Everlasting Daystar


Rating: PG13
Genres: Drama, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6
Published: 16/09/2005
Last Updated: 22/03/2007
Status: In Progress

AU---AU---The time has come for rare things to happen--Wizards become Mages--Mages become friends--A seer with no magic but her sight--A god seeks revenge on another--And the final battle between Vampires and Lycans Harry has a different life, one where he was raised by his Godmother and is loved. Starting their 7th year Harry, Ron and Hermione discover their true nature, or rather what they evolved to be. lots of different OC's, all have their own roles to play in Harry's life and those around him.

1. Prologue

A/N: Some lines are taken directly from HP Book 1 Chapter 1.

This chapter deals mainly with what is different from the books before the actual story starts. Hope you like it. I think it's going to kick butt.


A man appeared on the corner the cat had been watching, appeared so suddenly and silently you'd have thought he'd just popped out of the ground. The cat's tail twitched and its eyes narrowed. It was soon after that when the cat suddenly transformed into a sever-looking woman. She watched from the shadows as the man and woman greeted each other. The man and woman, whom she knew to be Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, talked with each other a short while when a massive motorbike descended from the skies. It was the loyal and loveable half-giant Hagrid.

`Wouldn't expect anything less of Albus to trust Hagrid with such a task' she thought to herself as Hagrid placed the bundle into Dumbledore's arms. She noticed that Hagrid had started to cry, quite uncontrollably at that.

“Sorry,” she heard Hagrid sob, taking out a large, spotted handkerchief and burying his face in it. “But I c-c-can't stand it, Lily an' James dead, an' poor little Harry off ter live with Muggles,” She closed her eyes for a moment; there would always be time to grieve later. She watched as Dumbledore came closer to where she hiding, he placed the sleeping child on the foot of the doorstep. She still watched as the three retreated, Hagrid left on his motorbike; Dumbledore set the street lights back on and left as well. She knew McGonagall would linger just a bit longer, but it would be safe to do what she needed to do.

McGonagall transformed back to her cat self and before too long she noticed something emerge from the shadows. The girl looked to be about in her mid-twenties with long brown wavy hair and was dressed in elegant looking black robes. She walked with such grace none would see with such youth. Minerva was slightly alarmed when the girl moved towards Harry and picked him up. Carrying him, she walked towards the cat.

“I know you will understand why I am doing this,” the girl said, “You've seen these Muggles. And I made a promise along with Sirius to Lily and James, that if anything should happen to them that we would protect and love Harry. I do not care for Albus' judgment in this matter. I keep my promises, my word is solid.”

Minerva transformed back to her human self, “He won't like that you have interfered with his decision.” Minerva simply said.

“Then he should not have gone behind my back and do something like this. Sirius and I are Harry's godparents; he should have come to us. I will not sit by while Harry is discriminated by his own family for who he is. He deserves to be loved and he will not get that here.” The girl explained.

There was a pause, “I have seen many deaths,” the girl continued as she peered between the blanket at Harry's tiny face, she slowly traced the scar, “but very few so close to my heart.” And with that she disappeared leaving Minerva to ponder how she was going to break the new to Albus that he was overruled in his decision.


Something had made the Dementors go away though he could not think why. Remus had come the day before, Sirius tried to tell him but his friend just would not listen.

Now he was left to his solitude, paying for someone else's crimes. It was then that she came to him, he saw her through the bars. Even with her look of despair she looked as beautiful as ever. She had come to spit on him just as Remus had, though not literarily. He got up from where he sat on the cold hard floor and moved closer. He expected her to move away from him, but she didn't, she merely grasped onto him when she could reach him.

“It's not fair,” she told him, “they threw you in her without even a trial. There is nothing I can do to get you out of her.”

“I didn't kill him Sol, I swear I didn't”

“I know you didn't Sirius, I know that that rat is out there somewhere.”

“I was afraid you would be like Remus and not believe me.” Sirius said.

“And you forget who you are talking to. Sometimes things we do with the best of intentions come out for the worst. I'll tell Harry that when he asked why his godfather is here.” Sol said.

“You have Harry? Where is he?” Sirius asked kicking himself in the proverbial ass.

“He's safe,” Sol assured him. “You are still his godfather whether you are in here or not, and he will know that.”

“I don't deserve you Solarea.” Sirius said.

“Maybe not, but the fates say otherwise. I love you Sirius, don't you ever doubt that.” Solarea said.

“Will you still love me when I am old and grey and you are not?” Sirius asked.

“I've done it before.” She replied.

“Don't ever bring Harry here to see me.”

“You won't be here forever.”

“Yes I will I'm the public scapegoat.” Sirius said looking away.

“These walls do not hold innocent men,” Solarea replied making him look at her. “Always remember that.” He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.

“Go,” Sirius said when he found his voice, “Harry needs you.” And with that she reluctantly left.


10 years later

“What do you mean you don't want to go?”

“Just what I said, I don't want to go.”

“Hogwarts is the best school; you've had your name down to go ever since you were born. Your parents went there.”

“I'm doing fine right her Aunt Sol, you said it yourself. I would be ahead of my class. Besides, I like traveling with you.”

“Harry,” Solarea started, but then didn't know what to say, “Sometimes I just don't understand you.”

“Why would I need to go there when I have all I want right here.” Harry said.

“What about friends, don't you want any?” Sol asked. She could not figure out why Harry would pass the chance to go to Hogwarts.

“I have friends, I have you, and then there's Tavion, and all the other we see. Plus, I have friends from school.” Harry had grown up so much in the last ten years. He was short for his age, but Sol knew that would change as he grew older. He wore glasses, just like his father. In fact he looked a lot like James, except for his eyes, there she saw Lily.

“We hardly see them. Besides I try to avoid bringing you with me to see Tavion. The Amazon is no place for you. And your friends at school are Muggles, don't you want friends that have more in common. Then we wouldn't have to deal with the facade of using a fake last name.” Sol argued with him. They had used the fake name so they could not be easily found, by anyone good or bad.

“You told me that Hogwarts would be my decision. I wish you would accept mine.” Harry looked down.

Yes, the button to Sol's soft spot was pushed. “All right you don't have to go if you don't want to. But you are responsible for replying to the Hogwarts letter. I will not have that meddling old fool to think I'm keeping you here against your will. He isn't the reason you don't want to go is it?” Sol asked.

“No,” Harry quickly said.

“Alright, alright, I'm being the pestering mother hen again aren't I? I want the next chapter in your charms book to be read before the night is out.” Sol told him.

“Ok, as long as you don't charm my books to hit me when I don't do my work again.” Harry said.

“That, I'm afraid, is entirely up to you.”


“You're going away?”

“I got accepted into this privet school.” Harry's friend told him.

“Wow,” Harry was stunned, his Aunt was going to be schooling him a home full time now, but his still thought he could see his best friend.

“Oh Harry, it's not like we won't ever see each other ever again. We'll see each other at holidays and in the summer.”

“I know Hermione; it's just a bit of a shock.”

“I know,” Hermione said, but it's a really good school and only very few get accepted.”


Two years later

“Aunt Sol?”

“Up here Harry.” Sol said from the highest branch of the tree in the backyard. They lived in London, well what better place to hide other than in plain sight.

“Newspapers said Sirius was sited in Hogwarts.” Harry explained holding the morning's Daily Prophet. Solarea quickly made her way down the tree.

“What the hell is he doing?” Solarea said with alarm. She had been worried about Sirius ever since he escaped Azkaban. She had tried to find out where he was for months.

“Maybe he is looking for something, or trying to see Remus.” Harry suggested.

“He wouldn't risk being caught just to see Remus,” Solarea mused. “But you are right; he is looking for something, or someone.”

“He wouldn't have gotten the Daily Prophet would he?” Harry asked.

“I doubt it. I'll need to do some research though.”

“Research on what?” Harry asked.

“Azkaban activities. To try to piece together who visited Azkaban, and what was going on at the time.” Solarea replied to him.

“What if he's crazy?” Solarea gave him a look, “I mean with the Dementors there and all.”

“Last time I saw Sirius, I told him that the walls of Azkaban do not hold innocent men. With that and the fact that he's an Animagus, I believe he's had a fair chance of staying sane.”

With research Solarea found out that Minister Fudge had recently expected Azkaban. She also came across an interesting Daily Prophet article about the Weasley's winning a contest. The days matched when the article came out and the Minister went to Azkaban, so it was only logic that the picture with Peter Pettigrew would have been enough for Sirius to escape and seek out the rat.


“How would you like a trip to Hogsmeade Harry?” Solarea asked him one morning.

“Why, what for?” Harry looked up from his homework.

“I just thought it would be nice. Maybe perhaps you can finally meet Remus.” She said.

“I guess that would be nice.” Harry simply said.

“Then go get ready, I would like to leave soon.”

They arrived at The Three Broomsticks that mourning, via floo powder, and it seem to be a busy morning. It was a Hogsmeade weekend at Hogwarts.

Some Professors were sitting together at a table while the students were scattered about. Remus immediately stood up upon seeing Solarea. Not being seen in thirteen years can do that.


“Hello Remus, Professors,” she greeted him and the others.

“You haven't aged a day.”

A snort was heard from behind Solarea.

“Are you going to hide behind my coat-tails all day or are you going to greet the Professors.”

“I don't hide,” Harry quickly stepped into view to defend himself.

“Then what pray tell was so funny?”

“It's just you could make a fortune if you got a galleon every time someone told you that you haven't aged a day.”

“You all know of Harry.” Solarea said, “Harry this is Professors McGonagall and Flitwick, and of course Hagrid.”

“Good afternoon Mister Potter,” McGonagall greeted.

“Afternoon Professor.” Harry replied. Solarea could see Harry's unease, he wanted out. Solarea handed him a pouch full of coin.

“Don't spend it all in one place.” She told him. Harry smiled and headed for the door.

“I won't Aunt Sol.”

“It's rather dangerous from you to bring him here.” Remus attempted to scold her.

“Dangerous? How so?” Solarea said innocently.

“I know you know that Sirius is near here, or you wouldn't have come.”

“Well, hopefully coming here will get Harry to go to Hogwarts next year.” Solarea said.

“If you don't mind me asking,” Professor McGonagall spoke up, “Why is it that he didn't want to come.”

“Two reasons I believe, one of them being my fault. You have a student by the name of Hermione Granger do you not. She and Harry went to the same Muggle School. Though, neither of them knows that they both are Wizards. He didn't want to go because that would mean leaving her behind. But then she was the one that went away.” Solarea explained.

“And the other reason?” Remus asked.

“Albus. I have a problem of not masking my feelings of dislike for a person. I think Harry feels he would be betraying me somehow if he went to Hogwarts.”

“So you think finding out that Miss Granger attends school here he will want to as well.”

“Never underestimate the power of friendship. I would not be surprised if he came up to me and said he wants to go here next year.” Solarea said. “Well if you excuse me Professors, I have some errands to make.” And she bid them good-bye.

Solarea waited outside the door, she knew Remus would follow her, just as he knew she was going to see Sirius.

“I remember the last time I saw Peter.” Solarea said as Remus came rushing out in a mad attempt to see which way she would travel.

“He did not deserve to die they way he did.” Remus said to Solarea.

“You see that is where our opinions differ. They last time I saw Peter, I wanted to kill him myself. You see, I don't think Peter knew that Lily and James would die when he told the Dark Lord where they were. As far as Peter was concerned, Voldemort was only after Harry.”

“Sirius was the secret Keeper.” Remus said.

“Sirius was the obvious choice for Secret Keeper, Sirius knew that and convinced James to have Peter made Secret Keeper.”

“If that was the case they would have told me.” Remus stated.

“Tell you? What with the Callings? I'm sorry to say this, but not even I trusted you with important information.” Solarea said. “Peter is still alive though.”

“If he is alive, then where is he, why haven't we heard anything from him?”

“He betrayed the Order and the Death Eaters want his head on a platter for sending the Dark Lord to his doom.”

It was then that Remus realized that he had been wrong about Sirius. “Peter is somewhere in Hogwarts isn't he.”

“I believe so, but for now I have to convince Sirius not to go and make his imprisonment justified.” Solarea said, “Want to come?”


Harry walked around the streets looking at all the stores. It was one of the few times Aunt Sol let him go out on his own. It was one of the only times he could go into the Quidditch shop without Aunt Sol rolling her eyes at him. She had gotten him a Nimbus 2000 for his eleventh birthday, but he only got to ride it when the two of them traveled. He was now eyeing the newest model, The Firebolt, through the shops window. After looking in a couple more shops he saw Aunt Sol and Remus walking towards the end the road. He decided to follow.

Maybe he could find out the real reason for coming to Hogsmeade today. But he lost sight if where they went. He saw an old, crooked shack off in the distance.


Harry spun around to find a familiar face. “Hermione?”

“What are you doing here?” She asked shocked to find him here of all places.

“Well I guess Hogwarts is the `special' school you got accepted to.” Harry said.

“Yes, I mean… you're a wizard?”

“Ah, yeah.” Harry said.

“So I take it you've last name isn't…”

“No, it's really Potter.” Harry replied.

“I don't know why I hadn't seen it before; I mean I've read about you in books.” Hermione said.

“Well at least you knew me before you really knew who I am.” Harry said, “I don't think I'll get that luxury with many wizards.”

“So how come you didn't go to Hogwarts?” Hermione asked.

“Well, I wanted to travel; my Aunt does that a lot. But I think I'll be going next year, for fourth year.” Harry replied.

“Can you do that?”

“Well Dumbledore sends me a letter every year hoping I would come. So what are you doing out here alone?” Harry asked.

“I was just getting some air…”

“Is that what you call it? If I had it my way all Mudblood would have to hold their breath.” Three people came walking up to them.

“Haven't you had enough Malfoy? Or was the first time I slapped you not hard enough.” Hermione replied.

“I'll get you back for that Mudblood.”

“Call her that again and you'll be sorry,” Harry warned Malfoy. Aunt Sol told him of the Malfoys, being evil bastards was in their blood.

“How'd you wind up with a personal bodyguard Granger? Could you even afford one?” Malfoy taunted.

“Let's just go Harry,” Hermione quietly pleaded with him.

“He shouldn't talk to you like that.” Harry said as they walked away from Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

“He's a Malfoy and a pureblood snob.”

Harry laughed, “Sorry, that's just something my Aunt would say.”

“Where is she anyway?”

“I don't know, I was off on my own when I saw her, I try to follow her but lost track. But don't worry when she wants to find me she will.” Harry assured her.


“Are you sure he's here?” Remus asked her as they quietly entered the Shrieking Shack.

“I can feel his presence.” Solarea replied. “Wait here.” She told him as she climbed the stairs. She felt the shack sway as she did. Every time she was in that house she felt it would tumble on top of her. She entered the bedroom, following Sirius's magical trail.

Suddenly she was grabbed, whirled around and slammed against the wall. His arm was across her chest keeping her there until he realized who she was.

“Sorry,” Sirius said stepping back.

“It's alright; you just caught me off guard.” Solarea said.

“I guess I won't insult your intelligence by telling you why I'm here. That Wormtail has got to pay for what he's done.” Sirius said to her. Solarea examined him, and noted that she needed to get a few good meals into him.

“Yeah, about that…” Solarea started as she landed her fist across his face.

“What the bloody hell?!?” Sirius yelled as pressed his hands against his nose.

“I'm sorry, but you're being a stupid idiot at the moment. Yes we know where that rat is but I am not going to stand by while you land yourself back in Azkaban,” Solarea yelled right back at him. “It says a lot about your priorities. Azkaban or not. I've been waiting for months for you to come find me. And then I find out that you came here!”

“Do you have any idea what it's like in Azkaban, with the Dementors?”

“If you want someone to blame for that blame me. I left you there knowing full well you were innocent. I should have been there when Lily and James went into hiding, then I would have been their Secret Keeper. Then Voldemort would never have found them.

“What's happened in the past is just that, in the past. You are out of Azkaban now and we know where Peter is. He's not going anywhere. Now Harry wants to know you, I've told him so much about you. And quite frankly I want you back. I want to know every day that you are safe.” By now Solarea was crying.

“I could have turned my back on everything,” she continued, “I could have just started over again, but I stayed even when things got bad. Please come home with me and Harry, you'll be safe. No more running.”


“Where were you?” Harry asked.

“Out and about, here and there.” Solarea replied as she met up with him.

“I looked everywhere.”

“Well, you must have not looked everywhere or you would have found us.” Remus said.

“Great now I'm outnumbered.” Harry muttered.

“More than you think.” Solarea told him.

“What's that suppose to mean?” Harry asked.

“You'll see when we get home. Remus is coming for dinner tonight.”

“I've decided to go to Hogwarts next year,” Harry said, “if that's ok with you of course.”

Harry was avoiding eye contact so it was easy for Solarea to give Remus the `I-told-you-so' look.

“Perfect timing.” Was all Solarea said.

“What do you mean?” Harry looked at her.

“I'll be going away for a while soon.”

“Without me?” Harry looked hurt.

“To a place where I can't take you.”

“Can't or won't” Harry snapped. Solarea gave him a stern look and Harry said nothing more.

As they arrived home with Remus, Harry headed straight up the stair to his room soon following was the sound of a door slamming.

“Love what you've done with the place.” Sirius said as he came from the kitchen, “Hardly recognized it.”

“Yes well I had to get rid of that dreadful picture of your mother. That defiantly brightened the place up. Then there was all those elf heads on the wall. It just didn't work with the décor.” Solarea said.

“Where's Harry?”

“It kind of slipped that I was planning a trip when he goes to Hogwarts.” Solarea said. “So he's upstairs in his room”

“Doesn't he know?”

“Yes he does which is why I am surprised at his reaction. He'll come down on his own.” Solarea said. “Now you two to do what ever it is you always do while I am doing the cooking.”


Solarea left that summer, about a week before Harry was to start the new school year. She never told Sirius or Harry where she was going other than it was no where on this earth.

Harry's first years at Hogwarts was quite eventful. It seemed that Hogwarts was to play host to the Triwizard Tournament. Remus had resigned his position as Defense teacher, someone had it slipped that he was a werewolf.

Harry became friends with some of Hermione's friends, Ron Weasley being one of them. Hermione and Ron's friendship was a bit rocky when Harry first came. It seemed that Ron blamed Hermione and her cat for his rat's disappearance. But it soon went away with the dangers to come.

Harry was some how nominated to compete in the tournament and during the third task was portkeyed to a cemetery where the Dark Lord Voldemort was reborn.

Harry's Aunt still had yet to return and Sirius had offered their home to play HQ to the Order of the Phoenix since the house was already hidden.

Harry's 5th year was absolutely horrible. No one but the OotP believed the Voldemort was back. His defense teacher seriously lacked in any defense skills. And also had to endure another year with an awful Potions Professor.

Harry finally got to use his Firebolt he had received the previous Christmas from Sirius, as he was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team as seeker.

6th year lead to yet another defense teacher as the one before resigned due to emotional distress from a centaur incident. But this time the dreaded Potions Professor became the dreaded Defense Professor. The new Potions professor was ok, but Harry didn't like him very much.

Harry didn't know why Aunt Sol didn't like Professor Dumbledore. He was such a fun person to be around, but could also get serious when he needed to. He was one of the most powerful wizards.

Now, Voldemort was making himself known. He was killing people and destroying things in his path. The finale battle is on its way, everyone can feel it. And Harry knows, he's the only one to stop it.


2. Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“How are the centaurs tonight?”

Albus sure had a way with sneaking up on people.

“They are very agitated. The signs in the night sky do not look good.” Solarea replied moving further away from the Forbidden forest joining the Headmaster on the path.

“I have often wondered how, when sometimes you return from some of the vilest places, you seemed to remain well polished in appearance.”

It was true, no matter where she went, even the most filthiest slum, she always looked like a well polished socialite, wearing an attire to make her seem like snobbish pureblood on first appearance. In fact that was the way she acted until she felt more comfortable with the people around her.

“They don't call it magic for nothing; I do have a reputation to uphold.”

“Even if no one knows who you are?” Albus asked.

“Even if,” Solarea said with a smile, “You are fascinated with muggle candy, I always try to look my best. We all have our little quarks.”

“Have you just returned?” Albus asked.

“No” Solarea replied, “I've been back a little more than a week.”

“And you have not returned home?”

“I've been gone for three years and I'm always on a need to know basis.” Solarea said, “A lot has happened.”

“Yes, a lot has happened.” Albus echoed. Solarea eyed him carefully.

“Was there something you wanted?” Solarea asked.

“I want to offer you a job…”


It was late in the night when she arrived home. Almost everyone was asleep. As she went into the study to put some books that she had brought with her away, she viewed the dark man. Severus Snape was deep into his own book. Solarea's presence did not escape the Potions Master, but neither of them said a word.

As she put some books away in her privet cabinet Solarea sensed something, something dark coming from the man reading. It was the Dark Mark she sensed. She locked and warded her book collections and walked out the door. This man may have Albus Dumbledore's trust, but it would be a long while before Solarea can determine where his loyalties truly lie.

She stopped by the kitchen next. No one would suspect she would keep her weapons stored in the pantry. She grabbed a hold of the doorknob, but instead of opening it she magically changed the doorknobs position to the side where the door's hinges where located. The hinged dissolved and appeared on the other side, and then the door opened. Instead of finding food and the like, the walls were lined with all sorts of weapons. Swords, bows, arrows, staffs, even some muggle weapons. Despite her appearance she was not one to be messed with.

Solarea stopped by Harry's room before going to hers. She remembered when Harry was little she use to go in his room to check on him every night before going to sleep herself. Now he was grown up, coming of age in just a few short days. She was careful not to wake Harry's roommate, the youngest Weasley boy she noted, though it seemed that he could sleep though anything.

She passed other doors on the way to her room sensing the people within them. One door she passed she sensed something, a thirst for knowledge amongst other things. This girl was very special to Harry, perhaps more then Harry realized. Perhaps some special training was in order for this girl, Hermione, as well. She had taught Harry many things, but now that he was older Solarea could help him venture into some more powerful magicks.

Finally she reached her room. It wasn't just her room she noted as she studied the state of the bedroom, in just three years Sirius had made it his as well. Some of her things had remained untouched. She smiled as she viewed him sleeping in the bed, mostly because she knew he would be a free man very soon. Solarea quietly placed her last pack on the floor, and with a snap of her fingers she changed into her sleeping attire.

“You're late,” she heard a sleepy voice, Solarea looked towards the bed, “You said you would be back a week ago.”

“I arrived exactly when I said I would, mo mhúirnín¹.” Solarea replied as she climbed into bed.

“Then where have you been for the last week?” Sirius asked as he put one arm around her allowing them to snuggle close together.

“I've been gone for three years, a lot has happened. I needed to know what.” Solarea simply said.

“I could have told you.” Sirius said.

“Yes, but then I would need to go and see for myself.” Solarea said, “I would have been teasing you, coming back and leaving again.”

“Harry's been though a lot. He's been wishing you were here. He looks for you guidance.”

“He has done well without me.” Solarea replied.

“He feels you will be disappointed with him.” Sirius said.

“Whatever for?” Solarea asked shifting her position to look at him.

“He blames himself for everything You-Know-Who is doing.”

“What have I told you about his name?” Solarea scolded him.

“I know, I know, it's easy to do it when everyone else does it, and when some one does say it there is a lot of flinching.”

“You could always call him by the name on his birth certificate,” Solarea said, “Calling him Tom Riddle is more likely to get you killed than saying Voldemort.”

“I guess it's like that Beetlejuice character.” They both laughed. They talked very little after that, before going to sleep.


“Harry, who has access to this cabinet?” Hermione asked. She, Harry, Ron and Remus were in the study they next morning after breakfast.

“Why do you ask?” Harry asked in return.

“There are new wards up, there different than yesterday.” Hermione explained.

“Well that explains it.” Remus said flipping a page of the Daily Prophet.

“Explains what?” Harry asked.

“Why Sirius hasn't come down at the smell of food.” Remus answered.

“So Aunt Sol has come back.” Harry said with excitement and a hint of dread.

“It would seem so.” Remus said, “Though I wouldn't expect to see them at all today.”

“Why not?” Ron asked.

“Aunt Sol and Sirius haven't seen each other in three years,” Harry said, “They'll probably be shagging like bunnies all day.”

“That's not nice,” Hermione scolded.

“Indeed,” Remus agreed.

“My ears are ringing,” Solarea said as she and Sirius walked through the door, “someone must be talking about us.”

The room was in an awkward silence. “Well, are you going to sit there all day or can I get a hug?” Solarea asked. All of Harry's fears melted away upon seeing her. “Look at you, you're as tall as me, perhaps even a bit taller, when did that happen?”

“I'm glad you're back Aunt Sol.” Harry said, “I feel a lot safer knowing you're around.”

Solarea could practically see the wheels turning in Hermione's head, “Is something on your mind Hermione?”

“Well, it just, the last time I saw you it was before I went to Hogwarts and…” Hermione didn't know how to continue.

“I look exactly the same?” Hermione nodded.

