Rating: NC17
Genres: Drama, Romance
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7
Published: 04/03/2008
Last Updated: 04/03/2008
Status: Completed
And he realized she was right and that he felt in the same way. His heart was hers. H/Hr. Sexual Intimacy. Post Epilogue. Smut! Not an affair!Fic. One-Shot. If you don't like Post Epilogue stories don't read it!
That's The Way Love Goes
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter.
AN: Written for oh_honestleigh for 2007
smutty_claus exchange (Original Post:
Here ).
A huge thank you to lily_rose21. for the beta and amazing help. Thanks!
Passages in italics are flashbacks. :)
That's The Way Love Goes
Present Time
December 23, 2019
Harry Potter looked around at his new apartment. There were several untouched boxes all over the
place and except for an old Muggle clock, the walls were still empty.
Harry looked again at the clock on the wall. It was already 05:15 pm.
She was late.
“This is it.” he said out aloud, allowing himself to a small but content smile. “This is it.” He
was nervous yet serene, if that made sense. He had waited for this moment for so long.
Harry shut his eyes tight, releasing a nervous and breathless laugh as he let them pop up again a
moment later. Thinking....how much can your dreams and wishes change, but still continue the
March 1st, 2004
The Burrow was in party mode. Everybody was laughing, and drinking, and eating; happily celebrating
Ron’s twenty- fourth birthday.
Harry was on his way back to backyard when out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione sitting
alone at the kitchen table. She had a vague and poignant expression, her eyes staring longingly at
the cupboard.
“Hermione?” he asked quietly approaching her. Hermione’s head snapped and she turned to look at
him. “Are you alright?”
Hermione clasped her hands, and gave him a forced smile. “Of course I’m!” she replied a little too
fast. She gestured to stand up but Harry put a hand on her shoulder, making her stop.
“No, you are not.” Harry said firmly, his eyes searching over her face as if he could try to
decipher what was bothering her in such happy day. “And before you try to deny it- remember, I know
you Hermione.” He pulled a chair and sat down by her side. “What is it?” He put a gentle hand on
her knee, squeezing it. “I’ve been noticing you aren’t looking well for a while. And I’m a bloke!
Blokes usually don’t pay attention in stuff like that.”
“I’m f-fine, Harry. Really.”
Hermione turned her head in the direction of the kitchen’s door. The rest of the family was
partying outside. They could hear the laughter.
With a sigh, she looked back at him, her eyes red.
“Do you think there’s some problem with me?” she asked.
Harry blinked, confused. “A problem? Of course there’s no problem with you!”
“Then why I can’t give Ron a child?” she cried. “Why, Harry”
Harry took her hands into his, a wistful sad smile on the corner of his lips. “Hermione,” he said,
“you are still young. Not everyone has children soon after they got married.”
“Ginny gave you James.” Harry smiled as he heard his son’s name. “And- and I...I couldn’t give Ron
a child. He wanted so much to be a father just like you...”
Harry froze an incredulous glint on his green eyes. “What?” he asked, but he knew already the
“Oh, Harry, you know how Ron is...”
“Bloody Hell, Hermione!” he cried frustrated, standing up from his seat in a fast and nervous
movement. “What in hell is wrong with you?!”
“I just can’t believe it!” He began to pace.
“Harry, I don’t-”
“You don’t have to have a child because Ron wants to compete with me, Hermione!” Harry stopped the
pacing and turned to look at her. “What’s happening with you, Hermione? You used to have an
opinion,” he asked in a calmer voice. Where’s the determined, decided, even bossing girl I met
years ago in the Hogwarts Express?”
“I love Ron, Harry” she said quietly, “and, sometimes we just have to change.”
Harry had never understood or accepted that someone had to change themselves to please someone
else. It just seemed wrong.
And looking back, he realized how Hermione had changed; how she had turned into something he
couldn’t recognize. Maybe it had been during the Horcruxes’ hunt. Maybe it had begun even earlier,
in their sixth year.
“He isn’t worthy of you if you need to change yourself to be with him, Hermione.”
To his surprise, Hermione gave a dry laugh through her tears. “Really, Harry? So, I guess I can say
the same about Ginny?”
“It’s completely different, Hermione!”
“Really, from what I reckon you only began to notice her after her changes!”
“Sure! But I didn’t ask her to change! And that was before we got together!”
“And what about you Harry? Huh? Or do you think our friendship is just the same?” Hermione
inquired. “I will never forget that you didn’t say a word when she mocked me about Quidditch that
day in our sixth year.”
“That day I realized it wasn’t her who had changed, but you.”
Harry shook his head to vanish the memories and then lowered his gaze, looking at his left hand.
The ring’s mark still could be seen. It had taken too long.
