Eventualities of a less than normal gang


Rating: PG13
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6
Published: 06/07/2007
Last Updated: 30/07/2007
Status: In Progress

This is the compendium of stories I'm working on for the "7 'fore 7" challenge. It will consist a one-shots and twe three-shots (It will say in the story title, so no worries). Hope you enjoy! Please R&R 'cause it's the first time I take part in a challenge here at PKY.

1. Eventualities... list of fics

So, like I said in the story SUMMARY, this was originally created for the “7 `fore 7” challenge, and despite I only got round to writing one and a half of the stories, I'd like to finish this challenge.

There will be seven ficlets, divided into three stories, which are specified below.

Enjoy! And please R&R, I LOVE reviews


Title: I still owe you a love song (Theme: The fluffy first kiss)

Type of fic: One-shot

Summary: Harry makes a promise to Hermione on a silent night at Hogwarts… and he has never broken a promise to his Hermione.


Title: (Intro)mission

Type of fic: Three-shot

1st part - A twist of fate (Theme: Make your favorite PKY ship work in


2nd part - Mission… not accomplished (Theme: A prank)

3rd part - Glitter (Theme: “You cannot expect me to wear that!)

Summary: When Draco decides the Dark Lord's reign has nothing good to offer for the future, he tips the balance to the side of light and allows his last year at school to be the best; especially when Ginny decides she is a better pranker than her brothers and takes up a mission but doesn't measure her victim up. This will end up with a VERY different result than what she originally planned.


Title: Eavesdropped!

Type of fic: Three-shot

1st part - Gold for my ears! (Theme: Write yourself into a fic)

2nd part - What do you mean by that? (Theme: Confusion over a muggle


3rd part - The article and the bug (Theme: Prophet article full of mistakes)

Summary: An intruder outside the trio's house causes mayhem while trying to get her story.


2. I. I still owe you a love song (1/1)

Eventualities of a less than normal gang

Fic I:

I still owe you a love song

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Type of fic: One-shot

Summary: Harry makes a promise to Hermione on a silent night at Hogwarts… and he has never broken a promise to his Hermione.

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A/N: So, this came to me as I was waiting for technical support to fix my email at work and I heard a song by Joaquin Sabina. The love song Harry sings, it is made out of a number of songs by this artist (he is from Spain, if you are curious) that I love. Enjoy!

I still owe you a love song

By Rosalí

The Hogwarts clock had just sung midnight, and the few students left, had already gone to bed. Ron had gone home for the weekend to keep the guard his father had to leave due to urgent Order business. Right now it was only Harry and Hermione left in the Common Room, each deep in thought, sitting in one end of the sofa.

“Harry—do you think we are going to make it?”

Harry was driven away from his thoughts by Hermione's strange question; she had never asked something like that. In fact, Harry was sure this was the first time he had ever heard her talking about doubts… real doubts about the war. He tore his gaze from the dying flames and cocked his head to a side. “What do you mean?” he asked, not knowing what else to say.

“Well, I know I've never talked about this with anyone, but—“ she looked down, as if ashamed of what she was about to say.

“What, what's wrong?”

“You'll think I'm being silly.”

“I would never say that,” he said fiercely but smiled encouragingly at her.

She looked away again and then turned towards Harry. “No one has ever sung me a love song.” She bit her bottom lip, waiting for an answer, or a laugh… anything! And Harry just stared.

“That's not possible.”

“I know! I know it is silly, I'm sorry. I know we have so many things to worry about, why with Voldemort, the Horcruxes, the war, everything!” she rambled endlessly. “It's just that—“

“It is not possible that no one has ever sung a love song to you!” Harry's voice rose against Hermione's ramblings and she stopped immediately.


“What I just said… it is not possible.”

It was her turn to laugh. “Oh, Harry…” she said an playfully hit his arm, but he was serious.

“I am serious Hermione…” No one spoke for a moment and then Harry's eyes widened and he smiled, taking her hand gently. “Hermione… if we make it through the war, I promise, with all my soul, that I will sing you the most beautiful love song you'll never hear.”

He stared and Hermione couldn't do anything but smile back. She loved him so much. “Thank you, Harry,” she said softly and then a comfortable silence fell on them, his hand not letting go of hers.

A year later…

It had been only a couple of days since Harry, Hermione, Ron and the rest of survivors of the final battle had all finally left St. Mungo's. It had been a terrible battle, and many good friends and brave people had died for the future.

They had moved their things to the old Order's Headquarters and were living there for the time being. Dinner had been quiet and nice; it had only been Harry and Hermione because Ron had gone over to Luna's, his fiancée since last week, to have dinner too.

The two youngsters walked over to the sitting room and plopped on the overstuffed sofa. Harry conjured a fire, and soon enough, the room was warm and the flames danced merrily in the fireplace.

The two were in silence, staring into the flames, deep in though, when Harry heard a sob from his right and turned to the sound.

“Hermione? What's the matter honey?” he asked, immediately moving closer to her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

She didn't answer and tears kept running down her beautiful face.

