Unwanted Love by Harrys Mistress Rating: R Genres: Romance Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7 Published: 10/01/2009 Last Updated: 28/09/2009 Status: Completed NOTE:COMPANION FIC TO LOVE LOST. LOVE FOUND. WILL BE BETTER AND MAKE MORE SENSE TO READ FIRST STORY. SUMMARY: Dameon Malfoy and Ava Potter have been at each other's throats since before they could learn to crawl. Now years later...nothing has changed. Fighting is what they do best. However, when their families take a vacation to the mountains sparks fly stronger than ever. Only this time it's different...whether they like it or not. (Old Pairings from the first story, including H/Hr of course, plus a new pairing involving my character Nora) 1. Prologue ----------- **Okay, so here's a tiny little sneak peak of the Companion fic I was telling you about. I hope you like what I have so far. It starts off at the last night for Dameon at Hogwarts. Pretty much this story is not going to be at Hogwarts, mainly because I won't be able to write any scenes of Harry and Hermione if it was all at Hogwarts. Anyway, I don't know how long this is going to be, but probably not as long as Love Lost. Love Found. Hope everyone enjoys this and please let me know what you think!** **~HM** **Unwanted Love** **Prologue** Dameon Malfoy stood by the window of the Gryffindor dorm, peering out at the dark Hogwarts campus. He could see the great lake shimmering from the moonlight and smiled softly when he saw a large shadow of a large tentacle flapping out of the surface. Merlin, he was going to miss this place. Tomorrow, he would leave Hogwarts for the final time and although he was excited to start his new life, he would miss the one he had here for the last seven years. So many people had told him to cherish his time at Hogwarts, because it would end as quickly as it began. His dad and older brother...Rosie...Albus, and Lily. He was only a boy then, had just turned eleven and the thrill and excitement of finally getting to go to Hogwarts consumed him so much he didn't even listen. Seven years was a lifetime away. Now here he was....years flying ahead of him...and it was all over. He did have some fun though, made lifelong friends, and helped Gryffindor win four Quidditch Cups in a row as the Seeker. Those were the moments he would miss the most. Playing Quidditch was something he had always wanted to do, ever since he had watched his father and Uncle Harry play in his family Quidditch pitch when he was a little boy. Both Uncle Harry and his father had taught him well as he grew up, getting him ready for Hogwarts, and by the time he was nine, he was a natural flyer. "Hell of a Seeker," he had heard Uncle Harry say to his Father just as he was touching back down to the ground. "Dameon, you're a better Seeker at nine, than your father was at fifteen." "Hey," his father had said, insulted at first, then shrugged in agreement. "Yeah, okay." He flung an arm around his shoulders like a proud papa. "Whichever team you play for will be damn lucky to have you." That team was Gryffindor...which had been a pleasant surprise, considering he was the first Malfoy in Merlin knew how long that wasn't in Slytherin. He had almost been afraid to Owl his family, not quite sure how his father was going to take it. It had been foolish to be afraid, because his father had been nothing but supportive and even proud. As for Scorpius...well, he hadn't been too worried telling him, since Gryffindor had practically adopted him during his last few years here. Scorpius had even told him once that the hat was considering putting him in Gryffindor, but changed his mind at the last minute. Dameon gave the grounds one last longing look, before stepping away from the window and glanced at the grandfather clock that lazily ticked time away. It was just after two in the morning and he was still wide awake. He should at least try and go up and catch a few hours before morning came. He was just about to turn and head to the stairs when he heard someone slowly heading down the girls stairway. Maybe it was Bridget Nelson, he thought hopefully. She'd probably be up for one last snog for old times sake. It had been awhile since they had a good snog since she had dated Justin King most of the year, but she had just broken things off with him a few days ago. He wasn't in a relationship either which was perfect, they always did have fun together in between relationships. But it wasn't Bridget Nelson sneaking down the steps, he realized when the girl finally came into view. Instead, it was the last person he wanted to spend with on his last night at Hogwarts. "What the hell are you doing up?" The girl snapped her head up with a gasp, then let out a yelp when a foot slipped on the steps, landed firmly on her butt and skidded down the last two steps before landing at the bottom with a thud. Dameon clapped mockingly. "Nice one, Grace." Ava James Potter, or also know as A.J. to her close friends and family, scowled up at the person she hated the most. "Kiss my ass, Malfoy." Dameon raised a single brow. "Kiss your mum with that mouth?" When she only winced and rubbed her butt, he rolled his eyes and made his way over to her. "I swear, A.J...it's a wonder you manage to stay on your feet most of the time." He grabbed her arm and yanked her roughly to her feet before she could protest, causing her to stumble clumsily into his chest. She immediately pushed him away with a huff and then hastily pushed back her tousled hair. "I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't scared the crap out of me." "So sue me." He took in her blue and yellow pajama shorts and white tank top. "Nice P.J.'s." She quickly looked down at herself and tried hard not to blush as she tugged self consciously at her shirt. "Shut up. Are you going back up so I won't have to look at your face anymore?" "I was going to." He rocked back on his heels. "Then I heard someone coming down the stairs and I hoped it would be Bridget so I could convince her to spend our last night snogging on the couch." Ava rolled her eyes. "Ugh, I'm going to be sick," she said as she shoved past him, then paused and spun around. "My book. I had a book before..." "You fell so gracefully on your ass?" he finished for her. She ignored him as she looked for her book, then spotted it on the laying it on the third step and went to retrieve it. However, as she bent down to get it, Dameon swooped it out of her reach before she could grasp it. "Hey!" she exclaimed in protest as she spun back around. "Give it back!" Dameon held it high out of reach to read the title. "*Healing: The Basics,"* he read and then looked down at her annoyed face. "A Healer? You want to be a Healer?" "Yeah, so?" She whipped it out of his hands and stalked over to the den. "I'm going to be able to assist Madame Kissinger in the Hospital Wing twice a week next year." She plopped down on the couch and Dameon followed her and sat on the chair closest to the couch. "And if I have a knack for it...which I think I do...I'm going to apply for different Healing Schools in the area." "A Healer," he said in thought as he studied her as she opened the book to her marked page. "Healers are usually dull and put work before relationships and leave lonely boring lives." "So I'll be dull and lonely," she said dryly as she kept her eyes trained on the page. "Thanks for the warning." "Well...lonely at least. You're too annoying to be dull, A.J." Ava shifted her eyes up to his. "Careful, Malfoy...that was almost a compliment." "I'll have to watch myself next time." "You do that," she said as she began to reread the same paragraph for the second time. "Would you mind going away? It's hard to concentrate when you're there...being your normal irritating self." "Maybe in a minute." Dameon grinned as he stretched out his legs, enjoying himself more than he thought he would. "So...I've noticed Liam Kelson has been sniffing your way recently." Ava sighed as she shut her book in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to get any serious reading done when he was here. "What?" "Liam Kelson," he said again. "The Ravenclaw in your year who everyone thinks is a bloody saint." "Wow, Malfoy...is that jealousy I hear?" she teased, knowing that would get under his skin. Annoyance flickered in his eyes. "I'm hardly jealous of a guy who's never beaten me at Quidditch. He's a pathetic excuse for a Seeker." Ava knew that wasn't the case, Liam was a very good Seeker and probably one of the best. However, Dameon was so ridiculously good...he made everyone else look bad. He was even starting training camp with the Chudley Canons in a matter of weeks, trying to make the squad and they would be stupid not to take him. She wouldn't dare admit it to his face though. She wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction. Instead, she just gave him a little shrug and a smirk so he would think she didn't believe him. "Whatever you say, Malfoy." Dameon scowled. "All I'm saying is that I don't buy his act. Something sketchy about that guy and I don't trust him." Ava blinked in astonishment. "Are you actually *warning* me, Malfoy? Some would call that being...nice." "Call it what you want," he said casually. "Just giving you my opinion, although I know you don't think much of it." He got up and stretched. "I guess I'll go on up." He walked his away around the couch and because he knew it would annoy her, he shoved her head as he walked by. "Try not to hurt yourself going back up the stairs, Grace." "Oh, sod off!" She yelled back over her shoulder. "Thank Merlin you won't be back next year...it will be a lot more peaceful around here...and quiet!" "Maybe," he called out as he walked up the stairs to his room. "But it will also be incredibly boring!" "Yeah right," she muttered to herself as she opened her book back up, then slammed it almost immediately closed. He had been a pain in her ass since the day she was born and her first six years at Hogwarts with him had been anything but enjoyable. She couldn't remember a time in her life when she had a decent conversation with Dameon Malfoy. They fought about almost everything. Sometimes over something petty, sometimes over serious issues and sometimes over just plain ridiculous stuff. She remembered the time in their third year, it was during lunch and somehow were forced to sit across from each other, which was never a good idea. She didn't remember what brought on the fight...it was probably stupid, but she did remember it ended with a brawl. He had said something to make her snap and she threw a handful of sweet potato's right smack in his face. He lunged for her and she lunged right back and somehow they fell onto the floor, wrestling and grabbling with each other while half the school circled around them, chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" It had been Hagrid who had broken them up, grabbing them both by his big hands, yanked them apart and then dangled them at least three feet off the floor. Needless to say, they had both been punished and had to spend the night in the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. It was awful and they had both learned their lesson. They didn't stop fighting, but it was the last time they got into a physical fight. Restless, Ava got up and paced the room. The boy was insufferable! Well, she wouldn't call him a boy anymore, he had definitely sprouted a few inches over the years and now practically towered her. She hated that. And it incredibly annoying that he was very attractive. He knew it, too, with all the girls falling all over him all the damn time. He had so many girlfriends through the years she lost count. They were all suckers for his deep blue eyes and dusty blonde hair. She snorted as she rolled her eyes. "I've seen better," she mumbled out loud then smiled smugly as if he was there. "Like Liam Kelson." She sunk back into the couch, curling her feet under her as she gave Liam Kelson some consideration and remembered what Dameon had said. *I've noticed LIam Kelson has been sniffing your way.* Interesting way to put it. Although she played dumb with Malfoy, she had also noticed Liam looking her way in the past few days. He was in her Charms class and had caught him staring at her and he just gave her a wink and a smile, causing her to blush like an idiot. He was rather attractive, she mused as she propped her head against her hand. He had dark hair that was cut short over his head and hazel eyes. He had a charming smile and a pair of nice broad shoulders. He wasn't as tall as Dameon, but he was taller than her, which was one of her pet peeves since she was taller than most girls. A girl didn't want to bend down to kiss her boyfriend, but reach up on her toes while circling her arms around his neck. She sighed as she imagined kissing Liam that way. He was probably a good kisser, she decided with a smile. Sweet and gentle. And Dameon actually had the nerve to *warn* her about him! It was almost laughable! If anyone needed a warning it was the next girl who fell for his fake charm. Like Bridget Nelson, she thought with a roll of her eyes. She was a curvy blonde with big boobs and a small brain. Dameon's usual type, she thought with a snort. Smart girls wouldn't fall for his charm. Sensible girls wouldn't fall for his quick grin and piercing eyes. It didn't matter that he was gorgeous. It didn't matter how she couldn't help but notice how hard his chest was when her body smacked into it moments ago. He could be the most gorgeous guy in school...in England or even the world. It didn't change the fact that he was without a doubt, an infuriating, unbelievably annoying, impossibly stubborn, ridiculously egotistical, entirely too smug, of a man! And as of next year...she was going to be Dameon free. It was going to be so nice...so peaceful...so pleasant..... "Crap," she said with a sigh as she slumped her shoulders. As much as she hated the jerk and could hardly stand being in the same room with him...he was right. It was going to be incredibly boring. --> 2. Chapter 1 ------------ **Hey guys! Wow, I'm so glad you guys like it so far! I'm really looking forward to writing it. Also, I'm finding myself writing more lately since it's easy to cart around my new laptop. I've been taking it with me at work and write during my breaks so that's helped. (Don't' get use to it, you know I have my long dry spells every once in awhile) Anyway, here's the next segment. A lot longer than the first, and kind of a filler chapter, but you'll get a better idea of what I have in mind. Thanks again for all the reviews! Much love!** **~HM** **Chapter One** One Year Later Ava sat on her sister's childhood bed as she watched Nora unpack all her belongings and clothes. "I can't believe you are moving back home," Ava said then grinned when Nora winced. "Oh don't worry about it, Nora...plenty of people still live with their parents...even older ones." She sighed as she folded a pair of jeans and put it the bottom drawer of her chest of drawers. "Not a lot." She had been living with one of her friends from school, but had to be kicked out when she went off and got married suddenly over the weekend. Needless to say, she moved out and the new hubby moved in. "It doesn't matter though," she said waving it off. "This is only temporary. I'm only here till I can find a decent flat with someone to live with." "You and I could live together." Nora laughed. "I love you A.J., but you and I would drive each other crazy. I'm a neat freak and well...you're not. Plus...you know how I feel about snakes and I couldn't possibly live with one." Ava's eyes lit with amusement at the mention of her pet boa constrictor her Dad had given her the summer before her seventh year. Like her father, she was also a Parselmouth and was able to talk to snakes. She had been fascinated with them for so long and always had asked for a snake, but never got one since her Mum didn't care much for them. So it had been a pleasant surprise when her Dad had snuck up behind her and draped the snake over her neck while she had been reading outside by the pool. She had gasped in delight spinning around to her father, who was grinning brightly down at her. *"Oh Daddy, he's beautiful!" she said and rubbed her cheek over the top of the snake's head as if it were a soft puppy.* *"He's all yours," he said walking up to her and tucked a stray of hand behind her ear. "An early birthday give from your Mum and I."* *Ava gave him a look of disbelief. "Mum? How did you ever convince her?" she asked as she took the snake off her neck so she could admire him.* *"I have my ways." He cleared his throat. "But there are some rules. No letting it slither around the house, I've already talked to him about it. Carrying him around if you want, but don't leave him alone. I don't want your Mum to have a heart attack."* *Ava laughed gleefully. "Don't worry, he'll be good." She lifted him up and looked into his eyes. "You'll be good, won't you?" The snake nodded his tiny head then slithered his tongue out to tickle her lips, causing her to giggle. "Oh he's perfect." She shifted him aside, then reached up and gave her father a kiss and a hug. "Thanks, Daddy." She grinned when she saw her Mum linger at the patio door and handed the snake to his father so she could go over and hug her mum. "Thank you, thank you!"* *Hermione sighed as she shook her head hopelessly. "Why you couldn't want a kitten, I'll never understand, but..." She leaned back and framed her daughter's face with her hands. "You have too much of your father in you."* *"You say that like that's a bad thing," Harry said as he walked over.* *"Hey, keep him away from me," Hermione said with a yelp as she jumped back. "I mean it...I have nothing against him but I don't want to have anything to do with him."* *Ava just chuckled and took the snake from him and wrapped it around her neck. "C'mon let's go upstairs," she said talking to him. "We'll have to figure out a name for you. Thanks again guys! Love you!"* Ava smiled at the memory then shook her head at Nora. "Baxter would never hurt you...I've told him not to." Nora shuddered. "Still...and hearing you or Dad talk to him creeps me out." She turned to her sister. "You're not going to take him on the trip are you? She grinned. "Of course I am." "Great," she muttered. "Just keep him away from me." She threw her a handful of sweaters. "Help me fold those, will you?" "You have too much clothes," Ava muttered as he pulled a bright green one off her head. "It's ridiculous." "A girl can never have too many clothes," Nora said as she pulled out one of her favorite pair of boots and sighed as she rubbed the soft leather. "Or shoes." "How can you even walk in those things without falling?" Ava asked as she folded another sweater. "I wouldn't be able to walk in a straight line in those puppies." Nora laughed. "A.J. sometimes you have trouble walking in a straight line barefooted." "Isn't that the truth," she mumbled but then smiled as she held up a pink sweater. "I remember this one. Didn't Michael give this to you?" Nora looked up and then sighed. "Yes, bless his heart. Pink just doesn't suite me." She took it from her and held it up to her and looked into her full length mirror. "It clashes too much with my hair," she said with a grimace. "Red doesn't go well with pink." "You're hair isn't bright red like Rosie's, but more deep red." She got up and looked at the mirror at her sister and grimaced as well. "But you're right...it's not you." "It's a good thing Michael and I didn't work out," Nora said as she folded up the sweater. "He didn't really get me. Here." She shoved the pink fuzzy sweater in her hands. "You have it." Ava blinked. "Me?" "Sure." She took it back from her and held it up to her little sister. "Pink looks good on you." Ava frowned as she studied herself in the mirror. "But I never wear pink." "Doesn't mean you don't look good in it. Keep it, bring it on the trip. It gets cold in the mountains at night." "I guess," she said as she continued to study herself as Nora finished her packing. Someone knocked on the door and Nora said a quick, "Come in," while Ava folded the sweater back up and tossed it on the bed. "Hey girls," Harry said as he stepped inside and took in the mess of clothes thrown everywhere. "Woah...wait, is this Ava's room?" Nora snickered while Ava threw a shirt at him. "Hah, hah," she said dryly but went up and hugged him anyway. "How was work?" Harry lingered as long as he could, before pulling away. He couldn't believe his baby girl was all grown up. "It was okay. James just got back from a mission." "Oh good," Nora said with a sigh of relief. "Everything went okay?" "Very smoothly," he assured both of them and stepped further into the room. "Nora, just exactly how many clothes do you need?" "Let's not have this discussion again, Dad," she said as she stepped over a pile of her blouses and kissed him on the cheek. "But thanks for letting me stay here." Harry lifted her chin up with a finger. "Nora...this is your home. You're always welcome here." "I know," she said with a smile. "But I also know you and Mum like your quiet time." "Not all the time," he assured her and sat on the bed. "Sometimes it's so quiet we get lonely. I'm thinking about getting Mione another kitten or something." "Oh, she'd love that," Ava said as she sat down next to him, leaning into him when he casually put his arm around her. "She was so sad when Boo passed away. We all were." "Yeah," Harry said thinking of the little black kitten he had rescued all those years ago. "He was a great cat. Your mum always loved having cats...I know she misses snuggling with one." "If you do get one, make sure Baxter doesn't eat it," Nora said grimly. "Baxter would never do that," A.J. said in defense. "He has manners." "A snake with manners," Nora said with a laugh. "Yeah right." "Careful or I'll tell him to sneak in your bed," Ava smirked. Nora pointed a warning finger at her. "You do? And I'll turn him into a nice pair of snakeskin boots." Harry muffled a laugh. "Now there's a threat." He kissed Ava on the top of her head before getting up. "After your done here come on down so we can discuss the trip." They both nodded as he walked back out of the room. "Behave ladies," he said before closing the door then made his way back downstairs to where he left Hermione. She was at the stove when he walked back into the kitchen, stirring something in a steaming pot. He smiled as he walked up behind her, slinking his arms around her waist as he plopped his chin on his shoulders. “What's cooking, Sparky?” Hermione smiled softly. “Pot roast in the oven and I'm cooking up some peas to go with it.” Her eyes fluttered close when he started nipping softly at her neck. “Are you trying to distract the cook?” “Wouldn't want to do that,” he murmured playfully before tilting her head around so he could meet his lips with hers. “I guess I'll just have to wait till later to…” He scrapped his teeth along her bottom lip. “To distract you.” Hermione's heart escalated in a matter of seconds, just like it always did when Harry kissed or touched her. At sixty, Hermione hadn't lost one bit of her sex drive. Thanks to her husband. “I'll be looking forward to it,” she said with as she pressed her curved lips to his. “For now…why don't you get out some wine for everyone.” “You got it,” he said and gave her one last kiss before reluctantly pulling away and went to get out some wine glasses. “I talked to the girls, they'll be right down. Nora's unpacking her stuff.” “It's going to be fun having her back home,” Hermione said as she gave the peas one last stir before setting the spoon down and turned her attention to Harry. “I've missed her around here.” Harry grinned as he opened the bottle of Chardonnay. “I've missed the munchkin, too. Hopefully she won't feel the need to rush out of here…at least not until after the trip.” “We're all set on the dates and everything?” she asked as she accepted the glass of wine. “Everything is taken care of,” he assured her as he set Ava and Nora's glass aside and poured his own. “I'll get into the details when they come down.” “How do you thing Ava is going to take the news about the Malfoys joining?” she asked with a worried look. “Who knows?” he said with a roll of his eyes. “She adores Scorpius and really likes Draco and Natasha….it's just Dameon she can't stand. I still don't know why they clash so badly.” “One of life's mysteries,” Hermione said as she touched her glass to Harry's, before taking a sip. “Never got along as babies, never got along as kids or throughout their times at Hogwarts.” “Well…they haven't seen each other in over a year since the Malfoys spent Christmas in Ukraine last year. Maybe things have cooled down between them.” Hermione rolled her eyes. “Don't bet on it.” “Yeah, I…oh, here they come,” Harry said when he heard their mindless chatter coming down the stairs. “We'll talk about the trip after dinner.” XXXX “Great dinner, Mum,” Nora said as they retired to the den after tidying up the kitchen. “I've missed your cooking.” Hermione smiled as she slid an arm around her. “I've missed cooking for you.” “It's one of the things I'm going to miss when I eventually move out,” Ava said as she plopped on the loveseat next to her dad. Harry put an arm around her. “Just don't move out too soon, pumpkin. I kind of like you around here.” She chuckled as she as she snuggled close. “I kind of like being around here, too.” She sighed as she looked around the room as so many memories flooded back to her. “Sometimes it just plain sucks growing up.” She sighed and took a sip of her wine. “So let's talk about the trip to keep my mind of it. All Nora and I know so far is that we're staying at a resort in Montana called Magic Mountain and that we're spending it during the month of August.” “Magic Mountain,” Nora chuckled with a snort. “Kind of a cheesy name if you ask me.” “Cheesy, yes,” Harry said with a grin. “But it's one of the most popular resorts in our world. It sometimes takes people years to get reservations.” “But not for you, right Daddy?” Ava teased as you poked him. Harry flinched. “Cut it out,” he laughed as he batted her hand away. “Your father managed to get us a lodge suite,” Hermione stated as she curled her legs under her to get comfortable. “You tell the resort how many people will be staying there and then they magically change the inside to accommodate us best. It's pretty cool.” “Does that mean we get our own room?” Nora asked hopefully. “At the beginning and end of the vacation, yes,” Harry said. “But when the rest of the family comes for the second week, you two have to share a room.” Nora narrowed her eyes at her grinning sister. “Snakeskin boots,” she said in a warning tone. “That's all I'm saying.” “Relax,” Ava said with a roll of her eyes. “Bax sleeps in his cage at night. He won't touch you.” “He better not or…” “Okay, okay, don't' start you two,” Hermione interrupted with a hint of impatience. “There are still a few things to discuss. Ava…are you still planning on bringing Liam along?” Ava blushed at the mention of her boyfriend of six months. She had told him on the train ride back from Hogwarts that their family was going on a trip and he had asked if he could come. “I'd miss you too much, babe,” he had said as he kissed her hand. “Can't you ask your parents if I can come? We'd have some fun together.” She in return had been all flustered, but had agreed to ask her parents. They had seemed hesitant at first, but eventually agreed. “Yes,” she finally said to her mum. “He's coming. He's very excited about it.” Harry didn't say anything, which he figured was smart since he couldn't find anything nice to say about Liam. He had only met him twice and he wasn't rude or disrespectful to either him or Hermione and seemed to treat Ava with respect. Yet there was something about him that rubbed him the right way. He only spoke to Hermione about it and was relieved when she agreed, yet they both agreed not to mention it to Ava as long as she was happy with him. After all, there was a chance they were wrong about him and he hoped that they were…for their little girl's sake. “Another thing,” Harry said hoping to change the topic away from Liam. “It won't just be us that's going for the whole time.” He sighed and turned to Ava. “The Malfoys are coming with us.” Ava blinked. “Well, of course Rosie and Scorpius or coming, Dad…why wouldn't they…” She trailed off when she finally realized what he was saying. “I see. You mean the other Malfoys. As in Uncle Draco, Aunt Tash and…Dameon.” “Yes,” Harry admitted. “Those Malfoys.” Ava sighed in frustration. Dameon was the last person she wanted around during her vacation before she went off to Healing school. “And they'll be staying the whole three weeks?” When Harry simply nodded she sighed again. “Well…I do like hanging out with Aunt Tash and Uncle Draco…and unfortunately Dameon comes with them.” She shrugged it off. “Whatever, I won't let it bug me. If I can survive six years at Hogwarts with him I can survive three weeks.” “Way to be positive, sis,” Nora encouraged with two thumbs up. “I still don't know why you don't get a long. I for one, adore Dameon…plus…he's not too shabby in the looks department if you know what I mean.” Ava snorted when her sister wiggled her eyebrows. “Please…he's too young for you.” “True…doesn't mean I don't appreciate the way he looks.” “Whatever,” she muttered, refusing to admit she actually agreed with her. “Appreciate him all you want…I've got Liam.” “All right you two,” Harry said with a roll of her eyes. “As much as I love hearing the sisterly banter…let's get back on topic. Do any of you have any questions about the trip?” As Ava and Nora fired away with questions like, “What is there to do there?” “Will there be a pool?” or “What's the weather going to be like?”, Draco and Natasha were having their own family meeting about the trip with Dameon at their kitchen table. “Three weeks?” Dameon repeated after hearing all the details. “I don't think I could handle A.J. for that long of a time without strangling her.” Draco casted his gaze to the ceiling. “Dameon…you spent *six* years with the girl at Hogwarts, plus you haven't seen or spoken to her in over a year. Surely it won't be that bad.” “First of all,” Dameon said holding up a finger. “Hogwarts is a big place…and I had friends and girlfriends to keep me from strangling her.” He added another finger. “Secondly? It doesn't matter how long we're apart…it doesn't matter how old we are…we clash. We can't be in the same room for very long without fighting. And lastly,” he said adding another finger. “It *will* be that bad.” “Dameon,” Natasha said softly as she placed a hand on her arm. “We're not going to make you come…you're a grown man now and we can't force you.” “No, of course I'll come,” he assured her. “Just…maybe it'll be better if I come down for the second week like the rest. A.J. and I don't' fight nearly as much when the whole family is around. A lot of people are around to keep us apart.” “If that's what you want,” Natasha said with a smile. “Of course you can come down.” “Nat,” Draco protested. “That's…” “No…it's okay,” Natasha assured him and looked up at Dameon reassuringly. “You come and leave when you'd like.” Dameon sighed when he saw the flicker of disappointment in his mum's eyes. Of course she tried to hide it and put on a happy face, but she always did suck at hiding her feelings. “I'll come up for the whole three weeks,” he told her and smiled when pleasure lit up on her eyes. “I'll just steer clear of A.J. as much as I can.” “Oh Dameon!” She exclaimed as she threw her arms around him. “Thank you! I've missed you so much this past year…it's been so long since we've been able to spend time with you.” He hugged her tight. “I know…I'm sorry. I just have another week of practice before our three month break, so I'll be all yours.” “Don't apologize,” she said as she leaned back and framed her face. “We're awfully proud of you…playing for the Chudley Cannons. And even more proud that you'll start this year.” “He would have started last year if the original Seeker decided to stay around one more year before retiring,” Draco boasted proudly as he gave his son a wink. “It was for the best.” Dameon shrugged. “I learned a lot from Hewitt. He was a good Seeker. Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting out of here for awhile…Merlin knows it's going to be a lot of work once I get back to training camp.” “You were always a good worker,” Draco said as he casually put his arm around Natasha when she sat back down next to him. “Definitely got that from your Mum.” Dameon laughed. “Definitely. Well,” he sighed as he got up. “I have an early day tomorrow so I better head back to my flat.” “We'll walk you out,” Natasha said as she got up. Dameon expected no less, since it was something they did every since he moved out. They would walk him out, give him a hug and a kiss and wave him off before he Disapparated. “I'll be in touch,” he said as he exchanged his goodbyes to both parents. “First Sunday of Augsust?” he repeated with an arched brow. “Right,” Natasha confirmed. “We'll discuss it more when it gets closer, but you could come here and we'll use the Portkey from the resort to take us there.” “Sounds good,” he said genuinely. “Night, Mum. Night, Dad.” They both waved goodbye and once he was gone, Draco shook his head. “I have a feeling this trip is going to be very interesting.” “We've been dealing with those two for almost two decades,” Natasha pointed out as Draco closed the door behind him and made their way back to the kitchen. “We should be able to handle what comes our way in Montana.” “I can't believe we're going to the States,” Draco muttered as he plopped down in his chair. “This place better be as good as the price I'm paying.” “Oh, poor baby,” Natasha cooed playfully as she stood behind him, massaging his shoulders. Draco groaned under his hands. “That feels good…I'll be your slave forever if you keep that up.” Natasha chuckled as she leaned down and nipped his ear. “Technically, you're already my slave.” “Lucky me,” he whispered then shivered when she stroked a hand down the center of his chest. “Are you seducing me, Mrs. Malfoy?” “You bet,” she murmured and then pulled away then tugged him out of the chair. “Why don't we go on upstairs…and I'll do wonderful and amazing wifely things to you.” Draco grinned as he staggered along. “Sounds ideal to me.” He scooped her up and carried her up the stairs. “I happened to love it when you do wifely things to me.” XXXXXX Back over at the Potters, Hermione had just finished doing her own wifely things to Harry and they were both lying flat on their backs in recovery. “So,” Harry breathed as he tried to catch his breath. “That was really great.” Hermione's lips curved. “It's nice to know that even though my right breast is starting to sag and more gray hairs are starting to form…I've still got it.” Harry rolled over onto his side to loom over her and cupped her right breast and then cupped her left breast in comparison, causing Hermione to laugh and slap his arm. “They both feel pretty fantastic to me,” Harry assured her with a grin. “As for your hair? You're talking crazy…you don't have one strand of gray hair on your head.” “I put a little color charm on my hair…so they're hiding.” “Really?” He patted a hand to his hair. “Maybe I should do that.” “Don't,” she said as she lovingly stroked her hair. “The salt and pepper look is very sexy on you.” “You think so?” he asked amused. “Well, in that case I won't touch it.” He leaned down and kissed her sweetly before flipping back over on his back and brought her up against him. “I'm excited about that trip.” “It's going to be fun….chaotic…but fun.” She sighed as she rested her cheek against his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart. The sound always comforted her. “What should really be interesting is the overnight camping trip on horseback…how exactly are they going to pull that off? There's quite a bit of us” “I've Owled with the guy who is in charge of the horses…Dallas Cosgrove is his name and he claims that we're definitely bigger than their average camping trip, but with some extra help it would be no problem. They'll have the tents already set up in advance, but we'd leave after lunch on that Friday when everyone is in town. The ride is about…three hours I think? They'll provide all the food…he also said something about a bonfire. It should be a lot of fun for everyone.” “What about the younger kids? Will they be safe on a horse?” “Kids younger than six have to be led by another horse,” Harry commented. “So…that means someone…bless their hearts…will have to be in charge of the terrible three.” Hermione let out a giggle at the mention of Scorpius and Rosie's identical triplet sons who had just celebrated their fourth birthday. “Oh, dear.” Harry chuckled. “I love those boys, but…they do like to get in trouble, don't they?” “Too much Malfoy in them,” Hermione agreed. “In the looks department mostly.” “I know…it's a little crazy.” She laughed then shifted up so she could look down at him. “So…what's the final tally on the camping trip?” “Not including the staff?” He did a quick calculation of all their kids, spouses and their kids, plus themselves and the Malfoys, then at the last minute remembered “kiss ass” Liam and added him in. “Thirty-two.” Hermione let out a long whistle. “That's going to be one hell of a camping trip.” --> 3. Chapter 2 ------------ **Glad you guys like it so far! Here's more!** **Chapter 2** Ava sat across the table from Liam at one of her favorite cafés in Diagon Alley. They were outside on the patio, enjoying the beautiful sunny day while they discussed the trip that would take place in a few weeks. They had just ordered and were now enjoying their drinks and warm bread that was provided for them. “You look beautiful, babe,” Liam said with a charming smile as he reached over for her hand and kissed it sweetly. “Did you do something to your hair?” Ava blushed, pleased that he noticed. “I put a little curl in it,” she said waving it off like it wasn't a big deal. “It's always so straight and boring, I thought I'd do something different.” “I like it,” he said giving her a sweet smile as he buttered his bread. “I think you should wear it like that more often.” “Oh. Well.” Flustered she fiddled with it. “It's kind of a pain and Nora helped but…” “Uh-huh…excuse me, babe,” he said distracted as he got up from his chair. “I have to run to the loo. “Oh, okay,” she said, a little taken back at the sudden urgency. “No problem.” “Be right back,” he said not even looking at her as he walked off inside through the double doors of the café. Ava sighed and put her sunglasses back on since the sun glared brightly down on her. Sometimes, holding a conversation with Liam was a bit difficult. He was always so distracted and changed the subject so quickly she would loose track of what they were talking about. She didn't blame him for it…sometimes people were like that. It was just a matter of adjusting to his personality. Shaking it off, she picked up her knife, planning on spreading butter on some bread, but the knife slipped through her grasp and it clattered to the ground. “Shoot,” she said and leaned down to get it and her forehead slammed against the table on her way down. “Ow!” she winced as she placed a hand on her forehead. Male laughter fluttered across the table and she looked up to give Liam a sheepish smile, but it wasn't Liam sitting across from her. “Oh, great…just what I need.” “How's it going, Grace?” Dameon said with a grin. “That's probably going to leave a big knot.” She scowled “That seat is taken.” Dameon leaned back comfortably. “Yes, I know…I saw him inside.” “He just went to the loo.” “Is that what he's doing?” Dameon said, wondering if he should tell her he saw Liam flirting with a blonde at the bar. “Hmm.” “Yes, that's what he's doing…but he'll be right back so…” She gave a little shoo with her hands. “Be gone, annoying one.” He ignored her. “What on earth did you do to your hair?” Ava blinked. “What?” she asked as she patted her hair. “Did I mess it up?” “No…it's all…curly and shit.” “I gave it a little curl…so what?” He just shrugged. “Whatever.” He certainly wasn't going to admit that although the curls didn't look bad, he didn't particularly like it. She just didn't look like…A.J. “What are you and boy wonder up to?” he asked as he took a piece of bread. “None of your business. And get your own bread,” she protested but he only grinned and took a big chunk out of it with his teeth and chewed mockingly at her. “You're impossible. What are you doing here anyway?” “Meeting Bridget for lunch,” he muffled through a mouthful of bread. “Of course you are,” she said dryly and rolled her eyes. “You know…she might not be the brightest bulb in the bunch, but she was a nice enough girl. Her only flaw is what she sees in you.” Forgetting she was trying to make him leave, Ava grabbed her own slice. “Are you two on again?” “Here,” he said handing her his knife when he noticed her searching for her own. “You dropped yours remember, Grace?” She snagged it from his hands and glared at him while she angrily buttered her bread. “And to answer your question….no…she's actually getting married. Wants to talk about it and stuff.” “Aww,” she cooed as she placed a hand on her chest. “Is she going to ask you to be the maid of honor?” “Get bent,” he scoffed and she just snickered. “She asked me to give her away.” Ava's smirk dropped. “Give her away?” she asked confused. “Where's her father?” “Out of the picture.” Since he didn't trust Liam's current diseases, he grabbed Ava's glass of water instead and took a greedy sip. She didn't even protest, just waited for him to further explain. “He left her and her mum when she was little. He still supports them financially…but she hasn't seen him since.” “Oh,” she said softly as her heart went out to her. “I had no idea.” “She doesn't talk about it. Just a few of her friends know….sooo…” “Oh, of course,” she said quickly when she realized what he was saying. “Mouth is firmly shut.” Dameon's lips curved when she pretended to lock her lips with an invisible key. “Thanks.” He turned in his seat to see that his table was still empty and looked around. “Still no sign of her. Must be running late.” He turned back around and noticed her eyeing the double doors. “There was a long line.” She turned back. “Excuse me?” “A long line…to the loo.” He took another slice of bread to snack on. “Probably why he's taking so long.” “Oh…yeah, you're probably right.” She then narrowed her eyes when he stole another sip. “Will you cut it out?” she snapped as she reached over and took her glass back from him. “You have a perfectly full glass of water at your table. Why don't you go over there and drink it?” “Aww…and I thought we were getting along so well.” “Why start now?” She gave him another shoo with her hands. “Now go…he should be back any minute and we still have to discuss the trip.” “Fine…out of bread anyway.” He started to get up, but halted his movement halfway out of the chair. “What do you mean, `discuss the trip'? He's not coming is he?” Ava lifted her chin. “Of course he's coming…he's my boyfriend.” Dameon groaned as he sat back down. “That's just great,” he said with a scowl. “It's bad enough I have to resist strangling you for three weeks and now you add boy wonder to the mix.” “Oh, boo-hoo,” she taunted back.. “And stop calling him boy wonder…he has a name.” “It's either boy wonder or Mr. Full of Himself…take your pick.” He was so tempted to tell her just what her precious boyfriend was doing at the moment, but managed to resist. She'd find out for herself sooner or later. “Just make sure you keep him away from me…both of you for that matter.” “Gladly, you arrogant prick!” she shot back when he got up from his chair. “As far as I'm concerned we have no reason to speak one word to each other the whole trip.” “That's one thing we can agree on,” he sneered back then angrily planted his hands on the table and loomed closer to her. She wanted to cower back in her chair, he was entirely too close, however she was too stubborn to give him the satisfaction. “You have something to say?” “Yeah, I do,” he said as he leaned closer. “I don't like your little boyfriend…in fact…I think he's a fucking tool…and I believe you'll figure that out one day.” He paused, waiting for her to cringe back or advert her eyes, but she held strong, staring right back at him as she lifted that stubborn chin of hers. Damn if he didn't admire her for that. “I'll try not to tell you `I told you so' when you finally do.” His eyes flickered to her forehead and his lips curved at the red whelp that had formed. “Might want to think about putting some ice on that bump.” He pushed himself away from her. “Enjoy your lunch, Grace,” he said nodding to the food that had just arrived and then walked away. He heard her mutter, “Jerk,” under her breath, but pretended to ignore it as he headed to his table, which was now occupied by Bridget. She was lifting an amusing brow as he walked him, which told him she witnessed the little interaction between A.J. “Don't ask,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. “Give me a minute, though…I have to take care of one thing.” “Take your time,” she assured him and watched him walk off back inside. Dameon didn't waste any time. He walked straight up to Liam and tugged his shoulder away from the blonde. “Kelson.” Liam looked away from the blonde and his smile faltered. “Malfoy…what do you want?” “Oh…just giving you a friendly reminder that your *girlfriend* is still waiting for you outside.” “Girlfriend?” the blonde questioned as she took a step backwards. “You have a girlfriend?” “N-no,” he stammered. “I mean…yes…sort of, but…” “Ugh, men like you make me sick.” She held out her hand. “I'd like my information back…now.” Liam reluctantly gave back the girl the roll of parchment. The girl snagged it back angrily, then turned to Dameon, looked him up and down and gave him a slow smile. “Do you have a girlfriend?” Dameon grinned. “Nope.” “Well then,” she said with a smile as she handed him the roll of parchment. “Owl me sometime.” “I sure will,” he said with a wink and then admired her as she walked away, then turned to Liam who was glaring at him with clenched fists. “Shouldn't you get back to A.J., Kelson?” “Why the hell do you even care?” Liam asked demandingly. “You don't even like her.” “No…we don't get a long…there's a difference. It's you I don't like, Kelson. What the hell are you doing? You obviously don't care about A.J. Why not just leave her the bloody hell alone and go after someone that's not way out of your league.” Liam let out a slow, taunting smirk. “I see what's going on here. You're jealous that I'm shagging A.J. and you're not.” Liam thought it wouldn't hurt if the little punk thought that were actually true. “I'm finally beating you in something and it's driving you crazy.” A fierce wave of hostility washed through him so suddenly he had to take a few breaths to calm himself down. For some reason, the image of the bastard touching A.J. nearly sent him over the edge. “It's not jealously, Kelson,” he finally said in a low, warning tone. “Just know that'll I'll be watching you…I can't wait until A.J. finally sees you for who you really are.” Liam snorted. “Whatever…you don't scare me.” “Whatever you say, Kelson…see you up there.” Liam grabbed his arm before he could walk away. “What do you mean? You're going on the trip?” Dameon looked at Liam's hand. “You're going to want to let go now.” Liam angrily pushed his hand off his arm. “You can't be coming…A.J. never said anything about you coming.” “Not my problem,” he said as he started to walk off, but then turned back around. “Oh, and Kelson?” “What?” he shot back. Dameon grinned. “You're fly's undone…see you around, dickhead.” As Liam cursed and fumbled at his open fly behind him, Dameon strutted back outside to Bridget. “You look awfully pleased with yourself,” Bridget said as he sat down in front of her. “I am,” he said with a grin. “Let's order some champagne…I'm in the mood to celebrate.” --> 4. Chapter 3 ------------ **Hey guys! So this update took a little longer than the others…sorry about that! It was kind of busy and I needed just a little break to decide where I wanted to go next. Thanks for all the reviews! I know some people asked why I named Ava's middle name, James…and there is no reason. I know someone who has a baby named Ava James and that's where I got the idea. I thought it was precious! Anyway, here's the next update. It's pretty much all Nora. Enjoy!