gaze shifted briefly over to Hermione, whose eyes bore into his. Don't do this, please don't do this, they begged.

“I swear it.”

Hermione let out a small breath, closing her eyes and biting back the tears that threatened to fall. Ron drew the King's sword and tapped Harry on the shoulders.

“By proxy of the King, I dub thee Sir Harry Potter, Knight of the Highest Honors of Ravenclaw.” Ron sheathed the sword and smiled down at him. “Rise…Sir Harry.”


13. Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

The King passed away during the night and Dumbledore crowned Hermione shortly thereafter. It was a small ceremony held in the Great Hall. The King's crown was transfigured to fit her. It was silver and tastefully adorned with sapphires and diamonds. Harry stood waiting with his fellow Knights for his turn to proclaim his loyalties to her. One by one they knelt before her. Dumbledore stood next to Harry.

“She will be brave enough to face what is coming to her. It is always difficult to come into reign during a time of conflict,” he sighed.

“Rowena will not fall,” Harry said determinedly.

“I know, Harry,” Dumbledore smiled kindly at him. “You will put her on the throne.”

Harry's stomach dropped. He had heard those words spoken before in a dream. In this dream, Harry had been the one to crown Hermione and the crown had daggers in it that would impale the one who wore it.

He looked away from Dumbledore and back up to Hermione. A feeling of uneasiness washed over him.

The soldiers prepared to leave in the early morning mist. The streets were filled with horses and pages scurrying about trying to get everything in order. Harry said goodbye to his friends and the only family he had ever known. Madame Rosemerta was in tears, along with many young ladies of the village. He said goodbye to Remus, Neville and the other Riders and wished them all well and hoped he would see them again soon. He had to choke back a few tears when he said goodbye to his godfather Sirius.

Ron insisted on a carriage for Hermione and Luna insisted on riding in it with her. Dumbledore insisted on coming along as well but he wanted to ride with Harry. Harry was grateful for this, he needed a familiar face in Ravenclaw.

Viktor's regiment was ready to go and Hermione walked over to him. He stood by his horse as it was being readied.

“You will be careful, won't you?” Hermione asked him.

He turned to look at her. “I fear for your safety. I wish I was riding with you.”

“I'll be fine. Ron and Dumbledore are riding with me,” she smiled.

Viktor noticed that she didn't mention the Rider Harry. Although he was Knighted, he would always be a Rider to him. He smiled, inside he was triumphant that she had chosen him over the Rider. He wrapped an arm around her and drew her to him in a deep kiss that he had never given her before.

Harry had been watching them from a distance. He was with Hedwig preparing her saddle. Yanking on the straps, he fought the jealousy that flared within him. Although he was a Knight, he was still not of noble blood. He couldn't help but envy Viktor. Although he had her heart and love, Viktor would be the one to stand by her side, to share her bedchamber with, she would bear his children. He tore his eyes away from them, he would channel his feelings into the battle for Rowena.


King Draco looked up at the black castle in front of him, its fiery moat, its tall black spires that reached to the stormy sky above. He entered its gates into the large foyer. A dozen people robed in cloaks that hid their faces stood waiting for him. Draco had his own entourage with him, his Knights that he kept close around him.

“I was wondering when I would meet you,” a cold voice spoke aloud.

The robed figures stepped apart, letting the False King into the room. He was tall and wore robes of the blackest of black. A jolt of fear shot through Draco but he quickly hid it. He was here, he was in the actual presence of the False King.

“I admit that I am curious of your proposition,” the False King said. “But I was most curious to meet the one who brought about the end of my two best Death Eaters.”

“I had no idea of my parents being Death Eaters until my mother informed me,” Draco replied.

“Indeed?” the False King said. He looked at the Knights that accompanied the young king. “I take it, they are your best?” he asked, motioning to them.

“Of course, I only surround myself with the best,” Draco sniffed.

The False King suddenly brought out his wand and a blast of green light spewed from it, breaking into two and hitting the two Knights next to him. Draco bit down on his tongue to strangle the cry that threatened to escape his lips as the two people next to him fell lifeless to the floor.

“An eye for an eye,” the False King shrugged, his manner was casual as if he'd just squashed two insects. “Walk with me, Draco.”

“King Draco,” he corrected him.

The False King just looked at him. Draco paused a moment then stepped forward.

“I have to say that your disposal of your parents came at a most unlikely time for me. They were about to send me some important information.”

“I have that important information that you seek,” Draco said.

“Yes, yes I know. And I suppose this is where we barter?” the False King asked.

“I know you are setting attacks on Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw as we speak. I want your word that Rowena will not fall.”

The False King raised an eyebrow at him. “Not a care for Hufflepuff or the rest of Ravenclaw?”

“I want leverage,” Draco said plainly.

The False King peered closely at him, he didn't speak for a moment but a knowing smile grew on his face.


Word had traveled of the King's death so that by the time Hermione reached Ravenclaw black banners had been hung on the castle walls. The residents were grieving but were so happy that the Lady Hermione was safe and now she was their Queen. Her official presentation to the people would take place in a couple of days.

As they rode into Rowena, the villagers cheered. Some of them pointing to Harry, recognizing him as the Rider from Hufflepuff, Hero to Ravenclaw now turned Knight.

“Got a few fans already, Harry,” Ron teased as some of the young women called out his name.

Harry blushed and kept on riding. The sounds of the village were muffled as the castle gates closed. Pages ran to assist their Knights and servants rushed to the carriage to assist the new queen and her guest.

Severus Snape stepped through the doors toward Hermione.

“Your Majesty,” he said, bowing deeply to Hermione.

“Severus,” Hermione greeted him. “Why are the people not inside the castle walls?”

“We've only just received word of the approaching army. Ten thousand strong my Queen,” Severus replied.

She inhaled sharply. Ron, Viktor and Harry heard the number and shared a glance. They were seriously outnumbered.

She turned to Viktor. “How many do we have?”

Viktor paused. “Five thousand,” he said quietly.

“It will have to do,” Hermione sighed. “In the meantime, I want every Knight out there gathering as many women and children into the castle. Have them take only a few important possessions, we must fit as much as we can outside these castle walls. Find any able bodied man and fit him ready to fight.”

“Yes, your Majesty,” Ron said and set off right away. Harry and Viktor followed.

“Severus, I need you to ready this castle for the people. Make sure we have enough food and water to last us as long as possible.”

“As you wish my Queen.”

Panic hit the villagers as word of the oncoming attack was spread. The people were scared, the roads gridlocked with people trying to flee into the castle. Fights broke out amongst the people who were clamoring onto wagons. Runaway wagons ran other down who were too slow to step out of their paths. The Knights did their best to keep order in the evacuation.

“I've never seen anything like it,” Ron said to Harry as he dove out of the way of a galloping horse.

“The people are scared,” Harry said.

A loud crash was heard as two wagons crashed into each other, their passengers tumbled onto a road, most of them children. Harry swore angrily and stomped over to the melee. He made his way to the center of the crowd, pushing his way through angry arguing people.

“Stop this!” he shouted but his voice was lost amongst the riot. Harry drew his sword. “I said STOP THIS!!” He thrust the dagger angrily into the ground. There was a loud sound like thunder crashing on that spot that made everyone jump but Harry was so angry he didn't notice. The people were immediately silenced. Ron and the other knights uncovered their ears and looked uneasily at each other then at Harry.

“Look at you!” he shouted to the villagers. “The enemy is not even here and you are doing a fine job of finishing each other off! Running around like sheep who've heard the wolf call from far away in the forest. You are citizens of Rowena! The greatest city in all of Ravenclaw! Your fellow countrymen have fled their villages to be here because this is the beacon of your country. Your Queen opens her doors to protect those who cannot be protected because she cares for them. She asks those who can fight to fight because she believes in them. And this is how you repay her. Clawing and fighting amongst each other, making the enemies job easier so they can march across this land and seize what they want. The False King thrives on the peoples' fear of him, he wins by causing chaos and discord amongst the people. But we must show him that Rowena has no fear of him, that he will not take this city, that its citizens will not bow down to his hate and cruelty. We are not afraid of him, we will not strike out at our fellow citizens in his name. We will bind together and defend this city and its people with dignity and our heads held high!”

The people cheered and clapped as morale was lifted high within them. People helped turn the wagons back upright then began helping other people back into the wagons, helping others carry their heavy loads. It was a lot more orderly.

“Where was he before Arneau Tak fell?” muttered one of the Knights to Ron.

That evening, Hermione and Ginny walked among the women and children, handing out bread and warm milk to settle the young ones.

“Thank you Milady,” one of the women said. “We are so proud to have you as our queen.”

Hermione smiled and knelt next to her. “I am the one who is proud. Proud of my people and the sacrifices they are making.”

“We'll be alright, won't we?” the woman asked.

Hermione smiled and looked at a group of children playing nearby. “As long as they are smiling and laughing, we will be fine.”

Hermione stood up and caught Harry's eye across the room. His eyes asked if she was okay, she gave a small smile and a slight nod of her head. A group of young boys scrambled by, play fighting with wooden swords.

“My, my, what a brave group of soldiers you are,” Hermione smiled at them.

“I'm not a soldier,” one of them piped up, “I'm a Knight. Sir Harry, Hero of Ravenclaw!”

“Oh?” Hermione chanced a glance at Harry. He didn't look in her direction but Hermione could see the blush on his face. Ginny smiled wryly.

“I'm going to unite the people and protect the Queen!” Another child nudged the young boy in the side. “I mean you…protect you.”

“Well, I am very flattered,” Hermione smiled.

“The Queen should reward this brave Knight,” Ginny stepped into the conversation.

“What sort of reward would you like?” Hermione asked.

“A kiss,” the little boy whispered. Hermione looked over at Harry who looked directly at her.

“Very well,” Hermione smiled. She bent down and gave the small boy a kiss on the top of his head. “Good luck, my brave Knight.”

The little boy blushed bright red then scampered off with his friends. Hermione threw Ginny a sharp look before continuing her rounds. Ginny looked at Harry and gave a shrug of innocence. ~*~

Night descended upon the castle and Harry still watched over the people in the courtyard. A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows and approached Harry. His hand rested casually on the hilt of the sword as the figure approached.

“Harry,” the figure whispered, lifting the hood of her cloak just barely so he could see the face of Ginevra underneath.

“What are you doing out here?” Harry asked.

“Come with me,” she whispered.

Together they snuck into the castle, sticking to the shadows and barely making a sound. Harry didn't know where she was taking him. They had taken so many twists and turns that he lost track of where he was. She stopped at the turn of a corridor lit with torches, turning to him and putting a finger to her mouth, telling him not to say a word. She held his hand and confidently walked out into the light. She headed down the corridor to a door that was guarded by two soldiers.

“Lady Ginevra,” one of them said. “No one is allowed in your room while you are staying here.”

“What I do in my room is none of your business,” she said defiantly.

Harry stood in a bit of surprise. She was taking him to her room?!

“Now if you please?” she said authoritatively. The soldiers stepped aside, letting her and Harry pass.

She opened the door and ushered Harry inside, locking it behind her. Harry opened his mouth to say something but Ginny held up her hands and pulled Harry further into the room. She walked over to a tapestry on the wall, brushing it aside and pushed on the wall. It gave way and she slipped through pulling Harry along. The stairs went up in a small spiral ending at another stone wall. Ginny knocked on it three times and a door swung open.