His mind went to his children and he smiled sadly at the thought of how unfair he and Ginny had
been with them. And he pitied Ginny for trying to use them to save their marriage.
‘You can’t heal what is already dead, Ginevra.’
Ron and Hermione’s House,
Hugo’s first birthday.
Harry watched Hermione with a smile, as she tenderly held Hugh in her arms as she told some Muggle
fairy tales to the younger children of the party. She was glowing
“I want to have another child, Harry,” Ginny blurted out.
“W-What?” he turned to look at his wife.
“I want to have another child.”
“Ginny, love, Lily turned a year only two months ago! Don’t you think it’s too soon?”
“I thought you wanted a big family, Harry!”
“And I do! However, I don’t think it’s fair to have another child while Albus and Lily are still so
young. Merlin, even James is still a kid!”
“But, Harry-”
“Please Ginny, if you want to talk about this okay, but let’s do this at home. Not here.”
“We need to have another child, Harry.”
Harry raised an eyebrow and looked quizzically at her. “What are you talking about, Ginny?”
Ginny looked briefly in Hermione’s direction before turning her gaze back to him. “We need to save
our marriage before it’s too late.”
Ginny had been afraid of something that he hadn’t realized yet.
Ministry of Magic, 2012
Hermione’s office
“Its all here,” Harry said, handing Hermione a file. When Hermione leaned in to take it, their
fingers touched accidentally.
Harry felt as if the time had stopped, a shiver running through his spine.
It was strange and scary, but wonderful.
He looked at her and saw she had her eyes fixed on him. There was confusion in them.
“Hermione-” he said huskily, lowering his gaze to her lips. Were they always as beautiful as they
were now? Without realizing what he was doing, Harry held up his other hand and ran a finger down
the side of her face, barely touching her but wanting to know if she felt as soft as she
It was as if he was seeing her for the first time.
However, all of a sudden, the door busted open, making the two of them practically jump.
“I hope you are not trying to steal my wife, Potter!” Ron Weasley said jokingly before moving
toward his wife and giving her a small peck on the lips.
“Harry?” a quiet voice spoke behind him, breaking his reverie.
Harry turned around and then he saw her.
Hermione, she had a small smile on her lips.
“I didn’t hear you entering.”
She bit her lip, but kept silent. There was a strange nervousness in the air.
“You are late.”
“He signed.” they spoke at same time.
They laughed nervously.
“Ron signed the papers.” she repeated looking into his green eyes.
He felt his throat going dry.
“Did he?”
She nodded.
“So this means that--”
“We’re divorced. Ron and I aren’t a couple anym--”
He interrupted her with a kiss.
Their second kiss.
December 2nd, 2015
Harry and Ginny’s house, the kitchen.
“You don’t have to.” Harry said looking at Hermione’s hands as she washed a cup in the Muggle way.
“Besides, you can use magic.”
“I know, but I’m used to it.” she responded with a shrug, “and old habits die hard, I guess.”
“That’s true.”
“huh huh--”
“Do you know--”
“Have you...”
“Done.” Hermione said as she finished drying the cup and placed it in the cupboard. “All
Harry just nodded.
Hermione sighed loudly.
“Ginny shouldn’t be taking so long,” Harry commented, shifting on his feet. “She knew you would be
Hermione forced a smile. “That’s alright. She must have lost the track of time in Diagon Alley.”
She looked down. “And Ron hasn’t gotten here yet.” Hermione raised her head and looked at him
tentatively. “Maybe I should go back home- and then return lat-”
“No!” Harry blurted making her to startle. “I mean, no. Stay.” He walked near her and touched her
face. “Stay.”
“I think its better if I-Harry?” she asked in a trembling voice, breathing hard as he was came
closer to her.
“Hermione,” he whispered quietly, his eyes shifting downward at her lips.
“T-This is wrong...” she managed to say.
“Yes, this is wrong.” he hissed.
And then neither of them realized who moved first; she was in his arms, and he had his lips on
hers, his hands inter woven in her brown locks as her arms wrapped around his neck.
“No,” he moaned, bringing her body even closer to his.
His lips started to travel up and down her neck, and then her jaw line, just before they finally
meet her mouth once again.
He felt her lips parting beneath his as if in invitation. Harry’s tongue slithered into her mouth
smoothly, in a caressing, gentle movement.
His felt inebriated.
She moaned against his mouth, and he let his fingers lose them selves in her hair.
They parted. Their breathing was erratic. They smiled at each other. They were shinning.
Harry gazed at her brightened brown eyes and his eyes flicked to her swollen lips. Their lips
touched again.
It was demanding and urgent, enveloping.
That single time in his kitchen had been both a blessing and a curse.
Now, it was freedom.
December 2nd, 2016
The Burrow
“A year.” he said in silent tone as he helped her to set the table on the dinner room.
Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were inside fixing dinner. Ron and the others were outside.
