Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Rating: NC17
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 11/12/2002
Last Updated: 22/01/2005
Status: Paused

Book 2:Takes place during the summer after sixth year. Harry and Hermione go to Rome for a well deserved vacation and to visit Hermione's cousin Amelia. Harry and Hermione somehow get thrown back in time to ancient Rome. Slavery and Gladiators are just samples of the dangers ancient Rome has in store for them. Will they ever get back to their own time or has Voldermort finally succeeded in his plan to kill Harry Potter?

1. Meet The Grangers

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, they belong to J.K Rowling. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 1—Meet The Grangers

Harry Potter leaned on the windowsill, glancing out the window of his upstairs bedroom; he looked down at the trickling stream. He was relieved to learn that he didn’t have to go and stay with the Dursleys this summer after all, more importantly he was going to spend the summer with his girlfriend Hermione Granger in Rome, Italy. He sighed, then leaned over and picked up the letters that were resting on the table.

His eyes scanned the first one; it had only been a week and a half into the summer when he had gotten this letter.


I would really enjoy it if you would accompany me to Rome to visit with my cousin Amelia. I had already contacted Dumbledore and he said it would be all right if you went with me and both my parents agree. Please come Harry, I already miss you.

Love you lots,


P.S. Owl me immediately with your response.

Harry set the letter back down on the table, he remembered going to Sirius right after reading the letter asking if he could go. Not only did he want to be with Hermione so badly, he would be able to visit another country. Sirius was only too happy to allow Harry this chance of a lifetime. Harry remembered something else too; he could see the look on Sirius’s face was well, serious. (A/N: Sorry guys I resisted the Sirius jokes all through Soul Scepter, I just couldn’t help it this time. hee hee)

Sirius had Harry sit down on the couch; he sat next to him in a chair leaning forward. There was a puzzled look in his eye. Sirius gave Harry a light smile, “I suppose there’s no way to start a conversation like this.” Sirius replied running his hand nervously though his hair.

“Well then just say it, what’s on your mind.” Harry asked.

“Okay, here it goes.” Sirius cleared his throat. “There comes a time in every young man’s life where, well...” He scratched the back of his neck. “Harry I know you’ve had girlfriends, and well when young people get to a certain age they start feeling, well different. And—”

Harry cut Sirius off with a tiny chuckle, “Sirius, are you trying to talk to me about sex?”

Sirius nodded, “Yes, I’m trying.”

“It’s all right; I think I know all I need to know.” Harry said with a smile.

“How well do you know?” Sirius’s eyes narrowed.

“Enough.” Harry said, “I know enough.”

“You do know this is not something that should be played with or taken lightly, trouble and something not necessarily planned could come of it.” Sirius’s brow arched a bit.

“Yes I know that, I am careful.” Harry said leaning back into the cushion of the couch.

“It’s just you are going off with someone you love to a very romantic city, and well, some cautions might get thrown to the winds, if you know what I’m saying.” Sirius said.

Harry nodded. “Yes I realize that, there’s nothing to worry about. Trust me.”

“Sure Harry, I trust you.” Sirius smiled as did Harry. —Harry’s memory was interrupted as Sirius stuck his head in through the open door. “We’ll be flooing to the Grangers in about five minutes, I hope you have all…” Sirius looked sternly at Harry, “…that you could ever need.”

This look on Sirius’s face caused Harry to break down into laughter. “Yes I have everything I need.”

Sirius nodded and left the room, heading down the stairs.

Harry didn’t really presume anything concerning Hermione and their relationship but he owled Zara in America for some more of that Orgus Root, just in case. He had got an owl from her, with a large quantity of Orgus Root. She was only too happy to send it to him. Harry looked at Zara’s letter.

Hiya Harry,

Sure you can have some Orgus Root, I owled you a huge chunk much you more than I gave you before, this way you have a good supply to last even through the next school year, well I hope you make good use of it *wink wink*. Well enjoy Rome, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. That means you better go out and party or I’ll come to Rome and give you such a pinch.

Ta ta,


P.S. Ron’s coming on vacation with me. Later babes.

Harry laughed thinking that Zara was so weird, nice but weird. He couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect for Ron. That was when he came across Ron’s letter.


I have great news Zara’s parents invited me and my whole family to go to the Bahamas with them, isn’t that fantastic? I’ve never been on a vacation that didn’t involve going to visit family members. Well I hope you have fun on your vacation and remember I want all the details, and I do mean all the details.



Harry chuckled, no. He was not going to give Ron any such details. He then heard Sirius’s voice from downstairs.

“Yeah I’m coming.” Harry shouted down the stairs and picked up his Muggle suitcase, since he will be staying in Muggle Rome with Hermione’s cousin, he didn’t want to bring anything that linked him to the Wizarding world except his wand, for emergencies. He passed by the mirror and took a glance at it. ‘I wonder how Hermione will think of me without my glasses?’ Harry, during the first week of summer had Magic Eye Surgery; it was a correction for poor vision. He had been wanting to find someway to be able to see without glasses that always tended to get in the way for a long time now. And when he came across this new Magic Eye Surgery he was quick to sign up. He then started down the stairs.

Harry moved towards Sirius who was standing by the fireplace, Sirius then threw some of the powder into the fireplace and shouted. “Hermione Leanne Granger’s house.” Within a few moments Sirius and Harry stepped out of the fireplace into the grand living room of Hermione’s house.

Harry noticed there were three people two women and a man; they got to their feet when he and Sirius came through the fireplace. The two women were smiling while the man was just standing with a stern statement on his face. Harry gulped. Well it looked like it was time to meet the Grangers.

Hermione’s parents came towards him, “Well you must be Harry.” A woman with a polite smile a light brown hair stepped closer to him. “I’m Jenna, Hermione’s mother.” She then pointed to the man, “This is Kevin, Hermione’s father and this is Mavis, Hermione’s grandmother.

Harry nodded with a polite smile in the direction of Hermione’s family. “Well I’m pleased to meet you.” He said, his voice coming out a little shaky.

“So you’re my little Muffin’s boyfriend are you?” Kevin said, his eyes trying to stare Harry down.

Harry gulped down a breath of air; Hermione’s father was downright scary. “Uh, yes sir.” The room felt small, warm and uncomfortable.

Kevin stepped closer to Harry, “I trust you are respectful of my daughter.” He studied the young man.

“Yes sir.” Harry nodded.

“Well just in case you over step your bounds with my daughter I have a gun and a shovel, I doubt anyone would miss you.” Kevin said.

Harry’s eyes widened, “Uh sir, I would never. I mean—” He was cut off by Kevin’s laughter. Harry didn’t think this was so funny, what was he laughing about

Kevin smiled, “Ah relax there Harry.” He smacked him on the back with such a force that it knocked Harry forward a bit. “I’m just playing with ya.”

Jenna and Mavis were laughing as well, even Sirius was joining in on the laughs, and Harry just didn’t see this as funny.

“Oh Harry lighten up,” Kevin said with a smile. “We all know how much you care our daughter; I just love seeing the boyfriend’s reaction when I give them the psycho, over protective parent conversation. I just couldn’t resist, even with you.”

“Well I didn’t think it was very funny.” Harry mumbled which only caused Hermione’s parents to laugh even harder.

“Oh Kevin, leave the poor boy alone.” Mavis said then turned to Harry with a smile. “Why don’t you go up and see Hermione, then we’ll get you a guest room. You both leave for Rome at nine O’clock sharp tomorrow. That’s why Hermione isn’t down here to greet you she’s still packing her stuff up, we told her that as soon as you arrive we would send you up. Her room is the first door on the right.”

Harry nodded and he moved through the hall, he found the stairs and started to climb. He reached the top of the stairs; he heard the radio on and someone singing to it. And since Hermione didn’t have any brothers or sisters it must be her singing. He started towards Hermione’s open door. He saw her. Her back was toward him and she was moving around, dancing a bit while singing to a catchy tune from the nineteen seventies he was sure the group was called ABBA, an American group that the Dursleys used to play often. Hermione was also folding a shirt at the same time and placed it into her suitcase. She was singing so loudly and moving to the tune, that Harry couldn’t help but smile. She didn’t even notice she had an audience.

“There was something in the air last night, the stars were bright. Fernando.” Hermione sang loudly, her voice matched the pitch and even harmonized with the singers. Harry never really knew Hermione sang so lovely.

Harry leaned up against the doorjamb simply watching her, and listening to her voice. He watched her close the suitcase and set it on the floor by her bed, she jumped up to sing the grand finale of the song, she jumped towards the door. Her eyes went wide and her face flushed bright red, her mouth frozen open. Hermione just stared.

Harry couldn’t help it, the look on her face made him laugh.

Hermione dropped her arms from up in the air and looked up at Harry, “Heh, heh. Just how long were you standing there?”

“Long enough.” He smiled.

“You didn’t see me, uh? Did you?” Hermione’s face was flushing even more now.

“Yeah.” Harry grinned, “But you looked really cute.”

A light seemed to snap on in Hermione’s head; Harry was standing in her room. “Whoa wait a minute, you’re here.”

“Boy, you’re really quick today Hermione.” Harry was sarcastic. “Yeah I’m here.”

Hermione quickly went up to him and flung her arms around him with such a force that it almost knocked him over for the second time today. She held him really tightly to her. “I’m so happy you are here and going to Rome with me.”

Harry smiled as his arms went around her, holding her so very tight to him as well. “I’m happy about that too.”

Hermione pulled back looking up at him, she noticed something was different. “Harry you look different.” She couldn’t exactly put her finger on it, but something was indeed different.

“Oh really, what could be different about me? I have the same color hair I had when we met.” Harry wondered how long it would be for her notice.

Hermione reached up and ran her fingers lightly through his hair, “No that’s not it. It’s something else.” She continued to scan his face; she honestly didn’t know what was different. She looked straight into his eyes. His eyes. Oh that was it, they were so bright and beautiful. Her jaw dropped “Oh, what happened to your glasses Harry?” She lightly touched the bridge of his nose where his glasses used to rest; he closed his eyes as Hermione traced her finger over his cheeks.

“Well I’ve been wanting to see properly without glasses for awhile now.” He said with his eyes closed. He loved the feel of her fingers on his face. “Well a few days when the summer holidays started I read in the paper about this Magic Eye Surgery and I went for it.” He took in a breath, “So what do you think?”

She kissed him on both cheeks, “I think you look very handsome, with or without your glasses.”

Harry opened his eyes staring at her, “I am so very happy to be able to spend the summer with you, I was just going to sit at home all holiday and think about you. But now I actually get to be with you.” He took in a breath, “What made your parents agree to let me go with you anyway?”

“I told them how much I needed you, and they knew what happened this past school year with Him, Salazar and Rowena. They know how much you mean to me.” Hermione smiled up at him.

Harry gave her a smile, “Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly.

“Anytime you want, you don’t even have to ask.” Hermione said with a shy smile.

He leaned in lightly covering her mouth with his, the world melted away. It had been too long since he’d kissed her, he could do this forever. He felt her arms tighten around him, as did his. Her mouth opened underneath his, he took this as an invitation for more. His tongue touched hers, and he felt Hermione pressing her mouth harder against his and her tongue dancing against his. Harry moaned softly feeling her kissing him harder.

There was a knock on the open door and Harry and Hermione immediately sprung apart, Harry turned to find Hermione’s mother standing there.

“Oh, mum.” Hermione said. “We- we were just talking.”

“I can see that.” Jenna smiled, “Although when I was in school to talk words actually have to pass back and forth between the conversing couple.”

Jenna looked at Harry “I’m sure you’re hungry Harry, lunch is ready. Why don’t you go down and get something to eat.” She said with a smile.

Harry nodded, understanding. He knew that Jenna just wanted to talk to Hermione so he left with a smile and started down the stairs to the kitchen.

Jenna walked into the room and sat down on Hermione’s bed. “So that’s your Harry.”

Hermione smiled, her cheeks tinting pink, “Yeah, he’s my Harry.” She glanced down at her feet.

“Hermione,” Jenna took a breath. “I know that Harry is special to you and well I know that he loves you.”

“I love him too mum, very much.” Hermione sat down on the bed next to her mother.

“I can see that, but you two are just so young and will assume that you two have been well, close, am I right?” Jenna searched her daughter’s down turned face.

Hermione’s head snapped up looking at her mother, she was just waiting for the lecture and yelling to start about how disappointed her mother was in her.

Jenna sniggered a bit. “Hermione relax, I’m not going to yell at you. I trust you to make your own decisions and to make the right ones. Sure I’m a little disappointed but I understand. Now if your father knew that his little Muffin was already engaged in a physical relationship he would probably fly through the roof, and the psychotic, overactive parent would actually shine through.”

Hermione wondered why her parents would never just use the word sex, or say sexual in a conversation with her, even when she was learning about the birds and the bees they still wouldn’t use the word sex in front of her.

“Harry’s just not some random guy mum, he’s different. I wish I could explain it more to you, in a way that you would understand. Hey, I didn’t even understand it at first.”

“Well anyone who would risk their own life for yours has got to be something special.” Jenna touched her daughter’s cheek.

“He is, Harry is really special.”

“Well I hope you have everything you need, to have a good time without worrying about pregnancy.”

“Mum!” Hermione was shocked that her mother had just said that.

Jenna just laughed, “Come on, let’s get some lunch before it’s all gone, you know how men can get.”

Hermione nodded and they started down the stairs, she told her mother about Ron the human garbage disposal.

Down stairs in the kitchen Harry was eating a nice lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, with Cheetos and some cranberry juice.

Harry saw Hermione and Jenna come into the kitchen with smiles on their faces. Hermione went over to her grandmother and kissed her on the cheek.

“Hey Nanna.” Hermione then looked at Harry’s Godfather Sirius and gave him a polite smile. “Hello Sirius.”

“How are you doing Hermione, is everything okay with you.” Sirius asked as Hermione took a seat next to Harry. “How have you been holding up? Harry told me about your nightmares.”

Hermione smiled a little. “Well they are getting better, I mean it’s not like it was. But I still get those flashes, you know.” She felt a hand come down on top of hers, she turned and found Harry smiling at her, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “I’ll get past it, I know I will.” She smiled.

Kevin gave Hermione a plate of food.

“Ah Hermione, done packing already?” Mavis asked. She wanted to change the subject.

“Yes, it took me forever.” Hermione said taking a drink of her juice.

“Well maybe if you did less singing and dancing you would get more packing done.” Harry said with a smirk.

“Ha-ha you are so funny Harry, you should be a comedian.” Hermione was sarcastic.

“You know I was thinking the same thing.” Harry grinned.

“Now Muffin.” Her father said very seriously.

“Dad!” Hermione’s face flushed from embarrassment. “Don’t call me that.”

Sirius covered his mouth with his hand to try and keep in the tiny snigger. He saw Harry glare at him which made him have to fight his laughter even more.

Harry sometimes he wished that he could have a mother or father to give him a pet name and embarrass him in front of his girlfriend.

Kevin chuckled and sat down across from her. “I know you are going to stay with Amelia, now I don’t want you coming back acting like her.”

“Oh Dad, don’t worry about that. I know my limits.” Hermione said with a smile.

“Amelia is your mother’s, sister’s, daughter. That side of the family is a bit, oh what’s the word.” Kevin paused a moment thinking of the right word without hurting his wife’s feelings “Eccentric.”

“Dad I know how Amelia is, she’s the one that said I needed a change and bought me a whole new look last year. I didn’t want her too, she just did it. Although after awhile I did tend to like it.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.” Kevin said, “Just remember, keep your wits about you and you’ll be fine.”

“I will dad, I will. You can trust me.” Hermione said with a smile.

“Yes I can trust you, its Amelia I don’t trust.” Kevin felt a smack on his arm and looked up into his wife’s narrowed gaze.

“My family is fine, Amelia is just a bit outspoken. Hermione will be just fine.” Jenna said looking at Hermione then at Harry. “Plus if she gets too out of hand, like Hermione has been known to get, Harry there will set her in the right direction again, won’t you?”

Harry turned to Hermione, “When do you get out of hand?”

Hermione’s face flushed, “Um, well.”

Mavis chuckled. “Hermione is a bit different when not in school Harry,” She said with a smile. “She is more like her mother’s side of the family in that regard.”

“I’m not that bad.” Hermione crossed her arms over her bosom and sat back in her chair glaring at the saltshaker sitting on the table.

“No you’re not dear, you are one of the more mild ones but you still have that streak in you. And when it wants to come out, it does.” Mavis turned to Harry, “So you better be ready for it.” She smirked.

Now this was interesting, he just had to see this other, hidden side of Hermione. He sat back looking at the Grangers, they were all arguing about Amelia or other members of Jenna’s side of the family. It was wonderful, he had never really been part of a family before, this was a glorious feeling, and one that he hoped would never go away. Tomorrow he would leave for Rome with Hermione. It was going to be a great summer holiday.


Ah, the very first chapter of Amulet of Torna, so what did you guys think. Like it? Love it? Hate it? Read and review, thanks Ryoko.

2. Roman Holiday

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: this chapter isn’t beta-ed yet but it will be later tonight and I will re-upload. I havent’ addressed the reviewers yet on this, when I re-upload you will all be addressed. Sorry this chapter took so long but I was fighting a case of writers block. You all know how that can be, Enjoy chapter 2

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 2—Roman Holiday

BOUNCY SQUEEK BOUNCY SQUEEK BOUNCY. Harry woke to a serious bouncing of his bed, he lifted his head and tilted his body to the side looking upward, his vision was still blurry as he saw a tall figure bouncing up and down on his bed. BOUNCY SQUEEK BOUNCY. He rubbed his eyes from the sleep, he was able to see properly. It was Hermione jumping up and down on his bed like a little girl on Christmas morning.

“Come on Harry time to get up. Time to get up.” Hermione said in excitement. BOUNCY SQUEEK BOUNCY.

Harry yawned, “Hermione how can you have this much energy at….” He looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. “At seven in the morning.”

Hermione shrugged, BOUNCY SQUEEK KLUNK she landed on his bed. “I’m just really excited about going to Italy with you.” She smiled. “So get up already.” Hermione said as Harry sat up; as he did so the blanket fell away revealing his bare chest to her sight. Hermione gave an appreciative whistle. “Lookin’ good Potter.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

A smaller yawn fought its way out of him. Harry smirked. “You like what you see do you?”

“Always.” Hermione replied with a delightful smile.

Harry lifted a brow of his own, “Now that you’ve seen mine, do I get to see yours?” He leaned forward and stuck his finger in the top of her tank top and pulled it a bit trying to look.

She pushed his hand away, “maybe you will, if you’re a good boy and do what I say.” Hermione lifted her finger up in the air.

“Is that how its going to be is it?” Harry said with a half grin.

“Yes.” Hermione said calmly.

Harry and Hermione stared at each other for a long moment, it was a stare down. They were supposed to keep eye contact until the other blinked.

Out of nowhere Hermione practically flew at him, knocking him back onto the bed with her on top of him. She smiled down, looking sweetly. Hermione saw Harry blink, “I win.” She said, a triumphant smile graced her face.

“And what would you like as a prize Miss Granger?” Harry asked innocently.

“Just you Mr. Potter, just you.” Her voice had dropped to almost a whisper.

Harry’s hand reached up and cupped her cheek; he felt her press more into hand while he watched her eyes close. “You have me Hermione.”

Hermione’s heart melted and she smiled, she lowered her lips to his where she kissed him lightly. She felt his mouth open to her with a growing need to feel more than just her lips on his. Harry’s hands reached up and cupped the back of her head when he felt her tongue enter his mouth and tangle with his, he kissed her harder with such a wanting that it nearly controlled him. He shifted his body so that her legs opened and she was straddling him.

Hermione softly moaned feeling him pressed in between her thighs, she pulled back a little and glanced down at him. “Harry—my parents, their—house.” She took in a short breath “We can’t do this here.” She said, her breathing erratic.

“Do you want to stop?” Harry asked still fighting against his own self control.

“I don’t want to… but we have to.” Hermione searched his eyes for his reaction.

Harry took in a deep breath, “whatever you want love, I will do.” He smiled.

Hermione smiled back and quickly leaned in giving him a soft, sweet kiss.

There was a knock at the door and Hermione practically jumped off him, landing on the floor with loud thud followed by an ooow. The door burst open and Hermione’s grandmother rushed inside.

“Is everything all right in here? I was coming up to let you know that breakfast was ready and I thought I heard a noise.” Mavis looked around and saw Hermione on the floor, her hair had been tousled and her face was flushed. She glanced over at Harry who was covering himself with the comforter. Mavis popped her hip out and her hand came down on at is she stared at the two teenagers. “I suppose I don’t have to guess what was going on in here.”

Hermione stood, “N—nothing was going on in here Nanna.” Her face was still flushed.

“Hermione, what do you take me for?” Mavis said with a stern, but calm look on her face. “I was a teenager myself once, sure it was awhile ago.” She paused a minute and thinking back to those days of her youth, “but I remember it just the same.” She pointed to the door with her chin, “Hermione go fix your hair and then go down to breakfast. Harry here will be along in a moment, I want to have a little chat with him.”

Harry swallowed the breath he had been holding, oh I’m going to get it now, curse these damn male hormones, He thought to himself. Harry would have held his fist up to the air threatening like, but he was around other people and it would make him feel idiotic.

Hermione nodded and walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Mavis turned to Harry, “now I know we all talked about this last night before you two went to up to bed, but I again want to tell you that you two are going to Rome. It’s a bit intimidating if you don’t know the dangers. You need to look out for each other; anything can happen in that city, it has a lot of history. Something I’m sure Hermione would also be interested in.” Mavis glanced down at the floor and then up about the room a bit. “For some reason I trust you with Hermione more than I have trusted any other fellow with her, do not break her heart.”

“Mrs. Granger—” He was interrupted.

“Please call me Mavis.” She said.

“Okay then Mavis, I would not break her heart. What makes you think that I would?” Harry found that slightly offensive.

“Because Harry, Rome is filled with really beautiful women. And well you are almost a man. And no man is immune to a pretty female.” Mavis said with some wisdom behind her words.

Harry took in a breath. “I know this is going to sound cheesy and well to you it might seem like just another typical guy line to work his way into a girl’s pants, but none is more beautiful to me then my Hermione. She is everything, and certainly no other pretty face will turn my head.”

Mavis smiled, “I believe you. Just be on your guard.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “I was just giving you the same speech that I gave my son Kevin when he went to Paris with Hermione’s mother. So it’s nothing personal.” Mavis smiled. “Now please tell me before I came in here that you two weren’t planning to—” Mavis was cut off quickly.

“Well” Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously, something he had picked up from Sirius obviously. “Nothing was planned, but nothing more went on. Hermione has a good head on her shoulders, she’s the more sensible one.”

Mavis nodded. “I think I’ll be on my way, let you get ready for the day.” Mavis started for the door. “Breakfast is ready for you when you want it.” She left the room closing the door behind her and Harry got ready for the day.

While in his boxers he jumped from the bed and went over to his suitcase. Harry picked out a fresh pair of boxer shorts, a dark red t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts. He quickly closed the suitcase up. He headed straight for the bathroom. As Harry stepped from the room he was startled by Hermione jumping away from the wall next to the door. She had a distressed look in her eyes and he was a bit concerned.

“Hermione, what’s the matter?”

“You didn’t get in trouble did you?” She asked, biting her bottom lip in worry.

Harry lifted his hand and brushed his fingers along her cheek, “no trouble what so ever.” He said with a tiny smile.

Hermione relaxed and let out the breath she had been holding. “Good.” She said with a relived smile. “I want my family to like you, and with me being in your room with you practically naked that wouldn’t exactly get you on their good side.” She glanced down for a moment, “speaking of practically naked.” She looked up at him, confusion in her eyes “why are you walking around in your underwear?”

Harry smirked, “Oh I thought you would like me walking around in my underwear.”

A small laugh escaped Hermione, “well I wouldn’t mind, but I think my parents might have a small problem with it.”

“In that case, I’ll just continue on my way to the bathroom so I can take a quick shower and get properly dressed for your parents.” Harry continued on his way into the bathroom as Hermione who was smiling turned and started down the stairs towards the kitchen.

Hermione sat down at the kitchen table and picked up her glass of orange juice. Her mother set a plate full of food down in front of her. Hermione sighed looking at the huge stack of waffles, and the fruit surrounding it. She could never eat all her mother placed before her. She heard a soft meow and turned her head towards the archway, Crookshanks came into view, his tail swaying lightly as he walked.

The cat sauntered over to Hermione and jumped up into her lap. Hermione reached down and scratched his cheek and gave him a good amount of petting. Crookshanks purred and settled himself into her lap.

“Hermione are you going to spend all breakfast petting that cat, eat up before it gets cold.” Jenna said with a smile.

Hermione looked down into the full plate again, “there’s just too much here.” She whispered lightly to herself.

Crookshanks ears perked up and the cat looked up at her, Hermione suddenly got an idea, she looked over at her mother who was still making the waffles, her back was to Hermione. Hermione picked up a waffle with her fork and carefully placed the waffle under the table and tossed it to the floor. Crookshanks jumped off Hermione’s lap and onto the floor where he began to eat up the waffle. Hermione continued doing that until she only had a waffle and a half left. She then began to enjoy her breakfast.

After a nice, short shower, Harry dried off and took care of his morning necessities such as brushing his teeth, shaving and such. He got dressed and when his hair dried a bit, he tried to get it do what he wanted, but alas it was no good. He left the bathroom.

Harry went back into the guest room and placed his used underwear back in the suitcase but in a different compartment as to know it was dirty and needed a wash. He grabbed his wand and its holder, he looped the holder into his belt loops and fastened it much like he would a belt and slipped the wand into the holder. He was sure if there was a life or death emergency the Ministry would overlook his use of magic. Of course he wouldn’t use it unless absolutely necessary. Harry pulled his shirt hem down over the wand so it couldn’t be seen.

He closed the suitcase and locked it, he carried it out of the room and down the stairs. He sat the suitcase in front of the door where Hermione’s was and hurried into the kitchen, he saw Hermione sitting at the table already eating the waffles which her mother had made.

Jenna smiled at Harry as he took a seat next to Hermione, she set a plate of food in front of him. “There you go, now eat up and don’t let any go to waste.”

Harry stared at the stack of waffles. There were at least five waffles in the stack, along with some fruit and a slice of ham. He looked at Hermione and leaned over so he could talk to her quietly. “There is no way I can eat all these waffles.”

“Neither could I.” Hermione said quietly. She pointed down under the table and Crookshanks was sitting there feasting on a waffle.

He kept the laugh in, “ah I get it. Okay so Crookshanks is kinda like the family dog?”

“You have no idea how much that blasted cat eats, he eats twice as much as me, and then like three times more than my dad.” Hermione shook her head back and forth. She continued to finish off her breakfast, out of the corner of her eye she saw Harry tossing pieces of waffle down to the floor.

After breakfast was finished and cleared, Harry and Hermione grabbed their luggage and headed to the car. Their plane would leave in about an hour and a half and it was always best to get to the air port an hour before it leaves, just in case a problem arose.

Kevin then started up the car and they were on their way to the airport.

Harry and Hermione said good bye to her parents and they boarded the plane. After settling down into their seats, sure it wasn’t as luxurious as when they went to the US with Zara but it wasn’t bad either.

They heard the information about buckling seatbelts and what would happen in case of a crash. The flight attendants voice came over the loud speaker and told the passengers where they would be heading. A few moments later the plane started moving down the runway and it took to the air. They were on their way to Italy.

Hermione was reading Great Expectations when Harry tapped her on the shoulder. She placed her thumb in the center of the book and closed it a little. She looked at him with a smile.

“What exactly is your cousin like?” Harry wondered.

“Oh boy.” Hermione took a breath, “Amelia is worse then Zara. We’ve seen Zara’s life, it’s nothing compared to Amelia. You see she is a fashion designer, twenty six years old, has a different boyfriend or girlfriend which ever she is in the mood for like every week. She has a few tattoos in discreet places, a few piercings and she’s totally in with the night life.”

“She sounds like quite a handful.” Harry said completely alarmed at the tale of Hermione’s cousin.

“Yes she is.” Hermione said with a laugh, “I remember when I was around twelve or so and she came over to spend a week with us. She was the biggest flirt on the face of the earth. My parents and I were out running errands and we came home to find her surrounded by like seven guys. She is a guy magnet, a girl magnet too sometimes.”

“What kind of fashions is she a designer for? I have never heard of her.” Harry watched Hermione carefully a tiny blush rose to her cheeks.

“Amelia is sort of a designer for the….interesting.” Hermione replied.

“Huh?” Harry asked, he was confused, “how interesting?”

Hermione took in a breath and then let it all out. “She’s a designer for fetishes and naughty underwear.” She was blunt.

Harry’s eyes grew wide, “Oh, okay then.”

“She’s very successful,” Hermione replied with an unsure smile.

“Oh I don’t doubt that.” Harry cleared his throat. “And this is the same person who helped you with your new look last year?”

Hermione nodded, “some things aren’t that drastic. But a lot of her outfits and things tend to show a lot more skin or are really tight.” Hermione leaned back into her seat. “I didn’t go as drastic as I could have.” Hermione then sat forward abruptly. “Oh I almost forgot to tell you. I brought those Translation Beans that way we don’t have to wonder what all the Italian’s are saying to us, we will understand them perfectly.” Hermione said with a smug smile.

“Anxious to try those out are you?” Harry said with a knowing smile.

“Well I have been dying to see how they work, and now we’ll get to try them first hand.” She placed her bookmark inside her book and closed it completely. She placed it back in her bag.

“Did you get a letter from Ron?” Harry glanced out the window, this is the first time he got the window seat. Hermione let him have it because he had never had the window seat before. Last time on an airplane Hermione had the window seat now it was his turn. He liked how the world looked so far below them, they were much higher up then he has ever been, even on a broomstick. Although that was nice, this was exceptional.

“Yes, he said he was going on vacation with Zara.” Hermione opened her package of complimentary peanuts, honey roasted peanuts to be exact.

“His whole family had been invited.” Harry turning around looking at her he saw Hermione offer him a peanut but he declined.

“That’s really great for them; they never get to do anything like that as a family.” Hermione popped a peanut into her mouth.

Harry couldn’t help the small fits of laughter coming from him, “What do you think Ron’s mum thought of Zara?”

Hermione too couldn’t fight the laughter, “I remember the fist time I met her, she was so different.”

“And that hair, I had never seen such a color on a person before.” Harry said thinking back to last school year.

“I wonder what she is going to do this year?” Hermione looked towards the ceiling of the plane in thought.

Harry relaxed back into his chair more. “Well I’m sure they’ll have a great time while on vacation together, we probably won’t be hearing from Ron all summer.”

Hermione nodded “In the letters from Zara and Ginny, it was stated that Zara and her family stay at their beach house all summer. So I think Ron will actually be enjoying that to the fullest extent. If you understand what I mean” She wiggled her eye brow.

A light chuckle escaped from inside of Harry and he turned smiling at her, “I know I’m going to enjoy being with you, whether we are intimate or just in each other’s company.”

She felt her heart burst into tiny little sparks, and Hermione leaned in pressing her lips to his in a soft kiss. The sounds of children giggling broke the moment and Hermione pulled back. She turned towards the aisle and saw two little girls giggling at her. Hermione stuck her tongue out at them, which made the children burst up into laughter again.

Harry shook his head in amusement. “You are just a big kid yourself aren’t you Hermione?”

Hermione then stuck her tongue out at him and she saw him burst into laughter. She too joined in on the fits of laughter.

The plane continued on its way, some hours later they heard the captain’s voice come on the loud speaker telling them that they will be arriving at the Fiumicino airport in Rome within a half hour.

* * *

At the airport Harry and Hermione got of the plane and started down the hall. The moment they stepped into the waiting area they were approached by a short brown haired girl wearing neon green Capri pants and a white halter top. She was smiling brightly. You could see she had a piercing in her eyebrow, her ears had at least six piercings on each ear. The girl rushed over and developed Hermione in a tight hug.

After the girls broke apart Hermione smiled, “Amelia I want you to meet Harry.”

Amelia looked up at Harry, she hated being so short she was only five four and it really bothered her. “Glad to greet you Harry, I have heard about you some.” Amelia said with a smile.

Harry noticed that she also had a stud in the middle of her tongue, He couldn’t resist he had to ask. “Did that hurt?” He pointed a bit

Amelia laughed, “Oh yes all the piercings hurt like a bitch but you get over the pain, I have a few more but only my boyfriend gets to see those.” She winked.

Both Harry and Hermione laughed with Amelia.

“Come on let’s get your luggage and then get you over to my flat.” They started towards the baggage claim. “You two don’t mind sharing a room do you, I only have three and my boyfriend occupies one most of the time, and then mine is the master bedroom.”

“Oh no Amelia we don’t mind in the least.” Hermione said while looking at Harry.

“Just wait till you meet him Hermione, he’s so hot. Imagine this six foot five of hard chiseled abs.” Amelia sighed, “And he’s soo cute. He has a face like a god, so very sexy.”

“Amelia calm down, I’m sure he’s not all that great. Just cause he looks good doesn’t mean there isn’t something wrong with him. You always tend to pick the wrong type of guy.”

“Oh and you always pick the right one?” Amelia said with a smirk.

“True, I have had my share of bad ones.” She then turned to Harry who for some reason was quiet through this whole conversation. “But this time I think I made the right choice.” Hermione smiled.

Harry smiled back and took her hand in his.

Amelia smirked, “Oh you two are together are you? Last time I heard you were just friends.”

Hermione still holding onto Harry’s hand turned her attention to Amelia “Who is this boyfriend of yours, in your letters and phone calls, you would go on and on about him, but we never got a name of who he is.”

“I am so ditzy sometimes, I always forget to mention his name. His name is—” Amelia was cut off by the loud buzz letting people know their luggage was arriving. This distracted Harry and Hermione from listening to her. They went up and immediately began looking for their suitcases. Hermione found hers fairly easy, Harry then grabbed his quickly.

“All right do you have yours Hermione?” Harry asked.

“Yes.” Hermione lifted it and set it down in front of her.

“Okay teens lets get to my flat, its really cool.” Amelia said as she, Harry and Hermione left the airport.

Amelia drove them to her flat, they took the stairs up to the fourth floor, where Amelia got out her key and unlocked her door. She opened the door and let them in first.

Harry and Hermione stood with their mouths opened at the size of her flat. It was situated somewhat like a studio, there marble carvings up the walls, the ceiling was carved into what looked like grapes and vines the reached the center of the ceiling where a lovely grape shaped chandelier hang down. The floors were created of beige tile, there were tall windows that let in a large amount of light.

“This way.” Amelia said, “I’ll show you to your room.” She brought them up three steps and towards two double glass doors with white curtains on the inside. Amelia opened the door “This is your room, I hope you like it.” Amelia heard the voice of her boyfriend calling for her as soon as the front door closed. She grinned, “Oh he’s back. You two get unpacked and then you can meet him.” Amelia quickly turned and raced back towards the front of the flat.

Harry and Hermione went inside the room and closed the doors.

Hermione turned to Harry “So what do you think?”

“Of Amelia?” Harry sat down on the end of the bed and glanced down at the floor for a moment, it was the same tiles as they were in the rest of the flat. He then looked up at her and saw Hermione slowly nod. “Well I can’t really make a judgment call of her as of yet, I don’t even know her.”

Hermione noticed he seemed far away, She sat down next to him. “Harry what’s wrong?”

“Nothing?” He studied Hermione’s face carefully.

“Don’t give me that, I know there is something wrong. You know you can talk to me about anything.” Hermione lifted her hand and ran her fingers through his hair.

“I’m a little concerned I suppose, about your cousin’s boyfriend. The way she described him to makes me feel a little less than— and well what if you fall for this guy?” Harry was cut off.

“Oh Harry don’t think that way, Amelia has a way of blowing everything out of proportion,” She smiled “And why would I fall for this other guy when I have you.” Hermione leaned in and pressed her forehead against his, “It’s always been you, there will never be anyone else for me.” She lifted her head and looked him straight in the eye.

Harry’s hands gently framed her face “Hermione, I never want you to think you’ve lost out on something because of me.”

She lifted her hand to cover of his “I’m not losing out on anything, I have you here with me and that’s all that I need.”

He held her gaze for a moment and brought her close, Harry’s mouth covered over hers and he took possession of her lips. One of the doors to the room was pulled open disrupting their moment.

“Excuse me.” The female voice said.

Hermione turned with an aggravated look upon her face “yes Amelia, what is it?” Her voice stung with irritation.

“Oh there will be plenty of time for you two to—” Amelia was cut off by Hermione glaring. “Fine, come out and meet my boyfriend and then I can take you to my business and then we can go to dinner.” She left the room.

Hermione turned back to Harry, “I’m sorry my cousin has no consideration.”

“Don’t worry about it Hermione,” Harry said with a smile. “We’ll have our time later.” He grabbed her hand and they stood up from the bed and walked out of the room. The two of them walked into the living room, Amelia was standing in front of someone sitting down on the couch, so he was blocked completely.

Amelia turned hearing them approach she had the biggest smile upon her face as she came towards them. The person on the couch stood not looking up at anyone yet. Hermione noticed him and jumped back, and quickly turned around so her back was to him.

Harry thought that was odd and he leaned in closer, “Hermione?”

Hermione looked at Harry not making a sound and then turned her attention ahead of her.

Amelia started laughing thinking that Hermione was only bashful, “Oh cuz, there’s no need to be shy. Come on.”

She took in a breath and then turned around to face Amelia’s boyfriend, Hermione saw his eyes widen with shock. She barely heard Amelia’s voice introducing him as Carlo Yuri.

“You are Amelia’s cousin?” Carlo asked astonished.

“You are Amelia’s boyfriend?” Hermione asked at the same time, she felt very uncomfortable.

Amelia thought this was odd she looked between the both of them, “you..two know each other?” She was confused.

Hermione started laughing nervously, “heh, heh, you could say we know each other.”

Harry thought he had heard his name before somewhere, but where?” He eyed both Hermione and Carlo in thought.

“Yes love.” Carlo said turning to Amelia, “It turns out your cousin and I were neighbors for most of our lives.”

Hermione nodded, “can you excuse me for a moment, I need to use the rest room.” She quickly tore away from the room and quickly headed into the bathroom where she locked the door. She looked at her face in the mirror, she was pale. She had to sit down. She flipped the toilet seat cover down and sat down. Hermione rested her elbows on her knees and buried her face with in her hands.

As soon as the bathroom door closed Harry turned back to Amelia and Carlo. He thought a minute. His eyes narrowed as it all came back to him, he instantly hated this Carlo guy.

Amelia was even more confused now, “what’s the matter with her?”

Carlo just shrugged.

“I’m going to go find out.” Harry followed Hermione’s same path and came to the bathroom, he pressed his ear to the door he could hear light sniffling on the inside. Harry knocked “Hermione, you okay?” He said to the door.

“Uh yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She said through the door.

