The Change by seanbiggerstafflover Rating: PG13 Genres: Romance Relationships: Draco & Ginny Book: Draco & Ginny, Books 1 - 5 Published: 05/08/2005 Last Updated: 05/08/2005 Status: In Progress Part Three to The Painting. In the middle of the night, three months later, Draco is awoken by the news that Ginny is in labor. Now he has to own up to his feelings for her as they both face the scariest night of their lives. Rated PG-13 'cause it seemed appropriate, if you think it should change let me know 1. The Change ------------- **AN:** Just because all my stories are going to have to have this now: This story doesn't follow book six and not because I didn't like, but because all my story ideas came before book six came out. Thank you and enjoy! The Change The old clock in the hallway was chiming midnight - loudly. And if the clock said it was midnight that meant that it had been three months; three months to the day since he'd seen Ginny. Pulling himself up from the desk that had once been his fathers, Draco walked somberly to the mantel piece. He let his arm come to rest on the ancient wood and his head quickly followed, falling heavily against his arm. How had he let this happen? How had three months passed since he'd seen her? How had he let himself say such horrible things to her out of fear? Because he realized now that his words had come from his own fears. He feared being a father; he hadn't exactly had the best example of a father figure growing up and he worried that, given the chance, he'd be the same towards his own child. He also feared his feelings for Ginny. He had no idea what he felt for her. He knew he cared about her, but was it more than that? He had absolutely no idea. He'd never cared about anyone other than himself; he was raised to believe he didn't need to, but Ginny meant something to him. No matter how he tried to deny it, she'd somehow slipped past his defenses. He was a mess now because he'd let his fear get the best of him and all he wanted to do was be near her again. Draco wanted to hold her in his arms. He wanted to feel their daughter move inside her. He wanted her, every part of her. But that would never happen. She would never forgive him for implying she was a slut and he didn't blame her. There was something amazing between them that he'd cheapened by what he said. Oh how he longed to take those words back. He didn't think of her like that, he never could. But the words had been said and even with all the magic in his body could never change that. No matter how he wanted to. Not only was he a mess because of her absence, but his life was as well. He was forced to empty his flat and relocated himself to his ancestral home because the studio held only memories of her. And he would chose the painful memories of his childhood over the thoughts of her any day; thoughts of her only reminded him that he didn't have her and, most likely, he never would again. She'd affected his work as well. He couldn't concentrate when he was supposed to be managing the Malfoy holdings. Meetings of money and investments, which had barely held his interest to begin with, now nearly bored him to tears. He could almost hear her voice in his head, reminding him that he didn't want to be there; telling him that he wanted to work on his art, not direct money that had been appropriated by Malfoys who'd been dead a great many years. But he couldn't work on his craft. He hadn't painted in months. He hadn't been able to. A block had formed in his mind, effectively stopping his mind, and he had a very good idea of what that block was. Her; it all came back to Ginny. He couldn't get his mind off her and when his mind was on her it didn't want to be anywhere else. Forcing himself to stand up, away from the mantel, Draco rubbed his eyes exhaustedly. He was completely worn out. Last night he'd dreamed of her. A very erotic dream, like he hadn't had since he was a lustful teenager. And he found it very difficult to sleep after he had a dream like that about her. But really those dreams came to him most nights; he should be use to them by now. Deciding that he was so tired he'd risk having another dream, Draco stepped out of his office and headed to his bedroom. Once there he slipped out of his clothes and slid into the lavish sheets of his massive bed. His heavy lids fell almost the second his head met the pillow, and he found himself almost praying that when he woke up in the morning, none of this would be real. His prayers weren't answered. For one, he didn't awaken in the morning. He was forced out of his dreams, a mere three hours after he went to sleep, by a loud banging on his front door. And as he discovered when he finally made it downstairs, everything was in fact real. He pulled open his heavy front door to find Harry Potter on the other side, looking exhausted and slightly frantic. Draco looked suspiciously at Harry, but saw nothing to mistrust. If only to be civil, he stepped back from the door and allowed Harry in. “What, may I ask, are you doing at my house at three in the morning?” “I'm not here by choice, believe me,” Harry assured him, stepping into the Manor's front hall. “This is the last place I'd choose to be tonight.” “Well, I certainly didn't invite you - so what options does that leave us?” “I was sent,” Harry said bluntly, clearly not in the mood for banter. “By God?” Draco offered, enjoying the look of annoyance on Harry's face. Harry rolled his eyes in frustration, “No Malfoy, not by God, by Ginny.” “What?” Draco questioned, dropping his game. “You remember her, the woman you got pregnant and abandoned.” “I didn't abandon her,” Draco insisted. “Oh, you didn't? Well, what would you call what you did?” “We got into an argument, no a fight and - wait how is this any of your business? What happened between Gin and me is between the two of us. Just tell me why she sent you here and didn't just come herself.” “She didn't come herself because she can't. And she sent me because if she sent one of her brothers they would kill you, like I am tempted to do, but won't.” “What do you mean she can't come here herself?” Draco asked hastily, ignoring the idle threat. “Is something wrong?” “She's gone into labor,” Harry explained. “What! But she can't have - it's too early.” “It's much too early, but it's happened and for some reason she's asking for you.” “Why didn't you just say that in the first place, we've wasted time talking,” Draco asserted, suddenly understanding Harry's frantic look; a look he was sure he now shared. He rushed to the door, but Harry didn't follow him, “well what are you waiting for Potter - take me to her.” Harry stared quizzically at Draco, “Don't you think you should get dressed first?” Looking down at himself Draco remembered that he was only wearing boxers and his silk dressing gown, “Right. I'll be back.” He disappeared up the stairs quickly and came back, not two minutes later, dressed all in black, looking a bit like a mourner at a funeral. He took his black, fur lined cloak off the stand in the hall and returned to where Harry was standing. “Now, take me to her.” Harry didn't appear to act right away, as he pulled folded piece of news print out of his pocked. But then he pulled out his want, pointed it at the paper in his hand, and muttered, “*Portus.