Hermione stood up from the chair she had been sitting on in front of a warm fire.

“Harry,” Hermione whispered.

“I think I'll leave you two alone,” Ginny said, slipping back into the passageway.

“How…?” Harry was at a lost for words, staring at the wall.

“It's a secret passageway that connects my room to Ginny's. Nobody else knows about it,” she smiled. “Don't tell Ron about it,” she added as an afterthought.

“I won't,” Harry said then crossed the room quickly to take Hermione in his arms. His mouth sought out hers, missing the taste of her. The kiss was deep and passionate full of longing and need.

When the need for oxygen broke the kiss, Hermione smiled and led him to a rug in front of the fire. A goblet lay in the middle, full of wine, a small dagger next to it that was wrapped in a delicate handkerchief. Harry looked at Hermione.

“I wanted one more night with you…” she said but he cut her off with a kiss. He led her to the front of the fire and sat her down on the rug. He took off his sword belt and sat in front of her.

“I'm not sure how to do this,” she said shyly.

“I'll do it,” Harry whispered.

He picked up the dagger and made a small cut on his left hand, holding it over the goblet, he let a few drops fall in. He took Hermione's right and held it palms up. He hesitated with the dagger, hating to mar the perfect skin with a cut. Hermione caressed his face with her left hand, letting him know that it was okay. He kissed her palm then made the cut, letting the drops fall into the goblet.

He put down the dagger and Hermione picked up the handkerchief, tying it around their wrists as they held hands.

“I bind myself to you, body and soul,” Harry said softly. “I bind our love so that even when we are apart we are never truly separated. If death should stand in our way, this bind will lead us back to each other in the afterlife…where we can truly be together.” He picked up the goblet of wine and drank from it. Hermione watched him with tears in her eyes.

“I bind myself to you, body and soul, so that the heavens will truly know who I belong to. Blood or our births and duty may take our paths away from each other but this binding will always connect us. You are my one true love and that is one thing destiny cannot change.” She picked up the goblet and drank the wine from it.

Harry kissed her lips, tasting the sweetness of the wine on her tongue. Together they undid the bind so they could free their hands to hold each other closer. Their familiar kisses and caresses became more frenzied as Hermione took his tunic off. He lay her down on the soft rug, kissing the soft skin of her neck. His hands went to the knot of the heavy nightrobe she wore. He stopped himself before they went too far, before he could no longer deny his needs.

“I'm sorry,” he said as he sat up. Hermione sat up with him and put her hands in his. She kissed him softly on the lips.

“I don't want Viktor to be the one to take me,” she said softly as she undid the robe and pulled it down her shoulders, revealing the nightdress underneath. “I bound myself to you…body and soul.”

“Hermione,” Harry whispered as she kissed him. The thought of another man taking what he so longed for drove him mad with jealousy. It was a primal urge to mark what was his.

“Just one night,” she whispered back.

Harry hungrily gave in to the kisses. Desire roared within Hermione as Harry lay her back down on the rug. He sought out her neck, ears and chest with his lips, grinding himself against her as she silently moaned in pleasure. Little by little, his clothing disappeared as Hermione's hands wandered over him, discovering him, eliciting groans of tortuous pleasure from him. She went for the stays of her nightdress but Harry stopped her.

“Let me,” he whispered. His hands delicately pulling at the strings as if unwrapping a fragile gift. The dress loosened and he pulled if over her head. She lay beneath him, the sight of her naked body drove him mad with lust. It took all the self control he had not to take her right then and there. But he only had one night with her and he wanted to commit every inch of her to memory. And he did just that, remembering the sounds she made as he kissed and caressed her breasts. The way her breathing would hitch as he ran a hand up her thigh to rest on her hip. The softness of her bottom as he cupped it. He needed her, his body cried out for her.

She let out a whimper as he sheathed himself within her, claiming her as his. Thrusting himself into her, they lost themselves in the pleasure. He committed to memory the feel of being inside her, the feel of her surrounding him, the way the firelight danced off her skin. The passion burned within them, roaring and raging until she cried out his name. Her pleasure tightening around him brought him over the edge as he gasped out her name.

Using a blanket to cover themselves, they lay in front of the fire, satiated in each others arms. They made love one more time before falling asleep.

Harry stood in front of a crowd of red and gold. Hermione was kneeling before him, his friends and those whom he considered family stood mingled in the crowd.

“Make me your queen,” she said to him.

He looked down and saw that he was holding a pillow. On it was a gold crown decorated with red rubies. The crowd cheered as he lifted the crown. There were no daggers on it.

He gently placed it on her head and she smiled up at him. Suddenly the crown disappeared and turned into a dangerous viper that struck out at Hermione, ripping her throat.

“I will find you,” the snake hissed at him, her blood dripping from its mouth.

Harry sat up gasping for breath, sweat beading on his forehead.

Hermione sat up with him. “Harry, what is it? Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he gasped. “I'm fine.”

It was still dark outside her window. He turned to look at her, cradling her head in his hands.

“You're okay,” he whispered.

“Of course I am,” she said soothingly.

“Hermione,” he turned her to look at him. “I swear I'll never let anything happen to you,” he said.

“I know I'll be safe around you, Harry,” she smiled up at him. Harry kissed her gently as they lay back down. They gave in to their passion one more time before Harry left her in the middle of the night.

He should've stayed until dawn.


14. Chapter Thirteen

A/N: Thank you Psy Girl for putting this story on the recommendation list! Thanks to everyone for the great reviews and support.

Chapter Thirteen

It was the scream of the chambermaid that awoke Harry. Her bloodcurdling yell that woke up all the Knights. Harry shot out of bed, grabbed his sword and rushed into the hall where a few Knights were already gathered.

“Harry,” one of them said. “He's dead.” Slowly he approached the room.

It was Viktor.

He was lying in his bed, his head missing. Ice filled his insides. Whoever did this must have snuck into the room and beheaded him while he slept. But why take the head? He stormed out of the room. On the brink of war and they just lost one of their Generals.

“Tell none of the soldiers of this,” he ordered as he walked out of the room. “We are at war and it would do no good to lower the moral.”

“Harry! Harry!” Ron and Ginny were running toward him.

Dread filled his insides, what more could've happened?
”She's gone!” Ginevra cried.

Harry blocked out everyone and began to run into the castle. She was fine, she had to be okay. He was just with her a few hours ago. Ron led him to her room, approaching the door Harry could see the guards that had been standing watch were dead. Heart beating loudly in his chest he opened her door.

The room was the same as he left it. The goblet lay resting on the small table, her bedsheets tangled from their sleeping in it. No sign of any struggle whatsoever.

“We think someone came to her door, someone she knew,” Ron said behind him.

Harry's hand gripped tightly around the hilt of his sword. Guilt washed over him for leaving Hermione in the middle of the night. It was quickly replaced by anger. Whoever did this had better not harm one single hair on her head if they knew what was best for them.

“Do you think the armies of the False King have her?” Ron asked fearfully.

“No,” Harry answered, anger burning through him. “Take attendance of who is here in the castle. People Hermione would keep in contact with, her friends, her advisors…We have a traitor in our midst.”

Alarm bells sounded, signaling the False King's army approaching Rowena. The timing could not have been any worse.


Hermione lay back in the bed, covering her naked body with the heavy quilt she sighed contentedly. Harry had just left the room through the secret passageway. His scent still lingered on the pillow next to hers and she held it close to her, breathing it in. She felt empty inside without him near. Their last lovemaking had been bittersweet and she had cried a little knowing it was the last time they would have each other like this. Although it was known for Kings and Queens to have lovers, she would not do that to herself. She wouldn't do it to Viktor and she wouldn't do it to Harry.

A knock came at her door. “Milady, it is me. I have an urgent message.” She hastily dressed herself in her night clothes again before opening the door. Severus Snape was on the other side.

“Severus, what is it?” she asked.

“Urgent order from your Sir Viktor. He wants you removed from the castle right away,” Severus said urgently tugging her out the door.

Hermione looked down and choked back a scream. Her guards were dead on the floor. “Severus what's going on?” she asked.

“Come Milady, there's no time!” he said sharply, dragging her.

“Please tell me! You're hurting me! Unhand me at once!” she tried to yank her hand away.

Severus hit her hard across the cheek with the back of his hand. Hermione gasped with shock, her cheek stinging.

“How dare you touch me!” she hissed. Severus stared at her full of contempt. Out of the shadows four men appeared behind him. Hermione's eyes grew large. She tried to scream for help, maybe Harry was still in the castle and would hear her. But before she could get a sound out, she was pounced upon and bound and gagged.

With Severus leading the way, the four men smuggled a struggling Hermione out of the castle. When they reached the woods, she was mounted on a horse with one of the men and they rode away into the dark. It seemed to take forever but they crested a hill and Hermione looked down and gasped.

There was an encampment below her, hundreds maybe even thousands of soldiers, the tents bearing flying the Slytherin banner high above them. The group rode into the middle of the encampment to the largest tent. Hermione needed no introduction to the person inside.

“What in the hell is this?” King Draco looked up in surprise at the group that walked in.

“We brought her as you requested,” Severus said as he kneeled. The other soldiers followed suit, Hermione didn't bow to him but Draco didn't notice. He marched over to Hermione and released her from the gag and binds.

“I asked you to bring her to me! I didn't say ambush her and drag her here like a common prisoner!” he shouted at them.

“You did this?” Hermione said accusingly. Draco grasped her chin and sharply turned her head to the side. The others rose to their feet.

“Which one of these abysmal idiots did this to you?” he asked, examining her bruise on her cheek.

Hermione didn't say anything but her eyes flickered briefly to Severus. Draco walked over to him and backhanded him. It was worse than the hit given to Hermione because Draco had his armor on, small spikes on the back of his hand. Severus' lips were bleeding. Hermione gasped out.

“Leave us!” Draco ordered and the men left the tent hastily.

He walked to Hermione and pulled out a dagger releasing her from her bonds.

“Why did you do this?” she demanded.

“I only asked them if they would bring you to me. I didn't think the idiots would kidnap you like this. I will send word to your cousin right away.” He looked down at Hermione in her nightrobe and she wrapped it tighter around her. He brought one hand up and caressed her swollen cheek moving his hand behind her head to cup it. Hermione's heart pounded in her chest as he brought his lips to hers. Even though Harry could start a roaring fire of desire within her, Draco had the potential to start one himself. She didn't like that feeling, she couldn't trust herself with it.

“Draco,” she whispered warningly as she stepped away from him.

Disappointment showed on his face. “Of course. I keep forgetting.” He cleared his throat and backed away from her. “I had brought gifts for you,” he said as he walked over to the entrance of his tent and snapped his fingers. Two female servants hustled inside carrying a large trunk. Draco opened it. “I think you could use one of them now.” He brought out a gown of velvet, silver with cream colored grape vines embroidered on it. There was a matching cloak as well.

“Draco…I cannot accept this,” Hermione protested.

“Take it. It is supposed to be a gift for your engagement. Dress her,” he ordered the servants. “We leave before the hour is up.” Then he left the tent.


Draco, with Hermione at his side, led the Slytherin army through the woods, stopping at the base of the hill. Draco trotted ahead, signaling for Hermione to do the same.

“There's something I wish to show you,” he said, dismounted from his horse, and walked up the hill. Hermione followed him and gasped when she reached the top of it.

