To Whom It May Concern

Gaya Hriive

Rating: PG13
Genres: Angst, Humor
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6
Published: 01/03/2006
Last Updated: 10/03/2006
Status: Completed

Thanks to a reader, here is Harry's letter to Hermione!

1. untitled

To whom it may concern, which in this case that's you Harry.

I am writing this letter to you, Harry James Potter, because I am so angry right now that I cannot bear to look at your face without getting the sudden urge to punch your lights out.

I have a few things to say to you. You are an arrogant, selfish, dim witted, horse's ass. I have never in my LIFE met someone who can make me so mad! Except for Ron but when I get mad at him I can just let it go. But with you I can't just let it go. I always take these fights to heart. I hate that you have that kind of power over me.

Sometimes I want to kill you. Really. You apologize for everything and it evokes spurts of intense violent feelings within me. Not because you apologize, but because it's for the same things over and over again. For example:

Me: Harry, pick up your damn socks! This is the thousandth time we've been through this!

You: Yes, Hermione, dear. I'm sorry.

Now the violence gets me because you shouldn't have to say you're sorry. You shouldn't have left the damned socks on the floor to begin with! Please, by whatever means necessary, get this through your thick skull!

Why do you cause me to have such intense feelings? Why do I still swoon for you after all this time like some silly school girl? Arg, Harry, because you own my soul. I get so mad at you because I love you so much. I just can't take it sometimes, how much I love you.

That doesn't mean I'm not done. If you EVER stop making love to me the way you do now, I swear, I will leave you. Really. I've never had such an intense emotional and physical connection with anyone. You complete me in so many ways. If you ever stop loving me, I will die. I know that. Even when we fight, I want to cry at the prospect that anything could ever drive us apart.

And here is a list (just so you can never say I didn't tell you) of all the things you do that annoy me.

  1. Socks on the floor

  2. towels on the floor

  3. leaving the cap off the toothpaste

  4. not making the bed on your day

Well that's all I can come up with right now. There were more inside my head. But, here is a list of all the things I LOVE about you.

  1. your courage

  2. your loyalty

  3. your ability to feel and express emotions

  4. your smile

  5. your eyes

  6. your hands

  7. your back massages

  8. the way you sigh to yourself when you're happy

  9. how you run your hand through your hair when you are mad

  10. the dimple on your left cheek

  11. your heart

  12. your kisses

  13. the way we make love

  14. the way you love me

There are more, but there really are too many to name. I mean come on Harry, the ratio to hate: love is 4:14. Seriously, the nerve…

Well, I don't think I'm really that angry with you anymore. Plus another thought just struck me. If we're not mad at one another anymore, then we get to do the best part: Make-up sex.

I love you Harry, with everything I am,



2. untitled

AN: As per the request of alec_potter, I am going to throw in Harry's list for Hermione. Enjoy.

“To Whom It May Concern” my arse.

That letter was asinine, Hermione. Childish, just plain immature. Gawd. First of all, I don't even LEAVE my socks on the floor…anymore. Second, I'm not a horse's ass. That's just rude. And if you think you're mad then I am ten times more mad! And since you want to act like we are back in second year writing notes, then here we go.

You drive me insane. Absolutely raving mad. You nit pick at every damned thing and it's bloody nerve racking. You are the most uptight, self-righteous, insufferable know it all that I have ever met. You make me furious and I can't shake it because I love you so damn much.

Sometimes I don't know whether to strangle you or throw you down and shag you senseless. Do you see what you do to me Hermione? I'm a man damnit, a hot-blooded man, and sometimes, when I think about how you look when we're…never mind, next topic.

You felt it necessary to make a list and so I shall make one too.

Things that you do that make me want to fly you over the Grand Canyon (yes I know that's in America) and push you off the broom:

  1. Telling me to “hold on” so you can finish reading that sentence. (It's still going to be there Hermione.)

  2. Rearranging the cabinets on a whim

  3. Letting Crookshanks sleep on the good sofa

  4. When you hang up my jeans

You only put four so I'll only put four.

But, curse you, here is the list of what I love you for:

  1. the little sprinkle of freckles right at your hairline

  2. how your brow scrunches up when you're deep in thought

  3. that look you get when you want to…you know

  4. how you smile when you sleep

  5. how you cant even make toast right

  6. how you are so smart

  7. your shampoo

  8. how you say “Oh Harry…”

  9. you twitch when you know the answer to something (which is all the time)

  10. you sing in the shower

  11. you fed Hedwig when I forgot ( that ONE time…)

  12. how your hands are so small in mine

  13. when you stamp your foot in anger

  14. how you say “well I never…”

There are thousands of things that I love about you. But most of all how you make me feel like there is no other woman on the planet. You are the one for me, completely. No other could fill me the way you do.

But you are still wrong. I'm laughing right now because I know that even after all I've said, we're still going to have make-up sex.

I love you, always.