*” Draco doubted that even the great Harry Potter had permission to make Portkeys whenever he liked, but at the moment he didn't care. His mind was on Ginny and getting to her, so if Potter wasn't worried about breaking the law why should Draco be concerned. “The Portkey will take us to a side alley next to the hospital,” Harry explained, holding out the Portkey so Draco put his hand on it, “and then I can take you to her room from there.” “Right,” Draco muttered. There were a few seconds of silence and then the familiar tug behind his navel came as the Portkey activated. The paper pulled them forward and the dark landscape between Wiltshire and London rushing past in a wild blur. They stopped a few moments later, their feet coming in contact with the hard concrete of the side alley floor. Draco felt the news print un-stick itself from his hand and heard it fall to the ground. Harry took a moment to settle himself, then, not bothering to make sure Draco was following him, walked out of the alley; silently leading the way around to the main entrance and into the nearest elevator. It made slow progress, which was driving Draco insane, “Do these things always go this slow?” He questioned impatiently as they passed the fourth floor; they still had five floors to go. “You're really concerned about her aren't you?” Harry asked, surveying Draco thoughtfully. Draco looked at him in disbelief, “Of course I am. I care about her, both of them.” Harry made a noise in his throat that clearly meant he didn't believe that was true. “Don't believe me Potter, you don't have to.” “You've not exactly got the best record. I mean you disappear after the two of you get together, then you come back and act like you care, and then you disappear again. “The first time we got together she left to give me time,” Draco explained steeping out of the elevator as the doors slid open. He knew he didn't have to explain any of this to Harry, but he wanted to get the Great Hero off his back. “Why she needed to do that is not your concern. When I came back I didn't act like I cared - I did care and I disappeared because, well, quiet frankly, because I was afraid.” “Afraid?” Harry questioned directing Draco towards Ginny's room, “I didn't know Malfoys feared.” “Potter, you don't know me and it's very obvious that you don't know what I'm capable of,” Draco snapped as they came to a stop outside room 923, labeled *Labor and Delivery*. There were voices coming from inside, including one Draco knew instantly was Ginny's. Feeling a need to be near her he started towards the open door, but Harry held out an arm to stop him. “Just one word of warning, when I left Ron, Fred, and George were all in there with her. If the three of them are there the other three can't be far behind. So, just consider yourself warned.” Draco nodded distractedly, “right, thanks,” he muttered, stepping through the door before Harry could stop him again. The room was full of people, the entire Weasley family by the looks of it, including two women who must be married to Ginny's brothers or at least dating them. They didn't seem to notice him though; they were all so focused on Ginny that they didn't hear his footsteps or sense his presence at all. Draco wanted to rush to her side, but he hesitated when he heard one of the near by brothers saying something about his child. “The doctor says the baby won't survive outside the womb,” one who Draco recognized as a twin, either Fred or George, was saying to one of the brothers that Draco didn't know. “No Fred,” the other twin, George, corrected. “The doctor said she most likely couldn't survive, because her lungs aren't fully developed yet.” “But surely there is a spell that could help,” the other mystery brother insisted, shooting Ginny a nervous glance. This brought Draco's attention back to her. She was now sitting up slightly in bed, gripping the hand rail tightly, her eyes closed, her face distorted by pain. From what little Draco knew of childbirth he guessed she was having a contraction. Fred spoke then, bringing Draco back to eavesdropping on the conversation at hand, “Mum doesn't think there is anything magic can do,” the twin said, shaking his head sadly, “Hermione is trying to find something, but even Ginny's not holding out much hope.” “Hermione just gave birth, she should be resting not doing research.” “Bill, nothing short of finding the answer will stop her,” George explained. “Yeah,” Fred elaborated, “not even Harry could get her to stop.” Draco's attention was pulled away from the whispering brother for a second time when Ginny suddenly gasped sharply. He looked across the room to her again. Her eyes had fluttered open and her grip on the rail had loosened. The pain seemed to be passing. “You're doing wonderful dear,” her mother cooed soothingly, rubbing her hand along Ginny's arm. Ginny gasped again as her body fell back against the pillow, the pain gone, “I though the medication was supposed to be stopping them,” she said desperately. “They said it was supposed to,” her father said stepping up to his daughter's beside, “and it will, but they said it would take some time.” “Has Harry come back yet?” Ginny asked desperately, casting her eyes around the room, but missing Draco entirely. “He has to be back, Draco has to be here before she's born, he just has to be.” “I'm here Gin,” Draco said stepping out of the shadows by the door. He walked wordlessly across the room. Ignoring the glares of the Weasley brothers, he came to her side. Brushing her wet hair aside, he kissed her on her slightly sweaty forehead. Ginny smiled up at him; letting go of the rail, she ran her hand down his arm, and clasped his hand in hers, “I'm glad you made it.” Draco nodded, “I wouldn't miss it, not as long as you wanted me here.” “Of course I want you here,” she assured him. Leaning down again Draco brought his lips to the side of her face and whispered softly in her ear, “I'm so sorry for what I said.” “I'm sorry too,” she whispered back. He was just going to explain to her that she had nothing to apologize for when her grip on his hand tightened. He looked at her and saw pain rippling across her face as she sat up slightly. She was going through another contraction. He straightened up and placed his free hand on the small of her back supportively, trying to help her in what little way he thought he could. “That's it Ginny,” her father said encouragingly, taking a step towards he bedside. This contraction passed quickly, much quicker then the last, and she fell back to the bed once more. She managed to pin Draco's hand to the pillow as she went. “Sorry,” she muttered, lifting herself up so he could move his hand. He shook his head dismissing her apology, “You have nothing to be sorry for, about anything,” he promised, squeezing her hand softly. “No, Draco, don't blame yourself for everything,” she whispered so only he could hear her, “I don't.” Again he shook his head, sure that their fight was all his doing, but not willing to argue with her any further, especially given the condition she was in. Keeping her hand in his, Draco took a moment to look around the room, only to be greeted by the disapproving glares of the Weasley brothers. Turning back to Ginny he cocked his head to the side and asked, “Friendly bunch aren't they?” She laughed slightly, smiling up at him, “They can be when they want to be.” “By the looks on their faces I don't think they'll want to any time soon.” She shook her head. Her family loved her, once they saw that Draco meant something to her they'd at least give him a chance, she was sure of it. “They just don't know you yet, they'll like you once they do.” He snorted is disbelief, “I'm sure they will.” In the corner of the room someone cleared their throat, Draco turned to see the brother he'd been eavesdropping on walking towards him, hand outstretched. “Speaking of not knowing people, we've not met, I'm Bill.” Draco gave a curt nod and, reluctantly