Getting it Right by FieryStar90 Rating: PG Genres: Drama, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6 Published: 03/08/2005 Last Updated: 03/08/2005 Status: Completed Hermione's reaction to the sixth book and the mugglenet interview... and what does Harry have to say about any of this? [OneShot] 1. Getting it Right: Chapter One of One --------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Everyone sadly belongs to J.K. Rowling. 0 0 0 **Getting it Right** Hermione closed the book slowly. Taking it all in, she took deep breaths meant to calm her. They did no such thing. She had just finished reading a Miss J.K. Rowling's account (the only one published by a muggle) of her sixth year. “What…?” Is the only sentence she could form, verbally and mentally. “What happened?” 0 0 0 Usually, Hermione was quite impressed with J.K. Rowling's interpretations. For the most part, they were extremely accurate and she told their story in a way that almost made it sound like a fantasy. And while J.K. Rowling got the horcruxes right, and Snape's betrayal and such and so forth, what happened to her? What happened to the boys? What happened to the Trio? All right, so she was a pain in the arse when it came to the Half-Blood Prince… but, you heard Ginny, that book could have easily possessed one of the boys! Speaking of Ginny… of course, she became a more prominent character because of her involvement with Harry but… really, she sounded more like a muggle superhero than anything else! And of course, that would make Hermione the villain. Miss Rowling made it seem like the Trio was… well, broken. Ron was always off with Lavender, and Harry with Ginny or lessons with Dumbledore and Hermione was just off at those stupid Slug parties, when it wasn't the case at all. Okay, so Hermione was jealous of Ron and Lavender. She thought it amazing how Ron could get over her so quickly because a girl who would actually snog him came his way. Boys and their hormones. But despite that, and despite her arguments with Harry, the Trio still spent time together, studying and laughing and talking. Where was that, in the sixth book? And Hermione never jinxed the tryouts so Ron could win! How completely unethical! No, her cheeks were flushed because… well, that quidditch player (what was his name? Something complicated, Hermione was sure,) was flirting with her! Sighing, Hermione went to the computer to check her e-mail. She didn't want an e-mail—but her parents insisted. “We don't want you to lose your muggle heritage so quickly,” they said. Frowning, Hermione clicked on a box where a site popped up that had been left on her computer. “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH J.K. ROWLING: PART TWO” By: Emerson and Melissa. (A/N: all together now…. UH-OH) Reading the interview, Hermione's emotions went from shock, anger, and finally… disbelief. How could that woman? Making it sound like they didn't even exist! (That was part of the deal, of course, that she struck with the Minister of Magic: she could publish their story, but make it seem like it was all made up.) And *how* could she let those…. Those… those *bloody idiots* call those poor people “delusional”! When they were the people who… “Hello, Beautiful,” A pair of warm arms wrapped around her from behind as Harry kissed her neck. … believed in the truth. 0 0 0 To be fair, Miss Rowling had gotten it correct when Harry got together with Ginny. It was much more than he felt for Cho, but in the end it was lust combined with blind infatuation. When the three of them—herself, Ron, and Harry—went to search for the remaining horcruxes—they all became much closer, especially Harry and herself. Ron, apparently, had proposed to Lavender (proposed! Ron! While it was unexpected, and probably for all the wrong reasons, there was no relevant time to argue about it.) so Hermione, whether he was engaged or not, got over her crush on him. The friendship between she and Harry was stronger than ever, and the two found themselves talking a lot. Harry admitted later that without Dumbledore, and without Sirius, the person that he relied most on for guidance was Hermione. Hermione likewise was known to have said that Harry's courage and strength was what pulled her through the war—physically, emotionally, and mentally. So it was perfectly natural that the two came together (after the war, of course). And while they had lost many loved ones along the way, both Harry and Hermione were thankful that they had each other. But that Rowling woman intended to pair her with Ron and Ginny with Harry! *Why?