“I was wondering something of the like,” Ron said, “I mean, Harry said you raised him since his parents died, but you don't look a day older than my brother Bill.”

Solarea smiled, and then turned to close the door and put up a silencing charm around the room.

“What I'm about to tell you must never leave this room, you must never revel this to anyone, for it is my secret alone to tell.” Solarea paused for a moment to let the importance sink in.

“I am Immortal.” Solarea said, “But not like the Dark Ones or other immortal being of the like, I am a True Immortal. I cannot die from old age or sickness, nor can I die from mortal wounds.”

“'Sol' is short for `Solarea' isn't it?” Hermione asked. “You're the Everlasting Daystar.”

“Yes, I am.” Solarea replied.

“So how old are you?” Ron asked. “Were you here when there were dinosaurs?”

Solarea let out a small laugh, “I have been around for so long, I've learned not to keep track. And I'm not originally from this dimension. So I was elsewhere when dinosaurs roamed the earth. I have spent much time here though.”

“Who else knows about you?” Hermione asked.

“Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and some other Professors at Hogwarts, but not all. But that is soon to change with me being here now. There are some people in the Order that I don't trust just yet.” Solarea explained.

“It's Snape isn't it?” Remus guessed. Solarea nodded.

“He bears the Dark Mark. Even if Albus trusts, I cannot do so, so blindly.” Solarea said, “I want you three to be careful around him.”

“We will Aunt Sol, we always are. I've always had a bad feeling around him.” Harry said.

“Anyway, while he's here I'm going to have a little fun.” Solarea started, “Has Albus been by this morning?”

“Yes, he had to speak with Snape.” Remus said.

“Well, Snape is going to be a nasty person to be around.”

“When isn't he?” Ron said.

“His position of Defense Professor was temporary last year, as Professor Dumbledore could not find anyone to fill it, and he certainly didn't want any Ministry Officials.” Solarea said, “But this year Professor Dumbledore has asked me to take the Defense position.”

“You're going to be our DADA teacher.” Ron said, “That's bloody brilliant.”

“So Snape is going back to teaching Potions.” Harry said.

“That's Professor Snape Harry,” Solarea told him, “And yes he will.”

“He won't like that.”

“Indeed, especially when on first appearance, I am younger than him and couldn't possibly be more qualified than him.” Solarea said.

“And what will really tip him off,” Sirius said as he grabbed Solarea by the waist from behind, “Is that I am the one who managed to snag you, escaped convicted murder and all.”

“Well I think we'll have to settle with falsely accused and imprisoned innocent man.” Solarea said with a smirk.

“Well we can't exactly prove that can we?” Sirius said.

“I think I can manage to get a confession out of someone. Besides it is illegal to practice Necromancy.” Solarea said still smiling.

“And where is that sneaky little rat?” Sirius asked.

The air around Solarea started to change color, like a silver mist, before she snapped her fingers and a small ball of light appeared. As the light disappeared they saw it was a glass ball. Inside was a rat with a silver paw.

“He can't get out or transform.” Solarea explained. “He isn't going anywhere.”

“Where did you find him?” Remus asked him.

“Apparently Wormtail has been Snape's charge.” Solarea said, “So he was where Snape has been going, Spinner's End.”

“And if Wormtail went missing or was caught Voldemort would suspect Professor Snape, his cover could have been blown.” Hermione speculated.

“That is, if Voldemort is the suspicious type.” Solarea said, “I'm sure the Potion's Master can come up with some excuse.”


Sirius went upstairs to get ready. Solarea was getting Harry's party ready early because there was also a hearing that afternoon. Solarea had been working around the clock for the past couple days to get Sirius's name cleared without a hitch.

After getting cleaned up Sirius found Solarea in the study.

“What are you doing?” Sirius asked.

“Something that I've never done before.” Solarea replied as she sealed a scroll she was writing, “I going to take on three apprentices.”

“And what will you be teaching them?”

“They are to be Mages.” Solarea replied.

“But that's impossible, they were born wizards.” Sirius said.

“True, but I have reason to believe that Harry, Hermione and Ron are `The Three'.” Solarea explained, “It was foreseen by a friend of mine, Cassandra, that the Wizarding world would see to the rise of three very powerful mages and that I would teach them. They would be something more than that which they were born to be.”

“So what do you mean this is something you have never done before?” Sirius asked.

“I've trained Wizards, I've trained Mages, but never has anyone trained a Wizard to be a Mage.” Solarea explained, “But it will be done. We better get going or we will be late.”

“I'm scared that if I show up they will simply ambush me, lock me up again and throw away the key.” Sirius admitted.

“That will never happen.” Solarea reassured him, “Not as long as I am there with you. In fact I dare them to try.”

There was a knock at the door and The Three came in.

“Kingsley and Tonks are waiting.” Hermione told them.

“Thank you Hermione.” Solarea said. “You go on ahead; I have to go see Scrimgeour”

“Why do you have to do that?” Harry asked.

“I'm going to make sure that they won't attempt to pull the wool over our eyes.” Solarea explained. And with that she left.

“Well I guess we should get this over with.” Sirius said.


“You can't simply clear his name,” Cornelius Fudge was saying to Rufus Scrimgeour. “He is an escaped convict; you have to think of the public in this matter.”

“Do you not think the public should know the truth, that he is innocent? We have a full confession from Peter Pettigrew.” Scrimgeour explained.

“If that is ever Peter Pettigrew, these things can be faked.” Fudge said. “This hasn't gone public yet and it will create a bad image for the Ministry, putting an innocent man in jail, without a trial. It would be best to just be done with him, and this Peter Pettigrew look alike.”

“I suppose you do have a point,” Scrimgeour said, “What about the person who brought Pettigrew in?”

“For all we know it could have been Black in disguise.” Fudge said.

“PUT SOME TEA ON WIZARD!” they both jumped as a portrait in the office yelled at the top of their lungs.

“Just what we need.” Fudge muttered.

“I never noticed that portrait before?” Scrimgeour said.

“It's the Mages portrait, it lets us now when we are about to be visited by someone important, most of the time it's a council representative.” Fudge explained.

“Mages?” Scrimgeour exclaimed, “They exist?”

“Yes and they are a higher power then Wizards, we answer to them,” Fudge explained, “Call for some tea quickly.”

“Why wasn't I told of this before?” Scrimgeour asked as he called for tea.

“No one from the council has sent anyone in sixteen years.” Fudge said. “I barely heard of them in passing.”

Suddenly they heard something from outside, they listened from outside.

“Miss, you can't go in there,” It was Percy Weasley; “The Minister is in a meeting.”

“I can assure you Mister Weasley; the current and former Ministers are expecting me.”

“They sent a girl?” Scrimgeour said a little surprised. He opened the door, “It's alright Percy.”

Percy seemed a little surprised at the `girl's' admittance.

“I'm afraid you've caught us at a bad time miss…?” Scrimgeour said.

“That's alright, I won't to take much of your time” Solarea explained, “And it's Solarea.”

“What is it we can do for you?” Fudge asked.

“So glad you asked.”

“How so?”

“I am aware if the Sirius Black situation,” Solarea continued, “I wanted to make sure today's proceeding will go quickly and smoothly.”

“I can assure you that it is exactly what we plan to do.” Scrimgeour said.

“Good,” Solarea said her expression unchanging, “What do you plan to do for damage control?”


“This is going to have a major impact on the ministry,” Solarea went on, “The public will want someone to blame for sending an innocent man to jail other than Peter Pettigrew.”

There was an awkward pause, Solarea had already known what they were planning to do, but with her presence there they dared not say they would.

“Oh, I see now,” Solarea said showing her disappointment, “Somehow I thought Wizards were better than this.”

“We were only doing what we thought best for everyone.” Fudge said desperately.

“Does it not tug at your conscious that Sirius is an innocent man, that his life has been wasted because of this whole ordeal?” Solarea asked them. “Not to mention the fact that he never received a trial.”

Both men said nothing at this, Solarea continued on, “Sirius Black is under my personal protection, he will be cleared of all charges. And it will be publicly known that Peter Pettigrew aided in the murder of Lily and James Potter, faked his own death along with killing muggles, and resurrected the Dark Lord Voldemort. If either one of you has a problem with that, you can take in up with the Council of Mages.”


3. Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Did you see their faces?” Harry said as they finally came home that evening.

“I swear, I'm starting to lose my touch,” Solarea commented, “I never had to have somewhat followed through with a threat.”

“Well it happens, history turns to legend, and legends turn to myth. And unfortunately the `Everlasting Daystar' to most people is nothing more than a myth.” Remus said.

“I have to admit,” Solarea said, “Things have changes greatly over recent years.”

“I'm sure with the war with Voldemort; people will know who you are for sure, kicking evil butt and everything.” Sirius told her.

“Except for when a certain person is destined to kick said evil butt.” Harry said.

“Doesn't mean I can't help.” Solarea said, “Why don't we get something to eat from the kitchen.”

As they headed for the kitchen, Harry noticed a blast of green came from behind him and hitting the kitchen door ahead of them.

“What was that?” Harry asked as he stopped and looked at his godparents.

“What was what?” Sirius asked.

“That green light.”

“What green light?” Solarea asked.

“Oh never mind, you guys are doing it again.” Harry told them.

“Doing what?” Sirius asked defensively.

“That thing where you don't know what I am talking about, but you really know and you act as if nothing is going on.” Harry said as he was practically forces into the kitchen.

“You noticed that, did you?” Solarea said in the same non emotional tone.

“A blind person could…” Harry started but never finish for he was like a deer caught in the headlights as everyone calling out “Surprise” at Harry and “Congratulations” at Sirius.

“So that's what the green light was for?” Sirius asked.

“Green light meant everything's fine, red light meant that you're mortally screwed and I had to smuggle you out of the Ministry somehow,” Solarea explained.

“Naturally,” Sirius replied.


“So what happened?” Hermione asked eagerly.

“Well it started off with the Aurors arresting Sirius, because he escaped from prison, then the Scrimgeour tried to take him away to be dealt with in a more `secure' place. But then Aunt Sol put her foot down at that. Scrimgeour then received an official letter from the Council of Mages. Long story short, Sirius has been cleared and Scrimgeour is officially scared of Aunt Sol.” Harry explained.

“It must have been bloody brilliant; I wish I could have been there.” Ron said.

“Having Aunt Sol back makes me think that there is nothing that can stop Voldemort from being defeated.” Harry said.

“I wonder what Defense lessons with her are going to be like.” Hermione wondered.

“Hard,” Harry answered, “If its anything like I had with her, those not physically fit will defiantly be hurting.”

“Why would we have to been fit?” Hermione asked.

“Look at it like this, what would you do if you were disarmed? Instead of being defenseless, we would have a better chance if we learned to defend ourselves without magic.” Harry said.

“A challenge for you Hermione,” Ron said, “Not something you can learn out of a book.”

“Oh says he who trips over his own feet,” Hermione snapped back.


“Just be thankful you're not me, she'll go extra hard on me.” Harry said.

“Don't want to give the impression that your teachers pet or anything.” Ron said.

“Plus I think Sirius is coming as well,” Harry said, “They have been apart from each other for so long.”

“Well the last three years were her doing though.” Hermione said.

“Aunt Solarea has certain duties and obligations that she has had to neglect in order to honor a promise made to my parents.” Harry said. “There are certain places that she won't or can't take me.”

“But they are certainly an odd couple those two.” Ron pointed out.

“Sirius is a Marauder, and Aunt Sol is, well she bit like royalty, I mean a regal kind of person…” Harry tried to say.

“It's a bit like the purest of purebloods dating a muggle.” Hermione said.

“Exactly,” Harry said, “But they really love each other, that's all that really matters.


“Are you going to tell them tonight?” Sirius asked. Harry was opening presents as they finished their cake.

“No, I don't think I'll tell them at all.” Solarea replied. Sirius just looked as her. “Nothing will happen right away. They may notice something, but I'll just train them. If I tell them they might doubt themselves. They'll find out when the time is right.”

“Well you know what you're doing,” Sirius said, “It just sounds like something Dumbledore would do.”

“Where do you think he picked it up from,” Solarea smiled, “It irritates me to no end.”

Harry, Ron and Hermione then came up to the couple.

“Are you having fun Harry?” Sirius asked.

“Loads!” Harry replied happily, “But we were just wondering, out of curiosity, how did the two of you meet?”

“Oh this is going to be interesting,” Solarea said and looked to Sirius, “Will you do the honors?”


“Well, well, well, I see you're finally awake.” Said a girl's voice.

Sirius felt groggy, he tried to remember where he was. The light was blinding as he tried to open his eyes.

“James?” Sirius called out.

“Don't worry about your friend; he hasn't been harmed anymore than you have.” The girl must have been no more than eight years old. His surroundings where that of a camp, or rather a camp like village.

“Persephone, he's awake!!” the girl said rather loudly. Sirius figured he must have been drugged, because his head hurt like hell. Sirius looked around the village, which he did notice the only occupants where girls and women. He tried to move but his back was to a large wood pole and his hands were tied behind it. He struggled against his restraints.

It all came back to him. He and James were tracking a Death Eater and judging from where he was they traveled a little to close to an Amazon tribe.

“Where's James?” Sirius asked when he could not see him. The girl giggled and ran to one of the bigger huts. An older girl, maybe twenty, came out at that time. She came up to where Sirius was tied up.

“Who are you?” the girl asked.

“You first.” Sirius said.

“My name is Persephone,” the girl answered, “Who are you?”

“Sirius Black,” Sirius replied.

“Do you know where you are?” Persephone asked.

“Not exactly, where is James?”

“Your friend was unfortunate and received a bump on the head when he fell. He isn't awake yet.” Persephone said, “He's in one of the huts being treated for his injury.”

“We were tracking someone,” Sirius said to Persephone, “Did you capture him too?”

Persephone thought for a moment, “The only ones we captured where the people who suck at stealth, I mean seriously, you took no care at all. If you were tracking someone, they must have known and fled before we came upon you. The only question left is what do we do with you now?”

“Do?” Sirius managed to squeak. The conversation had been going smoothly. He learned about Amazon tribes during his sixth year at school. He had spoken nothing but truth, doing nothing to piss them off and get killed.

“You caught us on a good day,” Persephone explained, “Normally we kill trespassers on sight.”

Sirius gulped.

“Persephone!” An older girl, Solarea, called out to her. Persephone turned around and upon seeing her abruptly walked away from Sirius and stayed clear of Solarea.

“Solarea!” the little girl ran from the hut and into her arms. Both Solarea and the little girl walked over to Sirius. Solarea seemed out of place for she did not dress like the others.

Solarea looked to the girl, “Tell me Tavion, what is your judgment? What is to be dome with Mr. Black and his friend?”

Tavion looked shocked to be asked this question, “That is for Persephone to decide.” Tavion replied.

“But I'm asking you.” Solarea told her.

Tavion thought for a moment and looked towards Sirius. Sirius remained silent.

“His words are true; they just didn't realize where they were. They won't come back.” Tavion seemed hesitant.

“What is it?” Solarea asked.

Tavion giggles, “You'll find out sooner or later.” Was all she said before leaving. Solarea eyed her for a few seconds before turning to Sirius.

“Tavion has a gift.” Solarea told him and took a dagger from the sheath attached to her left arm. Sirius unconsciously flinched as she moved closer with it. “For your restraints,” she merely explained, and she cut the ropes that bound his hands. Once released, Sirius brought them forward and rubbed his wrists. “She has a sense of judgment with people, whether they are telling the truth among other things. I wonder what she knows.

“Come with me,” Solarea commanded, “We will see to your friend.”

Solarea helped Sirius up and moved to the hut. Inside, James was lying on a cot, still knocked out. Solarea moved beside James with one of her hands hovering over James' head injury.

“No concussion, he'll be alright.” Solarea then moved towards a table, she was putting different ingredients in a cup and stirred it around. She then handed it to Sirius as well as his and James' wands.

“For your headache,” she told him, “The person you were tracking is dead.”

“We were hoping to question him,” Sirius said as he sipped his concoction.

“Well, I thought you might not have a voice,” she teased, “His Master had sent him to seek out the God's Cavern,” Solarea explained to him.

“I've never heard of it. What is it?” Sirius asked.

“Once you and your friend return home you will not remember where this place is. You will not be allowed to return. Like Persephone said, normally they kill trespassers on sight.” Was her answer.

“'They'? I thought you were one of them.” Sirius had caught that one.

Solarea smiled, “You can tell Dumbledore that no one will ever find the God's Cavern. So there will be no reason to try and guard it.” And with that she left.


“That's it?” Harry said.

“Well I hope you weren't expecting a fairytale love story.” Solarea replied.

“So what is the God's Cavern anyway?” Sirius asked.

“Nice try,” Solarea said, “the best way to keep a secret is not to tell anyone, not even those you trust the most.”

“But Voldemort must have an idea,” Hermione said, “I mean he sent someone to find it didn't he.”

“Voldemort doesn't have the power to get into the cavern, no one does.” Solarea said.

“So then if no one can get in, why do you kill anyone who tries?” Sirius asked.

“This is not something I wish to discuss,” Solarea said raising her voice a little, “So please, back off.”

“All right, we'll change the subject,” Sirius said, “You can't blame me for being curious.”

“Well you know what they say about curiosity.” Solarea said.

The party ended, people went on their way and some went to bed. Solarea knocked on Hermione's door, knowing she was still awake. She opened the door; Hermione was reading a book in the chair by the window. Hermione saw her and closed the book.

“I don't wish to bother you long,” Solarea said, “I just thought you might appreciate this more then the boys.”

It was a thick tome, dark and leather bound, and bore no name.

“What is it?” Hermione asked.

“Call it a history book of sorts, my history. I have a smaller book that I put my thoughts into, it them finds its way here. It's all translated so you'll be able to read it.” Solarea explained.

“You're giving me you journal to read?” Hermione was astounded.

“With a few conditions.” Solarea stated, “There are many years worth of entries, it would take years to read them all. So no staying in you room reading for hours and hours. And if you should have any questions about anything, do not hesitate to ask.”

“I won't, I promise.” Hermione said with the biggest smile on her face.

“I am trusting you with this,” Solarea said and walked out the door closing it behind her.

Hermione waited a few minutes before opening the journal.

I've come to realize that I hate my family. I know one should love their blood kin no matter what, and often times I have wondered if we are connected by blood at all. But now I cannot deny it. I have sworn to myself that I will never return home. I know it seems drastic for how can anyone willingly stay away from such a beautiful place. I've only just began my journey, away from the safe comforts from all I have known, and nothing so far compares from what was once my home.

I cannot hate my father however, for I am most like him, or so my mother tells me. He died long ago, mother killed him. That's was Vinarin tells me.

But that part of my life is over, I will no longer take their words to heart. I can only trust them to tell lies.

I have to admit, this book helps to lift the burden from my heart, I've had a tiring time as of late. Perhaps I should start from the beginning, to keep my mind from dwelling from what has recently transpired.

My mother was gone a lot through out my childhood, though my father loved her and spoke wonders about her. Both my mother and brother were out in other worlds. My Father could not travel and I now know he was a prisoner. He was an ordinary person with no power to speak of. It is because my father raised me that I am who I am today. Something I believe my mother has come to regret.

I grew up not knowing of my abilities and when I was seventeen my father convinced me to go out beyond the boundaries of my home, he had taught me everything I needed to know.

They were simple people, but then I was a simple person myself. I assimilated myself into the first community I came to. I worked as a barmaid at the local tavern, mostly because I was fascinated with the people, I had only been around my father and occasionally my mother and brother. I observed the people and in turn the people observed me for I was a stranger and a woman all alone. It continued that way for six years, until one day someone new came to town. He was…incredible; I had only seen magic a few times in my life before, from both my mother and brother, so this man was a reminder of something familiar.

I was drawn to him, but then so was every girl in the town, unspoken for or not. Torik was a man of power, and most fathers wanted their daughters to marry men of power.

Torik had a traveling show, he used his magic for entertainment. It was his first show that I first saw him. He made things appear and disappear, made things move without aid save for magic. He even turned fire into ice. The next say, while I was working he came in about midday. He was greeted by many of the regulars applauding him for the spectacular show the night before. Before ling he sat with some of the other men. Doing my job I went up to him and the others.

“Can I get you anything sir?” I asked. Torik saw me and looked somewhat odd at me. He quickly realized what he was doing and answered. “Just some ale for now.”

As I walked away I heard one of the men say “Pay no attention to the bar-wench Torik, there's more interesting girls elsewhere. My daughter for example…” I could hear no more as I continued to walk away. I was seething inside, for I had done nothing to deserve that title.

When I came back with Torik's drink I found him alone. I looked around the large vast table where everyone had once sat before giving Torik his ale.

“It seems the men had something more important to do.” Torik said and I smiled. I was about to walk away when he continued, “I apologize for Nickoli's forwardness.”

I was speechless, I hardly knew what to say, “It was not your fault, but thank you.”

“It was my actions that brought upon the comment.” He replied in turn. I nodded and walked away.

For the next week I never had the opportunity to talk with Torik, he never came in for drink or food and had only greeted each other in passing at the market. There had been other visitors before, but for some reason I could not keep my mind off of him.

Now, you have to understand that I lived in the attack of the tavern so most often than not I would be the last one working late at night after closing, as I was the night before Torik was to leave. I would put the chairs up and sweep the floor. I heard someone enter through the door and not liking my automatic response came out.

“We're closed for the night,”

“My apologize,” somehow I could know his voice anywhere. I turned and saw Torik stand at the door, “I leave tomorrow and I didn't know if we would see each other before I did.”

I didn't say anything. I could not explain my shyness, I had never behaved that way with anyone before.

“May I come in?” Torik asked and I nodded. He moved away from the door and I continued on with my work.

“What did you want to see me for?” I finally asked.

“I have been constantly confounded with you.” Torik admitted.

“What could possibly be confounding?” I asked.

“I travel to different placed and am often an observer of people,” Torik said, “You are different from the others.

“I have only been here for six years.” I told him.

“I've heard what the some people say about you.”

“Yes, it has been a rude awakening.” I said sharply. I surprised myself with my outburst. Torik smirked, for some reason his smirk made me melt inside.

“I am leaving tomorrow,” Torik said as he moved closer.

“Yes, you have mentioned that,” I reminded him.

“Come with me.” Torik said.

“Come with you?” I had not expected that.

“I am not a mere entertaining magician; I can sense your power.” Torik said.

“Power? What power?”

“How could you not know the power you possess?”

How could I indeed? My mother never told me anything and I had always thought because I was my father's daughter I was just like him. Torik convinced me into going with him and he taught me all he knew of magic. And we fell in love.

We had a nomadic lifestyle traveling from one place to another. We eventually married and after five years we decided to settle down. Torik and I found a small cottage at the edge of a village. My magic grew strong and I eventually found that I had no limits to what I could do. Torik would often tier if he use too much magic.

It alarmed us somewhat when religion was introduced to the village. The people suddenly had a fear for some god and magic was outlawed. Torik and I contemplated moving but we decided stay where we were and not use our magic in front of anyone. The forbidden use of magic seemed to spread from village to village.

It became stressful for us; we constantly had to hide our true nature and the stress of us trying to conceive. We wanted children but it just wouldn't happen, my fault of course, but I did not know that then.

I knew of some berry bushes near the lake that was close by, they were good for picking so I was doing just that. Out alone, by myself, a good ten minutes walk from the village.

“Hello Solarea,” I jumped at the voice. I spun around to find Vinarin standing not ten feet away.

“Where did you come from?” I asked, still in shock of his sudden appearance.

“I forget how naïve you are in magic.” He said.

“What do you want?” I hadn't seen my brother in years; he wouldn't come unless he wanted something.

“It is time for you to return home.” Vinarin said.

“I have a life Vinarin, I am married, and why would I want to go back.” I told him, “I am quite happy to grow old here with the one I love.

“Grow old.” He actually laughed at that, “I foresee you won't be doing much of anything with him after today.”

“Who are you to dictate what I should and should not do?” I yelled at him starting on my way back home.

“I am your brother Solarea.” Vinarin told her.

“Yes, brother,” I agreed, “but not father, you have no say.”

“I do if your father is dead.” That had gotten me to stop in my tracks. “Mother was angry at him, for letting you go before it was time.”

“Give me one good reason why I should go with you,” I wasn't a child anymore; I wasn't going to let him rule my life like he though he could.

“You have nothing left to stay for.” I turned and walked away again, “It is forbidden to use magic, punishable by death.”

As I heard the words my stomach turned, for I had a feeling I knew what was about to happen.

This was only one week ago.

I raced back to the village, a commotion was stirring. I stopped the first person I saw.

“What is happening?” I asked.

“I am sorry Solarea, but the law is the law, Torik is to be hung for using magic.”

I cried out and headed for the village square. The village officials and the priests were giving Torik some sorry excuse of a trial, the noose already prepared.

Torik saw me immediately and he never took his eyes off of me. I sent him a silent message telling him that he would be alright, he could get out of this and we could go somewhere else, get away from this village.

