Love Lost. Love Found.

Harrys Mistress

Rating: R
Genres: Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7
Published: 25/07/2007
Last Updated: 06/01/2009
Status: Completed

When tragedy strikes both the Potter and Weasley family, the ones standing must be strong for their kids. But although their love is lost, can another be found?

1. Prologue

Hey readers! I’m back for one more round! I almost decided not to write another one, considering how it ended. That epilogue was like a very bad fanfic, wasn’t it? Yes, I’m happy that Harry didn’t die and if he’s happy with Ginny, then who am I to argue, but I just wish she gave us more than that. It was like she decided to write it at the last minute. There was some good parts, like Harry talking to Albus Severus, that was touching, but other than that, I was kind of disappointed!

So here I am, but I’m going to warn you it’s going to be sad, the beginning especially. I like to make my fanfics as realistic to the books as I can, as bad as the epilogue was, it still happened. So, I’m writing this story the only way I know how. I hope you stick with it and this first part it’s just the prologue so tell me what you think and if you want to read more.

Lost Love. Love Found.


It was just another ordinary day for Harry Potter when he woke up one morning in the middle of May. Happily unaware that his life would drastically change by the end of the day, he leaned over to kiss his sleeping wife before crawling out of bed.

Harry took a long hot shower, preparing himself for the day he and his wife would spend it with their friends, Ron and Hermione. It was Muggle Day. A tradition they started years ago, spending the day as Muggles while they explored London. They would shop, have lunch, maybe even catch a movie. Ron loved to go to the movies, he was impressed that Muggles could actually make things look so real.

When he was dressed, he stepped back into the bedroom, shaking his head when he saw Ginny was still out like a light. She was never a morning person and with all their kids at school, even Lily who was experiencing her first year, she took advantage of sleeping in while the house was quiet.

“Enjoy it while you can, Gin,” he said with a chuckle. “The little monsters will be back in a few weeks.”

He slipped out quietly and trotted down the steps into the kitchen and immediately put the coffee on. If anything could wake up his wife, it was the smell of coffee brewing. Sure enough, moments later, he heard her puttering around upstairs, then the sound of the shower running. “She’s so predictable,” he told his Barn Owl, Jax, who was perched on one of the kitchen chairs. “Oh, hey…you got something for me?” he asked when noticed a note tied to his leg. He walked over to him, untied the note, gave Jax a quick scratch before he flew out the open window. He opened the parchment and smiled when he noticed Hermione’s neat handwriting that still hadn’t changed after all these years.

Just meet us at our place at ten. Teddy’s baby-sitting Nora and you know how he

can be late.


Harry smiled at the mention of the newest addition to the Weasley Family. Nora had been a surprise, considering Ron and Hermione thought they were done with two kids. Nora, however, had other plans and came into the world almost a year ago. Harry adored her and like any good Uncle, spoiled her rotten.

He set the note aside and then walked back to the kitchen to whip up a quick breakfast and making sure that a fresh cup of coffee was ready for Ginny. She was quite grouchy without it.


Right at ten, Harry and Ginny walked into the Weasley’s house, feeling right at home. “Hello?” Harry called out. “Knock, Knock.

“Back in the kitchen,” Hermione’s voice called out followed by a toddler’s squeal of delight.

“Great, she heard Harry,” Ron’s muffled voice said through the kitchen door as they approached it. “Which means I’m second fiddle.”

Harry swung open the door and then laughed when Nora ran up to him with her little unsteady legs. “Hey there, munchkin!” Harry plucked her up from the floor, then tossed her in the air while Nora’s mum was trying hard not to freak.

“Harry, must you do that?” Hermione asked placing a hand over her heart.

“Why? She likes it,” he said with a grin. “Don’t you munchkin?” he asked before rubbing his two day stubble over her cheek, making her giggle with delight.

“Humiliating,” Ron muttered. “My own daughter, completely ignores me when you’re in the picture.”

“Oh you know Nora loves you,” Hermione said with a roll of her eyes. “Didn’t she say ‘Dada’ for the first time this morning?”

Ron grinned. “That’s true.”

“I’m more like her first crush,” Harry said while he now had her hanging upside down swinging her back and forth while she let out ‘whoos’. “Where’s Teddy?”

The sound of the front door open and closed. “Hello?! Sorry I’m late! I’m here!”

Harry grinned. “Right on cue.”


“Are you almost done, Hermione?” Ron asked urgently while he fidgeted.

Hermione continued to calmly skim through her book. “Ron, we’ve only been here for ten minutes.”

“But we’ve been on our feet for two hours,” Ron exclaimed breathlessly collapsing against the book stack. “And I’m hungry.”

“Just a bit longer,” she said patting him on the head like she would a toddler. “I really want to find a good book to read.”

“Hermione, I know you love books, I find the trait rather adorable, but you know your husband can’t go long without fuel!”

“Are you complaining already, Ron?” Harry asked as he appeared with Ginny right behind him. “We haven’t been in the book story that long.”

“Oh stuff it, I’m hungry,” he pouted.

“As much as I hate to agree with my brother…” Ginny winced putting a hand on her flat stomach. “I am a little hungry.”

“You Weasley’s are hopeless,” Harry laughed. “All right why don’t you two go on ahead, I’ll stay behind with Mione. I think I’m going to get the next book in that series she got me hooked on.”

“Great plan,” Ron beamed. “We’ll take a cab.”

“Ron, it’s not that far,” Harry pointed out. “Just walk.”

“I don’t think my stomach can hold out much longer. Cab’s faster.” He leaned down and kissed his wife’s cheek who still involved in her book. “See you there, love. Let’s go, Gin.”

Ron dragged her away before she barely made contact with Harry’s lips. She giggled as she waved goodbye before disappearing around the corner.

Harry came up behind Hermione, rubbing her shoulders lightly. “I’m off to the mystery section. Meet you at check out?”

“Sure,” she said closing the book and then picked out another. “I’m almost done here.”

“Okay, see you in a bit,” he said giving her shoulder one more friendly squeeze before heading off.

Ten minutes later Harry came up to the line with a stack of paper books under his arm. Hermione raised a brow. “Got a little carried away, Harry?”

“A little,” he admitted sheepishly. “But I’m so behind on the series.” Harry looked at her books and also lifted a brow. “Wow, Hermione, only two?” He juggled the books to free a hand, placing it on her forehead. “You feeling okay?”

Hermione slapped it away with a laugh. “Oh hush up you!”

They were both laughing by the time they came out of the bookstore with their bags in tow. Harry immediately put an arm around her shoulder as they strolled down the walk. They talked about the upcoming summer, what they were going to do with the kids, and maybe plan something for the whole gang. “The kids would like that I think,” Harry said as they made the corner. “Maybe to a beach or…”

Harry was immediately cut off by a loud siren and they both jumped when an ambulance flew by them. “What in the…”

“Harry,” Hermione said shakily. “At the intersection…something’s happened.”

Harry looked over and saw that she was right. People were everywhere, cops were trying to back people up as lights were flashing. He all of the sudden had unpleasant feeling at the pit of his stomach and couldn’t help to think that something went horribly wrong.

A couple of Muggles were walking by them, shaking their heads. “Terrible thing.”

Harry touched the girl’s arm. “What happened?”

The Muggle girl looked up at him with sad eyes. “Car accident. Some idiot drunk drive rammed into a cab. It doesn’t look good.”

As they walked away his whole body went numb and Hermione gripped his arm, barely hearing her whisper his name. They knew. Both of them knew that their lives and their children’s lives, just took a drastic change.

2. Chapter 1

Thanks guys for the awesome reviews! I was a little worried about it, it was harder than I thought to kill them off, and this chapter was hard, too. But it will get better, don’t worry. This will probably be a long one, I’m in no hurry to finish it as of now. Hope you enjoy my farewell fic!

Chapter One

2 months later

Harry sat alone in his den with only one lamp on giving the room a soft glow. The house was quiet and all the kids were in their rooms for the night. He had a bottle of beer that turned lukewarm from lack of sipping. He didn’t really want it or need it, but it gave him something to do besides stare into space, trying not to think about that day two months ago.

Had it really only been two months? Since that terrifying moment when he and Hermione rushed to the scene, knocking people out of their way. Had it been two months since he saw a glimpse of Ginny’s long ginger hair before the cop moved in his way, holding him back. He was too much in shock to realize that with a flick of his wrist he could have the cop let go in an instance.

He barely heard Hermione, saying Ron’s name over and over again to the point where she couldn’t breath. He didn’t want to hear what the cop was saying over and over again.

“There’s nothing you can do…they’re gone son…stay back…you need to help her…your friend? She can’t breath…she’s close to having a panic attack, you need to listen to me.”

Harry had looked down to see that Hermione was on her knees, gasping for breath as her skin was sickly white. He shrugged off the hands of the officer, immediately bending down to Hermione and scooped her up off the concrete ground.

“Out of my way, out of my way!”

He had pushed his way out of the crowd, placing her on a nearby bench kneeling in front of her. He put his body on autopilot, and tried to focus on Hermione. She was practically gasping for breath.

“Hermione, I need to look at me,” Harry said placing his shaky hands at the sides of her face.

“Ron,” she gasped. “Ron…Ginny.”

“I know, I know, but you need to take deep breaths for me, can you do that? Look into my eyes…that’s it…think of your kids, Hermione…they need us right now…picture them in your head…we need to be strong…just for a little while…just for a little while and then we both can break down…together. That’s it…deep breaths, baby, deep breaths. Do you trust me?”

When she could only nod, Harry had discretely murmured a spell and Hermione immediately went limp into his arms. It was hard…so hard to make himself feel numb as he went through all the steps that day. Telling Teddy to go put Nora in her crib and write to the Headmistress and tell her to get their kids to the house as quickly as she could. Then sending his patronus to Kingsley, asking him to hurry to the house so he could ask him to take care of getting Ron and Ginny from the Muggle Morgue.

Jesus, Harry thought now as he closed his eyes. So hard, so damn hard not to crack in front of him. But not as hard as it was when he woke up Hermione, when watching that glint of hope in her eyes when she thought it was a nightmare, then telling her the nightmare was real.

But God, nothing was worse…nothing…when they had to tell the kids. When Harry and Hermione stood in front of them in the den, telling them there was an accident, having to tell them that their mom and dad were badly hurt, that they had to leave us…had to go to heaven.

Lily had ran to him first, tears streaming down her little face as she flew her arms around him, crying for her Mum. Rose and Hugo did the same to Hermione, both of them clinging tightly to her. Over Lily’s shoulder, Harry saw Albus still sitting where he was, shock spread over his face while his chin trembled and his eyes filled. Harry didn’t say anything but reach out a hand to him and Albus got up shakily and walked over to his waiting arms while his tears started to fall.

And James. Looking so angry, so hurt as he stood their with his arms folded across his chest. Harry had pulled away from Lily and Albus, silently gesturing to Hermione to comfort them.

Harry walked over to his oldest son and placed a hand on his shoulder. He flung it off immediately and ran out of the room and out the backdoor. He gave a painful look at Hermione, before turning and following him out the door. James was sitting on the back porch steps, his shoulders hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees. He sat next to him, waiting for his son to say something first.

“Why weren’t you with her?” he asked suddenly looking up at him angrily. “What happened? I want to know what happened.”

“We…we were at the bookstore. Hadn’t been there long and…and your Uncle Ron wanted to leave…he was…he was hungry, but…your Aunt Mione wasn’t ready and…neither was I. Mum was hungry too, so I…I suggested they go on ahead, we’ll catch up. It was just around the corner, all they had to walk.” Please Merlin, help me get through this, help me say the right thing. “Uncle Ron made a joke…saying his stomach couldn’t hold out…Cab’s faster, he said and…then they were gone…Your mum barely had the chance to kiss me goodbye before Ron dragged her away. But she was laughing. That was the last time I saw her and my last memory was of her laughing.

James’ first sign of tears appeared on his cheek and he angrily brushed them away. “Did she suffer?”

“No,” he said quickly as he put an arm around his son bringing him to his side. “No, it was real quick…and she’s at peace now, James. You know I’ve been there once and it’s so beautiful, so peaceful…I hope knowing that brings you a little comfort like it does me.”

Forgetting that he was a cool sixteen year old, he placed his head on his Dad’s shoulder. “I’m going to miss her.”

“Me too, James.” He kissed the top of his head. “Me too.”

Hermione made sleeping draughts for the kids and after putting them to bed, placing Harry’s kids in the guest bedroom, did they finally let themselves fall apart. They had cried and cried as they clung to each other until both of them they were emptied out. Tears dried on their cheeks as they held each other on the couch finally falling into sleep where neither of them could hurt.

The last two months went like a blur. Hermione and her kids moved into his house right away. It wasn’t the time to be apart and the kids needed each other. They were cramped in there, but no one had complained. James, Albus and Hugo were in one room while Rose bunked with Lily. Nora moved into Albus’ old room, since she was so young she need a room to herself for her afternoon naps.

As for Hermione, the only place was Harry’s bedroom. It was weird at first having her in the bed with him. Sometimes in the middle of the night he would reach for her, thinking it was Ginny, but then his hand would snap back when he remembered it was Hermione, not his wife. At the same time though, he was glad he wasn’t alone. They didn’t sleep close, she was way over on the other side, but he could feel her presence and that was comforting enough.

They couldn’t live like this much longer. It was fine for now, the kids were off to school in a few weeks, but they had to think of something before they returned for the holidays. He didn’t want to split up. The thought of staying in this house while Hermione and her kids moved in her old house was too depressing. They needed a fresh start, a place that would help them all to move on with their lives.


Harry looked up to see Hermione standing across the room dressed in her pajamas. “Hermione, hey.” He sat up and set down his beer on the table. “Is Nora down okay? She was kind of in a bad mood tonight.”

“Yes. Her tantrum made her exhausted. She’s out. Um, are you coming to bed soon?”

“Oh. Yeah, in a bit…but come sit down.” He scooted over and patted the cushion next to him. “I actually liked to talk to you about something.”

“All right,” she said and shuffled her way towards him.

Harry watched her casually move his beer bottle on top of the coaster he had neglected to use before sitting down and he had to bite his lip to hide his grin. “How you holding up?” he asked reaching out to rub her arm.

“Okay,” she said with a shrug. “I try to keep busy. It helps. What do you want to talk about?”

“Well…I’ve been doing some thinking. We’ve been crammed in this house…and it’s been exactly what we needed, and the kids…bless them…haven’t complained about sharing rooms or bathrooms and…well I thought…”

“You want us to move out?” Hermione asked. “That’s okay, I understand…I guess it was only a matter of…”

Harry shook her head. “No, no, that’s not what I’m saying,” he stammered out quickly as he placed a hand on her leg. “I don’t want us to separate, Hermione, that’s the last thing I want and the kids want. What I was thinking about was…once the kids go back to school…you and I look for a new place.”

Hermione bit her lip in thought. “Really?”

“Yeah, I…I think it would be good for all of us. A new house…a bigger one with more rooms…new furniture…just…something fresh. I was talking to Bill the other day and he told me there’s an old abandon Muggle house not for from where he lives. It’s by the sea, like their cottage and…course he said it needed a lot of work and…sorry…I’m rambling, do you think this is a stupid idea?”

Hermione shook her head. “No,” she murmured. “No, I think it’s a great one. By the sea you said?”

“Yeah, I think it will be good for the kids…and for us.” He shifted on the couch so he would be facing her more. “Remember our first trip to Bill and Fleur’s? During the war?”

She nodded. “Of course.”

“I remember how much I loved the sound of the waves crashing below…the sound always put me to sleep…made me feel at peace, even if it was for one tiny moment. I want to do everything I can to make them happen for my kids and yours.” He grabbed her hand and held it gently between his. “But listen Hermione, if you don’t want this…we’ll think of something else…whatever you want to…”

“No, no, I want to do it,” she said taking a deep breath. “We need to start moving on with our lives…Oh, god…this is so hard.”

His heart crumbled when he saw tears shimmer in her eyes. “I know, Mione,” he said taking her face gently into his hands. “We’ll get through this, okay? We’ll be okay.” When she could only nod as she choked back her tears, Harry simply pulled her into his arms, cradling her against his chest.

“Harry?” she whimpered after awhile.


“Tell me again.”

He didn’t have to ask what she meant and he would tell her as many times as he asked her. “When I died…for that short moment…I felt at peace…I felt safe and loved. And when I saw my parents, Sirius…Lupin. They were all smiling…they were in no pain and were happy.”

She nuzzled against him as she closed her eyes and took one long shaky breath. “Thank you.”

“Anytime,” Harry said stroking her hair rocking her slowly until he felt her body melt against his and her breathing began slow and deep. He then cradled her gently into his arms and carried her up to bed.

3. Chapter 2

Okay here’s another quick update. It’s a short one and a lot of them will be because I’m taking my time with this fic. This is going to probably be a long story with lots of placing to explore. I’m even going to go out to Hogwarts and write some scenes with the kids. The first year I think should be of nothing but healing, so if anyone is impatient and wants H/Hr to get together right away, I’m warning you it won’t happen for awhile, but I’ll get there. Don’t worry. This is my last fic…so I’m going to make it last and try my hardest to make this one a good one. Enjoy the ride!!


Chapter 2

It was the night before the kids went back to Hogwarts and the house was in complete chaos. Harry was in the kitchen preparing a dinner, while Nora was sitting comfortably in her highchair nibbling on chicken nuggets and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich neatly cut in triangles.

Above his head he could hear the kids running around getting ready for school, while Hermione’s voice carried down the stairs while she helped them a long…

“James, do you have your Head Boy badge packed?”

“Rose, don’t forget to pack your new robes…your old ones are too small.”

“For the last time, Hu, I am not buying you a snake. I don’t care if Uncle Harry said he would make sure and tell it not to slither in my bed, my answer is still no.”

Harry gave a roll of his eyes. “Well, I would,” he told Nora with a shake of his head.

“Harry?” Hermione called out as she walked down the stairs.

“Yeah?” he said loudly as he started to pull out the ingredients he needed to make the salad.

She came into the kitchen with a sulky looking Hugo trailing behind her. “Gee, Mione…sorry, I won’t say anything more about the snake..”

She shook her head. “No, not that…but that would be appreciative…Hugo’s sweater…the one Molly made him? Have you seen it?”

“You mean the green one with the orange H on the front?” Harry asked as he gave Hugo a wink. “Yeah, I think it’s in the load of laundry I just put in.”

Hermione raised a brow. “You did laundry?”

“Yes, does that surprise you?” Harry asked as he got out some tomatoes.

“IIII’m just going to go check and see if it’s okay,” Hermione said with almost a teasing smile “Hugo, go back upstairs and finish packing, you still have a long way to go.”

“Hang in there, buddy,” Harry said nuzzling his hair before he went back up to the chaos. He was about to start chopping the tomatoes when Hermione’s shriek made him jump.

“Merlin’s pants!” her voice shrilled from the laundry room.

Harry’s lips curved and looked at Nora. “Uh-oh, she said ‘Merlin’s pants’. This can’t be good.” He put the knife back in the drawer. “I’ll be right back…no levitating out of your highchair.”

Harry dashed out of the kitchen then almost slipped on water that was slithering out of the laundry room. He got his balance and pushed the door open to see the Hermione in a swarm of soap bubbles spilling out of the washing machine. “Uh oh.”

“Don’t just stand there, Harry, help me!” she shrieked as she was slipping and trying to find a way to turn it off.

“Okay, I’m coming,” he said as he carefully walked through the bubbles slipping now and then. “Try and turn it off.”

“I’m trying! ” she exclaimed. “I can’t find the appropriate button because there are too many damn bubbles! Oh, my stupid wand is upstairs.”

“Well mine is…woah shit…” He stumbled and flew his hands out onto the washing machine to get his balance. “Mine’s in the kitchen.”

“You are banned!” Hermione sputtered when soap got in her mouth. “Banned from ever doing laundry!”

“Fine with me….I know the off button somewhere around here…”


Harry and Hermione whipped their heads around to see Nora standing just outside the door with a look of pure pleasure on her face. Harry and Hermione both shook their heads and waved their hands at her. “No, no, no, no,” they both yelled, but Nora didn’t listen and jumped right into the mass of bubbles.

“Nora,” Hermione exclaimed. “Get out of the room right this…ahhh!” She slipped and grabbed Harry which didn’t help much, because it only made it worse and they both fell onto the floor.

Hermione came back up sputtering. “This is a nightmare!” she exclaimed pushing the bubbles out of her face. “Harry, get Nora!”

“Hey, what’s going on?” Hugo asked from the door with Rose behind him. “Woah, cool! Come on, Rose!”

“Rose, Hugo, no!” Hermione cried out, but then groaned in frustration when they dove right in. “Harry, things are getting out of control!”

“What in the world…” Albus and Lily appeared now taking on the scene with pure awe.

“Al..Lily,” Harry warned sternly. “Don’t even…ah crap…there they go.”

“We got to get out of her here…Harry help me up…”

“Bubbas, bubbas, babbas!” Nora chanted as she all of the sudden came out of nowhere and threw herself onto Harry.

“Oaf,” Harry grunted then couldn’t help but laugh when he saw that Nora’s face was covered in bubbles. “You in there munchkin?” he asked wiping her grinning face. “Mad I tell you. Hermione, they’ve gone…” He turned to look at Hermione, but his jaw dropped when he realized Hermione was laughing. She was laughing so hard that no sound came out and her wet face was now red. It was the first time in months he had heard her laugh and although everyone around him was going mad…it was still nice to hear.

“What in the blazes is going on here?” James asked loudly from just outside the laundry room.

“James, thank Merlin!” Harry said and held up Nora. “Get in here and take Nora…the kids…and not to mention your Aunt Mione…have all gone mental.”

“Gee, you think?” he asked as he tried to make his way over to Nora who was now chanting, “Jay-Jay” over and over again while she held out her wet soapy arms. “Al…that’s my leg…watch it Hugo, you almost made me….” James let out a yelp as he abruptly slipped and fell backwards disappearing into the bubbles.

The kids laughter stopped, Hermione gasped and Harry winced while Nora was still chanting “Jay-Jay.” James head came up from the surface of white foam, sputtering and spitting as he pushed back his wet hair. The other kids didn’t say anything, waiting to see what James would do.

Then someone snorted out a chuckle and James whipped his head around to Albus. “Think that’s funny do you, Al?”

Harry sighed. “James, he didn’t mean…”

“I don’t care, dad…it wasn’t funny…but I’ll show you what’s funny.”

He then pounced his littler brother, playfully tackling him while they disappeared into the bubbles. Rose trounced on James’ back while Hugo and Lily were busy smacking bubbles in each other’s faces.

Harry’s jaw dropped in shock while all the kids…including James were in the middle of a tackle war in a sea of white bubbles. Nora even left Harry to stumble her way over to them. He turned to see Hermione who was looking at him with a little smirk, then Harry jumped when she smacked a handful of bubbles in his face.

Hermione giggled in delight while Harry calmly wiped his glasses clean before putting them back on. Then Hermione’s giggle turned into a shriek when Harry jumped her, tackling her to the floor while white clouds of soap swallowed them up.

4. Chapter 3

Hey guys! Here’s another update!! You’ll get a taste of another story line I’m working on with one of the kids. There will be more than one, so look forward to that. Thanks for all the great reviews! I love reading every single one of them! Even the bad ones, because they make me laugh. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 3

“All right, troops,” Harry said getting up from his seat on the couch. “Time for bed.”

Whines and protest escaped from the group. “Oh come on, Dad,” Lily pleaded. “Can’t we watch the telly for a little bit longer?”

“It’s really getting late, sweetie,” Harry said with a sympathetic smile. “We all have an early morning tomorrow.”

“I’m going to put Nora down,” Hermione said quietly while her youngest daughter was asleep in her arms.

Harry nodded as he said goodnight to his kids, kissing them on the cheek, including all of Hermione’s kids. “Something on your mind, James?” he asked when he noticed James lingering.

“Yeah…can I talk to you for a sec?”

“Sure, J.” Harry sat back on the couch, patting the cushion next to him. “Something troubling you?”

“Yeah…kind of…”

“Is this about your mum?”

“What? Oh. No, it’s…” He then trailed off, looking miserable. “That’s horrible of me…is it horrible what’s troubling me has nothing to do with her?”

“No, James,” he assured him, clasping a hand over his. “It’s a good thing…we all need to move on with our lives. She’d want that for you…for all of us.”

“Yeah…you’re right. I still miss her an awful lot, but…it hurts less and less as they days go bye.”

“That’s called healing.” He patted his son’s hand. “Now…what’s bothering you? Girl problems?” he teased then his smile dropped when didn’t say anything. “Oh. I see. Er….so what’s wrong? I thought things were good between you and…what’s her name…Kitty or Katty?”

“Kiki,” James reminded him of his girlfriend of one year. “And things are…well, it doesn’t matter because this isn’t about her.”

“Oh?” Harry lifted a brow. “Another woman in your life, James?”

“Well…kind of…it’s about Sam, actually.”

“Sam? As in your friend, Samantha?”

“That’s the one.”

“You, Sam…along with Danny…the three of you have been tight since first year, right?”

“Yes…ever since Danny blew up his potion we were working on in class…got all over the three of us so we had to go to the hospital wing.” James smiled at the memory. “We looked so awful…red whelps all over our faces that Madame Pomfrey said wouldn’t clear up for days so we were stuck. We were angry at first…well mostly Sam was yelling at Danny a lot. I think it was when Sam called him a ‘pizza face moron’ when I finally lost it. I started laughing…didn’t take long for Sam and Danny to join in.”

“A friendship was formed,” Harry said with a smile. “There are some things that bond people together whether you expect it to or not. For me, Ron and Hermione it was taking on a troll.”

James smiled. “Yeah…well…the three of us have been inseparable and Sammy…well she’s my best friend. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She never left my side at the funeral.”

“James,” Harry said after a moment. “Are you starting to develop feelings for her? Feelings that go beyond friendship?”

“No.” He winced. “Maybe.” He sighed in despair. “I don’t know.” He got up from his feet and started to pace, a trait he picked up from his father. When he was agitated or confused, he could never sit still. “Okay…let’s pretend for a second that I do…have feelings for her…”

“Okay,” Harry said waiting for him to talk it out.

“There’s a couple of problems…well, besides the fact that I don’t even know if she feels that way about me…but…the other problem is that…” He walked back to his seat and plopped back down. “Danny likes her.”

“Oh,” Harry said now understanding his son’s dilemma. “I see.”

“And to make it worse…everyone knows it…all our friends think that one day they’ll get together. Every time I hear people talk about it I get up and walk off.” He got up to pace again. “At first…I told myself that I only had a problem with it because I was worried what it might do to us…the three of us. What if they got together…then broke up…and I was stuck in the middle?”

“I understand how you feel, I remembered how worried I was about Ron and Hermione…what if it didn’t work out, then I would have to pick up all the pieces.”

“Exactly!” James walked back to his seat once more, collapsing back down with a heavy sigh. “I don’t know what to do. You have to tell me what to do, Dad.”

Harry’s heart went out to him. He hated that his son had to be put in this position, but was proud that he would worry about hurting his friends. “Well…do you know for sure that Samantha feels that way about Danny?”

“Well…I’m not too sure about that. She’s more subtle about it if she does, most of the time it seems like Danny annoys her, but…that could be just a front.”

“Maybe you should ask her. about it to her nonchalantly…ask her if she has feelings for him.”

“Yeah…I guess I could do that…it will kill me if she in fact does like him.”

“Maybe she only does because she believes you don’t think of her that way.”

James brightened. “You think?”

“I think it’s a possibility, especially if you’ve tried giving her that impression. Maybe give her little hints to her that you are indeed interested. Keep her wondering.”

“Yeah…yeah, I could do that.” He then frowned. “I need to figure out what to do about Kiki first.”

“Considering we’re talking about another girl…you should probably end things with her.”

“But…what if I break up with Kiki, then get denied by Samantha and then end up all alone?”

Harry sighed in envy. What he wouldn’t have given to have this kind of problem when he was James’ age. He had been worried about destroying Horcurxes and not getting killed by the Dark Lord. “I don’t know what to tell you…are you happy with Kiki? Do you like hanging out with her?”

“Well…if “hanging out” is another word for “snogging” than yeah…I do.”

“James,” he laughed shaking his head. “Having a girlfriend is more about snogging…do you two ever just talk?”

“Did you and mum ever just talk when you were my age?”

Harry winced. “Touché.” He shook his head and waved it off. “But it was different for me. I had a lot of problems back then, James, and Ron and Hermione were the only ones I could talk to about it. Your mum…she was my escape to normalcy…when I was with her…I didn’t think about all that stuff and she knew that…she never asked questions. Do hear what I’m saying?”

“Yeah.” He sighed. “I know…I need to figure things out about Kiki.”

“Just play it all by ear…take it slow with Samantha…try to figure her out…then you’ll decided on what to do.”

James nodded. “Yeah okay. Thanks, Dad,” he said getting up on his feet.

Harry stood as well, giving him a hug. “That’s what I’m here for. Don’t worry…you’ll figure it out.” He nuzzled his hair. “Now off to bed with you…we’ve got an early morning.”

“Okay…G’night, Dad.”


After James left, Harry turned off all the lights downstairs before heading up himself. Hermione was already in bed and was actually reading…something she hadn’t done since the accident. “Hey,” Harry said walking over to her.

“Hey,” Hermione said smiling softly. “I was wondering what was keeping you.”

“Sorry…James wanted to talk.” He sat at her hip, smiling gently. “You’re reading.”

Hermione forced a little smile. “Yes…I…I got the courage to pick it up. I didn’t realize how much I missed it.” She shrugged it off, silently telling him she didn’t really want to talk about it. “So…what did James want? Everything okay?”

Harry smiled. “Girl trouble.”

Hermione lifted an intriguing brow. “Oh? Things shaky with that Kitty character?”


“Close enough…met her that one time last Christmas. Didn’t think much of her…Ginny didn’t like her much either. She didn’t even show up for the funeral.”

“She was out of town according to James.”

“So? His friend Samantha was halfway cross the world with her family and she dropped everything to be here.”

“Funny you should bring her up because our discussion was about her.” He leaned closer to her and gave a little smirk. “He might have feelings for her.”

Hermione gasped. “Really? Oh…Oh, that would be so great. Ginny loved Samantha, she always told me she wished those two would get together.”

“Yeah?” Harry asked pleased at the idea. “Well…don’t get your hopes up yet, there’s a problem.”

“What is it?”

Harry quickly told her everything James and him had discussed. “I told him he should probably make sure how Sam feels about Danny before officially putting her in the “just friends” department.”

Hermione nodded in agreement. “That’s good advice and I’m pretty sure Samantha is crazy about him. I can tell by the way she looks at him.”


“Of course!” Hermione said exasperated. “It was exactly how I use to look at…” She abruptly cut off her words, leaning away as she bit her lip.

“At Ron,” Harry finished sadly and scooted closer to her. “It’s okay…please don’t get sad. It…It was so nice seeing you laughing tonight.”

Hermione blushed, laughing softly. “Oh…no, it’s okay. I’m not sad.” She took his hand giving him a little squeeze. “And it was fun to laugh again. I didn’t think I could laugh, so it was relieving to find out I can.”

Harry smiled, reaching up to caress the side of her face. “We’re going to be okay, Hermione. This year’s going to be hard on us…but we’ll get through with it…together.”

“I know,” she said and then leaned up for a hug. “I’m glad you’re here with me. I don’t think I could do this alone.”

Harry held her tight. “You won’t have to.” He kissed the top of her head. “And neither will I, thank Merlin, because I couldn’t do this without you either.”

5. Chapter 4

Okay here’s another update, it’s pretty much a kid’s update, H/Hr are at the beginning but that is it.

Enjoy though!

Chapter 4

Harry knew it was going to be hard seeing the kids off for the first time without Ginny. He tired his best not to let it show, putting on an encouraging smile for all the kids. Hermione was by his side and he knew she was going through the same thing, so he casually took her hand for support.

They made their way through King’s Cross with most of the kids hurrying ahead of them while Nora was perched on Hermione’s hip. James was at his other side, looking quite nervous. Harry studied him out the corner of his eye, smiling softly. He had gotten so big, it seemed just yesterday he was holding him for the first time. Now, he was all grown up, about to experience his last year at Hogwarts as Head Boy and the captain of the Quidditch Gryffindor team.

He saw so much of himself and Ginny in him. Albus had decided to take all his father’s genes and Lily was the spitting image of her mother, but with James…it was like a mixture between them. His hair was wild and untamed like his own, but the color was a shade of dusty red. He had his mother’s eyes, but his father’s mischievous grin. It was comforting to know that even though Ginny was gone, he could still see glimpses of her in his kids.

Harry put a hand on his shoulder as they approached 9 ¾. “No reason to be nervous, J.”

“I’m not,” he said a little too quickly. “Just…anxious.”

“Okay everyone get your stuff together,” Hermione directed. “Get a compartment then come back to say goodbye.”

James lingered behind searching the crowd. “I don’t see her.”

“Which girl are you exactly looking for?” Harry asked.

James sighed. “Good question. I guess I’ll go ahead and board. Say my goodbyes now.”

“Okay.” He smiled giving his son a strong hug. “Have a good year…write more often, okay? Give me updates on how everyone is doing.”

“I will,” he assured him. “Bye, Aunt Mione.”

“Bye, sweetie.” Hermione kissed him on the cheek. “Look out for mine, will you?”

“Of course. I’ll see you two at Christmas,” he said waving them off before disappearing into the crowd.

“C’mon,” Harry said putting an arm around her. “Let’s go track the other kids down…say goodbye.”

James worked his way through the crowd, making his way toward the train. He was just about to board when he heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned to see Samantha’s shining face, hazel eyes twinkling, and her hair…the color of polished oak…flying behind her, moments before she jumped him, wrapping both her arms and legs around him as he stumbled back. James laughed, hugging her tight. “Wow…what a welcome.”

“Oh, James, it’s so good to see you!” she said laughing when he spun her around once in a quick circle. “I was just miserable leaving you after the…well…it doesn’t matter, you’re here now and…”

“Would you mind getting off my boyfriend, please?”

James and Sam turned their heads to see a fuming Kiki standing off to the side. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were sending daggers right at Samantha. “Kiki,” James said although he didn’t let go of Sam. “Er…Hey.”

“Hi, Sweetie,” she said through clenched teeth. “Mind untangling from another girl to give a proper hello to your girlfriend?”

“Oh. Sorry, I…”

“My fault, Kiki,” Samantha said as she shimmied her way back on her feet. “I was just excited to see him. He is my best friend, you know.”

“Of course,” she replied sweetly as she walked towards James, then mumbled softly to Samantha as she passed her so James wouldn’t hear. “I try not to think about it.” She then beamed up at James and swept into his arms. “Hey, luv…missed you.”

Her lips were on his before he could reply and although he tried to pull away, she held on tight, practically swallowing him up with a very aggressive and, probably shouldn’t be done in public type kiss.

“Ew, gross,” Danny said walking up to them. “I don’t want to see that.”

Samantha rolled her eyes in disgust. “Me either. Let’s get on board, Danny.”

James immediately struggled against Kiki. “Mmmphf….wait…Sammy…” But she was already disappearing on the train with Danny following behind her. “Dammit,” he cursed softly as he pulled away from his girlfriend. “I have to go, Kiki…I need to do my Head Boy duties.”

Kiki pouted. “Oh, all right…but I have a compartment reserved for us, so…come find me, okay? I’m towards the front.”

“Yeah, sure…if I have time.” He then quickly left before she could pull him in for another embarrassing display of affection. He needed to find Samantha, so he could let her know how much he missed her too, and how much he appreciated that she came to the funeral…that she stood by his side. Luckily, it shouldn’t be too hard to find her, she was after all, Head Girl.

He had a feeling that his last year at Hogwarts was going to be an interesting one.

Rose Weasley stood alone in the bathroom of the Hogwarts Express looking at herself in the mirror. She had just put on her robes and freshened up as best as she could. She always liked to look her best for her first day of the year at Hogwarts She still couldn’t believe she was starting her fourth year, she was growing up right before her very own eyes.

She had gotten taller since first year and her crazy brown hair she inherited from her mother was a lot tamer, only because she learned how to keep it under control when she wanted to. She had decided to pull it back now in a tidy bun, which, she realized, made her cheekbones more hallow. She turned to study her profile, than sighed when she didn’t see much change. A lot of the girls her age had developed in certain areas, but unfortunately she was still lacking in that department.

Not that those things mattered, she thought sniffing the thought away as she lifted her chin. School work, graduating and getting good grades…that mattered. So what if the other girls talked about boys now, she had no time for foolishness. Although…this year she was allowed to go to the Yule Ball. A dance the first weekend of December the school threw every year, with only fourth years and up being able to go. The girls were already gossiping about it. What were they going to wear? Who would ask them?

What if no one asked her? What if she was the only girl in her year without a date and she had to stay curled up in her bed with the drapes around it and the covers over her head. Well…she didn’t care either way! Who cares about some stupid dance anyway? All the boys in at school were nothing but a bunch of Neanderthals anyway. She had no doubt that Al would have any problems getting a date, most of the girls talked about him, saying he was dreamy and how cool it was that Harry Potter was his dad. And if they weren’t talking about Al, it was about another boy who was as obnoxious as they come.

Scorpius Malfoy. The boy infuriated her! Always picking on her, teasing her for always having her nose stuck in a book, calling her Frecks, because of the freckles she had across her nose and cheeks. All right, maybe that was a little cute, but…she still couldn’t stand him! She wished the boy had never been born! Why did the girls even like him? He’s not even that good looking. Okay…maybe he was…and maybe he had really intense gray eyes, but…but he was still a jerk! With a firm nod of agreement with herself, she lifted her chin and walked out the door, and at the same time the door across opened as well and the boy she had just cursed walked out.

“Well, well,” Scorpius said with a grin. “Fancy meeting you here, Frecks.”

Maybe she did find the nickname cute, but she wouldn’t dare let him know that. “Stop calling me that,” she said with a scowl before walking away.

Scorpius slid in quickly to block her way. “Why? It fits you so well.” He reached out to fiddle with the lapels of her robes. “Don’t you look all clean and spiffy.”

Rose slapped his hand away. “Cut it out, Malfoy. And could you please get out of my way.”

“In a minute,” he said with a grin. “You know…my dad has told me stories about your Mum…from what I’ve heard, you’re exactly like her.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Take it as you want it.”

“And did your Dad mention the time where my mum punched him in the face during third year?”

“No. Really?” Scorpius gave a little chuckle. “My father failed to mention that, I’ll have to give him a hard time.”

“Well…did he mention that my dad and Uncle Harry saved him…twice…during the final war between Voldemort and…”

“Yes,” Scorpius said before he could finish. “He told me…more than once. They were never friends growing up, but my Dad says he’ll always be grateful to both of them.” He slid his hands in his pockets, giving her a soft look. “I’m sorry about your dad, Frecks. And your aunt.”

Rose blinked up surprised. “Oh. Well. Thanks, Scorpius.”

He smiled softly when she said his first name. It was rarely that she ever did. “You’re welcome. My dad and I…we wanted to go…to the funeral, but…we didn’t know if we’d be welcomed.”

“Oh, you should have,” she said placing a hand on his arm. “I’m sure my mum…or Uncle Harry wouldn’t have turned you away.”

He looked down at her hand on his arm, then back at her with an arching brow. “Would you have turned me away, Frecks?”

Rose blushed as she quickly let go of his arm. “No, of course not, don’t be ridiculous.”


Rose looked over Scorpius’ shoulder to see Albus walking through the corridor towards them. “Oh, hey Al, I was just heading back.”

Albus and Scorpius sized each other up. “He’s not bothering you, is he?”

Rosie looked back at Scorpius who had one brow arched. “Oh. Well. Surprisingly…no.” She gave a smile to Al. “We were just parting ways though.”

“Were we?”

“Yes,” she said maneuvering past him to Albus. “We were.”

“Yo, Scorp.”

Coming from the other side was Julius and Nina, two Slytherins ins Scorpius’ year. He wouldn’t technically call them his best friends, just two people who had been following him around for the past three years. Julius was a real jerk, but harmless enough and Nina…she wasn’t the brightest person he knew, but she was one of the earlier bloomers of the girls in their year. They had shared a few snogs over the summer, but he hadn’t been too impressed with her kissing abilities.

“What are you doing hanging around these losers?” Julius scoffed.

“Yeah,” Nina said as she pressed herself to his side, sneering at Rose. “Especially Miss Tedious.

Rosie blinked in surprise. “Wow, Nina…that was kind of a big word…you didn’t hurt yourself, did you?”

Albus chuckled behind her and was surprised when Scorpius snorted out a laugh as well.

Nina scowled at him. “Scorp!”

He cleared his throat. “Er…Sorry.”

“Let’s just go,” she huffed, dragging him away.

He didn’t particularly want to leave, but let himself be pulled away. Messing with Rosie was only fun when they were alone. He did however, look over his shoulder and gave her a wink before following Nina and Julius.

Albus caught the wink and looked at Rosie just in time to see the quick look of pleasure spread over her face. If he hadn’t know her all his life, he would have missed it. “What was that all about?”

Rose immediately sobered. “What was what?”

“That…the two of you….” He waved his hand between her and the direction Scorpius left. “Flirting.”

Rosie rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, Al,” she said walking through the empty corridor. Muffled noises came from the compartments as they passed. “We were not flirting.”

“He winked at you,” he pointed out following her.

“He was just being cocky.”

“Then you blushed.”

Insulted, Rosie gasped and slapped his arm. “I did no such thing, Albus Severus Potter.”

“Oh, you just middle named me, now I know you did…you only do that when you’re trying to hide something from me. I thought you hated him.”

“I do…he’s an annoying prat, but…just now…he wasn’t as annoying as usual.” She stopped, looked up at her cousin that was just as much as her brother. “He said he was sorry about our parents. He was really sincere about it.”

Albus shoved his hands in his pockets. “Really?”

“Yes…he said him and his father wanted to come to the funeral, but didn’t think they’d be welcomed.”

“Oh, they should have, we would never…”

“That’s what I told him,” Rose said. “You know…I think he’s not nearly as bad as he makes himself to be…He seems kind of lonely…I mean…look who the poor guy has as friends. Julius and Nina? Ugh.”

Albus laughed. “Yeah…you have a point there. Well…speaking of friends…ours are in our compartment.”

“Oh all right,” she said as they started walking again. “But you know most of them like to hang out with us because of who our parents are…especially you…being Uncle Harry’s.”

“Yeah, I know,” Albus said stopping at the compartment to look through the window to see James with his friends. “James was lucky…finding good friends like Sam and Danny.”

Rose looked into the window, smiling at the way they were all laughing together. “Yes…he was.”

“Well,” Albus said putting an arm around his cousin. “At least we have each other.”

Rose smiled. “There’s that.”

“Hey, we still have three years,” Albus pointed out as they continued on. “You never know, maybe we’ll meet someone who…oh, sorry.” Albus had walked into a pair of stretched out legs in the hallway.

The owner of the feminine legs, looked up from The Quibbler and blue eyes twinkled up at him. “It’s quite all right, Albus,” Mia Longbottom, Neville and Luna’s daughter said softly. “I’m sure you didn’t see me.”

Although Albus had known Mia most of his life, he didn’t really know a lot about her. She had always been so quiet and…maybe a little odd, that he never gave her much thought when he was just a boy. But now, since he was a little older, he would at least try to be nice, her parents were after all a good family friend. “No, sorry…I wasn’t paying attention.”

“I’m use to it,” she said brushing back her long blonde hair. “People don’t normally see me.”

Albus looked away sheepishly while Rose bit her lip. “er…what are you doing out in the hall, Mia?” Rose asked.

“Oh. Well, that was my compartment,” she said nodding her head to the door in front of her. “But a group of Hufflepuffs came in…it got a little crowded so…they kicked me out.”

Albus narrowed his eyes. “They kicked you out?”

“That’s horrible!” Rose exclaimed.

“Well, I was the odd man out…being a Ravenclaw…of course…the girls in my house…they don’t think much of me I suppose. Why is it that people are afraid of those who are different?”

Rose sighed, knowing exactly how she felt. “I don’t know, Mia. People are just ignorant. Well…you can come to our compartment. We have plenty of room.”

Mia looked hopefully between Rose and Albus. “Really?”

Albus smiled. “Of course,” he said reaching or her hand. “Come join us.”

Dimples deepened on her cheeks when she smiled brightly up at him, taking his hand with hers. Her touch was warm and soft as he pulled her to her feet. They were standing close in the hallway…he never knew how blue here eyes were until now….or that she smelled of honeysuckle. “This way,” he said keeping his hand in hers as he let her to their compartment. He slid open the door and laughter and conversation filled the room.

“Hey, Potter, where’d you disappear to?” Liam Finnegan said looking up from his Quidditch Cards he was trading with Steward Smith.

“Just around. You guys no Mia right? She’s going to hang with us. Mind scooting down a bit, Liam?”

He gave a little shrug. “Sure,” he said picking up his cards so he could move down.

“But Albie,” Tiffany Peterson whined as she stood from her seat and leaned close into him. “There’s barely enough room. Why does she have to be here? She’s not even in Gryffindor.”

“Why should that matter?”

“Albus, maybe I should just go,” Mia said.

“No, you’re staying,” he said tightening his grip on her hand, but continued to scowl at Tiffany. “If you’re too claustrophobic, Tiffany, you can leave, but she’s staying. And don’t call me Albie.” He then maneuvered passed her and sat next to Liam, pulling her down next to him.

Rose sat across from Mia and pulled out her book to read. Tiffany stood by the door pouting, before finally storming out, slamming the sliding door behind her.

“Albus, I didn’t mean to cause a riff between you and your girlfriend,” Mia said as she nervously twirled her hair.

Albus snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, right, she wishes. Trust me, you did all of us a favor. We don’t particularly like her.”

“Okay…if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” he said rummaging through his pack. “Sugar Quill?”

“Well….I really shouldn’t. My mum says Sugar Quill breath can attract the Nargles, but…” She accept it, smiling dreamily at him. “I guess I’ll risk it.”

Albus grinned when she started to suck happily on the Sugar Quill. Yes, very odd, he thought as he took out a Quill of his own. It was kind of cute.

6. Chapter 5

Thanks for all the reviews! Here’s another update! Enjoy!

Chapter 5

Hermione could have easily slept longer, but an annoyingly bright light had her eyes squinting open. She lifted her head from the pillow, blinking her blurred vision into focus. Hermione’s mouth dropped when she realized the bright light was Harry’s Patronus.

“Hermione,” the stag suddenly said in Harry’s voice. “Get your lazy but out of bed and come downstairs. Your birthday breakfast is ready.”

Hermione smiled as the stag disappeared, then sniffed the air greedily, catching the aroma of brewed coffee and fried bacon. She had always had a small weakness for Harry’s cooking.

She sat up in Harry’s bed, but looked over at the other side that was still neatly made. On the first night after the kids left, Harry said he’d stay in one of the extra rooms.

“I know we only shared a bed because we had to,” he said awkwardly after they put Nora down. “But with the kids gone…I can just sleep in the boys room until we move into the new house.”

“Oh,” she said frowning slightly at the door to the room. She hadn’t even thought about that. “Right, of course.”

“I mean, is that okay?” Harry asked holding up his hands. “I just figured…”

“No, it’s fine…I mean, you’re right…it’s silly to share a bed when we don’t have to.”

However, that night she had a hard time falling asleep. They never slept close when they did share a bed, but she had gotten use to the way he would constantly move around, he could never stay still, or the slow steady breathing once he finally found a comfortable position. She missed his presence and the dark room seemed so quiet without him. She wasn’t use to sleeping alone.

Hermione shook her head clear and whipped the covers off. It was on the time to feel sorry of herself. She had a birthday breakfast waiting for her.

“Okay, Nora…let’s get you in the highchair,” Harry said after putting the milk back in the fridge.

Nora jumped up and down, lifting her arms up to him. “Eat! Eat!”

“We’re going to eat,” he said plucking her off the floor. “As soon as your mum comes down.”

“Mum!” She jumped in her seat while Harry buckled her in. “Mum Bifday!”

“That’s right, munchkin. It’s your mum’s birthday.”

“My pesants?” she asked pointing to the pile of presents.

“No, silly, you already had your birthday.”

Nora sighed sadly. “Yeah.”

Harry just smiled and leaned down to her. “How bout a kiss?”

Nora gave him a toothy smile before leaning over and smacking her lips against his.

“Hmm…I think Uncle Harry needs another one.”

She giggled and leaned over to kiss him again, but then let out a squeal of laughter when Harry playfully attacked her neck, growling as if he was taking monstrous bites out of her. It had always made her laugh when he did it, no matter how many times he surprised her with it.

That was how Hermione found them and the sight simply melted her heart. She had walked in just as Harry had asked her for a kiss, but the scene was too sweet to ruin it, so she stood quiet and enjoyed. She always knew Harry adored Nora, but watching him now made her realize that he didn’t just adore her, he loved her, and that made all the difference in the world.

“Mummy!” Nora shrieked when she finally spotted her. “Mummy! Bifday! Mummy Bifday!”

Harry looked over and smiled. “Hey birthday girl, I didn’t see you standing…woah.” Hermione was all of the sudden wrapped around him, clutching him tightly. “Hey…what’s this? Man, I should make you breakfast more often if…are you crying?” Harry rubbed her back as he tilted back to look at her face, that was now streaming with tears. “Mione, what’s wrong? Is something wrong? Are you hurt or….”

“No, no, no,” she said shaking her head. “Silly really…these are happy tears.”

Harry’s shoulders slumped in relief. “Oh. You’d think I’d be able to tell the difference by now, but I never can.”

“Promise me you’ll stay a part of her life,” Hermione said looking up at him while he wiped her tears away. “Nora. She’s still so young and…without a father…she loves you so much.”

“And I love her,” he assured her framing her face with his hands. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“I know she’s not your daughter but…”

“She’s as good as,” he said before she could finish. “And not just Nora…all of your kids…I’ve always felt that way about them.”

“I always knew that, but…just seeing you with her just now made me realize how much my kids needs you…how much I need you.”

“And I need you just as much,” he said smoothing back her hair before bringing her into a hug. “My kids as well…especially Lily once she hits puberty.” That got a soft chuckle out of her and he gave her a little squeeze. “We’re stuck with each other, Hermione. My family and yours…we’re one big family now.” She nodded against his chest and he smiled before kissing her on top of the head. “Now…let’s enjoy your breakfast…then…you’ve got presents to open.”

“Sounds good,” she said stepping away, smiling shakily as she wiped away the last of her tears.

“Now sit down and I’ll get the coffee.”

“Mummy sad?” Nora asked as Hermione sat down next to her.

“No, luv,” Hermione assured her, kissing her on the cheek. “Mummy happy.”

“So, how does it feel to turn forty?” Harry asked returning with the coffee.

Hermione sighed. “At the beginning of the year I was dreading this day,” she said as Harry walked back to the kitchen counter. “But now…with everything that’s happened…” She looked over at Nora who was playing with her eggs. “I feel blessed. Not everyone gets to make their fortieth birthday, so…there’s no reason to be depressed about it, is there?”

Harry came up behind her placing a hand on her shoulder. “No…there isn’t.” He then placed a warm, just fresh out of the oven, coffee cake in front of her. Four lit candles were on it, each representing a decade. “Make a wish, Hermione.”

Hermione closed her eyes and did just that, before blowing out the four candles. Nora clapped and cheered for her Mum while Harry sat across from Hermione. “Was it a good one?” Harry asked pulling out the candles before cutting the cake.

“A great one,” she said giving him a smile, then sniffed the air. “Everything looks so yummy. I’m really going to need some of that bacon.”

Harry watched her pluck two pieces from the plate, then grinned when she hesitated before picking up a third. It was good to see her with an appetite again, she had lost so much weight since they had lost Ron and Ginny. She was slowly eating more and more now and with his cooking, for he knew that Hermione was a fan of it, she should be healthier in no time.

Her hair was still as crazy as it was the day he met her. Wild and untamed. She wore it in a loose ponytail now, with strands of hair escaping here and there. Her eyes were still the same shade of chocolate brown, but had aged in the years that had passed. She had learned a lot since that little miss know it all he had been lucky enough to meet.

“Harry, you’re staring,” Hermione commented with a smirk before sipping her coffee. “What exactly are you thinking about over there?”

“Just about how much you’ve changed since that day you came into Ron and mine’s compartment looking for a toad. Haven’t changed a bit.” Harry laughed when she gave her that famous look when she was always amused. The one little arch of her right eyebrow with a tiny bit of a smirk. “Okay, maybe you have changed a bit. You are taller…and have filled out in…certain places.”

Hermione let out a laugh throwing her head back. “Gee, thanks, Harry.”

“What I’m trying to say is,” he said leaning over the table with a grin. “Yes, you’ve changed since the first day I met you…but nothing inside of you has changed. You’re still the same old Hermione. Loving, caring and…”

“Mental, was one of Ron’s favorite adjectives.”

Harry chuckled. “Yes, but he sure did adore you. So did I…I still do.” Harry reached across the table for her hand. “You may be turning forty today, but you still look as beautiful as you did on your wedding day.”

“Oh, Harry,” she said softly looking down embarrassed. “You’re going to make me cry.”

Harry lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. “No, don’t cry. It’s not allowed today.”

“I will try to contain myself. Well, let me say then, you look just as handsome on your wedding day, as well.”

“Now you went and made me blush,” he teased and gave her a wink. “Why don’t I clear the table and you start tackling that big pile of presents.”

“Pesants!” Nora exclaimed when she heard the word.

“Yep, she’s going to open her presents now,” Harry said standing up. “Then later we all are going over to look at the new house.”

“Really?” Hermione asked with her eyes lit up. “We can go see it today?”

“Yep, but…don’t get your hopes up, there’s still a lot of work to do and it doesn’t look its best, but…it has potential.” Harry picked up a package and tossed it to her. “Start with this one…once the last package has been ripped open we can head out.”

“What are we doing tonight?” Hermione asked as she started to undo the ribbon.

Harry was on his way to the kitchen but paused behind her. “It’s your birthday,” he said and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “We’ll do whatever you want to do.”

7. Chapter 6

Thanks so much for all your awesome reviews! I decided to put this in the awards so wish me luck. Hope you like this update….thanks for all your support.

Chapter 6

Harry was right, the three story house wasn’t much to look at, but he was also right when he said it had potential. The house stood high on the cliffs, the waves crashing against the rocks below. The house made of wood and glass needed more than a fresh coat of paint, that’s for sure, but it was workable.

Harry led Hermione up the sidewalk, stepping onto the stoop. “The screen door is hanging by a thread,” Harry chuckled shoving it aside. “We’ll have to fix that.”

Hermione hitched Nora higher up on her hip. “We’ll have to fix a lot of things, but I’ll go ahead and tell you, since I can tell you’re kind of nervous about what I think…I love it.”

“Really?” Harry asked unsure. “You really think it will work? You haven’t seen the inside yet.”

“No, but I don’t have to,” she said turning back towards the ocean. “The view already sold me.”

Harry looked in her direction and soaked it all in. “Yeah,” he said putting an arm around her. “It’s what got me, too.” He gave her a little squeeze. “But you still have to see the inside, I’ve had a lot of ideas that I want to share with you.”

“All right,” she said and took a moment to put her head on his shoulder. “Maybe we can build a porch out here…some rocking chairs, maybe a porch swing?”

“Consider it done,” Harry said and then kissed the top of her head. “Let’s go inside, I’ll show you what I have in mind and you tell me what you think.”

“All right…let’s go.”

He took her through the first floor, starting with the kitchen and they discussed how new tiles should be put in and new countertops, plus the plumbing needed a lot of work.

“There are too many walls separating the kitchen, dining room and den,” Harry said going through the kitchen door leading to the dining room. “I thought it would be cool to knock down all the walls and have all three rooms kind of spread out in one big room. That way we can all be together no matter where we are.”

“I think that’s a fabulous idea,” she said as they stepped into the room that would be the den. She was already visioning it in her head. “It will give us more space, too.”

“Come check out the back,” Harry said opening the door that led out to the covered patio. “Look at all that space…what do you think about getting a pool? The kids would get a kick out of that.”

Hermione smiled as she walked to the top of the stone steps of the patio. “We certainly have the room for it and the kids would love it. A pool, plus a Jacuzzi and some patio furniture and….oh, maybe a waterfall…or a slide!”

Harry laughed shaking his head. “We could do a slide if you want…a cool slide, like the one you see at muggle water parks, not some little dinky slide you’d see in a park. Maybe even a cool cave under the waterfall or something.”

Hermione laughed. “Listen to us, we sound like kids. Let’s go check the upstairs before we decide to put in a high dive.”

“A high dive?” Harry asked following her back into the house. “Hey that be kind of cool.”

“I’m putting my foot down on the high dive,” she said holding up her hand. “Too dangerous with our kids.”

“I guess you’re right.” He took her free hand that wasn’t supporting Nora, who was looking around in awe with a slack jaw. “Nora looks confused.”

“What do you think, luv?” Hermione asked jostling her on her hip. “This is going to be our new home?”

Her little eyes widened. “No, no Muma, houf scawey.”

“Scary, huh?” Hermione laughed. “Don’t worry, Nora, we’re going to fix it up so it will look all nice, you’ll see.”

“C’mere, munchkin,” Harry said transferring her smoothly on his hip without letting go of her hand. “Let‘s go check out the bedrooms.” Harry walked up the backstairs to the second floor. “This room will be Rose and Lily’s room, Hermione,” he said as they passed the first door on the right, letting go of Hermione’s hand to open it up. “I think the girls should have the ocean view…they’ll appreciate it more.”

“It’s just the right size for the both of them,” Hermione said giving it a nod of approval.

“The bathroom is through there…it has two sinks…and the closet is over there. Yes, they’ll have to share but it’s a big walk-in closet and they’ll have plenty of room.”

“Are the boys room over here?” Hermione asked going to the next room on the other side. She opened it and frowned. “Kind of small for three boys.”

“Oh. Well, actually I was thinking this could be Al and Hugo’s room and…this door over here,” he walked to the door a little ways down and opened it to a set of stairs leading up to another door. “It’s the third floor. Could be used as an attic, but I thought James could stay here. I know he’s graduating and will probably want to eventually move into his own place, but…I want him to have a room here. I want all of them to know that no matter how old they get, they will always have a room in this house.”

“I think that’s a great idea, Harry,” she said taking his hand again. “Let’s go check it out.” She walked up the narrow stairs with Harry trudging up behind her and opened the door and light spilled out into the room. “Oh, it’s perfect.”

The room wasn’t huge, but wasn’t tiny either. There was a double window with the ocean view and a window seat under it. Hermione opened the window to see a small balcony big enough for maybe only two people. “Oh he’ll love it, Harry.”

“We’d have to get Mike…that’s the contractor…we’ll have to get him to make a bathroom so he won’t have to come downstairs every time he has to take a shower, plus a closet too, but he doesn’t need a lot of place, the kid never was exactly a packrat.”

“He’ll love it,” she said with a grin. “And once he comes to his senses, he’ll have fun trying to sneak up Samantha here for some snogging.”

“I’d be disappointed in him if he didn’t,” Harry said with a chuckle. “Boys will be boys.”

She shook her head with a sigh. “Don’t I know it. Let’s head back down, you still have to show us our room and Nora’s.”

“Nora’s room doesn’t really exist yet,” Harry said as they made their way back to the second floor. “I figured we’d knock out the wall at the other end and make a brand new room for Nora.”

“I think that’ll work fine…and what’s this door?” she asked pointing to the last door at the end of the hallway. “Master bedroom?”

“Yes, so you’ll be close to Nora,” Harry said and opened the door. “The room is huge and it has a huge sitting room. I thought maybe we could transfer the sitting room into my room. Put up a wall right here.” He walked to the place where the bedroom just began to tumbled into the sitting room. “What do you think? I can have Mike make me a small bathroom and a closet…you can get the original master bathroom and your closet is huge. Go on…look around.”

