A Game of Hearts by Twitch E. Littleferret Rating: R Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 24/06/2005 Last Updated: 10/11/2005 Status: Completed A/U. Set in the Regency era. Harry comes home from the war hoping for a life of peace and tranquility and maybe find himself a suitable and proper wife. But his estranged godfather draws him into his dangerous lifestyle where Harry finds himself irresistably drawn to a scandalous socialite and a sinister plot to bring Lord Voldemort back to power. 1. A Dismal Season ------------------ A Game of Hearts Chapter One: A Dismal Season The sky outside was dreary, droll and overcast with heavy grey clouds. It mirrored the mood of the young lady who sat by the window. Ginny Weasley sighed wearily, the book she had tried to entertain herself with now lay forgotten in her lap. She had long since tuned out any gossip the others were talking about. It was the same old anyway, nothing new to tell since last week. Lavender Brown sighed and put down the needlework she was working on. “This season is going to be the worst one yet,” she complained. “All the eligible men have gone to seek their glory on the battlefields.” Ah yes, the war with Lord Voldemort had cast a dark shadow over the wizarding world for the last five years. She was right, it seemed as if all the young wizards left as soon as they finished their education. Each season, fewer and fewer men were left to marry and the ones that were left shortly after their weddings to leave their new young wives behind. Sometimes forever. Ginny felt an even larger injustice was handed to her. Missing her first season due to illness then the circumstance of having to care for her mother when her father and all her brothers left the home, her second season was not looking any better. “I don't know how long this can last,” Susan cried. “Soon, I'll be too old to marry. Oh, I might as well be put on the shelf now.” Lavender sat next to her in a huff. “We all shall.” Ginny thumped her book on a table nearby. “Luna, I cannot stand all this melancholy. Play something light and cheery on the pianoforte?” Luna looked up at her, interrupted in the middle of Moonlight Sonata and grudgingly began to play a lighter melody although she didn't feel like it. She too was being affected by the dreary mood. The young women were all gathered in the parlor at Falbrooke, home of the Lovegood's. Luna's father was head of the newspaper that had the highest circulation in the wizarding world. His wife passed away when Luna was very young and he never remarried. She was a pretty girl, with large blue eyes, slim figure and beautiful curly blond hair that was now piled on top of her head. Having a substantial fortune, Luna had quite a dowry and would have been a fine catch for a nice young man. If there were any. Lavender Brown lived at Wellington, a few miles down the road from Falbrooke. She was the oldest daughter of three, her younger sisters not yet ready for their own seasons. She was a stunning beauty, tall and graceful. She too had blond hair and blue eyes but she had a presence about her that made one feel as if they were in the presence of fine art to be cherished. She sat on a sofa with Susan Bones, a young lady of Lavender's age. She had brown hair that was tied in a knot at the top of her head as was the fashion at the time. She was a pretty girl with brown eyes and a cherubic round face. She lived at Bonnefort with her two younger sisters and one older brother. Her father was employed with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The girls' somber mood was interrupted by a maid who came clamoring into the room. “Oh Miss! Have you heard? Have you heard?” she shrieked. Luna who had her hand on her chest to soothe the fright she had received when the maid came running into the room took a deep calming breath. “Millie! Really, you gave me quite a start!” she said. “He's defeated Miss! The war's finally over!” the maid said excitedly. “What?” the girls were dumbfounded. They had lived with the tyranny of Lord Voldemort for so long that it seemed like a cruel joke. “I have it right here!” the maid said, brandishing the paper. “It says it right here!” Lavender snatched the paper out of the maid's hands and she and Susan fought over it, ripping it in two. Ginny and Luna crowded around the other two girls. “'…And as the sun rose over the fields of Hogwarts, the body of Lord Voldemort lay unmoving, his life leaving him sometime during the night.'” Lavender read aloud. “'The General Albus Dumbledore proclaimed that the wizarding world could now breath easier, Lord Voldemort's reign of terror had now come at an end. But not without the price of the sons and husbands who fought so bravely for this day to come to fruition.” Lavender put the paper down and sighed. “Have the casualty lists come out?” Ginny asked timidly. All her brothers and her father had fought at Hogwarts. “Not until tomorrow, miss,” the maid replied. Ginny got up from the sofa and sighed. “I must be going then. My mother would have received this news by now.” “As should I,” said Lavender. “I should suspect that I'll see you all tomorrow in town?” Luna asked. Every few weeks it seemed that everyone gathered into town to crowd around her father's building, waiting for the casualty lists to be printed and distributed. It was a bleak day and a hopeful one. Luna stood by her friends as they read down the lists, breathing sighs of relief at the omissions of friends, brothers and fathers. There were also the mournful cries, the moans that would fill the streets when a loved ones name appeared on the lists. It put Luna's stomach in knots to be there with her friends and they commended her on her loyalty. She had no siblings or loved ones in the war. But every time she was handed a list, she summoned all her courage to stop her hands from trembling as she skipped the names at the top and went straight to the bottom. Walton Warrington Waters Wesley Worten They passed Weasley. No Weasley's on the list. Ron was alive. She had clung to her girlhood crush on him, emboldened by the fact that he had grown into a handsome young man. She had stood by Ginny's side when he bid his mother and sister goodbye and left for the war. He didn't even look at her. But then again, he never did. But tomorrow, she would stand by Ginny's side and read with baited breath, praying that his name would not be on that list. ~*~ Sirius Black stepped down from the carriage in front of a large mansion. A gentleman around his age, stepped out to greet him, his kindly face was topped with brown hair that was beginning to grey. “Sirius, my man!” he greeted. “And how was it?” “Edward!” he greeted. “I take it your journey was pleasant?” Edward asked. “We had some stormy weather by the coast but other than that, it was very agreeable indeed.” The two men stepped inside the mansion and into Edward's office for privacy. Edward sighed and offered Sirius a seat when the maid had left their presence, leaving behind tea and biscuits. “We lost one carriage but it only had some of the silks. We saved the cigars and alcohol,” Sirius said. “Well that is good news. I suppose you'll be wanting to use the cellar?” Edward asked. “If you would be so kind. I'll have Lupin come by and remove the load in a couple of weeks.” Edward waved him off. “It's fine. You know it is. Besides, I'll be asking a favor of you.” “Anything,” Sirius said. “I'll be leaving again on business and I would like you to keep an eye on her.” How Sirius became involved with Edward Granger was a strange tale indeed. Having given up his rights to his family fortune, Sirius became the black sheep of the Black family, a very prominent wizarding family. His best friend, James, initiated him into the Order of the Phoenix, a secret society of spies that worked for Dumbledore against the tyrannical Lord Voldemort. The battle for the wizarding world was a violent one, coming to a head when a traitor was found amongst their organization. Peter Pettigrew, gave up names and the locations of the members of the Order. The Order had managed to stop Lord Voldemort and banish him but not before he had taken the life of his best friend and his wife, James and Lily Potter. As decreed by their will, their son Harry would get everything when he was of age and named Sirius as his Godfather. His relationship with his Godson was strained at best. Having no money to his own name, Sirius turned to more “unconventional” methods of accruing his fortune. Harry, so like his father, frowned slightly upon this. They both knew that any ties to Harry would ruin his chances in society and in life. Their tenuous relationship came to a head when Lord Voldemort rose to power again and Harry joined the battle at Dumbledore's side. Sirius hadn't wanted him to go, afraid that he would lose him as well at the hands of the madman. Harry stubbornly refused to listen to him, his mind bent on the revenge he so desperately sought. They had not spoken to each other since the day he had left five years ago. Things were worse for the wizarding world this time around. Lord Voldemort had grown more powerful through his connections in the ministry and in the upper class. The greedy Minister of Magic made the people suffer. He put insane taxes on tea, silks, ale, tobacco, odd ingredients for potions, brooms, cauldrons, etc. The wizarding world would have crumbled if not for a few brave wizards who turned into smugglers. Sirius was one of them and that was how he had met…Hermione Granger. Mundungus Fletcher used to be a member of the Order, a crook he was turned smuggler for Sirius Black. He had been in charge of a large shipment of Firewhiskey that suddenly disappeared. Sirius didn't believe it and through much persuasion finally got the truth out of him. He had gambled the whole lot away. Furious, Sirius made Mundungus take him to the wretched place that he had lost his cargo. To his surprise, he had taken him to the home of Edward Granger, a prominent and very rich businessman. He led him down into the basement of the home where it seemed a lively party was taking place. Giving the doorman the password, he entered a smoke-filled, gold gilded and most elegant room for gambling Sirius had ever laid foot in. He recognized members of the upper class sitting with members of the lower class around tables where the bets and stakes were high. Land was swapped here, as well as businesses, money, jewels, anything and everything could be bet. Embarrassed, Mundungus raised his hand and pointed to the person who had swindled him out of his money. Sirius knew he was in trouble the moment he laid eyes on her. He had a weakness for a pretty face and Miss Granger was positively delectable. And it seemed that they shared a hobby for challenging the rules of society. He had no fighting chance and let himself be willingly seduced by her, letting her lead him up to what he thought was her room only to enter her father's office. Edward had been trying for sometime to reach Sirius and sent his daughter to arrange a meeting. She was successful and Sirius had to give her credit to her methods. Edward went on to explain a lucrative business deal. Sirius would expand his smuggling and in exchange Edward would provide him with ships, carriages, horses and a place to hold the goods until they could be dispersed and of course a cut of the profits. Sirius couldn't believe his good fortune and an alliance was made and out of it. Sirius became the richest smuggler in the entire wizarding world. He and Edward had been good friends ever since, thus Edward trusted him to look after his only daughter, Hermione. “I'll be leaving again on business and I would like you to keep an eye on her,” Edward had said. Sirius agreed, although inside he cringed. Keeping an eye on Hermione was like asking someone to take care of their pet lion. He found her outside starting a game of croquet with a young man. He had his arms wrapped around the young lady as she gave a swing with her mallet. He congratulated her and himself inwardly, as he enjoyed playing the instructor. “Very good!” he congratulated Hermione, smiling coyly thinking he had her where he wanted. Sirius shook his head. The kid had no idea. The young man took his turn and Hermione spoke up. “Would you like me to hold your balls for you?” she asked, completely innocent. The young man stood up straight and looked at her. Hermione continued. “I mean, I could hold them both if you would like.” She held out her hand then took it back, puzzled. “Well, maybe both hands. They're so big! You're balls, I mean, not my hand,” she smiled up at him coquettishly. The young man turned bright red and Sirius decided he should rescue the mouse from the cat's paws. “Hello, Miss Granger,” he called out. Hermione looked over at him and smiled. “Mr. Black! So glad to see you have returned,” she said warmly. “I hope I'm not interrupting?” he asked. “No! Not at all,” the young man said in a rushed voice. He was grateful for the interruption. “We were just finished here. I hope to see you around Miss Granger?” Hermione and Sirius said their polite goodbyes to the young man. Hermione looked a bit put out like a child who had her toy taken away from her. Sirius offered an arm and together they walked around the grounds. “So, I take it father has asked you to be my escort this season?” she asked. “He just wants to make sure you are taken care of,” Sirius replied. “Hmpf. He should know that I'm very capable of taking care of myself,” she said defiantly. “Yes but who will protect the men?” he smiled and she tutted. “It's going to be a boring season anyway,” she sulked. “Actually, word has come out today that the war is over,” Sirius said. Hermione stopped and looked at him. “Is it? Truly?” she asked. “It would seem so my dear. Casualty lists are coming out tomorrow…” His voice trailed off. Hermione put a reassuring hand on his arm. “I'm sure he's not on there,” she said gently. She knew he was speaking of his Godson, Harry Potter. “I'm sure he's not,” he said brightly, coming out of his depression. “Our young men are coming home from a battle only to wage one here at home. The battle to fend off the young ladies and their mothers.” Hermione laughed at that. “There will be many casualties in that one,” she teased. Sirius gave a playful sigh. “I'm sure there will be.” “You may be one of them, word in the circles is you're to be invited to many a ball this season,” she nudged him. “Oh, Merlin, the hens have found out that I'm rich,” he grumbled. “And single,” Hermione added. “You could put me out of my misery and just say yes,” his eyes sparkled. Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. “I hope that wasn't another proposal because this would be the fourth time I've rejected you.” “Third time and no it wasn't. Even a dog learns when to sit, lie and roll over,” Sirius teased. Hermione laughed. “Careful, Mr. Black, I just may take it upon myself to see you married off.” “Try it and I'll do the same to you,” he smiled coyly, earning a glare from Hermione. --> 2. Some Powerful Advice ----------------------- Chapter Two: Some Powerful Advice Hermione Granger was the only daughter of Edward Granger. Her mother had died when she was very young and as so, she had much of her father's influence on her as she grew up. Her father always said she had her mother's beautiful face and her father's rebellious streak, a streak that Edward didn't even try to tame. She was a very intelligent woman and picked up her father's business very quickly. She had even offered her father some business advice from time to time. Her father mostly dealt in land acquisitions but when the war started, he delved into a more lucrative business of smuggling and had grown even more rich from it. Edward worried about his daughter being exposed to such things but by then it was too late. Hermione was already knee deep in it and holding her own. He couldn't be more proud than if she were a son. But, she was his heir and would inherit a tremendous amount of wealth. Something that her father worried about. She would be prey to young men seeking her fortune. But Edward really was naïve about his daughter. She was no innocent. Her rebellious streak had caught the attentions of her Headmistress Miss McGonagall who had taken her under her wing and put ideas of women's rights into her head. Hermione took those lessons to heart, absorbed everything she could with an eager mind. She watched and listened to her classmates sigh and dream about marrying well to set their stations in life. Hermione vowed that she would not marry. She would not base her entire well being on fetching a wealthy husband. She didn't need a husband, she knew she had a fortune of her own. One day, during a summer break, Hermione met another woman who would influence her life. Madame Rosemerta. She owned the richest brothel in London, in all of England probably. Her clients paid many a galleon for a night with one of her beauties. Madame Rosemerta was in the gambling saloon and had instantly taken a liking to the young lady. Hermione saw her as the independent woman she was, owning her own business, even if it wasn't what society what could consider proper. Hermione invited her over for tea the next day. It was then that Madame Rosemerta gave her a very important piece of advice. “There are powers a woman has that would bring down the strongest of men. Wars have been fought and Kingdoms torn down because of them,” she had told her. Hermione put down her cup of tea and leaned forward, eager. “What…kind of powers?” she had asked. Madame Rosemerta smiled wryly at her from behind her cup. “Oh, I dare not teach you such things, young flower. You are rich and dangerously beautiful, such power wielded by you could have devastating results.” Hermione was a willing and eager student. “Sex is powerful,” she had said to her. “I have made myself rich off of it. But it isn't all about the honey between your thighs.” Hermione blushed deeply. “It can be a subtle as a touch, a smile, a laugh, a peek of skin. Anything that can hint to the mystery under your dress. Hermione became more aware of the looks men began to give her. Looks that suddenly made her blush and feel as if she were standing naked before them. She had snuck out to the brothel to visit Madame Rosemerta sometimes and when she did, she watched with curious eyes as the ladies led the men upstairs to their rooms. Hermione wondered what it was like. Sex, what was it like? She would be ruined if she tried it before her wedding night but she had resolved that she wouldn't get married. She wanted to be strong and independent with her wealth. The object of her adolescent adoration at the time was a young stableman on her father's property. When the day was hot, she had a view of him from her window, working with his shirt off as he pitched hay to the horses. His muscles gleamed underneath his tanned skin. He would send naughty thoughts to her mind and her body became acutely aware of his every move. She had cornered him one afternoon and he fell easy prey to her charms, as would any young hot blooded male. Afterward, the young man fled, fearful that the master of the house would find out what he had done to his daughter. Hermione heard that he had enlisted in the army and a year later she found his name on the casualty list. He had been killed in battle. She had told Madame Rosemerta, later, that the sex was not great, that it had been rather painful and that she must've done something wrong. Madame Rosemerta was shocked that she had done this and had protested that she would be ruined in society. “I don't give two figs what society thinks!” Hermione had said. “I don't need to hunt for a husband and I doubt the men after me really care about my virtue, only my money. Besides, society has let me down by falling into the hands of a madman.” Madame Rosemerta laughed at this. Then she said that the first few times might be painful but it could be quite pleasant. The key was to know how to reach that crest of pleasure. And she was right, her next encounter was much better but Madame Rosemerta cautioned her. “Be careful my dear,” she had told her. “In the hands of an equally capable lover, the passion can drive you both to madness.” Hermione had yet to meet that lover. Because of her wealth, her place in society was in no danger. She was invited to a few balls over the season but she could hear the whispers of the ladies. “Scandalous” was a word that quickly became associated with her. She shrugged it off. People were nice to her face, money could buy you friends, but her true friends were Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. They were the only two people who would actually sit and pay attention to Hermione's lectures on the unjustified treatment of the fairer magical sex. And even Hermione knew that true friendships were priceless. So she was pleasantly pleased when the two of them called on her when they were in town. She invited them in for tea but it was a somber occasion, they were biding time for the casualty lists to be printed and distributed. Hermione rode with them in the carriage into the town square. She held her two friends hands as they waited. Mrs. Brown and her daughter stood nearby giving disapproving looks. Hermione squeezed her friends' hands. “Oh, I can't stand it. I cannot wait another minute!” Ginny exclaimed. She didn't have to wait long. A wave of noise came from the front of the crowd as they surged forward. The girls stayed away from the near riot, Hermione having sent a footman to retrieve the list. He reappeared in front of them, suit ruffled and hair a mess and handed the list to Ginny who practically snatched it from the man. Ginny and Luna huddled over the list, reading the names. A sigh came from both of them. “They're not on there!” Ginny breathed gratefully. “Everyone's coming home safe!” “Your family is blessed with good fortune,” Hermione smiled and took the list from Ginny. “Are you looking for someone you know?” she asked, curious. It was very rare that Hermione took an interest in the lists. “Looking up someone for a friend,” she answered, scanning the list. No Harry Potter's were on it. She would tell Sirius in person. “Thank heavens the list is small,” she said. “Probably due to the new captain,” Ginny said, smiling. Hermione looked at her quizzically. “Ron wrote to us about him,” she explained. “He was second in command to Dumbledore and he's nearly our age!” “Harry Potter,” Luna said dreamily. Hermione's jaw dropped. Sirius' Godson?! “He's the heir to Godric's Hollow but he hasn't yet to claim it. I wonder if he will now that the war is over,” Luna said. “He should,” Ginny sighed, “he's got quite a fortune on his hands. And single. He will be quite the catch this season.” Hermione had visited Godric's Hollow long ago and was impressed. It was a beautiful manor, a bit large though but it had pretty gardens. “I'm sure my dad will invite him to our ball,” Luna said. “You'll be invited too Hermione. I'm sure everyone is curious about him.” Ginny and Luna went off in a tangent about the sunny outlook of the Season. Hermione pursed her lips together. No, she had no interest in Mr. Potter. Anyone who had severed relations with Sirius was of no interest to her at all. --> 3. The Dinner Invitation ------------------------ **A/N:** Thanks for all the great reviews. I hope you all will enjoy this story. We learn a little about Harry in this chapter, more in the next one. Happy reading! Chapter Three: The Dinner Invitation Harry sat upon his horse and nervously looked up at the looming manor before him. It was spectacular, boasting nine bedrooms, a large dining room, a parlor, a drawing room, another room large enough to host a ball, several lavatories, the list went on and on. And it was his. All his along with the massive fortune in his vault. And he was terrified of this. Terrified of his new responsibilities as the Lord of Godric's Hollow, the villagers that he had passed along the way were now depending on him for their livelihoods. The staff had already been picked and were waiting inside for him. His friends stood with him, Ron his best friend, Neville Longbottom and the Weasley twins. They too seemed to be in awe. It had been years since he had last been here. He left at the age of eleven for school at Hogwarts, then immediately after, he signed up for the war. He followed his mentor, his Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, in his war against Lord Voldemort. Against the man who had murdered his parents. A man who was now gone. By his own hand. He had wanted to stay in the army but Dumbledore wouldn't hear of it. He had told him that he had already given him the last eleven years of his life and it was time that he had start living the rest of it for himself. “Well,” Ron's voice brought him out of his thoughts, “I am a bit hungry. Do you suppose they have dinner ready?” “If they don't, I'm sure there are a stack of invitations waiting for Harry. We could each pick one and pretend we are him,” Fred shrugged. Harry dismounted and bravely walked into his new home. The others followed suit. Dobby, his head of the house-elf staff, greeted him. “Oh, Master Potter! I am so glad you have returned. You are much older now,” Dobby frowned and Harry felt a twinge of guilt for abandoning his home for so long. “Oh but you must be so hungry! This way! This way!” Ron muttered to Harry's ear. “Your elf is a bit odd.” Dobby led them to a large dining room where the fragrant aroma of roast ham filled the room. The meal filled the men to satisfaction and afterward they retired to the parlor for cigars and brandy by a warm fire. It was pointless to have his friends leave after dark so he invited them to stay until tomorrow. After all, he had the room for it. ~*~ Miss Parvati Patil joined the group of young ladies that were gathered outside enjoying a picnic at the Burrow. Luna, Ginny and Lavender made up the rest of the group as they sat on a large blanket. It was a peaceful morning until Mrs. Weasley burst out of the Burrow and ran frantically to the young women. “Oh Ginny! Ginny, have you heard!” she panted. Ginny was taken aback at the state her mother was in. What could've happened? “He's here!” her mother shrieked. “Well, not here but back at Godric's Hollow!” “Mother,” Ginny shook her head trying to comprehend what her mother was telling her. “Who's here, mother?” “Mr. Potter!” her mother said shrilly and the young ladies gasped and sprang to their feet. “He's just returned to Godric's Hollow and he's here to stay! He has already set up a household staff! Oh, Ginny!” The young ladies sprang into action. “Oh dear! How much time have I lost?” “Ginny please accept my apologies!” They saw to their horses and carriages to take them home post haste so they could get their invitations sent right away. Ron Weasley was nearly trampled over as he rode back to the Burrow. He dismounted from his horse, handed him off and stepped inside his home. “RONALD WEASLEY! YOU MISERABLE LITTLE CAD!!” His mother shrieked at him. “What? What did I do?” he asked a little frightened by his mother who was red in the face. “Mr. Potter has been back for days and you haven't said a word of it to me or to your father! How careless of you?! Do you not think of anyone else other than yourself? What about your sister?” she accused. “Mother, please calm yourself!” Ginny said as she sat her mother down in a chair. Mrs. Weasley pulled out her fan and began to fan herself. “Ginny? What does this have to do with Ginny?” Ron asked bewildered. “Oh you are an impossible young man,” Mrs. Weasley said, thoroughly irritated with her youngest son. “Invitations have probably already gone from all the other families,” she muttered angrily. “We'll be lucky to receive him before the Season's end. Oh, what am I to do?” she said miserably. Ron grinned mischievously. “Mother, you must be confused,” he said, feigning concern. “He's to arrive here tomorrow night.” Mrs. Weasley's eyes grew as large as saucers. “Hmm,” Ron said thoughtfully, “I could've sworn I told you two days ago.” He walked out of the room quickly before laughter could erupt from him. Mrs. Weasley and her daughter stood up abruptly. “TWO DAYS?!!” “Mother! That's hardly any time for me to find a new dress!” Ginny gasped. “We'll just have to make do with what you had for last season,” Mrs. Weasley replied hurriedly and Ginny tore off up the stairs. “Oh, barely enough time to prepare a decent dinner!” Mrs. Weasley complained as she hurried off to the kitchens. “Oh, that miserable little boy,” she muttered of her youngest son. ~*~ Hermione was reading in the library when her footman entered to announce a visitor. “Mr. Lupin,” Hermione said smiling as she stood to greet him. He was a kind man that she liked very much with brown hair that was graying at the temples. She frowned slightly at the new scratch that had appeared on his face. Mr. Remus Lupin was a werewolf, the scratch was evidence of his transformation when the moon was full last week. “The lovely Miss Granger,” he replied taking her hand and kissing the back of it. “You have been a stranger for far too long,” she said teasingly to him as she led him out of the room and toward the cellars. “Well, I have been a bit busy,” he replied. “I've been helping to set up house for an old friend of mine.” “Really?” she asked curiously. “Lumos,” she said, lighting her wand to light the dark passageway. Remus grinned. “Yes, a young man just returned from the war.” Hermione stopped and turned slowly toward him. “Harry Potter?” she asked. “Very good, yes him. He arrived a few days ago,” he said. “And has he called upon Sirius?” Hermione said in a tone that had a hint of anger to it. If there was one thing about Hermione, she was loyal to her friends. “Eh…it's complicated,” Remus replied. “Hmpf,” Hermione sniffed and continued on her way. “How did you know about his arrival? The gossip mills have already been churning with stories about him?” Remus asked wryly. “Actually, I received a dinner invitation from a good friend of mine. Her family is throwing a dinner in his honor.” “You should go. I think you would get along nicely with him,” Remus said cheerfully. Hermione stopped and turned to look at him. “Any man who can cut ties with someone like Sirius is NOT a man I wish to get along nicely with.” Her tone clearly spoke that this was the end of this topic. ~*~ Nervously, Harry walked into the foyer of the Burrow. He had never been to an occasion like this, it was a sort of unofficial start to the Season. The Marriage Hunt. He had to do this, he had to be brave. A wife wasn't going to fall into his lap anytime soon and a wife and family is what he wanted. A peaceful life. A quiet life. Something he had been denied his whole life up until now. He could endure a little chaos to get what he wanted. “Harry!” Ron called out and stepped out of the parlor where Harry could hear the music of a pianoforte playing. “So glad you could make it!” he said, shaking his friend's hand earnestly. The Weasley's doorman announced his arrival to his guests and Harry swallowed nervously. Courage man, courage! “Quite a few lovelies in there,” Ron murmured to him. “The twins and I haven't had any luck yet. We think they're holding out for you.” This did nothing to appease he apprehension, it made it worse. Now people had expectations. But he bravely stepped into the parlor. “Mr. Potter!” A round woman with a lovely warm smile stood to greet him. “I'm Mrs. Weasley, Ronald's mother. I'm so very happy to finally meet you! Ron's told us all about you!” “Most of it was good, I hope?” Harry asked, smiling easily. Mrs. Weasley fanned herself briskly and smiled. “But of course, Mr. Potter!” Harry had a quick reunion with the rest of the Weasley men which made him feel more relaxed. Neville was the only other gentleman he knew, the other two men, Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas, were introduced and Harry liked them instantly. Ron steered him from the others and to a pretty red haired girl. “Harry,” he said, “This is my sister, Ginny.” “Pleased to meet your acquaintance, Miss Weasley,” Harry said politely. “And you as well,” Ginny smiled. A new song began and the young men chose their partners. Harry stayed with Ginny. The dance was an easy one that he and Ginny could still hold a conversation together. “We have all been waiting to meet you,” she said pleasantly. “Ron's told us so much about you in his letters.” “He did write a lot,” Harry said. “I believed he missed his family.” “But didn't he see his brothers?” “I actually separated them. Put them in different regiments in case…so they could each bring their assets to different groups.” The real reason was that Harry liked Ron and his brothers. The fact that they all had gone to war spoke of their loyalty to Dumbledore. He couldn't bear it if they were all killed in one attack, their mother would be inconsolable. Harry noticed that the lady's attentions weren't completely on him and he was grateful for that. Ginny kept glancing at the young man in the couple that was dancing next to them. “Would you like an introduction?” he asked, smiling. Ginny blushed. “Oh! No…I…” It was a perfect opportunity, the dance had ended and another one had begun to play. “Neville,” Harry said, “may I introduce the lovely Miss Ginny Weasley.” Neville looked at Ginny and smiled. They traded partners and as Neville moved out of his line of vision, Harry was pleasantly surprised to see the young lady Neville had been dancing with. “And you might be?” he asked the lovely young woman. “Lavender,” she answered shyly. “Miss Lavender Brown.” Harry was very taken with the lovely young woman. She had a creamy complexion, her golden hair was piled neatly on top of her head emphasizing her lovely facial structure. Her figure was slim and pleasing and she wore a lovely gown of silver blue. He finished his dance with her then danced with Miss Lovegood. After that, he danced with Miss Brown again then the one after that. And when dinner was announced he seated himself next to her. He knew he was making his affections obvious but as Harry got to know her through the evening the more sure he was that she could possibly be the one who would be his wife. “Well, my dear ladies,” Mr. Weasley rose to his feet to announce the end of dinner, “we have enjoyed the pleasure of your company.” The men rose to their feet to follow the patron of the home into the parlor for cigars and firewhiskey while the ladies retired to the drawing room. Harry sank into a cushioned chair and held a decanter in one hand, taking a sip to relax him from the evening. “A fine dinner,” Seamus Finnegan said in a satisfying voice. “And quite the choice of ladies,” Ron added and the men agreed. “You seemed very taken with Miss Brown, Harry,” Fred said with a Cheshire grin. “Yes…she is lovely isn't she?” Harry said proudly. “This will be a fine Marriage Mart,” George said. “I wouldn't mind being captured by any one of those lovely ladies.” “It is a shame that Miss Granger couldn't be here,” Seamus said wistfully. Dean groaned. “Oh no, not again.” “What?” Seamus said defensively. “Who's Miss Granger?” Neville asked. “Wasn't she the one that mother and Ginny got in a row over?” Ron asked his father who nodded his head in thought. “Yes, I thought so. Apparently, mother doesn't agree with Ginny being friends with this Miss Granger. She supposedly has what mother calls `a scandalous reputation'.” Fred and George leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued. “Well, that explains where you met her,” Dean nudged his friend. Fred, George and Ron all turned their heads to Seamus who had blushed crimson. “Well, I…we met…” “He lost forty galleons to her in a game of cards,” Dean took him out of his misery. They guys' jaws dropped. “Well, I was distracted!” Seamus said defensively. “You were hustled,” Dean pointed out. “I lost only five galleons.” “Gambling. That doesn't seem to be a very ladylike pastime,” Harry said. “Oh but she is a lady,” Dean admitted. “Very much a lady. “Ginny says she's the daughter of Edward Granger,” Ron added and the men let out a low whistle. Everyone knew who Mr. Granger was, that he was one of he richest men in the wizarding world. “Yes, well you wouldn't believe who she was sitting with,” Seamus said eagerly and the men leaned forward. “Madame Rosemerta.” The men's eyes widened and Mr. Weasley laughed. “A very rich, very beautiful young woman who gambles and pals around with a Madame of a brothel,” Mr. Weasley chuckled. “That, gentlemen, is trouble in a neat little package and it is best if you steered clear of that.” “Mr. Weasley is right,” Harry chimed in. “That kind of lady is not proper material to make a suitable wife.” “Proper and safe is your course of action Harry and by all means you have deserved it,” Fred said, grinning. “I for one am going to make damn sure that Miss Granger permits me at least one dance at Falbrooke.” “After me of course, dear brother,” George added and they clinked their decanters together. --> 4. A Chance Encounter --------------------- Chapter Four: A Chance Encounter Harry took a morning stroll of his grounds at Godric's Hollow. It was quiet and peaceful and it made Harry nervous. For a large part of his life, he had been surrounded in war. At the age of eleven, he had learned the truth of what had truly happened to his parents, that it wasn't just a magical accident. Lord Voldemort had murdered them, given up by a trusted friend. He learned that his parents were in a secret organization called the Order of the Phoenix, a group of spies led by Dumbledore to wage an underground war against Lord Voldemort and his fellow Death Eaters. Voldemort ruthlessly hunted his parents down and murdered them but somehow when he tried to cast the killing curse on himself, it backfired, and Harry was left with a scar on his forehead and deeper scars inside. He became bent on revenge. Everything he learned at Hogwarts he used to sharpen his skills preparing for the day when he would face his enemy and take him down. At fourteen, he had unwillingly participated in the rebirth of Lord Voldemort. Kidnapped and tortured, he had barely escaped with his life but Voldemort was alive. His reign of terror was more deadly than the first claiming many casualties. At fifteen, he had learned that the reason Voldemort was after him was due to a prophecy. He was the only one who could destroy him, he had to for neither could survive whilst the other lived. This was justification for his actions. Casualties took many forms. Harry had given up his first love, Cho Chang, there were more important things at the time. Like revenge on the wizard who had caused him so much pain. When Harry had graduated from Hogwarts, he turned his back on his godfather and enlisted in the war. Sirius had wanted him to come home but Harry stayed by Dumbledore's side. A decision that was necessary for him to meet his goals. The fruition of which happened on the fields just outside of Hogwarts. He had him there. He had disarmed him. Harry looked down upon the wizard with hate and he thought of his revenge as he cast the killing curse. The moment the curse had left his wand, he knew something went wrong. The spell was powerful and it knocked Voldemort flat on his back. But it didn't kill him. It knocked his life essence out of him. Dumbledore had approached him at that time and had seen the spirit curse Harry then flee away into the darkness of the nearby forests. Harry never forgot the look on Dumbledore's face. He looked at him with a mixture of disappointment and pity. The wizarding world had counted on him to defeat the Dark Lord and he had failed. But by then, others had seen Voldemort's lifeless body on the ground and the word quickly spread that he was defeated once again before Dumbledore or Harry could stop it. Voldemort would not bother them again for some time and Harry had nothing left to do but pack up and go home to a life he had left behind so many years ago. Dumbledore had summoned him to his office before Harry left. “Tell me, Harry,” he had said, “what was it that you were feeling when you cast the Killing Curse on him?” Harry frowned and shrugged. It was so obvious to him. “Revenge,” he answered simply. Dumbledore nodded and frowned. “Well, Harry, good luck to you. And I sincerely hope you find what it is you are truly looking for in life.” Harry had thought a lot about those words. When he had cast the curse, it felt wrong and empty. He got no satisfaction that he had destroyed Voldemort to a mere spirit. But he had filled himself with the idea for revenge for so long, that he didn't know what else to feel. So he buried himself in his home life. He would return as Lord to his lands, be the good person who tended to his people, find a proper wife, have a few kids and find the peace that had eluded him his entire life. “Hello Harry,” said a familiar voice. Harry was startled out of his thoughts by a visitor. “Professor Dumbledore, sir.” The old man smiled kindly at him. “I hope I'm not bothering you? Your house elf let me in and I said I would find you myself. Such a lovely day for a stroll isn't it?” “Yes, it is,” Harry agreed. “You have a very nice property. It's always been one of my favorites,” Dumbledore said. “You are welcome here anytime, of course,” Harry offered. Dumbledore smiled kindly. “Well, Harry, I've come here on some business.” “Any word about him?” Harry asked, speaking of Voldemort. “I'm afraid not. That is what has me uneasy. His Death Eaters have become silent and are reemerging into the wizarding world,” Dumbledore sighed. “I'm re-organizing the Order. They are needed at this time to be my eyes and ears.” “I want in,” Harry said immediately. “I figured you would, Harry. But I must warn you that you will have to interact with the previous members. And get along with them on a professional level, leaving personal matters outside of your duties,” Dumbledore said cryptically. Harry knew he was speaking of his godfather. “Yes sir. I understand,” Harry said earnestly. “We will be doing some recruiting. Think carefully of whom you wish to bring in the circle,” Dumbledore said. Harry immediately thought of Ron, Neville, Fred and George. He would speak to them individually about this in private. “I will send word of where and when our first meeting will be held. In the meantime, take care, Harry. And uh…good luck on your current endeavor.” The old man's eyes twinkled and Harry shifted uncomfortably. After Dumbledore had left, Harry returned to the manor to ready himself for a brunch with the Diggory's. He apparated just outside their quaint tudor and was greeted by a house elf with large violet eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen Cho and she was just as lovely as he remembered her to be. She and Cedric were expecting their first child and it made her more radiant. But the puppy love had worn off and Harry saw her as she was to him, a good friend. “Harry! I'm so pleased you could make it!” Cho said cheerfully as she rose from her seat to greet him. “You look lovely as usual,” Harry said warmly then shook Cedric's hand in an earnest greeting. “Congratulations Diggory,” Harry said, speaking of the expectant child. Cedric had served under Harry but when news of Cho's pregnancy came about, Harry had him transferred out of the battlegrounds and into a safer, clerical position. Cedric had been glad about that. He was able to come home to his wife and be with her while still apparating to London once in awhile to take care of business. “And how are you, Harry? Able to get the peace and quiet you deserve?” he asked. “It will happen,” Harry shrugged. “Sooner than later if Cho has her way,” Cedric muttered and Cho playfully hit her husband with her fan and gave him a cold look. Cedric shrugged and gave Harry an apologetic look. “This way, Harry,” Cho said, leading Harry out of the house and to the patio where a table was set up. Harry could now see why Cedric was apologizing. He was pleased to see Neville at the table sitting next to Miss Weasley. And next to Miss Weasley was, to Harry's delight, Miss Brown. It was very obvious that Cho was doing a little matchmaking, but it didn't upset Harry. She could've set him up with much worse. The brunch was a pleasant affair with light and playful chatter. When the tea was finished, Cho rose from her chair and suggested that they all take a walk on the grounds to see the remodels she had done to the gardens. The couples paired off and slowly began to put some distance between each other as they walked through the grounds. Lavender looked very pretty in the pale pink dress she wore, although the hat she was wearing seemed a bit annoying. But as she explained, she had delicate skin that was subject to freckles in the sun. The mysteries of feminine beauty ideals was a topic that Harry steered clear from. “So…,” Harry said, fetching for a topic to converse on. “You will be going to Falbrooke tomorrow night?” he asked. “Oh yes,” Lavender answered enthusiastically. “It's the official start of the season! Everyone is going to be there.” Unease settled in Harry. He was uncomfortable enough at the dinner at the Burrow and that only had a few people. Now it seemed all of wizarding society would turn up at Falbrooke. Harry briefly wished he hadn't sent his acceptance. “You know, it has been so long since Godric's Hollow has received visitors,” Lavender said. “Now that you own it, are you going to open it up?” “Do you think I should?” Harry asked. “Yes, people would love to see it. I should enjoy it, I've never been there,” she said. Harry smiled down at her. “Perhaps I should open it up. I'll probably have to host a dance.” Lavender's eyes lit up. “That would be magnificent!” “I shall think about it then,” Harry said. In truth, he had no idea how to go about doing these things. Maybe the house elves did, he'd ask them when he returned home. ~*~ Falbrooke was large. Its many windows were lit in the evening somehow making the large structure more imposing. Or maybe it was all in his head. Harry stood next to Ron who was gaping up at the place. “Well,” Ron said. “I believe we should go in. We can't stand out here forever Harry.” Harry had been the one holding them back. His nerves were on edge, there were so many people here and already they were pointing and whispering at him as they arrived. Twice he had failed to summon the courage to march ahead. But Ron pushed him forward. “A Mr. Ronald Weasley and Mr. Harry Potter,” they were announced. Harry felt every eye turn on him and he wanted to run but he was swallowed in the crowd. The room was gold and gilded, the floating candles put a bright glow in the room. There were so many people here and all of them dressed smartly. “It's so good to meet you, Mr. Potter!” “This is my daughter, Miss Emmaline Smith.” “Cheers to the war hero!” “What was it like defeating You-Know-Who?” “May I introduce you to the Misses Parvati and Padma Patil?” “It's such a pleasure to finally meet you.” “I've heard so much about you!” The walls slowly began to close in on him and he had miraculously managed to make it out into the near empty foyer. He felt trapped and he felt as if his lungs were being squeezed. There were stairs next to him and he took them to the upper floor where it was quiet. Large portraits hung on the wall and looked at him curiously as he passed. The doors were open in one room, revealing a large library. The stacks went clear up to the high ceiling, the tables were piled with papers of the Quibbler. A cool breeze floated in from open doors that led to a balcony. Harry stepped onto it and immediately found that he was not alone. “Oh! I beg your pardon!” he said quickly. The young woman who was there started and looked up at him. Harry felt as if he were suddenly knocked to the floor. His world literally felt like it shifted. She was *the most* beautiful young woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her lovely cinnamon colored hair was piled graciously on the top of her perfect head revealing a long and slender neck. Her eyes were pools of brown that Harry wanted to drown himself in. Her cute little nose led to cherubic lips that begged to be kissed. She wore a rust colored gown with a daring and revealing v-neck that gave just a glimpse of the wonderous flesh that lay beneath it. Then she spoke and it was the most beautiful sound Harry had ever heard. “It's quite alright. The balcony is big enough for two.” Hermione had to choke those words out. She hoped she didn't sound like a fool. The young man startled her and when she turned to look at him she felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Goosebumps rose on her flesh and there suddenly seemed to be no air to breathe. He was handsome. Devastatingly handsome. He was tall and slender, his dark hair seemed slightly unruly but seemed to emphasize a hidden wildness underneath. His emerald green eyes bore into hers and she felt as if she was being plundered, willfully ravaged. She felt like a rabbit trapped by a fox. All her flirtations had flown out and left her behind to tremble like a silly little girl. He stepped onto the balcony, accepting her offer with a smile. Her hand that rested on the rail, suddenly gripped it as if her life depended on it. She needed to pull herself together. Harry looked at her curiously. It was improper for him to be alone with her without an escort. Her reputation would be at stake if anyone should find them here together alone. But he wouldn't pass up an invitation like this and as he stepped onto the balcony he felt a tingling sensation, something that told him that this was a moment he wouldn't ever forget. “I needed to get away from there,” he said gratefully. Instantly he wished he could take that back. He sounded like a coward. “It is overwhelming,” she said. “All those people.” “Talking,” Harry added. “Whispering softly,” Hermione added. “Knowing they're...talking about you.” Harry looked at her. They had both finished his sentence. Hermione held his gaze for a moment then looked away and laughed lightly. “I'm sorry, you must think me a coward.” “No, no I don't,” Harry answered softly. “I apparated here and it took me three ties to work the nerve to step inside.” Hermione laughed again and Harry felt his insides somersault. “At least you can apparate,” she said. “I had a long carriage ride to work up the nerve.” “It does seem a bit unfair that only wizards can apparate,” Harry said. Hermione tilted her lead and looked at him. “Do you really think so?” she asked and Harry nodded. “I think women should know as much as the men do about magic. It would come in handy.” Harry sadly thought of villages that had been ravaged by Voldemort. Many of the casualties had been women and children. If only they had know how to protect themselves. “I envy you,” she sighed. “Studying under the tutelage of Albus Dumbledore. Learning all those spells.” “He truly is a great teacher,” Harry agreed. “But I'm sure they teach witches some handy spells at Beauxbatons?” Hermione scoffed. “I have a large repertoire of cleaning and cooking spells. You know the everyday household kinds.” “Did they not teach you any defense spells?” Harry asked, surprised. Hermione shrugged. “Why would they? Why would *we* have any use of them for?” Harry heard the disdain in her voice. “Besides, the war is over now.” “Wars are never over,” Harry said softly. “I agree,” Hermione said gently. This man was obviously a soldier. What horrors had this Adonis seen? Harry looked over at her. “Would you like me to teach you one?” he asked. Her eyes sparkled. “Oh, yes!” she said eagerly and reached down the front of her dress for her wand. Hermione inwardly cringed. Had she really just done that? Harry looked at her, an amused look in his eyes. He stepped closer to her. “I'm going to teach you a disarming spell,” he said. “Although I really don't think *you* need magic to disarm a man.” It came out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Was he under the Imperius? Where had *that* come from? Was he flirting? He cleared his throat. “The incantation is Expelliarmus.” “Expelliarmus,” Hermione repeated. “Very good,” Harry said. “Now the motion to make is this.” He made a slashing motion with his wand. Hermione repeated it but didn't quite nail it down. “No, more like this,” he repeated the movement again, this time a little slower. Hermione mimicked him, a little frustrated because she really wanted to learn this and didn't want to look like a complete imbecile. “Here, let me.” Harry walked over to her and stood next to her, his hand reached and wrapped around hers that was holding her wand. A shock ran through them both at his touch but Harry bravely didn't step away. He concentrated at the task at hand and not on the feel of her skin under his hand, the underlying fragrance of flowers from her perfume, the closeness of her. Hermione wanted to lean back and melt into him. She wanted the hand that rested on hers to wander all over her. She breathed him in and closed her eyes briefly. A heated flush crept over her. She made the slashing motion with him and then again. The air around them was fragrant and warm. The fairies that had decorated the gardens flew by them once in awhile, little soft glowing balls of light. Harry left her side to face her again. “Now,” his voice was barely above a whisper. “Disarm me.” “Expelliarmus.” Harry's wand flew out of his hand and into the library. She had done it. But she didn't shout out and rejoice. She just stood in front of him, transfixed. “Accio wand,” Hermione said