His grim expression told me that he was not going to fight. He saw something behind me but I did not take my eyes from him, I couldn't.

I prepared myself, if Torik was not going to fight, I would. But a hand rested on my shoulder preventing me from moving forward.

“Don't even think about it or you will end up in the noose along side him.” Vinarin told me.

Torik was allowed to make a final statement, I felt myself cry through the numbness that I already felt.

“I love this life with you Solarea, I love you with a love that is stronger than death and if sin is the price of binding us together, life after life across the ages, then I will sin joyfully and without regret, so that it brings me back to you.”

“It's time to come home now Solarea,” Vinarin said as Torik died. I felt hallow, but somehow Torik was still with me. He had done what he said, he bound his soul to mine. I let Vinarin take me home, I could do nothing to stop him.

I wanted to die, I still do. Upon arriving I fled to the highest tower and I fell from it. Vinarin pulled me up of the ground, but I was shocked beyond anything, I should have died but no harm was done.

“You need to shed yourself of the mortal things and come to know who you are.” He told me and led me back inside.

Mother was waiting for us, but I didn't not run to her as a child would, sobbing for someone to understand.

How do we proceed?” my mother asked Vinarin.

“She doesn't know anything. Tried to kill herself just now.” Vinarin told her.

“Well we can't have that.” My mother said with disappointment in her voice, “and the mortal?”

“Dead, though he did have a few interesting choice for final words.” I knew he was talking about Torik, I might be ignorant with a lot of things, but I'm not stupid.

“What could you have possible have said to persuade Torik to give up, to leave me behind?” I said quietly, but they heard.

“I told him if he resisted, I would kill you.”

“How could you?”

“I saved you from wasting the next 5o years.

“How could I be wasting my life?” I said with anger.

“My dear Solarea,” my mother said guiding me to a door. “It is time that you learn your true nature.” She opened the door; inside standing on a pedestal in the center of the room sat a book. My mother told me to go to the book and open it.

I opened it and I immediately sensed it's age, history and power. Knowledge seeped into me as the first page came into view. I dare not repeat what I saw within that book, but I now know who I am.

“Take your place beside us. Just imagine what the three of us can do together, the power over all we see before us.” My mother said, plotting in her head the terrors we would wrought.

“Over who lives and who dies?” I asked with bitterness and anger.

“Do not take your anger out on us sister,” Vinarin said to me, “You should have never gotten involved with mortals that way. They are beneath us.”

“It's all I have known and all that I have loved.” I pleaded.

“You are a God Solarea,” Mother snapped at me, “Star acting like it. We rule over everything, no one is above us. That idiot of a father has made you soft.”

By that time I had had enough of them talking down at me. I knew exactly who to blame. They made people worship them, they made magic forbidden, they ruined my life, they murdered my love.

The book had taught me everything I need to know and joining my family in the domination of anyone and anything was the last thing I want to do with the power I have.

I don't know if I can stop them or even if I have a chance against them. They had left me alone to think upon things, and I use that time to escape my childhood home.

What irony that I cannot even pray to the Gods for them not to find me.

Hermione closed the book, eyes red and bleary, and turn off her light and tried to go to sleep. A million more questions streaming through her head.


4. Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“How can you be so calm?” Sirius was at his ropes end with worry, “They shouldn't be out there without supervision!”

Solarea looked up from the book she was skimming though desperately trying to hold back a laugh, “They will be just fine love, and you needn't worry so much.”

“I'm not worried,” he quickly said, “I'm just concerned; they shouldn't be out there on some Death Eater's coat tails by themselves.”

Solarea couldn't hold back the laugh anymore; sometimes Sirius could be so thick. She loved haw she could get a rise out of him like this.

“What is so funny?”

“Think for just a moment with that brain of yours. Ron is currently in the kitchen, by himself. Do you honestly think that of Harry and Hermione were out on a mission that Ron would be here, bored out of him mind?” Sirius gave her a blank expression, Solarea smiled and moved to walk out of the door to the hallway, “Come, I'll make you some lunch.”

Ron was eating lunch when Solarea and Sirius entered the kitchen. Ron saw the look of confusion on Sirius' face.

“What's with him?” He asked Solarea.

“He's being a bit think about Harry and Hermione at the moment.” She explained.

“There're on a date?!?” Sirius exclaimed.

“Took you long enough.” Solarea noted as she started to make Sirius his lunch.

“Why didn't you bloody well tell me they were on a bloody date?!”

“What, and miss that lovely expression on your face?” By now Ron was laughing along with Solarea.

“Well I say it's about bloody time with those two,” was all Sirius could say.

“And to think that they figured it out without any outside help.” Solarea sighed resting her chin on her hand.

Sirius caught the look in her eye. “Come on Sol, do you really think now's the time to be playing matchmaker again?”

“Again?” Ron asked with curiosity.

“Please, Lily would never have married James without my divine intervention.” Solarea said smugly.

“You just keep telling yourself that.” Sirius said.

“Well I'm off, I've got things to do and people to matchmaker.” Solarea said as she started for the door.

“I'm almost afraid to ask who?”

“Don't tell me I'm the only one who's noticed Tonks? It's so obvious that she's got her eye on Remus.” She said with a smirk. Solarea spun around but nearly fell into the doorframe, her hand bracing herself against it, “That was weird.” Solarea said mostly to herself.

“You ok?” She found Sirius standing right beside her; she didn't notice that he had gotten up from the table.

“Yeah, just got a bit dizzy.” Solarea replied, “Turned a little too fast I guess.”

“Sol, you don't get dizzy,” Sirius pointed out. She looked at him, put a hand on his cheek and smiled.

“I know,” and then walked away.


“It feels so good to be out,” Harry said. He and Hermione were riding the London Eye.

“This view is amazing,” Hermione said as she looked over London, “My parents use to take me up here when I was little. We just haven't had the time lately.”

“We should go see a movie.” Harry suggested.

“Is there one near a safe house?” Hermione asked, pulling out a map from her messenger bag.

In order to go out alone without escort or someone following then, Remus gave them a map of London which shown several places that serve as safe houses. To spot them out on the street, each safe house was marked with a phoenix.

Harry and Hermione could go about London as long as they stayed within close proximity of a safe house.

“Actually, the safe house that we need to go to before we head home is a couple blocks away.” Harry told her without looking at the map.

“One would think you had this all planned.” Hermione said to him.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

The theater they went to was small; it had only one screen and could only fill about fifty people in it. They didn't show new releases; at the Forsaken they only showed vampire movies.

Hermione had half a mind just to forgo the movie all together when Harry told her what kind of movies they played but immediately changed her mind when she saw that they were playing The Lost Boys on the next showing.

The movie however was hardly pleasant. There were four people who sat in the very back who were very loud. Harry looked back several times and saw them throwing popcorn at each other and making loud comments about the movie. Hermione sat there though as if they weren't there.

“How can you just ignore them?” Harry asked her in a whisper.

“Years of practice with Malfoy.” Hermione replied.

Suddenly someone stood up from a couple rows in front, “Will you shut up!” she shouted at them.

“What are you going to do if we don't!?” one of the guys challenged.

“Careful Mickey, don't make her mad.” Said one of the girls.

The girl who told them off looked towards Harry and Hermione before sitting down. After that no one interrupted the movie.

All through the movie, Harry couldn't help but think that there was something different about those five people. When the movie was over, Harry saw that those five hadn't made to leave, but the one girl started up the isle towards the others.

Hermione noticed his distraction, “You alright?” she asked. He smiled and grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers with hers.

“Never better.”


“This doesn't look like a `safe' house.” Hermione noted. The building was old and felt abandoned.

“There's a Phoenix on the door.” Harry said pointing to the picture.

“Well, are we Gryffindors or are we Gryffindors.” Hermione said as she boldly started up the stairs taking Harry with her who was still holding her hand and knocked on the door. The door opened by itself allowing them entrance. Inside was a small hallway with a door and a dim light on the wall. Also, nailed to the door, was a sign that said `Close front door before knocking!' Harry closed the front door leaving the hallway dark save the dim light. Hermione knocked on the second.

“Is the front door closed?” A man's voice said through the door.

“Yes,” Hermione replied, the door opened a crack.

“What's your business?”

“We have a letter for Madison Prince.” Harry answered.

“Who from?”

“Remus Lupin,” Hermione finished.

The man let them in, “She's not going to like this, only just got in. Dead tired as it is.” He muttered mainly to himself, “You two stay here and keep quiet, won't want to wake anyone.” He left the room leaving the couple alone.

“I think,” Hermione whispered, “that we just walked into a nest of vampires.”

“But it's a safe house. Remus sent us here.” Harry argued.

“True, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a nest of vampires.”

“Makes you a tad bit cautious,” they both turned to the new voice, “doesn't it?”

Madison Prince could not have looked a day over twenty. Standing 5'9 she had long strait black hair that was tied back at the nape of her neck and reached down to her lower back. Her eyes were electric blue and seemed to glow slightly in the dark room, her skin pale from obvious lack of sunlight.

“I didn't mean to startle you,” Madison said, “I often forget how quiet I am.” Hermione pulled out a brown envelop from her bag that Remus told them to give to Madison. “How is Remus?” she asked as she came closer to retrieve the envelop.

“Alright I guess.” Harry said, her presence seemed familiar.

Madison opened the envelop and read the letter inside, then turned to go to the desk at the far side of the room.

“You were at the theater, weren't you?” Harry asked; Madison paused from her writing.

“Yes,” she continued writing, “I'm sorry about all the noise at the back. Bunch of newbies not yet use to daylight napping.” She put her letter in a new envelop and sealed it, “Return to sender will ya?” she asked giving them a smile as she handed them the letter. “You should probably go on home now,” Madison told them, “I'll be seeing you at the meeting tonight.”

Harry and Hermione said good-bye and left.

She felt him behind her as she still faced the door. “I didn't mean to wake you.”

“It's alright,” he wrapped his arms around her.

“Gods, he looks so much like James!” Madison exclaimed while still being quiet.

“He could tell that you are different.”


“I don't know,” Marcus said, “But he could.”

“I'm going to that meeting tonight.” Madison said.


“I want to help Marcus,” she said turning around to look at him, “I'm not asking for all of us to help, I'm do it alone if I have to. I cannot stay neutral this time, I still have family who are alive and I want to keep them that way.”

“I just want to make sure you understand what you are doing.” Marcus said, he led her to the couch and sat down bringing her down to sit in his lap. “The Lycans have sided with Voldemort and because we have been neutral they have left us alone. If you take sides in this Wizard War, Fenrir will think I have as well giving them an excuse to fight with us again.”

“I understand what you're saying,” Madison started, “But…” Marcus put a hand over her mouth.

I will go to the meeting tonight and offer our allegiance against Voldemort. You are going to visit your mother before you go.”

Madison caught his meaning. “So it doesn't look like you are bending to my will?”

“Precisely,” Marcus said, “I am Master. Now let us get some sleep before dusk approaches.”


Madison walked the streets of Manchester. She was thankful for the ability to Apparate, that she was still a witch. Most Wizards and Witches who have become Vampires lost their magic as the gained vampire magic. But for Madison, she had both.

She silently entered the familiar cemetery is search for one person. He was already there, sitting on a bench. He jumped slightly as she sat down beside him, she hadn't made a noise.

“Should make you wear a bell,” he said his voice low and dark.

“What? And take all my fun away, I think not.” Madison joked, “I saw Harry today.”

She felt him tense, “Are you going to comment on how he looks like his father?”

“I think I'll spare you the torment Severus.”

“Shall we?” Severus stood up and held out his hand to help her up. They walked arm in arm along the rows of plots.

“I hate the summer.” Madison said suddenly.

“When have you ever thought otherwise?” Severus commented.

“The night is just too damn short.” Solarea said stifling a yawn.

“How much sleep have you been getting lately?” Severus asked.

“Don't even go there!” Madison said as they finally approached the plot they sought. Madison and Severus both placed a rose, one red, one white, on the grave of Eileen Snape where she had been laid to rest twenty-three years before.

“I can't believe it's been twenty-three years,” Madison said, “It seems like yesterday.”

“More like a life time ago.” Severus said then she looked away, “Stop thinking of him Madie.”

“I can't help it Severus. What I did was unforgivable.” Madison said, a tear falling down her cheek.

“I forgive you Madie,” Severus told her grabbing her by her shoulders to make her look at him, she still looked down, “Tobias Snape was a bad man, he treated all of us like mud. His death was justified.”

“Stop trying to make me feel better Sev, you and I both know it was not my place to play judge, jury and executioner.” Madison told him.

“If you hadn't, I would have.”

“We should go,” Madison said, “the meeting has already started.”

“You're coming?”

“Marcus is already there making things official.” Madison explained, “There's no conflict of interest this time around.”


“We will keep an eye on the Dark Lord's night time activities,” Marcus told them, “As well as…”

“This is complete and utter rot!” Solarea came waltzing into the kitchen where the meeting was being held. “I wouldn't be surprised if this was sent to Voldemort, most likely to crash is anyway!”

“Who says I'm taking you?” Sirius said following her, pulling her chair out for her to sit down.

“Who say's we're going at all?” Solarea said; the rest of the room remained silent as the two quarreled.

“And what happens when something happens and you're not there?” Sirius pointed out.

“I thought you said you were not taking me?” Solarea snapped back.

“You are impossible, you know that!” Silence reigned in the room for a few moments after that.

“If this is about the Ministry's social function,” Harry said breaking the silence, “We got invitations as well.”

“It's a formal Ball Harry,” Dumbledore told him, “And as Headmaster of Hogwarts I will be required to go.”

Solarea looked to Sirius, “Let me mull over it.”

“But then you will crumple the fancy paper,” Sirius joked.

“Snagged someone I see Solarea,” Marcus said.

“Marcus, I didn't see you,” Solarea said as she looked across the table at him, “Nice shades.”

“Well, wouldn't want to be-spell anyone.” Marcus explained.

“Severus is late,” Professor McGonagall noted, “He hasn't been called has he?”

“He will be here shortly,” Marcus said, “It is the anniversary of his mother's death.”

“I am curious to know how you know that Master Vampire?” McGonagall asked, trying hard not to look uncomfortable about the vampire.

“I have my ways,” Marcus said flashing a toothy grin showing his fangs.

“You promised to behave yourself,” Madison said as she entered the room, Severus following.

“I did no such thing my dear,” Marcus protested, “As I recall I said I was Master.”

Both Remus and Sirius saw her and jumped up to greet her. Sirius got there first giving her a giant hug. Severus quickly maneuvered around them to find a seat.

“It's good to see you Madie.” Sirius said happily when he finally let go.

“It has been too long, hasn't it?”

Remus was next, quickly getting over each other's presence of what they were, giving her a hug with their familiar greeting.

“Hey fang-face,”

“Hey fur-face, thank for the invite.”

“Well I had to try.” Remus said as she walked over to where Marcus sat and conjured a chair beside him. She was well aware of a couple sets if eyes in her, some of which knew of her before she became a vampire and hadn't known of what she had become. Those like Professor McGonagall, but Madison didn't say anything.

“I believe Marcus was telling us what he and his people were offering.” Dumbledore said bringing the meeting back to order.

“As I was saying before, we have decided, through some persuasion,” with that he looked at Madison, “That we will take sided this time around, this side. We are no longer neutral.”

“Excuse me for asking,” Tonks said, who was sitting next to Remus, “How do we know we can trust you?”

“Why do they have to validate their being here?” Severus snapped, “Being at this meeting on invite should be enough.”

“I have known Marcus for years now,” Solarea added, “Long enough to vouch for him. He is a man of honor.”

“Begging your pardon Miss,” Mad-Eye Moody spoke up, “But it been rather fuzzy on who you are, less than vouching for someone.”

“We shouldn't be doing this,” Hermione's whisper was hear above everyone else, the group held their tongues and looked at Hermione, “We are sitting here bickering on whether we trust each other or not, rather than focusing the task on hand. What Voldemort does affects all of us. We should be thankful that Marcus and his kind have our backs.”

“Well said Miss Granger,” Some were shocked to find it was Severus who had said this.

“If it makes anyone slightly better, I can give a solid reason why they would join us rather than the Dark Lord,” Solarea said, “If anyone recalls from Defense Lessons at school, Vampires and Werewolves have been at each other's throats for centuries. The Werewolves have Voldemort for Master, so it only natural that we have the Vampires.

“Besides,” Marcus said, “Anyone here want to go head to head with a Werewolf.”


“You want me to stay here?”

“He's your nephew Madie,” Marcus explained, “Just until they head off for school. Be my eyes and ears, I trust you above all other to do that for me.”

“So only go out when everyone is asleep?” Madison asked, “Otherwise stay here?”

“Please don't make a fuss about this.”

“I'm not,” Marcus gave her a look, “You know me, I've always had a problem with authority, why do you think I argue with you about everything?”

“Be good my love,” Marcus kissed her on the forehead before leaving out the door. Madison turned back and headed back into the kitchen. Only four people remained.

“Well check me into the Hotel Black,” Madison said as she snuck up on them, only two of them flinched. She loved sneaking up on people.

“I believe there's a room with windows facing east that might suit you.”

“You need to stop this sense of humor of yours Severus, people might die of shock,” Madison told him.

“Yes, I think you might have scarred Hermione earlier with a bit of praise.” Remus said.

“Hopefully things won't be too boring around here,” Madison said with a yawn.

“Boring? You'll be asleep most of the day.”

“Doesn't mean I won't still be bored.” Madison told them, “So what all the fuss over this Ministry Ball I'm most likely to crash.”

“You're going to crash it?” Solarea asked as she lifted her head from resting it on the table.

“I want to celebrate that night, with my anniversary and all, why not?” Madison smiled, “As of Halloween I will have been a Vampire for a quarter of a century.”

“Is that your only accomplishment in life?” Severus asked. Madison looked at him in disbelief and swatted him on the arm.

“What is with you tonight? Are you drunk?”

“Wouldn't be the first time.”

“Figures,” Madison muttered, “At least you opposite of your father, you're nice when you're drunk, mean when you're sober.”

“That's not nice,” Severus said still smiling.

“Your right, your father was mean when her sober as well.” Madison got up, “Come on, you're going to bed. I swear you are the only one that could think to drink alcohol that you can't smell on your breath. All we need if for you to be called.”

“Oh bugger.” Severus said sounding serious reaching for his arm.

Sirius and Remus where having a hell of a time watching the two of them. Truthfully it was funnier to see Severus drunk. They were trying their best not to laugh.

“You should know not to say things like that,” Sirius commented, “They tend to happen.”

“Oh shut it Black,” Madison snapped, “I need something to sober him up.”

Solarea got up and went to a cupboard; she got out a vial and gave it to Madison.

“Why can't we just leave him like that?” Sirius asked, “He's more fun this way.”

“Sure, just add a painful Cruciatus Curse and he'd be spewing the truth on how he's a spy for us. We'd never see him again.” Madison said as she got Severus to drink his tonic. Severus quickly snapped out of his drunken haze, got a hold of his surroundings.

“Sorry,” He muttered quietly to Madison.

“I'll yell at you later,” Madison told him, “Go!”

Severus quickly fled.

“I have never seen him like that with anyone,” Remus noted, “In fact I can't recall seeing the both of you in the same room at the same time before.”

“He never liked James, for numerous reasons, so he was never there when I was with you guys. Normally we'd visit each other occasionally.” Madison explained.

“I think I understand him a lot better now.” Solarea admitted, “I can see where his heart is.”

“What convinced you?” Madison asked.

“He got drunk over the event of your mother's death,” Solarea explained, “That happened twenty-three years ago.”

The kitchen door opened suddenly as Arthur and Charlie Weasley walked through.

“You need to calm down Charlie, panicking will not help.” Arthur said to his son and a glass of water for him. “Now tell me what's going on.”

“She's gone, missing; something has happened to her, I know it!” Charlie said still panicked.

“How long?” Arthur asked obviously knowing whom Charlie was referring to.

“Two days.” Charlie replied, “I haven't seen her, or heard from her. I even got a letter from Mrs. Marx saying that Lena was supposed to see her fro lunch today.”

“What's going on?” Solarea asked with concern.

“Charlie thinks something has happened to his girlfriend Lena,” Arthur explained.

“I don't think, I know!”

“Remus,” Solarea looked to him, “Do you think Tonks is awake and up for a missing persons report?”

Sirius rolled his eyes and muttered, “You are unbelievable!” Solarea stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

“I'll check,” Remus replied and left to do his task. He returned ten minutes later with Tonks. She sat at the table with a notepad and a quill.

“Alright let's get this done and I'll pop it over to the night shift at the Ministry. We'll find her.” Tonks explained, “Just need a bit of information. Do you have a picture of her?”

“I can get one,” Charlie replied.

“Ok, name?”

“Lena Marx.”



“A description of her appearance?”

“Medium length blond hair, green eyes, dark rimmed glassed, not the dorky kind, the more sophisticated kind,” Charlie said, “Um, about 5'6, average size.”

“Any others?” Tonks asked, “Any Tattoos, piercings, birthmarks?”

“Yes,” Charlie remembered, “She's got a tattoo around her right forearm.”


“It's a red Chinese Fire Serpent wrapped around a couple times.” Charlie explained.

“A what?”

“It's a Chinese Dragon,” Solarea explained, “The ones with no wings and short legs.”

“She's also got a black pentagram on her left wrist.”

“Ah-huh,” Tonks said, “When was the last time you seen, spoke or heard from her?”

“Two days ago, and her mother wrote saying that she never showed up for their lunch date today.”

“Okay, now where does she work?” Tonks asked.

“At the Ministry.”

“What Department?”

“Um, I can't say.”

“Charlie, I need to know.” Tonks insisted.

“I'm bound by Wizard's Oath, I can't say.” Charlie explained.

“She's an Unspeakable at the Department of Mysteries,” Madison suddenly spoke up. Charlie looked at her speechless, “If you've taken a Wizard's Oath it means she works on things Top Secret, ergo Department of Mysteries. It's the only logical explanation.”

“I could deny it if she was wrong.” Charlie admitted.

“And you didn't even have to break your oath,” Madison added, her attitude changed to a snippy sarcastic one.

“I'll get this to the Ministry right away with top priority urgency.” Tonks said, “This is the fifth Unspeakable to go missing.”

“What?” several people exclaimed.

“We will find her.”


“I've called you here Severus-s-s,” Voldemort hissed, “because you might have an alternative for getting information.”

“How can I be of service, My Master,” Severus replied.

“I've been trying to extract information from certain people,” Voldemort explained, “Four people have failed to give me what I want. Not even Vertisserum had any effect.”

“Perhaps instead of trying to force the information out of them, a positive reinforcement could be applied.” Severus suggested.

Voldemort seemed to think deeply about this, “Be civil and make promises not to harm or kill them?” Severus remained silent, letting the Dark Lord think. “Yes, it might work. Go find Bella, she keeping our, `guest,' entertained. I would very much like to meet out `guest.'”

Severus bowed and left the room heading for an upstairs bedroom. He slid his mask in place so as to protect his identity from the prisoner. Bellatrix and Narcissa were sitting at a table talking about Merlin know what when he walked in, they both were silent when they saw him. Their prisoner was shackled by the wrists at the far side of the room by the bed, the chain attached to the wall.

“Master wants to see her.” Severus said Bellatrix tossed him a keychain. Most prisoners in this situation were usually scared out of there mind, but as he walked closer to her he saw otherwise. He recognized her, she had been his student once, she excelled in Potions, History and Ancient Runes, but when it came to using magic she was terrible. Lena Marx was not scared at all, in fact, a fire burn in her eyes with such anger.


5. Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The Death Eater had thankfully taken her from that bedroom. Being in that room with only those two bimbos for any human contact was slowly driving her insane. The Death Eater led her with her wrists still shacked to a room in the downstairs area. She was scared, but she would never show it. All she could think about was finding a way to escape, to get back to Charlie. Now that she was out of that room, which had an anti-magic barrier around it, she had a chance.

Voldemort was there, she had wondered when she was going to be brought before him. The Death Eater sat her down at the table, opposite of Voldemort.

“Would you like some tea?” he asked her. She looked at him stunned, what universe did she wake up in?

She found her voice, “I wouldn't,” she replied, “Even if I was dying of thirst.”

“Now, now, don't be like that.” Voldemort scolded, “I wouldn't kill you like that, I still need you.”

“You need me?” Lena asked, “Why could you possibly need me?”

“Because of where you work,” Voldemort replied.

“There are lots of people who work at the Ministry, why me? I'm just a secretary at the Pest Advisory Bureau.” Lena told him.

“Don't be coy with me little Miss Marx, I know you are an Unspeakable in the Department of Mysteries.” Voldemort reached down beside him a brought up a book and put it on the table so she could see it.

“Where did you get that?” it was an ancient tome she had reported missing from the Department about six months before.

“I have my sources, but it seems I can't find a soul on this earth who can read a lick of it.” Voldemort explained.