relinquishing Ginny's hand, took Bill's and shook it, attempting to grip this brother's hand firmly. “And I'm Charlie,” said the other brother Draco hadn't recognized, stretching out his hand just as Bill let go. Draco shook this brothers hand as well, noticing that his hand was rough, covered with calluses and blisters. Suddenly remembering something long forgotten Draco blurted out, “You're the one who works with dragons.” Charlie was completely taken aback, “Um…yes I am. How did you know that?” Draco cleared his throat uncomfortably, “A long story, one I'd rather not go into just now.” He let go of Charlie's hand, regretting saying anything at all because now an awkward silence had fallen. In fact everyone in the room was so busy trying to avoid looking at each other that they had failed to notice that Ginny hadn't had a contraction in several minutes. A woman's voice in the corner of the room finally broke the silence, “Quite the crowd you've gathered. You weren't lying when you said you had a big family.” Draco turned and saw, to his great relief, Dr. Hearting making her way through the sea of people. Ginny laughed, “No I wasn't, and keep in mind, you're seeing the family minus a few of my brother's significant others and the three children.” Dr. Hearting smiled jovially, “That being said, I think it's time we cleared a few of you out of here. I know you all want to be here for Ginny, but it's getting a bit cramped.” “They don't all have to go, do they?” Ginny asked, sounding afraid at the prospect of facing labor alone. “Oh heavens no, Draco can stay of course, and you're parents as well if you want them to, but I'm sorry six brothers and two sisters-in-law are a bit too much.” “That's all right doctor, we understand,” Bill said sensibly. “You hang in there Ginny; the two of you are going to get through this.” Ginny smiled, “The three of us, Bill,” she corrected him softly, holding out her hand to Draco. He took it and smirked triumphantly at Bill, who rolled his eyes and walked away. One by one the brothers said encouraging words to Ginny, shoot eyes glares at Draco, and walked from the room. The two women followed after the brothers, waving to Ginny as they went. Now only her parents, the doctor, he, and Ginny were left in the room. “Come along Arthur, why don't we give these two a little time alone?” Molly suggested after several minutes of unbearable silence. Arthur looked dangerously at Draco, “Because I don't trust him to be alone with my daughter.” “Don't be ridiculous Dad, Draco's not going to do anything to me; he's here to support me and *our* daughter.” “I promise Sir,” Draco said, not wanting them to doubt him, “I never meant to hurt her, well either of them actually, your daughter or mine.” Arthur didn't look convinced, “I know your family and mine have quite the history; we've never been exactly friendly towards each other, but I am not my father, nor have I ever wanted to be. I don't really understand why, but I care very deeply for your daughter. Yes, I've made mistakes in my life, I've was quite an ass in my years at school, but I've changed since then.” Arthur inhaled sharply, considering something, “There is no need to call me Sir; Arthur will be fine. I can see you care for her; you wouldn't brave her brothers if you didn't, but it's possible to hurt even those we care about, especially when we don't mean to. Now, you care about her so much, you help her through this; help her and my granddaughter.” He shook Draco's hand then turned to hug his daughter. “Ginny, if you need anything your mother and I will be just outside.” “All right Dad,” Ginny said, smiling as her father kissed her forehead. With one last warning look to Draco, Arthur stepped around Ginny's bed and joined his wife. Once they were safely out of the room Draco could feel himself let out a sigh of relief, “Is it going to be this way for the rest of my life?” He asked Ginny. She laughed, shaking her head, “No, they are very understanding. Well, they are given time.” “I didn't know people still talked like that,” Dr. Hearting said with a laugh. “Only when it's a conversation between a Malfoy and a Weasley,” Ginny explained. Dr. Hearting chuckled mirthfully, “Oh our very own modern day Montagues and Capulets?” She asked helping Ginny back up into a sitting position. “Something like that,” Ginny admitted, moving her legs apart a bit as Dr. Hearting's gloved hand disappeared beneath the sheets. “Um…who?” Draco asked, trying not to imagine what the doctor was doing that was making Ginny's face scrunch up like it currently was. Dr. Hearting turned to look at Draco, “Don't tell me you've never heard of *Romeo and Juliet*?” Draco raked his brain, the names sounded familiar, but he couldn't think of why. He shook his head no and Dr. Hearting's mouth fell open. “I thought everyone in the world had read the play. Well Draco, I suggest you read it sometime, it seems that you and Ginny are somewhat akin to the title characters.” “Though let's hope our story ends better,” Ginny suggested as Dr. Hearting pulled her hand out from under the sheets, pulling the glove off as she went. “Indeed! Well, Ginny, you're between two and three centimeters, which is good because she was at five,” Dr. Hearting explained, seeing the look of confusion on Draco's face. “And your contractions seem to be slowing down.” “Yes, I haven't had one in eleven minutes,” she looked over to the clock, “nearly twelve now, oh, strike that I spoke too soon.” She grunted feeling another contraction starting. Draco helped her up again and rubbed her back as her face contorted in pain. “Very good Ginny, that's right, just breathe,” Dr. Hearting instructed, watching the two of them interact. “This one's not so bad,” Ginny insisted between deep breaths. Dr. Hearting smiled warmly, “A very good sign, we're moving you back in the right direction. Well, I'll leave you and Alisa in Draco's hands, he seems to have things under control, whether he realizes it or not. I'll be back to check on you in another half hour, hopefully we'll have more progress.” “Right, thank you Doctor,” Draco stammered, taken aback by the Dr. Hearting calling their daughter Alisa. Once Ginny's contraction passed, he removed his hand from her back and let her settle herself back on the bed. He watched her, a little mesmerized, as she adjusted the hospital gown she was wearing and brushed her hair out of her way. She looked up at him, “Um…what?” She asked, noticing him staring at her. “You just look so…” “Hideous?” She offered, knowing she looked tired and was very sweaty, not her best look. “Never,” he assured her, “you look a little tired, but you still look ravishing.” She felt herself blush, adding more color to her already flushed face, and gave an embarrassed smile, “Ravished perhaps, but I don't know about ravishing.” “Trust me, I know. So, you decided to still call her Alisa?” He asked when their laughter had died down. “I told you, I thought it was perfect,” she said simply. He smiled nervously at her, “Yeah I know, but I thought…after what happened…I really am sorry about that - I shouldn't have -” she held up her hand to stop him. “Before we have this conversation, why don't you sit down, you can just use the chair Mum was sitting in.” He nodded, letting go of her hand so he could pull the clunky hospital chair closer to Ginny's bed. “You know you can take your cloak off as well, unless you plan on going somewhere.” “Yeah, I mean no; no, I don't plan on going anywhere,” he stammered, mentally chiding himself for being so nervous, “Sorry I just didn't think about it.” “There's no need to apologize, I just