carelessly and Harry's wand flew into her waiting hand. Hermione's heart pounded in her chest as he slowly walked over to her. Was it the exhilaration of the new spell? The trouble that he could get into for teaching her this? Harry didn't know and didn't care. All he knew, as he approached her, was that he was going to kiss her. He had to. “Thank you,” he whispered as he took the wand from her hand. But he didn't move and Hermione didn't protest or try to move away. She watched as he lowered his head to hers, closed her eyes as she felt his breath hot on her lips. Harry pressed his lips lightly against hers, feeling something burst inside of him. Magic. That's what it was. Oh, what was he doing? This was so unheard of and he'd never been so bold in his life. What had come over him? It was something in the air, something in the moment that made his actions make sense. There was no turning back, propriety or not, he wouldn't leave this moment. Was this a dream? It had to be, how else could she explain what had happened? The most handsome man she had ever met stepped onto the balcony with her, talked with her, kissed her. She became very aware of her surroundings, felt the goosebumps on her skin, his body so close to hers. She normally teased and played with the men before deciding if she would give him the opportunity to kiss her. But she hadn't had a coherent thought since he stepped onto the balcony with her. It was the lightest of kisses and her lips were soft under his but they both felt as if they had stumbled upon something explosive, it simmered and bubbled, waiting…waiting… Harry ended the kiss with a small peck to her cheek. What was he doing, the logical side to him was screaming. This was most improper, meeting a stranger on the balcony, kissing her although she didn't protest. It was all very strange…but right. It felt right, deep down something inside clicked into place. He gave a small laugh as he stepped away. “This is a little late but I don't even know your name,” he said smiling. Hermione laughed at the absurdity of it all. “You're absolutely right! My name—“ “There you are!” The sound of Sirius' voice was the pin that burst her bubble of enchantment. “I thought I would find you in the…library.” Sirius' voice trailed off at the end when he saw her companion. Hermione felt like a child who had been caught doing something naughty. She was flushed and stammered out her next words. “Sirius, er, Mr. Black this is…” “Harry,” Sirius answered for her. “Harry Potter.” Harry suddenly dreaded this moment and braced himself for the usual reaction. The wide eyes, the flickering glance to his scar. But he was not at all prepared for the look on the young lady's face. She looked at him as if he were an insect she had inadvertently squashed with a satin slipper. “I see you have met the lovely Miss Granger,” Sirius said smiling. Harry masked the shock on his face. Miss Granger? Hermione Granger? He put her lovely face to the stories the men had told that night at the Burrow and he couldn't believe it. “I'm glad to see you are returned home safe and sound,” Sirius said. “Thank you, sir,” Harry replied. “Are you planning on staying?” “I have taken up residency in Godric's Hollow.” Harry felt a twinge of guilt for not seeing his godfather sooner. “And so the prodigal son returns,” Sirius said with a hint of amusement. Harry gave a short laugh and changed the topic. “I hear you have made quite a fortune for yourself.” Hermione who had said nothing the entire time was in an outrage. She huffed loudly, gathered her skirts and abruptly left the company of the gentlemen. Harry and Sirius both stepped forward to stop her but then looked at each other awkwardly. It suddenly occurred to Harry that Sirius had come into the library looking for Miss Granger. He had no idea what was the relationship between them, he could be courting her for all he knew. Oh, but he had to know what had upset Miss Granger and why she had looked at him the way she did. Sirius took advantage of Harry's pause and continued on his way to pursue the young lady. With irritation, Harry let him go on. Miss Granger would be on the dance floor soon. He could catch her there. Sirius caught up with her in the corridor. He caught her upper arm and turned her to face him. “May I ask what has gotten you all upset?” Hermione looked at him appalled. “I don't believe you! How can you stand there and be amicable with that…that…man after all he has done to you!” Her voice was a harsh whisper. “Hermione, he is like a son to me. In my eyes he can do no evil. Frankly, I'm happy to have him returned to me in one piece.” Hermione clucked her tongue impatiently. “He abandoned you, Sirius. Abandoned you to run off and join a war.” “He had his reasons.” “There is no excuse to turn your back on the ones you love.” She turned to leave again but Sirius put out his hand to stop her. A sharp look from her and he let her go. The noise of the crowd from the ballroom spilled into the foyer as she went down the stairs. This would not do, she was in a horrible mood, so much had happened just moments ago. She took a calming breath and composed herself before walking into the room. She sought Ginny and Luna out immediately and stood by their sides. “So many people here this time,” Hermione commented. “The end of the war has brought people out for celebration,” Luna explained. “Plus I added the bonus of inviting two of the most eligible bachelors.” She nodded toward the doors as Sirius walked into the room. “Yes, I can't believe Mr. Black was brave enough to show up tonight,” Hermione said, watching the mothers and daughters eye him curiously. Her view became blocked by two stocky identical red heads. “Hello dear sister,” one of them said. “Might I add that you look delightful tonight?” said the other. Ginny sighed and rolled her eyes at them. She turned to Hermione and said in a dull tone. “May I introduce my brothers Fred and George Weasley. Fred, George, this is Miss Hermione Granger.” “Lovely to meet you,” Fred said, raising her hand and kissing the back of it. Hermione's eyebrows rose. “Very fortunate for the introduction,” George said, mimicking his brother's actions. “Twins! My, my,” Hermione smiled and they grinned back. “Have you met many before?” George asked. “No. You two get the honor of being the first set I've met,” she replied. There was a slight commotion at the other side of the room and Hermione saw that Harry had entered the room. The ladies looked torn between Sirius and Harry. She saw that he was scanning the room and her stomach contracted when his eyes locked with hers. She hastily looked away but it was too late. He was coming forward to approach her. She shifted uncomfortably, looking for a way out. The music began for the first dance of the evening and Fred turned to her. “May I?” he asked. She looked over his shoulder. Harry was nearly upon her. “Of course!” she said brightly and took his hand to the dance floor. Harry's eyes narrowed as he watched Fred escort Hermione for the first dance of the evening. She had seen him coming and was deliberately avoiding him. Extremely put out, Harry sought out Miss Brown. As they danced, Hermione could see Harry in the corner of her eye dancing with Miss Brown. Good, keep him occupied, she thought. But she could feel him watching her once in awhile. The dance ended and Harry cursed silently as George stepped in his brother's place. Fine then, the next dance. She couldn't hide from him forever. But the next dance she took with Ron Weasley, and the next with Fred again. Sirius looked as if he would approach her but Hermione threw him a scathing look that told him not to even try it. She had managed to avoid Harry so far but her luck soon ran out. “Shall I get us some drinks?” Fred asked. Hermione was a bit parched. “Yes, please,” she said and stood off to the side, waiting for him. Leaving her without a partner as the next dance began. Harry took this opportunity. “Would you care to accompany me for this dance?” he asked her. Hermione looked up at him. “No.” Harry's jaw tightened. He was quickly losing his patience with her. She gave out a small sound of protest when he grabbed her hand and practically yanked her onto the floor. Harry and Hermione could hear the flurry of whispers as they stood opposite each other. Miss Brown was throwing daggers at the back of Hermione's head. Anger burned in Hermione. How DARE he! Fine, if he wanted to hash this out now, so be it. They bowed to each other at the start of the dance, both of them throwing challenging glares. “I should like to know why you looked at me the way you did when you learned my name,” Harry said coolly. “Because I think you're a cad,” Hermione answered. “I assume it's because of our little scene on the balcony.” Hermione scoffed. “That little scene on the balcony would not have occurred had you been a gentleman and told me your name.” “If I can recall correctly, you were a very willing participant,” Harry muttered and Hermione flushed. “Very well, it's not that. This was the first time we have met so I can't think of any other way I've offended you.” “Mr. Black,” she answered. “Sirius?” “Yes, I don't like you because of the way you treated your godfather.” Harry missed a step in the dance but recovered quickly. Hermione had a small smile of triumph. “I hardly think that it's any business of yours,” Harry said harshly. “My friends' well-beings are my business,” she retorted. “Is that what Sirius is?” he asked. It came out more bitter than he had intended. Hermione didn't answer, she just gave him a secretive smile. Harry had to willfully suppress the urge to punch or throw something against the wall. He was still simmering with anger when dinner was finally announced. He watched as Fred and George escorted Hermione into the dining hall, taking seats on either side of her. He sought out Lavender. Lavender was quiet, Lavender was safe. He forced pleasant conversation with those around him but her laughter would sometimes ring out as one of the twins whispered something to her. She was thoroughly irritating him and he looked up at her once and caught her eye. He could see her humor was forced as well. He could see her anger with him bubbling under the surface. Good, he thought. Her dinner was ruined as well. Mr. Weasley was right, that young woman was trouble in a neat little package indeed. --> 5. Trouble in a Neat Little Package ----------------------------------- Chapter Five: Trouble in a Neat Little Package The small group of wizards crowded into the kitchens of the abandoned family home of Sirius Black, Grimmauld Place. Harry was surprised to see some familiar faces that he had fought with in the war standing next to him in the room. Most surprising was the Potions professor Severus Snape, Harry's most disliked teacher at Hogwarts. Ron, Neville, Fred and George joined them. Along with Harry, they were to be initiated into the group tonight. “Nothing, no sign of him and no news,” Snape was telling everyone. “He will come out from hiding somehow,” Dumbledore said thoughtfully. “I say we keep an eye on some of our Death Eater suspects. I'd bet one of them would lead us to him,” Sirius spoke up. “I agree,” Harry said. “Very well. It's settled then,” Dumbledore said. “We keep our enemies even closer, watch them. Even the darkest secrets have a way of coming out.” ~*~ The sky was a bit hazy when Harry met up with Ron, Neville and Dean. Seamus was coming along shortly. They had gathered at the Longbottom Estate for a hunt, Dean wanted to show them how to do it the muggle way, releasing the fox ahead of time before the hounds. The horses Neville and Dean provided were healthy and strong and Harry wondered if he should look into starting his own stables. It had been two days since Falbrooke and Harry was looking forward to this hunt as a way to unwind. The fates were not with him today. “Well, I'll be…” Dean said amusingly. Harry followed Dean's line of sight. Over a small hill, two riders appeared, Seamus…and Miss Granger. Harry swore under his breath but only Ron heard him and he looked at his friend curiously. Hermione's throat seemed to close when she saw who was among the group. All the anxiety she felt that night at Falbrooke seemed to wash over her. She summoned up her courage and rode to meet the gentlemen. “I hope you gents don't mind but rumor has it that the lady is a rather accomplished rider,” Seamus said as he joined them. Murmurs of consent could be heard among them and they all flashed her winning smiles. All but Harry who remained tight lipped and was scowling. Hermione saw this and made it a point to greet the gentlemen with a winning smile of her own that nearly unseated them. “Seamus has said this was to be a hunt the muggle way?” she asked Dean. “Uh…yes. Yes this is a muggle hunt, I mean a fox hunt,” Dean stammered and recovered. Harry rolled his eyes. “Gentlemen, if we are finished tripping over ourselves, shall we proceed?” he said coolly and began to lead the group. For some insane reason, Hermione wanted Harry to notice her, to fawn over her like the others did so easily. But she shook her head and came to her senses. If she could avoid the man, the better. Damn the tart! Harry's mood was dark and he didn't join in the light-hearted discussion that was going on around him. How dare she ride up to him, looking positively delectable in her grey riding dress? He was so angry with Seamus that he nearly cancelled his participation. But he wouldn't do that, she wouldn't run him out of society. For crying out loud, she wouldn't run him out of anything. The riders approached the field and Dean got down from his horse and set a crate on the ground. He opened a latch and the red little fox burst out, running madly into the tall grass. The hounds bayed and howled, itching to have a go at the fox, straining against their leashes. The riders all waited patiently, Harry and Hermione's horses stood next to each other. Harry was pleased to see her grip tighten on the mantle when he rode up to her. Little triumphs. Little triumphs. “Dabbling in hunting now, Miss Granger?” Harry murmured next to her. “How un-ladylike.” His tone was light and playful. Hermione threw him a look of scorn. “You are a poor judge of mannerisms, considering you are no gentleman,” she replied tartly. Harry gave her a wry grin that sent a heat pooling to her thighs. “Only around you, Miss Granger. Only around you.” Ron gave a slight glance in his friend's direction. He had heard every word and had seen Miss Granger's reaction to him, had seen her flush red. Was he…*seducing* her? His mild mannered friend, the hero, the young man who was so awkward with the ladies even though he had no trouble catching them? His best friend was no saint. He was cut from the same cloth as any young hot-blooded male. His notoriety gave him no shortage of beds to lie in but his friend was reserved, losing himself only a few times in the arms of a maiden and more than once had learned the lesson of biting off more than you could chew. Harry had had a rough life and Ron was looking forward to him settling down, finding himself a suitable wife and living a life of peace that he had fought so hard for. His friend was now falling into the entrancing web of Hermione Granger, I mean, weren't they all? Seamus and Dean were making fools of themselves over her and he, himself, wasn't resistant to her charms. But now that Ron stepped back and looked at the picture, there seemed to be more going on underneath the surface. Harry wasn't really falling into the trap and Miss Granger was not trying to lead him into her spell. She seemed…afraid of him. And his friend knew it, well deep down he did, the matter probably hadn't come to the surface just yet. “Shall we make a friendly wager?” Harry asked Hermione. Hermione looked at him, amused. “I didn't think you were a gambler, Mr. Potter.” “I only gamble if the odds are in my favor for a generous return,” his voice was low and husky. Hermione looked at him appraisingly, unconsciously her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips slightly as she thought. Blood rushed to Harry's loins. “Ten galleons,” Hermione said coyly. “On the fox.” Harry raised his eyebrows. “You bet on the prey? Fine, I shall take the predator.” The hounds were released and they scampered into the field. Harry watched with amusement as Hermione adjusted her riding position to sit astride, her dress hiking up to reveal shapely calves and ankles. “This will be a good ride,” she said before digging into her horse to race after the hounds. Harry, not to be outdone, took off after her. The wind felt wonderful as it washed over her, roaring past her ears. She felt free and alive. She followed the hounds ahead of her, the yelps and bellows barely heard above the din of clattering hooves. Harry pulled up next to her, grinned then pulled ahead. Hermione urged her horse faster, closing the gap between them. Harry looked back and laughed. It was a child like and carefree laugh. He had never felt so alive. Hermione grinned as she pulled up next to him. The fox forgotten, competition with Harry filling her mind. So she wanted to race? He made a hard left, veering into the wooded area, away from the others, Hermione in pursuit. Harry dodged effortlessly between the trees and shrubs, listening for the pounding of hooves behind him. She was still on his tail. Nimbly, she raced after him, a desperation to prove herself an able rider motivated her. They broke free from the woods and Harry came to a stop at the crest of a hill. Hermione pulled up next to him. She peered over a green valley, a small creek running through and a large familiar looking house loomed in the distance. “Godric's Hollow,” Harry said, answering her unasked question. “It's beautiful,” Hermione whispered. It was the truth. The land and home were truly breathtaking. Harry looked over at her. She was flushed from a hard ride, her hair falling out of its knot, making her look wanton and untamed. Harry desperately fought the urge to take her down from her horse and have his way with her, right here on the soft earth. Hermione seemed to sense him, sense his thoughts and a flush crept over her. Curiosity and temptation took over her mind and she brought her horse next to his. Their legs touched and they both felt the addictive sensations that came with it. Hermione wanted him to kiss her, kiss her fiercely with passion. She wanted to fly to the sun with him and be burned. She knew exactly how to play him. “Tell me, Harry,” she said softly. “Do you kiss as good as your godfather?” She watched, delighted, as the muscles in his jaw tensed then he turned to look at her, his eyes dark. A stab of fear went through her and she knew she had stirred a sleeping dragon. The fox was in the hound's jaws. “No,” Harry replied roughly, “I kiss better.” With one hand, he reached behind her head and brought her lips roughly to his. The kiss wasn't the light and pleasant one on the balcony. It was rough and raw and permeated with pure lust. The flame of desire inside Hermione was no longer a flame, it was a roaring fire. It was too hot and she tried to back away but Harry wouldn't let her go. His lips hot on hers, his tongue thrusting entrance into her mouth and she complied. Her hands that had been fisted now clung to him for dear life. With her tongue she tasted him, drank him. She was drowning and desperately tried to claw to the surface. What game was she playing? Harry knew she was baiting him and he gladly fell into her trap, filling the desperate need to feel her mouth against his, the need that he didn't know was there. She was like opium, addictive, he needed more of her and he didn't know if he could ever be satiated. Was this what Madame Rosemerta had warned her about? It had to be, she was losing her center. She needed to stop this. She was saved by the pounding of hooves in the distance. She ripped herself from Harry just as the others in their group emerged from the forest. Harry was rudely ripped into reality and he looked at Hermione. She was instantly calm and composed, though her lips were red and looking very well kissed. Seamus didn't seem to notice as he rode up to her and took a place at her side. Harry made way for him, putting distance between himself and Hermione. What had he been thinking? What had come over him? He had never acted so brash before. It was so un-gentlemanlike that he wondered of what he had said earlier was true. Miss Granger had a way of stripping him of honor and propriety. He watched as she giggled and laughed at Ron, Seamus and Dean's antics as they rode away. Neville rode beside him as they headed toward the Longbottom Estate. “Well, the fox got away,” Neville sighed. “Yes,” Harry said quietly. “Yes, she did.” ~*~ Dressed in a pale blue light dress, Hermione made her way to the patio at the back of the Burrow. Hermione desperately needed the comfort of her two best friends to set right her world that Mr. Potter had thrown askew. Approaching the table, she saw that Miss Lavender Brown and Miss Susan Bones had joined the tea party. Sitting down next to Ginny, Hermione relished the disapproving looks she had received from Lavender and Susan. Hermione politely sipped from her teacup and picked out two delectable cream cakes from the plate on the center of the table. “I was just telling Ms. Brown and Miss Bones that this Season is the best one yet,” Luna exclaimed. “Falbrooke was just delightful!” Ginny gushed. The ladies agreed. “It would be delightful if we all were in the company that our dear Ginny was in,” Hermione smiled. “Mr. Longbottom is wonderful, isn't he?” Ginny blushed. “He is quite the gentleman,” Hermione agreed. She truly did like the young man and found him to have quite an agreeable temperament. If only the same could be said for another one of his friends. “Mr. Potter thinks quite highly of him,” Lavender said as she took a sip from her cup. “Speaking of which,” Susan stepped in, “I want to wear pink to your wedding.” “Oh stop it!” Lavender blushed and said modestly, although Hermione could see the flattery underneath it. “What?” Ginny asked leaning forward. “Has he spoken to your father?” Luna asked eagerly. “No, no of course not. Susan is just speaking ahead of herself. You mustn't make such assumptions,” Lavender protested weakly. “Oh, it's only a matter of time before Mr. Potter does,” Luna said reassuringly. Hermione nearly dropped her teacup in her lap. “Everyone can see how enamored he is of you,” Ginny smiled. Hermione was in shock. That cad! That miserable little rake! That vile, wretched excuse for a gentleman! Twice he had kissed her in an intimate way and the entire time his affections lay elsewhere! Hermione enjoyed her men, but she certainly did not fool around with those who were unavailable. “Hello ladies! I hope you don't mind our company.” Harry was with Ron, the twins and Neville when they decided to crash the tea party. He knew that Lavender was there but he was shocked to see Hermione. He hid it well as he strolled out onto the patio, Ron announcing their arrival. Hermione was very put out, her tea ruined and she seethed with anger at the handsome young man as he walked in. Harry deliberately ignored her and went straight to Lavender, claiming a seat next to her. Hermione was relieved that Fred sat next to her but not wanting to spend another moment in close proximity to Harry she stood up. “Actually, it's a very nice day and I was thinking of going for a walk. Would you care to join me?” she asked Fred. “Oh, but it's not proper!” Susan protested. “You cannot walk about without a proper chaperone!” “I'm proper enough,” Fred protested as he rose from his chair. “Miss Granger will be in very capable hands.” George sniggered and Hermione grinned wickedly. Harry sat there and said nothing, although inside he was raging. He watched with cool eyes as Hermione and Fred left their company. “Don't look so scandalized, Susan,” Ginny said. “Hermione can take care of herself.” “She is too independent,” Lavender sniffed. “It's just not proper!” “But that's Hermione,” Luna interjected. “She's an independent and wild spirit. And our friend and it's most improper to insult your host's guests.” With that, Lavender dropped the subject and Harry found a new admiration for Miss Luna Lovegood. He found a strange comfort in the thought that Hermione had such loyal friends. Hermione's walk with Fred was innocent enough, filled with lighthearted chit-chat. She had learned that he and his twin George were thinking of opening up a shop in Diagon Alley catering to pranksters. She found an easy comfort in Fred's company, he made her laugh and managed to take her mind off of the tension of the tea party. But the moment had come when they found themselves back in the company of others. The remaining members of the tea party had joined them on the grounds of the Burrow. “Mr. Potter's just had a lovely idea,” Ginny said as they approached. “He's invited us to Godric's Hollow.” “The place is now properly ready to receive visitors,” Harry added. ~*~ The carriage ride was the longest most tortuous ride in her life. She felt trapped, like a scared animal in a cage awaiting its doom. She didn't want to go to Godric's Hollow, she didn't want to see the lion's den. She was beginning to panic, she didn't want to be anywhere near Mr. Potter. “Are you alright, Hermione?” Ginny asked with concern. “Yes…yes, I'm fine,” Hermione answered as composed as she could. It must have sounded plausible because Ginny was pleased with her answer and didn't pursue the topic any further. Godric's Hollow came into view as they crested a small hill. The large structure had a long drive that was lined on both sides with tall, lush and green trees. The carriage came to a halt and a footman hurried over to open the door. Neville Longbottom, ever the gentleman, rushed over to assist the ladies from the carriage. Harry felt nervous, this was the first time he had invited anyone but his closest friends to his home. Dobby came out and Harry informed him of the number of his guests. Lavender stepped down from the carriage and took her place by his side. “It looks wonderful, Mr. Potter,” she said in a voice of awe. Harry smiled down at her. “I'm glad you like it,” he said. He looked up in time to see a delicate gloved hand pop out of the carriage and rest in Neville's hand. Elegantly, Hermione stepped out of the carriage and raised her head up to take in all of the manor. For some reason, Harry was nervous, her reaction to his home somehow seemed so important to him. He cleared his throat and offered his arm to Lavender and walked inside. The group walked into a large foyer, a table in the middle held a large arrangement of fresh flowers. Two staircases lay on either side of the room leading upstairs, a plush red carpet rested upon them. There were two sets of French doors that rested on either side of them, one leading to the drawing room, the other the parlor. Harry led them through both rooms, the guests oohing and ahing at various family treasures. Next he led them to the large dining room which held a large mahogany table with a number of chairs then had red plush cushions. Ginny gasped with delight when Harry took them through the ballroom, its gilded gold mirrors reflected the polished wooden floors. “Oh, Mr. Potter, you must hold a ball here!” Ginny exclaimed. “It would be a shame to keep people away from such a lovely house as this,” Luna agreed. “I was thinking about it,” Harry said casually. As Harry led them up the stairs and into the corridor, Hermione felt a twinge of jealousy toward Lavender. All this will be hers someday. She would be Lady of this house. Hermione examined the portraits that looked down upon her curiously and she nodded politely back. She stopped at one that contained a lovely looking couple, the lady had beautiful red hair and familiar looking green eyes, the gentleman who stood next to her was ruggedly handsome and also looked very familiar. “They're my parents,” said a quiet voice behind her. Hermione turned around to see Harry looking up at the portrait, a hint of sadness in his eyes. They were somewhat alone, the others had gone further down the corridor following Dobby. “They're a handsome couple,” Hermione said honestly. Hermione turned and began to stroll after the rest of the group, Harry at her side. “You have a lovely home,” Hermione said politlely. “Thank you,” Harry replied. “I'm a bit nervous, this is the first time I've received visitors other than my best friends.” “Well, I shall consider myself fortunate that I should be among the first of your guests,” she said. “Miss Brown is nearly beside herself. I think she will enjoy being the Lady of this house.” Harry's face must have registered shock because Hermione laughed lightly. “Your inevitable proposal was discussed at tea.” “Are my intentions that obvious?” Harry asked. “Are you not in the marriage mart looking for a wife? Although I do think you a rake for misplacing your affections on me.” “And are you in the marriage mart this season?” Harry asked with irritation. Hermione laughed. “Of course not. Oh, don't look so surprised, I'm sure you've heard the rumors about me. And it's probably why you choose to take your frustrations out on me but I will tell you this, Mr. Potter. I would appreciate no further such encounters with you, especially since you are to ask another for her hand. You need to pay that sort of attention on Miss Brown.” “I'm sorry you are misguided but I was not taking my frustrations out on you,” Harry retorted. “What would you call it then?” she asked. “I don't know but I do know that you felt it too,” Harry persisted. An odd silence fell between the two of them and they joined the others in the library. Harry watched as her face lit up with delight at the collection of books they held. Immediately, she perused the titles, her delicate fingers tracing the spines of the books. It wasn't all in his head was it? Maybe she was right and he was taking his frustrations out on her, but it couldn't be, how else could he explain what had happened between them. Lust. It had to be just pure and simple lust. He was a hot-blooded young man and she a reckless young woman. They were bound to collide like this. “Would you like my opinion?” she asked casually. “I doubt you would hold back,” Harry replied. “It doesn't seem to suit you…a quiet marriage to Lavender.” “I think a little peace and quiet is just what I need,” Harry answered abruptly then walked away to join Lavender at her side. Hermione gave out a little huff of frustration. Why was she in such a tizzy about this? She and Harry were having a little fun, that was all. She needed to pull herself together. The group went outdoors to take a small tour of the gardens and Hermione's mood began to reflect the darkening sky. She watched as Harry bent down to talk to Lavender, watched her smile and look up at him. Tears began to sting her eyes and she felt as if she would be sick. She stood near the entrance of a garden maze and sought solace inside. If she was going to cry she was going to do it alone where no one would see her, where she could calmly compose herself and walk out of here with her head held high. Harry Potter was not going to reduce her to a sniveling ninny. The smell of rain hung heavy in the air and the first drops of rain began to fall as they finished their tours of the grounds. Harry was determined not to let Miss Granger get to him. Lavender was a good match for him, a match with Hermione was absurd. He wouldn't even think about it. The kisses he shared with Hermione were just fueled by lust. Or so he told himself. He could achieve the same with Lavender. Yes, that was what he would do, he would kiss Miss Brown, he hadn't even tried that yet. The fireworks between them would be even better than the ones with Miss Granger. His stomach would tie in even tighter knots because this was who he was meant to be with. Lavender. Miss Brown. The future Mrs. Harry Potter. The rain suddenly began to come down fast and the group ran inside. Laughing and a bit wet they retired to the drawing room where Dobby had prepared a nice warm and roaring fire. Hot tea was served to warm everyone up and the ladies cast drying charms upon themselves to stop the ruin of their dresses. “Where's Miss Granger?” Fred asked. “I thought she was with you,” Ron said. “She was in the gardens with us. I remember seeing her,” Ginny said, worry began to show on her face. “She must have wandered off,” Luna said, fretfully. “*That* is why one must always have an escort,” Lavender said matter of factly. “Oh and now she's lost,” Susan added with worry. Harry calmly turned to his house elf. “Dobby, did Miss Granger come back to the house?” “I don't know, sir. I will tell the others to search for her.” The little elf disappeared to organize a search inside the home. “She might be outside as well,” Harry said. Fred immediately walked to the door of the drawing room. “I'm going outside to search for her.” “I'll go with you,” Harry said. “Me too,” Ron added. “Oh, Neville, please don't go. Stay with us, my nerves are on end,” Ginny said wide-eyed. “I'll stay here with the ladies in case she returns,” Neville said calmly. The familiar feeling of worry began to bubble into Harry whenever the report of someone missing passed his ears. But he fought it down, it was an old habit. Voldemort and his Death Eaters were not here and they certainly didn't have Hermione in their clutches. She was probably just lost on the grounds. Damn her, she should've stayed with the group. He was beginning to agree with Lavender, it would settle nerves if she only took an escort with her. He could only imaging the extent of worry that Miss Granger imposed upon her father. “Hermione!” “Miss Granger!” The men's voices called out to her, searching the grounds. The rain was relentless and a cold wind began to blow. “We have to go back in Harry,” Ron said when the group reconvened. They were wet and cold. “We'll catch the death of us. Have the house elves look out for her.” “Maybe she is back at the house and we just missed her?” George suggested. The men made their way back to the home, back into the warmth of the drawing room. The ladies cast drying spells upon the men and handed them warm brandy. Hermione was not there. Harry really began to worry. She was out in the rain for far too long. “She's not here, sir,” Dobby informed him. “She's outside somewhere. I know it,” Harry murmured. Suddenly, he stilled. The thought just occurred to him. The maze. There was a maze on the grounds. Harry had forgotten about it because he avoided it. It was in a maze that he had been kidnapped and tortured by Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. He had been planning to remove it completely from the garden. “I'll be back,” he said and left his guests in the room. The blast of cold and wet air blasted him as he walked out the door. The rain was icy cold and penetrated his clothes. He ran to the maze, calling out her name. Hermione was in the maze when the first of the rain drops began to fall. Sighing wearily she started to head back. At yet another dead end she had resigned to the fact that she had become hopelessly lost in the blasted contraption. The rain began to fall heavy and blurred the view in front of her. Did she make a left here or a right? She began to run, making turns that led her nowhere except further into the maze. She heard voices calling her name and she shouted back but her voice was lost in the rain and wind. It was cold and her delicate gown clung to her body, wet and freezing. She shivered and continued on her way. “Hermione!” She paused, that voice sounded close, very close. “Hermione!” Was that Harry? Hope began to bubble in her. “Harry?” she called out. Harry paused deep in the maze. Was that her voice? He called out to her again and heard a faint reply. It was her! He blasted a hole in the hedge to get closer to her, all the while calling her name. Hermione let out a frightened shriek when the hedge in front of her blasted revealing a hole. Harry stepped through. “Harry!” “Hermione!” She ran into his arms, grateful for him finding her. Harry was filled with relief when he saw her. They ran to each other, wrapping their arms around each other. Hermione buried her face in his chest, tears of relief falling down her face. Harry held her, she was shivering and cold, so cold. He had to get her to warmth. He looked down at her, turning her head up to him with gentle hands. Hermione trembled as his lips sought hers, his mouth so warm. She clung helplessly to him, she was freezing. Harry felt her trembling in his arms. She suddenly stopped kissing him back and her weight became heavier. Harry broke the kiss and found that she had fainted. He lifted her effortlessly in his arms and headed out of the maze, blasting his way through. He would have to send for a mediwitch when he got home. “Oh, Hermione!” Ginny and Luna cried out when Harry entered the room with Hermione in his arms. He set her down on a sofa and Ginny and Luna cast drying charms on her. Lavender cast one on him. “Wherever did you find her?” she asked. “She was in the maze,” Harry answered. “We need to send for a mediwitch. Send for Madame Pomfrey.” He turned to his house elf as he said this. Dobby nodded with large eyes, worried, and ran to the fireplace. “She's so cold,” Ginny whispered worriedly. The whoosh of flames from the floo network nearly covered her words. ~*~ Harry had ordered the elves to place Hermione in his bed. Ginny and Luna dressed her in a nightshirt of his. She lay quiet and still as Madame Pomfrey looked her over. Harry paced in the drawing room, worry ate at him. She would be alright. The most that could happen to her would be that she would catch a fever right? He felt guilty for leaving her side in the garden. Ron nudged him when Madame Pomfrey entered the drawing room. “Is she alright?” Harry asked. “She has a fever and I'm afraid she's very ill,” Madame Pomfrey said severely. Harry inwardly groaned. He was a dead man. Her father would be so angry with him. And Sirius! Sirius would probably throttle him. “I'm afraid that she is too ill to move. She will have to stay here until she is well,” Madame Pomfrey added. “Yes, yes of course. She must have the best care,” Harry said. “I don't want her moved if it will cause her more harm.” Madame Pomfrey seemed pleased with his answer. “Miss Weasley is writing the proper letters to her father and guardian to let them know of her circumstance.” Harry nodded and the mediwitch dismissed herself leaving behind numerous potions that she had given explicit instructions to the house elf that would be caring for her, Winky. His guests left, Lavender a little upset with the arrangement that Hermione would be staying with him. Ginny and Luna promised frequent visits along with the twins. Harry politely saw them off then returned to a house that now had one extra occupant. --> 6. The Lady of the House ------------------------ **A/N:** Thanks for all the great reviews. I'm still working on the Throne Reclaimed just at a much slower pace than this story. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Oh come on, it's not like you couldn't see this coming. Five more days!! Chapter Six: The Lady of the House As expected, the first thing in the morning, Sirius and Remus came calling. Harry greeted them both nervously. Sirius was beyond worry, he was supposed to watch over Hermione and now she was gravely ill in a man's bed. Sitting down in the parlor, Harry was grateful for the human buffer that Remus provided but he could tell that even Remus wasn't very happy with him either. “How did this happen?” Sirius asked, getting to the point. “She had wandered off and had gotten lost in the maze while the storm came in,” Harry replied. “Wandered off?” Sirius asked angrily. “How does one just…wander off?” Remus sighed patiently. “Sirius this is Miss Granger we are talking about. If she wants to get lost, she will.” “Why did no one notice she was gone? You were the host!” Sirius accused. “It was an accident,” Harry said. “And now she's holed up in your bedroom.” “Sirius,” Remus warned. “It's not like that,” Harry assured. “I sleep elsewhere. I will not compromise her.” Sirius waved him off. “Believe me that's not an issue,” he said in a careless tone that stirred an irritation with Harry. Sirius let out a long breath. “I'm sorry, Harry, if I'm angry with you. It's just that I'm to act as her escort while her father is away on business. Anything happens to her and I'll never forgive myself, I wouldn't know how to explain it to her father.” Jealousy flared inside Harry. Her escort, huh? “I understand. I'm worried as well. I, too, wish nothing to happen to Miss Granger. She's here because I feel responsible for what happened,” Harry said. “I hope this doesn't ruin your chances with Miss Brown?” Remus asked. Harry inwardly cursed. Did everyone know about him and Lavender? “The circumstances were clearly explained to her. Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood will be visiting shortly.” After more idle chat, Sirius and Remus were led to his room to visit Hermione's bedside. They stayed for a short while, Harry had left the room to leave them to their privacy with Winky in the room as an escort. They left a short while later with a promise from Harry to summon them as soon as she was awake. Miss Weasley and Miss Lovegood arrived shortly after they left and stayed by Miss Granger's bedside. After they left and after Harry had finished his evening meal alone, he went to visit Hermione. She seemed so small and pale, wrapped in the thick blankets on his bed. Winky watched over her in the corner. Hermione moaned a little once in awhile, a light sheen of sweat on her glowed in the candlelight and strands of hair were plastered to her forehead. “Her fever's breaking soon,” Winky said softly. That was a good thing. Harry pulled up a chair next to the bed and rested. ~*~ Hermione did not recollect much of the past few days. She remembered darkness and her dreams swam with familiar faces and voices that hovered above her. She felt hot and cold at the same time and her body ached. Then she would collapse back into the welcoming darkness. This darkness is what she was coming out of when she lazily opened her eyes to the pale morning sun. It was dawn and she could hear the birds waking from their slumber from somewhere outside. She looked up and she didn't recognize the ceiling, it wasn't the familiar looking one in her room. She looked around and saw that this room was indeed not her bedroom. She closed her eyes again thinking she hadn't completely woken up from her slumber then opened them again. It was the same unfamiliar room. She sat up weakly in the bed and immediately her head began to swim. She lay back down to regain her bearings. “Oh! You're awake!” squeaked a tiny little voice. “You've been asleep for so long! Are you feeling well? I shall inform the master to send for a mediwitch right away!” Hermione perched herself on her elbows and stared wide-eyed at the house elf in front of her. “Where am I? What happened?” she asked weakly. Her throat felt dry and her voice cracked from disuse. The house elf seemed to sense this and she offered her a glass of water. Hermione drank it greedily. “You're in Master Potter's home! You had taken ill a few days ago. Been here ever since!” the elf answered. Godric's Hollow? She was still in Godric's Hollow? She closed her eyes. Perhaps this was a nightmare. “I'm glad to see you're awake.” His voice made Hermione open her eyes and force herself to face her predicament. He wandered into the room, tall, strong and handsome. Oh, her head hurt. “How long have I been asleep?” she asked. “A few days,” he answered. “A few days!” she sat up straight. Oh but she had so much to do, and business that had been left unattended. But her head swam again and she lay back down. “I'll summon the mediwitch and others that wish to see you,” Harry said with some concern in his voice. “You should stay rested until Madame Pomfrey can examine you.” Stay?! Stay and wait until she felt completely well? Stay in his presence?! “Really I must insist that I return to my home,” Hermione argued. Harry shook his head. “Madame Pomfrey said that you were not to be moved until you were completely recovered.” Hermione bit her lower lip. She didn't feel at all well and the thought of staying here with Harry made her insides squirm even more. Were they alone in the house, save the servants and house elves? Oh, dear. Harry left Hermione's presence to summon Madame Pomfrey. It had been so much easier when she was asleep. She had been a quiet occupant in the house, he could almost forget that she was there. Now, she was awake and looked at him with her large brown eyes and made his mouth go dry. Oh heaven help him. What had he done to deserve this? What folly had the fates prepared for him to be trapped in his own home with the person who made him want to jump out of his own skin? ~*~ Harry and Hermione found that their situation was not to be alleviated anytime soon as Madame Pomfrey declared that evening that Hermione still had a ways to go until she could be well enough to be moved. Harry could've easily avoided Hermione, it was a big house but a lonely one and conversation with someone like her would be intriguing. “I'm so sorry about this. I really was stupid to go into the maze,” Hermione said apologetically. “It really doesn't matter now. I'm just glad you are feeling better,” Harry replied. “Not well enough,” Hermione said morosely. Harry frowned and felt bad for her. She didn't want to be in this situation with him any more than he did. But there was nothing they could do about it now. Hermione gave a great cleansing sigh and her stomach gave a grumble. Embarrassed, Hermione grinned slightly. “I'll send Winky up with some food for you,” Harry smiled and left her room. Harry sat alone in the dining room, the large table had only one lit candle resting on it. In silence, Harry ate his meal. His friends had other engagements and Harry didn't think it was proper to leave Hermione in the house by herself while he went out to dinners and balls. It was a lonely meal. “This is ridiculous,” Harry muttered and threw down his napkin. “Are you not pleased with the meal?” Dobby asked. “No the meal is excellent. Please go and ask Miss Granger if she would permit my company for dinner?” Dobby left his presence and returned a short while later with a grin on his face. Harry led the way as Dobby trailed behind him carrying his tray of food. He cautiously entered the room and found it lit brightly with several candles and oil lamps. The sun had just set beyond the horizon and the thick, velvet red drapes were drawn closed. Hermione sat up in his bed, a tray in front of her with a steaming bowl of what appeared to be a broth of some sort. Winky had set up a table for him next to the bed where Dobby set his food down. Harry sat down at the table and smiled at Hermione. “Thank you for letting me join you,” he said. “It is your house, Mr. Potter,” Hermione shrugged. “And it is a bit lonely isn't it?” Harry nodded in agreement then looked at his house elves. “Thank you very much,” he said. “You may leave us now.” Dobby and Winky looked at each other uneasily. It wasn't proper for an unmarried couple to be left alone without escorts, let alone in a bedroom together. But the obeyed their master. When they left the room, Hermione frowned at him. “Do you treat your elves fairly?” she asked. “I pay Dobby,” Harry said then at Hermione's inquisitorial look, hastily added, “it's a long story. And Winky, well, you just try and offer her pay and see what she'll do to you.” Hermione thought on this for a bit. No, Harry didn't seem like the type to mistreat them. And with light chatter, they ate their dinner. Hermione found that she was beginning to like his company. But soon the meal was over and there was the awkwardness of not having a reason to enjoy each other's company anymore. As Harry rose to leave, Hermione stopped him. “Stay,” she said and Harry turned to look at her, relief inside him. “It is rather lonely up here.” “Do you not mind the impropriety of me being here alone with you?” he asked. Hermione gave him a patronizing look and Harry sat back down in the chair. “Why?” he asked. “Why what?” “Well…you're not like the others. You don't really care what others think of you,” he said. “Is that a bad thing?” she asked. “No,” Harry shook his head. “It's actually quite…refreshing.” Hermione gave a small smile. “Then I'm sorry to deceive you. Sometimes I do care what others think. I hear what everyone says about me, sometimes it hurts but I just hold my head up and try not to show it.” “I think they're just jealous,” Harry said. “Do you?” she asked. “How so?” “I think deep down, they want to be like you. Have the bravery to have the freedom that you do. “ Hermione didn't answer this, she didn't know how to. Harry continued on. “Tell me what made you the way you are?” Hermione laughed out loud. “Pray tell, what am I?” “Bold, intelligent, independent, carefree and dare I say a bit reckless?” Harry teased. “Careful, Mr. Potter, or I will think you're flirting with me,” she said. “I shall try and avoid that in the future.” “Society has let me down in many ways, so I turn my nose up at society. They're full of hypocrites and double standards anyway. Do you know why you are so sought after in the marriage market? It's because the way for a witch to make her place in society and life is completely dependant on a marriage to a suitable partner. You are handsome and very rich, so you are quite the catch.” Harry blushed. “And you don't have your eyes set on a husband?” “No, I'll not marry. I'll not have my independence taken away. Besides, I have loads of money as well, I don't need to marry.” “So you'll live your life a spinster?” “With the occasional lover,” Hermione added and Harry laughed. “Well I must say it doesn't sound like too bad of a life. Perhaps I should take a page out of your book,” Harry said. “No,” Hermione gave him a small smile. “You'll marry. You are the marrying type.” Silence fell between them again until Harry broke it. “Do you like books?” he asked, remembering the way her face lit up when she entered the library. Just like the way it did now. He left the room to retrieve a book then returned and sat on a chair next to his bed. They took turns reading the book through the evening until Hermione's eyes began to droop and she fell into a deep slumber. Harry closed the book and got to his feet looking down at her. “Goodnight, Hermione,” he whispered and left the room. ~*~ Hermione woke the next morning like the last one, with the pale dawn sky and the birds singing. Her eyes blinked as they adjusted to the sun and she yawned and turned to snuggle further into the soft pillow. Her eyes caught an object on the bedside table. A vase was filled with freshly picked wildflowers that rested next to a thick and heavy book. Hermione lifted the book and read the note that was on it. *Happy Reading - Harry* Hermione left the note on the table and looked at the front cover. *Hogwarts: A History.