A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal by lillyfan16 Rating: PG13 Genres: Romance, Humor Relationships: Lily & James Book: Lily & James, Books 1 - 6 Published: 26/05/2005 Last Updated: 31/01/2006 Status: Paused After Lily Evans and James Potter find out they will both be having arranged marriages to each other, they decided to try and fool their friends into thinking they are in love... But can they fool themselves¿ What happens when they are no longer acting? 1. The Bride-To-Be ------------------ ***Title:** A Year of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal* *Summary*: When Lily and James hear the news that they will both have an arranged marriage to each other, they don't take it easily. Lily and James’ Seventh Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is full of many secrets, lies, and betrayal to the people they love. ***Dedication:** Thank you to Danni, the best beta in the world, Jenny who thought of the story and got it moving, and Brooke for just being cool.* ***Disclaimer:** I do not own the Harry Potter series, sadly, but anything you do not recognize as being Ms. J.K. Rowling’s, is mine. I will not post this every chapter so this applies to the whole story.* Chapter One: The Bride-To-Be “An *arranged* marriage?” Lily Evans sat at the small round table in her family's kitchen. Across the table, her mother was shredding a napkin into tiny pieces of paper fluff with nervous hands. Beside her was her father, eyeing Lily nervously, wincing slightly in the aftermath of her rage-filled outburst. Next to her father sat her sister Petunia, whose horse-like face was contorted into an open-mouthed look of gleeful shock. “What on earth do you mean, *arranged* *marriage*?!” Lily fumed. Her mother opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted. Nigel Evans felt it was his duty, as head of the household, to try to reign in his youngest daughter's fury. “Lily-flower, please try to understand. We're trying our best to embrace your culture. It has been very difficult on your mother and I, and your sister to come to terms with the fact that you're…well…*different*.” Beside him, Petunia made a noise that sounded something like she was clearing her throat, but also suspiciously like the word `freak'. Lily glared at Petunia before turning her angry frown back towards her parents. “Lily, please. We really are trying. We went and met with that headmaster of yours, Bumblesomething…We asked him what we could do to help you after you were done with your schooling. This was his suggestion!” Her mother pleaded, her voice rising in desperation. “Professor *Dumbledore*” - she enunciated pointedly - “suggested that you arrange for me to be married? That's how he thinks you can be of the most assistance to me after I graduate from Hogwarts?” Mr. and Mrs. Evans cringed at the mention of the school's name and the oddly calm manner their daughter's voice had adopted. “Yes, Lily. He said it was `an age-old tradition', didn't he Nigel? Said that most…er…*families* arrange marriages for their children, in your culture.” Her father nodded in accord. Lily looked back and forth between her parents in utter amazement. In front of her mother on the table lay a soft pile of shredded paper, her hands now wringing anxiously. Her father's face was pale and she let her gaze follow a bead of sweat that started at his temple and tracked down his neck into the crisp white collar of his shirt. She couldn't believe that Dumbledore would tell her parents - her *muggle* parents - something like that! *They* didn't know any better. She just hoped they hadn't entered into any sort of agreement yet. Anxiety began to overtake her. “Mum, dad, please tell me you didn't agree to anything. Please, tell me I can get out of this!” Her parents refused to make eye contact with her. “No! You didn't! Please, mum, please tell me you didn't choose someone already!” Beside her, Petunia sniggered quietly. “Sweetheart, we thought it would be best to just choose while we were there. Professor Deedledum had a lovely young man picked out already. He called him a `bright lad', and apparently he is quite well-off.” Lily bit her lip to prevent a scream. “Did you sign anything? Did he make you sign anything?!” She asked frantically. Her father met her fiery gaze, and averted his eyes ashamedly. “Yes, dear…We signed a contract releasing you to the boy as soon as you come of age.” “WHAT?!” Her mother let out a small frightened peep as Lily's angry yell reverberated through the small kitchen. Her father cleared his throat nervously. “Now, Lily. I'll have none of that unnecessary noise in my house. Your mother and I have done what we feel is best for you and for your future. We have arranged to meet with the boy's family tomorrow morning. They will be arriving here shortly after eleven.” Lily spluttered furiously, “UNNECESSARY…BEST…*TOMORROW*?!” Petunia let out a peal of malicious laughter. “NO!” “I'm sorry, dear. Everything has already been decided,” her father declared. “But - but - what on earth would any pure-blooded family, and I assume the family *is* pure-blooded, want with a muggle-born like me?” Lily demanded. Her parents looked momentarily confused by the terms `pure-blood' and `muggle'. Lily sighed. “Ah, right. Yes. The family is pure…blooded. And Professor Humblebumble assured us that the family feels that mixing…er…bloodlines…is the best option for their future.” Lily felt her face grow hot. “FOR MERLIN'S SAKE THE MAN'S NAME IS DUMBLEDORE!” “Yes, Lily, of course it is. Now stop your silly yelling and go clean your bedroom. No doubt your fiancé will want to see it.” Lily let out a horrified squeak. She got up from the table in something of a daze, and turned to leave the room. She stopped in her tracks, however, as something resembling realization dawned on her. “Wait. Mum, who is he?” she asked slowly. Her mother raised her head. “Who is *who*, dear?” Lily hit her forehead with the palm of her hand. “The boy, mum! The boy you've just legally bound me to? The boy I'm supposed to marry? Your bloody future SON-IN-LAW!” she cried in exasperation, her voice rising. “Lily, please. There's no need to curse,” replied her father. Lily ground her teeth together. Petunia watched the exchange as if it were a ping-pong match. Her mother grinned in a way she though was mischievous, but was really just plain creepy. “You'll find out tomorrow, Lily-love! I *know* how much you love surprises!” Lily gave a strangled cry of rage and stalked irately out of the room. Lily worked long into the night, furiously scrubbing and polishing every surface of her bedroom, preparing it for inspection by her new family. All the while, her mind wandered. She thought of all the boys at school that she thought that Dumbledore might choose for her. There were the boys in Gryffindor house, but they were all mainly prats. Surely Dumbledore would have more sense than to promise her to some pure-blooded idiot like Sirius Black, or even worse the short pudgy boy Peter Pettigrew. And her friend Remus, she knew, wasn’t completely pure-blooded. And there was that one boy whom she wouldn't even name who would be the worst boy to marry. She didn't let her mind wonder there. There was that lovely bloke in Ravenclaw whose name she thought was Theodore Whaling, though that might also have been the name of their Quidditch captain; Lily was never very good at remembering names, but he might be ok. There were always the Slytherins, but Dumbledore wasn't about to pair her with someone like Severus Snape or Walden MacNair, was he? Surely not, she hoped. That left the Hufflepuffs. Was she doomed to spend the rest of her life as a Hufflepuff breeding machine? It was then that Lily Evans started to cry. She curled herself into a ball under the neat bedclothes and sobbed herself to sleep, where she dreamt she was surrounded by dozens of children clad in yellow and black. Sixteen-year-old Lily Evans was quite sure life could not get any worse. She was standing in the drawing room, in a pink dress that clashed horribly with her red hair, waiting for her fiancé to arrive. Now most sixteen-year-old girls, her father pleaded with her, would be thrilled to find that her parents had arranged a marriage for her. It meant no having to date, or flirt, or wear silly clothes to attract attention to them. Lily argued that she would be thrilled to find that a large hole had appeared in the kitchen floor for her to throw herself into. Her mother clucked her tongue at her daughter and set to the task of smoothing out the frilly pink skirt of the Worst Dress Ever. “Lily dear, you look so pretty,” her mother exclaimed. In Lily's mind, the hole in the kitchen morphed into a manticore, which proceeded to devour her entire family as well as the contract on which they had signed her life away. *-*-*-*-*-* AN: OK well first off, welcome to my first ever fanfiction on Portkey.org!! Whoop whoop! So I hope you all enjoy this work on art.. ok so umm...err.. if it's reallllly bad.. please tell me.. I don't mind really getting bad comments as long at they aren't to mean, if you know what i mean.. ok i am being stupid... So please, Review.. and I have about 22 Chapters done on this Fanfiction.. the chapters are fairly short... so not to long of story.. But yes i am just writing nonsense now.. so PLEASE Review and have a good day/night/morning... x0x0 Kaci 2. The Fiancé ------------- Chapter Two: The Fiancé Not too far away from the Evans family home, a frazzled witch and wizard were trying to convince their son to join them in the fireplace. The boy sat on the couch opposite them and sulked prettily. “Please, son. We're going to be late if we don't leave now. What sort of impression will this have on your fiancé?” His mother pleaded from the other side of the brilliant green flames. The boy scowled. “Who cares what she thinks! I don't even know her! Why would you arrange a marriage for me anyway?! Arranged marriages are so passé!” “Son, please. It was either this, or have you marry one of the girls from the Black line. And you *know* how inbred that line is getting! I want to be sure that our Heir is going to be as normal as possible! The fact is, son, that there are just not enough pure-blood witches left! It would do our line good to have a little variety,” his father explained. “VARIETY? A bag of Bertie Botts Beans, dad. That's variety. Forcing me to marry some muggle-born bird is not variety, dad. It's mental.” The boy ended his rant and returned to sulking. “Professor Dumbledore says she's a lovely girl, son. Bright, clever, and near the top of your class!” his mother offered lamely. “Oh great…so she's a Ravenclaw too, on top of being a mudbl-” “DON’T YOU DARE SON! DON’T-YOU-DARE-SAY-THAT-WORD! NEVER... EVER...IN THIS HOUSE HAS THAT WORD BEEN UTTERED! HOW dare you!” “I-I’m sorry mum... It’s just I know she’ll be PERFECT. Besides, Professor Dumbledore's a loon.” “THAT IS IT!” his father roared, stepping quickly out of the fire and grabbing his son by the collar of his robes. “I WILL NOT HAVE YOU INSULTING ALBUS DUMBLEDORE IN THIS HOUSE!” He shoved the teen into the fire and followed after. “Would you like to do the honors, Albert?” “Of course, dear,” Albert Potter cleared his throat and spoke loud and clear, “EVANS RESIDENCE.” *-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Back inside the Evans’ house, a small puff of black soot had suddenly wisped out of the empty fireplace. Lily's eyes widened. “That's odd…I wonder what that was all about,” Nigel Evans said aloud, cocking his head to peer more closely at the fireplace. He removed the grate. Lily ran into the kitchen as a cloud of ash spilled into the room, bringing with it two wizards and a witch. The magic folk straightened themselves out and brushed the soot from their robes. Staring at them in shock and horror were three muggles covered from head to toe in fine black powder. Rose Evans suppressed a muffled sob. Albert Potter strode towards the muggle man, offering a slightly dirty hand. Nigel Evans shook it, still slightly dazed from the shock of seeing three grown people tumble out of his fireplace. “Hello there, Mr. Evans! It is lovely to finally meet you. My name is Albert Potter; this is my lovely wife Emily, and our son James.” Nigel Evans shook the woman's hand, as well as her son's in turn. He cleared his throat, choking slightly on the thin layer of dust that now coated his lungs. “Good morning, Albert. Welcome to our home.” Albert Potter smiled. “Ah, and this must be young Lily, then, is it?” Beside her father, Petunia paled under her coating of ash. “No! Of course not,” she cried indignantly. “As if *I* would ever marry your freak son!” She let out a wail and ran up the stairs to her bedroom, leaving a trail of black footprints behind her. Nigel Evans cleared his throat again, his gaze darting back and forth between the horrified Potters. “Lily must have just gone into the kitchen. One moment please,” Rose Evans offered as graciously as she could muster. She turned and hurried out of the room, through the swinging parlor doors that led to the small kitchen. Lily was kneeling awkwardly on the counter, trying feverishly to unlatch a window. “Lily-love, they're here. Come, now. We mustn't keep your fiancé waiting!” she sang lamely. Lily groaned and slid off the counter. Her mother took her hand and more dragged than led her out of the room. “Ah, yes! Here she is!” Nigel Evans announced. Lily's eyes widened when she saw the young man standing in the middle of the soot-covered room, his bottle-green robes streaked with dirt, his jet black hair even more messy than usual. 3. The Battle Begins... ----------------------- Chapter Three: The Battle Begins.. “Er…Hi, Evans,” James Potter offered, his face reddening, brown eyes hidden behind dusty glasses. “NO!” Lily screamed. The adults all stepped back in alarm. “What on earth is the matter with you, Lily?” her father chastised, looking panicked. “I. WILL. NOT. MARRY. JAMES. POTTER.” Lily's face was a violent shade of purple. Mr. and Mrs. Potter looked scandalized. James looked as though he wished he'd burned to death in the floo fire. Nigel Evans laughed nervously. “The girl doesn't know what she's saying…ha-ha…she's just a little jittery, is all. Just a bit nervous at meeting her future husband, isn't that right?” His laughter died on the tip of his tongue as he saw the glare of doom his daughter had directed at him. Once she was sufficiently satisfied that her father would remain quiet, she turned the glare on James and narrowed her eyes. “You set this up, didn't you?” she spat accusingly. “Of all the stupid, idiotic, irresponsible things you've done in the short time I've known you, James Potter, this has *got* to be the very worst! How did you do it, then? How did you convince Dumbledore to tell my parents that arranging a marriage between the two of us would ever resemble anything remotely like a good idea?! Did you hex him? No…of course not. You're not nearly smart enough for that. Bribery? I don't think the old fool would be quite so stupid to accept a bribe from a student, let alone James Potter. Threats of violence? With those skinny arms…who am I kidding? So how did you do it then, Potter? What did you do to get us into this disaster?” James fancied himself a patient man. He'd waited, sat idly by (and sometimes not so idly by) while the red-haired woman standing across the room from him, shooting daggers with her eyes at him, blew him off time and time again. He'd tried flattery. He'd tried arrogance. He'd tried boasting, he'd tried being nice, caring, sweet…he'd tried ignoring her, tried to make her jealous. He thought he'd tried every trick in the book. But he had to hand it to Dumbledore. He'd never once tried to force her to marry him. James Potter fancied himself a patient man, but his patience had all but run out. “Listen, Evans. I had nothing to do with this. I didn't know until my father had already called out your name in the floo that you were the girl I was being betrothed to. I'm not too keen on this whole being forcibly ushered into marriage thing either, but since we really haven't got a choice, why not make the best of it, right? I had assumed that I would not be married at least until my twenties. And when I agreed to this stupid idea I had at least entertained the choice that my future wife might at least like me, but I suppose I can throw those plans out the window,” he replied, his voice ending on a note of exasperation. Lily opened her mouth to speak, but James interrupted. “I’m not finished Evans. I don‘t care if you hate me... but keep it to yourself... I don‘t want my friends knowing the woman who will be the mother of my son is... you...” said James. “I still haven’t agreed to marrying you Potter, so get it out of your head that your friends will not like me. Not to mention that Remus has been one of *my* best friends since I was a first year, and Peter and I get along great,” said Lily fearlessly. “When I pictured the man I would some day marry... Oh trust me... he is nothing like you!” “LILLY EVANS!” screeched Rose Evans from the couch. “Really, she’s not normally like this,” said Rose as she directed her comment at Emily. “Yes, she is, she hates me!” screamed James from where he stood across from Lily. “Hate, yes there! I said it! She HATES me!” “James!” said Mrs. Potter. “He’s really not like this Rose.” “Oh, but he is,” said Lily as her anger was steaming out of her head. “He is the most arrogant and horrible boy in our school. I head the other direction in the hall when I see *him* coming towards me. My friends won’t talk to his friends even because almost all of them are just as horrible. The only two boys that James Potter associates with that are OK are Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. I am telling you now Mum, I will kill myself before I marry this...thing.. in front of me.” “LILY EVANS!” screeched her mom as she stood in front of Lily completely shocked. The rest of the adults were looking at Lily dumbfound, unable to comprehend what had happened. “Lily you are such a cocky little girl,” said James with a snarly voice he had never used in front of Lily before. “What *ever* makes you think I would want to really marry you. My family is rather skinny and I wouldn’t like to change up those genes.” “JAMES POTTER!” yelled his dad as James glared at Lily with a triumph look in his eyes. Lily’s eyes had begun to water, James Potter knew just where to hit Lily to hurt her, in the stomach. “I HAT-” “YOU LITTLE BI-” “STOP,” command a voice from the kitchen. A man walked in with a silver beard that was quite long. He was an old man with a twinkle in his blue eyes. He survived the two yelling teenagers and triumph seemed to echo in his walk towards them. He stopped inches from Lily and James who had their wands out, ready to hex each other. Anger was still in their eyes. They were ready to burst and Albus Dumbledore smiled. AN: Hiya thankx for the great Reviews guyz!! That totally helps! I hope you guys are liking this FF... I know I am having fun writing it.. Sorry the chapter is short, but they become much longer as the story goes on.. Thankx for the Bumps!!! YOU GUYS ROCK! x0x0 Kaci 4. Dumbledore to the Rescue... ------------------------------ Chapter Four: Dumbledore to the Rescue... “Professor! How could you tell my parents I would marry him?!” “And why would you ever thi-” “Please, Lily and James, stop,” said Albus Dumbledore. “Questions will be answered later, right now I am interested more in a cup of tea. You wouldn’t have any Mrs. Evans now?” “Oh yes, one moment,” said Rose as she left the room. “Now, Lily I understand that you do not want to marry James. And James I understand you are much over your crush you had upon Lily when you were younger. But unlike either of *you*, I have been thinking about the future. It is a necessity that the Gryffindor line continues, James. Your parents asked me to pick an intelligent, smart, respectful and beautiful women for you to marry.” Lily began to blush and the red anger disappeared from her face as she looked at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with James. “And Lily, your parents asked me to find you a man who would take care of you, respect you, and love you for your whole life,” said Dumbledore as he causally sat down in a sofa chair. A long silence filled the room and Lily and James starred at each other, neither were mad, each were just surprised. “Professor,” said James as he broke the silence. “It wouldn’t work, we have nothing in common and we don‘t get along.” “James, Lily, I was married once,” said Dumbledore rather fondly. Lily gasped and looked at James who, for some reason, began to blush. “Her name was Madalina, and she was the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes upon. I told myself that I would never be able to have a women like that for a wife. But, for some odd reason she began to like me. Until one day, she loved me.” “B-but still,” said Lily. “Madalina died when she was 23, we had one year of marriage together, one year, Lily. Madalina and I had nothing in common, I was an intelligent student who lacked in social aspects and Madalina was not the smartest person in the world, but she had the most friends.” Dumbledore finished and looked from Lily to James. “My point is that even though you have nothing in common, or so you think, you can still learn to love each other.” “But professor, even if we are only frie-friends...” said Lily as she didn’t end her sentence. “Then you can pretend like you are more,” added Dumbledore. Dumbledore smiled as he watched Lily and James surprised faces. Their parents stood watching Dumbledore until Rose Evans came forward and handed Professor Dumbledore a cup of tea. “I think that I would also fancy a cup, Emily?” asked Albert Potter as he strode off towards the kitchen with Rose, Nigel, and Emily followed him. Lily, James, and Dumbledore were left in the room alone. Lily looked around nervously for her sister. “S-sir, how do you expect James and I to tell your friends we are getting married. saying we have an.. err.. arraigned.. marriage.. sounds... old fashioned,” said Lily with a sigh of relief. “Well, what if you simply told then you were engaged, upon your own accord?” asked Dumbledore. James laughed and then stopped when he saw Dumbledore’s serious face. “You’re kidding me.. Right? None of my friends would believe me because Lily is so horrible to me... So I tell them.. yes Mate that mean girl that hates me is going to marry me!” “James, I-I-I can try to be nice to you! It’s just that I don’t want you playing jokes upon me any more!” said Lily with a huff. “I won’t.... Darling,” said James as he added the last part with a smile. James laughed and Lily frowned even though James could swear he saw a smile linger in her eyes. “Now, I will need to meet with your parents briefly as we go over some last minute things on the agreement,” said Dumbledore. Dumbledore nodded at his students and left the room. Lily sat down on the sofa chair that Dumbledore had been sitting in while James sat down on the couch. “Is that a Telly-vish-un?” asked James as he pointed towards the television in the room. Lily nodded her head and slowly starred into the blank black screen. “James... I really want you to know, if I had to pick one of the prats in Gryffindor, excluding Remus, I would pick you to marry,” said Lily. James slowly turned his face to hers and looked at her sweetly. “And why is that... Lily-love.. is it my good looks? Or sweet personality? Or is the fact that I am just plain Sexy?” asked James. “Neither, it’s the fact I wouldn’t marry anyone else,” replied Lily simply as she yawned and looked around her plain, boring living room. “And now what do you mean by you wouldn’t marry anyone else?” asked James defensively. “Well, Sirius is a flirt and I would never know if he happened to be cheating on me or not,” said Lily. James made noise that sounded a lot like a laugh. “And Peter is well... Peter.” “So you would pick me!” replied James. “No, I would pick my friend Remus,” replied Lily in a sticky voice. Lily had expected James to laugh but his voice became very serious and focused on what she had just said. “Remus wouldn’t marry you,” said James slowly. A painful looked crossed through Lily’s green eyes as she starred at James. “And why wouldn’t he?” snapped Lily as she began to get angry again. James pondered on his answer and thought before he slowly spoke “He cares about you to much as a friend.” “Oh,” replied Lily as she looked down on the floor. An uncomfortable silence crossed through the room and Lily thought how could she spend the rest of her life like this. “So what do you think our parents are talking about with Dumbledore?” asked Lily as she changed the subject. “You,” replied James, “Don’t want to know.” James pulled a gold snitch out of his pocket and began to toss it in the air and catch it. He was into the snitch he didn’t see Lily get up and storm over and grab it from him right before he was about to make a hard snatch. “And why NOT!” asked Lily as she stomped her foot across the floor, very near to James toes. “Because it would upset you,” replied James as he made a grab to get his snitch back from Lily but she jerked back from him. “How do you know if it would upset me?” asked Lily as she became even more upset. James didn’t reply and just looked at the floor. Lily slowly began to cry, a rather angry cry, and James looked up from the floor and looked at Lily who was angrily stomping around the room, slamming her self finally onto the couch and let out a loud sob. “What’s the matter now?” asked James as he sighed and walked over to Lily and knelt down beside her and ran a hand down her back in a soft comfortable way. “You,” mumbled Lily into a pillow for her reply. James sighed, then smiled and thought how beautiful Lily looked when she was upset, she was still the most beautiful girl James had ever laid eyes on, and she was the only girl, he knew, that could ever have his whole heart as theirs.. “What did I do?” asked James kindly as he slowly massaged Lily‘s back, a trick he had learned from Sirius. When girls were upset, they liked to have their backs massaged, it made them feel less tense, and much more comfortable with the person that was massaging their back. “You won’t tell me what our parents are talking about. And if I end up marrying you, you will never tell me *anything*,” snapped Lily as she pulled her head out of the pillow and sat up and pushed James away from her. “Lily, do you really want me to tell you what they are talking about?” asked James, “*So much for Sirius‘ trick,”* thought James. Lily looked up and saw how serious James looked. “Yes,” replied Lily slowly. AN: SOooOoOoO.. First off, thanks to everyone that has replied, I think I have like 21 replies so far! thaTis awesome! everytime I get a review i smile, ha ha ha.. and then like I have 760 hits! wow! (cept like only 21 replies... he he he.. I wonder if that happens with everyone’s story?) So thankx for the reviews, And I like to have little contest in my stories for my reviewers....Who ever gets the 30th review shall get the NEXT chapter emailed to the, buy me... so they get a nice advanced post! So review away thankx again x0x0x0x0 Kaci 5. Plans... ----------- Chapter Five: Plans.. “They’re talking about how much money you will get by marrying me,” replied James. Lily laughed and watched as James smiled at her. “Anything else?” asked Lily hopefully. “Well, my parents had an arranged marriage, so they are probably trying to convince your parents it’s the perfect thing to do.” “Your parents had an arranged marriage?” asked Lily and James nodded in reply. “But they seem so in love.” “They are,” replied James. James and Lily looked at each other and both blushed. “So, what else do you think they are talking about?” asked Lily. “Umm.. well I don’t think you want to know all the agreements to the contract,” said James simply. “Why what’s on it?” asked Lily as she repeated herself. “Things like I have to have money for you, and you have to have like....” “Do you have a copy of the contract?” asked Lily hopefully. James smiled mischievously and pulled something thick out of his pocket. “Did you read it yet?” asked Lily. “A little, but I didn‘t get to the part on who I was marrying, or more like I didn’t look. I assumed it would be someone on the Black line,” said James truthfully, “I just snatched it from the kitchen counter before I came here,” said James. “Why did you think it would be someone on the Black line?” asked Lily. “Because they are the most pureblooded of any bloodline left,” replied James. “But they are... well... Slytherins,” said Lily. “Wouldn’t your parents want a Gryffindor.” “Yes, well... The Weasley were out of the question so there really weren’t many choices left.” “So you really didn’t know who you would be marrying,” said Lily. James nodded his hand and Lily looked over at the parchments in his hands. **Contract of Marriage Between** **James Albert Albus Potter** **&** **Lily Rose Faith Evans** **Contract Of Marriage** **Agreements** **The Groom:** *Will honor his wife forever and always* *Will be married by the time he is 19* *Will be truthful at all times* *Will learn upon her ways* *Will teach her his ways* *Will respect her rights* *Will protect her with his life* *Will provide for her in anyway* *Food* *Money* *Basic Necessities* *Will love and hold her always* *I, Albert Potter, and I, Emily Potter, hereby give my son, James Albert Albus Potter, the honor upon marrying Lily Rose Faith Evans. I understand the marriage must happen within the next year and I understand that no changes can be made to the contract after I have signed.* Albert Potter , *Father of Groom* Emily Potter, *Mother of Groom* “Well, yours aren’t that bad,” said Lily hopefully as she turned the page. “Yours are worse,” said James. Lily gave James a scared look and than began to read. *Contract Of Marriage* *Agreements* *The Bride:* ***·** Will honor her husband forever and always* *· Will be married by the time she is 19* *· Will be truthful at all times* *· Will learn upon his ways* *· Will teach him her ways* *· Will bear two or three children, and/or one son* *· Will love and hold him always* *I, Nigel Evans, and I, Rose Evans, hereby give my daughter, Lily Rose Faith Evans , the honor upon marrying James Albert Albus Potter. I understand the marriage must happen within the next year and I understand that no changes can be made to the contract after I have signed.* Nigel Evans, *Father of Bride* Rose Evans*,* *Mother of Bride* *“Oh,*” said Lily quietly. “I’m sorry,” said James as he wrapped his arm loosely around Lily’s neck. “M-My par... It’s like they don’t even care! It's sick!” said Lily as she dropped the paper on the floor. She leaned into James and slowly began to cry. “Why me?” “Because, Lily your perfect,” said James as he rubbed her back slowly. James realized for the first time how hard it would be for Lily to tell her friends, that she was picked to bear the son of the James Potter because he was the Heir of Gryffindor. At once anger rose inside of him and he turned Lily’s head up to face his. There faces were inches apart and both were serious as lawyers. Lily’s eyes were clustered with tears. Their lives were both so unfair. But in different ways. They were both needed to continue the Gryffindor line, how little Lily knew about James was horrible. James had finally given up his crush on Lily, he had been ready to move on, away from her. But both of their lives would no longer be easy, it was time to unite two forces together to defeat evil... Of course... they must get along... or else He-Who-Must-NOT-Be-Named... would defeat them once, and for all... “Lily-Lily listen,” said James. “I have an idea.” 6. An Idea ---------- Chapter 6: An Idea “What’s your idea,” said Lily sarcastically. “You don’t want your friends knowing that you have to *marry* me right?” asked James and Lily nodded her head. “And I don’t want to tell my friends that your parents are making you marry me.” “What’s your point?” asked Lily as she pulled away from James. “Let’s tell our friends that we *want* to get married,” replied James and Lily started to laugh but stopped the second she saw James was serious, very serious. “So, I just tell my friends that I *want* to marry you, and that we are in... love?” asked Lily. “Yea,” replied James “It’ll be a lot easier for both of us.” “Come ON POTTER!” said Lily with a laugh of a lunatic. “You’re a MARAUDER for HEAVEN'S SAKE! CAN’T YOU COME UP WITH A DIFFERENT BLOODY PLAN!” “What’s wrong with my plan?” asked a shocked James. “HELLLLLLLLOOOOO!!!” said Lily. “We HATE each other.... small fact missing.... don’t you remember that?” “I never hated you Lily,” replied James in a shocked voice as he starred at the brilliant red haired beauty in front of him. “James, really.... I don’t think I could *ever* like you in that way... isn’t there anyway out of this?” “IT’S A BLOODY MAGICAL CONTRACT LILY! THERE’S NO WAY OUT OF THOSE!” “Well, SORRY Potter, at least I care about *my* future... I mean.. I had plans... I was going to be something in the world... Not just a bloody trophy wife to some pure-blooded man!” “You can still be something Lils,” said James in a very patient voice. “I don’t want a bloody trophy wife if that’s what you think... I mean... if it makes you happy you can have a whole different bedroom from me... and we never have to...” James stopped and began to blush. “Did you forget the contract Potter? I’m going to be a breading machine for you... or until you get your bloody son... I mean why do you even need a son? Is your family like sexist or something?” “No... It’s just with the whole name thing.. wanting to keep Potter alive,” replied James, again very patiently as Lily let out some steam. “I’m not to happy about this whole arranged marriage thing,” said Lily. “But I do like the idea of getting the best of my parents... and Petunia... it would bug them... very much... to see me happy...” “So be happy about marrying me Lily... Honestly... not to be rude,” said James “but a lot of girls would love to marry me...” “But I’m *not* like a lot of other girls Potter...” replied Lily. “But you’re right... Alyssa and Bekka are just going to have a fit when they find out I finally have a guy of their standard...” “So then you agree... we’re telling our friends we are getting married... because we want to?” “But I have no ring, and my friends really do know I wouldn’t ever marry you,” said Lily realistically. “Lily,” said James. “I don’t want to marry you either. Honestly, I expected a younger virgin Ravenclaw or some pure-blooded Slytherin. But you saw the contract and you know even better than me after it was legally bound, we *must* marry each other.” “The only reason I would even act like I wanted to marry you would be to fool my parents,” said Lily with a laugh. “They expect me to go home and complain... It would just kill them to hear I actually want to marry you... I hate how they do things like this... it’s like they don’t even care about me... like I’m an outcast ...and Petunia... Oh boy would it kill her if she actually thought I wanted to be married to you!” “Lily,” said James excitedly. “Then do that, go home and pretend that you are in love with me! And I’ll do the same.” “Oh, okay,” said Lily. “But James...” “What?” asked James concerned “When we get to Hogwarts... you need to talk to me more... and nice... not mean...,” replied Lily. “You have to act like you are in love with me... and I will act like I’m in love with you...And don't flirt with other girls...” “Lily,“ said James slowly. “I don’t think pretending to love you will be a problem.“ Lily rolled her eyes as James smiled a million dollar smile at her. “Also, I think we will be talking a lot more,” said James as Lily glanced at him questioningly. “What do you mean by that Potter?” asked Lily. “Let’s just say I heard my parents talking the other night, and I know who the new Head Boy and Head Girl will be this year,” said James. Lily began to smile a little bit and then grabbed James head with her hands. “Am I Head Girl, just say it... Am I?” asked Lily. James nodded his head and Lily gave out a little squeal and hugged James tightly. “And I am Head Boy,” said James happily. “So we can tell our friends,” said Lily as she pulled away. “That we worked together this summer, planning things, and realized we liked each other.” “And let’s not tell anyone we are engaged yet,” added James. “No, it would be to soon,” answered Lily. “When we go home during winter break you can give me a ring and I can say we got engaged over winter break.” “That’s a great plan,” replied James. James looked questioningly at Lily for a moment before looking away. “What James,” said Lily as she sighed and asked the question. “Well, it would be a little weird if I “proposed” to you over Christmas break when I stay at Hogwarts every year and you go home. Plus what if we need to stay at Hogwarts because we need to deal with Head Boy and Girl stuff?” “Well, when do you want to “propose” to me then?” asked Lily. “Well, let’s just say when it’s the right time,” answered James. “But you have to promise me you’ll say yes so everyone thinks you really do like me.” “I’m not going to ruin my reputation by having everyone find out it’s an arranged marriage,” snapped Lily hotly. “Lily-love,” sang out a voice from the kitchen. “Yes mum,” answered Lily. “Could you please bring your Fiancé in here?” asked Rose. “Ok,” mumbled Lily as she directed James into the kitchen. The four parents were sitting at the kitchen table and Dumbledore was standing beside the counter. “Lily and James, I just want to tell you, that you’re Head boy and Head Girl,” said Dumbledore. Lily squealed and ran over and hugged her mom and dad. James smiled but didn’t put on as good performance as Lily. James wondered if there were other things Lily was hiding because she was such a good actress. James walked over to Dumbledore and shook his hand before heading over to his parents who were booming with happiness. “So I will need to meet with both of you three to four times more this summer to go over things you’ll need to know as Head Boy and Head Girl,” said Dumbledore. “Yes, Sir,” replied Lily and James. Dumbledore said his good-bye and left leaving the Potters and the Evans, minus one, in the kitchen. An uneasy and an uncomfortable silence filled the room as the parents seemed to expect their kids to yell, scream, and shout at them some more. “Well, Lily, I need to be heading home because I’m suppose to meet Sirius and go over some plans for the rest of the summer,” said James. “Ok,” said Lily. James parents shook Lily’s parents hands and waited for James and Lily to say good-bye. “So, I’ll be seeing you later this week then when we meet with Dumbledore,” said James. “Yeah, later,” replied Lily as she watched James walk over towards the fireplace. James bent down and mumbled some quick words and then a fire sprang up. Nigel and Rose Evans were taken back in surprise. James reached into his pocket and threw in a handful of Floo powder. “Home,” shouted James as he stepped into the green flames and whirled away. AN: OK So longer post.. hope you guys liked it! A Little J/L arguments... there will be quite a few of those as the two learn to love and trust each other... As a little warning here... I’m going to be out of town from like Saturday to NEXT Sunday.. so like 8 days... So I will try and post twice on Saturday and when I get back Sunday for you guys to read.... And possibly some time during the week if I can find a computer to get on... So sorry for everyone that was expecting lots of post next week.. Umm... also on a bad note i got suspended from Fanfiction.net and can’t post for like 2 weeks on there... cuz i copied song lyrics on one of my songs... Honestly... It was a SONG BASED FANFICTION!!! geezzzzzz....... So I am v. v. v. upset w/ Fanfiction at the moment.... Or else my life is Jolly and PLEASE review!! x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0 KACI 7. Lily's Friends ----------------- Chapter 7: Lily’s friends. “So you and James are.. er... a thingy?” asked Katie Sampson, Lily’s best friend who was looking at the photo in Lily’s hands of Lily and James. “If you mean a couple, then yes we are,” said Lily. “It’s pretty serious,” added Lily as she handed the photo to Katie and began to play with the necklace around her neck that James had given her. It was four weeks after Lily had found out she was marrying James. James mom, Emily had been over to meet with Rose, Lily’s mom, countless times to talk about the wedding arrangements. Each time she came over, she came with a gift from James. Yesterday when she had come over Emily had handed Lily a small book rapped in red wrapping paper. Lily had run up to her bedroom expecting to find a ring from James but found a heart shaped necklace instead. Lily could tell the necklace had cost James a fortune because it was covered with tiny diamonds all over the surface. Lily was surprised to find no card. Lily didn’t understand why James just didn’t come over with his mom because she rarely got to talk with him. They had had two meetings with Dumbledore about being Head Boy and Head Girl, but at the meetings James was completely serious and knew what he was talking about. At first Lily was taken back by how well James acted as Head Boy because he had never been Prefect. But after Lily thought about it, James always liked being in charge and being the best. So adding Head Boy to his résumé would definitely help. Lily also didn’t understand how could find time to buy her these gifts she kept getting from him. He was Head boy, Quidditch Captain, and not to mention his friends who he always seemed to hang out with. He was acting like a perfect boy friend to her. Except they never saw each other. “Did James give you that necklace?” asked Alyssa Anderson one of Lily’s other friends. Alyssa reached forward and grabbed at the necklace around Lily’s neck. “Take it off,” ordered Alyssa, “I want to see it.” Lily unbuckled the necklace and handed it to Alyssa who was sitting next to Lily’s other good friend Rebecca Rashaw, Bekka for short. Alyssa and Bekka were best friends and Lily and Katie were best friends too. The group often hung out and did things together. “I just can’t see it,” said Bekka quietly. “You and James... you have always hated him lil, always.” “Yes, Bekka has a good point. How did you even begin to like Potter in a friend sort of way?” asked Alyssa. Lily had known her friends would ask her these questions and that was one of the reasons she had waited so long to invite them over to her house and tell them. “Well, James is Head Boy an-” began Lily before she was cut off by Alyssa. “Umm.. wait... you just said that Potter was Head Boy. I must have misunderstood you because Theodore Whaling, the Quidditch captain of Ravenclaw was a shoe end for Head Boy,” said Bekka. “Well, I guess Dumbledore picked James,” mumbled Lily. “You know what?” said Alyssa. “I bet Potter’s parents paid Dumbledore to make him Head Boy. Doesn’t that seem like something he would do?” Lily had known this would happen to Alyssa who freaked out over every boyfriend Lily, Katie, or Bekka had had. “Alyssa,” said Katie. “If you are jealous of the fact that Lily is going with James then just say it. Not everyone here is having an arranged marriage.” The girls starred at Katie as she looked back down at the photo in her hands. Katie was the quietest one in the group and she was even more quiet around teachers, boys or other students from Hogwarts. She opened up most when it was just her and Lily but was still rather quiet and had many walls around herself. Katie had long, thick, dark brown hair and baby blue eyes. Lily thought Katie was absolutely beautiful but Katie never liked talking about herself. Katie had a small nose, thick eyebrows, and thin lips that always seemed to be turned up in a small smile, as if she was smiling to her own private joke. But when Katie smiled her biggest and happiest smile, big dimples popped onto her cheeks. Katie was tall, about 5’9” and had a very athletic and toned body. Katie, like Lily, was muggle born and her parents had never heard of Hogwarts when she was excepted into the school. Lily remembered meeting Katie on the bus to Hogwarts when she heard someone crying in the bathroom. Lily had comforted Katie about leaving home and ever since then they had been best friends. A long silence had filled the room as Lily and Bekka starred at Alyssa. “You’re having an arranged marriage?” asked Bekka. “Yes,” mumbled the loud, bossy and outgoing Alyssa. “With Theodore Whaling.” Lily laughed and Alyssa smiled. “How long have you known?” asked Lily. “Since I was five,” replied Alyssa simply. Lily, Bekka, and Alyssa all laughed as Alyssa buried her head into the pillow. “How did you know Katie?” asked Bekka. Katie smiled and then blushed real red quickly when Alyssa looked up at her with a questioning look. “Yes, how did you know?” asked Alyssa. “Theodore wouldn’t have told you.” “I-I sa.. I... well..” said Katie nervously. “Ok fine... I walked into the Transfiguration room one day last year looking for Professor McGonagall and I saw you kissing Theodore Whaling.” Everyone laughed and it was Alyssa’s turn to blush. “It’s so weird though, you getting married..” said Bekka. All the girls looked at each other and Lily leaned over and hugged Alyssa around the neck. “Theodore’s parents are friends with mine, good friends,” said Alyssa. “And as you know he is the heir of Ravenclaw.” “Wow,” said Bekka. “I never knew that. Unlike Potter who is always bragging about being the Heir of Gryff...” Bekka stopped when she saw the look on Lily’s face. “LILY! How can you like Potter! We have spent six years of our lives trying to avoid him!” “It’s... well... complicating,” said Lily. “He’s changed, it’s like his head has deflated and he is more mature. He had so many ideas about things we should do this year, it’s like he’s a different guy,” said Lily as a dazed expression crossed over her eyes for a moment.. “Well, maybe you and James, and me and Theodore can all double date together!” said Alyssa excitedly. “Well, yeah, that would work I guess,” said Lily. “Does this mean we have a truce now with the boys in Gryffindor?” asked Bekka. “Can *we* date them now?” Everyone laughed and looked at Bekka who was always thinking about boys. “Well, I myself may go for Remus,” said Katie shyly. The girls all laughed and Katie blushed. “Dark and mysterious is my kind if guy!” “I think that would be great,” said Lily. Katie smiled to herself and looked out the window. “I wonder what he’s doing right now...” said Katie 8. James' Friends ----------------- Chapter 8: James Friends “You really are dating Lily,” said Sirius as he paced in his bedroom. “Yep,” said James as he smiled and bounced down onto Sirius’ bed. “Way to go mate,” said Peter. “I just don’t believe it,” said Remus. “Why didn’t Lily tell me when I saw her last week?” asked Remus. “Well, I told her I would tell you guys, so I guess she just assumed I hadn’t told you yet,” said James. “Ok,” said Sirius. “Who thinks Lily and James getting together is weird? Raise your hand.” Sirius hand was in the air waving when Peter thrust his up and Remus slowly, yet steadily, raised his hand too. “Did you like bewitch her or something?” asked Peter. “Bew-... NO!” said James. James through a pillow from Sirius bed at Peter’s face. The short fat boy toppled off the chair he was sitting in. “Maybe Lily just likes me,” said James hopefully. Sirius glanced at Remus and then looked at Peter on the floor. “James has never been that funny before. Normally it’s me that’s funny, really James, why haven’t you told us before you can make such funny jokes?” asked Sirius. “Mate,” said James standing up from Sirius’ bed. “Listen to me carefully,” said James slowly. “Lily-likes-me.” Sirius laughed and Peter joined him. “Re-really, Mate,” said Sirius. “She can’t like you.” “James, Lily has never shown any romantic interest in you before so why would she now, just out of the sudden?” asked Remus. “She’s never shown any interest in him period,” added Peter which made Remus and Sirius laugh. “Well, we have been working together on something,” replied James. “What?” asked Sirius sarcastically. “Miss Lily Princess doesn’t spend time with “bad boys” like us.” “I’m Head Boy,” said James. Sirius and Peter both starred at Remus whose mouth hung open in surprise. “*Your* Head Boy,” said Remus. Remus sat up from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to James and looked him in the face. “*Your* Head Boy?” “Yes, I know, surprise isn’t it?” replied James. “I thought that Theodore bloke was for sure when I didn’t get it,” said Remus quietly. “Well, I guess Dumbledore thought I was up to the job,” replied James. “But you were *never* Prefect,” said Remus as he was still confused. “I *know*,” said James. “Dumbledore came to my house and told me a few weeks ago. And Lily’s Head Girl.” “Wow,” said Peter. “No surprise there,” said Sirius. “Mate, you didn’t tell Dumbledore about,” said Remus uncomfortably. “About you guys did you?” “NO!” replied James. “Of course not!” “So, Mr. Head Boy,” said Sirius. “I suppose I’ll have to stop screwing off now that your on my case.” “Sirius,” mooned James. “*Nothing* is going to change.” “Well,” said Sirius not totally convinced. “If you and Lily are a.. thingy.. then I suppose her friends will talk to us now?” “Well, I would hope so,” replied James. “It would be rather uncomfortable if her friends still ignored us.” “Good, because I have my eye on that skinny girl Alyssa,” said Sirius. “What fine legs does she have!” “She’s taken,” said James. “What?” exclaimed Sirius and Peter. “By who?” asked Remus. “I heard my parents talking about it, she’s having an arranged marriage with Theodore Whaling,” replied James. “An arranged marriage,” said Remus. Remus and Peter laughed as Sirius looked sideways at James. “No wonder why Theodore has never dated anyone. He just sleeps with them...Still an arranged marriage,” said Peter as the last bit just trailed away. “Theodore Whaling is the heir of Ravenclaw,” said James. “Oh,” said Peter and Remus together. “Most heirs have arranged marriages,” said Sirius. “They need to keep the blood lines as pure as possible.” “Oh, well then you and Lily aren’t having an arranged marriage,” said Peter. “Because she sure isn’t pure-blooded.” “What’s that suppose to mean?” snapped James. “My parents think I’m only good enough for a pure-blood? You know very well that my parents don’t believe in that crap!” “I’m sorry mate,” mumbled Peter. James looked up from Peter and saw Remus and Sirius exchange a knowing look. “James, I want proof that you and Lily are a couple,” said Remus. “You know I don’t like her in that way, it’s just that us two have been friends for a while and you are *really* not her type.” “Fine,” said James as he pulled a metal blue object out of his pocket. The outside was covered with diamonds and there was a screen that reflected James face, similar to a mirror. “Lily Evans...” AN: HI, so yes I’ll be out of town for close to 9 days.. I’ll do my best to post sometime during the week if I can find a computer...!! x0x0 Kaci 9. The Mirrorgram ----------------- Chapter 9: The Mirrorgram “If the boys are all together they are probably talking about some prank they plan on pulling on that Snape dork the first day back,” said Alyssa. Bekka, Lily, and Katie laughed. “I really would think because James is Head Boy that he....” Lily stopped when she heard voices coming from an object on her desk. Katie, Bekka, and Alyssa watched as Lily got up and walked across the room to a red object covered in diamonds that looked like a mirror. “Yes James,” said Lily. Lily’s friends ran over to see what she was looking at. The mirror showed James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew standing around James. James and his friends starred into the mirror as Lily’s face popped up onto their screen. Quickly three other girls’ faces were shown in the mirror also. “Lily,” said James. His friends began to laugh as Alyssa Anderson’s mouth hung open. “My friends here think I am making up the fact we are dating,” said James. Lily laughed as she saw James had a very serious look on his face. Lily couldn’t tell where James was because it didn’t look like his bedroom. “Where are you James?” asked Lily. James frowned and then smiled when he saw Sirius’ face. “Mate, she’s actually talking to you,” said Sirius as he starred open-mouthed at James. “Course she is,” replied James. James looked back into the mirror and replied, “We’re at Sirius’ new apartment.” “That James parents kindly paid for,” said Sirius as he smiled at the mirror. “Sirius has his own apartment?” said Bekka in awe. “I’m jealous! I wish my parents let me move out!” “Well, Sirius, that’s cool you got your own apartment,” said Alyssa as she looked into the mirror. “Yea,” replied Sirius. “But that’s not the reason why we are using this magical device also known as the brand new 64,000 Mirrogram to talk to you. What we really want to know is if Lily and James are a couple,” replied Sirius. Seven pairs of eyes looked at Lily as she smiled into the mirror and looked at James. “Yes, we are a couple and we are... very... serious,” said Lily. Lily blew a kiss into the mirror and James made a move to catch it but Sirius pretended like he had caught it instead. “Thank you princess,” said Sirius. Lily smiled and turned off the mirror object. “What was that?” asked Katie quietly as she motioned toward the mirror in Lily’s hand. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t explain. This is called a Mirrorgram, James got it for me so we could talk to each other. They’re really rare and just came out,” replied Lily. “Let me see,” said the bossy blonde Alyssa as she grabbed it out of Lily’s hands. Alyssa studied the object and ran her fingers around the diamonds on the mirror. “Real diamonds?” asked Bekka. Lily nodded her hand and Bekka mouthed “wow” to herself. “I don’t understand how Potter is so rich,” said Alyssa all of a sudden. “I mean Theodore’s parents are very rich but he’s not rich by himself, I rarely get things of such value from him. And Potter seems to just hand things over like they’re nothing!” “Well, James parents probably give him an allowance of some sort. He also played a season as Chaser for that one Quidditch team. And Him and Sirius had some sort of prank shop they ran. I mean this necklace came from his mom, not him. Well I mean James gave it to me, but it was his mom’s, grandma’s and mainly every other Potter before me.” “Did you just say every Potter before?” asked Bekka excitedly. “Are you like engaged or something?” The three girls looked at Lily excitedly who blushed and shook her head. “No...It’s just a serious relationship... And if we broke up I’d give it back to him!” said Lily more to herself than her friends. Even though Lily knew there was no one else in the world she would end up marrying because she was now legally bound to James for the rest of her life. There was an uneasy silence in the room as the girls shifted in their seats. “Lily,” said Alyssa slowly. “I’m kind of scared to tell you this... but I honestly don’t trust Potter.... I’ve seen what he’s done to girls in our year.... they fawn over him... and then he just leaves them in the dirt after he’s through....” At once Bekka and Katie began to nod their heads in agreement with Alyssa. “It’s not like that with us though,” insisted Lily as angrily tossed her red hair over her shoulder and played with the necklace on her throat. “How can it be different?” asked Bekka as her voice began to raise. “We all know that Potter has had a thing for you for a long time, and now that he finally has you... He’ll use you and abuse you... Trust me... GET OUT before it’s to late... You know Pottter’s rep... Him and Sirius keep track of the number of girls they have slept with... How long till your added to that list?” “You!!..... Don’t you understand Bekka, Alyssa, and Katie.... James had changed... did the old James ever date someone for more than a day with out telling Sirius? I don’t think so... And it’s been weeks and Sirius just found out today like you three.... James and me are different...” said Lily as she finished up her long speech. The four girls starred at each of until Katie finally broke into a wide grin that filled her face. “You know, Lily Potter sounds very good.” “You DORK!” shouted Lily as she took her pillow and quickly waked Katie hard on the head. Katie laughed and grabbed another of Lily’s pillow’s and tried to hit Lily, except she missed and the pillow cam slamming down on Alyssa’s head. The three girls quickly moved in and on top of Katie until she begged for mercy after being hit repeatedly by pillows from her best friends. “Ok,” said Katie as she finally sat up and Bekka. Lily and Alyssa had sat back down on Lily’s bed. “Well I don’t know about you girls, but we need to begin planning a major Bachelorette party for Miss Alyssa over here!” And the pounding of pillows on Katie’s head... continued.... AN: HIYA!! thankx for all the reviews while I was away... again sorry for the delay of post... but basically after this chapter the chapters are much much longer... This is the last of the short chapters... Thankx again for those who reviewed! x0x0 Kaci 10. The Hogwarts Express ------------------------ Chapter 10: The Hogwarts Express Lily waved good-bye to her parents as the train pulled quickly away from the station. Lily’s last glimpse of her sister was of Petunia laughing hysterically. “We’re Seventh years!” said Alyssa excitedly. “Oh yea, time to torture first years!” Alyssa and Bekka waved as they headed their way down the train toward a compartment filled with little kids they didn‘t recognize. “Remember when I met you for the first time?” asked Katie. “We were first years and it was about six years ago... today... this time.” “Yeah, I remember,” replied Lily. “It was the best and worst day of my life.” Lily and Katie stood up and began walking toward the “Head” compartment. Katie was the 7th year Prefect for Gryffindor. “And this is where we first met James and Sirius,” said Katie smiling as she stopped outside the last regular compartment at the front of the train “Yea, and remember how they were fighting over who could sit by the window?” “Yes, and then Remus came in and was followed by Peter. Peter was so short then and Remus was so skinny. He was just *so* skinny,” said Lily. “Then Remus broke up the fight,” said Katie. “He was such a scrawny kid. And then Alyssa came over with a bunch of Ravenclaw girls... Remember how she cried when she was sorted into Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw?” “Yes! All four of us stayed up the whole night crying!” said Lily. “So many memories Lily! I’m going to miss this place so much next year,” replied Katie. Lily nodded her head and Katie pulled Lily into a tight quick hug before they opened the door to the Head compartment. Four boys heads whipped around and each had a mischievous grin upon their face. All four boys had their hands behind their backs trying to look innocently at Lily and Katie. “Have a good summer ladies?” “Hope you did your homework!” “Looking good girls!” said Sirius as he eyed Katie’s tight black shirt. A sound Lily recognized as a huff came from Katie as she crossed her arms. James slowly seemed to pass something to Remus with his hand. James walked forward towards Lily and bent down to kiss Lily on the mouth when she stuck out her hand and pushed James’ mouth away from hers. She then rolled her eyes and walked over to Katie who was standing by the only window in the compartment and wrapped her hand around Lily’s shoulder and glared at James. “Lil-?” asked James as he took a step towards her. His face seemed so sincere that Lily was taken back a moment as she thought he was serious. “I-I.. did I do something... “ James eyes seemed to sad that Katie pushed Lily forward a little and backed away. “Potter, I just don’t want to kiss you,” said Lily. Sirius began to laugh and Lily and Katie’s head whipped over to Sirius, Remus, and Peter eating crackers from a table behind them. "You're dating and she still doesn't like you Prongs," said Sirius with a laugh. “What were you doing?” asked Katie accusingly. “Nothing,” replied Remus as he stuffed a few crackers in his mouth. “What did you have behind your backs before?” asked Lily as she stepped forward and approached Peter. Lily’s green eyes starred into Peter’s small fragile looking eyes. “N-no-nothing...” said Peter nervously. “Tell-me-what-you-were-doing-Peter,” said Lily slowly. Peter’s eyes darted back and forth between Lily’s face and James. “N-no-nothing...” repeated Peter. Lily turned slowly to Sirius who was standing on Peter’s right. “Black, what are you doing in this room?” asked Lily. “Wait...you’re not a Head Boy *or* Prefect. OUT!” Sirius starred at Lily as she raised her wand in her right arm and flung the door open of the compartment. Sirius looked at James who shrugged. Sirius returned his gaze to Lily who was glaring at him with every ounce in her body. Sirius glared back and both had their wands raised point toward each other. “Lily,” said James who stood nervously from the door by Katie. “Sirius, put down your wands.” Katie glanced down the hallway and slammed the compartment door shut. “James I could take care of your problem with two little words... forever and always...” said Sirius. Lily’s eyes bulged and she turned and looked at James. Her wand went limp at her side and James glanced nervously at Sirius. “You told him... I didn’t tell anyone... like you told me to... no one... not even Katie...” said Lily. Lily’s hand reached up and she pulled on the necklace around her neck before flinging it at James. Katie ran over to Lily after giving an evil glare to James and Sirius both. Katie and Lily walked over to the end of the compartment that was filled with chairs and sat down together on a love seat. Lily ducked her head into Katie’s shoulder as she tried to hide her rage of anger. Because Lily was hiding in Katie’s arms, she missed the many looks James was getting from his friends trying to ask him was Lily had been talking about. “Lily,” said James as he started after her but stopped when he saw Katie’s glare shoot out at him. “I didn’t tell him anything!” “Leave her alone Potter,” said Katie coldly. “She doesn’t need someone like you in her life anyway.” “He didn’t tell me anything,” said Sirius as he told the truth. “Sirius and Peter will need to leave now Remus,” said Katie coolly as she looked at Remus. “As those two are not Prefects or Head Boy.” Remus nodded at Sirius and Peter as they scrambled out of the room. Sirius shut the door behind him and an eerie silence filled the room for a second. No one looked at each other until a loud knock hit the door. James, who was standing near the door, opened it and let in a group of twenty or so kids. All of them shot looks from James to Lily. Lily realized right away they must have heard almost everything they had done in here as they were probably waiting for the meeting to begin. The group sat down at the chairs and looked to Lily expecting her to say anything. Lily was starring down at her feet not talking. James coughed rudely from the door and all the eyes other than Lily’s darted to him. “I would like to thank everyone for coming,” said James slowly. “Being picked as a Prefect is a privilege that everyone one of you should be proud of. I was never Prefect, so maybe it’s only good kids that are picked.” The kids laughed and the mood in the room lightened. “This year,” said James. “As many of you know we’ll have our semi-annual Winter Wonderland Ball, this will be offered for fourth years and up even though someone younger than a fourth year can be invited if they are invited by a fourth year or up. Lily and I are happy to announce all our old teachers are back. No exchange program will happen this year, do to the... er... circumstance that happened to the ones last year.” The Seventh years laughed that knew what James and his friends had done to the exchange students the previous year. “A few new objects have been added to the list of forbidden objects. Fifth year Prefects, I would like to make it clear to you that you can not dock points from students but you can hand out punishments. And sixth year Prefects and up of course are allowed to dock points from their *own* house and hand out punishments,” said James. “Lily-love do you have anything to add?” A silence filled the room as everyone starred at Lily. Lily was not one to sit around and let someone else boss everyone around. Lily liked to be involved and she planned then and there she would control Hogwarts this year. And Potter may think he was in charge but she needed to be behind everything he did, or she knew that for the rest of her life she might end up having to follow Potter around like a little puppy. She would give him a little power over her now, and a little love, and he would be in her pocket within next month if things went according to *her* plan. “The Forbidden Forest is of course off limits and any student you find going in there or coming out of there you should notify a Professor or one of us Heads about it,” said Lily as James and Remus shot a look at each other in surprise. “I will hand out the passwords now for your Houses,” said Lily as she handed out a piece of paper to each other the Prefects. “You will also notice that it has the password for the Prefect’s bathrooms on it. Any questions?” asked Lily. “Yes, I was won-” began a short black haired girl with black eyes. “Your name please?” asked James. “Samantha Zambaski,” answered the girl. “Yes OK now what is your question?” asked Lily sweetly as she leaned in towards the little girl. The girl looked nervously around her and seemed to be suddenly shy. “Will you two be performing the Head Duet?” asked Samantha. Lily glanced very confused over at James. “For everyone who doesn’t know,” said James loudly. “The “Head Duet” is a song performed by the Head Girl and Head Boy together at the Winter Wonderland Ball.” “Well, yes I suppose we will be,” replied Lily. The kids all shot looks at each other as if something had just revealed itself. “Any other questions?” AN: OK sorry I am kind of of leaving it at a rather strange ending but that chapter was originally 9 pages long.. and decided to split it in half and that's about the only place I could!! I’ll post Tomorrow and hopefully sometime Monday and then I’ll be out of town Tuesday through Sunday... so i’ll try and post Sunday when i get back or maybe tuesday morning! thankx for the reviews x0x0 Kaci 11. Chocolate Frogs ------------------- Chapter 11: Chocolate Frogs “Is it true you two are dating?” asked a tall skinny brunette who was sitting next to Samantha. Lily looked at James and smiled. Lily slowly walked from where she was standing and walked over next to James. James didn’t understand quite what was happening as Lily leaned into his ear. “I believe you,” said Lily in a whisper. James smiled and the kids standing around them looked at each other because they couldn’t hear what Lily had said. By saying that to James, thought Lily. He would now think he was in charge, and make him feel a lot more proud of having her. “You *are* dating!” said Samantha excitedly. “Oh goodie! I thought you guys would make such a cute couple! My friends older sister was talking about it with her mom, when we heard them!” Lily smiled at the girl and walked over and hugged her tightly. “You are just so nice!” The girl, Samantha was booming with pride. “Well,” said James. “I suppose Lily, this would be a good time to announce that we are dating.” “Yes,” replied Lily. “James and I are dating and it’s *very* serious!” The little girl Samantha and her friends giggled with happiness. “Lily I am so happy for you,” said a tall blonde haired girl with green eyes. “Well, thanks Nicole,” said Lily as the snobby girl Nicole Kenitaly came up to Lily and hugged her lightly. Nicole let go of her ran back to a boy who was sitting near the corner. He had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. “Theodore,” said James as he looked into the direction Lily had been looking. Theodore looked up and smiled at James and Lily as he slipped his arm around Nicole’s back. “Hi James,” answered Theodore. “How was your summer?” James grinned at Theodore, even though Theodore was one of James rivals, it was a more sibling rivalry than an enemy kind. “Good,” replied James. “And yours?” “Well,” said Theodore with a pause. “I got engaged!” “To Nicole,” said James as he motioned at the girl Theodore had his arm around even though James knew the answer to his question. “No,” answered Theodore. “Actually she’s a Gryffindor, her name’s Alyssa.” “I know very well who Alyssa is so that’s why I am wondering why you have your arm wrapped so tightly around that girl Nicole.” The room grew unusually silent and Lily glared down upon Theodore who shot looks from Lily to James. “Maybe we better talk about this later on the train,” said Theodore as he stood up with Nicole and left. An uneasy silence filled the room before Katie started to laugh and showed everyone a picture of a werewolf wearing a pink frilly dress. “Well, if there are not any more questions,” said Lily as everyone looked around at each other waiting for someone to say something. “Then this meeting is finished!” All the kids but Remus and Katie got up and said good-bye before leaving. Slowly the door shut leaving only Lily, James, Katie, and Remus in the room. “Well,” said Katie cheerfully. “That was weird!” Katie stood up and walked over to the snack table and piled a paper plate full of candy. “I do think you two could have been a little nicer to each other,” said Remus. “Ha,” said Lily sarcastically as she sat down on the couch with Katie. Lily leaned over and pulled a few chocolate frogs off Katie’s plate and began to eat them. “Who did you get?” asked James changing the subject. Lily turned the card over and a man with messy black hair and hazel eyes looked up at her. He smiled and waved and as his eyes twinkled with delight behind a pair of glasses. “James!” exclaimed Lily as she dropped the card. James laughed and bent over and grabbed it. “James Albert Albus Potter, Heir to the famous Gordic Gryffindor. James Potter is best known for playing Quidditch professionally at the age of fourteen for the Hailing Hurricanes. James also is one of the four founders of the popular joke shop called The Marauders’ Madness. He is also the youngest self-made Multi-Galleonaire in the last Century,” said James as he finished reading the back of the card. “James!” exclaimed Lily as she took the card from James and looked at it again. “When did they make your card?” “Well,” said James. “I think it was about four weeks ago and they decided to only print 10 copies. To bad we sold Marauders’ Madness Mate.” “We made more money selling the shop to Jonko’s than we made while we ran the shop. And you don’t play Quidditch for the Hailing Hurricanes anymore. They should have mentioned something about you going into retirement. And why only 10 cards, Mate?” asked Remus a little surprised from over by the snack table. “The man in charge wanted it to be really rare,” replied James. “And he gave me five of the ten chocolate frogs.” “Wow,” said Remus. “Your giving one to me mate?” “Well, I put four of them on the plate here,” replied James. “So it depends who gets it!” Remus and Katie began ripping open the packages and looking for James card. They each found one and Lily still had hers from before. “What happened to the other one?” asked Remus sadly. “I bet one of the other prefects took it,” replied James. “Oh,” replied Lily quietly. Lily studied James as he threw a handful of peanuts in the air and tried to catch them in his mouth. She watched as Remus continued to urge James on and tell him to try harder. Lily at once noticed she had not taken in the surrounding about her when she had entered the room. The compartment was large and bigger than any of the other compartments on the train. It had changed greatly from last year when if had been filled with green celebrating the Slytherin Head Boy and Girl. ON one side of the compartment there were many hard metal chairs that had been pushed together by James after the Prefects had left the room. Close to these metal chairs were three very comfortable chairs and two couches facing each other in a circle. That’s were Lily, James, Katie and Remus had positioned themselves. To the side of them was a snack table filled with dozens of candies and different kinds of food. And finally over on the far side of the compartment was a door and the four students trunks pushed together. “Well, ladies,” said James as he and Remus stood up and faced them. “It’s time we met up with our fellow Marauders and began to work havoc upon the new firsties! “It’s been a pleasure,” murmured Remus as he slowly kissed the top of each ladies hand. “Until next time...” “...We’re out,” said Remus as he exited in front of James who turned at the last second and winked at Lily. “You’re so lucky,” said Katie sweetly. “Why am I lucky? I’m dating an idiot!” exclaimed Lily with a laugh as she threw her hair over her shoulder. “Well,” said Katie thoughtfully as she ran her fingers through her hair, “he cares about you lots and you can tell he would never cheat on you. His eyes just followed you the whole entire time he was here. He never even glanced at any other girls chest,” said Katie as she blushed. “Jam-James Potter,” said Lily. “We’re talking about James right? I mean I know I am dating him and all but still, it’s James. I expect him to at least have looked at another girl because I don’t remember him *ever* having one serious relationship before this.” “Well,” said Katie slowly again. “Most of the girls James has dated have just thrown themselves at James so he never actually has to try and make them like him. Most of those girls just go for the whole money-sex-and-big-house thing. James knows you could care less about how he looks and how much money he has.” Katie and Lily looked at each other both thinking of Lily wanting James for his looks or anything in that direction and suddenly both began to laugh and smile. “You-,” said Lily in between laughs. “You... *ha ha ha*.. don’t... *ha ha ha*.. think that.. *ha HA HA*... James... has... *ha ha ha*.. done it with someone? Do you?” said Lily as she sat up straight and looked at Katie in a very scared and concerned look. “Lily,” said Katie in her slow and thoughtful tone. “I don’t want you to take this in the wrong way, but you know last year he was seeing Jordan Kenitaly. And Jordan and her sister, Nicole, are...er.. well...” Katie stopped and didn’t finish her sentence because she saw the look upon Lily’s face. Katie usually was one who could think before she spook so Katie knew if she had finished her sentence Lily would be up set. “That’s so gross though,” said Lily. “Tell me about it,” said Katie. “I have never so once as made out with a boy. All Devin and I did last year was lightly kiss. He knew I wouldn’t go much father than that any way!” “I hope James doesn’t expect me to...er... do anything bad with him!” said Lily. “James is more in love with you than any boy I have ever seen. His eyes never left your face and when he’s around you he just sleeps in your beauty. James is used to getting what he wants and you wouldn’t give him *anything* for SIX years,” said Katie. “So if he’s smart he’ll play it slowly and let you do the first moves.” “But you saw him when we walked in... He tried to kiss me in front of his friends!” complained Lily. “And then when Sirius left didn’t he change?” replied Katie calmly. “Well... yes,” replied Lily stubbornly. “But he’s not always going to be away from Sirius! Sirius is his best mate and they almost do everything together!” “OK,” said Katie as she put on a stubborn face. “It was NOT my idea for you to date James. You did it to yourself. And didn’t you tell us he had changed over the summer? If he didn’t change then why have you been dating him for like two months?” “BECAUSE WE HAVE TO!” screamed Lily. “BECAUSE WE HAVE A BLOODY ARRANGED MARRIAGE! THERE I BLOODY SAID IT! Katie looked sadly up at Lily as Lily kicked the couch with her foot. And then Lily picked up a pillow and flung it across the room. Katie stood up and looked Lily in the eye and waited for Lily to settle down. “Lily,” said Katie slowly and thoughtfully. “I would give anything to have a man love me that much.” Katie starred Lily in the eye for one more second before leaving Lily alone in the compartment for her last train ride to Hogwarts ever... AN: Thankx for all the Reviews... If you have any questions about what is happening in the story feel free to leave a Review and I’ll do my best to answer any questions~! Thankx again x0x0 Kaci 12. The last first kiss... -------------------------- Chapter 12: The last first kiss... Lily nervously chewed on her finger nail as Professor McGonagall finished the sorting. As the last girl sat down in the Ravenclaw section Lily’s eyes swept around the Great Hall looking for mischief. Her eyes landed on James, Sirius, and Peter huddled together looking at something. Remus was no where insight. She slowly rose from the bench at the far end of the Gryffindor table she walked quickly and directly over to where three-fourths of the Marauders were sitting. Lily squeezed herself in between James and Sirius. James quickly shoved something over to Peter who hastily hid it from Lily’s prying eyes. Because there was little room left on the bench Lily ended up sitting comfortably in James’ lap. Lily glanced up at the Professor’s table to see three or four of the Professors looking at Lily and James with raised eyebrows. “*Give them something to wonder about,”* thought Lily to herself smugly. Lily jumped a little as James ran his hand across Lily’s waist and was completely holding her in his lap. “*Why is he being so sweet?”* Dumbledore suddenly stood from the Professor’s table and looked over the students sitting before him. A smile seemed to be dancing in his eyes as he paused a moment before speaking. “I would like to mention before you begin your food,” said Dumbledore slowly and thoughtfully like Katie often spoke. “To remember the children in the world who have nothing to eat tonight. The families that will go hungry and may starve to death.” Dumbledore sat down and the room was a buzz in noise. Lily watched as James glanced at Sirius who was looking across the hall at a group of Slytherins. “It’s not your fault Mate,” said James. Lily frowned as she was confused as Sirius starred at a boy that had black hair and hazel eyes. Lily glanced from the boy to Sirius slowly and then quicker and quicker. “He’s your brother,” said Lily softly as Sirius eyes flickered with pain when she mentioned it. “Yes,” mumbled Sirius. “He’s my brother. Blood-brother, James is my real brother.” James smiled and took his hand from Lily’s waist and patted Sirius on the shoulder. “What’s his name?” asked Lily quietly with her voice barely heard from the noise in the Great Hall. No one else seemed to notice the seriousness between the three Gryffindors as everyone else around them helped themselves to food. Even Peter had lost track of the conversation and had his face in a pile of mashed potatoes. “Lily,” said Sirius looking up from his empty plate. “I think it would be best for everyone if you went and ate with your friend Katie. I need your boyfriend to myself for a moment.” Lily nodded her head as James kissed her lightly on the cheek. Lily smiled at him as she saw many eyes were upon the two Gryffindors. The room seemed to silence a little as Lily slid her lap off James lap. There fingers were still together with the other person’s fingers. James stood up also and Lily’s heart began to beat steadily louder and louder. James took his other hand and placed it around Lily’s waist never taking his eyes off hers. James leaned in towards Lily as she closed her eyes waiting for James to kiss her. “What,” said James quietly into her left ear. “If I was about to give you your last first kiss... ever?” Lily opened her eyes and saw James face was bent down right next to hers. His ear was waiting for Lily’s reply. “I would say,” said Lily just as quietly as James. “That it would give many people in here something to talk about for the rest of the evening.” “And would that be good?” “It would be something worth telling to our kids,” replied Lily so silently the James ear even had problem hearing it. Lily turned her mouth away from James ear to see his eyes stare into her eyes delicately. James slowly brushed his lips across Lily’s red delicate lips. Years later, their friends would talk about their love for each other being stronger than any love ever made in the world. Lily’s love was like a flower’s beauty, delicate-yet strong, always making you take a second glance. While James love was steady and never wavering but only given to those chosen few who earned it. James pulled his mouth off Lily’s and watched as her beautiful eyes opened and danced with happiness. The Great Hall was completely silent and not even the sound of Peter chewing the same piece of steak over and over again in his mouth could be heard. A girl with short curly blonde hair standing in the Ravenclaw section began to clap her hands enthusiastically and was soon joined by other females in the Great Hall. James watched Lily’s face go red with embarrassment. James pulled Lily’s body into his arms and hid her face in his chest. Her arms wrapped around James waist as she patted her on the back. The girls who had been clapping calmed down but then the boys started up. Students in the Great Hall began to hoot and call out words of encouragement to the two young adults. James could feel Lily laughing in his arms as he smiled at Sirius who was sitting in his chair with his mouth hung open. Lily pulled herself off of James and he at once saw that her face was no longer red. She winked at him as she ran back to her original seat beside Katie and Bekka. James sat himself back down on the bench and saw the many older boys in Gryffindor giving him the thumbs up symbol from where they sat farther down the bench. A few Ravenclaws and Huffleupuffs came over to James and shook his hand, congratulating him on finally getting Lily to date him. “What did you want?” asked James to Sirius. As James filled his empty plate with food. Sirius sat on the bench and twiddled with his thumbs. Sirius plate was still empty so James dished up Sirius’ favorite foods onto Sirius’ not full plate. “Do you think it’s my fault he gets teased like he does?” asked Sirius. “Why would it be your fault?” asked James as he bit into a piece of his dinner. “Because I’m a Gryffindor,” replied Sirius. James sat on the bench and gazed up at the sky above him. A bright star seemed to be twinkling at him the same as Dumbledore’s eyes did. James hurriedly turned his face to see Dumbledore’s only to find Dumbledore deep in conversation with Professor Sprout. “You can’t help being who you are and he can’t help being who he is,” replied James. Sirius sighed and they finished their dinner with small comments but little talk. AN: HI Hope u guyz liked that Chapter!! I had a lot of fun writing it.. I know it’s pretty short but it’s an important Chapter because it talks about Lily and James relationship and how Sirius and his brother do not get along. I’ll be out of town for about 5 days while I’m at the cabin so hopefully when I get back Sunday I’ll lots of Reviews and you’ll get a nice long chapter!! thankx to everyone who has reviewed so far! x0x0 Kaci 13. Schedules ------------- Chapter 13: Schedules Lily stared at the schedule in her hand for her first week back. The schedule was filled to the brim with hard and accelerated classes. **Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday** **9:AM** Charms DADA History of Magic Potions Astronomy **11:AM** Herbology PREP TIME History Of Magic Potions Charms **1: PM** Herbology COMC Transfiguration DADA PREP TIME **3: PM** PREP TIME COMC PREP TIME PREP TIME Transfiguration **8: PM** Astronomy NO CLASS NO CLASS NO CLASS NO CLASS “Can I see yours?” asked James as he made his way over to her from the other end of the Great Hall. The morning was hectic as all the students compared their schedules with their friends. Students were shouting across the hall and only two teachers were in the room. All the other teachers were missing. Students began to hurry out of the Great Hall and make their way to their first class. Lily’s stomach was full of food due to her large breakfast she had just consumed while talking with her best friend, Katie. The only two Professors in the hall were Professor Herdvern who taught Defense Against Dark Arts and Professor Jemphil who taught Care of Magical Creatures and they were talking quietly with their heads together, oblivious to the chaos going on around them. Lily thrust her schedule into James’ hand, receiving a shout of glee from him after finding her in all of his classes that year. Other Gryffindors came over and looked and Lily’s schedule, as well. “What’s “prep time“?” asked Alyssa as she passed the schedule to Bekka. “For Head Boy and Girl,” replied Lily, but Alyssa stared at her, still very confused. “We go and meet with teachers or we sit in on classes and help the teachers teach or-” “OK, boring then,” said Alyssa. “More work.” Bekka passed the paper back to Lily and head over to a different group of students. The Great Hall had began to empty and only a few groups remained. Most of the students left were Ravenclaws or Gryffindors in their Sixth or Seventh year. “Well,” said Lily thoughtfully. “Yes, I suppose it’s more work, but it’s so fun!” “More work,” repeated Alyssa as she walked over to Bekka who was entertaining a group of boys from Ravenclaw with one of her stories from the summer. “Lily,” said James as he looked around the room. “Where are all the teachers?” “I don’t know,” replied Lily. “I thought earlier that it was odd with so few teachers here right now.” Lily watched Alyssa, Bekka and the boys leave the Great Hall, quickly leaving only a few other Ravenclaws who were still eating. “Well,” replied James. “It’s the first day of classes and I guess they are just preparing.” Professor Herdvern stood up from the Professor's table and looked over the few students before him. “HUSH everyone,” said Professor Herdvern whose voice had been projected around the room. “Everyone should already be heading to their classes. I assume most of the ones left will be tardy and you all know the rule.” “Tardy is detention,” murmured all the voices. Lily’s eyes went wide as she looked at her watch. She had one minute to get to her first class before she ruined her perfect report of never being tardy. The Ravenclaw students began hurrying out of the Great Hall and running or walking quickly to their first class. “We’ll never make it!” cried out Lily. James grabbed her hand and began pulling her in the opposite direction of all the other students. “What are you doing, James?” screamed Lily as he dragged her down the corridor. James ran his hand along a wall with many cracks and chipped pieces of paint. James’ hand fell into a dent and he pulled open the wall to reveal a long narrow hall. He pushed Lily into the hall and she ran as fast as she could, leaving James behind to shut the door. At the end of the hall, she stopped as the hall had parted in two. James had caught up to her because he had longer strides. “Right!” he shouted and Lily set off again as she went uphill with the hall. Glancing at her watch, she noticed she had 32 seconds to make it to Charms before she would be counted tardy. She pumped her legs harder and thanked her parents silently for making her compete on the track team when she was growing up. The end of the hall came into view as three kids jumped out of a hall joining them. Sirius landed inches before Lily’s face, making Lily stop and having James run into her. The three fell to the ground, but James didn’t wait. He jumped up quickly, helping Lily. “GO!” shouted James as Sirius, Lily and him caught up to Katie and Remus as Remus pushed open a door. They had landed right outside the Charms door. Remus pushed open the Charms door. They had made it just in to class just in time before Professor Nuddler would have counted them tardy. Sirius, Remus and James took their usual spots they had occupied for the last six years in the back. The chair on the far left was empty where Peter should have been sitting. James sighed at the thought that he should have helped Peter study better for the O.W.L. in their Fifth year. Lily and Katie went to the third row that had two empty seats and sat themselves down before opening up her book. “This is your last year, class,” said Professor Nuddler. “This will be my last year to be able to knock some sense into your empty minds. It will be your hardest year you have ever taken in your life. Every day, you will be given homework, and if you don’t finish, you’ll be given extra homework. I’m talking about countless projects. I will be pushing you harder than any time before. Last year I told you that I was preparing you for this year, well this year I am preparing you for life.” Lily looked around the classroom and tried to count the number of kids in here, *15,* she thought to herself. *Wow that’s 10 less than last year,* she knew some kids had not passed the final exams at the end of last year, but she didn’t think so many hadn’t. Bekka, Alyssa, Theodore, and a boy named Blake Johnson were sitting in the front row. In the second row was Severus Snape, Walden MacNair, Lucious Malfoy, and a girl Lily didn’t care to know. Next to Lily were two Hufflepuff girls named Jordan Kenitaly and Nicole Kenitaly. Lily really didn’t like the girls because they were well known among the boys for reasons Lily was disgusted with. “Now, for our first project, you will chose a partner and NO Sirius,” said Professor Nuddler, “You are not a girl and you can not go with Mr. Potter.” Professor Nuddler was referring to the rule he always used with his classes that they must go girl and boy. Everytime Professor Nuddler had assigned a project for the last six years, Sirius asked if he could be a girl so he could go with James. It wasn’t that Sirius or James couldn’t find a girl to be their partner, (girls from other houses lined up to go with one of the two boys), it was that none of the Gryffindor girls would be partners with the boys so they would have to always work in the library, which was not fun. “I wasn’t going to ask,” replied Sirius as he smiled. “We have a truce now with the Gryffindor girls thanks to my mate James here.” James grinned at Sirius and Lily rolled her eyes as everyone looked at her. All of a sudden, the bottom of her stomach seemed to drop. She always went with Remus for her projects in Charms class. She had gone with him for the last six years and now she would have to go with James. “I’ll go with Remus,” said Bekka as she turned around from the first row. Katie looked at Lily slightly, but didn’t say anything. The rest of the class period involved picking a partner and then choosing the Charm they would be studying for that month. They had to write five feet on the history of the Charm which would be due next Monday. The next class Lily went to, Herbology, involved lectures by her teacher and a talk about how important it was for all of the kids to work on their projects and papers. Lily left that class and headed to a late lunch. Only the kids not taking a fourth hour class were in the Great Hall, as all other students were heading to their next class. “With our classes this full,” said Sirius. “We’re lucky to get anything to eat.” “Tell me about it,” said Alyssa. “At least you don’t have a class fourth hour,” she finished before standing up with her faithful sidekick Bekka and leaving the Great Hall. “Poor Peter,” said Remus. “He’ll never see us anymore.” “Speaking of not seeing anyone,” said Lily suddenly. “Where were you last night? I didn’t see you at dinner... I was looking everywhere...” “Umm... I err...,” said Remus as he looked at the food on his plate. “Remus here got a little train sick,” said Sirius, patting Remus on the arm. “Oh,” said Lily as she saw James and Sirius look at each other, very concerned. ‘*Something’s up with them’* Lily thought to herself. “Well, I need to go,” said Remus as he stood up. “Since I dropped Astronomy I have Muggle Studies next.” “Me too,” replied Katie quietly. Lily watched as Katie blushed from talking in front of the three boys. “If we hurry,” said Remus happily, “we won’t be late.” Katie followed Remus out of the Great Hall with last few students also hurrying to get to their class. Lily leaned back in her chair and looked around seeing four Ravenclaw Sixth years eating as well as two Hufflepuffs. Lily stared at James and Sirius mixing food together on Sirius’ plate. “James,” said Lily. “We really do need to go talk to Professor Dumbledore and see what he needs us to do today,” said Lily as she stood up. “So this is what happens when you get a girlfriend,” said Sirius unhappily from his spot at the empty table. “I’m all alone now!” James patted Sirius on the back and stood up. “I’m sure you won’t be that alone,” said James as he nodded towards the two Hufflepuff girls. “I’m sure I won’t,” replied Sirius before strolling over to the Hufflepuff table. AN: THANK YOU to everyone who reviewed last chapter!! I hope I am making the post longer for everyone... I think I’ll be able to post two more times this week before THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE!!! he he he!! i am excited sorry~~ THANKX to everyone who has reviewed and thank you so much to those readers who faithfully review every chapter! it means a lot to me!! x0x0 Kaci p.s. Sorry for making the schedule screwy! 