“Can I come in?” Harry asked. After a few seconds the door opened and Harry saw her, her eyes were red. “Oh sweetie, it can’t be that bad.” He pulled her into the warmth of his arms “Sure he was an old boyfriend—” He was cut off.

“No, he wasn’t really an old boyfriend Harry.” She turned her face into his chest, “I hate him, so much.”

“Oh you can’t hate anyone, you don’t even hate Malfoy.” Harry said, his hands cupped her cheeks and tiled her face upwards. “It’s not in you to hate.” He wiped her tears away with his thumb.

“Yes I can hate Harry, I hate Him.” She said quietly, “and I do hate CarloYuri. You have no idea what he did.” Harry wondered if it was all clean and clear like that in her letters to Ron a few years ago. His thoughts were interrupted bye Hermione’s voice, “Don’t leave me alone with him Harry, please.”

Harry held her tighter to him as she rested her head against his shoulder. “I won’t, I promise.” Whatever it was, it must have been pretty bad. Harry would figure out what this Carlo did to his Hermione, it seemed to be more than a mere broken heart.

“Can’t you two keep your hands of each other for two seconds.” Amelia teased.

“I’m going to hurt her before this vacation is over.” Hermione replied she felt and heard Harry laugh.

“We’re hormonal teenagers and she should know the answer to her own question.” Harry said light heartedly. He glanced down at the top of her head, “are you going to be okay?”

Hermione nodded, “If he stays away from me, I’ll be just fine.”

“Hermione do you want to tell me?” Harry asked her carefully.

She took in a breath, “I was an idiot, he used me. Took slight advantage of my weakness, I didn’t realize that before it was already done and over with.” Hermione was quiet.

“Oh Hermione, I’m so sorry.” He felt slightly bad and he so wanted to hurt Carlo for taking advantage of his Hermione. “I won’t let him hurt you Hermione,” Harry said as the memories of the last time he said that came flooding back. He narrowed his eyes at the thought, no one was going to hurt her ever again and his arms tightened around her. No one was ever going to hurt her again.


Well that’s it for chapter two. I hope you all liked it. Stay tuned for chapter 3—Amelia’s Bright Idea

3. Amelia's Bright Idea

Disclaimer: : I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 3—Amelia’s Bright Idea

“Okay kids, let’s get going lots to see this evening.” Amelia said with a smile. She escorted Harry, Hermione and Carlo out of her flat and locked it up good and tight. Amelia pocketed her keys and they started down the sidewalk. “My shop is just a block or so, it’s within walking distance.”

“Did that new line come in yet?” Carlo asked.

“Sure it did babe, it came in on Wednesday.” Amelia said with a smirk, she turned to Hermione, “so does Harry here know what I do?”

Hermione sighed, “Yes a little.” She looked at him, feeling the redness rising to her cheeks already.

Harry cleared his throat, “I know you are a designer for—” He was interrupted by Carlo.

“For fetishes and naughty underwear.” Carlo answered. “Do you think you can take it in there? Some things are pretty out of this world, probably way out of this world for a shielded little boy like yourself who’s probably still a— ” This time Carlo was interrupted by Harry.

“I can take anything you throw at me; I’m not as shielded as you may think.” Harry narrowed his eyes, this guy was irritating.

They continued to walk down the sidewalk of businesses and came to a shop with words Steele painted on the door. She shop had tinted windows so you really couldn’t see inside. Harry took Hermione’s hand in his as Amelia opened the door and they stepped inside a very busy store.

The room smelled of lavender incense and the atmosphere of the shop made you feel like you just walked into some kind of dungeon. There were chains along the walls which looked like they actually came from a dungeon cell. Light fixtures in the shape of candles were strewn about the walls with one very large iron chandelier in the center of the showroom. The floor was made of black carpet with red spots. Racks of garments, skimpy and odd looking garments were all about the shop. There were many more expensive items on the walls much higher up.

Hermione felt Harry clasp her hand tighter. She looked over at him she noticed him looking around the shop unsure. “Are you alright?”

Harry cleared his throat. “Yeah, of course.” He smiled. He was starting to feel a little warm as he glanced about the shop he spotted Amelia talking to three girls obviously dressed up in her fashions. He wondered if they were the models because they seemed like employees rather than customers. One of the girls who was a blonde was wearing a red leather halter-top with black vinyl shorts that cut off high above the thigh, and spiked red vinyl heel boots.

The next girl who was a redhead wore a short black leather mini dress with a zipper down the front, her bosom looked like it would spill out of the outfit in any given second. On her feet were again leather spiked heels. The third girl who was a brunette wore a simple white sheer robe with a black lacey bra and matching panties. She too was wearing heels although hers were not spiked.

Hermione tugged on Harry’s hand and he looked at her. “So what do you think?”

“It—it’s very interesting in here.” He was far more then just warm now. Harry saw a garment grab his attention and he pulled Hermione towards the rack and dropped her hand. “Hey what do you think about this?” He lifted the garment from the rack.

“What for you?” She stared at the dark blue leather mini dress the bodice was tied together with a black leather string. She stared at it for a minute, “I don’t think it would fit you, I mean here look the skirt would totally ride up and—” She was interrupted.

“Well not for me, well sort of for me. But for you.” Harry grinned.

Hermione sighed, “Well it is a nice color, but leather. I don’t know.” She really didn’t want it. “I don’t think it comes in my size.” She saw him looking through the sizes and he pulled it out with a very large smile on his face.

“Look here’s your size right here.” He lifted the hanger and dangled it back and forth. “Please, I think you would look very, very ,very—” He was cut off.

“Okay fine.” Hermione replied.

Amelia was watching her cousin take the hanger from Harry while on the other side of the showroom. She smiled a bit. Carlo came up behind her.

“Are you sure we should have taken them here?”

She turned slightly, “what do you mean?”

“You don’t want to go around putting ideas into their heads.” Carlo said with a smirk.

“Oh Carlo, there is not one thought that I put in their heads that they haven’t already thought about.” Amelia watched as Harry followed Hermione towards a sales clerk.

Hermione leaned near Harry’s ear, “I sure hope she speaks English I forgot to take the translation pills.”

“I hope so too, I also forgot.” Harry said as Hermione decided to get the salesclerk’s attention.

“Could I get a fitting room please?” She asked the lady.

The salesclerk nodded with a smile, and ushered Hermione towards a door and unlocked it with a key hanging around her neck. Hermione went inside and closed the door behind her.

Harry waited for a few minutes, in only a short amount of time he was growing impatient, surely it couldn’t take that long to try that on. He knocked on the door of the fitting room and pressed his ear to the door. “Is everything all right in there?”

“Yeah,” her voice was muffled through the door. “It just takes time to lace up this thing. Much like that gown I wore back in,” She paused, “Uh you know where.”

“Do you think you need some help?” The door opened a little and Harry could see her eyes.

“Yes I could, do you want to help me or should I get the saleslady?” She asked even though she already knew the answer. She really didn’t need help, but she hoped he bought the rouse.

“Oh no I’ll help you.” Harry offered immediately. He watched the door open more and he slipped inside closing the door behind him. Harry turned around and saw Hermione. It seemed that time had actually stopped as he took in the full beauty of her body wrapped so snugly in blue leather, it clung to her like second skin. He felt his heart beat quicken, as his eyes followed up the bodice that was only half way laced up.

“Okay so are you going to help me or what?” She said with a smirk.

“Uh…uh yeah.” He scratched the back of his head and he closer to her and lifted his hands to the strings where he held them lightly looking down. He lifted his head and their eyes met. Harry forgot all about the garment and covered her mouth with his. He moaned at the taste of her lips, he felt them part beneath his and he deepened the kiss. His arms went around her and pulled her closer against him. He felt her responding eagerly to his kiss, their tongues tangling slowly and sweetly together. He ran his fingers up her back and found he really didn’t like this material after all. His hands continued to wander up her back and over her shoulders.

While still kissing her Harry’s fingers went into the straps of the leather and pushed them off her shoulders and with his other hand tugged on the hem of the skirt and the garment started slipping agonizingly slow off her body. That would not do at all. It wasn’t until Harry really tugged at it that it gave way to the beauty that was Hermione. Now only standing in her undergarments, the leather dropped to her feet. Harry pressed Hermione up against the wall as he continued to ravish her mouth without showing any restraint. He pulled his mouth from hers taking a breath and then returned for more. He could never get enough of kissing her, over and over again.

Hermione’s arms went around him tightly as she pulled him closer, she felt one of his hands travel down over her tummy and between her thighs. She gasped into his mouth feeling him pressing his hand up against her. Harry pulled his mouth from hers and kissed her cheek, down her chin and towards her neck. He didn’t want to kiss her too much on her neck and throat in case it brought back painful memories, then again she would tell him if she didn’t want him doing that.

Harry’s fingers slipped inside her panties and she gave a loud moan and pressed herself into his hand. A knock at the fitting room door caused him to quickly remove his hand from her body. He leaned his forehead against hers and sighed with disappointment.

“Hermione is everything alright?” It was Amelia’s voice “how are you coming?”

“Well thanks to you I’m not.” Hermione whispered and she heard Harry laugh. “She has the worst timing.”

“Yeah.” He said quietly, he reached down and grabbed her shirt for her, holding it with sort of a half grin. “Well we have all night you know.”

Hermione smiled taking the shirt from him, “I know. But still.” She threw her shirt on over her head.

Harry moved out of her way and he watched as Hermione bent down and got into her shorts. “So do you think I should get the outfit?” She stood straight gazing into his eyes.

“Nah, I like you better in nothing at all anyway. That leather is just not easy to get you out of.” He smirked and Hermione leaned in to kiss him again but her cousin’s voice ruined the moment.

Amelia heard Hermione talking to someone “Hermione who are you talking to?”

“Who do you think?” Hermione replied in complete annoyance. And she turned to the fitting room door and opened it. She and Harry stepped out into the shocked face of her cousin.

“What was he doing in there?” Amelia asked wondering if her cousin had lost her mind. She knew what they must have been up to. Her cousin’s flushed face, the swollen lips, the mussed up hair, the irritation in her voice. No matter how wild Amelia was she hasn’t engaged in something like sex in public. “I’m surprised at you Hermione.” She then gave off a smirk.

“Oh please, spare me your lectures.” Hermione replied. “It’s not like you haven’t done anything like that yourself.”

“Actually, I haven’t done anything like that myself, yet.” Amelia grinned. “So are you going to get the outfit or not?”

Hermione shook her head, “no. It’s just not for me.”

“Okay then, Hermione I want to take you to do some shopping. Just us gals.” Amelia turned to Harry “You can get to know Carlo and do; oh I don’t know manly things.”

“Oh joy.” Harry said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

“But Amelia, I don’t want—” She was cut off by her cousin.

“Hermione, I won’t take no for an answer we are going shopping and that’s final.” Amelia held her finger up as if she were going to give a lecture. “Carlo and Harry can meet us back here in a few hours.” Amelia grabbed Hermione by the arm, not even giving her cousin the chance to back out.

“Sorry Harry, I’ll see you later.” Hermione yelled out as she was being dragged away from him by her cousin.

“No problem Hermione.” Harry waved to her. He turned to Carlo who was smirking.

“Oh boy, this is going to be a treat isn’t it.” Carlo said with smile.

“Yeah, wonderful fun.” Harry sighed was dreading this already, he watched as Amelia and Hermione passed by the window.

Amelia brought Hermione to a number of department stores and next to a sweet shop where Hermione picked up some cherry and vanilla swirled flavored hard candies to suck on, she also bought some tiny peanut butter cups for Harry. They stopped before a shop where the name was written in Italian, Hermione cursed herself for not remembering to take the translation pill.

“Come on Hermione, let’s go in here.” Amelia was excited.

“Why, what is this place?” Hermione said unsure of where they were going

“I need another piercing and I was thinking about getting a tattoo also.” Amelia said as she opened the door and stepped into the shop. Hermione hesitantly followed after her. The studio reeked of rubbing alcohol.

“Amelia, just how many piercings do you have?” Hermione was very curious, for all up the sides of both ears were already many piercings.

“Oh I always look to pierce something different. But let’s see I have about ten on each ear.” Amelia started to say and point to all her piercings. She pointed to her tongue, her eyebrow, her nose. “I have both nipples pierced.” Amelia said pointing to her breasts “I also wear a dainty gold chain on my nip piercings that connect to by belly button ring. I have my—” She cut herself off and pointed between her thighs.

Hermione cringed in horror. “Oh you even have that pierced?” she felt sick.

“Oh yeah, it makes everything extra sensitive.” Amelia boasted.

“Uh, I’ll take your word for it.” Hermione said and they sat down on the red leather couch. Hermione opened her bag of sweets and pulled out a cherry/vanilla candy. She was about to pop it into her mouth. “AHHH!!!” someone screamed and Hermione’s candy shot from her fingers as she was startled. She watched as the candy flew across the room and hit a tiny mirror resting on the counter and shattered. Hermione placed the bag of candy back into her backpack and closed it up.

Amelia looked at her cousin, “are you alright Cuz?” She laughed.

“Why do you think that person screamed?” Hermione asked as she saw her cousin shrug.

“I really don’t know.” Amelia replied with a smile. She rested her arm on the back of the couch and turned half way facing Hermione. “You know I love getting piercings and now that I have a bit more time to think about it, I’ll probably get that tattoo as well.”

“Amelia, you are going to be so full of holes and covered in colors no one is going to recognize you at family reunions.” Hermione replied.

“Hey why don’t you get something pierced or tattooed?” Amelia suggested.

Hermione shook her head, “My ears are already pierced you know. So no I don’t think so, I don’t need anything more.”

“Well why not? I think you would look pretty snazzy with something pierced, other than your ears that is.” Amelia tilted her head to the side regarding her cousin. “It doesn’t even have to be something that big, it can be little.”

“It doesn’t have to be anything at all.” Hermione pointed out.

“Oh you are a shame to your mother’s side of the family, “We Steele women are suppose to be wild and untamed, and you well you are just—” Amelia was cut off.

“Sorry to disappoint you Cuz.” Hermione started, “But I am a Granger, not a Steele. I’m not as wild as you.”

“Oh I don’t know about that, I mean you were willing to get it on a dressing room. I say you’re plenty wild you just haven’t found your Steele streak yet.” Amelia said and turned straight.

Hermione shook her head and looked in the direction of the shattered mirror, out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl come out of the back room looking down at something silver and shiny on her tummy. Hermione turned completely and watched as the young girl fingered her new ring. Sure she had seen belly button rings on television, some American programs and teenage movies informed her of the interesting idea of piercing that part of the body. She had always been fascinated by such things. ‘Hmm, maybe I should get one?’ She thought to herself.

“You want one Hermione?” Amelia smirked.

“Huh?” Hermione shook her head, “Want one what? I couldn’t possibly want anything.” She said leaning back against the cushion.

“You can get your belly button pierced Hermione, my treat. Huh what do you say?” Amelia offered with a genuine smile.

Hermione sighed, “Will it hurt?”

“I’m not going to lie to you Herms, yes it will hurt. But eventually the pain goes away and you’re left with a beautiful piercing.” She watched her cousin, noticing that the young lady was really thinking about it.

“Well, alright then. I’ll do it.” Hermione sighed with defeat. She was going to get one.

“Wonderful!” Amelia’s voice trimmed with excitement.

The two of them heard footsteps coming from the back room, a man with long blonde hair smiled upon seeing them. He spoke in a gentle voice, Hermione couldn’t understand a word he was saying since he was speaking in Italian, but Amelia was laughing and acting coy around him. Hermione knew that Amelia was a big flirt no matter who she was steadily seeing. The man then looked at Hermione and pointed to her, and Amelia nodded. He gave a signal with his fingers for both girls to follow him.

Hermione glanced at Amelia as they sat in two chairs, “I wonder how Harry and Carlo are doing?”

* * *

“So Larry—” Carlo started

“Harry.” Harry corrected his name.

“Whatever.” Carlo replied. “Well what do you think of Amelia?

“She’s nice.” Harry replied as the two of them walked towards a busy area of Rome.

“Just to let you know Amelia is mine so keep your grubby hands off.” Carlo threatened.

Harry was confused, “Why would I be going after your girl?” And not to mention really annoyed.

“Most people find Amelia oh what’s the word. Hot, sexy. And I don’t want some other guy coming in and sweeping her off her feet.” Carlo started, “Besides you probably couldn’t anyway.”

“Like I would want to, I have a girlfriend that I am very happy with.” Harry replied confidently.

“Ah yes, I’m thinking you are meaning Hermione. That’s your girlfriend.” Carlo “I wonder how you could ever snag her?”

“Well for one Hermione and I were good friends first.” Harry narrowed his eyes.

“Oh are you the fellow she goes to school with, where is it you two go again?” Carlo scratched the back of his head in thought.

“It’s just a boarding school, but yes I go to school with her so I see her every day of her life.” Harry replied with a smile he could have sword he saw Carlo give off some kind of scowl, but it was gone quickly.

“How fun for you Jerry.”

“Harry.” Harry corrected, he was getting downright annoyed. He glanced about not really know all that much about Rome, “Where are we?”

“This is the manly part of Rome, do you think you can handle it?” Carlo taunted.

“Handle what?” Harry asked looking around.

“Being a man or are you still a little boy, not up to anything over the age of ten.” Carlo smirked.

Harry’s eyes narrowed in anger and Carlo laughed.

“Come on Gary.” Carlo opened the door to the building.

“Harry.” Harry replied. As he followed Carlo inside.

Harry gasped as he looked around, there were red satin furniture on a dark red carpet, the walls were painted a lovely pastel pink, heart shaped light fixtures rested about the walls. There were pretty ladies walking around, they wearing practically nothing and flirting with gentlemen. A loud cracking noise came from another room with a pool table caught Harry’s attention Harry knew where he was taken and he turned to Carlo. “Why are we in here?”

“To do manly things,” Carlo answered with a smile.

“This is a brothel,” Harry stated.

“Boy, you are a smart one aren’t you? What gave it away?” Carlo smirked as he was very sarcastic.

Harry rolled his eyes, “What are we doing here, you have a girlfriend. I have one and I don’t think Hermione will be too happy that I came in here.”

“Oh Amelia understands that I have a wandering appetite, but then so does she. We two come here all the time, even sometimes together.” He was very smug.

“Well I don’t have a wandering appetite.” Harry said repeating the same words Carlo used.

“Too bad, there are such beautiful ladies here.” Carlo pointed to a few who waved at him and giggled.

“Yes, imagine the diseases. That’s something I so what to have before my life is over.” Harry replied.

“Most of these gals are disease free, come on let us just go and take a peak. After all I’m sure your sheltered life keeps you from enjoying anything. Like I was going to say before I got interrupted, you are probably still a virgin so you wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about.” Carlo insulted.

Harry wanted to burst out into laughter, but he kept it in. “You think what you want.”

“Are you going to be a man and look around, or be a child and hide your eyes?”

A black haired lady came up and draped her arm over Harry’s shoulder and he turned to her with a polite smile. Harry noticed that she was looking at him sweetly, and it was true she was pretty. But he was happy with Hermione and no other girl would take her place. He picked up the girls arm off his shoulder and shook his head. He knew she probably didn’t speak English. “No thank you.” Harry replied slowly. He could see a bit of disappointment in her eyes as she removed her hand. She smiled and lightly ran her hand across his cheek. She sighed and walked away.

“Why did you pass her up, that’s Dora people have to book weeks in advance for her. And she came up to you. What is wrong with you boy?” Carlo insulted.

Harry was angry he also felt a sharp pinch in his stomach. ‘What in the world was that?’ he thought to himself. He shook the feeling off and saw Carlo’s glare and remembered the insult he had just thrown at him. “Nothing is wrong with me; I have a girlfriend who I love. I’m not about to ruin what I already have for just a few minutes of, that.” He pointed towards the girls with his palm towards the ceiling. “You are pitiful, you have a wonderful lady yet you spend your time here.” Harry shook his head.

“Only someone who is less of a man would pass this up, so I think that you are the pitiful one.” Carlo replied trying to cut Harry down.

“I’m getting out of here.” Harry not taking anymore insults turned from Carlo and walked towards the door.

Carlo sighed and threw his arms up and followed after Harry. Amelia would have his head if he let this boy travel around Rome without a guide. Harry was already down the sidewalk by the time Carlo caught up to him.

“I hope you realize Terry—” He was interrupted.

“Look here, my name is Harry. Not Jerry, Larry, Gary, Terry or any other fricken name. It is Harry. Got it? Or is your brain to small to even grasp such a simple concept as remembering a name?”

“Whoa, whoa there. No need to get testy boy. I get it.” Carlo replied. “You even insulted me like Hermione did; you spend far too much time around that girl.” He shook his head.

“I really don’t mind spending my time with Hermione.”

“Hermione was mine for about a week.”

“Yes I know, and now” He sighed, he was going to make Carlo uncomfortable since he brought him to that brothel. “She loves me and I love her.”

“Enough with the love talk,” Carlo felt sick.

“Oh fine,” Harry replied.

Carlo thought a moment, “What is she like at school?” He asked Harry.

“Hermione?” Harry asked.


“Well Hermione is kind and considerate, funny oh really smart. I’m sure she will be Head Girl. We have been best friends since we were eleven.”

“Which best friend were you? Were you the loud one, as she described to me?” Carlo asked searching Harry for an answer.

Harry chuckled a bit, “Loud one, no that would be Ron not me.”

“Oh so I know which one you were then.” Carlo smirked, “You do know the reason Hermione and I spent time together that week was because of—” He was interrupted by Harry

“Yes, yes I know. You don’t have to tell me.” Harry said still regretting his own dense attitude back in fifth year. “But that doesn’t matter anymore, Hermione and I are together.”

“Well good for you.” Carlo was sarcastic. “Too bad for you that I Carlo Yuri had a chance at her first. You two probably haven’t been close yet. Hermione was always very stern about sex. She was always saying no.” His fists briefly clinched at his sides.

“Oh I don’t know about that, perhaps she was just waiting for the right person.” Harry said. “He really didn’t want to brag about Hermione and his relationship. But it was true all it took is the right person. Harry glanced about Carlo he looked a bit angry, but the look vanished. He just shrugged his shoulders thinking

The two of them were walking along the sidewalk back towards Amelia’s shop when Harry saw Hermione and Amelia walking towards them from the opposite direction.

“Hey Barry, let’s not mention that I brought you to a brothel alright?”

Harry smirked, “Why not? I thought you and Amelia went there all the time.” He was sarcastic.

“Never you mind that boy, let’s just not mention it alright.” Carlo was angry.

There was no way Harry was keeping something like that from Hermione, she trusts him to always be honest and that’s exactly what he was going to do. Harry turned and saw Hermione’s smiling face as she ran towards him.

Hermione ran to him and practically knocked him down with the force of her hitting against him. “I missed you.” She said as Harry regained his balance.

“Did you have fun?” He said into her ear.

“It was okay.” Hermione said with her arms around him, “I probably would have had more fun with you though.”

She pulled back smiling, “so what did you two do?” Hermione asked.

“Well Carlo here brought me to a brothel.” Harry answered. He could feel the very angry gaze of Carlo on his back. It almost made him burst into laughter. He never promised to keep it a secret.

“Oh I see. What was it like inside?” Hermione asked casually. “Did they have really nice furniture with beautiful girls fulfilling any man’s every dream?”

“It was a bit tacky looking actually.” Harry said with a smile.

Amelia looked at Hermione and then tapped her on the shoulder. “Carlo brought him to a whore house and you are just asking him what it was like inside?” Amelia was shocked.

“Well why not? I want to know.” Hermione answered honestly.

“I think you should be more concerned with what he actually did in that whore house.” Amelia glared at Harry.

Harry wanted to laugh as did Hermione.

“Oh Amelia, calm down. I trust him, I know he didn’t or wouldn’t do anything with other women.” Hermione said with a smile.

“How do you know, you can never really trust any man Hermione.” Amelia glared at Carlo.

She looked up at Harry and pointed inconspicuously to the spot over her heart, but Harry noticed and he smiled. “I just know Amelia, I trust Harry with my life.”

Harry felt his heart melt.

“Too bad I can’t say the same for Carlo.” Hermione glared at Carlo.

Carlo rolled his eyes. “Let it go Hermione, let it go.”

“I will never let it go.” She said bitterly.

“What are you two talking about?” Amelia interrupted.

“Nothing,” Carlo said trying to keep his temper down. “It was a long time ago and it doesn’t matter anymore.” He turned to Amelia, “let’s find some place for dinner okay. You three decide I really don’t care.”

Harry felt Hermione clasp his hand and he looked at her. He noticed she was distressed about something and he pulled her close.

“I know a place to go for dinner. “Romero’s is excellent. Come on kids let’s go eat.” Amelia said braking up the awkward silence also giving Carlo a look that said when we get home we are going to have a serious talk.

They made their way to Romero’s and since Amelia was well known they were seated immediately. After a few minutes they ordered at least four pasta dishes, along with Chicken Scampi, and fried Calamari.

“Harry, how is going to school with Hermione, is she all serious all the time?” Amelia asked with a smile.

“Not all the time.” Harry answered. “But school is something she takes very seriously.” He turned to Hermione who was next to him. “Isn’t it?”

“Oh absolutely,” Hermione answered. “Although, I have been known to take it easy every now and then.” Hermione replied glancing down into her glass of cranberry juice and lemon lime soda. “I want to make Head Girl next year, but I don’t know if it’s possible.”

“Why not, you’re smart enough.” Amelia pointed out.

“That’s not the point.” Hermione looked up at her cousin, “I didn’t accept Prefect last year like I was in my fifth year, I turned it down. I don’t know if I can make Head Girl now because of that.”

“Well why didn’t you accept this Prefect last year?” Carlo asked.

She hesitated, “I was going through a bad time in my life I suppose. It all wasn’t fun and games.” Hermione took a deep breath, and relaxed as she felt Harry’s hand cover over hers.

Carlo scoffed, “Oh please you live your little pampered life at some outlandish boarding school, what could be so hard about that?” Carlo half insulted.

“Oh if you only knew,” Hermione replied. Her tone was bitter and unfeeling. “But you never understood me to begin with anyway.” She was glaring at Carlo with extreme hate.

The waiter interrupted their conversation and brought by what they had ordered. The four of them sat in silence and ate the glorious meal. After Carlo and Amelia finished off a bottle and a half of wine Harry felt the urge to use the restroom. He surveyed the table thinking that he could get up and leave Hermione there, since her cousin was still at the table. Harry leaned over to Hermione’s ear “I’m going to use the restroom, but I don’t want to just leave you here you know because of the promise I made to you.” He had promised not to leave her alone with Carlo.

“It’s alright Harry, Amelia is here you can go and take care of business.” Hermione said with a smile.

Harry’s chair scraped the floor as he stood, “I’ll be right back.” And he looked up for the direction of the rest room. He saw a little sign pointing and he followed the path.

Hermione stared into her plate and twirled her fork in her half eaten pasta as she thought about last year, a cold shudder went down her spine and she shivered. She didn’t even notice Amelia get up and go talk to people she does business with at their table.

“Oh is goodie, goodie Hermione cold.”

“No.” She replied with a roll of her eyes.

“We really need to talk about what happened that time.” Carlo replied.

“I don’t want to talk—” Hermione paused and lifted her head, her cousin was gone. She did not want to sit at a table with Carlo, she didn’t want to be anywhere near him for as long as she lived. She stood. “I don’t want to talk about this with you ever, what you did was inexcusable and you know it. I’m going to find Harry, excuse me.”

“What does that idiot have that I don’t?” Carlo asked.

“A heart.” Hermione answered bitterly while glaring at him. “And Harry is not an idiot; the only idiot here is you.” She pointed rudely at him and turned to walk towards the bathroom.

Hermione felt someone grab her arm and turn her around, she was face to face with Carlo and he did not look happy. “I was not the idiot. I put in time and money on you.”

“Let go of me.” She demanded. But he wouldn’t let go. “If you don’t let go of me right now you will live to regret it.”

“Oh what you going to do, slap me?” Carlo replied, “I didn’t think you were the type Hermione.”

Hermione made a fist and his him in the stomach and Carlo bent half way over yet he didn’t let go of her arm. “Let go of me now.” She ordered, her voice angry.

Carlo glared he was going to say something really low and mean when he heard someone shout at him.

“Hey! Let go of her right now!!”

Carlo turned to find Harry who looked ready to kill him heading his way. Carlo dropped Hermione’s arm and stood up straight. “Well if it isn’t Carry rushing to save his lady love.” He taunted.

Harry approached Carlo, oh if looks could kill Carlo would have already died twice. “If you ever touch her again, I will make you pay.”

“Oh what are you going to do about it, little boy.”

“Oh get off it you prick,” Hermione looked at Carlo. “You are only two years older than us.”

“He is?” Harry said, “I could have sworn he was younger, he acts like a ten year old.” Harry replied with a smile.

“Why does Amelia put up with you anyway, you are lying cheating scum of the earth, she can find way better than you.” Hermione was disgusted.

Amelia walks up to them, “Can find better then who?”

“Carlo.” Hermione pointed to him with her thumb. “You are too good for him.”

“Hermione, please keep your opinions to yourself, I have a serious relationship with Carlo and if you can’t accept that.” Amelia was a little hurt that he cousin would stand in the way of her happiness.

“What can you possible see in him. For one he’s way immature even for being nineteen.” Hermione started. “Not only is he—” She was interrupted by her cousin who was also looking confused at Carlo.

“Nineteen? You said you were twenty three.” Amelia saw Carlo’s eyes widen a bit.

“Uh, well I am nineteen.” Carlo replied while keeping his anger towards both Harry and Hermione, they were ruining everything. First that Harry spilled the beans at where they went, and now Hermione gave away information about him.

Amelia crossed her arms over her bosom, “so what else are you lying to me about?” She was very serious.

Carlo looked around they were gathering many eyes of the customers as they seemed to be watching the drama unfolding before their eyes. Carlo heard someone say this is better then daytime television. “Amelia, can we go we’re making a scene.”

Amelia sighed. “Fine.” They walked towards the table and Amelia looked at the check. She put down the right amount. Amelia always carried a lot of cash around, she hated using credit or checks. She headed towards the door that led outside. Once the entire gang stepped out Amelia turned to Hermione. “Hermione honey, you’re good with directions right?”

“Yeah, I think so why?” Hermione glanced about Amelia wondering what she was trying to say.

“Do you remember where I live?” Amelia asked without showing any emotion.

Hermione nodded, as did Harry.

“Okay.” She pulled out her keys and handed them to Hermione, she watched her cousin take them from her hand with a confused expression on her face. “Why don’t you take Harry here and go back to my flat. Carlo and I need to have a talk.”

“You’re going to talk to him out here on the street?” Harry asked confused.

“Yep, that way I have nothing to throw.” Amelia answered looking at Carlo.

“Okay Amelia, we’ll see you there.” Hermione said as she and Harry started down the block from where they came.

Amelia watched as Harry and Hermione disappeared and then turned to Carlo. “So baby,” She started sarcastically. “What else have you been lying about?”

“Nothing.” Carlo replied. “Do you mind that I’m nineteen?”

“No, but that’s not the point Carlo. You lied to me about something so little. I wouldn’t have cared in the least. What else is going on, I know you’ve been cheating. I’m not stupid.”

“Okay I have been visiting Victoria’s.” Carlo admitted, He was going to kill that Carry if it was the last thing he’d do. That boy gave away his plans.

“Carlo what is going on between you and Hermione, I’ve seen all the looks you’ve been giving her and Harry. Are you trying to break them up? You took Harry to a brothel for what? Why do you feel the need to ruin her relationship?” Amelia glared at Carlo waiting for an answer.

“The little bitch is no—” He was cut off with a slap in the face. He looked at Amelia shocked.

“That is my cousin you just insulted Carlo Yuri, I will not stand for that.” Amelia shouted. “Carlo I have no idea why you’ve been lying and cheating on me. Hermione is right I deserve better,” She looked him right in the eyes. “I want you out of my life, you have twenty four hours to get your belongings out of my flat before you find your stuff out on the street.”

“Amelia, please don’t do this. I want us to be together.” Carlo whimpered.

“You should have thought of that before you lied about your age, why you want to find companionship with other women and insulted my cousin. You are out.” Amelia turned and started walking back towards her flat.

Carlo watched as Amelia walked away from him, all of this was that Darry and Hermione’s fault. Oh how he loathed them. Carlo lost his place to live, his money supply and the warm bed of a sex goddess and it was all just ripped from him. He turned and angrily walked towards the manly part of Rome where he could drown his sorrows in women and booze.

Someone bumped into him knocking him on the ground, Carlo cursed at him in Italian. But the man just laughed.

“Oh do forgive me sir; I wasn’t watching where I was going. Uh you do speak English don’t you?” The man said.

“Oh great another tourist, that’s just what this city needs.” Carlo insulted.

The man laughed, “Yes I am a tourist, and I sort of lost my way. Do you think you can help me?”

“I don’t think I would be of much help to you sir, but if you go down that sidewalk you’ll find many places where people can give you directions.” Carlo said as he got up off the ground.

“You aren’t very friendly.” The man observed.

“Well you wouldn’t be friendly if your life was just ruined by two idiots and a poor excuse for a girlfriend.” Carlo was bitter.

“Ah you’re life had been ruined? Oh I doubt that. You are a young man you have plenty of time to find love and life.” The man replied with a sinister looking smile.

“Yeah, whatever.” Carlo replied.

“You know you shouldn’t stay mad at them for too long, they are only human. All mug—humans make mistakes you know.” The man replied.

“They just ruined my life, how could I not stay mad at them.” Carlo spat.

“Well you could be the bigger man and start on the road to forgiveness, is it really these people’s fault that your life is ruined? Think about your actions and what you’ve done. Is it really their fault, or is it yours?”

Carlo thought a moment, “Well I suppose it could be my fault, but if they hadn’t said anything I would still have a place to live and my girlfriend back.”

“Well.” The man said digging into his leather knap sack, “why don’t you give them a present, you know say you’re sorry?” The man extended the little wrapped box towards Carlo.

“What is it?” Carlo looked at the box curiously.

“Oh just a little stained glass picture frame of a unicorn, it’s real nice.” The man waved the box in front of Carlo. “It would probably get in good with your girlfriend.”

“How much?” Carlo asked.

“Well if you tell me where I can find some good food, then you can have it free of charge.” The man replied.

“Well.” Carlo glanced at the gift. “Are you sure it’s special enough.”

“Oh yes, it is very special.”

“Okay then, give it to me.”

Hermione unlocked the door to Amelia’s flat and the two of them stepped inside, they walked back towards their room. Harry and Hermione stepped inside and the door closed behind them.

“Oh Harry I bought something for you.” Hermione remembered and went digging through her bag.

“Really? You bought something for me?” Harry smiled.

“Yep,” Hermione finished digging through her purchases and found the bag of candy. She held it out to him. “I bought you candy.”

“Oh Hermione you are so wonderful.” Harry took the candy bag from her and opened it looking. “Peanut butter cups. Yum!” He looked up at her and smiled. “You are so good to me.” He moved closer to her and kissed her gently on the lips. He pulled back smiling at her.

Hermione moved away and took off her sweater laying it on the chair revealing the yellow short sleeved shirt she had been wearing. She heard Harry already opening the bag, she assumed he was already eating one or two, she stretched up and the hem of her shirt lifted revealing her tummy.

Harry spit out the cup and looked closely at her while she stretched, “Hermione?”

She dropped her arms and turned looking at him. “What?”

He walked right over to her, “is there something you would like to tell me?” He said with amusement.

“What?” Hermione said innocently.

Harry tossed the bag onto the bed and reached down lifting the hem of her shirt revealing her pierced belly button. “Did you get this today?”

“Did I get what today?” Hermione asked still trying to play innocent.

“This,” he lightly touched the ring with his finger.

“Oh you think I got this today? I could have had this forever.” Hermione smirked.

“No, I would have seen it. I know everything on your body. I definitely would have seen this.”

She turned around facing him completely. “So you have me memorized do you Mr. Potter?”

“Oh yes,” He smiled, “there is nothing on you or about you that I don’t know.” He wrapped his arms around her.

“So what do you think of it?” Hermione asked worried that he wouldn’t like it.

“I think it looks very good, down right sexy on you.” Harry replied and he pulled her close. He rested his forehead against hers.

“There is something you don’t about Harry.” Hermione said very seriously.

“What is that?” Harry was concerned.

She pulled from his arms and sat down on the edge of the bed, Hermione looked up at him. She was on the verge of tears. “Its about what happened with Carlo, I was almost expelled from school because of it. Well something worse almost happened. Thank goodness for Ron’s father or it would have been a mess.”

Harry sat down next to her and took her hand in his. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

Hermione sniffled, “I do.”

“Okay, I’m here to listen.” Harry said as he put an arm around her and pulled her against him, just simply holding her.

“Well this is what happened.”


Ah what a place to leave you huh, well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And stay tuned for Chapter 4—Carlo’s Gift. Read and review. Thanks Ryoko

A/N: All you wonderful, wonderful reviewers. I love you all for your wonderful words of encouragement, I hope you didn’t wait too long for this chapter, it hasn’t really been that long. And you guys want quality not speedy half ass crap right? Well as Tigger says TTFN Ta Ta For Now

4. Carlo's Gift

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 4—Carlo’s Gift

“Wait.” Harry stopped her before Hermione had a chance to tell her tale. He figured this was going to be a long story so he pulled Hermione back with him getting comfortable; he propped some pillows up and leaned against them. He nestled Hermione against his chest, with his arm around her. “Okay, now you can tell me.”

Hermione took a deep breath and remembered back to the spring break of her fifth year. “You know I had left for Easter holidays, well I returned home and my dad was taking my trunk into the house. I heard two people arguing in Italian, I assumed it was Carlo and his mother, they are always yelling at each other. I stood there listening to their fight; I mean I don’t know why I don’t speak Italian.” She laughed and Harry smiled a little.

“Well out came Carlo and he was mumbling something, he picked up the hose and started watering the roses, he saw me. I saw him. He actually smiled at me. I was blushing so brightly, I had like the biggest crush on him—” She was interrupted by Harry.

“Had right, had?” Harry asked, his brows were arched.

“Yes had.” She turned and looked at him, “Remember I was fifteen at the time. I had crushed on him since I was like eleven. Before I left for school, I hadn’t even met you yet.” She rested her head on his shoulder.

“Well when did you start crushing on me?” Harry asked proudly.

“Well I would have to say the middle of our third year; so much had gone on that year with the Crookshanks, Dementors, and Sirius. You know it was the first time I was really scared for you and it seemed my feelings were becoming clear.” She cleared her throat, “Anyway Carlo and I started spending time together. So I did a little experimenting with him, I didn’t want to go all the way with him because well frankly I didn’t know him. At all.”

Harry heard the slight shake in her voice, “Do you want to continue? You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No Harry, I have to tell you.” She said nestling herself even more against him. “Well he tried to go too far, I didn’t want him to.” Hermione closed her eyes tightly, “I can still feel his hands wrapped around my throat.”

Harry felt the anger bubbling inside him; he wanted to hurt that jerk that hurt his Hermione. He held her tighter.

