Rating: G
Genres: Romance, Action & Adventure
Relationships: Harry & Hermione
Book: Harry & Hermione, Books 1 - 7
Published: 04/07/2015
Last Updated: 04/07/2015
Status: Completed
Over the past several years, I thoroughly edited Harry Potter & the Fifth Element. While doing so, I created the Companion, which is a compilation of all the original magical elements, and Muggle references, contained in 1.3 million words of HP&5E.
What follows are several long lists - of people, places, and things - that I've used to keep track of what I've written in the Fifth Element. With nearly 1.5 million words, it would be impossible to remember everything that I've written and maintain consistency from the first chapter to the last.
The lists attempt to keep track of everything that's unique to the Fifth Element. It does not seek to keep track of anything from canon. There are many sites, such as the Harry Potter Lexicon, that do a fine job of that.
Now that the Fifth Element's been completed and given a once over edit, I thought I'd post the companion for the benefit of anyone who wants to read/use it.
Fifth Element Spells
Abortifacient Potion - invented by Professor Snape (13, 47)
Activus natatus - spell for activating the Château's swimming pool (64)
Adaugeo ala Opressus - incantation for creating a strong shock wave (68)
Affinity severing charm (long Latin incantation) (37)
Aging Potion - ingredient for Elixir of Evolution (73)
Air-Freshening Charm (65)
Alkahest - potion that turns solids into water (52, 62, 68, 72, 73)
Alkalicious - conjures salt (49)
Alohochuto - opens a parachute, intended for self use, but Harry used it on Hermione (12)
Fertilising Charm (Amanurensis) - conjures liquid manure (73)
Analgesic Potion (30)
Anchoring Charm (49)
Anti-Alcohol Hex - used on the punchbowl at Harry's birthday party (22)
Anti-Collision Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12)
Anti-Glare Charm (77)
Anti-Alcohol Potion (82)
Anti-Hangover Potion (19)
Anti-Inertial Cushioning Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12)
Anti-Sunburn Charm (“Hypoviolettæ”) (88)
Apparicio verbatim - calls up a ghostly, but otherwise exact, three-dimensional copy of a person (1, 88)
Aparecium [location, item] - summons specified items from a specified location (7, 9, 15, 19, 23, 25, 48, 80, 83)
Aparecium parachutio (reddish orange) - makes a parachute appear, intended for self use, but Harry used it on Hermione (12)
Aparecium portratus - summons Godric Gryffindor to his portrait; also requiring burning some Floo powder (5, 8, 84)
Apis - conjures a swarm of bees (49, 68)
A Priori Charm (“A priori”) - restores something to its previous condition (20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 39, 43, 49, 56, 58, 64, 65, 78, 80, 81, 86, 88)
Aquas Charm (“Aqueous”) - covers surfaces with shallow water (49, 52)
Aquapulsis - spell for female masturbation (71)
Aquavisio Charm - provided perfect underwater vision (15, 77)
Arachneortia - incantation for spell that shoots spider silk (43, 52)
Area Confundus (81)
Area dividing curse (name and incantation unknown) - used by Voldemort at Stonehenge (68)
Argentilleaux (French spell creating silvery light (82)
Artificial Lighting Charms - for nighttime Quidditch (74)
Astranimbius - incantation for the twinkling mist charm first seen in the maze in Book 4 (58)
Atramentum - incantation for spell that produces a stream of ink (48)
Attractivus - spell that attacts one thing to another (79)
Audibilising Charm (incantation, Audibilius) - makes heart beats/breathing audible (20, 49)
Auditory Enhancement Draught (40)
Auror Assisto - incantation for the Auror Assist signal (red crosses) (23, 68, 69)
Aurorus Accio [name of person's] ring - spell to summon a partner Auror's ring (28, 38)
Autopurgus Charm - self purgative (33)
Babble Breath Broth - fake potion (really Coca Cola) (47)
Barbed wire restraining spell - name and incantation unknown (8, 20, 23, 85)
Bard's Bile for Boils (magical use for Farmer's Reducer) (40)
Bee Sting Hex (30)
Benetrus - spell that makes one sing like Pat Benetar (50)
Blinding Hex (84)
Blood Boiling Hex (68)
Boiling Charm (18)
Bombardo - drops hard objects, such as ball bearings (49, 68, 86)
Bone Breaker Hex (“Osteo Pulvisæ”) (68, 85)
Bonorus - spell that makes one sing like Bono (50)
Bow Shock Curse - spell used by Voldemort near the end of the Battle of Stonehenge (71)
Brain frying curse (Lesson 128) (“Cephalus Fricassus”) - (14, 85)
Breathing spell - name and incantation unknown (72)
Burn Healing Charm (36)
“Butt” Bogey Hex - Ginny used on Malfoy in Book 5 (15)
Calligraphy spell (name and incantation unknown) - adapted by Luna (63)
Cannonade Curse - used by Draco on a Howler (31)
Cartwheel spell - name and incantation unknown - causes victim to turn cartwheels (16)
Catena - incantation to conjure a chain (68)
Cathedrus - spell for Transfiguring furniture (77)
Celebritas - incantation for the song “Fame” (61)
Celsio - heating charm for water, red cone, used for Auror power test (5, 56)
Charmonium Chelation - attempted by Americans on Hermione (41)
Chilling Charm (82)
Chinese Legilimency - entering someone's mind (20, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 51)
Chinese Occlumency (25)
Chinese Tracking Charm (74)
Cleaning Spell (Immaculatous) (80)
Clearing Concoction - makes solid surfaces transparent (58)
Cleaving Spell - for separating out Horcruxes (76)
Cloaking Charm (66)
Cloaking magic - goblin (67, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Colix vestmentae - spell that packs away a complicated set of clothing, ready to be used again; lasts for 24 hours (14, 15, 57)
Colouration Charm - changes the color of something (17)
Comprobo - detects working of Veritaserum (62)
Compulsion Charm (87)
Concealment Charm - simple charm for concealing inanimate objects (16, 48, 49, 88)
Concealment spell (unspecified) - used by Voldemort on his Horcruxes (62)
Conjunctivus remax - curse reversing joints (64)
Contraceptive Charm (Embry-no) (31, 81)
Contraceptive Potion (53)
Cooling Charm (13, 41, 49, 66, 67, 74, 88)
Counter-Addiction Potion (37)
Cutting Curse (Seco) (68, 86)
Dark Fire of Tu Fan (Me `chi ba bchad pa) - fiery purple cord, spell Dolohov used to injure Hermione at Department of Mysteries, from Tibet, used to kill, overloads nervous system, can be cast silently, created affinity between Harry and Hermione (5, 6, 17, 18, 30, 32, 34, 64, 68, 70, 85, 86)
Death Slide conjuring spell - name and incantation unknown (49)
Debruising Charm (3)
Defæcens Potion - personal cleansing (33)
Demagifying Ritual - for draining corpses of magical power (38, 87)
Dermameld Charm - for closing cuts (86)
Dessicatus - drying spell, Drought Charm (1, 3, 19, 49, 74, 86)
Detecting Charm - used by Dumbledore to locate Horcruxes (66)
Devolvus - spell that rolls up the surface of the ground (49, 85)
Disanimation - reversal of animagus ability (43)
Disassociatus Hex - causes mixtures to dissolve into their component parts (16)
Disassocius - relatively low power severing charm (12)
Disentangling Charm (57)
Disflagratus - incantation for stopping Weasley fireworks (16)
Disinfecting Charm - incantation unknown (16)
Disolfactorus Charm - prevents odors from escaping (27)
Disorientation Hex - category of spells that are harmless but use loud noises or bright lights to disorient the target (17, 41, 85)
Displia - removes folds and creases from paper or parchment (9, 11, 14, 15, 22, 32, 82, 83, 86)
Distraction Hex (51)
Distransmutation - reverses Animagus abilities (47)
Distribution Charm (Dididio) - for distributing things to a group (72)
Dizzying Jinx (49)
Donation of Timur (Animus, dominus, reliquat….) (75)
Door Locking Charm (French) (“Colix porti”) (82)
Dousing Hex (39, 68)
Draught of Despair - Ginny uses on Hermione (72, 76, 79, 80, 86, 87, 88)
Drilling Charm (37)
Druid spell to cleanse evil (“Dado chan'ar choestwit am byth, fami chan'ar fur-fa-fennaut, d'ata am buro `cha bllwc….”) (68)
Duplicating Charm (72)
Duplicus Charm (Duplicus) - duplication spell for inanimate objects (3, 57)
Earschplittenloudenboomer - incantation for Caterwauling Charm (68)
Echoing Charm - disguises the direction of non-vocal sounds (49)
Egad's Blood Imitating Potion (magical use for Farmer's Reducer) (40)
Ejection Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12, 68)
Electrification Hex (Electrify) - sends an electrical charge at the target (49, 64)
Electus - incantation for a spell that selects among several options (73)
Elixir of Practically Permanent Priapism - potion used on Ron (67)
Elggum departo - Muggle-repelling charm, gold colored (7)
Elongus - incantation for making something (such as a bandage) longer (69)
Emballement - incantation for D.A. hex conjuring ball bearings (73)
Emparcho Dumbledorus - spell to convert ordinary paper for use by the magical scanner (3)
En circule - incantation for wrapping something in a circular fashion (69)
Encoloured Lumos - wandtip glows different colors (72)
Encolouro - Spell to change an object's color, with a silent wand twist determining the exact shade (3)
Enflagrate - generates intense flames (3, 7, 41, 74)
Enjoyment Elixir (82)
Escalatio Charm - for climbing steep cliffs (12)
Everlasting Elixir - ingredient for Elixir of Evolution (73)
Exat osteous - incantation for turning a body into a bone (67)
Excavating Charm - Excavato (17, 23, 36, 49, 76)
Elixir of Evolution (Darwin's Draught) - potion that causes animals to evolve (73)
Exorio Pervenius Corpus [name of person] - spell to summon corpses (28)
Expecto patronum publicus - incantation for using patronus as a public communication tool (76, 83, 84)
Eyelid paralyzing spell (name and incantation unknown) (85)
Face Fogging Charm (77, 79, 86)
Fastening Charm (63)
Ferrulious - incantation to conjure firewood (68)
Fertility Charm (88)
Fertility Potion (68, 69, 76)
Finale - incantation used to skip to the closing part of a song (61)
Fire breathing mosquito spell - name and incantation unknown - creates a swarm of fire-breathing mosquitoes (16)
Fire-Fighting Charms - names and incantations unknown (17, 49, 70)
Fitting Charm (86)
Flambus hex - makes one feel as if surrounded by flames (6, 41, 72, 79)
Fluorescio - incantation for spell producing ultraviolet light (65)
Fluvius Azote - conjures liquid nitrogen (49, 68, 72, 86)
Fluvius Charm - creates a stream of water from one's wand (16, 17, 49)
Fogging Charm - incantation unknown - covers the target with fog (14, 49)
Four-Corners Curse - draws and quarters the victim (24)
Frigidio - freezing spell (8, 49, 88)
Frigidio Maximus - maximum freezing spell (68, 69, 85, 86, 87)
Fumeus in aequora - incantation to play “Smoke on the Water” (61)
Furtim Charm - concealment charm for Valkyrie (12, 28, 68)
Garroting Gas spell - used by Snape in battle at Hogwarts (86)
Glacialis terra - turns the ground to ice (68)
Gravitas Charm - makes objects much heavier than they are (9)
Gravitational magic (72)
Hacking Hex (85)
Hair fall in curse (“Folliculus inverso”) (Lesson 128) - name unknown (14, 64)
Hand chaining spell (Death Eater) (unknown) (85)
Handwriting alteration spell (unknown) (used by Voldemort) (54)
Hate Potion (41)
Healing Charm - unspecified, to fix a sprained ankle (28)
Heal Thyself Charm - to purge an infection (35)
Heating Charm (“Estus”) (64, 86)
Heat Seaking Jinx (68)
Hellas Infernum - curse for producing Greek fire (17, 23, 41, 49, 68, 72, 86)
Helmet conjuring - spell unknown (13)
Hoarseness Hex (88)
Homing Charm (19, 88)
Hornetentious Hex - restraining spell that traps one in hornet swarm (8, 49, 79, 85, 86)
Hymenoepimecis maximus - conjures large parasitic wasps (49)
Hyperanimus Familiaris - the fourth of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Idiotus Jinx - possible spell that hit Ron in Department of Mysteries (5, 85, 86)
Illuminating Charm (Illuminati) (75, 85)
Imago vestmentae - spell that fixes the organization of a complicated set of clothing; lasts for 24 hours (14, 15, 26)
Imagium Multiplicitus Charm (“Multiplicitus”) - creates multiple images of the caster (13, 49, 68, 85)
Immobilising Curse (Immobilus) - immobilizes a person or an object (yellow) (12, 49)
Imperius Curse detecting spell - name and incantation unknown (16)
Incandens - charm that sets up a fiery shield around the caster (4, 6, 19, 72, 85)
Incarcerous ennervatus - incantation for version of Incarcerous hex that saps magic (86)
Incommunicadus Charm - isolates an area from all communication (34)
Incognitus Charm - (Incognitus) charm for making the caster unrecognizable (5, 16, 39, 48)
Indestructibility Charm - (19, 30, 38)
Infertility Hex (Lesson 128 spell) (80)
Inflammare - spell that generates intense fire (72, 81)
Igniting Spell (Ignitius) (79)
Insensibility Potion (29)
Instantermobile Charm - spell that automatically moves the caster out of the way of unforgivables, requires ability to Apparate; incantation is Xyzzy (8)
Intoxicans Hex - possible spell that hit Ron in Department of Mysteries (5)
Intrasecto - incantation for spell intersecting two wands (73)
Intrusion Charm (65)
Inverso Curse (Mobilicorpus Inverso) - flips person upside down (12, 13, 22, 49, 75)
Ispyro - incantation for catching snitch in simulator (66)
Itching Jinx (Psoriasea ) (15, 49)
Kineticus Charm - puts something in motion (14, 77, 79, 86)
Knot Untying Charm (21, 57)
Knot Tying Charm (49)
Levitation Charms (44)
Libera avis - incantation got Lynard Skynard's “Freebird” (61)
Liberius totalus - spell that liberated Dementors (34)
Liliaceous - spell for conjuring lilies (25, 26, 49)
Limb removing curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14, 85)
Locating spell (unspecified) - used by Voldemort to check his Horcruxes (62, 72)
Locating Charm (used to make Marauders' Map) (78)
Location Charm (for Auror partners) (28, 58)
Locatur - incanting for simple Location Charm (53)
Locus Personum - the second of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Lumos maximus - generates a blinding light (49, 75, 88)
Lumos transcendære - incantation for spell that causes items to glow (53)
Lung exploding curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Lust detection spell (Solvo ut quod sileo intus….) (56)
Magical Activation Analysis - attempted by Americans on Hermione (41)
Magmacious Curse - generates molten lava (84)
Magneto Curse - binds opponents to large steel objects with magnetism (7)
Ma Huang - potion used to keep Mentanarus Minimus within intended limits (33, 35)
Maledictus omnia resuscitum (proper name of Voldemort's resurrection ritual (85)
Mapping Charm (used to make Marauders' Map) (78, 85)
Melting Charm (40)
Memory-Enhancing charms (72)
Mentanarus Curse (literally mental immersion) - curse that destroys the boundaries of the mind (21, 32, 33)
Mentanarus Minimus - the third of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Mirror Charms (55, 59, 83, 85)
Mirror spell - name and incantation unknown - converts small objects into small mirrors (16)
Mobiliambulato - incantation to make inanimate objects walk (64)
Mobiliapparatus - incantation for moving a Muggle engine by magic (28)
Mobiliarca - incantation for moving a cage (68)
Mobiliauto - incantation used to move an automobile by magic (15)
Mobilitablus Charm - for moving a flat piece of wood by magic (15)
Mosquito Netting Charm (Transenna Culicidæ) (49, 68, 74)
Moving Forest spell - name and incantation unknown (16)
Mugglise - spell to convert wizard robes into Muggle clothes (16)
Mutatis mutandi - incantation to morph Draco's lust detecting jewelry (55)
Nail transfiguration - converts pine needles into nails, name and incantation unknown (9)
Nauseous Curse (Nauseo) - curse that makes one feel nauseous (6, 8, 13, 17, 64, 79)
Nerve restoration charm (34)
Nimbulus - incantation to create a cloud (86)
Nihilo incantatem - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Nil intentatum reliquit (leave nothing unattempted), incantation to bind undertakers of a difficult task (30)
Nitroxyl - conjures nitrous oxide (49)
Nodarus Windsorus - ties a tie in a Windsor knot (17)
Nodus solvere - incantation for Knot Untying Charm (53)
Notice-Me-Now Charm (Animadverto iam) (71)
Novus Erus spell - gives Château Blackwalls proprietors control of its magic (64)
Obscuring Charm (Obscurus) - used to conceal nudity in uni-sex Quidditch locker rooms (40, 59, 77, 79)
Obvolvus Charm - for wrapping things in giftwrap (17)
Occulo Dextrous - misspoken curse putting the victim's eyeball into the right ear (41)
Occulus dextrous - curse that makes it appear as if right is straight ahead (6, 41)
Occulus inverso - curse that makes things appear upside-down (6)
Occulus reverso - curse that makes it appear as if behind is straight ahead (6)
Occulus sinistrous - curse that makes it appear as if left is straight ahead (6)
Omnius Leviosa - lifts a large number of objects at once (49)
Opening Charm (Patefacio) (30)