14. A Meeting with Dumbledore ----------------------------- Chapter 14 : A Meeting with Dumbledore James sat down in front of Professor Dumbledore and smiled at him. Lily sat down next to James nervously. “So how has your first day gone?” asked Dumbledore. “Good,” replied James. “The usual.” “That’s good,” said Dumbledore who then sighed and looked at the sheets in front of him. “We have another report of muggles being attacked. It seems a boy and girl were killed last night at a beach. Luckily, I suppose, there were no eye witnesses. So no memories had to be modified. But we did find the Dark Mark about them, so we know it was Voldemort’s doing.” “But why?” asked James as he leaned forward and looked Dumbledore square in the eye, something Lily would never do. Dumbledore sighed again massaging his temples. “For fun,” replied Dumbledore at last and Lily’s mouth hung open. “How is killing fun?” Lily asked in a frightened tone. “I have never liked it myself,” answered Dumbledore. “But on a brighter note, it seems we have recruited more wizards to join our fight. One of my biggest concerns at the moment is whether or not I can recruit more of the Dark Creatures to our side.” “Why don’t you ju...” asked James as his voice trailed off and he felt like hitting himself for almost asking why Dumbledore didn’t just ask Remus to talk with the werewolves. “I do not think he could help us with this,” replied Dumbledore. Lily looked from Dumbledore to James wondering what they meant. “Is there anything else we need to know?” asked the quiet Lily. “No, unless either of you have a question for me?” asked Dumbledore as a smile returned to his face. He looked fondly at the two young adults in front of him. “Why,” said James suddenly after Dumbledore had asked his question. “Why us? You could have picked two other Seventh years who are smarter and more capable of helping you run Hogwarts, but you picked us, why us?” Dumbledore smiled once more and this time, it was a brighter and happier one. “I was waiting for one of you to ask me. The answer is simple, Mr. Potter. You two make an excellent team.” Lily’s mouth dropped open in horror at what Dumbledore had just said and stared at him. “We do NOT!” snapped Lily. “Well,” said Dumbledore thoughtfully. “I suppose not at the moment. But when you are married and have kids, when it is time for you to fight Voldemort, I suppose *then* you will make a good team.” “Kids!” said Lily. “I don’t want kids until I am at *least* 25.” “Well, with the war beginning, I would be surprised if you lived to be 25,” replied Dumbledore. “Another reason why I was keen on setting you two up. By James marrying you Lily, you will be more protected by ancient magic that I can’t put on you.” “What do you mean ancient magic?” asked James. “*I* don’t have ancient magic.” “Not any magic you can do,” replied Dumbledore. “But Godric Gryffindor made sure his descendents would be protected from the Slytherin descendents quite well. Your ancient magic runs in your veins James, and once Lily marries you, it will run in hers too.” “Voldemort is a descendent of Slytherin?” asked Lily horrified. “Course,” replied James. “The Ministry has been trying to keep it hush-hush though. If word leaked out he was a descendent of one of the founder’s of Hogwarts, well let’s just say we would have very many little wizards and witches not coming through Hogwarts.” “And of course there is the Prophecy, to consider,” added Dumbledore as he smiled at James and Lily. “What Prophecy?” asked Lily nervously. “That one day there will be a great battle between descendents of the Four Founders and one of the Four will trump over the other and become the sole ruler of the magical community,” said James simply and watched Lily’s face turn white. “So one of my kids, or grandkids, could be killed by Voldemort?” asked Lily staring at Dumbledore. “Well, it’s likely that even if you didn’t marry James, one of your kids or grandkids would be killed by a dark wizard. You’re a powerful witch Lily and your kids will also be powerful. It’s only a matter of time before Voldemort tries to kill you off,” replied Dumbledore calmly. Lily stood up and gaped at the old man sitting in front of her who was no longer smiling. She really didn’t understand. And that was something Lily Evans did not like being able to do. She didn’t mind not being beautiful, she didn’t mind not being athletic and able to play sports, but she *did* mind not being able to understand what was going on around her. “I don’t want this,” said Lily as she stared at James. “Like I do?” asked James, now glaring at Lily. “Do you think I just understood when my parents explained to me that I was on the “Wanted List” of over a hundred dark wizards? That one day I could be forced to fight and kill men? I didn’t ask for any of this Lily. Don’t be so stupid to think I would want you to have this too.” Lily stared at James and a realization slowly hit her. All the times when her friends had had their hearts broken by James was just because he had been looking out for them. He could never let anyone get close to him because it could mean their life. And he had probably known his whole life he would have an arranged marriage. He just didn’t know with who. “Is that why you asked me out all the time? You wanted to find which of the Gryffindor girls was the best kisser?” asked Lily sadly, keeping her gaze on James. “NO,” said James innocently. “I liked you, I mean, I thought I did at least. And I liked that you didn’t like me! It was a challenge that I liked... But I gave up at the end of last year knowing I might be finding out about if my parents would be having me marry someone...But I have to admit you are a very good kisser.” Dumbledore coughed loudly from his desk and Lily began to blush when she realized that she had forgotten all about him. “So as I was saying,” said Dumbledore as Lily sat down again in her chair, “It’s very important that you two get married. It’s vital that James is given a son as soon as possible.” Lily flinched and James began to blush in confusion. “I-I’m only 17,” said Lily. “And you will be married this June,” said Dumbledore. “So hopefully we can expect a descendant sometime next spring.” Lily stared openmouthed at Dumbledore. This was unlike the man she had met on occasions before. He seemed bossy and rude. “No,” said James as Dumbledore stared at him, taken aback. “We need to wait to have any kids.” “And why,” asked Dumbledore as he raised his eyebrows at the young man before him. “Do you say you need to wait?” “I barely know Lily,” said James. “And plus, it’s a little early for me to have any kids. I still need to grow up, myself.” “So true,” mumbled Lily as James turned and glared at her. “When could we expect a new heir?” asked Dumbledore patiently. Dumbledore looked at James expecting an answer, but James wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Two, three years,” replied James which made Dumbledore sigh and looked close to tears. “Why does it matter any ways if the Gryffindor has an heir? There are two other heirs that could kill off You-Know-Who,” said a frustrated Lily as she hit her knee with her hand. “Because,” said Dumbledore. “Gryffindor is the best. Ravenclaw, yes had the brains, but it was Gryffindor that carried out the plans. Slytherin was cunning and could fool anyone into thinking something else while Hufflepuff was kind and caring.” “It’s vital we win,” said James. “Gryffindor is a mixture of all four and would be the only one brave enough to rule the community.” “I just don’t want to be pressured into things I don’t want,” snapped Lily in reply. “What if we never have any kids?” asked James as he turned away from Lily’s upset face. “Couldn’t I just fight Voldemort?” Dumbledore sighed for what was the millionth time and massaged his temple with his fingers. “What if you died though? You need to have a son that will your spot.” Dumbledore looked at the papers in front of him again and Lily noticed he looked very strained from last time she had talked to him early this summer. “Why a son?” asked Lily. “A women could easily fight and kill You-Know-Who.” James rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh. “Godric Gryffindor was a male,” said James patiently like he was talking to a little kid. “You need to have the same sexes in the final battle. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw female while Gryffindor and Slytherin are male.” “Oh,” replied Lily as she looked around Dumbledore’s office and saw the famous paintings watching their conversation intently. “Until you two are married, I want you to try and get along. Be nice to each other and get to know the other one. Many people will be trying to rip you two apart. And James, begin to study the courses that we laid out for you,” said Dumbledore as he began to excuse Lily and James. “What courses?” asked Lily. “Auror courses,” replied James as he didn’t even come close to meeting her eye. “WHAT!” said Lily as she looked from James to Dumbledore with anger. “So you are going to go and get yourself killed while I raise our bloody son!” Dumbledore’s eyebrows shot into his long silver hair as he looked at Lily in surprise. “Would you like to be the auror then?” asked James in a joking way. “YES!” said Lily as she stomped on James foot. He screamed in pain while jumping up and down and clutching his hurt foot. “THAT HURT!” “GOOD!” replied Lily. “IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!” James leaned forward and pulled out his wand as if he was about to blast Lily into pieces while she smiled at him haughtily knowing very well he would and could never hurt her. “Stop,” said Dumbledore as he pulled out his wand and both Lily and James were flung back into their chairs. “Neither of you will ever get a job as an auror if you behave like *that.”* Lily blushed and turned to James, glaring at him rudely. “James, you and Lily. And anyone else interested can come to an informational meeting tomorrow night... I will have someone come in and explain to you and your friends about what being an auror is... now leave,” said Dumbledore as he raised his hand half-heartedly and ushered them out the door without another word to either but a nod of some sort to James as if an indication of something... AN: Hi everyone! Hope you like this Post... It’s a little random.. Or at least I think it is.. I have just finnished writing chapter 25! The story is moving along very well I think and I kind of have an outline for the rest of the story at the moment!! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed my story! It means a lot to me! If you have any advice please feel free to give it.. I’d like to make my story better! Thankx again to all my readers x0x0 KAci 15. The Deserted Hallway ------------------------ Chapter 15: The Deserted Hallway James took a step out of Dumbledore’s office and continued walking, not waiting for Lily. “James, wait,” pleaded Lily as she ran after James. James continued walking, doing his best to ignore his fiancé. She caught up to James as he was rounding the corner of a deserted hallway with no doors. “I need to meet someone Lily, what do *you* want?” asked James furiously as he looked at the women he had had a crush on for so many years. Lily stopped and the two of them looked at each other angrily. “Why can’t you just act normal?” screamed Lily angrily. “How do you want me to act?” asked James sarcastically. “Like before,” replied Lily. “Before what?” “Before... before we were engaged!” replied Lily. “Ha,” said James as he continued heading down the deserted hallway. “That’s impossible.” James took a few angry steps down the hallway. It seemed to slant downward and became colder and darker with every step. The torches that lit the hallway with light became fewer and fewer as James hurried down the hallway with Lily following him. “Stop following me,” shouted James as he snapped his head around and began to run down the hallway. “James,” said Lily and she followed him down the hall that seemed to be getting smaller and darker the farther she walked down it. “Lily,” said James as he turned around suddenly once more and stopped. “Turn around and go back in the other direction.” “Why?” asked Lily in a snotty tone. “Because,” said James as he looked down the dark hallway with a scared look in his eyes. “I am telling you to.” “And I am not listening to you,” said Lily uneasily as she started walking down the hallway before James grabbed her around the waist with both of his arms from behind her and pushed her against the wall. “Wh-” said Lily as she stopped and looked down into the large black pit she had almost stepped into. Lily stared at James with fear crawling in her eyes. The fear that had been in James’ eyes had disappeared and taken over by a worried look of the questions he would have to answer to Lily. “Tell me,” said Lily slowly in a whisper, “What that is.” “I can’t Lily,” said James honestly. Lily looked in the pit and couldn’t see the bottom. She tried to look across the pit to see how far it stretched, but all she saw in the distance was darkness. James was still holding Lily against the wall with his arms and she could hear his heart beating. He was so close to her. His arms were around her waist and she was pushed against the wall. “Why not?” asked Lily, even though she knew she sounded like a little four-year-old girl. “If I told you,” said James. “I would have to kill you.” Lily’s heart fluttered as James rearranged his grip on Lily’s waist and pulled her a little farther away from the pit. “What are you doing down there?” asked Lily as she pointed at the pit with the one hand that James had just released from his grip. “Lily,” said James as he now sounded like a pleading four year old. “I can’t tell you!” “Yes you can!” “No, I can’t!” “Just say it Potter!” “No, *Evans*!” said James in a way of putting down Lily for her last name. Lily seemed to get the message... or so James thought. “In less than a year, my last name will be the same as yours,” said Lily as she glared at him. “And we know who I can thank for that.” “Dumbledore,” replied James. “Now get the bloody hell out of here.” “You are still the stupid prick I have always known!” screeched Lily as she pushed James off her, looked into the pit one last time and ran back in the direction she had come from. James watched her small body run quickly up the hallway and James took a deep breath. That had been a close one. James pulled out his wand a muttered a few words before he flicked his wand and the hallway became bright and the dark pit disappeared. Lily had stopped when she had thought she was far enough away. She slowly began creeping back towards James when all of a sudden the hallway became light. She laid down on her stomach and watched as the dark pit had disappeared and James had begun to continue walking down the hall. Lily silently put the *Evanesco* charm on herself, turning her invisible. James thought he heard a noise and turned around quickly but saw no one behind him. He started jog down the hallway... he would be late to the meeting again... *“What is Potter up to?”* thought Lily as she ran to catch up to him. He stopped suddenly and looked behind him for a second before he continued to jog down the hall. James jogged down the bright deserted hallway and suddenly stopped. He took out his wand and started tapping the side of the hallway with his wand as he muttered more words under his breath. Lily almost ran into James as he suddenly stopped and began tapping the wall in front of him with his wand. James glanced to his left and thought he felt something almost brush up against him. *He must have been dreaming*. James continued tapping the wall when suddenly a painting popped up on the other side of the hallway. Lily watched James intently as he glanced at her as if he could see her and then continued to work. “He can’t see me,” thought Lily as she reassured herself. But she suddenly jumped when a painting appeared on the other side of the hallway. James turned and looked at the painting before him. He had seen this painting millions of times, it was one of the few in Hogwarts that did not move. The painting showed a lovely bushy haired brunette who was holding a baby in her arms. She was sitting on a couch and there was a man next to her with green eyes that reminded James so much of Lily’s eyes. The man’s hair though, reminded James of himself. In the painting, the man had a hand on the women’s leg and she looked tired, as if the baby was wearing her out. James reached his right hand out and touched the women’s head in the picture with bushy brown hair. The painting held still and suddenly a voice echoed through the hallway, “Who do you follow?” “The one that has the love of the father, the son, and the spirit of the mentor,” replied James bravely. The painting held still another moment and then suddenly opened up. James jumped into the opening and closed the door quickly before Lily could follow. Lily stared at the painting and noticed the background of the painting, she had seen it before. She just couldn’t remember where. *Here goes nothing* thought Lily as she slowly touched the women in the painting. A second later the voice again echoed out into the hallway “Who do you follow?” Lily squinted her eyes and silently prayed this would work. “The one that has the love of the err... father, the son, and err.. the...err...spirit of the...err.. mentor,” said Lily hoping she had said the phrase correctly. The painting held still for a second and Lily worried she had said the phrase incorrectly. Her heart began to speed up nervously. She had to see what James was up to... she had to... The painting swung open and Lily stepped into the hole in the wall, swinging the painting shut behind her. AN: OK so I know this Chapter is short but the next one is very long and maybe I’ll be able to post it Friday morning... i probably won’t be able to POST again till Tuesday... As i’ll be busy reading HBP and editing this story... I have a sad feeling this story will go AU after HBP comes out because I have some stuff happening in here that would not necessarily be going along with information JK may give us... So Just a warning that this story might be a little different from what JK Rowlings writes in her books.. I’ll do my best thought to edit the story so it goes along basically with what she says!! 2 days 12 hours 45 minutes and 38 seconds until HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE x0x0 Kaci 16. The Order ------------- *Disclaimer Note:* In this Chapter I have taken a few names out of the Name List on Mugglenet.com. The link is this http://www.mugglenet.com/characterlist.shtml. I do not own any of the names as J.K. Rowling made them up and had them published... Just wanted to make that clear to anyone who cared... Now on with this story.... Chapter 16: The Order James stepped into the room that was filled with ten to fifteen adults who were sitting in a circle staring at Dumbledore who was standing up from his spot in the circle. All the heads in the room turned and looked at James as he quickly closed the door behind him and walked up to the circle to sit down in one of the two empty chairs left near the doorway. “James,” said Dumbledore as he nodded his head at James. “As I was just telling everyone, we are worried about the att-....” Dumbledore stopped talking and stared at the door. The twenty some heads turned to look at the small red-head who had popped into the room. “Lily!” exclaimed James, as he gaped at his wife-to-be. Lily’s head swiveled around the room in a very confused manner. She didn’t understand what was happening. Her eyes rested for a few seconds on the faces of all the adults sitting in the room. James’ parents were there, sitting close to Dumbledore, and so were Remus’ parents, and a few other wizards and witches that Lily didn’t know because they were older than even her grandmother. The ones that she did know, were fairly famous. There was Nicolas Flammel, who Lily knew had invented a Sorcerer’s Stone a while back, and lived in luxury. His wife was also sitting next to him, who Lily recognized from a picture. There was Agatha Chubb, who was expert in ancient artifacts, Mordicus Egg, an author, Dorkas Meadowes, Marlene McKinnons, Sturgis Podmore and Kingsley Shacklebolt, who had all graduated from Hogwarts the year before and were some of the top students from their grade. Then there was Emmeline Vance and Ludislaw Zamojski who were both three years older than Lily and had been Head boy and Head girl in their year. Of course there was Edgar and Amelia Bones who were two of the Hufflepuff Heirs and both of them had graduated from Hogwarts two years before Lily. And there was also a woman named Cliodna who was famous for doing something mysterious for the Ministry that no one knew anything about. Sitting next to Cliodna was an upset Molly Weasley who was shooting dangerous looks at her husband Arthur sitting beside her. And finally there was Alastor Moody who was quickly becoming a very good dark wizard catcher. Lily was scared. She had never before been in the presence of such famous wizards and witches, who would go on to do even more famous things after meeting them for the first time. She knew, what sat before her, was the best of the best. The witches who could cast charms faster than any other adult. And some of the wizards could transfigure anything they laid eyes upon. It took just one flick of their wands. Lily took a step back nervously and stared at Dumbledore. She was worried she would get in trouble. She should never have followed Potter. She should have known he would lead her to trouble. “Well, Miss Evans,” said Dumbledore finally. “You can take a seat next to Mr. Potter.” Lily walked shakily over to James who looked at her with wide eyes. “It’s a pleasure of course, for you to join us, it was just going to be a matter of weeks before I’m sure I would have invited you to join this group. But tonight is a great time to join.” “You might be wondering who these people are,” said Dumbledore. “Well these people, are the best. It is stated as simply as that. I have put together the best of the best to do the unthinkable. To form a union of powerful witches and wizards who can defeat the powerfully rising Lord Voldemort. “The reason I hadn’t asked you earlier to join us was because I was worried you would reject my idea. I felt that at the time when I put this group together, that you might be mad at me due to err... a decision I made about you and your future husband...” Dumbledore’s eyes rested upon James’ face before continuing. “So right now Lily, I must ask you, before you learn any vital information about us. Are you willing to put your life at stake, for this group? Are you ready to fight evil? Are you prepared to beat evil? No matter what it takes? And finally, do you promise to someday, when The One arrives, do you promise to do as The One wishes, and obey every command The One gives you?” “Yes,” replied Lily confidently in a voice that didn’t even sound like her own. “But...err... who is The One?” The adults in the room raised their eyebrows at each other and exchanged looks that Lily didn’t understand. “The One,” said Dumbledore, “has the love of the Father, Son, and Spirit of his Mentor. The One may be sitting in this circle at the moment, but it is believed by the prophecies, that The One will be born to someone in this circle, possibly even you Lily.” “I still don’t understand,” said Lily. “If The One hasn’t been born yet than who are... err... we?” “We,” said Dumbledore as his eyes twinkled at Lily. “Are the Order of the Phoenix.” “Now Lily,” said Dumbledore. “Take a good look around at who is sitting before you. Because you may never see some of these people ever again. Some, here, like the Bones, can not be known to be in the Order. Because, then they would be ignoring their heritage, but they have agreed, when the time comes, to side with Gryffindor.” Lily starred Edgar and Amelia, they looked scared. Lily smiled, incorrigibly at them and Amelia, a hard-faced and scared women, smiled back at Lily. “I know that I can and probably will die,” said Edgar with a smile. “And I’m pretty sure, that it will be my child that fights along side your child.” “M-my Child?” asked Lily as she looked questioningly at Dumbledore. “Yes, Lily,” answered Dumbledore. “All these people know that you and James are engaged.” “Oh,” said Lily. “All of these people are willing to die for the Gryffindor line to continue,” said Dumbledore. “But I still don’t understand,” said Lily as she starred at Dumbledore. “Why can’t James just be The One?” “The One, has a son,” answered James father, Albert. “So then you might be The One,” said Lily excitedly, trying her best to ignore simple facts in her life. Albert shook his head in a very sad way. “The line in me was passed down through my mother, it needs to be passed through the father,” replied Albert. “Enough with this nonsense,” said Alastor Moody as he glared around the group. “We need to concentrate on fighting Voldemort or we will *never* be able to defeat him. All of you here, need to worry about how we will fight him. He is going to pick us off one-by-one if we are not careful!” Lily’s face began to drain in color. She was in so much danger to be killed and she had never realized how dangerous her life would be after Hogwarts. Yes, she would have protection from James, but still. There would be countless times when she would be fighting. Her life was no longer going to be easy. “I’m in,” said Lily. “I’m ready. Train me, and I will fight. Teach me, so that I can learn. I’m ready to fight him, no matter what it takes. I’m ready.” Dumbledore nodded and the meeting continued. Lily paid close attention and learned how members were trying to track down the men and women who might have aligned themselves with Voldemort. Lily was surprised to find how many old blood line families had sided with Voldemort. The only four who seemed to have sided with Dumbledore, were the Potters, Bones, Weasleys, and Prewetts. The Weasleys and Prewetts were known to have mainly children who were sorted into Gryffindor, so Lily was not surprised to see them. As the meeting was over, members of the Order headed over to the large fireplace in the room, and quickly left. Finally, only the Potters, Dumbledore, Moody, and Lily and James were left standing in the room. Lily and James were standing near the fire as Lily had followed James over there as he said good-bye to some of his parent’s friends. Lily was surprised to watch as earlier, Nicolas Flammel, patted James on the back and congratulated him on making the Chocolate frogs. James didn’t seem to realize he was talking to a legend though, and gave Nicolas a full description of what the card said. The two, parted as close friends. “Well, Lily dear,” said Emily Potter as she walked forward and hugged Lily. “I really need to be going. But promise me, you’ll try and get along with James. “ James rolled his eyes and tried to stifle a laugh when his mom gave him a disapproving look. Lily agreed and watched as Emily said good-bye to her son and Dumbledore, before she walked into the fireplace. Albert shook hands with Dumbledore and Moody before walking over to where Lily was standing with James by themselves. “I need you to watch James here,” said Albert he laid a hand on James shoulder and looked into Lily’s eyes. “He doesn’t always follow directions, but if you take charge, things will progress.” Lily was left gaping at him as Albert waved once again to Moody and Dumbledore who were deep in conversation, before heading to the fireplace his wife had disappeared into just moments before. “Well, Lily,” said James as he walked away form the fireplace and toward Moody and Dumbledore. Lily followed, still dumb-struck, over what had just occurred before her. “Ms. Evans,” said Moody as he surveyed her with his eyes. Lily began to feel uncomfortable when James cleared his throat. “Your small, you look like you could easily be hit and killed. Yet you want to be an Auror. You’ve got guts, I must say that, but guts won’t get you far. You need to be STRONG!” Lily frowned and glared at the man before her. She did not like being reminded of how small she was. “Do you know who I am Sir?” asked Lily as she took a step forward. “I am Lily Evans, daughter of two muggles. Yet I am top of my class. I am first in *every* subject except for transfiguration, where James is first. I have been a tutor to younger kids since my third year. I also participated in the Charms club my second through fifth year. I was made Prefect in my Fifth year where I held the spot proudly until this year, when I was made Head Girl. I might be small, but I am quick, and if you teach me, I will fight.” Moody looked a little surprised by Lily’s outburst and Dumbledore smiled a knowing smile at Moody while James remained emotion less. “As I was telling you Alastor. These are two of our top students. I would like for them to be part of your Auror training program if you will except. Or I suppose I can find someone else to train them,” said Dumbledore with a look of knowledge that no one else contained. “’Course I will Albus,” said Moody as he looked at his friend next to him. Albus turned towards Lily and James and looked each of them in the eye carefully. “Tomorrow night, Alastor here, will start your training for being an Auror. I know that you two will want to join, but I would also like if you could find a few more students who might want to join. And James, make sure that no one finds out that could use this information.” James and Lily nodded, and then quickly said there good-byes. Lily stepped out of the door and James followed her before shutting it quickly behind him. “I’m sorry James,” said Lily suddenly as they began to walk down the corridor. James stopped and Lily watched as he ran a hand through his air, trying to smooth it down, so it wasn’t messy and curly. “What are you sorry for Lily?” asked James surprised as he looked into her green eyes with a look of longing. “For being stupid,” replied as she glared at James. “You were being all nice to me so far this year.... and you’ve changed... I guess.” James eyes surveyed Lily’s face and for one second, James looked pained, but it quickly faded from his face and eyes. “So I want us to be friends,” said Lily. “And I want to know everything about you before we get married.” “Everything?” asked James in a teasing matter. “Like what color my tooth brush is and what way I fold my socks? Or just the basics?” “Everything,” answered Lily as she took a deep breath and waited for his reaction. “Well,” said James as he broke eye contact with Lily and looked up and down the hall. “I’m not sure I am ready to share that kind of information with you. I don’t know what you would do with it. You never know, you could be stalking me.” “James, I think it was *you* that stalked *me* in our Third year, if I am correct in saying,” replied Lily as she smiled at James as he once again looked into her eyes. *“Am I flirting with James Potter?”* thought Lily as starred up at James and gave him her best flirty smile, that she reserved only for her most favorite crushes. “Well, Ms. Evans, I believe you are correct, as always. I did stalk you in Third year, and you liked it,” said James as Lily gasped at James and playfully hit his arm. “You... you...UGH!” screamed Lily as she glared at James and stomped her foot in frustration. “We really need to work on your comebacks, that was horrible,” said James. “Now what is your first question you have for me?” asked James when his face lit up and added, “Oh, good idea, just popped into my head, you ask a question, then I ask a question.” James started walking along the corridor back to the common room. Lily followed him. “OK, I’ll go first,” said Lily. “What is your favorite color?” James face paused and he squinted it up, looking as if he was taking a long time to think of the answer. “Gold, because it’s perfect.” Lily shrugged and excepted that as an answer. “OK my turn,” said James as he looked at Lily as she walked beside him. “What is your favorite food?” “Cream-cheese cake,” replied Lily automatically. “Really?” asked James as his eyes widened. “That’s my favorite kind of dessert.” “Weird,” replied Lily with a laugh. “Well what is your favorite food?” “Mashed potatoes,” replied James simply. “Good,” said Lily as she blushed and smiled at James. “I know how to make that.” “That’s good,” replied James. “Well, what is your favorite *muggle* sport?” And that’s how their conversations went. That’s how Lily learned that James hated corn and how James learned that Lily hated French Toast. It’s also how Jams realized how insecure Lily was really, deep down inside of her. And it’s how Lily learned that James cared for people, very strongly, his friends meant the world to him. AN: Hiya I hope everyone enjoys this Chapter!! it’s pretty long... And most off though I hope everyone enjoys HBP!! I know I will!! Have a good weekend everyone ... hopefully I’ll be able to post early next week!! Thankx for reviewing x0x0 Kaci 17. The Secret Passage ---------------------- Chapter 17: The Secret Passage “Shh..” said Sirius as he glared over at Peter who had accidentally bumped into a statue. Peter glared back at Sirius, once Sirius’ back was turned. “Are you sure there was a secret passage over here, Padfoot?” asked James as he ran his hand across the wall. “No, I’m not sure,” said Sirius. “I told you I thought I had seen something when I was in form... it was two years ago, we should have checked then.” “I know,” muttered Remus as he began tapping the wall with his wand. The four Marauders had just finished their first night of Astronomy when Sirius had insisted on looking for a passage he thought had been over here on their way back from the tower. James had complained the whole time that Sirius had probably just dreamed about it and that he needed to get back to the common room because he had his first night of rounds with Lily. “Well,” said James as he set his wand down by his side, looked around the hallway quickly, and turned to his fellow Marauders. “I need to go do rounds with Lily. I’ll do my best to keep her away from here. I can only give you an hour tops though.” Sirius, Remus and Peter nodded and James looked around the hallway again quickly. “Ask her about the charm, mate,” said Remus as he smiled at James slightly. “I’m sure your Lily-flower would know the charm for the map.” “I don’t want to get her involved,” replied James. “Ahhh…ickle Prongsy doesn’t want to get ittle Lily in twouble... how nice of fwim,” said Sirius in a baby voice as he put his hands up over his heart and stared at James with a baby face. “You know just as well as I do, Padfoot, that Lily would never help the Marauders in the first place,” said Remus as he ignored James and talked to Sirius. “Even though her boyfriend is a Marauder, it would be against her religion, and you know how important her religion is to her.” “Why yes I do Moony, she, along with Miss Katie are the only two Seventh Years I have never kissed, and Slytherins course, but I’m related to ninety-nine percent of them so that doesn’t count.” “Course not Padfoot,” said Remus as he patted Sirius on the back. “Of course I’m sure you wouldn’t mind kissing Lily.” “I’d love a shot, maybe next time I see her I’ll lay some of the old Sirius moves on her, and then she can help me with the charm for the map.” “You know I’ve always felt that you two would make an adorable couple!” said Peter as he got into the conversation. “FINE!” said James as he began heading down the corridor toward the Gryffindor common room where he knew Lily would be waiting for him. “I’ll ask her, you bloody bastard!” “I love you too, mate!” shouted Sirius as Remus and Peter laughed. James picked up his pace as he glanced at his watch and noticed what time it was, he was late. It was only the first night of rounds, and he was late. This would not go over well with Lily. She liked things being on time. James pulled open the fat lady to find a very, very upset Lily staring into his eyes. “Do you know what time it is, James Potter?” asked Lily as she pushed him back through the door and into the hallway. “It is 10:21. I told you to meet me here at 10:15. You are six minutes late. I am surprised that you even showed up!” complained Lily as she pulled out her wand and began walking down the hallway that James had just come from. “Lily, let’s go this way,” said James as he tried to head towards the Great Hall. “NO, James. I waited long enough for you so we are going to have to go my way tonight!” said Lily as she walked directly towards where Sirius, Peter, and Remus were looking for the hidden passage. “Lily, no one ever comes over here,” said James as he grabbed Lily’s hand and began to pull her towards a different hallway. “JAMES POTTER!” yelled Lily as she walked directly towards Sirius, Remus and Peter. Her face was pouting and she was taking very loud, large steps. “OH MY!” screamed Lily as she reached out and grabbed James hand as a rat ran right in front of her. Lily stared at the rat as it stopped and looked from James to Lily, and back again. James bent down and took the rat by one hand as Lily screeched and let go of James, pressing her body up against the wall. The rat wiggled and tried to get himself free from James’ grasp but a small smile had formed across James’ mouth. “Lily,” said James in a slow patient voice. “Do you not like rats?” Lily raised a questioning glance at James and then giggled and gave a shudder throughout her body. “N-no,” said Lily as she shook her head quickly and stared at the rat with wide eyes. “Pe-Petunia stuck one in my bed once, when I was like five.... I hate rats... so much....” Lily suddenly pulled her wand out and pointed it at the rat. “I think I’ll stun it and leave it for someone’s cat to come pick-up and eat. I just hope my stun doesn’t kill it.” “NO!” said James as he put the screeching rat behind his back. “Lily, you can’t become a murderer!” “It’s just a rat!” replied a very upset Lily. “Just give me the rat, Potter!” “No, Evans. This is a *living* animal! You can not just go around killing animals because you have had a bad experience with one, once in your life,” said James as the rat in his hand bit him. “You-bloody-Worm....!” screeched James as he slammed the rat against the opposite wall of Lily. The rat wiggled and again, tried to bite James. “You watch it pig or I’ll let Lily deal with you.” The rat seemed to quiet down for a second as Lily made a sighing sound from the wall. “Give me the bloody rat Potter or I’ll take it from you” said Lily rather calmly. Lily stuck out her hand as her green eyes glared into James. “Let’s just let it go so it can warn all the other rats that you are coming,” replied James as he stared at the rat. The rat at once went limp in James’ hand and James let out a loud sigh. “I think I squeezed it so hard it died...” said James. James slowly and gently set the “lifeless” rat down on the floor and at once tears filled Lily’s beautiful eyes. She let out a sob and James’ eyebrows went a foot in the air in confusion. “What’s the matter Lily?” asked James in a very comforting tone as he grabbed Lily and gave her a nice warm hug. Lily at once pushed James away from her and buried her face in her arms. “YOU.... you killed the rat!!” cried Lily as tears sprang from her eyes at the speed of a roller coaster and Lily continued to bawl. “But... you... err... were going to kill it,” answered James as he attempted to comfort Lily by running his hand across Lily’s back. “SO!” screamed Lily as she shrugged off James arm and yelled at him. “I was *never* going to kill it! I’m not mean enough to do something like that! I can’t believe you, Potter! You’re accusing me of wanting to kill something that was *ALIVE!”* “But... you... err... said you wanted... to....” said James as he bit his lip and looked open eyed at the woman standing grumpily in front of him. “I... NEVER!” screamed Lily as she angrily took her left hand and slapped James cheek in a *very* lady like manner. “OUCH!” screamed James as he bent down onto the floor and let out a sob of pain and reached up to touch his face were Lily had slapped him. “What did I do for that Evans?” “You said I wanted to kill the rat, which I *never* said!” said Lily smugly as she stopped crying and towered over James. “But you di-” replied James as he stopped in mid-sentence as he watched the lifeless rat suddenly stand up and take a quick look from James to Lily and run off down the hallway. “LOOK!” pointed James and Lily caught the end of the rat’s wormy tail run around the curve of hallway. Lily’s mouth dropped open and she stared at James nervously as she began to blush. “Well, James,” said Lily as she calmed herself down and was fully composed. “You really must stop crying now because we have to finish our rounds tonight” and with that, Lily took off in the opposite direction, away from Peter, Remus and Sirius and towards the Great Hall. **AN:** Ok So I know this Chapter is short.. But I really do not feel like making it longer because I was hoping it would lighten the spirits of those who are depressed over the Book Six things... So I finished Book Six Sunday after noon.. took me about a day.. but I was also at a soccer tournament up north so that’s why I was thinking I wouldn’t be able to read it.. We had four games this weekend so I've been busy and then we have to hang out w/ the team and everything... but I finished the book.. I really wont say much about the book (in case people haven't finished it yet and are reading this fanfiction) other than I was thinking Harry would get together eventually with the girl he did go out with temporarily in Book Six... I hoped though of course that she would accidentally die or something.... Maybe now though he will realize his true love for Hermione x0x0 Kaci 18. A Moody Meeting ------------------- *AN: Disclaimer:* In this chapter, I’ve taken a lot of information from Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.. I’ve also copy and pasted a few sentences from Mugglenet.com The website where I copied a paragraph can be found here: http://www.mugglenet.com/levelnine/horcruxes/howtheywork.shtml .... I didn’t write that just to tell everyone so no one is confused and thinks I am very intelligent... You’ll probably be able to tell what paragraphs I took so I won’t *italic* it or anything. Chapter 18: A Moody Meeting Lily stared open mouthed as the Auror named Moody set the dead spider right in front of her. Seconds before, the spider had been calmly walking across the table, a quick green flash later, and it was dead. “And that is the third Unforgivable Curse, that is also the most deadly,” said Moody as he stared at the seven students in front of him. “Any questions?” “Potter, what is it?” asked Moody as he pointed to one of the four boys sitting in the row of seats directly behind Lily. “Well, Sir,” replied James with a silly grin on his face. “Has anyone ever survived that curse?” “Course not!” said Moody in frustration. “It’s impossible to stop it!” “Why?” asked Sirius as he grinned at Moody from where he was sitting beside his best friend James. “Because the killing curse is to powerful to be stopped,” said Moody. “There are some ways of preventing it.. but there’s no where of stopping it!” “Well,” said Lily quietly as she stuck her hand up in the air quickly. Katie, who was sitting beside Lily, looked at her in horror as Lily looked straight forward at Moody. Katie looked behind her to see the four Marauders smiling smugly as Lily waved her arm to get Moody to call on her. Theodore Whaling, the only member of the group who was not in Gryffindor, was sitting on the other side of Lily, two seats down, with a questioning look on his face. “Yes, Ms. Evans,” said Moody finally. “Well,” repeated Lily as she set her hand on her lap and smiled at Moody. “I was wondering, if we are supposed to be training to be Aurors here, then how come you are not teaching us how to prevent one of the most deadly curses ever used? How are we supposed to protect people if we don’t learn how to stop the curses.... That’s what being an Auror is about, right? Preventing innocent people from dying...” “Well,” said Moody. “You are correct Ms. Evans.” Sirius let a whoop out from where he was sitting, but a quick look from Moody stopped him from letting any more out. “If someone is immortal,” said Moody slowly as he picked his words carefully. “And that’s not an easy thing to do, if they are immortal, or have used a Horcruxes they won’t die.” Lily blinked her eyes and stuck her hand once more into the air. “What are Horcruxes?” asked Lily as she put her hand down and smiled at a surprised Moody. “Horcruxes are how a wizard or witch makes themselves immortal,” replied Moody. “And how do you do that?” asked Sirius. “You split your soul,” replied Moody with an evil smile. “I don’t get it,” said James. “You can’t split you soul.” “Yes, you can,“ said Moody with a sigh. “A Horcrux is created by manually putting part of the soul into an object. Firstly, the soul must be split into two, where one part remains in the human body while the other is destined for the Horcrux. This splitting is accomplished by the "supreme act of evil," murder, which "rips the soul apart." And no one worth knowing kills anyone.” “Well, what if someone did, like a Death Eater?” asked Sirius. “Then what would happen?” “Well, a powerful spell must be used to gain control over the divided soul to allow the witch or wizard to physically move it into the object they have chosen for the Horcrux. The Horcux could be an object or I suppose a living animal... But objects seem to be the best.” The seven students stared at Moody and Sirius mouth had come unlatched and was hanging open. “So if I killed someone I could make a Horcux?” asked James. Lily rolled her eyes to see Katie was smirking in her hand. “Creating a Horcrux is unnatural and immoral,” replied Moody. “And even discussing Horcuxes is banned at Hogwarts. I shouldn’t have said anything, now you guys will all be wanting to make Horcuxes.” “Don’t worry,” Lily. “We won’t be.” “Good,” said Moody as he changed the subject. “Everyone should take out a pen and quill and we will be writing down notes about the Dueling with Death Eaters.” The seven students sat there for the rest of their Auror preparation class and listened to Moody lecture about how one mistake in a duel, could mean losing your life. Moody then explained how he would start teaching them how to duel next week. Lily sighed as Moody dismissed the class. She stood up with Katie and they began walking towards the common room. Lily glanced back as she saw Theodore Whaling stand up and start talking with Moody as the six Gryffindors left the classroom. “That was bloody boring,” said Peter as the four boys followed the two girls up a staircase. “Course you thought it was boring Wormtail, you probably didn’t understand half of what Moody was saying,” said Remus. “I didn’t, and I don’t know if I’ll go back next week. I’m barely passing the four easy NEWT classes I am taking, as it is.” “It’s only the second day of classes, how can you barely be passing?” asked Sirius with a laugh. “You may never have realized this Sirius, but I am not nearly as smart as you three,” replied Peter seriously. Lily let out a laugh as she listened to the conversation going on between the four best friends. “Really?” said Sirius. “I never realized... I mean we did have to help you only a tiny bit when we were learning how to become an ami....” Sirius stopped talking once Remus had kicked Sirius very, very hard in the back of his leg. “Well,” said James quickly as he tried to cover up what Sirius had been about to say in front of the girls. “You won’t be able to be an Auror if you don’t come to the class.” “I’ll just have to learn to live without being an Auror,” said Peter in reply to James’ statement. Katie and Lily stopped outside the fat lady and both turned around at the same time to face the surprised Marauders. “This class,” started Katie shyly, “Is really important to me... So I don’t want you talking much during it... No distractions... “ “And,” said Lily. “Don’t ask stupid questions about Horcuxes... I saved you guys this time from being humiliated in front of Moody, but next time I might not be as nice about it. All six of us know none of us will be making a Horcrux... I mean I‘ve always wanted to know what they were especially since their is only a few casual mentions of it in the library... but still... don’t ask stupid questions like that next week.” Lily leaned forward and kissed James quickly on the cheek. “Night James,” said Lily as she walked into the common room, followed by Katie who waved at the four boys quickly and gave Remus a small smile. “Night ladies,” said Sirius as he blew a kiss at Katie who rolled her eyes and shut the door to the common room quite quickly behind her. James said the password again and the fat lady swung open and James saw Lily and Katie disappearing up the girls’ stairway towards their dorm. James sighed and smiled at Sirius standing beside him who was giving Alyssa and Bekka, Lily’s friends, flirty looks. Sirius grabbed Remus’ arm and the two boys plopped down in front of Alyssa and Bekka and Sirius quickly began talking to the two young beauties. James eyes quickly surveyed the room. The room was empty except for two Fifth year boys who were playing Exploding Snap and a third year girl who was sitting by herself with tons of books around her trying to get some homework done. She looked overworked, lonely and in need of a break. “Do you need some help?” asked James as he plopped down next to her and she glanced up and looked at him with wide eyes. “Are you talking to me, Sir?” asked the young girl who pushed her glasses up from the tip of her nose to the bridge. She then quickly pushed her light brown hair out of her face and James saw some very pretty blue eyes starring at him from behind the rims of her glasses. “Yes,” replied James. “My name’s James, by the way, James Potter.” “Course I know who you are... Everyone does... The Legendary Potters? Who hasn’t heard of them... books are written about your family.... And even if your family wasn’t famous... YOU are... Star Quidditch player? Head Boy? Marauder.... trust me Sir, I know you,” replied the girl in a rushed voice as she closed the book she had been reading. “OK,” said James taken back by the girl’s honesty. “Now can you tell me who you are?” “I... I am Silva Styerling, and yes I suppose you could help me... I think I took to many classes this year...” James looked at the schedule sitting next to her and his eyebrows raised. This girl had two or three classes at every time slot. “Er... yes I do think you have too many classes,” replied James as he set her schedule down. “Can I ask how you plan on getting to all your classes?” “No, you can not ask. I just think I did not do myself a favor by signing up for extra courses like my teachers had recommended.” “Ok,” replied James as the girl opened up the book of charms and again began to read. James looked over to see Katie, Bekka, and Remus laughing at some sort of joke Sirius had just told. The boys playing Exploding Snap had left the Common Room and Peter had gone to bed. “Do you *need* something?” asked Silva as her eyes popped out of the book and starred at James. James looked at the book she was reading and then back at her. “Why, yes....” said James. “Are there any charms that would be able to tell a Map, for instance, where all the occupants of the building were at a certain time?” asked James as he looked hopefully at the girl. She smiled smugly and turned to a page in her book. “It’s right here,” said Silva as she showed James a page. His eyes quickly scanned the page and found a simple charm explaining what to do. “Wow,” said James as he read through the Charm. “One second,” James said to Silva and then shouted across the Common Room to Remus and Sirius. “You guys, she’s got the charm!” Remus jumped up in his seat and ran over to the James so quickly that James would have missed him in a blink of an eye. Sirius, rather slowly, got up and followed Remus. Alyssa and Bekka, realizing they were not wanted any longer, headed up to their Dormitory leaving only the three boys and Silva in the Common Room. “That’s so easy,” said Sirius and he read the charm. “Why didn’t we think of that?” asked Remus. “Because we didn’t have this book,” replied James. “Should we do the charm now?” “No,” replied Sirius. “It says the charm should be done in a small room in the middle of the day when there is lots of sunlight.” “Tomorrow then?” asked Remus. James and Sirius nodded and then turned towards Silva. “Could we please use this book?” asked Sirius who smiled at the third year sweetly. “Yes,” said Silva, “on one condition.” “What?” asked James a little hesitatingly. “You three must be my friends,” said Silva with a sad smile. “I don’t have a lot of friends and if the girls in my grade see me hanging out with the Marauders, I don’t know, but maybe they’ll be nicer to me.” “COURSE!” said Sirius as he gave the girl a hug that made her blush. “We would have been your friends anyways, regardless of that condition. If you help a Marauder, we help you back. So you want friends? Well, Miss... be prepared... Because you are getting friends!” And with that, the three boys walked with Silva to the stair case and said goodbye as the girl, much happier, headed off to bed. “You know, if she was older I would totally ask her out,” said Sirius as the boys began to climb into their dorm. “You know if you were any stupider I would think you were blonde,” replied Remus as he opened the door to their beds and rolled his eyes. An: HI! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.... I am hoping to post another story on Portkey by the end of July.. It’s a h/h fanfic.. it’s based on the song Going Crazy by Natalie so It is pretty interesting I think...I’ll still post as much as I am here.. but there’s only like 15 or so chapters left.. ok so maybe there’s a lot of chapters left... but this is a long story! and then I don’t know if i’ll post the sequel or not because it like has like characters that died in Book 6 in it.. and that could be weird.. But i’ll do my best to edit it and try and decide if the sequel work or not... So I hope everyone liked this chapter.. I’ll try and reply to you if you leave a review.. and thank you to everyone who has left me reviews!! it means soooo much to me!! x0x0 Kaci 19. A Plethora of Changes ------------------------- Chapter 19: A Plethora of Changes September quickly changed into October and October was almost over when something made James realize Lily was acting much different. James had been so busy with all of his classes, Quidditch practice three times a week, at least, Auror Meetings, Order Meetings, and meetings he had to conduct with the Prefects once every few weeks. Not to mention the amount of homework they were getting, wow. Plus every night he had rounds and Lily and him had finally decided to split up so they could finish quicker, and this way, Sirius, Remus, and Peter could explore the Castle looking for all the hidden passages they had found over the years. The Marauder Map was going well after Silva had helped them find the charms that they needed. All that was left was putting all the passages they had onto the map. That was the hard part. The boys had the passages that they knew, and the ones that Filch knew so they never used. And there were a few rooms and passages that the boys had found throughout their years but had never used. Lily seemed to want to know what Sirius, Remus, and Peter were doing in the Common Room every night she came back after her rounds. James had just told her that the three boys were taking their Seventh year a lot more seriously and working on their homework. Lily then began to act different. She seemed to flirt with James... a lot. When she saw him in class she would giggle and give him lots of kisses on his cheeks. Walking down the hallway had almost become annoying to James because Lily wanted to hold his hand. James tried to tell Sirius that Lily was acting different. But Sirius laughed and told James that that was what girlfriends did with their boyfriends. When James said Jordan had never acted like that last year when they were dating, Sirius replied that just because your sleeping with a girl every night doesn’t count as dating. So James, ashamed of what Sirius knew about him, decided to talk to Remus about his Lily problem. Remus replied pretty much the same way that Sirius had, telling James that him and Lily were dating now and that Lily had to still prove to everyone that she liked James. Remus went on to say that lots about how people still doubted that James and Lily were dating, and Lily had probably heard the rumors and wanted to show it wasn’t true. James loved the attention from Lily but he still really wanted to know what was Lily’s change of heart form such hatred to lovey-dovey all of a sudden. Sirius seemed to be getting a kick out of the whole relationship and liked walking in front of the two love birds and making everyone in the hallway back away against the walls and bow down to Lily and James. After some very stern and angry arguments between Sirius and James, Sirius had stopped making everyone in the halls bow to James and Lily as they walked by. Remus seemed to not mind Lily and James being together because it meant to him that he could study with Lily easier without rude comments being sent at him from James and Sirius. Peter seemed to be dropping out of the Marauders more and more as everyday progressed. He had quite a few friends now that were Hufflepuffs and Peter liked to study with them. He simply told his three friends that he needed to study with kids that took the same classes as him and James, Sirius and Remus understood. On the night before Halloween James and Lily decided to do rounds together and they were having a really good discussion on the proper procedures needing to be used when dealing with uncontrollable Giants when James noticed Lily was being a lot quieter than normal. “Is something bothering you Lily?” asked James. “No,” replied Lily as she pushed her long hair out of her face and walked a little quicker down the hall. James sighed and finished checking the castle with Lily before heading back to the Common Room. James said the password (Jumpy Jellybeans) and held the fat lady open for Lily to crawl in. “Well, bye James,” said Lily as she started to walk towards the girls’ staircase, when James suddenly remembered what he had in his pocket. “I have something for you Lily,” said James. Lily turned around and gave James a questioningly look before walk back to him. He quickly dug his left hand into his pocket and pulled out the gold heart shaped necklace that Lily had thrown at him on the Hogwarts Express. “I want you to have this back,” said James. “So I know you are always caring apart of my heart around wherever you go.” Lily giggled and slipped the necklace on over her head and smiled at James. “Well, I have something for you too!” said Lily. James was just about to ask what when Lily suddenly leaned forward and kissed James very quickly on his mouth. James pulled back in surprise to see a smiling green-eyed girl turn around and head up to her dormitory. James crawled up to his room and fell asleep quickly not noticing that all of his friends were missing or the Full Moon shinning into the bedroom through the window next to his bed. *-*-*-*-*-* “So you don’t know why the Marauders are not talking to James?” asked Bekka as she looked at Lily who was pushing around the porridge sitting in front of her. “No,” replied Lily. “I already told like everyone that!“ Bekka sighed and Katie had a worried look across her face. “Maybe Alyssa will find out for us,” said Katie hopefully as she to, started pushing her porridge around her bowl. “It’s just so weird!” said Bekka. “I mean it’s Halloween and you would suspect them to be doing something very bad for Halloween or something... But no, this morning that was just crazy... Lily! Are you even listening to me?” asked Bekka as she starred at Lily who was sitting across the Gryffindor Table in the Great Hall from her. “Yes, I’m listening,” replied Lily. But the truth was, she hadn’t been listening. Her mind kept flashing back to the scene in the Common Room minutes before. *“Hi Lily,” said James as he swept down the boys staircase at the same time Lily had walked down with Katie from the girl’s staircase. James walked straight up to Lily and kissed her squarely on the forehead. Lily giggled while Katie rolled her eyes as she grabbed Lily’s hand and they walked into the Common Room and were barely missed being hit with a flying book from where Remus, Peter, and Sirius were sitting by a table.* *“Hi guys,” said James as he picked up the book that had been aimed at him and started walking toward his three best friends.* *“Hi Traitor,” said Sirius as he picked up another book and threw it as hard as he could at James, who luckily ducked, but barely having to because the throw was so far away from hitting James..* *“That throw sucked Sirius,” said James. “I’m seriously considering removing you from the Team if you throw like that. Even Katie couldn’t have caught that and you know she’s our best Chaser on the team,” said James as he referred to Katie who was standing blushing next to Lily.* *“How could you James!” said Peter as he looked closed to tears and glared at James.* *“How could I have not caught that, well it was really high and to the left and like I said I doubt if even Katie could have caught it!” said James.* *“How could you forget, James?” asked Sirius as he removed his glare from James to a sad look to Remus.* *“How could I forget wh-...” said James as his voice died and he stared at Remus and a look of horror crossed James face making it grow paler by the second. Lily and Katie exchanged questioning looks. Sirius and Peter continued to glare at James as Remus looked at the floor.* *“I’m sorry,” said James as he looked at Remus with a scared and sad look. “I don’t know how I could forget, I mean I’ve never forgotten before and I meant to go, I was just so bus-”* *“SHUT UP!” said Sirius as he glared at James and stood up and pulled out his wand and glared at James. “ I don’t know what’s gotten into you this past month. You’ve been so busy with your stupid HEAD BOY duties, that you’re forgetting your duties as a Marauder. You’ve only had one DETENTION in the last month. You used to be barely go one DAY with out getting detention! I have seen you only fight Snape ONCE! In the last MONTH! I’ve been trying to cover for you with the Slytherins and have been fighting with them even more... But they’ve noticed James! Bella was just asking me the other day after I tried cursing her why didn’t my little Jamesy boyfriend come anymore...You know whose fault this is! HERS!” said Sirius as he pointed at Lily who had been innocently watching the scene in front of her with Katie. Everyone else in the Common Room including Alyssa and Bekka, who had one foot outside of the Common as she had been about to leave when Sirius and James began to argue.* *“SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!” screamed James as he pulled out his wand.* *“SHE HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THIS! THIS IS HER FAULT! YOU KNOW THAT YOU’VE CHANGED BECAUSE OF HER! YOU **ARE** HER NOW! ALL I HEAR IS LILY AND JAMES THIS LILY AND JAMES THAT! IT USED TO BE JAMES AND SIRIUS OR SIRIUS AND JAMES! BUT NOOOO! NOT ANYMORE! I CAN TELL WHEN I’VE BEEN REPLACED!” shouted Sirius in anger as red sparks began to shoot out of his wand.* *“ARE YOU JEALOUS OF LILY!” yelled James in reply. “WELL I DON’T CARE AND YOU BETTER GET USED TO ME SPENDING MORE TIME WITH LILY BECAUSE SHE IS IMPORTANT TO ME AND SHE DOESN’T YELL AT ME WHEN I FORGET SOMETHING!”* *“THAT’S NOT TRUE PRONGS AND YOU KNOW IT! SHE YELLS AT YOU AND CONTROLS YOU! SHE IS A CONTROLLING PERSON! WE CAN’T EVEN WALK DOWN THE HALL WITH OUT HAVING TO HAVE HER WITH US!”* *“THIS IS NOT LILY’S FAULT!” screamed James.* *“IT’S YOUR OWN BLOODY FAULT!” shouted Sirius in reply as he walked towards the fat lady and was followed by Remus and Peter. “AS MY MUM WOULD SAY, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU START TO DATE A MUDBLOOD!” Sirius had just stepped out of the fat lady after almost running over Alyssa and Katie who had been standing there, when James flung a curse in Sirius’ direction.* *“**Furnunculus”** shouted James. The curse hit Sirius squarely in the back and at once large red boils began to cover his perfect skin.* *Sirius turned around, obviously not being badly injured by the curse James had thrown at him. The Common Room was still with fright and everyone was looking at either James or Sirius.* *“You did not just do that,” said Sirius as the boil began to get bigger and one looked close to exploding. Sirius and James were starring at each other with such loathing; no one seemed to know what to do.* *Lily sighed and pulled out her wand and pointed it at Sirius and said the counter-curse to the curse James had thrown at Sirius. The boils at once disappeared from Sirius skin. Sirius pulled his eyes off of James and glared at Lily.* *“I didn’t need help from your bloody girlfriend,” said Sirius as he looked back at James from Lily.* *James pointed his wand at Sirius at the same time Sirius pointed his long black wand at James.* *“**Conjunctivitis,”** shouted James as a bright yellow light flew out of James wand. This time Sirius was ready and threw a curse right back at James.* *“**Incendio,”** shouted Sirius. A dark red light soared out of Sirius’ wand as the curse collided with the bright yellow curse exiting from James wand. The two curse collided and Sirius’ hit Alyssa square in the chest causing her robe and shirt to start on fire while James curse hit Peter square in the face were hit eyes at once began to crust over and he howled with pain.* *Sirius turned to Alyssa with a look of horror that was close to the replica on James face as he starred at Peter.* *“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!” yelled Professor McGonagall as she stepped into the Common Room and looked from Sirius to James, who each had their wands still out, and then onto Alyssa, who had finally extinguished the flames on her robes and onto Peter who was still crying out in pain over his eyes that had crusted together. “YOU **TWO** have been dueling!?” asked a shocked and angry Professor McGonagall as she looked from James and Sirius in disbelief.* *“Fifty points from Gryffindor for each of you and both of you will be serving Detentions for all of next week. James help Peter up to the Hospital Wing, Alyssa you better head up there also to make sure nothing is to badly burnt.” James reached out and helped lift Peter up as Sirius and Remus glared at James with loads of hatred. James and Peter exited the Common Room and Alyssa followed hesitatingly after shooting Lily and Sirius both mysterious looks. Professor McGonagall stared at the closed fat lady and shook her head in disbelief.* *“I never thought I would see Potter and Black dueling in my life,” said McGonagall with a loud sigh, the Professor left the common room with a loud bang.* “Lily,” said Katie as she clapped her hands in front of Lily’s face. Lily glanced up as her mind came out of her flash back and she stared at Katie beside her. “As I was saying,” said Bekka. “I never would have expected that from Black and Potter.” “I know, I wonder what was wrong with the two, Seriously!” replied Katie. “I’ve never seen Sirius act so serious either when he was talking to James,” added Lily as she pushed the cold porridge away from her. “What do you mean?” asked Bekka as she starred at Lily. “Sirius always acts like Sirius!” “I know,” said Katie. “That’s not what Lily meant though. She means Sirius was acting serious and he normally never does.” “I seriously have NO CLUE what you are talking about,” said Bekka. “How can Sirius not act like Sirius? I mean he is Sirius.” “She seriously has no clue what we are talking about,” said Katie as she grabbed Lily’s hand and left the Great Hall and headed to her class. AN: Ok So Yes, I know I haven’t posted for a very long time... I’m very sorry.!! I’ve kind have been waiting for my beta to get back to me.. I emailed her the last five chapters about the Fourth of July... and I thought she would have had it back to me by now.. but she hasn’t... So u can see why i am so upset.. well maybe she’s been busy.. In the mean time i have been doing my best to edit my story.. Problem is that I can’t be critical against my own story. i mean i cant sit at my computer like I do with other people’s stories and be like that sucks.. or w/e.. . I can find spelling errors or grammar mistakes but when i do my own story i can’t!! So the summary of this paragraph is if any of my readers are interested in editing the rest of my story email me lilyfan16@mugglenet.com So because i have to do the editing of my story.. I think i’ll be able to post Sunday or MOnday... Sorry for the delay but i dont want my story to be a stinker!!! If anyone is interesting and reading some good stories I have my two favorite stories at the moment: 1) http://fanfiction.portkey.org/story/4706 ~A Lily and James fanfiction called **Rendezvous by the Lake...** Summary: Sitting in front of the Hogwarts lake was an eleven-year-old redhead. James was immediately intrigued by her. Six years later, he was just as intrigued, if not more. The two of them spent quite some time by that lake. They fought, they laughed, they fell in love. This story takes you through their seven years of rendezvous by the lake. I think it’s very very good and would recommend it to all my readers!! 2) http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2267832/1/ ~This story is posted at fanfiction.net... It was rejected at Portkey. I don't understand why because I think this is a excellent story.. It’s AU.. AND i think it’s just wonderful!!!! probably one of the most interesting and thought out stories i have ever read.. Here’s kind of the summary... except it’s like an excerpt.. so not a summary.. “You have run from me, you have hid from me, now…you will DIE by my hand! After all the years…all the attacks and deaths, you knew it would come down to this. You knew I would be the end of you. After all, you are a Seer, are you not? Did you foresee your death? Do you know exactly how I plan to go about killing you? Will I make it quick and easy? Slow and fill you with such pain even the Gods would be frightened of me? Tell me, Jonas Potter, will you beg for mercy…?” *“…Two rivalries will face each other…for centuries and centuries to come…”* “…I ask you, Oh-Great-And-Powerful-Jonas, Did you foresee this coming? If you did, why didn’t you try to avoid this? Did you know you couldn’t defeat me? Did you just want to end it all? If that’s what you want, it’s not happening. You will be tortured for days, as if you were in a washing machine from Hell in my torturing chambers, and then hung out to dry, flesh hanging off your body, on a jagged rock that pierces through your skin…” *“…Their hate for each other mounting to an unmistakable high, surcease of all limits and no boundaries…* “…You will be mingled and no one will be able to tell where you end or begin. You will be unrecognizable and a mutated form of all that you are…Potter scum! All of your, and my own, decedents will know how weak you and your line of blood really are…” *“…But hope will rely on the alliance between the two of them when they reach an understanding despite all the opposition they will face from each other and others…”* “…And think, what will everyone think, a Potter defeated by me, your name will be tarnished and none of your blood line will be able to face society again with a respectable face. All the honor your family demands and receives will be flushed down the toilet…” *“…Their love and bond must withstand all discrimination and be doubtless in the certainty of forever being joined together…”* “…What am I going to do next, Jonas? Are you ready for this to end? Are you ready to start your torture? I must say, I’ve never been one with words, I’m much better in action…” *“…And only then will the rivalry between the two families with such bad blood between them be demolished and a new beginning, based on their giving each other everlasting devotion, shall be recognized and in effect until their love wilts, which would only have bought years of peace between us, but still ending in failure…”* “…Are you ready to die, Jonas…” *“…Two rivalries will face each other…for centuries and centuries to come…”* “…Think, Jonas, a Potter defeated by me, a Granger…Now say good-bye, Jonas…Bow to death, Potter…Bow to your defeater and your rival…the Potter Family Bloodline rival…a Granger…” Dark brown eyes stared into the broken-down green pools of Jonas, relentless and evil, as somewhat of a generous smile crossed Jonas’s face, he had made the prophecy, maybe, just maybe, all wasn’t lost… So I hope everyone enjoys the two fanfictions i recommened... If i read other good ones i might mention them here!! Thankx for allt he reviews x0x0 Kaci 20. A Winning Kiss ------------------ Chapter 20: A Winning Kiss If anyone thought that James and Sirius argument would blow over after a few days and the two would once more be friends, they were very wrong. James and Sirius refused to speak or look at the other one. All of Gryffindor House seemed to be sided over Sirius and James fight. All of the Seventh Year girls had sided with James; that could be partly due to Sirius having called Lily a Mudblood. But the remaining Marauders had sided with Sirius. Remus and Peter refused to even talk to any of the Seventh Year girls. In the rest of the house it seemed that the First and Second Years had all sided with James while the Third and Fourth Years had all seemed to side with Sirius. The Fifth and Sixth Years tended to have sided with James, except for the girls who all, for some reason (possibly the fact that Sirius and Remus were good looking and single) had sided with Sirius. Classes had become a complete mess for the Gryffindors. James sat next to Lily and Katie and was acting as if nothing was wrong. Sirius, on the other hand, was causing as much trouble as he could possibly cause except for the Auror classes; Sirius never caused trouble there. It could be due to the face Moody had recently lost his entire left foot due to a difficult struggle with a few corruptive Death Eaters. Quidditch practice was even worse. Sirius refused to pass the Quaffle to James or Katie. James and Katie, in return, would not pass the Quaffle to him and only to each other. Alyssa Anderson, the Keeper, refused to block any shots Sirius was taking, despite desperate pleas from James for her to at least try. The Seeker, a Third Year boy named Jason Jankowski, seemed to have taken Sirius’s side in the fight and refused any advice James tried to give him. James, having played Seeker for five years, tried to tell Jason that Jason could catch the Snitch a lot quicker if he flew quicker. But Jason, due probably to Sirius’s advice, refused to fly fast and the team was slowly crumbling. The two Beaters on the team, twin girls named Toni and Tori Tinders who were in their Fifth Year, refused to block any Bludgers that were headed in Katie, James, or Alyssa’s way. The team was doomed. James was very worried about his Quidditch team, and as Captain, he tried to make up with Sirius who simply refused. To James, his Seventh Year was supposed to be the year he would win it all. They had one of the best teams Hogwarts had seen in ages, if only they could work together. The first match of the season was held in early November between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw, also being very, very good, dominated the game and made James very worried. Ravenclaw won the game in only 27 minutes winning 210-10. The first match for the Gryffindors would be against the Slytherins on the last day of November. James stared around the empty Quidditch locker room as he ran his fingers through his messy black hair. He sighed and looked up as Katie and Alyssa entered the locker room. “Did you have any breakfast?” asked a concerned Katie as she sat down in front of her locker beside her best friend’s boyfriend. “No,” said James. Alyssa rolled her eyes, looking at a worried James and a troubled Katie. “You do realize that there are things more important to us than James not eating,” said Alyssa. “Like the fact that one of our Chasers is not talking to the other Chasers?” “Yes,” answered Katie. “I realize how important that is!” Alyssa and Katie both looked as if they were about to have a big argument when Sirius, Toni, Tori, and Jason entered the locker room. The four students sat down in front of their lockers, talking to each other and ignoring the three Seventh Years. James let out a frustrated sigh as he stood up, ready to give his pep talk. Everyone’s emotions were running high. “Listen up,” said James and at once all the students stopped talking and looked at James. Four of the students looked at James with hatred while two of them looked at James ready for him to give them advice. “This is a big match for us,” said James, rather hesitantly. “Slytherin has a good team, but no where as good as us. Bellatrix needs to be watched out for,” said James as he looked at Jason. “She outweighs you and is bigger so you’ll have an advantage over her in weight department. Problem is, is that she has been Seeker for five years now on her team because she’s a Sixth Year. But she can and will be beaten. Their beaters, Goyle and Crabbe, are much bigger than you two,” said James as he looked at Tori and Toni. “But you two play with much more effort than them, and you want it more!” said James excitedly. Toni smiled slightly at James, but saw Sirius’s upset face and stopped smiling quickly. “Now our Keeper is much better than theirs,” said James with a sneer in his voice. “Rodolphus Lestrange is known to play dirty; you’ll need to watch out for him if he tries to do anything dirty.” “Their three Chasers are good, but not nearly as good as us. Alyssa, make sure you watch out for the way Narcissa likes to pass with Malfoy. MacNair doesn’t need to be as covered because they rarely pass to him except when they really need to.” James stood up and began passing in front of his team mates looking very, very worried. His black hair looked completely messy, a lot more than normal. He knew he should run his hands through it to try and smooth down, but he just really didn’t care. He never remembered being so worried in his life as this about a Quidditch match. “If we don’t win today, we might not be able to win the Cup,” said James just as the whistle blew and the rest of his team mates stood up beside him. James nodded and they followed him out onto the field where tons of people were screaming and cheering for the team. At once James noticed how the Gryffindors seemed to be split in half. His eyes wondered around the front row till he found Lily sitting next to a few students and his heart did a small flip-flop. The sun was shining brightly that Saturday morning and the Quidditch field was dry and soft. It was unusually hot for the end of November and James felt like it would have been the last perfect day of the year to wonder around the lake with his friends, before he remembered they were mad at him. “Captains,” said the new teacher Madam Hooch as she still had her whistle in her mouth. James walked forward and so did Rodolphus Lestrange who had an angered look on his face. Lestrange stuck out his hand and attempted to crush James’s hand. James stepped back and joined his team as they waited for Madam Hooch’s whistle. James eyes wondered over to Sirius who he saw was having some sort of staring contest with Malfoy; both men had looks of hatred on their face. The whistle blew and all 15 brooms rose together. Jason at once started looking around the Quidditch field looking for the Snitch. Alyssa headed to the goal post and began covering them, ready for the Slytherins’ attacks. Narcissa Black seized the Quaffle and soared toward the goal post and just as quickly got a goal past an unexpected Alyssa. James swore silently under his breath as Alyssa threw the Quaffle at him. Malfoy attempted to steal the Quaffle but James was too quick for him and sped towards the goal. James looked and saw Katie was being covered by MacNair, and James began to slightly panic. Sirius was open for a pass toward the left of James, very near the goal post, and the Keeper, Lestrange, was not paying attention to Black hovering near him. The Beater Goyle sent a Bludger towards James, who dodged it before Crabbe sent another one at him, making him turn so quickly he lost the Quaffle. Sirius swooped in when James dropped the Quaffle and threw the Quaffle through the goal post quickly and the Gryffindors in the stands yelled with applause. As Sirius circled passed James on the way to try and take the Quaffle from an angry looking Narcissa, Sirius glared at James, and James knew at once, this would not be a good Quidditch game. Narcissa scored three more times before any of the Gryffindors even got possession of the Quaffle. Sirius had grabbed the Quaffle from a surprised looking Malfoy. Both of the Slytherin Beaters had sent Bludgers flying at Sirius, but Toni and Tori were quick enough to prevent Sirius from being hit. Sirius flew straight to the goal post were he threw the Quaffle but Lestrange made a brilliant save, much to the surprise and happiness of the Slytherins who were now screaming at the top of their lungs – they were beating the Gryffindors 40-10 only eight minutes in to the game. The game continued fairly uneventfully for 15 more minutes as the Slytherins scored 7 more times compared to the goals that James and Katie had each scored making the score 110-30. The Slytherin Chasers and Keeper seemed to be figuring out that James and Katie would not pass to Sirius, and vice-versa. This created a definite advantage to the Slytherins who only had to mark either two of the Chasers, or one, at a time. Twenty more minutes into the game and still, no sign of the Snitch had been seen. Both Seekers were looking around so quickly that Jordan Jankowski had almost flown into one of the Goal Posts. The Slytherins were now leading 180-50. With every goal that the Slytherins scored, a loud roar of happiness erupted from the green clad Slytherin section. The Head of the Slytherin House and Potions Master, Professor Slughorn could be seen in the very front of the group cheering loudly for his team. James began to grow increasingly worried about his team as a Bludger flew directly at Katie’s head when she was holding the Quaffle. Both of the Beaters on the team refused to move and block it for Katie, who dropped the Quaffle from preventing herself from being hurt. James swooped under Katie and threw the Quaffle straight through Lestrange’s left Goal Post and a loud applause could be heard from the Gryffindor section of the stands. Five minutes later, Slytherin’s best Chaser, Narcissa Black, a Seventh Year, had scored two more times making the score 200-50. Worry was flooding through James body as he grabbed the Quaffle and threw it quickly to Katie, who dodged the slowest Chaser, MacNair, and threw the Quaffle to James. James, out of instinct of playing with Sirius for over 10 years, threw the Quaffle to Sirius who threw the Quaffle through the Goal hoop making the score 200-60. James knew now, that if Jordan got the Snitch quickly, the Gryffindors could win. As if he was reading James mind, Jordan sped quickly to the end of the Gryffindor Goal post and thrust his hand around a glittery gold Snitch which he raised in the air out of triumph. The Gryffindors roared with applause and James flew directly to Jordan, who was smiling like a maniac. James patted Jordan on the back and was quickly joined by the rest of the team who congratulated Jordan on the catch. The team settled down onto the grass and James looked at Sirius and opened his mouth and was about to say something when he saw Sirius looking at James with a great look of loathing. “Full moon’s tomorrow night,” said Sirius before he turned to face the crowd of Gryffindors running toward the Quidditch players. James continued watching Sirius go and accept congratulations from Remus and Peter, who both looked ecstatic about the win. “JAMES!” shouted a high pitched female voice. James felt a short red headed girl jump into his arms and hug him tightly. “We won!” Lily pulled herself out of James’s arms to see him smiling at her uncertainly. “I know,” replied James as Lily continued to glow with happiness. “I was just wondering when you started to care for Quidditch so much.” “Since I started dating my boyfriend,” replied Lily seriously as she looked into James’s twinkling hazel eyes. Lily moved her arms from around James to around his head and the two Heads stared into each other’s eyes, both with looks of happiness and uncertainty. “Oh really,” said James as he bent down and rested his lips right before Lily’s, as he almost kissed her. “So then is this boyfriend entitled to kiss his girlfriend after wining the match?” asked James as he slowly slipped his arms around Lily’s waist, securing her in front of him. “I would think so,” replied Lily as she hesitantly pushed her lips against James lips. James slowly kissed Lily lightly on the lips before pulling back quickly. “So is your boyfriend very good at Quidditch?” asked a scared-sounding James as he looked at Lily who had her eyes closed. James was only staring at Lily and was oblivious to Sirius shouting in the distance about a party instead of lunch. Lily opened her eyes to see a scared, yet serious looking James stare into her green eyes. “Does my boyfriend really need me to tell him?” asked Lily as people began to head towards the lake, Castle or shade to get out of the blazing rare heat at the end of November. “Yes, because all the *good* Quidditch players are allowed to celebrate by giving their girlfriend a very long, deep romantic kiss,” replied James. Lily smiled and rolled her eyes as she played with James’s hair in her fingers. “Well, it would be such a shame if he were deprived from that excellent enjoyment,” said Lily as her lips found their way back to onto James’s, where they found *lots* of joy and comfort. “Party in the Common Room,” shouted Sirius from where he, Remus, and Peter were standing unexpectedly next to James. James, sadly pulled his lips off of Lily’s, knowing he would probably be needed in helping Sirius, Remus, and Peter get food from the Kitchens. “I think we can nick some food off the House Elves ourselves,” said Remus loudly next to a frustrated James. “Yes, James has taught us well,” said Sirius as he bowed deeply toward where James and Lily were wrapped in each others’ arms. “Plus he looks as if he is a little to busy to help us,” said Peter. A blush crept quickly on Lily’s face as she stared at Remus, Sirius, and Peter talking loudly to each other. “He looks as if he could do with a little practice though with Lily,” said Sirius thoughtfully. “Yes I know,” said Remus. “They seemed to have stopped snogging in front of all of us.” “I don’t know why,” said Peter. “They were giving us such good entertainment.” “I don’t think they noticed everyone leaving,” said Sirius. James glanced around the empty Quidditch field to find a group of Second Years goggling at him and Lily and a blush crept onto his cheeks. “MOVE IT,” shouted Lily at the Second Years who, at once, began to run towards the Castle. Her arms were still firmly around James’s neck and back of his head. “Do you think we should warn them?” asked Peter. “No I’m pretty sure that eventually they’ll figure it out,” said Remus. “I think Lily has because she looks very upset,” said Sirius. “So has Prongs.” “Why did they unwrap their arms from around each other?” “They look angry.” “They seem to be taking something out of their pockets.” “Why those look like *wands* being pointed at us Padfoot.” “Why indeed they do Moony.” “You don’t think they’ll curse us, Wormtail?” “Oh, I think they will,” said James as Remus, Sirius, and Peter yelled with pain and ran towards the Castle and out of the sun. “Now, where was I?” asked James as he slipped his arms back around Lily’s waist and led her over to a tree and sat down pulling her next to him. “About right here,” said Lily as she wrapped her arms around James and gave him a tingling kiss on the lips. AN: OK So Kristie Edited this Chapter for me!! I think she did a gr8 job... I am going to be pretty busy this week.. I have soccer practice for like 5 hours every day! Then I have a tournament this weekend. But I think I’ll be able to post next Monday... sorry if that’s not soon enough.... But Now that I think about it.. The Stories I read.. I post much more than they do! Not to be mean or anything.. But I do!!! I have about 5 chapters left to write in this story.. But There’s like 15 chapters left for me to post here... The next chapter, which is super cute.. is 9 pages long, prior editing.. so it’ll be a long post.. I could separate the next chapter and make it two different chapters.. and then I would probably post it like Thursday before I leave... But the chapter flows better as one chapter.. Now I am rambling.. I think I’ll not post the sequel to this story on Portkey.. Because A) It sucks, and B) It’s a H/H fanfic.. and I’m not sure how many people would read a H/H fic.. But I have two different stories I am working on right now that I know i’ll post on portkey.. one is a H/h that I’ve sort of talked about already.. It’s a songfic that goes along with the song Going Crazy by Natalie.. And I’ll probably post that in a few weeks.. And my other story is a Collection of Love Letters between Lily and James after Hogwarts... It’s cute... just like 3 chapters long.. and I’ll probably post that in August.. I think this story will be done by the end of September... I am like 98 percent sure of that... But if it isn’t.. then I think i’ll have liked died or something.. which case my sister could post for me.. but now I am reallly rambling.. ok Sorry long AN.. but i have so much to talk about x0x0 KAci 21. A Ball of Love ------------------ Chapter 21: A Ball of Love James laughed and slipped his arm around Lily’s shoulders as he looked at Sirius. “So then we told Snape that his mum obviously didn’t love him enough to marry a pure-blood,” said Sirius as James and Peter laughed. “I still don’t think it was that funny,” said Remus in a scared voice. “Course it’s funny Moony,” said James. “Who ever knew that poor little Snape was a half-blood,” said Sirius with a laugh. “Why does it matter?” asked an upset Lily as she spoke up for the first time in the conversation. “Because Lily,” said Sirius as he leaned forward and looked at Lily from across the table in the common room. “He is a Slytherin and is always putting down people of not being pure-blood.” “It’s not his fault though,” said Remus as he looked at Sirius beside him scooping mashed potatoes into his mouth. “You can’t control who your parents are.” “I know that,” said Sirius as he glared at Remus. “I mean look at my parents, neither of *them* I am exactly proud of.” “I wasn’t trying to diss your family or anything,’ said a pale Remus. Sirius rolled his eyes even though he looked upset. “Except you *were* dissing my family when you said that,” said Sirius. “Guys,” said James as he removed his eyes from Lily’s face. “Stop it.” Remus sighed and got up and stretched his arms. “I think I’m feeling a little sick,” said Remus. “You look sick,” said Lily as she stood up and brushed James arm off her. “Do you need to see the nurse?” “Yeah,” replied Remus as he winked at James. “I’ll probably go up this afternoon before dinner.” Sirius sighed and stood up beside Remus. “I feel as if there was something I needed to do today,” said Sirius as he yawned and ran a hand through his hair. “Well, it’s December first,” aid Peter brightly as he stood up and yawned next to Sirius. “Course I know it’s December first you stupid... I am not the one who forgets the dates,” said Sirius as he looked at James. James laughed and put his chess set back into a bag. He had just finished beating Peter in chess before they headed down to eat lunch. It was a Sunday morning and the sun was shinning brightly into the Common Room. It had snowed last night for the first time that winter and a nice white layer of crystals had kissed every surface outside. “Let’s see... December... What happens in December...” said Remus as he glanced up to the stairway and saw Katie, Alyssa, and Bekka walk into the Common Room. “Ahh yes,” said James as he watched Remus look at the three girls. “The Dance. Our last Dance ever at Hogwarts.” “Who you asking?” asked Sirius as he looked at Remus watching the three girls. “I’m not sure,” replied Remus hesitatingly. “Who are you asking?” “Silva,” replied Sirius. James, Peter, and Remus turned at stared at Sirius with open and surprised eyes. “Silva?” asked Peter. “As in that girl that helped us with the map?” “That’s the girl... I mean we haven’t really done anything in helping her make friends yet other than talk to her in front of her friends.. I think by asking her to the dance she’ll make more friends.” “Or less,” said Lily as she joined the conversation and waved at her friends as they walked towards her. “I mean you’re super popular and a lot of girls will be jealous of her if she gets to got to the dance with you.” “I know,” said Sirius with a grin. “But I like her.” “She’s like four years younger than you,” said Remus in a very concerned voice. “I know,” said Sirius. “She’s not yet legal.” Remus and James groaned as Peter laughed and Lily rolled her eyes. “Hi boys,” said Alyssa as she joined the group half standing, half sitting at the table. “Hi Lily,” said Bekka. “Did you already eat breakfast?” “It’s almost 11:30,” replied Lily. “It’s time to eat lunch.” “Well, then do you wanna go eat lunch?” asked Bekka as she began to blush. “Sure,” replied Lily as she kissed James on the forehead. “Wait,” said James as he grabbed Lily’s hand and kneeled down before her. Lily turned around and noticed James was kneeling and her heart began to pound in her chest. Was he going to propose to her now? She looked so bad. She had just put her hair up into a pony tail not really caring about it. Oh, he couldn’t ask her now! “Lily, darling Lily... Lily-flower,” said James. Lily rolled her eyes even though she knew she was blushing like a maniac.. Lily could hear Alyssa and Bekka laughing next to her. “Yes Jamesy,” replied Lily as she fluttered her eyelashes in a kidding way. Their friends all laughed at them wondering what James was doing. “Will you please go with me to The Winter Wonderland Ball?” asked James as Lily let out a deep breath she hadn’t noticed she was holding in. “I suppose,” answered Lily as James stood up and kissed Lily on her forehead and their friends laughed and applauded. “I remember last year when James asked Lily,” said Sirius with a laugh. “I remember too,” said Remus as he started laughing. “He had been working up the courage for days.” “And then she just