Instead she walked over to the sitting room. “Harry, are you sure this is going to be enough room?”

“Of course,” he said with a smile. “Remember I spent the first ten years of my life in a bedroom closet, this is like living in a mansion.”

Hermione frowned. “I try not to remember that.”

Harry gave her a small smile. “Sorry, it’s been so long ago I can kind of joke about it now,” he put an arm around her and rubbed her arm. “It’s plenty of room, Hermione. It’s just a room for me to sleep in, I’ll spend more time downstairs I’m sure. So, what do you think? The house isn’t officially ours yet, I wanted to have your approval before we did anything.”

“I think that I can’t wait to get started so we can move in right away,” Hermione said with a beaming smile then smiled at Nora who was still in awe. “What do you think, Nora? You like it?”

She gave a toothy smile and nodded her head. “Yeah. I like.”

“Good,” she said and gave her a loud kiss on the mouth.

Nora giggled and turned to Harry. “Kiss!”

“If you insist,” he said leaning down and gave her a peck.

“Kiss!” she changed again. “Kiss, Muma!”

Harry lifted a brow. “You want me to kiss your mum?” When she nodded enthusiastically he smiled and then leaned down to kiss a blushing Hermione on the cheek. “There, happy?”

Nora giggled and shook her head. “No, no kiss…kiss!” she said smacking a hand on Harry’s mouth.

“Oh, I see,” he said with a chuckle. “A real kiss. You’re a hard girl to please, Nora.”

“Sorry, Harry,” Hermione said flustered. “She doesn’t really realize what she’s saying.”

“I think she does,” Harry said with a grin and then cupped her chin with his free hand. “Besides, the princess has spoken.”

Before Hermione could open her mouth to protest, Harry’s lips were on hers, warm, firm and completely friendly, yet the brief contact still made her blood hum.

Harry pulled away while Nora cheered. “There, now are you happy?” Harry smiled when she clapped her hands. “I think she approved,” Harry said to Hermione with a wink. “C’mon…let’s get out of here so we can start making this a home.”

As Harry grabbed her hand she hand no choice but to stagger along behind him while her lips still tingled from the brief kiss. Of course it didn’t mean anything, it was a simple kiss between friends, but she simply couldn’t remember a time when a small kiss like that left her so shaken up.

It was just because it had been so long, she assured herself as they walked down the stairs to the first floor. Of course, she wasn’t anywhere near ready to date again, she didn’t think she ever would be, but that little taste from Harry made her realize how much she missed being with a man. Being with Ron.

It was nothing to worry about. Just a brief moment of weakness on her part, which she was entitled to. It was foolish to dwell on it, she had a family to support and she had to be stronger. It was a silly, harmless, little kiss between her dearest friend and that’s all it was. Besides, didn’t Harry kiss her like it was nothing? Gave her that little wink and grabbed her hand so casually, like it wasn’t a big deal that they had just kissed on the lips for the first time. If Harry could brush it off so easily, than she could do. It was foolish of her to even let it affect her the way it did, so she put it out of her mind. For good.

What Hermione didn’t realize was, that Harry was struggling with the exact same dilemma in his own mind. And after convincing himself it was just a kiss, convincing himself that the reason the kiss got him stirred up was because he just missed kissing Ginny, he decided to put it out of his mind. For good.

8. Chapter 7

Hey guys, here’s another chapter and the next one is already in the works! Thanks for all your reviews, I’m trying to answer some of them this time, since this is the last story I’ll write. Gosh, I always say that don’t I? Anyway, hope you enjoy this one, it’s a James/Samantha. Look for the next chapter soon though.

Chapter 7

“So, how do you think you did?” Samantha asked as she and James walked out of Potions. “I told you there’d be a pop quiz.”

“You were right,” he said as they climbed up the stairs out of the dungeon. “I swear you have some kind of radar.”

“It’s a talent,” she teased as she casually slipped her wand out of her hair.

James watched her long hair tumble down her back as she put her wand back in her pocket. It was a habit she did when she didn’t have a hair tie on her. When the professor stuck her wand in the announced there would be a pop quiz she quickly pulled her hair back and stuck in her wand, did some fast little circles and just like magic it was up securely. She didn’t like to take exams without her hair pulled back. He had been watching her do it for years, but his favorite part had always been when she slipped her wand free, allowing her soft hair, which always seemed to smell so good, escape from the bind and flow freely around her shoulders and back. His fingers itched to touch. To run his fingers through it and…


He shook his head clear, moving his eyes from her hair to her eyes. “Hmm? Sorry, what?”

Samantha curved her lips. “I asked you how you think you did? Take a little side trip, J?”

James gave a little nervous laugh. “I guess I did. Sorry. Er…I think I did alright, thanks to your warning I studied more than I normally would.”

“I’m sure you did fine,” she said as they made their way to the common room now that classes were done for the day. “Hey, I thought we’d go see Hagrid tonight after dinner. It’s been awhile since we’ve visited him.”

“Sounds good, I’ll run it by Danny at Quidditch practice.”

“Okay. How’s my little man doing as the new Gryffindor Seeker by the way?”

James grinned. “Little Al’s doing great, he’s super excited about this year. He could have easily played his first year if we didn’t already have Jennings. Now that he’s graduated, it’s his turn to shine. Not that I’d admit it to his face, but I’m crazy proud of him. He definitely inherited Dad’s Seeker skills, just as much as I inherited Mum’s Chaser skills.”

Samantha slipped an arm through his, nudging him playfully. “Maybe you should mention how proud you are, he’d like that.”

“Hmm…if we win the House Cup…I’ll think about it,” he said then laughed when Samantha slapped his arm. “Okay, okay, maybe I’ll find a way to bring it up.”

“You better or I’ll….hey!” she exclaimed when James suddenly pushed her into a random broom closet. She tumbled in, knocking over a bucket while James closed the door. “James Remus Potter, what has gotten…mmmfph.”

James slapped a hand over her mouth while he yanked her against him with one arm. “Shh…quiet.” The closet was smaller than most broom closets so they had no choice to remain close. Samantha’s back was against the door while James loomed over her with his hand still over her mouth.

Samantha hastily pulled his hand away. “James, why are you acting like a crazy person?” she whispered up at him. “Who are we hiding from?”

“Kiki,” he said quietly as he kept his ears open. “I don’t think she saw us…wait she’s coming this way.

“Why are we hiding from you girl…”


Sam rolled her eyes, muttering about boys being stupid, but than went alert when she heard Kiki’s voice.

“I know I saw him,” she said from outside the door. “He was with her.

“Who?” a girl asked. “Samantha?”

“Yes, Minnie, Samantha,” she said in an exasperated voice. “Who else would I be talking about? She practically clings to him like some puppy, it’s so obnoxious.”

“Bitch,” Samantha muttered under her breath and looked up to see James listening with a scowl on his face.

“I thought she was dating Danny,” Minnie said. “It’s obvious he likes her.”

James looked at Samantha this time, and she blushed and looked away.

“Yes, he likes her, but Samantha, I’m not sure. Not that I’m worried, I mean…c’mon like James would ever go for her.”

“Bitch,” James muttered this time.

“If you think that, why do you always feel so threatened by her?” Minnie wanted to know. “I mean, you always have been kind of jealous of her.”

“I think I like this Minnie,” James said quietly, causing a snicker out of Samantha.

“I’m not jealous of her,” she sputtered angrily. “That’s absurd! Ugh, just forget it. Let’s go.”

James and Samantha stood still as they listened to their steps echoing away. “I cannot believe I wasted a year with that little hussy.”

“You’re going to break up with her now, aren’t you?” she asked. “Because if you don’t have the nerve, I’d be happy to drink some polyjuice potion and turn into you so I can do it myself. Believe me, there’s some words I’d like to say to that girl.”

James grinned. “Tempting, but…I can handle it.” He playfully cupped her chin, sweeping his thumb across her skin. “Thanks, anyway.”

She gave him a shaky smile. “Don’t mention it.” She cleared her throat. “But…are you sure you can handle it? I mean you just shoved me in a broom closet so you wouldn’t have to see her.”

James narrowed his eyes. “For your information, I just didn’t want to deal with her, okay? It’s hard to break up with her when she won’t shut up, you know how she loves to talk about herself.”

“Just why exactly did you go out with her?”

“Because she’s really hot.”

“Ugh, boys are such pigs,” she said pushing him away. “Get me out of here.”

“No, wait,” he said caging her back. “She could still be out there.”

Sam let out a laugh. “You are such a chicken!”

“Hey, you can’t blame me,” he said and gave her a little pout. “There was a rumor that was spread pretty fast about the last guy that dumped her. Remember? Everyone thought he had some kind of rash and he couldn’t get a date all year.”

“Well, that should have warned you to keep your hands off from the beginning, Potter,” she said shaking a finger at him. “And like anyone is going to believe it if she does start a rumor about you, everyone likes you. You’re the big shot guy on campus.”

He winced. “Please. Don’t.”

She laughed. “I know you don’t like it, but it’s the truth. I don’t think a little rumor about having a rash is going to stop the girls from coming after you.”

“Really?” he asked hopefully.

“Really. At least know that I won’t believe it,” she assured him.

“Well, I would hope not, you’re my best friend after all,” he teased with a smile.

“Yeah…your best friend. That’s me.”

James almost missed it, but he caught a flash of disappointment in her eyes. He then remembered what his dad had said by giving her signals that would hint he may be interested in her. “Well, what if you weren’t?” he asked swooping in a little closer.

Sam pressed her back against the door when he suddenly moved close. “What?”

“What if you weren’t my best friend,” he said pleased when he noticed she was suddenly nervous. “If you were just some other girl…what if I asked you out during a rumor about me have a suspicious rash. Would you say yes?”

“Oh. Well, I…sure,” she stammered out her words as she tried not to concentrate on how close he was. His body was an inch from touching hers, yet she could practically feel the heat from it. “I mean…you’re a good-looking bloke and all.”

James chuckled softly. “Gee, Sammy…you’re going to make me blush.”

“Ha, ha,” she said dryly placing a hand on his chest. “Now, back off, Potter, I need some air.”

“In a minute. Do you like, Danny?”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

He didn’t know what propelled him to ask that question, but since it was out there he might as well see it through. “Danny? Do you like him?”

“Well…of course, he’s a friend…it would be weird if I didn’t like him when…”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

Merlin, could he at least move back an inch, she felt like she was being caved in. Oh boy, did he smell good. “Oh. Well, I’m not really sure.”

“You should probably figure that out,” he said calmly and then leaned in closer so their bodies touched. “You can tell he likes you,” he said and then opened the door.

Samantha stumbled backwards, but James pulled her back against him to steady her feet. “I know,” she said as she placed her hands on his chest to ward him off. “I don’t know what to do about it.”

“I would figure something out quickly,” he said and let his eyes flicker to her lips for just a flash of a second. “Before he gets hurt.”

Samantha licked her lips nervously. “I would never hurt him.”

“I know you wouldn’t,” he said giving her a smile. “Just think about it. Think about everything.” He let her go, easing away slowly as he smiled. “I should go and get ready for practice. See you at supper?”

“Y-yeah…sure,” she said dazed. “Supper.”

“Until then.” He gave her a wink than walked off with a grin. Things were definitely looking up.

9. Chapter 8

Hey guys, since I had this chapter pretty much finished by the time I posted the last one, I decided to go ahead and post it. Kind of a filler, but a flashback in the middle that I think you guys might like. I’m so glad you are all liking the kids stories lines as well, I was worried about that, but not anymore! Thanks for the support as always!


Chapter 8

Harry sat at his desk at work and scowled at the pile of parchment he had yet to go through. It was moments like these when he missed being out in the field. He had been an Auror almost straight after the war, there had still been many Death Eaters that had escaped and Harry wanted to be apart of bringing them all down.

For nearly a decade he had been one of the top Aurors in the academy. Undercover operations, traveling the world to bring down bad guys, training the baby-face newbies coming in for training. Or as the veterans called them, “earthworms.” It was just a little tradition that had been going on for decades. “Newbie, what are you?” a veteran Auror would ask and the newbie would have to say, “Sir, we are earthworms, sir, we are so low, we have to look up to see down.”

Harry gave a little chuckle. Maybe it was a little cruel, but he had to say that line quite a few times, even if he was Harry Potter, the Boy Who Conquered the Dark Lord. That’s the way he had liked it, when he trained with his fellow Aurors, many of them he had gone to school with. He didn’t want to be treated differently. He wanted to work his way up the rank by his talent as an Auror, not his name.

And that’s what he did, until a few years back when the Head Auror announced his retirement and offered the job to Harry. He had planned to turn it down, he seemed like he was too young to be behind a desk, placing orders when he would be the one who’d want to complete the task. It had been Ginny who had convinced him…Ginny who pleaded with him to take it.

“But you have to accept it,” Ginny said that night he had been offered the job. “You wouldn’t have to go out into the field as much.”

“I like going out on the field, Ginny,” he said as he leaned against the counter while Ginny prepared dinner. Ron and Hermione would be there any minute for dinner. “It’s what I’ve been doing for nearly a decade.”

“Which is why you should take this promotion,” she said while she chopped the carrots for the salad. “Don’t you think you’ve done enough? I didn’t want you to be an Auror in the first place, after all you had been through I didn’t want you to go through the stress.”

“I had always wanted to be an Auror, Gin,” Harry said getting frustrated now as he walked to the fridge to pull out a bottle of Muggle beer. “You knew that.”

“I know, which is why I didn’t fight you on it.” She put the knife down and wiped her hands on the dishtowel before completely facing him. “Harry, I worry every time you walk out that door. You need to take this job, you’ll be off the field, behind a desk and…”

“Bored out of my freaking mind!” he explained waving his hands up. “Filing parchment? Giving out orders? I’d go crazy, Ginny.”

“But you’d be safe,” she said quietly as she looked up at him with soft pleading eyes. “Please, Harry…do this for me. You deserve this. You would have more time with the family, you wouldn’t have to travel as much.” She took the bottle of beer out of his hand, setting it down so she could grip both his hands. “Please. Please do this for me.”

Harry looked into her face and knew he would crack. They both knew it, Ginny knew he would do anything to make her happy. “Okay, Gin,” he said as he felt his heart break at the knowledge that his Auror career was over. “I’ll take the job.”

She smiled brightly, tears shimmered in her eyes. “Oh, thank you, Harry!” she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him. “Oh, I’m so thrilled. Tonight…we’ll have to turn our simple dinner into a celebration!”

“Ginny, I don’t think…”

“Hermoine and Ron will be so excited for you,” she said as she pulled back. “Now, scoot…out of the kitchen, let me do all the work. Take your beer and wait for our guests.”

He did as he asked, taking his beer, which he now wished was something stronger, and trucked his way to the den. It wasn’t till later, when they were sitting around the table when Ginny made the announcement.

“Harry got a promotion!” Ginny exclaimed. “Isn’t that great?”

“Wow, mate, congrats!” Ron said holding up his glass of wine Ginny had served with the meal.

“Thanks,” he said forcing a smile and looked across the table Hermione who was frowning.

“You took the job?” she asked confused. “But I thought…”

He lightly kicked her under the table, firmly shaking her head, silently telling her to keep quiet. She pressed her lips together and did just that but he could tell she was dying to talk. “I’ll go get the dessert…no, sit,” he said to Ginny who was about to protest. “You cooked, I’ll go serve.”

“I’ll help,” Hermione said sweetly getting up as well. She followed him into the kitchen through the swinging door immediately helping Harry with the pumpkin pie. “Harry, what’s going on? Just this afternoon…you told me you didn’t want it.”

“I know, I know,” he said with a sigh as he got out the plates. “But Ginny…she really wanted me to take it.”

Hermione sighed shaking her head. “Harry, you can’t always make her happy, you know.”

“You didn’t see her face, Hermione,” he said as they silently worked together to slice up the pie. “She’s worried about me out there, you can’t blame her for it.”

“Of course not, Harry,” she said in a hush tone so they wouldn’t be overheard. “But you would be out of the field…behind a desk…filing!”

Harry winced. “Yeah, I know…makes me shiver just thinking about it.”

“Harry, look…”

“Hermione, don’t bother, okay?” Harry asked weakly. “I’ve already made up my mind, besides you wouldn’t understand how she feels, your husband works for a joke shop. Not exactly dangerous.”

Hermione held up a hand. “Woah, woah, back up. I might not have to worry about Ron, but I still have you to worry about.”

“That’s not the same thing.”

“Not the same thing?” She repeated setting down the knife and turning to him. “Just because I didn’t marry you, I can’t be worried about you?”

Harry sighed. “C’mon, Mione, that’s not what I meant.”

“It’s exactly what you meant,” she said practically glowering at him. “We’re not married, we don’t have kids and we sure don’t snog, but dammit Harry, you’re my best friend. We’re close, you and I. Ginny is the one who married you, but I know you better than anyone and you know it.”

Harry winced as he tapped his hands in the air to tell her to keep her voice down. “Jeez, Mione, quiet…you want me to sleep on the couch tonight? Yes, I know…I’m firmly aware that you know me better, just as I’m aware that Ginny’s a little sensitive about it.”

Hermione sighed. “My point is, Harry, that I worry about you, too, but I know being an Auror is what you love to do. I’d never try to take that away from you.”

“She didn’t exactly take it away from me,” he said trying his best to defend his wife, even though a small part of him…okay a big part of him…agreed with Hermione. “She just sort of…used her powers of persuasion.”

Hermione squinted up her face. “Ew, I don’t want to hear about you and Ginny doing sexish things.”

Harry stared at her a moment before busting out a loud laugh. “I didn’t mean she…Merlin, Mione you’ve got a dirty mind.” He chuckled shaking his head. “Grab the other plates, you slut.”

Hermione gasped out a laugh and smacked him on the back of his head. “Harry Potter, you should be ashamed! Besides, there’s no such think as a married slut.”

“If you say so,” he said with a teasing grin.

They laughed together as they walked back out of the kitchen, plates of pumpkin pie in their hands. “What’s the joke?” Ginny asked sweetly with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Oh, nothing,” Hermione said waving it off as she put a plate of pumpkin pie in front of Ron. “We’re just being silly.”

“Yeah,” Harry agreed as he sat down across from Hermione, giving her a quick wink before concentrating on his pie. “Ginny, I have to say…this is probably the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever had.” Feeling loads better than he did a few moments ago, Harry dug in.

“Ron, sweetie?” Hermione asked casually after a moment.

“Yes, luv?” Ron asked between bites.

“Do you think there’s such a thing as a married slut?”

Harry chocked on his pie, laughing with Hermione while Ron and Ginny stared dumbly at them both.

Harry smiled over the memory as he started to tackle the pile of parchment. The day started out horribly and the dinner was miserable, but those few short moments in the kitchen with Hermione had sure upped his spirits. She always had the talent of doing that over the years.

“Knock, knock,” a voice said moments after his office door opened. “Hey, boss.”

Harry looked up and smiled at his godson. “Hey Teddy, what’s up?”

“Got a minute?”

Harry happily pushed the parchment aside, thrilled that Teddy came by to delay the horrendous pile for a few more minutes. “Sure, have a seat. Business or personal?”

“Personal,” he said with a smile. He always asked that question when he came to see his godfather, who also happened to be his boss. “This time at least.”

Harry nodded. “Okay, but first let me do business. Good job with closing up your undercover mission. I’ve gotten nothing but good reports about you.”

“I had a good teacher,” he said with a slow grin. “It ran pretty smoothly, the bloody bastards didn’t know what hit them.”

Harry smiled. “Well, good job, Lupin.” He pushed business aside as he leaned back in his chair. “Now on to personal…what’s up?”

Teddy took a deep breath and gave him a shaky smile. “Last night…I asked Victoire to marry me…she said yes.”

Harry bolted forward in his chair. “No shit?”

Teddy laughed. “No shit. I’m getting married.”

Harry let out a joyous laugh as he got up from his chair, walking around the desk so he could give his godson a good hard hug. “That’s awesome, Teddy, I’m so happy for you.” He smiled letting him go. “I can’t believe it…you’re growing up on me.”

“Trying to,” he said shoving his hands back in his pocket. “Er…I wanted to ask you…if you’d want to be my best man?”

Harry’s jaw dropped. “Me? You want me to…what about your friends from school…I mean…me?”

“Of course you, Harry,” he said slightly embarrassed. “You know you’re the only dad I ever had. You…you mean a lot to me and it would mean a lot if you stood up there with me.”

Absurdly touched, Harry placed a hand on his shoulder. “Teddy…it would be an honor. You know I think of you as one of my sons. You know that right?”

“Of course, Harry, I know.”

Harry smiled. “Good. Listen, why don’t the two of you come to the house for dinner? It’s kind of crazy, with boxes everywhere, packing up has been hellacious. we’re going to be able to move into the new house in a few weeks but…Hermione would be thrilled to have you over.”

“Sounds good. I’ll talk to Vic about it.”

“Great, I’ll use Jax to Owl Hermione to give her a heads up. See you tonight…we’ll definitely do a few toasts in your honor.”

Teddy grinned. “I can bring some cigars.”

Harry gave him a pat on the shoulder. “That’s my boy.”

10. Chapter 9

Yeah, here’s, another update! It’s kind of a long one and it’s another one about the kids. Hope you like it!! Thanks for all the great reviews, I love reading all of them so keep it up!


Chapter 9

For the past three days, rain had been coming down continuously at Hogwarts, except for a few short moments when the clouds parted. Those moments came sporadically and never lasted long. Rose made sure she took advantage of one of those moments appeared on a Sunday afternoon.

She had been reading by the window when she realized the drumming sound of rain against glass had stopped, so with a small smile she ran upstairs to grab her foolish scarlet and gold stripped rain boots her dad had given her a few years ago. They practically came to her knees, but she had always loved them. Now she would cherish them. She slipped them on over her jeans, threw on a light pale yellow sweater to ward off the October chill and headed out.

As she stepped outside she took a deep breath, bringing in the fresh air. She had felt trapped the past few days, she was used to taking a walk around the lake at least once a day. It was something she had started since her first year. She’d go down to the kitchens and get some bread to feed the giant squid and just spend a good half hour by herself.

She would do it now, while she had the chance, but unfortunately she didn’t feel she had the time to get the bread for her friend the squid. Since she had come everyday for the past three years, the squid even caught on and was usually waiting for her right below the surface. As soon as she threw the bread in a tentacle would slip out moments later and snag it up. She would have to make it up to him and bring him lots of bread as soon as she could.

It was very muddy, and the closer she got to the edge of the lake it became slipperier, but she didn’t mind, that’s what her rain boots were for. She stopped at a spot, her boots squished into the mud as she admired the view. She loved the lake. She considered it hers, which was silly, but she felt a connection to it.

It was so mysterious, so beautiful, but also could be dangerous. Just what type of creatures lived under the sea with the giant squid? Her Uncle Harry sure knew. One of her favorite stories had been when he had to swim and find her mum and dad, although her mum wasn’t the one he had been assigned to take.

“I tried though,” Uncle Harry always said when he told the story. “Mermaids wouldn’t let me, not that they would have stopped me, but your Uncle Victor finally showed up.”

Rose smiled as she imagined what that day had been like. All those people cheering for her Uncle Harry…poor mum and dad sleeping deep under the water. She had to admit, the three of them had some pretty amazing adventures together and growing up she had hoped she’d meet friends just as special. Together, they would make their own adventures. Although she did have friends, none of them were like what her mum, dad and Uncle Harry shared. Like what Sam, James and Danny shared. She wanted that. She wanted friends who accepted her for who she was, dork and all. Her mum had always told her how wonderful it was to find two boys who wanted to be friends, even though she was a little different, maybe even difficult.

“They teased me all the time,” her mum had told her one time. “Mostly your Dad…Uncle Harry usually tried his best to stay neutral between us, but he had his fair share of teasing. But under all that I knew that they would always be there for me no matter what.”

Maybe she was being selfish, she had her siblings and her cousins. Especially Al, who also felt the same as she did, wanting to find that deep kind of friendship. Like he said that day on the train, maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe one day, before they even realized it, they would have friends. Good, honest, friends. Maybe.

“Nice day for a walk.”

Rose spun around on her heels and saw a flash of Scorpios’ face…before slipping and falling backwards flat on her back.

Scorpios winced when she yelped and fell back first into the mud. He tried not to smile as he made his way over to her, but when she sat up, glaring at him with mud streaks on her cheeks, he just couldn’t help himself. “You okay, Frecks?”

“Oh, I’m just dandy,” she scoffed as she tried to shake the mud off her hands. “I’m sitting here in mud, what do you think? And wipe off that smirk, Malfoy, before I personally vanish it myself.”

Scorpios smartly pressed his lips together.

“What are you doing out here anyway?” she asked firmly, grimacing when she realized mud was all in her hair.

He opened his mouth, but shut it quickly. He had seen her through the window, walking out in her ridiculous rain boots with a goofy smile on her face like the day was clear and sunny, rather than cloudy and rainy. He couldn’t help himself, he wanted to join her…maybe ruffle her feathers a bit like he always loved to do. “I, uh…wanted to get some fresh air,” he lied shoving his hands in his pockets. “Saw you from cross the way. Do you need help getting up?”

Trying to save as much dignity as she could she lifted her chins stubbornly. “I’m perfectly capable of getting on my own two feet myself,” she said stiffly as she started to get to her feet, but then yelped when she lost her footing, sending her butt right back into the mud. “Not one word, Malfoy.”

“You’re asking a lot, Frecks,” he said with a grin and then held out a hand. “Why don’t you just push aside your stubbornness for once and take the help I’m so kindly offering.”

“Fine,” she said giving him a little smirk and stuck out her hand. He was still sporting that cocky grin when he clasped his hand with her muddy one, but she had the pleasure of seeing the look of shock on his face when she tugged hard at his hand, sending him face first in the mud. “Eat, mud, Malfoy,” she said sweetly.

Malfoy spit and sputtered as he lifted his face from the muck. “That was sneaky, Weasley,” he said as he rolled over to a sitting position, using his cloak to wipe the mud as much as he could from his face. “I should have seen that coming.”

“Should have,” she agreed smugly.

“Just like you should see this,” he said and smacked a handful of wet, stinky dirt right into her face.

Rose gaped at him with mud streaming down her face, while Scorpios just snickered. “Oh, you are asking for it,” she said as she didn’t even bother to wipe her face. She went for more ammo and dumped a large amount on his blonde hair.

“Oh, you want to get dirty, do you?” he asked and flew mud back at her. “The war has begun, Weasley.”

Mud went flying from both ends while they both had managed to stagger to their knees, laughing and screaming as they flew chunks of mud at each other. Scorpios was able to get close enough to rub some into her hair for some payback. Rose just let out a laughing shriek as countered back with more mud. She was filthy, cold and probably had smelled better, but she was having the time of her life.

“What in the bloody hell is going on?”

At the sound of the voice, instincts took over both of them and they turned and sent mud flying. Albus jerked when he was struck with mud right in his face. She heard Rose gasp and Scorpios snorted out a laugh while Albus tried his best to wipe it from his face with his hands.

“Oh, Al…sorry,” she said and a giggle escaped her. “We didn’t mean to…it was just reflex.”

“Not for me, I totally meant to do it,” Scorpios said showing his pearly whites beneath the muck. “What are you going to do about it, Potter?”

“Oh, I know exactly what I’m going to do, Malfoy,” he said and pulled out his wand.

Rose was about to open her mouth to stop him, but then was cut off when large chunks of mud magically lifted from the ground and flew straight at both of them. She shrieked and ducked behind Malfoy, while he tried to duck the blow as well.

“Hey, no magic!” Scorpios laughed picking up a handful of mud. “You want to play with us, you have to get your hands dirty. Right, Frecks?” he asked before dumping it on her.

“Malfoy!” she shrieked shoving him away.

Albus laughed. “I guess I can do that,” he said and put his wand away and joined the fun.

It was all for one on this game, there were no teams. It was just a matter of getting the mud and sending it flying at the enemy.

“Excuse me.”

All three spun towards the soft feminine voice, their arms cocked back ready to throw. They paused when they saw it was Mia Longbottom, standing a few feet away, her boots already ankle deep in mud. “Would you mind if I joined?” she asked politely.

Rose, Scorpios and Al exchanged looks for a moment, then shared evil grins before they all threw their mud right at Mia, who let out a delightful laugh when mud hit her everywhere. “I guess that’s a yes. Any rules I should know?” she asked bending down to collect her ammo.

“No magic,” Albus said stepping closer to her. “And every man…or woman,” he added rolling his eyes at Rose when she cleared her throat. “For themselves.”

“I like those rules,” she said and launched her first shot at Albus, giggling happily when she hit her target.

“You’re going down,” he warned and went to war with Mia, while Rose and Scorpios turned their attention on each other.

Laughter, squeals and gasps erupted between them as mud was thrown, rubbed in hair by hand or even poured down the back of shirts. Mia had jumped on Al’s back, rubbing mud all in his hair, and he let out a laughing curse before grabbing her from behind and threw her over his shoulders. Mia shrieked as she went over, but just laughed when she found herself lying flat back in the mud.

Rose had also tried to trip Scorpios, but he was too strong and ended up being the one to tackle her in the mud. Looming over her, he splattered muck on her face, while she sputtered out curses at him.


He looked up from Rose’s mud covered face, arm drawn back, but held his fire when he realized it was Nina. Albus and Mia, however, did not and Scorpios grimaced when mud splattered all over Nina. Scorpios raised a dirty brow over at the culprits.

Albus shrugged. “It was a reflex,” he said while Mia snorted a giggle.

“Sure it was,” he said dryly, sharing a smirk with him.

Nina let out a shriek. “Scor-pi-os! Look what they did!”

“Sorry, Nina, but you should know better than to interrupt a mud fight.”

“You shouldn’t be participating in a mud fight in the first place!” she spat, grimacing as she picked at her hair. “Eww! It’s everywhere!”

“Don’t worry, Nina,” Rose said sympathetically. “You don’t look that much uglier than normal.”

Albus and Mia busted out laughing, while Scorpios couldn’t help but let out a snicker, then covering it with a cough when Nina glared at him. “Er…look Nina, why don’t you just go inside and clean up.”

“I should suggest the same thing to you,” she said with a huff. “Why are you hanging around these people…rolling around in the mud!”

“Because it’s fun,” he said simply.

“Fun? Fun!? You mean you’re enjoying this? Hanging out with these losers? A Potter and a Weasley? Weirda Mia?”

Albus scowled, taking a step towards her, but Scorpios simply put an arm in front of him to hold him off. “I’m obviously enjoying this or I wouldn’t be doing it, now would I? And just because they aren’t in Slytherin, doesn’t make them losers.”

“But…but…what about us?” Nina asked now sounding desperate.

Scorpios laughed. “Funny, I didn’t know there was an ‘us’. We shared a few snogs over the summer, Nina, so what? It doesn’t make us an item. Besides…you weren’t even that good of a snog.”

Nina’s jaw dropped open, while Albus muttered an, “ouch,” under his breath, sharing a snicker with Mia. “That’s it!” Nina exclaimed. “You are threw with me and everyone else in Slytherin. After everyone here’s about your little frolic with these people, your social life will cease to exist!”

“Hmm…maybe you’re right. My social life in Slytherin will plummet after this, but…I really don’t think my social life in the real world will suffer at all.” He gave her a little wave. “So, see you around, Nina.”

Before she could reply, the sky above opened up and rain started to fall heavily around them. Nina screamed as she raced back towards the castle, while Scorpios picked up more mud. “Now…where were we?” he asked before throwing mud at Albus and Mia.

“Nice shot,” Rose said with a chuckle.

“Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be,” Albus laughed as he squatted to get an arm full of mud. “Let’s get em’, Mia.”

Rain continued to pour down on them as the war turned into two against two. At the end of the showdown, they agreed it was a tie.


The halls of Hogwarts were deserted as James, Samantha and Danny made their way to the kitchen for an afternoon snack. Most halls were empty during rainy days on a weekend. The kids who were stressed about school were usually in the library, the horny kids were off in empty broom closets and dark corners snogging or shagging and the lazy kids were either in bed or lounging around in their common rooms. As for him and his friends, they usually got too bored to be in one place for too long, so they would either go visit Hagrid, go imagine up a fun room at the Room of Requirements or raid the kitchen…as they were about to do.

“I am so sick of this rain,” Samantha muttered as she looked out a passing window at the rain. “It just won’t stop.”

“Maybe it will clear up in a few days,” James said hopefully.

“I hope so,” Danny said also depressed. “We have a Hogsmead visit next weekend and it was suck if it was raining.”

“I know, hopefully it won’t,” Samantha said. “I still have to try and shop for a dress.”

“You have a date?” both James and Danny asked at the same time.

Samantha shared an amused look with both of them. “Not yet. No one’s asked me.”

“Oh,” James said as they made their way down a flight of stairs.

“Hey, who are you going to ask, mate?” Danny asked James curiously. “Now that you dumped Mega Bitch.”

Samantha chuckled. “Nice one.”


James rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but laugh. “To answer your question…I don’t know yet. You?”

Danny looked away, shrugged. “Don’t know.”

“Well, you guys should figure out soon or…what in the world?”

The trio stopped walking when they saw four people come stumbling around the corner. They were covered from head to toe with mud, slipping and sliding on the floor while they were all nonstop laughing.

“What is going on here?” James asked as they walked to them

The four stopped laughing and looked up. “Oh…Hey James.”

“Al?” James asked with a laugh. “That you?”

“Hi, James.”

James’ jaw dropped. “Rosie? That can’t be sweet innocent, Rosie.”

“Yep,” she said with a giggle. “We’re a little dirty.”

“I’ll say…who are the other two…Mia? And…” He squinted his eyes at the second boy. “Malfoy?”

“Afraid so,” he said with a chuckle. “Got suckered into it.”

“Oh whatever, you totally started it,” Rose said.

“You’re the one that pulled me into the mud.”

Scorpios grinned. “Oh, yeah.”

Samantha wrinkled her nose. “You four stink.”

“Having a mud fight will do that to you, Sam,” Albus said and then opened his arms. “Let’s have a hug.”

“Keep away from me,” she laughed jumping away and hid behind James.

“Hey, back off, Al,” James warmed when he got a little too close. “Why don’t you guys go take a shower.”

“Or two,” Danny suggested. “Wouldn’t hurt.”

“Agreed,” James said and moved out of the way so the four of them could walk off. “I can’t believe it.”

“What?” Samantha asked.

“A Potter and a Mafloy. Friends.” James shook his head with a laugh. “Wait till Dad finds out.”

“He won’t get mad, will he?” she asked.

“No…but he’ll find it extremely funny…and not to mention incredibly ironic.”

“You know, that kind of seems fun,” Danny said after a moment. “Having a mud fight.”

James and Samantha both lifted their brows at Danny, then shared a look with each other. “I’m game if you are,” he said giving her a bump.

Samantha thought about it for a second, then grinned brightly. “You guys are going down.”


“Well, the Gryffindor’s common room is up this way,” Albus said pointing up the staircase.

“Oh, okay,” Scorpios said giving them an awkward wave.

“See you,” Mia said waving, too. “Ravenclaw’s actually the direction we came from. I didn’t want to say goodbye yet.”

Albus smiled at her. “I’m glad you didn’t.”

Mia blushed. “Me, too.”

“Hey,” Rose said turning around after she went up a couple of steps. “Albus and I…we were going to visit Hagrid after supper. Would you two like to come with us?”

Mia smiled brightly. “I’d love to!”

Rose smiled at her, then turned to Scorpios. “How bout you? His tea’s decent, but his rock cakes are a little scary…you might not be able to handle them.”

Scorpios grinned. “Is that a challenge, Frecks?”

“No. It’s an invitation.”

“Then count me in.”

Rose gave a nod. “All right then.”

“See you guys at supper,” Albus said giving them another wave before tugging on Rose’s sleeve for her to follow him.

Once they were gone, Mia and Scorpios turned to each other, smiling nervously at each other. “Does this make us friends, too?” Mia asked him curiously.

Scorpios cocked his head in thought, looking at Mia Longbottom, a girl he never really looked at and realized he hated himself for it. Merlin knew she would be an adventure to know. “I guess it does,” he finally replied holding out a hand.

She giggled shaking her head. “Friends don’t shake hands, Scorpios,” she said and then threw herself into his arms.

“Woah,” he said stumbling back, mud squishing between them. “Er…okay a hug then.” He gave her an awkward pat on the hug. “I guess I can handle that.”

She pulled away and beamed up at him. “I’ve never had friends before. Now, I have three.”

“Now you have three,” he repeated giving her a smile. “And if anyone picks on you, just let me know…Me or Albus will set them straight.”

“Or Rosie,” she added. “She could probably take half the guys at this school.”

“You know something, Mia?” he said with a chuckle. “I believe you’re right. Frecks is quite a witch.”

“And you like her,” she said with a sly grin.

Scorpios’ face paled. “What? No…No I don’t.”

Mia just giggled. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret. Toodle-loo!”

Scorpios could only stay there with his jaw gapped wide open as he watched Mia skip happily away.

11. Chapter 10

I know, I know…it’s about time, right? I’m so sorry, I’ve been so busy! I went out of town for two weekends in a row and this past weekend I had my ten year high school reunion to go to. That was eventful, let me tell you! So anyway, sorry it has taken me so long to get this out, but I hope you enjoy it and it was worth the wait! Thanks so much for your support!


Chapter 10

It was close to midnight when Harry walked into the new house he now called home. With spending so much extra time moving into the house, unpacking and shopping for new furniture, Harry had gotten behind at work. He probably should have called it quits closer to supper time, but there was still so much work to be done. It was a Friday night and he really did not want to come back to the office during the weekend, so he had owled Hermione to let her know he would be late.

Although Mike and his crew finished constructing the house quickly and sufficiently there was still so much to be done. The kitchen was pretty much finished, except for a few supplies and kitchen utensils that were packed up somewhere in a box. Merlin knew which one…the boxes were everywhere. His bedroom, plus Hermione and Nora’s were done, but they still had the other kids’ bedrooms to furnish and organize before the holidays.

He made his way towards the front stairs, avoiding boxes filled with memorabilia, pictures and artwork that had yet to find a home on the wall or a shelf. There were some pictures Hermione had hung up on the wall here and there…pictures of their school days, their kids in all different ages and even their wedding days. Hermione had hung his and hers side by side in the hallway of the second floor. One of him and Ginny and the other of Ron and Hermione.

Harry sighed as he studied his wife. She looked so young, so beautiful. He remembered being so completely mesmerized by her that day, felt so lucky that someone as beautiful as Ginny had picked him.

His eyes then shifted to his two best friend and couldn’t help but smile. They had come a long way from that first meeting on the train. If anyone had told Ron after meeting her, that one day he would marry the mental girl with the wild hair, he would have laughed in their face. But there they were…Ron looking nervous, but happy…Hermione looking radiant in her wedding dress.

It was a long time ago, but sometimes it felt like only yesterday. That was the past though, he thought sadly giving both pictures one last look. The future was what was important, but as he turned to walk away, another picture on the wall pushed him back to the past. It was a picture of him, Ron and Hermione and it was one of the few Muggle photos they had. It was shortly after the war and Harry had wanted to get out somewhere with his two best friends. They had been through so much together and he wanted to celebrate the beginning of an end with them and no one else.

Not even Ginny…which she had been extremely unhappy about when he had told her he just wanted the night to be the three of them. She didn’t understand at the time that it was a night for his friends and Ginny wasn’t a part of that connection he had with them. It had always been a touchy subject between them.

Harry studied the picture with a big smile on his face…that night was probably one of the best nights of his life. They had went to dinner, then decided on a whim to Apparrate to New York City and they ended up partying at a Muggle club all night. Harry was not on the mood to be recognized.

Since they were at a Muggle club, Hermione had whipped out her Muggle camera and snapped away. She had asked their waitress to take a picture so they could have one of all three of them. Hermione was sitting down at the table and he and Ron were on either side of her from behind. Hermione was leaning back in her chair, her arms reaching up behind her, wrapping them around Harry and Ron, bringing their heads on both sides of hers.

The signs of heavy drinking were definitely there. They had goofy smiles on their faces and their eyes were watery and glazed. They all got pretty sloshed that night, but it was Hermione who was the worst. Harry couldn’t remember her ever being that drunk before. With a grin on his face, Harry couldn’t help but go back and remember that drunken, but unforgettable night…

“Harry…I have to tell you something,” Ron slurred. “Something very important.”

“What’s that, mate?” Harry asked before taking a sip of the crown and coke the waitress gave him when he told her to surprise him.

“I’m starting to see two of you,” he said seriously, before busting out laughing.

“Maybe that’s a sign for you to slow it down, Ron,” Harry said with a grin.

“Naaah!” he said waving it off. “I’m having a blast here in the…what do Muggles call it? The Huge Pineapple?”

Harry choked on his drink, laughing. “Yes, Ron…that’s exactly right. Maybe you should go announce it to someone how much you love The Huge Pineapple.”

“Okay,” he said completely oblivious. “Maybe I will before the night is over.”

“Harry!” Hermione came out of nowhere and plopped herself down on his lap, laughing hysterically.

Harry jolted when she had landed in her lap. “Woah…hey there, giggly.”

That had just made Hermione giggle even more, causing Harry to lift an intriguing brown. “Maybe you should switch to beer and lay off the martinis.”

“Don’t be silly,” Hermione scoffed. “I’m not even that drunk.”

“Sure you’re not, giggly.”

Hermione snorted out a laugh. “Harry, stop it…I’m trying to tell you something.”

“Lemme guess…you’re seeing two of me?”

“What? No…Geez, there’s only one Harry Potter, you know.”

“Of course,” he said with a smile. “How silly of me. What do you want to ask me?”

“I met a girl at the bar…”

“Did you really?” Harry shifted in his chair so he could look at Ron. “Your girlfriend just met a girl. I’d be worried.”

“Harry!” she laughed slapping his arm. “Stop! I’m trying to tell you that she fancies you.”

His brows lifted. “Really?”

“Yes, that long legged blonde girl with the fake boobs….she said you were totally hot. Her words.”

“Well…she’s totally hot, too,” Harry said eyeing her. “My words.”

“What do you mean by fake boobs?” Ron asked frowning as he looked over at the blonde.

“Oh, some Muggle girls get work done on them…have doctors make them bigger, smaller…maybe have them lifted.”

“Really?” Ron asked interested. “Do witches do that? Use magic?”

“I don’t know, Ronald,” she said with exasperation. “Does it really matter? I’m sure as bloody hell not going to do it.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to Harry. “Anyway, she asked me if we were together, but I assured her we were just friends.”

“And sitting on his lap is a good way to assure her?” Ron asked and then looked at Harry. “And I’m sorry…but aren’t you dating my sister?”

“Technically, they’re still broken up,” Hermione argued for Harry. “And this is our night to have a little fun…it’s not like Harry’s ever going to see her again.”

“So it would be okay if I go up and snog her?”

“First of all…Ronald…she doesn’t fancy you, she fancies, Harry. Second of all, it wouldn’t be okay, because we are actually together.” Hermione got up from Harry’s lap and sat on Ron’s. “And I’d have to hurt you if you did,” she added sweetly as she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair then clenched a handful and squeezed hard. “Understood?”

Ron winced. “Yeah…understood, luv.”

“Good,” she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Now…Harry…why don’t you go and buy the pretty blonde a drink.”

“I think I might,” he said standing up with a grin. “You kids play nice.”

Harry couldn’t remember the pretty blonde’s name but he did remember how it didn’t take long for her to start snogging him. It was the accent that finally set her off, he recalled. She was a sucker for it. However, as the hours had passed she became clingy and Harry wanted to escape while he could when she went to the loo. He had tracked down Hemione and Ron immediately….

“Hey, we have to go,” Harry said urgently. “Blonde girl’s becoming clingy.”

“You fay vat like vat’s a bad fing,” Ron slurred while Hermione was giggling so hard she was practically red in the face.

“Dear Merlin, you two didn’t slow down, did you? Well…come on, let’s go. I’ll have to side along the two of you, luckily I slowed down on the drinking when I was with the blonde.”

“Too busy snoggin’ her,” Ron snorted with a laugh.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s just go.”

It was difficult, but somehow he got the two drunkards out of the crowded club and to an isolated spot in the alley to apparrate them back to the Burrow. He had to practically drag them to the Burrow, with Ron laughing at Hermione who was in the middle of singing some muggle rap song they had played at the club.

“I don’t know what ja heard about me...but ja can’t get a dollah out of me…dah, dah da…da…something, something, something…I’m a mother fuckin, P.I.M.P.”

Ron hooted with laughter. “Herimione said, ‘mother fuckin’. Did you hear her, Harry?”

“Yeah, kind of hard not to,” he said and then thanked his lucky stars when he noticed that George and Percy were up and out in the gardens talking. Harry immediately called them out to help him. “Guys, take your drunken brother to bed, will you?”

“Georgie!” Ron exclaimed throwing his arms around him. “I wuv you, broad…you too, Perthy.”

“Geez, Harry…what did you three do tonight?” George asked amused. “And is Hermione…singing?”

“Rapping actually,” Harry said with a laugh as Hermione kept on rapping. “Attempting to at least,” he added as he pushed a strand of her hair out of her face.

“What’s a pimp?” Percy asked curiously.

“Er…a question for another day,” Harry said, not wanting to explain that one at the moment. “I’m going to take her up…Ginny can help her get to bed.”

“Good luck with that, mate,” George said. “She’s down right pissed at you about tonight.”

“She’ll have to get over it,” he said as he shifted Hermione closer. “Let’s go, my little rap star.”

Hermione found that extremely funny and was laughing the whole way to her room. Harry had to help her with the stairs, she had stumbled quite a bit but it didn’t seem to faze her much. “All right, Hermione, here we are…just let me open the door.”

Hermione giggled as she leaned against him. “I wuv you, Hawey.”

Harry smiled. “Yes, so you’ve told me at least five times since we left the club. You’ve been slipping it between your rapping.”

“Well, you are my bestest friend!” she told him as she stumbled into the room with him.

“Okay, let’s get you over to the bed,” he whispered then winced when Ginny turned on her oil lamp by her bed. “Ginny…sorry to wake you…but can you help me out with her?”

Ginny scowled as she watched him plop a giggly Hermione on the bed and Harry nearly stumbled down with her. “Shouldn’t Ron be putting his drunk girlfriend to bed?”

“Ron’s just as bad as his drunk girlfriend,” he said sitting on the bed next to Hermione, who was lying on her back singing a different song.

“Backstreets back, all right!”

Harry rolled his eyes and chuckled while he reached down to take off her shoes. “Are you going to help me, Ginny?”

“Why would I do that when I was completely shut out tonight? No…you got her this drunk, you take care of her.”

Harry lifted a brown at her. “Fine…have it your way, then. Hermione…sweetie.” He pulled her up to a sitting position. “Lift up your arms so I can remove your jumper…we need to get you out of these clothes.”

Hermione giggled. “Okay,” she said shooting her arms straight up over her head. “No peaking, Harry.”

“I’ll try not to.”

Harry had barely grabbed the hem of her jumper when Ginny jumped out of bed. “On second thought…I’ll put her to bed.”

“Mmm-hmm, that’s what I thought,” he said letting go of Hermione’s jumper. “Go grab her pajamas.” While Ginny was furiously rummaging through Hermione’s drawers, Harry knelt back down in front of Hermione. “Hermione, you can put your arms down, luv,” he said, chuckling softly as he pulled them down to her sides. “Ginny’s going to help you get dressed, okay?”

Hermione gave a little shrug. “Okay.”

“Okay,” Harry said with a smile. “I had fun with you, tonight.”

“Me, too,” she said throwing her arms around him. “Have I told you that I love you to pieces?”

Harry smiled. “Once or twice,” he said pulling back and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “And the feelings mutual. You sleep good tonight…I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay…Night Harry,” she said before lying back again and started singing.

Harry laughed, giving her one last look before turning and walked out of the room.

He had known Ginny was behind him, waiting for him to turn around or say something, but he hadn’t wanted to deal with her. The morning was soon enough as far as he was concerned and he hadn’t wanted anything to spoil that night. So needless to say, their relationship started off a little rocky, but they eventually got passed it.

But that night was one he would never forget. It was the start of their new lives. Where they could go out and act crazy, get drunk and be with people you cared most about, without having to look over your shoulder for danger. It was probably why they had all gotten so wild. For so long they had to keep themselves reserved, focus on the serious side of things, hardly ever being able to have any fun. That night they had let it all loose.

Harry gave one last fleeting look at the picture before he walked towards Nora’s room. He opened it slowly and walked over to her crib that she was almost too big for. She was lying on face down on her stomach, but her knees were tucked under her, causing her little butt to be up in the air. She had her right cheek on her pillow with her passy half hanging out of her mouth while she was breathing deeply in her sleep.

“How do you sleep like that, munchkin?” he whispered as he pushed the passy gently back in her mouth and smiled softly when she started to suck lazily on it. “Love you,” he said leaning down to kiss her temple. “Sweet dreams.”

Harry let himself back out of her room then went to Hermione’s since light was still glowing from beneath the door. He knocked softly before opening the door and smiled when he saw her on the bed with her laptop on her legs, typing away.

A few years back, when Hermione’s kids were older and before Nora made her surprise appearance, Hermione had decided to take up writing. Something she had always wanted to do, but never seemed to have the time. Since she was a mother she had been inspired to write children’s stories, but wizard and muggle. She was successful in both worlds, of course she was more recognized in the wizarding world, but every once in awhile a child or a mother of one would recognize her and ask for a picture or autograph.

She kept pretty private in the muggle world though, only doing a few book signings here and there. She would write up story after story for years, but once she found out she was pregnant with Nora, she took a step back from that world to focus on the newest member of her family. Harry knew she had missed it, so it was wonderful to see her at it again. She had mentioned that she was thinking about it and wondering if she could use the spare room downstairs off to the right of the living room as an office. She hadn’t been sure then, but it looked like she was now. Nothing could have pleased him more.


The clatter of the keyboards stopped and she looked up and smiled. “Hey…I didn’t even hear you.”

“Not surprising since you were in a another universe,” he said walking over and sitting next to her hip on the bed. “You’re writing.”

“Yes, I…I didn’t even plan on it,” she said and blew out a long breath. “I was just planning on getting here and…fiddling around the Internet. I was bored and decided to wait up for you, but the next thing I knew I was opening up a new document and I haven’t stopped since. That was about…” She looked at the clock by her bed. “Two hours ago.”

“I’m glad to see you writing again,” Harry said with a smile. “Ron would be, too. So what are you writing? Muggle or Wizard version?”

“Muggle, but…I decided to make it a series.” She smiled as she leaned back against the pillows. “About three good friends who meet at a mysterious magic school.”

“Really?” he asked. “Sounds familiar.”

“Yeah, a lot of these adventures I’m writing are definitely inspired by our own,” she said with a laugh. “It’s going to be an uplifting story, though, no Dark Lord in my little world.”

“Good to know. They’ll have to be some bad guys right? Maybe a Malfoy or a Goyle?”

Hermione laughed. “Oh, I’ve already made up a character that has Malfoy written all over it.”

“I can’t wait to read it.”

“I’m actually going to dedicate the first book to Ron and Ginny,” she added sheepishly. “Seemed the right thing to do.”

Harry’s heart melted as he reached over to take one of her hands. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. They would love it I’m sure. It’s a good way to let them know that they’re gone, but not forgotten.”

“I thought the same thing.” She shared a smile with him, than sighed tiredly as she closed her laptop and set it aside. “I better call it quits before my hands start to cramp up.”


She gave a little shrug. “Not really surprisingly. You must be though…did you get stuff done at work?”

“Yeah, I’m caught up now,” he said stifling back a yawn. “But yes, I’m pretty exhausted. By the way, I like where you put the pictures up so far…the wedding pictures side by side is a nice touch.”

“Good, I’m glad you think so…I wanted to ask you about that…just seemed fitting to put them next to each other.”

“I think it’s great…I also loved the muggle picture of us in NYC. Took a little side trip down memory lane after seeing that picture.”

Hermione groaned out a laugh. “I don’t remember much towards the end of that night. I still don’t believe that I was rapping.”

Harry laughed. “I’ll never forget it…it was the funniest thing. You were complete rubbish…but you put in a good effort.”

“Yeah well…it was an interesting night and…” She trailed off as she looked at his cloak. “Harry, have I been looking at a computer screen too long or is your cloak moving?”

“My cloak?” he asked looking down and then his eyes widened. “Oh…I forgot! It was the craziest thing…I was leaving for work…passing an alley when I heard a little squeak. It was such a pathetic little sound I almost didn’t hear it, but…I went in with the tip of my wand lit and…this little guy came running up.”

He reached into his inside pocket of his cloak and pulled out a tiny black kitten that had obviously just woken up, because his green eyes were barely squinting open. “I just couldn’t leave him.”

“Oh, Harry,” she cried softly reaching out to take the kitten. “He’s so small…poor little thing.” She curled the kitten to her chest and the kitten started to purr as he nuzzled against her neck.

“I know you never wanted to get a another cat after Crookshanks passed away,” Harry said as he reached up and ran a finger over the kitten’s tiny head. “But like I said, I couldn’t leave him and…if you don’t want him, I’m sure we can find a good home for him.”

“No, I want him,” she said giving the kitten kisses on the head before placing him down on the comforter. “This little guy found us, so it’s only fitting we keep him. He looks like a Potter anyway…with his black hair and green eyes.”

“I never thought of it that way,” he said with a laugh as he shifted and lied back on Hermione’s pillows since she was now sitting up playing with the kitten. “What should we name him?”

“I don’t know,” she said giggling when the kitten rolled on his back and batted his paws at her fingers. “It will come to us.” Hermione smiled like a little kid as her and the kitten continued to play. She scratched his little ears, rubbed his tiny tummy and then slipped a hand over the covers creating circular movements for the kitten to pounce at playfully at. “Harry, he’s just precious,” she said looking over at him. “I…” Her words stopped abruptly when she saw that Harry was fast asleep, with his arms folded on his chest that was moving up and down slowly as he breathed deeply. “Just look at him, kitty,” Hermione whispered as the special love she had for him swelled in her heart. “Fast asleep…completely exhausted.”

The unnamed black kitten walked over on Harry’s chest and then curled right up against the crook of his shoulder, burying his little head under his chin. “Oh, I see how it is,” Hermione said with a smile. “Since Harry went and saved you and all, you already adore him.” Hermione sighed as she removed his glasses, then leaned carefully over Harry to put them on the nightstand and turned off the light. In the dark she reached up and touched his messy bangs that brushed his forehead and caressed it back. “I guess I don’t blame you, kitty.” She leaned down and planted her lips on his forehead. “That’s how he got me, too.”

She then shifted and lied down right beside him, sharing her pillow with him. She probably should have moved over to the other side of the bed, but she couldn’t make herself. Although she had gotten somewhat used to sleeping alone, she still missed his presence. She still missed the feel of a man wrapped up tight around her. So just for this one night, she’d indulge in the warmth and closeness Harry provided. He may not have his arms around her, but this would have to do. She lifted a hand and put it over Harry’s that was lying on his chest and closed her eyes. It wasn’t long before she drifted off to sleep.

12. Chapter 11

Okay readers, here’s another update! Its back to Hogwarts we go! These next two are going to be the kids all finally getting dates to the Yule Ball. We’ll get back to H/Hr soon, though…have patience, they aren’t going to happen overnight! Anyway, hope you like the update! I’ve already started the next chapter, so hopefully that we’ll come soon!

Chapter 11

“We really need to find dates,” Danny said nervously as he ignored his twenty-five inch essay on vampires that needed to be done by tomorrow. “It’s November now…it’s getting down to the wire.”

James just shrugged and kept on scribbling down his work.

“Of course you’re calm about it,” Danny said, pouting a little. “A lot of the girls are staying available for you. Why haven’t you asked anybody yet?”

James shrugged again. “I guess I’m waiting for the right time.”

Danny sighed as he drummed his fingers on the table. They were in the Head Boy / Head Girl common room, but Samantha was still in her Ancient Ruins class. “I guess I could figure it out by the end of the week,” he continued. “And I could always ask Sammy as a last resort.”

James stopped writing and looked up. ‘How can you be sure she’ll be available?”

“She hasn’t been asked yet, has she? And a lot of blokes probably already think she and I are going together.”

James scowled and squeezed his quill so tight it almost snapped in two. He really liked Danny, but moments like these really made him want to smack him. Before he could do anything though, the portrait door sprang open and Samantha walked in.

“Hey,” she sighed plopping in a chair next to James and across from Danny. “That exam was brutal…but I think I did okay….what are you guys working on? The vampire essay? I already finished, but I suppose I could always tweak it a bit.”

She slid her wand free of her hair and sent it tumbling down around her. James sighed deeply as he couldn’t help but stare. He was a goner. “Samantha?” James asked.

“Hmm?” she murmured while she dug through her bag for her essay.

“Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?”

Sam’s head darted up and her eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “Wh-what?”

“The Yule Ball. Do you want to go with me?”

“James, what are you doing?” Danny hissed leaning over the table.

“Isn’t it obvious?” he asked looking him now. “I’m asking Samantha to the Yule Ball. I wanted to ask her for a long time, but I held back because I thought you wanted to ask her.”

“I did!” he exclaimed while Samantha remained silent as she looked back and forth between him with her mouth gaped open.

“No, you just told me you would ask her as a last resort,” James countered back then looked at Samantha. “I personally think she deserves more than just some girl to settle on.”

Samantha blushed…looking down shyly while Danny sputtered in protest. “Samantha,” he said again, leaning towards her. “I’m asking you straight out…do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me? I want to go with you …and no one else.”

James waiting in agony as Samantha kept eye contact with him. Would she say yes? Or would she break his heart and turn him down? She sighed softly as she reached for his hand on the table, but to his surprise she turned to Danny. “Is it true? Did you say you only were going to ask me as a last resort?”

Danny hesitated. “Yes, but…I didn’t mean it…I was going to ask you all along…I swear.”

“What if I wasn’t available?” she said asking the same question James had. “Because I had offers…plenty of them.”

“What?” both Danny and James asked at the same time.

“You did?” James asked and Sam replied with a quick nod.

“Why did you turn them down?” Danny asked.

“Because I was waiting for someone else to ask me…someone I’ve cared about for a long time.”

Danny’s eyes softened. “Sammy, I promise you…I was going to ask you…I just wanted to wait and…”

“Danny,” she interrupted shaking her head sadly. “The person I’ve been waiting for…he just asked me.” She looked over at James and squeezed his hand. “And this is me saying that….I’d love to go with you.”

Relief swept over him as he let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. He couldn’t do or say anything else, but smile at her, which she received and happily returned.

“I don’t believe this!” Danny yelled breaking the silence. “How could you, mate?”

James sighed. “Danny…”

“No, James,” Samantha said holding up a hand. “You don’t need to explain anything to him.”

“The bloody hell he doesn’t!” Danny shot back.

“No, Danny…this is my fault.” She sighed closing her eyes briefly as she tried to figure out the best words to say. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt her dear friend. “I should have been honest with you from the start, instead of prolonging things. The truth is…I’ve had…feelings for James for awhile now, but…I kept them to myself because I didn’t think he felt that way about me…”

“Sammy,” James started completely dumfounded.

“No, please,” she said holding up a hand to him. “We’ll talk about it later…in fact…Why don’t you meet me in the Room of Requirements? I need to talk to Danny.”

“Don’t bother,” Danny said angrily as he darted up and quickly collected his things. “I’ll just leave you two alone.”

“No, Danny, please don’t go,” Sammy said urgently as she stood up frantically. “We need to talk about this.”

Danny glared at her as he put his bag around his shoulder. “No…we really don’t.” He gave James the same stare and then stalked out of the room angrily.

“Danny, wait!”

“No, let him go,” James said holding her off. “You know Danny…all dramatic and everything. There’s no reason to talk to him until he calms down.”

Samantha sighed, dropping her shoulders in defeat as she walked over to the couch and sat down. “I never meant to hurt him. I handled this so badly.”