Operandi - incantation to activate Hogwarts emergency security protocols (49)
Orgasimos Charm (“Orgasimos”) - spell that makes one have an orgasm, pink light (6, 7, 8, 50, 51, 64, 79)
Orientation Charms (60)
Osteo Pulvisæ - bone destroying curse (68)
Oxygen Impregnation Charm (36)
Page-Flipping Spell (keyed to particular words) (65)
Paint Stripping Potion (47)
Paralysis Potion - to be used on Harry, bright blue (36)
Paranoius - incantation for Black Sabbath's “Paranoid” (61)
Paraphilius - incantation for using a ball gag on a victim (84)
Paraplegius - healing spell inducing partial paralysis (69)
Pele's Revenge - unspecified Hawaiian curse (47)
Penetration Charm (Perfringo) - for tasks like driving nails without a hammer (68)
Percussive Charm (Rumpære) - spell that smashes mirrors (49)
Périmètre Charm (French Perimeter Charm) (82)
Permanent Dulling Charm (78)
Petrificus Ceteris - incantation of spell that paralyzes a specified area of the body (69, 84)
Petrificus cranius - incantation of spell that stops head movement (67)
Phosphære Inverso - inverts what colors the eye sees (49)
Placebus Charm (“Placebus”) - a spell that travels and hits like a real spell, but doesn't do anything (6, 8)
Polyzooate Potion (48)
Pondopennius - incantation for Feather-Light Charm (14, 30, 42)
Portus Finite - completes a Portkey setting spell (16)
Portus Locatus - sets the location for a Portkey (16)
Portus Primus - primes an object to serve as a Portkey (16)
Portus Secundus - primes an object for the second location of a multiple use Portkey (16)
Portus Tempus - sets the timing for a Portkey (16)
Powdered Dreamless Sleep Potion (13)
Preservative Charm - to keep something from wearing out or being damaged (64, 66, 70)
Procrustean Hex (32)
Protego Omnibus - type of Protego shield that stops practically all incoming magic, but does not allow outgoing spells (35, 84, 86)
Protego physica - Protego shield that stops physical objects (49, 56, 68, 79, 81, 86)
Protego reversis - type of Protego shield that reverses spells cast at it (10, 73)
Proximal Perusing Charm - to sense entry through the Château's wards (71)
Proximity Sticking Charm - prevents something from getting very far away (57)
Psycho Patefacius - the first of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35, 68, 69)
Puff the Magic Dragon - generates multiple, powerful Reductor Curses (23, 68)
Pulsus - incantation to remove dust (65)
Pulverising Curse (“Pulvis”) (34, 86)
Punching Hex (“Pugilicus”) (48, 49, 79)
Purgative Draught (38)
Purify - removes odors from the air (4, 75)
Pushing Hex (49)
Quadrastraintus incantation for full-body restraints (84)
Rain Repelling Charm (88)
Razus Charm - for shaving (Raz-me) (17, 87, 88)
Reddito ex sinicæ ut britannæ - incantation for translating Chinese into English (66)
Regurgito - vomiting hex (68, 85)
Repletus Urinus - gives the victim a full bladder (22)
Replico - duplicating spell for documents (11)
Replius - fills up a container with available liquid (22)
Restraint Charm - medical, substituting for a splint (86, 87)
Restorative Draught (37)
Restoro - counteracts a Concealment Charm (16)
Restoro vestmentae - restores to the wearer a complicated set of clothing that has been packed away; lasts for 24 hours (14)
Restraining Charm (40)
Reverse transubstantiation spell (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Reverso - incantation for spell that reverses direction of the revolving staircase to Dumbledore's office (34)
Reversus incantatem - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Sacrifice of the Phoenix - Phoenicius Expiatus (36, 37, 40, 62, 85)
Sand Repelling Charm (88)
Santorini - incantation for a stream of santorum (79)
Saponoro - produces soapsuds (22)
Saponoro maximus - produces a large quantity of soapsuds (77)
Saw blade Transfiguration - name and incantation unknown - changes dried leaves into circular saw blades (16)
Scala ab ætherius - incantation for Led Zeppelin's “Stairway to Heaven” (61)
Scanderus - conjures a large metal spring (49)
Scindus - incantation for a splintering charm (78)
Scintillating Charm (“Scintillius”) (33, 64, 73)
Self-Cleansing Charm (66)
Self-Healing Charm (35)
Self-Paddling Charm (88)
Septiformus spell (long Latin incantation) - recalibrates a Time-Turner (33)
Shrinking Charm (30, 41)
Silver and Gold Charm - for use of the Prefect's Bathroom (54, 55, 61, 64, 74, 75)
Simultaneity Charm (52)
Sinatrus - spell making one sing like Frank Sinatra
Sinous Aquae - generates waves on water (49)
Skeleton to dust curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Sleeping Charm (English) (“Somnius”) (84, 87)
Sleeping Charm (French) (“Endormi”) (82)
Sleeping Charm (German) (“Schlafenzee”) (84)
Sneezing Hex (49)
Sobering Charm (25, 82)
Sobering Solution (37)
Soundproofing Charm (27)
Specularis - conjures a mirror (57)
Specularis totalus - turns all surfaces to reflective mirrors (49, 53, 86)
Specularis totalus - French version (“Miroit absolute”) (82)
Squeezing Spell (48)
Stabilising Charm (54, 67)
Sterilizing Charm (æsepticus) (80)
Stomach molten lead curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Sufficio perfugium - incantation for “Gimme Shelter” by the Rolling Stones (61)
Superfluid Transdermal Potion - overeffective sexual lubricant (52)
Surveillius confundo - Confunds hidden surveillance devices and spells (11, 14, 15, 25, 33)
Surveillius revelato - reveals hidden surveillance devices and spells (11, 15, 25, 33, 50, 53, 65, 69, 71, 74, 88)
Suspendeo - incantation for a Hover Charm (14)
Suturc Countercurse (“Suturc”) - largely neutralizes the Cruciatus Curse (21, 31, 52, 53, 68, 80, 85)
Sweet Sixteen Additive - alcohol producing potion tied to age (52, 57, 58)
Taedus - spell for coating something in pitch (34)
Tantum per nex est principatus super nex - beginning of spell to create a Horcrux (48, 85)
Tarantridenquadrans - incantation for three/four dancing (63)
Terminium - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Thixotropus - incantation for conjuring quicksand (45)
Tocsinnini - incantation for noisemaking charm (66)
Topical Anæsthetic Charm (54)
Track-Covering Charm (65)
Tracking Charm (49, 62, 77)
Traction Charm (42)
Transferable Charm - intermediate step in Portkey programming (16)
Translating Charm (64, 67)
Transubustantiare inverso - curse Harry shot at Voldemort (68)
Tremoros - curse that makes one feel as if the ground is shaking (6)
Tunnelling Charm - incantation Encavernous (74, 75, 78, 81, 82, 85)
Twisting Charm (87)
Ultrasonicus - incantation for creating a sonic boom (49, 86)
Unction of Gekosetæ - potion enabling user to climb like a gecko (72)
Vannoportus Charm - makes door transparent (7, 42)
Vaproso - curse that makes one think one is surrounded by hot steam (6, 48, 49)
Ventilation Charm - artificial breathing (40)
Veritavirtuous Charm - checks virginity (51)
Vermilius - produces vermilion ochre (23, 65)
Vibratio - produces vibrations; used in female masturbation (52, 71)
Vibrio - produces a nasty infection (52)
Virginity Restoring Potion (70)
Virility Potion (68)
Vox deflectus - incantation for spell that disguises the direction of one's voice (49)
Warming Charm - incantation Temperatus (60, 65, 66)
Warm and Dry charm - name and incantation unknown - makes a towel stay warm and dry no matter how much use (16)
Weight-Reversing Charm (45)
Fifth Element Magical Objects
14K - smaller triad than White Lotus, Johnny Bao's triad (74)
Ærotecture - building castles in the air (74)
Affinity - magically created connection between two people who are struck with same dangerous spell (5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 50, 51)
All-Way Wallboard - makes walls that can move spontaneously at any time (30)
Always-full whipped cream (64)
Anti-rape knickers (5, 84)
Apparition range - place to practice Apparating (9)
Astral projection (31)
Athletic band for glasses - unbreakable (5, 12, 14, 29)
Aural Pensieve - uses sound; a sleep teaching device (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 43, 82, 83)
Auror belt - charmed, with five expandable storage compartments (5, 26, 33)
Auror funeral (24)
Auror partner ring - charmed set of rings shared by Auror partners; Harry shared with Hermione (5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 46, 50, 67, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86F)
Auror shoes/boots - charmed to stay tied and never to slip on any surface (5, 14)
Auror shower - with five shower heads that move as directed (5)
Auror training robes - grey (5)
Auto-Allotting Chalice (67)
Autoquill - used by Aurors for transcription (70)
Basilisk-skin armor (64, 67, 68, 69, 74, 84, 85, 86, 87)
Basilisk-skin boxing gloves - gift from Lao Kung (19)
Basilisk-skin clothing - virtually impervious to magic, such as boots (3, 68)
Battle chariot (34)
Binding magical contract - sealed with blue light (3, 14, 15, 21, 52)
Boiler - copper, used to test strength of Auror candidates through heating spells (5, 11, 56)
Broom identification kit - theft prevention, sprays thieves with noxious substance (5)
Broomsight - aiming device on Valkyrie (12, 68)
Bumblewurt - magical insect (44)
Chairs (moving) - goblin magic (14)
Champagne (enchanted) - a product of Château Blackwalls (14, 16, 17, 18, 19)
Charmed riot police transparent shields - WWW adult product (52)
Cherimoya skin - potion ingredient (45)
Chudley Canons T-shirt - with moving broomriders, a present from Ron (2)
Clarion Crystals - WWW adult product (52, 72)
Cobra-like vine - conjured by Neville during the Battle of Stonehenge (68)
Communication button (79, 85)
Crushed cowry shells (potion ingredient) (48)
Crystal Confetti Candles - WWW product (22, 79)
Crystallized Basilisk venom (54, 55, 62, 87)
D.A. central station - communications system (33, 35, 37, 39, 47, 49, 52, 55, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80)
D.A. mirrors (30, 31, 37, 54, 66, 67, 79, 80, 87)
Damascus steel mail - blue colored, bewitched feather light, used to make Harry's Knight of the Realm robes (6, 57, 58)
Dark Legions - pre-Grindelwald Dark Wizards (44, 74)
Demagification potion - for use with magical corpses (24)
Demiguise cloth - 87
Detection Cube - Lord Voldemort's device for detecting his Horcruxes (54)
Doxy Pox - disease suffered by regular court reporter that allowed Eliza to meet Harry (8)
Doxylaria - serious disease that infects goblins (6)
Dragon Ambergris - for lenses (23, 77)
Dragon hide vest - spell resistant (5)
Druid high priestess (Aima) - office Hermione stumbled into, ultimately transferred to Luna (69, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Ecrita Umbra Potion - shadow writing potion, the magical equivalent of invisible ink (1)
Elapidic-Vined Kudzu (71)
Eldritch fire (86)
Empath's mirror - shows auras (66)
English/Gobbledegook, Gobbledegook/English dictionary - Kamar had one (14)
English-Gobbledegook phrase book - Hermione gave one to Harry (13, 88)
Epiphone Apparition guitar - magical musical instrument (84)
Expandable stack pipe - Goblin mining equipment (81)
Eyeball necklace - Luna's Christmas gift for Harry (66, 67, 68)
Færie Florentines - magical candy given Harry for Valentine's Day (75)
Faneuil's Fabulous Foe Glasses (44)
Fanged Whoopee Cushion - a 3W product (68, 88)
Field deboning - emergency bone removal (69)
Fifth Element - magical equivalent of energy as related to earth, air, fire, and water, Harry has Fifth Element elemental power from Voldemort's initial attack (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 27, 29, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 46, 50, 51, 55, 56, 67, 70, 83, 85)
First aid kit - magical, mostly filled with potions (5)
Fwooper liver - for use with hydrogen peroxide as an oxygen generator (12)
Garnet (charmed to notify Harry of intrusion at Château) (71, 73, 80, 81, 83, 84, 88)
Gaudy Gloves - a 3W product (52)
Gnomon-cenotaph - magical power source of Hogwarts' wards; ancient Druid altar (35, 63, 68, 69, 72, 80, 86)
Goblin crown - for Harry's wedding (88)
Goblin mirror - transportation device (14, 37, 60, 73)
Goggle viewers (Hawai'ian) (88)
Golden Anthurium - magical flower (20, 43, 57, 66)
Golden Gryffin (Gryffin d'Or) (48, 58, 85)
Gryffindor shield - goes with the sword, used at the Ashrak (14)
Healer Huckleberry's Self-Walking Crutches (49, 50, 56, 78, 79)
Homing Ring - goblin (67)
Homing Zephyr - creature (29)
Iffendus glass - Valkyrie equipment for identifying nearby wizards (12, 76)
Inflatable Remembrall - used by Draco to manipulate Hermione (75, 79)
Infumium Alarm - fire sensor (70)
Intelligence Unit Six - the brain that attacked Ron at the end of Book 5 (21, 29, 60)
International Auror Assist signal (68, 72)
Ipswich and Strougler's - producer of Dark Detectors (82)
Jock strap - charmed to avoid hits to the balls (5)
Kabbalah tarot cards (45)
Knife - like gift Harry received from Sirius, includes cutlery that can detect poisons (5, 9, 19)
Knight of the Realm robes - made for Harry to wear at the Ashrak (6, 14, 15, 26, 52, 57)
Lockdown security wards - installed in Ministry (16)
Lotsa Laughter Lotion (55)
Lust detecting jewelry - unnamed - Draco gave to Ginny to test on Harry (55)
Lust Powder - Ginny used it on Harry (55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 82)
Magi-Cal - magical calcium supplements (76)
Magical burn recovery unit - artificial womb (36, 37)
Magical communicator - invented by Hermione, allows instant transmission of documents to its twin; allowed Harry to communicate with Dumbledore during summer vacation (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29, 84)
Magnifice septimanus - incantation for the Clash “Magnificent Seven” (61)
Mandrake Salve (36)
MAT scan - Magical axial tomography (69)
Miniature Portkey - to rescue Harry (29, 36, 37)
Mithril (88)
Music Room (at Hogwarts) (56, 63, 84)
Necklace (detects lust, activates the Horcrux in Ginny) (55, 56)
Newt tails (potion ingredient) (48)
Nimbus Model 2XXX - new Quidditch broom (47, 48)
Nolovolo Fireworks - WWW product, puts a slash through the Dark Mark (22)
Notox Face-Freezing Lotion Potion - WWW potion (22, 25, 39)
Olympian ambrosia (81)
Order of Merlin bar - signifying the second (or more) award of a decoration (5, 74)
Output recording device - used by Unspeakables to test Harry during Auror power test (5, 11)
Overseas delivery owl (11)
Paneruditius Parchment - knowledge retaining (20, 33, 77, 78)
Panic Button (30, 32, 44)
Peppermint Panties® - soluble bathing suit (71)
Perranporth Aerodrome (12)
Persistent Patronus (golden) - Harry's stag Patronus (68, 69, 70, 72)
Pesternomi Pest Preclusion Potion (75)
Plastic vole (mobile) - present for Hedwig (16)
Phoenix Tear Extract (34, 36, 37, 69, 71)
Planarian stem cell extract (potion ingredient) (48)
Pocket Pensieve - adult WWW product (52, 55, 61, 63, 65, 73)
Polypotion - potion containing other potions (73)
Portable hole - Weasley joke shop product; a hole that can be folded up and carried in a pocket (16, 17, 18, 23, 26, 27)
Portrait of Godric Gryffindor - so that Godric can help keep an eye on Harry (4, 5, 7, 24, 29)
Post Remembrall - for remembering letters (66)
Private Tender Ministry contract - non-bid government contract (52, 72, 78)
Programmeable Cauldron Stirrer (54)
Puffskein musk extract - aphrodisiac (potion ingredient) (85)
Pigmy Puff musk (87)
Quill (charmed) - writing portion of the magical communicator (3, 4, 7, 8, 13, 19)
Quill (enchanted) - circling text, tapping text three times, and tapping to temple confers memory of text (14, 33, 63, 66)
Random Portkey (31)
Razor blade (magical) - Jazzy's weapon (40, 67)
Reverse water balloon (52, 62, 67, 68, 72)
Rolls Royce magical carriage (14)
Ruby dust (64)
Salamander egg yolk (31)
Seashell wand (Hawai'ian) (88)
Sedating Potion (26)
Self-Bleaching Mop (75)
Self-cleaning owl cage (16)
Self-rolling tape (80)
Self-Scourgifying straw (55)
Self-screwing bolts - goblin mining equipment (81)
Self-Situating Safe - Voldemort's strongbox (71)
Self-tickling gloves (82)
Sentinel Rosebush - used by Neville at Stonehenge (68, 71)
Shield athletic supporter - WWW product (52)
Shield socks- WWW product (52)
Shield trousers - WWW product (52)
Shocking Pinks - WWW product (29, 52)
Shoulder amulet - Order of the Phoenix communication device (2, 28, 76)
Significator - initially drawn card in Tarot reading, representing the subject of the reading (45)
Silver colloid solution - Hermione's experimental anti-werewolf potion (82)
Siren Spectacles - WWW product (22)
“Snitch” - operational manual of Hogwarts security protocols (49)
Snitch search simulator (66, 67, 79, 80)
Spare wand container - charmed, used as a suppository (5)
Sphere - fetches books (30, 31, 32, 33)
Spyders - WWW adult product (52, 68)
Staff of Asclepius - bequeathed to Neville by Sirius Black, destroyed in Battle of Stonehenge (51, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 71, 72)
Stainless steel cauldron - required for Snape's love potion (58)