said no and walks off,” said Sirius as he began to howl with laughter. James looked out the window as Lily looked at the floor knowing her face was blushing. Her friends were laughing as they remembered Lily telling them about it afterward. “Gosh,” said Remus as he let out a laugh. “I never would have believed it if someone told me that James and Lily would be dating within less than a year.” “Neither would I, Mate,” said Sirius. “Just proves people change,” said Lily as she glared at her friends who were all howling with laughter. “James, I’m kind of hungry, care to go eat with me?” “Anything for my Lily-flower,” said James as he held her hand and pushed open the portrait and had Lily follow him out. *-*-*-*-* Lily, James, Alyssa, Sirius, Katie, Remus, Bekka and Peter all decided after lunch to head out onto the grounds to walk around on the new crunchy snow. The four boys began to through snow at each other, making Lily and her friends laugh. After Sirius had accidentally hit Lily twice in the head with a snowball. Lily grabbed some snow from under her, and neatly made a perfect snowball. Sirius Black did not know the Lily’s parents were really into muggle sports. He did not know that at the age of five, her dad had started teaching Lily how to through a perfect baseball.. Sirius Black did not know that at the age of 10, Lily had already been talked to by the head Baseball coach at her high school. He did not know, that Lily Evans could throw a mean fastball, or that she was one of the few kids that had ever played Junior Baseball in England at the age of nine, and the only girl to play Juniors before she turned 13, ever. Sirius began to scream with pain as he leaned over and blood began to trickle out onto his face from where the snowball had hit him. “You can throw,” gasped Sirius as he groaned painfully on the ground and stared at Lily with disbelief. “Of course I know how to throw,” said Lily as she giggled and smiled at James who was beaming with pride at Lily. “But you’re a girl,” said Sirius again with disbelief. “She’s *my* girl,” said James as he continued to beam at Lily. Katie, Alyssa, and Bekka all started laughing and tried to cover it up with coughing. “Do you think you can hit that tree?” asked Sirius mischievously as he stood up and wiped the blood off of his face. Sirius pointed towards a small tree about 150 feet away from them. Lily squinted as she tried to make out the tree. It was quite small. “Are you sure that’s a tree?” asked Lily. “Course” replied Sirius. “I’ve walked by it over a hundred times on my way into the forest.” “You’ve been in the forest?” asked Alyssa with a surprising tone in her voice. Sirius turned and looked at Alyssa with a great look of disbelief, him not going into the forest? Did anyone think that? “Yes,” replied Sirius as he turned away from Alyssa and looked at Lily happily. “Hmm...” said Lily as she continued to look at the tree, even though it did not look like a tree very much to her. “If I hit that tree... you must do something bad... and if I miss the tree... I’ll do something bad.” “Ok,” said Sirius cheerfully as he had no confidence in Lily. “I’ll go skinny dipping in the lake, BUTT-NAKED if you hit the tree and if you miss, you‘ll have to go BUTT-NAKED into the lake.” “Not fair,” said James. Lily wiped around and glared at James. “I am perfectly able to make decisions myself, Potter,” said Lily. “That’s *not* what I meant Lily,” said James with a sigh. “I meant that Sirius has already been swimming in the lake BUTT-NAKED before... so he should have to do something much worse than that.” “*YOU* went swimming in the lake with no clothes on!” said Alyssa excitedly as she smiled at Sirius. “And we missed it!” cried Bekka as she looked close to tears. “It was not your fault, Ladies,” said Sirius as he patted the two girls on the back. “I believe the day I did it, Lily was quite mad at James because he had put a cheering charm on her drink and she couldn’t stop smiling and laughing the whole day.” Lily grinned when she remembered how James had been very upset that Lily was upset. He had tried to explain that he thought she could use some “cheering” up. “Oh,” said Alyssa with a sad sigh. “I have a better bet,” said Lily. “If I hit that tree... Sirius, James, Remus and Peter *all* must go skinny dipping in the lake. But you must leave your clothes in your dorm room. You can use a cloak to run outside, but that’s it.” Sirius grinned at James to see him laughing and shaking his head. Peter looked a little pale while Remus looked worried. “When would we have to fulfill this bet. saying you lose of course?” asked Remus. “Tonight, at midnight, it’s a full moon so we’ll be able to see you well enough from in the Common Room,” replied Alyssa. “NO!” said Sirius, James, and Peter together. “Not tonight,” said Remus. “Next week, or another time when it is colder, makes it harder to go into the lake.” Lily, Katie, Alyssa, and Bekka all raised their eyebrows at each other and then Lily smiled and nodded her head. “Get ready to go skinny dipping boys!” said Lily as she leaned down and made a very nice large snowball in her hands. She then rubbed it quickly and made it much smaller so that it was the perfect size of a standard baseball. She closed herself and pictured how she used to win the softball and baseball throwing competitions in track and field. She took a deep breath in and saw the small tree swaying a little in the wind. The wind seemed to have died though all around her. She pulled her arm back and let the snowball swing into the air. It flew straight towards the tree and hit it soundly on target. A scream came from the “tree” and it began to run towards the eight students standing there, unable to believe what was happening. James was the first to notice that the “tree” was not a “tree” and was a person. “RUN!” shouted James as he grabbed Lily’s hand and began to pull her to the castle. They ran right to the front doors but were stopped when a group of six or seven Slytherins opened the door. “Well, well, well,” said Bellatrix Black as she pushed James Potter back outside. “Look, what we have here Bella,” said a tall man named Lestrange as he strode forward and looked at James and Sirius with a laugh. “And look what we have behind them,” said Malfoy with a loud laugh. His cold eyes swept over and looked at the “tree.” James turned behind him, already knowing, who the tree was, he gulped in air uncomfortably and saw Snape wiping blood off of his eyebrow. He looked mad. “Potter,” spat Snape as he glared at the Gryffindors in front of him. “I think you hit me with a snowball.” The Gryffindors laughed and Lily’s eyes crunched up as she whirled on Sirius. “You knew,” said Lily in a cold ice tone. Sirius’ smile and laugh died on his face as a blush crept up onto his cheeks. An uneasy silence filled the Gryffindors as the Slytherins were giving each other surprising and interested glances. “We all knew Lily,” said Remus quietly, breaking the silence. “IN that case,” said Lily brightly as James let out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, “I hope these Slytherins turn you all into piles of slugs. Bella, in case you never knew, Sirius would look charming with large pimples all over his face.” Lily began to push past the Slytherin when a hand reached out and grabbed her, pushing her back to the Gryffindors. “You,” said Bella, as if she could hardly believe what she was saying. “You, think I would take orders from a Mudblood?” James, Alyssa, and Sirius all raised their wands in a threatening way and pointed them towards Bella. “Of course not my dear,” said Lily with a bright smile as if she was talking to a first year. “I merely was just giving you advice, even though I’m sure you could find a curse good enough to finish these four off for me, with out my help.” Bella and the rest of the Slytherins seemed to not even understand what had just come out of Lily’s mouth, she seemed to be talking to them, as if, they were friends. “I know tons of curses that could turn your face as red as that ugly hair you have on top of your ugly mudblood dirty, muggle face,” said Bella. Sirius, James, Alyssa, Remus, and Katie now all had their wands out pointed at Bella, forgetting poor Snape behind them. Lily raised up her hand to motion for her friends to stop and a large fake smile was plastered over her face. “Well, my dear, I’m glad you know the color of my hair. But, it really doesn’t suit me that you should think it’s ugly.” Lily turned and smiled at Snape standing behind them with his wand in the air pointed at James back. Lily turned back towards the rest of the Slytherins, still smiling and reached her hand in her pocket. She slowly with drew her wand at the same time, that the reaming students raised theirs. “I’ve always wanted to be the first in our group to kill a Mudblood,” said Bella with a big sneer in her voice. “I’d like to see you try,” said an old gray haired man as he walked over towards the students from the Ground Keeper’s house. “Dumbledore,” said almost every student standing their, all with their wands still in the air. Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled as he waved his wand and all the students wands flew towards him. With another wave of his wand, all the wands went soaring into a bag he had conjured into the air. “Bella, I would love if you came up to the office with me right now. The rest of you may go back to your dorm rooms, I shall give you all your wands back tomorrow at breakfast, let the rest of the day without magic be a reminder to you that you should never fight. And Mr. Lupin, I would advise for you to head up to see Madam Pomfrey for a nice potion, you are looking a little sick.” Remus looked up at the sky and saw it was beginning to get dark. The afternoon was almost gone. He said goodbye to his friends and headed towards the Nurse’s office. The Slytherins headed towards the dungeon and the Gryffindors went up the stair case towards their common room. “I feel so bad for Remmy,” said Bekka with a sigh as she twirled her light brown hair that fell pass her butt. “Oh don’t feel bad for him darling,” said Sirius as he slipped his arm around Bekka’s waist, much to her delight. “He’ll be fine by tomorrow evening.” “Speaking of tomorrow,” said Lily suddenly. “We have a paper due in Potions!” The girls laughed and Peter let out a rather annoying squeaking sound. “Maybe you should have finished it last week,” said James as he slipped his arm around Lily, the same way Sirius had his arm around Bekka. “You might get a bad grade.” “I did finish it last week Potter, I believe it’s you that has to finish yours,” said Lily with much exclamation as she pulled open the fat lady and walked into the Common Room. At once, two owls swept down in front of the group of Seventh years. One, hovered in front of Alyssa as it stuck out his leg and Alyssa removed the letter. And the other one hovered in front of Katie as she slowly removed the letter, looking a little ashamed. “YES!” cried Alyssa as she began to jump up and down and ran over and hugged Bekka. “Theodore just asked me to the dance!” Bekka began jumping up and down and hugged Alyssa as the two screamed with delight. Alyssa quickly walked up to a third year girl who was studying behind a mound of books asked her if she could borrow a quill. The girl smiled at Alyssa and handed her a small, well used quill. Alyssa quickly wrote a reply on the back of the letter and sent the letter back off to Theodore. Alyssa turned to hand the quill back to the third year to find the Common Room very quiet as Sirius was kneeling before the third year. Alyssa let out a gasp that was similar to many that were going through the room. “Silva,” said Sirius as he pulled a pink flower out of his pocket. “Will you do me the delight of coming to the Ball with me?” Silva giggled and nodded her head, which sent her glasses to fly down to the tip of her nose. She pushed them back to the bridge and took the flower that Sirius had been holding in front of her and bent her nose down and smelled it. The Common Room began to buzz with excitement, except for a few Fifth and Sixth year girls who looked close to tears and were giving each other hugs. “Who was your letter from?” asked Lily as she turned towards Katie, and saw her looking quite pale and scared. “I.. I...” Katie looked up from the letter and looked into Lily’s eyes with a look of sadness and pain. She let out a small sob and ran towards the girl’s dorm room. “I need to go help her,” said Lily turning to tell James good night, only to find him giving Silva a hug and sitting down next to her. Lily rolled her eyes and ran up to the dorm room to find Katie bawling her eyes out as she looked at the letter. “What’s the matter Katie?” asked Lily in a shocked mood as she leaned down and pulled the letter carefully from Katie’s hands. Lily smoothed the letter out and began to read. *“Dear Katie,* *I know this may sound weird to you... but I like you... a lot...I wanted to ask you to the Winter Wonderland Ball in person... But I’m afraid if I did you would say no... You know me... and I know you... If you would like to go with me... Please write back on this letter... I think my heart would break if you said no...* *With much love,* *A Hopeful and Mysterious Man”* “What’s so bad about this?” asked Lily with a laugh as she looked up from the letter. “Isn’t it *OBVIOUS*!” said Katie as tears poured from her eyes. “He’s joking... No one would want to date *me*!” “What are you talking about,” said Lily, taken back. “You are probably one of the best looking girls in our years, and you play Quidditch. And you’re smart!” “So,” said Katie as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “I’m not like you Lily. You can stick up for yourself, like today, when Bella and her friends were threatening you... *You* didn’t become afraid or anything!” “That’s because I had you guys, and I knew my friends would be there to help me!” replied Lily. “Still,” said Katie as she began to compose herself. “I wish I had someone like James.” “You could,” said Lily happily. “This mystery guy could be The One. And you don’t want what James and I have.” Lily began to laugh and leaned back against her bed. “Everyone wants what you and James have,” said Katie as she laughed. “Are you kidding,” said Lily as she leaned forward. “What James and I have is fake... you know that! Don’t you remember what I told you on the train?” “Of course I remember,” said Katie as she rolled her eyes. “But that still doesn’t mean you guys don’t love each other!” “Katie, when James and I kiss... we’re just pretending so our friends... and you... think we are really in love.” “Well,” said Katie as she began to tease Lily. “If you and James are “fake” then I don’t know what real is... I’ve never seen to people more in love with each other. AND **don’t** say you’re not. You love James... and James loves you... All those little smiles you give each other... It’s not acting Lily... It’s real.” AN: Ok sorry about the delay.. I was going to post this weekend but then i sorta kinda of got grounded! sorry... wont happen again! if you can tell ... this post was originally two post.. and then i made it into one.. trying to make it flow better and not being all FLUFF! so next 2 chapters will be major fluff!! Hope you liked this Please Review~! x0x0 Kaci P.S. as a request from Mister p.J. I made the font a little bigger.. I actually don’t know if it’ll work.. But if it does.. tell me if you like it better like this! 22. From This Moment On ----------------------- Chapter 22: From This Moment On AN: **BOLD IS JAMES,** *Italics are Lily,* *Pink is both* singing... /AN Lily set down the silver brush in her hand and looked in the mirror. Her red hair was pulled up in a few tiny twist, to keep it out of her face. And the rest fell down on her back. She had used her wand to help curl her hair into loose ringlets before running a brush softly through her hair. Lily had never been a big fan of make-up, but decided to lightly circle her eyes with a light brown eye liner. Alyssa had insisted on adding a tad of light green eye shadow on Lily’s eye lids, and after Lily looked in the mirror, she liked the outcome. Alyssa had also lightly coated Lily’s eyelashes with mascara and added a little blush on Lily’s cheeks. Lily’s dress robes were very pretty. They were a bright green that matched her eyes perfectly. Bekka, who had a knack with clothes, had added a soft ripple of flowers along the bottom of Lily’s robe in a white colored thread. To Lily they felt like basic robes, except green. Katie, the jewelry expert of the four friends, had given Lily some pretty dangling gold earrings that looked fabulous on Lily. Of course, Lily had James necklace on her throat and on her left wrist was a single thing gold bracelet that had been given to Lily by her grandparents a few years ago. Lily’s shoes had been a little problem. Lily had never been to any of the dances at Hogwarts before and had never been to any dances in her muggle neighborhood either. None of the girls in the dorm had extra shoes that would go with Lily’s outfit. After some good hunting by Bekka, a fifth year girl let Lily borrow a pair of plain gold high healed shoes, that didn’t look very fancy, but were very comfortable. Lily had been a little worried that her outfit would be plain compared to her three friends outfits that were all wearing dazzling dress robes. But after Lily was dressed and the four girls were looking at each other, Lily really did out shine her friends. Even though everything Lily had was plain, except her necklace, it all went perfect with her outfit. Lily’s eyes were sparkling with excitement and she couldn’t wait for James to see her. Her heart did a small flip-flop as she thought of James waiting for her in the Common Room. He would love how she looked. “These roses are just darling,” said Katie as bent forward and smelled the white roses sitting on Lily’s bedside. Katie was wearing a dark midnight blue dress robe and had her long dark brown hair swept up in a high pony tail on top of her head. Her hair was very straight and even though it was in a pony tail, fell to her mid back. Her baby blue eyes were sparkling with delight over meeting her mysterious date. He said to her that he would be holding pink roses, and would be standing right outside the Gryffindor Common Room. Alyssa, Katie, and Lily had gone through all the possible boys they thought it would be and had finally decided he must be younger, since none of the Seventh Year boys were still single. Bekka was wearing a bright pink dress robe that had a million thrills and ruffles, yet still looked very cute. Her long light brown hair was twisted up in a sophisticated bun that looked dazzling with her pretty pink flowers she had twisted in with her bun. Her hazel eyes were also dancing with delight, even though she had not gotten the first pick on her list for the dance. Bekka had asked Remus Lupin to the ball, but he had refused, mumbling something about probably going with someone else. Bekka had been quite embarrassed, but Lily knew Bekka was no where near as embarrassed as Remus was because Lily had heard James and Sirius harassing Remus during History of Magic for the last two weeks. Bekka, after being turned down, decided she would have to at least go with a Marauder, and had said yes to Peter’s invitation. Bekka looked quite good and Lily knew that Bekka would enjoy going with Peter even though he was no where near as good looking as Remus was. Alyssa was going with her promised husband Theodore and she looked absolutely stunning. She had worn her short blonde hair into tight small curls and it looked very cute. Her eyes were a dark blue, even though they looked quite purple with her royal purple robes that made her look skinner and more like a super model than she could ever dream of. “Girls,” said Alyssa with a note of excitement in her voice. “It’s quarter to seven, we should head down.” The girls nodded, all of them a little to nervous to speak. Alyssa lead the way and was followed by Bekka, and then Katie. Lily took up the rear. Lily shut the dorm door with one last glance at the white roses that were shinning beautifully in the dark, it looked like an angel dancing. Silence filled the Common Room as the four lady witches flowed down the staircase. At once a Sixth year boy, who obviously didn’t have a date, walked up to Alyssa and held out his arm, he was walking her down the Great Hall where she would be meeting Theodore. Bekka looked as if she was dancing as a blushing and very happy looking Peter walked up to her and kissed her very gentlemen like on the hand. Bekka giggled, and took Peter’s arm and waited for the rest of her friends to come down. Katie walked into the Common Room and a gasp was let out of a few of the boys and possibly a few girls as they looked at the beauty in front of them. Katie rarely tried to dress up and impress anyone, but when she did. Katie was a beauty. Last, but not least, was Lily as she danced happily into the Common Room. James at once, looking very handsome in a dark blue dress robe walked up to Lily and kissed her sweetly on the cheek. He then handed her a single beautiful white rose. Lily took the flower, kissed the petals, and with a flick of her wand it went zooming up the staircase to join the other white roses James had sent Lily. “You look amazing,” said a rather heavy Fifth year girl named Marisa as she passed Lily. “Thanks Marisa, you look great too,” said Lily. Marisa smiled and flew out the Common Room door. “Ready to go?” asked Sirius as he bounded over to James and Lily. Sirius was holding hands with Silva, who looked great. Silva didn’t have her glasses on, and her pretty blue eyes were literally dancing with delight. Her light brown hair was lightly curled and flowed a little past her shoulders. “Ready Lily?” asked James, speaking for the first time that night to Lily. “Mhmm,” replied Lily, not trusting herself to speak due to the many butterflies that had filled her stomach when she saw James standing at the bottom of the staircase. “Katie,” said Lily quietly. Katie, looking very pale followed Lily and James out the Common Room. Lily let out a loud gasp as she saw who was standing outside the Common Room. Her gasp was followed by a loud shriek of surprise that Katie had let out as they both saw Remus Lupin looking guilty at Katie as he handed her a bouquet of pink roses.. *-*-*-* Fifteen minutes later, Sirius and Silva led the group through a crowd of students standing outside waiting for their dates from the other houses. Alyssa found Theodore quickly and he kissed her lightly on the cheek and told her she looked cute. Alyssa smiled at all the Ravenclaws as they praised her on her dress robes and hair. Lily felt a pull on her hand and followed James into the Great Hall. It was decorated without belief. Never melting ice crystals filled the room. Beautiful swan ice sculptures were lined up against the walls. The Professor's table was decorated with little birds that kept chirping and flying around the table to visit the other birds. Instead of the four house tables that normally filled the hall, a bunch of little tables that each sat eight filled the room. Sirius at once grabbed a table that was near enough the Professor's table, so that he could see what they were up to, but not close enough for them to be able to hear what he was talking about. It was also close to the stage that the band would be playing on that night. Sirius and Silva sat down together, and Silva looked so happy that Lily barely recognized her. Remus and Katie sat down together, both blushing very much and Katie was holding a handful of pretty pink roses in her left hand. Peter, trying to be a gentlemen had pulled out Bekka’s chair for her, but when he tried to push it in, he accidentally pushed Bekka forward and she bumped her chest against the table. Peter, blushing, dropped down in the chair next to her. James held out the chair for Lily, though he seemed to have his mind else where as he sat down in his own chair. He said something unworthy of repeating to Remus about a few Slytherins who were sitting in the corner of the room. Remus laughed lightly and Katie flashed a small smile gratefully at James. Sirius and Silva were discussing, much to Lily’s surprise, school subjects. Sliva was trying to decide if she wanted to take Muggle Studies as a fourth year and Sirius was pointing all the pros and cons out for Silva if she took the subject. James and Remus were talking about some prank they had played on the school in their Third Year. Katie was laughing at all the right moments and Remus seemed like he couldn’t keep his eyes off her for long. Peter and Bekka, both looking a little uncomfortable had laughed at James and Remus, a little too loud. James, was ignoring Lily. She was beginning to feel a little uneasy as she tried to catch James eye, and failed, for the first time in her life. Her palms had begun to sweat, something that happened when ever Lily became really nervous. Lily began to wonder if maybe James was nervous about their song they had to sing tonight also. Lily scanned the great hall and saw Alyssa laughing over some joke Theodore had said to a group of Ravenclaws. Finally Dumbledore stood up and the students hushed up and looked at him expectantly. “Welcome to the Winter Wonderland Ball,” said Dumbledore with a large smile. A ripple of applause went through the crowd, led mainly by Sirius who was hooting with delight. “I hope every enjoys dinner, and then afterward the dance, which will be kicked off by our two wonderful heads, Ms. Lily Evans and Mr. James Potter.” Sirius at once started clapping again and the Great Hall broke out in applause. Dumbledore sat down and leaned forward and picked up the menu that had magically appeared in front of his plate and everyone else’s plates too. He thoughtfully looked at the menu before tapping the plate in front of himself and saying loud and clearly, “Pork chops.” Pork chops appeared on his plate before he looked back at the menu. Lily grabbed the menu in front of her even though she really didn’t feel like eating. Her stomach was so full of butterflies that Lily was sure that no food would fit inside of it. Sirius and Silva were having a great times with the menus and the plates and were tapping each others plates and saying tons of different foods and their plates were quickly filled. Remus and Katie had both ordered hamburgers and French fries. James had simply tapped his plate and said mashed potatoes, a heap of mashed potatoes and gravy had appeared on his plate. Bekka had filled her plate, to Lily’s surprise, with a large amount of spaghetti. Peter, feeling he should eat the same things as Bekka, had also filled his plate with spaghetti. “Salad,” said Lily at last, feeling she should say something. The meal seemed to slip by very quickly to Lily, as she became even more nervous as she listened to the conversations and laughing going on around her. James seemed to really be enjoying himself, even though he had said only two words to Lily that night. Bekka, noticing that Lily was being quiet, asked her if she was nervous about her song that she had to sing. Lily had told Bekka she was, and the rest of the table hearing this, just supposed that was why Lily was being so quiet. Much to Lily’s displeasure, all the plates cleared and everyone in the room had stood up and pushed their chairs into the tables. Dumbledore stood and with a flick of his wand, the tables were pushed up against the walls. A large stage raised out of the floor, holding a male singing group by the name of “Lone Diamond.” Apparently the band was a very famous wizarding band because all the kids from wizarding families began to clap with excitement. Dumbledore nodded towards Lily and James. James reached for Lily’s hand and pulled her toward the stage. The lead singer of the band, with a smile, handed Lily and James each a microphone. Lily swallowed weakly, reminding herself that James was a very good singer and would be able to cover any high notes she needed to sing. A member in the band lightly started playing his guitar. “Close your eyes Lily,“ said James patiently. And Lily closed her eyes. One of her hands was clutching the microphone and her other was holding tightly onto James hand. Lily felt a tight squeeze from James and she began: *“I do swear that I'll always be there. I'd give anything and everything and I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better for worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart.”* The piano began to play quietly and Lily felt another squeeze from James and her eyes remained firmly closed, she did not want to see the other students laughing at her embarrassment. Even though Lily was a fine singer, and James was quite good, she still didn‘t like singing in public. Most years the heads would sing a silly song that would make the audience laugh. James had tried picking a silly song, but Lily didn’t like to be laughed at, even if it was a joke. So, Lily had chosen her favorite muggle song, and James, had loved the song. “*From this moment life has begun*,” sang Lily as a few people began to giggle. “**From this moment you are the one**,” replied James as someone laughed. *Right beside you*, **is where I belong**, ***From this moment** on* **From this moment I have been blessed** *I live only for your happiness* **And for your love *I'd give my last breath*** **From this moment on** *I give my hand to you with all my heart* **Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start** **You and I will never be apart** **My dreams came true because of you** *From this moment* *as long as I live* **I will love you, I promise you this** **There is nothing I wouldn't give From this moment on** *You're the reason I believe in love* **And you're the answer to my prayers from up above** **All we need is just the two of us** **My dreams came true because of you** **From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this** **There is nothing** **I wouldn’t give** **Form this moment** *I will love you* **I will love you** *As long as I live* **From this moment** *on* (**on**) At the last twange of the guitar, Lily opened her eyes, expecting to see the students laughing at her, instead she saw James, kneeling in front of her. The stage was covered in white roses and Lily saw that Sirius, Peter and Remus were all kneeling beside James, looking at Lily happily. “Lily Evans, will you marry me?” asked James with a hint of glimmer and laugh in his eyes. He withdrew from his dress robe, a small ring box and opened it showing a large gold ring covered with small diamonds, very much like her necklace. Lily gasped and at once felt her stomach do a small flip flop as she looked in James’ eyes. Next to James was Peter, Remus and Sirius who had all pulled out little boxes and opened them too. In Peter’s box was a pair of gorgeous dangling gold earrings that was covered in small diamonds. In Remus box was a pretty silver necklace with one diamond, shaped in a lovely *L*. And finally in Sirius’ box was the most beautiful charm bracelet Lily had ever seen. Lily could tell it was a piece of jewelry that had been passed down from family member to family member because it was already nearly filled with charms of all assortments. “Say yes,” said Sirius finally, breaking the tense noiseless room. A few people giggle silently as everyone in the whole school watched for Lily’s reaction. “Yes, James,” answered Lily. Sirius let off a large yell as James stood up and slipped the ring on Lily’s finger perfectly. Lily leaned forward and kissed James intently on the mouth and Sirius let off another yell and the Great Hall erupted in applause. Lone Diamond at once began to play their hit single “Magic in The Air,” and couples were on the floor, dancing away. James, clutching Lily’s hand tightly, pulled her towards their table, where everyone was sitting waiting for them to get back. “Finally,” said Sirius with a brilliant smile. Lily and James sat down and Sirius pushed towards her the three boxes of jewelry the boys had been holding. “What?” asked Bekka. “Finally James asked Lily,” said Remus. “He’s been talking about how he should do it since the first Quidditch match of the season,” said Peter. “He said he knew then,” said Sirius. “That Lily would be his wife someday,” said Remus. “And let’s hope he’s right,” said Peter. “I think they make such an *adorable* couple,” said Sirius. “Oh, I agree,” said Remus. “Me too,” said Peter. “And I think we should dance,” said Silva as she tapped Sirius on the shoulder. “If Milady wants to dance, then we dance!” said Sirius as he jumped out of his seat and pulled Silva out of her chair. They both laughed and jumped out onto the dance floor where they began to dance crazily to the fast song that was being played. Peter turned to Bekka and asked her to dance. She said she would love to and then the two got up and joined Silva and Sirius who were creating a new way of dancing that involved lots of jumping around and looking like animals. Katie and Remus smiled at each other, both still looking a little uncomfortable. “Lily!” screamed a gorgeous blonde that ran towards Lily from where lots of Ravenclaws were sitting. “HI Alyssa,” said Lily with a hint of amusement in her eyes. “You never told me you would be marrying Potter!” said Alyssa as she walked up to Lily and gave her a hug, ignoring James who was sitting right next to Lily. “Well,” said Lily slowly, as she tried to control her self from laughing. “I am dating him, and most people eventually get engaged after they realize they really like each other.” “I know, I know,” said Alyssa with a roll of her eyes. “But still, you’re marrying Potter! You HATED him for like the last six years of your life.” “Are we just going to ignore me?” asked James. “Yes,” said Lily and Alyssa together. “Then I am going to find someone to dance with,” said James, this time Lily rolled her eyes. “Katie,” said James as he stood up and walked over to the other side of the table where Katie and Remus were sitting uncomfortably talking about the weather. “Would you care to dance?” Katie looked over at Remus who gave her a small smile, and then at Lily who had dropped her jaw and was blushing. “Sure James,” said Katie as James helped her up and took her out on the dance floor where they joined Peter, Bekka, Sirius, and Silva. “Well,” said Alyssa. “I need to go join Theodore.” “Bye Alyssa,” said Lily as Alyssa walked back to her boyfriend. Lily looked up and saw Remus looking at her with a questioningly look on his face. “Would you like to dance Lily,” said Remus. “OF course,” said Lily as she stood up and joined Remus. The fast song ended and a slow song started up. Lily smiled at Remus and slipped her arms around his head as he put his arms around her waist. “So you’re going to marry James,” said Remus in Lily’s ear. “Yeah, I am.” “I’m glad,” said Remus. Lily looked up and saw Remus was smiling at her. “Why, I mean... I know your his friend... But so is Sirius... And he didn’t seem happy when James and I started dating... Even though now he looks happy about it,” said Lily. “Sirius is a jealous little puppy, but he’ll get over it. I think if Sirius had to pick one girl for James to marry, it would be you.” “But why me?” said Lily almost more to herself than to Remus. “Lily, don’t you realize... James loves you,” said Remus. Again Lily lifted her head off Remus’ chest and looked up at him. “He... loves me?” said Lily. “Of course he loves you... He’s loved you since he met you on the train in our first year... He told us when you left... He’d marry you someday... He’s been trying to forget about you since that day...” “Why would he want to forget about me?” “Because if he ended up marrying someone else... he didn’t want to live with the disappointment of not having you,” said Remus. “But he couldn’t,” said Lily. “He couldn’t,” assured Remus. “But why couldn’t he?” asked Lily. “Because your unforgettable,” said James as he lifted Lily’s hands up over Remus’ head and placed them over his own head and slipped his arms around Lily’s waist. Remus turned to Katie who was standing where James had left her. Remus slipped his arms around Katie’s waist and the two danced away. “I’m unforgettable, am I?” said Lily with a light laugh. “Mhmm,” said James as he kissed Lily’s forehead before she rested her head on his chest and finished off the slow dance. For the rest of the night the Gryffindors danced away. At midnight the dance ended to a lot of peoples displeasure. James walked Lily up to the Gryffindor tower where he kissed her goodnight outside the Common Room. He said he had plans to meet Sirius in a few hours and had to go prepare. Lily walked into the dorm room and changed into her pajamas as she waited for the rest of the girls to come back from the dance. About half an hour later Katie bounced into the dorm room and gave Lily a surprised look. “What are you doing back here?” asked Katie as she sat down next to Lily on her bed and gave Lily a hug. “Umm.. getting ready for bed,” said Lily as she gave Katie a surprised look. “Did you and James fight?” asked Katie as she pulled out of the hug and held onto Lily’s hand. “N-no,” said Lily. “Where is everyone?” “Lily,” said Katie patently as if she was talking to a small child. “We’re Seventh years... “ “I know,” said Lily as she started at Katie. “Well, it’s tradition for Seventh years to... you know... umm...,” said Katie as she raised one of her eyebrows. “To...” “To do it...” “To do what?” “IT!!” said Katie as she motioned with her hand. “Eww!! No... Oh my gosh Katie, did you do it?” “Course not Lily, Remus and I just started dating tonight... All we did was kiss... by the lake... a lot...” “Oh my gosh... Alyssa and Bekka are going to do it!” “Bekka and Peter... I’m sorry but that’s gross!” “I know Katie...” “But it’s not like Alyssa and Theodore haven’t done it...” “Seriously?” “Course, Lily, they are engaged!” “I know but so are James and me...” “But James’ a gentleman!” “Thank you!” “Good night Lily.” “Night Katie, I’m glad you and Remus finally started dating...” “Me too... Congrats on officially getting engaged to James...” “Thanks.” And the last thought Lily had that night was the look on James face when he had proposed... And how pretty that ring did look on her hand! AN: Okkkk Hiya! This is MISH KATIE!! he he he... I am Kaci’s sister.. She’s like super busy... hahahaha... But yea, I’m posting for her because she is like way to busy.. She has soccer for three hours in the morning.. then she works for like 2 n 1/2 hours... and then we have hockey for 2 hours! So she is busy!! So because i am such a nice sister i am posting for her... I’m pretty sure I did everything she told me to... I did my best to edit but i’m not very good.. sooo sorry$$!! So i hope you enjoyed this chapter.. I picked out the song fr Lily and James to sing.. Kaci wanted to do one from like the 70’s or something.. But i was like this song is perfect!!!!! So everyone should just ignore the fact that that song didn’t come out until 1999... But you have to admit it’s a good song! PLEASE REVIEW Luv, Katie and Kaci oh yeah i forgot.. DIRECT MESSAGE FROM KACI: **MRS**. PJ I don’t think i am going to change the font size because you can change the font on your own computer by going up near where the chapter selection is.. go a little lower... and then it says like font name and then font size... and you can goof around with that to find a size that fits your comp better! 23. Love Will Find A Way ------------------------ Chapter 23: Love Will Find A Way... **Song: Love Will Find A Way** **Artist: Christina Aguilera** No the rain won't last forever Find a way to make it better Long as we can stand together Love will find a way Gonna make a new tomorrow Say goodbye to tears and sorrow Better listen when I say 'Love will find a way' *-*- It was mid January, and Lily and James were planning on going to Hogsmeade. Katie had pleaded with Lily to stop studying for ten minutes and come to Hogsmeade with her and Remus. She told Lily that she wanted Lily and James to double date with them. Lily had told Katie that she could go with Remus by herself perfectly fine, but Katie had pleaded and begged until Lily finally agreed. Lily had been a little nervous about asking James if he would want to go to Hogsmeade with her, but ended up not having to ask him. A week before the trip, James had come up to Lily and asked her quiet politely if she would go with him to Hogsmeade and double date with Remus and Katie. Lily had agreed and everyone was happy. Katie had been up since five in the morning getting ready. She had decided to curl her straight hair and it had taken forever. Lily, being a good friend, had gotten up at seven and helped Katie with the back of her hair. Lily had decided to wear her necklace with the *L* on it that James had given her. Most days at school, Lily wore the heart shaped necklace because it went best with her ring, but today was special and Lily decided she would also wear the charm bracelet. Lily had written to James’s mom asking her if she knew any stories about the charms and if any of the charms had special powers, but no reply had yet come back from her even though it had been almost two weeks. Old charm bracelets that were passed through old wizarding families were known to have hidden charms. Both girls looked quite nice when they met the boys at the Great Hall at nine o’clock. James strode straight up to Lily and kissed her on the mouth and then pulled back and slipped his arm around her waist as he dragged her out the front doors. Remus had been a little bit more polite and kissed Katie on the cheek as the two nervously held hands and left through the front doors following Lily and James. Sirius and Silva had also gone with to Hogsmeade, but were not planning on meeting up with Lily and her friends. Peter, when Lily had asked him what he was planning to do, had mumbled something about meeting a few Hufflepuffs and studying. Alyssa and Bekka were meeting a few Ravenclaw boys that day at the Three Broomsticks. Alyssa and Theodore seemed to be making out every extra second they had in their time. Yet Lily had begun to get a little worried about Theodore and Alyssa’s relationship because Theodore was often seen walking down the halls with other girls. When Lily had tried to confront Alyssa about her suspicions that Theodore was cheating on Alyssa, she ignored Lily. Lily gave up on trying to reason with Alyssa and instead decided to just keep a good watchful eye out. “Lily m’dear,” said James as they walked into Hogsmeade. “Where would you like to go?” “Katie,” said Lily as she turned around and saw Remus and Katie following her rather slowly and awkwardly. “Where do you and Remus want to go?” “Umm...” said Katie as she looked at the ground. “I don’t care.” Lily rolled her eyes and looked back to James who had been staring at Lily quite eagerly. “Let’s go to the Shrieking Shack,” said Lily with excitement. “Apparently last month a large black dog was seen wandering out of one of the windows.” Remus and James’s faces grew a little pale as they casually glanced at each other. “Sounds good to me,” said James cheerfully as he started walking toward the Shrieking Shack. James and Lily held hands as they walked cheerfully down the crowded streets. Lily and James waved as other students walked by and said hello to the two Heads. When a group of Slytherins walked by, James and Remus both grew silent and sent death-looks to the other students. “Here it is,” said Lily as she walked up to the fence that surrounded the building. Lily leaned on the fence and gazed at the building. It was a newly painted gray building that had been built only seven years ago. A family had been planning on moving in when a few months before their moving date the building had begun issuing loud screams and howls. Rumors had quickly spread that the house was haunted and the family decided not to move into the Shrieking Shack and instead decided on a nice condo off of Key West, Florida. Lily had never been to the house when it was haunted, but anyone that had said things were even thrown out the windows. Dumbledore had warned the students to never go inside the house because he himself had said it was haunted. Dumbledore’s word was law to the wizarding families in England and no one tried to enter the house. Except possibly a few mischief young wizards at Hogwarts. “So what do you think haunts it?” asked Lily and she tilted her head as she tried to peer through the boarded up windows. “Ghosts,” said James as he looked like he was laughing. “Lots of them. And they hate people who are living and try to kill any living person that enters the house.” “How would you know?” said Katie with a laugh as she spoke for the first time that morning to James. “Because I’ve been inside,” said James quietly as if anyone else was listening. Remus groaned as Lily laughed. “You’ve been inside the most haunted building that ever existed in England?” said Lily in a sarcastic tone. “Yes,” replied James as he looked cocked one of his eyebrows and looked at Lily. “I don’t believe you,” said Katie. “He has,” said Remus as he looked at the two girls. “All four of us have, and trust me; it’s nothing to brag about. We were nearly expelled. Dumbledore thought we had just gotten out of Hogwarts and not gotten all the way to the shack, but we had. No one knows but us four. We had promised to never tell *anyone*.” Lily turned away from Remus and looked at James, impressed; she didn’t give him nearly enough credit. “I suppose that changes things,” said Lily. “Changes what?” asked James. “You better not be teaching any of your secret passages to younger students, I don’t want them sneaking out,” said Lily. “Why not?” asked James as he turned away from Lily. “I think it would be fun to lure students away from the castle and show them some real wizarding areas.” “But it’s dangerous!” “Who cares about the danger when you could buy a bunch of stuff from a joke shop?” “How did you *ever* become Head Boy?” said Lily more to herself than to James. “Well,” said James slowly. “I’m pretty sure that we paid Dumbledore about 4,500 galleons.” Katie and Lily’s eyes widened as they stared at James but realized he was joking when Remus tried to stifle a laugh. “You-You!” exclaimed Lily as she whacked James on the butt with her hand and then began running back towards the town. “Get back here right now Evans,” called out James as he began to chase her. “In your dreams Potter,” yelled back Lily as she ran as hard as she could. James finally caught up to her as they reached the edge of the town and grabbed her and buried her in the snow. He jumped on top of her and began kissing her on the forehead and her cheeks. “Get off me James,” said Lily as she laughed and tried to push James off her with all her strength. Lily was quite strong and athletic even though she didn’t do sports, but James Potter was still stronger than her. She finally stopped fighting James as she went limp in the snow and looked up at him and saw his gorgeous hazel eyes staring at her, “I really think you look nice today,” said James as he leaned over her. “Thanks,” said Lily. “But I won’t if you continue to get me wet by pushing me into this snow!” James laughed and then began kissing Lily