The Importance of Blood Magic


Rating: NC17
Genres: Angst, Horror
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5
Published: 20/04/2005
Last Updated: 20/04/2005
Status: Completed

Harry's POV after Voldemort's fall. Cutting and character death. Very dark.

1. Blood.

Title: The Importance of Blood Magic.

Rating: NC-17 to be on the safe side.

Author: Adam

Summary: Harry's POV after the final battle. Dark, dank, depressing. Deals with cutting and suicide. Character death.

Disclaimer: They are not mine. I'm just borrowing them. They belong to JKR.

This goes out to Crystal. Honey, you'll know why.


It's always about blood. My blood, his blood, Blood Magic. The importance of Blood Magic. That's what it took, the blood magic, that and the magic of Love. Pretty easy really when you come to think about it. The Dark Tosser never understood love, even when he was human, and that's why I won.

But what is love? I don't know, even though I “apparently” used it to win. Hermione? Nah, this is something even her precious books can't tell her, she's as confused as I am. Ron? Nah, it isn't food, so no point asking him. Dumbledore? Well, that would be interesting, as he's rather dead so I really can't ask him either. He'd probably know though, but wouldn't fucking tell me, just tell me that it's “inside me”, like he always fucking does.

The Tosser might be dead, but I can still feel him, running through my veins, trying to take control of my body. It's disgusting, it's horrible, and I want him out. I've tried before. Arms, legs, they're all covered in scratches. My trusty blade hidden away in my robes, where nobody will find it. He just won't fucking leave! What do I have to do? I tried asking Snape, Hogwarts' resident Voldemort expert, after all, he spent so much time in the Tosser's presence. Spying my arse, Snape's Dark and always will be. Well, not now, after the Tosser's death, he's been in a catatonic state. Pomfrey says it's something to do with the Mark. His own stupid fault then. And he's not the only one in there. Parkinson, Goyle, Crabbe, and Malfoy. That doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that Ginny's pining by his bed. Stupid fucking bint. He's Dark, catatonic, and you STILL wanna date him? Ron and Luna are downstairs, hidden away in a corner. Why hiding? “They don't want to appear happy in this time of sadness”, they said. More like “We don't want Hermione to see because she's SO in love with you Harry but won't admit it.” Yeah, whatever. Like I said, what is love?

Agh! I can still feel him, the Tosser, running through my veins. His blood, my blood, it's all one big fucking connection. Why? Why does he have to be connected to ME, for fuck's sake? Bastard. He knew I'd kill him, and he knew I'd feel like this afterwards, like I'd killed one of my own. I feel alone. All I want is to join him. Maybe...

Yes. That's it. I know what I have to do. It will be so easy, just to open a vein...

To say Hogwarts was on high alert would be an understatement. The whole school had gone into a panic ever since the disappearance of one Harry Potter and the discovery of his diary. It had been 48 hours since he had been seen last, and the whole school was worried sick. The Marauders Map had been found, but that was no use, and his invisibility cloak was missing.

Interestingly enough, it was Ginny Weasley who remembered about the Chamber, and her brother Ron who had the idea of getting into it. Eventually, the Chamber's entrance was opened, and Professor McGonagall, along with Professor Flitwick and Mad Eye Moody who entered the dark and dank Chamber.

It was there they found the body of Harry Potter, green eyes open but without their shine. Harry was lying in a thick pool of blood, with a razor blade sticking out of each wrist, and one in his open hand, stained with the blood from his neck. Professor Flitwick fainted as Mad Eye picked up a fallen piece of parchment from the blood. It read simply:

“It's always blood, and now he's gone for good. HP.”
