Viva Forever by sarahmay Rating: G Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6 Published: 25/07/2005 Last Updated: 25/07/2005 Status: Completed Inspired by the song "Viva Forever" - go listen to it...right now. You should all read this...the fics only like what - 350 words? Please R/R. 1. Goodbye ---------- **Disclaimer: Don't own the books, don't own the song, don't own the quotes.** **Author's Note: This is my post-HBP Depression Syndrome fanfic. If you don't understand who's who…which hopefully you will realize who's who, just drop a line and I'll clear everything up for you. This is from the view of a bystander.** **The song is called “Viva Forever”, by the wonderful Spice Girls (best thing to come out of England besides HP). You should definitely listen to the song if you get the chance…it's very fitting if you ask me.** **Anyways, please please please review…I need something to cheer me up - even if it's flames and whatnot, I'll get some s'mores at least!** **-Sarah** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **“An****yone can look at others eyes, but Lovers can see into each others' souls through the eyes.****”** *Larry Latta* **"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."** *Kahil Gibran* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It wasn't a dance. Not really… I had watched as the entered the near empty hotel bar. He led her onto the dance floor as the music started up. She seemed almost reluctant to be sharing this dance with him. **Do you still remember, how we used to be** The beat of the music guided them as everything else faded away. **Hasta mañana,** **Always be mine.** They say you can see a person's soul through their eyes. It's true. I could see the pain that filled them both. The despair, the regret. But I could feel the love as well. Time seemed to stand still as he looked deeply into her eyes. **Yes I still remember,** **Every** **whispered word** Even though they *were* dancing, there was so much more to it. His hands were caressing her, memorizing every detail, and as tears began to leave glistening stains on her cheeks, I saw his eyes glaze over with tears as well. Through the haze, I was dimly aware that the words of the song seemed more like a private conversation between them. They way they moved to the music made me feel like I was watching two people make love. It wasn't the closeness of them, but feel, rather than see, them move. Their emotions - their love - guiding them. **But we're all alone now,** **Was it just a dream?****** Then I realized that this wasn't a dance. It wasn't a conversation. They weren't making love. It was goodbye. They were saying goodbye…forever. Then, as the chorus played for the last time, even though I couldn't hear him, I knew what it was he was whispering to her… “Hasta mañana, Always be mine Viva forever, I'll be waiting Everlasting like the sun. Live forever, for the moment ever searching for the one…” -->