“It’s not your fault,” James said sitting next to her and put an arm around her. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked you in front of him that way, but…I don’t regret it…I got so mad when he told me he was going to ask you as a last option…like he was going to settle for second place.”

She leaned into his embrace, placing her head on his shoulders. “He doesn’t love me…he only thinks he does.”

James rested his cheek on the top of her head and nuzzled. “I know…he’ll find someone though…someone he’ll be as crazy about as I am about you.”

“James,” she said slightly embarrassed as she buried her face in his shoulder.

James grinned as he pulled her close, pleasantly surprised by this side of her. His Samantha had always been so confident and sure of herself. “It’s true,” he assured her giving her a small kiss on the top of her head.

Samantha sighed deeply. “Why are you so sweet?”

“It’s part of the Potter Charm.”

Samantha laughed as she pulled away. “I can believe that. Your father is very charming.”

“Apparently,” he said with a chuckle. “According to Mum….she loved him since the first time she saw him at the train station.”

“She was starstruck.”

“Oh, yeah…big time, which is why it took so long for them to get together…my dad didn’t like his fame at all. My Aunt Hermione told me that he was far from perfect when he was younger…completely clueless about girls.”

“Sounds familiar,” she said with a teasing grin.

“Hey, I wasn’t that bad,” he said playfully shoving her.

“Oh, yeah? Remember right before you started seeing Kiki? It took you forever to realize she was flirting with you and she was practically thrusting her chest in your face.”

James winced a bit with a laugh. “Okay, I’ll give you that. I’ve gotten better…but not perfect.” He reached up to brush his fingers over her soft hair. “I was still clueless about how you felt about me.”

Samantha blushed looking down for a moment. “Oh…well. That’s not really your fault.” She looked back at him and gave a little shrug. “I tried my best to hide it from you.”

“Why?” he asked taking a hand in his. “How long have you felt that way about me?”

“Since before Kiki,” she admitted, nervously biting her lip.

His brows rose. “Since before…” He broke off and sighed. “Sammy, why didn’t you say anything? Granted, I might have been shocked at first…but it wouldn’t have taken me long to figure out I felt the same way.”

“I didn’t know that,” she said shaking her head. “And I’m so different from all the girls you had crushes on or dated. Especially Kiki…she’s all stacked and curvy and I’m…skinny and awkward. And I have big ears.”

“Samantha,” he said scooting closer to her. “You are far from skinny and awkward…and I happened to think your ears are adorable.”

She snorted a laugh and rolled her eyes. “If you say so.”

“I say so,” he said reaching up to fiddle with her small silver hoop earring. “You’re gorgeous, Sammy. And for your information…you were my first crush.”

Samantha’s jaw dropped as all she could do was stare.

“Don’t look so shocked,” he continued. “You were the first girl who talked to me…obviously not including my cousins or sisters. You had to have noticed how I stuttered a lot when we first started hanging out.” She shook her head dumbly. “Well…I did. And you were really cool…not like the other eleven year old girls who giggled all the time. Anyway, the more we hung out…the more my crush turned into likeness, because…I was more comfortable around you, then…I made myself think of you as nothing more than a friend, because I had a feeling Danny liked you and I thought…you might like him, too. I didn’t want to get in the way of that.”

Samantha blew out a breath of disbelief as she let it all soak in. “Sooo…when did your feelings for me start to change?”

“Towards the end of last year,” he said smiling softly. “But I always knew I felt something for you, Sammy…I just ignored it. It was stupid of me to do so.”

“And I should have told you sooner,” she said turning more towards him causing their knees to touch. “But maybe it was meant to happen this way. We just weren’t ready for each other yet.”

“Are we ready now?” he asked as he now had both her hands gripped in his.

“I think we are,” she said as she felt her heart begin to race with anticipation on what was going to happen next. “So are we going to do this?”

“I sure hope so,” he said, brushing his thumbs over the tops of her hands. “We can go slow…if you like.”

“We could,” she agreed as they both managed to move their heads closer together. “Maybe its best if we take things slowly…we don’t want to rush into anything.”

James shifted his eyes to her lips. “Probably right.”

“Yeah,” she sighed as her eyes fluttered closed when his warm breath fanned his lips.



“There’s only one problem.”

“What’s that?”

“I really want to kiss you right now.”

Samantha sighed dreamily as she opened her eyes lazily to him. “That’s fantastic, because I really want you to kiss me.”

James grinned. “That’s excellent news. Maybe one kiss…to officially say our relationship has turned.”

“Okay,” she said softly as her eyes went to his lips.

“Okay,” James said as well before filling in the short space between them until their mouths fused together.

It was a soft meeting of lips. She sighed deeply, relaxing into the kiss while James touched the side of her face. He murmured a sound of approval as he continued to taste her…keeping it nothing more than gentle nips and short, sweet kisses. Then she let out a slow, husky moan from the back of her throat and he answered by suddenly plunging his tongue into her mouth, tasting her deeply for the first time.

Their moans merged together as their limbs wrapped tightly around each other. James yanked her until she was straddling his lap while their lips and mouth stayed busy. His hands explored up and down her long slender back, before getting lost in that long silky hair he loved, gripping handfuls of it while his mouth now assaulted her neck and shoulders.

Sam groaned in delight as she cocked her head to the side. “Then again…going slow is overrated.”

He chuckled softly against her ear before nipping gently on her earlobe, flicking her earring with his tongue. “I couldn’t agree more,” he murmured then surprised her by suddenly shifting her back against the couch.

She laughed as she fell back on the couch and James loomed over her, grinning down at her. “There’s that Potter Charm,” she said playfully as she reached up to cradle his face as he swooped down for a long steamy kiss.

She had a feeling that Potter Charm was going to get her in trouble many of times. She groaned when she felt the delicious feeling of James’ body pressing her into the couch. Oh yeah, she thought as she sank into the kiss. She was in trouble.


Danny found himself heading for the kitchens. A large bowl of chocolate pudding slathered in whip cream sounded like a good way to drown in his sorrows. The small pudgy little boy he use to be still lived inside of the tall, lean body he had now. Although he still had the crazy mop of brown hair and the same soft hazel eyes, his body had taken a drastic change between the ages eight and ten. Although the pudgy boy was long gone, it still came out to play every once and awhile when he was depressed or stressed. Eating away his problems was one of his favorite pastimes when he was a boy.

He wanted to be angry. He wanted to be furious. He wanted to feel betrayed. The truth was, he felt none of those things. Instead, he felt depressed and incredibly lonely. It didn’t seem fair that everyone seemed to have someone except him. He had been holding out on Samantha…at least, that’s what he told himself, but was that really true?

Yes, he adored her and would do anything for her, but…he also adored his little sister, too. Maybe she was right…maybe he didn’t really feel the way he thought he felt about her. If he did…wouldn’t he have done something by now?

He shook his head clear as he approached the entrance to the kitchen. Don’t think about it, he told himself as he tickled the pear. Right now he was going to sit down and eat some damn pudding. When the painting opened he stepped inside and the sound of cheers swept over him. Confused he walked in further to see what the fuss was about and was completely taken back at what he saw.

Every single house elf was looking up at awe at a girl whose back was to him, yet he knew exactly who it was. Her long fiery red hair was pulled back in a high ponytail and its tail swished back and forth while she juggled an apple, an orange and a banana. She threw the banana extra high, causing gasps from the house elves, but then cheers erupted when she easily caught it.

She was the youngest daughter of George and Katie Weasley. According to James, his Uncle George was determined to name his son after his long lost twin brother, Fred, who had died heroically during the war that had happened before he was even born.

Katie and George’s first born was a girl and so Maggie Weasley was named, who was now twenty-two and engaged. Then came the twins…Kathryn and Kayla who were now playing professional Quidditch. They were one of the top Beaters in the league. About a year after the twins…little Emily joined the word, who had just graduated from Hogwarts a year ago and from what Danny had heard, was an editor for Witch Weekly. A year and half later after Emily was born, Katie became pregnant for the last time. George seemed to have been destined to be surrounded by girls…even their family dog was female. Their youngest daughter was born, so George…who was still determined to honor his twin brother…named her Fredrika Molly Weasley. Better known as, Freddie.

And she was definitely her father’s daughter and George’s twin brother Fred, would definitely be proud of her. She worked at her dad’s joke shop during the summer and also put up quite a good business while she was at school. Her dad owled shipments to her and she had the talent of selling them like hotcakes. She had even invented a few gags of her own. She was also one of the Beaters on the Gryffindor team, Danny being the other one, which was why they were so close.

Next to James and Samantha, he probably knew her the best. They had made the team when he was in fourth year and Freddie in third…beating out older players according to the captain, because of the chemistry they had. Good Beaters had to have good communication and he definitely had that with Freddie.

With a grin on his face he used the advantage of her not knowing he was behind her and watched the show. With ease, she shifted all three fruits to one hand without breaking rhythm, whipped out her wand and pointed to the bowl of fruit on the table. “Accio, pear!” she said and then slid her wand back in her pocket seconds before catching the pear with her free hand and easily threw the pear in with the mix, now juggling four different kinds of fruit. The house elves clapped and cheered with excitement and Danny clapped as well without realizing it.

Not expecting to hear clapping from behind her, Freddie gasped and spun around, losing her concentration as all four fruits splattered to the floor. The house elves gave a long collective “aww” of disappointment as they looked sadly at the dropped fruit. “Danny!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t know you were there…I…” She turned back around at the elves. “Oh…I’m sorry guys…I’ll come back soon for another show.”

They seemed to be okay with that promise, because they all went quickly back to their jobs. Danny walked over to a very flustered and embarrassed Freddie. “Nice show,” he teased shoving his hands in his pockets. “I didn’t know you could juggle.”

“It’s no big deal,” she said shrugging it off. “I come in here sometime to give them a show. They get a kick out of it.”

“I noticed.”

“Er…what are you doing here?”

“I had an intense craving for a huge bowl of chocolate pudding and whip cream.” Seconds later a bowl filled to the rim with pudding and whip cream was shoved in his hands. “Wow,” he said impressed.

“Bad day?” she asked as they both went over to sit at the kitchen table.

“Not great,” he admitted as he put the bowl in between them so they could share.

Freddie took the spoon Danny handed to her and dug in. “Want to talk about it?”

He opened his mouth to tell her no, but what came out instead was, “James asked Sam to the Yule Ball.”

“Oh,” she said as Danny took a healthy bite.

“And now they are together.”

She cleared her throat as she spooned some more pudding. “I see.”

“And probably are snogging right now,” he added with a harsh laugh. “What girl could resist James Potter?”

“What girl could resist Danny Logan?” she answered back with a teasing grin.

He rolled his eyes with a laugh. “Samantha Mason?”

“Samantha Mason has been in love with James Potter since the first time she met him.”

Danny eyed her as he took a bite. “Is this your idea of a pep talk, Freddie? Because I have to tell you…you suck at it.”

“What I’m saying is…there is no need to be upset over loosing a girl you never had. She’s always belonged to James, Danny. I know everyone thought the two of you would get together…the way you guys bump heads and all, but…I always thought people were so blind in missing the way those two looked at each other.”

Danny sighed. “You weren’t the only one. I noticed plenty, but…refused to accept it.”

“I don’t think you are as upset about James and Samantha as you think you are.” She took a spoonful of pudding in her mouth, letting the spoon linger in her mouth as she studied him. “Something else is bothering you.”

Danny winced as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Sometimes he forgot how well Freddie could actually read him. “Yeah, maybe.” He gave a little pout as he rested his chin on his hand while he was now sliding the spoon in the pudding, but not eating it. “It’s just stress in finding a date to the Yule Ball. It’s around the corner and I’m probably the only bloke without a date.”

“I highly doubt that,” she said as she started to fiddle with the pudding as well. “I’m in the same boat though…I’m dateless as well.”

Danny blinked up in surprise. “Get out….I thought Ben Jenison was going to ask you. He told me one day after practice.” He had remembered that, because Ben had asked him if it would be okay if he asked her.

“Why would I care?” Danny had asked in return.

Ben had shrugged uncomfortably. “Well…you two are so close, I just…I wanted to make sure, but…if you’re cool with it, than that’s great.”

Danny had watched him walk off with a weird unpleasant feeling in his gut. He had quickly pushed it away. Why would he care if Ben and Freddie went together?.

“He did,” Freddie confirmed. “I turned him down.” She gave a little shrug. “He’s like a brother to me and he doesn’t even like me…I know he likes my friend Jenny and was just taking me because it was safe…I called him out on it. When he admitted he did like her, I told him to get his butt in gear and ask her.”

Danny couldn’t help but laugh. “And did he?”

“Yep. She said yes.”

“Good news for Jenison,” he said with a chuckle. “He’s a great Keeper, but lousy with girls.”

“And you’re any better?”


Freddie laughed as she shook her head and took another bite. “What’s wrong with us, Danny? We’re good people…we deserve to find a date.”

“You’re right,” he said as he dove into the pudding as well. “We’re good-looking people…it shouldn’t be so hard.”


“I have an idea…why not the two of us forget finding dates and go together.”

Freddie paused and her brows lifted. “Really? You want to go with me?”

He gave a little shrug. “Well…you know…everyone else is taken sooo…I guess you’ll have to do,” he said with a teasing grin.

Freddie gasped out a laugh. “Danny Logan! You obnoxious prat!” She scooped up a spoonful of pudding and sent it flying.

Danny jerked when a glop of pudding smacked him right in the face. His jaw dropped in astonishment while Freddie, along with a few house elves that caught the act, snickered evilly. “Oh, you’re in trouble now,” he warned as he got up from his chair.

Freddie shot up as well, laughing as she tried to make a run for it, but Danny caught her from around the waist. With her back pressed against his chest he grabbed a handful of pudding and smacked it in her face. She laughed as she squirmed in his arms, trying to reach for pudding herself to throw back at him.

He didn’t know how it happened. One minute they were battling it out with whip cream and pudding and the next, she was facing him in his arms and their lips found each other in a long, passionate kiss. It didn’t seem to matter that there were house elves around them, most of them trying their best to ignore the public display of affection.

“You taste incredible,” he breathed as he finally pulled away from her mouth.

“You taste like chocolate pudding,” she said breathing just as hard.

He grinned. “Gee, I wonder why.” He kissed her again, loving the feel of her wrapped around him. “We should probably get out of here.” Another kiss merged into another as he started to back her out of the kitchen. “I don’t think this is the kind of show you promised them.”

Freddie giggled against his mouth as she let him lead her out. “We should probably go clean up, too…we’re kind of a mess.”

“A chocolate pudding fight will do that to you,” he said as he pulled away and grabbed her hand so they could walk out together. “At least it’s not a mud fight…had one of those with James and Sam. Smelled a lot worse and…” He sneaked in to nibble some pudding off her chin. “Didn’t taste nearly as good.”

“I would imagine not,” she murmured as she found his mouth once more, now kissing him in the middle of the corridor.

“Get a room,” a student mumbled as he passed them.

“Okay, we need to stay away,” Freddie said leaning back. “Safe distance until we get somewhere private.”

“Fine with me…let’s clean up and then we can go somewhere and…”


Freddie and Danny both stopped and looked to see James and Samantha walking up to them. “Oh. Hey, guys, er…what are you doing here? I thought you two were…talking.”

Samantha blushed slightly and looked at James before looking back at Danny. “Well…we were…talking, then…stopped, because…we felt bad about how we left things with you.”

“We wanted to talk to you, mate,” James said and then frowned. “What’s all over your faces?”

“Oh.” He shared a quick laugh with Freddie. “Chocolate pudding. We sort of had a…pudding fight.”

“A pudding fight?” James asked with a grin. “Sounds pretty fun.”

“Yeah…anyway, uh…don’t worry about it…I’m fine with you all and everything.”

“Danny,” Samantha said taking a step closer to him. “We really wanted to talk to you…you know we care about you.”

“We’ll talk later…I promise I’m okay…we’re okay and I’m happy for the both of you, but like I said we’ll talk later.”

“Okay,” she said with hesitation. “If you’re sure.”

“Yep, positive. Er…we’re going to go clean up and go somewhere and….talk.”

“Oh, let’s just tell it like it is,” Freddie said with a roll of her eyes. “We’re going to go somewhere and snog.”

“Right,” Danny said a little embarrassed. “That. We’re going to go and somewhere and snog…see you two later.”

“Well,” Samantha said shaking her head as she watched them walk off. “What the hell were we worried about?” she asked with a laugh.

“Danny is snogging my cousin,” James said shaking his head. “That is so weird.” He shrugged it off. “Oh well, I’ll get use to it I guess. Looks like things all turned out pretty good,” James said putting an arm around her. “Why don’t you and I go somewhere and snog as well. Room of Requirements just around the corner.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea.”

He gave her a little squeeze. “I knew you’d agree.”

13. Chapter 12

Here’s another chapter. Look for more H/Hr scenes in the next few chapters! Enjoy!


Chapter 12

Rose was studying in the library for a huge Potions exam and was extremely annoyed. She never should have let Scorpius tag along with her. Not that he was doing anything wrong, he was sitting next to her at the small round table, quietly studying as well. However, it was his fault that the three girls at the table next to them wouldn’t stop giggling.

Did all that giggling actually work? Did boys really go for that sort of thing? If so, she was destined to be single for the rest of her life, because one thing she did not do was giggle like an idiot over some guy.

Ever since the school found out about the newly joined friendship between her, Scorpius, Al and Mia, the girls have been practically following and drooling over them like a bunch of morons. Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter had always been the cutest boys in their year, but now that they were friends, it seemed the girls liked seeing them together.

“Double the pleasure,” Rose had heard one girl say to her friends…and of course they giggled.

Now the giggling had escalated even more and where the devil was an authority figure when you needed them? Not being able to take it anymore, she let out a frustrating groan and leaned towards Scorpius. “Could you please make them stop?” she whispered urgently.

He looked up from his book and frowned at her. “Make who stop what?”

“Are you kidding me?” she whispered back. “Them! Those girls…they won’t stop giggling at you.”

“Oh. Really?” He looked over, which caused them to giggle again as they waved flirtatiously. “I didn’t notice,” he said and simply went back to his book.

“Didn’t notice?” Rose repeated in awe. “How could you not? They won’t shut the hell up!” she whispered forcefully.

Scorpius lifted a brow. “Wow, Frecks…I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk like that before. I kind of like it.”

She rolled her eyes with a groan. “Oh, shut up.”

“And to answer your question, I guess I’m just use to it. I’ve learned to shut them out.”

Rose glared at them angrily. “Got any pointers?”

He chuckled softly shaking his head as he returned back to his book. “Just ignore them.”

“Easy for you to say,” she muttered.

“Um…excuse me…” A giggle erupted. “Scorpius? Oh, Scorpius?”

When he didn’t look up, Rose nudged him hard in the ribs. “Ow! What? I said just ignore them and…” He trailed off when she nudged her head towards the girls.

“They’re beckoning you.”

“Oh.” He looked over at them. “Yeah…what?”

The blonde girl who was sitting between the two brunettes twirled her hair. “We were wondering….if you’d like to join us?”

“No thanks,” he said giving them a sarcastic smile. “I’m good.”

“Oh, but we’d thought maybe…you’d like to help us?” one of the brunettes said as she leaned forward on the table to show off her cleavage. “We’re a little lost.”

“So am I, which is why I’m studying with Rose.”

She gave a little pout while the other brunette smiled at him. “Do you have a date yet, Scorpius?”

He sighed as he looked back at his book. “No.”

“Well…these two have a date, but…I don’t yet…”

“That’s nice,” he said dryly as he continued to read.

Rose rolled her eyes. “Oh for Merlin’s sake, could you just ask her…or someone to the Ball so the giggling will cease to exist.” She glared at the girls. “Some of us are trying to study.”

“Fine,” Scorpius said leaning back and closing his book. “I’ll ask someone right now.”

Rose watched the brunette straighten in her chair with anticipation. “Fine then,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “Make the giggly brunette happy and ask her.”

“I’m not asking her,” he said shaking his head. “I’m asking you.”

Rose whipped her head back around to him so fast she was surprised she didn’t pull something. “What?” she asked not sure she heard him right.

“What?!” the brunette shrieked.

“I’m asking you,” he repeated ignoring the other girls. “Do you want to go with me?”

Rose tried to form some sort of response, but she couldn’t seem to put the proper words together. “I…I…um…I don’t know what to…me? You really want to go with me?”

Scorpius grinned. “I’m asking you aren’t I?”

“Y-yeah, but…I’m…a little shocked…I didn’t see this coming, you didn’t give many any sort of sign that you would want to take me.”

“Me asking you is kind of a sign,” he said with a chuckle. “Rose…I’m asking you if you want to go to the Yule Ball with me. Now…I’ve done my part…all you have to do is say yes…or no.”

Rose blushed, looking down shyly for a moment, before giving him a nervous smile. “Yes…of course…I…I’d love to go with you.”

Scorpius gave her that grin that all the girls talked about. The one that melted their insides. She didn’t know what they were talking about until now. “It’s a date, then,” he said and then started to pack up his things. “I’m going to run…all this studying is frying my brain.”

She nodded dumbly. “Yeah,” she managed to say. “Okay.”

“Bye, Frecks.”

“Bye,” she said giving him a little wave and when he was gone she turned back to her books, but before she could stop it, a giggle escaped her. She gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth. Did she just do that? Did she actually giggle? She rolled her eyes to herself as she packed up her stuff, ignoring the girl’s stares and whispers. She was being silly…it was just a date…a date between friends. No need to get all fluttery and girly about it.

She convinced herself that it was no big deal the whole way back to the common room and thought she had done a pretty good job in that regard. However, when she sat down in one of the vacant chairs, Lily, who was playing Exploding Snap with Hugo and their friend, Jack Williams, had seen right through her.

“Rose can’t stop smiling,” Lily pointed out taking a break from the game. “Rosie…why are you smiling like an idiot?”

She immediately sobered up. “Don’t be ridiculous, I am not.”

“Yeah, you are,” Hugo said with a grin. “What happened, sis? Did someone finally ask you to the Yule Ball?”

Rose couldn’t stop the blush flaming on her cheeks, causing Lily to gasp and clap excitingly. Although Lily was only in her twelfth year, she was all girl and just as bad as the giggly girls in the library, except she was family, so she wasn’t as obnoxious. “Tone it down, Lil,” she mumbled as she slumped in her chair.

“I can’t, it’s too exciting!” she said completely giving up on the game and moved to the end of the couch closer to her. “So? Don’t leave me in suspense! Who asked you??”

“Um…Scorpius,” she said with a small smile. “He..he just asked me.”

Lily’s little jaw dropped. “Are you serious? Scorpius??” Lily let out another shriek of excitement as she jumped in her seat. “Rosie, that’s awesome! He is so cute!”

At this point, Lily’s loud voice carried and girls from her grade or younger were surrounding her. They were of course giggling and telling her how lucky she was and how hot Scorpius Malfoy was. She was getting a headache.

You are going to the Yule Ball with Scorpius Malfoy?” Tiffany Peterson said as she emerged into the swarm of girls and was now standing in front of her.

“Is that so hard to believe?” Lily scoffed.

“Yes, actually,” Tiffany smirked. “He must have felt sorry for you.”

“Oh, you are so full of it,” Lily said with a roll of her eyes. “Don’t listen to her, Rosie.”

“Oh, it doesn’t bug me,” Rose said with a smile. “She’s just jealous…and annoyed that no one has asked her to the Ball yet.”

The girls around her laughed at that and Tiffany glared her eyes. “That’s ridiculous, I could never be jealous of you.

“What’s going on here?” Albus asked pushing his way through. “Rosie, why are all these girls swarming over you?”

“Oh. Well.” She gave an uneasy laugh. “They just heard that…”

“Scorpius asked her to the Ball!” Lily finished for her giving a little girly clap.

“He did?” Albus asked her with a raised brow. “When?”

“Just now,” she said slightly embarrassed. “In the library.”

“Oh. Are you two dating now?”

Tiffany snorted. “Yeah, right,” she mumbled under her breath with a roll of her eyes.

Albus scowled at her, but ignored her and looked back at Rosie to wait for her answer.

She shook her head. “No, no…I mean…just a friends thing.”

“Did he say that?”

“Well…no, but he didn’t not say it either.”

“Hey, maybe I should ask Mia…we could all go together.”

“Oh, but…Albie,” Tiffany pouted as she stepped closer to him. “I thought…I thought you’d might ask me to go.”

Albus rolled his eyes. “First of all, I’ve told you repeatedly not to call me Albie and second of all…do you honestly think I’d want to go with you after you just insulted my cousin?”


He held up a hand to stop her. “Just do everyone a favor and disappear please? It’s not going to happen, you and me. Get that through your head.”

Tiffany gaped at Albus while everyone around her snickered. She let out a frustrating growl before storming off, pushing her way out of the crowd. “How she got in Gryffindor I have no idea,” Lily said shaking her head.

“It must have been an off night for the sorting hat,” Jack said who was now sitting next to Lily, who chuckled in agreement.

“Well, I’m going to track down, Mia,” Albus said to Rose. “I think she might be getting out of Charms. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Albus gave a wave before heading out, quickening his pace so he wouldn’t miss her. Sure enough, as he rounded the corner the class was just getting out. He stood by and waited for her to emerge from the room and was starting to get worried when she finally walked out, with Julius, Nina and two other Slytherin boys snickering behind her.

Albus narrowed his eyes when he realized that Mia looked upset while studying apiece of parchment in her hands. “Mia,” he said walking to her.

She looked up and gave him a smile that wasn’t at all convincing. “Hey, Albus, how are you?”

“Not good if you are as sad as you look.” Albus looked over at Julius who was still laughing with his friends. “Did he do something to you, Mia?”

Mia blushed as she waved it off. “Oh…it’s nothing. He just…gave me this.” She handed him the parchment. “It’s directions on how to make a date for one night. Apparently you can conjure one up, but it only lasts until midnight. Julius said since there wasn’t anyone who would actually ask me…he thought I could use it.”

“That’s horrible,” Albus said glaring over at him.

Mia shrugged. “Yeah, well…what are you going to do? I’m use to it. He’s right anyway…I’ll probably go head and use it to…hey!” she exclaimed when Albus ripped it up. “What are you doing?”

“You don’t need this, Mia,” he sad holding up the ripped parchment.

“But the Ball…it’s in a few weeks and I still don’t have a date.”

“Yes, you do, you’re going with me.”

Mia’s brows shot up. “I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me,” he said almost angrily. “You’re going with me.”

“Is that a command?”

“Yes…I mean, no.” He shook his head. “I’m asking you, Mia.”

“Really? Because it kind of sounds like you’re telling me. And although I appreciate the thought, I’m not interested in a pity date, Albus, so feel free to ask someone else.”

“What? Mia, no,” he said grabbing her arm before she could walk away. “I’m not asking you out of pity…I…I’m sorry, I was just so mad at Julius for making you cry and…”

“I wasn’t crying.”

“You were on the verge,” he pointed out then sighed as he gentled his grip on her arm. “Look. Let me start over here. I was coming to find you to ask you to the Ball, Mia.”

She looked up at him skeptically. “You were? You’re not just saying that? Because I would find that extremely insulting…even more insulting than what Julius did because you…you mean more to me.”

His eyes softened as he moved his hand down her arm until his hand found hers. “Mia, I promise you…I’m not asking you out of pity. I want to go with you. You and I…we go well together. I consider you one of my best friends.”

“Really?” she asked hopefully. “You don’t think I’m too weird?”

Albus smiled. “I think you have the perfect amount of weirdness to be wonderfully weird. It’s kind of cute.”

She blushed in pleasure. “That’s very sweet of you to say, Albus.”

Slightly embarrassed, Albus shrugged. “Yeah. Well.” He cleared his throat and shuffled his feet. “So…would you like to go with me? That’s me asking…not demanding.”

She smiled brightly. “I know,” she said and then leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

Albus blushed. “Er…was that a yes?


He smiled in relief. “Good,” he said with a nod. “Now…if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and severely hurt Julius.”

“No,” she said urgently grabbing his arm before he could take off. “No, he’s not worth it, Albus.”

“Who’s not worth what?” Scorpius said from behind them.

“Your ex-friend, Julius,” Albus said jerking his head to where he was.

“Technically, he was never my friend,” he corrected. “Why do you want to kick his ass? Not that I don’t blame you, I’m just curious to where it came from.” He scowled at Julius and then looked at Mia. “Did he hurt you?”

“No, he didn’t hurt me,” she assured him shaking her head.

“Yes, he did,” Albus said angrily. “You didn’t see your face, Mia, I did. You were about to cry.”

“Okay, so I was upset, but you made it all better when you asked me to the Yule Ball, so let’s just drop it.”

“What he do?” Scorpius asked Albus ignoring her request.

“He thought it be funny to give her directions to a potion that conjures up a date until midnight.” Albus held up the ripped parchment that was still in his hand. “Since no one asked her yet.”

“You’re right,” Scorpius said taking the ripped parchment in disgust. “He deserves an ass kicking if you ask me.”

Mia sighed in frustration. She was really going to have to get use to having two boys being overprotective of her. “Scorpius,” she warned.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt him,” he said with a grin. “I have a better idea.” He pulled out his wand and pointed it to the parchment. “Reparo!” Once the parchment was back in tack he rolled it back up. “C’mon,” he said to them and walked over towards Julius.

Albus and Mia shared a confused look, but Ablus then shrugged and grabbed her hand before following behind Scorpius, curious to see what he was going to do.

“Hey there, Julius,” Scorpius said walking up to him who was now surrounded by a bigger group of students.

“Well, look who it is,” Julius said. “The Slytherin Traitor.”

“Is that what you guys are calling me?” he asked with a chuckle. “Clever. I just wanted to give you this.” He handed the parchment to Julius who frowned as he looked at it. “Since Mia won’t be needing it. She’s going to the Yule Ball with Albus.”

All the girls in the group gasped, then sighed with envy as they looked at them, whispering and pointing at their joint hands.

“So she got a pity date,” Julius scoffed, causing Nina to giggle. “Big deal.”

Albus glowered and took a step towards him, but Scorpius put a hand out to stop him. “Not a pity date, but believe what you want if it will make your ego seem bigger than it actually is.” A few chuckles and snickers emerged from the crowd. “Anyway, thought you’d want to use it now.”

“What are you talking about?” he spat and put an arm around Nina. “I’m going with her.”

“Oh, I know, but let’s be honest…if Nina is the best you could do, you might as well use the potion…what would be the difference, really?”

Julius scowled and Nina gasped in outrage while the other kids, even a few Slytherins, laughed and cackled in amusement. Julius finally started to walk away, but both Albus and Scorpius held him back with one hand from each of them. “If you ever do anything to hurt Mia…or Rose for that matter,” Scorpius warned. “We’ll make the rest of your years here a living hell, won’t we, Potter?”

“You better believe it,” Albus warned.

“I don’t know if you noticed but Potter here is quite fond of them both…I am, too, so do yourself a favor and stay away from them, got it?”

Julius didn’t say anything, only continued to glare at both of them, but they could both tell that on the inside, he was shaking. He finally shrugged off their hands and stormed off, with Nina flouncing after him.

Mia smiled as she stood between them circling an arm around them both. “Thanks, guys. I wish Rose was here to see that.”

“Me too,” Albus said with a grin. “She would have gotten a kick out of it.”

“Speak of the angel,” Scorpius said with a grin when Rose rounded a corner and headed her way.

Albus looked at him weird. “Isn’t the correct saying, ‘Speak of the devil’?”

“Well, yeah, but…It’s Rose,” he said shrugging uncomfortably. “I can’t very well call her a devil, now can I?”

“Hey guys, the weirdest thing happen,” Rose said out of breath from her long walk from the common room. “I was rounding the corner and Julius accidentally ran into me and I feel flat on my butt and instead of laughing and pointing he’s all stumbling over apologies, helping me on my feet and even picked up my books!” She shook her head in wonder. “I mean what was that all….what? Why are you guys laughing?”

“The funniest thing happened, Frecks,” Scorpius said as he went over and put an arm around her. “Why don’t we head over to the Great Hall. We’ll tell you over dinner.”

14. Chapter 13

Here’s another update! It’s kind of lengthy which I’m sure you guys won’t mind. Thanks for sticking with it even though I know it’s going slow between H/Hr. Don’t worry, I promise I will do my best to make it worth the wait. Enjoy and Happy Halloween!


Chapter 13

After a long day at work Harry decided to stop in at his favorite pub just around the corner from his office. He had been going to the Corner Pub, easily named since it was nestled on a corner, since he started his Auror training just shortly after the war.

It was owned by the Finkle family, whose great-great-great-grandfather had opened up the pub after he retired as an Auror. It was tradition that the eldest son of that generation was to take over after he retired from being an Auror. Being an Auror was another tradition in the Finkle family, almost every person born into the family, male or female, had become an Auror.

The pub had become like a second home to Harry and he always felt he could be himself. Ginny had never cared for the Corner, mostly because it kept Harry away from her some nights. She never really understood that there were times he needed to get away from everything and let loose with his buddies. A guys night out was something every man deserved now and again. They had had many fights over the years about him showing up at home late after spending hours at the pub.

He hadn’t been back since the death of his wife, mostly because he had his hands full with the kids and of course with getting the new house ready. They were all moved in now and towards the end of his day he had a longing for the Corner Pub. He wanted to sit in his favorite booth and sip on his favorite beer while he took time to himself.

He didn’t know what to expect from Hermione when he Owled her to let her know of his plans. Was she going to get snippy like Ginny? Demand him to come home instead to help with Nora? He couldn’t see her saying that, but then again, one never knew when it came to women. However, when she Owled back a response he was pleasantly surprised by her answer…

Don’t worry, I understand. Everyone deserves a little time on their own to unwind. Have a drink for me. Nora and I will see you when we see you.


p.s. If you come home late drunk…try your best to be quiet and not wake Nora. I’ll have to hurt you otherwise.

Harry chuckled to himself as he walked into the pub. It was a relief that Hermione was so laid back about it. Although they weren’t married like he was with Ginny, he still lived with her and had the same responsibilities towards her…minus the whole sex thing. So it was cool of her to let him do this.

Merlin, he missed sex, he thought as he slid into his booth. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had sex. It had been at least a month before the accident, he and Ginny had been going through a dry spell. Could he even remember what it was like? Ginny had been his first and only so was their sex life even any good? Yes, it always felt good, but what if it wasn’t great? He had no one to compare it to so he wouldn’t know. Maybe he needed to have a fling. Just a fling. He wasn’t anywhere near ready for a serious relationship.

He did, however, had a glimpse of what it was like to snuggle up to a soft female body a few weeks ago when he had fallen asleep in Hermione’s bed. He had woke up to find himself spooning with Hermione and it felt so good to be in a woman’s arms again. So good in fact, that he had to quickly slip out of bed before Hermione woke up and felt just how good he felt. The evidence had been firmly pressed against her ass. It was a good thing she had never woken up, because it would have been extremely awkward.

It wasn’t as if he felt that way about her. It was just him having a typical male reaction to a female body. Hermione happened to have a nice one, so naturally…he would react. So what if he had felt the urge to roll her on her back, nestle himself between her legs and sink deeply into her. It was just because he had been deprived of sex…that was all. That’s all it could be because Hermione was his best friend and that was it. His best friend…with legs that went on for miles. He wondered what it would feel like to have those legs wrapped tightly around him in…

“Hey there, stranger.” Harry jumped in his seat so suddenly, the owner of the voice laughed. “Woah there, Harry,” she laughed. “Sneak up on you, did I?”

Harry sighed placing a hand over his heart, laughing softly. “Sorry, Alex,” he said to the waitress he had known for years. “I must have been daydreaming.”

“I’ll say,” the only daughter of George Finkle Sr. said. “The usual for you?”

“Yeah, that be great,” he said with a small smile. “Thanks, Alex.”

“Be right back,” Alex said, spinning around as she whipped her long black hair in the process.

Alone, Harry scrubbed his face with his hands, getting rid of images he shouldn’t be having of Hermione out of his head. He really needed to get laid or else he’d have to tell Hermione to lock her bedroom door before she went to bed.

“Here you go,” Alex said placing a pint in front of her. “Good to see you back, Harry.”

“Good to be back,” he said before taking his first sip. “Really good,” he added smacking his lips. “You look great, Lexie. No possible way you’ve had five kids with a body like that.”

Alex playfully slapped him with her towel. “Careful, Potter, or I’ll leave my husband for you.”

“Only in my dreams, Lexie,” he teased with a wink. “How is that husband of yours?”

“Oh, he’s back in the kitchen,” she said nodding her head back. “Hale just got back from a field mission, which you know since you assigned him the Head Auror on the case.”

Harry nodded. “He did a good job.”

“I’m just glad he got back in one piece,” she said looking back towards the kitchen, even though she couldn’t see him.

“He’s one of the best, Lexie,” he assured her. “I’d tell you not to worry, but since you practically grew up with the risk, I know it won’t work.”

“I know the risk,” she said sighing as she decided to take a seat across from Harry since her feet were killing her. Plus, she really missed looking at the man. So what if he was a little younger than she, he was still a looker and she had an appreciation for the male form. Even if she was happily married. “Never gets easier, though.”

“No, it doesn’t. So, how are the girls?” he asked hoping to get her mind off it.

“A handful as always,” she said beaming at the thought of them. “Bianca has a little crush on Hugo, you know.”

“She does?” Harry asked with a laugh thinking of Alex’s youngest daughter who just started her first year. “I won’t tell Hugo, it would terrify him.”

“He’s a good kid…all of them are. Yours and Hermione’s. How are you two doing?”

“Better,” he assured her. “Especially since we have each other, I couldn’t imagine going through this without her.”

“She’s a dear, you should bring her along next time.”

“Maybe I will,” he said taking another healthy sip. “She does like it here. We both appreciate you and your family making it to the funeral. Merlin knows the Finkle family doesn’t shut down the pub in the middle of the day for just anyone. It meant a lot to us.”

“Of course, sweetie,” she said flipping back her hair and leaned against the table. “You’re practically family, you know.”

He smiled and gave her a wink that sent her stomach into a flutter. “I know.”

“Oh, you are a sweetie,” she said getting up from her seat and went over to kiss his cheek. “Don’t be a stranger anymore, okay? We all miss seeing you around her.”

“I’ll try not to,” he promised.

“I’ll hold you to that. Now…I better get to work and it looks like this fellow over here wants to talk to you.”

When Alex walked away, he didn’t know what to think when he saw Draco Malfoy standing there. “Malfoy,” he said with a nod.

“Potter.” He walked closer to the table and nodded his head to the seat Alex had just occupied, “May I?”


Draco shrugged out of his cloak and slid in the booth across from Harry. Alex walked up and took his order and when she left he looked at Harry. “I’m sorry about Ron and Ginny.”

“Thanks.” Harry gave a little shrug. “Things are getting better.”

Alex placed Draco’s pint in front of him and quietly disappeared again. “How’s Hermione?”

“Doing good. She’s writing again.”

“That’s good to hear. My wife will be pleased, she liked her books.”

Harry lifted a brow. “She did?”

“Yes.” He took a sip. “Tell Hermione I said hi.”

“I’ll do that.” Harry cocked his head to the side. “Draco, are we having polite conversation?”

“Looks that way,” he said with a smirk. “Is it freaking you out?”

“A little,” he admitted before topping off his drink.

“Me too,” he said taking another sip. “We can stop if you want.”

“Another one, Harry?” Alex asked picking up his empty glass.

“Please,” he said with an almost urgent tone in his voice. “Er…Lexie…this is Draco Malfoy.”

“Nice to meet you,” she said shaking his hand. “Welcome to the Corner.”


“Just let me know when you need a refill,” she said before walking off.

“Have you ever been here before?” Harry asked.

“No, but I always have been curious about it,” he said looking around the room. “My wife and I didn’t see eye to eye on something and had a little fight.”

“Came here to lick your wounds, did you?” Harry asked with a grin as he picked up his newly fresh pint.

Draco winced. “I wouldn’t say it like that. Just…decided to come here on a whim to…”

“Hide out?”

Draco scowled. “You’re pushing it, Potter.”

Harry laughed. “Now this is more like it,” he said lifting his glass to him. “So what was the fight about?”

“I’d rather not discuss it, but ask me again after I a few more beers.”

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Have you heard from your son lately?”

“Which one?”

“The youngest. Albus. According to my son, they’re friends now.”

Harry’s mouth tilted up. “Yeah, he told me. Ironic, huh?”

“Very. Who would have thought that our sons would end up being best friends.”

“I sure wouldn’t have.”

“And not only that, but Scorpios is going to the Yule Ball with Rose.” Harry choked on his beer, causing Draco to wince. “Guess you didn’t hear about that.”

“Rose?” Harry coughed as he banged his fist on his chest. “My Rose?”

Draco lifted a brow. “Your Rose?”

“She’s as good as…I thought Rose hated Scorpios.”

“And I thought Scorpios hated Rose.” Draco shrugged. “We were both wrong.”

“So…are they dating now?”

“I don’t think so…just friends from what I can tell, but that might not be the case for long.”

“I’ll worry about that when it happens,” he said letting out a deep breath. “Besides, Rose is too young to date.”

Draco rolled his eyes. “Oh, please.”

“Hey, you don’t have a little girl, you don’t know what it’s like”

“Thank Merlin for that…one son is enough.”

“Yeah, why is that?”


“Why did you and…Natasha, right?”

Draco nodded. “Yeah.”

“Why didn’t you and Natasha have anymore after Scorpios?”

Draco squirmed in his seat. “Funny you should ask, because that was what the fight was about.”

Harry blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Natasha wants another child.”

Intrigued, Harry leaned back in the booth with a grin on his face. “Oh yeah?”

Draco winced. “Yes. She’s always wanted another one…she first brought it up when Scorpios was about two, but…I told her I wasn’t ready. Having one was scary enough, I can’t imagine having two. So what if Scorpios is an only child, so was I and I turned out okay, right? No, don’t answer that,” he added quickly when Harry had opened his mouth to comment. “I thought she had forgotten about it, but she all of the sudden told me she wanted another one…during sex of all times.” Harry chocked on his drink again and Draco smirked. “Sorry…to much information?”

“Just a bit,” he said recovering from another shock. “Although, I’ll have to admit I’m jealous. I haven’t had sex in almost seven months.”

“That sucks…I figured you and Hermione would have shagged by now.”

Harry didn’t choke this time, but he did sputter beer down his chin. “Dammit, Malfoy…stop doing that!”

Draco chuckled. “Sorry…it’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.”

“Could have fooled me,” he said wiping his face cleaned. “Me and Hermione? Where the hell did that come from?”

“Why is that surprising? You two have always been close.”

“Yes, but as friends and friends only. Hermione and I…we’ve never…I mean…not even anywhere close to…it be too weird.”

Draco just shrugged it off. “Okay…if you say so. You would know more than me I guess.”

“You bloody well right about that!” Harry snapped banging his fist on the table. “So just back off and stop talking about Hermione and I shagging, because it’s not going to happen!”

Draco lifted his hands in surrender. “Woah, easy Tiger…and you might want to keep it down. I think half the bar heard you.”

Harry groaned as he buried his face in his hands. “I really need a shag.”

“You can say that again,” Draco said with a chuckle. “And another drink couldn’t hurt either. Hey Alex? Another drink for Harry, here…and put it on my tab.”


It was just shy of noon when Hermione finally heard Harry rummage around upstairs, so she decided to put on another pot of coffee and make some toast. She figured he had a late night last night, so he would want his favorite hangover remedy. A hot cup of coffee and buttered toast slathered with strawberry jam.

She had waited up as long as she could last night, but then gave up around eleven and finally went to sleep. He must have been quiet coming in as she asked, because she didn’t hear so much as a peep. In fact when she woke up the next morning, she snuck her head in his bedroom just to make sure he made it home safely. He had been lying flat on his stomach on top of the sheets still fully clothed and completely passed out. But he was safe.

When the coffee was done and the toast was ready, she put everything on a tray and made her way up the stairs to his bedroom. “Harry?” she called out as she opened the door with her foot. “You alive in there?”

“Barely,” he said coming out of the bathroom dressed only in a pair of jeans half buttoned. “The shower helped, but…is that what I think it is?”

Hermione tried not to stare, she really did, but how was that possible when Harry was stripped to the waist, still damp after a shower and looking absolutely delicious. “What?” she asked dazed and then realized he was looking at the tray. “Oh…yes…er…thought you would need it.”

“A hot cup of coffee and buttered toast with strawberry jam,” he said walking over to her. “You remembered.”

Hermione blushed. “Of course I did…it’s been awhile since I’ve had to make it for you, but I didn’t forget.”

Harry grinned as he took the tray, then leaned over and kissed her cheek. “You’re a doll.”

“It was nothing,” she said silently enjoying that brief brush of lips on her skin. And did he have to smell so good? “You were out late.”

Harry set the tray down on his desk and took a greedy sip of the coffee. “Mmm…yeah…sorry about that.”

“Oh, you don’t have to apologize,” she said sitting down on the edge of his bed. “You’re entitled to a night out.”

“Thanks,” he said before taking his first bite of toast. “Did I wake you?”

“No, you were pretty quiet,” she said. “I didn’t hear you at all.”

“Good,” he said finishing off his toast and then concentrated on his coffee. “Hey, where’s the munchkin?”

“Molly picked her up this morning,” she told him. “She’s watching her all day…you and I need to start our Christmas shopping.”

Harry winced. “I guess we do,” he admitted. “Have you gotten the kids Christmas lists?”

“Every single one of them. They’re pretty specific so it shouldn’t be that bad.”

“I can’t believe they’ll be back in a few weeks,” Harry said setting down his coffee and went over to the closet to finish changing. “I can’t wait for them to see the new house.”

“I’m sure they’ll love it,” Hermione said while she watched Harry slip on a white undershirt, sighing wistfully when the thin cloth covered his washboard abs. “So who were you drinking it up with last night?”

Harry grinned as he tugged on his green sweater Hermione had gotten him last Christmas. “You’ll never guess,” he said grabbing a pair of socks and his trainers, before walking over to sit next to her on the bed. “Draco Malfoy.”

Hermione’s jaw dropped. “Uh-uh, you’re lying.”

Harry chuckled. “Honest…he came strolling in the bar and asked if he could sit down. He wanted to tell you hi by the way.”

“That’s weird.”

Harry shrugged as he started to put on his socks. “I know, but after awhile the two of us started to have a pretty good time. We’re going to try an make it a monthly thing.”

“Seriously?” she asked surprised.

“Seriously,” he said laughing in disbelief. “I guess you can say our sons inspired us to be friends.”

Hermione shook her head in amazement. “Well…I guess it’s a good thing. Maybe you two will become just as close as friends as you two were as enemies.”

“Interesting theory.” Harry said as he finished lacing up his shoes. “Maybe we will. Oh, and I also found out that Scorpios asked Rose to the Ball.”

Hermione grinned. “Yes, I know. She Owled me the other day. She’s trying to make it sound like it’s no big deal and that they are just friends…but I can tell she’s excited about it.”

Harry frowned. “Rosie is too young to date.”

Hermione rolled her eyes with a laugh. “She’s almost fifteen, Harry.”

“Almost, being the key word…don’t look at me like that, I’m entitled to worry about Rosie, Ron will find a way to come back from the dead and kick my ass if I don’t.”

She smiled. “I know…I think it’s sweet that you look after Rose like that. I also think that you’re terrified because you know it won’t be long till Lily starts liking boys.”

Harry winced at the thought. “Don’t talk about it, the idea of my Lily dating is very unsettling.”

“I think she likes that Jack boy…Hugo’s friend? At the train station I saw Lily blush when Jack gave her a little awkward one arm hug.”

Harry scowled. “Hermione, are you trying to upset me?”

Hermione laughed. “Sorry, Harry…I’ll drop it.” She gave him a friendly pat on the leg. “You ready to go?” she asked standing up. “Because you and I have a lot of shopping to do.”

Harry sighed standing up as well. “As ready as I’ll ever be I guess.”

“Don’t look so wounded,” Hermione laughed. “Sure our shopping list has doubled this year, but…at least we have each other.”

“There is that,” Harry said putting an arm around her as they descended down the stairs. “At least we have a list…kids are harder to shop for as they get older. I just don’t think I can get away with buying Lily a stuffed animal anymore.”

“Probably not,” Hermione agreed with him. “But Nora’s a sucker for stuffed animals.”

Harry grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

15. Chapter 14

I bet you guys thought I went up and bailed on you, huh? Sorry it has taken so long, it’s been really busy and it’s only going to get worse so I tried so hard to get an update in before Christmas. I won’t be able to get another update until after the New Year, the holidays are always busy for me and my huge family, plus I’m going off to Mexico for my friends wedding on January 3rd and not coming back till the 8th. So hopefully when things start to settle down I will update more frequently. So here is my Christmas update and I hope you enjoy it! Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday!


Chapter 14

“To all kids still upstairs, if you’re not ready in five minutes we’re leaving without you,” Harry called out from the den.

“Harry, that’s awful,” Hermione said while putting on Nora’s shoes, who was sitting on Hermione’s lap petting a very happy black kitten named Boo.

“They know I’m not serious, but we only have three kids down here and you know Molly’s pet peeve is tardiness.”

“I’m sure she’ll understand this year…Hugo…stop messing with your tie.”

“But it’s choking me,” he complained as he fake choked, rolling his eyes behind his head before collapsing on his cousin Lily, who only laughed and shoved him off.

“Very dramatic, Hugo,” Hermione said dryly.

“Where is Rosie?” Harry asked puzzled. “She’s usually one of the few that’s prompt.”

“She’s having a difficult time picking out an outfit,” Lily said. “She knows Scorpius is going to be there and she’s all a flutter. Not that I blame her…he is so hot.”

Harry held up a hand, wincing. “Please…I don’t want to hear that from you…you are way too young to like boys.”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh please, Daddy….I’m twelve and a half….practically a grown up.”

“Sure you are,” Harry muttered as he put his fingertips on his forehead. “I’m getting a headache.”

“We got another one,” Hermione said when she saw Albus walk into the room.

“Thank Merlin…Al…go sit on the couch and…” He paused and with a frown leaned over and sniffed him. ‘Are you wearing cologne?”

Albus turned red with embarrassment. “No! Well…maybe a tad…so what?”

“He knows Mia is going to be there,” Lily teased as she fluttered her eye lashes. “Ever since he kissed her at the ball Albus has been all gooey eyed over her.”

Albus scowled. “Knock it off, Lil…it was one of Freddie’s mistletoe…I had to kiss her because….wipe that smirk off your face or…”

“Or you’ll what? Suffocate me with your cologne?” she teased waving a hand over her face.

“All right, you’re dead,” he warned as he pounced at her. Lily shrieked as she got up just in time, avoiding his tackle.

Hermione watched Albus chase his little sister with a hint of amusement before finally having enough. With a wave of her hand she sent Al flying back on the couch and Lily collapsing next to him a second later. “That’s enough nonsense…you two sit there quietly and keep your hands to yourself.

“Brat,” Albus muttered to Lily.

“Dork,” she fired back.

“Hey!” Hermione warned firmly. “Don’t make me use the ‘Stuck On You’ punishment.”

“What’s that?” Albus asked.

Hugo winced. “It’s awful…she makes it where you are stuck shoulder to shoulder and you’ll stay that way until both of you apologize. Rosie and I one time were stuck together for three days.” He shuddered. “We finally couldn’t stand each other’s stank since we hadn’t showered and we both forced out an apology.”

“Wow,” Albus said in awe and looked at Lily. “And I thought Mum was tough.”

“Tell me about it…let’s not ever fight again…at least in Aunt Hermione’s presence.


“I’m ready,” Rosie said as she hurried in. “Sorry…I just couldn’t make up my mind to wear so…”

“You’re wearing make-up,” Harry interrupted, tilting her chin up to look at her face. “You never wear make-up.”

“Uncle Harry, did you ever thin that maybe I’m growing up?” she asked with a sweet smile.

“Maybe,” he teased with a smile. “You do look pretty grown up.”

She beamed up at him. “Really?”

“Really,” he said tweaking her nose. “Now go and sit down…we’re just waiting on James who….

“Hey, sorry…I’m ready,” James said as he hustled into the room. “It took me forever to find my jumper…then my trousers were under my bed for some reason…then…”

“Okay, okay, we get it,” Harry said cutting him off. “And you might find things easier if you clean up your room every once in awhile but that’s another discussion for another day. We’re already late…kids let’s move out.”

Everyone popped up and ran over to the fireplace eager and impatient. “Calm down everyone will get there eventually,” Hermione said as she grabbed the pot full of Floo Powder. “Okay…you know the drill get in line…speak clearly…I don’t want anyone lost on Christmas Eve, okay?”

Albus was first and grabbed some powder before stepping into the fireplace. “The Burrow!” he screamed and green flames engulfed him before he disappeared.

“Okay Lil…you’re up next.”

“Dad, can I go ahead and Apparrate?” James asked from the back of the line.

“Sure…Apparrate in the garden…and stay in one piece please.”

“Don’t worry,” he said with a grin and then ran out the front door since he couldn’t Apparrate from the inside.

Once the older kids were all gone, Hermione stepped in with Nora at her hip and Harry quickly followed. As Harry stepped into the kitchen of the Burrow he was hit with warmth, the wonderful aroma of Molly’s fine cooking…and a whole lot of commotion.

Molly was taking a break from the stove with Nora already on her hip. The kids were scattered everywhere, greeting aunts or uncles, laughing with cousins. “Harry!” Molly exclaimed going over to greet him. “Happy Christmas, dear.”

“Happy Christmas,” he said giving her a kiss on her cheek. “I see you’re already got the munchkin.”

“Yes and if I didn’t have supper to cook I’d hold her all night.” She gave Nora a quick kiss before placing her down on the floor. “Go on, luv…go play with your cousins.”

Nora ran along clapping happily as she chased after the kids who were leaving. “Hey, Lily, keep an eye on Nora, will you?”

“Sure Dad,” she said before holding her hand out to her baby cousin. “Come on, sweetie…let’s go play.”

“Harry, you might want to go rescue Draco…he and his family are already here…his wife is a dear by the way…she’s helping with the dressing. Anyway, you should probably go rescue Draco over by the kitchen door. Aunt Perla has him cornered…you know she’s a pincher.”

Harry winced as he rubbed his bum. “Don’t I know it….and thank you for letting them come tonight…They don’t really have any other family…and Albus and Rosie have gotten to become good friends with Scorpius.”

“Mia too, I hear. They both went upstairs to wait on Al and Rosie. Neville is with Arthur in the study making holiday beverages and smoking cigars if you want to grab Draco and join them.”

“I think I’ll do that,” he said with a smile before making his way over to his new friend. “Draco.”

Draco’s panicked eyes turned urgent as he spotted him. “Harry, hey….I was just…er…”

“There’s cocktails and cigars being served in the study…want to go?”

“Yes,” he said urgently. “Sounds great.”

“Harry, dear!”

Harry turned quickly to Aunt Perla to keep his bum away from her bony pinchy fingers. “Hey…Aunt Perla…Happy Christmas.”

“Such a handsome young man,” she said leaning up and pinching him hard on the cheek since she couldn’t reach his other kind of cheek.

Harry winced. “Ah…er…thank you…good to see you, too.” He pulled away as soon as he could…rubbing his bruised face. “Let’s go,” he muttered to Draco and quickly pulled him away. “Sorry you had to deal with her…she’s a little on the crazy side.”

“You think?” Draco asked sarcastically. “The woman pinched my ass at least three times….she’s sneaky!”

“Tell me about it,” Harry said as they walked into the study where the fire was cackling and the scent of rich cigars filled the air. He never really smoked, except on special occasions…and this was definitely a special occasion. “This is more like it.”

“You can say that again,” Draco said as he picked up a cigar that a house elf was passing around. “Let’s go get a stiff drink and spread some Christmas cheer.”


“So, how are you and Harry doing?” Luna asked as she sat next to Hermione on the couch. They had just been kicked out of the kitchen after Molly had assured them things were under control and that there was nothing they could do.

“We’re doing okay,” she said accepting the glass of red wine Luna handed her. “I know it’s hard for the kids being that this is the first Christmas without them, but…they are all putting on a brave face.”

“It can’t be easy for you and Harry either,” Victoire commented as she sat in the chair by the fire, sipping on eggnog.

“No, it’s not….but we’re helping each other out.” She gave them an assuring smile. “We keep each other sane I guess you could say. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Harry.”

“Well, you do have Harry, so no worries,” Luna assured her. “I can’t think of a time where Harry wasn’t by your side…he would do anything for you.”

Hermione blushed. “I know. I’m lucky to have him.”

“Speaking of Harry…and the rest of the men for that matter,” Victoire said looking around. “Where have they disappeared to?”

“I can answer that,” Natasha Malfoy said entering the room. “I believe Arthur has taken them out to the barn. Molly told me he just got a ridiculously expensive Muggle car so I’m guessing he’s showing it off to the guys.”

Katie snorted a laugh as she walked in behind Natasha. “Typical Arthur. I need some wine…Natasha, would you like a glass?”

“Oh…no, I’m fine with water,” she said walking into the room and sat down in one of the vacant chairs. “I just found out a few days ago I’m pregnant.”

All the girls gasped and awed in joy. “Really?” Hermione asked with a smile. “That’s wonderful, Natasha. How’s Draco taking the news.”

She winced. “Well…I haven’t told him yet. I know he’s going to freak out so…I’m going to wait till after the holidays.”

“Why would he freak out?” Katie asked sitting herself down after pouring herself a glass of white wine. “He seems like a wonderful father.”

Natasha huffed out a breath. “You would think the insufferable man would know that himself, but he’s too much of an idiot to realize it. He thinks he’s terrible with kids and he’s nothing but sweet…he has this fear that he’s going to turn out like his father.”

Hermione gave her a sympathetic look. “Since I knew his father, I guess I don’t blame him.”

“I understood when I first got pregnant, but you would think that he’d realize by now he’s nothing like his horrible father.”

“Well, he’ll warm up to the idea,” Luna assured her. “He’s a great father….it’s obvious Scorpius worships him.”

Natasha let out a laugh. “That’s the truth. Why just the other day…”

Before she could finish a loud thud came from upstairs, causing them all to jump in their seats and look up at the ceiling. A clatter of feet came down the stairs and Hermione’s hurt lurched in her throat when she heard Rosie calling for her. “Mum! Hurry! It’s Nora!”

Hermione flew up from her seat and ran quickly to the stairs, the rest of the gang following close behind her. “What is it?” she asked urgently as she met Rosie at the top of the stairs. “What happened?”

“She’s in the playroom…she fell…”

Hermione burst through the door to see kids surrounding the loud cries of her baby girl. “Move aside…move aside.” She found James holding Nora who was crying so loud her face was red. “What happened?” Hermione asked kneeling by them and taking Nora into her arms.

“I don’t know how it happened…she wanted to ride the toy broom but we told her it was too dangerous…she must have gotten on it when no one was looking. I’m so sorry, Aunt Mione…I…I wasn’t in the room, I was….”

“It was my fault,” Lily said as she stepped into the circle. “I was suppose to keep an eye on her…Dad asked me too.” Tears now swarmed her eyes. “I just had my eye off her for one second. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, sweetie,” she assured her reaching up and caressing her hair. “It was an accident.”

“Is she going to be okay?” she asked putting a hand on Nora’s small back. “She won’t stop crying.”

“She has a little bump on her head, but I think she‘ll pull through.”

Molly came busting through the circle of kids. “Is she okay?”

“I think she’s okay,” Hermione said standing up and tried her best to sooth her. “It’s okay, Nora…you’re okay.”

“Da..Da..Daddy!” she cried loudly. “I want my, Daddy!”

Hermione’s eyes widened with shock while she looked at Molly, who had tears in her eyes. “Oh, sweetie…”

“Has she ever cried for her Dad when she was hurt?” Molly whispered as she ran a hand over Nora’s sensitive bump.

“Never. And it was never Daddy…she always called Ron, Dada.”