“He was too strong for me I kept trying to push him, or scratch at his hands. I reached for his face to scratch out his eyes; anything that would make him let go. He was using his own knees to keep my legs open. He was almost there, you know I could feel him right there ready to—” She paused a moment. “I figured this was it, I was going to be…but I reached for something behind me, my wand which he thought was just a strange stick. I reached for it, still struggling. I was able to get to my wand and I pointed it at him shouting the first thing that popped into my head.”

Hermione took a deep breath, “The ministry was on me in minutes, and let’s just say if it wasn’t for Ron’s father, I wouldn’t even be here with you right now. They would have expelled me from school and banished me from the Wizarding World.”

Harry hugged her to him so tightly; “I’m going to hurt him for causing you pain like this.” His protective instincts took over and all he saw was blinding red rage, he wanted kick the living daylights out of Carlo Yuri and he probably would to if it wasn’t for the pleading tone in Hermione’s voice.

She was sitting up looking deep and worriedly into his eyes. “Harry you can’t, it’s over it’s in the past. He can’t hurt me anymore.” She said.

“Does he know you’re a witch?” Harry asked, still wanting to drive his fist right into that Italian’s face.

“No, the ministry used a memory charm on him and replaced his memory with one of me kicking him away.” She said glancing down at her fingers.

“I still say you let me beat the crap out of him, no one should treat you that way. No one. You have a heart and feelings, and you are so gentle and kind.” Harry’s voice was light and happy, his eyes then darkened with anger. “And he goes and hurts you like that, he deserves to be punished Hermione.”

Hermione lifted her hand and ran her fingers light over his cheek. “I had done enough to him by using that mild curse on him. He went through a ministry trial; they probed his brain, searched his mind.” She heard Harry sigh.

Harry reached over and pulled her onto his lap, her legs opened so that she was straddling him. She circled her arms around him and rested her cheek against chest.

“I know you want to hurt him Harry, I know. But I didn’t tell you so that you could go beat him up, just had to get it off my chest. I had to tell someone.” Hermione felt Harry’s arms around her. She felt his fingers in her hair; she closed her eyes with contentment as he comforted her.

“It’s alright Hermione,” Harry said softly, his fingers ever so gentle running through her hair.

“Yes it is alright, I just hope Amelia dumps his ass.” She laughed a little.

"I don’t want to sound like a jerk, but I don’t want him near you. Not at all.” Harry said his tone was bitter.

“Well that makes two of us; I don’t want him near me either.” Hermione pulled back a little and smiled at him. She lifted her hand to his cheek, where her fingers lightly drifted about his face. “I don’t want to talk or think about Carlo anymore.”

“No complaints here.” Harry smiled.

With a small smile Hermione leaned forward and kissed him gently. Harry’s hands reached up into her hair, grasping the back of her head as she tried to pull away. He wanted her mouth on his longer, and he held the simple kiss.

Harry’s hands were now on her shoulders as Hermione pulled away. Hermione took a breath and buried her face within Harry’s shirt, she inhaled his scent. He smelled fresh and crisp, like after it rains.

She smiled gently. “You smell nice.” Her voice was muffled since she still had her face pressed against his chest.

“I haven’t had a shower since this morning, and it’s been a hectic day. Are you sure you don’t mean I stink?” Harry smiled though he was serious.

Hermione lifted her head looking at him, “I still say you smell nice.” Hermione smiled and poked him in the stomach with a gentle finger. She saw him laugh. “Now let me see if you taste as good as you smell.”

“Are you coming on to me?” Harry asked innocently.

Hermione leaned closer to his ear, “You better believe I am.” She gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, trailing her lips to cover over his mouth. Harry’s lips immediately parted as did hers; she was rewarded with a gentle flick of his tongue against hers. Her hand flattened against his chest and wandered downward over his stomach as the kiss deepened.

Harry moaned as he felt her hand on top of his shirt which was pressed flat against his chest, he wanted to feel her hand on him. So he pulled his mouth from hers and quickly lifted his shirt over his head. Harry took in a deep breath as he let Hermione take her time looking at him. Hermione leaned in and pressed her lips to his neck, kissing him slowly, wandering down to his chest where she left sensual open mouthed kisses across his chest. She scooted down more and kissed his stomach gently. Harry’s hands were on her back, rubbing up and down. He didn’t like this shirt too much anymore; he wanted her smooth soft skin beneath his hands. This shirt had to go, but first he was a bit apprehensive about what she was doing. Sure he had an idea and he’d seen it done on certain Muggle movies that Dudley had in private storage under his mattress. It’s just no one had ever gone down on him before, not even Cho.

“Hermione?” He said breathlessly as he felt her hand against the zipper of his shorts.

Hermione rested her chin on this stomach and looked up, giving him her attention.

“What are you—” He stopped in mid sentence when she lifted her mouth to his in a brief but thorough kiss, her tongue twirled softly with his and she pulled back with a tiny smile.

“Just trust me, you’ll like this.” She said with a reassuring smile and a twinkle in her eye.

“I don’t want you doing something that you might not be comfortable with.” Harry said as he threaded his fingers through her hair.

“To tell you the truth,” She lowered her eyes for a moment and then lifted her gaze to collide with his. “I’ve wanted to do this to you for a long time.” She smirked and pressed a soft kiss just below his stomach.

Harry’s breath caught in his throat as he watched her gentle, slender fingers unbuttoned his shorts; he lifted up a bit so she could slip both his underwear and his shorts off. Once settled back on the bed he closed his eyes, an instant later he felt her fingers, her hands and then her mouth. “Oh God!” Harry breathed out as he gripped the sheets with his hands. He felt her tongue her lips, the slight suction and movements of her hand. Harry was breathing hard, the emotions the sensations were like none other, hot and needy. He managed to bury his hands within her hair, he even found himself thrusting in and out of her mouth. She welcomed him, almost encouraging him.

This feeling was too much, she was very skilled and she was driving him crazy, he wasn’t going to be able to hold back any longer. “Herm…ione” He gasped out. “I—I’m gonna, I can’t—” It was as if she didn’t hear him for she kept going, he couldn’t hold it. Harry gripped the back of her head, every muscle strained, he cried out. After a few moments of catching his breath she was there now, lying on top of him and looking down. Harry buried his face into her neck holding her so tightly; almost as if he were afraid she would disappear. He felt her own arms around him as she too was embracing him tightly. She could still feel his heart beating fast.

“I was right,” Hermione said with a smile.

“Right about what?” He shifted so he could look up at her, still wrapped up in her arms.

“You taste as good as you smell.” She smiled into his eyes.

Harry gave off a soft chuckle looking at her, “Something is off here, I happen to be naked but you are still fully clothed.” His tone was playful.

“I am?” She said looking down at herself, “Well imagine that, what do you suppose I should do about this?” Hermione grinned.

“I know exactly what to do.” He pulled her up to a sitting position and he saw and as if reading his mind Hermione reached down with her hands towards the hem of her shirt, she was going much to slow for his taste. “Oh here, let me help you.” And he quickly brought his hands to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head. The rest of her clothing was soon to follow.

Hermione was lying on her back while Harry was next to her propped up one arm,

Harry lightly swept his hand over her body, slowly over her hip, her thigh. Just making her feel nice and relaxed. He glanced down at her belly button ring, playing with it a little. “So this is what that god awful pinch was? That hurt you know.” He smirked.

“Oh I forgot,” Hermione sniggered. “I forgot that we could feel each other’s pain and emotions when apart.” She said.

“Oh and don’t forget pleasure,” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I know what you were doing at night, alone. And on several different occasions too.” He smirked.

“Hey!” She smiled. “Geez, now I can’t do anything now without you knowing about it.” She laughed.

“You say that as if it’s a bad thing,” Harry laughed and lightly rubbed his fingers in small circles on her tummy around her belly button; it was a tad red and he didn’t want to aggravate it more. “Does your ring still hurt?”

“Well there’s sort of a dull ache there now, it hurts but the pain will go away in a few days.” She smiled, watching him still tracing around her belly button. Hermione stretched her arms behind her and her hand hit a bag. She looked behind her a bit and saw the bag of peanut butter cups. Hermione grabbed it and opened it.

Harry heard a crinkling noise above him; he looked up and saw she was digging into the bag of peanut butter cups. She pulled one out and started eating it.

“Well these are very good.” Hermione said with her mouth full or chocolate and peanut butter. She saw him looking at her and she held half of the peanut butter cup to him, “Do you want some?”

“Yes I do.” He took the candy from her but he didn’t eat it, instead he covered her mouth with his, Hermione was a bit stunned but she recovered quickly and started kissing him back. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. She felt Harry’s hand on the area just above her breast, sliding down to cover over the round firmness. Hermione pressed her mouth harder to his, Harry moaned softly as their tongues playfully tangled together.

After a few moments of kissing her, Harry pulled his mouth from hers and they both noticed where his hand had been there was a smear of chocolate. “Ooops.” Harry said. “I better take care of that.” He gave off half grin.

Hermione took in a sharp breath as she felt his tongue on her breast, right where the chocolate now used to be. Both of her hands were buried in his hair as he continued to tease her breast with his tongue and lips. She cried out feeling his other hand between her thighs, touching, teasing invoking the hot fire of need that was now surrounding her. Her hands cupped the back of his head, which caused him to look up at her. She pulled his mouth up to hers where she kissed him hard and deep, letting her tongue collide passionately with his, making him groan into her mouth.

She ripped her mouth from his, crying out from feeling his finger inside her and his thumb rubbing against her little button, she was drowning in the essence of her fiery need. She scraped her fingernails up his back. Hermione heard him breathing harshly in her ear as she was clutching his shoulders. Her mouth was next to his ear when she spoke. “Harry…please…I need you…now.”

“Right now?” He teased her with his words as well as his hand and fingers.

“Yes, right now.” Hermione squeaked, she felt him pull his hand away.

Harry smiled and kissed her neck, covering her throat with butterfly kisses, which grew into passionate open mouthed kisses; he moved and covered over her with the warmth of his body. Hermione’s thighs spread wide and he lay between them, she felt him pressed against the entrance of her body and she groaned pushing herself onto him.

“I said right now.” Hermione smirked through her heavy desired euphoria and closed her legs around him pulling him deep inside of her, she gasped with pleasure.

His heart sped up feeling her tight around him where he gave her a soft smile, then his mouth covered over hers as he thrust into her warm, soft body. He started gently but gradually sped up his movements, harder and harder he went into her. Tighter and tighter she closed around him. She moaned and cried out into his mouth, as his kiss was passionate and almost bruising.

A bit deeper and harder Harry pressed into her, Hermione whimpered telling him she wanted more by attaching her lips to his neck and suckling the flesh and leaving her mark, she moved her mouth and continued to leave her little love marks. He gave her more he shifted and grabbed a hold of her ankles lifting her legs high in the air, where they bent at the knees and pressed near her ears. Harry was able melt even further into her hot warmth making her moan loudly. She was pushing her hips against his and he plunged faster and harder into her.

Harry felt her body close around him. He glanced down at Hermione’s face, her eyes slammed shut, she was breathing hard and fast. He released her legs and they found their way around him again, her ankles locking together at the small of his back. Harry bent, kissed her once, twice. Opening her mouth with his where his tongue also plunged into her mouth at the same time as his body did inside her. Her arms were tight around him, pulling his chest against hers. Hard and hot he went, she was silky soft and tight around him. It was coming he could feel, she was on the edge. Her inner walls pulsated around him and he too was going to lose it for the second time that night.

Hermione’s fingers clutched his shoulders hard, and his dug into her hips. Harry pulled her against him and he thrust in deeper again and again. Her body closed around his so hard and tight that Hermione’s heart lurched and stomach tightened. Her body lifted nearly half way off the bed as she screamed in her release. Moments later he too had joined the heavens for a moment.

Hermione was looking up at him, watching him cry out his unrestrained pleasure. God he was beautiful. She smiled a bit looking up at him until he nestled his face in between her neck and shoulder. Still breathing hard and recovering from his ascent to the stars. Hermione kissed the side of his head, neck, as she was content to let him calm down against her. She ran her fingers up and down his smooth back. His breathing slowed, and she realized that he was asleep. Hermione let him lie there for a few minutes, before she gently moved him off of her. She got up from the bed and immediately he sat up.

“Hermione?” he said sleepily, looking around for her.

“I’m here love.” Hermione moved over to the light switch she glanced over at the bed and noticed he was sitting up with his eyes closed. She flipped it down, making the room dark. “I’m just turning off the light.”

“Alright.” Harry leaned back against the pillow, pulling the blankets over him. He heard Hermione moving back towards the bed, where she lifted the covers and slid in next to him. She was on her back looking up at the dark ceiling, when Harry rested his head against her chest and he snuggled close. Hermione kissed the top of his head, and his forehead. She heard his gentle breathing return, he was asleep. Hermione smiled and closed her eyes, within moments she too drifted off into the world of dreams.


Harry and Hermione were in the bathroom finishing up their morning rituals, when Hermione popped a Translation Bean into her mouth. Harry did the same. They tasted kind of sweet.

“We don’t want to forget this time.” Hermione said with a smile.

Harry nodded; he grabbed a couple more from the bag and stuck them in his pocket. He watched Hermione do the same. Boy they sure think very similarly.

Hermione saw him looking at her with a goofy grin on his face. “What?” She saw him point to her pocket and Hermione smiled. “Sure the guy in Camelot said the beans last two weeks, but we don’t know that for sure? For all we know they last two minutes.” Hermione replied.

“I agree with you, I wasn’t going to say anything except that we sure think alike.” He said with a smile.

They both heard Amelia’s voice shouting from the kitchen.

“Breakfast!” Amelia shouted.

Both Harry and Hermione came from the bathroom and sat down at the table to a giant feast. Hermione was confused.

“Uh, Amelia what’s with all the food? You don’t cook?” Hermione looked up at her cousin who was smiling. She could sense that her cousin was not happy, but was covering up something. “Alright what’s wrong?”

“Oh nothing.” Amelia sat down across from Hermione, “Nothing except I kicked Carlo out. Pass the toast please.” Her tone was as plain as talking about the weather.

Hermione looked right at her cousin, “You really kicked him out?” She saw Amelia nod. “Oh good for you,” Hermione smiled.

“Oh it’s not good Hermione, I already miss him.” Amelia sighed and glanced down at her empty plate.

“Yes it is Amelia, Carlo is an asshole.”

“Well at times yes he was, but I could tell he really cared about me.” Amelia replied.

Hermione sighed shaking her head; she was going to tell her cousin just what kind of a jerk Carlo was when there was a loud knock at the door.

Amelia got up from the table and rushed through her flat towards the front door and opened it. Carlo stood there looking like a little lost puppy, her heart melted. She then remembered what he said about Hermione and her face grew stern and serious. “What are you doing back here?”

“You told me to get my stuff, so that’s what I’m here to do.” Carlo’s voice was just as stern as hers. Maybe if he played the cards right he would get her to accept him back. He just needed to make it look like he really was leaving and if that didn’t work; he would give Amelia the gift. Carlo pushed his way passed Amelia and into the flat.

He glared at Harry and Hermione who had come to see what was going on, he simply walked passed them and into his room where he began collecting his things. Carlo heard a knock on the side of the open door and he turned, Amelia was standing there. “Well I hope you are happy, I will soon be out of your life just as you wanted.”

Amelia looked at the floor and then up at him, “Just remember Carlo you brought this on yourself.” She glared “If you really wanted a relationship with me, you wouldn’t be cheating and you wouldn’t be treating my cousin like she’s lower than dirt.”

“Ah your cousin, well let me tell you a few things about her.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “She is a tease Amelia a big tease, she leads people on and then when—” He was interrupted by both Harry and Hermione who had come up behind Amelia.

“She is not a tease.” Harry said bitterly. “I know what you did, and you know what you did.” With his fists clinched at his sides he glared at Carlo who had a twinge of fear flicker in his eyes.

“Whatever, it’s in the past. It doesn’t matter anymore.” Carlo said.

“That’s right it doesn’t matter anymore.” Hermione said her head held high. “You don’t matter anymore.” Her hands found her hips, as she looked Carlo right in the eye.

Carlo’s tactics were certainly not working; he needed to appeal to Amelia’s love for gifts. He reached behind him and under the hem of his shirt brought a gift wrapped in silver paper which had been tucked into the back of his pants. “Look I know I messed up Amelia and that we aren’t together anymore, but I got you this anyway.” He sure hoped that whatever was in this box was what that man said was in there.

“You got me a present?” Amelia said her voice lightened up, and so did her eyes.

“Amelia what are you doing?” Hermione was surprised at her cousin’s reaction. “Don’t accept anything from him you just broke up.”

“Oh but Hermione, he knows we aren’t together.” Amelia. “Right Carlo?”

“Right, I just wanted you to have this as a remembrance of me and all the times we had together.” Carlo sighed.

Hermione shook her head in disappointment she looked at Harry who seemed angry. “She’s going to take him back, look at that.” She pointed to her cousin.

Amelia took the gift from Carlo’s hand. “No I’m not taking him back; I just want to see what my present is.” She carefully started unwrapping the gift. Both Harry and Hermione glanced over the shorter girl’s shoulders, they two were a bit curious as to what the gift was. Under the silver wrapping paper there was a shiny green box.

Harry got an odd feeling, why did the wrapped gift suddenly remind him of school and Slytherins. He looked over at Hermione; he noticed she was in deep concentration as well.

Hermione felt Harry’s eyes on her and lifted her gaze to his, they didn’t have to speak they knew what each other were thinking. They both continued looking down at Amelia opening her gift.

Amelia lifted the cover of the box and inside resting on a green tissue paper was a blown glass picture frame with a unicorn portrait. “Wow.” Amelia said breathlessly. “This is beautiful,” she looked up at Carlo. “It must have cost you a fortune.”

“Well price is no object when it comes to you.” Carlo said smugly.

Harry looked about the picture; he scanned it thoroughly. He couldn’t shake this feeling that something was off about the picture. Harry let his eyes scan all over the picture and there in the corner within the painted grass blades was the dark mark.

At the same time Harry and Hermione’s heads shot up staring in horror at each other.

Amelia was about to touch the frame when Harry and Hermione both shouted “NO!” which started her and the box went flying from her hand. The picture flew out of the box and as if almost in slow motion the picture started falling towards them. Both Harry and Hermione held their hands up to catch it. Whatever it was they wanted to make sure nothing was going to happen to the Muggles. Carlo of course had a different idea as he reached for it. Amelia had grabbed onto Carlo’s arm trying to jump up higher and grab the picture before the glass shattered all over the floor.

The picture was still falling from the air as Harry, Hermione, Amelia and Carlo all grabbed it at the same time and tried to pull it in different directions. They each felt a pulling within moments they found themselves on the ground in the middle of a large group of people in masks and black hooded robes.

“Hell a Portkey." He glanced around. "Oh great, just what this trip needs. Death Eaters.” Harry said to Hermione as he pulled her to her feet.

“Do you think we’re still in Rome?” Hermione looked at the group. She heard a moaning from on the ground, she turned and saw Amelia and Carlo on the ground who looked ready to vomit. “Oh no Harry look,” Hermione pointed to the ground “Amelia and Carlo.” She was greatly distressed.

Amelia slowly got to her feet, as did Carlo.

“What happened?” Amelia put her hand to her head.

“Harry Potter” A voice hissed out.

Harry turned to Hermione. “Wands out.” He saw Hermione nod as they both recognized that voice.

Both Harry and Hermione pulled their wands from their holders, which were underneath their shirts.

Amelia and Carlo looked oddly at Harry and Hermione.

“Why do you have those sticks? And who the hell are these guys, and why do you two seem to know what you’re doing?!” Carlo asked, for some reason Hermione’s stick seemed familiar.

“We’ll explain later.” Hermione said still keeping her eyes on the group.

A path was created through the Death Eaters as two men came forward, one whose head was covered and the dark lord himself Voldemort. Hermione felt herself begin to shake and for reasons not known to her as the two came forward.

“Well, well, Harry Potter. Good to see you again.” Voldemort smirked.

“Too bad I can’t say the same.” Harry glared.

“This worked better then I had planned.” He grinned.

“What do you mean?” Harry’s eyes narrowed even more in suspicion.

“Why doesn’t my servant explain it to you?” Voldemort moved to the side as the man next to him lowered his hood and removed his mask, the man smirked.

“But that’s impossible.” Harry said as he looked upon the man, “Malfoy said he killed you.” Harry heard Hermione whimpering next to him. He looked for a moment at her and saw her shaking almost uncontrollably for the man who stood before them was none other than Lucius Malfoy.

“He tried.” Lucius smirked at Harry then glanced at Hermione. “Ah you’ve come back my screaming Mudblood.” Lucius sneered.

‘Get a hold of yourself!’ Hermione’s head shouted. She stopped her whimpering and held her wand up her hand still shaking. “You—you stay away.” She said waving her wand in the air.

“Oh would you look at that Gryffindor bravery, more like Gryffindor stupidity to me.” Lucius smirked then pointed his wand between Harry and Hermione. “Accio Wands.” He shouted. Both Harry and Hermione’s wands were ripped from their grasps and sailed into Lucius outstretched hand. Lucius continued to smirk.

“Hey I know you, you gave me that gift.” Carlo said pointing at Lucius.

Harry, Hermione and Amelia turned glaring at Carlo.

“Carlo you asshole, you lied to me again.” Amelia shouted.

“Not only that…” Hermione paused “Oh my God, all of this is your fault.” Hermione spat. Lucius laughed causing chills of fear to run down Hermione’s spine. She remembered that laugh all too well.

“We only intended for that Muggle there to be brought here.” He pointed at Amelia. “So that Potter here would be forced into a rescue.” Lucius laughed again. “We didn’t count on the both of you two to arrive.” He smirked. “Just imagine my luck.”

Harry stepped in front of Hermione, this time he wasn’t letting anyone past him.

Lucius just chuckled. “You know, I seem to remember an incident just like this. The outcome will be the same.” He winked.

Hermione’s hands grabbed hard onto Harry’s shoulders.

“Hermione…what’s…going on?” Amelia was confused. And she didn’t like it that she wasn’t being answered by her cousin. She was going to ask again but was interrupted.

“We shall deal with the Muggle prisoners in a moment; lock them in the dungeon cell.” Voldemort ordered.

“Yes sir.” A few Death Eaters came forth and took both Carlo and Amelia away.

Hermione watched with worry as the back of her cousin’s head disappeared into the castle.

“The only person you should be worrying about here is yourself.” Voldemort said which got Hermione’s attention, she looked right at him. And for some strange reason he was smiling. ‘Interesting’ she heard him say. “What—is?” She asked.

Harry in shock looked at her especially when out of oddness Voldemort smiled. Harry shook his head and returned his angered gaze to Voldemort’s. “Alright Voldemort why aren’t we dead yet, or why haven’t I been killed yet?”

“I am going to offer this to you one more time, I offered it to you before but you so rudely declined.”

“If you’re thinking that you can get me to join you, then you are surely mistaken.” Harry spat.

Voldemort laughed, “Don’t be so quick to jump to a decision, I have hostages you know.”

“What are you going to do to them?” Hermione said in fear for her cousin, and forgetting all about Lucius.

Voldemort looked at Hermione, “have no worry; I’ll only cause a little pain for your cousin.” He saw Hermione’s eyes widen. “But that foolish Muggle boy, oh yes I think I’ll order him lots of pain, isn’t that you the both of you want to see, him suffering?” He asked almost innocently as if they had a choice in the decision.

“No.” Harry and Hermione said at the same time.

“No? If I’m not mistaken, the ministry almost banished you.” He pointed his finger at Hermione. “Only because you were defending yourself, now is that fair?” Voldemort laughed, “Don’t you want to see what’s coming to him?”

“No.” Hermione said.

“Why are you both so stubborn?!” Voldemort growled. “If you don’t want to see people you care about hurt you will join me!” He ordered. “Here I’ll give you some time to think about it.” With a snap of his fingers, a few Death Eaters grabbed both Harry and Hermione by the arms and brought them to a dungeon cell, and pushed them in closing the door with a loud echoing slam.

Harry stood from the floor when they were thrown in, Hermione was already on her feet and she was pacing back and forth quickly. They failed to notice Carlo and Amelia huddled close together in the dark corner of the cell.

“Oh Harry, oh my God what are we going to do, what about—” But she was cut off by Harry.

“Yes I know Voldemort he’s going to—” This time he was cut off.

“No Harry not Voldemort. Sure I still fear the dark lord but not as much anymore. It’s Him.” She chill ran down her spine and she shook a bit “I can’t believe, I—” She broke down.

“He’s not going to hurt you again, I will not let him.”

They heard a rustling from the corner of the cell, which cause Harry and Hermione to turn. Amelia stood.

“Will one of you please tell me what the hell is going on here?” She was enraged.

“Amelia we can’t explain it to you, I can not explain it to you.” Hermione replied.

Carlo also stood his arms folded across his chest. “Well one of you had better tell us something. Who are these people and how did he steal your sticks like that. What was that some kind of a trick?”

“They aren’t tricks, they are real.”

“Hermione please, as your cousin tell us what is going on.” Amelia sounded desperate.

Hermione shook her head, “I’m not allowed to say, I can’t. I’m sorry.”

Carlo came forward in a mad rage and he grabbed Hermione by the shoulders, “You had better fuckin’ tell me what is going on.”

Harry went to get Carlo off of Hermione, but someone beat him to it. Hermione kicked him in the shin and he yelled in pain as he, rubbing the now bruised area of his leg.

“Don’t you ever touch me again!” She shouted.

“Just let us figure a way out of this.” Harry said bitterly, “Just go and sit down and shut up. You have no idea what is going to happen to you.

“Are you threatening me?” Carlo glared.

“No, I’m warning you. These people are well, they don’t like you. I don’t like you but I don’t want to see you dead. Well actually I do, but I would never kill you.” Harry admitted.

“They want to kill us?” Amelia gasped.

Hermione nodded.

Amelia couldn’t help the tears, “Oh what are we going to do, we have to get out of here.”

“We’re working on that Amelia; just let us take care of this okay. Trust us.” Hermione said softly.

They waited there for over four hours before the door to the cell banged open. Lucius followed by six death Eaters walked inside the cell.

“Ah this brings back memories doesn’t it?” Lucius mocked. “Although this time there is no Weasley” He spat. “Hiding in the corner” He smiled at Hermione, “Is it true that you Mudblood used magic on that Muggle over there?”

“How did you know that?” Hermione gasped.

“So I see you are very similar to my son, using whatever means to get the desired result.”

“Don’t listen to him Hermione.” Harry spoke softly.

Hermione started shaking, “He, he was going to hurt me.”

Lucius stepped right up to her and grabbed her by the hair tilting her face upward. She tried to struggle out of his grasp but he had a good hold on her hair. Harry tried to attack Lucius but he was held back by the Death Eaters, it took four of them to hold him back.

“Did he get any delicious screams out of you? Ones that were meant for me?” His eyes narrowed he heard her groan in agony as he watched her eyes shut tight. “Oh I bet he got lots of them.” He looked towards Carlo, “You stole something that I enjoy, for that you will suffer.” It was a good thing that Lucius was still preoccupied with hurting her and talking to Carlo that he didn’t notice Hermione reach into his robe pocket and grab hers and Harry’s wand, she quickly hid them in her back pockets, since her shirt hung down almost covering her bottom, no one would know she was hiding the wands.

Lucius let go of Hermione’s hair and she stepped back from him. She was surprised that he let her back away and towards Harry. Lucius snapped his fingers and three of the Death Eaters charged Carlo and pushed him up against the wall.

A few of the Death Eaters started hitting him the Muggle way while one of them used curses on him. One punched him hard in the stomach three times, while another used the imperious curse and made Carlo punch himself in the face and charge into the wall and bang his head against the stones several times. Amelia stood there in horror, tears and her screams echoed through the cell.

“Oh please Hermione, Harry make them stop, whatever they are doing just please.” Amelia begged.

Lucius snapped his fingers and the Death Eaters stopped their assault on Carlo, he fell to the ground breathing hard and bloody. Amelia sank to her knees and glanced down at him “What kind of people are you?” Amelia looked up at Lucius. He was glaring down at her.

“Oh look at that filth looking up at me, you should be put in your place wench, I should have you—“ Lucius was interrupted by Wormtail coming into the cell.

“Master wants the prisoners now,” Wormtail squeaked out.

Lucius took in a breath, “Fine. Let’s go.” He turned on his heels and the Death Eaters escorted the prisoners to the thrown room, Carlo again had the imperious curse inflicted upon him so that they wouldn’t have to carry him. Into the thrown room they went and Voldemort was feeding a rare bird, with purple feathers upon its wings and head, its body was in the shape of a snake, but it had talons.

“So have you decided what you will choose? Join with me or there will be much pain inflicted upon all of you.” Voldemort threatened.

Harry looked at Hermione, Carlo and Amelia. He didn’t want them to get hurt. But he couldn’t join with Voldemort that would mean the end of everything. He felt something being pressed into his hand. He glanced down at Hermione had his wand. Voldemort was too busy paying attention to his bird that to notice Hermione holding a long piece of wood and handing it to Harry.

“No, I will not join you. And neither will Hermione.” Harry glared.

Voldemort wasted no time in lifting his wand and pointing it at Harry. “Then you shall die. Avada Kedavra!” Voldemort shouted.

Harry dodged the curse as it went flying at him, he then grabbed onto Hermione’s hand tightly and pulled her. Amelia was busy shielding a still under control Carlo from whatever was going on.

Voldemort shouted the curse again but Harry too dodged that one, Harry and Hermione ran through the castle with Death Eaters on their tail. Harry opened the door a room and pulled her inside. Harry leaned against the door as he heard people next to it talking. “Kill Potter but leave the girl. Master’s orders.”

“Well why should we even have to kill Potter, he’s better as one of us. He’s even more powerful then the dark lord.”

“That’s why he has to be killed soup for brains, he could kill Lord Voldemort. He almost did once and he was just a baby. Just kill him and think about it later okay. Kill first then ask questions, got it.”

“Got it.” The Death Eaters agreed.

Harry sighed with relief, as the Death Eaters seemed to move on.

“Do you think we’re safe in here?” Hermione said standing over by a desk. “What about Amelia and Carlo? They are still out there with them.”

Harry walked over to Hermione, “We will get help.”

“But what if they’re dead already?” Hermione couldn’t help the tears from swelling in her eyes.

“I don’t think Voldemort would kill them just yet, he needs bait.” Harry said, he never liked it when Hermione cried, it always broke his heart. There was no time for comfort though because the door was blasted away and pieces of wood went flying everywhere.

Voldemort walked forward with Death Eaters behind him. “You can’t hide forever Potter, not from your fate. Luck has always seemed to be on your side, but not this time.” Voldemort opened extended his hand and opened it; inside it was a large red ruby. “This is a special curse Potter, it will kill you. Slowly but you will die.”

Hermione grabbed onto Harry’s arm just as Voldemort threw the ruby at Harry’s feet, a dark cloud enclosed the both of them, since she was holding onto Harry the cloud formed around her as well. A few moments the cloud faded and nothing was there. Harry and Hermione were gone.


Well that’s it for chapter 4, I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for chapter 5—Under the Sun. Remember to review. Thanks Ryoko :-D and here’s my yahoo group in case you are interested.

5. Under The Sun

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 5—Under The Sun

Ginny was lying on her back glancing up at the sky, the sand was soft and warm underneath her. She had just gone swimming in the ocean a few moments ago, and was relaxing as the sun warmed the cool water from her body. Ginny was having a horrible summer, she missed Draco terribly. She didn’t like being dragged along with her family and her brother’s girlfriend’s parents to the Bahamas, and it wasn’t even the Wizarding part, but the muggle part. She wanted to go home.

Someone ran up to Ginny and in the process kicked sand over her, it was her brother Ron and he was standing over her with a smile on his face. He sat down, once again throwing sand in his sister’s face.

“Are you having a good time?” Ron asked.

Ginny simply rolled her eyes, “Not really. I just want to be home and I’m stuck out here.”

Ron shook his head, “You just want to be home so Malfoy can owl you and you can moon over him and wonder when you’re going to see him again. Disgusting really.”

Ginny sat up glaring at her brother, “Do you want to know what’s disgusting? It’s watching you and Zara play kissy face all day, that’s disgusting.”

“Ah you’re just jealous cause my girlfriend is here with me and your jerk of a boyfriend is elsewhere.”

“Ron please don’t call Draco a jerk, I don’t call your girlfriend names.” Ginny said.

“But you would like to, I know you Ginny. Why don’t you like Zara?” Ron said pushing his toes into the sand.

“I don’t know Ron, I started to like her. But she can be so annoying and not to mention weird.” Ginny said shaking her head.

“Oh as if Malfoy is any less annoying. Come on now. Malfoy is mean as hell. He’s always insulting Harry and Hermione, calling her…” Ron paused he didn’t like using the word. “You know Mudblood. He even threatens people’s lives. How can you like someone like that?”

Ginny glanced down at her fingers, “I know he’s not perfect Ron, Draco loves me though. He is so considerate of me and kind when I am with him, he just doesn’t know how to be nice to you and your friends.”

“I will never trust Malfoy Ginny, but I won’t say anything bad about him around you. I know you care about him and you are my sister. And if Malfoy makes you happy,” Ron sighed leaned back stretching his arms behind him. “I don’t approve, but I won’t stand in your way either.”

“Thank you Ron.” Ginny said with a slight smile, “Where is your wonderful girlfriend anyway?”

“She hasn’t risen yet, still sleeping when I knocked on her bungalow door a few moments ago.” Ron said and he glanced around, he noticed his father coming towards them, a grave expression on his father’s face.

Ron immediately stood as his father stood before him. “What’s wrong?”

“Get your sister and come with me, something has happened.” Mr. Weasley said and he started walking away from Ron.

Ginny came up behind Ron and rested her hand on his shoulder, “What’s wrong with daddy?”

“I don’t know, but we better follow him.” Ron said to his sister, and they both headed in the same direction as their father.

Mr. Weasley was pacing back and forth when his wife walked into the room, followed by his sons and daughter. Zara’s parents were standing by the window; they were already in the room before Mr. Weasley got in there. “Well perhaps your daughter should he here too.” Mr. Weasley said to Zara’s mother Crystal.

“I’ll go get her.” Ginny offered and she headed out the door and towards Zara’s bungalow.

Zara was humming to herself while slicing off a bit of her Orgus Root; she heard a loud knock on her door. Irritated, she set down her knife and went to the door. Upon opening it she found Ginny on the other side. “What?” Zara asked with a smile trying to hide her annoyance.

“My father wanted me to fetch you, he has some news.” Ginny said trying not to glare up at Zara.

“Can I come in a few minutes, I have to ta—” Zara was pointing back towards her table when Ginny just grabbed her hand.

“Come on, you can finish what you were doing later.” The red head was impatient as she drug Zara out of the Bungalow and down towards the other one.

Zara and Ginny walked inside the Bungalow, all eyes on them. Both girls sat down on the couch.

“Now that we are all here.” Mr. Weasley started, “I’m afraid I have some terrible news. Death Eaters were spotted and arrested in Rome.”

“Rome?” Ron questioned. Why did that sound familiar? Oh wait a minute Harry was going with Hermione to Rome. ‘Oh no.’ He thought to himself. “Wh—what happened, why are you telling us this?” Ron felt a large lump lodge itself within his throat.

“I have to go to Rome and do a little searching, Ministry’s orders.” Mr. Weasley glanced down for a moment, “They think something happened to your friends Ron.”

Ron glared “Why does the ministry think something happened to my friends?” He sounded bitter.

“They knew Harry and Hermione were going to Rome, where someone has been working on the inside giving us information about the possibility of Death Eater activity, and well the bugs that was placed on both Harry and Hermione were cut off. The bugs vanished.”

He was mad, Ron stood. “You let the ministry treat Harry and Hermione as bait for Death Eaters?!”

“I didn’t do anything of the sort son, please try to calm down.” Mr. Weasley.

“Calm down?! How can I calm down? Harry and Hermione could be dead because of the Ministry’s idiotic actions.”

“That’s why I have to go to Rome, to find out exactly what happened. They found an entire palace and training camp, that’s where they arrested about twenty five Death Eaters. The ministry is doing a complete investigation there; they found Hermione’s muggle cousin and friend.”

“Well I want to go to.” Ron immediately said.

“Son you really shouldn’t—” Mr. Weasley started to say but he was interrupted.

“I’m just going to be waiting around to hear from you anyway, I mean what would it hurt if I waited with you in Rome?” Ron’s face was etched with worry.

“All right son, you can go.” Mr. Weasley said replied.

“I’m also going.” Ginny said firmly

“Me too.” Zara spoke up.

“Zara no, this sounds rather dangerous.” Crystal said in concern that her daughter would be putting her life on the line.

“I’ll be fine Ma, the so called Death Eaters were arrested and their will be government officials around, I doubt there’s anything to worry about.” Zara turned to Mr. Weasley, “Please allow me to go as well?”

Mr. Weasley looked at Zara and nodded, “All right. But no one else.” Mr. Weasley said sternly.

“Arthur please be careful.” Mrs. Weasley said, her voice trimmed with worry.

“I will luv, I will.” Mr. Weasley smiled. He knew it was still dangerous; anything involving dark magic users was dangerous. He turned to both Ron and Zara, “now lets get going we have to get to a Wizarding building and floo there.” He turned with Ron and Zara following after him.

“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to Zara.” Ron said.

Zara nodded “I know, but you shouldn’t be alone at a time like this.” She took his hand in hers as they followed after Ron’s father and Ginny towards the Wizarding part of The Bahamas.

Mr. Weasley, Ginny, Ron and Zara arrived at the Death Eater’s Palace and Training camp in Rome. Death Eaters were tied and lined up in rows. There were ministry members searching high and low using the best Wizarding devices to sweep the place clean.

“Don’t get into trouble.” Mr. Weasley said as he was waved over by another ministry member in his department.

Ron saw his father talking to a dark haired woman he could her voice which was shaking with nervousness and cracked in several places for she had been crying. “I have never seen anything like that in my life, I mean they were using these sticks and light was coming out of them. They did horrible things to Carlo; I don’t know drugged him or something.”

Mr. Weasley looked over at Carlo who was sitting up against the wall. “Oh it’s you again is it?” His eyes narrowed.

“Sir?” Carlo asked confused, one of his eyes was shut from being swollen and puffy.

Ron, Zara and Ginny walked over to Mr. Weasley, and got a good look at the girl.

“What happened to Hermione? Where is she?”

“That’s what we are trying to find out.” Mr. Weasley said as he listened to someone who was leaning closer to his ear.

“No we aren’t doing the memory charm yet, we need to know from them what happened, they may be our only source of information.” Mr. Weasley said. “Wait until after the questioning.”

Ron looked down at the girl, “You know Hermione?”

The girl looked up at him, “Yes, she’s my cousin. Could you please tell me what happened to her?”

Ron kneeled down, “Who are you?”