passionately on the mouth. He finally stopped when two people pulled him off Lily. Sirius, Remus, Katie and Silva all looked as if they had been laughing really hard at James and Lily. Lily sat up blushing as she attempted to straighten her jacket and re-zip it up. “We were wondering if you wanted to go to the Three Broomsticks?” asked Sirius as he looked at James with a hint of amusement behind his eyes. “Lily?” “I’d love to!” said Lily as she and James walked off leading the way. “They are just *so* adorable together,” said Sirius cheerfully as if he was a mom of one of the two. “They do seem to like each other a lot,” agreed Silva as she walked excitedly beside Sirius. “Oh they do,” commented Remus as he and Katie walked beside each other, bringing up the rear of their little group. “You see Silva,” said Sirius. “James has liked Lily for a really long time.” “Very long,” added Katie. “So long that we don’t think he’s ever liked anyone else,” said Remus. Sirius coughed, yet it sounded very much like the name ‘Jordan’. “But Lily hasn’t always liked James,” said Katie. “She thought he was a trouble maker,” said Sirius as Remus nodded his head very gravely and looked at Silva who was listening earnestly. “But then one day.” “James grew up.” “And Lily looked around.” “And guess what she found?” “What?” asked Silva excitedly as they walked into the crowed Three Broomsticks and sat down at a table. “A grown up and no longer childish man,” stated Remus. “Her man,” said Katie. “He was tall,” said Remus. “Handsome,” said Sirius. “Smart.” This was Remus. “Responsible.” Katie nodded. “Dashing,” added Sirius as the other five looked at him in horror. “Then what happened?” asked Silva. “Well, James was careful,” replied Remus. “Very careful,” said Sirius. “He didn’t want to screw up his chances,” said Katie. “So one day this summer,” said Remus. “He went up to her house,” said Sirius. “He had flowers,” added Lily. “He had flowers,” repeated Katie. “And he knocked on her door,” said Remus. “And she came out,” said Sirius. “And he asked her,” said Katie. “Will you be my girlfriend,” said Sirius dreamily. “Lily paused as she took one long look at him,” said Remus. “And then she said yes,” said Katie. “And he leaned forward and kissed her,” said Sirius as he nodded at a giggling Silva. “Then what happened?” asked Silva. “Lily got pregnant and couldn’t come to school so James put her under the Imperious Curse and plucked her hairs and put them in a Polyjuice Potion which he gave to a different girl and all this time someone else has been acting as Lily because the real Lily is pregnant somewhere hiding from everyone,” said Sirius very gravely as if he was speaking of someone that had died. “So James Potter is evil then?” asked Silva as she giggled into her Butterbeer. “Very evil,” said Sirius. “So evil he might be a Death Eater,” said Remus, at this James laughed and shook his head at his friends. “That was all just a load of crap,” Lily said as she looked at Silva. “I’ve never been pregnant and James didn’t create a Polyjuice Potion. He’s probably not smart enough to make one.” “You would be surprised,” said Remus as he took a swig from his glass and set the empty Butterbeer on the table. “And what’s that suppose to mean,” asked Katie as she giggled and smiled at Remus. “We’ve made that potion before,” said Sirius proudly. “We were Third Years and we nicked the ingredients from old Sluggy’s office!” “That was you!?” asked Lily in a shocked tone. “Yes and you better not tell your friend Slughorn,” said James in a warning tone. “No one knows but the Marauders, but I suppose now the Slug Club will know,” said Sirius as he laughed and smiled at Silva. “I wouldn’t tell him,” said Lily. James, Remus and Sirius smiled at each other with a knowing look. “That’s good,” said Silva finally as she stood up and stretched. “Very good,” said Sirius as he stood up and copied Silva. “Sirius,” said Silva as she had a thinking face on, “you haven’t shown me yet how to get into the Shrieking Shack; I did your paper for you for a reason.” “I know, I’m sorry,” said Sirius. “Off we go!” Sirius waved goodbye to his friends as he literally ran out of the Three Broomsticks. “He and Silva get along rather well,” said Katie as she gazed at them through the window. “Yes,” said Remus. “They are very good friends.” “I thought they were dating?” said Lily as she looked at James. Remus and James at once began to laugh as Katie and Lily glanced at each other surprisingly. “Sirius-*ha ha*-likes-*ha ha ha*-some-*ha ha ha*-other-*ha*-girl,” said Remus between chuckles. “Who?” asked Katie. “No clue,” replied James as he looked out the window. “It’s almost noon,” said Lily as if she was reading James’s mind. “We need to be heading back to Hogwarts,” said James as he stood up. “I have to tutor a Third Year,” said Lily with a sigh. “And I... don’t remember what I have to do,” said James. “Your mom,” said Lily. “Ahh yes,” said James. “What do you need to do with your mom?” asked Remus. “She’s been writing me letters lately, about seven, I need to reply, oh bull,” said James as a silver owl swooped into the Three Broomsticks. “Make that eight.” The owl though, didn’t head to James it went straight to Lily. Lily, surprised, took the letter off the owl before it went shooting back out the door. “It’s from your Mom,” said Lily as she opened the letter. Lily laughed and smiled at James. “She wants us to write out our final list of the wedding party.” “What a booger,” said James. “OK, Sirius and Remus.” Katie and Remus laughed as Lily frowned at James. “OK, well Katie and...,” Lily sighed as she looked back to the letter, how could she decide between Alyssa and Bekka? “Why not Peter?” asked Katie. “Yes, Peter would make a great Bridesmaid,” said James seriously. “We have it decided then.” “No you dumb ass,” said Remus. “She means why isn’t Peter one of your groomsmen?” “Oh, well then Peter, too,” said James. “That way you can have both Bekka and Alyssa in the wedding.” “Sounds good to me,” said Lily as she smiled. “Did you pick a date yet?” asked Katie. “Yes we’re taking each other,” said James. “End of June,” said Lily. “It’ll be a little get together for the Seventh Years.” “It won’t be very little though,” said James. “Yes, that’s true, we’re expecting lots of people,” said Lily with a laugh as she left the Three Broomsticks. “And lots of gifts,” added James as he followed Lily. **AN:** This will be fairly long... Just to tell anyone that cared the song from the last chapter was called From this Moment ON... By Shania Twain... She’s awesome and I don’t even like country Thankx for all the Reviews I got! It made me very happy.... I think I had like 18 or something.. But yea... That made my day! Because so many people talked about the song I had in my story I decided to post a little chorus from a song before every chapter... I know a lot of Authors do that so I thought it would be fun to try and see what my readers think! I sent the next chapter (24) off to my new Beta and she’s pretty good at getting it back to me soon.. problem was she had a new email address... So yes.. But we have it all figured out... And then **IMPORTANT NEWS:** I have a new fanfiction that I will post in hopefully less than 10 days depending on how soon I get it back from my beta... It’s a prequel to this story... A ONE-SHOT... Just basically what happened during the Sorting Ceremony when Lily/James and the gang were sorted! Cheers and Please Review! Love ya guyz tonzzzzzzz x0x0 Kaci 24. The Trouble With Love is... ------------------------------- Chapter 24: The Trouble With Love is... **The trouble with love is... By Kelly Clarkson** The trouble with love is It can tear you up inside Make your heart believe a lie It's stronger than your pride The trouble with love is It doesn't care how fast you fall And you can't refuse the call See, you got no say at all *-* The second Quidditch match for the Gryffindors was a game that would go down in record books for life. It was the end of February and was still snowing lightly from the storm the night before. It was late afternoon, almost dinner as the teams began to play. James had pepped his team up with a good long pep talk about how bad the Hufflepuffs were. James knew his team was ready, he knew they would win. The wind was blowing lightly as James lead the way onto the field through the four inches of light snow that had fallen. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and had James shake hands with the Hufflepuff’s captain. Then James joined his team and was ready. The balls flew up into the air as Madam Hooch blew her whistle and fifteen brooms rose quickly through the sky. James reached out and quickly grabbed the Quaffle and passed it over to Sirius who quickly passed it to Katie who threw it through the left Hoop. A loud cheer rose from the Gryffindors as a few fans of Sirius led a chant for their team. “*Gryffindor is the best,* *Potter, Sampson, Black, Anderson* *Jankowski and the Tinders!* *Are smarter and quicker than the rest!”* The Gryffindors all began screaming again as the Seeker, Jordan Jankowski went into a quick dive and reached out his hand and grabbed the Snitch that had been floating about twenty feet above the ground. James let go of the Quaffle he had been holding after he had pried it from the Second Year Hufflepuff’s fingers and had been about to throw it through the goal post when he had stopped. “We won James!” screamed Katie as the two landed and began to hug Jordan and the other team mates. “We did it!” screamed Sirius as he looked close to tears. “We’re going to go to state,” yelled a First Year girl from Gryffindor as she ran out of the stands before anyone else and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, Jordan. “What’s State?” asked Sirius. “No clue,” replied James as a smile captured his face as he saw Lily walk towards him. “James,” said Lily slowly as she stood before him and grinned up at him. “Lily,” said James as he smiled at her and took her left hand. “I need to tell you something,” said Lily as she took his left hand into her right hand. “I need to tell you something too,” said James. “Let’s go,” said Lily as she began pulling James away from the storm of students who were lifting Jordan up on their shoulders and bringing him up to the castle. “You go first,” said James when they were far enough away from the Quidditch field and could hear each other talk. “You know that I’ve been talking with your mom lately,” said Lily as James nodded. “Well, she sent this letter and I think you should read it, I mean the last few sentences sound... bad.” Lily pulled the letter out of the pocket of her robe and handed it to James. *Dear Lily,* *Your dress is just lovely; I saw the finished product today, finally. I’m hoping that you’ll be able to come to Hogsmeade in a few weeks and I could show it to you. I would also like to talk to you in person.* *There are a few things I would like to show you how about the charm bracelet and how to add a charm to the charm bracelet, in case you happen to die. I know it’s not very likely because Hogwarts is so powerfully protected, but you never know these days.* *Albert seems to have been working over-time these last few weeks. Voldemort has again been threatening to kill students at Hogwarts if we don’t hand over the Ministry. Well, all I can say is Voldemort is very stupid if he thinks there is any way he can take over the Ministry. The Minister of Magic now has to have at least three or four Aurors guarding him at any time. But as long as we have Dumbledore, nothing will happen.* *I am sorry for telling you these troubles; I don’t know why I am. I’ve just been so scared these past few weeks, something big is going to happen, I can feel it. I can also feel me becoming sicker and sicker it seems.* *I am so glad that James has you Lily, what would happen if I were to die? James would have no one to cook his dinner.* *On a much happier note, the house is finally ready for you two! I’ve just started adding furniture that you picked out and hopefully when we meet in Hogsmeade you could give me a few more ideas for your bedroom.* *Please write back and tell me if the March trip to Hogsmeade will work,* *Love always,* *Emily Anne Potters* “Well,” said James finally as he moved his eyes away from the note and grinned into Lily’s face. “I’m glad you get along well with my mother.” “James,” groaned Lily as she took the letter away from James’ hands and put it into her robe pocket. “That’s not what I meant.” “I know that’s not what you meant,” said James suddenly as he quickly became serious and looked at Lily. “OK, then is something happening that you are not telling me?” asked Lily as she looked at James with a desperate look. “I’m not sure, but I think something is going to happen,” said James. James sighed and ran a hand through his hair, something he did now only when he was really stressed. “I-I... I think something is going to happen.... And soon.” “What do you think will happen,” replied Lily. “Well,” said James very slowly. “I have my suspicions...” “Care to share,” asked Lily with a little smile on her face. James sighed again and looked away from Lily and towards the lake and the last few people still hanging around the Quidditch field. “Don’t you think it’s weird that no one at Hogwarts other than the Seventh years seem to be scared of Voldemort?” asked James. “I hadn’t really noticed...” “See that’s the thing... You’d think that at least the Fifth Years would be a little worried about Voldemort trying to take over the school... But they’re not.” “So what’s your point James?” “That I think Dumbledore is stopping information about Voldemort from coming into Hogwarts.” “But that’s good James, this way no one is worried that Voldemort will run into Hogwarts and murder us all in our beds.” James shook his head and again ran his hand through his hair. “It just doesn’t make sense...” “James *you’re* not making sense...” “Lily,” said James slowly. “In *our* Fifth Year what were you most worried about... Wait, don’t answer, I know; O.W.L.s, but apart from school work... What were you most worried about?” “If my family was safe,” said Lily quickly saying the first thing that popped into her head. “Exactly, same with me and my mates, but no one else seems to care.” “So why do you think they don’t care about their families?” asked Lily hesitantly, not really wanting to know James’s answer. “I have only three guesses,” said James. “And they are...” “One, Voldemort has spies all over the school... Everyone knows that... I bet half the Slytherins themselves are already Death Eaters... I think it could be possible that his spies are spreading rumors that everyone in Hogwarts is safe... Or that Voldemort is only concerned about killing Muggles... Which *we* know isn’t true... Voldemort doesn’t care who he kills...” “But if his spies are doing that,” said Lily slowly. “Then it’s likely no one will really believe the warnings that The Prophet has been giving out every day.” “Exactly, but another option is, is that the younger kids don’t care about their families.” “Impossible James, everyone cares about their families... Even Sirius who hates them... He still wouldn’t want anyone killed...” “Well my third guess is Dumbledore... and us.” “Dumbledore and *us*?” “Us,” said James. “I see the Dumbledore part... People always feel safe when they’re with him... But us... we’re just Heads.” “Lily don’t you see?” said James as he finally looked up into the mysterious green eyes he loved. “Dumbledore has been using us.” “No he hasn’t... He never would!” said Lily as she stood up. “He *is* using us...” said James as he stood up also. “James,” said Lily slowly as if she was talking to a little kid. “I understand that you are under a lot of pressure with homework, Quidditch, the Order, Auror practice, and Head duties... But I think you may be going crazy.” “I’m not Lily,” said James as he reached out and grabbed Lily’s hand before she could run away. “Listen to me... Why do you think Dumbledore had us get engaged before the school started? He easily could have waited until after Hogwarts... He practically blackmailed us into admitting to everyone that we wanted to be married.... He would have told Hogwarts that we had an arranged marriage if we hadn’t done things the way we did. And now he is making us act like we like each other...” “Yeah, I know that James,” said Lily slowly not knowing where this conversation was going to lead her. “But we both know that it’s not real... We don’t actually like each other... And we only have to pretend for a little bit longer...” James blinked and a little fire seemed to rise inside him. “Dumbledore can be just as evil as Voldemort at some times,” replied James. “No he isn’t James... Dumbledore is nice, kind, and he cares about us... That’s why he told us to pretend we like each other... He didn‘t want to ruin our reputations!” “You have never seen the Dumbledore I have,” said James as he let go of Lily’s hand and glared at her through his hazel eyes. “You must be seeing things then.... Because the Dumbledore I know always has a twinkle in his eye... And he’s nice... Even to people who have made bad choices... He gives everyone a second chance...” “No one deserves a second chance... And you’re wrong about Dumbledore... Have you ever wondered why people say Dumbledore is the only man Voldemort fears?” “No,” lied Lily who had been only thinking about that a few days before. “Because Dumbledore will do anything to defeat dark wizards... It’s what he hates more then anything in the world,” said James. “And how do you know this?” asked Lily, who was rather close to tears of anger, sadness and disappointment. “Because I know things Lily... Because I listen... And I know you weren’t the girl I was *originally* planned to marry...” Lily stood their in silence as she saw the angry look in James face. “And who were you *suppose* to marry?” asked Lily sarcastically, not being able to hide the hurt in her voice. “Forget I said that,” said James as he turned away. “You are so pathetic Potter!” shouted Lily as tears began to spill out of her eyes and James walked towards the forest. “I’m pathetic,” said James as he turned away from the forest and faced Lily. “Yes *you’re* pathetic!” “I’m not the one who won’t admit what’s happening to me.” “What!” shouted Lily in rage and tears. “Do you mean by that?” “I haven’t been acting Lily... And I know you haven’t been either!” retorted James. “I have never liked you Potter and I never will! You are just as much of a stupid airhead as the day I met you on the train to Hogwarts!” “And you are just as much as the goody-two shoes girl who likes to pretend things are not happening to her when they are!” shouted back James. “Well, I would rather be that than what you are!” “And what am I Lily? Stupid, loud, annoying... Mean? And am I mean Lily?” “No,” said Lily. “You are a liar!” James stopped walking towards the forest and his shoulders slumped as he looked at Lily. “Is that what you think I am Lily? Do you think I would lie to you about something stupid like the fact that I love? That I’ve been in love with you since you told me that the Sorting Hat had told you something about your future?” “You love someone else!” shouted Lily. “I know you do!” “Would I honestly be running around with you everywhere if I didn‘t love you? Would I give you everything I could to try and get you to like me if I still loved someone else? Would my whole body tingle when I kiss you if I loved someone else?” asked James. *“No*,” thought Lily as she looked straight at James. “I think you would lie about it if it made life easier for you... I think you’ve just been telling yourself that you love me... when deep down you still love *her.*” “Her who,” said James sarcastically. “Jordan,” said Lily as James’s face grew pale and he turned away from Lily and ran into the forest. As soon as James had disappeared into the forest tears gushed out of Lily’s eyes... Had she really just had a fight with James over Jordan? Did she really call him a liar? She knew one of the things James prided himself most for was always being truthful and honest. Lily ran past a group of Hufflepuffs who were heading back from dinner. They looked at Lily with surprised eyes as she ran towards the Gryffindor Common Room. She stepped through the portrait and saw it was deserted; everyone must be at dinner celebrating the great victory. Lily ran into her dorm room and began bawling on the top of her lungs, and then stopped. Someone else was in there too, someone else was crying in the bathroom. “Alyssa,” called out Lily as she tried to turn the locked door to the bathroom. “What,” came the muffled voice from inside. “What’s the matter?” asked Lily as the tears stopped flowing from her eyes, when she had realized her friend was crying. “I can’t tell you,” said Alyssa. “Why not?” asked Lily. “Maybe I can help.” Lily felt the door handle move and out stepped Alyssa. If Lily had thought she might look bad from crying, she was no where near as bad looking as Alyssa appeared to be. “You’ve been crying,” said Alyssa as she spotted Lily’s red and swollen eyes. “So have you,” replied Lily. “Where’s James?” asked Alyssa. “Where’s Theodore?” asked Lily in a sarcastic reply as tears appeared again in Alyssa’s eyes. “Oh no, you didn’t break up.” Lily reached out and hugged her friend tightly before letting her go. “N-N-N-not yet,” said Alyssa. “Why?” asked Lily. “What happened?” “I can’t really talk about it... But really... Why have you been crying? Trouble in Paradise already?” “I can’t really talk about it,” said Lily in reply. “An ear for an ear,” said Alyssa hopefully. “Deal,” said Lily, she really did need to talk about it, and Alyssa would be perfect. “I told James that I knew about Jordan...” “Oh... Not good,” said Alyssa. “And you?” asked Lily. “I... I... I... I’m pregnant,” said Alyssa. “WHAT!” shouted Lily as she smiled at Alyssa. “Why are you upset, that’s great! You love babies!” “B-because I’m not sure who the father is,” replied Alyssa in an almost whisper as she glared at the floor. “You don’t know who the father is,” said Lily slowly trying to take in the words Alyssa had uttered. “But who else could it be than Theodore?” Alyssa looked up at Lily with a guilty look on her face. “James,” said Lily in a whisper, letting go of Alyssa’s hand. Her face had gone pale her stomach had dropped to her feet. She needed something to drink. She needed to lie down. She needed to shout. She needed to yell at James. She needed to take the stupid ring of her finger. “Are you kidding me,” said Alyssa as she let out a hyena laugh. “I tried to get James for almost two years and he never once even gave me a kiss! No, I was talking about Sirius you idiot!” “Sirius,” said Lily as excitement once again rose to her face. “You’re pregnant with Sirius’ child! Oh No! You haven’t said anything to Theodore or Sirius yet have you?” “No course not... I just did the test today... I’ve missed my period twice in a row now... blamed it on stress... But I knew it wasn’t!” replied Alyssa as fresh tears spread down her face. “I’m so sorry Alyssa... I don’t know what to say... Aren’t there tests you can do?” asked Lily. “Course there are... I’m just not sure I want to know who the father of my kid is...” said Alyssa. “But if it’s Theodore than everything will be ok,” said Lily hopefully, knowing full well it wouldn’t be. “If it is Theodore than I’ll have to get married to him like within a week... I’m two months pregnant Lily. You start showing at about six months... That’s June!” “You’re two months pregnant? What about all the symptoms... Nausea, vomiting and queasiness?” asked Lily. “I’ve got it... Why do you think I said I had the flu?” “I-I... I thought you did!” said Lily as she remembered when she had seen Alyssa wake up one morning. And run into the bathroom, where she had thrown up... She had said she was going to Madam Pomfrey, and later that day she had been back in class saying she had been feeling fine. “I know... I lied to you!” said Alyssa. “So when are you going to tell him?” “Which him,” said Alyssa with a shaky laugh. “I’d tell Sirius first... So if it is Sirius’ kid... You two can find out what to do...” said Lily. “Shh.. someone’s coming... Don’t tell anyone,” said Alyssa in a rushed and desperate tone. “Oh my goodness!” shouted Bekka as she ran into the Dorm room with Katie walking in sheepishly behind her. “What?” asked Alyssa as she shot one last warning glance at Lily that plainly read *Don’t you dare tell!* “Remus just admitted to like the whole entire Gryffindor table that he and Katie did IT!” said Bekka as she rushed out the words. “What!” exclaimed Lily and Alyssa at the same time. Katie rolled her eyes and grinned at Lily. “I wanted to tell you guys, but Remus said not to. He didn’t want people knowing I wasn’t virgin, he said it would ruin my reputation,” said Katie as she smiled and sat down. “It was hysterical...” said Bekka. “I was making fun of Katie and was like Virgin Katherine please pass me the butter... Virgin Katherine please hand me the orange juice... And then Remus was like stop calling her that! And I was like why? And then he said... really loud... SHE’S NOT A VIRGIN!” Bekka, Alyssa, and Lily laughed as Katie blushed. “Wow...” said Alyssa “So have you guys done it A LOT?” asked Lily. “No, just twice, after the ball... And after our date in Hogsmeade...” replied Katie as she smiled. “Well, I guess I am the only virgin Seventh year left in Gryffindor,” said Lily with a laugh that ended in a sigh. “You’re not,” said Alyssa. Lily raised an eyebrow at her friend in a questioningly way. “Peter.” “Oh, yea,” said Katie as she laughed with Lily. “He’s not!” said Bekka as she blushed. “Oh my Goodness,” screamed Lily as she threw a pillow from her bed at Bekka. “That’s disgusting...” said Alyssa. “Yea, well I felt sorry for him,” said Bekka. “If I slept with every guy I felt sorry for than I’d be the biggest whore in the school,” said Alyssa. “I still can’t believe you did it Katie...” said Lily. “I still can’t believe you hadn’t,” Bekka said to Lily. “There’s so many risk... S.T.D.’s, Aids, getting pregnant,” said Lily as she shook out the last word. “Well it’s worth it,” said Bekka. “No it’s not,” said Alyssa sadly. “It is if you get a lot of guys,” said Bekka with a laugh. “How many have you honestly had sex with?” asked Alyssa. Bekka thought for a moment. “Six,” replied Bekka. This time Alyssa threw a pillow at Bekka’s head. “And how many of them were wizards?” asked Katie. “Three,” replied Bekka simply. “Who?” asked Lily. “My brother’s friend Kevin and Peter,” replied Bekka. “That’s two,” said Lily. “Who’s the last one?” “Sirius, but who hasn’t done it with him?” “Me!” said Lily and Katie as they both raised their hands. Alyssa smiled at Bekka and then laughed. “You can’t help who you love,” said Bekka. “And that’s the trouble with this so called love business...” said Alyssa. “It ruins any fun you can have at night!” “I know something we could have fun with,” said Lily with a sly smile. “No we are not testing you on Charms since you have had the *Gendhio* charm memorized since your sixth year,” said Alyssa. “Thank you for that compliment, but I meant we still have the end of a dare to finish with the Gryffindor boys!” AN: Hey guys! Thankx for reading.. This chapter was long so I hope you enjoy it... The next chapter I am having difficulty on because it’s A)long and B) rather confusing... I’ll put it up as sooon as i can! In the mean time Please read the prequel to **this story** http://fanfiction.portkey.org/story/5041 It’s called the sorting hat... And It’ll be really bad to anyone who hasn’t read this story... so if you’ve read this story then you’ll enjoy the prequel... PLEASE REVIEW x0x0 Kaci 25. Don't --------- Chapter 25: Don’t AN: Sorry for taking so long to post…I made a little summary of what happened in the chapters before so you don’t have to go back and look (you can if you want to)…Longer note on bottom./ AN **Summary: (I did my best to sum it up)** The Gryffindors all began screaming again as the Seeker, Jordan Jankowski went into a quick dive and reached out his hand and grabbed the Snitch that had been floating about twenty feet above the ground. ***-*-*** “Don’t you think it’s weird that no one at Hogwarts other than the Seventh years seem to be scared of Voldemort?” asked James. “So what’s your point James?” “That I think Dumbledore is stopping information about Voldemort from coming into Hogwarts.” “So why do you think they don’t care about their families?” “Lily don’t you see?” said James as he finally looked up into the mysterious green eyes he loved. “Dumbledore has been using us.” “You are so pathetic Potter!” shouted Lily as tears began to spill out of her eyes and James walked towards the forest. “I’m not the one who won’t admit what’s happening to me.” “What!” shouted Lily in rage and tears. “I haven’t been acting Lily…And I know you haven’t been either!” retorted James. “Well, I would rather be that than what you are!” “And what am I Lily? Stupid, loud, annoying…Mean? And am I mean Lily?” “No,” said Lily. “You are a liar!” ***-*-*** *The trouble with love is* *It can tear you up inside* *Make your heart believe a lie* *It's stronger than your pride* *The trouble with love is* *It doesn't care how fast you fall* *And you can't refuse the call* *See, you got no say at all* ***-*-*** “What’s the matter?” asked Lily as the tears stopped flowing from her eyes, when she had realized her friend was crying. “I can’t tell you,” said Alyssa. “You’ve been crying,” “I can’t really talk about it…But really…Why have you been crying? Trouble in Paradise already?” “I can’t really talk about it,” said Lily in reply. “An ear for an ear,” said Alyssa hopefully. “I told James that I knew about Jordan…” “I…I…I…I’m pregnant,” said Alyssa. "And I’m not sure who the father is.” "You haven’t said anything to Theodore or Sirius yet have you?” *-* “Remus just admitted to like the whole entire Gryffindor table that he and Katie did IT!” said Bekka as she rushed out the words. “That’s two,” said Lily. “Who’s the last one?” “Sirius, but who hasn’t done it with him?” “That’s disgusting…” said Alyssa. “You can’t help who you love,” said Bekka. “And that’s the trouble with this so called love business…” said Alyssa. *-*-* **Song Title: Don’t** **Artist: Shania Twain** *Don't fight…don’t argue Give me the chance to say that I'm sorry Just let me love you Don't turn me away…don't tell me to go Don't…don’t give up on trust Don't give up on me…on us We could just hold on long enough We can do it…we’ll get through it* *-*-* Lily smiled patently as tears flowed down her friend Alyssa’s cheeks. “I can’t tell him Lily!” said Alyssa as tears soaked her tight tank top she had been wearing the night before to bed. “Then what are you going to do?” asked Lily as she tried to help Alyssa with her problem. “I don’t know,” sobbed Alyssa as she crumpled up and laid her head on the pillow on her bed and screamed into it. “Well what do you want me to do about it?” asked Lily. “I don’t know,” cried Alyssa as she turned her head away from the pillow and looked at Lily. Lily glanced down at her watch and cringed at the numbers glaring back at her; 9:37 AM. She was seven minutes late already for meeting James downstairs, that left her only 23 minutes to make it to Hogsmeade. “Well, I think you should tell Theodore first, before you say anything to Sirius,” said Lily as she massaged Alyssa’s back kindly. “What’s Theodore going to do? Kill me? I am in so much trouble,” bawled Alyssa as a fresh set of tears came down her cheeks. “Sirius has money, trust me…And he’s not going to let anything happen to you if Theodore wants to press charges or something,” said Lily. “I’ll tell Theodore today, at lunch…That gives him the rest of the afternoon to write to his parents and my parents…And then tomorrow it’ll be in the papers that we broke up…At least Sirius is still from a powerful family…so it’s not like I am dirtying up my blood lines so my parents can’t be upset,” said Alyssa. On a normal day, Lily would have been very upset for Alyssa talking about ‘dirtying up’ blood lines…Knowing that Alyssa meant someone like her, Lily, who wasn’t a pureblood. But today was no normal day. Everything seemed to be going wrong for Lily. She had woken up an hour late by accident. The shower was cold because the other girls had used all the hot water. She was getting her period, and she had a pimple. Not one of those small white heads, one of those big red ones…But magic had cleared that up in a second…But still she was running late. She had ran upstairs to check and see if her hair still looked fine before she was going to meet James to go to Hogsmeade, but then Lily found Alyssa. Alyssa had been curled up on her own bed, sobbing. Alyssa had just gotten the pregnancy DNA test back from her Do It Yourself Magic DNA Testing Kit, to find that Sirius Black was indeed the father of her unborn child that no one knew she was caring but her and Lily Evans. Lily had known when Alyssa got back the results, either way she would be devastated. If it was Theodore, he and his parents would be upset over the fact that she was pregnant. If it was Sirius, it meant she would end up having to break her engagement to Theodore, ending the alliance that had been made between two of the purest Ravenclaw families left in the world. Lily had hoped and prayed the father would be Theodore, having it be Sirius was bad. Sirius was still a kid himself, how was he suppose to raise a child? And he didn’t have a job, his parents had disowned him, but he was still a Black. “Lily,” said Alyssa really quietly. “You’re a good friend, thank you for listening to me…Don’t tell anyone though…I need to talk to Theodore and Sirius before they hear it from anyone else…” “OK Alyssa,” said Lily just as quietly as she stood up and slipped on her jacket over her outfit she was wearing that day. “Say hi to Mrs. Potter for me,” said Alyssa as Lily slipped out the door. “I will,” said Lily as she said good-bye to her broken up friend. Lily hurried down the stairs and found James and Sirius sitting together over a chess set. James eyes looked up the second Lily had entered the room. He stood up and walked over to her. “You’re late,” said James as Lily glanced at her watch and saw it said 9:44 AM. “I know, Alyssa’s sick, sorry,” said Lily as she glanced at Sirius who raised an eyebrow and looked towards the dorm room wistfully. “What’s she have?” asked James, as he made polite conversation. “The flu,” said Lily as she continued to watch Sirius’ face grow a little pale. “Well we need to meet my mom in fifteen minutes, coming Padfoot?” asked James. “Yeah, yeah,” said Sirius as he quickly put all his chess pieces together in a little case and stuck it into his pocket. The three friends walked out of the Common Room and out of Hogwarts quickly towards Hogsmeade. Sirius, Lily and James had little conversation during the ten minute walk. Everyone’s mind was some where else. In Lily’s case it was back in the bedroom where she had just left her friend. For James it was most likely on the upcoming Quidditch match and no one could ever be sure what Sirius was thinking even though it might have concerned a pretty blonde Gryffindor. Lily didn’t notice that the newly melted snow had left thousands of puddles in the sidewalk and if it hadn’t been for James’s quick reflexes she would have walked into a few. James hesitantly pushed open the door to The Three Broomsticks. He quickly spotted his mother and the three walked to her. “Lily! James! And my-my Sirius!” exclaimed Emily Potter as she hugged all three Gryffindors before the four of them sat down at the table excluded in a corner of the restaurant. Lily knew the seat she was sitting in was something you had to put on reservation for weeks or even months a head of time to get, for normal people. Not for the Potters, Emily merrily had to send one owl requesting the table the night before, or even an hour before, and she would get it. “So what’s new?” asked Emily excitedly, hoping to get some gossip. “Not much,” said Sirius as he took a sip of the Butterbeer that Emily had ordered for the three students. “A few students got drunk the other day and Lily had to tell them off,” added James hoping to please his mother. “That was us James,” said Sirius in a very jokingly manner. “Oh yeah,” said James as he laughed at Sirius’s joke. Lily smiled as she saw the surprised look on Emily Potter’s face. “You were drunk!” exclaimed Emily. Lily tried to stifle a giggle by turning it into a cough. “No mom,” said James patently. “I was just joking you know very well I don’t get drunk when I drink alcohol.” Emily Potter once again had a horrified look on her face as she stared at her pride and joy of heart. “He’s joking Emily,” said Sirius as he patted Emily’s hand, who smiled beautifully at Sirius. “That’s good, I would hate to have a son I was embarrassed with,” said Emily as she pushed a few of her graying hairs out of her face and smiled and sighed at the teenagers in front of her. “Well, down to business,” said Emily. “First off, the charm bracelet, I will now add your charm onto the bracelet.” Emily slowly pulled out a very small package. She passed it to Lily who smiled and open it up, she gasped. Lily had thought she had seen beauty, her friends, flowers, paintings, houses, buildings, sculptures, and others, but she had never seen something this beautiful before. It was small, yet it looked so big. It was a beautiful silver, and diamonds covered the center of it; words couldn’t describe how beautiful it looked. “Do you like it?” asked Emily as she smiled at Lily. “I’ve never seen something so beautiful before in my life,” said Lily finally. “Each charm is suppose to represent the owner of the charm to the best ability it can. Mine of course is the small cat on the bracelet, to represent my Animagus form, and the fact that I should be worshipped,” said Emily with a laugh. James blushed a little as Sirius and Lily laughed. “Now yours is a lily, a silver lily. James picked it out,” said Emily. Lily looked over at James to see that his blush had deepened and Lily could tell he hadn’t wanted his mother to tell Lily that he had picked out the charm. “So what powers does my charm have?” asked Lily. “That,” said Emily, “is yet to be figured out.” “What do you mean?” asked Sirius as Lily passed him the charm bracelet and he looked at all the charms on the bracelet. “I think my charm will be something like the ability to always look good,” said Emily as she laughed, even though she was quite serious. “I still don’t get it,” said James as he looked at his mom. “It’s so confusing, basically you don’t know what your charm will be,” said Emily finally. “I don’t understand though,” said Sirius as he handed the charm back to Lily. “How does the bracelet work?” “It’s rather interesting,” said Emily. “Lily if you could please,” said Emily as she stuck out her wrist and had Lily clasp the charm bracelet onto the wrist in front of her. Emily ran her fingers between the charms looking for a certain charm, until she smiled. “Any female Potter, or Gryffindor descendant, is allowed to use this bracelet. Or I suppose anyone that is loved by a male descendant of the Gryffindor line…Well the most important thing about this bracelet is not to use it too often or too much because then you drain the power of the bracelet. The charm I am holding right now is one of my personal favorites. It is the charm the very first Gryffindor put on it, given to her by her father, Godric Gryffindor.” The three students leaned forward and saw a small silver lion sitting in the palm of Emily’s hand. “When you touch this charm with your other hand, see how I am holding it into my vein on my left arm with my right index finger, well you hold it for a few moments,” Emily stared at her wrist and then took in a sharp breath of air and purple smoke came out of her mouth as she blew out. “What just happened?” asked Lily as Emily opened her eyes. “I just used a charm, I used Guinevere’s charm, Godric Gryffindor’s daughter, Guinevere Gryffindor. She was the very first Gryffindor descendant, the charm was given to her by her father, and put onto a charm bracelet, the charm I just used, Guinevere’s, gives you courage, it makes you brave,” said Emily as the three students looked at her surprised. “So today you’ll be brave?” asked James as he began to get interested in the charms. “Yes, for about six hours, and then the charm wears off and you can not use that charm for a few months. But I would recommend only using the charms when you really need to, or else they won’t work as well as they should,” said Emily. “How often did you use the bracelet?” asked Sirius. “Maybe, once every other month, I tried not to use it more than that. And you never know what some of the charms would do to you, one of the charms made me quiet for a whole entire six hours, I couldn’t say a word. Of course that may have saved my life since I was at a stake-out watching for Death Eaters, and I would have screamed when I saw my brother die, but I didn’t because I used the charm. So I suppose that is really lucky of me to have used the silencing charm right? But oh, it was dreadful to see my brother Edward die! He was such a good brother too! Never laid a hand on me the whole time I was growing up, never let anyone lay a hand on me. I remember once when that Diggory boy I was dating broke up with me and my brother found me crying in the attic! Boy was he upset, poor Jacob had the most ugly acne for a year after that day, poor boy,” said Emily as she rambled on. She unclasped the bracelet and handed it to Lily. “You dated Amos Diggory’s father?” asked Sirius. “Oh yes, I was quite the lovebird back in the day, I had more boyfriends than my whole year!” bragged Emily. “And you settled for Dad?” asked James in a concerned voice. “Well, he was quite good-looking, James. And he was smart and nice, unlike many of the other boys, and he was just the most sensible of the boys to choose from.” “It also made you a Potter,” added Sirius. “It did make me a Potter, and married to an heir of Gryffindor!” said Emily cheerfully. “So that’s all you cared about?” asked Lily in a sarcastic tone of her voice. “Being a Potter?” “Of course not dear,” said Emily horrified. “I probably would have married Albert even if he wasn’t a Potter, I’ve never met such a good kisser in my life!” “MOM!” said James, now horrified. “What else was there that you wanted to talk to us about?” “Oh yes,” said Emily as she pulled out a few pieces of pictures that showed beds and paint samples. “What do you want for your bedspread?” James and Sirius rolled their eyes as Lily played with the charm bracelet now hanging from her wrist. “Well, I don’t really care,” said Lily finally. “Why don’t you just pick everything out, I like surprises.” “Me too,” agreed James quickly. “And me too,” added Sirius and Lily and James rolled their eyes. “Then, I’ll just pick one out here…ah this one is good…Now where is that new owl of mine…LEAF!” yelled Emily Potter as a snow white owl zoomed into the Three Broomsticks, surprising a load of customers. Emily quickly finished jotting down a few last numbers on a piece of paper and rolled it up and put it on the owl Leaf’s outstretched leg. “Off you go then,” said Emily as the owl hooted and flew out the door, once again surprising a load of customers. Most of the students from Hogwarts seemed it be packed into the Three Broomsticks, it was getting rather chilly outside and Lily always felt walking into the Three Broomsticks just made her warm. “So are you done with the house now Mom?” asked James as he took a large sip from his butterbeer. “Yes, I am…so I suppose I should be leaving so you three can get on doing what ever it is that you do,” said Emily as she stood up. “Oh, please don’t go Mrs. Potter,” said Lily as she motioned for Emily to stay seated. “Well, if I am wanted, of course I will stay!” said Emily happily. “I need to talk to Lily for a moment though,” said James as he stared at Lily. “Please come with me over here for a second Lily,” said James as he motioned towards a corner of the room that was unoccupied, and Lily knew James wouldn’t have to worry about being over heard. “Whatever it is you want to say James you can say in front of everyone else here,” said Lily coolly, still mad at him from the fight they had had a few weeks before. “No Lily, it’s personal,” said James. “Again James,” said Lily as her voice was rising. “What ever it is you have to say, you can say in front of your mom and Sirius.” “No you can’t,” said Sirius quickly as he caught his friend’s eye. “I don’t want to hear about what you two are doing or whatever…” “Fine,” snapped Lily as she glanced over and saw that Emily had a disappointed look on her face. Lily and James quickly made their way over to the corner where James sighed and looked at Lily straight in the eye. “I’m sorry,” said Lily and James together. “What?” they both said. “Why are you sorry?” again they said it together. “What did you do?” said Lily and James together. “You first,” said Lily. “I don’t like Jordan,” said James. “I *never* liked Jordan. My *parents* never liked Jordan, and it wasn’t Jordan I was supposed to marry. It *never* was; it was a girl from a different school. Her parents were friends with my parents, but then my dad heard that she had a lot of friends that were turning out to be Death Eaters…And my parents didn’t like the sound of that…They broke off the engagement…Four weeks later, she was found with the Dark Mark over her house, she and her parents dead. She had failed in her mission to marry me, and then kill me…” Lily gasped as James continued. “I never liked her in the first place; everything was fake about her from her long blonde hair to her big boobs…Nothing about her was real…. She talked but everything she said was absolutely stupid…I hated her…” “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that,” said Lily. “It’s OK, I’m over it…that was years ago…But I thought after that my parents were planning on having me pick out my own wife…I thought I was done with arranged marriages…And then I landed in your living room…” said James. “I see,” said Lily. “Well, I’m sorry for not believing you when you warned me about Dumbledore…I know he is an amazing wizard…But sometimes he just, well, forgets that we are only human. He treats us like we are robots…It’s just evil…” “Dumbledore’s not evil…Don’t say that…Voldemort is evil…And we need to stop Voldemort and not Dumbledore…Dumbledore is just doing what’s best for all of us…” said James. “We’re good then?” asked Lily hopefully. “We’re good then,” said James. Lily held out her hand and smiled as James took it and they headed back to their table. “Good,” said Emily Potter as she stood up and smiled at her son and his fiancée. “I need to be going and I am glad you two have made up!” “We weren’t fighting!” exclaimed Lily, surprised by how observant Emily had been. “Don’t be silly dear,’ said Emily. “Of course you were fighting, not that it matters, everyone can still tell James worships you.” Lily and James both began to blush uncontrollably while Sirius snickered in the background. “That’s good that James worships Lily,” added Sirius as he smiled at his two friends. “Yes, well I’ve always known my son was in love with some girl at school. He always talked about how he didn’t want to marry Susie Summers, ’course she turned out to be a Death Eater so it’s lucky we didn’t have James marry her, but her parents were such nice people. We were good friends with them, of course they never knew Susie was a Death Eater, I assure you on that part. But that was years ago, three I think. Wow that was long ago, and look here, we have Lily instead of Susie and I must say, Lily is so much better.” “Oh Emily,” said Lily at the compliment from Emily. “It’s OK dear, everyone loves you. And I know that James does, and now, love is all we have left in this world. Love is powerful Lily, dear, quite powerful. Dumbledore, the dear man, he thinks it is even more powerful than magic sometimes. And he may be true…Later, my dears,” said Emily as she swooped down and kissed Sirius, James and Lily each on the cheek. “Bye Mom,” called out James as Emily walked out of the Three Broomsticks. “Your mom is amazing,” said Sirius as he sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I need to find me a girl like her.” James laughed as a cold feeling rushed through Lily’s body. Alyssa would be telling Theodore soon, that she was pregnant; she would be ruining her life, all for this man, Sirius Black sitting in a chair, without a care in the world. “What if you’ve already found her?” asked Lily. “What if you just don’t realize it?” “Lily, my dear, Emily Potter is the most amazing cook in the world, and she only cooks on special occasions because she usually has a house elf cooking for her. I highly doubt any of the girls at Hogwarts can cook that well,” said Sirius in a very serious tone. “You’re looking for a good cook?” asked Lily in amazement. “That’s all you want in your wife, a good cook?” “Of course she must be nice and polite, being able to make up for me because I am rather lacking in that department, but a good cook would be a plus,” said Sirius and he laughed along with James. “I’ll drink to that dear boy,” said James as he took a swig of his Firewhiskey now sitting on his table instead of a Butterbeer. “James I can’t believe you two are drinking at the Three Broomsticks, and your mom just left and there are teachers about!” said Lily. “I am eighteen Lily, I can do as I please,” said James with a smile as he took another swig of his drink. James and Sirius began to laugh as Lily gathered her things and got ready to go. She had homework still to finish and finals were only a few months away, she needed to be ready. Lily was about to walk away from the table when there was a commotion at the entrance of the Three Broomsticks. “Death Eaters,” shouted a man as he collapsed on the floor. At once people began to scream at each other, adults were yelling, students were crying, and Lily, James and Sirius, stared at each other. “The students,” said Lily. “The shops,” said Sirius. “My mom,” said James in a whisper. “Students, we need to get them out of here, then we can fight the Death Eaters,” said Lily as she started take control of the situation. Lily heard students screaming and running into the Three Broomsticks. Lily took one look outside the window and saw adult shopkeepers firing curses at the three or four Death Eaters present. “BOYS!” shouted Lily at her two friends who both snapped their heads away from the window and to her. “We need to get the students out of Hogsmeade, what’s the best exit?” “You mean one of the secret exits that we are not suppose to know about?” asked Sirius mischievously. “SIRIUS!” yelled James as he jumped out of his seat and glared at his best friend. “This is no time to joke around; people could be dying for all we know. You and Lily get the kids through the exit behind the counter,” said James as he pointed at the Three Broomsticks counter where kids were hiding under tables, screaming their mouths out. “Right!” shouted Sirius as he ran towards the counter at The Three Broomsticks. He pulled his wand out and tapped a painting of a hog taking a sip of some kind of drink. The painting swung forward, revealing an exit. “This is how we can get back to Hogwarts!” shouted Sirius as kids began running into the tunnel. “I’ll get Dumbledore,” shouted Sirius over the kids running towards him to James and Lily. Sirius lead the way through the tunnel, as more kids ran into The Three Broomsticks. “We need to get the rest of the students back to Hogwarts,” said Lily as she made her way towards the exit. “Wait!” shouted James as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. “What?” asked Lily with exasperation in her voice. “I want you to be careful,” said James slowly as he stared into her green eyes. “Right back at you,” said Lily as she pulled away from James with her heart beating wildly and ran towards the entrance. The road was a mess. It looked as if the four Death Eaters were planning on destroying Hogsmeade. Lily saw one of the Death Eaters was dangling a little girl in the air and she was screaming. A First Year, Lily decided. One of the other Death Eaters was dueling with an old man, who happened to a shopkeeper of one of the near by stores. And finally, the last two Death Eaters were dueling with Emily Potter, and she was winning, until out of no where, the Death Eater who had been hurting the little girl, looked up and stunned Emily Potter. “The students first,” said James quickly as he ran into a store and was followed out by a bunch of students who ran in The Three Broomsticks. Lily ran towards the girl who was being tortured by a Death Eater. “Stupefy!” shouted Lily as the Death Eater fell over and hit his head against a rock. Lily ran forward and huddled over the little girl. She had been knocked unconscious, but she still had a heartbeat. Lily looked up for James and saw he was being followed out of the last shop in the road by a group of Seventh Years. They came charging at the Death Eaters. Curses and spells flew towards the Death Eaters. One of them was knocked out. The remaining two, had blocked the curses. “Stupefy” shouted a student, the spell was blocked by a Death Eater. “Expelliarmus!” shouted another student, it again was blocked. “Avada Kedavra!” shouted one of the Death Eaters as she pointed her wand towards the mass of students. *No*, thought Lily, *please let it miss*. But the curse didn’t miss, it hit a student, a boy, who crumbled to the ground. “LILY!” shouted James as he pointed towards a Death Eater; the Death Eater was walking towards Lily quickly with his wand pointing at her. It was time for her to use her non-verbal spells, something she had always struggled with. The Death Eater yelled out a curse, but Lily was quick; *Protego!