thought you'd be more comfortable without it on.” He nodded again, his brain screaming at him to get a grip as he took of his cloak and swung it over the back of the chair. Sitting in the chair he slid it a bit closer to her and took her hand once more. “Right, now that I've got my cloak off and sat down; I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have gotten that stupid ring, at least without talking to you first. I mean I just wanted to give you something, to say thank you, I guess. After all you were, no *are**,* carrying my child and I never thought someone would be willing to do that for me, as strange as that sounds. I just didn't know what else to do except buy you something. I'm not good at this. “No,” she agreed stifling a laugh, “though you do appear to be rather good at rambling.” He glared at her, “I meant relationships, I've not had many, certainly none that are this serious.” “It's all right Draco, I was only teasing,” she soothed. “I knew what you meant and I just want to say I will not have you calling my favorite piece of jewelry stupid.” “What?” He asked, sure he'd misheard her. She smiled knowingly and pulled at the chain she was wearing around her neck. Pulling it out of the front of her gown she revealed the pink-stone ring. “I'm afraid my fingers have swelled a bit too much to wear it just now.” “I thought you hated it. I thought you thought I was trying to buy your affection.” She shook her head, tucking the ring away again, “I never hated it, I always thought it was beautiful. I'm just not used to having people spend that much money on me, or being able to for that matter. I guess at first I thought you were trying to bribe me, but the next day when I was in my car I saw it and, I don't know, I just knew I'd been wrong. I realized that you care for me and Alisa.” “Of course I do.” “I'm sorry I acted so…ungrateful.” “And I'm sorry I said such horrible things to you. I don't think of you like that - I never could. I was just … afraid.” She gave him a curious look, “Afraid? Of what?” “A great many things. My feeling for you, my feeling for Alisa, my ability to be a father, my ability to be good enough for you, just about everything I could be afraid of I was.” She sighed, “Can I confess something?” “Um…if you have something to confess.” “I'm terrified too. I have no idea how to be a mum; I especially don't know how to be the mum of a Malfoy or the girlfriend of one.” He laughed, “So basically, neither one of us know what we're doing?” “It seems so,” she laughed back, “you know, you're getting much better at apologizing.” He gave her a half smile, “I wanted to apologize sooner,” he explained, “I just wasn't sure how I'd be received.” “Where ever has the Malfoy confidence gone?” Ginny asked, her eyes opening wide in mock surprise. “You know the man I spent the night with seven months ago would never admit something like that.” He look intently into her captivating brown eyes and said, without hesitation, “Well I've changed.” She smiled at him, gently pulling her hand from his and cupping it on his face, “Yes, yes you have.” He brought his hand over hers on his cheek and let it rest there, the two of them staring fixedly at each other as a comfortable silence passed through the room. What felt like seconds later, Draco looked to the clock and found that ten minutes had gone by while they just stared at each other. He looked back to Ginny and smiled happily, “You've not had a contraction since the doctor left twenty minutes ago.” “Actually I've had a couple, but they didn't hurt at all, they were just a little uncomfortable.” “So our little girl's just been putting us on, hasn't she,” Draco joked, putting his hand on Ginny's rounded abdomen. “You've no intention of coming out tonight do you?” He asked to his daughter as he laid his head on Ginny's stomach. Ginny laughed, “I think our Alisa was just trying to get her parents to speak to each other again.” “Smart girl,” Draco said, patting Ginny's stomach affectionately. “You know, I've been meaning to compliment you on that painting you gave me,” she asserted as he rubbed her stomach, muttering to their unborn daughter. He turned to her, his hand still on her abdomen, “Oh really?” He questioned, feeling a bit smug at her words, despite himself. She nodded, “It's breathtaking,” she praised. “It's you,” he explained simply, turning his attention back her stomach. She smiled at the back of his head; it was also refreshing, after feeling a bit like a whale for so long, to hear that he thought she was attractive or at least she had been at one point in her life. Right on schedule, Dr. Hearting came back into the room. She was smiling brightly and seemed in a very good mood, despite the late hour. “So, how are things going in here?” She asked stepping up to the far side of Ginny's bed. “Good, actually, the contractions have got much easier to deal with, they barely bother me now,” Ginny assured Dr. Hearting. The doctor smiled, “That's wonderful, let's just check you and see how you're doing.” Trying to be of help, Draco helped Ginny back up into the sitting position Dr. Hearting had examined her in before. Dr. Hearting smiled at him and began to examine Ginny. After a quick physical examine she checked a small machine on Ginny's bedside table. “I think, Draco, you might just be Ginny's lucky charm,” Dr. Hearting announced, turning back towards them. “Ginny, you're no longer in active labor, congratulations.” “Oh thank Merlin,” Ginny muttered under her breath, letting herself give a deep sigh of relief. “So, know what? Does Ginny go home, does she stay here?” Draco asked. He didn't know what Dr. Hearting meant by active labor, but if Ginny was happy about it, it must mean something good. “Well, I'm sure you're anxious to get out of here, but we need to keep Ginny a bit longer, for observation. If we make it through the night, without any further complications, I might be able to get you on your way home before lunch. Now if you need me, just push the page button and the nurses will get me.” “All right,” Ginny nodded, looking to the button now handing from the side of her bed. She was sure she wouldn't need it, but it was still good to know where it was. “Draco, I think there are some people waiting in the hallway that will want to hear your good news,” Dr. Hearting said motioning to the doorway. Draco nodded, Dr. Hearting was making him reach out to Ginny's family and he greatly appreciated that. Updating them on Ginny's condition was the perfect way to disguise a civilized conversation. The corridor outside Ginny's room was amazingly still, and eerily silent. Down the hallway cries of pain and cheers of joy could be heard, but no noise was coming from the red heads. Most were leaning on the wall across from the door, looking down to their feet or whispering to each other. Draco noted the two wives were gone, probably sent home, or off doing something to keep their hands busy. Arthur and Molly were sitting in two chairs just outside the door. They were the first to notice Draco had appeared. Molly looked up at him silently, her eyes pleading with him, begging him for good news. Arthur wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders and looked up to Draco, “Well, how is she?” “She's safe,” Draco told them, “Ginny's out of active labor, Alisa's safe.” Molly collapsed back into her husband's chest and she began to cry, great tears of release. Arthur gave a heavy sigh of relief and pulled his wife closer to him, letting her cry freely. Ron straightened up, stepped halfway across the hall, and looked at Draco, “Can I have a word?” He asked, obviously