“Amelia, her cousin.” She sniffled, and wiped her tears away from her bruised cheeks. “I have never been so scared in my life. No one will tell me anything, where’s Hermione and her boyfriend, where am I, what is going on? And who was that man who tried to hurt them.”

“Which man?” Ron asked.

“Actually there were two, but the one I remember the most. He was so horrible looking. Glowing red eyes. A snake like voice, not that I understood what he was saying but just the way he was talking.” Amelia looked up at Ron.

Ron looked up at Zara, “You mean, Vol…Vol…” Ron took a breath, “Voldemort.” He said shuddering a bit.

Zara saw Ginny roll her eyes, well of course she wouldn’t fear the Voldemort her boyfriend was probably already a Death Eater in training.

“You—Know—Who?” Mr. Weasley asked Amelia after overhearing his son.

Amelia nodded, “Well whoever he was.”

“You—Know—Who?” A voice said from behind them, causing Mr. Weasley to turn around. He was face to face with Minister Fudge. “What are you doing here sir, don’t you have more important things to do then waste your time on an investigation like this?” Mr. Weasley was sarcastic.

“I must set a good example.” Fudge replied.

“You just want to impress the voters.” Ron said, he saw Fudge turn and glare at him.

“So what’s this I hear about You—Know—Who?” Fudge asked glaring at the young Weasley.

“This girl claims he was here.” Mr. Weasley said.

“What rubbish, You—Know—Who is dead.” Fudge spat. “What does a Muggle know anyway?”

“I think we should listen to her.” Mr. Weasley said.

“Well of course you would say that Arthur, you have an affinity for muggle things.” Fudge said. “The Dark Lord is not back, when will you get it through your thick skulls, don’t take this muggle’s word for it, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

“Oh put a cork in it Fudge.” A feminine voice came from behind them.

They all turned around, to see an older woman heading their way. And she walked right up to Fudge.

“What are you doing here Mavis?” Fudge snarled.

“This is my department Corny.” Mavis said glaring at Fudge while making fun of his name.

Amelia did a double take, “Gramma Mavis?”

Mavis looked at Amelia, “Oh dear.”

Ron looked at his father, “Did you find out what happened to Harry and Hermione yet?”

Mavis glanced at the floor and Mr. Weasley noticed, “Don’t let your feelings get in the way Mavis; we have to finish the investigation.”

“I know that Arthur, I’ve been here the whole time.” Mavis said looking up at Arthur.

“Gramma Mavis, please tell me what is going on.” Amelia begged.

Mavis kneeled looking Amelia, “All right.” She knew that when the investigation was over the memory charms would be used, it wouldn’t hurt anything if she told Amelia what was going on. “Hermione isn’t an ordinary girl, she is a witch, and her boyfriend isn’t an ordinary boy.” She sighed. “He is a wizard, the Dark Lord whom you’ve met.” She glared up at Fudge, “I do believe her by the way Corny.”

“Why would you believe a muggle?”

“For one, she has never been known to lie. And she doesn’t live in our world, which makes her story very believable. Also Harry Potter said on many occasions and to you personally that the Dark Lord is back, in fact why haven’t you arrested Lucius Malfoy?”

“We checked him out, he’s clean.”

“How can he be clean when Potter also said he saw him with the Dark Lord?” Mavis argued.

“You keep quiet Granger you don’t know anything; The Dark Lord is not back. I don’t care what kids or muggles say.” With that Fudge stormed off.

“Mavis, what did you find out about the disappearance of your granddaughter and Harry Potter?” Mr. Weasley asked.

“Only that powerful magic was used.” She took out the red ruby. I contacted Albus Dumbledore he should be here very soon. He will be able to tell us how this was used.” Mavis set the ruby down on the ground.

“How do you know this was used?” Mr. Weasley picked up the ruby and looked at it curiously.

“We went through the room where it was laid, and we found magic residue of Hermione and Harry, they vanished. We don’t know if they are dead or alive.”

“This is all your fault.” Ron pointed a finger at Mavis.

“What is?” Mavis was confused.

“Ron you can’t blame her, you don’t have any proof.” Zara said.

“I don’t need proof.” Ron said, “Anything the ministry is involved in tends to get twisted up.” He snarled.

“You have a right to be mad.” Mavis said.

“I’m not just mad, I’m worried out of my mind. If you ministry clowns weren’t so bent on catching Death Eaters and using any means necessary then Harry and Hermione would still be here.”

“That’s not true.” Mavis said. “I did this for their own safety, I know of Death Eater activity in Rome. I wanted to keep them safe, not endanger them.”

“Oh by planting bugs on them, we know who exactly is after Harry. And you knew there were Death Eaters here and you still let Harry and Hermione come to Rome. You had other needs and you knew Harry would be put in the middle.” Ron’s glare was harsh.

“That was not my intention, if I hadn’t planted the bugs I would not have been able to keep track of them, they would have been in worse danger.” Mavis said, she understood of the anger Ron was feeling.

“How wonderful your bugs are working now aren’t they.” Ron was sarcastic.

“Mr. Weasley, try to calm down.” The soothing voice of Albus Dumbledore echoed in Ron’s ears. “Panicking is not going to help Mr. Potter or Miss Granger.”

Ron turned to find Professor Dumbledore standing next to him; it seemed he appeared out of no where. “Sir I—” Ron couldn’t continue.

“Yes we are all worried Mr. Weasley.” Dumbledore said.

Amelia saw the white haired wizard, “Okay, if I pinch myself I’ll wake up any minute right?”

“It’s not a dream.” Ron said, “This is all very real.”

“Who are you?”

“Ron.” He said plainly

“Well at least I got an answer out of someone.” Amelia said.

“Why don’t I talk with the girl?” A man next to Dumbledore asked.

“Yes Nilrem, you do that.” Dumbledore said with a smile and a wink.

Nilrem went up to Amelia, “Why don’t you come with me dear, I’ll explain all I can to you.” He helped Amelia up off the ground and escorted her to a secluded part of the palace gardens so they could have some privacy.

A few hours later, Ron was lying on a leather couch down the stairs in the palace with his head in Zara’s lap; her fingers were running through his hair trying to sooth his troubled mind. Ron was trying to take a nap but he couldn’t sleep. His mind was filled with worry. The silence was broken as Ron cleared his throat.

“Do you think they are all right?” Ron asked barely above a whisper.

Zara sighed, “I wish I could tell you what you want to hear, but I honestly don’t know.” She continued threading her fingers through his hair. “I too hope they are all right.”

“This is all the Ministry’s fault, everything.” Ron mumbled.

“Yeah, the government always screws everything up.” Zara noticed he was finally drifting off to sleep.

Ron was on the verge of sleep when someone came barreling down the stairs shouting, they are not dead, they are not dead. Ron jumped up immediately. “Who’s not dead?” Ron asked in a panic.

“Mr. Potter and Miss Granger, they are not dead.” A pudgy man kept saying excitedly as he hunched over trying to catch his breath.

“Well what happened to them?” Ron nearly shouted.

“They were merely transported through time.” A voice from atop the staircase said.

Ron and Zara looked up to find Dumbledore standing there.

“Mr. Potter and Miss Granger have been transported back in time; Nilrem is devising a way for us to speak to them, if only for a moment.”

“I think I got it,” Nilrem shouted bringing a large crystal ball down the stairs “Gather round.” Nilrem said as Ron and Dumbledore, along with members of the ministry gazed into the very large crystal ball.


Well that’s it for chapter 5; I know it’s a bit short. I hope it was alright. Well let me know what you think. Read and review, thanks Ryoko.

6. What Time Is It

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, they belong to J.K Rowling. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Sorry for the long delay people, but I had a really bad case of writers block, but now it’s gone. Yay!! So here’s the next chapter happy reading ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 6—What Time Is It?

After the smoke cleared Harry and Hermione found themselves surrounded by furniture that wasn’t there a moment ago. Sunlight poured in from the partial stained glass window to left of them, to the right was a portrait of a man in a toga of crimson lined with gold. The man in the portrait was staring back at you in a most intimidating fashion. A large crystal ball stood in the center of the room, the sunlight reflecting off it creating rainbow like colors all along the walls. Bookshelves lined the wall behind them; the scent from the leather bound covers filled the room.

Hermione was clutching Harry’s arm tightly, her fingernails were digging into his skin. “What happened Harry, are we dead?”

“If we were dead I doubt I would be feeling the pain of your fingernails digging into me.” Harry winced.

“Oh sorry,” She immediately dropped his arm. “I’m just a little scared. You—Know—Who said something about a curse, and a slow working one at that.” Hermione took a breath, “What do you think he meant?”

Harry shook his head “I’m not sure. Although, I don’t remember this portrait or all of this furniture.” He said looking around; something was rather off about this room. Perhaps he was just wasn’t remembering correctly, after all they only popped into that room a few moments ago trying to hide from Voldemort. Harry looked at the portrait closer and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Hermione, don’t you think that picture looks a lot like Oliver Wood?”

Hermione tilted her head to the side regarding the artwork, “Yes it does, although he is a little older. But it looks almost exactly like him.”

A fuzzy radio like sound disturbed their concentration on the picture, hearing a voice in the room, Harry and Hermione looked around in all directions. The sound of the voice was faint and gradually getting louder.

“Harry Potter.” The voice said.

Harry’s eyes went wide, “Yes?” He said carefully while looking around the room. He was a bit nervous; perhaps it was Voldemort coming to finish the job since it was obvious that the curse didn’t work. But no matter, Harry would stand his ground and not shrink or wither in front of the so called Dark Lord. If Voldemort wanted Harry to fear him, well he had another thing coming.

“Harry Potter, the crystal. Come to the crystal.” The voice beckoned.

Harry started to move when Hermione grabbed his arm, he looked down at her fingers lightly holding onto him. He glanced up and the pure look of concern was clearly visible on her pretty face.

“No Harry don’t, it could be a trick.” She was worried, and did not trust anything that was inside Voldemort’s rooms. This was after all his palace and Death Eater training camp.

“Harry, it’s not a trick. ‘Tis I” The voice paused a moment. “You know the creator of the Soul Scepter.”

“Merlin?” Hermione’s voice was quiet as she stood there in awe, why did he seem to pop up whenever something went wrong? But she trusted Merlin without a doubt.

Harry’s eyes widened in shock, with Hermione’s hand still on his arm, they moved over towards the crystal ball. It was very similar to the one back in Merlin’s vault in Camelot. When they approached the crystal they stared down into it. Both Harry and Hermione found Merlin’s face staring back at them appearing very relieved.

“Oh thank the fates that you two are all right.” Merlin said with a tiny smile.

“What’s going on, what happened to us?” Hermione spoke up first.

Merlin took a deep breath, “You two have been merely transported back through time to the ancient year of forty three BC. This particular curse was very powerful and tends to work similar to the time turner; you do know what that is don’t you?”

Hermione nodded, “Indeed.”

“But this is even more powerful magic for to go that far.” Merlin added

“How do we get back?” Harry wasted no time with getting to the point.

“That…is the tough part.” Merlin tried not to let his worry show, but it was nearly impossible. “In order to get back you must find the Amulet of Torna, when you find it you must take it to the city of Torna, the only Wizarding city in Italy. Remember this is a time when Muggles knew about Wizarding folk, it wasn’t so concealed yet.” Merlin took a breath. “But you have to take the amulet to the heart of Torna; in the citadel is a portal that will allow you to go to any time and place you wish. You will need to plug the amulet into the device that works the portal.”

“Somehow this doesn’t sound like it’s going to be easy.” Hermione let out a puff of air.

Merlin nodded, “It’s a long and hard journey filled with dangers. But you two can do it, I know you can.”

Harry rested his fingers against his sinuses as he felt a headache coming on. “How are we going to even find this amulet, we haven’t the faintest idea of where such a thing can be.”

Merlin nodded in understanding, “The oracles of Nolan Mountain can help you, seek them out.” Merlin’s head vanished from the crystal but was replaced by Albus Dumbledore’s

“Ah Professor Dumbledore.” Harry took a breath, “Why am I not surprised to see you?” Harry gave off a half grin.

“Hallo there Harry, how are you doing?” Dumbledore asked politely.

Harry took in another breath. “Oh well, Voldemort tried to kill me and I’m stuck back in the ancient past. Not to mention there will be fierce and horrible creatures after me to enjoy a fine meal. I’d say I’m doing just fine and dandy.” Harry’s tone was sarcastic as well as his smile.

“Glad to hear it Harry.” Dumbledore looked around before focusing on Harry, “You must watch out for Tom Riddle. When he was fresh out of Hogwarts he had gone back in time looking for powerful ancient magic, that sometimes work better then the updated ones. But he is there, young and power hungry especially for someone no older then eighteen years old.

Harry smirked, “That means I could kill him, right?”

“Harry!” Hermione gasped. She never heard him talking so favorably of killing someone in her entire life, even if it was the younger version of Voldemort. It was still quite disturbing.

He looked at her. ‘Oops’ Maybe he shouldn’t have said anything like that in front of Hermione. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her. He was saved in Hermione’s eyes by Merlin’s quick thinking as his head also came into view. Now Harry was looking at both Dumbledore and Merlin.

“Harry just avoid him, killing Tom Riddle will cause a different outcome. You don’t know what will happen if you kill him.” Merlin hoped he was listening. “Time is not something to be messed with; the things that have already happened are now carved in fate and if you play with that, you’ll be doing more damage than good.”

Harry’s eyes narrowed. Voldemort killed his parents if there was a way to stop that from happening then he would do it. Of course he wasn’t going to tell Dumbledore or Merlin that. Harry shook his head slightly and looked back into the crystal. “I’ll certainly keep that in mind.” He hid a smirk.

Dumbledore and Merlin’s face disappeared and now Ron was looking back at him.

“Hey Harry, everything all right? Are you and Hermione okay?” Ron looked genuinely worried.

“Yeah Ron, we’re all right.” Harry smiled a little.

Ron let out a breath of pure relief. “Oh good. Don’t ever do that again, you scared us out of our wits.” Ron teased.

“Well first you would have to at least have wits Ron.” Hermione smirked.

“Ha, ha.” Ron was sarcastic.

Harry shook his head with amusement. “Okay Ron, we’ll try to avoid this in the future how does that sound?”

Ron nodded with a smile, “Take care of Herms, don’t let her order you around too much.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “She can be quite annoying at times.”

“I heard that Ron.” Hermione grinned, “Just you wait as soon as we get back you are so going to suffer.”

“Oooooh like I’m scared of you.” Ron teased.

“You had better be.” Hermione shot back.

“Just be careful you two, we are so worried here.” Ron glanced down.

“We’ll be careful.” Harry answered, trying to save face in front of his friend, he was worried as well. A sudden movement from Hermione caused Harry to look at her. She appeared to be listening to something; Hermione put her finger up against her lips in a signal for him to be quiet.

The door handle rattled and Ron’s head vanished from the crystal ball. Hermione could hear voices on the other side of the door; the voices were speaking in Italian. At first the voices were confusing but became as clear as English to her.

“Yes Ezio said he heard voices coming from this Caesar’s most private study.” A male voice said. “No one is ever allowed in here.” He said as he rattled to door handle again.

“But the door is locked, who could have been able to get inside?” Another voice said. “Come on Adrian, you know how Ezio is always exaggerating.”

“Pietro, we have to check the room,” The door unlocks and is pushed open.

Since there was nowhere to hide, Hermione and Harry were left out in the open vulnerable to any attack that Voldemort could bring upon them. Grasping his wand behind his back he stood face to face not with Voldemort but with a complete stranger.

“Oh excuse me sir.” Adrian said looking at Harry apologetically, yet he was wondering what in the Gods they were wearing? He didn’t let his own confusion show. “We didn’t know you were in here.”

Hermione elbowed Harry lightly in the side and whispered, “Say something.”

Harry who was rather confused nodded lightly and turned to the man before them, “Uh…no, no it’s quite all right, no harm done.” He tried to look serious.

“What are you two discussing, war plans maybe?” Adrian tried to contain his excitement then looked right at Harry, “You did discuss with Caesar that I wanted to join his army right?”

Not really knowing what to say, Harry simply said, “Sure.”

Adrian smiled and backed out of the room closing the door. But Pietro stopped him.

“What are you doing, who’s in there?”

“Oh it’s just Antony and Cleopatra.” Adrian said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Pietro glared “That is impossible.”

“What do you mean?” Adrian replied looking in the half open door at Harry and Hermione.

“Well for one, Antony and Cleopatra are with Caesar right now, watching the gladiators. There is no way they can be in that room.” Pietro said pointing to the door.

“Oh yeah! Then who are they?!” Adrian violently thrust opened the door as his temper rose.

Pietro looked into the room and saw the same thing Adrian saw, but he knew right away that they were not who Adrian claimed. “That is not them.”

“But—” Adrian was interrupted.

“They are imposters.” Pietro shouted, which brought about more individuals who were passing by hearing the loud accusing voice.

Hermione was about to answer when Pietro waved his hand violently in the air, “Silence woman.” He looked at Harry, “What kind of devilry is this?” Pietro’s eyes narrowed into angry slits.

“No devilry.” Harry answered.

“Then explain how it is you look exactly like Marc Antony?” Pietro’s arms crossed in front of his chest.

“I don’t know.” Harry lied; he had an idea of why he looked like Marc Antony. It’s not like he could just say…well he is a past life of mine and I got somehow thrown back in the past. They would think he lost his mind.

“You don’t know, perhaps a few days in the dungeon will make you talk.” Pietro cried. And as if he conjured up guards, two of them came through the door.

Hermione’s eyes were wide with worry as she looked at Harry; he pulled his wand from behind his back and pointed it at them.

“Stay back.” Harry threatened.

“Harry, what are you doing?” She whispered.

“We are getting out of here.” Harry was ready to cast a spell.

“But Harry, they are Muggles…the consequences not to mention the ministry—” She was cut off by Harry looking right at her.

“The ministry doesn’t exist during this time, so that doesn’t matter anymore.” Harry had pointed out. “So we aren’t going to be punished for this.”

“Come on Harry use your head, we can’t cast a spell on Muggles. You don’t know the damage it could cause.”

Harry wasn’t in the mood to listen to her reasons, his irritation was growing. Sometimes she just didn’t know when to be quiet. This was a time for action not for thinking and she was standing in their way of escape, only because she wouldn’t stop blabbing. “Hermione,” Harry started to say, as the anger clearly heard in his voice. Pietro saw this as his chance while both Harry and Hermione were distracted to attack. He knew very well what that stick was that Harry was holding. Someone passed through with that exact weapon. He wasn’t going to take any chances.

Pietro gave a small hand signal to two palace guards went forward, catching Harry and Hermione by surprise. They fought against the guards as both their wands were ripped from their hands. Harry received a punch in the face, the guard’s fist connected right with Harry’s eye. His, you wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses would you trick didn’t quite hold up anymore. The guards managed to get Harry and Hermione into the palace dungeon, where the large iron door was slammed shut. Harry and Hermione had nothing to say to each other.

A many unbearable hours passed as Harry and Hermione sat in the dungeon cell refusing to speak to one another. They had been yelling at each other about whose fault it was since they were thrown in the dungeon. Hermione had made the mistake of opening up that can of worms by simply asking him how long he thought they were going to be in here. It turned into a full blown yelling match. Until finally Harry said he had enough and to just shut up, he hadn’t felt like talking sense then.

The truth was, they both ruined their chances of escape.

Hermione ruined their chances of escape because she didn’t want Harry to use any magic on the Muggles. And Harry was just plain horrible thinking he could use magic on Muggles without their being any consequences. But neither was going to let the other know they were both wrong.

Hermione had her knees tucked up against her chest as her chin rested on them, she faced the wall her back to Harry. She hated cells, not that it really made a difference. She was sure a lot of people hated them. But she hated them even more ever since the incident back at the end of last year. Her eyes were wet with tears, she quickly wiped them away. There was no way she was going to show Harry how weak she had become. She didn’t want his pity; and she still wasn’t going to admit she was wrong. If he thought she was going to admit anything he had another thing coming. Hermione couldn’t help her sniffling, hopefully she was quiet enough.

Harry was sitting on the other side of the cell up against the wall with his legs straight, one ankle crossed over the other. His eyes were closed but he wasn’t asleep, he was thinking. Maybe he should go and tell her that she was right, magic against Muggles would have been very wrong, there were reasons why the laws were there. His head argued. ‘No, don’t be weak. She was wrong. You should have used any means necessary to get away from your captors and what did she do? She stood in your way that’s what. She should come to you and apologize.’ Yeah, Harry was going to agree with his head and make her come to him but that soft sniffle on the other side of the cell caused his heart to melt. It was no longer her fault and he stood, walking ever so quietly making his way over to her.

He knelt down next to her, facing her side. Harry’s arms went around her and he felt her wiggling in his hold trying to push him away from her. “Hermione.” He spoke quietly. “I’m sorry about yelling at you.” He felt her still trying to get away from him and he was certainly not going to release her until she heard him out. “Hermione, sweetie, love. I am really sorry.”

Hermione lifted her hand and pushed him away from her. “It doesn’t matter.” She wiped her eyes and got to her feet. Her back was still towards him.

“Yes it does, I didn’t mean to blow up at you I’m just really angry about what has happened.” Harry noticed Hermione step away from him as her arms enclosed about her, hugging herself. She was taking that rigid stance, in her own way telling people to stay away from her. “Hermione, don’t withdraw from me. Please let’s talk about this.”

Hermione shook her head, “I don’t want to, you made it perfectly clear whose fault it was being stuck here in this—” She looked around and that familiar shudder crept over her “in this dungeon.” Her voice sounded a bit high pitched and squeaky. She sniffled again “You even told me to shut up, so I am.” She didn’t turn around or anything, Hermione just stood there trying to keep herself from breaking down completely. She took a couple of breaths to steady her nerves.

“I feel really bad about that, it isn’t your fault.” He took a breath. “I had no right to take my anger of the situation out on you. I’m clearly to blame, possibly even more.” Harry took a step forward, towards her.

She heard him start to move. “No, just stay there.” ‘Why are you being so hard headed, he apologized what more do you want? Forgive him.’ She said to herself. After taking a deep breath she turned around to find him standing directly in front of her. “Harry you were right it was my fault, I mean if I hadn’t stopped you from casting a spell to allow us escape we wouldn’t be sitting in here right now.” She looked down at her toes. “It’s just I know so much about what happens to Muggles when they get spells cast upon them, I’ve also dealt with the ministry and they are a not gentle when it comes down to it.”

“No Hermione, I wasn’t thinking about what could happen to Muggles if I cast a spell or curse them. I was blinded by anger. If I was thinking clearly I could have just blasted the window and we could have gotten away. But no you were right I should have used my head. Magic performed on Muggles is against the law for a good reason.”

Harry stepped even closer to her, “I will never take my anger out on you again Hermione, you have that promise.” His hands rested on her shoulders and she looked up at him. Harry didn’t like it when they yelling at each other like that. Although, she did look rather sexy all fiery and riled up with her hair flying wild and free. He shook his head, he was obsessed. He even loved her anger. Harry took a breath, “Do you realize that has been the first fight we had since we’ve been together, and it wasn’t small either.”

Hermione snickered. “That’s true, it’s like anything we do is always big, even our fights.”

“Which I hope to never have again.” Harry pulled Hermione against him, embracing her tightly.

“Sometimes fights are unavoidable; let’s just promise not to stay mad at each other for too long.” Hermione’s arms went around him just as tightly. It was at that moment that the cell door opened, making Harry and Hermione spring apart.

It was Pietro followed by three more soldiers coming into the cell, “It’s time to meet your fate imposters.” Pietro grinned. The three soldiers went towards Harry and Hermione and withdrew their swords, pointing the weapons and waving them about threateningly. Harry and Hermione followed after Pietro while the soldiers where behind them making sure the prisoners would not escape.

Both Harry and Hermione were brought before a man who resembled Oliver Wood who was standing by a large table. Sitting down in a chair next to him was a young lady who looked a lot like Hermione. Harry also saw another man who looked like him standing behind the large table of food. He had his arms crossed and a glare etched into his face.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by a quick wave of a hand from Oliver’s look alike.

“Silence! I Caesar am to speak first.” He pointed at Harry. “Not you.” He turned to Harry’s look alike. “You may ask the questions Antony.” Caesar sat down next to the young lady.

Antony came around the other side of the table, still glaring at Harry and Hermione, “Who are you, and why do you look like Lady Cleopatra and myself?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

Hermione slipped her hand into Harry’s and he gave a soft reassuring squeeze before clearing his throat to speak.

“I know this is probably going to be hard for you to take in sir, but we are your future selves. You and I have the same soul” Harry said.

“You really expect us to believe that rubbish?” Antony replied with a scowl.

“How could you not?” Hermione spoke up, “Isn’t the truth staring you in the face.”

Antony was about to lash out at Hermione for speaking up before it was her turn to speak, when he felt a hand touch his. He looked down at the young lady and gave a nod.

“Well I certainly don’t believe it.” Caesar spat. “This is clearly done by some sort of trick to take over my empire. The villagers have been getting cleverer by the day, trying to resist the inevitable. This is done by some sort of sorcery; you have come here to take over. Well I won’t allow it. Guards kill the girl and—” He was interrupted by Cleopatra.

She had spoken up, “Wait Julius. Don’t kill the girl. Give her to me; I can always use another slave.” She stood and approached Hermione. “It’s such an uncanny resemblance;” She whispered so only Hermione could hear her, after a few moments of Cleopatra looking at Hermione, her voice rose to a normal pitch as she talked to Caesar. “I could use a girl like this.” She turned and smiled sweetly at him.

It appeared that Caesar was deep in thought as he gave a silent nod of approval. He then turned around and looked at Antony. “What do you want to do with him?”

Antony smirked, “Gladiators, I would like to see him fight for his life in the ring, he probably won’t last more then two minutes.”

Hermione clutched Harry’s whole arm now, she wasn’t going to let him go. “No, you can’t.” She felt Harry’s arms go around her just as tightly.

“So be it.” Caesar replied ignoring Hermione; he snapped his fingers and about four guards came forward, trying to wrestle Harry and Hermione apart.

“No, no you can’t take him I won’t let you.” Hermione struggled against the guards hold.

“Get away from me.” Harry replied, trying to hold onto Hermione and fight off the guards was no easy task but he was managing just fine. For now. After some time of putting up a fight Hermione was pulled from Harry. It was when Hermione was slapped by a guard with such a force that she fell to the ground. Harry totally lost it. He wanted to rip that soldier’s head off and he would have if more guards hadn’t been summoned to keep Harry at bay.

Something hard hit Harry in the back of the head and he fell to the floor unconscious. It took more than a few guards to lift him.

“No, not Harry please.” Hermione begged, she had gotten to her knees. “Take me instead.” She took a deep breath “Just not him.” Her voice quivered from the tears in her eyes.

It was as if no one heard her as she watched Harry being taken away. She got to her feet and tried to run to stop them, but someone’s foot shot out tripping her, she didn’t make it in time as the doors closed. Two men lifted her to her feet and started taking her down the hall, she kicked her legs about trying to get free, but they were much too strong.

“I don’t know why they don’t just kill you woman.” One of them said.

The other man opened the door to a large room and she was thrown inside, she landed on her back, the wind knocked out of her. She heard the door slam closed and lock. Hermione got to her feet and ran to the door, she messed with the handle but it wouldn’t turn. She banged loudly on the door. “Let me out of here, right now.”

“That’s useless,” A feminine voice said from behind her.

Hermione turned around to find to her surprise Lavender Brown, or at least someone who looked exactly like her. “Wh—what do you mean?”

“They won’t listen to you, we are all enslaved here. We are to serve our mistress Cleopatra.” She stood. “I’m Meldina.”

“Hermione,” She said back.

Meldina looked at Hermione, “You look almost exactly like our mistress, but your eyes are a different color and so is your hair and you’re a bit younger.”

Hermione looked at the door, “I have to get out of here.”

“That is impossible.” Another girl said to Hermione, “They only let us out when its time to fulfill our duties.”

Hermione looked at the other girl, she looked so much like Zara. She shook her head “You don’t understand, I can’t stay here. Harry needs me; I have to go to him…to help him.” She sank to her knees, her hands still on the door handle.

Meldina helped Hermione from off the floor and walked her over to a pile of cushions and silks on the floor. Hermione threw herself into the pillows, finally loosing all dignity she cried hard into the pillow she was hugging tightly.

“Rosa, this poor girl.” Meldina couldn’t help the moisture forming in her eyes as well. The two slave girls watched as Hermione finally cried herself to sleep.

“Do you think this Harry person is her lover?” Rosa said with a raised eyebrow.

Meldina nodded, “I think so.”

“They probably sent him to the gladiators.” Rosa said, “I’ll send a message using Falore.” She pointed to the hawk sleeping in its cage.

“I know what you’re thinking Rosa, you think these people are who the prophesy spoke about,” She watched Rosa nod vigorously. “Well I don’t think agree.” Meldina said, “I’ve lost all hope for our freedom.”

“Never give up Meldina, never.” Rosa went and grabbed a piece of parchment and scribbled something on it, she rolled it up. “Falore.” She whistled and the hawk was at attention. Rosa smiled and put on her leather glove and stuck her hand in the cage, Falore climbed onto her hand, and he was pulled from the cage. Rosa kissed his head and tied the parchment to his leg. “You know what to do.”

The hawk squawked as if he understood what she said. Rosa moved over to the open window and stuck her arm out; Falore took off in the air soaring through the clouds.

“Do you think she’ll be all right?” Rosa said coming back to stand next to Meldina.

Meldina sighed, “I hope so, we should inform the other girls of our new sister. I’ll go do that.” She went through a door on the other side of the room that led into another bedroom.

“Do you think he’s dead?” A male voice said

“One can only hope Enzo. I just wonder why Caesar would send his most faithful and best friend down here to the gladiators.” The other male said, his voice was rather angry sounding.

“Well Marcelo maybe he was doing something really wrong, and Caesar finally found out.” Enzo replied. “Look he’s starting to come to.”

Harry moaned in pain, his eyes opened slowly. His vision was a bit blurred in front of him was a tall red blob and a blondish blob. Harry’s eyes started coming into focus. “Ron, Seamus is that you?” Harry tried to sit up, his head pounded as he pressed his hand to the back of his head. “Ow, what happened? Where am I?

The two males looked oddly at each other.

“Have you gone mad? It’s me Enzo and Marcelo.” The Seamus look alike gestured towards the Ron look alike.

Harry nodded, trying to get to his feet. Faster then lightning striking, he was lifted in the air and slammed up against the hard stone wall. Harry winced in pain. “Hey, let go.” He was much too weak to fight back.

“I should kill you for sending us down here.” Marcelo spat.

“What are you talking about? I don’t even know who you are.” Harry said as he was slammed against the wall again.

“Liar.” Marcelo spat and he slammed Harry up against the wall again.

“Marcelo, let him down.” Another male voice said coming through the small crowd that was now gathered around.

“Why should I Gino, I’m gonna kill him for sending us all to our deaths, we’re lucky that we’re all still alive. It’s all his fault.” Marcelo growled.

“I think you should kill him.” Someone else said who was leaning up against the wall.

“Shut your mouth Frizi, no one wants to hear your shit talk.” Marcelo shouted at the pure blonde.

Harry had enough, he was more awake and for some reason most of these people wanted to kill him. Well he wasn’t going to wait around for that. His foot shot out and kicked Marcelo hard in the shin. Harry was immediately dropped, and he fell to the ground on a bunch of dirt and straw.

He looked up at them, “Look I’m not who you think I am, my name is Harry Potter and it seems I’m to suffer the same fate as you all, so don’t assume you know me when you don’t” Harry got to his feet.

Marcelo crossed his arms, “Oh really, prove it then.”

Enzo glanced at Harry noticing some differences, “Well for one Marcelo, Mark Antony doesn’t have that scar on his forehead, which looks like it’s been around for awhile.”

“All my life, I got it when I was a baby.” Harry said.

“You can’t base anything on a scar Enzo.” Marcelo spat. “You just keep that ass away from me and everything will be as smooth as glass.” Marcelo glared at Harry, “If you come near me, I will kill you.” Marcelo’s eyes narrowed as he turned his back on Harry and walked away from them.

It was strange seeing someone like Ron wanting to kill him. Even if this guy was older than Ron was. He couldn’t have been that old, but he remembered from primary school lessons that life was hard during this time in history. Marcelo very well could only be twenty one years old. Harry didn’t want to think about that right now, all he wanted was to find a way out of here, find Hermione and get far away from here.

“How does one get out of here?” Harry asked while walking to the barred window, he gave the bars a tug; it wouldn’t even budge an inch.

“Death is the only way out of here.” Enzo said, he sat down on the ground against the wall.

“Not true Enzo, you can win your freedom. But that would take ages almost. Most of us don’t even live that long.” Gino replied.

“No, that’s far too long.” Harry said. “I need to get out of here now.” He heard the harsh laughter coming from Marcelo. Harry turned his head wondering why he was being laughed at.

“You think it’s that simple, if it were I would have been out of here long ago.” Marcelo scoffed.

“I have to get out, there’s a girl who needs me. I must go to her and we need to get home.”

“Good luck foolish boy, you’re in here now you might as well forget about her. You’ll die come fifth day.”

Harry looked around the large dirty cell, if only he had his wand. He wondered what they did with them. Well those Roman’s better not have done anything to his and Hermione’s wands, or there would be hell to pay. Harry turned and looked out the barred window, he could see Caesar’s palace off in the distance. He hoped Hermione was all right, he feared he may never see her again.

Hermione woke with a start as she sat up, her hand pressed against her chest. “Oh Harry.” She whispered to herself. She could feel his uneasiness; she worried so much for him. She was safe; it was him that was in trouble. Hermione tried to send reassuring feelings that she was all right, but the feelings were clouded with sadness and distress for him. She got to her feet and went to the window, she sat down on the bay window cushions look out into the now night time sky. She did not want to lose Harry this way, Hermione saw a star shoot across the sky, she closed her eyes making a wish. She hoped with all her heart that she and Harry would be together again, and safe from harm.

She closed her eyes softly and whispered into the night. “Be safe Harry, be safe.”


Well that’s it for chapter 6, hope you enjoyed it. Now stay tuned for chapter 7 In The Ring. Remember to review, thanks Ryoko

7. In The Ring

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything in the HPverse. Darn oh well. Happy reading

A/N: Sorry for the long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long ,wait for this chapter. But I had the hugest, most biggest writers block on the face of the Earth.

So here’s the chapter you all had been waiting for. So Eat, Read and be Merry ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 7—In The Ring.

Harry woke up to a swift kick to his stomach; he couldn’t help the groan that followed as a large heavy lump fell on top of him. “Hey, get off me.” Harry moaned out in pain.

“Oh sorry.” A boy replied as he stood. “I didn’t mean to trip on you, it was an accident. I am a bit clumsy at times.”

“Just try to watch where you’re going all right.” Harry said irritably. He didn’t feel like being nice to anyone, he was too busy trying to figure a way out. Not to mention training everyday for the upcoming match, which was to take place this afternoon; he was sure he wouldn’t make it through alive. He was so tired and broken from the extensive gladiator training that Harry wasn’t in the mood for kindness. He noticed the boy reminded him a lot of Neville, ‘Great another Neville, that’s just perfect’. He thought sarcastically to himself.

Once again like at the beginning of the week, a hawk flew in through the bars of the cell and landing on Harry’s knee, extending its talon where a scroll was neatly tied to its ankle. Last week it had brought him some strawberries wrapped in a cloth handkerchief. He didn’t know where they came from but he really enjoyed them. All he got in here was stale bread and some bitter tasting soup. Of course he was used to that kind of treatment, so he didn’t complain at all, unlike the other men in this cell who complained about the food.

Harry turned his attention to the letter; he saw his name written in the neat cursive writing, which he knew to be Hermione’s on the rolled up scroll. He reached out and quickly untied the scroll from the hawk’s talon. The bird seemed to be waiting patiently for something. Harry shrugged and took the red satin ribbon from around the scroll and pulled the parchment open and he began to read silently to himself.


I hoped you liked the strawberries I sent you, I hoped you didn’t share them cause one of them had a translation bean in it. Just in case. It’s better to have eaten it now in case the other one wore off early.

I fear someone is watching me; I get this strange feeling when I walk the halls. I turn around to see if I’m being followed and no one is there. Perhaps I’m just being paranoid.

Anyway, I sense that you are scared. I just want you to know that it is all right to be frightened; it doesn’t mean you are weak. You are going to be fighting for your life so it’s understandable to feel that way. Harry please be careful, if anything happened to you I don’t know what I would do. Just stay safe, and please Harry don’t be a hero. Just live and come back to me.

I love you.


Harry removed the lose brick from the wall and put Hermione’s letter in with the other ones he had received from her. They would be safe there and no one would go prying into his business. He replaced the block just as Enzo came over to him.

“Come on Harry I want to show you a few moves.” Enzo offered.

Nodding, Harry stood. “All right, let’s get started.”

Hermione carried the empty bucket down to the gardens, toward the well. She stood by the stone well and started turning the crank pulling up another bucket of water; she was working up quite a sweat. Hermione hoped that they would return home soon, she couldn’t stand anymore of living in the past. But she did find a new respect for women of history; they sure had to put up with a lot over the centuries.

“Hey, you girl.”

Hermione looked up and saw Caesar heading in her direction. She noticed he was holding a familiar piece of wood in his hand, her eyes widened a bit. Her wand. What was he going to do with it? Would he throw it down the well? She hoped not. Hermione lost grip of the well crank as the bucket plummeted back down into the water creating a loud splash.

“Oh bugger.” Hermione cursed, and immediately started turning the crank again.

Caesar approached her, standing right next to her. “You must stop whatever you are doing and give me full attention and respect.” His voice was trimmed with annoyance, he would not be ignored.

A long loud sigh escaped Hermione. “Oh forgive me please.” She tried not to sound sarcastic, but she couldn’t help it.

“I will ignore that tone of voice; I did not come here to talk pleasantries. My time is rarely my own, I have important plans to go over. But I need to talk to you about this.” He held her wand up straight.

“What about it?” Hermione asked looking at her wand.

“Tell me what this does.” Caesar’s eyes narrowed as he held the piece of wood snugly in his hand.

Hermione shrugged “It’s just a piece of wood.”

“Really? If it’s just a piece of wood then you won’t mind me throwing it down the well.” He stepped closer to the well, holding the wand over the opening.

“NO! Don’t do that, please.” She begged. Hermione knew her calm cover was blown yet she didn’t care.

“Why?” He still held it over the well “Why is this so important to you?” His eyes held a child like curiosity. He saw her stalling; she wasn’t going to say anything. “Tell me now or I throw it down.” Caesar opened a few of his fingers ready to drop it.

“It’s a wand; it’s used to channel magic through the user. Now please don’t drop it. I really need it.” Hermione’s immediately spoke up; her eyes were wide with worry.

“Magic huh?” He started laughing, “Come now, you don’t expect me to believe that?”

