Cake and Milk


Rating: G
Genres: Romance, Humor
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 4
Published: 02/10/2009
Last Updated: 02/10/2009
Status: Completed

Ron reflects about Harry and Hermione’s relationship. I really don’t want to ruin the surprise with the summary. So, best if you read it. ;)

1. Ron's Proudest Moment

Disclaimer: If I created the Harry Potter's universe, the series would be filled with one-shots and snippets of Harry and Hermione's life as a married couple.

Rating: G

Summary: Ron reflects about Harry and Hermione's relationship. I really don't want to ruin the surprise with the summary. So, best if you read it. ;)

AN: The italicised part is Ron's POV.

I know all of us can say that compared to what the wizarding world went through for the past years, this is the time wherein we really are at peace.

I saw so much in twelve years. I went through things that will make warriors proud. I did things and made decisions that can be seen as mature and stupid in one. With these experiences, I am never alone. I have two people with me who went through the same things, if not, even more - my two best friends.

They are probably the most powerful combination of witch and wizard the wizarding world has ever seen.

But they sure were thickheaded!

I mean for a long, long, long, long time I watch them dance around each other. It is not amusing, I'm telling you. Okay, maybe it is. But some of those times I want to push them into a broom closet and shout “Get moving, idiots!” But I didn't, of course. Because I'm such a loving best friend and an understanding brother to both. Yeah yeah, heard that before.

When they finally got the Gryffindor courage to `fess up to each other, I feel like jumping for joy. “Hallelujah!”

It was ridiculous, really. You will think that being best friends for nine years while being touchy-feely with each other, they will have no problem admitting it, much less to themselves. Especially for that genius girl sitting over there at the bride's chair. But apparently, love does that to you. You know, sneak up on you and bite you on the arse when you least expect it and then you wonder what the hell's going on.

Yeah, I think that's what happened with those two before.

You see, these two people here getting married, Harry and Hermione - my best friends are absolutely perfect for each other! Like cake and milk! They complement each other with their simplicity. That is how my best friends are; you cannot see Harry without a Hermione and vice versa. Oh, don't get me wrong their `Mione, I know you are an independent person. Believe me, I KNOW. But we have to admit, you will be pretty broken without that bloke there sitting next to you. No, not Fred - Harry!

And don't get me starting on you Harry. I mean, do you know what you just got yourself into?! Kidding, mate! Of course, you know! Because you always do when it comes to her, don't you?

See, that is what makes the two of you special. You develop this twisted friendship into this awesome crazy, yes but awesome love that conquers everything. It is something that defies all odds and it make me wonder how many witches and wizard have the luck of finding such a thing. Next to it, all things paled.

I remember twelve years ago when I first entered Harry's compartment in the Hogwarts Express and I cannot help but snigger at this thin boy who does not have any idea what he is getting himself into and then this mousy girl enters the compartment looking for a toad and looks like she certainly knows what she's getting herself into but, otherwise nervous and bossy.

Who would have thought back then that you two were going to end up married, eh Harry?

I suppose no one expected it before. Until you got into those dramatic episodes which only Hermione could pull you out of. And then you got all protective of Hermione. And not in a brotherly way, either. And then, I knew.

Yeah, good times. We are thick as thieves, huh? The three of us. No one stands a chance between the Golden Trio. Not even old Voldypants. And I have never been more proud of the friendship we have built for those twelve years. I know it is safe to say that we would have died for each other, if need be. I know I would.

But let's just be glad, that is not necessary anymore, right?

Witches and wizards, er, Mr. and Mrs. Granger, life has had a lot to throw at me in the past twelve years. But nothing could have been greater spending them than what I did - watching these two wonderful people hopelessly fall in love with each other.

Here is a love that binds friendship; that conquers self-affliction; that prevails in the darkest of times; that looks past the boundaries of appearances, fame, and fortune; that holds on despite how stubborn these two are to admit to each other that they are in love and took ages to get them to do it; that won a war; that saved a world - a love that I am so proud to be a witness of, while it unravels.

A love between Harry Potter and Hermione Granger- now Hermione Granger-Potter. I love you both.

A toast to the bride and groom!


“Ron!!!” Ginny Weasleys voice booms from the other side of the door. “What the bloody hell are you doing in there?! The wedding is going to start in five minutes! Mum is having a fit! The bride and groom are already there but their best man is moping in his room.”

“I am not moping!” Ron shouts back.

He rolls his eyes before folding the paper and think in amusement, it is a little too long for a best man's speech. But at least it's longer than any essay I had ever handed in Potions. He smirks. Hermione would be so proud.

He steps out of his room and he immediately meets his mother.

“Oh, thank goodness you're here,” Mrs. Weasley cries out. “Now, go on. Do your job and sedate the groom. Harry looks like he's about to pass out.”

Ron proceeds towards the lawn where he knows two people cannot wait to start forever.


AN2: I tried as best as I could to make this funny and moving at the same time. So, my readers, you know what I would ask of you now.