struggling to keep his voice even. Draco nodded, he'd expected this to happen eventually and he supposed that now, when Ginny seemed to be out of danger, was as good a time as any. Ron silently led Draco down the corridor, not stopping until they were a safe distance from his family. “You the one who's been elected to threaten me?” “There are no threats involved in this. I want to know what you want of my family. I want to know why you came back after all this time.” “I don't want anything from your family,” Draco insisted. “Then why did you come back?” “Because your sister wanted me here. If you have an issue with that, you'll have to take it up with her.” Ron's eyes narrowed, “I did,” he said impatiently, “before you got here, but she wouldn't hear it.” “So, Weasley what do you want me to do about it? Do you want me to leave? Do you want your sister to go through this alone?” Ron rolled his eyes, “Of course not, that's not the point.” “Then what is the point?” Draco asked bluntly, he knew that over-protective brothers came with being a part of Ginny's life, but this was going nowhere. Draco found himself wishing that Ron would just threaten him and get it over with. “You're not right for her, that's the point,” Ron explained, flinging his hands up in the air, as if this was common knowledge. “She deserves someone who loves her and wants to be with her. She deserves someone who wants to marry her and spend the rest of their life with her. She deserves much more then what you can give her.” “You've no idea what I can give her,” Draco insisted, his temper and his voice beginning to rise. “Money isn't everything Malfoy,” Ron insisted, his voice rising to meet Draco's increased volume. “She's well off enough to take care of herself and her child.” “*Our* child,” Draco corrected. Ron scoffed, “Not counting tonight you've seen her once since she found out she was pregnant. I'd say that excludes you from the running for father of the year.” Draco exhaled sharply, rubbing his hand against his forehead; it was taking all the self-control he had to keep from reaching out and strangling the obstinate red-head. “Congratulations Weasley, you've figured me out, I'm not perfect. But I care about your sister and I love your niece and nothing that you can say here is going to change that or make me go away.” “Fine,” Ron muttered, “but mistreat either of them and you will live to regret it.” “I thought there were no threats involved in this.” Ron shook his head “It's not a threat Malfoy,” he explained calmly, “it's a promise, and I have five brothers, and Harry, who will help me keep that promise.” Draco stared indignantly, wondering how best to tell Ron off. He would never mistreat Ginny or his daughter and even if, by some grave error, he did mistreat them, he was sure Ginny could do worse then Ron and his brothers could. A door opened behind them, it was Harry coming out of his wife's room. “Malfoy, what are you doing out here? Is Ginny all right?” Harry asked, looking suspiciously from Ron to Draco. “Ginny fine, she's out of active labor.” Harry sighed, just as Arthur had, “Good, I'll go tell Hermione. How long will she have to stay in the hospital?” “The earliest she can leave is tomorrow at lunch,” Draco told him, glad to be out of his conversation with Ron. “Right, I have to know everything before I talk to `Mione - that is everything isn't it?” Draco shrugged, “It's everything I know.” Harry shrugged in return, “I guess that'll be enough for her.” He turned back and disappeared into the room. Draco turned back to Ron and saw him storming away, his shoulders were hunched and his hands were stuffed in his pockets, apparently it did him no good to see his best mate and Draco on friendly terms. When Draco got back to Ginny's room her brothers were gathered around her, saying goodbye for the night. Draco hovered near the door, deciding it was best not to intrude on the family. They filed out one by one, all of them, much to Draco's astonishment, pausing at the door to shake his hand; though Ron did so warily. “Take care of her tonight,” Ron requested as he held tightly to Draco's hand. He kept his voice at an even whisper, obviously not wanting to be overheard, “She's worth more then all the money in your vault.” Draco nodded, “Yes Weasley, I am aware of that.” “Good,” Ron said gruffly, “then keep it in mind.” “Ron,” Ginny called from her bed, “leave him alone,” she ordered, Ron shrugged and walked out of the room. “He's really not this bad normally,” she promised Draco apologetically as he stepped over to her bedside. Molly nodded her head, “Ron's really a very nice boy,” she assured Draco, “he just worries about Ginny, more then the others; if that's possible.” Ginny and Ron had always been close, they were the closest in age and because they were so young the often only had each other. “Come on Molly, let's go,” Arthur insisted. “We can come back in the morning.” Molly smiled at him, “Yes, we can,” then she looked to Draco and smiled again. She walked around Ginny's bed and pulled the blonde into a tight hug. He was taken completely by surprise and wasn't sure how to react; he'd never really been hugged like this before. It was a very motherly hug and though his mother had loved him dearly she was a Malfoy and before that a Black, neither family set much store in displays of affection. They were considered overly showy; unnecessary frivolities. Mercifully she let him out of the hug before he had to react and moved passed him to hug her daughter. Arthur meanwhile had stepped up next to Draco and was holding out his hand. “If things go bad again,” Arthur began as Draco took his hand and shook it, “floo us.” Draco nodded, “Of course Sir.” Arthur laughed, “Good, Molly would have my neck if I insisted she'd go home and then Ginny went into labor while we were away. And I've told you, there's no need to call me Sir.” “It's a bit of a habit I'm afraid,” Draco admitted, “I called my father sir all my life. I'll remember in the future.” “Yes do,” Arthur instructed, “being called sir makes me feel old; even older then knowing my baby is having a baby of her own.” Ginny frowned, “I'm hardly a baby anymore Daddy,” she reminded, as Molly let her go and stepped away from Ginny's bedside. She knew her father meant nothing by it, but just then she'd found the though insulting. She'd never felt less like a baby in her life. Arthur smiled at her, “Yes, I know, you're an adult know, not really sure when that happened, but it certainly did.” He continued to survey his heavily pregnant daughter for a moment and then reached out to his wife, saying, “Come along Molly, let's go home and get some rest.” “All right Arthur,” Molly said reluctantly, taking her husband's hand, “we'll see you in the morning.” “Goodnight Mum, goodnight Dad,” Ginny said smiling sweetly at her parents. They smiled back and disappeared with a crack. Ginny sighed loudly once they'd gone, sliding down slightly in her bed. “If fake labor is this draining, I can't imagine what the real thing will be like.” “It wasn't fake, it was early,” Draco corrected, stepping up to her bedside, his hands gently gripping the rail, “and I'm sure you'll manage. You see, I have this theory that you can do anything, and I'm a Malfoy so I know I'm right.” She laughed, “Well, if you're sure.” “I am,” he affirmed with a cheeky grin, “So, is there anything I can do for you before you sleep?” “Could you go check on Hermione?” She asked hopefully, “I've no idea how she's doing, I don't even know my godsons name; everyone kept saying I should concentrate, but I have to know how she is or I'm sure I won't