* The spell flew back towards the Death Eater who, taken by utter surprise, fell to the ground, stunned. Lily bent down and grabbed the little girl and ran towards the Three Broomsticks. There was one Death Eater left. Emily Potter, suddenly stood up and stared at the Death Eater. “Eileen Prince,” spat out Emily Potter. “Emily Potter,” said Eileen. Lily was frozen in her spot, holding the little First Year in her arms. And suddenly James was beside Lily, taking the little girl from her body. “Move,” said James slowly as he didn’t take his eyes off his mother, who had her wand pointed directly at the other woman, the Death Eater. But Lily couldn’t mover her legs, she knew she needed to see what was about to happen…She could see magic working in Emily…the magic that dangled from Lily’s wrist… The remaining students had ran inside the Three Broomsticks, James, Lily and the little girl, were the only Hogwarts students remaining in Hogsmeade. “You killed a student,” said Emily slowly, as the two woman stared at each other. “You killed my brother,” said Eileen as she stared at Emily. “He deserved it,” spat out Emily as she raised her wand, half an inch. “And so did that student, did you see who I got? I saw, and how lucky I was, Dumbledore won’t be very happy with you, will he Emily? You let one of his students get murdered by a Death Eater,” said Eileen as she let out a loud, high pitched laugh. “He will be very happy though when I deliver your dead body to his door,” replied Emily smoothly. “How brave of you Emily,” said Eileen. “All through school I always thought you were rather a wimp, a *snot* more than anything. Just another little rich girl who had her mom’s good looks and her dad’s wallet. No brains, just beauty. And look where it got you, a husband, who was just the same as you. No brains, just beauty, and a Potter, of all things. A Gryffindor…the purest of them all!” “And what did you get Eileen?” cried out Emily as her wand wavered. “A muggle husband, who left you when he found out you were a witch? You were such a good witch, even though you came from a rather darker family. We saw hope in you, me and Albert. You were a Gryffindor for Heaven's sake…But you had to follow you family ways…” “And you had to follow yours…Marrying a rich wizard, having a kid…Letting the line continue…” “Family’s the most important thing you have in this world,” said Emily as she lifted her wand a little higher. “And I have none left, just a son. A son who hates me because I married a muggle. And you, you have a son who adores you. He worships the ground you walk on…” said Eileen. “That’s the way life should be, with a family that loves you,” said Emily in reply. “And how much you always rubbed that into my face, you had your parents, and mine? Mine had died, and you knew it…and you rubbed it into my face everyday and every time you could!” shouted Eileen. “I DID NOT!” replied Emily. “I liked you…we were friends…” “Well not any more,” said Eileen. “Not since the day you murdered my brother, and the day I murdered yours…” Lily saw Emily’s face turn white, Emily had never known who had killed her brother. “You killed Edward,” said Emily as her face became a flushed red color. “You killed him?” “Yes, I killed him, my first. Just like my brother Andrew was your first, funny…we have so much in common Emily. You and me? So much….” said Eileen. “We have nothing in common,” replied Emily fiercely. “Oh, yes…we do…Both of our brothers, killed by our old best friend…Both of us not knowing it was her until years later. Both of us being shoved into a marriage by our parents…Both of us have a son…same age…Funny isn’t it? We even have the same initials…EP? We are very much a like,” said Eileen in a sly snake-like voice. “We are nothing alike…” said Emily. “I might have killed…But I never forget it…Everyday…When I can’t sleep…When I’m sick…All the time…I remember seeing his body fall and hit the ground…I’ll never forget,” replied Emily as she began to grow paler, more tired, she had already been knocked unconscious once this battle, she could only hold out so much longer… “But I do…And I have…And I won’t forget you,” said Eileen. “You won’t forget me Eileen…It’ll be on your hands forever…Killing the one person who finally gave you a chance,” said Emily. “The Dark Lord gave me a chance,” defended Eileen. “Not as good as min-” “Avada Kedavra!” shouted Eileen. Lily saw it in slow motion, Emily had just finished saying her last word, mine, when Eileen had let out the curse. And Emily was falling…she was falling to the ground. James was screaming as Eileen began laughing and turned away from the body of the woman she had just killed. Her mask had fallen off…somehow and Lily had missed it…But now Lily say Eileen’s face…and it was like looking at a female version of S- “Avada Kedavra!” shouted a male voice from beside Lily. *No* thought Lily*…Not James…* But it wasn’t James, it was Alastor Moody, and behind him was The Order. The next twenty minutes were a blur for Lily…She remembered grabbing James as he started to shout and scream. She remembered Moody grabbing James from her grip and hugging him, letting James bury his face into Moody’s shoulder. She remembered Dumbledore revive the little girl, who looked to Lily and whispered, *“You saved me,”* before passing out once more. She remembered walking with James back to the castle, and then a member of The Order walked them back to the Common Room. And then Lily remembered what happened when she entered the Common Room. It grew dead silent as all the students stared at their two Heads standing in front of them. “Did anyone die? ” asked Lily’s friend Alyssa in a whisper as she looked wide-eyed at the two in front of her. “I-I…” Lily turned and looked at James to see what he would say. Did he knew which student had died? Had he seen it like her…he had been closer… “Three people,” said James finally. “Who?” asked Bekka this time. “A Death Eater, a Ministry member, and a student,” replied Lily, for James sake as she didn’t say his mom’s name out loud. But a sharp intake of breathe had been heard from the students around her as she had said a student had died. “Who?” asked Katie, as if wanting, and not wanting to hear at the same time. James looked at Lily, straight in the eye…And then at Alyssa…whose face crumpled white. “Theodore Whaling was killed by a Death Eater this morning.” And Lily looked at Alyssa, who was beginning to cry hysterically…And then Lily fainted. AN: Soo0o0o.. Just to tell you, Lily is fine.. Since i know you were ALLL worried that she might die... she was just shocked and that’s why she fainted... The next chapter is rather kewl... I think people will find it rather deep in the beginning... but it’s light hearted at the end... And rather happy... Expect that chapter up in 2-3 weeks or 4 weeks depending how long it turns out to be .. i think only like 5-10 pgs this time.. instead of 17 like this chapter.. he he So sorry about taking FOREVER to update... but i have been bizzy.. i kno thats not a good excuse so i shall try and post MORE SoONer rather than LATER.. thankx for everyone that reviewed... it means a lot to me.. x0x0 Kaci 26. Don't Lie ------------- Chapter 26: Don’t Lie **Song:** Don’t Lie **Artist:** Black-Eyed Peas *No, no, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie No, no, no, no, yeah, you know, know, know, know, you gotta try What you gonna do when it all comes out When I really see you & what you're all about No, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie Yeah, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you gotta try* *She said I'm leaving Coz she can't take the pain It's hard to continue this love it ain't the same Can't forget the things that I've done inside her brain Too many lies committed too many games She feeling like a fool getting on the last train Trying to maintain but the feeling won't change I'm sorry for the things that I've done and what I became Caught up in living my life in the fast lane Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame I don't know the reason why I did these things* *-*-* Hogwarts was a mess…a blur…And James and Lily were in the middle of it. The students, at first, after Theodore’s death, had treated Lily and James coolly…Even rudely. One day Lily had found a dead rat in her back pack when she opened it during class. And that was James’s last straw. He yelled, he bellowed. But he was no where near as mad as Sirius Black. Sirius found out it was a Fifth Year Ravenclaw boy that had put the rat in Lily’s bag. The boy had been found unconscious in a hallway the night after he placed the rat in Lily’s bag. When Dumbledore and the nurse had revived him, and tried to get him to tell who had beaten him up, he couldn’t remember. All he could remember was that the person had said, “If you ever mess with Lily Evans again, I will kill you.” James, Lily and Sirius were called to Dumbledore’s office the next day. All three students denied having any part in the boy’s beating. Dumbledore had warned the students that this was exactly what Voldemort wanted, for the students inside of Hogwarts to fight each other. A week later, the first week in April, Dumbledore made a speech to the student body regarding the death of Theodore Whaling. In Dumbledore’s speech, he mentioned how more than half the students would be dead right now if it weren’t for Lily and James. Then Dumbledore said James and Lily were some of the best Heads to ever come through Hogwarts. They received a standing applause by everyone, including the majority of the Slytherins who were not Death Eaters. After the applause Lily and James were each awarded Special Services awards from Dumbledore. Again, they received a standing applause. Things then looked up for the two heads. People smiled and greeted them in the hallways, and Lily found her list of people in need of a tutor was greater than ever before. But James, poor James. He had seen his mother murdered by Eileen Prince. No one other than James and Lily themselves knew who had been responsible for James’ mom’s death. When Sirius had been told of murder, he had cried himself to bed. Sirius wanted to know who had murdered Emily Potter, but James said he didn’t know and that Moody had killed the person shortly after. James seemed to be taking it perfectly. At first his friends had been careful around him, to be sober. But then James would laugh, he would tell jokes. He talked about his mom as if she was perfectly fine being dead. But James was taking the death better than his father. Albert Potter was bad. At the funeral, he had stood by James side, not letting out a single tear. The memory was still new in Lily’s mind. *[FLASHBACK]* *It was a cold day at the end of March. It had snowed once again the night before making the land wet and frozen. A large number of people had gathered for this event that was about to take place.* *They were standing in an old graveyard, a couple miles away from London. Many of the Hogwarts staff were present, along with a handful of students. The rest of the wizards and witches were from work, or neighbors, or people just coming to pay their respect.* *“Emily Potter was a fine woman,” droned the old man that was laying Emily to sleep. “She was a wonderful daughter, honored wife, and loved mother. She was a prized woman that will never be forgotten.”* *Lily clutched James hand tightly trying to keep warm. James dad Albert was on James’s other side, at the end of the row of chairs. Sitting next to Lily was Sirius, who was crying openly for anyone to see. Next to Sirius was Remus, next to Remus was Katie, and next to Katie was Alyssa. Next to Alyssa was Bekka and finally on the other end was Peter.* *“…endless service to the government…One of the bravest and finest…She died with courage that surpasses all else…Known not only for her beauty, but also for her kindness…Will be missed for a long time…”* *Lily only heard random words of the man’s speech. After the wizard had finished, he had swept his wand out and in a very elaborate way, beckoned Emily’s family to come forward one last time to pay their respects.* *Lily had been planning on staying seated as James went forward, but she had felt James tug roughly on Lily’s hand and she was pulled to her feet. Sirius followed her.* *The four went up to the front and starred down into the casket. Emily looked lifeless, which she was. Her face looked plain, without her famous glow that usually could be seen in her face. Her hair looked so strange as it rippled over her shoulders.* *Sirius was the first to say his good-byes. He leaned forward, tears running down his cheeks as he whispered something into Emily’s ear. He smiled and then kissed her cheek delicately. Sirius stood up straight and gave James a look in the eye, it said something the Lily couldn’t make out. And Sirius headed back to his chair.* *James suddenly let go of Lily’s hand and picked up the hand of his mother’s and place it against his cheek. He closed his eyes, as if remembering how Emily had placed her hand on her son’s cheek whenever he was upset. James opened his eyes, kissed his mother’s hand and set it back in the casket, he suddenly smiled and leaned over and kissed Lily on the cheek, as if he was happy.* *Lily couldn’t help but smile as she saw James grinning. His hazel eyes were twinkling, happiness seemed to be flooding through his body. Yet there were tears at the corners of his eyes, Lily looked away from James and set her eyes on Emily’s face. Beauty, dead or alive, Emily Potter was nothing else but beautiful.* *Lily and James headed back to their seats leaving James’s dad standing alone at the casket.* *Albert reached out his hand and picked up one of Emily’s and held it up to his heart. Could these two honestly have had an arranged marriage like the one Lily was being thrown into? Albert had leaned forward and kissed Emily’s forehead and then dropped her hand into the casket before taking his seat back in his chair.* *The old wizard then sang a long hymn about a bird flying into the sky, leaving the other birds with nothing but memories. Lily knew the song was supposed to make you feel better, but to her it just made her laugh hysterically. Emily never would have liked to know she was seen as a bird, she would have preferred something that wasn’t as boring and plain. Emily, likely, would throw a fit if she knew what had happened at her funeral.* *At last everyone had walked out of the old church yard and into a beautiful white tent that was set for everyone to have dinner. Lily and her friends weren’t planning on staying for dinner, they needed to get back to Hogwarts.* *Lily stood next to James as people came forward and gave James hugs and told him how wonderful his mother had been. Lily looked across the room and saw James’s father standing by himself, no one beside him to hold his hand, as people came forward and told him how sorry they were that Emily had to be taken.* *Lily suddenly, out of impulse reached out and grabbed James’s hand, as if she needed to, as if that’s what she knew James wanted. He looked over at her surprised, before clutching her hand tightly inside of his own.* *He needed her then, to lean on and make it through.* *[/End of FLASHBACK]* “Lily,” rang out the deep voice of Sirius Black that so many girls at Hogwarts found unpredictable. “Yes, Sirius,” said Lily as she rolled her off her bed and looked into the face of Sirius Black. “James needs you,” said Sirius with a sly grin. “Sirius how did you get up into the Girl’s Dormitory?” asked Lily. “That’s not the point, James needs you,” said Sirius. “Why does James *need* me?” asked Lily. “Because,” said Sirius as he grew impatient, “he found something he thinks that you will think is interesting.” “What did he find?” asked Lily, really not caring what the simple minded Sirius Black and James Potter had been up to. “I don’t know,” said Sirius as he sounded like a little boy. “He won’t tell me until you are there.” “So that’s what *you* need me for?” replied Lily. “Yes,” answered Sirius simply as he pulled Lily out of her bed. “Sirius I’m not wearing anything,” shrieked Lily as Sirius threw her over his shoulder. “You’re wearing a tank top and undies, that’s more than what James wears to bed,” replied Sirius as he ran through the open girls’ door and down the stairs with Lily screaming on his shoulder. “LET ME DOWN SIRIUS BLACK!” shrieked Lily as she pounded with her fist on Sirius’s back. “Ok,” replied Sirius cheerfully as he dumped Lily onto the couch next to James Potter. “What do you want?” asked Lily as she turned to James and looked at him mysteriously. He seemed rather upset Lily noticed at once. “James, what’s the matter!” asked Lily suddenly concerned as James looked at the floor. “I-I….” James looked up and stared at Sirius, and then looked around the room to make sure no one else was in the Common Room. No one else was present. “Look,” said James as he passed Lily a cardboard box. Lily gave James a questioning look before she opened the box and pulled out a sheet of paper. It was Alyssa Anderson’s DNA results for her unborn child. “It’s not mine,” Lily said quickly, but then she thought for a moment. “How did you get this James? Have you been going through our trash?” “No, I haven’t been going through your trash, a house elf has,” replied James with a sly grin. “What?” asked an upset Lily. “I have been keeping close tabs on you Lily, very close. I must say, at times I did not trust you. But now, I do…it’s other people I do not trust. And that is why,” said James as he turned and faced the common room door. “We are going to be having a meeting with our fellow 7th Year Gryffindors.” The Common Room door swung open and in trudged Alyssa, Bekka, Katie and Remus. Lily grabbed James’s wand from his pocket and pointed it at herself and she quickly transfigured out of her revealing PJs and into black sweats and a long white shirt. “How did you do that?” asked James as he stared at Lily in awe. “Your wand’s good at transfiguration!” said Lily with a grin as she studied James’s wand. “Where’s Peter?” asked Sirius as he surveyed his friends. “He is missing,” said Bekka with her flirtiest look at Sirius. “Great,” said Sirius. “Do we go along with the plan?” “I suppose,” said James with a sigh. He took his wand from Lily and pointed it towards a table that instantly was set for seven spots. “Dinner is served,” said Sirius as he tried to sound like a butler. “But it’s breakfast time,” said Bekka as she again, looked at Sirius. “Vell then mi lady! ve shall haf to pretend,” said Sirius with a very fake accent. Bekka giggled and sat down in the chair Sirius had pulled out for her. Alyssa fumed. “Tea,” said James as he pointed his wand and everyone’s cup filled with tea. “Excellent!” said Remus as he took a big sip. He frowned and looked at James. “Problem with the tea?” asked James who had not yet tasted his. “No,” said Lily to James right. “I suppose it’s just sweeter than what they normally serve at Hogwarts.” “It tastes fine to me,” said Alyssa as she almost emptied her cup. “So who’s had a good day today?” asked James. “Mine’s been like shit,” said Alyssa quickly before putting her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry.” “It’s ok,” said James brightly. “Why has your day been bad?” “Because I’m pregnant and the stupid father has yet to figure it out,” said Alyssa, again quickly. “Oh my,” said Lily as she quickly took a sip of her tea so she wouldn’t have to look at anyone. “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” asked Bekka. “Because I actually don’t like you,” said Alyssa. “I think you are annoying, a flirt, and a slut. You are only my friend because Lily is too smart for me and Katie is too quiet and has too many secrets.” Bekka gasped and stared at Alyssa. “What are your secrets,” said James as he turned and looked at Katie. “I-I,” Katie took a sip of her tea and then blinked her eyes a few times before looking straight at James. “I have so many I don’t know where to start.” “The beginning,” said James as he looked at Sirius excitedly. “Well when I was barely a year old my parents were murdered by Death Eaters…Or I suppose back then they weren’t yet called Death Eaters. Just some of Voldemort’s friends, as far as I know it could have been Voldemort himself.” Lily gasped and Alyssa and Bekka stopped glaring at each other to look with disbelief at Katie. “We weren’t at our house, we happened to be at Old Mrs. PJ, our nanny’s house. But my parents were killed and the Ministry wanted to cover the murder up, this was before tons of families were murdered you see, so that no one knew what had happened. The Ministry gave us to Old Mrs. PJ, who happened to be the only witch living in out neighborhood, and told her to take us out of the country and hide us.” “Who do you mean by us?” asked Lily as she looked at her best friend. “I mean, my twin sister and me. But she died, three years ago. Voldemort found her,” answered Katie quickly. “You mean,” said Lily, then she gasped and stared at Katie in utter disbelief. “In fourth year when you left the term about two weeks early, you said your parents wanted to go on a vacation. But you must have gone in to hiding.” “I did. I went to Dumbledore’s house, I stayed there for the summer. I couldn’t go home to Old Mrs. PJ because Dumbledore thought Voldemort could find me there.” “But where had your sister been the whole time if she wasn’t at Hogwarts?” asked James. “She was at a school in the states, she thought people might be able to recognize her if she stayed here in England. So she left.” The six other students stared at her in disbelief. “Katie,” said Remus slowly. “There is something special about you…Can you tell us what it is?” Katie took in a deep breath and looked at the friends around her, knowing this was the time to share her secret. “I have a special skill. It’s passed down through the woman’s side of my family so no males have ever had it. It doesn’t really have a name, and few people outside of my family know about it. I can do magic without a wand. Simple as that, no wand needed. But when I have a wand, my magic is very powerful…So powerful I can not control it…So Professor Dumbledore doesn’t allow me to use a wand…This is fake,” said Katie as she held up the wand in her pocket. She waved it around and nothing happened. “Oh my,” said Alyssa suddenly. “I remember once in our fifth year when I reached over to use your wand to look for my wand that had fallen under my bed, and you freaked out. I thought you were just really protective over your wand…But your wand actually isn’t a wand.” “Correct,” said Katie as she smiled a little at the memory. “But that’s not all. When I was four years old I found out something that rather disturbed Old Mrs. PJ, I’m able to turn into an animal…And not just any animal, a tiger, a white tiger that could easily rip a human into pieces.” “Wow, and can you do it without a wand then?” asked James. “It took me two-” James stopped and looked at Remus and both of their faces blushed. “It took me two years to finish reading how to turn in to an Animagus…But then I decided it was too confusing to do…So I didn’t.” “Yes well, I’ve never even tried with a wand. All I need to do is think of myself as a white tig-” Katie stopped and she suddenly stepped back from the table and dropped to her fours. Her face began to change as her body grew and thick creamy white fur came quickly out of her skin. Black stripes began to rap themselves around Katie until in front of the Gryffindor students stood a nine foot tiger weighing 350 pounds. Her three foot tail suddenly wiped over the floor knocking down the chair. “She’s good,” said Sirius. “*Really* good,” added James. “Did you know that white tigers are one of the rarest species on Earth? Very few tigers live in the wild any more, most of them are found in zoos. The White Tigers are magnificent creatures that posses an amazing combination of spectacular beauty and impressing power. It’s said they can kill a prey with one bite of their mouth,” said Lily. “Amazing,” said Remus. The tiger suddenly transformed back to its original self and Katie smiled at her friends. “I’m sorry,” said Katie suddenly. “I don’t have much control over it, it’s like sometimes I need to be a tiger…And I can do nothing to stop my body.” “It’s ok,” said Remus. “It’s pretty amazing that you didn’t even had to study to find out what kind of animal you would be turning into to…It just happened.” “Yes,” said Bekka. “My parents have tried to have me turn into an Animagus many times but nothing happens.” “Interesting,” said James. “*Very* interesting,” said Sirius. “Boys cut it out,” said Lily as she still gazed at her best friend. “So Katie has amazing magical power that we never even caught on to. Wow.” “But who’s Old Mrs. PJ?” asked Alyssa. “She has almost the same powers as me. Except she’s fully trained by the Ministry. She taught me how to control my powers when I was younger. That’s why I have so good self control over my emotions. She taught me how not to let people read me. So no one could figure out what I was thinking. How to empty my mind,” replied Katie. “Occlumency,” said James slowly. “Yes,” replied Katie, “Occlumency, and I’m good, real good.” “But why?” asked Lily. “Are you hiding something else?” “No but if Voldemort found out that I could do magic with out a wand, well just imagine how easy it would be for me to just walk down a muggle street and blow it to smithereens…no one would know magic had occurred, they’d think it was just an accident…Even the Ministry has trouble tracking my kind of magic, so that’s why they try to have me trained, so I am able to control it.” “That’s really cool, though,” said Alyssa. “Thank you,” said Katie as she blushed a little. “Well,” said Sirius as he began to stand up. “I think it’s time for us to leave, it’s been great having a chat with everyone bu-” “Sit down,” said James. “We still need to know about Alyssa and Bekka.” “What about me?” both girls winded together. “Your deepest secrets,” laughed James as he grinned at Sirius. “How bout, no,” said Bekka. “So Alyssa,” said Remus as he grinned and leaned towards her. “So what?” asked Alyssa innocently. “Who’s the father?” asked Remus. “Sirius Black,” said Alyssa, then she covered her mouth and gasped. Bekka and Katie looked in shock from Sirius to Alyssa. James grinned. “What?” asked Sirius. At once Alyssa started crying and ran upstairs to her dorm. Bekka cast one last glance at Sirius before following Alyssa upstairs. “Bekka does know Alyssa hates her,” said Remus slowly. “I believe she may have forgotten that,” replied Katie as she stood up and took one last glance at Sirius before following her two friends up the stairs. “James you put something in the tea,” said Lily as she heard the door slam from her dorm. “Of course he did,” said Remus as he glared at James. “Why do you think he hasn’t had any of it to drink?” “I can’t believe you would do that to your friends,” said Lily as she glanced at Sirius who stared at the stairs where Alyssa had run up. “Well, I needed to find out something,” said James with a slight grin. “You could have asked,” retorted Lily. “And gotten more lies?” asked James. “No Lily darling, lies tear people apart. No one should lie.” “Aren’t you a little saint now,” snapped Lily as she stood up. “I can’t believe she never told me,” said Sirius finally. “She was going to,” said Lily. “That day Theodore died. But then she lost it. She’s been crying every night since then. And she just found out that Theodore’s sister is pregnant…So they are planning on casting out his sister…She’s really unsure about what she’s going to do.” “Does she not care about me?” asked Sirius. “How do you think I feel finding out I’m going to be a father?” “I think you’re embarrassed…A girl you were fooling around with is pregnant…And to make it better she was engaged to one of your rivals. And now he’s dead. And she’s pregnant with your kid…I think you’re embarrassed. But she needs me right now, not you,” said Lily as she ran out of the room and stopped on the stairs to catch her breath and wipe away tears that had formed in her eyes. She was about to head up the stairs to her dorm when she heard her name being said by Sirius. “…Lily is going to hate you,” said Sirius. “Like she doesn’t already,” said an exasperated James. “’Course she doesn’t,” said Remus. “Or at least she didn’t before this dinner.” “What do you mean by that?” snapped James. “She was starting to like you,” said Sirius. “Whatever, she wasn’t,” said James. “And I really don’t care. We’ll be married in a couple months and then I could care less if she liked me or not.” Lily gasped and her tears began to run out of her eyes. “I don’t believe you,” said Remus. “Take a sip of my tea.” “No,” said James. “Yes,” said Remus as he handed James the tea, James took one look at the tea before chugging it down quickly. “Ask me anything,” said James as he held out his arms in the air as if he was giving up. “Do you love Lily?” asked Sirius. “Yes,” said James. “Deep, long-quick, heart pounding, not breathing kind of love. When she walks in the room it’s like I fall apart. I put up a wall so she can’t tell. I don’t want her knowing how I feel when she doesn’t feel the same.” “How do you know she doesn’t feel the same?” asked Remus. “I-do-I don’t…I don’t know if she does. But it’s just the way she is. Hard, cold, Lily. Beautiful, loving Lily. Some days I can’t tell the difference. Once when we were sitting outside by the lake…I thought she felt something towards me…This year has been back and forth crazy. First she hates me…Then she likes me…Then she acts like we’re dating…Only to find out she still hates me…I can’t handle it…I like her Sirius…I really like her…” “Tell her then,” said Remus. “Tell her what?” snapped James. “Tell me you love me,” said Lily as she walked down the stairs and the three boys turned and looked at her. “Tell me that your heart is beating wickedly and there’re butterflies in your stomach and you can’t breathe. Tell me it’s more than lust, it’s love. Tell me that from this moment on, we will really love each other. And not just pretend…Please James…just tell me it’s ok to love you too.” “Lily…I…” James seemed to have lost his ability to speak. “I …of course…I…” Remus and Sirius looked at each other and Sirius grinned a little at Remus. Sirius pulled his hand back and whacked James horribly hard on the butt and James stumbled forward and Lily caught him. “Lily, I-” “James, shut up,” said Lily as she leaned forward and kissed James on the lips. “Finally,” whispered Remus. “Finally…” said Sirius with a questioning tone in his voice. “Lily and James are in love,” said Remus. “There’s still a few months left of school…Can it last?” asked Sirius. “Of course…until finals…then Lily might lose it,” said Remus. “And the wedding…” said Sirius. “Two months…” said Remus. “Two months…” repeated Sirius hopefully. -*-*-*-*-*-* Hey Guyz! Thank you to everyone who has reviewed! Sorry this chapter is a week later than I had planned to send out! But Fall sports ended last week (yeah Section Champs) Course winter sports start tomorrow.. but They end at 5 in the afternoon while fall sports ended at 6... So I’ll have an extra hour a day for hwk and hopefully writing! Expect the next chapter sumtime b4 Thanksgiving... Any British/ no American people reading this Thanksgiving’s in a couple weeks! Also.. side note... I am currently posting a story for my friend Brooke.. So If you get notes saying Author update they could be for Brooke’s story... it’s called The Potter vs. Granger Rivalry.... Excellent story if any of you feel like reading it.. But yes, any ways.. just to tell you, you might receive updates about her story if you have my account number under favorite authors... Thankx again for reviewing.. Advice/ constructive criticism is always appreciated! x0x0 Kaci 27. If I Ain't Got You ---------------------- Chapter 27: If I Ain’t Got You Title:**"If I Ain't Got You"** Artist: **ALICIA KEYS** Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything But everything means nothing If I ain't got you, Yeah *-*-* “James get down here now!” screeched Lily as she stood in the Common Room with all her friends. “Lily it’s eleven at night, people might be sleeping,” said Katie as she blushed and looked at the other students in the Common Room. “Who cares,” said Lily as she laughed. Katie and Alyssa turned to each other and raised their eyebrows in a very questioning look. “Lily darling,” said James as he ran down the steps and was followed by Remus and Sirius, “I know you love me but you do not need to wake up the whole dorm when you need me.” “I know,” said Lily as she smiled at James. James leaned in to Lily and kissed her lightly on the lips as she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “Children,” said Sirius in a very stern voice as Remus coughed, embarrassed. “Yes?” said Lily as she turned her head away from James, who was beginning to kiss her neck. “You needed us?” asked Remus hopefully. “Yes,” added Katie, “you said it was really important.” “Oh yes,” said Lily as she pushed James away and a sly grin came over her face. “I believe the boys owe us girls a bet.” “But that was like in December,” said an exasperated James. “Yes and it’s May and you still haven’t fulfilled the bet,” said Alyssa as she teasingly looked at Sirius. “Alyssa, darling, I love you but I really do not want to skinny dip with the Giant Squid,” replied Sirius. “Plus,” said Remus. “Peter and Bekka aren’t here.” “Well,” said Lily. “Bekka hasn’t been in our dorm since April, she’s been bunking with a bunch of Ravenclaws, and who honestly wants to see Peter skinny dipping?” Everyone laughed and then looked out the window at the half moon shining down on the clear quiet lake. “It looks so innocent,” said Katie in an almost whisper. “Innocence cheats you,” said Sirius. “More like tricks you,” said Remus. “Well I think it’s time the boys became a little less innocent,” said Lily with a laugh as she grabbed Katie and Alyssa’s hands and pulled them towards the door. “Come on boys,” said (pregnant) Alyssa as she let go of Lily’s hand to slide through the door. The boys quickly followed Alyssa and the six students ran outside and stood under their favorite tree by the lake. It was a warm early-May night and Lily couldn’t help but smile as the group huddled together. “Ready?” asked Lily as she smiled at James. “Yep!” said James excitedly. “Wait,” said Katie as she began to blush. “You guys were suppose to leave your clothes up in the dormitory.” “What?” exclaimed Sirius. “Yes,” said Alyssa, “I remember.” “Me too,” said James grumpily. “But I really would not like to run all the way up to the dormitory just so I can take my clothes off.” “That’s fine,” said Sirius. “We can just take our clothes off here and hand them to our significant other.” “Ha,” said Alyssa as she whacked Sirius on the butt with her hand. “I’m not looking,” said Lily as she covered her eyes with her hands. “Neither am I,” exclaimed Katie as she put her hands over her eyes too. “Well I am,” said Alyssa as she laughed and smiled at the boys. “Ready?” asked James as he looked at his two best friends. “Yep,” said Remus. Remus slowly pulled off his shirt and his two friends quickly followed as Alyssa let out a whoop of appreciation. James sighed slowly before winking at Sirius and turning away from the girls. Sirius and Remus followed suit and now were facing away from the girls. “Now,” said James as he pulled off his pants and undies and ran towards the lake. Sirius and Remus laughed as they both pulled off their pants and undies and quickly followed James towards the lake. Lily couldn’t help it, but she peeked. She let out a booming laugh as she saw three white butts jump into the lake. “It’s OK to look,” said Alyssa as she turned back to her friends. Katie, once again began to blush as she picked up Remus’s shirt and brought it to her face and smelled it. “Do you still like him?” asked Lily as the boys began splashing each other and laughing. “Of course,” said Katie. “He’s one of my best friends.” “That’s not what I meant,” replied Lily. Katie gazed out towards the boys who were now doing flips in the water as they shouted and laughed with each other. Katie took a long breath before answering. “I know what you meant,” said Katie. “But we broke up, and it was the right thing to do. I think a part of me will always love him; he was the first boy I ever really fell for. But it’s over... We can’t go back to what we used to have.” “Love sucks,” said Alyssa as she gazed at the boys, her eyes following Sirius. “No it doesn’t,” defended Lily. “It’s the most precious thing in the world.” “Not everyone will get a happily ever after ending,” said Katie. “Tell me about it,” said Alyssa as she ran her hand over her stomach. “But I thought things were working out with you and Sirius?” asked Lily. “Yes, things are working out fine. *My* family hates me, the Whalings hate me, the whole school thinks I’m a whore, and oh yes, my ‘boyfriend’ still hasn’t asked me to marry him, or date him for that matter,” replied Alyssa sarcastically. “So you and Sirius aren’t a couple,” said Katie. “Nope, unless of course he never told me,” said Alyssa with a little grin and laugh. “Well that’s just not fair. Your family needs to get over the fact that arranged marriages are *over*rated and no one has them anymore. The Whalings got a bloody heir so they have nothing to complain about. Theodore’s sister is very pregnant if you ask me, she’s ready to burst any day. And who cares what the school thinks, Alyssa,” said Lily as she started to gain momentum. “Let them think what they want. And as for Sirius. Well he is just a little prick and hasn’t grown up yet.” “Thank you, Lily,” said Alyssa. “No problem,” said Katie as she giggled and looked down at the shirts in her hands. Lily and Alyssa rolled their eyes. “I just thought of something,” said Katie. “That’s a first,” said Alyssa as she grinned at Lily. “Let’s steal their clothes,” said Katie as she ignored Alyssa’s past comment. “Let’s!” said Lily, excited, as she grabbed James shirt and pants. “Run!” said Alyssa and she grabbed Sirius’s belongings and ran towards the front door. Lily and Katie followed her, laughing. “Where are you going?” shouted Sirius as he watched the girls run away. “Why, they have our clothes,” said Remus. “Bloody hell,” said James as he ran out the water, naked, and followed his girlfriend and her friends. Boys are much faster runners than girls. Especially when one of the girls is five months pregnant and her friends do not want to run to fast without her. “Hello Professor Dumbledore,” said Lily as she whipped by him in the staircase on her way up the stairs to the Common Room. “Good evening, Sir,” said Katie as she laughed and followed Lily upstairs. “Have a nice night,” said Alyssa as she followed her to friends quickly up the stairs. “You too ladies,” said Professor Dumbledore as his eyes twinkled and saw the girls running hard towards the Common Room. “Hello Professor,” said James as he slowed to a walk to go by Professor Dumbledore. “Good evening Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, and Mr. Lupin. I would advise hurrying, those girls have a good lead on you,” replied Dumbledore as the naked boys, not the least bit embarrassed, began running towards the girls. “Good night,” shouted Sirius as he whipped around the corner following his two friends. “Good night gentleman,” said Professor Dumbledore with a broad smile yet in a near whisper as the boys disappeared into a different hallway leaving Dumbledore alone and quiet in the hallway. “Lily!” screamed James as Alyssa slammed the Fat Lady shut. “Woodstock!” shouted James as he waited for the Fat Lady to open. “I’ve changed the password boys,” said the Fat Lady with a slight grin. “WHAT!” exclaimed Remus as he ran up the Fat Lady and looked at her in dismay. “Only kidding, dears,” said the Fat Lady as she swung open. “It’s not everyday I get to see good looking boys naked.” The boys quickly looked down at themselves and seemed to realize for once they really were naked, and in the light torches in the hallways, you could easily see the boys. “Oh well,” said James as he stepped in to the Common Room. A little first year girl shrieked and dropped her goblet on the floor. A group of fifth year girls began to laugh with excitement as they stared at the three Seventh Year Gryffindor boys run up the girls’ stairway. They were a few steps up, when the steps quickly turned into a slide and sirens went off the Common Room. A bunch of girls stuck their heads out of the doors to see who had tried to get up the stairs. When they saw who it was tangled up