Everybody was oblivious of them.
“W-What?” she stopped and looked at him.
“A year.” he repeated, his piercing gaze on hers. “Today, December 2nd. A year since we-”
“I know.” she whispered looking down. “I know”
Harry grabbed her arm, making her stop. “It has been a year that I can’t think of anything
“Harry, please.” There was despair and sadness in her voice.
“No, Hermione.” his voice is hushed but firm. “I can’t live this way. I can’t.” He breathing hard.
“Every time I close my eyes, everytime I see you...” Harry released her arm and turned his back to
her, letting his head fell on his hands.
“You have no idea how much of self control I have to use to not kiss you again, Hermione.” he said,
turning around. “Ron is my best friend, Hermione. And Ginny...she is my wife and mum of my
children, but I don’t know for how long I can continue being faithful to them.”
Hermione leaned closer to him and placed a hand on his cheek, gently rubbing his skin with her
fingers. “I’ve not been faithful to Ronald for a long time, Harry.” He looked surprised at her, but
waited for her to continue. “My heart belongs to his best friend.”
His eyes met hers and he recognized all of the pain and the turmoil that veiled profession would
create. And he also realized she was right and that he felt in the same way.
His heart was hers.
He was hers.
And that thought- that thought alone it seemed so cheesy, so sappy, but immensely powerful. Harry
realized it didn’t matter if it had been only a kiss, or even if there hadn’t been any kiss at
all...there were the almost touches, the lingering kisses in the cheek, the hidden smiles...
He loved her and he knew it wasn’t just lust or some such sentiment like that. No, it was
And he was terrified.
Reluctantly, as the need for air started to become an issue, Harry broke the kiss, letting his lips
hover over hers.
“Hermione,” he murmured against her lips, “my Hermione.” Harry nibbled her lower lip lightly. “My
“My Harry,” Hermione whispered back as she put a hand on his cheek, caressing it gently with her
thumb. “My sweet Harry.”
He gazed down to her eyes and smiled. “I have so much to-“
“Shhh” She placed a finger on her lips, causing her to stop. “Not talking. Not now, not today. We
have a lifetime to talk, to analyze...” He closed his eyes briefly feeling the sensation of her
fingernails going up and down his skin. “I’ve analyzed, calculated, and pondered all my life.
Today, I want to just feel.”
Harry opened his eyes and tightened his arms around her, pulling her closer. She was right, they
would the eternity to consider whatever there was to consider. This moment, this day, was only
about them.
“Love me.” she whispered, her gaze never letting his, “love me. Love me, Harry.”
Without a word, Harry gathered her in his arms, lifted her and took her to bed.
Potter House,
September 1st, 2019
Harry stared at the old photograph of Ron, Hermione, Ginny and himself. They were smiling,
apparently happy. And maybe they were.
They had been conditioned to be happy, to be content with that dream of happily ever after
everybody expected them to have.
He leaned his hand towards the photography and touched reverence Hermione’s figure.
He shouldn’t be amazed at the paradoxes of his life.
He loved her. That was it. It was just that simple.
He loved her —and even though he felt like he was dying inside at the thought of hurting Ron and
Ginny, he knew he could no longer carry on with the façade that had became his life.
In his bedroom, Harry laid her down on the bed with delicate reverence. He felt somewhat foolishly
nervous as his eyes flickered at her figure.
She looked perfect, with her brown hair spread all over the bed, an anxious but happy smile playing
on the corner of her lips.
Harry wished he was capable of whispering silly, sweet nothings in her ear.
The raven-haired wizard gazed at her tenderly and leaned down, letting his lips melt against hers.
It was kind and gentle. Harry felt her hands start to fiddle with the hem of his shirt, pulling it
from his waistband.
Harry broke the kiss and with a fast movement, he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside
at the bedroom’s floor.
Beneath him, Hermione gave him a sly smile, letting her fingernails run up and down his bare chest,
causing him to groan.
Piece by piece, they stripped each other bare.
‘Beautiful. She is beautiful,’ was the only thought that came to his mind as he stared in awe at
her naked figure.
But beautiful simply seemed too plain, too obvious.
“You're perfect." he finally spoke with a thick voice, giving her a gentle kiss before he
trailed his lips down her jaw and over her throat. He made sure he explored every soft curve of her
with his mouth and his hands were everywhere, as were hers. “You’re perfect,” he repeated against
her smooth skin.
“No, I’m not.” she weakly protest, moaning softly at his ministrations, “I’m forty.”
Reluctantly, Harry let his lips leave her skin to look at her. “And that’s why you are perfect.” he
whispered, his eyes boring into hers. “Yes, you’re forty and you’re gorgeous and wonderful...” He
leaned down and kissed away a single tear that began to fall down her cheek. “You’re perfect, body
and soul.”