be able to sleep.” “If that's what it'll take to get you to sleep,” Draco said, stepping back from the bed, glad that her request was something easily accomplished. He'd been told that pregnant women could make some wild demands when the fancy took them. “What will it take to get her to sleep?” Someone asked from the doorway. Draco turned and saw that is was Hermione who'd spoken. She was in a wheelchair, a small bundle in her arms, being pushed by Harry. “Actually, she wanted me to check on you,” Draco explained with a bit of a smile, glad that it turned out he didn't have to go anywhere to see Ginny's request happen. He'd been away from her enough already. Hermione smiled, “Well, it's good I made Harry bring me `round,” she said as Harry pushed her to Ginny's bedside. “Yes, it was the only way I could get *her* to agree to sleep,” Harry explained in a whisper to Draco, nodding at Hermione. “Once I told her Ginny was fine she insisted we come and check on her, and bring Raoul for her to see.” “Raoul?” Draco questioned as Ginny cooed over the small bundle in question. “Raoul Christopher Potter,” Harry elaborated, his eyes rolling ever so slightly, “Think I'll call him Chris.” “Not a fan of Raoul?” Draco asked, casting a glance at the little boy. He already had a head of wild black hair, and looked remarkably like his father. Harry shrugged, “I like it, I'm just not entirely sure it goes with Potter,” he explained. “Well, it is quite a name.” “Yes,” Harry agreed, “Hermione insists it suits him though.” “Where did she find it?” Draco asked, sure he already knew the answer. “A book she's been reading, *The Phantom of the Opera*, I think, which only proves you were right. I veto literary names for months and she still manages to get her way.” Draco smirked; Harry had never admitted Draco was right about anything, not once in the eleven years they had known each other. “You know I'm told women often get their way,” he commented, trying to hold back his smirk; he didn't want to look too full of himself. Harry nodded, “Yes, they do, especially once you've married them. They are crafty about it as well; they make you believe it was your way all along.” “Well,” Draco started thoughtfully, “Hermione's been outsmarting you since she was twelve; you kind of set yourself up by marrying her.” Harry chuckled, “That's true, but there are things about `Mione that people wouldn't expect,” he explained, a broad smile spreading across his face, Draco was sure he could guess what that smile meant. “Plus she's,” Harry continued after a pause, “I don't know how to explain it exactly, she's just everything to me. You'll understand someday.” Draco nodded, looking over at Ginny; she had propped herself up and was looking to the bundle in Hermione's arm. “I think I'm beginning to,” he muttered, more to himself then Harry. “I think you just might be,” Harry agreed in an undertone, stepping back over to Hermione. “All right love, you've checked on Ginny, you've shown little Chris off, I think it's time we went back to your room. You need to rest, so does Ginny.” “You're right,” Hermione admitted, “And the nurses would have my neck if they knew I was here and not in bed.” “Yes well,” Harry said, taking hold of the wheelchair's handles, “We've never been much for keeping with the rules, have we?” He asked turning her around and beginning to push her towards the door. Hermione laughed, “Too right, well, goodnight you two,” she called over her shoulder as Harry pushed her out into the hall. “Goodnight,” Draco called after them, “Or morning rather,” he added, noticing it was nearing four in the morning. “Now you've seen your godson, learned his name, now it is time to rest or your mother will string me up I'm sure.” “All right, but you need to reat too,” Ginny insisted, attempting to stifle rather large yawn. She pushed a button on the side of the bed and it leveled out slightly, giving her a more comfortable position to sleep in. Draco stepped over to her bedside and adjusted her pillow for her, so it was behind her head and not her back. She thanked him and continued to settle herself until she found a comfortable position. “Come, sit next to me,” she added almost as an after thought. “Right,” he muttered nervously, taking up his chair next to her bedside, “So, Raoul Potter, what do you think of him?” He asked, trying to make light conversation. She smiled, “He's quote handsome, looks astonishingly like his father, though I'm with Harry; I think I'll call him Chris. Raoul's a bit much.” “Just a bit,” he laughed, “maybe he'll grow into it,” he suggested with a shrug. “It could happen,” she agreed, yawning again. “Gin,” Draco started nervously, “I want to talk to you about something.” She closed her eyes sleepily then opened them again, smiling softly at him, “About what?” “Us,” he explained, “I want to be a part of your life. These last three months have been torture for me, and I want to be a father to our daughter. I don't want to miss anything, with you or the rest of the pregnancy, so I was thinking, maybe you could move in with me.” He looked to her for her reaction, but there was nothing to see. Sometime during his little speech, she'd fallen asleep. Draco sighed; he'd simply have to talk to her when she awoke. His own fatigue took him completely by surprise. One moment he felt wide awake and then next he wanted nothing more then to sleep, for a very long time. For a moment he contemplated apparating home and returning to his own bed, but then Ginny shifted in her bed and he knew he couldn't leave. He didn't want to leave her, and more importantly, he didn't want her to wake up and think he'd left. So he did his best to make himself comfortable. He couldn't magic himself anything; the hospital staff would notice any furniture that was out of place. In the end, he used a corner of Ginny's bed as a pillow and threw his cloak over his back as a means to keep warm. It wasn't the most relaxing position or even one he'd ever use again if given the choice, but it worked in the moment. Hours later Draco awoke to the sensation of someone touching his head. It was an odd feeling to wake up to, but he knew without looking that it was Ginny running her fingers through his hair, and that made him oddly content. She had been awake for twenty minutes already, watching him sleep. She was surprised to see him resting on the end of her bed; he looked amazingly uncomfortable, but she couldn't help but smile at him. He was so sweet to stay there with her. “So you're finally awake,” she said softly, stroking his hair off his face. He started to sit up, but stopped as his neck and back screamed in pain; this was the hazard of sleeping at a ninety degree angle. Groaning loudly, he rolled his neck in an attempt to loosen it. “Are you all right?” Ginny asked sympathetically as Draco stood up and started to massage his lower back. “Yes, just a bit stiff,” he explained trying to stretch himself out. It wasn't doing him any good; he just couldn't stretch far enough to loosen himself up. After a few minutes of watching him struggle Ginny laughed and called him over to her, “Turn around and lift up your shirt,” she instructed, pulling her wand out from her pillow case. Draco looked skeptically at her, “Trust me,” she insisted, reaching out and pushing him around. He pulled his shirt up reluctantly and almost instantly he felt a blast of heat tickle at the base of his spine and climb up his back. The heat left a great sense of relaxation in its wake and he felt his muscles quickly unclench. He turned back to her, smiling, “Thanks for that,” he said, letting his shirt fall