“I told you the truth; why else would I not want you to drop it down the well?” She was in disbelief at this man’s foolishness. And they said Caesar was the greatest conqueror in history. Yeah right, she would laugh that off if ever she heard that again in a Muggle history class.

Caesar regarded her coldly. “I’m not saying I believe you, but I just had to know why you and that boy had these. They were brought to me and they were said to be some kind of weapon.”

“Well they are a weapon in some ways, but we are taught not to use it that way. So please, can I have it back?” She opened her hand and reached for her wand.

Caesar shook his head, “No.” he held on to it tighter. “I think I would like to study this a bit more. Just to make sure it’s not dangerous.” He looked at her a moment. “You know, it’s really amazing that you look like my lady. I mean sure she’s years older than you, but its such a striking resemblance.”

“You know why I look like her, I’m sorry if you don’t believe me. But that’s the truth.” Hermione sighed with defeat when she saw that he was ignoring her words. She went back to turning the well crank, she didn’t even hear Caesar turn and start talking to someone until she was spoken to. She turned around and found Marc Antony looking her over through narrowed eyes.

“Getting water for her ladyship?” Antony asked coldly.

“That’s what it looks like doesn’t it?” Hermione shook her head while continuing to turn the crank; finally the bucket was visible just barely above the well opening. Hermione secured the crank and tipped the full water bucket into her empty one.

“I was just speaking with Caesar, you are aware of the gladiator match this afternoon? Well I persuaded him to let you attend, of course you would be serving her ladyship.”

“I can hardly wait.” Hermione said rolling her eyes.

Antony nodded a bit; he could still hear that rude tone in her voice. “I just thought you would be excited, after all that boy will be participating.”

“Harry?” Hermione almost dropped her bucket of water.

“Was that his name? I forget.” Antony smirked, “Anyone that goes around impersonating me deserves to die.”

Hermione would try to ignore him; all she knew was that she was going to be forced to watch Harry get killed. She could see that the look of horror that would appear on her face would please her captors. Gods she hated them. If only she had her wand she could get away and not have to put up with this.

“So what’s so special about this boy?” Antony spat cruelly, “For you to have such devotion to him, even when he’s going to die.”

“Because I love him,” Her tone was hard and firm. “I’m sure even a person like you knows what its like to love someone.” Hermione watched as Antony sat on the edge of the well; it was so very tempting to push him in there. She even moved forward a bit, hand outstretched, just one little push that’s all it would take. Her mind scolded her, ‘How dare you even think that,’ she was no murderer. ‘Ah but come on, no one would know you did it. No I can’t, I’m not cruel. Well you could be. Stop it, I’m not gonna kill him.’ And that was her final thought; she stepped back and dropped her hand to her side. ‘Stupid conscience.’ Hermione thought to herself.

“Of course someone like me could love, as I’m sure you know whom I fancy. After all playing decoy for her ladyship is no easy task.” He tilted his head to the side a bit, noticing that her hair was just a tad lighter than Cleopatra’s; it looked silky and soft, not all bunched up and messy like his love’s hair.

“How could you even do something like that?” Hermione looked at him with pure disgust as he stood up. “I mean sneaking around behind your so called friend’s back.”

“All’s fair in love and war.” Antony smirked.

“You people are unbelievable.” She practically screeched in absolute loathing.

Antony found it hard not to laugh out loud at her, what a naive girl she was. Of course maybe she wasn’t as naïve as she let on. No, there was something about her, something different, something he was not used to. It intrigued him also with the fact that she did look almost exactly like Cleopatra, he still couldn’t get over that. He stepped up toward her, almost in her personal space.

“As I was approaching I heard Caesar mention something about you looking pretty close to his mistress. I think he is so right.” He lifted his hand, touching her hair lightly. “Although your hair is a lot softer than hers is.” Antony saw Hermione looking at him, her brown eyes were warm and comforting, nothing like the cold cruel grey of Cleopatra’s. He watched as she lowered her gaze to the ground.

Hermione felt her pulse quicken while he was touching her hair gently, she was responding to his soft touch. There was also a strange sensation going through her, one that wouldn’t be described as pleasant. She again lifted her eyes to his, his eyes were empty, they held nothing that she could find serenity in, they were just… empty. Nothing like the love and warmth Harry’s eyes held. This man was unfeeling and cold. It was almost frightening that someone who could look almost exactly like Harry could be so different.

His hand dropped to her bare shoulder and he saw her take in an almost uncomfortable breath; yet her feelings on the matter didn’t concern him. Antony’s fingertips traced along her shoulder, touching her neck, then her collarbone, his fingers lingering there. “You have really smooth skin…” He leaned in closer to her ear “Young and firm.” He saw her eyes narrow in bitter anger but it did not sway him, he continued on. “You know once your lover dies in the gladiator pit today, and since you and her ladyship are one in the same as you claim, I might just take you up as another one of my mistresses.”

The fire of rage burned hot in Hermione’s eyes. “How dare you!” she shouted, her hand rose to slap him hard, but Antony’s hand grabbed her wrist before her hand reached its destination.

“Don’t be a fool.” Antony still held onto her wrist, but now he was tracing his thumb against the top of her hand. “You know he will die today and then you’ll be left with nothing.”

Hermione tried to pull her hand from his grasp but it was doing little good. “You don’t know Harry very well, he’ll live… He can survive even the worst of evil.” She still continued to pull her hand away. “And he will survive this, I know he will.” Hermione’s voice was confident and strong.

Antony released her hand, he was irritated. “You’re a stupid girl to believe that.”

Even though he released her, she still did not back down. She would not show weakness in front of him. “Well perhaps I am a stupid girl, but I believe in Harry. He can do anything. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me think otherwise.” And with that she turned from him, picked up her bucket and swiftly walked away.

It was really disturbing to see someone who looked like Harry acting like a total jerk. She had to remind herself that that wasn’t Harry. That Marc Antony may look like Harry, but he certainly was not him in any way except on the outside. Hermione sighed deeply, she didn’t know if she could take any more of this. Hermione carried the bucket into the palace, up to the bathroom where she set it on the hot iron like stove to heat the water.

“Took you long enough, what kept you?” Rosa said while cleaning the bathtub.

“A weasel in the garden.” Hermione replied with half a smirk.

“Oh is that certain person bothering you again? Although I don’t know why you won’t tell us his name.” Meldina said while scrubbing the floor.

Hermione shrugged, “Oh it’s not important who it is, just that someone who annoys me greatly.” She started on washing the windows. “It’s just he was more forward this time, usually it’s just a quick, almost non existent touch.” She stared out the window a bit, thinking about earlier. Hermione felt nauseous and repulsed. But this was nothing, compared to what Harry is going through she wouldn’t complain about her troubles. She hoped he was working hard on at least trying to learn to stay alive.

“You have to lift it higher, or it’ll slice right into you.” Enzo said helping Harry to achieve a hard trick that would block his heart from getting punctured.

Harry nodded, “This is a lot more difficult than how it looks, I notice you all seem to have no trouble.”

“We’ve practiced a long time; well we know how to defend ourselves now at least. I can’t even count how many times we were in the ring fighting for our lives.” Enzo explained.

Marcelo started laughing, while his training partner Frizi stared at him like he was insane. “I don’t see why you keep helping him Enzo,” The red head then cleared his throat, all that laughing made him short of breath. “He’s never going to make it out there.”

“You just take care of yourself Marcelo.” Enzo was very defensive as he glared right at Marcelo. “And by the way, he has made a lot of progress almost better than you, you coward. He’s not afraid to go out there, but you… You wet yourself the first time we were sent out.”

“Is that so?!” Marcelo feeling insulted threw down his wooden sword and started towards Enzo, “I am not a coward you jack ass!” He was going rearrange his face, but Frizi held him back.

“Don’t be stupid, save it for the ring. We need this anger out there not in here.” Frizi did have his moments of brilliance, but it was rare.

Marcelo backed off spitting on the ground near Enzo’s feet. “Ah you’re not worth it,” He kicked his wooden sword hard against the wall and it shattered into small pieces. Marcelo walked away in anger towards the other side of the cell; he picked up another wooden weapon from off the table and began practicing on his own.

Harry watched him a moment, noting that he was good, very good. All his anger was being used toward his moves. “Hey Enzo, why is he so angry?”

“It has to do with what happened and why he was sent down here to his death.” Enzo said practicing a couple more defence moves. “Well him and your look alike were really good friends at one time, until Marcelo caught him with Caesar’s mistress. Marcelo isn’t too fond of betrayal of any kind so he was going to go to Caesar and tell him what was going on.”

“Why is that so important for someone to be sent to their death? People do that all the time.” Harry said.

"Well Caesar's mistress is always looking for a better opportunity if it will help her in the long run. We all know the reason she is with Caesar because he can give her power. I doubt if she even really loves the man." Enzo looked down at his feet "Marcelo heard Cleopatra and Antony in discussion about why she is with Caesar; she eventually wants to rule his empire. That's what Marcelo was going to inform Caesar about, also the fact that she and Antony had been sneaking around behind his back."

Harry nodded, “So that’s why he was sent here, to be kept quiet.” He wasn’t going to say anything for it could really mess up history. He only wanted to alter his parents’ fate and that was enough for him.

Gino stepped into the cell. “It’s almost time, only a few minutes till our fates are sealed.”

“Oh stop being so dramatic Gino.” Frizi said.

Enzo’s eyes narrowed, as he glared at Frizi, “You only say that because you are up to something, I know you have something going on with the other gladiators trying to kill us, something to spare your life you pathetic fool.”

Frizi shrugged, “Think what you will about me, I really couldn’t care less. Just so you know I stay alive because I’m smart, unlike you.” He smirked.

Harry continued to practice on his own while the others continued arguing. He guessed that there was a lot of anger and hatred between them, no wonder they would die. They aren’t going at it like a team. Perhaps they should and then they would survive.

“You know I was thinking.” Harry started to say, “That maybe if you put your differences aside that you could possibly stay alive?” He looked at each of them.

Marcelo scoffed, “What do you know about surviving in the pit, you’ve never had to do this a day in your life. Why should we take your advice?”

Harry cleared his throat, “I think you should take it on like it was a game. Like you all are a team or part of an army, not just fighting for yourselves but for everyone.”

“Well I hate to break it to you,” Marcelo glared. “But this is far from a game; you’ll see what I’m talking about once you are out there.” He got right into Harry’s face “Your life is on the line, so when you’ve actually survived then you’ll have the right to give advice!” Marcelo’s eyes were dark with anger and hatred as he continued to glare at Harry while walking away from him, heading towards the large iron doors that led out into the pit.

Harry didn’t want to show them that he was afraid; when in reality he was downright terrified. He’d heard and seen documentation about what happened with Gladiators. Anyone would be a fool not to fear it. Harry heard the sounds of a very large crowd outside. He went over to the barred windows and looked out, and was astounded at what he saw; there were more people than he saw even at the World Cup sitting out there. They were chanting and cheering waiting for the gladiators to come out and start killing each other.

He gulped nervously; Harry felt a lump almost as large as a Muggle tennis ball form in his throat. This was so overwhelming; people were there to see him get brutally murdered. How could people find this sort of thing entertaining? People would be losing their lives out there. Through the corner of his eye he saw a man being drug out of another opening by two men; Harry turned his head to see what was going on with him. He watched as the victim was thrown to the dusty ground of the pit. The noise of the crowd intensified with shouts and screams of approval. The gladiator’s captors were shackling his ankles together; a long chain ran from the man’s ankles to the side of the wall. If he took off running that man wasn’t going to get very far that was for sure.

Harry’s attention was brought to a large iron door that was lifted and out stalked a large and hungry looking lion, the animal slowly made its way into the pit. The lion approached the gladiator who only had what looked like a knife. Harry gripped the bars on the windows as he saw the man swing its knife at the lion, which roared loudly driving the spectators wild. The lion did jump back and then spring forward. The man was quick on his feet as he tried to run around the animal.

The lion’s large menacing paw reached for the man, its claws sharp and deadly grazed the man’s right leg, immediately the wound began to bleed profusely. Even from that distance away Harry could see the large amount of blood flowing down the man’s leg. The man swung again but the lion seemed to know what was coming and dodged the weapon. The animal moved around fiercely as its other paw shot up and grabbed the man about the waste pulling him to the ground. Harry felt the large chunks of what he ate for lunch begin to churn in his stomach, making a sour foul taste.

Harry could no longer hear what was going on around him as the lion swung its paw at the gladiator knocking him around like a mouse toy. Blood was everywhere, on the walls, on the ground. It was when the lion sunk its teeth into the man’s shoulder ripping it from his body while snarling and growling that Harry couldn’t keep anything in his stomach he had eaten that day inside of him anymore. He turned away from the window and clutched his stomach as he retched violently.

Enzo looked over at Harry who was throwing up violently, “That was basically just a crowd teaser to get them in the mood. You get used to it eventually.”

Shaking his head Harry wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “How can you get used to something like that?” Harry said weakly, his voice shaking. He sank to his knees now fighting another yet strange urge to vomit again.

Frizi shrugged, “You just do. Be glad that its not you.”

“Awww what’s the matter, can’t handle it?” Marcelo mocked, laughing as he saw Harry who looked up at him with a piercing glare.

“No I can’t.” Harry said taking a much needed breath of air, “I can’t handle seeing innocent people being murdered so violently, and for what? For entertainment?”

Marcelo was still laughing. “Well if you can’t stomach this, you’ll never make it down here.”

“I don’t plan on making it down here; I plan on getting out of here.” Harry finally got to his feet. He didn’t sound very sure, even to himself. He knew he would probably not make it past today. He was wandless so it was not like he could use magic, this seemed utterly hopeless.

Hermione turned her head away from the sight of that poor man being attacked and a torn apart by that lion, she couldn’t keep down, the urge to vomit was strong as she heard the lion’s snarling and growling as it ripped apart that man’s flesh. Quickly Meldina handed Hermione a wooden bucket. Hermione grabbed the bucket and tossed everything she had eaten that day into it.

“This is your first gladiator match so I knew you would need this.” Meldina nudged the bucket with her elbow then took a breath and sighed, “I remember my first match. I was so shocked and disgusted that I think I used that bucket the entire time.” She then smiled reassuringly, “But don’t worry, the more you see the more you’ll get used to it.”

Breathing hard, Hermione’s face paled. She felt like she would pass out any moment now. This was nothing like she had expected, it was cruel and the victims suffered greatly. “I don’t want to get used to it, this is just awful. That poor man…” She felt the tears stinging in her eyes. “Whatever did he do to deserve a death that horrific and brutal?” She lifted her head leaning against the back of the chair taking in deep breaths to prevent her from passing out.

“He didn’t do anything.” Rosa replied as she looked down into the pit. The lion had since been removed from the area, which meant it was time for the real event to begin.

“Usually they are innocent men and women who die down there.” Meldina watched Hermione’s reaction; the girl was horrified at such a thing.

Hermione’s mind wandered, that same exact thing could happen to Harry. ‘Oh gods no!’ Her head shouted. She continued to stare down at the spot where the lion had been; there were still fragments of body parts lying around, not to mention so much blood. She breathed in heavily a few times, in…and…out, in…and…out. The air was becoming dense as she saw colours swirl and spots before her eyes.

“Hermione, are you all right?” Rosa asked concerned, seeing Hermione’s body start to sway a bit.

“I uh… don’t feel…so good.” She made another grab for the bucket as she lost it a second time. Hermione sat the bucket back down on the cement. She heard a snigger coming from next to her. She turned to the side seeing Marc Antony laughing quietly at her.

“Not so strong now, are you?” Antony laughed.

“Strength has nothing to do with it. This is the most inhumane and brutal thing I have ever seen. No man or woman should be subjected to this.” Hermione said bitterly.

“Think about this, in a few short minutes that…” He pointed down to the pit to where that man was killed by the lion. “…Could be your precious lover.” He smirked.

Hermione glared, “Harry will not die.” She said with the utmost confidence. She had faith in him. “So just wipe that smug smirk off your face, because once he gets through down there. He’ll be coming after you and yours.”

Antony laughed out loud. “I am a general of an army; he is nothing but a boy, a child even. I have men at my back ready to defend me at any cost. He’ll be dead before he sets foot in the door.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that.” Hermione smirked herself then turned to face the pit. She was sure Harry would survive. Hermione heard some kind of trumpet sound signalling the start of the match.

Harry reached over on the table choosing a fine weapon, out of what was left anyway. There weren’t too many choices everything impressive was already taken. There were a few daggers, some small short swords, bows and arrows and a few broad swords. Nothing too grand, he was sure the blades were even dulled. Harry lifted the sword from the table, he nearly dropped it on the floor it was so heavy. He swung it around a bit getting used to the weight, he tried a couple of moves that he had learned from Hogwarts and Ordon in the forest back near Camelot.

He looked around at all the people practicing with real weapons, he saw Enzo using a fine sword and shield. Harry looked around for a shield but there weren’t any; they really wanted people to be unprotected. Harry shook his head as he continued to scan the crowd of gladiators. Frizi was swinging a mace around looking like he handled it pretty well. Gino was messing with a bow and arrow set; he fired arrows at the targets on the walls. Harry noticed that Marcelo was using two swords, which were double edged; he twirled them around which resembled one of those martial art stunt men.

Marcelo turned and glared at Harry, taking a step forward swiping his sword at him menacingly. Harry rolled his eyes; he didn’t want to mess with that jerk right now. He had more important things to worry about.

Harry heard the trumpets blow loud ear shattering music, he had to press his palms over his ears to keep out the noise. After the trumpets stopped he saw the prisoners all lining up ready to head out and die. Harry got in line behind Gino, this was it he thought, the end of his life was near. This must have been how Voldemort wanted him to die, racked with agony and twitching in pain. No magic to help him, to die at the hands of an ordinary man. Voldemort would certainly think that would be the shameful way to die. At the hands of a Muggle, there was no other shame in the world that could compare with that to an evil demon like Voldemort. To die at the hands of a Muggle was completely unacceptable to the likes of Voldemort.

The line started moving, Harry thought of Hermione at this point. He wondered what would become of her if he were killed. She would forever be at the hands of these cruel men who would most likely treat her inhumanely. She would probably be tortured day in and day out, just the thought of someone hurting her made him see red.

He was concerned mostly since she didn’t have her wand to help her to escape from this kind of life. He had to live to see that she was safe, and it wasn’t a choice. He could not die and leave her all alone. As he and the other gladiators made their way out into the pit he scanned the crowd, hoping for a chance to see Hermione. There were so many people it was hard to tell who was who up there.

Hermione watched as the gladiators came into view. She heard Rosa speaking to her.

“All the gladiators have been divided into groups of two.” Rosa explained pointing down below. “Those right there are the red group and then over there is the green. The Reds will most likely be defending themselves and the green attacks full and hard.”

Meldina nodded agreeing with Rosa, “The greens usually cheat and they use animals like horses. But Caesar doesn’t care if they cheat as long as there is a winner in the end.”

Hermione sighed; she stood and looked all the way down. She noticed they had the best seats. She could see everyone and everything clearly. More important she could see Harry. Hermione leaned over the wall a bit wanting to get a better look at him. She felt the tears swell in her eyes at the site of him. He seemed so small and alone down there, the fear of him dying finally hit her. He very well could be killed, she didn’t know what she would do if that happened. She could sense that he had been scared, that’s why she sent him that note this past morning she truly hoped her words had some comfort.

Did he know she was in the audience? She didn’t get to ask herself that for long for his eyes met hers, it was as if everything else ceased to exist. Out of all these people he had found her, her heart ached. She longed to hold him, to tell him everything was all right that she believed in him. She wondered if he knew what she wanted to say.

Harry could see the immense worry for him deep within her eyes he tried to give her a reassuring smile but he didn’t really get the chance for the five gates circling around them began to open. He looked in all directions as the men and women around him immediately went into their fighting stances, preparing for the battle.

It was unfair that the assault army raced out covered from head to toe in thick armour, with helmets to protect their heads. Their weapons were larger, sharper more extravagant. The green team immediately began attacking violently, the crowd was pleased as they cheered and hollered. One man in green shoved his sword straight into a Red’s stomach twisting it with a most evil look on his face. Another man in green threw a large battle-axe; it imbedded itself within a Red’s forehead killing him instantly. The blood was flowing fast and hard as the Reds were being slaughtered one by one.

Harry was quick on his feet as he avoided weapon after weapon, he blocked and dodged several attacking Greens. Two women on horseback rode out shooting arrows in Harry’s direction, he had jumped out of the way to avoid being punctured. A man in green ran at Harry but he ducked and the man ran hard into Harry’s back. Harry grabbed the man’s legs and as he stood upright the man in green was thrown off landing on the ground head first breaking his neck. Harry saw Gino who was shooting arrows at anyone who would get near him; he had a good empty space around him. No one was getting close. When four fast arrows used in cross bows zoomed and stuck right into Gino’s chest.

Gino fell to his knees as Harry was still defending himself; he tried as hard as he could to get to him, but it was useless. He was hounded and attacked by Greens as he saw Frizi run towards Gino his own weapon waving frantically in the air, Harry wasn’t sure but it looked like Frizi was going to finish off Gino.

Frizi swung his mace wildly in the air aiming to hit Gino in the head but Gino was too quick for him as he lifted a sword that he had picked up from the ground next to him, he twirled the blade lopping off Frizi’s hand. The blood gushed from the now stub on the end of Frizi’s arm. He ripped the edge of his clothing and wrapped the material tightly around the nub trying to get the bleeding to stop. Gino’s small victory was short lived as someone in green came up behind him shoving a sword to the hilt into his back so that the sharp tip poked through his heart, piercing completely though his flesh and sticking out of his chest.

Harry turned away, fighting the urge to throw up. He had to keep his head level he had to stay focused. That could be him next. He had to stay alert. He glanced around as he fought off a small man from plunging a dagger into his arm. Harry kicked the man in the leg, the man in green fell and another man in red came swinging through with some kind of fancy sword and swiped at the man in green knocking off his head. Harry couldn’t tell if the were winning or losing, there were so many people lying on the ground dead.

The crowd was going wild as each man and woman was brutally slaughtered. Body parts were ripped from their persons; individuals were being stabbed and gutted viciously.


The Red’s were starting to be victorious while the greens were diminishing in quantity. Marcelo had two double bladed swords; he swung them about in a masterful way. He was slicing off arms, stabbing people in the heart, stomach any one that would get in his way would be eliminated by his masterful skills

Hermione, who was standing, was holding a small tray of wine goblets made the mistake of taking a look into the pit. She saw Harry fighting really hard down there. She couldn’t take it anymore she threw the tray to the ground and stood up against the ledge.

A very large muscular man in green knock Marcelo’s swords from his hands by twirling a spear in his hand like a baton. The man in green lifted Marcelo up in the air much like a wrestler on television would. The large man threw Marcelo to the ground, grinning evilly his upper front teeth were black from rot; he was missing his bottom front teeth. His large foot came down hard on Marcelo’s chest, knocking the wind out of him. Next the large man lifted his spear high into the air, his smile turned into a sneer as he growled.

Harry wasted no time and without really thinking he jumped onto the large man’s back, his arms circling his neck choking him. The large man staggered back a bit as Marcelo managed to get out from underneath the position of his weapon. The large man flexed his muscles, Harry’s eyes grew wide as he felt the man expanding in thickness he was losing his grip, he was flipped over landing on the ground. Harry was dazed and as soon as he became aware of what was happening around him, the large man plunged a sharp thick sword into his shoulder. He yelled and hollered in complete agony.

Hermione practically fell over the edge at the immense pain rushing through her body as she too screamed in pain. She managed to grab a hold of the ledge and force herself away from it. Instead she fell backwards, the pain was too much to bear.

Rosa and Meldina were at her side in an instant wondering why she was tossing and turning on the cement screaming. She was attracting unwanted attention from the spectators around her.

“Stop that I say.” Cleopatra commanded, feeling more than embarrassed looking around nervously.

“It hurts… it hurts.” Hermione clutched her shoulder, not hearing Cleopatra’s commands. “Make it stop!”

“What is the matter with her?” Caesar said looking over at Hermione on the ground.

Cleopatra shrugged, “I have no idea, I think the girl’s lost her mind or something.”

“Maybe the match was too much for her to bear; I don’t know why I agreed to force her to attend Antony?” Caesar said shaking his head, “I didn’t think it would be a good idea, and now I know that I should have gone with my first instinct.”

“I happen to think it’s a good experience for her.” Antony said hiding a smirk, “All her ladyship’s slaves should be use to this.”

Harry grabbed a hold of the blade with his bare hand; it was really sharp as it sliced the soft skin of his palm yet he tried to lift it. The large men kept pushing the blade down, making Harry yell even louder. The man then stopped and started to fall forward, Harry moved out of the way, as the man fell to the ground. Harry saw an axe buried in the guy’s back and Marcelo looked like he had just thrown it. Harry reached up and tried to pull the weapon from his shoulder. He stopped it hurt too much.

The rest of the Red’s came over to them, they were helping their injured teammates, it was rare that people would live after something like this. Enzo, whose head was bleeding, rushed over to Harry.

“Hey Harry, hold on.” Enzo reached down and grabbed a hold of the sword and started pulling it out.

Harry couldn’t stay focused; his mind was going blank, his vision blurry as the world spun around him. The pain was too much for him to bear as he lost consciousness.

At that point, Caesar declared the Red’s the winners; the gladiators began to leave the pit. Enzo lifted Harry up onto his shoulder and carrying him from the pit.

Hermione who was miraculously all better and had stopped screaming, she was acting like nothing had happened. She was standing near the chair she had been sitting in throughout the match. She was so relieved that Harry was alive, unconscious but alive.

Antony was snickering, “Did you see that… What a lucky fool, if it hadn't been for that redhead down there he'd have died today. Too bad he doesn't have MY strength, then he'd be a worthy adversary.”

Her fists clinched at her sides, Hermione was becoming more and more livid by each passing comment that Marc Antony had made about Harry. She saw his eyes connect with hers, a smug smile on his face as he continued talking.

“What a weakling that boy of yours is, it took him so long to fight his way through everything.” Antony laughed.

Marc Antony's tone became a buzzing noise in Hermione’s ears, and before she knew what she was doing she had picked up the bucket of vomit. She looked at him calmly. Hermione couldn’t hear what he was saying his mouth was moving but no words were emerging. As he continued to talk she lifted the bucket of fresh vomit over his head and tipped it.

Marc Antony stopped speaking immediately. He was so shocked that he didn’t even utter a phrase he looked at her. Setting the bucket down Hermione smiled sweetly, batted her eyelashes and walked away from him to join the other girls with Cleopatra. Marc Antony still sat there, he blinked a few times. He heard the sounds of heavy laughter coming from behind him. He turned and saw Caesar laughing his head off at him.

“You…should have seen…” He took a deep breath “Your face.” Caesar said his stomach was hurting from laughing so hard, but he didn’t care he hadn’t laughed like that in years. Marc Antony was turning red, he was deeply embarrassed. This day hadn’t turned out as good as he thought. He would get even with that girl if it was the last thing he ever did.

Well that’s it for Chapter 7; I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, now do the right thing and Review, review review ^_^

8. The Great Escape

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Sorry it took so long for this chapter, but a lot was put into it. Now if you could all please read Heaven’s newly updated fic called Within The Shadows of Hatred, it is very good. And also I’ve started a new fan fiction an anime one in the Dark Fiction folder, if you could please take a look at that I would greatly appreciate it. If I’m going to be a best selling author I have to write things from all angles. So please take a peek and tell me what you think. Have fun reading Amulet of Torna Chapter 8 ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 8—The Great Escape

Harry groaned opening his eyes, he felt like he’d been hit by a semi truck and backed over and hit again. He tried to sit up even though all his muscles ached. He glanced around at where he was. Harry was sitting on a bed made of straw; he touched his shoulder where there was still a large amount of pain coming from it, it had been bandaged up. Harry rubbed his eyes as he tried to sit up, a strange dizziness overcame him and he had to lie back down. He looked up at the stone ceiling not really recalling how he got there, the last thing he remembered was getting stabbed and then all went dark.

Hearing footsteps Harry turned to see Marcelo come and stop by his side holding an old wooden bowl, Harry was sure that the tall red head was going to kick him in the side, dump whatever was in the bowl all over him, and stalk off angry, but only managing in surprising him by kneeling down.

Marcelo extended a bowl of a very sweet smelling mixture. “Here, you’ll want to put some of this on your wound, it’ll make the pain bearable.”

Harry sat up looking at Marcelo suspiciously, “What is that stuff, poison maybe?”

“No.” Marcelo shook his head, “A lot of us who are still alive use this to ease our pain. Look its up to you if you want to use it, I’m not your nursemaid.” He put the bowl down on the ground next to Harry and stood. “I just wanted to say thanks.”

“Thanks for what?” Harry looked up at him.

“For saving my life out there,” Marcelo cleared his throat and turned on his heels moving away from Harry thinking maybe this boy was nothing like Marc Antony.

Harry stared at the substance in the bowl, he wasn’t exactly sure if he should trust Marcelo, but he was in far too much pain to care right now. He removed the bandages from around his shoulder and scooped out a bit of the mixture with his fingers and began rubbing it over the wound in his shoulder, immediately he felt his shoulder begin to numb a bit, he wondered just what this stuff was. Harry shrugged and continued to cover each bad gash and bruise with the mixture.

Sighing with the sudden relief, Harry leaned back against the cold hard stone wall. He saw Enzo heading in his direction.

“How are you feeling?” Enzo stopped right next to Harry and took a seat.

“How do you think I’m feeling?” Harry said; he couldn’t help his sarcasm.

Enzo nodded, he glanced around the cell and found Marcelo staring at Harry and himself. Marcelo quickly turned away in what looked like disgust.

“I think he’s been hit in the head too many times.” Harry spoke up.

“Why do you say that?” Enzo scrapped the stone flooring with his fingernail.

“He’s just been behaving oddly; he came over and gave me this stuff.” Harry held up the bowl of healing solution. “And he thanked me for saving his life. Clearly he’s suffering from some sort of brain illness.”

Enzo chuckled, “Yes, I see what you mean.”

Marcelo turned around facing them. “I heard that! I’m not suffering from brain illness!” Marcelo replied bitterly. “I just happen to think that you aren’t as bad as Antony, even though you look like him.” He pointed right at Harry. “He would have just left me to die he doesn’t have one ounce of moral fiber left in his entire body!” Marcelo was yelling now. “Why did you have to go and save my life? I didn’t ask you to!”

“I know you didn’t, but I had to do something— no one deserves to die like that.” Harry said.

A sigh escaped from Marcelo. “You’re like no one I’ve ever met before; it’s odd to see someone who does something for another without expecting anything in return for it.”

“I’m sorry if that offends you, but I’m not going to change anything.”

“I didn’t ask you to.” Marcelo said, “Actually I’m glad you are that way, I could be dead right now.” He smiled a little, “From now on…” Marcelo held out his hand in what looked like a friendly gesture.

Harry glanced at him suspiciously, the red head’s hand extended, his brows arched slightly unsure. Was this his way of saying he wanted to now be friends. Harry took a chance; he stood and grasped Marcelo’s hand firmly.

Hermione stood in front of a large door and knocked, it was opened by a male slave and she stepped into the well lit room. She saw Caesar sitting at a desk near the far wall; he was twirling something in his hand. Hermione cleared her throat, “You wanted to see me?” She noticed he picked up a wand from the desk and tucked it into his robe. Hermione wondered how Caesar knew which one was hers. It disturbed her that Caesar was that observant.

Caesar stood and approached the girl, “Yes I did.” He cleared his throat and held up her wand. “How does this work?”

“Why do you want to know?” Hermione felt a little nervous.

“I know that it is a great weapon, I’ve seen it being used once.”

“But you told me you didn’t know what it was.” Hermione took a step forward.

“I wanted to hear from your own lips what this was; I wanted to make sure you weren’t my enemy. Are you my enemy?” Caesar’s brow arched suspiciously.

Hermione sighed. “No sir, I am not your enemy. But even if I was, do you think it would be wise for me to admit to being your enemy when surely it would land me in more trouble?”

Caesar turned away a moment, thinking, she was intelligent that much was true. It was rare to see an intelligent woman. She very well could deceive his men, but never deceive himself. For he was Julius Caesar, the greatest Emperor the world had ever known, he would get her to show him how to use this weapon and then he would be even greater. Caesar smirked and faced her.

“Explain this.” Caesar referred to the wand.

“I doubt you would be able to use it effectively, it only works with the wit—person it was meant for.”

He crossed his arms not believing her. “If you don’t show the great Julius Caesar how to use this then you will be severely punished.”

“You don’t have to threaten me; I was just trying to explain how the wand works because you could get seriously hurt if used improperly.” Hermione took a breath. “Not everyone can use this, only someone with magic in them could do it.”

“Do not try to sway me young lady, you will not leave this room until you tell Caesar how to use this.” His eyes narrowed in anger.

“All right, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Hermione hoped that the wand worked for him, even though he did look like Oliver Wood it didn’t mean that in this lifetime he would be able to do magic. She told him how to hold it correctly and point it at an object; she gave him a simple spell to try.

Of course Caesar had said it all wrong so nothing happened.

“Here let me show you.” Hermione quickly took the wand from him before he had time to react and pointed it at the small vase in front of them and said, “Wingardium Leviosa.” And the small vase lifted slowly off the table.

Caesar stared in wide eyed in disbelief. “Astounding. Do another one.” He nudged her with his elbow.

Hermione nodded and ended the spell on the vase and moved her wand to the soft cushion pillow on the sofa and said “Accio pillow.” The pillow zoomed its way towards her and she directed it to sit up against the wall.

Caesar imagined weapons flying through the air, piercing his enemies in one blow thus creating ever lasting victory; he shook his head of his day dream and grabbed the wand from her. “Let me try now.”

He pointed the wand towards book on the shelf and said, “Accio book!” the book headed in his direction, he forgot to redirect the object, and the book continued and hit him square in the face with such a force that it knocked him out.

Hermione blinked down at him, she couldn’t help the laughter that soon followed. She went over to Caesar’s unconscious body and picked up her wand from the floor, then kneeled down next to him. She really didn’t want to go fishing through his clothing for Harry’s wand but she had little choice at the moment, she sighed heavily and her hands went into his clothing.

“So what is she like?”

Harry turned away from the barred window looking at Marcelo. “What’s who like?”

“Your woman,” Marcelo bit off a hunk of stale bread. “What’s she like?” He did not look up but into his bowl of slop. “She must be quite a woman for you to always think about her.”

“How do you know I always think about her?” Harry asked, glancing at him suspiciously.

Marcelo grinned, “You always get this glazed look in your eyes, and you also say her name in your sleep.”

Harry pulled his knees up to his chest resting his arms on them, “I love her.” Harry sighed and leaned his head back against the stone wall, “This isn’t fair to her. She shouldn’t be going through something like this, if it weren’t for me she wouldn’t be here.”

Marcelo could hear guilt in his voice; he didn’t try to understand why Harry would be feeling guilty about something, he looked up at him. “Who are you really?” Marcelo’s eyes scanned over Harry’s every feature.

“I told you who I was.” Harry said staring back at him, “I don’t know why you don’t believe me.”

“Where do you come from?” Marcelo’s eyes narrowed in thought, “And don’t bother lying it won’t help.”

Harry gulped, he would tell the truth. “All right I won’t lie.” He cleared his throat, “My name is Harry Potter and I come from the future. I was thrown back in time to die a slow agonizing death.” Harry let out a slow, long breath. “And the girl who occupies my thoughts is my best friend now girlfriend, the one I love and would die to protect.”

Marcelo looked at Harry, wondering if what he was told is true. It was most absurd; surely no one could travel through time. He would let this lie slide for now, but sooner or later the truth would come out it was only a matter of time. If this Harry wanted to keep up this pretence for now, then so be it.

Hermione couldn’t help the blush that spread across her cheeks as she searched Caesar’s body for Harry’s wand; she had found that this man was in very good shape. He was very well built and she assumed it was from wielding weapons since he was a strong leader. She found it even more awkward that he looked so much like Oliver Wood and here she was going through his clothes and having to touch him. Finally she had found Harry’s wand and immediately stood up with both wands in hand she turned towards the doors and headed out of the room. Her face was still burning; she hoped to never have to go through anyone’s clothes ever again.

She reached the door at rapid speed and quickly opened it, going inside. Meldina and Rosa came from the adjoining room to greet her.

“What did he want?” Meldina wondered, her voice trimmed with worry.

“Were you punished?” Rosa searched her new friend’s face for any sign of brutality.

Hermione shook her head, “No. He just wanted to know how to use this.” She brought out her wand from within her sleeve.

Meldina stared at the stick, “Why would he want to know how to use that? It’s just a piece of wood.”

“Oh no, it’s more than just a piece of wood.” Hermione pointed her wand at the feather duster sitting on the table and muttered a quick Transfiguration spell. The feathers on the duster slowly started to disappear, as well as the body changing into a long object with scales, slowly moving back and forth, it was a snake and it was alive.

Hermione stared wide eyed at it, then slapped herself in the forehead. “Oh I’m such an idiot, I said the last part of the spell wrong, I said an s-sound instead of a c-sound, silly me.”

Meldina and Rosa stared at the snake, what if it struck at them. Rosa pointed and shouted when she saw Hermione point her wand at the snake and shout, “Incendo!” the snake immediately erupted into flame which caused both Rosa and Meldina to jump back both shrieking at the same time.

“How…how did you do that?” Meldina couldn’t help the fear in her voice.

“Magic.” Hermione simply said. “And it’ll help us get out of here.”

“What, do you mean escape?” Rosa looked at the brunette perhaps a little too hopeful. She really wanted out of here.

Hermione nodded. “Yes, escape. I have to get out of here, find Harry and get home; I don’t intend to die here in ancient times.” She packed a wicker basket with some fruit, cheese and bread that was sitting on a platter.

“Ancient times, what do you mean by that?” Meldina stepped forward, still a bit wiry of her new friend.

“I am not from this time period,” Hermione said as she secured Harry’s wand to Falore’s talon and sent it off to Harry. “I am from a time way in the future, farther than you can even imagine.” She looked up at the girls, “I’m leaving here, are you two coming with me?”

“Now, now my dear, why would you want to leave here?” A masculine voice said.

Hermione sighed; she did not need to be annoyed right now. She turned slowly looking at him, and sure enough it was Marc Antony who stood there. Hermione poked out one hip placing her hand on it and gave him her most no nonsense expression. “Oh great it’s you. What do you think you’re doing coming in here like that?”

Rosa and Meldina clung to each other again; they feared Antony and found it really brave of Hermione to even talk to him. Especially like that, like he was lower than the dirt she walked upon.

“One would think you didn’t like me?” He smirked.

“I don’t like you.” Hermione said glaring at him, she still found it difficult to glare at the face that also belonged to Harry but she stayed strong and kept her hard glare on him.

“What’s this I hear about you going to escape?” Antony stepped closer running his fingers along the top of the table almost innocently. He didn’t wait for her to answer, “Well I just can’t allow that now.”