Suicide Spyder - version of spyder that blows itself up (68, 72)
Superoxide dismutase - ingredient in higher-order transmutative potions (73)
Talking Truffles - magical candy given Harry for Valentine's Day (75)
Tartaran Flobberworm (78, 84, 85)
Testing Authority - destroyed by Death Eaters (44, 47)
Tryptophan paste (potion ingredient) (48)
Umgubular Woodworm (34)
Unbreakability Potion (12)
Unicorn liver - ingredient in Snape's love potion (58, 60)
Untraceable Portkey (31, 33)
Valkyrie-70 - Ministry attack broom (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34, 35, 55, 56, 63, 67, 68, 69, 72, 76, 77, 84, 85, 86, 87)
Water bottle (charmed) - for Gryffindor Quidditch captains (55)
Weird Sisters T-shirt - present from Ginny (2)
Whistling Covertures - magical candy given Harry for Valentine's Day (75)
White Lotus Triad (33, 36, 37, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74)
Wishtracker - Twin's device for tracking about whom one is wishing (22)
Wizard Blizzard Wipes (75)
Wrist holster - for wands, charmed to be invisible (5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 27, 37, 52, 53, 66, 79, 88)
Yarmulke - charmed to act as a hard hat (5)
Fifth Element Wizards
Eban Accrington - first year student sorted into Ravenclaw (34)
Amanda ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Leonora Ampersand - ghostwriter who is a real ghost (63)
Angie ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Annie ??? - Muggle born member of Château Blackwalls staff (64, 67, 71)
Anniston - Death Eater, survived explosion (36)
Theophila Ascot - Order member (21)
Samuel Ashburton - Fifth Year Hufflepuff, testified against Umbridge (31)
Arthur C. Asimov - Hogwarts Muggle Studies professor (11, 57, 61)
Vadim Aspinwall - author of book on cooking with poisonous mushrooms (65)
Alexander Ayers - first year student sorted into Slytherin (34)
??? Bagman - Ludo's brother, a sports agent (47)
Johnny Bao - traitorous wizard hired by Creeveys (74)
Calvin Beamish - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
Sylvanius Beasley - lawyer hired by Hermione's mother (43)
Nicola Belby - N.E.W.T. examiner who attended a Slug Club party (40)
Simon Belby - author of Expert's Guide to the Physiognomic Characteristics of Magical Fowl (81)
Audrey Bellmore - Ministry clerk, killed by Voldemort booby trap (28)
Clement Birkenshaw - one of several persons Shak recommended as possible replacements for Jerry McAllister (70)
Algol Black - head of Black family in 1600s (9)
Dubhe Black - member of Black family in 1300s, twin of Merak (9)
Merak Black - member of Black family in 1300s, twin of Dubhe (9, 26, 58, 70)
Cassius Blake - inheritor of Gulbenkian oil fortune, Slytherin who consorted with Muggles (47, 54)
Rindelaub Helios Borgin - one of the founders of Borgin & Burkes (43, 54, 62, 83)
Hypatia Bosworth - healer specializing in animal transformations (37, 43, 85)
Jacqueline Bouffant - former head of Department of Muggle Affairs (6)
Clifton Branstone - Auror participating in debriefing (5, 17, 34, 36, 56)
Lisen Broh - experimented with Fifth Element, invented Killing Curse, dabbled in Horcruxes (11, 55, 62)
Eliza Marie Brookings - court reporter and Harry's summer romantic interest, killed by Draco Malfoy during Harry's kidnapping (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88)
Chipley Broome - alias used by Severus Snape (60)
Rhiannon Buckingham - Seventh-Year Ravenclaw (41, 76)
Patricia Byrd - Death Eater participating in raids on Beauxbatons and Château Blackwalls (76, 84)
Smedley Cambo - 5th Year Slytherin, one of Draco's new henchmen (72, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87)
Matilda Campbell - Auror who interrogated Cho Chang under Veritaserum (70)
Candace ??? - Bellatrix Lestrange's caregiver (71, 84, 85)
Andrew Carluke - one of Harry's Auror instructors (6, 8, 12, 30, 74)
??? Carmichael - father of Edward, member of Wizengamot (47)
??? Carmichael - mother of Edward, owns largest custom robe shop in Britain (47)
Jessica Carmichael - Fourth Year Gryffindor, Ginny's friend (40, 80)
Ambrosia Carteret - French witch who attained 16 O.W.L.s (11)
Evelyn Cavendish - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
Jia mu (mother) Chang (Cho's mother) (70, 73)
Yan fu (father) Chang (Cho's father) (29, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 82)
Kahina Cohen - Sisters of the Moon operative and crystal ball seller (63)
Kelly Comerford - friend and fellow Gryffindor fifth year friend of Ginny's (80, 82, 84)
Ward Connerly - recent Hogwarts graduate (71)
??? Constantanon - French Minister for Magic (82)
The Contact (Dolores Umbridge) (27)
Waldo Copperfield - barrister for the Wizengamot, prosecutor of Umbridge (8, 78)
Europa Corcaroli - married into Black family, dates unknown (9)
Desiderata Coterel - sent Harry love-potioned Valentine's sweets (75)
Antoine Crewkerne - invented a form of STP as a sexual lubricant (52)
Sally Crowninshield - sent Harry a birthday present (21)
Avalon Danvers - one of Gryffindor girls missing in Harry's year (19, 20, 22, 30, 35, 46, 57, 60)
Luc Dassault - French Auror Lieutenant-Colonel, liaison to British Aurors (47, 76)
??? Davies - father of Roger, large Diagon Alley landowner
Madame Appoline Delacour - Fleur's mother (24, 26, 53)
Maréchal Delacour - Fleur's father (14, 24, 25, 26, 53, 82)
Ann Derek (Ravenclaw) (78)
Appoline Deschutes - Beauxbatons fourth-year, lived through attack (76)
Devorah ??? - Sister of the Moon member in Bavaria (81)
Carmella Dewey - barrister for the Wizengamot, prosecutor of Umbridge (8)
Astra Disley - member of Château Blackwalls staff (64)
Theodora Doddinghurst - Auror participating in debriefing (5, 56)
Loxos Dromit - Senior Druid of Luna's nemeton (74, 87)
Druantia - Celtic tree goddess (68)
Muriel Dumbledore - Dumbledore's wife (55)
Percival Dumbledore - Dumbledore's son (55)
??? Dunstan - Beth's father; magical ambassador to Russia (47)
Beth Dunstan - Slytherin Seventh Year, member of Inquisitorial Squad (15, 47)
Etienne Duvalier - Beauxbatons student, Luna's date for Masked Ball (57)
Edgar ??? - Auror at the Burrow on New Years (68)
Electra ??? - Luna's managing editor for The Quibbler (52)
Emmanuelle Elphick - seventh year Hufflepuff, pre-healer (79)
Emil ??? - member of the Château's staff
Alvin Farnsworth - N.E.W.T. examiner who attended a Slug Club party (40)
Sylvanius Farrow - Order member (21, 34)
Brentworth Fenwick - Order member (26)
Graciana Ferers (Ginny's alias in exile) (87)
Éamon Finnigan - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
??? Fitzwarlock - Death Eater participating in raid on Beauxbatons (76)
Joachim Fizzlips - deceased partner in Fizzlips & Schwinn (52)
Husqvarna Flodden - Senior manager, wizard division of Cadbury Chocolates (4, 24, 47)
Jennifer Fontaine - wizard child from Liverpool who wrote Harry; later killed by Death Eaters (6, 11, 23, 24, 26)
Dorothy Gale - DME invigilator (84)
Michelle Glamorgan (75)
Kitai Gorod - dabbled in Fifth Element, caused explosion blamed on comet strike in 1908 (11)
Murgatroyd Goyle - Gregg's father (29, 30)
Betsy Greengrass - one of Harry's Auror instructors, mother of Daphne (6, 9, 16, 20, 30)
Gregor - the gargoyle who guards Dumbledore's office (38)
Wulfric Gryffindor - signer of magical codicil to Magna Carta (8)
Exton Gwyce - Auror who attended Fiendfyre suppression demonstration (72)
Jazeera (Jazzy) al-Habibi - Gryffindor Third Year; Harry's successor as Seeker (40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 84, 86, 88)
Julian Haldane - fourth year Hufflepuff; Ginny's stand-in date at Masked Ball (57)
Hugo Halliburton - one of Harry's Auror instructors (5, 6, 9, 17)
Albert E. Hawking - Author of Arithmancy Made Easy (11, 80)
Ima Hogg - High level, ultimately traitorous Château employee (64, 71, 72, 73, 81, 84, 85, 87)
Blackstone “Blackie” Howe - partner at magical law firm D'Israeli, Braddock & Pickle; Harry's lawyer (5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 60, 61, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 87, 88)
Abigail Huckabee - author of unnamed “definitive” history of recent magic (21)
Healer Huckleberry - inventor of self-walking crutches (49)
Hubert Huddleston - author of wizard sex medicine book (52)
Paracelsus Huxley - eminent Healer (34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 55, 56, 69, 70, 71, 76, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Izakoff (opposing summer Quidditch player) (47)
Jason ??? - Auror present for both the altercation on Privet Drive and Hermione's hoaxed murder (49)
Jauterita - Lithuanian witch (57)
“Johnson” - Unspeakable participating in training Harry (21, 56)
“Jackson” - Unspeakable participating in training Harry; a witch (21, 72)
“Jones” - Unspeakable participating in debriefing, and later training Harry (5, 21)
KateandSpence - Couple in Snape's year at Hogwarts; his love potion split them up (60)
Kung Meng-tse “Lao Kung” - old Chinese wizard, friend of Dumbledore, mentor to Harry, dies of pancreatic cancer (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 74, 76, 82, 86)
Minister Laignel - French minister killed by sexually amplified stunner (59)
Laurence ??? (Hogsmeade Shop sales assistant) (81)
Morgan le Fay (Morgaine) (71)
Candice LeMelle - Beauxbatons fourth-year, died in attack (76)
Roland Lestrange - father of Rodolphus (62)
Francis Loincloth - former head of the Department of Magical Education (6)
??? Louth - Death Eater who tried to execute Harry (37)
Tuan Mac Cairill - Irish wizard, possible metamorphmagus, author of Transfiguring Oneself (11)
Wynda MacFusty - head girl in Harry's second year, junior Auror (77)
Lilithu Mandelbrot - Daphne Greengrass' aunt and leader of the Sisters of the Moon (72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 84, 87)
Clarity Mankiller - optometrist for Harry's new glasses (24)
Alphonse Mannock - one of Harry and Hermione's flight instructors (12, 15, 25, 33, 41, 56, 57, 68, 69, 72, 74)
Gaston Mannock - Alphonse's twin brother (32, 33, 41, 56)
Marian ??? - shop assistant at Samson's Option (52)
Tristan Marlowe - Slytherin Beater, D.A. sympathizer (59, 72)
Cheryl Markham - one of Harry and Hermione's flight instructors (12)
Constance Marpeth - Gryffindor Fifth Year (15, 56, 59, 80)
Morgan Maryknoll - Seventh Year Gryffindor (35, 37)
Matilda - Merlin's mother (21)
Jerry McAllister - Harry's estate manager (62, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Alixander Meadows - Order member (26)
Liko Mee (alias for Cho Chang) (26, 28, 29, 32, 57, 67)
Guillaume Ménière - Beauxbatons Head Boy (57)
Solomon Mensong - Malfoy's lawyer at Black hearing (31, 83)
Deputy Merriweather - process server (43)
Minnie - unicorn foal (31)
Moose Montague - Slytherin Seventh year, member of Inquisitorial Squad, at Denmark Quidditch camp (15)
Manfred Murgatroyd - author of major wizard medical text (40)
Samuel Murgatroyd - an Associate Warlock of the Wizengamot (6)
Westbrook Murrow - Daily Prophet stringer (29)
Fosdick Napier - Death Eater (29, 33, 67)
Maxmillian Nott - Death Eater, Ted Nott's father (31)
Dristine O'Connell - Seventh year Hufflepuff (78)
Manongia O Kaeaea - Maori representative, tattoo expert (63, 88)
Oswald the Amorphous - wizard whose portrait is in the dungeon level at Hogwarts (61)
Tabitha Palsgraf - co-author of The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide (11)
Macquarie Palmer - Australian fifth-year Ravenclaw (44, 72)
Van Lingle Park - new Slytherin Sixth Year, Quidditch player, uses music room (56, 59, 61)
??? Paxman - Death Eater participating in raid on Beauxbatons (76)
Cromwell Peakes - presided over Death Eater trial (32)
Orville Pemberton - new Order member (15)
Oscar Plimpton - Blackwalls footman (63, 64)
Abraham Potter - Harry's paternal grandfather (4)
Edna Potter - senile great aunt (56)
Ian Potter - Potter ancestor who moved to Australia (29)
Mary Potter - Potter ancestor who moved to Australia (29)
Yura Pratt - Auror who attended Fiendfyre suppression demonstration (72)
Titania Prod - seventh year Hufflepuff (57, 61, 78)
Emmeline Puckle - Jerry McAllister's Muggle-born love interest (62, 71, 73)
Quimby Quirke - Auror participating in debriefing (5)
Roscoe Rabatin - owner of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company (47, 48)
Dustin Redford - active Auror (16)
Abigail Rosen - seer, Riddle love interest and victim (29, 36, 45, 63, 73, 80)
Gandolfus Rottweiler - author of Animagus Workbook (11)
Roxanne ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Bartram Rumpole - D'Israeli, Braddock lawyer who represented Hermione at Black hearing (31)
Congolia Samson - former head of Department of Mysteries (6)
Newt Scamander II - editorialized against goblin rights (15)
Barton Schell - Fourth Year Ravenclaw (55)
Samantha Schlafley - co-author of The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide (11)
Schwinn (52, 53)
Charlotte Scrimgeour - wife of Rufus (56)
Gondolfo Sherlock - author of crucial article (32, 33)
Artemus Sandpiper - owner of the Tutshill Tornadoes (47)
??? Simmons - mortgagor of property visited by Bladvak (77)
Sally Simpson - Fifth Year Hufflepuff (76)
Destin Sizemore - recent Hogwarts graduate (71)
Gretchen Sklary - Squib literacy teacher for house-elves; murdered by Voldemort (77, 81, 84)
“Smith” - Unspeakable participating in debriefing, and later training Harry (5, 21, 56)
“Smithson” - Unspeakable participating in training Harry (21)
Sophocles ??? - Luna's cousin (64)
Preston Spott - 5th Year Slytherin, one of Draco's new henchmen (72, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87)
Minister ??? Stambolev - Bulgarian Minister for Magic (87)
Cameron Stanbury - owner of Eeylops Owl Emporium (16)
Jonathan Swanage - wizard child from Somerset who wrote Harry; later killed by Death Eaters (6, 11, 23, 24)
Europa Sydenham - WWN Vice-President for Special Events (19)
Sydney ??? - sales assistant at Twilfit & Tatting's (66)
Demetrius Tarbert - head of the Department of Magical Education (4, 87)
Rodney Taunton - reserve Gryffindor Beater, fifth year (59)
Tess ??? - sales assistant at Quality Quidditch Supplies (66)
Madeline Thackery - editorialized in support of goblin rights (15)
Honoria Thurso - Unspeakable, one of Harry's/Hermione's Apparition instructors (9)
Samuel Toke - Ravenclaw Beater, on all-school team (72)
Llewellyn Tredegar - Malfoy retainer, overseer of Oceanix (27)
Cécile Trousseau - Beauxbatons student (57)
Lucinda Trucipp - older court reporter, betrays Eliza to Death Eaters (15, 16, 27, 51)
Philander Tweed - Terrortours sales assistant and Death Eater sympathizer (66)
Erma Underwood - Slytherin fourth year, backup Beater (59)
Unidentified Unspeakable - puts recording device on Harry during Auror power testing (5)
Virginia Valentine - Hufflepuff Fourth Year, reserve Seeker (41, 79)
??? Vaisey - Death Eater, father of Slytherin Quidditch player (55, 75)
Valerie ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Wesley Warrington - Slytherin Seventh year, member of Inquisitorial Squad (15)
Roland Weasley - Weasley ancestor owing Gringotts for failed business venture (80)
Malcolm Wheeler - former head of Department of Magical Transportation (6)
Dorian White - Teen Witches Weekly interviewer (80)
Constantine Widdershins - portrait at Hogwarts (74)
Ernie Wilmot - works for Teen Witches Weekly (80)
John Oliver Wilson - fictitious name consisting of the middle names of three Marauders other than Sirius (51)
Waldorf “Weird Wally” Wilson - WWN DJ (19, 22)
Isabella Wing - Blackie Howe's secretary (20, 24)
Camille Wrexham - one of Harry's Auror instructors (5, 6, 8, 16)
Clarence Younger - wizard attorney (63)
Omertà Youssoupov - author (32)
Marona Zelandowicz - Gryffindor girl in Harry's year, Jewish (22, 30, 41, 43, 57, 79, 81)
Alfred Ziff - manservant at Château Blackwalls (66)
Fritz Zwicky, III - first year student sorted into Ravenclaw (34)
Fifth Element Miscellaneous Magical Items
Acquired Werewolf Syndrome (1)
Air Phoenix (75)
Alban Arthan - Druid equivalent to Christmas (66)
Alpha Astra - entity founded by Marauders that owns small house in Faroe Islands, bequeathed to Remus Lupin (51)
Alpha Mu Omega - wizard student honor society (4)
Alumni of Slytherin Society (6)
Anti-werewolf legislation (1, 4) - precludes werewolves from being guardians of children
Aquitaine-Ile de France House - Beauxbatons house (76)
Athena - Hermione's owl, a present from Harry (16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 30, 47, 52, 63, 67, 80, 87)
Aura reading - post N.E.W.T. skill possessed by Lilithu (79)
Auror Candidate School (4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 30, 56)
Auror Lesson #128 - various deadly spells (13, 14, 20, 33, 42, 53, 64, 68, 80, 83, 86)
Avalon - burial site of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (66)
Battle of Avalon (Weird Sisters) (57)
Battle of Grim's Graves - wizard defeat of the goblins in 1437 (52)