Smoke could be seen rising on the fields surrounding Rowena. The False King's army was attacking. Hermione watched the onslaught as the trebuchets threw boulders back and forth to each other, some of them were fireballs. Tears came down Hermione's face.

“I sent for you so you would be safe from the battle,” Draco said quietly as he watched her. “I know that your kingdom is in trouble. I know that Arneau Tak has fallen. And I know that you have only five thousand soldiers making a last stand against the False King's army of ten thousand.”

“What do you want?” Hermione whispered.

“At your word, I will send my soldiers into Rowena. It will not fall. You need my help…you know you do.”

“My five thousand soldiers are the best. I know they will be able to hold it,” Hermione said confidently.

“I also know that, unknown to Rowena, there is another army to the east. Five thousand strong.”

Hermione looked at him, eyes wide.

Draco brought out a looking glass and handed it to Hermione. “Just below that third hill to your right,” he said.

Hermione looked through it. Sure enough, an army of five thousand men of the False King were watching the battle take place. Watching and waiting. Hermione handed him back the glass. Draco took it and moved behind Hermione.

“You never answered me,” she said quietly. “What do you want?”

“Marry me,” he whispered in her ear. “Be my queen and rule by my side.”

“I told you! I…”

“Gave Viktor my word,” he finished for her. He raised his hand and signaled for a soldier to come up and join them.

The man trotted uphill, burlap sack in hand.

“Viktor is already dead,” Draco said quietly.

“What?” Hermione asked him, eyes wide. The soldier turned the sack upside down and Viktor's head tumbled out of it. Hermione screamed and turned away. Her stomach heaved and she clamped her mouth shut to keep her sickness down.

Viktor is dead! Viktor is dead!

“How many more need to die, Hermione?” Draco asked her. “I can guarantee you that people are dying right now. You can put an end to it. Just say yes to me, Hermione.”

Hermione wrapped her arms around her waist, tears falling down her face. Draco walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.

“I will swear to you that Rowena will not fall. Slytherin will not allow it. You will still get to rule your kingdom. Your people will be safe. Just say yes, Hermione, say yes,” he whispered in her ear.


The first of the ladders clattered on the castle walls and the False King's soldiers clambered over the wall. Harry and Ron reached them, killing those that managed to make it over then shoving the ladder off the wall and back on top of the invading army below. With the quickness of his blade, Harry disposed of more of the enemy.

“Harry watch out!” Ron yelled above the shouts.

A large boulder came crashing at the wall and the ground disappeared beneath Harry. He quickly grabbed onto the rope bindings that tied a wooden banister together. The floor beneath him crumbled and he swung with one arm, dangling a great height above the castle courtyard. Ron ran over and pulled on the rope, pulling Harry back up.

Harry pulled himself onto the stone floor. “Duck!” Harry shouted and Ron obeyed. Harry thrust out his sword into the gut of an enemy, his axe held midstrike above his head.

“Thanks for that,” Ron breathed.

“Anytime,” Harry nodded.

A chorus of horns filled the air and a great rumble shook the ground beneath them. In the distance, a wave of soldiers on horseback poured over the hills and into the valley of Rowena. They carried the banner of Slytherin on them.

“What in the name of…” Ron was bewildered.

The Slytherin army flooded the valley and collided with the enemy. The False Kings army fell quickly in the fields at the blades of the Slytherins. Ravenclaw took care of the ones who had made it into the castle grounds.

Bellatrix LeStrange stood with a fellow Death Eater to the east.

“I don't understand why he sent you,” Nott growled.

“To deliver his message of course. We just have to wait for the signal,” she said as she looked through the looking glass at the battle below.

“My men have been here for two days!”

“And they will continue to wait. Ah!” she exclaimed.

They watched as the Slytherin army rode down from the hills and charged at Lord Voldemort's army.

“That's the signal,” Bellatrix sighed. “You know what you have to do. I'll be continuing on my way to Slytherin.”

“Our Lord doesn't want us to help our brothers?” Nott asked, confused.

“No,” Bellatrix answered. “You are to march your brigade back to Arneau Tak. Leave Rowena alone.”


The people of Rowena cheered and clapped as the castle drawbridge was lowered to let the Slytherin King's procession enter the city. King Draco rode proudly upon his large black stallion as the crowd roared with approval. The King stopped in front of the castle itself and stood upon its steps at the people below.

The Ravenclaw Knights stood closest to the steps and looked up at the King with scowls on their faces. Harry stood next to Ron, hidden among the Knights. The King gestured for silence.

“Good people of Ravenclaw,” he said in a loud voice, “your city is safe from the onslaught. Rowena still stands!” The people cheered. “Slytherin has long been a neighbor to Ravenclaw and when I ascended the throne, it was one of my duties to strengthen the relationship we have. When I heard that your city would be under siege, I sent my armies right away. Slytherin will always come to the aid of Ravenclaw!” The crowd cheered some more and Draco gestured for silence again. “In an effort to strengthen our lands and strengthen our bond, I have some good news for the brave people of Ravenclaw. Your lovely Queen has accepted my proposal in marriage.” The crowd gasped with delight. Harry's jaw clenched as he looked up at the King with anger in his eyes. Ron put a firm grasp on Harry's shoulder. The King continued. “Slytherin will be overjoyed to have her as their new Queen and they will love her as much as I love your fair Queen.”

The King left the city under great pomp and circumstance. The Knights held looks of distrust on their face as the King passed to leave. Once he was out of the city they all looked at Harry. Harry had the look of murderous rage on his face and he stormed into the castle, Dumbledore followed. The Knights followed him all the way into the cellars. They crowded into a small room, lit by a few torches, a wooden table sat in the middle of it.

“I don't believe this!” one of the Knight's swore tossing a Slytherin banner onto the table.

“He murdered Viktor! I know he did!” another said.

“And he took our Queen!” Ron snarled. “I know he forced Hermione into it.”

“What are we going to do about it?” a Knight spoke up.

Harry moved across the room and peered into the hallway then shut the door.

“Whatever we do, we must do it quietly,” Harry said in a low voice. “There's a lot more to this than you think. Unbeknownst to our citizens out there, we are under siege. Rowena is no longer under Ravenclaw. There are thousands of Slytherin soldiers crawling through our great city and they are here to stay.” The Knights cursed under their breaths. “He's going to infiltrate us. You'll see, the next step is to put his Knights amongst us to be his eyes and ears to any sort of uprising.” Dumbledore said nothing, he only stood in the shadows.

“Our Queen is in danger,” Ron said angrily. “We aren't just going to sit quietly.”

Harry unsheathed his sword and stabbed it into the table, its point going through the silver serpent of the Slytherin banner. He gave a dangerous smile to the men around him.

“The Slytherin King has just declared war on the Ravenclaw Knights.”


15. Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A handsome young man with dark brown hair and blue eyes stood amongst the Slytherin Knights. His name was Jason. Since they had been children, Jason was always picked on by Draco. Once when they were ten, they were playing in the courtyard with wooden swords, Jason was doing a good job of defending himself to the frustration of the young prince. He ordered Jason to have one hand bound behind his back and to be blindfolded. Draco stabbed and whacked him mercilessly until he was bloodied and bruised all over. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young prince and to do whatever he was told.

Jason was fast and skillful with the sword and it earned him a place amongst the Knights in Slytherin. How proud he was to wear the green tunic with the silver serpent over his armor. But he quickly learned that he was different from his fellow Knights. Crabbe and Goyle had no honor, they were cruel and savage like the others. When they rode through the villages to assist in the collection of taxes, they were deaf to the pleas of the people. Jason could see in some of the poorest towns that they could barely make the payment, living in the poorest shacks, dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, their children pale and thin. Jason could hardly stomach this. Especially since the money went to pay for the Malfoy's extravagances. But he had no choice. He was taught to obey the young prince and to do whatever he was told.

When Draco was crowned King there were festivals held in the city. Jason entered the joust and had done extremely well for himself. He easily unseated his rivals and made his way up the list. The people in the streets cheered and congratulated him and he had many fans in the galleys. The purse was a large amount of gold pieces and a fine tunic made of silk. The night before the final tournament the King summoned him. Draco wanted Jason to lose the tournament, the challenger was one of the King's friends. So Jason unseated himself in the joust, losing the tournament and the purse, while Goyle received the praise and cheers of the people. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young King and to do whatever he was told.

Jason climbed the small hill, carrying the burlap sack. His stomach twisted when he emptied its contents and the Ravenclaw Queen's intended's head rolled out of it. The King was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. The Ravenclaw Queen had managed to fend him off until now. He watched as they King whispered in her ear, forcing her into marriage lest her city fall to the armies of the False King. He turned away as the King kissed her when the Queen accepted his proposal. She would be taken to Slytherin immediately, the King had brought the finest carriage he had to take her back in. The King charged Jason as her warder, her personal Knight and that she was to return to Slytherin safely. As Jason rode next to the carriage he could hear her small sobs. His extended hand of courtesy did little to cheer the Queen. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young King and to do whatever he was told.


By the time she reached Slytherin, Hermione had cried herself dry. It would do no good to shed tears now, she had a kingdom to protect and a new one to learn about. The air was warm and pleasant and Hermione imagined what summers here would be like.

The carriage came to a halt at the castle and its doors opened. She blinked into the midday sun.

“My Queen,” the Knight called Jason said as he held out a hand for assistance. Hermione took it and stepped down from the carriage. Jason snapped his fingers and servants scurried to take her trunks.

“This way my Queen,” a portly middle aged woman urged Hermione into the castle. When she showed Hermione her new quarters, she breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't sharing a bedchamber with Draco. Not yet, at least.

The room was large and more elegant than even she had seen. The gilded large bed in the middle of the room had a quilt of green silk, a large rug lay in the middle of the room so plush it seemed that your foot almost disappeared when you stepped in it. A large fireplace was opposite the bed, though it probably wouldn't be used until winter it was so warm here. Tall columns and sheer green draperies held the gateway to an open balcony that dominated the far wall. Hermione walked to it to take in the wonderful view of the city far below her.

“Do you like it, my Queen?” Jason asked.

“Yes. Yes, it's beautiful,” Hermione smiled.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“A parchment and a quill. I wish to write to my cousin,” Hermione asked.

“As you wish, my Queen.” Jason frowned. All of the Queen's correspondence was to be delivered to Severus Snape who would then carry any messages to Ravenclaw.

After finishing some business in Ravenclaw, Draco rode quickly to return to Slytherin. He arrived the night Hermione did.

“Has she arrived?” he asked Jason as he handed over his stallion to the stableboys.

“Yes, she is in her chambers preparing for dinner,” Jason answered.

“Good, I wish for it to be a private one,” he ordered. Jason paused.

“I don't think it will be possible tonight. Your audience has been requested by another.”

Draco sighed impatiently. “It is her first night here in the castle as the future Queen. All I want is a private dinner with my beloved!”

“I'll be as quiet as a mouse,” Bellatrix smiled coyly as she emerged from the shadows.

Dinner indeed was a quiet affair. Draco sat at one end of the table while Hermione sat at the other, Bellatrix sat between them. She had introduced herself to Hermione as the King's counselor.

“Be careful my Lord,” Hermione said to Draco. “I'd keep a watchful eye on your counselor.” She was thinking of Severus Snape.