“Daddy!” she cried. “I want my Daddy!”

“It’s okay,” Hermione cooed as she bounced her up and down.

“Where is she?!” Harry asked urgently as he flew into the room. “What happened?”

“She’s okay,” Molly assured him and then watched Nora’s eyes go wide when she saw Harry.

“Daddy!” she cried out flinging her arms and body at him so he had no choice but to catch her and pull her into his arms. “Daddy, I huwt! I huwt, Daddy!”

Panic filled him as he looked over at Hermione who could only watch in awe. He then looked over at Molly who had a hand over her mouth while tears were now pouring down her cheeks. “I…I’m sorry,” he said urgently looking around at all the stunned faces. “She didn’t mean…she doesn’t realize…I’ll…I’ll correct her…I…I’m so sorry.”

He escaped from the room as quickly as she could with Nora still whimpering as she held onto him tight. He walked into the room that had once belonged to Ron and made his way over to the bed. He stretched out and brought Nora against his chest as he tried his best to sooth her.

“It huwts, Daddy…”

Harry closed his eyes as he felt his heart break at the sound of her sweet voice calling him ‘Daddy.’ Not being able to bear her being in pain any longer, he put his hand over her small bump and whispered a healing spell and the pain she was feeling quickly slipped away from her and he now felt the pain in his head and tried his best not to wince. “Oh munchkin, that did hurt, didn’t it,” he said as he kissed the top of her head.

“Uh-huh,” she said as she sniffed back her tears.

“Feel better?” he asked as he lifted her up so she could sit on his lap. “Pain all gone?”

She nodded as she wiped her tears. “I fewll…” She tapped her head. “Booboo.”

“I know you fell and got a booboo, but you’re okay now.” Harry smiled and pulled her back to his chest. “C’mere munchkin.” Harry kissed the top of her head and then looked up to see Hermione standing at the door. “Hey…she’s okay now.”

Hermione closed the door behind her and walked over to the bed, sitting down at his hip and rubbed Nora’s back. “I’m glad. Harry…I know what you’re thinking…don’t feel guilty.”

He sighed as he looked away with remorse. “I don’t want her to forget Ron…I never wanted to replace him.”

“Of course you don’t,” she said softly putting a hand on his arm. “Harry, she can have you both…and she will never forget Ron…I wouldn’t let her.” Hermione reached for the picture of Ron on the nightstand. “Nora…sweetie…who’s this?”

Nora looked at the picture and smiled. “Dada.”

“Dada…that’s right…and whose got you?”

Nora smiled shyly as she snuggled against Harry’s chest. “Daddy.”

“Daddy,” Hermione said as she brushed back her daughter’s bangs and then looked at Harry who still had a guilty look on his face. “See? She can have you both, Harry.” Hermione sighed and set the picture back down on the table when Harry remained silent. “If you had been the one to die, Harry, who would you want to raise your kids?”

“You know the answer to that, Hermione, but there is a big difference between raising…and having your daughter call another man, ‘Daddy’. My kids are big enough to know what’s going on, so are the rest of your kids which is why they still call me Uncle Harry.”

“Exactly, but Nora isn’t so you can’t blame her for it.”

“Of course I don’t blame her,” Harry said holding a now sleeping Nora tighter against him. “It’s not her fault; I’ve been the only constant male companion in her life. It’s Ron I’m thinking about. I just can’t help but feel guilty, Hermione.”

“Don’t,” she said softly as she gripped his hand. “It’s not what Ron would have wanted. He’d want you to be the father for Nora…you know in your heart you are the only one he would want to raise Nora.”

“I know, but…”

“No buts,” she said firmly shaking her head. “Nora adores you…She loves you so much…”

Harry’s eyes grew with panic when he saw tears form in her eyes. “Oh Merlin, don’t cry Hermione…”

“Sorry,” she blubbered as she wiped away her tears. “Can’t you see that she that she needs more than her Uncle Harry…she needs a father.”

“Okay,” he said softly reaching up to wipe away some lingering tears. “It’s all right…I love her, too…I’ll be a father to her…I promise.”

She nodded as she sniffed back her tears. “Sorry…I guess I’m more emotional than I thought I’d be.”

“It’s understandable. This is our first Christmas without them.”

“Yeah,” she said sadly as Harry wiped away the last of her tears before she could. “I just don’t want you to feel guilty, Harry.”

“I don’t.” When Hermione gave him a look he sighed. “Okay, I’ll try my best not to feel guilty. I can’t just turn it off, you know.”

“I know,” she said reaching up to brush his bangs. “You’ll get use to her calling you ‘Daddy’ and…” She stopped short when he winced at her touch. “What is it? Harry, why do you have bump on your head?”

“Er…well, I…”

“Harry, you didn’t,” Hermione sighed shaking her head. “There are other healing spells that you could have used.”

“I know, but they wouldn’t have healed her fast enough…don’t look at me like that, I couldn’t bear seeing her in that much pain and let me tell you…she was in a lot of pain.”

“I know you meant well, but…”

“Look, it’s already done, Mione, so why don’t you just kiss it to make it feel better and let it go.”

Hermione huffed out a breath. “You are so stubborn…but very well.” She shifted up on her knee and loomed over him as she softly pressed her lips on his small bump. “There…better?” she asked shifting her eyes to his.

He gave her a grin. “A little…maybe you should do it one more time to make sure.”

“You’re horrible,” she said laughing softly before giving him another kiss then sighed when Harry pulled her down next to him. “You’re wonderful,” she said with her head on his shoulder.

“You’re just trying to make me blush,” he teased as he wrapped an arm around her.

She couldn’t help but giggle as she snuggled closer. “I love you.”

“Now you’ve done it…I can feel my cheeks getting warm.” Hermione laughed again as Harry kissed her temple. “I love you, too.”

16. Chapter 15

Happy New Year! Wonderful to see you guys again! I know it has been awhile and I’ve missed being here so much! Man the holidays were crazy! Mexico was fabulous! I couldn’t believe I was lying on the beach in the middle of January! Well, I’m back now and had a chance to write more here and there and finally I am done, but before I let you go to read it I wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who voted for me on the contest! I was shocked when I found out I got second place and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! I know I couldn’t have gotten it without my readers so thank you a million times times ten! I love you guys and thanks for the support! Now on with the chapter and I hope you guys enjoy it!!


Chapter 15

5 Months Later

The house was quiet when Harry went around to shut off the lights before heading up to bed. Hermione had went up awhile ago, most likely already asleep, while Harry had been keeping his mind off of what tomorrow brought by watching late night television.

It was now an hour till midnight and Harry had turned off the telly and quickly began to shut everything down. He wanted to be dead asleep when midnight hit, because once it did it would mark the one year anniversary of Ginny and Ron’s death.

Neither him or Hermione had spoken about it during the day, both of them had been mostly quiet. It wasn’t a day they were looking forward to and Harry wished he could magically make that day disappear and skip onto the next. Unfortunately, there wasn’t enough magic out there to do it.

Harry turned off all the lamps in the den before moving to the kitchen. Boo, the tiny kitten Harry rescued, who wasn’t so tiny now, followed him around like a puppy, sliding through his legs as he walked. He had always expected to trip over him, but Boo was too fast and slick to let that happen.

After quickly setting the timer on the coffee maker, Harry flicked off the lights as he walked out and made his way up the stairs. Boo streaked past him than sat patiently at the top of the stairs to wait for him. “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he said and scooped him up in his arms before swinging him on his shoulder.

The long sleek black cat happily perched himself on Harry’s shoulder while he turned the hall light off. “Why don’t you snuggle with Mione tonight, Boo,” Harry said softly as he opened the door to her bedroom. “I bet she could use a little comfort.” Boo leaped from his shoulder and started to make his way into Hermione’s room, but looked back at him as if to say, “What about you?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay…go on now.”

Boo obeyed as he trotted up to the bed, making a tiny meow grunt as he jumped up onto it and began to purr loudly while he crawled up to Hermione’s head. Harry watched Boo curl himself up by Hermione, smiling softly when she let out a sleepy moan while pulling Boo closer to her.

“That a boy,” he murmured before closing the door quietly.

As Harry made his way to his bedroom, going through his usual steps before he went to bed, he couldn’t help but think how fast the first year went by. After Christmas came and went it seemed like the months flew by in a blur. The kids were at Hogwarts, only coming back for Easter weekend, so the house was mostly quiet.

Hermione’s writing kept her busy the past few months. During the week when she had Nora and Harry had to work she would only write here and there when she could, but during the weekend there were times when she would coop herself in her office and not emerge for hours. Harry would sometime check to see if she needed anything and she would either wave a hand at him or make some sort of sound which meant, “I’m fine, now leave me alone.” Needless to say it didn’t take Harry long to realize that if she did in fact need something, she would let him know.

As spring came and went with summer fast approaching, Hermione now had almost finished her book. “I just have a few tweaks here and there to clean up then I’m sending it to my editor,” she had told him a few weeks ago while they puttered around the kitchen late one night. “I can’t believe that I’m almost done, I can’t wait to start the next one…”

As for Harry work had pretty much kept him busy. Although he was strictly chained to desk work all day everyday, it was still in fact, work, and there had been a few nights here and there that he didn’t come dragging home way past suppertime. Work had been run pretty smoothly, minus a few bumps in a few missions here and there, but there hadn’t been any losses or major injuries to any of his Aurors that he was accountable for.

As for his personal life, and Hermione’s for that matter, neither of them were ready to date again. Neville and Luna had tried to set them up on a blind date a few times, but they both politely declined. It hadn’t even been a year and it didn’t seem right. One day he was sure they would be ready to tackle that part of their lives, but it wasn’t the right time yet.

Now it was May and as Harry got into bed just shy of midnight he wondered how he and Hermione were going to get through the next twenty-four hours. It would be hard, he knew, but he also knew that they would get through it together just like they always did.


As dawn approached Harry thought the perfect way to spend this horrible day was lying in bed with the covers over his head. He even let himself drift off and on all morning as the minutes dragged by. It wasn’t until he felt the impressions of paw prints walking on his body that he lifted his head from the covers. Boo let out a loud hungry meow and bumped his head against Harry’s.

Harry sighed as he dropped his head back into the pillow. “I know you’re hungry, Boo,” he muttered and then chuckled when Boo started to paw at the covers, trying hard to get his attention. “All right…okay, I’m up,” he said as he got up and looked at the clock to see that it was almost about noon. “Halfway done,” he said standing up and stretching his long tired body.

It was fifteen after when Harry finished feeding Boo and poured himself a cup of coffee. Harry looked up at the ceiling, hoping he would hear Hermione walking around but all he heard was silence. She obviously liked the idea of burying her head under the covers as well.

Struck with an idea on how they could spend their day, Harry quickly poured Hermione a cup of coffee and headed up to her room. Just as he expected, Harry found Hermione obscured in her comforter with the lights off and the shades of her window drawn down.

Harry walked over and set her coffee on the bedside table. “Hermione,” he said softly. “You awake?”

She didn’t answer or move under the covers so he decided to throw the covers back and slip inside with her. “Hermione, I know you’re awake,” he said after he pulled the comforter over his head as well. Her back was too him and he waited patiently for her to turn around. “I know you want to spend the day hidden under these very warm and secure sheets, because that’s exactly what I wanted to do.”

“Then why aren’t you doing it,” her voice muffled with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

“Because I know that’s not what Ginny would want me to do.” Harry reached up to touch her shoulder. “Do you think Ron would want you to spend the day like this?”

Hermione was quiet for a moment before she finally rolled over to face him, causing her to be only inches away from him. “No,” she admitted softly. “But I don’t know what else to do, Harry.”

“I think I might have an idea,” he said as he rubbed her upper arm in comfort. “Would you like to hear it?”

“Do I have a choice?”

Harry grinned. “No. I think…in honor of both Ron and Ginny…we should get up…get dressed…and go out and finish the day that was so abruptly taken from us.”

“You mean…having a Muggle Day?” she asked with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

“Exactly…let’s finish the day…go to lunch at the little café we were suppose to eat at…maybe catch a muggle movie? You know how Ron got a kick out of those…maybe even see a double feature. A movie with a lot of explosions for Ron and…”

“A romantic comedy for Ginny?” she finished with a smile.

Harry returned the smile as he touched her hair gently. “Exactly…then we could grab a bite for dinner…or I could cook here, whichever you want, but…we’re not allowed to go to bed till after midnight.” Harry watched Hermione bite her lip as she thought about it. “So?” he asked when she hesitated. “What do you think? You up for it?”

Hermione’s lip biting turned into a slow grin. “I’m up for it…let’s do it.”

So they did. An hour later they found themselves in their favorite booth of the café lifting their glasses to Ron and Ginny. Harry tried his best to put on a brave face for Hermione, keeping her mind preoccupied with funny stories about Ron or Ginny. Hermione shared a few as well and they both got a chuckle when they reminisced about the night that Ron got so sloshed he ended up streaking down a very popular and very crowded Muggle street.

“The bloody git got himself arrested,” Harry said with tears in his eyes from laughing so hard.

“Well, running through the street with just your socks and trainers on is a good way to get arrested,” Hermione said with a shake his head. “It took me hours to clean up that mess…I can’t tell you how many charms I had to use on the Muggle police just to get him out!”

“You were so mad,” Harry chuckled. “I was snickering behind your back, but I made sure you didn’t hear me. You were not amused.”

“At the time…no, but…now…looking back on it…it’s pretty damn funny.”

“Ginny didn’t find it so amusing either, I guess watching your brother streak isn’t a fun activity.”

“No…she told me she’d be scarred for life,” Hermione remembered with a giggle. “Oh, Molly was so embarrassed when she found out.”

“Not one of Ron’s proudest moments,” Harry said with a snicker as he shook his head. “Well…as fun as this is…we better go if we are going to make the show…it starts in fifteen minutes.”

“Which one are we seeing first?” Hermione asked as they both slid out of the booth. “Explosions or Romance?”

“Explosions…then some romantic comedy is starting ten minutes after the first one ends….we’ll be out just in time for dinner,” he said as they stepped out into the street. They probably could take a cab, but since neither of them didn’t have the courage they silently agreed to walk six blocks to the theater.

The double feature took out a huge chunk of the day and the sun had already set when they stepped outside. They both decided they were too tired to cook anything so they slipped into a muggle restaurant for dinner. They slurped up spaghetti and shared a bottle of wine and both of them felt giddy and light headed as they left with just under two hours to go in the day.

They strolled together in a nearby park so the night air could clear their fuzzy minds. Their hands were locked…they hadn’t often been apart during the day…even during the movie their hands always seemed to find each other in the dark theater.

Harry walked with her to the circular fountain, smiling when she jumped up on the wide stone rim of it. He held on to her hand when she started to walk along the fountain, then quickly grabbed her when she stumbled a bit. She was laughing as he steadied her back o her feet. “Easy there….you were about to go in.”

“Don’t be silly…you would never have allowed it.”

“Knew I would catch you, did you?”

“You always do, Harry,” she said wrapping her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Why would tonight be any different?”

Absurdly touched, Harry smiled softly as he ran a hand gently down her hair…which was not only soft as silk, but smelled incredibly good. He could never quite pinpoint what it actually smelled like…it had the same scent since they were kids. All he could say was…she smiled like his Hermione…unbearably sweet.

“We should probably head back,” he said huskily as he made himself ease back. “Check on Molly and see how Nora’s doing.”

“Okay,” she said dreamily. “Should we just Apparrate? No one is around.”

“Yes but…why don’t you just hold on to me and I’ll take care of it. You had a few more glasses of wine than me.”

“I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself,” she said even as she circled her arms back around his waist. “But since I adore hugging you, I won’t argue.”

Harry couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, that’s a relief….hold on tight.”

She did as she was told and in an instant the sound of the trickling fountain faded and the distant sound of waves crashing on the rocky shore below now echoed in her ears.

“Here we are,” Harry said pulling away and looked up at the house he grew to love. “Home sweet home.”

Hermione turned to the sea, taking a deep breath before letting out a dreamy sigh. “It’s such a beautiful night. I don’t want to go in just yet.”

Harry smiled. “You stay right there…I’m going to Floo Molly…see if Nora’s okay…then you and I will go down to the beach…play in the surf while we wait for midnight. Sound good?”

“Sounds wonderful.”

“Okay…stay put.” Harry rushed inside and headed straight for the Floo. He stuck his head in the flame and saw Molly sitting at the kitchen table knitting. “Molly…is Nora down?”

“Yes…she’s out like a light.”

“Would you mind keeping her overnight? We’ll get her in the morning.”

“Of course, Harry…don’t you worry. Are you two enjoying yourselves then?”

“Yes…we’ve had a good day considering…we’re going to take a walk on the beach before we call it a night, but I wanted to check on Nora first.”

“She’s just fine…come by whenever tomorrow…we’ll be here.”

“Thanks Molly…er…how were you? Today?”

Molly sighed. “Sad…Incredibly sad, but…that sweet girl upstairs helped me through it.”

Harry smiled softly. “I’m glad…see you in the morning, Molly.”

“Good night, Harry.”

Harry slipped out of the fire and headed back outside to find Hermione lying on the soft grass looking up at the stars. “Well, just look at you,” he said standing over her. “You’re quite cashed, aren’t you darling?”

She giggled up at him. “Maybe a little…help me up.”

Harry obliged and helped her on her feet, steadying her when she wobbled. “I forgot how too much wine can make you loopy.”

“I forgot how much I love wine…come on…let’s go down.”

She started to take off but Harry slowed her down. “Hold on, Sparky…these stairs are tricky.”

He kept her hand firmly in his while they made their way down the wooden stairs that zigzagged down to the beach. Once at the bottom they had to cross over more rocks to get to the shore and Harry did his best to keep her on her feet. He even carried her at one point. When they finally made it Hermione kicked off her flats and with a gleeful laugh ran into the surf, only to shriek as the cold water hit her bare legs.

“Cold?” Harry laughed as he tugged of his shoes and rolled up his trousers to his knees.

“It’s perfect…get in her, Potter.”

With a bright smile plastered on his face he trotted into the surf, hissing out a curse when the cold water struck him. “It’s freezing!”

“Oh don’t be such a pussy,” Hermione laughed kicking water at him.

Harry flinched at the water splattering him, then gaped at her. “I can’t believe that my sweet Mione called me a pussy…you’ll have to pay for that.”

She let out a laughing shriek as she tried to run through the water away from Harry, but didn’t get far when Harry grabbed her from behind. “Harry!” she shrieked when he tugged her back against his chest lifted her off her feet.

“Hope you got nose plugs, Mione,” he warned huskily in her ear.

She shivered at the feel of his warm breath brushing against her cold wet skin, so it distracted her at first and didn’t realize that Harry was moving deeper into the water. She snapped out of it when a wave hit them at the waist. “Harry, no!” she yelped as she flared her legs, but Harry didn’t listen to her pleas and tackled them both under the chilly surface.

She came up sputtering curses while he came up laughing. “Now who’s the pussy?” Harry asked with a grin as they sat in the surf.

“I wasn’t planning on getting cold, sandy and soaked to the bone…but since it turned out that way…so be it.”

She then pounced so quickly Harry stumbled back as he straddled him. He almost went under but with a laugh he was able to grapple with her hands and push himself back up. “Good try, Sparky,” he said as he quickly pulled her hands behind her, pinning them behind her back, causing their chests to be plastered together. “Not good enough I’m afraid.”

Hermione squirmed against his firm hold on her knowing it wouldn’t do any good. “Let go of me…and what’s with the whole Sparky thing?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know…you’re just so full of spunk tonight…seemed to fit you.”

“Will you please let go of my arms?” she asked in a exasperated voice.

“Am I hurting you?” he asked as he loosened his grip but didn’t let go.

Her eyes softened a bit. “No.”

He immediately tightened back his hold. “Then no.”

Hermione eyes narrowed. “That was sneaky, Potter.”

He grinned. “I thought so….stop squirming, will you?”

“Why should I?”

“Has it been so long that you forgot what it can do to a man?”

She froze immediately and even though it was dark the slight moonlight shining down made Harry see her face flush beat red in embarrassment. She opened her mouth to say something but before she could stammer out a remark a wave struck them both, causing them to fall over on their sides.

They came up sputtering trying to get to their feet. Harry got to his first and pulled Hermione up and couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of them. “Just look at the pair of us? Cold, wet…a little drunk…maybe we should head in.”

Hermione shivered as she sent him a shaky smile. “S-sounds good…hot coffee…warm clothes…hot shower.”

“Okay…although you might want to reverse the order and have the hot shower first, than put on the warm clothes or you’ll be exactly where you are now.”

She gave him a friendly punch. “Shut up, Potter.”

“Okay…c’mere…I’ll Apparrate us up…I don’t think either of us could survive the hike back up.”

She sighed. “I agree.”

Half an hour later Hermione was curled up on the sofa, freshly showered and dressed in her flannel pajamas. Boo was stretched out beside her enjoying a tummy rub from Hermione when Harry came in with two steaming cups of coffee. “De-caf,” he said handing her one. “I didn’t think we wanted to be up all night.”

“Hmm…good thinking,” she said taking her first hesitant sip while Harry took Boo by the waist and slid him over to the other end of the couch so he could sit next to Hermione. Boo didn’t even bat an eye and kept on dozing.

“Well, we made it,” Harry said stretching out, propping his bare feet on the coffee table.

Hermione slapped his legs in annoyance. “Made what?”

Harry rolled his eyes and plopped his feet back on the floor. “The day’s over…I looked at the clock in the kitchen and it was ten after midnight. We got through it.”

“We got…” Hermione let out a deep breath. “Oh…right. It’s over.”

Harry studied over the rim of his cup with a frown. “Everything okay?” he asked once he swallowed the warm soothing liquid.

“Hmm? Oh.” Her shoulders dropped. “No. Yes.” She huffed out a breath. “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”

“Talk to me, Mione,” he said setting his cup on the table and shifted towards her. “What’s wrong?”

She lifted a shoulder. “It’s just…I’ve been dreading this day for so long and…thought I would be miserable and it was…at first, but…”

“But you’re feeling guilty because it turned out to be a pretty good day?” he asked finishing it for her.

She gave him a sad look. “That about sums it up. I know it’s silly.”

“No, not silly, Mione,” he said with a smile as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I was thinking the same thing while I was in the shower. Grinning from ear to ear as I thought how much fun I had with you than all of the sudden I remembered what today was and felt horrible.”

“But we shouldn’t,” Hermione said shaking her head. “I don’t want our day to be ruined by guilt.”

Harry reached over and took her hand bringing it to his lips. “Then we won’t.” He put her hand down bet kept a hold of it. “It was a good day, Hermione. We spent it honoring them…laughing about them…remembering the good times. It wasn’t a day to be sad.”

Hermione agreed with a wobbly smile. “I think they would have liked what we did, don’t you?”

“Yeah…I do. Maybe we should do this every year, what do you say?”

“I say that’s a great idea.” She lifted her cup and Harry grabbed his to clink with hers. “To Ron and Ginny.”

“Ron and Ginny.”

“Refill?” Harry asked.

“No, I think I’m okay,” she said putting her half empty cup back on the table. “Harry?” she asked after a moment of silence.

“Yeah?” he asked setting his cup aside as well then settled back into the cushions. Neither of them realized their hands were still joined.

“Do you think…we’ll ever be ready? To date other people?” Hermione took them time to shift her body so she was facing him. She curled her legs under her while he had one knee cocked towards her while the other was still on the floor. “I mean…will we ever feel comfortable to be with someone else? To kiss someone else?”

Harry sighed shaking his head. “I don’t know, Mione. I think it’s one of those things that will happen if it’s meant to happen. One day when we least expect it someone will come across our path and I guess…stir something in us that has been dead for the past year.” He gave a little shrug. “I don’t know, I guess that’s stupid but I don’t know how else to describe it.”

“No, it’s not stupid. I think you’re exactly right.” She let out a dreamy sigh as she rested her cheek against the back cushion. “I miss snogging. It seems like it’s been so long since the last time someone has kissed me.”

Harry lifted a brow. “I kissed you.”

Hermione blushed. “Yeah, but only because Nora told you to and you know that’s not what I meant…although it was nice.”

He grinned. “Was it?”

Hermione tried not to be amused and gave him an annoyed look. “Harry, you’re not going to start being all cocky are you?”

Harry gave her a innocent look. “Who? Me?”

Hermione rolled her eyes with a laugh. “You’re horrible.”

“Okay, okay…sorry. All joking aside, I know what you mean. It’s been a long time for me, too, and I miss it…a lot,” he added with a groan. “But I have to be a typical male and say I miss sex more.”

Hermione slapped his arm with the hand he wasn’t holding. “Harry!”

“What?” he asked with a laugh.

“What’s wrong with just a bit of snogging?”

“Nothing at all…I happened to love snogging…”

Hermione eyed him carefully. “All right then.”

“Usually leads to sex so what’s not to like…..ooowww!” he chuckled rubbing his arm she now punched with her fist. “Hermione, stop with the abuse. You going to sit there and say you don’t miss sex?”

“Of course I miss sex…I’m a woman with needs, but…there’s nothing like a good snog in the middle of the day…or late at night on the couch while the kids are sleeping upstairs….Ron and I use to do that but…we sort of stopped doing that when we got older and….our physical part of our relationship seemed more like a duty, you know? Oh, we haven’t had sex in awhile, I guess we better have it tonight.” She sighed as she gave an awkward shrug. “The excitement and the romance of it started to fade a little, you know?”

“Unfortunately, yes…I do know. At the beginning of our marriage Ginny and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other…that’s why we had James so quickly after we were married. He was sort of…well, a wonderful surprise we’ll say. We weren’t expecting to have kids so early, but…we did and James was part of our lives. Even after James, Ginny and I still had a healthy sex life but…once Lily came into the word it was a lot of work with three kids and we found having less time to be with each other. I thought that once Lily went to Hogwarts and we’d be alone again it would go back to what it use to be, but it didn’t…oh we had sex every so often, but it was so much different. We didn’t tear each other clothes off like before, but calmly undressed ourselves before turning to each other. We never had sex in the middle of the day for no reason like we use to, it was always at night and…” He trailed off and realized he had been talking for quite some time and suddenly became uncomfortable. “Er…sorry…I was rambling.”

“No, don’t be,” she said placing her hand on his leg. “It’s good to talk about this kind of stuff…and it doesn’t mean we didn’t love them, it just sometimes happens with couples who’ve been married as long as we had.”

“Yeah. You’re right.” He shook his head clear of it and sat up. “It’s getting late and we’ve had a long day. You ready for bed?”

“Yeah, I guess,” she said sitting up as well giving him a smile. “Can you believe the kids will be home in a few weeks?”

They both stood up and headed upstairs…their hands still locked. “The house is going to be chaotic for the next few months…I can’t wait.”

Hermione laughed stopping at her door. “I miss them, too.” She then turned to him, circling her arms around his waist. “Thanks for today, Harry. I know I’ve told you thousands of time over the years, but I love you.”

His heart gave a quick violent tug as he held her tight. “I didn’t mind hearing it those thousands of times.” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you, too….Sparky.”

Hermione laughed tilting her head back to look up at him. “I think I’m going to like that nickname.”

He smiled. “Good.” He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “I’m going to enjoy using it.” He put his brow against hers and gave her a little squeeze. “Now go to bed…I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay,” she said giving him a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth while stepping away. “Good night.”

“Good night. Sleep well.”

“You, too.” Hermione nodded giving him a smile before closing the door behind her.

Alone in the hallway, Harry let out a deep breath before making his way to his room. He was worried. Really worried because…that stir he had told Hermione about. The stir that had been dead inside him for a year…had suddenly awakened. And it was Hermione who had awoken it.

He just didn’t know what the bloody hell to do about it.

17. Chapter 16

Here’s another one! This is a chapter of some of just the kids. Haven’t written one of those in awhile. I wanted to get an update in quick because I probably won’t update again for a few weeks. I’m babysitting most of this weekend and I’m going out of town to visit my sister and her family. My nephew is having his 3rd birthday party and he really wants me to be there. I’ll have some time to plan what comes next but for now I hope you enjoy this one and thanks again for all the reviews!!


Another year at Hogwarts had ended on a bright sunny day in June and the Hogwarts Express was jam packed with kids as it headed back to Platform 9 ¾. Finals were done and now everyone was looking forward to a long fun filled summer of freedom.

One compartment held four students; all of them just finishing up their fourth year. Albus Potter was one of the four and he was settled back in his seat with his legs stretched out, mindlessly stroking Lola…his brand new Snow Owl his Dad and Aunt Mione had surprised him on his birthday a few months ago. He smiled when he remembered when Lola had flown in his bedroom window early in the morning with a message held tightly in her beak. He thought she was just another owl, but when he opened the note he was shocked when he read the birthday message.

Happy Birthday, Al!

Have a great one and we’ll see you soon. Give everyone our love.

Love, Dad and Aunt Mione

p.s. The owl is yours to keep.

He had let out a war whoop as he jumped out of bed and she flew immediately flew to his arm when he held it out, then crawled up his shoulder and gave him a loving nip at his ear. He remembered how he couldn’t wait to show Mia, knowing she had a softness for Snow Owls. Mia was smitten right away and she was even the one who named her since he had a difficult time coming up with one that suited his new pet.

He looked over at Mia now, who was gazing out the window with a goofy smile on her face. “Hey, Smiley,” Albus teased nudging her side with his elbow. “If you don’t stop smiling you’ll get stuck that way.”

She just turned her bright blue eyes locked with hers while she laughed. “I know, but I can’t help it. This is going to be my first summer with friends. Real friends. I’m just so excited. We’re all going to hang out, right?”

Albus felt a slight tug at his heart. A feeling that had been happening regularly every time she smiled at him. He returned the smile, putting a friendly arm…at least he tried to keep it friendly…around her. “You couldn’t keep us away…right Scorp?”

Scorpius was sitting across from him with a nose stuck in a book that Rosie gave him to read. He had been reluctant at first…reading wasn’t really his thing…especially reading for pleasure, but Rosie assured him he’d like it and of course she was right. He couldn’t put the stupid book down. “Hmm?” he asked finally looking up. “What? Oh. Sure.”

“Do you even know what we are talking about?”

“Nope.” He grinned. “But I can tell by the look on Mia’s face she was hoping I’d say yes and since I’d do anything for Mia, I went ahead and agreed.” He looked at her and smiled. “Did I answer correctly, Funny Face?” he asked using the nickname he gave her a few weeks ago when they had all been studying. Mia had made a face while she was studying that Scorpius happened to catch.

“What was that?” he asked with a laugh.

Rose and Albus looked up as well as Mia who blinked when she realized he was talking to her. “I beg your pardon?”

He grinned. “That face you made…you sort of…wrinkled your nose and crossed your eyes.”

Crimson crept in her cheeks. “I most certainly did not.”

“You most certainly did,” he countered back. “It was quick…but I caught it.”

Albus grinned. “I want to see.”

“No,” she laughed, embarrassed. “It’s nothing…stupid, really…I just sometimes make a face when I’m concentrating really hard…I don’t realize I’m doing it.”

“Really?” Albus asked intrigued. “That’s fascinating. Come on, Mia…give us a face,” he pleaded sticking out his bottom lip.

“Would you guys leave her alone,” Rosie chuckled. “You’re embarrassing her.”

“Thank you, Rose.”

“All right…we’ll leave you alone,” Albus said with a defeated sigh.

Once she was satisfied she when went back to her notes, but didn’t realize that all three of them kept an eye on her. Not even a minute later, she made a face and they all busted out laughing.

Mia looked up, blushing. “Did I do it again?”

Albus nodded while he continued to laugh. “It was great,” he said leaning into her to give her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek. “You are so cute.”

Flustered, Mia squirmed. “Well…now, really…”

Scorpius just chuckled as he reached over and grabbed her hand. “Do us a favor…Funny Face…and never change.”

Mia was now beaming at him, flushed with pleasure at hearing his nickname for her. No one had ever given her a nickname before…well except Weirda Mia, but that didn’t count because it was meant to insult her. Some might say Funny Face was an insult, but it wasn’t…Scorpius didn’t mean it that way and meant it as only an endearment. “Scorpius, it was the perfect thing to say.”

“Good,’ he said smiling at her before shifting his attention to Rosie who was sitting next to him. “I have no idea what I agreed on, but…” He trailed off when he realized her eyes were closed and her face had a glistening glow to it. “Frecks? You okay?”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Mmm…I don’t know,” she said weakly as she cleared her throat and sat up more in her seat. “I don’t feel so hot…I think I may be coming down with something.”

Scorpius immediately shut his book and threw it aside before turning towards her to give her his full attention. “You’re not feeling well?” he asked brushing back her bangs so he could touch her forehead.

“Is it cold in here?” she asked as she shivered.

“Merlin, Frecks…you’re burning up,” he said with a frown as he pressed his palm to her forehead, than flipped over to press his knuckles against her hot clammy skin. “You definitely have a fever.”

“When did you start feeling bad, Rosie?” Albus asked leaning over to touch her knee.

“This morning…I felt kind of icky when I woke up.”

Scorpius narrowed his eyes. “You felt bad this morning? Why on earth didn’t you go to the infirmary to get some sort of healing potion?”

“I…I thought it would pass,” she said a little uneasy at the sound of annoyance in his voice.

“Thought it would pass?” he asked than all of the sudden let out a stream of curses that were in some foreign language as he got up to pull down his trunk.

Rosie’s jaw dropped. “Are you cursing at me in Russian?”

“Ukrainian,” he corrected as he set the trunk down on the seat. “A lot of my family on my mother’s side is Ukrainian.”

“Do I want to even know what you said to me?”

“No…now be quiet.”

Rosie scoffed a protest but Scorpius’ voice drowned it out. “Mia…take this,” he said giving him one of his white cotton shirts. “Go to the loo and soak it with cool water, than bring it back.”

“Okay,” she said taking it before hurrying out.

“Now, really Scorpius,” Rose said as she stood up on her feet. “There’s no reason too…oh dear.”

Scorpius let out another foreign curse as he caught her when her body began to sway and her eyes rolled at the back of her head. “Don’t you faint on me, Frecks,” he said easing her back down, mumbling something else foreign.

“Stop with the foreign stuff,” she said putting a hand to her fuzzy head. “If you are going to curse me, at least have the decency to do it in English.”

“Fine…stop being a stubborn ass and let me take care of you,” he said and answered her scowl by giving him his Slytherin sweatshirt. “Here…put this on…you’re shivering.”

Since she was freezing and too sick to argue she took the sweatshirt from him, but did find the strength to bat his hand away when he tried to help her. Scorpius rolled his eyes before putting his trunk back up than sat down next to her. “Here…lay down.”

“I don’t want to lie down,” she protest even though she felt extremely woozy and was dying to rest her head on his lap. “You know…you would be a terrible Healer if you acted this way to your patients.”

“Did I ever say I wanted to be a Healer?” he argued. “No…but I know you’re hurting so lie down…Ah, Mia…thanks,” he added when she came in taking his damp shirt from her. “Come on, Frecks…don’t be so stubborn…you’re sick as a dog.”

When she hesitated Albus spoke for the first time. He had been too much in awe watching Scorpius scramble around like an idiot. “Er…I’d do as he says, Rosie…he seems pretty set on taking care of you…even though he could be more gentle about it,” he added giving Scorpius a hard stare.

Scorpius opened his mouth too protest, but closed it only to sigh. “Jeez, okay…sorry,” he said to Rose giving him a soft look. “I just…hate to see you this way and I’m mad you didn’t take care of this when you could…don’t give me that look, you know it was stupid of you not to take care of it.”

Rosie wanted to argue, but didn’t have the strength. “Okay, okay, fine…I’m too tired to fight with you,” she groaned lying herself down. “I just want to go to sleep.”

“Here…” Scorpius shifted so she could put her head in his lap. He then pushed back her hair and placed the cool cotton shirt on her forehead. “That feel good?”

“Mmm,” she murmured as she shifted onto her back, drawing up her knees to curl them against the back of the cushioned bench.

Scorpios noticed her shivering and even though his sweatshirt had helped, her legs were still bare from her skirt. He looked over at Albus to ask him to get out his cloak, but he was ahead of him and was already getting it out. “Thanks,” Scorpius said as Albus put his cloak over his cousin. Albus just nodded as he made sure his cloak covered her properly.

“Albus,” Mia said standing up. “Why don’t we go and see if we can find something for Rosie. Isn’t Sam just getting over the flu? She might have some left over healing potion.”

“Good idea,” he said then knelt by Rosie. “We’ll be back for reinforcements, Rosie…just stay here and rest.”

She gave him a shaky smile. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He gave her a grin. “Good.” He stood back up. “We’ll be right back,” he said taking Mia’s hand.

“Hang in there, sweetie,” Mia sad before following him out.

Once they were alone, Scorpius fiddled with the cloth on her forehead. “Are you warm enough?”

“I’m getting there,” she murmured. “I should…move to the other side…I…I don’t want you to get sick.”

Scorpius frowned at the sound of her voice. It was already getting weak and horse. “Don’t worry about that,” he said stroking his hair. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”

“S’okay…I didn’t understand you anyway.”

“I just don’t like seeing you hurt, Frecks…I guess you could say I panicked a bit.”

With her eyes still closed, the corner of her mouth tilted up. “Yeah…just a bit.”

Before he could say anything, the door slid open and James walked in with Samantha trailing behind him. “Hey there, cuz,” he said softly kneeling by her and taking her hand. “Heard you were feeling kind of crappy.”

“I’ve been better.”

“What were you thinking getting sick on the first day of summer?” he teased.

“I don’t know what came over me,” she teased back.

“Hey sweetie,” Sam said leaning down next to James. “I’ve got some potion for you…I just got over the flu and this helped me a lot. It makes you groggy, but it does the trick. Can you sit up?”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Here…let me help you,” Scorpius said shifting so she could prop herself against his chest.

She took the vial from Sam and tipped it back in her mouth, then grimaced as she swallowed. “Ugh.”

“I know…tastes horrible,” Sam sympathized.

“That’s an understatement,” Rosie said and then went into a fit of coughing, barely feeling Scorpius’ hand rubbing her back. She let out a moan as she closed her eyes and leaned her head back on his shoulder.

“Here…lay back down,” he said shirting again as he helped her lie back down. “Do you want the cloth again?”

“Please,” she said and sighed at the feel of his warm hands pushing back her hair before placing his cool cotton shirt over her forehead. “Thanks.”

“You rest up, Rosie,” James said patting her hand. “We’ll be home soon, than everyone can fuss over you.”

“Sounds good to me…thanks, J…thanks for the potion, Sam.”

“Anytime, sweetie…feel better soon.”

James shifted his eyes to Scorpius as he stood back up. “Mia and AL are hanging with Hu and Lil so they wouldn’t disturb Rosie….will you be okay with her?”

“Of course,” he said not realizing he started to stroke her hair again with his fingers. “I’ll take care of her.”

James noticed and didn’t know what to think about it. “Okay…thanks.”

“Poor thing,” Sam said as they stepped out. “It’s hard to sweet Rosie hurting like that.

“Yeah,” James said leaning back against the wall of the narrow corridor. “Dad and Mum will dote on her and…”

Sam’s eyes softened when James abruptly cut off…realizing his mistake. “Oh, James,” she said touching his arm.

“Well. That was weird,” he said shakily as he ran his hand through his messy mop of hair.

“James, you miss her…it’s normal to…”

“No,” he said shaking his head. “I…I wasn’t even thinking of mum…I had Aunt Mione in my mind and I still…I love Aunt Mione, but I’ve never thought of her as…I already have a mum.”

“Yes…you do,” she assured him stepping into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his heart. “No one can ever replace her.”

Guilt still swamped him. “Then why did I…”

“Because she has been the constant mothering figure in your life for the past year,” she answered for him. “You don’t have to feel guilty for needing her. She needs you just as much…she loves you…Al and Lil…Just as much as her own children.”

James sighed as he placed his lips on the crown of her head. “I know…I guess I’m just use to seeing them…Dad and Aunt Mione…together all the time…it just…kind of came out.”

She held him tighter. “Just don’t feel guilty.”

“I don’t…thanks to you.”

She looked up and smiled, then lifted a brown when she saw the worried look in his eye. “Something else is bothering you.”

James shifted awkwardly. “No I don’t.”

“James, don’t bother lying to me,” she said poking at his sides. “You know I’ll eventually get it out of you.”

He jerked at her poking, and then batted her hands away. “Okay, fine…stop with the abuse.”

“You’re so easy,” she teased and gave him a quick peck. “Now what’s wrong?”

James frowned. “I don’t like the way Scorpius was dealing with Rosie.”

“What do you mean? He was very sweet with her…he was practically doting on her, it reminded me of you when I was sick.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of,” James muttered.

“Oh, James,” she laughed. “You’re not going to play the big bad overprotected older cousin, are you?”

“Yeah. So?”

“So…good.” She gave him a seductive smile as she slid up to him, gliding her arms around his neck. “Now…want to go to our private compartment and…” She bit gently into his bottom lip. “Snog?”

James groaned as he gathered her up, lifting her until her toes dangled. “Okay,” was all he said and let Sam continue her assault on her mouth while he carried her down the corridor to their room. They were in full snog out mode when James was desperately trying to slide the door open. He was dying to get her hands on her, but as he stumbled in with her, he reluctantly pulled away when he saw the room was already occupied. “Dammit, Danny.”

Danny was too busy sucking face with his girlfriend to hear his best friend cursing his name.

“Daniel Alan Logan,” Sam exclaimed.

He definitely heard that and pulled away. “Huh? What? Oh…hey guys.”

James just hopelessly shook his head. “Okay kids…funs over, out you go.”

“But why?” Danny pouted while he hugged Freddie close. “There’s plenty of guys can take that side.”

“Danny!” James, Sam and even Freddie protested.

James shook his head and held up his hands. “No way am I snogging with Sam while you’re here…and this is our compartment.”

“All right…fine.” He stood up taking Freddie’s hand. “C’mon, Fred…let’s see if the loo’s free.”

Freddie rolled her eyes. “So romantic,” she muttered, but secretly hoped it most certainly was free. She wanted to get her hands on that cute bum of his.

As soon as the door was shut, James crushed Sam against him. “Now…where were we?” he asked as he laid her down on the bench.

“Mmm,” she murmured when his body covered hers. “I believe your hand was here.” She guided them to the first button of her blouse. “And your mouth was here.” James smiled when she trailed a finger along her neck. “Of course,” he said huskily as he nuzzled her neck and flicked open the first button. “Now I remember.”

18. Chapter 17

Here’s another update! Thanks again for all your reviews! Hope you guys enjoy this next one and I promise to get a new one up soon!

Chapter 17

It was that time of year again. A time Harry despised every year. It was Recruitment Week…a week filled with going through applications of wizards all over the world who had a desire to work under him. Although there were many other respectable Aurors from different regiments all over the world, most Auror hopefuls applied to Harry first, wanting to be one of the select few to work under the great Harry Potter.

To Harry, it just meant more paperwork to go through. Luckily, his team went through all the applications and narrowed it down to the best on parchment, before Harry looked himself. The goal was to at least get the applications down to a hundred. He wanted the best and after looking at each application and reading all letters of recommendations from professors or other existing Aurors, he cut it down to about forty, sometimes fifty if it was a good year.

Those lucky recruits would have a one on one interview with him and after all the interviews were completed, he and his team would pick twenty-five to go into training camp. After that, it was up to them to pass training and become an Auror. Usually, half of them would bow out and only the strong and determined would make it all the way.

Harry had just finished another interview and it did not look good for Mr. Glynn Tyson who just graduated from Hogwarts. Although he was decent on parchment and had high scores in almost all his classes, in person he was edgy, stuttered excessively and sweated so much Harry’s palm was still wet from their departing handshake.

Knowing his next interview was sitting just outside his office, he let out a deep sigh as he fished out his application to do a quick glance through. It was impressive…very impressive. How he would do in the interview, though, was another story. When he was ready, he got up and went to the door. Opening it, he stepped out long enough to make eye contact with him, and then nodded his head. “Come on in.”

The young man darted to his feet and walked past Harry into his office. “Have a seat,” Harry said motioning to the chair sitting across from him. Harry sat in his own chair and picked up his quill so he could take notes. “So…ho are we doing today?”

The boy stood straight in his seat with his elbows resting on the arms of the chair. “Good, sir.”


“I’m trying hard no to be, sir.” He desperately wanted to fidget in his chair, but he resisted. “I want to be a part of this division, sir.”

Intrigued, Harry leaned back in his chair. “And if you don’t make it?”

He lifted his chin. “I’ll try again next year.”

Harry lifted a brow. “You won’t apply for another Head Auror?”

“No, sir…this one is the best and I want to be a part of the best. Whether it takes me a year…or five years…I will be an Auror and I’m determined to take my orders from you.”

“Some might cal that being cocky.”

“No, sir…confident.”

“Why do you want to be an Auror?”

A ghost of a smile appeared on his face. “It runs in the family.

Harry’s eyes narrowed. “Is that the only reason?”

He immediately sobered. “No, sir,” he said firmly. “I’ve wanted to be an Auror practically my whole life. I want to make a difference…I know no one can do what you did, sir. It was amazing what you did…and the world isn’t as dangerous as it use to be…”

“Doesn’t mean this job won’t be risky…there’s still evil out there.”

“Which is why I want to be an Auror, sir…I want to conquer evil…as big…or as little it might be.”

Harry was impressed, but did not dare let the boy see it. He calmly started to scribble notes, keeping his peripheral eye on him. He didn’t budge or squirm. Not bad. “Your application is quite good. O’s in Dark Arts and Charms, an E in Potions…your D.A teacher gave you a lot of credit in his recommendation…said you were naturally gifted and was his best student. I fully know that Professor Crabtree is hard on his students, so that says something.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Harry nodded. He asked a few other questions here and there, pausing to scribbled notes in between answers. “Well…I think that covers it,” Harry said, rolling up the parchment. “We’ll let you know at the end of the week.”

The boy’s brows shot up. “That’s it? Er…I mean…you don’t need anything else?”

“I’ve heard enough…you may go,” Harry said standing up.

The boy hesitated a moment then stood to his feet. “Yes, sir,” he said giving him a quick handshake. “Thank you, sir.”

Harry watched him head out and he had his hand on the door when Harry said his name.

The boy stopped, turned. “Sir?”

Harry circled his desk and went over to stand in front of him. The young man let go the door handle and waited for him to speak. Harry then stepped towards him and pulled him in for a hard hug. He stood there a moment before returning the hug with equal force.

“I’m awfully proud of you,” Harry said.

“Thanks. So…do you do this to all the interviewers?”

Harry smacked him on the back of his head before letting him go. “Don’t be a smart ass.”

James grinned. “Sorry, Dad. So?”

“So what?”

James rolled his eyes. “Did I make it?”

“You know I can’t tell you that…now get lost, I only have a little over an hour till my next interview and I need a good long break.

Harry started to nudge him to the door but James kept on talking. “You’re not going to actually pick, Glynn, are you, Dad? He looked like he was about to melt when he came out.”

Harry had to bite his lip to keep from smiling. “James…leave. Don’t you have a pretty girlfriend you can annoy?”

James grinned. “Yeah…okay. I’ll see you tonight.”

“Looking forward to it. The kids miss you.”

“Geez, I only moved out last week.”

“They miss you, nonetheless. Although, Al is enjoying your room.”

James snorted. “Yeah, I’ll bet. Hey, can I bring Sam?”

“Of course…she’s always welcome.”

“Thanks, Dad…see ya.”

“Bye…and look professional when you leave.”

“You got it.”

When he left, Harry sighed as he leaned against the door. Although Harry was proud of his son, that didn’t change the fact that he was worried. The thought of sending his own son out on assignments…putting him in danger…made him sick to his stomach. He needed to talk to someone. No…not just someone. He needed to talk to Hermione. Knowing exactly where she’d be, he quickly shut down his office, let his secretary know he’d be gone until the next interview, and headed out.

Just a few moments later, he found himself standing just inside her office she had set up at home. She sat at her desk, which she had picked out in a muggle antique store. The desk was made out of dark glossy wood and planted in the center of the glossy surface was her beloved laptop. She had set up pictures of friends and family around her desk along with a few knickknacks here and there. Harry smiled when she saw the small fairy statue he had given her for her birthday awhile back and she had told him later that her fairy had become her Muse. The fairy was always perched next to her…no matter where she was writing.

Her back was facing the window, which showed a spectacular view of the cliffs. She picked out a chair that swiveled so she could turn to look at her cliffs when she chose to. He could hear the click and clatter of the keyboards as her eyes were trained on the screen. Her hair was piled messily on top of her head, but a strand would get in her way and she would hastily bat it away. You are so darn cute.

Hermione lifted up her head. “What?” She blew away a strand of hair from her face. “What?”

He must have said that aloud. “Nothing,” he said stepping into the room. “Where are the kids?”

Hermione shook her head out of her haze. She had been in a zone so she was still trying to come out of it. “The kids? Oh…right…um…they are all over at Draco and Natasha’s place. How long have you been standing there?”

“Awhile,” he said as he stepped around the desk and leaned against it. “I like watching you work.”

Hermione blinked up at him, and then blushed. “Well…that’s just silly.”

Harry smiled. It always amused him when she got embarrassed. “So…all the kids? Even Nora?”

“Hmm,” she said as she reached up to fiddle with her pins that had slipped out of her hair. “She threw a fit when they were all leaving…she really wanted to go.”

“You think they can handle that many kids at once?” Harry asked starting to get a little worried. “I mean they are just now having their second child and…”

“Don’t worry, I went over real quick an hour ago to check on them and they’re fine. They were swimming in their pool and Natasha told me Nora has Draco wrapped around her little finger. He’s smitten.”

“It’s hard not to be smitten by her….why are they over there, we have a perfectly good pool out back.”

“I guess they wanted a change of scenery, Harry and to be honest I’m enjoying the peace and quiet….plus, their house is also enormous and they have a Quidditch Pitch.”

Harry’s eyes brightened. “Yeah? Man, it’s been years since I’ve played a match.”

“Well, maybe one day you and Draco can play against each other for old time sake.”

Harry winced. “That could get ugly.”

Hermione laughed but then her laughter slowly died when she noticed his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Not everyone would have caught it, but now that she was paying attention, she realized that something was upsetting him. “Hey…everything okay?” she asked placing a hand on his knee.

Harry sighed shaking his head. “And here I thought I was actually doing a good job fooling you.”

“You know better.”

“Yeah.” He then gave a shrug. “I had a long morning and…I wanted to see you, I guess…”

“The interviews are going on, right?”

Harry nodded. “I just finished interviewing, James.”

Hermione’s eyes softened and immediately understood. “Oh, Harry.” She got to her feet and leaned into him. Harry immediately opened his arms for her as she tucked her head under his chin. He was still leaning against her desk and she was now pressed up against him. Harry placed his lips against her hair and breathed in her musky scent. Merlin she felt good in his arms…good, and so right.

“How did he do?” she asked as her hands traveled up his back until her fingers were strumming his hair at the nape of his neck.

Harry closed his eyes at her touch. “Brilliantly…the stupid prat.”

Hermione smiled. “You’re proud of him.”

“Yes…but why couldn’t he take up Quidditch?”

“Because it’s not what he wants to do…that would be Al who wants to be the Quidditch star.”

Harry began to lightly stroke her back. “When James first told us he wanted to be an Auror…Ginny freaked. She told me I had to do all I could to talk him out of it. He was only five years old…”

“Ginny loved her kids…she was just a tad…”

“Overprotective,” he finished for her.

“Yes…sometimes. However, that was just who she ways. If she were alive today she’d probably do everything she could to talk James out of becoming an Auror.”

“I wanted to talk him out of it,” he said as he moved his head so he could nuzzle her neck.

She shivered at the feel of his warm breath on her skin. “But you didn’t.”

“No,” he murmured. “Hermione, if it was Hugo.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s Hugo or James…I love James just as much as my one children. I will support him…no matter how scared I am.”

Harry held her close. “If anything happens to him, Hermione…”

“No, don’t even go there, Harry.”

“But how could I not? Hermione…”

She arched her back slightly so she could look up at him. Her hands came up to his face and her thumb caressed his rough cheek. “We’ve got at least two years till he makes it into field work. He’s young and has a lot to learn. The more he trains…the more he is able to accomplish…the more confident you will be that he will always come out on top.”

Harry let out a shaky breath as he dropped his forehead to hers. “How do you always know the right things to say to me?”

Hermione smiled softly as she closed her eyes. “Years and years of practice.”

“Merlin, we have known each other quite some time, haven’t we?” he asked lifting his head to smile down at her.

Her eyes fluttered open and she returned the smile. “Well, I don’t know,” she teased. “I guess just shy of three decades would be a lot.”

Harry groaned. “Damn, that’s a long time…we’re getting old, Hermione.”

“Bite your tongue,” she said as she gave him a light playful slap on the cheek.

“Hey,” he laughed rubbing his cheek. “That hurt.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a baby,” she teased but shifted up his body and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Later, both of them would wonder why it was that kiss. From so many other times she had kissed him on the cheek…why was it that kiss that changed everything. One minute they had been teasing and as soon as her lips touched his stubble cheek, something dramatically changed. A spark erupted between them that neither of them were prepared for. Harry’s smile that was plastered on his face faded as soon as he felt her body slide up his. Hermione’s heart began to hammer against her chest when she slowly moved her lips away. She didn’t want to look into his eyes because she knew that as soon as she did they would both be in trouble.

Harry tilted her chin up so she had no choice but to flicker her eyes to his. So much was said between them from that one look. Desire. Passion. Longing. How could this have happen? How did one simple peck on the cheek change everything in an instant?

“Harry,” she said shakily as her eyes shifted to his mouth for only a quick moment.

“Hermione,” he whispered as his lips moved towards hers.

They were only inches apart but covering that small space between them seemed like an eternity. Finally, their lips touched in a timid kiss. Harry’s hand that had been on her chin slid up to her cheek while Hermione shyly placed her palms on his chest.

As their lips absorbed, a soft sigh merged with a throaty moan. Harry pulled back, but only to come back for more sweet, soft kisses. He had to use all his will power to keep the kiss gentle when all he wanted to do was devour. This was new territory for them and the last thing he wanted to do was scare her.

He was doing a good job of it, but then during one of the moments where they paused to breath, Hermione’s lips parted ever so slightly and when their mouths merged again, she teased her tongue into his mouth. It was a light caress between tongues and ended just as quickly as it began, but it was enough to send him over the edge. He groaned low in his throat as he slid an arm around her waist and held on tight while he pried her lips open with his tongue and plunged.

Her shy hands were no longer shy as she flung her arms around his neck and held on tight. The soft, sweet kisses and gentle touches they started out with were now replaced with open mouths, sliding tongues and eager gropes. Harry’s hands were lost in her hair and neither of them noticed the hairpins falling out and scattering on the desk and floor.

“Merlin, Hermione,” Harry breathed pulling away hoping to give them a breather, but just groaned and went back for more. She was so sweet…so seductively addicting…he couldn’t stop kissing her. His tongue stroked hers over and over again and he thought he was close to losing his mind. He didn’t know when the last time he kissed a woman like this. Probably because he never had. His kisses with Ginny…even the frantic ones…had never been this intense. Bloody hell, he wanted to touch every inch of her.

Hermione gasped when Harry suddenly turned so she was now pressed up against the desk. He was so fast she didn’t even realize how he did it, but the next thing she knew she was sitting on the desk and Harry was pressed up between her thighs. Never breaking the kiss, she shifted her hips up and wrapped her legs around him, then moaned in delight when he pressed his pelvis against her.

Harry tore his lips away from her mouth only to run frantic kisses down her neck while his hands snuck under the hem of her blouse. He wanted flesh and groaned in approval when he discovered she had been going braless. His fingers grazed the sides of her breasts and felt her tremble against him. “Mione.” He turned his attention back to her mouth, nipping her bottom lip while his hands gently cupped her.

She gasped, arching her back when his thumbs brushed over her nipples, then moaned before pulling Harry down for a passionate kiss. They both were losing control. They couldn’t stop touching each other, kissing each other. “Harry,” she said practically sobbing as she tugged at the buttons of his shirt. “Please…it’s been so long.”

“I know,” he growled against her throat when her hands explored his bare chest. “I know…

Hermione shrugged his shirt off his shoulder as their mouths met yet again. Harry took his hands from under her shirt only for the purpose of fully removing it. However, as soon as he had started to lift the material up, the sound of the front door opening halted their actions.

“Aunt Mione?” James’ muffled voice carried through her office door. “You home?”

19. Chapter 18

Hey guys! Here’s another chapter! It’s kind of short, but it’s a good one! So please keep those awesome reviews coming. I just got an iphone and I freaking love it because I can go on any website, so I’ve been checking out your reviews. Why, just the other day I was reading some while I was standing in line at Subway. It was awesome. Anyway, hope you like this one and I will have a much longer chapter hopefully pretty soon. Enjoy!


Chapter 18

James frowned as he stood just inside the door while his friends followed in behind him.

“Is she home?” Danny asked as he closed the door behind him once Freddie was inside.

“Should be,” James said and called out her name again.

“Maybe she stepped out,” Sam suggested.

“No, she’s probably cooped up in her office. She can get in a zone. Why don’t you guys go and head to the pool, I’m going to stick my head in and let her…”

“James,” Hermione said as she stepped out of her office. “Hey.”

“There you are,” he said with a smile. “I was wondering if you heard me…I know you can get spacey when you write.”

“Oh. Well.” She let out a nervous laugh. “Yeah…I guess you can say that.”

“Are you all right, Aunt Mione?” Freddie asked concerned. “You look a little flushed.”

“Do I?” She asked placing her hands on her cheeks. “It is a little…warm in my office…but I’m fine.”

“We were going to use the pool if that was okay,” Sammy informed her.

“Oh, of course….just because James moved out this is still his home…”

“Thanks Aunt Mione,” James said and kissed her on the cheek as they walked passed her. “Come out and join us later…looks like you could use a break.”

She put on a smile. I’ll think about it. Just let me know if you all need anything.”


Danny gave her a wink and a grin. “Looking good, Mrs. W,” he said walking by.

“Danny, stop hitting on my aunt,” James said as he opened the backdoor.

“What? I was giving her a compliment. She looks good.”

When she was alone, she let out an unsteady sigh as she sunk onto the sofa. She couldn’t stop shaking. She could still feel the heat from Harry’s hands and her lips felt bruised and tingly. What happened in there? How did things get so…insane? One minute, they was comforting each other and the next…they were both going at it like a couple of horny teenagers.

Sweet Merlin, what were they thinking? Fooling around on her desk in the middle of the day? It was so unlike her. Who knew what would have happened if James hadn’t interrupted. No, she knew…and she’d probably be a lot more satisfied right now. She groaned as she placed a pillow over her head. It was just lust…that was it, nothing more. When she went back in there, she would calmly tell Harry it was a mistake…a moment of weakness. He would probably agree…they were adults after all, he was probably already regretting it.

She took a breath before standing up. She would be polite and get straight to the point. Besides, his friendship meant too much to her to mess it up over a few moments of pleasure. With a firm nod, she lifted her chin and headed back to her office.

“Listen, Harry,” she said opening the door. “I think we need to…”

That was as far as she got when Harry yanked her inside, slammed the door and backed her into it. Before she could even swoosh out a breath, his mouth was on hers in a long, open mouth, tongue-stroking kiss. The only thing she could do was hold on for dear life while her mouth was being assaulted. What was she going to tell him when she walked in here? She couldn’t think. It was hard to think of anything really, when Harry’s tongue was doing clever things to her neck.

“Harry,” she groaned as she grasped his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

He lifted his head until their mouths were inches apart. “Distracting you before you go and start thinking too much.” He nipped her bottom lip. “Turn your mind off, Mione…I can’t kiss you properly when you’re thinking so loudly.” He continued his trail back down to her neck, hoping to continue distracting her.

“But…but…” She cocked her neck and shivered when his teeth and tongue branded her neck. “Oh god that feels good….I…no…wait.”

