What I Like About You

Amynoelle and Heaven

Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6
Published: 13/02/2007
Last Updated: 27/06/2007
Status: Completed

As young girls, Hermione and Ginny met and made a pact that they would never date a boy. Little did they know, it would become a magical contract that would affect them in their later years at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy's got his eye on Ginny, but to get the girl he has to get Hermione together with someone. And no one will date Hermione, the school 'shrew'... but perhaps there's one person who can understand her enough to break through her hard exterior. Also, will Ron ever get through to Luna, who he fancies more than anyone else in the school and can Neville work up the courage to tell Ginny how he really feels?

1. Prologue

Welcome to the first chapter of our newest story- loosely based on ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ and/or ‘Ten Things I Hate About You’. We hope you guys will enjoy this- and while this first chapter is rather short, it’s only a prologue for what’s to come and sets the background.

We’re also setting a new posting schedule, which is this:

Tuesday---What I Like About You

Thursday---Hogwarts Undercover

Saturday---Last Dance (we're only updating that one once a week once we return to it)

Due to the fact that we'll have three ongoing stories, we're not going to be able to do review replies to each and every one. We will try to reply when we can, but we both have full-time jobs and with these three stories we might not always be able to reply as we'd like. But please be rest assured that we will answer any questions you have and we'll try and respond when we can. We do read each and every one and appreciate you guys taking the time!

Last Dance will return on March 3rd---we thank you guys for your patience! Thank you for your support and we hope you guys will stick with us!

Please review and let us know what you think!!!

“I hate boys,” Six year old Ginny Weasley tossed her red bunches over her shoulders.

“I don’t like them either,” Seven year old Hermione Granger replied. “They’re so mean and silly because we’re girls.” She was helping Ginny clean her dress from the mud a bunch of boys had thrown at them.

The two girls had met all of a quarter of an hour ago. Hermione, who lived near London, was up near central England while her parents were at a dentist conference. She had a nanny, who was currently sitting on the bench nearby knitting, and it seemed that Ginny was there with her brothers as she had arrived with some redheaded boys that looked very much like she did.

Ginny studied the brown haired girl. ‘Obviously a Muggle,’ she thought. ‘Otherwise she’d ask her Mum to charm off my stains.’ She and her brothers had promised their mother they would be careful and not say a word about witches or wizards otherwise they’d never be allowed in a Muggle area again without her or their father with them.

“They’re so mean,” Hermione was saying. “Honestly, in my class at primary school, boys always put their feet up on the tables, they chew gum and they never do their homework.”

“I don’t know about school,” Ginny answered. “My mum teaches us at home,”

“Wow,” Hermione looked at her, her brown eyes wide. “I wish my mum and dad would teach me at home… but then again I do love school and my professors.”

Ginny smiled politely. “Thank you for helping me clean my dress,” she said. “We’ll have to just play together on the other side of the park.”

“Okay,” Hermione smiled back at her. “I think we’ve got your dress as clean as we’re going to get it.”

Ginny looked with a slight bit of dismay at the patch of brown on her pretty skirt. “That’s okay; my mum will fix it when I go home.”

The two girls left the lavatory, blinking as the sunshine hit their eyes. “Want to go over there?” Hermione pointed to some trees. “It’s nice and quiet usually.”

Ginny agreed. “I don’t want to go near those boys again. What if they throw more mud on me?”

“They’re mean,” Hermione shook her head, her shoulder length bushy hair swaying. “I think they’re probably a form up than me in school. They like to bully other kids like us.”

She stopped by her nanny to get her snack, consisting of some water crackers and a tiny jar of jam along with some water and led Ginny the long way. It was nice to see another girl at the park- she'd been walking around there for two days and had hardly seen another soul.

They finally found a spot underneath the shade of one of the trees and Ginny sat down directly opposite Hermione. "It's really nice of you to share your snack with me," Ginny said as Hermione offered her a cracker.

"Sure," Hermione smiled. "I think it's nice to have someone else here."

Ginny nodded. "I think so, too. If you weren't here, I'd be off by myself. My brothers don't usually let me play with them."

"Why not?" Hermione asked.

Ginny shrugged and looked thoughtfully at her new friend. "I think it's because I'm the only girl. My mum's really protective of me, too."

"Both my parents are," Hermione nodded her head. "That's why they hire out a nanny and she comes--" her words were cut off by a scornful laugh.

"You have to have a nanny because you're a baby," a male voice snickered. Hermione glared at him.

"Richard, leave us alone! We aren't bothering you!" she said with a toss of her bushy hair.

Ginny inched closer to Hermione as the group of boys rounded on them. The boy Hermione had called Richard bent down and grabbed a cracker from Ginny's hand.

"Hey!" Ginny protested. "That's mine!"

"It's mine now," Richard said smugly, stuffing it in his mouth. "Goody goody Granger has a good snack."

"Leave us alone!" Hermione's eyes were blazing as she stood up.

One of the other boys grabbed the bag of crackers from the ground and tossed it to Richard. Ginny quickly got to her feet and tried to grab the bag back, but the boys were much too quick for her or Hermione.

"Give that back!" Ginny said, jumping for the bag as Richard carelessly tossed it to another of the boys.

Hermione looked ready to burst into tears but she held them back bravely. "If you don't leave us alone..." she began when a strong wind began to blow through the trees. It whipped Ginny's bunches into her eyes and when she pushed her hair away again Richard and the rest of the boys were running away from them.

"What just happened here?" Hermione asked her eyes wide.

Ginny shook her head, her mouth agape. "I-I don't know," she said weakly.

Hermione looked at Ginny another moment before bending over. "Well so much for having a snack," she said, looking at the spilled jar of jam and smashed crackers. "I hate those boys!"

"Me too!" Ginny said frowning, bending down and helping her friend clean up the mess the boys' had made.

"Why would any girl ever want a boyfriend?" Hermione asked angrily. "My older cousin says they act the same even though she's fourteen."

Ginny wrinkled her nose up in disgust. "My brother Charlie has a girlfriend and he kisses her all the time...it makes me sick. I can't imagine ever wanting some boy to do that to me!"

Hermione marched to a garbage can and threw the remnants of her snack into it. "I know that I'M never going to have a boyfriend." she crossed her arms.

"That goes double for me," Ginny said, pushing a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Hermione sat back down. "Let's make a pact," she said, her eyes brightening.

"What's a pact?" Ginny asked curiously.

"It's like a deal... a deal that can never be broken," Hermione recalled reading about a pact in one of the books in her family's library. "We have to swear to the same thing and then shake on it."

"Brilliant!" Ginny said excitedly, her eyes lighting up at the idea.

"Okay," Hermione stuck out her hand. "I, Hermione Jane Granger and you..." she looked at the redhead. "What's your whole name?"

The smile on Ginny's face faded. "Do I have to use my full name?"

"Well..." Hermione looked hesitant. "It makes it more official..."

Ginny nodded. "It's just that I've never really liked my whole name. Promise you won't laugh?"

"I promise," Hermione said. "You're talking to someone named Hermione remember?"

Ginny giggled. "Okay...my name is Ginevra Molly Weasley."

"Okay," Hermione smiled. "I, Hermione Jane Granger and you, Ginevra Molly Weasley, do..." she paused a moment as she recalled the pact from the book. "Do... hereby declare that as of this day, we will never date a boy because... they're disgusting and repulsive."

"And mean and smelly and dirty," Ginny chimed in.

"Right," Hermione started to giggle. "We'll be happier staying by ourselves for the rest of our lives."

Ginny nodded in agreement and offered her hand to Hermione. "Do we shake on it now?" she asked, deferring to the older girl who obviously knew more about this than she did.

"Yes," Hermione grasped Ginny's hand and they shook firmly.

Unbeknownst to the two young girls who collapsed against each other in giggles, their pact had become a contract. A Wizarding contract, not to be broken and forgotten about for many, many years.

*** 10 Years Later ***

Hermione Granger stretched, her hand sneaking out from underneath her covers to shut off her alarm. She sighed contentedly and allowed herself a few extra moments in bed. “I'm Head Girl today,” she looked up at her ceiling. “Head Girl of all Hogwarts.”

“Hermione!” her mother knocked on her door. “Are you up yet love?”

“Yes Mum,” Hermione answered, pushing back her covers. She showered quickly and put on her jeans and jumper she would wear until changing into her Hogwarts uniform once on the train.

“Are you excited about this year?” her father asked as Hermione joined her parents for breakfast.

“I am,” Hermione replied, digging into her eggs. “Being Head Girl is such a great responsibility, and will look fantastic next year when I start looking for a career.”

Her father nodded approvingly as her mother sat down. “We’re very proud of you Hermione,” Elinore said. “We were sceptical when we found out about this witchcraft thing but you’ve done remarkably well.”

“Thanks Mum,” Hermione glowed with pride. “I’ve stayed at the top of my classes all six years and I expect this year to be absolutely no different.”

Meanwhile, Ginny Weasley was still blissfully ensconced in the arms of sleep. Her dreams from the night before went uninterrupted, that is, until her brother Ron decided to wake her up.

“Wake up Ginny,” Ron shook the edge of her bed.

“Go away Ron,” Ginny buried her face in her pillow, clinging desperately to her dream of dancing around the room with a handsome yet nameless wizard.

“Well I just thought you might like to know there are about twelve wizards downstairs who all heard you’re finally able to date and are lining up to take you out.”

“WHAT?” Ginny was suddenly wide awake.

Ron started laughing. “Got you to get up,” he said smugly. “Come on, Mum made us a huge breakfast as a goodbye.”

Ginny glared at the back of her brother’s head. “Ronald Bilius Weasley!” she yelled but he ran down the stairs laughing. “Ugh what a git…” she grumbled as she got out of bed, pulling on a skirt and blouse. She would change into her Hogwarts uniform on the train.

She bounced down the stairs several minutes later, her hair arranged neatly in plaits. “Morning everyone,” she said.

“Good morning dear,” Molly Weasley smiled at her only daughter.

“Thanks for waking me up so nicely Ron,” Ginny hit her brother’s shoulder. “Still sore about not being Head Boy?” she teased.

“Shut up Ginny,” Ron shovelled bacon into his mouth.

“Ronald,” Molly Weasley said. “You don’t talk to your sister that way.”

Ginny waited until her mother turned her back and smirked at him as she dug into her breakfast. She could hardly wait to get on the train to school!

2. Chapter 2

We are so, so, so, SO sorry about this being late! Please forgive us- it’s been a crazy few weeks! This chapter will hopefully answer some of the questions you guys had about the first one!

Being first on the train really had its benefits, Hermione knew this. It gave her the pick of the compartments, and as always, she chose the one nearest the front. It was next to the compartment where she would be in for the Prefect and Head Boy and Girl meeting, and she would be first when the witch with the food cart came along.

Hermione Granger was used to being first. Being first in her class came due to her hard work, and the rest just seemed to fall into place from there. She knew she was first in line to be picked for Head Girl and thus was not surprised when the owl arrived bearing this news.

“Now, to find out who the Head Boy is,” Hermione murmured after settling her things into her chosen compartment. There was always a list of the Prefects posted up next to the meeting compartment on the train and she now grasped it in her hand disbelievingly. “Draco Malfoy?” she asked in amazement. “What… how…”

“Like it Granger?” the sneering voice she hated most in the world was heard next to her. “We’re going to be working together for a whole year… aren’t you excited?”

“Hardly,” Hermione’s tone was icy. “I'm not quite sure what Dumbledore was thinking when he made you Head Boy.”

“Better me than Weasley,” Draco said silkily, fingering his badge. “It’s obvious though that the picking of the Head Girl and Boy is definitely not a popularity contest. If it were, you’d never be here right now.”

“Sod off Malfoy,” Hermione thrust the list at him. “I don’t like this any better than you do.”

Draco snatched the list away and pinned it next to the door. “I’ll see you at the meeting Granger,” he said coolly.

“Can’t wait,” Hermione replied sarcastically, turning to leave and bumping into another figure that had just appeared behind her. “Watch where you’re going,” she snapped.

“Sorry,” the person said, a smooth, rich baritone of a voice. She looked up and found herself face to face with Harry Potter. Ever since his defeat over the Dark Lord Voldemort the past year, he’d become more self assured, more cocky than he used to be.

Hermione had always thought him to be interesting, yet no one ever really got to know him. “Well… watch out next time,” she said, her voice stumbling a bit as she turned to go back to her compartment.

“Congratulations on making Head Girl,” he said, catching her hand in his.

“Thanks,” she said warily. “What are you doing up here?”

“Checking the prefect list,” Harry nodded to it.

“Oh,” she said. “Have fun with that.” She noticed he was still holding her hand. His palm was soft yet had a firm masculine feel to it. “You can let go of me now,” Hermione said, trying to pull away.

“Sorry,” he flashed perfect white teeth at her.

For some reason, his smile made something in her stomach tighten as she successfully pulled away. “Right,” she said, turning around, her long bushy hair flying out behind her before going back into her compartment.

Hermione sat down on the bench and reached for her bag. She pulled out a Grade 7 spell book and tried to immerse herself into it, but her mind couldn’t help straying back to a certain pair of green eyes.

*** *** ***

The train was halfway to Hogwarts when the Prefect meeting finally got out. Ginny was sitting alone in a compartment, waiting for her brother and Harry to come back as she looked over the latest copy of Witch Weekly.

The compartment door slid open and Ginny smiled as her friend Luna Lovegood came in. “Mind if I sit here Ginny?” she asked in her typical dreamy fashion. With her wand tucked behind one ear and an upside down copy of the Quibbler under an arm, Luna Lovegood was a rather interesting individual. That was part of the reason Ginny liked her- the girl simply went through life at her own pace and didn’t let anyone dissuade her.

“Of course not,” Ginny replied. “I’m just waiting for everyone to get back from the Prefect meeting. I’m not sure where Harry went though- he’s probably going to get Quidditch captain so he’s not a prefect.”

“Maybe he’s just being friendly,” Luna said, pulling out her Quibbler.

“Maybe,” Ginny replied, going back to her Witch Weekly.

It was only a few minutes later that Ginny looked up at another light tapping on the compartment door. Her heart literally leapt into her throat as she smiled up at Draco Malfoy.

“Hello,” he said, smoothly pushing the door aside. Luna looked up for a moment then back down at her newspaper. “Ginny, right?”

“Right,” she said, setting her magazine aside.

He sat down next to her, crossing one leg over the other. “I heard a very interesting rumour about you,” he said, leaning close.

“You did?” Ginny asked, pushing her long, straight red hair over her shoulder. “What might that be?”

“Well…” Draco said, leaning in even closer as if he was about to divulge a big secret. “I heard… that you’re able to date.”

Ginny smiled. “I guess that means you heard right,” she flirted back, smiling coquettishly.

“So maybe we’ll have to go out sometime this year,” Draco said.

“Sure,” Ginny replied. “That sounds like it could be fun.”

“I promise to make it fun,” Draco said, leaning in until his lips were almost touching hers. He liked to play this game with girls.

“Okay,” she breathed, her heart fluttering madly.

“So I’ll be in touch,” Draco got up, smoothing his uniform out. “I’ll see you around school,” he gave her a charming smile and touched her cheek before slipping out of the compartment.

Ron was inside a few minutes later, Harry tagging behind him. “What was that git doing in here?” he demanded.

“He came in to say hi,” Ginny said, red faced. “Being nice, you know?”

“Malfoy is not nice,” Ron said indignantly. “Oh… hi Luna.” His face also turned red.

“Hello Ronald,” Luna replied, not raising her eyes from her newspaper.

Harry grinned at Ron. “Good move mate,” he said, sitting down on the seat closest to the door and stretching his legs across to the other side. “I’m going to kip.”

“Well how are we supposed to get out?” Ron asked. “And more importantly, how are we supposed to get food when the witch with the cart comes by?”

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” Harry grinned at Ginny and Luna before stretching much like a cat.

Ginny shook her head. She’d had a major crush on Harry the first few years she was at Hogwarts but when she realised that he would see her as nothing other than a little sister she’d given up on it.

“You know Harry, I think I liked you better when you used to be more quiet and shy, Ron complained, sitting next to Luna. “What are you reading?” He asked, moving closer to her on the bench. Harry and Ginny exchanged amused looks as Luna continued to be completely oblivious to Ron’s advances.

“Just Daddy’s paper,” Luna replied vaguely. “Did you see this article about doxies and their everyday use in Wizarding households?”

“No,” Ron replied, moving closer. “But it sounds fascinating.”

Harry snorted and rested his head against the seat. “Wake me up when we get to school mate. Or if my stomach starts growling.”

“Whatever Potter,” Ron glared at his so called best friend and slumped against the seat.

After the Prefect meeting on the train, Hermione returned huffily to her compartment. Her perfect year wouldn’t be so perfect with Malfoy being Head Boy. “Why does he have to ruin everything,” she said, pulling her old tattered copy of Hogwarts, a History out of her bag.

"Like reading," Hermione nodded. She'd gone a few pages in when a knock sounded on the door.

"Hi Hermione..." Shy, quiet Neville Longbottom poked his head in. "Can... can I sit with you? No one else will let me in their compartment."

Hermione smiled at him. "Of course."

"Thank you," he said in relief.

"How were your hols?" she asked politely.

"Fine," Neville said. "Gran and I visited my parents a lot."

"That's great," Hermione said. Neville was the closest thing she had a friend at Hogwarts. "I'm sure they were happy to see you."

"I don't really know if they recognised me or not," Neville mumbled, not meeting her eyes. Hermione was the only person at Hogwarts who knew about his parents.

"I'm sure they do," Hermione reassured him. "And you know that researchers have been working really hard to find a cure for that curse, Neville."

Neville only nodded, and turned to look out the window.

Hermione returned to her book and for a few minutes she enjoyed the quiet. But, the door to their compartment slid open again and she looked up to see Lavender Brown. "Have you seen Harry Potter?"

"No," Hermione said curtly, rolling her eyes.

Lavender frowned. "Some second year thought she saw him back here." She looked over at Neville. "Have you seen him, Nev?"

Neville shook his head. "No..."

"Look, I told you he wasn't here," Hermione said sharply. "Could you leave us alone?"

Lavender glared at her. "I should have known he'd not be back here with you."

"Yes, you should have," Hermione smirked at her. "Run along."

Lavender tossed her hair back and then stalked out of the compartment.

Hermione shook her head. She didn't see how people like Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil passed any of their classes. Most of the time those two airheads were following some boy around the halls, giggling and squealing and acting like complete idiots.

"I think I'm going to get something to eat," Neville said. "Did you want anything?"

Hermione shook her head. "No thanks."

"I'll be right back," Neville took his money pouch and left.

Neville left the compartment door open and Hermione could hear some fourth-year girls giggling out in the corridor.

"I walked past his compartment," one of the girls was saying. "He was asleep. I practically melted. He is so hot."

"He's so hot," Hermione mimicked.

"And he has the greenest eyes," the girl gushed. "And he's just soooooo.....sooooo...."

Hermione got up and glared at the two girls. "You should be in your compartments," she barked.

"We're not doing anything wrong," one of them retorted. "We haven't seen each other all summer."

"Go visit in your compartment," Hermione said, her Head Girl badge blinking in the sunlight. "Or there will be points taken before you even get back."

"Fine," the taller girl said rolling her eyes. "Come on, Missy. Let's go walk past Harry's compartment again."

Hermione banged the compartment door shut as they disappeared down the corridor. "Idiots," she muttered.

She had never behaved that way and she certainly wouldn't do it over some stupid boy. This was going to be a perfect year, she vowed. She'd just ignore Malfoy and not let him get to her.

*** *** ***

The students had been back at Hogwarts for a few days now, and were settling into their routine of classes. Ginny came down to breakfast that day, still yawning. She'd been up late the night before with her roommates.

She made her way over to the Gryffindor table, bypassing Hermione Granger who had her nose in a book, as usual.

None of her friends were downstairs yet so she took an empty seat beside Neville Longbottom.

"Morning," she said to him, reaching for some eggs.

Neville tried to speak, but couldn't. He was always that way around the redhead. Ever since his third year, he'd had a crush on the younger girl and he'd tried to work up the courage to talk to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked when he choked out a few words.

"Uh," Neville stammered. "Y-yes. I'm f-fine."

"Are you excited about being a seventh year?" Ginny asked him.

Neville nodded. "And you? Are you....are you excited about it too?"

"I'm only a sixth year," she reminded him. "But so far, so good."

"Oh right," he laughed nervously.

Ginny smiled at him. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little ..green?"

"Fine," Neville remembered to breathe. "I'm... just fine."

Dean and Seamus chose that moment to join them and the two boys stared appraisingly at Ginny.

"Hello, Miss Weasley, " Dean said flirtatiously.

Ginny smiled. "Hi Dean, hi Seamus."

Neville was only slightly relieved to see his roommates. For one thing, he didn't have to rack his brain for something interesting to say to Ginny. But, on the other hand, he now had to compete with his more outgoing friends for her attention.

"I'm going to go and get some more toast," Ginny said looking at the empty plate. "Can I get you lot anything else?"

"Allow me," Seamus said. "Anything you'd like, just let me know." he jumped up from the bench.

Ginny laughed. "Oh---thanks."

Dean glared at his friend. "I'll get you some juice," he grabbed for her goblet. "Pumpkin? Orange?"

"I'd kind of like some apple juice," Ginny admitted. "If it's not too much trouble..."

"Apple it is," Dean replied. "I'll check all the jugs until I find it."

Ginny smiled to herself. She could definitely get used to this. She turned to Neville. "So, what's your first class this morning? I have Potions, unfortunately."

"Uh..." Neville's hand trembled as he reached for his own goblet. "I have Herbology..."

"I heard that you're quite good at that," Ginny commented.

He flushed a deep red colour. "I'm not that great," he mumbled.

"You're just being modest," Ginny said touching his arm.

His hand shook so hard when she touched him that his goblet slipped through his fingers, splashing juice all over both of them.

Ginny gasped. "Oh!"

"I'm so sorry!" Neville grabbed some napkins.

"Way to go, Longbottom," Seamus said setting the plate of toast aside and withdrawing his wand. "Here, Gin...let me clean that up for you."

"I've got it," Ginny took the napkins.

"Ginny, I'm sorry," Neville said cursing himself for his clumsiness. "I really, really am."

"Its okay," Ginny replied, blotting out the juice then using her own wand to clean up. "Good as new."

"Maybe you should sit down there with the old maid," Seamus said crossly to Neville.

"I...I... it was an accident," Neville stuttered.

"Its fine," Ginny said firmly. "And don't call Hermione an old maid, Seamus."

"It's what she is," Seamus said looking toward the bushy-haired brunette who was scribbling something on a piece of parchment.

"She's not so bad," Ginny said softly. "She's just different is all."

"She's really nice to me," Neville said quietly.

"Whoop de doo," Seamus said sarcastically as Dean came back.

Neville grabbed his bag and prepared to go. He'd already embarrassed himself enough for one day.

"Wait up, Neville," Ginny said.

"What?" Neville asked.

"Would you mind walking me to the dungeons?" Ginny asked softly. "I hate walking down there by myself."

He nearly dropped his bag. "You want ME to walk you down there?"

She nodded. "It's a little out of your way, I know, but I'd really appreciate it."

"I... I'd like--" he began but was cut off as Draco Malfoy walked up.

"Weaslette," Draco said leering at her. "How is it that you make that uniform look so good?"

Ginny blushed. "Hi Draco."

Draco pushed Neville out of the way. "Hello....."

Ginny blushed even harder. "I um... I'm heading down to the dungeons for my Potions class..."

"Would you let me have the honour of walking you?" Draco asked grinning at her.

"Okay..." Ginny replied, forgetting about Neville completely.

Neville watched in dismay as Ginny took Draco's hand. The two of them walked out of the Great Hall together.

"You lost out," Seamus chuckled.

"Shut it, Seamus," Neville grumbled.

"Oooh," Seamus grinned. "Cocky this morning, are we?"

Neville glared at his two roommates before leaving the Great Hall.

Hermione had watched everything unfold and she couldn't believe Ginny would forget about Neville for that horrid Draco Malfoy.

"He's such a slimy, self centred git," Hermione shook her head.

"I hope you're not talking about me," a voice said from behind her.

Hermione turned around and saw Harry Potter grinning lazily at her. "Shouldn't you be sitting with your fan club?"

"Fan club?" Harry asked.

Hermione motioned toward the Ravenclaw table where a group of girls were staring dreamily at him. "Fan club."

"They don't even know me," Harry pointed out.

Hermione shrugged and folded up her piece of parchment. She stuffed it into her bag. "Have you finished your Charms essay?" she asked conversationally.

"No," he replied.

"It's due this afternoon," she reminded him. "I did a little more than what was assigned, but I just couldn't stop myself."

"You don't say," Harry smiled at her. "I'll probably get it done at lunch."

"That's cutting it close," Hermione said shaking her head. "What's your topic, by the way?"

"Haven't picked one," Harry shrugged.

Hermione stared at him in disbelief. "You haven't picked a topic yet?"

"I'll do it at lunch," Harry replied.

"How can you be so lackadaisical?" Hermione asked.

Harry laughed. "I've never heard that word before in my life."

"It means apathetic," Hermione explained.

"I'm not apathetic," Harry replied. "I'll get my work done when it needs to be done."

"Suit yourself," Hermione said reaching for a piece of toast.

Harry sat down across from her and got himself something to eat as well. He watched her as she opened a well worn book and started to read again

"Are you just going to sit there and watch me?" she asked pointedly a few minutes later.

"I might," Harry replied. "Since you don't want to talk to me..."

"I'm busy," she informed him.

"You're always busy," Harry said looking at her book. "What is that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Hogwarts, a History," she showed him the cover.

"What are you reading that for?" Harry asked taking the book and thumbing through it.

Hermione snatched it back. "You lost my place!"

"Sorry," Harry said studying her face.

She stuffed the book into her bag and stood up. "I'll just go to the library," she snapped. "I can get some peace and quiet there."

"I'll go with you," Harry said draining his glass.

"No thank you," Hermione was already walking away.

"Come on," Harry said. "I'm going in that direction anyway."

"Good for you," she walked quicker.

He wondered why she didn't want any company. He wasn't going to press the issue. That's what he got for being friendly.

Hermione was still quite a ways ahead of him as he followed her upstairs.

He could hear her muttering to herself, although he couldn't make out any of the words.

"Are you going to Quidditch tryouts then?" Harry asked her, trying to be friendly.

"Why would I go to Quidditch tryouts?" she asked him without turning around.

"I'm just asking," he replied.

"Look," Hermione spun around. "I'm not into your little sport, okay? I just want to study hard and keep my marks up this year."

"Okay, Granger," Harry said after a few moments. "Just trying to make conversation. But you know...there is a world outside those books of yours. You're missing out on quite a bit."

She sent him a patronizing glare. "I don't think I'm missing out on anything," she said testily. Hermione glanced over at the bulletin board and narrowed her eyes as she saw a sign about the Yule Ball that had been announced their first night back. She ripped it off and balled it up before spinning on her heel and marching away.

Harry stared after her for a few moments before picking up the balled up sign.

"Hullo, Harry," Neville said glumly.

"Hi," Harry glanced at the other boy. Aside from Ron, Harry didn't really know any of the other guys in his dormitory. He tended to keep to himself most of the time.

"You planning on going to that?" Neville asked looking at the sign in Harry's hands.

Harry shrugged. "Probably not. Isn't really my thing."

"Me either," Neville said. "But you'd have no problem getting a date. Me, on the other hand..."

"I'm sure you could get any date you wanted," Harry answered as he tossed the sign into the rubbish bin.

"Not the one I really want," Neville mumbled.

"Hmm," Harry said noncommittally as they turned the corner, bumping into a blond figure. "Watch where you're going, Malfoy."

"You were in my way, Potter," Malfoy retorted. "Longbottom...you're still here?"

Neville glared back at him.

"Just move along," Harry said coolly.

"I'm going to the greenhouses just like you," Malfoy told them. "Contrary to popular belief, you don't make the rules around here, Potter."

Harry rolled his eyes. "No one asked you to speak, Malfoy. The world's a better place when you're silent."

Neville chuckled. He wished he was brave enough to tell Malfoy off like that.

"Find something funny, Longbottom?" Malfoy snapped.

"Leave him alone, Malfoy," Harry said opening the door. "Come on, Neville."

Neville hurried after the black haired boy. "Thanks..." he said quietly.

"No problem," Harry said. "So, who is it you want to take to the ball?"

3. Chapter 3

Some of you are wondering whether or not Harry likes Hermione and why Ginny's so nice. We can't exactly answer about Harry but we wanted to challenge ourselves and see if we could write a nice, likeable, non Mary Sue type of Ginny. Hope we're doing a good job ;)

Also, Hermione has sort of closed herself off from a lot of her fellow students- for reasons which you will read eventually. But she is still friendly with Ginny. They aren't as close as they were when they were little girls, but they still talk from time to time.

We're sorry for not answering reviews, but we're trying to work ahead again both in this story and in Last Dance. So bear with us for the time being and we'll try to get back to doing that again. Please review!!

Neville wondered if he should tell Harry. He didn't think he'd make fun of him. "Ginny Weasley," he admitted.

"Ginny," Harry said thoughtfully.

"I... I know she's probably not even interested--" Neville began.

"How would you know that if you haven't asked her?" Harry interjected.

Neville shook his head. "When Malfoy walked up to her, she just went off with him without even saying a word."

"And you just let her go?" Harry asked.

"I... I didn't know what to say," Neville replied quietly.

Harry didn't know why he should even care about this, but Neville was a good bloke and obviously needed the help. "You need to stop acting shy around her, for one thing. She probably fancies Malfoy because...and I can't believe I'm actually giving him a compliment...he...he knows what he wants and he goes for it. You have to do the same, only not in a smarmy wanker sort of way."

Neville looked over at him. "You really think so?"

Harry nodded and set his bag down at one of the greenhouse stations. "Absolutely."

"Maybe I'll help her out sometime with her studies," Neville said. "Do you think she'd like that?"

"Good way to start," Harry said. "And you're great at this rubbish." The rest of the class arrived, cutting off Harry and Neville's conversation. Professor Sprout made an announcement about that day's assignment. "You'll be pairing up for this assignment." Hermione hoped she'd get someone who took the class as seriously as she did.

Normally Harry paired himself up with Ron, but the red haired boy was on the other side of the greenhouse talking to Lavender Brown.

"Miss Granger, you and Mr. Potter seem to be the only ones without partners," Professor Sprout said. "You can work together."

"But Professor!" Hermione protested.

Professor Sprout ignored Hermione's protest and began passing out the directions for their assignment. Harry took the initiative and walked over to Hermione's station.

She ignored him as she prepared herself for the assignment.

Harry rolled his eyes. This was going to be a really long hour.

Hermione slid her gloves on and began to dig into the dirt of the plant in front of her, still without saying a word. She could handle this project on her own.

"What are these anyway?" Harry asked.

"Read the book," was her cool reply.

"O-kay," Harry said reaching for his book.

Hermione began clipping away some of the leaves as the head of the plant moved down and nuzzled her hand. It made her smile as she scratched the furry underside.

"Well, look at that," Harry said. "You actually have teeth."

She shot him a glare. "Why are you watching me?"

"I was watching the plant," Harry corrected. "Since you obviously don't think I'm capable of planting it, I was doing the documentation that the assignment called for. And before you make some smart remark, yes I can write."

"Well surprise, surprise," she shot back before returning her attention to the plant.

"I think you're using too much manure," Harry commented.

"I think I know what I'm doing," Hermione retorted.

"The book says that too much manure will make the Screechsnap squeak uncomfortably," Harry said. "And if you keep doing that---"

A loud, piercing shriek came from their plant.

Hermione was so surprised she nearly fell off her stool. "See what you made me do?" she snapped.

"Me?" Harry asked grabbing the small shovel and scooping out the excess manure. "You're the one who kept throwing it in there, Granger."

Hermione fumed. "You're taking too much out."

"And you were putting too much in," Harry countered. "There....see?"

Hermione glared at him. "We can do this separately. I don't want to work with anyone."

"We're supposed to work together," Harry said.

"I. Don't. Care." Hermione gathered up her books and moved to another table.

Harry sighed and grabbed the worksheet. He answered the questions as best he could and toward the end of the class, Professor Sprout walked around the class grading the students.

"Miss Granger," Professor Sprout asked. "You've done quite a nice job."

Hermione beamed at her. "Thank you, Professor."

"I'm afraid you've failed," Professor Sprout said quietly.

Hermione froze. "What?"

"The assignment called for you to work in pairs," Professor Sprout reminded her. "And since you didn't, you've failed as has Mr. Potter."

"Wait a minute," Harry said. "I don't think I should have to fail. I was the one willing to work as a pair."

"You both fail because you couldn't work as a team," Professor Sprout told them firmly.

"I can't fail," Hermione shook her head. "I absolutely cannot fail. I'll work with him. Fine. But I can't fail this."

Malfoy cackled from the back of the room.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Potter," Professor Sprout said looking at the two of them. "You can redo the assignment tonight after dinner. Together."

"Fine," Hermione muttered.

"Fine," Harry said quietly.

Professor Sprout left them and Malfoy sidled up. "The Head Girl... failed." he grinned maliciously.

Hermione chose to ignore him and she pushed past him so she could pack up her belongings.

"You're a git," Harry told Malfoy. "Why do you always have to stick your nose in where it doesn't belong?"

"Did I strike a nerve, Potter?" Malfoy asked gleefully. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to insult your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend, arse." Harry pushed past him.

"You mean there's actually a girl at this school who has turned you down?" Malfoy asked pretending to be surprised.

"Fuck off," Harry answered.

Harry grabbed his bag and stalked out of the classroom. Hermione followed a few moments later.

Goyle looked at Malfoy. "You looked chummy with Weasley's sister."

"She's a fox," Malfoy answered with a grin. "I'll have her tapped in another few weeks."

"She's beneath you," Crabbe said dismissively.

"Nah," Malfoy drawled. "I bet she's a minx in the sheets."

"When you planning on finding out?" Crabbe asked.

"I'll ask her to the first Hogsmeade weekend," Malfoy said. "By that night I'll have it made."

Neville stood back, watching as Malfoy and his two goons walked out of the greenhouse.

"I knew it," he shook his head.

Neville couldn't let Malfoy win; not this time.

*** *** ***

Lunch was one of Ron Weasley's three favourite times of the day. But, for the first time he could remember, he wasn't hungry at all. He was a man on a mission. Summoning his Gryffindor courage, he approached the Ravenclaw table.

"Hey Luna," he said as he stood next to the blonde.

Luna looked up from her newspaper. "Ronald," she said a little distractedly.

Ron smiled at her. "What are you reading?"

Luna held up the newspaper. "The Daily Prophet. They have an article in here on the increase in Cornish pixies as pets. Did you know my father had an article on this a few weeks ago? His was much more informative. This reporter thinks that they're too dangerous and destructive to have as pets."

"I'm surprised you don't have one," Ron slid onto the bench next to her. "It seems like a pet that's right up your alley."

Luna looked up at him. "I wouldn't be able to care for one properly while I'm in school. But, when I get out, I'm definitely going to get one."

"I'll get you one," Ron offered, leaning closer to her.

Luna folded her paper and looked over at him. "What's that smell? Is that cologne?"

"Probably," Ron said, puffing his chest out.

"I don't particularly like cologne," Luna commented. "I think someone put on far too much."

"Oh," Ron deflated. "Um... so... what were you going to have for lunch?"

"I'm not sure," Luna said. "What about you?"

"A little of everything," Ron said. "It's my last year to get all this great food."

"How are your classes going?" Luna asked him.

"Fine," Ron shrugged. "I've got easy ones, now that I've dropped Potions."

"You have?" Luna asked. "But I thought you were going to try and be an Auror."

"I don't know," he said. "I might go for professional Quidditch. Or run some of my brothers' joke shops."

"You'd be great at either one," Luna said causing Ron to grin.

"What about you?" Ron asked eagerly.

"I'm not sure," Luna looked back at her paper. "I still have another year to figure things out."

"Are you going to call matches again this year?" Ron asked. "You really did brilliantly last year."

"Perhaps, if Professor McGonagall will let me," Luna replied vaguely, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Ron always loved it when she did that. A goofy grin came across his face as he watched her read her paper.

Luna glanced over at him. "Is everything all right, Ronald?"

"Hmmm?" Ron asked.

"You're flushed," Luna looked concerned.

"It's warm in here," Ron lied.

"I suppose," Luna looked back down at her paper. "Honestly, doxies are NOT as nasty as this one is making them seem!"

"So let me get this straight the Daily Prophet is against Cornish pixies and doxies?" Ron asked.

"It seems that way," Luna folded up the paper. "I'd rather read Daddy's any day of the week."

"You know I read some of the articles you wrote for him this summer," Ron said, not adding that he'd kept every single issue. "You're really talented, Luna. Smart...funny....beautiful..."

"Perhaps that's what I'll do when I leave school then," Luna didn't notice his compliment.

Ron took a deep breath. It was now or never. "Um, Luna. Could I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" she asked, pulling her copy of the Quibbler out and opening it.

"You know the first Hogsmeade weekend is in October," Ron started out.

"I think I heard something about that," Luna was clearly only half listening.

Ron nervously tapped his hands on the edge of the table. "I was going to go and I was hoping that you'd want to go."

"What was that?" Luna looked over at him.

"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Ron asked looking earnestly at her.

Luna blinked for a moment. "Okay," she answered.

Ron looked back at her. "Really? You really will?"

"I mostly go by myself," Luna said. "It'll be nice to go with a friend."

"Friend," Ron gulped.

Luna smiled. "I'll show you this little shoppe I found last time. I'd never seen it before. They have all sorts of neat things inside."

Ron nodded. She thought they were going to go as friends. Just when he thought he was making headway, she said or did something that made him think it was never, ever going to happen. It was driving him crazy. "That sounds like fun."

"I'm looking forward to it," she said to him.

"Me too," Ron said smiling at her.

"If it isn't Weasel," a drawling voice made the redhead look up. "Where's your sister?"

"Go away Malfoy," Ron muttered.

"Don't be like that, Weasel," Malfoy replied. "Your sister's the hottest ticket around here. Shame your parents wouldn't let her loose until now."

Ron stood up and got in Malfoy's face. "Not that it's any of your concern, but my parents haven't let her loose yet. "

"Not yet," Malfoy grinned nastily at him.

"I didn't realise you fancied Ginny," Luna said to Malfoy. "That's really sweet."

"Sod off Loony," Malfoy waved his hand at her.

"Don't you dare talk to her like that," Ron said shoving Malfoy.

"Do that again Weasel and I'll--" Malfoy started.

"Please don't fight," Luna said getting in between them. "It's barbaric. You should talk out your problems."

"Malfoy doesn't talk," Ron glared at the blond boy. "Well... just out of his arse."

"Funny," Malfoy said glaring back at him. "You ought to be nice to me, Weasel. I'm going to be dating your sister."

"You are not dating my sister," Ron told him.

Draco grinned. "And who's going to stop me?"

"My parents aren't about to let her date you," Ron replied.

"They're miles away," Draco said grabbing an apple from the bowl on the table. "Nothing they can do about it."

"You leave Ginny alone, you good for nothing ferret," Ron snapped.

Draco took a bite of the apple and then glared menacingly at Ron before sauntering off toward the Slytherin table.

"Fucking arse," Ron glowered, watching him go.

Luna grabbed his hand. "Sit back down, Ronald. Your lunch is getting cold."

Her touch calmed him and he did as she said. "I hate him," Ron complained.

"Don't let him ruin your day," Luna said. "It's what he wants."

"Yeah..." Ron looked back at his plate.

"Do you have a busy afternoon?" Luna asked him.

"Kind of," Ron said. "I have Charms and Care of Magical Creatures."

Luna smiled. "I have---"

"Potions after lunch and Divination," Ron interjected without thinking.

"Very good," Luna smiled. "How did you know?"

"Um, well, you have those classes with Ginny," Ron covered quickly.

"Right," Luna absently brushed her hair back. "Your sister is quite popular now that your parents are allowing her to date."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Ron said to her.

"No?" Luna asked. "She's really sweet."

"It's not that," Ron said. "It's just that she's the only girl and my parents are very protective of her. And with good reason. Teenage boys only think about one thing."

"Like yourself?" Luna teased.

"Yes," Ron replied. "I mean....no!

She laughed. "I was only kidding."

Ron blushed. "Oh."

Luna turned her attention back to her newspaper. "Daddy's running a series on dragons."

"Really?" Ron asked. "My brother Charlie works with them in Romania."

"Does he?" Luna's eyes brightened with interest.

Ron nodded. "Ever since he finished here. If your father wants a source, I'm sure Charlie would talk to him."

"That would be quite lovely," Luna nodded.

"I'll give you his address," Ron told her.

"Thank you Ronald," Luna replied. "I'll pass it along to Daddy."

"You're welcome," Ron said beaming at her. "I'm always here. For help...or whatever you need."

"I'll remember that," Luna put her paper back in her bag and rose from her seat.

"You're going?" Ron asked.

"I want to get to class early," Luna replied.

"Oh," Ron said standing up as well. Before he could stop himself, he'd shaken her hand. "Good day."

She giggled. "You're very funny, Ronald."

He certainly hadn't meant to be funny. And who shook the hand of the girl he fancied? You didn't do such things, Ron said cursing his stupidity.

"Thank you for inviting me to Hogsmeade," she said, walking away. "I'm sure we'll have loads of fun."

Ron watched her go thinking he should teach a course in how not to get a girl.

*** *** ***

After dinner, Hermione slowly made her way toward the greenhouses. She couldn't believe she was being penalized for wanting to work by herself. She'd completed the assignment. It was unfair. Now thanks to Potter, she was going to have to spend the next hour doing the assignment all over again.

Knowing him, he probably wouldn't even show, she thought bitterly.

But to her surprise, he was already sitting inside at the desk they'd shared earlier that day.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show," he said looking over at her.

"It's not like I'm late," Hermione said coolly.

"This is going to be fun," Harry muttered under his breath.

"It's not like I asked for this," Hermione pointed out. "I finished the assignment perfectly."

"No you didn't," Harry countered.

"Yes, I did." Hermione snapped.

"No, you didn't," Harry said pulling on a pair of dragon-hide gloves.

"Don't start with me," Hermione glared at him. "Because of you, I got my first detention. I managed to go all seven years without one."

"There's a first time for everything," Harry said pulling out the worksheet Professor Sprout had given them.

Hermione snatched it away from him. "I'll handle my part, you handle yours."

"Whatever you say," Harry said with a shrug. "Sprout's in her office..."

"Fine," Hermione turned her back on him.

"So what do we need to do first?" Harry asked, trying to make an effort.

"We have to re pot all of these," Hermione said briskly.

"And write down our observations," Harry said taking the worksheet from her.

Hermione ignored him and took out the bag of manure.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Harry asked trying to make conversation.

"I read," Hermione said shortly. "And I study."

"That's real fun," Harry said sarcastically.

"It's fun to me!" Hermione said defensively.

"Anything you like to do that doesn't involve a book?" Harry asked.

"Why do you care?" she asked.

"Just trying to make conversation," Harry said with a shrug. He shovelled some manure into one of the pots.

"We'll get this done quicker if we just do it," Hermione said snappishly.

"Whatever you want," Harry replied.

"Good," she wouldn't look at him.

They worked in silence for the next few minutes.

Hermione finished potting one of the plants and again reached to stroke the underside of the flower like she had earlier that day.

The flower cooed happily and Hermione again smiled. Harry could help noticing this.

"There we go," she said softly, laughing as the plant nudged under her hand.

"I think that one likes you," Harry said coming up behind her.

She didn't respond at first. "Maybe..."

"Do that again," Harry told her. "Watch...”

"What?" she asked uncertainly.

Harry reached around her and put his hand on top of hers. "This..."

Hermione sucked in a breath when she realised how close he was.

"Watch," Harry said as together they stroked the petals.

The flower cooed and wiggled around. Hermione couldn't help but laugh.

Harry laughed with her. "Told you it liked you."

"Yeah..." she said softly.

"Should we move on to the next one then?" Harry asked.

Hermione suddenly realised they were still standing close together. "Yes," she said abruptly.

"I did something like this with Hagrid last year," Harry told her.

"That's nice," Hermione distanced herself from him and began potting another plant.

"You know, he told me that you visit him from time to time," Harry said quietly.

"I like Hagrid," Hermione shrugged.

"Me too," Harry said turning his back to her. "He was my first real friend."

Hermione sneaked a look over at him. "I find it hard to imagine you had trouble making friends."

"You'd be surprised," Harry told her.

Hermione moved onto another plant without answering.

Harry picked up his quill and started writing down some observations on the flowers' behaviour. "You planning on going to the first Hogsmeade weekend?"

"I have to go," Hermione replied. "Head Girl, remember?"

"Right," Harry said nodding. "You don't have to hang around with Malfoy do you?"

"Not if I can help it," Hermione said shortly.

"That would be cruel and unusual punishment," Harry said dryly.

"Why are we talking about Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"Just making small talk," he said.

"We just need to get this done," Hermione said. "I have other things to do."

"Me too," Harry agreed.

Hermione quickly potted the plants as Harry followed and wrote down observations.

Professor Sprout came in a few minutes later and graded their work. She looked over their observations and Hermione waited with baited breath for their marks.

"This is what I was hoping for earlier today," the professor said. "Teamwork. You both get full marks."

Hermione grinned. "Thank you, professor."

"Very well," Professor Sprout nodded. "You're both dismissed."

"Have a good evening, Professor," Hermione said taking off her gloves.

"You two as well," the older woman nodded before heading back into her office.

Hermione stored her gloves under the table and turned to leave.

"I can walk with you since we're going in the same direction," Harry said after he finished storing his gloves.

"I can handle walking by myself," Hermione answered.

"Would you rather I walk behind you then?" Harry asked. "Granger..."

"I'm a big girl," She snapped. "I can walk by myself."

"Fine," Harry said pushing past her.

Hermione rolled her eyes as she headed up to the castle. She didn't know what Harry Potter's ulterior motive was in trying to get to know her, but she didn't want any part in it. She wasn't about to risk getting hurt by anyone again.

4. Chapter 4

The plot thickens- the girls finally remember the bet and we get a bit of the fallout from it. You’ll see a bit more action in the next chapter ;) Hermione will start to soften up soon, so stick with us!

With the first Hogsmeade weekend only a few weeks away, Ginny eagerly awaited to see if Draco Malfoy would ask her to go with him. He'd been hanging around her plenty but had not formally asked her out yet.

Ginny knew her sixth year would be the best one yet. She'd pleaded with her parents to allow her to date, but they'd remained firm on only allowing her to once she turned sixteen.

She spotted him at the Slytherin table eating dinner that evening and she felt her heart beat faster as their eyes met. When he waved her over, she didn't hesitate, ignoring the warning look her brother sent her.

"Hi," Ginny said, lowering her eyes demurely.

"Hiya, Red," Draco said grinning at her before nudging Crabbe. "Get out of here, mate."

"But--" Crabbe started to protest.

"I said, move." Draco glared at him. "Make room for my girl."

"Fine," Crabbe said glaring at them both before moving further down the table.

Ginny sat down beside him. "I'm your girl, am I?"

"Sure," Draco raised her hand to his lips.

Ginny practically swooned. "I like that."

"I like you, Red." Draco winked at her.

"I like you too," Ginny said happily. "Very, very much."

"Good to hear," Draco leaned in. "Say Red... you know about Hogsmeade in a few weeks..."

Ginny tried to be coy. "Yes?"

"I was thinking..." he leaned even closer. "It might be fun if we went together."

Ginny opened her mouth to say yes, but nothing came out.


Again, she opened her mouth but not a word came out. Ginny tried to nod, but her head remained still.

"You alright then?" Draco asked starting to get angry. "Look, if you don't want to go with me, just bloody say it, right? I can name three girls right now who'd say yes in a heartbeat if I asked them..."

"Don't... don't ask anyone else," Ginny managed to say. She desperately wanted to go with him and didn't know why she couldn't say yes. "Please..."

"Then bloody tell me yes," Draco snapped at her.

Ginny again tried to reply in the affirmative but couldn't.

Draco stood up. "You'd better make up your mind soon, Red."

"I will," Ginny said weakly. What on earth was wrong with her?

She stood up and slowly walked back over to the Gryffindor table.

"What did that wanker want?" Ron demanded.

"Don't call him that," Ginny said sinking down into her seat. "He---he asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him and I wanted to say yes..."

"Why didn't you?" her friend Sarah asked. "Merlin Ginny, this is Draco Malfoy we're talking about- only the most gorgeous guy in school!"

"I'm trying to eat," Ron said glaring at her.

"Then don't listen," Ginny glared at her brother.

Parvati Patil couldn't help overhearing. "Ron's right, Ginny. Draco's bad news...."

Ginny ignored the older girl. "I don't know what happened," she told Sarah. "I wanted to say yes. I tried to nod, but I just froze. It was like someone had a spell on me."

"Mum and Dad might have," Ron said before stuffing his mouth with a roll.

"Shut UP Ron," Ginny snapped. "No one's asking your opinion."

"Maybe you should talk to Dumbledore," Sarah suggested. "I mean, if someone's casting a spell on you, he would be able to figure out what it is, right?"

"That's a good idea," Ginny said glancing up at the faculty table where the headmaster currently sat with the professors.

She decided to approach him after dinner, feeling a bit nervous as she did so.

"Good evening, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore said politely. "Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"Yes Professor," Ginny twisted the edge of her robe. "May I speak to you in private?"

"Of course," he replied. "You can walk with me to my office, Miss Weasley."

"Thank you sir," Ginny said, leaving the Great Hall with him. "Um... would you be able to tell if someone cast a spell on me?"

"What would make you think that has happened, Miss Weasley?" Dumbledore asked looking at her with concern.

Ginny blushed so hard her face was nearly the same shade as her hair. "Well..."

Dumbledore stopped walking and looked down at her. "I can't help you if you don't tell me the whole story."

"Draco Malfoy asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him," Ginny said quietly. "And when I tried to say yes, I couldn't."

Dumbledore pondered this for a few moments. "Perhaps another girl who fancies Mr. Malfoy knew that he was going to ask you and did something..."

Ginny shrugged. "I don't know what happened, sir. And if someone cast a spell on me, I want to know who it is."

"I'll see what I can find out for you," he promised.

Ginny was relieved. If anyone could find out what was going on, it was the headmaster. "Thank you Professor," she said gratefully.

"You're welcome," Professor Dumbledore said patting her on the shoulder before heading toward his office.

Ginny watched him go before turning and heading back towards the Great Hall.

She nearly collided with Neville when she walked back inside.

"Hi," Neville said shyly.

"Hi Neville," Ginny replied distractedly. "Sorry..."

Neville could tell she was upset. "Ginny---"

"I didn't mean to bump into you," Ginny apologised.

"It's okay," Neville said hastily. "Are you...are you okay?"

Ginny shook her head. "I don't know..."

"Anything I can do to help?" Neville asked.

Ginny smiled at him. "Dumbledore's looking into it for me, but thanks." she put a hand on his arm.

Neville blushed. "I noticed you didn't eat anything. I was wondering if you wanted to sneak back to the kitchens..."

Ginny shook her head. "I'm okay, but thanks."

Neville tried to hide his disappointment. He had no doubt that had he been Draco Malfoy and he'd asked her to go to the kitchens; she'd have gone without hesitation. "Oh…okay."

"Neville?" Ginny asked when he turned to walk away. "Could I ask you a huge favour?"

He turned around. "Yes, of course. W-what is it?"

"I know it's early on in the year..." Ginny began. "And I'll understand if you don't have the time- but do you think you could help me out in Herbology?"

A slow smile spread across his face. "I'd be happy to help you."

"Really?" Ginny asked. She gave him a quick hug. "Thank you so much. I nearly failed last year. I don't know why, but there's something about Herbology that I just don't quite get. And you're even better than Hermione Granger in that subject."

Neville couldn't believe she was actually hugging him. He patted her back trying hard not to do or say something stupid. "What days would be good for you?" he asked.

"I'll let you know after Quidditch tryouts," she said. "I'm hoping to get on the team this year again."

"I'm sure you will," Neville said. "You're amazing on a broom."

"Thanks," Ginny smiled at him.

"You look really um....really....really...." Neville stammered.

"What?" Ginny prompted.

"Uh..." Neville struggled for his words when Malfoy appeared behind Ginny.

"You made up your mind yet?" Draco asked ignoring Neville.

Ginny opened her mouth again to tell him yes, but the only thing she could manage was a squeak.

Draco glared at her. "I haven't got time for this. Longbottom can have you---"

"You... you shouldn't talk to her like that," Neville stood up a bit straighter.

"What did you say to me?" Malfoy asked stepping closer to Neville.

"I said..." Neville's knees were practically knocking together. "You should treat her with more respect."

"I'll treat her however I want, Longbottom," Malfoy said drawing back his fist.

"You hit him and we're going to have a problem," Harry said coming up behind them.

"Potter," Malfoy's lip curled up. "Figures you'd show up."

"Run along, Malfoy," Harry said glaring at him.

Draco glared back, but his eyes softened slightly when he looked at Ginny. "I'll talk to you soon, Red."

Ginny nodded sadly.

"Thanks, Harry," Neville said to his friend.

Harry nodded. "We should be getting back to the common room." he looked over at Ginny. "You all right?"

"Yes," Ginny replied. "Neville? Thanks for sticking up for me."

Neville's face turned red and he quickly nodded. He didn't trust his own voice.

Ginny pecked him on the cheek. "Thanks for everything. I'll see you later."

Neville touched his cheek where Ginny's lips had just been. "She just kissed me," he said in awe.

"I saw that," Harry said grinning at him. "You're on your way, Nev."

"She really likes Malfoy though," Neville said quietly, his elation gone as soon as it had come.

"Just goes to show that not everyone is perfect," Harry said dryly.

Neville hurried behind him as they headed for the common room. "She was really upset about something when I ran into her."

"Girls usually are upset about one thing or the other," Harry said.

"They're kind of confusing," Neville replied.

"Tell me about it," Harry said thinking of Hermione.

He followed Harry into the common room. "Did you get that new Herbology assignment done?"

Harry nodded. "Full marks this time."

"I can't believe you and Hermione got detention," Neville said.

"I usually get detention," Harry reminded him. "It's Granger who was the shocker. But then again, she didn't want to work with me..."

"I never had a problem working with her before," Neville put his bag down.

"So, I guess it's just me she doesn't like," Harry said with a shrug.

Neville looked over at him. "She doesn't seem to like a lot of people," he said carefully. "But she's always been nice to me."

Harry caught sight of the brunette in the corner of the room, furiously scribbling something down on a piece of parchment. "I wonder why that is..."

"She never told me," Neville shrugged. "And I don't ask."

"Probably best that way," Harry said sitting down on the sofa.

Hermione finished with her potions essay and placed it in her book. "One essay down, one to go." she said, reaching for her Ancient Runes text.

"Hiya, Hermione," Neville called out to her.

Hermione looked up and sent him a brief smile. "Hi Neville."

"Granger," Harry said nodding at her.

Hermione's eyes cooled. "Potter," she responded turning back to her work.

Ginny had just entered the common room and made a beeline for the Head Girl. "Hermione, can I ask you something?"

"I'm a little busy, Ginny," Hermione replied not looking up from her textbook.

"Please, Hermione?" Ginny sat down across from her. "I just need to ask you a question."

Hermione sighed. "Fine...you have five minutes."

"I just want to know how you'd discover if someone had a spell on you?" Ginny asked. "I wouldn't bother you about this Hermione, but you're the smartest person I know next to Dumbledore."

Hermione smiled. "Well, you should look at your past behaviour and see if you can remember doing something out of character or potentially embarrassing....or if there's some time that you can't account for..."

Ginny told the older girl about what had happened at and after dinner. "It's like I want to say yes, but I physically can't. And I know Dumbledore’s looking into it, but I just don't want to wait."

"Stay away from Draco Malfoy, Ginny," Hermione said to her. "Far away and you'll be much happier for it."

Ginny stared at her in dismay. "Look, can we just keep our opinions out of this?" she asked. "It's no secret you two don't like each other, but I find him fascinating. And I want to go to Hogsmeade with him, and I don't know why I can't tell him yes!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. If Ginny knew what Draco Malfoy was really like, she wouldn't be in such a hurry to go out with him. "I just think that you can do better than him, Ginny."

"I'll be the judge of that," Ginny told her. "Just... do you have any idea what could be causing this?"

"Probably some girl who fancies him trying to get you out of the picture," Hermione replied. When Ginny raised an eyebrow at her, Hermione shook her head. "It's not me. I didn't even know you fancied him, Ginny. Besides, I have other things to occupy my time than worrying about who is dating who..."

"I just hoped you might have an idea about what sort of spell that would do this," Ginny said softly. "But it's okay."

"Dumbledore will help you," Hermione reassured her.

"I hope so," Ginny sighed. "Thanks anyway, Hermione. I'm sorry for bugging you."

"It's okay," Hermione said offering her a slight smile. "Just...just be careful around Malfoy, okay?"

"I'll be fine," Ginny stood up.

"Ginny?" Hermione called after her. "If you need to talk...I--I'd be happy to listen. I know we haven't been close since that pact we made when we were---"

"Pact?" Ginny asked standing still. It all came flooding back to her. But that was just a childhood promise. It wasn't really a pact and it certainly couldn't be what was causing her problem. Could it?

