Just Friends by Searcy Rating: NC17 Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 5 Published: 05/05/2006 Last Updated: 11/05/2006 Status: Completed Harry and Hermione’s friendship develops into something more following a shared kiss on Hermione’s twenty-third birthday. As the relationship grows and the two become closer Ron gets jealous and the trio becomes a duo. And why does Ginny seem to want to sabotage Harry and Hermione when she's in love with Draco Malfoy...she is in love with Draco...isn't she? 1. The Kiss ----------- **Prologue: The Kiss** It had been a beautiful night; the breeze was cool and held just a hint of the smell of autumn. After dragging their arseholed-drunk friend back to his flat putting him to bed and cheekily hiding the hangover/pepper up potion in the back of the cooler to remind him not to repeat this particular transgression the two remaining members of the trio had decided to leg it like muggles. They'd taken the long way back to her flat, the path that led through the park. The leisurely stroll had given them the chance to converse and catch up on each other's news. Her work at the Ministry was time consuming and there were periods when she questioned the wisdom in taking her present position as Chief Ambassador of the Department for the Care and Regulation of Magical Beasts and Creatures. He was back in Quidditch training preparing for the approaching season, they were training so hard he usually just came home and collapsed in bed most evenings but despite his exhaustion he popped into London for her birthday which he wouldn't dare miss. She smiled at that, blushed really. She considered it sweet that he thought so highly of their friendship. When she verbalized her judgment he took her hand in his and softly kissed it and informed her that it wasn't the friendship that he prized so highly but the friend. They continued on in silence for a while, her hand still firmly ensconced in his grasp, before the conversation drifted to their mutual acquaintances; they chatted about who was doing what and who was seeing whom. Neither of them was seeing anyone at the present moment. She'd ended a yearlong relationship several months before and honestly the thought of dating had not crossed her mind. He wasn't seeing anyone seriously, none of his relationships lasted very long as none of the witches he dated seemed interested in anything other than his status as a professional Quidditch player. By now they had made it to her building, a large warehouse that had been converted into luxury flats, they made their way through the courtyard and up the stairs to her door. Neither of them wanted to say good night as they were greatly enjoying the other's company but the hour was late and they both had to get up early in the morning. Grudgingly they began to say their good nights. They stepped into a familiar warm embrace squeezing each other tightly. He then lowered his head down to hers and their lips met briefly in a chaste pressing together; it was very much like every other kiss they had shared during their twelve-year friendship. As they slowly drew away from each other he stared at her momentarily mesmerized by her sheer beauty; she in turn lost herself in those hauntingly beautiful soul-searing eyes of his and in that moment, that instant when they each lost themselves in the other their lips were drawn back together. At first it was a gentle grazing, their lips just barely touching, their uncertainty evident. Unsure of whether they should allow themselves the pleasure of a true kiss they attempted to disengage themselves from one another. He allowed his arms to slide down her body to her waist and she in turn rested her palms on his chest meaning to push away from him; instead of easing the tension between them their actions increased it ten fold. She gathered his jumper in the palms of her hands as she balled them into fists pulling him closer than he had been before. Instinctively his arms tightened about her waist. Their eyes locked as they drifted ever nearer to the point of doing something that would certainly push them well beyond the bounds of friendship. One of his arms loosened from its grasp of her waist and traveled up her back sending indescribably delicious sensations up her spine the hand came to rest at the base of her neck as he buried his fingers in the thick curls at the nape and slowly massaged her scalp. A scarcely discernible moan escaped her as his soft warm lips connected with her cheek. Her arms wound their way up his sculpted torso to his neck and he groaned as he felt her enchantingly supple form press into him. He cinched his arm tighter about her waist and drew his face level with hers. As if by some magnetic force their lips were once again drawn together. Her lips were slightly parted and he gently pulled the lower one in between his own sucking and nibbling it, she expelled a wanton sigh and drew back angling her head slightly to the side before once again leaning in to receive his lips. When their lips met again he ran his tongue along the edge of her lower lip before taking the upper lip and caressing it as he had done the lower one seconds before. Again they drew apart angling their heads to give the other better access. As his mouth descended to hers for the third time a moan of anticipation flowed from him as he felt her tongue connect with his. Tongues intertwined they deepened the kiss and gave themselves over to the passion coursing through their bodies until the need for air drove them apart. A light sheen of sweat clung to his forehead as he laid it upon hers. She clung to him breathlessly her head buried in his chest inhaling his alluringly intoxicating scent. He placed a finger underneath her chin and raised her gaze to meet his. Neither of them spoke a word, as neither knew what to say. They simply stood there, foreheads pressed together, gazes locked, chests heaving, holding onto each other. He detached his eyes from hers and brought his arm slowly up her back once more as he gently kissed her forehead. The air around them seemed to crackle with the intensity of the emotions swirling around them. He leaned his head back on the doorframe and directed his gaze towards the sky fighting the desire building within to sweep her into his arms and explore every inch of her heavenly body with his tongue. She looked up at him watching the array of emotions play across his face she wondered if his thoughts were as befuddled as her own. She reached up and looped her hands behind his head drawing his gaze back to hers; they stared at each other for a moment before he lowered his head and repossessed her lips. They wasted not a moment; as soon as she felt his breath upon her face she parted her lips to allow him full access to her waiting mouth. Their kisses were frenzied; it was almost as though they sought to devour each other. He turned them around pressing her body into the doorframe while he caressed every inch of her he could reach. She moaned erotically as she ran her delicate hands across his chest. His mouth left hers fleetingly as he trailed kisses down her neck to the sensitive throbbing pulse at its base and back up again to her mouth where their lips met again in a blazing kiss. Yet again they were forced apart by the need for air. He stepped away from her then, chest heaving; his ebony locks more tousled than usual. A look of unreserved amazement marred his incredibly handsome face. Their gazes locked for what felt like the hundredth time that evening they merely stared at each other both to dumbfounded to speak. She stood against the door shocked beyond all coherent thought at what she, no, at what they had just done. Without a word Hermione turned and noiselessly slipped through the door of her flat. She pressed her back against the door and with a trembling hand gingerly touched her swollen lips. What in the name of Merlin had she done? She closed her eyes and bit down gently on her bottom lip in an attempt to stem the images that were replaying themselves across her brain. She took a deep breath and shook her head to clear it before trudging upstairs to her bedroom. Harry stood his feet temporarily rooted to one spot; unconsciously he ran his tongue across his lips and was assaulted by the memory of Hermione's soft, sweet mouth. Realization of what had just happened slammed into him; he had kissed her. He had kissed his best friend of twelve years and it had not been one of friendship but one of pure unadulterated desire. He stood there a moment longer staring at her door vividly reliving the events that had taken place just moments before. The sudden illumination of her bedroom window alerted him to his continued idleness, he turned and apparated home. --> 2. The Day After ---------------- **The Day After** Hermione pushed her long brown curls out of her eyes and looked at the broken quills, the smeared and rumpled rolls of discarded parchment and the countless books littering her desk. She sighed in frustration as she looked at the still unfinished report she had been working on all morning. She had to have the report complete by end of day otherwise she was certain to have to endure the `Time is Precious' speech Percy reserved for such occasions. If it weren't for his flaming red hair, a trait that only a true Weasley possessed, Hermione would swear that Percy was adopted. Hermione sighed again and looked up meaning to check the time on the clock above her desk instead her eyes fell on a picture of Ron, Harry and herself; it had been taken last year when Harry's Appleby Arrows played against Ron's beloved Chudley Canons, the Arrows had won the match after Harry had gone into a Wronski Feint before pulling up and employing the Plumpton Pass to grab the snitch. The three of them were standing on the edge of the pitch; Ron was on the right grinning goofily into the camera; his bright orange robes clashing atrociously with his brilliant crimson hair, his broom was thrown over his right shoulder and his left arm hung loosely around Hermione's shoulder. Harry stood on the left, his pale blue Arrow's robes seemed to emphasize his startling green eyes, and he had his right arm wrapped snugly about Hermione's waist pulling her flush against his side. He too was grinning goofily into the camera. She was standing in between the two of them each of her arms around one of them; she was leaning on Harry more so because he was holding her so tightly. Her head was partially lying on his shoulder and she was smiling brightly. As she gazed up at the picture Harry's image turned to hers and pulled her into a steamy kiss. Hermione reached up and banged the photograph down on her desk. She buried her face in her hands and half muttered half groaned something unintelligibly as the door swung open and Ginny walked in. “Feeling a bit squiffy then eh” Hermione raised her head and looked up to see Ginny grinning from the doorway. She shook her head and smiled. “No that would be Ron” Ginny rolled her eyes. “What did he do” “I suppose for Ron it was not that bad…I am almost certain he will not remember his bit of shirtless table top dancing” Ginny and Hermione both burst into a fit of giggles as Hermione described Ron's drunken behavior. “Of course Harry and I took him home…I mixed up a batch of potion so he would be able to make it through practice today…provided that he found it of course…Harry hid it in the back of the cooler” Ginny smiled. “Well then I was worried for nothing you didn't need me at all” Hermione pulled a face. “I would have loved it if you would have stayed but I understand as a Malfoy, Draco is accustomed to thinking only of himself” Ginny looked at Hermione with a stricken expression. “Hermione I thought you were okay with Draco and I as a couple” Hermione chuckled. “You silly goose I'm only joking” Ginny released a sigh. “Please don't frighten me like that again” Hermione stood up walked over to where Ginny was standing and hugged her friend. For the past three months Ginny had been surreptitiously going out with Draco Malfoy. Draco had been in the same year as Harry, Ron and Hermione during their Hogwarts days. At the time he had been an abominable prat whose sole pleasure in life it seemed was to torment the three of them. Draco was the son of Lucius Malfoy, one of Voldemort's staunchest supporters. Lucius Malfoy's allegiance to Voldemort cost his family dearly; after Harry defeated the Dark Lord, Malfoy Sr. had been among those wizards found in his service and had, quite justly been sent to the now Goblin controlled Azkaban for his crimes, the Malfoy's lost all of their influence and credibility in the wizarding word as well as a good deal of their fortune due to Lucius' error in judgment. Draco took over as the head of the family in his father's absence and set about rebuilding what had been lost. Many of the pureblood wizards he had prized so highly as a child wanted nothing to do with him following his father's disgrace so Draco had had to humble himself and seek help from those he had once counted as less than himself. Somewhere along the way he and Ginny had entered into a casual sort of friendship. Hermione supposed that Ginny's job at the Daily Prophet had been the impetus behind Draco seeking her out as his family business needed all the positive publicity they could get. From the unlikely friendship sprung an even more unlikely romance that Ginny had been hiding from the entire Weasley clan. Hermione had only found out after she was sworn to witch's secrecy, which by wizard law meant she could not reveal what she knew to anyone under any circumstances unless Ginny gave her express permission to do so. Hermione stepped back from her friend and spoke cautiously. She had tried once before to get Ginny to tell her family about her relationship with Draco but to no avail, the two had ended up in a screaming match, it was not the finest moment of their friendship and one that Hermione was not necessarily in the mood to repeat. “Gin have you given any more thought to telling your family about you and Draco” Ginny's head snapped up her mouth flew open and her eyes bugged out making her look rather like a surprised toad. “Of course I've thought about it, I think about it all the time. Gotten pretty close to doing it too then I see my parents' confused faces and my brothers, especially Ron and Harry's outraged ones and I stop thinking about it” Hermione sighed. “You're going to have to tell them something sooner or later; I was on the verge of out and out lying to Ron and Harry last night. They asked where you were going off to and I had to tell them you had to meet one of the paper's biggest advertisers” Ginny smiled half-heartedly at Hermione. “Well…you only stretched the truth a bit; he is one of the Prophet's biggest advertisers” Hermione tried another tact. “What is Draco telling his mother” Hermione did not know Narcissa Malfoy personally but from what she had heard she was certain she would not like her. Narcissa was as pureblood obsessed as her husband had been. Though she was not known to have been an active Death Eater some believed her to have been as vital a member of Voldemort's inner circle as her husband. Ginny averted her gaze from Hermione as she spoke. “All he's told her is that he's seeing a pureblood” Hermione regarded her friend with concern. “Ginny are you sure about all of this I would…” Hermione was stopped by Ginny's reassuring squeeze of her hand. “Everything is fine, no need for you to worry. Now enough about me did you hear from Viktor” Hermione slid her hands from Ginny's and made her way back to her desk and sat down heavily. Ginny looked up at her replied. “I take that as a no” “And they say I am the cleverest witch of our age” “Ha Ha Ha….” Ginny gave a fake laugh and with a wave of her wand summoned a chair and plopped down across from Hermione, who was now scribbling on one of the pieces of parchment on her desk. “You mean to tell me after he asked to see you for your birthday and you agree he doesn't even show up…stupid prat” Ginny looked up and saw the slight tinting of rouge that colored Hermione's cheeks. “You did answer him didn't you” Hermione focused more intently on the work in front of her. “Not exactly” “Exactly what does not exactly mean” Hermione sighed and sat up straight devoting her full attention to Ginny. “I did answer Viktor's owl…” Ginny nodded mutely as Hermione continued. “But I declined his invitation to meet” “You did what” Ginny asked disbelievingly. Hermione replied. “Gin I just do not see the point in crying over spilled potion and what Viktor and I have, no had, is assuredly spilt potion” Ginny poked out her bottom lip and expelled a breath of air that caused her bangs to flutter. “I suppose you're right, still I think you could've done with a birthday snog and as you aren't the type to kiss a complete stranger I thought maybe…” Hermione lost track of what Ginny was saying as she was transported back to the previous night and her doorstep interlude with Harry. In her mind she clearly saw herself and Harry locked in a passionate embrace kissing and caressing each other as if their very lives depended on it. Hermione forcefully shook her head to clear her thoughts, looking up she found Ginny staring after her expectantly. Hermione quickly ground out. “I should really get back to work otherwise Percy will be breathing down my neck for this report” Hermione prayed her face hadn't revealed the nature of her sudden mental lapse. Ginny seemed not to have noticed as she stood up “All right then, I'll see you later” Hermione and Ginny stood up and embraced. They made plans to get together over the weekend and said their goodbyes. As Hermione closed the door to her office she caught sight of another picture of she and Harry their picture selves seemed to be staring longingly at one another. Hermione stamped her foot in exasperation and grabbed her wand off the desk. She waved all the pictures on the desk and the walls surrounding her desk into the bottom drawer of the file cabinet behind her chair. She then proceeded to mutter the strongest locking charm she knew securing the contents of the drawer within. Hermione resumed her seat behind her desk and hastily returned her full attention to the report she had yet to finish. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “POTTER…WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU…GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE NOW” Harry groaned and angled his broom towards the pitch and the irate form of his coach, Quinton Quimby. Harry had just been beaten to the snitch by the Arrows backup seeker Goodwin Mumpsberry; Goodwin was a nice enough bloke and a quite talented seeker but he had never been able to get past Harry to retrieve the snitch, actually no one in the league could get past Harry to grab the snitch, the Vrasta Vultures Viktor Krum was the only one who'd ever come close to denying Harry the snitch. The only match where the two famous seekers had squared off against each other was the one match in the history of the sport that resulted in a tie as both Harry and Krum had grabbed the snitch at precisely the same moment. No one knew how they'd managed to grasp the snitch at the same time the coaches and referees had spent two weeks trying to determine who got there first before it was finally determined that they'd both caught it simultaneously. The match was then ruled a tie in lue of the fact that the last goal by Arrows chaser Roger Blair had been waved off as a result of the snitch having been caught prior to the goal actually being made. Harry hopped from his broom and swung it over his shoulder and trudged glumly over to Coach Quimby mentally preparing himself for the dressing down he was about to receive. “POTTER WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU DOING UP THERE…YOU CALL THAT SEEKING…YOU NEVER EVEN BLOODY MOVED…MUMPSBERRY GOT THE BLEEDING SNITCH CAUSE YOU WERE BLOODY DAYDREAMING” Coach Quimby's voice bellowed across the pitch. Harry was certain all of Appleton had heard the beginnings of his tirade. Harry couldn't believe that he'd allowed himself to be humiliated like that he shook his head morosely as his mind drifted back to the cause of his distraction; he'd been thinking about Hermione and that damn kiss. He remembered how good she'd felt in his arms and how sweet she tasted. Harry was jolted back to the present by the sound of his coach's roaring shouts. “WELL THEN GO ON EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED UP THERE” Harry blinked and looked about sheepishly before muttering the first thing that came to his mind. “I lost my contact” Harry immediately began to squint and motioned rather frantically towards his right eye. Quimby raised an eyebrow and queried. “WHAT” Seeing that he may have found a way to avoid any further humiliation Harry quickly replied. “My contact…you know the muggle lenses I use to play in…” Quimby nodded slowly as Harry continued. “It popped out somehow…I can't really see too well without it…vision's a touch blurry” Harry's voice trailed off as he searched Quimby's face for a sign that his ruse had worked. Quimby retorted. “Do you have another of those…what did you call em again” “Contacts, no I have to get them from the optometrist” “The opto who” “Optometrist…it's a muggle doc…I mean healer for the eyes” Quimby nodded though his face bore an obviously harassed expression. He stared after Harry for a moment before he grumbled a reply. “Take the rest of the day off and get your vision problems squared away…” He stopped mid-sentence and regarded Harry intently for a moment before continuing. “As a matter of fact take the rest of the week off, you look a bit worn out, the recruiter for the All England team is coming next week and I want you in tip top shape, get some rest understand” Harry nodded. “Yes sir, thank you” Quimby nodded nonchalantly and turned his attention back to the rest of the team as Harry headed to the locker rooms to change. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry apparated into the kitchen of Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Reaching into the cooler he grabbed a tankard of ale and a tray of sandwiches and headed into the living room. He propped his feet up on the coffee table turned on the wireless and began to eat. Having satisfied his hunger Harry leaned his head back on the couch and closed his eyes hoping that the three tankards of ale he'd consumed would erase any memory of the events of the past thirty-six hours. He was dosing peacefully when a familiar voice caused his eyes to open. “Bit early yet for drinking that much ale wouldn't you say” Harry smiled and replied. “Considering that I was trying to get pissed and I'm not I suppose it wasn't enough” Remus raised an eyebrow as he took a seat in the nearest chair. “Everything all right” Harry sat up. “Just had a rough day at practice, coach gave me some time off…thinks I'm working to hard” Remus nodded and asked. “What's her name” Harry looked at Remus disbelievingly. Remus continued speaking. “James used to get that same look whenever some girl, usually Lily, had his pants in a twist” Harry smiled. Remus smiled as well. “So am I going to get a name or not” “No names” “All right then just tell me what happened” Harry sighed. “I kissed someone I shouldn't have kissed” “You kissed someone you shouldn't have kissed” Harry nodded. “And is there a reason that you shouldn't have kissed this person” “We're friends” “I see…you think you overstepped your bounds” Harry sighed again. “I know I overstepped my bounds and I don't think I can trust myself not to overstep them again” Remus stroked his chin thoughtfully as he spoke. “And how does your friend feel about what happened” “Don't know” “Don't you think you should find out” Harry leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and groaned. Remus stood up and walked around the back of the couch; he paused and patted Harry's shoulder reassuringly before he headed towards the stairs. “Should I inform Winky and Dobby that you'll be staying for dinner” Harry shook his head no as he stood to his feet. “Don't bother it seems I have other plans” Remus nodded and began walking up the stairs as Harry headed to the fireplace. Remus called out to him as he grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it into the fireplace. “Harry…” Harry turned and looked at Remus. “Do give my regards to Hermione” Remus turned and continued walking up the stairs. Shaking his head Harry said Marigold Court flat 321 and disappeared amid the emerald flames. --> 3. I'm Not Sorry ---------------- **I'm Not Sorry** Harry stepped out of the fireplace and into the living room of Hermione's flat. He brushed the soot from his clothes and looked around the room for a sign of Hermione, seeing no sign of her he moved off to the kitchen. There was no sign of her there either. Harry then proceeded to the study; knowing Hermione she was hard at work on some proposal, that or she was reading. Harry walked to the study and pushed open the doors and found that his suspicions had indeed been correct Hermione was in the study, sitting on the couch immersed in a book. Her hair was pulled up in a loose ponytail; she was wearing a pair of rather form fitting jeans and a black and white t-shirt that bore the Vrasta Vultures logo on the front with the number eleven and the name Krum on the back. Harry grimaced; the shirt was undoubtedly a remnant from her relationship with Viktor. Harry shook his head in an effort to clear his jumbled thoughts; he refocused his attention on Hermione. She was sitting with her legs tucked underneath her body, she was balancing a rather large book somewhat precariously on her legs with one hand while the other distractedly stroked Crookshanks who purred appreciatively at his mistress' ministrations. Crookshanks looked up and stared at Harry for a second before jumping from his perch on the back of the couch and heading out the door past Harry, he seemed to understand that Harry and Hermione needed to chat in private. Harry watched the cat's retreating figure for several moments before taking a deep breath and speaking quite nervously. “Hermione” At the sound of her name Hermione jumped causing her book to tumble to the floor. She hadn't heard anyone come in; she turned and saw Harry staring at her. “Harry how long have you been standing there…you did not apparate I would have heard you if you had…” Harry replied. “I'm sorry…I didn't mean to scare you…I only just got here…I used the floo” Harry's words came out a bit measured and halting. Hermione nodded and stooped to retrieve her book she laid it on the couch carefully allowing herself time to regain her composure from the sudden shock of seeing Harry before she responded. “Oh you didn't scare me…not really…I'm quite all right...what a surprise…wasn't expecting to see you today, would you like some tea, yes I should make tea, we should definitely have some tea” Hermione was rambling nonsensically. She started towards the door presumably to go and put on a kettle. Harry took another deep breath and said. “Hermione…we need to talk” She froze mid-stride as Harry kept speaking. “We need to talk about last night” Hermione began wringing her hands as her gaze drifted to a spot on the floor and she spoke quietly. “Last night…what about last night” Harry frowned as he ran his hands through his bedraggled head of black curls. “Playing daft doesn't become you Hermione…you know very well that I'm talking about that kiss” Hermione raised her head; this was the absolute last thing she wanted to talk about. She was certain that the only reason Harry had kissed her so passionately was his very drunken state of mind. While he had not been as far gone as Ron she knew for a fact that he was far more inebriated than he was sober. A tiny voice in the back of her head posed the question *`What was your excuse'*. Hermione mentally reprimanded herself for her current train of thought now was not the time to rationalize her own behavior. The voice in her head hurriedly quipped *`No need to ask why we already know how you feel about a certain green-eyed seeker'*. *SHUT IT*…Hermione yelled at the cheeky voice singing in her head. She focused her attention on the matter at hand. “Harry if you are worried about that in the least you have no reason to be” Harry stared at her incredulously. “What…you mean you're not upset with me for kissing you” Hermione shook her head. “Of course not why would I be angry with you…it was…it was just…we both had been drinking more than usual and we…it was nothing” Hermione's voice trailed off and her cheeks flushed a vivid red. Harry was certain he'd caused more embarrassment by bringing up the subject than having said nothing at all and while the last thing he wanted to do was cause Hermione any undue discomfort he needed to clear the air at least enough to salvage their friendship. His voice held a decided note of uncertainty when he spoke. “Hermione I'm really sorry, I overstepped the bounds of our friendship and I should've been more careful…I hope you can find a way to forgive me” Hermione's expression turned thoughtful. What had Harry meant by he should have been more careful. Hermione looked up at Harry watching him closely; he was standing there running his hands through his hair staring at the floor. He only did that when he was nervous. As she regarded him more closely she realized that he actually thought that she would truly be angry with him, that he had done some irreparable harm to their friendship. She had to admit there was a sense of uneasiness between them now. They had been in the same room for a full ten minutes and neither of them had laughed or smiled; they hadn't even greeted each other with their customary hug and kiss on the cheek. Hermione decided that this newfound awkwardness between them was making matters worse. Hermione walked over to where Harry was standing grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into her arms. As Hermione wrapped her arms around him Harry released a breath he hadn't been aware that he was holding. He slipped his arms around her waist and held her to him breathing in her well-known scent of lavender, chamomile and vanilla. Hermione leaned back in Harry's arms and smiled up at him. “Stop worrying, I am not upset with you, we'll consider it a gift, how many witches out there can say they were kissed by the Celebrated Harry Potter for their birthday” Harry nodded glumly and gave a forlorn little smile. He knew he should be pleased; Hermione wasn't upset, she thought that he'd been pissed out of his mind and that had been the reason he'd kissed her. Their twelve-year friendship was in no jeopardy whatsoever but instead of that fact making him feel relieved it irked the hell out of him. How could she not know that he'd kissed her because he wanted to? Like he wanted to now, like he always wanted to! *“Because you daft git she doesn't feel anything for you other than friendship”*. Harry closed his eyes silently belittling himself for his own stupidity. Hermione studied Harry's face intently, what was he so upset about, why was he acting so strangely. She couldn't stand to see him upset; she'd never been able to stand the thought of his being the least bit hurt or angry for any reason especially if it was within her power to stop it. Hermione reached up and caressed his cheek and softly called his name. “Harry” He opened his eyes but kept them firmly fixed on a spot on the floor. Hermione placed her other hand on Harry's other cheek and raised his gaze to hers. She saw doubt in his eyes. “It's really all right Harry, really, you have nothing to apologize for, it was nothing more than…” Before she could finish her sentence Harry's words cut her off. “I'm not sorry” Hermione's brow furrowed at his words. Harry rushed on before his courage failed him. “What I mean to say is that I'm sorry if I made things awkward between us, you're my best friend and I'd never do anything to ruin that but…this isn't the way I'd have chosen for you to find out…not sure if given the choice I'd have ever said anything…but I'm not sorry that I kissed you” Hermione was stunned. She hadn't expected this at all. Her mind drifted back to Harry's earlier words…he had said that he should have been more careful…what exactly had he meant by that. She directed her attention back to Harry. He had released her from the embrace they'd been in seconds before and walked over to the window. He was staring out at the evening sky a bewildered expression on his face. Hermione gave voice to the myriad of questions running through her mind. “Harry what do you mean you're not sorry that you kissed me” Harry turned around and stared at Hermione; she looked so beautiful standing there. In that instant he made up his mind, it was now or never. He was Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived he'd faced horrors worse than most people could imagine, telling his best friend of twelve years that his feelings for her were more than mere friendship should be a walk in the park compared to what he'd been through. Summoning all the Gryffindor courage he had Harry spoke. “I mean that I kissed you because I wanted to not because I was on some bloody bender but because I've wanted to kiss you all of my adult life and a good bit of my childhood as well…I mean that I kissed you because you're the most stunning woman I've ever seen and because a bloke would have to be an impossibly daft git to have walked around for seven years and never have told you that his feelings run much deeper than friendship where you are concerned” Hermione was utterly gobsmacked, of all the things that she had expected to hear the one thing she hadn't expected, the one thing that if she were honest she had always hoped he one say, was exactly what he had said. Harry stared at Hermione skeptical as to whether or not he'd done the right thing by telling her how he felt. Apprehensively he called her name. “Hermione…” She looked up at him and silently closed the distance between them. He steeled himself for the inevitable. It was clear his feelings were not returned and she intended to let him down easy. His little confession would no doubt make things even more difficult between the two of them. Bloody hell, he'd made a complete mess of everything…all right he'd been in worst scrapes than this…what to do…what to do…he could pretend that it was all a joke…no she would never believe that…come on think…he could let things play out and wait a few days and tell her he'd been hit by a bludger and had gone round saying crazy things to his friends. Of course then he'd have to tell Ron and Ginny and the twins something idiotic too…easier to really get hit by a bludger then he could pretend he never even remembered the entire day. He'd been hit by bludgers before…once more wouldn't kill him. “HARRY” Hermione's voice snapped his attention back to the present…this was going to hurt. Again he braced himself for the worst. Hermione stared at him for a mere second before reaching up and running her hands through his thick ebony curls and then pulling his face down to hers she pressed her lips against his. Harry was in shock, what in the name of Merlin was she playing at. Hermione ran her tongue alone Harry's lips seductively entreating him to join in as a full participant in the kiss, unable to resist her any longer Harry greedily entwined her tongue with his own intent on snogging her senseless. He wrapped his arms around her slender form and deepened their connection. Hermione pressed herself fully against him as she ran her hands across his broad shoulders. Harry moaned as his hands roamed her voluptuous curves. The kiss seemed to last an age before they finally broke apart. Somehow during the heat of the moment they'd gone from standing to leaning against the wall. Hermione's hair hung down her back free from its earlier condition, her lips were swollen and her erratic breathing emphasized the aroused state she was in. Harry's hair was even messier than usual, several of the buttons on his shirt had been undone and his heavy breathing coupled with the rather strained front of his trousers gave no illusions about the state he was in. He let go of Hermione, took a seat on the window ledge and drug a hand through his hair as he posed his question to her. “What the bloody hell was that” Hermione smiled. “It's called a kiss Harry” “Damn it all, I know that Hermione what I don't know is why you did it” Hermione smiled again. “You really are impossibly daft aren't you” Harry scowled as Hermione came and stood directly in front of him, wrapped her arms around his neck and stared him straight in the eye as she whispered. “I kissed you for the same reason you kissed me, because I wanted to, because I've wanted to kiss you like that since forever it seems. I just could not believe it remotely possible that you would feel the same way about me” Harry wrapped his arms about her waist and smiled. “Seems I'm not alone in my daftness” “Apparently not” Smiling broadly he said. “Well I supposed we could continue on…being daft I mean…it's worked all these years” Hermione nodded. “Yes we could…but I rather like kissing you and I suspect that now that I have had a taste of you it will be quite hard to go back to our previous daft and snogless state of affairs” Harry leaned in closer to Hermione and began lightly kissing her neck as he spoke. “You are a touch addictive yourself love” Hermione held him tighter as Harry's kisses and caresses intensified. After a few moments he set her away from him and spoke a serious note to his voice. “Hermione I don't want to make a mess of things with you” Hermione raised an eyebrow and asked in reply. “What do you mean” Harry elaborated. “Its different with you…we've been friends most of our lives…and…and I don't want to do anything that'll take that away from me…I'd rather have your friendship than nothing at all…I couldn't bear it if you weren't in my life…that's why I never told you I had these feelings…I didn't want to loose you” Hermione gently caressed his cheek. “Harry I'm not going anywhere…no matter what happens with these feelings we have I'll always be there for you as a friend I will not allow anything to change that” She sweetly kissed his forehead. Harry ginned then posed another question. “You busy tomorrow night” Hermione shook her head. “No” Harry smiled. “Good…I'll pick you up at seven” “Pick me up at seven, what for” “I was thinking dinner and maybe we could catch a film or something” Hermione stared at Harry in amazement. “Harry if you want to ask me out on a date it may be helpful to actually ask me and not assume I'll just drop everything to spend the evening with you” Harry chuckled to himself as he nodded his head and raised a hand to signify his having heard her rather stern reprimand. He set her away from him and made a dramatic bow and inquired. “Hermione would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night” Hermione smiled and dropped into an elegant curtsy as she retorted with. “I would love too” --> 4. The Date ----------- **The Date** Hermione stood in front of her mirror turning herself from side to side considering her reflection, with a wave of her wand the outfit she'd been wearing disappeared. She sighed and summoned her robe, slipping it on she headed back to the closet to see what other options her wardrobe had to offer. Thirty minutes later Hermione still hadn't come up with a thing to wear for her date with Harry. Looking at her clock she saw that it was already six o'clock. Harry would be there in an hour and she hadn't even started to get ready. Hermione ran to the desk in the corner of her bedroom, actually it was a vanity table but she thought it more practical to use the piece as a desk. She hastily scribbled a note and grabbed a handful of floo powder from the jar she kept on her desk; walking over to her fireplace she tossed the powder into the fireplace and said 417 Astoria Place, she lobbed the note into the dancing green flames. She watched it for a second before hurrying off to the bathroom. Hermione stepped out of the shower and wrapped one of the fluffy towels hanging on the rack around herself. She added a liberal amount of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion to her hair grabbed her wand and muttered a heating spell to dry it. She checked her reflection in the mirror and satisfied with the effect of her now straight hair she headed back into the bedroom and found Ginny sitting on her bed surrounded by a plethora of skirts, trousers, blouses, dresses and robes of every imaginable style and color. Hermione smiled thankfully. “Oh Ginny thank Merlin you're here” Hermione rushed into her walk-in-closet and opened the drawer that held her unmentionables; she began searching through the piles of bras and panties until she found the set she was looking for. Ginny called to her from the bedroom. “Naturally I rushed right over, its not everyday I get a floo from my best friend telling me she needs wardrobe assistance” Hermione called back. “Well I was not sure you were home…I thought you and Draco were going out” Hermione stepped out of the closet cinching her robe closed just as Ginny responded. “He had to go by his mum's so we're having a late dinner lucky for you that one, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come to your rescue” “A million thanks…what have you got” Ginny smiled. “Not so fast…” Ginny walked over to where Hermione was standing and gave her a through once over. “Scented soap, straightened hair, black lace knickers, I want details; what's his name, how long have you known him, do I know him, when did he ask you out, and do I get to meet him” Hermione turned and busied herself with looking through the pile of clothes covering her bed and replied to Ginny's questions. “You do not need to know his name, I have known him long enough, you may have met him once or twice, yesterday and no…what do you think of this blue blouse and these black trousers” Ginny frowned. “Ummm…trousers eh…no robes, muggle…where are you two going” “Wizard…dinner and maybe somewhere else after” “Definitely not that then, try the red dress…and why can't I meet him” Hermione picked up the red dress and looked at her reflection in the mirror. “No not the red one …because I said so” Ginny pouted. “Try the brown trousers with beige top and the matching jacket…well if I can't meet him you can at least tell me his name” Hermione picked up the ensemble Ginny had suggested and after a moment shook her head no. “With my hair and complexion that's far too much brown…I am not telling you his name” Hermione's gaze fell on a black slip dress with a flared bottom. “I've never seen you in this before Gin” Ginny replied. “That's because it's yours, we bought it last month when we went shopping with your mum remember…why are you being so secretive about this bloke” Hermione slipped into the dress and turned to Ginny. “What do you think…it's complicated” Ginny nodded appreciatively. “Perfect…you should go with your hair up…what's so complicated about it you're going out with him” “Bring me those hairpins please…well it's complicated because of our pre-existing relationship” Ginny brought the hairpins over and began styling Hermione's hair in an elegant twist. “You two work together” “No, I told you we're friends…I just do not want things to get awkward if we find out we would rather just remain friends” Ginny turned Hermione around and with a wave of her wand added her make-up and accessories. “There…was he at Hogwarts with us…do Ron and Harry know him” Hermione turned around and gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she smiled approvingly before turning back to Ginny. “Thank you” Hermione purposely ignored Ginny's questions. Ginny replied. “I was glad to help” Ginny glanced at the clock. “Since I won't be meeting this chap tonight I'll leave you to it but I expect to hear the full story tomorrow at lunch” Hermione looked askance at Ginny. “We're not meeting for lunch tomorrow are we” Having collected her things Ginny replied. “We are now” She disappeared with a snap. Hermione chuckled to herself at Ginny's parting remark. She then turned around and grabbed her evening bag and her wrap and headed down stairs. Just as her feet touched the living room floor the doorbell rang. Hermione checked the time and saw that it was only a few minutes before seven, Harry would be there any minute she wondered who would be calling. Clearly it was someone non-magic as most of her friends were wizards, none of them had much use for doorbells they generally apparated or flooed over. Hermione opened the door and was shocked to see Harry standing there. He was dressed in black trousers and a matching jacket, his shirt was a lovely shade of bottle green that brought out the color of his eyes. His hair was rumpled as usual but it seemed to compliment his look quite nicely just the same. He looked utterly delicious. The sound of his voice brought Hermione back to the present moment. “Hello Hermione” Harry handed her a bouquet of orchids and lilies before kissing her cheek softly. Hermione smiled and stepped aside, allowing Harry to step inside the flat. “Thank you” Harry mumbled you're welcome as Hermione disappeared into the kitchen with the flowers, she returned a few seconds later and placed the vase of flowers on the coffee table she looked up at Harry and he spoke. “You look beautiful” A blush crept across her cheeks as she replied. “You look quite handsome yourself” Harry took her hand in his. “Shall we go” Hermione nodded and grabbed her wrap and purse. “Exactly where are we going” Intertwining his fingers with Hermione's Harry steered them towards the door. “Someplace quiet where we won't be interrupted” “And where exactly would that be …you are not exactly low profile” Harry chuckled. “True I'm not what you'd call low profile but celebrity has its advantages as well, especially celebrity in the wizarding world” By now the two had made their way into the courtyard of Hermione's building. She was about to ask him what he meant about being a celebrity in the wizarding world when she looked up and saw a limousine parked at the gates. The driver immediately stepped from the car and opened the door. The driver spoke. “Evening Miss…where to Mr. Potter” Hermione nodded to the man holding the door open as Harry guided her into the car and responded to the question he'd been asked. “The Oasis Hamish” “Very good sir” The driver replied with a nod of his head; as he closed the door Harry slid inside the limo next to Hermione. She looked up at him with a surprised expression. “The Oasis, isn't that the new muggle restaurant that everyone has been fawning over” “That would be the one” “I understand that it is very difficult to get into, you have to make reservations weeks in advance” Harry replied. “Yes it's quite the rage at the moment” Hermione raised an eyebrow and asked. “Then how on earth did you get reservations so quickly when you only asked me out last night” Before Harry could reply the car stopped and Hamish stepped out and opened the door. Harry extricated himself from the car and extended his hand to Hermione. She slid her hand in his and gracefully exited the car. Slipping his arm around her waist Harry and Hermione entered the restaurant. Algernon, the maître'd addressed Harry by name, greeted them and led them into the dining area. The room was completely empty with the exception of one table set for two in the middle of the room. Hermione was stunned; she turned to Harry as he pulled out her chair. “How does he know your name” Harry smiled and kissed her cheek as Hermione lowered herself into her seat. Harry took the seat across from her as the wine steward approached the table with a wine list, he too greeted Harry by name remarking on how nice it was to see him again, handed him the wine list, then hastily disappeared. Hermione stared at Harry for a moment before he spoke. “I like the food so I come here fairly often” Hermione looked around at the empty restaurant. “You bought out the entire restaurant for the evening” Harry nodded. “How else were we going to get some privacy…no wizarding establishment I know of can keep the hordes of admirers I have away not to mention what would happen if the Prophet got wind of this” Hermione replied with a nod of her head as Harry continued. “I started coming here a couple of months back…Harry Potter is no one special in the Muggle world, here I'm just a normal customer, I can actually sit and have dinner with no interruptions, no photographers or people asking for my autograph…this place really is an Oasis for me” He smiled at Hermione as she spoke. “I doubt you will be considered a normal customer anymore considering that you have bought out the whole place” Harry grinned. “Oh, they'll just think I'm some rich bloke who likes his privacy…besides Algernon would never get nosy with any of his clientele…so what would you like to drink Riesling or Shiraz” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once again Harry and Hermione stood pressed against the door of her flat; chests heaving, hair in disarray, his collar loosened, her dress pushed up where his hand was lazily stroking her thigh. Hermione was rubbing her palms across Harry's back and shoulders as he ran his mouth over her jaw and down the smooth column of her throat to the base of her neck. Hermione's grip tightened drawing Harry closer to her body and Harry instinctively lowered his mouth to the neckline of her dress peppering the gentle rise of her breasts with kisses as his hand slid higher up her thigh. Hermione reached down and cupped Harry's face in her hands bring his lips level with her own; he kissed her feverishly, tangling his tongue with hers. They kissed intensely for several minutes before they pulled away from each other. Harry was the first to speak. “I guess I should get going” Hermione nodded. “I had a wonderful time” “So did I” Harry looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly 2 am, where had the time gone. He'd been with Hermione for seven hours and it felt more like seven minutes. They'd had a lovely dinner talking and laughing and getting to know each other as something other than best friends. After dinner they had gone dancing. Harry wasn't big on dancing but Hermione mentioned how much she loved to dance and that she hadn't been for ages and he'd wanted the night to be special so he took her to a dance club he'd heard one of his muggleborn teammates mention once. And though he wasn't terribly good at dancing seeing Hermione smile so happily and having her in his arms made it well worth the sacrifice. Having tripped the light fantastic for some three hours they left the club and and having worked up quite an appetite they stopped into one of the nearby pubs and ate doners and curry. From there they opted for a stroll around the park where they had done a lot of staring into each other's eyes. Finally they'd made it back to Hermione's flat where the chaste goodnight kiss had turned into a rather heated snogging session that Harry surmised had gone on for at least a quarter of an hour. Hermione calling his name softly roused Harry from his reminiscences. “Harry is everything all right” Harry grinned broadly at her. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned his forehead against hers. “Everything is fine except that I don't want to leave you…I know that it isn't proper to even think what I'm thinking but Merlin Hermione the thought of letting you go now is driving me crazy…I just…” Hermione placed a finger against his lips and stilled the words tumbling from his mouth. She entwined Harry's fingers with her own and proceeded through the door of her flat. Harry pulled up short at the threshold and gazing into her warm brown eyes asked. “Are you sure” Hermione smiled and kissed him tenderly on the lips and replied. “I'm absolutely positive” Harry enveloped Hermione in his arms and their lips met in a devouring kiss as the door to the flat swung shut behind them. --> 5. The Pitch ------------ **The Pitch** The smell of bacon, eggs and coffee roused Harry from sleep; he rolled over and blinked at the clock. It was nine in the morning. Harry stretched and rolled over onto his back. Hermione had obviously gotten up to make breakfast although he'd have preferred to wake up with her in his arms. Harry smiled to himself as his thoughts drifted to the beautiful woman downstairs and the things they had down in the very bed he was lying in. Harry closed his eyes as he remembered the intensity of their night of passionate lovemaking. *Once the door of Hermione's flat had swung shut behind them Harry had scooped Hermione up into his arms and carried her upstairs to her bedroom. Their lips met in a fiercely passionate heart-stopping kiss. When Hermione opened her eyes and looked up at him; he stared into their cinnamon brown depths and saw a look of pure unadulterated lust. Harry reached up and ran his right hand through Hermione's hair; releasing her hair from the twist she'd wound it into for their date that evening. With his left arm he pulled her flush against his body, Hermione's arms snaked their way up his chest. Her fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck as Harry lowered his head. Hermione felt his warm breath float across her neck; she tilted her head to give him better access. Harry lightly pressed his lips to the throbbing pulse at the base of Hermione's neck and heard her moan seductively as he began to trail kisses along her neck, Hermione allowed her hands to trail down Harry's body and slid them up underneath his shirt. Harry moved his hands to the back of Hermione's dress and quickly unzipped it then hastily removed her undergarments; Harry stood gazing at her perfect body for a moment before lowering his head and worshipping her beautiful form with his mouth. After several minutes of torturous pleasure Harry began kissing his way down Hermione's stomach.* *Hermione shut her eyes and moaned in passion as Harry intently feasted on the sweet forbidden fruit nestled between her smooth thighs. Having driven Hermione nearly to the edge and feeling that familiar warm tightening of his groin Harry stood and rid himself of his clothes before he kissed his way back up Hermione's delicious body. Again* *their lips met in an intensely fervent kiss. Her hands caressed his bare chest as he dipped his head and rained a trail of kisses down her neck. Hermione moaned and tangled her hands into Harry's hair as his lips journeyed from one spot on her body to another. Harry kissed his way back up her beautiful body reveling in the feel of her smooth warm skin. He brought his mouth down to hers and traced the seam of her lips with his tongue seeking entrance. Hermione granted his request and entwined her tongue with his while her slender hands roamed and caressed his back and shoulders. As the kiss deepened Hermione wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him closer to her. Harry groaned he wanted her so badly he was certain he'd go mad without her. As if she had read his thoughts Hermione lifted her hips and she and Harry became one. He was motionless for a moment just staring into her eyes amazed that they were actually together; she reached up and drew his face down to hers and kissed him. They began to move then enjoying the feel of each other; she wrapped her legs tighter around him pulling him closer. Harry lost himself in the wondrous feeling of being with her. Her name became his mantra as he chanted it over and over again. Her body, the sound of her voice calling his name, the curve of her hips, the indescribable taste of the mixture of her naturally sweet tasting skin and the salty sweat dampening it mesmerized him. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted; the sexy moans and whimpers escaping her mouth were driving him crazy. Suddenly Hermione's eyes opened and her gaze locked with his. The pace of their coupling increased in intensity, as did the ardent cries issuing forth from her mouth. As Harry brought her to release, Hermione's back arched off the bed as the first wave pulsed over her, she moaned Harry's name and tensed around him, pushing him over the edge he shuddered and joined her in release.* Harry was jolted from his stroll down memory lane by the feel of Hermione's soft lips nuzzling his neck. Wrapping his arms around her he pulled her down beside him and kissed her thoroughly before letting her go. Hermione whispered softly. “Mmhmm…I thought you were sleeping” Harry grinned. “No I was just thinking” “About what” Harry slipped his hand inside Hermione's robe and caressed her bare thigh whispering hoarsely. “You” Harry rolled over onto his side and resumed kissing Hermione's neck as his hand moved higher up her leg. Hermione bit down on her bottom lip to stifle a moan as Harry's hand touched and caressed her at her very center. When she found her voice it came out as a throaty whisper. “What about breakfast” Harry untied Hermione's robe and began trailing kisses across her bare shoulders and chest as he spoke. “Love the only thing I'm hungry for is you” Hermione wrapped her arms around Harry and drew his body down on top of hers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione was awakened from her slumber by the sound of running water, rolling over she saw that Harry was no longer lying beside her. A bright smile covered her face as she remembered the feel of Harry's arms around her. She thought of joining him in the shower and the smile on her face grew even wider. They had already made love twice that morning that was not counting the three times they had made love the night before; Hermione found it somewhat astonishing that she could even entertain the thought of joining him in the shower for yet another round of shagging, the smile on her face grew wider still as she threw back the covers and strutted towards the bathroom. Hermione was just about to open the door when she heard a loud snapping noise coming from downstairs followed by her name being shouted from the base of the stairs. “HERMIONE” Hermione immediately recognized the voice as Ginny's. Glancing at the clock on her bedside table Hermione saw that it was nearly twelve thirty in the afternoon; she had forgotten that she was supposed to have lunch with Ginny today. Hermione frantically glanced around the room for her robe, not seeing it she grabbed the first article of clothing she could find to cover herself threw it on, and pulled her hair up into a loose ponytail. She once again heard her name being called but it was much closer, now it was coming from the landing. “HERMIONE” Grabbing her wand Hermione muttered a silencing charm on the bathroom and the bedroom before she quickly darted out the bedroom door just as Ginny raised her fist to knock. Hermione was the first to speak. “Ginny…what on earth are you doing here” Ginny stepped back a bit startled by Hermione's sudden appearance at the door as well as her disheveled state; Hermione's hair was pulled into a very sloppy ponytail and she was wearing a man's green dress shirt with a lightening shaped appliqué on the left breast pocket. Ginny's voice held a distinct note of curiosity when she spoke. “Well, I went by your office for lunch like we planned and Percy told me that you'd owled him and said you wouldn't be in today so I thought I'd pop over and make sure that everything was all right” Hermione nodded distractedly. “Yes well it was a late night and considering that I am caught up on my assignments at the moment I thought I would take a day to myself” Ginny's jaw nearly dropped, Hermione had never so much as left early from work let alone taken a full day off without the situation being life threatening. Ginny continued. “So everything's all right then” Hermione nodded and quickly glanced at the bedroom door. “Everything is absolutely fine…just having a bit of a lie in…I was actually about to jump in the shower having remembered our lunch date when I heard you pop in” Hermione smiled contritely. Ginny matched Hermione's smile with one of her own. “Oh good, you get your shower and I'll just wait here and we can leave as soon as you're ready” Ginny took a step towards the door but Hermione quickly stepped in front of her blocking her way. “No you should really get to the restaurant and make sure we have a table you know how busy Diagon Ally gets during lunch” Ginny raised an eyebrow as Hermione pushed on. “And seeing that it is most likely half-past twelve you have already lost half your lunch hour waiting for me if you wait much longer you won't be eating at all” Ginny glanced at her watch, Hermione was right as usual but that did nothing to quell the sense Ginny had that Hermione was hiding something or more accurately someone behind that bedroom door. Ginny smiled she'd get her questions answered over lunch, she'd just tell Mr. Farthington that she was meeting with a client over lunch and that's why she was late. “All right then I'll go on ahead and get a table…The Pitch okay with you” Hermione nodded. “Fine, I'll meet you in say…ten-fifteen minutes” The two friends smiled at each other before Ginny disapparated and Hermione heaving a relieved sigh hurried into her bedroom to get ready. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry arrived at his London flat with a pop; the coffee table was covered with dozens and dozens of unopened letters, unread magazines and three weeks worth of copies of the Daily and Evening editions of the Prophet. Looking at the unanswered post littering his living room Harry made a mental note to sort it out before it consumed the first floor of his flat. Dropping his jacket on the back of the nearest chair he strode into the kitchen all of his and Hermione's extra-curricular activity had him positively ravenous. Although he was fairly certain that if Ginny hadn't showed up to take Hermione to lunch the two of them would probably still be sampling the delights of each other. With a wave of his hand Harry opened the doors of the pantry, the cupboards and the cooler he saw that there was nothing edible in any of them; he'd forgotten to tell Dobby to stock the kitchen. Maybe he'd just pop over to Grimmauld Place there was always food there, he'd grab a quick bite then get in a few hours of flying before he met Hermione for dinner. Harry was so deep in thought that he didn't hear Ron when he apparated in. “Bout bloody time I found you mate…I've been everywhere… Grimmauld Place, the Glynnmoor estate…your estate agent up there wants to see you by the way said something about the final terms of some property you're purchasing needs your signature and all that, then I went to your flat in Appleton, the Arrows practice pitch…what's this about you taking off the rest of the week” Harry looked up at Ron with an indifferent expression on his face. “Huh…ummm…er…nothing…everything's fine…I just needed some new lenses to play in and Quimby gave me some time off to get ready for the All England team tryouts” Ron bobbed his head up and down in understanding. Harry inquired. “What brings you here…shouldn't you be at practice” Ron chuckled. “Looks like Quimby and Marx had the same idea, he told me to leave off practice until after the tryouts…said he didn't want to risk me getting hurt and ruining my chances…I figured Quimby might be thinking the same thing and thought maybe my best mate might fancy a bit of company…what have you got to eat in this place, chasing around after your bloody arse has me starving” Harry replied. “Sorry mate haven't been spending a lot of time here lately the cupboard's bare…what's say we go out then eh” “All right but I think I'm a little undressed” Ron gestured to his jeans and jumper and then to Harry's attire from the evening before. Harry mumbled something about having had an appointment earlier as he strolled back into the living room and slipped into his jacket. He turned to Ron and asked. “So where to” Ron stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment before answering. “How about The Pitch” “Let's go” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pitch was the wizarding world's one and only sports pub. Set in the heart of Diagon Ally the four level pub was decorated with tons and tons of memorabilia from all the leagues Quidditch teams ranging from the meat cleaver Walter Parkin carried to all the Wigtown Wanderers matches to the broom “Dangerous” Dai Llewellyn rode on in his last match with the Caerphilly Catapults. Owned by an eccentric warlock who'd spent a fair few years traveling the professional Quidditch circuit The Pitch had become the hottest pub in wizarding London; it was often found full to the rafters with all sorts of high profile wizards and witches including Ministry of Magic officials, The Weird Sisters' lead guitarist and bassist Kirley McCormack and Donaghan Tremlett and naturally there were the droves and droves of Quidditch pros who frequented the establishment, chief among them Viktor Krum of the Vratsa Vultures, Roger Davies of the Tutshill Tornados, and the Kenmare Kestrels star keeper Oliver Wood. Although the most celebrated patrons of The Pitch were Harry Potter and Ron Weasley their notoriety as heroes from the war, their spirited Quidditch playing abilities and their perpetual listing on Witch Weekly's Most Eligible Bachelor List made any place they deemed worthy of their patronage an instant hit. Ginny and Hermione were sitting in a booth towards the back of the crowded pub eating ham and Swiss cheese cubbies with vinegar and salt chips. Hermione was serenely chewing a chip as Ginny shot her a vicious look. “Hermione I don't believe you're not going to tell me who he is” For the past half hour Ginny had been pumping Hermione for information about her date the night before. It had taken a little coaxing but Ginny had gotten Hermione to share the details of her evening out with the mystery wizard, but when Ginny had vocalized her suspicions that Hermione hadn't been alone when she'd dropped in earlier that afternoon Hermione had clammed up tighter than a silencing charm. “Oh you could at least give me his initials” Hermione took a sip of her butterbeer then spoke. “No” Ginny blew out an exasperated breath. “I don't see why you insist on keeping me in the dark…I mean honestly you've already shagged the bloke…” “Ginny…” Hermione spoke in an appalled whisper as a scarlet tint crept up cheeks. “What on earth makes you think that I…” Ginny cut her off with a wave of her hand. “Mi, it didn't take a genius to read the signs…nearly one in the afternoon and you're not at work…you're not even out of bed, I practically have to scream my bloody head off to get you out of your room, then you won't let me get anywhere near the bedroom and to top it all off you're standing there in a man's shirt” Hermione bit her bottom lip and flushed crimson. Ginny smiled and patted her friend's hand. “He must be something special to have you carrying on like that” A dreamy expression came over her face and Hermione smiled and replied. “Yes, he is quite special actually” “And does he have a name” “Really Ginny don't be daft of course he has a name” “What is it” “Wouldn't you like to know” Ginny was about to remind Hermione that she had told her all about her own relationship with Draco and that it was only fair that she reciprocate when Ron dropped down in the booth next to her. “Well if it isn't my two favorite witches” Ron grabbed a handful of crisps and popped them into his mouth. He then cast about looking for the waitress, not seeing anyone he called to the wizard behind the bar and ordered four house specials and two pitchers of ale. “What brings you two to The Pitch” Ron popped another handful of crisps into his mouth as Ginny responded. “Oh nothing, just trying to find out the name of the bloke Hermione shagged last night” Ron's eyes grew to twice their normal size, his mouth flew open and he dropped the handful of crisps he'd just picked up. “Wh…wh…what did you say” Hermione glared at Ginny from across the table, Ginny smirked before turning to face her brother. “Hermione had a date last night with some chap and she's keeping mum about who he is” Ron looked at Ginny and then at Hermione and then back to Ginny. “She won't say who he is” Ginny nodded her head in the affirmative to her brother's question. Ron turned his gaze to Hermione and spoke. “All right then who is he” Hermione stared at Ginny disbelievingly. “GINNY…” Ginny quickly replied. “All I asked for were his initials but oh no you had to be difficult” Ron launched into one of his tirades, questioning Hermione in regards to her whereabouts last night and who she was with. Ginny glanced up and caught sight of Harry coming towards them; she thought to herself that he was rather dressed up for lunch at The Pitch. She took in the elegant cut of his black trousers and matching jacket and the green shirt he was wearing really highlighted the color of his eyes. Ginny was about to tell Harry how cracking he looked when her gaze focused on the left breast pocket of Harry's shirt, there was a lightening shaped appliqué; the image of Hermione dressed in that very shirt earlier that day rose to the surface of Ginny's mind. Ginny's voice came out in a barely audible whisper. “Blimey its Harry” Hermione caught Ginny's words and their gazes met and held for the briefest of moments before Hermione turned her head and saw Harry lowering himself into the booth beside her just as two waitresses descended upon the table and deposited four large platters of food, two tankards and two pitchers of ale. As the waitresses disappeared Ron turned his attention to Harry. “Harry, Ginny says Hermione went out with some bloke and she won't tell either of us anything about him” Harry felt Hermione press her leg against his, he patted her leg reassuringly under the table before focusing his attention on Ron. “So” Ron looked mortified. “So…so what is she hiding…I mean why wouldn't she tell us…” Harry popped a chip into his mouth and interjected. “Ron do we tell Hermione every time we take some girl out” Ron looked thoughtful for a moment then answered. “No” Harry nodded and replied. “Well then…besides Hermione is quite capable of taking care of herself” Ron scratched his head and sighed. “I suppose you're right” Harry nodded, picked up his tankard of ale and took a liberal swig. There was no more conversation among the four friends after that, they all sat and finished their lunch in silence. --> 6. Rendezvous, Revelations and Rows ----------------------------------- **Rendezvous, Revelations and Rows** Ron, Ginny, Harry and Hermione exited The Pitch and stepped onto the crowded street that was Diagon Alley. Ron patted his overly full stomach and looked around at his sister and two best friends. “I just had a bloody brilliant idea…Gin how bout you skive off work this afternoon so you and Hermione can bum around for the rest of the day with me and Harry” Ron smiled his come-on-you-know-you-want-to-smile. “It's been ages since the four of us did that” Ginny looked back and forth between Harry and Hermione attempting to gauge their reactions to Ron's proposal before she replied. “Sorry big brother…but I've got to be getting back to the office…got a meeting with a client” Ron nodded and turned his gaze towards Hermione and Harry. “All right then I guess that means it's the golden trio then…just like old times, eh” Hermione bit her lip then responded. “Sorry Ron but I've got some errands to run and then I have to stop by my parents…I promised I'd check on things about the cottage while they're off at their dental convention” Hermione looked down at her watch. “As a matter of fact I should be getting on, otherwise I simply will not have time to get everything done” Hermione said a quick round of good-byes and headed off down the street; Ginny hastily said her good-byes and trotted off after Hermione. Ron sighed and turned to Harry. “Guess it's just us then mate, let's stop in at Quality Quidditch Supplies…I need to see if they've got those new dragon hide Keepers gloves…” Harry nodded and trudged after Ron but not before looking back down the street and catching a glimpse of Hermione and Ginny as they eyed each other rather warily then headed off in opposite directions. Just as Harry began to wonder what their rather odd exchange had been about Ron called after him to hurry up. Harry shrugged mentally and strolled off after Ron towards Quality Quidditch Supplies. What was supposed to be a quick stop had turned into forty-five minutes of Ron trying on and testing out every single new piece of Quidditch equipment in the store. Harry thought to himself that this was worse than the time he and Ron had gone shopping with Hermione and Ginny and they'd been forced to follow around after them carrying all of their shopping. At least then Harry'd had Ron to stand awkwardly to the side and commiserate with now he was left to his own imaginings. He was pondering what Ginny and Hermione had been going on about. All during lunch Ginny had been pelting the two of them with piercing looks and he'd practically had to eat one handed, as he had to keep patting Hermione's leg reassuring her that their activities from the night before had indeed gone unnoticed. Harry was stirred from his thoughts by the screech of a large barn owl that had settled itself on a rack of Quidditch robes directly in front of him. Realizing that the owl was holding out its leg to him Harry retrieved the note and upon opening it immediately recognized Hermione's elegant script. Focusing intently Harry read the note. **Meet me at my parents in twenty minutes.** **Hermione** Harry crumpled the note up in his fist and quickly walked over to where Ron was sitting trying on the newest playing boots. “Er…Ron…listen I've gotta shove off…” Ron stood to his feet and inquired. “Everything all right” Harry nodded. “Yeah…I just need to meet my estate agent…seems that thing with the Glynnmoor property can't wait” Ron smiled. “Well if you wait a second I can come with you, just let me…” Harry quickly interjected. “No, no you don't have to…I've no idea how long this will take…we've got to meet with the people selling the property…some old bloke and his wife…seems they're a bit star struck…huge Arrows fans you understand…and they just have to meet me…can't believe the-Boy-Who-Lived wants to buy their manky old pasture…it's going to be bad enough as it is without bringing along another professional Quidditch player for them to gawk at…we could be there all afternoon…I'd hate to ruin your day off” Ron looked stricken at the thought of spending an untold amount of time with some old doddering couple pretending to be interested in their rambling remembrances. He nodded to Harry and told him to pop by if he got free at a decent hour. The two said their good-byes and Harry headed off to Hermione's parents' house in Cambridge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The lounge of Thaddeus and Olivia Granger's home was somewhat of a shrine to their greatest accomplishment, their only child, Hermione. The mantle above the fireplace held an anthology of Hermione's existence with pictures of her from infancy right up through adulthood. The mantle also held framed school certificates that touted the brilliance of the Grangers' only daughter. Harry smiled to himself as he gazed at the Head Girl badge resting beside Hermione's Hogwarts graduation photo and thought how truly lucky he was to have her in his life. Hermione walked out of the kitchen, up the hall and into the lounge, she thought that she had heard someone come in. As she stepped around the corner she saw Harry standing at the mantle looking at the myriad of photographs her parents had placed there. She called out to him. “Harry” The smile on Harry's face broadened at the sound of Hermione's voice. He closed the distance between them in a single stride, pulled Hermione into his arms and kissed her softly on the lips. Stepping back he pulled her down on the couch and pulling her note out of his pocket asked. “Is everything all right” Hermione sighed and launched into a recount of how Ginny had seen her wearing Harry's shirt and what she had heard Ginny say at the booth in The Pitch when Harry had joined them. Hermione went on to tell Harry that she was certain Ginny had sorted out that he was the person she'd gone out with last night. Harry ran a hand through his jet-black hair and expelled a breath that fluttered the stray lock that perpetually seemed to obscure his left eye. “Mi, love are you sure about this…I mean did she say anything other than my name…its possible she was just shocked to see me” Hermione shook her head vigorously. “I'm telling you she knows…I saw the look on her face…she's sorted it out…what are we going to do now” Harry replied. “Nothing we can do except hope that Ginny keeps her mouth shut about what she knows…” Hermione interjected quickly. “And if she doesn't” Harry returned. “If she doesn't we'll deal with it when it happens” Hermione buried her face in her hands and sighed forcefully. Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders and stroked her back gently. Hermione laid her head on his shoulder and allowed herself to enjoy the comfort of his embrace. After several minutes she whispered. “Harry…what are we doing” Harry grinned to himself and offered. “Cuddling” Hermione leaned away from Harry and looked up into his eyes. “No I mean what are we doing…” Hermione gestured at her and Harry's position, cuddled up on the couch in her parents lounge while they were on holiday. “What is happening between us” Harry stared at her a bewildered expression on his face. Hermione stood up and walked towards the mantle as she continued speaking. “Harry in the space of four days we have gone from being purely platonic friends celebrating my birthday to clandestine lovers covering up our liaisons…I'm just confused Harry I don't know what's happening” Harry walked over to Hermione and wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her close to him as he spoke. “I remember the very first time I saw you…not when we first met on the train to Hogwarts…but the first time I really looked at you and realized that something was different…it was in our fourth year we were in the common room and you and Ron were having it on about Krum or something like that…you two were having a blazing row…and I looked up and looked at you really looked at you and I thought to myself Merlin she's beautiful…and just like that I wanted to be Krum…I want to be Ron…I wanted to be the person who you wanted to be with more than anything in this world…that feeling never went away after that…I guess I never wanted it to really…I thought it was a crush at first…but it just got stronger and stronger until I realized that it was more than just a crush…it was more than just friendship…it was me wanting to be the somebody in your life…but I thought you only wanted to be friends and I accepted that you just didn't have those same feelings for me…and I never told you…Kept it inside all this time…then we kissed and I finally had no choice but to tell you that where you are concerned my feelings run much deeper than friendship…” Hermione turned to look at Harry as he paused and he gently framed her face with his hands. For a moment their eyes locked and she attempted to decipher the emotion that clouded his beautiful bright green eyes. Harry looked away from her then, suddenly dropping his hands and turning around he cast his gaze out of the window across the room. Hermione quietly walked over to where he was standing and slipped her small hand inside his larger one. Instinctively Harry interlaced his fingers with hers as he began to speak again. “Hermione I can't give you the answers you need…I can tell you exactly what's happening between us…and I can't even begin to guess what Ginny's going to say or do…all I can do is tell you that this…” He held up their entwined hands. “this…feels right…this feels absolutely…completely…wonderfully right…and I'm not too bloody keen to let it go just yet” Hermione slipped her hand from Harry's grasp and looped both her arms about his neck pulling him close. As he wrapped his arms around her she whispered. “Neither am I Harry, neither am I” Harry pressed a tender kiss to Hermione's forehead before tilting her head up to meet his gaze. “Don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise” A smile crossed her lips as she nodded her head. Harry returned her smile and glancing around the room his voice came out as a throaty whisper. “Blimey, would you look at that” Hermione quickly scanned the room to find the object of Harry's interest, seeing nothing unusual she asked. “Look at what…I don't see anything” Harry lowered his head and murmured seductively in her ear. “Here we are all alone in a deserted cottage with nothing to do all afternoon” Hermione gasped as she felt Harry's lips and tongue on the skin just below her ear. His hands had wound their way up and around her waist; goose bumps rose on her lower back as Harry had begun to lightly trace the exposed skin there with his fingers. In a trembling whisper Hermione responded. “Ha…Harry…we…we can't…ummm” Hermione's feeble protest was cut off as Harry's lips covered hers in a tremendously heated kiss. As they sank to the floor all other thoughts and concerns were driven from Hermione's mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione walked into her flat with an enormous smile on her face. She and Harry had spent a considerably pleasant afternoon together at her parent's cottage; she'd never be able to sit normally in the lounge again. She was on her way upstairs to take a nice long bath when Ginny spoke. “Lovely afternoon with Harry, eh” Hermione spun around so quickly she very nearly toppled off the stairs. Ginny was seating in Hermione's favorite armchair, a steaming cup of tea by her side. “Gin…Ginny what in the name of Merlin are you doing here” Ginny ignored Hermione's question and launched into an angry rant. “I DON'T BELIVE YOU HERMIONE…I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS…NO SECRETS, NO LIES BETWEEN US…I THOUGHT WE KNEW EVERYTHING THERE WAS TO KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHER…I TOLD YOU ALL ABOUT ME AND DRACO EVERY SINGLE DETAIL…AND HERE YOU ARE CARRYING ON WITH HARRY AND YOU HAVEN'T SAID ONE BLOODY WORD TO ME…NOT ONE BLOODY WORD” Ginny's usually cheerful face was furrowed and marred by an irate scowl. Her face, neck and ears seemed nearly indistinguishable in shade from her glowing red hair, her fists were clenched at her sides and her chest was heaving madly from all the yelling and screaming she'd done. Ginny stopped to catch her breath and Hermione seized the moment and fired back at Ginny hotly. “YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME…YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME…HOW DARE YOU SIT HERE IN MY VERY OWN FLAT DRINKING MY SODDING TEA AND ACCUSE ME OF KEEPING THINGS FROM YOU…JUST BECAUSE WE ARE FRIENDS DOES NOT MEAN I HAVE TO TELL YOU EVERY SINGLE THING THAT GOES ON IN MY LIFE…FRANKLY ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHO I CARRY ON WITH AND I'LL THANK YOU TO KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY DAMN BUSINESS” Hermione turned and stormed up the stairs without so much as a backwards glance in Ginny's direction. --> 7. Tryouts, Truces and Congratulations -------------------------------------- **Tryouts, Truces and Congratulations** It had been a week since Ginny and Hermione had had their row and they still weren't speaking. Hermione had apparated over to Harry's flat in a flaming temper right after she and Ginny'd had it out. Harry couldn't remember when he'd last seen her that angry. She was so put out that she nearly exposed their secret in her rage, as Ron was there when she popped in. Harry and Ron had originally thought that this was one of their normal arguments where they'd be mad with each other for a day or so and then carry on as if nothing had ever happened, but they soon came to realize that this argument was very different from the others the two had engaged in over the years. It had been a full week and neither of them had spoken a single word to the other. Hermione was in such an extremely tetchy mood about the entire ordeal that if anyone so much as mentioned Ginny's name within earshot of her she went into an apoplectic-hexing fit. Which Ron found out after he stupidly asked why she and Ginny'd had it on in the first place. Hermione had given him a severe case of twitchy ears; his ears had twitched so forcefully that they caused his head to loll from side to side and his torso to jerk at very odd angles. Harry had tried for hours to remove the hex before finally giving up and taking him to St Mungos where they were told that a sticking charm had been added to the hex to prevent its easy removal. It sounded as if the same held true for Ginny; Ron told Harry that she had hit him with an outstandingly violent one of her infamous bat bogey hexes after he'd asked her why she and Hermione were feuding and he'd been forced to go to St. Mungos for treatment yet again. Harry hadn't been able to spend much time with Hermione during the last week to see if it were possible to repair her and Ginny's friendship (not that he was inclined to bring up the subject with Hermione hexing anyone who opened their mouths about that particular state of affairs) for the reason that he and Ron had spent the week with about a hundred other hopefuls trying out for the English National Quidditch Team. All week long he had endured grueling sixteen-hour practice sessions against some of the top seekers in the British league while Ron took on the best keepers the league had to offer. Harry was so worn out and achingly sore at days end that persuading Hermione to talk to Ginny was the last thing on his mind. Most nights he simply popped over to her flat briefly to see how her day had gone and to steal a kiss before heading to his own residence for a much-desired rest. Today was the last day of tryouts and each would-be player had been a given an arrival time and were set a sort of hour long training scenario in which they had to perform a series of moves and tasks so that the selection panel could ascertain their abilities. They were then sorted into teams and asked to perform the same moves and tasks but this time in a simulated Quidditch match. By lunchtime Harry's trials were over and he was quite pleased with his overall performance. On his way out of the locker room he ran into Ron who was just heading in to begin his trials. “All right, Harry…how'd it go” Harry looked up at Ron and smiled. “All right Ron…quite well actually…think I've got a real shot” Ron clapped Harry on the back and grinned broadly. “Of course you've got a shot…you're the best ruddy seeker I've ever seen…none of these other blokes are near as good as you…those judges'd have to be daft not to pick you” Harry smiled again. “Thanks… I'm looking forward to playing on the same team with you again …one of the best keepers in the league you are” Ron's cheeks took on a rather red hue as he hoisted his broomstick up onto his shoulder and murmured. “Thanks mate…guess I'd better get in there…” Harry nodded as he picked up his duffle bag and swung it onto his shoulder and replied. “Good luck…not that you need it” Ron nodded and headed towards the door leading to the changing rooms as Harry started for the exit leading to the street beyond them. Ron stopped and called after him. “Oh Harry I almost forgot…mum is giving us a party for trying out for the team and all…she and dad reckon we're gonna make it and bring home the world cup…starts at seven…she's invited Hermione as well…” Ron's voice kind of faltered Harry imagined he was remembering the twitchy ears and the bat bogey hex he'd suffered in the space of the last week. Harry expelled a breath and asked. “Your mum doesn't know they're fighting” Ron shook his head. Harry sighed and cursed under his breath. He'd been feeling rather good about his tryouts and the absolute last thing he wanted to do was spend the remainder of his afternoon at St. Mungo's covered in hex marks. That notwithstanding he replied resignedly. “I'll talk to the pair of them and get them to square things before tonight” Ron broke into a grin. “You're the best mate a bloke could have” “Yeah, yeah…you better get going otherwise you're gonna miss your own bloody trials” Ron nodded fervently and disappeared into the changing room. Harry stood where he was wondering why he'd volunteered for this at all. Groaning miserably he decided to visit Ginny first, he felt certain that she was the lesser of the two evils he was destined to face that afternoon. For one thing he wasn't involved with her romantically and secondly since she wasn't expecting to see him he'd have the element of surprise and a good chance of dodging any hex she might throw at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draco waved his hand back and forth in front of Ginny's face repeatedly, sighing in exasperation he banged his fist on the desk and quickly rose from his seat. Ginny jumped; startled out of her reverie by Draco's sudden irritation. She glanced up to see the cause of his displeasure and met his cold gray icy stare. Ginny stood to her feet and placing a hand gently on his forearm inquired. “Is something the matter” Draco snorted derisively and replied. “Is something the matter…is something the matter…no…no everything is perfectly fine…I always bang my fists on desks…I mean honestly Ginny one would think you'd have cottoned on to your boyfriend's everyday habits by now” Ginny sighed audibly as Draco yanked his arm out of her grasp and strode to look out of her office window. She was about to be treated to one of Draco's spectacular tantrums. Steeling herself for the coming tirade Ginny sat on the edge of her desk and propped her feet up in the chair Draco had abandoned moments before and waited. No sooner than she had made herself comfortable Draco exploded. “I'M REALLY SICK OF THIS GINNY…FOR THE PAST WEEK YOU'VE BEEN IN A NARK ABOUT THIS SQUABBLE YOU HAD WITH GRANGER AND I THINK I'VE BEEN QUITE PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDING ABOUT THE WHOLE THING…LISTENING TO YOU RANT ENDLESSLY AND OFFERING ADVICE ON THE BEST COURSE OF ACTION TO MEND THINGS BUT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, THIS HAS GONE ON FOR FAR TOO LONG…NOW YOU EITHER PATCH THINGS UP WITH GRANGER AND GET BACK TO BEING FRIENDS OR TELL HER TO SOD OFF AND NEVER SPEAK TO HER AGAIN…I DON'T BLOODY WELL CARE WHICH SO LONG AS YOU STOP THIS INCESSANT SULKING” Draco turned around to find Ginny staring at him with an expression of mild displeasure. “I am not sulking…and I have no intentions of apologizing…Hermione is the one who should apologize, imagine not telling me she was carrying on with Harry…Harry…I mean really of all the people in the world for her to go out and shag she picks Harry…” Draco came and stood before Ginny and tilted her head so that their gazes met and demanded through clinched teeth. “Why…do…you…care…that…she's…shagging…Potter” Ginny quickly averted her eyes and hitching a repentant smile on her face returned her gaze back to Draco's. She looped her arms about his neck and replied. “You're right…I've behaved horribly…going on and on about this rubbish and completely neglecting you…can you ever forgive me” Draco raised an eyebrow and responded impishly. “Well…I suppose I could be persuaded to forgive you…under the right circumstances of course” Draco's mouth descended upon Ginny's and he kissed her slowly and intensely, he reached down and slipped his hands up her robes and began caressing her thighs edging his fingers under the elastic of her knickers as he continued kissing her passionately. Ginny felt his fingers slip inside her and whimpered wantonly. Draco smiled and began trailing kisses down her throat when they heard a pounding on the door. He whispered roughly. “Ignore it” The pounding resumed followed by an all too familiar voice. “Ginny…it's me Harry…we really need to talk” Ginny shoved Draco backward as she jumped off the desk and hurriedly straightened her clothes as the door burst open and Harry strode in. Upon seeing Draco Harry pulled up short. “Oh…sorry…I thought you were alone…” For one horrifying second Ginny thought Hermione had broken her vow and told Harry about her relationship with Draco, then her brain processed the remaining words that were coming out of Harry's mouth. “…didn't know you were with a client…I can wait outside until you're finished” Harry turned to walk back out the door. Ginny rolled her eyes skyward and exorcised a relieved breath as she caught Harry's arm and pulled him back. “No need to apologize…we've concluded our business…Draco was just leaving” Ginny threw a pleading glance in Draco's direction. Draco picked up his cloak and swung it about his shoulders in one smooth motion, walked to where Ginny and Harry where standing and said. “Yes I was just leaving…good day Ginevra I look forward to hearing of the progress you make on that matter we discussed” Ginny nodded and without a word to Harry, Draco turned and strolled from the room. Harry glared after him for a second before he waved his hand and the door swung shut. While turning back towards her Ginny heard Harry muttering. “Stupid git” “Oh Harry, he's really not so bad anymore” Harry stared at Ginny with a look of surprise. “Ginny…are you taking the mickey…Malfoy was, is and will always be a stupid git” Ginny replied. “He's done a lot to change who he was raised to be over the last few years you have to at least give him credit for that” Harry regarded Ginny and spoke. “Yes he has done a lot to change because no one would give him the time of day after I outed Lucious Malfoy as a Death Eater, if it hadn't been for that I seriously doubt that Malfoy would be so kind and gracious towards you or anyone else for that matter” Ginny could see that Harry was getting annoyed and as she was certain now that he suspected nothing was going on between her and Draco she thought she'd best change the subject before he caught on. She walked around to her desk and took a seat, gesturing for Harry to do the same she queried. “Obviously you don't fancy a chat about Draco so what brings you by” Harry supposed the best way to handle this was to just jump right in. He glanced around Ginny's desk and seeing her wand in her cloak pocket on the coat rack in the corner behind her desk he sat down, took a deep breath and said. “I came here to talk to you about Hermione and to sort out this row you've had” Ginny opened her mouth to speak but Harry held up a hand and looked at her imploringly. “Would you please just hear me out” Ginny nodded her head and allowed Harry to continue. “Obviously Hermione told me what happened between the two of you and as she isn't disposed to clearing things up at the moment I reckon that job falls to me…Ginny… Hermione has not been keeping things from you.” Ginny threw Harry a look of incredulousness. Harry ignored it and pressed on. “We've only been…” Harry was at a loss for words to describe his and Hermione's current relationship. Ginny chimed in. “Carrying on” Harry frowned and continued ignoring Ginny's suggested choice of words. “We've only been seeing each other for a week…after her birthday we…we…we found out that we had feelings for one another and well we didn't want to go telling the whole bloody world not being sure of what was happening between us ourselves…neither one of us has told anyone anything about the change in our relationship…so you see she wasn't purposely keeping anything from you it was a mutual decision of ours not to tell anyone…it was nothing personal” Harry fell silent. Ginny stared at him then spoke. “Neither of you has told a soul” “No…apart from you the only other person who knows is Remus…he sorted it out like you did” Ginny nodded vaguely but avoided making eye contact with Harry. Harry sat motionless watching Ginny, after several minutes he voiced the question that had been bothering him since Hermione had first told him about the disagreement. “Ginny why did you get so upset about Hermione and me” Ginny looked up at Harry momentarily before getting up from her seat and walking over to the window where she began pacing back and forth. “Hermione and I have been best friends nearly as long as you two have…she was the one person I could confide all my deep dark secrets to and I was that person to her…we look out for each other and well…I…I thought that before she got involved with someone else she would have at least mentioned it especially considering the fact that its you” Harry glared at Ginny. “And what's that supposed to mean…what's wrong with me” Ginny stopped pacing and walked over to the desk and sat down in the chair beside Harry's. “Don't take this the wrong way Harry but you're not exactly the stable type…I mean most of your relationships barely last a fortnight…I can't think of one girl you've dated longer than that…and Hermione's a lot more devoted than that…she and Viktor were seriously involved for a little over a year…I'm just not sure if you two dating is such a good idea, particularly since you two are such good friends” Harry stared at Ginny for a moment his expression unreadable, hers clearly uncertain of whether or not she had violated the bounds of their friendship. “That's exactly why we haven't mentioned our going out to anyone…neither one of us wants to ruin our friendship but we can't ignore the other feelings we have either…” Harry stood and took up pacing the floor as Ginny had done earlier. “And I know I'm not that good with relationships but this time its different Ginny…I really want this to work…I really want to be with Hermione” Ginny was flabbergasted; she hadn't expected Harry to be so serious about this new relationship with Hermione. She responded quietly. “Harry I'm sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like you didn't care about Hermione” Harry waved his hand dismissively. “I know you're only looking out for your friend…I'd do the same for Ron if it came down to it…listen…now that you know my intentions are…er…honorable…do you think you could patch things up with Hermione…Ron is worried that if you two don't sort out this mess you're gonna ruin the do your mum's throwing us for making the national team” Ginny looked up in surprise. “You've been picked then” “No…your mum's just being optimistic” The two shared a laugh, then Harry spoke again. “So what's say we pop over to Hermione's office and clear the air” Ginny hesitated. “I'm certain I'm the last person Hermione wants to see right now” Harry draped Ginny's cloak about her shoulders, extended his hand to her and said. “Leave that to me” Ginny considered her options but upon seeing the stubbornly determined look on Harry's face she resigned herself to the fact that he wasn't going to give up. Ginny gave a weak smile, slipped