“If you can't read it or translate it how do you know that it's of any use to you? For all you know it could be a book on how to properly clean your socks.” Lena inquired.

“Cheeky little witch, aren't you. I know what is in the book; I want to know how to use it.”

“And whose magic do you plan on stealing?” Lena asked.

“You can read it?” Voldemort said surprised, “This might just be my lucky night.”

Lena remained quiet, gathering her inner strength it was almost time to make her move.

“Translate this for me and I give you my word that I will let you go. Obliverated of course and no memory of ever being here, but you would be free and alive.” Voldemort offered, “It's certainly more than I offered the other four Unspeakables that I here. They were of no use to me and ended up dead.”

Lena took the book and opened it, skimming through some of the pages. “Since I'm going to have my memory erased and all, whose power are you trying to steal?”

He remained silent.

“Pity,” Lena sighed, “It would have been useful information.” She placed her hands firmly onto the open book, “And you were right before, I can be cheeky at times, but I'm not a witch.” Lena closed her eyes and suddenly the book was on fire. Voldemort was so busy trying to put the fire out that he didn't notice that his robe was on fire as well. Lena got up from her seat, turned around to find the Death Eater standing right behind her. She balled up her right fist and knocked him one, right into his mask, knocking him down. Lena quickly took back her hand and shook it from the sting of her fresh wound of hitting something hard. Turning to the door she heard a curse being muttered from behind her, but she tripped over something, twisting her left ankle in the process, she saw the bright green flash pass by above her. There were some bookshelves in the room, she raised her hand and a fire ball erupted from it setting the books on fire. Quickly getting up, she limped out the door, not looking back.

As she limped through the house she set things on fire, hoping to bring the place down with everyone inside. She looked into every room, trying to find a way out. Lena ended up in a bathroom; she smiled as she saw a huge mirror. She climbed on top of the counter and said a spell over the mirror, the surface rippled and she went through it. After she was gone, the mirror shattered.


“Charlie?” Ron, Harry and Hermione entered the kitchen the next mourning for breakfast. Ron noticed Charlie sitting at the table staring off into space, “Are you okay?”

“Leave Charlie alone Ron,” Molly told him, setting out breakfast, “Come and eat.”

“What's going on Mum?” Ron asked.

“Lena's gone missing.” Molly replied.

“Who's Lena?” Hermione asked.

“She's my girlfriend,” Charlie replied.

“I thought the two of you had split up?” Ron asked, “I mean you went to Romania, she went to the U.S.”

“It's called long distant relationship,” Charlie said, “We thought it funny to see how long we could keep it from you.”

“They will find her Charlie.” Molly assured him.

“Everyone keeps saying that Mum,” Charlie sighed, “It's the condition they find her in that I'm worried about.”

“Can I get you anything dear?” Molly called to Madison who was in a far corner drinking out of a black mug. She hadn't left the kitchen all night.

“I'm fine,” Madison replied.

“You might want to move,” Molly suggested heading for small window, “You'll be in the path of the sunlight and there's a couple owls wanting to get in.”

Madison temporarily moved and Molly opened the window. Some owls came in and delivered the post as well as the Daily Prophet to its subscribers. Hermione open the paper to reveal the front page.

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed.

“I think she's still sleeping.” Harry replied.

“Listen to this, `Malfoy Manor in flames'” Hermione read the Headline, “Sometime in the night the Manor erupted in flames; no one knows how it started. The entire Malfoy clan got out safely.” Hermione quickly read more to herself, “They can't stop it; it's burned the entire building to the ground. It's been reported that it's still smoldering.”

The newspaper was passed from person to person to read the entire article. Madison suddenly left the room.

“I wonder what happened to start it.” Harry wondered.

Madison came back in with a Severus in a coughing fit coming behind her, his face and robes covered in soot.

“Oh dear, what happened?” Molly asked with concern. Madison was getting a glass of water.

“Why did you ever go back to him?” Madison said furiously, “You're going to get yourself killed! And then I'll have to bury you. Why does he always have to put you under that curse?”

“After what happened last night Madie, it was worth it.” Severus replied as he coughed some more.

“Your nose is broken,” Madison said as she checked where the blood on his face was coming from.

“Yes I know; pain is a clear indicator.”

“Snarky again are we?”

Solarea stuck her head through the door, “Charlie, your girlfriend wouldn't know how to travel through mirrors would she.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh, it's just that someone has been trying to come though the mirror in the front hall.” Solarea replied, “And there's a message, `Charlie, are you there?'”

Charlie quickly rushed out of the kitchen followed by everyone else but Madison and Severus.

“What was that about?” Severus asked.

“Charlie's girlfriend has gone missing.” Madison said as she was patching him up.

“Lena Marx?” He remembered she and Charlie Weasley where close at Hogwarts.

“How'd you know?”

“She's the one who did this.” Severus told her pointing to his nose.


The mirror in the front hall had the words glowing on them.

“That's Lena's writing,” Charlie confirmed.

“Alright, stand back.” Solarea put her hand on the mirror and it rippled. It stopped showing their reflection and showed another room, a bathroom. Lena was sitting by the bathtub on the floor with her eyes shut. Charlie, seeing this, quickly rushed out the front door.

“Charlie, wait!” Molly cried.

Through the mirror, a few minutes later, everyone could see Charlie enter the bathroom, kneeling beside Lena. Charlie saw a bag of ice on her left ankle.

“Lena?” he said softly. She stirred, opened her eyes and looked at Charlie.

“He's going to come after me Charlie,” she whispered, “I've pissed him off; he'll want to kill me.”

“Bring her here Charlie,” Solarea told him, “We'll keep her safe.”

“Come on,” Charlie scooped Lena up and headed out the door.

“This place is harder that Fort Knox to get into,” Lena mentioned as she hobbled along with Charlie helping her.

“Good, it must mean I'm doing my job right,” Solarea said, “I'm Solarea.”

“Oh bloody hell,” Lena said with amazement, “I mean it's an honor to meet you.”

“Come on dear,” Molly hustled, “Let's get you patched up shall we.”

Everyone was back in the kitchen now, waiting patiently to hear how both patients got this way.

“What happened to your hand?” Charlie asked when he noticed it bloodied and bruised.

“I had to punch one the Death Eaters while escaping,” Lena explained, “Unfortunately they had their mask on.”

“If you ask me, you did a bang up job,” Madison said still working on Severus's nose, “No pun intended.”

“You mean…” Lena figured it out in head, “Did he recover the book?”

“It's been reduced to ashes.” Severus replied.

“Just so we're clear,” Charlie said, “You both were at Malfoy Manor?”

“Is that where it was?” Charlie showed her the Daily Prophet article. “Good luck putting that out.”

“I'm curious as to how you managed to do what you did,” Severus questioned.

Lena was hesitant, “I should talk to my Mum; she's probably worried about me.”

“And the fact that you told the Dark Lord you were not a witch,” Severus continued.

“Yeah, probably shouldn't have done that,” Lena mused.

“Lena you can trust everyone in this room, what you say will not leave this room unless you will it.” Charlie assured her.

“But he's a Death Eater,” she said referring to Severus, “I assume everyone here is okay with that?”

“For lack of a better term, he's our spy,” Molly told her.

“I am a Mage,” Lena explained, “When I was little my parents moved here from the Mage Lands. The move was mostly because of me, because I am the Fire Mage.”

“I wondered when you would show up,” Solarea said, “Though I didn't expect you here amongst Wizards.”

“What's so special about be a Fire Mage?” Ron asked.

“Every generation has an Elemental Mage, Fire, Air, Water, Earth; in that order.” Solarea explained, “Before Lena was born there was an Earth Mage. When she dies, an Air Mage will be born.”

“I have the ability to control the element of fire.” Lena said, she held out her hand palm up and a tiny flame appeared and danced around. “So earlier when I set fire to everything in my path, I made it strong enough so it can't be extinguished for a while.”

“What's this book that we don't want Voldemort to recover?” Solarea asked.

“I have studied it a while ago,” Lena explained, “It tells you what you have to do, to be able to steal magic from anything or anyone. It was really old and written in a rare mage language.”

“Did you know about this?” Solarea asked Severus.

“Not until last night,” Severus responded, “I don't think he is sharing this information with anyone.”


“Are you alright Sirius?” Harry asked. It was later that afternoon; most of who had stayed up all night was asleep.

“I'm worried about your Aunt Sol,” Sirius admitted.

“Why, what's wrong?” Harry asked with alarm.

“She's seems different lately,” Sirius explained, “I think I am the only one who can see it though.”

“Why don't you just talk to her?” Harry suggested, “She's only been back a month. And she was gone a long time, maybe something happened while she was gone.”

“Maybe,” Sirius then left the room in search for his love.

He found her asleep in their bedroom; Sirius quietly backed out and closed the door. He was talk to her later.

In truth Solarea's body was sleeping, but her mind was elsewhere; somewhere unknown or at least forgotten.

“I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me.”

“I would never forget about you Tavion.”

“I know why you are here,” Tavion told her, “Though if I'm not careful someone will think I've gone crazy, talking to myself.”

“I would have come personally, but I've been feeling out of sorts lately,” Solarea explained.

“Have you talked to Sirius?” Tavion asked, “He has noticed that something is bothering you.”

“I think I am trying to come to terms with this myself before I tell him, it's such a big change.”

“You know, I knew this was going to happen when you first met each other.” Tavion told her, “Out of all the years that you've existed you have never done this, never experience this. Yes, you will be tired, sometimes sick. But that will pass.”

“But why now? Why could it not have happened when this war is over?”

“You may be a god Solarea, but not even the fates cater to your wishes.”


“So, what's on your mind,” Sirius lay down next to Solarea on their bed, it was nearing dinner time.

“I think I was being too harsh about this whole Ministry Ball.” Solarea replied, “I might actually be fun. We've been on our guard so much lately.”

“Or it might be an excuse to get a new dress made.”

“Yes, I'll defiantly need a new dress.” Solarea added, “And take Hermione to get one as well.”

“We men will need new dress robes ourselves you know.” Sirius noted. Solarea smiled contently and rolled to her back looking up at the ceiling. “I've been worried about you lately.”

She looked back at him, “About me, whatever for?”

“You may not show it, but I know something is different about you.” Sirius admitted.

Solarea looked back to the ceiling, “I was thinking of having a little get together with Voldemort.”

“You're changing the subject.”

“No I'm not, honest; this is relevant to this conversation.” Solarea told him, “As I was saying, I was thinking of meeting with Voldemort, comparing schedules, and try to hold off on him reeking havoc on this world until after April or May.”

“You see now, I can't help but notice you're trying to tell me something, yet you're being sarcastically serious. Why would we want that?” Sirius asked; weary that he'd be at the butt end of another one of her jokes.

“It's just with this Ball coming up and the fact that I'll be coming along in the family way, then there's your birthday in November.” Solarea explained, “Voldemort reeking havoc is just a confliction in my schedule.”

“Are you saying what I think you're saying,” with this Sirius loomed over her so she could not look at the ceiling, but look at him.

“I don't know,” Solarea was being cheeky, “What is it you think that I am saying?”

“How is this possible?”

“Well, you remember three weeks ago, the night of Harry's birthday? I seem to recall us doing a lot of celebrating. I think I need not elaborate.” Solarea explained.

“How do you know?” Sirius asked, “I mean with you being you and all.”

“It's just something I know, I can feel. It's a drastic change; it's kind of hard to miss. Not to mention a few dizzy spells and nausea.” Sirius was silent after that. “Are you ok?”

They both sat up, Sirius had his back to the headboard while Solarea sat facing him.

“It just seems unreal.” Sirius said, “I mean, when I asked you to marry me way back when and you told me all about you, I had accepted that I would never be a father if I choose to be with you and now here we are. We are going to have a baby.”

“Well it defiantly your child,” Solarea joked, “because it has the worst timing ever.”

“We have to celebrate.” Sirius said happily.

“Privately, yes.” Solarea told him, “I want to keep this to ourselves for now. I don't exactly know what is to be expected. I don't really have any references to guide me. Let's just get comfortable with the situation first before we tell anyone.”

“Alright,” Sirius agreed.

“But I want you to treat me normal. No acting as if I've grown an extra head or limb.”

“What? What are you talking about?”


“I smell Hogwarts letters.” Solarea announced when she walked into the kitchen with Sirius. Harry happily game his Aunt his letter which announced that he was Head Boy. “I am so very proud of you.”

“Way to go kiddo,” Sirius playfully punched him in the arm.

“Hermione's Head Girl and Ron got Quidditch captain.” Harry told them.

“That's wonderful, congratulations to the both of you as well.”

“Thank you,” Hermione said feeling proud herself.

“How are you doing Lena?” Solarea asked the Mage.

“Better now that I've had some sleep.” She replied, “Charlie and I plan to go over to my flat tomorrow to get some of my stuff. I hope it's no burden for me to stay here?”

“No, none at all.” Solarea answered for her, “In fact I like seeing this house full up. The more the merrier. Just be careful.”

“Aunt Sol, do you mind if you watch us duel after dinner?” Harry asked, “We need to show you something.”

“Sure,” Solarea replied.

After dinner the four of them headed for the dueling room. It was a room that Harry had practiced magic in so the Ministry could not detect underage magic.

“We were practicing our Patronesses earlier,” Harry told her, “And it didn't go as well as it usually does.” Harry pulled out his wand and showed her. Instead of the brilliant ghostly stag that usually emerged, his wand fizzed, crackled and popped.

“All three of us are having the same problem.” Hermione told her.

Solarea smiled a knowing smile. She walked over to where they were standing. “I want you to close your eyes and concentrate on your surroundings. Now Harry, you said that you could sense that Madison was different than you. Do you sense that from me, a difference from Hermione or Ron?”

It was as if Harry could see with his eyes shut. He concentrated hard on sensing a difference. He didn't see anything clear but saw colors. Harry opened his eyes; Hermione and Ron were surrounded by blue while Aunt Sol was a blinding white light.

“Don't say what colors you see, I want the two of you to try as well.” She told Ron and Hermione. They tried as well and were successful.

“What do the colors mean, and how are we able to do this?” Hermione asked.

“Let's look at the people that come around here. All the Weasley's except you Ron have a green color, same as Sirius and Moody. Remus is a sort of chartreuse. Dumbledore has a turquoise to him. Madison is a blackish-green. Lena is a purple.” Solarea finished her list. “The color represents a person's magical essence. Most likely any Wizard you see will be green, muggles are orange.”

“But we're Wizards Aunt Sol,” Harry said, “And we saw blue.”

“Well if you're not green than you can't be Wizards now can you?”

“Just tell us, please.”

“Your magic has evolved; it is a very rare thing.” Solarea explained, “All three of you were born Wizards, but now you are Mages.”

“But that's not possible,” Hermione objected, “There has to be some mistake.”

“It's the reason your magic isn't working.” Solarea continued, “Mage's magic is different from Wizard's magic.”

Suddenly there was scream coming from somewhere in the house. The four of them rush out of the room, Solarea keeping the other three behind her. Another scream came, but it was more of a cry of pain, it was from the kitchen where the majority of the house guests where located.

Lena was sitting at the table while everyone else was either trying to help her or stood back to observe. She had her head down while she gripped the edge of the table with her hands.

“Just stay back,” Lena warned them, “It'll be fine.”

Solarea noticed that Dumbledore had arrived, Fawkes along with him.

“Albus, what is going on?” Solarea asked him.

“I believe that remains to be seen.” He replied.

The back of Lena's shirt caught on fire, but she was still insisting everyone stay back and remain calm. Clearly it was painful, even for the Fire Mage who could resist fire. After a couple minutes the fire died down. Whatever had happened, it was over. Fawkes sung a soft song as he flew over close to Lena.

“I'm ok,” she told everyone.

“Is this what happened last time?” Charlie asked.

Lena nodded, “Help me take off my shirt.” Charlie helped her out of her damaged shirt, “What is it?” she asked eagerly.

“It's a Phoenix,” Charlie said in aw as reveled Lena's newest body art. The red Phoenix had it's wings spread open across her back.

“What?” Lena exclaimed in surprise. She looked towards Fawkes and started to cry silent tears, she wiped them away with her injured hand. Upon contact with her tears her hand healed, “Thank you,” she whispered to Fawkes.

“What happened?” Ron asked quietly from behind.

“Elemental Mages receive animal guardians as their power grows and as they accomplish things. The animal marks them.” Solarea explained, “Lena just received her second guardian, the Phoenix.”


6. Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Harry glanced at the clock, again. It was five in the morning and Ron had been sleeping on his back for the last half an hour. It was one of those rare times when Harry could no sleep because of his snoring. Giving up, Harry threw back his covers. He thought about throwing a pillow at Ron, hoping it would slightly wake him to roll over or something to make him stop, but Harry was wide awake now, there was no way he would get back to sleep.

Harry left his room and ventured downstairs. The light was on in the study and so he went to investigate, thinking it was his Aunt.

“You're up awfully early.” Harry heard as he neared the door. Harry entered the room and saw that it was Madison.

“I couldn't sleep,” Harry replied. Madison was sharpening what appeared to be a Samurai sword.

“Packing up today aren't you?” Madison made it a statement more than a question.

“I'd better, wouldn't want to miss the train tomorrow.” Harry said. “For some reason I'm nervous about going back, with it being my last year and all. Do you think that's normal?”

“I wouldn't know,” Madison answered as she put her sword in its sheath, “I never made it to my seventh year.”

“Really, why not?” Madison to a drink from a tall clear glass; it had an unmistakable red liquid in it. Harry slightly made a face, “Never mind, I shouldn't have asked.”

“No, it's alright.” Madison told him, “I dropped out after my sixth year, after I was of age. I made wrong choices back then. It wasn't because of my Vampirism, if that's what you're thinking. I didn't become one until I was twenty.”

Harry sat down in one of the arm chairs. “Then what was it?”

Madison smiled at his curiosity, “I was an alcoholic. Things were bad at home; I started drinking when I was fifteen, summer before my fifth year. By the time my sixth year came I stopped caring about school or anything really. So when I turned seventeen I didn't see a reason to keep going to school.”

“So what did you do?” Harry asked.

“Well I pretty much stayed drunk for a long time after that. I met Marcus when I was nineteen; he'd been watching me for a while now. It had gotten to a point where my drinking was making my health go downhill. Marcus practically dragged me from the streets, locked me in a room and made me get sober. The rest after that is history.”

“And you like being a vampire?”

“I wouldn't be one if I didn't want to.” Madison said, “Marcus set me right on my path. When he took me in it was for the sole purpose to set me straight instead of leading myself to an early grave.”

“Madison, are you there?” the fire in the fireplace roared green. Madison moved closer to the fireplace.

“Yes Natalya, I am here.” She responded.

“I received word from Peter; he says that he will meet you tonight.”


“'The Spot' in Berlin.”

“Thank you Natalya that will be all.” The fire turned back to normal. “Harry could you do me a favor and get me some Floo Powder, we're all out here.”

“Sure,” Harry replied and left to get some out of the supply cupboard. Madison threw some into the fireplace when Harry came back.

“Ian is Marcus there?” she called into the fire after in turned green again.

“One moment Mistress.” came a reply.

“Mistress?” Harry questioned.

“Not now Harry.” Madison snapped.

“Don't be so hard on the boy Madie,” said the fire.

“Natalya just contacted me about Peter.” Madison told Marcus.

“When are you meeting him?” he asked.

“Tonight, I need my things.”

“It's too close to dawn; can you send someone over to pick them up?” Marcus inquired.

“Sure, I'm sure I can find someone,” Madison replied.

“Be careful tonight Madie,” Marcus said with concern, “Don't be stubborn.”

“I'll back out when it's time,” she assured him.

“Alright, I may pop over before you go,” Marcus told her, “Get some sleep.”

After that the flames went back to normal again.

“What's going on?” Harry asked.

“We're attempting to get someone into the factions of the werewolf pack to spy for us.” Madison told him, “It's all complicated.”


“Is there any particular reason why you are disrupting my sleep Severus, I have a busy night tonight.”

“I need you to be my guinea pig,” he replied.

“You've got to be kidding me?” Madison rolled back over to bury herself in the covers.

“If I can make a potion for Werewolves to be docile under a full moon, I ought to make a potion to allow Vampires to somewhat tolerate the sun.”

Madison pulled back the covers to look at her brother, “Did someone dare you to come in her and wake me up?”

“By the time you wake up later the sun will be gone, its high noon now.” Severus took away her covers so she could go back to sleep.

“Fine!” Madison gave in. Severus handed her a glass that held the potion, “Do I have to drink the whole thing?”

“Yes,” Severus replied as he moved to the skylight as Madison took refuge in the attic during the day. Madison drank the potion quickly in a couple of gulps.

“Now what?” Madison asked. Severus opened the skylight spreading sunlight in all directions. None reached Madison, Severus glared at her. “Sorry, reflexive action.”

Slowly the shadows began to retreat letting the sunlight crawl towards Madison. She held out her hand and let the sun caress her fingertips, then her hand, her arm.

“It tingles,” she told the Potion's Master in astonishment, “I'm not burning.”

“It's only temporary, lasts about twelve hour I estimate.”

“This is brilliant.”

“I want you to do me a favor, but you're not going to like it.”


It was nearing sunset, Madison was preparing, and sulking. Her brother's idea was unbelievable, and what was more unbelievable was that Marcus thought it was a good idea as well. Not to mention the fact that Dumbledore agree to this as well, she was outnumbered, so she was sulking. At least she could take her frustrations out on someone tonight.

She decided that she would leave early tonight, before the sun went down. Severus's concoction was had been a blessing. Madison still had to stick to the shadows; direct light from the sun would burn but not as usual. A few extra precautions along with the potion and she was set.

Making sure she had everything she needed, Madison headed down the trap door of the attic. The rest of the house was having dinner so she headed for the kitchen; she needed something from there anyway.

Spotting the things Marcus had sent over in the kitchen she made a b-line straight for them. Placing the duffle bag on a spare table she opened it and starting pulling things out. She took off her leather jacket to put on a shoulder holster. Madison didn't like gun that much, but she carried one for safe measure. She took out the gun to make sure it was loaded properly with the right ammo, silver bullets. Madison was so focused with what she was doing she didn't notice some of the on lookers with the sudden appearance of a gun.

Placing a couple of daggers in there usual hiding spots and strapping her sword into place Madison put her jacket back on and grabbed the helmet from inside the bag.

“If I know Marcus he'll be here around midnight.” She announced to the `adults'.

“Are you going out already?” Sirius asked. “It's still day out.”

“It'll be fine. I want to get to where I am going before the moon rises. I want to talk to my contact first.” Madison assured them. She then left the kitchen and headed for the front door. Severus was waiting there.

Madison just snubbed her nose at him; she didn't feel like talking to him at the moment.

“You're not still sulking are you?” Madison remained silent, “It's a good plan, you're just too proud to admit it.”

“I'm meeting someone if you don't mind, you're blocking the door and I would rather meet with this person before he changes with the full moon.”

Severus moved to let her pass, “You'd better return in one piece. If you don't I intend to be very cross.”

“Heaven forbid I should ruin you nicely formulated plan by becoming too injured.”


Madison apparated to a garage in Berlin. In the darkness, she navigated through the rows of sports cars and ordinary cars to the back where the motorcycles were kept. Quickly finding her's, she wheeled it back to the front entrance. Putting on her gloves and helmet, she was completely covered from head to toe in black. Madison opened the door and started her motorcycle. Knowing the door would automatically shut and lock behind her she sped off through the streets of Berlin.

`The Spot' was a simple pub. Muggle often frequented, and there was nothing that they could serve for Madison. Peter was already there, nursing a pint. Madison slipped into the seat next to him.

“I thought you wouldn't be here for a couple more hours?” he asked in his thick German accent.

“I figured we could use more time before the moon rises.” Madison replied, she waved off the server who had asked her what she was drinking.

Peter looked at her as if examining her. “There is a scent on you. It is faint, but recent.”

“Just a fellow outcast, like yourself.” Madison simply replied. She watched him as he nervously sipped his beer. “You don't have to do this.”

Peter said nothing and continued on with his drink. The hairs on the back of Madison's neck stood up. Mistake number one, she had her back to the door.

“I came too early didn't I?” That was mistake number two. Peter had come early himself, but the reason stood right behind her.

“Hello Madison,” Madison knew that voice all too well, she turned around in her seat with a fake smile planted on her face. There stood Fenrir Greyback and Elaina, her arch nemesis, sworn enemy, yadda, yadda, yadda. As the analogy went, Marcus is to Fenrir as Madison is to Elaina. Two of her enemies standing right in front of her with another she now had doubts about. Did the plan change, or had Peter changed his loyalties.

“Elaina, Fenrir, what brings you here on this soon to be night.” Madison replied.

“We would like to discuss business with you,” Fenrir said, “Perhaps we could move this somewhere more privet.”

“It's three against one,” Madison reminded them, “I don't like those odds, and right here is just fine.”

“Perhaps one of the tables in the back then,” Peter suggested.