** **~HM** **Unwanted Love** **Chapter 3** Nora was in love and it didn't take long for her to take the fall. As soon as she arrived to Magic Mountain, she was immediately charmed with the secluded resort nestled around beautiful snow capped mountains. Although she still thought the name was cheesy, it did the place justice as far as she was concerned. It was truly magical. The house they would be living in the next three weeks was fantastic. It was all wood and glass and it stood three stories tall and far enough away from the other cabins to be nice and quiet. The first floor was spread out beautifully into one huge space with the kitchen, den and dining room all tumbling together. The den had big cushy couches one could sink into and never wish to get up. A fireplace was provided for chilly nights and a huge flat screen telly was propped up on one wall. One large glass window was at the back of the house, which was equipped with a sliding door that led out to the back patio. The patio had comfortable lounge chairs, a circular bonfire pit with seated cushions surrounding it and a nice, big hot tub that was big enough to fit half of her family. And that was saying something. The view from the patio was spectacular. The sky was so blue, the mountains so strong and beautiful in the distance and the rolling green meadows that seemed to go on and on were breathtaking. She had stood outside for a good moment, taking it all in, before finally making herself go up to her room to pack. The second floor had enough rooms for her and her siblings and their families, along with Dameon and Liam. The hallway that held the rooms went in one complete circle and the doors to each room were on one side and a wooden railing on the other so one could look down and see most of the first floor. She had been happy with her room, but it was bittersweet since she knew she'd have to share it with her messy sister and her creepy little snake. The bed was big enough for the both of them, which meant she'd enjoy the nights when she could spread out and use the entire mattress. She did have to share a bathroom with A.J. at all times, but since it had two separate showers she didn't see that as a problem. Her parents and Uncle Draco and Aunt Tasha were located up on the third floor of the house, which was nice for them since it was soundproof and more private. When her and A.J. did a tour of their parent's room, they had both been incredibly jealous. The third floor was split in half, each side having a nice sitting room with a fireplace, a bed as big as a lake and a nice roomy shower with two heads and a Jacuzzi that was just as big as the hot tub outside. Needless to say, she had a feeling her parents…and Uncle Draco and Aunt Tasha…would be enjoying their stay. By the time her and her family took a tour of the house, unpacked and whipped up a quick lunch, Nora had been anxious to get out and explore. The Malfoys weren't due for another hour so she wanted to get out while she could, just by herself so she could take it all in. “Going for a walk!” she yelled out before she walked out of the front of the house. She walked to the edge of the front porch, took a deep breath of clean crisp air, and then jotted down the steps and followed the gravel path to the main road that led to the heart of the resort. She took her time, studying and admiring her surroundings as she walked lazily down the road. When she got to the main square, a smile bloomed on her face as she looked around. There was a gift shop on her right, which she definitely had to explore sometime before she left. A big blue building with white trim was further down and above the double doors was a sign that read, “Chow Hall.” Witches and wizards were coming in and out of it now since it was still lunchtime. She could smell the delicious aroma coming from the building and told herself she had to convince the rest of the family to have supper at the Chow Hall later tonight. She continued on her journey and heard splashes and laughter before the pool came into view. She laughed lightly to herself as she followed the short path to the pool and stood by the gate to observe. She could see the light steam coming off the pool, which told her the water, was nice and heated. It was fairly crowded, but since the pool was a decent size, it didn't seem to matter. There was a swim up bar…nice one…and a waterslide was built into the rocky mound on the farther side of the pool. They had a hot tub and a pool built just for kids. That will be good for the terrible three, she decided with a grin as she finally walked back to the path to continue on. The road narrowed a bit the further she walked and she could see small trails leading out in different directions just wide enough for a single person to walk on. The trails were tagged with signs and arrows pointing the way for each trail. She also noticed that the trails were named after witches and wizards she have heard of or learned about in school. She stopped short at one; then narrowed her eyes as she walked up to the sign, just to make sure she read it correctly. “Harry Potter Trail,” she read out loud, before a bubble of laughter erupted from her. “Oh, Daddy…you're going to hate that.” She shook her head in amusement as she continued on, following the path that now curved to the right. She heard a soft whinny coming to her left, so she looked up to see a meadow filled with horses grazing at a distance. “Oh, look at them,” she said aloud as she trotted up to the fence to get a closer look. There had to be at least twenty or so, some were dark brown with black hair, others were spotted, some were as dark as the night and a few as white as snow. She glanced further down the road and noticed the red barn just down the way and little corral right by it that was occupied with a few horses. Grinning, she made her way down, following the fence line that led to the barn. At the corral, she reached up on her toes and put her folded arm on the top of the fence. This one was a bit higher than the fence lining the meadow. There were three horses inside the corral. There was a beige colored horse with a black tail standing on the other side licking some sort of white block on the ground. He was beautiful. Or was it a she? She couldn't really tell from here so for now…*it* was beautiful. There was a dark brown horse, with a black tail and man also, just like some of the horses she saw out in the meadow, except this one had cute little white hair on his legs that looked like socks and a single white patch in it's forehead. She wanted to call it over, but since it was busy eating hay she didn't think it would want to join her. The other horse though was standing in the middle of the corral looking right at her with both its ears perked straight up. Its coat was a…well, she guessed it was orange but not bright orange…more like a rusty orange. Its mane and tail were dark blonde and it had long thick strands of hair that swooped between its ears and curved to the side. He also had some socks on him, but only on the two front legs and the back right, plus he had a thick white stripe right down the center of his nose. “Hi there,” she finally said as she held out a hand. “Will you come see me?” The horse didn't hesitate; as soon as she stretched out her hand the horse slowly walked over to her and sniffed the tip of her fingers. Nora let out a little laugh when the little bugger nipped at her fingers. “So it's food you're looking for, hmm?” she asked as she stepped back fully on the ground. The horse followed her as it stepped closer to the edge of the fence until the horse's large head was towering over the top. “I don't have anything, but…I guess I can improvise.” She searched the ground until she found a random stick and then bent over to pick it up. “See this stick?” she asked the horse as she held it up. She waited as the horse sniffed it a moment, before blowing on it with disinterest. “Awe, yes I know…just a plain old stick…however, with a little wave of this wand…” She pulled out her wand and gave it a flick as she said the spell and the stick transformed into a big juicy carrot. She laughed when the horse suddenly pricked up her ears and stretched his big head out towards her. “Oh, so now you want it, huh?” she asked as let the horse take the carrot from her hand. “Nice trick.” Nora yelped so loudly and jumped so high, that the horse got spooked and jerked its head up as it shifted back a few steps. She looked up at the man that had snuck up on her and the first thing she noticed was his height. He was very tall and practically towered over her. She probably wouldn't get to his eye level with her highest pair of heels on. And she was no shorty. He was sporting a faded blue cap with a dark blue star on the front of it. His eyes were a pool of chocolate brown, which went nicely with his thick mahogany hair she could see peaking out the back of his cap. He had on a pair of dusty old blue jeans and wore them entirely too well, and his simple white cotton tee shirt stretched out across his broad shoulders and hugged comfortably around his narrow waist. After a quick and thorough evaluation, Nora decided that the man was entirely too attractive for his own good. And by the look of the cocky grin he was flashing at her, he knew it, too. “Do you always sneak up on people like that?” she finally asked with a hint of annoyance. “Or am I just lucky?” The man rubbed his chiseled jaw in thought. “I can't say that I do make a habit out of sneaking up on people, so….yes, mam…I guess you're lucky.” “Well,” she said clearing her throat. “You certainly scared the poor horse.” “Actually, I scared you…and then you scared, Tango,” he corrected as he gave the horse a little rub when he came back to join them. “He's had worse, though…so I wouldn't worry about it.” “So, it's a boy,” Nora said then smiled when Tango nuzzled his head gently against her chest. “He's sweet.” “He's a pig…now that you did that little trick if yours…he'll never forget it.” Nora laughed as she circled her arms around his head. “So, I take it you work here with the horses?” “Got it in one.” He held out a hand. “Dallas Cosgrove.” “Oh, of course,” she said as she took his hand. “I remember my Dad talking about you. You're going to be in charge of our overnight camping trip. You have your work cut out for you.” Dallas' brows lifted. “So, you're Harry Potter's daughter?” Nora smiled. “Yes…well, sort of. He raised me…my biological father died when I was young.” She then realized that she was still holding his hand, so she quickly pulled her hand away. “Er…My name's Nora, by the way.” Dallas slipped his hands into his back pockets. “Nice to meet you. Do you like horses, Nora?” “Yes,” she said as she lightly petted Tango's cheek. “I didn't realize it until now…but yes, I do.” “So, I take it you've never ridden one before.” “No, I haven't…I'm definitely looking forward to it.” Dallas took a step closer and lifted a hand to pet Tango's other cheek. “I can give you a lesson if you'd like?” Nora's eyes lit up with pleasure. “Really? Oh, I'd love that.” “Well, then….it's a date,” he said with a wink and a smile. Nora blushed. “Okay. I knew you took people out on horse rides, but I didn't know you offered riding lessons.” “I don't,” he admitted with a shrug. “Since most of these horses just follow each other in one big line, one doesn't really need riding lessons. “ Nora blinked. “Then why did you…” “You seem to have a real interest in them,” he told her before she could finish the question he knew she was going to ask. “And I think you'll have a knack for it…you're already good around them and horses can sense things like that.” She let out a wobbly smile, as she couldn't help to blush again. “Well…thanks. I'm going to be here for three weeks…so maybe I'll be an expert by the time I leave.” Dallas gave her a slow grin that sent her stomach in a flutter. “Maybe.” “So…when should I come by? I mean…what's your schedule like?” “I have three trail rides during the day. Sunrise, noon and sunset...so the best time for me would be after lunch.” “Okay,” she said. He was so close to her…she could see the gold flecks in his eyes. Had he always been this close, or did he shift closer without her noticing? “Well…um…” She took a step back in retreat. “I guess I'll…” “Nora!” She turned around at the sound of her voice and smiled when she saw Dameon towards her. “Hey!” she exclaimed as she waved, then turned back to Dallas. “I need to run, but…I'll see you around?” “Sure,” Dallas said after a moment. “I'll be here.” “Great,” she said and took a step back as she gave him a little wave. “Bye.” “See ya,” he said and watched her spin around and run to the other guy. He heard her let out a giggle as she flew her arms around him and the guy laughed and spun her around. Probably her boyfriend, she imagined as they walked away with the arms around each other.. He didn't look anything liked her and certainly didn't treat her like a sibling or cousin. It was probably for the best that she had a boyfriend, he thought as he put a hand on Tango's flank. Not only was it against the rules to start a relationship with a guest, she was also Harry Potter's daughter. It didn't matter that she was the first woman he had been attracted to in a long time. He was just going to have to ignore the fact that she smelled like strawberries and a smile that warmed his heart. He had been charmed when he watched her interact with Tango…not everyone shared the same love of horses as he did. It had been a mistake to ask if she wanted to take lessons. He hardly ever did that and when he did it was usually kids…not pretty little redheads that had a face like an angel. He couldn't seem to help himself, though, and it just sort of blurted out of his mouth. He had wanted to be near her…to spend time with her. Which was ridiculous, since they only exchanged a few words, he shouldn't be feeling this way. Sensing something was wrong with his master, Tango nudged him with his head hard enough for Dallas to stumble back. “Sorry, buddy,” Dallas said with a laugh as he gave him a pat. “I was distracted.” He looked over to the direction Nora had walked off with the other man and watched disappear around the bend of the road. “Get her out of your mind, Cosgrove…she's a guest…a customer…that's all.” He sighed and then turned his attention back to Tango. “Let's go for a ride, Tango. I need to clear my head.” XXXX Nora laughed when Dameon spun her around. “Oh, it's so good to see you!” she exclaimed when he put her down. “Did you just get here?” she asked as she slid an arm around him. “Yeah, just a few moments ago,” he said as they started to walk off. “Uncle Harry said you had went out to explore, so I thought I'd get out of the house and track you down.” “Because you wanted to see me? Or because you wanted to avoid A.J.?” “I guess both,” he admitted with a shrug. “It will be good for everyone if I stay away from her and her little boy toy.” Nora snickered. “You don't like Liam either I take it?” “Can't stand the prick.” “My sentiments exactly,” she said with a sigh. “I hate it that she doesn't see that.” “Maybe she does…she just doesn't want to believe it so she's in denial.” “She'll figure it out sooner or later.” “Sooner I hope,” he said casually and missed Nora's knowing smirk. “So…who was the guy?” “The guy? Oh,” she said looking back behind her. “His name is Dallas Cosgrove. He's in charge of the horses…he also is in charge of our overnight camp out next week.” “Really?” he asked and shook his head in pity. “Poor bloke.” Nora laughed. “I don't know…he seems like the kind of guy who can handle it. He's going to teach me how to ride.” Dameon lifted a brow. “I didn't know you were interested in horses.” “Neither did I,” she said with a smile. “But I just fell in love with his horses…Tango especially. He was so sweet…anyway, Dallas could tell I had an interest for them so he offered to give me lessons.” Dameon studied her for a moment, then stopped dead in his tracks and grinned at her. “What?” Nora asked puzzled. “Do I have something on my face?” “You like him.” “What? Who?” “Mr. Horseman,” he said with a chuckle. “You're all smitten.” Nora snorted. “Don't be ridiculous…I am not.” “Your whole face lit up as soon as I asked about him.” He cocked his head to the side. “And now you're blushing…admit it…you think he's dreamy.” “Oh, shut up,” Nora laughed as she gave him a shove and when he just laughed, she rolled her eyes. “I hate you.” “For what? Being accurate?” “Among other things…sometimes I understand why A.J finds you so annoying.” When he just stood there with a grin, she let out an exasperating scream. “All right…fine. I liked him, so what? He was sweet and…okay, gorgeous…the man is gorgeous...I admit it.” “Good.” He put a friendly arm around her as they continued their way to the house. “You could use a little summer romance, Nora.” Nora sighed. “You can say that again.” --> 5. Chapter 4 ------------ **Hey guys! I am so, so, so sorry it's taken so long to update! I've had a lot going on, plus I was kind of at a road block with this story. Sorry! Hope you like the update though! Take care!** ** ~HM** **Unwanted Love** **Chapter 4** Ava hadn't heard the Malfoys arrive at the resort; she had been outside on her balcony enjoying the view with Baxter wrapped around her neck. She knew Nora had gone out to explore and Liam retired to his room to take a nap. According to Liam, he had a long night researching about certain jobs he wanted to take at the Ministry. So she decided to spend some time to herself and take advantage of the peace and quiet while she still could. “Isn't it beautiful, Bax?” she asked with a sigh. “Just look at that blue sky…and those mountains are breathtaking.” “Interesssting sssmellsss,” Baxter hissed as slithered down to her waist and then over her legs that were propped up against the railing. Ava laughed as she gave him a stroke. “I bet…want me to take you outside so you can hunt? You haven't fed in awhile.” Baxter hissed in agreement and happily coiled himself around her wrist as she got up and carried him back inside. She heard laughter flow from downstairs as she made her descent and found her parents and Aunt Tasha and Uncle Draco lounging on the couches in the living room. “Hey, you're here!” Ava exclaimed as she walked over to them. “I didn't hear you guys get here or I would have been down sooner.” “We haven't been here long,” Draco said as he immediately got up to hug her. “Is that the famous Baxter?” “The one and only,” Ava said proudly then flashed a smile at Natasha. “Hi, Aunt Tash!” “Hi sweetie…I'd love to hug you, but…maybe you can pass Baxter to someone else first.” Ava laughed as Baxter slithered from her wrist to Draco's, then went up and wrapped her snake-free arms around her. “It's so good to see you! It's been too long!” “Too long,” she agreed as she pulled back to get a good look at her. “You're getting prettier by the day, A.J.” Ava smiled. “Thanks, Aunt Tash,” she said as she casually looked around the room for a certain someone. “Dameon went searching for Nora,” Hermione said with a hidden smile. “So you're in the clear for now.” Ava just shrugged it off like she didn't care. Dameon and Nora always seemed to get a long great, which always slightly annoyed her. Aren't sisters supposed to stick together? The least she could do was realize how incredibly irritating Dameon was, but for some reason, she was alone on that opinion. “Well…I'm going to run out back and let Baxter go and explore. He needs to hunt.” Draco gave Baxter back to A.J. “Where's that boyfriend of yours, A.J.?” “Oh, he's taking a nap,” she informed him and the rest. “Had a late night last night. It's good to see you both, I'm glad you guys are here.” “Ditto,” Draco said as he sat back down. “See you later, A.J.” “Bye,” she said as she walked out, stopping to give her father a kiss when he tapped his finger to his cheek. “Bye, Dad.” “See you, pumpkin…happy hunting, Bax,” he said giving him a little tap under his mouth. Ava gave a final wave before walking through the sliding glass door that led to the patio deck out back. After she slid the door closed behind her, she walked over to the edge of the deck and trotted down the steps that led to the meadow that was big enough for her entire family to run around in once they got there. “Should be plenty of field mice around here,” she said as she swung Baxter off her neck and then held him up in front of her and looked into his eyes. “Now be careful, okay? You are not use to this area and there are pretty big, bad birds out here…I'd really hate to see you get carried off by some hawk or eagle.” He nodded his head in agreement and tickled her nose with his tongue, which always made her laugh. “Okay…have fun,” she said as she put him down and watched him slither away in the grass. She watched him as long as she could and only looked away when she couldn't see him anymore. Since the view was there in front of her to enjoy, she took the time to revel in the moment. It was quiet…the house was farther than most of the other guest houses so the only thing she could hear was the soft whistle of the wind and the distant chirps of birds nearby. Happy to be there, she closed her eyes and lifted her face into the sun and took a long, deep breath. “Are you meditating?” Her relaxed body immediately went rigid in irritation at the sound of Dameon's voice. “Go away,” she said through clenched teeth as she kept her back to him. Dameon chuckled as he walked over and sat on the bottom of the steps. “Yeah, okay…like I always do what you tell me.” She rolled her eyes as she turned around. “Why are you even here? I thought you said you were going to stay clear from me as much as possible.” “True,” he said as he stretched out his legs. “I was going to sit out here and read my book…but then I saw you looking up at the sky with your eyes closed like you were in some other world.” He didn't feel the need to add that the sight of her sent an unpleasant and unwanted feeling in the pit of his gut. “I was just enjoying the moment,” she said as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Nothing wrong with that. So, what are you reading? Hope it has pictures in it to help you out.” “Ha, ha,” he said dryly and then held up the book. “It's your mum's latest muggle book and as you can see…not one of her children's stories.” Ava blinked in astonishment when she recognized the hardback cover he held up. “You read my mum's stuff?” “Sure,” he said as he set the book back down next to him. “I've read all of them…even the one's she published before we were born.” “So you do read children's books?” she teased with a slight grin. “Only if it was written by your mum. So? You've read them I bet.” “Well, sure…but she's my mum…and I love her.” Dameon got up and walked over to her. “There you go…she may not be my mum, but I still love her. Plus, it doesn't hurt that she's an excellent writer.” Ava frowned as she took a step back. “Cut it out…I hate it when you do this.” Now Dameon frowned in puzzlement. “Do what?” he asked as he took another step to match her retreated step “Show your good side,” she admitted as she stumbled back again. “It confuses me…it's easier to think of you as an annoying prick and nothing else.” “Really?” he asked intrigued as he took another step. “So…let me get this straight…when I'm jerk, you think I'm an annoying prick…and when I show my good side…that annoys you too?” “Got it one,” she said and instead of taking another step back she placed a hand on his chest to ward him off. “Back off, Malfoy…you're crowding me.” He didn't budge. “Where's your boy toy?” She scowled. “I *told* you not to call him that.” “Right…sorry. Where's boy wonder?” She let out a frustrating groan and gave him a shove. “You are the most…” She gasped when he suddenly grabbed her wrist and yanked her forward, causing the entire front of her body to slam against his chest. His arm was around her waist, holding her tight against him and even through her anger she couldn't help but notice how incredibly hard his body felt against hers. “Just what do you think…” “Shut up and get behind me.” The urgent tone in his voice made her suddenly alarmed as her whole body went rigid. He had his wand out and pointed down on the ground with a cold look in his eyes that made her tremble. “What is it?” she asked shakily as she started to turn around when he loosened his grip. She was about to get behind him like he told her to, but when she saw what he was pointing his wand at, her heart shot up in her throat. “No!” she gasped as she pushed his wand away. “Don't you dare hurt him!” Dameon tightened his grip on her when he realized she was trying to get away. “A.J., are you crazy? That's a snake, he'll…” “It's Baxter,” she said and flung his arm away and poked her thumb against her chest. “*My* snake.” Dameon lifted a brow. “Your snake? You have a snake?” “That's right,” she said and slapped his hand. “Put that away.” Dameon slipped his wand back in his pocket. “I didn't know you had a snake.” “Dad gave him to me last summer,” she said as she turned around and bent down to scoop Baxter up. “It's okay, Bax…did that mean old bully scare you?” Ava lifted him over her head and settled him around her neck and then turned back around to see Dameon staring at her as if she had two heads. “What?” “You…you're a Parselmouth?” Ava lifted her chin in defense. There were a lot of people, including her boyfriend, who thought that it was weird she talked to snakes. It wasn't something that she ever thought of hiding; she wasn't ashamed of her gift at all. She inherited the gift from her father and the hell with anyone who looked down at her for it. It had been a sore subject between her and Liam, but in the end she realized that he had a snake phobia and so she couldn't really blame him. “Yeah? So? Are you going to now call me Freak instead of Grace?” “No,” he said, slightly hurt that she would even think so low of him. “Grace fits you too well.” He cocked his head to the side and studied her. “How come I never knew this about you?” She shrugged. “It's not something I hide, yet I don't announce it to the whole world either.” She eyed him closely. “So…you really don't think I'm weird?” He lifted a brow. “Weird? On some levels, yes…but no…I don't think it's weird you speak to snakes. It's pretty cool and…” “What?” she asked when he hesitated. “I can't believe I'm going to admit this to you,” he said with a sigh. “You'll just get a big head, but…it's kind of…well…sexy.” Ava snorted a laugh. “Now you're the one being weird.” “No…seriously,” he said with a grin. “It's kind of hot. Say something else.” “No!” she laughed, slightly flustered. “You're crazy.” “C'mon…say something else…I need to find out if it's sexy…maybe it was just a fluke and I'll think it's weird and start calling you Freak.” Ava gave him a dry look. “You're not going to let this go, are you?” “Nope.” She let out an exasperating laugh. “I thought so…all right, fine…here goes.” She held up Baxter up to the side so she could see him in her peripheral vision, but looked right at Dameon and spoke. He groaned when she was done. “Yep…definitely sexy. What did you say?” She smirked. “That you're a constant pain in my side that refuses to go away.” He let out a loud, deep laugh. “Back at you, A.J.” He looked at Baxter and took a step closer to them. “Can I hold him?” “Sure…but he'll probably won't let you.” She held out Baxter to his outstretched arm. “Especially when you almost tried to hurt…” She trailed off when Baxter immediately uncoiled from her wrist and slithered onto Dameon's. “You were saying?” Dameon said as he let Baxter slide up his arm and around his neck. Ava scowled at Baxter. “Traitor. I can't believe you're going to him when he almost killed you.” Baxter hissed back in response. “He did not know I wasss your ssssnake. He wasss protecting you.” “What's going on?” Dameon wanted to know. Ava crossed her arm in a pout. “He likes you because you tried to save my life from him…he's very protective of me, so you won him over with your little heroics.” “Your snake has good taste. Let me guess…he can't stand wonder boy.” “Liam has a fear of snakes…so, no…Baxter isn't crazy about him.” Dameon grinned. “Yep….excellent taste.” “You really are an annoying prick.” “So you've said,” he said unfazed as he lightly scratched Baxter under his chin. “Many of times.” “In my opinion…she can't say it enough.” Ava looked up to the patio to see Liam standing at the top of the stairs. “Liam…you're up.” “Just now,” he said with a charming smile as he started to walk down. Dameon turned around to face him and Baxter hissed angrily at Liam, who yelped like a little girl as he stumbled backwards and fell down on the steps. “Problem?” Dameon asked him casually. “Liam, are you okay?” A.J. asked urgently as she ran passed Dameon to help him on his feet. “Fine,” he muttered as he eyed the snake warily. “What's he doing out of his cage?” “Liam…I know you're afraid of snakes, but I can't keep him in the cage for the entire trip. He knows not to hurt you.” “He just *hissed* at me,” he sputtered as he skirted around Dameon until he was on the grass with A.J. at his side. Dameon patted Baxter's head. “Good boy.” Ava scowled at him. “Cut it out, Malfoy…you're not helping.” She then turned to Liam and rubbed his arm. “Why don't we go on a walk? Get some fresh air?” “Yeah,” he said as he flickered his gaze to Dameon. “Let's do that.” He put a possessive arm around her and smirked triumphantly when he noticed the flit of anger in Dameon's eyes. “We can finally spend some time alone,” he said looking down at Ava and gave her a sweet, lingering kiss. “Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick,” Dameon muttered as he turned away and walked up the steps. Ava pulled away from Liam, slightly embarrassed. “Wait…Dameon…” He turned back around with an intriguing brow. It was always a pleasant surprise when she actually called him by his first name. “Yes?” “Would you mind keeping an eye on Bax while I'm away?” she asked and tried to take a step towards him, but was pulled slightly back by Liam. “Er…I just would hate to have to put him back in his cage. He's not allowed to roam free of the house.” “He can hang with me while I read,” he assured her. She gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks…I owe you one.” He grinned. “Looking forward to the payback. Have a nice walk.” “Let's go, babe,” Liam said as he tugged her away, not liking the friendly exchange between the two. It made him extremely uneasy. It was a lot more comforting when they fought like rabid dogs. “I need some alone time with you.” Ava blushed. “All right…let's go.” Dameon stood on the deck as he watched them walk down the trail that led into the trees. “I really don't know what she sees in that loser, Bax,” he said once they were out of sight. “The woman drives me crazy…but even I know she could do better than that.” --> 6. Chapter 5 ------------ **Hello my faithful readers! Sorry again it took me so long…it just took me awhile to figure out exactly where I wanted to go with this. I think I have some sort of an idea, so hopefully I can update a little sooner. Anyway, hope you enjoy this one. It's a Dallas/Nora chapter….sorry no Ava and Dameon this time, but I've got plenty of good scenes of them coming up! Thanks for all your support! Means the world!** ** ~HM** **Chapter 5** Dallas stood in the middle of the corral as he observed the girl that had been imbedded in his brain for the last three days, slowly bring Holly, the sweet and gentle bay mare, into a slow trot. As much as he would rather study the way her eyes lit up when Holly's pace quickened, or the way her long auburn hair danced gracefully with the wind, he tired to focus himself on being professional. “Keep your back a little straighter,” he called out as he turned slowly in a circle so he could follow her. “You're a little hunched over. That's it,” he added in encouragement when she straightened in the saddle. “Better…keep your hand that's holding the reins down more closer to her neck…you'll be able to control her more.” “Like this?” she asked as she lowered her reins. “Perfect…and really try to match his rhythm. Trotting can be bouncy, so it can be difficult.” He was right. Her butt bounced so high, she caught air and that couldn't be right. So she tried her best to match Holly's rhythm and eventually found a pace that made her butt not go quite as high. “There you go,” Dallas said with a grin. “Now slow her back down to a walk…slightly pull the reins back…nice and easy…and lean back in the saddle a bit.” “Woah, Holly,” she said softly as she pulled back on the reins as gently as she could and the mare responded almost right away and slowed down to a walk. “I did it!” Nora exclaimed with excitement. Dallas couldn't help but be charmed by the look of pure pleasure on her face. And what an attractive face it was, he thought as an unwelcoming flutter spread through his belly. *Don't go there, Cosgrove. Don't go there.* “Good job, Nora. Now, walk her over to me.” Just as she was taught, she pulled the neck reins over towards Dallas and Holly turned in response and walked right over to him. “That was a good first lesson,” he said as he gave Holly a pat on her flank while he looked up at Nora. “A natural…just like I thought you'd be.” Merlin, he was adorable. A woman could seriously get lost in those eyes, and his smile? Like the one he was giving her now…sent her heart racing and her knees wobbly. It was a good thing she was on a horse, or she'd probably faint in his arms. H*mmm…that wouldn't be such a bad thing.* “What?” Dallas asked suddenly. Nora blinked. “What?” “You're looking at me funny…do I have something on my face?” *Oh yeah…a pair of irresistible eyes, a killer smile and a set of lips that just begged to be kiss.* “No, sorry,” she said, blushing slightly. “I guess I just spaced out for a second.” He chuckled. “Well, if you're back with me here on earth…you can go ahead and dismount.” “Right…sorry.” Dallas bit back a smile as he held the reins while she swung herself carefully off the horse. She had one foot down and was about to give another `job well done' when she suddenly yelped and started to fall backwards. Dallas had never moved so fast in his life. He let go of the reins and rushed behind her just in time for her to fall in his arms before she could tumble into the ground. “Woah, easy,” he said as he wrapped his arms securely around her waist while she got her footing. “Are you all right?” he asked with concern. Nora shivered at the feel of his warm breath brushing her ear and also couldn't help but notice how strong his arms felt wrapped securely around her. “Yeah, I'm fine,” she finally said, a little embarrassed at the situation. She turned around to face him and his hands stayed securely at her hips. “My foot caught the stirrup.” He looked down at her feet. “It's those sneakers…probably not the best shoes to ride in…don't you have any boots?” he asked looking back up at her with a teasing smile, but it faltered when he realized how close she was to him. “Not any pairs I'm willing to ruin,” she murmured as she found herself getting lost in those eyes. Too close. She was too close to him. Their mouths were only inches a part…he could practically feel the heat pouring out from her body. Merlin knew he wanted to yank her close…wanted to see how she felt pressed firmly against him. Would she fit? He swallowed…hard. Yes…he believed she would. And did she have to smell so ridiculously good? She practically made his mouth water. She thought he was going to kiss her….he was so close, it wouldn't have take much for him to close the distance. It would be so easy. She saw his eyes flicker to her lips, and then she did the same. He then shifted closer…didn't he? Yes, she was sure of it. He was going to kiss her. Thank Merlin…it had been too long since she had been good and kissed. Her eyes fluttered close and as she leaned in towards him…she found herself suddenly being pushed back by strong hands on her hips. Her eyes flew open, wide-eyed, and stared up at Dallas with confusion. “Dallas?” “We should probably unsaddle Holly…let her cool down.” Let us all cool down. He had almost gave into temptation…he had almost kissed her in the middle of broad daylight, not giving a damn on who saw us. Almost. The feeling of rejection and disappointment swarmed through her. She really thought he was going to kiss her. Stupid…her own damn fault. “Sure,” she said as she took another step back. “Lead the way.” He saw the hurt come and go so quickly in her eyes, he almost missed it. He hated himself for hurting her, but it was for her own good if he stayed away. Far, far away. The big question was though, would he be strong enough to stay away? Not likely. “This way,” he said as he led Holly through the gate of the corral and into the entrance of the stables, stopping in front of the tack room that held all his supplies. Nora had followed close behind him, trying to forget what almost happened. Was it just her imagination? she asked herself as Dallas loosened the cinch of the saddle. No…it couldn't have been. He definitely was about to kiss her. But why did he pull away? She watched him easily take off the saddle as if it weighed next to nothing and couldn't help but admire the way his muscles ripped under his red cotton shirt. He was definitely a catch…but it wasn't just his drop dead gorgeous looks that attracted her to him, although that was a definite bonus. She felt drawn to him…since the first moment they met. Although she felt a little uneasy around him because she was so attracted to him, she also knew she could be herself with him and that was a big deal for her. She didn't want to spend the rest of her trip with strictly a guest-employee type relationship. She wanted more. Much, much more. She would be an idiot if she gave up on him that easily. And she was no idiot. After putting up the saddle in it's proper place and hanging up the saddle blanket so it could dry, Dallas turned and headed out only to find Nora standing in front of him, blocking the exit. Her arms were folded across her chest, her chin was sticking stubbornly out at him and she was giving him a glare that made him want to squirm like an idiot. “Nora…what…” “Why did you pull away?” Dallas blinked. “What?” “You were about to kiss me…out there in the corral.” “Nora…” “And don't deny it,” she said as she waggled a finger at him. “That'll just piss me off.” Dallas sighed as he ran his fingers through his windblown hair. He would have to lie to her…maybe even hurt her. It was the only way from stopping himself from making another huge mistake. Just because Nora was the first girl that had tempted him in a long time, she wasn't the first one. She wasn't the first guest either. Years ago, another guest had stayed at Magical Mountain to the entire summer. Dallas had been just a kid, just shy of eighteen when he met her. Since thinking about her made him angry, he pushed her out of his mind and thought about the one and only good thing that came out of that debacle and he calmed down immediately. “Look Nora,” he finally said, trying to make his voice sound bored and disinterested. “You're a nice girl…and very pretty, and I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression, but…I just don't think of you that way. Besides…it's against the rules for me to get involved with a guest.” At least that part was true…even though he's broken it once, doesn't mean he should break it again. “Now…if you'd like to continued these lessons, of course I'd be happy to help…but if it's too weird for you…I understand.” He then gave her a few little pats on the head as if she were a child, before casually scooting around her. He grabbed a brush on the way out and focused on brushing Holly so he wouldn't have to look at her. He was expecting her to storm out of the room, maybe even hear a sob as she flew by. He dreaded it, but mentally prepared himself for it. But it never came. Instead, he saw her leaning against the frame of the door from the corner of his eye, watching him coolly. What the hell was wrong with her? He was insensitive and downright cruel to her…yet here she was…just standing there watching him. *Just keep brushing, Cosgrove.* “I have to admit,” she finally said. “You're good…I even almost believed you for a moment…but you're not fooling anyone, Cosgrove. *Damn her.* “You're awfully full of herself, aren't you?” Nora laughed as she pushed herself away. “Wow, you're really pulling out all the stops to make me go away. The question is…why?” “I told you why, Nora…and even if I did want to start something with you…it's against the rules. I'll get fired.” He finally looked at her. “Or does that even matter to you?” She rolled her eyes. “Of course that matters…and if you were honest with me and told me it was the only reason you pulled away…I would have respected that.” He sighed. “Fine…that's the only reason,” he said in a monotone voice. “I want you, but can't have you…it's a cruel world, blah, blah, blah. *Now* will you go away?” “Ugh, you're such a…” She gave him an angry shove that made Holly jolt. “Coward!” Stunned at first, Dallas could only stare as she started to stalk off. Then he realized what she just threw at him and anger immediately took the place of stunned. “I am not a coward,” he said as he chased her down and spun her around so suddenly she fell into his chest. He grabbed her arms and pushed her away but still had her arms captive. “Just leave it alone…this can't happen between us…it just can't, okay?” “I just want you to be honest with me, Dallas…I know I'm not imagining what I saw in your eyes.” Her eyes and voice softened as she tried to step closer, but he held her back. “You're taking the easy way out by being cruel to me, instead of just stating the truth.” Dallas bowed his head in defeat and then slowly slid his hands away from her, before turning his back to her for a moment. “The truth? That's what you want?” “Yes.” He took one deep breath before turning around to face her. “Since the first moment I saw you…I've wanted you more than I've ever wanted anyone. Which, of course, is ridiculous since I only spent a short time with you and I told myself time and time again to get you out of my head.” “Dallas…” “No, let me finish,” he said holding up a hand when she reached for him. “I had almost convinced myself that I could do this…teach you and keep in professional, but…as soon as I saw you walking around the bend towards the stables…I knew I was in trouble. Yes, Nora…I wanted to kiss you…I still want to kiss you…touch you…but I can't…I just can't make that mistake again.” Nora sighed. “Dallas…I understand that…wait, what?” Her eyes widened when she realized what he said. “Again?” “I got myself involved with a girl…five summers ago. I don't want to get into it, but she was a guest here….she stayed with her family here all summer.” “She hurt you.” He knew that was more of a statement then a question. “She hurt me,” he repeated. “I was young…stupid. I had just moved up here after school and it was my first summer on the job.” “Was she your first love?” “Only,” he corrected. “I haven't loved another woman since. Nora…you tempt me to break the rules again…you don't know how much and I'm just still starting to really get to know who you are…and that's only making it worse.” “I won't hurt you.” He gave her a wobbly smile. “I'm sure you wouldn't mean to.” She wanted to argue with him on that, but knew it would be pointless, so instead she took a chance and walked over to him. She was pleasantly surprised when he didn't take a step back in retreat, so she took it as a sign and reached up to gently touch the side of his rough, stubble cheek. “Dallas.” He closed his eyes at her touch, knowing his wall was about to crumble around him. “Nora, please…don't.” He opened them again and looked into her eyes, pleading. “It wouldn't work, anyway…you're leaving in a few weeks.” “What's wrong with living in the moment?” she asked as she now touched his other cheek with her other hand. He reached up and gripped her wrists…but didn't pull her hands away. “Nothing…yet everything.” Her lips curved up. “You're a very complex man, Dallas Cosgrove.” “So I've been told,” he said with a soft laugh, but then sobered up when Nora's lips grazed the corner of his mouth. “Ah, Nora…you're making this rather difficult to pull away from you.” “That's nice to hear,” she murmured and then kissed the other side, before moving her lips inches from his. “Dallas…if you're really afraid you'll get caught…if you don't want to take a chance on getting fired, I'll step back…because I'll respect you for that. I know how much your job means to you.” “Thank you,” he said softly as he touched his forehead to hers. “But I think that's something I'm going to have to risk…I just don't think I'll have the strength to stay away from you in the long run. Like you said…we should live in the moment.” She grinned. “Definitely,” she said and the next thing she knew, his lips were on hers and she felt her whole body tingle from head to toe. Yes…this was what she wanted, she thought as she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on to him. He nibbled softly at her lips, loving the way they felt and tasted against his. Why did he ever think he could stay away from her? Maybe it was stupid…and maybe it would end just as badly this time around, but at least he knew he would live without any regrets or what ifs. There was still things she needed to tell him…things she deserved to know, but right now he would enjoy this first kiss with her in the stables with the smell of horses and hay surrounding them. Wanting more, she scrapped her teeth gently against his bottom lip, hoping to set him off. He didn't disappoint. On a deep groan he gripped her tighter against him and plunged his tongue urgently between the seams of her lips, causing her to meet him just as fiercely. She gasped when he plucked her off the ground with just one arm while the other gripped her hair while he continued to plunder. “Dallas,” she breathed urgently as she locked her legs around his waist. “Please.” He backed her up against the wooden walls of the stable, right between two stalls, neither of them paying mind to the two curious horses on either side of them. They were too involved with each other. His lips and tongue attacked her neck, while her hands made their way under his shirt and found a very broad and muscular back to explore. Merlin, what had she been missing in her very few and far between relationships? Where had all this passion been that was now exploding between her and Dallas? Had she always had this much passion inside her? She must have…Dallas was just the first one to bring it out of her. Thank god! And now she wanted even more. Dallas found her mouth again, tasting her over and over again until he thought he might pass out from it. It hadn't been like this before…even with his first…it had never been like this. He wanted Nora…needed her…so badly. How was that possible after only a matter of days of knowing her? He decided it didn't matter how, it only mattered that she was with him…and she obviously felt the same way. It would be so easy…to take her up against the stall, hard and fast. She wouldn't deny him…he was sure of that, all he had to do was take charge and send her over the edge. But he wouldn't do that to her. *Couldn't* do that to her. She deserved better than that, and even though they only had a short matter of weeks, he refused to rush things with her. He gave her one last long, drugging kiss, savoring the taste of her until they could be together again, before finally pulling away. “Nora,” he murmured out of breath as he placed his forehead against hers. “Wow.” She let out a breathless laugh. “That about sums it up…why are we exactly stopping though?” “Because I refuse to take you up against a wall like an animal…while animals are watching.” Nora blinked for a moment, then jumped when a huge horse nose nudged at her shoulder. She let out a laugh as she realized their surroundings. “I didn't even think about them.” “Me either…we were both too involved with each other.” He lightly trailed a finger down her cheek. “You better go…before your family comes looking for you.” She sighed longingly, but nodded her head in agreement as he set her down on her feet. “When will we see each other again?” He smiled as they walked out of the stables hand in hand, but once they were exposed he reluctantly let go. He wasn't going to take any chances. “Soon…it will have to be soon, because I can't wait too long.” “Soon then,” she said with a smile. “Glad you finally caved in.” He laughed. “You didn't give me much of a choice.” He then smiled warmly at her. “Thanks.” “Don't mention it,” she said before walking away while giving him a little wave. “See ya around, cowboy.” He just grinned as he watched her walk away, then once she was out of site; turned and headed back to the stables to finish taking care of Holly. “Sorry we left you high and dry, Holly…I'm sure you understand.” He gave her a pat before he finished up with her and then let her into her stalls that had hay and water, plus the other side opened up to the pasture if she wished to join some of the other horses. “Thanks for treating her good, Holly,” he said before closing the stall door behind her. He did a few other chores here and there, before it was finally time to close up. Luckily, he didn't have a sunset ride today so he got to leave home early. He pulled the two large double doors to the stable closed shut and just as he was giving it a few magical locks, a voice…the most beautiful voice in the world called out to him. He grinned when he turned around and saw his whole world running up to him. Her beautiful gold locks were flying behind her as her magical green eyes twinkled up at him while she held out her hands. He let out a laugh as he scooped her up and spun her around. “How's my girl?” “She's good!” she exclaimed after he gave her a big fat kiss on the mouth. “But I missed you, Daddy!” He smiled down at his daughter, who seemed to be growing up entirely too fast for him. Phoebe had just turned four this past May and he still couldn't believe it. “I've missed you, too, sweet-pea,” he said giving her a kiss on the nose. “Were you a good girl for Manny today?” he asked. Manny was the woman Dallas had hired her to help him take care of Phoebe when she was just a baby. Thank Merlin, for Manny. With his real parents back in Texas, she was like a second mother to him and a second grandmother to Phoebe. She was just as much a family to him, as his real family was. “I was really good…we went swimming!” “You look like you got some sun,” he said as he poked at her red cheeks. “You're my little mermaid, aren't you? Love the water.” She giggled as she snuggled close to him and he couldn't help but hold on tight. She was his miracle. She was the one good thing to come out of his disastrous relationship with Julie all those years ago. And she was the one thing that Dallas had to tell Nora about. That and what happened to Julie. He didn't know why, but he just felt like she deserved to know if they were going to continue seeing each other in secret. He just didn't know how Nora was going to take it. Would it freak her out? Would she want to stop seeing him? He couldn't see Nora reacting badly towards Phoebe, but if that was the case, then it was too bad for her, because no one was more important to him than Phoebe. --> 7. Chapter 6 ------------ **Here's an update! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for all your support!** ** ~HM** **Chapter 6** *This was the life*, Ava thought as she lazily swirled her fingers through the cool water of the pool. She was currently stretched out on a raft the resort provided and was floating aimlessly around one part of the ridiculously large pool. The raft came with a very handy drink holder, so she decided to order herself a fruity little alcoholic drink to satisfy her thirst. So what if it was in the middle of the day and so what if she went back to the house a little tipsy…she was, after all, on vacation. And on that note, she toasted herself and took another greedy sip, then sighed as she closed her eyes and relaxed under the sun. She could hear the sound of childish laugher and splashing from the other side of the pool. Somewhere…a baby was crying…probably got too much sun and now was in a much need for a nap. She heard birds chirping nearby and off in the distance she could hear the soft hum of a muggle plane flying somewhere overhead. Not too far from her, she heard a female giggle merged with a deep male chuckle, followed by a splash. “Peter!” She giggled. “Cut it out, you crazy person!” “I'm certainly crazy about you,” he murmured, followed by more giggling. “Let's go back to our room, we can…” His voice trailed off, and the girl giggled again. *Newlyweds,* Ava guessed with a smile. The tone of their voices was practically dripping with love. Peter and the giggling woman, reminded her of her parents. They were far from newlyweds, but they certainly never stopped acting like ones. She found it sweet and endearing most of the times, but she had been guilty of rolling her eyes at their lovey-doveyness now and again. However, she hoped one day she'd have that same connection with the man she'd end up marrying. She thought of Liam, and wondered if she could have that type of connection with him. She shook it out of her mind almost immediately…their relationship was too fresh to worry about that. She'd just take it one day at a time. Liam had decided to spend his day over at the Quidditch pitch for the third day in a row. She went to watch him on the first day for support, but found it too tedious, which had surprised her since going to a Quidditch match back at school was one of her favorite memories. Perhaps it was because of the heat…it was just too dang hot to sit out there all damn day. So, she'd told him she'd be at the pool instead and he seemed okay with it. Almost *too* okay with it…like he wanted to get rid of her. No…that was stupid to think. He just really liked playing Quidditch and he was on vacation, too, and had the right to spend it any way he wanted. Besides, it had only been four days since they arrived…they had plenty of time to do things together. And with that said, she picked up her empty drink and thought, `What the hell?' and tapped the rim of the glass three times. She grinned when her glass magically began to fill up to the rim with strawberry daiquiri. She wiggled in anticipation and just as she was about to take her first sip…her whole world turned upside down…literally. It happened so fast she didn't even see it coming. One second, she was perfectly dry, enjoying the warm rays of the sun, the next, her raft toppled over and she was submerged under the cold water. She already knew who it was before she even resurfaced, only one person would be low enough to do something so sneaky. She was cursing his name the moment she was able to resurface and draw in her first breath. “Malfoy! You little shit!” Dameon was laughing so hard he thought he might pass out. Her back was to him, so she didn't' even see who it was. She had known it had been him and that pleased him immensely. “Sorry,” he managed to gasp out and she spun angrily around to face him. “I saw you lying there…looking peaceful, I almost didn't go through with it….” He had also spent a decent amount of time admiring the crimson red bikini that adorned her body. It had slightly agitated him to find out that little A.J….the girl who had been his constant annoyance most of his life…had one fantastic body. However, he would not be telling her this anytime soon. “Then I thought, `Why on earth would I do that?' I mean, come on…one of my most favorite pleasures in life is to make you mad…I couldn't pass this wonderful opportunity that presented itself.” “You're an idiot,” she snapped back. “And you owe me a drink,” she added as she held up her glass, which was now filled with pool water. When he only laughed harder, she threw the contents right in his face. Dameon flinched, and sputtered out profanities as he wiped his face. He lifted a brow at her pleasing chuckle. “You now know this means war…so you better start swimming, Potter.” As soon as she saw the gleam in his eyes, she took off towards the other side of the pool, fully knowing it was only a matter of time before he caught up with her. She let out a yelp when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist and tugged her back like a rag doll against his chest. “Malfoy!” she shrieked as she wiggled against him. “Let me…ahhh!” Her pleas were cut off when he body tackled them both into the water. He didn't let her go when they were underwater, only held on tighter as she continued to squirm against him. He finally shot them to the surface and was pleasantly surprised when she was laughing, instead of cursing at him. “Having fun yet?” “A blast,” she sputtered and tried to move away, but it was useless…his arms were so strong it was like being held down by iron. “Are you going to let me go?” “Hmm,” he pondered for a moment. “Maybe in a minute,” he said and lifted her up before throwing them both back under the surface. She was having the time of her life…with Malfoy of all people! She couldn't quite believe it and decided not to think too much about it and enjoy the moment. They'd probably go back to hating each other soon enough. After a few more tackles, he reluctantly let her go and the fight turned to petty splashes and quick dunks while shrieks and laughter consumed them both. They hardly noticed the people around them watching their fight with amusement and certainly were too involved with each other to hear the nearby older woman commenting to her friend what a cute couple they were. “Truce,” Ava laughed as she held up her hands. “My eyes are starting to get irritated and I think I've swallowed about a gallon of water.” Dameon grinned as he pushed back his wet hair. “Okay, truce,” he agreed, slightly out of breath. “I was winning, though.” Ava let out a snort as she sunk herself lower into the water “You're so full of yourself, Malfoy.” “Naturally.” He followed suit and dipped down so they were eye level. “Where's boy wo…I mean, Liam,” he corrected when he saw the flash of anger in her eyes. “Quidditch pitch,” she said before dunking under the water to sooth her hair back. “Again?” he asked after she resurfaced. “Didn't he go yesterday? And the day before that?” “Yeah, so?” She gave her best careless shrug. “He likes playing Quidditch.” “So do I, but I don't have to play it every second of every day.” He reached over and gave her hair a playful tug. “And I'm especially not interested in playing if I have a pretty girl at my disposal.” Ava blinked. “Did you just call me…*pretty*?” Dameon cocked his head. “Well, sure…just because we bump heads, A.J., doesn't mean I don't have eyes. You're very pretty and it somewhat pisses me off that Liam doesn't appreciate that or you. Ah now, look at that? I've made you blush.” That only made her blush even more profusely. “Knock it off, Malfoy. This side of you is making me nervous.” “Should I apologize, then?” “Yes…I mean no…oh, never mind…I don't know what I'm saying.” Dameon fought back grin. “I see.” “It's getting late,” she said as she stepped uneasily away from him. “Liam might be back at the house wondering where I am.” “Oh, we mustn't keep Liam waiting,” he said sarcastically, but followed Ava to the silver ladder on the side of the pool. “Shut your pie-hole, Malfoy,” she said as she darted a look over her shoulder before she pulled herself up. “Cute,” he said as he tried not to admire her backside when he followed up behind her. “Thanks,” she said with a smirk. “I thought so.” Dameon returned the smirk and then thought seriously about pushing her back in the pool, but before he could take action, Ava gasped in pain before crumbling to the ground. “What?” he asked in a blind panic as he immediately crouched to her side. “What is it? Are you all right?” “No, I'm not all right!” she shouted at him while she plopped down on her butt and grabbed her foot. “I stepped on a wasp!” Dameon winced in sympathy, but his blind panic quickly lessened into extreme concern. “That must hurt.” “You think!” she snapped back then let out a string of profanities that had Dameon lift a brow. “I think I have the right to curse, okay Malfoy?” “No doubt…just didn't know you were so creative.” He shifted himself and snuck his arm around her waist and lifted her hand around her neck. “C'mon let me help you up.” She had opened her mouth to argue the fact that she was perfectly capable of getting up herself, but he had her up on her feet so quickly she hadn't had the chance. She did have the chance to object when he started to lift her in his arms. “Stop that,” she said as she struggled away from him. “I can walk my damn self. I'm not invalid.” “Well then,” he said stepping back and sweeping his arm out. “By all means…walk.” Ava lifted her chin, squared her shoulders and took the first step with her throbbing foot and the pain shot straight up her leg, causing her to wince in pain. Refusing to accept the fact that she probably did need help, she began to hop on one foot. Dameon rolled his eyes. “Stubborn woman,” he said as he caught up to her in too easy strides and then scooped her up into his arms, ignoring her shrieks and protests. “You're being ridiculous, A.J. I'm not going to let you hop all the way to the house, so just…shut your pie-hole.” Ava slanted her eyes up at him. “I hate you.” “Yeah, we've established that fact long ago,” he said in a bored voice. “Now, where are your things?” When she only crossed her arms and pouted, Dameon simply walked to the edge of the pool and dangled her over it. “Oh, yes I would,” he answered when Ava gave him her famous “you wouldn't dare” look. Ava sighed in defeat and then pointed over to the lounge chair on the other side of the pool that held all her things she had brought with her. She ignored his smug look as he began to carry her over to the pool as she also tried to ignore the amount of his bare skin, touching her bare skin. Entirely too much. And bloody hell, he was strong. He plucked her off her feet as if she weighed as much as a bag full of feathers. The thought of that made an unwanted tremble rush through her body. “Cold?” he asked as he set her down on the lounge. “No,” she said through her teeth as she grabbed her bag and pulled out her cover-up. “I'll be right back…I have to go get my shoes that I kicked off before.” He pointed a finger at her. “Don't move…I'll just have to scoop you up again.” She shivered again and that only pissed her off even more. “I think we've established the fact that I can't walk on it…just go get your crap, I'll be here.” He just grinned as he walked off to grab his shoes. The lady was in a pissy mood, which was no surprise to him. She wasn't the type of girl to get hysterical on you when she hurt herself, like most females. She got pissed off and annoyed when she had no choice but to depend on others. It was one of the few things he liked about her. When he came back, she was sitting on the edge of the lounge with her arms crossed in front of her chest with her bag over her shoulder. She had thrown on a white cover-up that didn't cover up much since he could still see her long tanned legs. Merlin, she had some legs on her. He didn't even ask if she was ready. After giving her a quick glance over, he simply bent over and easily cradled her in his arms again. His very strong, well defined arms that seemed to make her feel warm and safe. Absurd, she thought as she quickly pushed that disturbing thought away. Absolutely absurd. “How's the foot?” he asked as they walked out of the pool area. “Throbs like a bitch,” she muttered. Dameon grinned. “Well, I'm sure there's something back at the house that will help.” “There's an emergency kit at the house…I'll know how to deal with it.” “Ah, that's right…Healer in training. Are you going to Healing school next year?” “That's my plan,” she said as he headed towards the house. “I've been accepted to a few schools in England, but…” “But what?” “The school in London is the hardest to get accepted to,” she admitted as she bit her lip. “I still haven't heard from them yet, but I hope to soon.” “You don't think you'll get in?” She shrugged. “Only a select few are accepted…it's very likely I will, but I had to at least try.” “Well…I don't see why you wouldn't…you're a geek to the core, A.J.” “Was that supposed to be a compliment?” she asked skeptically. He chuckled. “Yes, actually…what I meant to say was, you're super smart and they'd be idiots not to take you. Was that better?” She pondered for a moment. “I suppose,” she finally said and a sudden wave of pleasure swept through her from his surprisingly kind words. “Thank you, Dameon.” Since it was always a shock to hear her call him by his first name, he stopped a moment to look at her and he could tell that she was actually genuine about it. “You're welcome, Ava.” Ava's mouth parted slightly in surprise. He never called her Ava. Never. It was always A.J. or Grace or even Potter, but never Ava. And why did the sound of her real name coming from his lips made her heart quiver violently in her chest. Even now…as he continued to look at her in a way no one had before, made her whole body tremble and her breath start to shallow. Oh god…this was not good. Not good at all. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” Ava and Dameon both snapped their attention away from each other and stared at a very angry looking Liam who was stalking over to them. “Liam!” Ava exclaimed as she tried to wiggle herself out of Dameon's arms. Dameon only held on to her tighter. “Kelson,” he said stiffly. “Finished with Quidditch, then?” “Why in the bloody hell are you holding *my* girlfriend?” he asked ignoring his question. “You put her down this instant!” “Or what?” he asked with a snort. “You going to kick my ass, Kelson?” “Shut up, Malfoy, you're not helping!” Ava exclaimed as she tried to get down. So, she was back to Malfoy, was she? Fair enough. “Stop with the dramatics, A.J. I'm not putting you down.” “The hell you're not!” Liam exclaimed as he took a threatening step towards them. “Get your hands off her, Malfoy.” “Liam, it's not what it looks like,” Ava said in a quiet calming tone. “I stepped on a wasp by the pool and it hurt too bad to walk, okay? He was just carrying me home. It's completely harmless.” Liam clenched his teeth. There was nothing harmless about the way Malfoy was looking at her…or the way she was looking at him. “Fine, then…I'll carry you the rest of the way.” “Don't bother…I've got her.” Dameon held her even tighter. “Why don't you just go back and play Quidditch…wouldn't want you to miss anything exciting.” “For your information…I am done for the day.” He reached over and grabbed Ava's arm. “I'll take her from here.” “Malfoy, just drop it, okay?” she asked in a pleading voice. “Fine,” he said as he practically threw her in Liam's arms. “Be my guest.” Liam stumbled back slightly when she was in his arms and Ava could tell holding her wasn't quite as easy for him. It only made her remember how much more stronger Dameon felt than Liam. “Let's go,” she said to Liam, wanting to get away before there were any more confrontations. “My foot is still killing me.” Dameon watched them walk away and then spun around and stalked the other way, hoping to walk off his anger. He chose one of the closet trails, but didn't give time to look at the scenery that surrounded him. He kept his head down the whole way as he tried to calm himself down. He wanted to punch the son of a bitch. Wanted to punch him in his fucking smug face. What the hell did she see in him? Everyone knew what a freaking loser he was, why couldn't A.J. see it? And what the hell happened back there between him and Ava? The way he stared at her like that was uncanny. He had tried to look away from her, but just couldn't seem to do it. It was as if he was in a trance. And for one moment, he had wondered what it would be like to kiss her. What would she do if he bent his head down and covered her mouth with his? It was only for an instant…and it was stupid to even think about it, but he now knew it was too late. Now that he did think about what it would be like to kiss Ava James Potter…he was going to have a very difficult time forgetting about it. --> 8. Chapter 7 ------------ **Okay kids…here's a pretty long update. Hope you enjoy it and the next will be up as soon as I can manage. I know kind of where to go next, but the next few weeks are going to be busy…just fair warning. For now…enjoy this update and keep up the great reviews. They only inspire me to keep on writing so the more the better! Thanks a bunch.** **Much Love.** **~HM** **Chapter 7** Dallas had just finished taking a few guests on an extra long trail ride and he was hot, sweaty and exhausted. All he wanted to do now was go back to his cabin, give his Phoebe a hug and a kiss, open a nice cold beer and plop on his couch and watch his Texas Rangers take on the Yankees. That would have to wait for now, he still had his horses to tend to and that wasn't something he rushed with. The horses were his responsibility and it wasn't something he took lightly. So, Phoebe's hug and kisses, a cold beer and baseball were currently put on hold. “Okay Delilah,” he murmured to the gray speckled mare one of the guests had ridden. “Let's take that heavy saddle off you, girl.” Unsaddling and tending to his horses was a very easy, mindless task for him. His mind tended to wander a lot and today…surprise, surprise…it wandered to Nora. Merlin, he wanted his hands on her again. Wanted to feel that long willowy body wrapped tightly around him while he feasted on that pouty full mouth. God, but she tasted sweet and her taste was something that stayed permanently inside him for the last few days. Had it really been only two days? It felt like an eternity. If she didn't come see him soon he was going to have to track her down himself. After slipping off the bridal of the last horse, he replaced it with a halter, than sighed as he placed his forehead against the geldings. He couldn't stop thinking about her…and that meant trouble. “What's troubling you, Cowboy?” Dallas lifted his head and couldn't seem to stop the blush that crept up into his cheeks when he saw Nora standing a few feet away from him. It was mortifying! Dallas Cosgrove never blushed! She had caught him off guard while he was practically mooning over her, than one second she was there in front of him. Looking all pretty and fresh in her white cotton blouse and yellow flowing skirt that skimmed the top of her knees. “Nora…Hey, I was just…finishing up.” He cleared his throat as he stepped back from the horse. “Just finished a trail ride.” Well, well, well…the man was flustered. Wasn't that interesting? And rather adorable. “Yes I know…I ran into Aunt Tasha and Uncle Draco…they had a really nice time.” “Aunt Tasha and…oh right, the Malfoys. They were good riders. Mr. Malfoy…he was a big nervous at first, although he tried his best to hide it, but eventually he got the hang of it. Your aunt was a natural though. She rode Maverick here,” he said as he gave the sorrel a little pat. “My aunt thinks you're hot.” Dallas blinked. “I beg your pardon?” Nora grinned. “My aunt?” she repeated. “She thinks you're one tasty morsel.” “Oh. Well, I…hmm,” he ended when he didn't know exactly what to say to that. “And now I've embarrassed you,” she giggled as she took a step closer to him. “Embarrassed? No, of course….well…maybe a little.” “I have to agree with her though.” She slinked up against him and circled her arms around his neck. Dallas lifted a brow as he settled his hands on her hips. “You think I'm a tasty morsel?” “Well, I've already had a little taste,” she reminded him as she leaned up and took a nip out of his chin. He swallowed a groan. “So you have,” he managed as he pulled her closer. “Care for another sample?” “Yes please,” she said with a teasing grin as she lifted her mouth to his. She had expected the kiss to be soft, maybe a little playful, but instead his mouth crushed roughly against hers and devoured. That was the only word she could think of to describe what he was doing to her. He was devouring her….like she was the tasty morsel instead. All she could do was hold on tight for the ride while she let herself be taken. On a desperate moan, she slid her fingers up in his hair, causing his faded blue cap he always wore, to fall to the ground unnoticed. Dallas groaned as he lifted her off her feet and stumbled his way into the tack room just to be sure they weren't seen. He backed her against the far wall and pinned her there with his body and let his hands run free of her body. He cupped, molded and caressed every inch of her while he continued to taste her mouth with long, deep satisfying kisses. “You know,” Nora breathed when his mouth finally left hers to travel down her long angular neck. “I came to see you for a reason.” “Other than this?” he chuckled as he hands snug under her blouse. Nora gasped when his large, rough hands cupped her breasts. “Oh my…mmm…no…I mean not only this…” Another gasp escaped her when his thumbs brushed her nipples. When did he unfasten her bra? Wow…he was good. “And *this* is fantastic, but…” Her eyes fluttered closed when his lips and tongue ventured down to the vee of her blouse.. “I was coming to tell you something…ahh…oh, God.” “Can it wait?” he murmured as he tugged the material of her blouse away and rubbed his lips against the soft skin between her breasts. “I'm somewhat busy at the moment.” His mouth then covered her breasts, causing her to cry out and arch her back. “Yes,” she gasped as she gripped his hair. “Take your time.” “That's very generous of you,” he said before moving attention to the other breast. She couldn't say anything else…she had never felt like this before. Mike, her last serious boyfriend, had done this to her many of times and although she had gotten the occasional shiver now and then…it did nothing for her. Dallas, however, knew what he was doing as an urgent need started to spread through her like wildfire. When she finally couldn't take it anymore, she sobbed his name while she tugged his head back to her, desperate to have his mouth on hers again. As she dragged him back up, Dallas trailed his busy mouth up her neck and along her jaw before they finally captured her lips. The kiss was hard, fast, anxious, before suddenly turning unbearably soft, deep and silky. Nora could practically feel her insides melting like hot wax as she let him take her under. Dallas groaned softly when he finally made himself pull away from her. Pulling away from her was getting harder to do. Next time he just might not find the strength. “Okay,” he murmured as he traced a finger along her bottom lip. “What did you want to tell me?” She was trembling. Her whole body shook with need from his all too talented mouth and hands, and from the look of the pleasing smirk on his face…he knew it. “I…I forgot.” “Hmm…well, take your time remembering” he said as he nuzzled her neck. She sighed and held her close. “Well…that doesn't help when…oh…now I remember…tomorrow night…oh…wow, that feels good,” she slipped in when his tongue and teeth started teasing her earlobe. “That's the idea…what about tomorrow night?” “Hmm? Oh…right…tomorrow night…we…I mean my sister and…and…oh, cut it out…I can't think properly when you're doing that.” He chuckled as he pulled away. “Fair enough,” he said and gave her a quick kiss before pushing himself away from her. Nora immediately readjusted her blouse in place and gave him a smirk when she fastened back her bra. “You have a way with your hands, cowboy.” He flashed a grin. “Thanks. Let's get out of here so I'm not tempted to muddle you up again. Nora followed him out and watched him take Maverick by his harness and led him towards the stables. “Do you ever go to that wizard pub down at the base of the mountain?” Nora asked once he came back. “Bar,” he corrected with a grin. “Us Yanks over here call it a bar…not a pub.” She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, cowboy…you know what I meant.” He chuckled and playfully tugged her hair. “Yes, I've been there. The owner is a friend of mine…are you and your family planning on going there tomorrow night?” “Yes…well, just A.J….my sister…and Dameon.” The two walked out of the barn and into the bright sun and sat down on a wooden bench near the corral. “The rest of the family are coming here on Saturday and we kind of wanted to give our parents a night to themselves before the chaos began. Dameon had heard about the pub…excuse me….*bar*…from one of the other guests and suggested it. Sounded fun…and different, so we're going to go. I wanted to come by and see if you wanted to join us.” He smiled softly. “Nora…I'd love to, but…I don't know if it be safe…” “I don't mean go with us,” she corrected. “I just meant…maybe we'll accidentally bump into you over there. There's no harm in that, right?” “I guess not,” he said with a grin. “And it gives me a chance to be with you.” “Great,” she said and gave his hand a quick squeeze. “I'll see you there then.” “Sure…er…does your family know about us?” “My sister does,” she admitted after a moment. “A.J. and I are pretty close and don't hide keep secrets…and Dameon, but not because I told him…he figured it out himself. He's very observant.” “I see…is Dameon the one you ran to the day we met?” Her eyes brightened in remembrance. “Yes, that's him…I forgot about that. It didn't take long for him to figure out that I liked you…teased me about it relentlessly.” “I thought he was your boyfriend.” Nora lifted a brow. “Really now? Well…that's interesting. Were you jealous?” “Maybe,” he admitted reluctantly. “A bit…okay, a lot. Big time jealous.” “Aww,” she said as she lightly touched his cheek. “That's sweet…but completely unnecessary. He has his eye on my younger sister…although he doesn't realize it yet. The two fight constantly…you can practically feel the sexual tension between them.” “Well, that should be interesting to watch,” he said after awhile. “Looking forward to it.” “Just a matter of time until it happens,” she said with a shake of her head. “A.J. has a boyfriend now…who by the way is an asshole…another warning…sure you want to come now?” “Are you going to still go?” “Definitely.” “Then I'll risk it.” “Good…I better go for now.” She got up on her feet and he followed. “See you tomorrow night then.” “Nora?” he called out when she was at the end of the trail leading to the barn. “Yes?” she asked as she turned around. “I want a day with you,” he said as he slid his hands in his pockets. “I know you're family is coming in and you'll be busy, but I still want a day with you. Soon.” Nora let out a shaky breath as she felt her heart start to tremble. The way he was looking at her made her knees practically turn to jelly. “Okay,” she finally said. “I'll see what I can do. Soon.” And with that said she quickly turned back around and made herself walk briskly away before she decided to do something stupid. Like drag him back inside and let him have his way with her on a nice pile of hay. XXX “Put the jeans down and slowly back away,” Nora warned as she strolled into her sister's room. Ava, who was sitting on the edge of the bed with one leg halfway through her jeans, looked up startled. “Huh?” Nora walked over and whipped the denim out of her hands. “You're not wearing jeans tonight, sis,” she told her as she tossed them aside. “Oh really? And just what exactly am I wearing?” Nora grinned and pulled out a bright red dress she had behind her back. “This.” Ava's jaw dropped. “I…I can't wear that,” she protested as she stood up dressed only in her bra and knickers. “It's a dress!” Nora rolled her eyes. “Honestly, A.J., it's not going to kill you…it's just going to show off those killer legs of yours.” Ava frowned when she held the dress up to her and looked down. “It's too short.” “Nonsense,” she argued as she pushed her sister over to the full-length mirror. “It's perfect for you…which is why I got it.” “You got this for me?” she asked as she fingered the satin material. It *did* feel nice and soft against her skin…and red *was* her signature color. “It's kind of pretty, I guess.” “Kind of? It's a knock-out.” She handed the dress to her and patted her shoulder. “Dameon's tongue is going to fall to the floor.” Ava immediately blushed at the thought as she met her sister's eyes in the mirror. “Really? You really think…wait…Dameon? Don't you mean Liam?” Nora gave her a wide innocent look. “Oh, how silly of me…of course I meant Liam.” Ava narrowed her eyes at her, not buying it for a second. “Uh-huh…sure you did.” “Minor slip up,” she said casually as she waved it off. “Besides, you didn't even notice the slip up at first…you even blushed.” “I did not,” she argued, slightly mortified. “Okay sweetie,” she said almost mockingly. “Now get dressed…I have to go and finish looking just as fabulous for Dallas. See you downstairs in half an hour.” Ava opened her mouth to argue, but found herself alone in her room before she could find the words. She scowled at the door, then at the dress, before turning back to the mirror to admire it. She sighed as she looked over at Baxter who was curled up on her pillow on her bed. “What do you think Bax?” she asked as she held it out for him. “Think I should wear this ridiculous thing?” When he only responded by letting out a lazy hiss as he opened one eye, she rolled her eyes, knowing he hated being bothered while he slept. “Fine…you're no help. Well…wouldn't hurt to try it on,” she said and took a deep breath before sliding herself into the dress. XXXX “What the devil is taking her so long?” Dameon asked frustrated as he got up from the couch in the den where everyone was waiting. “It never takes her this long…she's usually the first one ready.” “I'm sure she'll be down in a minute,” Hermione assured him, who was sitting on the loveseat with her husband. “It takes awhile for a girl to get ready, Dameon,” Natasha said looking up at her son who had been sitting next to her. “You know that.” “Right,” Draco agreed. “I've learn to be patient over the years, son, might as well get use to it. Girls primp and slather on war paint to drive us all mad. Your mum is quite talented at it.” “Naturally,” she grinned. Dameon rolled his eyes. “A.J.'s different…she doesn't fuss with that stuff…and the fact that she's taking longer than *Nora*…is just not normal.” Nora narrowed her eyes at her. “Was that an insult?” “No, just an observation.” Nora nodded in approval. “Good. And as for A.J….She's just nervous because I'm making her wear a dress.” “A dress?” both Dameon and Liam asked at the same time. Liam, who had been sitting on the winged chairs, was now paying attention. “You made her wear a dress?” he asked intrigued and looked up towards the stairs. “Like an actual dress that will show of her legs and…” He cleared his throat and swallowed the rest of his words when Mr. Potter glared at him. “Er…I mean…that's great. She never wears dresses.” Dameon scowled at him as well, before glaring at Nora. “Why on earth did you feel the need to...bloody hell,” he blurted out when he glanced up to see Ava standing at the foot of the stairs. She was in a dress, all right…a brilliant red dress that had very little fabric that left little to the imagination on what exactly was underneath. And her legs…Merlin, they practically went all the way up to her ears. Her hair was pinned up, which he didn't think he would like, but found himself admiring her exposed neck and shoulders and couldn't stop the quick image flash in his mind of him pressing his lips against that enticing, long neck. “Wow,” Liam said as he nudged Dameon aside before going to her. “You look amazing.” Dameon stumbled a bit and glared angrily at the way Liam's hands were traveling up and down her arm. He had to clench his hands in tight fists to keep him from doing something that would cause a scene. Like going over there and ramming his fist down the bastard's throat. He tensed up when he felt someone come beside him, but relaxed when it was only Uncle Harry. “Are you going to let her go out like that?” Harry sighed as he tried not to notice the wicked gleam in Liam's eyes when he looked at his little girl. “I'd rather stick hot needles in my eye than let her go out like that…but that's just the overprotective dad talking. She looks beautiful.” He glared his eyes when he watched them share a quick kiss. “But do me a favor and keep an eye on her tonight. I think you're the only guy I'd be able to trust with her dressed like that.” Dameon gulped. If he only knew. “S-sure, Uncle Harry. It be my pleasure to keep an eye on her…and an even closer eye on Liam.” “Good idea.” “Well,” Nora said as she stood up. “Now that we're all here…let's get this night started.” Harry gave Dameon a wink before going over to pull his little girl away from Liam…at least long enough to give her a hug and a kiss. “You look beautiful, pumpkin.” Ava blushed. “Really? I don't look ridiculous?” “Far from it,” he said as he tapped her nose with his finger. “Have fun tonight…and be careful.” “Don't I always?” she asked as she walked with him to the door with the others walking and chatting behind them. “And you have enjoy taking advantage of your last peaceful night with Mum before the bedlam begins.” He chuckled. “We will…love you,” he said giving her a kiss on the cheek. His beaming face turned immediately sober when Liam walked passed him. “Liam.” That was all he said…he figured the death glare he was giving him was enough. “Er…Mr. Potter,” he stuttered before making a quick escape. Harry gave a quick roll with his eyes, before giving a quick grin to Dameon as he patted him on the back while he past. “Have fun, kid.” “I'll do my best,” he said to him then gave his mum a quick kiss and a hug to his dad. “You two have fun tonight…don't wait up.” Draco grinned. “We won't.” Dameon chuckled as he walked off with just Nora lingering behind him. She gave a kiss and a hug to Natasha and Draco, before turning to her parents. “Have a good time…relax and enjoy the night…and don't worry about us.” “Just be careful, munchkin,” Harry said as he ran a hand down her hair. “Don't stay out, too late, okay?” “We'll try not to,” she said with a teasing smile and gave them all little wave over her shoulder as she walked away from them. “Bye.” Harry and Hermione, and Draco and Natasha waved them goodbye at the door until they rounded the corner and out of sight. Then, they looked at each other with knowing smirks before darting back inside and slammed the door shut. Female giggles and male laughter erupted between the four of them as they darted up the first set of stairs to the second floor and rounded the corner to the door leading the stairs to their suites. Draco made it to the door a second before Harry, but he retaliated by shoving Draco aside and dragged his wife through the door before them. “You Potters always play dirty!” Draco laughed as he and Natasha were just behind him. “Sore loser,” Harry said as he opened the door to their suites while Hermione wiggled her eyebrows at Natasha as she let herself be pulled into the room. To be continued… --> 9. Chapter 8 ------------ **Hey guys! Thanks for the awesome reviews, as always! Here's another update! Hope you guys enjoy!** **Much love!** **~HM** **Chapter 8** Dameon wanted to strangle Liam…along with every other guy in the crowded bar, who had his eyes on A.J. The only wizard he didn't feel the need to strangle was Dallas, because he only had eyes for Nora. He had already been there when they had arrived and happened to have a private reserved booth for them. “I'm good friends with the owner,” Dallas explained when they all crawled into the booth that was just a little snug with the five of them. “I know, it's a little tight…but it's a busy night and this was the best he could do. To make it up, he ordered us a bottle of champagne,” he added as he gestured to the silver bucket that held a bottle perched in ice to keep it chilled. “That was nice of him,” Nora said as she snuggled closer to him, but was secretly thankful the booth was small so she had an excuse to get close. Dallas seemed to agree and placed a hand over her bare knee under the table and slowly swept his thumb in gentle circles. Ava tried not to squirm in her seat. Somehow, she found herself sitting between Liam and Dameon in the tight booth. Her right side, which was touching Dameon, felt warm and safe and leaning into that warmth felt so natural she kept catching herself doing just that. As for her left side…nothing. Not one flutter or stir swept through her when she concentrated on Liam's touch. Dammit. “I've never had champagne before,” she finally said as she tried her best to ignore Dameon on her right. “Is it good?” “I think so,' Nora said while Dallas poured her a glass. “I had some at a friend's wedding back in the spring.” “Pace yourself though,” Dallas warned as he handed her the next glass. “Too much, too fast, can be lethal.” “Dually noted,” she said accepting the drink. “Thanks.” “Sure…here you go Liam,” he said handing out a glass to him. Liam scoffed at it. “Champagne's a girly drink,” he said in protest. “I'll pass.” “The hell it is,” Dameon scoffed right back. “Hand it over, Cosgrove.” “You got it,” he said shifting the glass to Dameon instead. “Liam, if you're too good for free champagne, then go to the bar and pay for your own…*manly* drink.” “Fine,” he said with a roll of his eyes. Why were they even hanging out with him? He was hired help for Merlin's sake. “Let's go, A.J.” “What? No,” she protested when he tried to take her hand. “I want to stay and drink champagne. Just…go get your drink and come back.” Liam scowled. He hated when she didn't do as he asked, which was pretty often considering how damn stubborn she was. It was one of the many traits of hers that he hoped to change in the near future. “Whatever,” he said stiffly. “I'll be at the bar…this booth is a little too crowded anyway. Come find me when you want to.” “Liam…” “Oh, let the ungrateful prat go,” Dameon said as he nudged her to scoot over. She had been way too close to him and her scent was clouding his mind. He felt as if he had already drunken an entire bottle of champagne. “Stop shoving, I'm moving,” she grumbled as she happily shifted over to where Liam was sitting to give them all more room. However, Dallas and Nora didn't budge and still sat close together. “I'm sorry about Liam…he can get like that when he's in one of his moods.” “So I guess that means he's always in a mood,” Dameon said. “The guy's a jerk, A.J.” “Just drop it, okay?” she hissed. “I'm sorry you two don't get along, but that's just the way it is. He's different when he's just with me.” “Oh, I just bet he is,” he muttered softly, but still loud enough for her to hear. When Dallas saw A.J. scowl, he immediately cleared his throat and held up his glass. “Er…how bout a toast,” he said, hoping to change the subject. “Cheers ya'll.” When they all stifled back chuckles and snickers, he rolled his eyes, knowing they were laughing at his southern twang that slipped out of him now and then. “I'm a Texan…I can't help it.” XXXX Between the four of them, they knocked out the first bottle fairly quickly and Dameon insisted on buying the next bottle. “You can get the next round,” Dameon said when Dallas started to protest. “Deal?” “Okay, deal,” he agreed after a moment then waved over their waitress. “I love champagne,” Ava said with a giggle. “It's so…bubbly and refreshing.” “I have a feeling we're going to be running into Grace tonight,” Dameon teased, as he filled up her glass. Ava responded by slapping him in the arm, but then went ahead and chuckled in agreement. “You're probably right.” Dameon just grinned and as he took a sip, his eyes casted over to Nora and Dallas. They were in their own little world, leaning close together as they murmured intimately to each other. They weren't touching, but noticed both of their hands they weren't using to drink with, were hidden under the table. “Hey,” he said to Ava in a low voice as he leaned closer to her. “Why don't we make ourselves scarce…give the two love monkeys some alone time.” Ava looked over at them, and her eyes turned soft. “Yeah…that's a good idea. Should we tell them we're going or should we just…go.” “I don't think they'll miss us. Let's just go.” He then scooted out of the booth and stepped down the two steps off the platform the booth was on. He turned around just in time to reach out and grab Ava, who had tripped on the stairs, causing her to pitch forward and stumble into his arms. “Aww, there you are, Grace,” he teased, smiling down at her. Ava blushed as she tried to find her footing. “It's the shoes,” she said as she took a step back. “Grace should be banned from wearing heels.” “That may be,” he said looking down at her. “But they sure do show off her legs.” Although an exciting flutter erupted in her belly, she rolled her eyes. “You're so full of it, Malfoy,” she muttered, then turned to walk off, only to be yanked back. “Hey!” She had stumbled a bit, so he steadied her by grabbing her arms. “Where are you going?” “To find Liam,” she said as she shrugged off his hands. He shoved his hands into his pockets. “Why?” “Because I want to, Malfoy…he said to come find him at the bar.” “Oh, well in that case…we must do as Liam says.” “Ugh, leave me alone,” she muttered, then turned away and fled. She had to get away from him. She didn't know if it was the champagne…or maybe it was because he smelled exceptionally good tonight…but he was making her head spin. Then, she had to make matters worse by tripping into his arms like an idiot. Merlin, it felt good being pressed up against him like that…his body all warm, hard and masculine. It was the champagne, she decided as she shoved her way to the crowded bar to Liam. What else could it be? Putting Dameon out of her mind, she elbowed her way between Liam and another guy and tapped him on the shoulder since he was talking to another girl. “Liam?” “Hmm?” He turned and his eyes went hard and cool. “Oh. Hey. Decided to finally join me?” “C'mon Liam…you're the one who chose to leave me in the first place.” “Hmm…well I'll be with you in a second. I'm talking to Dede about our match tomorrow.” “Match?” “Yes, I've been playing Quidditch with her…and other guys. Buy yourself a drink…put it on my tab.” Ava's jaw dropped when he turned his attention back to the blonde, who was not so attractive in Ava's opinion. She had a hell of a big nose and could her voice be any more annoying? All high pitch and nasally. With scowl on her face, she turned to the bar and waved over the bartender. A tall, attractive man with dirty blonde hair and an easy smile walked over to her. “What can I do for you, sweetheart?” “I'd like a drink…and put it on my boyfriend's tab, please.” The man looked over at Liam, then back at the girl. “He's your boyfriend? And he's talking to another girl?” “Looks that way.” “Well then…what would you like?” “Surprise me…and use all the good, expensive stuff.” He grinned. “My pleasure, cutie,” he said as he got out a few different bottles and started mixing. “My names Tanner, by the way…I own the place.” “Oh, so you know, Dallas…I came with him. Well…sort of. Mostly my sister.” She waved it off. “Anyway, thanks for the champagne…it was delicious.” “My pleasure.” He slid her a fancy glass that was filled to the rim with a liquid that was a light green shade. “Have a taste.” Ava looked at it warily. “It looks like something I'd brew in Potions,” she said, causing him to chuckle. “Well…here goes.” She took a testing sip, smacked her lips, and then lifted her brows. “It's good…really good.” She took another sip, a much longer, greedier one. “What is it?” “Sour Apple Martini…made with all the expensive shit.” “Nice job, Tanner.” “Thanks, A.J.” Ava frowned. “Did I mention my name?” “No, but I remember Dallas talking about Nora's sister, A.J. But mostly…he talks about Nora. He's stuck on her.” Ava grinned. “I can assure you, she's stuck on him as well.” “Good. He deserves it. Listen, I need to man the other end of the bar…you just let me know when you need a refill.” “I'll do that,” she said with a slight smile and took another sip. When she heard Dede laugh, she looked over and rolled her eyes. He was being an ass on purpose, hoping she'd eventually give in and try to soften him up. Hadn't he figured out yet that she didn't work that way? It was Liam who eventually apologized, giving her that charming smile, or send her flowers to win her over. It would take more than a charming smile and a bouquet of flowers this time around. Maybe everyone was right about him. Maybe she was wasting her time. But…he could be so sweet when he wanted to be and that always pleasantly surprised her. And he also has been patient with her when it came to sex…something she wasn't ready to do. He hadn't pressured her once since they've been together. A little frustrated now and again, especially that one night a few weeks ago when she almost gave in, but changed her mind at the last minute. That couldn't have been easy for him, but he backed away as soon as she asked him to. So...he wasn't so bad. Nobody was perfect. Not that she'd forgive him easily for tonight. He was going to have to make it up to her. Big time. The expensive sour apple martinis were a good start, she decided as she ordered another one from tanner, then decided to leave the bar and venture out on her own. She slid off the stool, muttered “asshole” under her breath as she passed Liam, who was still focused on Dede. She pushed Liam out of her mind, lifted her chin and walked off with as much pride as she could muster. She went to the table first, but immediately turned away when she realized the two “love monkeys” were still in their own little universe. She'd track down Malfoy. Yes, he was an annoying prat, but most of the time an entertaining one. So, she'd search him out and maybe buy him a round of drinks….on Liam's tab of course. Hmm, where was he? The bar was crowded, but it wasn't necessarily big, so it shouldn't be hard to find him. Maybe he was in the loo, or up at the bar. Or maybe he was… She stopped in the middle of the crowd when she spotted him. He wasn't at the bar, or at the loo, but at a small cozy table with…of course…a woman. She was blonde…what is it with men and blondes? She had big boobs, curves…two things she didn't have. Okay, so maybe she wasn't exactly flat as a pancake, but she was damn near close compared to the busty blonde who was now practically glued to Dameon's side. Jeez, could she be more obvious? She was practically getting naked right in front of him, the way she was shoving her breasts in his face. At least he had the decency to advert his eyes whenever she deliberately leaned over to show him the goods. The busty blonde whispered something in her ear, and Ava watched in horror as Dameon actually blushed. What the hell? Dameon didn't blush. Yet, there he was…blushing like an idiot while he looked all flustered and embarrassed when he answered back. Ava let out a frustrated huff, as she made herself turn away from the unpleasant sight. She was sick of men tonight…she was sick of feeling so damn alone and she was damn sick of being there. She wanted to leave…go home, take the ridiculous dress and painful heels off of her and bury herself under the covers. She tossed back the rest of her drink, slammed the empty glass at a nearby table and strutted towards the entrance of the bar, and sauntered out. XXXXX Dameon was in a bind. He had been ever since the overly clingy, cleavage overload wearing, giggly, ridiculously obnoxious, from a potion bottled blonde, had joined him at his small private table he had been lucky enough to find. She was clinging to him now, yapping in his ear like an irritated toy poodle. Merlin, did she have an *off* button? He had to get away and he had a feeling he would have to be straight with her. Subtle wouldn't get the job done with this one. “Ah look…Lacey…” “Lisa,” she corrected with a giggle. “Lisa. Sorry. Listen, I appreciate your…charming offer to…accompany you out in the alley…” Merlin, help him. “But, I really need to…” “Excuse me.” Dameon immediately looked up at the man and silently praised him for interrupting. “Yes?” he asked suddenly as he flew to his feet. “Ah…you're with Dallas, right? And Nora and A.J.?” “Yeah…I'm Dameon.” He casually lifted Lacey…no, Lisa's…hand off his thigh. “Everything okay?” “Not sure. I just saw A.J. charge out of here looking quite peeved. I'm Tanner…the owner. I had served her a few drinks, then happened to catch her leave.” “Alone?” Dameon asked suddenly. “Looks that way…I just thought I'd ought to let someone know. I don't think it's quite safe for her to be walking back home by herself.” “Agreed. Thanks, Tanner, I'll go after her…ah, shit…I still need to pay for my…” “Don't worry about it…I'll put it on A.J.'s jackass of a boyfriend's tab.” Dameon grinned. “I like you. Thanks.” “Wait, you're leaving me?” Lisa pouted when he started to walk away. “For another girl?” “She's not just another girl,” he said flatly. “It's been a pleasure, Lacey.” “*Lisa!”