Beamish Bewitched Building Company - contractor (66)
Belby Trophy - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Magical Creatures at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
BerlitzMagical - producers of magical language learning materials (25, 74)
Black Oak Azkaban - Marauders' rock group (84)
Blackwalls Special Services Award - created by Harry (71)
Blaennant Manor - home of the Changs (67)
Blood Magic (65)
Boom-win - name (originally derogatory) for one of Harry's circle who fought at the Ministry, short for “bloody Order of Merlin winner” (37, 38, 40, 61, 78)
Brenhines o yr Coedwig - Druid high priestess, literally queen of the forest (74, 83)
Brythonic College of Covens - Druid organization (74)
Bull's Horns Attack Formation - Quidditch play (73)
Bunyip - magical monster (Australian) (68, 72)
Burbling - results of a WWW product (blowing colored bubbles that make rude remarks when bursting) (78)
Burgundy-Lorraine House - Beauxbatons house (82)
Carnivorous locusts - conjured during the Battle of Stonehenge (68, 70, 72)
Celtic zodiac walk - near Glastonbury (66)
Ceremonial Library - room at Hogwarts with important documents displayed; used for important meetings (8, 32, 33, 47, 51, 56, 63, 78, 86, 87)
Chairwoman of Internal Magic (36)
Chaldean Arithmancy (in base twelve) (80)
Charmonium - substance made from charmed quarks; source of wizards' ability to channel magic (9, 37, 55, 79)
Château Blackwalls - ancestral country estate of the Black family, inherited by Harry (1, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 27, 31, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Château Blackwalls oak aged sauvignon blanc - fine magical wine (47)
Château Delacour (87)
Chyropt - flying bat-like creature hunted by goblins (51, 80)
Civil Division (of the Wizengamot) - handles civil litigation (43)
Class I Apparition - Apparition only to places that one has already been to (9)
Clocktock - language spoken by magical alarm clocks (17, 20)
Cockatrice beak - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Continuing Healing Education (80)
Confederation Commendation - given annually for best overall O.W.L. score in west Europe region, Hermione won (11)
Crème bouquet wizard-food cake with vanilla frosting - Harry's birthday cake (22)
Crystal organ - goblin (14)
Death Eater Activity Alert Code (Voldometer) - color coded alert system (9, 16, 21, 25)
Declaration - formal Wizard courtship ritual (44, 48, 52, 61, 82)
Decree for Justifiable Confiscation - for seizure of property posing a threat to wizardkind (51)
Delilah's Den (at Samson's Option) (52)
Dementor action figure (23)
Demonic Quasi-Human Creatures - Seventh Year seminar (41)
Department of Magical Maladies (8)
Devil's Snare repellant (66)
Diagnostic runes - wizard medical devices (37)
D'Israeli, Braddock & Pickle - magical law firm of Blackie Howe (5, 6, 11, 13, 24, 25, 31, 64, 66, 73)
Domestic Magic (class at Hogwarts) (78, 84)
Double-ended newt skin - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Dragon ambergris (38)
Dragon lens spyglass (67)
Dragon meat burgers (9)
Dynion Mwyn - Druid magic (69, 74)
Eagle's Mere - top of mountain overlooking Hogwarts; where Harry's parents were buried (38, 56)
Earth Phoenix (75)
Ebb and Flow knickers - from Lover's Touch (64)
Ebony root - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
Empathy - an Empath's ability to feel and affect another's feelings merely by touch (32, 33, 65, 66, 68, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85)
Endangerment Button - lets wearer know if someone else is endangered (66, 84)
Essence of Glumbumble - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
European Paranormal Healers' Society (80)
Evanescing Lingerie (53, 57, 78)
Ever-blooming roses (66)
Ever-changing aloha shirt (88)
Fédération Aéronautique Magique - compiler of broom flying records (12)
Field-elves - enslaved elves that work in fields rather than as servants in houses, slightly larger and less intelligent than house-elves (10, 31, 63, 66, 71)
Fifth Estate - French magical parliament (29, 77, 82)
Fire Phoenix (75)
Firebolt Unlimited Ltd. - company that manufactures the Firebolt (16)
Firewizard - equivalent of Muggle firemen (72)
Fizzlips & Schwinn Wax Museum & Fantasy Souvenir Shop (52, 60, 73)
Flying guest mat (88)
Founders' Chamber - lowest level of Hogwarts, where the gnomon-cenotaph is found (34, 35, 68, 69, 70, 80, 86)
The Four Elements - wizard rock group (59)
Four Fingers of the Gods - geological formation near Godric's Hollow (19, 38)
Galdrar Institute - Icelandic magical institution (63)
Gallician Red-Wing (Draco gallicius) - dragon type (22)
Gathering of the Groves - Druid meeting on the summer solstice (74)
Gegælen Orcnéas - old name for
Gendarmerie Magicale - French Auror Corps (47)
Glastonbury Zodiac (66)
Goblin grey cloth - much more brightly colored in UV light, which goblins see (14)
Goblin Rebellion of 1496 (5)
Goblin runes - the written language of the goblins (14)
Grindelwald Reading - the tarot reading Grindelwald gave Hitler in 1936 (42, 45, 46, 63, 73)
Groupe d'Intervention - elite French Auror SWAT team (47, 76, 82, 87)
Gryffindor Prize - given annually for best O.W.L. performance in Gryffindor House, Hermione won (11)
Gwrtheyrn Society of Brython - magical group overseeing Stonehenge (67)
Harmonic Convergence - synchronized magic caused by mutual orgasm (59, 64, 66, 67, 82, 87, 88)
Headmaster's Award - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in any subject at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
Healer's Oath - taken by Hermione (80, 86)
Hebdomadaire de Jeunes Sorcières - French version of Young Witch's Weekly (80)
Hogsmeade Shop - Harrods magical clothing department (16, 81)
Hogwartsade - Hogwarts Quidditch teams must drink it at matches (59)
Hogwarts Charter - document spelling out powers of Board of Governors (87)
Hogwarts millennium souvenir coffee cup (61)
Hogwarts Picked Nine - all-house Quidditch team (76, 77)
Hogwarts Stopping Service (30, 31)
Horrible Cross (crux horribilis) - early version of Horcrux (62)
House-elf suicide - if they cause their master's death (4)
Household Magic - taught in class on domestic magic (78)
Hydra-Headed squib - WWW adult product (72)
Hydroambulation - walking on water (72)
Hypomagusic shock - severe loss of magical force (37)
Industrial Floo (55)
Institute for Advanced Magic - located in Princeton, New Jersey, Hermione desires to go there after Hogwarts (9, 33)
Institution of Excellence - a research facility, Hogwarts was designated one for Hermione's lycanthropy research (8, 36, 47, 52, 54, 80, 82)
International fast owl (65, 67, 72, 88)
Inverted sandals - feels like walking on soft grass (66)
James Potter Memorial Hogwarts Quidditch Broom Fund/Trust (15, 16, 20, 35, 39, 40, 46, 47, 66, 75)
Jujube flesh (45)
Kabbalah - Jewish Divination (41, 45, 60, 81)
Kauri - large tree native to New Zealand (63)
Knight of the Realm - wizard warrior (6, 14)
Kraken - magical sea monster (47, 68, 72)
Kraken caviar (47)
Légion du Nostradamus (Chevalier) - French magical honor society (77)
Le Monde Magical - French equivalent of Daily Prophet (77)
Ley lines (60, 66, 83, 87)
Library Off-Site Storage (L.O.S.S.) - where Dumbledore hid the books (32, 33, 72, 79, 83)
Longbottom Castle (Neville's home) (63, 73)
Lover's Touch - magical lingerie (52, 53, 57, 64)
Luminescent rhododendron (46, 50)
Macker - a magical hacker who breaks wards for sport (65)
Magiarchs - earliest magical practitioners (35)
“Magic Moments” (The Four Warlocks) - wizard popular song (22)
Magical CD (22, 53)
Magical CD player (22, 23, 53)
Magical heating pad (79)
Magical-Muggle Mail Exchange (“MaMuME”) (59)
Magical orthoses (73)
Magical vacuum (72)
The Magical Years - wizard parenting magazine, it published Harry's first “Santa Claus” letters, and sealed the fate of the kids that wrote them (11)
Magicoencephalogram - reads a wizard's magical brain waves (40)
Mágico Futuro…. - wizard school in Spain, full name unknown (20)
Magictose Mist - magical confection (55)
Magiwatt - measurement for magical radio power (19)
Mandrake-flour biscuits (9)
Map room (at Château Blackwalls) - (64, 65, 66, 71)
MARE - magical version of CARE (3)
Marlborough/Spencer Award - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Charms at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Mathemagic (28)
Merlin Award - given annually for best overall Hogwarts O.W.L. score, Hermione won (11)
Merlin Magical Preserve - near Glastonbury (66)
Mimbletonia fruit - edible (9)
Ministère de la Magie - French Ministry of Magic (24)
Ministry flag (14, 25)
Ministry Flight Wing (12, 72, 77)
Ministry of Magic Auror Candidate School Training Group, author of The Pre-Auror Guidebook (11)
Ministry of Magic Scholarship - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in DADA at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
Ministry of Magic War College (72)
Ministry Parks Commission (66)
Ministry Prosecution Service - wizard prosecutors (20)
Mixing magic - sexual practice among married wizards (59)
Mobile Auror Surgical Hospital (M.A.S.H.) (34)
Moses-Welday Emergency Dispensation - provision to add students to a house if too many in a year are lost; used for Slytherin after deaths of Crabbe, et al. (38)
Muggsy McGraw - one of Mrs. Figg's Kneazles (6)
Muggle Vicinage Violation - infraction for performing magic in the vicinity of Muggles (2, 3, 62, 66)
Multicolored ice cubes (22)
Multi-flavored whipped cream in a can (88)
Music dungeon - place at Hogwarts to play charmed musical instruments (61, 81)
National Auror's Cemetery (24, 25)
Necromancy - study of interaction between living and dead (9, 13, 24, 29, 36, 38, 39, 62, 65)
Non-stick, Apparating magical catheter (37)
Normandie/Bretagne House - Beauxbatons house (76)
Northern Veela (47)
Number 7 Privet Drive - Arabella Figg's residence (4)
Oceanix - remote Malfoy property in Wales (27, 31, 63, 64, 73)
Office of Escheats and Inheritances - part of Ministry Law Enforcement (10, 27, 34, 64)
O-Fish Alley - street near Diagon Alley (23)
O-mail (owl post) (4, 18, 19, 88)
Ordre Nationale de la Pucelle - French magical decoration (77)
Orphan's Division (of the Wizengamot) - handles child custody (43)
Ouroboros - snake eating own tail (45)
O.W.L. and Older Muggle Studies Non-Magical Bake-Off - annual Hogwarts event; where Ginny potioned Hermione (72, 78, 79, 84, 87)
Pacific Basin Magical Convention (88)
Pacific Magical Gathering (82, 87)
Pangolin spleen - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
Paracelsus-Level Potions Kit - birthday gift for Ron (76)
Parseltongue Translator - device for understanding and speaking Parseltongue (73, 75, 83, 85)
Peer tutoring program (at Hogwarts) (52, 54, 58, 63, 72, 76, 87)
Phallic Rock - in Molok'ai (47, 88)
Pin the wings on the Hippogriff - party game (22)
Playwitch Magazine - offers reward for nude picture of Harry (6, 9, 13, 33, 50, 52)
Playwizard - magical lingerie (52)
Point Chaser (lead Chaser in Quidditch) (29)
Pomegranate juice - potion ingredient (45)
Potions Regulation Board (47)
Potterless Conspiracy (27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 75)
Polycharmacy - adverse synergistic effects from taking multiple potions at the same time (20, 75)
Polynesian Confederation of Covens (47, 63, 87, 88)
Pooka - Irish fairy creature (78)
Possessory Legilimency (20)
Potter generation skipping trusts - Harry's inheritance from his grandfather, available when he turns 17; three in number (4, 16)
“Potter's Marauders” (Four Broomsmen of the Apocalypse) - hit wizard song (22, 57)
Poxy Quidditch - mock Quidditch on a pinball machine (22)
Prefects' Carriage - car on the Hogwarts Express (34)
Presswizard - Employee of The Daily Prophet (78)
“Pride of Magic” - English wizard national anthem (25, 56)
Proprietor's Suite - master bedroom at Château Blackwalls (62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 71, 73, 79, 84, 85)
Pureblood privilege - immunity from testifying under Veritaserum, comes with being a Time Immemorial Pureblood (8, 10, 31)
Purebloods for Life - wizarding anti-choice group, headed by Narcissa Malfoy (13, 31)
Pythagorean Prize - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Arithmancy at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Quidditch strategy board - Christmas present for Ron (66, 75)
Rainshield (60)
Rasputin's Revenge - wizard brand of vodka (22)
Ravenclaw Medal - given annually for most total O.W.L.s at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11, 73, 75, 76)
Recorded delivery owl - equivalent of registered mail (42)
Revolving Door - relatively seedy hotel in Hogsmeade, rents rooms by the hour (52)
Ring-tailed kappa - species of magical beast (74)
Roseleaf Goblin Rebellion - ended in 1437 by battle of Grim's Graves (52)
Rotfang - Hagrid's replacement boarhound after Fang's death (86)
Rwenzori Castle - tourist hotel (66)
Samson's Option - Hogsmeade sexually oriented shop and bookstore (52, 53, 56, 63, 64, 75, 78, 87)
Scarpin's Potions for All Purposes - supplier of potions ingredients to Snape (60, 76)
Scent-shifting massage lotion (64)
Scheduled (illegal) Potions (86)
Seacow pelvis (powdered) - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Secret Admirer Missives - Weasley product (29, 35)
Self-bouncing trampoline (64)
Self-levitating stretcher (79)
Self-slicing trainer's tape (79)
Self-turning rollers (87)
Sempiternal dirk - goblin gift to Harry after battle of Hogwarts (74, 84, 85)
Senior Independent Work - Seventh Year independent study (9, 11, 13)
Seventh Pacific Basin Magical Cooperation Gathering - in Kauai, where Harry and Hermione get married (47, 76, 88)
Sisters of the Moon - elite group of Jewish witches; powerful seers; Weasleys believe they are lesbians and in blood libel (41, 45, 60, 61, 63, 72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88)
Sitting stone - goblin chair (51, 70)
Skunk Sauce - food additive that causes extreme flatulence, a WWW product (8)
Sons of the Knights of the Goblin Rebellions - pureblood group opposed to equal rights for goblins (15, 54)
Sphinx re'em-hide rug (64)
Splitting/cutting - breaking spells into multiple beams of the same magic (16, 17)
Splonching - Apparating inside of a solid object (8, 9)
“Stirring the Cauldron of Love” (song played at masked ball) (57)
Strangler fig ash - potion ingredient (39)
Succession Room - the Minister's formal office, where Fudge met Harry (5)
Succubus - female sex vampire (41, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 82)
Suicide Spyder - WWW invention, used during Battle of Stonehenge (67)
Swatch and Draper signature collection - Wizard clothing line (81)
Swimming pool - magical pool at Château Blackwalls (64)
Switch Scholarship - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Transfiguration at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Syncopated Sorcery - song played at masked ball (57)
Tarot cards (42, 63)
Teen Witches' Weekly (5, 7, 32, 80)
Tempered glass - tempered by magic (17)
Terrortours Travel Agency (66)
“The Third Spell's a Charm,” (Toil and Trouble) - popular magical song (22)
Theoretical Apparition - advanced subject, Honoria Thurso has a degree in it (9)
Third-Party Wizard authorization - wizard health insurance procedure (34)
Thread of Life (48)
Three-dimensional Quidditch pinball machine (65)
Time Immemorial Pureblood - a pureblood who can trace ancestry back to the Reign of Richard I (8)
Tinctura Nucis Vomicæ - catalyzing agent for Snape's love potion (60)
Tohunga rongoa - Maori magical shaman (63)
Tohunga-ta-moko - Maori magical master tattoo artist (63)
Trafficante and Trollope's Wizard Workshop - charmers of magical motorcycles (67)
Transitory, Charmonium-Mediated, Epigenetic Phenomena (Department of) - St. Mungo's unit dealing with animagus and other internally generated transformations, headed by Hypatia Bosworth (37)
Transpotting kit (16)
Umbrella-sized hibiscus (88)
Voavanga seeds - potion ingredient (45)
Vorpal steel - goblin forged sword blade (74, 85, 88)
Wallachian Wyvern - dragon that guards the Potter/Black Gringotts vault (60)
Wanding range - like a shooting range, for spell practice (6)
Water Phoenix (75)
Watutsi magic (66)
Weasley Compound - another name for the Burrow (25)
Weasley Memorial Bog (left over from their departure in OOP (1, 33, 73)
Weasley Ward - personalized ward sold by Weasley twins (16)
Weasleys' Wanton Witches (brand and catalogue) (52, 80, 88)
West African Healing Convention (40)
“Which Witch Will It Be?” - wizard rock song by the Four Elements (59)
Winter flowering hawthorn petals - potion ingredient (66)
Witches' Wonderworks - magical lingerie (52)
Wizard Geographical Society - author of the Field Guide to Carnivorous and Other Dangerous Plants (11)
Wizard shares in Gringotts - means of wizards controlling the goblin bank (4, 6, 10, 14)