* Eagerly, Hermione opened the book and delved herself into it. Sirius and Remus came calling later that day. Harry was out on business but he gave instructions to see to anything that Miss Granger asked and to let her receive her visitors. She smiled brightly when the two gentlemen entered the room. “And how is our little invalid doing today?” Sirius asked. “I'm feeling a bit better,” Hermione answered. “Hopefully this will have you thinking twice about entering any mazes by yourself?” Remus said sternly and Hermione grimaced. “Have you heard from my father?” she asked. “No he's still away on business,” Sirius said. “It is my duty to inform him of what has happened here.” Hermione blanched slightly. “I haven't said a word of it yet only because very few people know about this incident and I'm sure they don't want this news to spread.” Hermione thought of Lavender. No she wouldn't want everyone to know that her future fiancé had another young woman staying at his estate. “And of other business?” she asked. “I'm taking care of them,” Remus answered. “We managed to make a hefty profit from our last run. Payment will be distributed accordingly.” “Good,” Hermione answered. “And did you happen to bring my papers?” she asked. “Yes, I figured you couldn't go this long without your work,” Remus smiled and handed her a small ledger. “Madame Rosemerta is beside herself not knowing where you are,” Sirius said. “I had to tell her that you decided to take a country vacation.” “Good, I don't think it would be proper of me to receive her here,” Hermione frowned. “Caring about propriety?” Sirius asked. “Not really. But I don't want to harm anyone else's reputation by me staying here. I think I've done enough damage to Mr. Potter as it is,” Hermione replied. “Speaking of my godson, how is he treating his guest?” Sirius asked. “The perfect gentleman,” Hermione answered. Ginny and Luna stopped by next, happy to see that their friend was recovering. They got her up to date on the latest gossip, details on the last ball they had attended. Hermione frowned for missing what sounded like such a delightful event. Luna and Ginny said that Lavender was beside herself because Mr. Potter had been absent from the ball to stay here at home. Hermione made a mental note to talk to Harry about him abandoning his social duties. Harry spent the day doing business with his properties, he had to go into London to visit the Ministry of Magic. He had run into his best friend Ronald Weasley and Neville Longbottom. They, too, wondered about his absence from the ball. He merely said that he thought it impolite to leave Miss Granger while she was in such a state to go out for an evening of dinner and dancing. He had finished his transactions towards that afternoon and a strange feeling washed over him. He was actually looking forward to going home this evening. He knocked on his bedroom door to find Hermione sitting at a desk writing letters. “I'm pleased to see you're feeling better,” Harry said genuinely. “Now we are up and about walking.” Hermione smiled at his entrance and set down a quill. “Just a little, I've only just now sat at this desk to write some letters.” “I take it walk around the grounds is not possible yet,” Harry asked. “No, but I'll let you know.” She sanded her letter and sealed it using her seal that Remus had brought. Harry glanced at the small pile of letters that she had already sealed. “Been quite busy today? I thought you were supposed to rest and take care of yourself.” “I have been,” Hermione answered. “But business does not wait. But don't worry Harry, Most of these are just instructions to various people, Remus is actually performing the transactions. I'm planning a dinner soon and I do a lot of charity work and I've not yet set a date for my next Witches For Equality meeting.” “My, my. You do keep yourself busy,” he said smiling. “Would you like to know where your ten galleons went from our little bet?” she asked and held out a small ledger opened to a certain page. Harry took it and read her neat writing. “It went to an orphanage of war victims. You have graciously bought them new blankets for their beds. I'm thinking of asking Fred and George to donate some of their merchandise from their store, the children could use some laughter and games. Do you think they'll do it?” she asked. She looked up at him and was caught off guard. He was looking at her like he never had before but before she could decipher the look it was gone. “I'm sure they will. I'll summon them for a meeting with you if you would like,” he offered. She never ceased to surprise him. Looking at the ledger she could see all the time and money she had spent on the orphanage, a cause that hit a little too close to home. At that moment Harry knew that he was in love with Miss Granger, in love with a woman who would deny him, in love with a woman who would ruin his reputation if he ever took up with her. The next day, Hermione was feeling well enough to take a small walk around the house with Harry as a companion. They ate dinner together again that evening. The next day, Ginny and Luna joined Hermione in the drawing room and took tea as they held their meeting for witch's equality. Harry shook his head and smiled endearingly as he heard a snippet of Hermione's passionate speech while Ginny and Luna politely listened. Hermione and Harry's walks slowly progressed from inside the home to the grounds outside. Harry had the servants tear down the maze and he wanted Hermione's advice on what to put in its place. “Oh, I don't know if it's my place to decide what should be there. That's a job for your future lady of the house,” she said. Hermione felt heartsick saying this. She was really beginning to enjoy this house. One day Harry walked into the library and surprised Hermione. “There's someone I would like you to meet,” he said eagerly as he took her hand. Hermione couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm as he took her hand. He was acting like a child at Christmas. He led her to the drawing room and Hermione stopped in her tracks when she saw the visitor. “Miss Granger, please allow me to introduce you to Professor Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts,” Harry announced proudly. The venerable wizard rose to his feet. “A pleasure to meet you Miss Granger. Mr. Potter has told me so much about you,” he said kindly. Hermione managed a squeak and a curtsy. Albus Dumbledore just spoke to her. The most important wizard of their time was in the drawing room and was a personal friend to Harry Potter. To ease Hermione's nerves Harry sat everyone down to tea then suggested a walk on his grounds. Hermione began to compose herself and found that the old man was easy to talk to and he listened with an eager ear to Hermione's ideas on equality in the education of witches. He even suggested that she start a petition. Hermione soaked in his wise words with awe and admiration. When he took his leave, Harry saw him to the door. “She's a lovely creature, Harry,” Dumbledore said. “She's a handful,” Harry sighed. “Well, you didn't really want a quiet life did you?” Dumbledore's eyes twinkled mischievously. “It's not what you think,” Harry said firmly. “Oh, I beg your pardon. I guess I was just seeing something that wasn't there.” With a wink Dumbledore walked away and apparated at the end of the drive. Madame Pomfrey came that evening and said that Hermione was now well enough to go home. Hermione didn't know how to feel at this news. A week ago she would've been elated to leave but now she had grown accustomed to this home and Harry's presence that she felt a little heartsick. Harry felt horrible. He should be happy that Miss Granger was feeling better but that meant that she would leave this place. He stood in the doorway of his room after seeing Madame Pomfrey to the fireplace. Hermione began to gather her things and place them in a small trunk. She had written a letter for Sirius to send for a carriage first thing in the morning. Winky had brought her dress up for tomorrow, it had been cleaned and pressed. What could they say to each other? “Thank you very much for your hospitality,” Hermione said quietly. “You have been a wonderful guest,” Harry replied. Dobby came into the room with a tray for Hermione's dinner. The house elf had been regularly bringing Harry's meal into the room with him that Harry was surprised that there was only a serving for one. Hermione read the questioning look on his face. “I asked Dobby to only bring my meal up this evening. I heard that there was a ball tonight at the Brown's.” “I wasn't planning on going,” Harry said. Hermione smiled at him. “You know you have to. I know that you have been neglecting your social duties because of me. This is an important dinner. You are going to meet her family.” “I thought you didn't approve of her,” Harry said as he walked into the room. “I've changed my mind. You do deserve a life of peace and quiet, Harry. She would make an excellent wife for you.” Harry hadn't said anything to her but he had begun to have second thoughts about Lavender. “But this is your last night here.” “I insist on you going. I've stayed here long enough and it isn't proper to have me stay longer.” “I thought you didn't care for impropriety,” he said. “I don't care about it for me, but I will not ruin the reputation of…of my friend.” Harry smiled at her words, at least he had found a friend out of this debacle. “I think it would be up to me to decide how I want my reputation ruined,” he replied quietly. He left her presence to ready himself for the ball and returned just before he left. He walked into the room to find her sitting by the fire finishing up Hogwarts: A History. Hermione looked up and was filled with a sad longing. He looked so handsome in his suit. “Fine, if you insist, I will go to the ball, but only if you promise to say goodbye before you leave.” “I shall ask Dobby to raise you from your slumber,” Hermione said as she walked toward him. She fussed a little with his shirt, straightening it out. “Do try and have fun tonight,” she said and turned up to face him. She was inches away from his face and she looked into his deep green eyes. “I will,” Harry said softly. He bent down and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Hermione closed her eyes, committing the sensations to memory. He pulled away, his lips brushing lightly over hers as he left her cheek. He turned and left the room. ~*~ Despite the comfort of his bed, Hermione couldn't sleep. She was filled with such anxiety and apprehension about leaving him. She got out of the bed and lit a small candelabra and ventured out into the hall. She made her way past the sleeping portraits, lifting the hem of Harry's nightshirt out of her way as she made her way down the stairs. Harry had not returned yet, it was only halfway through the ball. She slipped into the drawing room and wandered around the room, remembering her first time here. She wandered over to the pianoforte and set the candelabra on top of it. She sat on the bench and placed her hands on the keys and began to play a sad and soft melody. She closed her eyes and listened to the tune echo around the room. She sensed him come into the room before she heard him step into the room and walk up to stand behind her. He had returned early from the ball. She didn't open her eyes as she felt his hands rest gently on her shoulders. She continued to play as she felt them wander down to the strings of his nightshirt and untie them. Her heart began to race as his hands went back to her shoulders and slowly pulled the nightshirt over her shoulders and down to just above her breasts. His fingers lightly touched her skin as he did this leaving behind a trail of goosebumps on her flesh. She tilted her head as he brushed her hair to the side and gently placed his lips on her neck. Harry left the ball early, his desire to see Hermione overwhelming him. He walked into his home to hear a sad melody being played in the drawing room. He walked into the room and saw her sitting at the piano. The soft glow of the candle illuminated her and she looked so desirable in his nightshirt. He had to have her. Propriety be damned. She faltered in the song as his lips set fire to the sensitive skin of her neck, his hands caressing her shoulders. She stopped completely when she felt them wander down to the strings again, loosening them some more and pulling the shirt down over her breasts. The cool night air hardened her nipples and made them so sensitive to his touch as his hands boldly cupped and caressed them. A small sigh escaped her as his lips continued the welcome assault on her skin and rolled a nipple between a thumb and forefinger. She shrugged out of the shirt, letting it drop to rest at her waist. Harry turned her around to face him. She looked deep into his eyes dark with lust before he leaned in and captured her lips in a searing kiss. He bent down over her, burying his hands into her brown curly hair, cradling her head. He leaned against her, setting her back to rest against the piano, a hand reached out brace himself hitting the piano keys. His other hand slid up the outside of her leg, bringing the hem of the nightshirt up with him. Hermione wrapped her arms around him, kissing him deeply, their tongues exploring each other's mouths. His hand reached behind her thigh and brought her leg up to hook around his hips. Hermione's hands left his back and moved the front to remove Harry's jacket. To make things easier for her he dropped to his knees and shrugged out of his jacket. Together they hastily removed his clothes, their lips parting only briefly. Harry stood to remove his britches and Hermione took this time to admire his lean form. His hard muscles glowed in the candlelight, his thighs smooth and muscular. She reached out and let her fingers trace his abdomen and heard Harry inhale sharply at her touch. She stood and kissed his neck, the hollow of his throat as the nightshirt fell to her ankles. She stepped out of it and brushed her fingers over his chest, his hardened nipples. Her lips followed her hands, licking him, tasting him. She felt his hardened sex press into her inner thigh and her sex moistened with delight. Harry gathered her to him and together they sank to the floor. He kissed her lips as he placed a knee between her legs, parting her for him. Hermione let out a contented sigh as she took him inside her, he let out a small moan. He filled her, stretched her. She moved her hips to meet him thrust for thrust. He started slow, savoring her warmth wrapped around him. He didn't compromise her, she wasn't expecting anything out of this but the pure enjoyment of being in the most intimate of ways two people could possibly be. Hermione's soft whimpers of delight and his heavy breathing were the only sounds that filled the room. Sensations of pleasure washed over her body as he moved above and within her stopping once in awhile to have his lips wander over her body before returning himself to her wet warmth. She had never had a lover like him and she knew she was in trouble. This was only to be a one time thing but she could already tell that she would miss him, miss his touches and caresses. She would toss all her principles out of the window to have another night with him, to be entangled with him in this way. This was the madness that Madame Rosemerta had talked about and it frightened Hermione that she would be so willing to give everything she had wanted away so easily. His thrusts became deeper and more urgent and Hermione gasped with delight as he brought her to the height of her pleasure. He followed soon after, a groan of pleasure leaving his lips as he spilled into her. He would not get her with child, she had told him that she was taking a potion that would prevent such an event from happening. Harry could freely enjoy this moment without the consequence of trapping her. He summoned a blanket from somewhere in the house and they moved to the sofa as he wrapped it around them. They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. --> 7. Suitor --------- Chapter Seven: Suitor Two cloaked figures stood on the deck of a ship that was sailing into harbor. “Is it necessary to travel like this?” one of them asked, irritated. “We have to give the pretense that we have been away this entire time to the Americas. The only way for people like us to travel there is by muggle transportation,” the other one explained. “I shall be relieved when we get off this filthy ship.” “Patience, Draco, patience.” There would be a carriage waiting for them ready to take them and their “precious cargo” to a safe apparition point. “The master is very bold to do this,” Draco said. “Do you think so? Do you think him a fool?” his father asked. “Despite the insanity of it there a bit of genius inside his plan,” Draco muttered. “Making his reemergence into the wizarding world right underneath Potter's nose.” “A very sensitive nose. The master has made it clear that it is especially important that Mr. Potter not get wind of his whereabouts. He would put a stop to this whole thing.” “Can we trust Pettigrew with the information he gave us?” “If the master trusts him, we must trust him,” his father sighed. “Drawing Sirius Black into this plan without stirring alarm from Potter will be very tricky. We have to rely on the information that young Potter is estranged from his godfather. The last thing we want to do is set him on our trail.” “And how do you suppose we lure Mr. Black?” Draco asked. “That is what our job is to find out.” ~*~ The early morning sun shone light on the awkwardness of the situation. Hermione woke and carefully slipped out of Harry's embrace, dressing herself quickly in his nightshirt and tiptoeing out of the room. She dressed herself in the familiar pale blue dress and gathered the rest of her things in a small trunk that Dobby carried down to the foyer. The carriage would be arriving soon. She stepped back into the drawing room and found Harry already dressed in his outfit from the night before. His back was to her and he stared out the window watching for the carriage. “Did you sleep well?” he asked her. Hermione blushed a little. “Yes, I did. Thank you.” Harry turned around to look at her. “I'm glad I could talk to you this one last time.” He stepped around the piano and walked up to her. Dread filled Hermione's insides as Harry took her hands and led her to the sofa where they lay after their lovemaking. *Don't do this Harry. Please don't do this.* “Marry me,” he said. Hermione let out the breath she'd been holding and turned away from him. “No,” she said softly. “Hermione…” “No,” she repeated firmly. “I'm sorry.” Harry sighed and closed his eyes. Then he got to his feet. “Why?” he demanded, his tone was harsh. “You know why.” “If this is about your damned laurels…” Hermione stood up angrily. “My laurels are important to me!” She remembered all too well how quickly she would've given everything up just to have another night with him. “I will not be chained by a husband.” “I would never chain you,” he said angrily. “No…you would make me the quiet wife to sit around and wait for you to come home when you leave me behind.” “I did not turn my back on my godfather! I had my reasons for leaving!” “Not a word, Harry. Not a word was sent from you to alleviate his fears that you were alive and well. He had to wait in fear for your name to pop up on a casualty list!” Harry sighed. “I was young…and stupid. I had waited all my life for the call of war and I couldn't deny it. I will not apologize for that. But I will apologize for not thinking of others.” Hermione shook her head. “It's not me you have to apologize to. Even now, he holds no anger toward you. He's just so happy that you are alive and well.” “Then help me, Hermione! Help me bridge that gap with him,” Harry took her hands in his. “That's something you need to do yourself, Harry. But I will offer you encouragement.” “Your encouragement is not what I want,” Harry replied, his voice was deep and husky. Oh, merlin help her. She was falling into his trap again. “I can't give that to you,” her protest was weak. Where was that damned carriage? Harry was weakening her, he knew it. He was beginning to tear away at the walls that surrounded her. “What about last night?” he whispered softly into her ear. “Harry, stop, please.” She turned away from him, freeing herself from his grasp. The walls came back up again. Harry sighed with frustration. “You're hiding behind your laurels.” “I am not!” she protested. “Yes you are. What are you afraid of?” You, Harry. I'm afraid of you. You came storming into my life turning everything I thought I had wanted into silly little thoughts. “I'm not afraid of anything,” she said defiantly. “Then what other reason could…” He stopped suddenly and Hermione saw his face harden, his jaw tighten. “There's someone else, isn't there?” he asked. “What?” Hermione asked, bewildered. “Who is he?” Harry asked quietly. Hermione shook her head. “What are you—“ “Good morning! Good morning!” Sirius waltzed into the room and immediately felt the tension in the air. Hermione watched as Harry looked from Sirius to her and back drawing a false connection as his face suddenly became unreadable. Hermione saw the opportunity for escape. “I apologize,” Sirius said awkwardly. “Your house elf let me in and told me you were in the drawing room and…” He trailed off lamely but Hermione brightened and recovered. “Sirius, darling. Shall we leave now?” she said sweetly. “I believe I've imposed on my host long enough.” Harry followed Hermione and his godfather outside to the awaiting carriage. He watched with a jealous heart as Sirius took Hermione's hand and assisted her into the carriage then climbed in after her. “Thank you, Harry, for taking care of her,” Sirius said sincerely, not knowing how much his words hurt his godson. “It was no trouble at all,” Harry answered. Hermione leaned out of the carriage. “Take care, Mr. Potter.” “And you, Miss Granger,” Harry replied politely. Sirius sat back as the carriage pulled away from Godric's Hollow. As soon as the house was out of sight, he watched Hermione release a breath that she had been holding. “Do you mind telling me what that was all about?” he asked sternly. Hermione turned away from his inquisitive eyes. ~*~ Fred and George walked into the Burrow where Ron and Neville waited eagerly. They nodded their heads slowly and Ron cursed. “What is going on with our friend?” Fred asked the men. “He's been avoiding the social crowds and then when he finally shows up at the Brown's, he leaves the dinner early!” George said exasperatedly. “Miss Weasley says that Miss Brown is beside herself with worry,” Neville said solemnly. Ron stood up and placed a hand on the mantel to rest upon it. “No…that's not it.” He and Neville left the burrow and apparated to Godric's Hollow. Dobby, Harry's odd little house-elf greeted him at the door. “I'm sorry sirs but he said he was not permitting visitors,” he said solemnly. “Dobby, we're here because we're concerned about him,” Neville replied. “He's not doing to well, is he?” Ron asked. The look of worry that was on the elf's face answered his question. “We're worried as well. Now let us in. We are only trying to help him,” Neville said soothingly. The house-elf spluttered and stammered nervously, he was not to disobey his master. Ron's patience was growing thin and he bullied his way in. Dobby protested weakly and began to bang his head on the nearby banquet table. Neville rushed over as a very expensive vase began to wobble dangerously. Ron headed directly toward the closed doors of the drawing room. The thick curtains were drawn closed, shrouding the room in darkness. “I said LEAVE ME BE!!!!” a voice roared out. Defiantly, Ron closed the doors behind him and marched determinedly to the windows yanking back the curtains to let the sunlight invade the room. Ron turned and scanned the room. “Good God, man!” Ron exclaimed. A figure was hunched over, sitting on the bench in front of the pianoforte. Empty firewhiskey bottles littered the ground around the piano, a half empty one stood on top of it. Harry sat, a blanket wrapped around him looking very unshaved and very shaggy. He was still dressed in his outfit from the Brown Ball. His eyes were dull and lifeless as they looked up at him, blinking as if unsure of what he was seeing. “Have you been like this since she left?” Ron asked. That had been a week ago. Harry didn't answer him. Ron bent near him and drew back in disgust at the smell of alcohol and the odor of someone who hadn't bathed in quite some time. “Harry?” Neville said cautiously as he walked into the room. “Help me, Nev,” Ron said as he took one of Harry's arms and hoisted him off his chair. Neville pushed aside an empty bottle with his foot and went to help his friend. “Dobby go and get a sobering potion,” he said to the house-elf who now had a large bump on his forehead. “And prepare a bath with cold water.” Unceremoniously, the two men slowly transformed the mangled useless lump of human flesh into someone resembling their friend. “Merlin, she destroyed him,” Neville said morosely. The two men waited downstairs in the parlor while the house-elf dressed Harry. “He knew what he was getting into,” Ron said bitterly. The loud crack of apparition could faintly be heard and Neville and Ron got to their feet. They looked apprehensively at each other. “He wouldn't…” Neville said quietly. Dobby appeared in the room looking slightly frightened. “He left,” he squeaked fearfully. “I couldn't stop him.” “Left?! He left!” Neville exclaimed. “Come on,” Ron said purposefully and strode toward the door. “We need to stop him before he does something rash and stupid. Where did he go, Dobby?” Dobby squirmed nervously. “He didn't say. He only said he was going to speak to her father.” Ron swore under his breath. “Something stupid like that, come on. Let's call on Mr. Black.” ~*~ “He's gone and done what?!” Sirius exclaimed. “We think he's gone to find Mr. Granger and speak to him about Miss Granger,” Ron explained. The men stood in the parlor of Sirius Black's home. “But he doesn't know where to find him,” Sirius replied. “Do you really think that will stop, Harry?” Ron said pointedly. “Hermione is going to be furious,” Sirius muttered. “You don't think, Harry would force her into marriage, do you?” Neville asked worriedly. “Of course not,” Ron snapped angrily. “But we must keep him from doing more damage to himself than he already has.” “I agree,” Sirius said. “I know where to find Edward. I'll go and meet him with the pretense of business and see if I can head Harry off. With any luck, I'll be able to talk him out of this ridiculous idea.” Ron and Neville returned to the Burrow to find Mrs. Weasley, Ginny and Luna all giggling and chattering excitedly. ~*~ A carriage pulled up to the front of the Granger home. A woman in a shocking pink dress with matching pink shawl stepped out of it and marched determinedly to the door. The butler opened the door and the woman brushed past him and walked briskly up the stairs. Without bothering to knock, the woman marched into the room. Hermione stood by the window, lazily gazing out of it but not really looking. She had a lost and vacant look in her eyes. She turned to look at her guest. “Madame Rosemerta!” she exclaimed. Servants bustled in the room to set up tea for two. “A week!” Madame Rosemerta exclaimed. “You have been home a week and you have not called on me. I have been worried sick out of my mind after Sirius fed me that rubbish that you were on a country vacation.” “I'm so sorry,” Hermione said, “I didn't mean to worry you.” “Where were you, child?” she asked. “Godric's Hollow,” Hermione answered truthfully. “I had had an unfortunate accident and became too ill to be moved. I had to recover there.” “Godric's Hollow? Isn't that the home of that dashing young Mr. Potter?” Madame Rosemerta inquired. “Yes…yes it is,” Hermione's voice lowered and a haunted look flickered in her eyes. Madame Rosemerta raised an eyebrow. “Oh dear,” she said softly. “What?” Hermione snapped out of her stupor. “I know that look. Though I must say I never thought I'd see it on your face,” Madame Rosemerta said smugly. “Enamored of the young man, are we?” Hermione scoffed. “Of course not. It's only natural for us to get to know each other after spending so much time together.” Madame Rosemerta looked disbelieving and Hermione continued on. “Besides, he is intent on marrying Miss Lavender Brown.” “And you're disappointed?” “Of course not. You know that I don't intend to marry.” Madame Rosemerta put her tea down. “Maybe you made that vow because you hadn't found the right one.” “I don't want to lose my independence.” Madame Rosemerta smiled cryptically at her. “Have you thought that you wouldn't lose it? Don't be so foolish to throw something so genuine away as a partner in life. There is something to be said for facing life with someone by your side.” Hermione put down her tea. “I told you that he was intent to marry Miss Brown.” “Why is he stalling? I'd figure that a man so crazy about a woman wouldn't hesitate to seek her hand,” Madame Rosemerta shrugged. Hermione shifted nervously, thinking of Harry's proposal. Since the day she had returned from Godric's Hollow she had secluded herself and did not receive visitors, she didn't even go downstairs to partake in the gambling last night. She had felt a hollow kind of loss. Had she done the right thing by denying his proposal? She had thought so but now if it was the right thing why did she ache so terribly inside? She replayed Harry's proposal over and over in her mind along with the memories of their lovemaking. His hands and touches were gentle yet knowledgeable, the taste of his kiss lingered on her lips. He had given her the opportunity of a life with him and she had denied him in a panic. Now she couldn't seem to stop thinking about it, a future with him, evening strolls with him on the lovely grounds of Godric's Hollow, passionate lovemaking in the night and possible the laughter of children. Was that life as horrible as she thought it would be? Oh, what had he done to her? Her talk with Madame Rosemerta made her realize what a fool she had been. As soon as she had left, Hermione went to her writing desk and wrote out a long letter. She sanded it, folded it, sealed it and paused. The letter was a love letter, claiming that she had been a fool and that she had been miserable without him by her side. If only he could forgive her and receive her again at his home she would like to apologize in person to him. She hesitated to put it in the post, what if he rejected her? The announcement of the arrival of her two friends interrupted her thoughts and Hermione put the letter away. She would send it later and she left to receive the young women. “Oh, Hermione, we're so happy to see that you are well!” Ginny gushed. “Are you happy to be home?” Luna asked. “It is nice to be back home,” Hermione answered truthfully. “It seems as if you've been out of society forever,” Ginny smiled. “We have so much to tell you!” “Have I missed much?” Hermione asked. Luna and Ginny looked at each other beaming. “You would not believe the good fortune that has fallen upon our friend Miss Brown!” Luna said excitedly. “Mr. Potter has finally asked for her hand in marriage and she has gladly accepted,” Ginny finished. Hermione felt as if the ground had suddenly left her feet and she plopped down on the sofa. She couldn't breathe and she struggled for every breath before realizing that the reason she couldn't catch her breathe is because she was letting out short sobs. Alarmed, Ginny and Luna looked at their friend who was sobbing and holding one hand to her chest while the other gripped the arm of the sofa. “Hermione, are you alright?” Luna asked lamely as the swooped to their friend's side. “Hermione, what has happened?” Ginny cradled her friend's head in her hands. Hermione looked at her two best friends, she could tell them, she could seek comfort with them. Harry had given her a wonderful dream and now it was ripped away from her. She told them everything about her stay there, including their intimate night and the proposal. “He proposed to you, you said no in a panic but now you really do want to marry him and now he is marrying another,” Luna said slowly, recapping her friend's sorrows. “Oh, Hermione,” Ginny sighed. “What a mess you've gotten yourself into.” “Hermione, this is the first time you've felt the anguish of love. Learn from it, we all fall hard our first time and we all get our hearts broken,” Luna said soothingly. “They'll be others.” This was apparently the wrong thing to say as Hermione sobbed even louder. Ginny looked at her friend in sorrow. “Well, I think he's a rake,” she said with finality as if her opinion settled the matter. “He obviously wasn't sincere about it or else he wouldn't have asked Lavender. He's a cad, Hermione and I think you're better off without him.” ~*~ Luna and Ginny's moods were in direct contrast to the lovely sunny weather of the late morning. They sat quietly at tea at Falbrooke, sharing silently their friend's misery, they too, felt broken hearted for Hermione. Parvati, Susan, Neville, Ron, Seamus and Dean shared their company and Luna was in a sour mood having regretted throwing this brunch for the newly engaged couple. “And here are the guests of honor,” Susan announced, beaming at her friend Lavender and the table broke out in polite applause. Ginny and Luna shared dark looks. If Harry's two friends were opposed to this union, they didn't show it, their faces were carefully guarded. “Miss Lovegood, I want to thank you for hosting this lovely brunch,” Harry said politely as he smiled. “Of course,” Luna replied smiling, although Harry detected a hint of iciness in her tone and that her smile clearly did not reach her eyes. As he sat, he noticed that Ginny avoided looking at him as well and he wondered if Hermione had spoken to her friends and what, exactly, had she told them. Hermione's rejection hurt deep down. He had fallen into her trap of passion and the dream of happiness and he had actually thought he had a future with her. But her denial was a rude slap in the face, like splashing ice water on him to wake him from a dream. Lavender would not do that to him and when they married, he would be free to find that same passion with his wife. It had to exist with Lavender. He had apparated to the Brown's and spoke to her father and after receiving his consent he sought Lavender out. She had been in the gardens picking flowers, a wild and fresh beauty surrounded her and Harry asked her for her hand. She had gladly accepted him and they shared their very first kiss. It was…nice. He could live with nice, he convinced himself and he desperately fought down the memory of Hermione's kiss and buried it deep down where it wouldn't haunt him anymore. The brunch was filled with lighthearted chatter of weddings and the rest of the Season. Harry began to settle himself into a state of contentment. “Oh now what will we do now that the most eligible bachelor is taken?” Susan playfully sulked. “Oh don't count out the rest of the Season my dear, I have just heard the most interesting gossip,” Parvati said slyly. “Ooh! Do tell!” Lavender said excitedly and Harry shook his head endearingly. “The most eligible man has just arrived in time for the middle of the Season,” Parvati announced. “Well, present company excluded,” Parvati added hastily nodding toward Harry. “And pray tell who this latest bait for the husband-hunters is?” Ron asked lazily. “Mr. Draco Malfoy!” Parvati said proudly. Harry looked up sharply and a dark look was exchanged between him and Ron and Neville. Parvati continued on with her gossip. “He's to make his entrance at the Opera this Friday,” she said. “That will cause quite a stir,” Susan said. “He can hardly be called a gentleman.” “How so?” Ginny asked, leaning forward. “Miss Weasley, he is most scandalous! He convinced Miss Pansy Parkinson to run off with him. They spent the night together in some inn and the next day when her father found them, Mr. Malfoy refused to marry her! He ruined her reputation.” “How scandalous!” Susan said with stars of curiosity in her eyes. Seamus jumped into the conversation. “If the man is no gentleman then it is best if you fair ladies stay as far from his as possible.” “Ow, Ginny!” Luna exclaimed as she jumped up from the table when Ginny dumped her tea on her dress. “Oh, Luna! I'm so sorry!” Ginny said. “Please, let me help you inside to clean it!” She dragged her friend away from the table and into the house. “What on earth has gotten into you?” Luna hissed when they walked into the house. Ginny muttered a cleaning charm and the tea stain disappeared from the dress. “I think I have found a solution to our Hermione's heartache,” Ginny smiled. Luna raised an eyebrow. “Mr. Malfoy?” “He's not a gentleman.” “He's an absolute scoundrel.” “Scandalous.” “Just the type our Hermione likes.” The girls giggled conspiratorially as they headed back to the table. The gentlemen rose as they arrived and sat down with grins on their faces like a cat that had eaten the canary. “Oh Harry,” Lavender sighed. “I'm so excited for the Opera. I've never been.” “Yes,” Harry said quietly. “It should be interesting.” Very interesting that Malfoy should surface now. ~*~ “Are you sure I can't convince you to change your mind and go?” Sirius asked from the other side of the closed door. “No,” Hermione called out. She was in bed again, hidden beneath her quilts. “You two go ahead and have fun.” “But darling, you've never missed the opening night of the Opera,” Madame Rosemerta called out from the other side of the door. “You'll miss out on all the gasps and whispers,” Sirius said teasingly. “Just go on!” she called back. “Well, I never thought I'd see the day when our lovely Miss Granger would be chased out of society by a man,” Madame Rosemerta said loudly. “Is that what this is about?” Sirius called out. “Are you afraid you'll run into Harry?” Hermione tossed the quilts off her head. “I am most certainly not afraid! This has nothing to do with your godson!” “Could've fooled me,” Sirius muttered. Hermione tossed the quilts off her and stomped to the door. “I'll be down in half an hour,” she shouted through it. She summoned a servant and began to get ready muttering angrily to herself. Harry Potter was not going to chase her out of her fun. She would run into him tonight for sure and she would hold her head up high. She selected a favorite dress of hers, Prussian blue with a revealing neckline. She sat as her servant did her hair spectacularly, piling on her head to reveal her beautiful neck and collarbone. She would show Harry that he did not hurt her, that she could move on with dignity. “You look radiant, Miss,” her servant said. “Thank you,” Hermione said kindly. “Now please leave me for a moment.” The servant left and Hermione sat in front of her dressing mirror. She will not let Harry see how heartbroken she was. She opened up a drawer and took out the letter that she had written to Harry. She stood and walked to the fireplace and with her wand, she set it aflame and tossed it into the logs. Sirius let out a low whistle as Hermione descended the stairs. “I shall be the envy of every gentleman there, I have two very lovely ladies on my arms.” They laughed as he escorted them to his carriage. He offered a hand to both of them into the carriage then rode in the front with his driver. “You're playing a dangerous game Hermione, don't think I don't know what you're doing,” Madame Rosemerta said smiling smugly. “But you'll most definitely come out the victor tonight.” --> 8. The Opera ------------ Chapter Eight: The Opera The carriage came to a stop and a valet opened the door assisting the two ladies out. As he gave his arm to Lavender, Harry paused and looked at the other carriages. There was no sign of Sirius' nor Miss Granger's. He might be lucky tonight. He followed the crowd into the Opera house, a parade of the ton, a parade of the elite. The opera house was large, the imposing white stone façade with its greek pillars gave way to the ornate foyer. A large chandelier hung above him, the marbled entryway was impeccably clean and a lush red carpet lined the stairway ahead of him that led the masses to the auditorium. Lavender lifted the front of her dress slightly to avoid stepping on it as the ascended the stairs. She looked lovely tonight in a lavender gown with tiny crystals on it. The stairs led to an open loft, carpeted with thick rugs where people milled to greet friends before proceeding to their seats. Waiters milled about with serving trays topped with various drinks to sooth the palate. Ron Weasley was with him along with his lovely escort for the evening, Miss Luna Lovegood. Harry had taken a couple of flutes off a nearby tray and handed on to Lavender just as Neville and Miss Ginny Weasley appeared out of the crowd and headed toward them. The ladies exchanged glees of welcome and commented on their choice of dresses while the men exchanged pleasant conversation of the last hunt they went on. A slight commotion caught their attentions and a small crowd appeared to cluster around an individual. The swarm moved and broke free revealing a tall gentleman, slim build with grey eyes and blond hair. “Is that him?” he heard Ginny whisper to Luna. “Yes, I think so,” Luna whispered back. They hushed quickly when they realized Harry was listening and he made a mental note to inquire why the two of them were interested in Mr. Malfoy. Ron and Neville stood next to him. “So he returns,” Ron muttered. “Interesting timing,” Neville added. “Come on,” Harry said and led the group inside the auditorium, no longer wishing to be in Mr. Malfoy's presence. An usher led the group to the box that Harry had procured. Their escorts gasped with delight as they walked into the box and looked out upon the gold gilded room filled with plush red chairs. The stage was below and to the right. Taking their seats, Harry began to lazily thumb through the program while the ladies waved and gossiped about people who began to filter into the room and take their seats. The hairs on the back of his neck prickled suddenly and he knew, just knew that she had entered the room. He was afraid to look up. “Ooh! There's Hermione!” Ginny said aloud. Hermione entered the Opera house on Sirius' arm causing a flurry of whispers. What gentlemen would escort two ladies to the Opera, one of them being a scandalous socialite the other the madame of a brothel?! Matrons frowned at them while some of the husband-hunters looked with interest over Mr. Black. Walking into their box, her eyes immediately fell on Harry. He was in the box directly across from her across the auditorium. She smiled and waved at her friends, her presence exuded confidence, a direct betrayal to the feeling that something wanted to violently jump out of her throat. She and Madame Rosemerta took their seats at the front while Sirius took the one behind. Hermione tilted her neck to the side when she felt Sirius' hand fondle the bauble at her ear. “Nice earrings,” he muttered amusingly. She was wearing her mother's jewelry, she rarely wore her mother's jewelry. “Do try and behave,” Hermione smirked. Harry had braved a glance across the way in time to witness this intimate moment and he fought down the urge to suddenly leap across the auditorium and throttle his godfather. But he wouldn't do it, he would not fight his godfather over a woman who denied him. She wants Sirius, he would not get in the way. The lights dimmed and the opera began. Hermione felt his eyes on her once in awhile and she looked over at him. He was so handsomely dressed and she gazed at his strong profile as he watched the actors onstage. Her eyes settled on his fiancé next to him. Lavender, the one who had taken her place. Her friend's were right, if Mr. Potter had been serious about his proposal he wouldn't have asked Miss Brown. But, then again, she did reject him. Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She was beautiful, Harry thought. She was dressed like an angel and he desperately wished he was the one sitting behind her. “The stage is in front,” Ron whispered in his ear next to him. Harry hastily ripped his gaze from Miss Granger and faced front. He sought comfort in taking Lavender's hand in his. The lights brightened signaling the end of the act and the patrons rose to gather in the foyer once more. Harry and his party rose to their feet and joined the crowd. Almost instantly, they ran into the person he least wanted to talk to. “Mr. Weasley, Mr. Longbottom,” Draco sneered and lastly looked at Harry, “Mr. Potter.” “Mr. Malfoy,” Harry answered curtly. “Did you have a nice time in the Americas?” Draco leveled his gaze. “It was pleasant.” He glanced at Lavender, taking in the ring on her left hand. “I understand this is your first outing in society but it's no excuse for rudeness. Perhaps you should introduce me to your lovely companions?” The ladies gushed and smiled at him. Harry glared at him. “Forgive me rudeness,” he said sarcastically then introduced the ladies. “Miss Luna Lovegood, Miss Ginevra Weasley and Miss Lavender Brown.” “But not for long,” Draco smiled taking Lavender's hand and kissing the back of it. Harry looked at him quizzically. “It's a shame that I arrived in the middle of the Season, the loveliest flower has already been picked.” He held up Lavender's left hand and looked at the ring. “Who knew you had such exquisite taste, Mr. Potter.” Lavender blushed. Sirius looked across the foyer and saw Mr. Malfoy and the look of distaste clearly written on his godson's face. He walked over determinedly, hoping to diffuse the situation and forgetting that Hermione was on his arm, Madame Rosemerta had stayed in the box. Hermione panicked when she saw where he was headed. “Sirius!” she hissed but he didn't seem to hear her. Her heart pounded with fright as she approached Harry and his group. Perhaps she could break away. “Miss Granger!” Ginny called out and Hermione inwardly grimaced. The cat was amongst the pixies now, she would just hold her head high. Mr. Potter would not ruin this night. “Miss Granger!” Ginny called out and left Neville's side to draw her friend to her. She was with Sirius. “Miss Granger I would like for you to meet our new acquaintance Mr. Draco Malfoy.” Harry, startled, looked down at Ginny in disbelief. What was she up to? He looked at her brother but Ron had the same look of bewilderment on his face. Draco's eyes lit up at the stunning beauty who suddenly joined them. Hermione sauntered up to the group and Draco took her hand and kissed the back of it. Hermione immediately did not like him. There was something about him that she couldn't put her finger on but she desperately wanted to take her hand back and do a thorough scourgifying charm on it. His eyes wandered over her, cold and malicious and predatory but Hermione did not back down. Draco on the other hand was completely smitten. Harry wanted to hex him, oh how he ached to put an unforgivable on him. He looked up at Sirius to see if he had approved of this and was dissatisfied to see that his expression was carefully guarded. Hermione smiled kindly at Draco which further incensed Harry and he didn't know if he was glad or upset that Draco left with Hermione to find further refreshments. “Are you enjoying the opera?” Sirius asked, breaking his thoughts. “Oh, yes, I am. Thank you,” Lavender replied. “I've never been before.” “Well, it's a good thing you brought her here, Harry,” Sirius said cheerfully. Harry was dumbfounded. Hermione just walked off with a Death Eater and Sirius just stood there. “I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Sirius Black, Harry's godfather,” he said to Lavender then looked up at Harry. “I believe I've never met your lovely fiancé.” “Lavender Brown,” Harry answered plainly. “Would you please excuse us for a moment?” he asked as he reached out for his godfather and steered him away from his group. “Harry, wha—“ “What exactly are you playing at?” he hissed at his godfather. “What are you talking about. I was only introducing myself to your fiancé, if you don't want me near you than just say so.” “That's not what I'm talking about! I'm talking about Herm…Miss Granger,” Harry abruptly corrected himself. “You let the woman you love walk off with a Death Eater.” “Alleged Death Eater,” Sirius corrected, “And what do you mean the woman I love?” “You and I both know what he is,” Harry hissed. “I do know what he is,” Sirius answered sharply. “But me discouraging Hermione would be like giving her permission. She's smart and she can take care of herself.” Harry let out a heavy sigh at his godfather's words. “Why are so concerned about Miss Granger?” Sirius asked carefully looking back at Lavender Brown. He wanted to get his godson to explain his hasty engagement. Sirius half wondered if he compromised the girl somehow but he knew his godson was better than that. “It's the same concern I would have for anyone on the arm of a Death Eater,” Harry replied. Sirius frowned slightly. “Nothing will come of this, do not worry.” Harry hoped his godfather was right. Especially since, when Harry looked across the room, Mr. Malfoy was now seated next to Miss Granger in the box. Harry didn't even know what the second act was about, he didn't even realize the opera was over until Lavender touched his arm to ask him if he was alright. “Yes, yes I'm fine,” he answered. He looked back in the box and saw that Hermione's group had left. “That was so unbelievably lovely!” Lavender gushed as they waited for their carriage. He looked over and saw Hermione climb into hers and Draco follow behind on his horse. He would be going to the Granger home for an after party. Ginny and Luna giggled next to him, also watching Draco ride away after Hermione and he became thoroughly irritated with them. He had the feeling that they had somehow been behind this chance encounter. Harry rode beside his friends deep in thought as the carriage rambled along to drop the ladies off at their respective houses. “I don't know if I'm feeling tired just yet,” Neville said as Ron yawned. “Would you care to go to an after party?” Harry asked. Ron straightened on his horse and threw a cautious look to Neville. “No,” he said slowly. “I do have a lot of work tomorrow and I should get it done…” “And you, Ron?” Harry asked. “I'm too tired, Harry. All that singing and music. Sort of lulls you doesn't it?” “That's alright, I can probably go by myself. I'm sure Sirius would allow me,” Harry said and Ron threw Neville a sharp look. “I'll go with you, Harry,” Neville said, reluctantly. “Maybe a party will wake me up,” Ron added and Harry smiled as they trotted along. ~*~ Harry handed the reins to a stable boy and walked up to the manor, the lights from the window illuminated the street. There was a small door on the side of the manor, probably to the kitchens but Harry had a hunch that this was the way to go. He was right. “Who are you?” a rough voice called out from the other side of the door. A panel slide away revealing the eyes of the person who spoke. “Er…Harry Potter,” Harry answered. “Password?” He looked blankly at his two friends who shrugged in return. “Uh…my godfather is Sirius Black and…” The man barked out a rough laugh. “Your godfather eh? Who am I? Your long lost auntie?” The panel slid close and Harry and his friends looked at each other. “We could try the front door,” Neville suggested meekly. The panel slid open again and a pair of familiar eyes looked out. “Harry!” Sirius exclaimed in surprise and opened the door. “I'm sorry, Sirius. I didn't know it was a private party,” Harry said. “You're allowed anytime,” Sirius said jovially and stepped aside to let him in. “Kingsley, allow me to introduce my godson, Harry Potter.” The guard at the door looked at the group with a scowling face. “I'm surprised to see you here, Harry,” Sirius said. “I didn't think this was your type of party.” “Yes, well…” Harry said slowly and shrugged. Sirius led them through the kitchens and then winded down some corridors and the muffled sound of laughter grew louder and louder. The party was NOT what he had expected. The room was large and filled with people. A thick layer of smoke hung above the crowd. There was an enchanted pianoforte playing in the back of the room and there were little tables clustered around the place. Harry recognized a couple of members of the Order here, a lot of Ministry workers and some questionable characters that under normal circumstances wouldn't hob-knob with this regal group. Ron nudged him sharply in the side when a very attractive woman with dark hair looked over the new arrivals with approval. Neville blushed red, she was dressed in a way that clearly spoke that she was not a lady of society. There were quite a few of them here, scattered about the room and he could see Madame Rosemerta at a table near the back. Someone walked up to Sirius and whispered in his ear. “Well, Harry, please enjoy yourself,” he said. “I hope you have some galleons with you.” He clapped his godson on the shoulder and left to take care of some other business. Ron looked like a kid in a candy store. “Great idea, Harry,” he said then dove into the crowd. Neville stayed at Harry's side, he looked more than a bit out of place. Harry scanned the room and saw a crowded table off to the side and heard the familiar laughter. Hermione laughed at the joke the gentleman across from her told her. He had just lost his hand but he was a wonderful loser. Draco sat on her right, he still made her feel uneasy and she was grateful for the company of others. “Well my dear,” the gentleman said rising from the table, his friends followed suit. “It has been a pleasure losing to such beautiful company.