The Yule Ball - Alternative Take by Harry85 Rating: PG13 Genres: Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4 Published: 11/12/2005 Last Updated: 11/12/2005 Status: Completed This is an alternative to chapter two of my other story, "His most precious". Since this does not meet the requirements of the challenge, I've chosen to post it as a one-shot. Please R&R! 1. untitled ----------- **Disclaimer:** Sadly I don't own Harry Potter, or HBP would have been different! **A/N:** This is an alternative scene to chapter 2 of my story “His most precious”. I loved this idea, but couldn't fit in there, or I would have not respected the Challenge requirements. **The Yule Ball - Alternative take** *Till this point the Ball is go**ne pretty much like in the book, with slight changes coming mostly from the movie (for example Hermione coming down the stairs, and not from Durmstrang ship)* At one point Harry spotted again Snape and Karkaroff. “Ron, I'll be there in a minute, you just go on, ok?” “Ok, mate, but make it quick. I really want to go to bed” So Harry set to try and eavesdrop the two adults' conversation. Once back in the castle, Ron spotted Hermione wishing goodnight to Krum. “Why didn't you snog him?” he asked her. “You! What's your problem, Ron?” she asked, enraged. “He's way too old” ”WHAT?! Is THAT what you think??” she replied, indignant. “Yeah that's what I think” “You know the solution then don't you? “Go on...” “Next time there's a ball pucker up and ask me before somebody else does...and NOT as a last resort!” she said, starting to sob. “ just completely off the point...” he replied, then spotted Harry. “Harry!” he cried hoping for some help from him, for example a change of subject. Hermione turned hastily. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” she shouted at him, then before he could reply she added, “Never mind, off to bed, both of you!” And so they did, leaving her there, on the stairs to Gryffindor Tower. “What the Hell has happened, Ron? Did you upset her about Krum again?” Harry asked. “Come on, Harry. He's all wrong for her. He's too, old, he's a Durmstrang…” “Ron, just because she's gone to the Ball with him it doesn't mean they're going to shag or to get married! Have you such plans for Padma Patil? Because I tell you, I surely have not them for Parvati. So you did something uncalled for, as usual hurting Hermione. Merlin, when you'll learn, Ron?” Harry said, then turned. “Where are you going?” “To try and reduce the damage you've done” Harry bellowed behind himself, running down the stairs. The students who saw him probably thought he was mad, but he didn't care. As soon as he got to the Entrance Hall, he spotted her on a balcony, alone. He ran to her. She was going to freeze out there with that dress. “Hermione…” he started. She said nothing. So he walked to the balcony, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her close to give her body some warmth. He felt her shiver against him, and then he could feel her shaking with her sobs. “Oh, Hermione” he said, sadly. “Come on, lets go inside. You're going to freeze here” She let him lead her back into the castle, but he tactfully avoided entering the Great Hall where the Ball was still going on, to avoid her the embarrassment to be seen in that condition. Instead he opened an empty classroom and steered her inside. He made her seat down, and relax a bit, before speaking. “Hermione, you know Ron has a serious case of sticking his foot in his mouth, don't you?” She nodded, then spoke, her voice trembling. “Yes, but this time he's gone too far. I don't care too much he said those things about Viktor, I mean, I kind of like him as a friend, but after all I know him so little. I'm sure he would never try and gain information from me, but this is not what hurts. He's questioned my loyalty to you tonight, Harry. Can you imagine it? First he goes, leaves you alone all the time to the first task because he's jealous of you and your fame, and then he comes back when he sees what risks you have to face, while I never left your side, and he dares to question my loyalty to you!” she says sobbing, and then tears start falling freely again. Harry felt his blood boil, and if Ron were there, probably a good punch would have reached his face. Then he calmed a bit. “Hermione, I've never doubted of your loyalty, nor I ever will. I know you're on my side, lucky me” he said, earning a small strangled giggle from her. His heart soared at that. “Now, hear what we are going to do. We are going to search Viktor, and you'll enjoy your Ball with him till the first hours of the morning, not thinking about what Ron said. I'll go up there and deal with him” She smiled at him. “That sounds like a good plan, Harry. But Viktor has already returned to their ship, so I guess the Ball is finished for me” Harry grinned. “No way, milady. I'll dance with you then. You'll have to bear it, because you're stuck with me now” he said, gently taking her hand. She giggled again, and during the trip to the Great Hall, entwined their fingers together, and rested her head on his shoulder. He was glad for that, although a bit surprised at her gestures. “I warn you, your toes are in great danger from now” he said, placing one hand on her waist, and starting to dance. Soon she took the lead, as he was a bit clueless about what he should do. There were few couples still there, one of them being Neville and Ginny, who seemed to have a great time together. They nodded at each other. Soon the slow song drove Hermione to rest her head on his chest. Thus she was not leading anymore, and their movements became almost inexistent. They swayed on the spot, but she didn't care. She felt safe and content in his arms. As for him, from the moment he had seen her descend the stairs that night, he had dreamed of dancing with her that way. So he sighed in happiness. “You know, I think all Hogwarts girl were envious of you tonight” he whispered to her. “Because I was with Krum?” she murmured against his chest. “No, because you look absolutely gorgeous, far better than anyone else” he breathed near her hear, tickling it with his warm breath and sending shivers through her spine. “I can only agree. You are the most beautiful girl I've seen tonight” Her heart skipped a beat. She looked up at him just to see in his eyes that he was totally sincere. “Even more than Cho?” she asked, knowing his crush for the girl. “Far better” “Even more than Fleur?” she asked, pleased. “Fleur? Who's Fleur?” he answered. She swatted his arm playfully, while he chuckled. “Really, Hermione, you are far better than anyone else. And I've come to realize that” he said, suddenly growing serious. She gulped, seeing the emotion in his eyes. Then her heart beat raced when she noticed he was leaning toward her. “He's not going to do that, is he?” she asked herself. The answer came in the form of his lips pressing against hers, gently. He stood for a moment, allowing her to retreat if she wanted. When she didn't move, he ran his tongue on her lower lip, asking for access. She, after the initial shock, allowed him in eagerly, and soon a battle of tongues started. They didn't know how long they remained that way, but it was like the whole time fireworks were erupting behind their eyelids. Finally they parted for lack of air, and noticed the clapping of hands of the few people still there. Blushing madly, they quietly exited the hall hand in hand, and Harry led her to the bushes he ahd seen before with Ron. There, a serious snogging session took place. “My, you're really gorgeous, Mione” he said, after parting from her lips once more. “You're quite handsome yourself, Harry” she said, her dream finally come true. After some time cuddling together in silence, Harry spoke again. “I love you, Hermione Granger” “I love you too, Harry Potter” she replied, before kissing him again. Oh, yes, the Ball had been definitely worthy going, Harry thought smiling against her lips and pulling her closer. THE END -->