her hand into his outstretched palm and they disappeared with a crackle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione was seated at her desk surrounded by rolls and rolls of parchment. She'd just sat through an hour-long meeting with Percy and several liaisons from the Goblins. Before that she'd met with the International Wizards Confederation to discuss the Centaurs and their recently filed declaration of separation, she was scheduled to meet with the IWC again later on that afternoon to discuss uniform rules in the magical community in relation to Werewolves and Vampires and she still had to sort through all the requests on her desk. Hermione shook her head and sighed as she picked up one of the rolls of parchment littering her desk. Just as she focused her attention on the words in the first line of the letter she was holding Hermione heard her door bang open. Thinking it was the departmental assistant Maude bringing more request letters, Hermione conjured a box beside her desk and responded without looking up. “Maude if you could just put them there in that box I'll get to them as soon as I can” Harry closed the door behind him and replied. “Have I come at a bad time” A smile spread across Hermione's face. She dropped the letter she'd been holding and rose quickly from her seat, stepping from behind her desk into Harry's waiting arms. Their lips met in a rather steamy kiss that went on for several minutes before the need to draw breath compelled them to disconnect themselves from one another. Harry was the first to speak. “Guess I haven't come at a bad time then eh” Harry dropped down into the chair directly in front of Hermione's desk. Hermione smiled and lowered herself into his lap. “No actually your timing is perfect you've saved me from having to read all those letters…how did your tryouts go…have they made a decision yet” Harry wrapped his arms about Hermione's waist and answered. “I won't know anything until sometime this evening but I think things went rather well I actually think I've got a good chance of making the team” “Of course you will make the team you are the best seeker there is they simply have to pick you” Harry smiled broadly. “That's the same thing Ron said” Hermione beamed at him. “How were his tryouts were you able to see” “No…mine were before his and they won't let you back on the pitch once you're done…we chatted a bit before he went in though…his mum is having a do for us making the team…its tonight at seven at the Burrow” Hermione nodded stiffly and reached into the pocket of her robes. “I know…Molly sent this along by Errol this morning…I have not had the time to let her know I will not be there” Harry grimaced. “Hermione don't you think it'll look a bit odd you not being at a party when your two best friends are the ones its being given to” Hermione sighed. “I suspect it will look a bit peculiar but I refuse to be in the same room as Ginny and I am certain that she will be there” “You and Ginny have got to patch this thing up” Hermione glared at Harry with a look of utmost vexation. “You expect me to apologize to her after what she said to me…” Harry cut in quickly before Hermione's temper got out of control. He spoke calmly and evenly. “I expect you to be fair and listen objectively…I've been to see Ginny and I sort of explained things…” Hermione's eyes narrowed dangerously and she folded her arms across her chest. Harry ogled her warily as he continued. “And I've convinced her to come along so you two can sort this out…” Hermione retorted angrily. “How dare you think it your place to…” Harry cut in again. “It just so happens that I care about you and I don't want to see you throw away a good friendship over a silly misunderstanding…now Ginny is right outside and it would mean a lot to me if you would hear her out” Hermione chewed her lip thoughtfully for a moment before she nodded her head and muttered. “All right…but only because *you* asked me to” Hermione emphasized the word *`you'* heavily. Harry smiled and dashed over to the door, flung it open and disappeared through it for an instant before he returned with Ginny at his side. Harry closed the door behind them and remained there watching Ginny and Hermione as they stared at each other. He gave Ginny a little shove and she tentatively stepped towards Hermione. The room was extraordinarily tranquil. Then suddenly there was a great cacophony of sound as both Ginny and Hermione burst into tears and leap into simultaneous apologies. “Oh Hermione, I'm so sorry…I don't know what came over me” “No Ginny, I'm sorry…I wanted to tell you but I just didn't know how” Harry stood at the door completely astounded, a full week they hadn't spoken to each other and now within two seconds of seeing each other they were carrying on as if it had been only a small disagreement and not a week long hate fest complete with hexes. Ron was right; women were completely mad. Shaking his head, Harry refocused his attention on the pair in front of him, they were talking animatedly wholly oblivious of his continued presence in the room. Ginny was speaking. “So you two'd dropped off Ron and you were standing outside your flat…then what happened” Hermione replied. “Well we were saying goodnight and the hug felt different somehow…” Harry realized that Hermione was catching Ginny up on the details of their getting together, a conversation he had no desire to hear, Harry cleared his throat loudly and said. “Well then, now that we've sorted all that out I'll leave you two to it” Hermione and Ginny strolled across the room to where Harry was standing and kissed him on the cheeks in tandem said they'd see him at the Burrow later on and ushered him out the door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron stared at Harry incredulously as he recounted how he'd gotten Ginny and Hermione back on speaking terms minus the bit about his and Hermione's snogging. Harry glanced across the room where Ginny, Hermione, Tonks, Luna Lovegood, Fleur Delacour, Pavrati Patil, Lavender Brown, Penelope Clearwater-Weasley, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and the Weasley family matriarch, Molly Weasley were all sitting laughing. Harry took a gulp of ale as Ron spoke. “Bloody hell…they hexed me for asking what was wrong…and then they have the nerve to make up in less than a minute” “Yeah it was less than a minute” Harry replied as he took another drink of ale. Ron nodded in the direction of the assembled group of women. “Nutters I tell you…every bleeding one of them” “But they are lovely nutters aren't they” Ron and Harry looked around and saw Fred and George standing on either side of them. Fred replied to George's statement. “I reckon you're right George…they are quite lovely at that aren't they” George smiled and raised his tankard of ale. “A toast then…to lovely nutters” Fred, Ron and Harry raised their tankards and chorused. “TO LOVELY NUTTERS” As they all took huge gulps from their tankards, Ginny's voice floated over to them. She and Hermione had strolled over unnoticed to join them. “Why are you lot drinking to nutters” George replied. “No, no, not plain nutters…lovely nutters” Ginny rolled her eyes and asked. “And what's the difference” Before George could answer her question two eagle owls swooped into the room. One landed on the table holding all the drinks and extended its leg to Ron while the other perched itself on Harry's right shoulder and hooted importantly. Harry and Ron carefully extricated the letters each owl carried then watched them as they swept from the room. Everyone had stopped talking to watch Harry and Ron. The Weasleys and all the other guests formed a circle around Ron and Harry. George asked. “Who's it from then…its got to be the tryout results if you've both got one” Ron turned his letter over and saw the seal of the English National Quidditch Team. “Well go on…open them” Fred encouraged. Harry stared to his right and looked into Hermione's beautiful brown eyes, she nodded and flashed him a beautiful and encouraging smile. Harry looked over at Ron and nodded, Ron returned the nod and they exchanged envelopes and tore them open. There was complete silence for a full minute as both Ron and Harry read the contents of the other's letter. They looked up at practically the same time. Ron said. “Congratulations mate…you're the next seeker for the English National Quidditch Team” Harry beamed at Ron. “Same to you mate…you're the new keeper for the English National Quidditch Team” The room erupted in raucous cheers as everyone began congratulating them. Bill handed them each a glass of Ogden's fire whiskey, Fred and George began setting off several crates of Weasley's Whizbangs Fireworks and Molly bustled off to the kitchen to retrieve the cake she'd baked. Ron and Harry received a steady stream of hugs, kisses on the cheek, handshakes and pats on the back from everyone in the room. Once a sea of well-wishers deluged Ron and his view of Harry was obscured Hermione walked over and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and kissed him full on the lips, briefly nibbling his bottom lip before letting him go. She leaned in close and whispered how very proud of him she was, then she stepped back and winked at him suggestively. Harry very nearly forgot himself and would have kissed her back properly but she was out of his arms and into Ron's before he had the chance. However, he made a mental note to ask her whether they would be spending the night at his flat or hers. Hermione enveloped Ron in an embrace and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. She pulled him into a hug and whispered *`I knew you could do it'*. Ron's stomach flipped and his heart was hammering uncontrollably seemingly from somewhere around his throat. He hadn't expected this kind of congratulations from Hermione, could this possibly mean what he hoped it meant. Hermione stepped back out of Ron's embrace just as Molly came in with the cake. Throwing another bright smile over her shoulder at Ron and Harry Hermione hurried off to help Molly with the cake completely unaware that both Harry and Ron were staring after her each wearing the same wistfully longing expression. She was equally ignorant of the contemptuous glances being thrown at her from the corner of the room where Ginny was standing. --> 8. Advice and Admissions ------------------------ **Advice and Admissions** Harry rolled over and reaching out for Hermione felt the cold bare sheet beneath his fingertips. Pushing himself upright in bed, Harry raked his hand through his hair pushing the scruffy wayward strands out of his eyes. Glancing around the bedroom of his London flat Harry's gaze landed on the clock sitting on his bedside table, it was eight fifteen in the morning a most inopportune hour for him to be wide awake. As if on cue the planner that Hermione had given him for his last birthday screeched that it was Saturday November the twentieth and proceeded to list all the things he needed to get done that day as well as the things he'd neglected from the previous few days, quite naturally the list was rather long. Harry summoned his robe and slippers and donning them quickly he headed downstairs to the kitchen. On the way he reminded himself to incinerate that planner as soon as possible, Hermione kept jotting down his schedule in it in a vain attempt to be helpful and keep him on his toes, and though he found it utterly annoying he hadn't the heart to tell her how much it bothered him. Actually he thought her desire to look after him was rather sweet and he had to admit that he was immensely enjoying all the attention she showered him with. Smiling to himself Harry entered the kitchen to find it completely empty. He had expected to find Hermione putting on a kettle for tea or perhaps setting about making breakfast instead he found the kitchen quite deserted and a note lying on the wooden draining board. Harry picked up the scrap of parchment and skimmed it quickly. Hermione had gone to the market to pick up a few things, as usual his cupboards were bare. Dropping the note in the dustbin underneath the sink Harry strode from the kitchen and stepped into the living room he noticed that the increasingly large pile of post tottering haphazardly on his coffee table was gone. In its place were four neat piles of post. Harry surmised that they had been sorted out by date and urgency of response, clearly more of Hermione's handiwork. Harry's grin broadened, he took the stairs two at a time as he headed back up to the bathroom to have a quick shower. He turned the water on full blast and stepping out of his robe and boxers hopped into the shower. While the water pulsed over him Harry let his mind wander over the remarkable turn his life had taken in the span of two short months. In that scarce amount of time he'd left the Arrows to become seeker for the National Quidditch team, an accomplishment that *Which Broomstick* referred to as destiny and he'd started dating his best friend. At the thought of Hermione his face once again broke into a colossal grin. Thinking of her had that kind of effect on him. Harry was amazed that no one else had figured out their little secret considering the barmy expression he tended to wear whenever he was within a mile of anywhere Hermione happened to be. Not to mention the penchant they'd developed for touching each other. It seemed that they couldn't be in a room with each other for very long without having some sort of physical contact. During the last two months Hermione had taken to hugging the entire Weasley family on her visits to the Burrow to cover the compulsion she seemed to have for launching herself into his arms every time she saw him. The two of them had also gotten into the habit of insisting that Molly allow them to clear away the dishes and tidy up the kitchen after dinner. They told Molly it was their way of small thanks for having them but it was actually an excuse for them to slip away from everyone else and steal a few kisses. And then there where their nights out with friends; Harry always made sure that whenever he, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and the twins got together for drinks that the pub they chose was on the side of town farthest from his and Hermione's flats so as not to raise suspicions as to why he was the one seeing her home safely instead of someone else. And then of course there was the small matter of their spending the night at each other's flats; Ron had nearly caught them in a rather compromising position on two separate occasions. Yet somehow they had managed to keep their liaison private right under the noses of all their friends and family. Outside of Ginny and Remus no one else had a clue that Harry and Hermione were a couple. The press hadn't even gotten wind of the fact that their favorite poster boy was presently seeing someone although Harry was certain that this had more to do with the fact that he and Hermione attended Muggle establishments exclusively when they were out on dates. Outside of the wizarding world Harry was a nonentity, just another nameless face in the crowd. He was able to take Hermione out to dinner, to see a film or maybe even go dancing; a simple stroll in the park holding hands was possible even though Harry rarely chanced it, as there were some wizards who frequented heavily populated Muggle areas. Harry shut the water off and grabbed a towel from the bracket on the wall by the shower; another one of Hermione's little improvements. When he walked into his bedroom Harry was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting up the stairs through the open door, he dressed quickly and bolted down the stairs intent on kissing Hermione senseless. However, upon entering the kitchen he was greeted by none other than Ron Weasley. “Mornin' mate” Ron smiled cheerfully up at Harry from his seat at the kitchen table and took a sip from the steaming cup of coffee in front of him. Harry mumbled a brief greeting in reply. Looking across the room he saw that Hermione was standing at the range dropping great dollops of batter into a skillet. Harry stared between the two of them for several minutes before Hermione looked up from the breakfast she was preparing and spoke. “Good Morning Harry…hope you don't mind my making myself at home…I stopped by to return that book on vampires I borrowed from you…I heard you in the shower and since I fancied a chat about getting you to come in and speak to the IWC about their appalling views on werewolves and their treatment by wizards I thought I'd make a spot of breakfast…then Ron showed up…would you prefer eggs and bacon with your pancakes or eggs and sausages” Ron chimed in. “Sausage” Hermione rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and waited for Harry's answer. “Er…ummm…bacon I suppose…or whatever you like seeing as you're the one cooking” Harry's voice held a note of bewilderment…it never ceased to amaze him how quickly Hermione could think on her feet. Her voice intruded on his thoughts once again. “There's coffee…I didn't put on the kettle for tea but I could make some if you like” Harry responded. “No…no need…coffee's fine” Harry sauntered over to where she was standing and took the mug she offered him and smirked at the scarcely discernible gasp that escaped her as he ostensibly, innocently brushed up against her while reaching for the sugar bowl that was sitting on the counter by Hermione's mug of coffee. Harry took his coffee and the sugar bowl to the table and sat down across from Ron. He liberally added sugar and cream to his cup as he spoke. “So Ron…now that I know why Hermione's here…what brings you by this morning” Ron shrugged his shoulders, mumbled something that sounded like `I'll tell you later' and began fiddling with his napkin as Hermione magicked three plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and roast potatoes onto the table as well as a carafe of pumpkin juice and another pot of coffee. Harry guessed that whatever it was that Ron had wanted to discuss was of the sort that he didn't want Hermione privy to, certain that he'd hear about it later Harry directed his attention to the plate of food in front of him. Hermione took a seat and the three friends enjoyed a leisurely morning breakfast catching up on the happenings in each other's week. Harry had little to tell that neither Ron nor Hermione didn't know about already and vice versa but he managed to keep the conversation directed to subjects they could all talk about rather easily. After they'd finished their meal Ron volunteered to do the dishes and Harry escorted Hermione to the door. His voice dropped an octave as he spoke. “So I'll see you tonight” Hermione smiled and nodded in the affirmative and grabbed her cloak and handbag from the hall closet. As an afterthought she added. “It'll have to be late though I'm having dinner with my parents” Harry gnawed his bottom lip thoughtfully then glanced over his shoulder into the kitchen and glimpsed Ron elbow deep in soapsuds, satisfied that they were not being watched Harry swept Hermione into his arms and lowering his head caught her lips with his own and slipped his tongue into Hermione's surprised mouth. Entwining his tongue with hers, slowly he deepened the kiss, exploring every inch of her delectable mouth; she tasted faintly of the maple syrup she'd poured over her pancakes earlier. Harry released Hermione from his grasp and whispered. “That should hold me over till later” Hermione nodded dazedly as Harry fastened her cloak about her shoulders and smiling devilishly stepped away from her just as Ron ambled out of the kitchen and into the foyer. Hermione's cheeks flushed crimson as she lowered her head at the thought of what Ron could have walked in on if he'd arrived a few seconds earlier. Harry's voice rang out from above her. “Let me know when you need me to appear before the IWC and I'll clear it with Cromwell I'm sure he'll let me off so long as its not on a day when we have a match” Hermione nodded mutely and replied haltingly. “Yes…I will…er…ummm…owl you…as…as soon as…a date…is set for the hearing” Harry smiled. “I'll see you later then” “Yes…later…goodbye Harry…Ron” Ron smiled and replied. “Bye Hermione and thanks for breakfast it was really good” Hermione mumbled something that sounded like `you're welcome' turned and scuttled out the door. Harry and Ron stood momentarily watching Hermione's retreating figure until she rounded the corner and disappeared from view, Harry then closed the door and the two friends took seats on the couch in the living room. Ron had made a pot of tea and was drinking a cup as he ate a bacon sandwich. Harry poured himself a cup of tea and began rifling through the post that Hermione had organized for him. Harry peered down the sofa at Ron, who was looking around at the improved condition of Harry's flat, and said. “Now she's gone you can tell me the real reason you stopped by this morning” Ron shoved the last bit of his sandwich into his mouth and chewed vigorously, after taking a mouthful of tea he answered. “It's nothing really…just fancied a chat…no big deal…the flat looks good…no plies of post on the floor…cupboards stocked…reckon Dobby's been coming by loads more since you've moved back to London eh” Harry could tell that Ron was nervous about something and judging by the fact that he hadn't wanted to mention it in front of Hermione and his abrupt change of subject just now Harry was certain it had something to do with a woman. Keeping his expression blank Harry tossed aside the letter he'd been reading and reached for the day's edition of the Prophet. “All right then…we don't have to talk about it now…you can tell me about this witch you're interested in whenever you like” Harry flapped open the paper and begin reading the scores from last night's Quidditch matches. Ron's head snapped up and a slightly embarrassed blush covered his face. “How'd you know I'm interested in someone” Harry shrugged but continued his skimming of the paper. “It's the only thing you never want to talk about in front of Hermione” Ron grinned sheepishly. “Yeah well…” Ron let his voice fall off and silence reigned for a moment before Harry spoke again. “So you going to tell me about her or not” Ron sighed. “Not much to tell really…I've liked her for a while but she was seeing this other bloke so I never said anything…now she's single and I've noticed some strange things when we're together…like she blushes a lot when she's around me…and when she found out I'd made the national team she hugged me real close and kissed me…she'd never done that before but she's kept it up since…the hugging I mean…I'm just not sure what to do” Harry smiled. “Sounds like she may be interested…why not ask her out and see what happens” Ron looked at him quizzically. “But we're friends…and…well don't you think that would ruin our friendship” Harry smiled and ran his hand through his messy black curls; he distinctly recalled Luna Lovegood as well as Lavender Brown being particularly friendly with Ron the night they'd found out they had indeed made the national team, he wondered which of the two Ron was smitten with. Shaking his head Harry's thoughts then drifted to his own relationship with Hermione, they'd started out as friends too and he'd nearly let that stop him from pursuing a relationship with her, if it hadn't been for Remus' advice he wouldn't be half as happy as he was right now. Harry replied to Ron. “I know how you feel I've been in the same situation before myself and I know its scary to think of losing a good friend if they happen not to feel the same way you do but what if she does feel the same way…and it sounds to me like she does feel the same way mate…you could be missing out on something wonderful” Ron asked. “You really think so” Harry replied. “Yeah I do…I mean the worst that could happen is she says no and nothing changes…right” Ron nodded in agreement. “You're right Harry…thanks…I think I will talk to her about it” Harry smiled. “How about a game of wizard's chess” Ron answered. “Love to, haven't beaten you in ages” As Harry stood and went to retrieve his chess set Ron wondered when Harry had had unresolved feelings for a friend and exactly who was the friend he'd had these feelings for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Olivia Granger was standing at the kitchen counter of her Cambridge home chopping carrots, potatoes and celery for the stew simmering on the stove when suddenly out of the blue a loud crackling noise startled her, the knife she'd been holding slipped from her hand and fell with a clatter into the sink. “Mum did I frighten you” Olivia recovered the knife she'd been using from the sink then turned to kiss her daughter and replied. “I am still unaccustomed to your appearing out of thin air and there is the possibility that your father and I could be entertaining when you decide to *`pop'* in” Hermione grinned guiltily. “I'm sorry mum, sometimes I forget that you and daddy are not wizards” Olivia rolled her eyes skyward and pulled her daughter into a hug. They embraced for a minute before Olivia released Hermione from her grasp and stood back to survey her only child. Hermione slipped out of her cloak and hung it on the coat rack by the kitchen door and came back to the sink to wash her hands. Olivia stared at her daughter and noticed a certain lightness to her step and a sparkle in her eyes that Olivia was positive hadn't been there since long before her breakup with Viktor. Hermione had taken over the task of chopping the vegetables so Olivia busied herself with buttering the buns before placing them in the oven. “You're an hour early” At the sound of her mother's voice Hermione glanced down at her watch and saw that she was indeed an hour earlier than she had been expected. Hermione shrugged her shoulders and replied. “Hadn't noticed really…I just finished my errands earlier than I thought so I just came as soon as I finished” Hermione raked the chopped vegetables into the pot simmering on the stove and deposited the cutting board and knife into the sink as her mother placed the freshly buttered buns into the oven. As she straightened up Olivia queried. “Where were you last night, I rang you after midnight and received no answer” Hermione distractedly pulled a tin of ginger newts towards her and stuffed one of the chewy cookies into her mouth chewing and swallowing slowly before she answered. “I…ummm…spent the night with a friend” Olivia Granger raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner reminiscent of the looks Hermione often bestowed upon Ron and Harry and asked. “And exactly who was this friend you spent the night with” Hermione stuffed another cookie into her mouth and cast her gaze about the room looking for a way to avoid answering her mother's question when the kitchen door swung open and Thaddeus Granger stepped across the threshold arms laden down with parcels. “Managed to grab the last gallon of vanilla ice cream to go along with the gateau you made” Hermione sprang up from the table thankful for the respite in the conversation with her mother. “Daddy you're home” Thaddeus smiled lovingly at his daughter. “Poppet, how long have you been here” Sitting the packages down on the counter he turned around and wrapped his daughter in a warm hug, kissing the top of her head he leaned back and gazed at Hermione waiting for her to respond. “Not long… I arrived just a few minutes ago…I've been helping mum finish up dinner” Thaddeus nodded and smiled indulgently down at his daughter. He was about to ask how her week had been when his wife interjected into the conversation having put away the parcels from the market. “Yes Hermione was just telling me where and with whom she spent last night…I rang her flat after midnight and she wasn't home” Thaddeus looked from his wife to his daughter and seeing the expressions on both their faces shrugged out of his jacket and laid it across the back of the chair. “Is there something you two want to tell me” Hermione twirled an errant strand of hair around her middle finger and shrugged indifferently. Thaddeus turned to his wife who spoke immediately. “Thad, I think Hermione's seeing someone…I've been watching her since she got here and she seems very *cheerful*…and then she tells me she spent the night at a friend's house but she is not being especially forthcoming about who this friend is” Thaddeus Granger turned his attention back to his daughter and asked. “Hermione is there something you need to tell your mother and I…what I mean to say is if there was something or someone new in your life you would tell us wouldn't you…especially if things were of a serious nature” Hermione looked at both her parents, she'd never lied to them and she didn't think it prudent to start lying to them now, yet she wasn't sure if she should tell them about her relationship with Harry. After several moments of silence Hermione spoke. “Well…I have been seeing someone for the past two months…and one could theorize that it seems to be getting rather serious” Olivia asked. “Why haven't we heard about this before now” Hermione chewed her bottom lip and replied. “We decided to wait and see how far things went before we told anybody…we're sort of…well we are friends and we thought things might be a bit awkward if we told everyone and then things didn't work out between us so we thought it would be better to just keep things between us until we had sorted the whole thing out” “And have you sorted everything out…who is this man…are you in love with him…is he in love with you” Hermione stood slightly dumbstruck at the barrage of questions being hurled at her by her mother. She had feelings for Harry…very strong feelings…but she hadn't even entertained the thought of being in love with him. Was she in love with Harry? And more important than that was Harry in love with her? Hermione was drawn from her befuddled thoughts by the sound of her father's voice. “Liv, darling, I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here…Hermione's only said that she's seeing someone and it sounds to me as though she and this young man are taking the sensible course and taking their time to sort this all out…” “But she just said one could theorize that things were rather serious” Hermione jumped back into the conversation meaning to bring it to a harmless conclusion. “Mum, dad its nothing really…if it were I would have said so before now” Olivia looked at her daughter and sighed. “I don't mean to pry dear I just worry that you…” Hermione walked across the room and cut her mum's explanation off with a kiss on the cheek. “I know mum, I know” The two women exchanged an affectionate smile and embraced. Thaddeus walked over and hugged both his wife and daughter. “Now that we've sorted all that out…I'll set the table while you two bring the food, I'm positively ravenous” The Grangers passed the evening in contentment enjoying the company of their daughter and their next-door neighbors the Prestons who came to call following dinner and stayed for afters and coffee as well as a game of snooker. No more was said that evening about Hermione's secret relationship. But Hermione's thoughts kept drifting back to her mother's words and she couldn't help wondering…was she in love with Harry? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione popped into her bedroom at half past eleven. She was supposed to meet Harry but the conversation with her parents had put her on edge and now she was completely knackered and all she wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep. She'd send Socrates, her owl, off with a note for Harry telling him she'd see him later. Hermione sat down at her desk and pulling a sheet of parchment from the drawer set about writing to Harry when she felt a pair of soft warm lips on her neck. “I thought you were coming by my flat after you left your parents” Harry's words were a bit jumbled due to the fact that he was kissing her neck as he spoke. “Actually I was just writing you a note to beg off tonight…I'm a little tired” Hermione set down the quill she'd been holding and slid out of Harry's hold. She stood up and strode into the bathroom. “I think I'm just going to go to bed maybe we could have lunch tomorrow” Harry heard the sound of water rushing from the tap. Raking a hand through his hair Harry took a deep breath and followed Hermione into the loo. Standing in the doorway he saw her sitting on the edge of the bathtub with her hand under the tap gauging the temperature of the water gushing from it. “Care to tell me what I've done” Hermione looked around clearly surprised at his presence in the bathroom. “What do you mean…what have you done” Harry made a face somewhere between a smile and a grimace. “Mi, we've been friends long enough for me to know when you're wound up about something…and when I'm the one who's wound you up…so want to tell me what it is I've done then” Hermione sighed and with a snap of her fingers turned off the tap and responded. “My parents asked if I was seeing someone” “And what did you say…did you tell them about us” “I told them that I was seeing someone…a friend…and then my mum wanted to know if …if…if things were serious and I said they weren't” Harry felt a pang of unease at Hermione's last words and responded a bit more curtly than he had intended to. “You're not serious about us” Hermione was taken aback by Harry's reaction. Before she could answer Harry had resumed his inquisition of her. “I thought we were in agreement about things…it never occurred to me that you were interested in a…that you wanted something different” Hermione stood up and closed the distance separating Harry from her. “Harry we haven't discussed much about…our…situation since it started other than to agree that we'd keep it secret until we sorted out how we felt about one another…and its been two whole months and we haven't begun to do that” Harry raised his eyes to Hermione's and spoke. “All right then…how do you feel about me” Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment. “What do you mean how do I feel about you…I…I…we've been carrying on for two months spending every spare moment we have together…I should hope you know how I feel about you” Harry's words carried a heated edge when next he spoke. “I thought I did until you went off and told your parents that nothing serious is going on between us” Hermione's voice shot up two full octaves as she replied. “And exactly what am I to tell them…that for the past two months I've been carrying on with my best friend and that now…I'M HEELS OVER HEAD IN LOVE WITH HIM” The last words uttered from Hermione's mouth came out as a shout that reverberated around the bathroom. Hermione stood mortified at what had slipped out of her mouth. Ever since her mother had articulated those words she had been wrestling with the knowledge that she was in fact in love with Harry and now in a fit of temper she'd told him so with no idea of what he felt for her. She buried her face in her hands and stumbled blindly through the bathroom door. Harry caught her about the waist and pulled her hands from her face. Tilting her chin upwards so that he was looking into her eyes he asked, in a husky voice. “Hermione did you mean what you just said” Briefly she thought of lying but Harry had always been very adept at discerning when she was telling the truth and when she wasn't. Slowly she nodded her head. Harry inhaled sharply and said. “Say the words Hermione…I want to hear you say the words” Hermione looked into Harry's hypnotically beautiful emerald green eyes and murmured. “I love you” Harry closed his eyes and a smile of pure joy broke out across his face, pulling Hermione closer to him he laid his forehead against hers, opened his eyes and replied in a voice full of emotion. “I love you too Hermione…I love you too” --> 9. Scheming ----------- **Scheming** Hermione and Harry spent all of Sunday morning in bed basking in the afterglow of their recently confessed and thoroughly illustrated love. The two lay in bed in Hermione's flat, Harry had his arms wrapped protectively around her and Hermione was snuggled up against him, her head resting on his broad muscular chest. Hermione shifted slightly in her sleep, rolling over onto her side away from Harry causing her to pull away from his embrace, the sudden loss of her supple, warm skin next to his own caused Harry to awaken from his slumber. Blinking profusely he reached out and drew her back into his arms. A scandalous grin spread across Hermione's face as Harry's hands roamed across her nude form. She rolled over onto her back as Harry lowered his head and allowed his lips to follow the path set forth by his hands. Hermione moaned forcefully as Harry set about showing his appreciation of the beautiful woman before him. Harry languidly ran his hand up and down Hermione's prone frame, smiling contentedly. He had just spent the better part of an hour worshipping every inch of Hermione's body kissing and caressing her until she literally pleaded with him to stop. His grin broadened as he thought of how much he adored the woman cradled in his arms. She meant more to him than anything else in the world; he would willingly give up his own life if it meant her happiness. Suddenly it occurred to him that for the first time in his life Harry wholly understood how he had survived Voldemort's first attack. If his mother had felt even a tenth of the affection and devotion to protect him that was coursing through his body, nearly bursting from his chest at this moment it was a wonder that anything had been left of Voldemort to return at all. A bittersweet smile turned the corners of Harry's mouth and he closed his eyes as thoughts of his mother raced through his brain. Unconsciously he tightened his hold on Hermione; her eyes fluttered open and she turned her warm chocolate gaze to his face. Hermione stared at Harry perplexedly; his eyes were screwed shut and his handsome face was blemished by a sad forlorn expression. Reaching out and caressing his stubble lined jaw she whispered quietly. “Harry…darling…are you all right” Hermione's concerned voice forced Harry back to the present blinking back tears he gruffly replied. “I'm fine love…just fine” Harry leaned back against the headboard attempting to prevent Hermione from seeing the tears collecting in his eyes. But she saw the unshed tears glistening in Harry's eyes and pushed herself upright in bed clutching the covers to her bare chest. She grasped his face in both her hands and forced him to look at her. “Harry you are a dreadful liar…now tell me what's wrong” Harry saw the determined set of her jaw and the unflinching look of resolve on her face and once again the powerful all consuming love he felt for her welled up in his chest and heaving a great sigh he smiled at her and answered. “There's nothing wrong…honestly…I…I…just thought about my mum for a second is all” Harry's voice faltered and he bowed his head unwilling or unable to say anymore, Hermione was not sure which of the two it was. She knew how difficult it was, how difficult it had always been for him to talk about his parents. She regarded him for a moment before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to rest in the bend of her neck and stroked his back as she held him tightly. They sat that way for quite some time each lost in their own thoughts, when suddenly Hermione felt Harry's lips form what was unmistakably a smile. Curious as to what had improved his mood so quickly; usually it took much longer to rebuff his hurt over the loss of his parents, Hermione raised the question. “What are you smiling about” Harry nuzzled Hermione's neck, she felt that smile grow into a mischievous grin that seemed to be growing ever wider upon his face. “I was just thinking how much I like having you protecting me” Harry kissed his way up Hermione's neck to her ear and back down again. She smiled at the thought of being the protector of the *Great* Harry Potter. As Harry began his second trip back up to her ear Hermione's soft smile faded into a breathless moan. Harry whispered in her ear. “Blimey what a honking prat I am…I haven't given my beautiful girlfriend a proper good morning kiss” Hermione glanced at the clock sitting on her bedside table the clock-face which was blushing furiously, read the time as a quarter to one. “Harry…” “Hmmm” “It's nearly one in the afternoon” “Really…then I suppose it'll have to be a good afternoon kiss” Hermione gently pushed Harry away from her back onto the pillows at the headboard and straddled his waist, leaning forward she said. “As I recall you spent the better part of an hour this morning kissing me…so it seems that I have been the one who's neglected my duties as a girlfriend” Harry composed his face into a look of mock reproach. “You know now that I think on it I believe you're right…yes…yes…you are absolutely correct…you have been neglecting me” Hermione smiled and leaned down brushing her lips against Harry's. “I am so sorry darling…will you allow me to make it up to you” Harry bobbed his head up and down as he said. “I suppose you can give it a try” Smiling, Hermione lowered her head to Harry's mouth. She nibbled and licked Harry's bottom lip before taking his mouth completely, reveling in the feeling of the fullness of his soft sculpted lips and inhaling the magnificently masculine scent of sunshine, fresh air and earth that filled her nostrils whenever she was near him. She ran his fingers through his thick black tousled curls angling his head back so that the kiss could be deepened, exploring the depths of his mouth intertwining her tongue with his. Moaning softly into her mouth Harry removed the bunched up bedclothes that were separating them and allowed his hands to roam freely over Hermione's beautifully sculpted body. Hermione pressed her body flush against Harry's as their kiss became more urgent and passionate. Suddenly a loud mewling sound erupted from the door followed by a cacophony of screeches and shrieks and the distinct rustle of wings. Startled Harry and Hermione broke apart. Crookshanks bounded onto the bed and settled himself on Harry's abdomen awaiting his perfunctory scratch behind the ears, Socrates and Hedwig landed on the headboard on either side of Harry's head. Hedwig gave a scandalized hoot as she looked at Hermione's exposed breasts before turning her attention to and extending her leg to Harry. Hermione quickly grabbed and wrapped the sheet around her unclothed body and slid from her perch astride Harry and settled herself beside him instead. Harry glared at the three animals a hugely annoyed expression covering his countenance. “Going to have to do something about this bloody menagerie of ours” Hermione giggled and kissed his cheek. “They are just unaccustomed to sharing us is all…and considering the amount of time we have been in bed I suppose they may be a bit hungry as well” With a clap of her hands Hermione produced a perch complete with owl treats and water for Hedwig and Socrates and bowl of cream for Crookshanks. She then retrieved the post from both birds who hooted thankfully and flew off to restore themselves. Hermione handed Harry, who was absently scratching Crookshanks ears, his letter. As Harry opened his letter Hermione skimmed her own correspondence. Bored with Harry's half-hearted attention Crookshanks leapt off the bed and languidly lapped at his bowl of cream. Hermione looked to Harry and spoke. “Note from Molly inviting you to Sunday dinner” Harry nodded. Hermione again glanced at the clock. “Well I suppose we best get moving Molly says dinner's at three its half past one now if we hurry well just be able to make” Hermione swung her legs over the side of the bed and was about to summon her robe just as Harry's large hand closed around her wrist stilling her movements. “What's say we beg off going to the Burrow for dinner” Seeing the question forming in Hermione's eyes Harry responded. “Nothings wrong I just thought maybe we could spend the day together…alone…with no interruptions” Hermione pondered Harry's suggestion. “It would be nice to spend the day together but don't you think it would look a bit strange both of us begging off our invitations on the same day” Harry shook his head. “It's happened before…besides no one knows about us but Gin and she's keeping mum” Hermione cocked her head to the side and chewed her lip thoughtfully. Seeing that she was nearly in agreement with him Harry magicked a bottle of ink, two quills and some spare bits of parchment. “I'll tell Molly I can't make it because I'm going up to Glynnmoor for the day and you can say that you're knackered from your trip to Cambridge so you're staying home” Hermione frowned. “I can not tell Molly that…it sounds as if I have gone off and gotten dicky…Molly would be here in an instant most likely with my mum in tow…and there is the fact that to say that would be an out and out lie” Harry sighed heavily; sometimes Hermione's sense of propriety was exasperating. “All right then tell Molly that a friend of yours came into town and you're spending the day together…and it's not a lie because you and I will be spending the day up at Glynnmoor together” Hermione stared at Harry in amazement and exclaimed. “Harry I th…” Before she could finish her sentence Harry kissed her; he slid his tongue along her bottom lip before gliding it inside her mouth and entwining it with her own. When they parted Harry smiled and handed a quill to Hermione who hastily began writing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A deafening crack rang through the air as Ron Weasley apparated into the living room of his parent's home. Everyone looked around startled, some holding their ears. Unsure of what had happened Ron was about to apologize when Fred and George burst into raucous peals of laughter. Ron turned to see them faces covered in soot and green slime holding the remnants of what looked to be some sort of fireworks in their hands. George wiped green gunk from his eyes as he spoke. “Sorry `bout that everyone just testing out our newest creation, all right there Ron” Ron nodded to his brothers flashing them both a grin before heading into the kitchen. As he made his way to the kitchen Ron took in who was there for the evenings festivities; Fred and George where there of course, testing out their latest invention, Bill and Percy were sitting by the fireplace playing a game of Wizard's Chess while Fleur and Penelope, Percy's wife looked on. Charlie and Tonks were sitting on the couch talking to Arthur Weasley who was bouncing Perceus, Percy and Penelope's two-year-old son on his knee. Harry was nowhere to be seen. Upon entering the kitchen Ron found his mother and sister busy putting the final touches on dinner; Ron had expected to see Hermione lending a hand as well and was somewhat put out to see that she was not there yet. Ron ambled over to the table and kissed his mother on the cheek while simultaneously grabbing two-pieces of chicken from the platter in front of him. Ginny rolled her eyes as she scolded him. “Ron you're such a pig” Ron answered amid a mouthful of chicken. “A andsome ig et at” “Ronald Weasley do not talk with your mouth full” Molly reprimanded him then turned back to chopping vegetables for the salad. Before continuing what he'd been saying Ron made sure to swallow before opening his mouth to speak. “Where are Harry and Hermione…they usually get here long before I bloody do…you did tell them about dinner didn't you” Molly replied. “Ronald watch your language…” “Sorry Mum” “I owled them both earlier dear…Harry had some business to attend to up in Glynnmoor so he won't be coming and a cousin of Hermione's is visiting from Edinburgh and they're spending the day together so she won't be joining us either… Ginny be a dear and finish setting the table, Ron help your sister” Ginny grabbed a stack of plates and headed for the dining room. Ron stared around the room completely gobsmacked. “Hermione never mentioned a cousin coming to visit yesterday” Molly waved her wand and filled an empty platter with the ham she'd just sliced. “Dear I got the impression that it was a very sudden sort of thing” Ron frowned. “How do you just show up at someone's door unannounced” Ginny snorted disdainfully and answered as she zoomed glasses and napkins into the dining room. “You simply show up…I thought you'd know that considering the fact that you do it all the bloody time” “Ha, Ha think you're so damn funny do you” “Ronald and Ginevra Weasley…watch your language please” Both Ginny and Ron replied in unison. “Sorry Mum” Ron shoved a roll into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “Why didn't she just bring this cousin with her” Molly turned around seemingly irritated by the misplacement of something she was hopelessly searching for. “I expect she thought it might be a bit much to bring her muggle cousin into a household full of wizards dear…now would you and your sister please finish setting the table” The two youngest Weasleys each grabbed a platter and headed into the dinning room. As she arranged the platters and trays of food on the table Ginny spoke to Ron who was shoving another roll into his mouth. “What did you mean when you said Hermione didn't mention a cousin yesterday” Ron shrugged. “We had breakfast at Harry's yesterday and Hermione never mentioned a cousin coming to visit…come to think of it Harry didn't say anything about going to Glynnmoor either” Ginny turned to face her older brother in a puzzled wonder. “You had breakfast with Harry and Hermione at Harry's flat” Ron nodded plucking a tomato from the salad and popping it into his mouth. “I stopped by to have a ummm…er…ummm…a private chat with Harry…I walked in and there was Hermione she fancied a chat with Harry too…Harry was up in the loo taking a shower so Hermione decided to make breakfast…then Harry came down and we ate…after breakfast I stayed to chat with Harry and Hermione went off to her parents house for the day…I imagine that's when she found out about her cousin coming….” Ron's voice drifted off as he pondered Hermione's rendezvous with her mysterious cousin he swiped a piece of ham from the platter and popped it into his mouth. Ginny slapped his hands away automatically and drug him back to the kitchen by his sleeve. Ginny hadn't known when she arrived that both Harry and Hermione had begged off dinner; her mother had only mentioned Harry she'd thought Hermione was on the way. Knowing now that neither of them was coming she was sure that their prior engagements were a sham. She was confident that they were holed up in Harry's house in Glynnmoor shagging each other's brains out. Ginny and Ron entered the kitchen and found Molly putting the finishing touches on the pudding, Ginny ground out angrily. “Mum if we don't eat soon Ron's going to nick it all off the tables” Ron mouthed wordlessly with an indignant look plastered across his face. Molly Weasley nodded and handed the pudding to her daughter. “Alright Ginny dear…take this into the dining room…Ron tell everyone to get washed up we're sitting down to dinner straightaway” Ginny turned and stalked her way back into the dining room. It seemed this little infatuation between Harry and Hermione was getting more involved than she'd thought. A visit to Hermione tomorrow seemed in order; the two of them had a lot to talk about. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Maude if you would immediately send copies of these notes to Percy Weasley and Padma Patil for me that would be of a great help…thank you so much” Hermione smiled as she handed the notes she'd taken in her meeting to her assistant. “Of course Ms. Granger I'll attend to it right away…and might I add that you are looking particularly merry today and quite fetching as well” “Thank you Maude” Hermione smiled again as she strolled into her office. All morning long she had been receiving compliments on how wonderful she looked. She hadn't done anything differently in her preparations to come to work this morning but then again last time her co-workers had seen her she and Harry hadn't acknowledged the fact that they were madly in love with each other. Harry, just the thought of him made her smile. Yesterday had been absolutely perfect. They'd gone up to Glynnmoor and spent what was left of the day walking around the grounds exploring. They sat at the lake for over an hour just talking, then they watched the sunset before Harry ushered her back in the house saying it was getting too cold outside to just stand around. They had a late supper and capped off the night making love in front of the fireplace. This morning he'd drawn her a bath and made her breakfast before they each apparated back to London, Hermione to the Ministry and Harry to the Quidditch training facility. She wanted to do something special for him; a romantic dinner would be nice, if his practice didn't run long and she got out of the office at a decent hour she might have time to stop by her parents and say hello to her cousin Judith then run by the market and pick up something nice to make for dinner. “Hem, hem” Hermione blinked and shook her head to clear it of her rambling thoughts. Gazing around the room she saw Ginny seated behind her desk staring at her. “Ginny what are you doing here” “Oh just thought I'd stop by and check up on you as I haven't seen you in a few weeks. Ginny rose from the seat she was occupying as Hermione walked around the desk and embraced her. “It has not been weeks…perhaps a week but certainly not weeks” Hermione playfully swatted Ginny's arm as she drew up another chair. Ginny smiled good-naturedly and sat in the seat Hermione had just pulled up as Hermione settled herself behind her desk. Ginny said. “So I take it you spent the weekend with Harry” “Most of it…I did spend Saturday evening with my mum and dad” Ginny nodded agreeably. Hermione queried. “Did you and Draco get together over the weekend” Ginny responded. “No I had to work late Friday and most of Saturday and yesterday I had dinner with mum and dad…he owled me though and we are getting together tonight…so how was your visit with your cousin” Hermione's cheeks flushed bright red as her eyes connected with Ginny's. “I expect I will find out this evening when I stop by mum and dad's house” Ginny's eyes widened in shock. “You mean there really is a cousin” Hermione smiled guiltily. “Yes there is actually a cousin…I would never tell an outright lie for solely selfish purposes…my cousin Judith is visiting this week…Mum rang to let me know she was coming a day earlier than we anticipated…” Ginny interjected. “And you used that tidbit of information to beg off dinner at the Burrow” “Yes…I'm sorry that we fudged the truth a little but Harry and I needed some time together” “Really…and does that alone time have something to do with that smile you've been wearing since you walked through the door” Hermione snapped her fingers and Ginny heard the distinct turn and click of the lock to Hermione's office. “Ginny I'm in love” Ginny replied. “I know” “You know” “It's a bit obvious the way you look at him…” Hermione chewed her bottom lip and nodded in agreement with Ginny's statement. Ginny continued speaking. “Has Harry figured it out yet or did you just tell him” Hermione giggled and launched into a recount of everything that had transpired from Saturday morning breakfast right up to Sunday evening dessert. “It was absolutely wonderful…just perfect…who would have ever guessed that Harry and I would fall in love” Ginny replied dryly. “No one” Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked at Ginny. She noticed that Ginny looked rather unimpressed by the whole affair; as a matter of fact she looked wholly displeased. Hermione asked. “I take it you are not happy about this” Ginny pondered her words carefully and took a deep breath before replying. “It's not that at all…I'm really happy that you're happy but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried” “Worried…what is there to be worried about” Ginny took another steadying breath and said. “Well all of this is a bit sudden don't you think…I mean yes you and Harry have known each other for ages but you two have only been…ummm…er…seeing each other for a few weeks now and well Harry isn't exactly known for being the type of bloke who handles commitment well…” Hermione quickly interjected. “It is true that in the past Harry has been rather bad with respect to commitment but this time is different” Ginny asked. “And what makes this time so different Hermione the fact that this time it's you he's shagging and not some other bird” Hermione straightened in her seat and stared at Ginny unflinchingly. “Yes that is exactly why it's different this time” Ginny was flabbergasted. “What…that doesn't make an ounce of bloody sense” Hermione responded. “All of those other witches were after Harry because of his celebrity, his notoriety…they did not neither did they care to know who he was…they did not care about his feelings or his happiness…they did not know what makes him happy and what makes him sad…they could not understand the difference between the times when he needs to be left alone and when he needs to be with someone…all they cared about was being with Harry Potter - the Boy-Who-Lived, Lord Voldemort's defeater, seeker for the Appleby Arrows, famous Harry Potter…they did not care about the person…the real Harry…but I do…I understand him and I want him to be happy no matter what…that is why it is different this time…because I really love him…I always have and I always will” Ginny looked at Hermione as she finished nodded her head and said. “This is exactly what I was afraid of…you're so close to him already that you're blind to see what's happening” It was Hermione's turn to stare at Ginny in absolute mystification. “Ginny now you are not making any sense” Ginny answered back. “You two have been friends for twelve years there is probably nothing that you don't know about each other right…” Ginny paused as Hermione nodded in agreement. “You said yourself that none of the other witches he's ever dated have taken the time to get to know him…that its always been about his being a celebrity…” Again she waited for Hermione to give some sign of concurrence before she continued. “So it has to be a whole new experience for him to have someone come in and take care of him…make him dinner, ask about his day, listen to his problems, forgive his mood swings and maybe even tidy up his flat a bit…” Hermione nodded slowly as she thought of all the things she'd done for Harry in the past two months. Ginny saw the look of reflection etched on her face and kept on with her speech. “It would be only natural for him to want to return those feelings that you so obviously have for him and Merlin knows I honestly do believe that he cares very deeply for you. But that deep bond you two've shared over the years could easily be confused for something more to someone who hasn't ever truly been in love before. I mean think about it in all this time you two haven't told a soul about your relationship, you haven't told your mum and dad and he hasn't said a thing to Ron or dad or mum…you never go out in public and you spend all your time together holed up at one of his houses…why is that…why is he hiding the woman he's so in love with” Hermione averted her gaze and slowly rose from her seat at her desk. She turned and cast her gaze out of her office window. “So you think Harry isn't really in love with me…that he's just playing at it because he doesn't know the difference between our friendship and something more” Ginny came and stood next to Hermione and wrapping an arm around her waist replied. “I hope not…I really, really hope not…but I think it's possible” Hermione closed her eyes and fought back the tears that were threatening to flow from her eyes as Ginny stroked her back. “Hermione you're not angry with me are you” Hermione sadly shook her head. Her voice was thick with her unshed tears as she spoke. “No Ginny I'm not angry with you at all…you're doing what one friend does for another…and I'm very grateful to you for that” Ginny answered with a solemn nod. Hermione took a deep breath and pulled herself from Ginny's embrace just as her assistant Maude came into the room. “Oh excuse me Ms. Granger I hate to interrupt but Mr. Weasley said he needs you to look over these reports as soon as possible if not sooner” Hermione nodded and extended her hand to retrieve the stack of parchment Maude was holding. “It's not a problem Maude, thank you very much I will see to them straight away” Maude smiled and quietly left the room. Ginny walked back over to Hermione's desk and grabbed her cloak. “If you're sure you're all right I need to shove off” Hermione nodded absently. “Yes I'm fine…” She pointed to the stack of parchment she had just dropped on her desk and continued. “I've got loads of work to do” The two women embraced and said their goodbyes. Ginny grabbed Hermione's hands in her own and whispered. “Don't worry…I could be completely wrong and I truly hope I am for your sake…we'll talk later all right…maybe get together for lunch one day this week” Hermione replied. “That would be lovely” “Good I'll check my schedule and send an owl when I know I'm available” Ginny hugged Hermione and flashed her a bright smile as she disapparated. Hermione sat down at her desk and replayed her conversation with Ginny all over again. Was she right…was Harry really in love with her…was he mistaking their deep friendship for true love…was he truly ashamed of being seen with her…was that the reason they never went out? As her head began to swim from the jumble of confusing thoughts collected there Hermione buried her head in her hands and wept. --> 10. Doubt --------- **Doubt** Hermione stepped into her flat exhausted. What had started out as a wonderful day had quickly turned into an agonizingly miserable one; her conversation with Ginny had only been the beginning of her woes. Following Ginny's departure Hermione had been called into a strategy session with Percy and Padma that had gone on all afternoon resulting in her missing lunch. Then she had to meet with the IWC to discuss arrangements for the upcoming Magical Beasts and Creatures Summit, which took the remainder of the afternoon and a good portion of the early evening. As a result she had been late for dinner with her parents. As she wasn't much in the mood for questions about her love life Hermione had rang her mum and begged off dinner saying that she had some work to finish and that she would have lunch with both she and Judith later in the week, which meant Hermione now had to accommodate two lunch dates this week in addition to everything else flooding her schedule. Then had come the perfect awful ending to a perfectly awful day. Since she'd needed to phone her parents and stop by the market Hermione had taken the underground instead of apparating home and just as she'd gotten off the mobile with her mum she'd been caught in an icy torrential downpour. Soaked from head to foot Hermione climbed the stairs slowly and trudged into her bedroom she seemed to be getting more drained with each step she took. Stepping into her room she undressed mechanically and tossed her sodden clothes into the bottom of her closet and pulled on her bathrobe, with a wave of her wand she set the water running for a steaming hot bath. She charmed the tub to stop when it was filled and went downstairs to find something to eat; having missed both lunch and dinner she was famished to say the least. Just as she entered the kitchen Socrates fluttered down onto her shoulder and hooted despondently, Crookshanks sidled up to her and rubbed his bushy tail against her legs. “Oh I take it you two are hungry as well” Hermione set out a bowl of cream and some leftover kippers for Crookshanks and some owl treats, kippers and water for Socrates. However she found that pickings were much slimmer for herself than for her pets. She had been spending so much time with Harry making sure that his needs were taken care of that she had not taken the time to restock her own cupboards. At the thought of Harry Hermione's mood plummeted from bad to wretched as Ginny's words came flooding back to her. Was it really possible that Harry wasn't really in love with her? Could he truly be mistaken about the true nature of his feelings for her? Was he even aware that his feelings might not be genuine? “What's got a frown on that beautiful face of yours” Hermione turned around stunned by Harry's familiar baritone. “Ha…Harry when did you get here” Hermione nervously ran a hand through her hair as Harry, ignoring her question, crossed the room and pulled her into his arms kissing her gently on the lips. Hermione immediately slipped from Harry's embrace and turned her attentions back to her empty cupboards. Harry stared at her momentarily confused and asked. “Is everything all right…you're wet” Hermione replied tonelessly. “Everything is fine…I've just had a long day I'm tired and hungry and I got caught in the rain on my way home from work” Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's dainty waist and answered. “Well then why don't you go upstairs and relax a bit while I make dinner…I noticed you were low on food so I stopped by the market on the way over” Hermione looked around and saw parcels from the market down the street on the floor by the door to the kitchen she mumbled a half-hearted thank you as she disentangled herself from Harry's hold and started back upstairs for her bath. Harry called after her. “Any requests” Hermione ignored his question and ambled off to her much needed bath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry arrived at number 12 Grimmauld Place with a resounding pop. He had planned to spend a quiet uninterrupted evening with Hermione. Harry had found out that the team was about to go off on a two-week road trip playing exhibition matches across Europe. He had wanted to spend time with his girlfriend (he smiled to himself as he recognized that he was using Hermione's new title and place in his life) before not seeing her for a fortnight but fate seemed to have conspired against him. The dinner he made for them, nothing particularly fancy just a Lancashire hot pot, fresh baked bread and a blancmange, one of Hermione's favorite desserts, was a silent affair. It looked as if Hermione had had a dreadful day at work and she was not in the mood for company. Seeing that nothing he attempted seemed to improve her mood Harry left shortly after dinner. Having spent so much time with Hermione of late Harry was not in the mood to spend an evening alone so instead of heading to his own flat he decided to pay the last marauder a visit. Harry strode into the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. Remus appeared to be engrossed in the evening edition of The Prophet. Harry was about to alert him to his presence when Remus spoke. “To what do I owe the pleasure, I would have thought that you would be spending the evening with Hermione considering you'll be leaving for a fortnight tomorrow…care for some tea” Remus lowered his paper and went to put the kettle on. Harry nodded his head in the affirmative as he retrieved the discarded paper and replied. “That was the plan but she's not feeling too well this evening…in a right state she is…thought it was best if I gave her some space” “So I win the pleasure of your company by default” Harry smiled wryly as he accepted the cup of tea Remus offered him and took a sip. “Well actually there's more to it than that I've been meaning to stop by for a while but things have been a bit busy” Remus chimed in. “Yes I imagine with Quidditch and Hermione on your mind most of your time is occupied not much left for an old friend of your father's eh” Harry replied. “Bit catty for a werewolf don't you think” Remus chuckled good-naturedly. “Just winding you up…how are things with you and Hermione? I take it you two have gotten past your reservations about pursuing a relationship” Harry stood up and began clearing the table as he placed the cups and saucers in the sink he answered Lupin's question. “We cleared up all those reservations two nights ago when I admitted that I'm in love with her” Remus sat up ramrod straight in his chair. “You told Hermione that you were in love with her” Harry nodded. “Actually she told me that she was in love with me first…slip of the tongue…she hadn't meant to say it of course…but after I got her to say it again I told her that I loved her too…” Remus interjected. “Harry are you sure about this…it is rather sudden after all…you two just started seeing each other…” Remus paused a moment before continuing. “And there is the matter of you shying away from commitment and the like…you have never actually been in a serious relationship before Harry” Harry turned and stared at the man who was most like family to him since his parents and Sirius were gone and said. “Hermione's presence is one of the few things in my life that hasn't ever wavered. She's always been there loving and supporting me…and this…this relationship…she and I together…its what I've always wanted but I was too afraid to hope for. You ask me if I'm sure Remus, I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life” Remus slid his chair back from the table and walked over to where Harry was standing by the sink and placed his hand firmly on Harry's shoulder and smiled. “I am happy for you Harry…happy for the both of you. Harry looked over at Remus and smiling blissfully he replied” “So am I” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione sat at a booth in the back of The Pitch morosely sipping a butterbeer as she waited for Ginny to arrive for their lunch date. Her day had started out very well she had been awakened by Hedwig and her daily delivery of a single red rose with a note from Harry telling her how much he loved her as well as how much he missed her. This morning's note had also said that he was counting the days until they were together again. Harry had been gone for a week and a half and Hermione missed him terribly, she wished she hadn't been so stupid as to let him leave without so much as a proper goodbye kiss but she had been in a terrible state on the day in question worrying over Ginny's idea that Harry may not be in love with her. With the clarity of day Hermione had realized that Ginny's suspicions were just that…suspicions. It was entirely possible that Harry was confusing his feelings of friendship for her with true love but it was just as likely that he was actually in love with her. Hermione had complete faith that Harry was not intentionally toying with her emotions, and that if he was not really in love with her it was something that he was not completely aware of himself. Once she'd come to that realization Hermione had felt much better about things and she couldn't wait for Harry to get home so she could make up for the horrid way she treated him before he'd left on his trip. That was how she had felt until she'd received the morning Prophet and seen Harry plastered across the front page sharing a steamy kiss with Her Royal Highness Principessa Andrea Antonia D'Onoforio; the very beautiful daughter of Italy's most well-known wizarding family. The D'Onoforios were deposed royalty who had left all traces of the muggle world behind following the discovery of their magical abilities by their loyal subjects. The D'Onoforios had became a family of powerfully wealthy and eccentric wizards who persisted in the use of their former royal titles. According to the *Daily Prophet*, *Witch Weekly*, *Which Broomstick* and every other wizarding publication in existence, Harry and the erstwhile Princess had been an item a year ago while she was living in England attending the Oxford Academy for Advanced Witchcraft. Reportedly the duo was on the verge of becoming engaged when Antonia; she preferred to be called by her middle name, was abruptly called back to Rome to the bedside of her dying grandmother whose final wish was for her beloved granddaughter to marry some Duke. The bloke's family had been wizards and among the D'Onoforios court when they'd been discovered as wizards and fled with them. According to the papers Antonia was supposedly heartbroken but complied with her grandmother's request and announced her engagement to Duke Christopher Perillo. The wedding, however, never happened, after her grandmother's death Antonia called off the engagement and went on a four month sabbatical to grieve for the lost of both her grandmother and again according to the papers the one true love of her life…Harry. She'd returned to Rome just in time for the exhibition match between the Italian and English National Quidditch teams where she wasted no time picking up where she left off with Harry. Hermione was certain that most of article had been complete and utter rubbish although she did recall Ron going on about the `beautiful Italian bird' Harry was seeing last year and there was no denying the fact that Harry was all over the papers kissing the Italian heiress. “Please tell me that you're not reading this” Hermione pulled herself from her musings to see Ginny taking a seat opposite her. She waved Hermione's copy of the Prophet across the table and pushed it out of view. “Hermione I want you to stop looking at those bloody papers. Staring at them won't change anything” Hermione spat her words out through gritted teeth. “I can't believe that he would do something like that…” Hermione banged her fist down on the table. “He knows better than anyone what something like this would do to me…especially after what happened with Viktor and I” Ginny replied sympathetically. “Hermione don't jump to conclusions…there could be a perfectly logical explanation for these pictures” Hermione replied scathingly. “Yes there is…my loving boyfriend of nearly three months is a faithless git” “Hermione do you really believe that” Hermione reached across the table and flipped the paper over and pointed to Harry's romantically engaged likeness and answered in a tearful whisper. “This picture does not exactly leave much to the imagination now does it” As the words left her mouth the tears began to fall, Hermione grabbed the copy of the Prophet lying on the table and bolted out the door of The Pitch leaving a wide-eyed Ginny staring after her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry burst into Hermione's living room with a deafening bang that was mostly because he had had to knock the door off its hinges; with a wave of his wand he magicked it back into place. Hermione had obviously magically barred him from entering her flat, good thing he was in such good shape physically otherwise he never could have rammed his way through the door. He had been trying to reach her for the past three days, ever since that damn photograph of him and Antonia had appeared in every wizarding paper and magazine in Europe. But Hedwig had come back with all his letters undelivered. His attempts to speak with her by floo had also been thwarted as he was informed that his access to the requested fireplace had been restricted. Harry checked the kitchen and found it empty he then headed in the direction of the study calling Hermione's name as he went. As he walked into the study he saw no signs that anyone was there or had been in there in some time. Turning towards the door Harry started back towards the lounge he surmised that Hermione must not be home. She knew he was coming back into town today and she'd probably gone to her parents or something to avoid seeing him, just as he reached the door of the study he heard a noise coming from the bedroom overhead. Turning again he went up the back stairs of the study that led to the upstairs landing where he stopped and listened again and heard the clear sounds of someone moving about in the bedroom. He strode over to the door and swung it open and called. “Hermione, I know that I'm probably the last person you want to see right now but you've got to hear me out…I can only imagine what you must be thinking but…that picture…its not what it looks like…well not exactly…it was me in the picture but I wasn't kissing Antonia she was kissing me…she must have brought the photographer with her…I…” Harry froze mid-sentence as soon as he realized that he wasn't talking to Hermione at all but to her mother. “Oh…hello Mrs. Granger…I…I…I'm sorry to barge in but I thought you were…ummm er…ummm…Hermione” Olivia Granger rose from the seat she had taken at Hermione's desk where she'd been writing Hermione a note, and spoke to Harry. “Hello Harry…as you can see Hermione is not here” Harry nodded woodenly in response to Olivia's words. “I thought she was going to join her father and I for dinner but she never arrived. We assumed something came up and that's why she never made it or rang to tell us anything; we know her mobile does not work in thoroughly magic places. So when Thaddeus went to check in at the office I decided to come by and check to see that everything was alright” Olivia turned and fully faced Harry and continued talking. “I was just leaving a letter for Hermione to let her know I had been by” Olivia's words hung in the air. She clearly had no idea where Hermione was or what was going on between the two of them, at least she hadn't until he'd opened his fat mouth. Harry frantically searched his brain for a suitable explaination as to why he would be at Hermione's flat at this time of the evening attempting to explain away his kissing some other woman when Olivia spoke again. “So you are the young man Hermione's been seeing” Realizing the futility of denying it and ruling out oblivarating Hermione's mother's memory Harry slowly nodded his head in reply. Olivia stared into Harry's eyes and said. “Well I must say that I was immensely surprised to find that my daughter was involved in a relationship and had not told her father and I anything about it at all but I am even more shocked to find out that the person she has been surreptitiously seeing is you” Harry raked his hand through his hair and sighed. Why did everyone find it so hard to believe that he could commit to someone? Before he had a chance to voice his thoughts Olivia Granger spoke again and her words seemed to be reading his thoughts. “Not to say that there is anything wrong with the two of you seeing one another…I think you are a truly charming young man…but you two have been such close friends for so long it just never occurred to me that either of you would feel anything more for the other” Harry gnawed his bottom lip anxiously. “Well it came as a bit of a shock to the both of us as well” Olivia furrowed her brows and cast Harry a glance that was eerily reminiscent of the looks Hermione often gave him. “A bit of a shock you say…exactly how then did it come to pass that you and my daughter became involved. I do not mean to interfere but Hermione has not been very forthcoming about this new relationship and it has not been that long since she ended things with Viktor and I worry that she may be moving to fast” Harry walked over to where Olivia Granger was standing and gently guided her to sit on the chaise in the corner of Hermione's bedroom. After he had her seated comfortably Harry took a seat directly across from her at Hermione's desk. Hermione arrived at the door to her bedroom just as Harry started to speak, his voice a soft whisper. “Mrs. Granger I recognize how strange all of this must feel to you…one moment Hermione is getting over her breakup with a man everyone thought she was going to marry and then you find out she's seeing me her best friend of twelve years and hasn't bothered to tell you a thing about it. I suppose you can't help but wonder about things…especially considering the fact that I don't really seem to be relationship material…on more than one occasion I've been reminded of my less than stellar reputation in the relationship department…” Olivia raised an alarmed gaze to Harry as he continued. “But this time is different…I've never felt this way about anyone before. I can barely put into words how much Hermione means to me. She's my first thought in the morning and my last thought at night…bloody hell I even dream about her. I'm amazed that for twelve years she's been right there in front of my very own eyes and I was too daft to notice. I honestly can't imagine my life without her…Mrs. Granger…Hermione means the absolute world to me and all I want is her happiness” Olivia Granger fixed Harry with a stern glare and asked. “And what is this about you kissing someone else” Hermione listened attentively as Harry answered her mother's query. “Oh…yes…that…well…you see Antonia and I…we went out a couple of times last year before she went back home to Italy. While we were there playing Quidditch the team was invited to her family's home for dinner…they are important wizards and it would have seemed impolite to refuse them…later that night she showed up at the inn where we were staying. I got up to answer my door and she just kissed me…I didn't even kiss her back…it caught me completely off guard…Mrs. Granger you have to believe that I would never do anything to hurt Hermione. Least of all with Antonia she has her own personal photographer who follows her around taking bloody pictures every time she so much as sneezes…considering that I like to keep my personal affairs…ummm…private it would be a bit thick of me to go off with the one person in the world with whom that would be impossible” Olivia smiled despite the seriousness of the moment. “I believe you Harry” “You do” “Yes I do. But Harry dear, I know my daughter and she will be more difficult to convince. She can be stubborn when she takes a mind to. Harry nodded despondently. Olivia saw the agonized expression covering Harry face and smiling encouragingly asked. “You truly are in love with her aren't you” Harry dug his hands into his pockets as he responded. “Truly…madly…in love with her” Olivia's smile brightened as she stood. “My daughter is very lucky to have you in her life…and I can only hope that you are able to convince her of your innocence and of how lucky she is to have someone who cares for her so deeply” “I know Mum…I already know” Olivia and Harry turned to see Hermione standing in the doorway tears streaming down her cheeks. Harry stood up and began making his way across the room to her. “How long have you been standing there” Harry quizzed her. Hermione replied. “Long enough to realize I've been a horribly daft twit…can you ever forgive me” As Harry reached Hermione he wrapped his arms around her and asked. “Forgive you for what” “For doubting you” “You had every reason to doubt me” Hermione shook her head in disbelief as she snuggled closer to Harry. “I doubted whether or not you really loved me…I…I…I thought you were mistaking your love for me as a friend for something more…how could I have been so abysmally stupid” Harry lifted Hermione's chin ever so slightly so that she was staring into his eyes and answered. “You are not now nor have you ever been abysmally stupid. Its human nature to second guess things especially things as important as love. And as I told your mum I don't have the greatest track record in this particular area and it only stands to reason that you'd wonder if I had the faintest idea as to what real love is considering the fact that I had the great misfortune of being raised by the Dursleys. And its true there is a lot I don't understand about relationships but I do understand love. I know what it is to love someone more than your own life…I'm a living example of that kind of love. And every time I look at you I understand why my Mum did what she did that night to save me…that all consuming need to protect someone you care for more than anything else in the world…I understand that kind of love Hermione…because that's how I feel about you” “Oh Harry I love you so much” Hermione looped her arms about Harry's neck and pulled his lips down to hers. They lost themselves in each other completely unaware that they had an audience. Olivia Granger tiptoed from the room and gently shut the door behind her. A dazzlingly joyous smile covering her face as she hurried down the stairs and out the recently repaired front door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draco rolled over and found the space next to him empty. Pushing himself up onto the pillows he cast a bleary eyed glance around the room, his eyes came to rest on Ginny's beautiful naked form silhouetted by the moonlight. Quietly he slipped from bed and padded across the room and began trailing kisses across her bare shoulders and down her delicate spine. Ginny moaned appreciatively and turned around and kissed Draco full on the mouth. After several minutes of heavy kissing and caressing the two lovers broke apart. Draco spoke first. “I woke up and you were gone…everything all right” Ginny smiled regretfully. “I was just thinking about Hermione” “Granger still upset with Potter over his little tryst with Antonia…I'll never understand what women find so charming about him…I imagine she hexed him well enough” Draco chuckled out loud at the thought of the famous Harry Potter being hit with an array of hexes by the most competent witch of the century. Ginny frowned. “It's not funny…being in love with someone who could care less about you…it's not funny one little bit…how would you feel having given your heart to someone only to have them chuck it out like common rubbish” Draco stopped laughing at the agonizied tone of Ginny's voice. “Ginny calm down…its rough what Granger's going through but you mustn't take it so personally” Ginny turned away from Draco and stared out of the window. “Hermione's my friend and I feel what she feels” Sensing that the wrong words on his part could set off Ginny's volatile temper Draco cautiously wrapped his arms around Ginny's waist and began kissing her neck. “Let me give you something else to feel” Draco lifted Ginny into his arms and carried her back to the bed. He kissed his way down her slender frame reveling in the feel of her squirming beneath his touch. Draco kissed his way back up her body and as he slipped inside her he whispered how good she made him feel. Ginny closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Draco tightly, fervently wishing to feel what he felt. --> 11. The Lover, the Friend and the Ex ------------------------------------ **The Lover, the** **Friend and the Ex** The second full week of December arrived with a frigid chill in the air, a fresh blanket of snow and a reunited Harry and Hermione. After hearing the heartfelt declaration of love Harry made to her mother as well as the two of them having a long talk about their past relationships or in Harry's case the lack thereof; Hermione made up her mind never to have doubts about what she and Harry felt for one another and to always talk to him first rather than listening to the opinions of others. As a result of this decision she had spent the better part of the past week diligently trying to make up for having doubted him in the first place. A situation that immensely confused Harry, he couldn't understand why she felt so responsible for the whole state of affairs when he had been photographed kissing another woman, who wouldn't be upset about that. It was only after Hermione explained the reason for her foul mood on the day of his leaving that Harry began to understand the full scope of the matter. Harry had been extremely vexed when he'd found out that Ginny was putting negative thoughts in Hermione's head where their relationship was concerned. He'd been so upset that Hermione had to restrain him to keep him from going over to Ginny's flat to give her a piece of his mind. In her zeal to stop him Hermione had nearly let Ginny's secret relationship with Draco slip. Thankfully she'd caught herself at the last moment and convinced him that like her mother Ginny thought the two of them were moving too fast. To which Harry had replied that if by her mother and Ginny's standards waiting twelve years was too fast, then she had best set to work because they would need a philosopher's stone to live long enough to have a family. That statement had set them both laughing and soon Harry's plans to row with Ginny had been forgotten. As she thought of those words seemingly for the one-millionth time since they had had that conversation Hermione smiled at the remembrance of Harry's words…he wanted to have a family…and he seemed to want to have said family with her! A dreamy expression crossed her face as she pictured a winding country lane that led to a beautiful stately cottage complete with overflowing front and back gardens, a porch swing and a doormat on the porch that read…**The Potters**. Harry sauntered into Hermione's study and found her standing by the bookcases a radiant smile swathing her face. He stood there for a moment and took in the most enchanting sight he had ever seen. Harry was certain that at this very moment, somewhere on the planet, in some obscure little hamlet Hermione's very existence was a violation of some law against nature. No woman should be that bloody perfect. Harry took in the luscious curves of her body that were being expertly shown off by the form fitting work-out-suit she was wearing. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail exposing the length of her graceful neck, and the smooth delicate skin that bore the warm sweet taste of honey. She was holding a dust cloth in one hand and a can of furniture polish in the other. It was her customary day for tidying up her flat. Harry smiled to himself as he stealthily snuck around the couch and stole quietly along the wall all the while closing the distance between himself and Hermione. Without making the smallest possible sound Harry crept up behind Hermione and enfolded her in his arms and said. “Care to tell me what has you so happy” Hermione gasped audibly and dropped the can of polish, taken off guard by Harry's sudden presence. “Harry…where did you come from” Hermione turned sideways in Harry's arms and swatted at him with her cleaning cloth while he grinned at her innocently. “451 Doncanshire Lane, London…formerly of 4 Privet Drive, Little Whining Surrey by way of Godric's Hollow” Hermione playfully rapped Harry's shoulder and replied. “You know you are an insufferably cheeky git” Harry smiled wickedly. “And you love me for it” He lowered his head and lazily kissed Hermione's pulse point. Hermione felt her knees getting weak as Harry rained maddeningly slow kisses up and down the column of her throat. She wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself, dropping the cleaning cloth in the process and whispered. “No I love what you are doing to me right now I put up with your cheekiness” Harry laughed loudly before he kissed his way up Hermione's throat and captured her mouth with his own. The kiss was a slow and passionate affair as Harry first nibbled and licked her bottom lip before gliding his tongue across it soliciting entry into the sweetness of her waiting mouth. Hermione parted her lips and encircled Harry's tongue with her own. She moaned Harry's name as the kiss deepened and she felt his hands roaming freely over her body caressing and squeezing her most sensitive spots. Harry bent down and placing his arm behind Hermione's knees lifted her into his arms and carried her to the couch. Their lips met again as Harry lowered himself down beside Hermione's prone form. Hermione pressed her body against his, her hands caressing his chest through the material of his jumper, she slipped her hands underneath and began to trace her fingers across the hard muscles of his abdomen. At the feel of her hands on his bare skin Harry sucked in a breath of air and moaned her name. Harry's fingers found their way to the front of Hermione's jacket, which he unzipped slowly and tossed to the floor. Hermione gripped the bottom of his jumper and pulled it over his head and ran her hands across his chest and arms, playfully nibbling the pulse point at the base of Harry's neck while he removed her work-out-pants. Soon the pile of discarded clothing had grown to include everything short of Harry's boxers and Hermione's white lace knickers and matching bra. Harry ran his fingers lightly up and down Hermione's inner thigh, smiled then said. “Not exactly the type of knickers you wear to work out in, eh love” Hermione smiled back and murmured huskily. “That depends on what kind of exercise one has in mind” Smiling lustfully Harry took in the sight of Hermione's smooth golden skin, the rise of her full breasts, God she was magnificent, he lowered his head and slowly kissed her bare shoulders as he deftly released the clasp of her bra with his left hand. Hermione moaned passionately as Harry flicked his tongue gently across her exposed skin. He drew her closer to him as he dipped his head lower and alternately drew her hardened nipples into his warm mouth. Hermione knotted her hands into fists as the intensity of Harry's attentions increased. He gently slipped his hand down her stomach inside her knickers where he continued his torturous caresses. Hermione shuddered and her breathing quickened as Harry kissed and caressed her body, the desire he was creating in her was becoming deliciously intolerable. She pulled Harry's lips up to her own and kissed him to stifle the fiercely violent screams erupting from her as Harry caressed her closer and closer to release. Feeling the mounting desire in both their bodies Harry promptly removed their remaining articles of clothing as the two of them came together. His hands found hers and they intertwined as he slipped inside her warmth. Hermione's carnal whimpers of pleasure played a matching melody to his own moans of passion. She tightened her hold on Harry and gave herself over to the wonderful sensations coursing through her body, urging him deeper inside her, their cries of ecstasy bounded about the room as they reached the pinnacle of their lovemaking at exactly the same moment. Spent they lovingly held each other until the trembling of their bodies subsided. Hermione lay in Harry's arms idly tracing the words `I love you' across his chest and abdomen with her forefinger. Harry felt the customary tug in his groin that always alerted him to his arousal. He grabbed Hermione's hand and turning it palm up kissed it sweetly as he said. “You keep that up and you'll never get your knickers back on” Hermione smiled contentedly and rolled over on top of Harry's horizontal figure, planting feather light kisses across his chest as she spoke. “You're assuming I want them back on in the first place” Having said that Hermione slithered up Harry's body and began kissing him slowly while her hands drifted down between his thighs. The feel of Hermione's hand caressing his erect member sent a shudder of yearning straight through Harry and he groaned forcefully as he felt her slender legs straddling him. He tried to speak but found himself unable to articulate a single sound while he felt himself hardening under Hermione's expert care. As Hermione enfolded him Harry's hands gripped her waist reveling in the rhythmic undulations of her hips. Hermione leaned forward and kissed him passionately as they once again traveled the road of ecstasy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry slipped his jumper over his damp black locks. Hermione walked up behind him and wound her arms around his waist and gave him a loving squeeze. Harry turned around and kissed her gently on the lips and mouthed the words `I love you'. Hermione smiled and returned the gesture by mouthing the words `I love you too' as she ruffled his damp head of hair. “You had better dry that before you go…its cold out and I don't want you getting sick” Harry smiled and replied. “That's very motherly of you” Hermione ignored his comment and motioned for him to sit down on her bed. Harry complied with her request and sat on the bed while she used a drying spell to wring the remaining water from his hair. When she was finished she sat down on his lap looped her arms around his neck and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. Harry hugged her to him and said. “I should get going” Hermione nodded mutely. Harry kissed her lips one last time before setting her on the floor as he stood to his feet. Hermione spoke. “Give my best to Remus and owl me as soon as you know anything” “I will” “Are you sure you don't want me to come with you” Harry took Hermione's hands in his own and answered. “Remus can hardly bear me seeing him after he's had a transformation…add to that this one was a particularly bad one and I'm certain that if I brought you along next full moon he'd bite me on purpose” Hermione smiled at Harry's attempt at humor. “Both you and Remus are abysmal at potion-making…not that he could help in his present condition…and Glynnmoor is miles from any sort of wizarding hospital…” Harry interjected. “After Dobby came to fetch me I sent him off for Wendlyn Carlyle…you know the healer we met at St. Mungos last year when Ron took that bludger to the head. She fancies Remus seems they've been out a few times...don't worry love, everything's gonna be fine” “All right but owl me as soon as you know anything” “I will I promise” Harry bent down and pressed a kiss to Hermione's forehead then disapparated with a pop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Harry set off for Glynnmoor to look after Remus Hermione once again set about cleaning her flat. And though she preferred the muggle way of cleaning (some habits were hard to break) her mid-morning/early afternoon interlude with Harry had put her hopelessly behind schedule. Realizing that she would be cleaning for the remainder of the afternoon if she did it her preferred way Hermione compromised and enchanted her favorite muggle cleaning supplies and set them to work in various rooms of the flat while she tackled her bedroom, the bath and the kitchen. Tired and sweaty from the exertions of the day Hermione rushed upstairs for a long hot bath. After drying her hair and slipping into her favorite pair of jeans and an old Gryffindor sweatshirt Hermione plodded downstairs to find something to eat. Humming to herself she strolled into the kitchen and opened the cooler looking for something to assuage her hunger when a voice from behind her rang out. “Hope you're not looking for something substantial in there all you've got is bloody rabbit food” Hermione jumped a foot in the air and nearly banged her head on the upper door of the cooler she was so startled by Ron's sudden appearance in her kitchen. “Bloody hell, Ron…don't sneak up on me like that…for Merlin's sake you could give someone a heart attack doing that” Hermione placed her hand over her chest and closed her eyes and concentrated on slowing her breathing. Ron choked back a howl of laughter. “Sorry didn't mean to frighten you” Hermione opened her eyes and seeing the humor etched on Ron's face replied sarcastically. “Oh yes I can just see the repentance written all over your face” Ron smiled. “Really