Sacrifice by granger_danger Rating: G Genres: Angst Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7 Published: 18/07/2011 Last Updated: 20/07/2011 Status: Completed With four uttered words and a look, Ron finally understands. DH2 SPOILERS. 1. Together ----------- **Title: ***Sacrifice* **Summary:** DH2 SPOILER!! With 4 uttered words and a look, Ron finally understands. **AN:** That scene tore my heart out like nothing ever and to me, explained everything between the Trio. I could not get it out of my head and this quick little piece will hopefully let my muses start working again. There will be one more short part to this to sum it up and make it compliant here and with what we all love, but in the meantime, I hope this works for you. If you’ve seen DH2 – let me know your thoughts on this scene. **Disclaimer**: As always, I don’t own. JK does. Blah blah. Please Read and review. **IMPORTANT AN:** *IF you want to see the scene that is being referred to in this piece, please follow the link below and watch the video. It is from DH2 and the sound is low because someone obviously recorded it in the theatre, but I appreciate them doing so. If you haven’t seen the movie, check it out. If you have, watch it again:* ************************************************************ He’d lied. I’d always suspected it from the moment he said it. And now I knew. Because it was there over her shoulder as he clung to her and she to him… … After she said she’d go with him… …After I realized that what they had, she and I could never be able to touch… …I knew he’d lied. He didn’t love her like a sister. He loved her more than life itself. And even though I’d won the girl, it was then I knew that she *literally* felt the same way. In that passing of understanding between us, he conveyed one thing to me before he marched to his certain death. *I love her more than you’ll ever know.* As much as I wanted to pull her away from him, something deeper in me realized *right* then that she would always love him more than she could ever love me… …and I finally understood *why* he lied. So she would be spared the pain of losing him so completely. In that one moment when all of my fears were concreted; when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Harry and Hermione loved each other more deeply than I would ever fathom… …I knew it could never be between them. Not because they were too noble. Not because he was walking off to die, because I was absolutely certain she was telling the truth when said she’d walk right alongside him to certain death. No. It wasn’t for anything of that. It was because he could never give her all of himself only to take it away from her. Harry would never do that to her. Hermione would never make him. And as I stared him eye to eye, it only made finally knowing it that much damn harder. His gaze seemed to command me to take care of her. To make her happy and give her everything. Dared me to ruin this one moment of pure love that they shared before my eyes… that I had always known existed. And I did the only thing I could do. I watched my two best friends… … and I sighed. Because I knew that even though they’d never do that to each other, that no one deserved it more. 2. All is Finally Well ---------------------- **Title: ***Sacrifice* **Summary:** DH2 SPOILER!! With 4 uttered words and a look, Ron finally understands. **AN:** Here’s the last bit of this. I’m not entirely sure I like the rhythm of it, but I got out everything I felt to say. The epilogue in the movie was truly much more than I could have ever hoped for in a scene that I was absolutely dreading watching. It was pure H/Hr, and I thought it quite telling that Ron and Ginny were silent throughout. Anyway, here’s my quick take on it. I’m going to rework this soon, but I wanted to get it up. **Disclaimer**: As always, I don’t own. JK does. Blah blah. Please Read and review. ******************************************** It’s the last time we’re seeing our children off for their first day of Hogwarts. Hermione is impeccable, of course, as always. Brilliant and beautiful. Rose is all smiles for her as I listen to her checking off the things she’s packed on the train. She was up all night, Hermione said, reading over school books, looking through her trunk. Rechecking everything. I can’t help but smile as Hermione zips up her jumper, effectively stopping the list that she herself would have manically recited once upon a time. And suddenly, I’m back in Grimmauld when we were getting ready to sneak into the Ministry. Hermione was wearing that same manic expression, ticking off items as she rummaged through that bag of hers. It makes me chuckle now. I can’t help it. When you look back on so much war and see what you’ve pulled through with, it’s funny to see how little things can take you back. She may have inherited this Weasley hair, but Rose is a little copy of Hermione. Hugo is practically bouncing in his trainers, little sprog. He’s definitely my boy, but I notice that he’s got that mischievous glint that I always associated with Hermione when she was planning something. Usually it had to do with getting Harry out of some jam, cause let’s face it the man was a walking target for his entire life. As he sheepishly begins to walk by, I make a mental note of how his hands are stuffed in his pockets. He’s already up to something. That’s my boy. Maybe he’ll… nope, I see it in her eye as she extends one arm and stops his march easily. Busted, mate. And I watch as my son