back down. “See, good things happen when you trust me,” she informed him smugly, tucking her wand away. “Has Dr. Hearting come back yet?” He asked, choosing to ignore her smug tone. Ginny shook her head, “Not yet. Draco, did you ask me to move in with you last night?” “You heard that?” He asked, taken completely by surprise. He was sure she'd been asleep by the time he'd gotten to the part about moving in together. “I thought you were asleep.” She shrugged, “I thought I was dreaming, I didn't know you'd actually asked me,” she explained. “Yes, I actually asked you,” he clarified, nervously smoothing out the front of his shirt. “I want to be close to you Ginny, and to Alisa. The Manor is rather large, you could have your own rooms if you wanted and they could be as far away from mine as you wanted. I'd just want you to be there, I don't want to miss anything else.” “Draco, I -” She started, but stopped when she heard the door to her room open. In came her parents, there to check on her just like they'd promised they would. Molly was the first one at Ginny's bedside, hugging her daughter and asking her about her night. Ginny assured her mother that everything was fine and Molly moved aside to allow Arthur his turn. “You look good Ginny, are you good?” He asked hugging her and kissing her lightly on the cheek. “I'm very good Dad,” she assured him, casting a loving look at Draco over her father's back. “I slept well.” Arthur nodded, “Good, has the doctor been in?” “Not yet, but you know, Dad if you have to get to work that's fine, you don't have to stay. Nor do you Mum. I'd love for you to stay,” she added seeing her mother's hurt expression, “but Draco's here, he'll keep track of me.” She didn't want to hurt her parent's feelings or make them feel like they weren't needed, but really she wanted to be alone with Draco. “But how will you get home?” Molly asked, determined to find a use for herself. “You certainly can't apparate or leave your car here.” “Draco can drive me,” she insisted, “besides, he and I have things we need to discuss. I promise I'll floo you or have Draco floo you and tell you all about what the doctor says. I just -” she sighed heavily, “I just need this to be ours,” she admitted reaching out and taking Draco's hand. Molly looked defeated, but smiled, “I suppose we could go check on Hermione, we've not seen her since last night.” “Thank you Mum,” Ginny said softly, letting her mother hug her again, “I love you both, it's just -” “There's no need to explain Ginny dear,” Molly said sweetly, “You're an adult know, you have every right to tell us to leave.” The turning to Draco she added, “Draco dear, you take care of her, and be sure to floo us with whatever the doctor says.” He nodded, “I will.” “Good man,” Arthur appraised, clapping the blonde on the back; Draco nodded again, glad to have the Weasley patriarch offer up such praise of him. He knew it probably didn't mean much, in the long run, but he supposed that in situations like these every bit counted. Molly hugged Draco tight as Arthur said a goodbye to his daughter and then the Weasley parents were gone. “I feel a bit like we've just been worked over by a tornado,” Draco said, straitening out his shirt. “Ah Draco,” Ginny said with a pitying smile, “There are many more tornados in your future. You've not even been to a family lunch yet.” Draco shuddered at the thought. “Though my parents do seem to have warmed up to you; my father certainly approves of you looking out for me.” “And your mother hugs me like I'm part of the family.” “You'll get use to that,” she assured him with a laugh, “She knows how much you mean to me, so she'll be on her best behavior.” She looked as if she wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Dr. Hearting, who'd just appeared in the doorway, a male nurse at her shoulder. “Good morning,” she said brightly, stepping into the room, the nurse following close behind her. “I have some good news for you. The nurses tell me you had an uneventful night after I left, so I am sending you home.” “Home?” Ginny asked hopefully, looking to Draco for a moment then turning back to Dr. Hearting. “Yes, home, though you'll have to be on bed rest,” she insisted, “for at least the next six weeks. I know it won't be fun,” the doctor said over Ginny's groan of complaint, “but you need to stay off your feet. Anything that can be done to help you reach full term needs to be done; besides it could be worse, I could keep you here for the next month and a half.” “No, bed rest sounds fine,” Ginny assured the doctor, not caring to consider the alternative, “I'm sure I'll find some way to keep myself entertained.” “I thought that might convince you,” Dr. Hearting admitted with a laugh, “So there are just some papers you need to sign,” she told them walking up to Ginny's bedside, clipboard in hand. “While you sign theses, Bryan here will unhook you from all these monitors,” the doctor explained, motioning to the nurse standing behind her with her free hand and handing the clipboard to Ginny with the other. “You just need to read over these forms and sign them, nothing big, just legal.” “All right,” Ginny said, her eyes beginning to scan the papers. A quiet followed, in which the nurse, Bryan, took a black band off Ginny's stomach and pulled a small tube out of the joint of her elbow. “And Draco,” Dr. Hearting said, once Bryan had finished, “I want you to make sure she stays in bed, resting, the only excuse she has for being out of bed is to go to the bathroom.” “I think I can manage to keep her in bed,” Draco said smugly, giving Ginny a stare that begged her to challenge him. “Good, well, we'll leave now, you can get dressed and gather up your things,” Dr. Hearting explained, taking her clipboard back from Ginny, “Bryan will come back in fifteen minutes with a wheelchair to escort you out. Oh and Ginny,” she added as she reached to door, I want to see you at the end of the six weeks, call my office in the next day or so and make an appointment.” “I will, thank you Doctor,” Ginny called happily after Dr. Hearting, “I get to go home,” Ginny sighed happily, once they were alone again, talking more to herself then to Draco. “But to which home?” Draco asked tentatively, afraid that he wouldn't get the answer he wanted. She flashed him a sly smile, “Well mine of course, I have to pack a couple of bags before I can move in with you, don't I? Now, if you would be so kind as to help me out of this bed so I can get dressed.” “Couldn't just give me a bloody straight answer,” he muttered, “had to make me think you'd rejected me offer.” “Straight answers are overrated,” she assured him, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. He scowled dangerously at her, obviously not finding this as amusing as she did. Grudgingly, he offered his hand to help her out of the bed; she took hold of it and pulled him in, capturing his lips with hers. Her kiss was soft, tender, loving. She was silently apologizing for upsetting him. Draco groaned happily, wrapping his arm around her back and lifting her slightly off the bed. “Draco,” she gasped against his lips, “we have to stop - we can't.” “I know,” he admitted, pulling his face away from hers, “We're going to have to be careful.” He lowered her onto the floor and stepped aside, letting her gather her clothes from the corner of the room and begin to dress herself. “Yes, we will,” she agreed, giving him an appraising look. Living with Draco was going to be a challenge she knew that, for a great number of reasons, but the one that worried her most was their attraction to each other. Every time she'd seen Draco, since