“You first,” Madison told them.

Once settled at the back, Fenrir started, “We have been fighting each other for a very long time, and to be honest we are both creatures of the night.”

“What are you getting at?” Madison asked impatiently

“An alliance, peace between our kind and yours,” Fenrir said bluntly.

“Isn't this something you should speak to Marcus about?”

“Come now, we know you have Marcus wrapped around you little finger. He values your opinion. We will win this war; so what if we have a Master, we will no longer have to hide, be shunned or shamed for what we are.”

“Side with us and you would no longer have to enemies with your own family,” Elaina told her, “Your own brother is on our side.”

“You think I don't know that.” Madison snapped.

“Yet you haven't said anything to the Order of the Phoenix about his true nature,” Fenrir questioned, “After all you probably know him best.”

“Forget it Fenrir, she won't join us. Lets not forget the new information about little Miss Vampira that we learned not long ago.” Elaina sneered.

“Ah yes, Daddy's side of the family.” Fenrir mocked, “How does it feel to be a pureblood yet a bastard.”

“Dark Lord doesn't know, but he will soon enough.” Elaina assured Madison, “Call it our Wild Card if the Master isn't too pleased with us.”

There was a silent pop then a hiss through the air as she felt something hit her abdomen. Madison looked down to see the dart sticking out of her. She pulled it out as she faded to black.


True to Madison's prediction Marcus arrived at the Nobel House of Black at midnight. Only Solarea and Sirius were up to greet him.

“Is Severus here?” Marcus asked.

“No,” Sirius replied, “Dumbledore thought it was best he'd went to Hogwarts already.”

“Madie's not back yet?”


“Damn, I was hoping she would be back already.”

“What's with the trunk?” Sirius questioned.

“It's a surprise,” Marcus told him, “That is if Madie comes home alive.”

“She will,” Solarea told him, “She can take care of herself.”

“I hear congratulations are in order,” Marcus said suddenly changing the subject.

“Really, I don't remember making any announcements.” Solarea looked to Sirius.

“Don't look at me,” Sirius replied, “He is a vampire.”

“It's a gift.” Marcus said, “I'll bet Remy knows and is not saying anything because you might not know yourself.”


“Sorry, it's just that's what Madie calls him.” Marcus explained, “I guess it rubbed off a bit.”

“Who would have thought you would have fallen for someone,” Solarea teased.

“Wasn't my intention when I brought her in, honest,” Marcus said, “But what about the two of you? All knocked up and everything.”

“And then you have to go and be crude about it.”


Slowly she was coming back to her senses. Madison could hear the fast heartbeats all around her and from the pressure in her head she guessed she was upside down. Her whole stomach area burned with pain and could feel drops of liquid, dripping off her fingertips. She could smell it was her own blood.

Madison made sure not to move. She knew what waited for her down below, three savage beasts that were waiting for their prey to awaken. After all, it wouldn't be fun at all to kill the prey while she was down, not able to fight back.

From what she could tell of her surrounding she was indoors, probably a factory or a warehouse. Slowly she tried to shift her feet to see what was holding her up, metal rattled, she was chained. The rattling caught the attention of the werewolves down below, one of the started to growl.

Quickly she opened her eyes and reached for feet where the chain was, pulling her self up as high as she could. Yep, she defiantly was clawed; the front of her shirt was shredded and soaked with her own blood. Not to mention that it hurt like hell. Madison pushed through the pain, she's had worse.

The wolves are going crazy below, one brown, one grey and one black. Madison found she was indeed in some sort of factory complete with werewolf accessible catwalks, what fun. She cursed remembering she had her wand in her jacket, which was not on her. The chains on her feet were shackled separately, so she would be able to move around once she got free. Madison tugged hard on the chain above her, breaking it letting her fall to the floor thirty feet below.

Scrambling to her feet she held the chain like it was her weapon. One came from behind her, Madison crouched down and wiped the chain at the wolf's legs bringing out all the strength she could muster. The grey wolf yelped as he was knocked down.

LUMOS MAXIMUS! she yelled, calling on her bond with her wand. Madison prayed it would work. At the far side of the factory a bright light shown in the darkness. In her distraction with trying to find her wand the black one snuck up behind her and clawed her across her back, the force of it threw her, thankfully, towards the light into a pile of steel rods.

The three are slowly advancing on her backing her into a corner. Madison notices that the grey one is hanging back a bit. All three were growling something fierce; Madison picked up an unbent rod and gave them a hiss for good measure, baring her fangs. Handling the rod expertly, like a staff, Madison swung it towards the two closest wolves, aiming for their head to either knock them out or just confuse them. Madison hurried closer to the light. Her wand was with the rest of her things they had taken off of her. She grabbed the hilt of her sword and unsheathed it turning around to stand against the beasts.

“Come on, I dare you!” Madison sneered. The wolves hesitated, sensing the silver in the sword. Just when she thought she was going to get a fair fight out of this, the werewolves started to retreat.

“Is killing me not worth getting a few scratches here and there? COME ON!!” she yelled at them. They still backed off; in fact they even turned their backs on her. Madison was about to go after them when she remembered what Marcus had told her earlier, `Don't be stubborn.' And she had assured him that she would back off when in was time.

It was time to back off.

Not dropping her guard Madison grabbed the rest of her belongings and Apparated out of the factory and out of Berlin.


It was nearing two in the mourning when Madison walked through the door of the House of Black. She knew Marcus would be waiting for her, but instead of seeking him out she went straight to the kitchen to clean up. She took off her shredded shirt and without hesitation threw it in the trash.

“That looks nasty,” Marcus commented when her came in and saw her back.

“It's not as bad as what my head feels like.” Madison replied.

“Your head?”

“Remind me never to get pumped full of tranquilizers ever again.”

“Your eyes are glowing aren't they?”

Madison was washing the blood off her arms at the sink and only looked back to glare at him, showing that eyes were indeed glowing. Every Vampire was different when they came into their powers. One of Madison's drawbacks was that she often showed her emotions with her eyes. Whenever she was angry or irritated about something or in a bad mood here eyes glowed with as much intensity as she felt.

“Despite the mishaps, were you successful?” Marcus asked.

“To tell you the truth, I don't know. We have to wait and see.”

Marcus was right behind her; he lightly dragged his fingertips up her arms, kissing her bare shoulder. “Are you going to be okay for tomorrow? We can call this whole this off.”

“No, I'll be fine. I'll sleep after I'm done cleaning up.” Madison told him as she continued with what she was doing. “Fenrir and Elaina hinted that they knew about my father's side of my family. In fact they even had the nerve to think that we would side with them.”

“Ah, so now you'll be going tomorrow on your own terms, your own agenda.”

“Damn right I am.” Madison said sternly. “Wouldn't have it any other way.”

“Does this potion Severus made really work?” Marcus asked.

“Enough for me to pull off this charade.” Madison replied. Marcus had started working on her back wounds. “Though I don't know if it will work for you. You've been out of the sun a hell of a lot longer than I have,”


7. Chapter 6

Chapter 6

You would think that since there were only four of them going back to school that Molly would have had an easier time getting them to King's Cross Station. It was ten to eleven when they arrived and had to rush to platform's 9 and 10.

Harry had woken up to a dead house, which had been so lively with all its tenants all summer. Everyone had basically left already, even Aunt Sol and Sirius. Harry had even gone to the attic to check to see if Madison had made it back alright. Hermione was beaming with pride when Harry did that, for it showed his heart was big enough to even think about people he barely knew. But she wasn't there; all her stuff was gone as well.

Remus was still at the house and made a brief appearance to say good-bye to the lot, before he had to drag himself back to bed for some rest.

“Let's just hope that we can find a compartment,” Ron said before he went through the barrier.

“We have to hurry Harry; we have to meet with the prefects in the forward compartment.” Hermione said flustered.

Saying good-bye to Molly and Arthur the four Hogwarts students made it on the train with only a couple minutes to spare. Neville Longbottom was waiting eagerly with an open compartment that only he and Luna Lovegood had occupied.

“Saved you some room,” Neville said, “You won't find any others. The Slytherins have been taking them over with only one or two inside. Down right nasty this year they are.”

“Thanks Neville,” Hermione said politely, “I hope you don't mind but we have to drop our thing and head to the front for the meeting.”

“Neville will be fine,” Luna answered for him, “Ginny can keep him company.”

Ginny gave Luna a look but said nothing as she settled in. Luna, Harry, Hermione and Ron headed towards the front. Neville's face went suddenly pale as if he just remembered something dreadful, “I think I've lost Trevor again.” He announced. He started to look around, under the seats and everything.

“Trevor wouldn't happen to be the toad I saw a couple third years dissection would it?” Both Ginny and Neville looked towards the compartment door that was still open. Ginny recognized Madison straight away, but instead of her usual romantic gothic style of clothing, she looked like a normal teenager. Her long black hair was braided and she wore sunglasses, hardly any skin was showing at all.

Neville had rushed from the compartment at her announcement. “What are you doing here?” Ginny asked. Madison handed her a small cage with Trevor inside.

“He forgot it on the platform. I'm attending Hogwarts this year.” Madison answered as she came in, closed the door and with her wand she made the curtains on the windows close.

“How? Why?” Was all Ginny could say.

“Professor Snape has figured all the details on the `how'” Madison answered, “But as to the `why,' I'll be spying on the Slytherins from within.”

“Brilliant, I suppose.”

“I wanted to let one of you know, so you don't blow my cover. And the fact that I don't want any of you to take offence to the uber bitch Slytherin Queen I know I can be.” Madison continued.

“You're going to be mean to us, aren't you?” Ginny asked.

Madison gave her a sly grin, “You mean, like this?” Madison opened the compartment door and with a wave of her wand the entire luggage in the compartment levitated out into the hallway. Ginny's automatic response was to go after it and as soon as she was clear of the door it slammed shut behind her. Curtains close on the clear windows of the door and a sign appeared that read `you have officially been evicted from this compartment, courtesy of Alexis Philana, self proclaimed Queen of Slytherin.'

Ginny, upon realizing her mistake, angrily tried to open the door, but Madison's locking spell was more powerful than Ginny's unlocking spell. “You'll be getting a bat bogey for that one!” Ginny called through the door. She then remembered where Neville had gone off to when she had his toad, so she went after him.

Twenty minutes later Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna came upon Neville and Ginny sitting by the luggage waiting for them to return.

“What happened?” Hermione asked checking on Crookshanks in his carrier.

“We got duped by a Slytherin.” Ginny replied.

“Who?” Ron asked.

“New student goes by the name of Alexis,” Ginny pointed to the sign on the door.

“Did you at least hex her before?”

“Honestly Ron,” Hermione scolded.

“What? Look was she did?”

“It's really Madison, but we can't let people know that,” Ginny said smoothly, “I'll tell you latter, Malfoy alert.”

“Oye, didn't know your family was so poor Weasel that you have resort to riding the train here in the hallway.”

“Sod off Malfoy!” Ron snapped back.

Hermione was knocking on the compartment door, “We want our compartment back!”

The sign changed, `Sorry, there wasn't a reservation for this compartment under Bunch of Pansies!'

“Merlin, who's in there?” Malfoy inquired, “I want to thank them that was brilliant.”

“I don't think you can go in there Malfoy,” Harry said, “The sign said so.”

“I wonder Potter, Dumbledore must have hit is head or something, making you Head Boy. You've only been here half the time any of us has been here.” Malfoy sneered.

“Must have been my good looks, I won hands down.” Harry responded. He saw Malfoy's face going red. “I wouldn't try anything Malfoy, there are more of us then there is of you.”

“Let just go up to the front, there's some room for us.” Hermione said.

Instead of a confrontation Harry's group picked up their luggage and went to the front of the train.


“Thank you very much for coming in.”

“I curious as to why you asked me to Mr. Wilder.” Solarea responded.

“I thought it best to come to you with this first before bringing Mr. Potter into this. As you know I have been a lawyer for the Potters for three generations now. And now that he has become of age… I had expected certain people to contact me already about Harry's inheritance, certain trust funds and responsibilities. But I've heard nothing about any of it.” Mr. Wilder was in the process of shuffling papers around his desk.

“It appears that James Potter never got around to updating his will after his son was born.”

“I'm well aware of that Mr. Wilder; you might recall I was here for the reading. Despite that it all went to Harry anyway.” Solarea was confused.

“Between you, me and the walls around us, someone in the Ministry is trying to screw Harry over. I discovered that a law was passed recently called the Pure-blood Priority Law. Instead of everything being passed to the next of kin, in this case being Harry, it all goes to a pure-blood in the family first before any others. Harry is half-blood, and if you look at Edward Potter's will…”

Solarea looked at Harry's grandfather's will, trying to think of who in the Ministry would do this. Most likely Lucius Malfoy. Back when Edward Potter was still alive, he had a voice in the Ministry, very much like Malfoy did now. But Solarea was not interested in what political role Harry could play at the Ministry, just that Harry get what was rightfully his.

“Has she touched anything?” Solarea asked.

“I don't think she knows,” Mr. Wilder replied. “Another three years and all of this can't be claimed anymore.”

“I would like for this to be sorted out as soon as possible.” Solarea told him.

“Yes, of course, except I can't seem to find her.” Mr. Wilder explained, “And if we do find her; she's probably got a family by now, she might fight to keep it when she finds out. From what I remember of her she's a feisty one.”

“I wouldn't worry about that Mr. Wilder. I think it's safe to say I can find her with ease.” Solarea assured him. “I'll contact you with further instructions. We'll figure this out.”

With that they shook hands and Solarea departed and headed to Hogwarts.


It was getting dark outside, Madison had just finished putting on her school uniform, and she had to admit, she did feel a bit naughty in it. She had enjoyed the privacy of being the only one in the compartment. It gave her a chance to recuperate from the night before.

There was a knock at the door. Making sure that everything was okay in the room for public viewing, Madison slipped on her night time sunglasses, they were less tinted than her day time ones. She opened the door just a little to see who it was. There was no doubt that this was Draco Malfoy. He looked just like his father, and Madison was all too familiar with his father.

“I was impressed with your little stunt earlier.” Draco started off, “I don't believe I've seen you before, I'm Draco Malfoy.”

“Alexis, and my `stunt' wasn't for your benefit.” Madison replied opening the door all the way and sat down on the one of the seats by the window. At the window sat her trunk and she opened it to retrieve her green neck tie.

“You're in Slytherin then?”

“Looks like.” She replied as sharply as he had asked, “You here to give me the official welcome, or the official `stay out of my way, I'm boss'?”

“Official welcome of course, we Slytherins stick together.”

Madison remained silent after that, waiting for the moment he showed any sign of leaving.

“I'm sorry for being so short with you,” Madison said as Draco started his awkward retreat. “My social skills are a bit…lacking.”

“Don't play well with others?” Madison nodded shyly. “You'll be fine. If you want, I can't show you the ropes at Hogwarts.”

“Sure,” Madison replied, “Its better than embarrassing myself, wouldn't want to make the wrong friends.”


Lord Voldemort, formally known as Tom Riddle, and mostly known as You-Know-Who, was brooding.

That chit of a girl had caused a major set back in his plans. His thoughts swirled in the Pensieve in front of him; of what he and others remembered from the book. Other things had been laid out on the table, maps and scrolls, all necessary to achieve gaining great power. Once he had this power it would be so easy to rid himself of both Potter and Dumbledore.

Bellatrix was in the room, Voldemort had heard the door open and she was waiting patiently for her presence to be acknowledged. The Death Eater had quickly learned never to interrupt their Master while he was thinking.

Voldemort motioned for Bella to come forward, she knelt at his side, “There is a man who requests an audience with you Master, he's says he's here about a book you've recently lost.”

He eyed her suspiciously, “Well then, by all means, let him in,” At the very lest he would kill someone today.

The man was a well dressed middle-ages man who had already began to show signs that his dark hair would soon turn silver. With him, he carried a package, covered in cloth.

“I bid you good day, Lord Voldemort, I am Rene. I understand that this was recently in your possession.” Rene gave Voldemort the cloth covered package. Voldemort took it cautiously and unwrapped it, to reveal the very book that had been destroyed not a few weeks before.

“How is this possible?” Voldemort asked in disbelief.

“This book cannot be destroyed, the author made sure of that.” Rene explained.

“Why did you end up with it, and why are you returning it?” he asked suspiciously.

“I believe that you are destined to achieve what this book offers, in fact I will help you.”

“How can you help, no one has been able to read in or understand it.” Voldemort asked.

“You know what this book contains as you have learned from these scrolls. But what you don't know is that no Wizard can read this, only a Mage, such as myself can.”


It seemed to become tradition at Hogwarts, upon entering the Great Hall check to see who's new at the Head table. But instead of just one new face, as most expected, there were four new faces.

“No wonder the house was empty this mourning,” Ron commented, “What the heck is Charlie doing here?”

“We knew Aunt Sol and Sirius were going to be here,” Harry said, “But I never expected your brother and his girlfriend too.”

“It's the safest place for her,” Hermione noted. “It's not like she can go back to the way things were, she's a target.”

There were many gasps of shock as people recognized Sirius Black sitting at the table, actually looking quite respectable. Solarea was sitting next to him, talking quietly. Dumbledore, who was sitting in his usual spot caught their attention and waved for them to approach.

“As Head Boy and Girl, I must inform you of a new 7th year student this year, which you might be familiar with.”

“Ginny told us that Madison is here sir.” Hermione told him, “We were at the meeting when Madison told Ginny why she was here.”

“Year, and then she kicked us out of the compartment we where settled in.” Harry commented. A muffled snicker came from opposite sides of the table, one from Sirius, and one from Professor Snape.

“Nevertheless, it is imperative that her identify not be revealed.” Dumbledore told them.

“Obliterating their memories of her might be the best way of assuring their silence.” Professor Snape suggested.

“Is that something your sister would agree to Severus?” Dumbledore asked him. He didn't reply he only reverted his gaze to his house table. Dumbledore turn back to Harry and Hermione, “Also, I must inform you that all the ghosts in Hogwarts have recently disappeared.”

“Do you know where they went?” Hermione asked.

“I should have said they were taken by some unseen force,” Dumbledore went on.

“Well, thank you for letting us know,” Hermione said, “Um, sir, what about Peeves.”

“Don't worry about Peeves dear,” Solarea replied, “I'll be keeping him in check.”

Harry and Hermione returned to their table, Professor McGonagall was about to bring in the first years.

“I swear,” Hermione said as the first years came in, “they seem smaller and smaller every year.”

“I can't even imagine us being that small.” Ron said.

“Do you regret not coming here first year?” Hermione asked Harry.

“A little bit,” Harry admitted.

“Well, you didn't miss much, other than Ron being a right arse.”

“Hey, I resent that remark.” Ron said defensively.

The Sorting Hat had sung it's song and the first years had been sorted. And after Dumbledore's choice of nonsense words the feast began. Throughout dinner Harry, Ron and Hermione were catching us with their friends that they hadn't seen since last term.

“Can you believe it?” Shamus Finnegan was saying to Dean Thomas, “We get not one, but two eye candy Professors this year.”

“I had no idea you fancied my brother?” Ron said.

“Sod off Weasley; you know that wasn't what I meant.”

“Well you can look all you want, but both of the `young-looking' Professors are taken.” Harry burst his bubble.

“Taken?” Dean said, “That's a damn right crime to society.” Mostly the guys laughed.

The feast was over and Dumbledore called their attention once again.

“I welcome you once again to another year at Hogwarts. As you can see there are quite a few new faces all around, and some familiar ones that are sadly missing.

“It would seem that our dear Hagrid has found new living arrangements in France, leaving the Care for Magical Creatures position open. Thankful we have Mister Charlie Weasley here who was only happy to take the position. And like Hagrid, Mister Weasley here is very fond of dragons.” Charlie stood so everyone could see him. Then he sat back down as Dumbledore continued.

“And as some of you might have noticed, the ghosts of Hogwarts are missing from the festivities and the castle; while that is a sad note I'm sure they will turn up in due course. Professor Lena Marx will take Professor Binns place until he is found.” Lena stood up; she smiled slightly when she got a few cat calls from the older students.

“Now, now, settle down. Last we have Professor Solarea and her teaching assistant Mister Sirius Black who will be taking the Defense against the Dark Arts positions leaving Professor Snape to retake his Potions class.”

Through the last comment there were people talking, mostly about Sirius Black, but the announcement lead the start of applause, mostly due to Professor Snape not teaching Defense.


“It feels weird being here,” Charlie was saying out loud. While Hagrid was gone, Charlie and Lena would be the new tenets of his hut. They had spent the day redoing the whole place so that you could not tell a half-giant had every lived there. The hut, both inside and out had been reconstructed. In fact it was more of a cabin than a hut.

Lena was at the table setting up one of her muggle devices, a laptop is what she had called it.

“Are you going to be able to get that thing to work?” Charlie asked.

“Why shouldn't I?” Lena asked in return still concentrating on what she was doing.

“I just thought with all the magic in the air, it doesn't get along with muggle technology.” Charlie replied.

“It's magical technology luv, only based on muggle. It'll run completely on magic.” Lena told him.

“Top secret?”

“Top secret.” Lena repeated.

“It's really bugging you that you can't go back to work.” Charlie observed.

“I hate hiding,” Lena admitted, “I've been doing it my whole life; I'm just tiered of it.”

“Maybe some things aren't meant to be hidden.” Charlie said cryptically. Lena looked up from her work; Charlie has sat down at the table beside her and put a small black box on it. “I've been thinking about this for the past couple weeks.”

“I thought you wanted to wait until this whole thing was over?” Lena asked hesitantly, they butterflies of hopefulness were in her stomach.

“I guess I was trying to protect you. My whole family is involved in this war, we're all Phoenix members.”

“If no one knew about me, no one could use me to hurt you.” Lena concluded.

“It's stupid, I know. It's not as if I didn't believe you could take care of yourself.” Charlie went on.

“So why are we bringing this up now?” Lena asked.

“I don't think we should wait anymore.” Charlie told her, “I want to marry you Lena, we should have been two years ago.”

“Well good, I was beginning to think I had been planning my wedding for nothing,” Lena joked as she grabbed the small box and opened it, she stared at it in shock, this was not the same simple small diamond ring she had put in the box when she decided, after too many people asking questions about, to not wear it.

The ring was in the shape of a dragon, as if it were chasing its tail and catching it in his mouth, with the same diamond from the ring before, right in between.

“Charlie?” she looked at him in wonder.

“I figured it wouldn't be fair for a guy to ask a girl to marry him a second time with the same ring.” Charlie explained and he took the ring from her and placed it on her finger.


First night in the Slytherin Dorm and she had already pissed someone off. Not intentionally of course, she was just the new girl who came in, got assigned the privet girl's bedroom that Pansy Parkinson had been wanting ever since she became prefect 5th year.

“What make you so special to get that bedroom?” Pansy said in a snit.

“That funny, I was about to ask the same question about you.” Madison fired back, “If I hadn't come, what made you think you were going to get it?”

“I'm a 7th year prefect, it's my right!”

“I happen to like my privet room,” Madison told her, “And I also fail to see the point of this conversation, so I'll not be conversing anymore. I've got things to do.” So far things were going well; this was a battle that needed to be fought in order to get close to Draco Malfoy. She had to take Pansy's place. Eventually Pansy would except her, or risk being shunned by those who matter. You didn't have friends in Slytherin.

Pansy stopped her from closing the door, “No, you are going to pack up your things and I am going to move in.”

“That was so funny I forgot to laugh,” Madison said as she stepped out of her room, closing the door behind her and warded it with her wand. “I'm late, Professor Snape asked me to come to his office tonight. If you're lucky I'll forget your insubordination.” Madison slipped by Pansy and went towards the common room. There were people in the common room, including Draco, either she would stop this argument or she would continue.

“Insubordination?” Pansy came after her. People paused at the commotion, Madison whipped around to face the pug-nosed chit.

“Yes, insubordination, it means not submissive; mutinous; rebellious.”

“I know what it means, but I don't see how that applies to me.”

Madison sighed and continued on her way out, “Not my problem,” she muttered.

Once she was gone Pansy turned to the others, “Can you believe the nerve of that girl, talking to me like that. She needs to be put in her place.”

“I believe she's already there Pansy.” Draco told her. Pansy stared at Draco in disbelief before walking away with a bruised ego.


8. Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“Where is it?” Tobias was furious, he had come home with no a drop to drink within his house. “Where is it Eileen?”

“This needs to stop Tobias, please, your habits are hurting us.” Eileen pleaded.

“I'll do what I damn well please!”

“Please Tobias; drinking your problems away is not something I want my children to learn.” Eileen scolded her husband.

“A little late for that,” Madison said to herself as she was listening to the fight from upstairs in her bedroom. She sat on her window sill with the window wide open taking a drag from her cigarette and a swig of Jack Daniels she had grabbed before her mother poured all the liquor in the house down the drain. A door slammed down stairs and Madison watched as He stormed out, got into his car and drove away, no doubt going to fuel his addiction.