* Hermione's mind had screamed. *What's wrong with me and Harry?* “Re-read the books…. `delusional'… anvil-sized hints…” Bloody hell, what *was* that woman *talking* about? Hermione had re-read the books several times (out-loud, to her many young Weasley godchildren and nieces and nephews that might want to hear the story) and all she saw were “anvil-sized hints” for herself and Harry (almost so that it was embarrassing). But now… what if J.K.R. was right? What if she and Ron were better suited than she and Harry? A worse thought settled in her stomach. What if Harry and Ginny were better suited? “Hello, Beautiful.” Oh, boy. Harry was home. 0 0 0 Harry knew something was wrong when he found Hermione, stiff as a board, beside the computer. Wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck, he whispered. “Hello Beautiful.” Glancing discreetly to the screen, he too stiffened when he saw what site she was at. “EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH J.K. ROWLING: PART TWO” By: Emerson and Melissa. Bloody hell. 0 0 0 Both were silent—Hermione knew that Harry saw the screen, and it clicked, suddenly. Harry had found that site and had forgotten to click off the screen. What was there to say? What if Harry… what if Harry thought, after reading that interview, that perhaps he *should* have tried to make things work with Ginny? What then? “So,” Hermione began, in a voice alien-like to her own, “what do you think?” Ah, the moment of truth. “I think… the book was a bit off.” “Perhaps.” “And… and you were…” “A bitch?” “I was going for temperamental, but all right.” Harry joked, trying to be humorous. But Hermione wasn't having it. “And of the interview?” Hermione asked quietly. Harry thought for a moment before saying firmly, “Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. I know that it was supposed to seem like we were her own creation but… but she obviously is taking it a step too far.” Hermione was stunned. “But… but what if she's right!” She suddenly sprang out of Harry's arms and out of the chair. “Don't you have any regrets, Harry? I mean… I'm not *Ginny*.” “Of course you aren't!” Harry sputtered, now getting angry with Hermione. “You're better! Don't you get it, Hermione? If I really thought Ginny was The One, I would've made it work with her! I would've married her, not you!” He grabbed her by the shoulders and gently shook her. “Love, you're the only girl for me. You've been through me thick and thin, ever since I was eleven years old. Remember all of our adventures? You were the first one to tell me about love, and how it was more important than all the knowledge in the world!” His eyes grew fierce at the thought of losing her because of some woman's opinions. “Who would stay up ungodly hours to help me finish essays due the next day? Who helped me rescue my godfather? Who stood by me even when Ron didn't? Who risked her life for me because I was being rash? Who nagged me constantly, showing that she cared? I'll tell you one thing Hermione, it sure as hell wasn't Ginny!” He stopped and his breathing was unsteady as though he had just run a mile. Hermione looked at him, her bottom lip quivering. How could she have ever doubted that Harry loved her? He would never hesitate to tell her… Oh, blast that Rowling woman! She was about as annoying as Skeeter at that point. “Oh, Harry… it's just… they'll never know the truth about us.” He gathered her in his arms then, knowing that she believed him. “I know, love… but to me, really, it only matters if one person knows I love you,” he looked at her pointedly. “And I hope she does.” “She does,” Hermione assured him, her fears quenched by his declaration. “And I hope that he knows he's loved just as much.” Harry grinned down at her, knowing things were all right. It would take time to get over the lie that J.K. Rowling was about to tell… and who knew if they would even read the final book? But it didn't matter just then; they had, and were sure of, each other. “Besides,” Harry murmured as they snuggled into the couch, “perhaps, one day, someone else will get it right.” And one day, someone did. 0 0 0 **Notes:** If only, eh? If only. Anyway, I don't know if a fic like this has been done before. I know that one has from solely Harry's point of view, but I wasn't sure about Hermione. If it has, I apologize and hope that this one is different just a little bit. If it hasn't, well aren't I lucky? Tell me what you think! -->