Wizbits - wizard breakfast cereal (20)
Wizland Revenue Department- wizard equivalent of Department of Inland Revenue (8, 29, 52)
Yareah Sisterhood - another name for Sisters of the Moon (45)
Fifth Element Gobbledegook
Aksistar - CEO (32, 51)
Alakar - command to drop camouflage and stop hiding (46, 53)
Alama - you're welcome (25)
Alat santar (“drop under”) - command for cloaking magic to go underfoot (67)
Albopitz - clankers for keeping dragons away (60)
Alitserat - victory ceremony (70, 74, 80, 84)
Amanplat - a goblin midday hour (51)
Amdaklah - to look forward to (14)
Angar - always, perpetual (70)
Angar goblansk-inim kanskala - goblin army victory slogan (70)
Anyor - command to stand up (45, 42, 54, 60, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Arak - release; let go (41, 43)
Arakkilli - goblin wrist coverings (plural) (41, 43, 88)
Arbit aras balam - it's all right (51)
Ardan - to ally with (14)
Asak - goblin commoner's greeting to royalty (51, 52, 60)
Asakisim - goblin royalty's greeting to a commoner (52, 60)
Ashrak - alliance ceremony (6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 38, 51, 57, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 82, 88)
Ashrakadan - treaty signatory at an Ashrak (6, 14)
Asi - I (14)
Asi amdaklah Gablankansta tallof ardan - I am looking forward to being forever allied with the Goblin Nation (14)
Asi Impatok Ragnok amdaklah qam slag - I am looking forward to meeting King Ragnok (14)
Asi Inklak mandalah - I speak English (88)
Asi vrakici kram samduk - I will try my best (14)
Asi vrakici kram sos Voldemort rasho - I will try my best to help defeat Voldemort (14)
Aksey kastorik - cease being hidden (ends concealment charm) (88)
Asterlik - goblin hunting weapon, a cross between a circular saw blade and a Frisbee (51, 52, 68, 70, 80, 87)
Bashu - command to camouflage oneself (46)
Bor - he/him (41)
Calco - job, task (14)
Calido - to want (14)
Callagos - to think (14)
Callagosto tavi - What do you think? (14)
Drasuk - regent (16)
Estim marat porstu - I have question for your (54)
Fiz - forty (51)
Fiz-lit Amanplat, resturlak da Krasmol - Forty-five minutes after the hour of Amanplat, on the seventeenth of the month of Krasmol (51)
Gablankansta - the Goblin Nation (14, 51, 67, 74, 80, 81, 88)
Gablansk-inim - the goblin army (70)
Gamblad - mirror membrane used for transportation (73)
Gradnuk - thank you (14, 25, 41, 43, 51, 86)
Granz - stop (imperative) (86)
Graskii - award of military decorations (70)
Impatok - king (1, 14, 41, 52, 53, 54, 70, 74, 88)
Impateki - queen (74)
Impratrax - crown prince (14)
Impratraxis - goblin prince not next in line for throne (14, 15, 32, 41, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Imprexa - goblin princess (88)
Imprexii - princesses (“ii” is a pluralizer in Gobbledegook) (14, 74, 80)
Ixks - vanish, goblin incantation (67, 83)
Iziz - troops/men (52)
Jistiri - former female lover (80, 87)
Kanskala - victory/to be victorious (70)
Karpasinat - goblin spell for goblin cloaking magic (67, 73, 85)
Kasamak - command to turn into boulders (52)
Kastor - to complete (14)
Kastor calco, sav tasi calido - Finish the job, all those who want to (14)
Krak - roughly, we're done, or it's over (51)
Krasmol - goblin month, equivalent to September (51)
Lanaman - goblin general staff
Leshtal - goblin command to mold armour to the user (67)
Mafaswele - robes for a princess (54, 60)
Manmak (plural, manmakod) - rune-covered signet ring symbolizing goblin citizenship (14, 20, 41, 45, 53, 60, 61, 68, 84, 86, 88)
Melchikor - liberty (command to discharge soldiers) (74)
Pashkak - regiment (70)
Quas baram ses-tov? - Who are you? (54)
Quastri - goblin concubine, not suitable for marriage (51, 60, 80)
Ramsus akadak - Righteous warrior (74)
Rank of Distinction, First Class (Goblin medal awarded Hermione) (74)
Rasho - to defeat (14)
Resturlak - month (51)
Ristrop - sword blade (74)
Rodlaak - Goblin month including mid-July (5)
Rop - six (51)
Sagatak - congratulations/well done (72)
Samduk - to do something nonspecific (14)
Santar - underneath (67)
Sav - all (14)
Savini - a prince's consort, used to refer to Hermione (51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 68, 69, 74, 77, 80, 87, 88)
Semat - kneel (imperative) (74)
Semlit - stay (imperative) (74)
Sempiternal League - league of goblin immortals (74, 84, 85)
Slaphadorii - translators (70)
Sos - to help or assist (14)
Splixat - goblin mirror transportation device (72, 73, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Splixatisii - makers (plural) of splixii (73)
Splixii - plural for goblin mirror transportation devices (72, 73, 88)
Spraska arad - forward to victory (68)
Stansir - above ground (74)
Sylimps - goblin charm (45, 86)
Tallof - forever (14)
Tasi - those (14)
Tavi - familiar form of “you” (14)
Thomat - command to turn on lights (60)
Tladimax - symbol of goblin citizenship, cut into the forearm (6, 14, 41, 60, 61, 67, 70, 86, 88)
Ulululululu - goblin battle charge (68, 69, 70)
Vladaskat - right to support in battle (6, 14)
Yam rimikat - I can surprise (74)
Fifth Element Goblins
Alblak - goblin translator (60)
Azdak - goblin in Harry's group killed at Stonehenge (69, 74)
Banzaf - goblin attending Harry's trip into Hermione's mind (42)
Barduk - goblin general (37, 45, 69, 70, 74)
Bladvak - goblin forensic accountant (16, 20, 24, 25, 27, 51, 54, 62, 73, 77, 80, 81, 88)
Brikwal - goblin mining boss (81, 85)
Fozfor - goblin in Harry's group killed at Stonehenge (69, 74)
Glaksosmit - runs estate-related matters at Gringotts (51, 60, 66, 73)
Ilina - ancient goblin queen (41)
Imuna - goblin princess (14, 74)
Kamar - chief of goblin protocol for Ashrak; killed by Death Eaters (14)
Kamarak - chief goblin investigator of suspicious magic (45, 80)
Karanata - goblin princess (14, 74)
Klamdok - Managing Director of Gringotts (32, 51, 60, 74, 77, 80)
Klambak - commander of Basilisk renderers (54, 64)
M�ktrax - goblin soldier (67, 74, 86,87)
Maragnok - the goblin crown prince (14, 37, 74)
Meoli - took Hermione's measurements (54, 57)
Nokfar - in charge of building the splixat at the Château (73)
Ragnok - the goblin king (4, 14, 15, 32, 53, 54, 68, 70, 88)
Ragnuk the First - early goblin king, saved by Godric Gryffindor (74)
Rakazag - ancient goblin king (41, 42, 52)
Roxtar (the Lost Finger) - goblin warrior (67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Runasa - the goblin queen (14)
Self�n - goblin who fought at Stonehenge (74)
Slamdor - chief of Harry's security detail, promoted after Stonehenge (45, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 71, 72, 74, 80, 84)
Tubifor - goblin who fought at Stonehenge (74)
Yastrop - royal chamberlain (32, 74)
Wydawayk - lead goblin accompanying Hermione to Grimmauld (65)
Fifth Element Intelligent Beings
Blonny - Blackwalls house elf, died in Grimmauld fire (67, 71)
Crikey - Blackwalls house elf, died in Grimmauld fire (71)
Pequod - brindled centaur with blond beard (61)
Phrumpy - Blackwalls house elf, died in Grimmauld fire (71)
Pommy - Blackwalls house-elf (62)
Rocky - Blackwalls house-elf, opposed to literacy (81)
Snarkie - Blackwalls house-elf, opposed to literacy (81)
Samar - gray-colored centaur (61)
Fifth Element Hawaiian & Pidgin Words
Akamai - clever (88)
Ali'i - royal (88)
Aloha au ia oe - I love you (emphatic) (88)
Auwe - too bad (88)
Beef - a fight (88)
Brah - brother/pal (88)
Bust - to do [something] (88)
Choke - overcrowded (88)
Cuz - you (88)
Da kine - superlative (88)
Da Man Sam - Uncle Sam/the U.S. government (88)
Hale - house (88)
Haole - people of European ancestry (88)
Ho braddah - hey, friend (88)
Jalike - do you like (88)
Kahuna - chief (88)
Kanaka Maoli - Hawaiian independence flag (88)
Kapu - forbidden/taboo (88)
Kine - very (88)
Koa - type of Hawaiian tree, known for its wood (88)
Kolohe - hooligan (88)
Kukui - type of Hawaiian tree, known for its nuts (88)
Luau - Hawaiian outdoor dinner party (88)
Ma'ema'e - clean/pure (88)
Makaha - wild-man (88)
Makai - seaward (88)
Malihini - stranger (88)
Mauka - landward (88)
Menehune - Hawaiian goblins (88)
Moa - Hawaiian fowl (77, 88)
Moana - ocean (88)
Mo bettah - excellent (88)
Mojo - magic (88)
Mo'o - giant snake/snake god (88)
Naupaka - type of Hawaiian flower (88)
Nomojo - non-magical person/Muggle (88)
Okole - rear end (88)
Pakalolo - marijuana/crazy tobacco (88)
Pali - cliffs (88)
Pau - over/completed (88)
Pele - Hawaiian fire/volcano goddess (88)
Puka - doorway/entrance (88)
Shaka (Hawaiian hand symbol) (33, 88)
Ti - type of Hawaiian plant (88)
Wahine - woman (88)
Fifth Element Hawaiians
Hi'iaka Kupaianaha - Polynesian ambassador to British ministry (47, 63, 77, 88)
Kimo - airport guide/rug pilot (88)
Makaha Maka (88)
Kano Mawakuele - chief of Honopu (88)
Omanaha - Hawaiian goblin (88)
Fifth Element Books & Documents
1001 Tastiest Recipes for Poisonous Fungi, by Vadim Aspinwall (book in Black library) (65)
“A Case Study of the Sacrifice of the Phoenix Used to Counteract Magical Spontaneous Combustion” - by Paracelsus Huxley (medical article about Hermione) (80)
Advanced Gingivitis Treatment with Illustrations (Muggle) (18)
al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala, by Muhammad ibn MÅ«sÄ� al-KhwÄ�rizmÄ« (Wenlock translation) - Sixth Year N.E.W.T Arithmancy textbook, the word “algebra” is derived from the title (11)
Ancient Magic for Modern Times - about wandless and persistent magic (5)
Anglo-French Magical Concordat of 1939 (1)
Animagus Workbook, by Gandolfus Rottweiler - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11)
Animal Farm, by George Orwell (Muggle) (45)
Annals of Clinical Healing - medical journal (80)
Arithmancy Made Easy, by Albert E. Hawking - Sixth Year elective Arithmancy textbook (11, 80)
Auror's Guide to Survival Magic - book for summer Auror training (5)
Auror's Handbook of Offensive and Defensive Magic, with workbook - book for summer Auror training (5)
The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide, by Samantha Schlafley and Tabitha Palsgraf - Sixth Year elective Domestic Charms textbook (11)
The Better Part of Valour: Living to Fight Another Day (22)
Beyond Fornication Under Consent of the King, “A User's Guide to Sexual Practices Banned as Witchcraft by Muggle Henry VIII” (author not stated) (52)
Black Ivory: A History of British Slavery (Muggle) (22, 26)
Bleak House, Dickens (Muggle) (10)
Book of Merlin - compendium of spells (5, 14, 38)
A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking (Muggle) (88)
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, by Robert Burnham, Jr. (Muggle) (43)
Coming Of Age: Twenty Readings For Young Wizards, by Alfred Bragge (66)
The Compleat Druid: Spells & Rituals - anonymous (Druid) (63, 66)
Compleat Handbook of Sexual Enchantments & Related Magical Maladies by Hubert Huddleston
Confronting the Faceless: Creative Defences to Dark Magic, Alastor Moody - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. DADA textbook (11)
The Crosses of Horror - from Salvation to Damnation (author unknown) (62)
Dark Mages of the Twentieth Century (55)
The Dark Magic of East Asia Over the Centuries (author unknown) (32)
Dark Magic of the Himalayas, by Prester John (31, 33)
Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes (Muggle) (47)
Electricity: Principles and Applications Author unknown (Muggle) (3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 30, 55)
The Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistos - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Potions textbook (Muggle) (11, 39)
Energised Enthusiasm, by Aleister Crowley (Muggle) (52)
Epic of Hsemaglig (goblin literature) (41, 42)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Restricted Classification Beasts But Were Afraid to Ask, by Uric the Oddball - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Magical Creatures textbook (11, 58)
Exegetica, by Basilides (Muggle) (73)
Expert's Guide to the Physiognomic Characteristics of Magical Fowl, by Simon Belby (81)
Familial Affinities Amongst Death Eater Victims: A Five-Year Follow Up Study, by All-England Healing Society (30)
Field Guide to Carnivorous and Other Dangerous Plants, by the Wizard Geographical Society - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Herbology textbook (11)
Goblin Treaty of 1996 - signed by Harry (14, 15, 20, 47, 49)
Great Treaty of 1648 - ending goblin/wizard hostilities (6)
Grindelwald: The Early Years (55)
“Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine” (Muggle) (23)
Hawai'i, by James Michener (Muggle) (13, 66, 88)
High Times Encyclopædia of Recreational Drugs (Muggle) (37)
The Joy of Potions, by Auroleus Phillipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Potions textbook (11, 39, 48, 58, 80)
The Lexicon Encyclopædia of Spells (Steve Vander Ark)
Life Unto Death & Death Unto Life: Adventures in Practical Necromancy, by Hecate Digitalis - Hermione read parts at Grimmauld between 4th and 5th year (9, 65, 66)
Light and Darkness: A Comparative Study of Unicorns and Leithifolds, by Newt Scamander - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Magical Creatures textbook (11)
Magick Most Evile, by unknown - title in Black library (65)
Making Magic: An Introduction to Sexuality for Young Wizards and Witches, by Shere Kinsey (20)
Manfred Murgatroyd's Principles of Internal Magic (40)
Marco's Millions, by Marco Polo (30)
Medicinal Potions and Charms: A Holistic Approach to Healing author unknown (23)
Mind-Bending Curses, by Omertà Youssoupov (32)
The Number of All Things, by Bridget Wenlock - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Arithmancy textbook (11)
Nurmengard: The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Grindelwald (55)
Paracelsus' Pantheon of Potions - Potions compendium (40)
Patterns of Darkness & Light: The Magical History of the Twentieth Century, by Barbara Tuchman - Sixth Year elective History of Magic textbook (11)
The Pre-Auror Guidebook, by the Ministry of Magic Auror Candidate School Training Group - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. DADA textbook (11)
Porisms, by Euclid (Muggle) (64)
Quintessence: A Quest, by Nicholas Flamel - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Charms textbook (11)
Regularisation Treaty of 1844 - establishing current wizard/goblin relationship, including wizard control of Gringotts (6)
The Second Coming, by W.B. Yeats (Muggle) (88)
Sefer ha-Zohar, by Shimon ben Yohai (De Leon translation) (Muggle) - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Arithmancy textbook (11)
Sorcerers of Death's Construction, by unknown - title in Black library (65)
Southland Times, Muggle newspaper in Invercargill NZ (88)
“Superpositional Conflict and Coordination of the Phrenic Communication Amongst Identical Magical Essences: A Case Study” published in Irish Journal of Magical Physicks, by Gondolfo Sherlock (32, 33)
Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens (Muggle) (51)
Transfiguration of Living Things, by Minerva McGonagall - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11, 48, 77)
Transfiguring Oneself, by Tuan Mac Cairill - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11)
Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll (Muggle) (79)
Truth of the Cross/Gospel of Truth, anonymous - to be exchanged for the Hufflepuff Cup (58, 64, 65, 66, 70, 73, 78, 87)
Two Millennia of Treasures: The Glastonbury Grail Collection (Muggle) (66)
The Way Things Work, by David Macaulay (Muggle) - Sixth Year Elective Muggle Studies textbook (11)
Wizarding Equality Treaty of 1836 (1, 6, 8)
A Wizarding History of Empire-Building (55)
Fifth Element Muggle Locations
In UK:
Kent, Thames River, Wales, Scotland, Central London, Channel Islands, Wiltshire (1)
London (2)
London, Heathrow Station, Knightsbridge (3)
United Kingdom (4)
London (5)
Magic Circle, the City, Britain, Liverpool, Somerset, England (6)
England (7)
Marlborough, England, London, Britain (8)
Knightsbridge, British Isles, London, St. Pancras, Lincolnshire, the Fens, the Wash, Plymouth, Manchester, Canary Wharf, Central London (9)
British Isles, London, Liverpool, New Castle on Tyne, Blackpool, New Castle, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Knightsbridge, Canary Wharf (10)
St. Pancras, London, Britain, East End (11)
Docklands, Canary Wharf, London, Perranporth, Cornwall, Land's End, Scilly Isles, Isle of Wight, English Channel, Channel Islands, Wales, Bristol (12)
Canary Wharf, Docklands, Brighton (13)
London, Canary Wharf (14)
Brighton, Docklands, Edinburgh, Cornwall, Blackpool, Northumbria, Britain, Surrey, England (15)
Knightsbridge, London, England, Chelsea, Scotland, Britain, Brighton, Kew, Westminster, Surrey, Canary Wharf, Brixton (16)
Britain, Surrey, Knightsbridge, London (17)
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, England (18)
London, Greater London, Brixton, Britain (19)
