Remembering by greymalkin Rating: G Genres: Angst, Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 6 Published: 09/04/2008 Last Updated: 09/04/2008 Status: Completed Sometimes memories we thought we’d lost come back to us when we least expect it. A warm night and a quiet house leads Hermione to remember. Drabble. 1. untitled ----------- **Title:** Remembering **Author:** greymalkin **Summary:** Sometimes memories we thought we’d lost come back to us when we least expect it. A warm night and a quiet house leads Hermione to remember. **Disclaimer:** This story is based on characters and situations created by J.K. Rowling. In other words, not mine. If I was skipping, I would be going, “Not-not mine, not-not mine.” You get the idea. **Author notes:** Just a sad little drabble that popped into my head while reading *The Second Child* by Deborah Garrison. Her words inspired a little bit of poetry from the prosiest of prose. ~~*~~ It is late. I am standing at the kitchen counter after dinner. I look out the window at the dark and suddenly, I think of you. My memory is traitorous. Sometimes I feel I have forgotten too much of you – *The feel of your arms as you held me.* *What we whispered to each other on cold winter mornings.* *The sound of your voice when you said you loved me.* Now and then, like now when the house is quiet and I am alone, they come without warning. Small things, odd details that no one but I could treasure. Tonight this: *you laughing into my mouth as you were trying to kiss me.* I do not cry. My heart has become weary with crying. But still the ache comes and still I miss you. I think I will spend the rest of my days missing you. I am too young to be a widow, our son too young to lose his father. Every so often, he reminds me too much of you – from his perpetually windswept locks, albeit brown instead of black, to his emerald eyes clouding with worry when he senses me sad – that it pains me to watch him. Other times, I cling to him as my only proof that it wasn’t just a dream and you were once here with me. That, once upon a time, you loved me. He is calling me now from the other room, wanting to show off the prefect badge that came for him today. I compose myself and tuck my memories of you away in lavender. Life will go on. The sun will rise and set. The grass will grow. And I will have other nights for remembering.