“I assure you, my dearest, that she will be watched closely,” Draco scowled.

Draco did not eat his food. He sat there scowling through the entire meal. He couldn't believe that the False King sent his whore to be his eyes and ears. No doubt she was here to see that his end of the deal would be seen through.


Neville watched silently as one of the riders approached the wagon that was stopped in the middle of the road. They were merchants whose wagon wheel was broken. A feeling of unease settled into his stomach. Something was wrong about this, something very wrong. The merchants argued with the rider and drew their knives. Neville gave the signal and he and the other riders appeared out of the woods and surrounded the wagon.

“I'm afraid you're outnumbered, friend,” Neville said to one of the merchants.

“I think not, Rider,” the merchant replied.

There was a clang of swords being drawn and the stamping of hooves. Out of the forests from whence the riders came emerged soldiers of the Slytherin army.

Sirius sat back and laughed jovially as he watched the young ones dance and drink. The Hogs Head was teaming with laughter. He brought his cup to his lips when the doors burst open and Slytherin soldiers poured into the room. Screams of surprise filled the air as the soldiers gathered up the young men in the room. Sirius quickly leaped behind the bar and hid himself in one of the cabinets as he listened to the melee that took place in the room.

Quietly he let himself out of the cabinet and snuck himself into the basement. He hoisted himself up onto some crates to the window in the stone wall. He opened the window then crawled through the narrow opening. The brawling spilled out into the streets. Sirius ran to the stables, mounted his horse and galloped away.


Music filled the air and the people crowded in the streets. Bread and wine flowed everywhere as the people of Ravenclaw gorged themselves while a group of Knights scowled in the corner.

“Unbelievable,” one of the Knights muttered under his breath.

“Your King wishes to celebrate with the people,” a Slytherin Knight replied. As Harry had predicted, the King had placed a few of his own Knights among them. The lovely piece of joy standing with Harry and Mat, one of the Ravenclaw Knights, name was Crabbe.

“He's not our King yet,” Mat muttered. Crabbe raised an eyebrow.

“What Mat means to say is that the wedding is a few months away,” Harry cut in. A wedding that Harry was determined to stop.

Harry and Ron had come up with a plan. All they needed was to ready one of the Knights. Braeden would go to Slytherin disguised as a commoner. He would somehow get the message to Hermione that help was on its way. Harry and the other Knights would be waiting in the forests for Braeden to return. Then they would make their move. It was going to be tricky, a handful of Knights suddenly disappearing from the city. They had a plan for that. They would find and pay a few loyal commoners to dress up as Knights in their absence.

Ginevra came up to Harry. “Would you care for a walk?” she asked.

Harry accepted, ignoring the catcalls behind him from Crabbe and followed the young woman.

“Ron has received a letter from Hermione,” she said in hushed tones as they walked. “He's waiting for you at the Ladies Lace.” She stepped away from Harry, pretending to examine some fine linens at a merchants table.

Harry left her side and made his way to the brothel that Ginny had instructed him to. It was crowded with people, a few Slytherin soldiers scattered among them watching him closely. A familiar looking whore came up to him.

“Come to see me again, Harry?” she said aloud so the soldiers would hear. She laughed and led Harry up the stairs to a room above.

Ron stepped out of the shadows when they entered the room. She locked the door behind them and they waited a moment. As usual, the footfalls of a soldier could be heard outside the door. The whore began to jump up and down on the bed, giving the illusion of the activities that would be going on in the room. Satisfied, the soldier walked away from the room.

“I've got a letter,” Ron whispered.

“What does she say?” Harry asked eagerly.

“Nothing of importance. She says nothing of how or why she agreed to the marriage.” Harry groaned with frustration. Ron ignored him. “But look at this.” He held the parchment up to him and to the light. “The seal has a thin line through it. This letter has been opened then resealed.”

“Someone is reading any letters that she sends?” Harry devised.

“And probably letters she'll receive,” Ron added.

Harry's lips thinned into a grimace. “Two weeks, Ron,” he said quietly. “He's had her for two weeks.”

“We'll get her back, Harry,” Ron said quietly. “We will.”


Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The two weeks of celebration in her name was wearing its toll on her. She watched as the two Knights sped their horses toward each other, lances out and ready to unseat each other with a sickening crack. But she was disinterested in the event. Even though she was shaded, the heat seemed to stifle her. The noise of the crowd began to grind her ears. And the smells…oh the smells! She was tired of it. She was oh so tired and wanted to return to the castle and rest.

“I wish to return, Jason,” she said to her Knight.

“As you wish, my Queen,” he replied.

He arranged a litter and she stepped onto it and rested against the lush pillows as it was lifted and carried through the streets.

“You do not have to accompany me,” Hermione said to Jason as he rode next to her on his horse.

“It is not a problem, my Queen,” he replied and smiled.

“Do the games not interest you?” she asked.

“I have lost interest in them long ago,” he said.

“A Knight should always be interested in honor and bravery. It is like the sun and water for the plant. Without it, a Knight would wither away,” she smiled.

“There is no place in this kingdom for a Knight to truly grow,” Jason said bitterly and Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me,” Jason said hastily. “I have spoken untruly.” He did not speak for the rest of the trip.

In fact, Hermione did not speak with him until a week later. They were in the library, Hermione reading while Jason kept guard in the room. Hermione sighed and closed her book, she left the bench she was sharing with her escort, an elderly woman who was working on her stitching.

Silently Hermione approached Jason.

“Are you unhappy?” she whispered to him.

“No, my Queen,” Jason replied.

“Do not lie to me, Jason. You have been my constant companion for the three weeks I have been here. The only one here whom I've spoken to other than Draco. You may speak freely,” Hermione said.

Jason eyed her warily. Hermione sighed and walked to a window and looked at the grounds below her. Jason followed her.

“I'm unhappy,” she said quietly.

“I know,” Jason whispered. “What you did was very brave.”

“Was it?” Hermione asked.

“Your selfless actions are a breath of fresh air for this Kingdom,” Jason said.

“Why are you so cynical?” she asked.

Jason sighed. “Let us just say that Knighthood is not what I thought it would be.” Hermione looked at him curiously. Jason explained further. “When I was a boy, my nurse used to entertain me by telling me stories of Knights and Kings, dragons and beautiful princesses. One of my favorites was the legend of the Lost Heir.” Hermione smiled knowingly. She too was familiar with the legend. “The values of honor, loyalty and bravery were heavily impressed upon me and I couldn't wait until I reached of age to vie for Knighthood. Now that I am a Knight I am disappointed to learn that these values are the same stuff of legends used to entertain children. I serve a gluttonous Kingdom led by a selfish King who steals his bride.”

Hermione frowned and put a gentle hand on his arm. “Those values are real, Jason. You were just served a misfortune of swearing into the wrong Knighthood.”

Jason looked at her. “That is why I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't unhappy. For once, I get the honor of protecting a beautiful Queen.” Hermione smiled and Jason frowned. “Forgive me my Queen for I have deceived you.”

Hermione frowned. “How?”

“The letters you have entrusted me to send…I was ordered to deliver them to Severus Snape. He has been reading them before sending them on to Ravenclaw.”

Hermione smiled. “I figured Draco would do something like that. Do not trouble yourself Jason, I put nothing of importance in those letters.”

The doors swung open and Draco walked into the room. “Leave us,” he ordered. Jason and the Queen's escort hastily left the room.

“You did not appear at the beheadings today. I had hoped you would be there by my side,” Draco said.

Hermione sat down on a bench. “I'm not feeling well,” she said. It was the truth.

“I had heard,” Draco kneeled in front of her. “Is it the food? I can kill the cook.”

“No, no. I think it is just this heat,” Hermione replied hastily.

Draco had given Hermione some dresses of fine material that were thin and lightweight for the upcoming summer. She had been wearing them lately, she was used to the cooler temperatures of the North. Draco couldn't concentrate on anything when she wore them around the castle. The material flowed around her, clung to her as she walked. In the light he could see her silhouette. His eyes darkened with desire at these thoughts and he sought Hermione's lips.

“I don't have my escort,” Hermione said as he kissed her neck. “This isn't proper.”

Draco grinned at her. “I am the King,” he said coyly. He kissed her lips again as his hand wandered from its resting place on her hip to between her legs. Hermione whimpered as he cupped her through her dress.

“I don't know why you continue to deny me what is already mine,” he whispered. Hermione gave him a stern look and he moved away from her. “I know, I know. It isn't proper,” he smiled at her. “I think I'll be able to hold out a few months.”

“Good. It will teach you some patience,” Hermione said confidently. Inside she trembled with terror. Her time would be up soon and Draco would eventually exercise all his husbandly rights.

A knock came at the door and Draco voiced it was okay to enter. A couple of soldiers walked into the room.

“The first group is here, your Majesty.”


Remus watched as they neared the castle. The cage door opened and he and his fellow riders were yanked out and put in line. Manacles bound their hands and feet and they were linked together by heavy chains that clanked as they were marched into the castle.

His eyes widened at the sight of the person who greeted them at the gate. Bellatrix stood there, dressed in a long black cloak and dress. She sneered down at them.

“Put them in the dungeon,” she ordered the men.

Remus' heart beat loudly in his chest. Why was the False King's whore here at the Slytherin castle? His confusion was furthered when his gaze caught another unexpected person at the castle. The Queen Hermione. She was walking across the foyer when he spotted her. He heard Neville gasp softly next to him. He wasn't the only one that saw her but if she had spotted them he was not sure. They were marched out of the room before he could catch her face.


Harry and Ron burst into the room gasping for breath. Sirius lay on a bed, weak and tired.

“I came as quickly as I could,” Harry gasped. Ron had fetched him and they ran across the village and to the top of a tower to Dumbledore's room.

“There were so many taken,” Sirius said weakly. Harry looked up at Dumbledore for clarification.

“Hogsmeade was attacked. All the young men were captured and taken prisoner,” Dumbledore said quietly.

“What?” Harry and Ron said in unison.

“By who?” Harry asked.

Dumbledore paused. “Slytherin.”
Harry was speechless.

“What does Slytherin want with them?” Ron asked.

“They were looking for someone,” Dumbledore answered.

“Who?” Harry asked.

“You,” Sirius said.

“Me?” Harry said in disbelief. “What? Why?”

“Tell him,” Sirius said sharply to Dumbledore. “Tell him. He needs to know.”

Harry looked at Dumbledore. “Need to know what?”


16. Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

“Long ago, the land was not divided as it is now. There used to be only one kingdom, Gryffindor, with one King. He was a well liked King, loved by almost all of his people. He did have his quabbles with his Lords but he was a just King and fair. There was a young wizard who resided in the castle named Tom. Although he was an apprentice to the King's counsel, Artemus, he was already powerful. This made the young man cocky and arrogant and with it a lust for power blossomed within him. He wanted to sit on the throne and rule all the lands.

Now, the throne was well protected. Not just anyone could claim it. It is protected by an ancient spell that states that only the King's blood may sit on the throne. Tom knew this because Artemus knew this as well as all the wizards and Kings that came before. The Queen had passed away but not before birthing the King five sons. Tom gathered followers and in one night did a most dastardly deed. He slew the King and his sons hoping to break the spell and open the throne to himself.