Magic Circle, Kew, Central London (20)
London (21)
England, Docklands (22)
Kew Gardens, England, Surrey, British Isles Liverpool, Somerset, Exeter, London, Lancaster (23)
British Isles, Enford, Salisbury, Exeter, Magic Circle, England (24)
Salisbury, Docklands, England, Ravenshayes (25)
London, Somerset, Nottinghamshire, Britain (26)
South Wales, Ramsey Island, London, Kew (27)
London, Edinburgh, Windsor, Slough, Uxbridge, Wembly, Paddington, Mayfair, Westminster, the City, Whitechapel, Shadwell, Thames River, Coventry, Central London, Stepney, Canary Wharf (28)
London, the City, Britain, England, Central London, Guernsey, British Isles, English Channel, Scotland (29)
Britain, London, British Isles (30)
Irish Sea, London, Heathrow, England, Wales (31)
Kent, London, United Kingdom (32)
West End, London, English Channel, Kent, Lindisfarne, Iona, Scotland (33)
London, Britain, England, British Isles (34)
Hyde Park, British Isles, Irish Sea, West Coast, Wales, Cardigan Bay, LlÅ·n Peninsula, Liverpool, Carreg-Gwylan-Fach, Pembrokeshire, Britain, Scotland, (35)
Wensleydale, Scotland, Manchester, London, Britain (36)
British Isles, Central London, England, London (37)
Cornwall, Cairn Gorm, London, Whitechapel, Scotland (38)
Newcastle, London, Buckinghamshire, Chiltern Hills, Magic Circle, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Westminster, Scotland, United Kingdom, Britain (39)
England (40)
City, London (42)
Waterloo, London, the City (44)
United Kingdom (45)
Scotland, London, Hyde Park (46)
Hyde Park, Britain (47)
London, Surrey, Scotland, Kew (49)
London (50)
Britain, London, Great Britain (51)
London, Scotland (52)
Britain, Glastonbury, Wiltshire, British Isles, Britain (54)
Scotland, England, Britain (55)
Scotland, Britain, London, Cornwall, England (56)
England (57)
Britain, Glasgow (58)
Lancaster (59)
Isle of Wight, London, England (60)
London, Soho (61)
Wiltshire, Manchester, Britain, Glastonbury, Somerset (62)
London, Britain (63)
Pennines, England, Blackpool, Lancashire (64)
London, Salisbury, Britain, Lower Holloway, West End, North Country, Glastonbury (65)
London, Thames, Whitehall, the City, Glastonbury, Knightsbridge, Britain (66)
Pantllefrith, Wales, Britain, Salisbury, Manchester, Swindon (67)
London, Wiltshire, Britain (68)
Salisbury, England (69)
London, Salisbury, Glastonbury, England, Wales, Pantllefrith (70)
Wensleydale, Scotland, Britain, Brighton, London (71)
London, Glastonbury, Salisbury (72)
Scotland, Magic Circle (73)
Wiltshire, Britain (Brython), Scotland, England, Surrey, Pantllefrith (74)
Britain (75)
Britain, Scotland (76)
English Channel, Britain, North Yorkshire, West Sussex, Herefordshire, England, Leeds (77)
Birmingham Edgbaston, Hove, Harrow, Hastings, Worcester, Crawley, London, Westminster, Surrey, Enfield, England (78)
Scottish Highlands, Scotland, London, British Isles, England (79)
Brighton, England, Britain, London (81)
Britain, England, Scotland (82)
Exmoor, Bristol, British Isles, Wales, London, Loch Ness, Isle of Skye, Isle of Mann, Pantllefrith, Glastonbury, England, Northern Ireland, Somerset, Salisbury, English Channel, Greenwich (83)
England, East End (84)
Britain (85)
England, Kew Gardens (86)
Britain, London, Ireland, United Kingdom, England (87)
Manchester, London, England, Scotland, Britain (88)
Outside UK:
Denmark, Luxembourg, Bermuda, Liechtenstein, Saudi Arabia, mainland China, South Africa, Switzerland, Krakow (1)
Elsinore, Denmark, Atlanta (GA), China, America (2)
Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, Kowloon (3)
Hong Kong, Denmark, Scandinavia, Ireland, France, Benelux, Germany (4)
Denmark, Luxembourg, Albania, Djibouti, Tibet, Hong Kong (5)
Hong Kong, Tahiti, China, Japan, Guyenne, France, North Pole, Damascus (6)
Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Bulgaria, Kowloon, Hawai'i, Arctic, Denmark (7)
Elsinore, Italy, Hong Kong, Bora Bora (8)
Australia, America, Rocky Mountains (9)
Switzerland, Portugal, Liechtenstein, Cayman Islands, Barbados, Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Arabia, Brazil, South Africa, America, Mediterranean Sea, Monte Carlo, New Orleans (LA), Charleston (SC), Newport (RI), Pernambuco (Brazil), Paraguay, Ireland, Sainte-Domingue (Haiti), Old Calabar (Nigeria), Greece, Hollywood (CA), India (10)
Russia, Siberia, Denmark, America, Egypt (11)
Denmark/Hafnia, Elsinore, Normandy, Brittany (12)
Bulgaria (13)
China, Hong Kong (14)
Morocco, Bavaria, Australia, Denmark/Hafnia, Elsinore (15)
America, Hong Kong, Sainte-Domingue (Haiti), Old Calabar (Nigeria), Africa, Minas Gerais (Brazil), New Orleans (LA), Charleston (SC), Newport (RI), Egypt, France, Lyons, China, Papua, Greece (16)
Greece, Hong Kong (17)
Hong Kong, India, Denmark, New York City, China (18)
Hong Kong, Germany, France, Europe, America, Greece (19)
Scandinavia, Spain, Asia, China, Hong Kong, Spitsbergen, North Pole, America (20)
Elsinore (21)
Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Poland, America (22)
China, Gulf of Chihli (Po Hai), Verdun, Denmark, Australia (23)
France, Denmark, China, Wagga Wagga (Australia), Reims (24)
Denmark, France, Russia, Elsinore (25)
Australia, Reims, France, Europe, America, Denmark (26)
Jamaica, Sweden, France (27)
Singapore, Asia, Middle East, Horn of Africa, Falklands, Argentina, Ottawa (Canada), France, Alps, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Australia (28)
Italy, France, Elsinore, America, Denmark, Amsterdam, Orient, Australia, Paris (29)
Australia, Turkey, Antalya, Elsinore, Reims, Tibet (30)
Tibet, Himalayas, China, India, Sydney (Australia), Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, St. Moritz (Switzerland), Costa del Sol (Spain), Sun City (South Africa), Las Vegas (NV), Acapulco (Mexico), Queenstown (New Zealand), Australia, New South Wales, Italy, Hong Kong (31)
Europe, China, Arabia, Texas, Australia, Sydney, Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory, America, Russia (32)
Asia, Russia, Himalayas, Princeton (NJ), France, Périgord (33)
Périgord, France, China, Reims (34)
Egypt, Hong Kong, North Africa, Ireland (35)
France, America, Russia, Siberia (36)
Petra, Cappadocia, Hawaii, Denmark (37)
Reims (38)
France, America (39)
West Africa, Timbuktu, France, Australia, Denmark, China, Shandong, Egypt, Kashmir, Abyssinia (Ethiopia) (40)
America, China, Hong Kong (41)
China, America, Russia, Hong Kong, South Seas (42)
China (43)
Canton, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Far East, Australia (44)
Australia, Singapore, Russia, Bulgaria, Berlin, Germany, New World, Old World (45)
Montana, Hong Kong, Kashmir, Bulgaria (46)
Elsinore, the Continent, Polynesia, Pacific Basin, France, La Manche (English Channel), Germany, Russia, Balkans, Vilnius (Lithuania), Petra, Aegean, Hawaii, Honopu, Kauai, Moloka'i, Hong Kong (47)
Paducah, Kentucky (48)
Australia, Hong Kong, Greece (49)
Reims, America, Greece, Troy, France, Japan (50)
Tindhólmur (island in Faroes), Faroe Islands, China (51)
France, Pyrenees, Mediterranean, Monte Carlo, Monaco (52)
Monte Carlo, Jamaica (53)
Rome, Reims, America, Grand Canyon (54)
Elsinore, Havana (Cuba), Italy, Monte Carlo, Europe, the Continent, Lorraine, China, Shenzhen, Macau (55)
America, France, Norway, Reims, Australia (56)
India, Lithuania, Reims, Spain, Damascus, Vatican City, France, Greece, Venice (57)
China, Vatican City, Cyprus, Rome, Kashmir (58)
China, France, Elsinore, Finland, Czech Republic (59)
Budapest, France, Germany, Walachia, China, West Africa, Portugal, Patagonia, Switzerland, Oberbayern, Bavaria, America, Spain, Seville, Delta del Tigre, Uruguay, South America (60)
Morocco, China, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, Montreaux, Lake Geneva, Ireland (61)
Central Europe, Augsburg, Germany, Bavaria (62)
China, Romania, Vienna, ReykjavÃk (Iceland), Latvia, New Zealand (Aotearoa), Hawai'i, South America, Jerusalem (63)
French Riviera, Greece, France, Egypt, Arabia, Germany, Malta, Famagusta, Crete, Petra (64)
Reims, Hong Kong, Europe, China, New Zealand (65)
China, Algeria, Bermuda, Zaire, Babylonia, New Guinea, Yukon, Cappadocia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Rome, Hawai'i (66)
China, Rome (67)
Tibet, China, Kashmir, Lodi (Italy) (68)
China, Tabriz (Iran), Japan (69)
Monte Carlo, Rome, Vatican City, Reims, Greece, Mediterranean Sea, Famagusta, Cyprus, China, Amsterdam, Denmark (70)
Hong Kong (71)
Spain, China, Greece, Elsinore, Australia (72)
Germany, Bavaria, China (73)
Sicily, China, Shenzhen, Macau, France, Australia, New Zealand, British Columbia, Fiji, Somalia, Uganda, Coober Pedy (Australia), Spain, America, Norway (74)
Peru, Turkey, Europe, East Asia, South Asia, Tibet, Central Asia, Transoxiana, Serindia (Sinkiang), Khorasan (75)
France, Aquitaine, Ile de France, Normandie, Bretagne, Reims, Pacific Basin (76)
France, Paris, Reims, Europe, Polynesia, Hawaii, French Riviera, Hong Kong, China, Kashmir (77)
France, Vatican City, Indonesia, Texas, Mexico, Japan, Killarney (Ireland), China, New Zealand, Savoy (78)
Japan, Bavaria, Kashmir (79)
Australia, Perth, Chaldea, Bavaria, Illyria, France, Majorca, Europe (80)
Dodecanese Islands, Bavaria, France, Germany, Babylonia, Persia, Israel, Munich, Uganda, Western Europe, Paris, America (81)
Ukraine, France, Jamaica, Africa, Limoges (France), Bavaria, Bulgaria, Ambazac (France), Burgundy, Lorraine, China (82)
France, Rouen (83)
Bulgaria, France, Brussels, Brazil, Peru, British Columbia, Comox (British Columbia), Braga (Portugal), Prague, Denmark, Armenia, Australia (84)
Bulgaria, India, Central Asia, Maghreb, Bouvet Island (85)
Canossa (Italy), Antarctica, Peru, Greece, Europe (86)
Ireland, Japan, Bulgaria, Madagascar, Mozambique, France, Rome, Avignon, France, Limoges, Coober Pedy (Australia), Australia, Melbourne, Polynesia, Hawai'i, Kauai (HI), Honopu (HI), Canada, Vancouver (BC), Honolulu (HI), Easter Island, Johannesburg, South Africa, Madrid, Dakar, Senegal, Spain, Barcelona, Dublin, Djakarta, Delhi, Zaragoza, Gaborone, Botswana, Witwatersrand, Kimberley, Bavaria (87)
Hawai'i, Chile, Hong Kong, Canada, Vancouver (BC), Greenland, Perth, Australia, Hudson's Bay, Seattle (WA), America, Honolulu (HI), Polynesia, Kauai (HI), Levant, Persia, Arizona, Waianae Range (HI), Oahu (HI), Europe, Portugal, Pacific Basin, France, Tahiti, New Caledonia, Japan, Kalalau Valley (HI), Kīkīaola (HI), New Zealand (Aotearoa), Hanalei (HI), Philippines, Big Island (HI), Lihue (HI), Bermuda, United States, America, Minneapolis (MN), Invercargill (NZ), Minnesota (88)
Fifth Element Muggle Things
17th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (22)
55-gallon drum (52)
420 (reference to marijuana) (27)
999 - British equivalent of 911 (39)
A23 - major British road to Brighton (15)
A103 - road near Stonehenge (67)
A list - high school honors (20)
Abdominal aorta (69)
Accommodation address - secret address (44)
Advance Medical Directive and Enduring Power of Attorney - living will (39, 40, 41, 42, 85)
Ærogel (35, 80)
African Queen (movie) (50)
Agincourt - battle (23)
AIDS (26, 36, 82)
Air Canada (87, 88)
Air-guitar (87)
Ajax - Sophocles play (64)
Aladdin (movie) (27)
Albert Hall (24, 25)
Algol (variable star) (43)
Alhambra (49)
Allies (60)
Allt a Mhuilinn - Scottish valley (33, 36, 51, 70)
Alnwick Castle (63)
Aloha shirt (88)
Alpenbairisch - language (81)
Altavista (41)
Aluco tawny - type of owl - Athena (16, 80)
Amau fern (25)
Ammonia solution - ingredient in Snape's love potion (58)
Amoco Cadiz - supertanker that wrecked fouling French beaches (85)
Andromeda Galaxy - M31 (43)
Anglican Church (26)
Angostura (64)
Ann Summer - lingerie (52)
Antigone - Sophocles play (64)
Aotearoa - Maori for New Zealand (63, 88)
Aprila Atlantic - Eliza's motorbike, sky blue (9, 13, 16)
Aqua vitae (34)
Arabic (52)
Aramaic (ancient language) (70)
Arbela - battle (23)
Argon (44)
Arizona Memorial (88)
Armani (17, 18)
Arsenic (73)
Artichoke hearts (16)
Asparagus tips (18)
Athena (55)
Averted vision (42)
Auriga - constellation (57)
Autocue (teleprompter) (26, 56)
Autopen (18)
B747-400ER (airliner) (28, 66)
Baby back ribs (78)
Bäckenalm - Bavarian mountain range (73, 81)
Bagpipes (56)
Bale hook - agricultural device (31)
Bank of England (6, 13, 52, 66, 88)
Barbie doll (67)
Baseball (9, 88)
Basil Street (London street adjacent to Harrods) (81)
Bastille (59)
Battle of Anghiari - missing da Vinci painting (71, 84)
Battle of Cascina - missing Michelangelo painting (71)
BBC (“Beeb”) (2)
BBC Four Cinema (20)
BDA Dental Advisory Group (32, 65, 78)
Beach naupaka (88)
Beachside Blast (Frutopia flavor) (88)
Beachy Head (cliffs of Dover) (69)
Bearer draft - payable to whomever presents it (44)
Beatles (6, 42, 50, 57, 61)
Beeb (BBC) (16)
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Ode to Joy) (10)
Belgrave Square (21)
Ben Nevis - Scottish mountain (33, 35, 36)
Bentley - auto (39)
Bermuda shorts (88)
Bermuda Triangle (66)
Betadine (24)
Bible (26)
Big Ben (20, 26, 68)
Bill of Attainder (88)
Bird of paradise flower (66)
Biro (25)
Black Diamond of Périgord - a truffle (33)
Black-eyed peas (78)
Black Heath (24, 25)
Black (Black's) powder (19)
Black Sabbath (rock group) (61)
Blackberry coffee creams - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Blackfriars Bridge (1)
The Blitz (28, 29, 38, 44, 72)
Blue morpho butterfly (iridescent blue tropical insect) (84)
Blues - seconal (29)
Bluestone (aka dolerite) - rock structures at Stonehenge (68)
BMW - auto (39)
Boeuf bourguignon (78)
Bomb shelter (71)
Book of Gates - Egyptian funerary, knowledge obtained from Druids (35)
Borg - Star Trek (19, 29)
Borgia Popes (81)
Bose-Einstein condensate (55, 61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 85, 86)
Botticino limestone (25)
Bourg Lachamps Chardonnay - award winning wine (47)
Bowling alley (18)
Brazilian wax (84)
Breathplay - sexual activity involving partial strangulation (63)
Bride of Frankenstein (57)
Bridges of Madison County - movie (20)
Bristol Channel (83)
British Airways (28)
British Library (9, 11)
British Museum (60)
British National Formulary (32)
Brompton Road (16)
Brown paper packing tape (80)
Brown University (RI) (16)
Bubblegum (88)
Buching - small Bavarian town (73)
Budvar - brand of European beer (59)
Burdizzo - castration device (31, 33)
Cadbury Chocolate Company - has a wizard division (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 24, 47, 57)
Cadmium (73, 81)
Cadogan Place (3, 17)
Cairn Gorm - Scottish mountain (60)
Calcium supplements (70, 73, 75, 76, 79)
Caledonian Road (London Tube stop) (65)
Cambridge University (16)
Camelot (74)
Caernarvon Castle (74)
Caprice chocolate ice - British popsicle (9)
Carbolic acid (32)
Carbon 14 ratio (81)
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (36)
Carn Mor Dearg - Scottish mountain (33)
Carotid artery (31)
Cat's eye (75)
Cathay-Pacific Airline (6)
CD player (15)
Cecil and Claude (British radio characters) (25)
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams - clearing house for discoveries of new, transient astronomical items (43)
Central nervous system (55)
Cerebrospinal fluid (68)
Chalcedony (60)
Chambered nautilus (17, 64, 66, 83)
Charge-coupled device (26)
Château Frontenac (63)
Chemotherapy (82)
Chequers - country house of British Prime Minister (10, 39, 73, 82)
Cherries vermicelli (75)
Chevrolet (88)
Chinese New Year (58, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 82)
Chocolate parfait mousse pie (16)
Civil Defence (28)
Clash (6)
Clifford Chance - Muggle law firm (63)
Club Med (47)
Coal Sack - dark nebula (43)
Coca Cola (47)
Cocaine (45)
Cockerels - rooster, a French national symbol (77)
Cocoa cashews - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Coesite - mineral formed under intense heat and pressure (36)
Colgate-Palmolive (32)
Collard greens (78)
Column inch - measure of size of newspaper story (51)
Comet C/1996S1 - Granger-Shoemaker (57)
Comet Hale-Bopp (43)
Comet Kopff (43)
Communism (45)
Confucianism (29)
Commonwealth Dental Association (7)
Concours Gold Medal - wine award (47)
Confession of Judgment (20, 51)
Conservative (Tory) Party (52, 78)
Control rod (56)
Cornish pasty (38)
Cosmological constant (55)
Counter-Reformation (26)
County Hall Island Block - location of Testing Authority (44, 83)
Crème brulée (84)
Crimean War (22)
Criminal Procedure & Investigation Act (62)
Crown Prosecution Service (32)
Crusades (58)
C-string (66)
Cubital vein (37)
Curia (Catholic hierarchy) (70)
Cypriot Templars (58, 70)
Dada poetry (31)
Daguerreotype (55)
Daily Mail (London newspaper) (10)
Dark energy (55)
Dark matter (55)
David and Goliath myth (52)
Declaration of Independence (8)
Declaration of the Rights of Man (8)
Degrees of freedom (maximum six) (71)
Demand curve - economic concept (77)
Dewey decimal system (42)
Differential diagnosis (40)
Dirty Harry - movie (31)
Disney World (5)
District line - underground line (16)
DNA (33, 49)
DNA helicase (53)