* she called out as he walked away. “Whatever!” he shouted over his shoulder and then muscled his way to the door. He took a deep breath as he geared himself up for a fight, because he had a feeling he was about to have a big one once he caught up with A.J. --> 10. Chapter 9 ------------- **Here's another update! Super quick for me. Total fluke, so don't get use to it. Hope you enjoy it though! Thanks for the reviews in the last chapter, there was some really great ones!** **~HM** **Chapter 9** Once outside, he took off on a run, following the same path they used to get to the pub, leading up to the apparation point. When he reached it, she was nowhere to be found, so on a soft curse, he quickly apparated up to the resort. He took off in a jog as soon as he got his bearings and followed the trail leading to the resort. Both relief and irritation consumed him when he finally saw her shadowy figure ahead. She was wobbling down a slight slope in those ridiculous, but sexy heels when he finally called out to her. She yelped, and of course, slipped and fell down on her ass. Could she be any more predictable? He wondered as he cast his eyes to the heavens. “Serves you right, Grace.” “What the hell are you doing here?” she demanded as she struggled to get up. She slapped his hands away when he tried to help her. “Get away. *Go* away.” “Not going to happen,” he said as he loomed over her once she was steady on her feet. “What the hell were you thinking? Leaving like that without a word?” “How did you even know I left?” “Tanner told me. He said he saw you stalk out of the place. Didn't you ever stop and think that Nora or I would be worried, wondering where you were?” “I didn't want to say anything to Nora because she was busy with Dallas and…okay, maybe I should have let someone know, like Tanner…but you didn't have to come running after me.” “It's not safe for you to be out here alone, A.J.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” “Oh, right…the girlish yelp and you falling on your ass was *really* intimidating.” “You snuck up on me!” “So…what are you saying? A real attacker would have politely informed you ahead of time that he was planning on jumping you?” Ava opened her mouth to defend herself then, closed it real quick when she realized he had a point and would have just sounded stupid. “Fine…I shouldn't have taken off like that, but I'm fine now. The house isn't too far away from here so you can go back.” “Oh, no,” he protested when she started to walk away from me. “We're not done.” “What do you want from me?” she demanded as she spun towards him. Before he could answer, a loud thunder cracked overhead, causing them to jump, then the sky opened up and rain came pouring down, drenching them both. “Oh, that's just great!” Ava screamed as she flung out her arms and glared up at the sky. “Could this night get any worse?” “C'mon.” Dameon grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the house. “Wait…slow down! Grace can barely walk in these heels, let alone run!” Dameon responded by grabbing her arm and swinging her on his back as if she was a knapsack. She was too stunned to comment or demand he let her go while he ran towards the house, all she could do was hold on tight for the ride. When he finally made it to the house, she expected her to put her down, but to her amazement he kept on walking right to the stairs. She started to struggle when he was halfway up the steps. “Let me go! What are you…” “Unless you want to wake up our parents, I suggest you wait to yell at me when we're in your room. We're not done talking.” Ava narrowed her eyes. “You are so dead, Malfoy,” she warned in a low, deadly tone. “Consider myself warned,” he muttered, then stalked into Ava's room, kicked the door…quietly...with his foot, then casted a quick silencing spell on the room, before dumping her over his shoulder and onto the bed. “Who the hell do you think you are?” she yelled as she angrily sat up, shoving her wet hair out of her face. “Tossing me about like that!” “Get over it,” he said flatly. “Now…I'm not leaving until you tell me crawled up your ass tonight. Or should I say…who?” Since she was tired of looking up at him, she kicked off her heels and got up on her feet. Although she was standing on the edge of the bed, she was only a half a head taller than him. “Whatever, or whoever, crawled up my ass, is none of *your* business.” She gave him an angry shove with her hand when she emphasized “your” and he had barely budged. “So just stay out of it.” “What did Liam do?” “He didn't do anything.” “Exactly. He brushed you off,” he continued when Ava remained silent, a sign that told him he was on the right track. “Didn't acknowledge you or talk to you. He didn't do anything…and now you're pissed of…for good reason.” “It doesn't matter.” She crossed her arms over her stomach in defense. “He was doing it on purpose because he was mad I didn't go to the bar with him.” “So, that makes it okay, then?” Her eyes flashed with anger. “Of course not! His ass is in deep water and he's not going to swim his way out of it so easily this time.” “You shouldn't even give him the chance to try!” he shot back. “He doesn't deserve it…he doesn't deserve you.” Ava shook her head in denial. “Dameon…” “And you don't see it,” he said softly as it dawned on him. “You think of yourself as ordinary. Plain. You don't think you can do any better than Liam Kelson…that's why you stay with him.” Bulls-eye, she thought in a panic. He hit the nail right on the coffin, but dammed if she would admit it. “You're way off, Malfoy,” she balked as her back went up. “Way off.” “Am I?” “Yes…and I'm not going to talk about it anymore with you. In fact, I don't want to talk to you any…” The double doors leading to her balcony flew open and the harsh winds of the storm gusted through. Dameon immediately went over and started to close the doors back, but halted and jumped back when a very wet and disgruntled looking barn owl flew inside. “Oh,” Ava gasped when he landed at her feet and ruffled his feathers. She knelt down to the owl and removed the message that was rolled securely in a waterproof tube attached to his leg. “Feel free to stay here if you want to wait out the rain…but the snake is not on the menu,” she added when the owl's head turned toward Baxter's cage. The owl let out a disappointing hoot, before flying over to the back of a chair and started to clean his feathers. “What's the letter?” Dameon asked, still slightly disgruntled that their argument got interrupted, but then deep concern, melted his agitation away when he saw her face turn pale. “What's wrong? What is it?” “It's…it's from the healing school I was telling you about the other day,” she murmured. “They finally answered me.” Dameon sighed in relief. “Oh. Well, don't you think you should open it?” he asked when she only stared at the unopened envelope that had been tucked into the tube. “Yes…that would be a good idea…I just can't seem to get my fingers to work properly.” Dameon smiled softly as he reached out to take the envelope from her trembling hands, then lifted a brow when she wouldn't let it go. “A.J, you'll have to read it sooner or later. Might as well be now.” She nodded in agreement, but didn't let go. “Do you want me to open it?” She nodded again. “All right, but you're going to have to let go for me.” She let out a shaky breath as she let Dameon tug the envelope away, then immediately started wringing her hands. “Dameon…I really want this.” “I know you do, Ava…let's just see what it says. And try to breath…I really don't want you to pass out on me.” She gave him a wobbly smile, than took a deep, calming breath. “I'm all right. Whatever happens…I'll deal with it. Go ahead…open it.” Surprisingly, his own heart was pounding as he opened the pointy flap and slid out the parchment. The last thing he wanted to do was look into those worrisome chocolate brown eyes and tell her she was denied. After giving her one last reassuring look, he calmly looked down at the parchment and began to read. She tried to read his face while he read, but couldn't get anything out of it. It was driving her mad! “Don't leave me hanging, Dameon…I'm about to throw up here I'm so nervous.” His eyes flickered from the parchment to her eyes. “It's just as I suspected…they really like the hardcore geeks.” He then gave her a slow, grin and turned the parchment towards her. “You're in.” “What?” she gasped and then let out a soft sob as she covered her mouth with her hand. “Don't cry,” he pleaded when her eyes began to fill. “Crying females make me nervous…even when they're happy cries.” “Sorry.” She grabbed the parchment to read for herself. “I can't believe it,” she whispered in awe as she read it over again just to make sure she wasn't dreaming. “I'm in…they actually want me.” She smiled as she took a couple of happy bounces on the bed, then let out a bubbly laugh as she beamed at Dameon. “I know we're technically still fighting, but you're just going to have to do.” On an exciting whoop, she jumped off the bed and threw herself onto Dameon, wrapping her legs around his waist as she locked her arms around his neck. “Woah,” he laughed, completely taken by surprise, but still caught her easily as he circled his arms around her back. The force of the hug caused him to stumble back a few steps, but still smiled and held her tight, enjoying the way her body was wrapped tightly around him. “I can't believe it,” she murmured against his shoulder. “I'm so excited I'm about to combust. Just hold me a little while…don't let go.” He held on tighter and buried his face into her damp hair. “I won't.” “I'm feeling so much right now I don't know whether to laugh or cry.” “Laugh…I'm begging you.” She did just that as she perched her chin on his shoulder. “I'm so happy…entirely too happy to fight with you.” “Then we won't.” “You're being quite accommodating.” “Don't get use to it.” She laughed. “Oh, I won't.” She then sighed as she turned her face so her cheek was now on his chest. “I'm glad you were here. If I've gotten that letter when I was by myself, I would have freaked.” “You would have handled it just fine,” he assured her as he started to lift a hand to stroke her hair, but backed out at the last minute and dropped it. “But…I'm glad I was here, too. Have I told you congratulations yet?” She smiled. “No.” “I haven't? Well, then.” He arched his back slightly, causing her to lift her head and look up at him. “Congratulations, Ava.” He then did something he had never, ever done before in all their lives. He swooped his head down and brushed his lips against her cheek, lingering as he did so that his scruffy cheek grazed her soft skin. Ava blushed, of course she blushed, she expected that. However, she wasn't prepared for the intense shudder of her heart when his lips grazed her skin, or the unfamiliar tingle that rushed all they way down to her toes. A good, steamy kiss from Liam came nowhere close to what she was feeling now. And all Dameon did was brush his lips against her cheek. “Why…why did you do that?” she asked shakily. “Because I wanted to.” “You've never done that before.” “No, I haven't. Should I apologize for it?” She urgently shook her head. “No, of course not…I guess it just took me by surprise, is all.” “Good. Maybe I'll surprise you again.” Ava wasn't sure, but she could have sworn Dameon's eyes flickered to her lips…but it was probably just her imagination. “Well.” She cleared her throat and then untwined her legs to get down, but only dangled since Dameon hadn't let go yet. “I…I should probably go to bed…it's getting late and the family's coming in early tomorrow.” “Okay,” was all he said and then slowly, inch by inch, slid her body down his until her bare feet finally touched the floor. “So.” She took a step back as she nervously ran her fingers through her tangled hair. “I guess, I'll…see you tomorrow.” “When the invasion begins?” he asked with a grin. Ava laughed. “Exactly.” “Well,” he said after a moment of silence. “Night.” He turned on his heels, and walked towards the door and opened it, but turned back to her. “A.J.?” “Yes?” “Don't get mad when I say this…but no matter what you believe, you do deserve better than Liam. I know you don't want to be wrong about him and Merlin knows you don't like to be wrong about anything, but…maybe you should stop and really think about the kind of person he is and how he treats you.” “Dameon…” “No, don't say anything,” he pleaded softly as he held up a hand. “I don't want to fight with you…I just want you to think about it. And another thing to think about…let me assure you by saying there are plenty of other guys who would be interested in you.” He held her gaze, long enough to feel the tension erupting between them. “Plenty.” He closed the door quickly behind him before she could respond, then leaned back against it and closed his eyes. He was in trouble. He was in big, big trouble. He was falling for his childhood nemesis…and he didn't know what the hell to do about it. --> 11. Chapter 10 -------------- **Hey guys! This next chapter is somewhat of a filler to introduce the rest of the family. I hope you still enjoy it though and just to make it easier to follow, I put a little cheat sheet at the end of the chapter so you guys can keep up with who belongs with who. This is one big family! Anyway, enjoy and the next chapter will be a good one!** **~HM** **Chapter 10** The bedroom door to Ava, and now Nora's, room slowly crept open and three identical pairs of bluish gray eyes peeked through the crack. The clueless victims were fast asleep in both beds so the surprise attack they had planned would be most affective. “Okay, team,” Patrick Malfoy, the oldest of his two twin brothers by a few minutes, whispered urgently. “There's three of us and two of them…they're out numbered.” “Suckers,” Ben Malfoy snickered, who had been born just three minutes after Patrick. “Nate…you take Nora…A.J. will have to be double teamed.” Nathan Malfoy, who had followed Ben into the world just a mere minute and a half later, chuckled in anticipation. “She's toast.” “All right, ready?” Patrick said with a grin. “One…twooo….three!” The door burst open and on a battle cry they charged the beds and attacked. Patrick and Ben jumped on Ava's bed and tackled the lump under the covers, while Nate jumped a couple of times on Nora's bed before plopping his butt right on Nora's back. “You three…are evil!” Nora groaned under the covers as she tried to hide herself further under the covers. “What they are,” Ava grunted when they continued to pounce on her. “Is dead!” Patrick and Ben both let out a boyish squeal when Ava suddenly flew up from under the covers to attack them. “You will never defeat the great and powerful, A.J.!” She grappled with the little brats she loved so much and poked and tickled as much as possible. “Noraaa,” Nate giggled as she shook her with his butt “Aren't you going to attaaaaahh!” Nora had suddenly sprung up and threw her covers over Nate before tackling him on the bed. “Gotcha!” “Ahh, let me go!” he laughed as he squirmed against Nora's hands that tortured him through the covers. She then flew the covers off of him only to pin him his arms against the mattress with her knees and then rubbed her knuckle hard against his chest. “Ahh, not that! Guys! Help!” Patrick lifted up his head to see Nate getting tortured. “Ben…we have underestimated Nora's torture abilities. Nate needs our help!” They ducked and squirmed out of Ava's grasp and ran over to Nora's bed to rescue their brother. Patrick jumped on Nora's back, while Ben tugged on Nate's leg, trying desperately to free him, while Ava laughed as she watched the show. With one last tug, Nate was finally freed and landed on the floor with a loud thump. “Freedom!” Nate exclaimed as he got to his feet. “Patrick, I'm free!” “Retreat!” Patrick yelled, but not before licking his finger and sticking it in Nora's ear. “Why you little…” She tried to make a grab for him but she wasn't quick enough. “Yeah, you better run!” The terrible trio ran to the door that led to the hallway, only to have a large figure jump out in front the door. “Arrrrrgghh!” the figure growled as he held up his arms. All three boys screamed, then laughed when they realized who it was. “Uncle Dameon!” they cheered and ran right at him and tackled him to the floor. Dameon laughed as he fell back on the floor, letting himself be jumped by the three little devils. He grunted when Nate jumped hard on his stomach, but then laughed and lifted him up high by his arms, before carefully tackling him to the floor. Once he got one off him, another came almost right away and that's how it went for a good few minutes, before he finally gave in. “All right, all right…that's enough you devils.” “We woke up Nora and Ava!” Ben replied proudly as he puffed out his chest. “They weren't the only ones,” he said as he nuzzled his head. “Was it a bloody battle?” “We had to retreat,” Patrick said solemnly. “Nora was a lot tougher than we thought.” “And don't you forget it,” she said as she smacked him on the back of the head on her way to the loo and closed the door behind her. Ava sighed when she heard the shower running. “Great…she'll be in there forever.” She crawled out of bed and tried not to feel self conscious in her pajama shorts and tank top. Avoiding Dameon's eyes, she tugged down on her shirt and smiled at the three boys that were still sprawled out on the floor with their uncle. “Are your parents and sisters downstairs?” she asked. “Yeah, we just got here,” Nate informed her as he stood behind Dameon and casually put his arms around him. “We came with Uncle Al and Aunt Mia and all them.” “Well, let me throw on something real quick and I'll…” “A.J.?” Liam appeared at the door looking very tired, agitated and definitely hung over. “What the hell is going on around here? I'm trying to sleep.” Still miffed from last night, she showed no sympathy. “Sorry, Liam…but my family is here. You know there are a lot of us.” Ben leaned towards Liam, sniffed, than wrinkled his nose as he took a step back. “You stink.” “Thanks so much,” he said dryly and then looked over at Ava. “Where…” “Who are you?” Patrick asked suspiciously. “You're not family.” “No, I'm not,” he said with a little impatience in his voice. “I'm A.J.'s boyfriend.” “Eeeuuuw,” all three chorused together. Dameon snorted out a chuckle and Ava couldn't help but sneak one out as well. This just annoyed Liam even more. “Charming kids,” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Just lovely.” Dameon immediately got to his feet. “They have more class then you'll ever have, Kelson.” “Dameon,” Ava warned softly, shaking her head when he looked at her. “Why don't you take them downstairs and I'll be down in a minute.” Dameon's eyes shifted to Ava's and held just long enough to make her uncomfortable. “Fine,” he said stiffly. “C'mon guys…let's go downstairs.” “Uncle Harry is making pancakes!” Nate announced as he ran out of the room first while Ben quickly followed. Dameon lingered when he realized Patrick was still eying Liam with speculation. “Patrick? Let's go, kiddo.” Patrick turned and started to head out, but at the last minute, whipped back and glared at Liam. “We don't like you,” he stated bluntly before walking over to Dameon who smiled in admiration. “Good boy,” he murmured, patting him on the head before closing the door behind him. “Those kids need a good whipping,” Liam said with disgust. “Horrible parenting.” “Careful, Liam,” she warned. “That's my family you're insulting.” “Oh, come on, A.J.,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “Don't get all defensive…you yourself have told me how horrible they were.” “In a loving, playfully, way,” she pointed out with an edge in her voice. “There's a big difference…plus, they're *mine*, not yours, so you don't have the right.” “You're right,” he said in his best, pleading voice he used when he realized he was in trouble. “I'm sorry…forgive me?” Ava placed a hand on his chest when he knelt down for a kiss. “Not this time. I'm very, very angry with you Liam, and not just for your snide remarks about my nephews, but for last night.” He narrowed his eyes. “You're the one who just took off.” “Why would I stay around when you're too busy talking to another girl?” “Who? Dede?” He waved her off. “She means nothing…we were just talking about Quidditch.” “I don't' give a crap what you two were talking about,” she said, batting his hand away when he tried to touch her. “That's not the point…the point is you were talking to her and not me.” “Ava…” She let out a sarcastic laugh. “Wow, now you're using my real name to soften me up. Sorry, Liam…it's going to take more than that, this time around. Now…if you'll excuse me, I need to get dress so I can go downstairs and see my family.” “All right,” he finally said after awhile. “I'll find a way to make it up to you.” “You can start by coming down for breakfast and spending time with my family.” Liam sighed. “Sweetie, I would, but…I should get some more sleep. I have a big game today and…” “Of course you do,” she said in a tired voice and then started to shoo him backwards out of the room. “Go on back to bed, Liam. I'll just see you when I see you.” Thinking she was softening up, Liam gave her a hearty grin. “Thanks, love…you're the best. Hey? How bout a kiss?” Ava glared up at him. “How bout…not.” She then slammed the door in his stunned face. “Stupid jerk.” “Gooo, A.Jaaaay,” Nora cheered as she started to clap. Ava turned around. “How long have you been standing there?” “Since Patrick told Liam he didn't like him,” she said. “He was always the smart one. That was quite a show.” “Glad you enjoyed it,” she muttered as she stalked over to her dress of drawers to pull out some clothes. “He makes me so mad sometimes.” “Please tell me you're going to beak up with him now.” Ava sighed as she pulled out a simple white tee shirt and a pair of gray cotton shorts. “I'm seriously thinking about it.” “What's to think about?” she asked as she sat on the edge of the bed. “Guy's a fucking prick.” Ava lifted a brow. “Nice. Anyway, I don't want to think about Liam right now. All I want to do is throw on these clothes and go downstairs to be with the family.” Nora nodded. “All right…sounds like a plan. Did I hear correctly that Dad is making pancakes?” “Yep.” “Hot damn,” she whooped as she sprung to her feet. “I'm starving…see you down there.” Ava tore off her sleeping shirt, ignoring Nora's slight wince when she tossed it on the floor. “All right.” Nora itched to pick up the top, but managed to resist. “A.J.? “Hmm?” she hummed as she poked her head through her shirt. “Hang in there, okay? No matter what happens with you and Liam…I'm here for you…we all are.” Incredibly touched, Ava gave a quick nod of her head while she felt tears threaten to fill her eyes. “Thank you.” Nora smiled and then disappeared from the room and as soon as she was alone, Ava sunk herself onto the bed, and treated herself to a good cry, before heading downstairs. Breaking down had helped and in her opinion, she had deserved a good cry. But now, she would push everything else aside, including her disastrous relationship with Liam and her very confusing one with Dameon. All she wanted to do now was go downstairs and be with her family. She heard the loud commotion as soon as she stepped out into the hallway and the sound warmed her heart. She always loved being part of a big family and couldn't imagine what it would be like not to have one. Thankfully, she didn't have to. When she finally did make it downstairs, she lingered at the edge of the room and took a moment to soak it all in. The round kitchen table that had been magically expanded to a much larger round kitchen table was jammed packed with her family. There was Scorpius and Rose, sitting in between the triplets to keep them a part. Through the years they've discovered that they behaved more when they weren't together…plotting. Rose was between Ben and Nate and Scorpius sat on the other side of Ben as he helped Patrick, who was at his other side, cut his pancakes. Next to Patrick was his oldest sister, Kristin who was chatting with Michelle Potter, Albus and Mia's only daughter. The two girls were very close in age, Kristin only being two weeks older, so they had always been super tight growing up. It was the same with Albus and Mia's youngest son, Mason, and Scorpius and Rosie's youngest daughter, Meredith. They were sitting next together on the other side of Michelle, hardly touching their food while they jabbered on with excitement. Probably talking about going to Hogwarts for the first time, Ava thought with amusement. Those two had just turned eleven back in April and had gotten their Hogwarts letter soon after. Next to them, were Blake Weasley, Hugo and Braiden's oldest, and he was sitting with Zoe Williams, Lily and Jack's oldest. Those two were fairly close in age, only being four months part and were just a year shy away from going to Hogwarts themselves. The next seat filled was Lily, Jack, then Hu and Braiden, followed by their two youngest, Whitney Williams and Parker Weasley. They both turned seven towards the beginning of the year and have also been inseparable through the years. Sitting next to Parker's other side, was Dameon, but she quickly discarded him and moved onto Jacob Potter, the oldest of all her nieces and nephews. He was only a year younger than her and was about to go into his seventh year at Hogwarts. He was talking to Dameon about something, which wasn't a surprise to her since he totally worshipped him and the ground he walked on. Jacob's younger brother, Luke Potter, who was going into his fifth year at Hogwarts, sat on the other side of him as he leaned anxiously forward in his seat so he could be apart of the conversation as well. Hannah Potter, Luke and Jacob's little sister, who was starting her third year at Hogwarts, was sitting next to Luke, but didn't pay him any mind. She was too busy talking with her Mum, Samantha, who was on her other side. Samantha was listening to her patiently then murmured something to her daughter that made Hannah laugh, before shoveling her open mouth with gooey pancakes. Beyond the dining room and into the kitchen, Ava saw her parents and her oldest brother, James, rummaging around the kitchen. Her Dad was at the stove, minding the bacon, while her mum was mixing a new batch of pancake batter. Ava smiled when her dad reached over to rub some flour off of her cheek then leaned in for a quick kiss. They were so darn cute sometimes. James was making a fresh pot of coffee then turned around when her mum snuck up behind him. James immediately circled an arm around her and pulled her to his side, kissing the top of her head before pouring her a fresh cup. She sighed happily as she gave one last look over her very large and extremely loud family. She was lucky…so damn lucky to be born into this. She knew the story of course, about the tragedy that brought her family together. She was sorry for the pain that her parents and siblings went through losing them, but at the same time, she couldn't help but be thankful that things in fact did happen for a reason. If it hadn't have happened, she wouldn't be standing there today, watching her family talk and laugh over a plate of pancakes and bacon. It was crazy how life worked out sometimes. Thank Merlin for that. “Well, look who it is!” Scorpius said suddenly and got up from the table. “Little A.J. decided to join us.” Ava shook her head clear, then laughed as she ran up to him for a hug while she heard shouts of greetings from the rest of the table. “Oh, it's so good to see you all.” “How's it going, Auntie,” Jacob said as he scooped her up off her feet in a hug. Even though she was his aunt, he was a lot taller than she and could pluck her off the ground as if she weighed nothing. “Let me go you, nerd.” He grinned and plopped her down. “I'm sure going to miss you next year at school. What am I going to do without my Auntie?” She laughed and kissed his cheek. “I'm sure you'll manage.” “Want some pancakes, pumpkin?” Harry asked as he came up to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Just about to finish a fresh batch.” “Sounds great.” “Grab the seat next to Nora…last one available.” She did as she was told and dug into the pancakes as soon as they were placed in front of her. Nothing better than Dad's pancakes, she thought as she drenched them in syrup. “Where's Liam, A.J?” Lily asked as she pushed her plate away after her second helping. “He's still sleeping,” she stated in a stiffly. “Oh,” she said and wisely kept her mouth shut. “Okay, troops,” Harry said as he finally sat down himself to eat some pancakes. “When we're done here, everyone can go on up and get settled in. As for room assignments, I'm going to leave that with the parents and you can figure out who stays with who.” “Can Michelle and I have a room?” Kristin asked eagerly. “You two can move into my old room,” Nora suggested. “I had to move in with A.J. and her slimy snake.” “Eww, gross,” Kristin said with a shudder. “Aunt A.J. I still can't believe you have a snake.” “Baxter's sooo cool!” Patrick exclaimed. “Can we play with him, Aunt A.J.?” “Sure…he likes you guys,” she said with a grin. “He really enjoyed it when you put him in Mer's bed last Christmas Eve.” During Christmas, the family usually packed into her parent's house and on Christmas Eve, the boys had snuck into her room and gotten Baxter from his cage, then let him slither under Meredith's covers. She had woken the entire household with one, loud, piercing scream. “That was awful,” Meredith exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at her brothers. “And not at all funny.” “No putting the snake in anyone's bed, guys,” Rosie said calmly although she had to choke down a chuckle. When she had first heard the scream, she had been scared to death, running to her little girl's room, but once she got there and realized what it was…she couldn't help but laugh. Meredith had not been pleased with her. She still got tickled at the remembrance of that little incident, but wisely held back any giggling in front of Meredith. “Don't worry sweetie,” she assured her. “They won't do it again.” “If they do,” Scorpius added. “They'll be grounded for the rest of the trip.” “Aww, Dad,” the three whined in unison, which only proved that without that threat, they would have planned on doing it anyway. “Are we going to the pool today?” Parker asked Harry with his mouth full of pancakes, so it sounded more like, “ Aw fwee foinf fo fe fool fofay?” Hugo shook his head at his son. “Did you get that, Uncle Harry?” “It's scary, but yes I did…. to answer your question, I've called ahead and reserved a section of the pool for us. So, once we're done here and we're settled in, we can head over to the pool whenever.” “What are we doing tonight?” Whitney asked as she looked up at her granddad. “Anything fun?” Harry grinned as he ruffled her red hair she inherited from Lily. “Well, kiddo…that's the beauty of a vacation. We can do whatever we want and no matter what we do…it'll be a blast.” Cheat Sheet James & Samantha Jacob (17) Luke (15) Hannah (12) Albus & Mia Michelle (13) Mason (10) Scorpius & Rose Kristin (13) Meredith (10) Ben (4) Patrick (4) Nathan (4) Hugo & Braiden Blake (10) Parker (7) Jack & Lily Zoe (9) Whitney (7) --> 12. Chapter 11 -------------- **Okay here's another update! Hope all my American friends had a great 4****th****! As for everyone else, hope you had a great weekend! Hope you enjoy this next chapter! Thanks for all the great reviews!** **~HM** **Chapter 11** Ava tried her best to keep her issues with Liam temporarily out of her mind while she lounged by the pool surrounded by her family. She really did try, but her mind couldn't help but venture to what Dameon had said last night before he left her. *I know you don't want to be wrong about him and Merlin knows you don't like to be wrong about anything, but…maybe you should stop and really think about the kind of person he is and how he treats you**.* She let out a frustrating sigh as she thought about Liam and exactly how he treated her. As her mind wandered, her eyes gazed over to her parents who were over by their lounge chairs. Her mum was sitting on the edge of the chair cheering on Zoe who had just did a back flip off the diving board. Her dad snuck behind her on the chair and wrapped his arms around her waist, then planted a quick kiss on her shoulder before perching his chin against it. She immediately leaned back against him as she placed her hands over his that were resting on her thighs. She tried to think of a time when Liam was affectionate to her like that, but couldn't think of anything. He held her hand here and there and occasionally gave her a casual kiss, but was most of the time distracted…as if he was thinking of something else. She gave a quick glance to Scorpius and Rosie, who were on the steps of the pool talking with Mia and Albus. Both couples were touching their spouses in some way even though Mia was talking with Rosie, while Scorpius was laughing about something with Albus. Could she really see Liam being that way with her years later down the road? Would Liam love their kids as much as her brothers and Scorpius loved theirs? Would he ever reach out just to touch her like James just did with Samantha? Was Liam capable of taking care of her when she needed him? Or hold her when she was happy or sad? Once again she flashed back to last night when Dameon caught her when she flung herself onto him…deliriously happy. *Don't let go.* *I won't.* She closed her eyes as her heart quivered in her chest…it had been doing that a lot lately whenever she thought of Dameon or was near him. She took a deep breath, then opened her eyes and immediately made herself look over at Dameon and couldn't help the smile that boomed on her face. He was playing with the triplets, who were all clinging desperately onto the inflatable raft that Dameon was thrashing and tossing about to try and throw them off. The boys shrieked and laughed as they were bucked and thrown and when they all finally fell into the water, they popped up like corks and chanted, “Again! Again!” Dameon laughed and helped them all up on the raft, before starting the game again. He was so good with him, she thought with a sigh and couldn't help but laugh when Dameon sunk beneath the water for a sneak attack. The boys held onto each other in a mixture of fear and delight as they waited anxiously, then squealed when their raft capsized, tumbling them all into the water. As the boys scrambled to get back on the raft, Dameon suddenly looked up and shifted his eyes right at her, causing her to take in a slight gasp of breath as her heart shuttered. As much as she wanted to look away, she found herself staring right back at him. Then he gave her that slow, sexy grin of his she had always loved and hated over the years, then added a quick wink before turning his attention back to the triplets. “Oh boy,” she murmured softly when it finally dawned on her. What the hell was wrong with her? Why was she wasting her time with someone like Liam when there were so many other great guys out there that would treat her the way she deserved to be treated? Even Dameon…who she had sworn to despise for the rest of her life after he poured a bucket full of worms on her head when she was six…treated her better than Liam. He also made her feel things in ways Liam never had before. So what was she waiting for? Why waste another damn minute with that asshole? She deserved better than Liam and so she would wait until she found that special someone. No matter how long it took…because the wait would be worth it if she were lucky enough to find someone who treated her with love and respect. She wanted what her parent's had. She wanted what her brothers and sisters had. And damn-it, she'd get it! And it would not be with Liam! With a firm nod to herself, she swung her legs off to the side of the lounge chair and threw over her cover-up. She was going to search for Liam, dump his sorry ass and tell him to get the hell out of here and out of her life. She couldn't wait! “Hey, Auntie, where are you off to?” Jacob laughed as he walked up with her. “You look like you're going off to war.” “I am,” she said through clenched teeth. “I'll be back in a bit.” Jacob watched his aunt stalk off with determination and felt sorry for the sucker who would be at the end of her temper. Hopefully it would be Liam, he thought with a grin and almost thought about going after to watch, but then got distracted when he noticed the cute, brunette witch laying out on the other side of the pool. “I think I'm in love,” he murmured and then sauntered his way over to give her some of that Potter Charm. “Hey…Jacob,” Dameon called out as he pulled himself out of the pool. “Wait a second.” Jacob turned around, but still had his eyes on the girl. “Not now, man…I've got a witch to charm.” Dameon pushed back his wet hair and eyed the witch Jacob was drooling over. “Come on, J…you know she's way out of your league.” Jacob snorted. “Whatever…no witch can deny my killer good looks and easy grin.” Dameon rolled his eyes, but couldn't but laugh. “Witches of the world, beware…look, go charm your lady friend, but first tell me where A.J. went. She looked pissed.” “She was *royally* pissed,” he corrected as he gave his full attention to him now. “I think she went off to kill someone. I sure do hope its Liam.” “Ditto,” he agreed. “Can't stand the guy.” Jacob grinned. “Yeah, I know…you've always hated him.” “Yeah,” he said a little uneasy by his grin. “Everyone has.” “Not at first…we all gave him a shot, but then decided we hated him after we got to know him. You've been hating him ever since you first found out he liked A.J.” “What?” Dameon exclaimed. “You're crazy…I've always thought he was a punk.” “Maybe, but you think a lot of the guys at school are punks, but you don't really give them any thought. I remember when you first told me about Liam…you had overheard him talk about A.J. to his friends. You were fuming.” “You would have been fuming too, if you overheard the stuff he was saying about her,” he shot back. “The guy was disrespecting her even before he started dating her.” Jacob chuckled. “You've always been overprotective of her.” Dameon's jaw dropped. “Okay, now you've officially gone bonkers…where the hell have you been? The three of us grew up together, you must have noticed how much we fought.” “Hard not to,” he muttered with a roll of his eyes. “It was very annoying at times…and there's no question that you would pick fights with her constantly…but dude…I've also noticed that if anyone else insulted her that wasn't a member of our family…you kicked some ass.” Dameon crossed his arms over his chest in denial. “I don't know what you're talking about.” “Oh really? Well, I remember that time that Slytherin bully pushed her down the stairs during her second year at Hogwarts…she ended up having to go the hospital wing because her nose was bleeding.” Dameon clenched his fists. “Yeah…I remember.” “So you also may remember how that Slytherin bully also just happened to end up in the hospital wing as well with not only a bloody nose, but maybe a few broken ribs?” “I may have some recollection of that. A.J. thought it was you. She still does.” “I didn't touch him. You beat me to it.” “Yeah…I beat you to it,” he admitted. “I bloodied the bastard up, you happy? He hurt her…made her bleed. I may tease her and pick on her a bit, but I'd never hurt her.” “I know that, mate.” “Man, I was furious with that little shit.” Jacob just chuckled. “You are *so* stuck on her.” Dameon opened his mouth to argue, but instead blew out a defeating sigh. “Yeah, I know….I'm slightly annoyed about it.” Jacob slapped him hard on his arm. “You'll get over it. Now if you'll excuse me…my witch is waiting for me. And so is yours,” he added over his shoulder as he walked away. Dameon shook his head in amusement as he watched Jacob saunter up to the witch with all the confidence in the world. He had to hand it to him…he was fairly good with the ladies. That Potter Charm…the girls can't seem to resist it. However, the Malfoy Charm…wasn't too shabby either. And with that in mind, he went over to his chair, slipped on his flip-flops, and went after the one girl who had always managed to drive him crazy. XXXX He wasn't at the Quidditch Pitch. The wizard in charge told her they finished their match about an hour ago. This only made her more furious as she stomped angrily towards the house. Did it ever occur to him to join her and her family by the pool? No, of course not, because he was in inconsiderate jackass who only thought about himself. “Asshole,” she muttered as she let herself into the house. He was probably hiding out in his room doing Merlin knows what…bloody bastard. She took the stairs two at a time and walked quickly to his room, however, she lingered outside his closed door. She didn't really know why she chose to open the door quietly. Later, she'd think maybe it was because deep down, she knew what she'd discover beyond the door. She heard the soft moans first, before she saw her very naked boyfriend entangled with a very naked girl. Not just any naked girl, but Dede…the big nosed, nasally blonde from the bar. Typical. It was so damned typical she wasn't the least bit surprised. With murder in her eyes, she slammed the door hard behind her and watched two stunned faces staring back at her. A muffled curse erupted from Liam as he practically threw Dede off him, who shrieked and held up the sheets to cover her. “Oh, please…don't stop on my account,” she said sarcastically as Liam frantically tugged on his boxers. “Ava…babe…I can explain, I…” “Oh, do me a favor and just stop the bullshit,” she said firmly, holding up both hands. “We're done, Liam…I was coming to end it myself, but you just made it a *whole* lot easier.” “But, babe…” “Put some clothes on and get the fuck out of my life.” She then turned and whipped open the door and tried her best to walk out with as much pride as she could muster. Humiliation clouded her anger, causing the unwanted tears to come and blur her vision. She fled down the stairs, desperate to get away, to escape so she could have a good long cry in solitude. She flung open the door, stumbled down the porch steps, and ran into something hard, warm…and wonderful. “Woah there, Grace,” Dameon laughed as his arms came around to steady her. “Where's the fire?” “Sorry,” she said choking back tears as she tried to struggle out of his arms, but was too weak with misery to break free. “I have to…please…” “What is it?” he asked suddenly when he heard a soft sob escape her. He pulled her away, gripping her arms as he studied her, noticing the sorrow look in her watery eyes. “What did he do?” She shook her head. “It doesn't matter.” “Ava…” “He's leaving...he's packing now and…” “A.J.!” The front door flew open and Dameon took one look at him and knew exactly what he did. His face was sweaty and guilty, his hair ruffled, his shirt inside out and his jeans were unbuttoned. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. He set Ava aside and as Liam came rushing down the stairs, his eyes fixed on Ava; Dameon took two long strides and rammed his fist right into the bastard's face. Ava let out a shocking gasp when Liam flew back in the air before landing flat on his backside. Her jaw dropped as Liam groaned in agony on the ground, too injured to even fight back. “Wow,” she whispered in awe. Dameon had one mean right cross. Dameon loomed over Liam and reached down to grab him by the shirt, lifting him only halfway up. “Now you listen to me, Kelson. You're going to crawl your sorry ass back upstairs, pack your shit…and get the hell out of here. Understood?” “Fuck off, Malfoy…this isn't your concern.” Ava stepped up to glare at him over Dameon's shoulder. “No, but he's right…I don't' want to hear anything you have to say. Just go, Liam…before I go and get my dad to help you leave.” Dameon saw the flicker of fear in his eyes and knew she hit the right button. “I'd be happy to go and get him for you,” he added with a grin. “I'm sure he'd love to…help you pack.” Liam glared at him for a moment, challenging him, but then spat out blood and looked away in defeat. “Fine…I'll leave.” “Good.” He then shoved him back down, causing Liam to wince in pain. Before he could get back up, the door opened and Dede stalked out mad as hell. She walked over to Liam, who was still struggling to get up, and suddenly kicked him right in the groin. Dameon winced as he watched Liam crumble to the ground once more. “Didn't see that one coming,” he muttered to Ava. “Neither did I.” Dede lifted her chin and walked over to them, but looked at Ava. “I know you can't stand me right now and hey…don't blame you. I just want you to know…Liam told me he was your cousin.” She glared at the still suffering Liam. “The lying bastard!” She turned back around and let out a frustrating huff. “Look…I like boys…I like sex…but I don't go around stealing other girls' boyfriends. Anyway…just wanted to let you know.” She turned to leave, but then hesitated and circled back. “By the way…you're better off without him anyway…I had to fake it…if you know what I mean.” Dameon snickered next to him, causing Dede to look over at him, and gave him a quick look over. “I bet I wouldn't have to fake it with you, cutie.” Dameon saw Ava narrow her eyes at Dede and couldn't help but grin. “No, but…keep walking, blondie.” She let out a disappointing sigh. “Very well…I'm out of here. Good luck, hun.” Once she was gone and Liam had successfully staggered into the house, Dameon placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” She sighed. “No…but I will be.” She turned around to face him. “Well? Are you going to say, `I told you so?' Because I deserve it.” He squeezed her shoulder once, before slipping his hands into the pockets of his swim trunks. “If I remember correctly, I told you I would try *not* to say, `I told you so'. Turns out it's not as hard as I thought it would be.” “You're letting me off easy…I was an idiot.” “No…he fooled you…he fooled a lot of people. He's the idiot, Ava…for treating you the way he did. You deserve better.” She took in a shaky breath, and slowly let it out. “I know that now.” “Good. Hey, do you want to get out of here? Go for a walk of something?” She started to decline, because she figured she still needed that good cry in solitude. However, she found herself not wanting to be alone and couldn't think of anyone else she wanted to be with. How pleasantly surprising was that? “I'd love to.” He smiled and nudged his head for her to follow him and together they walked side by side towards a nearby trail. They were about thirty yards into the trail when Dameon finally go the courage to reach out and take her hand. Ava slowed her walk as she stared down at her joined hands and felt her heart tremble. “Do you want me to let go?” he asked when she remained silent. She looked up to meet his bluish gray eyes and suddenly started to experience all sorts of feelings rush inside her. Scary and wonderful feelings that she didn't want to go away. At least not right now “No,” she finally answered with a small smile. “I don't want you to let go.” He responded by linking their fingers together and gave her a slight squeeze. “Then I won't.” He then gave her that wonderful slow grin of his as he tugged at her hand. “Let's go.” She followed, leaving Liam happily in her past and couldn't help but think that maybe…just maybe…she was walking to her future. --> 13. Chapter 12 -------------- **Here's another update!! Thanks again for all the awesome reviews, I had such good ones this time around! Also, just to let someone know…I accidentally erased a review and I totally didn't mean to. I just wanted to say that in case the person realized their review was suddenly gone. I cherish all reviews and would never delete any of them! Love you guys!