But he was unsuccessful. Artemus managed to flee the castle with the youngest son, Phillip. They rode all night and sought refuge in the kind villagers who had heard the horrible news and were still loyal to the King. The people did not stand for this act of murder and they rose against the one they called the False King. The armies of Gryffindor rallied and set against him but as I said earlier he was a powerful wizard. He summoned the darkest creatures to assemble his army and he slew and nearly wiped out the army. The people fled. The neighboring Lords did not stand for this and created their own armies, destroying the army of the False King who called himself Lord Voldemort. They divided the land to as it is now.

Back to Phillip, he grew up strong and noble, hidden in the lands while Voldemort searched for him. His identity was kept secret only known by Artemus and a select few trustworthy people. He eventually married and had children of his own, a son and two daughters. Voldemort eventually found them and sent his armies to destroy them. Phillip and his two daughters were murdered but his wife fled with his son again with Artemus. Centuries passed and the story repeated itself, the King's blood hiding, escaping death only to hide again. Artemus eventually took on another apprentice, charged with carrying on his duty of protecting the royal line.” Dumbledore sighed wearily.

Harry swallowed nervously. “What does this have to do with me?” he asked softly.

“The duty was passed from wizard to apprentice. I am now charged with that task. I was to protect James Potter…your father. Only a select few knew who your father really was and unfortunately his fate was the same as his father's and his grandfather's.”

“He was betrayed by our friend,” Sirius spoke up. “Peter Pettigrew was one of your father's best friends. He betrayed him by giving away where your parent's resided to Voldemort. I found out about it and tried to warn them but I was too late. Voldemort had already sent his soldiers, your parents were dead. I found you before they did and we fled to Hufflepuff where I knew Dumbledore was visiting. It's been your home ever since.”

Harry sat there stunned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. “No…no,” he said stubbornly. “Like you said, there are hundreds of his descendents. There has to be!”

“No, Harry,” Dumbledore said. “They've all been hunted down and killed. You are the last.”

“That's impossible!” Harry scoffed. “I'm not a descendant of the King. There's no proof!”

“Not just any King, Harry. The True King!” Sirius said. Harry closed his eyes, holding back his anger.

“Proof, Harry? The proof is with you,” Dumbledore spoke. “For centuries Lord Voldemort has resided in the Castle Gryffindor. Although he rules what is now the Shadowlands, he truly does not rule the land.”

“Wait a moment,” Ron interrupted. “Centuries? How old is this guy?”

“When he killed the King, the throne and its crown were locked forever to him. It's impossible for him to leave the castle and although many have tried, he cannot be killed. The only one who can is the True King to avenge his fathers.”

“Locked away in a castle to sit and stare and a throne that he cannot open,” Sirius said quietly.

“That doesn't prove anything!” Harry said angrily.

Dumbledore looked patiently at him. “The key to unlock the room resides in the castle, or at least it did. The Sword of Gryffindor lies patiently in a lady's arms, a lion at her feet. No one can remove the sword, the strongest man cannot, the most powerful wizard cannot. Only the True Heir to the throne can. May I see your sword, Harry?”

Harry trembled slightly as he unsheathed it. He remembered where he had gotten it, the castle, the statue. Dumbledore took it and held it in his hands.

“This is no ordinary sword. No one really knows what it can do, but in the King's hands it can test the true loyalties of his people. I can hold it because I proclaim myself true to the King, an enemy will shy away from it, its hilt burning the traitorous hand that touches it. See for yourself, Harry.”

Dumbledore held out the sword. It was truly a beautiful thing, a lion with red rubies and inscribed on the blade was a single word “Gryffindor”.

“I have nightmares,” Harry said softly as he took the sword.

“I know, Harry,” Dumbledore said quietly. “Your father had them as well as did your grandfather.”

“I don't want it,” Harry said a little more boldly. “No…I don't want any of this. I am NOT the True King.” He stormed out of the room and Ron followed. Dumbledore and Sirius looked at each other.


Jason led Hermione through the darkness and down the stairs into the dungeons.

“I do not like this, my Queen,” he whispered. “Prisoners are kept here, some who are more foul than dark creatures themselves.”

“I shall be fine if you stay on your guard,” Hermione whispered back. She had seen Neville brought in with other Riders she recognized a few days ago. She didn't bring it up with Draco and he didn't mention any of it to her. Curious as to why he was being held here she asked Jason to sneak her down to the dungeons.

The dungeons smelled horrible, human waste mixed with the damp cold musty smell. Hermione paused a moment to ease her stomach. Jason looked worriedly back at her. She hadn't been feeling well for quite a few days and hadn't been able to hold down a meal. She was beginning to look a bit sickly and pale. He had asked the Queen if he would taste her food that was brought to her before she had a chance to taste it. But she dismissed the idea. He could swear that she was slowly being poisoned.

She hugged her cloak tighter around her when they reached the bottom. Two guards stood at the entrance.

“What is your business here, Knight?” one of them asked Jason.

“I wish to see the new prisoners, my business is my own,” Jason replied coolly.

“No one is to see the new prisoners. King's orders,” the guard said smugly.

Hermione dropped the hood of her cloak over her shoulders. “By my order, then, I demand to see the prisoners.”

The guards were taken aback and quickly kneeled. “As you wish, my Queen,” they said in unison.

Jason took one of the torches from a sconce on the wall and led Hermione into the dungeons. Half frightened out of her wits, she concentrated on the torch that Jason held. Sensing that she was frightened Jason took her hand and drew her to him. Hermione took comfort in that.

“Milady,” Hermione heard a familiar whisper.

She peered into the darkness of one of the cells and saw the familiar face of Neville.

“Neville!” she whispered and approached the cell. His face peered back at him through the iron gates. “What has happened? Why are you here?”

“I was hoping you could answer that for me, Milady,” Neville whispered. “We were ambushed by Slytherin soldiers and brought here before the King.”

“But…why?” she asked. Remus appeared next to Neville.

“He's looking for someone,” he said.


Neville and Remus glanced nervously at each other. “We think he's looking for Harry,” Neville said slowly.

“Harry?” Hermione asked, surprised. “What makes you think he's looking for Harry?” Jason quickly looked down at Hermione. He had heard that name mentioned before by the King as he was overseeing these prisoners.

“They lined us up and the King said to remove anyone who had fair hair. Those that were left he looked over,” Neville explained. “He kept muttering to his guards `No, not him. He had green eyes, I believe'.”

“At the end, he asked us if we knew a Rider named Harry,” Remus said.

“You said nothing did you?” Hermione asked quickly.

“No, Milady,” Neville said. “We would not betray Harry.”

“But why?” Hermione whispered. “Why him?”
Remus looked uneasily at Jason who straightened himself under the prisoner's gaze. “I cannot say Milady. But I must ask you to be very careful, you have a dangerous guest in your castle.” Hermione had a blank look on her face. “A woman with dark hair, dressed in dark robes.”

“Bellatrix? She's not a guest, she's the King's counsel,” Hermione explained.

Remus looked uneasy. “All the more reason to be cautious my Queen. She is the False King's whore, she obeys only him, she is his eyes and ears.”

Fear went through Hermione. The False King's hand had reached Slytherin.

“Thank you. You've both said enough. I will speak to Draco in the morning about this…atrocity,” Hermione said gesturing to the cell.

They both thanked her and Remus walked away. Jason turned and to lead Hermione back out of the dungeons but Neville whispered her name again.

“Yes,” she asked.

Neville looked warily behind him to make sure no one else was listening. “Harry stole something from the False King,” he whispered and Hermione's eyes grew large. “A sword from his castle, gold with rubies on it. I think he wants it back, that's why Bellatrix is here.”

Hermione nodded. “Thank you, Neville,” she whispered. “Take care.”
Jason led Hermione back to her room in silence.

“Do you know this person…Harry?” he asked her when they were safely in her room. Hermione did not answer him. She was deep in thought. The Malfoy's had a library in their castle like many noble houses did. However, it would be suspicious for Hermione to be looking for the answers she needed under the watchful eyes of the False King's whore.

“Jason…is there a Hall of Records in the city?” she asked.

“Yes, it's on the far side of the city in the Court of the Kings,” he answered.

“Good. I wish to be taken there tomorrow,” she said.

“I shall arrange a litter for you, my Queen,” he said as he bowed and made to leave the room.

“Oh…and Jason?” she said stopping him. “I wish for no one to know about this. I want absolute secrecy.”

Jason felt more than a little hurt. Did she still not trust him after all this time?

“There is a market nearby, they sell the finest linens,” he said.

“Thank you,” Hermione said kindly. “And goodnight, Jason.”

She lay awake that night, her thoughts making her unable to sleep. The puzzle of why Draco was searching for Harry was brushed away by a larger more pressing thought. She sighed and turned on her back looking up at the ceiling above her. Her life was going to be in danger if she did not act soon. She was no fool. Her sickness, her tiredness, the dizziness, the absence of her woman's blood. Her hand wandered down and touched her lower belly. Her time was running out.


Harry gazed out in the night sky at the city of Rowena below him, the warm lights from the inside of houses and inns made the city twinkle. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be the True King. He heard footsteps approach him and he knew that it was Ron.

“Well, the good news is that you have my blessing to marry my cousin. Provided that we stop her wedding to that poor excuse of a King,” Ron said cheerily.

Harry sighed and hung his head, his arms resting on the balustrade before him. “That's the last thing I want,” he said quietly.

Ron gaped at him. “I thought you loved Hermione. I know she loves you. This is your chance to finally be together and—“

Harry spun around angrily. “Did you not hear what Dumbledore said?” he snarled. “I'm cursed. My blood is a curse. If I marry her, I could give her nothing but a life of death and pain. We would be hunted down and killed. I cannot do that to her.”

“You can end it,” Ron persisted. “You can rise up and defeat the False King. I know you can.”

“Are you so certain?” Harry scoffed. “Why should I be the one? My forefather's couldn't do it!”

“It was meant to be you, Harry. You have the sword in your hand.”

Harry laughed. “And what about the people? Do you think they would just bow down to a new King of Gryffindor?”

“If it were you…yes. The people would follow you, Harry. Already my men follow you. The people already love you!”

Harry rolled his eyes and frustration filled Ron. He reached out and grabbed the Gryffindor sword out of its hilt. Harry made a move to stop him but didn't. Ron wielded the sword in front of him, the blade pointing to the sky.

“The sword doesn't sting,” he said sharply to Harry. “I proclaim my loyalty to the King. The True King.” He handed the sword back to Harry. “Now…we are going to commence with the plan to rescue my cousin. We ride tonight. We can discuss taking back Gryffindor when we return.”

The castle was dark and quiet. Luna and Ginny made their way through the courtyard to the castle gates where two Slytherin soldiers stood guard.

“No one is allowed to leave,” one of them said gruffly.

“I don't care! I'm leaving to go out! And I'm taking my Lady with me,” Ginny said defiantly.

“We are under strict orders,” the soldier replied.

Ginny screwed up her face in anger. “If you don't let me out, I will make your night miserable.”

Harry watched from the side of the wall. The guards above were watching the scene below them. He was dressed in a black cloak, Hedwig was draped in black as well. Four others behind him were dressed the same, their horses too. They stood silently by a side gate with Sirius.

“Fine!” Ginny yelled. “If you don't let me out, I'll just sit here!” She dragged Luna down with her at the front of the gate.

“You cannot sit here!” the soldier protested.

“Oh yes I can!” Ginny said stubbornly.

The soldiers that were above Harry and the others began to move toward the commotion.