“Mione, please, talk to me…” he said softly.

She cried, and between sobs, he could make out something about so many dying, and why it had to happen—and he understood. This had happened to him a couple of times before, and he'd discovered that the only way to get past it, was to let it all out.

He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around probably the most important person in his life now and ever, not knowing what else to do to ease her pain. As he rubbed her back and whispered soothing nothings in her ear, he remembered something and pulled away from her, so they were facing each other. “Hey, I just remembered something,” he said with a sweet smile, which made Hermione stop crying for a moment to pay attention to him.

“W—what is it?” she asked in a broken voice, wiping a few tears from her face.

With his thumb, Harry wiped yet another warm teardrop. “I still owe you a love song.”

She sniffed, almost chuckled. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I still owe you a love song,” he said simply, his grin widening with each word at the prospect of making her feel better.

“How come?”

“Well, I promised you last year, remember?” She cocked her head to a side and smiled a bit so Harry continued. “I promised you that if we made it, I would sing you a love song.”

“How can you possibly remember that?” she asked, her smile reaching her eyes for the first time.

“I remember everything you say, my dearest.”

Hermione laughed and hugged her best friend—the person who was her entire world now. “Oh, Harry, you don't have to!”

“Of course I do! I have never broken a promise I've made you.”

“It is sweet enough that you remembered something like that.”

“Please?” he asked and Hermione couldn't resist.

“Oh, all right,” she said, a faint blush starting to creep to her cheeks, erasing the traces of her sadness.

“But you can't laugh!” he warned.

“Of course I won't!” she assured and sat right, to be able to hear him and see him better.

“All right, here goes nothing…” Harry said and started establishing beats, that sounded strangely like a Spanish Flamenco.

As beat the beats, Hermione remembered when, at the beginning of the year, they'd had to go undercover as Spanish muggles and how Harry had taken her, Ron and Luna to a Flamenco lesson, where they had caught the Death Eater that had led them to the last of Voldemort's Hocruxes.

At last, he began singing, shyly at first and then gaining confidence as he continued As she watched him blush, Hermione found her eyes watering again, but of happiness this time.

“I'm trying to tell you

that I'm tired of waiting

Lost, like a saint with no paradise,

naked like a mannequin without fashion,

that's how I am left, without you

restless like a priest in a brothel,

alone like a poet in the airport

that's how I am left, without you

I'm tired of waiting,

I don't have anywhere to go

Yesterday, the storm almost broke my heart

But still, still I love you so”

Again, without realizing how or when, she found herself leaning towards the singing Harry. Merlin, how she loved him!

When he was finished with his song, he was smiling nervously and his cheeks were red with embarrassment; he had never done that for anyone, but then again, this wasn't anyone, this was his Hermione, the woman he loved so much and who had always been there for him and with him.

Suddenly, she realized how close they were and started to look away, but Harry raised his hand and placed it on her cheek, to prevent her from turning away. “I love you,” he said without thinking and closed the few inches that separated both their eager lips and their passionate souls.

And for the first time, neither felt they'd lost anything during the war, for there was the world waiting for them, and for their love to just be without fears or doubts looming over it.

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A/N: For those of you who have read my fics, you know I am not a very fluffly writer, so to speak, so I hope this was fluffy enough, hehe.


3. II. (Intro)mission [1/3] - A twist of fate

Fic II:


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Type of fic: Three-shot

1st part - A twist of fate

2nd part - Mission… not accomplished

3rd part - Glitter

Summary: When Draco decides the Dark Lord's reign has nothing good to offer for the future, he tips the balance to the side of light and allows his last year at school to be the best; especially when Ginny decides she is a better pranker than her brothers and takes up a mission but doesn't measure her victim up. This will end up with a VERY different result than what she originally planned.

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A/N: Even though this is not my ABSOLUTE favorite ship, I like it very much, and it fit perfectly with the rest of (Intro)mission. Forgive me if some linkages (between ficlets of each story) seem a little forced, but please bear in mind that each ficlet had to stand as a story itself and not seem like just a chapter.

Part 1

A twist of fate

The school had finally re-opened after the terrible battle that had taken the life of so many brave people. It had been over a year and it felt incredibly strange for Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the rest, to start a Hogwarts year care-free for the first time in their history as students of the ancient school.

Naturally, after the Death Eaters had taught little more than nothing throughout the last year Hogwarts had been open, that year was pretty much erased from all the records. Harry and his fellow classmates were nearing their twenties and going back to school, much to their happiness, while Ginny and Luna re-started their sixth year with much more experience than anyone could give account for.

As they reached the station in Hogsmeade, Ginny looked up at the castle in the dying light of this first of September, starting anew without Lord Voldemort or his shadow looming overhead. She remembered the last time she had set foot in this same station, she'd seen jets of light illuminating the midnight sky and the sense of panic was overwhelming…

(two years prior)

But she had to continue, she had to get there and make sure everyone she cared for was safe… however, her feet seemed to be rooted on the spot and she had forgotten to cast the Concealing spell as soon as she had entered the limits of the little all-wizards town.