I'm sorry…let me make it up to you…how bout dinner…my treat” Hermione raised an eyebrow and asked. “Your treat…I hope that means you're buying” Ron replied. “Ha ha very funny Hermione but I'll have you to know that I'm a quite excellent cook” “Cooking up disaster and mischief…yes…ingestible food…no” Ron pulled a face as Hermione giggled and replied. “Give me a second to change and we can go” Ron took in the well-worn jeans and the `Go Gryffindor' sweatshirt Hermione was wearing and sincerely responded. “What's wrong with what you have on…you look great to me” Hermione smile brightly and patted his cheek affectionately. “Thank you Ron that was very sweet of you to say but I'm not dressed for public viewing…now you wait right here it'll only take a second” Ron followed Hermione's directions dutifully and allowed himself to be steered into Hermione's lounge. He took a seat on the couch and watched as Hermione strolled out of the room and headed upstairs to change. She'd never made the effort to change before. They were probably just going to grab something at The Pitch or the Leaky Cauldron nothing fancy. It wasn't even as if his own attire was anything spectacular. True he'd been careful to make sure he looked presentable…no mismatched socks or bright colors that clashed with his hair, just a simple pair of jeans a dark blue jumper and his nicest pair of dragon hide boots. Ron smiled to himself this could only mean one thing, Harry must have been right about Hermione being interested in him after all. They hadn't seen much of each other since he'd been picked for the keeper's spot on the national team; the games and practices kept him very busy so there was very little opportunity for the two of them to get together. There was also the matter of his not having told her or anyone else how he felt about her. Even after he'd confided in Harry about the true nature of his feelings for her it had taken awhile to get his nerve up enough to ask her out and since he still hadn't quite worked up the nerve he thought a friendly dinner invitation between friends might do the trick. He could spend some time with Hermione without the pressure of a date looming over his head and hopefully he could suss out her feelings toward him. Ron's thoughts were interrupted by Hermione's reappearance. She had traded in her faded jeans for a pair of low-slung, hip hugging jeans that accentuated every curve of her hips. She'd paired the jeans with a clingy black jumper that just skimmed the top of her low cut jeans and a rather sexy pair of high heeled-black leather boots. Her hair was done up in an intentionally messy sort of ponytail and her face held just a hint of makeup…not that she needed it to begin with, she looked absolutely gorgeous. Ron blinked rapidly as Hermione quizzed him. “Is this all right…since I had no idea where we were going I tried for middle of the road…have I overdone it or did I aim too low…” Ron found his voice and replied. “Aim's perfect…you look bloody fabulous” Hermione smiled. “Where are we going then” Ron answered still staring dumbly at Hermione. “Ummm…er…I…I was thinking the Leaky Cauldron or The Pitch…unless you fancy something different” Hermione chewed her bottom lip thoughtfully for an instant before responding. “The Leaky Cauldron caters to a dodgy clientele on Saturdays…and The Pitch is sure to be full to bursting with your Quidditch mates getting pissed out of their minds. I'm not much up for watching hags and vampires eat raw animal organs and drinking blood nor am I in the mood for fending off the unwanted attentions of a bunch of randy beaters and chasers…how about MacDougal's…still Diagon Ally but guaranteed to be quieter” Ron replied. “MacDougal's it is then” Hermione nodded approvingly while she slipped into her leather jacket. Ron offered her his arm, which she accepted with a smile. MacDougal's was on the opposite end of Diagon Ally from The Pitch. It was nestled between an obscure little bookshop that sold hard to find out of print volumes and an apothecary that specialized in love potions. However the wizarding pub did a fairly brisk amount of business though its patrons were much more tame than what one saw at the Leaky Cauldron and The Pitch on a Saturday night. As one would expect Ron's arrival caused quite a stir. A hush descended on the room as the crowd craned their necks to see if the tall red head was indeed *the* Ron Weasley. Once their suspicions had been confirmed Ron and Hermione were deluged by a wave of fans who wanted to shake Ron's hand, get an autograph or congratulate him on some superb save he'd made in a game. Hermione quietly stepped aside and allowed Ron his moment in the sun. She smiled to herself indulgently as she thought of the countless times she and Ron had been shunted aside by Harry's well-wishers. Often she had seen a glimmer of longing in Ron's eye; he had so badly wanted some of that attention for himself. It was nice to see him finally being recognized in his own right. After a few minutes of signing autographs and taking a few photos Ron excused himself from the crowd and steered Hermione to a secluded table near the back of the tavern. Ron held out Hermione's chair for her and said. “Sorry about all the fuss back there” Hermione replied. “No need to apologize I am quite accustomed to it” Hermione picked up the menu and began looking it over while Ron stared at her in wonder and asked. “You're used to it…how in the world have you gotten used to that” Hermione looked up and replied. “Well considering the fact that one of my best friends is the Boy-Who-Lived international hero turned international Quidditch star, my other best friend is known the world over as the best mate to the Boy-Who-Lived and is fast becoming an international Quidditch star in his own right, not to mention the fact that the last bloke I dated was an international Quidditch star…judging by that I would say I am probably more accustomed to that sort of thing than you are” Ron smiled and nodded in agreement. “I guess I never really thought about how often you have to put up with that sort of rubbish because of us” Hermione responded. “Consider it a labor of love” Ron's smile broadened at Hermione's choice of words as he said. “Shall we order then” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione entered her flat and smiled, it was always so nice to walk into a neat orderly space especially after a night out with friends. Hermione had just spent a pleasant evening out with Ron. They'd had dinner at MacDougal's Tavern and caught up on each other's news of the past few weeks and then as neither of them was in any rush to go home just yet the duo set off to find something to entertain themselves. Eventually they stumbled across a muggle winter carnival; Ron never having been to one was curious about the sort of non-magical amusements muggles might get into and was keen to have a look. Hermione who had always loved any type of carnival was more than happy to show him the sights. He had been very skeptical of the good sense of anyone riding what he called a `giant pinwheel' similarly he was equally confounded by Hermione's adoration of the `spinning top horses' but he found the food to be more than satisfactory. After stuffing his already full stomach Ron had tried his hand at several of the games the carnival had to offer and once he got the hang of it he had won her a teddy bear. The evening had been very pleasant indeed and the only thing that could have possibly made it more so would have been Harry's presence. As she started to climb the stairs Hermione made a mental note to get Harry down to Little Edmundton before the carnival was over. She was so lost in her musings that she did not notice the man standing beside the fireplace until his familiar accent caressed her name. “Her-my-oh-knee” Hermione froze in mid stride and slowly rotated herself on the stairs, staring in the direction of the voice. Slowly Viktor Krum emerged from the shadows and came to stand at the foot of the staircase. Hermione was momentarily dumbstruck; what in Merlin's name was Viktor doing in her flat? As if he were a Leglimens Viktor replied. “I vos in the neighborhood and thought I vould pop in and say hello” Hermione nodded mindlessly as she retraced her steps and came back down the stairs. She stopped on the very last stair and looked at the man who she had once thought she loved with all her heart. Looking at him now she wondered how she could have ever been so wide of the mark. Viktor watched her; he knew that look very well it was the look she always had when she was lost in thought. He reached out and gently called her name again as he stroked her hand. “Her-my-oh-knee” Hermione instantly raised her head and focused her attentions back on Viktor. She slipped her hand from his grasp and asked. “Viktor what are you really doing here…as I recall you were never one for dropping in unannounced” Hermione descended the remaining stairs and strode purposefully towards the kitchen placing her jacket and teddy bear in the overstuffed chair as she went. As she entered the kitchen she snapped her fingers and the lights instantly flickered on. She walked over to the sink and filled the kettle with water before setting it on the stove to boil. Viktor sat down at the kitchen table and spoke. “Vell you haffen't exactly been responsive to my requests. All of my letters and gifts haff been returned unopened and vhen I asked to see you for your birthday you declined my invitation…vhat vos I to do…how else vos I to see you” Hermione replied scathingly. “Perhaps you should have taken the hint that I didn't want to see you” Viktor rose from the table and came to stand behind Hermione. He placed a hand on her shoulder and said quietly. “Her-my-oh-knee…I am sorry…that other witch meant nothing to me…it vos a mistake…” The kettle began to whistle shrilly Hermione removed it from the heat as she turned to face Viktor, hot angry tears cascaded down her cheeks as her voice came out in a violent shriek. “SHE MEANT NOTHING TO YOU…SHE MEANT NOTHING TO YOU…IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER…IS THE FACT THAT SHE WAS JUST SOME NAMELESS, FACELESS QUIDDITCH BINT JUSTIFICATION FOR YOU SNEAKING AROUND WITH HER…DID YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT YOU COULD SHAG HER BECAUSE SHE MEANT NOTHING TO YOU…WAS IT SUPPOSED TO HURT ME ANY LESS BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T CARE FOR HER AT ALL…WERE THE REST OF THEM AS MEANINGLESS TO YOU AS SHE…WAS I…” Viktor stared at Hermione in astonishment as she continued her rant. “OH YOU'RE SURPRISED THAT I KNEW ABOUT THE OTHERS VIKTOR…I DON'T BELIEVE YOU…I DON'T BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO COME HERE AFTER EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE TO ME…I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH ME…I THOUGHT THAT I WAS IN LOVE WITH YOU…THANK MERLIN WE BOTH FOUND OUT THE TRUTH BEFORE IT WAS TOO LATE” Hurt and confused by Hermione's words Viktor replied. “HER-MY-OH-KNEE I DO LOVE YOU…” Hermione glared at Viktor and answered him solemnly. “But I don't love you” Viktor's eyes widened in surprise, as Hermione pushed past him. He reached out and grabbed her wrist pulling her into his arms. “You can't mean that” Hermione struggled to free herself of Viktor's hold on her but his grip was too strong. “Viktor let go of me” “Her-my-oh-knee…you don't mean vhat you are saying…you can't” “Viktor I said let me go” Suddenly a familiar enraged baritone rang through the room. “KRUM…LET…HER…GO” Harry crossed the room in what appeared to be a single stride and gently but firmly detached Hermione from Viktor's grasp. He placed himself between Hermione and Viktor; tilting her chin slightly he whispered to her lovingly. “Mi…love…are you all right…did he hurt you” Hermione replied. “I'm fine Harry” Harry looked at Hermione's tear-stained face and turned to face the man who had caused them. He spoke quietly. “Hermione asked you to leave…so…get out…NOW” Viktor looked past Harry's angry scowl directly at Hermione and said. “Her-my-oh-knee please let me explain” Harry took a step toward Krum but stopped when he felt Hermione's hands grasping his own. She stepped closer to him and slipped her arms about his waist. Viktor immediately caught the intimate implications of the gesture and heaved a defeated sigh and said. “Her-my-oh-knee I truly am sorry” He disapparated without another word. Harry stared at the space where Krum had been moments before fists clenched. “I should have kicked his bloody arse…coming here upsetting you like that…who the hell does he think he is…” Hermione grasped Harry's face in her hands and kissed him, bringing his tirade to an abrupt halt. Harry stared at her with a perplexed expression on his face, after a moment he asked. “Did you mean what you said about not loving him” Hermione looked thoughtfully at Harry and smiled that beautiful smile he so adored. “Yes…I meant every word I said to him…knowing what I know now…the way I feel about you…I…” Hermione paused for a moment as Harry took her hand in his and squeezed it gently. She took a deep breath and continued. “There were some things I needed to say to him…things I should have said a long time ago…its not good to let some things fester…but all of that is over now…Viktor Krum is no longer a part of my life…” She paused again and gazing into his eyes she said. “You're the only man in my heart” Harry smiled and pulled Hermione into his arms and kissed her lips gently. --> 12. Just Friends ---------------- **Just Friends** Monday morning dawned clear, bright and dreadfully cold. Hermione was not particularly enthused about getting out of bed. She lay there silently contemplating whether or not to open her eyes when she felt Harry's soft, warm lips peppering her face with kisses. Bleary-eyed and smiling Hermione allowed herself to be coaxed from the warmth of the edges of her slumber and sat upright in bed. Glancing around the room Hermione noticed a tray sitting beside her bed. The tray was loaded down with eggs, bacon, fresh baked croissants, strawberry jam and freshly brewed French vanilla coffee, her favorite. Hermione plucked one of the croissants from the tray and tore off a corner and popped it into her mouth. Her smiled widened as the flaky buttery delicacy melted in her mouth. She quizzed Harry. “Broussard's” Harry smiled took a plate from the tray and began filling it with food. “Of course…nothing but the best for you love” Harry placed the plate of food on Hermione's lap as he gently brushed a kiss across her lips. Hermione circled her arms around Harry's neck and pulled him close prolonging the kiss by sliding her tongue into his warm mouth. Harry moaned as their tongues met and caressed each other. After a full two minutes Harry reluctantly pulled himself away from Hermione. His voice was a throaty whisper when he spoke. “Your breakfast is getting cold” Hermione wound her left arm about his waist while she trailed her right hand across his rock hard abdomen as she gently kissed and licked his pulse point. “How odd…you say my breakfast is getting cold and here I am thinking I've just started to get it warmed up” Harry took on a pseudo-affronted air and replied. “Oh so its come to that has it…is that all I am to you…a piece of arse” Hermione picked up a slice of bacon and chewing slowly sat up just a hair and cast her eyes over Harry's shoulder and down towards his backside and rejoined with. “Well it is a very nice arse” Harry's eyes widened at Hermione's brazen comment, recovering quickly he came back with. “So be it…but you can't have any afters until you finish your breakfast” Hermione giggled girlishly as she slathered jam on top of her croissant and began to eat with gusto. Harry and Hermione spent the next twenty minutes leisurely discussing their plans for the day over breakfast before they adjourned to the bath for `afters' and to get ready for their respective days at the Ministry of Magic and on the Quidditch pitch. Harry stood in the bathroom mirror face lathered up with shaving foam carefully removing the weekend's stubble from his jaw line he called to Hermione and asked. “Love…what's your schedule for the day look like” Hermione emerged from her walk in closet dressed in an attractively formfitting black and light blue pinstriped muggle pantsuit with a light blue top and a matching set of black and light blue pinstriped robes. “I have a morning full of meetings scheduled with a horde of representatives and dignitaries from the visiting offices of the Departments for the Care and Regulation of Magical Beasts and Creatures in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Bulgaria…we're setting things up for the European National Convention of Magical Beasts and Creatures. And we have to prepare for that gala the Ministry is insisting on throwing for the lot of them this Friday night as well…those meetings should run right up to lunch, then I've earmarked my afternoon for answering my correspondence and of course there is the usual start of week briefing with Percy…” Hermione rolled her eyes up into her head and waggled her tongue following her pronouncement about the briefing with Percy. Harry laughed loudly at her antics as he sauntered out of the bath; towel loosely wrapped about his waist and began scanning the room for his Quidditch bag. Hermione probed. “What are your plans” Harry replied while still searching for his bag. “Ummm…er…an all day training session with the full team…got to get ready for the upcoming matches we're hosting against the Irish and Bulgarian squads” “You'll get to see Wood then” “Yeah…looking forward to catching up with him…haven't spoken to him in a bit it'll be good to see him…have you seen my bag” Hermione walked to the other side of her massive closet and slid the door back. Harry was stunned to see that one side of Hermione's beloved walk in closet now housed a collection of his things. His dress robes, trousers and shirts had been freshly laundered, neatly pressed and hung to his left. Situated on his right was his Quidditch gear and robes; practice robes in the front game robes in the back. Jeans, jumpers and casual things were in the center and all of his shoes were lined up neatly at the very bottom. Harry turned to Hermione and asked. “When did you do all this” “Saturday when you went off to look after Remus…I was straightening up the flat and I noticed all your things lying around and I just thought I would put your them away so they would be easier to find…you always seem to misplace something or other when you are here and since you spend so much time here I just thought it made more sense and that it might be more convenient for you to have a specific place for all your things…I made space in the loo as well” Hermione's voice trailed off to nearly a whisper. Harry ran a hand through his hair and thought back to his time in the loo getting ready earlier that morning and realized that one of the double sinks was now exclusively devoted to all of his toiletries; his brand of soap and shampoo were sitting on the second shelf in the shower as well. He turned to Hermione and wrapped his arms around her delicate waist, drew her close and said. “Thank you…that is by far the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me” A relieved smile spread across Hermione's face as she stood on tiptoe and aimed a kiss at Harry's cheek. Harry turned his head at the last second and caught her lips with his own. He slid his tongue along her bottom lip before gliding it inside her mouth and entwining it with hers. Hermione moaned as the kiss deepened and became more passionate. Harry's hands moved up and down her back as she ran her hands through his thick tousled ebony hair. Hermione whispered Harry's name as he lifted her into his arms and soundly shut the closet door after them. Three quarters of an hour later the pair emerged from Hermione's flat and descended the stairs hand in hand. Once they reached the courtyard Hermione turned to Harry and said. “Will I see you tonight at dinner” Harry nodded and mumbled something that sounded like yes as he turned to face her and wrapped both his arms about her. Hermione asked. “Seven all right” Harry replied with a monosyllabic. “Fine” Hermione smiled and swiftly kissed Harry on the lips. “See you at seven darling” Harry nodded and pulling Hermione more closely to him repeated the stated time for their dinner plans. “Seven o'clock love” Harry lowered his head and kissed Hermione firmly but gently on the lips. She smiled up at him adoringly whispered the words `I love you' then disapparated with a pop. Harry stood for a moment staring at the spot where Hermione had been before he too disapparated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “So after dinner I asked her what else she wanted to do and she takes me to this muggle carnival… those Marvin the Mad Muggle comics I used to read as a kid weren't too far off the mark I'll tell you…you can't imagine the stuff that muggles think is fun…well I guess you can you were raised by muggles after all…anyway we went to this carnival and she got me going on all these crazy rides and we're laughing just having the best time when she starts going on about how her dad used to take her to these things and play the games to win her prizes…so I ask her what her favorite prize was and she says a teddy bear…we walk around the booths until we find one where the prize is a teddy bear and I win it for her…Harry…Harry…Harry are you listening to a bloody word I'm saying” “Huh…ummm…er…ummm…yeah I'm listening…dinner…carnival…teddy bear…go on” Ron pulled his practice robes on over his head and lowered himself onto the bench next to Harry and asked. “All right enough of this…who is she” Harry looked over at Ron before he responded. “What” “Who is she” “Who is she who” Harry asked slightly confused. Ron chuckled. “Who's the girl” “What girl” “The girl who's got you so preoccupied that you disappear for days at a time leaving poor Dobby and Winky strict instructions to lie to your best friend about your comings and goings and your whereabouts in general…the girl who has got you wound up so tight that you can't keep your mind on your best mate's story about his date with the girl he fancies” Harry quizzed Ron. “And what makes you so sure it's a girl that has me doing all those things” “We've been friends a long time mate I've seen the look and the modesi operandi enough to know the signs” Harry nodded. “Okay so it's a girl” Ron smiled triumphantly. “Anyone I know” Harry shrugged noncommittally. “Ahh…keeping mum about this one, she must be special” Harry's words were barely above a whisper when he spoke. “You have no idea” Ron was shocked; he hadn't expected an answer like that, he pressed the issue further. “What's she like this unbelievable girl…is she a witch or is she a muggle…is she funny…smart maybe…decent cook…good shag…is her nose dead center” Harry smiled at Ron's method of questioning before he answered him. “She's completely amazing; she's a witch…muggleborn…she's got a great sense of humor and she's brilliant…very good cook and she's bloody gorgeous…not to mention we can talk about absolutely anything…Ron she rearranged her closet and the cupboards in her loo to make room for my things…I can't stand to be away from her and when I'm around her I can barely think…did I mention she's gorgeous” Ron nodded and patted Harry on the back. “Yeah mate you did…but you didn't answer my question about whether or not she's a good shag…so why haven't I met this amazing woman” Harry sighed and ran a hand through his ebony locks. “Well we've only been seeing each other a few months…we wanted to be sure something was really there before we let on to anyone…sorry I haven't said anything about this before” Ron waved off Harry's apology. “Its okay I knew something was up but I figured you'd tell me when you were ready…so seeing as how you're telling me about her I suppose you've sorted out your feelings for her” Harry nodded. “I'm in love with her Ron” “Blimey…you're in love with this bird” Harry nodded emphatically. “And even more amazing than me being in love with her is the fact that she's in love with me” “She told you that” “Yeah” “Bloody hell my best mate's in love…hold on…you aren't thinking of asking her to marry you are you” Harry stared at Ron's stricken expression and chewed his bottom lip. He loved Hermione there was no doubt about that and he was equally certain that she felt the same way about him but the thought of them getting married had never entered his mind. Of course when he envisioned his future Hermione was there at his side but until Ron had said the word `marry' he hadn't really thought about what her being there at his side truly entailed. Harry smiled to himself…if the truth were told he rather liked the sound of the name…Hermione Jane Potter. Ron stared at his best friend of twelve years and watched as the most ridiculously happy smile he'd ever seen came over Harry's face he was just about to ask what in the name of Circe had him smiling like some daft git when the voice of their coach Darnley Cromwell rang through the room. “Potter in my office now…the rest of you lot get to your respective strategy sessions” Ron speared Harry with a questioning gaze to which Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Ron watched as Harry disappeared through Cromwell's office door. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry stared at the front page of the *Simmering Cauldron* with an expression of complete and total shock; there staring back at him was a picture of himself and Hermione kissing outside of her flat this morning. After all their careful planning and strategizing to never appear as anything more than friends out in public one moment's lack of care had exposed everything. Cromwell's gravelly voice pierced its way into Harry's thoughts. “This picture's bound to be on the cover of every bloody wizard paper or magazine there is by now…the pitch is already crawling with reporters and photographers trying for a glimpse of you…I'm holding strategy sessions for all the guys today to keep some of the fray down…figured you and your lady friend might need a moment to compose yourselves considering the circumstances…why don't you take some time off until the commotion dies down…nothing we're doing here that you don't already have a lock on” Harry nodded numbly as he rose from his seat mumbled a tense thank you and quickly left the office. He hurriedly changed out of his practice robes and donned his clothes from earlier that morning. Stuffing everything into his bag he exhaled deeply as he apparated to the Ministry of Magic. Harry arrived at Hermione's office and found her in the company of her departmental assistant Maude Titmarsh, her colleagues Padma Patil and Penelope Clearwater-Weasley and their departmental supervisor Percy Weasley. Percy was pacing back and forth speaking in a panic-stricken voice. “Honestly Hermione of all the times for you to go off and let your personal life get in the way of things you chose the time when I need you most…” Penelope cut in. “Really Percy be reasonable its not as if she's done this on purpose” Percy ignored Penelope's declaration and continued his frantic soliloquy. “For the love of Merlin there are reporters all over the Ministry…badgering the staff of this and every other department for statements on your relationship with Harry…which I forbid all of you to give…no talking to anyone in the press is that understood…” Maude, Penelope and Padma exchanged exasperated glances but nodded to signify their understanding all the same. Percy resumed his pacing and speaking to the room at large. “And the poor Bulgarian representative is being hounded endlessly as it seems he is a quite close friend of the Krum family…really Hermione what were you thinking” Hermione replied brusquely. “That my personal affairs are just that …personal” Percy stopped pacing and stared at her disbelievingly. “You know for someone who is touted to be so bloody brilliant you are acting the part of a daft twit surprisingly well” Harry spoke through clinched teeth as he responded to Percy's barb in reference to Hermione. “Percy…I tolerate you out of love for Ron, Molly and Arthur but say one more word to Hermione like that and you'll find out firsthand what I can do when I'm angry” Everyone turned towards the door stunned to see Harry standing there. Percy and Padma spoke simultaneously. “Ha…Harry…I…I…what are you doing here” “How is it that you can apparate without making a sound” Satisfied that Percy was sufficiently subdued Harry disregarded both Padma and Percy's queries and turned his attentions to Hermione. “Are you all right” Hermione nodded and replied. “I'm perfectly fine…with the exception of it being my fault that all Ministry business has ground to a halt” Harry smiled apologetically. “Llewellyn Field is swarming with them too…Cromwell thought it best if I begged off practice until this thing dies down…” Harry paused as he heard Ministry Security scuffling outside Hermione's office with what sounded like at least a dozen reporters and photographers. Harry returned his attention to Hermione and said. “Judging from the sound of things out there I imagine lying low might be the best course of action for you as well” At Harry's suggestion that Hermione go into hiding Percy once again found his voice. “No Hermione you can't leave…our guests from the visiting Ministries are here…we have meetings to conduct and reports to present…I can't possibly do all this alone” Harry was about to tell Percy to sod off when Penelope stepped in. “Padma and I are more than capable of filling in for Hermione… we are a team after all not to mention the fact that she's left detailed notes” Padma chimed in. “And we've been communicating back and forth on this project for ages so we all know what needs doing and if we get lost on any point I'm sure Maude could sort us out straight away” Maude added in. “Of course I'll be more than happy to help however I can” Seeing they nearly had him won over Penelope walked over to her husband and slipped her hand into his and said. “This way we can get all of these blasted media people out of the Ministry offices and get back to work…something that I'm sure the Minster himself would be more than pleased about…I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't thank you personally for handling the situation in such a timely manner” Percy straightened at the mere mention of the Minster of Magic. In as lofty a voice as he could muster Percy turned to Hermione and said. “I want you to take off the rest of the week until things calm down a bit…I expect all this will have blown over by Friday and so quite naturally I ask that you attend the gala for our guests on Friday evening…I'll make your apologizes for missing today's meetings” Hermione indicated her agreement and appreciation of Percy's words with a nod of her head. Percy excused himself to as he put it “handle the press”. Hermione then turned to Padma, Penelope and Maude and hugging each of them in turn said thank you. Maude turned to Harry with a smile and said. “Take good care of our girl” Harry replied. “I will…I promise” As the trio exited the room Hermione gathered her things and posed a question to Harry. “Exactly where are we going to go…I imagine that just as many reporters are at our flats as there are here and at the Quidditch pitch…and I'm sure your cottage in Appleton and the Glynnmoor estate are similarly being watched” Harry smiled as he took Hermione's right hand in his left and said simply. “We're going to the safest place I know” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry and Hermione appeared in the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place with a deafening pop. The table in front of them held tea and sandwiches. The doors swung open and Remus strode through them. His movements where slower than usual no doubt due to his recent illness but his cheeks held a healthier tint than the last time Harry had seen him. Remus was the first of the three to speak. “Ahh…you've made it then have you…well go on have a seat I had Winky to whip up a little something before I sent her off I thought you may be a bit hungry given the events of the day” Harry and Hermione complied obediently and sat down at the table as Remus busied himself pouring tea. “I took the liberty of sending Winky to your flat Hermione and Dobby to yours Harry to collect some of your personal effects I thought that might make your stay here more comfortable…they are also putting up some more virulent wards and repelling spells to keep some of the more wily members of the press out. And I've dispatched Tonks to inform your parents, Hermione, and Molly and Arthur of your location and the nature of the situation. I expect they will all be along shortly” Harry stared at Remus and asked. “Is there anything you haven't thought of” Remus smiled and answered. “Tuck in” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron emerged from his morning strategy session to find that Coach Cromwell had ordered lunch for the entire team. But unlike his teammates Ron had absolutely no interest in the tables packed with food he was too busy looking for Harry to be worried about food. Something was definitely up…why had Cromwell changed the practice schedule just days before a match especially considering that they were squaring off against one of the only other undefeated teams in the European league…and why had he wanted to see Harry alone…what was so bloody urgent…and where the hell was Harry now? Ron took a seat along the wall facing the door that way he'd be sure to see Harry as soon as he walked through the door and hopefully get some answers to some of the questions rolling about his brain. Not knowing how long a wait he'd have Ron aimlessly picked up the afternoon edition of *The Daily Prophet* he saw lying on the seat next to him. Must be some big news to print a noon edition of the paper. Ron flipped the paper over and nearly toppled off his chair at the site that greeted him. There on the front page of *The Daily Prophet* was a picture of two of the people who meant most to him in the world caught in an obviously intimate moment. Ron blinked several times before closing his eyes and shaking his head to clear it. His eyes must be playing tricks on him as what he thought he'd seen on the front page of the paper could not possibly be real. Slowly Ron opened his eyes and the reality of what he was seeing slammed into him like a blow from a bludger. There on the front page of *The Daily Prophet* under the title **`Just Friends'** was a picture of Harry and Hermione kissing. --> 13. Bloody, Bruised and Broken ------------------------------ **Bloody, Bruised and** **Broken** Harry, Hermione and Remus had finished their lunch and retired to the upstairs lounge by the time Tonks returned with the Grangers and the Weasleys in tow; their presence was announced by Tonks' trademark exclamation of `Wotcher' followed promptly by her crashing into the coat rack by the door which knocked into the vase on the hall table that Tonks attempted to catch but missed instead and somehow managed to pull the table and coat rack onto the floor on top of herself. Remus, Hermione and Harry rushed back downstairs. Hermione and Harry greeted her parents and the Weasleys while Remus extricated Tonks for the heaping pile of debris she had created in the middle of the foyer. Having set Tonks firmly on her feet in an area devoid of fragile objects Remus pulled his wand from his robe pocket and repaired the broken vase, table and coat rack. Tonks eyed Remus sheepishly and said. “Sorry” Remus smiled indulgently. “Its quite all right Tonks no permanent harm has been done…Molly, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Granger welcome…I trust your trip was uneventful” Hermione's father was the first to speak. “Everything went along fine Mr. Lupin and please there is no need for such formality its Thaddeus and Olivia” Remus nodded. “Very well then…please call me Remus” Thaddeus Granger nodded then turned his attention to his daughter and asked. “Poppet what is all this about you having to leave work and come here…is something the matter” Hermione walked over to where her parents were standing and took each of their hands in her own. “Daddy nothing is wrong…as you can see I'm perfectly fine…” Olivia Granger cut in. “Then why are we here darling” Hermione squeezed her mother's hand and replied. “We just wanted to be sure that no one from the press was giving you a hard time…” Seeing the questioning look in both her parents' eyes she quickly continued. “The wizarding press has gotten wind of the fact that Harry and I are dating…every wizard publication in Europe probably has it as their lead story by now…being that anything and/or anyone associated with Harry is such a big news story we thought it might be a good idea to move you out of…ummm…er…curiosity's way…” Thaddeus looked at his daughter and asked. “What do you mean by…move us out of curiosity's way” Hermione turned to Harry and motioned for him to hand her the growing stack of publications Socrates and Hedwig were bringing back to Grimmauld Place. Hermione handed the papers and magazines to her parents and watched the stunned looks that crossed their faces. When she felt Harry's hand close around her own and gently draw her to his side she felt some of the anxiety she had been feeling begin to ebb away as Harry sighed deeply and took over the job of explaining things. He described as best he knew how about the wizarding press' fascination with his life, particularly his love life. He explained how his defeating Voldemort had made him the wizarding world's most celebrated hero and how he and the people closest to him were endlessly scrutinized. More than once he noticed the looks of shock that played across the faces of Hermione's parents; obviously there were a great number of things about her exploits in the wizarding world that Hermione had neglected to tell her parents. Harry finished his explanations and the room seemed eerily silent. Thaddeus looked at Harry with a strange expression marring his face; he extended his hand to Harry and said. “It seems that my wife and I owe you a great deal of thanks for the many times you have taken care of our daughter” Harry clasped Hermione's father's hand in his own and replied. “Its me who owes you a great deal of thanks Hermione's quick thinking has saved my arse more times than I care to count” Thaddeus shook Harry's hand vigorously as Arthur and Molly Weasley joined the conversation. Molly spoke first. “Well now I understand the sudden interest you two took in doing the washing up after Sunday dinner” At Molly's words both Hermione and Harry's faces took on decidedly Weasleyesque hues. Hermione replied. “Molly I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner but…well… we were just getting used to the idea ourselves and we thought it might be better to wait until we were certain of our feelings for one another before we told anyone anything” Molly smiled. “Hermione dear there is nothing for you to be sorry about…we think its lovely that you and Harry found each other” Arthur agreed. “Molly's right…we're very happy for the two of you…but I have to admit that I am a bit amazed that you were able to keep it a secret from everyone…how in the name of Merlin did you manage that” Harry answered. “Well it wasn't a complete secret…seems Remus had an inkling that Hermione and I cared for each other as more than just friends…so when I came to him for advice he encouraged me to tell Hermione how I truly felt…and Ginny sussed us out after our first date” “She did…she never said a word to me about any of it” Molly exclaimed. Olivia cut in. “My daughter probably swore her to silence…Thad and I knew she was seeing someone but we only just found out who a week or so ago when I happened to be at Hermione's when Harry came to call…now that the papers have gotten wind of the relationship perhaps we could get some details” Harry and Hermione found themselves staring at the expectant faces of their families waiting to hear the details of their getting together. Acquiescent to the request of those nearest and dearest to them they began taking it in turns recounting how it happened that they had gotten together careful to avoid telling the racy bits. Molly, Arthur, Thaddeus, Olivia, Tonks and Remus all seemed rather amused by the story and Harry and Hermione soon realized that Remus was not the only person close to them who had suspected that their friendship ran deeper than they had ever admitted. Harry was dumbstruck by the revelation. “Hang on…the lot of you have suspected this all along” Tonks, Molly and Olivia replied with a unanimous expression of girlish giggles. Which strongly reminded Harry of his days at Hogwarts and the constant whispers and giggles of Lavender Brown and Pavrati Patil whenever they had seen he and Hermione minus Ron. He scratched his head in bewilderment. Remus smiled and said. “It was not exactly hard to figure out that there was more to you two than what was on the surface” “Really” Harry quizzed. Arthur moved his head up and down in agreement and added. “There seems to be an unspoken understanding between the two of you…its almost as if you know what the other is thinking before they do” Molly offered her husband some support. “That's true…there is an intensity between you that's hard to miss” Again Harry scratched his head making his wild mop of hair even wilder. Sensing his clueless-ness Hermione leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek and said. “They are saying that they think we are a cute couple” Harry smiled and turned to face her and said. “Just cute…I was thinking something along the lines of stunning” Arthur spoke again. “So what does Ron think of all this” Harry turned back to Arthur and expelled a heavy sigh. “I have no idea…we were talking this morning and I was just about to tell him when Cromwell called me into his office and showed me the morning's headlines…I left so fast we never got a chance to finish our conversation…he had cottoned on to the fact that I was seeing someone I just never got around to telling him who” Hermione chimed. “I'm sure Ron will be fine about Harry and I being together…he may be a tad narked that we didn't tell him from the start but I'm sure he'll understand why we kept quiet about it…funny you were about to tell him today…I nearly told him myself Saturday” Harry turned around so quickly that he nearly cricked his neck. “Saturday” Hermione nodded. “Yes Saturday…we went to dinner and bummed around a bit…” Hermione's voice faded from Harry's consciousness and was replaced by Ron's voice telling him about the date he'd gone on with the witch he was interested in…the witch that Harry had been encouraging him to ask out for the past few weeks. The witch Ron was interested in couldn't be Hermione…could it? Harry shook his head to clear his thoughts and focused in on what Hermione was saying. She was telling everyone about Ron eating everything in sight at the carnival they'd gone to. “I can not for the life of me understand where he puts all that food he eats…I mean honestly we'd just had dinner how could he have room for anymore food. Once I got him away from the food we tried our hand at a few games, I told him how you used to win me teddy bears Daddy and he walked around until he found a booth and won one for me” As Hermione spoke those words Harry's stomach plummeted to his feet. Slowly he rose to his feet and shakily headed in the direction of the below stairs kitchen. Remus called after him, Harry presumed to ask where he was going. Harry mumbled something about needing a drink and disappeared through the doors leading to the kitchen. Once inside the kitchen Harry went straight to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle of Ogden's Fire Whiskey Remus kept there. Quickly he filled his glass and took the liquid down in one swallow before immediately refilling his glass. Ron fancied Hermione…that couldn't be right…he had to be wrong about this…there had to be some other explaination. Harry's mind drifted to the talk he and Ron had had several months ago…Ron had said he'd liked this witch for a while but that she had been seeing someone else and now that she was single he'd noticed some strange things happening when they were together. Harry concentrated on the things that Ron had said to him…he had said that she blushed when she was around him and when she found out he'd made the national team she had hugged him close and kissed him. Harry shook his head miserably as he realized that Ron had clearly been misinterpreting Hermione's actions. Everything that Ron had taken as a sign that Hermione fancied him had been done to cover up Hermione's relationship with him. The puzzle that had been Ron's strange behavior of late began to fit into place…his being upset about the idea of Hermione going out with someone, his frantic attempts to sort out the row between Hermione and Ginny, his unease around her whenever the three of them were together…suddenly it all made perfect sense…Ron had done all those things because he was interested in Hermione. And now, quite possibly at this very moment, he was finding out that the woman he fancied; a woman who also happened to be one of his best friends had been carrying on with their mutual best mate for months from the cover of some sodding newspaper. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione cast a concerned glance in the direction of the kitchen. Harry had been gone for quite some time; he hadn't seemed entirely himself when he'd gone off either. Hermione wondered if he was all right. She was about to excuse herself to make sure everything was fine when three successive pops alerted her to the fact that someone had just arrived. Hermione looked up and saw Winky and Dobby each carrying an overnight bag. Dobby spoke to Remus. “Mr. Remus sir, Winky and I is collecting Mr. Harry and Ms. Hermione's things and putting stronger wards around like you is telling us to…we happened to be running into Ms. Ginny and brought her back with us” Hermione looked behind Winky and saw Ginny standing there with an overwrought expression on her face. Remus replied. “Thank you Dobby…you can put Harry and Hermione's things upstairs …Ginny please have a seat” Dobby nodded. “Yes Mr. Remus sir” Winky and Dobby disappeared up the stairs while Ginny shrugged out of her cloak, greeted everyone in the room and hurriedly planted kisses on the cheeks of her parents before she looked to Hermione and said. “Can I steal you away for a moment…its…ummm…really important” Hermione again took notice of the look on Ginny's face as she nodded affirmatively and gestured towards the stairs. “Of course” Hermione and Ginny excused themselves and went into the upstairs lounge and closed the door behind them. Hermione was about to ask Ginny what was wrong when Ginny abruptly asked. “Where's Harry” Hermione raised an eyebrow in confusion as she answered. “In the kitchen” Ginny posed another question. “And Ron” Hermione shook her head and replied. “I imagine he's still at practice” Ginny nodded frenetically. “Yes…yes…he'll be at practice just now…but he's bound to have heard about you and Harry by now…he'll be in such a towering temper…” Hermione stared at Ginny in utter confusion as she blathered on nonsensically. “Ginny what on earth are you going on about…why would Ron be in a temper over Harry and I” Ginny turned to Hermione and said. “I think you'd better sit down I have something to tell you…something I should have told you a long time ago…” Hermione was about to ask Ginny why she was being so cryptic when they heard a thunderous crash coming from the kitchen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry poured himself a third glass of fire whiskey; how in the name of Merlin was he going to explain to Ron how he and Hermione had become a couple. He was so consumed with thoughts of his best mate that he did not realize that the scowling redhead emerging from the kitchen fireplace was actually Ron and not a creation of his imaginings until Ron's fist smashed into the right side of his face and sent him soaring across the table. Harry crashed into the cupboards lining the wall underneath the sink, the bottle of fire whiskey he'd been drinking from tottered onto the floor and splintered into a thousand glittering pieces. Harry wiped at the stream of blood trickling form his nose with the back of his hand as he staggered to his feet. Harry shook his head to clear it. But just as he righted himself and stumbled back to the table Harry felt another crushing blow connect with his midsection that sent him reeling backward into the cupboards again. Immediately following the second punch Harry's whiskey addled brain cleared and he instantly went on the defensive and adroitly avoided a third blow Ron sent his way. Harry bellowed at the top of his voice. “RON…” Ron roared in reply. “SHUT IT YOU BASTARD” Harry clenched his jaw tightly if this had been anyone other than Ron he'd have hexed them to within an inch of their lives by now. Harry tried to reason with Ron once again. “RON…YOU JUST NEED TO CALM DOWN…” Ron emitted a growl of frustration and charged at Harry for the fourth time. Harry had no desire to hurt his best friend but he had no intention of being his punching bag either. He deftly sidestepped a punch aimed at his stomach. Ron recovered quickly and Harry acting on reflex struck Ron directly in his left eye. The blow Harry dealt him sent Ron careening into the glass cupboard that held the dishes; pieces of broken glass and fragments of dishes covered the floor. The noise from Harry and Ron crashing into the cupboards coupled with their raised voices alerted the rest of the inhabitants of Grimmauld Place to the fact that something was amiss. Hermione and Ginny came racing down the stairs and headed straight for the kitchen with their parents, Remus and Tonks following close on their heels. They entered the kitchen to find Ron and Harry rolling about on the floor lobbing punches at each other. Hermione started for the two flailing bodies on the floor but was brought up short by her father's arms around her waist pulling her back. As her father held her back Hermione shrieked at Ron and Harry. “HARRY…RON…STOP IT…STOP IT THIS INSTANT” Remus and Arthur plowed their way into the kitchen and pulled Harry and Ron apart. Arthur took a quick glance around the room; took in the turned over table and chairs, the broken glass, the splintered cupboards and Harry and Ron's bloody and bruised faces and asked. “WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN IS GOING ON” Ron glared at the man he had called his best friend for the better part of twelve years with a look akin to loathing as Harry withdrew himself from Remus' grasp, picked up one of the overturned chairs, sat down and set about wiping at the stream of blood that was flowing steadily from his nose. Hermione wrenched herself out of her father's arms and stalked angrily into the kitchen and over to the sink. She dampened two towels and handed one of them to Ginny who had followed her into the kitchen. Ron fumed inwardly as he watched Hermione kneel down at Harry's side and press the towel against his nose in an attempt to staunch the flow of blood. Again Arthur inquired about what had happened, his voice was considerably lower this time. “I'll ask again…what happened here” Ron felt himself being pulled down into a seat, looking around he saw his mother at his side. Molly took the towel from her daughter's hands and began to dab at Ron's cut and bruised skin. Ron batted his mother's hands away and resumed his staring at Harry and Hermione. His voice sounded strained and bitter when he spoke to Harry. “WAS IT FUN FOR YOU…DID YOU HAVE A BIG LAUGH OVER THE GREAT STONKING PRAT I WAS MAKING OF MYSELF” Harry rose from his seat and replied through gritted teeth. “RON…IT…WAS…NOT…LIKE…THAT” “AND HOW WAS IT THEN EH HARRY…YOU TELL ME HOW IT WAS” Hermione called to Ron. “RON… WHAT ARE YOU CARRYING ON ABOUT…” Ron turned around and stared at Hermione for a moment before turning back to Harry, he lowered his voice and said. “Don't ever speak to me again” With an angry crackle Ron disapparated. Harry sighed dejectedly and dropped his gaze to the glass-strewn floor. He felt Hermione's slender hand as it closed around his. Before she could speak Harry squeezed her hand and shook his head silently entreating her not to ask. Hermione directed Harry back into the chair he'd been sitting in and whispered. “Let's get you cleaned up” Remus ushered everyone from the room. Harry could hear Arthur and Molly apologizing profusely for Ron's actions followed by two quick pops. He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the chair. He needed to be alone. “You should make sure your parents are all right” “Mum and Dad are fine…you're the one who's hurt…” “You should check in on them…they'll be worried about you” “I'm worried about you…” Harry cut her off. “Hermione” His voice held a finality that she knew all too well. She placed the blood stained towel in his hand and quietly rose from the seat she'd taken beside him. Harry held her hand in his for a moment then brought it to his lips kissed it gently and whispered. “I love you” Hermione nodded bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I love you too” Having said that she turned and walked out of the room. Harry sat and stared at the broken fragments of glass and wood littering the floor; he pulled out his wand and uttered the incantation “reparo”. As he watched the broken dishes and cupboards right themselves he thought to himself how much easier things would be if broken friendships could be repaired so easily. --> 14. Things To Be Said --------------------- **Things To Be Said** Hermione wandered into the lounge to find her parents and Remus standing in the middle of the room whispering anxiously to each other, Tonks and Ginny were having a rather somber looking discussion in front of the fireplace. Hermione suddenly recalled Ginny desperately needing to speak with her earlier. Obviously Ginny's abrupt need to talk had something to do with what had gone on between Ron and Harry; squaring her shoulders Hermione started across the room towards Ginny and Tonks but was stopped by her parents and Remus. Olivia Granger stepped in front of her daughter and asked the anxiety in her voice was evident. “Hermione darling are you all right” Remus interjected. “Hermione is Harry all right” Thaddeus Granger rounded out the trio's questions with. “Poppet what are earth is going on…I thought Ron and Harry were friends…why were they fighting” Hermione sighed and paused long enough to fire off answers to the barrage of questions being hurled at her. “I'm perfectly fine Mum…Harry is fine as well unless you count the brooding he's doing right now…as for what caused all of this I have no idea…yet” Having said that Hermione turned on her heel and walked over to where Ginny and Tonks were standing. Tonks looked at Hermione nodded her head in the direction of the kitchen and asked. “Everything all right then” Hermione smiled half-heartedly and said. “As all right as things can be considering the circumstances” Tonks patted Hermione's shoulder understandingly. “I'm sure it'll blow over soon…well I best get going Kingsley'll be looking for me after much longer…see you two later” Tonks turned and headed over to Remus and the Grangers to say her other goodbyes. Ginny smiled nervously and said. “Guess I should be shoving off as well” Hermione glared at Ginny quite severely with a look that was worthy of Professor McGonagall and said. “Not until we've finished our chat” Hermione stepped aside and nodded towards the stairs. Ginny sighed and began the trek up the stairs and into the upstairs lounge with Hermione close behind her. Once they were inside the lounge Hermione closed the door and turning to Ginny said. “All right then what was all that about” Ginny attempted to compose her face into a perplexed expression but thought better of it and replied. “I'd guess that Ron found out about you and Harry seeing each other” Hermione frowned and asked. “And what does Ron finding out about Harry and I have to do with he and Harry fighting” Ginny replied frankly. “Considering the fact Ron fancies you himself and told Harry about it my guess would be that he feels a little betrayed” Hermione's eyes widened, she clutched at her collar with her left hand and her mouth flew open. “Wha…wha…what did you say” “I said that Ron fancies you…he always has…I thought you two would've got together back at Hogwarts but you ended up with Krum” Hermione walked slowly over to the couch and sat down. It was a well-known fact that for a time during their years at Hogwarts that she and Ron mutually harbored unspoken crushes on each other. Eventually as with most childhood crushes time proved them to be nothing more than friends. Not long after the trio had left Hogwarts and before Viktor had reentered her life Harry had asked Hermione why she and Ron had never gone out taking into account their apparent attraction to one another. Hermione had explained to him that she had grown to understand the true nature of her feelings for Ron and that they were not of the amorous sort. She told Harry that there was actually someone else; also a good friend, whom she cared for deeply, of course she had been referring to him but Harry had not caught on to the meaning of her declaration. Harry had not responded to her words he simply nodded and changed the subject instead. Believing that he had no romantic inclinations where she was concerned Hermione had allowed their relationship to continue on in the same vein as before and once Viktor came back into her life proclaiming his love for her she had taken it as what was meant to be. Hermione was brought back to the present moment by Ginny's hand on her shoulder gently shaking her. “Hermione…are you all right” Hermione sighed and nodded. “Ron fancies me…so this witch that he's been going on about…the one he's been telling Harry all about is me” Ginny bobbed her head up and down. “And you have known about this…Ron's feelings for me…from the start…that's why you were so against Harry and I as a couple…you were trying to stop Ron from being hurt” “That was one of my reasons” “One of your reasons…” “Hermione I don't think this is the time to get into any of this we should really be focusing on patching up this row between Ron and Harry” Hermione glared intently at Ginny and responded. “It seems to me that if you had been honest with me from the beginning Ron and Harry wouldn't be rowing right now…so I would really like to know what other reasons you had for wanting Harry and I apart” Hermione's voice held a steely edge that Ginny recognized as an unmistakably clear attempt to keep her temper in check. Ginny closed her eyes and slowly expelled a breath. “You're right I should have told you from the start how Ron felt about you but I was angry that you were carrying on with Harry and hadn't said a word to me about it…and I know I had no reason to be angry but I…I just thought…oh Hermione…” Ginny's voice trailed off as she lowered her gaze and stared at the carpet. Hermione sighed and said. “You were upset over Harry and I seeing each other because of you and Draco” Ginny's head snapped up and her eyes widened in surprise. “You know” Hermione nodded. “I know” “But how…” “I've known you a long time and it has been obvious to me for a very long time that something was bothering you about your relationship with Draco…I've been worried since you and Draco started dating that this plan of yours to keep everything a secret wasn't a good idea …you are so close to your family and hiding something this important from them has to be painfully difficult” Ginny shook her head mutely and absently wiped at an errant tear that was making its way down her cheek. Hermione grabbed her hand and said in a soothing voice. “You *are* in love with him then…” Ginny nodded. Hermione continued. “I imagine it must have hurt you seeing Harry and I so seriously involved and on the verge of going public when Draco still refuses to even entertain the idea of telling his mother about the two of you” Ginny squeezed Hermione's hand and began to speak. “I know it doesn't make sense…we have only been together a short while…but I love him so much…I just wanted to be with him so I told myself I could do things his way…I was so sure I could be everything he ever needed or wanted…he was honest about not wanting anyone to know about us from the very beginning and I went along with it at first…lying to him and myself about what I really wanted…but once I saw you and Harry building the kind of relationship I so desperately wanted to have with Draco…” Ginny paused and laughed humorlessly. “I convinced myself that all the things I felt were wrong with my relationship with Draco were wrong with Harry as well…like Draco wasn't capable of allowing himself to feel anything too deeply…I said it was the consequence of all those years fighting against who his father wanted him to be…I told myself that he obviously cared for me more than most of the witches he's carried on with in the past…at least he does say the words `I love you' even if he doesn't mean them…and I told myself that relationships like ours, secret relationships, had to be that way…then I saw you and Harry together and I really looked at you…and I could see something different…he loves you Hermione…he's truly in love with you…it's so obvious…it made me jealous and angry…I tried to tear you apart…I…I…I'm sorry…” Ginny's voice died down to a whisper and her shoulders shook as the tears flowed down her cheeks. Hermione wrapped her arms around Ginny and rocked her consolingly. “Its all right Ginny…” Ginny pulled from Hermione's embrace and asked. “How can you stand being near me right now…all of this is my fault…I knew how Ron would react to finding out about you and Harry…and I never said a word…not one bloody word…I could've stopped this…I could've told you…I…I…its all my fault” Hermione replied. “You can't blame yourself entirely for what's happened here…we all had a part in creating this mess. Yes you could have said something about how Ron felt just as easily as Harry and I could have said something about what was going on between us. And Merlin knows Ron could have told me how he truly felt…but none of us did that…we chose to keep our secrets…so we are all to blame…but none of that is important now…what matters now is sorting out all this rubbish…and I suppose you and I may as well start right here and now…” Ginny straightened her posture and said. “You're right we do need to start right now. Hermione I'm sorry…I was selfish and petty and I should have never tried to come between you and Harry…I should have been as good a friend to you as you have been to me…I hope you can forgive me” Hermione smiled. “Ginny of course I forgive give…and I'm sorry too…Harry and I should have been honest with all of you from the start” Ginny walked over to where Hermione was standing and hugged her tightly. “You and Harry have no reason to be sorry…no one can blame you for falling in love” Hermione nodded. “Let's hope Ron comes round to your way of thinking quick enough” “You're going to talk to him” “Someone has to and I don't think he and Harry are ready to try talking just yet” “What are you going to tell Harry…how are you going to get out of the house” “I am not going to tell Harry anything just yet…not before I sort out where Ron is in all of this…if I can make Ron understand hopefully I can stop this before it gets any worse” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione apparated into the lounge of Ron's London flat with a crackle, she stood still for a moment allowing time for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. A fire burned low in the fireplace casting a soft glow about the room. Directly in front of the fireplace stretched out in an oversized leather armchair was Ron. Three empty bottles of ale, an empty bottle of fire whiskey and another half-empty bottle of fire whiskey and a glass sat on the corner table beside the chair. Hermione slowly made her way across the room; she stopped halfway and taking a deep breath called out. “Ron” Ron stiffened in his chair straight away. The hand that had been hanging loosely over the arm of the chair suddenly flexed into a fist. He said nothing. Hermione spoke again. “Ron I wanted to come by and make sure you were all right…” Ron picked up the glass on the table and drained its contents still he said nothing. Hermione continued. “And…and to talk to you…a…about Harry and I” Hermione stopped speaking and waited for Ron to respond. When he spoke his speech was slightly slurred yet the anger he felt was evident. “Oh…so now you want to talk do you…” Hermione nodded her head vigorously then realized that with his back to her and the darkness of the room Ron could not possibly see her movements. She took a deep breath and replied. “Yes I wanted to talk because I think that we…” Ron cut her off. “Well I don't have one bloody word to say to you” “Ron I realize that you are upset but this is not the way to go about resolving your issues…” Ron ground out his words through gritted teeth. “Get…out” Hermione tried again. “Ron I…” Ron grabbed the bottle of fire whiskey on the table and foregoing the glass turned the bottle up to his lips and drained the contents in a single gulp and flinging the empty bottle into the fireplace roared. “GET…OUT” Hermione took a step backwards momentarily shocked by the sound of the glass exploding in the fireplace. Her momentary fright over, an infuriated grimace covered Hermione's face. Whipping out her wand Hermione cried. “Lumos Solara” Instantly the room blazed bright as if every light in the flat had been turned on, even the fire in the fireplace seemed to burn brighter. Hermione rounded on Ron who had angrily risen from his seat and hit him square in the chest with a combination silencing body-binding spell. Ron fell back into his chair helplessly unable to move or speak. “All right Ron you are going to listen to me whether you like it or not…I understand that you are upset with both Harry and I and I suppose that under the circumstances that is a reasonable reaction…I can only imagine how it must feel to find out that your two best friends have been seeing each other behind your back without ever saying a word to you about it…” Ron's eyes widened in astonishment at Hermione's words, that statement had to be the biggest understatement of all time. Hermione continued her soliloquy. “And I'm sorry that neither Harry or I told you what was happening between us but we were not sure of what was going on ourselves…everything just happened so fast…we scarcely had time to sort out what was going on let alone tell someone else what was happening between us…I suppose that's what happens when you fall in love suddenly…or in our case you suddenly admit that you're in love…” The angry glint in Ron's eyes turned to hurt and Hermione was certain Ron would have given anything to close his eyes to prevent her from seeing his pain if he could have. “I know it hurts you to hear this Ron but you have to know the truth…I'm in love with Harry…I have been for as long as I can remember…I can't explain to you why because I don't really know why…I just know that a part of me belongs to him in a way that it has never belonged to any other person on this earth…I wish I had known how you felt…if I had I could have spared you so much pain…you are so very important to me Ron and I'd never do anything to hurt you…I love you so much but not in the way that I love Harry…and I know that this is the absolute last thing you want to hear but you have to know that I've never had those kinds of feelings for you…and even if Harry and I were not together you and I would not be together either…so if you want to be angry with someone be angry with me…I'm the one who's hurt you not Harry…Harry would never do anything to hurt you Ron…he would rather have died first…none of this is his fault…so please if you have to hate someone hate me” Hermione took a steadying breath and pointing her wand at Ron released him from the spells she had hit him with earlier. Then without so much as a word she disapparated leaving Ron to think about what she'd said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione apparated into Harry's bedroom at Grimmauld Place to find him sitting on the edge of the bed awaiting her arrival. Glancing down at her watch she realized that it was well after midnight. She had been gone for hours. Hermione had told Remus to tell Harry that she was going to make sure that her parents got home safely. After performing disillusionment spells on her parents and herself they headed off to her parents cottage in Cambridge. Once she had seen them securely inside and assured them that she was and would be fine she headed over to Ron's. Following their debacle of a talk she had been so overwrought that she went to a play park down the street from her flat. The disillusionment spell she'd used earlier had prevented anyone from detecting her presence. She had sat down on a swing to compose herself; briefly she had contemplated spending the night in her own bed but the thought of Harry worrying over her absence prompted her to return to Grimmauld Place. The sound of Harry's voice brought Hermione back to the present moment. “You all right” Hermione nodded her head affirmatively. Harry spoke again. “I got worried when you didn't come back…I nearly rang your parents but I didn't want to upset them unnecessarily so I called at Ginny's and she told me rather reluctantly that you went to see Ron” Hermione came and sat down on the bed beside Harry and answered. “I wanted to explain this to him…I thought we owed him that much” Harry nodded his head wrapped his arms around her and repeated his prior question. “Are you all right” Hermione disentangled herself from Harry's embrace rose to her feet took his hand in hers and pulled him to his feet. “I'm fine now…just tired…and tomorrow's going to be a long day” Harry cocked his head to the side and queried. “Going back to work tomorrow eh” Hermione nodded. “I have no intentions of hiding from those vultures…I mean honestly its not as if we've done anything wrong…I'll not be driven into hiding just because the sodding press thinks our relationship is news-worthy” Harry pulled Hermione into his arms and kissed her slowly and passionately. When he broke the contact of their mouths Hermione asked. “What was that for” Harry shrugged and replied. “Just because I love you” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Draco Malfoy arrived at his girlfriend Ginny Weasley's flat in a near panic. She'd sent him an urgent owl beseeching him to come over right away. Draco had been in the middle of a dinner party at his mother's when the owl had arrived; the party was over for the most part considering the fact that it was nearly midnight but Draco knew his mother would expect him to stay until the end, he was after all the man of the manor. But it was so unlike Ginny to request his presence unexpectedly that he'd hastily donned his cloak and made his excuses to his mother and her guests, saying an urgent business matter had come up that he had to attend to personally and apparated right over. Draco raced down the hall and burst into the bedroom. Ginny was sitting in the middle of the bed hugging a pillow to her chest crying uncontrollably. Draco rushed to her side and drew her into his arms. He rocked her gently and stroked her back as he spoke soothingly to her. “Ginny…darling what in the name of Merlin is the matter…I came as soon as I got your owl…everything's all right now I'm here…it's all right” Ginny opened her mouth and tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled hiccupping sob. Draco pulled Ginny more tightly to him and whispered to her quietly to calm her down. He reached into his pocket and withdrew his wand and conjured a glass of water. He placed the glass to Ginny's lips and held it there as she slowly sipped the water and gradually calmed herself. Draco pulled her back into his arms and stroking her hair asked. “Feeling better” Ginny nodded, took a deep breath and replied in a small voice. “A little” Draco kissed the top of her head and continued. “Good…now tell me what's got you so worked up in the first place” Ginny sat up and stared at Draco. “Do you love me” Draco raised an eyebrow questioningly at Ginny and replied. “I'm here aren't I” Ginny tried again. “Yes you're here but are you in love with me I mean truly in love with me…” Draco cut her off. “Ginny does this have something to do with all those damn pictures of Potter and Granger that are plastered on the cover of every bloody paper known to wizard-kind…honestly love you can't let that fiasco upset you so…” Ginny snatched up the evening edition of the Prophet tossed it at Draco and interjected angrily. “WE ARE THAT FIASCO ON THE FRONT PAGE…HAVE YOU READ WHAT THEY'RE SAYING…” Ginny grabbed the paper that had fallen to the floor and began to read lines from it. “*UNLIKELY PAIRING*…*REPORTED TO HAVE BEEN JUST FRIENDS*…*CONCEALED RELATIONSHIP FROM FRIENDS AND FAMILY*…IT GOES ON AND ON LIKE THAT DRACO…TELL ME…HOW DIFFERENT WOULD THESE HEADLINES BE IF THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT YOU AND ME AND NOT HARRY AND HERMIONE” Ginny's words hung in the air for a moment before she resumed speaking in a lower voice. “Do you have any idea why Harry kept his relationship with Hermione a secret…he did it because he didn't want to turn her life upside down…he knew that we…the press…would have a bloody field day dissecting their lives and printing rubbish like this…” Ginny tossed the paper she'd been reading from back to the floor. “I watched them Draco…I watched them and it is so easy to see how in love they are with each other…I watched them getting closer and closer…and I got jealous…jealous because I wanted what they have” Draco stared at Ginny incredulously and asked. “You were jealous of Potter and Granger's relationship…what the bloody hell for” Ginny replied. “Because they have a chance Draco…when its all said and done they have a chance at making a life together because they knew at some point their relationship would be out in the open and their love is strong enough to get them through it…we don't have that Draco…we never have…I'll never be good enough for your mum and you'll never be man enough to risk losing your position in life for me” Ginny's voice died to a whisper. Draco pulled her into his arms again and tried to stop her from saying what he knew she was about to say. “Ginny…love…you've gotten yourself all worked up over nothing and I think you really need to just calm down…” Ginny shook her head sadly and stepped out of Draco's embrace. “Draco…do you love me” “Yes” “Then we can stop this hiding” “Ginny it isn't that simple” “Yes Draco it is if you want it to be” Draco ran a hand through his hair. “Ginny you know how complicated this is for me…” Ginny held a finger to Draco's lips and stilled his words. “I love you more than anyone in this world Draco but I can't go on like this…I just can't…goodbye Draco” Ginny placed a gentle kiss to Draco's lips before turning and walking to the door. Draco attempted to speak but words failed him. Slowly he crossed the short distance to the door and stepped across its threshold as Ginny closed the bedroom door Draco heard the soft click of the lock. He hung his head and apparated home. --> 15. Out In The Open ------------------- **Out In The Open** Harry walked into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place bright and early Tuesday morning to find Remus Lupin sitting at the kitchen table reading the morning edition of the Daily Prophet while having his breakfast. “Morning” Remus looked up to greet Harry and was shocked when he caught sight of Harry's Quidditch practice robes. Remus laid down his paper and said. “Good morning” Harry went to the cupboard to retrieve a mug for himself while Remus set about filling two plates with kippers, eggs, mushrooms, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade. Harry poured himself a cup of tea. Harry took a long sip from his cup before he lowered himself into a seat at the table. Spearing a kipper with his fork and popping it into his mouth Harry gestured towards the paper Remus had discreetly folded and tucked out of sight and asked. “How bad is it” Remus placed the paper back onto the table and slid it over to Harry. “Not too bad…its mostly just any pictures they could find of the pair of you together and a recap of yesterday's story…considering that no one who knows anything will talk to them they really have nothing worth printing I suppose” Harry nodded mechanically as Remus continued. “Although *Witch Weekly* and a few other publications have taken a rather…er…shall we say novel approach” Harry stopped eating and asked. “What'd they do” Remus pulled out rolled up copies of *Witch Weekly* and *The Simmering Cauldron* and handed them to Harry. Somewhat reluctantly Harry took the magazines from Remus' grasp and unraveled them. Situated on the cover of *The Simmering Cauldron*, dead center was a picture of his own smiling face surrounding it were pictures of various witches he'd dated at some point in time; her royal Highness Principessa Andrea Antonio D'Onoforio, Wizarding World News anchor witch Persephone Radcliffe, Tutshill Tornados seeker Cho Chang and of course there was Hermione. The magazine bore the legend: **`The Women of Harry Potter'** Along the bottom of the cover were the words: **`The Truth About The Women in Harry Potter's Life: Love, Secrets and Lies'** **`How Long Has This Been Going On: An Exclusive Interview with Seeker Cho Chang Reveals The Truth About Harry Potter and Hermione Granger His One True Love and Their Secret Seven Year Love Affair'** Harry shook his head and shoving the *Cauldron* aside picked up the copy of *Witch Weekly* Remus had given him. On the cover was a picture of Hermione; a radiant smile was playing across her face; the headline read: **`Hermione Granger…Beauty, Brains and Harry Potter…An In-depth Look at What This Witch Has On The Rest Of Us'** Harry groaned and asked. “Are they all like this” Remus shook his head and answered. “As I said before most of it is just a reprint of what was written yesterday…it's just a few that have taken to writing their own versions of events” Silence enveloped the room for a moment before Remus spoke again. “Decided to brave the dragon's liar again I see” Harry summoned the kettle from the stove with his wand and poured himself another cup of tea and refilled his plate before responding. “Not much point in staying here really…the press is going to print whatever the bloody hell they want whether we stay holed up here or not. Plus there is the small matter of our match against Ireland on Saturday. I can't shirk my responsibilities as seeker for the National team because of a bit of attention from the press. And I'd go nutters if I had to stay cooped-up with nothing to do all day” Remus laughed. “I presume Hermione is going to work as well” No sooner than the words had left Remus' mouth Hermione appeared in the doorway of the kitchen dressed in her official black Ministry of Magic Robes. “Good morning…that would be correct Remus…I am going in to the office today” Hermione strode over to the table and planted kisses on both Harry and Remus' cheeks before striding over to the cupboard for a cup. Hermione returned to the table and took a seat next to Harry who set a plate of food down in front of her. Hermione muttered thank you as she slathered butter and marmalade on her toast. Out of the corner of her eye Hermione caught a glimpse of her own face staring happily up at her. Setting her uneaten toast back on her plate Hermione picked up the copy of *Witch Weekly* that Harry had tossed aside several minutes before. Remus and Harry stared at each other unsure of what her reaction would be. Hermione stared at the magazine for a moment before setting it back down and saying. “At least they chose a flattering picture this time” Hermione retrieved her toast and took a bite as Harry and Remus laughed at her apparent indifference over the magazine headlines. They spent the remainder of breakfast laughing at Harry's incredulousness over the *Cauldron* article featuring Cho Chang. Harry could not for the life of himself understand why Cho was still so upset over their disastrous Valentine's Day date and what Hermione had done to Marietta Edgecombe's face following Marietta's betrayal of the DA to Umbridge in their fifth year. As they cleared the table of the breakfast dishes Harry glanced down at his watch and said. “I had better get going or I'm going to be late” Hermione checked the time and saw that Harry had at least an hour before practice started. “Sweetie…you have more than an hour before practice starts” “I know…but Ron and I like to get in some early morning flying on Tuesdays and Thursdays…I thought I might try to get a word before the rest of the team gets there” Hermione eyed Harry questioningly. “Do you really think that's such a good idea…I had to hex him to get him to sit still and listen to me…and after last night…well…I'm not sure the two of you should be left alone” Hermione tenderly ran a hand over Harry's faintly bruised cheek. Harry turned his head and clasping her hand between his hand and his lips kissed her open palm. “Love…I've got to talk to him sooner or later…and the sooner the better…the press would just love to find out that my best mate and I aren't speaking on account of his being keen on my girlfriend…something like that'd be awful for the team…I've got to make him see sense…no need in letting this get any more out of control than it already has” Hermione nodded her head and sighed. “I know you're right…but I do not want you two fighting again…and I'm afraid that that is exactly what is going to happen…Ron is so angry right now…the daft git has got it into his thick head that we did this on purpose…” Harry pulled Hermione into his arms and held her gently to him. “Everything will be fine…we won't come to blows…I promise…trust me…all right” Hermione looked up at Harry and smiled feebly. “Well go on then I don't want you to be late on my account” Harry smiled and kissing her quickly on the cheek snatched up his Quidditch bag and disapparated with a crackling pop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry arrived at Llellewyn Field to find the locker room completely empty. Maybe Ron was already on the pitch flying. Harry waved his wand and opened his locker, he opened his duffle bag and grabbed his gloves and boots. After slipping them on he pulled out his beloved Firebolt and set his bag inside his locker. Just as he was closing the door to his locker he heard an angry grunt coming from behind him. Harry turned around and saw Ron glaring at him furiously. Harry set his broom down on the bench before him and spoke. “All right Ron” Ron said nothing he merely pushed past Harry to his own locker slamming his bag down on the bench as he went. Ron opened his bag then he wrenched open his locker door very nearly separating it from its hinges and began emptying it of its contents. Catching on to what Ron was obviously doing Harry expelled a frustrated sigh and said. “Ron you can't switch lockers” Ron stared at Harry as if he'd just sprouted a hippogriff's head out of the side of his neck and sputtered crossly. “I can't switch lockers…I can do whatever I damn well please” Ron turned and resumed his packing. Harry spoke again more forcefully. “Ron I'm not letting you switch lockers” Ron's face went a dangerous shade of red as he looked at Harry. It was clear how badly he wanted to tear into him at that moment. And if the truth were told Harry was just as eager for the chance to knock some sense into Ron's thick skull but remembering his promise to Hermione he said. “I'm not trying to tell you what to do here Ron…I know you're angry with me but there are other things to consider here…no matter how narked you are with me over my relationship with Hermione we are still teammates…” Ron eyed Harry suspiciously but said nothing. Taking that as a positive sign Harry continued speaking. “No matter what has happened between us we have an obligation to this team to make sure that we don't jeopardize our chances of winning the cup…we can't let our disagreement affect the whole damn team…and your switching lockers would raise a whole lot of questions that neither of us wants to answer at the moment” Ron grudgingly admitted that Harry was right. He stopped emptying his locker and said. “I`ll do it for the sake of the team…as long as we're here I'll be civil but outside of practice, games and any other team functions I've nothing to say to you…understand” Harry inclined his head shortly to indicate that he accepted Ron's conditions. Ron turned back to his bag and began transferring his belongings from his bag back into his locker. Harry watched him for a second before he spoke. “I didn't know Ron…” Ron looked back at Harry. “I honestly didn't know that Hermione was the witch you were talking about…if I had I…I…I…” Harry's voice faltered and Ron angrily cut in. “YOU WHAT HARRY…YOU WOULDN'T HAVE ASKED HER OUT…YOU WOULDN'T HAVE KISSED HER…YOU WOULDN'T HAVE SHAGGED HER…YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HID THE RELATIONSHIP FROM ME FOR THREE BLOODY MONTHS…YOU WOULDN'T HAVE MADE ME LOOK A DAMN FOOL…TELL ME HARRY WHAT WOULD'VE BEEN DIFFERENT…WHAT” Harry replied hotly. “NOBODY SET OUT TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL RON…NEITHER ME OR HERMIONE INTENDED TO HURT YOU…THINGS JUST HAPPENED” Ron spat back at Harry. “OH THINGS JUST HAPPEN DO THEY…WELL HOW DID IT HAPPEN THAT YOU ENDED UP WITH HERMIONE WHEN EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT I'VE CARED FOR HER SINCE HOGWARTS…HOW IS IT THAT THE WHOLE BLOODY WORLD KNEW THAT BUT MY SO CALLED BEST MATE DIDN'T HAVE A CLUE” Harry sighed and asked. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME RON…DO YOU WANT ME TO BEG…OR MAYBE YOU'D PREFER TO HAVE THE WORDS *TRAITOROUS BASTARD* PERMANENTLY HEXED ACROSS MY FOREHEAD…WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO MAKE YOU SEE SENSE” Ron answered. “YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU CAN DO…YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW…” Harry nodded. “STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME” Having said that Ron snatched up his broom and thundered out of the locker room and out onto the pitch. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hermione drummed her fingers on the table unconsciously. She was stuck in one of Percy's ridiculous briefings. Presently he was droning on and on about the changes he wanted to make to the menu for Friday's ball, before that he'd been going on about decorating the head tables in the colors of each of the visiting dignitaries national colors. Padma Patil looked at Hermione pulled a face and rolled her eyes skyward as Percy continued his listing of national dishes he wanted prepared for the ball. Hermione suppressed a giggle, she understood exactly how Padma felt. Listening to Percy's monotonously tedious rantings often had that kind of effect on people. Upon arriving at the office that morning and learning that she was to sit through one of Percy's boring briefings she had nearly gone back home. A thought that she had nearly acted on when she had walked into her own office and found Rita Skeeter waiting for her. Maude had apologized profusely as she had no idea how Rita could have gotten past her. Hermione had told Maude that everything was fine before sending her back to her own desk. Hermione surmised that Rita had turned into her animagus form of a beetle and scuttled underneath the closed door. Naturally Rita had wanted an interview, which Hermione had refused to do but Rita being her usual vile self hadn't given up without a fight. In the end Hermione had had to threaten Rita with revealing her animagus secret to get her out of her office. Hermione wondered how Harry's day was going. Were reporters ambushing him as well? Had he spoken to Ron and sorted things out? Hermione was brought back to the present moment by Percy's voice. “Are there any questions” When no one said anything Percy smiled sanctimoniously and responded. “Very well then we'll break for lunch” Everyone hopped up from the conference table and hurried to their individual offices before Percy thought of something else to say. Just as she reached her office door Padma called out to her. “Hermione want to grab a bite to eat” Hermione shook her head and replied. “Thanks Padma but I have other plans…how about some time next week when all this nonsense has died down ” Padma smiled and nodded. “Next week it is then” Seeing that Maude was not at her desk Hermione stopped jotted down a quick note to her letting her know where she was headed in case she was needed then strode into her office grabbed her purse and slipped into her cloak and apparated to Ginny's office at the Daily Prophet. Ginny was sitting behind her desk quill in hand busily writing. Hermione called out. “Big story” Ginny looked up and a smile spread across her face. “Hermione what in the name of Merlin are you doing here” “Attempting to have lunch with my best friend” Ginny glanced at the clock on her desk a surprised expression on her face. “I had no idea it was lunch time already” Hermione walked over to Ginny's desk and took a seat. “You haven't just sat through a three hour briefing with Percy so I would not expect you to have a concept of how slowly time has been moving” Ginny burst into uproarious giggles as Hermione said. “Only Percy could extend a briefing to three hours…it amazes me how he completely ignores the clear definition of the word brief…” As her laughter subsided Ginny asked. “So you went in to the office today” Hermione nodded and replied. “Yes I didn't see much point in staying home” It was Ginny's turn to nod. “How was your chat with Ron last night…did you get him to come round any” Hermione blew out a heavy sigh. “Not well. I had to hex him to get him to sit down and listen. For all I know he could have been blocking out every word I said while envisioning my head as it exploded. Harry went down to the pitch early this morning to have a go at talking to him” Ginny's eyes widened in surprise. “You don't think they had another row do you” Hermione gnawed her bottom lip. She had been wondering the same thing herself. She was just about to articulate her thoughts to Ginny when a loud cracking pop sounded in the room. Both Hermione and Ginny looked up and set eyes on Harry standing before them holding take out bags. Hermione asked. “Harry what are you doing here” Harry took out his wand and literally drew up a table and three comfy chairs. He walked over to the table and deposited his packages onto the table and called over his shoulder. “I stopped over at the Ministry and Maude said you'd come to see Ginny…she figured you two were going to have lunch. So I popped into a Chinese restaurant on my way over and picked up some crispy duck…you don't want to brave that pack of nutters unless you have to” Harry set the crispy duck, Peking duck, fried rice, spring rolls and hoi sin sauce on the table along with some lemonade and butterbeer. Harry stepped back and said. “So you two hungry or not” Ginny and Hermione quickly came over to the table sat down and began filling their plates. Hermione asked. “We were just wondering how your talk went with Ron this morning” Harry sighed. “It didn't” Ginny cut in. “What happened” Harry snorted in irritation and responded with. “Your brother is a dunderheaded git who hasn't got the sense of a handful of frog spawn” Ginny popped a piece of a spring roll into her mouth and rejoined with. “Still being difficult eh” Harry speared a piece of duck and responded. “Difficult is an understatement” Hermione interjected. “Tell us exactly what happened” Harry relayed the story of his meeting with Ron and the understanding they had reached. He then told them about his attempt to apologize to Ron for inadvertently hurting him. “And he says to me…you want to know what you can do…you really want to know…stay the hell away from me! Can you believe that? He acts as if I did this on purpose…like I would or could do something like that to him on purpose” Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry's hand. “He knows that Harry…deep down he knows it…he's just so angry right now that he isn't thinking straight” Ginny chimed in. “Hermione's right…he'll come round as soon as he calms down” Harry nodded indifferently. “Assuming I'll care by then” Hermione was about to chastise Harry for his comment when Ginny's office door burst open and Draco Malfoy strolled in with a bouquet of roses floating along in front of him that was nearly as large as he was. Harry sat up straight in his chair and eyed Draco and his flowers curiously. He turned to Hermione and mouthed *`What the hell is that about'*. Draco called out. “Love about last night I know you were upset and I know I've been a bit of a prat about telling my mum about us but…” When Harry turned to Hermione and stared at her she quickly shook her head warning him not to say what he was thinking at the moment out loud. Ginny stiffly rose from her seat and stalked over to where Draco was standing just as Draco lowered the flowers he was holding. As Draco caught sight of Harry and Hermione sitting by the window a highly embarrassed expression covered his face. Draco dropped his voice to a whisper and said. “I'm sorry I didn't know you were entertaining” Ginny took the flowers from Draco's grasp and set them on her desk. “There's no need to whisper Draco…Hermione and Harry know all about our relationship” Harry's eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in pain following the blow Hermione dealt him underneath the table. Harry looked at her and Hermione mouthed the words *`Play along'*. Draco stared at Ginny in utter astonishment. “I suspected that Granger knew but Potter” Ginny nodded. “Of course Harry knows…he is just as close a friend to me as Hermione is and as they are a couple they have no secrets from one another” Draco chanced a glance at Harry and Hermione. Harry smiled brightly and waved. Ginny queried Draco. “So have you told your mum about us then” Draco turned back to Ginny and spoke. “Ginny I don't think now is the time or the place…considering the fact that you have guests” Ginny replied. “As I said before I have no secrets from my friends…they know all about what I said to you last night…so have you or haven't you told your mother about us” Draco sighed. “No Ginny I haven't spoken to mum…I thought that…” Ginny cut in. “You thought I was being an over emotional twit and that I'd have come back round to your way of thinking. And if I hadn't a bouquet of flowers and a good snogging would bring me round…” Ginny paused and watched as Draco shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other before she continued speaking. “I told you last night Draco I love you more than anything or anyone in this world but I won't keep pretending that nothing is happening between us…I don't know how to say it any plainer…now if you'll excuse me you've interrupted my lunch” Ginny handed Draco his flowers and walked back to her seat with Hermione and Harry. An angry sounding pop indicated Draco's departure from the room. Hermione reached over and gently squeezed Ginny's hand. “Are you all right” Ginny replied. “I'll be fine” Hermione persisted in her query. “So you gave him an ultimatium then” Ginny's eyes filled with tears that she blinked back as she answered in a hushed voice. “Yeah…guess what he chose” Harry interjected. “Hang on…you've been seeing that git Malfoy…” Ginny and Hermione looked at each other then turning back to Harry nodded affirmatively. “And you told him he had a choice between you and his death-eater mum and he chose her…” Ginny lowered her eyes and bit her bottom lip. A scraping noise resonated through the room as Harry rose from his seat and started for the door. Hermione called after him. “Harry where are you going” Harry stopped and turned around. “To kick Malfoy's bloody arse” Ginny looked up with a stunned expression on her face. “I thought you'd be angry that I was even seeing him…” Harry answered cutting off Ginny's words. “Well of course I'm not chuffed about you and Malfoy as a couple but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and let him bloody mistreat you…its obvious you care about the git and I'm not going to let him toy with you just for sport” Ginny walked over to Harry and asked. “You'd do that for me” Harry looked at her with a bewildered expression and replied simply. “Of course I would…that's what big brothers are for isn't it” Ginny smiled and hugged Harry tightly. “Thank you Harry but you don't really need to kick his arse though I love you for wanting too” Harry returned the hug and said with a smile. “You're welcome…and I won't go looking for Malfoy but if I see that prat walking along the street…well…” Ginny looped her arm through Harry's and lead him back to the table where Hermione and the remainder of their lunch awaited them and completed Harry's unfinished sentence. “Then you can't be held responsible for your actions” Harry sat back down and nodded his head vehemently. “Exactly” Harry picked up his chopsticks and grabbing a bite chewed his Peking duck forcefully. Ginny and Hermione took one look at the outraged expression covering Harry's features and dissolved into giggles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The remainder of the week went by in a haze. Each morning Harry and Hermione left Grimmauld Place and arrived at their respective places of work to a barrage of questions from reporters and the whirring click of cameras flashing in their faces. All media personnel had been banned from stepping foot inside the Ministry of Magic as well as from going inside Llewellyn Field; since the news of Harry and Hermione being a couple had become common knowledge that seemed the only way to ensure that any work could be done. While the press was barred from entering either of the buildings where the couple worked the edicts from the Minister of Magic did little to prevent the hordes of reporters from standing outside of the Ministry of Magic or Llewellyn Field nor did it stop them from staking out any place they thought the couple may be seen together. Both Harry and Hermione's flats, bookshops and Quidditch supply stores they had been known to frequent, the Burrow and Harry's Glynnmoor estate were among the most likely places to be bombarded with reporters. As a result Hermione and Harry had taken to staying as out of sight as possible. They