Voice of an Angel by Green_Eye_Sparkle16 Rating: G Genres: Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 29/04/2005 Last Updated: 29/04/2005 Status: Completed Harry and Hermione...just loving their little girl.-----Just something sweet...hope you like it! 1. Voice of An Angel -------------------- **DISCLAIMER:** *sniffle* I wanna say that I made up Harry Potter...but I didn't. It belongs to J.K. Rowling...lucky lady! **A/N:** Well, here's something sweet for you all! I just have to say that it was H_HrFan who inspired this story...or...it could have been....no, no...it was definitely H_HrFan! Thanks Terri! You're the bestest for tons of stuff...beta'ing included! In the most secluded place they could find, Harry and Hermione had bought a house in the country immediately after getting married. Their lives were just beginning, and they wanted it to themselves. No city life for them, no troubles, just peace and quiet. Their house was modest, yet beautiful. Their home was surrounded by shady birch trees, and green grass. They had a porch that overlooked the countryside. The swing that adorned their lovely porch was the perfect place for them to cuddle and whisper “I love you's” to each other. In the backyard stood a large oak tree, surrounded by wild flowers. When they had gone to check out the house, Hermione nearly fainted when she first saw the oak tree, and flowers. “We have to hang a swing from its branches,” she had said to Harry. “For the kids?” Harry asked, wrapping his arms around his new wife. “Of course,” Hermione said before capturing her new husband's lips in a passionate kiss. After the kiss, their foreheads rested against each other, and Harry and Hermione turned towards the big oak. Harry smiled. “I'd love to have a little girl,” he said. Hermione pulled away from him, surprised. “You would?” she asked. “Yeah,” Harry said, pulling her back to him. “I don't know why, but I've always wanted a daughter...you know, so she could wear one of those shirts that says `Daddy's Little Girl'.” Hermione let tears of joy run down her cheeks. “You are so sweet,” she said, smiling as she brushed her hands through his hair. “I love you. Our life here is going to be wonderful.” “Yes it is.” Harry said, kissing her forehead and holding her to him. “Yes it is.” Harry and Hermione couldn't wait to start their family, and ended up conceiving their daughter that very night. *****Five years later***** “Harry,” Hermione called from the kitchen. “Can you give me a hand with these dishes please?” Hermione often did dishes by hand rather than using magic. It reminded her of doing dishes with her mother when she was young. “I'm coming,” Harry called, as he walked into the kitchen. “Hello love,” he said, wrapping his arms around Hermione. “Oh,” she gasped, surprised by his hug. “Hello, do you mind drying?” “Not at all,” Harry said, picking up a dishtowel. He never minded it when Hermione wanted to do dishes by hand. After all, he had years of practice, living with the Dursley's. He never thought about them though. After Voldemort was defeated, Harry learned not to dwell on the past, and to focus on his future - Hermione. Only, now there was more than one girl in Harry's life. Emily, their daughter, was Harry's pride and joy. Nothing in his life could ever amount to the joy he felt when Hermione told him they were going to have a baby. Nothing was ever as magical as the birth of his daughter. The first time Harry held Emily in his arms, he cried more than she did. Now, five years later, he couldn't believe how fast she had grown up. Harry and Hermione finished up the dishes, and were putting them away when Hermione heard the most beautiful sound in the world, and it was coming from the backyard. It was a melodic, almost angelic, sound like she'd never heard before. “What is that?” Hermione asked, looking up from dish drying. “What?” Harry asked, putting a plate in the cupboard. “What is what?” “Shh...Listen...can't you hear that?” Harry stood still, and listened quietly. “What is that?” “I don't - ”, Hermione began. Just then, sound became clearer. It was a voice...someone was...singing. “Harry,” Hermione said, grabbing his arm. With her other hand, she pointed out the window. “Look at our little one.” Harry peered out the kitchen window into their backyard. There, on the tire swing he'd hung from the large oak, the day Hermione had found out she was pregnant, was their daughter Emily. Somehow they'd both known they were going to have a baby girl. Even then, they could picture her doing exactly what she was doing now. They stared out the window, smiling affectionately at their little girl. Sitting in the tire, swinging her legs back and forth, little Emily was making a daisy chain from the flowers that grew all around the oak tree. She strung the little flowers together carefully, making sure she didn't break any. Harry and Hermione chuckled lightly when she put the daisy chain on her head - like a little crown. Then, shockingly, the beautiful voice they had heard not moments ago emerged from their little girl. She hummed, and then sang: *“I'm the princess of the flowers,* *With my daisy crown I swing.* *When the sun is shining bright,* *That is when I sing.”* It was the most beautiful song they had ever heard. Harry and Hermione quickly looked at each other, and then stood open - mouthed, gazing at Emily. “Did you know she could sing like that?” Harry asked incredulously. “No,” Hermione said. “Who gave her that voice?” “Definitely not you...” Harry muttered under his breath. “I heard that,” Hermione said, smacking him on the arm. “I'm kidding,” Harry said as he wrapped her up in his arms. “Let's go outside.” They went outside. Before they could step down from the back porch, Emily had jumped out of the swings and flung herself into their arms. “Hi mummy! Hi daddy!” “Hi sweetie,” Hermione said, kissing her daughter on the forehead. “What was that you were just singing?” “My song mummy! Did you hear it? Did you like it? I made it up all by myself.” “Yes, I did, and I do like it sweetie, very much.” “Do you like my flower crown daddy?” Emily asked her father, pointing to the little daisy crown on her head. “It's wonderful, love,” Harry told her, hugging her tighter. “And I loved the song. It was beautiful - just like you” “Thank you daddy's!” Emily squealed, hugging Harry back. “I'm going to go sing it again.” Emily skipped back over to her tire swing and returned to swinging, and singing happily. Holding each other, Harry and Hermione stood silent, just watching their baby girl. “Listen to her voice,” Harry said in awe. “She's got the voice of an angel...how have we never noticed?” “I don't know,” said Hermione. “She's got a gift though.” “Yeah she does.” “I love her so much,” Hermione whispered. “I just can't believe she's growing up so fast.” “I know,” Harry said. “I want her to be this way forever.” “Don't worry,” Hermione said, rubbing Harry's arm. “She'll always be `Daddy's Little Girl'.” “Yeah,” Harry whispered. “My little girl...*our* little girl.” “Harry...” “Hmm?” “I'm pregnant.” Hermione whispered. Harry put his hand on her stomach and smiled. “Another baby girl?” he said, the grin spreading across his face as he watched his little Emily play. **A/N:** Please review my little story! I'd really love to hear your thoughts on it! -->