Harry let her push him away and slip beneath his caged arms to escape. He turned around and leaned against the door. “Problem?” he asked casually with a grin.

Hermione blew out a quick breath, causing her bangs to flutter. “Problem? Yes, Harry…there’s a problem. I don’t know if you realized, but our relationship just took a leaping bounce over that certain line you and I never even came close to crossing.”

“I wouldn’t say we took a huge leap, but a little step…a huge leap would be us having sex…” Harry gave her a cocky smile. “Which we would have had if my son didn’t have serious bad timing.”

“Well, he does and…what are doing?” she asked suddenly when he pushed himself off the door and took a step towards her. “You just stay right where you are, Harry Potter.”

He lifted a brow. “Am I making you nervous, Hermione?”

“You’re damn right you are…not another step, Harry.”

Harry grinned and slipped his hands in his pockets. “What’s wrong, Sparky?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t call me that.” It was entirely too cute.

“Why? It suits you so well. Especially after our little adventure on your desk.”

Hermione swallowed a groan. “This isn’t going to happen.”

“The bloody hell it isn’t,” he said right back then gave a shrug. “But I’ll humor you for now…why isn’t this going to happen?”

“Because…” Merlin, it was hard to think of a good reason when he was staring at her as if he wanted to rip her clothes off. “Because…of our friendship, for one. It’s not worth ruining over a few moments of pleasure.”

“When you and I have sex…and it will happen…I can promise you we will have more than a few moments of pleasure.” He took a step forward then grinned when she took one back. “As for the ruining our friendship part, that is just a copout. You and I both know nothing could do that, Mione.”

She shook her head. “You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do…my life wouldn’t be right without you in it…so, sorry…you’re going to have to come up with better reason.”

She swallowed hard, now frantic. “The kids…”

“I love the kids, but it’s none of their business…it’s not, Hermione,” he repeated when he saw she was about to argue. “Yes, it will be weird for them, but they can’t expect us to go on the rest of our lives alone. Next, reason, please. Or are you fresh out?”

“I don’t feel that way about you,” she blurted out.

“Liar…but nice try. I think you‘re done now.” He walked towards her and Hermione backed away and stumbled against her desk. He loomed over her, reaching an arm behind her. Harry saw her brace herself for the kiss, but he only grabbed his tie that was on the desk and stepped back. He looked at her and chuckled as he slid his tie around his neck. “I’m not going to attack you, Sparky.”

“Could have fooled me,” she said as she felt her heart pounding against her chest.

He just grinned. “I want, Mione, but I’m not going to drag you upstairs by your hair.” He then leaned forward placing his hands on either side of her on the desk causing his body to lightly press against hers. “If you need time to think about it, than you need time…besides…could be kind of fun.”

He gave her a soft kiss that made Hermione tremble from head to toe. “What could be kind of fun?” she found herself asking as she tried not to swoon like an idiot.”

His eyes shifted to her lips as he reached up to cup her chin, and then slowly ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “Seducing you.” He shifted his gaze back up to her eyes and gave her a slow grin. “See you tonight, Sparky.”

Hermione could only stand there with a dumb look on her face, as Harry pushed off from the desk and sauntered to the door. He turned around and gave her a wink before closing the door behind him.

A half an hour later, Hermione was still in the same spot…staring at the door…with the same dumb expression on her face.

20. Chapter 19

Here’s another update! Thanks again for all the great reviews! I don’t know when I’ll find the time to write again, next two weekends are pretty busy, but hang in there and I will get another one out as soon as I can. But for now enjoy this one!


Chapter 19

Hermione was at the stove making dinner when the front door opened just shy of seven o’clock. “Oh god,” she whispered to herself as she closed her eyes.

“Where’s my, munchkin?”

At the sound of Harry’s voice, Nora let out an excited squeal as she bounced in her highchair. She had been quietly playing with her toy blocks, but at the sound of Harry’s voice, she was about to fall out of her chair with excitement.

“All right, take it easy,” Hermione said leaving the stove to help her out.

Harry walked in right when she set her down and Nora shot off like a rocket. “Daddy! Daddy!” she exclaimed holding out her arms.

Hermione watched him scoop her up and toss her in the air. Her heart melted when Nora clung to his neck once he caught her. Such love, she thought as she made herself turn away from the endearing sight. They did this every night when he got home from work and he would sway as he held her and asked about her day. It always touched her and she would usually stop what she was doing so she could watch, but she had a feeling it would effect her just a little too much this time around so she kept her back to them. However, she could still hear.

“I heard you had quite a day, munchkin.”

“Yeah…I went swimmen.”

“Did you have fun?”

“Yeah…Unca Dwaco threw me up weawy high…Aaaaw day way up to da sky!”

“Wow…that’s pretty high.”

“Yeah,” she agreed with a firm nod. “And Aunt Na…Na…”

“Natasha,” Harry finished for her when he realized she was having trouble pronouncing it.

“Uh-huh…Nat-sha…she made me wunch…and cut da crust off…just like mumma does.”

“That’s awesome, sweetie…I’m glad you had fun…here let’s get you back in your highchair…have you been playing with your blocks?”

“Uh-huh…I can stack them weawy high…wanna see?”

“I’d love to see…start stacking, munchkin.”

Hermione kept her eyes on the sauce she was stirring but a ghost of a smile appeared on her face. He was so sweet with her. She kept her back to him, hoping to wait him out until he went upstairs. That way, she wouldn’t have to face him until the kids were around. She was just about to lift the spoon for a taste when she suddenly felt him sneak up behind her.

Her whole body stiffened as he peered over her shoulder and placed a hand lightly at her hip. “Smells good,” he murmured.

Her whole mouth went dry as she tried to find a way to accomplish the simple task of speaking. “It’s tomato sauce.”

“Yeah? I guess that smells good, too.”

Oh, boy.

“Are you going to let me have a taste?”

Hermione turned her head to look at him and immediately realized that was a mistake. Their lips were now inches apart. “I don’t think that would be appropriate with Nora in the room,” she said shakily as her eyes moved to his mouth.

Harry gave her a slow grin. “Although that be nice…I was talking about the tomato sauce.”

She felt her whole face flush with embarrassment. Stupid, stupid, stupid. “Oh…right.” She hastily scooped up some up with her wooden spoon and tried not to shake as she held it up to him.

Harry grasped her trembling hand that held the spoon, then made sure his eyes met hers when he slowly took it into his mouth. “Mmm…that’s good stuff,” he said smacking his lips. “Are we having spaghetti?”

“Yes…are you sure it’s okay? It doesn’t need anything?”

“No, it’s fine…here, try it.” She took the spoon from her and scooped up some for her to taste.

Although she could feel his gaze on her, she made sure she kept her eyes elsewhere as he fed her the sauce. “It’s okay,” she said brushing of a dab of sauce she felt on the corner of her mouth. “Could use some more salt.”

“You think?” he asked and grabbed her hand she was bringing to her mouth to suck off the sauce from her finger. “Let me try it again.”

Hermione tried to make herself pull her hand away before Harry’s dangerous mouth made contact with her skin, but she couldn’t seem to do it. Her whole body shuddered when Harry closed his mouth over her finger, than swallowed back a groan when he sucked off the sauce in one long stroke. It was ridiculous. How could her whole body react to such a simple gesture? It was her finger for crying out loud, it shouldn’t be this arousing. But Merlin help her, it was.

“No,” he murmured softly as he kept her finger inches from his mouth. “Perfect the way it is.”

Hermione blinked up at him. “What?”

He grinned. “The sauce?” he reminded her as he nipped the pad of her finger. “Its fine the way it is.”

Her breath caught at the feel of his teeth lightly scrapping her skin. “Oh. Right.” She cleared her throat as she tried to tug her hand free. He was way too close…but not close enough. He was now driving her crazy by kissing the tips of her fingers one by one. “Harry…”

“I never realized how incredibly feminine your fingers are,” he said quickly between kisses and then lifted her other hand to give that some attention.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I ever heard,” she huffed as she tried to sound annoyed. “They’re just fingers.”

“No, they’re not.” He stopped at one finger and lingered. “These fingers were all over me just a few short hours ago.”

She didn’t want to talk about that. “Harry…I don’t think…”

“They were in my hair…all over my back…they even sneaked in between the buttons of my shirt…and drove me crazy.”

Hermione closed her eyes when he softly kissed her palm. “Harry, you’ve got to stop this.”

“Stop what?”

“Seducing me in the kitchen with Nora a few feet away.”

“She’s happily playing with her blocks.”

“Daddy, I done!” she exclaimed.

Harry grinned. “See?” he said and gave her a wink before letting her go and turning his attention to Nora. “Wow…that’s a pretty tall tower,” he said watching the colorful wobbly tower that she had made. “It almost is as high as your head!”

“Yeah.” She then made a crashing sound with her mouth as she knocked down her tower, then clapped and jumped in her seat, absolutely pleased with herself. “I do ‘gain.”

Harry chuckled as he leaned down to pick the blocks that fell on the floor. “Knock yourself out.”

When Harry had left her, she immediately retreated to the sink, busying herself with washing the dishes so her hands would be occupied. He would probably go upstairs now that his little seducing act was over. Besides…he wasn’t that great at it. She blew out a breath that sent her bangs dancing. Who was she kidding? He was good. Too good. And not to mention incredibly sexy. What would it be like to make love with him? To throw caution in the wind and let him take her. How would it feel to have Harry’s long hard body nestled between her thighs…


Her whole body jolted when he snuck up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. The dish she had been washing slipped from her fingers and clattered into the sink. He really needed to stop sneaking up behind her. “Yes? What?” she asked breathlessly. She squeezed her eyes shut when he gently moved her hair to expose her neck. “Harry.”

“Are you still thinking?” he asked with a whisper.

She bit her lip when he pressed himself against her, pinning her to the counter. “Yes,” she managed to say even though her mind felt like a pile of mush.

He nuzzled his lips against her ear. “Think fast, Sparky,” he groaned before giving her earlobe a little nip and pushed himself away.

Hermione waited until he left the room, only stopping long enough to kiss the top of Nora’s head, to close her eyes and let out a not so steady breath. Her whole body was wired and she needed to have a few moments before she felt relaxed and her heart rate was down to normal. She blocked out Nora’s block building noise in the background as she tried to calm herself.

When she finally felt more at ease, which took awhile since Harry knew just how to stir her blood, anger for the insufferable man replaced wanting. The nerve of him! Practically seducing the knickers off of her right in front of Nora. Merlin knew how was going to act around the other kids tonight. She lifted her chin as she continued to wash the dishes. She’d like to see him try. If he so much as winks at her, she would give him a icy stare that will turn his blood cold.

He didn’t wink at her. In fact, he didn’t so much as look at her through dinner and acted completely oblivious. No one in the room would never suspect that just a few hours ago Harry had his hands, which were now busy cutting up Nora’s spaghetti, exploring under her blouse. It infuriated her that he could turn his seduction off and on so quickly.

Wait a minute, what was she furious about? Just moments ago she was mad he was flirting with her with Nora in the room and now she was mad because he wasn’t in front of the kids? She didn’t know what was going through her mind exactly but she chose to deal with it by taking a nice long sip of her wine.

Harry didn’t know exactly what was going through Hermione’s mind at the moment, but he did know that he was getting to her and that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Although the kids were all talking a mile a minute about their day, Harry still kept one eye slightly trained on Hermione. She was driving him crazy and she didn’t even realize it. She probably didn’t have a clue how sexy she was…and wow, was she a fantastic snog. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her again. It wouldn’t happen overnight…he knew that…but he could be a patient man when he wanted to be.

“Dad, you’ve got to see this Quidditch pitch,” Albus was raving as he tore off a hunk of bread. “It’s so cool…we played for hours!”

Harry smiled. “Does Scorpius play at school?”

“Nah, he never wanted to, but he’s pretty decent. His strong skill is the Bludger though, he can hit it pretty far.”

“Tell Dad about the bet, Al,” Lily said before casually picking up the Hippogriff plastic toy Nora had dropped and put it back on the table for her.

“What bet?” Harry asked as he skillfully took the toy away from Nora before she could dive it into her spaghetti. “Eat your dinner, Nora…you can have it back when you’re done.”

“But, I’m fuw, Daddy,” she whined poking out her bottom lip.

“A few more bites, luv,” Hermione said. “What bet, Al?”

“To see which dad could catch the Snitch faster,” he said grinning up at Harry. “Will be the easiest ten gallons I ever make.”

“Thanks for the confidence, son, but it’s been years since I’ve played…I could be a little rusty.”

“No way, Uncle Harry,” Hugo boasted. “You’re the best…you could totally beat, Uncle Draco…you did back in school.”

“Yes, but I was a lot younger back then and I’m sorry, but when did you all start to refer Draco as Uncle Draco?”

“Today, when he told us to,” Al said before taking a huge forkful of spaghetti.

“He said it would annoy you,” Rose said with a chuckle. “Does it?”

Harry couldn’t help but grin and shared an amused look with Hermione. “No, I guess it doesn’t…just never thought that would happen.”

“Did you two really hate each other in school?” Samantha asked who was sitting at the other end of the table with James. She had to lean forward to see Harry who was sitting at the head of the other end.

“Despised,” he answered with a chuckle.

“He wasn’t the most friendly person back then,” Hermione said putting her two cents in. “But with a father like the one he had…it was just how he was raised.”

“Luckily he grew out of it,” Harry said before finishing off his last bite. “Now…who wants dessert? Sam was nice enough to bring some cheesecake.”

“Cake!” Nora exclaimed as she jumped in her highchair.

“Looks like the munchkin wants one,” Harry said nuzzling her head. “Anyone else?”

All the kids held up their hands. “I’ll just bring the whole cake out then.”

“I can get it, Harry,” Hermione said as she started to stand up.

“No, I got it,” he assured her placing his hands on her shoulders to keep her seated. “You cooked the dinner…relax.” He gave her shoulders a soft squeeze. “More wine?”

She wanted to groan at the feel of his strong hands on her shoulders, but was able to hold it in. “S-sure…thanks.”

“You bet….J…give me a hand?”

“Yeah, sure,” he said as he got up from his seat.

Once everyone had a healthy slice of cheesecake and Hermione’s wine glass was topped off, Harry and James sat back down to dig in themselves. Loud clatter of silverware and mixed voices filled the table once more and Harry couldn’t help but smile. They were a family. A family joined by tragedy, but a family nonetheless.


“Hmm?” Harry looked over to see Lily looking at him and then raised a brow. “What do you want?”

Her blue eyes widened innocently. “What makes you think I want something?”

“Because you called me, ‘Daddy.’ You stopped calling me that when you turned eleven and now only call me that when you want something or if you are sick.” He jabbed her fork at her and gave her a knowing look. “So out with it, missy.”

Lily let out an exasperating breath. “All right, fine. I was just going to ask…all of us were talking and we were wondering…if it’s okay with you and Aunt Mione…if we have a pool party here sometime.”

Harry exchanged a quick look with Hermione. “A pool party?”

“Yeah…a big party that lasts all day…we’d invite all our friends and family.”

“Can we?” Hugo asked hopefully. “You can invite your friends, too…have your own grown-up party and we can invite our friends.”

“Planned it all out, have you?” Harry asked with a chuckle than looked over at Hermione. “What do you think, Mione?”

She looked at all the kids who were all smiling at her, some of them with their hands clasped together as they begged. She looked over at James who was grinning, then shrugged at her. “Could be kind of fun.”

Hermione laughed as she shook her head. “How can I say no to these pleading faces? Of course we can have a pool party.”

Whoops and cheers exploded from the table and even a few high fives were exchanged. “When can we have it?” Rosie asked.

“We’ll have to try and pick a few weekends that can work,” Harry said. “Then we’ll ask around and see what the best time would be. You guys might want to ask your friends what weekends won’t be good so we can cancel it out. We’ll figure it out.”

“I’m going to go Owl, Jake,” Lily exclaimed as she jumped from the table.

“Hey, wait for me,” Hugo said jumping up as well while he snagged his last bite of cheesecake. “He’s my friend, too, Lil.”

“C’mon, Rosie,” Al said getting up and throwing his napkin down. “Let’s go Owl Scorp and Mia.”

“Once you’re done you guys come back down and do kitchen duty!” Harry yelled as he started to clear the table.

“Oh, we’ll help you, Mr. P,” Sammy said picking up her plate and Rosie’s who had been sitting next to her. “James and I will be happy to help.”

“Aww, man,” James muttered then stuttered when his girlfriend gave him a stare. “Er…I mean, sure thing, Dad,” he stammered as he quickly grabbed his plate.

Harry grinned. His boy was whipped.

“Harry, are you just going to stand there or are you going to bring those plates in?” Hermione asked with an annoying huff.

Harry winced. “Er…yeah…sorry, Mione,” he muttered and hurried into the kitchen.

He may want to get his hands on Hermione, but she still sometimes scared the hell out of him.

Hermione rolled her eyes and grabbed the plates from his hands. “Well, don’t just stand there, go get the rest of the plates.”

He was nuts about her.

21. Chapter 20

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking so long, I have been crazy busy! Plus, my sister introduced me to that Twilight Series by Stephanie Myer and so I really couldn’t put them down and so that took up a whole lot of time as well. If anyone hasn’t read it yet, I highly recommend it. Also…I am kind of seeing someone for the first time in forever! So, I’ve had my hands full with that…Dating can be stressful!! Anyway, the next update is kind of short…I’m sorry for that, but I want to get this one out before I start writing the pool party. I’ll try my very best to get another update up as SOON as I can. Thanks everyone for all your patience and understanding. Hope everyone has a happy Easter!! Love you guys to pieces!


Chapter 20

After many Owl and Floo exchanging, the last weekend of July was best for everyone, so the pool party turned into a celebration of Harry turning the big four-oh. Preparing for the all-day long party was a good excuse to avoid Harry, without having him know she was avoiding him.

Harry knew, of course, but didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to rush her anyway and decided to hold back and let her plan everything from food to decorations. He sure hoped she didn’t overdo it with the decorations.

Besides, he was busy at work anyway, now that the new recruits were picked, his oldest son being one of them. There were other Aurors who ran the day to day training during Hell Week, as they called it, but Harry made sure to stop by now and then to see how his new team was progressing. The first week was the toughest, which was why Hell Week was such an accurate description. Before the week was over, three recruits threw in the towel and forty-seven remained. James was still alive.

Better than alive, James was practically the strongest in the group and Harry had seen the improvements every time he stopped by. Harry even took over the training every Friday and did his best to push them to the limit. When he was training them, he treated each and every one of them the same and made sure not to let up on James. In fact, he was probably harder on James because he knew of his potential. After the end of the third week, only twenty-five remained and survived the training program and James was definitely at the top of the class.

“I’m very proud of you,” Harry said to James while they were sitting in his office. James had stopped by after he hit the showers and Harry immediately shoved his work aside.

“Thanks,” he said sheepishly, then sighed. “It’s been a hard couple of weeks.”

“Yes, but you handled it,” he said with a nod of approval. “And I know I was hard on you, and I’m sorry if…”

“Don’t apologize, Dad,” he said cutting him off. “I know you were doing what you thought was best for me.”

“You’re damn good, James and will be a fantastic Auror.”

“Thanks, Dad,” he said with a smile, always pleased when he had his Dad’s approval. “You always supported me on this and I really appreciate it.”

“Of course,” he said fully knowing they were both thinking about Ginny and how she always discouraged the idea of James being an Auror. “Well. Enough of that…how are things with you and Sam?”

He grinned. “Really good. Danny and I helped her move into her flat that’s right above ours last weekend. She’s getting settled in.”

“Good. And how often does she actually sleep over in her flat?”

James winced as he shifted in his chair. “Jeez, Dad…”

“James, there’s no need to get all uncomfortable, you’re a healthy eighteen-year old boy with needs.”

“You’re not going to give me some kind of sex talk, are you, Dad?” he asked miserably. “I mean…Mom already made you give me one when I was thirteen.”

Harry winced. “Don’t remind me…that was horrible.”

James shuddered. “Agreed.”

“It’s different though, James…you’re in a serious relationship now.”

“You didn’t give me this speech when I was dating, Kiki.”

“That wasn’t a serious relationship,” Harry countered back. “Look…just play it safe, is all I’m saying.”

James resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “Right. Sure, Dad.”

“And…have you twooo…”

James shifted uncomfortably in his seat again. “No. She told me she isn’t ready yet.”

Harry let out a long breath. “Okay…well…that’s good. You wait as long as it takes, James.”

“Jeez, Dad, I know…I’ll wait for her…I love her.”

He smiled. “I know you do, son. I think she’s a great girl…obviously made for you, no doubt.”

“Yeah,” he said with a smile. “She’s the best.”

“Well,” he said with a defeating sigh. “I better get back to work. This pile of parchment won’t go away by itself I’m afraid.”

James chuckled. “Okay, Dad…I’ll see you tomorrow at the pool party. What time do we need to be there?”

“Come over anytime, but the party officially starts at noon.”

“Got it…we’ll come early and help out,” James said standing up from his seat. “Er…and thanks for the talk, Dad…even if it was a little uncomfortable.”

Harry chuckled with him as he walked him to the door. “Anytime,” he said giving his son a hug. “See you tomorrow.”

“I can’t believe you’ll be, forty,” James said with a grin as he opened the door.

“I know…if I’m not careful, I’ll start to get old.”

James laughed. “I sure hope so, Dad…I hope we’ll celebrate many more of your birthdays.”

“Plan on it,” he said with a smile. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good…see ya.”

“See ya,” he said and then with a heavy sigh retreated back to his desk.

It was late when he returned home that night. After visiting with James in his office for over an hour, he lost track of the time and had to stay late to get things done. It was just shy of midnight when he was walking up the stairs to an already quiet house.

He quickly stopped to check on Nora, giving her a quick kiss before checking quickly on the other kids. They were all fast asleep and resting up for the long exciting day ahead of him. He was on his way to his room when he saw the light flooding under Hermione’s bedroom door. He probably shouldn’t have, but he couldn’t stop himself from slowly opening her door.

She was lying on top of the covers, with a book resting on her chest and her eyes closed. He stepped all the way in and made his way towards the bed. She was wearing a pair of pink and purple striped shorts which showed off her very long tanned legs. His fingers itched to touch every glorious inch of her. Her white ribbed tank top was riding up and a sliver of skin was exposed right above the waistband of her shorts. She was sexy even when she wasn’t trying to be.

“Ten Galleons says you closed your eyes the second you heard me opening the door,” he said softly.

She didn’t speak and kept the same deep breathing as her eyes stayed close.

“Hmm…I guess you’re asleep…so it wouldn’t hurt if I did this…”

He leaned forward, placing a hand on her other side as leverage so he could swoop down for a soft kiss. He teased her and kept the kiss light as he nuzzled his lips with hers. Through his lashes he saw that her hands were clenched tightly and swallowed a chuckle. He finally leaned back, scrapping his teeth over her bottom lip as he pulled away. “Sleep well, Mione,” he murmured with a hint of amusement in his voice before getting up from the bed.

He was almost to the door when she said his name. He turned slowly on his heels and saw her sitting up in bed. “Why, Mione…I didn’t wake you, did I?”

She rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. “You know fully well that I owe you ten Galleons.” She stopped in front of him and folded her arms defensively across her chest. “Why are you doing this?”

He arched a brow. “Doing what?”

“You know what,” she said with a scowl. “Why are you…you…”

“Seducing you?” he finished for her with grin.

She closed her eyes and tried to settle her patience. “Yes…that. Why, Harry? After all this time, why do you all of the sudden want to…”

“Go to bed with you?”

“Would you stop finishing my sentences, please!” she huffed as she stamped a foot on the floor.

He lifted his hands. “Sorry. Habit.”

She let out a frustrating sigh. “Just try to help me understand this…you’ve never felt that way about me…”

“I’ve never been allowed to,” he said stuffing his hands in his pockets. “From day one it was kind of obvious that Ron liked you…he was meant to be with you…I was meant to be with Ginny. Everyone knew it, we all knew it…and that’s what happened.”

She huffed out a breath. “Okay fine, but even if you were allowed to, you never found me attractive and…”

“Yes, I did,” he stated bluntly. “I always did.”

Hermione couldn’t have been more stunned as she stared at him with her mouth hanging. “What? You…what?”

Harry chuckled. “Mione, you’ve always been an amazing person…you’re smart, pretty, even funny…sometimes unintentionally, but funny nonetheless. You’re loyal, brave…I always trusted you more than anyone…of course I was attracted to you, I just…never was allowed to act on it. You were my best friend…and I was damn lucky to have you in my life, because Merlin knows I wouldn’t have lasted through my first year without you.”

Hermione didn’t say anything. She just stared up at him as if he had three heads.

“I can see that I’ve shocked you,” he said fighting a grin. “I’ll let you get back to bed…so you can sleep on it.” He pulled his hands out of his pockets and framed her face with his hands before placing his lips on her forehead. “Night.”

He walked to the door and was halfway through it before he turned back around. “Oh, and to answer your question, Mione…I’m seducing you, because I want you. I’m seducing you because I want to know what it’s like to have you in my bed…under me…naked. I want to get my hands on you and I want your hands on me. I’m seducing you, Mione…because I’m allowed to.”

And with that said, he closed the door behind him, leaving Hermione still planted in the same spot, with that famous dumb expression on her face. He really was getting a habit of doing that.

22. Chapter 21

Hey troops! I’m back! I’d apologize for taking so long but I’ll just start sounding like a broken record. Lot of stuff has been going on and kind of been stressed out. The first part of the pool party is up, but many more are to come! Hope you enjoy this fun little chapter and the next one will be worth the wait, I promise! Keep those awesome reviews coming as always!


Chapter 21

“I can’t wear this,” Rose said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had on a very skimpy lime green string bikini that Lily had practically forced her to buy the other day on their shopping trip. “It’s too…revealing, I feel naked.”

Lily appeared in the mirror peering over her shoulder. “You look hot. Scorpius’ tongue is going to fall out and hit the pavement.”

Rose groaned. “I’m putting on my one piece.”

“Oh, no you don’t,” Lily said placing her hands on her shoulders before she could walk away. “You are not putting on that horrible dirt brown one piece.”

“It’s a chocolate brown,” she corrected.

“Whatever, you’re not putting it on…it’s not the right color for you…I swear Rosie, sometimes I think you want to blend in so people won’t notice you.”

“I think it looks great,” Mia said as she came out of the bathroom with her brand new baby blue bikini on.

Lily shrieked when she came out. “Oh, I knew it! The perfect color for you, Mia.”

“I don’t fill it out very well,” she said miserable as she went to the mirror as well. “I’m so bony.”

“You’re very pretty, Mia,” Lily said looking at her in the mirror. “Very long and willowy. Albus is going to flip.”

Mia bit her lip. “You think so? He only treats me like his best pal…I don’t think he’ll ever see me as anything else.”

“Give him time…my brother can be slow. What are you doing?” she asked Rose when she saw her fiddling with a very large ugly shade of yellow material.

“Putting on my cover-up,” she said. “I can’t very well go out like this.”

“Give me that hideous thing,” Lily said grabbing it from her. “You two are hopeless…what would you do without me?”

“Probably be less annoyed,” Rosie said with narrow eyes and then caught the thin white material Lily threw at her face. “What’s this?”

“Your cover-up.”

“But…it’s just a T-shirt,” she said holding it up to her. “A very small T-shirt.”

“Exactly…it will cover up your top part, but still expose your legs. You got nice legs, Rosie…use them to your advantage. I would if I had long legs.”

“Your legs are fine, Lily,” Mia said as she turned around to study her backside in the mirror.

“I’m a shrimp,” Lily pouted then sighed. “But I know how to work with what I got…unlike the two of you.”

“Mia, I say we tie her up and gag her,” Rosie muttered as she put on the white cotton tee.

“She’s just trying to help,” she said with a wistful sigh and turned away from her reflection.

“Thank you, Mia,” Lily said and then went to her closet. “Here, you can wear one of my cover-ups.”

Mia frowned. “But it will barely fit me.”

“Exactly,” Lily said as she came out with a white terrycloth cover-up that had a zipper in the front with a hood. “Here, put it on and it will show off your legs, too.”

Mia put it on without complaint and when she pulled the zipper all the way to her neck, Lily rolled her eyes and pulled it down. “You need to show off some cleavage.”

“I don’t have any cleavage.”

“Sure you do…every girl does.” She gave both of them a quick look over and grinned. “You two look hot. Now you can go on downstairs, your boys are already outside. I have to go get in my suit, Jack’s going to be here any minute.”

“I kind of like the sound of that,” Mia said with a sigh. “Our boys.”

“Me, too,” Rosie giggled in agreement as they made their way down the stairs. “It should be interesting how Al reacts to you when he sees you. I bet he’ll stutter like an idiot.”

“And Scorpius will have only eyes for you all day,” Mia countered back.

Rosie blushed with pleasure at the idea. “I hope so,” she said as they made their way through the opened patio doors that let out to the pool.

When they stepped outside into the bright sun, the party was already underway. A few adults were lounging at the tables under the shade, Nora was splashing in the small baby pool Harry wanted to build just for her. It was the action in the pool that caught their attention as they walked over to the lounge chairs on the other side.

There was a friendly game of Muggle water basketball going on between the boys. A basketball hoop was set up on both sides of the pool as the guys battled it out, passing the ball to teammates, while avoiding tackles.

Rosie of course had her eye on Scorpius, who hadn’t yet noticed she was outside since he was so focused on the game. Through the summer she had the pleasure of seeing him without a shirt on and the sight always seemed to make her heart flutter. She couldn’t seem to look away from the way his muscles moved under his skin. He was gorgeous. He was one of the most popular blokes in school and could possibly have any girl he wanted. She couldn’t help but hope that one day he would stop seeing her as her friend and see her as something so much more.

Mia was doing her fair share of hoping as she watched Al leap up out of the water, trying to block a pass. He was so darn cute. No boy had ever give her the time of day until the time Al ran into her legs on the train almost a year ago. She’d never forget the way he looked down at her, giving her the cutest smile as he helped her up on her feet. Ever since then he became her dear friend, something she never had before. Now thanks to him, she had many friends that cared for her and accepted her for who she was.

“Hey girls.”

Mia and Rose turned to Freddie lounging in her chair decked out in a blue and white stripped bikini. Samantha was stretched out next to her in her red bikini with a grin on her face. “You going to drool at the boys all day or take off your cover-ups and join us?” Sam asked.

Rose and Mia blushed as the turned away from the boys. “Is it that obvious?” Rose asked.

“A little,” Freddie said with a giggle. “Not that we blame you…Sammy and I are doing the same thing…we’re just a bit more subtle about it.”

“Well, go on then,” Sam urged with a wink. “Take the cover-ups off and give the boys a turn to drool.”

It was Scorpius who noticed them first. He was in the middle of trying to get open from a very persistent Albus who was guarding him. His arms fell to his side and for the first time since the fiercely completion began, his mind was now only filled of Rose.

Now all he could think about was legs. Sexy, slightly tanned, ridiculously long legs. It wasn't as if he'd never seen her in a swimsuit, he knew she had a good body, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Maybe it was because she obviously wasn't trying to hide anything, that made all his blood in his head rush down south of the border.

Albus noticed his opponent he was guarding wasn't putting up a fight any more and gave him a nudge. "Oi! What's your problem? What are you staring at like an idio...oh." His eyes went straight to Mia who was in the middle of unzipping her small excuse of a cover-up. "Bloody hell," he whispered. "God bless bikinis."

"Amen," Scorpius agreed in a soft groan when Rose pulled the thin white shirt over her head.

“Do you think Mia wore that blue bikini just to drive me crazy?”

“Just as much as I believe my sweet not so innocent Frecks wore that very revealing bikini to drive me crazy.”

“Well…it’s working for me, how bout you?”

Scorpius swallowed hard when Rosie gave him a little wave from her lounge chair. “Her plan was pretty much fool proof. I never stood a chance. Who knew she’d look hot in lime?”

“Heads up!”

Before either of them could tear their eyes away from the very appealing sight, the basketball hit Albus smartly on the side of the head, causing him to stumble back and knocked over a very dumfounded Scorpius. Laughter erupted as Albus scowled while rubbing his bruised head and his bruised ego, while Scorpius tried to get back on his feet with as much dignity he had left.

“Nice, guys,” James said, sharing a laugh with Danny. “Hugo…go get the ball,” he told him gesturing to the basketball that bounced off out of the pool.

“What?” Hugo exclaimed. “Why me? They’re the ones goggling over a bunch of girls.”

“Yes, but we’re bigger than you,” Albus pointed out giving his head a little nudge.

Hugo rolled his eyes, grumbling about how it sucked being the youngest as he pulled himself out of the pool. He barely had time to straighten up when he found himself face to face with Braiden Williams, his best mate’s twin sister. She was smiling at him, dressed only in a bikini that matched the color of her long ink black hair. She had the basketball in her hands and he wished he could take a step back since she was entirely too close, but since that would mean he would fall in the pool and make a fool out of himself he had to stay where he was.

“This what you were looking for?” she asked holding up the ball.

“Er…yeah,” he stuttered as he tried hard not to shuffle his feet. He barely noticed Lily snicker as she stood behind Braiden. “Need the…ball…er…for the game.”

“Well…here you go,” she said extending it out to him.

He didn’t know what was happening to him. The whole situation was ridiculous, but he couldn’t stop staring at her eyes. They were so big…and really blue. He had trouble breathing…and was it a damn parade in his belly? She smelled really good. Like peaches or something fruity. And her lips were so….

“Woo-hoo, earth to Hu.”

Hugo blinked, then shook his head clear. “What?” He looked down at Albus who was leaning his elbows against the side of the pool with a grin on his face. “What?”

“You’re suppose to take the ball from her…now that she’s offering it to you.”

“What?” he said again as he looked back at Braiden who still had the ball stretched out towards him. She had one brow raised and the corner of her mouth tilted up slightly. “Oh…right.” He took the ball from her hands. “Er…thanks.”

“No problem, Hugo.” She gave him a wink before returning to Lily, who giggled with her as they walked over to the other girls.

“Smooth, Hugo,” Albus teased once he slid back into the water, pulling him into a headlock. “Real smooth.”

“Sod off,” he grumbled but couldn’t help but smile. He watched Braiden stretch out on the lounge and felt that uneasy feeling in his belly. It was a feeling he could get use to.


Hugo looked over at Jack. “What?”

“That’s my sister.”

Hugo winced. “Sorry.”

Jack rolled his eyes and looked over to give his sister an annoyed look, but his eyes fell on Lily and blushed like an idiot when she gave him a little wave.

“Dude,” Hugo countered back.


“That’s my cousin.”

Jack gave him a sheepish look. “Sorry.”

Hugo bit his lip and looked back at Braiden. “Call it even?”

Jack nearly sighed at the sight of Lily stretched out in a skimpy two piece. “Sounds good to me.”


After the party was in full swing, Harry took a break from being the host and stretched himself out on the pool steps. He was sitting on the first step, leaning back against the edge with his feet out in front of him. He was nursing his beer while he kept one eye on Nora, who was splashing near by, and the other eye on the game. It was girls versus boys, and although there was more flirting going on than a basketball game, the boys were only up by one.

“Hey,” Draco said sitting beside him as he handed him a fresh bottle. “Who’s winning?”

Just then, Freddie swished a long jump shot. “Tied up.”

“Nice shot,” Draco said with a grin. “Not much of a game…your son is snogging the enemy.”

Harry chuckled when he saw James wrapped up in his girlfriend. “Yeah, every once in awhile they’ll stop guarding each other and start going at it like horny teenagers.”

“The are horny teenagers,” Draco pointed out with a grin. “My son seems to be having a good time.”

Scorpius was matched up against Rosie and he was grappling with her as he tried to get open. The pass went over his head and he dove after it, with Rosie jumping on his back, pushing him under the water. She made a grab at the ball and had sole possession for maybe two seconds before Scorpius wrapped his arms around her from behind. They were both laughing like goons while the girls cheered on Rosie and the guys ragged on Scorpius.

“That a girl, Rosie, get it!” Lily encouraged.

“C’mon, Scorp!” Danny laughed. “Going to let a girl beat you?”

Harry shook his head. "You know he's not trying his hardest...he wants to savor the feeling of Rosie wrapped around him."

"That's my boy," Draco chuckled.

Harry snorted out a laugh. "Oh, please."

"Hey your boy Albus is doing his fair share if Mia."

Harry watched Albus pin his arms around Mia, preventing her from helping out Rose. "He's smitten."

"He's not the only one."

Harry looked over at him. "Pardon?"

"Don't think I haven't noticed the tension between you and Hermione today. You can't stop staring at her and she'd doing everything in her power to avoid you."

Harry's eyes found Hermione, who was still in her cover-up she had yet to shed. She was sitting at the table with Natasha and Luna and she must have sensed him watching her because she shifted her gaze and made eye contact. The connection was brief, but said a million things between them. "We're that obvious, huh?"

"Afraid so. Care to share?"

Harry gave a shrug. "Oh you know...the usual. She's annoyed that I'm seducing her without her permission."

Draco was silent for a moment before letting out a loud booming laugh. “Why Potter, I’m surprised. I didn’t think you had it in you.”

Harry grinned. “I didn’t either, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find out that I do.”

“Never seduced Ginny?”

Harry gave him a dry look. “Ginny had a crush on me since she was ten…I never had to.”

“Good point.”

“Hey, Uncle Harry.”

Harry looked to see Rosie, Al, Scorpius and Mia swimming their way towards them on the steps. “Hey guys, game all done?”

“Pretty much,” Albus answered.

“Who won?” Draco asked.

“We kind of lost count of the scoring,” Scorpius said with a grin. “Wasn’t much of a game.”

“Dad, can we go down to the beach for awhile?”

“Sure…stay as long as you want, but stay together, okay?”

“Don’t worry,” he said and the four of them walked up the steps out of the pool.

“Have fun,” he called out as they walked away then nudged Draco. “C’mon, let’s go over to the pretty witches…I want to go have some fun making Hermione nervous.”

Draco chuckled. “Sure, why not? Could be fun to watch.”

23. Chapter 22

Look at me! An update already! Thanks for all the great reviews. This one starts off with a little fun in the surf with our favorite four, then goes to more of the party. Enjoy!


Chapter 22

The four friends hit the beach and as soon as their bare feet met the sand they took off towards the water. Scorpius grabbed Rosie’s hand and dragged her into the surf, but Rosie shrieked and tried to pull away from him. “It’s freezing!” she yelped.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Scorpius teased and gave her a tug. “It’s better if you just jump in.”

“Yeah right,” she said then yelped again when a wave hit against her legs. “I need some time to get use to it.”

“Okay that’s it,” he said firmly and stepped towards her.

“What are you doing?” she asked warily and then gasped when he bent over and plucked her off her feet. “Scorpius!” she laughed when she was thrown over his shoulders. “Are you mad?! Put me down!”

“I will once we get deep enough.”

“No! Scorpius! I’m going to kill you!”

Albus shook his head hopelessly while he watched his friend carry his cousin into the surf. “I swear he has a death wish.”

“He’s just flirting with her,” Mia said with a shrug. “Come on…help me collect seashells.”

Albus gave her a weird look. “Seashells?”

“Mmm-hmm,” she said cheerfully as she bent over and picked one up. “My mum says keeping seashells by your windowsill attracts Shnooker Doodles.”

Albus raised a brow. “And that’s a good thing?”

“Of course,” she said cheerfully. “They bring you good luck.”

Albus couldn’t help but smile as he watched her examine a seashell, then gave a grimacing look before chucking it back. Apparently that seashell wasn’t good enough. “Well…when you put it that way,” he said taking her hand. “Who am I to deny you good luck?”

Mia blushed with pleasure as she looked up at him shyly. “Really? You don’t think it’s stupid?”

“Not at all,” he said lacing his fingers with hers. “I think it’s kind of cool. So…what do Shnooker Doodles look like?” he asked as they started to stroll along the beach.

“No one really knows,” she said with a sigh as she enjoyed the feel of his warm hand tucked in hers. “Mum thinks they’re invisible, but I’m not too sure.”

“And what do they exactly do?” he asked truly interested. “To bring good luck?”

“It’s more of a vibe thing…and they don’t visit just anybody…according to legend it’s very rare and you have to be pretty special for them to visit you.”

“Well, if there was anyone out there they’d visit, it would for sure be you,” he said while they paused so she could pick up a seashell.

She looked up at him as she stood back up. “You think I’m special?”

“Of course I do,” he said with a grin. “You’re not like any of the other girls.”

“And that’s a good thing?”

“It’s a great thing,” he said squeezing her hand. “Is that shell a keeper?”

“What?” she asked still dazed from his words.

“The shell you just picked up,” he said taking her other hand to open it revealing the shell. “Hmmm…it’s cracked…and not very big.”

Mia frowned and nodded in agreement. “Yeah…not having much luck.”

“Don’t give up on me now,” he encouraged. “Still a lot of beach to cover. Hey, here’s one.” He bent down and dug out the shell that was half buried in the wet sand. It was a lot bigger than he thought and had a nice shiny pink sheen to it. It had a spiral look to it and it almost covered his entire palm.

“Oh, it’s perfect,” she breathed as she reached up to take it.

Albus held it away before she could take it. “I found it, so that makes it mine, right?”

Mia blinked as she stared up at him. “You’re not going to give it to me?”

“Maybe,” he teased with a grin. “But you’ll have to give me something first.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Like what?”

He gave her hand he held a tug to bring her closer to him. Her long blond hair was blowing from the breeze and her big blue eyes were wide and curious. “A kiss?” he asked softly and confidently although his insides were jumbling with nerves at the idea of her turning him away.

Mia’s insides were doing a few jumps as well as she shook her head clear, certain she didn’t hear him right. “You...want me to kiss you?”

“Yes,” he said bluntly. “I very much want you to.”

Mia bit her lip nervously. “I…I thought you only saw me as your pal.”

Al let out a shocking laugh. “How could you even think that after what happened at the Yule Ball?”

She shook her head. “No, that was different. You had kiss me because of the mistletoe.”

“Maybe,” he said letting go of her hand so he could touch the side of her face. “It didn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.” He smiled softly as he held the shell up in question. “So…what’s it going to be?”

But Mia didn’t even give the shell a single glace, her blue eyes couldn’t move away from Al’s piercing green ones. He wanted her to kiss him while they stood in the surf with the wind whipping around them. She couldn’t have asked for a better setting. With hands that shook, she placed them on his bare shoulders and leaned slowly up on her toes.

Albus stood still as he waited anxiously as she lifted her mouth closer and closer to his. Ever since that night at the Yule Ball he had wanted this. Their first kiss was too quick for his taste and extremely awkward considering most of the school was watching them. However, it was long enough for him to know that it was Mia who he wanted to be with….Mia he wanted as more than a friend. He didn’t want to scare her off so he always kept their relationship at a strictly platonic level even though it was killing him inside. Now, he was only a few short moments away from stripping away any platonic feelings between them.

Mia’s eyes fluttered close when her lips finally met his in a timid kiss that lingered. He cradled the side of her face with one hand as he slowly snaked is arm around her waist with the other. He pulled her close against him with their mouths still fused firmly together. He pulled back an inch but only went back for more as he nipped her lips sweetly again and again.

Mia couldn’t believe it was happening. That Albus was actually holding her in his arms, kissing her as if she was the most cherished person in his life. She let out a dreamy sigh as she reached up to touch his cheek, before sliding her fingers in his soft hair. So far he was being a gentlemen and kept the kisses innocent and closed mouth, but a greedy part of her wanted more, so she tilted her head and slightly parted her lips.

He felt his heart jolt when she opened up for him and let instinct take over and touched his tongue teasingly to hers. He felt her practically melt in his arms as she slid her tongue smoothly against his, causing him to tightened his grip on her. He tasted her deeply, but still kept the kiss gentle and sweet…just like her.

After a few more soft nips of the lips and urgent merging of tongues, they finally pulled away breathlessly. “Well,” Albus said after a moment as he touched his forehead to hers. “That…was definitely worth giving up my priceless seashell.”

Mia smiled after he gave her one more kiss before holding out the shell to her. “I didn’t kiss you because I wanted the seashell, Al.”

He lifted a brow. “No?”

She laughed softly. “No.” She took his hand that held the shell and closed his fingers over it. “You keep it. I don’t need any luck, I already got to kiss the boy.”

Albus grinned as he gently ran his fingers through her windblown hair. “You’re sweet, you know that?”

She blushed as she gave a shrug. “Maybe…but it’s nice to hear you say it.”

Albus took her hand again and kissed their joined fingers. “Come on…let’s keep looking.”

And as they strolled together hand in hand, Albus slipped the seashell into his pocket, knowing he’d keep the shell forever.

While Mia and Albus walked hand in has along the shore, a fierce tackling war was erupting between Scorpius and Rosie. It started when Scorpius snuck up behind her and tackled them both into the water. She came up laughing, but a war had begun. She put up a pretty good fight and even managed to dunk him at one point.

She jumped on his back, causing him to grunt out a laugh as he stumbled forward but managed to hold his footing. He then hitched her up higher on his back, grabbing her legs for support. He lingered a bit, casually walking through the water as he enjoyed the way she relaxed and put her chin on his shoulder

“Are we calling a truce?” she teased.

“Maybe,“ he said turning his head so he could look at her. She was sporting the cutest smile and her brown eyes were twinkling with pleasure. She was close enough to his face where a kiss would be as easy as a simple shift of the lips. It was tempting…especially when her eyes fell on his mouth. “Then again,” he said huskily. “It be even more fun to do this.”

Rose let out a loud shriek when he fell backwards into the water. They untangled underwater and she came up sputtering curses. “Oh, I should have seen that coming,” she said with a scowl, then narrowed her eyes when she noticed the mischievous look in his eyes. “Malfoy…I don’t like that look you’re giving me…you better not try anything funny.”

Scorpius just grinned before slowly slipping underwater.

“Oh, bloody hell,” she said nervously as she backed away cautiously. She knew he was coming to her for a surprise attack underwater and anxiously searched around to feel for him. A hand grabbed her ankle and she couldn’t help but scream like a girl. She was laughing now as he poked and squeezed her legs under the surface. “Malfoy! Stop! Stop…oh I’m ticklish there!” She kept right on laughing and squirming in protest while he continued his assault.

Then her laughter died and a gasp escaped her when she felt fingers brush the small triangle silk that covered the most intimate part of her body. She felt her whole body tremble at the touch as Scorpius quickly came up sputtering out apologies.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he said urgently as he held out his hands. “It was an accident…Frecks…” Her face was so pale and her eyes so wide that even more guilt swarmed him. “Frecks…I didn’t mean to…I mean…you know I would never deliberately…”

“Touch me like that?” she finished for him. She knew it was stupid but for some reason she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt at his words. Did he really have to use the word ‘never’ so forcefully…like the idea of being intimate with her was ridiculous? “Don’t worry, Scorpius…of course it was an accident. I am fully aware you only see me as your best mate. You would never touch your best mate that way…so forget about it.” She looked away, not wanting to see the look of pity in his eyes anymore. “I’m going back to shore…stay if you’d like.”

“What?” he asked dumbly as she started to head to shore. “Frecks,” he said grabbing her wrist and yanked her back around. “Wait just a damn minute…I never said I…”

“Let me go,” she demanded as she tried desperately to free herself from his firm grip.

“No.” He moved both hands to her arms to keep her with him. “What’s this crap about me seeing you as my best mate?”

Now, for some odd reason, that offended her. “Are you saying I’m not?”

“You bet I am…Al is my best mate…believe me when I say that you are nowhere near my best mate.”

“And I should be flattered by this?” she asked still riled up. She really wished he would let her go so she could leave and die of embarrassment in peace.

“I hope so,” he answered as he softened his grip, but didn’t let her go. “Look…I meant what I said…I didn’t mean to touch you that way…it would have been inappropriate if I had.”

“Really?” she asked confused. “What if I was another girl you wanted to flirt with?”

“First of all…I was flirting with you…in a more respectable manner…secondly…you’re worth more than a cheap feel, Frecks.”

Rosie shifted her eyes away uneasily when she started to feel foolish for acting the way she did. Her insecurity took over and she reacted irrationally. Here he was, apologizing profusely like any other decent guy would do and she responded like a rejected idiot. “I’m sorry, Scorpius…I acted like a prat…let’s just forget…”

“No, I’m not done yet,” he said bringing her back when she tried to leave him again.

“What is it?” she asked with a sigh.

“It may have been an accident, Frecks,” he started as he touched her slightly damp cheek. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it…because I did. I enjoyed all of it…not just the accidental inappropriate graze, but…everything else. You have really smooth legs, Frecks, did you know that?”

She blinked up at him. “Pardon?”

Scorpius grinned. “Your legs…they’re fantastic.”

Rosie’s eyes widened when he slid a hand to the small of her back and glided her towards him until her body was pressed up against his hard body. “Scorpius,” she said shakily as she tried not to think about the feel of her bare stomach rubbing against his. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Do what?” he asked as he watched his finger caress the cluster of freckles on her shoulder.

Her body trembled at the light touch. “Pretend you’re interested…just to spare my feelings.”

“Is that what you think I’m doing?” he asked, slightly amused while he turned his attention to her other shoulder. “Your freckles are adorable…always been a sucker for them.”

“Now, I know you’re lying,” she said with a roll of her eyes, but then fluttered them close when he surprised her by bending over to kiss her freckled shoulder. “I don’t get it,” she whispered as her body shivered at the feel of his lips brushing her skin. “You can have any girl you want.”

He trailed his lips slowly up her neck. “Can I?” he murmured in her ear, before kissing the soft spot under it. “Well.” He lifted his head until their eyes met and their lips were only inches apart. “Does that mean I can have you?”

Rosie felt lightheaded…she could feel her heart bound hard against her chest and she couldn’t seem to start shaking. She felt wonderful. Since she couldn’t seem to perform the simple task of talking, she answered him by giving him a nervous smile and a short little nod.

Scorpius smiled as he bent his head towards her. “Brilliant,” he murmured seconds before their lips touched and absorbed.

A soft moan escaped her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. They clung together as if their lives depended on never letting go. Deliriously happy, Scorpius tightened his grip around her waist and lifted her off her feet. She let out a delighted laugh against his mouth, but he muffled it by gliding his tongue between the seam of her lips. She never missed a beat and opened for him, sliding her tongue over his again and again.

“You’re a good kisser, Frecks,” he told her then shivered when she lightly bit his bottom lip.

“I am?” she asked as she lifted her dangling legs and wrapped them around his waist.

“Oh, yeah,” he groaned and leaned in for another quick sample. “Very good.”

“Thanks,” she said extremely pleased. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

Scorpius gave her hair a playful tug. “Gee, thanks.”

She let out a laugh. “Sorry…you were great. Had a lot of practice, Malfoy?”

He shrugged. “Maybe…but they were nothing more than a simple act of boredom.”

“Not me, though…I’ll always keep you entertained.”

“Thank Merlin for that.”

“That was my first kiss you know.”

“I know,” he said smugly and laughed when she punched his arm. “Okay, maybe I didn’t…but I secretly hoped.”

“I’m glad you were my first.”

Scorpius wanted to add, ‘and only,’ but reframed himself. They were too young for that and he didn’t want to scare her. A part of him though couldn’t help but hope she was it for him. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. “Me, too,” he said instead, before giving her another sweet kiss. “We should probably head back,” he muttered against her lips.

“Hmmm,” she agreed but found herself sinking deeper into the kiss.

“Rosie?” he breathed into her mouth, then teased his tongue with hers.

“Yes?” she asked out of breath when he slowly pulled away.

He grinned at her. “Race you to shore.”

Rosie yelped when he dropped her suddenly in the water. When she resurfaced she found him swimming to shore. “Malfoy!” she cursed. “You are dead!”

“I’m really scared, Weasley!” he countered back.

With a smile on her face…she dove after him.


The sun had set and the stars were now twinkling up in the sky. The older guests had left after dinner and birthday cake, but most of the younger adults were still around, gathered at a table, talking, laughing and drinking. Harry was impressed that Natasha was still here, considering her due date was just around the corner. Draco had even asked if she wanted to go home, but she refused.

“I’m having a great time…and I’m not tired at all.”

Luna and Neville and Ted and Victoire were the only other couple that was still around, even Fred and his wife called it a night. Freddie stayed behind though and was currently sitting on Danny’s lap in the hot tub. James and Sammy were in there with them as well as the inseparable four, Albus, Mia, Rosie and Scorpius.

Harry wondered what exactly happened out on the beach. Ever since their return, he noticed how Scorpius never seemed to leave Rosie’s side. Same with Albus and Mia who were cozied up together in the hot tub. Scorpius had Rosie practically in his lap, while she rested comfortably against his chest. He had a feeling they were no longer just friends.

Nora was surprisingly still up splashing around in the baby pool. It was way past her bedtime but Harry and Hermione let it go for this one night. “She’s having so much fun,” Hermione had said. “She can stay up just for tonight…then let her sleep in tomorrow.”

Harry watched her now, sliding on her belly through the water. Every once in awhile, she’d get out and walk to the edge of the big pool to watch Lily and Braiden play keep away with the basketball against Hugo and Jack. She’d clap and give a little cheer to both sides and then trot back to her pool.

“She’s going to sleep like a rock tonight,” he said to Hermione when he noticed she was watching Nora as well.

“I know…she’s been non-stop all day.”

“She’s precious,” Natasha said setting down her fifth virgin strawberry daiquiri of the day. “If we are blessed with a girl, I’d want one exactly like her.

“She’s pretty cute,” Draco agreed with a smile. “I’m thinking of stealing her and running away to some foreign country.”

“You steal my girl, you die, Malfoy,” Harry warned playfully.

Draco chuckled. “Guess I’ll just have to deal with my own child.”

“You do have a fifty-fifty chance that it will be a girl,” Luna pointed out.

“True, but I have an inkling that it’s a boy,” Draco said. “We both do.”

Natasha smiled as she rubbed her swollen belly. “Yes, it seems I’m destined to be surrounded by men for the rest of my life.”

“Aren’t you the lucky one,” Neville said with a laugh.

Natasha laughed as well. “Yes…very lucky. I’m also destined to pee every five minutes until I go into labor…so if you’ll excuse me.”

Draco immediately darted to his feet to help his wife to her own, while Hermione stood as well. “I’ll go with you…I have to go myself. We’ll use the one in the pool house…it’s closer.”

“Good idea,” she said and smiled when Draco gave her a quick kiss. “We’ll be right back…Luna, Vic? Want to join? We can talk about the boys behind their backs.”

“I’m in,” Victoire said jumping from her seat.

“Sure, why not?” Luna said and got up as well. “We’ll be right back.”

“Does that mean we can talk about you girls while you’re gone?” Harry asked.

“As long as it’s good stuff,” Natasha said with a wink.

“Honey, you know I’ll only say good stuff about you,” Harry said grabbing her hand as she passed and kissed it. “Leave that loser, Malfoy and run away from me. We’ll go to Tahiti and I’ll treat you like a queen.”

Natasha laughed and risked hurting herself by bending over to kiss his cheek. “It would be tempting…if I wasn’t head over heels in love with that loser, Malfoy.”

Harry sighed. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”

Draco narrowed his eyes when the women walked off. “You just love flirting with my wife, don’t you?”

Harry grinned around the lip of his beer bottle. “Uh-huh,” he said with a chuckle before taking a sip. “I know it gets under your skin.”

Draco shook his head with a laugh. “You’re an ass, Potter.”

He winked. “Right back at you, Malfoy.”

“Hey, Uncle Harry?” Freddie asked leaning over the edge of the hot tub. “Do we have anymore fresh towels? Some of us want to get out.”

“Umm…Yeah, I think Hermione has a fresh load in the dryer. I’ll go get some.”

When he left Danny pulled Freddie back into the water and nuzzled her neck. “So, did you bring it?”

Freddie grinned. “I sure did…it needs a lot of experimenting till Christmas.”

Danny hummed against her ear. “I’m always up for a good experiment. Where is it exactly? Maybe we can sneak out of here…head down to the beach.”

“It’s over by the chairs…in my bag,” she said turning around to point, but then her eyes widened when she saw Nora grabbing her bag. “Nora, no!”

But it was too late. With a delighted giggle she dumped Freddie’s bag upside down and all her belongs came clattering onto the concrete. One item however, never hit the ground, and Nora jumped and clapped at the mistletoe that danced around her head before darting off.

“Oh, no!” Freddie groaned as she quickly climbed out of the hot tub.

“Is that mistletoe?” Draco asked ducking as it swooped down at him.

“Yes, it’s…it’s an experiment. It won’t stop until it chooses someone…oh, come here you stupid plant!”

Instead it flew through the open patio doors and into the house and only moments later a loud curse from Harry erupted from inside. Freddie slapped her hands over her face in agony while everyone else staggered to their feet and ran inside.

Draco and James were the first to make it to the laundry room to find Harry standing by the dry with a scowl on his face and a mistletoe dangling above his head. “Why exactly is there a mistletoe above my head? It’s the end of July?”

Draco snickered. “Oh, this is priceless.”

“Uncle Harry, I’m so sorry,” Freddie said once she pushed her way through to the room. “Nora turned over my bag and it fell out. It’s a project I’m working on…for next Christmas.”

“Let me guess….I’m stuck here until someone kisses me.”

Freddie winced. “I’m afraid so…and it’s…well…kind of a more…risqué kind of mistletoe. A simple peck won’t be enough.”

Harry’s brow rose. “Really? Malfoy…go get your wife.”

“Kiss ass.”

Harry chuckled. “Just kidding.” He then let out a sigh. “James, go get Hermione, will you?”

James’ eyes widened. “Aunt Mione? You…You want to kiss Aunt Mione?”

“Well, yeah, who else do you suggest?” he asked throwing up his hands. “Malfoy is being a spoil sport in not letting me borrow his wife…Mione is the only single adult here. So go get her.”

“All right,” he grumbled as he turned to go get her.

“Gee, dad, are you really stuck?” Albus asked peeking his head around Draco.

“Pretty much. Why don’t you guys make yourself scarce, okay? I’m sure Hermione will be embarrassed enough as it is.”

“Fine by me, I don’t want to see you guys snogging.” He turned away and nodded his head to his friends. “Let’s go back outside.”

Not even a second later, Hermione appeared behind Draco with a confused look on her face. “What’s this all about?”

Harry just grinned and pointed at the mistletoe. “I’m stuck. One of Freddie’s new projects for Christmas was turned loose and it picked me.”

“Er…you have to kiss him,” Draco said. “Apparently more than a peck for it to work…it’s the risqué version…according to Freddie.”

“Sorry to do this to you, Mione,” Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the dryer. He still couldn’t move his feet but he was close enough to the dryer to lean his body back. “Draco wouldn’t lend me his wife.”

Draco scowled. “I’m going back outside…to my wife. You kids have fun.”

Hermione watched him leave…still in a daze on what was going on, then turned to see Harry still sporting a sexy grin. “Let me get this straight. If I don’t kiss you…really kiss you…you’ll be stuck there?”

“Yup.” He chuckled softly while shaking his head. “Ah, irony…don’t you just love it?”


I know, I know…another cliffy. I can already see the reviews in my head. It’s not pretty. I couldn’t resist though, every write loves writing a good cliffy. Don’t worry…my goal is to try to have the next update this weekend. Hang in there…and go easy on me!

24. Chapter 23

Hey guys and gals! Sorry I am a day late, I said I’d get this out during the weekend, but that didn’t happen. This is a short chapter, but since this is the scene you’ve been waiting for I didn’t think you’d mind if I went ahead and posted it. Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. *wiggles eyebrows* Enjoy!

Chapter 23

“Let me get this straight. If I don’t kiss you…really kiss you…you’ll be stuck there?”

“Yup.” He chuckled softly while shaking his head. “Ah, irony…don’t you just love it?”

Hermione sighed shaking her head. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

Harry lifted a hand up and put his index finger and thumb inches a part. “Maybe just a little bit.”

“Hmm…shouldn’t you be a little worried, Harry? I mean you are stuck that way, unless I decide otherwise.”