"Yeah," Hermione nodded. "That time when we were really young..."

"Refresh my memory," Ginny said trying to stay calm. "What was it that we said?"

Hermione bit her lower lip. "I don't remember exactly- something about not liking boys...?"

Ginny grabbed Hermione by the arm. "We have to go see Dumbledore right now----"

"Ginny, I can't just leave my----" Hermione protested, trying to break free of her grip.

"No, we have to go see him RIGHT NOW," Ginny insisted, her grip tight.

"Ginny!" Hermione protested as Ginny practically drug her out of the common room to the amusement of their fellow Gryffindors.

"There's something you don't see every day," Parvati muttered to Lavender, who nodded.

"What if that pact was something serious?" Ginny asked her as she practically dragged Hermione towards Dumbledore's office. "What if it turned out to be something real?"

"What are you on about?" Hermione asked. "And can you please let me go? You're hurting my arm!"

"Will you just listen to me?" Ginny asked. "That pact! I remember it now! We vowed to never date! And it was something magical!"

"I doubt that," Hermione said shaking her head. "We were children."

Ginny just shook her head and continued to pull Hermione towards the headmaster's office. "Let's go find out for sure then."

Hermione sighed. She had better things to do than have to go to the headmaster over something trivial. When they reached Dumbledore's office, she reluctantly muttered the headmaster's password.

Ginny charged ahead of her, bursting in without even knocking.

The professor was sitting at his desk and he looked up in surprise at the two girls. "Miss Weasley, Miss Granger..."

"I'm so sorry Professor," Hermione apologised. "But Ginny here seems to think--"

"What can you tell us about magical pacts?" Ginny interjected.

"I beg your pardon?" Dumbledore peered over his glasses. "Magical pacts? They're unbreakable, unless both sides of the bargain are fulfilled."

"Bugger!" Ginny exclaimed sinking down into one of the chairs. "Bugger! Bugger! Bugger!"

"Ginny," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Will you relax? We were just little kids- I'm sure it was nothing."

"Would either of you care to explain this to me?" Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

Ginny sighed and then related the story to the headmaster. "The boys in the park were being incredibly rude and obnoxious. As a laugh, we said that we would never ever date a boy. We weren't serious though..."

"Yes we were," Hermione chimed in folding her arms. "I don't see what the big deal is, Ginny..."

"We made a magical pact, Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed. "Bloody hell! There's no way of getting out of those!" she turned to the headmaster. "Is there?"

"What were the exact terms of the pact?" Dumbledore asked, levelling his gaze at Hermione.

Hermione thought for a moment. "I think it was something like... we agreed to never like boys because they were..." she blushed. "Mean?"

Dumbledore chuckled. "Most young ones are..."

"Sir, please," Ginny pleased. "You're the most powerful wizard in the world. Can't you get us out of this? Please?"

"I'm not sure if there's anything I can do, Miss Weasley." Dumbledore replied. "But this would explain your inability to agree to Mr. Malfoy's request earlier this evening."

"This is just great," Ginny said glumly. "Bloody brilliant!"

"I don't know what to tell you, Ginny," Hermione said.

There were a lot of things Ginny loved about being magical, but this was not one of them. A childhood pact was a binding?

"There has to be a way out of this," Ginny said quietly. "There has to be..."

"I'll look into this," Dumbledore replied. "I will see if there's a way around it. But my suggestion is that you two talk and come to your own conclusion."

Ginny nodded and got to her feet. She followed Hermione down the spiral staircase. "I've come to the conclusion that my life is over."

"Don't be so overdramatic," Hermione replied. "Your life is not over."

"Yes it is," Ginny said. "Hermione...this means that I'll never fall in love… I'll never get married...I'll never have children. I'll grow up to be a spinster!"

Hermione rolled her eyes again. "We'll figure something out, Ginny. You won't be a spinster."

"Why aren't you upset?" Ginny asked her. "Hermione---you're never going to date, either!"

"It's not exactly on my list of priorities," Hermione replied dryly.

"It's on the top of mine," Ginny said as they slowly made their way back to the common room. "There has to be a way out of this."

"There's more to life than dating," Hermione pointed out.

"Of course you'd say that," Ginny said without thinking. "It's not as if you've got anyone---"

Hermione glared at her. "I told you, it's not a priority."

"I'm sorry," Ginny apologised. "I didn't mean anything."

Hermione relaxed. "Look," she said. "I'll do some research of my own and see if there's a way to break this thing."

"Thanks," Ginny said softly. "You know, I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone, Hermione. Don't you want to fall in love?"

Hermione shrugged. "It's not that important to me."

They arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Butterscotch," Ginny said giving her the password.

"Nice to see you're in a better mood than when you ran out of here," the Fat Lady commented in a crisp tone.

Hermione ignored the portrait as she went inside.

The common room had emptied out quite a bit save for Harry and Neville and a few second year boys who were busy playing Wizard's Chess and Exploding Snap.

"We'll talk more tomorrow," Hermione told Ginny. "Figure something out."

Ginny didn't say anything as she headed for the stairs.

Hermione sat back down at her table, wanting to at least start her Ancient Runes assignment before going to bed.

"Is everything okay with Ginny?" Neville approached her.

"Fine," Hermione lied. "We just had to talk to Dumbledore about something. Nothing to worry about, Nev."

"Ginny still looked pretty upset," Neville replied.

"She's fine," Hermione assured him. "Really, Nev."

"And how are you?" Harry asked walking over to join them. "She dragged you out of here..."

"Fine," Hermione said tightly. "I can handle myself."

"I'm going to bed," Harry said wondering why he even tried to be nice to her.

Neville looked at Hermione once they were alone. "You could be nice to him, Hermione. He's not so bad. He's actually a good friend."

Hermione shook her head. "I don't have time for all that nonsense."

"Couldn't hurt to have another friend," Neville said. "I'll see you tomorrow, Hermione. Good night."

"Night," Hermione returned to her essay.

She tried to concentrate on her essay, but for some reason she kept thinking of that detention she'd served with Harry.

"Get him out of your head," Hermione told herself.

She didn't have the time or the need for a boyfriend. Ginny might think this was the end of the world, but Hermione didn't see what the big deal was.

5. Chapter 5

Things really start to heat up this chapter- Malfoy presents an interesting proposition to Harry and the girls find out more about their pact. Please review!

Two days later, Dumbledore finally sent word to Hermione and Ginny that he had some news to tell them about their pact. He'd asked to meet with the two girls that morning before classes. Ginny was currently pacing in front of Dumbledore's desk while Hermione tried to finish up some extra credit reading for Ancient Runes.

"I hope he's found out something," Ginny said to no one in particular. "And why is he making us wait..."

"I don't know," Hermione sighed, turning the page.

"You know, this involves you too," Ginny told her. "And you act like it doesn't even matter."

"It doesn't to me," Hermione said looking up from her book.

"How can it not matter?" Ginny wrung her hands.

Hermione shrugged. "Because boys aren't a priority in my life, Ginny."

Ginny sighed. "I can't fathom what goes on in your head."

"I can't fathom why you'd waste your time on the likes of Draco Malfoy," Hermione countered.

"You don't know him like I do," Ginny replied. "He's nice to me."

"For now," Hermione said under her breath.

Ginny was about to ask what that was about, but Dumbledore came into his office.

"Sir?" she asked immediately. "Did you find a way we can break this?"

"Have a seat, Miss Weasley," the headmaster said going around the desk to sit down.

Ginny sat down as Hermione marked her place in her book and yawned.

"Please tell me you have good news," Ginny said looking imploringly at him.

"I researched your pact," Dumbledore looked at both the girls. "I'm afraid it's quite binding. You were both completely sincere when you made it."

Ginny groaned. "We were kids!"

"It doesn't matter," Dumbledore replied. "From my understanding of this, the two of you will not be able to... go on dates, unless the other does. Miss Granger, since you initiated the pact, I'm afraid most of this falls to you."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked. "If I don't go on a date, then Ginny can't?"

"I'm afraid so," Dumbledore replied.

"My life as I know it is over," Ginny said putting her head in her hands.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "This is ridiculous."

"There's no other way around this?" Ginny asked.

Dumbledore shook his head. "At this point, it's something that you two will have to work out."

"Thank you, sir," Hermione said standing up. "Come on, Ginny. We've taken enough of the headmaster's time."

Ginny must have looked as if she were going to argue for Hermione grabbed her arm and practically dragged her out of the room.

"It's not the end of the world," Hermione tried to tell her.

"Says you," Ginny replied angrily. "Don’t' you see, Hermione? This is all up to you."

"I'm not going on a date with some random boy," Hermione said hugging her book to her chest. "I have priorities, Ginny."

"I would think you could at least suck up your pride for a friend," Ginny replied quietly.


"I'll see you later," Ginny walked away in the opposite direction.

Hermione shook her head. Ginny would just need time to get used to this and eventually she'd see that this was all for the best.

The redhead walked aimlessly towards the Great Hall, not paying attention where she was walking.

Draco came up behind her and pulled her to him. "I'm feeling generous today...I'm giving you one last chance."

"Draco," Ginny said softly.

"Maybe this will help make up your mind," Draco said before pressing his lips to hers.

Ginny's eyes popped open in surprise and suddenly she found herself hurled backwards. "Ow!"

"What the hell?" Draco asked angrily.

Ginny rubbed the back of her head. "I don't know..." she said miserably.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked, offering her his hand.

"I think so," Ginny said as he helped her up. "Can... can I talk to you?"

"You know you can," Draco said wondering why he was putting up with all this.

"This may sound really farfetched... but it's the reason for the way I was acting when you asked me to Hogsmeade," Ginny said tentatively.

"Okay," Draco said slowly. "What is it, Red?"

She explained it to him just as Dumbledore had told it to her and Hermione. "So basically... if she doesn't go, I can't either."

Draco sighed. Nothing was this much trouble. "Granger?"

Ginny nodded. "I know..."

He shook his head. "This is hopeless. You know that, right?"

Ginny looked away in disappointment. "I know," she said again.

"No one at this school fancies her," Draco said thinking aloud. "And it's not as if they're queuing up for a chance with her. The only one I could picture her with is that lump, Longbottom..."

Ginny shook her head. "Neville would never ask her out. They're just friends."

"What about your brother?" Draco suggested.

Ginny looked at him. "He's head over heels for Luna."

"There has to be someone we can pawn off on her," Draco said. Students were filing out of the Great Hall heading to classes. "Look, you just leave it to me, okay?"

"Really?" Ginny asked. "You'll help me out of this?"

Draco nodded, but was silently hoping she would be worth all of this hassle. "You can count on me."

"Thanks Draco," Ginny felt hopeful for the first time all day.

"I'll see you at lunch," he said giving her hand a squeeze before heading to Herbology.

He was trying to think of someone for Granger, but then again who at this school would want to take on that shrew?

Harry Potter had overheard the conversation between Ginny and Malfoy. "A pact," he muttered. "Interesting..."

He followed Malfoy toward the green houses watching as the Slytherin checked out nearly every girl that walked by.

Ginny was like a younger sister to him and he didn't want the girl getting hurt by this wanker.

Neville was far and away the better match for Ginny and would treat her a damn sight better than Malfoy ever could.

Harry sat down in the greenhouse, keeping an eye on the blond.

"We're pairing up again today," Ron told his friend. "Want to work together this time?"

"That'd be great," Harry replied. "I don't need another detention."

Harry turned back around and saw Malfoy sauntering up to Hermione.

"Mind if we work together today, Granger?" Draco drawled.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I don't want you as a partner," she retorted. "I'd rather work with Goyle."

"You didn't always feel that way," Draco whispered in her ear.

"Sod off," Hermione rolled her eyes.

"If you don't work with me, who are you going to work with?" Draco asked folding his arms. "Hmm?"

Hermione saw to her dismay that everyone else was paired up. "I'd have even preferred Potter over you," she hissed, slamming her bag down.

"You fancy Scarhead?" Draco asked.

"Oh please," Hermione said disdainfully. "My life is none of your concern."

"You'd be surprised," Draco said leaning back in his chair.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy," Harry said glaring at him.

"Scarhead sticking up for the shrew?" Draco asked, a nasty grin on his face. "Isn't that touching."

"Sod off, Malfoy," Harry said. "Granger, Ron and I wouldn't mind if you worked with us..."

"I'm fine on my own," Hermione said coldly.

"I'll take good care of her," Malfoy assured Harry with a cocky grin. "Granger and I make a really good team..."

"Hardly," Hermione snapped. "Let's just get this over with. I don't need another bloody detention."

"What kind of world are we living in where she would rather work with him than us?" Ron muttered to Harry.

"Who knows," Harry replied. "I don't know what her deal is. I try to be nice to her--"

"Well looks as if Malfoy's trying to do the same," Ron said motioning over to where the brunette and the blonde were talking in hushed tones about something.

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Malfoy is not nice."

"You're preaching to the choir, mate," Ron said opening his textbook. "Come on...let's get this over with..."

"Fine," Harry muttered, stealing one more glance at this pair before turning to his plant.

"So," Malfoy drawled. "What do you have to do?"

"We," Hermione glared at him. "What do WE have to do. I'm not doing all the work so you can get all the credit."

"You're better at it than I am," Malfoy stretched. "There's something you probably don't hear every day." he added.

Hermione rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Ginny fancied this arrogant prat.

Draco watched Hermione set out what they'd need for the assignment and an idea struck him. Potter. Potter could take her out to Hogsmeade then he could score with Ginny.

"Can you get us some fresh soil?" Hermione asked him. "Or do you not want to get your hands dirty?"

"I can get it," he said lazily.

"Thanks," Hermione said sarcastically. She made a mental note to ask Neville to be her partner next time they were assigned teamwork like this. He was the only one in this room who took it as serious as she did.

Malfoy took his time in getting what they needed and as a result, the rest of the class was halfway through before they had barely gotten started.

"Take some notes on what I do," Hermione thrust a piece of parchment at him. "I'll pot these."

"I like a woman who takes charge," Malfoy said taking the parchment. "At least I did at one point..."

"Sod off," Hermione retorted. "Let's just get this done. I hate working with you."

"That wasn't always the way," Malfoy said sitting down. "I remember that night in the Astronomy Tower. Do you remember? You said that no one had ever said those things to you..."

"You know, this is making me physically ill," Hermione faced him angrily. "So shut the hell up and work."

"Sure thing," Malfoy said picking up his quill and starting to write.

Hermione was surprised at his quick agreement but didn't contest it. She turned her attention to the plants.

Ron and Harry were faring a little better on their assignment. "So," Ron said looking at his friend. "You planning on going to Hogsmeade? I was thinking that you could take Ginny..."

Harry gave his friend a look. "I'm not going to Hogsmeade. And I already told you a million times, I'm not taking Ginny."

"She'd go with you," Ron said with a shrug. "And you're much better than Malfoy. Mum and Dad would be over the moon if you fancied her..."

"Not going to happen," Harry answered. "She's like my little sister too. Besides, she doesn't want to date me either."

"She used to," Ron pointed out.

"When she was 10," Harry countered.

"Still," Ron insisted.

"Ron," Harry sighed. "Let your sister do what she wants to do. Don't try and matchmake for her."

"I don't like thinking of my sister dating," Ron said. "The only bloke I'd trust with her would be you...or Nev."

Harry smiled. "He'd treat her like gold."

"If only she'd notice him," Ron said.

"Let her worry about it," Harry advised. "She'd kill you if she knew you were fretting over her dating."

"I'll stay out of it," Ron promised. "But I can't bear Malfoy, Harry. Could you imagine?"

"I'm not going there," Harry replied.

The rest of the class passed by without incident and Hermione was glad when Professor Sprout finished grading their assignments. She couldn't wait to get away from Malfoy.

"We'll have to do that again sometime Granger," Malfoy taunted.

Hermione grabbed her bag and hurried out of the room. Malfoy grinned and looked over at Harry.

Harry looked up. "What?" he demanded irritably.

"Could I have a quick word?" Malfoy asked.

"No," Harry answered shortly.

"Come on," Malfoy said. "Five minutes."

"I'm busy," Harry replied.

"Come on, Harry," Ron said heading for the door.

"Right behind you," Harry pushed past Malfoy.

"Damn it, Potter," Malfoy called after him. "I just want five minutes of your precious time. It's important."

"He's not going to Hogsmeade," Ron said. "So if you were hoping for a date..."

"Fuck off Weasley," Malfoy snapped.

"Let's just go," Harry said.

"Look," Malfoy said angrily. "I wouldn't be after YOU if this wasn't important!"

"Fine," Harry said folding his arms. "What do you want?"

"To talk to you in private," Malfoy glared at Ron.

Harry sighed. "Ron, I'll catch up with you mate."

Ron nodded figuring that whatever was going on with Malfoy, Harry would tell him later. He turned the corner leaving Harry and Draco alone.

"So," Malfoy said. "I have a proposition for you..."

"I can tell you right now I'm not interested," Harry answered.

"Hear me out," Malfoy said glaring at him. He hated the idea of asking Harry Potter for anything.

"Then talk already," Harry demanded. "I don't bloody have all day."

Malfoy leaned against the wall. "It's no secret that I fancy Ginny. And she fancies me too. Which would all be well and good, but when she was a kid, she made some stupid pact with that Mudblood Granger..."

"A pact?" Harry asked. "Why does this concern us?" he didn't let on that he had overheard their conversation.

"Some shite pact about not ever dating," Malfoy explained. "They didn't know at the time it was a magical contract. Binding. But, apparently, Dumbledore's found a way out of it for them..."

"Then why are we intervening?" Harry was bored.

"Ginny can't; date until Granger does," Malfoy explained.

"And this has to do with me how?" Harry asked.

"I want you to take Granger to Hogsmeade," Malfoy said as if doing Harry a favour.

Harry chuckled. "You're joking right? Let me point out two things for you, Malfoy and I'll go slow so you understand. One---Granger doesn't like me. Two--I could care less about what you want."

Malfoy watched in dismay as Harry turned and began to walk off. "I'll pay you."

Harry didn't need or want Malfoy's money. "See you later, Ferret."

"I said I'll pay you," Malfoy grabbed his arm. "I'll make it worth your while."

Harry shrugged him off. "Why should I help you?"

"Don't you want your 'sister' to be happy?" Malfoy asked, his eyes glinting.

"Yes," Harry replied. "Which is why I'm in favour of anything that would keep her away from you."

Malfoy sighed. "I'll pay you twenty five galleons to take Granger to Hogsmeade."

Harry couldn't believe Malfoy. He really did think anyone or anything he wanted could be bought. Why on earth did Ginny fancy this prat? Neville was far and away the better man. An idea came to him and he hid his smile as he thought about getting one over on Malfoy.

"So," Harry said thoughtfully. "I date Granger so you can date Ginny?"

"And you get 25 galleons in the process," Malfoy said simply. "Win-win situation, Potter."

"Only twenty five?" Harry asked. "You're a cheap bastard."

"Fifty, then," Malfoy countered.

Harry knew Malfoy was about to up and walk away. "Fifty galleons, one date. That's it."

"So we have a deal then?" Malfoy asked extending his hand.

Harry shook his enemy's hand. "Fine. Deal."

6. Chapter 6

Authors’ note: You guys are really worried about Malfoy and Hermione. You’ll find out what, IF ANYTHING, went on with them soon. We promise. We hope you enjoy the chapter!

"You have your work cut out for you," Malfoy said. "Granger's a complete shrew, but you flatter her and throw on the old charm, you might get in her knickers."

"Leave her to me," Harry answered. "And if you step out of line with Ginny--"

"You just concentrate on Granger," Malfoy said pulling an innocent face.

Harry headed back to the castle quickly. Perhaps he could ask out Granger then get to Neville before Malfoy could ask Ginny.

He had Defence Against the Dark Arts next with one of his favourite professors, Remus Lupin. Granger had the class, too. Sure enough, she was sitting in her familiar seat right in front of the classroom.

Harry slipped in beside her. "Hey."

"Susan Bones sits there," Hermione said not looking up from her book.

"She might switch with me for today," Harry replied. "What are you reading?"

"History of the Dark Arts: The 16th Century," Hermione replied briskly.

"That sounds interesting," Harry lied. "Can I borrow it when you're done?"

Hermione looked up from her book. "I don't know what use you'd have for it. It has big words and not that many pictures..."

"Funny," Harry nodded. "So Granger-- Hermione... I know we talked about the Hogsmeade weekend that's coming up..."

"No, we didn't," Hermione replied trying to concentrate on her book. Why wouldn't he just leave her alone?

"Sure we did," Harry answered. "You said you're going... and you know, I was thinking of going. Why don't we head on down there together?"

"No," Hermione replied.

"Why not?" he pressed.

"Excuse me, Harry," Susan Bones said shyly. "I think you're in my seat..."

"Susan," Harry sent her a charming grin. "Mind if we swap today?"

Susan blushed. "Oh, I suppose that would be okay."

"You don't have to switch seats," Hermione said to Susan. "That's your seat."

"I really don't mind," Susan said smiling at Harry.

"Thanks," Harry winked at her.

Susan giggled. "No problem, Harry."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I'll move with you, Susan."

"Would everyone take their seats, please?" Lupin announced as he came into the room.

Harry grinned at Hermione. "Too late. You're stuck with me."

"Merlin help me," Hermione shut her book and stuffed it into her bag.

"I forgot my book," Harry said scooting his desk closer to hers. "Mind if we share?"

"No," Hermione snapped. "Borrow one from Professor Lupin."

Harry wondered if this was going to be worth it. This girl hated him for some reason and wasn't about to give one inch.

"Harry, nice to see you sitting at the front of the class for a change," Lupin said teasingly.

Harry smiled thinly. "Well, I decided sitting next to the brightest girl in class could only benefit me."

Hermione turned to study him and she wondered what he was trying to do.

"I see," Lupin gave Harry a look. "If you will all turn to page one hundred thirty six please..."

Hermione did as she was told and sighed when Harry looked pleadingly at her.

"Sir, I've forgotten my book," Harry said to Lupin. "Would it be alright if Hermione and I shared?"

"If it's all right with Miss Granger," Lupin nodded.

"Fine," Hermione hissed.

"Thanks," Harry grinned at her and pushed his chair as close to her as he could.

Lupin began his lecture and Hermione started to take notes.

Harry leaned over so he could read what she was writing.

"What?" Hermione asked him, in a hushed tone.

"Just seeing what you were taking notes on," Harry replied softly.

"What he's talking about," Hermione whispered back. "It wouldn't hurt you to take notes too."

"I'm listening," Harry replied.

Hermione shook her head. Defence Against the Dark Arts was the one class that she wasn't getting top marks. It was nice if Harry thought he could coast by, but she couldn't do that in this class.

She turned a bit so he wasn't peering over her shoulder and began to write faster.

Lupin told the class to read over the rest of the chapter and that the last half of the class they'd duel.

"Great," Hermione muttered.

"I'll be your partner," Harry offered as she pushed her book between them.

"I'm sure you'd rather partner with Ron," Hermione said.

"Looks like he's already got Neville," Harry looked back.

"I wouldn't be much of a challenge for you," Hermione said quietly.

"I'll go easy on you," he said, gazing at her.

"It's not that I'm not great at it," Hermione said defensively. "I'm just not as savvy in this as you are. I haven't had enough practise..."

"I'll give you a few pointers," Harry offered. "I'll give you even more if you go to Hogsmeade with me."

"I'm going by myself," Hermione told him. "That's final. I don't need or want company."

"How do you know unless you try it?" Harry asked.

"We need to finish the chapter," Hermione said avoiding his question.

"You didn't say no that time," Harry said softly.

Hermione didn't answer him. She tried to concentrate on the reading, but was aware that he was watching her out of the corner of his eye. What was with him and the sudden interest in her?

"Come on," Harry whispered. "We'll have fun."

"I'm sure you can find a member of your fan club to go with you," Hermione said turning the page.

"Fan club," Harry repeated. "That's one I haven't heard before."

Hermione again tried to ignore him.

"You know that the light of this room makes your hair appear sort of golden?" he asked her.

"I beg your pardon?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"The light in this room makes your hair appear sort of golden," Harry repeated, giving her a winsome smile.

"Oh Merlin," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Did you read that and decide to try it on me?"

"I was just making an observation," Harry said starting to get angry. She was impossible.

Hermione shook her head and went back to her book.

Lupin walked back up toward the front of the classroom. "Okay, you need to practise duelling. Break up into groups of two. I'll be walking around observing..."

Hermione looked over towards Susan but she'd already paired up with Hannah Abbot, who she was sitting with that day. Neville was in the back and working with Lavender Brown.

"Come on, Granger," Harry said standing up.

She heaved a sigh. "Fine..."

Harry grabbed his wand and led the way toward the back of the class. "So...what do you want to do first?"

"Some blocking spells," Hermione replied.

"Alright," Harry said moving away from her. "I'll send one your way and you try to block it. Okay?"

"Fine," Hermione replied, putting herself into stance.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry said pointing his wand at Hermione. The next thing she knew her wand was flying across the room and into his hands.

"Give it back," she demanded. "I wasn't ready."

Harry handed her back her wand. "A good witch or wizard is always prepared, Hermione. You have to anticipate what my every move is going to be. You can't second guess yourself..."

"Fine," she snapped. "Let's try again."

Harry thought for a moment about which spell he wanted to use and decided to go easy on her. "Impedimenta!" he said pointing his wand at Hermione.

This time, she moved and blocked the spell properly.

Harry smiled. "Good one."

Hermione nodded. "I'll try you now," she said. She thought for a moment then cast a full body bind spell at him.

Harry muttered the counter spell with just the wave of his hand. Hermione's jaw dropped. She'd never seen anyone other than Dumbledore to wandless magic.

"How did you do that?" she asked, forgetting her animosity for a moment. "Wandless magic... how?"

"Not everyone knows I can do it," Harry whispered to her. "I was showing off a bit for you. I've always had the capability, but Dumbledore and Lupin have showed me how to use it..."

"That was amazing," she said, still impressed.

Harry shrugged. "Don't say anything to anyone else, okay?"

"I won't," Hermione replied, remembering herself. "Um... we should do more spells..."

"Right," Harry said. "Is there any particular ones that you're having trouble with? We could go over those..."

"No," she said abruptly. "I know my spells just fine. I don't need help."

Harry moved behind her. "I'm not that bad you know. If you gave me a chance, you might like me..."

"Forgive me for not believing a word you say given that you've never said much to me the entire seven years that we've been here," Hermione said rounding on him. "Or said that much to anyone, really. I know that some of those airheads might buy your act, but I don't. You're up to something, Potter. Let me just make it simple for you. I'm not going to do your homework for you..."

"I don't want you to do my homework for me," Harry replied. "You've got quite the attitude about yourself, don't you?"

"Me?" Hermione asked incredulously. "What about you?"

"I've never been as rude to you as you have been to me," Harry pointed out.

"I haven't been rude," Hermione said looking away from him.

Harry sighed and shook his head. "Fine," he answered.

"Everything okay here?" Lupin asked coming up to them.

"Yes, sir," Hermione lied.

Harry also nodded when Lupin looked at him.

"Hermione, why don't you join Susan's group?" Lupin asked. "I wanted to discuss a few things with Harry.

Hermione nodded, grateful for the excuse to get away from Harry Potter.

"Did I do something wrong?" Harry asked warily when Hermione gladly left.

"You tell me," Lupin said levelling his gaze at Harry.

Harry shrugged. "I've no idea what you're talking about."

"You and Hermione Granger don't usually pair up for assignments," Lupin said.

Harry shrugged. "What's wrong with a little change?"

"Nothing," Lupin said. "I was just making sure everything was okay."

"Everything's fine," Harry answered. "Promise."

"I hope so," Lupin said clapping him on the back. "Just remember that I'm here if you need to talk."

Harry nodded. "Thanks."

The class ended and Harry tried again to get Hermione alone, but he lost her in the crowd.

"Damn it," he swore. She was obviously eluding him now.

"Everything alright, Harry?" Neville asked.

"I guess," Harry answered.

"I'll see you later," Neville said.

"Wait a minute--" Harry called after him but Neville was already out of earshot.

This definitely wasn't his day. He'd made that stupid wager with Malfoy and he wasn't any step closer to fulfilling his end of the deal. She hated him. There had to be some way to get through to her, but how? Someone had to know something that could help him.

*** *** ***

Ginny had asked Neville if they could begin their study sessions that evening so she wouldn't fall too far behind in Herbology. They met in the library after dinner and Neville was currently helping her go over what she'd be doing during her sixth year.

"Be glad you don't have to work with the Mandrakes anymore," he said. "They're very touchy."

Ginny shuddered. "And that awful noise they make!"

"I never liked wearing those earmuffs," Neville turned the page.

Ginny smiled. "Me, either."

"Professor Sprout is big on making sure you know all your herbs," Neville told her.

"Such as mallowsweet and sage," Ginny said looking at her text. "Which are used by Centaurs. They burn these herbs to observe the fumes and flames to refine their stargazing..."

"That's very good," Neville smiled at her and blushed when she grinned back. "Are you sure you need my help?" he wanted to curse his words as soon as they left his mouth.

"That was me reading from the book," Ginny assured him. "I'm hopeless without it..."

"You'll get it," Neville replied. "You're so smart... you'll have this picked up in no time."

Ginny blushed. "That's very sweet of you to say, but Potions and Herbology have always been hard for me. Of course, with Potions, it's because I'm bloody terrified of Snape."

Neville agreed. "He's always sort of terrified me too..."

"And you know what I can't stand?" Ginny asked him leaning forward. "It's like he can sense when you have no clue what the answer is...and he calls on you and humiliates you in front of the entire class."

"Or when you do know the answer, and he refuses to call on you?" Neville asked. "He's a real wanker."

"Tell me about it," Ginny said giggling. "He's the worst!"

Neville noticed how close they were sitting together and his heart beat faster. "Um... another thing you'll need to memorise by the end of sixth year is um... is um..."

"Yes?" Ginny asked him, her brown eyes trained on his.

"What um... plants and stuff you need for healing purposes," Neville stuttered.

"Healing purposes," Ginny repeated. She thumbed through her book for that chapter.

"Should be about seven chapters in," Neville's cheeks flamed.

Ginny found the chapter and read a few sentences. "Wow...did you know that if properly diluted, bubotuber pus can be used to treat acne?"

"I...I read that," Neville nodded. "But you'd never need to use that for anything."

"You'd be surprised," Ginny said. "Spots always show up at the most inopportune times..."

"I can't imagine that for a second," Neville's face was blazing by this point.

"You're very sweet," Ginny said smiling at him before returning to the book. Truth be told, she was happy for the distraction. She'd not been able to think about anything other than that stupid pact.

She wondered if Draco had been able to find anyone to take Hermione yet- she assumed that's what he was going to do. Part of her felt guilty for not saying anything to the older girl but at the same time, she'd been quite unsympathetic to Ginny's plight.

Neville reached into his satchel and pulled out a folder. "These are some of my old notes. I also have pictures of some of the plants..."

"You saved all of your notes?" Ginny asked, breaking out of her daydream.

Neville nodded. "Well, I never knew when I'd need them again..."

"These are fantastic," Ginny said, wide-eyed. "They make so much more sense than the stupid textbook."

Neville beamed at her. "You can keep them as long as you want."

"That's so nice of you," Ginny said gratefully. "Somehow I'll repay you for all this, I promise."

"You don't have to," Neville told her. "I'm happy to spend time with----I mean---I'm happy to give it to you. Them---give them to you."

Ginny smiled. "Well I really appreciate it."

Neville wished the floor would open up and swallow him hole. She must have thought him a complete idiot.

"You have no idea how much this is going to help me," she looked through his notes.

Neville smiled. "You're welcome."

"We have our first exam coming up next week," Ginny told him. "Would you mind helping me study again the night before?"

"Absolutely," Neville replied.

Ginny smiled. "You're a good friend, Neville. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Neville turned even redder. "Oh...you'd do just fine..."

"No I wouldn't," Ginny said honestly. "I'd fail this year if you weren't around."

"I'm here for you," Neville said softly. "For anything..."

"You're sweet," Ginny said affectionately. Her eyes moved past him and she straightened up as she saw Malfoy come in. "Um... I'll be back in a second."

Neville hadn't seen Malfoy and he nodded. "I'll be right here."

Ginny touched his shoulder as she stood up and walked towards the blond. "Hi," she smiled at him.

"Red," Draco said smiling back at her.

"Any luck yet?" she asked hopefully.

Draco put his arm around her. "I told you I had it covered. I found the perfect bloke for Granger."

"Who?" Ginny asked.

"Potter," Malfoy replied.

"HARRY?" Ginny asked, much louder than she'd intended.

Madam Pince looked up from her desk and glared at her.

"Sorry," she whispered to the librarian before returning her attention to Draco. "Harry and Hermione? Draco..."

"If Potter can't get her to go out, no one can," Malfoy said. "And then it's just you and me, Red."

"That's what I really want more than anything," Ginny said.

"Me too Red," Draco grinned at her. "Wish I could kiss you again..."

"Better not chance it," Ginny said, her arm still hurt from the fall she'd taken earlier when he'd tried to kiss her. "Um...I really should get back to work..."

"Work?" he asked.

"Studying," Ginny said. "I'm trying to do better in Herbology..."

"You're doing fine, I'm sure." Draco stroked her hand.

Ginny smiled up at him. "Thanks to Neville..."

"Longbottom?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

Ginny nodded. "He agreed to tutor me."

Draco looked less than impressed at this news. "Really..."

"And I'd better get back," Ginny said. "He and I were going to work until curfew."

Draco looked like he wanted to protest, but he let go of her hand. "Soon as Potter manages to ask the Mudblood, I'll find you," he said.

Ginny frowned. "Draco, please don't call Hermione by that name."

"For you Red, I won't." Draco leaned in and kissed her cheek. He was pleased when nothing happened.

"Sweet dreams," Ginny said to him.

"I'll have them now..." Draco winked at her before sauntering out.

Ginny returned to the table she and Neville were sharing. "Sorry it took so long."

"Everything okay?" Neville asked.

"Fine," Ginny briefly thought about telling Neville about the pact, but decided the less people that knew, the better. "In fact, things are going pretty good right now."

Neville handed her a quick quiz he'd written up while she'd been away. "Just to see how you're doing on the basics..."

Ginny smiled. "Neville, you should be a professor."

"I've thought about it," Neville admitted. "But Sprout will probably be around forever..."

Ginny bent her head over the quiz and began to fill in some of the answers.

Neville studied her while she worked. She was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. He just wished that she'd notice him.

"This is as tough as one of Sprout's exams," she laughed.

"It's not that hard," Neville said laughing too.

"Hard enough for me," Ginny said, writing down a few answers.

Neville tried to work on his own homework while she finished his pop quiz.

"I'm sorry this is taking me so long," Ginny apologised. "I told you I'm bad at Herbology."

"You're doing just fine," Neville reassured her.

"Thanks, I think." Ginny said ruefully. "Sooner or later I'll get the hang of this. I just wish I could take you to class with me."

"I'd go with you if I could," Neville told her.

"I know," she said as she finished with his quiz. "Okay... how badly did I do?"

Neville smiled and took the paper from her. "I have to mark it first..."

Ginny covered her eyes. "I can't bear to watch."

Neville looked over the quiz. She did get a lot of the questions right, but she had confused some of the names of the different healing herbs.

"Well?" she asked after a few minutes.

Neville smiled. "You did pretty good. We have a lot of work ahead of us, but you did pretty good."

"Really?" Ginny asked. "You're not just saying that?"

"I'm not just saying that," Neville told her. "And this gives me an idea about what we need to concentrate on. I think the next time we meet; we should go to the greenhouses."

"Okay," Ginny agreed. "Anything that will help."

"It's getting near curfew," Neville said looking at his watch. "You ready to go back to Gryffindor Tower?"

Ginny nodded. "Thanks again for helping me Neville. It really means a lot."

Neville smiled. "It's no problem, really. Here...let me take your books..."

"You don't have to do that," Ginny objected.

Neville took them from her. "I don't mind."

"You really are a sweet guy," Ginny said softly.

"You make it easy," Neville told her as they walked out of the library.

Ginny smiled and looked down at her feet as they walked back. "Are you going to Hogsmeade in a few weeks?"

"I was hoping too," Neville said. "Are...are you?"

"I really hope to go with Draco," she said softly.

Neville tried to hide his disappointment. "Um, has he asked you then?"

"Yes," Ginny answered.

"Oh, that's...that's great," Neville lied.

"He's really not a bad guy," Ginny said. "He's been so nice to me. I just think he's misunderstood."

Misunderstood, my ass, Neville thought bitterly. Draco Malfoy was not worthy of her and she just couldn't see it.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said. "I shouldn't just prattle on about me. Isn't there anyone you'd like to ask to go with you?"

"Yeah," Neville said. "There is, but she...she's with someone else now."

"That's a shame," Ginny remarked. "You're probably one of the last nice guys left around here."

"Yes, well nice guys finish last, right?" Neville asked quickening his step.

Ginny hurried to catch up to him. "They shouldn't," she said.

Neville didn't say anything to that.

"Wait," she said breathlessly. "I'm not as tall as you- I can't walk as fast."

"Sorry," he apologised.

She smiled at him. "It's okay. I don't want to get caught by Filch after curfew either. You're right to hurry."

They hurried up the steps toward their dorm. Ginny looked sideways at him. "Nev, this other girl..."

He looked over at her. "What about her?"

"Maybe it's not too late," Ginny said. "Maybe you could tell her how you feel..."

Neville shook his head. "It's okay. Don't worry about me."

Ginny shook her head. "But, I do worry about you. And...I've just sorted out how I can pay you back for all your help on Herbology."

"You have?" he asked, his voice a bit high pitched.

Ginny smiled. "Yes, I have. I'm going to help you get your girl."

He was so startled by her statement that he dropped all their books. "You're what?"

Ginny giggled and knelt down to pick them up. "I'm going to help you get your girl. You just need a little confidence."

"That's um... nice of you," Neville mumbled. "But it's okay Ginny. I don't need any help."

"Nonsense," Ginny said shaking her head. "You do. This other bloke, whomever he is, has nothing on you."

Little did she know, he thought. "It's okay, really..."

"I'm not going to take no for an answer," Ginny said firmly handing him the books. "It would help if I knew who this girl was, but you'll tell me when you're ready."

He was speechless as he followed her through the portrait door.

"We'll start tomorrow," Ginny said. "You can tell me everything you can about this girl and we'll work from there..."

Neville shook his head. "Really. I don't need help. I've... I've got enough going on right now."

Ginny leaned in conspiratorially. "I'm not taking no for an answer. We start tomorrow." With that, she pecked him on the check before hurrying upstairs to her room.

Neville stared after her in terror. He didn't want her finding out about his crush on her, and it wouldn't take much for her to discover that.

He stood frozen in place for a few moments before heading upstairs to his room. Seamus was playing chess with Dean and Ron was heading for the loo to brush his teeth. The person Neville needed to talk to was reading.

"Harry," Neville said in a hushed tone. "I need your help..."

"What is it?" Harry muttered. He was still pissed that he'd been unable to get Hermione to agree to go with him.

Neville threw his books down on his bed. "Ginny and I studied together tonight."

"That's good," Harry looked over at him. "It's what you wanted, right?"

"Absolutely," Neville said. "It was going so well I asked her about Hogsmeade and if she was going...and then she tells me she wants to go with Malfoy! Which is bad, but it's not as bad as me telling her that I fancied another girl who was into another bloke. And as her way of paying me back...she's going to help me get this girl..."

"But you fancy her," Harry objected.

Neville nodded sadly. "Yeah...but she thinks there's this other girl out there and she's offered to help me win her..."

Harry shook his head. "Maybe you should just come out and tell her, Nev."

"And have her laugh herself silly?" Neville asked sarcastically. "No thanks."

"You don't know that she'd laugh at you," Harry pointed out. "Ginny's not a mean person."

"No, she's not," Neville said quietly. "But I don't know what to do."

"Sleep on it," Harry suggested.

Neville nodded. "Yeah."

Harry returned to his reading. He had seen Malfoy after dinner and it had put him in a rather foul mood when the Slytherin had taunted him about not being up to task just yet.

Ron came back into the room grumbling to himself.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked.

"Bloody Hermione Granger is what," Ron said. "I ran into her as I was coming back here. She said I should be in bed. I have a mother already. I don't need another one."

"Hermione Granger was downstairs just now?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately," Ron grimaced. "She's a right pain in the arse."

Harry shut his book. "I'll be back. I just forgot something downstairs..."

He hurried down and saw Hermione straightening up the common room.

"Bloody fourth years," she was saying to herself. "Can't clean anything up themselves..."

"Do you need any help?" Harry asked coming up behind her.

"Not you again," she said, her back stiffening.

Harry picked up one of the throw pillows and placed it back on the sofa. "I'm happy to see you, too."

"I can do this myself you know," she told him.

"Goes faster with help," Harry said smiling at her. He picked up some more pillows. "You do this every night, then?"

"I have to," she answered coolly. "The house elves don't need more work."

"That's true," Harry agreed. "They work hard enough as it is."

She shot him a strange look but didn't say anything.

Harry finished picking up the pillows and he watched as Hermione gathered up some books. She was pretty, he had to admit. If only she didn't wear a permanent scowl, she'd even be---well, he didn't want to think about that.

"What?" she snapped when she caught him staring at her.

"Nothing," Harry said smiling at her. He didn't dare use a line on her because he knew it would only set her off. "So..."

"I'm going to bed," she replied shortly. "I suggest you do the same."

"Wait," Harry said reaching for her arm. "Stay for a minute."

She pulled away and eyed him warily. "Why should I?"

"Hermione Jane," Harry said softly, his green eyes focusing on her.

Hermione was startled. "How the hell do you know my middle name?"

"I asked around," Harry replied. "You do that when you fancy a girl, you know. You want to know everything you can about her."

"Oh please," Hermione rolled her eyes. "You don't fancy me."

"I do," Harry said sitting down on the edge of the sofa.

"What sort of game are you playing?" Hermione glared at him. "Because I'm far from amused."

"I'm not playing any game," he lied. She turned away from him and straightened up a set of books. He came up behind her again.

"Two years ago," he said his voice barely above a whisper. "Yule Ball...I didn't go."

"I really don't see what this has---" Hermione started to say.

"But I saw you," Harry continued. "As a prefect, I guess you have to go to those things. You wore this light blue set of robes and your hair was in these long curls. You were looking at yourself in the mirror there...and you smiled to yourself. It took my breath away..."

His words affected her, far more than she could have thought they would. "I... I don't believe you," she swallowed the lump in her throat.

"It made me wish I'd decided to go," Harry said softly. He was so close; his breath was tickling her neck. She was glad her back was to him so he couldn't see her face. She'd had such high hopes for that night. Malfoy's cruel words had dashed those hopes and she'd barely spent two minutes in the Great Hall.

She squeezed her eyes shut to ward of the tears the memory of that night brought to her.

"You intrigue me, Hermione Jane," Harry said truthfully. "You always have and I'm not going to give up on you."

"Well you're fighting a losing battle," Hermione wrenched away from him. "And I'll appreciate you not bothering me anymore. I'm not going to Hogsmeade with you."

"We'll see," Harry said smiling at her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Not if I can help it," Hermione swept out of the room.

Harry smiled to himself as he headed upstairs. Despite what she'd said, he knew he'd gotten to her tonight.

"Why are you looking so smug?" Ron asked when Harry came back into the room.

Harry shrugged. "Just found what I was looking for is all."

Ron gave him an odd look but shrugged. "You'll be happy to know I once again made an arse of myself with Luna. I can't seem to put myself together when she's around."

"What'd you do this time?" Harry asked.

"I tried to kiss her," Ron said morosely. "And I cut my lip on her earring."

Dean snickered. "Smooth."

"Sod off," Ron frowned at him. "No one asked you for an opinion."

"And he is taking her to Hogsmeade," Seamus said thoughtfully.

"As her friend," Dean pointed out.

"Way to bring a man down," Ron glared at him.

"And who are you bringing to Hogsmeade, Dean?" Harry asked.

"Hannah," Dean answered.

"What about you, Harry?" Seamus asked.

"I'm working on it," Harry replied with a grin.

"Hermione Granger?" Seamus guessed.

Ron sat straight up. "Granger? Have you gone mental?"

Harry shook his head. "No."

"Then what are you talking about?" Ron cast a dirty look at Seamus.

"Don't look at me," Seamus said. "He's the one mooning over her in all our classes."

"I am not mooning over her," Harry said defensively. "She's just... interesting."

"Hermione Granger?" Ron asked. "The same girl whose idea of a great time is reading Hogwarts: A History..."

Harry just shrugged. "I'm going to bed."

"Night," Ron said.

Harry pulled the hangings closed around his bed and laid back. He had gotten through to Hermione Granger on some level that night.

It was a start, but he had a long road ahead of him.

7. Chapter 7

Well, Harry finally makes a little headway in this chapter. Hope you all enjoy it!

While most of her fellow students slept, Hermione was wide awake and sitting in the Great Hall enjoying a quiet breakfast. Onlya handful of students were awake at this hour and Hermione always liked it best like this. She hadn't slept well last night namely because she couldn't stop thinking about what had happened last night in the common room.

It had been quite some time since anyone had affected her like that.

She hadn't known he had seen her the night of the Yule Ball. It was true- she had realised she had looked quite pretty that evening and couldn't resist looking at herself in the mirror.

It had seemed like such a lifetime ago. The girl who she was then wasn't the same girl she was now. She knew not to put her faith in other people. She knew that she had to protect her heart.

"Just don't let him bug you," she coached herself. "He's just like any other guy."

"Who is?" Ginny asked plopping down beside her friend.

"Nobody," Hermione answered. "You're up early."

"I couldn't sleep," Ginny said with a yawn.

"How come?" Hermione asked, reaching for a pitcher of juice.

"Lots on my mind," Ginny said. "Like the fact that I'm going to be an old maid..."

Hermione sighed. "Ginny--"

"One date, Hermione," Ginny said pleadingly. "That's all that you'd have to agree to."

"There's no one I want to go with," Hermione half lied. "Besides, this is a magical pact. If it were that easy, I'd agree to go with anyone then break the date."

"There's got to be someone that you have your eye on," Ginny continued. "You may act like a bookworm, but even you have to fancy someone. Come on...there are a lot of cute blokes around here."

Hermione pulled a large book out of her bag. "Nope."

"Liar," Ginny said buttering some toast.

"You can think what you want," Hermione replied. "It doesn't change the fact that you're wrong."

Ginny glared at her. "Hermione! I'm your friend and I think you could do just this one thing for me!"

Hermione stood up. "I don't need this, Ginny. I've got a lot of responsibilities this year, and dating is not one of them. You'll get over it."

"Hermione," Ginny said getting to her feet as well. "Look, I'm sorry. I just...I really want to date. I want that more than anything. All's I'm asking is that you try one date. If nothing happens, fine. I'll drop it. I'll be miserable, but I'll know that you tried. Please?"

Hermione looked down at the younger girl as a wave of guilt overcame her. "I'll... I'll think about it," she said quietly.

Ginny gave her a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Despite herself, Hermione smiled. "I'm going to the library."

"Wait," Ginny said. "There is something I needed to ask you." She explained that Neville was helping her with her Herbology and how she planned on paying him back. "He's avoiding me and I just want to know if you know who it is that he fancies..."

Hermione shook her head. "I have no idea. He's never mentioned fancying any girl to me."

"Damn," Ginny said. "This would be so much easier if I knew who it was."

"If I hear anything, I'll let you know." Hermione said. "See you..."

"Bye," Ginny waved at her.

Hermione walked out the door and nearly collided with Harry.

"Hey," he said smiling at her.

Hermione didn't say anything in response. Before he could say anything else, she hurried away.

Draco Malfoy cackled from just behind Harry. "She's really falling for you..."

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry glared at him. "I'm working on it."

"Short of a love potion, I'd say you're never going to get anywhere," Malfoy said smirking at him.

"If I don't, then neither are you," Harry said smugly.

"Point taken," Draco said the smirk fading away. "But you are moving at a snail's pace. If it was me, I'd have already been in her knickers by now."

"And that's a lovely thought," Harry replied. "Back off. I'll get it done."

"Well then follow her," Malfoy said. "Wear her down."

Harry stared at him coldly. "I said I'd get it done."

"I know what she likes," Malfoy said. "So if you need pointers..."

Harry sent the blond a thoroughly disgusted look. "From you? No thanks."

Draco shrugged. "Good luck."

Harry turned and walked in the direction Hermione had disappeared in. He had a feeling she had gone to the library and his suspicion proved right when he saw her hunched over a desk.

"Good morning," he said tapping her on the shoulder.

Hermione sighed. "Go away."

"Now why do I think you don't really want me to do that?" he asked, sitting down across from her.

"Because you're delusional?" Hermione asked not looking up from her book.

"Good one," Harry replied. "You know... a week from today is the Hogsmeade visit."

"Yes," Hermione said quietly. "I know."

"Have you reconsidered going with me?" Harry leaned in.

She thought about Ginny and her promise to think about it. "I-I don't know."

"Well that's better than a no," Harry said with a grin.

"Why me?" Hermione asked him point blank.

"I find you interesting," Harry said truthfully.

"I'm not interesting," Hermione told him. "I don't like Quidditch. You and I don't have much in common..."

"To the contrary," Harry replied. "And you don't know much about my interests. You could find out more if you'd just go out with me." he sent her a slow, charming grin.

Hermione knew this was a bad idea, but she had promised Ginny. "Um..."

Harry raised his eyebrow. "Yeah?"

She wasn't sure what would happen when she answered him given what had happened to Ginny. "Um...okay. I'll go with you."

At first, Harry wasn't sure he had heard right. "You will?"

"Don't make me say it again," Hermione said looking down at the desk.

Harry smiled at her. "We'll have a lot of fun," he promised.

Hermione was silent. Harry looked at the silver bracelet on her wrist. "That's nice..."

"My parents gave it to me for my last birthday," Hermione told him.

"Mind if I take a closer look?" he asked.

She wasn't sure why he'd want to, but she nodded.

He inspected the bracelet, her skin warm under his hand. "They must care a lot about you."

"They're parents," Hermione said softly. "You know how it is. Um, I'm sorry---"

"It's okay," Harry answered.

"It was insensitive," Hermione apologised.

"I wasn't offended," Harry said. "Don't worry about it."

Hermione nodded. "My parents are little overprotective, but they mean well. They think I'll finish up here and go straight to university so I can become a dentist like them."

"You don't seem the type to become a dentist," Harry commented.

"I'm not," Hermione admitted, wondering why she was telling him this. "The truth is...the truth is that I don't have a clue what I want to do with my life."

Harry looked at her pensively. "I bet you'd make a good professor."

"You really think so?" Hermione asked.

"Sure," Harry replied.

"What about you?" Hermione asked.

Harry shrugged. "I'll figure that out when I get there."

"I guess we have that in common," Hermione said quietly.

"It's a start," Harry grinned at her again.

Hermione looked curiously at him. She couldn't quite figure him out. He obviously wasn't in any hurry to get away from her. "Have you big plans for this weekend?"

"Not really," Harry replied. "Thought I'd go flying."

Hermione wrinkled her nose but didn't say anything.

"You don't like flying?" Harry asked. "Really? It's one of my favourite things in the world."

"I like my feet on the ground, thank you," Hermione replied.

"Have you ever tried it?" Harry pursued.

"Not since that elementary lesson we had with Madam Hooch our first year," Hermione told him.

"Seriously?" Harry asked. "We should go sometime then."

Hermione shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Why not?" he pressured.

"Because I don't like it," Hermione replied. "And I---"

Her words were cut off as he stood up and took her hand pulling her to her feet. "Potter, I really have a lot of work to do. I am not going flying with you."

"Hermione--" he began.

"I'm....I'm scared of heights," she said in a hushed tone. "Okay?"

"Is that all?" he asked before he could stop himself.

Hermione's cheeks reddened. "Yes."

"That's not so bad," Harry replied. "It's easy to get over."

"I don't think so," Hermione said moving to sit down again, but he held on to her. "Potter---"

"Harry," he corrected.

"Harry," Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"I do like the way you say my name," he grinned.

Despite herself, Hermione laughed. "I can't believe this actually works on girls. But then again, you have that whole saving the world thing going for you."

"You have a nice laugh too," Harry said, trying to pull her closer.

"You---you really saw me that night of the ball?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah," he nodded.

She looked away. She hadn't meant to ask him that.

He squeezed her hand and moved even closer.

"Po---Harry," Hermione whispered.

"Whoa," a voice startled them both. "Harry what the hell are you doing with her?" Ron was staring at them.

Hermione pulled away from Harry. "Um, I have to go."

"Wait," Harry said. "I'll walk with you."

"No," she snapped. "I'm capable of walking by myself!"

Ron shook his head. "Is it your time of the month, Granger?"

Hermione cast him a dirty look. "Fancy some points being taken off, Ron?"

"No," Ron grumbled.

Hermione gathered her books and walked away.

Harry hit Ron hard in the arm. "Thanks. Thanks very much," he said sarcastically.

"Why were you with her?" Ron asked bluntly. "She's a bloody bi--"

"She's not," Harry cut him off. "And I don't want to hear you talking about her like that again."

"What the hell's come over you?" Ron looked at him strangely. "When did you take up with Granger? And why?"

Harry let out a frustrated sigh. He had broken though to Hermione. And then Ron had come in spoiling everything. "I'm taking her to Hogsmeade."

Ron's eyes bugged out. "WHAT?" he nearly shouted.

"Mr. Weasley," Madam Pince said sternly. "This is a library!"

Ron looked around. "We're the only ones in here!"

"It is still a library," she replied, her eyebrows knit together. "And I want QUIET!"

Ron turned his back to the librarian and rolled his eyes. He looked at his best friend. "She reminds me of Granger."

Harry shook his head. "You're impossible. Just deal with it. I'm going to Hogsmeade with Hermione."

"It's your funeral," Ron said. "What could you possibly see in her?"

Neither of the two boys knew that Hermione was standing within earshot just behind one of the bookshelves.

"Something the rest of you don't," Harry half lied. "I think she's interesting. And I want to get to know her better." he decided not to mention the fact that Malfoy was paying him.

"Interesting?" Ron asked incredulously.

A smile played at Hermione's lips as she heard what Harry had said.

"Do you speak English?" Harry asked sarcastically. "That's what I said."

"You've obviously taken leave of your senses," Ron said. "And I'm going back to the Great Hall. I'm starving."

"Bye," Harry rolled his eyes. When Ron left, he gathered his things and headed out of the library as well.

"Potter," Hermione called after him. He didn't turn around. "Potter!" Still, he didn't turn around. "Harry!"

He turned around. "Yes?"

She couldn't believe she was doing this. "Um..."

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked.

Hermione fidgeted. "Um, well...you know how we were talking about flying..."

"Yeah?" he asked, a smile spreading across his handsome features. "What about it?"

"I was thinking," Hermione continued. "That maybe I should learn how to fly better. I mean, I am a witch..." She blushed, unable to look at him. This was a stupid idea.

"You want me to give you a few pointers?" Harry asked.

"Um," Hermione replied. "I suppose...yes, if it's not too much trouble..."

"I'd be happy to," Harry looked at her, his green eyes intense.

"Okay," Hermione said. "Thank you."

"We could start today," he said. "I was going to head out in an hour or so."

Hermione hadn't expected him to take her up on it so soon, but she did have some free time scheduled in for today. She looked at her watch. "It's nine now...so, I guess I'll meet you on the pitch at ten?"

Harry nodded. He wanted to find Neville to tell him to ask out Ginny before Malfoy could get to her. "I'll see you at ten."

Hermione studied him for a few moments. "I'll see you at ten."

"Looking forward to it," Harry grinned before hurrying off.

Hermione watched after him until he disappeared then headed back to the Great Hall to tell Ginny she could have her date. "What am I getting myself into?" she muttered.

Ginny was just finishing her breakfast when she spotted Hermione. "Hi..."

"Hi," Hermione sat down beside her. "You can have your date."

Ginny looked at her as if she hadn't heard her correctly. "What? You---you agreed to go with someone?"

Hermione sighed. "Yes..."

Ginny gave her friend a hug that would have made her mother proud. "Oh, Hermione! Thank you!"

"Ginny," Hermione choked out. "It's hard... to... breathe..."

"Sorry," Ginny said letting go. "So...who did you agree to go out with?"

Hermione blushed and mumbled something Ginny couldn't quite hear.

"Who?" Ginny asked.

"Harry Potter," Hermione said, still quietly.

Ginny beamed at her. "Oh, Hermione! I'm so happy for you!"

"It's not a big deal," Hermione shushed her. "I'm just doing it so you can go."

"You're going to have such a great time," Ginny said happily. "We both are. I can fix your makeup and do your hair, too, if you want."

"No," Hermione said flatly. "It's... only a date, because it has to be. You'll have fun, Ginny. Even if you are going with Malfoy."

Ginny smiled. "Thanks, Hermione. I really, really appreciate it!"

Hermione nodded. "Good luck."

Ginny looked across the room at the Slytherin table. "I'll be right back...I have to answer Draco's question..."

Hermione sighed as the redhead practically ran over to where the blond was holding court. "Hi Draco," she said with a big smile.

"Red," Draco said nodding at her.

"I think you want the loser table, Weasley," Pansy Parkinson said dismissively.