** **~HM** **Chapter 12** Ava she stretched out on her bed with Baxter perched happily around her neck as she watched her sister get ready for her big date with the gorgeous Dallas Cosgrove. “You excited?” “Very. We haven't gotten the chance to spend much time alone.” Nora tugged her jeans over her hips then zipped them up before tuning slightly to check them out in the mirror. “Do these jeans make my butt look irresistible?” Ava chuckled. “You know…most girls say `big'. `Do these jeans make my butt look *big*'. Not irresistible.” Nora met Ava's eyes through the mirror. “I'm not most girls.” Ava snorted. “That's the truth.” “I'm going to pretend that was a compliment,” she claimed as she pulled out her cute fitted red and cream checkered blouse she purchased at the gift shop. “What else is new?” Ava eyed the blouse. “Don't you look all country…all you're missing is cowboy boots.” “Got it covered.” Ava smiled. “Of course you do.” “Adorable red cowboy boots.” She bent down, ruffled into the box and pulled them out. “See?” “Very cute. So, he's taking you riding?” “Yep. I just don't know *where.* He's taking the day off, so I'll have him all to myself.” “I like him…not to mention he's nice to look at.” Nora wiggled her brows. “Always a plus.” “When are you meeting him at the stables?” “At ten.” She adjusted her blouse as she studied herself in the mirror. “We're riding somewhere and then resting at noon for lunch…I think we're going on a picnic. He did say there was something he wanted to talk to me about.” She frowned a bit as she turned to Ava. “I don't know what about.” “Worried?” “No…more curious, I guess.” “I wouldn't worry about it, either. Are you going two going to have sex?” Nora choked out a laugh. “A.J.!” “What? We're sisters, aren't we? We're supposed to talk about this kind of stuff.” She grabbed her boots and sat on the edge of her bed, facing Ava. “I guess you're right…it just took me off guard.” Ava watched as she tugged on her first boot over her jeans. “Well? Are you?” Nora looked up and grinned. “I sure hope so.” “Did you ever with Mike?” Nora sighed as she grabbed her other boot, but didn't put them on. “Yes…I thought I was ready, but I wasn't. It was the downfall of our relationship. We didn't have that connection like we thought, so it was very awkward.” “But you have one with Dallas?” Nora thought of both their passionate encounters in the barn and shuddered. “Oh, yeah. We're talking fireworks.” Ava sighed dreamily. “I hope I find fireworks.” Thinking of Dameon, Nora smiled. “You will…don't worry.” Ava also thought of Dameon, and let out another sigh as she closed her eyes. He had been unbearably sweet to her that day on the trail. He had never let go of her hand once as he patiently listened to her unload all the crap she had to endure while she had been with Liam. She never realized how much she had kept locked inside her until she had finally let it all out. By the end of it she was emotionally drained and couldn't seem to stop the tears that filled her eyes. She had tried to wave it off by letting out a watery laugh, deliberately poking fun of herself. *“Stupid,” she managed through a choked sob. “Stupid of me to cry over that bastard.”* *He stopped* *and* *turned suddenly towards her, wrapping his arms around her and held her close against his chest. She resisted at first, muttering a pathetically, weak, “I'm okay,” against his chest.* *“Shut up, A.J.,” he simply said, then stroked* *her hair while she wept**.* And after she had finished blubbering over him like an idiot, he simply wiped away a lingering tear before taking her hand again. He had asked her if she wanted to go back to the pool, but she wanted to go back to the house to make sure Liam was gone for good. He came with her of course, hands still holding as they walked into Liam's empty room. *“Looks like he's gone,” Dameon said.* *“Yeah,” she said glancing over to the bed that was still unmade and couldn't stop the image of Liam and Dede flash through her mind.* *As if he knew what she was thinking, he immediately stood in front of her, blocking the bed from her view. “Why don't you go to you room and relax? Maybe take a bubble bath or something…I know how you girls love a good bubble bath.”* *Because she knew he wanted to see it, she managed a smile. “That we do.”* *“I'll strip the sheets for you and put them in a wash…maybe even burn them.”* *That did make her smile. “A good wash will do.” She then circled her arms around his waist and held him close as she rubbed her cheek softly against his chest. “Thanks, Dameon.”* *He placed his lips gently against her hair. “Anytime, Ava.”* She thought he was going to kiss her then, when he slowly pulled away, but instead gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder before turning away and dealt with the bed. It wasn't until later, when she was hunkered down in warm soothing water and bubbles, did she realize that she was disappointed he didn't kiss her. She had wanted him to—she had wanted to know what it would feel like to have his lips pressed against hers. Now, days later, she still wanted to know. He had been keeping his distance from her since that day on the trail—since the day the rest of his family found out about Liam's sudden departure. When he did have no choice but to cross paths with her, he was nothing but cordial and polite. It was infuriating. She almost rather him pick a petty fight with her like the good old days then be so damn—*nice.* “Off in la-la land, A.J.?” Ava shook her head clear and stared. “Huh? Oh…sorry. Yeah, guess I was.” Nora frowned slightly as she studied her little sister. “You're okay, right? I mean…you're still not upset about Liam?” “No, I'm fine,” she assured him then glanced uneasily at the door. “And be careful saying his name…never know where Dad may be.” Nora winced. “Oh…right. Wouldn't want Daddy's blood pressure to go up again.” “Or try to go after him.” Ava blew out a breath. “I don't think I've ever seen him so angry.” “You know how overprotective he can get over his girls. Hmm,” Nora pondered for a moment. “I should probably caution Dallas.” Ava grinned. “Wouldn't hurt, although dad seems to like him.” “Yeah. Plus, dad's been really cool about understanding the whole “secret” thing. I had only just told him and mum a few days ago.” “And how does he feel about this little outing?” Ava asked with an arched brow. “I could tell he was a bit uneasy about it, but at the same time he knows I'm a big girl now and all he can do is be supportive.” Nora stood up from the bed and walked over to the mirror to give a final look. “Well, it looks like I'm ready.” She gave a little spin before turning to her sister. “How do I look?” “Perfect.” Ava grinned. “You're going to knock his socks off.” She gave her sister a knowing grin. “I am, aren't?” She then laughed and ran over to give her a quick hug, but then jolted back when she remembered the snake. “Ah…we'll hug later. Wish me luck and I'll see you later tonight.” “I want to hear all the details!” Ava called out to her as she left the room. “Well Bax…why don't you and I go for a walk, hmm? We can stretch our legs. Well…my legs…you don't have any legs.” She swung herself off the bed and headed out of her room, turned a corner and practically walked right into a breathless Dameon. “Woah…sorry.” He gave her an easy grin. “My fault…I wasn't watching where I was going.” Ava barely resisted rolling her eyes. His fault? Usually when she ran into him—which seemed to happen a lot, he would blame her and say some snide comment like, “*Watch where you're going, Grace.”* or “*Nice going there, Grace.”* Where the hell was that guy? She missed that guy! She wanted to walk up and plant a big fat one on that guy! “Well…neither was I,” she commented back, with a little bit of bite in her tone. “Why are you so breathless and sweaty?” “Just came back from a run,” he said as he wiped his brow with his forearm. “Coach wants us to try and stay in shape during our break.” “I see…well, I'm just about to take a walk with Bax…I'd ask if you'd want to come, but I assume you're too tired.” He nodded. “You assume right. I'm going to take a shower than maybe take advantage of the quiet around here and take a nap.” Ava opened her ears and noticed the eerie silence “It *is* insanely quiet…where is everybody?” “Most by the pool…I think some at the Quidditch pitch, too.” He paused to take a quick gulp of the glass of water he had been holding. “Our parents are downstairs, though, playing some card game around the kitchen table. It's getting pretty rowdy…I believe its girls against boys.” Ava grinned. “Uh-oh, look out.” He let out a soft chuckle. “Yeah. Well. I better go and get cleaned up. Enjoy your walk, A.J.” Ava shifted to the side so he could pass. “I will….enjoy your shower and nap.” He just smiled and gave her a nod before walking down the hall and disappeared into his room. Once he was inside, he leaned back against the door and took in a long shaky breath before letting it out. Merlin, he didn't know how much longer he could take this torture. Being alone with her and pretending to be all chummy and friendly when all he really wanted to do was… He swallowed his thought with a soft groan. He had been so close—so close into shoving her against the wall and taking that sweet, sexy mouth of hers. Baxter probably wouldn't have liked that, he thought as he pushed himself away from the door and headed to the shower, stripping as he went. He would have thought he was attacking her and fight back by taking a big chunk out of him with his fangs. That possible scenario had been one of the reasons why he had resisted devouring her against the wall—possibly the only reason. Needing to cool off from not only the run, but from his encounter with Ava, he decided a frigid cold shower would help. As he shivered under the cold spray he closed his eyes and took a few deep, calming breaths. He wanted Ava…and hoped to have Ava—soon. But he knew she was still vulnerable with what happened with Liam and he'd be damned if he'd be a bloody rebound. So he would wait as long as he could, until he was sure she wanted him just as much—just as fiercely—as he wanted her. It still pleasantly surprised him that he wanted to be with Ava. The one girl who knew just how to push his buttons—the only girl who could make him mad as hell one minute, then release a muffled chuckle out of him the next. She'd give him a headache—among other things*—*but he sure as hell wouldn't be bored. A few more days, he assured himself as he turned off the water, grabbing a towel as he stepped out. He'd wait a few more days before he made his move. He wouldn't jump her like he had always imagined doing—he would take it slow—feel her out. And hopefully—*hopefully—*she would be on the same page as him, because if she wasn't?—she was in for a fight, because when Dameon Malfoy wanted something—he'd do everything in his power to get it. --> 14. Chapter 13 -------------- **Hey guys! Well, I finally got to see the new HP movie and considering it was my least favorite book of the series, it was a pretty damn good movie! There were a ton more H/Hr moments than I expected and it kind of made me sad since I knew it wasn't going to happen. Even my friend, who doesn't read the books, had told me that she always thought Harry would end up with Hermione. Oh, how we all wish! Well, at least we have our fanfiction! This one I'm hoping to wrap up soon, because after seeing those awesome H/Hr moments in the movie, it made me really anxious to get back to my new story I've already started! I will start posting once this is done! For now…enjoy this decently long chapter of Dallas and Nora. And coming up next? The much anticipated camping trip! Much love everyone!** **~HM** **Chapter 13** Nora made her way through the tall open doors to the stable and found Dallas in front of the tack room fiddling with two saddled horses. He was bent over at the waist with the horse's back hoof propped on his thigh while he used a pick to break out all the rocks and dirt that had been compacted around the horseshoe. Because she was a woman who appreciated the male body, she took a moment to admire the way the denim of his jeans strained over his delectable butt. His faded blue cap was tucked into one of the back pockets and he was dressed in his signature white cotton shirt, plus his brown scarred boots he always wore. It was practically the same outfit he wore when she first saw him, she realized with an affectionate smile. He looked fantastic. She wanted nothing more than to go over and jump him, but—somehow---managed to resist. She just hoped he would be just as undone by how she looked. Only one way to find out, she told herself once Dallas straightened. “Hey there, cowboy.” He turned, sporting a grin, but it faltered as his jaw dropped ad the pick in his hand thudded to the ground. Mission accomplished. “You like?” she asked, doing a little twirl as she danced up to him. “Oh, yeah.” He hooked two fingers in the front of her jeans…and tugged. “I like.” Then, before she could have another coherent thought in her mind, his mouth was on hers. Hot, hard, passionate…leaving them both breathless and humming with need. “Wow,” Nora sighed once she got her tongue back. “I should dress like this more often if I get that kind of welcome.” “It was the boots…I'm a sucker for a sexy woman in boots.” “Dually noted.” He laughed and pressed his lips to hers once more, lingering a moment before pulling away. “Ready to go?” “You bet. Need any help with anything?” “Nope...we're all set.” He shifted and patted the flank of the buckskin mare. “You'll be riding her today. I thought she'd suit you.” “Oh?” She asked as she walked up to the mare to introduce herself. “Why's that?” “Well…at first I almost saddled Freckles for you, because…well.” He grinned as he brushed a finger over her nose that was dusted with freckles. She smiled. “You should saddle Freckles for my sister Rose when we go out on our camping trip. Her husband calls her Frecks.” “Really? Well, I'll have to remember that.” “So…what made you decide on this one?” she asked curious. “She doesn't look a thing like me.” “No…but I have a soft spot for her,” he said as he loomed himself over her. “You two have that in common.” She felt all her insides go all soft and gooey inside. “That's nice. What's her name?” “Queen B.” When she simply cocked a skeptical brow at him a deep, chuckle erupted from the pit of his belly. “Sorry, but you have to admit…she suits you.” He bent down to take a nip out of her lips and sighed in defeat. “Yes…I suppose so.” “Well then…let's get you saddled up…your highness.” XXXX Together, they climbed their horses up the side of the mountain as they enjoyed not only each other, but also the beautiful land around them. Every once in awhile, Dallas would comment on a certain summer flower they would pass or point out a deer grazing in a nearby meadow. She was having the time of her life. Riding had become one of her greatest joys in just a few short days and she never wanted to give it up. She would have to find away to keep riding when she returned home, but since going home and leaving Dallas made her unbearably sad, she quickly put it out of her mind to enjoy the moment. Dallas had been right. Queen B was right for her and when Dallas treated her with a short easy lope through a wide smooth part of the trail, Nora's heart soared with delight. “She moves like a dream!” she laughed once they had slowed to a walk. “She's wonderful!” “She has a gate like a rocking horse,” Dallas said as he gave Tango a rewarding pat after the lope. “So does Tango…very fluid and smooth.” They cut through a narrow trail that snaked through the trees, while Dallas listened to the latest drama about Ava and Liam. “She deserves better,” he said once she was done as they crossed a shallow creek. “The guy was an ass.” “Well said,” she said then let out a laugh when Queen B pawed the water hard with her front hoof, getting her slightly damped. “Queenie's getting me wet!” “Give her a little kick…she loves the water so you have to be a bit forceful with her.” Nora chuckled as she gave her a firm nudge. “That's enough B…you got me wet enough.” The mare gave one last paw, but followed suit and trotted herself out of the bank. “You okay?” Dallas asked with a chuckle. “She got you pretty good.” “Fine,” she laughed. “It was kind of fun…and I got a nice cool down.” “You look good wet,” he said with a grin then turned Tango back around. “Let's go…almost there.” Twenty minutes later, Nora found herself stretched out on a blue and white plaid blanket, surrounded by a sea of beautiful yellow flowers. Coreopsis…that was what Dallas had said they were called. She didn't know much about flowers or their names…but she did think they were pretty. The small meadow of flowers was right by a cliff and the view was spectacular. All that green stretched for miles below and the snow peaked mountains off in the distance. And the sky was so brilliantly blue it almost looked like a painting “It's so beautiful up here,” she said as she closed her eyes and lifted her face up to the warm rays of the sun. Dallas smiled and took a moment from unpacking their lunch to study her. “And you look beautiful in it.” She peaked open an eye. “Smooth talker.” “Always. Hungry?” “Famished.” She sat up and looked at the amount of food and drink, then over to the basket that had carried it. “Something tells me that's a *special* picnic basket.” He laughed as he set the small basket aside. “Gotta love magic.” “You bet…is that strawberries?” “Yes.” He plucked one of the freshly cut berries from the bowl and held it out to her. She happily accepted and bit into the berry. “I love strawberries.” “Me too,” he said with a grin and plopped the rest of the berry in his own mouth. “I have finger sandwiches too…I didn't know what you liked so I made a few options.” “Anything will work,” she said as she scooted closer and took the paper plate he offered her. “You sure know how to pack a picnic.” She picked out a turkey then decided on a ham and cheese, as well. “Wine?” Dallas asked as she held up a bottle of chardonnay. “Love some.” “We can't go too crazy on the wine,” he said as he poured her a glass. “I don't want us to have to ride back completely wasted.” She let out a laugh as she accepted the glass. “I'll try and behave.” “Now, I didn't say anything about behaving,” he said with a mischievous grin and tapped his glass with hers. “Cheers.” “Cheers.” She watched him over her glass as they both took a sip, then leaned into each other for a deep, deep, kiss that left her wanting more. “Maybe I'm not that hungry after all,” she murmured against his lips and shifted closer to him. “For food anyway.” He groaned out a chuckle as he trailed his lips along her neck. “Only you would be able to make me hot and bothered *and* make me laugh at the same time.” Her lips curved as she angled her neck to give him more access. “It's a gift.” “I'll say.” He let out a shaky sigh as he nuzzled her neck. “You make me all fuzzy…I had a plan. Eat, talk.” He nipped at her skin. “*Then* convince you to let me make love to you.” She shivered at her words. “There's no reason we have to do those things in order.” He leaned back to brush back her long, wild auburn hair he loved so much. “Well…we have to at least talk first…but we can eat last.” “It's important,” she said, once she saw the look in his eyes. Dallas thought of Phoebe and her sparkling eyes and infectious laughter. “Yes…it's important.” She shifted back and folded her legs but linked one of her hands with his. “Then I'm listening.” He lifted their joint hands and kissed her fingers, then took a moment to figure out how to begin. “I told you before…I became involved with someone a few summers back.” She nodded. “Yes…you loved her.” “I did. At least I thought I did.” He had always thought he loved Julie…until he met Nora. “It was my first summer here and although I took the job for the horses, I was still too young to be completely in charge of it. Kris, the guy in charge back then, trained me and helped teach me all I needed to know. “I spent as much time as I could at the stables, but there were days I had to help out in other areas when we were short handed. I was a waiter at the chow hall a few times, but usually if I wasn't working with the horses I was doing lifeguard duty at the pool. That's where I first met her.” “What was her name?” “Julie…Julie Browning. Her family is from New York…fairly powerful in the wizarding world…comes from money.” “That name sounds familiar,” Nora said. “I think they've come to a few of my dad's charity events he's put together through the years. I couldn't pick them out in a crowd, but they definitely ring a bell.” “That doesn't surprise me,” Dallas said with a harsh laugh. “Mr. Browning would want to associate himself with your dad…it would be just like him. If he donated any money it wasn't because he wanted to help others, like your dad would…he would do it to uphold the Browning name.” “You don't like him.” “I don't respect him,” he corrected. “But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me backtrack. “I had noticed her while lifeguarding and since I knew very well it was against the rules to date guests I didn't do anything but enjoy the view. I was a typical guy at eighteen, back then, and appreciated the female body, so it was a look, but don't touch thing for me. “To my surprise, however, she noticed as well and actually approached me. It was harmless flirting at first, but then she came to the stables one day, looking for me. I had happened to be alone…Kris was out taking guests on a trail ride…and well, I won't go into details, but it changed between us that day. After that…we met in secret almost every day for the rest of the summer.” “What happened between you?” Nora asked, encouraging him to continue after Dallas had gone silent. Dallas took a deep breath to get his bearings. Talking about Julie and that summer was a lot more difficult than he imagined. “We went the entire summer without getting caught and the night before she had to leave we had both promised to keep in touch. We had even fantasized about running away together someday…I told her I loved her that night. She didn't repeat it…exactly…all she said was, `Me too.' I should have known right then that it wouldn't work out.” Nora reached for his hand. “I'm so sorry, Dallas.” “Thanks.” He squeezed her fingers. “But I'm not done. Five months after she left…she showed up at my front door. Pregnant.” Her hand in his grasp flinched. “Pregnant?” she whispered. Dallas nodded. “She was practically in tears…she was scared and didn't know what to do.” Because it was hard to look at Nora's stunned face, he glanced over and watched the horses grazing nearby. “I assured her that everything would be okay…I would take care of her. Her father had found out and was furious of course so she ran away…to me. I told her I would marry her…do it right, but she said she wanted to wait till after the baby was born. Deep down I knew something wasn't right with her, but I continued to ignore it.” He took a moment and took a much needed sip of his wine to quench his nervous, dry mouth. “When the baby was born,” he finally continued looking down into his glass. “It was the most scary, exciting and wonderful day of my life. I was by Julie's side…the whole time and when she finally gave birth…I was the first to hold her.” He finally made himself look at Nora and his heart clenched when he saw her eyes shimmering with tears. “She was breathtaking, Nora…the moment I held her I knew I would do anything for her…would die for her.” Nora couldn't say anything; she was too overwhelmed with the passionate look on his face when he spoke of his little girl. He was a father. She couldn't believe it. Dallas saw a single tear slid down Nora's cheek and wanted desperately to brush it away, but was too scared he'd be rejected so he watched her brush it away herself. “When I held our baby out to Julie,” he finally continued. “She didn't want her…she claimed she was too tired. She hardly even looked at her. Even after we took her home, I still found myself doing everything…bottle feeding her, since Julie refused to breast-feed. I changed her, bathed her…loved her. “At the end of the week I had decided to finally confront her, but…when I woke up that morning…she was gone.” Nora gasped softly. “Gone? She just left?” “She left me a note…apologizing. She just couldn't be a mother to our baby or a husband to me. She had to go back to her parents and her life. She didn't love us…she also left a bag full of Galleons, as well. `For your troubles.' That's what she had written…as if having our baby in my life was a bothersome.” “That's horrible.” Nora shook her head in awe. “I can't believe it…how selfish and cruel of her…to leave you and her own infant daughter.” “I didn't keep the money,” he said as his face hardened. “Phoebe…that's her name…she was all I needed. So I transferred it to muggle money and donated it to a children's foundation my mom is in charge of back home in Dallas. A foundation that helps underprivileged kids…it's my mom's pride and joy.” “That's brilliant,” Nora sobbed softly as she choked back the tears. “And brilliant of you to use the money that way…Oh, Dallas…you have a little girl?” “Yes,” he said, slightly uneasy with her tears. Happy tears? Angry tears? He hoped they were happy…he prayed they were happy. “I'm sorry if you're angry with me for not telling about her sooner, but…” “I'm not angry,” she said cutting him off as she scooted closer to him so she could touch his arm. “I understand why you couldn't tell me right away…you didn't know me at first and you were only protecting her.” Relief whooshed out of him in one long unsteady breath. “I didn't know if you'd understand or see it that way.” “Of course I understand,” she assured him as she strummed her fingers through his hair. Dallas looked up at her and when she smiled at him his heart violently trembled in his chest. “She's the most important person in my life, Nora.” “Well, I should hope so,” she said smiling slightly. “But you're becoming a close second.” The hand strumming his hair stilled and she felt her heart thud loudly against her ribs. “Dallas,” she murmured softly. “I…” “You don't have to say anything,” he rushed on as he touched the side of her face. “I just want you to know that for me…this is more than a summer fling. If it were, I wouldn't have told you about Phoebe. Nora, what I felt for Julie? Pales into comparison with what I feel for you…and I want you to know that.” All sorts of powerful feelings seemed to soar inside her and she didn't know whether to laugh or scream. “Dallas,” she said, laughing softly. “I…” “You really don't have to say anything, I…” “Hey.” She placed a finger on his lips to quiet him. “Let's get one thing straight, cowboy. I'm not Julie. She may have stupidly tossed your feelings aside, but I'm not going to do that. So just shut up and listen.” Dallas' brows lifted up then nodded his head in agreement. “Listening,” he mumbled against her finger. “Good.” She slowly removed her finger from his lips. “Dallas, I've never felt this way about anyone before. I know that sounds cliché, but it's the god's honest truth. The moments I've spent with you this last week have been absolutely wonderful and you've made me happier than I've ever been.” “Nora…” “Shush, I'm not done.” Dallas pressed his lips smartly together. “Sorry.” “I feel truly…honored…and blessed that you would trust me enough to tell me about your Phoebe. Knowing about her and what you did and still do for her only makes me fall for you even harder. I don't want this to end, Dallas. I don't want to say goodbye to you when my vacation is over.” Dallas closed his eyes as he touched his forehead to hers. “Thank Merlin, for that…because I don't want to lose you, either.” Then his mouth was on hers and they came together in a desperate need. Her arms circled around him and held on tight as she moved her lips under his just as urgently and passionate as he. He lowered her onto the blanket and stretched his long hard body over hers as the kiss turned soft and unbearably sweet. “Nora,” he murmured as his shaky fingers began to undo the buttons of her blouse. “I want to touch you…taste you…I want to make love to you.” “Yes,” she whispered as her whole body trembled under him while she watched him slowly undress her. “Make love to me, Dallas.” He unfastened the last button then bent down to taste her lips as he tenderly pushed her blouse off her shoulders. “Have you ever done this before?” he asked against the soft skin of her neck. “Yes…once, but…” He lifted his head to look at her when she hesitated. “But?” “But I was awful,” she blurted. “I mean…he was awful…the whole situation was awful…and awkward.” “The first time for a guy and a girl usually is, Nora,” he said, slightly amused that she was flustered. “No, I know…but we didn't have that chemistry I thought we'd have…I rushed into it when I thought I was ready when I wasn't.” “But you're ready now?” Nora's eyes softened and reached up to brush back his hair that curtained his temple. “More than ready…I know nothing about us will be awful or awkward.” He chuckled softly. “I sure hope not.” He kissed her again, slow and deep, as they began to slowly undress one another as the warm rays of the sun beat down on them from above. He took his time with her, not wanting to rush, but wanting to savor every moment with her. He made her feel things she didn't think was possible. His hands and mouth loved her body and she felt completely and utterly cherished. She couldn't stop touching him…kissing him…he made her ache in places she didn't know she could ache. He cupped his hand between her legs and sent her flying up, up, then finally over…only to draw her right back up with his clever mouth. “Nora,” he murmured as he trailed his lips back up her trembling body. He paused to kiss the skin over her racing heart, then nuzzled her neck as he nestled himself between her thighs. “Nora,” he said again and touched his lips to hers as he slid deep, deep, inside her. She let out a soft gasp as she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around her waist. Their lips were only inches apart as they began to move together in slow, fluid strokes, bringing them closer and closer to the brink. “Dallas,” she pleaded softly before lifting her head for a kiss. He groaned against her mouth as he quickened his pace, plunging deeper and harder inside her until they were both desperate to get to that final peak. When he finally felt Nora fall long and hard over that crest, he buried his face in her hair and tumbled after her. Once Dallas found the strength, he rolled over on his back and brought her against his side and she willingly followed. “Well,” Nora said once she had her breath. “There was nothing awful or awkward about that.” Dallas' chest shook with silent laughter. “I'll say.” He kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent. “I love you, Nora.” Nora fluttered her eyes closed as she let those precious words wash over her. Her heart felt so full of love for him she thought she might pass out from it. It was a wonderful feeling. “I love you, too, Dallas,” she murmured as she snuggled closer to him. “This was the best day…I'll never forget it.” Dallas tucked a finger beneath her chin and tucked her head up for a kiss. “Neither will I.” --> 15. Chapter 14 -------------- **Okay here's another one! It's not as long as the last one, but considering how fast I got this new one out, I'm hoping that will make up for it. This is a chapter with three different short scenes so enjoy!!** **Chapter 14** “Well, today's the day,” Hermione said to her husband as she handed him a freshly poured cup of coffee. “No going back.” “It'll be fine,” he assured her before taking his first slip then cursed softly as he scalded his tongue. “Damn, that's hot.” Hermione smirked as she smartly blew into her cup. “Coffee usually is, genius.” “Shut up, Sparky,” he said, but couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him as he bent down for a quick kiss. “We should start waking everyone up.” He leaned against the counter and bravely took another sip. “We have to be at the stables at ten-thirty.” “What should we do about breakfast?” Hermione asked leaning against the counter across from him. “Something easy…tell everyone to help themselves to toast or cereal. I think we have some muffins in the pantry as well.” “I smell coffee.” Harry and Hermione turned to see a very tired and disgruntled Draco stumble into the kitchen. “Well good morning, sunshine,” Harry teased. “Bite me,” Draco muttered then sighed when Hermione handed him a fresh cup. “You're a marvel, Hermione.” He took his first sip then closed his eyes in pleasure. “I now almost feel human.” “Rough night, Malfoy?” Harry asked. Draco grinned over his cup. “I wouldn't call it, rough…just lack of sleep.” “Really? One would think you'd be more chipper from…lack of sleep.” “What can I say? My woman wore me out.” Hermione rolled her eyes. “Ugh…sometimes I think we're way too comfortable around each other.” “Oh, like you and Nat never talk about sex?” Draco asked with an arch brow. “I know how you females operate.” “Well. That's different.” Draco snorted. “Whatever, Granger. I bet you discuss all the juicy details.” “Good morning,” Natasha sang as she practically waltzed into the kitchen. “There…now you see?” Harry pointed a finger at Natasha. “That's how you're suppose to sound from lack of sleep.” Hermione grinned as Draco scowled at Harry, but then turned to her friend who was pouring herself a cup. “What's the verdict?” she asked with a smirk. Draco had only been partially right. Although they didn't discuss all the juicy details, there was one thing they always asked, which was how many orgasms had they experienced in one night. Sometimes, they'd even have a contest to see who won, like the night the kids had went out before the rest of the family. It had been close, but Hermione had won eight orgasms—which was the world record, thank you very much—to Natasha's seven. After all these years the guys were still clueless about their little game. Natasha turned her back slightly to the guys and discreetly tapped a finger five times against the side of her cup. “You?” she murmured before taking a sip. “Got me beat.” She drummed four fingers against her cup. “This time.” “You see…right there,” Draco pointed an accusing finger at the women. “I don't know what they just did…but I know they just talked about sex with us.” Natasha turned back to her husband with an innocent look. “I don't know what you mean, honey,” she said innocently as she reached up for a kiss. “Distracting me with kisses,” he mumbled against her lips. “That's low…even for you.” “I don't see you complaining,” she said with a grin as she hooked one arm around his neck. “Maybe not.” He grinned and gave her one last kiss before looking up at Harry and Hermione, who was leaning her back against him while they finished up their coffee. “So what's the plan for this camping trip?” “We need to be at the stables in a couple of hours,” Harry said as he set his now empty cup on the counter. “We should probably wake up our kids here soon so they can start getting the grandkids ready. It takes awhile for this family to get organized.” “That's the truth,” Natasha said she reluctantly stepped back from her husband. “We better get started. We have a long day ahead of us.” XXXX Nora tracked down her dad in the hallway and called out to him just before he could walk into the triplet's room. “Dad…got a second?” “Not really, but I'll take it,” he said as he gratefully turned away from the door. “Your mum had asked me to help Rosie with the triplets…” “Oh…sorry,” she said wincing slightly. “Not an easy task.” “Nope, but…” “Patrick Malfoy!” Rosie's voice boomed from inside. “Would you stop running around like a lunatic? And put some clothes on this instant!” Harry grimaced. “Better make it quick.” “I just wanted to let you know I'm going to head out there early. Dallas wants to introduce me to Phoebe.” “Phoebe? Oh…his daughter, right?” “Yes…Dad, I know you've been cool about Dallas and I…and have managed somewhat to stay out of it, but…does it bug you at all?” Harry smiled softly as he ran a hand over her hair. “Munchkin…it's always going to bug me when I think of my little girl with a boyfriend.” Nora nervously shifted her stance. “I wouldn't exactly call him my boyfriend…he's more than that.” Harry's eyes widened. “Good grief, Nora…you two didn't go off and get married during your little outing the other day?” Nora choked out a laugh. “W-what? No, of course not! I would never marry someone without my family being there!” Harry placed a hand over his shaky heart. “I know…sorry, that was stupid of me to even think that, I just…started to panic a bit.” “I do love him though, Daddy.” “Oh, Merlin.” Harry let out an unsteady breath. “Okay…well…hmm.” He scooped a hand through his hair. “And…er…does he feel the same way?” “Yes…he's a good man, Dad. I don't know what exactly will happen with us, but I know I'm going to do everything I can to be with him.” “C'mere,” he said softly as he pulled his munchkin into his arms. “Now you've done it…you went and grew up on me.” “I recall telling you that I'll always be your munchkin,” she murmured as she rubbed her cheek against his chest. Harry placed his curved lips against the top of her hair. “You better believe it.” He drew her back to look down at her. “I do like him, Nora…granted I haven't spent much time with him, but if he makes you this happy…then that's all that matters.” “Thanks, Dad,” she said as she started to tear up. “I'm going to have to reapply my make-up.” “You look beautiful,” he said and wiped a tear away. “And if Dallas ever hurts you I will hunt him down and cut off his you know what.” Nora's jaw dropped. “Daddy,” she whispered in awe then couldn't help but slip out a giggle. “I'll be sure to warn him.” “You do that.” A crash erupted from inside the room, followed by a loud curse from Rosie. “Er…I better go.” Nora laughed. “You better.” She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Love you.” “Love you, too,” he said and watched his little munchkin prance off down the hall. The door suddenly flew open and Rosie filled the doorway…practically fuming. “Uncle Harry! Please remind me why I haven't put those monsters up for adoption yet?” Harry turned around and placed his hands on her arms. “Because you love them and deep, deep down…they're good boys.” He kissed her cheek before scooting around her and stepped into the room. Patrick had managed to put on some underwear…so what if it was on his head? It was progress. Ben and Nate were both fully dressed but were in the middle of wrestling each other on the bed as they chanted back and forth to each other, “Am not!” “Are, too!” “Am not!” “Are too!” “Deep, deep down,” Harry repeated when Rosie stood beside him. “They have too much Malfoy in them,” Rose said as she huffed a strand of hair out of her face. “Well,” Harry said as he calmly pulled out his wand. “Why don't you go and make sure the rest of your more normal kids are ready…I'll take care of them.” “Good luck…and show them no mercy.” Harry grinned wickedly. “I never do.” XXX While Harry was giving the triplets a run for his money, Ava was standing on the back steps with Baxter draped over her hands. “For the last time, Bax…it's only for one night. I'll be back tomorrow.” “Whyyy can't I come withhh, yooou?” “Because I'm too afraid I'd lose you, Bax…not to mention you'd probably spook the horses…not intentionally,” she added quickly before he could get defensive. “I know you wouldn't mean them harm, but they don't know that. Now please…go on a quick hunt so you won't be hungry…then you'll have the whole house to yourself while we're gone.” Baxter let out a defeating hiss as he uncoiled himself from her hands and slid easily down on the ground. “Be careful,” she called out as she watched him slither away in the grass. When he was out of sight, she plopped down on the steps as she tried not to feel guilty for leaving him. She just couldn't take him with her…not with all of her family and the horses. Not to mention she'd have a heart attack at every sight or sound of a hawk or eagle near by. As much as she would love to take him, she had to keep him behind so she wouldn't spend the whole time worrying. “Why the long face?” Ava turned and looked up to see Dameon looming over her. “Baxter's mad at me because I'm leaving him behind.” “Ah.” Dameon walked down and sat next to her. “Where is he now?” “Hunting. He needs to feed before we leave or else he'll be hungry.” Dameon chuckled when he noticed her pouty lips and playfully nudged her with his shoulder. “Lighten up, A.J. He'll get over it. It's not like he'll never forgive you…Bax loves you.” “I know…I'm just going to miss him, too. I don't think I've gone a night without him.” She glanced over at him. “Is that weird?” “No,” he assured her and put a friendly arm around her shoulders. “He's your baby. I feel the same way about Maddie.” “Maddie?” Ava asked as she tried hard not to lean into his warmth. “Who's Maddie?” “My dog…oh, right…you wouldn't know about her. I got her almost right after I graduated Hogwarts. She's a golden retriever.” “I didn't know you liked dogs.” He took a moment to look at her…really look at her. She didn't have an ounce of make-up on her face; her hair was messily pulled back into a tail and for him? It was how he liked her best. “I imagine there's a lot you don't know about me, Ava.” He was looking at her again…that way that made her heart start to race and her throat close up. He hadn't looked at her that way since the day on the trail. “Maybe you can tell me more sometime.” When he saw her eyes flicker to his mouth he almost wanted to give in…to lean his head slightly towards her until their lips finally met. “Maybe,” he murmured and then leaned back…away from her….away from temptation. “Looks like Baxter's back.” “What?” she said slightly dazed. “Oh.” Flustered, she got up from the steps and scooped up Baxter and saw by the large lump in the middle of his body…Baxter's hunting trip was successful. “Wow,” Dameon said as he ran a hand over the lump. “That must have been one big mouse.” “Could have been a rat…I'd like to think it was a rat. They aren't as cute as mice.” Dameon chuckled in amusement. “You slay me, A.J. Well,” he said as he reached over and tugged at her tail. “I better go finish packing. I'll see you in a bit.” “Yeah,” she said and sighed as he left. “Baxter…if that oblivious obnoxious prick doesn't kiss me soon…I think I might die.” “Yooou cooould kissss hiiiim,” Baxter hissed in her ear. She giggled and pulled him away from her ear. “Cut that out…you know I hate it when you tickle my ear like that. And you're crazy…I can't kiss him…he's suppose to make the first move.” “Isss thisss a ruuule fooor youuuu huuuumansss?” “Well. No…not exactly, it's just…assumed.” She rolled her eyes. “And I can't believe I'm standing here talking about my love life with my pet snake. This conversation is over…let's go.” “Ssscaaared,” Baxter teased, tickling her ear again. She laughed as she pulled him away. “I am not…now be quiet before I let Nora change you into her famous snakeskin boots.” Baxer smartly slurped his tongue back in. --> 16. Chapter 15 -------------- **Hey kids! Here's a new update and fairly long! Hope you enjoy and thanks again for the reviews! Love them! Also thanks for the e-mails for those who have sent me one…I really enjoy those! They make my day!** **~HM** **Chapter 15** Phoebe Cosgrove stood on her stepping stool as he helped her Dad brush down Jack—the bay gelding that was one of the horses going on the camping trip. The camping trip her Daddy wouldn't let her go on, she thought with a pout. He always let her go before…just because it would be larger than most shouldn't matter. She wasn't a little girl anymore and she could even be a big help. However, the main reason she wanted to go was to spend more time with the woman that's made her daddy happier than she ever remembered him being. She was coming soon, but just one quick visit wasn't enough. What if she was wrong for Daddy? What if she was really bad…like her mommy. No, Julie, she corrected quickly. She refused to call her `mommy' anymore. As far as she was concerned she didn't have a mommy…just a daddy and that was enough because he loved her and was always there for her. Pondering, she lifted her chin to study him over Ranger's back. He was whistling while he worked…she couldn't recall him ever doing that before. He wasn't the whistling type…she kind of liked it. Maybe this…what was her name again? Nora, she remembered. Maybe Nora was good for him…but she couldn't be sure until she saw for herself. “Daddy?” “Yes, sweet-pea?” he asked as he kept brushing Ranger's matted hair that was caked with dried mud. He just had to roll around in the mud the night before, he thought with a shake of his head. “When is she getting here?” “Soon.” Phoebe bit her lip. “What if she doesn't like me?” Dallas looked up then. “She'll love you. She's very excited to meet you…and a bit nervous.” Her eye's widened. “Nervous?” She poked her brush to her chest. “Meeting *me?