“I’m not worried at all,” he said casually although the smug look Hermione was sporting made him a little nervous. “You’re too nice and like me too much to leave me like this.”

“Oh, you’re right about that…but I don’t necessarily have to be the one to…set you loose.”

Harry let out a laugh. “Who else here can? You don’t honestly expect Luna or Natasha to do it.”

“Of course not,” she said with a smile. “But I could pop my head in the Floo and see if…oh, I don’t know…Lavender’s available? She is just getting over her third divorce.”

Harry’s smile dropped and his face turned deathly pale. “You wouldn’t.”

Hermione kept a straight face for as long as she could. “No, I wouldn’t,” she finally said laughing when he let out a huge breath of relief. “But getting to see the look of fear on your face was worth bringing it up.”

“That wasn’t funny at all.”

“Maybe for you it wasn’t,” she said turning around so she could close the door. She gave it a quick magical lock, since the door didn’t have one and put a silencing spell so no one from the outside could hear them. She then turned and gave him a slow grin. “But it was for me.”

Harry lifted a brow. “I think you’re the one that’s enjoying this.”

Hermione copied his previous gesture with her own hand. “Maybe just a little bit.”

Harry shook his head and couldn’t help but laugh. “Get over here, will you? You’re driving me crazy.”

“Really?” she asked as she started to fiddle with the buttons of her cover-up. “That was my plan, but I didn’t think it would happen so fast.”

Harry narrowed his eyes as he watched her slowly undo each button. “You underestimate yourself.”

“Maybe,” she said as she released the last button and then shrugged the material off her shoulders, exposing herself in her periwinkle colored bikini. “Or maybe you’re just easy to please.”

Harry felt his mouth go dry at the sight of her. All day long he was hoping she’d strip off her cover-up, wondering what was underneath it. The real thing was so much better than his imagination. Her legs were long, slim and pictured every inch of them wrapped tightly around him. Her stomach was flat and well toned and would never have guessed she had given birth to three kids. And her breasts…dear Merlin, they practically begged to be touched…to be tasted…to be devoured. “No,” he finally said with a soft groan as his eyes took in every inch of her. “You definitely have no idea just how sexy you are.”

She blushed. She hated herself for it, but how could she not? Ron had called her beautiful before…exquisite, cute and even gorgeous. However, she couldn’t recall him ever saying she was sexy and she certainly couldn’t recall Ron ever looking at her the way Harry was looking at her now.

He wanted her. That alone made her feel powerful…outrageously sexy and maybe even a tad bit cocky. It excited her in ways she never felt before. Her heart was racing, her belly was dancing and her breath was ragged and choppy. Harry wasn’t even near her…touching her…he was only looking at her and it nearly sent her over the edge.

Harry lifted a hand and crooked his finger at her and just like that, something inside her snapped. In two quick strides she was in his arms, sliding her body against his as she gripped handfuls of his hair and pulled his mouth violently down on hers. Harry didn’t miss a beat and met her hunger just as fiercely, just as urgently. His arms crushed her against him, while his mouth did battle with hers.

Lips bruised, teeth scrapped, tongues tangled. Harry felt her hands move from his hair down his bare back and shivered in response while he returned the favor. The mistletoe disappeared but neither of them noticed, it was already long forgotten. All they could think about was each other and how no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t get close enough.

On a desperate moan, Harry pushed himself off the washer and shuffled her back with their lips still locked. They both groaned when her back hit the shelves that stocked laundry supplies, neither of them paying mind to things that clattered to the floor. Harry hiked her up until those long wonderful legs were finally wrapped tightly around him. He let out a muffled groan of approval as he plunged his tongue once more into her mouth, while his hands slid up her sides and then gently cupped her breasts.

Hermione shivered at the touch as she arched her back. “Harry,” she sighed as he moved his hungry mouth down her neck. “More. Give me more, Harry.”

He obliged by quickly undoing her top, tugging at the strings, before tossing the material aside. He hitched her up even higher and captured one of her breast with his mouth while she had no choice but to hold on for the ride. “Mione,” he murmured as his lips nuzzled, tongue stroked and teeth scrapped against both breasts. “Merlin, you’re sweet.”

Hermione sobbed his name as he tugged him back up, desperate to have his mouth on hers again. He didn’t disappoint as their lips met again while he held her close, groaning at the feel of her naked breasts rubbing against his bare chest. He backed away, shuffling with her until he ran into the washer, then spun around and set Hermione on top of it.

He nestled between her legs, gripping the back of her knees and pulled until she was snug against him. Moans merged as he ground himself against her at the same time she lifted her hips to him. He was close to losing his mind. Her touch, her scent, her taste. They were all about to send him into a whirlwind of need and desire All he could think about was, more, more, more. He wanted her. He was mad with it. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her and ride her until they were both spent. Even has his hands traveled up her thighs, he was anxious to pull down that thin material over her hips and plunge.

Then in the distance…he heard a loud splash, followed by childish laughter and was abruptly sent back to reality. What were they doing? This wasn’t right. No…it was right….but wasn’t the right time. His kids…her kids…just outside. Not the time. Merlin help him, it wasn’t the time.

“Wait,” he gasped pulling away from her and took her by the shoulders. “Hermione. Wait. Dammit.”

“What is it?” she asked breathlessly looking up confused. “Did I do something…”

“No,” he groaned before she could finish her sentence, grabbing her face with his hands and kissed her deeply, desperately. “No,” he said again pulling away. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

She gripped his wrists when he rested his forehead against hers. “I thought this is what you wanted.”

His eyes fluttered closed. “It is. I do. I’ve never wanted…” He cut himself off with a sigh as he pulled her close, nuzzling her neck and nearly groaned when he felt her tremble. “Just not like this. Not with our family and friends just outside. Not up against a washing machine in the laundry room.” He kissed her neck once and pulled back so he could look at her. He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I want our first time to be in a bed. My bed. And you and I…will be you and I only…and no one else. I want that, Hermione. He paused to take her hand and kissed her palm before placing it on his cheek. “Don’t you?”

She let out a shuddering breath as she felt both excitement and fear sweep through her at the thought of spending a night with Harry…just Harry. “Yes,” she finally said. “Yes, I want that, too.”

He gave her a slow smile and leaned over and gave her a sweet and gentle kiss for the first time tonight. “Good. In the meantime…we should probably go outside before someone gets worried and sends in reinforcements.”

Hermione laughed. “All right. Er…my top.”

“Here,” he said bending down to retrieve it from the floor and handed it to her. “Very nice by the way. I’ve always liked the way you look in blue.”

Hermione blushed as she put the top back on. “Really?”

“Hmm,” he said helping her down to the floor and lingered a moment as he leaned his body into hers, trapping her against the washer. “Ever since you came strolling into the Yule Ball fourth year.”

Hermione dropped her jaw in disbelief. “Uh-uh.”

“Uh-huh,” he said with a chuckle and then bent down to treat himself to another quick taste, but with Hermione one taste never seemed quite enough. He lingered as long as possible and just when the kiss was getting heated up he made himself pull away with a soft curse. “I can’t seem to control myself around you, Sparky,” he said trying to keep it light but his voice shook with need.

Hermione was still trembling when he pushed himself away from her and watched him head towards the door. “Er…I’m going to run to the powder room first. Collect myself first before heading out.”

“All right,” he said as he disarmed the locking spell and opened the door. He was halfway out the door when he turned back to look at her and that raw need hit him like a gut to the fist. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you, Hermione.”

They both knew that when he said ‘anyone’ he meant, Ginny. “Me, too, Harry,” she said wanting him to know she felt the same way. She loved Ron. She enjoyed making love to Ron. But she never felt this raw aching need for Ron the way she was feeling now for Harry. “Me, too.”

Harry was silent. No other words were necessary. “I’ll see you out there,” he finally said and gave her a little smile before he walked out the door.

25. Chapter 24

Hey troops! Here’s an update finally! It’s a pretty long one so I hope you enjoy! This will probably be my last update for awhile, the next three weeks are crazy! Have an out of town wedding this weekend, the next I’ll be at my ranch helping my parents baby-sit my sisters kids. She will be too busy getting drunk in Vegas with her friends. She lives in a small town with her mother-in-law almost right next door and a good 6 hours away from us almost all year round, so I guess she deserves it. And the NEXT weekend is my dad’s 70th birthday, so the WHOLE family (and there is a lot of us) is getting together that weekend to celebrate. So…please be patient and I hope this update will tie you over for a bit. Thanks again for all your wonderful updates, I can’t tell you how much I enjoy them! Much love!


Chapter 24

James was stretched out in a lounge chair by the pool with Samantha leaning back against him, nestled comfortably between his drawn up legs. Danny and Freddie were in the lounge next to the, mirroring the same position. None of them were talking much, just watching the water war between Hugo, Jack, Lily and Braiden in the pool. James kept an eye on the open patio doors, waiting anxiously for his dad and Aunt Mione to walk out. What was taking so long? he wondered as he casually kissed Sam’s temple when she leaned into him. Surely they’d be done soon. Unless….

“It’s been awhile,” Freddie said breaking the silence. “I hope Harry’s not stuck or anything.”

“Should the mistletoe take this long?” James asked curiously.

“No, but…we technically don’t know when they started. It has to be awkward between them, don’t you think? Maybe they’re talking about it first.”

James felt himself relax a little. He didn’t think about that. Maybe they were still talking even now. “Yeah…maybe you’re right. They’re probably so weirded out about it, that they haven’t even managed to ki…”

“There he is!” Sam exclaimed suddenly in a hushed tone.

“What?” James darted his eyes to his father walking over to his friends. James didn’t miss the fact that his hair was more out of control than usual, or the sheepish look on his face. “He’s been snogging all right.”

“Go, Mr. P,” Danny said with a chuckle. “Ow!” Danny glared at James when he punched his arm. “Was that really necessary?”

“Yes. I wonder where Aunt Mione is?”

“Probably freshening up,” Freddie said and her eyebrows danced at Samantha. “Us girls like to freshen up after a good snog.”

James winced. “Give me a break, Freds…I can’t hit you.”

“Well, sorry, but…I know my product and they had to do some serious tongue action for him to cut loose.”

James winched again. “Jeez, Freds.”

Freddie just snickered.


“Well, well,” Draco teased as Harry plopped down in a vacant chair. “Someone looks awfully smug.”

“I guess it worked?” Neville asked.

“I’m here, aren’t I? Worked fine.”

“Where’s Hermione?” Natasha asked.

Harry shifted nervously in his chair. “Er…she went to go…freshen up, or whatever you girls do in the bathroom.”

Draco grinned. “She must have looked good and snogged. Nice, Pot--ow!” Draco jerked in his seat when his wife’s foot collided hard against his shin. “Dammit, Tash.”

“Just knock it off, okay?” she warned. “And don’t say anything inappropriate or embarrassing when she gets out here.”

Draco sulked. “You’re no fun.” Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry when he made a whipping sound. “Not funny.”

“Here she comes,” Luna announced who had a better view of the opened doors.

Harry turned in his seat and grinned when he saw her cover-up was back on. She did a good job of hiding all the signs of serious snogging. “Hey, Mione.”

She smiled and sat next to him. “Hi. I need a drink. Thanks,” she said when Luna handed her a glass of wine. She took a long sip then lifted a questioning brow to Draco. “No cracks, Malfoy?”

Draco crossed his arms in a pout. “No…I’m grounded.”

Harry made the whipping sound again and laughter erupted, while Natasha rolled her eyes. “You’re such a baby,” she teased leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. “I better go and put the cranky baby to bed.”

Draco’s eyes brightened. “Yeah? Hey, sounds good to me.”

Natasha snorted. “Whatever, I’m fat as a cow…you can’t possibly expect me to believe you’re wanting to…oh,” she whispered when Draco leaned over and whispered something ridiculously sexy in her ear. “Well. In that case…”

Draco laughed when his wife blushed. “Let’s get out of here…Scorp, we’re leaving.”

Scorpius was in the middle of taking advantage of a little private one on one time with Rosie in the hot tub since Albus and Mia were off by themselves in the big pool. They had been discreet…leaning down low into the water and sneaking glances to see if anyone was looking before swooping in for a kiss or two. He slumped his shoulders in disappointment as he watched his dad help his very pregnant mum to her feet. “I guess the funs over, Frecks.”

“No,” she said pulling him in for a hug. “It’s just the beginning.”

He grinned as he hugged her back, leaning down to kiss her freckled shoulder. “I’ll see you soon…hey.” He leaned back to look at her. “Maybe we can spend a day together soon. Just you and me…and we can…”


Scorpius looked over and his face paled at the sight of his mum bending over, clutching her stomach in pain. His dad was kneeling beside her, wrapping his arms around her. “Mum!” he yelled and shot out of the water in a flash, with Rosie right on his tail. “Mum! What is it?” he asked barely noticing Rosie taking his hand, but instinctively linked his fingers with hers. “Are you hurt?”

“No, it’s okay,” she panted looking up at him. “It’s okay, baby…my water just broke.”

Scorpius saw the puddle on the concrete floor and the way she was huffing and puffing. “Well, shit, Mum!” he exclaimed, tightening his grip on Rosie’s hand.

“Well, shit is right,” she gasped. “And watch your language.”

“Yes, mam.”

“Natasha, do you have your overnight bag?” Hermione asked calmly.

“Yes,” Draco answered for her. “By the door…our Healer suggested we carry it with us during her last few weeks just to be safe.”

“Good. That’s good.” She turned to James who had also come over to commotion. “Can you get it?”

“Sure,” he said and took off.

“Where’s your emergency portkey?” Harry asked as he picked up Nora when he felt her tug on his shorts.

“It’s in the bag,” Draco said as he tried his best to remain calm. “Breath, Tash…breath, baby.”

“I’m breathing!” she snapped before letting out a long stream of Ukrainian curses.

“What she say?” Rosie asked.

“You don’t want to know,” Scorpius and Draco said at the same time.

“Daddy, is Aunt Nat-sha sick?” she whispered with wide eyes.

“No, sweetie,” he said kissing her temple. “She’s just having her baby.”

Her wide eyes went even wider. “Aunt Nat-sha, yo baby comin’?”

Even through the pain she couldn’t help but smile. “Yes, sweetie…my baby’s coming.”

“Here’s the bag,” James said holding it out.

“Oh, great, thanks.” Draco grabbed it out of his hands and immediately started digging for the portkey. “C’mon, c’mon…”

“Side…pocket,” Natasha said between heavy pants.

“Oh. Right!” Seconds later he pulled it out and put it around the two of them.

“Scorpius.” Natasha held out her hand. “Come on, baby. I need both of my boys with me.”

“We’ll be right behind you,” Rosie assured him when he gave her a fleeting glance.

“We’ll bring you a set of dry clothes, mate,” Albus said, with Mia beside him, who was giving Scorpius a thumbs up with a grin.

He couldn’t help but smile through the panic. His friends, he thought with a warmth of pleasure spreading through him. His friends. “Thanks guys…I’ll see you there.”

Once they were gone, Harry clapped his hands together. “Okay, troops…if you want to go to the hospital and wait through long hours of the night, you have fifteen minutes to get dressed and meet me back here.”

Everyone ran into the house like a frenzy, while Neville and Luna lingered. “We unfortunately can’t go,” Neville said. “We have an early morning and stayed out later than planned…but I know Mia wants to go.”

“She can go with us,” Harry offered. “She can just bunk here tonight.”

“Thanks, Harry,” Luna said with a smile. “I know she wouldn’t want to miss it. We’ll go upstairs and tell her goodbye. Owl us as soon as she has the baby?”

“Of course,” Hermione assured them. “We’ll keep you posted.” She then turned to Harry when they walked off. “I’m going to go over to Molly’s and see if she can come over to stay with Nora. She’s half asleep in your arms and it would be easier if Molly stayed here.”

“Okay, I’ll go up and get her ready for bed…meet you back here in ten?”

“Sounds good. We might want to make some coffee to go if we have time. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

“Good point,” he said after a moment. “I’ll go put a fresh pot on before heading upstairs.”

It was just as Hermione predicted, Natasha had been in labor for five hours so far and it was just shy of four in the morning. The kids had dozed off about an hour ago and even Hermione’s head found his shoulder and drifted off to sleep. Harry, however, was still wide awake…probably due to the coffee he had been sucking down like water.

It was just as well, sleep was the last thing on his mind at the moment and used the time to survey the room while everyone was asleep. On the floor were Albus, Rosie, Mia and Scorpius, or as him and Draco called them, The Fab Four. They had taken cushions off the couches and made a pallet on the floor. They had stretched out together to play cards or Exploding Snap earlier in the night, but now they had fallen asleep. Scorpius and Rosie were on their bellies next to each other, with Albus and Mia lying across from them. Harry frowned at the way Scorpius’ hand found its way to the small of Rosie’s back and Al and Mia were just as close on the other side. He knew he should probably wake them up and make them separate, but they were exhausted, so he’d just make sure and keep an eye on them.

Lily and Hugo were out like a light in the two oversized chairs. Jack and Braiden had come to the hospital and hung out with them for a few hours, but their parents had finally picked them up just after midnight. He had remembered the way Lily had given a blushing Jack a kiss on the cheek and the way Hugo gave Braiden an awkward hug goodbye. It looked like to him that another Fab Four was on the verge of forming. Something to think about, he pondered while his eyes shifted over to James and his friends. The original Fab Four, he supposed.

They were sprawled out on the couch…Sam and James curled up together on one end, while Danny and Freddie were snuggled up at the other. He was pleasantly surprised when they decided to not only come to the hospital, but actually stick it out. None of them really had strong ties to the Malfoys, but they stayed anyway, because somewhere along the way, the Malfoy’s had become family and Harry knew they were all raised to realize how important family was.

Hermione stirred next to him, letting out a soft moan as she lifted her head from his shoulder. “What time is it?” she asked groggily as she rubbed the crick in her neck.

“A little after four,” he said reaching and nudged her hand out of the way so he could personally massage out the crick himself. “You’ve got quite a knot, Mione.”

Hermione moaned at the feel of his warm, hard hands, kneading her sore muscles. “I know…oh, that feels good.”

“Good. Why don’t you go back to sleep? Stretch out this time and put your head on my lap…it’s still going to be awhile.”

“Tempting…but no, I’m fine.” She sighed as she felt the tension melt from her body. “That was just what I needed…now I need coffee. Want a fresh cup?”

“Sure…hey,” he added as he took her arm before she could get up. “Kids are asleep,” was all he said before he leaned over and covered her mouth with his.

Hermione sighed and sunk right into the kiss, surrendering herself to him, not only physically, but emotionally. The kiss was almost dreamlike, since she was still half awake from her short nap. Their tongues stroked lazily, their lips absorbed gently and their teeth scrapped lightly. It was different from their previous kisses…those had been fast, hot and desperate…while this one was slow, silky and patient. She found herself enjoying this kind of kiss from Harry, just as much as the others.

On a soft moan, Harry scrapped his teeth along her bottom lip as he reluctantly pulled away. “Mmm,” he murmured. “That was rather nice.”

She couldn’t stop shaking. “Uh-huh.”

Harry gave her a slow grin, then leaned back all the way in his chair. “I’ll let you get that coffee now.”

Coffee? Who needed caffeine after a kiss like that? “Oh…right. Er…I’ll be back.”

Harry watched her walk away, enjoying the way her cute little butt wriggled in her jeans. Merlin, he wanted her. He could still taste her on his tongue and it was driving him crazy. The slow lazy kiss they shared only gave him a sweet preview of what it would be like to kiss her after a night of loving her. He was tempted…oh so tempted to go after her and pull her into an empty room and have his way with her. Although the fantasy was nice…the real thing…once the time was right…would be so much better.

By the time she came back with the coffee, the kids were starting to slowly wake up. They stirred, stretched, yawned or rubbed tired eyes. “We have a baby yet?” Scorpius asked his voice still rough from only a few hours of sleep.

“Not yet,” Harry said, smiling when he groaned. “Should be soon.”

It wasn’t long after that when a nurse came out to announce it was almost time for Natasha to start pushing. Harry immediately started pacing, while Hermione sat in the chair, watching him with amusement. Scorpius was sitting on the couch with Rosie and Mia on either side of him and Albus on the other side of Mia. Rose had his hand in hers for not only comfort, but from preventing him to bite his nails. It was a nervous habit of his.

Freddie, of course, was doing her father and late uncle proud, by starting a baby pool. Everyone was in on it, even Harry had stopped pacing to put down a bet. “I’m betting ten Galleons on a boy, seven pounds three ounces and he’ll be born aaaat…seven thirty-four.”

“Woah, baby, ten Galleons?” Freddie rubbed her palms together with excitement. “Now we’re talking.”

“I second that,” Hermione said lifting a hand. “Boy also, but I say six pounds eight ounces, and he’ll be born at seven-oh-five.”

“No way, that’s way too early,” Harry said waving a hand.

“We’ll just see about that, Potter,” she said with a smirk. “Just continue your pacing and we’ll see who wins.”

Hermione did of course, Harry thought in annoyance as they found out that Dameon Malfoy came into the world at seven-fifteen, weighing six pounds seven ounces. “I can’t believe you won,” Harry said giving her a little elbow nudge as they walked to the room.

“Sore loser,” she teased, nudging him back.

After spending a good hour crammed into the room, each taking turns to ooh and aw over the new member of the family, Harry had everyone kicked out so Natasha and Draco can rest. “We’ll take Scorpius home with us, “Harry said bending over to kiss her cheek, while Hermione gave a quick hug to Draco before herding the kids out of the room. “He can crash with us…stay until you guys can take Dameon home.”

“Thanks, Harry.”

“Sure thing, beautiful.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Draco said clapping him on the back. “Oh, the hell with it,” he added after a moment and pulled him into a manly hug. “Thanks, Potter…for sticking around. Not just you, but…your whole family. We appreciate it.”

After recovering from the shock, Harry gave him a slap on the back. “Don’t mention it.” They pulled away awkwardly, then Harry cleared his throat. “Besides…although I can’t speak for the rest of my family, I did it for Nat…she’s prettier than you.”

Draco laughed and smiled at his wife, who was exhausted…but still beautiful. “That’s one thing we can agree on.”

Now, they were all piling into the house and the kids went straight up stairs. Harry found a note from Molly, saying she took Nora home with her earlier this morning. “I’m going to go over there,” he told Hermione. “See if she can watch her for the rest of the day so we can all rest.”

“Okay…I’m going to take a shower…then pass out.”

“Sounds good.” He kissed her cheek. “Be right back.”


“Hugo, you’re bunking in Lily’s room,” Albus said as they were all in the hallway.

“What?” both Hugo and Lily exclaimed.

“Why?” Lily asked pouting. “Hugo snores.”

“The hell I do,” Hugo sputtered.

“The hell you don’t. Al…I’m not sharing a room with him.”

“Sorry, but I’m giving the girls my room since the bed is big enough for two, because I’m sure as hell not sharing it with Scorpius…no offense mate, love ya and all, but…”

“Hey,” he said holding up his hands. “Say no more…one-hundred percent agree.”

Since she knew it made sense, but was still unhappy about it, Lily rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed grunt as she sauntered in her room. Hugo trudged in after her not looking happy either.

“If you snore, I’m going to smack you with my pillow!” Lily’s booming voice said.

“Oh, bite me,” Hugo muttered moments before the door was closed.

“Al, you didn’t have to do that,” Mia said with a sigh. “I could have slept on the floor.”

“That’s stupid, Mia…I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”

“Don’t worry about it, Mia,” Rose said waving it off. “Lily and Hugo will both be asleep before either of them can be annoyed.” She stifled a yawn. “Which is what I want to be doing, so if you boys will excuse me…”

“Woah, wait a minute,” Scorpius said taking her hand before she could head up to Al’s room. “No kiss goodnight?”

Rosie smile as she let herself be pulled into his arms. “Well…maybe one,” she said moments before their lips met.

“Good idea,” Al said as he pulled Mia in his arms. She came willingly, sliding her arms around his neck and lifted her mouth to his.

That’s how Harry found them. He rounded the corner and his jaw dropped when he saw the Fab Four snogging in the hallway. He could only stare at first, because he was too shocked to do anything otherwise. It was when he saw Scorpius hand start to slide to her butt when he shook himself out of it. He cleared his throat…very loudly.

They jumped back like they’d been burned and all four looked at him with wide eyes.


“Uncle Harry.”

“Mr. P.”

Harry lifted a brow when all three of his names were stammered out at the same time. “Shouldn’t you four be a little too tired for a bit of snogging?” he asked as he walked slowly over to him.

They were all nervous…as they shuffled feet or avoided his eye and stuttered and stammered. “Er…you’re exactly right, Uncle Harry,” she finally said and gave him a grin and a quick kiss on the cheek. “Night!” she exclaimed and grabbed Mia’s wrist and dragged her upstairs to safety.

When the door closed Harry looked at Al and Scorpius who immediately muttered a quick goodnight as they both tried to make it to the door, only to run into each other. Al gave Scorpius a shove inside the room, before turning around to give his Dad a nervous laugh and a wave and started to close the door.


Albus winced but opened the door back open and looked up at his Dad. “Er…yes, sir?”

“Do I have to tell you that if you or Scorpius sneak upstairs into the girls room, you’ll be grounded till your forty?”

Albus gulped as he felt a trickle of sweat run down his back. “No, sir.”

“Good.” He grinned and nuzzled his head. “Night, son. Sleep well.”

Harry was still shaking his head hopelessly when he went into his bedroom and locked the door behind him. Though he had to admit, the aftermath of their reaction was quite comical. Wanting to share the story with Mione and…well, just be with her, he went to the adjoining door they had installed. He wasn’t exactly sure why they had it installed, but he was damn glad they did.

The shower was still running from her shower so he made himself comfortable and stretched out on her bed. It wasn’t till then when he realized how tired he was. He hadn’t once shut his eyes during the night and the lack of sleep was definitely catching up to him. He felt his eyelids go heavy and had no choice but to close them. Just for a bit, he thought to himself as he could still hear the distant drumming of the water from Hermione’s shower. He would just rest his eyes for a bit, then leave when Hermione got out.

That’s how Hermione found him. Sprawled out on her bed still fully clothed and out like a light. She sighed as she made her way to the bed, crawling over to him and stretched out beside him. “What am I going to do with you, Harry?” she asked softly as she started to strum her fingers through his hair.

She wanted him to stay. She wanted to curl under the sheets with him and slip into a deep sleep with him pressed up against her. She knew it couldn’t happen…at least not yet. With the kids only sleeping down the hall it was too risky. At first she thought she’d just go into Harry’s and sleep there so she wouldn’t disturb him, but if the kids woke up to see her in Harry’s bed and Harry in hers, they’d definitely think something was up.

“Harry,” she whispered as she continued to gently stroke his hair. “Harry, wake up now…”

“Hmmm,” he murmured as he shifted to his side towards her and his eyes fluttered. “Hmm….what?”

“You need to get up, Harry,” she said touching his cheek.

“What?” he said again then blinked tiredly up at her. “Hmm…now? Well…I’m a little too tired for that, Sparky, but…I guess I can handle it.”

Hermione laughed when he lazily rolled her onto her back and nestled himself on top of her. “Harry, no,” she whispered as she slapped his back. “I didn’t mean…oh god.” His weight was now pinning her into the mattress as he nuzzled her neck.

“You smell good,” he mumbled as he sniffed her.

“I just took a shower. Cut it out,” she said when she felt him start to nip at her earlobe. “I’m serious, Harry,” she said but giggled anyway. “I just meant to wake you…oh Merlin, that feels good…you need to leave…”

“Why? I’m up now thanks to you.”

“I can see that. And feel that,” she added with a smirk.

Harry lifted his head and looked at her with a gaped mouth. “You just made a sex joke…that is so hot.”

“Oh, knock it off,” she said laughing as she shoved him off of her with all his might. “The both of us are too worn out to even think about having sex.”

“Hey, as you so wonderfully pointed out…I’m up.”

“But dead tired and so am I.”

He smiled lazily as he put his head on the pillow next to her. “I know…I just felt like razzing you…I’m too tired and I want to be fully awake when I make love to you.” He lifted her hand and kissed her palm. “Plus the kids are down the hall…that wouldn’t be smart.”

“Which is why I woke you in the first place,” she teased although her heart was still racing after his words. “You need to go to your own bed.”

He poked his lip in a pout. “But I don’t want to.”

She smiled. “I don’t want you to, either, but you have to. We can’t risk it with the kids, I certainly don’t want them to find out about us that way.”

“When do you want to tell them?”

“Not for awhile…I was thinking…”


“Well…I don’t think you and I should…well…be together that way until the kids leave for school. It’s only a few weeks away and it would be better since the house will be half empty. So…maybe we shouldn’t tell them until…later.”

He linked his fingers with hers and kissed her fingers. “I’m up for it.” He narrowed his eyes at her when he realized his choice of words. “No cracks.”

She let out a laugh and leaned over to kiss him. “Good night, Harry.”

Harry sighed. “Good night.” He then rolled out of bed and looked back at her at the adjoining door. “Hermione? Don’t make any plans the day we take the kids to King’s Cross, because as soon as we get back…”

He trailed off, but he didn’t have to finish his sentence, she knew exactly what he meant. “As soon as we get back,” she agreed softly and let out a shaky breath. “As soon as we get back.”

26. Chapter 25

Hey guys, I’m back! Thanks for being so patient! The last few weeks were really busy and very important since it was family stuff. I’m back now, but don’t get too excited, this next update isn’t what you’ve been waiting for…the one following this one is. It’s a short one, but the next one will make up for it. This one isn’t too shabby though, good H/Hr fluff. I guess think of this chapter as a sneak preview of what’s to come! Hope you enjoy and I will have the long awaited chapter up as soon as I can! Thanks again!


Chapter 25

As far as Harry was concerned, September first couldn’t come fast enough. He never realized just how many kids lived under his roof until now. Trying to find a few moments alone with Hermione was more difficult than he had imagined. Not that they didn’t succeed now and then, he thought as he sat at his desk trying to concentrate on the recent report of a current mission to take out a huge smuggling ring in Liverpool. He had been able to sneak a few kisses and light touches when the kids were away or preoccupied in another room. Even Nora helped when it was just the three of them in the kitchen and she demanded that Daddy kiss Mummy. He was more than happy to oblige.

Now, with little over a week to go, he was about to explode. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. He had been entertaining himself on what exactly he would do as soon as they were finally alone. He had a bunch of different fantasies going on in his mind, one including going into the laundry room to finish what they started that night when Nora…bless her…accidentally set Freddie’s mistletoe experiment loose. And bless Freddie, too, for making such a wonderful invention. He had to make sure and tell her to save him one when they go on sale.

Thinking of it now, he had a flash of Hermione’s legs wrapped around him and groaned loudly. “Come on, September first,” he muttered and shook his head, trying desperately to free his mind of Hermione…and how much he wanted to peel off her clothes and do unspeakable things to her.

“Get a grip, Potter,” he muttered and shook his head clear again.

It took him awhile, but he was finally able to actually concentrate on the words in front of him. An hour into it he was completely focused, so focused that he didn’t hear the light knock on his door. Nor, did he hear his office door opening and closing or the sound of the soft click when someone locked it. He did however, notice a familiar scent fill the room, causing his head to snap up.

Hermione smiled. “Hey…I didn’t think you heard me.”

“I didn’t,” he said blinking at her. “I…” He had smelled her…that unique scent that she had always carried since the first day he met her. “I guess I sensed you,” he finally said with a smile and stood up when Hermione walked around to him. “What brings you by?”

“I’ve been school shopping with Hu and Lily…Don’t forget Saturday you’re taking Al and Rosie.”

“I won’t. What’s in the bag?”

“Hmm? Oh.” She held out the brown paper sack. “We had lunch and thought we’d bring an order to you…the kids would have been here, but we ran into Jack and Braiden who were shopping as well with their parents. They went with them to go get ice cream and I’m suppose to meet up with them after.”

Harry took the bag and peaked into it. “Mmm…meatball sub…perfect.” He closed the bag and gave her a grin. “Thanks, Sparky.”

“Anytime.” She took a step towards him. “Well.”

He grinned. “Well.”

She jumped him and Harry tossed the bag on his desk and caught her easily as their mouths met in a blaze of fury. His hands fisted her shirt while hers gripped his hair as he plucked her off the floor. On a moan, Harry changed the angle of the kiss and tasted her deeply, while Hermione wrapped her legs around him. Merlin, he loved her legs.

Harry staggered backwards and a muffled laugh escaped Hermione when they both tumbled into his office chair. Now straddling him, Hermione wiggled closer, causing Harry to groan in pleasure as he cupped the back of her neck, moving his mouth urgently under hers.

She purred in delight when his hands slid slowly down her back, over her hips then to her thighs, only to move them back up, hiking her skirt up a few inches so he could caress soft skin. She gasped and arched her neck when his hands snuck fully under her skirt and cupped her ass, pushing her closer. “Harry…”

Harry let out a murmur of approval as he nuzzled her neck, then nipped her lobe. “Now you’ve done it…I won’t get any work done.”

Hermione sighed as her fingers slipped into his hair again. She really was a sucker for his hair. “Really? Should I apologize for jumping you?”

“No way,” he groaned as he pulled her blouse aside so he could trail kisses along her shoulder. “I’ll manage. You’ll have to come back now, you know.”

“Really?” she asked with a grin when he dipped his head lower to concentrate on the skin exposed from the low v-cut of her blouse. “Why?”

“Mmm…so I can do what I want to do now.”

She closed her eyes when he pulled material aside and slipped his tongue under the cup of her bra. “And what’s that?”

“Sweep everything off my desk,” he murmured as he moved to her other breasts. “Spread you out on top of it…naked.” He flicked a tongue over her nipple and her whole body trembled against him. “And take you fast and hard.”

“Harry,” she moaned as she couldn’t help but ground herself against him. “Yes…Merlin…I want that, too.”

He gripped her hips to keep her still and groaned softly as he lifted his head back up and found her mouth. Kissing her slowly, deeply, until they both had their arms wrapped around each other in a sweet embrace while their mouths clung desperately together. “Ten days,” he murmured giving her a quick nip before reluctantly pulling away. “Only ten more days.”

“An eternity,” she said closing her eyes.

He chuckled softly and kissed her closed lids. “No, only ten days…but it will feel like an eternity.”

Hermione lingered a moment, taking in the wonderful feel of Harry’s arms wrapped round her. “I better go,” she finally sighed. “The kids are probably wondering what’s taking me so long.”

“Okay,” he said and bit back a moan of protest when she lifted herself off his lap. “Thanks for dropping by.”

Hermione laughed as she straightened her blouse. “You’re quite welcome. Enjoy your sub.”

“I will.” Harry grabbed her hand before she could walk away and kissed her knuckles. “I’ll see you tonight.”

The sweet gesture made her heart melt as she smiled at him. “Okay. Good luck with your report,” she added with a wink.

“Yeah, thanks…I’m going to need it thanks to you.”

“Why, Harry,” she said fluttering her eyelashes. “That’s the sweetest thing.”

Harry let out a laugh as he shook his head. “Get lost, Sparky, before I say screw ten days and take you right now.”

She bit her lip. “Okay, I’m going,” she said quickly and rushed out.

When he was alone he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair. Hermione was right. Ten days was an eternity.

27. Chapter 26

Yes friends…I’m alive. I want to deeply apologize for taking so incredibly long in updating this chapter. I never thought it would take me this long…in fact I started writing it almost right after I updated the last chapter. I don’t really know what happened…I just kind of freaked out a bit. This…for some reason was the most difficult love scene I’ve written. I guess it was because I knew everyone has been looking forward to it, I felt a lot of pressure to get it right. Not from you…but from me. It was so silly, but I just couldn’t make myself write anything for the longest time. Well…I finally got it done and I hope it’s okay. Like I said…I just went through some serious writers block in the last month. Please forgive and I hope this chapter makes up for it! Thanks for your support!


Chapter 26

“Mia,” Scorpius said in a soft impatient tone as she used his shoulder for balance while jumping up on her tip-toes. “I don’t think they’re here yet.”

Mia craned her neck to look over the crowd that swarmed 9 ¾ and did another jump while still holding onto his shoulder. “You think? They should be here soon.”

“They’ll be here,” he said patting her hand on his shoulder. “Just try to stop fidgeting for longer than five seconds.”

Mia huffed out a breath. “I can’t help it…I’ve been away for nearly two weeks vacationing with my parents, longer than that for you since you had to go off to Ukraine to visit your grandmother. I’m dying to see, Albus…aren’t you excited to see your Frecks?”

“Well, sure…of course I am. I’ve missed her like crazy….but you don’t see me fidgeting and jumping up and down to…”

“Oh, there’s Rosie!”

“What?!” he asked urgently as he craned his neck and lifted himself up on his tiptoes. “Where? I don’t see her….”

Mia snickered. “Sucker.”

Scorpius narrowed his eyes at her. “That’s wasn’t funny.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Scorpius, of course it was.”

Scorpius scowled at her for a moment, but then couldn’t help but laugh. “Funny Face, you’re a piece of work,” he said putting a friendly arm around her.

“Hey, Scorpius.”

He turned to the owner of the voice and his smile dropped and the amusement in his eyes turned drastically to annoyance. “Nina….what do you want?”

“Just thought I’d say hi,” she said in a very loud high pitch voice. She glanced at Mia and put on a smile, although Scorpius could tell it was difficult for her to do so. “Hi, Wier…er…Mia.”

“Hi,” she said and looked up to see Scorpius was just as confused.

“Look Scorpius…I know I wasn’t acting my best last year.” She took a step closer and fluttered her eyelashes. “Julius and I are over…you were right about him…he’s such a loser.”

And Nina doesn’t tolerate hanging out with losers, Scorpius thought in amusement. Trying to crawl your way back, aren’t you Nina? “Yes, he is,’ he said, deciding to play along. “You’re better off without him.”

Nina flushed with pleasure. “Don’t I know it,” she said with a giggle. “Maybe you and I could start over?” She gave him her best flirtatious smile. “Start where we left off last summer?” She trailed fingers down his arm that wasn’t around Mia. “You are such a better kisser than Julius.”

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but didn’t miss the “Oh, brother,” Mia muttered under her breath and gave her a slight squeeze in agreement. “Thanks for the offer,” he said as he calmly shrugged off her hand. “But I’m seeing someone…so I can’t help you.”

“You’re seeing someone?” she asked as the first hint of irritation appeared in her voice. “Who? Her?” she scoffed gesturing to Mia. “You can’t be serious.”

“No, not Mia…”

She sneered at Mia. “That’s what I thought.”

“Not that I wouldn’t…Mia here is quite a catch…but Albus would disapprove and seriously kick my ass if I did.”

“You better believe I would,” Albus said who had caught the end of the conversation.

Scorpius grinned. “See? It wouldn’t be worth it. Besides…I’m crazy about someone else.” He casually nudged Nina aside and headed towards Rosie. “Hey Frecks…miss me?”

She grinned. “Desperately,” she said laughing as she ran to him.

Mia was right behind her, running to Albus when he held out his arms for her. Both Al and Scorpius embraced them in their arms and kissed them right in the middle of a crowded 9 ¾.

Nina watched, fuming with anger, while girls giggled and sighed with envy and the boys whistled and hollered.

“Atta boy, Potter!”

“Way to go, Malfoy!”

From the sidelines, Harry watched with a slight frown. “I guess they’re not into being very discreet, are they?”

“I think it’s sweet,” Hermione said with a sigh. “I wouldn’t have minded that kind of welcome when I was that age.”

Harry lifted a brow at her. “Really? You should have told Ron or I…I’m sure we would have happily obliged.”

Hermione snorted. “Yeah right…both of you would have stuttered and blushed like school boys.”

“Nu-uh,” Harry said slightly offended.

“Yeah, okay Harry,” she said with a snicker.

“Oh shut up,” he said pushing her slightly but couldn’t help but laugh. “Let’s go say goodbye to the kids…hey…there’s James and Samantha.” Harry grabbed Hermione’s hand and tugged her over to them. “What brings you here?”

James looked over and smiled. “Oh…hey Dad…hey Aunt Mione.” He happily leaned down when Hermione reached up for a kiss on the cheek. “We’re saying goodbye to Freddie.”

“And then doing our best to cheer up Danny,” Samantha added after she greeted Harry with a peck on the cheek as well. “He’s extremely depressed at the thought of being without Freddie for so long.”

“That’s right…Freddie has another year.” Harry looked over to see Danny and Freddie in a sweet embrace. They were talking but every once in awhile they would sneak in a kiss. “Poor guy…that really sucks.”

“Yeah. Hey, where’s Nora?” James asked.

“I took her over to JoJo and Jerry Dad’s last night,” Hermione said speaking about her parents Joanna and Jerry Granger. “She’s spending a few days over for a visit. My parents don’t get to see the kids enough since they live in Australia, so I thought it was time for a visit.”

“Dad!” Lily came up behind him and tugged his shirt. “Hu and I are going to go ahead and get on the train.”

“We want to get a good compartment,” Hugo said to his mum before leaning up and hugging her goodbye

“Let’s have a hug,” Harry said leaning down to kiss Lily’s cheek and hugged his baby girl. “You’ve got to quit growing up on me.”

Swamped with love, she hugged him tight. “Sorry Daddy…I’m afraid I can’t stop it.”

His heart melted when he called her Daddy…she so rarely did and he cherished those moments…even when she used it to get something from him. He kissed the top of her head. “You have a good year…and keep in touch.”

“I will…love you,” she muttered against his chest and then stepped back to say goodbye to Hermione. “See ya, Aunt Mione.”

“Bye luv,” she said giving her a quick hug after releasing Hugo. “Keep Hu out of trouble, hmm?” she murmured in her ear so only she could hear.

She giggled. “I will.”

“Bye, Uncle Harry,” Hugo said and grinned when his uncle lifted his hand up high. He leaped up with all his might and smacked it as hard as he could before landing back on his feet.

“That a boy…I’m going to have to start lifting my hand higher,” he said giving his hair a nuzzle and then pulled him in for a quick hug. “Take care, Hu…see you at Christmas.”

After Lily and Hugo said a quick goodbye to James and Samantha, they took off, giving a final wave before disappearing into the train. Harry and Hermione had already said goodbye to Albus and Rosie, so they just stood hand in hand while they watched the train slowly creep away.

Harry gave Danny a look of sympathy as he trudged back to James and Samantha. “Don’t worry mate,” he heard James said as he put an arm around him. “The year will fly by. Let’s go to the pub…have a pint.” Over his shoulder he gave his dad a roll of his eyes and waved goodbye as they walked off.

After the back of the train was barely the size of a speck of dust, Harry gave Hermione’s hand a slight squeeze. “Shall we?”

Hermione sighed as she leaned into him, enjoying the way he easily snuck an arm around her. “Let’s go.”

They strolled lazily back to the car giving slight waves and quick hello’s to people they knew. When they got to the car the pulled away but as soon as Harry started the car and pulled into traffic he reached for her hand.

They kept the conversation light as they kept the Muggle radio on low. Hermione talked about the progress of her book and how she should have the second book of her new series done in a matter of months. Harry talked a bit about a new assignment that was coming up and who he was thinking about putting on the case. They continued the harmless chatter all the way back to the house, neither of them mentioning what was to happen as soon as they got back.

With traffic, it took them two hours to get back to the house. Once he pulled into the garage, he turned off the engine and gave her hand a squeeze before they both got out of the car. Harry opened the door that led into the entry way of the house and let Hermione slip in first. He stepped in after her, closed the door behind him and as soon as he tossed the keys on the small wooden table by the door…they dove for each other.

Harry caught her against him as he swooped down and feasted his mouth hungrily on hers. Passion exploded between them as they clung together, Hermione’s hands lost in his hair while Harry lifted her until her toes dangled. With a muffled moan, Harry started to shuffle around, hoping that he could get her upstairs to a bed before he took her. He bumped them against the dining room table so he paused there, plopping her on the flat surface so he could free his hands.

“Harry,” she gasped holding onto him. “Touch me…I want your hands on me.”

He let out a strangled moan against her throat as his hands streaked over her. Down her back, her sides and then back up to cup her breasts through the thin cotton of her dress. “Merlin, I want you,” he whispered into her ear as his hands tugged at the material, desperate for flesh. “I want you under me…naked…god I want you naked.”

“Then hurry,” she moaned softly bringing his head back so her lips could find his. “Take me to bed, Harry…now.”

“Bloody hell,” he cursed and lifted her up again and hurried to the flight of stairs.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as he trampled up the steps, moaning in pleasure at the feel of his large hands cupping her ass. As soon as he made it to the top, he backed her against the nearest wall, ravaging her neck as he worked impatiently at the zipper of her dress. He hiked up her skirt and tugged down the dress over her shoulder so the cotton material was bunched around her middle.

At first he was disappointed she was wearing a bra, but then he got a look at it and nearly groaned in pleasure. It was sexy as hell…all that silk and lace made her breasts look so enticing. He hitched her higher and covered one of her silk covered breast with his warm mouth while she gasped as she gripped handfuls of cotton from his shirt and yanked it greedily up his back. He pulled away, helping her tug the shirt over his head then tossed the material aside before his lips met aggressively against hers.

With their mouths still firmly locked he used the wall as a guide to his bedroom since it was one door closer than hers. No sense it wasting time. He wanted her…had wanted her for a damn long time and now that it was finally here he couldn’t seem to get her naked fast enough.

When they tumbled onto the bed, they both let out a moan of approval now that they were finally where they wanted to be.

They rolled together across the wide bed, stripping the very few articles of clothing that still had remained on their bodies. Harry loomed over her, spending a good amount of time on that kissable mouth of hers, before finally traveling down her trembling body. He wanted to explore ever inch of her, every shape and texture while she withered and moaned beneath him.

She felt like she was going to explode. His roaming hands and seeking mouth were about to drive her crazy. She felt his hot mouth on her breast while his hand slid up her thigh, his fingers seeking towards her hot center. “Yes,” she whispered, opening her legs for him, then groaned his name when his finger glided smoothly between her folds.

“Hermione,” he murmured between kisses as he moved his lips to her stomach while he continued to draw her up.

She gasped and arched up like a bow when his mouth replaced his finger, bringing her up with the clever use of his lips and tongue. It didn’t take her long to come, she should have known he would be entirely too good at it. With her fists clenching the sheets her whole body went taunt and a long throaty cry escaped from the back of her throat as he sent her through a whirlwind of senses she had never felt before

As she went limp beneath him, still breathing heavy from her intense orgasm he had just had the pleasure of giving, Harry slowly moved back up her body. “You okay?” he murmured as he nipped her earlobe. Merlin, she was incredible. She had responded to him so easily it seemed he barley had to touch her.

She let out a weak laugh. “Just dandy…good grief, Harry. You do that very well.”

He chuckled against her throat. “Thanks.” He flicked a tongue over her soft skin. “Know what else I can do very well?”

“Hmm,” she said dreamily as her eyes fluttered close. “What’s that?”

For an answer, he nuzzled her neck, gripped his fingers with hers, and plunged himself deep, deep inside her.

“Oh!” she gasped as her eyes flew open then rolled them at the back of her lids, groaning his name at the feel of him inside her. “Oh, god. Oh, god.”

“You can say that again,” he groaned and kissed her long, deep and thoroughly until he felt her sigh and relax beneath him. “So good,” he breathed against her mouth. “You feel so bloody good.”

She groaned in agreement as she wrapped her long legs tightly around him. “Oh, Harry, I can’t stand it,” she gasped as she lifted her hips to him. “Move inside me.”

“Kiss me first,” he said desperate to have his lips on hers again.

With a moan, she obliged, moving her mouth urgently under his, sliding her tongue silkily against his in a delicious rhythm. She let out a muffled gasp when he finally began to thrust inside her, slow and deep. He unlaced their fingers to slide his hands under her, clenching handfuls of her hair, while she glided hers around him, stroking them slowly up and down his muscular back.

They broke the kiss but their lips still lingered inches from each other while they continued the slow torturous pace with one another. Gasps and sighs filled the room as they both became closer and closer to finally erupting over that final peak. Harry captured her lips once more, scrapping his teeth over her bottom lip before burying his face against her neck. He took his thrusts even deeper and a little harder as that need for release began to build and build inside him.

“Harry,” she groaned as she easily fell into rhythm with him when he quickened the pace. “Yes…that feels so good.”

“Hermione,” he whispered in her ear. “Come with me.” He pulled almost all the way out of her now, only to plunge deeply back into her…faster and faster as he sent them both towards the edge. “Come with me now.”

She cried out his name and he groaned hers when that final long waited release swept over them both. Harry collapsed on top of her while she fell back onto the bed, both completely drained. Harry’s heavy head laid found refuge on her chest and he smiled lazily at the sound of her fast frantic heartbeat.

“You okay?” Harry finally asked after giving them both a moment to recover.

“I think I’m blind.”

Harry lifted his head to look at her and smiled. “Your eyes are closed, Sparky.”

“Oh.” Her eyes fluttered open to see Harry’s lazy green eyes looking down at her. “Whew…that was a close call.”

Harry gave her a slow grin and pushed back her hair. “Are you really okay?”

Hermione turned into his hand and kissed the inside of his palm. “Never better.”

Harry leaned down and kissed her curved lips before rolling over on his back, bringing her along so she could curl up to his side. “Well. That was…pretty fantastic. We’re going to have to do that again…and very soon.”

She chuckled as she snuggled close to him. “Okay. It was pretty great, huh?”

“I thought so.” He kissed the top of her head, breathed in her scent.



“Do you think…that one of the reasons it was so good was…because it’s been awhile? For both of us?”

“Could be,” he murmured although a part of him didn’t think that was the case. “Could be you and I will burn out of each other after awhile and we’ll go back to being friends.”

That thought depressed her. “Could be right.”

“Only one way to find out.”

“Really? How?”

“Just have to keep having sex over and over again.”

Hermione let out a laugh. “Well…if we must…we must.”

“I’ve fantasized what it would be like,” he blurted after a moment of silence. “Being with you…touching you. My fantasies never came close to the real thing.”

Amused, Hermione tilted her head up so they could look at each other. “That’s good to hear. Are there a lot of different fantasies?”

He let out a laughing groan. “Oh yeah.”

“Really?” She rolled herself over until she was fully stretched out on top of him. “I’ve had my share of a few fantasies myself.”

Harry lifted a brow. “Yeah?”

“You bet.”

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

She gave him a sly grin and gave a quick nip of his bottom lip. “Why tell you…when I can show you?”

Harry groaned when she wiggled her naked body down his, trailing her lips down his neck. “Oh, boy.”

“We have all weekend to…share our fantasies.” She paused from kissing his chest and flickered her eyes up to his. “Why don’t I go first?”

“By all means.” He let out a shudder when her breath tickled his stomach. “Ladies first.”

28. Chapter 27

Okay kids, since I took so long in updating I thought I’d pay you back with another quick update. It’s shorter, but I think you’ll enjoy it!


Chapter 27

After Hermione fulfilled her fantasy, which included doing fabulous things with her mouth, they moved on to Harry’s and in order to fulfill it they had to get in the shower.

“I’ve imagined my hands on you when you’re all wet and slippery,” he said when he finally had the strength to roll out of bed.

“Is that so?” she asked as she got up to her knees then yelped when Harry grabbed her arms and yanked her off the bed. She laughed, wrapping her legs around his hips while he carried her to his shower. “No, mine…my shower is bigger.”

He paused, thought a moment, then turned back around. “You’re right. Good call.”

He indulged himself in a few kisses as he carried her to her shower and when he got there she thought he would put her down so he could turn on the water. Instead he simply held her up with one arm while he turned the knobs with the other.

“Hot,” she said into his ear before sinking her teeth into his lobe. “I like it hot and steamy.”

Harry groaned. “I don’t know why that just turned me on…but it did.”

She giggled as she ran her lips frantically over his neck and shoulders while he stepped into the glass shower that was the shape of a rectangle. There was an extra showerhead but he didn’t bother to turn it on since he planned on touching her at all times. He set her gently on her feet under the hot spray and their arms wrapped slowly around each other as their lips met for a slow, lazy kiss.

“Wait,” he said leaning back and grabbed her body wash. “Let me get my hands all soapy.”

“Don’t forget to share,” she said holding out her palms.

He winced. “Man…I’m going to smell all girly,” he complained but put some into her cupped palm.

“Considering what you get to go through to smell all girly…” She placed her soapy hands on his shoulders and slowly, slowly trailed them down his chest, then spread her fingers over his hard stomach. “I think you’ll survive.”

Her touch made his whole body tremble from head to toe. “Probably right,” he managed, his voice all thick with desire. “Get over here.” He spun her around, pulled her against his chest and cupped her chests with his hands. “This…this is what I wanted.”

She sighed lazily as she reached back with both hands and linked them at the back of his neck. Her eyes fluttered close while she enjoyed the feel of his warm, wet hands on her body. With one hand still at her breast, he glided the other down to her belly, then down farther still until his finger dove into her hot center.

Harry groaned in approval while Hermione moaned in delight. “Merlin…you’re already wet.” He plunged in another finger, loving how she moved urgently against his hand. “You respond so easily to me.”

She groaned as his fingers continued bringing her higher, higher. “It doesn’t take much with you,” she gasped when he pressed his finger against her clit. “All you have to do is touch me.”

He groaned at that as he pulled out his fingers, turning her around and crushing his mouth to her, muffling her sound of protest. He backed her up against the wall and with his mouth never breaking rhythm, he lifted one leg up to his hips and drove himself deep inside her. Sword to hilt.

After three long hard thrusts, Hermione came since she had been so close before. She cried out, gripping his shoulders while he pounded himself into her. “Oh, god…Harry!”

Their slick wet naked bodies rubbed together while Harry quickened the pace, now desperate for his own release. Harry lifted her other leg on his waist so he now pinned her against the wall with hard thrusts of his hips. “Hermione,” he gasped as his hips were now lightning fast, almost to the point of animalistic.

Hermione let out a loud sharp gasp when she felt a quick stab of pleasure rip through her. “Harry, I’m gonna…oh god!

The pleasure was almost unbearable as he felt her clench around him for the second time. After one more solid thrust he slapped a hand on the tile as his whole body felt like it would crumble into a million pieces. He buried his face in her hot damp neck, groaning her name while he slid both of them to the shower floor. Both gasping for breath they slithered out to their sides, neither of them paying mind to the water that was beating down on them. Their limbs were still tangled as they laid together on the tiled floor, neither of them having the strength to move or the breath to talk.

Harry closed his eyes as he tried to get his heart rate back to normal but was having a difficult time. As far as he was concerned, he just had the best sex of his life. No question. Sex had always been great with Ginny, but it never left him like this Weak and breathless. It never shattered him the way it did just a few moments ago with Hermione. As the hot water beat down on his aching body, he couldn’t help but wonder what Hermione was thinking. So he asked her.

She was silent for awhile but then managed to roll herself over to him. “I was thinking that was the best sex I ever had.”

With his eyes still closed, Harry’s mouth curved. “Funny…I was thinking exactly the same thing.”

Hermione smiled against his chest. “You and I always had a knack for doing that.”

Harry lifted a brow as he looked down at her. “Have great sex? Well shit…where was I?”

Hermione laughed as she slapped his chest. “No…not that. I meant us thinking alike.”

He grinned. “Yeah, I know.” He shimmied herself up to him so he could kiss her. “Now that we seem to have our legs back…why don’t we go downstairs and I’ll whip us up something to eat.”

“Okay…I guess we do need to refuel if the weekend is always going to be like this.”

Harry groaned. “Merlin help us if so…I don’t know if we can survive another encounter like that.”

“I’m willing to risk it if you are?”

Harry sighed in adoration, cupping her face gently with her hands. “My Hermione…always so brave.”

He cut off her laughter with his lips as he rolled her over on the tile floor.

29. Chapter 28

Here is another chapter! Hope you enjoy! Thanks to everyone for the great reviews!


Chapter 28

An hour later Harry and Hermione found themselves sitting in the middle of Harry’s bed with an open box of cold pizza left over from the night before between them. A fresh bottle of Cabernet was opened and was now being passed between them as they took pulls straight from the bottle. They weren’t completely naked at the moment, but weren’t completely dressed either. Hermione had thrown one his shirts while Harry tugged his jeans on but didn’t bother with the fly. He didn’t really see the point when he knew he wasn’t planning on keeping them on for long.

“Hey, give it back you lush,” Harry said when Hermione was being a little greedy with her share of the wine.

Hermione sputtered out a laugh as she tried to keep as much wine as she could inside her mouth. “Harry,” she laughed after she successfully swallowed her share. “That wasn’t very nice.”

“That’s what you get for hogging,” he said before taking a sip and then leaned over to set it on the bedside table. “I think that’s enough anyway…don’t want you to get all drunk and giggly on me….”

Hermione snorted. “Whatever Harry, I do not get all giggly…”

“Yeah…okay, Hermione,” he said with a roll of her eyes and only laughed when she smacked him on the leg.

“You know…sometimes I really don’t like you, Harry.”

“Really?” he asked intrigued as he picked up another slice of pizza. “Not too long ago you were loving the hell out of me downstairs in the kitchen.”

Hermione smirked. “Yes, you’re a lot less annoying when you’re banging me against the refrigerator.”

Harry choked on his pizza. “Hermione,” he managed with a laugh, swallowing the rest of his food. “You’re so bloody romantic.”

She fluttered her eyelashes. “Why thank you.”

Harry chuckled as he tossed his half eaten pizza back in the box before tossing it aside onto the floor. “Get over here,” he demanded as he tugged her against him then rolled her over on her back. “It seems I already want you again, Sparky.”

Hermione smiled up at him while she twirled a finger in his hair. “Is that so?”

Harry sighed as he buried his face in her hair. “Mmm…you’re like an addiction, Mione…I just can’t seem to stop wanting you.”

Hermione shivered at the warm breath caressing her throat and wrapped her arms around him. “Do you want to stop wanting me?”

“Hardly,” he groaned as he trailed his lips down her neck to her chest, then breathed in deeply as he rested his head against her heart. “I’m just not use to it I guess.”

“I know what you mean,” she said as she continued to play with his hair.

He was silent for a moment, then lifted his head to look at her. “Do you?”

Her fingers slid down to his rugged cheek. “Yes. It’s never been like this before…I should be plenty satisfied by now.”

He smiled softy. “But you’re not.”

“Nowhere close,” she said then sighed when he started running his lips down her jaw. “All you have to do is touch me.”

He moaned softly into her ear. “You said that in the shower….I nearly snapped.”

She chuckled softly. “From what I remember, you did snap.”

“Oh yeah,” he said laughing with her as he nipped her ear. “Hermione?” A hand snuck down her body and gripped the hem of his shirt she wore.

She eagerly arched her body, helping him remove it in one long pull. “Yes?” she answered before meeting his seductive lips with hers.

“It’s the same for me,” murmured against her mouth. “Touch me…that’s all you have to do and I want you so much I’m nearly mad with it.”

Hermione shivered at his words. “Well…in that case.” Her hands traveled down his muscular back and tugged the denim over his hips. “Let’s go mad together.”

“Brilliant plan,” he said as he quickly helped her wriggle himself out of his jeans.

They rolled together, playfully almost as a few laughs spilled out from the both of them. He would roll her on her back, assault her throat with mischievous kisses until Hermione would roll him right back over repeating the process to him.

When Hermione sensed Harry was about to tackle her back over Hermione distracted him by sneaking a hand downward and gripped him tight. Her lips curved when he choked out a shocking groan, then used his distraction to grab both his wrists and pinned them on either side of his head and murmured a spell. “You’re mine, Potter.”

It didn’t take him long to realized his hands were magically pinned down and honestly didn’t know whether to be aroused or frightened. When he looked at the gleaming look in her eyes he decided he would be a little of both. “Just what are you up to, Sparky?”

Straddling his waist she slowly trailed a finger down the center of his body and smiled triumphantly when he felt him quiver. “Oh, you know…just planning on slowly driving you mad is all.”