in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, naked, they laughed. “You forgot the bloody password,” said Sirius. “Sorry,” mumbled James as he stood up painfully and ran up the stairs to his dormitory. He was quickly followed by his friends and all three of them changed into their PJ’s. “They got us,” said Remus finally breaking the uneasy silence. “They did,” replied Sirius. “They got the Marauders,” said James as he laid down on his bed. “I have an idea,” said Remus as he began to pace the room. “Let’s just pretend it didn’t happen. There’s less than a month left of school. The last Quidditch match is next weekend and finals are the week after that. We can take our N.E.W.T.’s and we’ll be out of here.” “Good point,” said Sirius. “And after our Finals, our real Final,” said James with a grin. “I can hardly wait,” said Sirius. “I can... I have a feeling we will be expelled,” said Remus as he tried not to grin at his friends. “Which is why we do it after Finals, Remmy,” said Sirius as he patted his friend on the back. “Let’s just go to bed and act as if nothing happened tonight,” said James. “Night,” said Remus and Sirius as they both bounced into their beds and all three, quickly fell asleep. *-*-* The following weekend was the last Quidditch match of the season. If the Gryffindors could win, they would win the Quidditch cup. The team was pumped and ready to defeat Ravenclaw. Ravenclaw though, was having many problems. Their best player had been Theodore Whaling, who had been killed a few months ago. Sadly they had been unable to find a replacement Chaser and they couldn’t decide on a new captain. James had done his best to prepare his team for the big match. He knew they would easily win. “This is our last chance,” said James as he smiled at his hand-picked team sitting in front of him. “We can do it!” said Sirius excitedly as he clapped his hands. “Yes!” said Katie as she smiled brightly for the first time in weeks. “JAMES!” shouted Lily from outside the tent all of a sudden. James blushed and stood up and opened the tent flap and Lily stepped in. “What?” asked James very worried as he scrunched up his face trying to remember if he had forgotten to do something that morning. “Ravenclaw has forfeited,” said Lily. “What?” exclaimed James as all different emotions ran through his mind. “They couldn’t find a new Chaser and they knew without Theodore they would lose,” replied Lily. “Students,” said Professor McGonagall as she pushed open the tent flap. “Well, I can see Ms. Evans has already told you the news. Congratulations, Quidditch Champions!” The players yelled and started hugging each other. “Let’s go get the trophy!” shouted James as he ran outside the tent and was followed by his team. Gryffindor was ecstatic. They had won the Quidditch Cup. Gryffindor ran back to their Common Room where a huge party was starting. Over five hours later, James, Sirius, and Remus were sitting on their favorite couch drinking shots of Firewhiskey when Lily suddenly came over to James and looked at him with wide eyes. “Enjoy yourself Lils, we won!” said a drunk James. “Only because the other team forfeited,” said Lily. “We still won,” said a very drunk Sirius. “James Potter,” said Lily as her voice grew. “Finals are next week and I do *not* think you are ready.” “My dad is friends with everyone on the board,” said James. “I don’t really have to worry, if I don’t get good enough grades he just donates more money.” James let out a high-pitched laugh as he drank another Firewhiskey shot and smiled at Lily. “I can’t believe you, James,” said Lily in disbelief. “He’s only kidding,” said Remus. “Prongs here will get good grades...” “Yes, he’s a smart lad,” said Sirius as he patted James on the back. “Very smart,” said James as he drank Sirius’s Firewhiskey. “That’s mine!” said Sirius as he grabbed Remus’s shot and drank that one. “And that was mine, mate,” said Remus with a laugh as he grabbed an empty glass and tried to get more alcohol out of it. “Lily Evans,” said James as he looked at Lily still standing in front of him. “You’re very pretty.” “I cannot believe you, JAMES POTTER!” said Lily in an exasperated voice as she glared at her fiancé. “Ahh... sorry Lily!” said James as his shot glass was refilled with Firewhiskey by a boy in Sixth year. “Lily Evans,” said Sirius as he lifted his shot glass up in the air and his friends clinked their glasses with his. “Lily Evans,” said Remus excitedly as he tipped his shot glass down his throat and let out a shout of excitement. “Lily Evans... future Potter,” shouted James as he swigged down his Firewhiskey and smiled at Lily. “I love you.” Lily stared at James and suddenly began to blush, James didn’t know what he was actually saying... he was drunk. “Well, thank you,” said Lily very embarrassed, deciding it would be best to head upstairs now. She took a quick look around the room and saw many students passed out on the floor. James, Sirius, and Remus, along with a couple other older students, were the only ones still awake. Lily saw a Fifth year Ravenclaw let out a shrill of laughter and Lily’s eyes shot up to her forehead. “You’re not in this House,” said Lily as she walked towards the very drunk girl. “I wanted to see-e-e... Siriuu... Siriuss...,” said the girl as she laughed and slumped back in her seat with a bottle of Muggle beer in her hand. Lily shook her head and walked upstairs and went to bed. The last thing she heard was a very drunk James and Sirius singing... their love for a woman named Lily Evans. *-*-*-* “Nervous?” asked James as he stood on his feet bouncing ever so slowly as he held his wand in front of himself and stood in line. “A-A tad,” said Lily as she exhaled quickly and smiled at James. They were taking their last N.E.W.T practical; Defence Against the Dark Arts. “You’ll be fine,” said James as he grabbed her hand and kissed it quickly. “Evans, Lily,” called out Professor McGonagall before Lily could reply to James. James let go of Lily’s hand as she walked forward into the closed off room and shut the door. “She’ll be fine James,” said Remus as he smiled at his friend. “’Course she will,” said James with a grin. “She’s Lily.” *-*-* “JAMES!” screamed Lily as she ran towards him and threw her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. “I love you too Lily darling,” said James as he twirled her around in his arms and let her stand on the ground. “I was just talking with Alastor Moody, and he said all the work we have been putting in with the extra meetings and things equals a whole year of Auror training,” said Lily excitedly as she stepped away from James. “Yes, I know,” said James as he glanced at Remus and Sirius beside him and winked. “WHAT!” exclaimed Lily as she starred open-mouthed at the three before her. “My dad was the one who asked Dumbledore at the beginning of the year... Dumbledore was supposed to find students capable of handling a year of Auror training. Now we will be able to fight Voldemort sooner,” replied James with a lopsided grin. “And you *never* told me!” said an exasperated Lily. “What did you think the training was for? Fun?” asked James with a laugh as he wrapped Lily in a hug and kissed her forehead. “*James*,” moaned Lily from inside James’s arms as she pushed away from him. “What?” asked James with a grin as Sirius and Remus rolled their eyes and started walking away. “Thanks,” said Lily with a little grin as she looked at James. “For what?” asked James. “Everything,” said Lily in reply. “Ahh... the diamonds,” said James as he stepped forward and touched the necklace in the L shape on her neck. “No... James not the diamonds,” said Lily as she stepped away from him in a very serious way. “The roses,” said James with a grin as he stepped forward again. “No... James not the roses,” said Lily as she stepped backward again. “Ahh... then the fortune... the fame... the future,” said James with a grin and a wink as he stepped forward. “No James!” said Lily as she took a step back. “Not for the fortune! Not for the fame!” “The future?” asked James, shocked as he stepped forward and stood before her. “No James, for you,” said Lily. “For me!” said James excitedly as if he was nervous and he looked around the empty lake and grounds. “Yes,” said Lily. “You are such a nice person and I have never really given you a chance. I’m a horrible person and you have always been polite to me. Except for the times when you were hexing me when we were younger. But apart from those few times you were always a really nice guy. And so funny, James! All my friends always talked about how funny you guys were and I never under-” “Lily be quiet,” said James suddenly as he pulled out his wand and began looking intently around the lake. “J-James.. I was serio-” “Lily, someone’s here,” said James quickly as he took a step forward and grabbed her hand. “Wh-what... Who?” asked Lily. “The Dark Lord,” said a man from behind Lily and James as they both turned around in cold dread fear of what lied ahead of them. *-*-* x0x0 KacI 28. Count On Me --------------- **Chapter 28: Count On Me** *Anytime you need someone Somebody strong to lean on Well you can count on me To hold you till the healing is done And every time you fall apart Well you can hide here in my arms And you can count on me To hold you till that feeling is gone* **Title:** Count On Me **Artist:** Default **AN/** WARING: THIS IS A VERY WEIRD CHAPTER.../**AN** **RECAP:** "Yes," said Lily. "You are such a nice person and I have never really given you a chance. I’m a horrible person and you have always been polite to me. Except for the times when you were hexing me when we were younger. But apart from those few times you were always a really nice guy. And so funny, James! All my friends always talked about how funny you guys were and I never under-" "Lily be quite," said James suddenly as he pulled out his wand and began looking intently around the lake. "J-James.. I was serio-" "Lily, someone’s here," said James quickly as he took a step forward and grabbed her hand. "Wh-what... Who?" asked Lily. "The Dark Lord," said a man from behind Lily and James as they both turned around in cold dread fear of what lied ahead of them. *-*-* "No," whispered Lily in a sudden breath as she stared at the advancing cloaked Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. Behind the Death Eaters were strange, vulgar looking animals, that Lily knew as Dark Creatures that only Voldemort himself could have created. From plain Billywigs to Chimaera and Quintaped to Yeti. Hundreds of the most feared dark creatures were now walking on the grounds of Hogwarts. Lily saw a Cockatrice and instantly shut her eyes, hoping not to see the gaze of the creature that would instantly kill you if you looked it in the eye. "Get behind me," mumbled James as he pulled Lily’s fragile body behind his as he pointed his wand threatening towards the dark wizards. Lily heard an Erkling begin laughing and she brought her fingers to her ears and let out a loud shriek that covered the creature’s laugh. "Oh, how cute," said a women’s voice very sarcastically, James recognized it as Bella Black as Lily lowered her fingers from her ears. "The man is going to save his precious fiancé," said another cloaked Death Eater. "Get away or I will kill you all," said James as his body began to tremble with the thought of Lily dieing. "I’m flattered," said Voldemort as he began to pace in front of his Death Eaters. "I can not honestly believe you plan on taking me on, with my loyal servants by my side." "I will!" shouted James as his grasp on Lily tightened and she let out a gasp of pain. "Very noble of you," said Voldemort with a sneer. "Very Gryffindor-like... If I am correct in saying..." James face began to pale as he trembled even more, knowing what Voldemort would say next. "You are the Gryffindor heir, are you not Mr. Potter?" said Voldemort with a high laugh as he stuck his wand out and pointed it at James. "Yes, and you are the Slytherin heir," said James as he spat on the ground. Voldemort’s eyes closed in as he glared at James and began to walk forward. James' wand continued to point at Voldemort as James’ arm shook dreadfully. "So then I am guessing you know the Prophecy," said Voldemort as he stopped walking and touched his own forehead with his hand. "The Slytherin and Gryffindor Heirs will fight to prove which is the strongest and best of all Founders," said James. Voldemort laughed and turned towards his Death Eaters as he faced away from Lily and James. The dark creatures standing by the Death Eaters pawed or touched the ground energetically, wanting to break away and attack the two Gryffindors. A Nundu seemed to let a puff of breath and a couple Death Eaters standing near fell over, dieing from the poisonous breath. Voldemort pointed his wand towards the Nundu and Lily and James saw the large leopard-like creature slump to the ground, dead. James grip on Lily loosed and she took the opportunity to slip her free arm into her pocket and claps her hand around her wand. "I know everything," said James with not nearly as much courage as he had mustered before. "And so do I," said Voldemort with a sneer in his voice. "How do *you* know?" asked Lily as she glared at Voldemort. James took his eyes off of Voldemort to look at Lily horrified. At Lily’s words Voldemort whipped his body around to once again face the two Gryffindors. "You might say, The Order of the Phoenix has a rat," said Voldemort as he turned his back once again on the students to face his army of Death Eaters. "Then you know it’s not me... You know I am not the heir," said James as Lily’s body gave a shudder, knowing who the heir would be eventually. "WHAT?" exclaimed Voldemort angrily as he turned a final time back to Lily and James and began walking forward. "I said, then you must know I am not the heir, if you do indeed have a spy inside the Order," said James smugly. "Who is it then!" yelled Voldemort as his body began to shake in rage. "I don’t think I will tell you," said James as his cocky manner suddenly came forward, now that he had the upper-hand on Voldemort. "Crucio!" screamed Voldemort as he pointed his wand at Lily and she shrieked in pain and fell to the ground. "LILY!" screamed James as he fell down before her and tried to calm her in his arms. Voldemort released the curse and tears were screaming down her face. "Tell me," snarled Voldemort. James didn’t say anything as he kissed Lily’s forehead. "Or she gets it for even longer," snapped Voldemort. James looked into Lily’s eyes and saw thousands of mixed expressions. Pain. Sadness. Hope. "It’s my sister," said James suddenly. "You don’t have a sister," replied Voldemort as he raised his wand once more and pointed it at Lily, his eyes now full red-ablaze with fire. "I do," said James as he didn’t meet Voldemort’s eyes. "She’s in hiding, because she will be the one to defeat you." "DO NOT LIE TO ME! Look at me boy," yelled Voldemort. But James didn’t, instead he gazed at Lily’s eyes and only saw the mysterious green that he could never quite figure out. "LOOK AT ME!" yelled Voldemort even louder. "NO!" shouted James as he shut his eyes. "CRUCIO!" thundered Voldemort as this time he pointed his wand at James and James shrieked in pain. Lily at once let out the tears she had been holding back in her eyes as she screamed along with James. "STOP!" yelled a new voice as four bodies came running towards Lily and James. Voldemort, surprised, lifted the curse on James. "Sirius!" said Lily as Sirius and Remus dropped down next to James to look at the damage done to him. Katie and Alyssa bent down and lifted Lily up in a hug. Lily couldn’t help but sob on Katie as Alyssa patted her back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" yelled Voldemort as his emotions of anger took full rage over his body. "We’re here to save our friends," said Sirius as he stood up, seeing James would be ok. "You‘re just students," said Voldemort as he began to laugh alongside his Death Eaters. "ON my count of three," said Remus as he whispered to his friends. "Katie, Lily, and Alyssa get out of here and go for help." "No!" protested Katie. "I can fight!" Remus gazed at Katie before nodding her head. "Use your magic, but Lily and Alyssa get out of here, you’re to vital," said Remus. "No," said Lily. "I’m trained, I’m ready." "Then Alyssa run, as fast as you can, get help, we’ll try to hold them off," said Sirius. "No, I’m not leaving with out you," Alyssa said to Sirius "Fine, then you send the warning to Dumbledore," said Sirius. "One." "Two." "Three." Lily took two Death Eaters down with stunning curses, the second James had said three, without say a word. James and Sirius stood back to back as one sent curses over the others back while the other one put up a shield, knowing they were the two main targets by the opposing team. The Death Eaters seemed to know that it was James and Sirius that they were to attack. Few curses were thrown at Lily, Alyssa, or Remus. Voldemort himself stood still as he raised his hand in the air, holding off the Dark Creatures. Alyssa quickly mumbled some quick words as a white swan flew out of her wand and flew straight towards the window that belonged to Dumbledore’s office. Then she quickly stunned a Death Eater before getting hit by the full-body binding curse, causing her to fall over on her back and not be able to move. Remus began sending silencing charms towards the Death Eaters as they said their curses out loud. He also was watching Lily and Alyssa out of the corner of his eyes and occasionally, silently sent a shield charm over them so they were not hit. Katie stepped back from the group closed her eyes and let out a growl. For a moment every single person stopped moving and turned to look at where Katie had been standing only seconds before. The White tiger took one step forward when the forest suddenly had hundreds of animals pilling out of. Voldemort and his Death Eaters stood in horror as the birds began dropping rocks on their heads. A couple of the brighter Death Eaters were able to explode the bigger rocks before any serious damage occurred to them. One large black panther, which was definitely not native to the land, jumped on top of a Death Eater and began clawing away at the Death Eater’s body, blood poured out promptly. Voldemort dropped his arm and his dark creatures at once leaped forward and attacked the animals coming out of the forest. A Matnticore and a bobcat jumped together, scratching, biting; attacking the daylights out of the other animal. The Manticore fell to the ground and the bobcat stood on top of it, in triumph over what it had just defeated. More and more animals, specifically different species of cats, poured out of the forest. The Death Eaters began stunning the animals, some, even killing the animals. But it was the Dark Creatures that seemed to be most productive with killing off the animals, the two kinds of non-humans would attack each other. The Death Eaters were now to confused over who to fight and had decided it would be best to try and defeat the animals and not the students. The Gryffindors were left alone, unmoving, only watching what was happening. Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus lowered their wands and watched as Katie, ran forward and joined a single female lion standing by it self on the fringe of the forest. The two seemed to talk as they ran forward and the female lion let out a loud growl. The doors of Hogwarts swung open and Dumbledore exited followed by a number of the staff. Voldemort looked around worried as his Death Eaters fell beside him, being attacked by the hundreds of lions, tigers, ligers, panthers, lynx, cougars, bobcats, and more. Suddenly two Cheetahs ran past Voldemort, one cheetah bit at Voldemort’s feet causing him to stumble to the ground. Dumbledore was advancing with his staff, sending curses at the still standing Death Eaters, that decreased more and more with each second. The animals seemed to be defeating the Dark Creatures as two cougars attacked a Lethifold and it flattened itself, dead against the ground. A Graphorn ran forward and knocked one of the cougars away from the Lethifold and made the cougar fly in the air. An amur leopard and the cougar, that was still standing, grabbed the Graphorn and did their best to claw through the tough hide. An Occamy suddenly flew into the air and Lily gave out a horrified gasp. It landed beside Voldemort who carefully climbed on board the winged serpent and gave a evil glare to James Potter who was standing in front of his friends with his wand out stretched, ready to attack. Suddenly the lion that Katie had been running with jumped forward and grabbed the serpent by the throat and clung on biting into the flesh through the hard cold scales. The Occamy, with Voldemort on it’s back began to rise in the air, it struggled though with the great weight of the strong female lion clinging onto it’s neck. Katie, as a large white tiger, ran towards the two animals and Voldemort and jumped on to the tip of the Occamy’s tail and bit down hard. The Occamy dropped to the ground landing on top of the female lion. **"λεξικό δεν βρήκε καμία λέξη"** thundered Voldemort as his Occamy landed on the ground. Out of his wand came the largest Runespoor Lily had ever seen in her life. The three-headed serpent was not seven feet tall, the average height of any Runespoor. Instead the three-headed serpent, a Runespoor, was a mere seventy feet tall. The three heads looked down on the students, Death Eaters, Dark Creatures, animals, and Hogwarts staff, and it started talking. "Which to kill first?" asked the first head. "The smaller humans of course," answered another head in a dreamy voice. "How reckless," said the third head. "The older humans are much more troublesome." But before any of the other heads could answer Katie ran forward and attached her gigantic sharp teeth around the base neck of the first head. "**Metaschimatismos!"** yelled Voldemort as he pointed his long black wand at Katie and she fell away from the Runespoor and transfigured from her large white tiger form into her human form and lay unconscious on the ground beneath the Runespoor. Lily let out a shriek of anger and tried to run forward but James grabbed her and held her close. "**Pagoma,"** roared Dumbledore as he pointed his wand at the Runespoor and it fell to the ground, frozen. Voldemort whipped his head around and glared at the approaching Professors. His eyes were ablaze with furry as four of his Death Eaters grouped around him waiting for his command. A new Occamy, larger than the last one suddenly landed beside Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters. The Dark Lord and his Death Eaters climbed onto the Occamy and it began to rise in the air. Out of no where the female lion ran forward and once again grabbed the Occamy by the throat as it tried to fly away. "But it-t... died," said Alyssa as she starred at the lion struggling with the Occamy. "**Metaschimatismos**," shouted Voldemort again as he pointed his wand at the female lion hanging onto his Occamy. The lion dropped to the ground as it transfigured into a old women that had just fought for her life. "No," cried out Remus as he tried to run forward and help the fallen women but was held back by Sirius. "It can’t be," murmured Remus as he began to sob uncontrollably into Sirius arms. Lily shot James a look in disbelief as her fiancé shrugged his shoulder. **"Exafanizomai Nekros**," yelled Voldemort as all his dead Death Eaters disappeared along with any dead Dark Creatures. Voldemort looked down and glared at James one last time as the Occamy flew away and Dumbledore gazed at Voldemort in anger. With Voldemort gone, James gazed around the school Grounds and saw a couple of the Hogwarts Staff stun a large Kappa that was drinking the trickle of blood coming out of the fallen women that James didn’t recognize. Two other teachers stunned a Clabbert that was trying to get away and finally Dumbledore himself stunned a gray Tebo that luckily, hadn’t had the chance to turn invisible yet. After stunning the Tebo Dumbledore walked forward and pointed his wand at Alyssa who sat up, able to move once again. Remus was still shaking in Sirius arms when Sirius let go of him and leaned down and helped Alyssa up. Lily and James clutched onto each other as they looked at Dumbledore who was gazing at them in despair. Lily let her eyes wonder to her best friend Katie that still hadn’t moved since being transfigured by Voldemort out of her animal form. After looking at Katie, Lily looked at the women Remus had run to and now was crying full out while stroking her hand. "This is only the beginning," said Dumbledore as he looked at Alyssa and Sirius hugging and crying to Lily and James holding onto each others hands, clenched so tightly. A Professor moved towards Remus who yelled and ran to Katie and leaned down and laid next to her, crying even harder than he had before. "The animals," said Lily as all the living animals began to walk back to the forest, away from the dead ones. "They will go back to where they came from," said Dumbledore has he swept his arm forward and the dead animals disappeared off the grounds of Hogwarts leaving only the stains of blood where they had fought so deliberately to save the lives of six Hogwarts students. "I-i.." said Lily as she gave a shudder and looked at where Katie was still laying unmoving. The professors standing around gazed at the six students in disbelief, unable to comprehend what they had walked into. "Shh.." said Dumbledore as he once again swept his hand the final two bodies disappeared. "WHA-" screamed Lily when Dumbledore looked at her a little more fierce and hushed her. "They will be in the Hospital," said Dumbledore before Lily could begin freaking out. The walk to the hospital had been the longest Lily had ever walked. All she could think about was the fact that her best friend, Katie, was likely dead. Remus had ended up being carried by James and Sirius. Remus wouldn’t tell him who the old women was, he just shook his head and no more tears left his eyes. Alyssa and Lily had walked hand in hand through the door of the Hospital room and sat down in the empty chairs beside Katie. "She’s not dead," said the Nurse to Dumbledore as he walked in with Professor McGonagall next to him, shutting the door quickly. Dumbledore looked around the room and saw Alyssa and Lily sitting next to Katie’s bed and James and Sirius setting Remus’ body down in an empty bed next to the fallen women that none of the students but Remus had recognized. "And her," said Dumbledore as he indicated his head towards the fallen women. The nurse nodded her head and Dumbledore sighed. "Students," said Dumbledore as he cleared his throat and James, Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Alyssa looked at him. "Katie is not dead." Lily and Alyssa both cried out in delight as they hugged each other. Sirius and James both looked at Remus to see him only blink his eyes and continue to stare at Dumbledore. "This women right here," said Dumbledore. "Is known simply as Mrs. PJ." Lily and James exchanged glances and Lily saw Professor McGonagall give Dumbledore a surprised looked. "This is Mrs. PJ?" asked Professor McGonagall in disbelief. "Yes," replied Dumbledore as Professor McGonagall stepped forward and touched Mrs. PJ’s hand. The old woman had dark brown hair that looked to be long enough to reach her waist. Her skin was a pale white, with dark eye brows, and very cherry red lips. "I can’t believe that I am seeing her with my own eyes," said Professor McGonagall as she sank down in an empty seat across form Mrs. PJ. "Professor," said Lily quietly. "Who-who is she?" Remus suddenly laughed and looked at Lily with a look of peer disgust. "I’m surprised, Lily Evans," said Remus. "I thought you, of all people, would have researched everything you knew about Katie once you found out her gift." "I did," replied Lily. "I couldn’t find anything about it, it wasn’t in any books I have ever read and the librarian didn’t know anything about it either." "Then you obviously were looking in the wrong places," said Dumbledore as he pulled from his pocket and old tattered book the had pages missing and multiple rips on the cover. "Mrs. PJ is one of the most outspoken witches about people who deal with uncontrollable Metamorphosis, including Lycanthropy," said Remus as he gazed at Mrs. PJ as she lay helplessly on the bed. Dumbledore leaned forward and handed Lily a book titled METAMORPHOSIS: Through the Ages. "She’s done amazing things," said Dumbledore as he walked forward and touched one finger against her head. He then walked over to Katie and placed one finger on her forehead. "They should be waking soon," said Dumbledore as he stared at the two women laying on the beds. They woke in five minutes at the exact same time and turned their heads to look at each other and smiled. "It’s amazing," said Mrs. PJ in a dreamy voice as she sat up in her bed. "I’m so glad I was able to transform one last time before I died." "Me too," said Katie as she smiled at Mrs. PJ. "The rush," said Mrs. PJ as she took her eyes off of Katie and looked at Dumbledore, "is amazing." "Yes, yes it is," said Dumbledore as he smiled a faint smile, with his usual twinkle in his eyes. "How I miss those days." "Only one thought away Dumbledore old man," said Mrs. PJ as she smiled and looked at Katie. "They’re in a daze," said Lily as her friend continued to ignore her. "Yes," said Dumbledore. "They will be like this for the rest of their lives if they are forced to stay in their human forms. If someone has been transformed at the same time as them thought, then they can communicate with the person transformed." "Are you an.. er... transformer?" asked James in amazement. "No, no," said Dumbledore as he shook his head sadly. "I am only an plain-old Animagus. But I was luckily enough to have the experience of being in my Animagus form at the same time Mrs. PJ was. So she was able to communicate with me while she was in her lion form." "So what’s the difference between an...er... transformer and an Animagus?" asked Sirius. "The difference?" asked Dumbledore as he shook his head and whipped away a tear. "Professor if you could explain..." said Dumbledore as he nodded toward Professor McGonagall. "Well, transformers, as they are sometimes referred to as, are born with no self-control over their abilities to transform," said Professor McGonagall. "Unless of course they are taught self-control at a young age like Katie was. It is more similar to Lycanthropy where they will change with out will. Unlike Lycanthropy though, they are only forced to change when they think of their animal or are somehow reminded of their animal. They change back when they remember themselves in a human form." "So if you have good self-control it’s a lot like being an Animagus?" asked Alyssa as she starred in amazement at Katie. "Yes and no," said Professor McGonagall. "When, for example, I transform into my Animagus form I keep my human mind. After lots of training witches like Katie are able to transform into their animal and keep their human mind." "The wind," said Katie suddenly. "I can feel it blowing through my fur." "It’s so peaceful," said Mrs. PJ in a dreamy voice. "Can they hear us?" asked James as he looked from Remus to Katie. "Probably not," said Dumbledore. "Unless of course you are unregistered Animagus and have at sometime encountered Katie or Mrs. PJ in their animal form at the same time you were in your Animagus form." "Course not," said Sirius with an uneasy laugh as he caught James gaze and looked at Remus. "Can she hear me?" asked Remus as he looked at Katie. Katie turned her head and looked in the direction of Remus’ voice. "Remus?" asked Katie with a sound of hope. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows as James and Sirius exchanged a bewildered gaze. "How can she hear you?" asked Alyssa. Sirius and James looked at each other in a questioningly way as they waited fro Remus answer. "I’m a werewolf," said Remus. Alyssa let out a gasp and Lily looked at her feet. "You are," said Alyssa in amazement. "You never... said anything." "I know, sorry, but it was for your own safety," said Remus. "Do you all know?" asked Alyssa as she looked at Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall to James and Sirius and finally to Lily. They all nodded their heads. "I knew you were a werewolf, it’s ok," said Katie. "I’ve known since I first met you, I could sense the animal inside of you. I also can tell when someone is an Animagus. Mrs. PJ can you smell the trees?" "Yes Dearie, how beautiful," replied Mrs. PJ as she shook her long brown hair and fluttered her eye lashes and smiled. "How did you know Lily?" asked Alyssa. "I-i," Lily blushed and looked at her feet again, "I just realized it out. It wasn’t that hard, you always went away over the Full Moon, and then I figured it out from there." "And you’re ok with it?" asked James in amazement. "Yea," said Lily. "It didn’t matter to me if he was a werewolf or not, he was just Remus to me." "I told you we could have told her," said Sirius as he whacked James on the forehead. "Professor," said Lily as she looked at Katie sitting beside her. "Aren’t they in pain right now?" "Yes, actually, because of the way Voldemort forced them to transform back into their human-self, they left their minds back in their animal-self. It’s very painful for them when I force them to be like this." "Let them go then," said Lily as she held onto Katie’s hand. "I don’t want her to be in pain." "Lily, if I let Katie and Mrs. PJ go back to their animal forms," said Dumbledore patiently. "You will likely never see them again in your life. Eventually they’ll become completely animal and have no traces of their human mind left." "I-i," said Lily as she rubbed Katie’s hand, "I don’t want Katie to be in pain." Katie smiled and turned her gaze towards Mrs. PJ. "Can you see the children?" asked Katie. "Yes, I can, they look so happy," replied Mrs. PJ. "They’re dancing, that pretty child, he looks like someone I once knew," said Katie as she gazed at where James was sitting. James gave a horrified glance at Dumbledore and Dumbledore just raised an eyebrow and brought a finger to his lips, hushing the students from asking any questions. "He‘s dancing with a pretty red head," said Katie. "I feel as if I should know those eyes. So happy they are. So many people." "Yes, Katie," said Mrs. PJ. "It’s called wedding." "They look happy," said Katie with a sigh. "They only children. Eighteen?" "They disappeared," said Mrs. PJ suddenly in a scared, frightened voice. "Gone," said Katie in a frightened voice. "Look small boy." "Forehead strange." "Strange shape." "Tall man." "Motorcycle flying?" "Big man take child." "Gone." "All gone." "Boy big," said Katie suddenly with excitement. "Pretty girl." "They dance." "Wedding Katie." "Yes Wedding." "Happy." "They very happy," said Katie as she slumped forward in her bed and Mrs. PJ did the same. "Professor!" exclaimed Lily as she pushed Katie on to her back, making Katie lay down. "I’m sorry," said Dumbledore as he watched Professor McGonagall lay Mrs. PJ on her back. "I should have realized that they would not be able to talk for a long time." "I don’t understand," said Alyssa, as she causally ran one hand along her very pregnant belly, and one hand on Katie’s arm. "What just happened." "I believe we just witnessed Katie and Mrs. PJ’s future," said Dumbledore thoughtfully as he began to pace around the Hospital room. "You just heard their conversations or thoughts, of when they see you in the future. Their minds I think, are so inside their animal form, they are witnessing you through their animal form..." No one said anything as they gazed at their friend, Katie, and Mrs. PJ. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts when Lily suddenly broke the silence. "We should let them go," said Lily as she patted Katie’s hand and took her eyes off of Katie and looked at Dumbledore. "I will let you have a group discussion," said Dumbledore as he nodded at Professor McGonagall and Madam Promfrey, and the three adults left the room. "I don’t think we should, Lily," said Alyssa as she stared at her friend. "I mean, what if there is any chance she can come back?" "There’s not," said James as he stood up and gazed at Katie laying in the bed. "Dumbledore is always right." "What if he’s wrong though," said Sirius as he looked at Katie and Alyssa. "What if Katie could come back." "HE’S NEVER WRONG," yelled James as he slapped the window sill and gazed out the window. "Don’t get mad at me!" yelled Sirius as he stood up and faced James. "I’m sorry I actually care about my friend." "You’re friend?" asked James as he turned and glared at Sirius. "When did you ever talk to Katie outside of Quidditch... If I remember correctly, you didn’t want her on the team in our third year when she tried out. You said she was just a girl... She wasn’t good enough." "Well, I made a mistake James... I’m sure you have never done that," snapped Sirius as he kicked the wall and then slumped down onto the floor. "I think we should let her go," said Lily after a strained silence and she gazed around the room. "We should vote," replied Alyssa. "All in favor of making her stay in human form?" Alyssa and Sirius raised their hands and gazed at Katie. "All in favor of sending her back to her animal form?" asked Lily as she raised her hand along with James. Remus sat their staring at his friends. "Remus what do you want?" asked James as he gazed at Remus. "What do I want?" asked Remus as he laughed and shook his head. "I want to go back to the beginning of the year and change everything that happened. What do I really want? I want to go back to when I was four years old and was bit by that werewolf. That way I would never of had to break up with Katie, that way we would have had more than a couple of months together as a couple." "James, Lily, you guys are right, if Katie’s in pain, we need to send her back. But Alyssa, Sirius, you guys are right too. We want her here don’t we? Even if we can’t talk to her, at least we have her to look at," said Remus as he laid back in the bed James and Sirius had propped him up in early that evening. "I don’t know," said Remus as he turned his head and looked at Katie. "I change my vote," said Sirius suddenly as he looked at Katie. "She would have wanted to be happy, and she can’t be happy like this..." "Me too," said Alyssa as she looked at her friend. "Katie would be more happy away from here..." "OK," said Remus. "Let’s tell Dumbledore we’ve made our decision..." *-*-* Lily gazed at the spot where Dumbledore has just set Katie and Mrs. PJ’s bodies. The afternoon had gone away in a hurry, leaving the midnight sky for them to send off Katie and Mrs. PJ in. Lily shivered as James placed his arm around her shoulders, and she couldn’t help but give out a tiny smile... things felt so wrong in her world, yet still, so right. "It’s time," said Dumbledore as he stepped back form the bodies and looked at the five students standing next to him. "Bye Katie," said Alyssa as she held onto Sirius’ hand and placed her other hand on her very pregnant stomach. "It was good," said James as he nodded at Katie’s lifeless body. "It was great," replied Sirius. "Quidditch champions! All thanks to you!" "Thanks for keeping my secrets, all of them, you were the best," said Lily as she wiped away a tear that had fallen out of her eye. "Sorry I was so scared," said Remus. "Maybe if I wasn’t, things would have been different." No one said anything, having said what was needed in Katie’s remembrance. Dumbledore pointed his wand at Katie and Mrs. PJ, closed his eyes and mumbled some words that Lily couldn’t make out. Katie and Mrs. PJ’s body floated a couple feet off the ground when there was a flash of light and a strong female lion and young white tiger stood before the Gryffindors. Lily gazed at the animals and watched, as the lion began to walk towards the forest, but stopped when it saw the tiger was still staring at the Gryffindors. Lily smiled and nodded her head and the tiger took off, running full out towards the forest, followed by the excited lion. "Lions and tigers aren’t native to this land," said Lily as she took her eyes off the place where Katie had disappeared and looked at Dumbledore. "Anything can happened with magic, Lily. Anything can happen," said Dumbledore as he nodded at the students and entered the castle. "We leave tomorrow," said Alyssa as she looked at the woods with a look of pity. "For ever," said Sirius as he turned and smiled at James. "Yep," said James as he let go of Lily and walked up to Sirius and clapped one hand on his back, and then walked up to where Remus was standing alone and clapped a hand on his back. "One last midnight run to the kitchen boys?" asked James as Remus and Sirius smiled at him. "You bet," said Remus as he began running toward the front doors of the school and was followed by Sirius. "Meet us in the Common Room in ten minutes," said James with a laugh as he followed his friends into the school. Lily took a step forward and grabbed Alyssa’s hand and watched as the three boys ran into the school, excited to make one last pit stop at the Kitchens. *-*-* "She loved Butterbeer," said Lily as she laid her head on James stomach. "That she did" said Remus as he took a long gulp out of his Butterbeer. "Good times," said Sirius as he patted Alyssa’s stomach and smiled his dazzling smile at her. "It’s four in the morning," said Lily as she curled up on the couch and closed her eyes with James arms wrapped around her. "This the longest you have ever stayed up?" asked James as he laughed and winked at Remus. "Mhmm," murmured Lily as her mind began to drift off to dream land. "JAMES!" exclaimed a voice as it ran down the stairs from the boy’s dormitory. "SIRIUS! REMUS!" "What Peter?" asked Remus as his smile faded and he looked at the overly excited boy. "I’m so so so, sorry," said Peter as he fell to his knees and looked at his fellow Gryffindors. "What?" asked James as he sat up and Lily sighed and lifted her head off of James stomach. "I’m so sorry," said Peter as he gazed at each of his friends. "Filch took it. But I cleared it before he could get a good look... But I think he knows what it is..." Sirius, James, and Remus stared at Peter in horror, until Alyssa began to laugh. "You guys, like you’ll need a map when you’re gone from this school anyway?" asked Alyssa as she looked at Sirius. "We wanted to give it to our kids," said James as he looked at Alyssa, in disbelief that she could be laughing about such a serious problem. "Well," said Lily. "You’ll just have to hope it’s them then, that break into Filch’s office someday and steal the map!" "Brilliant," said Remus after a long pause. "Now we don’t need to worry about losing it like we lost your invisibility cloak that one time." "You have an invisibility cloak?" asked Alyssa in excitement. "Some other time," said James as he smiled at Lily. "You’re forgiven Peter," said Remus as he smiled at his friend and patted the seat on the couch next to himself. "Wh-where’s Katie?" asked Peter as he sat down next to Remus and looked around the room. The five students gazed at each other and then smiled, a secret smile that only each other would know. "Some other time Peter," said Lily as she smiled at James. "Some other time..." James smiled at Lily and held her in his arms and closed his eyes, it might have taken seven years, but it had happened, Lily had smiled her secret smile, at him, and only him. *-*-* **AN**: This is a long author note! Wow that is a bizarre chapter, let me just say. I think I am way to drugged up on Sudafed.. phew.. Well let’s just say it’s an interesting chapter and leave it at that.. Sorry it had like three different endings kinda of.. I just kept remembering I needed to add certain things. It didn’t really go as I had planned, but don’t worry, one main chapter left... And then an Epilogue... and then The Sequel!! AHHHHHHHH Sorry it took me long to update this story.. I had this chapter done like 3 weeks ago and sent it to my beta but she's kind of like out of toen or just cant get my emails.. So this is being posted w/o ne editing. Forgive me! The next chapter WILL be edited i promise Also.. so i emailed this chapter on the like 9 to my beta... later that day my computer crashed and erased all my stories plus itunes and everything.. but yea. this story then would have been erased if i hadn't emailed it to my beta like a couple hours before the computer crashed.... ALSO please check out my new story called Girl Next Door... It's under my account! Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading! Every review means a lot to me and I will try to reply to all of them!!! So here are all the animals I used from Mugglenet.com... I just copy and pasted the definitions here. **Billywig**: The Billywig is a vivid blue insect native to Australia. It travels at great speed and carries a sting which can cause giddiness and levitation. **Chimaera** : This creature has the head of a lion, the body of a goat and the tail of a dragon. **Clabbert:** This is a tree-dwelling creature which looks something like a cross between a monkey and a frog. **Cockatrice**: Hatched from a rooster’s egg, like the Basilisk it has the power to kill with its gaze. **Erkling:** Its cackling laugh is entrancing to children, who it attempts to lure away and eat. **Erumpent:** The Erumpent’s horn can pierce all materials, and injects a fluid which causes anything it comes into contact with to explode **Graphorn:** The Graphorn is a large four-legged mountain creature with an unusually aggressive nature. It has two sharp horns and very tough hide which can repel most spells. **Kappa** :The Kappa resembles a scaly monkey in appearance. It inhabits ponds and rivers and feeds on human blood, which makes it a rather dangerous creature. **Lethifold** : It looks like a black shroud which glides along the ground. When it finds a victim (usually a sleeping human), it attempts to smother them by blocking their breathing. **Manticore** :The Manticore has the head of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. It is highly dangerous and also impervious to most magic. . **Nundu** : This is a huge leopard-like creature resident in Africa. It moves silently and has disease-carrying breath so potent that it can wipe out whole villages at a stroke. **Occamy** : The Occamy is a winged serpent which can reach a length of up to 15 feet. **Quintaped** : . The Quintaped is large, hairy and looks like a five-legged spider. It is extremely aggressive and has a particular taste for human flesh. **Runespoor** : This is a three-headed serpent which can grow to around 6 or 7 feet in length. **Tebo** : This is an African warthog. When visible it is grey, but it has the power to make itself invisible which makes it very difficult to catch. **Yeti :** This is most likely a relative of the troll, native to mountainous regions of Tibet. The Yeti can grow up to 15 feet in height and is covered in white hair. Spells I sort of kinda made up... **metaschimatismos:** Transformation is Greek **thanatos** - death in Greek **pagoma:** Freeze in Greek **exafanizomai** Disappear in Greek **nekros** dead in Greek Two chapters left! x0x0 Kaci p.s. Please Review