Forever Sounds Good by afterthought and ellipses Rating: G Genres: Romance, Humor Relationships: Harry & Hermione Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7 Published: 07/04/2014 Last Updated: 07/04/2014 Status: Completed 'This looks like a date' she thought, glancing at the emerald-eyed man next to her before quickly looking back at the telly. It was the first 'Friday Night In' she had with just the two of them. 1. untitled ----------- **A/N:** **Made this about two years ago after an hour of doing math worksheets, so quality-wise, it's definitely not one of my best. This is rather fluffy as well. HAHA. Oh, 16-year-old me.** **Disclaimer: I'm an 18-year-old Harmony shipper taking up Communication in a Philippine university. Does that sound like J.K. Rowling? No.** _____________________________________________________________________________________ `This looks like a date' she thought, glancing at the emerald-eyed man next to her before quickly looking back at the telly. It was the first Friday Night In she had with just the two of them. Ron had a date with Luna, Ginny was in Ireland, training for the Quidditch World Cup and Neville had come down with the flu. So here they were, alone in her flat, seated on her couch while watching a particularly scary film. Truthfully, she wanted to switch the blasted thing off, flee to her room and hide under her covers until the sun came up. But he seemed to be engrossed with the movie, even ignoring the mountain of snacks and sweets in front of him. She turned her attention back to the telly and within a few minutes, screamed like the girl she was and grasped Harry's hand. Realizing what she did, she turned to look at him and saw that he was grinning. She mumbled an apology and took her hand back, blushing like a school girl. She heard him chuckle and suddenly felt the warmth of his hand against hers once more as he entwined their fingers together. “Um…Harry—“she started, her eyes flickering back and forth from their hands to his face which was still focused on the movie. He lifted his free hand to his mouth and gestured for her to keep quiet and she noted that he was still grinning. The scarier the movie became the more physical contact she had with Harry. By the end of it, she was pressed up beside him, her head on his shoulder, one arm around his waist, her other hand entwined with his and his free arm soothingly running up and down her back. Now, not only was she scared to death but she was unbelievably confused as well. She lifted her head from his shoulder to ask him the question that had been running through her mind for the better part of the hour when he asked “Are you going to be able to sleep tonight after watching this?” She disentangled herself from him, got up and said “Obviously not. Why did you even choose this movie to begin with?” Before getting an answer, she proceeded to pick up the untouched snacks laid out before them. “You know I can't stand horror films, especially since I live ALONE.” “Well you should've told me to turn it off.” He replied. She looked at him, momentarily pausing from her task and said “Well—you seemed to be enjoying yourself. I couldn't very well be selfish now could I?” “Hermione—“ “It's getting late, Harry. You should be going.” “Hermione, listen—“ “I'll clean this up and get to bed so don't worry, okay? I'll be fine. Alone. After watching that horror film. That you brought. That would probably give me nightmares.” “Hermione for the love of Merlin, I'll stay here tonight. Just stop with the guilt trip.” He said, laughing. She stared at him, somewhat surprised and definitely delighted. “You will?” she saw his eyes soften and he said “Of course I will. You just had to ask.” Tentatively, she took a step closer to him. “Just for tonight?” the question escaped her before she could stop it. He smiled at her and said “Um…how does—how does forever sound?” He inched closer towards her with each word. With that question, she cracked and ran into his arms, hugging him as tight as she could and whispered “Forever sounds good, too.” **A/N: Reviews make me smile.** Document created with wvWare/wvWare version 1.2.7 -->