* But I'm just a kid.” “You're not just a kid, you're *my* kid and she knows how much you mean to me.” He reached over to nuzzle her head. “I come with a package…she can't have me without you and she knows that…and respects that.” She was quiet a moment and Dallas could almost hear her thoughts whirling in her head. “Did you tell her about Julie?” “Yes, I did. She was sad for both of us and thought Julie was selfish and stupid for letting us both go.” Phoebe gave him a wobbly smile. “Maybe I'll like her after all.” “I sure hope so.” He tweaked her nose, causing her to giggle and then looked up to see Nora walking up to the stable. “Here she comes…let's go out and meet her.” Phoebe turned jumped off her stool and took a moment to study the slim redhead walking up the dusty path towards the stables. She had on jeans, red boots and a simple white blouse and had an overnight bag hanging over her shoulder. Her Daddy grabbed her hand and urged her along out of the stables and into the sun. “Hey,” Dallas greeted her with a smile as he took her bag immediately and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for coming early.” “I wouldn't miss it.” She looked down at the little blonde girl who was studying her very hard. “Hi, Phoebe.” She held out her hand. “It's nice to finally meet you.” Phoebe was a bit surprised at the outstretched hand. Usually adults would nuzzle her head or worse—pinch her cheek and call her a `sweetie-pie' or `an absolute angel'. Nora did none of those things and was one of the few to treat her like a big kid or an adult. “You, too,” she said accepting her hand. “You're pretty.” Nora's soft smile bloomed. “Thank you…so are you. You look a lot like your Daddy.” Phoebe sighed and shook her head sadly. “No…I look like my mo—Julie.” Nora exchanged a quick look with Dallas, who gave a sad little shrug. “Actually,” she said, turning her attention to Phoebe. “I think you have your Daddy's eyes. And smile,” she added when Phoebe suddenly smiled. “Really?” she asked, obviously pleased. “Oh, definitely,” she assured her and shared a pleasing smile with her. “Have you been helping your Daddy get ready for the big camping trip?” “Yep!” She nodded enthusiastically. “We have a bunch of help today, but I know all about horses. Daddy taught me.” “He taught me, too. Are you going to help keep my crazy family together during the trip?” Phoebe's smile faded. “No…Daddy won't let me go.” Dallas rolled his eyes. “Here we go.” “Why can't she come?” Nora asked him as she took a defending step closer to Phoebe's side. “Yeah, Daddy? Why?” “Uh-oh,” he said warily. “I have a feeling I'm getting ambushed by my girls. I think I'm a little terrified right now.” “Dallas, she has to come,” she said softly as she put a hand on his arm. “Nora, I would love to bring her…but it's just such a big camping trip and there's so much I have to do, I don't know if I could keep an eye on her.” “I'll watch her,” she said, smiling down at Phoebe's hopeful face. “Dallas, I know we're technically the `customers' in this little camping trip, but I don't see it that way. This is my family and as far as I'm concerned…both of you are a part of it. It just wouldn't seem right if she wasn't there.” Dallas felt his heart trip in his chest at her words and lifted a hand only to touch the side of her cheek softly. He didn't say anything, he didn't have to…he knew she realized what she said to him meant more than anything. “Sweet-pea?” he finally said looking down at his little girl. “Yes?” she asked with wide, hopeful eyes. “Go into the stables and call down Barnaby,” he said with a smile. “We'll owl Manny to pack you an overnight bag and bring it up here.” “Yes!” She whooped as she jumped up and down, before wrapping her arms around his legs. “Thanks, Daddy!” He wobbled a bit, but just laughed as she patted her back. “You're welcome.” Phoebe then turned around and hugged a very surprised Nora. “Thanks, Nora! I can't wait to meet your family!” Nora gently ran a hand over the top of her head. “Me too, Phoebe.” “Oh Dallas,” she murmured as they watched her run back into the stables. “She's just precious.” She leaned into him when he came to put an arm around her. “You did an amazing job raising her.” Dallas let out a shaky laugh. “It wasn't easy….I'll say that.” He leaned down and risked being caught by giving her a quick kiss. The rules just didn't seem to be important anymore. “Thank you.” “So…need any help getting ready?” “Wouldn't say no to it,” he said as they walked towards the stables with their arms wrapped around each other. “I have a few people helping out and some that are already at the campsite getting the tents set up.” “Have you saddled up Queen B yet?” “Not yet…would you like to do the honors?” “Yes, I believe I would.” “He just flew off!” an excited Phoebe exclaimed as she ran towards them. “I found some paper in your office, Daddy and I wrote a note all by myself!” “Good girl,” he said scooping her up in his arms. “Nora's going to go and saddle up Queen B. Why don't you help her out? Just in case she needs some guidance.” “Okay!” She wiggled back down to the ground and grabbed Nora's hand. “Come on, Nora! Queenie's stall is this way!” Nora laughed and managed to kiss Dallas one last time before letting herself be dragged away by the girl that had already managed to capture her heart. XXX With the help of his crew—and his two best girls—Dallas was able to get all the horses saddled and ready to go by the time Nora's family arrived. They were all gathered around by the corral, obviously waiting for instructions, and the size of the group made Dallas' stomach twitch nervously. “Wow, that's a lot of family members.” Nora laughed. “Don't worry…they're harmless…er…but keep an eye on the triplets.” Nora looked down at Phoebe who was standing between them and also looking at her family in awe. “The triplets are about your age, Phoebe.” “Really?” she said and eyed the three identical blondes who were perched on the corral petting a nearby horse. “Uh-oh,” Dallas said with a wince when he remembered about the terrible trio. “Should I be worried?” “I think your girl can handle a bunch of boys,” Nora said and winked down at her. “Right?” Phoebe lifted her chin. “Right.” Harry walked up to them and held out a hand to Dallas. “Well, we're all here and accounted for.” Dallas took his hand in a firm handshake. “And I'm all set on this end…horses are all saddled up and ready to go. I'll just need to talk to the group first and explain some safety rules and everything.” “Sounds good.” Harry smiled down at the little girl that was looking up at him. “Hi there…you must be, Phoebe.” “Yes…who are you?” She asked curiously. “I'm Harry…Nora's Daddy.” Her eyes widened. “Really? “You bet,” he said as he pulled Nora to his side for a hug. “She's my little munchkin.” Phoebe giggled. “She's too big to be a munchkin.” “She may be all grown up, but she'll always be my little girl. Just like you'll always be your daddy's little girl.” “He's right,” Dallas said as he scooped her up. “No matter how big you get…” He poked a finger to her belly causing her to giggle. “You'll always be my sweet-pea.” “Are you going to be joining us, Phoebe?” Harry asked. “Uh-huh! Nora talked my Daddy into it.” Harry laughed. “Nora's good at that. Well, I'm glad she did…we're all going to have a great time. Dallas, I'll take you over to the family if you're ready.” “Sure.” He set Phoebe down on her feet. “You stay here by Nora, I'll be back, okay?” She nodded and Dallas nuzzled her head before following Harry over to the crowd. “She's a sweet girl,” Harry commented once Dallas was at his side. Dallas smiled. “That she is.” “My wife and I were admiring the three of you before I came up.” Harry paused a few feet away from the crowd. “You three look good together.” Dallas let out a relieving breath he didn't realize he was holding. “I like the sound of that, Mr. Potter.” “Harry,” he corrected. “Harry.” He looked back over to Nora who was now holding Phoebe on her hip while she jabbered away about something. Phoebe still liked to be held, but knew the time was coming when she'd be too big for it. “I imagine you and your wife want to talk to me…eventually.” Harry grinned. “You imagined right…but for right now, that can wait. Why don't we stand on that bench over there and get this started?” Dallas nodded and then the two of them jumped up onto the bench, towering over the loud, talkative crowd. “Hey, Sparky, a little help?” Harry asked then quickly covered his ears. “You might want to do the same.” Dallas blinked in confusion, but then winced at the loud, piercing, whistle that erupted from Harry's wife. “Holy crap,” Dallas murmured as he wiggled his ear. Harry chuckled. “Isn't she great?” He asked removing his hands from his ears and noticed everyone was looking at them now, some were even rubbing their ears. “Works like a charm…thanks, sweetie.” “My pleasure.” “Well, now that we got your attention,” Harry said to his family, who were now in full attention. “This is Dallas Cosgrove…he's in charge of the horses and this camping trip. He has a few things he wants to say so listen up, okay? We're a much bigger crowd than he's use to so we want to make sure we listen to what he has to say. Dallas? You have the floor.” Harry plopped down and joined Hermione and Dallas all of the sudden felt that nervous flutter in his stomach. He casted a quick glance to Nora and she smiled back, gave him a wink and just like that the nervous flutter was gone. “Well…as you all know, I'm Dallas Cosgrove…” “Noraaa's boyfriend,” Luke Potter teased, erupting a wave a giggles and chuckles. Dameon slapped Luke at the back of the head. “Don't mind him, Dallas…he's not fully trained yet.” “That's okay,” he said, grinning at the boy who now was rubbing the back of his head. “I like the sound of it.” “Awww,” the girls cooed in unison. Harry rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay…that's enough. Now listen up, guys. Go ahead, Dallas.” “Right.” He cleared his throat and shared a humorous look with Nora. “Anyway…I have all horses saddled and ready to go and one by one I'll assign you to a horse and one of my associates will lead you to your horse. The one thing I want to press on is safety…the last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt. “Horses are not like broomsticks…you can control them, but they do have a mind of their own. I've picked the best and most well behaved horses, so it shouldn't be a problem, but it's still best if you always keep your guard up. Also, I'd like for you all to buddy up. If there has to be a group of three that's fine, but no more then three to a group. Try and stay with your group during the trail…we'll all be fairly close together but this will help keeping track of everyone. “Once we get to the camp, the tents should all be set up for everyone. We have three total tents split up in a way that Harry had requested. One for him and his wife, plus the Malfoys. The other will hold their kids and spouses, while the last and the biggest of the three…will hold the rest of you. All three tents will be close together so you'll be able to interact easily if needed. The staff tent will out of sight, but close in case you need us. “Let's see, what else…there's a lake nearby for swimming and quite a few trails if anyone wants to take a hike. All meals will be provided and we even built a bonfire for tonight. I hope everyone has a great time and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask me, or anyone of my associates, and we'll take care of it. But for now, start pairing up and then form a line over at the entrance to the stables and we'll get this camping trip started. Thanks everyone.” Once he stepped down the loud chattering of brothers, sisters and cousins escaladed as everyone grabbed their desired buddy. The pairs weren't a surprise to Ava as she saw Michelle and Kristin hook arms together, Zoe dragging Blake urgently to the stables and Parker and Whitney trailing close behind. Pairings were linking up left and right and just as she was about to worm her way into Michelle and Kristen's group, a pair of familiar arms wrapped around her from behind. “Will you be my buddy?” Dameon murmured hopefully in her ear and she couldn't stop the shiver tremble through her body. “Me?” she asked teasingly as she placed her hands on his arms that still had her captive. The rest of the family had gone up to the stables so they were left behind…and alone. “Give me one good reason why I should say yes.” “Hmm,” he pondered as he playfully rested his chin against her shoulder. “Because deep, deep…deepdeepdeep down…you like hanging out with me.” Ava tilted her head towards him and smiled. “Maybe...but only deep, deep, down.” He chuckled as he straightened and put an arm around her. “That's good…we're making progress.” “I say we're making big progress.” Ava motioned over to the bench and headed towards it. “The lines a little long…why don't we sit down for a minute.” “Okay,” he said and sat down beside her and propped his arm on the back of the bench behind her. “And you're right…we've come a long way in the last few weeks. It's still weird…not fighting with you all the time.” She grinned. “Miss it?” He gave a playful shrug. “Maybe a bit.” “Well…it's only a matter of time,” she said giving him a comforting pat on the leg. “We may be friends now, but I have a feeling we'll still bump heads now and again.” “That's reassuring. Thanks.” “I do what I can.” Dameon glanced over at the stables to see that they still had awhile before they had to up there. “Dallas seems like a cool guy.” “Yeah,” she said as she glanced over to see Nora helping out Dallas with Phoebe by her side. “His daughter is beautiful…and you can tell he loves her.” “Do you think Nora will stay behind?” “I think she'll do whatever she has to do to be with him.” She leaned back and looked up at him. “She loves him.” “But they've only known each other for two weeks.” “Well…when you know, you know.” “I guess,” he said with uncertainty. “As long as she's happy.” “What about you?” Dameon's brows lifted. “What about me?” She tried her best to act casual as she nudged him with her shoulder. “Is there a special girl in your life?” Dameon gave her a slow grin. “As a matter of fact…there is.” “Oh. I see.” Ava felt her heart practically crumble into pieces but hid her disappointment with a bright smile. “What's her name?” Oh, she was good, he thought as he bit back a chuckle. So good in fact, he almost missed the flash of disappointment flash across her face. But he caught it…barely. What would she say if he told her the special girl was she? She'd probably turn pale as Nearly Headless Nick and drop her chin to the floor. It tempted him to go ahead and spill the beans…but not quite yet…not with their family so close by. “Don't worry about it,” he finally said as he got to his feet and pulled her to her own. “Let's go get our self some horses and saddle up,” he said in his best country twang. “Horrible accent.” “You could do better?” “No, which is why I'm smart enough not to do it in the first place.” “Hmm, I sense a bit of an attitude.” He stopped in his tracks and looked down at her hopefully. “Wait a minute, are we going to fight?” The laughter escaped her before she could stop it and jokingly shoved him away. “Oh, shut up.” Dameon just got back into step with her. “Whatever you say, buddy.” Nora smiled when she saw them walk up. “Are you two buddies?” Dameon put an arm around Ava and gave her a squeeze. “Sure are.” Dallas grinned. “Nice pairing, I say…Dameon, I'm going to put you on Ranger…he's that bay over there. Phoebe? Why don't you go and introduce Dameon to Ranger?” Her eyes lit up. “Okay! This way Dameon…Ranger's really nice, you're going to love him!” “Great…thanks cutie,” he said and then winked at Ava before allowing himself to be tugged away by Phoebe. “Nora, will you take Ava to Gunner…he's the gray speckled horse a few horses down on your right.” “Sure,” Nora said and hooked an arm around her little sister and slowed her walk so she'd have a minute to chat. “You okay?” “Fine,” she said in a high-pitched voice. “Why wouldn't I be?” “Because you usually talk like you just sucked down a gallon of helium whenever you try to tell us nothing is wrong when something actually is.” She sighed. “It's nothing…I'll get over it. Later,” she said in an urgent whisper when Nora opened her mouth to object. “It's stupid, really.” “Okay…later, but if it makes you sad, it's not stupid.” She gave her arm a pat. “For now…let me introduce you to Gunner. Isn't he beautiful? I remember seeing him in the meadow when I first walked to the stables.” “He's awfully…big,” she said as she eyed the creature next to her. “He's a big old teddy bear,” she assured her as she walked over to Gunner's head and gave it a scratch. “Know how to get on? No, I suppose not,” she added when Ava gave her a dry look. “Just stick you're the ball of your foot in that stirrup there…no the left foot…that's it…now grab the horn on the saddle and yank yourself up.” Ava gripped the horn like it was a second lifeline and took a deep breath before she pulled herself up onto the stirrup and swung her other leg over. “I did it,” she said as she perched happily in the saddle. “That was easy.” Nora handed her the reins. “Just wait…actually riding one is even better. You move the reins to steer…pretty straight forward. Just move the reins in the direction you want it to go and pull back on the reins to stop him, but make sure it's just one smooth tug, because if you pull too much, Gunner will think you want him to go backwards. Got it?” “I guess,” she said uneasily. “Don't worry,” she assured her. “You'll get the hang of it. Now…I got to go get on Queen B.” “Queen B?” Ava repeated with a chuckle. “If Dallas picked that out? He definitely knows you.” Nora laughed. “Definitely. I'll see you on the trail.” “Hey Ava.” Mason, who was sitting on his horse next to her, grinned foolishly at her. “Isn't this great? Cool horse…what's her name?” “His,” she corrected. “His name is Gunner. What about yours?” “This is Maverick,” he said as he patted the brown and white paint he was on. “He's real sweet. This is going to be so cool!” “Very,” she said smiling at his excitement as she tried to get over how upset she was but was failing miserably. Who was this girl? Where the hell did she come from? When she had asked him the question, she was only being flirty…she didn't actually think that there was a girl. Stupid, she told herself with a silent curse. Stupid to think there was something between her and Dameon. She would just have to suck it up and act like it didn't bother her. She could do it, she assured herself with a firm nod. She was a pro at not liking Dameon so she could definitely go back to that. Except…it was different now. He was showing his sweet side way too often and…he was right…she loved hanging out with him. And nowhere near deep down…more like way up…if that made any sense. Ava looked over at her other side to see her dad saddled up on a huge black horse. “Dad?” Harry, who had been laughing with Draco who was on his other side, turned over to Ava. “Oh, hey pumpkin…are you…hey, what's wrong?” Ava rolled her eyes. “Nothing…okay something…but I wanted to ask you something.” “Anything.” “If there was someone…I mean…*something*…you wanted, but…couldn't have it? What would you do?” “Well…why couldn't I have it?” “That's not important, I just…” “Of course it is,” he said interrupting her. “Ava, if I want something bad enough…I get it.” He grinned. “Just ask your mother…I'm very stubborn.” Ava sighed. “So you're saying…that no matter how far the odds…I shouldn't give up?” He gave her a wink. “Exactly. You're just as stubborn as me, pumpkin…I'm sure if you try hard enough…you'll get that person…I mean…ahem…*thing*…in no time.” Ava thought about it a moment, then smiled confidently. “Yeah…you're right. Since when have I every backed down from a challenge?” “Can't recall a time.” “Exactly…because I'm a Potter and Potter's don't quit.” “That's my girl,” he said with a laugh. “Okay everyone!” Dallas bellowed from the back end of the stables. “We're going to slowly walk out of the stables and conjugate over by the open field. When you get there, find your buddy if you haven't already and when we're all set we'll head for the trail. Sometimes the trail will get a bit narrow so we might have to single file the horses, but mostly it should be wide enough to spread out a bit. Remember, keep your guard up and if you ever feel uncomfortable on your horse or feel like you don't have control, jump off immediately. Clear?” When there were murmured yeses and nods of understanding, Dallas nodded as well. “Good…let's move out.” Dallas, who had the triplets securely tied to him, urged Tango out of the stables with Phoebe riding her red sorrel mare, Daisy, by his side and Nora close behind him on the other side riding Queen B. “It's not fair,” Patrick pouted as he eyed Phoebe. “Why does she get to ride without a rope?” Dallas swiveled in his seat. “Because she's been riding since she could walk. Sorry, kid…can't take any chances with you three….your parents would kill me if anything happened to you.” “Hmmph,” he pouted and then narrowed his eyes when Phoebe snickered at him. Girls, he thought with a roll of his eyes. What a waste of space. In the middle of the pack, Harry nudged his horse Merlin, up to Ava. “By the way, pumpkin?” he murmured as he leaned closer to her. “My money's on you.” He gave her nose a tweak. “Dameon doesn't stand a chance.” Ava's jaw dropped and her dad just chuckled as he trotted away to catch up to her mom. “Bloody hell.” “What's wrong?” Ava whirled in her saddle to see Dameon walking beside him on his horse. “N-nothing,” she said and made herself calm down. “Nothing at all.” *You're going down, Malfoy,* she thought with a wicked smile. *You're going down.* --> 17. Chapter 16 -------------- **Hellooo my faithful readers! Here's an update for ya! Enjoy and I will have the next one up probably this weekend! I hope** **~HM** **Chapter 16** The two hour trail ride went surprisingly well considering all the horrible things that could go wrong when you put over thirty horses together at one time. The only minor thing that happened was when a rabbit rustled in the grass and startled Patrick's horse. His horse did a quick stutter step to the side, but Patrick had actually managed to stay on the horse. “Well look at that,” Dallas said when he noticed the panic look on Patrick's face. “You kept your cool and stayed on the horse…now you're a true cowboy.” Patrick gave a wobbly smile and then turned around in his saddle. “Did you see that, Mum? I stayed in the saddle!” Rosie, who was white in the face, gave him an encouraging smile. “Yes sweetie…I saw…good job.” Scorpius reached over and rubbed her back. “He's okay,” he reassured her. She nodded but blew out a breath. “Scared ten years off my life.” “Same,” he agreed then leaned over to give her a kiss. Phoebe, who always spoke her mind no matter what, gave Patrick a nod of approval. “That was impressive…for a city slicker.” She trotted off before he could respond and was mortified when he felt his cheeks start to burn. “Someooone has a giiirlfriend,” Ben chanted to his brother. “I do not!” Patrick exclaimed, horrified at the thought. “She's just a stupid girl.” He just snickered and then Nate started singing, “Phoebe and Patrick sitting in a tree…” “Shut up, Nate, or I'll pound you as soon as we get there!” he threatened. “Knock it of you three!” Scorpius warned when he overheard a sense of hostility between the boys. Ben and Nate chuckled while Patrick scowled in annoyance the rest of the way there. It was just past noon when they caravan finally arrived and left their horses in a nearby field by the campsite to be tended to. Dallas instructed them to follow the trail through the woods, which led directly to the campsite where the tents were up and ready for them. Lunch was already getting started by the lake so everyone rushed inside the tents to quickly change into their swimsuits. The tent for the kids, were divided up into two rooms, one side for the girls and the other for the boys. The beds weren't exactly roomy but it would do for just one night of camping. The rest of the girls had already changed and were outside while Nora and Ava lingered in the room. Nora couldn't decide which swimsuit to drive Dallas crazy while Ava was gearing up the courage to ask Nora for help. “What do you think?” Nora asked holding up the green and blue bikini. Ava rolled her eyes. “Does it matter? You've already snagged him…he'll drool no matter what color you wear.” Nora grinned. “That's comforting…thanks, A.J.” “Glad I could help,” she muttered. Noticing the tone, she turned her attention to her sister. “Okay, it seems like later is right now.” She walked over and sat on the bed next to her sister. “What's wrong?” Ava sighed and looked pitifully up at her. “I like Dameon.” Nora just nodded. “Yeah, okay. So?” Ava blinked. “Did you not hear me? I said I liked Dameon. *Dameon.* The guy I always sworn to hate until my last dying breath!” Nora rolled her eyes. “You were always dramatic when it came to your hatred for him. But A.J…I've always known how you've felt about him. I'm just glad you finally realized it.” Ava let out an uneasy laugh. “You're talking like I've always liked him…I just started thinking about him this way.” “That's a lie,” Nora said with a shake of her head. “Think about it, A.J…I know he has a high talent for making you angry, but you've always felt this way about him.” Ava wanted to argue…to defend herself, but deep down she knew Nora was right. Ever since she first started to notice boys, it was Dameon she had noticed. It had made her angry…furious, even. So what did she do? She threw all her focus to other guys…idiot guys like Liam Kelson. “Okay, fine,” she finally admitted. “I've always had the hots for my childhood nemesis. Happy?” “Ecstatic,” she said calmly then laughed at the look on her face. “Don't look so grim, A.J. This is a good thing.” “It doesn't feel very good,” she admitted as she put a hand on her shaky stomach. “Sometimes it's not supposed to feel good.” She reached over and patted her knee. “So now that you've admitted you want to jump Dameon's bones…” “Jeez, Nora…” “We'll have to find a way to get Dameon to admit he wants to jump your bones right back.” Ava tried hard not to blush. “How do you know he even wants to?” “Because I've seen the way he looks at you.” She wiggled her brows. “Now, please tell me you packed your red bikini.” She nodded. “I packed it.” “Good…that's his favorite.” Ava's jaw dropped. “How do you know?” “I'll repeat myself. Because I've seen the way he looks at you…when you're in you're red bikini.” Ava felt her heart flutter. “Really? How exactly does he look at me?” “He looks at you as if he's going to crush you against him and snog the life out of you.” “Seriously?” Ava whispered in awe and felt her body tremble at the thought of Dameon doing just that. “Seriously,” she repeated. “Now, go put it on.” “What about make-up?” Ava asked. “Would you help me with that like you did the other night when we went out?” Nora sighed. “I can't believe I'm saying this…but, no.” Ava's jaw dropped. “But…but, why not? You are always pushing me to wear….” “You don't need it,” she interrupted with a shake of her head. “The make-up is fine once in awhile, but in the end? You don't need it. You have a beautiful naturally look about you, A.J….and I bet Dameon likes you best when you're all stripped down. Not literally,” she added with a laugh when Ava's eyes went wide. “Although I'm sure he wouldn't mind that either…but I meant stripped down as in no make-up, hair pulled back with a simple pair of jeans or shorts. Just be yourself, sweetie.” “I see. Well…being myself is what I do best,” Ava said with a smile. A knock on the door erupted and they looked up to see Rosie and Mia stroll in. “We were sent to see what's keeping you two,” Rosie said as she went over and plopped herself down next to Nora. “Everyone is already out eating or swimming in the lake,” Mia said as she sat next to Ava. “I'm giving Ava a pep talk,” Nora said. “She has just realized how she feels about Dameon so she was just about to wear her sexy red bikini to entice him.” “Bikini's work wonders,” Rosie said, sharing a grin with Mia. “That's how we snagged our men.” “Well…to give them a boost anyway,” Mia added with a chuckle. Ava shook her head clear. “Wait a minute…you two aren't acting very surprise either. Am I wearing a sign that screams, *I want Dameon Malfoy*?” “Pretty much,” Rosie said casually. “But don't worry…Dameon is wearing the same sign. The only difference is neither of you have been able to read them.” Mia grinned. “Until now.” “You guys are starting to make me nervous,” Ava said and got up to change. “I don't even know what to do about the other girl.” “What other girl?” all three girls said in unison. Ava rummaged through her bag until she found her bikini. “I asked him earlier if there was a special girl in his life…kind of flirting and expected him to say no. Well…he didn't.” “Ever think that maybe the special girl in his life is you?” Mia asked with an arched brow. “And he's just pulling your leg?” “It would be exactly like him,” Rosie said after pondering. Ava snorted. “Why would he….” She trailed off when it dawned on her. “It *would* be exactly like him. That sneaky little bastard.” She let out a little annoying huff. “Well…two can play at this game. It's time to slip in this little red bikini and show him exactly what I'm made of.” “Go get `em girl,” Rose said standing up. “My money's on you. Let's go, Mia…I better check on the triplets and make sure they haven't drowned or anything.” Mia stood up to follow. “We should probably keep an eye on Michelle and Kristin, too. Last I saw they were flirting with one of the lifeguards by the lake.” “They are just getting into the `liking boys' stage,” Rosie said as they gave one last wave before closing the door. “Scorpius isn't liking it…he still sees Kristin as a little girl with pigtails.” “Albus is just as bad,” Mia said as they walked out of the tent. “Just the other day I was telling him how I think Michelle is starting to like their friend Josh. He nearly had a heart attack.” Rose rolled her eyes. “Men…they are completely hopeless.” “But thank Merlin for them,” Mia added when he saw her husband by the lake taking his shirt off. Rose's eyes were immediately drawn to Scorpius who was standing waist deep in the water, wet and shirtless. “You can say that again.” XXXX When Dameon looked up from his food and first spotted Ava…he choked on his hotdog. So hard in fact, that Jacob started to pound hard on his back multiple times until his back began to sting. “Okay, okay,” Dameon coughed as he shrugged his back away from Jacob's hand. “I'm fine.” “You don't look fine,” Jacob said and for good measure, he gave him one more slap. “I was afraid you were going to start turning green. Anyway, as I was saying before you started hacking…that brunette witch I met the other day turns out to be a lifeguard. It was her day off that day at the pool. She's over there by the lake and… Dameon only half listened as he coughed a few more times before rinsing his aching throat with water. Over the rim of his glass he watched her stroll towards the lake dressed in a pair of short denim shorts with no shirt, which revealed the red bikini he loved so much. He nearly groaned when Ava slowly wiggled her shorts over her hips then down her hips. Merlin, the things he wanted to do to her. “Dameon, are you even listening?” “Hmm?” He looked away from Ava and over at Jacob. “Sorry, what?” “I was talking about how my hot little witch is a lifeguard,” he said nudging his head over to her. “Oh. Really?” He looked over to where Jacob gestured to see the pretty witch perched up on a high rock watching over everyone in the lake. “How `bout that? I still think she's out of your league.” “Whatever*.*” “You're not going to make pretend to drown just to so she can give you mouth to mouth are you?” “What do you take me for…an amateur?” Jacob balked, clearly insulted. “I take you for a lot of things, Jake,” Dameon teased with a grin. “So how are you going to make your move? There is a rule against guest and employee relationships, you know.” “A rule that seems to be ignored,” Jacob stated as he nudged his head over to Nora who was sitting rather close to Dallas at the other end of the table. “Good point,” Dameon said but then shook his head. “But they're different. It's clear they're going past a summer fling. Just don't do anything stupid…like get her fired.” “Relax, D…I want to snog her…not marry her.” Jacob got to his feet. “So if you'll excuse me.” “You know…one of these days…you'll meet a girl that will knock you on your ass so hard all that Potter charm will fly right out of you.” “If I'm lucky,” he agreed. “But until then…no reason I can't have a little fun.” Dameon laughed. “I guess not.” “As for you? Do yourself a favor and go talk to A.J. instead of drooling at her like an idiot.” Dameon scowled. “Sometimes? I really hate how observant you are.” Jacob barked out a laugh. “Dude…you choked on a hot dog as soon as you saw her. Can't get more observant than that.” “And I wasn't drooling,” Dameon grumbled as Jacob strutted away. “Exactly,” he added quietly to himself as his eyes traveled to Ava. She was standing knee deep in the lake talking with Jacob's little sister, Hannah. He had to make his move…and fast. He didn't think he could take it anymore and in his opinion…he waited long enough. Tonight, he thought with a slight nod as he got up to clear his plate. He'd find a way to get her alone and…hell he didn't even know what he was going to do or say. Just thinking about it made him nervous. Would he just straight up and kiss her? Or would he talk about it first? Dameon shook his head clear as he made his way to the edge of the lake. He would worry about it later and just let it come naturally. “Hey Dameon!” A herd of kids ran by him but Blake, Hugo and Braiden's oldest, slowed down to catch his attention. “One of the lifeguards just set up the rope swing…come on! “ He motioned for him to hurry. “Bet you five Sickles you can't do a black flip off it.” Dameon looked over to the big rock to see Jacob's lifeguard holding a long rope while everyone started to form a line. He then looked back over at Ava who was now staring back at him. Later, he thought to himself again and made himself turn his attention back to Blake. “You're on, sucker,” he said as he tore off his shirt and followed him to the swing. XXX It was rather difficult to catch a guy's attention when the guy would barely give her the time of day. She would be the first to admit that she wasn't the best at flirting…it just didn't come natural to her. However, she couldn't be that all unpleasant looking and one would think she'd get something out of a guy when she walked past him half naked and soaking wet. But nope…not Dameon. He barely even glanced at her. It was getting beyond ridiculous, she thought as she got up from her towel to walk back in the water. She was sick and tired of trying so hard. It just wasn't worth it. She was now officially done with trying to get Dameon Malfoy's attention. If he wanted her then he'd have to come get her. She gave him more than enough signs, so either he's noticed those signs and isn't interested or he's an idiot and hadn't noticed a thing. Hopefully, it was the last option. She walked into the water, carefully avoiding her family splashing around her, and when she was waist deep she dove under the surface. She lingered in the water for a bit and tried to ignore the fact that Dameon was also in the water nearby. He was passing an American football back in forth with Dallas and Jacob. She refused to look over there, but could have sworn she felt his eyes on her now and again. After one last dunk into the water she started to make her way out of the lake and just as she was about waist deep a voice shouted out to her. “Heads up!” Ava shrieked and jolted when the football landed inches from her, causing water to splash up in her face. She wiped the water out of her face then she scowled over to them to see Dallas and Jacob pointing an accusing finger at Dameon. “It slipped,” he said simply as he gave an innocent shrug. “Yeah, sure it did,” she said with a shake of her head then picked up the football. “Right here, A.J.,” Dallas said holding up his hands. Ava didn't know exactly how to throw it, but gripped it as best as she could and flung it over to him. Dallas caught it; then let out a long whistle. “Nice spiral, A.J.” “I have no idea what that means,” she laughed as she started to walk back to the shore. “But thanks!” As she walked out of the lake, one of the lifeguards was there to greet her with a towel. “Oh, thanks,” she said as she accepted the towel from him. He was the lifeguard that Michelle and Kristin had been flirting with all day and now that she got a good look at him, she guessed she didn't blame them. He was rather cute. “Anytime,” he said with a wide smile. “Dallas was right…it was a nice spiral.” “Thanks,” she said with a laugh. “You follow this…American football?” “Most Americans do…wizard or muggle.” He held out his hand. “My name is Kurt. You're A.J. right?” “Yes.” She accepted his hand. “It's nice to meet you, Kurt.” “You have quite a family,” he said as he casted his eyes around him. “Does it ever get tiring having such a big family.” “Not at all,” she said as she looked around as well with a fond smile. “I couldn't imagine life without them. I hope we're not giving you a hard time.” “Not at all,” he said quickly as he shook his head. “This has been great…much better than the pool. You're family has been entertaining to watch.” She laughed as she flung back her hair since it was getting in her way. “I bet. Well, it's comforting having you guys around just in case something happens.” “I'm glad to do it,” he said and gave her a wink. “Anytime I can do you service with a little mouth to mouth resuscitation you just let me know.” Oh brother, she thought as she barely resisted rolling her eyes. He was one of *those* guys. “I'll…keep that in mind, Kurt,” she said politely as she began to back away. “It was nice to meet you.” Once she turned her back on him, she did roll her eyes but couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her. He was harmless and a bit young for her so overall it was rather flattering. It was good to know that someone appreciated her and… A hand gripped her arm suddenly and found her being swung quickly around. “Hey! What the bloody hell?” “What the hell was that?” Ava blinked up at Dameon, who looked like he was ready to kill someone. “I beg your pardon?” “Don't look up at me with those innocent eyes,” he said as he took a step closer to her. “You were flirting shamelessly with that guy in front of everyone.” “I…I was not,” she sputtered as she flung her arm away from his grip. “He was flirting with me…there's a difference. And even if I was flirting with him it wouldn't be any of your business.” By this time, everyone around them began to stop what they were doing and turned their attention to the pair of them. Even the staff was having a difficult time turning away and minding their own business. “It bloody well is my business when you spend most of the day flaunting yourself to me,” he snapped back as he now practically towered over her. “Oh, so you did notice?” she asked sarcastically. “Turns out you're not stupid at all…you're just not interested.” “Hold on,” he said firmly before she could go. “What the hell are you talking about?” “I'm talking about how you've been treating me like your little buddy for the last few days!” She flared her arms angrily up at him. “And I'm sick of it! It's been driving me crazy!” “Ava,” he said in a warning tone. “Then I have a harmless talk with another guy and you go off the handle on me as if I acted like some hussy!” “I never said you acted like a hussy and I sure as hell never said…” “Just save it, Malfoy.” She held up a hand to take a calming breath. “You're not interested. I get that and that's fine with me. We'll just go back to the way things were and continue to hate each other.” She turned and stalked off only to turn right back around. “But first I'd like to give you a little taste of what you turned down.” In one gigantic leap, she was in his arms with her legs locked around his waist and her mouth fused firmly with his. She gripped handfuls of his hair as she poured everything she had into the kiss, hoping to leave him breathless and wanting more. He had staggered back at the force of her body slamming against hers and had no choice to hold on while his mouth was being devoured. His hands instinctively cupped her bottom for support then ran them up her damp back until they were lost in her wet tangled hair. They had both forgotten they weren't alone and either of them heard the distant chuckles or one of the twins yelling, “Eeuw, Dameon's kissing A.J.!” They were too involved with each other…too involved with hot, urgent, open mouth kiss that left them *both* breathless and wanting more. Ava finally pulled away, biting softly on his lower lip before jumping down back on the ground. “There you have it,” she said with a slight sneer. “See ya around, Malfoy.” Dameon was too stunned to do anything but watch her walk away but snapped out of it when Jacob suddenly was there, giving him a hard shove. “Go after her, you idiot.” “R-right,” he said as he shook his head out of a daze and frustrating arousal suddenly consumed him. “Right,” he said again, this time with more confidence and angrily followed her to the tent. “I'm sorry,” Harry said once he saw Dameon go inside. “I think I might have hallucinated…but…did I just witness my little girl jumping Dameon, then snogging the hell out of him?” Hermione gave him a little sympathetic pat on the back. “Sorry, honey…but yes…yes, you did.” He nodded slowly. “Okay then.” He let out a shaky breath and got up. “Well…I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a drink.” --> 18. Chapter 17 -------------- **Here it is! Got it up even earlier than I thought! I was super slow at work today and it seemed like all I did was write! So enjoy!!** **~HM** **Chapter 17** Ava stormed into the girl's room and waited for Dameon, knowing that he would follow her. She couldn't stop shaking. She couldn't believe she actually jumped him in front of her family. In front of her dad! Poor daddy…he must have had a stroke! What had she been thinking? She should never had done it…she should have just walked calmly away. She should have just swallowed her pride and… Her back stiffened when she heard the door fling open behind her and then flinch when it slammed closed. Stay calm, she ordered herself. Don't make an even bigger fool of yourself…just stay cool. Aloof. “What the bloody hell was that?” Dameon said in a quiet, yet forceful tone. She closed her eyes to take a moment to relax before slowly turning around to face him. “Why, that was called a kiss. Oh, dear…did your dad never give you the *talk*, Malfoy?” “Stop it,” he said with narrowed eyes. “I didn't follow you in here to have one of our petty fights.” She widened her eyes in shock. “Really?” she asked sarcastically. “That's a shame. I was looking forward to…” Dameon let out a frustrating growl and in two long angry strides he had her by the arms and off the floor. “Shut up,” he demanded and gave her a little shake. “Just shut up and stop the bullshit. You got to perform your little show out there, but now it's my turn to talk…so just…shut up and listen.” Ava was too shocked and dumbfounded to do anything but stare at him with wide eyes and a slackened jaw. She couldn't remember ever seeing him this angry before and that was saying something considering the number of fights they have had in the past. “O-o*kay*,” she finally managed to sputter out when Dameon had lifted a threatening brow. Dameon slowly set her back on her feet and softened his grip on her arms but didn't let go. “Ava,” he said softly as his hard gray eyes turned warm. “I'm sorry.” Here it comes, she thought as she felt her heart drop. Here comes the part where he breaks her heart and tells her he doesn't feel the same way. She didn't know if she could take it. *Just don't cry*, she told herself firmly as she mentally prepared herself for the heartache*. Just don't cry*. Dameon reached up with one hand and cupped the side of her face. “I'm sorry I gave you the impression that I wasn't interested in you.” “It's fine, don't worry about it, I'll…” She looked up at him suddenly when his words finally hit her. “Wait…what?” Dameon sighed as he shook his head. “I just did it again, didn't I? You thought I was about to say, `Sorry…but no thanks'.” He lifted his other arm so he now cradled her face in his hands. “I hurt you…I did what I thought was right and in the end I hurt you. I'm sorry for that.” “I…I don't understand.” She wanted to believe him…needed to, but…it didn't make any sense. “Ever since Liam left you've been avoiding me…and when we had no choice to talk you were so…damn polite.” “I avoided you because every time I was around you I wanted to do this.” He slowly bent his head down and teased his lips with hers in light, gentle brushes until she all but melted against him. She felt herself stagger a bit when he pulled away and had to take a couple of unsteady breaths before she could talk. “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Wow…so, why exactly did you feel the need to avoid doing that?” Because the kiss had affected him just as much, he let out a shaky breath. “Well…your break-up with Liam was pretty emotional for you, Ava. As much as I wanted to dive straight into this after the bastard left, I felt like I needed to give you space and time to heal.” “I can understand that,” she said after a moment of thought. “But you could have told me how you felt instead of avoiding me like the plague.” He nodded. “You're right, I could have…but I didn't want to exactly tell you how I felt about you until I was sure that…” “Sure that what?” she asked when he hesitated. “You had *just* ended your relationship with Kelson and I guess I needed to make sure you didn't look at me as a…rebound.” Ava blinked up at him as she took a step back. “Rebound?” She let out a shocking sound of disgust and then punched him hard in the shoulder. “Dameon!” “Ow!” He flinched as he grasped his shoulder. “Dammit, A.J! I forgot how hard you can hit when you really put your mind to it.” “Well, serves you right,” she said as she tilted up her chin. “It was stupid of you to even think that. What do you take me for? Some kind of idiot female?” “What? Of course not, I…” “Do you think I'm not capable of knowing my own mind?” “Ava, I only thought…” “You only thought what?” She crossed her arms defensively against her chest. “That you would push yourself away from me until you were sure I felt the same way? You didn't want to risk getting hurt so you hurt me instead by avoiding me?” “I said I was sorry for that,” he countered back as he refilled the steps Ava had taken away. “And I meant it…but dammit, Ava…I wanted you…I've wanted you for a long time…and I needed to know for sure you wanted me just as much. Maybe I handled it wrong and again…I will apologize for it, but please don't push me away by…mmph.” Ava threw herself onto him just as she did outside and silenced him by crushing her lips forcefully against his. He wanted her, she thought giddily as she met her tongue eagerly with his. As soon as he had said those words to her she felt as if her heart would burst. Dameon Malfoy wanted her and that made her feel so damn good. “I'm taking this,” he murmured between urgent kisses. “As a good sign that…” He groaned as he gripped her hair and plundered her mouth…long and deep. “You might want me, too.” “You were always fairly smart, Malfoy,” she teased as their choppy breaths merged together, before mouths and tongues met again. He shuffled blindly over to the beds, not caring which one they fell onto just as long as he finally got her horizontal and under him. Merlin, he couldn't get to a bed fast enough. A deep moan emerged from her throat when they collapsed on a bed and Dameon's body…his long, lean wonderful body…pinned her against the mattress. “I don't think this is my bed,” she said then gasped when he ran his lips down her neck. “I don't care,” he murmured against her ear before taking her lobe between his teeth. “Oh.” Her whole body shivered as her eyes rolled behind her lids. “Wow.” He chuckled softly. “Oh, I'm just getting warmed up,” he teased before taking her mouth again. “Tell me something…do you like it when I do this?” He brushed his knuckles gently against the tip of one of her breasts and she took in a sharp hissing breath and arched her back and lifted her hips eagerly against him. “Looks like you do.” He looked so damn smug and pleased with himself, so to retaliate she wrapped her arms around his back and pulled herself up. “Do you like it when I do this?” she asked and tilted her head up as if she was going to kiss him, but then swooped down and flicked her tongue against his nipple. Dameon immediately went blind with arousal as he let out a gasping curse then groaned when she suddenly moved to the other. “Bloody hell,” he panted then shoved her playfully back onto the mattress. She chuckled wickedly but the laughter soon turned to an arousing groan as his mouth assaulted hers. She had no choice but to hold on for the ride as she circled her legs around his waist and slid her fingers in his hair. She had seemed to break something inside him and knowing she had that kind of power excited the hell out of her. “Ava,” he breathed into her mouth and tongues tangled as he began to move gently against her. “I want you,” he murmured as he buried his face against her neck to trail sweet kisses along her shoulder. “You can't imagine how much.” “Yes,” she gasped as she lifted her hips up to meet him. “It's you…it's always been you.” She hugged her arms around his back and pressed her lips to his shoulder. “You were meant to be my first.” Dameon's whole body immediately froze. Unbearably shocked, he lifted his head up and stared down at her. “What?” Ava had sensed something was wrong as soon as she said those words, but she couldn't think of what would upset him. Surely he wouldn't be freaked out that she'd never done this before…surely he wouldn't judge her for that. “Dameon…what's wrong?” she asked frowning slightly as she reached up to touch him. He gently clasped her wrist before she could touch him then slowly pushed himself off of her and sat at her feet. “Your first? I would be your first?” “Yes,” she said carefully as she tried to figure out what he was thinking. “Why do you seem shocked by this?” “I thought…” He trailed off by taking in an unsteady breath. “Kelson…he told me…” “He told you we had sex?” she asked and when he gave a quick nod, she felt an intense wave of anger hit her like a swarm of Bludgers. “That son of a bitch.” “Every chance he got, he rubbed that in my face and…” He closed his eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “It was torture, Ava…picturing you with him.” “He lied to you, Dameon,” she said as she went to him quickly, straddling his lap and held his face between her hands. “He never touched me that way. I won't sugar coat it and say I never came close to thinking about it, because I did…but in the end I couldn't go through with it because I knew it wasn't right.” Dameon dropped his forehead to hers and gripped her wrists. “He wasn't right for you, Ava…I tried telling you that from day one.” “I know,” she said smiling softly. “But since when have I ever listened to you?” The corner of his mouth tilted up. “Oh, about never.” He brushed his thumbs over the insides of her wrists as he leaned in for a kiss. “That was a close call.” She pulled back. “What do you mean?” “I meant the fact that I almost took you like an animal with our family just outside the tent.” “I see,” she said slowly. “Sooo, it was okay to `take me like an animal' as you put it…when you thought I had been with Liam, but now that you know I haven't…you don't want to?” “Yes. No,” he said quickly when he realized how it sounded. “I didn't mean that…” He broke off and took a moment to figure out what he wanted to say. “Look…whether or not you did sleep with Liam, and let me add that I'm very glad you didn't…but even if you did, it wouldn't change how I feel about you. Yes, I didn't like thinking about the two of you together but as soon as he was out of the picture I put it behind me. It didn't matter anymore…all that mattered was how I felt about you.” Ava slowly smiled and wiggled back closer to him. “Really?” He grinned as he circled his arms around her waist. “Really. And one of the reasons why I nearly took you like an animal was because that little tongue trick of yours set me off. That was rather evil, A.J.” “You didn't seem to mind,” she said as she ran her hands down his chest and swept both of her thumbs against his nipples. Dameon shuddered. “Behave, you little minx,” he said and grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her back, pressing her up against his chest and leaned in for a kiss. She opened up for him, easily accepting his tongue into her mouth. It was already so naturally for her to kiss him…like they had been doing it for years instead of minutes. “You're entirely took good at this,” she murmured as he nipped his way down her jaw. “I've had a lot of practice,” he teased then winced when she gripped his hair and tugged. “Sorry…kidding.” “Uh-huh,” she