“You have no say.” Hermione replied gripping her wand tight from the anger she was feeling for this arrogant bastard. Her wand!! She glanced down at it in her hand and smirked. Hermione lifted her wand and pointed it at him, staring him straight in the eye. “You aren’t going to stop me.”

Antony laughed loud and harsh at her, “Oh and just what are you going to do to me with that stick, throw it at me?” He laughed again.

“Ha, you wish.” Hermione arched a brow at him. “After I get done using this stick on you you’ll wish you were dead.” She was tired of his laughter and his arrogance and Hermione pointed her wand at the far wall and shouted a curse at the sofa which caused it to explode which caused Antony to jump back in complete fear as large particles of the couch flew all around the room. “You’re next!” She pointed the wand at him.

“Now lets not be hasty here, you really don’t want to hurt me now do you?” Antony said holding his hands up.

“Oh you have no idea how bad I want to hurt you. Let’s figure out why shall we. First you send Harry to die, then you try to put the moves on me.” She got a funny look from him with that phrase; he obviously didn’t understand what she meant. Hermione rolled her eyes. “All right you try to take advantage of me. Now that I can let slide but you sending my Harry to die is UNACCEPTABLE!” She shouted, her loud voice echoing off the walls. “You deserve to lose a leg, an arm at least!”

“Oh I really didn’t think your Harry was going to die, no, no. I had faith in his superior strength, I really did.” He laughed nervously then cleared his throat. “Oh and when you dumped that vomit on my head, which was a nice touch might I add.” His grin was even nervous.

Hermione simply looked at him her brows arched, she enjoyed hearing him grovel. She laughed inside to herself thinking how pathetic he was. Without taking her wand down or her eyes from the groveling Marc Antony she spoke to Rosa and Meldina.

“Are you two coming with me or not?”

Meldina let out the breath she was holding, “Yes, I am. I don’t want to be a slave anymore.”

Rosa nodded agreeing but she had some concerns. “Well I would love to go but what about the armed guards outside; they will never let us leave.”

An idea popped into Hermione’s head “Oh I think we have a way out.” She smirked not taking her eyes off Marc Antony.

Just as Harry was about to think of a plan of action for escape a hawk flew in through the barred windows. He recognized it as the same hawk that has been delivering him messages from Hermione. He noticed the hawk had a long object secured with in it’s talons. Falore dropped the object into Harry’s awaiting hands and flew back out the window.

It felt good to Harry to have his wand again, for the first time since he had been there he smiled. “Now to get out of here.”

“And just how are you going to do that?” Marcelo still couldn’t help the way his voice still sounded bitter. But he had been bitter for a long time he guessed it was impossible to change over night. He really wanted to look on with a new idea and a new personality. He would try his hardest not to be a bastard.

“With this, my wand.” Harry ignoring Marcelo’s tone twirled his wand happily in the air with his fingers. “Oh yes things are certainly starting to look up.” He pointed his wand at the side of the

Both Marcelo and Enzo were a quite confused, how was Harry going to escape with that little stick? Marcelo started chuckling quietly, he was sure the boy had certainly lost his mind.

Harry rolled his eyes at the sound of Marcelo laughing, well he had no desire to explain to him, the red head would find out what he could do with this stick soon enough. With his wand still pointed at the wall he shouted a spell turning the solid stone into water.

The water sloshed everywhere, getting the entire ground soaked; Harry could hear the sounds of shouting and excitement as many men and women ran forward like wild beasts that hadn’t eaten in weeks running for their freedom. It was a sight that almost made Harry proud that he was dropped here; having helped that many people was a great feeling. Harry turned around facing Marcelo and Enzo who were just standing there staring. They appeared to be stunned.

“Marcelo, Enzo?” Harry calmly said walking over to them. They didn’t respond so Harry waved his hand in front of their faces, still nothing. After a few seconds the two men suddenly screamed like little girls, their voices so high pitched that Harry had to cover his ears from the aching sound.

“H—How did you do that?” Enzo had been first to calm down as he looked upon Harry wide eyed.

“I have my ways.” Harry smirked, “Now are you two going to stand around here all day or are you going to escape?”

Enzo started to move forward, “Oh I’m definitely going.” He turned around seeing as Marcelo didn’t even start walking. “Marcelo, are you coming?”

Wordlessly, Marcelo nodded his head slowly and began moving forward with Harry and Enzo.

“Ow! It’s too tight.” Antony bellowed.

“Oh shut up, just keep going.” Hermione ordered, “And if you expose your wrists I’ll not falter on killing you.” Of course she had no intention of killing him, but she had to make it sound convincing. Hermione was on horseback behind Antony; his wrists were bound together holding on the horse reins, with a cloak that was neatly wrapped around him coming to rest against his wrists which were no visible to the public eye. Hermione herself was holding on to him with one secure arm while her other arm was free. In her free hand she was holding her wand against his back. She took a glance behind her at Rosa and Meldina. “You girls all right back there?”

Rosa and Meldina were on separate horses and they both smiled.

“Yeah we are doing just fine.” Meldina replied.

Rosa cleared her throat. “Hermione are you sure this idea of yours is going to work?”

“I hope so. My ideas usually do work.” Hermione turned back around as they approached the entrance to the city where two armed guards stood. They bowed on Marc Antony’s arrival out of respect for a great man.

Hermione pushed her wand into his back more making Antony start to speak.

“Greetings, I’m just taking these three lovely ladies out for an evening ride.” He said sounding cheerful but he was making small head gestures trying to tell them something was wrong.

Hermione saw what he was doing and pinched him hard in the side.

“Ow!” Antony shouted, which alerted the guards.

“Sir are you all right?” The one on the left said.

Hermione poked him with her wand in the back again; she even started to murmur a spell in his ear, not a real one of course. She almost had to hold back laughter that was threatening to come out of her.

“Yes of course I’m all right,” Antony smiled.

The guard on the right nodded with a smile and opened the doors for him and watched with great jealousy as Marc Antony with the three ladies headed for the outside world.

“We have to travel ten miles to the village.” Rosa said.

And with that the four of them headed in the direction of the village.

Marcelo, Enzo and Harry were hiding behind a wall looking over at the stables at Caesar’s, Antony and Cleopatra’s private stallions which were enjoying a delicious dinner of oats and hay. Marcelo suddenly smirked.

“Are you two thinking what I’m thinking?” He looked at the two of them.

Enzo’s stomach made a loud grumbling sound. “Yeah, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse too.” He patted his stomach.

Marcelo rolled his eyes, “No you idiot. I’m thinking we steal, er, I mean borrow Caesar’s horses; I doubt he’ll even miss them.”

Harry nodded. “Good idea, come on lets go before someone sees us.”

Harry, Marcelo and Enzo looking in all directions cautiously headed towards the stables. Harry looked over his shoulder as Marcelo and Enzo took to saddling the horses. Harry knew nothing about horses and he kind worried that he might not be able to ride it, what if he fell off?

Marcelo and Enzo worked quickly at saddling, they were once part of Caesar’s army so they were quite fast.

“All right Harry.” Enzo handed Harry the reins. “Let’s go.”

Harry gulped. “Um… I have never ridden a horse before.”

“Oh? Well don’t worry it’s not that hard. Just climb on up and use your feet and kick him here.” Enzo patted the horse in the area where it is to be kicked. “Just not too hard, just enough to make him move.” Enzo climbed on his horse as well as Marcelo and they started moving away from the stables

Harry climbed up onto the horse, he felt as if he were going to split in two. He wondered how people ever got used to this. He gently kicked the horse and it started to move, he followed after Marcelo and Enzo, the horse was very bumpy as it started to trot a little, catching up with the other horses, he had to hold on tight or else he really would fall off. “I…don’t…like…this.” Harry shouted his voice vibrating with every step the horse took that it made Marcelo and Enzo laugh. Harry glared, and pouted at the same time as they continued on their way.

“I can’t believe it, I’m being ordered around by a bunch of lowly women.” Antony grumbled. “I’m the man here; you’re supposed to be taking my orders.”

Hermione rolled her eyes “You know how can someone who’s as great as I heard you were be such a prick?”

Antony ignored that, probably because he had no idea of what she just called him. “If my wife here’s about this I’ll never live it down.”

“You’re married!!” Hermione shrieked completely disgusted.

A smirk crossed Antony’s face, “Jealous?”

“Ewww no!” Hermione felt repulsed and smacked him in the back of the head.

“Oww! What’d you do that for?” He really wanted to rub the back of his head where she hit him.

“Because you’re a jerk, how can you be married?”

“Hey I’m a man I have urges and my wife isn’t always around, in fact she’s at my home far away from Rome.”

“That’s no excuse.” Hermione shook her head, that just made her hate him even more.

“Caesar is married too you know, we all are married because we have to have heirs to continue on our family line.”

“Well if they are offspring of yours, I hope your wife is infertile.”

“Infertile, what’s that?”

Hermione rolled her eyes. “Oh never mind.”

“Marcelo why did we have to charge the guards I’m sure someone will find them knocked out.” Enzo looked back and Rome was far behind them.

Marcelo sighed, “Unless you wanted to be recaptured then we certainly didn’t have to knock them out, but I was thinking hey we want to escape, we want to be free. Besides, by the time anyone finds them we’ll be so far from Rome they won’t want to come after us.”

“Yeah I guess your right.” Enzo replied, looking over at Harry who was gripping the saddle hard. He chuckled. “Hey Harry you can relax you won’t fall off.”

Harry felt like an idiot and he let go of the saddle. “Sorry, I’m just not used to riding a horse.” He heard Marcelo and Enzo laughing quietly. “Hey! It’s not funny.” He heard them still continue to laugh and he made a growling noise. Marcelo abruptly stopped laughing which alerted Harry. “Marcelo what’s wrong?”

“There are some people ahead of us.” Marcelo pointed.

Harry looked in that direction; sure he could see figures off in the distance. He wondered if they were bandits or friendly. He really didn’t want any trouble but he was more than sure, that’s what awaited them. Harry cleared his throat, “Well lets see who they are maybe they can help us.” He tried not to sound unsure, but he didn’t know who to trust in this time period. He saw both Marcelo and Enzo nod slowly and they dashed off to see if see if these people were friend or foe.


Well that’s it for chapter 8, I hope you all enjoyed it ^_^ Stay tuned for chapter 9 remember to review, thanks. Ryoko Blue

9. While We Wait

Disclaimer: I don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 9—While We Wait

He let out a heavy sigh and glanced down at the full plate of food. He twirled the fork in the creamy noodles, not really intending to eat them. For the first time in his life he was not hungry.

“Ron?” Zara’s calm voice made him look up. “What’s the matter? You’re not eating.” She had an idea of what was bothering him. His lack of appetite worried her.

Ron shrugged and in a low and melancholy voice, he replied, “I don’t know. Just not hungry I guess.” Ron let out another sigh as he sat the fork down on the plate.

Zara noticed his eyes were bloodshot. She knew that he hadn’t slept in days. “Ron, I’m worried about you. This isn’t healthy. Look at you. You hardly sleep, and now you’re not even eating.” She reached over the table and placed her hand over his. “I know you’re worried, but that’s no reason to throw your health away. Worrying yourself to death is not going to be much help.”

“I know, I know.” Ron ran his fingers through his hair. “I can’t help but worry about them though.”

Zara smiled a little. “You’re a good friend to care about them, but they wouldn’t want you getting sick over it. They’ll come back I know they will.”

“I hope dad is having more luck in trying to get them back.” Ron took a drink from his bottled water.

“Ron you heard what Dumbledore and that Nilrem said. They have to get back themselves through some portal. That’s the only possible way.” She leaned back in her chair. She could tell that Ron was not convinced.

“No, I don’t think that is such a good idea right now.” Arthur said as he followed Fudge down the hall with Mavis.

“She is a Muggle and should have her memory erased as soon as possible. Right along with that other boy. We’ve already had to deal with him before, and if I recall correctly...” he paused for almost a dramatic effect, “that was a disaster.”

“It’s inhumane to do that to her now. She’s just had her cousin ripped away. How would you feel?”

“Rules are rules, Arthur, there can be no exceptions.” Fudge’s tone was unyielding.

Mavis had had enough. “Except running for political office right?”

“Haven’t you got something more important to do? Let’s say, your job?” Fudge narrowed his eyes.

“I am doing my job. The job of an Auror is very delicate. It requires concentration and deduction, as opposed to taking bribes and trying to further your career.” Mavis saw Fudge actually turn beet red with anger, but she continued relentlessly. “Amelia is my relation and she has every right to know what’s happening to Hermione.”

“I will see to it myself that Amelia does not do anything that will compromise the security of our world,” Arthur added.

Fudge’s voice was a low growl. “Do what must be done. Mavis, Arthur -- just keep that girl out of trouble.” He walked away from them and then paused. “If anything goes wrong, it’s on your heads. Both of your jobs are on the line.” With a swift motion he turned and continued on down the hall until he was out of sight.

Mavis and Arthur both looked at each other. The question was, what do we do now?

Ginny wandered down the sidewalk, window shopping. Everything here was so expensive. She remembered she had to beg her father to let her see some of the sights. His complaint was, “Your mother would never forgive me if something happened to you.” Ginny promised she would be extra careful. There was nothing she could do for Harry and Hermione. She needed a distraction or she would go crazy with worry.

She stopped beside the window of a rather exclusive jewelry shop and looked in. There, resting on a blue velvet cushion, was the most beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace. The shimmering diamonds gave off a radiant glow that most women were helpless to resist. Ginny pictured the diamonds resting against her own neck.

She grimaced. Everything had been handed down to her. Even some of her brother’s clothing. She always accepted it with a smile. She was never one to complain openly about things. She wasn’t Ron. She did care about her brother but sometimes he really got on her nerves. Ginny wanted something to happen in her life. Something worth while. Something better.

“See anything you like?” a voice that sounded like pure silk asked, from behind her.

Surprised, Ginny looked up into the glass window. Draco Malfoy’s reflection was looking back at her. She smiled and turned around to face him.

“Draco what are you doing here?”

“I’m on vacation with my parents. They decided to go do something which I find rather boring.” Casually, he leaned against the building. “I decided to go off on my own and take a look around.” His head tilted a bit, looking at her directly. “Imagine my surprise when I saw you here.”

Ginny nodded, “I’m here with my dad and brother. I just had to get away on my own for a little while.”

“I can understand that.” Draco looked into the window at what Ginny was looking at. “I see that necklace strikes your fancy.”

“Yes it does,” Ginny glanced at the piece again.

Draco nodded. “Come with me.” And he pulled her into the jewelry shop.

Ron and Zara left the restaurant, heading down towards the hotel Ron’s father put them in for the night. The strolled together along the side walk.

“Hey Ron, isn’t that your sister?” Zara pointed to Ginny coming out of a jewelry shop with Draco following her.

“What is he doing here?” Ron tried to stay calm, but that was quickly evaporating into a violent anger.

“Ah, I see. So that’s why you’re here,” Draco said to Ginny.

“Yeah, I just hope nothing happens to them.” Ginny sighed, holding the shopping bag tightly. She heard someone call her name. Ron and Zara were on the other side of the street. She waved to him.

Ron nodded and proceeded to cross the street with Zara trying to keep the pace behind him. He stood in front of his sister, smiling pleasantly at her.

“What’s Malfoy doing here?”

Ginny smiled, “Oh, his family is on vacation too.”

Ron glared at Draco. “Is that so?” Ron crossed his arms. “I don’t buy that for one moment.”

“Oh relax, Weasley.” Draco glared back. “I was just taking a walk. I saw Ginny and decided to say hi. Unless you have a problem with that, I suggest you be on your way.”

“Ginny, don’t you think it’s odd that Harry and Hermione disappear and here Malfoy is? His parents are obviously in league with You—Know—Who.”

“Ron, you don’t have any proof of that.”

Ron didn’t care what Ginny said. He had a feeling that Malfoy wasn’t totally being honest here. Something was going to go wrong. He knew it. “What’s in the bag?” He decided to change the subject.

Ginny tucked her hair behind her ear, “It’s just something Draco bought for me. Nothing much really.”

Draco sneered at Ron, “Yeah Weasley, its nothing much. Just something that cost me more than you have ever seen in your pathetic life.”

“Watch it Malfoy. You’re treading on thin ice.” Ron’s fingers closed tightly, forming a fist.

Zara shoved him lightly. “Come on, let’s keep moving. He’s not worth it.”

“Listen to your tart, Weasley.” Draco chuckled.

“Take that back, Malfoy. Take it back before I ram my fist down your throat and pull out your heart.”

“No.” Draco was not one to bow to threats; he was usually the one making them.

“Ron, let’s just go,” Zara said. She was not in the mood to tangle with Draco right now.

Ron took a deep breath, calming himself.

“Yeah, all right. Let’s go.” As he turned away, Draco spoke in a low voice that only Ron could hear.

“I heard about Potter and Granger. They are going to die and it’s going to be wonderful. Imagine such gruesome deaths.” Draco’s gaze was fixed on Ron. He was enjoying taunting him. “Too bad, I didn’t think of this myself, first I would kill that know-it-all Granger. I can see many people would thank me for getting rid of her. Oh and don’t even get me started on Potter. What a fool, what a freak.” Draco didn’t have time to laugh or continue as Ron’s fist connected with his face. A second later both boys were engaged in a fist fight.

Ginny and Zara had to pull the boys apart, which was very hard considering both boys were determined to kill one another. Once the boys were separated Zara pushed Ron down the sidewalk away from the other two, Ginny doing the same but in the opposite direction.

“Ron, you shouldn’t let him get to you like that. Whatever he said, it was only because he knew he would be able to get a rise out of you. And guess what? He did.”

“I know.” Ron was breathing hard.

“What did he say? I couldn’t hear it.” Zara noticed a small bruise forming on his cheek. Malfoy was a lousy fighter; he’d barely gotten one punch in.

“It was about Harry and Hermione, mostly.” Ron kept his eyes on the sidewalk as they walked back to the hotel.

Amelia waited in an office. Her legs shook. She remembered what Nilrem had said about two worlds, the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. She wasn’t sure she could handle it. Her cousin was a witch, and she was dating a wizard? Amelia rested her face in her hands. This was too much for her to grasp right now. She needed to escape, get out of here. The window! She could escape that way.

She scooted the chair back slightly, standing as the door to the office opened. In walked Arthur Weasley and Mavis Granger, whom she called grandmother, although Mavis wasn’t related to her by blood.

“Thinking of running away Amelia?” Mavis said.

“How did you… I just wanted to get some air.” Amelia corrected herself quickly.

Arthur sat down behind the desk as Mavis sat down in the chair next to her granddaughter in law.

“I can understand how confused you are Amelia.” Mavis took Amelia’s hand.

Amelia quickly pulled her hand away. “How’s Carlo?”

“He’ll live,” said Arthur. “We had to put him in hospital due to the beatings, and they have to check him out for the use of unforgivable curses.” He noticed that Amelia looked confused at what he was saying. “There are types of curses that are illegal to use.”

“You people have laws and rules; you mean people can’t go around cursing each other?” Amelia looked down at her boots.

“Of course we have laws and rules; it’s a society much like yours, except for the magic.”

“I didn’t like what I saw today. I hate knowing about this secret world of yours. It’s horrible.” Amelia had tears in her eyes as she looked up at Arthur.

“You’re just worried about Hermione.” Mavis was calm and leaned back in the chair. “You just need some rest.”

Amelia turned her teary gaze to Mavis.“No, that’s not the only thing. I saw people hurting others. I saw some nasty man do something to Carlo to make him hurt himself really badly. You have no idea what I saw, you have no idea what I went through today, having to see that and not be able to do anything about it! So don’t you sit there and lecture me about how I am feeling.”

“You’d be surprised at what I have seen Amelia,” Mavis said, trying not to sound angry. Mavis took a breath, “I have seen horrors your mind couldn’t even comprehend.” She could tell that Amelia didn’t really understand. “Darling, what I do is not pretty work; it’s not safe. It is very dangerous. I could be killed for what I am doing.” Mavis turned towards the window, a far off look in her eyes.

Ron entered the hotel room and threw himself restlessly on the bed. “Stupid Malfoy,” he muttered to himself. Ron didn’t really want to think much about Malfoy. Right now, he wanted to go to sleep, but he couldn’t. Why was he worrying like this? What was the matter with him? It had been four days since he last rested. He looked up at the ceiling. The fan whirred gently. Restlessly, Ron lifted his arm and slung it across his eyes, trying to block out the afternoon sun.

The minutes seemed to pass like hours; Ron tossed and turned repeatedly. There was a light knock from the adjoining door.

“Come in.” Ron said, tiredly.

The adjoining door opened quietly, and a pair of dark green painted fingernails appeared, followed by Zara’s head.

“Hey, I was just checking on you.” She smiled. “If there’s anything you need, don’t be afraid to ask.”

Ron liked seeing this side of her. It was one she showed to very few people. To others, Zara was cold, unfeeling and tough. But not to Ron. To him she was sweet, thoughtful and caring.

“I could use some company,” Ron said.

Without hesitation, Zara made her way over to Ron’s bedside and sat down next to him. She stretched her legs and shifted her body so that she was lying on her side facing him. Ron reached out and pulled her closer. He breathed in her faint jasmine scent. He could stay this way forever.

“I am glad you’re here with me, Zara. I don’t know what I would do without you.” His voice was soft and low.

Zara kissed the top of his head. She wondered if he was this way with his friends. She didn’t think he would let anyone see this vulnerability. From what she had learned about Ron over the past year, he was loud and quick tempered, something that she found very challenging. She had never met anyone quite like him before.

But did she dare think there was something more to this? Would she dare to let herself feel something for him? For this crazy British clown. Zara smiled at that thought. Feelings were something she was never very good at, always expecting the absolute worst of people.

Zara lowered her head a bit so she could see his face. His eyes were closed, but she could tell he wasn’t asleep yet. She seemed to be memorizing him. His eyes opened, meeting hers, and he felt short of breath.

For the first time in Zara’s life , she blushed. Why was she behaving like a silly little girl? This wasn’t the first time she had shared a bed with Ron. Why was her heart beating almost uncontrollably? It seemed to slam against her chest as if trying to escape. Her eyes remained fixed on his. Those deep ocean blue pools mesmerized her. She didn’t even notice his fingers come up and gently trace her cheek. Zara inhaled sharply, feeling his fingertips travel over her face. He gently caressed her lips, as if he had never kissed a girl before and was learning his way.

Draco held a cloth to his bleeding nose, grumbling.

“Let me see,” said Ginny.

She pulled the cloth away from his face. “I can’t believe he punched you like that. He said he wouldn’t anymore.”

“So much for his promises, huh?” Draco said sniffling, “Owww!”

He knew why Weasley had attacked him, but it was worth it. On the outside appeared to be in pain; on the inside he was snickering, wishing he had the chance to do it all over again. The look on Weasley’s face had been priceless.

“What did you say to him anyway?”

“It’s not important.” Draco knew what she was after. “Just the usual ‘stay away from my sister’. You know how it goes.”

“Damn him,” said Ginny, scowling. “I’ll have a thing or two to say to him, later.”

“Ginny, just ignore him. Face it. Your brother will never change. I don’t expect him to and neither should you.”

“But—” Ginny was cut off as Draco put a finger to her lips.

“No buts, Ginny. That’s just the way he is.” Draco sighed. “He was angry about the necklace. That’s what started the fight.” He lied.

Ginny nodded, “It was awfully expensive, and I did try to talk you out of it.” She smiled.

“Ginny, my dear, you deserve the best. That’s exactly what you’re going to get from me.” Draco grinned, and then winced. “Owww.”

Ginny wished she could heal his nose, but they were forbidden to perform magic outside of school, which meant Draco would have to wait until it healed normally or they found an adult who knew medicine.

Draco looked at her. Could he trust her? He was going to risk it. “Ginny, I want to take you some place very special.”

“Where is it?” Ginny was curious.

“You’ll see, just come with me.” Draco quickly took her hand in his and they continued on down the sidewalk. He turned down a darkened alley and brought her over to a rather old looking door and knocked three times. A little iron flap moved to the side and a pair of eyes looked out at them. Ginny felt a cold chill run up her back and she shivered. A strange feeling came over her as she looked back into those eyes. They seemed to reach into her very soul.

“What do you kids want?” It surprised Ginny that when the man spoke it wasn’t in Italian but in English.

“I’m Draco Malfoy. Let me in now,” Draco demanded.

The flap was immediately shut and the sounds of locks were heard. The door opened slowly.

Ginny clung to Draco’s arm. “Where are we?” She was scared.

“A library.” Draco patted her arm, trying to make her feel more at ease.

She shook her head. “Why would I want to come to a library? I’m not Hermione, you know. I find no joy in this.” Ginny glanced timidly around the room. There seemed to be only men there and they looked like a bunch of ex-convicts. The dark menacing figures seemed to leer at her. One man with greasy, unwashed hair and missing teeth gave her a lecherous stare, his eyes fixing on her hips before traveling up to her breasts.

“Hey!” Draco shouted, “This is my woman, keep your eyes off or I’ll burn them out.” He sneered. Ginny would have spoken up about that, but she didn’t think it was the right time to remind him that she belonged to no one. She kept her comments to herself.

The slimy man reluctantly moved away and looked down at his book, and Draco turned to Ginny.

“He won’t bother you again.” Draco led her over to a book shelf. “So what do you think?”

“Of what, this place?”


“It’s creepy and I don’t exactly feel comfortable in here. What kind of a library is this anyway?”

“A library for only the most powerful,” Draco whispered. “Those who want to achieve ultimate power come in here.”

Ginny was wide eyed. “You mean for…” She gulped.

“Yes Ginny, for the Dark Arts.”


Ron didn’t say anything. He just smiled before leaning toward her and lightly touching his lips to hers. The smallest contact had Zara’s heart leaping as his hand came up and gently caressed the side of her breast. A low moan escaped from her throat as his thumb brushed over her nipple, making her involuntarily arch her back.

Zara loved it when they started out slow. She buried the fingers of her right hand in his hair, while her left moved down over his chest. His muscles contracted as she slid her palm up under his shirt.

It was Ron's turn to moan now. He kissed her harder, their responses to each other growing faster and more frenzied. His hand moved lightly caressing her hip through her black shorts, and she rewarded him with a soft sigh. His fingers went to the button on her shorts and expertly popped it open. Ron quickly pulled the zipper down and pushed his hand inside. He heard Zara gasp and he moved his lips to her neck where he started suckling the tender flesh there.

His hand was working between her legs, rubbing against the fabric that separated him from her flesh. Zara cried out, loudly. He needed to feel her skin. He tugged her shorts down over her legs and dropped them over the side of the bed onto the floor. Her shirt followed.

He moved over her so that he was covering her with his body. He kissed her deeply. One hand continued to caress her breast. His thumb gently grazed her erect nipple. Ron was breathing hard now. He brushed aside the triangle of satin and ran his finger over her slit, gently pushing inside. Her whole body seemed to tremble with the contact.

Zara closed her eyes, savoring the glorious sensations. She felt Ron’s lips, mouth, moving down her neck. His tongue darted out tasting her skin. His hand gently covered her breast, his fingers tracing the sensitive tip before moving lower still. She writhed beneath him until he cupped her completely, rubbing and caressing. She cried out in pleasure. Encouraged by this, he circled her hard nipple with his tongue, while caressing her other breast with his hand. Her body was alive with an agonizing need to be filled completely. She whimpered as he continued to torture her in the sweetly.

Zara's gripped the sheets tightly. Her other hand made its way down into Ron's trousers. She moved past his boxers and grasped him, lightly. She slid her hand up and down, and now it was Ron's turn to cry out. His mouth returned to hers; he plunged his tongue deep in her mouth. He felt her lips close around his tongue, sucking on it a bit and then releasing.

His hand trembled as he brought it down between her thighs once again. He found her already wet. She was slick and warm. It was agony, torture. Ron wanted to take her hard and fast, right there. It took all of his willpower not to rush. To go slow. To make sure she was aroused and ready.

A low growl seemed to come from within Zara as Ron pushed one finger and then another inside her, pumping them in and out in quick motions, his thumb brushing against her sensitive button. He moved lower, placing a kiss just below her belly button. She opened for him. Her scent was beautiful, alluring. Ron heard her gasp as he removed his fingers.

“Ron…” She was begging, now.

He wasted no time, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of her thigh. Zara whimpered and sucked in a breath as she felt him move between her legs. Then his lips and tongue were against her most sensitive and intimate of places. She moaned and her fingers buried themselves in his thick hair, grasping the back of his head. She urged his mouth down harder against her sex. Zara was moving against his mouth desperately, wanting to feel as much as possible; it was when his lips closed around her that she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Ron!” Zara screamed. “Now . . . please… I’m going to… Uh . . . I can’t wait . . .” she panted.

“As you wish,” Ron said, his voice strained and full of desire. He shed his remaining clothing and settled between her thighs. He looked down at her face, which was sweaty and flushed. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He kissed her, moving his hands over her hips, and the tip of his member pressed against her opening. Lifting her up, he gripped her hips pulling her down against him as he pushed inside her in one quick motion causing her to cry out in frustration and pleasure at the sensation of it all.

Zara clung to him, her legs wound around his hips, pulling him harder into her body, thrusting herself up against him in almost violent motions. Harder and faster they moved together, the erotic movements unrestrained, holding nothing back as if they intended to become one. They joined together so that they felt both needed and the need to please each other. The sensations were hot and wild, and they were drowning in the passion and pleasure of it all.

The way Ron plunged into her hot, tight warmth sent his body and mind soaring to a new height. He could tell she was close; she gripped him, her body gloving him completely. He let go of all sanity and gave in to his ascent to the heavens.

Zara tightened her arms and legs around him, lifting herself off the bed, crying out against his shoulder. Ron felt her body shaking as her heart continued to beat rapidly and her stomach jumped. Zara saw stars. Something indescribable, a sensation like no other engulfed her.

Panting hard, Ron laid her back on the bed. Zara was still whimpering from the extreme pleasure her body had felt. Her nerves were very sensitive. Ron did not move from his position on top of her. He loved the way she felt underneath him - he felt so protective of her this way. So long as he wasn’t crushing her, he would stay just this way. Besides, she didn’t seem to be complaining. He heard her sigh, slow and long. He could still hear her heart beating fast. He listened to its rhythmic and lulling sound as it gradually slowed down to a steady pace.

“Zara?” He didn’t lift his head from her chest.

“Hmmm?” She sounded very pleased.

“I um…” Ron started to say. He was never good at admitting his feelings. He so wanted to say something meaningful right now, but the words weren’t forming in his brain. He took a deep breath, “Zara,” He lifted his head to talk to her and noticed her eyes were closed. He felt lucky he didn’t say anything more or he might have felt like a real fool talking to thin air. He leaned his head back down and nuzzled against her chest.

“A library for the dark arts?! Have you lost your mind?!” Ginny screeched.

“Shhh,” Draco put his finger to her lips, “Keep your voice down.”

Ginny turned her back on him, “I think we should leave.” She started to walk away but Malfoy grabbed her arm.

“Ginny wait, let me explain why I brought you here.”

Something in his voice made Ginny turned around and faced him, waiting for his answer. “Well, what is it?”

“Have you ever wondered what the dark arts really are?” He noticed the ‘what kind of fool do you take me for’ look. Draco noted that she looked really cute with her hip popped out and her hand resting on it, looking much like she was about to scold him. “There is no such thing as light and dark magic” he continued. “It’s all the same. It just depends on if you’re strong and brave enough to use it.” Draco glanced around the book shelves to make sure they were alone.

“I don’t understand.” Ginny leaned against the shelf. “What does strength and bravery have to do with anything?”

“You’ll see in time, but right now… It is wrong to keep us sheltered from such power at school. Why won’t they teach us powerful magic, why do they keep everything secret? What’s the reason they don’t give us the real lessons?” He noticed Ginny clearly paying attention, “It’s because they want the power all to themselves. We are being divided into sections. I’m more than certain that is the reason they keep real power away from us.” Draco glared down at the floor. “It’s because they want us at a low level, so that we are at their mercy! We will be their slaves!”

Ginny wondered who he kept referring to as ”they”. But she also noticed the passion and fight in his voice, and she was enthralled by it. Such emotion displayed for her . She wanted him to continue, and thankfully he did. Ginny listened intently.

“And I don’t know about you Ginny, but I don’t plan on being anyone’s slave. I will be the master.”

Zara felt a pleasant pressure pressing against her. Her eyes opened and she heard the quiet breathing of Ron, who was sleeping peacefully. She was feeling a tad chilly, so gently, without waking him, Zara moved out from under Ron. He rolled over onto his side, still in his deep sleep.

Ron mumbled something about Muggle Gummi Bears, “Red is my favorite,” He grinned. “I want to cover it in chocolate, mmmm.”

Zara smiled, and had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. She was relieved - at least he was dreaming about food. Zara hoped this meant he was going to be okay. After covering Ron and herself with the blankets, she snuggled close to him, pressing herself up against his back, and throwing her arm over him, across his chest. With a yawn, Zara closed her eyes again.

Something had been bothering Amelia since Carlo and Hermione had recognized each other. There seemed to be some hatred there, and it was clearly bugging her. She remembered overhearing Arthur talking about Carlo, saying something to the effect of ‘Oh it’s you again’. She looked up at Arthur and Mavis.

“How do you know Carlo Yuri?” Amelia asked, searching both their faces, She noticed Arthur’s face cloud with anger. She watched him shift about in his chair and lean forward a bit, folding his hands on the desk top.

Arthur cleared his throat and looked right at Amelia, “He was tried not too long ago for attempted rape.” He looked away from her and out the window for a moment.

“Of who?” Amelia squeaked out, somehow already knowing the answer. She needed to hear it with her own ears.

“Your cousin, Hermione.” He felt the anger all over again, thinkng of how that boy hurt his son’s friend like that. He never wanted to hurt anyone more in his life. Well maybe he wouldn’t mind hurting Lucius Malfoy - any punishment would be worth that.

Amelia looked down into her lap and shook her head, “How could he do that, what was he thinking?”

“Apparently he wasn’t thinking.” Arthur said.

“Actually he was, he was just thinking with the head between his legs. The bastard.” Amelia sighed. Her poor cousin. What if she never saw her again? “Is Hermione going to be okay?”

Mavis shook her head, “I have no idea, we just have to trust in that she and Harry can both make it back alive.” She saw Amelia’s deep concern, as well as the tears the dark haired girl was trying to hold back. “Hermione is intelligent. She’ll make it. You just have to keep believing and have faith in her.”

“And Harry too.” Amelia added.

“And Harry too.” Mavis agreed with a smile. “They are both resilient and can overcome even the hardest of trials.” She placed a tender hand on Amelia’s shoulder and added “I am certain of it.”

Amelia wished with all her heart that the two of them were okay.

“How much farther to the village?” Hermione asked.

Rosa pulled her horse to a stop and glanced around, “Not too far, just over those hills there.” She pointed.

“Why don’t we just kill him?” Medlina offered. Medina twisted her body to offer a nasty glare at Marc Antony.

“That won’t solve anyone’s problems right now,” Hermione said, “And besides, what if we need him, for a sacrifice or something. I sure wouldn’t want to be devoured by some wild animal.” She grinned, “Well just toss this waste of flesh in the way and we’ll have a means of escape.”

“Oh that sounds like a great plan.” Antony said sarcasticly.

“What, you don’t like it?” Rosa was amused, “It sounds great to me.”

Meldina’s ears perked, she sat up straighter and listened to what sounded like the wind. “Hey - did you hear that?”

The other three were now doing the same thing, straining to listen to whatever could be heard. All four heard it at once. Hermione’s eyes widened at what she saw.


Well that’s it for chapter 9. Sorry for the long length of time it took me in writing this. I’ll try to get the next chapter out a little quicker. so until next time… Stay Tuned for Chapter 10—Twins Troubles

Remember to review,

Thanks, Ryoko Blue

10. Twins Troubles

Disclaimer: don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 10—Twins’ Troubles

Hermione wasn’t sure if was just her mind playing tricks on her, but the figures on horseback heading towards her looked an awful lot like her friends back home. As they got closer and Hermione was able to see more clearly, she was assured that she knew at least one of them. She nearly couldn’t believe it, her eyes prickling with tears. “Harry!” she screamed and pushed Marc Antony off the horse in the process of her practically jumping from it. She started running back towards them, her hair flying wildly behind her.

They reached each other in a matter of seconds; Hermione had flung herself into his arms holding onto him for dear life. Tears were streaming wildly down her cheeks as she held him.

“Harry,” She whispered, pressing against him more. Hermione felt his arms tightly around her also not wanting to let her go. “I never thought I’d see you again.”

Harry took a deep breath, taking in the scent that was pure Hermione. How he had waited for this moment, how he longed just to see her once more. This was the only thing he could have asked for, he was alive and with Hermione, if they were stuck back in this time for all eternity it wouldn’t matter as long as they were together. “It’ll take more than death to stop me from getting to you.”

She pulled back a little staring up into his dirt smudged face, “I saw everything, felt everything you had even though it was really bad, I knew you were still alive I could feel your strength for survival.”

After looking at her for a few more moments, he pulled her back tightly into his arms. He felt her rest her cheek against his chest. “Nothing will keep me from you ever again.”

“I’m so glad that we have found each other.” Hermione smiled.

Harry was about to say something else when he heard two voices behind him sighing, he turned to look at them. It was if both Enzo and Marcelo had hearts in their eyes, they were looking very sweetly at the two of them. “What are you two looking at?”

“This is so romantic.” Enzo said with a silly grin.

“Yeah,” Marcelo also said with the same far out look in his eyes.

Harry looked at the two of them. "Haven't you two got something better to do then watch us?"

Marcelo's brows lifted, "Oh and just what do you expect us to watch besides you, where are in the middle of nowhere, not much to see here." He smirked.

Hermione buried her head in Harry's chest again as she felt his arms go around her. She was so hoping to have some moments alone with him later, but she had a feeling that this company was going to be with them for the whole trip.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your lady?" Enzo asked politely while smiling at the back of Hermione's head.

Harry cleared his throat and pushed Hermione back a little while grinning at her. "This is Hermione, the girl I told you all about." He gently turned her to face his new companions. "These two idiots Hermione..." He heard Marcelo scoff yet snicker as well. "...are my new friends I suppose, Enzo and Marcelo" He pointed to each of them.

"Lovely to meet you," Hermione answered. "And this is Rosa and Meldina," she gestured to her friends who were looking at Harry with genuine interest. "And..." she turned and made a face. "You already know him."

"Let me down." Antony spat angrily. “I need to stretch my legs." He added with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

Hermione rolled her eyes but stepped away from Harry to let Marc Antony down.

Harry glared as his twin stood next to the horse.

"Can you untie me now?" He said glaring at the three girls, but avoiding Harry's intense glare.

Hermione reluctantly did the ropes and had no sooner stepped back when Harry shot past her.

Harry looked back at Hermione, "Has this fool hurt you in anyway?" His fists were clinched tightly against his thighs.

"No," Hermione answered. "He's just a real prat."