He lifted a brow. “Sure you’re able to do that?” When she just gave him a bland look he sighed. “Okay, stupid question…well, torture away, Sparky…I can handle it.”

“Can you?” she asked as she spread both hands on his stomach and slowly moved them up his body. “We’re about to find out.”

She leaned over him, her hair curtaining them both as he searched for his mouth. When he lifted his head to meet her she moved back an inch and gave him a slow grin. It wasn’t until he put his head back down that she finally covered his mouth with hers. She traced his mouth with her tongue, before plundering it deep within his mouth, moaning in approval when his tongue stroked sensually with hers. She hadn’t meant to linger on his mouth, but kissing him was like an addiction. Although she was doing the seducing he was doing his fair share of it with his wonderfully skilled mouth.

She reluctantly pulled away, skimming her teeth along his bottom lip before moving her lips down his jaw. She didn’t see him close his eyes in pleasure but she could almost hear the frantic beat of his pulse against his throat and knew she was doing a successful job so far. She moved her lips down to his chest and his soft curse when her tongue brushed over his nipple was music to her ears. She had never done this before…never been in control like this before and it was both terrifying and exciting at the same time.

She didn’t particularly like comparing sex with Harry with her late husband, but a part of herself couldn’t help but notice the huge differences. She was always so painfully shy with Ron, coy and quiet. With Harry though…it was different. Even though they hadn’t been lovers long she wasn’t shy with him at all. She had never felt this sexy and this confident like she did now. She felt like she could do anything with him and that sent an exciting thrill through her body. Especially when Harry moaned and jerked beneath her torturous mouth. She wanted to send him towards the brink of insanity…she wanted him begging, pleading…She wanted to give him the ride of his life.

“Had enough, Potter?” she asked before lightly scrapping her teeth over his hip.

He just groaned in agony as he lifted his hips. “You’re killing me…” His breath came out in short frantic pants as he felt her warm breath on his arousal. “I can’t…please, Mione…for the love of Merlin…” He groaned in frustration when she passed the place he wanted her to touch most and started giving him love bites along his inner thigh. “A tease…such a bloody tease.”

“Oh, very well then,” she said in an exasperating tone that reminded Harry of when they were younger and she finally agreed to help them on their homework. “I’ll give you what you want.”

Harry opened his mouth to say…well, he wasn’t sure because as soon as her hot wet mouth closed over him all thoughts drained out of his mind and instead a throaty groan escaped his lips. He moved his hand to grip her hair but then let out a frustrating groan when he remembered he was magically pinned. “Hermione,” he groaned roughly as she continued her assault, sending him closer and closer to insanity.

One minute her mouth was on him, sending him towards the brink and the next her face was inches from his, breathing just as heavily while her hair curtained them once more. Before he could curse her for stopping she shifted ever so slightly and with a thrust of her hips, sheathed himself deep inside her. “Oh god…Mione.”

“Mmm,” she murmured against his lips. “Yes…you still feel the same inside me…so good…” She met his eager nip of his teeth with a nip of her one. “So right.”

“Mione…please.” He lifted his head even higher so he could scrape his teeth over her ear. “Let me touch…I need to touch you.”

On a surrendering moan she slid her hands over to cover his captured ones and after murmuring the spell against his lips his hands were free. They immediately moved to grip her hips, urging her to move, then cupped her ass while she started to slowly ride him. Their mouths fused together as they both raced towards that final release, both anxiously wanting to get there but also not wanting it to end.

When she felt that first wave of pleasure shoot through her she gave him one last kiss before sitting up, her hips now moving like lightning. His hands were everywhere, on her hips, all along her back, her stomach and then cupping her breasts as she sent them both madly over that edge. On a strangled moan he reared up, hugging her close as she trembled and came violently with him.

Harry placed his forehead on her shoulder as he waited for both their heart rates to slow down to a somewhat normal rate. “Ah, Hermione…”

Hermione shifted back until Harry loosened his grip. “So…was I good? It was my first time to be in control like that,” she added quickly when Harry only blinked in response. “I’ve never done anything like that before…I guess I kind of want to know how I did.”

After another blank stare, laughter rumbled out of him. “An ‘O’ for Outstanding, Sparky,” he said still chuckling as he kissed her full on the mouth. “You’re a marvel.”

She blushed. “Really?”

Another laugh came out of him. “How you can be shy after what you just did to me is beyond me,” he said and then hugged her close before falling back on the bed, bringing her with him. “You were amazing…the whole thing was amazing, Hermione. I don’t know how we’re going to top it.”

Hermione closed her eyes as she snuggled against him. “I’m sure we’ll find a way.”

His chest moved in a silent chuckle. “I’m sure we will,” he agreed and then kissed the top of her head. “We should probably rest some…before we both die of unspeakable pleasure.”

“What a way to go,” she said sleepily getting another chuckle out of him. “Harry?”


“Maybe...sometime later…you can return the favor?”

Harry closed his eyes as his lips curved. “It would be my pleasure, Sparky.”

30. Chapter 29

Hey guys and gals! Here’s another update. Enjoy and keep the reviews coming as always. I love ‘em!

p.s. Any Americans out there excited about the football season as much as I am! Just weeks away! Man, I’ve missed it!


Chapter 29

On the first day of classes at Hogwarts, the sky opened up and rain poured continuously around the ground. It was the reason Albus was stretched out on his four poster bed instead of outside. He had his first class under his belt which was Potions and had a little over an hour until Charms, which he had with the Ravenclaws, which meant he’d get to see Mia.

However, as much as Mia has been able to occupy his mind, another matter was clouding over his mind. A matter that had occurred the night before they left for Hogwarts. A matter in which he saw something he shouldn’t have seen and now didn’t know what to do about it. Even now his mind couldn’t help but wander to that night and what he saw.

It had been late and he was just about to go to bed when he all of the sudden he became incredibly thirsty. It was probably all that pizza and Dr. Pepper he had for dinner and now his throat was all dried up. He started to just go to the bathroom and take a few gulps from the tap, but a large glass of ice water sounded good, so he decided to make a quick trip to the kitchen.

He went down the steps to the second floor, trying to tread lightly so he wouldn’t wake anybody. He knew how cranky Lily could get if someone woke her up. He was halfway down the second flight of stairs when he heard Aunt Hermione’s giggle merging with his Dad’s soft chuckle. Amused, he stopped for a second, wondering what was so funny to cause his Aunt to laugh like that. It was almost…flirty

Ridiculous, he thought shaking his head as he kept going, but couldn’t help but go quieter so they wouldn’t hear him. He was hearing low murmurs between them now, so low he couldn’t make out what they were saying. He paused once more at the bottom of the steps, now knowing they’re voices were floating from the den. He was about to open his mouth to make himself known but the soft distant sounds of low sighs and soft smacks made his heart plummet to his belly.

He knew those sounds…he know them well now that he had a girlfriend. But surely not…surely he was just imagining things. Surely. But even as he was trying to talk himself into believing it, he crept closer to the edge of the wide doorway that led into the den. With his heart racing he slowly inched his head around the frame only to snap it quickly back and shut his eyes as he leaned against the wall. It was quick, but he saw enough in that quick flashing peek. They were on the couch and his father had his aunt pressed up against the end of the sofa…snogging the hell out of her.

Merlin…oh bloody hell, he never should have come down. Why? Why did he have to see this? What was he going to do? How was he going to go on without seeing that image in his head. Dad’s weren’t allowed to snog…especially snog someone’s aunt!


Albus few open his eyes and his body tensed at the sound of her voice.

“What’s wrong?”

He should go back. He really should not be eavesdropping. However, he stayed where he was and slowly peaked back around. His dad was looming over her, but they were no longer snogging.

“We should stop…the kids…”

“Are fast asleep,” Harry assured her as he bent his head towards hers.

She placed a hand over his mouth before he could make contact and smiled. “Harry,” she warned.

Although Albus couldn’t see his mouth, he knew his Dad was smiling from the crinkles at the corner of his eye that was visible to him. Then all of the sudden she yelped, causing Albus to jump and quickly move back out of site.

“Harry! You bit my hand!”

“That’s not all I plan on biting”

Ew! Gross!

Hermione laughed. “All right, back off…I need some air.”

Albus heard him give a groan of protest but the sound of shifting made him realized he did as he was asked.

“You’re killing me, Mione.”

“I know…it’s killing me, too…but better safe than sorry. I wouldn’t want any of the kids finding out about us this way.”

He sighed. “I guess you’re right.”


“Don’t…Mione, I know that look…don’t feel guilty.”

Albus decided to chance it and snuck half his head out to see his Dad touching the side of Aunt Mione’s cheek.

“We both agreed it was for the best…there’s no need to tell them until we’re sure…”

“That you and I will work,” she finished for him. “I know…but I feel like we’re deceiving them…I love them all so much…I don’t like betraying them.”

“Hermione…look at me. Look at me,” he repeated cradling her face with his both hands now. “We’re not betraying them…we’re not,” he said again firmly when she opened her mouth to protest. “You and I…what’s happening between us…it’s scary…exciting.” He kissed her softly. “Wonderful.” He kissed her again. “And you and I need time to ourselves to explore this scary, exciting and wonderful thing we’ve found between us.”

“We didn’t plan this.”

“No…of course we didn’t Mione…it just happened. We’ll tell the kids…when the time is right.”

He snuck away after that, quietly heading upstairs until he was alone in his room. He had a difficult time getting to sleep that night; he was too wrapped up in what he saw and was trying to figure out how he felt about it. Now, days later he still had no clue how he felt.

He hadn’t told anyone, although a part of him was dying to share. It was something that had always been in the front of his mind since it happened. The first time it completely left his mind was when he first saw Mia at 9 ¾. She was good at distracting him from time to time.


He turned to the sound of the voice he knew all too well. “Hey…I was just thinking about you.”

Mia smiled. “Really?” she asked walking to his bed. “Good things I hope.”

“Of course.”

“Am I disturbing you?”

“Not at all,” he said scooting over and patted the spot beside him. “Come join me.”

Blushing slightly, Mia crawled onto his bed next to him, then immediately felt safe and warm in his arms. Yet, she could still feel some distance from him…like something was troubling him. “Albus?


“Are you okay? You’ve seemed…distracted lately.”

He sighed. “Have I?”

“Yes…I’m sorry if I’m prying, I’m just a little worried.”

“No…don’t’ be sorry, Mia…it’s not your fault, and you’re right…I have been a little bothered about something.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

He opened his mouth to politely decline, but instead words describing that night started pouring out of him. He told her everything…every word, every touch and every kiss that he witnessed between his Dad and Aunt Mione. She didn’t say a word while he talked or interrupted him with questions or opinions. She laid perfectly still with her head resting against the crook of his shoulder and just listened.

“Wow,” she said once he was done.

“Yeah,” he agreed. “Wow.”

“That’s a lot to take in…no wonder you’ve been distracted.” She shifted so she could look down at him. “Are you angry?”

“I’m a lot of things,” he said as he started to play with the strand of hair that had swept over his chest when she moved. “Surprised, confused…maybe a little weirded out…but no…I don’t think I’m angry.”

“Do you think the mistletoe incident started it?”

“I’ve thought about that actually, and I don’t think so. I remember how relaxed Dad had been when he asked James to go get Aunt Mione…he didn’t look nervous or awkward at all. At the time I didn’t give it much thought….I was too anxious to get back in the pool with you.” He paused to lift her hand and kissed her fingers. She blushed and Albus smiled in amusement. She was so darn cute.

She cleared her throat. “Ah…so…you think something happened before that?”

“That’s what I’m guessing…Those two have been best friends forever. I guess that’s why a part of me isn’t really surprised. They’ve always had this connection…a different kind than the one my dad had with mum…but the connection was strong. So…the more and more I think about it, the more it…”

“Makes sense?” she finished for him when he hesitated.

“Yeah,” he admitted, relieved she understood him. “I know it sounds weird, but it’s like a hazy cloud lifted from my mind and the two of them together is the most natural thing in the world. Of course…of course they belong together…of course they’ve discovered these new feelings. No one out there knows them as well as they know each other. No one out there could make them happy like they can make each other happy.”

“It’s not weird,” she assured him. “Are you going to tell Rosie and the rest of your family?”

“I’ve wanted to,” he said after a pondering moment. “It’s been torturous keeping the secret, but the truth is…it’s not my secret to tell. I shouldn’t even know about this…I only know because I’m a conniving little eavesdropper. They’ll tell us when they’re ready. I don’t want to ruin anything or cause any drama. I have no idea how everyone is going to feel about it.”

“Probably exactly how you felt. Shocked at first…a bit odd to think about…then they’ll realize how happy they are together and will embrace it. Who wouldn’t? It’s wonderful. Just wonderful.” She let out a dreamy sigh. “It’s almost like a fairytale. Love is lost through tragedy, yet found again through friendship…the first step to love is friendship.”

Unbearably moved, Albus kissed her fingers again. “You’re right, Mia. We started out as friends.”

“I hope we still are,” she said as she shivered.

“Yes, but I can’t do this to just a friend,” he said with a teasing grin before quickly rolling her over on her back.

She let out a breathless laugh as he loomed over her. “You have a point,” she said before meeting his eager mouth with hers.

“How much time do we have till Charms?” he asked as he carefully let most of his weight press down on her. The discussion about his dad and aunt was now over as far as he was concern. They’ve occupied too much of his time and now that he was alone with Mia he surely wasn’t going to waste it.

She sighed at the feel of his body pinning her to the bed. As he kept his mouth busy on her neck she managed to lift the arm that held her Wizard Wristwatch she had programmed to match her schedule. “My watch says, Plenty of time. We’re okay until it says…wow…that feels good.”

He grinned as he trailed kisses up her jaw. “Until it says what?”

“Hmm? Oh…um…You’re cutting it close.”

Albus chuckled. “Well…we better take advantage of the time we have left.”

31. Chapter 30

Hey everyone! Hope all is well! I have another update and I wanted to say thanks first for everyone being so patient! I wish I could update everyday, but unfortunately with a job and other things going on it’s just not possible. I know it’s been over a month since I updated and I can tell you I never plan on taking so long, sometimes it just happens., whether it takes me a long time to figure out what to write next, or sometimes my personal schedule just gets too busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this update and I will have the next one up as soon as I can. Now that I got this update out of the way, I can now go cheer on my Cowboys!


Chapter 30

It was his first day back at work after the wonderful, incredible, sex-filled weekend he had shared with his lifelong friend, Hermione Granger. His first day back and with one hour left to go in the day, he thought he might die of sheer boredom. His first day back…had been an absolute beating.

The day started early and it was torturous dragging himself out of a perfectly warm bed with a perfectly warm naked female body. If it was any other work day, he would have slept in, wake Hermione up with soft kisses and then make slow lazy love to her. Unfortunately, the Auror meeting with other Auror leaders from around the world was scheduled that morning and with the time differences he had to be at his office by seven ‘o clock in the morning.

It had only lasted about thirty minutes, so that didn’t take up much of his time. His paperwork was caught up since he stayed late the week before getting it done so he could have his carefree weekend with Hermione. The current missions that were going on at the moment were either recently wrapped up or at a standstill so no recent reports were given to him. He had went down to training center to check on James and the other recruits, hoping to maybe get in on a little sparring lesson with someone, but then found out it was testing day, which was spent most of the day behind a desk. Testing day had always sucked.

So his day had dragged on painstakingly slow and he was counting the minutes until he could go back home to be with Hermione. He smiled as he leaned back in his chair and propped his feet on his desk and let his mind drift once again to the moments he had spent to her. It had become a good way to past the time.

He thought of their first time and how they dove at each other the moment they stepped through the threshold. He couldn’t get her upstairs, naked and under him fast enough. He thought of their passionate lovemaking under the hot steamy spray and smiled wickedly at the remembrance of their friendly romp in the kitchen. It was no wonder they had both crashed from exhaustion after Hermione’s wonderfully skilled seduction performance.

He woke up once in the middle of the night…craving her, wanting her…needing her. He had turned to her in the dark and she was there waiting for him, all soft and warm and welcoming. He had sunk into that warmth and into her as he loved her slowly, gently. He remembered how his name trembled from her lips as she came and the sound of it send him over the edge with her. They had shared a long, lazy kiss before he rolled to his side, bringing her with him as they drifted off once again.

The next morning he had woken up first, leaving her fast asleep as he slipped out of bed. He had slipped on a pair of his jeans that were lying crumpled on the floor and made his way downstairs. After feeding Boo, he decided to whip up some breakfast and bring it up to her in bed. He had the coffee brewing and the bacon cooling on a sheet of paper towel and was just about done cooking the eggs when he felt her sneak up behind him…

He flinched when a pair of soft feminine hands slid around his bare waist, causing the culprit to chuckle as she pressed up against his backside.

“Scare you?” Hermione asked as she playfully nipped at his shoulder.

Harry grinned but kept his attention on the eggs. “Don’t be ridiculous…Harry Potter doesn’t scare easy.”

“Uh-huh,” she said dryly and moved her lips to her neck. “Smells good.”

“Scrambled eggs,” he explained. “Almost done.”

“Yeah? I guess that smells good, too.”

Harry chuckled at the line he had used not too long ago. “You’re a smooth one, Sparky,” he said as he turned the burner off and slid the eggs to a empty plate. “You know…I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.”

She nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder blade. “Aww…you’re such a softie.”

He turned around and kissed the top of her head. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Our little secret.”

“Want some coffee?”

She sighed. “Love some.”

“First things first.” He tilted her chin up until their lips met in a soft, seductive kiss. “Good morning,” he murmured against her mouth before going back for more

“Mmm.” She gave his bottom lip a gentle nip. “Morning.”

He grinned and gave her a playful bite as well before reluctantly pulling away. “Let me get you that coffee.” He gave her a little pat before turning back around to fish out a coffee mug. As he poured, he watched her leaning against the counter, dressed in his button down collared shirt as she nibbled on a piece of bacon. “You look pretty good in my shirt, Sparky.”

Hermione grinned slyly as she took the mug from his outstretched hands. “You think so?”

Harry gave her one long cool look. “Oh yeah…good enough to eat.”

She watched him over the rim of her cup as she took a sip. “As I recall…you’re quite good at that.”

“Am I?” He leaned against the opposite counter and picked up his own mug. “You wearing anything under that shirt?”

“Maybe.” She shrugged. “Maybe not.” She set down her coffee and gestured to the plate of eggs. “You going to let me have any of that, Harry?”

“Sure.” He plopped his own mug down on the counter and headed towards her. “Later.”

Hermione yelped when Harry plucked her off her feet and swung her over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. “Harry!” she shrieked as she slapped his back. “Put me down, you oaf!”

“Gladly,” he said and threw her down onto the couch and before she could gesture any kind of protest his body covered her body and his mouth silenced her own mouth.

Harry groaned at the memory of that certain amount of time they spent on the couch. By the time they made it back to the kitchen the eggs and bacon were soggy and cold. Nothing a little warm up spell didn’t cure though.

With a heavy sigh he looked at the clock to see he had an hour to go in the day. He wanted to leave…to go home and see Hermione and not to mention, Nora, who Hermione had picked up earlier in the day. As much as he loved the weekend he spent with Hermione, he had to admit he missed his little munchkin and couldn’t wait to scoop her up.

Harry suddenly sat up in his chair and plopped his feet on the floor. Wait a minute…he was the head of this department, was he not? Who says he had to stay till five o’clock? He usually stayed even later than that…he worked harder than probably anyone. Why not leave early? Who was going to stop him?

With a huge grin on his face he jumped up and started locking things up. In five minutes flat he was grabbing his cloak and rushing out the door. “I’m going to head home,” he told his secretary as he flung on his cloak.

Victoria Gerald blinked up at her boss. “You’re leaving? Now?”

“Sure…nothing going on. Leave any messages though on my desk. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Victoria was still frowning when he was gone. Mr. Potter…leaving early? She shook her head in astonishment as she went back to work. “That’s a first,” she thought then smiled in excitement. With the boss gone…maybe she’d sneak out a little early to get ready for her big date. Maybe this would become a habit of his. She sure hoped so.

The house was quiet when he walked in the front door, but it didn’t take long to find them.

He watched them through the glass patio door, splashing and laughing in the pool together. With a grin, Harry darted up the stairs to quickly throw on his swimming trunks. When he quietly slipped outside, they were still in the shallow end of the pool. Hermione had Nora on her hip while they danced playfully through the water.

Harry quickly trotted over to the diving board, took a long high leap into the air and saw Hermione gasp and Nora shriek write before he did a half cannonball a few feet away. When he resurfaced, Nora was bouncing on Hermione’s hip, chanting “Daddy! Daddy!” as whe reached out to him. Hermione, on the other hand, was trying to look annoyed, but her lips were slight curved in amusement.

“Daddy! Daddy, hold me!”

“There’s my munchkin,” he said scooping her up and hugged her tight. “I missed you.”

“Missed, too, Daddy.” She wriggled in his arms trying to turn around. “Throw me, Daddy! Weally high!”

He laughed. “You got it…but first things first.” He cupped the back of Hermione’s neck with his free hand, tugged her forward, and pressed his cool, wet lips to hers, lingering and nipping, while Nora giggled and clapped in delight. “Hey.”

She shivered slightly and knew it had nothing to do with the cold water. “Hey yourself…you’re home early.”

“Work was slow…and I was anxious to see you.” He gave Nora a little jostle. “Both of you.”

“Throw me now, Daddy!”

“Alright, munchkin…she have her floating charm on?”

“She sure does,” Hermione assured as she gave Nora a little poke. “I’ve been throwing her, too, but I can’t get her as high as you.”

“Well…let’s just see how high I can get you…ready?”


“Okay…here we go…on three and count with me…oooone…” He lowered into the pool, then back up. “Twoooo….” He dipped again while Nora counted with him. “Three!” He shot up hard with his legs and threw her up with his arms.

Nora squealed as she rocketed high through the air, then landed back in the water with a slash. “She popped up like a cork, giggling as she dog paddled back to him. “Again, again!”

“She’s fearless,” Hermione said with a shake of her head.

“She got that from you,” he said with a wink before scooping Nora backing his arms.

He threw her a few more times, then tossed her back and forth with Hermione. She clung to his back as he swam under the water. She perched on his shoulders as he jumped off the diving board. By the time they finally managed to drag her out of the pool, Harry was exhausted.

“Poor baby,” Hermione laughed giving him a kiss. “Why don’t you go up and take a shower…I’ll give Nora a bath.”

“Won’t argue with that, but I’ll watch her after so you can take one.”

“Deal.” She sealed it with another kiss, then picked up Nora. “Bath time, cutie-pie.”

He didn’t linger in the shower like he normally did, he found that it wasn’t nearly as pleasurable without Hermione with him. After the shower, he quickly toweled off and threw on a pair of clean jeans and a yellow polo shirt, then headed out barefoot to Nora’s room.

Hermione was in the middle of toweling her off when he came in. “Hey…I’ll finish this…yo ugo take a shower.”

“Okay…how was yours?” he asked as she easily passed him a squeaking clean Nora swaddled in a pink fuzzy towel.

He grinned. “Lonely.”

She rolled her eyes with a laugh. “You’re horrible.”

“Whatever you say, Sparky…bet you’ll be lonely, too.”

She paused at the door and gave him a smile. “Bet you’re right…see you downstairs.”

Once he was alone, he turned his attention to Nora. “All right, munching…let’s get you suited up.”

When Nora didn’t answer, he knew that meant she was getting tired. She was always freakishly quiet when she was sleeping. She stood still as a statue on the bed when he dressed Nora in a pair of purple and pink stripped pajamas. When he was done he gave her stomach a little poke and as he hoped, it got a giggle out of her. He then opened his arms and she leapt up into them and nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder. “Are you hungry, baby doll?”

“Uh-huh. Chicken.”

“You want some chicken nuggets?” he asked on his way downstairs.

“Uh-huh…and some gapes.”

“Chicken and grapes…you got it.”

He put Nora in her highchair that was located at the dinner table and angled it towards the kitchen so he could see her and she could see him. He quickly went to work, nuking Nora’s nuggets and slicing up some grapes. He also fixed her some milk and when he brought it to her, her eyes were drooping. “Here you go, sweetie…eat some foot…and then it’s bedtime.

“Kay,” she said as she dragged out a yawn.

He kissed the top of her head and headed back to the kitchen. Not wanting to fuss over dinner, he pulled out a frozen shepherds pie and pre-heated the oven. He poured some wine in two glasses, took his first sip before he tried to find something to go with the shepherds pie. He found a can of peas and decided to go with that. It was easy and quick.

Harry was stirring the peas on low and the pie was warming in the oven when Hermione made it down. She was dressed in her favorite stay at home sweat pants a faded old Chudley Cannon shirt Ron had given her when they had gone to a game years back. “Smells good.”

“I put that shepherds pie in…I poured you a glass of wine.”

“Oh. Thanks.” She grabbed it and took a testing sip. “That’s nice.” She glanced at Nora, who had her head resting on her hand while her other hand fed her grapes. “She’s beat.”

“And then some,” Harry said coming up behind her. “You ‘bout ready for bed, munchkin?”

Nora rubbed her eyes as she nodded her head. “I sweepy.”

“I’ll take her up,” Harry said setting down his wine. “You stay here…enjoy your wine.” He went over to Nora and picked her up out of the highchair. “Okay, munchkin…let’s get you to bed. Give mum a kiss goodnight.”

“Night, mummy,” she murmured leaning over to hug her while Harry still had her perched on his waist.

“Night, night.” She gave her a kiss on her forehead. “See you in the morning light.”

“Be right back,” Harry murmured as Nora already had her head resting on his shoulder.

Hermione watched them disappear around the corner and sighed blissfully before taking another sip of her wine. She was happy…she didn’t realize how unhappy she had been before things had changed with Harry. Even though she was surrounded by family, by Harry…a part of her still felt like there was an empty void in her life and she didn’t know what it was. Now she did…she had missed being with a man.

She missed soft kisses and gentle touches. She had pined to feel the weight of a man…the feel of a man pressed against her. Ever since Harry had first kissed her in her office a few months ago, he had definitely awakened an aching need that had been long buried for over a year. She had a lover…and Harry was an amazing one. Any man who could give a woman just shy of ten orgasms in one night was an amazing, out of this world, fantastic, lover. She was a very lucky woman. And she was also a woman who was very much in love.

She let out a shaky breath before taking another sip…a much longer sip. She was in love with Harry…it was something she always knew deep inside, but it was the first time she admitted it to herself. She didn’t know how to handle it. Should she tell him? Or wait until he told her? She shook her head as finished off her glass then pushed off from the counter to pour her another glass. Her problem, she told herself as she took another sip. If he wasn’t in love with her now…well, that was fine…she’d just have to find a way to convince him that he was crazy in love with her so they could go on being lovers until they were both old and gray.

She was just giving herself a firm nod of determination when Harry walked back into the kitchen. “Well, that was easy…she was asleep by the time I got to her bed and she mumphh…” Harry found the rest of his sentence was shut off by Hermione’s demanding mouth. She had jumped him and he barely had time to put his arms around her as he stumbled back into the counter. After getting over the initial shock, he let out a long deep throat moan as he met her feverous mouth eagerly with his.

“Wow,” he gasped when their mouths finally broke apart, although Hermione didn’t waste time and moved her lips down his jaw line. “Er…not that I’m complaining, but…” His eyes fluttered close when she worked her mouth and tongue along his neck. “What brought this on?”

“I missed you today,” she murmured in his ear and then scraped her teeth along his lobe.

“Sweet Merlin,” he hissed as he gripped her hips. “Er…missed you, too…a hell of a lot.”

“How long till the pie’s done?” she asked as her hands found their way under his shirt.

“What?” He shook his head as he tried to think but her hands on his chest was making it difficult. “Oh…the pie. Right…er…’bout thirty minutes.”

“Perfect,” she said before capturing his lips again in a long, drug out kiss. “Just enough time.”

His whole body trembled from head to toe. “Is it?”

She smiled as she slowly backed away and then hooked two fingers under the waistband of his jeans and slowly began to tug him out of the kitchen. “I found out something this weekend, Harry,” she said as she shuffled backwards to the den as he happily stumbled along.

“What’s that?” he asked before Hermione shoved him backwards on the couch.

Hermione watched Harry’s left eyebrow lift up when she straddled his lap and grinned triumphantly on the inside when she felt he was already hard and ready for her. “I found out that seducing you…is one of my new favorite things to do.” With a sly grin she trailed one finger down the line of his body. “What are you going to do about that?”

“Whimper with appreciation?”

Hermione chuckled as she leaned down to sample a quick taste of his lips. “That’s a good start…now all you have to do…is lie there and enjoy.” She slowly pulled up his shirt up and over his head then tossed it aside. “I’ll do all the work.”

Harry groaned when her mouth was already making a torturous trail down his body. “Well…if you insist.”

Hermione’s lips curved against his skin as her hands were already working on the fly of his jeans. Oh yeah, she thought as he already started to whither and moan beneath her. Harry Potter was a goner.

32. Chapter 31

Hey guys! Here is another update! Hate to say it, but this fic is just about coming to an end. It’s crazy to think how long I’ve been writing it! Anyway, hope you enjoy this update! Take care!


Chapter 31

September came and went in a flash and for Harry…it was a hell of a month. Every day he woke up in Hermione’s arms….and if they were lucky, the were able to sneak a few moments together in the shower before Nora woke up.

At work, Harry tried to keep busy since it made the day go faster, and because he wanted to make sure he could leave work on time, so he could spend as much time with Hermione and Nora. On the nights Hermione cooked, he would find them waiting for him in the kitchen. On the nights he cooked or planned to eat out, he usually found them in the playroom or Hermione’s office. No matter where it was, they always gave him a fantastic welcome.

During the rest of the evening, he’d find ways to touch her now and then…just to assure him she was actually his now to touch. By the time they got Nora down for the night, they couldn’t get to the bedroom fast enough. One time they didn’t and he took her fast and desperate against the wall by his room. By the time they did make it to the bed, they had both been spent.

Harry smiled now at the memory as he stood outside his home on a cool day in October. It was Friday and it had been a long day at work and was he was dying to start the weekend with a quick naked tussle with Hermione. This welcome would be different, because Nora was spending the weekend off with Molly and Arthur. Molly had Flooed over the other day asking if they could have her since it had been awhile since she’s had her for an entire weekend. Both he and Hermione happily accepted. Although they loved the munchkin, the idea of having another weekend to themselves was too good to pass up.

With a grin, Harry dashed up to the house and stepped across the threshold as he shouted out a greeting. He went straight for the kitchen, knowing she’d be there waiting for him. “Is Nora gone?” he asked urgently as he went straight for her.

She quickly turned from the stove and held up her hands. “Yes, but…”

He swooped her off her feet with one arm, her toes dangling from the floor while she was pressed against her chest. Whatever she was going to say was swallowed by Harry’s very urgent and aggressive mouth. If he hadn’t been so swamped with need for her, he might have noticed Hermione’s slight resistance. If he hadn’t been so blind with lust, he might have realized she was slightly pushing her hands against his chest.

“Bloody hell.”

Harry dropped Hermione abruptly on her feet as if he had been burned and with wide eyes turned to the owner of the voice he knew so well. “J-James…I…I didn’t know you were…”

“What?” James asked angrily when his dad hesitated. “Know I was here? Well…that’s a given.” He tapped his fingers against his lips in thought. “Something tells me that if you did know I was here, I wouldn’t have walked in on my dad sticking his tongue…down Aunt Mione’s throat.

Oh, god, Harry thought in a panic as he shared a look with Hermione. Oh, god…this was not good at all. “James…I realize that this is upsetting to you…and I hate it that you found out about us this way, but…”

James shook his head as he let out a sarcastic laugh. “Don’t want to hear it, Dad…you lied…Aunt Mione lied…you both lied to all of us.”

Tears blurred her vision as Hermione took a step forward. “James…please…I know it may seem like that, but it all happened so fast and…”

“Stop!” he yelled so loudly that Hermione jumped back. “And stop with the tears…they aren’t going to work…so just drop the act!”

“Careful, James,” Harry said in a soft warning tone. “I know you’re upset, but I will not have you raising your voice to her, or…”

“Or you’ll, what? Ground me? I’m a legal wizard now, Dad…I can do whatever the hell I want!”

“The bloody hell you can!” Harry bellowed. “I don’t care how old you are, James…you’re still my son and you will show us both some respect.”

“I don’t need this,” James said angrily and snagged his cloak roughly off the back of the chair he had tossed over. “I’m leaving…feel free to go back to snogging Hermione…don’t let me stop you.”

“James,” he warned as he watched his son head towards the door. “James, come back…” He took off after him when he heard the door opened and barely caught it before it had slammed shut in his face. “Don’t you do it!”

James stopped in the middle of the walkway, but didn’t say anything and kept his back to him. “Don’t you do it,” he repeated as he walked down the stoop towards him. “Don’t you dare disapparate…do you hear me? You claim to be all grown-up, then act like it…don’t run away from this. Running away from this would make you a coward.” He paused when James furiously spun around and glared at him. “I didn’t raise my son to be a coward…did I?”

Again, James said nothing but kept glaring at him as he breathed heavily. Harry didn’t dare move or say anything and Hermione lingered on the stoop anxiously awaiting on what would happen next.

Finally, James turned back around suddenly…but he didn’t disapparate. Instead he started heading down to the wooden steps that led to the beach below Harry knew then that he was suppose to follow him…they would talk this out. Father and son. Harry turned back to Hermione and tapped his hands gently in the air as he backed away, silently telling her to calm down…and that it was going to be okay. She gave a little nod of understanding and watched Harry follow James down the steps, before slipping back inside.

Harry slowly took his time down the wooden stairs as he watched James walking towards the surf. He didn’t know what he was going to say or what was going to happen, but he knew that they would stay down on the beach until they both worked through this. Hermione was a part of him now…in every way possible…and James, along with the other kids…were going to have to deal with it.

He walked over to James, who was standing at the surf as he gazed out into the ocean. More like, glaring out in the ocean, he corrected when he could see his face. He came up beside him, shoulder to shoulder as he looked out as well while he waited to see who would talk first. He could practically feel the anger and frustration fuming off his son. As the minutes dragged by, he thought maybe he would have to be the one to speak first, but even as he opened his mouth, James was turning to him.

“How long?” he asked roughly. “How long has this been going on behind our backs?”

Harry sighed as he turned his full attention to James. “Look, J…the reason Hermione and I didn’t tell you guys right away was…”

“No,” he said cutting him off. “I don’t want to know why…at least not yet…tell me how long? I want a clear cut answer? Weeks? Months?” He paused for a moment and narrowed his eyes. “Years?”

Harry’s whole body flinched back as if he was punched in the face. “Do you honestly think Hermione and I are capable of that?” he asked in disbelief.

When he had seen the hurt that flashed in his father’s eyes, he regretted the words immediately after he said them. “No,” he finally said as he slumped his shoulders. “I…sorry…I don’t know why I said that.”

“You said them to hurt me…and mission accomplished.”

Guilt swamped him. “Dad, I didn’t…”

“Mean it,” he finished for him. “Yes…I know.” Harry sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. “James…here, let’s sit down, okay?” Harry put slight pressure on his shoulder as he led him down on the sand and Harry plopped down next to him. “Before I tell you about Hermione and I…I want to make one thing clear. Your mother and I…”

“Dad, you don’t have to say anything…I know you loved her and…”

“Hush…just listen…your mother and I…had problems just like any other married couple had. There were times I felt like I had to work hard to keep her happy and I’m sure she felt the same way. We disagreed on a lot of things, but one thing we had in common was the love we had for you and your siblings. I loved her, James and always will for bringing you, and Albus and Lily into my life.

“When she died…a part of me died with her, James…she was my wife…the mother of my kids. How was I suppose to go on raising our kids without her?” He paused a moment as he tried to find the right words. “Hermione was the only one who knew what I was going through…what I was feeling. You know she and I have always had a tight bond, but this awful tragedy made us even closer.”

“So…it happened shortly after mum died?” he asked hesitantly.

“No,” he said softly shaking his head. “That’s not the kind of close I meant…we comforted each other…talked and helped each other getting through the most difficult year of our lives. On the anniversary of their deaths, Hermione and I wanted nothing more than to hide under a mountain of covers and sleep the day away…but I knew that would have been the easy way out. So…I made a suggestion to Hermione that we finish the day we started on that day…in honor of them.

“So we did…we had lunch at the café we were suppose to eat at…went to a double feature at the movies…and had dinner that night. It was a healing process for us, James…and after that night we both felt like we were ready to move on with our lives. We had even had a discussion about it late that night…Hermione asked if she thought we’d ever be ready to date again…kiss someone else.”

“What did you say?” he asked curiously.

“Well…I don’t remember the exact words, but I pretty much said it will happen when it’s suppose to happen. One day…when we least expect it…someone will come along and…awake something inside us that had been dead the past year. I was right….it just happened to turn out that that someone for me was Hermione and that someone for her…was me.”

James sighed as he let everything sink in. The more and more he heard, the less angry he was becoming. Yet, the lying was still an issue…but that would come later. “So…how did it happen? Did it happen slowly…did you guys talk out your feelings…did you have a first date?”

Harry laughed softly at that. “No…we didn’t have a first date. It happened quite suddenly actually.” He cleared his throat as he shifted uncomfortably. “Er…remember the day I interviewed you?” When he nodded, Harry squirmed again. “Well…afterwards…although I was proud of you, I was really scared…the thought of sending you out on a dangerous mission, doesn’t sit well with me.”

James gave him a look. “Dad…come on.”

Harry held up a finger. “Hey…you don’t know…you’ll understand when you become a father, okay? But that’s another discussion for another day…anyway…I wanted to talk to someone…I wanted to talk to Hermione. My next appointment wasn’t for awhile so I popped over to the house and found Hermione in her office.

“She could tell almost right away that something was bothering me.” He let out a frustrating sigh. “I could never quite master at fooling Hermione like I can with most people.” He shrugged it off. “So…anyway, when I told her I had your interview she knew right away how I felt. She hugged me…comforted me and like always…said the right thing to calm me down. Then…I don’t know exactly how it happened, but…we were laughing and teasing each other…then she shifted up to give me a kiss on the cheek and…”

When he paused James gave him a nudge. “And what?”

“I…I don’t know. To this day, I don’t know why it was that kiss…from so many other harmless kisses on the cheek, why did that kiss change everything? But it did…so many things churned around inside me. Excitement…fear…lust.” He laughed when James winced. “Sorry, son…but your dad has needs just like every other healthy male out there.”

“I know,” he said uncomfortably. “But try not to give me a play by play okay?”

Humor twinkled in his eyes. “I’ll try. So anyway…won’t go into detail…but we started snogging.”

“So that’s when it started?”

“Started, yes…and probably would have er…well, you know…but…well…remember when you came over that day?”

James blinked in confusion as he tried to go back to that day, then his eyes went as wide as dinner plates when he remembered a very flushed Aunt Mione coming out of the office. “Oh Merlin…I interrupted you guys?”

Harry gave him a nod. “Afraid so.” When James let out an agonizing groan, Harry chuckled. “Actually…it probably was a good thing. Well…not so good, because Hermione was having second thoughts when she came back…just like I knew she would.”

“Wait…really?” he gave a narrow look. “So you two didn’t…er…”

“Why don’t we call it, ‘doing laundry’,” Harry suggested as he made quotations with his fingers. “Be less awkward…and no…we weren’t doing laundry then.”

James blew out a breath. “But that’s when things started to change between you two?”

“Yes…I knew what I wanted. I wanted Hermione and I knew she felt the same way, but she was hesitant at first for a lot of reasons. One, it might ruin our friendship, which I told her was a copout because nothing could ruin that. Two, she didn’t know how you guys would take it. And three…and I think the main reason…was that she was scared. I was scared too, but scared or not, it was something I definitely wanted to explore.” He grinned. “And it was kind of fun convincing her to do laundry.”

James winced slightly. “Jeez, Dad.”

Harry cleared his throat. “Sorry. Anyway, to make an even longer story short…the famous mistletoe incident finally convinced her and…”

“Aw, Dad,” he said in disgust. “Please don’t tell me you did laundry in the laundry room.”

Harry couldn’t help but laugh. “No,” he said shaking his head while still consumed with laughter. “Jeez, son…of course not. I’m just saying that’s when Hermione finally realized that she couldn’t deny what was between us any longer.”

“Okay…so, why the secret? Why didn’t you tell us then?”

“Well…to be honest…at the time…it wasn’t really any or your business…now wait,” he added when he saw the anger flare back in his face. “Just listen, James, okay?” James gave a little nod, but the anger didn’t go away. “Being intimate with Hermione was a whole new thing for me…as it was for her. It was very exciting exploring it with her…and it was something that we needed to do together…alone. Is it your business now? Absolutely, because I know that what’s between us…is more than a fling. More than se…er….laundry. James, I loved your mother…I always will…but I ache for Mione. She’s my whole world, next to you kids. She’s made me happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

“Do you love her?” James asked after a moment of hesitation.

Harry was silent a moment, then looked directly into James’ eyes. “Sometimes…when I look at her…love swamps me so hard…so furiously…I think I might pass out from it. I love her, James…and I’m going to keep on loving her for the rest of my life. So…I hope you’ll give us your blessing, because we love you. Aunt Mione loves you, Albus and Lily just as much as she does her own kids…you know that, right?”

Emotions stirred inside him as he felt the tears stinging in his eyes. “Yes…I know.” He choked back the tears as he put his head down. “I hurt her…I made her cry.”

Harry put an arm around him, and brought him close to his side. “She loves you,” he repeated. “She hates that you found out about us that way…I do, too…she knows how shocked and upset you were. Why don’t we go on up…I’m sure she’s pacing the whole house right now.”

James nodded as he wiped away the tears and got on his feet and helped his dad get to his own and ended up in his fathers arms. “I’m happy for you, Dad,” he said as he returned the hug just as hard. “For both of you.”

Harry closed his eyes in relief. “Thank you, James.” He pulled back and they both shared a quick grin. “Let’s go on up.”


Hermione was pacing in the den, with Boo sitting on the couch as he watched her walk back and forth. When the sound of the door opened, she stopped short holding her breath in anticipation. She saw James walk in first with Harry lingering right behind him and could do nothing but stare at him with tears in her eyes. “James…”

He responded by simply walking over to her and throwing his arms around her in a desperate hug. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear.

She let out a soft cry as she returned the hug. “Don’t be sorry…it’s okay.”

“You have my blessing…if he makes you just as happy as you make him…than you definitely have my blessing.”

“Oh, James,” she said as she gave him one last squeeze, before leaning back and cupping his face with her hands. “Thank you,” she said smiling up at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“James…why don’t you stay for dinner?” Harry suggested.

“Oh…thanks…I’d love to, but I have plans with Danny tonight. Guys night out thing. Actually…let’s sit down for a second…I have some news. It’s the reason I came over.”

“Everything all right?” Hermione said as she sat on the couch.

“Yes, things are great,” he assured her as he picked up Boo so he could sit down and put him in his lap. “You know…Boo is getting kind of fat.”

Harry chuckled as he sat on the other side of James. “That he is,” he agreed as he scratched Boo’s ears. “It’s hard to imagine that I was able to fit him in my pocket when I found him.”

Boo jumped off James’ lap and sauntered away. “Uh-oh, I think we’ve insulted him,” Harry said as he shared a chuckle with James.

“So what did you want to tell us?” Hermione asked.

“Oh…well.” Suddenly nervous he wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. “Um…I’ve decided that…tomorrow night I’m going to ask Sammy to marry me.”

Hermione let out a exciting gasp as she clapped her hands together. “Oh James, really?” When he nodded sheepishly she pulled him in to another hug. “That’s wonderful!”

James let out a laugh. “Thanks…I think so.”

“You couldn’t have picked a better girl to add to our family,” Harry said giving him a hug when Hermione finally released him. “Congratulations…I’m really happy for you.”


“Actually…stay here a sec,” Harry said standing up. “I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” he said slightly confused then looked at Hermione when he left. “Do you know what he’s doing?”

She shrugged. “Haven’t the slightest.”

“Okay,” Harry said as he sat back down. “Now…I don’t want to pressure you or anything…but I wanted to give you the option.”

James nodded. “Okay,” he said and waited for him to say something. Instead he held out a opened black velvet box with a diamond ring nestled inside. His heart lurched in his throat when he recognized it. “Mum’s ring.”

“Yes…now, you don’t have to take it…if you already got the ring or want to buy something new, I understand. But like I said, I wanted to give you the option.”

“Dad,” he said softly, completely dumbstruck. “I can’t believe it…yes…of course, I’ll take it. It’s perfect.”

“I think your Mum would be very happy,” he said as he gave him the box. “She always did adore Samantha.”

Overwhelmed, he gave his father another hug. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Anytime…I’m so proud of you.”


When James heard the sniffles from behind him he turned around to see Hermione sobbing like a baby. “Oh don’t mind me,” she cried as she wiped her nose. “Just having a little happy cry over here.”

James let out a laugh. “Aunt Mione,” he said in a teasing voice as he pulled her in for a hug. “I love you.”

“Don’t get me started again,” she said with a shaky laugh. “I love you, too.” She leaned back and admired the ring. “Its so sweet…using your Mother’s ring. Ginny would love it. And so will Samantha.”

“I sure hope so,” he said practically beaming. “Well…I guess I can tell Danny we can actually spend the guys night out, doing guys stuff. He was going to help me pick out a ring tonight.”

“Why don’t you guys go to the Corner Bar?” Harry suggested. “Have a few pints for me.”

“Maybe we’ll do that,” James said and then got to his feet. “I better get going, though.” He let out an exhausting sigh. “Before we all get emotional again.”

Harry and Hermione walked him to the door to tell him goodbye. They watched him walk down the stoop but stopped and turned back around. “Just out of curiosity…when were you planning to tell everyone else?”

“Well….they don’t come home till Christmas,” Harry said. “But…we’ll probably find a way to tell them sooner.”

He gave them a nod of approval. “Good,” he said with a grin. “I’ll see you two lovebirds later.”

Harry and Hermione laughed and James gave them a wink before he disapparated. As soon as he was gone, Hermione immediately turned to Harry and he welcomed her with open arms. “Oh, Harry,” she said softly, emotion swirling up inside her.

“I know,” he said in understanding. “Everything is okay, now…James and I had a good long talk.”

She let out a shaky breath. “We can’t go through that again…we have to tell the others…and soon.”

“We will,” he assured her and then tilted her chin up for a kiss. “Soon.” He kissed her again. “But for now…let’s enjoy our weekend.” He bent his knees slightly to lift her off the wooden floor of the stoop. “Starting now.”

Hermione smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek while he carried her inside. “Starting now,” she agreed before covering his mouth with hers.

Harry wanted to tell her he loved her right then and there, but managed to hold back The timing wasn’t quite right for him. He was waiting for the right moment to tell her how he felt. He didn’t know when that would be, but he knew it would happen when it felt right to him. The moment would be perfect when he finally told her that his heart belonged to her…and no one else.

33. Chapter 32

Another update! Go me! Well, when I started this update I didn’t think it was going to turn out how it did. It’s a Rosie and Scorpius chapter…and a pretty good one. I just love writing this couple so I definitely extended this scene a lot longer than I planned. So I hope you enjoy it!!


Chapter 32

On a cold, snowy day on the first Saturday of November, Rose knew she should be in the library studying for her O.W.L.S. Plus, she still had another twenty inches to write on her Potions essay. That’s what she should be doing, but instead of being productive in the library, she was currently snogging with her very attractive boyfriend in the Room of Requirements.

They were on the couch the room had provided and a fireplace was cracking with life in front of them. Her legs were draped over his lap and her fingers were lazily strumming and fiddling through his hair while her mouth moved gracefully under his. If she flunked all her O.W.L.S., it would be his fault of course. He was entirely too good at kissing her and had an extreme talent of making all her practical thinking go straight out the window.

With a surrendering sigh, she leaned her body closer, wanting desperately to feel him against her. He let out soft groan of agreement and pulled her in tightly with one hand cupping her waist, while the other hand caressed the spot on her leg just above her knee.

When she felt his hand on her waist slowly trail up her side, her heart shuddered in anticipation. Scorpius had always been cautious when it came to touching her. She knew he was careful because he didn’t want to scare or pressure her and it was incredibly sweet of him. However, if he didn’t touch her in those certain places he was so cautious with…she was going to scream!

His hand was now ticking up her ribs and she let out an encouraging murmur as the warmth of his hand came closer to where she ached to be touched. Then just as his fingers were inches from touching the side of her breasts, he swooped his hand back down.

She let out a frustrating groan as she pushed him away. “Scorpius!”

“What?” he asked slightly panicked and held up his hands. “What I do?”

“It’s what you didn’t do!” she exclaimed with exasperation. “For Merlin’s Sake, Scorpius….I’m not going to break into a million pieces…touch me!”

He blinked. “I…I do touch you, Rosie.”

She shook her head roughly. “Oh, no…you really don’t…not in the places I want you to touch at least.”

“R-Rosie,” he stammered, as panicked now turned to flustered. “I…”

“Don’t you want to touch me there?”

“Of…of course I do,” he balked. “Very much…but I didn’t want to pressure you, Rosie.”

“I know…and that’s sweet…but lets get one thing straight, Malfoy…I don’t do anything I don’t want to do. If you do anything I don’t want you to do…I’ll be sure to let you know…got it?”

He nodded dumbly. “Got it.”

“Good.” She swung her legs off his lap. “Now…I’m sure you think the mood is now gone…so I’ll be leaving.”

She grabbed her satchel off the floor as she got up and flung it over her shoulder with attitude. She started to walk by him, but his arm flashed out and a firm hand pressed against her stomach preventing her from leaving.

“Don’t go,” he said softly.

Rosie looked down at him sitting on the couch and she tried to ignore the feel of his hand resting against her belly. Staring up at her with pleading eyes, he careful turned her body towards him with one hand as he reached up to tug the satchel off her shoulder with the other. He gripped her waists with both hands and said nothing…only looked into her eyes.

So much was running through him, he swore he might pass out from it. She had just put him in his place and he had found it absolutely sexy as hell. His Frecks wasn’t as fragile and vulnerable as he thought.

He saw the flash of shock in her eyes when he began to gingerly tug her blouse out of the confinements of her skirt. Shock was then clouded with arousal as his hands snuck under the material and caressed her flat stomach. He moved his hands to the small of her back and motioned her to him as he leaned forward until she stood between his knees.

He glided his hands up and down her long angular back and her skin was smooth as silk. His fingers brushed the sides of her breasts and her soft gasp urged him to continue. With one hand, he found the fastener in the front, but paused and raised a brow in question.

She could only nod urgently, as she placed her hands on his shoulders. With a flick of his wrist, her bra came undone and her breasts fell free. She braced for his touch, however instead of touching her, he slipped his hands from beneath her blouse. She narrowed her eyes at him.

He just grinned, but then assured her that he wasn’t backing out by undoing the first button from the bottom of her blouse.

Her heart began to race as she watched him undo each button one by one. When he was halfway done, her blouse formed a “v” of exposed skin to him and when he leaned over and kissed her stomach, she responded by gasping out his name while clutching strands of his hair. His mouth continued his journey along her belly and over her ribs and up towards the valley of her breasts as he released the last button.

Rosie closed her eyes when she felt him shrug her blouse and bra off her shoulders and onto the floor. Her whole body shivered when his large hands moved up her sides, then moaned and tilted her head back when he finally cupped her breasts.

Scorpius moaned her name as he leaned back into the couch, bringing her forward until she was straddling his lap. With his hands still cupping her, he found her mouth with his…kissing her long and deep as he felt that control he’d always been holding back, slowly slip away.

Yes, she thought as she felt the urgency in his kiss. This was what she wanted…to have Scorpius half made with need for her. She wanted his slow lazy kisses, to turn fast, hard and desperate. Not that she didn’t enjoy the slow, lazy snogs, but a girl needed a little excitement now and then. She met the fast frantic kiss head on, gasping into his mouth when his thumbs brushed her nipples, causing an unfamiliar tingle to rush through her.

Wanting to touch him as well, Rosie reached down and grappled with his jumper, dragging it up and up, until he pulled away to help her tug it over his head. He tossed it aside as he put a hand on her back and crushed her naked chest against his. A mutual moan of approval filled the room, seconds before their lips met yet again.

This kiss was back to slow and lazy and Rosie could practically feel herself melt against him. He left her lips only to travel them eagerly down her jaw while she held on tight. He murmured her name softly in her ear and she grinned in delight as she cocked her head to the side to give him more access to roam.

It was amazing to her on how far they’ve become. First, they were enemies, then friends…now there were so much more. Ever since that first kiss in the ocean back home, her relationship with Scorpius became more and more exciting. She thought about that first kiss…and how it started and then a tremble rushed through her body when she remembered where he had accidentally touched her.

“Cold?” he asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“N-No, I was just….” Her eyes fluttered closed when his hands cupped her again. “Thinking,” she finished on a soft moan.

“Thinking?” he asked with a frown as he leaned slightly back to look at her. “Frecks, if you’re thinking…I’m not doing this right.”

A quick giggle escaped her. “No, it’s not like that,” she assured him and quickly covered his hands with hers before he could remove them. “You’re doing that exactly right…I was just thinking how far we’ve come since we first met.”

“Huh…and that caused you to shiver?” he asked as curiously.

“No, no,” she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was thinking about the first time we kissed…remember that?”

“Of course,” he said sliding his hands around to her waist and leaned back against the couch. “I’ll never forget it.”

“Well…remember what happened before that?” she asked.

“Oh…you mean when I accidentally touched you in a very inappropriate way?”

“Yes…that.” She lazily trailed some fingers up and down his chest. “I was wondering…if you would touch me inappropriately again…but this time on purpose.”

His hands that had been casually caressing her waist, froze and he felt his heart practically launch up into his throat. “You…you were?” he finally asked carefully.

“Yes,” she said almost shyly as she blushed. “When you touched me the first time…although it was quick…this unfamiliar feeling slammed through me…it kind of opened something inside me, Scorpius…almost like an ache. I want to feel it again and I’m curious to see what will happen if you keep on touching me like that.”

“Rosie,” he groaned softly as he leaned forward and touched the side of her face. “If you keep letting me touch you like that…and if you respond to my touch…you’ll probably have an…”

“Orgasm,” she finished for him. “I know…I want to see what it’s like.”

“Er…have you ever had one?” he asked.

“No, of course not…you’re the only boyfriend I‘ve had, Scorpius.”

“No, I know,” he said as he tried to make her understand what he was asking. “But have you ever…you know…given yourself one?”

She blinked in confusion at first, but then blushed a deep shade of scarlet when she realized what he was asking. “No,” she said shyly. “Well…I did once…afterwards…to see what it was like…just lightly skimmed where you touched that time…but it wasn’t the same when you touched me, so I stopped.”

Scorpius let out a shaky sigh as he dropped his forehead to hers. The thought of giving her first orgasm…of being a part of showing her how wonderful it could be…was almost too overwhelming. “Rosie…only if you’re sure.”

“I’m positive,” she said cupping his face with her hands.

He gave her a slow smile before leaning down to give her a long, deep, deep, kiss, before slowly shifting her around so her back was facing him. He held her close with one arm wrapped around her then crab walked to the corner of the couch and nestled her between his legs as he laid her back against his chest. “Just relax, okay?” he whispered in her ear as he started to gently rub his hand up and down her leg, from knee to mid thigh.

She nodded as she rested her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes so she could concentrate on every touch and every sensation. She could feel his warm breath brush her cheek as his hand slipped up to her inner thigh. Her breath started to quicken the closer his hand got to the place she ached the most. When she felt that first light caress over the thin cotton triangle of her knickers, she let out a gasp and reached up with one hand and gripped the back of his neck. “Yes,” she moaned softly when he touched her again. “That’s exactly how it felt.”

“Just wait,” he murmured against her temple and then pressed two fingers more firmly against her.

Another overwhelming sensation swept through her and she lifted her hips greedily against his hand, begging for something more but didn’t quite know what. “Scorpius,” she pleaded as all her shyness melted away.

When she arched against him, it exposed her neck so he tasted it with his mouth while he pushed the thin swatch of cotton aside and slowly slid his finger inside her.

“Oh, my,” she whispered at the feel of his finger stretching her walls.

He stroked her gently, wanting her to get use to the feel of him. He was touching her in the most intimate way…something he had never done before. He was incredibly grateful that he got to share this first…and hopefully many more firsts…with Rose.

Her breath was getting choppy and her grip on his neck tightened as she started to feel a certain pressure build and build inside her until she thought she would burst. She then let out a sharp gasp when he slipped another finger into her.

“Does that hurt?” he asked softly.

She shook her head roughly. “No…no, I…oh, god!” It hit her so hard she wasn’t even prepared for it. Her eyes that had been shut tight flew open as a wave of unspeakable pleasure washed through her entire body. Her heels dug into the cushion as she lifted her hips against his hand as he continued to stroke her while she rode it out.

When she finally collapsed against him, he nuzzled his lips against her temple while he waited for her to catch her breath. He removed his hand between her legs and pushed her skirt back down and then wrapped his arms around her tightly since she was still trembling. “Are you okay?” he asked before kissing her on the cheek.

She let out a breathless laugh. “Never better.” She then shifted to her side so she could curl her body against him. “Wow…that was incredible, Scorpius.”

“Glad to hear it,“ he said and tilted her chin up to give her a kiss. “You definitely didn’t have a problem responding to me.”

“No…that has never been a problem for me.” She gave his lips a playful nip. “I’ve always been affected by you, Scorpius. At one time it annoyed me.”

“I know what you mean.”

They shared a quick grin before sinking into another long kiss. “This has been quite a snog session,” Rosie murmured as she pulled away.

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I’ll say. I think we should…”


“What?” he asked urgently as his whole body tensed up in alarm. “What is it?”

“An owl,” she said pointing the window.

Scorpius looked over to see a barn owl on the windowsill and relaxed. “Next time, calmly inform me there is an owl…scared me to death.”

“Sorry,” she said, absently patting his arm. “I didn’t know owls could find people in the Room of Requirements.”

“Me either…he must be looking for one of us.” He shifted and slid out from under her. “Stay here…I’ll go open the window.” He picked up his sweater and handed it to her. “Put this on…It’ll warm you up.”

“Thanks.” She took his sweater and pulled it over her head as Scorpius went to the window. The sweater was warm and cozy and it smelled of him. She found it incredibly comforting.

“It’s for you,” he announced as he came back and plopped down next to her. He handed her the roll of parchment, then put his arm around her, bringing her close as she unrolled it. “Who’s it from?” he asked as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

“From the Headmaster…I’m suppose to pack what I need for an overnight stay at home and be at his office at six…along with my brothers and cousins. They must all be getting the same message. My mum and Uncle Harry need to talk to us.”

“Have any idea what this is about?”

“Not in the slightest,” she said with a shake of her head. “It does mention that everyone is okay…no one is ill or anything. That’s a relief.”

He knew she was thinking about the last message she got…when she was pulled away early from Hogwarts to be given the most tragic of news. He brushed his lips against the base of her neck in comfort. “Then it must be good news.”

She gave a little shrug. “Maybe. Well…the good news is I don’t have a lot to pack, I left some clothes behind.” She set the parchment aside and turned her body and draped her legs over his lap and circled his neck with his arms. “We still have a good thirty minutes or so till I have to get ready.”

Scorpius gave her a slow grin. “Well, then.” He pressed his lips to hers as he maneuvered her onto her back and stretched himself on top of her. “Let’s not waste another minute.” He fiddled with the hem of his sweater. “I think it’s time you give this back.”

“If you insist,” she giggled as she arched her back to help him remove the garment up and over her head.

He tossed his sweater aside and covered her mouth with his. He knew what she wanted. A part of her was a little worried about what the discussion would be about, although she put on a good front. She wanted a distraction…just for a little bit longer before she had to leave him and this place and face whatever it was she had to face. He wondered if it would surprise her to realize how much he knew her.