said dryly then tugged him back even harder when he tried to continue. “Don't try to distract me…you brought it up now face the consequences.” He sighed and mentally kicked himself. “Okay, fine…what do you want to know?” “Whom did you have this practice with?” “C'mon, A.J….you know who I dated at Hogwarts,” he said dryly. “I never said I was a saint…I'm a typical male, okay?” “I'm not judging you,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I know you've been with other girls…but now I'm curious.” “Why don't you just ask if I've slept with any of them?” “Okay…did you?” “Yes…but only with two of them.” “Really?” she asked slightly surprised. “Who?” “Bridget was my first,” he admitted then gave a shrug. “We were between relationships and neither of us had ever done it and we were curious.” Of course, Bridget, she thought as she tried not to let the jealously seep in. “I suppose she knew what she was doing.” “The first time was rather awkward to be honest,” he said and tried to pull her closer. “And I don't to talk about this anymore because it doesn't matter and…” “Who was the second?” she asked ignoring his pleas. “Ugh, you're impossible,” he grumbled as he leaned back on his hands. “Her name was Beverly and she was just a girl I had been seeing during my first year out of Hogwarts.” “And what happened between you two?” “Well, we broke up…obviously,” he added with a chuckle. “Can we stop talking about my past girlfriends now?” he pleaded with a puppy dog look. “One more…why did you break-up?” Dameon's face immediately flushed with embarrassment and turned his head away. “Er…it doesn't matter. Look, we should probably go back outside and…” “Oh, no you don't,” she laughed when he tried to get up and put her hands on his shoulders to hold him back. “Spill it, loverboy.” “It's nothing,” he assured her. “We just hit a wall and decided to move on.” “I don't buy that for a second,” she smirked. “Spill…or else.” He flinched when she poked him in the ribs. “Cut it out,” he said then laughed when she poked him again. “Jeez, woman…you're relentless.” “Why thank you,” she said fluttering her lashes, but then narrowed them as she drilled a finger against his chest. “Let's have it.” He let out a whiney moan. “But it's embarrassing…please don't make me, Ava. I'll never hear the end of it if I do.” “Oh, now you've got to say it,” she laughed as she wiggled in anticipation. “Merlin, don't…jiggle like that,” he added as he gripped her hips still. “Or I'll embarrass us both.” “Then start talking,” she warned and when he hesitated she did a quick shimmy with her hips. “Ah, okay,” he groaned in surrender. “I'll tell you…just…for the love of Merlin, be still.” She gave him a little victory smile as she draped her arms over his shoulders. “I am all ears.” Dameon cast his eyes to the ceiling. “I can't believe I'm telling you this…okay, well…about six months ago…Beverly and I were…you know…” “Making love?” “Yes…that.” He looked back down at her. “Although we never really made love…it was just sex between us…deep down I always thought she was a bitch really.” “Then why did you…” “No, don't go down that road,” he said shaking his head. “Another story for another day…anyway…while Beverly and I were having sex…I sort of…well, you know how sometimes you yell out someone's name during the…throes?” “Sure,” she nodded in understanding. “I might never have had sex but I know the gist of it.” “Okay…well.” He cleared his throat as he felt himself turn red. “I yelled out a name but…not the name Beverly wanted to hear.” Ava's jaw dropped as she placed a hand over her mouth. “You yelled out the wrong name?” Dameon winced. “Guilty.” “Oh, no,” she said and a giggle escaped her. “Wait, whose name *did* you yell? Bridget's?” He turned his head away but snuck a glance over at her and did a quick shake of his head. “No.” Ava blinked in confusion. “Then who did…” She trailed off when she saw the guilty look on his face and her eyes went wide. “Me?” Dameon groaned in humiliation as he slammed his back onto the mattress and covered his flushed face with his hands. “Sooo embarraassiiiing,” he muffled in his hands while Ava chuckled as she crawled over him. “You said my name,” she giggled as she ran teasing kisses along his neck while Dameon continued to lie there. “Aww, don't be embarrassed.” Dameon just huffed out a breath as he removed his hands and Ava only continued to giggle as she now trailed her lips over his exposed face. “You're really enjoying this, aren't you?” he asked as he stared up at the ceiling. “Only a lot,” she said and muffled a laugh against his lips and then leaned over him with her hands on either side of his head. “Was she pissed?” He smiled as he reached up and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Only a lot.” He then winced as he rubbed his forehead. “She threw her lamp at my head.” She snorted out another laugh and leaned down to kiss the spot he rubbed. “That must have made you hate me a lot.” “Ohhh, yeah,” he laughed. “But mostly mad at myself…I just couldn't seem to understand why I did it. I convinced myself it was only because I had met Nora for lunch that day and she had mentioned you once…but now I know it was more than that..much, much more.” “Yeah?” she said with a grin as she slid her hands up the mattress and straightened her legs until she was fully stretched out on top of him. “Uh-huh.” He lifted his head off the bed and nuzzled her neck. “Even back then I wanted you.” “Dameon,” she gasped when she felt he felt his warm tongue bathe her skin. “Hmm, that's nice to hear,” he murmured as he nibbled his way up her jaw until their lips finally met. He sunk himself into the kiss, lingering with each sweep of his tongue into her mouth. He wanted to roll her over and melt against her…he wanted to touch and taste every inch of her…he wanted so much to make love to her because he knew that was one thing he had never done with another woman. She would be the first. But that time wasn't now, he thought as he reluctantly framed her face with his hands and pulled her back. “As much as I wish we could stay here all day…we should probably go back outside. Your dad could get suspicious and barge in here wands blazing.” “My dad likes you,” she assured him. “Well, sure…but then you had to go and jump me and stick your tongue down my throat right in front of him and the whole family. Now he probably wants to kill me.” Ava groaned as she covered her face. “I forgot about that.” Dameon chuckled. “Now look who's embarrassed.” She dropped her hands and gave him a look. “Shut up.” “Okay,” he said and then poked her sides. “Get off me, you minx.” She rolled her eyes. “Great…now you're going to start calling me that instead of…” She yelped when she rolled off not only him, but the bed as well and stumbled onto the floor. Dameon grinned down at her from the edge of the bed. “Instead of Grace?” he finished for her as he laughed at her scowling face. “Thanks to you I'll be able to use both.” “I hate you.” He gracefully rolled off the bed and pulled her up off the floor and kissed her firmly on the mouth. “No you don't.” She tried to stay annoyed, but in the end couldn't help but sigh in defeat. “No, I don't,” she agreed then reached up and gave him a quick peck. “Let's go face the gunfire.” “Okay.” He took her hand while they made their way out. “Will you protect me from your father?” --> 19. Chapter 18 -------------- **Hey guys, here's another chapter! It's not too long, but not incredibly short either. Hope you like it and sorry to say I'll be wrapping this up** **in a few chapters or so.** **Don't worry though! Have another story in the works! Thanks again for the great support of this story! It's awesome I have such great reviews on a story that's mostly based on my characters! That says a lot so thanks so much!** **~HM** **Chapter 18** “It's been awhile,” Harry said after looking over at the tent for the millionth time. “Hasn't it been awhile? I better go check it out.” “Sit,” Hermione ordered firmly before Harry could even get halfway out of his chair. “But Hermione,” he protested as he plopped back down. “That's our little girl in there.” “Our little girl isn't so little anymore, Harry.” Hermione gave him a sympathetic look. “She can handle herself just fine against a Malfoy. Potters are good at that.” “Hey,” Draco said with a slight frown. “Was that an insult?” “An observation,” she said with a laugh. “You were always so sensitive, Draco…even back at school.” “Have you met my father?” he asked sarcastically and then shook his head. “Besides…it's the Malfoy men your girls can't stay away from.” “Ugh, shut up,” Hermione said as she reached out with her foot to kicked him in the leg. “Hey, I'm just stating a fact,” he laughed as he dodged her kick. “First Rosie falls for my boy Scorpius…and now A.J. is jumping Dameon.” “Dammit, Malfoy,” Harry cursed. “I just got that image out of my head now it's back…I hate you. I was an idiot for ever befriending you.” “Aww, you don't mean that, buddy,” he snickered then flinched when his wife smacked him on the arm. “What was that for?” “Stop antagonizing him.” “Why?” He grinned over at Harry who was still scowling. “It's fun.” “Here they come!” Hermione whispered suddenly as she slapped Harry lightly on the arm. “They're coming over here so…behave.” “What do you think I'm going to do?” Harry asked insulted. “Curse the boy? He's practically my so n, you know…just because he has been in there doing Merlin knows what with my little girl, doesn't mean I'm going to…” “Hush,” Hermione demanded when Ava and Dameon were getting close. “Your dad is staring me down,” Dameon muttered out the side of his mouth. “No he is not,” she whispered harshly. “Stop being so paranoid…and smile…you look like your about to throw up.” “I *am* about to throw up,” he said but smiled like she said as they stopped in front of their parents. “Hi,” Ava said nervously as she tightened her grip on Dameon's hand. “Hi,” Draco said enthusiastically as he grinned up at them. “So…what ja been doooin?” Natasha elbowed him in the gut while Hermione snorted a chuckle, Ava and Dameon blushed and Harry scowled. Ava cleared her throat as she nervously shuffled her feet. “Er…well…Dameon and I have been…” “Talking,” he finished quickly for her. “Yes…talking,” she repeated as she gave him a quick look. “And…well you probably already figured it out, but…we've decided to take our…relationship to the next level.” Their parent's eyes flickered from Ava to him, obviously waiting for him to say something. “Er…yeah…what she said.” Ava elbowed him lightly in his ribs, causing him to flinch and clear his throat. “Uh…what I mean is…that I…both of us…want to start seeing each other…romantically.” He gulped hard as he made the mistake of looking over at Harry. “And we…uh…hope that you'll…support us and…” “Be happy for us,” Ava finished for him when she could tell he was struggling. “And if we don't support it?” Harry asked; testing them like his own kids had tested him years ago when they first confronted them about his relationship with Hermione. Dameon's nerves immediately flew out of his system and felt his back go up defensively as he stared down at Harry...the man who had always been like a second father to him. “Then that would suck,” he said with confidence. “Because no matter what you guys feel I'm not going to back off. I've waited what seems like forever to be with Ava and now that I have her…I'm not letting her go.” Hermione's eyes softened as she felt herself start to tear up. “Oh, now you've done it,” she sniffled as she wiped at her eyes. “You got me blubbering…and your mother,” she added when she looked over to see Natasha sniffling as well. “I couldn't be more happy.” Dameon smiled when she got up from her chair and bent his head down when she lifted hers up for a kiss on the cheek. “I'll take good care of her, Aunt Mione,” he murmured in her ear as she hugged him tight. “I know you will,” she said as she leaned back and cupped his face with her hands. “I'm glad it's you.” He grinned. “Me, too.” Natasha went over to Ava and gave her a hug. “You were the only girl I ever knew that could get under his skin, A.J. That's why I know this is right.” “That's the sweetest thing,” she said as she felt herself get a bit emotional herself. “Thanks, Aunt Tash.” Draco sprung up from his chair. “Well I couldn't be more ecstatic,” he said with a grin as he went over and plucked Ava off the ground in a hug. “You'll be the first girlfriend I actually like.” Ava laughed as she hugged him back. “I should hope so.” Draco plopped her down and then gave his son a manly hug. “Good job, son…don't blow it.” Dameon rolled his eyes. “I won't.” Draco sat back down and all eyes were on Harry, who slowly stood up and faced Dameon. “I was testing you earlier,” he finally said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Dameon nodded. “I know. You were testing to see if I had enough spine to stand up for us.” Harry nodded in approval. “That's right…and thankfully…you didn't disappoint.” Harry gave him a slow smile. “I've been rooting for you, Dameon…for quite some time now.” Harry laughed when the boy's jaw gaped open. “Don't look so shocked. Why wouldn't I be anything but thrilled that the boy I already see as family ends up falling for my girl? As far as I'm concerned…you're the only one who is…*almost* good enough for Ava.” Dameon let out a shaky laugh. “Hey, I'll take it,” he said as he gave him a grateful hug. “Thanks, Uncle Harry.” “You just take good care of her,” he said giving him a few slaps on the back before pulling away. He then looked over at Ava who was looking up at him with watery eyes. “Don't cry, pumpkin,” he said laughing softly and caught her when she flew her arms around him. “You'll get me going.” “I love you, Daddy.” Harry sighed as he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, too.” He brought her up against his side and held onto her while she circled her arms around his waist. He wasn't exactly ready to give her back to Dameon just yet. “However, if you hurt her,” he warned to him. “I'll have to hunt you down. Family or not.” Dameon held up his hands. “Understood.” Ava snorted a laugh. “You're so dramatic,” she said and tried to pull away but he held onto her. “Um…Dad? You need to let go of me now.” “Yeah, I know,” he sighed as he gave her one last squeeze before letting her go. “Thanks again,” he said and with a slight wave from both they walked over to the water hand in hand. “I'm proud of you,” Hermione said to Harry as she slipped her arms around him from behind him and rested her chin on his shoulder. “Both our girls fell for someone on this trip, Mione,” he said as they watched the other kids crowd around Ava and Dameon, obviously wanting to know the scoop. He then looked over to see Nora standing near Dallas in the lake with Phoebe perched happily on her father's shoulders. “I feel like we lost both of them at the same time. A double whammy.” “Harry,” she sighed as she kissed his shoulder. “We can never lose them…this is what we want for our kids. To find happiness with a good, decent man and that can be said for Dallas and Dameon.” “We don't know Dallas that well.” Hermione shifted around him and gave him a smirk. “We know enough, Harry…you can see he's a good man just by how he is with his daughter.” “I still need to have a chat with him, but…you're right.” He bent his head down for a kiss before pulling her to his side. “Phoebe's pretty cute, huh?” “She certainly won you over when she crawled up in your lap earlier,” she said with a chuckle. “That she did,” he said and then frowned slightly. “She'll move out here with them, Mione. Our munchkin is going to leave us for America and turn into a Yank.” Hermione barked out a laugh. “Ava's right, Harry…you *are* dramatic.” “When it comes to my kids I guess I am. At least Dameon and Ava will be close by…it still is a wonder that they finally admitted how they felt. I mean remember all the times we had to separate those two?” “Of course,” she said smiling softly as she watched Dameon playfully tackle Ava into the water. “No matter how many times we tried to keep them a part…they always came back to each other. Yelling, biting or punching…but they always came back to each other.” “Huh,” Harry said pondering. “I guess they always knew they couldn't stay away from one another…no matter how hard they tried.” “And now instead of yelling, biting or punching…they'll come together embracing, kissing or caressing.” Harry groaned as he cast his gaze to the sky. “Thanks for that, Sparky. Thanks a lot.” XXXXXXX Late, late, that night…after the loud, crazy bonfire and way after all the kids finally settled down to go to sleep, Ava slipped out of her bed. Dressed in her favorite pair of pajama shorts and a white tank top, she snuck quietly out of the room, careful not to wake up any of the girls. The small space between the two bedrooms was equipped with a few chairs, a love seat and one long couch…that was now occupied by her boyfriend. Boyfriend, she thought to herself with a smile. She liked the sound of that. “Hey.” Dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a white shirt, Dameon smiled up at his girlfriend. His *girlfriend*...wow, he liked the sound of that. “Hey yourself.” He gave her a quick glance over. “Hey I remember those…you wore that same outfit my last night at Hogwarts.” She looked down at herself. “I did?” “Sure, don't you remember?” He gestured for her to join him. “I gave you a hard time about them.” “Ah yes,” she chuckled softly as she slid down on the sofa and curled up next to him. “I remember now. I also remembered being extremely annoyed with you.” “What else is new? I also remember claiming how bored you'd be without me during your last year. Was I right?” “We were both right,” she admitted. “It was nice and quiet…which I stated it would be…but it was also incredibly boring. I hated myself for missing you so damn much.” He smiled triumphantly. “I knew it.” He then tipped her chin up with his fingers and gently pressed his mouth to hers. “I missed you, too.” Ava blinked. “You did?” “Oh, yeah,” he said chuckled. “Turns out getting under your skin were one of my favorite things. Plus you were always nice to look at.” She gave him an annoyed look. “Gee, thanks.” Dameon laughed as he hugged her close “Yep…definitely one of my favorites.” “Why don't you just shut up and kiss me?” she suggested as she lifted her face up to him. “You're less annoying that way.” “Okay,” he chuckled moments before his lips brushed hers. He kept the kiss light at first, nipping at her soft lips as he lightly caressed back soft strands of her hair. Then she murmured his name as she arched eagerly against him and he responded by gripping the side of her hip to pull her closer. The kiss turned from lazy to desperate in a blink of an eye and Ava could feel her heart start to pound in her chest. She loved it that she could make him lose control so suddenly. She loved it that he made her want more…need more. Desperate to get closer to him—to feel him against her—she rolled her back onto the couch as she urgently pulled him with her. He happily followed as he stretched himself out on top of her, sinking her into the cushions as his tongue stroke eagerly with hers. His body quivered when he felt those soft, delicate hands slip under his shirt and glide up and down his back. She started to tug at his shirt he let out a deep chuckle against her lips and pulled away. “Uh-uh.” Ava lifted her brows. “Uh-uh? Why, uh-uh?” He grinned as he reached for her hands and pinned them above her head. “Because if I start letting you take off my clothes, it's going to be harder for me to stop. So…” He leaned down and nipped at her bottom lip. “Uh-uh.” She let out a frustrating sigh. “You know…” Her eyes fluttered closed when he made his way down her neck with soft kisses. “Normally it's the guy who has to persuade the girl to remove her clothes…not the other way around.” He let out a breathy laugh as he moved his lips back up her jaw. “Just goes to show that there is nothing normal about us.” He gave her pouting mouth one last kiss before pushing himself off her and pulled her up with him. He fell backwards on the other side of the couch and she followed as she snuggled up against his side with her backside pressed against the back of the couch. “This is nice,” Dameon murmured as he shifted to get comfortable. “I guess it is,” she agreed as she laid her head against the crook of his shoulder and smiled when he brushed his lips against her temple. “Liam and I never snuggled like this.” “Good,” he said firmly as he snuck an arm around her shoulders to bring her closer. “I've never been one to snuggle either.” Ava tilted her chin up to look at him. “Really?” “Really.” He lazily started to strum his fingers through her hair. “I never wanted to until now.” She smiled and then nuzzled her cheek against his chest. “That's nice.” Dameon sighed as his other hand that was resting against his chest linked with hers. “It's been quite a day,” he murmured as he slowly felt the day start to catch up with him. “Tell me about it,” she said as she started to lazily play with their joint fingers. “It's going to be sad to see everyone else go tomorrow.” “And eerily quiet,” he added as he rested his cheek against the top of her head. “It was good seeing everyone.” “At least we still have one more week before we have to join reality,” she pointed out with heavy sigh. “A part of me would like to stay here forever.” “I hear you…but a part of me is anxious to start our lives together…see how we do in the real world.” “I think we'll do just fine,” she said with a slight smile as their hands touched palm to palm before lacing their fingers together. “When do you start your training camp?” “In a couple of months,” he said softly as he stifled back a yawn. “When is your first day at that healing school?” “September fifteenth.” She looked up when she noticed his steady breathing and grinned when she saw his eyes were closed. “Are you falling asleep on me, Malfoy?” “Maybe, he mumbled with his eyes still closed as he pushed her head back down. “Why don't you join me?” She let out a soft chuckle as she snuggled closer to him. “We probably shouldn't fall asleep out here,” she said and caught Dameon's contagious yawn and let one escape her. “We should probably go back to our beds.” He just let out a long, dragging sigh. “S'okay, he assured her as he felt himself drift away with the feel of Ava's warmth surrounding him. How did he ever manage to sleep without her? That was his last coherent thought before he finally slipped under. Ava's eyelids began to droop. “A few minutes more couldn't hurt,” she murmured sleepily as the sound Dameon's heartbeat lulled her into a deep slumber. --> 20. Chapter 19 -------------- **Okay, this chapter is a little short but I wanted to go ahead and post it. The next one will be a longer, though…promise! Enjoy!** ** ~HM** **Chapter 19** Dameon had woken just before dawn and slowly woke Ava up with soft, lazy kisses. “We need to get up,” he murmured when he first felt her start to stir. “Everyone will be waking up in a few hours.” She sighed as she stretched against him. “We fell asleep,” she murmured as she snuggled closer to him. “Yes, and we need to get up before we fall asleep again.” He let out a chuckle when she only clung to him. “That's not helping, Ava.” “Okay, okay,” she finally said as she let him shift himself away from her then took his outstretched hand he offered and pulled her up. “I'll see you out in a few.” “Try to get some more sleep,” he said and leaned down to give her a quick peck, but lingered instead as he pulled her against him and sunk himself into a deep, satisfying kiss. Just as she felt him about to pull her back down on the couch, she maneuvered away from him before he could manage it. “Uh-uh…that's not a good idea.” He sighed. “Right,” he said and then took a step away from her. “You better get back to bed…before I change my mind.” “Okay,” she said and gave him a little wave before fleeing to the girl's bedroom and quietly snuck back into bed. “And where have you been?” Nora asked, who was sleeping in the bed next to Ava's. “Shh,” Ava said urgently as she bit back a smile. “I just got up to go to the bathroom, Nora.” “Sure you did,” she said with an evil grin. “Shut up,” Ava murmured and rolled her back to her and fell back asleep with a smile on her face. XXXXXX After a quick breakfast, everyone saddled back up to head back to the resort. Dallas kept the pace nice and slow, hoping to avoid any catastrophes, so they didn't arrive back at the stables until noon. Everyone parked their horses inside the stables before finally dismounting and giving the horses a few hugs and pats before filing out of the stables. Dallas knew he and his crew had their work cut out for them and motioned them to get started on the unsaddling while he went out to say goodbye to Nora and the family. “Hey,” he said softly as he walked up to Nora who was standing with Phoebe. “Would you mind dropping Phoebe off at my cabin? She can show you where it is…I'm going to be awhile taking care of the horses.” “Sure, I can do that,” she said as she took Phoebe's hand. “Want me to come back and help?” “I think we got it,” he assured her and reached over to touch her cheek softly. “But I'd like to see you again…soon.” “Okay,” she said smiling softly. “I'd like that.” Dallas gave her a wink before kneeling down to Phoebe. “You were a big help this weekend, princess…I'm glad you came.” She grinned. “Me, too.” “Nora's going to take you home, so you need to show her the way, okay?” She nodded. “Sure, Daddy.” “Manny will be there waiting for you.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss. “I'll be home shortly.” “Okay,” she said and gave him a wave as Nora led her off. “Bye, Daddy!” He waved them goodbye and watched them walk off as Harry walked towards them. Harry paused to talk to Nora and then reached down and scooped up Phoebe in a big hug causing her let out a happy squeal. He plopped her back down and gave her head a little nuzzle before making his way over to him. “Dallas.” “Mr. Potter,” he said with a smile. “I'm guessing you want that talk now.” He nodded. “If you have the time.” “Sure…let's go to my office.” Dallas led him back towards the barn then gestured to the red painted door just inside on his right. “Go ahead and have a seat…I'll be right back. I just need to talk to my crew real quick.” “Take your time,” he assured him before stepping inside his office and immediately began to observe the room. It was small, but still roomy enough to get things done. A desk was stationed in the center of the room, with piles of parchment stacked randomly on the surface, and a small oil lamp was perched on the left corner. Harry was more drawn towards the pictures that were scattered along the walls. He was a bit surprised that most of them were muggle photos. Nora had told him that he was muggle born, but it was still rare for a wizard to have so much more muggle photos than wizard. There was a beautiful black and white photo of an infant baby he assumed was Phoebe, sleeping soundly on her stomach, surrounded by a soft cotton blanket. Another photo of a slightly older Phoebe adorned the wall with her dressed in an adorable pink ruffled swimsuit standing in the surf. Her pudgy little arms were up over her head, gripping her Daddy's hands with a look of sheer joy on her face. “Her first trip to the beach.” Harry turned to see Dallas standing slightly behind him looking fondly at the photo. “It's a great picture.” He turned back to the picture. “It really captures her excitement. You can almost hear her laughing.” “Yeah…I've always preferred muggle photos. I like capturing certain moments rather than watching it like a repetitive movie. I do have some wizard photos…like this one of Phoebe taking her first steps.” He smiled as they both watched Phoebe wobbling on her two legs as she took one step, then another…and another, before finally plopping backwards on her butt. “That I can watch over and over and not get bored.” “I have one like that of Ava,” he said with a smile. “Hermione and I were lucky enough to have the camera near by.” He then gestured to another muggle photo. “Is that your family?” Dallas gave an affirming nod as he smiled fondly at the picture. They were all bundled together outside in his parent's backyard with white flurries floating around them. “Yes…that was taken just last February. My mom had called me and told me it was snowing in Dallas…she was about to combust she was so excited. Snow in Dallas doesn't happen often, so it's a big deal when it does. Luckily, it was one of my days off so I apparated Phoebe and I to Dallas. It didn't matter that we had three feet of snow here and left to go play in a measly three inches there. It was a big deal for my family and I wanted Phoebe and I to be a part of it.” Harry could relate and liked the fact that Dallas came from a good family he obviously loved and cared for. “It looks like it was a fun day. Are all those your brother and sisters?” “Some of them,” he said with a laugh. “That's my older brother Emmet with his wife Shannon…and those two rascals on their backs are their kids, Mellissa and David. Then my older sister Whitney with her husband Phillip. You can't really tell since she's bundled up, but she's pregnant there…the baby was born in April…a little boy named Jackson.” “And who's this?” Harry asked pointing to the young girl with two long blonde pigtails peaking out of a bright red ski cap. “My baby sister, Paige,” Dallas said with a grin. “She's the only other one in my family that's a wizard. She's starting her last year at school in Salem.” “She's a cute girl,” he said and then grinned at Dallas. “I'd do my best to keep her away from Jacob as long as you can. He'd definitely go for her.” Dallas frowned. “I'll remember that.” Harry just laughed. “Well, you've got quite a family, Dallas.” “Thanks.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “After long consideration I decided to keep them.” “I see,” he said with a slight smile and turned his attention away from the photos to Dallas. “And you want Nora to be a part of that family?” “More than anything,” he blurted out, then took in a shaky breath when he realized what he just said. “I think I need to sit down.” Harry watched with slight amusement as Dallas circled around his desk and sunk into his chair. “Just realized it, huh?” Harry asked as he sat in one of the two chairs facing Dallas on the other side of the desk. Dallas nodded slowly. “Yeah…just sort of hit me. Is it normal to feel this jittery?” “Extremely,” he stated truthfully. “If you didn't…I'd be worried.” “I do love her, Mr. Potter.” “Harry,” he corrected after a moment. “And I know you do. I can see it…but I have to be a bit concerned Dallas. You've only known her a few weeks.” “I know,” he said letting out a sarcastic laugh. “Believe me… I know. I shouldn't be having these feelings. It's crazy, Mr…er…Harry. This time last month I didn't know she existed—now, I can't imagine my life without her.” “I guess when you know, you know,” he said soothingly since the boy looked ready to pass out with nerves. “You obviously know what you want and that's Nora.” “Yes,” Dallas sighed as he rubbed his aching heart at the thought of her. “I want, Nora…I want her in my life…in Phoebe's life. I want her to meet my family…become my family. And knowing that—I've never been so scared in my life.” Harry gave a slow nod of approval. “Good…that means what you're feeling for my daughter are real.” Harry leaned back in his chair and propped his right ankle on his left knee. “I like you, Dallas…and I truly believe you're good for Nora. I watched you closely this weekend and I can tell that you're not only right for Nora…but you're right for this family. And you should know, that's the best compliment I can give you, because nothing is more important to me than my family.” Flabbergasted, Dallas let out a slow, unsteady breath. “Wow…I don't know what to say to that, Harry…thank you. Coming from a family as strong as ours I know what you mean…and I know Nora will fit in wonderfully with mine as well.” “That's good to hear and I can't wait to meet them as well…we'll have to plan something soon.” “I'd like that.” “For now, though, I'd like you and Phoebe to join us for dinner tomorrow night. The rest of the family will be gone so it won't be that crazy.” “I would love to…really I would, but…I don't know…” “Yes, yes, that stupid rule,” Harry muttered and waved it off. “Don't worry about it, I'll talk to the owner of the resort…Mr. Hamilton?” he asked when he couldn't quite remember. “That's right,” he said with a nod. “He's owned the place for a few years.” Harry noticed the edge in his voice and smiled. “You don't like him.” “It's not that,” he corrected quickly and then lifted a shoulder. “I just don't understand him. He's fair enough, but it's obvious his hearts not into this place. He's in it more for the money and never gets directly involved much. There are so many ideas I have for this place…ideas that could make it even better, and I've tried to share it with him…but he's not interested or always has some sort of excuse. In my opinion…he's too lazy to take this resort to the next level.” “I see,” he said as Harry felt his mind start to jumble around with his own ideas. “Well…I'll talk to him, let him know I'd like to invite you to dinner as a thank you for what you did for us this weekend.” “All right. Phoebe and I will be there.” “Good.” He got up on his feet and Dallas quickly followed as Harry held out his hand. “It was a good talk, Dallas.” “Thanks,” he said clasping hands over his desk. “I'm glad we got to talk…I had been dreading it to be honest.” Harry lifted an amused brow. “Really? Well, there's no need…I'm not as scary as people think.” Dallas grinned. “Only scary when you want to be then?” Harry laughed. “Exactly. Well.” He gave his hand another solid pump before letting go. “I'll see you and Phoebe tomorrow night.” “She'll be thrilled…she already adores you.” “Feelings mutual,” Harry assured him with a smile and then waved as he headed out. He quickly picked up his pace as he headed home anxious to talk to Hermione about what he wanted to do. He had some ideas whirling in his head…ideas that could possibly change Dallas' life for the better…that is if he was brave enough to accept it. --> 21. Chapter 20 -------------- **Here's another update! Sorry it took me so long, I went out of town this weekend for Labor Day and have been busy with other stuff! But here's an update! Enjoy! This story is coming to an end, though…but I'll start posting the new one shortly after this is over! I started the new one about a year ago! I've waited so long to share it and I can't wait!** **HM** **Chapter 20** “It's so eerily quiet,” Ava murmured to Dameon. They were stretched out together on the chaise in the back patio with Ava nestled between his drawn up knees as she leaned comfortably against his chest. His arms embraced her from behind while her hands were resting comfortably on his knees. Baxter was happily slithering and curling around their tangled bodies as if it were his own personal playground. “I know,” Dameon said as he perched his chin on the top of her head. “I was just getting use to all the noise and mayhem.” They had just said goodbye to their family a few hours ago and Ava was already missing them, however, she was too content being with Dameon to be sad. “It was good to see them. I know the kids are excited about school starting up again.” “Jacob's pumped about being Head Boy,” Dameon said with a chuckle. “I gave him all sorts of pointers.” “That's right, you were Head Boy,” she said and then laughed. “I was so mad at you when you came across me and Nicholas Crockett snogging in the Astronomy tower. You took away fifty points from Gryffindor…I was furious.” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “Believe me, you weren't the only one. I was shocked when I saw you with him…I didn't even know you were dating.” “We weren't,” she said waving it off. “Just shared a few snogs.” She slowly turned around and smirked up at him. “Were you jealous?” “Jealous is for the weak and simple minded,” he said confidently, but then bent his head down to graze his cheek with hers. “I was drowning in it.” She shook with laughter. “Glad to hear it, but there was no need. It never felt right being with him that way.” “Why is that?” he asked curiously. “Not that I mind…I'm quite glad it didn't feel right.” She sighed. “Back then I wasn't sure…I was almost disappointed that there was nothing between us because Nick really was a great guy. But now I know why. It's the same reason it never felt right with Liam.” She tilted her head up and lovingly skimmed his stubble cheek with the back of her hand. “He wasn't you.” Dameon's eyes softened as he soothed her hair back. “Ava,” he murmured and pressed his lips to hers. Her eyes fluttered closed at the feel of his warm mouth over hers and let out a long, moan of approval as she opened up for him. She twisted her upper body and pressed herself urgently against his chest as he tangled his fingers in her soft hair. He didn't rush the kiss…there was no need for it. He wanted it to last and last. He wanted to savor the feel of her in his arms…to savor the way she tasted…to savor the way he felt when he was with her. He wanted her, he thought as he drove his tongue into her mouth a bit more urgently, but then immediately went soft again, soothing his tongue along hers. He wanted her more than he ever wanted anyone. “Dameon.” Her voice dripping with need when he started to frantically scatter kisses along her face, down her neck. “I want…” “What do you want?” he said huskily in her ear, neither of them noticing that Baxer was making a graceful exit, obviously not wanting to be a third party. “Tell me.” Ava gasped softly when he nipped at her ear. “I want to be with you,” she said as she eagerly searched for his mouth again. “I want to be with you.” He moaned against her lips. “Ava.” He couldn't seem to stop shaking. “You're killing me.” “Don't you want to be with me?” Dameon heard the hint of insecurity in her voice so he framed her face with his hands. “More than anything,” he said urgently and pressed his mouth to hers. “I want it to be here,” she said looking up at him. “Before we leave.” The way she was looking at her…such trust and love…made him drop his forehead weakly to hers. “Ava. You make me feel weak and clumsy.” Ava pursed her lips. “Was that a yes?” Laughter rumbled out of him and with a smile and playfully tucked her chin. ”Before we leave,” he said before their lips met again. That was now Nora found them. “Aww…aren't you two the sweetest thing.” Dameon shooed at her with his lips still locked with Ava's. “Go away,” he murmured in between kisses. “Don't worry I'm not crashing,” she said as Ava and Dameon finally pulled away to look at her. “I just wanted to let you two know that I'm off to the pool to meet Phoebe and Manny for a swim.” “No Dallas?” Ava asked. “He has an afternoon trail ride today,” she said as she took a seat on the chaise next to them. “So he'll be busy till it's time for him to come over tonight. Anyway, I wanted to let you know where I was and see if you wanted to meet us later—that is if you can manage to stop locking lips long enough.” Ava rolled her eyes. “Of course we can…we'll come by later. Is mum and dad back from their meeting with Mr. Hamilton?” “No, not yet,” she said shaking her head. “You'd think they'd be back by now…it's been a almost two hours.” “I'm sure it's nothing,” Ava assured her. “You know dad…he's probably just covering all the basics to keep Dallas from getting into any trouble.” “I guess you're right. Are your parents still on that morning hike, Dameon?” “Apparently,” he said as he casually caressed Ava's knee. “They'll probably be gone for awhile I imagine.” Ava giggled. “They're probably becoming one with nature…if you know what I'm saying.” Nora chuckled while Dameon groaned. “Jeez, A.J…those are my parents you're talking about…” “Oh come on, you know your parents have sex…how do you think you got here? A stork?” “I am fully aware that my parents…do that…I just don't want to visualize it, thank you very much. Want to talk about your parent's sex life, sweetie?” Nora grimaced while Ava let out a laugh shaking her head. “Okay, point taken.” “Good,” he said as he playfully shoved her head. Ava just laughed and smiled at Nora. “We'll be down to the pool later…we have to change in to our suits and…where's Baxter?” Ava said suddenly as she shot forward in her seat. “What?” Nora asked suddenly as she darted her feet up on the chaise. “You lost him?” Dameon chuckled and gave Ava's arm a soothing rub. “Relax, he probably got embarrassed and slithered away.” “Okay, I'm out of here,” Nora said as she got up and looked around urgently. “Before he comes slithering back.” “We'll see you down there,” Dameon called out to her and Nora just gave him a hasty wave of understanding as she darted back into the house. “She seriously cracks me up…what do you suppose she thinks Baxter will do? Swallow her up in one bite?” “Don't say that to her,” Ava warned. “She'll have nightmares.” Dameon smiled and then gave her a slight nudge. “C'mon…let's go find Baxter, then we can go upstairs.” He nuzzled her neck and gently nipped at her ear. “And take advantage of an empty house before heading down to the pool.” Ava shivered from head to toe as she cocked her head to give him more access. “Excellent plan.” XXXXX “C'mon, Daddy, hurry!” Phoebe said as she urgently tugged on his hand. “You're walking *too* slow.” “Settle down, princess,” he said with a slight chuckle. “We'll get there eventually.” But he quickened his pace a bit since she looked ready to pop with excitement. They were walking from their cabin to the Potter's cabin suite on the other side of the resort. It wasn't that long of a walk, but to his excited five year old, it was a trillion miles away. “Did you have fun swimming with Nora today?” he asked, hoping to distract her. “Uh-huh!” she exclaimed as her eyes lit up. “She came and played with me, then A.J and Dameon came. Dameon threw me up in the air, just like you do, Daddy…he was pretty good and threw almost just as high as you do. Then, Harry and Hermony, came, too.” “That's great…but it's Herm*ione*, sweetie,” he corrected with a wink. “Her-mione,” she repeated and then shot him a toothy grin. “I like her…she's really nice.” “What about Draco and Natasha? Did they show up?” “No, they never showed up…but Dameon assured me they'd be at dinner…I can't wait! I just love them Daddy…they remind me of our family back home.” Dallas stopped suddenly, causing his arm to tug forward since Phoebe had kept walking. “Daddy, why did you stop?” she asked with a huff. Dallas knelt down to her level and pulled her to him. “Phoebe, do you really feel that way?” he asked as he gently placed his hands on her tiny hips. “You like being around Nora and her family?” She nodded eagerly. “Uh-huh. They're funny…and it's kind of cool they're from a whole other country.” She let out a giggle. “I like their accents.” Dallas grinned. “Me, too. So if I asked Nora to be a part of our family…you would be okay with that?” “Sure!” she exclaimed as her eyes went wide. “You mean you'd marry her?” “That's my plan,” he said and took the time to let out a slow breath since it still shook him a bit. “I love her very much, Phoebe.” “I know, I can tell. Your eyes get all…sparkly when you talk about her…or when you look at her.” Dallas shook his head in amusement. “You're observant for a girl your age.” She giggled. “I know…you tell me that a lot.” He playfully tweaked her nose. “Well it's true.” He laughed as he straightened and grabbed her hand. “C'mon…we don't want to be late.” “Daddy?” she asked after a moment of walking. “Hmm?” he asked as their joined hands began to swing. “If you marry Nora…does that mean she'll be my mommy?” Dallas felt his heart turn in his chest as he looked down at the wide hopeful eyes staring up at him. “That would be for you and Nora to talk about, Phoebs. But I'm sure Nora would love that…if she accepts my proposal.” “Oh, she will,” she said confidently as she waved it off. Dallas arched a brow. “Oh? How do you know?” “Because…her eyes are all sparkly when she looks at you, too.” Dallas let out a deep, enriching laugh as he reached down and scooped her up. “You're a piece of work, princess.” She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and let him carry her the rest of the way. Nora was waiting for them on the front porch and when she first heard Phoebe's squealish laughter mixed with Dallas' deep chuckle, she pounced off the steps and met them out on the road. “Hey!” she exclaimed and laughed when Phoebe immediately reached for her. “I'm so glad you're here!” She perched her on her hip and leaned up and kissed Dallas. “Both of you.” “She's excited,” Dallas said with a smile. “It's all she talked about since the moment I came in from work.” “Well, then let's get started,” she said as she swung her back to the ground. “Every one is out back waiting to see you.” She let out a whoop as she ran ahead of them, following the path around the back while Nora and Dallas slowly followed hand in hand. “It was nice of your parents to invite us…and for them to talk to my boss to cover for us.” “He knows you make me happy,” she said as she paused and turned into him, circling her arms around his neck. “Do I make you happy, Cowboy?” He bent his knees slightly and lifted her off her toes. “Deliriously,” he murmured before laying his lips gently against hers. Lips curved, she let out a long, satisfying moan. “Great answer.” He chuckled and nipped at her lips, then scattered kisses down her jaw and then nuzzled her neck. “We better join your family before they get suspicious.” She giggled as he set her down on her feet. “Okay…maybe later we can sneak off somewhere.” “Looking forward to it,” he said as he lifted their clasped hands and kissed her fingers as they rounded the house together. XXXXX After dinner, Harry went up to Dallas and Nora, who were sitting on the porch steps as they watched Phoebe play out in the field with Dameon and Ava. “Hey guys,” he said as he lightly nuzzled Nora's head. “Would you mind coming back inside? Hermione and I would like to talk to you both.” “Sure,” Nora said as she got up and Dallas quickly followed. “Is everything okay?” “Everything's fine,” he assured her. “Phoebe!” Dallas called out. “I'm going inside, you mind Ava and Dameon.” “Okay!” she exclaimed, happily perched on Dameon's back. “She's in good hands,” Nora said as she linked her fingers with hers. “I don't doubt it,” he said as he gave a little wave as they passed Draco and Natasha, who were sitting at the patio table with their drinks, then followed Harry back inside. Hermione was waiting for them in the den sitting on the love seat sipping a glass of white wine. “Anyone need a refill?” she asked as they sat down. “Dallas? Another beer?” “I'm okay for now,” he said holding up his half empty beer bottle. “Thanks, though.” “So, what's up, Dad?” Nora asked anxiously. “Well,” he said as he leaned back next to his wife and casually placed a hand on her knee. “As you both know, Hermione and I had a meeting with Mr. Hamilton today…a fairly long one.” “Yes, you were gone longer than I expected,” Nora said with a slight frown. “Did he give you a hard time about inviting Dallas?” “Not at all,” he said with a slight wave of his free hand. “In fact, I never even brought it up.” Dallas lifted his brows. “What? But…” “Relax, Dallas,” Hermione said softly. “It's okay that you're here…we promise.” “I almost immediately understood what you were talking about, Dallas,” Harry said as he leaned forward to set his glass of wine down. “He didn't have the passion for this place like you do. I discussed about the resort with him and what it meant to him…he pretty much said he'd rather be doing something else but the money was too good to give up.” “I had a feeling he was in it just for the money,” Dallas said with a slight hint of resentment in his voice. “I agree,” Harry said and then casually leaned back in his chair and grinned. “That's why Hermione and I both agreed to buy it.” Dallas choked on his beer. “What?” he gagged while Nora slapped a hand on his back. “You, what?” “Bought the place,” Nora said as she gave him another pat. “It's so like Daddy to do that.” “I don't understand,” Dallas said once he got his throat cleared. “I mean…you just bought it? Like that?” Harry chuckled. “Well, some documents had to be signed and we had a few little discussions before we could settle on a contract we both agreed on. Mr. Hamilton I believe, is packing up his stuff right now and has to be out of the main house by next week.” “Soooo….what?” Dallas asked still shocked and a bit confused. “Are you two going to move in?” “No, don't be silly.” Just because Harry would find it amusing, he waited until Dallas took another sip of his beer. “You are.” Dallas choked again as Harry and Hermione chuckled in amusement while Nora took the beer away from him. “Sweetie, maybe you shouldn't take a sip until they're done talking.” “Me?” he said as he stared at Hermione and Harry as if they both had two heads and a tail. “But…I'm sorry, I'm not following. That house is for the owner of the resort…you can't just…” “We can do whatever we want,” Hermione said with a slight smile. “We're the owners…and we want you to manage it, Dallas…we want you to make the decisions and run the place for us. We're basically giving you the resort.” “Not completely,” Harry added when Dallas just stared and Nora grinned foolishly. “We'll still own it financially, but you'd be in charge of everything…and would keep us updated on anything we may need to know or any new ideas you may have.” “I…” He shook his head in amazement as he gripped Nora's hand. “I don't know what to say…I've always dreamt about buying this place from Mr. Hamilton…I've always wanted to start a small nest egg, but I've started one for Phoebe's future instead.” “And so you should have,” Hermione said nodding in approval. “Dallas…the resort is yours. Yes, a silly piece of parchment claims we own it, but…it's heart belongs to you.” “Thank you,” Dallas said as he got up to his feet and went over and hugged Hermione the minute she stood up from the couch. “I don't know how I can ever repay you.” Harry got up and hugged him as well. “You can start by making my munchkin happy.” Dallas grinned. “I can definitely do that,” he said as he turned to Nora. “That is…if she's loves me enough to move over here and marry a Yank.” Nora's eyes filled and her heart felt as though it would burst with happiness. She finally knew where she belonged…and that was with her cowboy. “Oh, she does,” she finally said and ran over and flung herself onto him. “She loves you so much.” Hermione sniffled as she watched her little girl kiss the man she was going to marry. “Oh, Harry.” “Shh, don't cry,” he said laughing softly as he brought her against his side. “You'll get me going.” “C'mon,” she said pulling him away and led them back outside. “Let's leave them alone for awhile.” Dallas nuzzled Nora's neck and he held on tight. “I can't believe it,” he murmured. “I can't believe your parents did that for me.” “You're family now,” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair. “They love you because I love you.” “This has happened so fast.” He leaned back and framed her face. “This should be crazy….this should be nuts, but…I know this is right.” “You better believe it is,” she said with a grin. “The moment I saw you…I knew you were going to change my life. I didn't know for sure how, but…something inside me changed that day.” He swept the pad of his thumb across her cheek. “For me too…I watched you…interact with Tango…longer than you thought probably.” He leaned down and nibbled at her lips. “You were so darn cute.” She chuckled against his mouth. “I was thinking you were so darn hot…anyone ever tell you, you look good in a pair of Levis?” He grinned. “Anyone ever tell you, you look good in a pair of designer jeans?” Nora laughed as she flew her arms around him. “Oh, I do love you, cowboy.” Dallas plucked her off the floor and spun her around. “I love you right back.” He then set her down and placed his hand on her shoulders. “You know, though…I come with a package deal.” Nora's eyes softened. “Of course.” She reached up and touched his cheek. “I wouldn't have it any other way…she's mine just as much as you are.” Dallas shut his eyes as gripped her hand and kissed the inside of her palm. “Thank you.” He kissed the inside of her wrists and down her arm until he pulled her back in his arms and nuzzled her neck. “I'll make you happy, Nora. I promise.” Nora smiled as she held on tightly to the man that held her heart. “I'll hold you to it.” --> 22. Chapter 21 -------------- **Okay, here's another chapter…and it IS short, but I hope to have the next chapter up soon. Enjoy this little snippet though and I'll post the next one soon. I'm ready for this to be over…and since my reviews have dwindled I'm sure most of you are ready, too. Luckily I'll have my new one up soon! Thanks guys!