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Draco scowled. As soon as the men left another group joined and Hermione's heart leapt into her throat when she saw Harry sit down across from her. “Mr. Potter,” Hermione stammered. “I didn't think you were invited.” “Sirius let us in. I hope I'm not intruding?” he asked, looking pointedly at Draco. “No, no. Of course not,” Hermione smiled. “Any friend of Sirius'…” The cards were magically dealt out and they began their play. Hermione was flustered and distracted. Harry was sitting right across from her. She didn't know whether to kiss him or smack him across the cheek and she fought down the urge to do both. Harry was just as nervous. The woman he loved, the woman his godfather loved was sitting in front of him. How badly he wanted to take her out of this party, kiss her senseless until he squashed all thoughts out of his godfather out of her mind. He loosened his cravat. Draco, thoroughly annoyed at Potter for sitting at his table, missed any strained tensions between the two. He was thinking that Potter was there to keep an eye on him. A very sensitive nose indeed. He had been successfully wooing Miss Granger and now, he felt he couldn't do a thing now that Potter was at the table, spoiling his mood. Or perhaps not. They all lay down their cards, giving up their winnings to a lucky hand of Mr. Potter's. The cards were magically dealt and the players took their bets. “We have been playing for beggar's change. What do you say? We can all afford to raise the stakes here,” Draco suggested as he challenged Harry. Harry met it. “What do you propose?” he asked. Draco took out a heavy sack and threw it on the table. “Twenty galleons,” he said smugly. “Are you a risk taker, Mr. Malfoy?” Hermione asked flirtatiously as she threw her coins in to match his. “Only when I know I can win,” he answered smugly, leaning closer to her. “I'm out,” Neville groaned. Harry looked between Hermione and Draco. “Twenty,” he said, tossing in his coins. “And I'll raise the stakes another thirty.” Draco stared at Harry. His reaction would tell Harry what kind of hand Draco was holding. Draco thought a moment and reached inside his coat. He saw his hand brush over a pocket watch, probably an heirloom, then instead settle on a gold cigar case. So, Draco's hand was not that great. “I'll see your bet. Here's a gold cigar case with good quality cigars inside to match. That should equal thirty.” Hermione bit her lip uncertainly. She didn't have any more money on her and she couldn't leave the table or else she would be forfeited. Then she brightened. “I have a garter that I'm wearing, it's good quality lace and there are tiny diamonds weaved into it. That should equal thirty.” She moved to reach down but Draco stopped her. “How about the winner of this hand do the honor?” he asked. Hermione briefly flickered her gaze to Harry then settled back to Draco. Harry caught the look, it was fear. She was afraid he would win, that meant that her hand was not that great either. “That is such a naughty proposition,” she said. “I'm in.” “So am I,” Harry said softly and he felt Neville lightly kick him under the table. “And I,” Draco added. “Call?” “Call.” “I call.” Hermione's heart pounded in her chest. Please don't let Harry win, please don't let Harry win. She didn't know if she would be able to handle him touching her, she could very well fall to pieces. Harry whistled softly at her hand, it was better than he'd thought. “Wow, that is a good hand,” he said softly and Hermione inwardly sighed with relief. “Mine's better though.” And to her horror, Harry lay down his cards. He had beat her, she would have to raise her leg to him and feel him slip the garter down her leg. Her heart pounded loudly and her sex moistened with anticipation. Harry wanted this. He wanted to touch her skin again be it intimately or not. “Sorry to rip these winnings back from you Mr. Potter,” Draco's voice broke through his lust filled thoughts. One by one Draco laid his hand down, ripping Harry apart with every card he lay down. Hermione sighed inwardly with relief. Harry would not touch her. She would not fall to pieces after all. Draco turned toward her and Hermione placed a delicate foot on his chair, between his thighs. Slowly, his fingers slid up her leg, his arm hidden in the folds of her dress. She felt them graze her skin as they reached the garter and was surprised to learn that she felt…nothing. She had no reaction to his touch after all. His fingers slid past her garter and skimmed the outer folds of her most private of areas. A wicked looked flashed across his eyes, misinterpreting the dampness due to his touch rather than the thought of Harry's. Hermione smiled sweetly and pressed her foot into his crotch. Draco froze then hastily removed his hand from underneath her dress, taking the garter with him. “I think you've had enough for this evening,” Sirius said as he stepped behind Hermione's chair and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I will have to agree with you, Sirius.” And she rose from her chair. “Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Potter, Mr. Malfoy.” She nodded to all the gentlemen then took Sirius' arm as he led her out of the room. Harry wished he had never come. He had lost fifty galleons to Draco Malfoy of all people, who was now grinning like a Cheshire cat. He got up from the table with Neville and they found Ron and saved him from losing any more galleons. The entire evening was a bust. They waited outside the stables for the stableboys to retrieve their property. As he mounted his horse, Harry looked up and saw Hermione at her bedroom window. Their eyes locked, her hands resting on the curtains she had been drawing close. Harry saw his godfather step up behind her and Hermione quickly shut the curtains. *So, they were lovers*, Harry thought. *So be it.* He clicked to his horse and the gentlemen set off on their way home for the evening. “Would you mind telling me what that was about,” Sirius asked Hermione as she shut her curtains. “It was just fun and games,” Hermione answered truthfully. “Nothing was meant by it. I was only flirting.” “With danger,” Sirius lectured. “Draco Malfoy is a Death Eater.” Hermione's eyes widened. “He is?” Sirius nodded. “Are you sure?” He nodded again. “He and his father were supposedly at the America's these past two years. They had arrived a fortnight ago.” Hermione shivered at the thought that a Death Eater had touched her. “On a boat?” she asked. “There is no wizarding transportation to the Continent,” Hermione said. “They arrived on a muggle boat,” Sirius explained. “Hmm,” Hermione said thoughtfully. “I suppose you would like the dock master's record book?” Sirius shrugged. “I'll speak to Mr. Leavensworth in the morning.” “That would help us a lot,” Sirius said. Hermione sat down at her boudoir and took out her earrings, placing them in her jewelry box. Sirius looked at her through the mirror. “What?” Hermione asked at his pensive thought. “Did you sleep with him?” he asked quietly. “Mr. Malfoy?!” “You know who I'm talking about.” “Honestly, Sirius, you…” “Don't spit your lies out at me!” he said harshly, spinning Hermione on her seat to face him and gripping her arms tightly. He shook her slightly. “Did you make love to him?” Hermione thrust his hands away from her and pushed him to the side as she stood up angrily. “It didn't mean anything, he's engaged to marry Miss Brown!” Hermione stated. It hurt to say this. It hurt to admit this truth. Her hand trembled as it touched her forehead. “Why did you do it,” Sirius said softly. Hermione laughed. “Why do you think it was all my fault? Maybe he seduced me!” “I highly doubt that,” Sirius replied. Hermione grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. Sirius caught it. “Damn you!” she yelled. “You can see no evil in him! You can forgive him every sin he committed against you and you can't believe he can do no harm! But believe me…he can do harm, he can be just as spiteful as anyone else.” “Harry had his reasons for what he did. Only he can answer to his faults. I will not judge him after all that he has gone through.” “And yet, you can judge me! Accuse me of seducing him! Well let me tell you Sirius that he came to me, he came to me because he was jealous of you!” Sirius stepped toward her angrily. “What did you tell him?” he snarled. “Nothing that wasn't implied,” she snarled back. “He thinks we're lovers.” “Hermione, that was long ago.” “So you see? I didn't lie to him, I just didn't bother correcting him.” Sirius stormed toward her and Hermione took a step back in caution. “YOU'VE DESTROYED HIM!!” “*I'VE* DESTROYED HIM? I'VE DESTROYED *HIM*?! HE CAME TO ME! HE SEDUCED ME! HE MADE LOVE TO ME!! But you go ahead and judge me, your precious little godson can do no harm. And I'm glad because HE WAS A BETTER LOVER THAN YOU!!!” Sirius raised his hand to hit her but stopped, his eyes were full of rage but he would never truly hit her. Hermione stared at him defiantly. Sirius lowered his head and sighed wearily. “Oh Hermione, Hermione,” he said heavily, the rage was now gone and filled with pity. She loved his godson, she had finally lost her heart to another who was now taken. He walked to the door of the bedroom to leave but turned to give her a few last words. “You two are the biggest fools I have ever met.” He opened the door and left. Tomorrow, he would call on Harry. He had work to do. Somehow he would find a way to fix this mess. --> 9. Fools in Love ---------------- Chapter Nine: Fools in Love The day was pleasant and warm. Harry had just finished a tour of the mill and was now looking over the surrounding property with the muggle that ran the mill. He was pointing out some of the fences that needed fixing and Harry was nodding his head in agreement. The sound of horse hooves caught his attention and Harry turned to see a familiar figure ride over the crest of hill. “Sirius,” Harry said. “This is a pleasant surprise.” He was actually glad to see his godfather. “Hello, Harry. I apologize for calling on you in such a short notice but I thank you for receiving me,” Sirius replied as he readied to dismount his horse. Harry stopped him. “No, no don't get down. I was just finishing up here, we can go for a ride after this.” Sirius led his horse a short distance away to give Harry his privacy to conduct his business. When he was through, Harry joined him on horseback. “I've always loved this area,” Sirius said wistfully as he looked over the valley. “I always enjoyed summers here with your father when we were at Hogwarts.” “I meant it when I said you were welcome here at any time,” Harry said sincerely. Sirius smiled gratefully. “So, how is the ball coming along?” he asked, changing the topic. “I think it is going well,” Harry answered. “I have no idea how to plan it so I'm leaving it up to Lavender, Ginny and Luna.” “Well, part of the reason I am calling on you today is to let you know that you are personally invited to the ball that I am throwing in a week.” “Ah, you beat me,” Harry mocked. “No matter, I would be honored to go.” He faltered a little at the end. It suddenly occurred to him that Hermione would most definitely be there as well. “Lavender will be pleased to squeeze in another ball before mine,” he added at the end. “She is a lovely creature…your fiancé,” Sirius said truthfully. “Yes, yes she is,” Harry felt a little uncomfortable talking about her with his godfather. Sirius picked up on this. “It was very quick, your engagement,” he began, testing the waters. “Are you sure you've had enough time to think on this?” Harry sighed wearily and Sirius could tell that he was not the first one to ask him this question. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry,” Sirius said hastily. “I understand everyone's concern,” Harry answered. “They all just want me to be happy.” “And are you?” Sirius asked. “Does she make you happy?” “Yes she does. I think I can be happy with her and we have a whole lifetime to figure that out.” “And love?” Sirius asked. Harry's jaw twitched. “Love will come.” “And what about Hermione?” Startled, Harry looked up at him. “What do you mean?” “Harry there's something you need to know about Miss Granger and me, something you should think about.” “I already know about the two of you,” Harry said politely but Sirius could hear the bitterness in his voice. “We aren't lovers,” Sirius said quickly. “But I won't lie to you and say that we never were. She has a way of making the most level headed man a fool but she she's no more in love with me than I am with her.” Harry dropped his head and sighed. “Why are you telling me this?” “Because I want to make sure you are doing the right thing.” Harry scoffed. “Sirius, I really wish you hadn't told me this. You've made me feel a bigger fool than I already had.” “How…”Sirius was at a loss for words. “I asked her to marry me,” Harry explained. “I asked her to be my wife and she said no.” Sirius was in a state of shock. “Up until now I thought it was because she loved you, that you two were lovers. Now I see she rejected me for the simple fact that she doesn't want me.” “Harry…I…” “I know. You were only trying to help. No matter. I am happy with my fiancé and even if your news was different, I am a man of honor. I will not take back my word to Lavender,” Harry said. “Of course. I expect no less,” Sirius said feeling defeated. He had come here with the intention of fixing things for his godson, now he felt as if he had made things worse. He had left Godric's Hollow and went to the Granger's to seek Hermione but she was not at home. And she had given explicit instructions to the footman that he should feel free to hex Sirius should he step a toe inside the home. This was not good. He needed to speak with Hermione. He needed to get a hold of the dock master's log. There was a meeting with the Order in two days time. He went to his home to check up on the final preparations for the ball. Replies had begun to fly in by owl, almost all of the society would turn up. Almost. Hermione's had returned with a big, red WILL NOT ATTEND written on the small card. Sirius sighed heavily. This had been a total fiasco. Harry was too honorable to take back his word, rightfully he shouldn't. Hermione had rejected Harry's proposal for who knows what reason, it was so clear that she was totally enamored with his godson. And his godson was so completely enamored with her. And now Hermione was refusing to even see the matchmaker, this was quickly going to hell. Perhaps they shouldn't be together, he had thought. They were both idiots. It was giving him a headache just thinking about the two of them. ~*~ Hermione waited patiently at a muggle storefront, pretending to stare into the goods that were on display, all the time watching in the reflection the building behind her. She nervously chewed on her lower lip. Then she spotted him come out of the dusty building. Hermione turned and hustled across the street, hoping to head him off. “Professor Dumbledore!” she said sweetly as he nearly bumped into her. “Oh, I do beg your pardon, my dear, I didn't see you. It was if you came out of nowhere,” he said jovially, his eyes twinkling. “It's no bother! It's such a pleasant surprise to run into you like this,” she said. “Perhaps you would like to escort me for awhile?” Dumbledore offered his arm. “It would be an honor,” he said and together they strolled down the street. “And how is your crusade going for the admittance of witches in Hogwarts?” “I've thought about your idea for a petition and I think I will start one,” she replied. “Good, I'm looking forward to it, I shall be one of the first to sign it.” Hermione flushed. “Thank you, sir. That means so much to me.” “Now that we have chit-chat out of the way, what is your real reason for darting across the street to see me?” he asked and Hermione blushed, embarrassed. “I…I have something that I would like you to return to…a friend of yours,” she said and she reached into the beaded sack she was carrying and handed him a large book that had been magically shrunk. “Hogwarts, A History?” he asked. “Yes, I borrowed it and now I'm returning it,” she said. “Perhaps, you would prefer to return it in person?” Dumbledore asked. “Oh no! No…no that's alright. There's a chapter in there that I found most endearing about a room full of chamber pots,” she said. “Well, I shall read it right away. It sounds most intriguing.” Hermione smiled. “Well, I have taken enough of your time. You have been a most wonderful escort.” “The pleasure has been all mine,” Dumbledore replied and saw Hermione to her carriage. ~*~ The meeting of the Order was a fiasco. Harry and Sirius slumped in the corner. They were the only two not to have completed their assignments nor bring anything new to the meeting. Harry had failed to get inside the Malfoy manor and Sirius had failed to get the boat documents. Mr. Leavensworth did not speak to him, he only spoke to Hermione and Hermione was not on good terms with Sirius. “And before we conclude our meeting tonight, I will not let it go on a sour note,” Dumbledore said cheerfully. “I have come into possession some valuable information that will help our mission.” Dumbledore reached into his cloak and took out a familiar tome that Harry recognized. “It would seem that the Malfoy's arrived on a muggle ship, the Wavebreaker, that came in from the America's. They had no other persons with them and trunks, which held their belongings. This person did further research and found that the Wavebreaker set sail from Boston with two less passengers than what arrived on the dock. Two names appeared to be added at the bottom of the ledger, and from what this source had found, was in a forged handwriting.” “Let me guess,” Harry interrupted. “Draco and Lucius Malfoy.” “Precisely,” Dumbledore nodded. “How can we trust this information?” Remus spoke up. “It came from a reliable source,” Dumbledore answered. “Did it?” Sirius asked and raised an eyebrow. Harry stared at the book in Dumbledore's hands, the very same book he had given Hermione. “And on that note, I believe this meeting has come to an end,” Dumbledore announced. As everyone began to filter out, he stepped forward toward Harry. “I believe this is yours,” he said quietly. “I don't want her involved,” Harry said quietly but determinedly. Sirius stepped up next to him. “I agree.” “I think it is a clever idea,” Remus interjected. “She has wonderful connections.” “I will not have her blood on our hands,” Harry hissed. “I appreciate your concerns, gentlemen,” Dumbledore said evenly, “but it is up to me who I trust my sources to be.” “But…” Harry and Sirius objected but Dumbledore raised a hand. “This is the end of the discussion. And I would appreciate the upmost discretion in this matter.” And with that, Dumbledore walked away. Harry turned angrily to Sirius. “You talk to her, you talk some sense into her.” He pointed a finger angrily at him. “I would if she were on speaking terms with me at the moment,” Sirius hissed back through gritted teeth. They both turned to Remus. “I have no pull with Miss Granger, you know this,” he said defensively. “Yes, but she is on speaking terms with you,” Sirius argued. “And she'll listen to what you have to say,” Harry pressed. Remus looked away guiltily. “It was your idea wasn't it?” Harry guessed. Sirius grabbed his hair in frustration. “Have you lost your mind completely?!” “Look, you two, we need all the help we can get. She asked me how to find him, the rest she did herself. I agree with Dumbledore.” And with that he made a hasty exit, leaving Harry and Sirius fuming behind him. ~*~ The cellar was musty, dark and dank. Lucius swatted away the spider webs from his head with an irritated flick of his hand. “What news do you bring me?” the cold voice pierced him to his very soul. “Potter has no indication of your return,” Lucius replied. “The plan is still very much a success. He has a fiancé now, a Miss Lavender Brown.” “Does he?” Voldemort's interest was piqued. “And Sirius Black?” “Draco says that they are not close. Sirius has a mudblood lover named Hermione Granger,” Lucius said. “He believes we can use the mudblood to lure Sirius.” “Very good, tell your son to keep up the good work.” Lucius' jaw tightened. “I think he has finished his job. He has spent enough time with the mudblood already.” Voldemort tilted his head to the side and gave Lucius a scrutinizing look. “You believe your son is doing too well a job?” “I do not want our family line tainted with unpure blood.” “I have no care for such things. What matters is that I get a body back, that the body be someone who can get close to Potter but without raising suspicion. Your family line and whom your son chooses to taint it with is of no concern to me.” Lucius looked angrily to the side. “Now, you may leave me.” ~*~ Hermione had been enjoying her walk until she saw Sirius stomp towards her. “I told the footman to hex you if you stepped so much as a toe inside the house,” she said angrily as she picked up her skirts to stomp toward her home. “I'm not in your house, am I?” he said in an icy tone and Hermione glared at him. “What do you want?” she hissed as they stepped through the doorway. “You're going to my ball,” he answered. Hermione scoffed at him. “I am most certainly not.” “Yes, you are.” “No. I'm. Not!” “Yes. You. Are.” And with a shout of protest from Hermione, he lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour and carried her upstairs to her bedroom while she ranted away. He kicked open her door, walked in and unceremoniously dumped her onto her bench in front of her mirror. “How dare you!!” she protested angrily. Sirius swooped down angrily upon her. “I'm tired of your childish games and I'm tired of your foolish stubbornness. You will get ready. You will arrive at my manor tonight. If you don't, I will see to it that I come back here and personally see that you get ready.” Hermione opened her mouth to protest but Sirius cut her off. “Don't think I won't. I know very well how to dress as well as undress you.” He pushed away from her and slammed the door behind him as he exited. Hermione sat there fuming. She was livid. She went to her writing desk and wrote out a quick note, sealed it and then summoned the servant, instructing that she deliver it right away. Then she quickly undressed to ready herself for the ball. ~*~ Harry had to give credit to his godfather, the ball seemed to be a hit. It was an eclectic crowd, he recognized some people from the after party the night of the Opera. Madame Rosemerta was here, along with some of her “ladies” although they were dressed nicely and flirting wonderfully with the gentlemen. The ladies of the elite looked a bit perturbed at this. So far, Harry had been enjoying himself with his friends and receiving congratulations on his excellent choice of bride. He felt a bit paraded by Lavender who led him around for awhile like a circus attraction. But she was happy, she had now become the most revered young woman of the Season. He had been enjoying his conversation with Ron and Dean when the announcement came that rocked his happy little world. “Miss Hermione Granger, escorted by Mr. Draco Malfoy.” “I don't believe it!” Ron said. Harry whipped his head around to see if the footman had been jesting. But there she was, dressed in a red dress that revealed her smooth shoulders and dove down in the middle to give a tantalizing glimpse of the cleavage of her breasts. He looked over at his godfather who was standing with Remus and wore a look of anger and shock on his face. She had brought Malfoy to the ball with her?! Whispers sprang up around him, a faint buzz over the small orchestra that played. Harry went to the refreshment table and poured himself a beverage, gulped it then poured another. Hermione was pleased with herself at the infuriating look on Sirius' face. Nobody forced her to go anywhere she didn't want to go. Let it teach him a lesson. She took her place with Draco as the first dance began. She glimpsed down the line and saw Harry with Lavender. She turned away and forced a smile on her face for Draco. He did dance divinely, she gave him credit for that. And he only mildly groped her as if to tease her, if only she responded she might have enjoyed the game. But she grew a little tired of dancing and soon she had slipped away from him and sought solace in the library. She walked into the large room and closed and locked the door behind her. She rested against it, eyes closed for a moment before she slowly opened them. The room was dimly lit by several candles and she moved to the other side to open up the windows. She relished the cool breeze that caressed her hot skin. “Nice painting,” a voice spoke that was slightly slurred. Hermione jumped and turned around. “Harry! I mean…Mr. Potter,” she said. “Oh, I think we're a bit past formalities, don't you think?” he asked. His jacket was off and his cravat was loose. He had a glass of what Hermione assumed was Firewhiskey in his hand. “I noticed that it's non-magical like the other portraits,” he said as he motioned to a painting in the room, some of the drink sloshing out of the glass and onto his hand. He didn't seem to notice. “It was painted by a muggle in Paris,” she said. The portrait in question was one of her in a white dress with green ivy leaves embroidered on it and a green sash. She and Sirius had been strolling down the Seine and he had commissioned a poor muggle painter on the street to paint her. “You look beautiful,” he commented. “Thank you,” Hermione replied softly then she bravely stepped forward. “I never did offer my congratulations to you on your engagement to Lavender Brown. She's a very lucky young woman.” He blinked at her as if not comprehending what she was saying to him. “Well, take care, Harry.” She headed for the doors but stopped at Harry's words. “At least she didn't use me,” he said softly. Hermione dropped her hand away from the door handle and slowly turned to look at Harry. “What did you say?” she said between clenched teeth. “At least she didn't use me,” he said more boldly. “You don't call that little parade down there using you? She's no angel,” Hermione said angrily. “You of all people have no right to judge her!” He moved closer to her. “You're like a spider who ensnares men in your web and when you are done with them you cast them aside as if they were nothing.” “And you! The angelic hero who seduces women and throws out proposals like they were dinner invitations!” She angrily turned around and opened the door but Harry reached her in two strides, slamming the door shut again. Hermione turned around angrily, his hand still above her head, his body close to hers as he pinned her to the door. “What do you think you're playing at, giving Dumbledore that information?” he whispered angrily. Hermione met his challenge. “I was only trying to help.” “We don't need your help.” “From the looks of it, you do. I want to be involved in this war as much as anyone else.” “It's too dangerous.” “I like danger.” “Is that why you're with Malfoy?” “Ooh! Is he dangerous?” she teased as she opened the door again but Harry once more slammed it shut. “I'm not playing, Hermione. He's a Death Eater.” “I know that,” she shot back. “And I also know that if my charms can wheedle out some information for the cause then it's worth it.” “Nothing is worth putting you in danger.” Hermione tilted her head and looked at him. “Why do you care anyway? What I do is none of your concern.” “My friend's well-being is my concern,” he answered harshly. Hermione raised an eyebrow. “Oh…is that all I am to you?” She opened the door and ducked away from Harry. He once again closed the door and leaned against it. The faint smell of her perfume filled his nostrils and sent his already hot blood boiling. He thrust himself away from the door and made his way to the decanter of Firewhiskey and filled his tumbler. He raised the glass to his lips and his eyes settled on the painting of her. She seemed to be smiling down at him, mocking him. “Damn you!” he curse angrily and flung the glass at the portrait. It shattered on the painting, the glass falling to the floor making tinkling sounds as the broken shards hit the floor. ~*~ The carriage came to a stop in front of the Malfoy manor and Draco reluctantly extracted himself from the arms of Hermione. “I had such a lovely time,” Hermione said as she leaned out of the carriage window as Draco stepped out of it. “Thank you for accepting on such a short notice.” “I was facing a boring night alone so I was happy to receive it,” Draco replied and he stepped back up to the carriage and sought out her lips once more. Lucius Malfoy stood in the shadows, watching this exchange. “Goodnight,” Hermione smiled and pulled herself back into the carriage and it set off at a trot. Hermione sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes, trying her best to push her conversation with Harry out of her mind. She slowly opened them and saw that Draco had left his jacket. “Fredrick!” Hermione called out to her driver. “Fredrick stop here! I have to go back and return something to Mr. Malfoy. “ “Do wish to turn around?” he asked. “No, just wait here. I shall return shortly,” she said as she stepped out of the carriage. The road was wet from an earlier rain and fog settled over the street but she could make out the lights of the manor from a distance. She wrapped her cloak closer around her and drew up the hood to keep out the damp chill. “I think I will do as I please!” she heard the angry voice of Draco. “Do not shame this family,” she heard another voice say, presumably his father, they sounded so alike. “The Master doesn't disapprove of it,” Draco replied. “And we obey the Master.” There was nothing said for a long time and Hermione hid behind a large bush, well hidden amongst the foliage and fog. “Speaking of the Master, he has a little assignment for us concerning Potter's betrothed,” his father said and Hermione let out a silent gasp, her fingers resting on her lips. “He wants Miss Brown kidnapped and brought to him tonight. I have Death Eaters waiting as we speak.” “And what does he want with her?” Draco asked. “Do we really care? The Master wants to keep her and torture her, bring Potter to his knees begging for the release of his love.” Hermione had heard enough and slipped away silently and briskly as she headed back to her carriage. Thoughts rapidly went through her mind. Lavender had gone home with Ginny and Luna, Sirius and Harry were still at the ball having cigars in the parlor with the other gentlemen and she had no idea where the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix were. “Frederick, get home quickly but keep the carriage waiting. I'll leave a message for Sirius then we must head to the Brown's as quickly as possible.” She sat back as Frederick sped the carriage off. Yes, yes she would leave a message for Sirius, he would alert the others and Harry. She bit her lower lip and stared outside at the dark night. “Please let luck be with me tonight,” she whispered. --> 10. A Narrow Escape ------------------- Chapter Ten: A Narrow Escape The carriage hurtled down the road in the darkness of the night, the misty fog swirled around the ground hugging it. The curtains inside the carriage were drawn, keeping its occupant safe from prying eyes in the dark. Inside, Hermione rocked gently with the movement of the carriage, a small light illuminated the cabin and the pale concerned face she held. She would get there in time. She would. She had to. Draco and the Death Eaters were after Lavender Brown, Harry's love and betrothed. She was racing to reach her before they could. The thought of Harry begging for Lavender's life brought tears to Hermione's eyes, she would not let Harry feel that pain. She would prevent it if she could. The carriage began to slow and finally come to a stop. Hermione leaped out of the carriage and looked up at the home of Lavender Brown. All was quiet, and there were a few lights still lit in the house. “Take the horses down the lane away from the village,” she ordered her driver. “Well catch up with you down the road. Wait for me.” “As you wish, my lady,” the driver nodded in return. Hermione watched the carriage ride away and she tugged her cloak tighter around her and headed toward the house, her red dress swished around her ankles. She knocked on the door and rang the bell. A sleepy eyed servant answered. “Please, there is no time,” Hermione said as she forced her way into the home. “I must speak with Miss Brown right away.” “You aren't received at this house!” the servant protested. Hermione ignored him and pushed her way up the stairs to the bedrooms. “Lavender! Lavender!” she called out. “Hermione? Is that you?” Ginny stepped out into the landing. She was dressed in her nightclothes and was followed by Luna and Lavender. “What are you doing here in my home?” Lavender demanded. “Lavender, there is no time,” Hermione said stepping forward. “I have to get you out of this house! The Death Eaters are coming for you!” Ginny and Luna gasped in horror but Lavender just stared at her. “Why? Why should I believe you? Why would I believe that you would come here and warn me? You would love to see me removed so you can take my place by Harry's side.” Hermione pursed her lips together. She would've loved nothing more than to swat this trollop over the head. “I'm not lying. They are on their way over as we speak to kidnap you.” “And how do you know this?” Lavender asked. Frustration began to mount in Hermione. “Lavender, please just take my word for it and get ready. We have to leave now.” “I think you should listen to her,” Ginny said worriedly. “Shh!! Listen!” Luna whispered. Crack! Crack! Crack! The sound of apparition could be heard in the distance. The four women shared panicked looks then they hustled into Lavender's bedroom. “Oh no!” Ginny gasped. “What do we do?” Hermione walked over to the candles in the room and blew them out, plunging them into darkness. “Get some cloaks on, heavy dark ones,” she said as she stood by the window, keeping a sharp eye out for anyone who approached the house. She ordered the girls to make the beds as if they hadn't been slept in. As she heard the rustle of cloaks swishing and frantic tiptoes, she spotted four cloaked figures in the distance, appearing out of the mist and heading toward the house. Her heart leapt in her throat. “We have to leave now!” she hissed to the others and she led them out of the room. They were half way down the stairs when they heard the tiny click of the front door, then saw it open, a triangle of moonlight appeared on the floor and the four figures silently slipped into the room. Very quietly and very slowly they creeped back up the stairs. Lavender led the group into another room, her parents'. The room was empty, the bed unmade since her parents left for Brighton a few days ago. Luna and Ginny were to keep her company, it would've been the perfect opportunity to take Lavender. Still would be unless they could make it out of the house undetected. Hermione pressed her ear to the door and listened. “She's not here,” she heard one say quietly. “Check the other rooms,” she recognized Draco's voice. Hermione hustled away from the door and the women could hear the footfalls near the bedroom. Luna dove into a wardrobe, Ginny hid behind a curtain and Hermione and Lavender hid underneath the bed and they all held their breath when the heard the creak of the door opening. From under the bed, Hermione could see the Death Eater walk into the room. Lavender looked at her wide eyed and scared. Hermione reached into the front of her dress and drew out her wand. She had no true chance to defeat a Death Eater but she knew one spell that would at least buy her time to get out of the room. The Death Eater walked around the room, pausing to listen for any sounds. It was so quiet Hermione could swear he could hear the heart pounding in her chest. She was afraid to breathe. He thumbed through some of Lavender's mother's jewelry, ruffled through some papers, took a quick look in the wardrobe then left the room, satisfied that there was no one there. Hermione waited some more then scooted out from under the bed. Lavender followed, Ginny appeared from behind the curtain and Luna reemerged from the wardrobe. “That was close,” Ginny whispered. “Too close,” Luna agreed, she had been in the wardrobe that the Death Eater peeked in. “We're not out of danger yet,” Hermione whispered. The girls followed Hermione to the door where she carefully and slowly opened the door and peeked out into the hall. The Death Eaters were going in and out of other rooms. Quickly and quietly the girls filed out of the room and down the stairs. When they reached the bottom, they made to move across the foyer to the front door when they heard voices from above. “She's not here.” “Check downstairs.” Then the footfalls of people going down the stairs. The girls retreated out of the foyer where they would be exposed and headed to the dining room. They could hear footsteps behind them and they quickly dove underneath the table. A Death Eater walked into the dining room and crossed it to the other side. “He's going into the kitchens,” Lavender whispered. “There's another door there.” “When he leaves, we head that way,” Hermione whispered to the others. They waited patiently until the Death Eater returned and marched back out of the dining room. Then the girls moved from underneath the table and toward the kitchen but then footsteps were heard again and Hermione and Lavender dropped to their knees, Ginny and Luna had made it to the kitchens. The Death Eater stayed in the room, silent and unmoving. Hermione and Lavender were no longer under the table but were still hidden by the high backs of the dining chairs that were opposite from where the Death Eater stood. “Lumos,” Hermione recognized Draco's voice and her heart stilled. Draco moved slowly around the dining table, shining his light in front of him. Hermione and Lavender moved quietly away from him around the dining table. He shone his light where they sat previously and didn't move, Hermione and Lavender stilled. Again Draco moved forward around the table following the path the women had taken. Hermione jumped when she heard a woman scream from somewhere in the house and Draco quickly left the room to see the commotion. “It's one of the maids,” Lavender whispered hoarsely. “Come on,” Hermione said and the two of them ran into the kitchen. They met up with Ginny and Luna and the four of them silently slipped out of the house through the door in the kitchen. The night was dark and there were clouds that drifted through the night sky, once in awhile blocking out the moon. “This way,” Hermione said, leading them across the grounds, sticking to the shadows. The cold air made little puffy clouds that emanated from their mouths as they hustled along. They followed Hermione off the grounds and into the dangerous coverage of the woods, the road always in sight of them to the left. At long last, Hermione spotted the carriage and the women raced into it, Frederick the driver, set the carriage off again at a fast past. Hermione kept the curtains drawn and the lights out. “Why were they after me?” Lavender gasped when her nerves had settled only a little. “They did it to hurt Mr. Potter,” Hermione explained. “I overheard them talking about it.” “You overheard them?” Ginny exclaimed and she and Luna shared alarmed looks. “How did you overhear them?” Luna asked. “It doesn't matter,” Hermione said, brushing the question aside, she had said too much already. “What matters now is where to go.” “We can go to the Burrow,” Ginny suggested but Hermione shook her head and frowned. “If they knew where Lavender was tonight then they know who was with her. They couldn't find her at her house so they'll search both of yours.” “My father!” Luna said in a strangled voice. “Don't worry now,” Hermione said softly. “By now, Sirius has hopefully gotten my note and word to Harry and your brothers,” she nodded to Ginny. “Your homes will be safe.” “Where do we go then?” Lavender asked. “Someplace safe where you can rest for a few hours. Someplace where the Death Eaters would never think to find you,” Hermione said contemplatively then her face brightened with an idea. ~*~ Harry looked up hopefully as Ron and Fred entered the library. “Anything?” he asked, his face was tired and pale. Sirius had left his home to make sure Hermione made it home safely when he came back to the parlor and gathered members of the Order into the library to give them the message that Hermione had left them. That she had uncovered a plot to kidnap Miss Brown and that she was headed there to warn the women. Harry and Sirius had apparated to the Browns but found that Lavender wasn't there, neither was Ginny nor Luna…nor Hermione. There was no sign of them. Only a dead maid to indicate that the Death Eaters had been there. Had they been too late? Neville and George said all was safe at the Burrow but their mother was frightened out of her wits. “Nothing,” Ron sighed. “No sign of Miss Lovegood but her father is safe and well,” George said. “Where can they be?” Ron asked. Harry was sick with worry. Hermione had gone off to rescue his fiancé and could quite possibly be in danger with the other women. Horrible thoughts began to fill his head. Draco had something to do with this. He just knew it. He remembered how Draco looked when he met his fiancé, what he would do to Hermione when he caught her. Harry had to cut off that train of thought or he would lose his mind. Sirius entered the library and Harry raised his feeble hopes again only to have them crushed by a shake of his head. “Nothing, she's not left a note and her carriage has not returned,” Sirius said worriedly. Harry looked out the windows. The sun was rising, it was dawn and it had been a long night. “I can't sit around here while she's out there, her life in danger!” Harry said exasperatedly. “Harry, everything will be fine,” Remus put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Miss Brown is safe and well.” Harry looked away guiltily. He had been thinking of Hermione, not his fiancé. “Harry, why don't you go upstairs and rest,” Sirius suggested. “No, no I can't rest until I find her,” Harry said morosely. “Well there's nothing we can do here,” Sirius said calmly. “We can rest for a bit before we regroup again in a few hours.” He looked around at the other gentlemen for consensus. Reluctantly, Harry agreed. His mind was so preoccupied with worry that he didn't realize they reached his guest rooms. But when he entered and closed the door behind him, he was surprised to find an owl waiting for him. Eagerly, Harry tore into it, read it in disbelief then tossed it to the side. There was a sharp rap at the door and Sirius peeked his head in. “What did yours say?” Sirius asked. “It was an invitation to tea with Madame Rosemerta,” Harry said irritatingly. “So did mine,” Sirius said deep in thought. “For this morning?” Harry nodded. There was another knock at the door and Ron and Neville stepped in. “Did you get an invitation?” they asked. It was more than a coincidence now for them not to investigate so away they went to Madame Rosemerta's. The brothel, didn't look like a brothel from the outside, it looked like a fine town house just outside London. The drive was lined with gravel and there was a fountain in front with a half dressed women pouring water from the vases they held over their heads into a collective pool below. The statues winked and smiled at the approaching gentlemen. “It's nothing unusual,” Sirius explained to the nervous men who walked toward the home. “She hosts private teas frequently.” Neville blushed at the thought of what these private teas really consisted of while Ron looked curious. Sirius knocked on the large oak door in front of them and a moment later a tall thin footman answered. “Ah, Mr. Black, right this way,” he greeted bowing respectfully. The men walked into the home furnished with dark wood and decorated in flowery wallpaper with roses on them. There were a few large rooms that they were led through that contained plush chairs and sofas, tables and a piano in two of the rooms. Through the maze they were led and up one set of stairs and down a corridor until they were led into a medium size room with a table in the middle laden with Danish, rolls and two jugs of cream and juice. “Please help yourselves,” the footman said, gesturing to the table. “Your company will join you shortly.” Then he left closing the door behind them. A short moment passed and then another door into the room opened. “Harry!” Lavender smiled as she burst into the room. “Oh thank goodness!” Harry said as she ran into his arms. He was happy that she was safe and well. Luna ran to Ron and Ginny ran to Neville. “Are you hurt? Are you okay?” Harry asked with concern. “Yes, yes, I'm fine,” she reassured him. “Miss Granger got us safely away and brought us here of all places. But it was brilliant, no one would ever think to find me here.” “No, no they wouldn't,” Harry laughed, relieved. The women told the story of their daring escape that was full of adventure over the breakfast that was provided. Once in awhile, Harry looked up to the door where the women had entered in hopes that Hermione would join them. “Miss Brown, as exciting as your ordeal was I think it would be best if you twist your story around a bit to leave certain parties out of it,” Sirius said cryptically. “What do you mean?” she asked. “We need to concoct a different story that leaves Miss Granger's involvement out of it. It would do great harm to her safety if word got out of her involvement,” Harry explained. “Why?” the women asked. “We can't answer that but we do ask for your descretion,” Harry replied. He looked up sharply when another presence entered the room. She was a regal woman, dressed in a schocking pink dress, her hair seemed a bit of an unnatural shade of red and she held a jeweled staff. Sirius went to her side and they exchanged a few quiet words then she turned to the party. “I hope you are enjoying the breakfast?” she asked, her voice was smooth and pleasant. The ladies agreed wholeheartedly and cheerfully, happy to be reunited with their loved ones. Ron and Neville seemed to have grown unusually quiet, they had never had a Madame of a brothel speak to them and the femininity she oozed knocked them off their guard a bit. Harry stood and faced her. “If it please you, I would like to speak to their rescuer, is she here?” he asked. “I'm afraid she is unable to join you for breakfast,” she answered vaguely. “Is she hurt?” Harry asked with concern. Madame Rosemerta looked at Harry with scrutinizing eyes. “No, she is still resting. It has been a long night.” “We all spent the night here,” Lavender explained. “She is such a gracious host,” she said of the Madame. “I didn't think Hermione was still here,” Ginny chimed in. “She wasn't in our room, she went to another to rest.” “Are you sure she can't join us?” Sirius asked. “She is resting,” Madame Rosemerta said in a tone that suggested the topic was now closed. “Please enjoy your breakfast. I shall have carriages ready to take everyone back to your respective homes.” The message implied was picked up by Harry. Enjoy your breakfast and then leave immediately, you will not see her today. ~*~ Hermione stood by a window and looked down as everyone piled into the carriages. She watched as Harry escorted Lavender then followed her inside. The door opened behind her and Madame Rosemerta entered the room and walked up behind her. She stroked Hermione's hair and brushed it off her shoulders in a motherly fashion. “So brave in many ways, such a coward in the most important one,” she sighed. “All we do is hurt each other when we talk,” Hermione said softly. “I wounded him so and it stabs me inside whenever I see him with her.” “And yet, you put your life in danger to rescue her from a most terrible fate.” “I did it for him. I couldn't bear the thought of him in any pain,” she answered. “And the pain you cause him?” Madame Rosemerta asked. Hermione didn't answer. She stayed one more day with Madame Rosemerta then went home the next morning. When she had arrived, there were a number of calling cards, she brushed away most of them but one caught her eye. It had the Hogwarts seal on it. She tore it open and saw a personal invitation from Dumbledore to have tea with him on Tuesday. Hermione went to her desk to pull out a calendar, it was today. She hastily went upstairs to dress herself for this meeting, wearing a modest sky blue dress covered with cream colored lace. She opened the front door to leave and was surprised to see the person on the other side. “Har…Mr. Potter,” she exclaimed. Harry looked over her lovely appearance. “I'm sorry. I just came by to drop off another calling card…are you leaving?” “Uh…yes. I have a tea I have to go to,” she answered when she gained her bearings. “Then, I'll be quick,” he said and stepped into her home. Hermione stood there as he walked by and into the drawing room. Then she gave a heavy sigh and closed the door. She followed Harry into the room. “You haven't answered any of my cards,” he said as he stood by a table, fussing with a porcelain figurine that rested upon it. “I have just returned home,” she said truthfully. “I was staying with Madame Rosemerta.” “I thought you had been avoiding me,” he said quietly. An awkward silence fell between them. “I'm sorry but I really must…” she gestured toward the front door. “I wanted to come by and thank you personally since I wasn't able to at Madame Rosemerta's.” Hermione shifted uncomfortably. “Really it isn't necessary,” she said but Harry stepped toward her. “Yes, it is. What you did for me…I…why?” he asked. “I overheard a terrible plot and I knew you wouldn't make it in time. They were planning on torturing her and have you beg for her release. I couldn't allow that to happen.” Harry looked at her. “And you did this after what I said of you?” Hermione looked away. “We both said horrible things.” “And I apologize,” he said. “It is not necessary,” she said and her tone became cold and neutral. “All ended well, the woman you love is safe.” “Yes,” Harry said softly, “yes she is.” Hermione couldn't stand being in his presence another moment. She had done her good deed for him by saving his fiancé and felt that she had redeemed herself somehow. His apology was not necessary. “I really must be going,” she said in a businesslike tone. “Of course,” Harry said, “I don't want to keep you. Please allow me to escort you to your carriage.” “It really isn't—“ “Please,” Harry insisted and Hermione nodded. Hermione gathered her cream colored shawl and a small wristlet and left her home with Harry at her side. He took her hand and escorted her into her carriage, his touch lingering a moment too long than what was necessary but she did not pull away. She stared into his eyes and suddenly felt the urge to extend the invitation to him, invite him into the carriage with her but she resisted. “Oh, before you go, I almost forgot that I had something to give you,” Harry said and smiled brightly sending daggers into Hermione's heart. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a rolled piece of parchment and placed it in her hand. “Thank you,” Hermione said politely then the carriage pulled away. Hermione did not look back but heard the crack of disapparation. She undid the crimson ribbon that was tied around the parchment and unrolled it. PETITION FOR THE ALLOWANCE OF ADMISSION OF WITCHES TO HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WIZARDRY Underneath were several signatures with room for many more but the first one was Harry J. Potter. Tears sprang in Hermione's eyes as she lifted the parchment. A smaller envelope dropped into her lap and Hermione picked it up. The seal of Gryffindor was imprinted on crimson colored wax. She broke it and found an invitation inside to a ball held in a few weeks at Godric's Hollow. A smaller reply card was enclosed with it and Hermione let out a small laugh when she saw that WILL ATTEND was already checked off. --> 11. Of Love and Honor --------------------- Chapter Eleven: Of Love and Honor “Are you quite sure of what you heard?” Hermione swallowed her tea and nodded politely, putting the teacup back on the saucer. “Most definitely, I heard him specifically say the Master.” Dumbledore frowned, deep in thought. “So he has returned.” “I beg your pardon, professor but do you mean…well…Voldemort?” she asked hesitantly. Dumbledore raised an eyebrow as she said this. He admired the young woman's courage to say his name. “But I thought Harry…Mr. Potter killed him,” Hermione continued. “The war is over…I don't understand.” Dumbledore sighed. “It's a complicated matter but it would be best if this news did not leave this room. In a way, Harry did destroy Voldemort, reduced him to a mere spirit but before he could finish him, he fled.” Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing. “Is that why he's after Harry? Revenge?” “That is not for me to tell,” Dumbledore replied. Hermione placed the tea back on the table, her hands trembled slightly. Lord Voldemort was not defeated after all, the wizarding world was still in great danger. Harry was still in danger and could be called away to battle at any time. “What can I do?” she asked. “You have done so much for us already,” Dumbledore said. “The Order needs all the eyes and ears we can get. You didn't think I invited you here just for your lovely company did you?” he said smiling at her from behind his half-moon spectacles. Hermione looked at him. “You want me to join the Order?” she asked and Dumbledore nodded. Hermione looked out the window. Harry was a member of the Order and so was Sirius, the two men she cared about most in the world besides her father were part of that organization. “No,” she replied and Dumbledore looked surprised. “If I am to keep up this charade the less I know of the Order the better. I don't want to know who the other members are and I don't want to know where headquarters is. Having that knowledge would put certain parties in danger and I do not wish to possess it. I wish to continue to provide valuable information to you but you must understand my position.” “I do understand it, Miss Granger.” ~*~ That night, Hermione couldn't sleep. Outside her window the large tree swayed with a strong gust of wind. A storm was unfurling, the rain fierce and there was a feeling of anxiety and tension in the air. Tonight, Dumbledore will be telling the Order of what she had learned the night of Miss Brown's attempted kidnapping. She sighed heavily and turned on her side. What would happen to everyone? She suddenly stilled. Did she hear correctly or was it her mind? Tap. Tap. Tap. Hermione sat up in her bed and tossed the covers aside. Her bare feet strode across the room to the windows to her balcony. A familiar silhouette stood on the other side, rain tapped against the panes. She opened the doors and the smell of rain filled her nostrils. “Harry,” she whispered. “Is it true?” he asked. He must've walked from headquarters, he was soaked to the bone, his hair was sopping and a few strands plastered themselves to his forehead. His scar suddenly stood out on his forehead. There were a couple of leaves on his clothes indicating that he must've climbed the tree outside her window. “Come inside, Harry,” Hermione said and reached out to wrap a hand around his arm and draw him into her room. “Is it true?” he asked again. Hermione looked at him, there was pain suddenly in his eyes. She was afraid to answer him, afraid that her answer would break him. “Yes,” she said so softly that he barely heard her. Harry closed his eyes and sighed. Hermione's heart went out to him. She raised a hand and caressed the side of his face. He turned into her hand and kissed her palm. “Harry…what happened? Everyone thinks you destroyed him.” He turned away from her and walked to the fireplace in her room. “Some war hero I am, huh?” Hermione followed him and knelt down in front of the dying embers and placed more logs on it, coaxing it to a warm blaze. She then stood in front of him and reached up to take his wet cloak off. She tossed it onto a chair, reached for her wand then cast a drying charm on it, then cast one on Harry himself. “You faced Voldemort by yourself and reduced him to nearly nothing. That is bravery, Harry,” she replied. “You said his name, you said it without flinching or wincing,” he whispered, looking down at her with unreadable expression on his face. “I am not afraid of him,” she confessed. “For the first time…I am,” Harry said. Hermione looked up at him, surprised, the question in her eyes. “Because for the first time, there's something I care about that I can lose.” His hand reached up and cupped the side of her face. “Can I tell you something? Something that only a few people know?” “You can trust me, Harry,” she said. He smiled at her. “I know I can.” He settled himself down on the floor in front of the fire and Hermione followed suit. He told her everything, what he knew about the death of his parents, why he studied so hard at Hogwarts, the revenge he wanted so badly. He told her about his kidnapping and about leaving for the war. He told her about the prophecy, to which she held a hand lightly to her mouth and her eyes filled with tears as she looked away into the fire. He stood and paced back and forth as he told her about what happened on the battlefield that only he and Dumbledore were witness to. A silence descended upon them. Hermione looked at him, looked at his face filled with uncertainty, eyes so lost and she wanted to take it away from him. She wanted to be reckless and wanted to steal this one moment with him. She stood to face him as he stared at her. She reached out and grasped his shoulders, using them as leverage as she stood on tiptoe and kissed him. His arms immediately wrapped around her and drew her to him, holding her close to his body. The kiss intensified as his mouth opened to accept her tongue as she tasted him. His lips left hers only to land on the sensitive skin of her neck and she tangled her hands in his unruly hair. Desire pooled in the flower between her legs and she craved him. Her hands worked furiously as they unbuttoned his shirt, her hands reaching underneath to run across the hard muscles of his chest. He muffled a groan against her mouth as she led him backwards toward her bed. The backs of her knees hit it and Harry lifted her slightly to lay her upon it. His hands were hot upon the outside of her thigh as he drew the hem of her nightshirt up. “Make love to me, Harry,” she whispered and he removed his hand to undo his britches. Then he stilled. Hermione opened her eyes and looked up at him as he hovered above her. His expression reflected the conflict within. She wouldn't do this to him, she wouldn't put him in the position where guilt would eat at him, where he would have to explain things to Lavender. His fiancé. She suddenly realized that she was only borrowing him, that he wasn't hers to keep. “I'm sorry,” she said hoarsely, “we can't do this.” “I know,” he said softly. He buttoned his shirt and threw on his cloak. She sat up on the bed and looked at him with wide eyes. He stood and looked at her as she moved off her bed to face him. He leaned back down, making the motion to kiss her again but she placed her fingers on her lips to stop him. “Please don't,” she said, her voice filled with anguish. “You're too honorable for this.” “What if I told you I don't care for honor?” he asked. “Yes, you do. It's one of the things I love about you. And I will be nobody's mistress,” she said with a hint of defiance. Harry walked to the doors of the balcony and looked back at her, his expression was hard. “I never wanted you as a mistress, Hermione,” he said then left her room, closing the doors behind him to walk back out into the rain. ~*~ Fireworks exploded in the night air above the elaborately decorated manor. There was a red carpet laid out from the carriage drop off point to the front door. Polished knight's armor lined the walk, the heads turning once in awhile when a pretty lady passed. A carriage came to a halt and Draco Malfoy emerged from it and looked up at the home with an eyebrow raised. He turned around and reached out to assist his escort for the evening from the carriage. “Old man's overdone it a bit, don't you think?” he asked. Hermione stepped down from the carriage, holding her gold colored gown away from her feet. She took Draco's arm and looked up at the manor. It was a bit overdone but that was what could be expected from Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic. He always did give the air of someone trying his best to impress and fit in with the elite. As the walked into the home, they were on a landing looking down into ballroom below. Hermione and Draco took a moment to take in the scene. She spotted Sirius surrounded by a few husband hunters and looking a bit uncomfortable. She spotted the red heads of the Weasley men, Luna was on Ron's arm and a short way away from them was Ginny with Mr. Longbottom. With a fluttering stomach she spotted Harry standing with Lavender who had a small crowd around her. “Shall we?” Draco asked and they headed down the stairs. Together they made their rounds around the crowd and Hermione made careful note of the gentlemen Draco seemed to be well acquainted with. “Evening Draco, aren't you going to introduce us to your lovely companion?” Hermione went cold. She recognized the voice from the night of Lavender's attempted kidnapping. She turned and faced an older gentleman with the same shocking blond hair as Draco accompanied by an elegant looking woman who had a slight sneer on her face. “Mother, Father, this is Miss Hermione Granger,” Draco made the introductions. “How do you do?” Hermione said politely. They met her with cold and insolent eyes. They clearly did not approve of this courtship. “Your father's a muggle, is he not?” the woman asked. Clearly there was no skirting the issue here. “Yes,” Hermione replied proudly. “A very well connected one to the wizarding world.” “Through Sirius Black?” Mr. Malfoy asked. “The smuggler?” “Alleged smuggler,” Hermione answered. There was no need to shed light on Sirius' less than proper means of income. “The first dance is starting,” Draco announced and drew Hermione away to the dance floor. “You have to forgive them,” he said. “They don't have the ability to look over your faults as I do,” he said arrogantly. Hermione leveled a cold gaze at his back. Oh, the things she put up with to help the Order. Harry was quiet. He stood politely by his fiancé as she regaled the tale of her near kidnapping over and over and over again to anyone who would listen. One would think she'd be a bit unnerved by what had happened to her. “So you managed to sneak out of the house?” Cho Diggory asked her. “It was so frightening but I managed to keep a level head,” Lavender answered. “Harry, you have a very resourceful fiancé here,” Cho said smiling. “Harry…Harry!” Harry snapped his head to her just realizing that she had been speaking to him. “I-I'm sorry, what did you say?” he asked. Cho and Lavender exchanged quizzical looks then looked at Harry with concern. “Harry, darling, are you feeling well?” Lavender asked with concern. “It's a bit warm in here, I think I'll go outside for a moment. Will you be alright in here?” he asked. Lavender looked around at the eager crowd of listeners that was beginning to form. “Yes, I think I can manage,” she answered. Harry felt relief when the cool air hit his face, cooling his body. He made his way into the gardens and to a large fountain in the middle. Couples strolled along together, happy, possibly making plans for the future. Harry watched them wistfully. Something Hermione had said had been playing itself over and over in his head. *It's one of the things I love about you.* What she loved about him. What she loves about him. Did she love him, afterall? Almost as if on cue, Hermione walked passed a hedge and into view of the fountain. She saw Harry standing there, deep in thought and she quietly approached him. “I hope you're seriously not contemplating a swim in there?” she said lightly. Harry looked up at her and smiled. “If I were, would you join me?” he asked. Hermione looked at the fountain faking consideration. “It's a bit too shallow for me,” she said frowning as she moved closer to him. Harry looked back at the manor where the sounds of the ball filtered out. “So, you met the parents?” he asked. Hermione gave a snort of derision. “In all seriousness, I recognized his father's voice,” she said quietly. “He was the one who gave Draco the task.” “Really?” Harry asked, frowning. “I've been trying to see who he associates with this evening. Besides his father, I don't recognize any of them. They've never been to my house.” “Hermione, why are you doing this?” he asked. She looked at him, taken aback. “You don't have to do this.” “It's my fight, too. I have to live in this world as well,” she answered. “But…” he lowered his voice to a whisper, “the Order?” Hermione looked away from him and stared at the fountain. The water splashed down tier after tier, the fat little drops fell into the pool below. “Because I care about you,” she said softly. Harry stared at her determinedly. “Hermione…I have to know,” he paused. “Do…do you love me?” Hermione looked up at him and Harry could see it in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but they were interrupted. “There you are,” a drawling voice said. Draco Malfoy entered the scene. A look passed between Hermione and Harry that spoke conversations. “Malfoy, I was just being introduced to your lovely companion,” Harry said politely. “I hope you weren't looking for me for too long,” Hermione said sweetly. “No, not long,” he answered vaguely, keeping an eye on Harry. An awkward moment was quickly building. “Draco, Mr. Potter went to Hogwarts. The same school as you, did you know each other?” she asked. “We might have passed in the hall. I don't remember,” he said dismissively. “Darling, here you are. Why don't you come back inside?” Lavender came out into the garden and took her place by Harry's side. Draco's eyes fell on her and Hermione and Harry looked at each other with concern. “I remember you,” she said. “You're Mr. Draco Malfoy.” “How kind of you to remember,” Draco replied in a false tone. “And you are the brave Miss Brown. I had heard about that terrible business about your near kidnapping.” “Oh that little story?” Lavender laughed and Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry gave her a small smile. “Such a dreadful event. I guess being the fiancé of Mr. Potter has its consequences and it's good that you're up to the task,” Draco said vaguely. Lavender's smile faltered slightly. “Do you think her life is still in danger?” Harry asked Draco, his face was impassive. “I'm just saying that I would hope you would do better in protecting the woman you love,” Draco shrugged. Harry's calm expression didn't falter but his tone was deadly serious. “I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who so much as lay a harmful finger on the woman I love.” His eyes flickered over to Hermione for less than a second but it sent Hermione's heart racing. “Let's go back inside, Draco,” Hermione said quietly. “Yes, of course,” he replied and held his arm out to Hermione. Together they walked back into the party, Hermione looked over her shoulder once to see Harry watching her and Draco walk away. “So now you've met the *famous* Mr. Potter,” Draco said not bothering to hide his annoyance. Hermione shrugged indifferently. “If you ask me, he seems rather snobbish. I'm so glad you came out when you did. I was dying of boredom.” Draco grinned triumphantly when she said this. They lined up for a dance and Hermione saw that Harry and Lavender lined up next to them. The music started and the couples danced. Every time Harry's hand touched hers she wanted to melt, butterflies threatened to erupt from her stomach. They always eagerly reached for each other's hands, holding on as they looked into each other's eyes then let go of each other at the very last moment. When the dance ended and they danced with their respective partners, their eyes found each other across the dance floor. And as soon as Draco left her side, Harry swooped in to take her on the dance floor. Her hand felt soft and warm in his and he slid the other hand around her waist. They still had to give the air of propriety. “Come with me upstairs,” he whispered in her ear. “Harry, we can't,” she whispered back. “Hermione, if I don't kiss you soon…” “I know…Believe me, I know.” Harry held her in his arms as they danced, not daring to hold her any closer. Her scent filled him, made him lighthearted and reckless. Desire for her burned through him and he could feel it emitting off her. When their dance was over Hermione danced with Sirius, consciously aware of Harry's every move away from her. Harry immediately became aware of the Lavender situation. He had to do something about it. As he danced with her, he could see Hermione and Sirius dancing but they must have been talking about a serious subject. Their faces were intense. “He was attacked about an hour ago, I just now received word,” Sirius whispered to Hermione. “But he's just a guard, why would they kill him?” Hermione asked. “I don't know. Maybe they were after the cargo?” he guessed. “What did you have?” she asked. “Diamonds,” he answered. “The ship was from Antwerp.” She gaped at him. “Sirius!” she whispered scolding him. “But I managed to move the shipment off a day early, otherwise…” “You'd be on that ship,” Hermione finished for him. “Oh dear.” “The Death Eaters are dipping their toes in smuggling,” Sirius sighed. Hermione bit her lip in thought. This theory didn't sit right with her. But there was one way to find out. “Sirius, I think I might have a plan,” she said slowly then tossed her idea out to him. Hermione felt exhausted when the ball was over but she felt very awake. She wondered if Harry would stop by tonight but she fell asleep waiting for him As much as Harry wanted to see Hermione, duty called and a last minute meeting of the Order was called. Sirius was explaining to them an outrageous plan that Hermione had concocted. “So the only thing she needs is Veritaserum?” Dumbledore asked. “She plans to drug him with this at the next ball?” Remus asked. “No, I don't like this idea,” Harry spoke up. “It's too risky.” “It's brilliant!” Ron said aloud and the twins agreed. Dumbledore frowned, deep in thought. “It would help us greatly. Miss Granger seems to be the only one who is in a position to get this close to a Death Eater. Very well, I shall see what I can do about the Veritaserum.” The meeting adjourned and Harry left with the Weasley's. “In a position to get close to Malfoy, alright,” George said cryptically, “especially after this ball.” His twin sniggered. “What do you mean?” Ron asked. “The next ball she's going to is Madame Rosemerta's,” George explained. “So?” Harry asked. Fred and George looked at each other. “We've heard her ball is an orgy for the elite in disguise.” Harry and Ron's eyes widened. “It's a masquerade ball,” Fred continued. “So they have a bit of anonymity. Although, it's really useless, you can tell who is who, but it's the idea that it gives.” “What goes on at the party, stays at the party,” George added. “We've been trying to finagle an invitation for weeks now,” Fred said. Harry remained quiet as Ron asked more questions. Hermione was taking Draco to this ball. She was going to take a huge risk by drugging Malfoy at this ball. A plan began to form in his head but before he could set them into motion, he had something to take care of first. ~*~ Hermione woke up the next morning feeling a bit disappointed that she had fallen asleep. What if Harry had stopped by? But there was no sign that he did. She sighed. Why should he? They were playing a dangerous game, a dishonorable one at that. But it still didn't squash her disappointment when she didn't see him at all that day nor the next. She filled her time making last minute preparations for the upcoming ball at Madame Rosemerta's. She had met with Draco and they decided on the theme of a pirate and his Spanish concubine. The dressmaker that Hermione usually went to took great delight in preparing a costume for her. One afternoon, after a fitting, she took tea at Miss Katie Bell's home along with Ginny and Luna. “Can you believe all the scandal?” Katie said excitedly when the maid left the room, leaving behind a tray filled with cream cakes and tea. Hermione took a cake and nibbled on it as she listened to the gossip. “I heard she is a wreck,” Miss Angelina Johnson added. “The poor thing.” “I knew he was a rake,” Ginny said knowingly. “Didn't I tell you?” she nodded to Luna and Hermione. Hermione felt very out of the loop. “What are we talking about?” she asked timidly. The women all stared at her. “Hermione, haven't you heard?” Luna asked. “Everyone's talking about it,” Ginny added. Her face still held a blank look and Angelina tutted impatiently and Katie leaned forward eagerly to explain. “Mr. Potter has cancelled his engagement to Miss Brown!” Hermione, who had a bite of cream cake in her mouth, inhaled suddenly, causing her to choke. Luna hit her back as Hermione coughed and spluttered. “I know!” Katie threw up her hands. “It's most scandalous. The poor girl's heart is broken.” “That man's reputation is ruined, war hero or not, it is most ungentlemanly to lead a lady on like that,” Angelina huffed. “The wedding plans were in full swing and she already had been meeting with designer's to make plans for Godric's Hollow,” Katie said. “It was so cruel of him to take it all away from her,” Angelina shook her head. Hermione had stopped coughing by now and took a drink of tea. “Such a scoundrel,” Katie said. “Such a rake,” Angelina added. “I take it he is no longer received in your homes?” Luna asked. “Of course not!” Katie said crossly. “This only means that Mr. Potter is back on the marriage mart,” Angelina added. Hermione could see that this scandal only made Mr. Potter more appealing to the husband hunters. She smiled to herself at the mental image of Harry fighting off the women in droves. --> 12. Masquerade -------------- **A/N:** Thanks for all the great reviews from everyone. This chapter will be rated NC-17 for…well, um, you'll see. Chapter Twelve: Masquerade Hermione looked at herself in the mirror, summoning up the courage to go downstairs. The music and noise from below drifted into the room. Draco was waiting for her. She picked up the red rose on her table and placed it into her hair. She wore a white dress lined with lace and a black bodice. The laces were done up the front, the sleeves of the dress were capped and fell off the shoulder revealing her smooth creamy skin. She checked the laces and adjusted the bodice. The top of it ended just below her breasts, the white material gave the faintest hint of the rosy nipples underneath. She held a small crystal vial in front of her, the crystal clear contents sparkled within. She slipped the vial into her wristlet. She could do this. She would be able to seduce Draco, slip the potion into his drink and bring him up here to her room and ask the questions that she needed to know. She picked up the velvet black mask, it was a half mask covering only the top half of her face. She placed it on her head then took one more calming breath before opening the door and going down to the party. Harry lifted himself up one more limb then reached out and climbed atop a ledge. He climbed over the balcony and peeked into the room. It was empty. He carefully and quietly opened the window and slipped inside. He went to the door and put his ear to it, the hall seemed quiet. He threw on his invisibility cloak and slipped out into the hall and followed the music downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, a couple was enamorously entangled and with great relief Harry saw that the young lady had blond hair. The music of violins filled the air playing a strangely arousing melody as he continued on his way. He was careful not to tread on toes or bump into anyone. But he doubted if some people even noticed him if he did. He walked into a room with rose colored wallpaper and matching plush sofas framed in a dark wood. There was a couple sitting on a chair, the woman had dark hair and was rocking slowly on an older gentleman's lap, who oddly bore a striking resemblance to the Minister of Magic. The woman's face was hidden, her mouth slightly open as she let out a moan. Her skirts were gathered at her hips while the gentleman's trousers lay slack on his knees. That wasn't Hermione either. Next to the chair was a sofa upon which two young men sat, a young woman with blond hair lay across the two of them. One of the men kissed her lips and fondled her breasts while the other had a hand up her skirts. Hermione's plan was not going as she had imagined. As she went downstairs to search for Draco she had to fend off a number of gentlemen who wanted to drag her into a dark corner. And then when she found him, he was already indulging himself with a pretty girl with brown hair dressed as a harem girl. When she finally pried him away from her she found that he was a little into his cups. Now she found herself pressed awkwardly and painfully up against a bookshelf while his lips sloppily assaulted her and his hands awkwardly fumbled her. She was quickly losing her patience. “Draco.” “Hmm?” “Draco!” “What?” he asked impatiently. “Let's take a small break and enjoy some of the refreshments.” “I am enjoying something,” he mumbled then went back to her neck. She wriggled herself away from him. “Maybe so but I'm going to need a break,” she said coyly. “A woman can handle only so much pleasure and I need to build my stamina for what I hope will be a *very* long night,” she winked at him and walked away. Draco followed her willingly. The banquet room held a long table that was piled with food and drink. Hermione picked up a small plate and began to pile food onto it, Draco did the same. Hermione turned and handed him her plate. “I'll get us some drinks,” she said cheerfully. She walked to the other side of the room and picked up two flutes and filled them with champagne. Taking a quick look around her, she quickly took out the vial and poured a few drops into one of the glasses. “Thank you,” she said when she returned to him and exchanged a flute for her plate. She raised her glass for a toast. “Here's to a lovely evening,” she said. “A very eventful evening,” he offered suggestively. Hermione raised the glass to her lips and watched as he did the same. The champagne nearly touched his lips when he suddenly brought his arm down. “Isn't that Sirius Black?” he asked. Hermione turned and saw indeed that he had entered the room and began to help himself to some food. He was here to make sure Hermione's plan was seen to the end and it helped that he already had an invitation from Madame Rosemerta. “He's a jealous fellow isn't he?” Draco asked. Hermione looked at the untasted champagne in his glass. “Yes, I suppose so,” she said dismissively. Draco set down his glass and plate. “Come on,” he said as he took her plate and glass from her. “I have a better idea.” And before she could protest he whisked her away to another room. In the middle of the room a couple was dancing to the violins that played the tango. Onlookers lined the room and Draco cut through them. “Do you know this dance?” he asked. “A little,” Hermione answered. “Good enough for me,” he said. Harry made his way into a circular room where people were gathered in silence. In the middle of the room was a circular table upon which were a naked man and woman having sex while the others watched. They were both masked and the woman had her thighs hooked on the man's hips as he moved above her in the rhythm to the music that was playing. Hermione was not in this room either. He moved into the hallway and immediately flattened himself against the wall. “I lost her,” he heard Sirius say. He wore a full mask in the shape of a dog and he spoke to two red haired gentlemen who wore dominos. “We saw them head this way,” one of the twins said and together they left. So, Sirius was watching over Hermione as well as the twins. This would make things more difficult and he had to change his plans. He originally wanted to abduct Hermione and take her out of this place but now her absence would most definitely be noticed. He followed them into the room where the enchanting music of the violins was louder. There were couples dancing here and with a sudden start he saw her. Draco pressed her close to his body as he danced with her. Over his shoulder she spotted Sirius and two familiar red heads. She would have to try again with the champagne. He hand slid down her back, past her buttocks and to her outer thigh as he slowly dipped her, bringing her thigh up to hook on his hip. Hermione eased into the dip, holding on to him as he bent over and kissed her neck and moved slowly down her chest before bringing her back up. Harry watched as they danced, rage bubbling inside of him. He watched as they stopped dancing and Hermione led him off the dance floor. Harry saw the look of lust in Draco's eyes, saw him whisper something to Hermione, then leave her side. Now was his chance. He quickly followed Draco through the crowd, up the stairs then into the quiet of his room. Draco quickly brushed his normal dress attire off the bed and into a trunk. He then went to the bed and straightened it. Taking a few candles out of the trunk and setting them about the room and lighting them. Uncorking some champagne, he cast a cooling charm on it then set two flutes next to it. “Stupefy!” Draco fell to the ground with a thud. Harry quickly uncovered himself from his invisibility cloak. He quickly removed Draco's costume then undressed himself, changing into the disguise. He wore black trousers and a loose fitting white shirt that was open at the collar and a black cloak. He slipped a tiny object in a pocket in the cloak. The mask Draco wore was a simple bandana that luckily covered the hair so nobody would see the change in hair color. Harry tied it behind his head, adjusting the mask so he could see through the two eyeholes. Harry looked once more around the room then blew out all the candles. With a swish of the cloak, he left the room and stepped into the hall. He held a bundle in his arms that held his invisibility cloak and his clothes and hid them in a tiny broom closet. Hermione finished the champagne in her glass and set it down. She wandered from room to room, wondering what was keeping Draco. She felt an arm slip around her waist and lips on her neck. It was most definitely not Draco, she recognized the touch instantly. She whirled around and faced her pirate, green eyes filled with mischief stared back at her. She opened her mouth to protest but was quickly silenced with a kiss. Hermione wrapped her arms around him. “What are you doing here?” she whispered when he broke the kiss for air. “Putting a stop to this ridiculous plan of yours,” he whispered back. “You'll ruin everything,” she said. “Good,” he answered then claimed her lips again. He moved her back towards a wall pinning her against it, pressing his body against hers. She let out a small whimper and Harry grinned triumphantly. “Draco will be back any moment,” she whispered frantically, trying to push him away. “He'll not return tonight.” “What did you do to him?” Harry didn't answer her, he instead began to kiss her neck. She clutched at him desperately, feeling his hardness press against her thigh stirring that familiar desire inside. “Sirius and the twins are here,” she said. “So play along,” he whispered in her ear. “And if they spot you?” “They won't recognize me.” He claimed her lips again and Hermione kissed him back hard, demanding entrance to his delectable mouth. His hands moved up her side from her waist, his thumbs brushing over her erect nipples before coming to a rest to cradle her head. Hermione broke the kiss and whispered hotly in his ear. “The twins just walked in the room, come on.” She took his hand and they walked out of the room, losing themselves in the crowd in the hall, moving around couples intimately entwined. They moved into the parlor and Hermione led him to the far side before turning around and claiming his lips. Harry bent his head down and Hermione felt his hot mouth through the fabric of her dress as he teased her nipple. She inhaled sharply with pleasure as she pressed herself against him. Harry brought his head back up to kiss her lips and Hermione led him to a dark corner. The material against her left breast was moist where Harry's mouth had been. His hand yanked the material down, exposing the breast briefly before Harry covered it with his hand. Hermione fell against him, she felt unbelievably moist between her legs. He caressed her breast, kneaded it gently then claimed it with his mouth. Hermione sighed contentedly as he suckled her, his tongue brushing gently around her nipple. He placed her dress back over the breast, covering it as he ravished her mouth. He stifled a groan into her mouth as her hands reached under his cloak and cupped his bottom, pressing the firm muscles, pressing him against her. She pushed him slightly away from her as she sank to her knees. Harry leaned forward, the cloak covering her, hiding her. He bit into his hand to keep from crying out when he felt her take him out and the hot wetness of her mouth surrounded him. Hermione sucked on his long and hard member, relishing his taste. She stifled a giggle when she felt the muscles around his buttocks tense, controlling himself from bucking his hips as her tongue swirled around him. “Hermione,” he whispered in a strained voice. “Hermione, Sirius just walked into the room.” Hermione quickly tucked him back in and rose to her feet. Harry took her hand and led her back into the hallway. They ducked into the room that was much more crowded but quiet. It was the room where the couple lay on the table in the middle of the room making love. But it was a different couple this time. Harry pressed her into another corner. One hand rested by her head against the wall while the other began to gather her skirts. Hermione helped him and was rewarded with his fingers delving into her moist heat. “Oh, God, Hermione,” Harry whispered in her ear. Hermione clung to his shoulders as his fingers teased her, letting out small quiet moans when his hand brushed against a particularly sensitive spot. But she wouldn't let him have all the fun. Her lower body covered with the cloak, Hermione reached down and undid his trousers. His breath hitched and his hand briefly stopped their ministrations when she began to stroke him with her hand. Their breaths quickened and they looked deep into each other's eyes. Hermione bit her lower lip in anticipation of the building wave of pleasure. “Hermione,” Harry breathed in her ear. “I don't want to finish this way.” Hermione let go of him but closed her eyes to the pleasure. “I'm sorry, Harry but I'm about to—“ She cut off when she felt his hand leave her, then she was lifted and pressed against the wall, her skirts unceremoniously shoved to her hips. Her thighs hooked around hips and his mouth stifled her scream of pleasure as Harry powerfully thrust himself into her as her wave crested. His piston like movements brought her over the edge as she tightened around him bringing him to his finish as she felt his warmth spill within her. Harry leaned against her, taking a moment to catch his breath before he pulled out of her and set her to the ground. Hermione stood on shaky legs as she readjusted her costume. She looked up at Harry, her eyes shining with happiness and mischief and saw the same emotions reflected back in them. His hand reached out to cup her face, his expression turned slightly concerned. “I suppose you heard about Lavender,” he said and she nodded. “You now have a reputation for not being a gentlemen. Although, I thought so all along,” she sighed and Harry grinned wryly at her. “Yes, I suppose I shall not be received for the rest of the Season,” he sighed. “Oh, quite the opposite, sir. The husband hunters are salivating now that you're back in the marriage mart.” “Well, they'll be disappointed to find that I'm taking myself off the mart.” Hermione looked at him, her heart began to race. “Have you uh…set your sights on another fiancé?” she asked in what she hoped was a casual manner. “Heavens no!” Harry exclaimed. “It will be the bachelor's life for me.” “Oh,” Hermione said with disappointment. “Well…erm, I'm feeling a bit parched. I think I shall fetch myself something to drink.” She moved away from him and made her way through the crowd and out of the room. Harry, with a wicked grin on his face followed her. In the banquet room she fetched two glasses of champagne, offering one to Harry. He looked at the glass suspiciously. “I didn't put anything in it,” she hissed at him playfully. Harry took a drink of the bubbly drink then turned to Hermione to see her down the entire glass. “Is something bothering you?” he asked. “No, no, no. I'm fine!” she said a little too brightly. “Well…it's just a shame, that's all.” “What's a shame?” “It's a shame that you're taking yourself off the mart. I'm sure if you asked the right woman, the match would be much better,” Hermione shifted uncomfortably. “Do you really think so?” he asked. “Of course I do. A woman would be a fool to let you slip through her fingers.” Oh, God. Had she really said that? Hermione mentally cursed herself then grabbed another glass of champagne. The more occupied her mouth was the better. Harry watched her gulp down another glass. “Well, you did.” Hermione laughed. “Believe me, Harry. I can be the first to admit what a fool I was.” Oh dear. Maybe she should stuff her mouth with cheese. Harry gave a knowing smile. “So…if you could do it all again you would say yes?” “Of course I would,” she scolded lightly then reached for another glass. Harry plucked the glass from her hand and turned her to him. “Then do it,” he said softly, taking her left hand and sliding something on her finger. Hermione blinked and looked up at him. “What?” she asked, confused. Harry moved in close. “Say yes,” he said softly. Hermione looked down and saw the ring on her finger. She looked up at him in surprise. She was not going to be a fool this time. “Yes!” she whispered and kissed him. He deepened the kiss, picking her up and swinging her around. Absolute euphoria was in her eyes as he set her down. He kissed her lips again, hugging her tight to him until he heard her whisper in his ear. “I think we've been found,” she said. Harry turned around and saw that Sirius and the twins had entered the room. “Then we make a hasty exit,” he said. “Oh but wait!” she said. She grabbed a basket from off the table, spilling most of the grapes out of it and filling it with bread and cheese. Harry grabbed a bottle of champagne, thought twice and grabbed another bottle before Hermione hastily dragged him out of the room and up the stairs. They stopped only once so Harry could retrieve his bundle from the broom closet before continuing on their way. ~*~ The pale grey light of predawn illuminated the room, its light roamed over a floor littered with clothing, an empty basket and two empty champagne bottles. The candle on the bedside table had been burned down low, the wick burned itself out. Next to the table was a bed that was currently occupied by two young lovers in the throes of their passion. Hermione held Harry close to her, rocking with him as his hands rested on her hips to delve deeper into her. They came to their pleasure together, holding each other tight before Harry collapsed onto her. He listened to her heartbeat slow down from its rapid pace while her hand lazily tangled in his hair. Hermione felt him slowly pull out of her, her sex ached with their activities of the night and she wondered if she would ever be able to sit normally ever again. “Oh, Harry, what are you trying to do to me?” she laughed as he rolled off of her. “Trying to make sure that your reputation is ruined beyond repair and compromise you in every way possible so you have no choice but to marry me,” he said sleepily, one arm draped over his eyes. “Good plan,” Hermione breathed. She looked at the ring on her hand and twirled it around her finger. “This wasn't Lavender's was it?” she asked. Harry removed his arm and lifted his head to look at her. “Of course not! Don't be silly.” He lay his head back down and draped his arm over his eyes again. “It was my mother's actually,” he said. Hermione had nothing to say to that. Her eyes moistened with tears. She looked outside the window and saw that the sun was beginning to rise. Harry watched her. “I guess it's time to get on with the show, isn't it?” he said quietly. “Do you believe we can do this?” she asked. “A secret engagement? Yes, if two people can it would most definitely be us,” Harry said. Hermione sighed tiredly and moved herself off the bed to dress. Harry put on his normal attire while Hermione hung her costume up for the maids to clean. Harry stepped behind her and helped her with her laces. She put on a simple cream colored dress with a pink sash. Harry held up a thin gold chain necklace upon which she placed her engagement ring. Harry fastened it around her neck and the ring fell below her neckline to fall in the valley between her breasts. She packed her things in the trunk, opened a drawer and packed her comb, small jewel box and a small vial of purple crystal, liquid swirled inside. Harry did his best to mind his own business but Hermione saw the frown on his face. This was the potion she took to ensure that she would not get with child. She packed it in her trunk then closed the lid. “Ready?” he asked her and she nodded. It was a bit odd to see her fiancé's head hover in mid air when he donned his invisibility cloak. “I love you,” he said to her. “And I love you,” she replied accepting a kiss from him. She opened the door and felt Harry pass her before she closed it behind her. She tiptoed down the corridor and down the stairs to Draco's room. She opened his door and slipped inside, she felt Harry follow behind her. She closed the door and Harry slipped off the cloak. “Help me,” he said and together they lifted his unmoving body off the floor and onto the bed. Hermione promptly began to remove his clothing. Harry scattered his costume about the room along with the empty bottles. Hermione brought out her stockings and her satin pink slippers. “Okay I think that should do it,” he said. “Make it quick and be careful.” “I will,” she replied. He kissed her once more then put on the invisibility cloak. The door seemed to open by itself and a wand hovered in the air. “Ennervate!” she heard him whisper then the door closed softly. Draco stirred in the bed and let out a groan. “Well, good morning!” Hermione said cheerfully. Draco blinked his eyes at Hermione who sat on the edge of the bed, one leg lifted as she put on her gartered stockings. Draco made to move out of the bed but saw at once that he was naked under the covers. He sat up abruptly, keeping care to make sure his lower half was covered. “I don't remember anything,” he said as he watched Hermione lift her other leg, the hem of her dress moved up to the middle of her thigh as she tied the garter. “Well we did have quite a night,” she said. “In fact, it is a bit uncomfortable sitting down right now.” Hermione adjusted herself but it did little to ease the dull ache. Draco looked around the room, taking in the empty champagne bottles, his costume. Hermione leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “You were wonderful last night,” she grinned then got off the bed. She faltered a little as she walked to the door. Heavens, she was a bit sore. She giggled and turned to him. “Heavens look at me! I can hardly walk!” She opened the door and looked back once to give him a little wave. Draco lifted his hand to give a half-hearted wave back, he was still very confused. Hermione smiled once more then left the room. --> 13. Truly, Madly, Deeply ------------------------ Chapter Thirteen: Truly, Madly, Deeply Hermione took a long nap when she arrived home and woke up sometime in the afternoon. Still a little sore between the legs, she made her way downstairs and found Sirius was eagerly awaiting any news from her. “It was a complete and utter failure,” Hermione said as she sat down at a table and began to eat the meal that she called for. “He was well into his cups when I met him. The only drink he didn't take was the one that I gave him.” “Do you think he suspected you?” he asked. “No,” she sighed. “It was a folly of fate that he didn't drink it.” “What about later? I saw you take him up to the rooms?” Hermione took a swallow of the orange juice. It was Harry in disguise that she had taken up to her room, not Draco. “It was even worse. He was so drunk that he passed out on the bed before I had a chance to do anything!” “We'll get another chance soon,” Sirius said trying to cheer up Hermione's false sour mood. Hermione nodded. Inside she was a joyful as she could be that she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs how much she loved Harry. When she had awoken, she had spent a good deal of time lazily recalling some major highlights of last night's activities, blushing and giggling as she did so. “Are you ready for the Opera tonight?” he asked. “Oh, I forgot about that. It should be a pleasant night, don't you think?” she asked. Sirius raised an eyebrow. “You mean you are actually going to permit me to escort you? I thought you were still angry with me.” Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. “Sirius, you know that I can't stay angry at you for long.” “Have you uh…heard about Miss Brown and Mr. Potter?” he asked not so casually. Hermione shrugged. “All of society is talking about it.” “So, Harry put himself back on the marriage mart.” Hermione scoffed. “I knew from the beginning that he wasn't a gentleman. A woman would think twice before setting her heart on him. These husband hunters are a bunch of silly little ninnies.” Sirius bit his lip. It was going to take a little work to get these two kids together. ~*~ Ron and Neville gave up on prying information from the twins about the ball at Madame Rosemerta's. They only teased them with minor details of the debauchery that went down. “So there were a lot of…women there?” Neville asked. “You have never seen such exotic beauties,” Fred said. George smirked at the eager faces of the two young men. Such innocence. The men were gathered in a gentlemen's club awaiting the last of their party to arrive. “I really don't know how he's going to be today. I haven't seen him since he called off his engagement with Miss Brown,” Ron said worriedly. “Yes, he's caused quite a stir among society,” George said. “He's sent the husband hunters in a tizzy with this announcement. Half of them don't know what to make of this situation but all of them are aching to set their claws into him. I don't know if he's made things better or worse for himself.” “Do you know why he called it off?” Fred asked. Ron and Neville shrugged. “I suppose it had something to do with the near kidnapping of Miss Brown,” Neville guessed. “Well, whatever the situation, he needs to know that we are behind him and that we support him one hundred percent,” Ron lectured. “We all remember what a wreck he was when Miss Granger left him, this time he called off his engagement. We have to be prepared with whatever comes through that door.” “Good afternoon, gentlemen!” Harry said cheerfully as he walked into the room. “Today's a great day, isn't it?” Ron looked out the window at the clouds rolling in then looked back at him with a concerned look on his face. If Harry recognized the puzzled looks on his friends' faces, he didn't acknowledge it. It was a great day. Voldemort himself could come marching through that door and he would've bought him a glass of firewhiskey. “Harry…are you feeling okay?” Ron asked tentatively. Harry looked at his friend in surprise. “Of course I am!” he replied. Ron and Neville looked at each other anxiously. “But what about Miss Brown?” he asked. “Oh yes, that,” Harry said calmly, realizing that his mood was betraying him. “Well, I've decided that I will not let these little heartbreaks destroy me.” “Good for you,” George said. “Of course now the husband hunters and their mothers will be aching to catch you in their nets,” Fred added and Harry laughed. “Oh, I'm done for the Season,” he said. “I think the bachelor's life will be for me.” Ron frowned. “Harry this isn't because of what happened to Miss Brown?” Harry took a decanter and looked deep into its contents. “That's part of it Ron,” he answered truthfully. “I realize now that any fiancé of mine will be in some sort of danger and that danger probably won't rest until the business with the Order is finished.” “But, Harry,” Neville sighed. “You of all people deserve happiness, you deserve to go and find someone and be with them just like the rest of us.” Harry held the decanter up to his lips and gave a small smile. “I'm sure I'll find happiness tucked away hidden here and there.” “Well, it's a shame you didn't get out from under your rock sooner,” George said. “You missed quite a party last night at Madame Rosemerta's.” “Really?