“Now,” Harry whispered and Sirius opened the gate.

“Be careful,” he whispered to Harry. “Remember, you're not only stealing the Ravenclaw Queen, your stealing the King's future bride.”

“We're rescuing her,” Harry whispered back.

“Call it what you want,” Sirius smiled and Harry and the others slipped through the door. Severus Snape watched them from the other side of the courtyard then he slipped back into the shadows.

Dumbledore was waiting for them outside the gate. He was going to ride with them to the city's border.

They stuck to the shadows in the street. Dumbledore rode ahead blowing out the torches where he could with his staff, leaving a shadow they could ride in. It seemed to take forever to reach the city wall.

“Be safe, Harry,” Dumbledore said to Harry. Harry only nodded back, he hadn't quite forgiven him for withholding important information about his past from him. They trotted their horses to the edge of the forest before sending them in a steady gallop to Slytherin.


The doors to the throne room swung open and Hermione marched in.

“Leave us,” she demanded. “I wish to speak to the King alone.”

Draco raised an eyebrow at her in amusement as the rooms occupants hastily left. Bellatrix eyed her haughtily but Hermione stared her down. Draco nodded to Bellatrix and she pursed her lips tightly together and left the room.

“Already the people listen to you,” he said pleasantly as she walked toward him. “Almost all of them,” he added dryly. “What is it that you wish to speak to me about?”

“Why are the Riders of Hufflepuff being held prisoner?” she demanded.

Draco sighed and shifted in his seat. “So…you have found out about this.”

“The castle has eyes and ears, Draco.”

“And apparently mouths. Yes,” he sighed, “I do have Riders being held prisoner.”

“Then I ask that you release them. I still hold a duty to Ravenclaw and it does not look good for me to keep them prisoner. We have just newly forged an alliance. This will be frowned upon. They obviously do not have what you are searching for,” Hermione said.

Draco looked at Hermione. “And what is it that I am searching for?”

“It's whom,” she said evenly. “You are searching for the Rider Harry, are you not?”

Draco took in a deep breath and rose from his chair. He slowly walked over to her. “Hermione…I'm going to ask you this question one time and one time only. Do you know where he is?”

Hermione looked back at Draco. “No Milord, the last I saw him was the day you last saw him. He was returning to Hufflepuff.”

Draco nodded thoughtfully. “He's very taken with you.”

Hermione let out a small laugh of relief. “Is this what it's about? Draco,” she smiled at him and took his hand in hers, “he's only a Rider. I don't mean to sound vain but many have mistaken my kindness for affection.” She brought his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it.

Draco smiled down at her. “You are too kind but that is one of the things I love about you. Why would you think I would be searching for him for that reason?”

Hermione gave him an amused look. “Draco, you nearly beheaded the cook because you thought he was poisoning my food. I had to spare his life by admitting embarrassingly to you that I was suffering from my woman's curse.” She had to lie to save him.

Draco flushed red. “Yes, that was a bit…awkward. But that is not why I am looking for him.”

“Has he wronged you in some way? If it please you, I shall write to my cousin. He can send word out to his Knights to search for him as well,” Hermione offered.

“No, no. There's no need of that, I have the situation under control. My soldiers will scout out this Rider.” He smiled down at her. “Now on a lighter topic, what do you have planned for today?”

“I was going to go out to the other side of the city. I was told there was a market there with fine linens,” Hermione answered.

“Very well. I shall have a seamstress ready for you when you return. You will be back in time for supper?”

“Long before that, hopefully. But…does she have to be there?” Hermione asked, thinking of Bellatrix. “She's been there for every evening.”

“I know,” Draco sighed.

Hermione rubbed her arms insecurely. “She makes me uneasy, Draco. I do not trust her and I see no reason for you to trust her either.”

“I know my love. I'll find a way to be rid of her. She will definitely be absent for tonight,” he said soothingly.

“Good,” Hermione said more cheerfully. “Now, tell me your favorite meal so I can tell the cook to prepare it.”

“My favorite meal?”

“A good wife should know her husband's favorites,” Hermione said innocently.
When Hermione left him, he summoned Jason to him.

“My King?” Jason asked as he knelt before the King.

“The guards in the dungeon informed me that you took the Queen to see the prisoners last night,” the King said coolly.

“She requested it,” Jason answered.

“And what did she do when you took her?”

“She spoke to them. Asked them why they were here.”

“And what did they say?” the King asked.

“They said you were looking for someone named Harry,” Jason answered.

“And what did the Queen say to this?” the King leaned forward.

Jason shook his head. “Nothing, your Majesty. She left after that. I believe she was just curious as to why they were here.”

The King sat back. “You wouldn't lie to me, would you?”

“I serve the King and the King only,” Jason replied.

“One more question. Where is the Queen going to today?” he asked.

“She had asked me yesterday to arrange for a litter to take her to a market in the city. She wished to buy linens,” Jason answered. “Do you disapprove?”

“No, no. Go ahead. Send her off with a purse filled with gold,” the King sighed.

“As you wish,” Jason said giving a short bow.

“You have been spending a lot of time with the Queen,” the King said.

Jason looked uncertain. “You had assigned me to her, your Majesty.”

“Do you think she's beautiful,” the King asked.

Jason paused a moment. “She's the most beautiful Queen I have ever seen. She will make Slytherin proud and she is a perfect match for you, my King.”

“You may go,” the King said, satisfied with his answer.


The market was lively and crowded with people as the bright sun shone down on them. Jason ordered the litter to be placed at the entrance of the street so Hermione could be free to wander from stand to stand at her own accord. She wore a cloak of cream colored linen, sheer with gold embroidery that matched her cream dress. It hid her well enough that she looked like a lady of a noble house without giving away that she was a Queen.

Jason led her through the crowd and when they were out of sight of the litter, they ducked into an alley to the street behind. They crossed to a large building made of smooth stone. Statues of King's past lined its entrance. The inside opened into a large chamber open to the sky above. This was where the Lords of the land discussed and debated over various issues while the King presided.

He led her to a door to the side which opened to another set of stairs that led down. A man waited at the bottom with a book open in his arms.

“Name and business please?” he asked.

“I am Jason, First Knight of the King Draco, House of Lonning. I am here to check my lands and my taxes to collect. My Lady is accompanying me. We wish not to be disturbed.”

“Very well, Sir,” said the man as he wrote in his book.

Jason led Hermione into the chamber. It was larger than expected and looked more like a tomb than a Record Hall. Torch light lit the room and its bleak stone walls. Within them were carved niches were books upon books were piled, scrolls lay haphazard in some. Hermione sighed. This was going to be more difficult than she thought.

“Perhaps I can help you?” Jason offered.

Hermione looked at Jason. “I need to find everything I can on the False King, stories, records…anything.”

Jason's look was unreadable but he marched forward to one set of books and scrolls.

“The Lost Legends and Stories,” Jason said as he stood in front of them. “I know this section well,” he said softly.

Hermione pushed up her sleeves. “We have a lot of work to do,” she said. “I'm looking for a sword.”

Jason picked up a book and flipped through its pages. “This one, my Queen?”

Hermione took the book from him and studied the picture. The word “Gryffindor” was inscribed on the blade. Its hilt bore a lion and Hermione read that it was gold, the lions eyes were rubies. She put down the book and slowly sat down, gazing out in front of her at nothing.

“Have you seen this sword?” Jason asked her urgently. “My Queen?” Hermione nodded. Jason shook his head. “That's impossible, Milady. It resides in the castle of the False King, protected by the Lady and the Lion. No one can remove it, no one can wield it save for—“

“The Heir of Gryffindor,” Hermione finished for him. She had whispered it, her fingers touching her lips as if confirming the words had really come from them. Harry was a King. Is a King. The True King. “It's true,” she breathed. “The legends are true.”

“They can't be!” Jason had lived his life believing in the make believe, he couldn't afford to hope that they were true. “According to the legends, the False King hunted the King's blood down and murdered them all.” Hermione's hand went unconsciously to her belly. “There's no one left. There can't be!”

“Yet the throne is still closed to him,” Hermione said.

Jason had no reply to that. He sat down next to the Queen.

“Jason…why is Bellatrix here?” she asked him, her tone was cold. “Do not lie to me, Jason.”

“She is to bring someone to the False King,” he answered. “The King has sent his soldiers out to look for this person.”

“Harry,” Hermione said.

“Does this Harry have the sword?” he asked.

Hermione looked at Jason sharply. “Give me one reason why I should not have you killed before you go running off to the King.”

Jason eyes went large and anger boiled to the surface. “You still do not trust me?”

“I know that Draco summoned you after I spoke with him,” she spat.

“He asked me what took place in the dungeon last night and where you were going today.”

“And what did you tell him?”

“I lied to him. I lied to protect you, my Queen.”

“Your loyalty is to the King,” Hermione said.

“My loyalty is with you and has been since the moment I was ordered to watch over you. I serve you first my Queen. I would lie for you…and I would kill for you.”

Hermione looked him in the eyes. He was sincere.

“Harry is the True King, though I do not believe he knows this. He resides safely at—“

“No! Do not tell me where he is. I do not wish to know. But we should leave, I fear we have stayed too long.”

“I have to get home and write my cousin,” Hermione said as they gathered the books to put them away.

“I can find someone to deliver the letter. The King must not know about this,” Jason said determinedly as he led them out of the chamber and up the stairs. He stopped suddenly. “He will come for his friends, won't he? I am sure he has heard about this.”

Hermione nodded. “He will. Which is why we must do everything in our power to warn him that a trap awaits him here.”

Hermione piled panel after panel of linens in Jason's arms to give the illusion that she had been shopping this entire time. She didn't' really care what they looked like, she just grabbed what she could and paid for them. Jason dumped them in the arms of waiting servants as Hermione climbed into the litter.

As she was carried through the city, Hermione fought another wave of sickness. Harry's seed had quickened within her, his child nestled safely within her womb. The True King's heir. An overwhelming feeling of love surrounded her along with fierce protectiveness of her unborn child. The False King would not find out about this child, she would do anything to see to that.

“Milady! Milady!” a beggar approached the litter.

Hermione barely gave him a glance then looked again. “Braeden!” she whispered, recognizing the Ravenclaw Knight.

“Step away, Filth!” Jason said, moving his horse between the beggar and the litter but not before Braeden was able to toss something into the litter.

Hermione picked up the rolled piece of parchment and read it.

We are coming for you. Be ready cousin.

“Jason!” Hermione called him. She reached out to him and gave him the note. Jason read it, a grim look on his face. “He's with him. I know it,” she said.

Jason tossed the note into the flames of a nearby spit below where a pig was roasting. He drew close to the Queen. “Say nothing to no one. Try to act as if nothing happened.”

Hermione looked at him. “We must make sure he does not set foot inside the castle.”



17. Chapter Sixteen

A/N: This is it! The final chapter! I'm dividing this story into two so I can take a break to finish up my other story. Then I shall return to this one. Thanks for all the positive reviews. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I hope you will read its sequel.

Chapter Sixteen

Jason and Hermione were already too late. Draco had received the message by raven from Severus Snape while they were out and he had already sent his scouts out, one of them disguised as part of Hermione's escort. He watched as a beggar approached the litter only to be brushed away by Jason. He left the group and followed the beggar through the streets. He watched as he left the city to the surrounding forests just as Severus had predicted. The scout left for the castle.

