Cats Eyes


Rating: G
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Lily & James
Book: Lily & James, Books 1 - 4
Published: 11/03/2008
Last Updated: 11/03/2008
Status: Completed

He stared directly into the wide green eyes glaring at him. He couldn’t figure it out. There was something about these eyes that held the secrets of the universe. These eyes promised the key to unlocking his problems.

1. Cats Eyes

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does. Big surprise I'm sure.

Cats Eyes

He frowned and stared directly into the wide green eyes glaring at him. He couldn't figure it out. There was something about these eyes that held the secrets of the universe. These eyes promised the key to unlocking his problems.

“What does she see in you?” he asked the cat in frustration.

It purred smugly in reply.

It wasn't fair. It just wasn't fair. The cat got the cream and he got the sour glares. And what did the ridiculous animal do? It went around looking furry and, frankly, acting creepy, while he did everything romantic, endearing, and un-creepy. Why did she coo over the stupid cat when it came impertinently slinking around her ankles, while he got a kick in the shins for just saying hello?

He couldn't understand how no one else noticed that cats were evil. Sure, they looked cute but that was just a façade. He decided to shake the cat to see if its secrets dropped out of it like coins out of a piggy bank, and then reconsidered it. He doubted it'd be conducive to his ongoing battle to win Lily's heart if he accidentally addled its brains, even if it was evil.

The cat batted its eyelashes at something over his shoulder.

He turned to see what it was that had diverted it from glaring at him, and found himself staring directly into another pair of glaring bright green eyes.

He was in trouble. He was touching something belonging to her, even if it was her stupid mangy cat and that was a definite no-no if he wanted to retain all his limbs.

He considered his options. He could throw the cat at her and run. He could tell the truth about why he was inspecting the evil cat of doom. Or… maybe, just maybe…

He looked up at her with big, sad, cat-like eyes, and batted his lashes once, twice, three times. He thought about purring but wisely decided against it.

It didn't work.

As her frown descended into a fierce expression and she reached for her wand, he resorted to Plan B and threw the cat at her.

He had one thought as he scrambled out of the common room away from the girl he loved and her malevolent feline.

I blame that stupid cat.