Before she could beckon her mind to engage into action, a set of jets of light came her way and she barely had time to duck. When she managed to retrieve her wand from her robes, a group of freshly cast spell had been already launched her way and one of them caught her square on the chest, sending the redhead flying towards the wall of the station. Her head slammed hard against the polished wood and she felt consciousness wanting to slip out of her but she fought it and took a hand to her injured skull, warm blood drenched her hand and she winced.

Looking up at her attackers, she knew she had little more than no chance of making it; why had she not cast the Concealing charm? Shakily, she stood and sent two hexes, one after the other, resulting in one of the masked figures collapsing to the ground in pain. Immediately, the other six charged against her and she couldn't avoid all the curses with her Protean charm. She was sent flying again, and when she managed to open her eyes again, six masks blocked her view the starry night.

“I say we torture her and then hang her from a tree at Hogwarts so Pottrer can see her.”

“Oh, that would be fun.”

“Shut your trap, Goyle, or you will sound more stupid than you already are.”

“No more than that stupid son of his, though,” another voice laughed.

“He's not THAT stupid,” Goyle senior defended.

“Yeah, he is,” Ginny said in a stupid rush of daring.

“Shut it, blood traitor! Crucio!” The first man who spoke shot at her and needles penetrated every inch of her skin.

Ginny let out a scream and tried in vain to fend off the six Death Eaters and received a slap on the face in return. “I said, shut it!”

“Don't!” one of the masked men said when seeing the blood pouring not only from her nose, but also from her head from the first attack.

“What is it, Malfoy? You want to do it?” the second voice asked, bemused. “We can't deny she is a nice piece of meat… and she is your age, right?”

Malfoy looked at the man who had spoken and leaned closed and tried to lift her head, but Ginny spat on his face. “Get your filthy hands off me, you—you Death Eater!” she said with such hatred, that he recoiled a little and pushed her back to the floor, wiping his face clean.

“Crucio! You disrespectful little muggle-lover!”

Ginny screamed in agony again as the unforgivable cursed through her body and they all laughed, kicking her on the ribs next. “I say we throw her, barely alive on the Great Hall.”

“Oh, that sounds better, and Potter will crawl to his blood-traitor lover and hand himself in,” one of the Death Eaters laughed.

“He would NEVER do that! And I am not his lover, you idiot!” she replied and it earned her another Crucio and a couple of kicks on the ribs more.

“Stop it! You'll kill her!”

“Why wouldn't we want to do that?”

“Be—because… because if she goes to the castle and is murdered in front of Potter and his gang, it'll be much more useful,” Malfoy said hurriedly.

The other Death Eaters regarded him for the longest time and then the one who appeared to be the leader nodded. “He is right, let's take her to the castle. But first… Crucio!”

Ginny's screams tore through the night; if they continued like this, she would end up like the Longbottoms, she knew it. Hoping that her own demise wouldn't be too hard on Harry and the side of light, Ginny resigned herself to die or go mad with pain.

Then, another hex. She was ready for it, for the capstone in the terrible future that awaited her. But more pain never came and she dared open her eyes with the little consciousness she had left, and saw the Death Eater that had been torturing her, collapse to the ground, revolving in pain.

She looked up and identified the curser. She must be hallucinating already.

After only some thirty seconds of torture, the curse ended and the Death Eater didn't get up. Ginny stared at the silvery-blond locks that escaped the mask and stared... not only because she was surprised at the strength of Malfoy's attack, but at the sudden turn of events that had just saved her life.

“What the hell are you doing, Malfoy!” One of the other Death Eaters asked.

“Ensuring my future, of course…” he said, sounding much braver than Ginny was sure he felt.

A lot of jets of light later and a blurry memory of a battle, Ginny heard silence and wondered if her attempts to keep awake had finally failed her, or if it had finally ended. She heard footsteps and readied herself for more torture or the killing curse, but it never came… instead, a gentle hand pushed her hair out of Ginny's face.

It caressed her almost as a lover's hand would, but she was scared to open her eyes. The hand slid down to her neck and Ginny braced herself for the worst, but the hand stayed on her neck, feeling her pulse. She heard a sigh of relief.

“Let's get you to the castle, we want Potter in his best state of mind before he gets here,” D Malfoy's tired voice spoke and he picked up her frail body as if it weighted nothing.

(back in September 1999)

Ginny blinked and had to shake her head to return to the present year, to her sixth year of magical education. This year was going to be good; nothing would attack her from the shadows or from behind… and she would have never imagined that such a horrible time like the war would have ended in her falling in love with him—never in her whole life; and she had a good plan to get what she wanted this year, even though she was sure he didn't see her as more than a friend.

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A/N: Hope you enjoyed, please let me know your thoughts on this piece of work because it was my attempt to break the writer's block that has been looming over me for the past month at least.

Oh! And for those of you reading “What is Love?”, the next chapter is coming, so don't lose faith, please, we are almost there!