Draco shot Pansy a look as Ginny flushed. "Um... can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked.

"Sure," Draco said standing up. "Goyle, don't eat my food."

The Slytherin table laughed as Goyle spluttered. Draco smirked as he got up and walked away with Ginny.

"Um," Ginny said softly once they were alone. "I was thinking... you could ask me again if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade?"

"Okay," he said slowly. From what he'd seen this morning, Potter wasn't anywhere near to getting Granger to agree to a date. "You want to go to Hogsmeade with me?"

"I'd love to," Ginny answered with a broad smile.

Draco grinned. "Brilliant."

"I'm really excited," Ginny smiled up at him.

"You and me both," Draco said already planning on using one of his father's old connections. One of the shopkeepers he knew had a spare room upstairs from his store and given the right amount of money, Draco knew he could use the room. "Me too, Red."

Ginny impulsively gave him a hug.

Draco pulled her close. "You're going to have a day you'll never forget, Ginny."

"I hope so," Ginny said, her heart beating faster as his arms slid around her waist. She wished he could kiss her but she doubted that was possible.

"I told you I'd figure everything out," he said softly kissing the top of her head.

"I'm so glad you did," she whispered.

"I feel sorry for Potter having to put up with Granger for an afternoon," Draco said holding her close. "I never thought I'd say that."

"How did you know about that?" Ginny pulled back to look at him.

"I just figured that he was the only one she'd date," Draco covered. "I've seen her making eyes at him in our classes."

"She didn't seem too thrilled about it," Ginny replied thoughtfully. "But I guess it doesn't matter..."

"All that matters is us," Draco said squeezing her hand. "I'll catch up with you later, alright?"

"Okay," Ginny said, a thrill shooting through her as he kissed her cheek. "I'll see you later..."

8. Chapter 8

This is a rather fun chapter, as you get the ‘flying lesson’ and then some of the Hogsmeade dates. We hope you enjoy it and please let us know what you think!

Just outside the Great Hall, Neville was psyching himself up to ask Ginny to Hogsmeade. Harry had told him that Draco hadn't asked her yet and that now would be a prime opportunity.

"Ginny," Neville practised. "Would you...would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me? Or maybe, Ginny, would you do me the honour of going to Hogsmeade with me?"

"Talking to yourself?" Seamus asked, coming up behind him.

"No," Neville replied. "I was just thinking aloud..."

"Well come on," Seamus nudged him. "Before all the breakfast is gone."

"I'm---I'm gonna wait here for a moment," Neville said. "You go on and I'll catch up to you later."

"Ookay..." Seamus gave him a strange look but headed inside.

Neville paced in front of the doors. "Ginny, I've fancied you for quite some time and I was hoping that you would go with me to Hogsmeade? Maybe I should be more firm...Weasley---you! Me. Hogsmeade."

He considered this for a moment. "Merlin, I sound like a caveman."

Neville sighed. "Best just to go in and do it..."

He took a few deep breaths before opening the door and stepping inside.

He spotted her sitting back down at the Gryffindor table next to her friend Sarah. He straightened his spine and walked towards her, trying not to show how nervous he really was.

"...and then he gave me this big hug," Ginny was saying to Sarah. "I swear I melted. Sarah, I cannot believe he's taking me to Hogsmeade!"

Neville stopped completely still just a few paces behind the redhead.

Sarah turned and spotted him. "Hi, Neville."

"H--hi..." Neville stammered.

Ginny smiled at him. "I was wondering when you were going to get here!"

"You were?" he asked.

Ginny nodded and looked at her friend. "Sarah? Can I catch up to you later? Neville and I have something to discuss."

"Sure," Sarah replied, getting up. "I have to work on my essay for Charms."

"I'll see you later," Ginny said before returning her attention to Neville. She patted the empty space beside her. "Sit down, lover boy."

Neville suddenly remembered what Ginny had said the night before about helping him get his girl. "Uh..." he began.

Ginny reached into her bag for a quill and a piece of parchment. "Okay...you don't have to tell me who she is, but you can tell me about her. Like, how long have you known her?"

He sighed. "A long time," Neville decided to give as sketchy an answer as possible.

Ginny wrote this down. "Okay...and would you say that you know her quite well?"

"I suppose," Neville looked away from her.

Ginny smiled. "And what do you like most about her?"

"She's really nice?" he said as if asking.

"You are such a guy," Ginny giggled. "Come on. Get specific, Neville! Tell me how she makes you feel when you see her. Tell me what it is about her that made you fancy her. Details, my friend, details."

He shook his head. "Ginny... I... I don't want you to do this."

Ginny touched his arm. "I want to do this, Neville. It's really important to me."

"But it's impossible," Neville said. "She won't see me like I see her. It's okay."

"You don't know unless you try. You just need confidence, Neville."

"That's not it," he shook his head and stood up. "Just drop it. Please."


"I have to go," he said, backing away.

"Oh," Ginny said frowning. "Neville, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I'd never want to do that."

"It's okay," he mumbled. "But I just have to go."

"Alright," Ginny said. "We're still on for later, right?"

"Later?" he asked stupidly. "Oh... to study. Yeah..."

"Greenhouses at two, right?" Ginny asked.

He nodded. "Okay."

Ginny smiled at him. "Thanks again for all that you've done for me."

He blushed. "Anytime..."

He walked out of the Great Hall feeling about as low as he could ever remember feeling.

He aimlessly walked around the castle for a little while before running into Harry. "It didn't work," he said dully.

"Malfoy got to her first," Harry said angrily. "Damn..."

Neville shrugged. "Guess it's not going to happen."

Harry shook his head. "Neville...there's something you should know..."

"What?" he asked.

Harry told him about the pact between Hermione and Ginny and then about his subsequent wager with Malfoy. "I agreed to it because I thought if Hermione went out with me, you'd be able to go out with Ginny."

Neville pondered this for a moment. "Malfoy must know too then," he said.

Harry nodded. "But he doesn't know why I'm really going along with it. You're still in with a chance, Nev."

"You'd really do this just to help me out?" Neville asked.

Harry nodded. "You and Ginny."

"Thanks," Neville said quietly. "But don't string along Hermione either. I know she's not that nice to you, but she's always been kind of a friend to me. And I don't want her to get hurt."

"I'm not going to hurt her," Harry promised. "And I think she's starting to thaw."

Neville nodded. "I'll see you Harry. Thanks for trying."

"Don't give up," Harry told him.

Neville only shrugged again and headed towards the tower to get his books.

Harry headed out for the pitch. He was a little early but he figured that'd be a good thing where Hermione was concerned.

Once outside the castle, he hopped on his broom and took off. He always felt better when he was up in the air.

Malfoy really didn't waste any time. Harry figured the bastard was going to take Ginny to that room he always used on girls. Ginny was like a little sister to him and he'd do anything to keep her away from Malfoy.

He knew Ginny would never believe him if he tried to tell her, and to let Ron in on this would be even worse. For now, he decided not to say anything and hope Ginny would come to her senses.

His thoughts were interrupted when he spotted Hermione walking onto the pitch. She wore her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. He couldn't resist showing off a bit for her benefit.

He flipped himself around in the air, going up high then back down in a rather spectacular dive.

Hermione looked up at him and hoped that he wouldn't try any of those acrobatics when she was up there with him.

He landed with a soft thump and headed towards her with a grin. "Hey."

"Hi," Hermione said quietly.

"Like that?" he asked, jerking his head towards the sky.

Hermione shrugged. "I suppose it's okay if you like that sort of thing."

"You will," Harry assured her. "Flying is great. Really helps you clear your head."

"You think my head needs clearing?" Hermione asked folding her arms.

Harry raised a hand. "I didn't say that. I'm just telling you what it does for me."

"Sorry," Hermione said. "I'm just a little nervous."

"Don't be," he answered.

"You promise nothing bad will happen?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing bad will happen," Harry replied.

"Okay," Hermione said softly.

"Are you ready?" he asked. "We can use my broom."

Hermione nodded. "Um, what do we do?"

"Get on," Harry answered.

"In the front?" Hermione asked.

He nodded.

Hermione felt very nervous as she got on the broom. "Um..."

"I'll guide us," Harry said in her ear. "You just get a feel for being in the air."

"Don't go up too high, okay?" Hermione asked in a high-pitched voice.

"I won't take us past the goal posts," Harry promised.

Hermione nodded, her hands shaking as she placed them on the broomstick.

Harry gently pulled up and they rose into the air.

Hermione let out a yelp and closed her eyes.

He chuckled. "Come on. It's not that bad. We're only fifteen feet up." he felt her hands loosen up.

"Only fifteen feet?" Hermione asked turning slightly to look at him. "Only fifteen feet? Oh....oh....oh...I think I'm going to be sick."

He thought she was being highly overdramatic. "Fifteen feet is nothing."

"Maybe for you," Hermione said closing her eyes again.

"You're not going to learn to enjoy it if you keep up like this," Harry told her.

"What do you suggest then?" Hermione asked.

"Relax," Harry said. "You won't fall."

"Okay," Hermione said opening her eyes. There wasn't that many clouds in the sky and the sun was shining brightly. It was actually kind of nice, she had to admit.

"There we go," Harry said as her body unconsciously relaxed against his.

"It must be nice not to be scared of anything," Hermione said to him.

"I wouldn't say that," Harry answered. "I have my own fears."

Hermione didn't believe that. "Such as?"

Harry was silent for a few long moments. "Let's just leave it at I have my own fears, for now."

"I didn't mean to intrude," Hermione apologised.

"You didn't," Harry replied. "But I don't want to go into it."

Hermione nodded. "I don't like admitting that I'm scared of anything. I think the Sorting Hat made a mistake when it put me in Gryffindor. I'm always doing the safe thing, you know? I'd be more suitable to Ravenclaw."

"The Sorting Hat knows what it's doing," Harry replied. "If it put you in Gryffindor, that's where you belong."

Hermione smiled. "Thanks."

Harry nodded. "Let's try a bit higher."

"Alright," Hermione agreed.

"Just pull up a little," Harry said. "Not too much or we'll shoot up."

Hermione did as he instructed. "Like this?"

"Exactly," Harry said. "Good job."

"I'm a quick learner," she said.

They were up above the goalposts now but Harry didn't want to say anything.

"You were right," Hermione admitted.

Harry smiled. "When it comes to flying, I'm always right."

Hermione laughed. "You just need to work on your confidence."

He nudged her. "I know you don't."

Hermione shrieked. "Don't do that! I might fall off!"

"You aren't going to fall off," Harry said again. "It's impossible. I've got a hold of you."

"Okay," Hermione said. "Um...we're about to fly over the lake...."

Harry nodded. "Watch this..." he pushed them down gently until they were just flying inches over the surface of the water.”Look..."

Hermione had closed her eyes again. She wasn't quite so sure she wanted to, but he'd promised her he wouldn't let anything happen. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes. "Wow..."

She could see their reflection in the lake as they flew over it- the water was so still that it was almost like looking in a window.

"You can trust me," Harry said in her ear.

"What?" Hermione asked softly.

"I said, you can trust me," Harry said in a louder tone.

"I don't trust anyone but myself," Hermione said, not realising she'd said it aloud.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"You don't want to talk about your fears," Hermione replied. "I don't want to talk about my trust issues."

"Someone hurt you," Harry guessed.

"I said I don't want to talk about it," Hermione answered, her tone sharper.

"Okay," Harry said wondering who it was. He didn't want to ruin the headway he'd already made with her. "You need to pull up a little and we're going to make a turn....steady.....steady...."

Hermione was silent as she followed his instructions. She regretted opening up like this. Harry may have been nicer than she'd originally thought, but she didn't want to get involved. They would have their date to Hogsmeade and that would be it. The pact would be broken and they would get on with their lives.

"Good," Harry complimented her. "See? You're a natural."

"I suppose," Hermione said as they landed.

"I'm the expert here, remember?" Harry asked. Hermione though was already dismounting the broom. "Hermione?"

"Thanks for showing me how to do this," she said. "But I've got to get back to the castle."

"I'd like to walk back with you if that's alright," Harry said. He held up his hand. "And yes I know you can get back by yourself but we're going in the same direction and I figured it would be okay if we walk together. I promise once we get back, I will leave you alone."

"Fine," she agreed quietly.

Harry looked sideways at her. "You really did a great job, Hermione. I mean that. And I happen to think it was very brave of you to get up their with me and fly. You said you were scared of heights but you conquered that fear."

"Thanks," she answered, not looking at him. "I should really get back. Thank you for the lesson."

He opened his mouth to protest, but she'd taken off on a run toward the castle.

What on earth had he said to make her run off like that? He watched her approach the front doors of the castle and disappear inside.

He suddenly remembered Malfoy's words from earlier that day about how he would give him pointers. Could Malfoy have been interested in Hermione at one point?

Perhaps that would be something worth looking into.

*** *** ***

The next few days were actually quite busy for Harry. In addition to his school work, he had to coordinate Quidditch tryouts and he hadn't had that much opportunity to think about his date with Hermione. Truth be told, he didn't really know where to take her or what to do. She wasn't like other girls and things between them had been awkward after the flying lesson.

She actually had avoided him for the most part, not giving him an opportunity to corner her after class.

Harry was just putting on his trainers when Seamus came back into their dorm room. "Ron, Romilda Vane wanted to know if you were really going to Hogsmeade with Luna."

"Yes," Ron answered. "I am."

"I was talking to Luna at breakfast and she said she was just going with a friend," Dean said thoughtfully. "She didn't even mention your name."

Harry shook his head. "Way to bring a bloke down," he said, motioning to Ron's crestfallen expression.

"Just tell her how you feel, mate," Seamus counselled him. "Snog her senseless."

"It's not like that," Ron replied. "Luna's not like that."

"He's right," Neville agreed. "Luna's a sweet girl."

"Longbottom, you got it bad for Luna, too?" Seamus asked.

Neville turned a deep red. "No," he answered.

"Leave it," Harry told Seamus.

"Fine," Seamus held his hands up. "Says the bloke who's taking the shrew..."

"You call her that again and we're going to have trouble," Harry retorted.

"Come on," Ron grabbed Harry's arm. "We should get going."

Harry nodded. "Nev, you coming?"

"I don't know if I'm going after all," Neville said. He didn't want to see Ginny hanging all over Malfoy.

"Come on, Nev," Ron said to his friend. "You have to go. In fact, you can tag along with Luna and me if you'd like."

Neville started to decline but Ron shook his head. "Come on, you were just talking about going the other day. We'll have fun."

"It's your date," Neville protested.

"As a friend," Ron's mouth turned down. "Come on," he insisted.

"Okay," Neville finally agreed. "Thanks, Ron."

Harry smiled at his redheaded friend as Neville quickly got himself ready. "It's nice of you to let him come along."

Ron shrugged. "That's me. Good, old, reliable Ronald Weasley. Everyone's friend."

"Just keep at it mate," Harry said. "She's bound to see it sooner or later."

"You think?" Ron asked hopefully.

Harry nodded. "Drop a few hints today. See if she picks up anything."

"I could stand in front of her starkers and she'd probably say something like how pale my skin was or some rubbish like that," Ron said sarcastically.

Harry grinned. "You are a little pale..."

Ron glared at him. "Thanks."

"Lighten up," Harry said. "In any case, you're probably going to have more fun than me."

"Probably," Ron said, but that only made him feel a little better. Neville joined them and together, the three boys headed downstairs.

"Are you meeting Hermione in Hogsmeade?" Neville asked.

Harry shook his head. "No, we're meeting downstairs. At least, I think we are. We haven't really talked much about it...she might stand me up."

"I don't think she would do that," Neville replied.

"We’ll see," Harry said as they reached the front of the castle. Luna was already waiting for them and she waved at them. She was wearing jeans and a red jumper and her radish earrings. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a sloppy plait and Ron felt his heart speed up just looking at her.

"Hello, boys," Luna said softly.

"Hey Luna," Ron gulped. "Um... you... you... look... so..."

"I just hope I'll be warm enough," Luna said. "It's really windy today and the sun isn't out which is shame, but we'll still have fun."

"I think you will be," Ron said, regaining some colour in his face. He offered her his arm.

Unfortunately, Luna seemed to think he was showing her his jumper. "What sort of material is that?" she asked eagerly.

"Uh... I don't know. Mum made it for me," Ron replied, bewildered.

"It's so soft," Luna said running her fingers along it.

Her touch was making him go crazy.

"Uh... I hate to interrupt," Harry said. "But we should really get a carriage..."

"Don't you have to wait for Granger?" Ron asked.

"I don't think she's waiting for me," Harry replied, looking around. "I haven't seen her since yesterday."

"There she is," Luna said motioning toward the staircase.

Harry turned in surprise. He thought for sure she had gone on ahead.

Hermione had hoped to avoid him altogether, but she'd gotten caught up in a book she was reading and hadn't noticed the time. As a result, she'd arrived late for the carriages and he was waiting for her.

"Sorry," she murmured when she caught up to them.

"Hello, Hermione," Luna said when neither of the boy spoke.

"Hi Luna," Hermione said. "Um... so are we going or what?"

"Yeah," Harry said nodding. "Of course. We should get a carriage."

"This is the last one," Hermione pointed out as Neville, Ron and Luna climbed inside.

Harry was about to offer her a hand to get into the carriage, but one look at her face, and he drew it back. "After you..."

"Thanks," she muttered.

Harry climbed in after her. "So...."

Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out her book again. She might have this date with Harry Potter but she didn't have to like it.

"What's that you’re reading?" Ron asked peering at the cover. "Jane Austen? Does she write about Quidditch?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Jane Austen is a classic author, and one of the most brilliant. I wouldn't expect you to know anything about her."

Ron rolled his eyes. "Yes, but can she do the Dopplebeater Defence?"

"The what?" Hermione looked at him disdainfully.

"You've never heard of it?" Ron asked incredulously. "Oh, Granger. It is awesome. It's where two beaters hit the same Bludger at the same time."

Hermione sighed and went back to her book.

Luna looked at Ron. "You know I watched your tryouts the other afternoon. I didn't realise you could do the Starfish and Stick."

Ron beamed at her. "I just perfected it this past summer. I can't tell you the number of times I fell and hit my head..."

"You hit your head too?" Luna asked. "I do that quite often."

"I can't imagine you doing that," Ron flirted.

Luna giggled. "Oh, all the time!"

Ron smiled at her. This was actually going quite well. "Maybe I can this it and cake it better."

Luna laughed. "You have such a way with words. I'd never think of talking like you do, Ronald."

Ron blushed. So much for thinking this was going well. "Yes, well..."

"So Neville," Harry directed is attention to the brown haired boy. "What are you planning on doing in Hogsmeade today?"

"I'll probably pick up a few things," Neville said, not telling them that he planned on avoiding Ginny and Malfoy at all costs.

Harry nodded. "What do you think of going to the Three Broomsticks?" he asked Hermione. When she didn't respond, he prodded her foot with his.

"What?" Hermione asked looking up at him. "Sure...fine...whatever.."

Harry sat back in his seat with a sigh. It felt like it was going to be a very, very long day.

The rest of the carriage ride passed by with few words and once they arrived in the village, they split up.

Hermione reluctantly put her book away.

"So," Harry said. "What did you want to do first?"

"I thought you said we were going to The Three Broomsticks," Hermione reminded him sharply.

Harry sighed. "Yes, but that's only if you didn't want to do something else first..."

"I don't care," Hermione crossed her arms.

"Have I done something wrong?" he asked her.

"Let's just go," she said, avoiding his question.

"Fine," Harry said walking ahead.

"Ginny had better appreciate this," she muttered as she followed him.

The pub wasn't that busy when they arrived and Harry asked her where she wanted to sit.

"I don't care," she repeated. "You know, you don't have to stick around if you don't want to."

"I wouldn't have asked you out if I didn't want to stick around," Harry said.

Hermione realised in dismay that he actually intended to see this date through. "Fine," she replied, heading for the bar.

"Let's get a table," Harry said coming up behind her.

"The bar is fine," Hermione said coolly.

"Well, you sit at the bar and I'll sit at a table," Harry said walking toward the back of the pub.

"Fine!" Hermione snapped, turning away.

Harry found a table and sat down. He picked up a menu though he pretty much knew it by heart.

What was her problem, he wondered. Why was she constantly pushing him away?

Hermione pulled out her book. This was what she'd wanted to do all along anyway. Who cared about Harry Sodding Potter?

Harry watched her at the bar and when someone came to take his order, he told them to get her whatever she wanted as well. "In fact, why don't you get her a shot of Firewhisky," he said in a sarcastic, joking manner. "Might loosen her up."

"Maybe I should give her the whole bottle," the waitress said. "She's wound pretty tight..."

Harry only smiled. "Maybe..."

He watched the waitress head back up to the bar and grab a new bottle of Ogden's from the cupboard. Harry laughed to himself as the waitress placed it in front of Hermione.

"Compliments of the gentleman in the corner," she said with a quirky grin.

Hermione absently took a drink and choked. "What is that?"

"Firewhisky," the waitress said with a smirk.

Hermione turned around and glared at Harry. She grabbed the bottle and stomped to his table. "Very, very funny."

"I thought it would loosen you up," he said defensively. "Come on, Granger. Sit down, please."

Hermione threw her book down. "You thought it'd be funny to send me liquor?"

"I thought we'd be on a date," Harry pointed out. "Instead, you have this attitude straight off and you ignore me."

"Because we both know you don't really want to be here," she hissed.

"I'm right where I want to be," he said. "You're the one who doesn't want to be here."

"You'd love it if I was just like one of these other girls here," Hermione said angrily. "Loose and ready to do your bidding."

"I asked you out because you're not like those other girls," Harry told her.

Hermione took a drink from the bottle. "I find that hard to believe."

"Easy, tiger," Harry said.

"Don't tell me what to do," Hermione shook her head. "I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. Get pissed and hang out..." she added sarcastically.

"That's not you," Harry said. "Hermione...."

"And how would you know?" she asked coldly.

"We had a nice moment the other day," Harry told her. "And then everything changed. You went back to how you were before..."

Hermione laughed harshly and took another drink. "That's the real me, Potter. If you don't like it--"

"Who made you this way?" Harry asked her. "Hmm?"

"You don't care about me," she snapped at him.

"I do," Harry said casting a worried glance at her as she took another drink from the bottle. Chances are, she wasn't a drinker and he figured she was going to feel the effects soon. "Hermione---"

She laughed. "You can just bugger off now..."

"Okay," Harry said shaking his head. "Go ahead and get pissed..."

"I think I will," Hermione laughed again. "Maybe I should thank you, Potter."

"For what?" Harry asked.

"For this," She held up the bottle which was rapidly approaching half full. "It's bloody fantastic."

Someone turned up the wireless in the pub and Harry watched as Hermione shakily stood up on her chair. "Hermione---easy..."

She shook her head. "I told you not to tell me what to do..." she pulled up her jumper. "Wow it's really hot in here?" Hermione laughed again.

Harry stood up and pulled the jumper back down. "Hermione---"

She pushed him away. "No touching the dancers!" she giggled as her hips began to sway back and forth.

A few of the other patrons, most of them her fellow students giggled and clapped, egging her on.

"Nothing to see here," Harry said trying to reach for Hermione again.

She pushed him away. "Leave me alone!"

"Yeah, leave her alone," Justin Finch Fletchley said with a smirk. "Let's see what she can do!"

Hermione stepped from her chair onto the table, knocking the bottle to the ground. "Uh-oh!" she exclaimed giggling.

"Hermione," Harry tried to reach for her. "Come on down--"

"How about you come on up?" Hermione purred. "Shake what your mum gave you, Potter!"

Harry could only watch as Hermione hiked up her skirt, showing off some rather shapely legs. "Hermione," he tried again. "You don't want--"

"Yes, I do," Hermione said mussing his hair.

"Come on Granger," Malfoy was standing at the edge of her table. "Show us all what you can do..." his grey eyes were glittering.

Harry glared at him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Malfoy laughed. "Watching the show...but you know...if you're expecting her to put out, you're going to be sadly disappointed. She's nothing but a tease."

Harry looked up at Hermione but she obviously hadn't heard. "You'd be better off shutting your fucking mouth."

"I was interested in her once," Malfoy admitted looking up at her. "But she's a Mudblood..."

"Get out of here," Harry said, shoving him. "And don't you dare do anything to Ginny. You got what you wanted, to go out with her."

Hermione threw her arms around Harry's neck, surprising him. "Harry! Harry! Harry!"

"Whoa..." Harry said. "I think we need to get you some air."

"Have you fun, Scarhead," Malfoy said with a sneer. Harry glared at him before lifting Hermione off of the table and carrying her out of the pub.

"My book!" she squealed.

Harry looked over at the waitress. "Can you look after that for me? We'll be back for it."

"Sure," the waitress grabbed the book and Hermione's jumper and put them behind the bar.

Harry carried Hermione outside. "You feeling okay?" he asked as he sat down with her one of the benches.

"I want to go back in and dance!" Hermione made a move to get back up but staggered.

"Maybe later, Twinkletoes," Harry said taking her hand and pulling her back down on the bench.

"Twinkletoes," Hermione began to giggle. "Oh, you're funny. Funny, funny Harry..."

"That's me," Harry said looking at her. "Hermione, were ever involved with...Malfoy?"

"Who?" she asked. "That's a funny name..."

"Blond git who walks around like he owns the place," Harry said trying to jog her memory.

Hermione slumped back against the bench, letting her head loll back. "I can see the clouds!"

"Watch it," Harry said. "If you want to look at the clouds you can rest your head on my lap..."

"Hmmm..." Hermione looked over at him. "You're kind of cute..."

9. Chapter 9

This chapter finishes up Hogsmeade- next one deals with some people’s reactions to Hermione’s little performance. We hope you enjoy it!

"Kind of cute?" Harry asked her.

"Uh huh..." she leaned in close. "Your eyes are so... green..."

"That they are," Harry said smiling at her. "And yours are brown."

"Very... very green..." Hermione said before her eyes suddenly rolled back and her face plopped right into his lap.

"Hermione?" Harry asked in concern. "Hermione?"

He groaned when he saw that she had passed out. He carefully sat her up, making sure her head didn't fall too far back.

What a great first date this was, Harry mused to himself. He'd unintentionally gotten her drunk and now she'd passed out. What made matters worse was that if she was caught, she could lose her position as Head Girl.

"Come on," he said, picking her up. "Let's get you someplace where not as many people can find you." he decided to take her to Fred and George Weasley's joke shop. They might let him sit her in the back room until she was feeling better.

It didn't take him that long to get to the shop since he used the back alley. He knocked on the back door where the twins usually picked up their deliveries and took out the trash. It took a few moments, but Fred finally opened the door.

"Are you dropping her off or picking her up?" Fred joked.

"I need to sit her down somewhere," Harry said. "Please let me use your back room, just for a little while?"

"Sure," Fred said standing back so Harry could carry her inside. "Who is that?"

"Hermione Granger," Harry replied, setting her down on a worn sofa. "I uh... I was joking around and I got her pissed. I didn't want anyone else to see her this way."

"Take as long as you need," Fred said. "I have to get back out front. We're quite busy."

"Thanks," Harry said gratefully. He put a pillow under her head and studied her face as she slept.

"Why can't I figure you out?" he asked aloud.

She mumbled something inaudible, her eyelids fluttering for a moment.

Malfoy. Had she been involved with him at some point? He'd thought her smarter than that.

"I don't feel so good..." Hermione moaned weakly about ten minutes later.

"You did drink the better part of a bottle of Ogden's," Harry said helping her sit up. "Come on...let's get you to the loo."

"Oh Merlin..." Hermione said as he helped her to her feet. "The room is spinning..."

They just did make it to the bathroom. Harry held back her hair while she retched.

Hermione had never felt more awful in her life as she emptied the contents of her stomach. She sat back, her face shiny and pale as Harry silently handed her a cup of water.

"Thanks," she said weakly.

"Rinse out," he advised her. "It'll get the taste out of your mouth."

Hermione gargled with the water all too aware of Harry's watchful eye.

"What happened?" she asked when she was done. "What... what did I do?"

"Let's go back and sit down," Harry said taking her arm.

She pulled away. "What did I do?" she repeated.

"Danced on a table," Harry told her.

"What?" she seemed aghast.

"You danced on a table and nearly took off your jumper," Harry told her. "But I got you out of there before---"

"I danced on a table?" Hermione asked incredulously. "Oh Merlin..." she put her head in her hands.

"You were actually pretty good," Harry said trying to make her feel better. "I didn't know you could dance."

"I was pissed," Hermione shook her head, unable to look at him.

Harry's heart went out to her and he was surprised at the feeling he had to take her in his arms and hold her tight. "Come here..."

"Leave me alone," Hermione pushed him away again. "You sent me that bottle of whisky! You're the reason I got that way! I never drink!"

"Hermione," Harry said defensively. "Look, I told the waitress to bring you one drink. You're the one who took the bottle! I tried to stop you!"

"Sure you did," she said bitterly. "I should have known better than to go out with you. I could lose my Head Girl position because of this!" Hermione got up and headed for the back door.

"Only a few people saw you like that," Harry tried to reassure her. "It was the reason I brought you here so no one else would see you."

"I have to go," Hermione ignored him. "I have to fix this--"


"You've already done enough," she said coldly.

Harry couldn't believe this. She was blaming him for this? Granted, he shouldn't have ordered the drink, but he didn't force her to down the better part of the bottle. "You know what?" Harry asked. "I have done enough. I've tried to be nice. I've tried to get to know you better, but you're convinced that I'm the devil or something like that. Well, I'm not a glutton for punishment, Hermione. You want to be alone? By all means----"

With that, he stalked past her and out of the shop.

"Good riddance," Hermione called after him. She headed back towards where the carriages were waiting to take students back to the castle.

She didn't have her jumper or her book and she figured she must have left them at the pub. Reluctantly, she headed back in that direction, hoping she wouldn't see anyone.

"Granger," Justin Finch Fletchley leered at her. "Going to do another dance for us?"

Hermione looked up to see the Hufflepuff with his girlfriend, Padma Patil. Padma and Hermione had never really gotten along and it didn't help that Hermione had the position that Padma had coveted from the moment they entered Hogwarts.

"Let me by, Justin," Hermione said quietly.

"I don't know about that," Justin blocked the entrance. "I have to say, I was pretty surprised--"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hermione lied. "Let me by---"

"It's not very becoming is it, Hermione?" Padma asked disdainfully. "McGonagall would love to hear about it. I'm sure."

Hermione glared at her. "I'd love to take some points off right about now," she said coolly. "If you don't let me by..."

"Enjoy the power while you can," Padma said finally stepping aside. "Come on, Justin."

Hermione glared after the dark haired girl as the two strode off. McGonagall would know better than to believe her.

Hermione walked over to the counter and asked the waitress for her book and jumper. While she waited, she caught sight of Ginny looking quite bored while Malfoy held court.

Ginny was in fact, quite bored. All Draco had done since they arrived was talk about himself. How he was getting the newest broom, how he was going to the World Cup that summer, with the best seats and meeting the teams... Ginny had to stifle a yawn.

She looked behind her so she could see the clock on the wall and she smiled when she saw Neville sitting by himself. Thinking Draco wouldn't miss her; she stood up and walked over to Neville's table.

"Hey," she said with a smile. "What are you up to?"

Neville looked up and smiled back at her. "Hi."

"Can I sit down?" she asked.

"Of course," Neville replied.

"Are you having a good time?" she sat down across from him.

"It's better now," Neville said before he could stop himself.

Ginny smiled at him. "You're such a nice guy, Neville."

That was him, Neville thought. Mr. Nice Guy.

"Would you like something to eat?" he asked her. "I haven't ordered yet..."

"No thanks," Ginny replied. "Draco bought me something earlier..."

Neville nodded. "So...how is it going? Your first date..."

"It's okay," Ginny stole a glance back at the table, where Draco was still talking. "I mean... he's been really nice and all."

"So the two of you have really had a chance to talk and get to know each other?" Neville asked. He'd been in the pub for almost ten minutes and he hadn't seen Draco so much as glance in Ginny's direction.

"We talked earlier," Ginny said, for some reason feeling defensive of her date. "He um... he's just... um..."

Neville thankfully didn't have to tell her what he thought of Malfoy because the waitress arrived. "Can I have the club sandwich and some crisps?"

"And for your girlfriend?" the waitress asked.

"She's not my girlfriend," Neville said bashfully. "Um..."

"I'd love a cup of hot chocolate," Ginny said to the older girl. "Please."

"Sure thing," the waitress smiled.

"Do you mind?" Ginny asked. "I'll pay you back--"

"No need," Neville said. "It's my treat."

Ginny blushed. "Thanks Neville."

Neville tried to think of something witty and exciting to say.

"Did you do anything fun today?" Ginny asked, stealing another look back at Draco.

"I stopped in your brothers' shop earlier," Neville told her.

"I should do that," Ginny nodded. "I haven't gone anywhere but here yet."

"They've really done a great job with the place," Neville said smiling at her.

"Mum's really proud of them," Ginny said with a grin. "They've really turned their talent into a true business."

"And what about their little sister?" Neville asked. "What does she want to do?"

Ginny shook her head. "I don't know yet. I have another year to figure that out."

"You'll be great at whatever you do," Neville said smiling at her.

"I hope so," Ginny said.

"My Gran has been after me to choose something for years," Neville confided.

"What are you interested in?" Ginny asked.

"I've never told this to anyone," Neville said.

"What?" Ginny leaned forward eagerly.

The waitress returned with Neville's sandwich and Ginny's hot chocolate and Neville waited until they were alone before he answered her question.

"I want to teach," Neville said. "But---I've been thinking about working with Muggle children."

Ginny smiled. "Have you really?"

Neville nodded. "There's this primary school near our house and I've helped out there during the summer hols. Some of the kids come from bad homes and I just felt like I was making a difference. They have these summer outreach programs and I've really enjoyed it. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a difference."

"That is so sweet," Ginny said softly.

Neville smiled. "My Gran probably wouldn't like it. She wants me to work for the Ministry."

"You should do what you want to do," Ginny said. "I think you'd be a wonderful teacher. You've already helped me so much this year."

"And you've come quite far," Neville said to her. "You really have."

"Let's hope Professor Sprout agrees with you when I have my first exam," Ginny said dryly, sipping her hot chocolate.

"Well just make sure you don't name the Mandrakes," Neville teased her. They'd been in the greenhouses a couple of days ago and Ginny had taken to naming a couple of the mandrakes. It had been quite the scene and Neville smiled at the memory of it.

"Manny and Mildred were really great names," Ginny said sneaking one of his crisps.

"Sure," Neville grinned, feeling more at ease than ever with her. "Mildred sounds just like one of my Gran's friends and--"

"Which is probably why you didn't like her all that much," Ginny giggled. "The look on your face when she picked up that soil and threw it at you!"

Neville shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something else when Draco Malfoy approached them with narrowed eyes.

"Red," Draco said icily. "What are you doing over here?"

Ginny looked at him. "While you were chatting, I thought I'd come over and say hello to Neville. He bought me a cup of hot chocolate."

"That's nice," Draco gave Neville a withering glare. "Let's get out of here."

Ginny nodded. "Oh, okay."

Draco shot Neville a triumphant look as he put his arm around the redhead.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate," Ginny said smiling at Neville over her shoulder.

"Sure," Neville nodded as she left with Malfoy.

Ron was having a great time with Luna. Even though she'd rebuffed every effort he made to flirt with her. Though, to be honest, he kept saying stupid things and she kept laughing at him thinking he was making jokes.

"We've been everywhere," Luna said to him as they came out of the post office. "I say we head to your brothers' shop. I'm sure they'd love to see you."

Ron shook his head. He could just imagine what those two jokers would do to embarrass him in front of Luna.

"Come on," Luna said.

"But--" Ron protested.

"I bet they'll even give you a discount," Luna said grabbing his arm and leading him down the sidewalk.

Ron sent up a silent prayer that his brothers would be in Diagon Alley that day, but unfortunately they were the first two people he saw when they walked inside.

"Ronniekins!" George said delightedly.

"I've seen them," Ron said making a move for the door. "Let's go!"

"Ronald," Luna pulled on his arm. "Come on... let's look around!"

"Okay," Ron relented. "But if they offer you anything to eat or drink, say no."

Luna giggled. "Why?"

"Don't believe a word this wanker says," Fred said coming up behind Ron and tapping him on the shoulder. "You seem tense, Ronald Bilius...."

"FRED!" Ron glared at him.

"Oh, come off it," Fred said mussing his hair. "It's a distinguished name Ronnie."

"Your middle name is Bilius?" Luna asked.

Ron nodded, wishing the floor would open up and swallow him whole.

"Named after one of our uncles," Fred said putting an arm around Luna. "Anything you want to know about Ronniekins, you just ask."

"He's really very funny," Luna replied. "Today's been so much fun!"

"Has it now?" Fred asked, giving his brother a surreptitious wink.

"Oh yes," Luna replied. "Ronald's quite the comedian."

"He always keeps us in stitches," Fred said leading Luna toward the display case in the back of the shop.

Ron was about to follow them when George tapped him on the shoulder.

"What?" Ron asked. "Going to embarrass me some more?"

"Would we do that?" George asked pulling an innocent face.

Ron glared at his older brother. "Just don't say anything bad about me," he replied.

"She's the one you have it bad for, eh?" George asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm not telling you anything," Ron moved away.

"Well, I have something to tell you," George said.

He was too curious to pass that up. "What?"

"You have a few months left of school, right?" George asked.

Ron rolled his eyes. "You know that."

"Well, little brother," George said grinning at him. "What would you say about going into business with your favourite brothers?"

"Charlie and Bill have opened up a shop, too?" Ron asked dryly.

"Very funny Ronniekins," George replied. "We're in need of someone to run this shop while we look after Diagon Alley and open up another. You interested?"

Ron gaped at him. "Me?"

"Yes, you." George replied as Fred joined them.

"You ask him?" Fred asked his twin.

"He has yet to dignify us with an answer," George said dramatically.

Ron couldn't believe his brothers were asking him this and he was more than a little apprehensive. "Seriously?"

"Would we lie to you?" Fred asked.

"Don't answer that," George put in hastily. "But think about it."

"I'd manage this shop?" Ron asked looking around.

"That you would," Fred gestured. "Every bit of it."

Ron was definitely intrigued, but he'd also thought about Quidditch as a career.

"Don't answer us now," Fred said as if reading his mind. "Think about it and let us know."

"Okay," Ron said, looking at his brothers with new respect. "Thanks..."

"We'd better get back to work," Fred said. "Come on, George..."

Ron looked around for Luna, wanting to share his good news with her.

He found her looking at a collection of Skiving Snackboxes. "Your brother was telling me that these are one of their bestsellers."

"It'll help get you out of any class," Ron nodded. "They're bloody fantastic."

"You must have used them once or twice," Luna said smiling at him.

"Maybe," Ron grinned at her. "I'll buy you one."

"That's very sweet of you, but I don't like to miss my classes," Luna said.

Ron felt completely deflated. "Right..."

"What were you and your brothers talking about?" Luna asked him.

Ron smiled again. "Get this- they want me to manage this shop after I finish at Hogwarts!"

Luna beamed at him. "Really? Oh, Ronald!"

"You think that's a good idea?" he asked hopefully.

Luna nodded and gave him a hug. "You'd be fantastic at it!"

Ron's heart beat faster. She was actually hugging him- touching him!

"What did you tell them?" Luna asked still hugging him tightly.

Ron ran his hand down through her hair. "I told them I'd think about it."

"Whatever you decide I'll support you," Luna said patting his back.

"Really?" he asked. "Cause if I take the job here... we'll be able to... you know... see each other next year."

Luna nodded happily. "And you can give me a discount."

Ron laughed. "That's a given. In fact... I'd let you pick out whatever you wanted."

"Like," Luna said looking around the shop and picking up the first thing that she could find. "This? What is this by the way?"

"That," Ron took it from her. "Is my brother's oldest prank. You put it into something and it turns whatever it is... into... um...." he turned pale.

"Ron?" Luna asked concern etched across her face. "Ronald?"

"Spiders..." Ron said hoarsely.

Luna took it back from him and set it aside. "It's okay."

Ron felt like a complete idiot. "We should go..." he muttered.

"Ronald?" Luna asked touching him on the arm. "It's okay to be scared of things. I'm scared of lots of things."

"You are?" he asked. "Like what?"

Luna stepped closer to him. "Snakes."

"You're afraid of snakes?" he asked. "Really?"

"I think it's because this girl in my primary school turned one of my dolls into a snake," Luna said. "I was so scared that I refused to have another doll for two years!"

"My brothers turned my teddy bear into a spider when I was really young," Ron confided to her as they left the shop.

"Oh," Luna said linking her arm in his. "That must have been awful."

Ron was pleasantly surprised at her touch. "I was pretty freaked out."

They walked in silence for a few moments. Ron realised she was still holding on to his arm.

"We still have some time," he said. "Can I... can I buy you some um... something at The Three Broomsticks?"

"I'd really love a cup of tea," Luna said gratefully.

"Great," Ron said happily.

"And scones," Luna said. "If that's okay...”

"Anything you want," Ron told her.

Luna pecked him on the cheek. "You really are the sweetest, Ronald."

Ron turned quite red. "Yes well...." he began modestly.

"Let's go inside," Luna said opening the door.

Ron happily escorted her inside and to a corner booth. "Tea and scones, right?"

"Yes with strawberry jam," Luna said to him.

"Coming right up," Ron promised.

Luna took off her jacket and looked out the window while she waited for Ron to come back with their order.

He placed the order at the bar and turned to look back at her. She was the prettiest girl he knew, and he just wished there was a way he could come out and tell her how he felt. He was too afraid if he just said it; she'd laugh and tell him how funny he was.

Luna turned her head and waved at him.

He smiled back and waved as Madam Rosmerta slid the order to him. "Thanks," he said to the older woman.

"You're quite welcome young Mr. Weasley," Rosmerta said. "And for what it's worth, you need to tell that girl how you feel."

"Yeah..." Ron muttered.

"Do you need some help with that?" Luna called out to him.

"I've got it," Ron told her, bringing it over. "Scones with strawberry jam and tea for you..."

"You'd better help me eat it," Luna said smiling up at him.

"I can do that," Ron grinned back at her.

"I love to watch you eat," Luna said. "You always look so happy.”

"I do?" he asked. "You watch me eat?"

Luna took a knife and cut into her scone. "Well, we've eaten together quite a bit since school started, haven't we?"

"Yeah," he answered. "That's true. You come eat with Gin a lot."

"You don't mind that, do you?" Luna asked. "I know I'm supposed to eat with my own house..."

"I don't mind at all," Ron said. "You could eat with us every day as far as I'm concerned."

Luna laughed. "Ronald!"

"I'm serious," Ron said with a grin.

Luna took a bite of her scone. "Mmmmmmm......"

She'd gotten a bit of strawberry jam on the corner of her lips and it was nearly all Ron could do not to reach over and wipe it off.

"This is really good," Luna said picking up a napkin and dabbing at her mouth.

"Yeah it is," Ron said, staring at her.

"You haven't eaten anything," Luna commented.

"Oh yeah," Ron said, taking a huge bite of the scone.

"What do you think?" Luna asked eagerly.

"They're fantastic," Ron said, moving closer to her in the booth.

"Oh, did you want to change places?" Luna asked.

"No," Ron said with a sigh. "I'm fine here..."

"Oh, the way you were moving over, I thought you wanted to change seats," Luna said before taking a sip of her tea.

Ron only shook his head. "It's a little cold..."

"You're cold?" Luna asked.

"A little," Ron lied. "Are you?"

"No because I have tea," Luna said. "You're not coming down with anything, are you?" She put her hand to his forehead.

"No," he answered. "I'm fine... really."

"I'm glad," Luna said. "Because this really has been a great day. We convinced Neville to come along. We had such a laugh in the other shops and you were offered that job with your brothers! I don't know how today could get any better."

"I do," Ron muttered, thinking about riding back with her alone in the carriage.

"You do?" Luna asked.

He hadn't realised he said that out loud. "Uh... yeah, this day has been great."

Luna giggled again. "You are so funny, Ronald. You make me laugh so much. I think that's one of the best things about you."

"I'm funny," he forced a smile to his face as she picked up the last scone. "Just what I wanted to be."

"To me, a sense of humour is the most attractive quality someone can have," Luna said.

He visibly brightened. "It is?"

"Absolutely," Luna said before popping the scone into her mouth.

"Then I'm your guy," Ron said with a grin.

Luna giggled. "We should get going. We don't want to miss the carriages."

"Okay," Ron agreed.

Ron and Luna walked out of the pub and headed for the carriages. Ron was about to pluck up the courage to ask her if she'd like to go out sometime when Ernie McMillan came over.

"Luna," Ernie said. "I was wondering if you'd like to ride back with me?"

"She's riding with me," Ron glared at him.

Ernie looked at him. "Ease up, Weasley."

Luna put a hand on Ron's arm. "We can all ride back together, can't we?"

"I don't think so," Ron said still glaring at Ernie. "Remember, we have Neville and Harry and Hermione---"

"Granger left already and so did Neville," Ernie said. "And I just saw Potter leave with Dean and Seamus."

"Then it's all set," Luna replied. "We can all ride back together. It'll be loads of fun."

"Yeah," Ron grumbled. "Loads of fun."

"You look beautiful today, Luna," Ernie said taking her hand.

"Why thank you Ernie," Luna beamed at him. "That's quite lovely of you to say."

Ron walked a few steps behind them. Ernie was stealing his lines!

"Ernie," Ron called out. "I thought you were seeing Megan Jones."

Ernie turned and gave him a dirty look. "That was over ages ago."

"You shouldn't give up on her that quickly," Ron said thoughtfully. "I always thought the two of you made quite the couple..."

"If it was any of your business, Weasley," Ernie said. "I'd tell you that I actually have my eye on someone."

"Who?" Luna asked. "I'll help you out with her, if you'd like."

Ernie turned his attention back to Luna and grinned at her. "You."

"Me?" Luna looked surprised as Ron groaned. "Oh..."

"I was hoping that you'd take a walk with me after dinner tonight," Ernie said.

"Do you read the Quibbler?" Luna asked him suddenly. "I see you with the Daily Prophet, but do you read the Quibbler?"

A puzzled expression came over Ernie's features. "The Quibbler? I--I don't believe I've ever read that...."

"Oh," Luna stepped away from him. "Ronald reads it every day." she smiled back at him.

Ron grinned triumphantly at Ernie. "Best newspaper there is."

Luna giggled. "Didn't you just love that article on Kneazles that Daddy wrote?"

Ron nodded. "I did. You should have read it, Ernie. This woman in Devonshire has over 30 of them in her home."

"Kneazles..." Ernie replied doubtfully.

Luna nodded as Ron helped her up into the carriage. "They're quite intelligent."

"I'd love to get a subscription," Ernie said hastily.

"I'll have Daddy mail you a form," Luna looked over at him for a moment then turned her attention back to Ron.

"You must be knackered," Ron said softly. "If you want to take a kip you can use my shoulder."

"I do like the fabric of your jumper," Luna said thoughtfully. "I may take you up on that."

"I hope you will," Ron said.

Ernie gave Ron another quite nasty look as Luna leaned against him.

Ron put his arm around her and closed his eyes. Things might not have gone exactly as he would have liked, but if the day could end like this, that was more than okay with him.

"You feel quite nice," Luna mumbled.

Ron smiled. "So do you."

Ernie was fuming by now as he turned to glare out the window.

Ron impulsively kissed the top of Luna's head.

"You're sweet," she murmured. "Ronald..."

Ron held her close, forgetting that Ernie was even there.

"We're back," Ernie said icily.

"Shh," Ron hissed. "She's asleep, Macmillan."

"We're back at the castle," Ernie said, shoving open the door to the carriage.

"Good riddance," Ron said gently shaking Luna. "Luna?"

"Mmm..." she said, her eyes still closed.

"Come on, sleepyhead," Ron said softly. "We're home."

"Oh," Luna smiled at him. "Thank you for letting me kip on your shoulder."

"Anytime," Ron said smiling back at her.

"I really did have fun today, Ronald." Luna said as they walked inside. "You're the funniest bloke I know."

"I had fun today too," Ron said. "I enjoy spending time with you. I always have."

"We should do it next time," Luna suggested.

Ron stopped short. "Um...do it?"

"Go to Hogsmeade," Luna giggled. "Like we did today!"

"Oh, right," Ron said turning red. "Hogsmeade. Sure."

A few of the fourth years walked past them, gossiping about something. "...heard that she was dancing on a table..."

"...heard she took her clothes off!" another one was saying.

"Who?" Ron asked, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Hermione Granger," one of the girls replied. "Everyone's talking about how she got pissed in the Three Broomsticks!"

Ron laughed. "You have to be wrong. Granger would never in a million years get pissed. She's the straightest stick there is."

"I'm just telling you what I heard," the girl told him.

"This should be good," Ron replied as the group walked away.

"I'm sure it's just gossip," Luna said. "Hermione's not the type to do those things."

"But if she did..." Ron rubbed his hands together gleefully.

"Ronald," Luna admonished.

"What?" he asked.

"You shouldn't take pleasure in someone else's problems," Luna said curtly.

"But this is Granger," Ron pointed out. "She lives to make our lives miserable."

Luna turned on her heel. "Good evening, Ronald."

"Luna," Ron said. "Wait a minute--"

"Good evening," Luna said hurrying up the stairs that would lead her to Ravenclaw Tower.

"But you don't have to go just yet--" he tried.

She didn't turn around and she didn't respond.

Ron sighed as she disappeared. Why did he have to open his big mouth?

10. Chapter 10

A/N: Here’s some of the fallout from Hermione’s actions down in Hogsmeade- also, it’s starting to bring them closer together. And Ginny may just realise Draco’s not all he cracked up to be soon enough!

The rumours were flying thick and fast around the school about Hermione's impromptu striptease and it didn't take long for this news to reach the headmistress. Of course, the tale was also pushed further when Padma Patil reported it to the professor, who immediately called Hermione to her office.

"I must admit I was surprised to hear about this," McGonagall peered over her glasses at Hermione.

Hermione nodded, unable to meet McGonagall's gaze.

"I'd like to hear it from you whether this is true or not," McGonagall said gravely.

McGonagall wasn't just Hermione's professor, she was also her mentor. The idea that she'd disappointed her made Hermione sick to her stomach. She had no explanation for her behaviour. "Well, Professor," Hermione began.

McGonagall peered down her spectacles again. "Miss Granger... if this is in fact true, we may have to rethink your position as Head Girl. We need someone the students will listen to and respect."

Tears welled up in Hermione's eyes. Seven years of hard work were about to be thrown away because of one mistake. "Professor, I am someone my fellow students can listen to and respect. I've been a model student..."

"Tell me what happened," McGonagall said quietly.

"Professor, it was just---"

The door swung open, startling both of them.

"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall exclaimed. "You scared us half to death!"

"Sorry," Harry apologised. "Um... might I have a word, Professor?"

Hermione glared at him. Hadn't he done enough already? Was he here to rub salt in her wounds?

"I'm meeting with Miss Granger right now," McGonagall replied. "I'll be happy to meet with you afterwards."

"It has to do with Gra-- Hermione." Harry replied. "Please, Professor..."

McGonagall let out an impatient sigh. "Fine, Mr. Potter. What do you have to say?"

"It wasn't her fault, that she got pissed," Harry said, much to Hermione's shock. "I um... I put the liquor in her drink."

"Mr. Potter?" Professor McGonagall asked. "Why would you do that?"

"A joke," Harry said, looking at the floor.

Professor McGonagall studied him for a few moments. "I'm very disappointed in you. Your little joke wasn't very funny, Mr. Potter. Miss Granger could have lost her position as Head Girl. I will be sharing this with the headmaster."

Harry nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"You will also be serving detention," McGonagall said sternly. "One week with me, for two hours after dinner. And next Saturday you will be serving all day with Professor Snape. I'm sure he can find something for you to do in the dungeons."

Again, Harry nodded.

Hermione gaped at him. Why was he doing this?

"Dismissed," McGonagall said. "And you too Miss Granger. I advise you to be more careful about what you drink in the future."

"I will," Hermione said quietly. "Thank you, Professor."

McGonagall nodded and the two seventh years left the office.

Hermione waited until they were far down the corridor before she spoke. "Why did you do that?"

Harry shook his head. "Guess I'm a glutton for punishment," he said sardonically.

Hermione touched his arm. "You lied for me."

"Yup," Harry said coolly.

"Why would you do that?" Hermione asked him again. "You didn't put anything in my drink, Potter. You ordered it for me, yes, but---"

"Look, I didn't want you to lose your position as Head Girl, okay?" Harry replied. "Let's just leave it at that. You don't owe me anything. We don't have to bother with each other anymore."

"She might have expelled you for that," Hermione said not really ready to let this go. "Potter..."

"I have to go," Harry replied, walking away from her. "Later, Granger."

Hermione stared after him. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that he'd covered for her, especially with how they'd ended things in Hogsmeade.

"Why can't I figure you out?" she asked softly.

She knew she should just accept this and move on, but she couldn't do that.

She was heading back to the common room to make sure everything was okay before going up to her own room when Ginny approached her.

"Hermione, we have a bit of a problem..."

"I'll say," Hermione replied absently.

The redhead sighed. "I thought if we both went out on dates, this stupid pact thing would be broken. But when Draco tried to kiss me, we both went flying backwards, again, and then he tried to ask me out and I couldn't say yes!"

"I told you this probably wouldn't work," Hermione said to her friend. "Look, maybe this is for the best...'

Ginny huffed. "I'm not going to accept that. You may be fine with being a spinster, but I'm not!"

"What would you have me do?" Hermione asked warily.

"Go out with Harry again?" Ginny asked. "I don't know. Maybe we should go talk to Dumbledore about this some more."

Hermione shook her head. "We had what could only be described as the worst date in the history of dating. I don't think he'd be acceptable to another date and I know I'm not. Look, Ginny, I went out with him once for you, but I'm not going to do it again."

Ginny glared at her. "Thanks for nothing, Hermione."

"Even if I wanted to, Harry wouldn't say yes to another date," Hermione said. She briefly filled her friend in on what had happened. "And just now, he covered for me..."

"He did that?" Ginny asked, wide eyed. "He lied to Professor McGonagall?"

Hermione nodded. "And I can't figure out why."

"Look will you at least go with me to talk to Dumbledore again?" Ginny asked. "Maybe he knows some more on how to break the pact."

"Okay," Hermione relented, figuring she could at least do that for Ginny.

"Thank you," Ginny was relieved. "He's in his office now."

"Okay," Hermione said quietly. "Let's go."

"So… about what happened at The Three Broomsticks today," Ginny said. "We um... came in near the end of things."

Hermione blushed. "Oh?"

"It's all anyone could talk about," Ginny told her.

"You'd think people would have better things to do with their time," Hermione said shaking her head. "People act as if I'm the first person in the world to get pissed!"

"Well..." Ginny said hesitantly. "You're probably just one of the last people they thought would SEE get pissed."

Ginny had a point, but Hermione didn't want to get into that. "Well, the important thing is that Harry told McGonagall that I wasn't responsible."

"That was nice of him," Ginny said softly.

"He must have had an ulterior motive," Hermione said.

"He's really not a bad person," Ginny told her. "I've known him for a long time now."

"Then why haven't YOU dated him?" Hermione asked. "I'm sure everyone around here would think YOU were his perfect woman."

"If you'd said that a few years ago I'd have jumped at the chance," Ginny told her. "But Harry's like a brother to me now."

Hermione stopped walking and looked at her friend. "I can't figure him out, Ginny. He has that whole mysterious thing going on and all the girls here eat it up. He could have any one of them and he's suddenly interested in me?"

Ginny shrugged, choosing not to mention that Draco knew about the pact and possibly could have gotten Harry to ask her out. "Maybe he sees something in you that others don't. You're not quite the person you make yourself out to be."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked.

"I just mean that you act like you're so hard when you're really not." Ginny covered. "You were always nice to me, but you don't get along with Ron... you're friends with Neville, and you stick up for him when people take the Mickey. You're not as mean as you want people to think you are."

Hermione glared at her. "That's not how I am at all, Ginny. I just don't like to waste time--mine or anyone else's."

"Fine," Ginny sighed.

They arrived at Dumbledore's office and Ginny looked expectantly at her friend. "What's the password?"

"Pepper Imps," Hermione muttered quietly.

A few moments later, Ginny and Hermione were sitting in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"What brings you two by?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well," Ginny said when Hermione remained silent. "We were sort of hoping you could tell us more about that pact."

"She's asking because even though we both went on dates Ginny still wasn't able to---that is she still wasn't able to---" Hermione said feeling more than a little embarrassed to be talking about this subject with the most powerful and intelligent wizard in the world.

Ginny was also blushing. "I can't kiss anyone, and I can't seem to say yes when asked for another date." She too was embarrassed talking to the headmaster about this but there was no one else to turn to.

"I take it your date didn't go that well, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked.

Hermione looked away, unable to meet his gaze. He had obviously heard what had happened.

"I just don't understand," Ginny was frustrated. "We did what we were supposed to do!"

"It's me, isn't it?" Hermione asked finally looking up. "I have to do everything first and if I don't...."

Dumbledore waved his hand and the pact appeared on his desk. "It seems that way, yes."

Ginny put her head in her hands. "Great."

"If I'm reading this correctly, the only way to break this pact is for one of you to fall in love," Dumbledore said.

