A Day In the Life

Gaya Hriive

Rating: PG
Genres: Angst, Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6
Published: 30/07/2005
Last Updated: 30/07/2005
Status: In Progress

This is just an experiment at this point. Plot- After a gruesome attack on Hermione, Harry must accept the shock of his life and try to bring the man responsible for her attack, to justice. Please R&R...i need to know whether or not to continue!

1. untitled

A/N: As of right now this is just an experiment to see if anyone is going to be interested in reading this. If not, there is no need for me to continue. Please review and let me know what you think. Constructive Criticism is wanted and welcome. Thanks muchly!

He slammed her against the wall-hard- and she fell in a heap at his feet. Everything was going black but his voice was as clear to her as if he were speaking right into her ear.

“You filthy, disgusting Mudblood. I should have killed you a long time ago, but no, your precious Potter was always there to save the day. Well not this time; this time I will kill you.”

He spat on her and delivered a swift kick to her side. She shuddered from the blow and felt the blood drip slowly down from her swollen mouth. The impact of her head hitting the wall caused her to bite her tongue, plus the blunt force trauma to her head, caused a steady trail of blood to escape her mouth and pool on the floor. The stone of the Dungeon floor was cold against her face and all she could think of was that she was about to die, and Harry wouldn't be able to save her.

He raised his wand with a deadly sneer attached to his cold face, and pointed it directly at her heart.



He fell to the floor screaming, writhing around in an insurmountable gust of pain. When his twitching body finally lay still, she heard the voice of her savior.

“Oh god. Hermione, can you hear me? Please, please hold on.”

He scooped her up into his arms and her head lulled onto his shoulder, leaving a small trail of blood as her head moved. Her arms hung limply across her abdomen and they moved slightly as he ran towards the Hospital Wing. Madame Pomfrey and Dumbledore opened the doors and he laid her gently on a bed. He kissed her forehead tenderly.

“I love you Hermione. Please hold on.”

His voice was the last thing she heard before drifting into a black oblivion.

Harry sat in the chair beside Hermione's bed and rested his tired head in his hands. Dumbledore sat silently across from him, taking in the state of distress of the young man before him. Harry lifted his eyes and met Dumbledore in a pleading gaze.

“Is she going to be ok? Please tell me that she will be alright Albus.” Harry hung his head, awaiting the answer.

“Hermione has suffered a great deal of damage. She has a concussion from blunt force trauma to her head as well as a few broken ribs and a collapsed lung. In spite of these injuries, however, we believe that she will make a full recovery.”

Harry exhaled loudly the breath he had been holding. She was going to be fine; everything would be ok. He looked at Dumbledore once more and knew instantly what was coming.

“Who did this Harry?” the old man asked calmly.

“Malfoy.” Harry spat his name as though it were poison in his mouth.

“Can you give me the circumstances that brought this attack about?”

Harry took a deep breathe and rested his forearms on his knees.

“Hermione and I agreed to split up for rounds. I was doing the towers and the Charms corridor; she was doing the dungeons and the Transfiguration hall. We decided to meet up in the entrance hall after half an hour and finish rounds together. I waited for her for almost twenty minutes. When she didn't show, I had the feeling that something was wrong. My first instinct told me to head for the Dungeons.

I got as far as the end of the hall where the Slytherin common room is, and I saw them. Hermione was in a pile on the floor and Malfoy had his wand on her. He…he was going to use the Killing Curse on her. He almost got it all out, but I stopped him before he could finish it.” Harry hung his head, once more expecting Dumbledore's next question.

“What did you do to disarm him Harry?”

“I…I used the Cruciatus curse on him. I didn't know what to do. He was one syllable away from killing her. All I wanted to do was cause him as much pain as possible. He was going to kill her. I was almost too late.”

The tears that had gathered in Harry's eyes found their way down his cheeks. He removed his glasses and laid them on his leg, wiping his eyes tenderly.

Dumbledore watched Harry silently. This boy, no he was no longer a boy. This man had seen more hardship than anyone should ever have to. He lost his parents, his godfather, and now almost lost the love of his life. True, he reacted in a way that the ministry would not be pleased about, but his action was justified. They also now had evidence that Draco Malfoy was indeed on the Dark side and had proven so by the attempt on Hermione's life.

“Harry, I must ask you not to do anything drastic. I understand your anger, I do, but you must promise me that you will not pursue Draco Malfoy any further. I will discuss this with Minister Bones and I am quite sure that she will do everything in her power to prosecute and imprison Draco. Do not take vengeance into your own hands. Leave that to the people who are certified to elect punishment. He will not get off from this, I assure you.”

Harry nodded in consent to Dumbledore's orders and noticed that the old man was grinning rather broadly. Seeing Harry's confused expression, Dumbledore leaned forward in his chair and laid one hand on Harry's clasped hands.

“On a lighter note, I have some rather smashing news for you Harry. It seems upon examination of Hermione, Madame Pomfrey found something that is of great interest.”

Harry swallowed hard and furrowed his brow slightly.

“What would that be Albus? I'm not sure I can really handle anything else today.”

Dumbledore laughed and squeezed Harry's hand.

“Then I imagine it is rather good that you are sitting down. It seems, Harry that you, in only 7 months time, are going to be a father.” Dumbledore beamed as all of the color drained from Harry's face.

Harry swallowed hard again and took a deep breath.

“Is the baby…ok? Hermione is so hurt…how can it be ok?”

Dumbledore's smile faltered a little but the ghost of it remained on his aged face.

“As I said, Hermione has some rather extensive damage but Madame Pomfrey is one-hundred percent sure that she-and your baby- will make a full recovery. This is, however, the most critical phase of recovery. She is going to need you more than ever.”

Harry stood up and paced around the room. His thoughts were running wild in his head.

I can't believe this. Hermione just almost died and I just found out that I am going to be a father. I wonder if she knows yet. When was she going to tell me? Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm going to be a father, a daddy, el papa, mon pere. This is insane!! Actually, I guess it's just another `normal' day in the life of the Boy-Who-Bloody-Lived.

Harry sighed and couldn't stop the grin from creeping onto his distressed face. Dumbledore laughed and looked at Harry, that infamous twinkle in his eye.

“It is rather exciting isn't it? I must say, I didn't realize you knew any other languages than English. Well, goodnight Harry. Try and get some rest.”

Dumbledore squeezed Harry's shoulder and left him standing awestruck and wondering how Dumbledore knew exactly what he had been thinking.