hands over the box of sweets he’s stuffed into his pocket to a playfully stern Hermione. She can’t fool me, I know when she’s really mad. I’ve made it happen too many times. Hugo grins lopsidedly as she turns back to help Rose with her trolley. I slide one arm around his shoulders and pull the Bertie Botts bag from the pocket of my vest, careful not to let Hermione see me slip it into his awaiting hand. He grins widely and with a wink, I playfully push him towards his trunk. It’s his first day off to Hogwarts after all. I can’t have my son go hungry on the train just because his grandparents are muggle teeth doctors. Hermione straightens slightly at the two of us and I try to slip my best innocent grin onto my face. She’s seen it thousands of times before, and I’m sure she doesn’t buy it. I actually open my mouth to tell her to let it be, when I see the subtle change in her features as Hugo excitedly runs a few feet away… the side of a grinning James Potter, who is leading the 5 Potters quickly down the way. “There they are!” And I see him suddenly. See the way his shoulders ease and a small smile begins on his face as he catches sight of us. Suddenly, he’s walking tall, an easy gait, slow and purposeful. He’s happy. Peaceful suddenly and I catch the small tug of a grin on the corner of Hermione’s mouth as she turns to Rose once more. I feel the sigh beginning in my throat and bite it down. We’re all happy now, alive and with amazing children who will never have to know the horrors of what their parents went through. And that’s all that will ever matter. I hear James’ laughter mix with Hugo’s and look up to see the two boys sharing something behind Harry’s back. Hugo laughs again and tosses a glance towards Ginny, who after so many years living in a household of boys, merely rolls her eyes. Whatever the joke was is suddenly stashed quickly away as the two boys turn their attention to hefting James’ trunk to the undercarriage. I smile and nod towards Ginny, who returns the smile with an easy grace. She reminds me so much of Mum these days, silent and strong. She’s happy and I watch as she moves towards the two boys, towing Lily with her. She’s still too young to go and as she pushes past Harry, I finally notice the youngest Potter boy who for the life of me looks as if he’s just swallowed a slug. Ugh, bad memory. I watch as Harry bends down to him, and I pause for a moment. Here’s my best mate in the world, a man who lived through something I’ll never fathom and as my eyes drift back towards Hermione and our daughter, I can’t help but remember that moment on the stairs. The moment that I knew. The train whistle brings me back to the present and I realize quickly that Harry and Hermione are helping the kids on the train. Hugo and Rose call to me and I wave happily, winking once more at Hugo as he grins widely. Echoes of children and families calling out to each other ring around us and the crowd pushes us closer together. Ginny takes her place on Harry’s left, me on Hermione’s right and as my hand is raised in one last silent wave, I notice Harry’s hand take Hermione’s softly. Her shoulders relax immediately, releasing some tension I never actually realized she was holding. I guess I never was really good at that anyway. It was always Harry who saw those things. Of course, I knew that. As our children pull out of sight on the Hogwarts Express, I suddenly feel the pang of loss in my chest. Maybe it’s the knowledge that the kids won’t be around. Maybe it’s the concrete sight of my childhood memories pulling out in front of me. Maybe it’s the finality of this family moment. This one big moment. The sigh I was holding earlier finally escapes me as I turn towards Harry. It’s subtle, but I see the slow smile on his face when Hermione turns to catch his eye. His forehead eases just a bit. I guess I should be upset, but I lost that a long time ago. I lost it in a broken stairwell as I finally understood our trio. And finally, I feel the smile start across my face as I watch them. There’s something different about them today. It isn’t like before. The first day off at King’s Cross has always left both Harry and Hermione in a bit of tears in the past, but today, they seem lighter. And as I watch Harry slip his arm slowly around Hermione’s waist and pull her close, I begin to understand. His hand immediately snakes around to rest on her stomach, protective. The subtle way he has always been with her. And something begins to slide into place for me. The glistening of her engagement ring catches my eye and I look down just quickly enough to see her slide her hand over his. When I look back up, the smile they are sharing is fading and they’re turning to go. I pause a moment, watching the backs of my best mate, the mother of my children and my sister begin towards the turnstiles. It’s only when I notice the way they’re holding hands, holding onto one another still, that I finally understand. I take two quick steps towards them and slid into place next to my sister. I know they’ll tell me in their own time, confirmation only to something we all already knew. That’s how it is with the best of friends, you see. And after everything: the lies, the fighting, the love, marriages and children, the truth and the divorces, I can honestly say that I’m ok. After all we’ve been through together, the prospect tugs the sigh out of me with a smile. It’s the happiness they deserve now. In 11 years, it’ll be their turn here. And that’s the way it should be.