She put out her cigarette and continued with her task, packing. It was the middle of August, she and Sev had gotten their Hogwarts letters that mourning. Mum had received a letter from Dumbledore himself, expressing concern from her low grades, her missed classes and her constant trips to the Hog's Head. It was one of those moments when a mother realizes her one and only daughter was a complete screw up.

Madison figured it would be a while before He would come home, he would go to the store and buy his liquor, then go to a pub and make up time. She secretly hoped he would get drunk enough to crash his car off a cliff or something, stupid muggle.

She finished packing her bag, than looked around her room. Her school books sat on her desk, Madison took one from the pile then ventured down the hall and knocked softly on her brother's door. He answered it, and she gave him one last look over. He was getting tall, soon enough he would be taller that she was.

“What's up Madie?” he asked.

“I just wanted to give you this.” Madison gave him the book.

“But this is 6th year potions,” Severus argued, “I'll be going into fourth.”

“I can count you know,” Madison told him, “I just thought you might be interested. It's not like I need it anymore.”

“Thanks,” Severus said taking the book, “It going to get bad when Dad gets home.”

“Just stay in your room squirt,” Madison told him.

“Don't call me squirt!” Severus said angrily shut the door to his bedroom. Madison smiled as she brushed her hand on his door.

Madison retreated back to her room to get her bag. She paused for a moment, and thought briefly of just climbing out the window. But that would be admitting, if only to her self, that what she was doing was wrong. She just about reached the front door, when Madison heard someone behind her.

“You're better off sneaking out your window, there's more of a chance you won't get caught.” Her mother said sternly.

“Sneaking out the window implies that I'm coming back.” Madison told her, not turning around.

“So this is it, you're just going to leave. You're of age and you think yourself an adult now?” She mocked. “I can't help you if you leave.”

Madison spun around with anger on her tongue, “What makes you think I need help? And from you?”

“Madison, you're sick, you need help. There is still a chance to fix all this. If you walk out that door, I can guarantee you will have an early grave.”

“Staying here is worse,” Madison told her, “Mum, I can't stand it anymore.”

“Things will change, I promise.” Madison could see her mothers tears, she was desperate to keep her there. “Please don't go.”

“You're desperate,” Madison said with disgust, “and you're a coward. The only reason you want me around is because I am a reminder of what your life could have been light, were you now a coward.”

“I want you to stay because I love you; you are a part of this family.” Her mother pleaded, “We're going to put a stop to all this, we're will be a proper family.”

“Some family,” Madison muttered, “We'll never be the happy little family you see in that deluded mind of yours. You are weak and you have let a mere muggle control your life, you put the name of Prince to shame.”

“What makes you think you're any better?” Madison had nothing more to say after that, she didn't even say good-bye as she walked out of the house.

Madison groaned as she opened her eyes and saw the time on her clock, she had forgotten to set her alarm and she was late. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she thought about her dream, or rather memory. Madison would always regret her last words to her mother, it was the last time she saw her mother alive.


“Who are our first victims?” Solarea asked, her voice muffled from her head face down on her desk.

“Seventh year Gryffindors and Slytherins,” Sirius replied, “Are you going to be alright?”

Solarea looked up from the desk, “Collect the summer homework, I'm going to go throw up.” She declared fleeing from the classroom in search for the nearest loo. The morning bells were going off and Solarea was still not back as the class settled into their seats. Instead of the normal two to a desk, they each had their own.

“Alright!” Sirius said observing the room, “First order of business, all homework assignments from the summer will need to be handed in.

“And where exactly is our dear Professor, Mr. TA?” Draco questioned as Sirius was collecting scrolls, “Seems unprofessional not to show up for your own class.”

“Professor Solarea will be here momentarily,” Sirius explained, “She has some personal business to take care of.” Draco mumbled something, “What was that Mister Malfoy, please speak your mind.”

“I said we should have kept the same Defense Professor as last year, instead of moving on to have the need of two incompetents to fill the role.”

“Oh shut it Malfoy!” Ron said.

Malfoy was about to reply when Madison caught Sirius's attention at the door. “Miss Philana, would you mind explaining why you are late?”

“Actually I would mind,” Madison replied as she stayed where she was not moving to any seat.

“Then you won't mind if I take five points from Slytherin for your tardiness.”

“Not as long as you close the shutters on the windows.” Madison answered. Sirius nodded waving his wand so the shutters closed blocking the sunlight from coming into the room. Only then did Madison move to find an empty seat.

“I don't suppose you have a homework assignment?”

“Sorry Mister Black, my coming here was rather sudden.” Madison told him.

“By the way Mister Malfoy, you've lost Slytherin an additional five points for your rather lame insults.” Sirius smirked.

“Ten points from Slytherin within the first ten minutes, I have to say Mister Black, I think you will have more fun at taking points from Slytherin than Professor Snape does for Gryffindor.” Professor Solarea finally entered the classroom.

“Just trying to keep the balance.” Sirius replied.

Solarea waved her hand at the class. Each student along with their desks levitated and started to move around the room. “From now on each of you has an assigned seat, and if you have a problem remembering where your seat is, just know that it's arranged alphabetically.” Solarea explained. The desks settled accordingly.

“Every other class that you come here for you will be required to dress appropriately for physical activity.” Solarea continued.

“Physical activity?” she heard someone ask quietly.

“This class is not just for defending yourself against the Dark Arts; it's for defending yourself against all things, with or without the use of magic.”

“You mean fight like muggles?” Draco sneered.

“Do you think just using magic is enough?” Solarea questioned, “Tell me Mr. Malfoy, do you be an arse on purpose, or does is just come naturally?”

The class erupted in laughter, but only enough that they tried very hard not to. Draco looked as anyone would when they had just been insulted. No doubt most of the class thought he would run from the class at any moment from embarrassment.

“A word of caution to all, I'm not like other professor that you have had. Don't test me and we'll get along just fine.” Solarea picked up three large books from her desk. “I want you all to read the first two chapters your book. Except for Mister Potter, Miss Granger and Mister Weasley, you will read the first chapter of this book.” She gave then the book simply titled Level One Mage.


“I thought I'd find you here.” Madison entered the potions classroom to find her brother working at one of the work tables.

“You should be at lunch.” Severus reminded her.

“It's too bright in the Great Hall and the food makes me nauseous.” Madison replied, “It might be the potion because normally I could eat real food no problem. Not that I'd want to.”

“I'll see what I can do. How goes the game?”

“Well I've certainly got Draco's attention though he hasn't spoken to me at all today. Solarea rather embarrassed him in class this morning.” Madison reported, “And I've managed to make an enemy out of Pansy Parkinson, seems I've stolen her room.”


“She'll get over it.” Madison went closer to observe what Severus was doing, “What are you working on?”

“A little of this, a little of that.”

“Merlin, you really need to get yourself a girlfriend if this is what you do in your spear time.”

“I don't need anyone, thank you very much.” Severus replied continuing on with his work. “Besides, it would illogical. With the way things are I'm most likely end up dear by the time this whole war is over.”

“Don't say that,” Madison frowned, “You are going to live long, look old and gray like Dumbledore.”

“Please spare me; grey doesn't go with my wardrobe.”

“Bull, black goes with anything.” Madison smiled again then reminded him, “It is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all.”

“You've become such a romantic in your after-life.”

“Alright, fine, to each his own,” Madison gave up on the subject, “I just hate seeing you alone.”

“Do you still plan to go to that ball on Halloween?” Severus asked.

“I don't know I might not be able to.” Madison told him, “If not, oh well, I'll just celebrate here with family.”

A knock came from the classroom door; Madison quickly slid into one of the chairs and pulled out her potions book, pretending to read. Severus called for the person to come in.

“I was wondering if…” Solarea came through the door and upon seeing Madison she stopped what she was say, “Never mind, you're right here.” She said to Madison.

“You wanted to see me?” Oddly Madison felt like the guilty student she was play, like she was caught red handed or something.

“Are you familiar with a Mr. Wilder?” she asked.

“Ah?” Madison searched her memory but the name wasn't familiar.

“He's a lawyer,”

The light bulb went off, “He isn't dead is he?”

Solarea was taken aback with such an odd question, “No.”

“Then what about him, I've only met with him twice and that was years ago.” Madison told her.

“I met with him yesterday, he's afraid you might challenge Harry about his inheritance.”

“And I would do that because?” Madison could sense that Solarea was fishing for something.

“Something to do with this `Pure-blood Priority' Law that was recently passed.” Solarea explained.

“I'm sorry I don't really follow the dealings of mortal politics,” Madison told her, “I get enough with the immortal ones.”

“It says that inheritances' and such will go to a pure-blood relative before a half-blood.” Severus told her.

“So no matter what I said at James's will reading make any difference?” Madison asked more to get the statement out in the air. “I really hate mortal politics.”

“So no one notified you about this law and the loads of money that could be at your disposal?”

“I already have loads of money at my disposal, but no, no one told me. Most likely who ever got this law to pass was hoping that no one would claim it making it all null and void come three years from now.” Madison said.

“I came to the same conclusion,” Solarea told her.

“Did you have a nice fishing trip?” Madison asked sweetly.

“I'm sorry about that; I hate mortal politics even more than you do.”

“I'll sign whatever papers you need so that everything is set right.” Madison assured her, “Have you eaten yet?”

“I was just about to head to lunch.” Solarea told her.

“You should have something with ginger in it in the mourning's.” Madison advised.

“What? Do I have a billboard stuck to my forehead or something? “

“I have an uncanny sense of smell being a vampire and all; you threw up just before you came into class.” Madison told her.

Solarea walked away in frustration of people know she was pregnant before she told them.


“I wonder why she was late this mourning.” Harry wondered as the three of them were taking a walk outside before their next lesson.

“Who, your Aunt or Madison?” Hermione asked.

“Aunt Sol, I don't know maybe she did on purpose and was watching the class where no one could see her.”

“Look there's Lena,” Ron said pointing towards where Lena was walking; they quickly caught up with her as she was heading towards where she and Charlie were staying.

“Good afternoon Professor Marx,” Hermione said politely.

“Oh please guys, when it's just us call me Lena.” Lena replied, “This whole Professor thing is weird enough as it is.”

“How was your first class?” Ron asked.

“It was ok; I had first years and third years. It's amazing what a difference I live person teaching does.” Lena told them, “So how shocked were you when you found out we were here?”

“Very,” Ron replied, “It's weird with Hagrid not here.”

“Tell me about it, Charlie and I have redone his hut, it was just a bit too small for two people.” They reached the cabin and Lena went to the pen near the forest, “Charlie, I've brought you some lunch.”

Charlie came out of the pen clad in protective gear, “Thanks, I'm starving. Hey you three.”

“Hey Charlie, what are you working with?”

“Salamanders,” Charlie replied, "They seemed to be peeved about something, they won't stop spitting fireball at me."

"Do you want me to try and calm them down?" Lena asked.

"You're the fire resistant one," he told her, "Did you tell them?"

"I'll tell my family, you tell yours." Lena replied as she entered the pen.

"That's hardly fair." Charlie retorted.

Lena leaned against the pen's fence, "Ron, in your personal opinion, if we told your Mum we're getting married, what are the odds that she won't start planning every detail of the wedding."

"You're getting married?" Ron asked.

"In December hopefully." Charlie replied.

"Congratulations," Hermione and Harry said at the same time, they looked at each other and laughed.

"You do remember how Mum was with Bill's wedding?" Ron asked Charlie.

"Yeah, so I trust you to be quiet and not tell her." Charlie told his youngest brother.

"Besides, what girl in her right mind, who's been with the same person for nine years now, wouldn't have her wedding planned by now." Lena commented.

“Just don't tell Gin or Mum will know for sure,” Ron said.

“What are you reading Hermione?” Lena asked. Hermione had gotten her Mage book out to skim through it some more.

Level One Mage,” Hermione replied.

“What are you doing with a Mage book?” Lena felt concerned, “Where did you get it?”

“We got them from Professor Solarea,” Hermione replied, “its good though, I've been feeling defenseless since I can't do the kind of magic I use to.”

“Wait, you're learning Mage magic? But Wizards can't do Mage magic.”

“Just as Mages can't do Wizard's magic.” Harry pointed out, “And we can't do Wizards magic anymore.”

“So all three of you are Mages now?” Charlie asked in disbelief. The three of them nodded.

“I just thought since you are a mage…” Hermione started.

“That was very smart of you but only Master Level Mages can teach Novice Level Mages,” Lena told her, “And I am still at the Intermediate Level.”

“Is that normal?” Hermione asked, “I mean that you are still at Intermediate.”

“No, I never went to a Mage school since I live in this realm,” Lena explained, “Normally if I had grown up in the Mage Lands I'd probably be close to a Master Level Mage. It just all depends on how you're taught and who teaches you. My parents taught me everything they know, but they aren't practicing Mages anymore, they live like muggles. And my elemental powers have taken priority over everything else.”

“Can you talk about it at all?” Hermione asked.

“I'll talk to Solarea since she is the one teaching you, but I'm pretty sure we can have intelligent discussions about what you have learned.” Lena saw Hermione's eye light up at the potential conversations they could have. “That goes for all of you.”

“Alright enough shop talk you two,” Charlie intervened, “All of you better head up to the castle before your next class.”


The sun was high upon them, the boat gently rocked with the waves of the sea.

“How much longer do we have to be out here?” Tavion heard her companion complain.

“Do not ask questions you already know the answer to Cara.” Tavion was seated at the front of the boat with her back towards Cara so she could not see her niece sulking and brooding. But Tavion did not have to see Cara to know what she was doing; she had taken Cara on this fishing trip for a reason. “Help me with this net.”

Cara helped her, “Why is it that you and Máthai have been so hard on me, have I done something wrong?” They pulled the net up from the sea; the fish struggled to maintain life. With the fish in the boat they waited until they stopped moving.

“If I recall correctly about a fortnight ago you where tell your mother that you were not a child anymore.” Tavion told her, “If you don't want to be treated like a child then you must act like an adult.”

The fish where untangled from the net and they cast the net back into the sea. “We all have to grow up sooner or later.”

“I know that I said what I said, it just seems so sudden.” Cara said.

“There once was a time that the Amazon nation spread all across Europe. Now our tribe is all that's left. The world around us is changing rapidly; they find our way of living barbaric. But no matter what, we stick to tradition instead of conforming. What we have here is something to be proud of.”

“I know our history Aintín².” Cara told her impatiently.

“When Persephone was your age she had been Queen for four years already,” Tavion snapped at her niece, Tavion turned her back on her once again trying to compose herself. “Your mother is sick, she won't live past Yule.”

Cara had been shocked into silence for a moment, “Is there nothing you can do?” Cara said quietly.

“The sickness is from within and is incurable,” Tavion replied. Silently they hauled in the last load of fish and headed back to shore. They work together load up the fish in bundles to carry back to Iphigenia, their village.

“By right of caste you are your mother's heir, you are to be our Queen,” Tavion said to the sixteen year old, “But only if I deem you fit.”

“What is that suppose to mean?” Cara asked hurt by Tavion's words.

“It means you better step up and shape up, because until you are worthy of being called Queen I will take my sister's place. Our duty to our goddess if far too great to be left in incapable hands, I…” Tavion felt a sudden chill, like a dark shadow passing over her.

“What is it Aintín? Do you See something?” Cara asked.

“No, I thought I felt something. It's probably nothing, let's get going.” Tavion declared and they started back to the village.

“We mustn't interfere with them,” Rene told Voldemort, “They can't see or hear us.”

“The older one knows something.” Voldemort told him.

“Some Muggle can sense magic Master, they just don't know what it is they sense. Nonetheless we can do nothing to them, if someone goes missing or is mysteriously killed, the one who protects this cave will know. Then all will be lost, we must work in complete secrecy. Not even your Death Eaters must know.” Rene explained, “Let's go, we have much work to do.”

¹ Máthair- Gaelic for Mother

² Aintín- Gaelic for Aunt

(A/N- I have a Yahoo Group for all my writing, so if anyone what to go there and talk about stuff, ask me questions… yadda yadda yadda http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sk8erwitchsfanfiction/ )


9. Chapter 8

Chapter 8

It had been a long and tiring month, it was hard work being in seventh year. Madison was sitting at her desk, having finished her homework, and was writing a letter to Marcus. She had enjoyed their letters back and fourth.

Meanwhile she felt like a specimen under close observations when it came to her house mates. Pansy tried very hard to make Madison's life as hard as possible, whether it was sabotaging her homework, to trying to make her trip. Thankfully Madison had enough patience, from often dealing with fledglings, not to let it get to her.

“I have to say you have the patience of a Saint.” Madison hadn't even realized that someone was at her door or that they opened it without knocking. It must have been because of the music she was playing. She looked up to find Draco Malfoy standing against her doorway.


“If I where in your shoes I would have tried to wring the life out Pansy weeks ago,” he explained.

Madison smiled, “So what brings you to me humble abode?”

“Just checking up on you,” Draco replied as he ventured into her room looking at her stuff; Alexis turned off the music.

“You see something you like?” she asked finishing off her letter then sealing it.

“I can't figure you out,” Draco confessed, finally settling down in the armchair by the small fireplace, “I've been trying to for a while.”

“Well you can't to know someone by ignoring them.” Madison said blandly.

“How come you haven't come to Hogwarts before? Did you go to Beauxbatons?” Draco started his inquisition.

“My mother was extremely overprotective, she schooled me at home.” She explained.

“Well that explains your lack of social skill.” Draco commented, “Why was she overprotective and why the change?”

“I didn't know you like to fish.”

“Indulge me; I might be able to get Pansy to back off.”

Madison pretended to concede, “I'm photo-sensitive, and my parents are gone.”


“It means that I am very sensitive to sunlight, I burn very bad.” Madison explained.

“So that's why the Professors cover the windows in class.”

Madison nodded, “It's why I wear sunglasses, because I'm so use to the dark. The girls' dorm room has windows facing east, so every morning I would be a human barbeque, hence the privet bedroom with no windows.”

“That understandable.”

“I don't want to be pitied.” She snapped.

“I would dream of it,”

“And I don't want the whole house to know, next thing I need is for Pansy to push me into a sunny window.”

“And your parents are gone?” he asked.

“As in not living anymore, we are living in a war.” Madison reminded him, “But I'd rather not talk about them. I'm going to go get an owl to deliver this.”

“Do you want some company?” Draco asked.

Madison looked at him as if to read his thoughts. “Sure,”

Draco got up from his seat; a picture on the mantle caught his eye, “Is he your brother?”

The picture was of her and Marcus, “No, he's my boyfriend. His name is Marcus.”

“So you're the anti-social butterfly, yet you have a boyfriend.” Draco commented.

“I know, I'm weird,” Madison grabbed her cloak and headed out the door, “Are you coming?”


The silence was boring; they had been waiting for nearly ten minutes in the teacher's lounge for the last two Professors to arrive, Dumbledore and Snape. Lena had her hand palm up stretched out in front of her with a little mini fire ball spinning around in a circle fast so that all that was seen was ring of fire. Charlie sat beside her, amused with the little show. Without pause Lena removed her hand away from the fire ring and it remained.

“You're pretty good at that.” Sirius commented.

“Are you kidding,” Charlie replied, “That is nothing compared to some of the things she can do.”

“What's really weird,” Lena said as she made the fire disappear with a wave of her hand, “Is that I am currently teaching someone in my class that is older than me.”

“If only Miss Prince was the student Miss Philana is today,” Minerva mentioned with slight disappointment.

“Some people can change a lot over the years,” Sirius said.

“Some people more than others obviously.” Minerva made a jab at Sirius.

“Oi, enough of that now, I get enough of that from this one,” Sirius referred to Solarea who was sitting next to him slightly hunched with her eyes closed.

Sirius reached over and poked her in the arm. Solarea suddenly jerked up and blinked a couple times before rubbing her eyes.

“Tired?” Sirius asked sarcastically. “It's not as if you're the one getting into the physical part of class.”

“Oh shut up,” Solarea snapped, “I'd gladly trade places if I could, you try being sick all the time.”

The staff of Hogwarts had known that Solarea was pregnant for two weeks now, after her nausea gotten the best out of her at the weekly staff meeting.

“Just because I told you not to treat me as something fragile, doesn't mean you get to be an inconsiderate ass.” Solarea snapped causing a few laughs.

It was then that Dumbledore came in, “I'm afraid that Severus will not be joining us this evening, he unfortunately had other things to attend to.”

“Wow, first time in a month,” Sirius retorted.

“Think he's forgotten about me?” Lena asked doubtfully.

“All we can do is wait and see,”

“We have further information regarding this Ball come Halloween Night,” Dumbledore said reverting the conversation to another topic, “It seems that the Ministry was given a list a people to send invitation to.”

“Well who did the list come from?” Solarea asked.

“That is still unknown.” Dumbledore replied.

“Unknown or you just don't want to tell us.”

“The Ministry is being extremely closed lipped about it.”


“Where is he?” Lucius demanded.

“The Master is inside the cavern, he mustn't be bothered,” Rene told the Death Eaters.

“Then why have we been called here?” Bellatrix asked.

“For what is to take place tonight, he mustn't be disturbed. The Master had ordered that you each go in teams of two to patrol this forest.” Rene explained, “The magic that keeps us concealed from the locals may falter, they mustn't be aware of our presence.”

“What do you know about the locals?” Severus asked.

“The village consists of muggles,” Rene replied, “If you see someone, don't do anything unless they see you, and knock them out do not kill them.”

“Where's the fun in that?” Bellatrix asked coyly.

“It is said that these lands are protected by a higher being, if you use magic or kill someone, our presence will be known,” Rene pressed with such urgency, “In fact, I think it would be best if you leave your wands behind.”

“I think we are capable of following direction,” Lucius sneered, “I doubt we need go to such extreme.”

“Very well,” Rene conceded, “But if anything happens to hinder our mission…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Bellatrix said as she started to walk off, “Don't get your knickers in a twist.”

When everyone had gone off in pairs, Rene let out of sigh of frustration, “Damn Wizards, always have to do thing their way.”


“Come on Perce, you're in no condition to get up right now.” Tavion told her sister as she attempted to get up from her bed.

“Cara...” Persephone rasped.

“Don't worry, I'll go after her. You stay in bed, I mean it.” After seeing to her sister's comfort, Tavion left the hut in search of the young girl. She didn't have to look far; Cara was sitting on the steps of the hut, knees tucked up to her chest. Tavion sat down next to her.

“You said Yule,” Cara said with spite.

“Her illness is far more aggressive than I had foreseen.” Tavion responded.

“It's not fair!” Cara sobbed. Tavion wanted so much to cry with her, but she had to strong, she could not break down. She put a comforting arm around her niece and Cara leaned into her.

After Cara was finished, Tavion lifted her face so that they saw each other eye to eye, “Alright now, lets wipe those tears. She doesn't need to be seeing those. She loves you and right now she needs you to be strong for her.”

Cara nodded in agreement, wiping the tears from her face, and then headed back into the hut. Tavion sighed as she watched some of her tribe mates around a campfire telling stories to the young ones before bed.

It was then that it happened, time seemed irrelevant. The world deafened around her and only her shallow breathing could be heard. Tavion was use to this, it happened many times before. She closed her eyes and let the images come to her. There was darkness, then trees, a tall dark man, then a fiery bird all the while a bell was tolling in her ear. Then with dread she saw the cavern, light emitting from the darkness where none should be. It ended abruptly, with a snap back to reality. Tavion gazed upon the night sky, piecing together what she had seen.

A sense of urgency overcame her, a fear that something terrible was to happen. But Tavion didn't know when. Quickly, she walked across the village to her own hut. Once inside Tavion located her Sais, a quiver full of some specially made arrows and her bow. After her quiver and three Sais where in place she then headed back to the medicine hut.

“What's going on?” Cara asked upon seeing her Aunt armed.

“I don't know, perhaps nothing,” Tavion replied, “How is she doing?”

“I've managed to get her to sleep, though she keeps coughing blood.” Cara reported.

“Alright stay with her. I am going to check on something.” Tavion explained as she headed to the door, “If the bell should toll, I want you to take your mother down to the beach, into the boat. Don't come back, I will come for you.”

“Do you expect trouble?”

“Just do as I say okay.” Then she left.


Much to his disappointment, Severus had been teamed up with Macnair. Though it was far better then having Lucius or Bellatrix around, they were always trying to poke holes though his supposed loyalty to Voldemort. However accurate, it was still annoying.

They had traveled for about a half hour, with only the light from the moon above to see. Severus didn't like to be left out of the loop, but apparently so had the others. No one knew what the Master was doing inside that cavern.

Macnair had no sense of grace; he had been constantly tripping over tree roots and sometimes there were a few rings of stones for a fire pit.

Suddenly something caught Severus's eye, a light coming from the distance. Macnair seemed not to notice, so Severus slipped of by himself to go investigate the light. As he got closer he saw that it was someone, a female, carrying a torch as she walked a well worn path. Perhaps is he made himself know, or if he did magic, it would disrupt what ever Voldemort was planning to do this night.