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow. ~*~ Sirius looked at the lovely woman accompanying him. There was something different about Hermione and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. But she truly looked radiant tonight. Her hair was done nicely and pulled into an exquisite knot on the top of her head, her emerald green satin dress looked wonderful on her, its delicate sleeves rested on the crests of her shoulders. As usual, she caught the attention and eyes of many a gentleman at the opera and the scornful looks of a few ladies. Hermione made small talk with her escort as they made their rounds around the room and to the box. There was a stir in the audience and with a flutter in her chest Hermione saw that Harry had entered his box. He was with his usual crowd of Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom, Ginny and Luna accompanied them of course. Harry looked across the auditorium and caught Hermione's eye briefly before nodding a greeting to his godfather. Hermione's expression was neutral as was Harry's but inside she was grinning like an idiot. “I see Mr. Malfoy has made an appearance,” Sirius leaned over and whispered in Hermione's ear. She turned and looked in another box across the auditorium and saw Draco watching her and Sirius with an unreadable expression on his face before he masked it and smiled at her, giving her a polite nod. The lights dimmed and the opera began. From the moment he had walked into the auditorium, Harry couldn't help but seek Hermione out and it took some self control not to want to leap across the room and be by her side. Hermione, feeling Harry's gaze on her looked up once in awhile to share a glance with him. It had been less than a day since she had last seen him but she desperately missed him and longed to be in his arms. The curtain closed and the lights went up as the audience clapped. Harry's attention was yanked back into the present. He had been watching the delicate curve of Hermione's neck and remembering his favorite spot on there. He stood and left his box with his friends as they gathered in the foyer for the intermission. The elite filled the room and their chatter filled the air. Harry was aware of the glances that were directed at him. The women were torn between disapproval for what he did to Miss Brown and joy for being back on the marriage mart. “Are you enjoying the opera so far, Miss Granger?” Draco asked. He had sought Hermione out when Sirius left her side to gather refreshments. She smiled up at him. “I am Mr. Malfoy and you?” He shrugged. “The ones in Paris are much better.” “I've only been one time,” Hermione replied. “Perhaps you should make the trip again before the Season is through,” Draco suggested. “I hadn't thought about it,” Hermione said. “Maybe now you will,” he said then leaned close to her. “And I know a perfect escort to accompany you,” he said suggestively. “Oh do you?” Hermione said coyly. “Ahem. I'm so sorry to interrupt,” Sirius said when he returned holding drinks for him and Hermione. Draco backed away quickly from Hermione, throwing a glare in Sirius' direction. “Sirius, darling,” she said sweetly. “Mr. Malfoy here was just telling me how enjoyable the Paris opera is.” “Oh, how lovely,” Sirius said falsely then took Hermione's arm, gently, and steered her away from him. Draco reached out and grabbed his arm. “You can't keep her away from her suitors,” he said in a low voice. Hermione turned around with alarm. Sirius turned and looked at him. “Are you trying for an appointment at dawn?” “Sirius! Draco!” Hermione came between them. She spoke quietly so as not to attract attention but Harry saw the distress on her face from across the room. “Evening gentlemen,” Harry said as he approached the three of them. Draco immediately backed off but stood closer to Hermione. “Mr. Potter,” Hermione said politely. “Miss Granger,” Harry replied. “Are you all enjoying the opera?” “Yes, yes we are,” Hermione said. Not wanting to be under the scrutiny of Harry, Draco made his excuse. “I believe I see the rest of my party waiting for me,” he said. “Miss Granger.” He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Hermione smiled politely. When he left, Harry threw her a quizzical look and Hermione looked back at him innocently. “Young Mr. Malfoy,” Sirius sighed as he took a drink. “He's quite a character isn't he?” “Yeah, he's something,” Harry said dismissively. “Miss Granger, you look lovely tonight.” “Why, thank you, Mr. Potter,” Hermione replied. Sirius looked on happily. They were actually being civil to one another! There was hope after all. “Harry, I see some friends of mine across the hall, perhaps you would be so kind as to escort Miss Granger back to our box?” he asked. Harry looked back at Hermione who shrugged indifferently. “I suppose I can,” Harry said in a neutral tone. “Thank you,” Sirius said brightly. “I don't want Hermione to feel neglected.” “Of course not,” she said dryly. Sirius walked off leaving Harry and Hermione alone. “Shall we?” Harry asked, offering Hermione his arm. She gladly took it and together they walked to her box. “You really do look lovely tonight,” he whispered. “Thank you and might I say you look spectacularly dashing,” she whispered back. Harry grinned. “I especially like your choice of color.” “It reminds me of someone I know,” she sighed. She had chosen this dress because the shade matched Harry's eye color. He drew back the curtain of her box and held it open for Hermione. She walked through and Harry placed a gentle hand on the small of her back as he followed her in. It was an accident, it just came naturally to him but neither of them really noticed the intimate gesture. “You know, I believe my godfather is trying to set the two of us up,” Harry said in an amusing tone. “Wherever did you get that idea?” Hermione said wryly and they both smiled at each other. “We could probably use it to our advantage,” Harry said suggestively. “It provides us little times like these to be together,” Hermione smiled. “We should make it harder for him,” Harry suggested. “So that he keeps trying?” Hermione raised an eyebrow. Harry looked around and saw that there were very few people in the auditorium and that their attentions were elsewhere. He reached over and played with the earring that dangled from her lobe, his fingers brushing over her skin. “This sounds crazy but I miss you,” he said in a low voice. Hermione looked over at him. “It is strange isn't it? I feel the very same way. I guess that's what love does to you?” “Then I'm crazy in love with you,” he whispered. Their faces were inches apart and Harry so longed to kiss her. He ached to do it. But people began to pile into the auditorium as the lights flashed and he moved away from her. Hermione could swear that Harry could feel the heat radiating off her face and she fanned herself. Sirius chose that moment to make his entrance into the box. Immediately he sensed a sort of tension in the air. He saw Harry and Hermione sitting apart, Harry leaning away from her and Hermione fanning herself. She only did that when she was flushed or seriously irritated. He could see Harry's jaw tensing and his spirits quickly deflated. He had obviously failed and he wondered what had transpired between the two that they were leaning away from each other, not speaking but the tension between them was palpable. “Uh, Harry, thank you for escorting Miss Granger,” he said awkwardly. “It was no problem at all,” Harry's voice was tense and strained. He stood to leave the box. “Miss Granger,” he said. “Mr. Potter,” Hermione stopped fanning herself long enough to nod politely to Harry. Sirius watched as Harry made his hasty exit before taking a seat next to Hermione. Hermione neatly folded her fan and rested it in her lap. “Was his company that bad?” he asked. “What? Of course not,” Hermione answered. “It was just awkward, we didn't have much to talk about. Although I'm surprised he is here. I would think the break up with his fiancé would keep him out of society.” “And I thought you liked men who defied society?” Sirius said teasingly. Hermione tutted and shifted uncomfortably in her chair, throwing him an irritated glare. Sirius let out a quiet chuckle as the lights dimmed for the second act. “Are you sure of it?” Lucius whispered, leaning forward. “I'm positive,” Draco whispered back, keeping his eyes forward towards the stage. He watched Mr. Potter enter his box with his party. “They are lovers I know it.” “This should make our plans easier. Mr. Black and Miss Granger, huh?” his father said thoughtfully. “He was at the party the other night, extremely jealous fellow,” Draco whispered. He heard his mother huff angrily behind him. Draco was well aware of what his mother thought of a mudblood dragging her son to a party of ill repute. “Very good, Draco. The master will be pleased and you will soon be able to end this horrid charade,” he father said. Draco didn't say anything. His eyes were trained on Hermione and Sirius leaning together and talking. He was slightly alarmed at the feelings of anger and jealousy that suddenly seemed to spring up within him. He very much disliked Sirius Black and the fate that the master had in store for the man seemed fitting. What Draco didn't notice was Mr. Potter who happened to look back and catch the look he was giving Hermione and Sirius. A troubled feeling began to settle in the pit of Harry's stomach and little warning flags went up in his mind. ~*~ Two nights later, a meeting of the Order had been called and the members gathered once again into the kitchen. “We couldn't find anything else out,” Remus was saying. “My conclusion is they attacked the ship for the cargo just as Sirius surmised.” “Miss Granger tried to find out more information out of Draco Malfoy but failed at her task,” Sirius spoke out loud. A guilty look briefly flashed over Harry's face but nobody caught it. “But we may be in luck again,” Sirius continued. “Miss Granger has received an invitation to a ball at the Malfoy's. She can try again there.” “I object,” Harry spoke up and the members of the Order turned to look at him. “I beg your pardon?” Sirius looked at him. “I said that I object. I don't think it's wise that she try this ruse again. Draco will get suspicious,” Harry replied. “I don't think so. He had no idea of the plot last time. Hermione said he was already drunk and passed out before she could slip him the potion,” Sirius countered. “You are willing to stick an innocent person in a ball filled with Death Eaters? Because that is who is going to attend this ball. If you haven't noticed, nobody here got an invitation,” Harry was letting his temper get to him. “Hermione is well aware of the risks,” Sirius replied angrily. “She will be a muggleborn surrounded by purebloods who hate her!” Harry shouted. “She isn't one to cower away from something like this!” “This isn't about bravery this is about taking unnecessary risks!” “Hermione is aware of the risks!” “Then on her behalf I object. Someone here has to think about her safety!” Harry spat and Sirius lunged at Harry. “Who do you think you are to object on her behalf?” he shouted. “Sirius, Harry, stop this,” Remus said sharply as he held Sirius back. Ron was holding onto Harry. “Harry is only worrying about her safety,” Ron defended. “He would say the same thing if any one of us were to do this.” “But none of us are doing this,” Harry said, “We're sending an innocent person to do our work! There has to be another way to do this,” Harry said this to Dumbledore who was frowning in thought. He held up a hand for silence and composure within the group. “I had asked Miss Granger to become a valuable member of the Order but she declined. Her true reasons for this I will not reveal but she is in this plot whether we like it or not. We have a rare opportunity to get inside the Malfoy Manor and I think we would be fools to lose this chance,” he said. “Remember Harry, Sirius, that our ultimate goal here is to find Voldemort and stop him before he can do anymore harm. Miss Granger knows this and is willing to do her part. We must brush our personal thoughts and feelings aside and now focus on a way to help Miss Granger achieve this goal.” Harry shrugged out of Ron's grasp and glared at Sirius as he grabbed his cloak. “At what point did we erase the moral code to not use innocent people to our advantage?” Harry said before he stormed out of the meeting. Hermione was waiting anxiously for him and when she saw his dark figure land on her balcony she hurried to unlock the door and bring him into the room, closing the curtains behind her. “Harry, I know you must be upset,” she said hurriedly. “I'm not upset Hermione,” he said. “I'm furious!!” “Shh!” Hermione said, holding her hands up in a gesture of silence. She waited a moment to listen for the stirring of servants then drew out her wand to cast a silencing charm on it. “I received the invitation today and I told Sirius about it.” She grabbed his hands. “Harry, this is our second chance to get Draco to confess his plans!” He yanked his hands from hers. “Not this way,” he said firmly. “Hermione…I can't let you do this. You're my fiancé and I love you. I will not have you put in harms way.” “But I won't be harmed,” she countered. “Nobody knows of our secret.” Harry sighed in frustration. “The place will be crawling with Death Eaters who would love to torture someone like you. You're going into the snake pit,” he said quietly. “But I'm no innocent lamb,” she replied. Harry looked up at her with determination. “Then I'm going with you. And that's not up for discussion!” He added quickly when he saw her protest. Hermione pursed her lips. “Fine,” she said coolly. “Fine,” Harry replied. She shook her head as she looked at him, her anger fading to bruised pride. She hated losing arguments. “Oh honestly,” she huffed and walked across the room to her bath. Harry now realizing she was wearing only a silk robe followed her. “What is this?” he asked when he walked into another room with tiled floors and an overlarge tub in the middle. “This is a small version of a roman tub,” Hermione explained. “I had it specially made after I visited one in Rome. You wouldn't believe what they have there. You caught me just before I was going to take a soak.” “Great timing,” Harry breathed still staring at the tub. A strange thought entered his mind and he wondered if he wasn't the first one to share this tub with her. Hermione, sensing his thoughts, quickly said. “It's my own private place, I've never shared it with anyone.” She undid the knot in her hair and it cascaded past her shoulders. She untied the robe. “So don't get any ideas that I'll share it with you,” she said coyly as the robe fell to the floor to a puddle at her feet. Harry watched with building lust as her naked body disappeared beneath a cover of bubbles in the tub. He had never undressed so quickly in his life. “Don't get any ideas that I'm fool enough to pass this up,” he said and lowered himself in the warm water of the tub. Hermione giggled and they came together in a passionate kiss. Knock. Knock. “Hermione?” Sirius' voice rang out in the silence. Harry and Hermione looked at each other in a panic. “I'm taking a bath, Sirius,” she called out. “I won't be more than a moment,” he said and Hermione heard him open the door. Harry cursed silently and reached for his wand. With a flick of his wrist he managed to fly his clothes into a nearby cabinet before Hermione forced his head underwater. Sirius walked into the room to see Hermione resting in the tub covered by a thick layer of bubbles. “Did you cast a silencing charm on the room? I couldn't hear you answer,” he said. “Oh, yes…I must have forgotten,” she covered. “I didn't know you knew silencing charms,” he said. “I paid attention when you used them,” she replied. Under the water, Harry could hear the muffled voices of Sirius and Hermione. He desperately hoped that Sirius wouldn't detect anything suspicious. With a flick of his wand, Harry performed a charm that allowed him to breathe underwater. He had no idea how long he was going to be down here. A thought suddenly filled his mind. Looking back, he didn't know how or why the idea popped into his head. It was stupid, reckless, bold and very, very enticing. “Oh, very clever,” Sirius murmured. “Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about the ball at the Malfoy Manor?” Hermione's eyes suddenly got wide and she slipped deeper into the tub before gripping the sides and pulling herself back up. “Oh?” she said. She had been taken by surprise by the new twist Harry had decided to put on their situation. Her hand went underwater and tried to push Harry's head away from between her thighs. “I'm sorry,” Sirius said apologetically. “I didn't think it would upset you. Are you alright?” Hermione gave up the fight with Harry. “I'm fine,” she replied as calmly as she could. Harry was doing such delightful things to her with his tongue. “No you're not,” Sirius replied. “You can't hide much from me, Hermione.” “What are you talking about?” she asked nervously. *Oh God, Harry!* “I think there's more to this charade of yours under the surface,” he continued. “I mean, you are one of the bravest women I know, but to put yourself willingly in this situation…” Harry was grinning. He could still hear the muffled conversation above him and the fact that Sirius had not yanked him out of the water yet told him that this clever ploy was working. And he was having fun. He lapped deliciously at Hermione and his hand left its grip on her thigh to delve a finger into her warmth. Hermione jerked and her outer knee hit the edge of the tub. “What do you mean?” she managed to say. “You're not…attracted to Draco Malfoy, are you?” he asked. “Oh,” Hermione moaned softly and Sirius took it as an admission. He sighed and hung his head. “Why Hermione? Why be attracted to him? He's dangerous! He's a Death Eater!” Harry inserted another finger into her and Hermione flung her head back and gripped the edges of the tub. “Don't get angry with me,” Sirius said. “It's just…Hermione there are other men out there. Decent ones who genuinely care for you, like…” “Harry,” Hermione breathed softly. “Yes, Harry. He cares for you, you know. You should've seen how he defended you today. He's very much against this whole idea, he would've strangled me if he had the chance.” Sirius said thoughtfully. “Look, I just wanted to say my piece. You can take it however you want it. But…just listen to me. Draco Malfoy is not for you Hermione, you can do so much better than him. That's it, I'm done!” he said, taking in her tight grip on the tub. “I'll see you in the morning?” “Yes,” Hermione gasped. Sirius nodded and left the room. Hermione waited a moment to listen for the door closing before grabbing Harry's hair and yanking him to the surface. His fingers left her to remove the charm. “You are such a rake!” she scolded, splashing him with water. “I thought he'd never leave,” Harry said, pinning Hermione to the tub. He entered her swiftly, making love to her, claiming her lips and body. Hermione leaned against him, shifting her position to sit in his lap. Harry's hands splayed against her back, pressing her close to him as she moved on top of him. She felt his grip on her tighten and she brought them both to their pleasure. They moved again and as they washed each other, they whispered words of love to each other. Well pruned and squeaky clean they left the bath. Hermione retrieved a fluffy soft towel for Harry to dry himself. “Do you have to leave?” Hermione asked as she dried then wrapped the robe around her. “No, no I don't,” Harry replied. “I can leave in the morning.” “Good because I want you sleeping next to me all night,” she said smiling. “In what?” Harry laughed. Hermione took in his naked form with approval. “That will just have to do.” “Only if you sleep in the same,” Harry suggested in a playful tone. They moved to the other room and Harry did a quick locking charm on the door before he slid into Hermione's bed. “Hmm, these are soft!” he said, feeling the sheets. “And they smell good.” “Of course they do!” Hermione said walking to her table. “I hope our bed will be this comfortable,” Harry murmured still taking in the sheets. Hermione opened a drawer and took out her potion and uncorked the bottle. She looked through the mirror at Harry and smiled as she watched him examine and smell the sheets. She looked at the potion again and made a decision. She walked over to her wash basin and poured the contents out. She turned around again to see that Harry had been watching her and that he had a small smile on his face. She walked over to the bed, took off her robe and slid into bed with Harry. He propped himself onto his elbow and looked down at her. “You know that I won't wait long to marry you,” he said softly. “Good,” Hermione replied. “Because I intend to be compromised by you in every way possible.” Harry smiled and captured her lips in a soft kiss. He moved above and over her, nestling himself between her thighs as he made love to her once more before they would fall asleep in each other's arms. --> 14. A Dangerous Game -------------------- **A/N:** Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out. A plot bunny has hopped into my head for a possible sequel to Survival of the Fittest. But first, this story! Chapter Fourteen: A Dangerous Game Hermione's good spirits stayed with her for the next few days and was only momentarily interrupted by an afternoon tea she hosted for her friends. “I'm getting married!” Ginny gushed. Hermione and Luna put down their cups of teas and gasped with delight. “Has he spoken to your father?” “Where's the ring?” “Oh, you'll be so happy!” “A fine match, Ginny. A very fine match.” Hermione beamed with adoration at her friend who was positively glowing in happiness. She looked like she could hardly make herself sit down. Hermione knew the feeling, the desperate desire to want to scream from the top of the highest mountain that you were in love. She caught a glance at Luna and saw not only happiness and pride for her friend, but a hint of wistfulness. Hermione knew the source of her friend's lament. Ronald Weasley had yet to make a gesture of courtship to Miss Lovegood and as she listened to Ginny tell the tale of her engagement, Hermione made a mental note to speak to Mr. Potter about this. ~*~ As Hermione readied herself for the ball at the Malfoy Manor, there was a knock at her door and Sirius stepped in. Hermione looked at the man, he walked a little different and his mannerisms were off but nobody would notice unless they knew him like she did. She grinned slyly at him. “Oh Sirius,” she sighed. “Must you bother me again, you've already ravished me twice today.” “Ha ha, very funny,” Harry's voice came out of Sirius' mouth. Their plan was now under way. Hermione had sent Sirius out of town on business, in the meantime, Harry procured a vial of Polyjuice potion and with Hermione's help, he transformed himself into his godfather. Taking a page out of an old imposter's book, Harry would carry a flask this evening, sipping from it once awhile to keep up appearances. So to speak. “Are you ready?” he asked. Hermione let out a heavy breath. “As ready as I can be. Do you have your cloak?” Harry showed it tucked away in his dress cloak. “Might I add that you look absolutely beautiful tonight?” he said, taking in her gold colored dress. He stepped toward her and leaned in for a kiss but Hermione back away. “What?” he asked, looking at her odd expression on her face. “As much as I would love to kiss you darling, that disguise is…well, a bit unnerving,” Hermione said. It was weird to kiss Sirius again, especially when the voice of the man she loved spoke out of it. Another hard fact that Harry had to swallow. His fiancé had, at one time, been involved intimately with his godfather. It must be a bit strange for Hermione to kiss him, he looked like his godfather. It was going to be a long night. As Hermione and he arrived at the Malfoy Manor he gave her a reassuring pat on the knee. Hermione smiled up at him, wishing that Harry's green eyes would look back at her. She missed them and she couldn't wait for this charade to be over. The positive light about this was that in some way, she was attending a ball with Harry, at his side as a companion for this ball. Head held high, Harry and Hermione walked into what Harry called the Death Eater's Ball. ~*~ Draco watched with narrowed eyes as Hermione walked into the ball with Sirius Black. He chanced a look over at his father who saw the pair walk in. Lucius nodded no. No, this was not the time to take Sirius. The preparations were nearly complete, the trap almost ready but it was not time to take the prey. He watched as the duo whispered to each other, the way Hermione looked up at him like he was the universe. As the first dance began, he watched as Sirius took Hermione in his arms and danced close to her and whispered words in her ear that made her smile and laugh. He had had enough. “May I?” Draco interrupted the pair. “Oh, of course,” Sirius gave away his dancing partner. Hermione slid into Draco's waiting arms and they picked up the dance. “Such a lovely ball,” Hermione said. “Thank you for inviting me.” “I was hoping you would've come alone,” he whispered to her. “And make our little affair that obvious?” she laughed. “Come now Draco, we aren't that ignorant are we? Look around us,” she gestured. “Pure bloods, just like you. I already know that your family doesn't approve of me.” “What about the other night? The night at Madame Rosemerta's?” he asked, holding her a little bit closer to him. “What about it?” Hermione said casually. “Underneath it all I'm a woman, you're a man. That's all it was Draco. I'm not going to put silly little notions into my head.” Hermione had just thrown Draco for a loop, his world suddenly seemed a little off balance. Nobody had ever said anything like that to him and in the process of putting him down, she had inadvertently sparked a dangerous obsession within him. Nobody denied him anything. Nobody. The dance ended and Hermione stepped away from him to dance again with Sirius. Draco easily acquired another dancing partner but his attentions were obviously on Hermione. Murderous thoughts entered his head, he wanted Sirius out of the picture. He wanted the Dark Lord to hurry up and rid the world of this vile man. Hermione broke away from Sirius after the next dance and headed toward the ladies' resting room to prop her feet. She ignored the looks of disdain that she received when she entered the room. As she rested, she watched as the woman threw her brief glances of disgust. She grinned to herself, she was a fly in their ointment, the little mudblood who was spoiling their dance with her unpure presence. After a moments rest, she left the room and immediately ran into Draco. She wanted to voice a protest but he held a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. Hermione hesitated, wondering if she should follow him but from the corner of her eye, she saw a flutter in the draperies. Harry was here, in his invisibility cloak. She would be safe. Draco led her through the halls of the house before stopping at a set of French doors. He leaned in and kissed Hermione roughly. Silently, Harry fingered his wand hidden underneath the cloak. He trusted in Hermione, she could handle him and if anything did get out of control he would put an abrupt end to it. “Quickly, come in,” Draco whispered and opened the doors. Hermione held them open long enough to feel Harry brush past her. “Where are we?” she asked, closing the door behind her. “My father's study,” Draco said as he lit some candles in the room. Jackpot. Harry and Hermione couldn't believe their luck. Of all the rooms. Draco led her to a plush sofa in the room while Harry headed toward the large desk. Papers were scattered on top of it and Harry quietly perused them. “What was that?” Draco asked, breaking a kiss as they sat. “What was what?” Hermione said teasingly as she drew herself on Draco's lap, throwing a sharp look over his shoulder in Harry's general direction. Harry's motions stilled when Draco asked his questions and after a sharp look from Hermione, he resumed his snooping, this time more quietly. There was nothing of what he was looking for on top of the desk, mostly invoices and accounting papers. The Malfoy's sure owned a lot of property. Harry looked up and checked on Hermione. She was still keeping Draco occupied, thankfully she was doing a good job of keeping this little distraction to kissing only. He'd probably rip the little ferret apart if it went any further. He didn't like what they were doing anyway but this was a clever way to get what he needed without attracting the Malfoy's attentions. Harry continued to silently open the drawers and thumb through their contents until he came to one. A large one at the bottom that was locked. The only drawer that was locked. Harry took out his wand to cast the unlocking charm but paused a moment. Lucius wouldn't use a simple locking charm , this drawer would have some sort of other protection on it, a password or some other charm. He ducked under the desk, the bottom of the drawer was solid wood, he couldn't break it open from the bottom. He opened the drawer above it and pulled it as far as it would go. He reached his hand to the very back but found that he couldn't fit his hand through the narrow slot in the back let alone bend it to reach below to the other drawer. The door opened and Harry quickly and quietly shut the drawer and stood up abruptly. “What is going on in here?” Lucius' voice rang out in the room as he closed the door behind him. Hermione and Draco sprang apart like clandestine lovers that had finally been caught. Harry flattened himself against the wall behind him, wand at the ready. Draco wiped his mouth on his sleeve before he stood, straightening his cravat. “Father,” he acknowledged the man with a sneer in his voice. “You will not befoul this house with your indiscretions,” Lucius said in a low voice. “Like you do with the chambermaids?” Draco asked and held a hand out to Hermione who took it. “Come darling,” he said, “I believe we might be missed at the ball.” “If I can recall Miss Granger, you did arrive here with Mr. Black,” Lucius said coolly to Hermione. “She found a more suitable partner,” Draco answered then took Hermione's arm to lead her out of the room. Lucius stood there a moment, deep in thought after the two of them left. He was going to have to put a stop to this idiotic courtship somehow before Draco compromised the little mudblood and ruin the family bloodlines. He would speak to the Dark Lord about this. He walked over to his desk, took out his wand and pointed it at the locked drawer that Harry had been trying to get into. “Purus,” he said and there was a small click of it being unlocked. Lucius reached in and took out a black, leather bound ledger. He placed it on the desk as if to write in it when the door opened again and Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy walked in. “The guests are waiting darling,” she said. “Your business can wait until the morrow.” “I only need a moment,” Lucius said as he began to scribble in the book. When he was finished, he sighed and put the ledger away, locking the drawer again then left the room with his wife. Harry waited a moment then eagerly went to the desk. Unlocking the drawer he took out the ledger and began to read it. It was an inventory of accounts and Harry grinned at his good luck. He shrunk the ledger down to a manageable size to fit into his cloak then he took a book from the library shelf. He transfigured it to an exact copy of the one he had taken and placed this one into the drawer. Hermione was enjoying another waltz with Draco when her escort interrupted. “If I may?” Harry said, breaking the pair up without an answer and sweeping Hermione out of his arms. He twirled her around the dance floor in a lovely waltz, smiling down at her. “I take it you found what you were looking for?” she asked, her eyes bright. “I did and I apologize for keeping you waiting,” he smiled down at her. “I think we've spent enough time here amongst this lovely company, don't you think?” They stopped dancing and left the dance floor, pausing once to thank Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy for the invite. Both of them looked less than thrilled to be addressed by such questionable and lowly members of society. Happily, Harry escorted Hermione into the carriage and followed her inside. “Well, what did you find?” she asked eagerly when they were well on their way. Harry reached into the cloak and drew out the ledger, restoring it to its normal size. “It's a ledger filled with their accounts. Lucius had it in a locked drawer,” Harry said as he tapped the front cover. “That's wonderful! Hopefully it will contain what we're looking for,” she said. “I'm sure it will,” Harry let out a sigh and began to flip through the pages. Hermione turned away from him and looked over at the drawn curtains in the carriage, lost in thought. “This is perfect,” Harry said, “it's got names of contacts, records of money being moved around and…” “Does Ronald Weasley have any romantic intentions towards Miss Lovegood?” she blurted out. Harry looked up at her. One moment he'd been talking to her about the ledger and the next moment she was asking him about his best friend's romantic life. “W-what?” Harry asked, caught off guard. Hermione turned to him and looked at him with an inquisitive stare. Harry was suddenly reminded of being a young boy being interrogated by his professors for something he and Ron had done. “Does Mr. Ronald Weasley have any romantic intentions towards Miss Lovegood?” Hermione repeated. Harry closed the ledger. “Well…I…I don't believe so. Why?” “He's been her escort all Season! How can he not have any intentions towards her!” Hermione said, scandalized. “Oh that!” Harry laughed. “No, it's not what you think,” he chuckled. “He's been escorting Miss Lovegood because she's a friend of his sister's. He's been wanting to keep an eye on his sister this season. Miss Lovegood was a perfect excuse.” His laughter died at the look on Hermione's face and got the impression that he had said something that did not please her. Hermione pursed her lips together, reached over to a curtain and roughly slid it to the side to let in the view. “Hermione?” Harry asked, tentatively. “Ask Miss Lovegood to be your date for the ball at your home,” she said. “Why?” Harry asked slowly. “I don't think it would be wise for our charade if I attended your ball as your date. I'm taking Sirius, you need to find somebody. Miss Lovegood is perfect and as you have pointed out, she can be quite handy for putting up false pretenses.” She said this last part with such bitterness that Harry didn't dare put up an objection. Back in her room, Harry watched as Hermione sat in front of her mirror and carefully take down her hair, removing the pins one by one and placing them in a shell shaped disk on her dressing table. He had now transformed back into himself, Sirius' dress cloak was draped lazily across a chair and his cravat was loosened. “I love you,” he said softly. Hermione beamed at him through the reflection in the mirror. “And I love you.” “I swear you won't have to do what you did today ever again,” he said quietly. Hermione turned and gave him a wry smile. “What a shame, Mr. Malfoy was such a delightful kisser.” Harry put the ledger aside and walked toward his fiancé. She watched him approach and took his outstretched hand. He brought her to her feet and captured her lips in a sweet kiss. Hermione sighed contentedly as her mouth opened to accept him and she tangled her hands in his unruly hair. Harry's arms, which had been contentedly wrapped around her, moved to the top back of her dress and he began to unbutton it. Slowly they undressed each other and Harry lowered her to the floor to partake in the intimate pleasure that he so enjoyed with his fiancé. --> 15. A Start of Plans -------------------- Chapter Fifteen: A Start of Plans Harry and Hermione lay grinning and whispering words of love to each other as the morning sun shone brightly through the window. Satiated with their morning love making, Harry still rested on top of her, nestled comfortably between her warm thighs. The lovers were so content in their little world that they didn't hear the hasty footsteps up the stairs or the commotion until the last minute. “HERMIONE!!” At the sound of Sirius' roar, Harry and Hermione's eyes widened. Harry swore and scrambled away from Hermione as his footfalls were heard just outside her door. He had just enough time to grab a sheet, wrap himself around it then dive underneath her bed just as the door opened. “Sirius!” Hermione exclaimed, wrapping the quilt around her and into her underarms. “What are you…Good Morning!” Harry did not move a muscle, he was afraid to breathe. Sirius leaned against the doorframe and looked at Hermione. “I'm sorry, were you busy this morning?” he asked, his tone was angry and not at all sorry that he disturbed her. “Can you explain to me how I can be in two places at once?” “What are you talking about?” Hermione asked in a small voice. “I was coming back from business today and I was stopped at the market by a witch who told me she had such a lovely time last night dancing with me at the Malfoy Ball.” Hermione's eyes widened. “You didn't say anything did you?” “I was polite and said thank you, but it still doesn't answer my question. Are those my clothes?” Sirius just noticed his cloak and dress clothes. Harry was having an inner debate with himself. He could save everyone the trouble and just crawl out from under the bed. Sirius moved to walk forward but Hermione scrambled off the bed and blocked him. “Sirius, I think you need to leave,” she said. Sirius looked down at her. “He's still in the room, isn't he?” “Sirius!” Hermione pleaded. Harry's forehead banged repeatedly on the soft rug underneath the bed. *Just do it. Just crawl out and let Sirius see that it's you. Just do it. He'll keep your secret.* “Fine!” Hermione relented. She raised a hand to her forehead. “Look, I needed to get what we needed from Malfoy so I went to the ball but I didn't want to go alone so I found a young man who would take a Polyjuice potion and turn into you. It wouldn't look strange if I attended a ball with you.” She was telling him the half truth. “Anyway, I got something that will help us but I must've drank a little too much champagne because this charade went further than I wanted. Now we're both dealing with an awkward morning that doesn't need to get any more complicated. Now if you please, I would like to deal with this privately. If you would like, I can join you downstairs for breakfast?” She finished and Harry held his breath. *Please buy this story, Sirius. Please. Please.* Sirius let out a sigh. “I'll see you downstairs.” He turned and left the room closing the door behind him. Hermione went to the door and locked it. Harry scooted out from behind the bed. He opened his mouth to say something but Hermione silenced him with a wave of her hand. Her head was cocked to the door, waiting. Then finally, Harry heard the footfalls of his godfather walk away. He rummaged through the pile of clothes on the floor for his wand then cast a silencing charm on the room. “That was close,” he said. “Too close,” Hermione agreed. ~*~ Luna took a sip of her tea then set it on the table. “Oh I just don't know what to do, it was just so unexpected.” Hermione looked at her friend. “I think you should do it.” “But what about Mr. Weasley?” “Ronald?” she asked then shrugged. “Has he asked you already to be his escort?” “Well…no he hasn't…” “And Mr. Potter did?” “Yes, yes he did,” Luna said quietly. “Do you not like Mr. Potter?” Hermione asked. “Oh no! I think he's a lovely friend. It's just that…well…he's got a bit of a reputation now, doesn't he?” “It's nothing that I haven't told you all,” Hermione said indifferently. “But how do you feel about it? Would it feel odd to you? You did lose your heart to him once.” “I feel perfectly fine with you attending the ball with him. I'm going with Sirius,” Hermione answered. “Besides, I think it would be a little fun.” “How do you mean?” Luna asked. “Well…don't you think it would cause such a stir to be on the arm of the most eligible bachelor this season?” Luna looked away thoughtfully and Hermione could see her friend trying to fight down a grin of mischief. “I suppose it would be interesting.” “Good, then it's settled. You will accept Mr. Potter's request.” Luna leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially, “I already have.” Hermione grinned at her friend. The rest of their party that afternoon joined them at Falbrooke. Neville pulled out a chair for his new fiancé Ginny, while Ron and Harry walked onto the patio. Harry took the seat next to Luna, directly across from Hermione who was delighted to see the look of disappointment flash across Ron's face. They all settled themselves in as Ron sat next to Hermione and everyone fell into the usual gossip of the Season. The conversation naturally steered toward the next big ball at Godric's Hollow. “Is it true this ball is to be outdoors on the terraces?” Hermione asked. “Yes,” Harry nodded. “The grounds of the estate have been recently remodeled and it would be a perfect opportunity to show them off.” “Oh how lovely!” Luna exclaimed. “Let us hope the weather cooperates.” “I heard you have a dressmaker coming up from Paris to design a dress for this ball,” Ginny said to Hermione. “Well, I haven't really splurged at all this season so this is my one indulgence. After all, this is *the* ball of the Season.” She winked at Harry. “Sirius, is very lucky to have you on his arm,” he replied genuinely. “Speaking of which, darling, what color dress are you wearing?” Neville asked Ginny. “I haven't decided, probably a dark blue one,” she answered. “What time would you like me to send a carriage around for you?” Ron asked, looking at Luna. An uncomfortable silence descended on the table that Hermione relished. “Luna,” she spoke up. “I thought you were going with Mr. Potter?” Heavens, she loved to stir up trouble. Ron didn't bother masking the look of surprise on his face. Luna looked at Hermione who gave her a pointed look. “Yes,” Luna said with a smile and placed a gloved hand on Harry's forearm that rested on the table. “I agreed to go with Mr. Potter when he asked me.” Harry suddenly wished he were anywhere but at this table as all eyes turned to him. His best friend, Ron, had a look of betrayal on his face. “Well, that is so delightful!” Ginny piped up. “Luna, you'll be the belle of the ball!” “And on that happy note, shall I suggest a walk?” Hermione said as she stood up from the table. The others followed suit and paired themselves off, Hermione made it a point to pair herself off with Ron. She avoided the hard stare that Harry was giving her as the couples left the patio for their stroll. As what naturally happened, the couples began to distance themselves and Hermione made sure that they were always in sight of Harry and Luna. She and Ron stopped by a small stream where Hermione sat down on the grass and took out her parasol. “Mr. Weasley, you seem to be upset about something,” Hermione said. Ron snapped his head away from watching Harry and Luna by the orchards. “No, of course not, I'm fine.” Hermione smiled at him. “I was happy to hear the news of your sister's engagement.” Ron sat down next to her. “Neville is a good friend and a complete gentleman.” “Then two good things have come out of this match for my friends,” Hermione beamed. “What do you mean?” “Well, Ginny has found a good match and Luna is now free to start her Season,” she answered. Ron just looked at her confused. “I mean no ill will to you of course,” she said quickly. “But we all know that she did a great service for you in helping you keep a watchful eye on your sister during her season. Now that Ginny has found a husband, Luna is now free to do her husband hunt. And I dare say, she will be quite the catch! Already, several gentlemen have made inquiries about her to me.” “They have?” Ron asked. Hermione smiled at his sour tone. “Of course they have. Although I dare say, they may be out of luck. Mr. Potter didn't hesitate to ask her to the ball. And Luna was positively gushing about him before everyone arrived today.” “She was?” Ron looked up at his best friend with narrowed eyes. Hermione just kept smiling like a cat who had just eaten a mouse. Harry shared a carriage with Hermione after the tea party using the excuse that he needed to speak to his godfather and she offered to take him there. They sat across from each other, she fiddling with the lace on her dress, he staring hard at her. “Do you mind telling me why I have an impending appointment at dawn with my best friend?” he asked. “Oh, stop it,” Hermione huffed. “He won't take it that far. I only needed him to notice Miss Lovegood.” “Doing a bit of matchmaking are we?” Harry asked. “Perhaps,” she shrugged. “Ginny and I are so happy, why shouldn't Miss Lovegood find her match?” “And you think that Ron is the one?” Harry looked out of the window. “Why not, she's crazy about him and whether he knows it or not, he's mad about her.” “She is quite enthralling, I have half a mind to duel Ron for her honor,” he teased. Hermione tutted and rolled her eyes before she looked out the window. Harry drew the curtains closed and leaned across to Hermione. “Would you give a man about to duel to death one last kiss?” he asked smiling. “Oh go away,” Hermione pouted and shooed him away. “But my dearest, I don't want to be sent to the dueling field without the memory of your lips.” Harry persisted as he began to kiss her neck. Hermione struggled half-heartedly. “Ooh, I hope he gets in a good hex or two.” Harry grinned wickedly as he pinned Hermione to her seat. He made sure she left her carriage thoroughly kissed and well ruffled. ~*~ Lucius swiped the letters on his desk to the side and slammed a drawer shut, letting out a loud curse. “Temper, temper father,” Draco scolded as he walked into his father's study. “Do not toy with me Draco,” Lucius growled. “Where is it?” “Where is what?” he asked. “The ledger!” Lucius shouted. “Why would I have the ledger?” “It isn't here where I left it! You and your mudblood were the last ones in this room that night of the ball. That was the last time I had seen it and no one has been in here since!” Lucius was red-faced and angry. “I don't like what you're accusing me of. I did not take the ledger.” “Well, if you didn't, who did?” Lucius leaned forward, hands splayed on the desk. Draco looked vacantly at a bookshelf. “She couldn't have, we were both…occupied.” “Well, whoever had taken it and whatever this person has done with it, I can guarantee that it has fallen into Dumbledore's hands by now.” “Probably,” Draco agreed. “Which means we set our plans into motion quicker than we had planned.” Draco gave a satisfied grin to his father, pleased with this news. “Assemble the others, we start tonight.” ~*~ “I really don't know what to make of it,” Harry said, closing the ledger and passing it to Remus. Dumbledore had received the ledger from Hermione and, after perusing it himself, he had given it to the Order. “There are a number of accounts in there, the two most frequent payments have gone to a woman named Maria Cristobel and numerous donations to Azkaban.” “Hmm,” Kingsley Shacklebolt said thoughtfully. “Those donations could be a pay off in disguise.” “He could be paying for the release of some of the Death Eaters,” Remus suggested. “Perhaps,” Dumbledore spoke. “It should warrant further investigation.” “I'll see what I can find out,” Shacklebolt offered. “Maria Cristobel,” Sirius spoke up. “Sounds foreign. She shouldn't be too hard to find if you know where to look. I'll take care of that.” “Very well,” Dumbledore agreed. “With any luck we'll be able to turn up something that will make this puzzle a bit clearer.” ~*~ Hermione's excitement kept building and building with each moment that passed as she readied herself for the ball at Godric's Hollow. “Oh Miss, it's the loveliest gown you've worn yet!” the maid gasped as she helped Hermione into it. The soft crimson silk slid against her skin rustling softly. The bodice was fitted and the neckline was lined with gathered silk resting on the swell of her breasts, revealing a daring cleavage. The gathered silk strip continued as sleeves that rested just off her shoulders with dangling, delicate beads lining them. The skirt was two layers, the first one was lifted slightly to reveal another crimson silk layer underneath and it was lined in the same beadwork as her sleeves. It was gathered behind Hermione into a bustle that was decorated with an elaborate knot. Hermione sat down to have her hair done. Using a drawing of a woman dressed in the latest Paris fashion, the maid tied Hermione's hair up into an elaborate knot that left Hermione's lovely soft curls dangling out of it. There was a knock at the door and the head of the household staff popped in at Hermione's admission. “Miss, this has just arrived for you,” she said as she placed a box wrapped in delicate gold paper into Hermione's hands. Curiosity piqued, she carefully unwrapped the package revealing a small box underneath. Everyone gasped when she opened the lid. Inside, nestled carefully in soft tissue were three large rubies strung together with three chains of pearls. “Oh, Miss!” the young maid gasped. There was a small envelope with it and Hermione opened it and took out the note inside. *For the Lady of the House.* *Love, H* Hermione folded the note and put it away. As the maid clasped the necklace on Hermione, she dotted on a light fragrance that the Paris dressmaker had bought especially for her. She put on her white gloves that came up past her elbows and slid on a bracelet of rubies. “My God.” Hermione turned to find Sirius in her doorway. “You look...exquisite,” he whispered. She stood and smiled genuinely at him and he held out an arm for her. She picked up her matching crimson wristlet and took Sirius' arm as he escorted her out of the room, out of the house and into the carriage. She tingled with anticipation and knew that this was the going to be one of the greatest nights of her life. --> 16. A Magical Night ------------------- Chapter Sixteen: A Magical Night Luna was nervous when she first stepped out of the carriage but was immediately put at ease when Harry greeted her with a winning smile. “Are you ready?” he asked as he offered his hand to help her out of her carriage. Luna repeated that question in her mind as she slowly approached the manor. She wore a cream colored dress with delicate crystal beadwork on the bust and sleeves. Harry thought she looked lovely and gave her arm an encouraging squeeze as they walked onto the terraces. The night was clear and there was a slight breeze in the air. While the other guests were taken directly to the terraces below, Harry led Luna through his house and across his patio to the balcony. “How splendid Mr. Potter!” Luna breathed. Tall hedges surrounded the terraces, fairies twinkled within them and flew about the grounds giving off their soft little glows. Paper lanterns were magically suspended in the air above the milling crowd below. There was a large fountain in the middle, its arcs of water fell gracefully into a smaller pool that emptied into a larger square one. Some of the guests sat at the lip of this pool as well as on stone benches scattered about. There were marble statues of classical figures that were nestled in the corners by the hedges. “I give the credit entirely to you and Miss Weasley,” Harry smiled at her. He then took her hand and led her down one of the staircases that were on either side of the balcony to the terrace below. “It is one thing to plan it all on paper, quite another to see it come to fruition,” she said in awe. “Mr. Harry Potter and a Miss Luna Lovegood,” they were announced and Luna felt all eyes turn to her. She prayed silently that she wouldn't tumble down the stairs but her extra caution in her steps made her look like she was floating angelically down the stairs. She could see the looks of disdain and appraisal in the women's faces, the buzz of whispers and the looks of delighted surprise on the men's faces. “You're doing fine,” Harry whispered to her from the corner of his mouth. He led her onto the terrace where Harry led her gently around, stopping once in awhile to chat with some of the guests. Luna was the perfect escort. She heard the music of a small orchestra in the air and Harry led her to the other balcony on this level. She looked down into another terrace, this one devoid of fountains and saw a large limestone plaza where couples waltzed to the music. More lanterns were suspended in the air, the plaza surrounded by more hedges with fairies and a small orchestra was seated on a platform at one end. Stone benches surrounded the dance floor separated by a lush grassy lawn. She spotted her friend Ginny immediately, her lovely red hair piled on top of her head and she wore a deep blue gown that swayed gently as Neville twirled her on the dance floor. She looked radiant, happy and in love. She perused the rest of the crowd with the pretense of seeing who was wearing what or who was dancing with whom but in the back of her mind, she was really searching for Ronald. She didn't see him. But he was there. He had been watching her since she and his traitorous best friend had been announced and appeared on the balcony above. He wasn't on the lower terrace, he was on the middle terrace where she and Harry stood watching the others. He stayed hidden. Admiring her beauty from afar. How could he have not seen her this way before? She looked like an absolute angel and he had found it hard to breathe as he watched her walk into the party. But with a scowl, he remembered that she was not on his arm, she was on the arm of his best friend. She was getting appreciative looks from the other gentlemen at the party. She was definitely announcing her arrival in the marriage mart. ~*~ Hermione walked into the gardens of Godric's Hollow and was immediately impressed with the improvements Harry had made to the property. She took in the floating lanterns, the twinkling lights of the fairies and the beautiful fountain. It was all so…magical, she thought wryly. Sirius led her forward to the upper terrace where they were announced. The crowd turned and looked up at them as they descended the stairs. She picked Harry and Luna out immediately. Harry looked up at the exquisite creature making its way down the stairs. She wore a lovely gown and even wore the jewels he had sent her. If Miss Lovegood was an angel by his side, then Miss Granger was the playful nymph he so lusted after. She let out a playful look to him as Sirius steered her toward some acquaintances of his. He had to fight the creature of jealousy down at the fact that she was on Sirus' arm not his. But, grinning wickedly to himself, he did have her in other ways. The music for the waltz started up and Harry led Luna onto the the lower terrace to dance. He had a way of melting away the anxiety that ate at her. She was always a wallflower, standing in the shadows of her two friends. Now she felt as if she were the belle of the ball and that every eye was on her. Normally, this would send her running for the ladies' room but tonight, on Harry's arm, she felt confident and assure. Being on the arm of the most eligible bachelor of the Season without the pressure of a marriage offer had a way of boosting her confidence. Hermione made her way to Ginny and Neville who were standing off to the side watching the others dance. Ron was standing near them, his eyes trained on Luna's every movement. “Lovely ball isn't it?” Hermione asked Ginny when their greetings were over. “It is! And look at Miss Lovegood, she looks positively divine!” Ginny gushed for her friend. Hermione made sure her voice was loud enough for Ron to hear. “Look at the other husband hunters! They realize they have some serious competition in her.” From the corner of her eye she saw Ron's lips tighten and she beamed in mischief. They exchanged a few more pleasantries before Harry and Luna walked up to them. “Oh Hermione! That dress…ooh I'm so envious,” Luna greeted her friends. Hermione gave a polite kiss on the cheek. “You look like an absolute angel!” she answered. It was the truth, Luna did look wonderful. “You're dance card must be full by now.” Luna blushed at this. Harry decided to jump into the group, greeting them. “Sirius,” he nodded to his godfather. “Miss Granger,” he said in a low voice, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Hermione instantly recognized the wicked gleam in his eyes and she flushed. “Mr. Potter,” she greeted, curtsying politely. She bit her lip ever so slightly as she did this, giving him a look that only he would know in their most intimate moments. He still held her hand and his gaze still held hers. “You wouldn't mind if I stole your partner for this dance, would you?” he asked Sirius, drawing Hermione onto the dance floor, not bothering for a reply. Sirius stood next to Luna and Ginny. “What on earth was that about?” he asked. Ginny and Luna shrugged. “She can't stand the man,” Ginny replied. The music for the next dance started up and Sirius turned to Luna. “If your card isn't full,” he asked and Luna smiled, giving him her hand. She now was on the arm of the second most eligible bachelor. She could've been smoldering under the looks the other women were giving her. Harry slid his hand around Hermione's waist, drawing her close to him and he cradled her hand in his. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, breathing in the scent of her perfume. “What a lovely piece of jewelry,” he said, looking at the rubies resting just above her breasts. “And what an exquisite dress.” “Thank you,” Hermione cooed. “One would think you were hiding something underneath this glove,” he said. Hermione smiled seductively up at him. “Wherever did you get that idea?” she said as Harry's thumb brushed over her engagement ring that she was wearing tonight underneath her gloved hand. “Besides,” she smirked, “you should see what I'm hiding underneath my skirts.” Harry faltered in his steps and Hermione grinned. “Get me alone with you and I'll be sure to find out,” he grinned back. “Tut, tut. Mr. Potter,” Hermione frowned. “It is most improper for the host to leave his own party.” “Have I given you a tour of the house?” he asked. “Oh, I've seen it already,” she sighed. “Besides, I wouldn't dare leave this party alone with you, my reputation would be ruined.” “Ah, that was my intention,” he smiled. “And the husband hunters would have my head.” “Are they a vicious lot?” “They are poised and ready to sink their claws into you.” Harry grimaced. “I shudder at the thought.” Hermione grew a mischievous grin on her face. “You should be terrified. Miss Bell! Miss Johsnon!” she waved the two ladies over as the song ended. “You have met Mr. Potter haven't you?” she asked. She looked over her shoulder as she walked away, watching her fiancé be swarmed with ladies eager for a chance in his affections. The look of panic on Harry's face was priceless and she giggled. He looked over at Hermione, his face determined. He would get her for this. ~*~ After her dance with Sirius, Luna was approached by another gentleman of the ton. When she was finished with that, she was surprised to see that she was surrounded by other gentlemen, all of them eager for her hand on the dance floor. “Shall I get you something to eat, Miss Lovegood?” “Shall I get you something to drink?” “Shall I escort you to a bench so you can rest?” She was feeling a bit overwhelmed and declared that she would head up to the house to the ladies resting room to rest her feet for awhile. After reassuring the men that she would indeed return, she fled to the house. “Having a good time?” a voice spoke out from the shadows on the balcony terrace. Luna startled and came to an immediate halt. She looked over at the source of the voice and saw Ron emerge from the shadows, a drink in hand. Luna gathered her wits and straightened up. “I am. Thank you.” He strode casually over to her. “And are you enjoying the husband hunt?” he asked. Luna had no reply to this. “It certainly looks like you're having…a ball,” he said, gesturing to the group of suitors that were eagerly awaiting her return. Luna gathered her skirts. “I hope you are having fun. Now if you please,” she turned to leave him. “He's not that great you know. That Mr. Potter,” Ron called out and trotted up to her. Luna huffed and kept walking. “I wouldn't place too much into his asking you to escort him to this ball.” She stopped and whirled to face him. “What is that supposed to mean?” “I mean that he has no intention of taking you as a wife,” Ron answered. “Do you mean that I'm not good enough?” she asked with narrowed eyes then turned to continue on her way. “That's not what I said,” Ron followed her. “He told everyone--.” “So you sit around and discuss what an unworthy wife I would make?” She was flushed with anger as she whirled to face him. “No…” This was not going how he intended. The words in the planned speech in his mind somehow lost their way somewhere along the journey to his mouth. “Because let me tell *you* something, Ronald Weasley. I would make an excellent wife! I would—“ She was cut off by the feel of his lips suddenly on hers. The shock of this bold action along with the fireworks it sent through her body rendered her nearly speechless. Nearly. She let out a small whimper as his tongue touched her lips, asking for entrance and she complied. Suddenly, her eyes flew open as she came to her senses and backed away from him. SLAP!! “You, Mr. Weasley, are the most intolerable rake I have ever had the displeasure of knowing,” she spat and stormed into the house. ~*~ “He kissed you?” Hermione gasped. Luna had met up with Ginny and Hermione in the resting room. They both sat in squashy chairs on either side of her fanning her with their fans, trying to get the flush out of her. “In the open? In front of everyone?” Ginny gaped. Luna shook her head. “Nobody saw this.” “But could have,” Hermione pointed out. “What is he trying to do to you?” Ginny tutted. “And he said what?” “That Harry had told everyone that he had no intention of taking me for his wife,” Luna answered. Hermione looked uneasily at her friend. “You didn't want him to, did you?” “Of course not!” Luna looked at her. “But honestly, what gentleman says those sort of things?” Hermione looked away guiltily. “I told you he wasn't a gentleman!” Ginny repeated. “The names Ron has been calling him all this week…Father had to talk him out of a duel with Mr. Potter.” “What?!” Hermione and Luna asked. “It's true! He had the letter and everything and father had to physically rip it out of his and tear it up.” Hermione was worried. She hadn't intended for things to go this far. Perhaps she should go and talk to Ron and explain to him that it was her idea that Harry ask Luna to the ball. But one look at her friend told her maybe she should wait on that. Luna had a dreamy look on her face. “He did that? He really did that?” she asked. “Of course he did! He's talked of nothing but defending your honor which is why he surprised me by his last action,” Ginny said matter-of-factly. Hermione closed her fan and gently tapped the inside of her hand with it. “Well, I say it's about time Mr. Weasley did something about our friend. Come,” she stood. “Let us return to the ball.” ~*~ They walked out into the foyer and Hermione gave a pause when she saw a faint sliver of light coming from the slightly ajar door to the drawing room. “I'll join you in a moment,” she told her friends who then went on without her. Hermione knew what she would find when she walked in the door. Harry stood by the piano, a candelabra rested on top. She closed the door and leaned back to rest on them. He said nothing as he approached her, pressed her against the doors, wrapping his arms around her, feeling her arms wrap around him as he kissed her lips. The kisses quickly escalated in passion and heat and he left her lips to kiss her neck and kiss his way down to the crests of her breasts. Hermione let out a soft moan as he licked the soft mounds, the heat of his hand coming through the silk fabric. He moved down to cup her buttocks then lifted her skirts to her hips as he hooked a thigh over his hip. She did say he would be surprised at was she was hiding, or for that matter not hiding, beneath her skirts. It took all his willpower not to free himself from his trousers and delve himself into the moist warmth that was so exposed and ready for him. And Hermione wanted it, oh how she wanted to feel him push into her, fill her, thrust in her and bring her to that heightened pleasure. She was rewarded, instead, with his hand. She let out a soft gasp as she felt his fingers enter her. She clutched at his shoulders and he sought out her lips again. She gave him entrance to her mouth, wishing she was granting him entrance elsewhere. He could hear her soft whimpers, he had to fight the urge to take her against this door like she asked. But it was too risky, they both knew that they would be caught at any moment. And besides, he had other motives for his actions. Hermione felt the familiar coiling between her thighs, could feel her pleasure begin to lift her. Harry recognized the change in her breathing, the tightening grip of her hands on his shoulders. She was nearly there and exactly where he wanted her. And with a groan of protest, he removed his fingers from her. “That was a cruel trick you played, leaving me to the harpies,” he whispered in her ear. “What?” Hermione breathed, still dazed from being yanked from her heights. She saw the mischievous grin on his face and she scowled. She knew he wasn't going to finish what he started. “Ooh, you are no gentleman,” she muttered, setting her leg that been deliciously hooked around him to the ground. He laughed and tilted her chin up to him. “Now we are even, my nymph,” he said and kissed her lightly on the lips before taking his leave from the room. Hermione huffed and straightened her dress, using a small mirror on the wall to touch up her appearance. She then stormed out of the room, her temperament was edgy due to the state of incompleteness that Harry had left her in. *A nymph, am I*? “Miss Granger,” a voice called out when she reached the terrace. “What?” she snapped then immediately recovered, realizing she shouldn't take her temper out on poor Mr. Weasley. “Are you alright?” he asked her. “Of course, I'm fine,” she waved him off. “I'm sorry, what did you need?” “Have you seen Miss Lovegood?” “I think she might be on the dance floor again,” Hermione answered. He accompanied her down to the lower terrace where she found Harry dancing once again with Luna. Her eyes narrowed at him. “There you are, Hermione!” Sirius called out. “Care for a dance?” “Yes, yes of course,” she said. To her dismay, Harry and Luna made their way over to them as they danced. “Miss Granger, are you enjoying the ball?” he asked. “I am, thank you,” she replied, coolly. ~*~ Ron watched as Luna danced with Harry, laughing in his arms as they chatted with Miss Granger and Mr. Black. He had never been so envious of his friend than he did now. Mercifully, the dance ended and he strode out to face Harry. He had waited long enough and marched onto the floor. “Pardon me but may I intrude on this dance?” he asked his former best friend. “But of course,” Harry said cheerfully, relinquishing his beautiful partner. Harry's eagerness to give up Luna caught Ron by surprise. He was half expecting him to protest, he had a long fight staged out in his mind. Luna's heart raced as Ron took her in his arms. “You know, my dance card is full.” “I don't care,” he said. “They can wait all night because I've waited for this chance.” “I heard that you wanted to duel with Harry,” she said bravely. Ron stopped dancing and looked at her. “Is it true?” “Yes,” he whispered, resuming the dance. “Does that anger you?” “No.” He held her a little closer. “What time shall I come over tomorrow morning to speak to your father?” Luna grinned. Harry went back to the upper terrace where he had last seen Hermione head. He found her by the dessert table talking to Miss Weasley. He headed toward her but was thwarted by Mr. Arthur Weasley who wanted to talk about his latest acquisition of muggle artifacts. Politely Harry listened, keeping Hermione in the corner of his eye but she wasn't moving, she seemed deep in her conversation. But it wasn't true, Hermione was well aware that Harry was watching her. She listened as Ginny lamented on her brother's ungentlemanly behavior to her friend. Hermione scanned the desserts on the table then picking up the appropriate one, she began to indulge in it. As Mr. Weasley rambled on, Harry glanced at Hermione and froze, his eyes wide before ripping his attention away from her and back to Mr. Weasley. She had been eating one of the pastries, a long éclair, and he couldn't help but notice how her tongue twirled around it, licking the frosting. A familiar action to him and it brought forth forbidden images of their latest frolic in her bedroom. Hermione grinned and nibbled on the end of it and her tongue tasted the delightful cream inside. She saw Harry shift uncomfortably where he stood. Good, it served him right. Neville joined Ginny and Hermione left the couple to whisper endearments to each other. Harry saw her leave and excused himself from Mr. Weasley. “Put that detestable thing down,” he whispered behind her. Hermione turned and looked at him. “No, I don't think so,” she smiled and turned back to her dessert. “Then I can't be held responsible for my actions,” he muttered, running a frustrated hand through his hair. Hermione was unforgiving. “Serves you right for your actions earlier,” she sniffed. Harry took the éclair from her hands and plopped in onto a plate and handing it off to the nearest server. “Touche,” he said. “And to show no ill will, may I have a dance?” He offered his arm to her. Hermione gladly took it and he led her down to the dance floor. “You know that people are already whispering? We have been dancing far too much already.” Harry grinned. “Then let us wet their appetites with scandalous behavior.” He drew Hermione to him for the waltz, holding her a little too close than was appropriate. A forbidden touch here, a whisper of something naughty there. Hermione shivered with arousal when she felt Harry's gaze on her when she danced with other partners. They would come together again a few dances later. “Take me to the house, Harry,” Hermione whispered. “Soon, love, soon,” he would answer as his hands slid down her back. Opportunity came when his duties as host called him to the house to oversee the final preparations for dinner. He had just given instructions to his house elf to announce dinner and was walking down a corridor when familiar hands seized him and dragged him into a darkened room. “The library,” he whispered, “my second favorite room in this house.” He sought Hermione's lips as she pressed him to the wall. “Second favorite?” she asked between frenzied kisses. His hands were hot against the skin of her breasts as his hand reached into the bodice of the dress to free them. She moaned softly as his lips assaulted her. “I haven't had you in my bedroom,” he answered then added, “yet.” He switched their positions, stifling a groan as Hermione rubbed against his achingly hard manhood. He pressed himself against her, cursing the material that separated them. The unfinished ache that filled Hermione increased as he rubbed himself against her. His hands moved from her breasts, down her sides to her buttocks then to the backs of her thighs. But he stilled when he heard the crowd begin to filter in from the outside. He and Hermione looked at each other, resigned. It was his duty to greet his guests in the dining room. “Harry,” she protested when he resumed his actions. “Shh, we'll be quick,” he whispered. She lifted her skirts as he braced her against the wall, she wrapping her thighs around his hips. She fumbled with his breeches as he held her, releasing him from their constraint. The din of the crowd grew louder and she gasped when she felt him rub against her moist sex. He groaned as he slid against her, seeking entrance to nirvana. Knock, knock, knock. “Damnation!” he cursed under his breath. “Mr. Potter, the guests are waiting,” Dobby said quietly through the door. He knew better than to barge into a room when his master was in it with a lady. With a sigh, Harry released Hermione to the floor. She hastily adjusted her bodice to hide any improprieties. “Come to me after the ball,” she whispered. “I'll wait up for you.” She kissed him once more before leaving the room. Harry needed to take a moment alone to make himself presentable to his guests. ~*~ Hermione sighed dreamily as she rested her head against the windowpane of the carriage. It truly was a delightful night. Sirius was going to visit Madame Rosemerta tonight so he apparated away after Hermione insisted she was fine going home alone. She wrapped her cloak tighter around her and shivered with anticipation of Harry's touch. He would be meeting her tonight in her room and it was that thought that got her through dinner. She couldn't stand it whenever Harry's lips closed around a morsel to eat. But it was a good night overall. Luna had sat next to her, Ron at her side, and whispered excitedly that Ron had made an appointment to speak with her father in the morning! Oh, she was so happy for her friend. She hoped that Ron would forgive Harry when he told him of the ruse. It seemed like he did, they were laughing and smiling as Ron said goodbye, leaving to escort Miss Lovegood home. Hermione was one of the last to leave and Harry escorted her to her carriage. Soon, was the message in his eyes. He would see her soon. With a start, she looked out the window and saw with a panic that they were no longer on the road home anymore. In fact, she didn't recognize the road at all. She leaned forward to speak to her driver. “Detour, Miss,” he said. A panic filled Hermione, maybe she shouldn't have gone home alone. But soon the carriage stopped and she jumped when the door opened. Harry stood there grinning. “Harry, what are you…?” she was at a loss for words. “This way, my love,” he said, motioning out of the carriage. Hermione peeked out of the carriage and gasped when she saw Godric's Hollow in front of her. She took his hand and stepped out of the carriage. The house was quiet, all the guests had gone home and the sky was a dull grey with the impending dawn. He led her into a side entrance into the home, the servants were busy cleaning up after the ball and paid no mind to the two of them. That or they were too polite to say anything and did their jobs well. It didn't bother her though, she would be the lady of this house soon so they should get accustomed to her and Harry being together. Up the stairs, he led her, smiling back at her reassuringly as he headed to his room. He opened the door for her and let her walk through first. As soon as he closed the door they came at each other, seeking the conclusion to what they had started in the library. His kisses were frenzied and filled with lust and she responded to that. The dress was too fine and he had to control his fingers as they worked the buttons, restraining the desire to tear it off her. The dress fell to the floor and she stood in front of him wearing a crimson silk corset, silk stockings with delicate flowers embroidered on them and held up with matching silk garters. She thought she heard him growl before he kissed her hard, pushing her down to the floor. Ravished. That would be the word to describe what was happening to her. They would never make it to the bed, he had to have her now. Resting between her thighs, he struggled to take off his jacket, his cravat, his shirt with Hermione's assistance as he kissed her lips, her cheeks, her neck, her chest. Frustration set in, it was all taking too long and he worked on his breeches, pushing them down past his thighs. Still half dressed, he plunged into her and she cried out in delight. Relief, sweet relief was what filled him. He had been wanting this all night. He couldn't wait to meet her at her home so he had instructed that her driver bring her back to his home. He was paid well for this. Now he had his Hermione here with him. He pulled out of her to relax himself or it would be all over too soon. She whimpered in protest but his hands massaged her thighs, moving to untie the garters and slide the stockings down her legs, his tongue following their path. Together they slowly finished undressing each other, stopping once in awhile to take carnal pleasure in one another. “The bed,” she whispered hotly in his ear. “Take me in your bed.” She had yet to have him there. The place she had wanted to have him for so long, his own bed, where he lay, where no one else would lay save her. He lifted her easily and placed her on the bed. Hermione stood on her knees as he kissed her neck and caressed her breasts. She drew him onto the bed with her, pulling back the covers and letting him slip under. She moved on top of him, lowering herself onto him and a small hiss escaped his lips. He held her hips as she rocked above him, her hands splayed on his hard chest. She bit her lip and moaned, the expression was one of Harry's favorites. She was close. He stilled her to flip her under him. Hermione took a moment to rest her head on familiar pillows, breathe in the familiar scents of his bed. A moment was all he could give her until he invaded all her senses. With every thrust he brought her closer to that familiar edge. Their kisses were broken as they gasped and moaned in their passion for each other. He felt her hands clutch him closer to her and he felt her walls tighten around him before she cried out in ecstasy. With a groan he followed her over that precipice, pleasure filling him as he released himself into her. A random thought entered his mind and he realized he hadn't put a silencing charm on the room, they could have easily been heard. But it made no matter, she was his fiancé. The thick curtains blocked out the rising sun as they lay in bed together. Hermione was cradled in his arms, her back to his front. Together they drifted in and out of sleep, she could tell when he was sleeping by his breathing patterns. He was awake now and she turned to face him. He smiled down at her and played with the curls in her hair. “Have I told you how deliriously happy I am?” she whispered, touching his cheek with the back of her fingers. Harry gave a small smile back. “Marry me,” he said. She laughed. “I already said yes!” “No. I mean, marry me. Now. Today,” he repeated. Hermione's smile faded, not sure if she was comprehending him. He moved over her, kissing her. “Say yes,” he whispered as he placed a leg between hers, parting them. “Say yes.” “Yes,” she gasped as he entered her. “Yes?” he asked, kissing her neck then her lips softly. She nodded and wrapped her legs around him as he gently moved above her. “Yes.” --> 17. What Was Gained... ---------------------- Chapter Seventeen: What was gained… Harry had arranged for the carriage to stop by Hermione's home so she could pack a valise then they continued on their way. Harry drove the horses as they headed north to Scotland where he knew someone who would marry them. He was just as excited as she was, in less than two days, she would be his to love forever. The two lovers grinned and chatted away merrily as they rode. Just before sunset, they stopped at a small town just inside the border to take rooms at an inn. Checking in as Mr. Bentley and his sister, they were led to modest rooms that had a parlor that separated their rooms. Their dinner was brought to them as they unpacked and they sat down to their first intimate and quiet dinner. They chatted about the other guests at the inn and how many couples they had seen that were in the similar situation that they were. As much as the temptation was great, Harry and Hermione slept in separate rooms well aware of each other's presence. But they decided to wait one more night. The next time they would make love, it would be as husband and wife. It was a long night. Hermione woke up at dawn, blinking at the light coming in through the window. Today she was getting married, she grinned at the thought. Today she would become Mrs. Harry Potter. She let out a squeal of excitement and threw the quilts off of her as she jumped out of bed. The maid had come in with a washbasin and some clean water for Hermione to wash up in. The maid informed her that her brother was in the parlor with breakfast waiting for her. Wrapping her robe around herself, she met Harry in the other room. He was sitting down reading the Daily Prophet and looked up at her as she entered, a smile grew on his face. “I see you're up bright and early,” he greeted her. “I am so excited I'm surprised I managed any sleep,” she said stifling a yawn. “Well, I hope you did get some rest because I have a feeling tonight will be a long night,” he said, looking at her over a coffee cup. Hermione poured herself a cup and raised an eyebrow. “Well, I would certainly hope so.” They finished up their breakfast then finished packing and getting themselves ready and managed to check out of the inn in reasonable time. Nervous butterflies fluttered inside her stomach as she sat in the seat next to Harry on their final leg of the journey. She wondered briefly if Sirius believed the note she left, saying that she was visiting the coast for a few days. He must have, he hadn't sent for her father and there was no sign of either of them running up and down the road trying to stop them. But they would have no idea that she and Harry were eloping. By the afternoon, they had arrived in the quaint little town of Hogsmeade. Harry stabled his horses at another inn called the Three Broomsticks and procured them another room here, a single room. They would be spending the night here. After seeing that their baggage was taken care off, he and Hermione set off down the road. “We have to walk from here,” he said taking her arm. Hermione happily obliged. He hadn't told her where they were going to get married but she had now figured it out and she was bubbling with excitement. As they passed the winged boars at the gates, she gasped and squeezed his hand when she saw the towers rise above her. “Here we are,” Harry announced. “Hogwarts.” “Oh, Harry,” Hermione breathed, her mouth agape. Harry beamed with pride at giving her this moment. As they walked across the grounds, a venerable looking wizard stood at the steps to greet them. “Hello Harry,” Dumbledore said when they approached him. “And it's truly a pleasure to meet you again Miss Granger.” This was entirely too much for Hermione and she held tightly onto Harry's arm for fear that she would collapse in a faint. But she remembered to be proper. “Good afternoon, sir,” Hermione curtsied. “I must tell you I was not at all surprised to see your letter, Harry,” Dumbledore's kind eyes turned toward him. “You weren't?” Harry asked. “I knew it was only a matter of time before I would find the two of you here,” his eyes twinkled and Hermione blushed. He led the two of them through the halls and poor Hermione kept tripping and bumping into Harry. She was looking everywhere trying to take everything in at once. The knights armor tipped their heads politely as she passed. The portraits whispered, giggled and pointed at her and gave nods of approval to Harry. At last they had arrived at a door where Dumbledore gave a funny little word and a spiral staircase that led up was revealed. ~*~ Harry's back rested against the trunk of a tree while Hermione curled up against him. She was playing with the gold wedding band on Harry's finger as they both gazed out at the lake. “I don't see it,” she said. “Just give it a moment,” Harry replied patiently. A large tentacle suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake, disrupting its mirror like surface. Hermione jumped in his arms. “Good heavens! Was that it?” she breathed. Harry laughed. “Yes, that was the giant squid.” “Is it dangerous?” “No, we are quite safe. A few of the first years that have fallen into the lake on their way to the castle have been rescued by the squid and put safely back in the boats.” “Oh.” “Besides,” he held her closer to him. “I wouldn't dare let anything happen to you.” Hermione sighed and breathed deeply, taking in the scent of her *husband*. “I'd feel safe anywhere with you.” Harry kissed the top of her head. “That's good because now we're stuck with each other forever.” “Oh dear, what have we gotten ourselves into?” she teased and they both laughed. “Come on,” he said, getting up from the ground and helping his wife to her feet. “I want to show you the Whomping Willow.” He led her across the grounds, holding hands, until they came to a large tree. Hermione shielded her eyes and looked into its canopy. “It doesn't look troublesome,” she said. “Trust me, it's very deceiving,” he said as he searched the ground for a long enough stick. “Actually, it kind of reminds me of you.” “Oh stop,” Hermione frowned as Harry let out a chuckle. He retrieved a stick and moved Hermione a bit further away from the menacing tree. “Now, under no circumstances are you to step any closer to that tree until I say so, alright?” Harry said seriously. “Okay,” Hermione said uneasily. She looked up at it and saw it quiver as Harry slowly approached. Suddenly it seemed like this was not such a good idea after all. “Harry,” she called after him. “I don't think this is such a good idea after all.” She watched as Harry flattened himself on the ground and reached out with the stick. The Whomping Willow's branches trembled angrily and Hermione found that she couldn't breathe. But he prodded a knot on the tree with the stick and the tree seemed to still and an opening appeared at the base of the tree. “You might get a bit dirty,” he said as he got to his feet and reached for her hand. Hermione walked to him, keeping a wary eye on the stealthily still tree. He went down the opening first and she followed. It seemed that they walked forever until the tunnel rose. Harry popped out of the tunnel first then reached down to help his wife up. “What is this place?” she asked, brushing some dirt off of her dress but it was a fruitless attempt. She gave up and looked around and saw that they were in some sort of room that obviously had not been occupied in quite some time. “This is the Shrieking Shack,” Harry said. The house seemed to sway ominously. Hermione took in the layers of dust, the broken furniture and the claw marks. “Harry I think some sort of animal lives here,” she said pointing at a slash in a table leg. “You're sort of right. Remus lived here during his transformations.” “Oh,” Hermione said softly. She never saw her friend Mr. Lupin during his transformations into a werewolf but he always returned looking worse for the wear. They spent some time in the shack before leaving and walking back to the town of Hogsmeade. They held hands as they strolled and both were strangely quiet. The nervous butterflies came back full force and she wondered why she was so nervous about tonight. She and Harry had been intimate together many times before but for some reason she felt like tonight was different. And it was, they were finally husband and wife. Harry's thoughts were similar. He had the woman he loved, he had finally won her heart, and she was by his side. But a dark cloud threatened to overshadow his happy thoughts. He no longer wanted to hide his and Hermione's relationship. The possibility that she was already with child was growing stronger everyday. But revealing her as his wife would put her in great danger, she had been courted by Draco Malfoy, known Death Eater and as far as Draco knew, he was still courting Miss Granger, now Mrs. Harry Potter. He shook his head to clear himself of these thoughts. It would not do to worry about this now, not on his wedding night. He hugged Hermione closer to him and kissed the top of her head. ~*~ Hermione paced back and forth, nervously, in her room. She could almost laugh at herself, she was behaving like a true virgin on her wedding night. The gown she was wearing was a simple one, a white nightdress with lace trimming the cuffs and hemline. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Harry walked into the room. He had been pacing back and forth in the parlor just as nervous as Hermione and he took a drink of Firewhiskey to calm his nerves. Finally summoning his lost courage, he stepped into their room. She stood there in front of him wearing a simple white nightdress that made her look so innocent. It drove him mad with desire. He walked over and stopped just in front of her. Hermione looked up at him as he reached out with one hand to let her hair down from its knot. His hand returned to rest his fingers under her chin and tilt her head up as he bent down to kiss her lips. She detected the faint odor of alcohol on his breath and smiled to herself. He was just as nervous as she was. The kiss was gentle and slow. Harry gathered her into his arms to deepen it. He felt her hands on him, his skin hot where she rested them. Slowly they moved to his shirt to undo the buttons, then pull it out of his trousers so she could move it over his shoulders. She broke this kiss only to have her sweet lips land on the hollow of his throat, her fingernails raked lightly over his chest. Hermione felt his hands leave her waist to work on his trousers. She heard the rustle of the material as it fell to the floor and he stepped out of them. He stood naked before her, his skin glowing in the candlelight. He leaned in again to capture her lips, pushing her gently backwards, leading her toward the bed. The back of her knees hit it and she slowly sat down, one hand behind his neck to take him with her. He took it further and lifted her slightly to get her completely on the bed before following her. His hands lifted the bottom of the nightgown, his hands moved up her leg and he could feel her trembling. His breathing became shaky when he found that she was truly naked beneath her gown as he reached her waist. He bent down again to briefly kiss her lips, while he moved to lie by her side. The kiss ended and she looked up at him, her eyes large and innocent looking, filled with love. He grinned at her and began to undo the knot at the front of her gown. He was forcibly reminded of their very first time together, that magical night in his drawing room. Hermione flushed and he wondered if she was thinking the same thing. The knot was undone and he loosened the shirt, sliding it past her waist and up over her head. She was gloriously naked beside him and he leaned down to capture a nipple in his mouth, sucking it as his hand caressed the other breast. He heard her soft moans of delight and felt her hands tangle in his hair. His hand left her breast to fall on the bed beside her, giving him leverage as he moved over her, his knee nudged her thighs apart and he settled himself between her. Her hands rested on his shoulders and they looked in each others eyes as he sought entrance to her. His hardness stroked against her wetness until he found her entrance and he sank himself slowly into her, surrounding himself in her familiar and comforting warmth. Hermione breathed deeply as he filled her, she moved her hands to tangle in his hair and bring his lips to hers. Their tongues danced as he moved in and out of her, his mouth muffled her gasps of pleasure. He left her lips only to move them to her neck, kissing the soft and sensitive skin. “Oh!” Harry heard her moan and it spurred him further. He quickened his pace slightly, losing himself in their passion, the sensations, the smell, the sounds. No other woman had made him this mad with lust. He loved Hermione, the woman she was, there was no mistake in that. But no one else could give him one look, one glimpse of her skin that would send him into such a frenzy of carnal desire that begged for relief. This was her power over him, he was helpless to her, a willing slave to their passion. He felt her fingers dig into him, her moans louder and more frequent and a primitive pride washed through him. Proud that he could do this to her, that he could bring her such pleasure. He felt her walls tighten around him as she cried out, beckoning him to follow her into that abyss of pleasure. With the familiar tightening in his abdomen, he knew it wouldn't be too long. Hermione held him to her, clinging to him as he sent her over the edge, her pleasure washing over her in waves. His hands had moved to her hips and she felt his grip tighten as he let out a groan, his warm seed spilling into her in a few final thrusts. Together they came down and she brushed his bangs off his forehead that had a gleam of sweat and gave him a kiss. He lowered himself against her, resting his head against her breasts as their breathing calmed. ~*~ Harry woke up in the late morning, feeling the warm body next to his. He rolled over and snuggled in closer to Hermione, breathing in her warm scent. “You keep doing that and we'll never leave this bed,” Hermione murmured. Harry smiled. “That thought is appealing,” he said, kissing the creamy skin of her bare shoulder. They had already made love again early in the morning. But they did manage to get out of the bed and ring for their breakfast. Harry helped Hermione with her stays as she dressed in a simple cream colored dress that had a pattern of tiny roses on it. They set out shortly after breakfast, stopping again at the same small town just inside the borders. Checking in this time as Mr. And Mrs. Potter and making wonderful love to each other in their little room. She wore Harry's favorite dress the next day, the light blue one with the cream lace that she had worn to tea with Dumbledore. They had a plan all worked out. She would move into Godric's Hollow immediately. They would set out to visit her father and hope for the best when they gave him the news of their elopement. Hermione insisted that her father shouldn't get mad, after all, he had married her mother in the same way. After visiting with her father, they would set out to the coast where they would take a muggle ship to the south of France for their honeymoon. When they returned, they would host a ball to celebrate their wedding. “I promise I won't be long,” Hermione said as she stood outside her carriage. They had returned to Godric's Hollow and Hermione was setting off for her home to pack for her honeymoon and to give last minute instructions to the servants to bring her personal belongings to Godric's Hollow. “I can't wait to see you tonght,” he grinned, kissing her gently on the lips. He had business of his own to take care of before they set off. “I love you,” Hermione said. “I love you, too,” he replied. They kissed deeply one more time before she turned around, got into her carriage and set off for her home. Harry watched the carriage until it turned and disappeared from his sight before he mounted his horse to ride into the village to settle his accounts and duties. He came back in the evening before Hermione arrived and set about the task of a wonderful dinner. He double checked the food, all of Hermione's favorites, then the intimate table setting. When all was prepared he sent the servants home, Dobby and Winky kept out of sight, leaving the couple to their privacy. Harry lit the candle on the table and checked the time. It was nearing eight o'clock. He sat in the chair and rested his head on the back of it. He hadn't realized how tired he was, he had had an active past few days and today he was busy running around settling last minute business. He closed his eyes briefly. He woke up with a start. It wouldn't do to have Hermione finding him here fast asleep. He rubbed his sleepy eyes then paused when he saw that the candle was half-way burnt down. He checked his watch. It was eleven o'clock. He cursed silently to himself. Hermione had probably come in and seen him sleeping so she headed off to bed. He summoned Dobby. “No, sir. She hasn't arrived yet,” he said. “She hasn't?” Harry asked. Worry set in, was she running behind in her tasks? He gathered his cloak and left his home. He walked to the end of the drive to apparate a few blocks from her home. The thought of Hermione coming back in the dark by herself did not settle well with him. He walked up to her home and knocked on the door. It was a while before anyone answered. “Yes,” the doorman asked. Harry could tell that he had risen the man from his sleep. “I've come to call on Miss Granger,” he said. “It's quite urgent.” “Oh, I'm sorry to tell you that she is vacationing on the coast for a few days,” the doorman replied. A chill settled in Harry's insides at these words. “Has she not been home today?” he asked. “No, sir, she left a few days ago.” Harry managed a polite thank you and turned away from the door. Hermione's carriage somehow had not reached its destination. A fear settled upon him. Deep down he knew what had happened to her even though his mind fought fiercely to keep from acknowledging it. Rage, panic, grief and anger raced through him but he had to fight those feelings down. He took several calming breaths and then, with a cool and level head, he summoned the Order. --> 18. Can Easily Be Taken Away ---------------------------- Chapter Eighteen: Can Easily Be Taken Away Hermione rocked with the swaying motions of the carriage, watching the sun begin to set through the trees of the woods. She was nearly home, she could see the town in the distance. She could hear the clatter of hooves and the rattle of an oncoming carriage. Suddenly, the carriage jolted violently and Hermione was nearly thrown from her seat. “What do you think you're doing?” she heard her driver say. Hermione scrambled to the window and looked out to see hooded figures approach the carriage. Death Eaters. She hastily opened up the trap. “Just drive!” she ordered him. He complied and started the horses, throwing Hermione to the floor. The carriage mowed through the group of Death Eaters and she heard their shouts of protests. They followed on their horses. The carriage raced down the road and a dangerous speed but the horses were gaining on them. Hermione tried to think of a way to climb out of the carriage and toward the front. But a loud thump startled her. They had jumped from their horses onto the carriage. “Avada Kedavra!” They had killed her driver and the horses now ran blindly without a driver. They hit a large bump and Hermione slammed against the side, her cheek bruising. She heard someone scrambling from the roof of the carriage to the door. She kicked it open, surprising the Death Eater on the other side who let go and fell. But another Death Eater quickly flew in the door. “Hello Hermione,” he said and her eyes widened with recognition. “NO!” she cried out when he lunged for her. She fought bravely against him, scratching and clawing until he had her pinned to the carriage floor. She now realized that the carriage had finally stopped. “I've always wanted you in this position,” he whispered in her ear. “Shame it has to be like this.” “You disgust me,” she spat. He smirked and raised his fist, bringing it down violently. “Dra--!” was all she got out before all went black. He dragged her limp body out of the carriage and held her in his arms. The other carriage caught up with them. Another Death Eater opened the door and helped Draco carry her body into the carriage. He climbed in after and the carriage set off, leaving some of the others behind to clean up the mess. ~*~ Harry had walked into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place to find it already occupied. “Harry we've been trying to reach the others!” Remus greeted him. “You got my call already?” he asked. “What are you talking about? We called you.” “You did?” he asked, confused. “Dumbledore's on his way,” Remus said. Harry took a look around the room at those who had come and spotted his godfather sitting in the corner, pale but his expression carefully guarded. Harry carefully approached him. “Sirius?” he asked. “We're wasting our time,” he muttered angrily. Harry looked back at Remus. “This was sent to him this evening,” Remus said, handing Harry a letter. *Black,* *We have taken your precious Miss Granger. Do not contact the Order, do not contact Dumbledore and do not contact Mr. Potter. If you do not comply with this, we will not hesitate in ending her life. We will contact you shortly when we see you have complied.* With the letter came a piece of fabric, pale blue that Harry recognized immediately as coming from the dress that Hermione had worn today. His favorite dress. Wrapped inside the fabric was a lock of her beautiful cinnamon brown hair. Harry cried out in rage and lunged for his godfather, shoving him up against the wall. “YOU?!” he raged. “They stole her because of YOU?” “Harry! Harry, stop this!” Remus tried to come between the two of them but Sirius shoved Harry away from him. “I don't have time for your petty crushes on Hermione,” Sirius spat. Kingsley joined in the fray holding Sirius back. Remus had one hand on Harry. “Petty?” Harry laughed softly then went at his godfather again, this time managing to land a blow across his jaw with his fist. “Harry!” Ron and Neville scrambled into the room and helped Remus restrain their friend. “You did everything they asked you NOT to do!” he shouted. Sirius got to his feet with the help of Kingsley. He brushed some blood off of his lip with the back of his hand and looked at his godson. “Are you trying to procure an appointment at dawn?” he asked. “I don't need an appointment, I can take care of this now,” Harry said between gritted teeth as he reached into his robes and drew out his wand. “Whoa!” “Hey, hey, take it easy, Harry.” Remus grabbed a hold of Harry's wrist, yanking it so his wand no longer pointed at Sirius. “Let him go, Remus. He's been itching to have a go at me for quite some time now,” Sirius said dryly. “You would've done the exact same thing he did,” Remus said to a seething Harry. “Now, calm down. The Death Eaters have no way of knowing that we contacted the rest of the Order. If they want Sirius, they won't kill Hermione.” “I swear…if they hurt her in any way…” Harry was blind with anger. “Oh like I should fear you,” Sirius said sarcastically. “The woman I care most about in the world is being held by Death Eaters and her father *will* murder me when he finds out about this. So pardon me if I'm not concerned with idle threats from an admirer.” “ENOUGH!” Dumbledore had entered the kitchen and order was immediately restored in the room. Harry, Ron and Neville settled to one side of the room, while Remus and Sirius took the other side. “Sirius, have you contacted Mr. Granger?” he asked. “I have, he is on his way home as we speak,” Sirius answered. “Good, I shall ask for volunteers to see that he is escorted home in safety.” “We'll do it,” Ron and Neville spoke up. “Kingsley, Dedalus and Arthur are searching the roads,” Remus added. Dumbledore took the letter Sirius received from Harry and in silence he read it. He sighed wearily as he closed the note and glanced over at Harry. “Have you told anyone, yet?” he asked the young man. “No sir,” Harry answered quietly and Dumbledore nodded. “So…the Death Eaters have taken this young woman and are holding her captive. They must desperately want something that you have Sirius,” Dumbledore thought aloud. “They are specific in their request that you do not contact the Order or Mr. Potter,” he glanced up at Harry. “Whatever they're hiding, they really don't want you involved which can only mean…” “Voldemort,” Harry finished for him, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth. “Harry, I'm fairly positive this has nothing to do with you. They didn't take her to get to you,” Dumbledore said in a low reassuring voice, but Sirius picked up on it. “Of course they didn't. They took her to get to me, this has nothing to do with him,” Sirius said impatiently. He felt that they were wasting time in this meeting when he could rush out now and hunt down those who had taken his beloved Hermione. “This very much has something to do with Harry,” Dumbledore said softly, staring intently at the young man who fidgeted nervously under his gaze. “Hermione and I…” Harry began, “Hermione and I were married two days ago.” The silence that followed was deafening. “You did what?” Sirius asked in a low and even voice. “But…how?…What?” Ron was at a loss for words. “We've kept our engagement a secret for some time,” Harry continued. “We returned today. She was just going to go home to gather some personal items then return to Godric's Hollow this evening. She didn't show and her doorman said that she hadn't been home since the ball. I summoned the Order immediately and came here,” Harry braved a look to Sirius and Remus. “That's when I found you already here.” Sirius wasn't looking at Harry, he couldn't. Harry was the one who had impersonated him at the Malfoy Ball, the one who was in her room that morning when he questioned her. He had been trying to set Hermione and his godson up thinking it wouldn't bother him at all. But now that he had learned that they had eloped, he felt a pang in his heart that he was surprised was still there. A pang of loss, longing and jealousy. Hermione had stolen his heart long ago but had always refused his offers of marriage. It almost became a game between the two of them. He thought he would be fine arranging something between his godson and her, he just wasn't prepared for how much it would actually hurt inside when she had finally chosen a husband, how much it would hurt losing her to his own godson. “Sirius, where are you going?” Remus said when he got up from his seat and walked across the room. “Sirius, we cannot afford to do anything foolish,” Dumbledore said. Sirius stopped in front of Harry. “Six o'clock tomorrow, on the lawns of the Granger home.” “Harry refuse it!” Neville said to his friend. “Sirius, stop this foolishness,” Remus tried to talk some sense into his friend. Dumbledore looked at the two men. “Sirius, Harry, we cannot afford to let the Death Eaters know that we know about Hermione's kidnapping. Things must go on as normal until Sirius received another message.” Harry's gaze didn't leave Sirius'. “Then it wouldn't be news that I'm at odds with my godfather. Everyone knows about that and it seems that the Death Eaters have been banking on that as well.” “Someone has to stand up and defend her honor,” Sirius replied. “Tell me Harry, what did you do to trap her into this farce?” “Sirius!” Remus hissed. Harry smirked. “Does it hurt being the jilted lover?” Sirius scoffed and left the kitchen, Remus calling after him. Harry looked at Dumbledore. “Don't ask me to just sit here and wait,” he said. “That's exactly what I'm asking you to do. Go about your business like nothing has happened.” “I can't do that. I can just sit here and wait while they hold the woman I love. I can't do that and I hate that you're asking this of me.” “But you know I'm right, Harry.” ~*~ Hermione panicked for a moment when she came to, she couldn't see but she quickly realized that it was because she was blindfolded. She took a moment to take in her situation. She was no longer rocking in a carriage but there was a gentle ever so slight rocking motion. She was laying on something soft, a bed possibly? Her hands were still bound but thankfully they were in front of her, not behind. She reached up and pulled at her blindfold, yanking it down to her neck. She squinted her eyes at the rays of the evening sun that poured into the room. How long had she been out? The wood was paneled in wood, the walls lined with bookcases and there was a large mahogany desk in the middle. Draco Malfoy sat at this desk. He was writing away and hadn't noticed that Hermione was awake. She looked around the room trying to find something heavy to knock him out with while she made her escape. “I hope you aren't thinking of using something heavy to knock me out with while you make your escape,” Draco said, not looking up from his writing. “The thought is tempting,” she answered. There was a faint smile on Draco's lips and he looked up at her. “It would be a fruitless effort.” Hermione sat up in the bed. Her cheek was sore and she reached up and touched it, wincing at its tenderness. Draco stood up and picked up a sharp knife before walking towards her. “Are you going to kill me?” she asked, eyeing the knife. He knelt in front of her. “No…not yet,” he answered. He used the knife to cut her binds and the blindfold. “Are you going to…” she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence. “Violate you?” he asked, an eyebrow raised. “I think you know the answer to that, Hermione.” He reached down and lifted her left hand, his thumb brushing over the gold band. “Did you marry the foul Mr. Black?” Hermione yanked her hand from his and didn't answer him. “Where am I?” she demanded. “Have a look,” he said lazily. Hermione got up from the bed and looked out the window. Blue was all she could see. The blue of the sea, and her heart sank, she was in the middle of the ocean. How far was she from Harry? Did he have any idea where to find her? She wouldn't dare let hope slide away from her. Hermione heard him move behind her, felt his hands on her. She pushed him away but he caught her and roughly turned her around to face him. “Draco,” was all she managed to get out before his lips were on hers. She struggled against his tight hold on her wrists. He mercilessly shoved her to the ground, stars appearing in her eyes as her head hit the wooden floor hard. “No, stop it! Please!” she pleaded as he struggled with her skirts. The door of the cabin swung open and another Death Eater strolled into the room. He didn't wear a mask and Hermione could see the dark goatee on his face. He spoke with a slight accent. “Malfoy, let's go,” he said. Draco looked up at him, “I'll be there in a moment,” he said roughly. “Your father said now, Draco.” Hermione saw Draco's jaw tighten as he let out a frustrated sigh. She took this moment to shove Draco off of her and scramble away from him. Draco got to his feet and straightened his clothes. He walked over to Hermione and tilted her chin up to him. “Don't wait up for me love,” he said before he kissed her again. Hermione shoved him away and gave him a hard slap across the face. If it phased him, he didn't show it. He only smiled and her and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him. She walked over to the door and looked at the lock. She wasn't going to stay here and wait for him to return to finish what he started. She went over to the desk and opened all the drawers. They were empty. She went to the bookshelves and rummaged through them, knocking them to the ground as she frantically searched for something, anything. She hurled a heavy book at the glass window but it bounced back. The window had been charmed so she was unable to break it. She went to the desk and took the quill from the inkpot. She sat by the door and carefully began to work on the lock. She carefully maneuvered the quill to lift the pins but the point was too delicate and the quill snapped in half. She cursed and threw the quill away from her, tears of frustration fell down her face. “Help me,” she whispered softly, hugging her knees to her chest. “Please find me.” --> 19. The Clock Ticks ------------------- Chapter Nineteen: The Clock Ticks Dawn. How could they have come to this? This same thought ran through the minds of the two men who faced each other on that grey and misty morning. The grass was wet under their feet from the morning dew and little puffs of their breaths hung in the crisp air. They had shown up to the appointment, faced each other, walked their paces then spun around to deliver their curses. But they didn't. They stood apart, wands drawn but nothing was said. Harry didn't want to do this. He was angry at his godfather, surprised by this turn of events that he had initiated but he didn't want to hurt him. And he could. He knew he could. Whether Sirius was aware of that fact, he didn't know. Sirius did know. He knew Harry was a powerful wizard, more powerful than he and that at any moment, his godson could deliver a terrible curse. But he didn't. Oh, what would James think of him? A silly old man. That's what he'd think of him and he'd be right. Harry's hand tightened around his wand. What was he doing here? He was wasting time, he should be out somewhere looking for his wife, his Hermione. But he was here to defend her honor, defend their love. It was Sirius who spoke first. “You know that she is the woman I care most about in this world,” he said. Harry lowered his wand. “She loves you,” he answered back. Sirius scoffed a little. “But not in the way she loves you.” Harry didn't know what to say to that. He watched as Sirius put away his wand and walk towards him. “I do care about her,” Sirius said quietly. “Hell, I may even love her. But she's rejected me so many times that it almost became a game with us. But it still hurts when she's chosen the best wizard in the world to be her companion.” He stopped in front of his godson. “She may love me, but she's truly, passionately and deeply in love with you.” “I love her more than life itself,” Harry replied sincerely. “I am only half a person without her.” “I remember the day at the Lovegood's when I walked out onto the balcony and saw you two together. I knew then that you two were meant for each other. You reminded me so much of when your father first met Lily. But it still stung a little to admit defeat.” Harry looked at his godfather. “Believe me. I know what it is like to be consumed with jealousy over whom Hermione puts her attentions. And it will still take some work to accept that I am not the only man in her life.” He looked at Sirius pointedly. Sirius grinned and offered a hand. Harry took it and Sirius led him into a short embrace. “A truce then,” he said jovially, clapping him on the back. “But if you ever make her unhappy, then I will not hesitate to swoop in and steal your wife.” Harry forced a laugh to match his godfather's as Sirius led him back toward the Granger Manor. The comment was meant as a joke but Harry would always wonder, even years from now, how much of that was wrought in truth. “Come now, Harry. We have a battle coming our way,” he said. “About that, I think we need to go over the Malfoy ledger in detail and…” Sirius was laughing at him. “What?” Harry asked. “Finding Hermione is first priority but I'm talking about an even bigger battle. Hermione's father will be here any moment and you will have the pleasure of breaking the news about his daughter to him…all of what's happened to Hermione,” he emphasized this last part. Harry swallowed nervously. Mr. Granger. His father-in-law. ~*~ Draco was angry. Angry at his father. Angry that his plans were fallilng apart because of him. It was his own idea to take Hermione aboard the Maria Cristobel, his own idea to set her up in his cabin. If his plans had gone accordingly, he would've had Sirius Black groveling at his feet and Miss Granger ravished several times already. But his father had taken over as soon as he set foot aboard the ship. Hermione still stayed in his cabin but was guarded at all times, a Death Eater stationed at her door to deny anyone into the cabin. Especially him. His father was protecting family lines more heartily than he thought he would. Now, he was stuck on a boat, the Dark Lord nestled safely below deck, the object of his unrelenting lust was locked in his cabin and his father hadn't yet made a move to bring Sirius on board. “We've had a bit of a complication,” a Death Eater had informed them. “Mr. Black and Mr. Potter have had a duel this morning.” “A duel?” Lucius asked. “Something about Mr. Black and Mr. Potter's fiancé,” the Death Eater answered. Draco smirked. “Miss Lavender Brown, eh? Now we know why the engagement was called off.” Lucius frowned. “Are you sure Sirius has not said anything to him about Miss Granger's disappearance?” “I don't know,” the Death Eater shrugged. Lucius leaned forward. “Then why don't you find out?” The Death Eater scrambled away. Draco looked at his father. “I hardly think that Mr. Black would bring up Miss Granger's kidnapping in the middle of a duel, I'm sure his head was in a different place. Besides, I doubt Potter would listen to anything he had to say.” Lucius was still frowning in thought. “Be that as it may, I am interested to know the outcome of this duel.” Draco scoffed. “Potter doesn't have it in him to kill his own godfather.” “We had better hope so or else this plan is for nothing. Nevertheless, if Potter doesn't kill him, let us hope that Sirius hasn't said a word of this. The last thing the Dark Lord needs is for Potter to get wind of this plot.” “Even if he did, Potter has no reason go after his godfather or Miss Granger,” Draco said lazily. Hermione stifled a little gasp. She had pressed herself flat against the floor to listen underneath the door and heard every word. She sat up quickly and leaned against the wall. Harry and Sirius dueling? Did Sirius tell Harry and the Order? The Dark Lord was involved? *The Dark Lord.