D-Notice - government request to suppress a news story (78)
Doctor Who (television show) (2)
Dolce & Gabbana - brand of suit Harry bought at Harrods (16)
Dopamine (88)
Double boiler (76)
Double-waterfall braids (88)
Dracula (7)
Drake Equation - concerning extraterrestrial life (55)
Dreadlocks (88)
Drkoop.com (venture capital candidate) (81)
Druids (24, 25, 33, 35, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 86, 87, 88)
Dry ice (44)
Dunreath - Opus Dei facility (58)
Durable medical equipment (87)
Dust devil (23)
The Eagle has landed (Apollo 11 announcement) (66)
Earls Court and Olympia - London convention center (60)
Edamame (78)
Eid (Muslim holiday) (58)
Eiffel Tower (69)
Electra - Sophocles play (64)
Electrical fence (68)
Electric shaver (17, 29, 30, 33)
Electroencephalograph (40)
Electromagnet (68)
Ellesmere Circle - commercial area near Manchester (62)
Elmina Castle (Ghana) (10, 16)
Endorphins (51, 87, 88)
Engineering and Mining Journal (87)
The English Patient - 1996 movie (16)
Enigma (WWII code-breaking project) (23)
Erinsborough (fictional Australian location) (87)
Eurasian owl (Viktor's) (83)
European swallow (65)
European Union (32, 39, 60)
Eurostar - chunnel train (29)
Eurovision (57)
Euston Station (9)
Everlast (brand of boxing equipment) (19)
Exodus 22:18 - “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” (87)
Ex parte cease and desist order - temporary restraining order (42)
Ex parte writ of debt (83)
Falklands War (28)
Fantasia (Disney movie) (10)
Farsi (52)
Far Side (comic strip) (77)
Farmer's reducer (potassium ferricyanide) - used in invisible ink (40, 41, 62, 67, 88)
Fee taile/Fee taile special - archaic real estate status (20)
Femoral artery (69)
Femoral vein (69)
Feng shui (23, 41)
Fibonacci numbers (55)
Filial piety (xiao jing) (29, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 82)
Filet mignon (18)
Financial Times - British newspaper (32)
Fingerprints (58)
Finnan haddie (66)
Fireman's carry - means of moving someone (68)
First Fleet - to settle Australia (29)
First Scottish War of Independence (33)
Fish maw - swimming bladder in fish (71)
Fleet Street - British press (39, 44)
Football (19, 88)
Foot binding (63)
Force de frappe - French independent nuclear strike force (81)
Forward observation officer - artillery spotter (87)
French arts (oral sex) (27)
French Kilner jar (59)
French onion soup (16)
French Resistance (WWII) (26, 82)
French Revolution (50)
French tickler (26)
Fried chicken (78)
Frimley Park Hospital (24)
Frisbee (10, 15)
Fruitopia (88)
Full Monty - movie (33)
Fury RP (cue stick) (18)
Galena (lead ore) (81)
Gallipoli - battle (23)
Gangrene (69)
Gator's Gym - where Dudley works out (2, 3, 19, 20, 23, 26, 71)
Gecko (88)
Geiselstein - Bavarian mountain (73, 81)
General Certificates (20)
G-forces (68)
Ghillie brogues (56)
Gilbert & Sullivan (28)
Glacial erratic (35)
Glastonbury hawthorn (66)
Glastonbury Tor (66)
Glengarry bonnet (56)
Glow worm (60, 73, 74)
Gluonic plasma (36)
Gobi masala (Indian food) (78)
The Godfather (movie) (84)
Godiva - candymaker (77)
Golden Iris (fleur-de-lis oriflam) (26)
Golden Mean/Golden Ration (83, 87)
Gone with the Wind (movie) (52)
Good delivery bars - gold ingot tested for purity (60)
Google (venture capital candidate) (81)
Gordon Ramsay - fancy restaurant(16, 25)
GPS system (14)
The Graduate (movie) (81)
Grand Canyon (54)
Grave wax (29)
Great black shag (35, 83)
Greater London Junior Novice Marquess of Queensberry championship - Dudley's tournament (19)
Great Fire of London - 1666 (29)
Great Mortality - the Black Death (bubonic plague) (60, 63)
Green Absinthe - used in healing (37)
Green tea (78)
Grim's (Grime's) Graves - ancient mine (52)
Grits (78)
Grove Bard - Druid priest (25)
Grove Seer - Druid priest (25)
Guava (88)
Gucci (16)
Gum arabic (35)
Gunpowder Plot (10)
Gus Kuhn Norton - brand of Sirius' motorbike (14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 64, 67)
Hamlet (Shakespeare) (86)
Hardtack (68)
Hare Krishnas (41)
Harpy eagle (82)
Harrier (jump jet fighter) (28)
Harris Tweed (29)
Harrods - department store (16, 22, 81)
Harvard School of Dental Medicine - Hermione's father's alma mater (16, 32)
Hawaiian shirt (37)
Heathrow Airport (28, 29, 31, 66, 87, 88)
Heavy water (71)
Helium (44, 55, 58, 61, 67)
Henry V (Shakespeare play) (29)
High Force (waterfall) (57)
Hijab (40)
Holloway Road (London) (65)
Holy Grail (62, 66, 70)
Holy Roman Empire (81)
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (44)
Honopu Valley (Valley of the Lost Tribes) (47, 87, 88)
Hope-Under-Dinmore - location of Gaunt property (77)
Hopi (Indian tribe) (55)
Hoplite (ancient Greek soldier) (57)
House of Commons (66)
Houses of Parliament (26)
Rafer Hoxworth - ship captain character in “Hawai'i” (13, 66)
Hoyo de Monterrey - premium Cuban cigars (55)
Hudson News (common airport shop) (88)
Huis Clos - Sartre play (53)
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Hawaiian fish) (47)
Hundred Years War (19, 60)
Hyde Park (21, 22)
Hydrangea (88)
Hydrofluoric acid (87)
Hydrogen peroxide (12)
HypaCool (athletic cooling pad) (79)
Hyssop (61)
IMAX cinema (66)
Immelman turn (12, 79)
Independence Day - 1996 movie (10, 16)
Inferior vena cava (69)
Influenza epidemic of 1918 (74)
Inland Revenue - British domestic taxation department (70)
In loco parentis - Muggle for acting as a parent (60)
Interflora (88)
International Association of Exorcists (87)
International Red Cross (60)
Internet (3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 26, 35, 39, 41, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 66, 70, 74, 78, 88)
In terrorem clause - disinherits anyone who challenges a will (51)
Iocane - fictional Muggle poison (62)
Iridium (60)
Irish Free State (10)
Irk (river) (39)
Irn Bru - British soft drink (9)
Ispir Gorge (66)
IV push (37)
Jacuzzi (81)
Jesuits (26)
Jetway (88)
Jimsonweed (25)
Jo'burg International Airport (87)
Joint (marijuana cigarette) (27)
Jubilee train - Underground line (16)
Jumbotron (32)
Juno (asteroid) (43)
Kachina doll (55)
Kalua pig (88)
Kamakaze (84)
Kaolin (81)
Karaoke (50)
Keema (Indian ground beef) (78)
Keema mutter (Indian food) (78)
Keema samosa (Indian food) (78)
Keltoi - ancient Celtic language (33, 39, 64, 67, 68, 69, 80, 86)
Kew (Royal Botanical) Gardens (23, 27, 86)
Killiechonate Castle - one of Voldemort's headquarters (33, 36, 38, 45, 51, 71)
Kimono (88)
Kings College Hospital (28)
Knickerbox - lingerie (52)
Koi - goldfish (25)
Kool-Aid (59)
Ko`olau and Pi`ilani - Muggle story about lepers in Hawai'i (7)
Koori - Australian aborigine tribe (40)
Lady Deathstrike (comic book character, porno nickname for Cho (29)
LAN Chile (88)
Landmines (20)
Lapis lazuli (35, 60, 73)
Lateran Museum (66)
Latex (72)
Lava lamp (55)
Law of Entails - archaic real property arrangements (20, 50, 51)
“The Lawsuit” (legal cartoon) (20)
Leatherman Award, by the British Society of Dental Hygiene & Therapy - won by Hermione's mother (16)
Le Bourget - French airfield (79)
Legos (10)
Lei (68)
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (movie) (23)
Letters of marque and reprisal - certificates that legalized piracy on enemy shipping in times of war (10)
Lexus - Eliza rented a silver one (15, 16)
Lilikoi (passion fruit) (53, 88)
Limbic system - possible seat of magic (42)
Limehouse Reach (28)
Limonade (drink) (57, 59)
Links of London - jewelry store (19)
Liquid helium (61)
Lis pendens (27, 54)
Little Whinging Apothecary (31)
Loadstone - ingredient for Snape's love potion (58)
Lobster tortellini (16)
Lolita doll (23)
London Eye - Ferris wheel (29)
London Fire Brigade (70)
Longwall roof support - mining scaffolding (81)
Louis XIII cognac (expensive) (27)
Lucozade - British equivalent of Gatorade (9)
M1 - major British roadway north from London (26)
M25 - major British roadway circling London (15, 28)
Mackintosh (mac) - raincoat (31)
Madame Butterfly (68)
Mad cow disease (36, 47)
Magna Carta (has magical codicil) (8)
Magnetite (88)
Maitre d' (16)
Major Oak (26)
Mallet's mortar - largest caliber cannon ever built (85)
Manchester United - football team (9, 13, 30)
Mandala - round Hindu or Buddhist religious drawing (65)
Maori - native New Zealanders (63)
Marathon Man - movie (88)
Marianne - French national symbol (40)
Marijuana (27, 44)
Martini (39)
Massive retaliation - nuclear deterrence strategy (81)
May Day (78)
May & Slaughter (law firm) (26)
McDonalds (22)
Meeting for Worship (25)
Melba toast (82)
Menehune Ditch - historic site on Kauai south shore (88)
Mercedes (15)
Mersenne primes (55)
Methamphetamine (39)
Meteoric iron (35, 54)
MI-5 - secret service (39)
Mickey Mouse (10)
Miguel's Boxing Club (19)
Miko - Japanese temple virgins (69)
Milky Way (9)
Mini-Hoover (hand held vacuum cleaner) (26, 27)
Mint white chocolate bark - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Miso soup (Japanese food) (78, 79)
Möbius strip (57, 71)
Mochi (78, 88)
Moldboard shin - agricultural device (31)
Molotov cocktail (26)
Molybdenum (81)
Mona Lisa (21)
Monte Python and the Holy Grail (movie) (62, 66)
Mongoose (88)
Mosaic Law - 40 lashes (33)
Moshing (22)
Motor (driving) insurance (13)
Mountain Master - triad office (67, 70)
Mountains of the Moon (66)
Multiplicative property of equality (55)
Murex - shell (88)
Murri - Australian aborigine tribe (40)
Muslim (59)
Muttertag (German Mothers' Day) (79)
Muumuu (88)
Na Pali - the northern shore of Kauai, featuring steep cliffs (88)
NASDAQ (52, 81)
National Health Service (NHS) (16, 18, 32, 39, 53, 80)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (81)
Nature (magazine) (18)
Navier-Stokes equations - for fluid dynamics (55)
Nazis (26, 38, 60, 63, 73, 79, 80, 81, 87)
Neoprene (52)
Neuschwanstein Castle (Schloss) (81, 88)
Neutron polarity (Dr. Who reference) (75)
New Labour (78)
New Scotland Yard (32, 39, 58, 60, 62, 73, 87)
Nitrous oxide (49)
Nirvana (20, 27, 72)
Noble Eight-Fold Path - Buddhist (20)
Norman Conquest (62)
Norsemen (74)
Nuclear power (5, 55, 56)
Occam's razor (72)
Oedipus Colonus - Sophocles play (64)
Oedipus the King - Sophocles play (64)
Onyx (88)
Oracle Bones - ancient Chinese script (67, 70)
Oxytocin - hormone and ingredient in Snape's love potion (40, 58, 60)
Old English (33)
Olympic games (59)
“One Million Years BC” (movie) (57)
Onigiri (78)
Onion - website - Harry and Hermione give it to Luna (66, 67, 73, 78)
Opuntia (Barbary fig) (19)
Orangina (45)
Order of the Coif (legal society) (20)
Orion nebula - M42 (43)
Oscilloscope (40)
Oxford Street (London) (65)
Oxford University (29)
Paddington Station - London Tube stop (65)
Pakeha - white people (Maori language) (63)
Paleolithic Age (57)
Palimpsest (67)
Pandamus fruit (88)
Papuan Hawk Owl - exotic owl (16)
Papyrus (64)
Parliament buildings (9, 10)
Patchouli oil (62)
Pâté de foie gras (47)
Pavlova (53, 66, 78)
Pearl Harbor (88)
Mrs. Peel - TV character (49)
Pembroke table (47)
Pemmican (68)
Pentium Pro (23)
Peppermint (60)
Peppermint pigs (76)
Perseid meteor shower (26)
Perseus - constellation (57)
Pets.com (venture capital candidate) (81)
Peygros Forest - in France, near Beauxbatons (76)
Peyronie's disease (71)
Pheromones (53)
Phosphine (17)
Photo album (Hermione's) (18)
Picts (33, 35)
Pinacoteca (Vatican art museum) (70)
Pinocchio (22)
Planisphere - specialized astronomical chart (43)
Plantagenet (early English dynasty) (15)
Platypus - Luna's patronus (44)
Plumeria (88)
Polar coordinates (72, 83, 87)
Polaris - North Star (35)
Polaroid - camera (19)
Polystyrene (86, 87)
Polyurethane - plastic foam (77)
Polywater - scientific fraud converted to magic (71)
Pool table (18, 66, 79)
The Pope (58, 70, 78)
Mary Poppins (7)
Pork tempura (Japanese food) (78)
Portuguese black bean soup (88)
Postal voting (78)
Potatoes Lyonnais (16)
Poydras Street (New Orleans) (10)
Pratt & Whitney (28)
Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God (Opus Dei) (26, 58, 87)
Prêt à Manger - European fast food chain (66)
Prime Meridian (83)
Primo - Hawaiian beer (88)
Prions (47)
Profumo/Keeler scandal (27)
Punji stakes (23)
Quakers (25)
QWERTY - typing keyboard (33)
Quarterstaff - fighting technique (30, 49)
Queen Scouts - British boy scouts (35)
Question Time - in Parliament (39)
Quetzalcoatlus - flying reptile (36, 68, 86)
Radar (66)
Radium (65, 85, 86)
Railroad spike (68)
Rainbow party (25)
Range Rover - auto (39)
Rapid eye movement (37)
Raspberry cream filled truffles - Muggle candy that Daphne gave Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Raspberry panna cotta (18)
Reduplication of malediction - religious punishment (58)
Regent Street (London) (65)
Cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Reims (24, 26)
Remembrance Day (22)
Renaissance (55, 81)
Riddler (someone who turns ripening Champagne bottles) (67)
Right of publicity (78)
Ring Nebula - M57 (43)
Riverdance (22)
Robert Dyas - UK retail store (70)
Rockport - shoe manufacturer (9)
Rocky Mountain oysters (9, 11)
Rogan josh (Indian food) (78)
Rohypnol (roofie) - date rape drug (87)
Rolex (6)
Rolling Stones (6, 61)
Rolls Royce (15, 16, 67)
Roman Catholic Church (26, 58, 65, 70, 73, 78, 87)
Roman conquest (of Britain) (63, 67, 74)
Romance language (33)
Romeo & Juliet (50)
Rosetta Stone (70)
Rotary tiller - agricultural device (31)
Rough Guide for Southeastern England - travel guide (66)
Rounders (similar to baseball) (88)
Royal African Company (10)
Royal Air Force (12)
Royal Army (25)
Royal Artillery Memorial (Hyde Park) (21)
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew Gardens) (16, 20)
Royal Mail (18)
Royal Philharmonic (24, 25)
SAA (South African Airways) (87)
Saddle billet (86)
Saguaro cactus (55)
St. Andrews Day (72)
St. Elmo's fire (68)
St. George dragons - heraldry of England (6)
St. Paul's cathedral (9)
Salisbury Plain (25, 67, 70)
Salisbury steaks (79)
Samuel's - large British jewelry store (60)
Sandringham - royal summer palace (10, 16)
San Juan class (submarine) (56)
Santa Claus (6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21)
Santorum - byproduct of anal sex (79)
Sarsen stone (69)
Sashimi (78)
Saville Row (16)
Sawed-off shotgun (31, 34, 35)
Saxons (62, 78)
Scarifier shank - agricultural device (31)
Scuba gear (13)
Seiche (French cuttlefish) (82)
Selenomethionine (82)
Serious Fraud Office (62, 65)
Serpentine (in Hyde Park) (21, 46, 47)
Setem of Seshat - priests of the Egyptian goddess Seshat (35)
Shangri-la Hotel (Hong Kong) - where Grangers stayed in Hong Kong (3, 4, 6, 7)
Shelter in place (37, 76)
Sherwood Forest (26)
Sherwood Forest Country Park (26)
Shiva - Hindu god (22, 57)
Shoah (Holocaust) (60, 63, 73, 81)
Shoahgelt - gold stolen by Nazis during the Holocaust (73)
Sicilian Defence - chess strategy (74)
Sickle-board mower - agricultural device (31)
Silver nitrate (82)
Silver Spur - type of Rolls Royce used on the night of the Ashrak (16, 26)
Silver sulfadiazine (82)
Simon Wiesenthal Center (87)
SING - female self defense (30)
Sinsemilla - seedless marijuana (27)
Sisyphus - Greek myth (29)
Sit shiva (41)
Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 (66)
Sleeping Beauty (46)
Sod's (Murphy's) Law (71, 79, 81, 88)
Solicitors' Overseas Practice Rules - governing entitlement to practice outside England and Wales (43)
Somme (WWI battle) (68)
Sonic hedgehog - gene named after Sega game character (74)
Sotheby's (66)
Spam (88)
Spanish Armada (6, 10)
Spanish Inquisition (72)
Special Air Services, 21st Regiment - British commando unit (39)
Speedo swimsuit (13, 41, 42, 43, 71)
Spencer/Marlborough family (81)
Spinach soufflé (18)
Spindrift - sea spray (69)
Sprite Z (45)
Star Chamber - secret legal proceedings (10)
Star of David (63)
Star Wars (11)
Stinging nettle (29)
Stishovite - mineral formed under intense heat and pressure (36)
Stonhenge (35, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88)
Stone Roses - British rock band (22)
Storm on the Sea of Galilee - lost painting by Rembrandt (71)
STP - fuel additive (52)
Strawberry guava (88)
String theory (82)
Strontium (81)
Stuka - airplane (31)
Subpoena ad testificandum (19)
Sumba Boobook - exotic owl (16)
Summerland - Druid afterlife (25)
Summer Triangle - bright star formation in summer sky, consisting of the stars Vega, Altair and Deneb (9, 43)
Superposition - being in two places at once, happens on a quantum scale in real life (9)
Surfactants - chemicals that solidify plastic foam (77)
Sushi (78)
Swastika (60, 61, 81)
Swatchmobile - tiny car (another name for “Smart Car”) (84)
Swedish meatballs (27)
Swiss National Bank (60)
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis (81)
Syzygy Technologies (venture capital candidate) (81)
Tagalog (Philippines language) (88)
Takfir (Arabic term for accusing of apostasy) 58
Takoyaki (Japanese food) (79)
Tandoori chicken (Indian food) (78)
Tarot (45)
Tech Duinn - Druid house of the dead (25)
Tempura (Japanese food) (78)
Tenancy by the entireties - husband/wife property interest (60)
Ten-pee (pence) coin - 73