Hermione giggled. Surprised, Harry raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Oh, Harry! That was so corny!”
Harry tried to look stern but failed tremendously. “Yeah, it was.” And they laughed a little. “But
you’re still perfect.” he sobered up. “Perfect with your curly hair, your bossing nature, your fear
of heights, your loyalty, your friendship...”
“I love you, Hermione.” he whispered in a quite tone.
“I love you too, my Harry.” she whispered back.
Once again, Harry brought his lips to hers. He felt her lips part beneath his, her invitation to
continue farther with the kiss. His tongue slid slowly between her lips, groaning softly at the
flavor of her sweet mouth.
Her back arched against him as she kissed him back. Harry began to travel down the side of her
breast to her ribcage, her hips, and her thigh.
Hermione’s fingers were lost in his hair, as their tongues tangled in passionate and intimate
dance. As the kiss deepened, Hermione wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and drew him closer
to her.
“Love me, Harry. Love me.”
Ministry of Magic
September, 2019
“Are you shagging Harry?” Ron asked in an oddly calm voice.
Hermione was taken aback by the shortness of the inquiry.
“Are you?” he repeated the question, his jaw set.
“I would never Ron.” She shook her head slightly. “I would never do this to you. You’re my husband,
and most important of all, my friend.”
“But it hasn’t stopped you from abandoning me and our children to stay with my best friend.”
“I-I am not abandoning our kids, Ron.” Hermione let go a small sob, blinking away some tears that
started to fall. ‘I-I just can’t be your wife anymore.” She looked at him, a sad smile on her lips.
“I fall in love with Harry, but the end of our marriage is besides that and you know it.”
Ron opened his mouth to say something but instead he just heaved a long sigh, turning his back to
“Ron...” Hermione spoke his name in a low voice, her hand trying to reach his shoulder.
“I thought we would be perfect together.” He turned and looked again at her. His eyes were sad,
And that, the sight of Ron, her friend, the man she had spent a long part of her life with, the
father of her children, looking so whitewashed made her heart tighten in her chest.
She felt like dying inside.
She also had once thought she and Ron would be perfect together. She thought he would change- as he
had thought she would change.
Perhaps that was their first and biggest mistake.
Harry and everything else was just the final straw to a dying situation. She had never intended to
fall in love with Harry.
“Our marriage ended a long time ago, Ron. We were just living with its remains.”
Harry slipped two fingers inside of her wetness, slowly stroking her until she started to arch for
Harry then slipped out his fingers, causing her to moan loudly in protest. Smirking lightly, he
began to kiss and lick the corner of her mouth to her collarbone, sliding down her throat, the
valley of her perfect breasts, her bottom belly. ..
When his tongue touched her wet core, Hermione screamed out as her hips rose up towards him. He
slid his hands under and held her still. He teased her over and over again, flicking his tongue
over her clit one moment and circling around it the next.
“Oh god...Oh god...”
Harry looked up at her and then slipped his two fingers inside her once again.
“Do you like it?” his voice was thick with desire.
“Oh Merlin, yeah...”
Harry removed his fingers, taking them to his mouth, sucking them.
“You taste so good...”
Hermione pulled him to her and kissed him hard, his tongue slipping into her mouth, letting her
taste herself.
Feeling his arousal becoming at each moment even harder and almost painful, Harry moved forward,
placing himself at her entrance.
“I need you now, my love.” He hissed against her hair, “I need to be inside of you.”
“Make me yours, Harry.” Hermione said bringing her mouth to his.
As the kiss deepened, he felt her wrapping against his waist, dragging him even closer to
Harry started to push inside her in a leisurely fashion, his lips never leaving hers.
“Faster.” He heard her moan into his mouth. “Please Harry faster.” He began to pump in and out of
her, slowly gaining speed and pushing harder, faster into her.
Harry felt he was coming first but he held out waiting for her to come.
When the sensations became too much Hermione felt the rush of her orgasm take her over. Harry
groaned loudly as he felt her entire body shake in pleasure as he continued to move inside her,
burying ever deeper inside her.
When Hermione started to climax, breathing in shuddering gasps, and crying out aloud his name,
Harry spilled himself inside her.
Breathing hard he slowly lowered himself on top of her, slipping out of her and rested his head on
her shoulder.
“I love you Hermione.” he whispered, sincerity cracking his voice and looked at her, hardly daring
to believe that it had been real. “I love you much.”
“I love you too, my Harry.” she smiled, curling up in his arms.
There were a few seconds of comfortable silence until Hermione spoke again.
“I’m sorry if I arrive a little late,” she said, “I didn’t even ask if you had to wait too long.
Have you?”
Harry just nodded.
“Oh...if I knew...I would have tried to be here faster. How long have you waited for me?”
“All my life.”
The End.