"Me?" Hermione asked.

"Either of you," Dumbledore replied.

"That's easy then," Ginny jumped up. "I can fall in love!"

"Draco Malfoy is incapable of loving anyone but himself," Hermione said angrily.

Ginny sent her a glare.

"The only way to break this is to fall in love, truly," Dumbledore said.

Hermione nodded. "I see."

"I'll break this pact then," Ginny said decidedly. "It won't be as hard as I thought."

"I wish you both luck," Dumbledore said.

"We're sorry to have bothered you sir," Hermione said, standing up.

Ginny followed Hermione out of the office, feeling much better. "This is going to be easy peasy, Hermione. I'm almost there with Draco."

Hermione shook her head. "He's a monster, Ginny. I don't know why you can't see that."

"I see something no one else does," Ginny said. "He's different when we're alone." For a brief moment, she thought about how he'd basically ignored her most of their date at Hogsmeade, but that was to be expected. He was a popular guy after all.

"Humph..." Hermione crossed her arms. "Don't say I didn't warn you then."

"I'll catch up with you later," Ginny said. "I need to go to the library to meet up with Sarah. Thanks for going with me to see the headmaster, Hermione."

Hermione simply nodded before resuming her path to the common room.

The moment she walked into the common room, the chatter stopped and everyone looked at her.

Hermione glared back at each and every face that was turned her way. "If anyone even MENTIONS that day, they'll be docked twenty points."

"It'd almost be worth it," Ron whispered to Harry.

"Shut up," Harry said irritably.

"I didn't mean to insult your girlfriend," Ron said returning his attention back to the chessboard.

"She isn't my girlfriend," Harry snapped.

"Best news I've heard all day," Ron said making a move. "Check."

Harry kept one eye on Hermione as he absently made a move on the chessboard.

"When are you ever going to learn?" Ron asked gleefully. He moved another piece and smiled triumphantly at Harry. "Checkmate."

"I hate this game," Harry complained.

"That's because you always lose," Ron said setting up the board again.

"Whatever," Harry sat back. "I have better things to do."

"One more game," Ron said. "Come on, mate."

Harry was still watching Hermione and didn't answer him.

Ron followed Harry's gaze and sighed. "You, my friend, have it bad."

"I do not," Harry snapped. "I'm just... concerned."

"Over her?" Ron guessed.

"So why won't you talk about what happened with Luna?" Harry abruptly changed the subject.

"Same reason you don't want to talk about Hermione, I suppose," Ron said quietly.

"I told you to just speak up," Harry said.

"I tried, but then Ernie Macmillan showed his ugly mug," Ron said.

"He's a git," Harry said. "I don't like him one bit."

"Tell me about it," Ron said quietly. "And you should have seen him trying to worm his way in on my kind-of date."

"What did she have to say about it?" Harry asked.

"She was all for him riding back with us but then when he told her that he fancied her, she asked him if he read her dad's paper," Ron said smiling at the memory of it. "And then he had to admit he hadn't. She didn't like that."

"Well there you go," Harry said encouragingly. "I can't remember the last time you missed a Quibbler."

"Yes, but any progress I made went out the door when we came back and heard about Hermione's little dance," Ron said grumpily. "She got all spare on me because I was happy that perfect Granger had gotten into trouble."

Harry shook his head. "Finch Fletchley and Padma couldn't wait to come back here and nark her out."

"Padma wants to be Head Girl and her little lap dog wants to make that happen for her," Ron said. "I'm sure they're not going to be happy to find out you stepped up and took the blame."

"They'll have to deal with it," Harry shrugged as Hermione finished her sweep of the common room and disappeared into her own dormitory.

"And so will you," Ron said putting away the board. "Detention with Snape and McGonagall. You have to fancy someone to put up with that type of punishment."

"I do not fancy her," Harry snapped. "I just felt bad."

"Okay, okay," Ron said holding up his hands.

"I have to go get some homework done," Harry got up. "I'll see you later."

"See you," Ron said.

Harry headed to the dormitory he shared with his mates and got his books. He figured he should get a head start on his work since he'd be serving detention every night for the next week.

*** *** ***

Ginny spent the rest of her weekend thinking of ways to get Draco Malfoy to fall in love with her. She knew it wouldn't take much. He was nearly there and so was she, come to think about it. Just last night after dinner, he'd walked her back to Gryffindor Tower and they'd had a nice talk. She knew the fact that they couldn't get physical with each other was frustrating for him, but he really was being a perfect gentleman about it.

On Monday afternoon after classes let out, she found herself walking toward the pitch. It wasn't because she had practise, but because she wanted to support Draco. She thought it'd be a wonderful surprise for him since she hadn't seen him since lunch.

She approached the pitch, smiling when she saw him already in the air. She took a seat in the Gryffindor stands, pulling her cloak around her.

He really was an amazing player and she watched him pull off some amazing moves.

Ginny had never liked playing Slytherin- mostly due to the fact that they played dirty- but now that she was dating Draco, she wondered how different the match would be.

She knew he'd taken some grief from his mates for going out with her, but he'd handled it perfectly. It was one of the things she liked most about him. He did what he wanted and he didn't care what other people thought.

She waved happily when he caught sight of her and was thrilled when he flew down to her.

"Red," Draco hissed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ginny's smile faltered. "I came to see you, Draco."

Draco hovered in front of her. "As much as I love seeing your pretty face, you're going to have to go."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"You're the enemy," Draco said with a cocky grin. "You might steal secrets and tell them to your team mates. We can't have that."

"I wouldn't do that," Ginny objected.

"Well, I know that," Draco said smoothly. "But you know how those blokes are up there. They asked me if I'd get you to go. Besides, it's chilly out here. I don't want you freezing your bum off out here."

"I'm okay," Ginny said. "I've got my cloak... I just want to see you, that's all."

"You know there is a way around this," Draco said reaching forward and taking her hand. "You could stop playing for Gryffindor."

"No way," Ginny said with a grin.

Draco smiled. He didn't tell her how he really felt. Girls weren't meant to play Quidditch. He'd find some way to get her off that team. "So how are Potter and Granger getting along?"

Ginny shrugged. "Not that great. They haven't really spoken to each other."

"That's too bad," Draco said. Normally he wouldn't care one jot about either of them, but if the two of them didn't get together, he wouldn't be able to get together with Ginny. It was frustrating to not be able to even snog her, but that was why he had Pansy Parkinson. Of course, Ginny didn't need to know that.

"I'm working on her," Ginny said. "And as soon as she caves, I'll let you know."

"That's my girl," Draco said giving her hand a squeeze. "I'm going to get back to practise. Go on back to the castle."

"Will we do something after dinner?" Ginny asked, not wanting to leave just yet.

"Sure," Draco said thinking he could put off his date with Parkinson until after curfew. "I'll plan something for us."

"I can't wait," Ginny said, an excited flutter in her stomach. "I'll see you later..."

"Later, Red," Draco said before taking off.

Ginny watched him go for a moment before turning away and heading back down the stands and towards the castle.

She had an essay due for Charms and she thought she could at least get some of her research in before dinner. She walked quickly to the library and stopped in the doorway when she caught sight of Neville. He was sitting by himself looking to be in deep concentration. Ginny was about to approach him when she saw Susan Bones come up behind him, putting her hands over his eyes.

"Guess who," Susan said with a giggle.

"The girl who saved my life?" Neville asked turning around and smiling at the Hufflepuff.

"You give me too much credit," Susan replied with a grin.

"Your Potions notes saved me this morning," Neville said reaching into his bag and handing them back to her. "Thanks to you, Snape picked on someone else."

"Anytime," Susan said lightly. "Glad to help out a friend in need."

"I'll pay you back, I promise," Neville said touching her arm.

From her vantage point, Ginny frowned. Susan Bones? Susan Bones was the girl that Neville fancied?

"Next time I need notes for Herbology, you're my guy," Susan nodded.

"Speaking of which," Neville said scooting his chair closer to hers. "Can you make any sense out of this?" He pushed his book over so she could see what he was talking about.

Susan put her head down and looked. "I'm not sure..." she replied.

Ginny stared at them. There wasn't any need for them to sit THAT close.

"I've never seen that particular herb mentioned before," Neville said to Susan.

"Me either," Susan nodded. "Let's look it up and see what it does."

Neville pulled another book out and together he and Susan pored over it.

"Miss Weasley," Madam Pince said tapping her on the shoulder. "Either come in or don't, but please do not block the door."

"Sorry," Ginny said quietly, moving aside.

Neville excused himself to go and find another book that might help them and Ginny sauntered over to the table, eager to see what was going on with Susan and Neville.

"Hello, Susan," Ginny said forcing a smile on her face.

Susan looked up. "Oh... hi Ginny."

"You and Neville sure looked hard at work," Ginny commented.

"We're going to find out what this herb is," Susan showed her the book. "Any idea?"

Ginny looked at the page and shook her head. "I think that's too advanced for me."

Susan nodded. "Right..."

"So," Ginny said trying to stay nonchalant. "Are you seeing anyone now?"

"Not at the moment," Susan shook her head. "Why do you ask?

"I was just curious," Ginny said. "I thought I heard something about you fancying Seamus Finnigan."

Susan blushed deeply. "Um..." she began but was luckily interrupted by Neville's return.

"Hi, Ginny," Neville said warmly.

Ginny smiled back. "Hey Neville."

"I couldn't find that book, Susan," Neville said sitting down. "I think I'll just ask Professor Sprout tomorrow in class."

"Good idea," Susan agreed.

"Neville, do you know if Seamus is dating anyone?" Ginny asked abruptly.

"Um, well, I think he's interested in Hannah Abbott," Neville said wondering why she'd ask that. "They went to Hogsmeade together."

"They did?" Ginny asked, a surprising sinking feeling in her stomach.

It was all starting to make sense to Ginny. Susan fancied Seamus. Neville had told her that the girl he liked was interested in another bloke. But the knowledge that she knew who the girl was didn't make her feel any better. Susan and Neville were all wrong for each other.

"I see," she said quietly. "Um... I can see I'm intruding so--"

"No, you stay," Susan said. "I have to go. I'll see you later, Neville. Bye, Ginny."

"Let me know if you need those notes," Neville called after her.

Ginny was silent as she looked down at the table.

"So how have you been?" Neville asked her.

"Good," Ginny looked up. "And you?"

"Pretty good," Neville said smiling at her. "You look....you look really pretty today."

Ginny was pleased at his compliment. "Really? That's so sweet of you to say."

Neville blushed. "I think you look pretty everyday."

Ginny also blushed. "Well I try..." she joked.

Neville reached over to get the book and his hand brushed against Ginny's.

Ginny bit her lower lip when his skin touched hers. "Um... so..."

"Sorry," Neville saw drawing his hand back.

"It's okay," Ginny said quickly. "So... we have an exam coming up in a few days in Herbology. Will you help me study?"

"Sure," Neville said. "You guys are on Chapter Three right now, right?"

"Right," Ginny nodded.

"Those healing herbs," Neville said taking her textbook and opening it up to the chapter.

"Are they hard to remember?" Ginny asked.

"The bad thing is that there are so many," Neville said.

"Do you think I'll be able to get them all memorized?" Ginny asked.

"You don't give yourself enough credit," Neville told her. "You're very smart, Ginny."

"I just hope Professor Sprout agrees with you." Ginny replied.

"I'm sure she does," Neville said softly. "And I'm really glad that you asked for my help."

"You're the smartest bloke I know," Ginny said sincerely.

Neville beamed at her. "Thanks."

"And I'm so glad you agreed to help me." Ginny added.

"I'd do anything to help you," Neville said softly.

Ginny felt quite pleasantly warm as she smiled at him. "Um... perhaps during dinner we can study? I'd say afterwards, but Draco and I are going to do something."

Neville frowned at the mention of Malfoy. "Sure," he replied.

"Great," Ginny replied. "I'm a bit nervous about this exam."

"You're going to do fine," Neville reassured her. "I know it seems like a lot to remember, but the key is to group the similar ones together."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ginny said grateful for the tip.

Neville pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing down the herbs in groups of six. Ginny studied him as he wrote.

He had changed so much since her first year there. He had been the chubby, shy insecure little boy. Now he was still shy, and slightly insecure, but he was really rather fanciable in his own quiet way.

"This should help," Neville said sliding the piece of parchment over to her.

Ginny looked at the parchment. "I think this will," Ginny said with a smile. "I'll make sure I study this right up until we have to take the exam."

"I can quiz you on them later if you'd like," Neville offered.

"How about tomorrow?" Ginny asked. "Gives me a chance to study."

"Sure," Neville started to agree. "Wait...I can't tomorrow."

"Why?" Ginny asked before she could stop herself.

"Oh, well, Susan and I are studying tomorrow night," Neville replied.

"I see..." Ginny nodded. "Some other time."

"She's really been a big help to me," Neville said. "Especially in Potions."

Ginny couldn't even begin to fathom why she was suddenly jealous of the Hufflepuff. "That's really nice..."

Neville nodded and picked up Ginny's textbook.

"So, she's the one?" Ginny asked.

"What?" Neville asked. "One what?"

"The one you fancy," Ginny said quietly.

"Susan?" Neville asked. "No... we're just friends."

Ginny brightened. "Oh? Well, that's fantastic!"

Neville looked at her bemusedly.

"Um, well I just mean that I don't see you with someone like her," Ginny said hastily.

Neville shrugged. "I guess..."

"We should get back to work," Ginny said a little unnerved by her jealousy.

"Sure," Neville nodded. "If you like." he smiled at her.

"I like," Ginny said smiling back at him.

"You'll get this," Neville assured her. "Trust me, once you get the names down, you're in."

Ginny leaned across the table and pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you, Neville. I appreciate it."

Neville's face nearly turned purple. "S--sure..." he stammered.

"And maybe later we can go and check on my mandrakes," Ginny said. "I want to make sure they're behaving themselves."

"You want to go see Mildred?" Neville asked jokingly.

"Don't forget Manny," Ginny giggled. "I think he has a bit of a crush on Mildred."

Neville shook his head, amused.

"You're laughing at me, aren't you?" Ginny asked.

"Nope," Neville replied, his mouth twitching.

"You so are," Ginny said balling up a piece of parchment and throwing it at him.

Neville caught it and lobbed it back at her.

"Oh, now you've asked for it," Ginny said throwing it back at him.

"You throw like a girl," Neville joked.

"I am a girl," Ginny said kicking his leg under the table.

"Ow!" Neville said loudly. Madam Pince glared at the two of them.

Ginny bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

"That really hurt," Neville said in a more hushed tone.

"I'm sorry," Ginny whispered.

"Don't tell anyone," he whispered back. "Wouldn't be able to live it down."

"It'll be our little secret," Ginny promised.

Neville nodded. "Good."

Ginny smiled at him. She was glad she didn't know who this other girl was. Right now, she was happy to have Neville all to herself.

11. Chapter 11

This chapter was a long time in coming- and we think a lot of you are going to be very, very pleased with this one ;) Enjoy!

It had been a few weeks since Harry had spoken up and taken the blame for Hermione's actions. Neither of them had spoken to each other, although Hermione rather wished she knew what to do or say to thank him for helping her keep her position as Head Girl.

That Saturday he was due to serve his final detention with Professor Snape. Unfortunately, it was also absolutely gorgeous outside, with nearly every student taking advantage of the nice weather. This put Harry in a rather sour mood and he was currently sitting in Snape's dungeon with a few other students, helping the Potions master replenish his supply.

"Anything gets broken and we'll add an hour to the detention," Snape told him.

Harry glared at the older man. "I know how to make your stupid potion," he retorted.

Snape was about to say something back to Harry when he heard a knock on the door. He turned his head to see Hermione Granger standing in the doorway. "Good afternoon, Professor."

"Miss Granger," Snape nodded to her. She was actually one of his favourite students, even if he'd never admit it to anyone. "What can I do for you?"

"I have a project due for Hagrid's class and I was hoping you'd let me have some Wolfsbane," Hermione told him.

"I can spare a bit," Snape replied. "I'll get it for you."

He disappeared into his cabinet and Hermione quickly slipped something into the cauldron Snape was mixing in the front of the class. "Five minutes," she mouthed to Harry, who had seen her do it.

He couldn't imagine what she was doing. After all he'd done for her; he couldn't imagine that she'd do something to make things worse for him.

Snape came back out with a small jar. "Bring the remainder back next class."

"Thank you so much, Sir," Hermione said taking it from him. "I will."

Hermione gave Harry another look as she left the classroom.

"Get back to work, Potter," Snape growled.

Harry rolled his eyes and stirred his potion again, adding the ingredients as needed.

About five minutes later, Snape was stirring the ingredients in his cauldron, when it started to bubble.

"What the..." Snape muttered, turning to his book.

Harry watched as the cauldron started to shake. What had Hermione put in there?

A moment later he got his answer as the contents blew up towards the ceiling, covering Snape in thick, purple goo.

"Detention is cancelled!" Snape barked as some of the students began to laugh.

"No way!" one of the Hufflepuffs exclaimed excitedly. "Let's get out of here before he changes his mind."

Harry eagerly followed the rest of them out of the room, and to his surprise, saw Hermione waiting just down the corridor.

"You mind explaining to me what just happened?" Harry asked her.

Hermione smiled. "It's too nice of a day for you to spend in detention," she answered. "So I thought, since you helped me, I'd do something to help you."

Harry couldn't believe she'd done this. Hermione Granger didn't break rules and she'd just broken one---for him. "Thank you," he said quietly.

"I should be thanking you," she said, twisting her hands. "I mean... if it weren't for you, I could have lost my Head Girl position."

"I guess we're even," Harry said looking at her.

She nodded. "Um... right. Even."

"I'll see you," Harry said after a few moments of awkward silence.

Hermione nodded again, feeling oddly disappointed as she turned and started walking away.

Harry was thinking about getting outside and going for a ride on his Firebolt, possibly joining his roommates. But for some reason, he found himself turning around and calling out to the brunette. "Granger..."

"Yeah?" Hermione turned back.

"Have you eaten lunch?" Harry asked her.

"Not yet," Hermione answered.

"Neither have I," Harry told her. "Um...I could go to the kitchens and grab us some sandwiches if you wanted to..."

"Okay," she agreed tentatively. "We could um... go outside then? It's really nice out."

Harry nodded. "Why don't you go on ahead and find us a spot. I'll see what I can rustle up in the kitchens."

"I'll probably be down by the lake," Hermione told him, feeling a bit shy for once in her life.

"I'll find you," Harry promised. "I'll meet you outside."

"Okay," Hermione agreed. He smiled at her before heading off.

This wasn't really a date, Hermione told herself as she stepped outside. It was just a friendly gesture. Besides, she didn't want to date. It was pointless and a complete waste of time.

She silently apologised again to Ginny for not wanting to conform to the pact they had made. She was simply getting to know another fellow student better.

As she made her way down to the lake, she passed Justin Finch-Fletchley and Padma Patil. Hermione couldn't help giving them a triumphant look.

"You're lucky you had Potter taking the blame for your actions," Padma sent her an evil glare.

"Harry Potter has class," Hermione heard herself saying. "Unlike some people."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Justin got up and advanced towards her.

"You're a reasonably smart person, Justin," Hermione said defiantly. "Figure it out."

"You bitch," Justin snarled.

"Take another step and I'll take some points," Hermione replied.

"He takes another step and I'll kick his arse," Harry said coming up behind them, carrying a basket.

Justin knew he was outmatched so he only sent them another glare before going back to Padma.

"Thank you," Hermione told him. "Um...that was quick."

"I know Dobby pretty well," Harry answered. "He whipped this up in a second."

Hermione smiled at him. "I'm starving."

"Help yourself," Harry said as they sat down. "Whatever's in there, I'm sure it's good."

Hermione opened the basket and pulled out the plates. "This was a good idea you had."

Harry nodded. "I think I could live in the kitchens."

Hermione set a sandwich on each of their plates. "I know what you mean."

Harry watched her as she got the food out. "So..." he said, not really sure on how to carry on a conversation with her.

"I'm sorry about Hogsmeade," Hermione said. "I overreacted."

Harry nodded. "I'm sorry about the Firewhisky."

"We can put all that past us and start over," Hermione said.

"Okay," he agreed, still slightly wary. "We could do that."

Hermione took a bite of her sandwich, wondering what else to say.

"So..." Harry reached for one of the crisps on his plate. "Um... what do you normally do on Saturdays?"

"Well, I usually get up at around 7:30," Hermione replied. "If the weather's not too bad, I'll take a walk around the grounds. It's really invigorating."

Harry nodded. "For me, I usually like to fly. We should try that again sometime."

"I'd---I'd like that," Hermione said, surprising herself.

"Really?" he was pleasantly surprised. "You want to try flying again?"

Hermione nodded. "I enjoyed it. I mean more than I thought I would."

Harry grinned at her. "Good."

Hermione grinned back at him. "How's your sandwich?"

"Fantastic," Harry answered. "Yours?"

"Really good," Hermione said. She stifled a giggle. "Um, except...you have some mustard on your nose...."

"I do?" he asked, wiping at it.

Hermione laughed. "Yes..."

"Did I get it?" he asked.

"Yes," Hermione replied. She looked in the basket. "There are some more crisps in here. Would you like some more?"

"Sure," he answered, leaning back.

Hermione put some more on his plate. "I also saw where Dobby gave us some biscuits. Chocolate chip."

"Those are my favourite kind," Harry confessed. "Dobby always sneaks some to me."

"They're my favourite too," Hermione said. "But don't tell my parents that. They don't like me eating sweets."

"Why not?" he asked.

"Dentists," Hermione replied.

"Oh right," Harry nodded. "They want you to eat the sugar free sweets then?"

Hermione nodded. "So I have to sneak them when I can."

Harry laughed. "I never knew you were so rebellious." he joked.

"Don't let it get out," Hermione said pulling a serious face.

"It's our secret," Harry leaned forward and whispered.

For a split second, Hermione thought he was going to try and kiss her. She let out a nervous laugh. "Thanks..."

He smiled. "So after we finish up here, want to go for a walk? Or we could go flying again."

"A walk would be nice," Hermione replied.

"Good," Harry said, hoping to get her to open up even more.

"I can't believe we're having such nice weather," Hermione commented looking up at the cloudless sky.

"Especially now," Harry agreed, stretching out next to her. "It'll be winter soon enough."

"But you know it is nice sitting by a warm fire," Hermione said. "Reading a good book..."

"I don't really read a lot," he confessed.

"Most blokes don't," Hermione said looking sideways at him.

Harry grinned at her again. "Tell me something about yourself," he said unexpectedly. "Something no one else knows."

Hermione looked thoughtful for a few moments. "Um...well...when I'm at home....I like to watch old movies..."

"What's your favourite?" he interrupted.

"I have so many," Hermione replied. "I like a lot of Hitchcock films..."

"My favourite is Rear Window," Harry said. "One time, Dudley was watching it and he got so scared he nearly wet himself."

Hermione laughed. "Well, I'll have you know, I wouldn't take a shower for two months after I saw Psycho."

"You must have smelled horrible," Harry teased.

Hermione hit him playfully on the arm. "I bathed! I just did it really, really fast."

Harry laughed too. "Well, I wouldn't look at a bird for a month after seeing The Birds."

"Don't worry," Hermione said reaching into the basket for the biscuits. "I promise not to tell everyone that Harry Potter was afraid of birds."

"Just for a little while," Harry protested. "I'm fine now!"

"Sure," Hermione said nodding. She handed him one of the biscuits.

"If you tell anyone about the birds, I'll tell everyone you didn't shower," Harry stuffed the biscuit into his mouth.

"My lips are sealed," Hermione said before taking a bite of her biscuit.

Harry grinned again. "How about that walk?"

"Okay," Hermione said looking at him.

They dropped the basket off by Hagrid's hut then started back towards the lake. "Tell me something else about yourself," he said.

"Why do you want to know so much about me?" Hermione asked him warily.

"I'm just curious is all," Harry said.

"Trusting people isn't easy for me," Hermione said quietly.

"Why?" he asked. "I mean... did someone really hurt you?"

Hermione wasn't sure why she was telling him this. "A couple years ago, there was someone that I thought really liked me. He said all the right things. He did all the things you're supposed to do. He made me feel beautiful. I'd never felt that, you know?"

"Was it Malfoy?" Harry asked, point blank.

Hermione looked at him in surprise. "How did you---"

"Lucky guess," Harry shrugged. "He's a bastard. You deserve better than that wanker,"

"Thanks," Hermione said, looking away from him and folding her arms around herself.

"Not everyone's like him, you know," Harry said softly.

"I just don't want to take that chance again." Hermione still didn't look at him.

"You can trust me," he said moving behind her. "I wouldn't hurt you."

"I hardly know you," Hermione said, finally facing him.

"Get to know me," Harry said softly.

"H--How?" her voice quivered.

Harry touched her cheek. "I know a good way to start."

"You do?" Hermione asked, fully aware of how close he was right now. She had to admit he was extremely good looking, and the glow in his eyes was currently making her feel a bit weak kneed.

Harry nodded and leaned in. "Trust me, Hermione."

"I'm trying to," she whispered.

Given what had happened with Ginny when she'd tried to kiss Malfoy, Hermione wanted to warn Harry about what would happen if he tried to kiss her. But to her surprise, when he pressed his lips to hers, nothing bad happened.

Instead, she found her stomach fluttering madly as Harry's arms slid around her, pulling her closer to him.

"Is this okay?" he asked her, praying that she'd say it was.

"Yes," Hermione nodded. "Very okay."

He smiled at her before kissing her again.

This time she responded more, opening her mouth under his. She'd never been kissed before, but she followed her instincts.

"I've wanted to do that for quite some time," Harry said when they pulled apart.

"You wanted to kiss me?" Hermione blinked dazedly.

Harry rested his forehead on hers. "Mmmhmm."

Hermione gave him a tentative smile. "I've never been kissed before," she admitted. "I liked it."

Harry smiled back at her. "I'm glad I was the first."

She blushed at that.

Harry kissed her again. He couldn't help himself.

It was more passionate this time, and Hermione was surprised as Harry ran his hands up her back and into her hair.

He didn't want to push her further than she was ready to go, so reluctantly he broke the kiss. "I got carried away. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Hermione said her arms around his neck. "I... I don't mind."

"I'm glad," he said holding her tightly. "You're amazing, Hermione."

A warm feeling flooded through her. "I am?"

"Yes, you are," Harry said softly.

"You aren't quite as vile as I thought you were," Hermione said before she could stop herself. "I mean--"

"I'm thinking you meant that as a compliment," Harry said grinning at her.

"I did," she shook her head. "It just didn't come out the way I wanted it to."

"Every bloke wants to hear that he's not as vile as the girl he fancies thinks he is," Harry teased her.

She laughed. "Okay... you're actually a pretty great guy. Is that better?"

"A little," Harry said. "But you could make it up to me..."

"How?" she asked, sliding her arms around him again.

"Like this," Harry said brushing his lips against hers.

"Oh..." she answered breathlessly. "I think I can do that..."

"I knew you could," Harry said kissing her deeply.

If he hadn't been holding onto her, Hermione was sure her legs would have given out right then and there. 'Is this what I've been missing all this time?' she thought.

The rest of the afternoon passed by in somewhat of a daze for the two of them. They did manage to get their walk in, stopping every few feet for a kiss. Hermione told him more about herself and he shared a little of himself with her.

"Maybe sometime," Hermione began. "If... if you feel comfortable enough, you can tell me about your battle with Voldemort."

"It's not something I like talking about," Harry said.

"I understand," Hermione said quickly. "Only if you ever wanted to."

"I've never talked about it with anyone," he admitted.

"Maybe it would make you feel better if you did," Hermione squeezed his hand.

Harry sat down with her under one of the trees. "I killed someone."

"He wasn't a person," Hermione said. "He was a monster."

Harry nodded. "Yeah, well, I keep telling myself that."

"Good," Hermione nodded. "You shouldn't feel bad. Think of how many people you've saved."

"It's hard to explain," Harry said quietly. "I don't even understand it myself.”

Hermione nodded again. "I'm here if you ever do want to talk," she reached for his hand.

"I appreciate that," Harry said squeezing her hand. "That means a lot to me."

Her smile turned into a grin. "This has turned into a really nice day," she confided.

"It has," Harry agreed putting his arms around her.

Hermione rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm glad... I'm glad we've gotten to know each other." she said. "I feel sort of stupid for putting you off the way I have. I guess I just thought you had some ulterior motive is all."

Harry felt a twinge of guilt as he remembered his deal with Malfoy. But, he hadn't thought about that bet all day today. He'd just been caught up in the moment. He wasn't with her because of the deal. He was with her because he wanted to be.

"I'm just happy you gave me a chance," Harry said softly.

Hermione grinned at him. "Me too..." she leaned in and they kissed again.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Harry asked her.

"Studying, probably," Hermione answered. "Why?"

"Do you think you could take a break at around say eight?" Harry asked with a grin. "I know we can't leave the grounds, but I was hoping you'd agree to go out to dinner with me..."

"But you just said we can't leave the grounds," Hermione said.

Harry nodded. "I know this great restaurant in the Room of Requirement. It's very exclusive, but I think I can get you in."

A grin spread across her face. "Okay," she agreed.

"Okay," Harry said standing up and offering her his hand.

She took it as he helped her to her feet. "Suppose we should get back," she said reluctantly.

"Suppose so," Harry agreed.

"I don't want to go back," Hermione confessed. "I've been having too good a time out here."

Harry smiled at her. "Me too. We could just walk really, really slow back toward the castle..."

She laughed. "I like that idea."

"I like you," Harry said pulling her close.

Hermione smiled shyly back at him. "I like you too."

"Come on," Harry said, putting his arm around her. "Let's get you back inside."

They went back in, walking closely together. Hermione barely noticed the shocked glances of many of their classmates as they headed for the common room.

"So, would you mind if we walked to dinner together later?" Harry asked her.

"I'd like that a lot," she answered.

"So, I'll meet you down here at around six?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded. "Okay."

Harry gave her one last kiss. "I'll see you then. Thanks...thanks for today."

"Thank you... for giving me another chance too." Hermione said softly.

Harry squeezed her hand before heading upstairs to his dormitory.

Hermione watched him go before turning to look for Ginny. She located the redhead in the corner of the room, looking through a copy of Witch Weekly.

"Before you say anything," Ginny said not looking up from her magazine. "Yes, I realise I could be reading something more worthwhile and yes, I have finished my assignments for the weekend."

Hermione smiled at her. "Can I talk to you in private?"

Ginny closed her magazine. "Sure."

Hermione motioned for the younger girl to follow her upstairs to her private dormitory. "Um... I have something to tell you about our pact."

Ginny followed Hermione eagerly up the steps. Perhaps Hermione had figured out some loophole that would get them both out of this, Ginny thought happily.

Hermione didn't quite know where to begin once they were sitting in her bedroom. "Well..." she said. "Today I um... I got Harry out of detention and we wound up spending the day together."

Ginny gaped at her. "I thought you hated him..."

Hermione blushed, hard. "I... don't hate him."

"You're blushing!" Ginny exclaimed. "Hermione!"

"This all makes me so nervous," Hermione got up and began pacing. "I've never felt like this before."

"I knew you'd like him if you gave him a chance," Ginny said excitedly. "Oh, Hermione! This means Draco and I will be together!"

Hermione turned back to look at her. "Ginny... it's no secret that Draco and I dislike each other. I can't stop you from seeing him, but please, just be careful around him."

Ginny frowned. "I will. Let's not get into that since I know it's a sore subject with you. Tell me more about what you did..."

Hermione smiled again. "We kissed," she confessed.

Ginny put her hands on her hips. "But how? Every time Draco tries to kiss me, either he or I get thrown backwards..."

"I think it goes back to what Dumbledore told us," Hermione sat down again. "Since I was the one who initiated the pact, I have to... do things first."

Ginny hoped this meant that she would be able to kiss Draco now. "So, how was it?"

Hermione smiled thoughtfully. "It was sweet. He was so... gentle about it."

Ginny smiled at her friend. "Hermione, this is soooo great."

"I just didn't know who else to talk to about this," Hermione picked at a thread on her duvet. "You're pretty much the only girl I could ever confide in."

"I'm really glad that you did," Ginny said. "We're friends, Hermione."

"Thanks Ginny," Hermione said. "I'm finding that it's nice to have friends. It's nice to feel... well I guess for once I feel like a normal teenager."

"For once," Ginny said teasing her.

Hermione shook her head. "He wants to walk down to dinner together tonight. And then he asked me to have dinner with him tomorrow night in the Room of Requirement."

Ginny beamed at her. "That's so romantic!"

Hermione blushed again. "I hope so."

"I'm going to want details," Ginny told her.

"Will you help me get ready tomorrow?" Hermione asked her. "I'll understand if you're busy…"

Ginny shook her head. "I'm not too busy and I was going to offer before you asked me. I'd love to help you."

Hermione gave her a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Ginny told her. She pulled away and looked at her friend. There was something that had been bothering her all day and she hoped Hermione could put her mind at ease. "Um, you know Susan Bones pretty well, don't you?"

"Sort of," Hermione answered. "Why?"

"Do you ever see her hanging around Neville?" Ginny asked.

"I think they study together once in awhile," Hermione answered.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I can just imagine what SHE wants to study."

Hermione gave her an odd look. "They're just friends. Personally I think she fancies Blaise Zabini."

"I heard it was Seamus Finnigan," Ginny said frowning. She didn't realise it, but she'd stood up and began pacing in front of Hermione's bed. "She certainly gets around."

"Susan's a nice girl," Hermione shrugged. "But I don't pay attention to her social life. I've just seen her talking to Blaise a few times and I just assumed, that's all. Perhaps she does fancy Seamus."

"Then why is she fawning all over Neville?" Ginny asked. "You should have seen her the other day in the library, Hermione. She came up behind him and put her hands over his eyes and was playing 'Guess Who?' with him. I mean, how old is she? Seventeen or seven?"

Hermione's eyebrows knit together. "Ginny, are you jealous?"

"Of course not!" Ginny scoffed.

Hermione nodded. "Okay."

"I'm just looking out for him," Ginny said defensively. "He's been such a great friend to me, it's the least I can do."

"I believe you," Hermione said. "I've no reason not to."

"He's a great guy," Ginny said remembering their talk in the library the other night. "And so sweet."

"Yes he is," Hermione nodded. "He's someone I've been friends with my whole seven years here."

"I've really gotten to know him these past few days," Ginny said.

Hermione began looking through her closet. "He mentioned he'd been tutoring you."

"What else did he say?" Ginny asked.

"That was all," Hermione glanced back at her. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, of course," Ginny said distractedly.

"Ginny," Hermione abandoned her clothing and sat back down. "If I can confide in you, you can confide in me."

"About what?" Ginny asked innocently.

"You just seemed really distracted," Hermione said. "Are you thinking about Malfoy?"

Truth be told, she hadn't been thinking about him at all. Her thoughts were on the kind-hearted seventh-year Gryffindor who had been tutoring her in Herbology. "Yes, I've been thinking about Malfoy. This whole pact has been very stressful, Hermione," Ginny said, which was partly true.

"I know," Hermione nodded. "But we'll get through it, one way or the other, right?"

"Yes we will," Ginny agreed. "I have a dress you can borrow for tomorrow night. If you want..."

"Do you think it'll fit?" Hermione asked.

"We're witches," Ginny said grinning at her. "We can make alterations if necessary."

Hermione laughed. "Right, of course."

"But, he does like you for you," Ginny said standing up and walking over to Hermione's closet. "Let's see if we can find something of yours..."

"I'm afraid I don't have much," Hermione said. "Mainly just some jeans and jumpers and trainers."

Ginny took a look at Hermione's wardrobe. She pulled out a black skirt with lace trim. "This is kind of cute..."

"I forgot I had that," Hermione said. "I didn't even realise I packed it."

Ginny set the skirt down on the bed. "Now, let's see if we can find a top..."

Hermione stood next to Ginny. "This one?" she asked, pulling out a long sleeved white blouse.

Ginny gave it a quizzical look. "That would look really good. "

"Really?" Hermione asked. "Not too plain?"

Ginny shook her head. "We can dress it up a bit...."

"I'm not too good at this sort of thing," Hermione said lamely.

"That's why you have me," Ginny said looking through the closet one more time. She pulled out a short-sleeved black jumper. "We would pair it with this."

"Even if the shirt has long sleeves?" Hermione asked. "I don't have any jewellery, really either."

"You stay here," Ginny said. "I will be right back."

Hermione nodded, looking at the outfit Ginny had helped her pick out. She wondered if Harry would like her in it.

A few minutes later, Ginny returned with a handful of jumpers, shirts, and a jewellery box. "I borrowed some stuff from my roommates too. Sarah's your size, Hermione."

"That was nice of them to lend me their things," Hermione picked up one of the jumpers.

"Well, I kind of grabbed without asking," Ginny said setting down the rest of the items on the bed.

"Ginny!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny waved her hand dismissively. "They owe me. Now, let's see. Hold up that red one to you. I think with your colouring it might work."

"Red?" Hermione asked uncertainly. "It seems sort of... flashy."

Ginny held the jumper out to her. "Try it on."

Hermione took it and pulled it over her head.

"Turn around," Ginny said.

"It's a little tight," Hermione frowned.

"We want you to be comfortable," Ginny said piecing through the tops and jumpers. "How about this one?" She held out a periwinkle blue scoop neck top. "How about this?"

"That's pretty," Hermione pulled the red one off. "Is it yours?"

"Natalie's," Ginny said.

"You don't think she'll mind me wearing it?" Hermione asked. "It's not as if we get along."

"You leave Natalie to me," Ginny said. "I know some things about her and if she even thinks about saying something about it, I'll tell everyone how she stuffs her bra."

Hermione laughed. "Ginny!"

Ginny giggled. "She does! You know how she's dating Cormac McLaggen, right? Well, while he's away at University, she'd been snogging Colin Creevey every chance she can get."

Hermione's eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

"Absolutely," Ginny said. "I caught them in the Astronomy Tower the other night going at it."

Hermione wrinkled her nose. "She's lucky it wasn't me who caught them."

Ginny nodded. "Oooh...that does look nice. What do you think?"

Hermione smiled a bit. "It does," she agreed.

Ginny opened up the jewellery box and pulled out a silver necklace with a pendant. "I think this would go great with it."

"That's beautiful," Hermione took it in her hands.

"My mum and dad gave it to me last year for my birthday," Ginny said.

"It's lovely," Hermione replied. "And you really don't mind me wearing it?"

"That's what friends do," Ginny told her. "Share things. Gossip. All part of that normal teenage thing you're trying..."

"I guess," Hermione replied, tugging on the jumper.

Ginny picked up one of the jumpers in the pile that belonged to her. She smiled as she remembered wearing it the other day. Neville had told her it matched her eyes.

"I guess I'll wear this tomorrow then," Hermione looked at the skirt, jumper and blouse on the bed.

"I think you're all set," Ginny said smiling at her. "Don't worry about Natalie."

"If you say so," Hermione smiled at her. "Thanks so much, Ginny."

"I'm happy for you," Ginny said gathering up the clothes. "I really am. I just hope that things work out as well for me and Draco."

Hermione wondered if she should tell Ginny about what Malfoy had done to her at the Yule Ball but held her tongue. "Just promise me you'll be careful. Don't let him talk you into anything you don't want to do."

"Yes, Mum," Ginny said. "I'll be careful."

"I mean it," Hermione arched her eyebrow.

Ginny sighed. It was bad enough having Ron tell her every chance he had what a wanker Malfoy was. It was even worse having Fred and George read her the riot act about it when she'd ran into them during the Hogsmeade weekend. She just wished everyone would see Draco how she saw him. "I will."

"Well..." Hermione sent her a half smile. "At least you can kiss him now. At least that's what I understand- if I do something, so can you."

"I'll have to wait until dinner," Ginny said. "Maybe I'll see if he wants to go for a walk afterwards."

Hermione knew another warning would be fruitless. "I'm going to freshen up before going to meet Harry."

"I'm going to take this lot back to my room," Ginny said. "I'll see you later."

"Thanks again Ginny," Hermione said. "I really appreciate this."

"It's my pleasure," Ginny said opening the door with her free hand. Making her way down the staircase was a little difficult given the pile of clothes in her hands.

She was almost to the 6th year girl's dormitory when the pile began to slip. "Nooooo!" she tried to balance it back out.

"Mmmph!" a male voice said as Ginny collided with him.

"Sorry!" Ginny said. "Neville?"

"Yeah," Neville said rubbing his forehead. "You planning on making a getaway?"

"No," Ginny smiled at him. "I was helping Hermione. She's going out with Harry, can you believe it?"

"That must be why he's so happy," Neville said kneeling down to help her pick up the clothes.

"He's happy?" Ginny asked. "Really? How do you know?"

"He's upstairs in our room smiling," Neville told her. "He doesn't usually smile for that long..."

Ginny squealed. "Oh, I know this is going to be such a great thing!"

Neville smiled at her. "So, how has your weekend been so far?"

"Until now, pretty mediocre," Ginny piled the clothing back into her arms. "But I think it's about to get a lot better."

"Is that because you bumped into me and nearly knocked me out with a pile of jumpers?" Neville asked teasingly.

"How did you guess?" Ginny deadpanned.

"I see how you are, Ginny Weasley," Neville said. "How sad is it that this was probably the highlight of my weekend?"

"The highlight of your weekend?" Ginny asked, shifting the pile to her other arm. "Really?"

"Told you it was sad," Neville said blushing a little.

"You're not sad," Ginny told him.

Neville grinned at her. "You're sweet to say that."

Ginny smiled back at him. "I've got to go put this stuff back, but I'll see you at dinner, right?"

"Actually, no," Neville told her. "I'm going to help Susan with something. She and I are going to grab something afterwards in the kitchens."

"Oh," Ginny's smile disappeared.

Neville couldn't tell what that look meant. "Ginny---"

"I really have to go," Ginny said quickly. "I'll um... I'll see you tomorrow night in the greenhouses right?"

"Seven," Neville agreed.

"Right," Ginny moved past him, confused as to why it was bothering her so much that he was hanging out with Susan.

12. 12

Ok, don’t kill us for no H/Hr in this chapter, but the other characters were begging for a little attention. They’ll be back next week… and we think you’ll enjoy it! ;)

She stalked upstairs to her dormitory and threw the clothes on to her bed. "Hey! What's your problem, Ginny?" Sarah asked.

"Susan Bones," Ginny grumbled.

"What's wrong with her?" Sarah asked.

"One, she talks too much," Ginny counted off on her fingers. "Two, she thinks she's so smart. Three, she's stringing Neville along when she fancies other boys. Four, she's ....she's really getting on my bloody nerves. Every single time I turn around, there she is---"

Sarah sent her a strange look. "Why do you care if she's stringing along Neville?"

"Because," Ginny said defensively. "He's my friend and she's a cow!"

"She's not so bad," Sarah looked at her magazine.

Natalie sighed. "You know why you're so upset about this, don't you? You fancy Longbottom, Ginevra. You don't like someone else walking your little puppy dog, do you?"

Ginny narrowed her eyes. "Neville is my friend. I want to be with Draco. I'm not into two guys like you are."

"I'm not into two guys," Natalie scoffed. "I love Cormac."

"And you loooooove snogging Colin Creevey," Sarah drawled.

"Do not!" Natalie retorted.

"Do so," Ginny countered.

"That's your word against mine," Natalie snapped.

"Whatever," Ginny rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go find Draco. I have good news for him."

"Good luck with that," Natalie said, deciding not to tell her roommate that she'd seen Malfoy snogging Pansy Parkinson earlier.

Ginny left the Gryffindor Common Room and headed downstairs. She figured she'd look for him near the Great Hall and then perhaps the library.

She spotted his two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle sitting outside the Great Hall.

"Vincent, have you or Gregory seen Draco?" Ginny asked them.

Crabbe and Goyle looked dumbfounded to be called by their first names. "Uh..." Crabbe grunted. "Over there?"

"Thank you," Ginny said curtly. She wanted to like Draco's friends, but it was difficult.

She brushed back her long hair and straightened out her shirt before heading in the direction Crabbe had pointed. Her stomach lurched nervously- was she finally about to receive her first kiss?

She turned the corner and was surprised to see Draco sitting close with Pansy Parkinson.

"Draco?" she asked softly.

Draco hadn't heard her and he leaned in and whispered something in Pansy's ear. The Slytherin girl giggled and patted him on the arm.

"Draco?" Ginny said in a louder tone.

Draco looked over at her and the smile on his faltered a bit. "R-Red..."

"What's going on here?" Ginny looked back and forth between them.

Pansy smiled sweetly at her. "Nothing you'd know about."

Ginny narrowed her eyes. "No one asked you, Parkinson."

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Pansy?" Draco asked moving away from her.

"Draco," Pansy whined. "You were about to--"

"Help you with your Charms assignment, but we can pick that up later," Draco covered.

Pansy shot Ginny a nasty glare as she stalked past her.

Draco patted the now empty space beside him. "Come sit by me, Red."

Ginny smiled. "Okay," she said, butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

Draco looked over at her. "I just heard about Potter and Granger's make out session by the lake."

"Word gets around fast," Ginny mused, sliding closer to him.

"Yes, it does," Draco said leering at her. "You look absolutely delectable today, Red."

Ginny blushed. "Well I try," she said modestly.

"Perhaps since Granger was able to snog old Scarhead," Malfoy said inching even closer to her. "I can finally do exactly what I've wanted to do for weeks."

Ginny's heart was beating so fast she was sure he could hear it. "What might that be?" she flirted, leaning in.

"Something along the lines of...." Malfoy said putting his arms on her waist. He was within inches of her lips when he felt the sensation of walking into a brick wall. "OW!"

Ginny was thrown back; she almost fell off the bench. "Hey!" she said angrily.

"What the fuck?" Draco asked getting to his feet. "I thought it would work!”

Ginny rubbed her back, angry tears springing to her eyes. "Me too," she said miserably.

"This is getting really old, Red!" Draco exclaimed, glaring at her before walking away.

"Wait!" Ginny got up. "Draco, wait!"

"What for?" Draco asked without turning around. "What am I supposed to do? Pat your hand. Look longingly at you? Some relationship....

"I'll figure this out," Ginny said. "Just please... if you like me as much as you say you do, just be patient... please?"

Draco turned around. "I do, but this is..."

"I hate it too," Ginny told him. "I really hate it. But Dumbledore's trying to help us... and we'll find out what's going on."

Draco sighed. "Fine...but you'd better figure this out soon, Red."

"I'll try," she reached for his hand.

Draco hoped she'd be worth all this bloody trouble. "I have to go."

Ginny sighed. "Okay."

"You really do look beautiful, Red," Draco said softly.

Hope flared up inside her. "Thanks," she said with a smile. "I think you look handsome all the time."

He gave her a cocky grin before heading upstairs. Hopefully, he'd be able to catch up to Parkinson and see if she could help him with that built up sexual tension.

Ginny felt only slightly better as she headed back for the dormitories. She'd lost any appetite she might have had.

As if her day could get any worse, she heard a familiar female voice as she neared the Gryffindor Tower.

"Neville!" Susan giggled. "That's not true!"

"That's not what I heard," Neville was laughing too.

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear," Susan said in flirtatious tone.

Neville laughed again. "When it comes to you?"

"There is something I've been wanting to ask you," Susan said.

Ginny stepped forward, wishing she had a pair of Fred and George's Extendable Ears.

"What's that?" Neville asked.

"I was thinking that the Yule Ball was coming up," Susan said softly. "And I haven't asked anyone and no one's asked me..."

Ginny's jaw dropped. Susan wasn't really going to ask him to the ball, was she? Ginny shook her head. She couldn't let this happen. Thinking fast, she positioned herself on the steps and cried out. "Ow!"

A moment later, Neville appeared around the corner. "Ginny?" concern was etched over his face. "What happened?"

"I--I twisted my ankle," Ginny lied. She hated doing so, but sometimes desperate times called for desperate measures.

"How on earth did you do that?" Susan asked.

"I don't know," Ginny snapped. "I just did, that's all. On the steps."

Neville helped her gingerly get to her feet. "Put your weight on me, Gin."

"Thanks Neville," Ginny leaned against him.

"You're going to be okay," he said putting his arm around her. "Let's get you to Madam Pomfrey."

"I can help," Susan offered.

"It's okay," Ginny said quickly. "Neville's got me."

"Oh," Susan said looking quizzically at her. "Okay."

Ginny limped away with Neville. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm so clumsy."

"It's okay," Neville said smiling reassuringly at her. "I'm not one to judge. I'm the King of the Klutzes."

"You're probably not as bad as me," Ginny said.

"Let's see," Neville said helping her slowly down the steps. "There was the time I managed to break every single glass jar in Snape's dungeons by simply bumping into the table or the time I twisted my ankle getting out of bed...."

"Hmm..." Ginny said. "Okay, I take that back."

Neville gave her a look. "Thanks...."

Ginny smiled at him. "You said it."

Ginny felt warm and safe with Neville like this and she couldn't help but smile to herself.

"You're lucky you're hurt or I'd say something smart back to you," Neville said squeezing her shoulder.

"You're too good to me," she said dryly, forgetting that her ankle didn't hurt at all.

"You're not limping as much," Neville said. "I think that's a good sign. You probably just turned it is all."

"I think so," Ginny nodded, not relishing the thought of a fake injury and Madam Pomfrey. "Maybe I should put some weight on it and see?"

"Sure," Neville said, letting slowly go of her. "Take it easy..."

Ginny pretended to test it. "I think I'm okay. Thanks to you."

"I didn't do anything really," Neville said. "Really..."

"Yes you did," Ginny replied.

"I was happy to help," Neville told her, blushing a little at her praise.

"Mind at least walking me back to the common room?" Ginny asked.

"Of course not," Neville replied. "We'll go slow."

"Thanks," Ginny said as he took her arm again.

"You should probably keep it elevated," Neville told her. "And maybe put some ice on it..."

"Where will I get ice?" Ginny asked.

Neville stopped suddenly. "Um...well...I could go and get you some from the kitchens...can you wait here while I run to get it?"

"Okay," Ginny replied. "You don't mind?"

"I'd do anything for you," Neville said without realising what he'd said.

Ginny caught it and blushed as he headed for the kitchens.

She felt bad for faking her injury and for all the fuss he was making over her. But, she'd had to do it to protect him from the likes of Susan Bones, who seemed to fancy any boy with a pulse.

Ginny shook her head. She was doing the right thing, as his friend.

Neville returned a few minutes later with an ice pack. "Ginny, you shouldn't; be standing..."

"It's okay," she replied.

Neville shook his head and handed her the ice pack. Before she knew it, he'd picked her up. "Neville---"

"I'm carrying you upstairs and that's all there is to it," Neville cut her off.

Ginny smiled at him. "You're so sweet..."

"Just you wait until you get my bill," Neville told her.

"Uh oh," Ginny grinned. "What if I can't afford it?"

"Then we'll have to work out some other arrangement," Neville said being extremely careful as he carried her upstairs.

"Such as?" Ginny asked, tightening her hold around his neck.

"Um," Neville said thoughtfully. "I don't know. Have you any ideas?"

Ginny shook her head, her cheeks a bit pink.

"I'll have to have a think on it," Neville said smiling at her. He couldn't help noticing how close her face was to his. She was looking at him in a way that she never had.

Ginny wondered if Neville had always been this cute. He always treated her like a true lady- almost like royalty.

Neville carried her up to the portrait of the Fat Lady and said the password.

"Oh dear," the Fat Lady said looking at the two Gryffindors. "What a gallant knight!"

"Yeah, yeah," Neville muttered as he carried Ginny inside.

"She's right," Ginny said smiling at Neville. "You were…gallant."

"I guess," Neville felt all shy again as he set her on a sofa. "Here, let's put some pillows under your ankle..."

Most of their fellow Gryffindors were down at dinner so the common room was nearly deserted.

"Thanks," Ginny said softly. "You really don't need to make such a fuss."

"I don't want you to hurt it again," Neville answered, placing the ice pack over her skin.

"I'm going to be fine," Ginny reassured him. "Thanks to you."

Neville smiled at her. "I'm glad."

"I'm sure you had things to do," Ginny said, hoping he'd want to stay.

"I was supposed to go grab something to eat with Sue," Neville nodded. "But she's probably gone on by now."

"If you'd like to catch up to her---"

"Maybe later," Neville said, more worried about Ginny's ankle.

Ginny smiled. "Thanks."

"Are you hungry?" he asked. "I could um... I could see if I can nick anything from the kitchens..."

"Why are you being so sweet to me?" Ginny asked, feeling a twinge of guilt.

"You're my friend," he avoided her eyes.

"You'd do this for any of your friends," Ginny said softly. "That's just how you are. Neville, I'm so happy that I have you."

Neville smiled at her. "Always."

Ginny smiled back at him. She was feeling hungry. "If you wouldn't mind, I am sort of hungry."

He nodded. "I'll go nick us something from downstairs."

"Thanks, Nev," Ginny said. "I really, really appreciate it."

He headed downstairs and Ginny leaned back against the comfortable sofa.

Ginny reasoned that her behaviour was acceptable if it kept Neville from being hurt by that tart. Neville deserved better than that.

She blinked and yawned- it was really quite warm due to the burning fire and she let her head fall back against the cushions. "A little kip won't hurt," she said softly to herself.

The next thing she knew, she found herself in the Great Hall for what seemed to be the Yule Ball. The long tables were moved off to the side and the entire room looked like a winter wonderland. Ginny looked around for her friends, but she was the only one in the room.

To her delight, Draco Malfoy came striding toward her, carrying a rose. "My lady...."

Ginny blushed. "Thank you," she said in surprise, reaching for the rose.

"You look beautiful," Draco said as charming as ever.

Ginny hadn't noticed her dress, which was a shimmering blue and swirled around her. "Thanks," she replied. "You look so handsome."

Draco grinned. "Of course I do."

"Where's everyone else?" Ginny asked as music suddenly filled the room.

"We don't need anyone else," Draco said taking her hand. "Just you and me."

She nodded. "I've been waiting for this," she said as he pulled her into his arms.

"Me too," Draco said holding her close as they began to move.

Ginny closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

She had gone to other Yule Balls, of course, but had only gone with her friends. Never with a date, and nothing like this.

"I never thought we'd be together like this," he whispered in her ear. Ginny looked up in surprise. That wasn't Draco's voice.

"Neville?" she asked her eyes wide. "When... where...."

"I've been here all along," he said softly. "Waiting for you."

"You have?" she asked.

Neville nodded. "You have to have seen how crazy I am about you."

"Neville," Ginny said softly as her heart nearly leapt out of her chest.

"Could you...could you feel the same way about me?" Neville asked hopefully.

Ginny couldn't speak over the lump in her throat but found herself leaning closer to him.

His lips brushed against hers.

Her arms went around his neck and she pressed her lips back against his.

She didn't have anything to compare the kiss to, but this felt absolutely incredible. Ginny couldn't believe how right this felt, to be here with him, just like this.


"You're an amazing girl, Ginny." he said, his forehead resting against hers. "I want to be with you so much."

"Why didn't you say something?" Ginny asked.

Neville shrugged. "I never thought you'd feel this way about me."

"How could I not?" Ginny asked looking into his warm brown eyes.

He grinned at her. "You just made my year, you know." he swung her around.

Ginny giggled. "Neville!"

"Ginny...Earth to Ginny? Hello?"

Her eyes popped open and she gasped. "Neville?"

Neville set the plates down on one of the tables. "You fell asleep, eh?"

"Just for a minute," Ginny said softly, blushing.

"Everything okay?" Neville asked.

"Fine," she answered quickly.

Neville handed her a plate. "Dobby seemed to think you'd like this. Tomato, pesto and mozzarella on sourdough bread."

"That does sound delicious," Ginny answered, propping herself up. "Thank you so much for doing this for me, Neville."

Neville shrugged. "It was no problem. I told you I was happy to do it."

Ginny smiled at him as she began to eat. Heat crept up her neck as she remembered her dream.

"Dobby told me that he was thinking of asking Winky to get married," Neville told her.

Ginny laughed. "Are you serious?"

Neville nodded. "He was asking me for all these ideas on the best way to propose."

"What did you tell him?" Ginny asked.

Neville laughed. "Well, I told him that he should just ask her and hope for the best. If it's meant to be, it'll happen."

She nodded. "I agree with that."

"Oh and he wanted to know if Harry would be his best man," Neville said chuckling.

Ginny laughed even harder. "That's too funny!"

"Maybe Winky will ask you to be her maid of honour," Neville teased.

"Just what I always wanted," Ginny replied with a grin.

"I should keep quiet before they ask me to be the ring bearer," Neville mused.

"He's probably listening and making a list right now," Ginny said.

Neville frowned. "He probably is..."

Ginny giggled. "Better get your pillow ready."

"And you'd better be prepared to wear a dress with a bow as big as your head," Neville laughed.

Ginny shook her head. "I'd still look damn good in it."

"Yes you would," Neville said smiling shyly at her.

Ginny blushed again as she finished her dinner. "That was really good. I'll have to thank Dobby."

"How are you feeling?" Neville asked her.

"Fine," Ginny had forgotten about her ankle.

"I'd love to help you up to your room, but you know the rules," Neville said. "Hopefully Sarah or Natalie will come back soon...”

"I think I can walk," Ginny replied. "I've been off it for awhile now."

"Just promise me you'll take it easy," Neville said.