"Has he taken advantage of you, done anything that would give me a reason to crush his skull?" Harry's voice was dangerously calm.

Hermione shook her head wordlessly. "No Harry, I swear."

Harry nodded, looking back at Antony. "I should kill you for what you had done, sending me to my death I can overlook, but you sent your best friend to die all for what? Because you were being a jerk and sleeping with another's woman.”

Antony had the gall to look bored, he even yawned. "What's your point?"

"Harry, come on," Hermione touched his shoulder. "We should get to the village soon," she knelt down and looked at him. "We have plenty of time to settle up with him later," she whispered so only he could hear.

Harry sighed, "Perhaps you’re right."

Antony snickered. "You're actually listening to what a woman has to say?"

"And just what is wrong with that?" Harry continued to glare.

Hermione's brown eyes turned dark. "You'd be better off listening to a woman, Antony," she warned. "You don't want me angry at you."

Antony wanted to hurt her, "If you didn't have that ridiculous stick I wouldn't even be here. But then I really didn't mind having your arms around me." He purred. "I suppose it was worth it."

Hermione glared and now Harry had to hold her back. After a few moments of him whispering something in her ear she calmed down. "Let's go," she said, grabbing the rope and tying Antony's wrists again.

"Do I get to ride you; I mean do I get to ride with you again my dear?" Antony was smirking.

"In your dreams, maybe," were the first words she could think to say, but as soon as she uttered them, Harry was pummeling Antony into the ground.

Harry was smashing his fist into his look-alike’s face, and then grabbed him by the shirt. "Don't you ever speak her like that again; if you do I will do a lot more than hurt you." He got up off of Antony and walked back over to Hermione, "I can't believe that I was acting like him in this past life. It's rightfully disturbing." He groaned feeling very frustrated. "I can't believe I was that bad."

"At least you've made up for it this lifetime," Hermione sent him a smile and leaned forward to kiss him briefly.

Enzo and Marcelo snickered and made annoying cat calls.

"Way to go Harry!" Enzo shouted.

"Oooh what else is she going to give you?" Marcelo said in a laughing voice.

Hermione groaned, pulling her mouth from his. "Later?" she asked quietly.

Harry nodded with a smile, "Definitely."

Marcelo cleared his throat and his expression turned serious. "Lady Hermione where were you three girls heading?"

"To the village," Hermione answered, nodding her head.

"To Ellia's village?" Enzo asked.

"Well our final destination is Torna," Hermione replied. "But we need to stop there to get supplies, and to figure out how to go from there."

"Well that’s where we were heading as well, talk about fate." Marcelo answered. "Do you believe in fate?"

Antony groaned on the ground feeling the pain shooting through his every nerve.

Hermione looked at Harry, trying to keep the smile from her face, as she found Antony's pain humorous.

"What are we going to do with him?" Meldina asked

"Do we even need him anymore?" Rosa also asked.

"Probably not," Hermione answered, giving the man a disdainful look. "But he's good insurance; he may be able to get us out of any trouble we come across,"

Marcelo glared down at Antony. "Put him up here with me, I'll make sure nothing too unfortunate happens to him," He had a certain gleam in his eye, one that was shouting revenge and pain.

The group mounted their horses, and Harry rode his right next to Hermione's. She shot him another smile and he took one hand off the reign and gripped hers for a minute.

"The village shouldn't be too much further" Meldina said as she started to lead the way. She was hurrying faster than anyone; this village was her home and she was glad to be returning.

They could see the tall pointed fence line of an upcoming village it was very secure from what they could see. There were pretty yellow flowers growing around the fence line. Hearing the sound of a horn blowing they all neared the gate. Harry rode up first as a man in a toga looked down at him.

“What do you want here traveler?” The man asked holding out his sword.

“Hello, we are in need of supplies and rest. We just escaped from Caesar’s Palace.”

“Caesar’s you say, well then you and your companions are welcome here.” The turned and looked down. “Open the gate!”

The sound of cranks turning was heard as the gate started to swing open. Harry gestured for everyone to move along. Once inside the gate guard was spotted climbing down a very tall ladder and jumping to the ground.

“Welcome to our village, I hope you find all you need here. Someone will be along to help you get settled in for the night.”

A group of young boys came forward as Harry and his group dismounted. They smiled and grabbed the reins of the horses. “Please allow us to take charge of your horses; we have some of the best oats and greens for them.” One of the younger boys said.

“Oh how kind of you.” Hermione said with a smile as she relinquished the reins to the child.

Harry grinned at his girlfriend as she got off the horse. He dismounted his own and reached over, taking her hand in his.

"Are you all right love?" he murmured in her ear.

"Yes," she answered, turning to give him a quick kiss. "I'm so glad we're together again."

Harry grinned and was about to respond when a shout made them both look over. Antony was struggling as the young boys attempted to help him off the horse.

"I can get off myself!" he was saying angrily as he tried to move his way around and not fall flat on his face. It was not an easy task with his hands tied together.

"Oh, please, let me assist," Harry sent a smart ass grin at his look-alike and yanked him down roughly. "There, all down from the horse," He pushed Antony back hard and the man fell on his behind in the dirt.

Marcelo gave Antony a good kick in the side who curled up into an almost fetal position clutching his side.

"What a pansy," Harry laughed. He grinned at Marcelo, liking the man more and more as time went by.

Antony struggled to get to his feet, "how dare you refer to me in such a manner, if my hands were unbound I would show how a real man takes action.”

“What, show us like you did last time? No thanks, we've got better things to do." He felt Hermione take his hand and looked back at Marcelo. "You'll take care of him?"

Marcelo started cracking his knuckles, "Oh you can rest assured that I will definitely take care of him."

"Thanks, we'll be back in just a little while." he nodded courteously to Meldina and Rosa, smiling as they grinned first at him, then Hermione, then pulled his girlfriend away from the group.

A woman off in the distance who was collecting water at the fountain in the village square was watching the visitors with great curiosity.

Hermione moved through the village glancing at all the houses which seemed to be made of stone and very sturdy. "Harry?" She looked towards Meldina who was suddenly engrossed in a very tight hug. "Do you think we'll ever get home?" She sighed with the longing to see her family.

"Sure we will," he tried to answer confidently, squeezing her hand for added benefit. "We're going to find that amulet and go back... where I'm going to take a VERY long, hot shower."

A large smile spread across her face, "I know what you mean, I could use a nice hot bath myself." Hermione pressed herself up against him.

"Is that an invitation?" he asked lightly, looking down and kissing the top of her brown head affectionately.

"Harry you cheated death how can you make jokes at a time like this?" She shook her head, yet she was amused

He didn't respond, only hugged her tighter with one arm as they walked further through the village.

Harry noticed several of the villagers point and begin to whisper. At first he was confused but then he realized that he was being recognized as Antony. "Hermione," he said quietly. "Maybe we should uh... get out of the street... people think I'm that jerk back there," he nodded his head in the direction of the group they had arrived with.

Instead of complying with his request, Hermione cleared her throat. "This is not who you think it is, the one you are talking about is back there!" She shouted pointing to where Marcelo was. She watched as some of the villagers who still looked suspicious dashed away to see what she was talking about.

Harry was still embarrassed, and dragged Hermione over to a nearby shop. "Come on, let's start stocking up," he said, entering the store.

The shop keeper behind the counter was smiling but then stopped upon seeing them. He bowed his head. "My Lord and Lady what brings thee to our humble village?"

"We're looking for some supplies to take on a journey," Harry answered.

"We are but a small shop we have little of what someone of great importance would purchase here."

"Oh," Hermione placed a soft hand on the shop keeper's shoulder. "We are not who you think we are. We just resemble them that’s all. Isn't that right Harry?" She looked at him.

"That's right," Harry said, growing testy to being known as Antony.

"The resemblance is uncanny, what is this some sort of black magic?" The shop keeper studied Harry's face, getting within the younger man's personal space. He examined Harry while adjusting his spectacles.

"No, it's not magic," Harry said irritably. "Can we please just buy some supplies?" he turned on his heel and walked over to a stack of barrels against the wall, trying to control his sudden temper.

"Oh forgive me; I could have sworn I felt some kind of a 'special' aura about you."

Harry bit his lower lip as he looked at Hermione. He started rummaging through a carton to find some canteens so they would have water.

"I can assume you are traveling a great distance, what kind of supplies are you in need of?" He said putting his hands on the counter.

Hermione looked at the items on the shelves, "We could use some of those tiny pots there" She pointed.

The door to the shop swung open and in walked Enzo and Marcelo. Hermione turned around to look at them as the shop keeper reached up and got Hermione's request.

"What are you two doing in here, where's Antony?"

Marcelo smirked, "Oh he’s just a little tied up at the moment."

Enzo snickered. "We tied him to a tree while the villagers pelted vegetables and rotten fruits at him."

Harry grinned. "We should hurry up; I'd like to take a turn at that."

"Harry!" Hermione gasped looking at him much like if she were scolding a child.

"What?" Harry asked innocently. "He's a prat!"

"Believe me I know he is, but don't sink to the level of him. Do you really want to be like him because as of now you are on that path."

Harry saw that Hermione was on the edge of not speaking to him so he smiled. "I was just joking," he set several canteens on the counter. "Let's get everything else we need."

A bell jingled above the shop keepers head, "Excuse me a moment would you." He backed away and opened a door to the left and quickly left through it.

Harry looked at Hermione, who had busied herself with arranging their purchases on the counter, and over at Marcelo and Enzo who were busy with something on the other corner of the room. Slowly, he inched over to the door and began to creak it open.

"Lady Ellia, it will arrive promptly at noon by Hawk transfer."

"I can not believe my foolish sister even thought of using it without my permission." She shook her head, while holding a flask of green sparkling crystals.

"At least she has the decency to return it."

"What?" Harry couldn't stop himself from blurting out.

Ellia looked at the direction of the door. "Who are you and how long have you been at that door?" She was irritated.

"I... uh... just now..." Harry felt bad for eavesdropping. He had just wanted to know what was in that back room.

Ellia no longer glared at him, “Well don't just stand there staring at us boy, what have you over heard?" She moved her beautiful white- almost silver hair from off her shoulder. She had no wrinkles at all and looked no older than eighteen years old. Her voice held the wisdom of many years passing

"Just... that your sister used something you didn't want her to," Harry answered ashamedly.

Ellia smiled a little, "What's your name? Why are you here in this village?"

"Harry, Harry Potter," he answered automatically. "My girlfriend and I are looking for the amulet of Torna..." he looked uneasily towards the shopkeeper.

Ellia's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "How do you know about the Amulet as well as the city of Torna?" Her tone was accusing.

"Well," Harry shifted from one foot to the other. He looked at Ellia and realized she reminded him of Nilrem, or Merlin as he had turned out to be. "My girlfriend, Hermione and I were transported here, and were told by Merlin that we needed to get the Amulet of Torna to return to our time."

"All right I seem to understand if Merlin sent you, I originally thought you were in league with someone else who traveled here not too long ago."

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Voldemort was here..."

"I know not of who you speak, all I know is that a traveler who called himself Thomas Riddleson took a room here and stayed over night, he spoke of powers and frightened many of the villagers. He asked about my sister and when I conversed with him he seemed very cold and distant. In the morning he was gone, as if he was never here. Only the fear of him lingered on.

"Tom Riddle!" Harry exclaimed. "That IS Voldemort! He's evil... he's the one that brought us here!"

Ellia sighed, "I sensed a great darkness within his soul. Where is it that you hail from?"

"Normally near London, but I go to school in Scotland. We were in Rome when we were brought here though," Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"I know of an ancient scroll that spoke of such travelers coming from a great distance to restore order to our world." She smiled. "Could it be there scrolls were speaking of a mere boy such as yourself?"

"I don't think you're talking about me," Harry replied, his tone definite. He was tired of being mistaken for other people.

“We shall see.” Ellia smiled.

Harry heard shuffling behind him, his Hermione's sweet voice echoed in his ear. "Harry, what are you doing back here?"

"Nothing," he tried to back out of the room but she was already in the doorway.

She looked at him suspiciously, "What are you hiding? What's going on?" Her hands planted against her hips as she stared at him waiting for an answer.

"I was just talking to these people, but we can go now," he tried to take her arm and drag her away from the door.

"Hold up there." Ellia stepped forward looking right at Hermione. "Come here."

"What, why?" Hermione backed away from the woman, fearful.

"We're leaving," Harry spoke louder now.

"No Stop!" Ellia shouted, her voice booming like thunder. "This young lady has a lot to deal with, mostly caused by a certain orb that has been created."

Both Harry and Hermione stopped still. "How did you know about the orbs?" Hermione asked in a shaky voice. Harry moved his arm around her waist in support.

Ellia bowed, "I am Lady Ellia, I created a powerful orb to use for the power of healing, and my sister Lady Ereena created an orb for the power of deception

Harry didn't know whether to feel grateful or angry. She obviously was who she said she was, knowing about the orbs. "Your... your sister made the orb of Ereena?" he asked.

"Does she even know what she did to my girlfriend?" his voice shook in rage.

Ellia nodded “I am aware of all the power each of the orbs held. But how is it that you two have gotten a hold of it? It is sitting in Ereena's bedroom as we speak.”

Harry and Hermione looked at one another. "We... she got it... in the future," Harry said.

"Come closer." Ellia beckoned to Hermione with a gentle finger gesture.

Hermione slowly moved forward until she was standing directly in front of Ellia. Harry stood behind her, ready to yank her out of harms way in case this woman was going to do something to her.

"Relax my young ones; I'm going to help this girl." Ellia placed the palm of her hand against Hermione's forehead. The thoughts of the past year rushed quickly through Hermione's head, the effects of the Orb of Ereena seemed to vanish leaving everything else un affected. "I took the depressing feelings that my sister's orb inflicted upon you. I did not tamper with anything after you returned the orb to its owner at the time.

Hermione almost seemed to wilt as she nearly toppled backwards. Harry came up behind her and she could feel his strong hands on her upper arms. "I'm okay Harry," she said. "I feel... so much better all of a sudden! Better than I have since last summer!"

Ellia smiled, "I think it is about time for the feast, you should both go enjoy it, it looks like you two are in need of nourishment.

"Thank you," Hermione smiled at the woman, and took Harry's hand as they left the shop.

Ellia followed them out, "Before you two retire for the night, come to my hut and we'll discuss a few things."

Hermione nodded and Harry still looked confused as they began to walk away down the street.

Antony was still tied to the tree while his face was covered in tomato and squash and what looked like large purple grape skins and seeds as Marcelo and Enzo stood there laughing at him.

Harry couldn't fight back a snigger as well as they joined their group. "He looks better than he did this morning,"

Marcelo nodded, putting his finger to his chin as if he were regarding a work of art. "Red is definitely his color."

Harry laughed loudly at that as Antony struggled against his bonds. "Shall we leave him here for the night?"

"You can't" A woman said, "We have this demon that comes out at night which protects our village, if anyone is caught by it, they are consumed.”

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Harry tried to look innocent but Hermione elbowed him.

"Harry he may be an absolute jerk and a terror to women, but no one deserves to be eaten by a demon," she said with narrowed eyes

"All right," Harry covered hastily. "Where should we stick him then? Stables?"

"How about just the jail?" The woman suggested, "There's chains in there and you can keep him locked up."

"Sounds good to us," Harry answered for all of them. "Thank you very much."

"Harry cut the ropes." Marcelo said as he and Enzo bent down to grab Antony by the arms

Harry did as instructed and Antony stood up, glaring at all of them. Harry smirked in his look-alike’s face before shoving him along the path.

Hermione watched as the many people were had finished setting up a large table in the center of the village for a great feast.

His stomach rumbling loudly, Harry pulled on Hermione's arm towards the tables. "I'm starving," he said unnecessarily.

"Me too" Hermione said looking down at all the food. "Wow there is so much; it almost reminds me of Hogwarts"

"Should we just fall in line here?" Harry asked.

A man passing them nodded hearing Harry's question, "Yeah just grab a plate and help yourselves to anything"

"Thank you," Harry nodded at the man. He quickly did as was said and soon was heaping his plate full of food.

Hermione was doing the same, only she had twice as much on her plate than Harry did, she took a glace at his plate and started heaping on more food as if it were a contest on who had the most. Harry grinned at her as they found seats next to one another.

Hermione breathed in the scent of the food on her plate, "This all smells so good, they barely fed us at, well you know where." She said picking up her fork and sticking it into a piece of chicken. Harry's mouth was too full to answer so he just nodded.

Soon the feast was over and people started retiring to their homes. "Remember Ellia wanted to speak with us, where do you suppose her house is?" Hermione looked around.

"I'm not sure," Harry replied. "I don't really want to disturb anyone."

Meldina appeared behind them, "Ellia's home is that one." She pointed.

"Thank you." Hermione and Harry started heading in that direction. Upon reaching the door, Harry raised his hand and knocked softly.

"The door is open." A voice from inside said.

Hermione pushed the door and they stepped inside, upon entering the house, they found Ellia, kneeling on the floor, meditating.

"Uh... hello?" Harry asked uncertainly.

“Come inside; don't linger in the doorway, its rude." She said with her eyes closed. The jasmine scented incense burned slowly creating a pleasant atmosphere that calmed people's nerves.

Hand in hand, they hesitantly came into the room. "Where... where should we sit?" Harry asked.

Ellia stood up and pulled out her wand from her drawer and started a fire in the fireplace which lit up the room. "At the table" She pointed and smiled.

Hermione quickly took her seat and Harry followed suit, pulling his chair as close to Hermione's as possible.

"Would you two like some tea?" Ellia stepped near her tea kettle and glanced at the two of them.

Hermione shook her head, "No I'm all right."

"No thank you," Harry replied as well. "What do you want us here for?"

Ellia sat down with her tea cup, "Are you two in a rush or something, you two need to relax." She sat down across from them. "Tell me about yourselves, especially what time in the future you come from." She looked at Harry for the answer.

"We're from the twentieth century," Harry replied. "We were on vacation in Rome when we were transported here by that Tom Riddle you mentioned earlier."

"You two are obviously on a journey, where is that you are heading?" Ellia lifted the tea cup to her lips taking a small sip of the steaming liquid.

"We are heading to the city of Torna where there is a transport device that will allow us passage home." Hermione answered with a sigh.

"Torna, that is very far from here. Do you even have any idea of how you will get there?" Ellia leaned back in her chair folding her arms over her bosom.

"We have a group that has agreed to travel with us," Harry replied. "And... we have a hostage...."

"That’s how you are going to get to Torna?" She was amused.

“Yes," Harry replied defensively.

Ellia shook her head, "How do you know you won't end up in Greece; you need some kind of direction." She stood and hurried over to a drawer and pulled it open retrieving a map and bringing it back to them. "Here I think this might come in handy." She spread it out for them to look over.

"Wow!" both of them said at once. The map was rather large and it had markings on it of the dangerous areas of Italy. But Harry pretty much could see exactly how to get to Torna even though there were several different paths to the city. But Ellia pointed to the exact path that they need to take.

"This path you must not stray from, you will be traveling directly through Griffin territory.”

"Griffin?" Harry asked. "As in Gryffindor?"

Ellia shook her head, "No as in the beast," She pointed again. "Here you must be very careful of sprites and ferries, they will deceive you, and you must not listen to a word they say."

Harry and Hermione nodded. "All right," he answered. "Anything else?"

"You'll need winter furs, you'll be going through the mountains before reaching Torna, its always covered in snow and ice, Yetis live among the caves there so be careful."

Harry looked at his girlfriend. This journey sounded bleaker and bleaker by the moment. Hermione sighed, feeling tired already.

“Oh my dears do not despair, you will make it. I have the utmost faith in the both of you.” Ellia said placing her hands on top of theirs. “Now do you have any questions for me?”

Hermione had a few; she looked up at Ellia, “I might have a few, mostly concerning your sister and her orb.” She waited for the permission in Ellia’s eyes and she continued. “What kind of a person would create something so evil, to hurt people.” She sighed.

“Well I think you already know that answer my dear, people do whatever they can to achieve absolute power. But in the case of my sister, she is the exact opposite of me. The evil twin theory applies here, she has hair as black as midnight, eyes as dark as obsidian. It is as if she has no soul and I’m almost sure that she doesn’t.” Ellia sighed, “We have never got along as children, and we are even competing now. We have so many troubles to deal with, but I suppose that happens when your mother falls in love with a demon.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hermione said.

Ellia smiled a little, “You have nothing to be sorry for. She is my sister and she will be dealt with by me when the time is right.” She avoided telling them about Ereena’s territory which they will be passing through, there are just some things they are not to be warned about to see their real potential. Especially if this boy was the one the ancient scrolls spoke about. She would wait and see. Ellia then looked at Hermione, “Have you any more questions?”

“No,” Hermione answered. “We should be getting on; we need to find an inn or something to stay in for the night.”

With a nod Ellia stood, “Well there is one across the way.” She pointed out the window for both Harry and Hermione to see. “They don’t charge that much, you’ll find their price affordable.”

Harry rolled up the map and held it tightly in his hand as he also stood. “Thank you for the map and information.”

“Anytime, “Ellia smiled and watched as the two left her home and headed for the inn.

Meldina was slowly enjoying the food, much of which she hardly received while being enslaved. No more scraps for her it was real food now. She licked her lips and moved in for her custard tort. She lifted the bowl and put it in front of her.

Marcelo sat a few feet away, admiring the way Meldina ate. He was ashamed to admit that such a beautiful woman had escaped his sight for so long. Brushing back his hair, he sauntered over and sat down right next to her. "Well hello there," he said in his deepest voice.

Meldina had just lifted the utensil to her lips and stopped in mid air hearing a voice. She looked up at him "Hello." She didn't want to really talk to this person; she was more interested in the food.

“I can't believe I haven't seen you around the palace before," Marcelo grinned appealingly. "Been there long?"

"Long enough," She stuck a bit of her tort into her mouth.

Marcelo looked over at Enzo, who was smirking at him while talking to Rosa. He didn't understand why Meldina wasn't falling to his charms right away- most other women did. "So what are you doing later?"

Meldina rolled her eyes, "Sleeping."

"Well before that how about a roll in the hay over there?" Marcelo nodded his head in the direction of the stables and eagerly anticipated her answer.

Meldina was shocked but she didn't let it show on her face, she simply stood and moved really close to him. With a smile on her face she lifted her custard and shoved it in his face, smearing it around. With that same smile she turned on her heels and stalked away from him.

"Wha..." Marcelo angrily wiped custard from his face. "Why did she do that?" he asked no one in particular. He looked down the table and saw Enzo and Rosa laughing at him.

"Quiet you two!" he snapped, getting up and walking away. That comment just made the Rosa and Enzo laugh even harder.

Harry unlocked the door with the key and Hermione followed him inside. It was a tad cold so she lifted her wand and pointed it at the fireplace.

“Incendio!” She said and watched as the spell shot from her wand to the wood and lit up immediately. Hermione looked back at Harry and noticed he looked like he was suffering from some pain. “Harry are you all right?”

He rubbed his shoulder and cringed at the pain that still bothered him. “Not really, but there’s not much one can do about this.”

“Would you mind if I took a look?” She said with a tile of her head, concern evident on her pretty face.

He sighed, “I fear it will make you sick from just the sight of my wounds.” Harry said not wanting her to see it

“Harry, if something is wrong I need to know about it. What if it’s infected? Now stop acting like a child and let me see it.” She said with the utmost authority. Hermione was pleased with herself when Harry sat down on the fur pelt on the floor in front of the fireplace. Hermione moved over to him and sat down behind him and carefully lifted his shirt. Harry reached up and helped her pull it off and revealed the white bandage which was now stained with blood.

Hermione carefully unwrapped his shoulder; she did cringe at the view of this really deep wound. “Goodness Harry, this is just awful.” She touched the outer puffy edges and heard him suck in a strained breath of pain. “I’m sorry Harry, did that hurt?” She saw him nod. “Its times like this that I wish I had the healing talent that Ginny has, I would be able to heal it all up.”

Harry reached up and his hand covered over hers which was resting on his shoulder. “Hermione, don’t worry about it. It will heal in time.” He turned a bit taking her hand and placing it in his lap as he gazed into her eyes. “It will just be another scar, one of many that I already have.” His free hand cupped her cheek, “I worry more about losing you than losing my arm. So as long as you are still around I have a reason to fight.”

“Oh Harry,” She said breathily. “I love you so very much.”

He smiled and his hand reached around to the back of her neck and proceeded to pull her towards him.


Hahaha I know what a place to leave this chapter. Well get used to it. It’s called torture and you know you love it *wink* Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it took a long time to get it out, but I was really busy with trying to write a novel so that I may publish it. I’ll get the next chapter out as soon as I can, hopefully you’ll wait for it. So until then Tata.



11. Gods and Monsters

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: don’t own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Wow, oh wow. Finally a chapter done. I know its been soooo long since my last update. But I was working steadily on my novel, which I am trying to get published. I was met with a saddened blow today by receiving my first rejection letter for my novel. It’s sad I know, but hey I still worked on this chapter for you my wonderful and glorious readers, who have been so patient with the updating of this fanfiction. SO now here’s the chapter you’ve all been waiting for. ^_^


Last time on Amulet of Torna:

They reached each other in a matter of seconds; Hermione had flung herself into his arms holding onto him for dear life. Tears were streaming wildly down her cheeks as she held him.

* * *

Ellia looked at the direction of the door. "Who are you and how long have you been at that door?" She was irritated.

"I... uh... just now..." Harry felt bad for eavesdropping. He had just wanted to know what was in that back room.

* * *

"Torna, that is very far from here. Do you even have any idea of how you will get there?" Ellia leaned back in her chair folding her arms over her bosom.

"We have a group that has agreed to travel with us," Harry replied. "And... we have a hostage...."

"That’s how you are going to get to Torna?" She was amused.

“Yes," Harry replied defensively.

Ellia shook her head, "How do you know you won't end up in Greece; you need some kind of direction." She stood and hurried over to a drawer and pulled it open retrieving a map and bringing it back to them. "Here I think this might come in handy." She spread it out for them to look over.

"Wow!" both of them said at once. The map was rather large and it had markings on it of the dangerous areas of Italy. But Harry pretty much could see exactly how to get to Torna even though there were several different paths to the city. But Ellia pointed to the exact path that they need to take.

* * *

Now on with the fanfiction:

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 11—Gods and Monsters

He kissed her gently, slowly, as if they were the only two left in the world. The fear of never seeing her again raced back into Harry’s mind, he gripped her tighter. But as he did he felt the pain in his shoulder envelope him. He pulled back from her and gasped out in pain.

“Harry, let me get someone to close this up. It won’t heal unless you put something on it.” Hermione said as she looked intently at his wound.

Harry shook his head, “No, really its fine.”

Hermione glared as she stood up, “Do not argue with me Harry Potter, normally if we were back in the future you would either have stitches done the Muggle way or healed up by some magical hospital.” And without another word, she left the room and searched for someone to help sew up his wound.

Looking over at his shoulder, Harry cringed at the sight of how the wound looked; it really was in need of medical attention, Hermione was right. He leaned back on the fur staring up at the ceiling, thinking of what their journey now consisted of. They would have to go back to the shop tomorrow and purchase more supplies. Yetis and other monsters were sure to attack them, how would they ever survive?

It wasn’t long before the door to their room opened and in walked Hermione with what looked like a healer. The healer was a woman with very dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She looked about twenty years old. In her hand was a small wicker basket with a piece of green cloth covering over the top.

She stepped up to Harry and bowed lightly, “I am Gina, and I have been told you are in need of healing. Allow me to assist you.”

Harry sighed and looked at Hermione who had a rather pleased look on her face as Gina sat down next to him on her knees and dug through her basket.

She pulled out a needle and black thread. “I got this thread from Lady Ellia, she assured me that it heals most open wounds, and using this thread it will not leave a scar.”

“Is this going to hurt?” Harry asked with a slight smile.

Gina nodded, “I am afraid so, of course this pain is really nothing compared to whatever weapon made your wound.”

Hermione sat down on the floor next to Harry on his other side, he squinted his eyes shut and Hermione’s hand covered over his, he clutched her hand tightly as he felt the needle pierce his skin, he kept in his small cry. He did not look as Gina threaded her needle through his flesh and wiping the blood off every so often with her green cloth.

“All right now, I am finished.” Gina tied off the end of the thread and snipped the longer piece that was left with a pair of silver shears. “Try not to tear it open again, let it heal before you do anymore fighting.”

Harry nodded, not really listening to her. Mostly because he was sure that he and Hermione would be faced with a lot more dangers and fighting was definitely not going to stop because he had an injury. He looked towards Hermione who had leaned her head against his shoulder; there was no way he was going to let anything happen to Hermione. He had to protect her and he wasn’t going to let some injury stop him from seeing that Hermione was safe.

Gina stood and Harry thanked her as she walked quickly to the door and let herself out. Harry looked down at Hermione, he was about to call her name when he heard the soft breathing and saw the gentle up and down motion of her chest. She was asleep. Harry smiled to himself and, keeping his injury in mind, he slowly got to his feet and gently lifted her into his arms. He cringed at the weight of her body on his now healing injury. Adjusting her a bit so that more of her weight was managed on the other arm he carried her to the bed just a few feet from the fire place and laid her in it.

Covering her up, Harry then stripped down to his boxers and climbed in next to her. Hermione made a little murmuring noise before turning over on her side, facing him. He gazed down at her face, so peaceful and lovely she was as she slept. Her lashes fanned out against her now tan cheeks, being in the sun and traveling had made her skin a rather golden bronze color which was appealing to him. Her hair had also been sun kissed, he could now see a bit of honey within her brown tresses. Great Gods he had missed her, he never wanted to be without her again. When they were separated he felt his whole world had come crashing down and he would do whatever it takes, even take on the Grim Reaper himself if he and Hermione would find a way to be together again.

Thank the fates that he didn’t have to go against death as of yet, but if it was to pass he would be ready. Lightly placing a tender kiss to her forehead, Harry turned on his side and cradled her against him. He closed his eyes and sleep soon found him.

* * *

Inside the Goods shop, Harry and Hermione were purchasing more supplies for their journey; they were told by the shop keeper that the place to buy winter furs was on the opposite side of the village. After paying for their goods, they exited the shop only to come face to face with Marcelo, Enzo, Rosa and Meldina. It was Marcelo who spoke up.

“And just where do you think you two are going?” He said rather like scolding a child.

Harry ran his hand through his normally wild hair, “We are gathering supplies to continue our journey; we have to make it to the city of Torna so that we may return to our home.”

“Torna,” Enzo gasped, “That is quite a distance from here.”

Narrowing his eyes, Harry was a bit confused, “How do you know about Torna?”

Enzo shrugged, “I was born there. I know it's not really well known to parts around here. Mostly because it should be kept a secret. Amazing things go on in Torna that they might burn us for.”

“So you two were going to go all on your own?” Marcelo asked with one eye brow raised. He saw both Harry and Hermione nod. “Well we just can’t allow that now. I mean you two braving this world which is unknown to you, honestly, what reality did you wake up in?”

Hermione felt offended, “Excuse me, but what exactly are you implying here?” She said with her hands planted firmly on her hips, a sign of complete and utter annoyance.

“It’s simple really,” Marcelo said with a wave of his hand, “You will need someone to show you the way and someone to assist you with the monsters that you will encounter on this journey of mad proportions.”

Harry knew what Marcelo was saying, but he didn’t want to endanger their lives like this. “Marcelo I don’t want to drag you and the others into this. This is mine and Hermione’s problem, not yours.”

Marcelo looked at the others, “That’s not for you to decide now. I know you have to get back home to wherever it is you came from—” He was interrupted by Rosa.

“We are going with you, and that is that. Do not argue with us. You two have already done so much for us. We want to assist you.” Rosa said in a tone that said that if you argue with me I’m going to hurt you.

Meldina nodded, agreeing completely with Rosa, “I tend to agree with Rosa here. It’s dangerous out there and you’ll need the help of us, your friends, to be able to make it through.”

“Are you sure?” Hermione was impressed by the loyalty of these people that she had met just a few short days ago.

Enzo nodded with a smile, “Absolutely. We want to help.”

“Just face it, you can’t make this journey without us,” Marcelo still tried to convince them, and it seemed like it was working.

Hermione looked at Harry and he nodded. She looked back at the four of them, “All right then, you’ll need winter furs since we’ll be traveling over icy mountains.”

“We will need funds.” Marcelo said.

Enzo looked at Marcelo, a question burning in his gaze, “And just where do you expect to get funds?”

A cruel, sinister smile crept upon the tall red head’s face, “I know exactly where. Just wait here a moment.” After having said that, Marcelo dashed off towards the jail. He returned moments later with a huge money pouch strapped to his side, and as he approached them, he was grinning.

“And just where did you get that?” Rosa said, her hands planted firmly on her hips.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Marcelo simply said, “It was donated.” He then gestured for everyone to follow him towards the shop where they could get their furs.

The guys were packing up and tying their supplies to the horses' saddles, when Hermione looked towards the jail.

“What are we going to do with our hostage?”

Harry shrugged, “We can just leave him here, let the villagers take care of him from now on.”

“He’s right,” Meldina said, “It is not like we need him anymore, he’ll only be an extra burden on us now.”

“That’s true,” Hermione said with a nod. She couldn’t help the strange feeling she got. Something was going to happen, she just didn’t know what but she could feel it and she was sure that Marc Antony was going to be the cause of it. She shook her head to rid herself of these weird feelings and turned back around towards the group. “All right then, shall we go?”

“Yep,” Harry said with a smile as he watched Hermione mount up on the horse. He turned to the rest of them and they were doing the same so he followed suit. Once they were all atop of their mounts Enzo took the lead since he claimed to know where they were going. They raced towards the entrance of the village and came to a stop, waiting as the very large crank was turning and the gate was opening. The villagers that were standing around all waved to Harry and his friends as they made it through the open gate and out into the wilds of Italy.

They had been traveling for over six hours and the girls were about ready to fall off of their horses from exhaustion. But they didn’t say anything or complain about it. Meldina and Rosa were worse off then Hermione was. Only cause they were not used to riding this much on horseback. It was true Hermione wanted to rest as well, but she also wanted to get home. And the feeling of wanting to get home won out in the end.

“Hey look a pond; we can take a small break for something to eat.” Marcelo spoke up.

“It is such a lovely spot too.” Rosa said and Marcelo looked at her and she lifted a single brow in the form of a question.

“Which is only dwarfed by your beauty,” Marcelo said, smiling dazzlingly.

Rosa blinked and then rolled her eyes before she raced ahead to ride near Hermione to be out of range of that idiot.

“Yes we should stop here for a bit,” Harry said and then pulled his horse to a stop; the rest of them did the same and climbed down.

They gathered by the crystal blue water and sat down on the soft green grass while Hermione passed out food rations, some fruit and dried meat. Looking at their surroundings, Hermione found the spot they had picked to be quiet nice, almost too nice. There were bright blue and purple flowers growing around the pond’s edge with some decorative stones and boulders around them. The sun light was sparkling atop the water. She then wondered how everyone was doing back home. She missed her friends, her family, her time period. She had often read about ancient times and thought of the romantic aspect of it, but she definitely did not want to live during them.

Hermione was just about to comment on her thoughts when a bright light nearly blinded them. After their vision cleared, hovering over the pond was a man, wearing armor over his black and gold toga, his frame rippling with muscle. His hair was the darkest black one had ever seen, and his eyes the shade of dark obsidian. He smiled.

The whole group of travelers all stared at the presence of the man before them.

“Forgive my intrusion,” the man spoke, his powerful voice practically booming in their ears.

“Who are you?” Meldina asked before anyone else could.

The corner of the man’s mouth lifted into a smirk, “What, do you mean you do not recognize me?” He hovered over to the bank of the pond and landed on the soft grass. “In Greece I am known as Aries, God of War, but here in Italy I am called Mars.” He bowed like a respected gentleman.

The four Italian’s in the group immediately got to their feet in respect for their God, they bowed to him and after they stood upright, all four of them looked down at Harry and Hermione who still seemed to be sitting.

Aries’s eyes narrowed in the direction of Harry and Hermione, “Why do you two not show me respect?”

“We aren’t really from around here.” Harry said, but he and Hermione stood anyway, just so that they didn’t feel so threatened by this God.

Nodding, Aries looked Harry up and down, “I see. Well, I had observed your gladiator match and I must say that I was very impressed with all of your skill, especially you.” He pointed to Harry, “Who claims to not be from around here, as you put it.” He started pacing. “I have a favor to ask of you. If you succeed in this I will bestow a gift upon you.”

They didn’t have time for these extra opportunities. They had to get to Torna and get home. But Aries did not stop in his asking, he continued.

“You see there is this foul creature that has been attacking a city that worships me. And well, I just can’t have that. I can not defeat this creature because it is out of my hands. But if you could do something about it, then perhaps my city can be saved.”

“I’m not some kind of hero you know. Go find someone else to save your city.” Harry said with a wave of his hand.

Aries shook his head, “There is no other with the qualifications that you and your group possess.” He looked towards Marcelo, “You would all be rewarded handsomely for your trouble.” Aries then looked at Harry, hoping to convince the boy of this. After all, he did seem like the leader of this pack of humans. “The rewards could perhaps benefit your journey.”

“Just what exactly is this creature that is attacking one of your cities?” Hermione asked him.

“Well my dear, let me tell you that it is a fierce serpent like beast, known as the Hydra.” Aries said with a gleam in his eye.

Hermione’s eyes narrowed in thought, “The Hydra, are you sure? Because that creature I know is a Grecian monster, which lives in the marshes in the vicinity of Argos.”

‘This girl was too intelligent for her own good,’ Aries thought to himself. “Yes well no one told this Hydra that, because it’s terrorizing my city.” He needed to get these people to take care of this monster, but if this girl knew about it then his plan was going to be ruined.

“But if its terrorizing innocent people I don’t see why we can’t help you.” Hermione said.

Harry sighed, “Hermione, we need to get home. This will just delay us more.”

Turning to Harry, Hermione lightly placed her hand on his shoulder. “Harry we need to help these people. Like this God said- if we are the only ones capable of handling this creature then we have to do all we can. It would be wrong if we ignored their cry for help.”

Taking a deep breath, Harry nodded. She was right. He did not want innocent people to suffer either, especially at the hands or rather teeth of a monster. Harry turned around to his group of travelers and they created a circle to talk it over. “So what do you all think?”

“I wonder what kind of reward he is talking about?” Marcelo thought out loud.

Enzo rolled his eyes, “Is that all you ever think about?”

Shaking his head, Marcelo answered. “No, sometimes I think about women.”

“All right, let’s get back on track here.” Harry interrupted. “So do you all have some time to spare to help this city with this creature?”

Meldina nodded, “I think we should help them. After all, if something as dangerous as this creature sounds was attacking a city I was living in I would sure want help.”

Rosa was the only one who did not agree with this, “I think we should leave it alone. I have a feeling there is something more to this story than the God is letting on.”

“Oh Rosa, you’re always suspecting the worst. It’s Mars we’re talking about here. He is asking mortals for help.” Meldina argued.