employed such tactics as having lunch with Ginny in her office each day as the last place that a bunch of reporters would look for someone who was avoiding them was in a newspaper office. Outside of their allotted hour for lunch they dared not venture from the confines of the Ministry or the Quidditch pitch until days end at which point they would head back to the safety of Grimmauld Place. Each evening they would return to number twelve Grimmauld Place undetected, as the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black still remained warded and unplotable to all eyes but those to whom its location had been revealed. Remus was sitting in the downstairs lounge pouring over some papers when Harry arrived with a pop. Remus checked his watch and saw that it was just after one in the afternoon. “You're home early…everything all right” Harry slipped out of his cloak and set the armload of packages he was carrying down on the edge of the couch. “Everything's fine…we just got out of practice early because of the ministry ball tonight…representatives from Bulgaria and Ireland are in town for this do and as we're set to play both the Bulgarian and Irish squads in the next week all three teams have been invited to the festivities” Remus nodded. “Ahh yes I had forgotten all about that” Harry picked up one of the parcels he'd brought in and tossed it to Remus. “I figured as much…I picked up the dress robes you ordered from Madame Malkin's and Hermione's bringing the tickets she got for you and Wendlyn” Remus nodded his head again. “I don't know who's worse…you or Dobby” Harry smiled and rejoined with. “Someone has to keep you in line old man” Remus chuckled good-naturedly. Suddenly the fireplace roared to life as Hermione materialized out of the emerald green flames. She strolled over to where Harry and Remus were sitting on the couch and pulled an envelope from the pocket of her cloak and handed it to Remus. Remus smiled and said. “And these I presume are my and Wen's tickets to this evening's do” Hermione smiled and dropped into Harry's lap. “Yes…quite good seats actually…right up at the head table…with Percy and three IWC members” Remus cocked an eyebrow at Hermione and asked. “Now we wouldn't be politicking this evening would we” Hermione pinned Remus with the most innocent facial expression she could muster and answered. “Of course not. I only got you those seats because I will be seated there as will Arthur and Molly I expect…and as Harry will most likely have to sit with his teammates I wanted to make sure I had at least one sane person who is not a member of the press to talk to. The fact that three members of the IWC who have a great deal of influence in regards to the proposed new policy on werewolves will be seated there as well is a mere coincidence” Harry stifled a laugh as Remus eyed Hermione suspiciously for a moment before he rose from his seat and started for the stairs. Hermione called after him. “Where are you off to” Remus smiled his best marauder's smile and replied. “To trim my nails and shave my excess back hair…wouldn't want to scare any members of the IWC now would we” Without another word Remus turned and trudged up the stairs as Harry burst into raucous laughter. Hermione swatted him on the arm. “It's not funny” Harry wiped away the tears of mirth that were trickling from his eyes. “Actually it was enormously funny…that was about as subtle as a dragon sitting on your chest” Hermione shrugged. “Well I saw it as a prime opportunity to rid those doddering old fools of their heinous views about werewolves. I mean honestly what better way to show them that werewolves are people than to introduce them to one…and you have too agree that Remus is a damn sight better as a werewolf than some wizards are on an every day basis” Harry kissed Hermione affectionately on the cheek. “You'll get no argument from me there love…but you know how he hates being made a spectacle of” “I'm not making a spectacle of him…he's simply a close friend I've invited to sit with me at my table…and if someone articulates so much as an unkind grunt I'll hex them into the middle of next year” Harry smiled at Hermione and kissed her gently on the lips. Hermione turned herself around straddled Harry's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck returned his kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and moaning faintly slipped his tongue inside her mouth as they deepened the kiss. They sat that way; lips pressed together, tongues encircled, enjoying the feel and taste of each other for a full ten minutes, pausing intermittently to breathe before they broke apart. Harry pressed his lips to the throbbing pulse at Hermione's neck and murmured through his kisses. “I've been thinking…” Hermione leaned back and waited for Harry to say what was on his mind when nothing was forth coming she ventured to ask. “You have been thinking about…” Harry took a deep breath and answered Hermione's query. “Well…I've been thinking about us and the press and this ball at the ministry tonight” Hermione eyed Harry warily. “We both have to be there right…” Hermione replied with a simple nod of her head. Harry continued. “And the whole wizarding world already knows we are a couple…” Again Hermione nodded. “The bloody press is going to be snapping pictures like mad every time we so much as breathe and we knew that sooner or later we were going to go public about our relationship…so…” Harry paused and Hermione repeated his last word in hopes of prodding him to finish what he was saying. “So…” Harry took another breath and grabbing the remaining two packages he brought home off the end of the couch completed his thought. “So…I thought that we could go to this do…together…out in the open…as a couple…and let the press take all the ruddy pictures they want…let the whole sodding world know how much I love you” Hermione's face broke into a radiant grin. “Why Harry James Potter are you asking me out on a formal date in wizard society” “Yes I do believe I am” “Then I accept” Harry smiled brightly and handed the two packages to Hermione. Hermione cocked an eyebrow at Harry and put a question to him. “What's this” Harry smiled. “Oh just a little something I think you'll look magnificent in” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry bounded down the stairs to find Remus talking animatedly with his close friend Wendlyn Carlyle. Remus looked quite debonair in his black velvet dress robes although Harry suspected that the flush of color in his cheeks was there because of Wendlyn who was looking quite fetching in her wine-colored dress robes. Harry smiled and said. “Well now don't the two of you look positively smashing” Remus and Wendlyn turned to Harry and flashed him two bright smiles. Wendlyn replied. “Thank you Harry…you are looking quite corking yourself” Harry smiled and thanked Wendlyn for her compliment. Remus chimed in. “Where is Hermione” Harry was about to say that he reckoned she'd be down in a moment when he heard the soft padding of footsteps coming down the staircase. Harry turned and completely lost his train of thought at the sight of Hermione. She was more beautiful than he'd ever seen her. The form fitting soft pale green dress robes she wore somehow seemed to reveal just enough of her deliciously curved body and honey bronzed skin to drive him to distraction. Harry had been right to think that she'd look stunning in them when he'd seen them in Madame Malkin's shop window and though he knew Hermione'd have a fit if she knew how many galleons he'd spent on the ensemble Harry was certain that it had been worth every bloody cent. The feel of his chin being pushed up to stop his mouth from hanging open snapped Harry backed to the present. Hermione was staring at him expectantly as she said. “I take it that you are pleased with how I look then” Harry waggled his head dumbly in reply and whispered. “You're absolutely stunning” Remus called from the other side of the room. “We best get a move on otherwise Hermione is going to be late for her own ball” Hermione smiled as Harry slipped her cloak over her shoulders and offered her his arm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ron stood at the far end of the ballroom a glass of Maudpin's Special Dark and Fiery Whiskey clutched tightly in his hand. If he'd had his druthers he'd have been home instead of stuck here at this ministry ball but Cromwell had made it abundantly clear that he expected every one of his players present otherwise there would be hell to pay. Ron had been sorely tempted to test Cromwell's threat but at the last minute he'd pulled on his dress robes and apparated over. He kept telling himself he'd done it so that on the off chance Cromwell followed through on his threats he wouldn't be too tired to play in Saturday's match against Ireland and there was also Wednesday's match against Bulgaria to consider. But the truth of the matter was that he'd really come for the same reason over half of the people in that room had come for…to see them together…to see if his two former best friends really were a couple. Of course Ron had seen the pictures in the papers like everyone else had and unlike everyone else he had verbal confirmation from both Harry and Hermione that they were indeed together…but as they say…seeing is believing and Ron could not bring himself to believe that they had done this to him until he saw it with his own eyes. As he took a sip of his drink Ron cast a watchful eye towards the entrance to the ballroom. All was quiet and he was certain that if those two traitors had shown up the press would be circling that doorway like a gang of hungry Chimeras who'd just found dinner. There was also the poor bloke standing at the door announcing each new arrival; at that moment he was announcing Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy. Ron pondered the absence of Draco from his mother's side for a moment before he heard the wizard at the door call out Mr. Arthur Weasley and his wife Mrs. Molly Weasley. Ron watched his mother scanning the room…she was looking for her children. He followed her gaze as she spied Percy and Bill the only Weasley's other than himself in attendance. He continued to watch as his parents made their way over to his brothers and presumably inquired of his whereabouts. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Bill point to his corner of the room; Ron raised his glass and nodded to his parents then directed his attention back to the door. Once again the wizard's voice rang out as he announced the newest arrivals…Mr. Draco Malfoy and Ms. Ginevra Weasley…Ron's head snapped up and his eyes landed on his sister positively beaming walking arm in arm with that slimy ferret. Ron looked over at his parents and to his surprise noticed a lack of outrage on their faces…although his father's jaw did seem to be set rather rigidly. Ron set down his glass and started across the room to where Ginny and Malfoy were greeting some ministry officials. He was going to find out what the bloody hell was going on. Ginny felt a hand close tightly around her upper arm she turned to find herself face to face with her brother Ron. From the look on his face it was evident that he had not bothered to read the note she'd sent him. Ginny spoke quickly through clenched teeth before Ron had a chance to utter a single word. “Ronald Bilius Weasley do not make a scene…” Ginny's words were drowned out by the announcement of the newest arrivals…Mr. Remus Lupin and Ms. Wendlyn Carlyle. Ron let go of Ginny's arm suddenly and stared at the door. If Remus was here then surely they were just behind. The wizard at the door's voice rang out again…Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Hermione Granger. A hush seemed to fall over the room as every eye turned towards the doorway to watch as Harry and Hermione entered. Cameras whirred and flashes flickered, a million clouds of black and purple smoke billowed into the air as the photographers snapped picture after picture of the couple all of wizarding London had turned out to see. Hermione was beautiful in her pale green dress robes. Ron couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her smile so brightly, and Harry looked dashing in his bottle green robes and seemed quite at ease in front of the cameras with Hermione at his side. The press surrounded them and fired off question after question. “How long have you two been seeing each other” “Is this your first public date” “How do your family and friends feel about this new relationship” “How serious is this relationship” “Are you in love” “Are there wedding plans in the near future” “How about a kiss for the camera” Ron watched as Harry expertly navigated himself and Hermione through the crowd and up to their table. Harry held out Hermione's chair for her. As she gracefully sat down he gently scooted her chair into place before taking his own seat. Once he'd taken his seat Harry reached over and took Hermione's hand in his and raising it to his lips kissed her open palm. Ron felt a pang in his chest as he read the expressions etched on both their faces. He'd seen far more than what he came for. He cast one final glace at Harry and Hermione before he disapparated without a sound. --> 16. Beginnings and Endings -------------------------- **Beginnings and Endings** Harry's idea to give the press what they wanted seemed to have been a stroke of pure genius when he looked back on the whole affair weeks later. He and Hermione had had a wonderful evening talking, dancing, and just being together openly. It was such a relief to finally be able to hold Hermione in public and be honest about his feelings for her, that it hadn't mattered to him one bit that the entire wizarding world was watching with bated breath to see what was happening between them. Hermione was equally happy to at last have the truth out in the open this had been evidenced at the evening's end by her gracious responses to the press' non-work related questions including those asked by Rita Skeeter. However the moment that had cemented the couple's relationship as that of *`true love'* in the eyes of the wizarding world had come five days later when the English National team had hosted the defending National Cup Champions from Bulgaria. As the only two teams in the race for the cup who remained undefeated, the English squad had just edged out Ireland four days earlier after a diving catch of the snitch by Harry; the match had been touted as a precursor to the cup finals. The fact that Hermione had all but been engaged to the star seeker of the Bulgarian squad just a scant year ago added fuel to the fire. Whereas most people speculated quietly on the ins and outs of the Viktor Krum-Hermione Granger-Harry Potter love triangle Rita Skeeter unmistakably raised the question of where Hermione's heart truly lie in an article featured in *Witch Weekly* entitled **`Apparently Seekers Really Do It Better…But Which One'**. There was such a stir over the threesome that more seats had to be added to Llellewyn Field to accommodate the number of witches and wizards in attendance for the match. On the evening of the match Hermione found herself seated in the top box along with the Minister of Magic, Remus, Wendlyn, Ginny, Draco, Molly, Arthur and Fred and George. When asked which seeker she was hoping caught the snitch she'd smiled and said that while she wished both teams an excellent outing she had no doubts that the English squad would win the match and that Harry would catch the snitch. The match had indeed been a spectacular one with England in the lead for most of the contest. That is until their beaters McClellan and Thomaston were penalized severely for fouls against Bulgaria's chasers Ivanovich and Rokmanonkov. Ron who was having an abysmally bad performance missed blocking the foul shots. This brought Bulgaria to within ten of England. Ron pulled himself together and managed to block every other shot attempt by the Bulgarians but so did their keeper, which meant it all came down to Harry and Krum. The two teams played for another full hour before Harry and Viktor simultaneously spotted the snitch circling around the bottom of the goal posts at the far end of the field. They both pelted off in a blur of maroon, blue, and broomstick brown. Neck and neck they hurtled down the pitch bumping and shoving, arms extended towards the snitch. Suddenly a collective gasp rose from the stands as it became obvious that the snitch was not veering to the right or the left it was headed straight for the stone pillar supporting the Minster of Magic's spectator box. Harry and Viktor continued to head straight for the pillar. Hermione stared at the large viewing screen that had been erected for the occasion caught between wanting to cover her eyes and desperate to make sure Harry escaped unhurt. Then at the last possible second Viktor jerked his broomstick hard to the right and circled the pitch while Harry pulled his broomstick upward. Harry was so close to the stands that the people sitting there could literally reach out and feel the sting of his Quidditch robes slapping against their skin as he bolted past them. As he leveled off at the top of the spectator's box the stadium erupted in a tremendous roar as the crowd realized that he had the snitch clutched firmly in his fist. Hermione had been so relieved that Harry was all right that she completely forgot herself and grabbing him by the front of the robes hauled him halfway into the spectator's box and kissed him full on the mouth. Had it not been for the strong hold she had on him Harry certainly would have toppled off his broom from the shock of the moment. The following day Harry and Hermione's snog in the Minister's box was the talk of London. Their pictures were on the cover of every wizarding publication in the city and the WWN was continuously running recaps of the evening's events every thirty minutes. Every detail of the match and everything about the young couple was discussed following their very public display of affection. But Harry and Hermione were not the only couple that'd made a big splash at the Quidditch match that evening. Ginny and Draco had also garnered a fair amount of attention from the press themselves. All of wizarding London had been stunned to see the solidly uncommitted Draco Malfoy kissing the daughter of one of his father's bitterest rivals following Harry's catching of the snitch. While the two had been given more than a few surprised looks at the ball little more than that had been thought of the whole affair. While it was a well-known fact that there was no friendly association between the Weasleys and the Malfoys it was also a well-known fact that Draco had a weakness for beautiful young witches. In point of fact Draco could often be found in the company of one stunning young witch or another. None of these entanglements ever lasted very long or led anywhere of course and there were never ever any open displays of fondness involved. So it was no wonder that more than a few eyebrows were raised at the rather obvious display on Ginny's part; the kiss, that was followed by an equally obvious display on Draco's part; his wrapping his arm around Ginny's waist and snuggling her close to him as the crowd applauded Harry's brilliant catch of the snitch. If there had been any doubt before that Draco and Ginny were something other than friends it was expelled by those two simple actions. It became quite apparent very quickly that the two were completely enamored with one another. Quite naturally the press became very keen to know when their intimate association had begun as well as how long it had been serious. Suddenly Ginny and Draco found themselves embroiled in their own much smaller version of an hour in the day in the life of Harry and Hermione. They found themselves staring at cameras answering questions about some very personal matters as they waited along with Molly and Arthur, Fred and George, Remus and Wendlyn and Hermione for Ron and Harry to come out of the team locker room following the game. It was Harry who rescued the pair when he emerged from the team locker room just as Viktor Krum was making his way out of the visitor's locker room. Hermione had made her way to Harry's side and they were making plans for how they would spend their evening when Viktor joined them and extended his hand to Harry. Harry spared a glance at Hermione before taking Viktor's hand and shaking it. Krum congratulated Harry on his skill with a broom and said that it appeared that the better man had caught the snitch that night. And though most believed him to be speaking of Quidditch Harry had no doubts that Viktor was making reference to something much more important than a Quidditch match. Again the sea of reporters present snapped pictures endlessly and the late, late edition of the Evening Prophet's front page carried the headline: **`KRUM CONCEDES DEFEAT: POTTER GETS THE SNITCH AND THE GIRL'** No one seemed to notice the tall red-haired English keeper standing in the shadows scowling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The match against Bulgaria was the last match for the National team until after the Christmas holidays. Things also slowed down considerably for Hermione at the Ministry. With most of the people she needed to contact off with their families for the holidays Hermione saw very little sense in hanging about the office having pointless progress meetings with Percy. Maude, Padma and Penelope agreed with Hermione and ignoring Percy's vehement protests to the contrary took their allotted vacation days, shut down the office and went home for the holidays. With neither Harry nor Hermione having anything to occupy their days the two decided to give the run of Grimmauld Place back to Remus and headed off to Harry's estate in Glynnmoor for some alone time the week before Christmas with the promise that they would indeed be back in time for Christmas Eve with Thaddeus and Olivia and Christmas dinner at the Burrow. The village of Glynnmoor was beautiful, all covered in snow and strung with Christmas decorations galore. It strongly reminded Harry and Hermione of their days at Hogwarts and the nearby wizarding village Hogsmeade. Glynnmoor was very similar to Hogsmeade though wizards occupied only a tiny portion of it. Harry had dubbed it their imitation Hogsmeade just smaller with fewer shops and with loads of muggles. They spent their days meandering about the village picking up presents for their friends and loved ones or exploring the grounds of Harry's estate having snowball fights or building snow sculptures and then bewitching them into life to romp around the grounds. Their evenings were spent making dinner and cuddling by the fire, or reading and watching the telly; one of the few muggle amenities they refused to give up. Sometimes Hermione would wrap presents and Harry would help by fetching tape or sticking his finger in to hold the ribbon so Hermione could tie the bow properly. Harry thought it would have been easier to use magic but Hermione preferred to do it the muggle way she thought it was much more fun and festive. Harry soon found that Hermione took her holiday preparations seriously. She'd made him traipse out into the snow and chop down a tree and haul it back to the house for them to decorate because she said every house needed a proper Christmas tree. Though she'd had to relent and use magic to create decorations as there weren't any in the house on account of Harry not owning any and the village shops were all out as it was so close to Christmas. Still it was a lovely tree just the same. The evening before Christmas Eve found Hermione curled up on the couch in front of the fire reading from a book that was perched on her lap. Crookshanks sat beside her and purred with satisfaction as she stroked his fur. A tray bearing a large steaming cup of hot chocolate and a plate of homemade Christmas cookies that Socrates had brought from Hermione's mum sat on the table at her side untouched. Harry strolled into the room and stared at her for several minutes completely mesmerized by how beautiful she was. As he stood there Harry's thoughts drifted back to the day the world had found out about the two of them and his conversation with Ron. *“What's she like this unbelievable girl…is she a witch or is she a muggle…is she funny…smart maybe…decent cook…good shag…is her nose dead center”* *Harry smiled at Ron's method of questioning before he answered him.* *“She's completely amazing; she's a witch…muggleborn…she's got a great sense of humor and she's brilliant…very good cook and she's bloody gorgeous…not to mention we can talk about absolutely anything…Ron she rearranged her closet and the cupboards in her loo to make room for my things…I can't stand to be away from her and when I'm around her I can barely think…did I mention she's gorgeous”* *Ron nodded and patted Harry on the back.* *“Yeah mate you did…but you didn't answer my question about whether or not she's a good shag…so why haven't I met this amazing woman”* *Harry sighed and ran a hand through his ebony locks.* *“Well we've only been seeing each other a few months…we wanted to be sure something was really there before we let on to anyone…sorry I haven't said anything about this before”* *Ron waved off Harry's apology.* *“Its okay I knew something was up but I figured you'd tell me when you were ready…so seeing as how you're telling me about her I suppose you've sorted out your feelings for her”* *Harry nodded.* *“I'm in love with her Ron”* *“Blimey…you're in love with this bird”* *Harry nodded emphatically.* *“And even more amazing than me being in love with her is the fact that she's in love with me”* *“She told you that”* *“Yeah”* *“Bloody hell my best mate's in love…hold on…you aren't thinking of asking her to marry you are you”* *Harry stared at Ron's stricken expression and chewed his bottom lip. He loved Hermione there was no doubt about that and he was equally certain that she felt the same way about him but the thought of them getting married had never entered his mind. Of course when he envisioned his future Hermione was there at his side but until Ron had said the word `marry' he hadn't really thought about what her being there at his side truly entailed. Harry smiled to himself…if the truth were told he rather liked the sound of the name…Hermione Jane Potter.* Hermione looked up and caught Harry staring at her. Upon seeing the queer expression on his face Hermione called to him. “Harry…darling…is everything all right” At the sound of Hermione's voice Harry was snatched from his thoughts back to the present moment. “Ummm…er…sorry love…what's that” Hermione chuckled and shook her head from side to side. “I asked if you were all right” Harry nodded perfunctorily and walked across the room to the couch and sat down. Looking at Hermione he asked. “Are you busy…I'd like to have a word with you” Crookshanks stood up, stretched then leapt off the couch and ran out of the door. Hermione closed her book with a snap and set it on the floor. Then she turned to Harry giving him her full attention and responded by saying. “Not busy at all…what's on your mind” Harry ran his hand through his hair, something he only did when he was fighting a case of nerves. “Well it's more like asking you something than it is talking” Hermione nodded and waited patiently for him to continue. Harry took a deep breath. “That day that I was going to tell Ron about us…before everything got all wonky…I realized something that I hadn't really thought of before…I realized that I love you” Hermione stared at Harry a wee bit perplexed. She and Harry had confessed their love for each other long before that day. Harry caught the look on her face and shook his head as he said. “Not that I didn't already know that I loved you…I just realized that I don't ever want to be without you…I mean I can't imagine my life without you in it” Hermione smiled and cut in. “I can not imagine my life without you either” Harry returned her smile and took her hand in his. “When I envision my future Hermione you're always right there at my side…I see us building a life together…I see myself coming home to finding you in the kitchen of *our* home making dinner…every time I picture my forever you're in it…you always have been…even before we got together I always pictured you by my side…Hermione what I'm trying to say is that…well…when you think about your future…years from now…what do you see” Hermione smiled as tears filled her eyes, Harry had always seen her as a part of his life. Past, present and future. She replied softly. “Honestly I see things a lot like you do…even when I was with Viktor I could never see myself with him…just the two of us. I guess I've always believed that some how you'd be a part of my life no matter what…but lately…since things between us have changed…so has the picture” Harry regarded her curiously and asked. “How has it changed” Hermione took a deep steadying breath and replied in a barely audible whisper. “Well when I think of my future now I picture a winding country lane that leads to a beautiful old stately cottage with the most amazing front and back gardens, a porch swing and a doormat on the porch that reads…The Potters…” Hermione blushed and averted her gaze from Harry's. He took her hand in his and squeezed it. Adoringly he placed his other hand underneath her chin and raised her gaze to meet his and whispered. “There's something I'd like to ask you” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Christmas had always been a special holiday in the Weasley household even when the children had been away at school or traveling abroad for their jobs Molly had made a point of making sure their sweaters got to them on time. Now that her brood was all grown up, especially since the second war had ended, Christmas had become an even more special time for the Weasleys. The second war against Voldemort had taken many lives. Molly Weasley knew she was lucky to have escaped with her family in tact. Yes, she, Arthur, all seven of their children and Harry and Hermione had made it through the war virtually unscathed. Though Molly hadn't given birth to Harry or Hermione she loved them both as much as she did any of her own children. Harry had been through so much and lost so much at such a tender age that it broke her heart and she'd wanted to give him what he'd never had, a family, a true one that loved and cared for him, not like that horrible aunt and uncle of his. And though Hermione had a loving family of her own, all that Hermione had done to help Harry and Ron had endeared the girl to Molly so much that she couldn't help loving the young woman as much as she loved her own daughter. It was the fact that she loved Harry and Hermione as much as she loved her own children that had made the last few weeks so difficult. Ron's estrangement from his two best friends over their new found romance was hurting all three of them far more than they let on and Molly was determined to put a stop to it. Ginny's voice calling her name broke through Molly's thoughts. Wiping her hands on her apron as she took it off Molly replied to Ginny's cry. “In the kitchen dear” Molly walked into the living room and was greeted with a hug from her only daughter who was accompanied by her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. Draco walked over and kissed Molly's cheek as he handed her four bottles. “Happy Christmas Mrs. Weasley…as I wasn't sure what we were having I brought dandelion and nettle wine” Molly had been very unsure of Ginny's relationship with Draco but after having gotten to know him she'd found that he really wasn't a bad sort just a bit misguided. And how could he be blamed for that considering what he'd had for parents. Even Arthur and the boys, with the exception of Ron, agreed that Draco was an all right enough chap and they had no objections to his seeing Ginny so long as he didn't hurt her in any way. Though Molly was sure from seeing the two together that Draco Malfoy would step in front of one of the unforgivable curses before he'd willingly harm her only daughter. Molly smiled. “How thoughtful of you dear and I've told you its Molly I'll hear no more of this Mrs. Weasley nonsense” Draco grinned sheepishly and inquired as to the whereabouts of Ginny's father Arthur. Molly sent him off to the shed and steered Ginny to the kitchen. “Are we the first to arrive” “Yes…I expect everyone else will be along shortly” “And exactly who is everyone” “Just family and close friends of course…let's see…Bill and Fleur, Percy, Penelope and Perceus, Charlie and Tonks, Fred and Angelina, George and Alicia, Remus and Wendlyn, Neville and Luna and Lee may be stopping by…oh and certainly Ron and Harry and Hermione” Molly mentally recounted the number of people expected for dinner and nodded satisfied that she had not over looked anyone. Ginny stared at her mother. She was about to ask her whether or not she thought it was a good idea to have Harry and Ron in the same room together when she heard the voices of her father and boyfriend as well as her brothers Bill and Charlie. Molly smiled brightly and headed out to greet her sons and begin the merriment. Ginny sent up a silent prayer to the gods that everything went well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ginny walked over to the table set up in the drawing room of her family home and grabbing a glass of wine took a long slow sip. Her eyes darted about the room taking in the scene before her. Her mother was playing with two year-old Perceus while she chatted with Remus' girlfriend Wendlyn, Luna Lovegood and her daughters' in-law Penelope and Fleur. Fred, George and Lee were getting a great laugh from Neville, Charlie, Tonks and Alicia after having fed Percy one of their newest confections, which had caused him to develop a donkey's head and tail. Angelina and Bill were watching her father and boyfriend play a game of wizard's chess. Ginny was so engrossed in her perusal of the room that she hadn't heard Remus' footsteps as he joined her. His voice startled her out of her ruminations. “Not enjoying yourself” Ginny sipped her wine and shook her head. “Oh no…it's a lovely do…just lovely…I'm just wondering what's keeping the other guests” Remus took a swallow of his butterbeer and responded. “Worried how Ron will react to seeing Harry and Hermione” Ginny replied. “Wondering whether he'll show really…after seeing them at the Ministry ball” Then added in a scarcely audible undertow. “I'm not sure if he'll be able to take seeing them together at all after he hears what happened up in Glynnmoor” Unsure of what Ginny had just said Remus raised an eyebrow and asked. “What was that” “Just mumbling to myself” A voice from behind them startled both Remus and Ginny. “Malfoy making you nutters all ready” Ginny and Remus turned around to find Harry standing behind them grinning. He casually draped his arms around each of their shoulders and kissed Ginny on the cheek as Hermione appeared at his side and said in a cheerful voice. “Happy Christmas” Ginny and Remus smiled and exchanged hugs and Happy Christmases with the couple. The sound of Harry and Hermione's voices caused a bit of a stir as Molly, Arthur and the rest of the Weasleys and other guests drifted over to say hello. There was a great deal more hugging and kissing and wishes of Happy Christmas before things settled down and everyone drifted back over to their previous entertainments as Molly headed off to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner. Ginny pulled Hermione to the side while Remus engaged Harry in conversation. Ginny glanced down at Hermione's hands and asked. “Where is it” Hermione stared at her strangely and asked. “Where's what” Ginny sighed exasperatedly. “The ring” Hermione smiled reassuringly and patted Ginny's hand. “There is no ring as of yet…we only just talked about it…” Ginny interjected with a hurried whisper. “You only just talked about it…you told me that Harry wants to marry you…” Hermione chuckled lightly and Ginny stared at her in confusion. “Yes Ginny Harry did say that he wants to marry me…but there is a bit of a difference in saying you want to marry someone and actually proposing” Ginny answered sarcastically. “Really I wouldn't know…as far as I know no one's ever wanted to or asked to marry me” Hermione dissolved into a fit of giggles. Ginny knocked her shoulder in mock indignation before she spoke again. “Well either way it's not much of a difference…its obvious as bloody hell how smitten you two are with each other…you may as well be engaged” Hermione glanced briefly in Harry's direction then turned back to Ginny and replied. “You sound like Harry you know that” “What” “That's nearly exactly what Harry said when we talked about it. I think we should give things a little more time…make sure we are sure before we take that next step…but Harry doesn't see the point in waiting to get engaged. He reckons the whole world can see we're in love so why be so formal about things when we can just get on with it now” Ginny stared at Hermione and asked. “And why do you want to wait” Hermione lowered her gaze and spoke to the floor. “Well it's a lot to consider…certainly we love each other but there is still a lot we don't know about each other…” Ginny cut in. “Like what” Hermione began wringing her hands together and continued. “Well there has to be something I don't know about him yet…and…and then there is Ron to consider…we can't very well leave things the way they are between us now…” Again Ginny cut in. “Bollocks…Ron is just being an arse and you know it…once he stops whining he'll be fine…what's the real reason you're putting him off” Hermione sighed and replied in a whisper. “What if he changes his mind…realizes one day out of the blue that I'm not what he wants…” “I've been in love with you practically since the moment I laid eyes on you…nothing could ever change that” Hermione and Ginny turned around simultaneously and stared up at Harry wide-eyed. Harry continued speaking. “You're one of the only truly good things in my life. For as long as I've known you you've been there for me…loving me and taking care of me no matter what…I could never wake up one day and not want you…I honestly don't know what I'd do without you considering that the very best part of me is the part that loves you” At some point the room had gone deathly quiet and everyone's attention had turned to Harry and Hermione. Hermione watched as Harry reached into his pocket and somewhat shakily withdrew a black velvet box. Dropping to one knee Harry gently clutched Hermione's left hand in his own and looking into her eyes he began to speak. “Hermione Jane Granger will you marry me” Hermione dropped to her knees and threw herself into Harry's arms chanting the words `Yes I'll marry you' through her tears of happiness. The room erupted in a chorus of cheers as everyone rushed to congratulate the happy couple. Arthur hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the wine Draco had brought for dinner while Molly sobbed hysterically as she clutched Harry and Hermione in one of her infamous bear hugs. Molly let go of them long enough for Harry to slip the ring on Hermione's finger, which set off a bunch of ooohing and aaahing from all the witches present. Ginny hugged Hermione and said. “I thought you were keen to wait” Hermione smiled and replied. “There's a bit of difference in knowing someone wants to propose to you and their actually proposing” Ginny smiled knowingly and hugged Hermione again before Harry pulled her into his arms. Harry was happier than he'd ever been in his life. Hermione was going to be his wife. Suddenly Harry looked up and the joy he felt evaporated as a knot formed in his stomach…Harry had just looked up and locked gazes with Ron. Harry slowly slipped his arm from around Hermione's waist and started across the room towards Ron. Bereft at the loss of Harry's touch Hermione turned to see where he had gone and gasped loudly when she saw him heading over to Ron. The room fell silent once again. Ron was the first to speak. “What's all this then” Harry squared his shoulders and steeled himself for what was sure to follow. “I've just asked Hermione to marry me and she's accepted” Ron visibly gritted his teeth. Harry spoke again. “Look…I understand that all of this has been difficult for you…Hermione and I being together…and I wish it hadn't hurt you Ron honestly I do but enough is enough…” Ron cut in. “Enough is enough…what the bloody hell does that mean” Harry shook his head and nearly spat the words out he spoke with such force. “IT MEANS GROW UP…” Ron stared at Harry clearly befuddled, but Harry paid no mind he had some things he needed to say and by Merlin he was going to say them. “FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS YOU'VE BEEN WALKING ROUND HERE LIKE SOME SORT OF TRAGIC FIGURE AND NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH…I KNOW A LITTLE SOMETHING ABOUT BEING A TRAGIC FIGURE AND BELIEVE ME YOUR NOT GETTING THE GIRL DOESN'T QUALIFY YOU FOR THE PART…” Ron bellowed angrily at Harry. “YOU'VE GOT SOME BLOODY NERVE TELLING ME WHAT TO FEEL” Harry replied. “I'M NOT TELLING YOU WHAT TO FEEL RON…FEEL WHATEVER THE BLOODY HELL YOU LIKE…BUT GET OVER IT ALL READY BECAUSE I LOVE HERMIONE…I LOVE HER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD…AND I'M GOING TO MARRY HER AND BUILD A LIFE WITH HER…AND I WON'T APOLOGIZE FOR LOVING HER. I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU CAN'T SEE PAST YOUR OWN HURT AND BE HAPPY THAT AT LEAST SHE HAS SOMEONE WHO LOVES HER. AND I WISH I COULD MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH WE BOTH MISS YOU BEING A PART OF OUR LIVES BUT THAT WAS YOUR CHOICE RON NOT OURS. SO GET AS ANGRY AS YOU LIKE…PUNCH ME AGAIN IF IT HELPS…BUT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS HOW THINGS ARE FROM NOW ON…AND NOTHING…NOT EVEN YOU…IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT” Harry glared at Ron chest heaving from all the yelling he'd done. Ron never said a word he just glared furiously at Harry before disapparating with an explosive pop. --> 17. Trios, Duos and Trios Again ------------------------------- **Trios, Duos And Trios Again** Harry and Hermione celebrated New Years very quietly in Glynnmoor. Harry was still seething inwardly over his latest row with Ron. While he hadn't expected Ron to be overjoyed at the prospect of the woman he had feelings for marrying another man Harry had thought he'd at the very least be adult enough to get on with things. Hermione who had expected Harry to be upset over what appeared to be the end of his and Ron's friendship was stunned at Harry's apparent indifference to the entire situation. The loss of the friendship did not seem to be bothering Harry it was the reason for the loss of the friendship that had Harry in a nark. It was Harry's opinion that Ron was being a git of the first order out of childish jealousy and not some deep abiding love he held for Hermione. And while Hermione agreed with Harry she thought that twelve years of friendship was worth fighting for. Ron and Harry however thought differently and though she'd tried everything she could think of to get them talking nothing had worked. Ron flatly refused to talk to either of them and Harry changed the subject whenever she so much as mentioned Ron's name. As the end of the holidays approached Harry and Hermione held a small dinner party at Glynnmoor. They invited Hermione's parents, Remus Lupin and Wendlyn Carlyle, Molly and Arthur Weasley and Ginny and Draco. Tonks was off visiting Charlie who was back in Romania corralling dragons, Bill and Fleur were in Paris on holiday with Fleur's mother and sister, and Fred and George where out of town on business. Ron of course had not been invited, as he was not speaking to either Harry or Hermione and would certainly not of come even if he had been invited. And as neither of them fancied the idea of an extra evening with Percy, Sunday's were more than enough; his name had been dropped from the guest list as well. The guests all seemed to be enjoying themselves as they sat down to eat. Harry smiled as he placed a forkful of fish into his mouth and said. “Outstanding love absolutely outstanding” Hermione smiled. “You like the salmon then…I got the recipe from mum…I wasn't quite sure I was doing it right” Harry spoke around another mouthful of food. “You did it perfect love just perfect” Arthur Weasley chimed in. “Harry's absolutely right…excellent nosh-up simply excellent” Thaddeus Granger added. “Not to worry Poppet you got the salmon just right and this roast joint of pork is simply smashing” Hermione beamed as the rest of the dinner guests nodded and mumbled enthusiastically around mouthfuls of salmon, roast pork, runner beans, jacket potatoes, parsnips and carrots and salad. Hermione shoveled a bite of the meal she prepared into her mouth and nodded to herself pleased with her own accomplishment. Harry was adding seconds to his plate when Draco asked out of the blue. “Practice resumes tomorrow eh Potter” Harry nodded and muttered an indistinct yes. He'd been civil towards Malfoy since he and Ginny had gotten back together and gone public with their relationship but Harry still found it a little disconcerting to be sharing a meal with the git. Regardless of his relationship with Ginny Harry still thought Malfoy was a prat of the highest order. He also held fast to the belief that Ginny could do much better. Draco continued speaking to Harry. “You and Ron on speaking terms yet” Silence descended upon the room at Draco's words. A scowl floated across Harry's face and he put his fork down and carefully chewed his food and swallowed Harry looked as though he was about to say something exceedingly rude in reply to Malfoy's query. Hermione's eyes darted around the table quickly settling on Harry then Draco then back to Harry before she rose from her seat and asked in a rush. “Who wants afters” Hermione grabbed an armload of plates and hurried into the kitchen to retrieve the treacle pudding she had made for dessert. She called over her shoulder and asked Harry if he would help her clear the table. Harry rose from his seat and grabbed the remaining empty dinner dishes and followed Hermione into the kitchen. As Harry disappeared through the kitchen doors he distinctly heard Draco's muffled whimper of pain from the blow that Ginny dealt him underneath the table. The rest of the evening passed by enjoyably enough and there were no further references made to Harry's and Ron's not speaking. After all the guests were gone Harry straightened up the dining room and lounge while Hermione attacked the kitchen. Once the dining room and lounge had been put back in order Harry strolled into the kitchen to find Hermione elbow deep in soapsuds. The dishes rinsed themselves underneath a jet of warm water pouring from the spout in the sink then a bewitched kitchen towel dried them before they dashed off to their appointed cupboards. Harry walked over to Hermione and drew her hands out of the hot sudsy water. Harry spun her around in his own arms and began to dance her around the room in a leisurely side-to-side circle of sorts. Surprised by his sudden appearance and strange behavior Hermione turned to Harry and asked. “Harry what on earth are you doing” He replied with a single word. “Dancing” Hermione giggled. “Yes I can see that but why are we dancing…I have a sink full of dishes that need to be washed” Harry pulled Hermione closer. “Can't I dance with the woman I love just because she's the woman I love? As for the dishes I think they can carry on by themselves quite well” Harry waved his hand and the dishes began washing themselves. Harry looked down and smiled at Hermione who smiled in return and snuggled closer to him laying her head upon his chest. Harry wrapped his arms more snugly around her waist and gently swayed back and forth to the newest song by the Weird Sisters that he was humming. The pair held each other close and danced in the kitchen for sometime before Hermione broke the silence. “Are you all right” Harry frowned at the question. “Course I am why wouldn't I be” Hermione bit her lip anxiously before answering. “Well you have been rather quiet since Draco brought up you and Ron…” Harry's frown deepened. Hermione pushed on. “And you…well…you have been brooding since your last row with Ron…and I…I'm just worried about you is all” Harry stopped dancing and the humming abruptly halted though his hold on Hermione remained firm as he stared vacantly at the wall. Softly Hermione called his name. “Harry” He answered. “Hmmm” “Do you want to talk about you and Ron” “Not especially” “But don't you think that we should decide what to do about the whole thing. I mean honestly don't you think this has gone on long enough” Harry released his hold of Hermione and ambled over to the cooler and withdrew a bottle of ale. Popping the cap off he took a long sip as he watched the last of the dishes put themselves away; the water shut itself off and the dishtowel wiped down the counters before dropping itself onto its rack. Harry took another sip of his drink then responded to Hermione's query. “I quite agree this has gone on for far too long…it should have been sorted out ages ago…but Ron the big git wouldn't talk to me and I could give less than a kelpies' arse about resolving things now” Hermione let out a scandalized gasp. “Harry you don't mean that…you…” Harry interjected explosively. “I'M JUST WHAT…ANGRY…HURT…YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT…I AM HURT AND ANGRY BUT I MEANT EVERY WORD I SAID…TWELVE YEARS…TWELVE YEARS HERMIONE…THAT HOW LONG WE'VE BEEN FRIENDS…THE THREE OF US…TWELVE BLOODY YEARS…WE'VE SEEN EACH OTHER THROUGH SOME AWFUL TIMES AND NO MATTER WHAT WAS THROWN AT US…NO MATTER WHO TRIED TO BREAK US UP…NO MATTER WHAT…WE STUCK TOGETHER…YOU TWO WERE ALWAYS THERE…YOU TWO WERE THE ONE THING I'D NEVER HAD…YOU WERE MY FAMILY…AND NOW AFTER TWELVE YEARS HE GETS HIS PANTS IN A TWIST BECAUSE I JUST SO HAPPENED TO HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH THE WOMAN HE FANCIES…HE TRIES TO BREAK MY NECK…HE STOPS SPEAKING TO ME…TREATS ME LIKE SOMETHING FOUL FROM BENEATH HIS SHOE…AND I'M SUPPOSED TO FEEL SORRY FOR HIM…I'M SUPPOSED TO BE THE BIGGER MAN…NOT THIS TIME…IF THAT'S ALL OUR FRIENDSHIP MEANT TO HIM…IF HE CAN THINK SO LITTLE OF ME AND **YOU** AS THAT THEN HE CAN GO STRAIGHT TO BLOODY HELL” Harry flung the bottle he was holding into the sink and stormed out of the kitchen leaving Hermione staring in shock as she heard the door swing open then bang shut. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ginny sat in stunned silence, a look of total astonishment marring her pretty face. Ginny was having lunch at The Pitch with Hermione who was filling her in on the previous evening's events after the guests had taken their leave of Glynnmoor. Shaking herself mentally, Ginny spoke. “He yelled at you just like that” Hermione nodded as she vigorously chewed her chicken casserole. Ginny asked. “What did you do” Hermione replied. “Took a nice long hot bath” Ginny's eyes widened in wonder as she sputtered. “Wh…What” “Well what could I do? Harry stormed out of the house he was so upset…and you know how thick-headed he can be at times. I knew it was just him finally getting his frustrations out. I thought it was best to let him cool off a bit then try talking to him again. I thought he may be more rational once he had vocalized some of his hurt and maybe I'd be able to get him to try talking to Ron again” “And did it work” “Ummm…sort of…he apologized for taking his frustrations out on me when he got back…and we did talk about it a little but he's really wound up about it all and he's adamant that he is not going to make anymore efforts to reconcile with Ron…he's just so hurt…I don't know what to do” Ginny nodded. “Ron's a mess as well the giant prat…outside of games and practice no one ever sees him anymore…and when you go over there its like talking to a stone wall…I've tried everything I can think of short of hexing him and Mum told me she'd skin me alive if so much as a wand was raised to him” Hermione put her fork down and pushed her plate away with a sigh of frustration. “Merlin this is so frustrating! I feel like I have to fix it somehow. If I could just get them talking maybe they could sort it all out…oh this is all my fault…” Ginny butted in. “Hermione this is not your fault…no one person is to blame here…its like you said before we all could have handled things differently but that's not how it worked out so its no use trying to lay blame on yourself when all you've done is love Harry” Hermione nodded. “I know but I just feel like I should be able to do something to sort this mess out” Ginny answered. “The only person who can sort out this mess is Ron. He's the one who won't talk to you and Harry so he has to be the one to make the first move” “I suppose so but what are we supposed to do until Ron comes to his senses” Ginny shrugged her shoulders and replied with a smile. “A lot of shagging” Hermione frowned and asked. “And how is that supposed to help sort this out” Ginny picked up her fork and started in on her slice of chocolate fudge cake and said. “No idea how it would possibly help sort out anything but it has to be more fun than worrying over my stupid prat of a brother…you can't make Ron see reason and you can't go round being bloody miserable because Ron is…you're young and in love…why worry over a load of rubbish you can't change…enjoy yourself” Ginny gestured towards the slice of cake in front of Hermione as she popped another mouthful of cake into her own mouth. Hermione sighed and picking up her fork took a heaping bite of cake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ January faded into February and Hermione found that Ginny's advice had been exactly what was called for. While she hadn't repeatedly jumped Harry's bones and shagged him senseless though at times she found it hard not to do just that, she had followed Ginny's other advice and stopped fretting over the situation with Ron. She and Harry began focusing solely on their relationship, not the absence of Ron's friendship and slowly their estrangement from Ron had become less and less of an issue. Not to say that they did not miss him, they did, but as he was not inclined to square things with them there wasn't very much they could do to change the situation. Ginny had been absolutely right; as Ron was the one who refused to speak with them all they could do was go on with their lives. And go on with their lives they had. They routinely went out in public to restaurants, pubs, shopping or just for a walk around the park; the press was used to seeing them together nowadays so their presence in most places caused only a minor stir. They alternated Sunday dinners between the Weasleys and Hermione's parents. They made a point of coming to Molly and Arthur's around mid-morning and having lunch then leaving just before dinner was served so as not to prevent Ron from spending time with his family. Molly tried to convince them that their behavior was silly and that Ron wouldn't dare be rude to either of them in her presence but Harry assured her that the present solution was for the best. As far as Ron was concerned neither Harry nor Hermione knew what was going on with him as they only ever saw him at Quidditch games and practices. True to his word Ron was careful to keep up the pretense that nothing was amiss between he and Harry. In truth anyone seeing them in practice or at games would never guess they weren't speaking otherwise. Most people just assumed that Ron was giving the new couple their required amount of time together and that things were going on as they had always gone on amongst the trio. No one ever suspected that Harry and Hermione were adjusting to their abrupt new status as a duo rather than a trio and that Ron was carrying on as a solo act. On Valentine's Day morn Harry and Hermione awoke to find that they were once again the Daily Prophet's top story: **`ENGAGED???** **HARRY POTTER TO WED HERMIONE GRANGER???'** Underneath the headline was a picture of Harry and Hermione holding hands as they walked out of Flourish and Blotts. The picture kept zooming in on Hermione's left hand, which was firmly clasped in Harry's right showing off the ring he'd given her at Christmas. Harry folded the paper up and tucked it underneath his arm and began the trek up the stairs to his and Hermione's bedroom. Harry still found it strange saying that; his and Hermione's bedroom, a lot had changed in the five or so months that he and Hermione had been together. Following the holidays Harry had moved into Hermione's London flat. Considering the fact that they were engaged and the amount of time they spent together the pair had thought it was a waste to keep two flats and as Hermione's flat was bigger than Harry's he had moved in with her. Harry had also given up his flat in Appleton as he was on the National team now he had no use for it. They had planned to use the Glynnmoor manor as an occasional weekend getaway but Harry said it felt more like their permanent residence. They were up there practically every weekend (and several days through the week) that their schedules permitted because Hermione was redecorating and wanted Harry's input on everything. Harry could think of a million things he'd rather have done than stare at fabric swatches and paint cards but as of yet he hadn't found a suitable way of skiving off so he endured the ordeal with what Remus liked to call a grin and bear it attitude. Harry walked into the bedroom and sat down heavily on the bed. Hermione looked up and caught the peculiarly passive expression on his face and asked. “What is it” Harry didn't respond he just handed her the morning edition of the paper. Hermione took the paper from his outstretched hand and unfolded it. There on the front page was a picture of she and Harry holding hands. Suddenly the picture adjusted itself and zeroed in on her sparkling engagement ring. Hermione's eyes drifted to the headline then back down to the picture before she read through the article that completely filled the front page. The article was pure speculation as no one had any idea whether the ring was actually an engagement ring or if Harry had given it to her. But the story surmised that it had to be an engagement ring considering the fact that the couple was rarely seen apart and that they had reportedly recently moved in together. Having finished the article Hermione refolded the paper and laying it aside turned to Harry who was getting dressed. “Well we knew they would find out sooner or later” A garbled “ummm…hmmm” sounded from the closet as Harry slipped his jumper over his head. Hermione stood up and walked over to the closet where Harry was getting dressed and peered inside. “So what are we going to do…the press will be all over this…if they already aren't” Harry turned to Hermione and expelled a gust of air that fluttered his disorderly fringe. “I don't know what we can do other than to ignore it or answer their bloody questions” Hermione gnawed her bottom lip reflexively. “We'll have to answer their questions otherwise we won't get a moment's peace and neither will anyone close to us…they're bound to go after our family and friends…” Hermione stopped mid-sentence as a horrible thought occurred to her. “Harry…what if they go to Ron…if the press starts badgering him he's liable to let on that he's not speaking to us…if the press gets a hold of something like that they will…” Harry closed the gap between he and Hermione and took her hands in his and replied. “That's not going to happen…Ron would never do that…Molly would skin him if he let on that we weren't speaking…not to mention what that'd do to the team…no…you don't have to worry about Ron he'll keep mum” Hermione gave a half smile as she nodded her head in agreement with Harry's pronouncement of Ron's fidelity to his word. “Yes you're absolutely right Ron would never let on that the two of you are at odds…but that still means we will have to give a statement to the press” Harry snatched up his Quidditch bag and nodded at the same time as he strode purposefully to the window overlooking the courtyard. Looking down Harry saw no signs of the press milling about below. He supposed it was a good thing that Hermione had chosen a flat in a section of London that hadn't been completely vacated by muggles otherwise they'd have been up to their necks in reporters by now. “There's no sign of `em outside just yet. I reckon they'll be waiting at the Ministry and at the pitch…you still have the day off” Hermione bobbed her head up and down to signify that the answer to Harry's question was yes. Harry hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and stated. “Don't worry I'll handle everything” He swiftly kissed Hermione's soft lips before apparating to Llewellyn Field. Even though Harry had told Hermione that Ron would never tell the wizarding world that Harry had stolen Hermione from him he wasn't completely sure that was the truth. Ron had been such a prat lately that Harry had not idea of what he was likely to do. All he could do was hope that he was right about his former best friend. Harry arrived at the Quidditch pitch to find the doors to the locker room blocked by a pack of reporters. He could make out several of his teammates struggling through the mass of press people towards the door. Suddenly a patch of red hair appeared at the right of the locker room door. One of the reporters called out. “Look its Ron Weasley, Potter's best mate he'll know something” All the reporters shifted and converged upon Ron. Plumes of black and purple smoke wafted into the air as the media people snapped pictures of Ron and fired off questions. “Is it true that Harry Potter's engaged” “When did it happen” “Are they really living together” “Have they set a wedding date yet” “How do the bride's muggle parents feel about the impending nuptials” “Will it be a traditional ceremony” “Will you be serving as best man” “Has Ms. Granger picked out her dress yet” “How do you feel about your two best friends getting married” At the last question Ron lowered the hand he'd been using to block the steadily blazing flash from blinding him and repeated what he'd been asked. “How do I feel about my two best friends getting married” Harry's heart hammered in his chest and everything around him seemed to slow down as Ron swallowed thickly and replied. “Well knowing them like I do I'd say that its taken some getting used to thinking of them as a couple and not just my mates but all in all I can say that I'm really happy for them I'm glad they both found what they were looking for in each other…as for the rest of that stuff you'll have to ask the happy couple about all that” Ron turned on his heel, yanked open the locker room door and disappeared within its depths. Harry stood there stunned at what he had just heard…it had actually sounded as though Ron had meant what he said. Harry was jolted back to reality by the sound of hurried footsteps he blinked and became aware of the fact that he was now surrounded by the press. Taking a deep breath he began answering the questions being yelled out at him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Pitch was filled to the rafters as usual but this evening's crowd was not its customary clientele of drunken high profile wizards and witches out to be seen no this evening's crowd were all there for an impromptu congratulatory party for Harry and Hermione. Following Harry's substantiation that he and Hermione were indeed engaged his teammates had decided that the occasion called for a celebration. So with the help of Ginny Weasley they'd commandeered the Pitch and owled everyone they could think of who would want to share in the moment and asked them to meet them there that evening. Harry having no idea what they were up to had tried to beg off saying he was knackered and wanted to get home but his teammates had been adamant about his having one drink with them before heading off. Harry arrived at the Pitch and was greeted by Hermione and a host of their family, friends and well-wishers. The couple had been seated at a table of honor in the center of the pub and treated to a superb dinner and encouraging wishes of happiness for the future. Ginny strolled over to the bar and ordered a pint of ale. She was about to go back and join Harry and Hermione at their table when a familiar voice sounded in her ear. “That smarmy little ferret got you drinking ale by the pint now eh” Ginny smiled and turned around, faced her brother Ron and replied. “Draco is not driving me to drink just fancied something a bit stronger than a butterbeer is all” Ron nodded nonchalantly and ordered a pint for himself and took a seat at the bar. Ginny sat down next to her brother and followed his gaze to Harry and Hermione's table. They were sitting very close to each other and Harry had his arm draped lovingly around Hermione's shoulders. The duo was chatting with Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Fred and George. Ginny looked back at her older brother and noticed that the look of pain and frustration she'd expected to see wasn't there instead she saw a look she'd seen on Harry's face on more than one occasion since he and Ron had rowed…it was a look of loss. Ginny queried her brother. “You're not angry with them anymore” Ron sipped his ale and replied. “No” Ginny's eyes widened in surprise as she spat out half formed sentences. “How long…when did you…why haven't you said anything” Ron sighed. “I was going to say something at Christmas but Harry beat me to it. I reckon I deserved that bit of dressing down though seeing as how I acted like the world's greatest git” Ginny nodded in agreement. “More like the universe's greatest prat” Ron chuckled as Ginny asked. “So you've been okay about things and you haven't said a bloody word” Ron nodded. Ginny inquired. “Why” Ron sighed heavily and explained. “When I first found out I was pretty wound up I mean honestly I looked an arse…here I was going on and on about Hermione to Harry and they're carrying on and nobody bothers to tell me anything…looking back I'm not really sure if I was angry at them for being together or because they didn't tell me they were together” Ron Paused and took a swig of his drink before continuing. “Well anyway when I found out I was especially narked at the lot of you. And that's when I stormed over to Grimmauld Place and had a go at Harry. Then later when Hermione stopped by and said her bit it got me thinking. I knew they couldn't've done it on purpose but I wasn't quite ready to forgive them until I saw them together at the ministry ball…it was obvious that they really were in love and I saw something in Harry I don't think I've ever seen before…” Ginny couldn't help herself from interjecting a question. “What did you see” Ron smiled sadly. “I saw him happy…honestly and truly happy…how could I begrudge him that” “Then why didn't you say something right away” Ron shrugged. “Embarrassed…pig-headed…stupid…take your pick. By the time I plucked up the old Gryffindor courage Harry was telling me they were engaged and to grow up. Naturally I got angry and stormed off and then it was too late. I mean what am I suppose to say to them now…hey Harry sorry mate its really all right you and Hermione carrying on, I was sore that you didn't tell me but I'm done acting a git now so let's just carry on shall we” “Add a bit more begging and it might just do the trick” At the sound of Harry's voice Ron whirled around in his seat and found himself staring at Harry and Hermione. “What…when…how much did you hear” Hermione answered. “We have been listening since you said you wanted to apologize at Christmas. Ginny jumped in. “But how did you hear” Harry grinned and held up a thin piece of flesh colored string. “An oldie but goodie…extendable ears…Fred saw you two talking and staring at our table and wanted to know what was up” Ginny and Ron nodded their heads in understanding. A heavy silence descended on the quartet for a moment as Ron and Harry stared at each other. Ron was the first to speak. “Listen I owe you two an apology. I had no right to behave the way I did and I'm truly sorry” Ron opened his mouth to saw something else then quickly shut it as nothing else came forth. Harry nodded his head and replied. “It's all right, we should have told you what was going on from the start” Ron grinned. “So we're all right then” Harry grinned back at him. “We're all right…but that's twice you've pulled a nutter on me you do that one more time and I'm hexing you into the middle of your fiftieth birthday” Ron laughed and said. “Deal” Ron and Harry clasped each other in a brotherly hug. Hermione whacked both of them on the shoulder and said. “Oh you two” She quickly kissed them both on the cheek before she hurried off to the loo with Ginny dead on her heels both their faces shining with tears. Harry and Ron stared after them quizzically before shrugging their shoulders and sitting down at the bar. Ron ordered two fresh tankards of ale and then looking at his best friend of twelve years nodded in the direction that Hermione had hurried off in and said. “Told you when we first met her she was mental. Sure you want to be tied to her for the rest of your life” Harry smiled. “Well I reckon if I'm gonna have a whomping prat as my best mate I may as well get a barmy wife to boot” Ron chuckled. “I reckon that's fair seeing as how me and Hermione get landed with the famous Harry Potter as a mate” Harry smiled and said. “A toast then” Ron nodded and pronounced. “To famous mates, barmy wives and whomping prats” Harry echoed Ron's words. “To famous mates, barmy wives and whomping prats” After they'd drained their tankards and ordered another round Harry looked to Ron and dropping an arm around his shoulder said. “Glad to have you back mate” Ron clapped Harry on the back and replied. “Glad to be back, glad to be back” --> 18. World Cups, Quidditch Mates and Wedding Dates ------------------------------------------------- **World Cups, Quidditch Mates and Wedding Dates** Llewellyn Field was filled to bursting with witches and wizards chatting boisterously. A tiny mustached wizard wearing bright red robes carrying a megaphone strode onto the field and climbed up the stairs of the raised dais situated in the middle of the pitch and signaled for quiet. A hush descended upon the assembled crowd and a wild excitement seemed to fill the air as all eyes fastened upon the tiny wizard who had just raised the megaphone to his lips. Clearing his throat his magically magnified voice boomed across the crowded stadium. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to Llewellyn Field…it gives me great pleasure to introduce the NEW…WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS…YOUR ENGLISH NATIONAL TEAM…I GIVE YOU… BELL… PRINGLE… GREENGRASS… MCCLELLAN… THOMASTON… WEASLEY… ANNNNNNNNNNNNNND POTTERRRRRRRR” The crowd erupted into applause as seven blurs of white, red and blue robes flew out onto the pitch. The players circled the stadium stopping several times to allow the fans time to snap their pictures or to excitedly wring their hands before they angled their brooms towards the ground and dismounted. They then turned and walked up the stairs onto the dais where their coach Darnley Cromwell stood with the tiny mustached wizard who was serving as announcer for the evening and the Minister of Magic Augustine Neanderhook. A table was placed just behind them. Upon it stood a tall gleaming cup that was situated in the center of the table. Minister Neanderhook smiled triumphantly as he raised the magical megaphone to his mouth to speak over the crowd, which was still screaming loudly. “Yes…yes…no finer moment have we had in such a long time as the likes of this one…I am pleased to welcome home our English National Quidditch team who soundly beat a tough Romanian team to bring home the cup….” Again the crowd raised their voices in a deafening cacophony of sound that seemed to vibrate the very earth. The minister smiled indulgently and pushed on. “I am sure these young people are itching to get down to some well deserved celebrating as are all of you but first there are a few minor details that need attending to…” Neanderhook tapped the megaphone with his wand, bewitching it to levitate of its own accord even with the level of his mouth, thus, leaving his hands free. He then grasped the gleaming golden cup by the handles, turned to Coach Cromwell and said. “It gives me great pleasure to present you with the four hundredth and thirty-first Quidditch World Cup…ladies and gentlemen I give you the Quidditch World Cup champions ” The stadium exploded in applause and cheers and chants of ENGLAND, ENGLAND, ENGLAND. Cromwell graciously accepted the cup and waved a hand in the air signaling for quiet. Neanderhook directed the megaphone in his direction and the crowd once again grew silent. Cromwell cleared his throat and spoke. “Not much for speech making but I think this particular occasion warrants that a little something be said…about…about this team…a fair few folks thought I was taking the mickey when I went with an all new squad this season…with the exception of one or two of my choices…” Cromwell threw a furtive glance in Harry's direction. “…folks thought I hadn't put together a strong enough side…well I said then that this was the best damn Quidditch team in the world…and I reckon this cup bloody well proves it to the rest of you” Harry, Ron and the rest of the English squad broke into raucous applause at the glowing praise their coach had just bestowed upon them. Cromwell then handed the cup to Harry and the crowd began chanting SPEECH, SPEECH, SPEECH. They were no doubt thinking of the rather amazing spiraling dive he'd made to catch the snitch. The last thing he wanted to do was make some sort of speech, Harry looked around for a way out but his teammates were chanting as well. Ron nudged his shoulder and mouthed the words `Go on'. Expelling a gust of air Harry hoisted the cup more snugly in his hands as the megaphone drifted over to him and began to speak. “Looks like I've been drafted by the team to say a few words…” Laughter rippled across the stadium. “…not much for me to say really other than to thank Coach Cromwell for believing in us when nobody else would've done…and to all our family and friends thanks for putting up with us…and of course thanks to all the fans for all your support…” Yet again the stadium seemed to vibrate from the force of the screams and cheers of delight issuing forth from the audience. Harry picked up his thread of speech and continued on. “On a more personal note I'd like to say to this lot standing beside me…you're a damn fine bunch of Quidditch players and I'm right pleased to play alongside you” Eric Thomaston and Jillian Greengrass roared back. “We think you're a cracking good player yourself” “Best ruddy seeker there is” Harry smiled and nodding his head raised the cup above his head to the joyous cheers and applause of the crowd. Following several more impromptu speeches and the pronouncement of the day as World Cup Day by Minister Neanderhook the team again took to the sky, circling the pitch with the World Cup held aloft twinkling in the dimming evening light. After touring the pitch at least four times the team trooped into the Minister of Magic's private box. Usually reserved for Neanderhook and his close friends and visiting dignitaries; this evening it held the families of the victorious English squad. Vivian Bell, Joseph Pringle, Jillian Greengrass, Liam McClellan and Eric Thomaston rushed in grinning broadly. Their hands were wrung and their backs were patted as they meandered through the box and made their way to greet their waiting families. Ron and Harry were the last to cross the threshold into the box. Molly Weasley immediately set upon them. Catching them in one of her legendary bear hugs, she peppered their cheeks with kisses. Harry graciously allowed Molly her moment before moving on to receive congratulations from Arthur and the rest of the red haired Weasleys and Remus Lupin. Ron however could be heard mumbling, *“Mum, geroff…you're embarrassing me”*. Hermione, Ginny and Lavender Brown (who Ron had started seeing not long after the trio made up) snorted loudly as they attempted to suppress a stream of giggles while watching Ron disentangle himself from his mother's embrace. Fred and George were now rushing up to Ron taking it in turns to hug him and plant loud wet kisses upon his cheeks as they imitated their mother's voice and called out things like *“Oh Ronnie I'm so proud”* and *“Ickle Ronnikins has won a world cup”*. Ron shoved the twins away and following in Harry's wake stomped over to where the three women were standing. Ginny congratulated the two with a hug and said. “Well done you two…that was a bloody brilliant dive Harry and Ron that was a fair bit of keeping you did” Harry and Ron beamed at Ginny and replied. “Thanks Gin” “I was rather brilliant wasn't I” Ginny shook her head at Ron's comment and looking to Lavender asked. “How in the name of Merlin do you put up with him” Lavender smiled and replied. “Well he did play quite brilliantly don't you think” Ginny waved her hand in the air as if shooing away a fly. “Never mind…forget I even asked…” She glanced down at her watch and noting the time said. “I best be off…you lot are stopping by for drinks aren't you” Hermione answered. “Yes we'll meet you at Sixes and Sevens in an hour” Ginny nodded said her goodbyes and called over her shoulder as she headed for the door. “Keep Ron away from the Fire whiskey won't you Lav” Lavender, Hermione and Harry all laughed at the affronted look on Ron's face. Harry turned to Hermione and asked. “Where's Ginny off to…I thought we were all going out to celebrate tonight” “We are going to celebrate but Gin needed to run an errand first then she is going to meet Draco and the two of them are going to meet all of us at Sixes and Sevens for a drink before we all head over to The Pitch for the victory celebration” Harry and Ron groaned. Lavender looked at Ron and asked. “What's wrong” Ron answered irritably. “Must she bring Ferret Boy…I mean really how long have I got to endure this…this …life with Malfoy” Harry responded the tone of his voice obviously annoyed. “At the rate those two are going for eternity” Hermione cut in. “Honestly you two are the limit…I admit he is not the person I would have chosen for Ginny but he has really changed some and he genuinely cares for Ginny…so the least you two can do is try and be supportive…” Ron and Harry looked nervously at each other. Hermione was winding up to one of her hour-long lectures about decorum and loyalty and a load of other rubbish that neither of them fancied hearing at the moment. A few more seconds and their celebratory evening would be shot. Hermione was hitting her stride now. “Ron how would you feel if people judged you by your past mistakes…and Harry you know what it feels like to have people attack you when you have done absolutely nothing wrong…I expected better of both of you …” Ron fixed Harry with a pleading glare. Knowing what he had to do Harry pulled Hermione into his arms and captured her lips with his own cutting her off mid-sentence. Hermione lost herself to the feel of Harry's body pressed so close to hers. She moaned and looped her arms about his neck deepening the kiss. They soon became so involved in each other that Ron had to poke Harry in the back sharply to remind him that he and Hermione were not alone. As they breathlessly disconnected their mouths Liam McClellan called over to Harry. “Oy, Potter, you practicing for the wedding ceremony” Harry waggled his eyes suggestively at his teammate. Ron added in an undertow. “More like the honeymoon” Ron and Liam chuckled bawdily as Hermione's face erupted in a flushed shade of pink. Harry shot the two a reproving glance as Vivian Bell, Joseph Pringle, Jillian Greengrass, and Eric Thomaston wondered over towards them. Guessing they'd said something highly inappropriate Vivian nodded at Ron and Liam and said to Hermione. “Pay those two no mind they're completely childish they are” Jillian bobbed her head in agreement and asked. “So when's the big day anyway” Joseph Pringle inserted himself into the conversation then. “Yeah Harry been meaning to ask you when are you two doing the do” Eric Thomaston chimed in. “I asked Ron about that the other day figured he'd know being that he's bound to be your best man and all but he said you hadn't mentioned it to him at all” Harry tucked his bottom lip between his teeth. The truth of the matter was that he and Hermione hadn't even discussed when they were getting married. Harry'd honestly never given any thought to the actual act of marrying Hermione; he'd focused all of his attention on the asking and getting her to agree. While Harry puzzled things over in his mind Hermione smoothly responded to everyone's queries about she and Harry's impending wedding date. “Harry hasn't mentioned a date because we haven't chosen one” Ron's eyes widened as he looked from Hermione to Harry and asked. “Why haven't you two set a date…you are still getting married aren't you” Hermione sighed and replied. “Of course we are still getting married Ron…” Ron cut her off. “Then why haven't you set a date” Hermione smiled. “Well we haven't had the time have we…” Hermione paused as everyone present eyed she and Harry suspiciously. Taking a deep breath she continued. “All of Harry's attention has been devoted to Quidditch these past few months and things at the Ministry have been far more hectic than normal and we talked about it and decided that it would be best if we just waited until the Quidditch season was over before we started discussing wedding plans” As Hermione finished a chorus of “ohs” and “well that makes sense” broke out among Harry's teammates. Liam piped up again. “Well now that that's all settled we best get changed and head over to The Pitch otherwise we'll be late for our own victory party” The team said their goodbyes to their assembled guests and snatching up their brooms trotted out of the door and flew off towards the locker rooms. Ron Kissed Lavender on the cheek and grabbing his broom in one hand and the back of Harry's robes with the other he started for the door. Harry, who had been staring at Hermione oddly, stooped and caught up his broom in his right hand. He threw Hermione one last questioning glance before he mounted his broom and zoomed off after his teammates. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was nearly nine in the morning when Harry and Hermione apparated into their bedroom at 321 Marigold Court. Hermione was exhausted. Once Ron and Harry had changed they had left the stadium and as planned they had gone to Sixes and Sevens to meet Draco and Ginny. The plan had been to meet and have a drink then head over to the team party at The Pitch but the owners at the restaurant had been so pleased to have two of the World Cup champions in their midst that they had insisted on buying a round of drinks for the group at least. Drinks turned into dinner and what was supposed to be a ten-minute stop lasted over an hour. Ron said it would have been very rude to leave when the owners were being so accommodating. Ginny thought it was more along the lines of Ron not being able to pass up free food. By the time they arrived at The Pitch the celebration was just getting started. It seemed that the other players had had the same problem at the places they'd stopped by as well. It was nearly midnight before the party at The Pitch was over. Liam then invited everyone back to his flat for a nightcap. After an hour there Ron, Lavender, Ginny, Draco, Harry and Hermione left and went to the Burrow where the remainder of the Weasleys, Remus, Wendlyn, Hermione's parents and a host of their other friends and acquaintances were waiting to celebrate with them. They had talked and laughed into the wee hours of the morning, then Molly along with the help of the women present went into the kitchen and cooked a delicious breakfast of bangers with eggs, back bacon, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade, pumpkin juice and tea. Completely knackered from the night of celebrating and very well fed the revelers slowly began departing for their own domiciles. Harry and Hermione were among the last to leave as they'd stayed behind to help Molly and Arthur with the tidying up. Hermione took her wand and waved open the doors to the closet and stepped inside, a moment later she emerged clad in a faded Hogwarts t-shirt and clambered into bed. Harry had likewise stripped down to his boxers and was sitting in bed looking extraordinarily worn-out. Hermione leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek and muttered good night as she snuggled beneath the covers. Harry replied. “Its morning love” Hermione mumbled a muddled incomprehensible reply, waved her wand at the open blinds and drew them shut and summoned the drapes closed. The room was plunged into a semi-darkened state and Hermione closed her eyes intent on sleeping for at least the entire day. Harry sat there for a minute or two before he gently shook Hermione by the shoulder and asked. “You sleeping” Hermione grunted. “Mmhmm” Harry frowned and asked. “If you're asleep how do you know what I'm saying” Hermione replied groggily. “I'm not totally asleep yet” Harry poked her side. “Well wake up we need to talk” Hermione asked. “Can it wait till morning” Harry answered cheekily. “It is morning” Hermione groaned and sat up in bed. Something had been on Harry's mind all evening; he'd been extremely preoccupied throughout all the celebrating. But Hermione knew him well enough to know that he'd talk about it when he was ready. She just wished he had picked a more convenient time to get chatty. As such she responded more tersely than she normally would have. “What” Seeing that she was tired from the day's events and was no doubt getting exasperated with his prolonging the moment when she'd be able to rest Harry got right to the point. “Why did you lie to everyone about why we haven't set a wedding date” Hermione thought for a moment about what she had said about their not having set a wedding date and answered. “I thought it was easier to give them a plausible explanation than to have to explain that we just never got around to talking about it” Harry nodded grimly. “I suppose so” Curious as to what had brought on this question Hermione inquired. “Would you rather that I told them the truth…that we haven't discussed actually getting married at all” Harry frowned deeply and after several minutes replied. “No I don't suppose that would have been to helpful Ron almost did his nut when he heard we hadn't set a date yet…” Satisfied that the conversation was over and Harry's fears were properly assuaged Hermione planted a kiss on his lips and laying her head against his chest closed her eyes intent on getting some much needed rest. Then Harry's voice sounded above her. “People kept coming up to me congratulating me on winning the Cup then asking when's the wedding…do they do that to you…ask when's the wedding” Hermione gave a defeated sigh and sat up once again. “Of course they ask when's the wedding. Not a single day has passed in the four months since the entire wizarding world found out about our engagement that someone hasn't asked me that question” Harry looked at Hermione and asked. “Really” Hermione nodded. “Every other day someone is asking about our wedding plans or else telling me where they went on their honeymoon or about some quaint little out of the way wedding chapel that would be just perfect for us…then there are the magazines…” Harry cut in. “Magazines…what magazines” “Why the bridal magazines of course…” Harry cut Hermione off again. “You've got bridal magazines” Hermione nodded. “Bridal magazines for witches and for muggles…mum sends the muggle ones of course” Harry ran his hand through his hair. “If all this has been going on why haven't you said anything about it” Hermione worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she responded. “Well what I told Ron wasn't a complete lie. We have been extremely busy at the ministry and you've been so consumed with your matches that I honestly hadn't given it much thought” Harry ran his hand through his unruly hair again and said. “Well don't you reckon we should be thinking about it? I mean we can't stay engaged forever. No point fannying around about it is there…we should set a date…get moving with this whole wedding thing as soon as possible” Hermione was thunderstruck. “You…you want to set a wedding date right now” Harry nodded enthusiastically. “Well…yes…why not…you do still want to marry me don't you” “Of course I still want to marry you…I want to be your wife more than anything in this whole world…I just wasn't expecting this…its all so…so sudden” Harry smiled. “What about our relationship hasn't been sudden” Hermione giggled. Harry smiled and continued. “So how long would it take you to plan your dream wedding” --> 19. Forever's Kiss ------------------ **Epilogue: Forever's Kiss** The thick covering of leaves that lay on the ground deadened the sound of Harry's footfalls. It had been several months since he had last visited and the signs of neglect were showing. Harry drew his wand from his jacket pocket and swept the leaves and other debris away from the three headstones before him. He knelt down and placed a bouquet of flowers in front of each of the markers. Slowly he raised a hand and traced the three names and words etched in stone before him: **Lily Potter** **Devoted Wife and Mother** **Kind and Loving Friend** **James Potter** **Beloved Husband and Father** **Faithful Marauder** **Sirius Black** **Cherished Godfather** **Loyal Friend and Marauder** Harry took a deep breath inhaling the crisp fall air. He spoke quietly. “Sorry I haven't been to see you in a while…things have been a bit hectic…made the English National team…” He touched the marker bearing his father's name and smiled. “We won the Cup…I made a brilliant catch…kind of a looping, spiraling dive…looked almost like I was feinting…I was so low to the ground and flat to my broom I could feel the grass hitting against my robes…the Romanian seeker got ploughed…” Harry nodded back and forth between his father and his godfather's headstones as he imagined their proud smiling faces. “You would've loved it…Hermione nearly had a fit…said if I ever did anything like that ever again she'd hex me good” He touched his mother's marker as those words left his lips. For a moment he just sat there his fingers tracing and retracing the letters in his her name. He looked down and checked his watch. “Today's the big day. In a few hours I'll be getting married…I wish you could be here. You'd love Hermione…she's really something…she's really something special…smart…beautiful…keeps me in line she does. Handles my moods…knows me better than I know myself most days…Sirius can tell you two all about her. Brightest witch I've ever known…though I'm not sure what she sees in me I'm sure as bloody hell glad she chose me. Well I guess I should be going…gotta get ready and all…I just wanted to see you today and…and…” Harry's voice faltered as he took another deep breath and pushed on. “I promise not to stay away so long again. Next time I come I'll bring Hermione along…give you a proper introduction…” Harry stood to his feet and turned to leave, stopping abruptly he turned back and said his voice full of emotion. “I hope that the sacrifice you made was worth it. I hope I've made you proud of me…I…I…I love you all…” Once again Harry found himself unable to speak. Suddenly he felt a hand gripping his shoulder and he turned around and found himself staring at Remus. Remus smiled sadly and said. “Lily and James…and Sirius are very proud of you…how could they not be…look at the fine man you've become” Harry nodded and wiped at the tears in the corners of his eyes before he spoke. “How did you know I was here” Remus stared at the gravestones before him and replied. “I had no idea you were here actually…I just fancied a chat with my mates. I come up here quite a lot…update them on the goings on in our lives or just sit and pass the time” Harry stared at Remus and responded in a voice that was but a whisper. “You really miss them don't you” Remus smiled and turned back to face Harry. “Yes I do miss them. But the very best part of them I see often enough” Harry's brow knitted together for a brief second as he took in what Remus meant. Smiling he asked. “You really think they're proud of me” Remus nodded. “Certain of it…I certainly am” Harry posed a question to Remus. “Remus…do you think that one day when Hermione and I have children of our own…will you…will you tell them about my mum and dad and Sirius” Remus smiled his old marauders smile and said. “Harry it would be my pleasure to tell your children about Lily James and Sirius. But first things first…I believe we have a wedding to get you to” Harry nodded and the two apparated with a crackle and a pop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Tell me why we're wearing these bloody things again” Ron snatched his bow tie from around his neck and tossed it onto the table in front of him. Harry shook his head and walked over to where Ron was standing, picked up the tie and began tying it around Ron's neck. “Because it's a wedding and you wear bow ties at weddings Ron” Ron snorted scathingly as Harry finished and retorted. “More like we're wearing them because Hermione said so” Harry chuckled. “That too…you have the rings” Ron patted his jacket pocket and replied. “That's the fourth time you asked me that…they're right here mate” Harry nodded. Ron eyed him and said. “Having second thoughts…you can still back out you know…I'll hold her off so you can make a clean getaway” Ron whipped out his wand and did an intricate series of twirling and swishing movements as he pretended to blast a path to freedom for Harry. Molly Weasley's voice brought his shenanigans to an abrupt halt. “Ronald Weasley you'll do no such thing! What on earth are you doing encouraging Harry to skive off his own wedding…and stop all that jumping about you're ruining your suit” Harry chuckled at the horrified expression on Ron's face as his mother pulled a gigantic lint brush from her handbag and commenced dusting him off. Arthur Weasley walked into the room and gently tugged the brush from his wife's hands. “Now, now Molly Ron was only joking I'm sure…Harry hasn't the look of a man whose changed his mind” Molly turned her attention to Harry then, she stared at him for a moment then she leapt on him and burst into a furious howl. “Oooooh look at you Harry all grown up and about to be married…oooooh it seems like it was just yesterday you were asking how to get onto the Hogwarts express…now look at you…about to be married…a young man off to build a new life…oooooh I couldn't be prouder if you were my own flesh and blood…oooooh” It took both Ron and Arthur to pry Molly off of Harry. “Mum, stop it you're leaking all over him” “Come along now Molly…its almost time to for the ceremony to start let's go” Ron shook his head as his father escorted his mother out the door. “Barking I tell you…absolutely barking” Harry grinned and shook his head as he turned to the mirror and checked his reflection one last time. Straightening his tie Harry glanced down at his watch and saw that it was indeed time. He gave himself one final look in the mirror and turned to Ron and said. “All right then we best get out there” Ron nodded and then with a smirk gestured towards the back door and said. “Last chance” Harry smiled turned and strode out the door leading to the chapel calling to Ron over his shoulder as he went. “Have you got the rings” Ron hurried after him saying. “Ask me that one more bloody time and I swear to Merlin I'll hex you” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry stood transfixed as he watched Hermione walking towards him on her father's arm, he had not thought it possible that she could be more beautiful than she already was but as he gazed at her he knew that never had she been as lovely as she was right then. Her hair was done up in flowing curls a few tendrils framed her face. Having decided against the traditional white wedding gown she instead wore a stunning form fitting silver satin gown. Harry swallowed convulsively as she drew nearer and ascended the stairs. He came down to meet her. Once he felt Hermione's hand slip into his own everything else faded away. There was nothing else, and no one save the two of them existed. The voice of the minister sounded . “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…” Hermione gently squeezed Harry's hand. They turned to face each other, Harry mouthed the words *`I love you'*. Hermione smiled and mouthed the words *`I love you too'* in reply. Harry scarcely remembered the ceremony and the words he spoke though he meant them from his heart. When he came to himself again the voice of the minister broke through loud and clear saying. “I now pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride” Harry smiled as he drew Hermione into his arms…slowly he raised his right hand to her cheek and gently caressed her face he then took his thumb and lightly traced it over her beautiful lips; they were slightly parted in anticipation. Harry lowered his head and nibbled her bottom lip, feeling the soft fullness of her lips and tasting their sweetness. When their lips met he ran his tongue along the edge of her lower lip then repeated the action with the upper lip caressing it as he had done the lower one seconds before. As his mouth descended to hers a moan of anticipation flowed from him as he felt her tongue connect with his. Tongues intertwined they deepened the kiss and gave themselves over to the moment. Harry slipped his arms around her delicate waist, molding her body to his, moaning softly into her mouth reveling in the scent, feel and taste of Hermione. Ron watched as Harry and Hermione kissed for what seemed to be ages; he wondered if the pair of them recalled the detail that there was in fact a chapel full of people waiting to congratulate them. The minister looked from Harry and Hermione to Ron as if pleading for assistance. Ron nodded dutifully, reached over and grabbed Harry's collar pulling him back far enough to separate his lips from Hermione's. The minister smiled indulgently at the beaming couple and said. “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter” Everyone present rose to their feet and applauded as Harry and Hermione rushed down the aisle and out the front doors of the chapel. Hermione turned to Harry positively glowing and asked. “Are you happy” Harry grinned broadly and drew his new wife into his arms and replied. “Ecstatic” He lowered his head and captured her lips with his own. -->