"I promise," Ginny said. "Thanks for eating with me. I know you were supposed to go eat with Susan and--"

"It's okay," Neville told her. "I ran into her downstairs on my way back up here with the food."

"What did she say?" Ginny couldn't help her curiosity.

Neville shrugged. "She just wanted to know if you were okay."

"Oh," Ginny said. "That was nice of her."

"Sue's a nice girl," Neville said gathering their plates.

"And a tramp," Ginny muttered under her breath.

"What's that?" Neville asked.

"Nothing," Ginny said hastily. "I'm um... going to go up and read up on Herbology."

"I'm really glad you're okay, Ginny," Neville said getting to his feet.

"Thanks to you," Ginny said, shifting her weight on her so called good ankle.

"Do you need any help navigating the steps?" Neville asked.

"I'm okay," Ginny answered. "Thanks."

"Good night then," Neville said softly.

"Night," Ginny leaned forward and kissed his cheek, letting her lips linger a bit longer than necessary.

Neville nearly dropped the dishes in his hands at her gesture.

"I'll see you in the morning," Ginny said.

Neville could only nod as he watched her limp toward the staircase.

Once she was out of his sight, Ginny began to walk normally. The dream still played on her mind and she wondered what it meant- having Draco turn into Neville.

Draco and Neville were as different as night and day. Draco was confident to the point of arrogance and he was one of the most popular boys in the school.

But Neville was popular in his own shy, quiet way. During his years here he'd earned respect from a lot of different people- even Harry.

More importantly, she could be herself with Neville. He was so easy to talk to and she never felt like uncomfortable or awkward around him. With Draco, she was always trying to think of the right thing to say.

Ginny recalled Natalie's words from earlier- You fancy Longbottom. Could she have been right?

*** *** ***

Even though the Yule Ball was a few months away, now that Ron knew Ernie was interested in Luna he wanted to beat him to the punch in asking her to be his date. Hopefully it wouldn't turn into the disaster that seemed to occur whenever he tried to be romantic with her.

"Luna, we'd have a lot of fun if we went to the ball together," he coached himself. "As dates- because no one goes to the ball without a date, right?" he laughed at himself then groaned.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Luna asked coming up behind him.

"What?" Ron nearly jumped out of his skin.

Luna smiled. "Ronald, you certainly are jumpy."

He told himself to recover. "What are you up to?"

"Just walking around," Luna replied. "What are you doing?

"Same," Ron answered. "We could walk around together..."

"That'd be nice," Luna said linking her arm in his.

Ron was elated by her move. "All right then," he grinned at her.

Luna wasn't saying anything. She had a dreamy expression on her face, which wasn't any different from how she usually was, but Ron wished she'd say something so he wouldn't have to think of anything himself.

"Um... so how's the next edition of the Quibbler?" he asked lamely.

"Great," Luna replied. "Daddy's working really hard on this issue. Vampires."

"Really," Ron answered. "Tell me more."

"Daddy's been in Romania the last few weeks getting interviews with some of them," Luna said. "His last letter was full of all these interesting stories. I can't wait to read the articles."

"Me either," Ron answered. "It's a great newspaper Luna."

Luna beamed at him. "Thank you, Ronald. I'm glad you think so."

"You should write for it again," Ron replied. "I really liked those articles on Nargles you did."

"I'm going to work for him this summer," Luna told him. "Have you thought any more about your brothers' offer?"

"A little bit," Ron nodded. "I think I'm going to take it."

"You're going to be great at it," Luna said giving him a hug. "That's such a great opportunity!"

Ron hugged her back tightly. "Um Luna?"

"Yes?" Luna asked.

"You know the ball..." Ron cleared his throat. "The ball?"

Luna looked quizzically at him. "You want to play a game?"

"No," Ron fumbled. "I um... I was thinking, I know it's early--"

"It's not really early," Luna said looking at her watch. "It's just gone two in the afternoon."

Ron sighed. What the hell was wrong with him- why couldn't he figure out what to say?

Luna giggled. "Ronald, you are so funny!"

"Thanks," Ron managed a wan smile.

"Do you want to stay inside or should we continue our walk by the lake?" Luna asked.

"How about outside?" he asked. "It's another nice day today."

Luna nodded. "That'd be nice." She and Ron headed out the doors and Ron groaned when he saw Ernie Macmillan striding toward the castle.

"On second thought, let's stay inside," Ron said grabbing Luna and pulling her back into the castle.


"We can go out later," he flashed her a quick smile.

"Okay," Luna said raising an eyebrow at him.

Ron propelled her quickly away from the front doors. "We could get something to eat."

"Didn't you just eat lunch?" Luna asked.

"Well yes," Ron replied. "But I can always find room to eat here."

Luna smiled. "You eat more than anyone I know."

"Is that a good thing?" he asked.

Luna linked her arm in his again. "I like to watch you eat. You always seem as if you're having the time of your life."

"Well sort of," Ron smiled at her. "It's one of my favourite things to do but not my top favourite."

"What's your favourite?" Luna asked.

He wasn't sure he wanted to admit that it was spending time with her. "Um... sleeping," he covered quickly and wanted to hit himself in the head.

"I love sleeping too," Luna said smiling at him. "I love my dreams. I truly believe they are windows into your soul."

"Yeah?" he asked. "What do you dream about?"

"All kinds of things," Luna replied. "Sometimes about my mum."

"I remember when that happened," Ron looked over at her. "I think it's cool you still think about her."

"I think about her every single day," Luna said softly.

He had never seen Luna show much emotion, at least not sadness. But here she was wiping her eyes, so he did the only thing he could think of and enveloped her in his arms gently.

Luna sobbed into his shoulder. "T-thank you, Ronald."

He stroked her hair. "I haven't been in your place," he told her. "But if you need to talk I'll listen."

"My father's been great," Luna told him. "But there's some things that a girl can only talk about with her mother..."

"You know that my mum loves you," he told her. "If you ever need her, she'd be delighted to hear from you."

"She's so busy though," Luna said. "I couldn't ask---"

"She would always make time for you," Ron interrupted.

Luna hugged him again. "Your family's always been so great to Daddy and me."

Ron felt his heart leap into his throat. This was the most contact he'd ever had with her. "I'm happy to help..."

"You have helped," Luna said kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you, Ronald."

Ron nearly passed out as her lips touched his skin. "Anytime..." he managed.

"Let's go on to the kitchens," Luna said. "I know you're hungry."

"A little," he agreed. “I'll get you some hot chocolate."

"That sounds great," Luna said.

"Always makes me feel better." he reached for her hand.

They passed a bulletin board on their way to the kitchens that had a big poster announcing the Yule Ball.

Ron remembered his mission. "So what I was trying to say earlier..."

"About playing ball?" Luna asked.

"Well not playing ball," Ron answered, angry at himself for feeling nervous again. "But um... we could go--"

"I'm not really much for sport," Luna told him. "I'm sure if you wanted to play ball..."

"I don't," Ron said exasperatedly.

"Then why were you talking about it?" Luna asked pulling a confused face. "Ronald, it is a nice day. If you'd like to go play ball, you can."

Ron sighed and shook his head. "Never mind," he said glumly.

"Let's get that hot chocolate," Luna said.

"Right," Ron nodded, leading her to the kitchens.

The kitchen was empty and Luna told Ron to sit down. "I'll make it for us."

"Okay," Ron replied. "You sure? I bet I can find Dobby--"

"It's the least I can do after you let me cry on your shoulder," Luna said. "Sit."

Ron sat. "Thanks Luna."

Luna smiled at him and went over to the cabinets. "How about food? What would you like?"

Ron grinned at her. "My range is enormous. Surprise me."

"So fried worm guts and sour cream it is," Luna said thoughtfully.

"That's the most appetizing thing I heard all day," Ron joked.

Luna looked in the cabinets. "Oh...well sorry to disappoint. They're all out. You'll have to settle for scones and jam."

"I'll make do," Ron got up to help her.

"Sit down," Luna said. "I've got this."

"I don't mind helping," he answered.

"I know, but this is my treat for you," Luna said smiling at him. "So sit down, please."

"Are you sure?" he asked, pleased at her attention.

"Ronald," Luna said looking sternly at him.

Ron held up his hands. "Okay, okay... I'm sitting."

"Good boy," Luna said returning her attention to making the hot chocolate.

Ron watched her as she looked over the stove. Merlin, he wanted her so badly! He just couldn't seem to get his foot out of his mouth long enough to ask her out.

Why couldn't he just be a man and ask her? It was a simple question. She'd probably say yes. All he had to do was ask.

"Ronald," Luna said looking over her shoulder at him. "I was thinking..."

"Yeah?" he asked, snapping out of his daze.

"The Yule Ball is coming up soon," Luna said.

"I know," Ron said. "In fact, I was rather hoping--"

"I was thinking that it'd be nice to go with a friend," Luna said thoughtfully. "So I was thinking if you weren't going with anyone, perhaps we could go together?"

"What?" Ron asked dumbly.

"If you have someone lined up already, it's okay," Luna reassured him, setting a mug of hot chocolate in front of him.

"I don't," Ron said. "I want to go with you."

Luna smiled at him. "Great."

He could hardly believe it. He hadn't managed to ask her yet they were going together. He was going to the Yule Ball with Luna!

"I'm really excited about it," Luna told him. "I didn't go to the last one because I had the flu."

"I went with Padma Patil," Ron replied. "It wasn't really fun. She wasn't the greatest of dates."

"She said the same thing about you," Luna said getting the plate of scones and setting it between them.

Ron rolled his eyes. "She would say that."

"Padma can be kind of catty," Luna admitted.

"Nice job on the hot chocolate," Ron said. "Best I've ever had."

Luna beamed at him. "It's something my mum used to do. She used to put in a dash of cinnamon."

"Brilliant," he raised his mug.

"Your mum makes great hot chocolate, too," Luna said.

"You should know," Ron smiled at her. "You were over enough during the hols."

Luna blushed. "I love your home."

"We love having you there," Ron said. He didn't add that he loved it especially.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," Luna said touching his arm.

Ron wondered if perhaps now was the perfect time to tell her how he really felt. "Luna," he began. "I um... I really--"

"You have some whipped cream on your nose," Luna said handing him a napkin.

Ron swiped at his nose. "Did I get it?"

"Yes," Luna said. "You're just as handsome as ever."

Ron smiled at her. "Listen, Luna---"

"Hello," Harry said breezing into the kitchen. "I didn't know you two would be here."

"Hello, Harry," Luna said brightly. "We were just having a snack. Would you like a scone?"

"No thanks," Harry replied. "I need to see Dobby, actually."

"He's not here," Ron said through clenched teeth.

"Dobby's here, Harry Potter, sir!" the house elf exclaimed.

Harry grinned. "Dobby, I wondered if you could do me a huge favour..."

Dobby jumped up and down excitedly. "Dobby would be happy to help Harry Potter!"

Harry seemed a bit embarrassed. "Um... I need a dinner for two sent up to the Room of Requirement at around eight fifteen."

"How romantic!" Luna gushed. "I wish someone would do that for me!"

Ron clenched his hand in a fist and slumped down in his chair.

"Dobby would love to help you!" Dobby exclaimed. "Dobby knows just what to fix with Winky!"

"Great," Harry said. "I'll have some socks or something sent down as payment."

Dobby ran toward the cabinets and Luna smiled. "He's in his element."

Harry smiled in the direction of the house elf. "I knew I could count on him. I'll see you two later."

"Bye, Harry," Luna said dreamily. "Good luck tonight."

"Thanks," Harry gave Ron a significant look before leaving the kitchens.

Luna took another bite of her scone and studied Ron. "Are you upset because you fancy Hermione Granger?" she asked him.

"What?" Ron spluttered.

"You looked really upset when Harry mentioned his dinner with her," Luna said patting him on the arm.

"I don't care who Harry's going out with," Ron said a bit sullenly. He wished he had thought of the idea first. Now if he tried to do it, Luna would probably think he just copied Harry's plans.

Luna smiled sympathetically at him. "Ronald, you really should have said something sooner. Now she's never going to know how you feel."

"I don't like Granger!" Ron exclaimed. "Bloody hell, dating her would be like going out with Madam Pince. One wrong move and you get the glare..."

Luna collected their plates and mugs and again gave him that sympathetic look.

"I don't fancy her!" Ron protested. "I don't even like her!"

"You don't have to put a brave front for me," Luna said taking out her wand and performing a cleaning charm on their dishes.

"I'm not," Ron argued. "I don't fancy Granger I fancy--" he clamped his mouth shut at the last second.

"Parvati Patil," Dobby guessed.

Ron glared at the elf.

"Wheezy likes Parvy," Dobby sang to himself.

"You little--" Ron began angrily.

Luna gave him a warning look. "Don't be angry at Dobby, Ronald.”

Ron shook his head. "Let's get out of here," he muttered. Again, the day had turned out nothing like he wanted it to.

"Okay," Luna said. "Goodbye, Dobby!"

"Goodbye Loony Miss!" Dobby said. "And goodbye Wheezy!"

"I have to get back upstairs," Luna said to Ron. "I have some reading to do."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "You don't want to go for a walk outside?"

Luna shook her head. "Maybe some other time."

"Okay," Ron said quietly.

Luna gave him a hug. "Don't worry, Ronald. Everything will work out."

"Maybe," he answered, his arms going back around her. He could enjoy this at least.

"If you'd rather go to the ball with Parvati," Luna began.

"NO," Ron said, a bit more loudly than he thought.

Luna pulled away and looked at him. "I'm sorry---"

"It's okay," Ron said quietly. "Um... guess I'll see you later."

Luna made for the staircase, but she turned around. "Ronald? I really am happy that we're going to the ball together."

He felt hope flare up for the first time in awhile. "Me too," he answered. "We'll have loads of fun."

Luna smiled sweetly at him before heading up the stairs.

Ron watched her until she was gone. It may not have gone as he planned, but he was going to the ball with Luna Lovegood. "Yes!" he punched his fist in the air.

13. 13

We think you guys will really enjoy this chapter- it was lots of fun to write and it’s quite fluffy ;) Enjoy!

Harry had asked for Hermione to meet him in the common room so they could walk to the Room of Requirement together. Hermione looked at her watch. He was twenty minutes late and Hermione was starting to feel like the biggest fool in the world.

She'd wasted half of her afternoon getting ready for this date with Ginny's help and he was probably upstairs laughing with his roommates about what a fool he'd made out of her.

"This is just great," Hermione muttered. "I am not waiting here to be made a fool of." she turned to leave.

Harry was just coming through the Portrait Hall when he saw her heading for the stairs. "Hermione, wait!"

Hermione ignored him and kept walking.

"Wait," he called after her. "Look, I know I'm late, but I have a good reason..."

Hermione turned to face him, her arms crossed. "I bet you do," she answered coolly.

"I made the mistake of----wow," Harry said looking properly at her. "Hermione....you look beautiful."

She felt her stance soften. "I do?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Um...the real reason I'm late was that I made the mistake of going to see how things looked for our date and Dobby kept me there for nearly half an hour."

"Dobby did?" Hermione asked. "Really..."

Harry took her hand. "I wouldn't lie to you."

She was set to not believe him, but one look at his face and she nodded. "Okay."

"Are you ready to go?" he asked her.

"Yeah," Hermione answered. "I'm ready."

Harry smiled at her. "This will be much better than our first attempt at a date. I promise."

Hermione managed a smile back at him. "I think this time it'll be a lot better."

"When you hit rock bottom, you can only go up, right?" Harry asked.

"That date was pretty bad," Hermione shook her head. "But yesterday made up for it..."

"I promise no Firewhisky will be involved tonight," Harry told her.

Hermione sent him a wry grin. "Do I scare you when I'm pissed?"

"I never get scared," Harry replied.

"Never?" she asked.

"I am The Boy Who Lived, remember?" Harry asked rolling his eyes.

"How could anyone forget," she replied. "But everyone has their own fears."

"Even me," Harry admitted quietly.

"Even you," Hermione looked back over at him. "I wouldn't think less of you for having them."

"I used to be afraid I wouldn't make it to my seventh year," Harry said quickening his step. He didn't like talking about this and this certainly wasn't good date conversation.

She hurried to catch up to him. "But you did," Hermione reminded him. "And now we're here together." she reached for his hand.

"We are," Harry said forcing a smile. "Look, those things they're not easy to talk about."

"I know," she answered quickly. "Its nice that you're opening up a bit to me. But I won't push you to talk about this."

"I appreciate that," Harry said giving her a kiss.

Hermione hadn't expected him to do that so soon, but leaned into him, kissing him back.

"Hermione," Harry whispered.

"Yes?" she asked softly.

"You really do look beautiful," Harry said resting his forehead on hers.

"Thank you," her stomach was fluttering madly. "You look very handsome as well."

Harry was wearing a pair of khaki trousers and a dark blue jumper. "Thank you. We---we should probably get upstairs before Dobby sends out the search party."

"Okay," Hermione said, keeping her fingers woven with his as they walked upstairs.

"I hope you like what we set up for you," Harry said as they approached the seventh floor.

"I'm sure it'll be lovely," she answered, feeling very much like a giddy teenager. It was a new sensation for her- but not a bad one.

Dobby suddenly appeared, poking his head out of the door. "Come! Come in Come and Go Room!'

"Come and Go Room?" Hermione asked Harry.

"It's what he and the other elves call the Room of Requirement," Harry explained. "The Come and Go Room."

"Oh," Hermione said as he held the door open for her. "Thank you."

Harry walked inside and felt his jaw drop. Dobby had changed the room from how it had been just a few moments ago. For one thing, the entire room was pink.

"Oh my," Hermione's eyes were wide. "Um... this is nice..."

Dobby beamed at her.

"Dobby," Harry said kneeling down in front of the house elf. "Why---why did you change things?"

"To make it pleasing for Harry Potter sir..." The house elf stared at him with his large eyes.

"It's okay Harry," Hermione touched his shoulder.

"It's pink," Harry grumbled. "Everything is pink."

"Harry Potter sir doesn't like it..." Dobby's eyes drooped. "Dobby will change it for you--"

Harry shook his head, feeling bad for hurting the elf's feelings. "It's---it's perfect, Dobby."

"Yes Dobby," Hermione nodded. "You did a lovely job."

Dobby again beamed at her.

"How about we sit down?" Harry suggested.

"Sure," Hermione said as Harry led her over to the table.

"Sorry about this," Harry whispered in her ear as he held out the chair.

"I don't mind," Hermione told him as she sat down.

"He goes a bit overboard," Harry said. "And don't worry. I made sure he was paid for tonight's labour."

Hermione smiled. "How did you know I support elf rights?"

"I---I remember seeing the signs you put up for S.P.E.W," Harry replied, deciding not to tell her how Ron had nearly fallen all over himself laughing at the club and calling it Spew.

"I didn't think anyone paid any attention to that," she said softly.

Harry smiled at her. "I did."

"I remember hearing you freed Dobby from the Malfoys," Hermione put her napkin over her lap.

"He saved my life inadvertently," Harry said. "And it was the least I could do. Besides, living with the Malfoys isn't a punishment I'd wish on anyone."

"You can say that again," Hermione muttered.

"What would you like to drink?" Harry asked her.

"Um, some ice water would be nice," Hermione answered.

Harry turned to tell Dobby, but the house elf was already setting a glass of water in front of Hermione.

"Thank you," Hermione said to the little creature.

"Make that two," Harry said to Dobby.

"Anything else for Harry Potter and his love?" Dobby asked.

Hermione nearly choked on her water. "His what?"

"Dobby," Harry's face was red. "We're fine. You don't have to stay now if you want to get back to Winky."

"Harry Potter is sure?" Dobby asked.

"Yes," Harry said through clenched teeth.

Dobby gave a little bow before disappearing.

"I'm sorry about that," Harry said. "He was just---"

"He's a little outspoken," Hermione nodded. "Right."

"This is only our second date," Harry kept going. "I didn't tell him that we were----well that we were---"

"I know you didn't," Hermione reassured him.

"I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable," Harry said meeting her gaze.

Hermione looked into his eyes. "I don't," she whispered.

"Good," Harry said smiling at her. "Neither do I."

"Um... so what's he bringing for us?" Hermione asked.

"Well, the plan was for something Italian," Harry told her. "But...since he changed the room from how I planned, I wouldn't be surprised to see him come out here with something completely different."

Hermione smiled. "The room isn't all bad."

"I've never seen so much pink in all my life," Harry said shaking his head.

Hermione laughed. "I've seen enough, rooming with Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. Thank goodness I have my own room this year."

"That has to be nice," Harry said. "Makes me wish I'd worked a little harder."

"I'd rather have you than Malfoy," Hermione rolled her eyes. "I don't know why Dumbledore picked him. He's useless."

"I would have thought Ernie Macmillan would have gotten it," Harry said.

Hermione shrugged. "I think the board stepped in and had Dumbledore do it."

"Well, at least they got something right," Harry said smiling at her. "They picked you."

Hermione blushed a bit. "I'm glad. I worked hard to get here."

"Persistence and hard work do pay off," Harry said looking pointedly at her. "It finally got me where I wanted to be… right here. With you."

"Point taken," Hermione said with a grin. "For what it's worth... I'm enjoying this. A lot."

Dobby came into the room one last time with their dinner and he set their covered plates before the couple.

"Dobby's specialty for Harry Potter and his love!" Dobby announced.

"Dobby," Harry sighed and then decided it wasn't worth the effort to correct the elf. "Thanks."

Dobby waited expectantly for them to look at the food. Hermione took the initiative and uncovered her plate to reveal chicken parmesan. "Dobby, this looks delicious!"

Harry nodded. "Definitely. Thanks so much Dobby." he smiled gratefully at the elf. "I owe you."

Dobby beamed at him. "Dobby must go tell Winky!"

Harry laughed as the elf disappeared. "He is too much."

"He wants to please you," Hermione said softly. "I think it's sweet."

"He's helped me loads of times," Harry replied. "This is no exception."

"You ever done this before?" Hermione asked. "Bring a girl up here?"

Harry shook his head. "I haven't really had time for girlfriends."

"But---" Hermione started to say, but she stopped herself.

"What?" he asked.

"It's just that I've heard rumours," Hermione said looking down at her plate.

"Such as?" he asked.

"That you----well, that you've been around," Hermione said blushing.

Harry shook his head. "Totally untrue. I would have hoped you'd know better than to believe those sorts of things."

"I'm sorry," Hermione said quietly.

"It's okay," Harry replied. "Let's just eat."

"Right," Hermione said, picking up her fork.

They ate in silence for a few minutes. "So... what else do you do for fun?"

"Books and old movies is pretty much it," Hermione told him.

"There's got to be something else," Harry prodded. "Come on. I promise not to tell."

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know..."

"Come on..."

"I like going to museums," Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Scandalous," Harry said with a grin.

Hermione giggled. "You want some big confession, do you?"

"Sure," Harry sat back.

"Um....well, sometimes I'll go for a jog around the lake in the mornings before class," Hermione told him.

Harry shook his head. "So you really don't break any rules... except for what you did to Snape?"

"And getting pissed in Hogsmeade," Hermione said blushing.

"Of course," Harry answered.

"I've never done something like that before," Hermione admitted.

"Me either," Harry told her as he finished his dinner.

"Never gotten a girl pissed?" Hermione asked.

"Never really been pissed myself, either." Harry answered. "I felt like shite for doing that to you."

"You didn't really do anything," Hermione reassured him. "I overreacted. You bought the first glass, but I was the one who drank the better part of the bottle. You...you tried to protect me by getting me out of there."

"I shouldn't have initiated it in the first place," Harry picked at a piece of bread.

"It's in the past," Hermione said reaching across the table for his hand. "We started over, remember?"

He linked their fingers together. "Right."

"Right," Hermione agreed. "So...."

"We could dance," Harry suggested. "I'm rubbish at it, but we can try."

Hermione was about to say that they didn't have any music, but suddenly the room was filled with it. "This room really does do just what you need..."

"I come here sometimes when I need to be by myself," Harry said. "And Dumbledore and I trained here when I was... when I was getting ready to battle Voldemort."

Hermione couldn't have imagined what that was like for him. The weight of their world had been on his shoulders.

Harry held his hand out to her. "Come on," he said. "I'll do my best to not step on your feet."

"Okay," Hermione said taking his hand.

He pulled her close, liking how her body fit neatly against his.

"Not bad so far," Hermione said resting her head on his shoulder.

Harry closed his eyes as they moved around together. "Not at all," he agreed softly.

Hermione closed her eyes as well and felt for sure he could hear her heart beating loudly. It felt so right to be with him like this.

Harry kept his eyes closed and tried not to think of Malfoy paying him to do this. True, he hadn't paid him to be with Hermione that night, but he had to get him to take her to Hogsmeade.

"This is nice," Hermione whispered.

"Yes it is," he answered, running his hands up and down her back.

Hermione lifted her head from his shoulder and looked up into his green eyes.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight?" he asked softly.

"You said I was beautiful earlier," Hermione replied.

"I forgot," Harry admitted. "And it'd be a shame if I didn't tell you..." he touched her cheek.

"Are you going to kiss me?" Hermione asked.

"Is that what you'd like?" Harry asked her.

"Maybe," Hermione replied coyly.

"That so?" Harry smiled.

Hermione looped her arms around his neck. "It's one of my things I like to do for fun."

"Kiss me?" Harry's smile turned into a grin. "After only a day?"

"I know a good thing when I see it," Hermione said leaning in.

"Me too," Harry sealed his lips over hers.

Hermione had been waiting for this since the moment they'd stepped into the room.

His arms slid around her waist, almost lifting her against him.

"Mmmm," Hermione murmured.

"I think we need a sofa," Harry mumbled, barely pulling his mouth from hers.

"That'd be nice," Hermione said dazedly.

"Over there," he tugged on her hands.

"Good thing you didn't wish for a bed," Hermione said before she could stop herself. "I mean..."

Harry also turned red. "No..." he answered. "Just um... just a sofa."

"A sofa is fine," Hermione said putting her head in her hands. "I've ruined the moment."

"No you haven't," Harry replied.

"Yes, I did," Hermione said sitting down on the sofa. "It's just---this is all new to me."

Harry sat down next to her. "It's sort of new to me too."

"You're definitely more experienced than me," Hermione said. "And Malfoy and I never did anything. I still can't believe I wasted any time on him."

"Don't think about that creep," Harry said quickly. "He's not worth your time."

"I guess everyone has their regrets," Hermione said softly.

"I can tell you one thing," Harry began. "Getting to know you isn't on the list of mine."

Hermione rested her head on his shoulder and he put his arm around her. "Just be patient with me. That's all I ask."

"No problem there," Harry pulled her close. "I plan on taking all sorts of time with you."

"I don't want to be hurt again," Hermione said.

"I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Harry replied.

She wasn't so sure he could make such a promise, but she wanted to believe him.

"Hermione," he said softly. "You can trust me, remember?"

"I want to," Hermione said looking at him. "I do, it's just not easy for me."

"We'll just have to work through it together," Harry squeezed her hand.

"Thank you," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

"In the meantime," Harry brushed his lips over hers. "We can do a little bit of this..."

Hermione smiled. "I like that."

"And a little bit of that..." Harry pulled her close again.

"That'd be nice," Hermione said softly.

He ran his hands up through her hair as he kissed her again.

"Much better than our first date," Hermione said when they pulled apart.

"Yes," Harry said, leaning in.

This time, Hermione took the initiative and kissed him pulling him down with her.

They fell backward on the sofa and Harry deepened the kiss.

For once, she was enjoying being in the moment. She didn't care that she had rounds to do once they were finished here or that she had an essay she should be working on. Right now, nothing else mattered.

"Is this still okay?" Harry asked, their lips breaking apart momentarily.

The fact that he'd ask her that question made her want to swoon. She nodded. "Yes."

"Just let me know if I start to go too far," he tucked her hair behind her ear.

Hermione smiled up at him. "Okay."

They began snogging again as Harry pulled her over on top of him.

Hermione was thrown for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"Just go with it," Harry sensed her hesitation.

Hermione leaned down and pressed her lips to his.

His hands ran over her back and then, after a moment, he let his fingers trail under her shirt.


"Too much," he said. "Sorry..."

"No, it just took me by surprise is all," Hermione reassured him.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Hermione nodded and guided his hand back to where it had been.

"Okay," he whispered.

"Just...just go slowly," Hermione said.

"Anything you want," Harry said softly.

"You may live to regret those words," Hermione teased.

"With the way things are going?" he asked with a grin.

"Good answer," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

"Very good," Harry pulled her back down to him.

What he was doing felt amazing and though she was scared, she trusted him.

Her skin was soft under his fingers as he ran them up her back. "Hermione..." he muttered.

"Yes?" Hermione purred.

"Do that again..."

"This?" Hermione asked, arching against him.

Harry let out a strangled groan.

Hermione smiled triumphantly.

It was his turn, Harry thought. He ran his hand back up under her shirt and over her bare skin.

Hermione's breath caught in her throat. "Mmmmmmm," she murmured.

"You are amazing, Granger." Harry's lips brushed over her ear.

"You know," Hermione said closing her eyes. "Since we are doing things like this and that you could call me by my first name..."

"Sorry," Harry replied. "Habit. I keep expecting you to call me Potter."

"You're not so annoying anymore," Hermione said laughing.

"Neither are you," Harry poked her side.

Hermione laughed even harder. "Don't do that!"

"This?" Harry asked with a grin, squeezing her side.

"Yes," Hermione said as he tickled her. "Harry!"

"You're so cute when you laugh," Harry replied.

"No one's ever called me cute," Hermione said cuddling up beside him.

"Always a first for everything," Harry said wrapping his arms around her.

"This has been the best night," Hermione said softly.

"I'm glad you think so," Harry replied. "Maybe we should consider this our first date."

"In a pink room," Hermione said. "With a pink sofa...."

"Ugh," Harry rolled his eyes. "This makes me hate pink more than ever."

"It's not that bad," Hermione said softly.

"You aren't that bad," Harry said. "And I guess I'm not as vile even more than before?" he teased.

"You've kind of grown on me," Hermione said. She didn't want to look at her watch, but she knew it was getting late.

"Good to know," Harry answered.

"Where do we go from here?" Hermione asked.

"I'm not sure yet," Harry confessed. "I guess we'll just take things as they come."

"I'm not usually so spontaneous," Hermione admitted. "I usually like to plan everything out to the smallest detail."

"I'm pretty much the opposite," Harry said. "I mean, for a long time, I never thought details mattered. It was all about getting to the next day."

Hermione touched his cheek. "But you did make it."

"Yeah," he nodded. "I did."

"I can't imagine what that was like for you," Hermione said softly.

"It's hard to describe," Harry said, not looking at her. "No one could ever really understand."

Hermione knew he didn't want to talk about it and so she changed the subject. "How would you like to walk me back to my room?"

"Sure," Harry nodded. "I'd like that."

"I might even let you kiss me good night if you play your cards right," Hermione said, standing up and looking down at him with a grin.

"You might, eh?" Harry pushed himself off the sofa.

"Maybe," Hermione said hitting him playfully on the arm.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, kissing her deeply.

Hermione felt a little dazed when they pulled apart. "Um...wow..."

"Yeah," Harry agreed. "Amazing."

"We'd better go," Hermione said taking his hand.

Harry nodded as he led her out of the room

"It's past curfew," Hermione said looking at him. "Hopefully we won't run into Filch on our way back."

"You can just use your Head Girl status to get us out of punishment." Harry nudged her shoulder.

"I could tell Filch that I caught you snogging some girl in the Room of Requirement and I was personally escorting you back to Gryffindor Tower where I was going to punish you," Hermione said nudging him back.

"That depends on the kind of punishment you're talking about." Harry said with a wicked grin.

Hermione blushed. "Harry..."

"Sorry," he held up his free hand. "Too much thinking out loud. And being around guys like Ron and Seamus all the time."

"I imagine they don't care for me," Hermione said. Truth be told, she and Ron Weasley clashed on a regular basis.

"Their loss for not taking the chance to get to know you," Harry looked over at her.

"Well, I haven't exactly been friendly and welcoming to them, either," Hermione said.

"So we all need to work on things," Harry said. "It's our last year. Why shouldn't we all get along?"

"Spoken like a true diplomat," Hermione said taking his hand.

Harry laughed. "I try."

"But you're right," Hermione said. "I should make more of an effort. The only people other than you that I'm friendly with are Neville and Ginny."

"Neville's a good bloke," Harry commented. "And Ginny's like a little sister to me."

"She used to have a crush on you," Hermione said.

"Ginny? Harry asked. "Yeah I know."

"I think everyone knew," Hermione said.

"She's not my type," Harry said meaningfully.

"You like brunettes?" Hermione asked grinning at him.

"I do," Harry answered. "Smart, beautiful brunettes."

Hermione felt like she floated back to Gryffindor Tower. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had such a wonderful evening.

"So I guess this is good night," Harry said when they reached the stairs to her room. "I'm glad you waited for me."

"Me too," Hermione said softly.

Harry leaned in. "Do I get to kiss you then?"

"I think so," Hermione said smiling at him.

"You think?" he teased. "I want you to be sure."

"Kiss me already," Hermione said looping her arms around his neck.

Harry leaned in and kissed her, sliding his hands around her waist and pulling her into him.

"Good night," Hermione said dreamily pulling away.

"Night," Harry kissed her briefly again.

Hermione hurried upstairs without looking back at him. She knew if she did, she'd run back into his arms.

Harry watched her until she was gone. Part of him wanted to go back and start the evening all over again so he could be with her longer. The other part was continuously berating him over Malfoy's little wager.

He'd been stupid to make that bet with Malfoy. He couldn't trust Malfoy any further than he could throw him and who's to say Malfoy wouldn't run and tell this to Hermione the first chance he had?

His best hope was probably to tell Hermione what was going on. But she had not said anything about the pact and he was sure he wasn't even supposed to know about it. Perhaps Malfoy wouldn't say anything at all, as long as he was getting Ginny. He supposed he'd have to wait and see.


He turned. "Yeah?"

Hermione stood at the foot of the stairs. She was biting her bottom lip and looking as if she wanted to ask him something. "Um...."

"Is everything okay?" he asked, walking back towards her.

"I was kind of wondering," Hermione stammered. "If...if you'd like to...well, if you might want to sleep with me?"

For a moment Harry was positively he hadn't heard correctly. "Come again?"

Hermione put her head in her hands when she realised what she'd just said. "Not like that! I just---I was wondering if maybe...you'd want to...sleep....in my bed with me? Just sleep."

"You want me to come up there with you?" Harry asked. "And stay in your room?"

Hermione nodded, suddenly feeling very shy. "Only if you want..."

Harry gulped. He wondered if was wise of him to go up there. He knew how easily lost he was when kissing her.

"I understand," Hermione said feeling like a fool.

"It's not that," Harry caught her hand. "I just... I'm a seventeen year old guy, Hermione. I pretty much live off hormones. I don't exactly trust myself around you."

Hermione smiled. "Harry..."

"You're not mad are you?" he asked warily.

Hermione shook her head. "No, I'm not mad. It was just---it was just an idea."

"Maybe soon," Harry promised. "Once we get more used to things..."

"I don't know what came over me," Hermione said blushing. "I mean, that's against like 50 school rules..."

"I can't believe Hermione Granger would even break one," Harry teased, still holding her hand.

"Me either," Hermione said. "Someone's been a bad influence."

"Uh oh," Harry leaned in and kissed her.

"Good night," Hermione said touching his cheek.

"I'll see you in the morning," Harry answered. "We'll go to breakfast together."

"I can't wait," Hermione said softly.

"Me either," Harry said. "Good night."

Hermione gave him a little wave before disappearing upstairs yet again.

Harry was amazed as she walked upstairs. She had wanted him to stay all night with her! It had literally taken all his willpower to say no, but he didn't want to take advantage of her.

He was too wired to go to sleep and decided that he needed a cold, cold shower.

"More like a dip in the ice cold lake," he muttered, heading for the loo.

He wasn't going to turn her down again anytime soon. He really wanted to treat her with care. She'd been hurt before and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her again.

14. 14

A lot of you guys will like this chapter- something big finally happens for one pair, and something not so great happens for another. Enjoy!

Draco Malfoy kept one eye on the doors to the Great Hall while pretending to listen to Pansy Parkinson go on and on about what they'd done last night. He needed to see if Potter had made any headway with Granger. Draco was beyond impatient. He was ready for something to happen. He'd never go through this much hassle for just some girl.

"Where the hell are you?" he asked impatiently.

"Right here," Pansy said putting her hand on his thigh.

"Not you," Draco snapped. "Potter."

Pansy withdrew her hand. "Excuse me!"

Draco rolled his eyes before catching sight of Potter casually making his way in his direction.

"Go and get me some toast," Malfoy said to the Slytherin girl.

"I am not your slave," Pansy said indignantly.

"Then just go away," Draco said glaring at her.

Pansy huffed before stomping off.

Malfoy motioned for Harry to come over but the Gryffindor ignored him.

"Potter!" Malfoy snapped.

Harry turned around. "What?"

"I need to have a word with you," Draco said. "Privately."

"Not in here," Harry said looking over his shoulder to make sure Hermione wasn't here. "I'll meet you outside in five minutes."

"Fine," Draco said shortly.

Draco finished his breakfast and saw that Ginny Weasley had entered the Great Hall. He tried to get her attention but she was in deep in conversation with...Seamus Finnigan. What the hell was that all about?

Finnigan had better not be trying to make a move on her, he thought grimly.

Seamus looked at Ginny in disbelief. "Susan Bones? You can't be serious..."

"Why not?" Ginny asked. "She's... pretty- and smart, obviously."

Seamus shrugged. "I don't know. To tell you the truth, I think Nev fancies her."

Ginny felt her insides go cold. "You do?"

"They're always hanging out," Seamus pointed out.

"I think they just study together," Ginny answered quietly.

"Why would you want me to take her to Hogsmeade?" Seamus asked.

"Because I heard she likes you," Ginny answered. "And I thought... it might be nice."

Seamus turned around and glimpsed at the Hufflepuff table. Susan was sitting with a few of her friends and talking animatedly about something. "She is pretty," he admitted to Ginny. "But I was thinking of asking Victoria Frobisher."

"Her?" Ginny frowned.

"What's wrong with Victoria?" Seamus asked.

Ginny shrugged. "Nothing, I guess."

"Have you heard something?" Seamus asked.

"No," Ginny shook her head. "I was just hoping you fancied Susan back, is all."

Seamus wasn't convinced. Truth be told, he thought Frobisher was trying to play him. "I suppose I could ask Susan. You know, see if she's keen..."

Ginny's smile returned. "Really? That's great, Seamus!"

"I'll go and ask her," Seamus said getting to his feet.

Ginny sat back and grinned. This was perfect. Now Susan would be preoccupied with Seamus and not bother Neville.

Just outside the Great Hall, Draco was waiting for Harry. He needed to know how things were progressing with Granger.

Harry finally emerged a few minutes later. "What is it?" he asked coolly.

"You and the Mud----you and Granger," Malfoy corrected. "How's that going?"

"Fine," Harry crossed his arms.

"What do you mean by fine?" Draco snapped.

"Things are fine," Harry replied. "Why do you even care? You got your date with Ginny."

"Things haven't gone exactly as I would have liked," Draco admitted begrudgingly. "I was just making sure you were keeping up your end of the bargain."

"We had one date," Harry chose not to mention that he was still seeing Hermione. "That was our deal."

"You need to ask her out again," Draco said impatiently. "I'll double the wager."

Harry shook his head. "Not interested."

"I'll give you 500 galleons," Malfoy countered.

Harry raised an eyebrow but remained silent.

"Another Hogsmeade weekend coming up," Malfoy said. "Ask her and see what you can do.”

"I told you, I'm not interested," Harry replied. "And why should I help you?"

"Because I care about Ginny and you want her to be happy, right?" Malfoy replied.

"You don't care about her," Harry said disdainfully.

"Would I be going to this much trouble if I didn't?" Malfoy asked.

Harry shrugged.

"Look, I realise that Granger isn't exactly a prize," Malfoy said taking Harry's reluctance as a slight toward Hermione.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Harry rolled his eyes.

"She's a pain in the arse," Malfoy said. "And she's boring. But you're getting 500 galleons out of this, Potter. And you'd be helping out someone you claim to love like a sister."

Harry really didn't want to get involved again with Malfoy like this. He was still worried that the Slytherin would turn and blab everything to the school.

"What do you say?" Malfoy asked extending his hand.

Harry regarded him warily. He didn't want or need Malfoy's money, but he also knew that Malfoy hated parting with his gold and that was almost reason enough to do this. "Fine." he said, ignoring the blond's hand. "I'll ask her out again."

Malfoy grinned. "Good. And just so you know, lie to her about how great she looks. She'll eat it up."

"I know how to ask out a girl," Harry retorted.

"Just giving you a tip," Draco said before heading back into the Great Hall. He walked up behind Ginny and put his arms around her neck. "Good morning, Beautiful."

Ginny jumped and then smiled. "Hi Draco," she said softly.

"You look gorgeous as usual," he said sitting down beside her.

"Thanks," Ginny said. "What brings you by?"

"Do I need a reason?" Draco asked grinning at her.

"I suppose not," Ginny smiled back.

"What are you up to?" Draco asked.

"Just breakfast," Ginny said. "You?"

"Feeling really good about this weekend," Draco said putting an arm around her.

Ginny felt a small flutter in her stomach. "I heard it was a Hogsmeade weekend..." she hoped Harry would be asking Hermione again so she could go as well.

"It is," Draco said, not noticing Neville Longbottom standing behind them. He was contemplating sitting at the other end of the table when Ginny spotted him.

"Neville," Ginny said smiling at him. "Have a seat."

Neville glanced over at Malfoy, who sent him a nasty look. "Okay," he answered.

"How are you doing this morning?" Ginny asked.

"Good," Neville smiled at her. "How's your ankle?"

"Much better," Ginny said quietly.

"Your ankle?" Draco asked.

"I um... I twisted it," Ginny blushed. "Just being clumsy..."

"Want me to kiss it and make it better?" Draco asked flirtatiously.

Ginny laughed. "Maybe..."

Neville pushed his plate away.

"Let's go for a walk, Red." Draco reached for her hand.

"I'd love to," Ginny said taking his hand.

Draco kissed the back of her hand. "Maybe we can get some private time in down by the lake..."

Ginny blushed. "Um, we can't. Draco, classes will be starting soon."

"Just a quick one," Draco replied.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea," Ginny hedged. "I don't want to get detention..."

Draco frowned. "So you don't want to be alone with me, is that what you're saying?"

"No, of course not," Ginny said hastily. "I just don't want to get into trouble. My first class is Charms and I've already been late three times this term. Flitwick told me if I was late once more, I'd get detention."

"Well how about I walk you there then?" Draco squeezed her hand.

"That'd be nice," Ginny said. "I'll meet you at the door in just a minute."

"Great," Draco replied. "I'll get my things."

Neville had watched this little scene unfold and he couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth. "You deserve better, Ginny."

"What?" Ginny asked. "Why do you say that?"

Neville met her gaze. "I didn't mean to say that aloud. I'm sorry."

Ginny frowned. "But you obviously meant something by it."

"I don't like how he treats you," Neville said quietly. "I just think that you should be with someone who realises how special you are. Someone who cares about you..."

"And who would that be?" Ginny asked softly.

"Me," Neville said deciding it was now or never.

At first, Ginny didn't think she'd heard him right. "What?"

"Me," Neville said not looking away.

Heat crept up her neck and face as she remembered her dream. "You mean... you fancy me?"

Neville nodded. "For quite some time, actually."

Ginny sat back down with a thump. "Why didn't you ever say something before?"

"I never thought the feeling would be mutual," Neville admitted. "I thought it should have been obvious."

Ginny looked at him for several moments. "Neville..."

"I have to get to class," Neville said, already knowing what her response was going to be. The truth was, she was never going to see him as anything but poor, pitiful Neville.

"Wait," Ginny touched his arm. "Let me walk with you."

"What about Malfoy?" Neville asked her.

"I'll see him later," Ginny replied.

Neville couldn't believe she'd said that. "Um...okay..."

Ginny hardly knew what to say as they left the Great Hall. SHE was the one he fancied?

"I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," Neville apologised.

"You didn't," Ginny answered.

Neville thought about all the things he'd wanted to say to her for so long. The fact that she was with him now instead of walking with Malfoy had to say something, didn't it?

"So when you didn't want to tell me about this the girl you fancied, you were talking about me the whole time?" Ginny asked

Neville's cheeks reddened. "Yeah."

"I'm sorry I tried to push you," Ginny said.

He shook his head. "You weren't to know..."

Ginny stopped him. "Neville..."


"I like you too," Ginny said in a rush.

Neville looked at her. "As a friend?"

Ginny shook her head. "No..."

"As what?" Neville asked, feeling as if he was going to pass out.

"I think you were right," Ginny said, reaching for is his hand. "I deserve better... maybe even deserve a guy like you."

"Ginny," Neville said softly. He hesitated for a moment before pressing his lips to hers.

Ginny's eyes popped open in surprise as Neville kissed her.

To her delight, nothing bad happened. She dropped her books and kissed him back, hoping she was doing it right.

Neville wound his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him.

Ginny felt light-headed when they pulled apart. "That was my first kiss," she said softly.

"Mine too," he admitted.

"Really?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah," Neville said with some embarrassment.

Ginny saw a few of her classmates hurrying for the Charms classroom and she wished she had a time turner so she could go back a couple of minutes so she could kiss him again.

"You should go," Neville said squeezing her hand. "You don't want to be late."

"Will you meet me after class?" she asked. "So we can um... talk some more?"

Neville smiled. "I'd love to talk some more..."

"Okay," Ginny said, more thrills coursing through her.

Neville kissed her one last time. "Bye..."

"Bye," Ginny said dreamily. She almost floated to class, her mind on what had just happened.

She managed to make it to class just in time and slid into her seat beside Sarah.

"What's with you?" Sarah whispered.

"Nothing," Ginny replied, not wanting to share this just yet.

Ginny barely heard a word Professor Flitwick said. Her mind was reeling with what had just happened. She'd just had her first kiss and it had been absolutely perfect.

And of all people she wanted to talk to about it, Hermione Granger was foremost of the people she wanted to tell, even over her best friends. She had a feeling Hermione would know exactly how she felt.

When her class finally came to an end, she was hoping to see Neville waiting for her. But, she found Draco Malfoy leaning against the wall, his arms folded. He didn't look all that happy.

"What happened to you?" he demanded.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"Where the hell were you?" he asked angrily. "I waited for you by the doors like we agreed."

"I'm sorry," Ginny apologised. "I just... went right to class."

"What the hell is wrong with you, Red?" Draco asked. "You know, I think I've been a very patient bloke, but this is---"

"I said I was sorry," Ginny cut in. She wasn't about to tell him about Neville. "I don't really want detention and Flitwick's on the edge with me."

"Don't let it happen again," Draco said before stalking off.

Ginny shook her head. "What did I see in him?" she wondered.

Ginny walked in the direction of the dungeons and felt a smile play at her lips when she spotted Susan Bones and Seamus Finnigan walking hand in hand just a few feet ahead of her.

She felt bad for thinking nasty things about Susan, especially now that she knew Neville fancied her.

Neville fancied her. She couldn't believe it. Maybe he'd ask her to go to Hogsmeade this weekend and then perhaps the Yule Ball.

Ginny wrapped her arms around herself and let out a tiny excited squeal. Things were finally going her way.

Neville came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. "Sorry, I had to help clean up in Herbology. I got here as soon as I could."

Ginny turned around and smiled. "It's okay."

"I couldn't really concentrate," Neville said smiling at her.

"Me either," Ginny answered. "I was sort of thinking about other things..."

"I can't believe this is happening," Neville said taking her hand.

They headed for one of the unused classrooms. "I can't believe I was so blind," Ginny said, sitting on the edge of a desk.

He stood in front of her. "I should have said something sooner, but by then you were already with Malfoy. I just never dreamt that you'd feel the same way.”

"I didn't realise I did," Ginny admitted.

Neville took her hands in his. "You're amazing, Ginny. I know I'm blabbering on, but I can't help it. I've kept this inside for so long."

"I wish I had known," she said softly. "You've always been my friend, but until this year, I never saw you as anything but that."

"And now?" Neville asked.

"I see you as a lot more," Ginny smiled at him.

Neville grinned and pulled her close. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. She was here with him.

Ginny wrapped her arms around him. "Are you going to kiss me again?" she asked impishly.

"Maybe," Neville grinned.

"Maybe?" she asked. "Just maybe?"

Neville kissed her again, feeling more confident than he'd ever felt in his life.

Ginny closed her eyes and relished the feeling of his lips against hers. She was happier than she had been all year.

Neville rested his forehead on hers. "So, I guess we're still on for tonight's tutoring session then?"

"Tutoring?" Ginny asked dazedly.

"Herbology," Neville said softly.

"Oh yeah," Ginny giggled. "Um... yes. We're still on for tutoring."

Neville brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "And maybe some snogging....if you do well..."

"I'll study extra hard," Ginny promised softly.

Neville gave her another kiss, causing some of the other students walking by to make catcalls. He didn't care.

"You're really... really... good at that," Ginny blinked when he pulled away.

Neville blushed. "So are you."

Ginny smiled at him then groaned. "I have to get to Potions..."

"I have no idea where I'm supposed to go," Neville admitted.

"What?" Ginny laughed.

"I'm just a little dazed and confused," Neville said giving her hand a squeeze. "Thanks to you."

"I do my best," Ginny leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

"I'll see you at lunch," Neville said.

Ginny nodded. "I already can't wait."

Neville watched her head for Potions before he turned and headed for his next class. He still didn't know where Draco Malfoy figured into all this. But, Neville hoped that given what had just transpired, Draco Malfoy was out of the picture.

He slipped in at the last moment next to Harry. "Guess what?" he said in a hushed tone.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Ginny fancies me too," Neville couldn't contain his large grin.

Harry looked at him. "You told her?"

Neville nodded. "And we kissed."

Harry grinned back at him. "Congratulations, mate. That's fantastic."

Neville nodded. "Thanks."

"I'm glad it worked out for you," Harry said in a hushed tone. "You definitely were the better man."

"Thanks Harry," Neville said. "What do you think... Ron will say about this?"

"His bark will be worse than his bite," Harry said thoughtfully. "He'll talk a big game, but he knows you and he trusts you."

"I hope so," Neville said quietly.

Harry and Neville's conversation came to a halt as Professor McGonagall gave them a pointed look. Harry turned to his right and caught Hermione's eye. She smiled at him before returning her attention to her notes.

Neville waited until the professor was talking again before looking back over at Harry. "What's going on with you and Hermione?"

"We're friends," Harry said evasively.

"Hermione's a nice girl," Neville replied.

"She is," Harry agreed opening up his textbook.

Neville studied him for a long moment. "Promise me you won't hurt her."

Harry looked properly at him. "I wouldn't hurt her, Neville."

"Okay," he nodded.

Harry returned his attention to his textbook, but he kept thinking about that stupid bet. He couldn't shake the feeling that this would all blow up in his face and he'd break his promise to Neville. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Hermione.

A folded up piece of parchment suddenly appeared before him and he looked over in Hermione's direction. She looked deep in concentration. He unfolded the note.

For the first time that I can remember, I'm not able to concentrate. I blame you.

He smiled before grabbing his quill. You're a bad influence too, you know.... he wrote before sending the note back to her.

He watched out of the corner of his eye as she read his note. A few minutes later, she sent the note back to him. Me? A bad influence? You obviously do not know me, Harry Potter. I am the very model of decorum. I was wondering if you were going to stay here for the holidays?

I had planned on it, he wrote back. Why? Would you miss me if I went home?

Hermione read his response and waited a few moments before scribbling her own. I was planning on going home myself, but I might be persuaded to stay...

Tell me more... Harry scratched his quill over the parchment.

McGonagall has asked the ferret and me to stay behind because of the Yule Ball. I don't really want to go to that, but I figure I should stay to help with the preparations even if I'm not going to go. She waited until Professor McGonagall's head was turned before she sent the note back to Harry.

I'll probably stay, Harry decided to avoid mentioning anything about the Yule Ball just yet. No point in going home to an empty house.

Hermione's response was simple. Good.

Something tells me you'd miss me a lot, Harry wrote cockily.

Hermione read his response and gave him a patented Hermione look. She shook her head as she wrote her reply. You did turn me down last night.

That won't happen again, he wrote back.

Hermione knew she should be writing notes or at least working on the assignment, but this was much more fun. She grabbed her quill and wrote a bold reply. So if I were to ask you again....

I might have to take you up on it... Harry also wrote boldly. But I also don't want to take advantage of you.

You are a gentleman. Hermione smiled as she wrote her reply. But, I trust you and I know you wouldn't take advantage of me.

Harry certainly hoped he wouldn't. But sometimes when he started kissing her, he found it hard to hold back.

Perhaps we should take things slow, Harry wrote. We don't need to rush things and I think we should keep our relationship secret. Just you and me.

Hermione's eyebrows creased. Keep it a secret?

She crumbled up the piece of parchment and stuffed it into her bag. It now started to make sense. He was playing her. He'd been playing her all along. Kissing her in private was okay. Walking hand in hand down the halls apparently wasn't. He wanted to be with her but just not so everyone could see.

Harry was confused when Hermione didn't write him back and he tried to corner her after class.

"Will you slow down?" Harry called after her. "Give a bloke a chance to catch up!"

Hermione ignored him and only quickened her pace.

Harry thought she was playing hard to get and he laughed which was apparently the wrong thing to do given how she turned and gave him what could only be described as a death glare.

"I'm keeping it a secret," she said icily. "You know... so know one knows about us."

The smile on Harry's face fell. "You don't understand. That's not what I---"

"Sure it isn't," Hermione returned coldly.

"I was only trying to say that we should keep things quiet," Harry tried to explain. "Just so no one knows. It's no one's business, but ours."

"So you're not embarrassed to be seen with me, right?" Hermione asked scathingly. "Do me a favour Potter. Stay away from me. I don't want your pity."

Harry shook his head. "Hermione, you've got this all wrong! Wait---"

"I said, leave me alone," she nearly shoved him aside to get away.

Harry wondered what he'd done that was so wrong? All he'd wanted her to do was keep things quiet between them long enough to get Malfoy off of his back.

He sighed as he trudged towards his next class. Maybe he should have told her right out about Malfoy paying him. But if she reacted like she had to him asking her to keep quiet, there was no telling what she would say or do to THAT.

Unfortunately, his next class was Divination. The one class he had that didn't include Hermione.

He figured he could use the class to zone out and figure out how to get back in her good graces.

"You look like you just lost your best mate," Ron said sitting down across from him. "But that can't be...I'm right here."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I just have a lot on my mind," he muttered.

"Hermione Granger?" Ron guessed.

Harry glared at him. "Drop it."

Ron shrugged. "Sorry..."

Harry slumped in his chair. "I hope Trelawney isn't in one of her moods today."

"When is she NOT in one of her moods?" Ron asked as the professor breezed into the classroom. "Here we go...."

Harry prayed that Trelawney wouldn't call attention to him as she so often did. He wanted to remain as anonymous as possible that day.

"Today, we're going to talk about love," Trelawney announced.

Harry nearly groaned aloud. "You have got to be kidding me," he muttered.

Lavender, Parvati and the other girls in the class squealed with delight.

Harry shared a look with Ron, who rolled his eyes.

"There are many different ways to predict love," Trelawney said. "Tea leaves...horoscopes..."

"What about stars?" Lavender asked eagerly.

"Absolutely, Miss Brown," Trelawney beamed at her. "What astrological sign are you, Miss Brown?"

"Virgo," Lavender said importantly.

"Ah yes," Trelawney said thoughtfully. "The virgin..."

"Hardly," Ron coughed, making several guys in the classroom laugh.

Lavender glared at him. "Shut it, Ron."

Trelawney continued as if she hadn't heard Ron's remark. "Miss Brown, as a Virgo, you are known for your ability to be very discriminating, but when you focus on that one perfect love, you go at it with all your heart. Do you find that to be true?"

"Oh yes," Lavender replied. "I'm very picky about the blokes I go out with."

Ron snickered.

Lavender whipped around and glared fiercely at him. "I got picky after I went out with YOU!"

"Please keep your opinions to yourself, Mr. Weasley," Trelawney admonished. "Let's move on to you then, shall we? What astrological sign are you?"

"I have no idea," Ron admitted.

"When is your birth date?" Trelawney asked.

"March first," Ron replied.

"Pisces," Trelawney said moving to stand in front of him. "You are a water sign."

"What's that mean?" Ron asked warily.

"The water element symbolizes emotion," Trelawney told him. "Water runs deep, Mr. Weasley just as your emotions do."

Harry rolled his eyes.

"And you, Mr. Potter..." Trelawney focused on him. "When is your birthday?"

"July 31st," Harry answered reluctantly.

"Leo," Trelawney said. "The lion."

"Oooooh!" Parvati gushed. "Like a true Gryffindor!"

"Just great," Harry answered.

"You keep to yourself," Trelawney said. "But you let a few people in..."

Harry shrugged. "Maybe."

"What does this all have to do with anything?" Ron asked, rescuing his friend.

"Because, Mr. Weasley," Trelawney said. "Your sign is a major factor in your future mate."

"Would someone who had a birth date of say February 17th be compatible with me?" Ron asked trying to sound nonchalant.