Severus saw that the woman was armed with a bow. He thought perhaps she was hunting, but it was rather odd as it was night time. He wasn't more then ten feet away from her when she stopped dead in her track, cautiously looking around. What dumbfounded him more was that she was not dressed like the muggles he had seen; she was in animal skin. There was something about her though, maybe it was the way she presented herself, Severus found himself oddly attracted to her.

She crouched down and wedged the touch between three rocks so that it stood up by itself. Severus watched as she armed her bow with an arrow, “Show yourself, Wizard,” the woman said in an unmistakable Irish accent.

Severus approached closer, wand at hand. The woman kept looking around, obviously not seeing him. Then without pause, she pulled back on the bow and aimed strait at Severus.

“How many of you stick wavers are here?” She asked demandingly. When he didn't answer right away she continued, “I'll have you know I am bound by law to kill you where you stand; if you have nothing of use to say I will end you.”

“I was told to make sure that you and your people did not know of our presence.”

“Yet you've made yourself known.”

“I didn't see any other alternative.” Severus explained. She lowered the bow, “You're very trusting.” He noted.

“It has nothing to do with trust, just truth. You are with the Phoenix. Now how many Wizards are here?” she asked with less hostility.

“More than we can handle.” Severus answered.

She nodded in understanding then brought arrow close to the fire. Severus could see on the end of the arrow was a small sack with a fuse coming out the top. The fuse caught fire and then she aimed towards the night sky and released. Shards of light fell from the sky as the arrow had exploded.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“A call to arms,” she replied, in the distance they faintly heard a bell toll, “It also call upon the one we serve.”

“And who do you serve?” Severus inquired.

“What's going on?” Damn, Severus had forgotten about Macnair. The woman reached behind her and grabbed something from the small of her back. By the time Severus realized what it was, it was lodged into Macnair's chest. Severus was momentarily shock, he did not think that she could do what he had just seen, kill someone in cold blood.

“You are the third person I have saved from this fate,” she told his as she removed her Sais and made sure he was dead, “Trespassers are killed on sight. Welcome to Amazon territory, my name is Tavion and I'll be your tour guide this evening.”

Severus thought about the situation for a few moments, “What the hell is so important in that cavern that is worth killing?”

Suddenly the earth began to shake beneath them. They both clung to a tree to keep themselves from falling over. The quake lasted for about two minutes before it settled. Tavion looked panicked.

“It's too late,” she whispered before a wave of energy passed over them causing them to fall to the ground unconscious.


Solarea was just contemplated on retiring for the evening when she heard the bell toll in her mind. She sighed wishing that she could just sleep.

Sirius noticed that Solarea was doing the opposite from getting ready for bed; he could tell something was up.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“I think so,” Solarea quietly replied, “I've just have to check on something.”

She grabbed her cloak and hurried out of their rooms, Sirius rushed after her.

“What are you doing?” Solarea asked when she noticed Sirius following her.

“I'm coming with you,” he replied, “And before you argue I will say this: You and I are together, it would not be fair if you left me behind to worry about you all the time.”

“Well as long as you don't mind going to a village full of women.”

When Solarea and Sirius arrived at Iphigenia, the sight before them was disturbing. All of the tribe just seemed to have fallen where they stood.

Solarea looked extremely panicked, “This is not happening!”

“Are they…?”

Observing the catastrophe before them she replied, “Yes, they're dead.”

“How did this happen?”

Solarea did not respond, instead her attention seemed to be aimed elsewhere, towards on of the huts.

“What is it?”

“Someone is still alive.” She announced as she headed towards the hut.

Inside the hut, which Sirius recognized to be the one he had been in all those years ago, there were only two victims. Only one was alive, Cara had woken up.

“Cara, are you okay?” Solarea asked.

Cara sat up and tried to shake the confusion from her mind. “I have to take Máthair to the beach,” Cara responded.

“Why, little one?” Solarea asked softly.

“She's sick. Tavion Saw something and left; she told me to take her to the beach in a boat until she got back if the bell tolled.” Cara explained. Solarea gently placed a hand on the girls shoulder and Cara fell asleep.

“I want you to take her to Hogwarts,” Solarea told Sirius.

“I will, as soon as you tell me why all these people are dead and she isn't.”

“Everything that isn't magical had been killed. Cara is buzzing with magic right now, so that is what saved her.” Solarea explained, “I will tell you everything when I return. There's still a chance that Tavion could still be alive.”

Sirius scooped Cara into his arms and took to the point where he could Apparate.


“What is this?” Voldemort asked in disbelief to Rene. Rene was down on one knee not responding

“It is understandable to be confused, however I do thank you for freeing me from my prison.”

“Who are you?” Voldemort asked.

“I am Vinarin,” Vinarin looked to be in his thirties, tall with dark hair and dark eyes.

Voldemort turned back to Rene, “You know this was going to happen!”

“Rene is my servant, therefore you will speak to me,” Vinarin shouted crossly that Voldemort a little scared. “For too long have I been ignored; and I'm not interested in your petty vendetta. You inability to kill a boy is disturbing.”

“Master, if I may speak freely?” Rene asked; Vinarin showed that he was listening, “This boy may have some interest to us. Your sister holds him dear to her heart.”

“Really, how interesting.” Vinarin mused about this for a moment. “It seems I do have a use for you after all Tom Riddle, however incompetent you are. You can't even see that one of your followers is a spy.”

What Voldemort did next was so stupid that it could possibly go down in the record book of stupid. Being infuriated about being played and gypped out of the power he wanted, he raised his wand against Vinarin and uttered the Death Curse. The curse just rolled off of him, but Vinarin raise a hand in turn and Voldemort went flying and slammed into a cavern wall and was held there.

“You foolish mortal!” he spat. With another thought Vinarin summoned some of the closest Death Eater from the forest that was awake. Here were Voldemort's followers about to witness their master about to get a beating. “I only keep those who have a use, and I can easily do without the likes of you. I have been around a lot longer than you can comprehend. I am a God Tom Riddle; learn your place or I'll give you one six feet under.”

Vinarin released Voldemort and he fell to the ground, “We must leave before my sister comes.”


Severus woke to someone shaking him. “Snape, wake up.” He opened his eyes to see Professor Solarea standing over him nudging him with her foot. Once she saw that he was awake she went over to Tavion and checked her pulse.

Her pulse was faint and she was barely breathing. Tavion's eyes were open but they had clouded over which usually happened when she had a vision.

“They left you behind.” Solarea told Severus.

“Who?” he asked in confusion.

“Voldemort, the Death Eaters,” Solarea responded, “If you go back to them you're dead.”

“What the hell happened tonight?”

“Voldemort received a Master tonight.” Solarea sighed as she lifted Tavion's upper body to get the woman to sit up.

“Is she alright?” Severus asked.

“We need to get her to Hogwarts, she's in shock.” Solarea explained.

“Would she not be missed by her village?” Severus asked.

“There's no one left in the village to miss her.”

Severus helped by taking Tavion into his arms. Solarea picked up Tavion's discarded weaponry and noted her bloodied Sais and then Macnair's corpse.

“You're lucky you didn't end up on the end of this,” Solarea noted.

“So I have been told. Can I assume you are the one they serve?”

“Yes,” Solarea started, “but I will explain everything after I call an emergency Order meeting.”

And then the forest that was once home to the Amazons was abandoned.


“Wow, I can see why you dislike them so much.”

Madison and Draco had found themselves in the east tower after their trip to the owlery.

“Actually, if you really think about it, it's all rather stupid.” Draco said.

“How so?”

“There are more important thing happening. And I have been wasting my time trying to make others look bad.” Draco explained.

There was a silence, an awkward one at that.

“So how long were you planning on lying to me?” Draco asked suddenly.

“What? What do you mean?”

Draco pulled out an old photograph that Madison recognized as one of her and Draco's father back when they went to school before.

“This, plus the whole sunlight issue screams Vampire.” Draco accused.

Yes, she was busted. Madison took off her glasses, “It wasn't my idea.”

“Do the Professors know?”

“Of course they do,” Madison snapped. “What do you plan to do with this information?”

“I want to know where your loyalties lie.”

“My loyalties lie with Marcus Moravian, who has recently joined the Order of the Phoenix.” Madison said coolly and calmly.

“What are your intentions, infiltrating Hogwarts?” Draco pressed further.

“Now that would be telling.”

“I suppose you don't have any reason to trust me.” Draco said timidly.

“There's a way to fix that.” Madison replied.


Madison reached into her robes and retrieved a small bottle and tossed it to Draco.

“Is it a habit of yours to carry around Veritaserum?” Draco asked as he examined the bottle.

“It has its uses. You take some and I will ask one question, if I am happy with you answer I will take some and we will have a nice little chat.” Madison explained.

“And if you don't like my answer?”

“Are you familiar with obliviate?”

“You couldn't possibly?” Draco asked astonished.

“I can move a lot faster than you can. I'd cast my spell before you could even take your wand out.” She replied.

Draco thought about it for a moment and then took some of the truth potion.

“Test question: Are you getting any from Pansy?”

“What? God no,” Draco replied quickly.

“Alright, alright, fair enough. Do you plan on following in your father's footsteps?” Madison asked, hoping to hear the right answer.

“I hate my father,” he answered, “And I have seen what he is like with the path he is taken. I hope to redeem the name of Malfoy when this is all over.”

“You know you are already labeled a potential Death Eater.” Madison told him as she motioned for Draco to give back the bottle of Veritaserum.

“I can't really think of anyone I can truly trust.” He watched as Madison took her share of potion, “To tell you the truth, I was bluffing. I don't really know who you are; all I had, was the picture to go on.”

Madison was shocked. “So if you had never seen that picture of me you wouldn't have known that something is up?”

“Pretty much,”

“Well let me introduce myself, I am Madison Prince. And you know you could have gone to Dumbledore. Above all he would be the one to believe you.” Madison reminded him.

“Even so I would have the Gryffindor dream team still question me. And even though I do admit I have been less then descent to them, I will always be under suspicion.” He explained.

“I was asked by Professor Snape to pose as a student for this year; mostly because there might be students like you who are pressured by their parents to follow the same path they have chosen and don't have anyone to turn to for help.” Madison told him.

“Snape? But he's a…”

“By having me here he would not jeopardize his status as a spy in the Death Eater ranks.”

“Wow, I know my father always suspected but I just thought he was paranoid.” Draco admitted.

Madison's attention seemed to be diverted as she gazed towards the front gates of Hogwarts.

“What is it?” Draco asked.

“Professor Snape, Professor Solarea and someone else. I think something has happened. Meet me by the Hospital Wing, but stay out of sight.” Madison told him.

“Where are you going?” Draco asked.

“I'm taking a short cut,” was all she replied as she stepped off the tower and was out of Draco's sight.


10. Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The three Mages were sitting in the Common Room, all alone in silence, with nothing but a roaring fire for comfort.

Harry and Ron had woken from their sleep at the exact same time, both with an unsettling feeling in their stomach.

Harry could block out Voldemort most of the time, but that evening Harry felt the Dark Lord go from extreme happiness and excitement, to something totally different, fear.

After deciding that neither of them would be able to go back to sleep, Ron and Harry ventured down into the Common Room. Five minutes into their chess game, Hermione came down, with expression of worry clearly written across her face.

“We should talk to Solarea tomorrow,” Hermione said breaking the silence while curling up next to Harry on the sofa.

“Yeah, I'm not buying this whole Mage thing.” Ron said.

“What do you mean?” Harry asked.

“I don't know,” Ron felt he needed to move around while he worked out what was going on in his head, “I mean, we were Wizards, now we're Mages. But why? Why us? Solarea has been acting as if it is nothing to worry about.”

“Sounds like this has been bugging you for a while now,” Hermione pointed out.

“Don't get me wrong, learning to use wandless magic and everything else has been really wicked. But Harry, you survived the Death Curse and it turned out that there was a prophesy hanging over you on that one. I don't think something big as us being Mages goes without a prophesy hanging over us as well.” Ron explained.

“He does have a point.”

“Alright, so we'll talk to Aunt Sol tomorrow.” Harry said, trying to put Ron at ease.



“Except for these two,” Solarea said as they settled Tavion and Cara into their own bed in the hospital wing.

“How is she in shock, if she passed out just like me?” Severus asked.

Solarea looked over at Cara, “Cara here is an untrained muggle born witch. Tavion however, is muggle. What saved her was her sight; I believe she saw her village fall dead.”

“What caused this atrocity?” Madison asked with concern.

“Its best if I explain only once.” Solarea said calmly, but it seemed as if she could snap at any moment. “I meant what I said before Severus, no longer are you a spy for the Order. You can never go back.”

Madison looked to her brother for some sort of explanation. Severus just scowled and looked away. Madison hit him on the arm, “You don't have to look so glum about, at least this will save my nerves wondering if you're ok or dead because you got caught.”

“What am I suppose to do now? Sit around and brew potions?”

“You can live your life. Find your self a woman for crying out loud. `What am I suppose to do?'” Severus's statement obviously infuriated her. “You can help the rest of your Slytherins as well.”

“What do you mean?”

“I've done my job, and now you can do it.” Madison told him, like no one would ever speak to him. “Truthfully I just sick of Pansy Parkinson liking like she would kill me the second she could. Though Draco said she probably would try.”


“Yeah, he's on our side.” Madison told Severus.

“You know he has probably mastered the technique of bullshiting.” Severus reminded her.

“True, but I doubt that he could bull his way under the influence of Veritaserum.” Madison said in a sing-song tone dangling a half empty bottle of the serum in his face.

“Are you going to leave?” Severus asked curtly.

Madison could tell that he liked having her around, “Actually I though I could offer my skills at kicking Sirius's butt at practical defense.”

“That's a good idea,” Solarea said, “Soon enough I won't be able to.”

“Good, then it's settled.”


Draco watched as Madison exited the Hospital Wing; she immediately sought him out.

“What's happened?” Draco asked.

“I don't know,” Madison replied as they hurried along the hallway, “There's to be an emergency Order meeting and I've been asked to assemble the Gryffindor Dream Team.”

“I guess I'll head back to Slytherin then.” Draco said stopping to take a different direction.

“Nonsense,” Madison stopped him, “I've already spoken with Professor Snape. You will attend the meet under my sponsorship. I trust you, Snape trusts me and Dumbledore trusts him. Just get over you fear of what other people think of you.”

“I'm not afraid.”

“One mention of Harry Potter or any of his friend and you go running the other way. Be a man and grow a backbone. After tonight you will be officially be a member of the light.” Madison told him.

Draco just stood there speechless.

“Let's go already,” Madison urged as she sped off again.

“I always wondered what the Gryffindor Common Room looks like,” Draco commented as they climbed the stairs.

“I always heard it's the Hufflepuffs that have all the fun.” Madison replied.

Madison and Draco finally arrived at the Fat Lady's portrait. “Password?” The Fat Lady asked.

“Moldy shorts,” Madison responded. The Fat Lady was somewhat surprised that a pair of Slytherin actually had the password. Madison was about to tell Draco to stay put when she saw that Harry, Ron and Hermione where already awake.

“What the bloody hell are you doing here?” Ron exclaimed as jumped up from where he sat, his fingers crackling with magic.

“Relax Ron, he's with me.” Madison tried to assure him.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“I'm on your side,” Draco told him.

“Liked we'd believe you.” Hermione said.

“I would not have told him the truth about who I am, and why I am here, if I hadn't either, put him under the influence of Veritaserum, or gotten him really drunk.” Madison told them, “Thankfully it didn't require a drop of alcohol. Look I'm not asking you to like Draco, just don't give him a hard time.”

“It's hardly us whose been giving him a hard time.” Hermione said bitterly.

“I'm not looking for your approval,” Draco snapped, “Yes, I've made some mistakes, but I can't change the past.”

“I came to come get you three for an emergency Order meeting.” Madison explained calmly, “Draco is only here because I wouldn't let him skulk back to the Common Room. My job was to find any Slytherins who didn't want to follow Voldemort, and I've found one. You'll have to except it. Now go and get dressed, the meeting will be in the Great Hall. I have to go wake up Charlie and Lena.”

“I forget sometimes that you're old enough to be our mother.” Harry noted with a smirk.

“Oh shut up!”


Many grumpy people were gathered in the Great Hall. A lot of people had been awakened from their sleep for this meeting. They waited in a solemn quiet. Many assumed that the meeting had been called because Snape had some important information that could not wait until a decent hour, however they would only be partially right.

Instead of Dumbledore starting the meeting as usual, Solarea took the floor.

“This war has taken a drastic change, for the worse. Tonight, Voldemort has done something idiotically stupid. He had released a Being from his prison. He's been trapped there for about ten thousand years now.” The room remained silent, “His name is Vinarin and like me, he is a god. In fact he is my brother.”

There were a few gasped of surprise.

“Why would You-Know-Who do such a thing,” someone asked.

“I'm not sure. It doesn't sound like something Voldemort would do. But the fact is, is that Voldemort is no longer in control.”

“But you could kill this Vinarin guy, right?” Mad-Eye Moody asked.

“And he can kill her.” Sirius stated. Solarea looked at Sirius and saw that he understood the severity of the situation. For the first time there was a possibility that he could lose her, forever, and the baby.

“I thought that I could just trap him, a prison he could not escape. I won't make that mistake again. This time I will kill him, I have to. Too many people have died already.” Solarea said solemnly.

“What has happened?” Harry asked.

“Vinarin's prison was protected by the last tribe of Amazons. When he escaped, the magic that was released killed anything non-magical in its path.” Solarea told them.

“The Amazons are extinct?” Lena asked.

“Two survived, the Queen's daughter and sister. Though Tavion is barely hanging on.” Solarea explained.

“How did Cara survive?” Harry asked.

“She is a witch, but the Queen refused to have her taught.”

“What about Snape?” Someone asked, “He's supposed to be our spy. Why weren't we informed of this sooner?”

“I hadn't been called in over a month,” Severus explained, “From what I heard, no Death Eater had been called. The only one who seemed to know what was going on was some Mage called Rene.”

“I knew something was up with that man.” Solarea muttered.

“Who is he?” Lena asked.

“Rene is on the Council.”

“He is deceiving the Council?”


“I have to warn them.” Lena stated.

“What?” Charlie exclaimed.

“It is my duty as the Elemental Mage. I cannot let him have a seat on the Council whilst he serves the devil himself.” Lena declared.

“When will you go?” Solarea asked.

“As soon as possible. Today in fact.” Lena replied.

“I'll go with her,” Charlie volunteered.

Lena looked at her fiancé, “You can't.”

“Why not?” Charlie seemed almost hurt.

“Because you are a Wizard.” Lena simply replied.


“Charlie, for Lena to go and confront a member of Council is one thing. But to bring a Wizard to the Mage Lands when they aren't welcome, both you a Lena would be imprisoned.” Solarea explained.

“The Mages who created these laws were pompous, arrogant buttheads. And for some reason it hasn't changed.” Lena said.

With that nothing more could really be said and the meeting ended.


“I really wish I could take you with me.” Lena said as she packed some food and water in a sack.

“Yes, well, we don't want to offend them with a mere Wizard in their presence.” Charlie said with a sarcastic sting in his tone.

“Those darn Mages,” Lena said playfully as she continued packing. “I should be back in a couple of days,” she said as she fastened her bright red traveling cloak around her.

“Days?” Charlie asked confused.

“I'm traveling via portal, and I can only create a portal to a place where I have been. Since I've only been to the capital city once, I barely remember it so I am going to the place I use to live. Let's just say that it'll take some time to travel.” Lena explained.

“I think my Mum has got her suspicions about us.” Charlie said as he looked out the window.

“Why do you say that?” Lena asked rechecking her pack.

“My Mum and Dad are headed this way.” He answered.

“Well it's too bad that I have to leave.”

“Oh, you're a mean one.”

“Yes, but you love me anyway,” Lena said lovingly, “I'll make the portal outside, so I'll at least say hi.”

Charlie and Lena went out the door as Molly and Arthur were about to knock.

“Ah, thought we would drop by before we went home.” Arthur told them. Molly looked like she was anticipating very good news.

“Sorry, you caught me on the go. I really must get going.” Lena apologized. She then walked just outside the cottage, nodded her head slightly with her eyes closed, put her hand in front of her and swept them back as if parting a certain. Purple light emitted from the portal that opened.

“You're not going to leave a poor woman hanging are you?” Molly asked.

“21st of December, Charlie will tell you everything, won't you Charlie” Lena declared.

“Yes dear,” Charlie grumbled, and then Lena blew him a kiss and went through the portal.

“When did you ask her, son?” Arthur asked.

“Start of term,” Charlie replied as the portal closed up.

“Start of term?” Molly frazzled, “You hear that Arthur, start of term. And when were you going to tell us, when we got our invitation?” Molly paused, “You're not going to elope are you?”

“Of course not Mum, Lena's had everything planned for years now.”


Solarea was teaching History of Magic while Lena was away, and she didn't know what Sirius was doing, yet Madison found herself agreeing to teach the Defense classes Vampire 101. Her first class ironically was the Gryffindor/Slytherin 7th year class. So she ditched the school uniform and let down her hair, propped up her feet on the teacher's desk and began the task of filing her nails.

“I wish I brought a camera,” Madison looked up to see Pansy was in with a smug look on her face, “That way I could keep the image of the Professor's face when she walks in and finds you like that. She's going to make you run labs like crazy.”

Madison ignored her and continued what she was doing until everyone was present.

“Professor Solarea and Mr. Black are busy doing something else, so they asked me to tell you what I know.” She got up and went to the blackboard and wrote `Vampires' on it.

“And how do you know so much about it?” Pansy asked.

“You mean for the exception of the people who already knew before term started that only one of you managed to discover my good acting skills?” Madison said in a mock disbelief. The class was silent, “Well allow me to introduce myself; my name is Madison Prince, and you've had a vampire sleeping in the Slytherin dorms for the last month.”

A/N: I know some of you want more Harry and I promise to do that soon. Please review, I like to hear back from my readers.


11. Chapter 10

Chapter 10

After walking all day Lena had Nasurra, the capital city of the Mage Lands, in sight near sunset. However she was no walking alone. Near lunchtime came across another on his way to Nasurra, except he had a horse.

He was a charming young fellow, and perhaps if she was not already spoken for….

His name was Ewan and coincidently he was on his way to speak with the Mage council as well, though Lena did not tell him why she was going. He was dressed like a nobleman and held himself like one too.

“So what is it like in the Wizarding Realm?” Ewan asked as the city grew closer and closer.

“There isn't much difference between our realms,” Lena told him, “The Mages just think they are too good for the likes of Wizards. Royalty to mere presents.”

“Do you dislike your own kind?”

“I don't define myself as such. Yes I am a Mage, but I don't look for that difference when I see people everyday. It doesn't matter whether a person is Mage, Wizard or Muggle.” Lena explained.

“Why are you here?” Ewan asked persistently.

“There is someone on the council that cannot be trusted.” Lena admitted.

“And you know this being in a different realm and all?”

“My information came from the Everlasting Daystar.” Lena said.

“Ah, so you've met the Goddess?” Ewan said surprised, “She was here only a few months ago. Well you might have a problem seeing the Council all by yourself, but I can put in a good word for you.”

“What make you so special?” Lena asked.

“Well seeing as you haven't been to the Mage Lands in a while I will explain. I am the Elemental Mage, a guardian if you will. And…”

“Is this some kind of joke?” Lena stopped in her tracks.

“What, you don't believe me?” He genuinely asked.

“I appreciate your companionship on the road my lord, but I will not be made a fool of.” Lena could not believe that that man had the gull to say that. Perhaps he was working with Rene, yes, she decided, this was his doing.

Ewan saw he could do nothing further and rode on ahead on his horse rather then wait for her. Lena took a moment to calm down.

When she made it to the building where the council was held, surprisingly they let her in. Inside the council room were Ewan and twelve of the thirteen council members.

“Before you say one word, I ask you this. Why should we grant you an audience with this council when you insult a man we hold in high respect?” One of the councilwomen asked.

It was then that Lena realized that they all believed that Ewan was the Elemental Mage, in fact Ewan believed it himself.

“May I ask who it was that discovered you as the Fire Mage?” Lena directed at Ewan.

“Council member Rene,” he admitted, “what does that have to do with anything?”

“There is no possible way you could be the Fire Mage,” Lena said calmly.

“Perhaps a demonstration is at hand Ewan,” one of the council members suggested.

Ewan nodded and sought to play with the fire from the torches on the walls. Lena noticed that he didn't actually create the fire and kept it at a safe distance not to get burnt; any Mage could do that with the right spells and mastery.

Lena concentrated on the fire and inched it closer to Ewan. She could see that he was confused by the sudden lack of control that he had, Ewan was trying very discreetly to push the fire away, but she would not let it. Finally the fire was so close that he pulled away before he could get hurt.

“Well,” Lena remarked, “If you can't handle the heat, stay out of my kitchen.” Lena pulled the fire towards her and made it grow, engulfing her entire body with the flame. Then as quickly as she had done that, the flame disappeared with Lena not harmed in the least, not even her clothes.