* She looked down at her left hand and saw the gold ring on her finger. She set to work on it, coaxing it off her finger. She held it in front of her. “I'm so sorry, my love,” she said as she kissed the small object. She stuffed it under her mattress to hide it. The Dark Lord would use her to torture Harry if he ever found out about her. She remembered how the Death Eater's attempted to kidnap Lavender to bring Harry to his knees and beg for her release. She wouldn't allow them the pleasure this time. ~*~ Mr. Granger was a tall and stately man with brown hair that was graying at the temples, his voice was deep and venerable and his very presence sent the servants scurrying to their tasks. “Sirius!” he boomed as he bustled into his office. “I want to know exactly what's going on…” He made a move to sit behind his desk but gave a pause when he saw Harry standing with Sirius. “You didn't mention your godson,” he looked sternly at Sirius. Sirius nudged Harry sharply on the back and Harry nervously jumped. “Uh…s-sir, my…my name is…” “Harry Potter,” Mr. Granger waved his hand impatiently as if brushing away a gnat. “Sirius, what is going on with my daughter? My business is cut short when two young wizards turn up and tell me that there is an emergency back home. Not only that, they see to it that I am escorted the entire way, with wands! Nearly ruined my meeting,” he muttered angrily, “two people showing up waving sticks in the air. You do remember that I work with muggles as well?” “It is a most urgent matter,” Sirius replied. “We believe your daughter may have been kidnapped by Death Eaters.” Harry came to life and placed the ransom note they sent to Sirius. He eyed Mr. Granger's hands as he took the paper, noting the length and strength of his hands. Could Mr. Granger kill a man with those bare hands? Mr. Granger was silent as he read the note, his eyes narrowing in anger. He set down the paper and looked up at Sirius. “It says here that you are not to contact Mr. Potter, yet here he is in my office,” he said nodding to Harry. “He can be trusted, he's a member of the Order and in charge of her recovery,” Sirius said dismissively. “The Order?” Mr. Granger's eyebrows rose. “You contacted the Order as well? I assume then that Dumbledore is aware of this?” “We are working round the clock to find Her—Miss Granger,” Harry checked himself. Mr. Granger turned his gaze on him. “By dueling?” Harry and Sirius opened their mouths to protest but Mr. Granger held up a hand. “I was informed of the activities of this morning. Tell me, young man,” Mr. Granger turned to Harry. “What good would have done my daughter to have the point of contact killed in a duel?” “I wasn't going to kill him,” Harry muttered lamely, shuffling one foot on the floor as he hung his head. “No harm would've come to either of us in this duel,” Sirius defended. Mr. Granger picked up the ransom note and turned it around in his hands so it faced the two men. “I understand you lead a smuggler's life but I was mislead to think you could read as well as write.” Sirius again opened his mouth to say something but Mr. Granger spoke over him. “It states, quite plainly I might add, NOT to contact Albus Dumbledore, NOT to contact the Order and NOT to contact Mr. Potter, who is standing right here in front of me!” “Immediate action needed to be taken,” Sirius defended. “It was all done discretely, the Death Eaters would have no idea what Sirius has done. We would not jeopardize Hermione in any way.” Mr. Granger blinked at the young man, slightly taken aback by his daughter's given name being spoken from a stranger. He looked back at Sirius. “Please tell me that you aren't in charge of her recovery,” he said. “No…I'm not,” Sirius said slowly. “Thank heavens for that,” Mr. Granger grumbled. “I'm in charge,” Harry spoke up. “WHAT? No, no, no,” Mr. Granger shook his head. “Hero he may be, I want Dumbledore in charge of this.” “I can assure you that Harry is the best person for this job,” Sirius said. “Nothing means more to me than bringing Hermione home safely,” Harry said sincerely. “That's another thing that worries me, Sirius. Adequate for this job or not, I've read the Prophet and I don't think some young hot-shot with a reputation for ruining young ladies' future's should be in charge of this. I've been too lenient with Hermione and the company she keeps and look where it has led her. No, the last thing I need is someone like Mr. Potter around my daughter.” Harry and Sirius exchanged a nervous look. “What?” Mr. Granger asked. Harry nervously stepped forward and licked his lips before speaking his own death sentence. “Uh…sir. Your daughter…Hermione…” “I know who my daughter is, thank you very much.” “Of course you do. Yes…well, weelopedandweremarriedafewdaysago.” Mr. Granger had a blank look on his face. “Huh?” Harry took a deep breath. “Hermione and I were married a few days ago. We eloped.” Silence. Harry was afraid to breathe. Mr. Granger didn't say anything but Harry could see a vein pulsing in his forehead. He had his elbows on his desk, his finger's laced together. “Sirius,” he finally spoke. “Will you please leave me and this young man alone?” Sirius complied and left Harry by himself to face his formidable father-in-law. ~*~ --> 20. The Waiting Game -------------------- Chapter Twenty: The Waiting Game Harry could hear the faint tick-tock of a clock somewhere in the room, it was that quiet. He felt it was best not to say a thing, let his father-in-law be the first to break the silence. But it was killing him. “My daughter,” Mr. Granger's booming voice seemed so loud in the silence that Harry jumped a little in his seat, “has had several offers of marriage from many prominent men, wizard and muggle. What I'm curious to know is why she accepted yours?” The answer was so obvious to Harry. “We love each other,” he answered. “I love her more than anything in this world.” It was not so obvious to Mr. Granger. He leaned forward. “Have you compromised her?” “W-what?!” Harry was so taken aback by his question that the thought suddenly occurred to him that Mr. Granger may not know ALL of what his daughter had been up to. “NO! No, of course not!” Mr. Granger tilted his head and looked at him. “You eloped but did not think to consummate the marriage?” Harry felt his face heat and knew he must've turned scarlet. “Well…uh…er…” “Mr. Potter, I need to know how far into this marriage the two of you had gone before she was taken. I need to know if there is any way she can somehow back out of it.” “T-there was a wedding night,” Harry managed to stammer. He couldn't believe he was having this conversation. Mr. Granger's lips pursed together in a narrow line. “Still…it was only one night, perhaps there wouldn't be any damage resulting…” Harry flushed an even deeper scarlet, as if it were possible. “So there was another time?” Harry wanted to sink into the floor. He stood up. “Look…sir…Mr. Granger. What happened, happened quickly and neither of us could deny what we felt for one another. I love your daughter and she loves me. And as much as I would love to sit here and explain all of this to you, she is out there somewhere being held captive and I need to find her. I *must* find her. I can't let anything happen to her. We can have this conversation some other time but for now, we need every available resource we have to bring her back safely.” Mr. Granger looked thoughtfully at the young man. “Very well,” he said. There was a knock at the door and Sirius poked his head inside. “I'm sorry to interrupt but Remus is here and he wishes to speak with Harry about an urgent matter.” “Update Mr. Granger about all we know,” Harry told Sirius as he left the room. Remus was in the foyer to greet him. “What have you found out?” Harry asked him as they left the Manor. Together they apparated to Grimmauld Place where other members of the Order were waiting. “We got there as soon as the alarm was raised,” Remus said. “It happened early this morning but we checked all the prisoners and they were all accounted for.” “What else would you steal from Azkaban?” Harry asked. “Prisoner's records, employee records, accounting books,” Neville ticked items off on his fingers. “A dementor,” Ron said grimly. “A dementor?” Harry asked. “They didn't did they?” “No one has every held a census of them, no one's really gotten up close and personal have they?” Remus said quietly. “What would they want with a dementor?” Neville asked. Harry sighed and looked out of a grimy window. “Torture?” “Harry, we mustn't think like that,” Remus encouraged. It was hard not to. Harry had had a few run-ins with dementors in his life and he knew the effect they had on people. He fought down the despair that threatened to consume him at the thought of Hermione trapped alone with a dementor. “We have to find her,” he whispered. “Give me the ledger so I can go through it again.” “Harry, I've read this thing cover to cover…” Neville sighed but Harry cut him off. “I don't care. We'll go through it again and when we're done, we'll read it again! We have to find Hermione and the answer is somewhere in there staring at us in the face!” ~*~ The door opened with a bang, startling Hermione from her shallow slumber. The room was lit in a golden light, telling her that evening was fast approaching. She quickly sat up and faced the doorway where the large figure of Lucius Malfoy filled its frame. “Your presence is requested at dinner tonight.” He made the most trivial sentences seem like insults. “I don't think so,” Hermione replied. “It's not a request, mudblood. It's an order.” His gaze wandered over her body and she felt as if she were exposed. His mouth turned up in a sneer. “I suggest you wear something more appropriate. Try and dress like civilized being.” She looked down at her torn dress, the result of Draco's attempted assault on her. “I was until your son turned up,” she grumbled. Lucius reached her in two strides, striking her hard across the face. It stung where he hit her, her cheek throbbed and felt hot. Tears welled in her eyes but she desperately willed them away. He left the room with the slam of the door only to have opened again in a few moments when a woman came in holding a dress. She was tall and pale with dark hair and what seemed like a permanent frown on her face. She marched forward and yanked Hermione to her feet, hastily ripping her dress off of her. “What are you…” Hermione protested. “The Master wants you properly dressed for dinner tonight,” she said roughly as she dressed Hermione. “Though I don't know why. You can dress up a monkey in the most expensive frocks and it's still a monkey.” The black velvet dress with dark blue satin trim and accents fit snugly on Hermione, the bust sitting a little low for her liking, exposing more flesh than she wished to care. “Can you do your hair or are you incapable of that task as well?” the woman asked. Hermione had a mind to tell her that she could've dressed herself but she thought it best not to say such a thing. “I can manage,” she replied coolly instead. The woman gave a snort of derision before taking leave of her. Hermione sat down and began to fix her hair as best as she could, slamming the pins angrily on the wooden desk. So, it was dinner with the Master was it? She hoped he would choke on his food. ~*~ Sirius walked out into the evening light, leaving behind yet another brothel. This one was on the furthest outskirts of the town and he had no luck. Madame Rosemerta knew of all the high class whores and had not heard of Maria Christobel, thus deducing that this woman was in the lower brothels. But he had no such luck here either. Why Harry had sent him on this wild goose chase was beyond him, it was looking more and more like dead end and less like a plot to bring back Voldemort. Or find Hermione for that matter. Maria Christobel was probably a whore who bore the bastard child of Lucius or his son and was now on the payroll to keep silent. “Anything?” Kingsley asked him as he joined him on the street. “No nothing,” Sirius said wearily. “Only five more to go,” Kingsley looked up in the evening sky. Sirius gave a heavy sigh and got into the carriage with him. As it clattered away, there was a movement in the shadows of the alley of the brothel that Sirius had just come out of. A young man with blond hair peered out into the street after the carriage, another figure joined him. “Curious, most curious indeed,” Draco said pensively. “We're ready to go,” the man whispered to Draco. Draco looked back and saw the cart was loaded. “Go ahead and go,” he said. “Tell my father I may be a little late.” “But the plan!” “I will be a little late,” Draco said more forcefully. He apparated to a place he had been to only one time before. The rocks crunched under his boots as he walked up the drive to the large wooden door and knocked loudly. “Avada Kedavra!” The doorman fell silently and Draco nudged him to the side with his foot as he made his way in. A young woman with blond hair approached him. “Can I help you?” she asked in a sultry tone. Draco's was harsh in reply. “Madame Rosemerta?” The blond pressed herself against him and breathed into his ear. “Why have her when you can have me?” Draco grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked her head back. “Madame Rosemerta,” he repeated. “What do you think you're doing? You filthy—“ “Avada Kedavra!” The whore fell to the floor and Draco moved to the next room. “ROSEMERTA!” he bellowed. Her ladies rose to their feet to protest his rude presence. “What do you think—“ “Avada Kedavra!” Screams of panic erupted as the ladies scrambled. Doors opened and closed in the floors above as patrons and their ladies rushed out. Draco took them out one by one as they came down the stairs. “Rosemerta, I will kill everyone in here until you show yourself!” “ENOUGH!” The venerable woman floated down the stairs, her eyes blazing in anger at the dead bodies of patrons and her ladies that littered the stairwell. Draco kept his wand trained on her. “I want answers,” he demanded. “I'd rather die than give them to you,” Madame Rosemerta said defiantly. “Avada Kedavra!” Another one of the ladies fell. “I won't kill you but I will get what I want, even if I have to kill every person in here. Are they worth it?” Madame Rosemerta's lips thinned. “Very good. Now, Hermione's lover?” Madame Rosemerta's face became guarded. “What about him?” “Why is Sirius Black visiting every brothel in the county?” he demanded. An odd look flashed across the woman's face for only a split second but Draco caught it immediately. *So…Sirius isn't Hermione's lover.* “I don't know,” Madame Rosemerta replied. “I'm afraid I can't help you.” “Don't worry,” Draco smirked. “You already have. Petrificus Totalis!” The woman fell to a heap on the floor. He proceeded to her parlor and grabbed at the collection of spirits she had, smashing them on the floor and against the walls. He looked back at her one more time and smiled as he ignited a small flame on her curtains with the tip of his wand. He heard the whoosh of the flame behind him as he walked away. He passed the fountain where the stone ladies gaped in horror at the flames coming from the house. Suddenly, Draco stopped. He turned to look at the fountain, a memory coming to him from the depths of his mind. *It was at the Minister's ball. He had gone outside to look for Hermione and found her by the fountain and not alone. She was talking to Potter and he had clearly interrupted something. What was it that Potter had said to him? Oh yes. “**I wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone who so much as lay a harmful finger on the woman I love.”* It only now occurred to him that Potter may not have been talking about his fiancé at that time. ~*~ Kingsley steered the carriage as it clattered down the street while Sirius perused a parchment listing the addresses of the remaining brothels they had yet to visit. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Kingsley suddenly shouted and the carriage careened wildly. Sirius looked up in time to see a young boy who had darted out in the street, waving a piece of paper at him. “Sir! Sir! Are you Mr. Black?” the boy asked. He was small and scrawny with a dirty face and wearing rags. “I am,” Sirius answered. “I was told to give this to you,” the boy said. Sirius recognized the parchment immediately, it was exactly like the ransom note he received earlier. He tore open the envelope and read the letter inside. *A life for a life. The docks in ten minutes.* Sirius jumped out of the carriage. “Notify the others,” he said. “Be safe,” Kingsley replied to his friend. Sirius gave back a small smile then set off. His life for Hermione's. So that was the trade. He apparated to the docks and strolled casually down the boardwalk, waiting. Waiting for Hermione's captors to show up with Hermione safely with them. Waiting for Harry and the other's who would hopefully get here before the Death Eaters did. --> 21. Maria Cristobel ------------------- Chapter Twenty-One: Maria Cristobel It was Ron and Neville who alerted Harry to the fire at Madame Rosermerta's. By the time he had apparated there, the home was in flames and was being worked on by wizard firefighters. There were a few bodies on the ground covered in a white cloth. He found Madame Rosemerta surrounded by her ladies, offering comfort for the women as they watched with tears in their eyes, their home being destroyed. He noticed that the women in the fountain were huddled and crying together as well. Any gentlemen that had been with them earlier had long disapparated, leaving these women behind. “Oh, Mr. Potter!” Madame Rosemerta cried out when she saw him, flinging herself into his arms. “He just came in and started killing people. I didn't tell him about you and Hermione being lovers. He still thinks that Sirius is her lover. But she isn't!” she added hastily. “She loves you! I know she does!” “Whoa, whoa. Please slow down,” Harry said calmly to the hysterical woman. “Who did this?” “Mr. Malfoy!” she cried. “Draco Malfoy. He came here asking about Hermione's lover, he still thinks Sirius is her lover. I didn't say a thing to him and he said I told him all he needed to know.” “Wait, repeat that,” Harry said. “He said I told him all he needed to know. But I didn't say a thing, Mr. Potter, I swear it.” He stared into the flames of the burning home and shared a worried look with Ron and Neville. Something was all wrong about this. “So he burns down the house, even though Madame Rosemerta didn't answer his question?” Ron asked. “She didn't answer it directly,” Harry muttered. “What do you mean?” Neville asked but before Harry could offer an answer Remus and Kingsley apparated. “Harry! Harry, we must leave immediately!” Remus said to him. “What is it? What has happened now?” he asked. “Sirius just received another message telling him to be at the docks in ten minutes,” Kingsley explained. “We've got Hermione's father on his way there and I've come to get you.” Harry removed himself from Madame Rosemerta. “The docks?” ~*~ Two large wooden doors opened in front of Hermione and she stepped into a dimly lit room with a table set in the middle of it. A lone candle was placed on the table and its reflection flickered on the silver place settings. “You should consider yourself lucky, I usually do not treat mudbloods this kindly,” a soft high-pitched voice said. Hermione looked to the head of the table where the chair was shrouded in shadow. A hooded figure leaned forward into the candlelight. She couldn't help it, it was instinctual to jump back at the sight of such a monstrosity in front of her. His face was thin and draught, the skin peeling as if in the stages of decomposition and the eyes were red and snake-like. Hermione fought down the violent urge to throw up. “Sit,” he commanded and a chair moved of its own accord and hit her behind the knees, forcing her to take a seat. “Since you will be departing us shortly, I thought it was polite at least meet my guest,” he said smoothly. “Don't you mean prisoner?” Hermione spoke without thinking. “Guest…prisoner, call it whatever you want,” Voldemort said lazily waving a hand in the air. “But with either title you would find it in your best interest to hold your tongue.” Hermione bit down a retort. Fine china was set before her, immaculately polished silverware, and a crystal goblet that was filled with a red wine. She would not touch any of what was placed in front of her. “Seems like the food prepared will all be a waste,” he sighed. “Having a mudblood like you in front of me has made me lose my appetite.” “What do you want with Sirius?” she asked. His eyebrows raised and he didn't answer right away. He settled back in his chair and clasped his hands together, the index fingers steepled. “What is it about you that has purebloods chomping at the bit to taint their family lines?” She didn't say anything. “I mean, it is no secret that Mr. Black is your lover, blood-traitor that he is. And young Mr. Malfoy is so eager to test the waters of disgust and filth.” A door opened behind her and Voldemort looked over her head. “We are ready,” a man's voice said. “Take the bait,” Voldemort said maliciously. Two sets of hands roughly seized her and yanked her to her feet. “You are in for a surprise,” Hermione said venomously as her hands were bound. “Silence her,” Voldemort said calmly and a gag was placed over her mouth. ~*~ It was when they arrived at the docks that something suddenly dawned on Harry. As he passed the boats one by one, Misty Water, Sophia Merceau, the Lucious Lady. All of them, named after women including, he looked into distance of the bay and saw the top of some sails, the ship obscured by a thick layer of fog. The Maria Cristobel. Hermione was on that ship. “I'll go to Sirius,” Remus whispered as they settled on the roof of a building overlooking the docks. “No!” Harry whispered, yanking his friend back down on the roof. He pointed down to the docks were two men stood on either side of Sirius, disguised as fishermen, pretending to mend their fishing nets. Death Eaters. Giving away their presence would botch any chance they had of rescuing his wife. There was a soft hooting sound and Harry looked to his right, two buildings down Neville and Ron waited with some more members of the Order as well as Mr. Granger. Ron nodded slightly in the direction of the sea. A small boat appeared out of the fog, a number of people on it but Hermione stood out. Sirius watched as the boat approached, the two fishermen on either side of him that he had been aware of since he arrived, walked up to him. “Cooperate and she will not be harmed,” one of them said. Harry's heart beat loudly in his chest and he slowly lifted his arm, the Order silently drew out there wands. *Please let nothing go wrong. Please let her be safe.* Hermione watched as she approached the shore, the wand of a Death Eater poked sharply in her back. Sirius was waiting on the docks, watching her as she approached, the look of calm on his face was in contrast to the terror she felt inside. Harry had to be here, somewhere, she could feel it, sense him but she didn't dare try and look for him. She focused on Sirius as they came closer hoping to alleviate her tension. The tension. Harry lay on the roof, watching Hermione approach, hand in the air. Sirius watched the boat come closer, aware of the Death Eaters surrounding him. Feeling his wand hidden inside his cloak. Hermione watched Sirius, all the while knowing that her love was near her, watching her. The tension was broken by the sound of hooves clattering on the cobblestone street. They all turned to see a rider galloping at full speed. “What is this?” Remus whispered to Harry. Harry licked his lips in anticipation, Hermione was not close enough. The rider galloped onto the docks at a frightful speed, barreling into Sirius and the two other Death Eaters who leapt out of the way at the last minute. Hermione watched as the rider skidded to a halt at the end of a boardwalk as the boat she was in was just sailing by it. The rider jumped off of the horse and in the process the hood fell from his face revealing pale blond hair in the moonlight. “Malfoy,” Harry hissed and leapt to his feet. “Harry, no!” Remus whispered. Hermione yanked the gag from her mouth with her hands that were bound in front of her. “Sirius!” she screamed as Draco jumped into the boat causing it to rock violently and several Death Eaters fell into the water. “Send it now!” he shouted to one of the Death Eaters who was clearly bewildered. On the docks, Sirius disentangled himself from the two Death Eaters and ran after Draco. “NOW!” Draco repeated and the Death Eater thrust out his wand and shot large sparks in the air. Harry leapt onto a banner that hung over the street, one side broke with the sudden weight and he used this momentum to swing himself onto the docks. Wandblasts could be heard around him as the Order engaged with the Death Eaters. “HARRY!” Hermione screamed when she saw him. Draco looked back and Sirius running down the boardwalk and Potter swinging in on a banner. Hermione stood and shoved a few Death Eaters out of the way but Draco caught her around the waist. There was a whirring sound and Hermione saw a rope connected to the back of the boat rising from the water. She looked to the front of the boat and saw another rope connected to the docks coiled around lever, it had been pulling them toward the docks. “Hermione!” Harry shouted. Draco turned and faced him, Hermione still in his grasp and held tightly to him, he saw Potter and Sirius approaching and raised his wand. Harry was faster. “Expelliarmus!” Harry cursed as his spell was wasted on a Death Eater who had gotten in the way at the last minute. Draco laughed out loud. “See you around, Potter!” He made a slashing motion with his wand and the rope that connected with the dock was severed just as the rope on the other side reached its tension. With a violent yank, Draco and Hermione were tossed to the floor of the boat as is sped rapidly back to the Maria Cristobel. “NO!” Harry swore aloud. Sirius leaped off of the dock, wishing with all he had and having the gods answer his prayers when he felt the cut end of the rope slip through his hands. He clasped it and held on tight as he was dragged across the water. “Go, go, go!” Mr. Granger shouted at Harry and waving to a ship docked in the bay. “It's mine! Take it!” Harry didn't hesitate as he and the other members of the Order scrambled over her sides. “Come on let's go!” Harry ordered as everyone scrambled with the ropes, unfurling her massive sails, uncoiling her tether and reeling the anchor up. Harry took the wheel of the ship and aimed it at the Maria Cristobel. Sirius gasped and spluttered, trying desperately not to drown as he heard the commotion on the boat. Hermione was putting up a fight. “You filthy little mudblood!” Draco shouted down at her. “You deceived us all!” “Draco what is the meaning of all this?” his father's voice boomed above him. The ladder clattered down the side of the ship and Draco hoisted Hermione over his shoulder. “Stop struggling,” he hissed at her. “I will have no hesitations in throwing into the water to let you drown.” “We've got a stow-away!” A Death Eater shouted, hauling Sirius from the water. Lucius' jaw tensed as he looked over the rail at the botched then saved kidnapping plot. Sirius was dumped over the side as he coughed up water on the deck of the ship, Lucius stepped away from him. “Potter was on the docks,” one of the Death Eaters said gruffly. “Potter?” a high-pitched voice broke through the chaos. Everyone stilled as a weakened Voldemort made his presence on the deck. “I gave explicit instructions to ensure that Mr. Potter would *not* be present on the docks.” “What have you done?” Lucius whirled angrily on his son. “I saved this kidnapping!” “He rode up to the docks raising a hellstorm with Potter behind his heels!” Dolohov accused. “If anyone bothered to do any digging, you would realize that we have been deceived!” Draco defended. “Deceived, how?” Voldemort asked. Draco turned to Hermione. “All along we were trying to keep Potter unaware of this plot when in truth we led him straight to us!” He reached for Hermione and grabbed her arm, tossing her to Voldemort's feet. “May I introduce…Mrs. Harry Potter.” “IT'S A LIE!!” Sirius roared and was silenced with a hit to his jaw. “They've been secret lovers, married in Scotland by Dumbledore himself. If anybody thought to research this beforehand we would've saved ourselves some trouble.” Voldemort looked down at Hermione, reached into his robes and drew something small out in his fist. He unfurled it, revealing Hermione's wedding band. “The maid found this hidden in your room, why hide a marriage? It made no sense since you learned of our plot to kidnap Mr. Black,” he said calmly. Hermione said nothing, the silence broken only by a distance boom, then an explosion near the ship sending sprays of water over them. It was cannon fire. Voldemort looked into the distance to see a ship sailing for them. “Potter in pursuit. Take Black under and hold him. We still sail for the island.” At his orders, Sirius was yanked to his feet and taken below deck, the clattering of a chain could be heard as the anchor was raised. Voldemort reached out and placed two fingers tenderly under Hermione's chin, gently tilting her head up to him as he stood in front of her. He looked over her shoulder and at the ship in the distance. His voice was barely above a whisper. “Take her to my cabins,” he said. He turned to his remaining Death Eaters. “Apparently, I have misjudged the intelligence in the family,” he said to Draco and Lucius. “Draco, take the helm.” With a swish of his cloak, Voldemort left the presence of his Death Eaters. Another explosion sent more spray onto the crew. Draco looked back at the ship that was in pursuit. “Ready the cannons.” --> 22. Fate -------- **A/N:** Thank you so much for MisCard for mentioning this fic on her Harmony Podcast and for genki_geek for recommending it to her. Everyone check out this podcast if you can on iTunes. Almost done with this story, just one more chapter! Chapter Twenty-two: Fate Harry's cannon fire was a warning. In reality there was nothing he could do to slow down that ship. He couldn't sink it, his beloved was on it as well as his godfather so his best hope was that this ship his father-in-law had given him was fast and would catch up to the Maria Cristobel. *BOOM!* That was if the Maria Cristobel's cannons didn't sink him first. A spray of water from the blast splashed against him, reminding him of just how close that was. He was gaining on them. Draco Malfoy stood on deck, shouting out orders as his face turned red with anger. Potter was gaining on him and he was doing his damned best to keep him off his heels but the half-wits that were manning the cannons were proving this a harder task than he would've wanted. Sirius and Hermione were taken below decks, their fates unknown to him and he would've cared if he didn't have bigger problems on his mind right now. Like what the Dark Lord would do to him if he allowed Potter to board this ship. “Fire again!” Hermione jumped with the resounding boom the cannons made as they fired. She was led to the captains cabins below deck by the Death Eaters and was now waiting for the final room companion to join her. Voldemort. The room was paneled in a dark wood, a table in matching wood stood center of the room, pillars were spaced throughout. She was tied to one of these. The rope that bound her hands together were also wrapped around a small pillar. She didn't dare try and escape, she wasn't alone. Dolohov and another Death Eater kept her company. She clung to the pillar as the ship made a sharp list before quickly righting itself. The Death Eaters regarded her with cool eyes and she knew that any questions she had would go unanswered. The door burst open and Sirius tumbled through, his hands bound behind his back, his mouth gagged with a white strip of cloth. He was bloody and bruised due to the hospitality of their hosts. “Sirius!” Hermione cried as he stumbled to her feet. Lucius Malfoy walked in behind him, followed by Voldemort and a younger Death Eater. She sank to her knees to meet Sirius, wishing she could wrap her arms around him and keep him safe. “What have you done to him, you monsters!” she screamed at them. Sirius moaned at her feet and she whispered soothing words to him. “Your loyalties are spread too much,” Voldemort smirked. “What does young Potter think of his bride's feelings for his godfather?” “What do you want with him?” Hermione asked, unfazed. “Oh, I have such a delightful plan for our hero here,” he replied quietly. The door was still open behind him and she could see a few Death Eaters pass, a rope tied around…well, she couldn't actually describe what she saw. A thing floating in the air, a slimy rotten hand. And she grew cold, oh so cold, as a feeling of hopelessness and despair filled her heart. Sirius groaned at her feet. “Well, I've allowed all the time necessary for you to make your good-byes.” Voldemort motioned to two Death Eaters in the room who picked Sirius up off the floor. “No, no. What are you doing?” Hermione pleaded. She strained against her ropes. “Where are you taking him?” Sirius was coming to and strained against his captors, a muffled cry of her name left his lips as he struggled. “Sirius!” she cried. “SIRIUS!!!” Another Death Eater threw himself into the struggle and assisted the others to control him. He cried out for her one more time before the door slammed shut leaving her alone with Dolohov. Hermione sank to the floor and felt the warm tears fall down her cheeks as her body shook with sobs. ** “We're gaining on them,” Remus shouted out as a spray of seawater flew onboard. Harry stood next to him. He could see the frantic blond head of Draco Malfoy flitting about the deck in a panic. “Aim for the mast,” Harry ordered. The order was carried below decks and he could hear the clanking of chains as the aim of the cannon was adjusted. The boat shuddered violently as the cannon let loose. He could hear the shouts of the men on the other boat as the cannon skimmed the deck, breaking wood but missing its target. Hermione slammed against the pillar and Dolohov grabbed onto the table to keep his balance as the boat jerked violently. She looked up at him and saw the unease in his face, the inner debate he held on whether he should go up on deck or stay here and keep an eye on her. *My husband is coming. You are dead.* She projected this thought to him over and over. Harry would come and rescue her, preferably before he sunk this boat. She heard more shouts of the men on deck and a whistling sound before the boat jerked more violently than before. There was a loud thud as Dolohov lost his balance and smacked his head on the table. He fell in a useless lump before her, knocked out cold. Hermione blinked. She couldn't believe her luck! She pulled against her binding but it hurt her wrist too much to do this. She moved as far as she could from the pole and began to kick at it. There was a loud crash and the boat shuddered. No one would care about the racket she was making, they sounded too busy on deck. The first wand blast came from the Maria Cristobel as the Order threw their grappling hooks onto her. Harry ducked as the spell whizzed above his head and landed somewhere behind him in a blast. It would not deter him, he *had* to get on this ship. Draco cast a severing charm on one of the ropes, causing the ladder to tilt, sending some of the Order into the water. He heard the whoosh sound and suddenly felt a sharp sting in his shoulder as he gasped in pain. He grabbed his injured shoulder and looked up in time to see Potter jump onto the deck, wand out and aimed at him. Draco made a slashing motion with his wand. “Avada K—“ He was rewarded with another stinging hex from Harry, this one aimed at his wand hand. Harry bore down on him. “Leave those type of spells to the big boys,” he said contritely. “Protego!” Harry said as Draco attempted another spell at him and he quickly countered with a spell that hurled Draco to the other side of the deck, hitting a wooden wall and slumping to the ground, gasping for breath. Hermione could hear the flurry of shouts and wand blasts. Harry was here!! She kicked harder at the pillar, her hip and knee already badly bruised but it didn't matter, she had to free herself. Her heart stilled when she heard Dolohov groan softly. He was coming to. “Harry!!” she called out, her kicks coming frantically. Draco couldn't get a good enough breath, it had been knocked out of him. Harry came at him. He weakly raised his wand, hoping something would come to him but he cried out in pain instead when his arm was forced back to the ground by the heel of Harry's boot. Harry bent down and took his wand from him, snapping it in half. “You are only alive because I have yet to find out if Hermione is still alive,” he hissed in his ear. “But if I find she was violated in any way by you, it will be a long and painful death.” “Harry!” Harry's head snapped up when he heard his wife's muffled cry. He looked down again at Draco and kicked him in the face before he stepped over him to get at his wife. “Hermione?” he called out as he went below deck, wand drawn. “Harry!” Her voice came from the captain's cabins. He kicked at the door and saw Hermione tied to a pillar, a Death Eater clumsily getting to his feet. Harry stunned him right away and shut the door behind him. “Harry! Oh, Harry!” Relief and tears of joy misted Hermione's eyes. “Hermione,” Harry breathed, relieved that she was alive. He severed her binds with a simple charm and her arms immediately went around him. Harry cradled her head and kissed her ferociously. Her hands tangled in his hair as his hands moved to her back and waist to press her closer to him. She ended up falling back against the wall, Harry eagerly lifting her skirts to have her thighs wrap around him. “I knew you would come for me,” she said softly as he kissed her neck. Her words broke through the developing cloud of lust that had filled his mind and yanked him back to the reality that this was not the time nor place for a proper reunion with Hermione. He grinned wickedly at her as he set her back down on the ground. “Come on, let's go,” he said, taking her hand and leading her out of the room. She gave pause in the hall. “Sirius,” she said. “Where is he?” he asked. Remus and Shacklebolt came up to them. “They took him further below,” Hermione explained. “I don't know what they're going to do to him. This whole thing was for him.” “For Sirius?” Remus asked. “That's what I had overheard,” she explained. “Voldemort took him below with his Death Eaters and…something else.” “Wait, wait, wait,” Harry said. “Voldemort is on this boat?” Hermione looked directly at him. “Yes, he is.” Harry looked at Remus and Shacklebolt. “Take her off this ship—“ “No,” Hermione shook her head. “I'm not leaving you.” “Don't argue with me, Hermione,” Harry replied. “I am NOT leaving your side!” She refused to yield. Harry let out a sigh of frustration, knowing he wasn't going to win this battle. “Alright,” he said reluctantly. “Let's go.” Down the stairs they went, meeting two Death Eaters who where standing guard at a door. They were easily taken out and Harry burst into the room. It was filled with a few more Death Eaters, his nemesis sitting on a chair that rested on a platform, looking pale and sickly. A breath away from death. His godfather lay on the ground, a black robed creature huddled over him, it's gaping hole for a mouth clamped firmly over Sirius'. “Expecto Patronum!” Harry shouted and a silver stag burst out of his wand and barreled down on the Dementor, spearing it with it's antlers and tossing it across the room. “NO!!” Voldemort shouted out. “Stop him! STOP HIM!!” Underneath the chaos of wand blasts, Hermione crawled over to Sirius. “Oh, Sirius,” she cried when she reached him. His eyes were closed and he had a cold sweat on him. She knelt down and held her ear to his mouth. There were tiny hot puffs of breath on her ear. He was still alive!! Suddenly, she felt a cold hand wrap around her arm and she was yanked to her feet. “POTTER!!!” Harry heard Voldemort shout at him over the din. His heart stopped when he saw that he had Hermione in his arms. Voldemort grinned evilly at him as he stepped on a trapdoor and fell through with Hermione. Her scream cut short when the door slammed shut. “No. No!” Harry screamed and dove to where the trap door lay. He couldn't see it. It blended seamlessly into the floor. He ran his hand frantically over the wood and tried every spell he could think of to spring it. “Reducto!” he heard Remus yell and a Death Eater flew over Harry's head and slammed against the wall. He heard a small click and suddenly the ground below Harry gave way and he tumbled down. He landed in a pile of netting, his wand slipped from his hand and Harry tumbled to the floor. “Don't move a muscle,” Voldemort's voice was cold and deadly. Harry froze where he was, looking at Hermione, terrified, in his grip. His wand at her forehead. “Please,” Harry said shakily. “Let her go. It's me you want.” Voldemort scoffed. “It was your godfather I wanted. The Dementor was to take his soul away so I could slip in and take over. You would never even know I was there inside him.” “Then let her go,” Harry asked again. “A life for a life,” Voldemort offered. “I let her go, you let me escape this ship.” “Done,” Harry said immediately. “No, Harry,” Hermione shook her head. “Just kill him.” Voldemort yanked hard on her arm. “Shut up you little mudblood!” he hissed in her ear. Harry moved slightly out of instinct, shifted the netting he was resting on. Everyone froze as a small clattering sound filled the room. Harry's wand fell from where it was resting and slowly rolled across the room between himself and Voldemort. Voldemort looked down at the wand, then at Harry, then threw his head back in laughter. Both he and Hermione had thought Harry was armed. He threw Hermione to the ground and aimed at Harry. Hermione made a grab for Harry's wand. She thought of the time she had first met her love on the balcony at Falbrooke. The way she felt when she first laid eyes on him, the way she felt when he first kissed her lips. The spell he taught her that night and she turned to face Voldemort. “EXPELLIARMUS!!” she shouted. Voldemort's wand flew out of his hand and he looked down at her in absolute shock and surprise. And as fate would have it, the wand landed in Harry's lap. Pride filled Harry as he remembered that he was the one that taught Hermione that spell, that wonderful and magical night when he knew that his life would never be the same when he set foot on that balcony to join her. *He walked over to her and stood next to her, his hand reached and wrapped around hers that was holding her wand. A shock ran through them both at his touch but Harry bravely didn't step away. He concentrated at the task at hand and not on the feel of her skin under his hand, the underlying fragrance of flowers from her perfume, the closeness of her.* *Hermione wanted to lean back and melt into him. She wanted the hand that rested on hers to wander all over her. She breathed him in and closed her eyes briefly. A heated flush crept over her. She made the slashing motion with him and then again. The air around them was fragrant and warm. The fairies that had decorated the gardens flew by them once in awhile, little soft glowing balls of light.* *Harry left her side to face her again. “Now,” his voice was barely above a whisper. “Disarm me.”* *“Expelliarmus.”* He slowly picked up Voldemort's wand. “Avada Kedavra.” --> 23. Epilogue ------------ Epilogue: Harry waited for his wife to take her seat before he took his. She wore a green satin dress with black lace underneath. She said she wore it because it matched the color of his eyes. His hand went to the earrings that dangled from her ear. “They look lovely on you,” he said, smiling down at her. Hermione looked up at him and gave him a flirtatious grin. “Thank you. They were a gift from my husband.” “Well I must say that he has excellent taste,” Harry said as he took his seat next to her. Hermione winked and he leaned over to brush his lips over her neck in a feather-light kiss. He could hear the murmur from the audience seated below, the low hum of gossipers hadn't stopped since they set foot inside the opera house. But it was the first performance of the season and she insisted on attending. Voldemort had been finally defeated for good, once and for all. The Death Eaters were rounded up and arrested although Harry was sure there were a few stragglers out there. Harry was grateful to have his wife back unharmed thus granting him favor in his father-in-law's eyes. Sirius had a slower recovery but he was near to what he used to be. It had been difficult for a long time. Hermione, Remus and he held vigil over him for weeks hoping he would wake up one day. There was movement behind them and they both turned to see Sirius walk into the box, assisted in one arm with a cane and Madam Rosemerta on the other. He still had a slight limp and had to use the cane to help him walk but Hermione convinced him that it made him more dignified. “Sirius! Madame Rosemerta!” Hermione stood as she greeted the pair cheerfully. The din of the crowd rose a little higher. Harry shook his godfather's hand after Hermione had offered her cheek to him. The wizarding world celebrated once again when news of Lord Voldemort's attempted resurrection was stopped by their hero. The good cheer and celebrations overshadowed the news of Harry and Hermione's secret nuptials. This was only told to a few close friends who threw a small wedding reception in their honor. But Hermione still worried over Sirius' condition so Harry had his godfather moved to Godric's Hollow while they waited and prayed for him to improve. The Ton thought nothing of Hermione spending so much time at Harry's manor, afterall, she was taking care of her “lover”, it masked the fact that Hermione had finally moved in with her husband. “The Potter's out for the start of the Season!” Sirius said in a mocked scandalous voice. “What will the little lady of the house think?” “It was her idea,” Hermione winked. “She told me so herself?” “Did she now?” Sirius said with laughter in his eyes. “Yes, she thinks her parent's deserve some time away from her,” Harry concurred. “I think she let you out because Remus is with her and he let's her get away with anything,” Sirius replied. Madame Rosemerta nudged him playfully. “Not that you don't let Miss Lily have whatever she desires.” Sirius looked away guiltily and muttered something under his breath. Harry and Hermione looked at each other and laughed silently as the lights dimmed for the opera to begin. Oh how the gossipers had a field day when the news broke that Mr. Harry Potter was no longer a bachelor. Mrs. Weasley's house was so popular that she had taken afternoon tea at least twice a day with the neighborhood. The ladies clicked their tongues in reproach, after all, a scoundrel of a gentleman who ruined Miss Brown's reputation had taken up with the most scandalous Miss Granger! Goodness! And then they married in secret! But there was no hide nor hair from Godric's Hollow and dinner invitations were regretfully declined. Harry was seen about town and had managed to disentangle himself from the local gossips and avoided their husbands who respectfully stayed out of his affairs. But of Hermione, there was nothing, it was if she had disappeared. Her absence was notably remarked on at the assembly thrown at Hogwarts to initiate the inaugural class of female students to receive their education at the prestigious school. It was her project after all, how dare she not receive Dumbledore! The reason became clear a few months later when Miss Lily Jane Potter was received into the world with much celebration at Godric's Hollow. Oh, how Harry doted on his daughter that his wife often teased him about placing some of the same affection on her. Remus and Sirius were equally smitten with the tiny babe who had her mother's looks and her father's eyes. And Mr. Granger! His first grandchild. It could be said with much assurity that Lily's place in this world was very set. The lights rose as the opera came to a close, the audience giving praise to a wonderful start of the season with a standing ovation. Harry and his group left the box early to avoid the crowd. They stood waiting for their carriages that would take them to a dinner at Falbrooke where Ron and Luna Weasley were hosting. “Dumbledore gave us the good news today,” Harry beamed. “Lily is already on the list for admission in eleven years.” “Such accomplishments for a lady of only three months!” Sirius said proudly. “She is the best of both of us,” Hermione added proudly. “Yes, with her mother's spirit and her father's talent for magic…” Sirius mused. “Yes, that does give one some pause, doesn't it?” he said in a mocked worried tone earning a sharp jab in the side from his wife. The carriages pulled up to them and Sirius and Harry parted ways. Placing a hand on the small of his wife's back, he assisted her into the carriage. “You know, I do love that dress you are wearing,” he said as he settled in after her. “Do you?” Hermione asked as she fussed with it, placing it around her where she sat. The carriage gave a gentle jolt as it set off on its way. Harry leaned forward and whispered in his wife's ear. “I especially love it when it's off you.” “Harry!” Hermione giggled as he began to kiss her neck. “Harry, stop! We'll be at Falbrooke soon!” “We've got some time before we get there,” he said in a muffled voice as Hermione wrapped her arms around him, giving in. And the shades inside the carriage lowered themselves as if by magic. The End **A/N:** Ah, and there we are, another story comes to an end. I really hope everyone enjoyed this one. Thank you all so much for your great reviews and encouraging words. The Throne Reclaimed is still out there, it still has some chapters to it, I have lots of plans for that story. And the plot bunnies! They won't leave me alone! I will say this, my first story was Fear and Loathing and I regretfully never finished it and probably left a lot of pissed off fans. That story has haunted me to this day and I'm seriously thinking of tackling it again but at a new angle. I miss the Underground and they won't leave me alone so I may have to bring the whole group back again for another go at it. But thank you again for sticking with me through this story and I hope you still be with me through more. I love this freaking ship!! -->