Braeden met the others as the sun began to set. “She is there,” he said. “I gave her the message.”

“Is she well?” Ron asked.

“Yes, she is,” Braeden answered.

“At least he's treating her well,” Ron muttered.

“Of course he is,” Harry said impatiently. Draco wanted Hermione for his Queen not a simple prisoner.

“The gates close soon, we should get going if we want to make it into the city,” Ron said as he dismounted his horse.

Disguised as simple travelers, they made their way to the road and rejoined the villagers on the road who were making their way back into the city before the gates closed.

Jason was seeing to his horse after the Queen and he returned to the castle when Goyle approached him.

“Special duty for the King,” he said gruffly. “We are to be stationed at the gate for inspections. We are looking for a group of beggars. Their descriptions are here,” he said handing Jason a parchment. “We are to take into custody any young man who fits this description, especially the first one. No harm may come to him. The King wants them brought directly before him.”

Jason read the list. The first one described a young man with black hair and green eyes.


Hermione sat at the long table staring at the candles as they burned down their wicks. Her King kept her waiting and she sighed and took another drink from her goblet. Setting it back down on the table, familiar hands were placed on her shoulders.

“I have kept you. I apologize,” he said smoothly kissing her neck. His hand moved from her shoulder to caress her clavicle, his pinkie dipping into the neckline of her dress.

“It is not a problem, my Lord,” she said.

“Perhaps our meal can wait,” Draco whispered huskily as his hand dipped past her neckline and cupping a breast.

“But I had it specially prepared for you,” she said as he brought her to her feet.

He turned her around to face him and placed his hands on her waist. He lifted her and placed her on the table. “We can have it some other time,” he whispered then he hungrily sought out her lips.

He laid her back gently on the table, the goblet Hermione had been drinking from clattered to the floor. He kissed her lips, her neck her chest while his hands wandered over her cupping and kneading her breasts over the dress she wore. She shut her eyes when she felt his hardness press against her thigh through his trousers. She bit back obscenities she wanted to scream at him.

“Why, oh why must you keep me waiting?” Draco whispered longingly. Hermione gathered all her courage for what she was about to do.

“I want you to do something for me,” she said as she lifted her hips to press herself against him.

“Anything,” Draco groaned.

“Rowena,” she whispered in his ear. His kisses grew frenzied as he pressed himself against her and she pressed back. “I wish to visit Rowena.”

“You'll leave in the morning,” Draco whispered. Hermione smiled. With any luck she could intercept Harry.

“Ahem,” a voice came from the corner of the room. “My pardons, my Lord,” Goyle said, his eyes averted from the scene he had interrupted.

Draco moved off of Hermione. “Yes?” he asked not bothering to mask his annoyance. Hermione straightened her dress.

“You, uh, had asked me to inform you right away. We have found them and they are waiting for you in your throne room as you requested,” Goyle said.

“Very well. I will be there shortly,” Draco replied, waving the Knight away. He turned to Hermione. “I am so sorry for our dinner being ruined but we have some special guests. Follow me, my Queen,” he said, holding out his arm. Curious, Hermione took it.


Harry watched Ron as he walked ahead of him, Braeden was ahead of Ron, Mat and Geoff were behind him. A feeling of unease settled over him when he saw that there were Knights stationed at the gate doing inspections. Ron made it past the city gates and veered to the left and so did Braeden. They were to go their separate ways and meet at the Gaping Trout, an inn. Harry held his breath as he walked past the Knights, his heart beat rapidly in his chest. He veered right and let out a sigh of relief.

The streets were crowded with last minute travelers arriving and scrambling to find rooms at inns. The vendors who sold food called out bargains to those coming in that were hungry for a meal. Whores cooed and greeted the weary travelers.

“If you know what's best for you, I suggest you hide and leave first thing in the morning,” a voice next to him murmured.

Harry turned to face a Slytherin Knight riding on horseback casually through the street. He was about his age with brown hair and blue eyes. At first Harry wasn't even sure he was speaking to him.

“Did you not hear what I said?” the Knight spoke out of the corner of his mouth.

“I beg your pardon, Sir Knight, but I am a simple beggar,” Harry replied.

The Knight rolled his eyes. “I know who you are, Harry.” Harry's eyes widened slightly but the surprise was gone in a flash. “The Queen has given me orders to make sure you do not set foot inside that castle. And I will stay true to her word even if I have to bind and gag you and toss you over the wall.”

“I really don't give a damn what the King's mother says,” Harry hissed back, his hand stealthily reaching for the hilt of his sword.

“His mother has passed on. I'm speaking of the Lady Hermione,” Jason whispered fiercely.

“Hermione is not your Queen,” Harry spat.

It happened in a flash, the Knight's sword was drawn and held at his neck. Harry fingered the hilt of his sword. “She gave me orders to keep you away from the castle but she didn't say I couldn't cut out your tongue.”

Harry glared at the Knight. Hermione would not keep him away from her.


Comprehension dawned on his face but it was too late. The trap had already been sprung. A small group of Knights surrounded them. The Knight that Hermione had sent jumped down from his horse and stood behind Harry.

“Just don't do anything stupid,” he whispered as he manacled Harry's wrists. “We'll find a way to get you out of this.”

“Well done, Jason,” another Knight said as he approached. “I'll be taking over now.”

Jason did not release Harry. “I think not,” he replied coldly. “He is my prisoner.”

The Knight raised an eyebrow and looked at his fellow Knights. “So…the Queen's lapdog wishes to be rewarded. Very well, you are a dead man walking anyway. If the King finds that his marriage bed has already been slept in, he'll know whose manhood to cut off.” The Knights laughed and Jason bristled.

The Knight reached toward Harry's sword to strip him of it but when his hand touched the hilt he sharply pulled away. He looked suspiciously at him. Jason reached for the sword and withdrew it from Harry, disarming him.


The eunuch announced them as they entered the Throne Room and Hermione was floored to see five people on their knees, foreheads touching the floor and Slytherin Knights behind them holding chains. Hermione sat in the chair next to Draco's but Draco remained standing.

“You may rise,” Draco said calmly and the prisoners rose to their feet.

Hermione's eyes went over the Ravenclaw Knights in front of her stopping briefly at her cousin and locking eyes with Harry.

“What is the meaning of this?” Hermione demanded as she stood from her chair.

“I had received word of a most sinister plot involving these men,” Draco said as he slowly walked past the prisoners. He shook his head when he passed Ron. “It seems they were here to kidnap you, my love.” He stopped at Harry and smirked at him. Harry stared back at him, his gaze cold.

“Well, there must be some mistake. My cousin is here after all and I demand that he be released along with the others,” Hermione stated boldly.

“I'm afraid I cannot do that, my Queen,” Draco said smoothly. “It is a serious crime to kidnap a member of the royal family. Let alone the King's future bride.”

Harry saw that Hermione's gaze moved from him to behind him at Jason who held his chains.

“Draco, surely there must be some mistake. Ron is my cousin after all. Perhaps he was here to visit?” she said pointedly.

Ron was furious however. “You forced her into this marriage, Draco. I know you did. You stole her from Ravenclaw!”

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. She had been trying to give them a way out and Ron blew it. Every moment that Harry spent in the room with Draco, the more he wanted to be released from his bonds and strangle the man.

“I ask you for mercy,” Hermione said quietly to Draco. Her gaze fell upon Harry and he saw a brief flash of love in her eyes.

“Let me think of what I shall do to you,” Draco announced to the prisoners. “In the meantime…I hope you enjoy your stay in our dungeons.”


As Jason led Hermione back into the dungeons they came across two of the guards again. Let Draco know that I've come here. She was furious with him for this capture. She told him that she would not be joining him for dinner after all. He was angry with her but she didn't care. Her plans for leaving for Rowena were put on hold indefinitely.

“Ron!” she whispered when she saw him in his cell with the other Knights. He moved to the iron gate that imprisoned him and reached out for her through it.

“There's a traitor in Rowena,” he said to her. “We tried to come for you but someone sent word.”

“Severus,” Hermione said. “It's Severus. He was the one who took me from the castle. Oh, they killed Viktor,” she sobbed.

“Hermione, did you agree to marry him?” he asked.

“I had no choice. I had to save Rowena. I had to save you and…,” she stopped abruptly and sighed wearily.

“I know, Hermione,” Ron whispered. He looked at Jason, warily, who stood behind Hermione. “Hermione,” he began seriously. “There's something you should know--.”

Hermione held a finger to her lips. “I know. That is why I cannot let what's about to happen happen.” Ron looked at her questioningly. “Bellatrix is here,” she said and his eyes widened. “Draco made a deal to seek Harry out. He will turn him over to her to bring to the False King.”

“Hermione, that cannot happen.”

“I know. Where is he?”

“They moved him to another cell,” he replied.

She held her cousin's hand. “I will get you out of this. I swear it.”

She left her cousin to find Harry. She walked down the corridor until Jason whispered to her softly.

“Milady,” he whispered.

Hermione turned and saw that he had stopped in front of a cell. She must have missed it. She peered into it and saw that Harry was indeed alone. As soon as he saw her he scrambled to his feet to meet her.

“Harry,” she sobbed quietly. She reached out to hold him, cursing the metal that divided them. Harry kissed her hands as he held them then reached out to caress her face and wipe the tears from her eyes. She kissed his palm.

“Hermione, my sweet Hermione,” he whispered. “I have failed you. I swore that nothing would happen to you.”

“I am fine, Harry. My concern lies with you. Harry…Bellatrix is here. She is to take you to the False King.”

Harry sighed wearily. “There's something you should know…”

“I know, Harry. I know it all.”

“Then you'll understand why I'm asking you to do what I ask of you,” he said. “Return to Rowena. Find Dumbledore and leave with him.”

“I cannot do that,” Hermione trembled.

“Yes, you must! Dumbledore will keep you safe. Hermione…he killed my family. If he ever found out about you…”

Hermione shut her eyes. “No,” she whispered.

“Please, Hermione, you must! For me,” he pleaded.

“What I am about to do, is for you.” And our child.

Harry looked at her. “You're going to marry him, aren't you?” he said softly.

“I bound myself to you. My heart truly lies with you,” she said quietly as tears rolled down her face.

“Please, Hermione…go to Dumbledore. He will keep you safe.”

“And who will keep you safe?”

“No. Hermione, no, don't do this,” Harry shook his head.

Hermione kissed the palm that bore the slight scar of the binding then took his leave.

“NO! Hermione!” Harry shouted out, grabbing the iron bars and shaking them uselessly. “Don't do this! Hermione!”

Hermione shut her ears to her true love's cries. She was doing this for him but most of all for their unborn child.


Harry sat brooding in his cell. He didn't sleep at all that night as thoughts raced through his head. He ignored Ron and the other Knights as they called to him. He ignored the Riders of Hufflepuff and their calls for a plan to escape.

“Hermione will get us out of this,” Ron had called out to him.

And she would but at what price? Giving herself to that poor excuse of a king was not worth his life, no matter who he was.

His parents had sacrificed their lives for him, so did Dumbledore and Sirius. The Ravenclaw Knights pledged their alliance with him as surely as the Riders would. All of them, sacrificing for him. The True King. The one who could defeat the False King and reunite the lands. And he didn't want any of it.

Until now.