“As I was saying, there is no possible way you could be the Fire Mage. I sorry but it seems that Rene has been deceiving you for years.”


After saying up the day before, the night and that day, Madison was ready to drop. But first she had to pack up her room in the Slytherin dorm and move to the empty room Severus had in his chambers.

“Do you need any help?” Draco was standing at the doorway.

“You can help carry some stuff when I'm finished packing.” She told him. Madison caught a hint of fear in his eye. “What wrong?”

“Nothing,” Draco quickly replied.

“I'm not leaving Hogwarts,” she explained. “I just don't need to be sleeping in the dorms when I'm not a student.”

“I know that,” Draco hesitated, “Its just that I'll be alone here.”

“Weren't you before? No one in Slytherin knows that you've joined the Order,” as she had said that she heard something coming from the closet, like a gasp.

“What is it?” Draco asked, but Madison motioned for him to be quiet. She listened to all the sounds around her; she found two heartbeats in the room, one from Draco and one from… Madison opened the closet to reveal Pansy Parkinson attentively listening in on their conversation. She grabbed Pansy and forcibly took her out of the closet and up against a wall.

“Have you abandoned all logic Parkinson? Entering the domain of a Vampire,” only wanting to scare her, Madison's eyes lit up and she spoke with exaggeration so that her fangs were clearly seen. This was not something she had show the classes, she only spoke of Vampires, never showed them. It was obvious Pansy needed some convincing.

“I...I…” Pansy stammered.

“I…I…” Madison mimicked, “Didn't think you'd get caught did you? Here is some advice: stay clear of me and anything that has to do with me.” She then licked Pansy on the check, “Or else.” She then let Pansy go and she fled the room.

Madison could see that Draco was anxious about what had just happened.

“Don't worry, I could've been ten times more scary.”

“That was bloody scary enough.”

“I could have grabbed her by the throat and lifted her in the air a few feet, but alas I am showing a great deal of self restraint.” Madison joked.

“I stand corrected.” Draco said, “So where in the castle or you going to be?”

“Professor Snape has an extra room in his chambers.” Madison answered as she removed her clothes from the closet and magiced them into her trunk.

“Why are you staying with him?” he asked.

“Well, he's in the dungeon, which is a nice location; he has my blood supply, which you know I can't live without,” she said.

“That makes sense.”

“I know that you are capable of handling the rest of the Slytherins. It'll be up to you to show them what the right thing to do is.”

“No pressure right?”

“Come on, grab those bags.” Madison told him as she lifted up her trunk and they headed further into the dungeons.


Harry decided to visit the Hospital Wing after dinner to see how the two Amazons were doing. Tavion was still white eyed and comatose while Cara was quietly sitting by a window, staring out into oblivion. It was weird seeing Cara dressed in something different other than the animal skins, now she looked like someone who lived in civilization.

He must have made a noise because she turned around as he approached her. Cara's eyes were red and puffy and she looked utterly miserable.

Dia dhuit,” she said quietly. (Hello)

“Hi,” Harry replied, he knew only a little Gaelic but he always tried to speak it around them, “Conas atá tú?” (How are you?)

“How do you think I am?” she snapped.

“Sorry,” Harry said sincerely, “Did Madame Pomfrey say anything about Tavion.”

Cara shook her head, “She's hasn't a clue. Though Solarea said she'll come out of it when she's ready.”

“If only more of your people had survived.” Harry said regretfully.

“Yeah,” Cara said thoughtfully, “Tell me, how hard is this magic thing?”

“I think you'll be a quick learner. Are you going to learn?”

“I think I might, I don't really have anything else to do.” Cara answered.

“I know the perfect person that can help you. Hermione is top of our class, brilliant witch.” Harry said with pride.

They then heard Tavion inhale sharply, they both turned towards her, but it was too late. Before Tavion could give warning the sound of glass shattering was heard and Harry stumbled slightly as an arrow lodged itself into his left shoulder. Tavion bolted out of her bed and was at Harry's side within seconds. Harry, in shock, was about to pull it out.

“No, don't.” Tavion commanded, “Sit down, Cara find some dressings.”

“What the bloody hell was that thing?” Harry asked looking to the window.

“What did it look like?” Tavion asked in an attempt to keep him distracted.

“It was a ghost but...” he trailed off.

“It was a taibhse except it was solid when it did this, then it went back to being a taibhse. I think it was a girl.” Lena finished for Harry when she returned with the dressings. (ghost)

“Why don't you see if you can find someone to get Solarea?” Tavion suggested to Cara.

“Something's wrong.” Harry said. “Something doesn't feel right.”

“You've been shot with an arrow Harry; of course it doesn't feel right.” Tavion told him.

“No it's something else, it burns.” he said then slipped from consciousness.

Tavion held on to him so he wouldn't fall. She examined the entrance wound carefully and then cursed. The area around the wound had blacked and looked to be slowly spreading. “Poison,” Tavion quickly pushed the arrow through the other side and broke the arrow head off, then slipped the shaft out and quickly applied pressure to both wounds. She looked around the room until she found shelves filled with plants and such. Leaving Harry for only a few minutes, Tavion rush over and quickly examined the plants until she found the right one. This particular plant, where ground up would hopefully slow the poison.

Cara came back soon after with Solarea as well as other people.

“You may want to fetch your Potions Master,” Tavion told them, “The arrow was laced with poison.”

Sirius help by putting Harry in a bed, “Glad to see you up and about.”

“Not soon enough, I saw this happening but I was too late.” Tavion said.

Solarea examined the arrow, “This is an old poison, and no doubt my brother's doing. The antidote is tricky.”

“How tricky?” Severus asked as he and Madison entered the Hospital Wing.

“It required the blood of a relative, nearly all of it.”

“No human can survive that,” McGonagall gasped.

“Does it matter whether the blood is live or dead?” Madison asked.

Solarea thought about this, “I, don't rightly know. It hasn't been tried before.”

“Well I'm all you have to work with,” Madison turned to Severus, “How fast can you whip up a purification potion?”

“I'll get on it. And I'll call Marcus.” Severus answered.

“Thank you, Sev.” She turned back to Solarea, “Well, bleed me.”

“I wasn't aware the Princes' had any blood relations to the Potters.” McGonagall said.

“Only through me, the relation is on my father's side,” Madison replied, and with that she started her bloodletting.


Things were not going as she had planned. Lena was waiting outside the council building as if she were a child who had done something wrong and was awaiting her punishment.

It was half an hour before Ewan sat down beside her.

“A few months back, after Solarea left, Rene started to act differently, always secretive. Before he left he gave me an old book. It spoke of the Elemental and how to recognize them. I soon realized that I had no markings to identify me as such.” Ewan explained.

“But why put up the charade?” Lena asked puzzled.

“As the Fire Mage the people looked up to me. I couldn't stand the risk of breaking their hearts. The council and I decided to wait until you showed up. That we wouldn't let the people lose their security.”

“How did you know that I would come?” Lena asked.

“Faith,” Ewan replied, “You do have the mark, right?”

Lena lifted her left sleeve to show the black pentagram that had been on her wrist since birth.

“Well, now that that is settled, the council wants to see you.”

Lena followed Ewan back the council room. The atmosphere of the room was different this time around, less hostile.

“On behalf of this council we would like to apologize for our behavior towards you,” the Head Councilman Gabriel said. “Ever since Rene openly shared some of his intents with us, we have been on edge, waiting for something to happen. Always guarded against newcomers. I hope you can understand that.” Lena continued to listen, “This council is made of thirteen members, and since Rene's departure we are one short.”

Lena caught on to what he was saying, “You want me to be on the council?”

“The Elemental Mage has always had that privilege once they proved themselves worthy. You can from another world just to warn us that we were being deceived.”

She thought for a moment, “What will be expected of me?”

“Attendance of Council meeting for important decision making…”

“Politics,” Lena assumed.

“In a nutshell,”

“I can't abandon the Wizarding Realm,” Lena told them, “In fact they whole issue with Wizards is really stupid.”

“We agree,” Gabriel said.

Lena was about to continue arguing when she realized what she heard. “What?”

“In fact there is to be a social event at the end of the month in hopes to solve our issues with each other.” He explained.

“You're the ones behind the ball, it's ingenious. But I have to say the issues are rather one sided, the Wizards are beginning to Mages are just myth.” Lena said.

“Nevertheless, it is about time to start working together. If evil is working together, then so shall we. You will come of course?” Gabriel asked.

“Yes, I had already planned on coming with my fiancé. Is there anyway I could take a look at the guest list, I might have a better idea of who might cause trouble.”

“Ewan will show you. So you accept the position?”

“As long as it doesn't interfere with my job and my family.”

“Very well, tell us if you need anything.”


It was dark; well it was always dark when ever she went out, but that night there was no moon. She watched the couple converse with each other, he would say something and she would laugh or something. Madison tried not to care as she watched them walking towards the house the girl lived in. She was still debating what to say to him. She had no choice but to talk to him, he had been bugging Severus every chance he got about where to find her.

Madison was sitting on a swing in the little park, just watching as they said good-bye and parted with a pretty steamy kiss. Thankfully he wasn't invited inside, or she would have to go without talking to him.

She started swinging on the swing to it would make that creaking sound, so it attract his attention; it did.

“Excuse me miss, should you be here?” he asked politely.

Madison stopped swinging and stood up, “I heard from a bird that you were looking for me.”


She pulled out the actual letter and read, “The pothead has be constantly harassing me trying to find you, for Merlin's sake throw him a bone and get him off my back.”


Guess he wasn't as slow as Severus said he was.

“The one and only,” she moved closer, so James Potter could see her better. “May I ask why you were trying to find me?”

“I thought that would have been obvious.” James said.

“Couldn't you just forget about me, pretend I never happened?”

“Afraid not,” James said. “Why don't we go back to my place and talk, none of my roommate will be there.”

Madison agreed and they Apparated.

“So, how did you find out about me?” she asked as James was getting a couple of butterbeers.

“Dad found out actually, when he saw you at my Graduation, it's like he just knew. He found you mother and they had a nice long talk.” James explained to her. “We've been trying to find you since, three years of nothing though. Not even a whisper of where you were.”

“How disappointed where you when I wasn't at my Mother's funeral.” Madison asked with a smirk.

“I admit we had hoped that we would at last find you.” James paused, “We're having a small gathering tomorrow, for Halloween.”

“Halloween's on Sunday,” she reminded him.

“Yes, but Monday is a work day. So we are having it the day before. It'll be great if you could come, Dad would love it.”

“I won't be able to come until after the sun sets.” Madison told him.

“That's alright; party doesn't start until then anyway.”

Harry woke up to his shoulder throbbing. It must have been the middle of the night. Next to his bed on a Transfigured couch was Solarea who was curled up asleep against a sleeping Sirius.

On the other side of him in a bed was Madison, her wrists were bandaged and an IV was in one arm, giving back the blood she lost. Marcus sat between their beds wide awake.

“Good to see you're awake, Mr. Potter. But you should get more rest.” Marcus said.

With those words Harry already began to feel sleepy, “I had a dream about her and my dad.”

Almost asleep, he heard Marcus say, “It was probably a memory.”

A/N: yeah, another chapter done, and it didn't take my months to do!!!

Please review, I love reviews, not enough people are review. Thanks for reading and thanks for those who review.

Ask me question and I'll probably tell ya the answer!! Maybe…..


12. Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Her entrance into the room was noticed as the room's temperature decreased rapidly.

“Is it always cold with her around,” Rene asked his Master.

“Only when she's mad as hell,” Vinarin replied.

“It's been two weeks!”

“He should have died!” Necro nearly screamed as she crossed her pale grey arms across her chest. Her long stringy dark grey hair partially covered her haunting steel grey eyes. Though her face was a pale grey, her eyes were darkened by the shadows around them. Her whitish grey sleeveless dress gave her a somewhat innocent look.

“Did you really think it would be that easy, my sweet?”

“I had hoped it would.” Necro said more quietly.

“Oh well, maybe next time. I was merely testing the waters. Defeating my sister will take time and precise planning. Besides, we wouldn't want to harm the little one that grows inside of her.” Vinarin sat there musing in his thoughts. “How is your army coming along, sweet?”

“I've mostly been working with the ghosts from Hogwarts. They have been very tight lipped and very loyal to the light. But since your return and the return of my powers, I have each and every one of them wrapped around my little finger.”

“That's good. They will prove most useful.” he said, “You understand you are merely a distraction.”

“Your sister is not expecting me. I think the sight of me after all these years, and my army will be quite distracting.” Necro replied. “How was your visit with you mother.”

“I think she might be regretful of choosing to gift Solarea a child.”

“How does that work exactly?” Rene asked.

“There are always three of us, always. My mother let the fates know that her time was near an end. When Solarea's child is born, mother will die.” Vinarin explained, “When I kill my sister, her godhood will go to the one I deem worthy.”

“Any of us?” Necro asked eagerly.

“Yes, now run along and play with your army.”

“You wouldn't have an objection of me finding where the boy's parents are buried, would you?” Necro asked.

“I like the way you think, my little necromancer, it's just like old times.”


“We could be walking for hours still, trying to find the right place.” Madison wasn't usually one to complain, but lately she felt impatient about everything.

“You didn't have to come; I can talk care of myself.” Tavion told her, she had her Sais out hilt forward with the blade resting against her forearms.

“This is the Forbidden Forrest; no one goes in here alone.”

“That may be true, but you didn't have to come.” Tavion said as they turned to a different direction.

“To tell you the truth, I really had nothing else better to do.” Madison replied sounding bored. “Besides, I'm sure if he had the time, he would be more than willing to come.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Tavion said in protest.

“You've been here two weeks and in those two weeks you've spent a lot of time admiring the dungeons. I don't think it's a coincidence that my brother happens to be there most of the time.” Madison said with a smirk.

“There's nothing wrong with enjoying someone's company.” Tavion argued.

“Relax, I'm just teasing. I'm more surprise of the mutual feelings on Sev's part.” Madison admitted.

“Is it really so surprising. That someone can meet a person one day and something just clicks inside you. That everything on the outside is just screaming leave it alone, it's not worth it, yet they take the chance anyway.” Tavion elucidated.

While Madison knew that they were talking about Severus and his new found interest, she could not help remember that Marcus had said something like that about when he first saw her.

Tavion smiled slightly, knowing that she had read Madison well. They continued walking another ten minutes, Madison felt a weird sensation.

“I hadn't realized that the wards were this strong and this far out.” Madison observed.

“They are strong enough to prevent portals from opening within.”

As if on cue a purple portal opened and Lena stepped through. She took in her surroundings.

“I didn't exactly plan on landing my portal here,” she commented as two men followed behind her.

“The wards have been lengthened and strengthened.” Madison told her, “Lena this is Tavion, Tavion this is Lena.”

Tavion bowed her head slightly in a formal greeting; Lena observed and did the same.

“This is Zarek and Kaspar; they are on the council as well.” Lena introduced.

“As well? My, you've been busy.” Madison said with such charisma, “I'm Madison Prince,” I guess it could have been said it was Madison's fault, for she moved faster than she should of, all she wanted was to shake hands. The one Lena introduced as Kaspar blasted Madison with magic, hitting her square in the chest throwing her back several feet hitting a tree.

“What the hell was that?” Lena yelled at Kaspar.

“She a Dark One, I was only protecting myself!” Kaspar defended himself.

“Were you off in La La Land when I told you that the Dark Ones are on our side?!”

“What's one bloodsucker?” Kaspar said under his breath.

By this time, Madison recovered and heard what the Mage said; she proceeded to give the man a dark look, daring him to attack her again.

“It is imperative that we don't piss off the people we've invited to the Ball.” Lena commented.

“And what does a mere fledgling have to do with Moravian?” Kaspar asked. “She's barely old enough to be acknowledged by a Master Vampire.”

“Wait, it's the Mages behind the whole Ball thing?” Madison asked.

“I'm afraid so,” Lena admitted.

“Well, Kaspar,” she pronounced his name with slight distaste. “This `mere fledgling' was sired by Marcus Moravian himself, and will be his plus one at the Ball. I am his consort.”

“Way to go, numskull!” Zarek said to Kaspar, “Why don't you go and attack the Minister of Magic's wife while you're at it.”

“I hate to be the barer of bad news, of coarse I can't help but do this often,” Tavion interrupted, “But we are being surrounded.”

The five of them turned their backs to each other as Centaurs can into view one by one.

“Greetings young ones, I am Bane.”

“Greetings Bane, I am Tavion, the new Keeper of Keys at Hogwarts.” Tavion said as she took charge. “Have we trespassed on your lands?”

“No, but you are the first to venture into the forest since the sun shone in our darkness these past mid-summer.” Bane explained.

“What the hell dose that mean?” Madison muttered.

“Solarea's name can be interpreted as `the vastness of the suns.'” Tavion explained.

“The wards have changed and this is first we've been able to speak to anyone about it.”

“The wards are for the safety of the children. They have been extended so that there is warning should anyone who means harm come, we will have time to prepare. Be warned Centaurs, a great war will be won and lost on these lands as summer approaches.” Tavion said in an ominous tone.

Bane nodded in acknowledgment, “Ebony, make sure the humans get back unharmed.”

Tavion led the group past the circle of Centaurs, Madison bringing up the rear, following one of the Centaurs. But as Madison started past, two came up and reared at her preventing her from going any further. Madison turned to get an explanation from Bane.

“You are not human, Dark One. You will return to the castle, unharmed, but for now follow me.” Bane turned and traveled deeper into the forest.

Madison turned back to the others, “Centaurs are not known to lie.” Lena reminded her. Madison nodded and followed Bane, the rest of the Centaurs followed.


Lena was busy turning the couches into beds. It was too late to go up to the castle so Kaspar and Zarek would be sleeping in the cabin for the night.

“Are you sure that this will be alright with your fiancé?” Zarek asked, “Is there an inn in the village nearby?”

“The village is not an option for the same reason the castle is not an option, everyone is asleep. It's only one night; we'll get you rooms in the morning.” Lena said quietly, “Now be quiet or you'll wake up Charlie.”

“Charlie is already awake,” Charlie said from the bedroom door.

Lena gave him an apologetic smile, “I'm sorry.” She said to him as she walked over to him and they embraced.

“I'm just glad you're home, it has been a long `couple of days'” Charlie said. “Who are our guests?”

“This is Councilman Kaspar and Councilman Zarek; they are here to make sure everything goes according to plan on this side of the portal, for Friday.” Lena explained.

“Nice to meet you. What do they have to do with the Ministry Ball?” Charlie asked.

“Remember what I said about pompous, arrogant buttheads? Well it looks like we have changed our ways. It's really us Mages behind the whole Ball in order to rectify things with the Wizards and join together in the Dark times to come as both our worlds have a `Dark Lord' with a god backing them.” Lena said in nearly one breath.

“How long have you rehearsed that?” Charlie asked. Lena just smiled. “So what's happened with this Rene person?”

“'Dark Lord' love, pay attention.”

“He quit the Council a couple of months ago, and your fiery fiancée was gracious to take his place.” Kaspar told him.

“You, I am tempted to send back after that stunt in the forest.” Zarek said to the man.

“I said I was sorry.” Kaspar said.

“From now own you are to keep to yourself and shut your trap, now let's get to sleep.”

Lena and Charlie retreated to their bedroom. “Wait, you're on the Council.”

“You don't think strait when you're tired Charlie, we'll talk more in the morning.”


The sun was not yet up when Madison finally made it back to the castle, back to Severus's rooms. It was late enough for Severus to be up already getting ready for the day.

“You may have changed you sleeping schedule, but you can't avoid him forever.” Severus said to her.

Madison was broken away from her musings, “What are you taking about?” she sneered.

“Potter,” Severus answered. “I had hoped to talk to about this last night, but you never came back.”

Madison didn't say anything; it seemed she went back to what she was thinking about before.

“As much as I enjoy seeing the boy squirm trying to figure things out, you should really talk to him, tell him everything.” Severus could see that she was only half listening. Suddenly she skulled off to her room and closed the door.

Severus could hear things crashing and Madison crying out in frustration. She wouldn't be this upset over the Potter situation, he wondered what was wrong. She came out a half hour later, showered and wearing something that Severus would strongly be against wearing in front of the male population at Hogwarts, a black dress that was showing too much cleavage and too much thigh.

“You're not wearing that are you?” Severus had to ask.

“I'm going home,” she said as she stopped to put on her knee high boots.

“So you're just going to avoid your problems by running away.”

“I am not running away!” Madison snapped, her eyes glowing at him no longer looking human, “I have more important things to worry about than Harry at the moment.”

“What could be more important than family?” Severus asked, shoving words she once spoke to him about James once.

Madison closed her eye and turned her head away taking a deep breath, “Dozens of Lycan corpses, all whom were spies for us in the Lycan factions. Their bodies were dumped two miles outside the wards of Hogwarts. I have to report this to Marcus. I'll deal with my family issues when I return.” Madison finished with her boots and headed for the fireplace.

“I'm sorry that you're upset.”

“It's not the corpses that bothered me,” Madison said as she picked up some floo powder, “It was that fact that I could picture them doing that to you, had you stayed with them. I'm really glad you're out.” And with that she flooed out.


“I think, I finally found something.” Hermione plopped a huge book right down in front of Harry and pointed at a name. They were both in the Library looking through the alumni books.

“Eileen Prince? But that's a girl.” Harry protested.

“I think it was a mistake to assume that it was Madison's father who's last name was Prince. I think this is her mother.” Hermione gathered.

They had found from a book of almost alumni students that Madison was born January of 1952.

“She graduated in 1951.” Harry noted as he read.

“According to my calculations, Madison's father was at Hogwarts at the same time, In fact…” Hermione turned a few pages to Edward Potter, “He was in the same year.”

“Now I get it.”

“Get what?” Hermione asked.

“When I was in the Hospital, I had these weird dreams, ones with Madison and my Dad in it. I woke up after the first one and Marcus was there looking after Madison, he said they were probably memories.” Harry told her. He unconsciously rubbed his shoulder which was still sore.

“What are you two up to?” Sirius poked his head around the corner studying the couple.

“Finding out the family secret.” Harry replied showing him what book they where reading.

“Ah, so you've figured it out.”

“Why was this kept a secret?” Harry asked.

“Well, that fact that you grandfather had a child out of wedlock is not something for public knowledge. I guess after you parents died, Madison felt like you didn't need to know her.” Sirius explained, “Come with me, I want to show you something, you can come too Hermione.”

They put all the books away and Sirius led them to his and Solarea's quarters. He told them that he would be right back as he flooed to 12 Grimmauld Place. He came back ten minutes later with a chest; he opened it up and inside was all of Harry's baby things. He handed Harry a small stuffed animal bat and pulled out a photo album. Sirius flipped to a page and showed it to Harry and Hermione.

“Madison gave you that bat right after you were born, thought it was funny considering Vampire lore.” The picture was of Madison and baby Harry, “You never cried when you with her, you were always mesmerized with her eyes, she'd make them glow for you.”

“Good, you found them,” Solarea came through the door, “Where's Ron?”

“Ah, he offered to tutor Cara.” Hermione said.

“How's that working out?” she asked.

“Well that fact that Ron can't actually show her any of the actual magic puts him at a disadvantage.” Hermione replied.

“Well, just tell him to be careful, she is Amazon after all.” Solarea then turned to Sirius, “You take Ron and Harry, and I'll take Hermione, Cara and Ginny.”

“Take us where?” Harry asked.

“We have a Ball to go to on Friday and none of us have anything to wear.” Solarea explained.

“But I have a dress…” Hermione started referring to her dress from the Yule Ball.

“I'm sure you looked lovely in it, but you've already worn it, it just won't do.”

“Don't fight her on this one Hermione,” Sirius warned, “She loves getting all dressed up, you should have seen her when she was trying to decide what to wear to James and Lily's wedding. Plus, now you've got those hormones.”

“Hormones?” Harry and Hermione said in unison.

Solarea playfully slapped Sirius upside the head, “You did that on purpose.”

“Sure did, I'll just go fetch Ron, Cara and Ginny.” Sirius gave her a wicked smile and headed out the door.

“Well, I guess that cats out of the bag once and for all. Sirius and I are expecting.”

“That's great, congratulations,” Hermione said, “How far along are you?”

“About three months now. Just about got that nasty morning sickness under control.” Solarea said.

“So he'll be like my cousin?” Harry asked.

Solarea thought about it, “Yeah, I guess you could say that. Though we're both hoping for a girl.”

A/N: Sorry it's been a while since I've updated, I've had to deal a lot with my Mom being in and out of the hospital.

I have started a group on Myspace. It will have a lot of stuff that I don't put into the story. I've been working on bios for my Original Character. So far I only have Solarea's up.

I really hope you come check it out, I'd love to talk about what you think about how my story is going. Don't be afraid to ask me any question.

Oh, and please Review too!!!!

And here is the site: http://groups.myspace.com/Sk8erWitchsfanfics