She was not ready to give up this argument, “That is exactly it, Meldina. The God of war is asking assistance from a couple of mortals.”

“You’re overreacting; we will help these poor city folk from this monster.” Meldina said with anger in her voice. “And you can either help us or not. It doesn’t matter much to me.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to help them—” Rosa started to say but was interrupted by Meldina.

“Then help us, stop complaining.” Meldina nearly shouted.

Rosa shook her head, but said, “Fine, I’ll help. Not that any good will come of this. But I will help.”

With a nod of his head Harry turned around and faced the god, “All right we will help you.”

Aries clapped his hands together once and grinned, “You have done the right thing. Now all I need from this creature is one of its heads, preferably the middle one.” He pulled something out of thin air and threw it to Harry, “This is a map of where the city lies, it’s not too far from here.” And without even so much as a thank you, he disappeared.

“Well let’s get moving,” Hermione said and she mounted up on her horse. Something in the back of her mind told her to be weary of this arrangement and that there was something different about the middle head; she just could not for the life of her remember what it was. Hermione lightly shrugged, she’d probably remember it later. It certainly was not that important.

As soon as everyone was sitting atop their horse they started down the path towards the city that was supposedly being attacked by this monster known as the Hydra.

* * *

Aries looked down into the pool of humanity with a sinister grin upon his face, “Let’s see here,” He watched as the group of humans he had fight the monster was already making good time towards the city. “Well now sister dear,” He said to no one in particular, “I’ve been itching to do this for a long time now.” Aries looked towards his table of clay models, different kinds of creatures were in his collection, he had a Chimera, a Griffon, a minotaur, sirens. All kinds of monsters, he looked for his model of the Hydra. But it wasn’t on the table, where was it? He heard a baby giggling on the floor and turned around. He saw baby Hercules sitting on their chewing on one of the Hydra’s heads.

“Num, num,” Baby Hercules said grinning up at Aries with the head in his mouth.

“Hey now, that’s not yours.” He reached down and took the model from the baby, “Auntie Artemis will be mad if you eat her creatures.” Aries grinned and stood back up, he heard the baby start to move, and he looked towards the floor and saw Hercules crawling away. “It’s my turn to make Artemis angry,” He grinned turning around facing the mortal table and placed the Hydra in the city, he then moved back over to the pool of Humanity to watch the scene unfold.

* * *

As Harry and his friends rode towards the city they could hear wild screaming and a monster’s fierce roar along with the sounds of destruction. He turned to Hermione, “What exactly do you know about this creature?”

“Well it has nine heads and it’s huge and serpent like, kind of like a dragon. But there is something about the middle head that I can’t really remember.” Hermione narrowed her eyes in thought, trying to remember what it was.

Harry nodded, “Yes well that is the head we need to get, and it’s probably the one that kills it.” He looked at this rest of his group, “We should leave the horses out here so that nothing happens to them.”

“Good idea,” Enzo said, and he started to dismount, just like the rest of them.

Out of the saddle bags, they pulled the weapons they bought from the weaponsmith back at the village and raced into the city as families and other citizens were racing out. The six of them all skidded to a halt at what they saw… The Hydra was much larger than a dragon ever was, but it had four legs, and nine heads that were snapping and attacking the citizens. One of them didn’t make it, their leg was ripped off by fierce teeth and the man’s body fell to the ground in a lifeless lump.

Hermione immediately notched an arrow and pulled back the string ready to fire, she took quick aim and released the arrow and it flew towards the middle head to pierce the eye, but it didn’t pierce anything, it just hit and fell to the ground. Hermione was confused, but she didn’t have time to be confused for the creature started towards them and the six of them had to dodge the snapping heads. Hermione dove behind a ruined building.

Marcelo saw his chance to attack the middle head, as the long neck bent down for its other many heads to snap at its victims. Marcelo swung his sword but the middle head backed away as a head from right came at him, he didn’t care his blade sliced through the neck and it laid there twitching for a moment along with the other heads. It wasn’t moving. “There you see we didn’t need to kill the middle head at all.” Marcelo shouted with glee.

Sounds of sloshing and gushing went on behind him, Marcelo slowly turned around to find the severed neck sprouting out three new heads. He jumped back as it roared to life once again.

Harry was shocked to see this but it did not stop him, for he tried to attack the monster, soon everyone but Hermione was in on the fight, heads were being chopped off left and right, but every time that happened three more grew in its place.

“Harry that obviously is not working!” Hermione shouted as she jumped out of the way as one of its necks swooped down at her. She kicked it in its nose and it squealed.

“I know that Hermione! But what else should we do, its trying to eat us and the heads keep coming at us!?”

Rosa was using her sword along with Meldina and they were encountering the same problem.

Harry had perfect aim of the middle head, he could do a jump and slice it off and this would all be over. Hermione saw the same thing, but what she was trying to remember earlier banged its way into her head.

“Harry no!” she was too late as he jumped up towards the middle head and as he was still in mid air aiming to slice it off, Hermione shouted, “Harry the middle head is immortal! You can’t kill it!”

“What!?” Harry yelled and was caught off guard for a moment as the Hydra’s claw had come up and captured him in it’s talons, the heads all looking at him as if he was tonight’s dinner.

The Hydra lifted Harry towards one of its mouths, but other ones got jealous that it was going to be the one to eat so all the heads started attacking the middle one, and Harry was released. He was falling towards the earth as the Hydra was fighting itself. Everything around him slowed and stopped, time was at a standstill.

A woman appeared wearing a short leather toga with some armor over it; she had dark brown hair and amazing emerald eyes. She had a quiver of arrows slung on her back and she was holding a long bow, strapped to her exposed thigh was a dagger and attached to her hip was broadsword. She waved her hand and time started up again and Harry fell to the ground with a loud Oof.

“Wait, that thing is dangerous, get away from it.” Hermione shouted as she started towards the woman.

The woman merely lifted an eyebrow as one of the Hydra’s many heads, bent down and nuzzled the woman, who smiled and patted it on the snout. Hermione blinked and wondered why the creature wasn’t tearing her apart. She then heard Harry’s moan of pain and ran over to him.

“Are you all right Harry?”

Harry got to his knees and nodded, “Yeah, what happened?” He felt Hermione’s hand on his back; he then looked up at the woman who was petting the monster. “I was almost eaten by that thing, and you’re just standing there petting it?!” Harry shouted.

“You deserved it,” the woman said, she stopped petting the Hydra and turned her angry gaze towards Harry. She watched as four others ran to him shaking their heads and telling him to be quiet, but she could tell he wasn’t having any of it.

“Deserved it!? Have you lost your mind?” Harry got to his feet.

“Yes!” She shouted and thunder boomed, “You humans deserve to get eaten, for trying to kill it. It has done nothing to you yet you are all attacking it!”

Harry’s jaw dropped, “What, we were trying to protect this city that this creature was terrorizing.” His eyes narrowed, “Just who are you anyway?”

“Some know me as Diana, but others as Artemis goddess of the hunt. I did not approve of the hunt of one of the god’s creatures, this is grounds for death you do realize that.”

“Then what was it doing here in this city?” Harry asked and the goddess looked like she was thinking.

Hermione nodded approaching, “It’s true, this is a Grecian monster, not usually seen in Italy at all.”

Rosa cleared her throat, “It was Mars who had come to us, saying that we needed to save one of his cities from this creature.”

Artemis’s eyes narrowed, “Aries, you say? He told you this did he?”

In a puff of smoke Aries appeared before them, “You mortal, how dare you mention my name in this slanderous fashion.” He lifted his hand to strike the woman down, but Artemis grabbed his hand in mid air.

“This was all your doing, was it?” Artemis had an eerie calmness sound to her voice.

Aries looked right at Artemis, “Sister dear, who are you going to believe, your own brother or a bunch of mortals?”

Artemis sighed, “I’m not even going to answer that, you know what I would say.” Artemis then turned to the group of mortals. “I apologize for jumping to conclusions; it seems my brother has been playing around. You know him always starting wars.” She waved it off as if it were no big deal.

“You act as if this kind of thing happens all the time.” Harry said in pure disbelief.

“Well young mortal, it does. It just seems that Aries was trying to anger me. It’s all perfectly normal, he does this to our other siblings too. Now if he had any common sense he will not try to anger me for another millennium.”

“You two are related?” Harry asked.

“Unfortunately yes, we just happen to have the same father. Our mothers are completely different, but we are both Aries and I are a set of twins. Apollo is mine and Eris is his.”

“We were almost killed because of him!” Hermione shouted pointing a finger at Aries.

“Yes and I am deeply sorry about that.” Artemis said as she approached the humans. “How about we make it up to you in some way?”

“Not ruddy likely,” Aries said, but he felt his sister bash him in the stomach with her elbow. “Fine.” He said with disgust as he crossed his arms over his muscled chest.

Artemis smiled and with the wave of her hand, four immortals appeared before them. “Because of Aries’ deceit we the immortals shall grant to each of you something of great value.”

Aries grunted, “I will start.” He pointed to Harry, “You step forward.” Just as Harry approached Aries, The god pulled from his holster a mighty sword with diamonds adorning the hilt and he handed it to the young man. “This is the finest sword in all the universe, it is completely unbreakable and you can cut through anything, stone, bones, you name it, this metal used will not leave a scratch.” He waited as Harry looked at the weapon as he stepped away from Aries.

It was Artemis who then called Hermione forward, she pulled the quiver of arrows off her back, “These are sacred silver arrows, they will pierce the heart of any living creature no matter which distance you stand, they are also used to purify.” She handed her arrows and bow to Hermione. “I had watched you use the human arrows, and you were impressive with those, lets see how you would use these in the future.” She smiled as Hermione was looking down at the arrows.

One of the immortal’s that was summoned by Artemis stepped forward, it was Athena and she was holding a bronze helmet. Artemis signaled for Marcelo to stand before Athena who was smiling.

Athena looked the mortal over, “This is a helmet which makes its wearer invisible.” She handed it to him.

Rosa leaned over to Meldina, “Is she sure she wants to give him that particular gift.”

Meldina snickered, “Who knows what he would use it for.”

“I can only imagine.” Rosa said with annoyance in her voice. It was then her turn to be called and she stood before another immortal with shimmering golden hair and enchanting blue eyes.

“Greetings mortal, I am Aphrodite, which you would know me as Venus.” She held a hand mirror towards Rosa. “This is a mirror which one can see the truth in a lie.”

Rosa nodded and accepted the gift, and stepping away. It was then Enzo’s turn and he approached one of the God’s who was wearing really thick armor.

“Mortal, I am Hephaistos, which I am known here as Vulcan.” And he presented Enzo with a golden shield. “A shield crafted by me that will protect against anything.” He handed Enzo the shield and watched as the young mortal stepped back.

Meldina was the last and she stepped towards the last immortal.

“I normally do not do this kind of thing, for I live among mortals myself. But I thought I would make an exception for this group and for you. I am Hestia which is known here in Italy as Vesta. This is a rope which I weaved from the strongest fabrics and I am bestowing it upon you. Lady Meldina. It is completely unbreakable, it will not tear or shred. You can hold any weight amount with this rope.” She handed the rope to Meldina and watched as the young member of Italian royalty stepped back.

Artemis then looked at each one of the mortals, “Guard these gifts well mortals for once they are gone you will not get them back.”

“Eh, sorry about the...” Harry gestured towards the Hydra.

Artemis was smiling, “That is not your fault, and I will be dealing accordingly with Aries.” She turned her gaze upon him and narrowed her eyes and she saw her brother lightly grin. “Come Aries I need someone to use as target practice.” She grabbed his arm and all of the immortals along with the Hydra disappeared.

Rosa then turned to Meldina, “See I told you something was up, since when does a God need help from mortals? And didn’t I say that already?”

Marcelo put his hand on Rosa’s shoulder, “Now, now Rosa, it’s not as bad as you made it out to be. Look at what we have been granted.” Marcelo was gazing down at his helmet.

“Look you idiot, we were almost killed.” Rosa glared at Marcelo and then at his hand on her shoulder, “And take your hand from off of my person before I remove it.”

Not wasting any time, Marcelo quickly removed his hand from Rosa’s shoulder, “You know I’m getting the feeling you don’t like me much.”

“Gee, what gave you that idea?” Rosa said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

“You’ll see Rosa; you’ll fall for me before this journey is over.” Marcelo said with sly smirk.

Rosa rolled her eyes again, “Highly doubtful.”

Marcelo snickered, “You will, you’ll see.” He kept grinning.

Meldina and Enzo were both laughing and Rosa turned to them with a sour look upon her face and shouted, “Oh be quiet the lot of you,” And she stalked off towards Harry and Hermione.

And together the six of them headed back towards their horses to continue on their journey towards Torna, who knew what they would encounter next. But they were prepared for anything especially with their newest additions to their weapons. Hopefully, everything would go smoothly now.

* * *

A lone figure in the jail cell chained up the person who was bringing him food; he slipped the hood on and exited the jail, hoping to avoid the demon that protected the village and escape. He would get Marcelo and his new friends back for what they did to him, he promised himself that he would not rest until he got his revenge. He saw a drunken man fall off his horse unconscious and with a grin to himself, he said, “perfect.”


Well that is it for chapter 11, I hoped everyone enjoyed it and hope you stay tuned for chapter 12, it’ll be really exciting.

Remember to review,


Ryoko Blue

12. Troubles

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 12—Troubles

Evening seemed to be approaching at a much faster speed now. The group counted their blessings when they found an inn. Counting the money they had left, Harry figured they would run out of funds soon and he was sure they were still a very long way from Torna. He hoped they did not have to do any extra jobs on the way. That would make the time it took to get to the city even longer.

After paying the inn keeper the correct amount of money for three rooms, Marcelo and Enzo decided to room together and Rosa and Meldina decided to share their room with each other which left Hermione and Harry to share a room. Harry and Hermione did not realize that their traveling party had decided to give them their privacy.

“Good night,” Rosa giggled from the door of her and Meldina’s room, “We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning.”

“Alright,” Hermione smiled and turned following Harry into their room.

Harry immediately lit the candles using his wand. The room was small, but clean. There was one square window on the left side, and the sun had gone down completely. There was a bed, the head board made of iron rested up against the far wall, a small table with two chairs, and three candles sitting on the flat splintered wood of the table. There was no bathroom. Hermione had remembered seeing a bathroom in the hall on their way up here.

The room was very quiet. Harry started pulling out food from their packs for dinner, he separated the fruits and the meats into piles, he wasn’t really concentrating on the food, more like the thoughts that were running through his mind were the gods, man what a ridiculous lot they are, how can they treat people like that! We almost died! Harry thought crossly. Time seemed to pass by as the two of them sat on the bed that was surprisingly soft and ate their dinner in silence while Harry was deep in thought.

“How’s your shoulder?” Hermione suddenly spoke, causing Harry to jump a bit, startled. She heard him laugh softly.

Hermione smirked, “Did I scare ya?” She snickered

Running a hand through his hair, Harry nodded. “Well I was just thinking.”

“About what?”

Harry waved his hand in the air nonchalantly, “Nothing really important, the same stuff. You know, how are we going to get home, what other immortal beings are going to use us as pawns in their little games?”

“It was awfully unfair for them to do that to us,” Hermione shook her head with disappointment, “You would think immortal beings had much more important things to do than to bother mortals.”

Harry shoved a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it quickly, “You were asking about my shoulder?”

“Yes,” she answered seriously. Hermione wanted to know if the stitches that the nurse maid back in the village had been pulled out or loose because of the battle that they had. Of course she didn’t see any blood or anything through his shirt but you can never be too careful.

“I’m not going to lie to you Hermione and tell you it doesn’t hurt, it hurts like hell.” He knew she was going to ask to see it, so might as well beat her to her question. Harry grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. He saw Hermione’s eyes shoot up towards the curved wound that had been sewn together. Harry tilted his head looking at it himself. He noticed that it was still puffy but the swelling had gone down considerably. He was relieved to find that the thread was not pulled and the wound did not open but of course, there was still some blood lightly flowing from it.

Hermione hummed, scrutinizing the wound, “Well at least it’s not ripped open or anything. It could have you know; considering you were waving that sword around like there was no tomorrow.”

“Hey now, would you have rather gotten eaten by that thing?”

Her hands lifted in the air defensively, “Hey I wasn’t saying that it was completely wrong, Harry. You sure jump to conclusions.”

Slouching forward, Harry rested his chin on his fist and grumbled, “Sorry,” he said a tad tensely, while looking away from her.

Rolling her eyes, she did not want to get into a fight with him now of all times, besides she was too tired to do much of anything even argue. Rubbing her tired eyes, she then stretched her arms up towards the ceiling. “I’m going to bed.” Getting up she moved their packs off the bed and placed them up against the wall.

“Are you mad at me?” Harry asked innocently.

“Not mad, Harry.” She sighed and pulled the blankets back, “I’m just tired all right.” Hermione answered in an annoyed tone and Harry groaned. Hermione ignored that for now, she slipped quietly into the blankets, her back to him.

Great, now he was getting the silent treatment. That girl got mad quicker than anyone he knew, even his relatives. But being a gentleman, instead of starting a fight, he quietly got up and went to the candles on the table and blew them out for her. “Good night Hermione.” The half moon light shone in the room from the window and the stars were twinkling brightly.

“Good night.” Hermione said while yawning.

He grabbed a chair from around the table, and brought it over to the window and sat down, glancing out. Harry wondered what other dangers they would come in contact with. he had to admit that he was afraid, who wouldn’t be afraid if they were suddenly dropped back in the ancient past, with monsters ready to swallow you whole, and the fear of losing the one you care about to those monsters. The mere idea of it, caused Harry to shudder, he took a look over at Hermione, her back was still facing his direction. Wondering if she was already asleep, he quietly stood from the chair and headed over to the bed.

Reaching the side of the bed, he leaned over the side, over her back to peer at her face, her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady, “Hermione?” he whispered, and when Harry didn’t receive an answer he nodded to himself. Definitely, she was asleep. Perhaps he should get some sleep too. After deciding that he stripped down to his boxers and climbed in the bed next to Hermione and throwing his arm over his eyes to block out any of the light that came in through the window. With his other hand, he grabbed the blankets and pulled them over himself and settled down to sleep.

The room was boiling, stifling as he threw off the blanket, his legs resting out on top of the sheets, he could hear Hermione’s soft breathing next to him an occasional snore escaped her nose and he sniggered to himself. He cursed her silently for being able to sleep in this heat, he didn’t know what time it was only that the moon was high in the sky. He couldn’t see it anymore that’s for sure but the moons rays shone in through the window, stupid nearly full moon, Harry thought to himself. Hearing the blankets shift and the mattress move next to him, he turned his head and looked at Hermione.

One of her hands was fisted in the blanket and it was stretched up over her breasts and pulled tight resting against her neck, her legs were tangled in the sheets, and Harry could see her creamy thigh. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes and his heartbeat sped up. It was true it had been a long time since he had held her, been this close to her since they had been here in the past. Gods he missed touching her and keeping her close to him. His eyes shot up and he again looked in her direction.

Shifting on his side and propping himself up on his elbow he gazed down at her sleeping face, she seemed so peaceful and happy. Harry lifted his hand and lightly traced her cheek with his finger tips, he felt a sudden surge of guilt knowing that it was all his fault that she was here in this ancient time, her life in danger. It was all his fault, she should not be suffering, she is innocent. Harry promised himself as he stroked his fingers in her hair that he would never let anything happen to her, that he would always protect her. No matter what. Leaning over he lightly pressed his lips to her forehead, “I promise.” He whispered to her sleeping form, then lightly tracing her neck and throat with his fingers.

In her sleep, Hermione smiled and seeing it made Harry’s stomach flip. Leaning in, Harry lightly touched his lips to her nose and then her cheek, he heard her softly sigh. Pulling back he saw her eye lashes flutter and then open.

Turning her head a bit, looking at him, she blinked her eyes getting used to having being woken up. “Harry?” She started softly, and then felt a soft brushing on her bare thigh, she cleared her throat. “What are you doing?” she asked tiredly.

Harry simply smiled and moved in kissing her full on the mouth, his fingers stroking her skin, moving towards the crease between them, she moaned softly and her thighs seemed to part a little, Hermione felt his hand rub up the inside of her thigh, caressing with his palm and fingers, then fingers disappearing in the juncture between legs, and she groaned out loud.

“Harry,” She breathed out, “A—are you sure you want to do this.” Hermione moaned, “What about your…” Her pulse raced faster as she felt his hand palming her sex and his finger pressing inside her, “Injury?” She closed her eyes and seemed to purr lightly.

Grinning against her neck, Harry lightly kissed her there. “Don’t worry about it.” He whispered and moved his finger quicker inside her warmth.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Hermione was still careful of his injury. She clung to him as he rubbed his other hand up and down her hip, her side, up to cup her breast, shaping it with his palm causing Hermione to squeal lightly.

“Harry,” Hermione said her voice sounding thick, her eyes found his and she smiled, carefully pushing him on his back and swinging her leg over him, straddling him. Her hair hung down to one side and she moved in and kissed him hard on the mouth, her palms were flattened against his chest as she adjusted herself so she was positioned over his hard erection. Taking but a moment Harry reached down between the both of them to rid himself of his boxers.

They were both breathing hard as Hermione lifted the bottom half of her toga, at the same time her tongue dipping into his mouth, mating with his. Her hand went between them and she curved her fingers around his length, hearing him sigh she pressed the tip of his erection in between her folds while pressing herself down slowly onto him. Hermione moaned his name seductively and Harry reached up gripping her hips while pressing the back of his head into the pillow his mouth slightly open in pure bliss as her body engulfed his hardness like a warm glove.

Her face contorted in complete concentration as the feelings of being stretched and filled completely, raced through her. Oh it was the most intense feeling as she settled down on him completely, her heart pounded hard within her chest. She started slow, moving herself up and down on him, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the feelings she was feeling. Getting to a sitting position, Harry still let her have most of the control, but he wanted to touch her, hold her, and caress her body.

The shoulder strap of her toga gown had fallen down exposing more of her shoulder; Harry bent forward kissing his way from her shoulder, up her slender neck, to press his mouth hard against hers as her body exquisitely moved atop his, harder and harder. Hermione’s arms circled around his neck as she cried out with every move she made, her eyes blissfully shut. His hands were everywhere, her back, her breasts molding and caressing flicking her stiff nipples with his fingers.

Gods she missed this, missed him, missed feeling him there deeper inside her, nearly bringing out a wild demon from within her. Her mouth found his, hard and hot. Hermione felt herself start to shake atop of him, Harry held her tighter to him, as she reached it, the peak of her pleasure, falling into sweet nothingness, melting from reality.

Feeling her tighten around him felt so good, so hot. Harry clutched her hips hard, pulling her down forcefully onto him, imbedding himself deep within her folds, inside her eternal warmth crying out. He fell backwards onto the bed, Hermione on top of him. Both of them breathing so hard, they felt their lungs would burst out of their chests. Moaning in appreciation, Hermione stayed exactly where she was, she did not want to move. She felt fingers in her hair and she smiled while her eyes were drifting closed, her cheek resting against his chest as she listened to his very soothing heartbeat.

Pulling the blankets up around them, Harry tucked them in. He did not want to move her. He wanted to stay just this way. Circling his arms around her, holding her tightly too him, he felt his eyes start to droop and then close as he seemed to join her in the land of slumber.


The sounds of birds chirping outside and the combination of the warm sunrays shinning brightly on Hermione’s sleeping face caused her to squint, coming out of the daze of slumber. She woke feeling surprisingly well rested for the first time since they had been thrown back in the past. Hermione feeling that someone was watching her, turned her head to find Harry, dressed and sitting in a chair by the side of the bed. “Good morning.” She smiled brightly.

Harry simply returned the gesture, “Morning.”

“How long have you been awake?” She asked rising to a sitting position.

Shrugging, Harry stretched his arms forward and then leaned back in the chair, “Not long. You just looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.”

Hermione threw the blankets off of her and lifted herself off the bed, her toga hem falling down to her thighs; she really needed to get some other clothes, something more suitable for travel. Stretching her arms upward, Hermione pulled the kinks out of her back and sighed. “Is your shoulder all right?”

Nodding, Harry answered, “Yeah, why do you ask?” He reached back and rubbed the back of his neck.

She reached up and started twirling the ends of her hair with her fingers, “Well you know after what happened between us last night; I figured you could have pulled the stitches out.” Hermione rocked back and forth on her heels, “The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

“I understand Hermione,” Harry stood and approached coming to stand in front of her, “No worries.” He reached up and held his hand out to her, Harry watched as Hermione slipped her fingers into his open hand, his fingers curving around her hand. “I am as fine as can be,” Harry pulled her closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, resting his chin atop her head. He felt her relax into him as she too wrapped her arms around him. “We should get going; the others are probably waiting for us.” He said quietly.

Nodding slowly, she agreed. “Yeah we should.” Stepping out of his embrace, Hermione lifted her head, smiling sweetly at him. “We need to get home.” Hermione spun around and went for her pack lying up against the wall, Harry did the same.

A brief stop to the bathroom, and using a piece of leather as a toothbrush to clean their teeth, and perform other necessary bathroom duties; it was tough living in this time period, no indoor plumbing, the water was pumped in by a lever and the toilet was just a wooden bowl which someone had to clean it out daily. They sure didn’t take too long in there that was for sure. Hermione and Harry raced down to the lobby of the inn, where sure enough their group was waiting for them. Enzo was playing the game of Paper, Rock, Scissors, with Rosa, which Hermione showed them yesterday. It appeared that Rosa was winning and she was an awful winner, pointing, laughing and cheering herself on every time she got the upper hand. It made both Harry and Hermione laugh seeing Enzo’s grumpy face.

While they were all walking outside into the warm morning sunlight, Marcelo said, “Ah, there you two are.” with a knowing tone, “Can I assume you two were up pretty late.” He wiggled his brows suggestively.

Hermione’s face flamed crimson, “That is none of your business, come on Harry.” She said throwing her nose in the air.

Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at her embarrassment, “Come on Marcelo, that’s enough. What we do is our own business.”

“I agree, besides you’re in love and that is so wonderful.” Meldina softly sighed and clapped her hands together. “Love is such a beautiful thing.”

Running a hand through his hair, Marcelo leaned on the side of the inn looking charmingly at Meldina, “You know, I believe in love too.”

Meldina’s brow arched with suspicion, “Is that so?”

“Yeah,” He straightened up, “The love between a man and a woman is truly one of the Gods’ greatest gifts they could bestow upon us mortals.”

Her eyes seemed to sparkle with admiration; perhaps he wasn’t as stupid as she thought. She was smiling.

“You know, Meldina, I could prove to you how wonderful being in love can be. We can even practice.”

She growled, and the sparkling admiration left her eyes, “Practice, practice for what?”

Hearing a low growl, Harry and Hermione glanced up from the map they were looking at, their attention now was firmly on what was going on around them, rather than figuring out how to get to Torna.

Marcelo’s arm curved around Meldina’s shoulder and he pulled her closer, he did not notice that she was irritated, her whole body shook slightly with anger and her eyes were closed, her fist rising up against her chest. “Why practice for our wedding night of course.” He said rather roguishly.

For a moment, letting her anger reach its peak, Meldina did not even speak, she just lifted her hand and then at the same time as she said…“Why you…pervert!” She shouted, having slapped him so hard that it knocked him to the ground. She turned abruptly and stomped away from him while shaking her tense fists around heading towards Hermione, “He won’t get away with this, he won’t, he won’t!”

Enzo was snickering, and Marcelo simply gazed at her from his spot on the ground, “She loves me,” He grinned smoothly. Marcelo could hear even Harry and Hermione laughing, but he just shrugged it off and stood, dusting himself off as if it hadn’t even happened. “So where are we going?”

Hermione calmed down from her laughing fit, “We will be going up through these mountains,” She pointed to the map, and Enzo and Marcelo moved by her side and glanced over her shoulder looking down at the mountain range.

“Hmm, we’re going up into those mountains?” Enzo asked with caution in his voice.

“Yeah, why?” Harry could see the discomfort in the way Enzo was standing.

Rubbing the back of his head, nervously, Enzo replied. “Well it’s dangerous is all, Are you sure you want to risk your life over this.”

Harry nodded, “We would risk it all just to get home.”

With a sigh, Enzo wondered himself if this was worth it. “You know, you two could have a perfectly happy life.”

Hearing the concern in his voice, Hermione knew what he was trying to say. Saying that he really didn’t want anyone to suffer or get hurt. “That might be true Enzo, but we don’t belong here. Our family, our friends are all back in twenty first century, and as wonderful as you make it all sound, I would not want to continue living in this time period. We are already too set in our ways to conform to living without plumbing for one.” Hermione teased with a friendly smile.

Feeling a hard slap on his back, Harry looked at Marcelo. “Did you want to say something?”

Marcelo nodded, “Yeah, let’s get you two home.” The red head said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Good idea.” Harry also grinned and started rolling up the map and putting it securely in his pack.

The group then climbed up onto their horses and headed towards the mountains and most of all getting closer to Torna.


“It’s so c-c-cold.” Hermione’s teeth chattered as she pulled the fur lined coat tighter around her body. Her nose felt frozen as if it were ready to pop off.

They were high in the frozen mountains; Hermione didn’t even think there was snow during this time of year. It was summer. As if by magic a sudden blizzard assaulted the traveling party.

“Harry!” Hermione screeched through the mad falling snow and howling wind, “We can’t go on anymore in this weather.”

He tended to agree, “I know, but I don’t see any shelter for us.”

“Meldina, what should we do?” Rosa asked. Her fingers felt like they were frozen to the horses’ reins. Even wearing their thick coats the cold seemed to be biting into them worse than ever.

Squinting, Harry thought he saw a light coming towards them, it kept coming closer and closer. Pulling his horse to a stop, the light still pressed forward. “Do you guys see that?”

“Do you think it’s a ghost?” Rosa asked, also squinting.

The light suddenly stopped moving, “Who is there?” A feminine voice shouted and the blizzard immediately died down.

The whole group blinked for what they saw in front of them was a tall young woman, wearing a white fur coat, her eyes were the darkest black and there was a whispering of midnight bangs resting against her forehead, but as the wind settled and ruffled through her hair, they could see a small purple triangle shaped marking on her forehead.

Harry cleared his throat, “We are on our way to Torna. Would there be an inn or something somewhere where we could rest for awhile?”

The woman stepped closer, her eyes squinting as she shoved the lantern in Harry’s face. “I know you.” She said with tensely.

Arching his brows, Harry wondered how she knows him. He has never seen her in his whole entire life. “How do you know me?”

A tiny smirk curved against her lips, “I just know.” Her smirk disappeared and all that was in its place was an emotionless mask, “Follow me, you may rest in my palace.” She gestured with a grand sweep of her arm towards the tall palace which seemed to be made of nothing but ice. It was a sight to behold, much like in a fairy tale, with its towers and turrets. The woman started walking, what was odd about this woman was that she wasn’t wearing shoes, her feet were bare and she wasn’t even shivering.

Harry looked back at his friends and they all nodded, turning around he nudged his horse and it started moving, following the young woman.

Men dressed in what looked like flimsy tunics ran forward and took charge of the horses.

“Aren’t they cold?” Meldina asked the woman about the stable hands.

The woman merely shook her head and said, “No,” Plainly. After giving each of her guests a glance over, she cleared her throat. “You seem harmless enough, come along inside.”

They followed her through the courtyard of trees which looked jagged and dead, a fountain was frozen over and snow seemed to dust everything lightly. The woman brought them in through two large iron doors, which she pulled open herself really easily.

Marcelo’s jaw dropped the moment he and his friends stepped inside, “This is absolutely amazing.” He said in awe, what’s more was that he felt warm, not at all like he thought. Sure a castle made of ice should be cold, but this was not. It was toasty warm.

The woman led them into one of the sitting rooms, where she pointed to the sofa, and chairs which were placed decoratively around a wooden table. She sat down herself in a chair with a high back and a red cushion for her head to lean against. She watched as everyone else took a seat.

“First things first,” She started, “I am Ereena, and welcome to my home.”

Hermione gasped and nudged Harry lightly with her elbow, she saw him nod in understanding.

“You are Ereena?” Harry now noticed that she did look an awful lot like Ellia, except for the differences in eye and hair color. Ellia was a silver and angelic looking, where as Ereena here seemed the exact opposite.

“I am surprised to hear that you have heard of me?” Ereena answered in a soft tone, as if she wasn’t surprised at all.

Hermione fidgeted in her seat, wringing her fingers together. “We met your sister.”

The woman’s eyes seemed to blaze red for a moment, before changing back to their dark obsidian like color. “You met my sister? How unfortunate for you.” Ereena crossed her legs, one over the other and shifted a bit in her chair. “I want to apologize to you about the blizzard which I put in your path. You see, I do not trust strangers and you trespassed into my realm.”

“You made that blizzard?” Rosa asked sitting up straighter.

Ereena grinned, “That I did, and you see I am an enchantress, much like my sister. Although my tastes tend to run a little darker than hers, there is nothing I won’t try. But she, Ellia, has a conscience.” She said this as she glanced down at her clean fingernails.

“I’m curious,” Harry spoke up, “Why is it you think you know me?”

Again there was that smirk upon Ereena’s lips, “Well when I spoke to the oracle that lives in Sapphire City, she told me that several young people were coming to pay me a visit. I of course didn’t really believe her at first, until this very arrogant young man whose face she showed me in her seeing pool, he in fact came to my door, I let him in. He stayed a night and was gone by sunrise the next day.” She then snarled, “That bastard deceived me and ran off with a few of my spells, powerful ones at that.”

“Spells?” Hermione asked, “What kind of spells.”

Ereena sighed and leaned back in her chair, folding her hands in front of her in her lap. “Ones that kill, I had just invented this one where a stream of green light shot out from a wand could kill a human instantly.”

Both Harry and Hermione turned and looked at each other knowingly, they brought their attention back to Ereena.

“What did the oracle say about us?” Hermione asked.

“That you would get revenge for me, for him stealing my spells. I saw all of our faces in that pool of liquid.” Ereena grinned, “Now I trust you will do what is expected of you.”

“We have no time to go chasing around a thief.” Harry said to Ereena.

Ereena’s eyes narrowed and she got to her feet, “You will do what is expected of you, the oracle has already foretold it. She wasn’t wrong about the thief, so I don’t think she is wrong about you.”

Crossing her feet at her ankles, Hermione let out a puff of air, “What else did this thief take from you?”

Her cross expression turned to one of kindness, Ereena walked over to Hermione, “Would you like to see where I create my spells, perhaps I can show you what that thief had taken.” Holding her hand out to Hermione, Ereena could feel something incredibly interesting about this girl.

Hesitating at first, Hermione then gathered her wits and bravery and slipped her hand into Ereena’s. She was pulled to her feet and with a wink, Ereena turned around pulling Hermione behind her. Ereena hadn’t gotten but two steps, when she turned around sharply. “The rest of you stay here.” Her eyes blazed red.

“Will Hermione be all right if she is alone with you?” Harry asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

“Certainly,” Ereena said, then pulling Hermione along leaving no time for arguing “So, what time period do you come from?”

Hermione was shocked, “How did you know?”

Snickering, Ereena smiled brightly. “The oracle told me of you, of what you would do for me and my orb.”

Feeling a sudden chill run up her spine, Hermione remembered everything about that orb, no matter how long it has been, she would never, ever forget it. “What will I be doing for you?”

Ereena did not answer Hermione’s question, she would ask one of her own. “Tell me, how did you feel when it was in your presence?” She was now walking side by side with Hermione.

“I was slowly losing my mind, your orb is bad. It shouldn’t even exist.”

“It made you believe your worst fears, didn’t it?” Ereena was looking away from Hermione but there was a very pleased smile upon her face. “That is the whole point of it my dear, how far did it control you?”

Hermione shook her head, “It didn’t control me into hurting anyone if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Then you did not have it long enough,” Ereena said with a hint of disappointment. The continued on through the halls and finally came to a stairwell that led downwards in a spiral. “Down there is my creating room, would you like to see it?”

She had to admit, she was curious. Even if Hermione here was in the home of the so called evil twin, she wanted to know what this Ereena was actually capable of. “Yes Ereena, please show me.”

With a smile that would rival the Cheshire cat, Ereena’s grin was in fact very large. She clutched Hermione’s hand a little tighter with her left hand, and then with her right she pushed in one of the ice blocks in the wall. There was the sound of something scraping, part of the wall opened allowing the two of them to enter the creating room.

Ereena lit the lamps and the room filled with bright light, “So what do you think? I know it is a bit messy, but when I create there is no time for cleaning.” Walking over to one of the ice sculpted chairs that were lying on its side; she picked it up and started making the room a bit more presentable. Like the other rooms in the palace, this one too was made of ice, even the shelves that lined books of spells. There were glass beakers on a long ice table with different colored liquids in it. The room was definitely a lot messier than Merlin’s cave back at Camelot, scrolls laid about the floor crumpled and torn, books were left open, their pages down on the table which would in fact ruin the bindings. Candles only half used were thrown about the corners.

Something sparkled getting Hermione’s attention. It was round and made of crystal. While Ereena started to straighten up Hermione cautiously stepped closer to the object. She remembered this thing. Perhaps if she took it now and threw it down some hole or something, it would save herself from having to go through all this pain later. Her eyes widened with her plan, yes it was a good plan. Hermione did not realize that she had this dazed look in her eyes as she reached for orb. Blinking, getting her attention back to what she was going to do. She decided it was probably better if she did not look at it.

Reaching down, Hermione tore the last bit of her toga which was ready to be ripped off anyway, and cautiously while keeping a close watch on Ereena, bent slightly and wrapped the cloth around the orb, securing it from her sight. Making sure that she was not going to get caught, Hermione with the orb in hand reached up and slipped it into the opening of her pack. She would get rid of this thing if it was the last thing she would ever do.

Harry paced the floor, waiting for Hermione and Ereena’s return, was it exactly wise to let Hermione go off with a woman who has an orb that inflicts pain and torture on someone. What was he thinking, why did he let Hermione go alone, what if she was in danger, what if she was… he gulped…dead. “Hermione!” He turned around to head in the direction the two girls left in, when he saw Hermione there, smiling and laughing.

Relief surged through his entire being and he sank to the chair. Thank the fates for that. He thought to himself. He figured he better tell Hermione that the plan had changed. That they were going to journey to the Sapphire City to pay a visit to this oracle, perhaps she could help them with their quest and journey home. He just hoped that Hermione understood and did not blow a fuse.

Enzo was mostly quiet while the plans were being rearranged, he dreaded this, seeing the oracle, he would have to face her again and he really wasn’t looking forward to this.


Well that is it for chapter 12, I know it has been awhile since the update, but I hope you all stayed with me in the long wait. I’ll try to get the next one out sooner. Things to come in the next chapter. The oracle, orbs, Sapphire City, Jealousy and what’s this… a yeti? *Grins* So Until next time readers.

Remember to review,

Thank you,

Ryoko Blue