"That's the Aquarius," Trelawney replied thoughtfully. "I do believe you would be wonderfully matched... is there someone you care for that has that sign?"

Ron's cheeks reddened. "Um, no, I was just picking a random date..."

Harry couldn't resist a sardonic grin at his best friend.

"Your assignment for the remainder of the class is to research the details about your own astrological sign and see which signs are your perfect match," Trelawney said.

"Thank Merlin," Ron muttered as Trelawney went over to Lavender and Parvati's table. "I thought she'd never shut up."

"Thanks for saving me back there," Harry said.

"Saving you?" Ron snorted. "I nearly embarrassed the shite out of myself in the process."

"February 17th is Luna's birthday, isn't it?" Harry asked with a grin.

"So what if it is?" Ron opened his Divinations textbook.

"I was just asking a question," Harry said looking at his textbook. "According to this, I'm compatible with Virgo. I guess this means Lavender Brown and I are a match made in heaven."

"I think you should tell her that," Ron looked over his shoulder.

Harry snorted. He was having a hard enough time with one girl.

"So what did Granger do that has you all hot and bothered?" Ron asked.

Harry wasn't about to tell Ron the whole story. He didn't think Ron would like the idea that he had accepted Malfoy's bet even if he had done it to help Neville. He'd told Ron a condensed version of the story and left out any mention of Malfoy or Ginny.

"You told her you wanted to keep things secret?" Ron asked shaking his head. "Big mistake, Harry. Big mistake. She thinks you're embarrassed by her."

"Is that why she stormed off?" Harry asked. "She didn't even let me explain."

"You're in the doghouse," Ron said.

"Whatever," Harry muttered.

"She holds a grudge," Ron continued.

"Just great," Harry rolled his eyes.

"Of course I never dreamt she'd ever give you a chance," Ron said thoughtfully. "So you might still be in with a chance..."

"Fine," Harry said sharply, not wanting to listen to Ron drone on any more.

"Sorry," Ron said quietly.

Harry sighed as he flipped a few pages in his book. "So how do I get back on her good side?" he asked after a few minutes.

"You do realise you're asking someone who has been trying to get Luna Lovegood to notice him for the better part of the last two years?" Ron asked.

Harry cast him a grin. "But you are taking her to the Yule Ball..."

"Yes, well I still don't know how that happened," Ron said. "But, if you want to get back into Hermione's good graces, you should probably think of something that is important to her. Show her that you care about something she's over the moon about. Like---I saw her the other night in the common room knitting those ridiculous hats...maybe you could take up knitting!"

"Yeah right," Harry shook his head. "I'll figure something out."

The two boys worked a little on their assignment, both of them making up things they knew Trelawney would eat up with a spoon.

"Would you look at this?" Parvati asked pulling a piece of parchment from her bag. "Hermione stuffed this into my bag earlier. She's still trying to get people to join that stupid club..."

"Spew," Lavender said disdainfully. "Makes me want to do just that..."

Harry turned around. "Parvati...can I see that paper, please?"

"All yours Harry," Parvati's expression turned sweet.

"Thanks," Harry said taking it from her. Hermione had drawn a picture of a house elf and a witch and wizard. In bright, bold letters the paper announced that evening's big membership drive.

"SPEW," Harry said thoughtfully.

Ron rolled his eyes. "She's going to be disappointed again. She's done this every year and no one's joined other than Neville."

"Maybe we should join," Harry said to him.

Ron laughed. "No."

"Why not?" Harry asked. "You probably wouldn't have to do anything... just show some support."

Ron shook his head. "Not going to happen."

"Come on," Harry pressed. "I bet if Luna was in Gryffindor, she'd join."

"You're not seriously going to that, are you?" Parvati asked.

"I was thinking about it," Harry flashed her a grin. "Why don't you come too?"

Parvati blushed. "If you go, I might..."

"Maybe I will too," Lavender put a hand on his arm.

"Seamus? Dean?" Harry asked. "Are you in?"

"For that?" Dean asked. "Sounds pretty boring to me."

Seamus nodded. "Count me out. I have too much to do anyway."

"Come on," Harry said. "It'll probably be about an hour, tops."

"I'll do it if you let me use your Firebolt this weekend," Seamus countered.

Harry glared at him. "Saturday. For an hour."

"I'll get it on Sunday," Dean chimed in.

"What?" Harry asked. "Wait just a minute--"

"Come on," Dean said folding his arms. "You do want people to show up, right?"

"I'm not letting everyone have a go on my Firebolt," Harry objected.

"An hour's not going to hurt, is it?" Dean asked. "And I'll even see if I can get some more people to come."

"Fine," Harry said. "You can use it on Sunday. But that's it!"

Dean grinned. "What time is it anyway?"

"Seven," Harry looked at the paper.

"We'll be there," Lavender promised. "Right, Parvati?"

"Right," Parvati smiled flirtatiously at Harry. "We'll see you there..."

Harry wasn't sure if this would be enough to make up for what he'd done to Hermione, but it was all he had right now.

"Thanks," he told all of them. "Just make sure you all are on time, okay?"

He didn't see Hermione the rest of the day. She wasn't at lunch and she wasn't in Potions. Harry made the mistake of asking the Potions professor where the Head Girl was and Snape had snidely told him to mind his own business.

He was amazed she could skip class and get away with it, but he wasn't about to go up and talk to Snape again. He resigned himself to waiting until that night at the meeting to see her again.

15. 15

We could have left this chapter on a little bit of a cliffie, but decided not to ;) We do hope you guys will enjoy it, as it’s a rather fluffy chapter! And YEAH to only two days left until PIRATES!!!! AHOY!

Later that evening, Hermione paced back in forth in front of her bed working on her welcome speech for the meeting. She didn't know why she bothered. No one would listen. No one ever did.

She decided that this would be the last time she tried to bring SPEW about again. If no one showed up, or no one was interested, she'd drop it. She hated doing so, but she could take it up again once she got out of school.

She looked at the clock on her bedside table and grabbed her membership cards and her notebook.

Taking a deep breath, she left her bedroom and headed downstairs to the common room. She expected to see Neville and perhaps Ginny there, but was shocked when she saw the crowd that was gathered.

Hermione wondered if someone else had thought to book the room for a party, but she'd checked the calendar numerous times.

"Excuse me," Hermione announced. "But I have the room for the next hour..."

"We know," a third-year girl said. "That's why we're here."

"You are?" Hermione asked in surprise. "For SPEW?"

The girl nodded. "We don't have to pay anything to join, do we?"

"Um... five sickles for a membership badge," Hermione said, still a bit stunned. "It all goes for the house elves."

Someone cleared their throat behind her and Hermione turned to see Harry. He grinned at her before he spoke. "Everyone, I'm sure Hermione would like to thank all of you for showing up. But before we begin, I would like to say something about house elves."

Hermione stared at him, unable to speak.

"I'm alive today because of a house elf," Harry said relating for the group of students how Dobby had visited him the summer before his second year. "Dobby didn't always go about it the right way, but he certainly had good intentions. He loves Hogwarts more than just about anyone I know."

Hermione felt herself soften to Harry yet again. She'd hardly been able to concentrate all day and had faked a headache to get out of any classes she'd had with him that afternoon. But here he was, talking about the house elves on her behalf. He had probably gotten everyone there too.

"SPEW is going to do great things to bolster the welfare of elves," Harry concluded. "And I think that we can all help Hermione in her mission."

The room applauded as Harry gestured to Hermione. "You go ahead and take the floor."

Hermione stared at him for a moment. "Thank you."

Harry gestured to the spot where he had been standing and Hermione cleared her throat. "Um... well, in going what Harry said- the house elves have been slaves for centuries, and it's time that they were liberated from that." she talked for a good fifteen minutes and was pleased to see the students actually paying attention.

"So, if you'd be interested in joining, you just have to pay your dues," Hermione concluded. "We'll meet once a month and I'm always open to your ideas."

"The dues are what, five sickles?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Hermione nodded. "And you don't have to give the money to me right away. Just whenever you can..."

She did receive some money that night to her surprise. Harry approached her when she was counting it and recording it on a piece of parchment.

"Quite a turnout," Harry commented.

Hermione nodded. "Thank you for gathering a crowd for me."

"It was my pleasure," Harry said. "Can we talk later?"

She looked at him doubtfully. "Maybe..."

"I'll just let you finish up," Harry said motioning over his shoulder.

Hermione nodded. "Okay..."

Harry smiled at her before leaving her to the rest of her duties. He sat down on the sofa and watched her from a distance.

He had to admit he liked her. Hermione was a unique individual, but one he realised he had to treat with kid gloves.

She finished up with the new members and slowly approached him as the common room emptied out.

"How did you do?" he asked.

"Thirty members," Hermione replied.

"That's pretty good," Harry smiled at her.

"Thanks again," Hermione said. "I don't know what you said to get them to come out, but I appreciate it just the same."

Harry shrugged. "I just brought some attention to the matter. You did the rest."

Hermione looked down at the notebook in her hands, unsure of what to say or do.

"Can we talk about earlier?" Harry asked.

"About the note?" Hermione asked. "You made yourself quite clear."

"No," Harry shook his head. "I'm not ashamed of you, Hermione."

"But you said---"

"I just want to keep it between us," Harry replied. "Not because I'm ashamed or worried about what people will say, but because I like the idea of something private between us."

Hermione wasn't sure what to believe anymore. It always seemed as if he knew just the right things to say at the right time.

"You believe me, right?" he asked.

"I think us getting involved might have been a mistake," Hermione said quietly.

"What?" Harry asked. "No... No it's not."

"What I feel scares me to death," Hermione admitted.

"Why?" Harry asked, reaching for her hand.

"Because it's new and ...and I don't know what to make of any of it," Hermione said looking at him. "I don't like not knowing."

"But what we feel is a good thing," Harry said. "At least I think it is..."

"You're not scared?" Hermione asked.

Harry shook his head. "Not even a little. I like you, Hermione."

"I like you too," Hermione admitted.

He grinned at her. "So that means it's a good thing."

Hermione set her notebook down and allowed him to put his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug.

She had to admit it felt wonderful being in his arms. She felt better about herself than she had in a long, long time every time Harry looked at her.

"I'm not embarrassed by you," Harry said softly. "Not at all."

She pulled back and looked at him, trying to judge if he was telling her the truth or not.

"I'd have snogged you in front of the whole crowd if you'd have let me," he said smiling at her.

Hermione felt the corner of her mouth curve up.

"But you wouldn't have let me," Harry said trying to keep a straight face. "You'd have probably hexed me...."

"Maybe," Hermione answered.

"Castrated me?" Harry guessed. "No? Okay...turned me into a beetle, perhaps?"

"A blast ended skrewt might be more on target." she said.

"You'd do that to me?" Harry asked putting his hand over his heart. "Hermione?"

Hermione shook her head. "You're being overdramatic."

"Well, it's not every day that you hear that the girl you fancy wants to turn you into a blast-ended skrewt," Harry said defensively.

Hermione folded her arms across her chest. "Harry... I appreciate what you did for me tonight--"

"Why do I think there's a 'but' coming?" Harry asked.

"I just don't know if we should do this," Hermione continued.

"Don't do that," Harry said looking into her eyes. "Don't put up those walls again."

She looked away, knowing how weak he could make her. Hermione hated feeling weak.

"I'm not Draco Malfoy," Harry said tilting her chin up so she'd look at him. "I would never hurt you like that."

"I need a few days," Hermione was desperate to keep things on her terms. "To think things over."

Harry nodded, not wanting to push her. "You take as much time as you need, but you know what? I am not going to give up on you."

That almost made her smile. "Okay..."

"Good night," he said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm---I'm really proud of you, Hermione."

"For what?" she asked.

"For tonight," Harry said. "I might have gotten them here, but you kept them here. You're quite a leader."

"Thanks," Hermione felt herself soften even more.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said looking longingly at her one last time before heading up the staircase toward his dorm.

Hermione headed up to her own room, knowing that she had a lot of thinking to do.

*** *** ***

Ginny made her way down to the greenhouses for that evening's tutoring session with Neville. She hadn't seen him all day and she couldn't wait to get him alone. She hoped that tonight he'd ask her about Hogsmeade and maybe even the Yule Ball.

To make matters worse, she'd had to dodge Draco Malfoy all day. It hadn't been easy, but she'd managed it. The more she thought about it, the more she wondered what she'd ever seen in that egomaniac.

"Jerk," she muttered to herself as she recalled the way he'd acted when she had been unable to say yes to his invitation to Hogsmeade the first time.

When she walked into the greenhouse, she spotted Neville at one of the tables. His back was to her and he looked deep in concentration. Her heart did little flips as she watched him.

"Hey," she said softly after a few minutes.

Neville turned around and smiled at her. "Hey."

"You look all serious sitting there," Ginny said with a grin.

Neville chuckled. "Just catching up on something for class."

Ginny slid beside him. "You look really cute when you're serious..."

Neville blushed. "Well, you know..."

"I did those Herbology exercises you showed me," Ginny said, also blushing. "I think they really helped me out on our exam today."

Neville grinned. "Ginny, that's great!"

"I hope so," Ginny said as he hugged her. "We'll find out tomorrow."

"Should we get to work?" Neville asked. "We only have the greenhouse for an hour tonight."

"Sure," Ginny replied.

Neville opened up her textbook. "Well, let's see last time we were working on herbs."

"I think I've got those now," Ginny nodded. "But some of those exotic plants--"

"Which ones were giving you trouble?" Neville asked.

"Pretty much all of them on this page," Ginny said, showing him her textbook.

Neville nodded. "Okay, well we can start with those."

"Okay," Ginny answered, getting out a spare bit of parchment.

"See this one," Neville pointed to a picture of a large green plant. "This is Alocasia. It's distinctive because the leaves look like an elephant's ear. See?"

"I see," Ginny nodded, writing this down on her parchment. He explained several distinctive things about each plant and his words helped her remember what they were. "I get it now!"

Neville smiled at her. "It's just a matter of remembering the different characteristics. It makes it easier."

"I think it's the way you explained it to me," Ginny said softly. "You should be a teacher, Neville."

Neville blushed again. "That's what Professor Sprout said."

"Because you're brilliant," Ginny said. "And everyone knows it..."

"I'm great at one subject," he corrected her. "I get by in everything else."

"I happen to think you get by in more than one thing," Ginny leaned forward.

"Ginny," Neville whispered, leaning in as well.

This would be the PERFECT time for him to ask her out, Ginny thought.

"Mr. Longbottom?" Professor Sprout cleared her throat. "Are you and Miss Weasley finished? I need to close up."

"Oh," Neville turned red. "Yes Professor, we're done."

"Good evening," Professor Sprout said to them before retreating to her office.

"Walk me back?" Ginny asked, slightly disappointed.

"Of course," Neville said gathering their books.

"Thanks," Ginny said as he helped her with her bag. Maybe the night wasn't lost- they would be alone until they reached the common room.

"We should hurry," Neville said. "It's almost curfew."

"Right," Ginny slipped her hand into his.

Neville gave her hand a squeeze. "Let's go."

Ginny smiled at him, enjoying their walk back to the castle. "What a beautiful night," she said softly.

"It is," Neville agreed. "But I heard it might snow tomorrow."

"Snow will be nice for Hogsmeade," Ginny said with a meaningful look.

"That's this weekend, is it?" Neville asked.

"Right," Ginny said. "THIS weekend..."

"I'd forgotten," Neville said shyly. "You know with all that's gone on..."

"Right," Ginny replied. "But I'm looking forward to it..."

Neville guided her up the steps to the castle. "After you..."

"Thanks," Ginny said quietly.

"Everything okay?" Neville asked.

"Fine," Ginny answered. She wished he would take the hint already and ask her.

Neville took her hand again. He still couldn't believe that she fancied him. It all seemed like some kind of dream.

She wondered if he would even kiss her once they reached the common room. Did he not fancy her anymore now that he had her?

"Ginny?" Neville asked.

"Yes?" she asked eagerly.

"There's something that---" Neville began.

"Yes," Ginny said quickly.


Neville turned. "Malfoy? What---what are you doing here?"

"I'm Head Boy," Malfoy sneered. "I can go wherever I want."

"Neville and I were just heading back to the common room," Ginny said linking her arm with Neville's.

Malfoy's eyes bore into hers. "It's almost curfew."

"Which is why we're heading back to the common room," Ginny said glaring at him. "You have a mark on your neck..."

His eyes narrowed back. "Ten points from Gryffindor."

"Pansy Parkinson's handiwork?" Ginny guessed.

"Ginny, come on." Neville pulled at her arm. "We really should get back."

"A bloke does what he has to do to get by," Draco scoffed. "Where have you been, Red?"

"Studying," Ginny answered.

"With this fat lump?" Draco asked dismissively.

"Leave him alone," Ginny ordered.

"Come on, Red," Draco said. "Let's go find an empty classroom."

"I thought you said it was curfew," Ginny reminded him. "We should get back."

"Longbottom can hurry along," Draco said reaching for her. "Like a good little boy."

"I don't think so," Neville felt his face grow red in anger. "I'll have you know--"

"What are you going to do, Longbottom?" Draco asked getting in his face.

"Draco, stop..." Ginny pushed between them. "Please don't do this."

Draco looked at her. "You're taking up for that loser?"

"He's not a loser," Ginny said softly. "Don't be like this."

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Please," Ginny said. "Look, we're just going to go upstairs."

"You go up there with him and you can forget about me taking you to the ball," Draco threatened.

Ginny looked at him in disappointment. "Then I guess that's the way it has to be," she answered quietly.

"Good luck getting in her knickers, Longbottom," Draco said dismissively.

Neville didn't hesitate, his anger got the best of him and he reared back and punched Malfoy in the nose.

"Neville!" Ginny said in shock.

Malfoy fell to the floor and grabbed his nose. "You're going to pay for that, Longbottom!"

"Just leave Ginny alone," Neville took her arm. "Come on..."

Ginny had never seen Neville do anything like that. She was silent as he said the password to get into the tower.

"Thank you," she said once they were inside the common room. "For doing that. I don't know what I ever saw in Malfoy. You're so much better a person than he is, Neville."

"I think I might have broken my hand," Neville admitted.

"What?" Ginny asked in alarm. "We should get to the hospital wing then!"

He shook his head. He hadn't even wanted to admit that to her. "No, it's okay."

"But if you're hurt--" she insisted.

"I'm okay," Neville cut her off. "It's just---I've never hit anyone in my life..."

"You were brilliant," Ginny said softly.

Neville turned red. "I just didn't like him talking to you like that."

Ginny reached for his good hand. At that moment, it didn't matter so much that he had not asked her out yet.

"I know this might be early," Neville said looking at her. "But I---"

"Yes?" Ginny asked hopefully.

"I l-love you," Neville said quickly before he could chicken out.

Her eyes widened. "What?"

Neville frowned. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it..."

"Neville..." Ginny said softly.

"I'm an idiot," Neville said. "Just---just forget I said anything..."

"You are not an idiot," Ginny put her hand on his arm. "It's just... you're the first guy I ever kissed and... with everything going on, this is just all new to me."

"So I didn't freak you out?" Neville asked hopefully.

"No," Ginny said truthfully. "You didn't."

Neville smiled at her. "I just wanted you to know is all. You don't have to say it back. I don't want to rush things. It's enough for me that you're here with me."

"I am with you," Ginny said softly.

Neville leaned in and kissed her.

Ginny put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Neville pulled away. "Wow.."

"I know," Ginny said. "You're really... really... good..."

"You are," Neville said softly. "Ginny?"

"Yeah?" she blinked, still a bit dazed from their kiss.

"Were you really going to go to the ball with Malfoy?" he asked her.

"If he asked," she answered with a sigh.

"Oh," Neville said quietly.

"Unless someone else was to ask me first," Ginny said looking up at him.

"Would you like to go to the ball with me?" Neville asked.

Ginny opened her mouth to say yes but encountered a now familiar and totally unwelcome problem. "Damn it..." she swore in frustration.

"What is it?" Neville asked. "Ginny---"

"I have to take care of something first," Ginny said. "But um... will you ask me again in a few days?"

Neville remembered what Harry had told him about the pact. He didn't say anything because as far as Ginny knew, he didn't know anything about that. "Okay."

"Thank you," Ginny gave him another kiss.

"I think I'm going to get some ice for my hand," Neville said. "But you go on up to bed."

"I'm going to study for a bit," Ginny said.

"Good night," Neville said giving her one last kiss.

"Night," Ginny watched him go with a smile.

Apparently, Hermione hadn't been asked to the ball yet.

She hadn't seen much of her friend over the past couple of days. Ginny decided to see if Hermione was up in her room.

Hermione answered the door a few moments later, dressed in her pyjamas and carrying a book. "Ginny? Is something wrong?"

"Has Harry asked you to the Yule Ball yet?" Ginny burst out.

Hermione was taken aback by the question. "No. The thing is that we're not really---"

"Hermione you have to go," Ginny pleaded.

"So you can go with Draco Malfoy?" Hermione asked. "Ginny, trust me----"

"I don't want to go with Draco," Ginny said. "I don't even like him. I want to go with Neville."

Hermione grabbed her friend by the arm and pulled her into the room. "Hang on..."

"What?" Ginny asked in confusion.

"Neville?" Hermione asked shutting the door behind them. "When did this happen? Two days ago, you were moony-eyed over Malfoy."

"He's just so sweet," Ginny relayed what had happened.

Hermione smiled. "Well, he's far and away the better guy for you."

Ginny glowed. "And tonight he told me he loved me!"

Hermione's smile grew even larger. "Ginny, that's fantastic."

"But I don't know if I'm in love with him," Ginny answered. "And I really, really want to go to the ball with him."

"Let me guess," Hermione said thoughtfully. "He asked and you couldn't say yes because I haven't been invited to the ball yet."

"Right," Ginny nodded.

Hermione looked away from her friend. The last thing she wanted to do was stand in the way of her happiness.

"So if Harry asks..." Ginny looked at her pleadingly.

"I don't think he will," Hermione said quietly.

"Why not?" Ginny asked. "I thought you two liked each other!"

Hermione finally met her friend's gaze. "Things were going well. Until the other day in class when I passed him a note."

"A note?" Ginny asked.

Hermione reached into her book and pulled out the wrinkled piece of parchment. She handed it to Ginny.

"Keep it a secret?" Ginny wrinkled her nose. "Why?"

Hermione shrugged. "I thought he was embarrassed by me. He says he's not. He said he just wanted our relationship to be about us, but I just don't know. And then he does that wonderful thing with S.P.E.W."

"That is rather sweet," Ginny nodded.

"I can't go through this again," Hermione said taking back the piece of parchment. "I can't."

"But what if he's really sorry?" Ginny asked.

"He said he was," Hermione said. "And he said he wasn't giving up on me."

"That's so, so romantic." Ginny said softly.

"I don't know what to do," Hermione said. "And like I said, he hasn't asked me to the ball. Truth be told, I hadn't even planned on going."

"Why not?" Ginny asked. "You HAVE to go!"

"He's probably not going to ask me," Hermione told her.

"I bet he will," Ginny said. "If not, I'll make him! I'm not missing the ball!"

"Ginny!" Hermione protested, but her friend was already heading for the door.

"I'll take care of it!" Ginny called.

Hermione sighed. She didn't want to stand in Ginny's way of going to the ball, but she certainly didn't relish getting hurt again.

Ginny flew down the stairs. "Harry?" she called. "Harry where are you?"

"Sleeping," Ron grumbled throwing up the bedroom door. "Ginny, what the hell are you squawking about?"

"I need to talk to Harry," Ginny said. "Right now!"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Go to bed, Ginny."

"Harry!" Ginny bellowed.

Harry appeared behind Ron a few moments later, his hair a dishevelled mess. He didn't have on his glasses and he stared sleepily at Ginny. "What's going on?"

"I need to have a word," Ginny crossed her arms.

"Now?" Harry asked rubbing at his eyes.

"Please," Ginny said in a softer tone.

"Girls," Ron said shaking his head as went back to bed.

Harry stepped out into the hallway with Ginny. "Is something wrong?"

"Are you going to ask Hermione to the Yule Ball?" she asked. "And to Hogsmeade this weekend?"

Harry sighed. "It's complicated..."

"Just ask her," Ginny said. "I'm positive she'll go with you."

Harry looked at her and wondered if Hermione had confided in her about what had happened. "You think?"

Ginny nodded. "The sooner the better."

"I'll ask her tomorrow," Harry said wondering if he was setting himself up for yet another rejection. This answer didn't pacify Ginny though and she folded her arms and looked expectantly at him. "What? You want me to ask her now? She's probably asleep..."

"No she's not," Ginny said brightly. "She's up in her room, wide awake."

"You're not going to drop this, are you?" Harry asked.

"Nope," Ginny replied.

"Fine," Harry said yawning. "I'll do it now."

Ginny beamed. "Wonderful!"

"Good night, Ginny," Harry said heading for the staircase leading to the Head Girl's room.

Ginny was thrilled. By this time tomorrow, she would have Neville as her date to the Yule Ball.

Harry hesitated before he knocked on Hermione's door. The last thing he wanted to do was piss her off anymore than he already had. He'd told her he'd give her some space, but here he was in the middle of the night knocking on her door.

"Just a minute, Ginny." Hermione pushed back her covers. She'd been in the middle of a good chapter of her book and wasn't happy that the redhead girl was back.

She opened the door and was surprised to see Harry Potter looking a little worse for the wear. "Where are your glasses?"

"In my room," Harry replied. "And I can't really see that well right now without them..."

"Oh," Hermione said. "What um... what are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighbourhood?" Harry said dryly.

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Look, I'm quite tired. Can't this wait until a decent hour?"

"No," Harry said. "There's something I need to ask you. It'll only take a minute."

Hermione sighed. "Potter--"

"Back to last names, are we?" Harry asked, trying not to stare at the strap of her top that was falling off her shoulder.

"When it's this late and I'm not in bed?" Hermione asked crisply. "Yes."

This wasn't going that well. "Well, I'll just get to the point. I was wondering if you might want to go to the Yule Ball with me? And Hogsmeade this weekend, too..."

"What?" Hermione asked. "Look- I already told you--"

"To give you your space," Harry finished. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to ask you before someone else got to you first."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Because the blokes are beating down my door..."

"I got here just in time then," Harry said leaning against the door frame.

Hermione sighed. "Harry, I don't know, okay? I'm still thinking about things."

"Anything I can do to help clear things up for you?" he asked, stepping closer.

She involuntarily shivered. "No..."

He reached out and pulled the strap of her top back up on her shoulder.

Hermione felt her body tremble at his touch.

"I've missed you," he said softly.

It was so hard for her to stay mad at him when he was looking at her like this.

"You're shivering," Harry said his eyes boring into hers.

"I can't help it," Hermione whispered.

"Cold?" Harry asked.

"No," she shook her head.

"Me?" Harry asked cupping her face in his hands.

"Yes..." Hermione shivered again.

He brushed his lips against hers.

"Harry..." Hermione whimpered softly.

"Say you'll go with me?" Harry asked. "Please?"

"Okay," Hermione closed her eyes.

Harry pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

Hermione stepped back into her room, still kissing him, and shut the door behind him.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to turn me down," he said grinning lazily at her. This was a lie because he'd convinced himself that she'd never say yes after what had happened.

"Don't push it," she poked him in the shoulder. "And tonight, you're staying here."

"Am I?" Harry asked.

"Yes," she looked up at him.

"You'll need to help me downstairs in the morning," he said smiling at her. "My glasses are still in my room and I'm blind as a bat without them."

"We can work something out," Hermione kissed him again.

Harry made a mental note to thank Ginny for telling him to go upstairs to Hermione.

She didn't pull him towards the bed, but to the sofa set up in the corner of the room.

Harry would have followed her anywhere. He was just happy that they weren't fighting anymore. There was still that feeling of guilt that he should tell her about that stupid bet with Malfoy, but he didn't want to ruin things.

"Harry," Hermione whispered. "I want to trust you so much..."

He tensed up and pulled away from her. "What?"

"I know I haven't been easy to get along with," Hermione said, looking at him intently. "And I know I reacted a bit badly to that note you wrote me. But I don’t' trust people easily. I don't like being messed about. But something is telling me to trust you... and I'm going to try."

Harry felt even guiltier at her words. Why had he ever taken Malfoy up on his offer? If this got out, and chances are it would, Hermione would never forgive him.

"Harry?" she asked, also tensing up.

"I don't deserve you," he said softly.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"I've done some things that I'm not proud of," he said unable to meet her gaze.

"Like what?" Hermione reached for his hand. "You mean like things with Voldemort?"

"Yes," Harry said which was partly true. "But---"

"Whatever you did with Voldemort is in the past," Hermione interrupted him.

"I wish it were that easy," Harry said touching her cheek.

She nodded. "I know..."

"I never want to hurt you," he said resting his forehead against hers. "Never."

Hermione closed her eyes, her body growing warm at his nearness. "I don't think you will," she ventured.

"I never want to," Harry said truthfully.

"Okay," Hermione smiled at him. "So we can start over again..."

"You know that I didn't mean anything with that note, right?" Harry asked her. "I just want what we have to be ours. It's no one else's business, Hermione."

"I understand," Hermione nodded.

Harry leaned back against the sofa and Hermione cuddled up close to him, resting her head on his shoulder. "That's my girl."

Hermione smiled, liking the way those words sounded. "I'm glad you came up."

"Me too," Harry said putting his arms around her. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," she admitted. "I sort of got used to you once I stopped disliking you so much."

"I wasn't that bad, was I?" he teased.

"Not really," Hermione kissed him again.

Harry smiled. "For a bossy know-it-all, you're not that bad, either."

Hermione poked him. "Excuse me?"

"I happen to love bossy know-it alls," Harry said poking her back.

She laughed. "I bet you do."

"One in particular," Harry said nuzzling her neck.

"What are you saying?" Hermione grew serious.

Harry looked at her and said the words that he'd never said to another person. "I'm falling in love with you, Hermione Granger."

Hermione nearly felt her heart stop. Words wouldn't come and she simply stared at him.

"It scares me to death," Harry admitted.

"Scares me a little too," Hermione said quietly.

"I didn't mean to," he said hastily. "I have this bad habit of getting too far ahead of myself."

"It's okay," Hermione replied. "Um... but Harry--"

"You don't have to say it," he assured her.

"I just don't think I'm quite there yet," Hermione told him.

He kissed her. "We have time. Loads of time."

Her smile returned. "And we can get to know each other better."

"I definitely like that," Harry said giving her another kiss.

Perhaps this relationship thing wasn't so bad after all, she thought as she ran her fingers through his hair. And perhaps being with Harry wasn't so bad either.

"It's late," Harry said softly. "Perhaps we should...get to bed?"

She swallowed. "Okay," she agreed. She told herself to trust Harry, and Hermione also knew she wouldn't allow herself to go past a certain point.

He stood up and offered her his hand.

Hermione took it and he helped her up. "My bed's pretty comfortable," she said nervously.

He could sense something was wrong and he squeezed her hand. "You don't have to do this, Hermione. I can go downstairs."

"It's not that," Hermione shook her head. "This is all just really, really new to me."

"We're just going to sleep," He promised.

"Okay," Hermione nodded. "Just sleep..."

"Just sleep," Harry repeated. "So you better not try anything."

"Look who's talking," Hermione smiled, and suddenly felt more at ease.

Harry laughed. "Okay...so which side is yours?"

"The right," she answered.

Harry pulled back the covers. "I don't have to listen to Ron and Neville snoring all night."

"That's part of what I love about having my own room," Hermione slid underneath her blanket. "No one to bother me."

"You don't miss Lavender and Parvati then?" Harry asking sliding in beside her.

"Not especially," Hermione wrinkled her nose. "They're so superficial."

"I like my roommates." Harry said thoughtfully. "They're kind of like my family."

"The only one I get along with is Neville," Hermione turned on her side.

Harry put his arm around her. "Ron's not so bad."

"We've never gotten along," Hermione said, unconsciously snuggling back against him. "He's impossible."

"He said the same thing about you," Harry whispered.

"Well then you of all people should know that he's wrong," Hermione answered softly.

Harry kissed her shoulder. "Mmmhmmm."

Hermione closed her eyes as a wave of pleasure washed over her.

Harry knew he was pushing his boundaries, but he couldn't help it. Her skin was so soft and she smelled so good and she was so close.

Hermione shifted as he pulled her back against his stomach. Her skin tingled when he ran his hand over her hip.

"This okay?" he whispered against her skin.

"Yes," she answered softly.

"So much for just sleep," he said huskily.

Hermione suddenly felt wide awake. "Harry--"


"I... I like you," she said. "But I can't go there. Not yet."

"Sorry," he said hastily. "I got carried away."

"I just want you to know where I stand," Hermione told him. "I like kissing you, and I don't mind some... um... touching... but that's it. For now." she added.

"Right," Harry agreed. "I can be patient."

"Thank you," Hermione put a hand on his cheek, sliding her fingers into his hair again.

"You're going to be worth the wait," he said giving her one last kiss.

She smiled again. "Good night."

Harry closed his eyes, but his mind was reeling. He'd made up his mind. He was going to tell Malfoy that this deal was off. Besides, Ginny fancied Neville now.

He opened his eyes after a few moments and looked at Hermione, who had already fallen asleep. He hadn't realised just how much he was starting to enjoy her company until he'd told her how he felt earlier.

The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her, but given what had happened so far, he was afraid that was exactly what was going to happen. Perhaps he would find something to hold over Malfoy's head so the Slytherin would keep quiet about their agreement.

For the time being, that seemed like the better solution. But for now, Harry just wanted to enjoy being with her again.

"I'm not going to let you down," he said gently placing a kiss to her forehead. "I promise."

16. 16

Some R/L stuff happens in this, as well as some N/G and a dose of H/Hr. You will see more of them in the next chapter.

The Hogwarts students used the last Hogsmeade weekend to get new dress robes and accessories for the Yule Ball. Neville and Ron hadn't seemed too keen on shopping so they'd left the two girls to go and grab a bite to eat.

Ginny led the way into Gladrags. She wished they could have gone to Diagon Alley since Madam Malkin's had a larger selection.

"You must be very excited about going with Neville," Luna commented as they went inside.

"I am," Ginny said dreamily.

"Neville's very nice," Luna added. "He's always been quite kind to me."

Ginny couldn't help smiling as she thought of him. She'd only wished that she'd noticed him sooner. Of course, with the pact, there probably wasn't anything she could have done. When she thought about the hours she'd wasted on that arrogant Malfoy, she made herself sick.

"I'm quite looking forward to going with Ronald," Luna began looking through a rack of dress robes. "It's always fun to go with a friend."

Ginny looked over at her friend. "Well, you do realise that you made his year when you said yes."

Luna only smiled. "Well I actually suggested it. I'm sure he only said yes because we're friends. I'm surprised he didn't ask someone like Lavender Brown to go with him."

Unbeknownst to the girls, Ron Weasley was hiding behind one of the racks hanging on every word they said. He was wishing he was closer so he could tell his sister to shut her mouth.

"Luna, trust me," Ginny said. "There's no one else he wanted to go with."

Luna laughed. "Oh come now, he could have gotten any girl he wanted."

"You honestly don't know?" Ginny asked taken aback. "Luna---"

"Shut up, Ginny," Ron said through clenched teeth. "Please shut up."

"Ronald and I have always been friends," Luna gazed at her friend. "In fact, I'm pretty sure he fancied Hermione Granger at some point this year. He seemed to want to ask her to the Ball, but then Harry asked her instead."

Ginny cackled. "Hermione Granger?"

"He seemed quite upset when Harry mentioned he was asking her out," Luna pulled a set of robes off the rack and examined them.

"That's because Ron and Hermione go together about as well as oil and water," Ginny explained. "Oh---those are pretty. You should try those on!"

"Perhaps I will," Luna agreed. "What about you?"

"I was thinking of maybe royal blue?" Ginny asked holding up a set. "What do you think?"

Ron sighed in relief. Maybe now they'd forget about talking about who he fancied.

"That would look nice," Luna said. "Or maybe light green?"

"Oooooh!" Ginny squealed. "I like those too!"

Luna looked through another rack and wondered what colour Ron would like her in. It was a random thought that made her smile.

Ron looked over at her and felt his heart melt.

"Maybe this light blue set will look nice?" Luna asked Ginny, pulling down a set. Unfortunately, it was the same hanger that Ron was using to steady himself while he hid.

He held on to the rack saying a silent prayer that she wouldn't see him.

His prayers went unheeded, however, as he pitched forward at their feet.

"Ronald?" Luna asked.

Ron wished he could disappear. "Oh, hi. Um..."

"What on earth are you doing back there?" Ginny asked.

"I dropped something?" Ron said lamely.

"In the ladies' section?" Ginny asked folding her arms. "I thought you were with Neville in the Three Broomsticks?"

"I came back because I dropped something," Ron answered quickly. "See?" he held up his money pouch.

"You wouldn't want to lose that," Luna said offering him her hand to help him to his feet.

"Thanks," Ron grinned at her, pleased to see her blush a little.

"I'm really glad you're here," Luna said softly.

"Y-you are?" Ron stammered.

"Of course," Luna said. "Do you like these?" she held up the light blue robes in her hand. "You were holding onto them, so I can just assume you wanted me to wear them."

Ginny covered her mouth so she wouldn't giggle. She couldn't believe Luna couldn't see right through her brother.

"I-I think you'd look gorgeous in them," Ron said truthfully.

"That settles it then," Luna said. "I don't even need to try them on."

Ron grinned. "I think you look gorgeous in everything you wear."

"That's very sweet of you," Luna blushed again as a warm tingly feeling spread across her stomach.

"Did you just leave Neville by himself?" Ginny asked.

"He was talking to Susan Bones when I came back here," Ron told his sister. "Why?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I don't think it's very nice to just leave him there!"

"He was fine," Ron shrugged. "Relax, will you?"

"Maybe you should get back," Luna told him. "We shouldn't be long here."

"Uh, okay." Ron agreed. "Meet up with you soon then?"

"Absolutely," Luna said smiling at him. "I really am glad you found your money."

"I'll buy you a butterbeer," Ron chanced a wink at her.

Luna smiled at him before returning her attention to an amused Ginny.

"He was really lucky that he found his money bag," Luna commented. "There are some dishonest people who would have taken it and run…"

Ginny looked thoughtfully at her. "Luna, Ron had his money bag the entire time."

"But I saw him pick it up," Luna said, shaking her head.

"My brother has it bad," Ginny said picking up another set of dress robes to try on.

"Has what bad?" Luna asked.

"You honestly don't see it?" Ginny asked.

"See what?" Luna was confused.

"My brother clearly fancies you," Ginny told her. "For the longest time, he wasn't able to string two words together around you. He spent the entire summer trying to work up the courage to ask you out."

Luna stared at her. "You mean he wants us to go out?"

Ginny nodded. "I probably shouldn't have said anything, but I think you two would make a lovely couple even if he can be annoying."

Luna looked at the robes in her arms thoughtfully. "I wonder why he just didn't tell me."

"He probably thought you only saw him as a friend," Ginny replied. "Look, I'm going to go and try these on. Are you sure you don't want to try those to make sure they fit?"

"I know they'll fit," Luna said softly.

"I'll just be a few minutes," Ginny promised.

"No rush," Luna looked after her friend.

She sat down on one of the sofas in the shop and tried to make sense of what Ginny had just told her. Ronald fancied her?

Looking back on it, it did seem rather obvious now. The way he always blushed and stammered around her- and the way he'd vehemently denied fancying other girls when she brought it up.

Truth be told, she hadn't ever thought of him in a romantic sense.

Until now, it seemed. She couldn't get the image of him out of her head.

He really was quite sweet and he always seemed to be looking out for her.

She was still pondering these thoughts when Ginny emerged from the dressing room. "I'm getting these," Ginny held out a set of pale yellow robes. "They look amazing with my hair."

"That's a pretty shade," Luna said admiring them.

"Thanks," Ginny said happily. "I bet Neville will love them on me."

"Let's go and pay for them and meet back up with the boys," Luna said getting to her feet.

"Right," Ginny said. "I'm starved!"

Ginny and Luna made their purchases and then set off for the pub. A smile broke out across Ginny's face as she saw Neville.

In a corner table, Blaise Zabini nudged Draco. "There's your girl, Malfoy."

"Whatever," Draco glared at him. "She's not worth it."

Blaise cackled. "Well doesn't seem as if Neville Longbottom feels that way..."

Draco turned just in time to see Ginny give Neville a kiss hello.

His eyes narrowed. "Why should I care? Obviously if she prefers that fat ass--"

"Over you," Blaise interjected in a smart-arse tone.

"I don't see you with anyone," Draco retorted.

"I'm taking Daphne Greengrass to the ball, aren't I?" Blaise shot back.

Draco smirked. "Scraping the bottom of the barrel a bit, aren't you?"

"At least she didn't pass me over for the likes of Neville Longbottom," Blaise retorted gleefully.

"I told her off," Draco said defensively. "She didn't pass me over. No girl could ever pass me over."

"Looks like that one has," Blaise said getting up to get a refill on his butterbeer.

"She didn't pass me up," Draco said angrily.

He turned to see Ginny laughing at something Neville had said.

Blaise smirked at him before heading to the bar. Draco fumed silently for a few moments, feeling as if he'd been made a huge fool of.

No one did that to him and got away with it.

He shoved back his chair and got up, stalking across the room. "Red," Draco stood in front of her. "A word?"

"I'm busy," Ginny replied icily.

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me," Draco folded his arms.

"Then you'll be waiting a long time," Ginny shot back.

Draco simply stared down at her.

"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Neville said quietly. "Otherwise we won't be able to enjoy ourselves. Get it over and done with..."

"I'll be right back," Ginny promised, giving Neville's hand a squeeze.

"What is it?" she asked coolly once they'd stepped outside.

"What the hell are you doing with him?" Draco demanded.

"Eating scones and drinking hot chocolate," Ginny said sarcastically.

"I thought you couldn't date," he snapped.

"You thought wrong," Ginny said making a move for the door, but he grabbed her arm. "Ow! You're hurting me!"

"You're going to the Ball with me," he said. "I'm not asking, I'm telling. I worked it out so you can go. So be ready and I'll meet you in the Hall that night."

"I'm not going with you!" Ginny retorted, squirming.

"I'll see you there ten minutes before the Ball starts," Draco let her go and stalked away before she could say anything else.

"Of all the arrogant, selfish----" Ginny muttered to herself. She couldn't believe his nerve!

"What's wrong?" Harry appeared behind her with Hermione. "Are you okay, Ginny?"

Ginny considered not telling them what had happened for a brief moment, but she was so angry she had to tell someone.

"Malfoy just ASSUMES I'm going to the ball with him!" she crossed her arms. "I told him no and he just said to meet him ten minutes beforehand. As if I'm there for his beck and call only!"

"Want me to say something to him?" Harry asked.

"No," Ginny shook her head. "I'm just going to go back inside to Neville."

Hermione wasn't surprised to hear what Malfoy had done. She shared a look with Harry. "He's impossible."

"I don't know what I ever saw in him," Ginny said angrily.

"Neither do I," Hermione muttered, thinking of her own experiences with the blond.

"Do you want to come and sit with us?" Ginny asked eager for a change in subject.

Harry looked at Hermione. "You up for it?"

"Sure," Hermione replied. "If you are---"

Harry nodded. "I could use a butterbeer."

"I'd love a hot chocolate," Hermione said. "It's really cold out here."

"Coming right up," Harry grinned at her. "I'll go get it for you."

"Thanks," Hermione said before following Ginny over to the table.

"Everything okay?" Neville asked Ginny.

Ginny only shook her head. "I'll tell you later," she said, sliding back in next to him. "Harry and Hermione are joining us."

"Hi Neville," Hermione nodded at him. "Luna... and Ron."

"Granger," Ron said quietly.

Hermione perched on the edge of the booth. "Um... so how's everyone doing?"

"Just fine," Luna replied. "Ginny and I just bought our dress robes. Have you purchased yours yet?"

Hermione shook her head. "I was going to pop by there later or just wear the set I have from before."

"Did you go to the last ball?" Ron asked. "I don't remember seeing you there."

"I um... I was going to go, but decided not to at the last minute," Hermione said.

"Why's that?" Ron asked.

"It's a long story," Hermione said quietly.

"None of that matters," Luna said trying to put Hermione at ease. "The important thing is you're going to this one."

Hermione nodded. "Right," she said.

At the counter, Harry was still waiting in the queue. Malfoy tapped him on his shoulder. "Potter."

"What is it?" Harry asked coolly. "I'm busy."

"With the Mudblood?" Malfoy asked.

"Don't call her that," Harry glared at him.

"Oh I'm sorry," Malfoy smirked.

"What do you want?" Harry asked impatiently.

"You and Granger certainly seem cosy," Malfoy commented.

Harry rolled his eyes. "What's your point?"

"Just making an observation," Malfoy said leaning against the counter. "It'd be a shame if she found out the truth."

Harry felt his blood run cold. "You'd better not say a word."

"You make sure Red shows up for our date and my lips will be sealed," Malfoy said.

"I'm not Ginny's keeper," Harry answered. "She does what she wants to do."

"And I'm going to do what I want to do," Malfoy said making a move in Hermione's direction.

"Nowhere in our deal did you say I had to make Ginny go out with you," Harry snapped. "I got Her-- Granger to go out with me and that's what I agreed to do."

"Let's see how she feels about that," Malfoy said. "Hermione!"

"Leave her alone," Harry grabbed Malfoy's arm.

Hermione heard him call out her name and she hurried over to see what he wanted.

"Hello, Granger," Malfoy said sweetly. "Don't you look lovely today?"

"What do you want Malfoy?" Hermione asked.

"Potter, should we tell her about our little project?" Malfoy asked looking at Harry.

"Hermione, how about we get out of here instead?" Harry asked.

"I thought we were going to stay for a bit..." Hermione looked in confusion at Harry.

"Yes, Harry, why do you want to go so soon?" Malfoy asked.

"Shove off Malfoy," Harry grabbed her hand. "Come on."

Hermione glared at Malfoy before allowing Harry to lead her out of the pub. "What was that about?"

"He's just a jerk," Harry muttered. "I can't stand being around him."

"That makes two of us," Hermione said. She figured Malfoy was probably making some snide remark about Harry's Quidditch skills. "So where did you want to go?"

"I don't know," Harry said. "If you still want hot chocolate, we could go to the Boar's Head... although I don't really want to know what they put in theirs. Maybe we should just go back to the castle. It'll be nice and quiet there."

"I was thinking I might need to get a new set of dress robes for the ball," Hermione said. "And this is the last chance..."

"You want to fight through that?" he joked, pointing towards Gladrags.

"Not really," Hermione said. "Well, I guess you'll just have to see in my old set."

"You looked gorgeous the first time," Harry said softly.

Hermione blushed. "Too bad I wasn't wearing them for you then. That night might have turned out better than it did."

"This Ball will turn out much better," Harry squeezed her hand. "I'll make sure of that."

Hermione hugged him tightly. "I know it will be."

"Come on," Harry said. "I bet we can get Dobby to make us some hot chocolate."

"And we can go up to my room and sit by the fire," Hermione said.

"I like that idea," Harry nuzzled her ear. "Come on."

"Okay," Hermione grinned.

Harry could hardly wait to keep his hands off her as he hurried them over to one of the carriages.

The moment the doors were shut and the carriage set off toward the castle, he took her in his arms and kissed her.

Hermione let out a muffled squeal but kissed him back, opening her mouth under his.

He was trying very, very hard not to push things, but when he was alone with her like this, he couldn't help himself.

She pushed him back onto the seat, running her hands through his messy hair. "You are so, so good at this," she whispered between kisses.

"So are you," Harry whispered.

She had often thought about what he said to her that night he spent in her room. Hermione wondered if her deepening feelings for him might be turning into love as well.

"Is everything okay?" he asked breathlessly. "Hmm?"

"Yes," she answered, kissing him again. "Right now, everything's perfect."

He felt a surge of guilt as he thought about how close he'd just come to having Malfoy destroy everything. There had to be some other way of keeping Hermione in the dark about that deal without helping Malfoy.

Meanwhile, back in Hogsmeade Ron and Luna were currently walking around together. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" he asked.

"Hmmm?" Luna asked absently.

"Are you all right?" Ron asked.

Luna looked at him. "Ronald, is there something you'd like to tell me?

"A--about what?" he stuttered.

Luna stopped walking. "About your feelings...."

"Feelings?" Ron's voice was suspiciously high pitched. He swore he'd kill his sister.

"I might have heard that you had feelings for me," Luna said trying to choose her words carefully. "And I just wanted to say---"

"Oh that!" Ron forced a loud laugh. "Well um... I might have used to have had a crush on you. You know, early on. No big deal."

Luna looked up at him. "But not anymore?"

"Of course not," Ron couldn't bear to hear that she only thought of him as a friend. "I promise, it was nothing. Really."

"Oh," Luna said trying to hide her disappointment. "Oh, well I guess that's good that we have everything out in the open."

Ron nodded. "We're good friends, right?"

"Yes, of course," Luna said. "Good friends."

He nodded as they headed back towards the main square. "So what do you want to do?"

"It doesn't matter," Luna said quietly.

"How about getting some sweets?" Ron asked.

"Sure," Luna said not feeling up to it.

"You like Sugar Quills don't you?" he asked. "I'll buy you a box."

"You don't have to," Luna replied.

"I want to," he held open the door. "It's the least I can do for... for a friend."

Luna forced a smile as she walked into the sweets shoppe. Ginny must have gotten it wrong.

"Here they are," Ron said, heading right over to the wall. "Do you want the big box?"

"Sure," Luna said. "That's----that's really sweet of you, Ronald."

Ron's face turned red as he nodded and smiled. "Well you know... anything for you."

"You're going to make some girl very, very happy," Luna said softly.

He wanted to say it was HER he wanted to make happy. But instead he nodded. "I hope so."

"I should get you something," Luna said looking around. "But you like everything..."

"I'm pretty easy to shop for," he smiled.

"How about one of the sample packs?" Luna asked. "They have a little bit of everything in there."

"You don't have to get me anything," Ron said.

Luna touched his arm. "I want to. You know since we're friends."

"Thanks," he said. "A sample pack would be nice."

Luna grabbed two of them and when Ron looked at her in surprise she nudged him. "You never can eat one of anything, Ronald."

"You know me too well then," Ron said with a more genuine grin.

"I'm also going to get some of these chocolates for my father," Luna said.

"He'll probably love that," Ron followed her.

"He loves them," Luna said grabbing a couple of bags.

He wanted to tell her that he loved her- that he didn't want to be just friends, but as usual chickened out.

"Is there anything else you wanted to get?" Luna asked.

"No thanks," Ron replied absently.

"We can pay for these and head back to the castle then," Luna said.

"Okay," Ron tucked the box of quills under his arm.

He knew that he'd dodged a bullet with Luna. The last thing he wanted was for her to tell him that she thought of him like a brother. This really was for the best.

He forced another smile on his face as he bought her quills. "There you go. Should last you until our next visit."

"And you should have enough to last you until tonight," Luna said setting her purchases down on the counter.

"You do know me too well," he laughed.

"Too well," Luna said grinning at him.

They left Honeydukes and headed for one of the carriages. Ron wasn't sure if he hoped they'd ride back together alone or with someone else.

Thankfully, they caught sight of Ginny and Neville and hurried to catch up to them.

"Can we ride back with you?" Luna asked as they approached.

"Um sure," Ginny replied. "The more the merrier."

She cast a disappointed look at Neville- they hoped to use the time alone for some quality snogging, but that could wait until they arrived at the castle.

Ron glared at his sister before climbing into the carriage.

"What was that look for?" she whispered once the four of them were settled inside.

"You not keeping your big mouth shut," Ron whispered back.

Ginny was baffled until she remembered her conversation with Luna at Gladrags. "What was so bad about me talking to her?"

"Because it's none of your business," Ron hissed

"Well I'm sorry," Ginny snapped back, settling down by Neville.

Neville put his arm around her. "Sibling rivalry?"

"You could say that," Ginny glared at her brother.

"So are you going to give me a hint?" Neville asked.

"A hint?" Ginny asked.

"Your dress robes," Neville said pulling her close.

"They're pretty," Ginny offered with a grin.

"That's a given," Neville said grinning back at her. "I can't wait to see you coming down the staircase..."

"And I can't wait to see you dressed up either." Ginny rested her head on his shoulder. She didn't care what Malfoy had said to her. She had her date to the ball.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Luna asked Ron. "Neville and Ginny."

"Sure," Ron answered a bit sullenly.

The carriage went over a bump in the road pushing Luna against Ron.

"Oops," she said sheepishly, not moving away. "Sorry."

"It's---its okay," Ron said softly.

Luna realised she didn't want to move away from Ron. His body was warm and they seemed to fit quite comfortably against each other.

To Ron, this seemed like pure torture. It was like dangling the thing you most wanted in front of you and then yanking it away just when you reached for it.

"I'm kind of tired," Luna lied. "Would it be all right if I just leaned against you like this until we get back to the castle?"

"Sure," Ron said without hesitation. "That'd be okay."

"Thank you," Luna smiled. Her hair fell over his shoulder and he breathed the scent in deeply.

Ron closed his eyes and wondered what it would be like to hold her like this whenever he wanted.

Ginny looked over at her brother. She had thought something had gone wrong when he looked so sour getting into the carriage but now he was holding Luna as if they were a couple. She resolved to talk to her friend as soon as possible to find out what was going on.

"You know while you were shopping, I did manage to pick up your Christmas present," Neville said in her ear.

"You got me a Christmas present?" Ginny asked. "Neville!"

Neville blushed. "Well, you are my---well, you're my----"

"Girlfriend?" Ginny asked softly.

He nodded. "If that's okay---"

"Yes," she answered with a grin. "It's very, very okay."

He leaned in and softly kissed her. Aside from Malfoy's interruption earlier, it had been a fantastic day.

"I'm so glad you fessed up," Ginny said when they'd pulled apart.

"Took me long enough," Neville said sheepishly.

"Took me long enough too," Ginny leaned against him again. "But at least we're together now."

"And nothing will change that," Neville said kissing the top of her head. "Nothing."

17. Chapter 17

Bit of a cliffie this time, guys. But you do get some great H/Hr in this chapter. Enjoy!

It was later that same afternoon and Harry and Hermione had spent most of the day sitting on the cosy sofa in her room, just talking.

"Are you kidding me?" Hermione was laughing. "That was one of the worst movies I'd ever seen! I can't believe you liked it!"

"It wasn't that bad," Harry said defensively. "It's underrated."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Oh please..."

"Just because it didn't take place in the 16th century and people didn't go around talking about their feelings doesn't mean it's not a good film," Harry said before taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"I didn't say it had to be," Hermione objected. "But the name of the film is Freddy got Fingered. That in itself says enough!"

"Okay, okay," Harry said setting his mug down on the table. "You do have a point."

"What's your absolute favourite movie?" Hermione asked. "Not just any film, but if you could only watch one movie the rest of your life, what would it be?"

"I didn't really have much chance to watch that many," Harry told her. "I used to wait until after my aunt and uncle left the house and then I'd turn on the telly. But, I guess if I had to choose one..."

"Want to know mine?" Hermione offered.

"Sure," Harry replied grinning at her.

"Sense and Sensibility," she answered. "Although..."

"Isn't that a book?" Harry asked.

"It's a book and it's a movie," Hermione laughed. "The bloke who plays Colonel Brandon in the movie- it's rather eerie how much he looks like Snape with light hair. And the woman who plays Elinor- she sort of resembles Trelawney…"

"Snape as a movie star," Harry said thoughtfully. "Now there's something you wouldn't like to think of..."

"No," Hermione shook her head. "Not especially."

"Maybe we could go see a film together someday," Harry said leaning back on the sofa.

Hermione smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, actually."

"Come here," Harry said smiling back at her. "You're too far away."

She slid closer to him. "You never told me what your favourite film was..."

"I didn't," Harry said. "You---you promise not to laugh?"

"I'll try," Hermione grinned.

"It's A Wonderful Life," Harry said sheepishly.

"Really?" Hermione was more surprised than anything.

"You know how it comes on the telly every Christmas, right?" Harry asked her. "Well, there was this one time when I was around nine....Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had taken Dudley out to go Christmas shopping. They left me at home and I snuck out of the cupboard and watched it."

"I always watch it at Christmas with my parents," Hermione said. "It's a tradition."

"When I was a kid, I didn't feel like I mattered," Harry said to Hermione. He'd never been this honest with anyone before. "I guess I just related to George Bailey. You know, giving up what he really wanted to do what was right for Bedford Falls and just feeling that we're all linked no matter how insignificant we might feel..."

Hermione looked at him thoughtfully. "It's a shame more people don't know what you've done, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "I just wanted to be normal, Hermione. That's all. I could care less if everyone knew..."

She reached for his hand and squeezed it supportively.

He looked down at their intertwined hands. "I'd give it all up to have my parents and my godfather back."

Hermione bit her lower lip. "I wish I could help you get them back."

"My godfather would have liked you," Harry said looking into her eyes. "He always said I needed someone to keep me on my toes."

"I keep you on your toes," Hermione said softly. "And you can keep me on a broom."

Harry laughed. "So, in other words, we're good for each other."

"I think we are," Hermione nodded. "Very much so."

Harry didn't say anything for a long time. He held her close and just looked at the fire. It was cosy and warm here and he didn't know of any other place on earth he'd rather be.