So if she wanted a distraction, he thought as he trailed his mouth down and captured one of her breast in his mouth…causing her to gasp and arch beneath him…he’d give her one.

34. Chapter 33

Well, here’s another update! I’ll probably won’t be able to update for the rest of the month. A lot is going on. I’ll be out of town every weekend and my birthday is this month as well and not to mention Thanksgiving. I’ll try to write a little here and there if I get the chance. For now, enjoy this chapter! It’s not long…but a goodie!


Chapter 33

Harry was stretched out on his bed while he tried hard to concentrate on his book, but it was very hard to do so when Hermione was pacing back and forth in front of him. He glanced up at her, studying her without her noticing. Pacing was something Hermione had always done as long as he’d known her, whether it was from nerves or when she was onto an idea or a theory. Needless to say she had done a lot of pacing during their years at Hogwarts…especially their seventh year during the search of the Horcruxes.

It would be nerves this time around, since the kids were due from Hogwarts in a few hours. They would tell them about their newfound relationship and Hermione was nervous about how they would take it. He couldn’t blame her, really…he was nervous as well which was why he was trying to distract him with reading. However, her pacing became more of a distraction then anything else.

Finally giving up, looked up from his book. “Hermione? Are you planning on doing this pacing for the next two hours? If so…I might just go downstairs and leave you to it.”

Hermione gave him an apologetic look as she walked over to the bed. “Sorry,” she said as she plopped down by his feet. “I guess it’s a bit early to start pacing.”

He grinned as he gave her a nudge with his foot. “Maybe a bit. It’s okay, Mione…I know you’re nervous.”

“Aren’t you?”

He nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Well, you don’t look it,” she huffed annoyingly. “You’re sitting there calmly reading a book.”

“True,” he said, grinning at the slight frown on her face. She was so cute when she was annoyed. “However, I’ve been reading the same paragraph for the last half hour.”

Her lips curved in a bit of amusement. “Well…that’s something at least.”

“Glad I can help,” he said giving her another pat with his foot and turned his attention back to his book. He had just finished the paragraph he had been struggling to read when the bed started to shake. He looked up to see Hermione nervously wringing her hands while her right leg was bopping up and down. He didn’t say anything, only lifted his foot and placed it on her thigh to hold her leg still.

She looked down at his sock covered foot and then over to Harry who was looking at her with one brow raised. She let out a defeating sigh as her shoulders slumped. “Sorry…I just can’t seem to sit still.”

“Obviously. Well,” he added as he tossed the book aside. “If I try really hard, I can probably think of another way to release all that nervous energy.”

When she saw the wicked gleam in his eye, she rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped her. “I bet you could,” she said and then slapped his leg when his foot started to work up to her breast. “Cut it out…we are not playing footsie, Potter.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He sighed and then sat up a bit. “Okay, plan B…let’s talk about it. Tell me exactly what you’re worried about.”

“What am I not worried about,” she said as she turned herself more in his direction. “How are we going to tell them? What will they say? What will they ask? Will they approve? Will they be angry? Happy?”

“Hermione,” he said softly and waited until she looked at him. “It will all work out. Look when I went to talk to James,” he continued when she didn’t look convinced. “I had no idea what I was going to say or what he was going to say. It all worked out, though in the end. Was it easy? No. Did he ask questions? He sure did…”

“What kind of questions?” she asked curious. “We never really talked about it.”

“Oh you know…the usual I suppose,” he said as he gave a casual shrug. “When did happen…how long had it been going on…why didn’t you tell us…am I in love with you…how come I…”

“What?” Hermione’s heart lurched up to her throat. “What?

Harry felt his stomach clench when he realized what he had said. “What?”

“He asked you that?”

“Er…which part?”

“Harry…did he ask you if you were in love with me?”

“No.” She narrowed her eyes. “Maybe.” She scowled. “Yes.”

“Well?” she asked when he remained silent.

“Well what?”

“Are you going to tell me what you said?”

Harry tried desperately not to fidget like an idiot. This wasn’t how it was suppose to happen…it was suppose to be romantic…with candles and flowers and all that. Now that he made a major slip up, the woman he loved was practically poking it out of him. Well…maybe he’d start to use this mess up to his advantage.

He gave her a full grin as he crossed his arms. “What do you think I said?”

“Oh no you don’t,” she said giving his leg a slap. “You are not going to start playing mind games with me, Potter.”

“Why not? We’re both so good at it.”

“Harry!” she huffed.

“Hermione!” he mocked.

“You know I can’t read your mind, Harry.”

He raised his brows. “Since when?”

“Ugh! Just forget it!” she exclaimed as she darted to her feet then stalked to the door.

Harry waited until she was inches from the open door before waving his hand in the air…causing the door to slam in her face. He watched in amusement as she slowly turned around to face him with daggers in her eyes.

“Did you just slap your magic at me?”

He grinned. “Sure did.” He got up from the bed and made his way to her. “Now why don’t we…” The invisible force knocked him right off his feet and he felt himself fly through air before landing hard against the pillows. He shook his head clear and looked to see Hermione standing there with a smug and very gratifying expression on her face. “So…want to play rough, do you?”

Hermione felt her heart start to race as he slowly crawled off the bed. “Harry…this is childish nonsense and…” She yelped when she felt the rug she was standing on slide out from under her and yelped again when she landed flat on her butt. Hermione glared up at his face and cursed the foolish grin on his face as she waved a hand in the air.

Harry flinched when the pillow hit the side of his face, but rolled his eyes. “A pillow? Really, Hermione if this is the best you can…bloody hell!” he cursed as he hit the floor, barely missing the very large hardback book.

Hermione watched as Harry slowly turn his narrowed eyes on her and she quickly sprung into action, trying to crawl her way to the other side of the bed. She didn’t know if she laughed or screamed when she felt the invisible force tug at her ankle, dragging her flaring body across the floor. When she felt the tight grip of his fingers on her ankles, she whipped her head around, glared at his hand…and focused.

Harry cursed when he felt the sharp sting of his fingers, forcing him to let go and as soon as he did, she scrambled onto her feet. He quickly followed and with another flick of his wrist he sent her flying back against the door. He pressed her against it with his body, grappling with her hands before pinning them above head.

They were both out of breath, their lips only inches apart as the first brush of desire swept through them both. “Had enough?” he asked huskily as his eyes flickered to her mouth.

Hermione had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the magical tussle they started between them. She arched greedily against his body and pushed against her captive hands. “No where close.”

Harry groaned softly as he leaned down and scraped her bottom lip with his teeth. “Good,” he murmured against her mouth. “Because I’m just getting started,” he said roughly as he crushed his lips against hers.

She met his aggressive mouth head on as teeth nipped and tongues battled. She urgently moved against him, moaning in protest at her pinned hands. He responded by dragging his hands down her arms, brushing the sides of her breasts, cupping her slim waist and then gripped the back of her thighs. She locked her arms and legs around him when he hitched her up off the floor, then murmured his name when his mouth savaged her neck.

With a hard thrust of his hand, he pushed them off the wall and shuffled his way to the bed while Hermione was now the one ravishing his neck. He practically threw her on the bed and he caught the hint of irritation in her eyes before he hovered himself over her and claimed her scowling mouth with his amused one.

They rolled together…limbs tangled, hands groping, mouths mating. When Hermione straddled him Harry leaned and lifted her arms above her head before reaching down and pulling her sweater off in one fast swoop. Their lips met again and he flipped her back over on her back, pinning her soft, slim body into the mattress.

Desperate to feel his warm skin on hers, she started to pull at his sweater, yanking it high up his chest. He pulled away from her mouth, shifting onto his knees so he could get rid of the material. Hermione sat up and greedily attacked his chest with her mouth while her hands roamed up and down his muscular back.

He groaned as he tossed the sweater aside, gripping handfuls of her hair while she continued with her assault. “Hermione…”

“I love your body,” she purred and flicked a tongue over his nipple, causing him to tremble. “All smooth…” She raked her nails gently down his back. “Hard…” She wrapped her arms possessively around him, arching her body up to meet his. “And all mine.”

He let out a long throaty moan as he covered her mouth with his and rolled with her once again. They grappled with the remaining clothes, wanting nothing but flesh against flesh. Harry cupped her with his hand and found her hot and wet and she cried out when he plunged his finger inside her. His mouth touched every inch of her while his fingers caressed and stroked her to the edge. Even when she finally felt that first wave of pleasure, he never let up as his mouth replaced his fingers.

“Please,” she gasped as she felt another orgasm start to build. “Please…Oh, god…Harry!

Hearing her scream his name was like nothing he’d ever experience before. He kept on tasting her as he pushed her hips up to his mouth, pressing his probing tongue hard against her as she rode it out. When she finally collapsed, he didn’t look at her yet…only slowly traveled soft kisses up her body. He placed his lips over the soft skin of her heart and could feel its rapid beat and was pleased to know he was the cause of it. “Hermione.”

She shook her head, unable to find the words to say. He nuzzled her neck, kissed her ear. “Hermione,” he whispered again and leaned back to see her head turned away. “Look at me.”

She turned her head; her shimmering brown eyes met his as she touched the side of his face. “Harry…”

“What do you see?” he asked as he reached up and gripped her hand…kissed it. “Look into my eyes…what do you see, Hermione?”

She let out a shaky breath as she made herself get lost into those green eyes she had known most all her life. Her eyes filled with tears when she understood exactly what he meant. She had always secretly wondered what it would feel like to have Harry look at her the way he was looking at her now. It was more wonderful than she had ever imagined. “Love,” she finally said as she felt a tear fall down her cheek. “I see love.”

Harry let out a shaky breath as he dropped his forehead to hers. “Yes,” he whispered and kissed the tear away. “Yes.” He kissed her softly against her lips and lingered. “Yes,” he breathed into her mouth as he slid inside her in one smooth stroke.

She gasped at the feel of him inside her, knowing that she’d never get tired of the way he filled her up so completely. Harry seized her hands with his, linking their fingers tightly together as he pinned them above her head. Their mouths met in a soft mating of lips and tongue as they moved together…slowly…lovingly. Gentle murmurs and soft moans filled the room as the rhythm remained unhurried and incredibly patient. When they finally reached their peak, Harry covered her mouth with his as they both tumbled over the edge together.

No words were spoken. No words were needed….at least for the moment. Hermione was perfectly content with shifting his hair between her fingers while enjoying the delicious feel of Harry’s long lean body pressing her against the mattress. Harry was perfectly content with pillowing his head against her soft breasts as he listened to her rapid heartbeat slowly, but surely go back down to normal. It was a perfect and peaceful moment for both of them and neither of them were in any rush to end it.

Hermione didn’t know how much time had passed when she finally felt Harry start to shift on top of her. It didn’t really matter. He kissed the soft skin that covered her heart and her lips curved when she felt it quiver in delight. “Say it,” she heard herself say as she wrapped her arms around him when he nuzzled her neck. “I’ve been waiting so long to hear you say it…I don’t think I can stand to wait another moment.”

Harry leaned back to could look at her and gently caressed the curves of her face with the back of his fingers. “I love you, Sparky.”

Hermione closed her eyes as she let his words rush through her. The use of the name he had given her…a name he was only allowed to use…made it so much sweeter. When she finally opened her eyes she could feel the slight sting of the tears as she smiled up at him. “Oh, Harry,” she said laughing softly as she framed his face with her hands and brought him down for a kiss. “I love you, too…so much.”

His own tears now threatened to emerge as his lips started to tremble against hers. “It’s different,” he murmured as he ran a hand over her hair. “This love I have for you…it’s so much more…powerful…it’s as if my heart is so full it’s about to burst.”

Completely overwhelmed, Hermione gripped his hand that was touching her face and nuzzled her cheek against it. “Harry.”

“I’ve never felt this way before, Hermione,” he confessed as he linked his fingers with hers. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”

“Yes,” she whispered with a slight nod. “And I feel the exact same way…you have always had a special place in my heart, Harry…a place no one could touch. No one.

Incredibly moved, Harry ran his lips along her face, kissing away the tears that streamed down her cheeks. He kissed her cheek, her eyelids, forehead, even the tip of her nose, before finally claiming her lips in a deep, deep kiss.

“Mmm…you know what?” she asked when he reluctantly pulled away.

“What?” he asked casually trailed a finger along the outline of her kissable lips.

“I’m not worried anymore.”

Harry gave her a slow grin, then playfully nipped her bottom lip with his teeth. “Neither am I.”

35. Chapter 34

Well…here it is. Another update! It’s probably going to be the second to last post, but don’t worry…I have a little surprise…or as my mom likes to call it…a sussie…for you all after you read the chapter. Hope you enjoy this one! Happy Holidays everyone!


Chapter 34

“So, do you have any idea what this is about?”

Albus winced at his little sister’s question he had hoped no one would ask them as they waited their turn for the Floo. He did have an idea what this was all about, and since he didn’t want to particularly lie to Lily, he decided to answer her with a shrug.

“Well, what do you think…”

“You’re up, Lil,” he said giving her a nudge towards the fireplace once Rose had disappeared into the green flames.

Once she was gone, he took a deep breath before taking a handful of Floo powder their Headmaster held out to him in a teapot. “Thanks,” he said.

“You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.”

Albus nodded and stepped into the fireplace, shouted “Home!” as he threw down the powder. Green flames engulfed him, his whole body spun in a tunnel of light and sound and then tumbled into his father’s arms.

“There he is!” Harry laughed as he gave him a jostle. “Last, but certainly not least.”

Albus grinned as he stepped back. “Hey, Dad.”

“Look at you….have you grown another few inches since I last saw you?”

He shrugged. “I dunno.”

“Well…you’re just as tall as me almost.”

“And definitely taller than me,” Hermione said as she squeezed by Harry and reached up on her toes to hug him.

“Hi Aunt Mione,” he said hugging her back. “But I was already taller than you when I left.”

“That may be,” she said leaning back to smile up at him. “But I don’t think I had to lean up on my toes to hug you last time…so you definitely have grown a few inches.”

“Well…when you put it that way.”

She laughed. “Come on…I’ve made some chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate. Pretty chilly out there.”

“Sounds good.”

Albus merged in with the commotion in the den, pouring himself a generous cup of hot chocolate, then snagged two cookies before sitting on the small sofa for two next to Rosie.

“What do you suppose this is about?” Rosie muttered to Albus.

Albus sighed, shrugged, then took a huge chunk of cookie so his mouth would be too full to talk.

Hermione and Harry sat in the two chairs they had moved from the kitchen table and set in front of the fire. “It’s so great to see all of you,” Hermione said. “Is school going all right for everyone?”

Everyone did a nod or murmured an, “Okay” or a “Yes.”

“Where’s Nora and James?“ Hugo asked.

“Nora is spending the day with Ted and Victoire,” Harry informed them. “And James…well…he already knows what this is all about.”

Hermione cleared her throat. “So…tell me how things are at…”

“Hermione,” Harry said as he put a hand over hers. “I know we discussed doing small talk at first…but I think they’re all anxious to find out what’s going on.” When Hermione gave him a nervous smile and a nod of agreement, he turned look at the kids, who were all looking at him with curious eyes. Except Albus…who was looking right at his hand that was still covering Hermione’s. His first reaction was to pull away, but since they were all going to have to get use to it, he turned his palm up to hers and laced their fingers. He didn’t know exactly where to start and had rehearsed exactly what he was going to say, but that all seemed to go right out of his mind. So he took a deep breath, gave Hermione an assuring squeeze and started to talk.

“I know you all are very confused right now and very anxious to find out why we asked you to come here for the night. Last year…when we lost Ron and Ginny…it was hard for all of us. For Hermione and I…we lost a wife and husband. You kids lost a father or mother. None of it was easy, but we all came together as a family and healed as a family. Every single one of you had someone to help you through it. Not only did you have each other…not only did you have us…but you all had good friends that helped you through it.”

“For Harry and I,” Hermione continued. “We had friends of our own, and although they helped us as well, no one knew what we were going through except each other. Harry helped me more than anyone else could…and I helped him. We helped each other during that first year. There were times where I’d think of Ron and never thought I’d laugh again…then Harry would swoop in…he always knew when I was feeling sad…he’d say something clever, something funny…until we were both laughing.”

“Same with Hermione,” Harry pointed out. “We read each other well…knew what to say or how to act around each other depending our moods. After that first year…Hermione and I…we became very close…closer than I’ve ever been with her….and that’s saying something considering she’s been my best friend. And…well…we…er…”


Harry looked at Lily who was now staring at their linked fingers. “Yes, Lily?”

“Are you trying to tell us…” She shifted her eyes back to his. “That you’re with Aunt Mione…romantically?”

Harry felt Hermione’s fingers clench in his grip and although he wanted to stroke and soothe her, he kept his eyes on Lily, who was still looking at him with her eyes that were identical to her mother’s. “Yes,” he finally said to her and then looked at everyone else. “Yes…that’s what we are telling you.” When no one said anything…when they only continued to stare in shock and disbelief, more words tumbled out of him. “I know this is a shock…and I’m sure you all have questions and we will answer every single one of them honestly…you all deserve to know how it happened.

“However…you need to know that…this isn’t just some fling…or some flash in the pan. What’s between Hermione and I is the real deal and nothing is going to change that. We love each other…whole heartedly…unconditionally…and neither of us have been this happy in a really long time. The only thing that would make us even happier…is that you have our approval.”

“And if we don’t?” Hugo asked.

Hermione looked at her son and knew he was challenging them. “Then there’s nothing we can do…because Harry and I are going to be together no matter what any of you think. We do however, respect you all, and hope that you all can find it in your heart to support us…to be happy for us.”

“You do look happy, Mum,” Rosie said speaking for the first time. “I noticed it when I first got here…you’re both right…this is a shock for me…and a little weird…and of course I’m sure we’ll all have questions, but…” She looked over at Harry. “If you’re the reason for the spark in her eyes, then…I’ll support this….I’ll be nothing but happy for you both.”

Hermione’s eyes filled. “Oh, Rosie.”

Rosie smiled and got up from her seat and leaned down to give her mother a kiss and a hug, then did the same to her uncle before she stood behind them and waited for her cousins and siblings to make the next move.

“Well,” Lily said as she stood up. “You know me…I’m all about romance and happily ever after.” She walked over to her father and hugged him close as she sat in his lap. “Are you really happy, Daddy?” she whispered in his ear.

Harry closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. “Incredibly happy, Lily-pad.”

She smiled as she pulled back. “Then I’m happy for you.” She looked over at Hermione and got up from her father’s lap and hugged her Aunt. “For both of you.”

“Thanks, sweetheart,” she said as she wiped away a tear and gently cradled her face. “You’re getting more beautiful everyday…you look so much like your mother.”

Lily smiled brightly. “Thanks, Aunt Mione.”

Hermione gave her a smile and kissed her forehead before releasing her and she stood behind her next to Rosie. Her hand found her way to Harry’s again as they both looked over at Hugo and Albus…waiting for one of them to say something.

“Although it’s a bit weird,” Hugo finally said. “It’s not very surprising considering how close you two have always been.” He gave a little shrug as he stood up. “I guess I’m okay with it. You two seem all happy and stuff.”

Hermione let out a laugh as she opened her arms for him. “Thanks Hugo.”

He smiled and then turned to Harry who held out his hand. “Manly handshake?” Harry offered with a grin.

Hugo matched the grin as he slapped his hand into his. “Sure,” he said giving it a good pump. “I guess I’d be okay with a manly hug, if you want.”

Harry laughed and gave him a nuzzle, before tugging him into a hard manly hug. “You’re a good boy, Hu…and well on your way to being a decent man.”

“Thanks, Uncle Harry.” He leaned back to look at him. “Are you going to take good care of her?”

Yes, Harry thought. A decent man he’ll be. “The very best,” he assured him as he gave him a quick pat on the arm, before he left and stood behind him.

“I need to say something first,” Albus said once everyone looked over at him.

“Go ahead,” Harry said as he tried to settle the nerves in his stomach. He had been nervous about his reaction since he caught him staring at their joint hands. “We’re listening.”

Albus took a deep breath and looked at both Hermione and Harry. “I already knew.”

“What?” Harry and Hermione both said at the same time, while the kids behind them gasped and stared.

“What?” Harry asked again a little frantic. “Al…how? When?”

“The night before we left for Hogwarts,” he confessed and then winced slightly. “I came downstairs to get water and…I sort of…saw you two…on the couch…kissing.”

Hermione groaned as she covered her face with his hands while Harry let out a worrisome sigh. A collective “eww” came out of Hugo and Lily while Rosie only stared at Albus with her mouth hung open.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to eavesdrop or anything,” Albus rushed on. “It was sort of an accident.”

Harry shook his head. “No, son…you shouldn’t be apologizing…we should. This is exactly why we wanted to tell you…to avoid…” He let out a shaky breath. “That’s how James found out about us…I had just got in from work….had no idea he was there…I…well, greeted Hermione with a…romantic embrace before she could tell me….and he walked in on us. It wasn’t pretty…not at first…and it all worked out, but we hoped to avoid another catastrophe like that…it wasn’t fair to keep you all in the dark any longer because we knew what we had wasn’t going away.”

“I know,” Albus said. “That’s what you said that night…you said you didn’t want to tell us until you were sure it would last between you…and I thought that made sense and stuff.” He gave a little shrug. “I was a little weirded out at first…sure…but the more I thought about you two together…the more it made sense I guess. Like Hugo said…it’s not really all that surprising once you think about it.”

“Albus,” Hermione said leaning forward in her chair. “Did you ever think about confronting us?”

“No…not really…the whole situation was way to awkward for me to admit what I saw.”

“Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Rosie asked.

Albus sighed as he looked at her, knowing she actually meant herself. Although he loved his siblings and Hugo…he was closer with Rosie…had a stronger connection with her. “Sorry Rosie…it just…wasn’t my secret to tell. I did tell Mia…I hope that doesn’t upset you…or anyone…I needed someone to talk about it with.”

Lily and Hugo just shrugged it off and Rose gave him a small smile. “I guess I would have done the same if it were me…I understand.”

“So…are you okay with this, Al?” Harry asked hesitantly.

Albus turned his attention back to his father and his lips curved into a bright smile. “I’m better than okay with this…I’m thrilled.” He got up as did Harry and father and son embraced in a fierce hug. “You deserve to be happy, Dad…both of you.”

Harry closed his eyes as he held on tight. “Al…you really are growing up on me.” He pulled him back and gripped his arms. “I’m so proud of you.”

Albus shifted uncomfortably when he saw tears shimmering in his eyes. “Aw, Dad…you’re not gonna start crying, are you?”

Harry let out a watery laugh. “No,” he said as he pulled the tears back in and then playfully shoved his son away. “But I can’t say the same for, Mione.”

“Oh hush,” Hermione cried as she got on her feet and slapped Harry’s arm. “I’m allowed to get emotional now and again.”

“Aunt Mione,” Albus laughed as he pulled her into a hug. “I really hope those are happy tears.”

“Yes,” she whispered as she gave him a squeeze. “Very happy tears.”

“Well,” Harry said as he pulled Hermione to his side. “Why don’t we all sit back down and Hermione and I will answer any questions you’d like to ask.”

“And after that,” Hermione said as they all made their way back to their seats. “If the cookies haven’t filled you up…I’ll make you all dinner.”

“Okay kids…fire a way.”

“When did it happen?” Lily rushed out before anyone could even open their mouths. “How did it happen? Oh! Was it during the mistletoe incident? Or before?”

Harry blinked and then looked over at Hermione who looked just as floored. “Er…how bout we just tell you how it happened…then if we left anything out…just ask.”

When everyone nodded in agreement, Harry shared a smile with Hermione before addressing their kids. “Well…it all began the day I interviewed James…”

No one spoke or interrupted him as he told the story of how he and Hermione turned their strong friendship into an even stronger love. He of course left out all the personal stuff…no point of talking about the intimacy between them unless they asked. “And that’s pretty much how it happened,” Harry said once he finished up telling them about how they confessed their love for each other just hours before. “Did I leave anything out, Mione?”

“No…I think you covered everything,” she said as she squeezed his hand and then looked at the kids. “So…any question?”

No one was surprised when Lily raised her hand. “I have one.”

“Just one?” Hugo muttered then grunted when he elbowed him in the ribs.

“What is it, Lil?” Harry asked.

“Are you two going to get married?”


And now for the sussie….are you ready?????

THIS WILL NOT BE MY LAST FIC! That’s right, I’ve already started on another one. I really found myself missing writing about my other two pairings. G/D and R/L. So, there will be another H/Hr story for you guys! I’m not going to say this will be my last one…I think I’ve learned my lesson on that. I always say that, then I think of another story! So…I guess I’ll just keep writing until I run out of ideas! I hope that makes you all happy! Especially after I left you hanging on this chapter. Oops;-) Anyway…I’m going to wrap this story up and continue to work on my new one so I can post it up ASAP! Please keep the reviews coming…I love to read them! Thanks again for everything!


36. Happy New Year!

Hello my faithful readers! Just wanted to send you guys a quick update before I head out to my family ranch for the New Year. First of all, let me reassure everyone by saying I haven't forgot about this story. I've been writing here and there when I could during the holidays. The next chapter will be the last...but it will be a long one. It's more of an epilogue really. I've been working hard on it and I'm going to do my best to try and finish it while I'm at my ranch. Santa bought me a brand spankin'' new MacBook for Christmas, which I am enjoying very much! Anyway, I will post the last chapter next year and then will post my new story soon after that! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be safe hardcore party animals! Love you all lots and lots! Take care!


37. Epilogue

Hey everyone! First of all, I want to apologize for the weird fonts in the first half of this chapter. I got a new MacBook laptop for Christmas, so I transfered what I had already written on my old laptop to this one, and for some reason it's making weird fonts where the quotations are. So, I'm really sorry about that...I tried to fix it but I couldn't figure it out. Any Mac experts out there, please share if you know. So, the beginning has a lot of crazy fonts, but it gets better towards the end. Sorry! Second of all...this is it! The last chapter! Hope you enjoy! I say more stuff at the end. Love you guys!



Five Years Later

Harry stood at the edge of the cliffs, with his home standing tall at his back and the waves rolled onto the shore below. He watched the commotion below as the white folding chairs stacked in neat rows began to fill with guests. A short isle formed between the chairs and at the front stood a small white platform decorated with flowers and candles. He still couldn’t believe today was finally the day. It seemed like it was just yesterday when they first started planning the wedding for…

“Hey there, handsome.�


Harry grinned and turned to see one of his favorite people walking to him. “Hey, gorgeous,� He said and kissed Natasha’s cheek. “Where’s your better half?�

“With all the guys in Hugo’s old room. Last I checked he was losing a hand in poker.�

Harry chuckled. “Yes…Malfoy was never good at the gambling. How’s the bride? Or…Brides, I should say.�

“The brides are a little nervous…but they both look beautiful. Why don’t you go on up and see them. The photographer is taking some shots…I’m sure they’ll want some with you.�

Harry winced. He hated getting his picture taken. Rita Skeeter completely ruined the experience for him. “All right…but I’m dragging Malfoy with me.�

“Good idea…I’m going down for a moment…greet some of the guests.�

“Okay…see you in a bit.� Harry kissed her again, before walking back into the house, which was set up for the reception afterwards. Most of the furniture on the first floor was moved out and round tables draped in white cloth were here and there. He made sure to avoid the kitchen, knowing that the caterers were probably busy getting last minute touches taken care of. He skirted around the tables, nodded to the man they hired as bartender, who had passed him carrying a case of wine, and finally made his way up the stairs.

As he turned the corner, he stopped, then rolled his eyes at his nephew…who was currently snogging his girlfriend up against the wall. He cleared his throat, and when that didn’t work, cleared it again…only louder.

At the sound of the intrusion, Hugo reluctantly pulled away from Braiden, preparing to glare at the intruder, but decided against it when he realized it who it was. “Oh…hey Uncle Harry,� he said with a grin. “Is it time to start yet?�

Harry shook his head in amazement. He remembered a time, not too long ago, when Hugo would fluster and fumble around girls. Well…Braiden in particular. Now…at eighteen…Hugo was a lot smoother…and a lot more confident. “Not quite,� he said. “But Braiden should probably head down to grab a seat. The actual ceremony doesn’t begin for another half-hour but it’s getting pretty crowded.�

“Okay…I think my brother is already down there, so…� She turned to Hugo. “I’ll see you later?�

“Sure thing,� he said giving her another kiss.

She blushed as she pulled away, then gave a wave to Harry as she passed. “Later, Mr. P.�

“See ya, Braiden,� he said then chuckled at Hugo. “Jeez, lover-boy.� He hooked an arm around his neck. “It seems I’m always finding your mouth locked with that one…have you no self control?�

“What can I say?� he said with a grin. “She’s hot. And I can say the same thing with you and mum. It’s been…what? Almost five years since you’ve been married to her? Yet you two still act like a bunch of newly weds all the time.�

Harry chuckled as he opened Hugo’s childhood room the men of the wedding party were using to get ready. “What can I say? Your mum’s hot,� he countered back, then playfully shoved him inside.

The room was filled with wizards suited up in nice dress robes. Male laughter erupted from the table that held a handful of his friends and family and looked over to see that the poker game was still going strong. Hugo immediately went over to Scorpius, who was standing in front of a mirror fiddling with his robes, so Harry made his way over to the table and stood behind his soon to be married son. “Who’s winning?� Harry asked as he put his hands on Al’s shoulder.

“You missed it,� Draco said as he collected his winnings. “Just won the pot from your oldest.�

“I know, shocking,� James said when he saw his dad’s single brow lift in surprise. “Must have been some kind of fluke.�

Draco snorted. “My trio of ladies was no fluke, J.�

James shrugged as he began to reshuffle the cards. “Doesn’t matter…I’ll win my money back eventually.� He shuffled the cards one last time and placed the deck in front of him. “Ready to cut again, my man?� he asked his three-year old son who was perched on his lap.

Jacob Nicholas Potter, who had been pouting because he had to wear stupid dress robes, squirmed with excitement on his father’s lap. “Yeah, I cut!�

“Just like I showed you,� James said encouraged. It still amazed him how easily amused a three-year old boy could be. He and the rest of the guys watched as Jacob peeked out his tongue in concentration while his small, clumsy fingers carefully separated the pack into two. “Good job, buddy,� James said as he ruffled his chocolate brown hair he inherited from his mother. “You’re a natural.�

Completely pleased with himself, Jacob bounced and clapped in excitement while James dealt the next hand. “I cut!â€� Jacob turned and tugged on Al’s dress robes. “Uncle Al, did you see? I cut!â€� Â

Albus grinned at his nephew. “I sure did, buddy,� he said as he gathered his cards. “Quite impressive.�

Jacob giggled, than his eyes lit with pleasure when he saw Harry standing behind them. “Hi-ya, G-Daddy! Did you see me? I cut cards! Like a big boy!�

Harry laughed as he gave him an nuzzle as well. “How could I not see such an awesome display of big-boyness.�

“Big-boyness?� James looked up at his father. “Is that even a word?�

“It is now.�

“Hey Jacob," Albus said as he leaned towards him. “Tell me…does your daddy have any cards with the letter, A on it?�

“Uh-uhhh,� Jacob said as he shook his little head. “I not tellin’.�

“Awe, you’re no fun, Jacob. I’ll give you five knuts?�

Jacob tapped his chin in thought. “Hmmm…nope!�

James gave Albus a wink. “My boy’s loyal.�

“Shit,� Draco muttered as he flew his cards down. “I fold.�

“Shit!� Jacob squealed in delight.

Everyone choked back laughter while James narrowed his eyes at Draco. “Nice one, Uncle Draco.�

Draco winced. “Sorry…kind of slipped out.�

“Shit! Shit! Shit!�

“Jeez, Jacob, cut it out,� James said as he put his hand over his mouth, which didn’t help much because it just sounded muffled. “Fit, fit, fit!� James rolled his eyes to the ceiling. “Samantha isn’t going to like this…and stop laughing guys, it only encourages him.�

Harry swallowed back another chuckle and turned to Draco. “We got to go anyway…they’re taking pictures next door.�

“Aw man,� he said as he slumped in his chair. “Do I have to?�

“If I have to, you have to…c’mon, Malfoy…man up. This is important.�

“All right fine,� he sighed in defeat as he got up. “At least I’m leaving with money in my pockets.�

“Enjoy it while you can,� James said before he displaying his hand which held three cards with the letter A. “Read ‘em and weep.�

“Typical,� he grumbled as he reluctantly followed Harry to the door, than paused. “Actually…I have a better idea.� He pulled out his winnings back out from his pockets and put it back on the table. “Scorp…play in your father’s place will ya?�

Scorpius looked over and grinned when everyone started to groan. “Sure thing, Dad.�

“Oh come on, that’s not fair,� Albus complained. “Scorpius will clean us out in two rounds.�

“Bitch, bitch, bitch,� Scorpius teased as he sat down while another hand was dealt.

“Bitch, bitch, bitch,� Jacob imitated in the exact same teasing tone.

“Oh that’s great,� James grumbled and then glared at Scorpius. “What is it with you Malfoys? Can’t you watch the language around a three-year old?�

Scorpius swallowed his tongue as he tried not to laugh. “My bad.�

“You guys probably have enough time for a few more rounds,� Harry said as he and Draco made his way to the door. “You guys have to head down first before the women, so start heading down there in about ten minutes.�

“Sure thing, Dad,� Albus assured him as he answered James’ call and tossed in another two knuts. “I have no intention of being late.�

“Ditto,� Scorpius answered with a grin then spread out his hand. “Full house, suckers.�

“That’s my boy,� Draco cheered while everyone groaned and slapped down their cards.

Harry just chuckled and shook his head. “C’mon…hey wait…where’s Nev?�

“He should be already over there,� Scorpius said as he collected his winnings. “Hermione dragged him over there not too long ago.�

“Gotcha. Okay, let’s go,� he said to Draco. “Before Hermione comes and drags us ourselves.�

 They closed the door and headed towards the bedroom he shared with his wife, which was currently being used as the bridesmaid room. “I’ll be glad when this is over,� Draco commented as they lingered at the door. “We’ve been planning this wedding for what seems like forever. I still can’t believe my son is marrying a Weasley. Blows my mind…hey, you don’t think Ron is cursing me from above right now do you?�

Harry couldn’t help but laugh. “No…if he is, he’s stupid to do so. Rosie loves him…and everyone knows Scorpius adores her and would do anything for her. So…no…I think you’re safe on that one.�

“Well…that’s something at least.� Draco blew out a breath and stared miserably at the door. “I love every single woman in that room, Potter…but it doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to this…so with that said…let’s get this over with.�

Harry nodded firmly in agreement. “Let’s do that,� he said and opened the door and both of them stepped inside and nearly ran into Neville.

"Thank Merlin you guys are here," he said in a panic. "I've been in here so long...outnumbered by women....I was afraid I was going to start growing female parts."

Draco shuddered. "Don't say things like might come true."

Harry surveyed the estrogen filled room and gave a shrug. "Doesn't look so bad...but if I start to grow breasts...let me know so I can get out fast. I'm going to go search for Mione and Rosie."

"They're in your bathroom," Neville commented poking his thumb towards the direction. "Some trouble with the dress. It was a little too big around the bodice." Neville paused to run his hands over and around his upper chest. "Mione was reassuring her that after a few magical touch ups here and there she'd have it fixed in no time...what? Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

"Gee Neville," Harry said sharing a chuckle with Draco. "You really are changing into a woman."

Neville gapped. "No I'm not!"

"Neville dear," Molly said coming up to him. "Would you help Nora with her bouquet of did such a good job with Lily's I thought you'd help out again....thanks so much,'re a big help." Â

Neville felt his whole face flare up as Mrs. Weasley gave him a pat on the cheek before walking away, then scowled when Harry and Draco started to bust out laughing. "Sod off!" he muttered beforeÂ

trudging after Molly.

Harry shook his head with laughter. "That was classic."

"I will remember that for the rest of my life," Draco chuckled. "I mean can't make up stuff like that."

"No you can't. Well," he said after sharing another laugh with Draco. "I'm going to go see Mione and Rosie before we have to take pictures. I'll see you in a bit. Don't drown in estrogen."

Draco scowled. '"That's not funny either."

He just smiled as he made his way through the sea of women, stopping here and there for a quick kiss on the cheek or a friendly banter. He stopped to kiss Mia, who was looking radiant in her white flowing dress while Luna fussed around her. "You look wonderful, Mia," he said with a smile. "Albus was lucky to grab you."

Mia flushed with pleasure. "Thanks, Mr. P., but I feel just as lucky being grabbed. I love him very much."

"I know you do...and he loves you." He gave her another kiss as he started to continue his way to the bathroom. "I'm going to go see Mione and Rosie before all the craziness begins."

"Okay...thanks again, Mr. P."

"My pleasure," he said giving her a wink before walking away and took two steps when a sweet voice called out to him.

"Daddy, look at me!" Nora proclaimed as she ran up to him and gave a little twirl. "Don't I look pretty?"

Harry smiled as he knelt down to her. "You look beautiful, munchkin," he said as he tapped her nose. "I love your dress."

"Mum and Rosie picked it out just for me," she said proudly as she admired the white laced dress and ran her fingers along the yellow satin tied around her waist. "I have a yellow bow at the back. See?"

Harry grinned when she turned around, then gave her bow a little tug. "It's perfect for you, munchkin." When she turned back around, beaming with joy, he sighed as he shook his head. "'re getting too big...stop growing up so fast, will you?"

She giggled. "Sorry Daddy...I can't stop it."

"I'm not going to be able to call you munchkin much longer."

"Of course you can matter how tall I get...I'll always be shorter than you."

Harry laughed as he hugged her close. "I'll remind you of that when you are in the middle of your rebellion teenage years, munchkin." He gave her a kiss on the head and then stood up. "I'm going to go see your mum and sister before we start taking pictures....why don't you go and show your dress to Uncle Draco. He needs a good distraction."

Her eyes lit with pleasure at the sound of Uncle Draco's name. "Okay, bye, Daddy!"

Harry chuckled as he moved out of her way, shaking his head when he watched her throw her arms around Draco's legs. After watching Nora do a quick twirl for Draco, he turned away and headed towards the bathroom. He found them standing in front of their full length mirror....Rosie in the center of it while Mione was squatting down fluffing the bottom of her dress. He smiled warmly as he leaned against the doorframe. "You look beautiful, Rosie."

Rosie looked up and met the eyes of her Uncle Harry through the mirror and a smile bloomed on her face. "Uncle you really think so?" She put a shaky hand on her stomach. "I'm so it normal to be so nervous?"

Harry walked further into the room and exchanged a meaningful look with his wife and remembered how nervous he was on their wedding day. "'s not only's right." He loomed over her shoulder and got a good look at her in the mirror. Her hair was clipped up tight in some fancy twist with a single white rose cleverly imbedded into the twist. Her wedding dress was simple. Just a long flow of white silk that streamed down her body and fluttered around her ankles. Simple, but elegant. "You're going to knock him dead."

Rose let out a laugh as she turned around to him. "I sure hope so."

Harry smiled then kissed her cheek, then turned to Mione. "Hi," he said and kissed her. "You look pretty, too."

Hermione blushed...which was ridiculous. She had been with him for five years...she should be use his kisses and soft words by now. "Thanks."

Harry grinned. He loved it that he could still make her blush after all these years. "Anytime. Now...I heard something about pictures so if we're going to do that we need to do it quickly. It's almost show time."

"Oh...right," Rosie said as she gathered up her skirt. "I definitely want some pictures with the two of you. I'll track down the photographer."

Once they were alone, Harry pulled her in and gave her a soft sweet kiss. "You do look beautiful," he said taking a step back to admire her silk dress that was robin egg blue. " matter what shade, I'm a sucker for you in blue."

"Harry...I know that." She gave a little twirl. "Why do you think I picked it out?"

"To drive me crazy?"

"Exactly." She gave him a quick kiss. "Now...let's go take some pictures."

"Hermione?" he asked right before she was going to walk through the door. "What exactly are you wearing under that dress?"

She gave him a sly smile over her shoulder. "Guess you're going to have to wait and find out tonight." Â

Harry grinned as she walked out. He was definitely looking forward to it.


It wasn't all that bad. The photographer wasn't nearly as scary as Rita Skeeter. A little annoying, though, and thought he could tone down his excitement just a little bit. However, it was rather amusing when he told Draco to stop being a "Mr. Poopy Pants" and smile. Harry seriously thought Draco was going to whip out his wand and curse the five and half foot happy camera man. Somehow, he resisted. Â

Just as they were about to wrap things up and start heading downstairs, a quick knock on the door erupted before James stuck his head inside. "Er...sorry to interrupt, but....Dad? Uncle Draco? They're at it again."

Both Harry and Draco winced then looked at Hermione, who held up her hands. "You two deal with them....I'm too busy with my other more well behaved daughter."

Harry sighed and then looked at a very annoyed Draco. "It's our turn anyway...Mione and Tash split them up last time."

"Fine," he grumbled as he stalked out with hunched shoulders. "Wonder what it was this time?"

"Who knows?" he said with a shrug and then looked at James. "Where are they?" James just pointed at the door that use to belong to Nora and then walked away with a snicker. Harry rolled his eyes then gestured to Draco to follow him to the room. Â

They could hear some sort of ruckus before they even opened the door and when they did they saw Dameon Malfoy wrestling on the floor with Harry and Hermione's four year old daughter, Ava James Potter. The two had been fighting since they were both in diapers. The first fight occurred when Dameon had crawled over to Ava and stole her pacifier. Ava couldn't have been more than six months, so it was a big surprise when she rolled over to Dameon before he could crawl away and started yanking and pulling his hair. Everyone had been so shocked at first, it had taken them awhile to get up and break them up. It was definitely amusing and Harry had been quite proud at the time, however, after the tenth time they've had to break them apart it had gotten a little old. No matter how much they tried to discipline them, they never learned and it was something that they've come to realize they could never fix. Ava and Dameon didn't get a long. And probably never would.

"Okay, let's do this," Harry said as he rolled his shoulders and went straight to his daughter while Draco went to Dameon. "Ava...knock it off," Harry said as he yanked her up into his arms. Â

Ava's legs were flaring as she glared at Dameon who was now captured in Draco's arm. "Let me go, Daddy!"

"Not a chance...Ava, you promised you wouldn't fight with him today....this is Rosie and Al's day."

"But he said I looked like a wussy girl in a stupid dress!"

"Well, you do!" Dameon yelled back as he struggled in his fathers arms.

"That's enough, Dame," Draco said. "You shouldn't have said apologize."

"Awe, come on Dad," he whined and then scowled when Ava stuck her tongue out at him. "Don't make me do that....I'd rather be grounded for a week."

"Oh, don't'll be grounded for a week too...but you'll apologize."

"Hah, hah!" Ava taunted.

"Hey, don't get too cocky,'re grounded as well."

"What?!" she gasped while Dameon now laughed and pointed at her. "But, Daddy..."

"Don't 'But Daddy' me, young promised not to fight today and you broke it."

Ava pouted. "It's not fair."

"I's a cruel world."

"Dameon," Draco said sternly as he put him back down on his feet. "Apologize to Ava."

Dameon grumbled as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Fine...Sorry."

Harry plopped Ava down across from him. "Your turn, Ava."

"What? Why do I have to apologize, he's the one who...." She trailed off when she saw a single brow rose on her Daddy's face. She knew that meant he was dead serious and not to mess with him. "All right...sorry."

"Great, now that's over with...let's separate these two before they go at it again." Draco grabbed his son's hand and tugged him along. "We'll see you guys down there."

Once they were gone, Harry knelt down to his daughter. "Ava...when are you going to learn to just walk away from him?"

Her little bottom lip poked out. "I'm sorry, Daddy...he just makes me so mad."

Harry couldn't help but smile. "I know, sweetie...but he only does it to get a rise out of you. If you ignore him, he'll leave you alone."

"I know," she said and then winced. "Is Mum really mad?"

"More disappointed than mad," he said then got up and pulled her up in his arms. "We should go find her and your's almost time for us to go down." He nuzzled her wavy brown hair. "And you'll have to redo your hair before you walk down the isle. Looks like it got a little messed up during your little wrestling match."

"Mum can fix it," she assured him, looking up at him with those big green eyes she got from him. "She's good at that."

He chuckled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Right you are."


The wedding turned out beautifully, although after Harry finished his duty of giving Rosie away, he spent the rest of the ceremony consoling a very weepy Hermione. Although he wasn't quite as emotional, he had to admit it was pretty cool they decided to have the wedding on the same each where both couples shared their first kiss. Ava, who already fulfilled her duty by throwing rose petals down the isle, squirmed impatiently between Harry and Hermione. "Nearly done," Harry whispered to her. "Be still."

Ava grumbled under her breath, but remained still like she was told as she watched her older sister and older brother get married. She still was a little confused on what exactly getting married meant, but if it made Rosie and her Mum cry, she couldn't possibly imagine why anyone would want to get married. Since the ceremony was boring her, she leaned forward and looked around. Her eyes narrowed when they came in contact with Dameon across the isle, then scowled when he sneered at her. Stupid boy, she thought as she leaned back in her seat. He was an awful, mean little boy. It was too bad that their parents were friends. She actually liked her Uncle Draco and Aunt Tasha. But why they had to go and have a stupid boy like Dameon for a son, she'd never understand. Why couldn't he be more like Scorpius? she thought and then looked up at Scorpius with adoration. He was so much nicer to her than Dameon, and he had even winked at her when she had walked down the isle. She guessed she couldn't blame Rosie for marrying him. If she was older, she'd probably marry him in a heartbeat.

"You both may now kiss your brides."

The crowed erupted in cheers as Ava watched her brother kiss Mia and Scorpius kiss her sister. Yuck! she thought as she wrinkled her nose. Â

The four newlyweds walked off the platform, but stopped to give Harry and Hermione a kiss, along with Draco and Natasha and Mia and Luna, before making their way back up the isle. Hermione sniffled and then reached down for Ava. "Wasn't that beautiful, Ava?"

She shrugged. "I guess. Can I change out of this dress now, Mum?"

She rolled her eyes. "No, sweetie...not yet." Â

Harry came up and put an arm around Hermione. "How are my girls?" He casually wiped away a last minute tear. "All cried out?"

Hermione sighed. "I think so."

Harry gave her a quick kiss, then chuckled when Ava scrunched up her face. "Don't knock it till you try it, kiddo. However, you won't be allowed to date till your thirty."

Ava giggled when he poked her belly. "Nuh-uh Daddy, I can date now."

"Oh really?" Harry asked as he plucked her away from Hermione's arm. "And who are you dating may I ask?"


Hermione and Harry both laughed. "Sorry, sweetie," Harry said as he gave her a little jostle. "He's already taken."


The already taken Scorpius playfully dipped his wife on the dance floor, then pulled her back up for a short, sweet kiss. "You're quite the dancer, Scorpius," Rosie said with a laugh as she pulled away. "It's a pleasant surprise."

He grinned as he pulled her close, nuzzling his cheek against hers. "That's good to hear, Frecks...I plan on pleasantly surprising you quite a few times for the rest of our lives."

Rosie sighed as she held him close. "Promise?"

"Promise." He pulled back so he could look at her. "You look gorgeous, Frecks...have I told you that yet?"

"A few times....but I don't mind hearing it."

He grinned as he caressed her cheek. "I love you."

Rosie sighed dreamily as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you, too."

Their lips met as Scorpius tightened his grip around her waist and lifted her up until her toes dangled. "You picked me up like this when you first kissed me," she murmured against his lips.

"I remember." He nipped her bottom lip. "I also recall you wrapping those wonderful legs around my waist."

She giggled against his mouth. "Considering where we are, I think that would be a little inappropriate."

"Oh well...maybe later," he said hopefully before kissing her again, this time long and deep as he lazily danced in a circle.

"Hey." Someone nudged his shoulder and Scorpius reluctantly pulled away from his wife's lips to see Albus standing there with Mia. "The honeymoon isn't till later you two."

Mia giggled, while Rosie blushed and Scorpius just grinned. "Guess I got a little carried away." He gently set Rosie back on her feet. "How are you two handling the dance floor? He hasn't stepped on any of your toes yet, has he Funny Face?" Â

She laughed. "Not yet...My Albus is a spectacular dancer."

"Yeah, that's right," Albus boasted and then sneered at Scorpius. "Watch and learn," he said before twirling Mia off in a fancy dance move.

"Show off," Scorpius muttered then grinned and pulled Rosie close. "Let him twirl her around...I'll just hold you close like this."

Rosie sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder. "Works for me."

Albus gave Mia one last little twirl before pulling her into his arms. "This is better."

Mia smiled up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Much better," she agreed then met his lips with hers in a sweet kiss, before nuzzling her cheek against his chest. She loved how much taller Albus was to her. Even with her highest pair of heels, her head barely went past his shoulder. He was so...masculine. It always excited her the way he could easily pluck her off the floor as if she weighed absolutely nothing. The way he would carry her to the bedroom while his mouth worked impatiently on hers while his hands kept busy on her body. The remembrance of how his hands felt caressing and molding her body sent a chill through her body.

"Cold?" Ablus asked with worry in his eyes as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

She sighed as his touch. "Not at all...Just thinking."


She looked up at him with a wicked grin. "I'll tell you later...better yet...I'll show you."

Albus groaned softly as he buried his face in her neck. "Looking forward to it, Mrs. Potter."

Mia smiled as she reached up and rested her chin on his hunched shoulder, then smiled when she saw James and Samantha in a warm embrace as they swayed with the music. "Albus?"

"Hmm?" he murmured and kissed her neck.

"Will you and I be as happy as them when we're that age?"

Albus leaned back and turned to see his brother with his wife and smiled, then looked over at another happy couple. "Mia...not only will we be happy when we're J and Sammy's age....we'll be just as happy when we're their age."

He gestured over to another couple and Mia looked over to see Harry and Hermione pressed up against each other, their foreheads touching as they snuck in a kiss or two. Mia sighed as she leaned against Albus and started to sway with him again while they both watched them. Hermione leaned up to whisper something to Harry and he let out a laugh before twirling her playfully around once before capturing her mouth with his. "That's nice," Mia whispered and then looked up at her husband. "That's a nice promise."

"A promise I intend to keep," he said and sealed it with a kiss.


Later...much, much later. After the last drop of champagne had been drunk, after the last grain of rice had been thrown, after the last guest had been politely shown to the door and after they finally got a very hyper Ava and Nora to bed....Harry fell face first on the bed with a loud, agonizing groan. "Tired head," he muttered into his pillow and didn't protest when Hermione walked over and started to untie his shoes. "I just want to lay here and not think about anything. I don't want to think about the amount of money I paid for this wedding." Hermione yanked off one shoe and it landed on the floor with a thud. "I don't want to think about the fact that I'll have to do this again four more times." She tugged off the other and tossed it aside as well. "Unless Hu and Lil decide to do a double wedding also. Merlin, I don't know if I could survive that." She then started on his socks, yanking them down and off his feet and then crawled her way up to him. "I also don't want to think about the way Lily's mouth was practically glued to Jake's lips all damn night. I don't want to...what are you doing?" he asked Hermione when she suddenly straddled his waist and went to work on the buttons of his shirt.

"Getting you naked of course," she said absently as she quickly undid the first few buttons. "Feel free to go on and ramble...I won't be too much longer."

"Hermione, you can't be serious. I mean...yeah I know I've been flirting with you all night...and made that crack about what you're wearing under that dress....and I'd still like to know, but...I don't think I'd be able to perform up to my usual expectations." He let out a choppy sigh when she leaned down and nipped at his naked chest. "'re killing me, Sparky."

She chuckled as she nipped at his neck while shrugging the rest of his shirt off his shoulders. "I have a feeling you'll do just fine," she teased as she sat back up. "You've made me come many of times when you're half dead asleep."

"You seduced me awake those times...not that I'm complaining. I rather like waking up finding myself deep inside you." He found the strength to sit up and pulled her close and gave her a long, lazy deep kiss that definitely stirred his arousal. Â

Hermione grinned wickedly against his lips. "Looks like someone's awake now."

"Looks like," he agreed and then groaned as he slid his tongue sensually over hers. "You asked for it, Sparky."

Hermione yelped when he suddenly flipped her over on her back and found herself trapped beneath him. His mouth possessed hers as he pinned her body deliciously with his while hands started to desperately shed clothing. Harry impatiently yanked down her dress all the way down, over her hips and down her legs and groaned when he realized she wasn't wearing anything but her under it. "Merlin," he murmured as he cupped one of her breasts while he flicked his tongue against her neck. "It's a good thing I didn't know you were naked under this dress. I would have lost my mind."

Hermione anxiously squirmed beneath him as her shaking hands reached for the fly of his dress pants. "Harry," she gasped when his mouth covered her breasts. "Hurry...I want you inside me." She roughly yanked the material over his hips and grasped his hard length. "I need you inside me."

"Merlin," he gasped he pumped himself once in her hands, then groaned and dragged her hands away. "Not yet," he whispered against her lips as his hand slid down and found her hot and wet. “I want to touch you...� He slid two fingers inside her and watched her groan with pleasure. He captured her mouth with his, swallowing her soft moans as he continued to draw her up with his fingers. “Come for me...I want to watch you come.�

“Harry!� she gasped as her orgasm swept over her like a hot flash, bucking and groaning his name while his fingers continued to stroke her. Her body melted back down onto the mattress, but before she could get her breath back, Harry buried his head between her thighs and with just one flick of his tongue, another orgasm threatened to erupt. “Oh god!�

Harry groaned when she came a second time, loving the fact that he could still make her come so hard. He lazily kiss his way up her body while she caught her breath then sighed against her neck. “I’ll never get tired of that.� He gently sucked on her lobe. “I love going down on you.�

Hermione let out one long, throaty moan. “Thank Merlin for that.�

Harry chuckled softly then propped himself on his elbows and looked down at her. “Now you look like the tired one.�

She smiled lazily. “You wore me out, Harry.�

“Did I?â€� Harry asked with a smirk. “Too worn out for this?â€� Â

Her eyes fluttered closed when she felt him start to slowly slide inside her. She bit her lip in pleasure and shook her head aggressively as she wrapped her legs around him and lifted her hips up to his.

Harry groaned as he plunged all the way inside her. “I’ll take that as a no,� he murmured against her neck as he started to thrust himself inside her. Long, slow, deep thrusts. “So good,� he gasped as he quickened his pace. “No matter how many still feel so damn good.�

“Yes,� she answered as she wrapped her limbs tightly around him. “So good...You feel so good inside me...Merlin, faster, Harry...harder.�

“Mione,â€� he gasped as he quickened his pace, faster and faster. Harder and harder. Moans and screams filled the soundproof room as they both came closer and closer to that final peak. When Harry finally felt her clench tightly around him he ground himself deep, deep inside her until he had no choice but to follow.Â

With a long, deep groan, Harry rolled off Hermione and collapsed beside her. Both stared up at the ceiling as they gasped and panted in pure sexual exhaustion. They both looked at each other at the same time, then for some odd reason...laughter erupted them both until tears actually formed in their eyes. "Why are we laughing?" Harry finally asked still tickled at the whole situation. Normally...that's not a good sign to laugh after sex."

That only made Hermione laugh harder. "I have no idea," she squeaked out. "I...I normally don't make a habit..." She paused to wipe away a happy tear. "Out of laughing after really fantastic sex."

"Well of course not," he laughed. "I normally would be appalled...but...since I'm laughing as well...I guess it's okay." He wheezed out another laugh as he also wiped away a tear. "Wow...well. That was something."

"That was fun," she said as she got up. "Let's get under the covers...I'm freezing."

Once they were snuggled under the covers, Harry reached for Hermione who happily curled up against him. "Mione?" Harry said after awhile.

"Hmm?" she murmured as she snuggled closer.

"Remember our first time together?"

Hermione's lips curved. "Oh yeah."

He chuckled. "Well...remember what you said afterwards?"

"About being blind?"

He laughed. "No...not that. About the reason why we were so good together. You wondered if it was because it had been so long or both of us."

Hermione let out a soft laugh. "Yes, I remember."

" we are...five years later."He sighed as he ran a hand down her long angular back and then over the slope of her ass. "And I still can't keep my hands off you."

Hermione grinned as she shifted herself until she was sprawled across his chest. "Harry...I hope you can't keep your hands off me when we're old and gray."

He grinned as well. "And I hope I can still make you scream my name to the heavens when we're old and gray."

"Oh Harry," she sighed as she fluttered her lashes. "That's so romantic."

Harry lifted a brow. "You want romance? He rolled over until they were lying on their sides facing each other. "How's this?" He gently cradled the side of her face, casually sweeping his thumb along her cheek. "You're the light of my life."

Hermione's eyes softened. "Harry...I don't need..."

"Shush," he commanded and pressed his lips firmly to hers. "No talking. Just listen." She just nodded as he strummed his fingers through her hair. "You're the light of my life," he continued as he cradled the side of her face once more. "You're the first person I think of when I wake up...and the last before I go to sleep. When I'm away from you...even for just a day...a part of me is missing." He smiled softly he brushed his lips against hers. "Kissing you is one of my favorite pastimes." He kissed her again when her lips curved in response. "Making love to you...Merlin, no matter how many times I make love to you...I still crave more of you...still want more of you...still need more of you." He paused, wiping away the first tear that spilled down her cheek. "I love you, Hermione. My best friend." He playfully tapped her chin. "My Sparky." He grinned as her laugher rang out, then sighed as he buried his face against her neck and held on to her as if she were a lifeline. "You're my everything."

"Oh, Harry," she murmured as she nuzzled her cheek against his soft hair. "That was...wonderful. I'm at a loss for words."

"You don't have to say anything. Well," he added, leaning back to look at her. "You could say that you love me....and can't live without me."

Hermione smiled gently as she trapped his face with her hands. "I love you." She brought him down for a long, lingering kiss. "And I can't live without you."Â

He grinned as he let her bring him down for another kiss, this time the kiss turned more passionate as it stirred a blinding need inside them. " can't keep your hands off me," he teased as he slowly teased her on her back and nestled himself between her thighs.

She laughed as he ran playful kiss along her neck then swooped her hands down his long muscular back. "And I can't keep my hands off you."

He chuckled softly in her ear as he sank himself inside her. Slow and Deep. "Sparky," he murmured into her mouth before swallowing her gasp with his tongue as he began to ground himself into her. Again and again as their mouths and tongues mated in perfect rhythm. When he felt Hermione start to urgently lift her hips to his, he shook his head has he nipped her bottom lip. "No," he whispered as he kept the slow, torturous pace. "I want it to last and last." He kept himself deep inside her, grinding his hips in short, hard thrusts. "I don't want to rush. Just feel, Mione....just feel."

Hermione choked out his name as she frantically wrapped herself around him, holding him tight as she did as she was told and only thought of Harry and how incredibly good he felt inside her. When the pressure started to build and build, she sunk her teeth into her shoulder, whimpering as she urgently met his slow grinds with her hips. Then, just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, Harry let out a deep surrendering groan and his slow, patient thrusts, suddenly turned fast and urgent. Yes, she thought triumphantly as she met him thrust for frantic thrust. Finally...finally. Â

And when they finally reached that final peek, they both tumbled over the edge together, long and hard. Harry murmured her name as he felt himself melt against her, then he rolled over on his back and dragged her up against him. "I love you," Hermione whispered as she slipped into a deep slumber.

"I love you too," he said, holding her close as he too started to drift.Â

And just like he told her...his last thought before he sunk into a deep sleep...was Hermione. His life. His heart. His everything.



Well, can you believe it? It's over....or is it? Like I said, I do have a new story that I've already started. However, writing this Epilogue, I sort of fell in love with my characters, Ava and Dameon. So...if you guys would think you'd like it...I want to write a companion fic to this, years later...staring Ava and Dameon. Of course, H/Hr will be in it and all your favorite couples will be back. Also, maybe Nora will find some romance as well. Let me know what you guys think! I've been thinking a lot about it and I would love to write it! I hope enough people would be interested! As for this fic, thanks so much for everyones support! I had such a blast writing this one! I've been writing it for over a year! All of your reviews have been a pleasure! Much love!