Tenth Legion (of Julius Caesar) (48)
Teriyaki (Japanese food) (78)
Terminator (movie) (82)
Tetrachloromethane (60)
Tex-Mex food (78)
TGV (French train) (24)
Thames (14)
Thirty Years War (19)
Tianhuang stone chop (23, 65)
Tiffany lamp (18)
Times of London (29)
Tinnitus - ringing in the ears (70)
Titan (moon of Saturn) (43)
Titanic (movie) (50)
Titanic (ship) (23, 50)
Tofu (78)
Topology (61)
Tonic/clonic seizure (37)
Toshiba laptop (23, 29, 30, 55, 63, 84, 87)
Tourist helicopter (88)
Tourmaline (gem) (57)
Tourniquet (37)
Tower Bridge (14)
Trafalgar Square (17)
Trainspotting (32)
Transference (53)
Transistor (56)
Treblinka - Nazi death camp (60, 63)
Triangulum Galaxy - M33 (43)
Trilithon - at Stonehenge (68)
Triton shell (88)
True Confessions (46)
True Cross (66)
Tufnell Park Tube stop (London) (65)
Tunguska explosion 1908 (36)
Turbo-beater (egg beater) (85)
Turkic (75)
Turkish Delight -Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Turnback Canyon (66)
Twelfth Night (18)
U-2 (rock group) (61)
Uluru (Ayers Rock) (66)
Unagi (Japanese food) (79)
Uncertainty Principle - concept that, on a sub-atomic level, it is not possible to know both position and direction with absolute accuracy (9)
Underground (Tube) - London subway system (9, 16, 17, 21, 23)
Under/over shotgun (24)
Underwood typewriter (30)
Union Bank (60)
Union Flag (13, 22, 25)
United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals (UMDS) - Hermione's mother's alma mater (16)
Universal gravitational equation (55)
Universal resource locator (“URL”) (55)
Universal Sufi (40, 64)
Uriah Heep - rock band (22)
Urushiol oil - poison ivy extract (33)
VandeGraaff generator (36)
Varangian - designation of Durmstrang (28)
Vega (35)
Vehicular Assembly Building - NASA (54, 74)
Venetian Mask (57)
Ventilation hood (82)
Versace (57)
Vichyssoise (78)
Victoria Cross (22)
Victoria's Secret (3, 52)
Vidalia onions (64)
Viennese waltz (63)
Viking helmet (66)
Vikings (33)
Villa Marlier - Nazi manor house near Berlin (45)
Vinegaroon (85)
Vuvuzela (85)
Wall Street Journal (32)
Walnut marzipans - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Walpurgis Night (62)
War of the Roses (10)
Warwick Castle (74)
Wasabi (78)
WebMD (52)
Wellies (boots) (27)
Westminster Abbey (6)
Westminster Station - underground station (16)
Wet suit (13)
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot - WTF (“what the fuck”) (44)
White-tailed tropic bird (88)
The Who (61)
Windows 95 (23)
World War I (Great War) (20, 23, 74)
World War II (23, 42, 45, 82)
Writ of habeas corpus (43)
Xistera - jai alai scoop (52, 67)
Y2K (32, 50, 81)
Yahoo (venture capital candidate) (81)
Y chromosome (12)
Yellow Jackets (barbiturates) (29)
Yellow Submarine (movie) (18, 42)
Zero point energy (Casimir force) - energy of empty space, essentially the same as “dark energy” in cosmology; in this fic, magic itself (9, 69)
Zeus (55)
Zinc (81)
Ziploc bag (76)
Zugzwang - chess term for every move being bad (84)
Fifth Element Muggles
Achilles (68)
Aeschylus (64)
St. Afra - early Christian martyr, to a Horcrux (62)
St. Thomas Aquinas (66)
Muhammad ibn Mūs� al-Khw�rizmī - author of al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala (11)
Anaxagoras (64)
Archimedes (66)
Aristotle (11, 64, 65)
King Arthur (Camelot) (66, 74)
Asclepius - Greek demigod of medicine (51, 63, 64)
Atahualpa (22)
Sebastian Bach (18)
Béla Bartók (18)
Basilides - 2nd Century heretic and Gnostic (73, 87)
Bayonetta (fictional) (73)
Venerable Bede (33)
Ludwig von Beethoven (10, 11, 16, 18, 23, 42)
Harry Belafonte (50)
Pat Benetar (50)
Tony Blair (60, 82)
Shimon ben Yohai, author of Sefer ha-Zohar (11)
Anne Boleyn (52)
James Bond (fictional) (52)
Bono (50)
Satyendra Bose - physicist (58)
Camilla Parker Bowles (28)
Johannes Brahms (18, 23, 33)
Claudius Britannicus - Roman emperor who conquered Britain (35)
Peter Brooke - Tory MP for Knightsbridge (65)
Henry Brougham - 19th Century Lord Chancellor (66)
William Bush (airline co-pilot) (28)
Julius Caesar (24, 48, 64, 79)
Will Carling - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Jimmy Carter (18)
Casanova (25)
Cassandra (mythological seer) (73)
Agatha Castelreigh - Hermione's childhood friend (35)
Neville Chamberlain (1)
Prince Charles (current Prince of Wales) (15, 81, 82)
King Charles VII (France) (26)
King Charles X (France) (26)
Winston Churchill (Squib) (8, 23, 26, 73)
Cleopatra (Cliodna of Petra) (47)
Bill Clinton (23)
King Cnut (83)
David Copperfield (8)
Croesus (17)
Oliver Cromwell (15)
Bing Crosby (50)
Aleister Crowley - occultist (52)
Edwina Currie - paramour of PM Major (39)
Salvador Dali (59)
Charles Darwin (73)
Leonardo da Vinci (63, 65, 66, 71, 84)
Madame Defarge (fictional) (51)
Charles deGaulle (81)
Lady/Princess Diana (Hufflepuff 1979) (15, 25, 34, 64, 81, 82, 87)
Celine Dion (57)
Walt Disney (10)
Benjamin D'Israeli (actually wizard) (6, 7, 8, 39)
Sir Francis Drake (6)
Jaime EchevarrÃa (head of Opus Dei) (26, 58, 81)
Adolf Eichmann (63, 73)
Albert Einstein (55, 58)
Queen Elizabeth I (6, 57)
Eratosthenes (64)
M.C. Escher (64)
Euclid (64)
Dodi Fayed (owner of Harrods, lover of Lady Diana) (81)
Atticus Finch (movie character) (50)
Benjamin Franklin (actually wizard) (8, 26, 46)
José Gener - cigar maker (55)
David Lloyd George (18)
St. George (29, 78)
Kahil Gibran (66)
William Gladstone (39)
Al Gore (57)
Edwin O. Granger (Hermione's father, alias Edward Farmer) (3, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 44, 47, 50, 62, 64, 88)
Eva LaFayette-Granger (Hermione's mother) (3, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 56, 88)
Lord Greystroke (Tarzan) (57)
Ken Griffey Jr. (baseball player) (88)
Ken Griffey Sr. (baseball player) (88)
Che Guevara (55)
Queen Guinevere (Camelot) (47, 66)
Gulliver (literary character) (67)
Calouste Gulbenkian - early oil baron (47, 54, 76, 78)
Prince Harry (Henry) (15, 50, 82)
Helen of Troy (47, 50)
King Henry V (50)
King Henry VIII (47)
Katharine Hepburn (50)
James Hewitt - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Shere Hite (20)
Adolph Hitler (42, 45, 63, 73)
Harry Hotspur (fictional) (50)
Harry Houdini (50)
Whitney Houston (81)
Hypatia (64)
Judas Iscariot (actually a wizard) (64, 70)
King James I (10)
Nana Jane (Hermione's grandmother) (88)
Jesus (28, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70)
Ste. Joan of Arc (26, 83)
Elton John (32)
King John (signer of Magna Carta) (8)
Magic Johnson (29)
Joseph of Arimathaea (66)
Hasnat Khan - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Ernst Kaltenbrunner - Nazi seller of gold (60)
Alfred Kinsey (20)
Fritz Kreisler - composer (33)
Marquis de LaFayette (50)
Jean-Baptiste LaMarck (73)
Sir Lancelot (Camelot) (47)
John Lennon (18)
Charles Lindbergh (79)
Johanna Lindsey - romantic novelist (39)
King Louis VIII (France) (26)
(Mad) King Ludwig II (Bavaria) (81)
Bela Lugosi (52)
David Macaulay - author of The Way Things Work (11)
Lachlan Macquarie - Australian founding father (44)
Mary Magdelene (64)
Simon Magus (64)
John Major - British prime minister (36, 39, 52, 60, 78, 82)
Charles Manners-Sutton - 19th Century House Speaker (66)
Mao Tse-dong (3)
Bob Marley (6)
Karl Marx (61)
Mary of Bethany (“Mary Beth”) (64)
Jonathan Mayfair (airline pilot) (28, 45)
John “Muggsy” McGraw (baseball manager) (6)
Menander (64)
Josef Mengele (73)
Michelangelo (63, 71)
Mildred ??? - Glastonberry Muggle (66)
Mohammed (65)
Mordred (Camelot) (47)
Sean Moore - member of MI5 (5)
Mgsr. Morrith (58)
Napoleon Bonaparte (actually wizard) (8, 57, 68)
Stevie Nix (22)
Nostradamus (73)
Thomas Palmer - Australian founding father (44)
Paracelsus (Auroleus Phillipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) - alchemist, physician and author of The Joy of Potions, by (11, 76, 80, 82)
St. Peter (64, 65, 70)
Édith Piaf (53, 82)
Plato (20)
Pliny (64)
Marco Polo (actually a wizard) (5, 30, 31)
Michael Portillo (Tory politician) (78)
Gregory Potemkin (38)
Elvis Presley (52)
Prester John (Muggle myth) (31, 33)
Sergei Prokofiev (24, 25)
Captain Queeg (16)
Rasputin (actually a wizard) (32)
Maurice Ravel (24, 25)
Red Baron (Manfred von Richtofen) (20)
King Richard I (8)
Alex Rodriguez (baseball player) (88)
J.K. Rowling (17)
Erwin Schrödinger - scientist, creator of cat thought experiment in quantum physics (9)
St. Sebastian (66)
William Shakespeare (50, 80, 84)
Eugene Shoemaker - comet hunter (47, 57)
Dmitri Shostakovich (18)
Frank Sinatra (50, 61)
Socrates (61)
Sophocles (64, 67)
??? Spacil - Nazi seller of gold (60)
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie persona (61)
Strabo (64)
Joseph Swenson - Muggle tourist in Hawaii (88)
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (18, 22, 23, 42, 85)
Margaret Thatcher (32, 60, 78)
Apostle Thomas (66)
Uma Thurman (22)
Renata Tebaldi - soprano (84)
Timur (Tamerlane) (75)
Hermes Trismegistos - alchemist and author of The Emerald Tablet (11)
Harry Truman (50)
Barbara Tuchman (actually a witch) - author of Patterns of Darkness & Light: The Magical History of the Twentieth Century (11)
St. Valentine (66)
Vincent Van Gogh (72)
Rembrandt van Rijn (63, 71)
Tibor Varga (Hermione's childhood music instructor) (18)
Giuseppe Verdi (24)
Queen Victoria (23)
Helmuth Von Moltke (75)
Richard Wagner (23)
Thomas (Tommy) Walker - fictional character from “Tommy” (40)
Saint Walpurga (62)
H.G. Wells (45)
Simon Wiesenthal (87)
William Wilberforce (7, 42, 66, 73)
Edwin O. Wilson (3)
Tiger Woods (47)
St. Francis Xavier (66)
William B. Yeats (88)
Fifth Element Muggle Musical References
25 Or 6 To Four (Chicago) (19)
5:15 (Who) (82)
905 (Who) (23)
Acid Queen (Who) (23, 33)
Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Bachman Turner Overdrive) (44)
Ain't Too Proud To Beg (Rolling Stones) (20)
All Things Must Pass (George Harrison) (66)
All Too Much (Beatles) (7, 15, 88)
Amanda (Boston) (75)
Amazing Grace (traditional) (56)
Amazing Journey (Who) (6)
American Pie (Don McLean) (25, 67, 85)
Angelsea (Cat Stevens) (25)
Angie (Rolling Stones) (75)
Another One Bites the Dust (Queen) (19)
Anything But Ordinary (Avril LaVigne) (23)
Baba O'Riley (Who) (24, 27, 30, 61)
Back Street Girl (Rolling Stones) (16, 23)
Back Door Man (Dixon) (23)
Bad (U2) (41)
Bargain (Who) (33)
Bell Boy (Who) (14)
Billy Don't Be a Hero (Murray) (23, 41, 42)
Birdhouse in Your Soul (They Might Be Giants) (65)
Bitch (Rolling Stones) (39)
Born To Run (Bruce Springsteen) (61)
Brain Salad Surgery (ELP) (33)
Breakup Song (Greg Kihn Band (84)
Can You See the Real Me (Who) (1)
Candle in the Wind (Elton John) (32)
Christmas Morning (Who) (22)
Comfortably Numb (Pink Floyd) (19)
Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) (82)
Crimson and Clover (Shondells) (57)
Cut My Hair (Who) (8)
Danger Zone (Kenny Loggins) (68)
Daphnis and Chloe (Ravel) (25)
Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd - album) (27)
Day in Life (Beatles) (2)
Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin) (28)
Death or Glory (Clash) (22)
Desolation Row (Dylan) (73)
Dinah-Mo Hum (Zappa) (26, 53)
Ding-Dong! the Witch Is Dead (Munchkins from Wizard of Oz) (85)
Dirty Jobs (The Who) (64)
Dirty Laundry (Don Henley) (72)
DOA (Bloodrock) (28)
Don't Fear The Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult) (42)
Dreaming (Who) (53)
Earschplittenloudenboomer (Steppenwolf) (68)
Eighteen (Alice Cooper) (11)
Eleanor Rigby (Beatles) (42)
Enter Sandman (Metallica) (84)
Fame (David Bowie) (61)
Fanfare for the Common Man (Emerson, Lake and Palmer) (57)
Firebird (Stravinsky) (15)
Flamethrower (J. Geils Band) (57)
Forever Young (Rod Stewart/Bob Dylan) (80)
Freebird (Lynard Skynard) (61)
Free Will (Rush) (56)
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow (traditional) (22)
Frankenstein (Edgar Winters) (22)
Get It On (Bang a Gong) (T-Rex) (22)
Get Off of My Cloud (Rolling Stones) (9)
Get Up, Stand Up (Bob Marley) (61)
Gimme Shelter (Rolling Stones) (61, 68)
Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker) (Parliament) (22)
Go to the Mirror Boy (Who) (23, 40)
God Save the Queen (traditional) (25)
Hallowed Be Thy Name (Emerson, Lake and Palmer) (22, 33)
Hallowed Be Thy Name (Iron Maiden) (84)
Harvester of Eyes (Blue Oyster Cult) (13)
Helter Skelter (Beatles) (61)
Heart Turns to Stone (Foreigner) (24)
Hey Jude (Beatles) (17, 18, 19)
Hey Jude (Beatles - album) (17)
Hit Me With Your Best Shot (Pat Benetar) (64)
Honky Tonk Woman (Rolling Stones) (66)
I Want To Know What Love Is (Foreigner) (39)
I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston) (81)
If You Can't Rock Me (Stones) (24)
I'm on Fire (Springsteen) (23)
Industrial Disease (Dire Straits) (52)
In Need (Grand Funk Railroad) (3)
In Your Eyes (Peter Gabriel) (57)
It's All Too Much (Beatles) (42, 50)
It's the End of the World as We Know It (REM) (66)
Jim Dandy (Black Oak Arkansas) (84)
Jingle Bells (traditional) (22)
Journey to the Center of the Mind (Amboy Dukes) (68)
Jungleland (Springsteen) (7)
Keep on Chooglin' (Creedence Clearwater Revival) (75)
Last Post (traditional) (25)
Layla (Derrick and the Dominoes) (61)
Let It Bleed (Rolling Stones - album) (16)
Liebesleid (Kreisler) (33)
Lighter Shade of Pale (Procol Harum) (17)
Live with Me (Rolling Stones) (7, 61)
Locomotive Breath (Jethro Tull) (70)
Lola (Kinks) (61)
London's Burning (Clash) (5)
Love Ain't for Keeping (Who) (7)
Love the One You're With (Crosby, Stills & Nash) (27, 81)
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Beatles) (42)
Love Is the Drug (Roxy Music) (81)
Lullaby (Brahms) (33)
Magician's Birthday (Uriah Heep) (2)
Magnificent Seven (Clash) (61)
Michelle (Beatles) (75)
Miracles (Jefferson Starship) (22, 27, 53)
Money Changes Everything (Cindi Lauper) (16, 18)
Montana (Frank Zappa) (52)
Moonlight Mile (Rolling Stones) (53)
Mustafa Dance (Clash) (22)
My Back Pages (Bob Dylan) (50)
Nights in White Satin (Moody Blues) (32)
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rein (Piaf) (82)
Norwegian Wood (Beatles) (47)
Nowhere Man (Beatles) (42)
On the Cover of the Rolling Stone (Dr. Hook) (6)
Only the Good Die Young (Billy Joel) (18)
Paradise by the Dashboard Light (Meatloaf) (87)
Paranoid (Black Sabbath) (25, 35, 61)
Piano Man (Billy Joel) (51)
Pinball Wizard (Who) (17)
Pirates (Emerson, Lake & Palmer) (10, 34)
Play With Fire (Rolling Stones) (16)
Police on my Back (Clash) (57)
Pride (U2) (30, 42)
Rebel, Rebel (David Bowie) (59)
Requiem (Verdi) (24)
Rhiannon (Fleetwood Mac) (41)
Roxanne (Police) (75)
Ruby Tuesday (Rolling Stones) (22)
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (Black Sabbath) (83)
Saucer News (Blue Oyster Cult) (27)
Savoy Truffle (Beatles) (78)
Sea and Sand (Who) (6, 44)
Sensation (Who) (40)
Shadows of the Night (Pat Benetar) (50)
Sharp Dressed Man (ZZ Top) (6)
She Was Hot (Rolling Stones) (44)
Shine a Light (Rolling Stones) (83)
Ship Ahoy (O'Jays) (15)
Should I Stay (Clash) (14)
Show Me the Way to Go Home (Emerson, Lake and Palmer) (42)
Silver Spring - (Fleetwood Mac) (84)
Sister Morphine (Rolling Stones) (39)
Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana) (61)
Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple) (28, 61)
Some Day My Prince Will Come (Disney) (45)
Something (Beatles) (50, 57, 61)
Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) (41)
Star Spangled Banner (Key) (83)
Staying Alive (Bee Gees) (40)
Stone in Love (Journey) (25)
Sugar Walls (Sheena Easton) (22)
Suite Madame Blue (Styx) (7)
Sweet Little Sixteen (Chuck Berry) (22)
Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones) (19)
Taps (traditional) (25)
That's the Way I Always Heard It Should Be (Carly Simon) (82)
The Battle Is Over (traditional) (56)
Thick as a Brick (Jethro Tull) (78)
Tiptoe Through the Tulips (Tiny Tim) (54)
TNT (AC/DC) (17)
Tommy Can You Hear Me (Who) (19)
Transmaniacon MC (Blue Oyster Cult) (27)
Trick of the Light (Who) (20, 24)
Two Tickets to Paradise (Eddie Money) (87)
Under a Raging Moon (Daltry) (68)
Up on Cripple Creek (The Band) (51)
Valerie (Steve Winwood) (75, 87)
Violin Concerto in D (Tchaikovsky) (18, 20, 28, 42, 85)
Vogue (Madonna) (57)
Waterloo (Abba) (53, 57)
We Are the Champions Queen (59)
We're Not Gonna Take It (Twisted Sister) (84)
We Sold Our Souls for Rock `N Roll (Black Sabbath - album) (25)
When Friends Fall Out (Guess Who) (80)
Where the Streets Have No Name (U-2) (61)
Who Are You (Who) (30)
Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin) (57)
Wild Horses (Stones) (24, 30)
Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd) (82)
Within You Without You (Beatles) (18)
Wonderful Tonight (Clapton) (82)
Won't Get Fooled Again (Who) (61)
Woodstock (CSN&Y) (87)
Yellow Submarine (Beatles - album) (16, 17, 18, 42)
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Bachman Turner Overdrive) (53)
You Can't Always Get What You Want (Rolling Stones) (42, 63)
You Got That Right (Lynard Skynard) (40)
You're So Vain (Carly Simon) (17)
Your Song (Elton John) (81)
You Shook Me All Night Long (AC/DC) (57)