"You've always intrigued me," he finally said. "Right from the start."

"I did?" she asked.

"You always seemed so eager to prove yourself," Harry said. "Like me."

"I suppose I have tried to prove myself," Hermione answered. "Mainly because for one thing, I'm Muggle born, and two, I'm a girl. So sometimes I feel as if I have to work extra hard to stay at the top."

"And you kept yourself at a distance," Harry said. "Afraid to let people in... another thing we had in common."

"Yes well... I have my reasons..." Hermione stared at the fire.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Mostly him," Hermione muttered.

"I hate him for many things, but even more for what he did to you," Harry said softly.

"I don't think you know the half of what he did to me," Hermione answered quietly.

Harry reached out and touched her cheek. "Do you want to tell me?"

At first she didn't want to, but then she nodded. "Okay..."

"He's always been an arrogant prat," Harry said. "How did you ever---"

"I thought I really fancied him," Hermione interrupted. "I guess I just thought he was really smart, since he kept up with me as far as marks... and he paid attention to me, when most other blokes didn't."

Harry nodded. "He said all the right things?"

Hermione nodded. "He even asked me to the ball that year. That's the real reason I was so dressed up. I'd never been so excited in my life."

"What happened?" Harry asked gently.

"I got to the Great Hall," Hermione continued to stare at the fire. "We had planned to meet up there. And so I found him sitting at the Slytherin table."

"Sounds okay so far," Harry said.

"Yes well... soon as I walked over to him, I realised what a mistake I had made," Hermione said bitterly. "He laughed in my face. Turned out he knew all along that I fancied him and was stringing me along for a laugh. People I thought were my friends- like Justin and Padma- were laughing at what a fool I was."

Harry felt a mixture of emotions at that moment. Anger that Malfoy had treated Hermione like that and guilt that he was guilty of the same. But, he rationalized; he wasn't doing this for a laugh. He loved this girl and would do anything to see that she wasn't hurt.

"I just turned and left," Hermione shook her head. "On my way out of the room I heard him collecting money from everyone. Turns out he had a wager going on whether or not I'd show up."


"I just sort of shut everyone out after that," Hermione finished. She was surprised to discover she had tears in her eyes. "I was completely humiliated… and I couldn't ever go through that again."

Harry looked away, feeling worse than he could ever remember feeling.

"I don't think you'd ever do that to me," Hermione said softly. "I do trust you, Harry."

"I never want to hurt you, Hermione," he said softly. "Never. No matter what happens, I hope you know that."

"I know," Hermione said. "Thanks for listening to me. You're the first person I've told that to."

"I'm glad you trusted me enough to tell me," Harry managed to say.

"I don't think Malfoy ever really knew how badly he hurt me," Hermione answered. "And I wasn't about to let him know that. Ever."

"I'm sorry," Harry said looking at her.

"Its okay," Hermione rested against him again. "I feel safe with you."

She had no idea that her words were tearing him up inside.

Hermione felt like she was talking too much so she closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.

Harry put his arms around her and held her tightly, not wanting to say anything for fear he'd confess everything to her.

"I want to stay here forever," Hermione finally said softly. "I'm so glad you stuck with me, Harry."

"I am too," Harry whispered.

She leaned in and kissed him, wrapping her arms around him to pull his body closer.

"Hermione, I----" Harry started to protest. He didn't deserve her.

"What?" she asked, breaking away for a moment.

She was looking at him in a way that no one ever had and he couldn't bring himself to confess. "I-I'm really glad that you asked me to come up here."

Hermione smiled. "Well... you can consider it an open door from now on."

Harry kissed her back this time, making a silent vow that she'd never find out the truth.

*** *** ***

Draco was about at the end of his rope with Zabini giving him a hard time over Ginny. The more he thought about the redhead, the more he figured she was just using Longbottom to make him jealous. Problem was, it was working. And it wasn't that he really had feelings for Ginny, it was more or less that she was almost unattainable and he always liked a challenge.

Currently they were all sitting down to dinner. Ginny and Longbottom had come into the Great Hall hand in hand; a sight that had made Draco's lip curl.

"Where are you going, Draco?" Pansy asked when he stood.

"Nowhere," he said shortly.

Pansy rolled her eyes and returned her attention to Blaise and Goyle.

Across the room, Neville sat down beside Ginny. "Do you know what we're having tonight?"

"No, but I'm starved," Ginny replied.

"So am I," Draco said plopping down on Ginny's other side. "Hello, Gorgeous."

Ginny looked over at him, her eyebrow raised. "Malfoy."

"Malfoy, the Slytherin table is over there," Neville said motioning over his shoulder.

"I'm right where I want to be," Draco said grinning lasciviously at Ginny.

Ginny sighed heavily. "What is it you want?"

"I've missed you," Draco whispered.

"Oh please," Ginny moved away from him. "I don't know what you're playing at--"

"Let's just ignore him," Neville said as the food appeared on the platters before them.

"Good idea," Ginny smiled at him.

"You couldn't ignore me if you tried," Draco said inching closer to her.

Ginny was trying to do just that as she moved closer to Neville.

Draco put his hand on Ginny's thigh.

"I beg your pardon!" Ginny shoved his arm away.

"Leave her alone, Malfoy," Neville said getting to his feet.

Draco sent him a little smirk. "You don't have to stick around, Longbottom. Red and I are fine here on our own."

"When I said go, I meant for you to go back to where you came from," Neville said angrily. "And we'd stay here."

Draco waved his hand dismissively. "That'll be all, Longbottom."

"I think you'd better go, Draco," Ginny said quietly.

"For you, Red." Draco said charmingly. "But I'm not giving up on you. I know I've been harsh, but I really like you."

Before she could stop him, he pecked her on the cheek.

Neville was fuming as Draco got up and purposely bumped him out of the way as he went back to the Slytherin table.

"Sit back down," Ginny said patting the space beside her.

"Fine," Neville grumbled. "Talk about spoiling an appetite."

"Beef stew," Ginny said spooning some onto his plate.

"Thanks," he sent her a grudging smile.

Ginny smiled back at him. "Okay, Longbottom. You and I are going to have a nice dinner and then we'll go and study..."

He knew she was trying to make him feel better, and she WAS still sitting here with him. "Okay," he reached for her hand.

"I almost forgot to share my good news with you," Ginny told him. "I received my marks back on my Herbology test. I had the second highest marks in the class after Luna."

Neville grinned at her. "Really?" he asked delightedly. "Ginny I'm really proud of you!"

"I couldn't have done it without you," Ginny said giving him a hug. "I'd still be failing if it wasn't for your help and tutoring."

"But you're the one that worked hard," Neville objected. "It's because of that, that you did so well."

"It was a team effort," Ginny conceded.

Draco watched the couple from the Slytherin table and just rolled his eyes. Longbottom better enjoy this while he could. He was contemplating taking his dinner upstairs when he spotted Hermione Granger come into the Great Hall. Potter was across the room talking to Hagrid. It might be fun to mess with Potter's head a little.

With a snide smile, he got up again and approached the Head Girl. "Evening, Granger."

"Malfoy," Hermione said shortly.

"So..." he drawled. "You enjoying yourself with Potter?"

"That's none of your business," Hermione retorted taking a seat at the end of the Gryffindor table.

"That so?" Draco asked with a smirk. "Has he said anything... interesting... lately?"

Hermione regarded him. "Why would you care?"

"If it wasn't for me," Draco began. "He never would have even--"

"Never have even what?" Hermione asked impatiently.

Draco noticed Potter approaching them. "Never even have talked--"

"Say goodbye, Malfoy," Harry said glaring at his rival.

"Well hello Potter," Draco smirked. "I'm just having a word with the Head Girl here."

"And I was trying to get him to leave," Hermione said.

"You heard her," Harry snapped. "Leave us alone."

"Granger's really come out of her shell, hasn't she?" Malfoy asked ignoring him.

"That's none of your damn business," Harry felt his temper flaring up. "And if you say anything else--"

"What could I possibly say?" Draco asked pulling his most innocent face.

"Maybe you could tell me why you've shirked your responsibilities?" Hermione asked. "Why you've had prefects doing duties that are yours?"

Draco waved a hand. "I'm Head Boy, Granger. I do what I have to do."

"It doesn't mean that you can lord over everyone else," Hermione told him.

"That's what being Head Boy is all about," Draco eyed her lazily.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "The perks. That's all you care about?"

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Draco pointed out.

"What I want is for you to leave me alone," Hermione replied. "Harry and I would like to eat dinner in peace."

Draco smiled. "All right then. I'll see you two around..."

"Not if we can help it," Hermione said shaking her head.

Harry shook his head and sat down next to her. "What did that wanker say to you?"

Hermione shrugged. "Trying to get on my nerves as usual."

"You all right?" he squeezed her hand.

"Absolutely," Hermione said. "How's Hagrid?"

"Fine," Harry smiled. "Says you haven't been down to visit him in awhile. I told him you were busy with me, but we'd stop by in the next few days."

Hermione smiled back at him. "I'd love that. I've been meaning to stop by and see him."

"Let's try and go tomorrow night then," Harry replied.

"It's a date," Hermione said.

"And I was actually hoping you could help me with an essay later," Harry said sheepishly. "I sort of waited until the last minute..."

Hermione was pleased that he needed her help. "Which class?"

"Defence," he answered. "And if I don't hand in something good, Lupin will have my head. And you like it too much for that to happen, right?" Harry sent her a charming grin.

Hermione laughed. "Would you like some wine with that line? That was pretty cheesy, Harry."

"Yeah well," he rumpled his hair. "You will help me, right?"

"Yes, I will help you," Hermione said. "I finished my essay a couple of weeks ago."

"Thank you," Harry said in relief.

"Well, I am going to expect to be compensated for my help," Hermione said coyly.

"I could give you another flying lesson," Harry edged a little closer to her.

Hermione shook her head. "You can do better than that."

"Well..." Harry leaned closer. "It's not the lesson itself, but what would come after it..."

"I'm intrigued," Hermione said softly.

"I'll give you a little preview later," Harry answered, not wanting to put on a show in front of Malfoy lest he try anything again.

"I can't wait," Hermione said happily.

"Me either," Harry said. Every day he felt himself falling for her more and more, which was why he wanted to keep Malfoy away from her until he could find some way to tell her what was going on.

"There is something I was going to ask you," Hermione said, biting her bottom lip. "You can say no, of course..."

"What's that?" Harry asked as he pulled his plate towards him.

"I heard from my parents today," Hermione told him. "And I know I said I was going to stay here for Christmas, but I think I'm going to go home after the ball."

"Oh," Harry answered, feeling somewhat deflated. He had hoped they could spend Christmas holiday together.

"I wrote to them and asked if it would be okay if I brought a guest," Hermione said softly.

Harry stopped with his fork halfway to his mouth. "You... you want to bring me home with you?"

Hermione nodded. "They were okay with it, especially when I told them how important you were to me."

Harry's mind was reeling. This was a huge step- meeting her parents. He wondered what they would think of him.

"It's just Mum, Dad, and me," Hermione said. "Nothing too big. We have dinner and then we usually watch an old movie on the telly. I-I asked Dad to get It's a Wonderful Life."

"I'll be there," Harry answered. "I'd love to meet your family."

Hermione grinned. "Really?"

"Wouldn't miss it for anything," Harry reached for her hand.

"Christmas has always been my favourite holiday," Hermione said. "And now even more so."

"I can't wait to see you out of school," Harry said.

"I'm the same," Hermione said softly.

"Come on," Harry said. "Let's finish up so we can get to work... then have some fun."

"Work before play," Hermione agreed.

While Harry and Hermione were finishing up their dinner and heading back to her room, Ron was eating and sneaking looks over in Luna's direction.

They had been avoiding each other ever since Hogsmeade and Ron wished he'd just told her the truth. This was complete and utter torture.

Luna was also peeking at him through her long curtain of hair. At first she hadn't understood why she was so upset over Ron's declaration that he was over his crush on her, until she realised that she fancied him back.

Things were now awkward between them. She'd always been able to talk to him and she could always count on him to make her laugh.

With a sigh, she picked at the food on her plate. She'd never had less of an appetite in her life.

Ron, too, didn't have much of an appetite. He hadn't touched anything on his plate. To make matters worse, he was sitting across from his sister and Neville who kept giving each other what his mother liked to call the "goo-goo" eyes. This was all Ginny's bloody fault.

"What's your problem?" Ginny finally took notice of her brother's expression.

"Your big, bloody mouth," Ron muttered.

"What did I do?" Ginny was baffled.

"Told Luna that I fancied her," Ron said trying to keep his voice down so no one else would find out.

"So?" Ginny asked. "You do."

Ron glared at her. "Yes, but don't you think I should have been the one to tell her?"

"I thought she fancied you back," Ginny said. "I'm sorry, Ron."

"I didn't really give her a chance to say either way," Ron said.

"What do you mean?" Neville asked.

"She told me we were friends, so I told her that's all we were," Ron stabbed his knife into his chicken.

"You're still in with a chance then," Neville said. "I mean, she didn't shoot you down..."

Ron snorted. "Yeah right."

"You're still going to the ball," Ginny pointed out.

"As friends," Ron pushed away his plate

"I can say something to her," Ginny offered.

"No," Ron said. "You did enough."

"Ron," Ginny said genuinely sorry. "I thought she knew."

"Whatever," Ron got up. "I'm going back upstairs."

"Ron---" Ginny called after him.

He waved over his shoulder as he left the Great Hall.

Luna had seen him get up to go and she'd followed him out.


Ron stopped and turned around. "Hey Luna," he said quietly.

"Are you ill?" Luna asked.

"A little," he lied.

"I'm sorry," Luna said touching his arm. "I noticed you weren't eating."

He stared at her hand. "Um... well yeah... maybe I'll go up to the infirmary."

"It's that serious?" Luna asked, concern etched across her features.

"I don't know," he answered.

"Well, maybe you should---" Luna started to say, but the doors to the Great Hall swung open and Lavender Brown came out with Parvati Patil.

The last thing Ron wanted was Luna's pity and without thinking, he smiled at Lavender. "Um, Lav. I'm glad that you're here."

Lavender shared a surprised look with Parvati. "You are?"

"Sure," he answered. "I'm always glad to see you."

"Come on, Lavender," Parvati said grabbing her friend's arm.

"I was hoping you'd let me walk you back to the tower," Ron said.

"What?" both Luna and Lavender asked at the same time.

Ron stuck his hands in his pockets. "I was hoping that you'd let me walk you back to the tower, Lavender," he repeated.

"Um..." Lavender was confused. "Okay... I guess that'd be nice."

"I-I thought you weren't feeling well," Luna stammered.

"I'll be all right," Ron said.

"Oh," Luna said quietly. "Um...well, I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," Ron said quickly. "I'll see you later... buddy."

Luna watched as he took Lavender's hand.

Parvati rolled her eyes. "I hope we don't have to go through Ron-Lavender, Part Deux."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked softly.

Parvati sighed. "Fifth year. The two of them had crushes on each other and spent nearly the entire year snogging in our common room."

Luna felt as if she'd been kicked in the stomach. Perhaps Ginny had really been mistaken about Ron's feelings for her. He couldn't be any clearer about staying away from her.

"I thought he was going to the Yule Ball with you though," Parvati said.

"That's what I thought," Luna answered. "But um... maybe he'll want to go with someone he fancies."

Parvati shrugged. "I kind of thought he fancied you."

Luna looked at the other girl hopefully. "You do?"

"Yes, well he does spend a lot of time with you, doesn't he?" Parvati pointed out. "And you're going to the ball and he's taken you to Hogsmeade."

"Just as friends, apparently," Luna said. "Um... I think I'm going to go back to my dormitory. I hope you have a nice night, Parvati."

"You too," Parvati said before heading upstairs.

Luna blinked to keep back her tears. She still thought there might be a shred of hope, but that was dashed when she saw Ron with Lavender.

How was she going to get through the ball feeling the way she did?

*** *** ***

Ginny had stayed late in the library to finish an essay for McGonagall's class. Neville had helped her with Herbology but she had told him to go on back- knowing if he stayed, she'd never get any work done.

The thought of the brown haired seventh year brought a smile to Ginny's face. Of all the guys she thought she'd date this year, Neville had been near the bottom of the list. Of course, that was before she'd realised what a catch he was.

She yawned and looked at her watch. She should really get back to the dorm.

Ginny packed up her books and slung her bag over her shoulder. She wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone on her way out. "Sorry..."

"No need to apologise," Draco said giving her the once-over. "Mmmmm..."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Pardon me."

"Want me to carry those for you?" Draco offered.

"No," Ginny said curtly. "I have to get back to my dormitory."

"We need to talk about the ball," Draco said grabbing her bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "What colour robes are you wearing?"

"My date already knows," Ginny tugged at the straps. "Give me my stuff back!"

"No," Draco laughed holding it away from her. "Come and get it."

"I don't have time for this," Ginny snapped. "I'm going to miss curfew."

"I'll get you out of it," Draco promised. "Head Boy, remember?"

"I don't want you to," Ginny reached for her bag again. "Why are you bothering me? I thought you didn't want anything to do with me."

"On the contrary," Draco said handing her bag back to her. "I want very, very much to have something to do with you."

"Too late," Ginny said bluntly.

Draco followed her up the staircase. "Longbottom, really?"

"It's none of your business," Ginny marched ahead.

"You could do better than him," Draco told her.

"Oh, with you?" Ginny turned to face him.

Draco shrugged. "You still fancy me, Red."

"No I don't," Ginny replied quickly.

They reached the top of the staircase and Draco moved quickly so he was in front of her. He pulled her to him. "So, this doesn't do anything to you?"

18. 18

Big revelations happen in this chapter- and we ARE approaching the end. Next chapter has the Yule Ball, so enjoy this one ;)

"N--no..." Ginny stammered.

"Liar," Draco grinned down at her. His face was inches away from hers.

"I want you to leave me alone," Ginny said. "I don't like you. I love Neville."

Draco froze. "What?"

She hardly realised what she had just said. "I don't want you," she repeated.

"No," Draco said angrily. "You love...Longbottom? Red..."

"It shouldn't matter to you how I feel about Neville," Ginny tried to push past him.

He grabbed her arm again. "Do you have any idea who I am? You should be on your hands and knees thanking your lucky stars that someone like me is interested in the likes of you…"

"The likes of me?" Ginny yanked herself free. "You've got to be kidding!"

"You're a Weasley," Draco said disdainfully.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I'm going now."

"Red?" Draco called after her. "You're going to pay for this. No one turns me down. No one."

"And what are you going to do?" she asked angrily.

Draco laughed. "Wouldn't you like to know? Good night, Weasley."

Ginny rolled her eyes and headed in the opposite direction. "Wanker," she muttered to herself.

Hermione had just finished her rounds and she caught up with Ginny at the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. "Hey, stranger," Hermione said to her friend.

"Hi," Ginny responded.

"Belladonna," Hermione said giving the Fat Lady the password.

"Thank you dear!" the portrait swung forward.

"Can I talk to you?" Ginny asked.

"Sure," Hermione replied. "Do you want to go to my room?"

Ginny nodded. "That'd be great."

Hermione led the way upstairs. "So what's going on?"

"Malfoy," Ginny said. "He sort of threatened me."

Hermione ushered her friend inside. "Tell me everything."

"He cornered me outside the library," Ginny began. She told Hermione everything that had transpired.

"That bastard," Hermione said shaking her head.

"Do you think he'd really do anything?" Ginny asked. "To me or to Neville?"

Hermione shook her head. "He's all talk, Ginny."

"There was also something else I said, that I didn't even realise until the words were out of my mouth," Ginny turned pink. "Hermione, I think I'm in love with Neville."

Hermione smiled. "That's great, Ginny."

"I remember what Dumbledore said," Ginny recalled. "That true love would break the pact." Both girls looked at each other as if a large, heavy weight had been lifted from their shoulders.

Hermione had to sit down as she realised what this must mean. If Ginny had fallen in love with Neville, this meant that she was in love with Harry.

"Hermione do you think that we broke the pact?" Ginny asked excitedly.

Hermione nodded. "I--I think we did."

"How do we find out?" Ginny asked. "Wait... do we both have to fall in love? Does that mean you're in love with Harry?"

"I think so," Hermione said feeling a myriad of emotions as she realised what she'd been feeling. How long had it been like this? She couldn't remember. "I do. I love, Harry."

Ginny shrieked and hugged her. "This is so great, Hermione!!"

Hermione hugged her friend. "I'm scared though, Ginny."

"Why?" Ginny asked.

"There's something you should know," Hermione said quietly. "The reason why I kind of shut myself off from everyone."

Ginny sat back and looked at her expectantly.

"I'm not proud of this," Hermione said not really wanting to relive the whole experience again, but knowing that she needed to tell Ginny where she was coming from. "A couple years ago, I developed feelings for someone..."

"Who?" Ginny asked, bewildered. "You didn't fancy my BROTHER, did you?"

"Merlin, NO!" Hermione exclaimed. "NO!"

"Who then?" Ginny asked.

Hermione turned red. "Um... Malfoy."

"MALFOY?" Ginny screamed.

"Shhh!" Hermione hissed. "Ginny, I told you I wasn't proud of it."

"You and Malfoy?" Ginny asked when she'd calmed down. "Why?"

"I imagine it was just like how it was for you," Hermione told her. "He said all the right things. He was charming and kind. I thought he cared about me. He invited me to the Yule Ball our fourth year."

"I didn't know that," Ginny said still trying to process this news.

"I didn't say anything to anyone," Hermione recalled the tale to her. "After all that... I don't know. I just couldn't take being hurt again."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Ginny asked.

"I didn't want to," Hermione said. "I didn't want to tell anyone. And I figured you had to find out how Malfoy was on your own."

"I'm sorry that he did that to you," Ginny said. "What a wanker!"

"Well, I learned my lesson... or so I thought." Hermione shrugged. "I just never thought Harry Potter would be interested in me. I think, until recently, we've said maybe ten words to each other."

"And look at you now," Ginny said dreamily.

"I can't believe it," Hermione started to laugh. "I'm in love, you know? I never thought I'd say that!"

"You're perfect for each other," Ginny said. "Just like Neville and me."

"Thank you Ginny," Hermione hugged her again. "You've... you've really made this year great for me."

"I think a certain black-haired boy with glasses had more to do with that than me," Ginny said with a grin.

"Yeah but if you hadn't encouraged me--" Hermione began.

"No," Ginny cut her off. "That was him."

"I'm really looking forward to the Ball," Hermione said. "Although I have to fix up my old robes. I never bought new ones."

"I'm sure Harry will love you in them," Ginny reassured her.

"He's seen me in them before," Hermione replied. "So I was trying to think of a way to spruce them up a bit."

"I might be able to help with that," Ginny said. "Can I see them?"

"Sure," Hermione pulled them out.

"Those are really nice," Ginny commented after giving them the once-over.

"Thanks," Hermione said. "They still fit, believe it or not."

"We could darken the colour," Ginny said thoughtfully.

"You think?" Hermione asked. "I was looking in a few magazines for some ideas... didn't really see anything though. I'm not exactly fashionable."

Ginny withdrew her wand and muttered a quick spell darkening the colour of her friend's dress robes. With another flick of her wand, she changed the neckline.

Hermione's eyes grew wide. "Ginny, that's gorgeous!"

"It is, isn't it?" Ginny said proudly.

"You're brilliant," Hermione said. "I can't wait to wear these!"

"You should wear your hair up," Ginny said.

"Okay," Hermione answered. "Will you help me?"

"Absolutely," Ginny replied. "It's going to be a special night. For both of us."

"I think so too," Hermione nodded.

"I just hope that Draco will leave us alone," Ginny said handing the robes back to Hermione.

"If he bothers you I'll talk to Dumbledore," Hermione hung them back up. "He's completely abusing his position as Head Boy."

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that," Ginny said quietly. "I had no idea..."

"Don’t' be sorry," Hermione answered. "I'm just glad he didn't put you through it too."

"Me too," Ginny said. "Well, I am going to go to my room. Thank you for listening to me."

"You tell me if he says anything else to you," Hermione replied.

"I will," Ginny promised.

"Thank you for your help," Hermione said. "I really appreciate it."

Ginny opened the door to find Harry about to knock. "Oh...hello."

"Hi," Harry seemed surprised to see her there.

"Aren't you out past curfew?" Ginny asked teasingly.

"Still in Gryffindor," Harry joked. "I think I'm safe."

"I'll leave you in the capable hands of our Head Girl," Ginny said turning and winking at her friend.

Hermione blushed a deep red. "Good night, Ginny."

"Good night," Ginny said hitting Harry on the arm before closing the door on her way out.

"What um... what brings you up?" Hermione fumbled for words.

"Well," Harry said leaning against the door. "I have a problem."

"With what?" she asked.

"My bed," Harry replied. "It's really, really uncomfortable."

A smile touched the corners of her mouth. "I'm sorry to hear that. Anything I can do to help?"

"You do have a large, comfortable bed," Harry said motioning toward it.

"And no one to share it with, unless you want to help out," Hermione answered.

"So, we could help each other out," Harry said stepping closer to her. "Because a good night's sleep is very, very important."

"I completely agree," Hermione said softly.

He put his arms on her waist. "I missed you."

"It's only been a few hours since I saw you last," Hermione leaned against him.

"Too damn long," Harry said nuzzling her neck.

Hermione smiled. "You're totally right..."

"So what were you and Ginny talking about?" Harry asked.

"She was helping me with my robes for the ball," Hermione answered.

"It's only a few days away now," Harry said, his arms wrapped tightly around her.

"I can't wait," Hermione buried her face in his shoulder.

"I'm not that much of a dancer," he told her.

"Neither am I," she said. "But we can just sort of stand off to the side... and move around a bit... and people might think we're dancing."

Harry laughed. "We could do that."

"And maybe there will be some mistletoe," Hermione brushed her lips against his.

"We don't need mistletoe," Harry said grinning at her.

"We definitely don't NEED it," Hermione said with a smile. "It'll just be a good excuse to snog in public."

"Like this?" Harry asked before kissing her.

"Mmmmm..." she said deep in her throat.

"I love you," he said when they pulled apart.

"I..." Hermione wanted to say the same thing, and although she'd just told Ginny a few minutes before, she couldn't get the words out of her mouth.

The last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable, so he gave her hand a squeeze. "We should get to sleep, eh?"

"Right," Hermione nodded.

Harry gave her another kiss. "In the nice, comfortable bed."

"I think you like my bed more than you like me," Hermione teased.

"You've figured me out," Harry said dryly.

"I knew it," Hermione reached into a drawer for her pyjamas.

Harry pulled back the covers. "You're not going to hold it against me?"

"I think I'll live," Hermione disappeared into her private bathroom to change.

Harry got into bed and leaned back against the pillows.

It didn't take her long to change and brush her teeth and then slide in next to him.

Harry took off his glasses and set them on the bedside table.

"You never told me what Professor Lupin said about that essay we wrote together." Hermione reminded him.

"Top marks," Harry replied. "The best I've ever done."

Hermione propped herself up. "Really?" she asked excitedly.

Harry grinned. "Yes and I couldn't have done it without you."

"I'm really proud of you," Hermione kissed him again.

"And I'm really, really glad that I have you," Harry said holding her close.

"You definitely do," Hermione answered, pressing her face into his shoulder.

"I never want to lose you," Harry said quietly.

She looked at him properly. "Why would you lose me?"

Harry hadn't realised he'd said that aloud. "I just----I don't want to do anything to screw this up. You're the best thing in my life right now."

"And you're the best thing in mine," Hermione pressed her lips lightly to his.

Harry knew he should say something then. He should tell her the truth, but he just couldn't do it. He knew that if he did tell her, she'd never forgive him or understand why he'd done what he had.

"I'm tired," Hermione said, unaware of his thoughts. "Let's get some sleep."

"Okay," he said, her head resting on his chest. He was suddenly wide awake.

A smile crossed her face as she closed her eyes. "Good night..."

"Good night," Harry whispered.

*** *** ***

Ron was pacing just outside the Great Hall a few days later. That damn package was supposed to have arrived three days ago. But, of course, just like everything else in his life, nothing was going to plan.

Luna had been avoiding him for the past few days, and he wanted to make sure they were still going to the Ball together. Ginny, after yelling at him about how daft he was, had showed him a magazine with a picture of some earrings she had all but ordered him to get for the Ravenclaw.

"Hello, Ronald," a soft voice said. Ron grinned. Luna must have already gotten the package. But, when he turned around, it wasn't Luna he saw.

Lavender beamed at him. "I thought you were going to wait for me."

"Uh... I forgot," Ron said lamely. "Sorry..."

"Its okay," Lavender said linking her arm in his. "Won-Won."

"Lavender," Ron pulled away. "You know that we're not--"

"Going to the ball together," Lavender finished for him. "But that's okay. Dean won't mind if I dance with you."

Ron cursed his own stupidity. A few months ago Lavender wouldn't have looked twice at him again and now here she was fawning over him once more. He hoped she wouldn't start spouting off about necklaces or any rubbish like that. "I'm going with Luna." he told her. "I... I like Luna."

"She's a very sweet girl," Lavender said. "But I'm sure she'll understand."

Ron opened his mouth to tell her something else, but Lavender pecked him on the cheek. "I have to dash but we'll talk again in class. Okay?"

"Whatever," Ron muttered.

Lavender brushed past him and into the Great Hall.

Ron quickly pushed her out of his mind. He hoped if the parcel would be delivered, the owl would know to find him out there and not in the Hall.

He worried that it wouldn't and the last thing he wanted was for the package to be delivered to someone else. It was late enough as it was. Taking a deep breath, he opened the doors and stepped inside. Thankfully, Lavender was at the other side of the room talking with some Hufflepuff girl.

"Did they come yet?" Ginny asked her brother when he sat down.

Ron shook his head. "No."

Ginny sighed. "Damn them..."

"What's this I hear about you and Lavender Brown?" Neville asked.

"We're not going out," Ron snapped irritably.

"You might want to tell her that," Ginny told her brother.

"I told her I liked Luna," Ron hissed. "As if I can't mess that up any more than I already have..."

"Well," Neville said as owls began their descent into the Great Hall. "The post is here."

Ron's head snapped up as he looked for any owls that might be heading for him.

To his delight, one of the owls deposited a small package in front of him. "It's about time!"

"Ooh!" Ginny squealed. "Let me see them, Ron!"

Ron handed her the box. "Do you really think she'll like them?"

Ginny grinned when she peeked inside. "She's going to love them. We have to write a note to go with them, and then one of us should sneak them onto her plate somehow."

"It can't be me," Ron grumbled. "The way my luck's gone, I'd probably trip over my own feet in the process and they'd end up in her water goblet and she'd swallow them..."

Ginny and Neville laughed. "We'll do it." he said. "I'll distract Luna and Ginny can slip it onto her plate when she's not looking."

"Great idea," Ginny beamed at him.

"Thanks," Ron said gratefully. "Now let's see if I can write a note, or if I can mess that up somehow too."

"Write from your heart," Ginny told him. "Tell her how you feel. How you really feel."

For once in his life, Ron ignored the food in front of him and concentrated on the letter. It was nearing the end of lunch before he finally handed a crumpled sheet of parchment to his sister.

"I'm proud of you, Ron," Ginny said stuffing the letter inside the box. "I really am."

"Really?" Ron asked. "You're not just saying that?"

Ginny shook her head. "I mean it."

"Thanks," Ron smiled crookedly. "Hopefully she's not too pissed at me."

"Ready, Gin?" Neville asked.

"Sure am," Ginny beamed at him.

Neville walked over to the Ravenclaw table where Luna was poring over the latest edition of her father's newspaper.

"Good morning," Neville said politely.

Luna looked up. "Hello Neville..."

"What are you reading about?" he asked.

"Nargles again," Luna replied. "They're so fascinating. I can't get enough of them."

Neville sat down on one side of her while Ginny approached from the other.

"Look at that photograph!" Neville asked taking the paper. "Whoa!"

"What?" Luna looked eagerly at it.

"That's a fantastic photo," Neville said. "It's just so....so....."

Ginny dropped the package on Luna's plate and then hurried back to the Gryffindor table.

"It's almost alive," Luna's eyes were bright. "I'm trying to get Daddy to let me have a Nargle for a pet, but so far, he won't budge."

Neville smiled. "Well, you should keep at him."

"I'll try," Luna turned back to her plate. "What's this?"

"I'm not sure," Neville lied. "Why don't you open it?"

Curious, Luna untied the ribbon around the box and lifted the lid. She gasped as she saw the large, sparkling earrings inside.

Neville stood up and quietly walked back to his own table.

Luna noticed a folded up piece of parchment in the box. She unfolded it and began to read.


I've messed this up a thousand different ways, but I'm hoping that this time I can somehow tell you how I feel without making a fool of myself. You see, the truth is, that I fancy you. I have for a long, long time.

Her jaw fell open as she continued to read the messy scrawl.

I just never knew what to say or how to say it. All I know is that when I'm around you, I feel happy and as if everything in the world is okay.

"Me too," she whispered to herself.

If you feel the same way, and I really hope you do, then wear these to the Ball. I can’t wait to see you there.

Luna looked up from the letter hoping to see Ron, but he was nowhere to be found.

She packed up her things, gazing at the pretty earrings before carefully placing them in her bag. She couldn't wait to see him tomorrow night.

Across the room, Harry was walking toward the door. Hermione was in the library working on an essay and hadn't had time for lunch. Harry hoped to surprise her lunch and he'd nicked a sandwich and some crisps for her.

"Where are you off to in such a rush, Potter?" Malfoy asked tapping him on the shoulder.

"Nowhere that concerns you," Harry responded acidly.

"Where's the Mudblood?" Malfoy asked. "Hmm? Did you do the honourable thing and confess everything?"

"You'd better keep your mouth shut," Harry said darkly. "If Ginny doesn't want you then there's nothing I can do. I did my part of the bargain."

"Granger's big on the truth," Malfoy said thoughtfully. "I imagine she'd not be that happy to hear the real reason you pretended to fancy her."

"I'm not pretending anything," Harry said through clenched teeth.

"Somehow," Malfoy said with a laugh. "I don't think Granger's going to see it that way."

Harry grabbed Malfoy's cloak by the neck. "You say one word, one fucking word--"

"Let go of me, Scarhead!" Malfoy retorted.

"Then don't say a word," Harry's eyes blazed.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor McGonagall crowed at him. "Let go of Mr. Malfoy right this instant!"

Harry released the other boy with a shove.

"Fighting is not acceptable," McGonagall lectured the two boys. "Am I understood?"

"Potter and I were just having a disagreement, Professor," Malfoy said innocently.

"Is this true, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall focused on him.

"Yeah..." Harry was still glaring at Malfoy.

"Professor," Malfoy asked his voice oozing with fake sincerity. "I told Potter that I thought that honesty was the best policy and he disagreed."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Malfoy. Just stay away from me."

"I'm keeping my eye on you two," Professor McGonagall cautioned them.

Harry turned his back on them and stomped away. He hated that Malfoy had this hold over him. He really needed to find a way to tell Hermione what was going on in a way where she wouldn't hate him when he was done.

She was sitting at her favourite table in the library. Her face barely visible over a stack of books.

His whole body relaxed at the sight of her. Merlin, just watching her work made him want her all the more.

Hermione had just finished another foot of parchment when Harry set a sandwich down in front of her.

"Turkey, cheese and mustard on wheat," Harry said sitting down beside her.

"That's very sweet of you," she whispered. "But we're not allowed to eat in here, Harry."

"I won't tell if you don't," he answered.

"I am hungry," she admitted. "And that is my favourite."

"I know," he answered. "I'll keep an eye out for Madam Pince. You dig in."

Hermione set aside her papers and happily took a bite of the sandwich. She noticed that Harry was watching her with a strange expression on his face.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," he answered after a moment.

"How's your revising going?" she asked him.

"Revising?" he asked.

"Your studying," Hermione replied. "Though....I must admit, I don't think you should study Divination. Complete rubbish, if you ask me."

Harry shrugged. "It's only another half a year."

"Trelawney is a complete nutter," Hermione said before taking another bite of her sandwich.

"It's entertaining... sometimes." Harry answered.

"I've overheard Parvati and Lavender talking about some of the things Ron comes up with in there," Hermione giggled. "Especially the one about him foreseeing himself with a harem who would wait on him hand and foot and feed him grapes."

Harry snorted. "He forgot to mention in his dreams."

Hermione laughed. "What kind of fortunes did you come up with for yourself?"

"That I'd be rich and famous," Harry answered drolly.

"With a harem of your own?" Hermione teased.

"Well that depends," Harry leaned forward. "Are you feeding me grapes?"

"No," Hermione giggled.

"Okay," Harry said. "No harem."

"Absolutely not," Hermione said grinning at him. "I don't want to share you with any other girls."

"You don’t' ever have to worry about that." he said. "I love you."

Hermione felt like she would melt at his words. "Harry..."

"Yeah?" he asked softly.

It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him how she felt, but again, she just couldn't say it. "I---I wanted to thank you for the sandwich."

"You're welcome," he smiled at her. "Couldn't have you starving on my conscience."

Hermione leaned in and gave him a kiss. "My hero."

His grin broadened. "For another one of those I'll bring you dinner too."

Hermione laughed. "Well, I think that could be arranged."

Harry leaned in again but saw Madam Pince stand up at her desk. "We'd better not risk that here," he said softly.

Hermione nodded. "After our last class, perhaps?"

"I like that idea," Harry squeezed her hand.

"Tomorrow night's the ball," Hermione said. "I can't believe it."

"I didn't think I was looking forward to going," Harry said. "Until you agreed to go with me..."

"I'm sure you wouldn't have trouble finding a date," Hermione told him.

"Maybe not," he answered. "But finding a date with someone I genuinely enjoy being with? That's the challenge."

Hermione could still remember how hopeful and excited she'd been a few years ago before the Yule Ball. That night had ended in heartbreak before it had truly begun. She had a better feeling about tomorrow night. For the first time in her life, she was in love. For the first time, she trusted someone else with her heart. It was scary, but exciting all at the same time.

19. Ch 19

Well it’s the moment everyone’s been looking forward to and dreading at the same time. Please review and let us know what you think! It only takes a few minutes! Also, there’s only one more chapter after this one!

The next day, Hogwarts was alit with feverishly bright excitement from all students who were attending the Ball that evening. Hermione and Ginny had holed themselves up in Hermione's room for much of that afternoon and were now almost ready.

"I'm sorry my hair's such a bother," Hermione said. "It's taken forever to fix it."

Ginny shook her head. "You have such thick hair, Hermione. A lot of girls would kill for that."

Hermione laughed wryly. "That'll be the day."

"I'm just going to pin it up now," Ginny told her.

"Thanks," Hermione said. "I can't wait to see myself."

Ginny shook her head. "Not until we're finished."

"I'm trying to be patient," Hermione teased.

Ginny just smiled as she pinned up her friend's hair. She knew that this was just a small way to make up for everything that Hermione had done for her these past few weeks.

"You know, I never did get to see your robes," Hermione commented. "What do they look like?"

"They're green," Ginny told her. "You'll see them in just a few minutes."

Hermione sat back in the chair, trying to stay patient. "I haven't told Harry I love him yet." she told Ginny. "I was thinking tonight would be perfect for that."

"Very romantic," Ginny agreed. "I haven't told Neville, either."

"Think you might tonight?" Hermione asked as Ginny pushed a pin into her hair.

Ginny smiled. "I think so. He makes me so happy, Hermione."

"Just like Harry does for me," Hermione smiled too.

"You two belong together," Ginny told her friend as she used her wand to form tendrils around Hermione's face.

"Are we done yet?" Hermione asked anxiously.

Ginny surveyed Hermione's hair. "Just about...."

Hermione bounced her leg nervously. "The ball's starting soon..."

"You're supposed to make blokes wait," Ginny said thoughtfully.

"You are?" Hermione asked.

Ginny nodded. "You have so much to learn, Hermione Granger."

"I know more than I did at the beginning of the year," Hermione answered. "That's got to count for something."

"True," Ginny said smiling at her. "Okay...are you ready to see yourself?"

"Yes!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny stood back. "Get up then. Take a look."

Hermione moved in front of the mirror and gazed at herself with wide eyes. Ginny had done an amazing job with her hair, which was twisted into a knot behind her head, and subtle makeup brought out the excited gleam in her eyes.

"You look gorgeous," Ginny told her.

"Thanks to you," Hermione answered.

"I helped a little, but the rest is all you," Ginny said smiling at her.

"Is there anything I can do to help you get ready?" Hermione asked. "I know I'm not good with makeup and hair and all that, but--"

"I'm nearly done myself," Ginny replied. "You finish getting dressed."

"Okay," Hermione pulled her robes out of the armoire and headed for the loo to change.

Ginny finished up her own makeup and then dressed in her dark green robes. It really was a great colour on her and she hoped that Neville would like her in them.

"Ginny those are lovely," Hermione came out of the bathroom. "I think Neville's going to flip."

Ginny beamed at her. "Thanks, Hermione. Look at you!"

Hermione smiled and did a little twirl. "I look quite a sight better than I usually do."

"We're going to knock their socks off," Ginny said. "In fact, I think we've made them wait long enough."

"I think so too," Hermione agreed.

They were meeting their dates just outside the Great Hall and Hermione couldn't wait to see Harry. She hadn't seen him since this morning at breakfast and she'd missed him.

She couldn't resist peeking at herself just one more time before they came down the staircase.

Outside the Great Hall, Neville and Harry were chatting while they waited for the girls. Harry felt a little apprehensive about Malfoy.

He hoped the blond would mind his own business and stay busy with Pansy Parkinson or whoever else he was shagging and leave them be.

"Where's Ron?" Neville asked Harry.

"Last time I checked, he was still getting reamed out by Lavender," Harry replied. Ron had finally come clean to his ex-girlfriend about having feelings for Luna.

"But Ron didn't say he and Lavender were going to start dating again, did he?" Neville asked.

"No, but she certainly thought they did," Harry said. "Pity Dean's going to have to deal with her tonight, eh?"

Neville laughed. "Can't say I wish I was him."


Neville turned to see Ginny at the top of the stairs. All coherent thought left him as he watched her descend the staircase.

Harry also was watching in awe, but not at Ginny- his eyes were drawn to the brunette was just a step behind her.

Ginny beamed at Neville. "You look really handsome, Neville."

"You... you..." Neville stammered.

"Do I look okay?" Ginny asked smoothing down her robes.

Neville tried to talk, but could only nod.

Ginny leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Hermione laughed nervously as she looked at Harry. "Hi."

"Hi..." Harry was still gazing at her as if he couldn't believe his eyes. "You look... absolutely amazing Hermione."

Hermione smiled at him. "Thanks. So do you."

Neville and Ginny had already gone into the Great Hall so Harry took the opportunity to pull her close.

"You might mess up my hair and makeup," Hermione said dramatically.

"I promise to make it up to you," Harry kissed her lightly.

Hermione felt her stomach do flips. "Harry."

He took her hand. "Come on, let's go inside."

Hermione nodded and gave his hand a squeeze.

The Great Hall looked lovely, but Harry couldn't take his eyes off the girl next to him.

"It looks just like a winter wonderland," Hermione observed. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yeah," Harry was still gazing at her.

"How about we get something to drink?" Hermione asked motioning toward the refreshment table.

"All right," Harry agreed.

"Why hello there, Granger," Malfoy said coming up behind them. "Scarhead..."

"Just go away now," Hermione put her hand up. "I don't even want to deal with you tonight, Malfoy. Especially not after what you did to me at the last Ball."

"You clean up rather nicely for a---" Malfoy started to say, but he stopped when McGonagall shot him a warning look.

"I suggest you do not finish that sentence, Mr. Malfoy," McGonagall said crisply. "And as Head Boy, that is not the image we want our students to look up to."

"Of course not, Professor," Malfoy said through clenched teeth.

"Come on," Harry led Hermione away quickly.

"I hope he stays away from us," Hermione told him when they sat down.

"I hope so too," Harry said. "It's too nice a night to have his mug around."

"Let's not let him spoil our night," Hermione said smiling at him before taking a sip of her drink.

"I agree," Harry slid an arm around her.

A few of the students were now moving to the dance floor and Hermione couldn't help but gaze wistfully at them. She was by no means a good dancer, but she thought it might be nice to dance with Harry.

He looked over at her. "We could risk it," he joked. "I may trample your feet though."

"I don't mind," Hermione said smiling at him.

"Okay," he set their drinks down and took her hand.

Hermione beamed at him and together they took to the dance floor.

"You're pretty good at this," Harry commented.

Hermione laughed. "Well, I've had a bit of practise. My parents sometimes have parties."

"And you ballroom dance just like this?" Harry asked.

"Well, a little," Hermione said looking up at him. "But, um....never with someone....never with someone that I loved."

Harry looked at her properly. "What?"

"I-I love you, Harry," Hermione whispered.

He gaped at her for a moment before grinning like a fool. "You do?"

Hermione nodded. "I have for a long time. I just wasn't sure I could say it."

He was sure his grin was growing wider by the second but he didn't care if he looked stupid or not. Hermione loved him, and that was all that mattered.

"I didn't think it was possible to be this happy about something other than top marks," Hermione said grinning up at him.

"Me either," Harry leaned in and kissed her. "I really mean it when I say I love you, Hermione. You're this amazing girl..."

Hermione rested her head on his chest. "I was going to say the same about you. I know I treated you horribly and you didn't deserve it."

"But it all worked out in the end," Harry said. "And that's what really matters. I actually liked that I had to pursue you a bit."

Hermione smiled. "A bit?"

"A lot," Harry corrected, laughing.

"It feels so great to have this out in the open," Hermione said softly.

"Yes it does," Harry pulled her closer.

"This is perfect," Hermione said looking up at him. "Isn't it?"

It would have been, if Harry could stop thinking of Malfoy possibly telling Hermione about the money.

"Harry?" Hermione asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said quickly. "Never been better, actually."

"Me either," Hermione said. "And you know, you're not that bad at this. Dancing, I mean."

"I think it's my partner," Harry said, kissing her again.

Over in the corner, Draco Malfoy watched the couple with disdain. To make matters worse, Ron Weasley was a few feet away from him, pacing back and forth. He also had a black eye. If they were friends, Malfoy might have asked him how he'd gotten that, but at the moment, he couldn't be bothered. Where the hell was Red?

He took another swig from the flask he had concealed in his sleeve and suppressed a groan as Parkinson approached him again.

"There you are," Pansy purred.

"What do you want," Draco muttered.

"To dance with you," Pansy said tugging on his arm. "Come on."

"I told you to go get me something to eat," Draco snapped irritably.

"And I told you that I wasn't your servant," Pansy said trying not to get angry.

"If you want to dance, I want something to eat," Draco's eyes glittered.

"You're a bastard," Pansy retorted before stalking off.

Draco only snorted before taking another swig out of his flask. "Would you sit the fuck down?" he finally called out to Ron. "You're making me sick."

Ron ignored him. Luna should have been here by now. She obviously didn't feel the same way about him. That hurt more than the black eye he was sporting thanks to Lavender Brown.

He looked around one more time before deciding to head back to the Gryffindor Common room. He could dig into Dean Thomas's stash of butterbeer and forget tonight had ever happened.

He had just pushed through the double doors when he saw Luna.


"Luna," he said, his eyes gone wide. "Wow..."

"What happened to your eye?" Luna asked, approaching him. "That looks like it hurts!"

"Uh... yeah." he said sheepishly. "It's not too bad."

"You should put some ice on it," Luna said thoughtfully.

"I'm okay," Ron said quickly. "I... I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

"I was running a little late," Luna told him. "I was reading and I lost track of time. I was afraid you would have already gone...."

"I was about to," he confessed. "But um... now that you're here..."

"I wore the earrings," Luna said pulling back her hair so he could see.

He felt a smile spread across his face. "You look beautiful," he said truthfully.

"Thank you," Luna replied. "And you look really handsome even with the black eye."

"Thanks," Ron couldn't stop staring at her. "Um... so..."

Luna decided to take matters into her own hands. She and Ron had already wasted too much time. She pressed her lips to his.

To say he was shocked at her action was the least of it- but he quickly pulled himself together and kissed her back. He'd been waiting for this moment for years and it was everything Ron had wanted it to be.

"I love you, Ronald," Luna whispered when they pulled apart.

"You what?" he asked before he could stop himself.

"I love you," Luna repeated.

"I love you too," Ron said. "I have for a long time now, Luna."

Luna beamed at him. "Really?"

"Yeah," he smiled at her. "There have been so many times all year when I tried to tell you..."

"Really?" Luna asked taking his hand. "I had no idea."

"I didn't do a very good job of telling you," Ron's face was red.

"It's okay," Luna reassured him. "We know now. That's the important thing."

"Right," Ron pulled her close. "And now that I have you--"

"Everything's perfect," Luna said before kissing him again.

Ginny was delighted when she saw her brother and Luna. "This is the best night," she said happily.

Neville couldn't have agreed more. "Yes, it is. You look absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks," Ginny beamed at him. "And I think you look so handsome, Neville. I'm so glad we're here together."

"Me too," Neville said giving her a kiss.

"Let's get out of this corner," Ginny tugged on his hands.

They'd spent quite a few minutes snogging away from prying eyes. "Do you want to dance?" Neville asked her.

"I'd love to," Ginny answered.

Neville took her hand and started to lead her to the dance floor.

"Not so fast, Longbottom," Malfoy asked grabbing Ginny.

"Hey!" Ginny pulled away from him. "Let me go!"

"You're supposed to be here with me," Malfoy said angrily.

"Says who?" Ginny demanded. "I never said I'd go with you."

"The charity case can go with Eloise Midgen," Draco said practically yanking on Ginny's arm.

"I SAID, let me go!" Ginny pulled her arm out of his grip.

"Malfoy, you lay one more hand on her," Neville warned.

"What are you going to do about it, Longbottom?" Malfoy sneered.

"This," Neville said shoving him.

"You fucking loser," Malfoy spat. "You know she's only here with you out of pity."

"That's not true!" Ginny retorted. "If anyone should be pitied, it's you. You can't stand for anyone else to be happy!"

"I just want you, Red." Draco slurred slightly.

"You're pissed," Ginny said smelling the alcohol on his breath.

"And we're out of here," Neville said taking Ginny's hand.

"What a wanker," Ginny said furiously as he led her away. "Thinking that I was supposed to go with him! And what he said about you! I'd never come with you because I pitied you. I love you, dammit!"

"W-what?" Neville asked stopping in his tracks. "You do?"

Ginny also stopped when she realised what she said. She blushed a bit. "Well... yes." she said shyly.

Neville couldn't stop himself. He picked her up and hugged her to him.

"Neville!" Ginny giggled. "What are you doing!"

"I have no idea," Neville said happily, spinning her around.

Ginny laughed. "You've gone mad!" she teased.

Neville didn't care that some of the other students were watching them. All he cared about was that the girl he loved had just told him she felt the same.

"A little dizzy now..." Ginny leaned against him when he put her down.

Draco Malfoy watched with disdain at the red-haired girl he'd gone to all this trouble for and the fat lump she was now kissing. He was getting nothing out of this? And where the hell had Potter and the Mudblood gotten off too?

Harry was sitting just outside with Hermione. She had taken a chance tonight and told him how she felt. He wanted to tell her about Voldemort.

"You're awfully quiet all of a sudden," Hermione said. "What's on your mind?"

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you," he told her. "I just didn't know how to say it. You---you asked me about what it was like to go against Voldemort..."

Hermione nodded. "I do understand if you don't want to talk about it."

"I've only spoken to Dumbledore about it," Harry said quietly. "After that, I'd wanted to put it behind me."

Hermione squeezed his hand but stayed quiet.

"I spent most of my childhood preparing to fight him," Harry began. "Everyone else was worried about school and their friends, but not me. I didn't want any part of it, Hermione. Some hero, right?"

"It's a scary thing," Hermione answered. "Harry, it's natural to not want something like that. And it's admirable, the way you faced it."

"I wanted to kill him, but not to save the world, Hermione," Harry said shaking his head. "I wanted revenge. I wanted to get him back for what he'd taken from me."

Hermione put her head on his shoulder. "You did that, and more."

Harry felt even more guilty at the belief she had in him. The time had come to tell her the truth.

"There you are," Malfoy's voice boomed.

Both Harry and Hermione turned to look at him. "What is your problem?" Hermione demanded. "Don't you know when people don't want to be around you?"

Malfoy shook his head. "Now, Granger. I'm here on business. Potter, we should settle our debt, right? You kept up your end of the bargain." He reached into his pocket for his money bag.

"What debt?" Hermione asked, glaring at him.

"Malfoy, get the hell out of here," Harry snapped.

"You do want your money, right?" Malfoy asked. "I mean, you did all that hard work after all. It's not as if someone would want to spend time with her of all people of their own free will. How much did we say, anyway?"

"What is he talking about?" Hermione looked at Harry.

"Oh," Malfoy said dramatically. "Have I spoken out of turn? You haven't told her yet, have you, Scarhead?"

Harry felt his blood run cold at the look on Malfoy's face.

"Told me what?" Hermione demanded. "Harry--"

"Potter wasn't really interested in you, Granger," Malfoy continued before Harry could open his mouth. "It was all a part of a bet. You see, I knew about that little pact you made with Red when you were kids."

"What?" Hermione asked. "How?"

"Red told me," Draco slurred. "And I knew that if I ever wanted to get into her knickers, I'd have to get someone into yours."

Hermione looked back and forth between the two boys in front of her. "Harry..."

"I was going to tell you before he interrupted," Harry said unable to meet her gaze. "But---"

Hermione felt as if she'd been slammed into a brick wall. "You mean he paid you to go out with me?"

Draco laughed. "I sure did. If it makes you feel better, Granger, he really didn't want to at first."

Harry shoved the blond. "Get your pissed ass out of here," he snapped.

Draco stumbled backwards. He would have retaliated, but seeing the look on Granger's face was better than that. "Night, Mudblood. Night, Scarhead."

Harry turned around as Malfoy walked unsteadily back into the Great Hall. "Hermione-"

Hermione felt as if she was going to pass out. This couldn't be true. Harry couldn't have done this.

"He's a bastard," Harry began. "And I know--"

"Takes one to know one, doesn't it?" Hermione asked in a hushed tone. She didn't trust her voice.

"I know what I did was wrong," Harry tried to explain. "But it's not what you think."

"You didn't take money from Malfoy to ask me out?" Hermione asked, trying to stave off her tears. "Is that what you're trying to tell me?"

"It may have started out that way, but it's not the way it is now," Harry said quickly.

Hermione looked at him as if he were a stranger. "How could you do something like this?"

"Hermione please," Harry reached for her hand. "Let me just tell you--"

"TELL ME WHAT?" Hermione screamed at him. "What, Harry? That you made a complete fool of me? Did you get extra money for that? Well, congratulations! You did it!"

"I didn't do this for money!" Harry said desperately. "I love you, Hermione. I swear I do!"

Hermione slapped him. "I never want to see you again!"

Harry barely felt her palm connect to his cheek. "Hermione, please..." he tried again.

Ginny and Neville came out on the front steps and smiled at her friends. "Hey, you guys. Dinner's about to be served. We were coming to find---Hermione? Are you okay?"

Hermione shook her head. "How did Malfoy find out about our pact?" she glared at Ginny. "Did you tell him?"

"I---I," Ginny stammered looking helplessly at Harry.

"You told," Hermione nodded as she backed away. "None of you are my friends. You were all out to make me look like a fool."

"Hermione, that's not true," Ginny said sincerely. "Please let me explain..."

"No," Hermione said. "Just leave me alone- all of you. I don't want to talk to any of you ever again." she turned and fled.

"What just happened?" Ginny asked Harry.

"Malfoy," Harry said. "He told her... he told her about paying me to ask her out."

Ginny gasped. "Oh no..."

"I have to try and talk to her," Harry began walking in the direction Hermione had disappeared in.

"That might not be such a good idea," Neville said thoughtfully. "Maybe you should just leave her be for now."

Harry wondered if Neville had a point.

Ginny could remember how just an hour ago, she and Hermione had been happily anticipating tonight. And now, Hermione was heartbroken.

Hermione slammed her door shut and locked it. She sagged against the wall for a few moments as sobs wracked her body. How could she have been such a fool all over again?

She'd actually believed Harry when he'd said that he loved her. She'd believed every damn word!

She bit down on her lower lip as she went to her bureau and began pulling out clothes and throwing them into her trunk. She was going to Dumbledore immediately to see what she could do about going home for the rest of the holiday.

She didn't know what she would do about the rest of the term, but she couldn't think about that now. Right now, she just wanted to get as far away from Harry Potter as possible.

She was almost packed when she heard a knocking on her door. "Go away!" she snapped, not caring who it was.

"Hermione, please let me in," someone called out.

"I SAID GO AWAY!" she shouted.

Harry leaned against the door. "I'm not going anywhere until you let me explain."

"Then you'll wait there the rest of your life," Hermione answered coldly.

"That means that you can't get out," Harry retorted. "Come on and stop being so stubborn and let me in!"

"I'd rather risk splinching myself," Hermione slammed her trunk shut.

"I love you," Harry said. "I never lied to you about that, Hermione."

"You lied about everything," Hermione responded icily.

Harry put his head in his hands. He had no idea how in the world he was going to get out of this. "Hermione, please. "

"Just leave me be," Hermione said angrily. "Go have a laugh and spend your new fortune. Buy something nice."