that first night when she'd posed for him, she'd wanted him. Ginny was sure if she hadn't been in the middle of labor last night she would have jumped the handsome blonde the second she saw him. Once she was dressed and had her few things gathered up, Draco insisted she get back into bed. “The Doctor did say bed rest.” “She also said I'd be on bed rest at *home*,” Ginny insisted stubbornly. Again he looked at her as if he was daring her to oppose him, but again she didn't. He was after all, only doing what Dr. Hearting was asking him to do, but he didn't have to act so smug about it, that was the part that really bothered her. “All right,” Draco started, gathering up his cloak and throwing it over his arm, “you're back in bed, so give me your keys and I'll pull your car `round front. You know, be waiting for you when Nurse Bryan wheels you out.” “That's very sweet,” Ginny said with a smile, fishing her keys out of her pocket. “The car is parked in a side alley, off to the right side of the hospital.” He smiled, gave her a chaste kiss on the lips, and walked out of the room with a bit of a spring in his step, not caring who saw him. Outside the hospital he found her car almost immediately. It was parked in the alley he and Harry had appeared in the night before. He was just climbing into the black SUV when he was met by Ginny's parents, who'd apparently finished their visit with the Potters. “Draco,” Molly called out when she caught sight of him. “She's going home,” he called back, knowing the information they were after. Molly beamed as Draco repeated to them what the doctor had said, but left out the part about them moving in together; Ginny would most likely want to be with him when they broke that bit of news. Molly hugged him again and gave him strict orders to get Ginny straight to bed. Draco assured her he would do just that and the disappeared with two loud pops. Alone again, he climbed into the car, and pulled it around to the front of the hospital. Ginny was just being wheeled out, already looking impatient. Undoubtedly she didn't want to spend another minute in that hospital, after the night she'd had, anywhere would be better then the hospital. “I ran into your parents while I was getting the car,” Draco declared, stepping out of the car. “Told them about what the doctor said, but I didn't tell them about us,” he informed her, taking control of her wheelchair and pushing her towards the passenger side door. “I decided we could do that together.” “How very brave of you,” Ginny stated dryly, watching him pull open her door. Assuring himself that her door would stay open, he turned back to her, grabbed her up in his arms and carried her to her seat, saying only, “Who is the Gryffindor in this relationship?” He closed her door before she could respond, and returned the wheelchair to the nurse, who was watching them carefully, apparently fascinated. When he jumped into the driver's seat she asked simply, “Are you admitting to being a coward?” He couldn't stop himself from laughing, “Hardly. If I was a coward would I be here asking you to move in with me?” “No,” she admitted. “I just think it would be best if we told them that together. Besides it's not happening tonight. You need to pack; I need to set a few things up first. So really, we have a couple days before we need to tell them.” She look at him with a bit of trepidation before say, “Yes, I suppose that's true, but you will stay tonight won't you?” “Of course,” Draco answered, without the slightest hesitation, “I love you, why would I leave?” She looked at him, a mixture of surprise and utmost joy on her face, “I don't - I don't know,” Ginny answered, her brain taking a moment to catch up with his words, “I just wanted to make sure.” She paused for a moment then added, “I love you too.” He smiled warmly, reaching across the car and taking hold of her hand, “Good, I would hate to be alone in that.” “Yes, that would be terrible,” she agreed, squeezing his hand softly before he returned it to the steering wheel. He hadn't meant to tell he loved her just then. In fact it had taken him completely by surprise when those particular words spilled out of his mouth. But looking at her, sitting silently across the car from him, her hands cradled around her stomach, protecting their child, he knew he loved her. And he was suddenly struck by how very glad he was that he had taken her up on her arrangement all those months ago. **AN:** See no need to worry; it all came out in the wash. We've one more part to go, and epilogue which will probably be shorter then parts one, two, and three, but still long enough to satisfy. Anyway, like I said to the readers of my other story, I'm moving across country soon, it was supposed to happen last month but it got put off so it wont be happening until later this month. The point to all that is that I wont have a lot of spare time to write so it's not likely the epilogue will be coming out any time soon. This story wouldn't be coming out now if it hadn't been mostly done before this moving hullabaloo began **Lajo1013** - well now, he has his pride we all now that, that's what makes him so fun :D **Magica** - well it's taken me a long time to write, but I did work very hard on this one - it kept me very busy **div­ -** well there wasn't much wooing needed because, well, times of crises make us see things we didn't see before **reemy** - Thanks, I tried to get the third part up quickly, but it did take me a while to write, not to mention I've been busy with cleaning house so we can move **me me** - I'm sorry it took so long, got caught up in things **artisticmaster** - well there's the epilogue to this and then there is a second story about Alisa in her 7th year at Hogwarts **faeriedust** - yeah it is a lot, but I wanted it to be a lot, `cause it `cause more problems that way **LusciousLucius** - : ) **MrsDanielRadcliffe** - yeah I have a beta, two in fact, but I guess everyone makes mistakes. Thanks for trying to spare my feelings, but I resigned myself to the fact that I have abysmal grammar so no worries, thanks for the heads up thought, I'll try to work on that even more **Madame Zu Zu** - aww thanks, I'm glad you liked this story, sorry it took so long for me to update **Lilkim** - seems kind of pointless to say this now, but yes I plan on continuing this story; there is this part, part three and then the epilogue part four, and then a companion story about when Alisa and Raoul are older **funky_faerie87** - no I couldn't in good conscious have everything be perfect for them after one day. I know it's kind of like that this time, but don't worry just `cause they had a good day and they love each other doesn't mean things go easily for them, but you'll get a bit of that in the epilogue **prue1912** - : ) **SamiJo** - yeah, sorry, this took me much longer then I thought it would, but I'm really happy with it. I hope you like it **laila** - : ) **swtpinay** - : ) **Leonhart17** - I hope you didn't go crazy waiting, that was not my intention **SakuraEtrnl** - no he didn't hear her, but that's okay `cause now it's out there in the open **harry n Hermione** - : ) **sailor_girl** - oh don't worry, it's okay now **James_love** - yeah, Draco would have gotten it more, if the situation wasn't so bad **AllyPotter8** - as you can see, I'm not that mean, but then what would be the point of the story if they didn't get together **irish_slytherin** - indeed **DracoObsessed17** - : ) **Lela** - **smirks** I am evil aren't I? and it's so fun too **bisolablue15** - : ) **vevina** - I'm glad you liked the story so much, I hope you got my email -->