He swore an oath. When he was free of this mess, he would declare himself the True King and ride under the banner of his fathers. He would do it. Hermione's sacrifice would be the last and it would not be for nothing.

The dungeon door opened and he could hear the sounds of many footsteps. Draco walked in and marched to Harry's cell. A large Knight that Harry recognized from last night brought out the keys that unlocked his cell and stepped in. They put Harry in chains and restrained him. Draco walked into the cell.

“A King for a day,” he said softly. Harry said nothing, his jaw clenched in anger. “And yet you still don't get your Queen.” He sneered at him then quickly brought his hand back and hit Harry across the face. Harry glared at him, blood trickled from his lip. “Take him to Bellatrix,” Draco spat.

They shoved him to the ground and dragged him but Harry did not cry out in protest. The Riders screamed at Draco and Ron and his Knights spewed obscenities. The morning air was cool. Bellatrix sat upon her horse as Harry was dragged into the courtyard. They shoved him into a small caged wagon not bothering to remove his chains.

“And so it is done,” Bellatrix said cheerfully to Draco.

Draco looked at Harry in disgust. “So it is.”

At her command the caravan began to move and leave the city to begin their journey north to the False King.

Harry looked back at Draco standing in the courtyard of his castle. He would remember this. After he defeated the False King, he would amass a great army and lay siege to Slytherin. He would defeat Draco and take back what was stolen from him.

Hermione looked down into the courtyard, watching as Harry was taken away. Jason stood by her side.

“You know what you must do, Jason,” she said quietly to him. She had formed a plan and had given Jason her instructions.

“It will be done my Queen,” he replied then left her side.

Hermione stared coldly down at Draco and at Bellatrix. The courtyard would be bustling with activity in a few hours to set up the gallows. The Riders of Hufflepuff and her Ravenclaw Knights would be hung tomorrow. Her cousin, Ronald, would be spared but he was to be stripped of his title. She would go out into the city today and make the necessary preparations for this evening.

It was late afternoon by the time Draco had finished with matters of the Kingdom. After checking on the progress of the gallows which were near completion, he sat on his throne wearily and summoned for the Ravenclaw Knights. Hermione was visiting the city and would not return until later he was told. She was still angry with him and had not spoken a word to him, nor let him lay a single finger on her.

But he had to do this. The Knights had plotted against him and if he let them go free it would be a sign of weakness. He had spared her cousin because it would not look good to kill family you were to be wed into.

The doors opened and his Knights brought forth the prisoners of Ravenclaw. They were shoved to the ground.

“Kneel!” Goyle commanded harshly.

Draco surveyed them. “I brought you here because I am giving you one last chance. Swear allegiance to me and you will be beheaded instead of the drawn out process of a hanging.”

“Our allegiance is to the Queen!” Matt grumbled.

“And yet you plot to harm her?” Draco said calmly.

“We were to rescue her from a King that had stolen her,” Ron said angrily.

“I'd hold your tongue, Ronald. I only spared you because you are my love's cousin.”

“Does your love know you sold Harry to the False King?” Ron spat.

“And why would the Queen care about a Rider?” Draco asked lazily.

“He is her Knight and our sworn brother!” Braeden roared.

“The Rider a Knight?” Draco laughed.

“The Queen stood before him as he knelt and pledged his fealty to her,” Geoff growled.

A shadow passed over Draco's face and his smile vanished. His lips pursed together tightly as his hands gripped his throne. The next words out of his mouth were said with great restraint.

“I'll give you one last chance to swear fealty to the King.”

“We swear fealty to only one King,” Ron replied.

Draco stared at them. “Hang them all. Including the Queen's cousin.”

The prisoners were dragged to their feet and led away. Goyle stood by his King's side. One of the guards approached him.

“If I may speak, my King?” he said and Draco waved at him. “If these Knights have pledged to the Lost Heir, might have the others?”

Draco snapped his head at him. “What did you say?”

The guard swallowed nervously. “I said if they have pledged to the Lost Heir—“

“The Lost Heir?” Draco asked, harshly. “Where did you hear that?”

“I heard the Queen and Jason speaking, Milord,” the guard said timidly.

Draco closed his eyes and sighed heavily before opening them. “You may leave me. All of you except Goyle.” The attendants all left hastily.

“My King?” Goyle asked.

“I'm sending a letter to our friend Severus commanding that all the Knights in Ravenclaw will be killed.”

“Yes, my King,” Goyle said obediently.

Draco looked up at him, rage in his face. “Find Jason,” he said quietly. “Kill him.”

“As you command,” Goyle said, a smile on his face.

“And find the Queen and bring her straight to me.”


The sun was setting when Hermione's litter was placed before the steps of the castle. A few of Draco's Knights stood ready for her.

“The King has asked for your presence in the Throne Room,” one of them said as she climbed out of the litter.

“Of course,” Hermione said and headed into the castle.

Jason had followed her in and saw to his horse in the stables. He brushed her and wiped her down when he heard someone approach him from behind and the scrape of a blade being withdrawn from its hilt. Jason turned quickly as Goyle struck but he was quick and had his own sword out to block the hit.

Hermione entered the Throne Room and saw Draco slumped in his chair. His servants hastily left the room, closing the door behind them and leaving the two of them alone.

“Draco?” she asked.

He looked up at her. “I had asked you,” he said softly. “I asked you if you knew where he was.”

“Milord?” she asked, confused.

“The Rider, Hermione!”

Hermione gave a small laugh. “This is about the Rider again? Draco—“

“YOU LIED!! YOU LIED TO ME! YOUR KING!” he roared and flew out of his seat. Hermione gasped and stepped away from him frightened. “You knighted him!!”

“Draco—“ she breathed.

“You stood in front of me and LIED! You KNEW he was the Lost Heir!”

“I can explain!” she pleaded but Draco reached out and hit her across the cheek.

She went sprawling on the floor. Hot tears stung her eyes. Draco crouched next to her.

“Were you protecting him because you loved him?” Draco asked, heartsick. He grabbed her shoulders. “Do you love him?”

“No, Milord!” she cried.

He shoved her back down on the ground. “Every word out of your mouth is a lie!” he snarled. He gathered the hem of her skirts and ripped them. Hermione cried out.

“I swear it!” she said as she struggled against him.

“My patience with you is through,” he growled as he lay on top of her. “You will sleep in my chambers now, we will wed on the morrow and you will give me an heir,” he whispered fiercely in her ear. “You will love me!”

“I already do,” she cried weakly. “I already do.”

Jason let out a small groan of pain as Goyle's blade sliced his arm but the damage was not serious. Jason countered and parried with him. Goyle was slow but strong and Jason had the advantage. Goyle delivered a strong blow but missed causing him to be off balance. Jason seized the opportunity and struck him down.

He withdrew his blade now red and slick with blood. The King had finally put a price on his head, his time here was over. But first things first.

He ran into the dungeons, disposing of the guards there. The prisoners looked at him wide eyed and confused as he broke the locks, setting them free.

“My cousin?” Ron asked.

“She cannot be helped now,” Jason gasped out of breath. She had given him explicit instructions that she expected him to follow no matter what happened to her. “Quickly! We must ride now if we are to catch Bellatrix.”

To the stables they went, stealing horses and Jason riding his, his bundles already secured. They raced through the city as other soldiers joined them. The gates opened for them, Hermione having paid the gatekeeper well.


Harry lay at Voldemort's feet bound and gagged. The crowd of dark creatures cheered in triumph as Voldemort raised a hand, the Gryffindor sword in his hand. Draco walked up the stairs to greet him.

“What gift has the Slytherin King brought me?” Voldemort asked.

Draco smiled and bowed, moving to the side. Harry saw the look of surprise on Voldemort's face as a lioness leapt from behind Draco, her teeth sinking into Voldemort's throat as he was knocked to the floor.

Harry woke up from his dream startled. He thought he had heard a strange noise. The wagon had stopped and he heard the galloping of horses! Bellatrix began to shriek commands and there was the sound of metal clanking, the screams of horses and the grunts of men. He couldn't see anything in the dark because his prison had been covered.

At last the battle was over and the tarp was ripped off. A familiar face looked back at him in the moonlight.

“Sorry we're a bit late,” Ron said as he broke the lock.

“Ron!” Harry exclaimed.

“I believe this is yours?” he said, handing Harry his sword.

He stepped out of the wagon and his jaw dropped. His Knights had been freed as well as his fellow Riders, Slytherin soldiers stood among them with the Knight name Jason. Hermione's Knight. Bellatrix was on her knees before him.

“You will pay for this,” she spat at Harry.

“We shall see,” he replied. “Bind her. She will be our prisoner.”

“I'm sorry, Milord,” Jason spoke up. “But we have specific instructions from the Queen.”

Harry, the Riders and the Knights looked at each other uneasily. Jason reached down and yanked Bellatrix's head back.

“I have a message for you from the Queen Hermione herself,” he proclaimed aloud. Then he bent down to whisper in her ear. A message that Hermione had given Jason to give to her at the moment of Bellatrix's death. A message to be whispered so that no other ears could hear save hers. A secret that Jason was sworn to keep.

The Queen carries the True King's child.

Harry didn't hear what was whispered. No one did but Bellatrix's eyes grew large as she looked at Harry, her jaw dropping in surprise before the whoosh of Jason's blade lopped off her head. A Slytherin soldier stepped forward and unfurled a banner. It was blue with a silver raven on it with a crown on its head. Hermione's banner, the banner of the Queen. Bellatrix's head was wrapped in it and placed in the wagon. Jason slapped the horses' haunches as they continued their ride north to the Shadowlands.

Harry shared a long look with Ron. Hermione had started the Final Battle with the False King.

“The Queen has also asked me to give you this,” Jason said and another soldier stepped forward and handed Harry a bundle. “She had found a drawing of it and had it specially crafted.”

Harry unwrapped the bundle and unfurled the banner. It was a large one, crimson with a large lion embroidered in gold thread.

“It is from the house of your fathers,” Jason explained. Harry was speechless. Hermione had done this for him.

“All hail the Gryffindor King!” Ron shouted.

“Hail the Gryffindor King!” the others replied and they all bent on one knee before him.

All of them.


Hermione bowed her head as the heavy crown of silver, diamonds and emeralds was placed on her head. The smoke of the incense bowl weaved its way around her and her groom. She rose to her feet as she faced the Lords and Ladies in the hall. They cheered and clapped. Draco took her hand and kissed it as they walked together down the aisle and to the balcony. The citizens of the Kingdom had come far and wide for this moment. They cheered as Draco appeared on the balcony.

“I present to you your Queen. The Lady Hermione Granger of Ravenclaw!” he shouted.

Hermione stepped forward and the crowed roared with approval. Hermione smiled and waved down at them. An albino pigeon fluttered and landed on the ledge next to her and she gave a knowing smile.

She had given the pigeon to Jason to let her know that his deed had been done. She looked north. Harry had been freed and was now riding to gather an army to rise against the False King. And when he did, he would have a powerful ally in Slytherin.

Draco came up behind her and placed a hand on her lower back as he waved to the crowd.

“You see. They already love you as I love you,” he said to her.

“And as I love you, my King” she replied and Draco beamed.

Her smile did not reach her eyes but he didn't see that. And she cringed at every touch he gave her. He wouldn't see that either. He wouldn't see that she hated him with every fiber in her being.

And he would be delirious with joy when she would tell him, a moon from now, that she was with child.