** **~HM** **Chapter 21** “How are the nerves?” Ava looked at her sister through the mirror. “Still alive and jumping.” Nora smiled as she stood behind her little sister, finishing up on last minute touches on her hair. “That's good…it's okay to be nervous.” “It's a good kind,” she said as she placed a hand on her tummy. “Do you think he's just as nervous?” “Oh yeah,” she said with a grin as she soothed back her hair and let it tumble around her shoulders. “I bet he's wracked with nerves.” Ava bit her lip. “He's been with other girls before.” Nora placed her hand firmly on her shoulders. “But he hasn't been with you,” she pointed out. “And that makes a huge difference.” Ava let out a shaky breath. “I just don't want to disappoint him, Nora.” “You won't,” she said and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “He loves you, A.J.” “You don't know that,” she said shaking her head. “He hasn't told me yet.” “That doesn't matter, anyone can tell he loves you just by the way he looks at you.” “Okay, let's stop talking about it,” she said as she felt her heart turn painfully in her chest. “It's just making me more nervous.” Nora nodded. “Let's get your make-up done then.” “Not too much,” Ava said warily. “Like you did the other night.” “Relax, I'm a professional.” Ava sighed as she closed her eyes as Nora started putting gunk on her face. “You wouldn't happen to have any idea on where he's taking me?” Nora smirked. “Maybe.” Ava peaked one eye open. “Give me a hint.” “Nope…keep your eyes close.” “Fine,” she grumbled as she did as she was told. Maybe it was better that way, she thought as she stood still while Nora slicked up her lips with color. She always did love a good surprise. XXXX Harry and Hermione lingered in the doorway as they watched their daughter walk off hand in hand with Dameon Malfoy. Hermione sighed happily as she watched Dameon kiss her hand as they disappeared around the bend. “They're sweet together,” Hermione said smiling up at Harry, but then rolled her eyes at the scowl on his face. “Honestly, Harry…you need to get over it.” Harry crossed his arms over his chest. “I know,” he muttered grumpily. “Ava's all grown up and I'll to have to deal with it. I don't have to like it, though.” “At least she's not going off with Liam,” Hermione pointed out. “There is that,” Harry admitted as he snaked an arm around her. “Dameon's a good kid…I know that, Hermione.” He turned in her arms and frowned slightly as he placed his forehead against hers. “But I've also been a twenty-year old boy with hormones and I know exactly what he wants to do with our little girl.” Hermione chuckled and framed his face. “And I've been a curious nineteen year old girl and I know exactly what our little girl wants to do with him.” Harry let out a long, whiny moan. “Was it really necessary to go there?” She let out a laugh and planted a loud, smacking kiss on his mouth. “No, but I couldn't resist. C'mon, let's go inside…I'll pour us both a very large glass of wine.” Harry sighed as he let her lead him inside and closed the door behind them. “Where's Nora?” “She's off spending the evening with Dallas and Phoebe at his cabin,” she said as went to the bar small wet bar just off to the side of the kitchen. “She won't be back till late tonight.” Harry leaned against the marbled bar on the other side while Hermione pulled out a bottle of red. With a quick flick of her wand the foil uncoiled and the cork popped open into the air and Harry easily snatched it up before it dropped. “And Natasha and Draco?” he asked as he started to twirl the cork aimlessly on the bar. She pulled out two glasses and started to pour. “They went out to dinner…Draco reserved a private room for them down at the dinning hall.” Harry's hand paused on the cork and snapped his head up. “Are you telling me we're alone?” he asked as he ignored Hermione's outstretched hand that held his glass of wine. “Yeah, we're alone,” she said casually and then nudged the glass. “Are you going to take this or not?” “Screw the wine,” he said as he grabbed the glass and hers and messily set it aside. “Hey, you're spilling it everywhere,” she said slightly annoyed as she went to grab a rag but yelped when Harry was suddenly behind her, dragging her out of the bar. “Harry! Have you gone mad?” “We're alone and you're just now telling me?” he asked annoyed as he plucked her off the floor and swung her over his shoulder. “We've already wasted valuable naked time.” Hermione balked as he started carrying her up the stairs. “Harry James Potter, you put me down this instant!” Harry paused in the middle of the stairs. “Here?” he asked and then shrugged her off until she was wrapped around his waist and pressed her against the wall. “Okay.” Hermione choked out a laugh when he nuzzled her neck. “Harry, that's not what I meant.” Her eyes fluttered closed when his hands easily snuck under her blouse while he ran open mouth kisses along her neck. “Oh, god.” Harry grinned triumphantly as he began eagerly tugging at her blouse and yanked it over her head before attacking her mouth with his. “Still want that wine?” he rasped as his hands disappeared under her skirt. “No,” she moaned when his hands nudged down her knickers. “I want you.” “Sparky,” he murmured as her fingers worked at the fly of his jeans then groaned as he slid deep inside her in one smooth thrust. “You have me.” XXX “Okay, close your eyes,” Dameon said as he stopped in the middle of the narrow path they were on and swooped himself in front of her. Ava gave him a look. “You're not serious.” He grinned. “Aww, come now, luv…don't you trust me?” “Not when you're looking at me like that,” she grumbled but then sighed in defeat when he just kept on grinning. “Oh, all right.” “That's my girl,” he said when her eyes closed and took a step into her for a sweet, lingering kiss. “Keep them close,” he murmured against her lips before pulling away. “They're closed, they're closed,” she said as she reached for him. “Now get back here.” He chuckled as he let her pull him back for another kiss, this time taking the kiss deeper. “Mmm, no…don't distract me,” he said and made himself pull away. “They'll be plenty of time for all that.” With her eyes still closed, Ava blushed. “Okay.” Dameon smiled as he took her hand. “This way.” Ava slowly shuffled her feet as she let Dameon lead her down the path then winced when she felt the path turn from pavement to pebble. “Uh-oh…not good for the heels. I have a difficult enough time walking in these things on a smooth surface.” “Don't worry,” he laughed and slinked an arm around her. “I won't let Grace fall.” Ava smiled and held onto him tightly. She didn't mind the nickname so much now. “She appreciates it.” Dameon stopped and gave her a gentle squeeze. “Okay, we're here….you can open your eyes.” Ava slowly peeked one eye open, then both of them and blinked up at the small tidy yellow cottage surrounded by a sea of flowers. “Dameon…where are we? Is this one of the upscale cabins?” Dameon grinned. “I have strong ties with the manager of this place,” he teased and then led her onto the stoop. “Dallas said the guests moved out yesterday…no one's assigned to move in for another few days.” “It's beautiful,” she murmured and then walked in as soon as he opened the door for her and immediately saw the romantic table set for two. “Oh, Dameon.” The table was set right next to a window that had a spectacular view of the snowcapped mountains. Two long white slim candles speared up in the middle between two plates covered in a silver dome. Dameon walked over to the table and reached for the single red Gerber Daisy that was perched in a crystal vase and held it out to her. “I know roses are more romantic,” he said as she shyly took it from him. “But I've always liked these…and they remind me of you.” “Really?” she asked as she twirled the flower under her nose. “Why's that?” Dameon reached up and rubbed the back of his knuckles along her soft cheek. “Because they stand out to me…just like you do. You've always been right there in the front of my mind…whether I wanted you there or not.” Ava's eyes softened as she felt her heart trip stupidly in her chest. “Dameon, I'm not one to get all mushy, but you can definitely change that.” She leaned up on her toes and let her lips slowly absorb his. “Thank you.” “You're welcome,” he murmured against her lips, nipping and teasing. “You hungry?” “Famished,” she said with a grin as they pulled a part. “Are you going to tell me you cooked?” “Nope,” he said with a laugh. “Not this time at least. Once again Dallas hooked me up and the kitchen whipped us up something. I also have some champagne if you'd like some.” “Sure…that would be great.” “Have a seat,” he said as he moved over to the table and pulled out her chair then lifted the bottle that was perched in the silver tub. “It's the same brand we had the other night at the bar.” “Good, I liked it,” she said laughed when the pop corked. “A lot.” “I recall you had a few glasses,” he said with a smirk as he poured her glass, then his own. “True,” she said and then smiled as they clinked their glasses together before taking a sip. As he sat down across from her she glanced out the window and sighed dreamily at the mountains. “It's such a beautiful view.” “Yes it is.” Ava turned and blushed when she realized he had been looking at her and not the mountains. “Smooth talker.” “Just wait,” he said with a grin as he took a sip of his champagne. Since she felt her cheeks flush again she looked back outside but her eyes didn't travel out as far and glanced at the patio. “Hey…there's a hot tub out here like ours.” “Yeah.” Dameon set down his glass and leaned forward on the table. “I thought maybe we'd use it later tonight.” “Oh, but I didn't pack my swim—” She trailed off when Dameon gave her a slow, mischievous grin. “Oh.” She dragged out the single word in three long syllables causing him to let out a throaty laugh then reached over and lifted her silver lid. “Bon appétit, my little minx.” XXX **Like I said…short, but I wanted the next chapter to be ALL Dameon and Ava. So look forward to the next one here soon!** --> 23. Chapter 22 -------------- **Here it is! Up quickly just like I promised! Hope you guys enjoy! Just one or two more chapters after this! Thanks for all the great reviews and support!** **~HM** **Chapter 22** The two breezed through dinner with easy conversation as they reminisced together about childhood stories growing up. The good, the bad…and of course the ugly. Now that they were finally together they were both surprised that they could laugh about all the petty fights and pranks they pulled on each other. Dameon practically had tears in his eyes when Ava brought up the time when they got in a huge fight and ended up tackling each other in the mud when they were just kids. “What were we even fighting about?” Dameon asked once he could get his breath back. “Who knows?” Ava said with a shrug. “All I remember was I was furious with you, tackling you and then rolling around in the mud. That was one of the times our parents just didn't get in the middle of it and let us battled it out.” “Well, I wouldn't mind rolling around in the mud with you again,” he said with a grin. “For an entirely different reason.” Ava just laughed. “Yeah, I bet.” After dinner they got up and retired to the small cozy den with their glasses freshly filled to the rim. Dameon sat on the coffee colored leather couch and Ava cozily curled herself up against him loving the way she felt in his arms. Warm, content, safe…and undeniably happy. “So I must have had *some* good moments growing up,” Dameon said as he propped his legs on the wooden coffee table in front of them. “I know I was a complete pain in your ass most of the time, but I wasn't all bad.” Ava grinned into her glass as she took a sip then leaned forward to set it on the table. “I guess not all bad….maybe once in a blue moon you'd surprise me.” Dameon hugged her close. “Yeah? Give me an example.” “Well…I always knew that even though you and I didn't get a long, you were still a bit protective of me.” Dameon sighed. “Damn, and I was trying my best to hide it.” “I know you tried, but you always gave yourself away,” she said and then leaned up so she could look at him. “I knew it was you who gave the Slytherin a bloody nose.” Dameon blinked. “What?” “The Slytherin that pushed me down the stairs…it was you who put him in the hospital…not Jacob.” “How…how did you know?” he asked, completely flabbergasted. “Dameon…the guy would scurry away like a scared little boy every time you got within three feet of him.” She smiled shaking her head. “It wasn't hard to figure out.” “Why didn't you tell me you knew?” “You didn't seem to want me to know,” she said with a shrug. “And I didn't want to admit how much I appreciated it, so…it was best to keep quiet.” “A part of me did want you to know,” he admitted with a soft smile as he gently touched the side of her face. “And the guy was lucky all he got was a broken nose.” “And a few broken ribs,” Ava added with a laugh then leaned up for a quick kiss. “You've always looked out for me, Dameon.” She nuzzled his lips with hers and then gently nipped them with her teeth. “Thanks.” “Every one in school knew I was the only one allowed to pick on you,” he said with a grin as he soothed back her hair with his free hand. “How did you survive without me last year?” “You may have been gone, but I also had a very protective nephew there to look after me.” “I know,” he said as he started trailing soft kisses along her jaw. “I told him to.” Ava sighed as her she closed her eyes. “I should have known.” He just chuckled as he lifted his head and quickly set his drink down before capturing her lips with his. He tasted her with his tongue, long, deep, deep strokes that sent his heart racing and his need for her intensify. “Ava,” he breathed into her mouth as his fingers gripped tangles of her hair. “I want you.” “Yes,” she murmured as her hands streamed up and down his muscular back while she shifted herself up onto his lap. “I want you, too.” Dameon groaned as his arms circled around her waist to bring her closer. “Bedroom,” he panted as he staggered to his feet, a task that was difficult to do when she was running fervent kisses up and down his neck. “I'm not making love to you for the first time on a small narrow couch.” “It doesn't matter, just hurry,” she said and then moaned when their lips found each other while he made his way down the hall that led to the bedroom. He backed her up against the wall just outside and moved his eager mouth to her neck while he murmured something against her skin. “Dameon, was that a…” “Shh,” he said and soothed her with a lazy, soft kiss as he pushed them off the wall and carried her inside. The room was enveloped with candlelight as about a dozen candles of all different sizes magically floated in the air. Now she knew what he had muttered against his skin…he was casting the room to get it ready for her. “Oh, Dameon,” she said as her eyes gazed around the room. “And you put rose petals on the bed.” “I had to use a bit of romance,” he added with a sheepish smile and then cupped the side of her face, sweeping his thumb along her bottom lip. “Plus I wanted to see you dressed in candlelight.” She gently kissed the pad of his thumb before sliding herself back on her feet then slowly turned her back to him. She brushed her hair to the side to reveal the zipper of her black dress and gave him a coy smile over her shoulder. “Maybe you can give me a hand?” Dameon swallowed hard as he lifted a shaky hand to the zipper. “I can definitely do that,” he said and then slid the zipper down painstakingly slow to reveal her soft flesh inch by inch. As soon as the zipper was all the way down he snuck his hands inside the dress and traveled them up her back to her shoulders. She felt her entire body tremble as he gently shrugged the straps of her dress off her shoulders, sending the material fluttering down at her feet. She stood in front of him now in her bra and knickers and felt her heart pound in her chest as he gradually turned her around to face him. “Beautiful,” he whispered as he admired the black silk lace bra and panties that adorned her body. “Really?” she felt herself asking as pleasure bloomed inside her. “Nora actually charmed my plain bra and knickers into this.” Dameon let out a deep chuckle as he reached up to brush the side of her breast with his fingers. “You'll have to thank her for me,” he said and slipped two fingers in the waistband of her knickers and tugged her close. Her belly danced as she circled her arms around his neck. “I will. I didn't know what the big deal was at first…I mean you were just going to get rid of them eventually.” She then lifted up and nipped the tip of his chin. “Then I saw the look on your face when you saw me and I figured it out.” “Glad my reaction could help,” he said before pressing his lips firmly against hers as he shuffled them over towards the bed. Ava moaned against his mouth as her fingers started to pull at the buttons of his collared shirt, wanting desperately to see him dressed in candlelight as well. As he began laying her down on the bed she tugged the material over his shoulders and immediately explored her hands up and down his chest. With lips still locked he frantically shook his shirt off his arms and then loomed over her, groaning into her mouth when he felt her fingers start to work the buttons of his trousers. He had to remind himself to go slow as he the urge to take her fast and hard began to consume him. This was her first time…she deserved sweet and gentle touches…not hard and desperate gropes. She anxiously dragged his trousers over his hips and then let out a protesting moan when he grappled at her hands and pinned them above her head. “Dameon…” “Shh.” He bent down and kissed her mouth lovingly, sweetly…he kissed her until she all but melted against him. “It's okay.” “But, I want…” “I know,” he murmured as he trailed his lips down her neck. “Don't worry…just lie still and let me take care of you.” He squeezed her fingers once before letting go as he scrapped his teeth down her throat then kissed her beating pulse before venturing down her body. She gasped and arched herself against him when his fingers magically removed her bra then clenched a fistful of hair when his hot mouth closed over one of her breasts. A sudden need erupted deep in her belly and she could do nothing but squirm anxiously beneath him while his mouth sent her up and up and up. He kissed her stomach as he cleverly removed her knickers over her hips and down. She lifted her hips and gasped out a groan when he began to kiss his way down her legs while removing the swatch of silk, then moved them back up once they were discarded. He moved his attention to her breasts again while his hand caressed and kneaded the soft skin of her inner thigh. “Ava,” he whispered as he lifted his head back to hers and then kissed her trembling lips. He murmured her name again as he carefully slid a finger between her soft folds as she panted heavily into his mouth then groaned when he began to stroke her. “Does that feel good?” She bit her lip as she frantically nodded her head. “Yes,” she gasped lifting her hips up to him. “It feels…wonderful.” “How bout this?” he asked and then slid in another finger. She let out a soft cry as she reached up and gripped his arm tightly. “Dame…” “Am I hurting you?” he asked worriedly as he stalled his fingers. She shook her head as her back arched up from the bed. “Uh-uh…don't stop.” Dameon groaned at the sight and couldn't help but leaned down and devour her mouth, plunging his tongue into her mouth in the same rhythm as his fingers. When he felt she was close he stroked her faster, harder until she finally erupted, moaning his name as she took the fall. “Bloody hell,” he groaned as he quickly snaked his way down and replaced his fingers with his mouth before she could barely recover. She opened her mouth to let out a shocking moan but found no sound was able to escape from her the back of her throat. He had just given her one hell of an orgasm and he was already bringing her back up for another. She shot a hand down and gripped his hair and draped her legs over his shoulders while he tasted her with his lips and tongue until her whole body violently shattered in pieces. As soon as he felt her body collapsed he kissed his way up the center of her body while she gasped and trembled beneath him. “Are you okay,” he murmured as he nuzzled her neck. “It depends on what you mean by okay,” she muttered and then let out a breathless laugh. “My god, Dameon…you practically killed me and we haven't even started the big finale.” Dameon's shoulders shook with laughter as he sprinkled playful kisses along her neck. “A.J….you seriously crack me up.” Ava let out a fluttering sigh. “I'm just saying.” He nipped at her ear. “Are you ready for that big finale?” “I don't know how I can be after that,” she admitted then groaned when his hand reached down and cupped her. “On second thought.” His lips curved against her skin as she started to pull his trousers down his hips. He quickly rolled off her to fully get rid of the rest of his clothes then looked over to see her staring at him with wide eyes. “Don't worry, it'll fit.” Ava blinked up at him. “If you say so.” He grinned as he swooped his mouth on hers as he nestled himself between her legs. “Relax,” he murmured when he felt her start to tense. “I'll go slow.” She nodded and gave him a shy smile. “I know…I trust you.” Hearing those words touched him so completely that he had to take a moment to settle his own nerves. He touched her mouth lightly with his, sipping leisurely at her lips as he began to gradually push himself inside her…inch by torturous inch. He shut his eyes at the feel of her enveloping him…she felt so good he was afraid that he might loose control. When he felt her flinch he soothed her with soft kisses and sweet murmurs and when he was finally deep inside her…they both let out a long, shaky sigh of contentment as they held each other close. “You do fit,” she whispered against his shoulder while strumming her fingers through his hair. “You feel good inside me.” Dameon let out a throaty moan. “You feel good surrounding me.” He kissed her neck before lifting his head up and placed his cheek against hers. “Are you okay for me to move?” he asked softly in her ear. She gave a short nod. “Yes…I'm okay.” He trailed loving kisses along her face and when he finally captured her lips he began to slowly, slowly, move inside her. “Ava.” He tore his lips away from hers and buried his face against her neck as he gently ground himself inside her...again and again. “You feel incredible.” She gasped as she felt that familiar pressure start to build and wrapped her legs firmly around his waist, meeting his thrusts in perfect rhythm as her fingernails clawed up and down his back. “Dameon…faster.” “Are you sure?” he breathed lifting his head to gaze down at her. She bit her lip as she gave an aggressive nod. “Mm-hmm.” Dameon stretched his entire body across hers, pinning her into the mattress as he sent them both closer and closer to the edge with faster, harder, strokes of his hips. When he finally felt Ava clench tightly around him he plunged deep, deep inside her…sword to hilt…and tumbled over that final crest with her. He crumbled weakly on top of her…completely sedated…completely satisfied. He pillowed his head against her breasts as they both patiently waited to get their breaths back. “Are you okay?” Ava finally asked. Dameon's lips curved against the slope of her breast. “I believe that's my line.” “Oh…right.” He weakly lifted his head and propped himself on his elbows so he could look at her. “But I'm brilliant to answer your question.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Are you okay?” “Mmm…never better.” She sighed as she circled her arms around him and he responded by rolling over on his back and brought her up against his side. “I didn't know it could be like that.” “Me either. It was different,” he added when he saw the confused look on her face. “It's never been like that for me, Ava. Being with you…it was so much more than just sex…I hope you know that.” “Of course,” she said touched beyond belief as she lovingly touched his rough cheek. “Of course I do…tonight was amazing, Dameon…and I'll never forget it.” He gripped his hand and turned his head to plant a kiss against her palm. “Neither will I.” He then smiled as he laced their fingers. “But it's not over yet…why don't we go outside and try out that hot tub?” She gave him a mischievous smirk. “Fantastic idea.” XXXX Once they both found the strength to roll out of bed, Ava snagged a couple of towels while Dameon padded into the kitchen for the half empty bottle of champagne. They met at patio door and Dameon slid it open for her and playfully smacked her ass while she passed. She just yelped and then laughed as she frolicked away from his grabby fingers. She tossed the towels aside and wagged a finger at him. “Behave, Malfoy.” “That's a lot to ask when you're standing in front of me naked.” He grinned foolishly while he looked her up and down. “You look just as good in moonlight as you do in candlelight, A.J.” “You're biased,” she said as she walked into the hot swirly waters and sighed when she sunk herself all the way to her chin. “Okay, this is wonderful.” Dameon plopped the bottle down on the edge of the hot tub and quickly joined her and emerged under the water then surfaced with a groan. “Oh, yeah…this is nice.” Ava sat herself down in the water and admired Dameon standing in the middle of the tub. He slicked his wet hair back and the water beads that drizzled over him looked like moonbeams. “You look pretty good in moonlight as well, Malfoy.” Dameon looked down at her then arched a brow at where her eyes were traveling. “Are you checking me out, Potter?” “You bet your delectable ass I am,” she said with a silly grin and then lifted a hand out of the water and crooked her finger. “Get over here.” “Yes mam,” he said and glided his self towards her and their lips met in a lazy, open mouth kiss that had them both panting. ““So…you think I have a delectable ass?” he asked when he pulled away. She smiled and ran her hands over his cheeks under the water. “Oh, definitely.” He chuckled and gave her another kiss before turning over and sat down next to her then glided her onto his lap. “Want to help me finish off the champagne?” “Sure,” she said as she snuggled against his naked chest then accepted the bottle he offered and took a sip before handing it back. Dameon took a chug then set it aside so *both* of his hands could tease and caress her under the surface. “I could stay with you here all night.” Ava sighed when he clasped his hands with hers then wrapped their arms around her middle while he rested his chin on her shoulder. “Me, too. It's been quite a vacation, hasn't it?” “We arrived as foes and now we'll leave as lovers…I say it's been a hell of a vacation.” “Yeah,” she said fondly as she tilted her head slightly to expose more of her neck for his lips. “Sometimes I still can't believe we're together like this and other times…” “It's seems like we've always been like this?” he finished for her when she hesitated. “Exactly.” She turned her head for a kiss. “Doing that seems so natural now I can't imagine how I got on so long without doing it.” “I know what you mean,” he lifted a hand and cupped the back of her neck as he nipped at her lips. “But it doesn't mean I'm going to stop teasing you.” Ava shrieked when he suddenly pushed her head to the side and dunked her into the hot, steaming water. She sputtered up from the surface, pushing back her wet tangled hair from her face as she glowered at him. “Oh, no you didn't.” “Oh, yes I did,” he taunted with a challenging look. “What are you gonna do…” Dameon was cut off abruptly when she splashed a wave of water in his face. Nothing pissed him off more and he knew she was fully aware of it. He calmly ran a hand over his face, but before he could retaliate another splash smacked in his face. “That's it,” he growled as he pushed off the seat and attacked. Ava tried to get out but Dameon grabbed her from behind before she could even step up onto the ledge. She wiggled against him as she tried to free herself but he was too strong and easily dunked her back under the water. She knew that if she retaliated she would just get soaked again, so she decided to do the only thing that would give her the upper hand. As she resurfaced Dameon was about to grapple with her once again but felt her fingers wrap around his arousal and then squeeze. “Bloody hell,” he groaned as he felt all the blood in his head flood out of his head…and down. Ava made her move and pounced…causing him to stagger backwards onto the seat. “Gotcha,” she said as she straddled his lap. “That was playing dirty,” he said and then narrowed his eyes. “I should have thought of it first.” She chuckled as she circled her arms around his neck. “I play to win, Malfoy…you should know that by now.” “So you do.” He brought her up against him until her breasts were pressed deliciously against his chest. “I'll be nice and let you have this round.” Ava snorted. “Gee…thanks.” He just chuckled before capturing her mouth with his as he kissed her deeply, tasting the sweet hint of champagne that lingered on her tongue. “It seems…that I already want you again.” “Is that so,” she murmured before sliding her tongue along his bottom lip. “Let's go upstairs then.” “Uh-huh,” he said placing his hand on her hips and lifted her up until she was positioned above him. “Here.” “Here?” she said then gasped when he began to gently push herself onto him. Dameon groaned as he lifted up his hips until he was fully inside her. “Here,” he rasped as his eyes fluttered closed at the feel of her surrounding him. “God, you feel good.” “Dameon,” she murmured with a hint of insecurity in her voice. “I'm not sure…” “No, that's it,” he assured her with a strangled groan when she began to rock her hips. “That's exactly it.” He gripped her hips to urge her along and slowly she began to feel more confident and gradually quickened her pace. She arched her head back a she felt that first wave of pleasure wash through her and then moaned his name when his mouth captured one of her breasts. The hot water swirled and splashed around them as they moved faster and faster together, both eager to get to that final peak. Mouths merge, tongues caressed and hands roamed as she rode him frantically, desperately…until they both finally came crashing down together. On a long, aching moan, Ava slithered weakly against him and rested her temple against his shoulder while he lovingly ran his hands up and down her back. “Wow.” He let out a breathless laugh. “Well said, luv.” “Was…I okay?” His hands stilled her on back. “What?” She shyly lifted her head and gave him a sheepish smile. “I've obviously had never done that before…being on top?” “I see,” he said as he ran his possessive hands to her hips. “And you're worried you didn't do it right?” “I'm pretty sure I did,” she said as she worriedly bit her lip. “I mean you did…come, right?” Dameon blinked, stared, then rolled out a laugh. “Ava, did you black out? Of course I did…it was bloody fantastic.” He captured her face firmly in his hands and gave her a long, hard kiss. “*You're* fantastic.” She blushed. “Well…I don't know about that, but I'm glad I did okay…I liked being on top.” Dameon groaned and kissed her again. “That's good to know.” She sighed as she snuggled closer to him, tucking her arms between her and his chest while he enveloped his arms around her. “I guess we'll have to go soon…it's getting late.” “As much as I would love to spend the night with you here…I don't think your dad would approve if I took you back tomorrow morning in your wrinkled dress.” She giggled. “Probably not.” He grinned and kissed the top of her head. He took a moment to savor the feeling of her tucked in his arms while he was still buried inside her. He knew for as long as he lived he would never forget this night with her…their first night as lovers. “We should get out and get dried off…like you said, it's getting late.” Her shoulders slumped as she let out a defeating sigh. “Okay,” she said but couldn't quite get herself to move. He let out a reluctant sigh, but he simply held her closer instead of pulling her away. “In just a minute.” Her lips curved in amusement as she nuzzled closer. “Okay.” --> 24. Chapter 23 -------------- **Well, this is it. It's over. Done. Finite! I'm sorry if you guys are sad it's over, but I was so ready for it to be. I have a whole new story that I've been wanting to share for over a year! I haven't gotten too far into it, but I'll post it sometime this week. As for this story, it's time for it to end. This universe has definitely had a long run. Thanks so much for the support! Love you guys!** **~HM** **Chapter 23** Minutes passed and neither of them had yet to move. They didn't make love again or even kiss…they just held each other…still joined. They could hear the swirls and bubbles of the hot tub, cicadas chirping and the occasional hoot of a nearby owl. If they had bothered to look up they would see a blanket of stars shining down on them…but all they saw was each other. With a heavy sigh, Dameon rubbed his cheek against her damp hair. “We should really go…I don't want to, but we really need to go.” “I know.” She tilted her head up and met his lips with a soft kiss. “I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow.” “It's definitely flown by,” he said as he rubbed his hands over her arms then gently pushed her back. “I'm looking forward to starting our lives together though…outside of the resort.” She smiled sheepishly. “Really?” “Of course.” He playfully tugged her hair. “Aren't you?” “Yes,” she said eagerly. “Definitely. Do you think we'll do okay in the real world? I mean...there's no question that it's going to be more challenging.” “Relationships are always challenging, luv,” he said as he ran a hand down her hair. “But I know we'll be okay.” “Really?” she asked with a teasing smile. “How do you know?” “Because I love you,” he said simply then smiled when he saw the blood drain from her face. “Is that so surprising, Ava? That I love you?” Ava swallowed hard. “I…I…I don't suppose so, I just…you just…caught me off guard.” He grinned. “Good…I prefer doing the unexpected. I hope to keep on surprising you in the future.” “You're really in love with me?” she asked with hopeful eyes. “Ridiculously.” Ava's lips slowly curved and then laughter bubbled out of her as she threw her arms around him. “Dameon….I love you, too.” He felt his heart tremble in his chest. “Yeah?” “Yes.” She leaned back and captured is face with her hands. “I love you so much. I always have it seems.” His brows flickered up in surprise. “Even the times you were cursing at me? Or throwing a bodily harmed object at me?” “Even then.” A smile tugged at his lips. “Me, too,” he admitted. “Even when I was cursing you back while I avoided the flying bodily harmed objects.” Ava tilted her head up with a joyous laughter. “Oh Dameon, we're quite a pair, aren't we?” “That we are,” he said cupping the back of her neck and brought her lips to his. “I love you,” he murmured into her mouth. She shivered as she wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, too,” she breathed. Moans merged as the kiss deepened…tongues stroking, lips caressing. Ava gasped when she felt him suddenly grow hard inside her then on a desperate groan began to slowly ride him. “Merlin,” Dameon groaned as he buried his face into her neck and gripped her hips, urging her on. She came first, long and hard as she clenched tightly around him, Dameon growled against her mouth as he scooped her up and took her out of the hot waters and tumbled her onto the nearby chaise. He hooked her legs over his arms and pumped himself inside her. Again and again. Until they were both spent After they finally managed to untangle themselves from each other, after they dried themselves off and dressed, and after a quick snog up against a tree on the way home…they finally snuck back into the house just a few hours before dawn. They giggled softly like a two mischievous kids as they tiptoed up the stairs, and at Ava's door, he kissed her goodnight. And kissed her again, and again, until finally Ava pushed him away with a whispering laugh. “Sleep it off, lover boy,” she murmured. “I'll see you in the morning.” “Okay,” he said with a goofy grin. “I love you.” Her eyes softened. “I love you, too,” she said and then stuck her head back out for a quick kiss and then quickly shut the door in his face before he could tempt her. They had both slept in the next morning and eventually Harry and Draco had to wake them up when it was almost noon. Everyone was bustling around the house as they packed their things and Dameon had snuck into her room once or twice for a kiss or two. “When we get back,” Dameon murmured against her lips. “We'll have to go out…I need to take you out on a date.” She grinned. “Yes, I guess you do owe me one.” “Why don't you come to my house tonight?” he asked as he ran a finger over her exposed shoulder from her tank top. “I'll cook you the dinner this time.” “Can you cook?” she asked with an arch brow. “Guess you'll just have to wait and find out,” he teased and then leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I've got to finish packing…you're a distraction.” “Right back at you, lover boy,” she laughed and then shoved him away. `All right, get…I still need to shower.” “Shower? Hey, why don't we…” “Don't even think about it, Malfoy,” she warned as she wagged her finger at him. “Another time…when our parents aren't around.” “I guess I can wait,” he said with a grin and then winked at her before strolling out. Ava's mouth stretched out into a wide grin and it continued to stay there as she finished her packing, when she was in the shower and was still smiling when Nora walked in her room just as she was zipping up her luggage. “Well, hey there, smiley,” Nora said with a smirk as she plopped down on the bed. “Did you swallow a hanger or something?” “Or something,” she said with a look of pleasure on her face. “I'm in love…and I'm loved right back…how can I not smile?” She smiled slowly. “So…I take it last night was a success?” “A *big* success,” she said and tossed her clothes aside and sat next to her sister. “Nora…he was so romantic. There was dinner and flowers and...” She broke off with a dreamy sigh. “It was fantastic.” “That's all you got for me?” she asked as she poked her sister. “Don't I get a little bit of a peak on the good stuff…how was the sex?” Ava blushed. “Good…okay more than good,” she added when her sister gave her a look. “Fabulous…earth-shattering.” “Wow.” “At least I thought so…I mean he was my first so I don't have anyone to compare it to.” “Do you regret that?” “No,” she said with shy smile. “No, I'm glad he was my first and I hope he'll be my last.” “That's so sweet,” Nora said and gave her little sister a hug. “I'm so happy for you. For both of you.” “Thanks,” she said as she started to tear up. “And I'm happy for you and Dallas. You two are quite a pair.” Nora grinned while they pulled apart. “I think so.” “It's all so exciting,” Ava chuckled. “You, marrying Dallas…moving here and starting a whole new life and a whole new country.” Nora put a hand on her unsteady stomach. “Both exciting and nerve-racking.” “But more exciting,” Ava assured her as she rubbed a hand up and down her arm. “When are you going to meet up with him again?” “I'm going to Texas in a couple of weeks to meet his family,” she said as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I'm freaking out about that…I hope they like me.” “They'll love you, because Dallas and Phoebe love you.” She sent her sister a grateful smile. “Thanks,” she said and then shot up to her feet. “I better get back at my packing, I still have a ways to go.” “I'm just about done.” She glanced at her watch. “Just shy of an hour till we have to head to the apparation point.” “I'll be ready,” she said as she walked to the door, but then turned back. “A.J? One last question.” “Shoot.” “How many times?” Ava blinked. “Excuse me?” “How many?” she asked again with a smirk. “How many times did he make you…well…you know.” Ava immediately blushed when she realized what she was talking about. “Oh.” She cleared her throat. “Six.” Nora let out a long whistle. “Go Dameon.” XXX Dallas and Phoebe walked with them to the apparation point to say good-bye to Nora and the rest of the family. It was weird to realize that they arrived as just another guest but they were leaving as their family. “Why do you have to leave?” Nora sighed as she reached down and plucked a very sad Phoebe from the ground and into her arms. “I'm not leaving,” she assured her as she ran a hand over her bouncy curls. “Not really…I just have to go home for just a little while and get some things done.” “Then I'll see you again?” she asked with a worried face. She gave her a firm nod. “Definitely.” Still unsure, Phoebe moved her little shoulder in an uneasy shrug. “My real mom didn't want me.” “Oh, sweetie,” she said as she sent a quick glance over at Dallas. “I can't change what happened with your mum, but I can promise you that I won't leave you…they'll be times I might have to leave for a little while, but I'll always come back.” “Promise?” she asked and held up her pinkie. Nora grinned as she locked her pinkie with hers. “Pinkie promise.” Dallas reached over and slipped an arm around Nora making them a unit. “How am I supposed to survive two weeks without you?” She smiled sadly as she rested her head against his shoulder. “I know, I'm already missing you two, but we'll be together soon.” Dallas brushed his lips against her hair. “Yeah…soon. And I want to get married…soon.” Pleasure bloomed inside her. “Some people might think we're moving too fast.” “And are you some people?” “No.” “Good, neither am I.” She smiled as she lifted her face up until their lips met. “Just look at those two,” Ava said with a sigh as Dameon stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. “So adorable…like a little family.” Dameon chuckled. “Well, they are a little family.” Ava elbowed him in the gut. “You know what I mean.” “I know,” he said wincing slightly but then playfully plopped his chin on her shoulder. “They do look good together…and I really like Dallas, and the kid's pretty cute.” Ava grinned. “You were rather sweet with her the other day when they came over for dinner.” “I love kids.” “I know,” she said softly as she turned in his arms. “You were always so good with kids.” “Yeah?” he asked pleased. “Right back at you…want to have one?” Ava choked out a laugh. “Excuse me?” “Too soon?” he asked and then nodded. “Probably right, we'll talk about it another time.” She just shook her head as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You're a piece of work, Malfoy…but I wouldn't mind having one with me. But you'll have to marry me first.” “Hmm, that sounds like a fair deal,” he said and pressed his curved lips to hers. “I'll have to make sure and ask you to marry me sometime.” “Looking forward to it,” she murmured and then held him close and brought his mouth back to hers. “Oh hell,” Harry cursed as he watched both his girls in the arms of another man. “I have a feeling we're going to be planning another double wedding soon.” Hermione snaked an arm around her husband's waist. “You may be right…a nice fall wedding maybe.” “Shit,” he muttered as he scooped a hand through his hair. “Well…if it does happen, so be it.” “It's not all that bad,” Hermione said as she shifted herself in front of him. “It's apparently a tradition in our family. First Rosie and Albus marrying together, then Lily and Hugo…why not Nora and Ava?” “Yeah,” he said as he tipped her chin up for a kiss. “Why not?” Hermione sighed as she held him close. “I love you.” Harry smiled as he brought his arms around her. After all these years he never got tired of hearing her say that. And he never got tired of saying it back. “I love you, too, Sparky.” Dameon finally pulled away from Ava's lips and framed her face with his hands. “So?” he asked as he swept his thumbs across her cheeks. “Ready for the real world, Potter?” Ava laughed. “Bring it on, Malfoy.” He smiled. “You know…I didn't want to love you, Ava…I fought it for years.” Her playful eyes turned soft as she gripped his wrists. “I know…me, too.” “But now?” He planted a kiss on her forehead. “I do want to love you.” Then one on each eyelid. “It's all I want.” Another kiss on her cheek. “It's all I'll ever want.” The other cheek. “And it's all I'll ever need.” He finally touched his lips to hers and practically felt her melt against him. “I love you, Ava James Potter.” Her knees went weak and her eyes misted over as she held onto him in fear that she might crumble to the ground. “Dameon…I've always loved you.” She smiled shakily as he wiped away a tear. “Even when it was unwanted…you always had my heart.” Shaken to the bone, Dameon touched his forehead to hers. “Look at us? A couple of saps in love…who'd have thought?” “Actually…more than you'd think. It just took us awhile to figure it out.” “Just a while,” he said with a soft chuckle then lifted their joint hands to kiss her fingers on each hand. “Let's go home, Ava.” Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt the pure joy of being in love fill her up completely. She was finally with the person she belonged to…the person that had been a constant pain in her side was the man she loved. It didn't get any better than that. “All right,” she said and reached up for a quick kiss. “Let's go home.” -->