The Disobeying Eyebrow


Rating: G
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Lily & James
Book: Lily & James, Books 1 - 4
Published: 11/03/2008
Last Updated: 11/03/2008
Status: Completed

Lily gives James a chance. His eyebrow blows it.

1. The Disobeying Eyebrow

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does. Big surprise I'm sure.

The Disobedient Eyebrow

“OY! Evans!”

She span around with a swish of her red hair and faced him with an exasperated expression on her face. “What now, Potter?”

He skidded to a stop in front of her and grinned. “Now, I've got something to ask you. It's a very important question and I think you should consider it carefully before answering.” He sent her a stern look as she began to tap her foot and glance at her watch. “Please pay attention because I will say this only once. Never again will James Potter utter these words.”

He paused, attempting to increase the suspense. She just raised an eyebrow.


“Will you go out with me?”

“No.” She spun back around and continued to march to her next lesson.

In seconds he was in front of her, walking backwards down the corridor. “Now, Evans, you didn't consider it carefully like I asked, did you?”

“It's not really a difficult decision, Potter.”

He frowned. “Look- is there anything that I can do to make you change your mind? Anything at all?”

To his surprise, she paused mid-step and stared at him thoughtfully. “Actually…there is one thing.”

“Really?” he said excitedly. “What?”

“Are you positive that you want to go out with me so badly that you'll do anything?”

“Yes.” He was prepared. He would climb mountains, swim to the bottom of the lake, wrestle a minotaur, dress as a woman for a day, or declare undying love for Snape. He would truly do anything for this one last chance.

“Okay.” A smug grin blossomed on her face as she sweetly said, “Raise your right eyebrow.”

“Raise my right eyebrow? That's it?” He couldn't believe it. There was no way that she'd give him such an easy task. “That alone is the one thing that could change your mind? What about the small print?”

“No small print, no catches.”

“And if I do indeed raise my right eyebrow, you'll go out with me?”


“On a proper date and everything?”




James could hardly believe his luck. Obviously she did want to go out with him but was just too shy and too used to torturing him to just say `yes'. Of course, Lily Evans had to get him to jump through hoops first. “Great.”

“Go on, then.”

He tried. Merlin knows that he tried.

After thirty seconds of strenuously trying until his face began to turn purple, he gave up and slapped a hand across his forehead repeatedly in vicious punishment as his disobeying eyebrow refused adamantly to allow itself to be raised. “Bloody stupid eyebrow! Work damn you!”

Infuriatingly for James and his eyebrow, Lily just smiled radiantly and said, “Well, you can't say I never gave you a chance.”

A/N: Okay, short and sweet. Its rather meaningless but I had the idea while writing the sentence `She raised her eyebrow' in another story.