"Look," Harry called out to her. "I never did it for the money. I just agreed to it because I knew Neville fancied Ginny and I thought if I made Malfoy think---"

"It doesn't matter what you say," Hermione stood on the other side of the door. "I can't believe anything that comes out of your mouth. Now leave me be!"

"I'll go," Harry said after a few moments. "But you remember what I said before, right? I told you I wasn't going to give up on you."

"And you should remember what I'm telling you now," Hermione retorted. "Don’t' ever talk to me again."

She heard his footsteps going down the stairs and she waited a few moments before opening the door.

Thankfully, the corridor was empty. Hermione shrank her trunk down to fit into her pocket and locked her bedroom door behind her.

In the Great Hall, Ginny Weasley was on a mission. She was going to make that idiot pay for what he'd done. "Oi, Crabbe! Have you seen Malfoy?" she called out to one of his cronies who was stuffing his face with biscuits.

Crabbe shrugged. "Over there?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "That's an ice sculpture!"

"Dunno then," Crabbe returned his attention to his food.

"If you're looking for Draco, he's nearly passed out in the corner," Pansy Parkinson chimed in. "Bastard that he is."

Ginny smirked. "Figures."

Ginny walked over to where the Slytherin was leaned back in his chair. "Winny Geasley!"

"Get up," Ginny snapped.

"Maybe you could help me get it up," Draco said leering at her.

Ginny yanked him to his feet. "Just WHAT the hell is your problem?" she demanded. "How dare you tell Hermione you paid Harry!"

Draco stared glassy-eyed at her. "Red---"

She stared at him in disgust, wondering how she could ever have been attracted to him.

"I knew you'd be back," Draco slurred.

"You make me sick," Ginny spat. "This is all one big game to you!"

Draco leaned in to kiss her and that was apparently the last straw.

"That's for Hermione!" Ginny slugged him right in the nose. "That's for insulting Neville!" she got him again. "And this one..." she brought her knee up right between his legs. "That one was for me, you pathetic jerk."

Draco fell back, whimpering in pain.

"Ginny!" Neville stared in amazement.

Ginny turned around. "I couldn't help it, Neville."

"That was incredible!" Neville's eyes were wide.

"I should have known better," Draco wheezed. "To go after a tramp like you..."

Ginny moved to hit him again, but Neville held her back. "Let me."

"With pleasure," Ginny stepped to the side.

"Longbottom," Draco said wiping at his nose. "What the hell are you going to do?"

Neville stared at the other boy, wondering how he had ever let Malfoy intimidate him. "Nothing," he answered. "You aren't worth the effort."

Ginny linked her arm with Neville's. "And he got the girl."

"Yeah," Neville smiled at her. "Yeah I did."

"Let's dance," Ginny said to her boyfriend.

Draco spat as Ginny and Neville walked away. "Good riddance," he said, nearly falling over.

"Mr. Malfoy!" McGonagall boomed. "What on earth is that?" she pointed to the flask that had fallen from his sleeve.

"I---I found it on my rounds," Draco lied.

McGonagall clearly didn’t believe him. "Let's go, Mr. Malfoy. Dumbledore's office."

"But, Professor," Malfoy protested.

"Now!" McGonagall said sternly. "I wouldn't be surprised if you lost your Head Boy position! Drinking at school..."

"You wait until my mother hears about this," Draco warned.

"Mr. Malfoy, I do not care what your mother thinks," McGonagall took him by the arm.

Ginny watched as the deputy headmistress led Malfoy out of the room.

"Talk about good riddance," Ginny muttered. "Neville... he's a bastard."

"He is," Neville agreed. "And you were incredible!"

Ginny nodded, but her face was sober. "I should never have told him about that pact, Neville. That should have stayed between me and Hermione."

"I've never seen Hermione like that before," Neville said.

"Me either," Ginny said quietly. "I wish I could go back and start the year over again. I'd do a lot of things differently."

Neville pulled her to him. "Hey, it's okay. We'll talk to Hermione and explain to her what happened."

"I just hope she'll listen," Ginny said. "She's become a really good friend to me."

"Harry really does love her," Neville said.

"And she really loves him too," Ginny answered. "I hope he can get through to her."

"She just needs time," Neville said. "They'll work it out. They belong together."

"Just like we do," Ginny said. "And my brother and Luna. I think they're completely oblivious over there."

Neville glimpsed over at the couple who were dancing. "Yeah, I'd say so."

Ginny sighed and leaned against him, burying her face in his shoulder. "I wish I'd fallen for you right off the bat. Then we could have avoided all of this."

"Everything happens for a reason," Neville said softly.

"I hope so," Ginny replied.

"And the night wasn't all bad," Neville said looking down at her. "You did kick Malfoy's ass."

Ginny had to smile at that. "It was a long time coming."

"Remind me never to make you angry," Neville said dryly.

"You won't," Ginny answered, looking back over at her brother and Luna.

"How did you get that black eye, Ronald?" Luna asked looking up at him.

"Lavender," he admitted. "When I told her I fancied you, she socked me."

"Well, you did use her to make me jealous," Luna pointed out.

"I know," he said. "And I tried to apologise--"

"You're a hard person to get over," Luna told him. "Believe me. I tried."

"You don't have to get over me," Ron pulled her closer.

Luna gave him a kiss. "Never, ever."

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," Luna said dreamily. "Ronald Weasley."

Ron tried to dip her back, but his fingers got tangled in her hair.

Luna giggled. "Ouch."

"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Guess I'm not quite there yet."

"You're absolutely perfect," Luna told him.

He smiled at her. "When you say it like that, I believe you."

"This is going to be a great Christmas," Luna promised. "Our first together."

"Yeah," he grinned. "I have a gift for you. I wasn't sure how I was going to give it to you until now..."

"But you already gave me the earrings," Luna said.

"I have something else for you too," Ron said softly.

"Ronald," Luna said softly. "What?"

"You'll see on Christmas," he teased.

"You're going to make me wait?" Luna asked tickling his side.

He laughed. "Yes I am."

"Okay," Luna said, kissing him again.

"Just so you know," Ron said when they pulled apart. "This has been the best night of my life."

"Ronald?" Luna asked him with a gleam in her eye.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Tonight's not over yet," Luna whispered in his ear.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

She whispered something else in his ear.

"THAT?" Ron asked, much louder than he intended.

Luna nodded and then whispered something else in his ear.

When she pulled away, Ron's face was so red it was nearly purple. "I think... I think we need to get out of here," he gulped.

"I just hope I'm flexible enough for it," Luna commented walking ahead of him.

"Me too," Ron eyed her figure.

"Come along, Ronald," Luna said turning around.

She didn't have to ask him twice, Ron thought as he hurried behind her.

In the headmaster's office, Hermione was pleading her case to Dumbledore.

"Miss Granger, there are no trains available tonight," Dumbledore told her. "If you can wait until tomorrow--"

"Please sir," Hermione begged. "I don't even care if I can just get outside the castle gates. I'll Apparate... I just need to go home tonight."

"Has something happened with your parents?" Dumbledore asked.

It was on the tip of her tongue to lie and say yes, but Hermione knew the Headmaster would see right through her. "No," she answered quietly.

"And you can't wait until tomorrow?" Dumbledore asked her.

Hermione shook her head. "I just want to go home."

Dumbledore levelled his gaze at her. "Well, if you feel this strongly about it, I can accompany you home and make sure that you get there safely."

"Thank you," Hermione sagged against the chair in relief. "Thank you so much, sir."

"We can go now unless you have some loose ends," Dumbledore told her.

"I'm ready," Hermione stood up.

"After you, Miss Granger," Dumbledore said.

Hermione took some Floo Powder and threw it into the fireplace before stepping inside.

Hermione's parents were relaxing in the sitting room when the fireplace suddenly roared to life.

"Hermione Jane?" Elinore Granger asked. "Sweetheart, we weren't expecting you until tomorrow."

"I know," Hermione said softly. "But um... I wanted to come home tonight, and Professor Dumbledore was good enough to allow me."

"I hope that's okay," the headmaster said. "Good evening, Dr. Granger."

"Evening, Professor," Robert Granger stood up to shake hands with the other man.

"I should be going," the headmaster said. "I have to chaperone the ball tonight. I do hope that your family has a Happy Christmas."

"You too," Elinore replied. "Thank you for bringing our Hermione home."

"Thank you, Professor," Hermione said quietly.

"Good evening," Dumbledore said before grabbing another handful of Floo Powder.

Elinore hugged her daughter. "What brought you home early, love?"

"I just missed you," Hermione said holding tightly to her mother.

"We missed you too," Elinore said. "And where's this Harry you wrote home about?"

"I thought we were picking both of you up at the station tomorrow," Robert said. "I was planning on having a long talk with the young man."

Hermione shook her head. "That won't be necessary. He's not coming with me."

"Robert, dear," Elinore said. "How about you take Hermione's things upstairs?"

Hermione pulled her trunk out of her pocket. "Just put it on my nightstand," she told her father. "I'll enlarge it when I go up later."

"Okay, sweetheart," Robert said giving her a hug. "We're so glad to have you home."

Hermione held onto her father for a moment, glad to have at least two people in the world who loved her as she was. "I missed you too, Dad."

Elinore waited until they were alone. "Okay, Hermione. Why did you really come home early?"

Hermione blinked as tears welled up in her eyes. The story of everything that had happened that night spilled out of her.

Her mother listened and then held her daughter while she cried.

"Hermione, are you sure?" Elinore asked. "Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding."

"No," Hermione shook her head. "He was paid by the person I hate most to go out with me. He couldn't have betrayed me any more than that. He had so many opportunities to tell me what was going on and instead he just sat and filled me up with his lies."

Elinore shook her head. "I'm glad you came home, sweetheart."

"I couldn't stay there any more," Hermione's voice was still quivering. "I just wanted to be back home with you and dad."

"It'll be good for you to sleep in your own bed tonight," Elinore said. "And we'll have a nice breakfast tomorrow. I'm not working this week so I'll be able to spend time with you."

Hermione smiled for the first time in a few hours. "I'm glad." she said, hugging her mother again.

"My sweet girl," Elinore said softly. "You'll get through this. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will."

"Thanks Mum," Hermione wiped her eyes.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" Elinore offered.

"Maybe some hot chocolate," Hermione said. That had always made her feel better as a little girl.

"Coming right up," Elinore said patting her daughter on the shoulder.

Hermione sat back and stared into the fire. The night had started out so hopeful- she had thought it to be the best night of her life. How could things have turned out so wrong?

20. The End!

This VERY long chapter concludes What I Like About You. At the bottom of the story you’ll find a summary for our new fic, which we will start posting probably mid to late July. We’re glad you guys have enjoyed this story- it was fun for us to write- and please take a moment to leave us a review!

The majority of the Hogwarts students stayed at school over Christmas. Ginny and Neville had gone on a number of romantic walks in the snow and everything seemed perfect. The only thing that made it less than perfect was the fact that Hermione wasn't there and had returned every letter Ginny had attempted to send.

"This was the third one," Ginny said quietly. "She doesn't even open them, Nev. Just sends them back."

"She's hurting," Neville told her. "It's going to take time."

"But I hate having her angry with me," Ginny sighed. "I know I should never have said anything to Draco about the pact. But I didn't know he'd go so far as to PAY Harry. He always told me he was taking care of it, and when Hermione and Harry actually fell for each other, I forgot all about that."

Neville put his arm around her. "She'll come around, Gin."

"I hope so," Ginny leaned against him.

"Tomorrow's Christmas Eve," Neville said softly.

"I know," Ginny said. "I can't wait for the feast."

"And before you ask, no you cannot get your present until Christmas morning," he told her.

Ginny bumped his shoulder with hers. "I wasn't going to ask!"

"You didn't have to," Neville teased. "I can read your mind."

"You think you can," Ginny said loftily.

"Right now you're thinking you'd like to snog your boyfriend," Neville said confidently.

"Well that's a given," Ginny stopped in her tracks and let him pull her close.

"I'm good," Neville said grinning at her before giving her a kiss.

"Yes you are," Ginny murmured.

"How about we head off to the kitchens for some hot chocolate?" Neville suggested.

"I like that idea," Ginny said. "And then we can go up to the Common Room and just sit in front of the fire."

Neville took her hand and was about to lead her back into the castle when someone bumped into him. "Hey, watch it!" Neville exclaimed before he saw who it was. "Harry---"

"Sorry," Harry grunted.

"Still no word?" Ginny asked him.

Harry only shook his head as he jammed his hands into his pockets.

"I'm sorry," Ginny said. "Harry, I feel like this is all my fault. I never should have told Draco about any of this."

"You weren't the one who took the money," Harry answered grimly.

"But he never would have offered you that stupid bet if it hadn't been for me," Ginny argued.

"You can't blame yourself," Harry shrugged. "I should have told her."

"When she comes back after New Year, we'll make her see," Ginny promised. "She's going to come around, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "I'm going to talk to Lupin," he muttered.

"We'll catch up to you later," Neville called after him, but Harry didn't hear them.

Harry needed to talk to someone who was neutral in the whole situation- someone wiser than he was. Lupin was the closest person he had now to a father.

He found his professor in his office going over some essays. "Hello, Harry," Lupin said looking up from his papers.

"Hi," Harry responded. "Um... have you got a moment?"

Lupin set aside the essays. "For you, always. What's on your mind?"

"I messed up," Harry sat down in front of the desk. "I made the biggest mistake of my life."

"Surely, it's not that bad," Lupin said.

"I don't know," Harry said. "What would you call taking money from the person you hate most to date the girl you fell in love with?"

Lupin looked thoughtfully at him. "Well, that would be pretty bad..."

"Hermione went home the night of the Ball," Harry answered. "And she won't answer any of my owls. She won't talk to Ginny either. I don't know what to do to make things right."

"I'm assuming that Malfoy was behind this?" Lupin asked.

Harry nodded, explaining to Lupin about the pact. "So he sort of... hired me, to go out with Hermione."

Lupin could only shake his head.

"And I know what I did was wrong," Harry added quickly. "But... I love her. And I have to tell her how sorry I am."

"She probably doesn't want to listen," Lupin said. "Given how you treated her, I can't say as I blame her."

Harry nodded glumly.

"But," Lupin said. "If I had a galleon for every time your parents got into a row and made up, let's just say I wouldn't have to work the rest of my life."

Harry looked up. "They fought that much?"

"More in the early days," Lupin explained. "Your dad was quite the ladies man---at least in his mind anyway. He couldn't stand the fact that Lily seemed immune to his charms. He used to do all these things to get her attention and they mostly led to her getting mad and stalking off."

"That's sort of how it was in the beginning," Harry said. "For me and Hermione."

"But your father finally realised that he didn't have to go through all those hoops and he just had to be himself," Lupin continued. "He took an interest in the things that were important to Lily and she came around slowly but surely."

Harry nodded. "That's how it happened for us too!"

Lupin smiled. "So, you want to find some way out of this mess you've found yourself in..."

"I was hoping for a little advice," Harry nodded.

"Hermione feels betrayed," Lupin said leaning back in his chair. "She feels like someone she trusted let her down in the worst possible way. You've tried explaining it to her and she doesn't want to listen."

Harry nodded. "Right."

Lupin thought about this predicament for a few moments. "You were supposed to go home with her, right?"

"Yes," Harry nodded. "To meet her family."

"I have some business in London tomorrow evening," Lupin said. "If you wanted to, you could come with me and see if she's ready to talk...."

"Really?" Harry asked. "You'd let me come with you?"

"Sure," Lupin replied. "If you don't mind missing the feast tomorrow."

"I don't care," Harry answered immediately.

"Shall we say tomorrow night at seven?" Lupin asked.

"If you want to go any earlier, I'll be ready," Harry replied.

"I'll let you know if the plans change," Lupin told him. "All is not lost, Harry."

"I hope not," Harry thought about what Hermione would say when she found him on her doorstep.

*** *** ***

The Grangers always had dinner together on Christmas Eve; it was a tradition that had been a part of Hermione's family ever since she could remember. They'd been across town at her uncle's house and for a few hours, Hermione had been able to forget the drama that was her life and enjoy being with her relatives.

"Weather report is calling for more snow," Robert said as he turned the car down their street.

"When we retire, I think we should consider the islands," Elinore said. "I'm sick of rain, snow and the cold."

"You should see it up by school," Hermione said from the back. "It's not all slushy like it is here."

"No automobiles is why," Robert said.

Hermione nodded, wishing she hadn't brought up school. It just made her think of Harry, and how he and everyone else were probably having a great laugh right about now at her expense.

"We can watch some of those movies that I rented," Elinore said. "If you're not too knackered, Hermione."

"That sounds nice," Hermione said. "I can catch up on my reading after tomorrow."

Robert turned the car into the drive and noticed a figure on their front steps. "That must be Stuart. I told him to come by and we'd give him some of those biscuits...."

Hermione peeked over the front seats and felt her heart come to a complete standstill. "No... That’s not Stuart..."

"Who is it?" Elinore asked.

"It's Harry," Hermione whispered.

Harry was walking toward the car and Hermione wondered what in the world he was doing here. Hadn't he done enough?

"I'll ask him to leave," Robert said getting out of the car.

Hermione silently followed her father up to the front door.

"Dr. Granger," Harry replied. "And...Dr. Granger. It's---it's nice to meet you, both."

Robert looked at the young man without a hint of a smile. "Is there something we can help you with?" he asked coolly.

"I was hoping to have a word with Hermione," Harry said quietly. Hermione had described her father as a mild-mannered dentist. This was mild-mannered?

"I don't think she wants to have a word," Robert crossed his arms.

"Please, sir," Harry said. "I just want a minute."

"I don't think--" Robert began but Hermione put a hand on her father's arm.

"One minute," she said, her eyes fixed on Harry.

"We'll be right inside, Hermione," Robert told his daughter. "Come on, Ellie."

Hermione waited until the door closed before she looked back at Harry. "You'd better make it quick."

"I've missed you," Harry told her.

Hermione stared at him, her face completely blank.

"I'm so sorry about everything," Harry said wishing she wasn't looking at him like that.

"You don't have to keep lying," Hermione said coolly. "There's no point, now that I know the truth."

"That's only a small portion of what happened," Harry told her. "Look, Ginny is like a sister to me. When I found out that Malfoy was after her, I wanted to do something to stop that."

"So you helped him by dating me," Hermione scoffed.

Harry shook his head. This wasn't turning out that well. "I knew Neville fancied her and he told me about that stupid pact.”

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "And were you ever planning on mentioning to me that you knew about it?"

"I was going to, but by then it was too late," Harry said. "I'd fallen in love with you and I knew if you found out, you'd hate me."

"Well I did find out," Hermione snapped. "You had so many opportunities to speak up, Harry. And you never saw fit to do so."

"I didn't want to lose you!" Harry argued. "I know I screwed up and I wouldn't blame you if you never wanted to talk to me again, but I love you. I love you so much that I don't even remember what it was like not to love you."

Hermione's eyes welled up with tears. She wanted to believe him so badly- she wanted to run into his arms and never leave them.

Harry reached into his pocket. "I have something for you."

She shook her head and stepped back. "I don't want it," she whispered.

"Please," Harry said handing her the small box. "It's your Christmas present."

He forced it into her hand. Hermione didn't want to open it, but he seemed insistent. She peeled back the paper to reveal a small box.

"Open it," Harry said softly.

"Why?" she asked. "Why should I torment myself even more?"

"It's your present," Harry told her. "That's all."

"Bought with the money you won?" Hermione asked harshly.

"No," Harry said shaking his head. "Of course not! I bought this weeks ago and I never accepted that money from Malfoy, Hermione!"

"I can't believe anything you say," Hermione thrust the unopened box at him. "Not anymore."


"Just go," Hermione said. "We don't belong together."

Harry stood behind her. "Hermione, we do belong together. You know that we do."

"I might have said that a month ago but never again." Hermione replied. "It's over. It's all over."

"I love you," Harry said putting his hand on her shoulder. "Hermione---"

The front door opened and Harry pulled his hand back as Dr. Granger stepped on the porch.

"Hermione, we're about to start the movie," he said to his daughter.

"Right," Hermione nodded, moving away from Harry and into the house without a backwards glance.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter," Robert said coldly.

"Can you make sure that she gets this?" Harry asked holding the box out to her father. "Please?"

"If she didn't take it, then she doesn't want it," Robert replied evenly. "I think it's best if you just go."

"Can you just give it to her?" Harry asked. "She can throw it away if she wants----"

Robert finally took the box. "Good night." he stated evenly.

"Good night," Harry said defeatedly.

Robert shut the door firmly and headed for the sitting room.

"Is he gone?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Robert nodded. "But he wanted me to give this to you."

Hermione sighed. "I told him I didn't want the bloody thing!"

"Then he said you could throw it away," Robert set it down on the table. "It's up to you."

Curiosity got the better of Hermione and she picked up the box. She opened it and felt tears in her eyes when she saw it was a silver charm bracelet.

"It's very pretty," Elinore said softly.

"I'll give it back to him when we go back to school," Hermione said quietly.

Elinore nodded and kissed the side of her daughter's head.

"Did you get him anything?" Robert asked.

Hermione nodded. "Doesn't matter now anyway."

"Robert, start the movie," Elinore said.

"I'll go get the popcorn," Hermione put the box on the table and went into the kitchen.

She still held the bracelet in her hand and she set it down on the counter.

She stared at it for a few long moments and brushed away a few new tears.

Why had he come here? Why had he given her a present after what had happened?

She shook her head and grabbed the bowl of popcorn from the counter. Hermione resolved to put Harry out of her head for the rest of the evening, at least.

Harry met up with Lupin a few minutes later at the Leaky Cauldron.

"How'd it go?" Lupin asked.

Harry shook his head glumly.

"Oh," Lupin said quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, well..." Harry kicked at a table leg. "Guess I really did mess up."

"You're not giving up are you?" Lupin asked.

"I don't know what else to do," Harry ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I told her I was sorry- I told her I loved her... and she just didn't want to hear any of it."

"The wounds are probably still fresh," Lupin said motioning for Tom. "Tom, bring Harry whatever he wants."

"Mead?" Harry asked.

"Coming right up," Tom said.

"Well, at least she didn't hit you," Lupin said trying to make him feel better.

"Hit me?" Harry asked.

"I saw the shiner that Miss Brown gave to your friend, Ron," Lupin said. "At least Hermione didn't give you one of those."

Harry half smiled. "I guess..."

"We should have Christmas dinner," Lupin said. "Tom has some beef stew."

Harry wasn't very hungry, but he nodded. "Okay."

"If you love her, you just have to be patient and keep trying," Lupin told him. "But then again, what do I know? I'm not exactly the best person for romantic advice."

"Well you got Tonks, didn't you?" Harry asked. "That's got to count for something."

"She's quite younger than me, Harry," Lupin said blushing.

"But she fancies you," Harry replied. "Age shouldn't matter if what you feel is real."

"You sound just like Nymphadora," Lupin said shaking his head.

Despite himself, Harry smiled genuinely. "So it's Nymphadora now? What'd you get her for Christmas?"

"I--I may gave gotten her something," Lupin stammered.

"Like what?" Harry pressed.

"A jumper that she admired when we were walking in Hogsmeade," Lupin said.

"You got Tonks a jumper?" Harry asked. "That’s it?"

Lupin turned even redder. "And something else that----well, something else to go underneath it...."

Harry grinned. "I see."

"She asked for it," Lupin said defensively. "I---I wouldn't have----"

"I'm sure she'll like it," Harry said. "And I'm sure you'll both enjoy it."

Lupin sighed. "I should never have told you that."

"I'm not going to noise it around," Harry answered.

"Thank you," Lupin said.

Tom came over with Harry's drink and a plate of beef stew. "That bird of yours is up front, Remus."

"Tonks is here?" Lupin perked up.

"Kind of hard to miss her," Tom grumbled. "Red and green hair and wearing some mad skirt."

"I'll be right back," Lupin quickly shoved his chair back.

Harry watched as the professor walked to the front of the pub and tapped Tonks on the shoulder. The Auror turned around and her entire face brightened when she saw him.

Hermione had looked at him like that only a few days ago, he thought with a sigh. Harry decided that he wasn't going to give up. He needed to find something that would grab her attention, something that would make her realise that his feelings for her were real.

The only thing was he had no idea what to do.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Tonks exclaimed, mussing his hair.

"Hi," Harry ducked out from under her hand.

"Tonks was in the neighbourhood and she thought she'd join us for dinner," Lupin said.

"Just in the neighbourhood?" Harry asked sceptically.

"Remus told me you'd be here," Tonks said. "And I wanted to wish you a Happy Christmas."

Harry smiled. "Happy Christmas to you too."

"Nymphadora would you like something to drink?" Lupin asked her.

"Surprise me," Tonks winked at him as she pulled up a chair. "But don't call me Nymphadora."

"I'm sorry, Tonks," Lupin said, his cheeks turning red.

Harry watched his professor head up to the bar. "How're you?" he asked her. "Anything new... aside from you and Lupin?"

"I'm so happy," Tonks confided. "And Remus seems to be coming round."

Harry thought about the Christmas present she would soon be opening and he nodded. "You just might be right."

"Remus told me that you were having a little trouble," Tonks said. "Anything I can do to help?"

Harry shrugged. "I'm not sure."

"I'd love to help," Tonks said. "Give you some advice from the female perspective."

Harry observed her for a moment then gave her a quick version of what had happened. "So now she won't talk to me," he finished. "And I really don't know what else to do to convince her that my feelings aren't just the result of some stupid wager."

"Some bloke did that to me once," Tonks said. "Bet some other bloke he could ask me out."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"I hit him with a body bind curse first," Tonks told him. "And then I turned him into a flobberworm."

Harry gaped at her. "Oh Merlin...." he said weakly.

"He was a complete wanker and he deserved far worse," Tonks said trying to put him at ease. "You're nothing like that, Harry."

"Yeah but I let Draco Malfoy pay me to go out with her," Harry muttered. "That's just as bad."

"That is pretty bad," Tonks admitted.

Remus came back with a drink and a bowl of stew for Tonks. "I know this isn't half as good as the meal Dobby was serving for us at the castle...."

"It's good," Harry answered. "It's kind of nice to be away from the castle."

"I heard that Dobby and Winky were getting engaged," Tonks said looking at Lupin. "House elves can get married, can they?"

"Yeah they can," Harry nodded.

"I think that's quite romantic," Tonks said.

"Speaking of house elves, Hermione asked me to help her organise this big meeting the first week back after New Year," Lupin told Harry.

"She did?" Harry asked.

Lupin nodded. "That's a cause that's very important to her."

Harry finished his stew thoughtfully. "I helped her with an S.P.E.W. meeting once," he replied.

"This is a big fund drive she's wanting to hold," Lupin told him. He reached into his bag. "These were the notes she gave me."

Harry reached for them eagerly, an idea forming in his head. "Do you think if I helped her out---?"

Tonks grinned. "That's a great idea, Harry!"

Lupin nodded. "You'll have to commit to it," he told Harry. "Don't start something then pull out once you've gotten her back."

"I care about house elves, too," Harry said. "And if it's important to her, it's important to me, too."

"I'm glad to hear that," Lupin answered.

"I'm not going to let her down again," Harry said thumbing through the notes.

He'd already decided to collect the money from Malfoy then put it towards her cause- plus perhaps fund it from his own vault as well.

"Hermione will be very impressed," Tonks said smiling at Harry.

"I hope so," he answered fervently.

Tonks reached under the table and put her hand on Lupin's thigh.

"Nympha---Tonks," Lupin said shooting her a warning look.

"Yes?" Tonks asked- the picture of innocence.

"Nothing," Lupin said clearing his throat.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "Shall I leave you two alone?"

"Of course not," Lupin said. "Tonks is going to behave herself, right Tonks?"

Tonks merely smiled at them both.

This certainly wasn't the Christmas that Harry had envisioned for himself. It was going to be the first of many he'd hoped to have with Hermione.

The first of many he WOULD have with her, Harry thought to himself. He would do whatever he could to make this up to her.

*** *** ***

It was Christmas morning and Ron had just entered the Great Hall with his stomach rumbling. He held a wrapped gift in his hand for his girlfriend. That word made him smile widely. Luna was his girlfriend.

He made his way toward the Gryffindor table stopping to wish some of his friends a Happy Christmas. His mother, of course, had sent him his Christmas jumper and had even knitted one for Luna that he planned to give her later that day.

He sat down next to his sister, who barely even acknowledged him; she was so wrapped up in Neville, who was on her other side.

"Morning," Ron poked Ginny's side. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy, Happy Christmas!" Ginny corrected him.

"Right," Ron grinned. "Hullo, Neville."

Neville shot his friend a grin and then returned his attention back to Ginny who was trying to feed him a piece of fruit.

Ron heaped his plate and then looked around for Luna.

"She had to go to the Owlery to send off a letter to her father," Ginny told her brother. "But she said she'd be right back."

"Okay," Ron said with a grin as he dug into his pancakes.

"Don't worry," Ginny told her brother. "You don't have to worry about Lavender giving you another black eye. She left yesterday to spend the holiday with her parents."

"I don't care," Ron said with his mouth full. "I've got Luna now and that's all I wanted."

"You don't feel the least bit guilty for stringing Lavender along to make Luna jealous?" Ginny asked. "Something you could have avoided if you'd just told Luna you fancied her to begin with, Ron."

"I tried to," Ron said indignantly. "I just... messed up a little."

"We all would have been a lot better off if we'd been honest with each other," Neville said thoughtfully. "But everything worked out the way it was supposed to."

"Sort of," Ginny replied. "Hermione's still upset."

"Upset?" Ron asked. "Ginevra, she was stark raving mad from what I heard. We're lucky she didn't hex all of us to Outer Mongolia or something like that."

"Ron," Ginny cast her brother a disappointed look. "She got her heart broken, okay? Cut her some slack. She's not as bad as you say."

"Since she's always cut me slack?" Ron asked. "Okay..."

"Ron," Ginny glared at him.

"Fine," Ron said putting some butter on his toast. "Fine...I'll be nice to Granger when she comes back."

"Promise?" Ginny asked suspiciously.

"Promise," Ron said quietly.

Ginny hugged her brother. "You might just find out she's not so bad after all."

"You sound like Harry," Ron said.

"There's another reason you should get along with her," Ginny pointed out. "Harry's totally in love with her."

"I knew that," Ron said. "She's rubbed off on him. This morning, he's in the library doing research. Research on Christmas morning!"

"He said it had something to do with the house elves," Neville volunteered. "I think he's going to try and help her with something."

Ginny beamed at Neville. "That's the big fundraiser thing she's been working on, Neville! Harry's going to help her with that!"

"What fundraiser?" Ron asked, not noticing as Luna entered the Great Hall.

"For S.P.E.W.," Ginny told him.

"For that?" Ron raised an eyebrow.

"What if she doesn't want our help?" Neville asked. "I mean after what happened...."

"I'm going to make her listen to all of us," Ginny said determinedly.

"No one makes Hermione Granger do anything," Ron told his sister. "She's as stubborn as a mule."

"Ron you promised to be nice," Ginny reminded him as Luna came up behind him.

"Ronald is the sweetest, nicest, most considerate bloke in the world," Luna said putting her arms around his neck.

"Hey!" Ron grinned goofily at her.

Luna sat down beside him. "Happy Christmas!"

"Happy Christmas," Ron leaned in and kissed her.

"Your eye looks much better," Luna told him. "In fact, you can hardly tell now."

"It's thanks to that potion you gave me," Ron told her. "I've been taking it ever since the Ball."

"It does wonders," Luna said. "My dad uses it all the time. With some of the creatures he writes about, he has had so many bites and bruises."

"It's perfect," Ron grinned at her again. "Just like you."

"Please," Ginny teased. "We're eating here."

"So don't look," Ron replied.

Luna looked at Ron. "Did you tell Ginny about your brothers' offer?"

"No," Ginny answered for him. "What offer?"

Ron grinned. "You're not going to believe this, but Fred and George....they offered me a manager job at their Hogsmeade shop."

Ginny gaped at him. "I thought you were going to play pro Quidditch?"

"Chances of that happening were slim to none," Ron said.

"I think working for your brothers is a lovely idea," Luna contributed. "Plus now I can see my Ronald during the next school year."

"I still can't believe they offered it to me," Ron said. "But I am familiar with their stock since they tried out most of it on me."

Ginny and Luna laughed. "I think it's great, Ron." she congratulated her brother.

"I do too," Ron said grinning at her. "Thanks, Gin."

"I have a present for you," Luna said softly. "And something I'll give you later... when we're alone."

Ron grinned. "Ooooh....I like the sound of that."

"Just let me grab some breakfast," Luna replied.

Ron didn't mind that since he wasn't finished eating his breakfast, either.

"What did Neville get you for Christmas, Ginny?" Luna asked her friend.

"He got me this beautiful bracelet," Ginny said happily, holding out her wrist. "I think Neville's got the best taste."

"That's gorgeous!" Luna gushed.

"Good job mate," Ron said. "Hurt my sister and I'll have you killed."

"Ron!" Ginny exclaimed.

"Just a friendly, brotherly warning," Ron replied as Luna giggled.

"I'm not going to hurt Ginny," Neville promised. "Not ever."

Ginny leaned against him. "No way." she said, kissing his cheek.

"What did you get Neville?" Luna asked.

Ginny smiled. "He's wearing it."

Ron nearly spit out his food. "I don't need to know that you gave him boxer shorts, Ginny."

"I didn't," Ginny said hitting Ron on the arm. "I knitted him the jumper he's wearing!"

"You knitted that?" Luna leaned over and touched the sleeve. "What a thoughtful gift!"

"I had to hurry to finish it," Ginny said proudly.

"And I love it," Neville grinned. "It's my favourite Christmas gift ever."

Ginny beamed at him. "The colour really brings out your eyes, Neville."

"Thanks," he grinned back.

Harry sat down across from them. "Happy Christmas you guys."

"I'm so glad you joined us," Luna told him.

Harry sent her a half smile. "Thanks."

The others exchanged looks, unsure of what else to say.

"How about those Cannons, eh?" Ron asked thinking Quidditch was just a good a topic as any.

"Cannons are terrible," Neville replied. "The Wasps are going to make a comeback."

Ron glared at him. "They are in last place, Neville."

"But I bet you they'll come back and make a huge improvement." Neville argued. "The Cannons just keep falling and falling."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you on that Neville," Ginny said. "The Cannons have last the past two matches, but they're going to rebound. I just know it."

Neville gaped at her as Harry laughed.

"We're not always going to agree on everything," Ginny pointed out.

"I know but... the Cannons?" Neville asked with a pained expression. "Even Puddlemere is better."

"Neville, I had no idea that you didn't like the Cannons!" Ginny said shaking her head.

"Never have," he replied.

"Get out while you can, Gin. That's a deal breaker right there," Ron told his sister.

"Shut up Ron," Ginny replied.

"We can agree to disagree," Neville said thoughtfully. "Couples don't agree on everything."

"That's part of the fun," Ginny said with a grin. "Arguing then making up."

Harry watched wistfully as Luna and Ron grinned goofily at each other and Neville and Ginny snogged. Hermione should be here with him, he thought. He wondered what she was doing at this very moment and if she was thinking about him.

She was in fact. She was opening presents with her family, but her mind was hundreds of miles away.

"I love the jumper," Hermione said automatically. "I need these at school."

"I'm so glad," Elinore said smiling at her daughter.

"What about you Mum," Hermione said. "You haven't opened anything yet."

"Open this one from me, Ellie," Robert said handing his wife a small box.

"Robert," Elinore blushed.

Robert gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Just a small token for the 20 years we've been together, sweetheart."

Hermione smiled wistfully at her parents as her mother opened her gift.

"Oh," Elinore gasped when she opened the box. "Robert!"

"That's lovely, Daddy." Hermione looked at the diamond ring inside.

Robert smiled at his daughter. "I bet you didn't think your old dad could do that, eh?"

"I knew," Hermione smiled back. "Because you're the best."

"Let me open this one from Hermione," Elinore said picking up another box. She grinned when she saw it was a new book by one of her favourite authors. "Thank you, sweetheart!"

"You're welcome, Mum." Hermione smiled at her. "I knew you wanted that one."

"I did," Elinore said smiling at her.

"Okay, ladies," Robert said. "How about I get a start on the breakfast?"

Elinore grinned. "That sounds fantastic. I am going to go upstairs and get changed."

"Me too," Hermione nodded. "Pancakes, right Dad?"

"Absolutely," Robert replied.

Hermione headed upstairs, feeling better than she had as she set her new things on her bed.

She was putting away some of her jumpers when she saw the bracelet. The other night, she'd tried to throw it away, but just couldn't bring herself to do it.

She picked it up, looking at the little charms dangling off it. Harry had obviously put some thought into it- like there was a book, a wand... even a little house elf.

She could even hear his words from the other night when he'd told her he loved her. That night, she'd been so tempted to run into his arms and just forgive him.

Hermione sighed as she placed the bracelet back into the drawer. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do with it yet, much less what she wanted to do about Harry.

Against her better judgement, she'd given him a chance before and all that had gotten her was a broken heart.

No, Hermione decided. She was better off keeping to herself. It was better not to be hurt like that for a third time.

She had a little over five months left of school. She just had to find some way to get through those months without letting Harry Potter or any of the others get to her.

*** *** ***

Two weeks into the new year found Hermione balancing her school work with planning the S.P.E.W. fundraiser. Professor Lupin had been extremely helpful and she hoped that the event would be a success. In addition to that, she was also avoiding Harry at all costs. She'd see him looking at her during classes, but she'd turn away and she made sure she was the first to leave.

It was hard to turn the other way when it came to Harry. She still had very strong feelings for him, but all she had to do was remind herself of the hurt she'd felt and it wouldn't be so difficult.

She heard a knock on her door and she wondered if it was that first year who had asked for her help on a Charms assignment. To her surprise, it wasn't the first year student on the other side of her door, but Ronald Weasley.

"Hi..." Hermione said warily. "Can I help you?"

Ron shook his head. "How've you been?"

"Fine," Hermione said briskly. "Look, I'm quite busy. Do you need me down in the common room?"

"Harry says he's fine too," Ron said. "But he's not."

"I'm afraid Harry is none of my concern," Hermione replied.

"Look, you know Harry," Ron said in his friend's defence. "He hates Malfoy. We both do. He never would have---"

"He did," Hermione said flatly. "Okay? He even admitted it."

"He loves you," Ron said. "Look, I know you and I have never seen eye to eye."

Hermione nodded but didn't say anything.

"Ginny and Harry never meant to hurt you," Ron told her. "If you're being honest, you know I'm right."

"Whether they meant to or not, they did." Hermione said. "They told Malfoy about something very personal and he used it to get to me. Again."

"Ginny didn't even know you were involved with Malfoy before and Harry didn't either until you told him," Ron argued.

"That's not the point," Hermione sighed. "Look, Ron--"

Ron held up his hand. "Look, I know a little something about fancying someone and not saying anything because you're scared that you're going to get hurt or get rejected."

"You don't know anything about me, Ron." Hermione shook her head.

"I'd like to," Ron said quietly.

"What?" Hermione was startled.

"We've never gotten along," Ron said. "I mean, you're a pushy, know-it-all and I'm----"

"Annoying?" Hermione raised her eyebrow.

Ron glared at her. "No, I wouldn't say that."

Hermione sighed. "If you've come to plead Harry's case, you're wasting your time. I have nothing to say to him or about him."

Ron didn't believe that for a second, but he'd said what he wanted. He didn't want to make her even more upset. "Well, I just wanted you to---I thought you should----I'll see you in class then, shall I?"

Hermione nodded. "Right. See you in class."

"Or at the next S.P.E.W. meeting," Ron said making sure he got the name right.

She seemed surprised at that. "You're interested in S.P.E.W.?"

Ron nodded. "I joined, didn't I?"

"You joined?" Hermione asked in disbelief.

Ron realised he might have said too much. "Um, yeah. Well, gotta go."

Hermione stared at him as he sped back down the stairs.

Ron Weasley hadn't lied when he said they'd never gotten along. He was infuriating and his carefree attitude about everything drove her crazy. In the years that she'd known him, he'd never been the first to say something to her.

And she was astonished that he had told her he'd joined S.P.E.W. Last she'd heard, he was off laughing himself silly over the name.

Hermione just knew this had better not be another trick.

She wasn't about to let them trick her again either. They could make fun of S.P.E.W. all they wanted, but it was important to her and she was determined to see her fundraiser through.

In the boys' dormitory, Harry was going over the list of members. He'd managed to collect membership fees from students in Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and a few of the Gryffindors who hadn't signed up at the last meeting.

"How much have we collected?" Neville asked.

"Seven hundred and fifty Galleons," Harry said in amazement.

"That's great," Neville said happily.

"I can't believe it," Harry said. "I thought maybe we'd get another five or ten people, that's it."

Ron came back into the room.

"Where've you been?" Neville asked. "We could have used your help."

"I had to return a book," Ron lied.

"Well you're here now," Harry said. "Would you mind putting this list of names in the book?"

"Sure," Ron said reaching for the notebook.

"Thanks mate," Harry counted the rest of the money and wrote it down."

"You've got your work cut out for you," Ron commented. "She hasn't said one word to you since we've been back."

"I know," Harry said. "But maybe she'll eventually talk to me again."

"Good luck," Ron muttered.

"I'm trying," Harry looked up.

"You are going above and beyond," Ron said.

"I'm going above and beyond because I love her," Harry said. "You'd do this for Luna."

Ron nodded. "I just hope that it works for you, Harry."

"Me too," Harry answered, shoving the gold into a large bag and stashing it in his trunk.

"Tomorrow's the big day," Neville said. "You ready?"

Harry nodded. "More than ready, I think."

"Here's the names," Ron said handing Harry back the notebook.

"Great," Harry also put it in his trunk. "I think we're good to go."

"On a happier note," Ron said. "Did you see the look on Malfoy's face tonight? When Dumbledore announced that Justin was the new Head Boy."

Harry couldn't suppress his grin. "That wanker got what he deserved."

"He's lucky he wasn't expelled," Neville commented.

"No kidding," Ron answered. "Wish he had."

"We're not that lucky," Dean chimed in. "But oh how the mighty have fallen..."

"Right into the gutter," Ron said gleefully. "Serves him right for getting pissed at the Ball."

"It's still nowhere near what he deserves," Harry said angrily.

"No it's not," Neville agreed. "But I think we'll have to be satisfied he can't just rear his ugly mug around anymore."

"Too right," Ron agreed.

"We don't need to sit around talking about Malfoy," Neville said. "I'm going to see if Ginny wants to go for a walk."

"You can just snog her in the common room," Dean joked. "You don't have to go for a walk, Nev."

Ron glared at him. "I'll thank you not to talk about my sister that way, Thomas."

"Sorry," Dean said. "I'll see you later. I've got to work on that essay for Snape."

Ron stood up. "I think I'll go see if Luna wants to go to the kitchens with me."

Harry sat on the edge of the bed. He had the room to himself since Seamus was also off doing something with Susan.

He was proud of the work he had done for Hermione's fundraiser- even if she didn't know about any of it yet.

He'd meant what he had told Lupin. He wasn't just going to do this to get Hermione back. The more research he did, the more convinced he was that Hermione was right. House elves did deserve rights.

Especially ones like Dobby- who were happy to do what they did and loved pleasing people. He knew most of them were reluctant to take wages for serving, but it was time for that all to change.

He couldn't wait to see the look on Hermione's face when she saw the massive turnout tomorrow.

Currently, Hermione was just hoping to have at least a handful of people turn up. Of course, she wanted more, but she'd take what she could get.

She was going to get ready for bed since tomorrow was a big day when a sudden pop from behind her startled her. She turned to see Dobby carrying a tray of tea. "Dobby, what are you doing here?"

"Dobby thought Harry Potter's love might like some hot tea," the elf said.

Hermione sighed. "Well, that's very nice of you, but I'm not Harry Potter's anything, Dobby."

"Dobby is sorry," the elf said anxiously.

"Its okay," Hermione reassured him. "Thank you for the tea."

"Miss Hermy is most welcome," Dobby said. "Is there anything else Dobby can get for you?"

"No, thank you," Hermione said smiling at him. "I just hope that you and Winky will be there tomorrow."

"Dobby and Winky will most certainly be there!" Dobby clapped his hands together. "Dobby and Winky love Miss Hermy like Harry Potter does!"

Hermione looked at the house elf for a few moments. "Um---Dobby, Harry doesn't---"

"Mr. Harry Potter most certainly loves Miss Hermy," Dobby said. "Dobby just got back from bringing tea to Mr. Harry Potter."

"Did he tell you to come here?" Hermione asked sceptically.

"No Miss," Dobby shook his head.

Hermione took a sip of her tea. "Um---not that I care or anything, but what was he doing?"

"He was looking at a book," Dobby answered. "Does Miss Hermy like her tea?"

Hermione nodded. "I do."

"Dobby is pleased," the house elf bowed.

Hermione smiled at him. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Right after dinner."

Dobby bowed again. "Dobby will say good night to Harry Potter's love."

Hermione didn't bother correcting him. She needed to get ready for bed.

"Good night miss," Dobby popped out.

"Harry Potter's love," Hermione muttered shaking her head.

She foolishly wished that was still true as she climbed into bed. Hermione lay back against her pillows and looked at the left side, which Harry had usually occupied when he spent the night up there.

If she was being honest with herself, she still loved him and she missed having him in her life. She so wanted to believe that his feelings had been real.

But at the same time, she had to keep telling herself that it had not indeed been real, that he'd been in cahoots with Malfoy to make a fool of her once more.

Certain things didn't make sense though. From what she knew of him, he wasn't the type to be vindictive. And if his goal had been to win his bet with Malfoy, why had he come to her house on Christmas and given her a present?

Hermione sighed and turned over, hugging her pillow to her. If she was truly honest with herself, what she wanted most was to be back with Harry. It seemed that's what he wanted too.

She'd noticed him looking at her in class and during meals in the Great Hall.

And she still couldn't force herself to give back the bracelet. It currently occupied space in her bedside drawer, and she found herself looking at it quite often.

He'd obviously taken time to pick out the bracelet and the charms. In such a short time, he had come to know her so well.

Besides getting to know her, he had opened up about his battle with Voldemort- something he had never talked to anyone about.

In her entire life, she'd never been this confused about anything. Hermione knew what she wanted to do, but she wasn't sure it was the smart thing to do. If she let him back in, what if he hurt her again?

*** *** ***

Harry surveyed the Great Hall with pride. Almost everyone in the school- even one or two Slytherins- were gathered there for Hermione's House Elves fundraiser. They'd even started collecting some money in a large golden cup near the front of the room where the teachers usually sat.

"This is amazing," Ginny told him.

"I know," Harry nodded. "I really can't believe how many people are here."

"Good thing you told everyone to show up a half hour before the meeting," Neville commented. "I heard her talking to Professor Lupin today. She said she only thought a handful of people were going to show up."

"I can't wait for her to see all this," Harry said, proud of all the work he'd done.

"Merlin's beard," Ron said as Dobby came hurrying over to them with Winky. "What on earth does he have on?"

"Hey Dobby," Harry suppressed his laughter. "Nice um.... nice socks..."

"Dobby's socks do not match," Winky said shaking her head.

"Dobby wears socks that Harry Potter sir has given him," Dobby said eagerly.

"You look smashing, Dobby," Ginny said kneeling down and giving the house elf a kiss on the cheek.

Winky glared at Ginny. "Dobby is with Winky elf, miss!"

"I'm sorry," Ginny apologised. "I was just trying to---"

"You Scarlet Woman!" Ron teased.

"Shut up Ron," Ginny glared at him.

Winky was shooting a look at Ginny so Ron decided to stop kidding around. "Winky, you have nothing to worry about. I was only teasing my sister."

"Dobby is very flattered, miss." the elf tugged on his socks. "But his heart belongs to Winky."

Winky beamed at Dobby. "My Dobby."

Ginny laughed. "I'll get over it somehow, Dobby."

"I'll help ease your pain," Neville said putting his arm around her.

Luna ran into the Great Hall. "Harry! She's coming!"

Harry perked up. "Dobby- you and Winky go on up where the teachers sit. Hermione will be here in just a moment!"

Dobby and Winky did as Harry asked.

Hermione mentally went over the finer points of her speech in her head as she pushed open the doors. At first, she thought she had walked in on lunch; it was so crowded in the Great Hall.

She moved to the centre of the room. "Um, if I could have everyone's attention! I have reserved the room for a S.P.E.W. meeting...."

"We know," Dennis Creevey told her. "We're all here for that."

Hermione gaped at him. "All---all of you?"

"Yeah," Dennis replied. "There's a big donation cup up there, and Dobby and Winky are there too."

Hermione looked toward the left where the house elves were holding up the cup which was overflowing with donations. She was completely speechless.

"How... how did you all find out about this?" she asked weakly.

"I signed them up," Harry stepped forward. His eyes were focused on hers as he handed her the notebook.

Hermione gaped at him for a moment before taking it in her hand. Tears welled up in her eyes as she scanned page after page of signatures.

"You have a speech to give, remember?" he asked her gently.

Hermione nodded. "Um... right." she moved towards the podium, where Dobby and Winky stood hand in hand next to the cup.

Harry took his seat beside Ron and smiled at her.

Hermione was trembling as she faced her rather large audience. "I'd um... I'd like to thank you all for coming today. House Elf rights has been an issue for me for several years now and I can't tell you what it means to me to see that you all are here in support of their freedom from slavery."

The students applauded at her opening remarks and Hermione looked up from her notes in surprise.

Harry watched as Hermione launched full force into her speech, with little comments here and there from Dobby.

"We here at Hogwarts see the fruits of their labour every single day," Hermione continued. "They lay the fires, they do our laundry, they light the lamps, and they help prepare our food. For most of their service at Hogwarts, they have done this for free. Imagine if you did all that work and were not compensated."

"I never realised they did that much," Harry heard one Hufflepuff whisper to another.

"When I first started S.P.E.W., I had little response other than jokes from some of you," Hermione said.

Ron sank lower in his seat. He could still remember the scathing things he'd said about Hermione's club.

"But that no longer matters," Hermione continued. "And... and despite how... um... how I've been to many of you during my years here... you all still showed up today.

"It means a great deal to me," Hermione said looking out at the crowd. "And I know it means a lot to Dobby and Winky and the hundreds of house elves who call Hogwarts home."

"Means very much," Dobby called out.

Hermione's eyes fell on Harry. "I know a lot of you had preconceived notions about this, but you still took a chance and showed up tonight."

"Preconceived notions?" Ron whispered to Luna. "What does she mean?"

"It means she thinks we thought it was about something else," Luna said, her eyes on Hermione.

"Oh," Ron muttered. He still didn't see what had to do with house elves.

"And um... I also want to say that I appreciate each and every person who helped put this together tonight," Hermione fixated her gaze on Harry.

"Together we can make a difference," Hermione concluded.

Harry was the first to begin applauding. He didn't care that he wasn't singled out for credit- what mattered is that she had made the difference she was hoping to make.

Hermione looked out at the crowd with pride. She couldn't believe this turnout and that everyone seemed to genuinely care about house elves and their welfare.

"Dobby and Winky thank Miss Hermy," Dobby's eyes were watery. "It's because of Miss Hermy that Dobby and Winky can marry."

Hermione wiped at her own eyes. "People who love each other should be together."

Dobby nodded. "Like Harry Potter and his love."

Hermione smiled through her tears. "That's right...."

"I agree with him," Harry said from behind her.

Hermione slowly turned around. "You did all this?"

"I helped," Harry said. "Neville, Ginny, Ron and Luna did too."

"Even after all that happened?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded. "Everyone wanted to help."

"I don't even know what to say," Hermione admitted.

"I know what to say," Harry came closer. "I know what I did to you was wrong. I've been kicking myself every day since the Ball for not telling you ahead of time. But I meant every word I said to you when we were together, Hermione. I'm in love with you."

"I'm scared," Hermione said softly.

"I was too," Harry confessed. "Before I realised that you're what I want in life."

She believed him. "I'm pathetic, do you know that? I keep looking at the bracelet you gave me and ---"

"You saw it?" Harry asked. "I thought you'd have thrown it away or burned it..."

"It's in my drawer," Hermione admitted.

"I hoped you'd keep it," Harry said softly. "It was made especially for you."

Hermione's heart swelled at that, but she still had so many questions. "You---you really weren't working with Malfoy to make me look like a fool, were you?"

"No," Harry shook his head. "I mean... the first time we went out, it was because he paid me, but after that, I never took anything from him."

"We can't change what happened," Hermione said quietly.

Harry nodded. "But perhaps we can grow from it."

"But what if---" she started to say, but she stopped herself.

"What?" Harry asked, reaching for her hand.

"I'm supposed to be brave," Hermione said with a nervous laugh. "But here I am scared to death of letting you back in, but even more scared of letting you go."

"I'm not going anywhere," Harry said softly.

Hermione smiled. "So we can start over?"

Harry grinned back. "We can do more than just start over."

"What did you have in mind?" Hermione asked.

Harry pulled her close. "For starters..."

"Kiss and make up?" Hermione guessed.

"I rather like that first part," Harry answered impishly, leaning in.

"Shut up and kiss me," Hermione returned with a grin.

Harry sealed his lips over hers, kissing her passionately.

Hermione was breathless and a little dazed when they pulled apart. She felt like she had just come home. Being back in his arms like this felt right.

"You are the most incredible person I've ever known," Harry rested his forehead against hers. "I don't ever want to be without you again."

"Me either," Hermione said softly.


The couple broke apart to see Ginny and Neville standing before them.

"I'm really sorry," Ginny apologised. "This was all my fault. If I hadn't told Malfoy---"

"It's okay," Hermione said. "We... we all made some mistakes. I think I realise now you never meant to hurt me."

"Friends?" Ginny asked.

Hermione nodded. "Always."

Ginny gave her a hug. "We did it, you know? We broke that stupid pact!"

Hermione laughed. "It's a pretty great feeling."

"And the proceeds from that stupid bet have gone to S.P.E.W.," Harry told her.

"Malfoy's gold?" Hermione asked. "Gone to free house elves?"

"Ironic, isn't it?" Harry asked.

"Quite," Hermione answered, gazing at the cup.

"Congratulations, Hermione," Ron chimed in. "Quite a take."

"Thanks," Hermione said. "Um... I'm sorry I was so abrupt with you when you came to see me yesterday."

"I'm used to it," Ron reassured her.

"What's this about then?" Harry asked. "You went to see Hermione?"

"Just to try and help you out, mate." Ron's face turned red.

Luna squeezed his hand. "Ronald! How sweet of you!"

"Yeah... well..." Ron said sheepishly. "I just wanted my best friend to be happy. Like I am."

"Thanks, mate," Harry said grinning at him.

"Yes, thank you." Hermione kissed Ron's cheek.

"How about we make a new pact?" Ginny suggested.

"I don’t know about that," Harry said warily.

"This is a good one, I promise," Ginny said.

"What is it?" Ron asked. "That the House Elves will use their newfound wealth to buy us some lunch?"

"Ron!" Hermione exclaimed. "I'll have you know----"

"Just kidding!" Ron held up his hands.

"Before you two get back to normal," Ginny said when Hermione looked like she was about to lecture Ron. "As I was saying, we should all make a pact to be friends and to be as happy forever as we are right now..."

"That's the cheesiest thing I've ever heard," Ron said.

Luna nudged him in the side. "I think it's quite lovely. And it would be fun to be friends for the rest of our lives."

"Me too," Hermione said holding her hand out. "Count me in."

Harry immediately placed his on top of hers. "I'm in too."

"Being friends with you lot for the rest of my life is a big imposition," Ron said. "But I think I'm up for it."

Luna smiled. "This sounds like a very, very good pact."

"Thanks you guys," Hermione said looking around at them. "For everything."

Neville put his hand on top of Ginny's. "This has definitely been the best year here. For all of us."

Hermione couldn't have agreed more. There were parts of the year that she could have done without, but it did get them to this point. She was in love and she had a great group of friends. Real friends this time.

Harry grinned at her. "Come on," he said. "Let's steal away for a minute."

"Okay," Hermione said taking his hand.

Once he had her in the hall, Harry turned and kissed her hungrily. "I love you Hermione Granger."

Hermione pulled away to catch her breath. "I love you too. Harry?"

"Yeah?" he tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Are you going to do something like this every time you screw up?" Hermione asked teasingly.

"Maybe," he answered with a grin.

"That might be very lucrative for S.P.E.W.," Hermione said. "As a matter of fact---"

Harry cut her off by kissing her again.

"Harry, I was trying to make a point," Hermione protested, but she was smiling. "You can't just think you can cut me off by kissing me----"

"Want to wager on that?" Harry asked without thinking.

Hermione shook her head. "You are so going to pay for that, Potter."

Harry grinned. "Just kiss me, Granger."

Teacher’s Pet

After what both Harry Potter and Hermione Granger assume is only a one night stand, they are shocked to see each other at Auror Training- him as the instructor and her as the student. They decide to put what happened behind them and move forward, but will they be able to do that?

Lavender Brown also struggles to show that she's not just a pretty face- but when Charlie Weasley shows up, will that put a stop to her plans?

Ron Weasley deals with his long distance relationship with Luna Lovegood and pursuing a career path he's not sure will make him happy. Can everyone find a way to be happy, both in their personal and professional lives?